StandOut CV

CV template for 16 year old + examples

Andrew Fennell photo

Leaving school and entering the world of work is an exciting challenge.

You want to land yourself a good well-paying job, but you’re going to need a strong CV first.

Knowing how to write a CV and what information to include in it can be tricky when you’re 16 years old, so I’ve put together this guide which has a CV template and some example CVs to help you.

16 year old CV template (no experience)

  • 16 year old CV template (with part-time work experience)

What is a CV?

How to write your cv.

CV templates 

This is an example CV of a 16 year old who has left school and has no work experience.

16 Year Old CV (No Experience)-1

16 year old CV template (with some experience)

This is an example CV of a 16 year old who has some part-time work experience working in a shop.

16 year old CV template with experience 1

So, you’ve been told that you need to write a CV if you want a job, but what the hell is a CV anyway?

A CV (short for curriculum vitae ) is simply a written document that contains lots of work-related information about you; such as your education, qualifications, skills… and experience (if you have any yet)

You send your CV to employers when you apply for jobs, and they read it to decide whether or not you are suitable enough to be invited to an interview.

What is a CV

Your CV is often the only thing an employer will have to judge you on, so getting it right will really help you to get more interviews and land better jobs.

It’s probably one of the most important documents you will ever write in your life.

Who reads your CV?

When you apply for a job online, your CV will normally be reviewed by one of two people;

  • Recruiters and

Hiring managers

Hiring Managers vs Recruiters

These are the bosses within the employer’s organisation who are looking for somebody to work in their team or department – They are the person who you will end up working for if you get the job. For example if you apply for a sales assistant role in a shop, the hiring manager could be the shop manager or supervisor.

These are the middle-men who help hiring managers to find the right people for their jobs. It’s their full-time job to review CVs and applications, and pass on the best ones to the hiring managers to be considered for an interview.

So, if you want to land job interviews, your CV must impress these people.

CV builder

Now that you’ve seen some good example CVs, I will show you step-by-step how to write your own interview-winning CV.

Structuring your CV

CV structure

For most young people, this will be the best way to structure your CV , so that you are giving employers the information they need, in the order they would like to see it.

  • Contact details – At the top of the CV so they don’t get missed
  • CV profile – Your introductory paragraph

Core skills and achievements

Hobbies and interests.

(And if you have any work experience, you can add that too like the example above)

Formatting your CV

When formatting your CV, you need to ensure that it;

  • Looks professional so that employers take you seriously
  • Is very easy to read so that busy recruiters and hiring managers don’t have to spend too much time reviewing it

So how do you do this?

  • Keep the CV short and sweet – 1 page long is fine if you have no experience – 2 pages if you have some work experience to add.
  • Make the text clear – Use a simple font like Arial or Tahoma and keep the colour scheme basic, like black text on white
  • Break text up as much as possible – using short sentences and bullet points (this makes it easy for readers to digest the info on the page)
  • Divide the CV sections clearly – with bold heading and borders to make navigation easy

What writing software to use?

It’s best to write your CV using a word processor like Microsoft Word or Google Docs because they are easy to use, and the most commonly accepted format for CV across the globe. They can also be saved into PDF format to restrict readers from editing.

Quick tip:  If you struggle with spelling and grammar, try our quick-and-easy CV Builder

Now, let’s take a detailed look at each section of your CV, and how to write it.

(If you prefer to learn visually, you can check out my video guide here instead)

Name and contact details

Head the top of your CV with your name and contact details, so that readers know who you are, and how to reach you.

Never hide your contact details at the bottom of the CV, in case they are missed!

All you need to include is:

  • Telephone number
  • Email address (use one that looks professional – no silly nicknames)

You don’t need to include your date of birth or full address – they aren’t needed at this early stage of the application.

Your CV profile

Start your CV with a powerful profile (sometimes called a personal statement ) which is a short paragraph that introduces you, and summarises all of your most impressive skills and knowledge.

CV profile

The purpose of the profile is to catch hiring managers attention and quickly show them that you are a good candidate for them.

