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M.sc. (cognitive science) admission, ph.d. admission: frequently asked questions.

What is the procedure for selecting the candidates?

Applications will be shortlisted on the basis of the shortlisting criteria that will be announced after the closing date for applications.

Shortlisted candidates would be invited to appear for a written test at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences.

In the Written Test candidates will have to answer ANY ONE of the following question papers: Economics, Linguistics, Literature, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Technology in Society.

There will be further shortlisting on the basis of the performance in the written test.

Those shortlisted after the written test would have to appear for an interview.

The written test and the interview will be scheduled on the same day or at most within two days.

Shortlisted candidates would also be required to submit a short Research Proposal two weeks before the written test and interview. Submissions will be called for by email.

What are the areas of research (PhD program) offered by the department? Please see the following link for up to date list of areas offered in the current admission cycle. https://hss.iitd.ac.in/areas

When are admissions for the Ph.D. Programme held? Admissions to the Ph.D. Programme at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) at IIT Delhi are held once a year. Applications are usually invited in March each year and the selection process is completed in May. Intake in particular academic fields will be determined by the advertisement that is put out each time.

How does one apply? Applications are to be made online at on the IITD website> Admissions> PG Admissions . Help regarding general procedures for completing the application and can be found here. Certain norms may differ for the HSS.

What is the percentage marks required for admission to the Ph.D. Programme at the HSS? The institute minimum criteria for PhD applicants is at least 60% (SC/ST 55%) marks on the aggregate in the MA degree or equivalent. The department reserves the right to opt for a higher criteria for a particular round of admissions.

I am in the final semester of my Masters/ The results of the qualifying degree are still awaited. Am I eligible for the written test/ interview? According to the IIT Delhi PhD Information Brochure: "Candidates in the final year of their programmes and who expect to complete all their qualifying degree requirements before the date of registration are also eligible to apply for admissions. For short-listing purposes, their performance until the preceding semester (preceding year if their programmes are year based) would be considered but their admission would be provisional, subject to their meeting the minimum eligibility criteria after their final qualifying examination results are announced."

What are the additional necessary qualifications for a Full Time Ph.D. Programme? You need to have qualified for the UGC NET / JRF or GATE examination. This will entitle the student to a fellowship and the student would be assigned as a Teaching Assistant for the HSS faculty. There is no provision for a self-financed Full Time PhD registration at IIT Delhi.

In which disciplines do I have to qualify NET/GATE for full time PhD.? The candidate can qualify NET/ GATE in any discipline.

If I have a qualified GATE score and have a 3-year UG degree (B.A./ B.Sc./etc.), am I eligible to apply for Ph.D.? No. Only those who have completed a Masters Degree (M.A./M.Sc./etc.)  or B.Tech degree are eligible to apply for the Ph.D. programme at the Dept of HSS. Note that this degree requirement is part of eligibility criteria and hence the minimum marks mentioned earlier on this page also need to be met, in addition, to have qualified a national level exam like UGC NET or GATE.

I have qualified GATE/NET/JRF. Do I need to appear for the Entrance Examination for the Ph.D. programme? Yes. All shortlisted candidates will have to appear for the Written Entrance Examination.

What are the additional necessary qualifications for a Part Time Ph.D. Programme? You need to have a minimum of two years of work experience and would be required to submit a No Objection Certificate (NoC) from the employer at the time of admissions. Details of the NoC can be found in the prospectus.

I have two years work experience but not with the same employer. Do I qualify for the Part Time Ph.D. Programme? Yes, but you would need to produce an NoC from your current employer.

Do I have to produce No Objection Certificate from my employer at the time of the interview? Yes. In case of difficulty do consult the HSS office.

Am I allowed to continue working while being enrolled as a Part Time student? You can continue to work. But you would need to attend lectures which may be scheduled during working hours.

May I get sample question papers of admission test? Yes! Please visit here

What should be the format of Preliminary Research Proposal? It should be in a 800 word writeup indicating the following  Research Objectives, State of existing research in the chosen area, Novelty of the proposed research and methodology.

Should the Research Proposal include References/ Bibliography? Yes. However, References can be over and above the 800 word for the proposal.

How can I be sure that a particular faculty member at the HSS would be interested in supervising my Ph.D. Project? Do look up the faculty research interests on the HSS Department webspace. You are welcome to get in touch with a particular faculty member in advance.

