Isaac Newton: Who He Was, Why Apples Are Falling

Sir Isaac Newton was born especially tiny but grew into a massive intellect and still looms large, thanks to his findings on gravity, light, motion, mathematics, and more.

Mathematics, Physics

Isaac Newton Kneller Painting

Far more than just discovering the laws of gravity, Sir Isaac Newton was also responsible for working out many of the principles of visible light and the laws of motion, and contributing to calculus.

Photograph of Sir Godfrey Kneller painting by Science Source

Far more than just discovering the laws of gravity, Sir Isaac Newton was also responsible for working out many of the principles of visible light and the laws of motion, and contributing to calculus.

Legend has it that Isaac Newton formulated gravitational theory in 1665 or 1666 after watching an apple fall and asking why the apple fell straight down, rather than sideways or even upward. "He showed that the force that makes the apple fall and that holds us on the ground is the same as the force that keeps the moon and planets in their orbits," said Martin Rees, a former president of Britain's Royal Society, the United Kingdom's national academy of science, which was once headed by Newton himself. "His theory of gravity wouldn't have got us global positioning satellites," said Jeremy Gray, a mathematical historian at the Milton Keynes, U.K.-based Open University. "But it was enough to develop space travel." Isaac Newton, Underachiever? Born two to three months prematurely on January 4, 1643, in a hamlet in Lincolnshire, England, Isaac Newton was a tiny baby who, according to his mother, could have fit inside a quart mug. A practical child, he enjoyed constructing models, including a tiny mill that actually ground flour—powered by a mouse running in a wheel. Admitted to the University of Cambridge on 1661, Newton at first failed to shine as a student. In 1665 the school temporarily closed because of a bubonic plague epidemic and Newton returned home to Lincolnshire for two years. It was then that the apple-falling brainstorm occurred, and he described his years on hiatus as "the prime of my age for invention." Despite his apparent affinity for private study, Newton returned to Cambridge in 1667 and served as a mathematics professor and in other capacities until 1696. Isaac Newton: More than Master of Gravity Decoding gravity was only part of Newton's contribution to mathematics and science. His other major mathematical preoccupation was calculus, and along with German mathematician Gottfried Leibniz, Newton developed differentiation and integration —techniques that remain fundamental to mathematicians and scientists. Meanwhile, his interest in optics led him to propose, correctly, that white light is actually the combination of light of all the colors of the rainbow. This, in turn, made plain the cause of chromatic aberration—inaccurate color reproduction—in the telescopes of the day. To solve the problem, Newton designed a telescope that used mirrors rather than just glass lenses, which allowed the new apparatus to focus all the colors on a single point—resulting in a crisper, more accurate image. To this day, reflecting telescopes, including the Hubble Space Telescope, are mainstays of astronomy. Following his apple insight, Newton developed the three laws of motion, which are, in his own words:

  • Newton's Law of Inertia : Every object persists in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it.
  • Newton's Law of Acceleration : Force is equal to the change in momentum (mV) per change in time. For a constant mass, force equals mass times acceleration [expressed in the famous equation F = ma].
  • Newton's Law of Action and Reaction: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Newton published his findings in 1687 in a book called Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy) commonly known as the Principia . "Newton's Principia made him famous—few people read it, and even fewer understood it, but everyone knew that it was a great work, rather like Einstein's Theory of Relativity over two hundred years later," writes mathematician Robert Wilson of the Open University in an article on a university website . Isaac Newton's "Unattractive Personality" Despite his wealth of discoveries, Isaac Newton wasn't well liked, particularly in old age, when he served as the head of Britain's Royal Mint, served in Parliament, and wrote on religion, among other things. "As a personality, Newton was unattractive—solitary and reclusive when young, vain and vindictive in his later years, when he tyrannized the Royal Society and vigorously sabotaged his rivals," the Royal Society's Rees said. Sir David Wallace, director of the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Cambridge, U.K., added, "He was a complex character, who also pursued alchemy"—the search for a method to turn base metals into gold—"and, as Master of the Mint, showed no clemency towards coiners [counterfeiters] sentenced to death." In 1727, at 84, Sir Isaac Newton died in his sleep and was buried with pomp and ceremony in Westminster Abbey in London.

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Gravity Experiments for Kids

July 5, 2021 By Emma Vanstone Leave a Comment

These gravity experiments are all fantastic demonstrations of gravity and a great way to learn about Isaac Newton and Galileo ‘s famous discoveries. If you enjoy them, do check our my book This IS Rocket Science which is full of exciting space activities demonstrating how rockets overcome gravity and other forces to launch into space followed by a tour of the solar system with an activity for each planet.

What is Gravity?

Gravity is the force that pulls objects towards the Earth. It’s the reason we walk on the ground rather than float around.

Gravity also holds Earth and the other planets in their orbits around the Sun.

Did you know – gravity exists on the Moon but it is not as strong as on Earth, which is why astronauts can jump higher on the Moon than on Earth. This article from ScienceAlert tells you how high you could jump on each planet in the Solar System compared to Earth.

Great Gravity Experiments for Kids

Galileo and gravity.

Galileo was a famous scientist in the 16th and 17th Century. His most famous observation was that two objects of the same size but slightly different mass (how much “stuff” it is made of) hit the ground at the same time, as far as he could tell, if they are dropped from the same height. This happens because the acceleration due to gravity is the same for both objects and that actually this acceleration has nothing to do with the mass of an object. This fact has been demonstrated many times, even on the moon with a feather and a hammer.

Back on our air-filled planet, if a feather and a ball are dropped from the same height they clearly do fall at different rates. This is because gravity is not the only force acting on the falling object, air resistance is also a factor and that does depend on quite a few properties of the object and the fluid it is falling in. This does include its mass, the surface area and how fast it is moving. The feather suffers a lot here being so light and having a much greater surface area.

Galileo dropped two balls of different weights but the same size off the Leaning Tower of Pisa, giving a hint that the mass of an object doesn’t affect how fast it falls.

Ball and Feather gravity experiment. Galileo observed that objects of the same size hit the ground at the same time when dropped from the same height. A feather has more air resistance acting on it than a ball so falls more slowly ( unless in a vacuum - where there is no air resistance )

However if a ball and feather are dropped in a vacuum , where there is no air resistance as there’s no air, the ball and feather will fall together and hit the ground at the same time.

Bottle Drop Experiment

Following on from the ball and feather experiment another great example of Galileo’s discovery is to half fill one plastic bottle and leave another ( the same size ) empty. If dropped from the same height they will hit the ground at the same time!

Galilieo gravity experiment - science for kids

Issac Newton and Gravity

According to legend Issac Newton was sitting under an apple tree when an apple fell on his head, which made him wonder why if fell to the ground.

Newton published the Theory of Universal Gravitation in the 1680s, setting out the idea that gravity was a force acting on all matter. His theory of gravity and laws of motion are some of the most important discoveries in science and have shaped modern physics.