The type of information you should include is:

  • Education  – Grades, subjects, courses, awards
  • Hard skills  – Numeracy, writing, languages, IT system experience etc.
  • Soft skills  – Communication , team work, adaptability, personal skills
  • Your objective  – e.g. You want to work in finance, or you want to become a lawyer (you should also write about this in your  cover letter )

Quick tip: Research the types of jobs you are applying for, before you write your CV, by looking at lots of similar job adverts online. Make a list of the things they are looking for in candidates, such as skills , qualifications, interests etc. Then try to include as many of these things as you can in your profile and throughout the rest of your CV.

To ensure that recruiters and hiring managers don’t miss your most important skills and impressive achievements – add a bullet pointed section like this to put them in.

Core skills section CV

Here, you can show off any skills that are highly relevant to the jobs you are applying for, or anything really impressive you have achieved in school, or in your personal life.

For example, you may want to highlight the fact you were a school prefect, or captain of the hockey club.

Employers will be keen to see what you have achieved as a student , so use your education section to show them.

Include details such as:

  • Which school you attended and the dates you attended from and to
  • Which subjects you studied and your exam results (GCSEs, A levels)
  • Any clubs you were a member of
  • Any awards you received
  • Any sports you played
  • Any extracurricular activities you took part in
  • Volunteer work you did through school

Work experience

If you have any work experience, such as a paper round or part-time job in a shop , then add it to showcase the valuable skills you have picked up.

Use a structure like the role in the example CV above and list the contributions you made to the employer, showing how you helped them to run their business.

If you haven’t got any work experience, don’t panic. We all have to start somewhere, and there’s plenty of ways to prove you have valuable skills and experience without it.

Quick tip: A poorly written CV will fail to impress recruiters and employers. Use our quick-and-easy CV Builder to create a winning CV in minutes with professional templates and pre-written content for every industry.

If you have little or no experience, your hobbies can provide you with a great way to showcase some important workplace skills.

Some good hobbies to include are:

  • Sports – Playing individual or team sports can demonstrate teamwork, communication, leadership, coordination and more
  • Clubs – Being a member of a club like scouts or a book club proves dedication, motivation and can involve lots of other skills
  • Volunteering – supporting a charity or business can require lots of workplace skills like dealing with customers and working to deadlines
  • Accomplishments – If you’ve run a marathon or raised money for charity, it proves you are hard working and will look great on your CV
  • Career-related interests – If you have any interests that are closely related to the jobs you are applying for, you should definitely include them. E.g. if you are applying for writing jobs, and you write your own blog, that’s a perfect way to highlight relevant skills.

You can also check out my video on how to add hobbies and interests to your CV…

Writing a CV as a 16 year old

Writing your CV when you have little or no experience can be challenging, but it’s not impossible.

If you follow the steps above and focus on showing employers that you have the skills and knowledge they need – you should easily be able to write a winning CV.

Once you’ve written your CV, you must work hard applying for plenty of jobs on job websites, and also by searching out companies and sending them direct emails to ask if they are hiring.

You won’t get a reply from every application you make, so just be patient and persistent, and you will soon land that job!

Good luck with your job search!

Cover Letters and Resume Samples

Top 20 Skills Statements for a 16-Year-Old’s Resume

When you are on the brink of professional life and want to obtain your first job, it is often difficult to convince a hiring manager that you are skilled enough to do the job.

But even without the benefit of experience, you can effectively highlight your skills in a number of areas.

Apart from soft skills such as the ability to work in a team environment, and knowledge of solving problems, you can highlight skills pertaining to the job that you are applying for.

For instance, if you are applying for an accountancy job, your calculation skills can be emphasized.

Resumes often do not have specific rules for jotting down your skills, as long as you don’t confuse them with job duties.

Placing soft, intangible skills in a 16-years-old resume will do wonders for your candidacy for the job.

