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  • Bachelor of Arts /

BA 1st Year Syllabus in Hindi: जानिए BA प्रथम वर्ष का सम्पूर्ण सिलेबस

ba first year ka assignment

  • Updated on  
  • सितम्बर 14, 2023

BA 1st Year Syllabus in Hindi

12वीं कक्षा पास कर लेने के बाद आज के समय में अधिकतर युवा बीए कोर्स को प्राथमिकता दे रहे हैं। ऐसा इसलिए क्योंकि इस कोर्स को करने के बाद युवाओं के सामने करियर के कई सारे विकल्प खुल जाते हैं। ऐसे में आज के इस ब्लॉग में हम आपको इस कोर्स की महत्वपूर्ण जानकरियां देंगे और इसके साथ BA 1st Year Syllabus in Hindi के बारे में विस्तार से बतायेंगे। 

कोर्स का नाम बी.ए (B.A)
फुल फॉर्म बैचलर ऑफ़ आर्ट्स
कोर्स ड्यूरेशन 3 साल (6 सेमेस्टर)
योग्यता 40-50% प्रतिशत अंको के साथ 12वीं
प्रवेश मेरिट या एंट्रेंस एग्जाम

This Blog Includes:

Ba कोर्स क्या है, ba 1st year का सम्पूर्ण सिलेबस क्या है, ba 1st year syllabus in hindi 2023, b.a. (pass course) part-1st, ba के लिए जरूरी योग्यता, ba के परीक्षा की तैयारी कैसे करें, ba 1st year के लिए बेस्ट बुक्स.

बीए यानी बैचलर ऑफ आर्ट्स होता है। यह 2 से 3 साल का अंडरग्रेजुएट कोर्स है जिसमें छात्र किसी भी प्रकार की डिग्री चुन सकते हैं, जैसे बीए इतिहास, बीए मनोविज्ञान, बीए अर्थशास्त्र, बीए हिंदी, बीए अंग्रेजी आदि। यह भारत के सबसे लोकप्रिय ग्रेजुएट डिग्री प्रोग्राम में से एक है, जिसे हाई स्कूल के बाद हर साल 90 लाख से अधिक छात्र करते हैं।

BA 1st Year Syllabus in Hindi के इस ब्लॉग में छात्रों के लिए बीए पाठ्यक्रम नीचे दिया गया है । आईये उसे विस्तार से जानते हैं। 

इंग्लिश    What is Literature?, Reading Poetry, Reading Prose,Reading Drama, Readings: Issues in Literature, Culture, and Criticism

Introduction to European Classical Literature, Homer, Sophocles, Discussion: Old Comedy, Roman Comedy, The Bible, Sappho, Prescribed selections
Introduction to Indian Classical Literature, The Mahabharata, Kalidasa, Sudraka, Introduction to Atikal, Deb Sen, ‘A Woman’s Retelling of the Rama Tale

Introduction to early and late medieval literature, The Wife’s Lamen, Poetry, Introduction to Shakespeare, Reading
हिस्ट्री  रिकंस्ट्रक्शन ऑफ़ अन्सिएंट इंडियन हिस्ट्री, प्री हिस्टोरिक हंटर गेदरर्स, अडवेंट ऑफ़ फ़ूड प्रोडशन, हड़प्पा सभ्यता, सोशल स्ट्रैटिफिकेशन, पोलिटिकल एफिलिएशन, रिलिजन एंड फिलोसफी, आर्यन प्रॉब्लम

एवोल्यूशन ऑफ़ मैनकाइंड, फ़ूड प्रोडक्ट्स, नोमेडिक ग्रुप्स इन सेंट्रल एंड वेस्ट एशिया, स्लेव सोसाइटी इन एन्सिएंट ग्रीस, ब्रोंज ऐज सिविलाईजेशन, पॉलिसीस इन एन्सिएंट ग्रीस
कॉनकर्रेंट एबिलिटी लैंग्वेज
इकॉनमी एंड सोसाइटी (from 300 BC to AD 300), चेंजिंग पोलिटिकल पैटर्न्स (c. 300 BCE to c. 300 BCE), टुवर्ड्स अर्ली मेडिएवल इंडिया (from about CE 4th century CE to CE 750), रिलिजन, फिलोसफी एंड सोसाइटी  (circa 300 BCE–750 CE), कल्चरल डेवलपमेंट्स (circa 300 BCE – CE 750)

स्लेव सोसाइटी इन एन्सिएंट रोम, रिलिजन एंड कल्चर इन एन्सिएंट रोम, क्राइसिस ऑफ़ द रोमन एम्पायर, इकनोमिक डेवलपमेंट इन यूरोप फ्रॉम 7th टू 14th सेंचुरी, रिलिजन एंड कल्चर इन मेडिएवल यूरोप, सोसाइटी इन द सेंट्रल इस्लामिक लैंडकॉनकर्रेंट एबिलिटी लैंग्वेज
इकोनॉमिक्स  एक्सप्लोरिंग द सब्जेक्ट्स ऑफ़ इकोनॉमिक्स, मार्केट्स एंड वेलफेयर, फैमिली, फर्म एंड परफेक्ट, मार्केट स्ट्रक्चर, इमपरफेक्ट मार्केट स्ट्रक्चर, इनपुट मार्केट

इनिशियल, फंक्शन ऑफ़ रियल वेरिएबल, सिंगल वेरिएबल ऑप्टिमाइजेशन, इंटीग्रेशन ऑफ़ फंक्शन, डिफरेंशियल एक्वेशन
कंपल्सरी कोर्स (AECC)-Iजनरल इलेक्टिव Course-I
इंट्रोडक्शन टू मैक्रोइकॉनॉमिक्स एंड नेशनल इनकम एकाउंटिंग, वेल्थ, इन्फ्लेशन, क्लोज्ड इकॉनमी इन द शार्ट रन

डिफरेंशियल एक्वेशन, लीनियर एल्जेब्रा, फंक्शन ऑफ़ सेवरल रियल वेरिएबल, मल्टी वेरिएबल ऑप्टिमाइजेशन, 
कंपल्सरी कोर्स (AECC)-IIजनरल इलेक्टिव Course-II
सोशिओलॉजी I : नेचर एंड स्कोप ऑफ़ सोशियोलॉजी , सोशियोलॉजिकल कॉन्सेप्ट्स, थेओरिटिकल ओरिएंटेशन 

I : इंट्रोडक्शन, सोशल इंस्टीट्यूशन, विसुअल प्रोग्राम
II: नेचर एंड स्कोप ऑफ़ सोशियोलॉजी- सोशियोलॉजी एंड इट्स रिलेशनशिप विद अदर सोशल साइंस, सोशियोलॉजिकल कॉन्सेप्ट्स, थेओरिटिकल ओरिएंटेशन 

II : इंडिया एस एन ऑब्जेक्ट ऑफ़ नॉलेज, सोशल चेंज, कम्युनलिस्म, सेकुलरिज्म एंड नेशनलिस्म, कंटेम्पररी सोर्स ऑन इंडियन सोसाइटी
साइकोलॉजी इंट्रोडक्शन, फीलिंग, लर्निंग एंड इंस्पिरेशन, मेमोरी

इंट्रोडक्शन, फ़्रीक्वेंसी डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन, पर्सेंटाइल और परसेंटाइल रैंक, ग्राफ़िक रिप्रजेंटेशन ऑफ़ डाटा, मेसर सेंट्रल टेन्डेन्सी, मेसर ऑफ़ वरिएबिलिटी, स्टैंडर्ड (जेड) स्कोर, नॉर्मल प्रोबैबिलिटी डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन, कोरिलेशन, रैंडम सैंपलिंग एंड सैंपलिंग डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन, एनवायर्नमेंटल साइंस 
इंट्रोडक्शन टू बायोसाइकोलॉजी, वर्किंग ब्रेन, आर्गेनाइजेशन ऑफ़ द नर्वस सिस्टम, न्यूरोएंडोक्राइन सिस्टम

पेर्सोना, इंटेलिजेंस, इंडियन पर्सपेक्टिव, एन्हैंस इंडिविजुअल एबिलिटी, इंग्लिश कम्युनिकेशन 

पॉलिटिकल साइंस अंडरस्टैंडिंग पॉलिटिकल थ्योरी, कंस्टीट्यूशनल गवर्नमेंट एंड डेमोक्रेसी इन इंडिया, इंग्लिश लैंग्वेज, एनवायर्नमेंटल साइंस
जनरल इलेक्टिव-
पोलिटिकल थ्योरी – कॉन्सेप्ट्स एंड डिबेट, पॉलिटिकल प्रोसेस इन इंडिया
जनरल इलेक्टिव-
जियोग्राफी जिओमोरफोलॉजी: प्रोसेस एंड डेवलपमेंटकार्टोग्राफिक टेक्निक्स ( प्रैक्टिकल) जनरल इलेक्टिव सब्जेक्टह्यूमन जियोग्राफी : पॉपुलेशन, स्पेस एंड सोसाइटी सेट्लमेंट्सथीमैटिक कार्टोग्राफी (प्रैक्टिकल)जनरल इलेक्टिव सब्जेक्ट

यूनिवर्सिटी के अनुसार BA 1st Year Syllabus in Hindi

यूनिवर्सिटी के अनुसार BA 1st Year Syllabus in Hindi की पीडीएफ नीचे दी जा रही है: 

शेखावाटी यूनिवर्सिटी 
राजस्थान यूनिवर्सिटी
JNVU यूनिवर्सिटी 
MLSU यूनिवर्सिटी 
MDSU यूनिवर्सिटी 
Brij यूनिवर्सिटी 
GGTU यूनिवर्सिटी 
MJPRU यूनिवर्सिटी 
MGKVP यूनिवर्सिटी 
VBSPU यूनिवर्सिटी 
अल्लाहाबाद यूनिवर्सिटी 
CCS यूनिवर्सिटी 
कानपूर यूनिवर्सिटी 
आगरा यूनिवर्सिटी 
B.A. (Pass Course) Part-I
B.A. (Hons.) Part-I
B.A. (Deaf, Dumb & Blind) (Part-I)

बीए कोर्स करने के लिए योग्यता इस प्रकार है:-

  • इस कोर्स में अप्लाई करने के लिए उम्मीद्वारों का किसी मान्यता प्राप्त संस्थान या बोर्ड से अच्छे अंकों के साथ 12वीं उत्तीर्ण होना चाहिए।
  • जो छात्र भारत में इस कोर्स का अध्ययन करना चाहते हैं, उन्हें प्रवेश परीक्षा CUET के लिए उपस्थित होना होगा। वहीं अधिकतर विश्वविद्यालय मेरिट के आधार पर प्रवेश देते हैं।
  • विदेशी विश्वविद्यालयों के मामले में, अंग्रेजी प्रोफिशिएंसी के प्रमाण के रूप में IELTS या TOEFL या PTE आदि के टेस्ट स्कोर जरूरी होते हैं।

BA के परीक्षा की तैयारी करने के लिए आपको निम्नलिखित कुछ टिप्स दिए गए हैं, जिन्हे आप अपने डेली रूटीन में शामिल कर सकते हैं-

  • उम्मीद्वारों को सिलेबस से अपडेट रहना बहुत ही जरूरी है। 
  • अभ्यास करते रहे ताकि आप सिलेबस से वाकिफ हो जाए।  
  • अपनी वोकैबुलरी में सुधार करें, क्योंकि बीए कोर्स करने वाले छात्रों के पास अच्छी कम्युनिकेशन और राइटिंग स्किल होना आवश्यक है। 
  • ठीक से अध्ययन करने के लिए एक टाइम टेबल बनाये और उसी के अकॉर्डिंग चलें।  
  • रिविज़न करें।  

BA 1st Year के लिए बेस्ट बुक्स निम्नलिखित है:-

B.A 1st year Indian History – Culture Telugu Akademi
B.A First Year Sociology Telugu Akademi
English 1st Year BAChethana Book House
B.A / B.Sc First Year Physical GeographyT Pratigna 
English Prose and Writing Skills Dr AK Dikshit, Rakesh Kumar

बीए के पाठ्यक्रम में लगभग 5 विषय होते हैं।

बीए अर्थशास्त्र और बीए राजनीति विज्ञान सबसे अच्छे विकल्प माने जाते हैं। भारत के अधिकांश केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालयों में इन दोनों पाठ्यक्रमों के लिए उच्च कटऑफ है। 

शारीरिक शिक्षा, समाजशास्त्र, अंग्रेजी, दर्शनशास्त्र और गृह विज्ञान अन्य विषयों की तुलना में बीए के आसान विषय माने जाते हैं।

इसके लिए छात्रों के पास किसी मान्यता प्राप्त परीक्षा बोर्ड से 12वीं उत्तीर्ण होना अनिवार्य है।

BA करने के बाद आपके सामने रोजगार के कई अवसर खुल जाते हैं।  जैसे आप किसी भी सरकारी या प्राइवेट नौकरी की  तैयारी कर सकते हैं। या आप टीचर, कलेक्टर, पुलिस, बैंकिंग सेक्टर, सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता, नेता आदि बन सकते है। 

आशा करते हैं कि आपको BA 1st Year Syllabus in Hindi के बारे में महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी मिल गई होगी। सिलेबस से जुड़े ऐसे ही या अन्य तरह के ब्लॉग्स पढ़ने के लिए बने रहिए Leverage Edu के साथ।

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Nupur Chatterjee is a passionate content writer working with the Hindi content team. She writes blogs in a comprehensive manner that engages with the readers. She has a strong command over both Hindi and English language, which helps her build a strong hold over multiple niches. In her leisure, you can find her doodling with crayons or binge-watching Netflix.

