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  • Dietetic Personal Statement Examples

Our dietetics personal statement examples will give you inspiration and the edge you need to stand out in your university application and secure your spot in the programme. These examples will provide good guidance for applicants who are applying for Dietetic and Nutrition courses at UK universities . 

Read dietetic personal statements below. 

Dietetic Personal Statement

Unlocking the potential of a well-balanced diet to transform lives and promote healthier lifestyles – is my passion and my calling as a prospective dietitian. The importance of a well-balanced diet to a healthy lifestyle is something that I have always been aware of and I would like to help others achieve this by changing their dietary habits. With obesity rates on the rise, I believe that the role of dietitians will become increasingly important in addressing society’s health issues. 

My studies at Schoolcraft College in Subjects Allied to Healthcare have provided me with a solid foundation in chemistry and biology and have also given me a taste of the demands of university-level education. Additionally, I have attended various short courses on nutrition and dietetics, such as Kensington and Chelsea College’s course on Nutrition, Healthy Eating and Weight Management, which was particularly impactful as it was led by Antia Tull, whose books on nutrition have greatly influenced my understanding of the subject.

My previous work experience as a nanny has also played a significant role in my decision to pursue a career in dietetics. The close relationship that I formed with the children in my care and the role that food plays in their development made me realize the impact that a good-quality diet can have on a child’s long-term development and day-to-day behaviour. I have made it a personal mission to educate myself on nutrition and dietetics while working as a nanny to ensure that the children in my care are receiving the best possible start in life.

Furthermore, my experience as a sales assistant has taught me how to work well under pressure and as part of a team, both of which are important skills for healthcare professionals. My internship experience at Dr Andrew’s Nutrition further solidified my desire to pursue a career in dietetics. During my 6-month internship, I was able to gain hands-on experience in the field and learn about the various aspects of dietetics. It was a valuable opportunity that gave me a deeper understanding of the profession and the impact that dietitians can have on people’s lives.

My ultimate goal is to work as a pediatric dietitian, where I can combine my love of child care with my enthusiasm for nutrition and make a positive impact in the lives of children. I am excited about the possibility of achieving this goal through further education and training in the field of dietetics.

Dietetic Personal Statement Example

I am excited to apply for the dietetic course because of my long-standing interest in nutrition and my desire to work in the healthcare industry. My passion for chemistry, food science, and understanding how nutrition impacts the human body led me to pursue this career path. My biology A-level provided a foundation for my interest in the variations of dietary needs throughout the life cycle. Additionally, a week of shadowing a dietitian solidified my decision to pursue this career and exposed me to the various challenges and rewards of nutrition.

I believe that my A-level subjects in biology and chemistry will be beneficial as the programme is divided into academic and clinical components. The first year of the program focuses heavily on biochemistry, and my background in these subjects will aid in my understanding. Additionally, my math skills will be useful as the programme includes many calculations for determining specific dietary needs. While some aspects of the programme, such as behavioural sciences and professional studies, will be new to me, my work experience has given me a glimpse into these skills in practice.

Upon graduation, my goal is to work as a dietitian for the National Health Service in the UK. I consider myself to be organised, committed, and friendly, all traits that will serve me well in the field of dietetics. I am diligent in completing assignments on time and to a high standard, and I enjoy planning my days to ensure that tasks are completed efficiently and effectively. My drive to succeed is exemplified by my decision to attend a college with a more rigorous curriculum despite the added commute. Additionally, I am comfortable interacting with others in unfamiliar situations, an important skill in a career that relies heavily on communication.

In my spare time, I enjoy participating in a variety of activities that further develop my skills. I volunteer as a young guide leader for my local group, working towards a leadership qualification that will help me develop teamwork and leadership skills. Additionally, I am a member of a local gym to improve my fitness and build self-confidence, and I work part-time at a retail store, honing my customer service skills. Furthermore, I take part in my college’s enrichment programme, including IT and Queen’s Scout Award, which have provided me with qualifications in text production and developed my teamwork and leadership skills. I am eager to begin the dietetic course and contribute to the field through my dedication and passion for the subject.

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Dietetics degree personal statement example (1a)

This is a real personal statement written by a student for their university application. It might help you decide what to include in your own. There are lots more examples in our . 

I am applying for this course because I am very interested in becoming a dietitian. I have been interested in this career for a number of years. I enjoy chemistry and food related subjects and I am interested in working for the health service. As well as this I am intrigued about how the body works and the influencer nutrition has on this. My A-level in biology covers briefly the variations in dietary requirements as the life cycle takes place. I have enjoyed this subject and would like to study it in more depth. I have completed 1 week shadowing the dietitian's at *******. I enjoyed every minute of it and I particularly enjoyed the dietitian's clinics. The clinic's allowed the dietitian to have one to one contact with the patient. This seems the most effective way to change a patient's behaviour. The majority of patients I came into contact with had some form of diabetes, but I also saw anorexia and obesity. The skills used during these appointments were fascinating. I often saw a cycle of a dietitian who managed to persuade patients who were not thinking about change to change some parts of their diets. These skills are essential in this career and are preliminary taught through the degree and improved in practice. This week was also helpful as it helped me confirm my career choice and therefore my university options.

My A-level subjects are very relevant to this course. The course is split into 2 main areas, academic and clinical work. In the first year the course covers a lot of biochemistry, and I believe my a-levels in biology and chemistry will help me here. The course will also contain numerous calculations especially in working out specific requirements. My mathematics knowledge will help me here. There will be many parts which are new to me and these include behavioural sciences such as psychology and sociology. Modules in professional studies will also be new to me although my work experiences has enabled me to observe some of these skills in practice.

My main career aim upon successful completion of the course is to practise as a dietitian in the UK, for the NHS. I then hope to achieve senior status.