If you want to see what these skills may be, refer to the skills list provided below:

16-Year-Old’s Resume Skills Examples

  • Able to work in a team, and lead teams as necessary
  • Special talent for resolving problems before they convert into crisis situations
  • Skilled in communicating effectively with people from diverse backgrounds
  • Knowledge of delegating tasks to individuals, based on their specific capacities
  • Ability to negotiate terms with vendors and suppliers
  • Solid decision-making skills, aimed at ensuring that work processes are timely managed
  • Open-mindedness, with a solid ability to listen, and provide insight where needed
  • Excellent analytic skills, coupled with exceptional organizational abilities
  • Critical thinking to develop innovative solutions
  • Able to maintain discipline within diverse situations
  • Strong time-management skills, with a great ability to ensure that deadlines are constantly met
  • Outstanding public speaking skills, along with a great ability to reach out to people from different walks of life
  • Able to exercise diplomacy and fairness, in conflicting situations
  • Empathetic and selfless individual, with a solid understanding of exercising compassion.
  • Great attention to detail, allowing for thoroughness, and accuracy in work processes.
  • Desire to learn new things, the ability to learn quickly, and skills in applying learned skills immediately
  • Tolerant of change in uncertainty, while remaining in constant working mode
  • Able to motivate others to work towards a common company goal
  • Exceptional networking skills, with solid knowledge of performing communications and outreach work
  • Solid business ethics, focused on following company protocols and procedures
  • Greeter Skills for Resume | Sample Statements and Guidance
  • Autism Teacher Skills for Resume – Sample Statements
  • Nurse Practitioner Hard Skills Statements for Resume
  • Carpentry Skills List for Resume [11 Statements]

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Apply for your First Adult Passport

Apply for a Child Under 16

Apply as a 16 or 17 Year Old

Get My Application Status

Get a Passport Card

Respond to a Letter or Email

  • Both parents or guardians must approve that we can issue a passport to a child, and go with the child to apply in person.
  • If one or both parents or guardians cannot apply with their child, you will need to show us more documents.
  • You cannot renew your child's passport using Form DS-82.
  • Passports for children under age 16 are only valid for 5 years. 

Steps to Apply

1. fill out form ds-11 and print it.

Use our Form Filler tool  to fill out your child's form on a desktop or laptop computer and then print it. If you are experiencing technical issues with the Form Filler, download a PDF . 

Fill Out Form DS-11 Online

Tips to complete your child's form :

  • Do not sign your child's form until asked to do so by a passport acceptance agent or employee. 
  • You can apply for a passport book , a passport card , or both documents.
  • You may ask for a larger passport book with more visa pages, at no extra cost, by checking the 'large book' box at the top of the DS-11.

2. Get Evidence of U.S. Citizenship (and a photocopy)

Your evidence must be an original or replacement copy. The document must have the official seal or stamp of the office which issued it. You must submit one of the following documents for your child:

  • Issued by the city, county, or state of birth
  • Lists applicant's full name, date of birth, and place of birth
  • Lists the parent(s)' full names
  • Has the date filed with registrar's office (must be within one year of birth)
  • Has the registrar's signature
  • Has the seal or stamp of the city, county, or state which issued it
  • Consular Report of Birth Abroad or Certification of Birth
  • Certificate of Citizenship
  • Please note you must also provide a document, such as a birth certificate, that lists the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the child. Full validity means the document is or was valid for 10 years for adults and 5 years for children under 16. 

If you cannot submit one of these documents, go to our  Citizenship Evidence page  for more information.

Paper only : You cannot submit digital evidence of U.S. citizenship such as a mobile or electronic birth certificate. You must submit physical evidence of U.S. citizenship and a photocopy of the document. 

Returning your child's document : We will return your child's document in a separate mailing up to 8 weeks after you receive the new passport.

Tips for making a photocopy :

  • Black and white (no color)
  • Use 8.5 inch by 11 inch paper
  • Use a single side of the paper

If you do not submit a photocopy, you must submit a second copy of your citizenship evidence. We will keep this copy for our records.