Film Canister Rocket

A film canister rocket is a fantastic demonstration of all three of Newton’s Laws of Motion , but it falls back to the ground thanks to gravity.

Water powered bottle rockets are another great fun example of gravity and lots of other forces too!

How to make a bottle rocket, great for learning about Isaac Newton's famous three laws of motion #forcesandmotion #scienceforkids

Defy gravity with a magnet

Did you know you can defy gravity using magnets. We love this activity as you can theme it however you want. Your floating object could be a spaceship in space, a flower growing towards the sun or even a plane in the sky.

The magnet holds the paperclip in the air as if it’s floating!

Defy gravity - science trick

Straw Rockets – Gravity Experiment

Create your own straw rockets and launch at different angles to investigate how the trajectory changes. Of course these don’t have to be rockets, they could be anything you want, so get creative!

Parachutes are another great gravity experiment and perfect for learning about air resistance too!

Marble Runs

A DIY marble run is another hands on way to demonstrate gravity. Can you build one where the ball has enough energy to move uphill?

Marble run made from a cardboard box

DIY Sling Shot

Finally, a simple slingshot is a brilliant and simple STEM project and perfect for learning about gravity as a shower of pom poms fall to the ground!

Easy cardboard slingshot

Last Updated on May 25, 2022 by Emma Vanstone

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Newton's apple.

Apple electronically released from platform; fall time given by special circuit and digital display.

What it shows:

How it works:.

A special suspension/release/timing mechanism was designed so that the duration of the fall can be measured to ± 10 µsec. A technique for measuring the distance of the fall to ± 1 mm was also developed. Detailed information has been fully documented and published elsewhere 1 and will not be presented here—only the salient features. The free-fall object can be any material, shape, or size. A few kilograms can be accommodated with the present design. Ideally, it ought to be large enough to assure visibility to everyone in the lecture hall. In the demonstration as originally conceived by David W. Latham, 2 a historical reference to Newton is made by dropping a real apple. The suspension/release/start-timing mechanism is attached to the lecture hall "skyhook," approximately 6 m high. The object to be dropped is suspended by a short length of copper wire. The release of the object is achieved by "instantaneously" vaporizing the suspension wire which is accomplished by discharging a large capacitor through the wire. The vaporization of the wire (the instant of object release) is detected by a simple circuit which provides the "start" pulse for the interval timer. A catching/stop-timing bucket apparatus sits on the floor. Partially filled with wood shavings, it safely catches the falling object at the end of its drop. A photogate fixed to the inside of the bucket provides the "stop" pulse for the interval timer. A collimated light source as well as the power supply for the photodetector and light are also permanent fixtures inside the bucket. The actual distance is measured during the lecture or beforehand. The duration of the free fall is about 1.08 seconds and is displayed on a video monitor. The value of g for Cambridge MA is 9.8038 m/s 2 . Because of the high accuracy obtained in this demonstration experiment, air resistance (the drag coefficient) plays a significant role and the values obtained for g will depend very much on the object that is dropped. For example, a large (7 cm dia.) apple drops with an average g value of 9.657±0.017 m/s 2 while a brass ball (3.8 cm dia.) falls at 9.768±0.002 m/s 2 . These numbers are within the predicted values of the theory when hydrodynamic effects are taken into account.

Setting it up:

apple gravity experiment

We thought this experiment was good enough to write up and publish. It's pedagogically simple because there are no initial velocities to deal with mathematically. It is quite accurate and gives excellent quantitative results (unless you're bent on measuring the value 9.8038 m/s 2 for g). The humor of the presentation is enhanced by the lecturer eating the apple after the experiment. It does consume an appreciable amount of lecture time (15 to 20 minutes, total) and the lecturer needs to decide whether it's worth it.

1 W. Rueckner and P. Titcomb, Am J Phys 55 , 324 (1987). "An Accurate Determination of the Acceleration of Gravity for Lecture Hall Demonstration". The theory as well as the apparatus is discussed. A reprint of this paper is available in the Prep Room . 2 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Harvard University. 3 We have been using an HP 5302A universal timer capable of nanosec timing interval resolution. We typically use 100 µsec resolution which most of today's interval timers can easily accommodate. 4 A #8 crochet hook is pushed through the apple and hooks onto the wire. Other objects have the hooks already mounted on them. 5 Stanley 7.5 m - 25 ft tape measure.

Demo Subjects

Newtonian Mechanics Fluid Mechanics Oscillations and Waves Electricity and Magnetism Light and Optics Quantum Physics and Relativity Thermal Physics Condensed Matter Astronomy and Astrophysics Geophysics Chemical Behavior of Matter Mathematical Topics

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Size : from small [S] (benchtop) to extra large [XL] (most of the hall)  Setup Time : <10 min [t], 10-15 min [t+], >15 min [t++] /span> Rating : from good [★] to wow! [★★★★] or not rated [—] 

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Isaac Newton: Who He Was, Why Apples Are Falling

Sir Isaac Newton was born especially tiny but grew into a massive intellect and still looms large, thanks to his findings on gravity, light, motion, mathematics, and more.

Mathematics, Physics

Isaac Newton Kneller Painting

Far more than just discovering the laws of gravity, Sir Isaac Newton was also responsible for working out many of the principles of visible light and the laws of motion, and contributing to calculus.

Photograph of Sir Godfrey Kneller painting by Science Source

Far more than just discovering the laws of gravity, Sir Isaac Newton was also responsible for working out many of the principles of visible light and the laws of motion, and contributing to calculus.

Sir Isaac Newton was a tiny man in real life. But he was a giant in the world of science. Newton created the theory of gravity around 1665 or 1666. He came up with the idea that every physical object, whether it's a person, an apple or a planet, exerts a force on other physical objects. A force is a push or pull in a certain direction. The bigger the body, the stronger the force . There are different types of forces , but this one is called gravitational. Some say that Newton came up with his ideas about gravity after watching an apple fall. He wondered why the apple fell straight down. Why didn't it fall sideways, or even up toward the sky? Gravity does not just make apples fall from trees. It also holds us on the ground. Newton showed that gravity even makes the moon circle around Earth, and Earth around the sun, Martin Rees says. He was president of Britain's Royal Society. The Royal Society is the United Kingdom's national academy of science. Newton's Schooling Newton was born on January 4, 1643, in Lincolnshire, England. As a kid, he liked building models. He once built a tiny mill. It could grind real flour. It was even powered by a mouse running in a wheel. In 1661, Newton went to the University of Cambridge. At first, he did not stand out as a student. In 1665, the school closed for a time because of the bubonic plague . This deadly disease killed thousands of people. Newton went home for two years. This is when he got his apple-falling idea. In 1667, he went back to Cambridge and became a math teacher until 1696. Newton Changes Science Forever The theory of gravity was just one of Newton's discoveries. He also loved calculus. This is a mathematical subject that studies rates. A rate is the measurement of how much something changes. Newton's ideas in calculus are still used today. Newton also studied optics, the science of light. He found out that white light is not just white. It is actually a mix of all the colors of the rainbow. Newton used his knowledge of light to make better telescopes. Following his apple idea, Newton wrote three laws of motion. These laws changed all of science, and are still used by scientists today. First Law of Motion: Inertia An object that sits still will remain still unless a force is applied to it. An object that is moving will keep moving along a straight line unless an outside force is applied to it. Second Law of Motion: Acceleration An object will accelerate if force is applied to it. Acceleration is the change of an object's speed. The acceleration will happen in the same direction as the force. This idea can also be written as force equals mass times acceleration, or F = ma. Third Law of Motion: Action and Reaction For every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction. Newton's Published Work Newton published his findings in 1687, in a book called Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica . Usually people just call it the Principia . When it came out, not many people read or understood the book, mathematician Robert Wilson says. Still, "everyone knew that it was a great work." Perceptions of Isaac Newton Newton made many discoveries, but he wasn't well-liked. As a young man, Newton preferred being alone. When he was older, he was not kind to other scientists. He sometimes tried to ruin their work, Rees says. When he was older, Newton worked in British government. At one point, he led the British Mint, which is the part of government that makes coins for the country. When someone was caught making fake coins, they were sometimes sentenced to death. Newton thought this was a good thing. He had no mercy, Sir David Wallace says. He was the head of the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge, England. In 1727, at age 84, Sir Isaac Newton died in his sleep. He was buried in Westminster Abbey in London.