प्रातिक्रिया दे जवाब रद्द करें

अगली बार जब मैं टिप्पणी करूँ, तो इस ब्राउज़र में मेरा नाम, ईमेल और वेबसाइट सहेजें।

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IGNOU BA Solved Assignment Papers: Download Process, Benefits, & More

Updated On: February 22, 2024 06:19 pm IST

If you are pursuing UG courses from IGNOU, you might be looking for BA-solved assignment papers. Discover the benefits of IGNOU BA solved assignment papers and the steps to download them here.

Highlights on IGNOU BA Assignments

Key details on ignou solved assignments, how to download ba solved assignments, ignou ba solved assignment papers deadline 2024, benefits of ignou solved assignments, how to score well in ignou ba assignments.

IGNOU Solved Assignment Papers

IGNOU BA Solved Assignment Papers: Confused about the right way to structure IGNOU assignments? IGNOU solved assignment papers can help in understanding the structure, level of questions, and necessary details. Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) allots marks to assignments and students can get a chance to increase their overall marks by scoring well on assignments. These solved assignments act as the blueprint for what is expected from the students. If you are aspiring to curate an assignment that fetches you good marks then download the IGNOU BA solved assignment papers. For further information, continue reading this comprehensive article.

  • Applies to both semester-based and annual certification courses.
  • Non-submission of assignments necessitates reworking in the following cycle.
  • Access assignment question papers on the IGNOU portal for download.
  • Submission options: Offline at regional study centres or online via Assignment Portal or email to IGNOU regional centers .
  • Every assignment requires a mandatory cover page with student details.
  • Exercise caution in matching subject codes during online uploads.
  • Strict adherence to specified file formats and size guidelines.
  • IGNOU BA assignments contribute 30% to the total marks (out of 100), while the remaining 70% comes from the term-end exam.
  • The cumulative marks determine the final result.
  • Students can monitor their assignment status using their enrollment number on the official IGNOU website.

Candidates prepping to complete the IGNOU BA assignments can get assistance from the solved papers on the varsity’s website. Before writing, candidates must adhere to some guidelines that include a choice of paper, presentation, structuring, and details to be filled on the cover page. Check for the following key details in the IGNOU BA solved assignment PDF free download:

  • Curating the Cover Page : Many students face issues in completing the cover page properly. It is perhaps the most important page in the entire assignment which requires candidates to take care of certain aspects. Candidates can get an idea about the type of details to be filled in on a cover page from the BA-solved assignment papers.
  • Size of Paper : As per IGNOU’s rule, the assignment must be written only on an A4-size paper. Candidates who want to begin their assignment can gain a fair idea regarding the paper size to avoid any discrepancies later.
  • Presentation of Assignments : As the assignments hold 30% of weightage in the term-end examination proper care needs to be taken in the presentation of the questions and answers. Candidates should write down the questions on their assignment papers with proper formatting.
  • Choice of Pen : Candidates who are writing the IGNOU assignment for the first time can get help with the choice of pens or their colour from the BA-solved assignment papers. Generally, the evaluators prefer the student to produce the content in either black or blue pen; no other colours are permissible.

Also Read: How to Download IGNOU B.Ed Study Material in Hindi and English?

As you must be aware assignments play a vital part in the final assessment, and downloading the IGNOU BA solved assignment papers can offer the best assistance. Students can access the paper either from their study centre or from IGNOU’s website. Below are some ways through which students can see or download BA assignments.

  • The IGNOU Website: IGNOU provides solved assignments for some of its BA courses on its website. You can find these assignments by going to the "Student Zone" and then clicking on the "Assignments" tab.
  • IGNOU Study Centres: IGNOU study centres often have solved assignments available for their students. You can contact your local study centre to inquire about availability.
  • Online Resources: Several online resources provide solved assignments for IGNOU BA courses. These resources may charge a fee for access to their materials.

When referring to the solved assignments, the student must remember they should not copy the assignment, the solved assignments are only to guide and provide samples of how to do and write the assignment

Also Check: IGNOU BA Course Structure

The IGNOU BA solved assignment papers deadline is March 31, 2024. This deadline applies to both semester-based courses and annual certification programs for students enrolled in the July 2023 or January 2024 admission cycles. Students must meet this deadline to be eligible for the June and December 2024 Term-End Examinations (TEE). Failure to submit on time will necessitate re-writing and re-submission in the next cycle, causing delays in academic progress.

To facilitate the process, assignment question papers can be downloaded online from the IGNOU portal. Submission options include visiting regional study centers for offline submission or using online methods. The assignment portal offers a Google Form link for document uploads, and assignments can also be emailed directly to IGNOU regional center addresses. When uploading online, students are advised to carefully follow guidelines, including using cover pages and ensuring subject codes match.

It's important to note that IGNOU emphasizes the use of Google Forms for submission and explicitly states that IGNOU BA solved assignment papers will not be accepted through email or hard copy. Alongside assignments, a theoretical term-end examination constitutes 70% of the overall credit, contributing significantly to the students' academic profile.

If you are still confused about the relevance of downloading the IGNOU BA solved assignment then explore some of its benefits below:

  • Enhances Conceptual Understanding: Assignments require students to delve deeper into the course material, analyze concepts, and apply their knowledge to real-world situations. This process helps the student to get a deeper understanding of the subject matter and strengthens their grasp of key concepts.
  • Develop Research and Writing Abilities: Assignments encourage students to conduct independent research, gather relevant information, and present their findings coherently. This helps them develop their research skills, critical thinking abilities, and analytical prowess.
  • Improves Time Management and Discipline: Completing assignments within deadlines instils discipline and enhances time management skills. Students learn to prioritize tasks, plan their study schedules effectively, and meet deadlines consistently.
  • Promotes Self-Learning and Independent Thinking: Assignments encourage students to take ownership of their learning. They must independently research, analyze information, and formulate their arguments. This fosters self-learning and independent thinking, crucial skills for academic and professional success.
  • Improving Writing and Communication Skills: IGNOU assignments encourage clear, concise, and well-structured writing. This helps students improve their writing skills, enhance their communication abilities, and express their thoughts effectively.
  • Improving Analytical and Critical Thinking Skills: IGNOU assignments often require students to evaluate information, analyze data, and conclude. This strengthens their analytical and critical thinking skills, which are essential for problem-solving and decision-making.
  • Provides Feedback and Guidance: Assignments provide students with valuable feedback on their understanding of the course material and their writing skills. This feedback helps them identify areas for improvement and refine their learning approach.

Students can follow below below-mentioned steps to do their IGNOU BA Assignments effectively and score well in the assignments.

  • Start early: Don't wait until the last minute to start your assignments. The earlier you start, the more time you will have to research, write, and edit your work.
  • Read the instructions carefully: Make sure you understand what is expected of you for each assignment.
  • Do your research: Use a variety of sources to research your topic. Make sure your sources are credible and up-to-date.
  • Write a clear and concise essay: Make sure your essay is well-organized and easy to read.
  • Proofread your work carefully: Check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.
  • Use proper academic style and formatting: This includes using APA or MLA style for citations and references.
  • Write in a clear and concise style: Avoid using jargon or overly complex language.
  • Proofreading: Proofread your assignments carefully before submitting them.
  • Submit on Time: Submit your assignment on time as submitting it after the due date may result in rejection of your assignment or losing marks.

The students who want to start preparing for their assignments can get complete assistance from the IGNOU BA solved assignment papers. We suggest you download them only from the official website.

For any inquiries regarding IGNOU courses, admission, or the application process, feel free to reach us at 1800-572-9877 or drop your questions in CollegeDekho's Q&A section.

Written by: Deepit Mathur

Are you feeling lost and unsure about what career path to take after completing 12th standard?

Say goodbye to confusion and hello to a bright future!

Assignments play a crucial role at IGNOU as they contribute at least 30% of the total marks (out of 100) in a particular subject of the program. Completing the BA degree program at IGNOU requires the submission of solved assignment papers. Students who fail to submit their assignments before the deadline are required to create new ones for the next academic session.

The entire copy-pasted assignment will be directly rejected and the student will be marked zero. It is highly advisable to curate unique and original content as it can enhance the chances of good scores

Yes, students can find websites other than IGNOU but students are recommended to choose the one based on their authenticity

To submit the solved assignment papers for IGNOU BA, students are advised to visit the official website of their nearby regional center. Following the provided guidelines is crucial, and here are the key points for students to note: - IGNOU BA assignments must be written by hand. - The first page of each assignment should include the student's name, enrollment number, course code, study center code, mobile number, and email address. - Students are required to sign each page of the assignment. - Scan files for each course must be submitted separately through emails or Google Documents. - Only PDF format will be accepted in softcopy submissions. - Hard copies should be submitted at the relevant study centers.

Students have the flexibility to check their assignment submission status anytime and from anywhere. It's essential to keep in mind that the status might take a few days to update after submitting an assignment; it could take a few days. To check the IGNOU assignment status, follow these steps: - Open the Assignment status page. - Enter your 10-digit enrollment number. - Choose your program code. - Click on the "Submit" button.

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BA Model Papers 2024 1st, 2nd & 3rd Year all subject

Last Updated on August 16, 2024 by admin 263 Comments

BA Model Papers

BA model paper 2024 b.a. फर्स्ट ईयर हिंदी साहित्य पेपर ba model paper 2024 Hindi ba model paper 2021 ba model paper 2018 Hindi ba model paper 2023 ba model paper mjpru ba model paper 2023 ba model paper 2018 ba model paper 2023 ba model paper 1st-year ba model paper 2023 ba model paper Hindi ba model paper 2023 ba model papers Peshawar university ba model paper 2023 ba model papers Punjab university.

  • BA 1st Year Model Papers
  • BA 2nd Year Model Papers
  • BA 3rd Year Model Papers

b.a. का पेपर बी ए का पेपर 2023 b.a. फर्स्ट ईयर का पेपर कब से है 2024 b.a. फर्स्ट ईयर हिंदी साहित्य का पेपर 2020 b.a. फर्स्ट ईयर हिंदी का पेपर बी ए का पेपर 2021 b.a. फर्स्ट ईयर का इंग्लिश का पेपर 2020 का बीए 1 वर्ष हिन्दी के प्रश्न पत्र 2021 b.a. फर्स्ट ईयर हिंदी साहित्य का सिलेबस 2020 .

BA Question Paper 2024 Pdf Download

Table of Contents

बीए ऑनलाइन क्लासेज -> अभी ज्वाइन करें फ्री में बी.ए प्रथम वर्ष की पुस्तकें -> अभी डाउनलोड करो बी.ए द्वितीय वर्ष की पुस्तकें -> अभी डाउनलोड करो बी.ए तृतीय वर्ष की पुस्तकें -> अभी डाउनलोड करो बी.ए लेटेस्ट सिलेबस -> अभी डाउनलोड करो

 यहाँ बैचलर ऑफ़ आर्ट्स (बी.ए) के प्रथम, द्वितीय तथा तृतीय वर्ष के छात्रों के लिए सभी विषयों का प्रश्नपत्र शेयर किया जा रहा है | जिसे छात्र पीडीऍफ़ फॉर्मेट में फ्री डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं |

BA Question Papers 2024 PDF Download

BA Question Papers 2023 PDF Download

❌इस सेक्शन में बीए फर्स्ट इयर, सेकंड इयर और थर्ड इयर के छात्रों के लिए सभी विषयों का क्वेश्चन पेपर्स दिया गया है |❌