Sample U.S. Birth Certificate

3. Show Your Relationship to Your Child

You must submit a document that lists the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the child. Examples include:

  • U.S. birth certificate (also evidence of U.S. citizenship)
  • Foreign birth certificate
  • Adoption decree
  • Divorce or custody decree
  • A court order

Some documents, like a U.S. birth certificate, show  both  U.S. citizenship and parental relationship. These documents must be originals or certified copies (not photocopies).

You and your child may have different last names, as long as the document showing your relationship to your child lists your full name.

If your name is different than the one on the document showing your relationship to your child, submit proof of your legal name change.

4. Get a Photo ID (and a photocopy)

Both parents or guardians must bring a physical, photo ID and a photocopy of it. If your photo ID is from a different state than the state in which you are applying, bring a second photo ID. 

You must show at least  one  of these photo IDs:

  • Valid or expired, undamaged U.S. passport book or passport card 
  • In-state, fully valid driver's license or enhanced driver's license with photo
  • Certificate of Naturalization 
  • Certificate of Citizenship 
  • Government employee ID (city, county, state, or federal)
  • U.S. military or military dependent ID
  • Current (valid) foreign passport
  • Matricula Consular (Mexican Consular ID) used by a parent of a U.S. citizen child applicant
  • U.S. Permanent Resident Card (Green Card) used by a parent of a U.S. citizen child applicant
  • Trusted Traveler IDs (including valid Global Entry, FAST, SENTRI, and NEXUS cards)
  • Enhanced Tribal Cards and Native American tribal photo IDs
  • In-state, fully-valid learner's permit with photo
  • In-state, fully-valid non-driver ID with photo
  • Temporary driver's license with photo

If you do not have one of these photo IDs, go to our  Identification page  for more information.

5. Show More Documents (if both parents or guardians cannot apply)

  • Both parents or guardians must approve that we can issue a passport to a child, and go with the child to apply in person.
  • If one or both parents or guardians cannot apply in person with their child, you will need to show more documents.
If... Then...
One parent can't go in person (but both of you have custody) Submit a  . The parent that cannot apply with the child must:
You have sole legal custody, or you are the only parent

Submit one of these documents:

 parent  .
You cannot find the other parent (but both of you have custody)

Submit a 

Neither parent able to appear

Submit a  or a notarized statement from both parents or guardians giving that person (example: grandparent) permission to apply for the child.

Important : Submit  Form DS-3053  and other notarized statements within three months of signing them.

6. Provide a Photo

You must provide one photo with your child's application. Go to our  Passport Photo page  for photo requirements and to see examples of photos. 

  • Do not attach or staple your child's photo to the form. The acceptance agent or passport employee will review the photo and staple it to your form.
  • Some  passport acceptance facilities
  • A company which offers photo services
  • Home. Ask your friend or family member to take your child's photo. Print it on glossy or matte photo quality paper. 

7. Calculate Fees

When applying using Form DS-11, you will pay two separate fees - an application fee and an execution (acceptance) fee. You will pay the application fee to the U.S. Department of State, and the execution (acceptance) fee to the facility which takes your application. 

  • Add $60 to your application fee if you want  expedited service .
  • Add $19.53 to your application fee if you want us to ship your completed passport in 1-2 days after we issue it.  

Child Applicants :

Product Form  Application Fee Execution (Acceptance) Fee
Passport Book $100 $35
Passport Card $15 $35
Passport Book & Card $115 $35

For more information on how to pay and a full list of fees, go to our  Passport Fees  page.

*How to fill out your check and pay the application fee to the U.S. Department of State. Please note you must pay a separate execution (acceptance) fee. 

Families may write one check or money order to the U.S. Department of State if they are applying at the same time. The check or money order must include the name and date of birth of each applicant.

personal statement examples 16 year olds

8. Find Location to Apply

In the United States:

  • Traveling in more than 3 weeks?  Go to a  passport acceptance facility  such as a post office, library, or local government office. Check with the facility to see if you need to make an appointment. 
  • Traveling in less than 3 weeks?   Make an appointment  to apply at a passport agency or center.

In another country:

  • Contact your  U.S. embassy or consulate .