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Last Updated

May 9, 2024

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Gravity: Newton’s Falling Apple

March 5, 2012 By Janice VanCleave

Connecting Gravity with Science History and A Scientist’s Contributions.

Gravity pulls apples down toward the Earth's surface.

Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1716) a scientist and mathematician wasn’t the first person to observe an apple fall from a tree.  The story that the apple hit Newton on the head resulting in Newton’s Law of Gravity is not very likely.

My guess is that Newton had seen many hundreds of apples fall from trees. He may have even stood in an apple tree and shook it causing the apples to fall. But for the first time, Newton was viewing the falling apples though the eyes of a scientist.

Newton was in his critical thinking and problem solving mode. This means that Newton would identify a problem and start collecting evidence to solve it.

The problem: Why causes apples to fall downward (vertically)?

Empirical Research: A way of gaining knowledge by means of direct and indirect observation or experience.

Much of Newton’s evidence was collected by observations,directly and indirectly, then with logical reasoning, he made informed decisions.

Direct Observations Newton noted that apples always fall  vertically (straight down). Apples never fall up or sideways.

Since the apples are falling in one direction, vertically, instead of speed, scientists call the motion velocity.

Velocity is the speed of a moving object in a certain direction.

Newton’s hypothesis was that some force was pulling the apples vertically downward.  Newton coined the word “gravity” to name this force.

A force is any action (a push or pull) that causes an object to change in speed, change in direction, or change in shape.

As long as the force is applied, the speed of the object continues to change; and/or the direction of the object continues to change; and/or the shape of the object continues to change.

Inference: Indirect Observation

I am guessing that Newton discovered that  apples falling from the top of tall apple trees hurt more it they hit him than apples falling from low branches. This is because the farther the apple fell the greater was their speed.

A projectile has a horizontal velocity and the force of gravity accelerating the objects toward the Earth.

Newton had a vivid imagination and the idea came to him that maybe the Moon was falling around the Earth.

This thought is explained with an imaginary cannon experiment. The pretend canon is positioned at a distance above Earth’s surface. The character being shot form the cannon is suppose to be me. Notice that the path I follow is curved. This is because the cannon propels me in a direction horizontal to the Earth’s surface. With a horizontal velocity and the force of gravity pulling me vertically toward the Earth, the results is a curved path like any projectile would have.

The arc of the path increases as the horizontal velocity increases. Notice that if the horizontal velocity is too great, I would zip out into space making a curved path that in time it would circle the Earth unless some other celestial body’s gravity pulled me toward it.

If the horizontal velocity is too small, my curved path takes me to the Earth’s surface. But, with just the right horizontal velocity, gravity continues to pull me toward the Earth’s surface resulting in a curved path that circles Earth. Technically, I would be constantly falling toward the Earth.

This models how the Moon as well as satellites continually orbit around Earth.

Orbit is the curved path around a celestial body. It is also used to describe the motion of a satellite following a curved path around a celestial body.

Scientific Investigation and Reasoning

Gravity is simulated by a hanging weight and satelitte is a green ball orbiting moving in a circular path.

The diagram gives a clue for the experiment. The white tube needs to be sturdy enough so that you can hold and rotate it so that the object on the end (green ball) moves in a circular motion. The hanging weight represented by the black box represent gravity pulling the satellite downward.

What happens if you spin the “satellite” slowly? Fast?

Design, plan and implement an experiment to investigate the effect of different gravitational the horizontal speed of a satellite.

apple gravity experiment

Physics investigations for middle school and/or high school students. Ideas for developing investigations into a science fair project.

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March 7, 2014 at 9:38 am

Great… Was really helpful for my homework… 😀

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April 3, 2016 at 6:08 pm

Whinny, Sorry I missed your comment until now. Thanks.


Newton's apple: The real story

By Amanda Gefter

18 January 2010

We’ve all heard the story. A young Isaac Newton is sitting beneath an apple tree contemplating the mysterious universe. Suddenly –  boink!  -an apple hits him on the head. “Aha!” he shouts, or perhaps, “Eureka!” In a flash he understands that the very same force that brought the apple crashing toward the ground also keeps the moon falling toward the Earth and the Earth falling toward the sun: gravity.

Or something like that. The apocryphal story is one of the most famous in the history of science and now you can see for yourself what Newton actually said. Squirreled away in the archives of London’s  Royal Society  was a manuscript containing the truth about the apple.

It is the manuscript for what would become a biography of Newton entitled  Memoirs of Sir Isaac Newton’s Life written by William Stukeley, an archaeologist and one of Newton’s first biographers, and published in 1752. Newton told the apple story to Stukeley, who relayed it as such:

“After dinner, the weather being warm, we went into the garden and drank thea, under the shade of some apple trees…he told me, he was just in the same situation, as when formerly, the notion of gravitation came into his mind. It was occasion’d by the fall of an apple, as he sat in contemplative mood. Why should that apple always descend perpendicularly to the ground, thought he to himself…”

The Royal Society has made the manuscript available today for the first time in a fully interactive digital form on their website at . The digital release is occurring on the same day as the publication of  Seeing Further  (HarperPress, £25), an illustrated history of the Royal Society edited by  Bill Bryson , which marks the Royal Society’s 350th anniversary this year.

So it turns out the apple story is true – for the most part. The apple may not have hit Newton in the head, but I’ll still picture it that way. Meanwhile, three and a half centuries and an Albert Einstein later, physicists still don’t  really  understand gravity. We’re gonna need a bigger apple.