BA First Year Question Papers PDF

BA 1st Year Political Science Question Papers (राजनीतिशास्त्र) ✔️

BA 1st Year History Question Papers (इतिहास) ✔️

BA 1st Year Sociology Question Papers (समाजशास्त्र) ✔️

BA 1st Year Hindi Literature Question Papers (हिंदी साहित्य) ✔️

BA 1st Year English Literature Question Papers (अंग्रेजी साहित्य) ✔️

BA 1st Year Economics Question Papers (अर्थशास्त्र) ✔️

BA 1st Year Geography Question Papers (भूगोल) ✔️

BA 1st Year Psychology Question Papers (मनोविज्ञान) ✔️

BA 1st Year Sanskrit Literature Question Papers (संस्कृत साहित्य) ✔️

BA 1st Year Home Science Question Papers (गृह विज्ञानं) ✔️

BA 1st Year Philosophy Question Papers (दर्शनशास्त्र) ✔️

BA 1st Year Education Question Papers (शिक्षाशास्त्र) ✔️

BA Second Year Question Papers PDF

BA 2nd Year Political Science Question Papers (राजनीतिशास्त्र) ✔️

BA 2nd Year History Question Papers (इतिहास) ✔️

BA 2nd Year Sociology Question Papers (समाजशास्त्र) ✔️

BA 2nd Year Hindi Literature Question Papers (हिंदी साहित्य) ✔️

BA 2nd Year English Literature Question Papers (अंग्रेजी साहित्य) ✔️

BA 2nd Year Economics Question Papers (अर्थशास्त्र) ✔️

BA 2nd Year Geography Question Papers (भूगोल) ✔️

BA 2nd Year Psychology Question Papers (मनोविज्ञान) ✔️

BA 2nd Year Sanskrit Literature Question Papers (संस्कृत साहित्य) ✔️

BA 2nd Year Home Science Question Papers (गृह विज्ञानं) ✔️

BA 2nd Year Philosophy Question Papers (दर्शनशास्त्र) ✔️

BA 2nd Year Education Question Papers (शिक्षाशास्त्र) ✔️

BA Third Year Question Papers PDF

BA 3rd Year Political Science Question Papers (राजनीतिशास्त्र) ✔️

BA 3rd Year History Question Papers (इतिहास) ✔️

BA 3rd Year Sociology Question Papers (समाजशास्त्र) ✔️

BA 3rd Year Hindi Literature Question Papers (हिंदी साहित्य) ✔️

BA 3rd Year English Literature Question Papers (अंग्रेजी साहित्य) ✔️

BA 3rd Year Economics Question Papers (अर्थशास्त्र) ✔️

BA 3rd Year Geography Question Papers (भूगोल) ✔️

BA 3rd Year Psychology Question Papers (मनोविज्ञान) ✔️

BA 3rd Year Sanskrit Literature Question Papers (संस्कृत साहित्य) ✔️

BA 3rd Year Home Science Question Papers (गृह विज्ञानं) ✔️

BA 3rd Year Philosophy Question Papers (दर्शनशास्त्र) ✔️

BA 3rd Year Education Question Papers (शिक्षाशास्त्र) ✔️

⚠️अगर आपको क्वेश्चन पेपर्स डाउनलोड करने में किसी प्रकार की समस्या हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |

BA Model Papers 2024 1st, 2nd & 3rd Year all subject

BA Model Papers 2021 1st, 2nd & 3rd Year all subject

BA All Subject model question papers are given below. You have to click on the download links in order to get these papers are pdf file format on your device.

BA Question Papers 2024 by Nalanda Open University

Nalanda Open University

Note : These question papers are provided by Nalanda Open University .

एक ही फाइल में फर्स्ट इयर, सेकंड इयर और थर्ड इयर तीनो साल का प्रश्नपत्र दिया गया है |

  • B.A. (Economics) Part I, II and III
  • B.A. (Home Science) Part I, II and III
  • B.A. (Education) Part I, II and III
  • B.A. (Geography) Part I, II and III
  • B.A. (Hindi) Part I, II and III
  • B.A. (History) Part I, II and III
  • B.A. (Political Science) Part I, II and III
  • B.A. (Psychology) Part I, II and III
  • B.A. (Public Administration) Part I, II and III
  • B.A. (Social Work) Part I, II and III
  • B.A. (Sociology) Part I, II and III
  • B.A. (Tourism) Part I, II and III

Please leave a comment if the download links are not working.

BA First Year Model Papers 2024

Ba 1st year question paper 2024 by durg university.

Hemchand Yadav University

Note :  These question papers are published by Himchand Yadav University , Durg.

  • Management-I
  • Management-II
  • Functional English-I
  • Functional English-II

Please leave a comment if the download links given above are not working.

B.A. फर्स्ट ईयर का पेपर 2024 by Uttarakhand Open University

Uttarakhand Open University

Note :  These question papers are published by Uttarakhand Open University (UOU) .

कृपया ध्यान दें – अगर उपर दिया गया डाउनलोड लिंक काम नहीं कर रहा हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |

BA First Year Question Paper by SOL 2024

delhi university logo

Note :  These question papers are published by School of Open Learning , Delhi University.

  • Hindi Question Paper
  • History Question Paper
  • Politics Question Paper
  • Mathematics Question Paper
  • Sanskrit Question Paper
  • Economics Question Paper
  • NHE Question Paper

Please leave a comment if download links are not working.

BA First Year Question Paper by E-Pustakdwar 2024

Ba 1st year hindi question paper.

  • हिंदी प्रश्न पत्र 1
  • हिंदी प्रश्न पत्र 2
  • हिंदी प्रश्न पत्र 3
  • हिंदी प्रश्न पत्र 4
  • हिंदी प्रश्न पत्र 5

BA 1st Year Political Science Question Paper

  • Political Science Paper 1
  • Political Science Paper 2
  • Political Science Paper 3
  • Political Science Paper 4

BA 1st Year History Question Paper

  • BA History Paper 1
  • BA History Paper 2
  • BA History Paper 3
  • BA History Paper 4
  • BA History Paper 5
  • BA History Paper 6
  • BA History Paper 7
  • BA History Paper 8

BA 1st Year Economics Question Paper

  • BA Economics Paper 1
  • BA Economics Paper 2
  • BA Education Paper 1
  • BA Education Paper 2
  • BA Education Paper 3
  • BA Education Paper 4
  • BA Education Paper 5
  • BA Education Paper 6

BA 1st Year Sanskrit Question Paper

  • BA Sanskrit Paper 1
  • BA Sanskrit Paper 2
  • BA Sanskrit Paper 3
  • BA Sanskrit Paper 4

BA 1st Year Mathematics Question Paper

  • BA Mathematics Paper 1
  • BA Mathematics Paper 2
  • BA Mathematics Paper 3
  • BA Mathematics Paper 4

BA 1st Year Environmental Studies Question Paper

  • BA Environmental Studies Paper 1
  • BA Environmental Studies Paper 2
  • BA Environmental Studies Paper 3
  • BA Environmental Studies Paper 4
  • BA Environmental Studies Paper 5
  • BA Environmental Studies Paper 6

Please leave a comment if any of the download link given above is not working.

BA Second Year Model Papers 2023-24

B.a. सेकंड ईयर का पेपर 2024 by uttarakhand open university, ba second year question paper by hemchand yadav university 2024, ba 2nd year philosophy paper.

  • Philosophy Paper 1
  • Philosophy Paper 2

BA 2nd Year Psychology Paper

  • Psychology Paper 1
  • Psychology Paper 2

BA 2nd Year Geography Paper

  • Geography Paper 1
  • Geography Paper 2

BA 2nd Year Management Paper

  • Management Paper 1
  • Management Paper 2

BA 2nd Year Anthropology Paper

  • Anthropology Paper 1
  • Anthropology Paper 2

BA 2nd Year History Paper

  • History Paper 1
  • History Paper 2

BA 2nd Year Ancient History Paper

  • Ancient History Paper 1
  • Ancient History Paper 2
  • Ancient History Paper 3
  • Ancient History Paper 4

BA 2nd Year English Literature Paper

  • English Literature Paper 1
  • English Literature Paper 2

BA 2nd Year English Language Paper

  • English Language Paper

BA 2nd Year Functional English Literature Paper

  • Functional English Paper 1
  • Functional English Paper 2

BA 2nd Year Sanskrit Literature Paper

  • Sanskrit Literature Paper 1
  • Sanskrit Literature Paper 2

BA 2nd Year Hindi Literature Paper

  • Hindi Literature Paper 1
  • Hindi Literature Paper 2

BA 2nd Year Mathematics Paper

  • Mathematics Paper 1
  • Mathematics Paper 2
  • Mathematics Paper 3

BA 2nd Year Environmental Studies Paper

  • Environmental Studies Paper

BA 2nd Year Economics Paper

  • Economics Paper 1
  • Economics Paper 2

BA 2nd Year Music Paper

  • Music Paper 1
  • Music Paper 2

BA 2nd Year Dance Paper

  • Dance Paper 1
  • Dance Paper 2

BA 2nd Year Sociology Paper

  • Sociology Paper 1
  • Sociology Paper 2

BA 2nd Year Political Science Paper

Ba 2nd year home science paper.

  • Home Science Paper 1
  • Home Science Paper 2

BA 2nd Year Insurance Paper

  • Insurance Paper 1
  • Insurance Paper 2

BA 2nd Year Drawing & Painting Paper

  • Drawing & Painting Paper

BA Third Year Model Papers 2023-24

B.a. थर्ड ईयर का पेपर 2024 by uttarakhand open university.

अगर उपर दिया गया डाउनलोड लिंक काम नहीं कर रहा हो तो कमेंट करके हमें बताएं |

BA Third Year Question Paper by Hemchand Yadav University 2024

Ba 3rd year philosophy paper.

  • Psychology Paper
  • Psychology Optional Paper A
  • Psychology Optional Paper B

BA 3rd Year Geography Paper

Ba 3rd year management paper, ba 3rd year anthropology paper, ba 3rd year economics paper, ba 3rd year music paper, ba 3rd year dance paper, ba 3rd year mathematics paper.

  • Mathematics Paper 3(A)
  • Mathematics Paper 3(B)
  • Mathematics Paper 3(C)
  • Mathematics Paper 3(D)
  • Mathematics Paper 3(E)

BA 3rd Year Sanskrit Literature Paper

Ba 3rd year hindi literature paper, ba 3rd year environmental studies paper, ba 3rd year history paper, ba 3rd year ancient history paper.

  • Ancient History Paper 2(A)
  • Ancient History Paper 2(B)

BA 3rd Year English Literature Paper

  • English Literature Paper 2(A)
  • English Literature Paper 2(B)

BA 3rd Year Political Science Paper

Ba 3rd year home science paper, ba 3rd year insurance paper, ba 3rd year sociology paper.

  • Sociology Paper

BA 3rd Year Drawing & Painting Paper

अगर आपको किसी भी विषय और किसी भी विश्वविद्यालय का पेपर चाहिए तो कमेंट करके हमसे बताएं | आपको 24 घंटे के अन्दर पेपर प्रोवाइड कर दिया जायेगा |

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इस सेक्शन में मैंने कुछ लोगों के कमेंट का रिप्लाई किया है, क्योंकि उनके सवाल का जवाब कमेंट बॉक्स में देना कुछ मुश्किल था |

Hi शगुन जी, नमस्कार, आपने मुझसे Kumaun University का बीए का प्रश्नपत्र English लैंग्वेज में माँगा था | लेकिन क्षमा करें मैंने इन्टरनेट पर बहुत सर्च करने की कोशिश की लेकिन मुझे कहीं भी Kumanun यूनिवर्सिटी के क्वेश्चन पेपर्स नहीं मिले | इसका कारण यह है की आपकी यूनिवर्सिटी अपने किसी भी कोर्स का प्रश्नपत्र ऑनलाइन नहीं प्रोवाइड करती है |

लेकिन मैं दुसरे यूनिवर्सिटी का मॉडल पेपर्स इंग्लिश लैंग्वेज में दे रहा हूँ | उनका लिंक नीचे दिया गया है | यह प्रश्नपत्र हिंदी और अंग्रेजी दोनों भाषाओँ में हैं |

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आप उपर दिए गए लिंक को चेक करें और कोई दिक्कत हो तो मुझे कमेंट करके बताएं |

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tags- बा मॉडल पेपर २०२० बी ए का पेपर 2024 b.a. फर्स्ट ईयर हिस्ट्री पेपर बा १स्ट ईयर हिस्ट्री क्वेश्चन पेपर २०१९ b.a. फर्स्ट ईयर के पेपर कब है Ba फर्स्ट ईयर हिंदी साहित्य 2020 BA 3rd year Hindi question Paper 2021 BA फर्स्ट ईयर भूगोल का पेपर 2021 सेकंड ईयर पेपर b.a. फर्स्ट ईयर का पेपर 2023 b.a. फर्स्ट ईयर के पेपर b.a. सेकंड ईयर का पेपर 2020 b.a. फर्स्ट ईयर का पेपर कब से है 2023.