9. Track Your Application Status

You can  subscribe to email updates  about your application status, and  learn more about each status update .

It may take 2 weeks from the day you apply until your child's application status is “In Process.” 

Frequently Asked Questions

How will you send my child's passport and supporting documents.

You will get multiple mailings. The number of mailings depends on what document(s) you asked for.

Passport Book : You may get your new passport and citizenship documents in two mailings. You may wait 8 weeks after getting your passport before you get a second mailing with your citizenship documents. We will return the passport book using a trackable delivery service.

Passport Card : You may get your new passport card and your citizenship documents in two mailings. You may wait 8 weeks after getting your passport before you get a second mailing with your citizenship documents. We only send the passport card via First Class Mail. We do not send cards using 1-2 day delivery services.

Both a Passport Book and Card : You may get three separate mailings:

  • New passport book
  • New passport card
  • Citizenship documents

Contacting Us : If you have been waiting more than 8 weeks for your documents, call us at  1-877-487-2778  to report that you have not received your documents. 

If you want us to reimburse you for a lost supporting document, you must contact us within 90 days of the date which we mailed your passport. You will also need to provide a receipt to show the cost of replacing the document. 

Can I pay for faster delivery and return shipping?

Yes. You may choose one or both of the following shipment options:

  • Delivering application to us : Pay for Priority Mail Express for faster shipping. The price for this service varies depending on the area of the country.
  • Returning the passport to you : Pay $19.53 for 1-2 day delivery. This means you will receive your passport   1-2 days after we send it. Include this fee with your check or money order payable to the U.S. Department of State. Do not submit a return envelope to us with postage pre-paid. 

You may receive your passport and supporting documents in separate mailings. If you are renewing a passport card, we will send it to you via First Class Mail. We do not use 1-2 day delivery services if you only applied for a passport card.

What countries require Form DS-3053 "Statement of Consent" to be notarized at an embassy or consulate?

In certain countries, a DS-3053 must be notarized at a  U.S. embassy or consulate  and cannot be notarized by a local notary public. Currently, these countries include:












Saudi Arabia






Sierra Leone




Central African Republic



Cote d'Ivoire



Dominican Republic






Equatorial Guinea


Trinidad and Tobago









United Arab Emirates








North Korea


Special Passport Fairs

Find a Special Passport Fair  near you!

We're holding special passport fairs all across the United States to help you get your passport more easily. New events are added to our site every week.

Most events are for first-time applicants and children, (who use Form DS-11). If you can use Form DS-82, you can renew by mail at your convenience!

Processing Times

Routine:  6-8 weeks*

Expedited: 2-3 weeks and an extra $60*

*Consider the total time it will take to get a passport when you are booking travel.  Processing times only include the time your application is at a passport agency or center.

  • It may take up to 2 weeks for applications to arrive at a passport agency or center. It may take up to 2 weeks for you to receive a completed passport after we print it. 
  • Processing times + mailing times = total time to get a passport

Urgent Travel:  See our Get my Passport Fast page. 

How to Apply for your Child's Passport

Watch this video to learn how to apply in person for your child's U.S. passport!

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Cv example for 16 year olds.

Table of Contents

If you are 16 and looking for your first job then this will need to fit around your education and what you would like to do when you start a career. The school-age for leaving is still 16 years of age but it is recommended that you stay in education or do some further training at this stage to help progress your chances of getting a long term job and gaining some skills through the experience.

At 16 you will usually only have your school days to reflect on, so it is important to go through the skills that you have learnt during school and any hobbies or extracurricular activities you have done outside of school.

Don’t know how to mention your hobbies and extracurricular activities in a best way, then we are here for help with our reliable CV writing services.

Remember also that you have other skills and qualities through your time at school such as being organised, working to deadlines, working with others etc so it is important to think how these would fit into the role that you are looking to apply for. Read how to start writing an academic cv .

Related : Student Cover Letter

CV Example for 16 Year Olds

Name Surname Address Mobile No/Email


I am a responsible person who is keen to begin a career in (what – plumbing, electrician, gardener etc). During my days in Education I have (what have you learnt, studied that could be relevant to the career you want to have?)