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Sir isaac's most excellent idea, the center of mass for a binary system, two limiting cases, circular velocity and geosynchronous orbit, v circ = (gm/r) 1/2, open and closed orbits, escape velocity, v es = (2gm/r) 1/2, weight and the gravitational force, mass and weight, newton's derivation of kepler's laws, v circ = (gm/r) 1/2 = (2 pi r)/ p, (gm) p 2 = 4 pi 2 r 3, newton's interpretation of kepler's laws, g(m s + m p ) p 2 = 4 pi 2 r 3, g m s p 2 = 4 pi 2 r 3.

Science Oxford Live

The Passion Behind Newton’s Apple: Unveiling Gravity

The Passion Behind Newton’s Apple: Unveiling Gravity

Isaac Newton’s apple story is a legendary tale that has captured the imagination of people around the world. According to this famous narrative, while sitting under an apple tree, an apple fell and struck Newton on the head, leading to his revolutionary discovery of gravity. This captivating story, which traces its origins to a manuscript by William Stukeley, one of Newton’s biographers, has been made available in digital form by the Royal Society on their website. Alongside this manuscript, the Royal Society also published “Seeing Further,” a book that celebrates their 350th anniversary.

Despite its popularity, the concept of gravity continues to elude complete understanding by physicists. Nevertheless, the story of Newton’s apple serves as a powerful reminder of the potential for extraordinary discoveries to emerge from ordinary observations. Join us as we delve into the life of Isaac Newton, exploring his early years, his contributions to mathematics and physics, his exploration of alchemy and theology, his roles in society, and the lasting legacy he left behind.

The Early Life of Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton, born on January 4, 1643, in Woolsthorpe, England, overcame a challenging start to become one of the most influential scientists in history. Despite being a tiny baby who could fit inside a quart mug, Newton defied expectations and went on to make groundbreaking discoveries in the field of physics. His early education took place at the University of Cambridge, but he initially faced difficulties academically.

Due to the bubonic plague outbreak, the University of Cambridge temporarily closed its doors, prompting Newton to return home to Lincolnshire for two years. It was during this period that he had his famous apple-falling brainstorm, which he later described as the prime of his age for invention. This momentous event served as a catalyst for Newton’s future scientific endeavors.

To better understand the early life of Isaac Newton, the following table provides a concise overview of key events and milestones:

Year Event
1643 Isaac Newton is born prematurely in Woolsthorpe, England.
1661 Newton enrolls at the University of Cambridge.
1665 The University of Cambridge closes temporarily due to the bubonic plague, prompting Newton’s return home.
1667 Newton resumes his studies at the University of Cambridge.
1668 Newton publishes his first scientific paper on optics.

Despite his early struggles, Newton’s remarkable intellect and determination propelled him to become one of the greatest minds in scientific history.

Newton’s Contributions to Mathematics

Isaac Newton’s impact on mathematics cannot be overstated. His groundbreaking work in calculus laid the foundation for the study of mathematical functions and rates of change. Newton independently discovered both differentiation and integration, two fundamental concepts that are essential in various scientific fields and everyday life.

With differentiation, Newton developed a method to calculate the rate at which a quantity changes. This allowed him to solve complex problems involving motion, growth, and decay. Integration, on the other hand, enabled Newton to determine the accumulated change in a quantity over a specific interval. This was particularly useful in calculating areas, volumes, and even probabilities.

Newton’s Law of Gravitation and Optics

Beyond calculus, Newton’s contributions extended to the field of optics as well. His experiments with light led him to propose that white light is composed of all the colors of the rainbow. This groundbreaking revelation paved the way for the study of color theory and the identification of chromatic aberration.

To overcome the distortion caused by chromatic aberration in telescopes, Newton designed a reflecting telescope that utilized mirrors instead of lenses. This innovative design produced sharper and more accurate images, revolutionizing observational astronomy. Reflecting telescopes, including the renowned Hubble Space Telescope, continue to play a crucial role in our exploration of the cosmos.

Newton’s Contributions in Summary:

  • Independent discovery of calculus, revolutionizing mathematics
  • Development of differentiation and integration as fundamental tools
  • Proposal that white light is composed of all colors, leading to the study of optics
  • Invention of the reflecting telescope, enhancing astronomical observations

Newton’s contributions to mathematics and optics have had a profound and lasting impact on scientific progress. His groundbreaking discoveries continue to shape our understanding of the natural world and inspire future generations of mathematicians, physicists, and astronomers.

Contributions Significance
Calculus (Differentiation and Integration) Laid the foundation for studying rates of change and solving complex problems
Optics and Color Theory Identified white light composition and chromatic aberration, leading to advancements in telescopes and photography
Reflecting Telescope Revolutionized observational astronomy, providing sharper and more accurate images

The Narratives Surrounding Newton’s Apple

The story of Newton’s apple has captivated imaginations and become a symbol of scientific discovery. While the exact details may vary, the core narrative remains consistent: Isaac Newton’s contemplation of an apple falling led him to realize the concept of gravity.

The popularity of this story is evident in its widespread presence in popular culture, textbooks, and scientific discussions. It highlights the power of simple observations to unravel complex phenomena and the curiosity that drives scientific exploration.

Whether Newton’s apple story is entirely accurate or not, its significance lies in the broader context of scientific breakthroughs. Throughout history, many great discoveries have been made through seemingly insignificant moments of inspiration. Newton’s apple serves as a reminder that scientific progress often stems from the simplest of observations.

Newton’s Roles in Society

Isaac Newton’s contributions extend beyond his scientific endeavors. He held various roles in society, showcasing his diverse skills and interests. One notable position Newton held was as the head of the Royal Mint in London. In this role, he was responsible for catching counterfeiters and ensuring the purity of British currency. Newton took his duty seriously and successfully prosecuted counterfeiters, implementing a more secure coinage system.

Newton’s involvement with the Royal Mint highlighted his meticulous nature and dedication to maintaining the integrity of institutions. His work in combating counterfeiters had a significant impact on the economy, ensuring that the British currency remained reliable and trustworthy.

Additionally, Newton’s position at the Royal Mint allowed him to utilize his scientific knowledge and expertise. He applied his understanding of metallurgy to improve the manufacturing process of coins, enhancing their quality and durability.

Type of Contribution Description
Catching Counterfeiters As the head of the Royal Mint, Newton played a crucial role in catching counterfeiters who sought to undermine the British currency. His investigations and prosecutions helped maintain the integrity of the monetary system.
Ensuring Currency Purity Newton implemented measures to ensure the purity of British currency. These measures involved monitoring and regulating the minting process to prevent the circulation of counterfeit or debased coins.
Improving Coinage System Newton’s scientific knowledge allowed him to improve the coinage system. He applied his understanding of metallurgy to enhance the quality and durability of coins, resulting in a more reliable currency.

Newton’s Laws of Motion

Isaac Newton’s revolutionary formulation of the three laws of motion paved the way for a deeper understanding of how objects move in the physical world. These laws, known as Newton’s Laws of Motion, remain fundamental principles in physics and continue to shape scientific research and technological advancements.