The process for submission of the Research Proposal requires the applicant to choose the discipline for the Entrance Exam from among: Economics, Literature, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Linguistics, Technology in Society etc. Does it mean that the proposal should be related to any of these disciplines? Or can one include disciplines like public administration, political science etc? The HSS houses faculty members belonging to Economics, Linguistics, Literature, Philosophy, Psychology, and Sociology. Please check the faculty homepages for more details on faculty research interests. It is possible to work on an interdisciplinary area with shared faculty interests (eg. Technology in Society). Please mention the discipline/ interdisciplinary area in which you would appear for in the first round of the selection procedure. In certain cases it may be possible for research scholars to undertake projects co-supervised by an HSS faculty and an expert outside the HSS. But in all such cases at least one HSS faculty member must share a research interest and competence in the project.

I am unable to reach IITD on the scheduled day of the written test/ interview. Can the written test/ interview be rescheduled? Due to a very large number of applicants we are unable to consider any request for rescheduling the written test. Candidates who clear the written test will be invited for the interview the following day.

What are the documents that I need to carry with me during the interview? The list of documents is specified in the "Information Brochure" on the IIT Delhi website.

How will I learn about the results of the interview? The results will be put up on the HSS Department notice board after the end of the interview procedure. The results will be uploaded onto the IITD website It has been advised to carry attested copies of all the original documents.

Is it possible to obtain a break-up of the total fees to be deposited? Please call the number mentioned in the prospectus for further clarification.

Admission Form related queries?

There is no option to fill in "Discipline" after selecting "Department" Select "PhD Humanities and Social Sciences" and specify further details under "Proposed Research Area"

In Ph.D admission form,under heading "proposed area of research" what we are expected to write? You can specify the disciplinary, sub-disciplinary or interdisciplinary area in not more than a few words. Do not enter your the title of your proposed thesis here.

In Ph.D admission form,under heading "Statement of Purpose and Abstract of Thesis " what we are expected to upload?

You have to fill “Thesis Title” of your Qualifying degree in that option. If there was no Thesis in your qualifying degree, you may fill ‘N.A.’ in the column.  "Statement of Purpose" is a document in which you can describe the purpose of your research work in a particular area. It should be in a 800 word write up indicating the following – Research Objectives, State of existing research in the chosen area, Novelty of the proposed research and methodology.

More admission form related FAQs here .

If you still have questions you may write to [email protected]

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PhD Programmes at IIT Delhi

Solid Mechanics : Large Deformations, Impact Mechanics, Elasticity, Piezothermoelasticity, Composite Materials and structures Plates and Shells, Non-linear Dynamics and Chaos, Off-Shore Structures, Smart Structures, Structural Stability, Snow Mechanics, Dynamic Plasticity, Nano Composites, Damage Mechanics, Soft Materials, Structural Health Monitoring, Functionally Graded Structures, Multi-Scale Modelling of Nano-Structures, Biomechanics/Cell Mechanics, Cardiovascular Biomechanics, Brain Biomechanics, Computational Surgery. 

Fluid Mechanics : Internal and External Flows, Solid-Liquid Flows, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Hydrodynamic Stability; Turbulence, Aerodynamics; Turbulent Heat Transfer Compressible Flows, Fluid-structure Interaction.

Design Engineering : Computer Aided Design, Reliability Engineering, Engineering Alternative, Ergonomics, Reverse Engineering, Design and Analysis of Biomedical Devices, Compliant Mechanisms and Smart Instrumentation, Bio-inspired Engineering.

Microbial and Enzyme Engineering : Analysis and design of microbial and enzyme reactors for production of industrially important products such as biofuels, industrial enzymes, biopolymers, organic solvents, biofertilizers and biopesticides etc.; development of bio-sensors for detection of various analytes; Whole cell catalyzed biotransformations. 

Bioseparation and Downstream Processing : Membrane based separation processes, chromatographic separation processes, Membrane processes for water recycle. 

Metabolic engineering : Application of metabolic engineering principles for the development of cell factories for the production of important metabolites including renewable chemicals and therapeutic compounds.

Animal and plant cell culture : Development of cell culture techniques for cultivation of plant and animal cells in specialized reactors for production of therapeutic compounds.

Environmental Biotechnology : The development of reactors and processes for stabilization of organic and industrial wastes; Laccase engineering for treatment of textile effluents; Effect of environmental factors on microbial community dynamics.

Biochemistry and molecular biology : Industrial enzymes, development of recombinant clones for over-production of enzymes and metabolites, development of expression systems in bacteria and yeasts, Human therapeutics production in yeast, bioenergetics and biological molecular machines, Nanoparticle-based drug delivery and protein-based nanodevices, cancer biology, microRNA biology.