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June 3, 2024 at 8:44 pm

kuk University book provide

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June 4, 2024 at 7:15 pm

hey @Gagan, आप अपना सब्जेक्ट और ईअर बता दीजिये मैं बुक्स प्रोवाइड कर दूंगा |

अगर आपको बुक्स भी चाहिए तो इस लिंक से डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं –

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IGNOU Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Previous Year Question Papers

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BA 1st Year Question Paper 2024 pdf Download in Hindi Subject Wise

BA 1st Year Question Paper 2024 pdf Download in Hindi Subject Wise/ BA Part 1st Question Paper Pdf History, English, Geography/ BA BA 1st Year Model Papers 2024 Download/ B.A. 1st Year Question Paper 2024 Hindi

बीए पाठ्यक्रम के विषय उन छात्र-छात्राओ के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है। जो इस पाठ्यक्रम के विभिन्न विषयो इतिहास, राजनीति विज्ञान हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में रूचि रखते है। हम जानते है की इस समय विश्वविधालय में वार्षिक परीक्षाओ का आयोजन किया जा रहा है। इस लिए सभी छात्र-छात्राये BA 1st Year Question Paper Pdf खोज रहे है। तो हम इस पेज में आपको BA Part 1st के लिए कुछ प्रश्न पत्र उपलब्ध करा रहे है।

Table of Contents

हम आपको इस पेज में हिंदी में बीए पार्ट 1st कोर्स के लिए परीक्षा पेट्रन और Previous Year Question Paper को डाउनलोड करने के लिए आवश्यक जानकारी और बीए के सभी विषयो के Question pdf Download करने के लिए subject Wise Link प्रधान कर रहे है। ताकि जो उम्मीदवार BA Part 1st में अध्यन कर रहे है। वे आसानी से पिछले वर्षो के पेपरों का अध्ययन कर सके। जिसे वे परीक्षा पेपर को जान सके की BA 1st Year की Exam का Paper केसा होता है।

विद्यार्थी नीचे दिए गए अनुभागों से हिंदी में बीए प्रथम के वर्ष और सेमेस्टर एग्जाम के पेपर डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। बीए प्रथम वर्ष के प्रश्न पत्र हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में दिए गए हैं। उम्मीदवार जो बीए प्रथम वर्ष की तैयारी कर रहे हैं, वे बीए प्रथम वर्ष के लिए नमूना प्रश्न पत्र प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।

BA Course All Subject Question Paper

Course BA
Examination Year 1st Year
Subject All subject
Session 2022-23
Article Category Question Paper
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B.A 1st Year Hindi, History, English, Political Science 2024 Question paper Download

आप जानते है की परीक्षा की अच्छी तयारी के लिए आपको परीक्षा का पाठ्यक्रम जानना और समझना आवश्यक है। क्युकी इससे आप Syllabus / Exam Pattern & Previous Year Question Papers आदि का अध्यन करके अधिकतल अंक परीक्षा में प्राप्त कर पते है। आप देखते है की राज्य और केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालयों में कला स्नातक पाठ्यक्रम में हर साल बड़ी संख्या में विद्यार्थी अध्यन करने के लिए प्रवेश पते है। और वे परीक्षा में अच्छे प्रदर्सन के लिए कड़ी मेहनत करते है। इस लिए हम यहाँ उन सभी विद्यार्थियों के लिए उनके पाठ्यक्रम के लिए Question Papers & Model Paper को प्राप्त करने के लिए डारेक्ट लिंक उपलब्ध कराये है।

बीए क्वेश्चन पेपर पीडीऍफ़ डाउनलोड

  • B.A. (Economics) Part I, II and III
  • B.A./B.Sc. (Home Science) Part I, II and III
  • B.A. (Education) Part I, II and III
  • B.A./B.Sc. (Geography) Part I, II and III
  • B.A. (Hindi) Part I, II and III
  • B.A./B.Sc./B.Com.  (Hindi Composition) Part I, II and Hindi English (50+50)
  • B.A. (History) Part I, II and III
  • B.A. (Urdu) Part I
  • B.A. (JMC) Part I, II and III
  • B.A. (Political Science) Part I, II and III
  • B.A. (Psychology) Part I, II and III
  • B.A. (Public Administration) Part I, II and III
  • B.A. (Social Work) Part I, II and III
  • B.A. (Sociology) Part I, II and III
  • B.A. (Tourism) Part I, II and III
  • B.A. Urdu Composition (50 Marks) Part I

BA 1st Year Question  Papers

BA 1st Year Subject Wise Question Paper

Hindi Literature
English Literature
Political Science
Biomedical Science
Home Science

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IGNOU Assignment Question Papers

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This page contains IGNOU assignment question papers for the following years: 2022-23, 2023, 2023-24, 2024. This covers July and January Sessions.

MP Bhoj BA 1st, 2nd & 3rd Year Assignment 2023

  • June 7, 2023
  • Information

If you are pursuing Bachelor of Arts course from MP Bhoj Open University, then you can check and download MP Bhoj BA 1st, 2nd and 3rd Year Assignment 2023 on this page.

MP Bhoj University will release its ongoing session assignment for the Bachelor of Arts on the official website. Students can download MPBOU BA Assignment Question Paper for all their subjects. Students will not need to enter any details to get pdf files of MP Bhoj BA Assignments.

MP Bhoj University BA Assignment

MP Bhoj BA Assignment 1st, 2nd & 3rd Year

Madhya Pradesh Bhoj Open University जिसे सिर्फ Bhoj University के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, भोपाल में स्थित एक ओपन यूनिवर्सिटी है। यूनिवर्सिटी द्वारा graduation, post graduation, डिप्लोमा के कई कोर्स करवाए जाते है। हर साल हजारों स्टूडेंट्स भोज यूनिवर्सिटी में admission लेते है।

12th पास करने के बाद स्टूडेंट्स द्वारा सबसे ज्यादा किया जाने वाला कोर्स बीए है। भोज ओपन यूनिवर्सिटी में भी graduation के लिए सबसे ज्यादा admission बीए यानि बैचलर ऑफ आर्ट्स कोर्स में ही होते है।

MP Bhoj Open University offers BA course in many subjects like History, Political Science, Sociology, Hindi Literature, Economics, English Literature, Geography, Kathak, Dhrupad, Sanskrit etc. Students can choose any subject combination for their programme during admission.

Assignment of every subject in BA Course carries 30 Marks. Each assignment has 10 questions and each question is of 3 marks. So it’s important to make assignments carefully to get maximum marks.

MP bhoj ba 1st year assignment 2023

1st-year students of BA Course are going to make their assignment 1st time at MP Bhoj University. Before solving assignments, students should read all the guidelines made by the university.

Download BA First Year Assignment Question Papers by using the link in the table given below.

CourseBachelor of Arts (BA)
Year1st Year

MP bhoj BA 2nd Year assignment 2023

Download MP Bhoj University assignment 2023 BA 2nd year by using the link in the table given below.

CourseBachelor of Arts (BA)
Year2nd Year

MP Bhoj University BA 3rd Year Assignment 2023

Download BA Final Year Assignment 2023 Question Paper by using the link in the table given below.

CourseBachelor of Arts (BA)
YearFinal Year
Bhoj University Official Website

Also See : MP Bhoj University Assignment 2023

Assignments are crucial from an exam result point of view. Solve all assignment questions in the answer book provided by the university. All answers should be written in your own handwriting.

The Last Date for BA Assignment Submission is 15 July 2023. Submit your assignments to the Study / Regional Center before the last date. If you have any queries about MP Bhoj University BA 1st, 2nd and Final Year Assignments, comment down below. We’ll get back to you soon.

27 thoughts on “MP Bhoj BA 1st, 2nd & 3rd Year Assignment 2023”

mp bhoj b.com1st year ke assignment kab tak aayenge

Bcom ke assignment aa gaya hai

B A 1st year

इस में कितने में पास होगे

BA 3rd year 2022

paper kab tak me aayega ?

पेपर डालो भैया

The session is very late submission of assignment.

Sir please assignment ka kuchh kariye av tak online mein nahi dikha raha hai please

Sir mp bhoj ka assignment kyu upload nahi ho raha h Sabhi besabri se intjar kar RAHE h

Assignment ka question paper a gaya hai

Kaha h question paper

mp bhoj bhopal se assignment ke Question Papers kb tk dalenge ji kyo ki exam najdik aa rhi hai jankari dene ki ki krapa kre student ko paresani ho rahi hai assignment ki uttr pustika to sentar se de di gai hai lekin Question Papers hi nahi hai to likhenge isliye nivedan hai ki jald jald Question Papers net par dalne ki krapa kare

You will be informed here

Ha sir paper dalne me let q fir assignment or mean exams sab sath me lege kya

Sir mai gao se hu mujhe aage ki preparation ke liye bhar jana hai or mai abhi paper ki bjh se aage ki pdai bhi nhi kr pa rhi hu , I request assignment ko jld hi kr baiye

Mam assignment ki answer sheet kab Tak aayegi

Sir jald Assignment paper upload kariye 2022

Ab Kab tak honge assignment questions upload, abhi tak coming soon hi chal ra h notification par.

Mp bhoj 3rd year ke exam and assignment kab tak aayege sir

सर डी एन एच ई की पुस्तक अभी तक नही मिली है साथ ही प्रश्न भी लोड नही हुए हे

Sir ji mp bhoj BA ke assignment 2022 wale kab dalege

Sir 3rd year aasaiment ke questions paper kab upload honge website par bhojh ki……

Sir 3rd year ki assignment paper kab aaye

Sir 2022 wale bhi upload kar dijiye please

Bhoj University assignment question ke bare se jankari

mp bhoj 2nd year ke assignment kbb ayege 2021-22

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BA Course: Full Form, Eligibility, Admission 2024, Exams, Syllabus, Scope, Jobs

ba first year ka assignment

Waqar Niyazi

Content Curator

BA full form is Bachelor of Arts, it is a 3-year undergraduate course offered in a variety of fields. Candidates can apply for BA Course after completing their 10+2 with a minimum of 50-60%. BA Admissions are done based on entrance exams as well as merit. CUET, IPU CET and NPAT are the top BA entrance exams.  CUET exam is scheduled for May 15 – May 31, 2024 . Top BA colleges include LSR New Delhi, Loyola College, St. Xavier’s College, etc with an average fee ranging from INR 15,000 – 30,000.   

The job opportunities after the BA course depend on the specialization. Students can consider pursuing  Civil Services , becoming a teacher or a Content Writer, or can also pursue an MBA or law. As per salary reports, BA Economics graduates earn INR 7 - 8 lakhs annually whereas BA English graduates earn INR 3 – 4 lakhs annually .

  • BA: Quick facts

2.1   Why study BA?

2.2   Who Should Do a BA?

  • BA Admission Process

3.1   BA Eligibility

3.2   BA Entrance Exams

  • Types of BA

4.1  Full-Time BA

4.2   Distance BA

4.3   Online BA

Distance BA

5.1   IGNOU BA

BA Syllabus

6.1   BA Elective Subjects

BA Specializations

7.1   Top BA Specializations

Top BA Colleges in India

  • Study BA Abroad
  • BA Jobs

Bachelor of Arts: Course Details 

Full Form Bachelor of Arts
Course Duration 3 Years
Eligibility 50% in class 12
Admission Merit-based and Entrance Exam Based
Specialization BA History, BA English, BA Hindi, BA economics, BA Sociology etc
Career Prospects Psychiatrist, Historian, Sociologist, Author, Writer etc

About Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Arts  focuses on subjects such as Humanities, Social Studies and Liberal Arts. There are a variety of specializations like History, English, Philosophy, Economics, Political Science, Geography, Sociology, etc to pursue in Bachelor of Arts . The average duration of a Bachelor of Arts  ranges from 3 years for both regular and distance courses. Post completing BA degree, students can choose to study further such as MA and PhD in the same or relevant discipline. 

Why Study Bachelor of Arts?

With over 9 million people choosing to pursue a  Bachelor of Arts , BA degree has become one of the most popular courses in India. The following are some of the reasons why you should pursue BA after class 12:

  • A bachelor's degree in the arts provides more diverse career opportunities than a bachelor's degree in science or commerce.
  • Unlike , BSc , BBA , or BCom which concentrates on a specific discipline, a  Bachelor of Arts  concentrates on a broad range of concepts .
  • Aspirants with a BA degree have the option of working in healthcare, Management, business, Finance, Commerce, or any other field.
  • Because most government jobs and government exams, such as the SSC, require candidates to have a degree in the arts, pursuing a Bachelor of Arts  is the best option for those who want to work in the government sector .

Who Should do Bachelor of Arts?

  • Students who want to learn about different cultures and backgrounds should consider pursuing a BA in Literature .
  • BA Psychology can be studied by those who are interested in human psychology and study the ways to deal with emotional stress and related health complications.
  • Bachelor of Arts  also lets those students who want to explore earth, and its history, study geography via BA Geography or history via BA History .
  • Students who want to specialize in one of the languages can consider pursuing a Bachelor of Arts  in various specializations such as BA Hindi, BA English , BA French, etc.
  • Bachelor of Arts  also lets students who want to make a career in journalism, pursue BA in Journalism and get jobs at top reputed media companies.

BA Course: Admission Process

BA admission is now based on the CUET exam. A few colleges like IPU and NMIMS conduct their own entrance exam for BA admission. However, some colleges consider exam scores secured in class 10 and class 12 exams and take a round of personal interviews as a part of the BA admission process.

BA Admission 2024

BA Admission 2024 is open in top Universities and colleges. The registration process for BA Admission will take place in the month August, 2024.  Check:  BA Admission 2024  for the latest registration updates, exam dates, and result notifications.

BA Course: Eligibility Criteria

  • Students must complete 10+2 from a recognized board. He/she should score more than 50% marks in class 10 and class 12 exam.
  • Some colleges offer a 5% relaxation in the aggregate score for SC/ST/PWD.
  • Some colleges require students to have English as a mandatory subject in class 10 and class 12.