As a person I view myself as organised committed and friendly. I think these are all qualities which will help me in the dietetic world. I am organised because I complete all my college assignments on time, and to a high standard. I like to organise my days in advance so tasks get completed on time, and free time is used effectively. I believe I am committed to my studies. I chose to attend a college with a higher profile than my local college event though this resulted in 90 minutes of travelling per day. I feel I am friendly, and can mix with other people in unfamiliar situations. This is important as communication skills are vital in a dietetic career.

In my spare time I enjoy voluntary work, leisure activities and part time work. I am currently a young Guide leader for my local Guide group. This has enabled me to work towards the Guide Association's leadership qualification. On completion I will, be qualified to be an assistant Guide Leader. The qualification aims at developing skills required in order to run a unit and also develops teamwork and leadership skills. For leisure I am a member of my local gym. This is primarily to improve fitness but it also builds self confidence and I meet new people. I am currently employed at my local Primark store as a till operator. The job has enabled me to develop customer service skills, which will be important in my future career.

As well as these activities I like to take part in my college's enrichment programme. I have participated in IT enrichment and Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. The IT enrichment have provided me with OCR qualification in text production up to level 3. I am continuing with these classes in order to obtain the Diploma in Text Production. I am currently working towards Duke of Edinburgh Gold award, and have completed the expedition and residential aspects of this award. For my residential I took part in an International Guide and Scout camp, where I was a staff member working on the catering team. Both exploration and residential helped me incorporate team work but in different scenarios.

University Offers

All course applied for include state registration as a dietitian.

  • Queen Margaret University Edinburgh - 180 Points from at least 2 A-levels, including 2 sciences. (Accepted this offer even though i was predicted AAA)
  • University Wales Institute Cardiff - 260 Points from 3 A-levels including Biology and Chemistry
  • Leeds Metropolitan University - CCD Including chemistry and one other science
  • Glasgow Caledonian University - Not sure (conditional offer)
  • Surrey University - BBB: include 2 sciences preferably chemistry and biology.
  • Nottingham University - Rejected after interview for Msc Nutrition with state registration as a dietitian, accepted for Bsc Nutrition. BCC: Including chemistry and one other science.
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personal statement for dietetics masters


Dietetics Personal Statement Examples

  • 1 Personal Statement Example Links
  • 2 Career Opportunities
  • 3 UK Admission Requirements
  • 4 UK Earnings Potential For Dietetics
  • 5 Similar Courses in UK
  • 6 UK Curriculum
  • 7 Alumni Network

Personal Statement Example Links

  • Personal Statement Example 1
  • Personal Statement Example 2
  • Personal Statement Example 3
  • Personal Statement Example 4
  • Personal Statement Example 5

Ever been inspired by the role diet plays in promoting health and preventing disease? Fascinated by the idea of using food and nutrition to manage health conditions and enhance well-being?

If so, a career in Dietetics could be your perfect journey. This scientifically rigorous field equips you with the knowledge and skills to translate complex nutrition science into practical dietary advice.

A dietetics course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to become a dietitian. You will learn about nutrition and how to develop healthy eating plans for individuals and groups. You will also learn about the science of food, food safety, and the principles of food service management. You will also learn how to assess and monitor the nutritional status of individuals and groups.

In addition to the theoretical aspects of dietetics, you will also gain practical experience. You will learn how to plan, prepare, and serve meals, as well as how to assess the nutritional needs of individuals and groups. You will also learn how to develop nutrition education programs.

👍 When writing a personal statement : Highlight your passion for the course, demonstrating your understanding of it. Use relevant personal experiences, coursework, or work history to showcase how these have fostered your interest and readiness for the course.

Career Opportunities

A degree in dietetics can lead to a variety of career paths in the health and nutrition field. Dietitians are trained to develop, implement, and monitor nutrition plans for individuals and groups.

1. Clinical Dietitian: Clinical dietitians provide medical nutrition therapy to individuals in a variety of settings, such as hospitals, long-term care facilities, and outpatient clinics. They assess patients’ nutritional needs, develop nutrition plans, and monitor their progress.

2. Food Service Manager: Food service managers are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of food service establishments, such as restaurants, cafeterias, and catering companies. They plan menus, order supplies, and manage staff.

3. Nutrition Educator: Nutrition educators provide nutrition information to the public through classes, seminars, and other educational programs. They may also work with health care providers to develop nutrition plans for their patients.

4. Nutrition Consultant: Nutrition consultants provide nutrition advice to clients in the private sector. They may work with individuals, families, or organisations to develop nutrition plans and provide nutrition education.

5. Public Health Nutritionist: Public health nutritionists work in the public health sector to promote healthy eating habits and nutrition education. They may work in schools, community health centers, or other public health organisations.

6. Research Dietitian: Research dietitians conduct research on nutrition and health-related topics. They may work in universities, research institutes, government agencies, or the food industry, designing and conducting experiments, analysing data, and publishing their findings to advance knowledge in the field of nutrition.

UK Admission Requirements

In order to be accepted into a university course in Dietetics, applicants must meet the following entry requirements:

Grades: Applicants must have achieved a minimum of a 2:1 in an undergraduate degree in a relevant subject, such as Nutrition, Food Science, or Health Sciences.

Prerequisites: Applicants must have a good understanding of the principles of nutrition and food science, as well as a basic knowledge of biochemistry and physiology.

Other Entry Criteria: Applicants must have a minimum of two years of relevant work experience in the field of dietetics, nutrition, or health sciences.

These entry requirements are generally similar to other courses in the field of nutrition and dietetics, although some courses may require a higher grade than a 2:1 in the relevant degree, or may require additional qualifications such as a Master’s degree.