The Law of Inertia

Newton’s first law, also known as the Law of Inertia, states that an object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will continue moving at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. This law emphasizes the concept of inertia, which is the resistance of an object to changes in its motion. It explains why objects tend to maintain their state of motion unless influenced by an outside force.

The Law of Acceleration

The second law of motion, the Law of Acceleration, relates force to the change in momentum of an object over time. It states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. In simpler terms, when a force is applied to an object, it will accelerate in the direction of the force, with the magnitude of the acceleration depending on the strength of the force and the mass of the object.

The Law of Action and Reaction

Newton’s third law, the Law of Action and Reaction, states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This law highlights the reciprocal nature of forces. When one object exerts a force on another, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force back on the first object. This law explains why objects interact with each other through forces and how these forces influence their motion.

Law Description
The Law of Inertia An object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will continue moving at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force.
The Law of Acceleration The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass.
The Law of Action and Reaction For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Newton’s Laws of Motion provide a solid foundation for understanding the basic principles of mechanics and have countless applications in various fields, including engineering, aviation, and space exploration. They continue to inspire scientific exploration and shape the way we perceive and interact with the physical world.

Newton’s Legacy and Impact

Isaac Newton’s contributions to science and mathematics have had a profound and lasting impact on our understanding of the natural world. His laws of motion, formulation of calculus, and invention of the reflecting telescope have shaped the course of scientific progress.

Newton’s laws of motion, which describe the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration, are fundamental principles in physics. These laws provide the foundation for understanding the motion of objects in the universe, from the smallest particles to the largest celestial bodies. Newton’s insights into the laws of motion have enabled advancements in fields such as space exploration, engineering, and even everyday technologies.

In addition to his laws of motion, Newton’s development of calculus revolutionized the study of mathematics. Calculus is a branch of mathematics that deals with rates of change and the accumulation of infinitesimally small quantities. It has applications in physics, engineering, economics, and many other fields. Newton’s independent discovery of calculus laid the groundwork for future developments in mathematics and became a powerful tool for solving complex problems.

Contributions Main Discoveries
Laws of Motion Inertia, Acceleration, Action and Reaction
Calculus Differentiation, Integration
Reflecting Telescope Improved optics, chromatic aberration

Newton’s invention of the reflecting telescope also revolutionized astronomy. Prior to his design, refracting telescopes using glass lenses suffered from chromatic aberration, distorting the images. Newton’s reflecting telescope, which used mirrors instead of lenses, eliminated this problem and produced clearer and more accurate images. Reflecting telescopes, including the Hubble Space Telescope, continue to be essential tools for astronomers studying the universe.

Overall, Newton’s legacy is one of immense contribution and influence. His laws of motion, calculus, and reflecting telescope have fundamentally shaped our understanding of the natural world. His insights and discoveries continue to be applied and built upon by scientists, engineers, and mathematicians, ensuring that his name remains synonymous with the progress of human knowledge.

The story of Newton’s apple has captivated imaginations and become a legendary tale in the history of science. While the exact details may vary, the core narrative remains consistent: Newton’s contemplation of an apple falling from a tree led him to a profound realization about the force of gravity. This simple observation became a symbol of scientific discovery and the power of curiosity.

The popularity of Newton’s apple story highlights the enduring fascination with how groundbreaking discoveries can stem from everyday moments. It serves as a reminder that scientific breakthroughs often arise from the simplest of observations. The image of Newton sitting under an apple tree, deep in thought, has become an iconic representation of scientific inquiry.

Despite the enduring popularity of the apple story, it is important to recognize that the tale is just one aspect of Newton’s remarkable contributions to the world of science. His work extended far beyond the realm of gravity, encompassing mathematics, optics, and even theology. Newton’s apple may have brought gravity to the forefront, but it is his broader body of work that solidifies his place as one of the greatest scientific minds in history.

Legend Symbolism Impact
The apple falling Curiosity and scientific inquiry Inspiration for scientists and the public
Newton’s contemplation Eureka moment and the birth of a groundbreaking idea Recognition of the power of simple observations
The force of gravity Unraveling the mysteries of the natural world Advancements in physics and space exploration

Summarizing the Narratives

  • The story of Newton’s apple falling from a tree is a legendary tale that symbolizes scientific discovery and the power of simple observations.
  • Newton’s moment of contemplation led to the realization of the force of gravity, sparking a revolution in our understanding of the natural world.
  • While the apple story has become iconic, it is crucial to acknowledge Newton’s broader contributions to mathematics, optics, and theology.
  • The apple story’s popularity underscores the enduring fascination with scientific breakthroughs and the inspirational nature of curiosity-driven exploration.

Newton’s Controversial Personality and Conflicting Roles

Isaac Newton, the iconic scientist known for his groundbreaking contributions, had a complex personality that often sparked controversies within the scientific community. Despite his brilliance, Newton’s solitary and reclusive nature made it difficult for him to establish harmonious relationships with his peers. This became especially evident during his tenure as the head of the Royal Society, where conflicts and rivalries arose due to his uncompromising pursuit of excellence. Newton’s obsession with alchemy, an ancient art that sought to transform base metals into gold, also garnered criticism from some of his contemporaries.

Another controversial aspect of Newton’s life was his role as the Master of the Mint, where his duty was to catch counterfeiters and maintain the integrity of the coinage system. While his unwavering commitment to this role led to successful prosecutions, his lack of mercy towards offenders earned him both admirers and detractors. Newton’s strict approach to law enforcement clashed with the more lenient perspectives of his time, creating further disputes and contributing to his enigmatic persona.

The Royal Society and Newton’s Leadership Style

As the head of the Royal Society, Newton’s leadership style was marked by his relentless pursuit of scientific advancements and his insistence on maintaining the highest standards of rigor. This frequently brought him into conflict with fellow scientists and led to the formation of factions within the Society. Newton’s uncompromising attitude and rigorous demands for scientific evidence sometimes overshadowed his significant contributions, placing him at the center of controversies that surrounded his work and personality.

The Legacy of a Complex Genius

Newton’s controversial personality and conflicting roles have left a lasting impression on the scientific community. While his brilliance and contributions cannot be denied, they are inextricably intertwined with the controversies and conflicts that marked his life. Nonetheless, Newton’s legacy as one of the greatest scientists in history remains intact, and his groundbreaking discoveries continue to shape our understanding of the natural world.

Aspect Controversy
Personality Newton’s solitary and reclusive nature caused difficulties in establishing harmonious relationships.
Leadership As the head of the Royal Society, Newton’s uncompromising pursuit of excellence led to conflicts and rivalries.
Alchemy Newton’s interest in alchemy received criticism from some of his contemporaries.
Master of the Mint Newton’s strict approach to catching counterfeiters earned him admiration as well as detractors.

Isaac Newton’s legacy is indelibly linked with his contributions to science and his famous apple story. His remarkable intellect and insatiable curiosity have left an enduring impact on our understanding of the natural world.