I have learnt how to work with others in group projects and how important it is to allow people to be able to talk and have their say. I work in an organized manner and always like to get my work done in plenty of time and not leave anything to the last minute.

I am keen to continue learning and would be happy to learn new skills at the same time as gaining practical experience.

University, College, School – For all include titles/subjects and qualifications.

List your schools and subjects and Grades in order of most recent first EG: GSCE’s subject and Grades:



Date to Date or To Date – JOB TITLE – Where?

You will only have an employment history if you have done any part-time work such as a paper round or Saturday job whilst you have been at school.


  • Computer skills – MS Office, Excel, Outlook, Social Media? Anything relevant.
  • What else have you done through school that could be relevant. This will largely depend on what you are hoping to go onto to do? If you want to be a plumber and do an apprenticeship then maybe you did some work experience working alongside a plumber?


  • What do you like to do outside of work?
  • Available on request – use your Headmaster/mistress or any college or work experience.

Best CV examples for 16 year olds – How to write

Although it can be difficult to write a CV for a 16-year-old, you can still do so by using CV examples for 16 year olds . Because drafting a CV can be intimidating and requires little to no experience. Despite obstacles for inexperienced candidates, you can still highlight your qualifications in a formal document called CV.

Also, to look for an apprentice CV example , follow here.

If you are currently looking for your first part time job, you most likely have never had to prepare a teenager CV before and are unsure where to begin. When completing job applications, your teenager CV is crucial, and writing one can be easy. Fortunately for you, we’ve put together this helpful guide to assist you in creating the ideal CV for 16 year old that will guarantee you land that job.

Best CV examples for 16 year olds

What is a CV?

A CV is an essential first step in finding a job. Employers can see more than just your past accomplishments. It displays your abilities to them. Consider it an introduction to one of the world’s most remarkable and employable individuals, and that is you. One of the finest methods to market yourself to employers is your CV.

It provides you the chance to demonstrate to them in a page or two how qualified, skilled, driven, and prepared for work you are as well as how you differ from the competition. It’s a fantastic option for job applicants who have a limited amount of work experience. You are free to use a CV template, but a CV template may be more beneficial if you have little work experience because it allows you to highlight your education, abilities, and interests.

Recommended: Graduate CV Examples

What is a CV?

Why is it crucial for 16-year-olds to have a cv?

A CV submission demonstrates professionalism, planning, and tenacity. Most students need to be made aware that even with minimal employment experience, they have enough information for a teenager CV. For instance, in the CV for 16 year old example teenagers would list their volunteer work, interests, extracurricular activities, academic honors, and applicable course work.

You can discover a lot about who you are and your many interests from all of these situations. A CV for 16 year old still at school UK can help demonstrate language skills if seeking a volunteer role that requires an interview, a part-time or Saturday job, or both.

How to Write a CV by utilizing a CV template

Employers can learn about your soft skills, interests, and past accomplishments through your teenager CV. When you’re searching for a job, you distribute it. They are excellent to bring to employment fairs, and if you are applying for a position online, you can frequently submit your teenager CV.

You need to learn how to best discuss your social activities and interests at the best way. 

How to Write a CV by utilizing a CV template

If a potential employer likes your CV, they might invite you to an interview. Your CV is your chance to convince potential employers that you’re a good fit for the position and that you can support any claims you make. You must enter some meaningful information and personal data about yourself in a CV that is included in a CV example for 16 year old, as mentioned below.

  • Your Complete name
  • Contact details: name, number, and email
  • Personal statement
  • Essential competencies
  • Schooling: The location, duration, and academic results of your studies.
  • You might provide the projected grades if you have not received your results.
  • Working knowledge

How to Write a Personal Statement for Your First CV

A CV personal statement summarises your career path and also what you hope to give recruiters in terms of your goals and achievements in one or two concise sentences. You will only possess a little to say if you have significant work experience. But you can still discuss your abilities. Reading the parts below will teach you more about how to discuss talents in your initial CV.