UK Earnings Potential For Dietetics

The average earnings for someone with a degree in dietetics depend on the country and region of employment. In the UK, the average salary for a dietitian is £30,000 to £40,000 per year. Dietitians working in the NHS may receive a higher salary, as well as additional benefits such as bonuses and pension contributions.

In terms of job market trends, the demand for dietitians is expected to grow over the next few years. This is due to the increasing importance of nutrition in healthcare and the need for qualified professionals to provide advice and support to patients. Additionally, the rise of plant-based diets and the growing awareness of food-related health issues are expected to drive demand for dietitians in the future.

Similar Courses in UK

Other university courses related to Dietetics include Nutrition, Food Science, and Food Technology.

  • Nutrition focuses on the science of the nutrients and dietary components that are necessary for human health. It looks at the role of food in the body and how it can be used to prevent and treat diseases. It also looks at the social and cultural aspects of food, such as how food choices are affected by cultural and religious beliefs.
  • Food Science is a multidisciplinary field that combines chemistry, biology, and engineering to study the physical, chemical, and biological properties of food and its ingredients. It looks at how food is produced, processed, packaged, and stored, and how it can be used to create safe and nutritious products.
  • Food Technology is a field of study that focuses on the development, production, and marketing of food products. It looks at the various processes involved in food production, such as processing, packaging, storage, and distribution. It also looks at the safety and quality of food products, as well as the marketing of food products.

The key difference between Dietetics and these other courses is that Dietetics focuses on the use of food and nutrition to promote health and prevent disease, while the other courses focus more on the production, processing, and marketing of food products.

UK Curriculum

The key topics and modules covered in the University course Dietetics include:

  • Nutrition Science: This module covers the fundamentals of nutrition science, including the chemical, physiological and metabolic processes involved in nutrition. It also covers the principles of nutrition and its role in health and disease.
  • Food Science: This module covers the scientific principles of food production, storage, and preparation. It also covers food safety and hygiene, as well as food composition and its role in health.
  • Clinical Dietetics: This module covers the principles of clinical dietetics, including the assessment and management of nutrition-related health problems. It also covers the use of nutrition in the management of chronic diseases.
  • Food Service Management: This module covers the principles of food service management, including menu planning, food production and service, and nutrition education.
  • Research Methods: This module covers the principles of research methods and data analysis, including the design and implementation of research projects.
  • Public Health Nutrition: This module covers the principles of public health nutrition, including the assessment and management of nutrition-related health problems in populations.

In addition to the theoretical aspects of the course, there is also a significant practical component. This includes hands-on experience in food preparation and service, as well as nutrition education and research projects. Students may also have the opportunity to participate in supervised clinical placements, which provide the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in the course.

Alumni Network

Notable alumni from the course of Dietetics include Dr. Joanne Slavin, Professor of Food Science and Nutrition at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Slavin is a widely respected expert in the field of nutrition and has made significant contributions to the field through her research and advocacy.

She has published numerous studies on the role of dietary fiber in health, and has been a leader in the development of dietary guidelines for Americans. She is also a member of the Institute of Medicine’s Food and Nutrition Board and has served as a consultant to the World Health Organization and the US Department of Agriculture.

Alumni events and networking opportunities for Dietetics alumni include the annual Dietetics Alumni Reunion hosted by the University of Minnesota. This event provides alumni with the opportunity to reconnect with former classmates and faculty, to learn about the latest developments in the field, and to network with other professionals in the field.

Additionally, the University of Minnesota offers a Dietetics Alumni Association, which provides members with access to exclusive events, resources, and networking opportunities.

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Graduate Programs in Human Nutrition

Ms program with di admissions and applications, admissions requirements, admissions requirements for the mshn/di and msfss/di.

  • Baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • Original verification statement or declaration of intent from the Director of an accredited Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD) documenting completion of ACEND-accredited academic coursework. To find a DPD program in your area, please use this tool provided by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics . 
  • A cumulative grade-point average of all undergraduate courses of at least 3.0 (based on a letter grade system of A-4 points, B-3 points, C-2 points, D-1 point, F-0 points), or its equivalent in other grading systems
  • Compliance with OHSU's pre-entrance requirements including the  OHSU COVID-19 Vaccine Policy  and  OHSU Immunization Policy.
  • While the program no longer requires the GRE for admission, applicants are welcome to submit their scores to OHSU (Institutional Code:  4865 ). 
  • GPHN does NOT offer conditional acceptance

Background checks

Prospective students are not required to disclose criminal convictions prior to receiving an offer of admission. Following a conditional admission offer, prospective students will undergo a pre-matriculation background check pursuant to policy and procedures available on the OHSU Public Safety website .  However, OHSU is a university of health professions, and it is possible that professional and occupational licensure requirements may prohibit individuals with criminal convictions from ultimately obtaining a professional license. Licensure requirements vary by state and prospective students are encouraged to consult their state licensing agency for more information.

If a prospective student is denied admission due to a criminal conviction, they may appeal the final admissions decision to the Office of the Provost at [email protected] .

Admissions requirements for international students

Complete ACEND-accredited academic coursework in a Didactic Program in Dietetics and a minimum of a bachelor's degree from a US regionally-accredited college or university or foreign equivalent.

  • Obtain an original verification statement or declaration of intent from the Director of the ACEND-accredited Didactic Program in Dietetics documenting completion of these requirements. To find a DPD program, please visit the  Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics . 
  • An English-language proficiency test, such as the TOEFL or IELTS, is required for all International Students who do not speak English as a native language and do not have a Bachelor's or Master's degree from a US institution. In general, the Graduate Programs in Human Nutrition requires TOEFL scores of 600 paper-based, 250 computer based, and 100 Internet-based, or a minimum IELTS score of 6.5.
  • The GRE is no longer required for entrance into our programs. However, if you have taken the GRE and would like to share your scores, the institutional code for Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) is 4865.
  • A cumulative grade-point average of all undergraduate courses of at least 3.0 (based on a letter grade system of A-4 points, B-3 points, C-2 points, D-1 point, F-0 points), or its equivalent in other grading systems.
  • For the MSFSS/DI program, students must continue to reside in the U.S. for the online portion of the program in the 2nd year.  