BA Entrance Exams

CUET is one of the popular exams for BA admission. Several top Universities like DU, JNU, and BHU will consider CUET scores for BA admission in 2024. The other popular entrance exams are IPU CET and NPAT.

BA Entrance Exam Dates 2024

Name of the Exams Registration Dates (Tentative) Exam Dates (Tentative)

May 15 – 31, 2024

Closed April 27 – May 14, 2024
Closed January 1, 2024 to May 25, 2024

BA Entrance Exam Preparation Tips

Top BA Colleges in India admit students based on class XII marks. BA Cut-off scores in Miranda, Gargi, and Hindu, go up to 98-99%. Hence, it becomes crucial to prepare well for the class 12 exams as well as entrance exams.

  • Keep track of colleges to which you want to apply, and fulfill the eligibility criteria. 
  • Try to ensure that the applications for BA colleges should be submitted well before time for a hassle-free process.
  • Making a proper timetable is a must when preparing for the entrances.
  • One must have enough ideas on what is happening in and around the world, as well as remain updated about the colleges, exams, and admission procedures.

Types of Bachelor of Arts

Other than a regular Bachelor of Arts  of 3 years duration, an aspirant can pursue a BA in distance mode or online mode, designed as per the demands of individuals who want to pursue a  Bachelor of Arts  from their homes, or along with their full-time jobs.

Types of BA Eligibility Duration Average Fees
Full-time BA  10+2 from a recognised board with 50% marks 3 years INR 10,000 - 80,000
10+2 qualifying degree from a recognized board. 3-6 Years INR 6,000 - 20,000
10+2 degree from a recognized board. 3 years  INR 40 000 to 1,00, 000

Full Time BA

  • Full-time Bachelor of Arts  is the most widely available and the most in-demand type of BA Course in India. 
  • CU, DU, MU, and other top Colleges provide Bachelor of Arts . 
  • Admission to full-time Bachelor of Arts  is based on merit or entrance exams conducted by some universities.
  • The average fees for a  Bachelor of Arts  range from INR 3000 to INR 10,000. 
  • Bachelor of Arts  in Private Colleges have higher fees which range from INR 60,000 to INR 3,00,000. 
  • Bachelor of Arts  is available in various specializations such as BA Hindi, BA English, BA LLB, etc.
  • Bachelor of Arts  is also available in Distance mode. This is a boon for students who are working or have a shortage of time or money. 
  • IGNOU offers a Distance Bachelor of Arts  for 3 to 6 years. 
  • To gain admission to IGNOU’s degree program, they have to pass its Bachelor’s Preparatory Programme (BPP) first.
  • Other colleges that offer Distance BA are TNOU, KSOU, USOL , etc.
  • The average Distance BA fee is INR 6,000 to 20,000.
  • Amity University provides a Bachelor of Arts (BA) Online degree which is UGC-approved.
  • A candidate who has passed class 12 from a recognized board is eligible for Online BA.
  • Amity University offers Online BA for a duration of 3 years, at a course fee of INR 1,50,000.
  • Apart from Amity University Online, Online BA courses are widely offered online by foreign universities such as Harvard University.
  • The admission process requires no entrance exams, or other prerequisites; an aspirant can simply apply to the college website by submitting an application and starting the course.

Distance BA is a 3-6 years correspondence course. IGNOU , TNOU, Karnataka State Open University are the top BA distance education colleges in India. The syllabus is almost the same as a regular course and there are weekly classes that the student has to attend. 

See More: BA Distance Education Colleges in India

Distance BA: Admission 2024

Distance BA Admission is done on the basis of merit. The students will have to apply in the college the student is interested in and the students will be selected on the basis of marks obtained in Class 12. 

The documents that are required for the admission process of BA Distance Education are mentioned below:

  • Marksheet of Class 12 Boards exam
  • Pass Certificate of Class 12 Board Exam
  • Self-addressed stamped 3 envelopes.
  • Community, Nativity and Income certificates in original (in the case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/OEC/OBC who are eligible for marks relaxation/fee concession)
  • Self attested copy of the S.S.L.C/S.S.C page etc. showing the date of birth.
  • Certificate from the employer, for availing relaxation in minimum marks in the case of teachers, Govt.employees, University employees etc.
  • IGNOU admits students to its distance BA program from both formal and non-formal schemes. The non-formal stream consists of those students who have not cleared 10+2 or equivalent exams. 
  • To take admission to IGNOU BA program, they have to pass its Bachelor’s Preparatory Programme (BPP) first.
  • Learners who successfully complete 48 credits in any one discipline will be given a BA Major Degree, whereas others will be awarded a BA General Degree. 
  • Students have to select at least 8 credits from the Application-Oriented Courses group.
Duration 3-6 Years
Fees (INR) 6000

10+2 or its equivalent or BPP from IGNOU.

Distance BA From DU

  • Delhi University has DU SOL which provides Distance BA courses in English, Political Science and General BA program.
  • Admission to the Distance BA program from DU is based on the applications received from the candidate if they fulfill the eligibility criteria.
  • To be eligible for Distance BA from DU, an applicant must score at least 45-65% marks in class 12 with the specialization subject in class 12.
  • The average course fee to pursue a distance BA from DU ranges between INR 3,400-3,600.
Average Fees INR 3,400-3,600
Specializations General, Political Science, English
Application Dates To be Announced
Eligibility 10+2 with at least 45% marks in the best five subjects
Duration 3 Years

Distance BA in Nalanda Open University

  • NOU Patna offers Distance BA in various specializations such as Geography and Home Science for a duration of 3 years.
  • An aspirant should hold an intermediate degree in any stream to be eligible for a distance BA at NOU Patna.
  • The admission process is merit and application-based at NOU Patna. The applications are open till the month of September 2024.
  • The average fee to pursue a Distance BA in Nalanda Open University is INR 2,400.
Duration 3 Years
Fees (INR) 2400
Eligibility Intermediate in any stream
Application Dates To be Announced

BA syllabus depends upon the course taken, but the following are the common BA subjects taught throughout the course duration, along with electives:

BA English Syllabus
English Literature Concurrent – Discipline Centered Anglo-American Writing from 1930/ Literary Theory/ Women’s Writing of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries/ Modern European Drama
Twentieth-Century Indian Writing Contemporary Literature Nineteenth-Century European Realism/ Classical Literature/ Forms of Popular Fiction
Concurrent – Qualifying Language - -
BA Political Science Syllabus
Constitutional Government and Democracy in India Generic Elective Indian Political Thought
Understanding Political Theory Language - MIL/ English Environmental Science Classical Political Philosophy
Political Process in India Introduction to Comparative Government & Politics Modern Political Philosophy
Political Theory-Concepts and Debates Environmental Science Language - MIL/ English Modern Indian Political Thought
Ability Enhancement Course Pol. Process & Inst. in Comparative Perspective Ability Enhancement Course
Perspectives on International Relations Perspectives on Public Administration Public Policy and Administration in India
Generic Elective Global Politics -
BA History Syllabus
History of India Social Formations and Cultural Patterns of the Ancient World Generic Elective (Interdisciplinary Any Four): Environmental Issues In India, Research Methodology in History, Making of Contemporary India, Delhi: Ancient, Delhi: Medieval, Delhi: Modern or Issues in the Contemporary World Any Two: Understanding Heritage/ Art Appreciation: An Introduction to Indian Art/ Archives and museums/ Understanding Popular Culture
Social Formations and Cultural Patterns of the Medieval World Rise of Modern West History of Modern East Asia
History of Modern Europe History Of Southeast Asia: 19th Century -

BA Subjects

English Psychology
Philosophy History
French Sociology
Journalism and Mass Communication Media Studies
Religious Studies Any Other Linguistics Course

BA Elective Subjects

Some of the BA Course electives are tabulated below:

Elements of Rural Development Understanding Human Language Archaeological Anthropology
Urban Geography Economy and Society Introductory Econometrics
Communication and Development Ethics In Public Domain Philosophy of mind
Developmental Psychology Environmental Issues In India Global Politics
Contemporary Literature Public Policy and Administration in India Ability Enhancement Course

The specialisation under BA Course are mentioned below. Bachelor of arts has a lot of specializations to choose from like BA Hindi, BA English, BA LLB, BA Psychology, etc. 

  • BA Hindi is a 3 year long undergraduate level bachelor degree course in the Hindi language. 
  • This course covers topics like communication skills, Communication skills in other languages, Reading literature, Translation theory and practice, Linguistics, history of Hindi literature, contemporary Hindi literature, etc. 
  • Top colleges for BA Hindi include Miranda House, Hindu College, Madras Christian College etc. 
  • The average fees range from around INR 15,000 to INR 35,000. 


Particulars  Details
Duration 3-6 Years
Eligibility 10+2 or its equivalent or BPP from IGNOU
Fees (INR) 9,600
  • B.A. English is a 3-year UG Course that deals with the various parts of English as a language, both written and spoken. 
  • BA English admissions take place on the basis of merit of the student’s 12th standard marks obtained. 
  • Some institutes do hold entrance examinations to admit students.  
  • BA English is an excellent choice for careers in teaching, media, and advertising, writing, and publishing.

BA English IGNOU

Particulars Details
Duration 3-6 years
Eligibility 10+2 or its equivalent or BPP from IGNOU
Fees (INR) 1,700
  • BA LLB is a professional integrated law course which is suitable for students who want to become a lawyer. 
  • BA LLB Syllabus contains both Arts subjects and Law subjects. 
  • Law Entrance Exams are available for students who wish to pursue this course. 
  • Average BA LLB Course Fees can be around INR 1.5- 7 Lakhs, but in colleges like KIIT , the fee may be upto INR 15 Lakhs.

Check Out: BA LLB Colleges

Top BA Specializations

Top BA colleges in India are centered around major cities such as Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Pune, etc. The tables below will discuss the top BA colleges across 5 metropolitan cities in India,

BA Colleges in Mumbai

College Name Average Fees (INR)

BA Colleges in Delhi

College Name Average Fees (INR)

BA Colleges in Kolkata

College Name Average Fees (INR)
Acharya Jagdish Chandra Bose College 8,600

BA Colleges in Bangalore

College Name Average Fees (INR)
RS College of Management 2,00,000

BA Colleges in Pune

College Name Average Fees (INR)
  • BA degree holders become eligible to work in both government and private sectors with an average salary ranging from INR 4-7LPA.
  • Educational Institutes, Economic Development, Export Companies, Foreign Affairs, Law Firms, Lobbying Firms, Media Houses, etc. are some of the main domains for these candidates to work.
  • Bachelor of Arts  students with less than 1 year of experience can expect a minimum salary of around INR 18,000- 25,000. In cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, etc., you can expect a minimum salary of INR 22,000- 28,000. 
  • In other cities, the minimum salary can start from INR 15,000- 18,000 but it largely depends upon the job profile and the company.
  • Deloitte, ITC Hotels, NIIT, Byju’s, Toppr, BCG, ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, KPMG, Accenture, etc. are some of the top recruiting companies for Bachelor of Arts.

Courses After BA

  • Candidates after Bachelor of Arts courses can go for professional courses like MBA , LLB , B.Ed , etc as well. 
  • Apart from these, there are several professional diploma courses also like photography, language studies (French, Spanish, etc.), graphic designing, digital marketing, etc. which will help you get better jobs in the market.
  • Students with a BA degree can do an MBA Course. The eligibility criteria for MBA is to have a bachelor course with more than 50%. 
  • Students will have to take preparation for MBA Entrance Exams in order to study MBA after BA. 
  • Since there is no bar on the age of the student to study LLB, studying LLB after BA is not a problem anymore. 
  • Students with a bachelor degree can study LLB which will last 3 years.

You can pursue MA in various specializations like:

After doing a Bachelor of Arts , you have a wide array of job options , higher education and government sector jobs.

BA Jobs: Top Recruiters

Company Name Average Annual Salary
Accenture INR 3.39 L
TATA Consultancy Services (TCS) INR 2.02 L
HCL Technologies INR 2.1 L
Genpact INR 2.28 L
Cognizant INR 3 L
Deloitte INR 2.9 L

Top BA Job Profiles

Job Profile Description
Content creators can be employed in any field ranging from copywriting to travel writing, blogging, etc. They are also required in big MNCs to develop content for brands and advertising.
Academic writers usually write content for research articles or papers and edit the already written articles for further modifications.
They are responsible for the safety of passengers inside the flight, taking care of them and serving them onboard.
Political Consultant A political consultant studies the origin, development, and operation of political systems, which may include public opinion, ideology, political decision-making,
Author/ Writer An Author writes fictional, academic, nonfictional or any genre of books or short stories, apart from different sorts of literature mediums.
Historian A historian usually writes or outlines the chronological account or record of past or current events in history, dealing with some phase of human activity, either in terms of individuals, or social, ethnic, political, or geographic groupings.
Psychologist employs their education and practical knowledge to provide diagnostic interviews, psychological testing, and individual, group psychotherapy, etc. They can work individually or may work as part of a multidisciplinary team or professionals.
Executive Assistant An Executive Assistant performs the role similar to a secretary or administrative assistant. They usually perform tasks from accepting and making phone calls, setting business meeting agendas reviewing incoming reports, etc.
A counselor guides students or professionals about their careers and studies as per the client’s interests. They work either individually or under some counseling company.
Foreign Language Expert Foreign language experts are the professionals who help to translate conversations and written files to overcome language barriers in business and communication.
Social work can be done in any field like child labor, women's rights, unemployment, anima services, etc. There are so many government institutions and organizations which require social workers. They are also employed by national and international NGOs.
An Archaeologist investigates historic and prehistoric sites and examines the physical remains to understand human links to the past and to preserve past cultures.