Newton’s groundbreaking work in mathematics, physics, and astronomy revolutionized scientific thought. His formulation of the laws of motion and the discovery of calculus laid the foundation for modern physics and mathematics, shaping countless scientific advancements.

However, Newton’s legacy extends beyond his scientific achievements. His dedication to knowledge and relentless pursuit of truth serve as a model for future generations. The story of Newton’s apple reminds us that even the simplest observations can lead to profound discoveries, igniting scientific breakthroughs.

In the annals of history, Isaac Newton’s name stands as a symbol of intellectual brilliance and the power of human curiosity. His legacy will continue to inspire scientists and scholars, propelling us forward on the endless quest for knowledge.

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Easy Gravity Experiments For Kids

Why do things fall to the ground when you let go of them? It’s all to do with gravity! Learn about what gravity is with a simple definition and everyday examples of gravity. Explore simple physics with easy, hands-on experiments kids will love. From falling objects, balancing apples, and even an egg drop challenge, enjoy these fun gravity  science projects  for kids!

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Everyday Examples of Gravity

Here are 15 everyday examples of gravity that are easy for kids to understand:

  • Falling Objects: When you drop a ball, it falls to the ground because of gravity.
  • Jumping: When you jump up, gravity pulls you back down to the Earth.
  • Walking: Gravity helps you stay on the ground while you walk.
  • Sitting: You stay in your chair because gravity keeps you down.
  • Climbing: Climbing a ladder or a tree is harder because gravity pulls you down.
  • Bouncing: When you bounce on a trampoline, gravity brings you back down.
  • Swinging: Swinging on a swing set is possible because gravity pulls you back towards the Earth.
  • Driving: Your car stays on the road because of gravity.
  • Eating: Because of gravity, your food stays on your plate and in your mouth.
  • Pouring Drinks: Gravity helps the liquid flow from a cup when you tip it.
  • Throwing a Ball: Gravity makes the ball come back down after you throw it in the air.
  • Rolling a Ball: A rolling ball eventually stops because of friction, but gravity helps it move downhill.
  • Riding a Bike: You can stay balanced on a bike because gravity helps keep the tires on the ground.
  • Water Flow: Water flows downhill because of gravity, which is why rivers and streams exist.
  • Kite Flying: Gravity keeps the kite from flying too high, and the tension in the string is balanced by gravity pulling it downward.

Can you think of any more examples of gravity?

Free Gravity Information and Activity Pack

Get up and test gravity for yourself with a free gravity activity pack ! Share this information guide, quick activity, and gravity coloring sheet with your kids!

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12 Gravity Experiments To Try

Here are 12 gravity science experiments that are great for elementary school kids. Learn about gravity and its effects in a fun and hands-on way.

You may also want to explore: Air Resistance Projects

Dropping Objects

Gather various objects of different weights and sizes (e.g., a feather, a paperclip, a small ball). Have kids predict which object will hit the ground first when dropped simultaneously and then test their predictions.

Paper Airplane Challenge

Have kids create paper airplanes of different sizes and shapes. Let them fly the planes and observe how gravity affects their flight paths differently based on their designs. See how to make a paper airplane launcher.

apple gravity experiment

Falling Rates

Use a ruler or a measuring tape to drop different objects from the same height and measure the time it takes for them to reach the ground. Compare the falling rates of various objects.

Balloon Rocket

Attach a string to a balloon and tape the other end to a straw. Inflate the balloon and then release it. Observe how the air escaping from the balloon propels the straw in the opposite direction due to Newton’s Third Law of Motion.

apple gravity experiment

Coin and Card Drop

Place a playing card on the edge of a table and let half of it hang over the edge. Hold a coin over the card’s hanging part and let it go. The card will fall due to gravity, but the coin’s rapid descent might surprise the kids as they learn about mass and air resistance .

Design A Parachute

Explore how mostly the forces of gravity and air resistance (also known as drag), slow down the descent of an object or person using a simple parachute. Vary the shape, size or material of the parachute and measure what happens.

Build A Pipeline

Make your own pipeline that will transport water from the main tank to a smaller tank using an incline. Observe how the moves because of gravity.

apple gravity experiment

Water Upward

Fill a glass with water and place a piece of cardboard on top. Hold the cardboard and glass firmly together, then quickly turn the glass upside down. The water will stay inside the glass due to air pressure, demonstrating the balance between gravity and air pressure.

Rolling Race

Set up a ramp using books or a board. Have kids release different objects (marbles, toy cars) from the top of the ramp and see which one reaches the bottom first. Discuss how gravity affects the speed of rolling objects. See how to set it up with toy cars , pumpkins , apples and plastic Easter eggs .

apple gravity experiment

Gravity-Powered Pendulum Painting

Attach a small container with paint to the bottom of a pendulum (a string with a weight at the end). Set the pendulum in motion and observe how it creates unique patterns on a piece of paper beneath it.

Crumpled Paper Drop

Crumple two pieces of paper into balls, one larger and one smaller. Drop them both at the same time and discuss how their sizes and air resistance affect their falling speed.

Balancing Act

Have kids experiment with balancing different objects on their fingertips. Discuss how the weight and shape of objects affect their balance due to the force of gravity. Have fun balancing animal puppets , mobile of paper shapes , pumpkins , and paper apples .

apple gravity experiment

Egg Drop Challenge

Provide kids with materials like straws, rubber bands, tape, and newspapers. Challenge them to design a structure that will protect a raw egg when dropped from a certain height, demonstrating how objects experience less impact force when they have more time to slow down (larger parachutes or cushioning). See our egg drop ideas for younger and older students.

Water Wheel

Build a simple water wheel using a plastic container, a stick, and a paper cup. Place the water wheel under a steady stream of water and observe how gravity causes the wheel to turn. See how to build a simple water wheel here.

apple gravity experiment

What Is Gravity?

Earth’s gravity is the force that keeps everything on the planet’s surface and makes things fall to the ground. Good thing!

Imagine you are standing on the ground, and there’s an invisible force pulling you down toward the Earth. That force is called gravity. It’s like a giant magnet that attracts everything with mass toward the center of the Earth.

The Earth is super big and has a lot of mass, which means it has a strong pull. That’s why we don’t float away into space like astronauts do when they’re far from Earth. Instead, gravity keeps us firmly planted on the ground.

Have you ever watched a NASA video of an astronaut floating around inside his/her ship?

The Moon also has gravity, but its pull is not as strong because it’s much smaller than Earth. That’s why astronauts can jump higher on the Moon than on Earth! Even if you can jump really high, you’ll still come back down!

Now, the Earth’s gravity doesn’t just work on you; it also works on everything around you, living and nonliving! It pulls down the trees, the buildings, and even the air you breathe.

That’s why things always fall when you drop them. The Earth’s gravity is pulling them like the glass of milk that my son knocked off the table this morning! When you throw a ball up in the air, it comes back down because of gravity!