GPHN does NOT offer conditional acceptance. All of the above requirements must be met prior to admission. For more information on obtaining a verification statement with an international degree, visit the  Academy of Nutrition and Dietetic Website .

Applications and computer matching

Applications to the MSHN/DI and MSFSS/DI programs at OHSU must be completed through the Dietetic Internship Centralized Application Services  ( DICAS ). DICAS will be available December 1st, 2023 for the Spring 2024 match. Applicants are welcome to apply to more than one program. The MSHN/DI and MSFSS/DI applications are not the same so please carefully review the sections below for specific information for the MSHN/DI and MSFSS/DI applications.  The online application must be completed for our program by 11:59 p.m. Central Time on February 15, 2024.   

MSHN/DI Application

Applicants must complete all components within the online application including:

  • All sections of the DICAS application
  • All OHSU-specific program questions
  • Three letters of recommendation (at least one from a DPD faculty member)
  • Personal statement

Letters of Recommendation

The application requires letters of recommendation from three individuals who can speak to your potential for success in graduate school. These can be from course instructors, advisors, supervisors, colleagues at work, or from professional, civic, and volunteer contexts. At least one letter must be from a DPD faculty member. 

Personal Statement

In 1,000 words or less, please address the following questions: 

  • Why do you want to enter the nutrition and dietetics profession?
  • What past experiences will contribute to your success as a graduate student?
  • Explain your motivation to better understand nutrition science and how the expertise of our faculty align with your interests.
  • What are your short-term and long-term professional goals?
  • How does participation in the MS in Human Nutrition program contribute to your goals?

MSFSS/DI Application

  • Explain your motivation to better understand and advance social justice in the food system and the personal and/or professional experiences that have contributed to your interest.
  • How does participation in the Food Systems and Society program contribute to your goals?

Applicants may receive a request for a brief virtual interview with faculty from the Graduate Programs in Human Nutrition.

Computer matching

Applicants must participate in computer matching through  D&D Digital , and should carefully review their responsibilities related to computer matching at  ACEND's applicant responsibilities webpage . When completing the DICAS application, applicants must provide a phone number and e-mail address where they can be reached, if necessary, on Appointment Day.

On Appointment Day, matched applicants must contact the Dietetic Internship Director by phone or e-mail to confirm acceptance of the match. The Dietetic Internship Director, Diane Stadler, PhD, RD, LD, can be reached at (503) 494-0168 or  [email protected] . The Dietetic Internship Director will reply to phone and e-mail messages to acknowledge the program's receipt of the acceptance by the end of Appointment Day.

To learn more about the computer matching process, please visit the  Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Computer Matching Policy and Procedures  web page at D&D Digital.

Program Codes

  • OHSU MSHN/DI (thesis option): 129
  • OHSU MSHN/DI (capstone option): 803

OHSU and program policies

Recency of education policy.

If the signed DPD Verification Statement is dated five years or more from the starting date of the internship program, then the applicant must have completed, with a  grade of "B" or better and within the past three years, a minimum of 6 credit hours of coursework including  the following two required courses:

  • Medical Nutrition Therapy or equivalent (300-level or above)
  • Anatomy and Physiology or equivalent (300-level or above)

If these courses have already been completed, then an official transcript must be uploaded to DICAS as part of the application process. If these courses are in progress at the time of application, then the applicant must submit a letter to the program stating the following:

  • Course name and number
  • College or university where the courses are being completed
  • Number of credit hours per course
  • Name of course instructors
  • Date when courses will be completed 

Technical standards

Per OHSU Policy 02-70-010 , Academic Programs in the Health Sciences have a societal responsibility to train competent healthcare providers and scientists that demonstrate critical judgement, extensive knowledge and well-honed technical skills. This policy is to ensure that all candidates for an OHSU degree or certificate possess the essential skills and abilities necessary to complete the curriculum successfully. To be qualified for and continue enrollment in OHSU Academic Programs, prospective and current students shall meet both OHSU's academic standards and the technical standards. Prospective and current students with disabilities may utilize approved reasonable accommodations to meet academic and technical standards.

OHSU technical standards include nonacademic criteria that reflect the ability to:

  • Acquire information from experiences and demonstrations conveyed through online coursework, lecture, group seminar, small group activities, and other formats.
  • Recognize, understand and interpret required instruction materials including written documents, computer-information systems, and non-book resources.
  • Manipulate the equipment, instruments, apparatus, or tools required to collect and interpret data appropriate to the domain of study, practice, or research.
  • Follow universal precautions against contamination and cross contamination with infectious pathogens, toxins, and other hazardous chemicals.
  • Solve problems and think critically to develop appropriate products and services (e.g., treatment plan, a scientific experiment).
  • Synthesize information to develop and defend conclusions regarding observations and outcomes.
  • Use intellectual ability, exercise proper judgement, and complete all responsibilities within a timeframe that is appropriate to a given setting.
  • Communicate effectively and maintain, mature, sensitive and effective relationships with all persons including but not limited to clients, patients, students, faculty, staff, and other professionals.
  • Operate in a safe manner and respond appropriately to emergencies and urgencies.
  • Demonstrate emotional stability to function effectively under stress and adapt to changing environments inherent in clinical and professional practice, healthcare, and biomedical sciences and engineering.