Below are the major Bachelor of Arts jobs with role description and average salary offered:

Job Profile Average Annual Salary (INR)
Content Creator 3.5 L
Academic Writing and Editing 4 L
Air Hostess/ Flight Attendant 6 L
Political Consultant 7.5 L
Author/ Writer 4.5 L
Historian 4.5 L
Psychologist 4.2 L
Executive Assistant 6 L
Counsellor 3.5 L
Foreign Language Expert 4 L
Social Worker 2.9 L
Archaeologist 3.5 L

Salary Trend

Ques. What is Bachelor of Arts in English?

Ans . Bachelor of Arts (BA) in English is a 3-year undergraduate academic course in the language English and English Literature. It is offered in various private and public universities and includes subjects like English Literature, Twentieth Century Indian Writing, British Poetry and Drama, American Literature, etc.

Ques: What are the common BA subjects?

Ans . It includes English, Hindi, History, Political Science, Philosophy, etc. apart from many elective courses like Fine Arts, Psychology, Economics, etc.

Ques What are the common BA jobs?

Ans. BA graduates find employment in private, public and government sectors in profession like Political Consultant and Analyst, Intelligence Specialist, Archivist, Historian, Museologist, Lobbyist, Restaurant Operations, Public Relations, Content writing and editing, Counselor, Consultant, Policy Maker, Flight Attendant, Academic Writer, Executive Assistant, Associate, Social Worker, etc.

Ques. Is a BA degree worth it?

Ans. Yes, it is totally worth it. First of all, the fees to pursue BA is less than any other degree out there. Secondly, there are so many career options after BA like higher education in MA, BA LLB, MBA, etc. and job offers as well in positions of Political Consultant and Analyst, Intelligence Specialist, Archivist, Historian, Museologist, Lobbyist, Restaurant Operations, Public Relations, Content writing and editing, Counselor, Consultant, Policy Maker, Flight Attendant, Academic Writer, Executive Assistant, Associate, Social Worker, etc.

Ques. What course should I do after BA?

Ans. You can pursue Master of Arts (MA), Master of Business Administration (MBA), Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) and many other professional diploma courses after doing a BA course.

Ques. Is BA a professional degree?

Ans. No, BA is an academic degree that provides a base to students who want to study liberal arts, social science and humanities.

Ques. How many subjects are there in BA courses?

Ans. Five compulsory subjects are taught in BA and there is an option to choose a wide variety of electives like Philosophy, Psychology, Economics, etc., apart from the five subjects.

Ques. What are some top BA colleges in Delhi?

Ans. Top BA Colleges in Delhi are Miranda House, St. Stephen’s, Kirori Mal, Hansraj, Hindu College, Gargi College, etc.

Ques. What is the duration and fees of BA course in IGNOU?

Ans. BA course in IGNOU can be done between 3 years to 5 years. Also, students must register themselves for each year in the official website. 

Ques. Why do students do BA LLB?

Ans. BA LLB is a 5-year integrated law course which students can do right after Class XII. Its curriculum is made in such a way that both law and art subjects are included in the entire course. This course is for students who want to become professional lawyers.

Ques. Is BA difficult?

Ans. No pursuing a BA is not too difficult. Candidates can pursue BA from regular colleges or distance and part-time mode as per their convinience.

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3257 Reviews found

Jorhat Kendriya Mahavidyalaya

Loan/ scholarship provisions.

There are total of 6 semesters of 6 months in total of 3 years. The fees is taken in every semester. The admission fee for each semester is around 3000 to 3200. The exam fees for each semester is around 2000. Our institute also provides free admission for the students belonging to BPL.

Course Curriculum Overview

I have always loved this course since my school days and thats why i chose this course. The curriculum is very relevant and prepares us for the real world application very well. Our institute conducts two sessional examinations and a final Examination in every semester.

Best college for middle class.

My college facilities overall is good. Not very bad not very good. I like water facility in my college. Because of very pure water and clean water. I don't like notice board announcements because they never be timed. In my course total exam is 4 in each semester .. total semester is six. Around 30 percent students fail to clear the exams.

Campus Life

All indian festivals held in my college in every month. Library is very good . All books are available. Classrooms is good in my college with tge facilities of good benches and fans. All sports available in my campus. Many students ru social groups, clubs etc.

Off campus du

Faculty is approachable easily Moreover, it's a good relationship between student and faculty. Faculty is really helpful to the students in their academics. As being an history political science student, I would like to appreciate the history and political science department as they are really easy to approach and helpful towards the learner. Non-teaching stuff is really Less approachable and grumpy towards the student Non teaching stuff does not behaves properly with the students. If I talk about exams.There are internal as well as theory exams in internal exam.There are different practicals , different assignments which have submit In theory exams, we have to write upon the concept we have understood. Early, there are 2 exams which we have to give semester vice. There are total of 7 exams which we have to give 4 main subjects and other subjects subjects are .G.E aec and sec vac. Though its a learning subject so you need good contents to crack the semester exams

As my course, history plus political science is related to a day today.Life and the past Soviet are given different exposures to it.For example, are there trips to museums And last year there was a trip to the udaipur visiting the historical monument. Extra caricature is also provided as there are department fest in which the society my member or the department team has to provide an intresting overview of the course. There is good student teacher ratios. teachers are easily approachable.Exams are usually moderate in level.Teachers used to help us with the online material and online previous year questions etcetera. They also used to refer us different books for For enhancing our academic skill and knowledge. Less then 30 40 students are there in each class.

There were a lot of annual and monthly festival the mainly functions are held in August and November There are various types of genre books in library they are helpful in various categories The classes were normal as usual no. Technical analysis involved there Sports I like football and tennis were the most usual No I didn't joined any of those process

Ive paid yearly about 16000 for my bachelor of arts Admission fees was about 300 and the examination fees was 5k The fees structure was actually the same for all but with some income certificate registered they could have made there fees a little less There were no financial aid to myself from the University pr any college

My college life experience till now

due to ongoing confilict in my state Manipur my college was turn to relief camp and due to that we didnt get the canteen at my 1st sem now in my second sem the relief camp has move out and all the building which was use has been all back and been operating till today and my college campus is not that big so we meaning most of use stay in our respective classroom and some at the waiting set

my course clearly doesnt have any course fee as it is gov. added college the 5000(5055 to be precise) i have written is the admission fee currently in second semester and we do clearly pay examination registration fee like other mine course is about like 2500 (forgot the direct amount)

My college experience

The faculty members are always approchable and co-operative. they always try to help with clearing doubts and recommend the right book. sometimes they are strict with studies and tries to give attention to every student. 2 internals with 1 end-semester exam is there and 90% of the students pass by Q

I chose sociology as it has many scopes for job even as a humanities subject. first this course allows you to do research and get to know about social problems. other than sociology every B.A. course has its advantage some subjects can be taken for upsc preparation including sociology.

Sd college reviewed

Campus life is great. Students coming here follo there passion along with the regular studies. I have seen many students dancing , playing guitar and other instruments and doing all the things they like to do besides studies. We easily get along .

The teachers are good. They ensure that you have grasped everything they taught you. The college exam system is semester wise so they have exams twice a year- may and dec. They also take mid semester exams for revision before the actual exam.

My Personal Experience in JMC

During high school, I started getting interested in different theories in Philosophy and learning & studying foreign languages which I chose this course. Honestly, I didn't feel my curriculum prepared me for real-world applications or academic pursuits. It was my French professor who gave us advice on how to choose which path we would like to go and what steps to take. I would suggest better courses in our curriculum to help students further navigate their academic pursuits. Some professors have a good teaching method by being interactive with the students while others have a much more traditional and unenthusiastic way of teaching which can come off as rather boring. Our exams would happen after every 5-6 months, we would get 3 hours to write our exam. The difficulty level for my course is not that hard, anyone who pays enough attention with a few days of studying can easily pass or score well in the exams.

The annual fest of JMC is called Montage where musicians are invited to perform and it's a huge deal. There are many technical fests for each department and society for example there is Catharsis (psychology department), Winter Chimes (Catholic Society fest) - each fest has competitions, open mic performances, food stalls, game stalls and much more. There are 9 compulsory societies and each student has to join at least 1. Then in addition there are many co-curricular societies for music, dance, drama, literature, photography etc. The library provides a range of books and readings in different subjects. There are variety of sports we can participate in - there's a basketball court, football field, a gym, fencing classes, boxing classes etc.

Aman nizami

total fees was 57000 with all taxes and formalies . my batchmate fees was also same as per our collage guidelines. as i was in general categery so i was not eligible for scholarship and i've scored 57 percentages.

youth festival, gala festival, indipendence day festival, and all mojour activities done by students whis was very important for collage activities. howewer all student took participate in all the activities

Review for studying BA English Hons. at Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi

I pursued my Bachelor's with honors in English literature. The fees increases from 14,000 in first year to 18000 in final year. The teachers were very good and understanding. They taught us excellently and helped us grow. There are many clubs and societies and joining them will definitely help you. Infrastructure could be better but considering it is a government college, it is decent. The college has a placement cell where you can join for internships and placements.

Internships Opportunities

Our college provides us with SRIVIPRA every summer. It is a research internship wherein you choose your mentor and topic and write a research paper. It last for 3 months and if you choose a good mentor, they will guide you very well. We are also provided with other internship opportunities like Vice Chancellor's internship scheme and others.

I am from st Xavier's college autonomous Kolkata , my course is BA general ofcourse compared to the other departments ny yearly fee is affordable so there are 2 installments for each sem which you need to fill before the mid term and the other one before the end sem . My total fees is 1. 6 lac If you are a outsider than ofcourse there is a hostel of the college 60000 for 3 months Depends on the facilities you want and on the sharing of people. There are no scholarship as far as concern however there are specific Kota through which you can enter Yes the fees is increased in the last one year but it's not expensive ,there are very good facilities and better guidance from teachers and hods . Overall my experience is good Hope this on helps you to find your dream college

It's fabulous there are too many society as i mentioned and there is a dreamy library which one can't even think of if you are obsessed with books like me it will become your go to place Each and every class is a smart class with AC and teachers teach with full perfection and concentration There is a yearly or annual sports tournament which is XPL Xavier's premier league and multiple sports are there indoor and outdoor Yes there is a student portal

College Life

After choosing arts i always wanted to complete B.A as i wanted to join indian army since my childhood The infrastructure of classes needs to be improved and they used use computer or projectors for some New era teaching methods to increase students intrest for education

The fee structure was good students admission fee was 5000 approx and the semester fee was nearly 5500 approx. There was discounts for Sc/St people on admission and also on semester wise fee. Scholarship was also given to Sc/St students yearly 15k approx.

I have a great day with my college life

One of my favourite college in Assam... when I go to take the admission I noticed the tuition fees caution fee registration fees ,admission fees are also cheap compare to other colleges... it's because only I am a schedule cast student but there is also have facilities for another cast students like scholarship or financial aid with like merit cum need

The course curriculum and teaching methods are very advanced... also the frequency and timing of exams along with my perspective on difficulty level is also good... as also I say about the curr Prepares for real word application


To be honest our college is quite inactive in cultural things. The only major fests are the freshers and the annual fest, which are held in the month of November and February. Some minimal events like the induction programmes by various departments, women's week etc are also held. The best part about the college is it's library. All the books ranging from a novel to an encyclopaedia to magazines and journals, is available. Even the library also offers e-library. The classrooms are well equipped with proper lights and fans and seating arrangement. Some of the pg classes even contain ac rooms and projectors.

The tuition fee doesn't not increase frequently and remains same throughout the years. The last modification was in 2023 which raised the fees from 4000 to 15000 annually. Nevertheless it's very minimal compared to other colleges. Scholarship is available for students belonging to weaker sections. The students apply for the scholarship online on the website and go through certain verifications and is refunded his whole tuition fee.

Best college in south campus

The course curriculum is very good. The area of improvement in the course is there are a very large amount of students in class and there is only one teacher to handle it. They should be divided into 2 or 3 parts means they should increase the faculty members. The timing of the exam is not satisfying sometimes the teachers come 10-15 minutes late.

The total fee of the college including the examination fee is 7000 approx. I have recently completed my first year in this college so I can't talk about the increasing or decreasing fee structure. It's a little bit hard to tell. The re are government scholarships.