Gravity is a fantastic force that keeps our feet on the ground, helps things stay where they are, and makes the world work together. Without gravity, everything would be floating around in space. So, we can thank Earth’s gravity for making our planet such a fantastic place to live!

Have younger kiddos? Check out these fun gravity activities for preschool and kindergarten.

Gravity Defined

For older kids, a more in-depth understanding of how gravity affects objects involves exploring the concepts of gravitational force, mass, distance, and the universal law of gravitation proposed by Isaac Newton. You can find more science terms explained here.

Gravitational Force

Gravity is the force of attraction between all objects with mass. The greater the mass of an object, the stronger its gravitational pull. This force keeps planets in orbit around the Sun and objects on Earth grounded.

Mass is the amount of matter in an object. The more massive a thing is, the more gravitational force it exerts and experiences. The relationship between mass and gravitational force is directly proportional: if you double the mass of an object, its gravitational force doubles as well.

The distance between two objects also affects the gravitational force between them. The greater the distance, the weaker the gravitational force. This relationship follows the inverse square law, which means that if you double the distance between two objects, the gravitational force becomes one-fourth as strong.

Universal Law of Gravitation

Isaac Newton formulated a law that describes how gravitational force works universally. It states that every object with mass attracts every other object with mass with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Read about Isaac Newton’s famous experiment below.

When an object falls under the influence of gravity alone, it is said to be in free fall. Without air resistance, all objects fall at the same rate regardless of their masses. This is known as the principle of equivalence, demonstrated famously by Galileo dropping objects from the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Weight is the force of gravity acting on an object’s mass. It is different from mass, as it depends on both mass and acceleration due to gravity. Weight is often measured in newtons (N) or pounds (lb) and is calculated using the equation:

Weight = mass x acceleration due to gravity

Understanding these concepts helps kids comprehend gravity’s role in the universe and how it influences the behavior of objects of different masses and distances.

The Most Famous Gravity Experiment

Sir Isaac Newton is famous for many contributions to physics, and his experiments with gravity are among his most renowned works. One of the key experiments associated with Newton’s study of gravity is often called the “Newton’s Falling Apple,” which is a story rather than a controlled experiment.

apple gravity experiment

According to the legend, Newton was sitting under an apple tree in his garden when he saw an apple fall to the ground. This event got him thinking about the force that caused the apple to fall. Newton realized that the same force, gravity, was responsible for the apple’s fall and the motion of bodies in space like the Moon and planets.

While this story is well-known, it’s important to note that it wasn’t a formal experiment. However, Newton conducted a series of experiments and observations to develop his laws of motion and the law of universal gravitation. These experiments and observations included:

  • Prism Experiments: Newton’s experiments with prisms and light led to his groundbreaking work on optics, which is separate from gravity but an important part of his overall scientific contributions. See Newton’s color wheel spinner.
  • Mathematical Calculations: Newton used mathematics to formulate his laws of motion and universal gravitation. He developed the mathematics of calculus to help describe and predict the behavior of objects under the influence of gravity.
  • Kepler’s Laws: Newton built upon Johannes Kepler’s laws of planetary motion to develop his laws of universal gravitation. Kepler’s work was based on extensive astronomical observations.

So, while there isn’t a specific experiment directly related to the falling apple, Newton’s contributions to our understanding of gravity are based on a combination of observations, mathematical calculations, and experiments.

Have fun with physics! Check out our complete list of easy physics experiments.

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Helpful Science Resources To Get You Started

Here are a few resources that will help you introduce science more effectively to your kiddos or students and feel confident yourself when presenting materials. You’ll find helpful free printables throughout.

  • Best Science Practices (as it relates to the scientific method)
  • Science Vocabulary
  • 8 Science Books for Kids
  • All About Scientists
  • Science Supplies List
  • Science Tools for Kids
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More Physical Science Activities

  • Light Experiments
  • Magnet Activities
  • Simple Machine Projects
  • Potential & Kinetic Energy
  • Static Electricity
  • Surface Tension Experiments

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Printable Science Projects For Kids

If you’re looking to grab all of our printable science projects in one convenient place plus exclusive worksheets and bonuses like a STEAM Project pack, our Science Project Pack is what you need! Over 300+ Pages!

  • 90+ classic science activities  with journal pages, supply lists, set up and process, and science information.  NEW! Activity-specific observation pages!
  • Best science practices posters  and our original science method process folders for extra alternatives!
  • Be a Collector activities pack  introduces kids to the world of making collections through the eyes of a scientist. What will they collect first?
  • Know the Words Science vocabulary pack  includes flashcards, crosswords, and word searches that illuminate keywords in the experiments!
  • My science journal writing prompts  explore what it means to be a scientist!!
  • Bonus STEAM Project Pack:  Art meets science with doable projects!
  • Bonus Quick Grab Packs for Biology, Earth Science, Chemistry, and Physics.

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Did an apple really fall on Isaac Newton’s head?

By: Elizabeth Nix

Updated: September 1, 2018 | Original: November 13, 2015

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Legend has it that a young Isaac Newton was sitting under an apple tree when he was bonked on the head by a falling piece of fruit, a 17th-century “aha moment” that prompted him to suddenly come up with his law of gravity. In reality, things didn’t go down quite like that. Newton, the son of a farmer, was born in 1642 near Grantham, England, and entered Cambridge University in 1661. Four years later, following an outbreak of the bubonic plague, the school temporarily closed, forcing Newton to move back to his childhood home, Woolsthorpe Manor. It was during this period at Woolsthorpe (Newton returned to Cambridge in 1667) that he was in the orchard there and witnessed an apple drop from a tree. There’s no evidence to suggest the fruit actually landed on his head, but Newton’s observation caused him to ponder why apples always fall straight to the ground (rather than sideways or upward) and helped inspired him to eventually develop his law of universal gravitation. In 1687, Newton first published this principle, which states that every body in the universe is attracted to every other body with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them, in his landmark work the “Principia,” which also features his three laws of motion.

In 1726, Newton shared the apple anecdote with William Stukeley, who included it in a biography, “Memoirs of Sir Isaac Newton’s Life,” published in 1752. According to Stukeley, “After dinner, the weather being warm, we went into the garden, & drank thea under the shade of some apple trees… he told me, he was just in the same situation, as when formerly, the notion of gravitation came into his mind…. occasion’d by the fall of an apple, as he sat in a contemplative mood.”

The esteemed mathematician and physicist died in 1727 and was buried at Westminster Abbey. His famous apple tree continues to grow at Woolsthorpe Manor.

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Science project, do heavier objects fall faster gravity in a vacuum.

Do heavier objects fall faster? Newton observed the infamous apple falling from a tree, and drew important conclusions about the behavior of everyday objects under the force of gravity. In the case of a feather and a coin, one would believe that a feather will always fall more slowly to the ground, and the coin faster. However, as we will explore below, heavier objects do not always fall to the ground more quickly than lighter objects do! When dropped from the same height, objects fall to the earth at the same time when there is no major amount of air mass acting on them. Let’s discover why this is!