Center for Diversity and Inclusion

At OHSU, we believe diversity means creating a community of inclusion. That is why we are committed to building an environment where students from historically underrepresented populations can thrive and maximize their potential. The Center for Diversity and Inclusion collaborates with schools and other programs or departments to provide the following services. Please visit the website for the  Center for Diversity and Inclusion , where you can learn about OHSU's Community of Inclusion and Diversity Action Plan, internships, scholarships, professional development, and other resources. 

Title IX and equal opportunity

OHSU is committed to creating and fostering a learning and working environment based on open communication and mutual respect. If you encounter sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual assault, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, age, national origin or ancestry, veteran or military status, sex, marital status, pregnancy or parenting status, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability or any other protected status please contact the  Office of Civil Rights Investigations and Compliance (OCIC) at 503-494-5148 or [email protected] .  Inquiries about Title IX compliance or sex/gender discrimination and harassment may be directed to the OHSU Title IX Coordinator: Angela Fleischer . Contact Angela Fleischer at 503-494-5148 or [email protected] .

Learn more about Title IX at OHSU

personal statement for dietetics masters

Common Searches:

  • Financial Aid
  • Schedule of Classes
  • Campus Life
  • Departments and Programs
  • Family and Consumer Sciences
  • Graduate Programs
  • Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics

Application Instructions

Applications are currently being reviewed and will be accepted on a rolling basis.

  • Submit Bradley’s DICAS application, including application for Graduate Assistantship (in additional documents section), if interested
  • Once submitted on DICAS, you will be contacted to finalize application through Bradley’s Graduate and International Admissions. Please note this includes a $40 fee.
  • Submit Graduate and International Admission application
  • Describe why you are interested in Bradley University’s Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics Program
  • Explain achievements and work experience that you consider relevant to your interest in and capacity for graduate study
  • Briefly state your career objectives and how this program will assist you in attaining these goals
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Original transcripts of every school you have attended (Please note: This includes schools where you only took one course)
  • Application for Graduate Assistantship, if interested

Prior Learning Credit

  • If a student has previous graduate coursework, credit may be offered on a case-by-case basis. Requests for prior learning credit will be reviewed by the program director and faculty to determine if credit will be awarded. Transcripts, course syllabi, or other relevant documentation may be used to make a determination on awarding prior learning credit. This will be established in writing prior to enrollment. Prior learning credit will not be granted for supervised experiential learning hours.

Graduate Assistantship Application

  • Graduate Assistantships are available for the 2023-2024 year. Graduate assistant (GA) positions will be through the Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Department at Bradley University. The FCS department consists of six undergraduate majors (Dietetics, FCS, FCS-Teacher Education, Hospitality Management, Public Health Education and Apparel Production and Merchandising) and one graduate program (Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics). GAs provide service to all of these areas.
  • Twenty (20) weekly clock hours of service are required during fall 2023 and spring 2024 in exchange for tuition assistance and a stipend. Duties include assisting faculty and staff in all areas with instructional, administrative, or research tasks. These responsibilities could include, but are not limited to, grading, proctoring make-up exams, laboratory preparations, data entry in Excel or SPSS, literature searches, or compiling data/records for departmental reports. Other tasks involve clerical skills such as word processing, copying/scanning, and answering phones.
  • Candidates should possess strong communication, time management, and organizational skills as well as attention to detail, flexibility, initiative, and problem-solving.
  • Submit the " Graduate Assistantship Application " found on the Graduate Education's website.
  • Submit letter addressing why you are interested in a Graduate Assistantship in FCS and your qualifications for the position to your application when you apply (Bradley’s Graduate Admissions or DICAS)

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College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources

Department of Allied Health Sciences

Dietetics - graduate admissions & applications.

Attention! UConn’s Coordinated MS program has a few openings.  Please submit your packet through DICAS.  We will be reviewing applications on a rolling basis. If you have questions, please contact [email protected] .

Graduate Coordinated Program in Dietetics Admissions

The Graduate Dietetics Coordinated Program is a competitive program open to students who have completed a didactic program in dietetics or have a BS degree and completed prerequisite courses.

Graduates of a Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD)

Students who hold have completed a DPD bachelor’s degree will meet the prerequisites for program admission, but they will also need to be meet requirements to be admitted into Allied Health’s graduate program in Health Promotion Sciences. No GRE scores are required for admission to the Graduate Coordinated Program. Admissions criteria include:

  • 3.0+ cumulative undergraduate GPA (or 3.0+ GPA for your final two years of undergraduate work)
  • TOEFL test scores if you are a non-native English speaker
  • Strong preparation in the sciences (preferred)
  • Research and/or volunteer experience related to professional/career interests (preferred)
  • Match with graduate faculty research interests

Application Information for DPD Graduates

The coordinated master’s program participates in Dietetic Internship Centralized Application Services (DICAS) and the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics Internship Matching Service ( D&D Digital ). Applications must be submitted through those services by February 15 for a start in the following fall semester. The program is limited to approximately 10 students per year.

Required Application Components:

  • Official Transcript(s)
  • achievements and interests in personal/academic life and workplace
  • short and long-term career goals
  • interest in a master’s degree in Health Promotion Sciences
  • strengths and areas of improvement
  • Verification Statement or Declaration of Intent
  • Three letters of recommendation (at least one should be from a dietetics faculty member)
  • $50 application fee for first application, $25 for each additional application
  • Dietetic Program Supplemental Application: supplemental-application-2023.pdf ( The $70 fee can be paid using credit card via this link: Dietetics Program ( .
  • $55 computer matching fee
  • Coordinated Masters program number: 893

Admission Decisions

Admission decisions will be communicated through D&D Digital in early April. If matched, the students will be required to complete UConn's Graduate school application ($75 fee): Apply to UConn | The Graduate School

Applicants with a non-DPD Bachelor’s Degree

You will be required to apply both to the Coordinated Program and to Allied Health’s graduate program in Health Promotion Sciences. Please plan to review your undergraduate coursework with the Program Director prior to submitting your application. This will help ensure that you have met all prerequisites and that the program is an appropriate fit for your professional and academic goals. No GRE scores are required for admission to the Graduate Coordinated Program.