5000/year college fees for BA I got 6000+ per year scholarship This University is very good for pursuing BA and ofcourse fees is very affordable also you get scholarship for your higher studies So I suggest this University for every person who want to pursue BA in any department

I want to pursue BDS so l tried for competitive exam like neet for two years and l take admission in BA with neet after l completed my 12 in 2021 but overall this University is best for BA I done my degree in home science department


The fees for the bachelor of arts course is 13810 rupees in the 1st year and 13110 rs for next two years. This fees is decent as per the infrastructure provided by the college , various concession on fees is given to PWD students , defence wards , EWS .etc. Also the college provides additional scholarships for scoring good in semester exams in its annual day.

Annual fests are organised by various societies and clubs , campus life is good as it offer one of the best canteens in DU , sports facilities are good , there is big ground for cricket , basketball court volleyball court and TABLE TENNIS.etc.

The experience of my college life

I want to improve my English knowledge and also flourish my ability.The ability which I get from my college through this english honours improve my skills to perform well.I want to announce for specific areas like the spoken English institute that they can do better improvement for every student who faces difficulties to spoke in english.

Every year our students union faculty organized the social where many celebrities singers were come to perform and entertain us.We organised sports in our college campus.Several books of several writers are available in our college library.There is no competition any student can take participate of the annual social.

Detailed review of univercity of Calcutta

So many festivals. You get freshers welcome, annual sports, annual social programme, blood donation camp, clean bharat camp etc I feel like they need some improvement in their library. Books are outdated No special facilities. Only traditional methods and classroom It has special clubs. Alumni association, NCC, NSS etc

Curriculum was quite unique and modern and much needed for the modern concept of education. Because i am from education subject background i think the curriculum is beneficial for the for the real world applications They should focus on new teaching learning materials and modern materials

Insights of the college

The infrastructure of The college is worst sometimes the fans Does Not works sometimes the Lights does not works Basically , there are two buildings in our college , the old building and the new building. The library is full equipped with air conditioner and Have a variety of books The Facilities of the technological provisions in the Classroom is almost zero The sports faculty is the worst ever facility in our college and there are many societies that are Run by the student , the very active society is the national service scheme Society , and there are many other societies such as Geetanjali and NEPATHYA

I chose this course as i have to do master in future.. The curriculum of the course is amazing and is designed for the student in such a way that he can understand it easily. The area Off improvement that Teacher should focus on is that instead of theoratical learning they should focus on practical learning. The class test assignments are Frequently conducted to assess the students

Bachelor of Arts [BA] : 31 answered questions

Ques. what is the minimum passing marks for ba in ignou.

● Top Answer By Shivani Bhat on 21 Nov 22

Ques. How do I prepare for the BHU (BA) honors entrance exam?

● Top Answer By Jagriti Singh on 16 Nov 22

Ques. How is life at JNU for MA students? Is it only hectic or do students have fun too?

● Top Answer By Akriti Banerjee on 04 Jul 23

Ques. Which subjects come under a BA social science (Hons.) in BHU, Varanasi?

● Top Answer By Akanksha Rai on 16 Nov 22

Ques. What are average placements of BHU in LLB?

● Top Answer By Mayank Verma on 18 Nov 22

Ques. Can I apply for LLB after graduating B.A through IGNOU correspondence study?

● Top Answer By Devraj Mehta on 03 Nov 22

Ques. What is BPP from IGNOU?

● Top Answer By Alok Thakkar on 21 Oct 22

Ques. Is there a semester system in IGNOU for BA courses?

● Top Answer By Anil Karki on 28 Oct 22

Ques. Is it a good idea to graduate from IGNOU while simultaneously preparing for UPSC CSE? Exactly how tough is it to get a BA degree from IGNOU?

● Top Answer By Saurabh Mishra on 10 Nov 20

Ques. Which course can I take after completing bpp from Indira Gandhi national open university? Can I go to other universities after bpp?

● Top Answer By Tausif Khan on 23 Jul 22

The BA Honors courses offered at DU SOL are BA Political Science Honors and BA English Honors. The total course fee for these courses are INR 10,890.

The average course fee for Distance BA courses in India ranges from INR 6000 to INR 20000. The course fee entirely depends on the institute you have seeked admission to.

To get admission to the BA course of Calcutta University you must have passed Class XII examination from a recognized board with at least 50% marks. Admission is based on Class XII merit.

The admission eligibility for BA courses differ from one college to another. However, the general eligibility criteria include to pass Class XII examination from a recognized board with a minimum score of 40-50% marks.

The top entrance exams accepted for admission to BA courses in Indian colleges are CUET, NPAT, BHU UET, TISS BAT, IPU CET, JNUEE, etc.

Bachelor of Arts [BA] + Bachelor of Education [B.Ed]

Bachelor of arts [ba] (english), bachelor of arts [ba] (economics), bachelor of arts [ba] (history), bachelor of arts [ba] (political science), bachelor of arts [ba] (sociology), bachelor of technology [] (biomedical engineering), certificate course in stock market, bachelor of science [] (psychology), master of science [] (zoology), master of technology [] (data analytics), bachelor of arts [ba] colleges in india.

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St Stephen's College

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Miranda House

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Hansraj College - [HRC]

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IGNOU BAHIH Assignment 2023-2024 (July – January)

IGNOU BAHIH Assignment 2024 - IGNOU BAHIH Assignment Question Paper has been uploaded by the university for its current session 2024. The students of the BAHIH program can now download the Assignment Questions from this page. Candidates have to compulsory download and submit these assignments with the solutions to the university to get permission for attending the Term End Exam of the IGNOU BAHIH Program.

We also inform all BAHIH students that the assignment questions for each of the courses of the IGNOU BAHIH program are available for download from here. You have to prepare each of BAHIH assignment separately so that IGNOU Evaluators can easily understand and identify the course code of each subject.

  • IGNOU BAHIH Syllabus
  • IGNOU BAHIH Study Material
Program Code
Name of the Program Bachelor of Arts (Honours) History
Session 2024
Applicable For TEE December 2024

List of IGNOU BAHIH Assignment 2024

  • Download IGNOU BAHIH Assignments 2024

Each of the Assignment questions will have different marks and the same will be printed on each question. Candidates should write the solutions to all questions according to the instructions given in the IGNOU BAHIH Assignment Question Paper . The BAHIH students have to submit the Assignments for each course to IGNOU Study Centre in which they get registered. The candidates have to submit it before the due date to appear in Term End Exam conducted by IGNOU.

IGNOU BAHIH Assignment Submission Last Date for 2024

Here is the Last Date for Submission of the IGNOU BAHIH Assignment to appear in the Upcoming Term End Exam December 2024 or June 2025 .

For TEE December 2024 30th September 2024
For TEE June 2025 31st March 2025

Where to Submit IGNOU BAHIH Assignments?

If you have completely solved your assignment then you have to submit your IGNOU BAHIH Assignments to the coordinator of the study centre which is allotted to you at the time of admission. Don’t forget to get a receipt for the submission of BAHIH Assignments.

After preparing the solution for your BAHIH Assignment, you have to submit IGNOU Assignments to the coordinator of the study centre which was allotted to you at the time of taking admission. Moreover, Don't forget to get a receipt for the submission of BAHIH Assignments.

74 thoughts on “IGNOU BAHIH Assignment 2023-2024 (July – January)”

mera book nhi aaya hai

BAHIH ka BPAG 171, BPAG 172 ka assignment kiu nehi aa raha he kisiko pata ho to kindly mujhe bataye

2023 July ka assignment kab jama karana ha kisi ko pata ha to please bata dijiye kyuki mere assignment me to aagle saal Apri our October ki Date bata rakhi ha to please bata dijiye ki July assignment 2023 wala kab jama hoga aagar kisi ko information ho to please bata dijiye

Yes I have provided BAHIH books meterial (22-23)but assignment is not arrived

Hume sirf apne subject ke hi assignments banana ha ki Sabhi k

bhai pta chle to btana muje bhi? isme to saare hi given h but is semester m to sirf kuch hi subjects h inme se to.

Aapne hi subject ke bana ne ha assignment

Sir, Ye assignment 2nd year January 2022 session ke liye valid hai?

I have enrolled in BAHIH JULY 21 session but till now not find the assignment in portal . please send help

I’m bahih Hindi student tell me assignment date

July2021 session ka assignment Kab bharna h

Hello everyone, I just registered for BAHIH programme today. How can I know if I have enrolled for July 2021 session or January session? When will I receive study materials. Someone pls help

January 2021 BAHIH me kitne subject ka assignment likhna hai.

anyone can tell BHIH PROgramm exam date


What is last date of assignment submitted of BAHIH.

I have enrolled in BAHIH January 2021 session and I didn’t get my assignment questions. If anyone get them Please leave a reply.

I have received eight books of my History Honours BA course. Four books are for History which code are BHIC-101 102 103 104 and remaining four are Environment, English language etc. So the problem is that how can a person make a assessment without books, because BHIC 105, 107 assignments also need to be done. Internet learning needs more effort to make assignments.

You don’t need to write 105 and more than that, those are for third semester students and not for us. We need to write the four assignments only.

I am also waiting my book set. semester is July kindly confirm when i will get my book set


Bhai same here. abhi confusion m hi hu.. mujhe reply krna. gooda2146 ye mera gmail h.. msg dena agr tere ko pta chle.. to

Sir , June 2021 assignment ka result kab ayega

BHIC 101, 102 kr liya h kya?

bhic 101,102,103,104 assignment download hua h.. baki bche hue char Beave 181 , bsog171, begav 182, bgdg 172 ka nhi prepare krna ky assignment.. Yrr isliye hi open distance learning bekar h..pura confusion rhta h. plz somebody reply.. BA history honours h july 2020 admission.. hyderabad center.. agr koi h aas pas to yrr mil lo mil ke center chlte h.. ek din

Mera bhee wahi baat hai bhai

BHIC 103, BHIC 104 Ka assignment kb aayega. I’m July 2020 student

BAHIH first year ke students ko kitne assignments bnane honge ? Btayega koi please and paper kitne hone h total toh 8 subject hote h books bhi complete ni aayi h abhi please help

Hey dear apki books aa gyi h kya mujhe toh ek bhi book nhi mili Abhi Nd assignments bhi 4 hi download kr payi hu mein toh or mil hi nhi rhe ap btaoge mujhe iske baare mein plz

My admission confirmed on 23 september 2020 Nd now everyone saying that assignment September m hi submit karne h now can u plz tell me when would I have to submit my assignment plzzzz

BAHIH ( 2020-2021) July Session के लिये Assignment कब तक उपलब्ध होगा।

BAHIH ka assignment mil gy ky please reply dena

Sirf 4 honours subjects ka aaya hai baki kuch nahi aaya hai agar kuch pata chale to please inform me

I have enrolled in Dec but assignment code no BHIC 103 AND 104 not show on website

hello brother, aapne bahih101 ka assignment bna lia hi kya

Hello friends, brother and sister… Please help me .. assignment kb aayega aur ye kha summit Hoga.. offline ya online summit Hoga.

I have enrolled in December seccion but till now not get all assignment questions


How we would submit assignment in September? We have not received all assignments.

2 subject ka assingment diya hai na abhi tk

HEY, Myself md Azad I don’t have found the rest of the assignments like BHIC-103 BHIC-104 How can I get them please reply.

Bhic 103 ,104 aya ki nahi

Hello bhai mai pune se hi mera bhi same problem hai mere sare assignments ho chuke h bas BHIC 103 and BHIC 104 abhi tak nahi aaya website pe uske bina kaise karenge assignments submit maine bohot mail bheje IGNOU walo ko wo jawab hi nai de rahe h bilkul bhi bhai tumko agar ye assignments mile to please mujhe bhi batana

Hello bhai kya assignment h tumahre pas to plz send me

Maine jan 2020 mai admission liya hai program bahih hai mujhe pta nhi kon kon se assignment submit karne hai koi batao


Our IGNOUHelp team will upload it soon once it gets released from IGNOU Officials.

September ane wala hai hum kese Kare assignment submit abhi tak nhi aya bhic 103,104

I’m July 2020 BAHIH 1st year student. Muje abhi tk books nhi mili hai. Kb tk aa jaayegi . Pls reply

Mujhe bhi nhi mili abhi tak .

I m student of July 2020 session BAHIH . I could not submit my assignment of ist year / or both semester . Can I submit my assignment now ..can I pay exam fee now …please help me how can I submit my assignment . What is the last date please some one help me

Hume assignments kb dene h kuch pta h🙄

Mera bhi same kya aap english medium ka h kya


Apko abhi MIL gaya Kya bhic 103 or 104

Aap history Hons k student ho kya ? Aapko books mil gyi kya…. Pls reply dear

Haa ,mujhe mil gyi books, maidan garhi, chatarpur se milegi books

Aap jan21 session ke student ho kya BAHIH ke assignment kb bnane hai

Gujarat kutch se admission liya he abhi tak books nai mili july 2020 session.

haa mil gya h post ke through aaya h. books kaafi achhe condition me mile h.

September me shayad

Assignments are available now is BHIC and EHI is it same #Namita kumari.