First, some background info: Mass, the quantity of matter an object contains, is (typically) constant in an object and does not change. In comparison, weight is the measurement of gravitational force being acted upon a particular object. Think about it this way: The mass of your body is the same on earth as it would be on the Moon, while your weight on earth would be much heavier here because the earth’s gravity is much stronger than the moon’s. This experiment aims to remove the variable of air mass acting on objects so we can measure the effect of gravitational acceleration produced by the earth’s gravity.

  • 1 vacuum pump with tube and end caps (available at scientific supply stores)
  • Assemble vacuum pump but do not turn it on.
  • Leaving the pump lying horizontal, place a feather and a coin in top end of the pump.
  • Turn the pump vertically and record your observations.
  • Return the feather and the coin to the top of the vacuum pump.
  • Seal both ends of the vacuum pump. Turn the pump on to remove the air.
  • Now, turn the pump vertically and record your observations.

Observations & Results

The vacuum created an airless chamber for both items to fall freely. You should have noticed that the second time you dropped the feather and the coin, they both fell together at the same speed.

Gravitational acceleration was constant both times you dropped the items. The only difference from one trial to the next was the presence of air mass acting upon the feather: because the feather is an object of low density (it has a low ratio of mass to volume), the feather encounters more drag as it falls through the air. By removing most of the air, the feather should fall the same speed as the denser penny.

This experiment shows us that weight does not determine the rate at which something falls—only air resistance does. Try other things in the tube: a paper clip and a cotton ball, a crayon and a small leaf. Disregarding air resistance, can you believe a piano and pea would hit the ground at the same time if dropped from the same height? You bet!

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Experimentals: Do different things fall faster?

View looking up to big rollercoaster-type ride

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RUBEN: What floor, please, Bernie?

BERNIE: Number seven, thanks, Ruben. Hey, mate. How much do you reckon you weigh?

RUBEN: 75 kilos. Why?

BERNIE: Well, I weigh about 60 and I was just wondering if the lift broke which one of us would hit the ground first.

RUBEN: Doesn't gravity pull everything down at the same speed?

BERNIE: Yeah, it does, doesn't it? Jeez, I'd still like to give it a go. (Gasps) I know just the place.

RUBEN: What are we doing here?

BERNIE: We're on the Giant Drop at Dreamworld, Ruby! We're going to see who falls faster.

RUBEN: Fall? What do you mean 'fall'?

BERNIE: Well, this ride is taking us up about 39 storeys.

RUBEN: 39 what?

BERNIE: And it's going to drop us straight to the ground to see if you fall faster than me.

RUBEN: Well, that didn't help. We were stuck to the ride.

BERNIE: Yeah, stupid safety harnesses. So how can we find out if everything falls at the same speed?

RUBEN: Well, there's got to be a better way than going on that ride without a safety harness?

BERNIE: Like what?

RUBEN: Like this!

BERNIE: (Laughs) Where are we now?

RUBEN: Up on the eighth floor.

BERNIE: Cool. But shouldn't there be some safety mats down there?

RUBEN: What? Why?

BERNIE: I'll tell you what, Ruben, science or not, I'm not jumping down there without safety mats.

RUBEN: Are you nuts? We're not going to jump. We're going to drop these.

BERNIE: Oh, so fantastic. I've always wanted to drop something from the top of a building.

RUBEN: Yeah, and the watermelon weighs heaps more than the apple.

BERNIE: Just like you weigh heaps more than me.

RUBEN: Exactly. And we've even barricaded the area off down there so no-one can walk underneath us.

BERNIE: Yeah, cos we may be fruity, but we're always safe. Come on, Ruby. Let's go.

RUBEN: Yeah, let's find out who hits the ground first — Apple Girl or Melon Boy.

BERNIE: Go, Apple Girl. Ready? Whoa, whoa. I'm so excited about this, Ruby!

RUBEN: One, two, three.

BERNE: (Screams) Let's see that again in slow-motion.

RUBEN: Hey. The watermelon beat the apple by a long way. But hang on. We know that gravity pulls everything down at the same speed, so shouldn't they have landed at exactly the same time?

BERNIE: Hang on a minute, air resistance. We completely forgot air resistance.

RUBEN: No, we've proved nothing!

BERNIE: We've got to do it again where there's no air.

RUBEN: No air, no air… Where's there no air?

BERNIE: I know just the place. Come with me. Hey, Ruby. Know where we are?

RUBEN: On the moon?

BERNIE: Yep. Best place to try the gravity experiment. Should have thought of it earlier. OK, cos we weren't allowed to chuck food on the moon I got a heavy hammer and a light feather and I'm going to drop them both at the very same time. Now, watch what happens.

RUBEN: Wow, they both land at exactly the same time. Cos there's no air, so there's no air resistance. We did it!

BERNIE: We sure did. OK, let's go before our air runs out.

RUBEN: Well, we cleared that up.

BERNIE: Yeah. That was good, that was great.

RUBEN: So you want to go on the Giant Drop again?

BERNIE: No, I think I got the general idea. Might see you later.

RUBEN: Suit yourself.

MAN: Are you going up?

RUBEN: Wait for me! Yeah, cheers. So how much do YOU weigh?

SUBJECTS:   Science

YEARS:  7–8, 9–10

Want to find out what happens when you drop a watermelon and an apple from the top of a building?

In this clip, Bernie Hobbs and Ruben Meerman, investigate whether the mass of an object influences how fast it falls.

Bernie and Ruben ride the 'Giant Drop' at Dreamworld, drop a watermelon and apple from an eighth floor balcony, and 'visit' the Moon in their quest to discover what affects the fall of objects.

Things to think about

  • 1. If a watermelon and an apple were dropped from a building which do you think would hit the ground first? Why? An object moves because there are forces acting upon it. What force causes things to fall to the ground? Do you know a type of force that might slow things down?
  • 2. Watch as presenters, Bernie and Ruben, drop the watermelon and apple from the building. Which of these hits the ground first? What factor influenced the experiment and caused the results to be unreliable? When the hammer and feather were dropped on the moon, which of them hit the surface first? What reason was given for this result?
  • 3. How well do you think the experiments showed the effect forces have on the movement of things? Explain or draw a diagram to show how objects fall and how forces are acting on them. You could use arrows to demonstrate the direction of a force.
  • 4. Conduct your own experiments to test the rate at which objects fall. First try an A4 sheet of paper rolled into a ball and a flat sheet of A4 paper. What happens? Now try different objects such as a grape and an apple; a table tennis ball and tennis ball; a pencil and a glue stick. Record your results in a table.

Date of broadcast: 9 Apr 2005

Metadata © Australian Broadcasting Corporation and Education Services Australia Ltd 2012 (except where otherwise indicated). Digital content © Australian Broadcasting Corporation (except where otherwise indicated). Video © Australian Broadcasting Corporation (except where otherwise indicated). All images copyright their respective owners. Text © Australian Broadcasting Corporation and Education Services Australia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0).

Experimentals: Building with different shapes

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