A strong CV personal statement is packed with passion and details, not meaningless platitudes like “detail-oriented, timely, and trustworthy.” To draw the reader in, place it at the beginning of your cv. Concentrate on your most significant accomplishments that are pertinent to the position or accomplishments that reflect maturity and a strong work ethic, such as achievements in sports or a hobby. You should also include a CV goal that outlines the value you can add to the organization.

How to Write a Personal Statement for Your First CV

How should your first CV be formatted?

Your name will be listed first, accompanied by your contact information. Add your home and email addresses, as well as your phone number. Be sure to enter a professional email address. Creating a new official email address for your first job quest might be a good idea.

In this part, you can list your high school and college and any independent courses you’ve attended, including online programs or workshops. Your schooling is listed below in reverse chronological order. If your grades are reasonable, please mention them.

Use technical talents pertinent to the position, such as software packages and computer languages, as well as transferrable qualities like communication and collaborative ability. Ensure that the position you’re applying for matches your skills. Because you probably will have little practical experience as a teenager, you must demonstrate your abilities in this part.

How should your first CV be formatted?

Include specific examples of your contributions, such as aiding a colleague or performing well over and above the call of duty. Furthermore, this section needs to be also arranged in reverse chronological order.

Instead of discussing what you intend to get from the position, focus more on what you can provide. Here, you must briefly describe yourself, your top qualifications and talents, and the position you are seeking. The summary is crucial since it functions as your sales presentation and is what employers will notice first.

Supplementary sections

You might include a section outlining your language abilities, the honors you have received, your interests and hobbies, or even your business endeavors. If additional sections are required, you can include them. The content of these sections should suit your needs.

Learn here how you can write a CV. For example – A creative cv

How should your first CV be formatted?

Structure your CV with the Job Title and Job Description

The reader must quickly determine whether it is worthwhile to read more about you and whether you are a suitable fit for the job title and job description. Your CV’s structure matters since it must leave a positive first impression. It should be well-organized with clearly defined parts that are simple to scan.

Since bullet points are more efficient than paragraphs for organizing content under each area, each section title should be bolded or capitalized to make it stand out. To accomplish this, ensure the document has lots of white space and isn’t overly text-heavy.

Generally speaking, focus and highlight your most current and pertinent product first. You can move education farther down the list if you haven’t completed high school or college and your abilities or experience are more applicable to the position.

Meanwhile, you can also explore how to create cv for internship here.

Structure your CV with the Job Title and Job Description

Helpful Advice for 16 year olds on how to write a CV

Create an auxiliary cover letter.

Before the employer reviews your CV, you can use the cover letter to describe why you are applying and highlight your most important qualifications. This could help you leave a positive impression.

Select a sophisticated style

There are several available templates, but choose one that is clean, simple to use, and attractive. Your initial CV should adhere to a style and layout highlighting your education and talents while complementing your work history in bullet point.

Use a legible font

The reader, who is also your potential employer, should be able to understand the text of your CV. There are many typefaces available, but selecting one with a professional appearance is ideal, such as Calibri, Arial, or Times New Roman.

Adapt your CV to the position

Write about everything you’ve done or are doing now and how it relates to the position you’re applying for. While it may be tempting, it is advisable only to include pertinent information on your CV rather than listing everything you’ve ever done.

Think about what you can provide

Since an employer wants an individual who can execute the work well and bring it to the position, this will be significantly more efficient. Consider what you can provide instead of what you intend to gain from the position, and emphasize this across your CV.

Helpful Advice for 16 year olds on how to write a CV

Mention your interests and hobbies

It’s a good idea to mention on your CV that you played on a varsity team and are dedicated to your sport or pastime. They exhibit beneficial transferable qualities like cooperation, commitment, and goal setting, which employers enormously respect.

Specify your education and experience

Self-managed learning demonstrates initiative and commitment to your improvement, which is a terrific quality to emphasize. You can add valuable skills you’ve acquired online or in-person classes you’ve taken, like a first job and aid course, to your CV in addition to your formal education section, either in a separate area called “Curriculum and Certifications” or “Career Development” or as a portion of your “Training” section and own skills.