Assignment submission process

Last submit date of assignments

Nahi mujhe book nahi mili han

Nahi Mila hai aur aapko

Hey, need to GET HELP from BAHIH program students,please reply if possible

Yes mil gyi

Haa book aa agata hai

Aapko books mil gyi kya ? Pls reply

Abhi tak Nahi mila

Ranchi marwari college se koue h kya jiska history Honour paper h plzz reply

Bhai mera to books hi abhi tk nai aaya h kya karu..

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VMOU BA Assignments 2023-24

Vardhman Mahaveer Open University has uploaded its ongoing session Assignments for the Bachelor of Arts course for session 2023. Students enrolled in the BA Program at VMOU Kota can download the vmou ba assignment from this page. These assignments are for VMOU BA 1st, 2nd, and Final Year Students.

वर्धमान महावीर ओपन यूनिवर्सिटी कोटा से बीए करने वाले सभी स्टूडेंट्स को exam देने से पहले assignment questions को download कर असाइनमेंट बनाना जरूरी है। यह असाइनमेंट बीए प्रथम, द्वितीय और अंतिम वर्ष के सभी छात्रों को सभी विषयों के लिए बनाने होते है।

अपडेट- January 2023 सत्र के विद्यार्थियों के लिए असाइनमेंट जारी कर दिए गए है। यूनिवर्सिटी द्वारा विद्यार्थियों को असाइनमेंट के अंक उनके थ्योरी पेपर में प्राप्त अंकों के आधार पर दिए जाएंगे।

vmou ba assignment

Vardhman Mahaveer Open University Kota में BA में Admission हर वर्ष दो बार होते है। यह admission जुलाई और जनवरी माह में होते है। इन दोनों सत्रों से बीए करने वाले स्टूडेंट्स को असाइनमेंट्स बनाकर last date से पहले regional centre पर submit करना होता है।

यहाँ हमने vmou kota से B.A. करने वाले 1st, 2nd & 3rd year के students के लिए assignment उपलब्ध कराए है। इन असाइनमेंट को स्टूडेंट यूनिवर्सिटी की ऑफिसियल वेबसाईट के माध्यम से भी ऑनलाइन डाउनलोड कर सकते है। यह असाइनमेंट पीडीएफ़ फाइल में उपलब्ध है।

Assignments की PDF Files में BA 1st Year, Second Year and Final Year students के लिए subject codes के साथ प्रोजेक्ट फाइल बनाने के लिए questions दिए हुए है। इन questions को vmou books और online sources की हेल्प से हल कर assignment submit करने की last date से पहले जमा कराना है।

VMOU BA 1st Year Assignment 2023

VMOU में ba 1st year में admission लेने वाले स्टूडेंट्स को असाइनमेंट के बारे में ज्यादा जानकारी नहीं होती है क्योंकि वो कोटा ओपन यूनिवर्सिटी के साथ अपना सफर शुरू कर रहे है। उन्हें session 2022-23 के लिए यहाँ दिए B.A. First Year Assignment को डाउनलोड कर प्रत्येक सब्जेक्ट के लिए अलग से असाइनमेंट बनाना है।

Assignment में बीए के सभी विषयों के असाइनमेंट दिए हुए है। ऐसे में स्टूडेंट को अपने subject code से subject को ढूंढकर असाइनमेंट prepare करने है। जैसे BA 1st Year में History के लिए HI-01 और HI-02 सब्जेक्ट कोड है।

B.A. 1st Year

अगर किसी स्टूडेंट को अपने subject code ध्यान नहीं है तो वो vmou की website पर student one view के द्वारा अपने subjects के subject code को देख सकता है।

BA 2nd Year Assignment

B.A. Second Year

Vardhman Mahaveer Open University BA Final Year Assignment

Assignment 2023PDF
B.A. 3rd year

हमने यहाँ पर कोटा ओपन यूनिवर्सिटी के बीए के सभी वर्षों (1st, 2nd & 3rd) के लिए असाइनमेंट प्रदान कर दिए है। ध्यान दें कि assignments में सभी प्रश्नों की marking अलग है और इन्हें करने के तरीके एवं शब्द-सीमा के बारे में जानकारी असाइनमेंट में दी हुई है।

VMOU के BA के सभी courses और ba general के स्टूडेंट्स को अपने असाइनमेंट को vmou के उस study centre या regional centre पर सबमिट कराना है, जिसके लिए वो रजिस्टर्ड है। सभी असाइनमेंट को assignment submission last date से पहले सबमिट करना है अन्यथा यूनिवर्सिटी द्वारा आपका रिजल्ट रोक दिया जाएगा।

VMOU Kota B.A. Assignment Last Date 2023

For June 2023 Exam : 15 May 2023

For December 2023 Exam : 15 January 2024.

If any change is made to the last date of submission of the assignment by the university, you will be informed here. If you have any queries about the VMOU BA Assignment for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year, comment below. Our team will help you ASAP.


Sir mera 3rd year ka paper assignment paper nahi nikal rahe h


Sir mere ba first year and year mark seet me name me miste hai right ho payega kya

Sir mere BA 2 year assignment ke questions nhi Nikal the h . Plz agr kuch trika to batay

exam kab hai

Hello sir aap time pe exam krvate nahi ho .. Ham sikayat karinge.. Gehlot ji se……

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  1. IGNOU BA Assignment 2023-2024 (July

    I took admission in August 2022, when will be the class of BA 1st year and from which assessment to be mad. Reply. Shabnam says: October 30, 2022 at 6:14 pm ... good morning sir ji BA admission July 2023 session ka assignment kab Tak aayega. Sabita Biswas says: June 14, 2021 at 3:21 pm. Ignou BA Ist year admission- Jan 2021,,,when to release ...

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    B.A 1st year Indian History - Culture : Telugu Akademi: यहाँ से खरीदे : B.A First Year Sociology : Telugu Akademi: यहाँ से खरीदे : English 1st Year BA: Chethana Book House: यहाँ से खरीदे : B.A / B.Sc First Year Physical Geography: T Pratigna : यहाँ से खरीदे

  3. BA 1st Year: Admission, Syllabus, Subjects, Skills, Colleges

    BA 1st Year: Highlights. Duration: 3 Years: Eligibility: 10+2 or Equivalent: ... is scheduled once a year. Although assignments can be submitted only once a year, there is a high chance that if you fail to appear in May or December TEE, you can appear for that particular subject on another cycle. For example, you enrolled in this course in 2021 ...

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  5. Assignments

    ASSIGNMENTS (Programme wise) Bachelor's Degree Programmmes. BDP/B.A. Four Year Under Graduate Programme (FYUG)/BAM. Four Year Under Graduate Programme (FYUG)/BSCM. CBCS/BAG. July 2024-January 2025 . January 2024-July 2024 . July 2023-January 2024 . January 2023-July 2023

  6. BA 1st Year English Syllabus, Subjects, Semester, Skills ...

    BA 1st year subjects are English Language, Indian Writing in English, Prose, Fiction, Drama, Literary Forms and Terms, The History of English Literature (1350-1850), Environmental Studies, Value Education etc. ... You must also submit your assignment at the study centre before the last date. The questions for the assignment can be found on the ...

  7. BDP/BA Assignment

    Session: July 2022-January 2023. MIL Courses. Ability / Skill Enhancement Courses (English/Hindi) Ability / Skill Enhancement Courses (Hindi) Generic Elective Courses (English/Hindi) Generic Elective Courses (Hindi) BHDLA-135. BHDLA-136. BHDLA-137.

  8. #1 BA 1st Year Geography 2nd Semester Unit-1 fully detailed video

    Join this channel to get access to perks: Friends, आप BA में है क्या ...

  9. IGNOU BA Solved Assignment Papers: Download Process ...

    Candidates can get an idea about the type of details to be filled in on a cover page from the BA-solved assignment papers. Size of Paper : As per IGNOU's rule, the assignment must be written only on an A4-size paper. Candidates who want to begin their assignment can gain a fair idea regarding the paper size to avoid any discrepancies later.

  10. BA Model Papers 2024 PDF Download (1st, 2nd & 3rd Year)

    BA First Year Model Papers 2024. BA 1st Year Question Paper 2024 by Durg University; B.A. फर्स्ट ईयर का पेपर 2024 by Uttarakhand Open University; BA First Year Question Paper by SOL 2024; BA First Year Question Paper by E-Pustakdwar 2024. BA 1st Year Hindi Question Paper; BA 1st Year Political Science Question Paper

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    BA Public Administration (EPA/BPAE) BA Sociology (ESO) BA Economic (EEC) ... Question paper 1st year bacholar of arts. Reply. Komal May 3, 2023 At 9:32 pm . ... Last Date of Assignment Submission. Year Wise. July 2023 Session:31st May 2024 (for June 2024 Term End Exam).

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    WhatsApp Group Join Now. BA 1st Year Question Paper 2024 pdf Download in Hindi Subject Wise/ BA Part 1st Question Paper Pdf History, English, Geography/ BA BA 1st Year Model Papers 2024 Download/ B.A. 1st Year Question Paper 2024 Hindi.

  13. PDF BA English General Programme (BAG) ASSIGNMENT

    udy Centre when you submit the assignment.1.Write your Enrolment Number, Name, Full Address and Date on the top right corne. o. he first page of your response sheet(s).2. Write the Course Title, Assignment Number and the Name of the Study Centre you are attached to in the centr. our response sheet should look like this:

  14. IGNOU Assignment Status, Marks & Result 2024 (June)

    sir mere assignments ke MHD 1st year ke marks hi show ho rahe h second year ka ek sub ka bhi show nhi ho raha.or na hi koi process me dikha raha h. Sapna says: July 15, 2024 at 12:46 pm ... Date 03/10/2023 ko subject BHIC 105 ka assignment jama ki thi or thik do din yani 5/10/2023 ko BANS 184 ko speed post ke dwara Patna IGNOU branch mithapur ...

  15. IGNOU Assignment 2024-25: Submission Last Date, Question Paper

    IGNOU BA Assignment 2024: Download: 8: IGNOU Bed Assignment 2024: Download: 9: IGNOU BSc Nursing PB Assignment 2024: Download: 10: IGNOU Bcom Assignment 2024: ... ke assignment submit kiye the 2024 me by mail through link aaya tha mail pr but koi update nhi aa raha hai only ma first year ka ho show ho raha. Reply. Jonas Ekka says: July 2, 2024 ...

  16. BA 1st Year English Literature Syllabus, Subjects ...

    Content Curator. BA English Literature subjects in 1st year are History Of Literature And Philology, Indian Writing In English, European Classical Literature, British Poetry And Drama (14th - 17th Century), Environment Study, Communicative English etc. Top skills required for BA 1st Year English Literature are Strong communication skills ...

  17. Ignou ka assignment kaise banaye

    Ignou ka assignment kaise banaye | ignou assignment ka front page kaise banaye | ignou assignment 2022नमस्तेमैं चंदन राय ...

  18. IGNOU Assignment Question Papers

    This page contains IGNOU assignment question papers for the following years: 2022-23, 2023, 2023-24, 2024. This covers July and January Sessions.

  19. IGNOU BA Admission 2024: Last Date, Fees, Eligibility, Duration

    August 15, 2024 IGNOUHelp. IGNOU BA Admission 2024: Last Date, Fees, Eligibility, Duration - IGNOU BA Online Admission is now open for July 2024 session. The students who want to take a fresh admission in the BA first semester or year can apply online before the due date. IGNOU BA Admission Last Date is 31st August 2024 for July 2024.

  20. MP Bhoj BA 1st, 2nd & 3rd Year Assignment 2023

    Download BA First Year Assignment Question Papers by using the link in the table given below. Course: Bachelor of Arts (BA) Session: 2023: Year: 1st Year: Assignment: ... Sir please assignment ka kuchh kariye av tak online mein nahi dikha raha hai please. Sakshi Patkar June 8, 2022 at 4:46 PM

  21. BA Course: Full Form, Eligibility, Admission 2024, Exams, Syllabus

    BA full form is Bachelor of Arts, it is a 3-year undergraduate course offered in a variety of fields. Candidates can apply for BA Course after completing their 10+2 with a minimum of 50-60%. BA Admissions are done based on entrance exams as well as merit. CUET, IPU CET and NPAT are the top BA entrance exams.

  22. IGNOU BAHIH Assignment 2023-2024 (July

    2023 July ka assignment kab jama karana ha kisi ko pata ha to please bata dijiye kyuki mere assignment me to aagle saal Apri our October ki Date bata rakhi ha to please bata dijiye ki July assignment 2023 wala kab jama hoga aagar kisi ko information ho to please bata dijiye ... I have received eight books of my History Honours BA course. Four ...

  23. VMOU BA Assignments 2023 (1st, 2nd & Final Year)

    VMOU Kota B.A. Assignment Last Date 2023. For June 2023 Exam: 15 May 2023. For December 2023 Exam: 15 January 2024. If any change is made to the last date of submission of the assignment by the university, you will be informed here. If you have any queries about the VMOU BA Assignment for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year, comment below.