  • Earned Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution
  • Fundamentals of Nutrition (NUSC 1165)
  • Food, Culture, and Society (NUSC 1167)
  • Nutrition and Human Development (NUSC 2200)
  • General Biology I (BIOL 1107)
  • General Chemistry – two semesters with lab (CHEM 1124Q & 1125Q – or – CHEM 1127Q & 1128Q)
  • Organic Chemistry (CHEM 2241 – or – CHEM 2443 & CHEM 2444)
  • Biochemistry (MCB 2000)
  • Microbiology (MCB 2610)
  • Anatomy & Physiology – 8 credits with lab (PNB 2264 & PNB 2265)
  • Management for the Health Professional (AH 4244)
  • English Composition (ENGL 1010 or ENGL 1011)
  • One course in Sociology or Psychology
  • Statistics (STAT 1000QC or 1100QC)

Additional Courses

The following are not required, but strongly encouraged:

  • Community Nutrition (NUSC 3230)
  • Food Composition & Methods of Preparation and Laboratory (NUSC 3233 & NUSC 3234)
  • Food Service Systems Management I (NUSC 3272)

Additional Admissions Requirements

  • Strong academic record in the sciences
  • Strong background in research

Application Information for non-DPD Graduates

Applicants with non-DPD bachelor’s degrees are required to apply through the UConn Graduate School and through the Department of Allied Health Sciences.

Application Deadline: February 1

  • Unofficial UConn Transcripts
  • Official transcripts from all non-UConn institutions attended – Please have your official undergraduate and/or graduate transcript(s) sent directly to the Graduate School
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Personal Statement
  • TOEFL scores if you are a non-native English speaker
  • $75 application fee payable by credit card or PayPal during the application process
  • Application Form
  • Personal Statement addressing your interest in becoming a Registered Dietitian
  • Please email your Coordinated Program application to [email protected]

Admission Decisions: Communicated in mid-March.

personal statement for dietetics masters

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Dietetic Internship Personal Statement Checklist

  • Dietetics Programs
  • by jennifer.westerkamp

A strong personal statement can help you stand out from the crowd in your dietetic internship application. Take our advice to put your best foot forward!

The personal statement makes everyone nervous.

You aren’t alone. This is one of our most FAQs! “How do I sell myself? How do I brag without sounding like I am bragging? How do I stand out? What do I even write about? Where do I begin?”

Personal statement prompt

DICAS states that you must answer the following questions in your personal statement:

-Why do you want to enter the dietetics profession?

-Discuss experiences that have helped to prepare you for your career.

-What are your short-term and long-term goals?

-What are your strengths and weaknesses or areas needing improvement?

-What other information do you consider important for the selection decision?

Reminder: A maximum of 1,000 words may be entered for the personal statement section on DICAS. Some DI or RD programs may have different character and word limits, so make sure to double-check before submitting.

Why it’s important

The personal statement is arguably the most important part of your application when applying for dietetic internships. DI programs want to get to know you, and why you would be an asset to their program. Personal statements are a place for you to showcase your talents, focus on your strengths, and set yourself apart from the crowd. It can help you get one step closer to landing the dietetic internship or RD program of your dreams! It’s not easy to begin, but making a strong personal statement is a key to success. 

After helping thousands of people write personal statements, we have the recipe you need to help yours stand out.

Sign up for the FREE Dietetic Internships Toolkit to get the Personal Statement Checklist.

Here’s a preview of how to break down the personal statement:

1. Why do you want to enter dietetics? 

  • -Do not say you want to help people, this won’t help you to stick out
  • -Do not use a super personal story where you could be judged unfairly for it
  • -Introduce your niche that you will focus on
  • -What you are interested specifically? “Clinical” is not specific enough.
  • -How you became interested in this (experiences, personal, etc.)? Talk about that  story
  • -How can the program meet that interest? Say this briefly to set the stage for why it is a fit

2. Discuss what has prepared you for a dietetic internship. 

  • -Choose a leadership experience. It’s very important to show you were a leader and how
  • -Choose an experience in your interest area in dietetics, in the same realm of goals, if possible
  • -Choose an experience in any work experience where you had management skills or a lot of responsibility; Use numbers to emphasize the impact you made in that position
  • -Use the STAR method to describe your experiences

3. What are your short-term and long-term goals?

  • -Short term is 5 years and long term is 15-20 years
  • -Look at established RD’s biographies online – your goals should be almost as specific as how they describe their career and accomplishments
  • -Include leadership and professional development, including dietetic practice groups, local dietetics associations, etc

4. What are your strengths and weaknesses. 

Strengths :  If you are going to say what you are good at, you need an example to prove it

  • -Leadership- an organization’s accomplishments, project outcomes
  • -Communication – oral, verbal, written skills (publications, blog, presentations)
  • -Time management – part time job, good -GPA, other commitments
  • -Where do you have the most impressive experience/accomplishment? What strength did you use to achieve this?
  • -Read it to yourself and ask if you are impressed?
  • -Avoid listing off qualities without using examples
  • -Avoid saying the synonyms of the same types of words (rambling!)

Weaknesses : Have a weakness you are actively improving or improved. Think areas of GROWTH, not LACK.