Also, read our helpful guide on strength based interview questions .

Demonstrate your unpaid work 

Include any experience that demonstrates your work in the industry you’re seeking, such as assisting out with a family-owned business, excellent customer service, voluntary work, postings, apprenticeships, etc. Include any roles you’ve held if you have minimal to no paid employment, as this is quite significant.

Comprise languages

If you speak many languages, you should mention this in the “Languages” area. If you are vying for a high-paying career or a front-facing position where you will be assisting people, having anything additional like this will make you stand out.

Insert citations

You can list professors, assignment managers, athletic team coaches, or anyone else who has collaborated with you professionally. The recruiter can verify your expertise and competence by asking for references. Before including their contact details in your application, interact with prospective referrals and let them know that you will be doing so. Next, you can explore 16 year old cv examples UK here.

Helpful Advice for 16 year olds on how to write a CV

Sample CV template for 16 year old


Email: [email protected] | Phone: | Address: 

CV Personal Statement

Helpful and friendly secondary school pupil with [ number of years ] years of volunteer experience. Aiming to utilize my [ relevant skills ] to fill your [ position name ] position and help achieve [ Company’s Name ] ‘s goals.

Work or Volunteer Activity

Most Recent Job Title | Company Name | Location

Start Date–End Date

  • Include a bulleted list of your best accomplishments related to the experience
  • Quantify your experience by adding complex numbers (like percentages, hours worked, and relevant data) to your bullet points (e.g., Handed out 150+ booklets to children and parents respectfully and professionally at the 2021 UK Scholastic Book Fair )
  • If you need to gain work experience, name this section’ Volunteer Experience’ and provide your volunteering details instead.

Earlier Job Position Title | Company Name | Location

  • Use past tense verbs to describe the experience if you’re no longer working or volunteering in that role (e.g., Improved, created, assisted )
  • Provide more background details by being as specific as possible (e.g., mentioning the actual names of software, equipment, or tools you used)

Secondary School Name | Location

School Leaving Date (or Expected Leaving Date)

  • If you’re writing a school leaver CV or have no work or volunteer experience, put your education section first (under your CV personal statement)
  • Name your school and list your GCSE grades
  • If you took a vocational equivalent to GCSEs, such as an NVQ or BTEC, provide your results
  • Use a bulleted list to mention 3–9 interpersonal skills you’re proficient in
  • Read the job advert closely and list the skills they mention (but only if you have those interpersonal skills)
  • Add hard skills which are learned from formal training or schooling (e.g., knowledge of social media platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram or professional tools such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel)
  • Note soft skills that relate to your personality and work ethic (e.g., teamwork, time management, and communication skills)

Additional Experience

  • Add other relevant sections for your hobbies and interests or other languages you speak besides English Youtube Chanel

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I write a CV at 16?

Numerous 16-year-olds don’t yet have previous jobs or may have a little expertise, but there are different things you may highlight in a CV to demonstrate your abilities. Considering CV templates for 16-year-olds, there still are alternatives to emphasize your talents in a cv.

2. Is hobby & interest mandatory in UK format CV?

Your job application will be strengthened, and you will be more likely to get an interview if you include your passions on your CV. It makes you stand out as a unique person and encourages the recruiter to consider you rather than just a resume of your prior career, present yourself as a whole person with list of your previous employment.

3. How to create an ATS-friendly resume?

To develop an ATS-friendly CV that will breeze through and wow the prospective employer, abide by these rules and guidelines.

  • Do only apply for roles for which you are qualified.
  • Only submit numerous applications to the same company.
  • Include the appropriate keywords.
  • Make Sure to Contextualize Your Keywords.
  • Try to avoid fooling the ATS.

4. Is a cover letter essential for 16 years old?

Yes, a cover letter is a brief letter you write to an employer conveying your enthusiasm for the job you’re seeking and outlining your most robust qualifications. Your cover letter is a crucial initial approach to companies, positioned before the CV.

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