A. Bugaku
B. Sarugaku
C. Primitive Noh
D. Authors and Audience
III. Noh theater
A. Authors
B. Props
1. Masks
a. women
b. demons
c. old men
2. Structure of Stage
C. Themes
1. Buddhist influence
2. The supernatural
D. Kyogen interludes
E. Audience
IV. Kabuki
A. Authors
B. Props
1. make-up
2. special effects
C. Themes
1. Love stories
2. Revenge
D. Audience
V. Bunraku (puppet) theater
A. Authors
B. Props
C. Themes
1. Love stories
2. Historical romances
D. Audience
The follows the introduction, and breaks down the points the author wishes to make.
Note that some sections have subdivisions, others do not, depending on the demands of the paper.
In this outline, II, III, & IV all have similar structure, but this will not necessarily be true for all papers. Some may only have three major sections, others more than the five given here.
"How to Write an Outline." U at Albany, State U of New York. U at Albany, State U of New York, 2011. Web. 5 Dec. 2012 <http://www.albany.edu/eas/170/outline.htm>.
10. Plan a structure for the essay. This may change as the research develops but it is useful to have a sense of direction from the start.
English a & b ee examples.
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Design Technology
Individuals & Society:
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Information Technology in a Global Society
Social & Cultural Anthropology
World Religions
Language Acquisition:
Literature & Language
Visual Arts:
Interdisciplinary Essays:
Environmental Systems & Societies
World Studies
IB Assessment Criteria/Subject Specific Guides/Exemplars/Etc; Extended Essay Conclusion. A conclusion is not merely a summary of the main topics covered or a re-statement of your research question, but a synthesis of key points and, if applicable, where you recommend new areas for future research. For most essays, one well-developed paragraph ...
The Complete IB Extended Essay Guide: Examples, Topics ...
Extended essay - International Baccalaureate® ... Extended essay
Four kinds of ineffective conclusions 1. The "That's My Story and I'm Sticking to It" Conclusion. This conclusion just restates the thesis and is usually painfully short. It does not push the ideas forward. People write this kind of conclusion when they can't think of anything else to say. Example: In conclusion, Frederick Douglass was, as
These highlight the diverse range of topics covered by International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) students during their extended essays. Some examples are: "An analysis of costume as a source for understanding the inner life of the character". "A study of malnourished children in Indonesia and the extent of their recovery ...
skepticism with something more constructive. The Extended Essay is your chance to go beyond taking things apart and begi. o figure out how to put something together. Essays are in. rpretive or argumentative pieces of writing. Your job is to write a persuasive essay gathering, applying, repurposing, questioning evidence in.
The conclusion says what has been achieved, including notes of any limitations and any questions that have not been resolved. While students might draw conclusions throughout the essay based on their findings, it is important that there is a final, summative conclusion at the end. This conclusion (s) must relate to the research question posed.
In conclusion, the Extended Essay is a pivotal element of the IB Diploma Programme. It's an invaluable opportunity for intellectual and personal growth, preparing students for the challenges of higher education and beyond. ... A unique and integral component of the IB Extended Essay (EE) process is the Reflections on Planning and Progress ...
The International Baccalaureate® (IB) provides several resources for IB World Schools. These include support materials for the extended essay. Items in the IB store are available to everyone. Publications include: 50 more extended essays, a DVD of essays submitted in the DP that all fulfil the requirements for an 'A' grade in the current ...
The Extended Essay (EE) is an independent, self-directed academic research, presented in the form of a 4,000-word paper. One component of the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) core, the extended essay is mandatory for all students. The final work is given a grade from E to A, and makes up part of each student's
While students might draw conclusions throughout the essay based on their findings, it is important that there is a final, summative conclusion at the end. This conclusion(s) must relate to the research question posed. 6. ... IB-provided. "Student sample extended essays, corresponding marks and comments from senior examiners are available for ...
The IBO publishes two volumes of 50 Excellent Extended Essays, covering all Diploma Programme groups -- and all scored a top A grade. Click on the link below to access PDFs of the essays. 50 Excellent Extended Essays; All 50 essays are also available in electronic form in the QD Library on the iPads. Look for the display at the circulation desk.
Extended Essay Conclusion. Now let's move on to the final part of IB extended essay guidelines. In conclusion, focus on summarizing the main points you have made. No new ideas or information can be introduced in this part. Use conclusion as your last chance to impress your readers. Reframe your own strong thesis. Here you must show all key points.
IB Extended Essay is a smaller beast considering that you give it enough time before it becomes more prominent. All you need to do is relax your mind, de-stress and follow a simple procedure explained further in the article. There is no need to panic. Trust us, listen to us, and be like us!
Conclusion. The IB Extended Essay is an opportunity for high school students to engage in independent research and develop essential academic skills. By following this step-by-step guide and staying committed to your research and writing, you can successfully complete your extended essay and present a well-researched and well-structured project ...
The viva voce is a short interview between the student and the supervisor, and is a recommended conclusion to the extended essay process. Students who do not attend the viva voce may be disadvantaged. The viva voce serves the following purposes. A check on plagiarism and malpractice in general.
Outlining is best done as a middle stage in the writing process, not at the very beginning. Follow these steps in the order given before attempting an outline: 1. Read, gather information, and think about your essay topic. 2. Take notes, jot down ideas, use your Researcher's Reflection Space. 3.
IB Extended Essay: Past Essays
IB EE examples for all subjects
The extended essay and reflection sessions can be a valuable stimulus for discussion in countries where interviews are required prior to acceptance for employment or for a place at university. How is the extended essay assessed? All extended essays are externally assessed by examiners appointed by the IB. They are marked on a scale from 0 to 34.
Sample IB EE's - 2016-2017 IB Extended Essay
The development of the world studies extended essay pilot has been underpinned by extensive academic research and development. IB staff have worked closely with both teachers in the pilot schools and Harvard Graduate School of Education, Project Zero Interdisciplinary Studies Project, to develop this exciting extended essay option.
Submission deadline. Last updated: 06 June 2023. The International Baccalaureate® (IB) sets a submission date for the extended essay, which is communicated to schools. It is each school's responsibility to ensure that all candidate work is received by the IB, with the required paperwork received by the submission date set.