  • -GPA- retake classes? Note: A coach can really help you decide how much or how little to talk about your GPA; Everyone’s story is different. It can honestly make or break your personal statement
  • -Spanish- are you proficient, but want to be fluent?
  • -Lack of experience- Will you improve this in or before the internship?

5. Why are you applying to this program?

-End your letter with a paragraph on why this program matches your experience and goals.

  • -Reason should not be geography
  • -Focus on the program’s uniqueness
  • -Test: can you say this reason for any other program? If yes, then be more specific.
  • -Talk about unique rotations related to your goals.
  • -Choose a couple of rotations to highlight
  • -What can you do during the elective rotation?

Feeling stuck on your last paragraph?

Don’t fret! In Jenny’s personal statement webinar, she is sharing the strategies our Get Matched Coaching clients use to write a powerful conclusion paragraph for your dietetic internship personal statement. Using these strategies you can be sure you will “wow” the selection committee.

Ready to dive into DICAS? Work with a coach to bring your application to the next level.

Get an expert coach in your corner helping you through every step of this confusing application journey. You’ll get the exact roadmap, personalized advice, application reviews, accountability, and confidence that will bring you one step closer to becoming a dietitian. Learn more about Get Matched Coaching here.

Check out these posts for more advice, tips, and tricks on navigating all things DICAS.

10 Application Mistakes to Avoid Webinar

DI Computer Matching Explanation

How to Write a Resume for the Dietetic Internship

Steps for Applying to a Dietetic Internship Program

Finding Clinical Preceptor for Dietetic Internship

P.S . Are you in a nutrition club on campus? Share the FREE Dietetic Internships Toolkit with your fellow members for application support resources.

personal statement for dietetics masters

Since 2008, we've made it easier to become a dietitian by coaching thousands of future dietitians to get accepted to dietetics programs, pass the RD exam, and become confident dietitians. [email protected]

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The Future RD

College advice | di help | rd stories, how to write the best personal statement for a dietetic internship.

personal statement for dietetics masters

Happy Tuesday y’all! Today’s post comes as many of you are completing your final edits on your dietetic internship applications and personal statements. (Keep on keeping on y’all; you’re doing fantastic!) Today’s post is not on what you should cover in your personal statement, like many other creators in the field have done an amazing job sharing through blog posts or filmed videos. Instead, this article discusses one specific point: how to personalize your personal statement for a dietetic internship.

In my opinion, a key way to set yourself apart is by showing that you fit perfectly with the internship. This is what today’s post explains in three simple steps.

1. Do Your Research on Dietetic Internships

In order to personalize your personal statement for a dietetic internship, you have to know what it’s about. Just like applying for a job, it’s important to research the school and its program. Think about:

  • What are the program’s values?
  • Where will you earn rotation hours?
  • What does the internship emphasize through its concentration?
  • Does the program ask you to move to another area or will you work near the school the whole time?
  • And how competitive is the program?

Answering questions like these will help you evaluate whether you’re interested in applying before you put all your time and effort into it! Here are a couple of great places to look for information.

School website

The school’s website will probably be the best source of easily accessible information on an internship. A dietetic internship’s website will explain at the very least, what you need to apply, where the program is located, what the program timeline is, and what the concentration is in. Sometimes a website will also include a dietetic intern handbook, possible rotation sites, and intern-created content such as videos, example assignments, or testimonies.

People connected to the school

If the school’s website doesn’t explain everything you’re looking for, consider talking to people connected to the dietetic internship! This could be the program director or former interns, for example. Open houses, both in-person and online, are also a fantastic way to get a more in-depth understanding of an internship. If you aren’t able to attend an in-person meeting or would like to show some initiative, consider reaching out via email to someone. They can help answer questions you couldn’t find answers to anywhere else.

Sometimes, either the dietetic internship or interns will post YouTube videos related to the program. Although these are less common, it never hurts to do a quick search, as the ones that I’ve found are always highly informative.

Last but not least, consider searching my site for dietetic internships ! I write articles that do all the legwork for you and summarize everything I can find into one amazing article. Although the number of internships I’ve researched is low now, I’m always adding more to the collection. If there is one that you’d like to see on the site, leave a comment on this post and I’ll let you know!

2. Consider What You Appreciate

So you’ve done your research and know all you can about the dietetic internships you’ve chosen. The next step is to review everything you’ve learned and consider what is meaningful to you. If you’re set on working in a certain setting or specialization, maybe it’s that the program has a concentration in that. Maybe the program has an elective rotation that would empower you to craft your own journey. Maybe the program emphasizes resumes when looking at applications and yours looks terrific! Your situation and connection to each school will be unique to you and only you can decide what you like.

I want to add that while price or location might be something that’s important to you, you should be able to bring to light other reasons that you appreciate a dietetic internship. These will enable you to connect more powerfully with the internship.

3. Connect the Dots

Now that you know the programs and what you value in them, it’s time to apply that to each personal statement for a dietetic internship. As you write, ask yourself: “What can I reveal about myself that shows I am an incredible pick for this internship?”

When I applied to dietetic internships, my top pick was Montana State University (MSU) (I wrote about their dietetic internship , which led me to apply and eventually be accepted!)

Here’s a personal example from my statement that I tailored to MSU:

After completing my undergraduate degree, I’ll complete the dietetic internship at MSU, become a registered dietitian, and earn a master’s in nutrition science. Although my undergraduate degree and the internship will provide a great foundation for my career, I look forward to the deeper study that will come through the graduate degree in topics like obesity and food innovation and entrepreneurship.

I like that I tied what I had learned from my sources into my future plans. Because I knew I would be applying to the MS/DI program (meaning I would complete the dietetic internship with a master’s degree), I researched the degree and incorporated some of the topics here in this section and throughout my personal statement.

Some advice you might have heard elsewhere about writing your personal statement is sharing a weakness of yours. Some internships even require it as part of your essay! Here’s how I approached that for MSU:

One weakness in my application is that I don’t have much experience with sustainable food systems. But I’m applying to MSU because I believe that understanding this area of nutrition will be vital in the future. The world’s resources are dwindling, and consumers are starting to examine their foods’ impact on the environment. As a dietitian, I’ll need to identify sustainable foods, so I can share with clients in my future private practice. Even before I start my private practice, I’d personally appreciate knowing more about this area so I can apply what I’ve learned to my life.

It’s not necessarily a bad thing to not know much about your program’s concentration. MSU’s dietetic internship has a concentration in Sustainable Food Systems, which means learning about how to evolve the way food is produced, distributed, and consumed to support the health of people and the planet. Although people might choose a dietetic internship for its concentration because they want to go into it, I had no prior experience with this concentration. Instead, I chose it because it was so unique. (Also notice how I shared why this part of the program was important to me and my future.)

To personalize your personal statement for dietetic internships, you need to remember these three things:

  • Do your research
  • Decide what matters
  • Connect the dots

I hope this article left you feeling more empowered to push through the last of your applications. Good luck to you all! Be sure to celebrate all the amazing work you’ve put into not just your application but improving yourself.

Are you applying to dietetic internships? What sources have you used?

Until next time, Emmalee

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Dietetics personal statement example 1.

I am applying for this course because I am very interested in becoming a dietitian. I have been interested in this career for a number of years. I enjoy chemistry and food related subjects and I am interested in working for the health service. As well as this I am intrigued about how the body works and the influencer nutrition has on this. My A-level in biology covers briefly the variations in dietary requirements as the life cycle takes place. I have enjoyed this subject and would like to study it in more depth. I have completed 1 week shadowing the dietitian's at ___________. I enjoyed every minute of it and I particularly enjoyed the dietitian's clinics. The clinic's allowed the dietitian to have one to one contact with the patient. This seems the most effective way to change a patient's behaviour. The majority of patients I came into contact with had some form of diabetes, but I also saw anorexia and obesity. The skills used during these appointments were fascinating. I often saw a cycle of a dietitian who managed to persuade patients who were not thinking about change to change some parts of their diets. These skills are essential in this career and are preliminary taught through the degree and improved in practice. This week was also helpful as it helped me confirm my career choice and therefore my university options.

My A -level subjects are very relevant to this course. The course is split into 2 main areas, academic and clinical work. In the first year the course covers a lot of biochemistry, and I believe my a-levels in biology and chemistry will help me here. The course will also contain numerous calculations especially in working out specific requirements. My mathematics knowledge will help me here. There will be many parts which are new to me and these include behavioural sciences such as psychology and sociology. Modules in professional studies will also be new to me although my work experiences has enabled me to observe some of these skills in practice.

My main career aim upon successful completion of the course is to practise as a dietitian in the UK, for the NHS. I then hope to achieve senior status.

As a person I view myself as organised committed and friendly. I think these are all qualities which will help me in the dietetic world. I am organised because I complete all my college assignments on time, and to a high standard. I like to organise my days in advance so tasks get completed on time, and free time is used effectively. I believe I am committed to my studies. I chose to attend a college with a higher profile than my local college event though this resulted in 90 minutes of travelling per day. I feel I am friendly, and can mix with other people in unfamiliar situations. This is important as communication skills are vital in a dietetic career.

In my spare time I enjoy voluntary work, leisure activities and part time work. I am currently a young Guide leader for my local Guide group. This has enabled me to work towards the Guide Association's leadership qualification. On completion I will, be qualified to be an assistant Guide Leader. The qualification aims at developing skills required in order to run a unit and also develops teamwork and leadership skills. For leisure I am a member of my local gym. This is primarily to improve fitness but it also builds self confidence and I meet new people. I am currently employed at my local Primark store as a till operator. The job has enabled me to develop customer service skills, which will be important in my future career.

As well as these activities I like to take part in my college's enrichment programme. I have participated in IT enrichment and Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. The IT enrichment have provided me with OCR qualification in text production up to level 3. I am continuing with these classes in order to obtain the Diploma in Text Production. I am currently working towards Duke of Edinburgh Gold award, and have completed the expedition and residential aspects of this award. For my residential I took part in an International Guide and Scout camp, where I was a staff member working on the catering team. Both exploration and residential helped me incorporate team work but in different scenarios.

Profile info

There is no profile associated with this personal statement, as the writer has requested to remain anonymous.

Author's Comments

All course applied for include state registrataion as a dietitian.

Queen Margaret University (College) Edinburgh: 180 Points from at least 2 A-levels, including 2 sciences. (Accepted this offer even though i was predicted AAA)

University Wales Institute Cardiff: 260 Points from 3 A-levels including Biology and Chemistry

Leeds Metropolitan University: CCD: Including chemistry and one other science

Glasgow Caledonian University: Not sure (it was over 3 years ago!)

Surrey University: BBB: include 2 sciences preferably chemistry and biology.

Nottingham University: Rejected after interview for Msc Nutrition with state registration as a dietitian, accepted for Bsc Nutrition. BCC: Including chemistry and one other science.

Not sure if this was my final statement because of the length but the content is what was included, maybe i included it in a more concise way!

This personal statement is unrated

Related Personal Statements

Wrong profession.

Wed, 11/06/2008 - 12:53

Is this page not for dentists?

Thank you for posting this!

Tue, 19/07/2011 - 11:43

Thank you for posting this! Has been really helpful to read, as not many people seem to want to do Dietetics! Good luck with your application :)

what year did you apply?

Tue, 10/09/2013 - 10:01

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