Bioinformatics and Genomics : Genome editing with programmable nucleases; analysis and interpretation of next-generation sequencing data; traditional home-medicine and cancer big data analysis.

Biophotonics : Development of fluorescence and optical imaging methods for detection of single molecules to the whole cell. Application of these methods for biosensing of pathogenic microbes and cancer cells.

Agricultural Microbiology : Plant microbe interactions; biocontrol.

Electromicrobiology : Extracellular electron transfer; microbial electrochemistry.

Environmental Engineering : Urban air quality management; indoor air pollution; water and waste water treatment; Emerging water contaminants (Nano particles, Antibiotics); urban water and waste water Management; Non-point source Pollution; Membrane Biological Treatment Process; Modeling, simulation and optimization of Environmental systems; Environmental Impact Assessment; Human Health Risk Assessment; solid waste management; incineration waste-to-energy; circulating fluidized bed operations; Landfill Management; Carbon sequestration; sustainable development (Urban cities/growth centres); Environmental Risk Analysis, GIS and Remote Sensing Applications for Environmental Management. Aerosol characterization, local and regional air quality, climate change and health impact.

Geotechnical Engineering : Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering; Rock Mechanics, Rock Engineering and Underground Structures; Rock Dynamics; Geo-environmental Engineering; Landfills; Ash Ponds and Ash Utilization; Geotechnical Re-utilization of waste; Energy Geotechnology; Slope Stability and Dams; Ground Improvement; Geosynthetics; Reinforced Soils; Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Geotechnics; Foundations for Industrial Machines; Site specific response studies; Engineering Geology; Seismic Hazard Analysis and Microzonation; Expansive Soils; Geophysical Methods; Geotechnology for tracks and pavements; Blast and Impact Analysis; Dynamic Behaviour of Tunnels and Slopes; Landslides in Static and Dynamic Conditions; Offshore Geotechnology; Constitutive Modelling; Numerical Methods; Mechanics of granular materials; Post-Geodisaster Reconnaissance Studies; Bioinspired Geotechnics.

Structural Engineering : Analysis and design of structures; tall buildings; bridges; Earthquake engineering; wind engineering; offshore structures; masonry, RCC and steel structures; Construction Management; Construction Technology; Concrete Technology; structural dynamics; structural control; constitutive modeling; computational methods; modeling of damage, plasticity and creep of concrete; durability of concrete; rebar corrosion; modeling of cements; supplementary cementitious materials; use of marble, granite or other waste powder in concrete; composites; high performance concrete; self-compacting concrete; financial analysis; contract administration, quantitative methods in construction management; Infrastructure Project Management Risk and Financial Management; sustainable construction, green building, resilient infrastructure, design management, automation in construction; BIM (Building Information Modeling) in construction projects; structural health monitoring; smart materials and structures; tensegrity structures; biomechanics; engineered bamboo structures; artificial intelligence; damage assessment and strengthening; microstructural modeling; mechanics of composite materials; non-destructive testing and evaluation using ultrasound; subsurface imaging using ultrasonic wave propagation; piezoelectricenergy harvesting; radiation damage; nanomechanics; multiscale modeling; fracture and failure modeling; mechanics of glasses & disordered materials; atomistic modeling, machine learning.

Transportation Engineering : Transport planning; Transport policy; Transportation safety; Construction work zone safety; Heterogeneous traffic flow modeling; Traffic safety and capacity of hill roads; Mass transportation planning; Urban transport infrastructure planning and design; Non-motorized transport planning; Modeling of pedestrian behavior; Activity-travel behavior analysis; Network modeling; Transportation logistics and optimization; Traffic operations; Geometric design of transportation infrastructure; Characterization of pavement materials; Pavement design (flexible and rigid); Damage modeling of bitumen and bituminous mixtures; Constitutive modeling of pavement materials; Recycling of civil infrastructure materials; Rheology of asphaltic materials; Condition assessment of highway infrastructure; Pavement management systems; Highway engineering; Airport infrastructure.

Water Resources Engineering : Hydrology in natural and urban environment; Hydrological modeling and simulation; Stochastic processes; Data mining in hydrology; Flood forecasting and modeling; Snow and glacier hydrology; Snow dynamics; Hydroclimatology; Climate change effects in water resources; Watershed modeling; Large river basin modeling; water resources systems, planning and management; Water allocation; Water resources conflicts; Irrigation management; Flow through porous media; Ground water modeling; Ground water contamination & remediation; Contaminant transport modeling; Leachate pollution; Bioremediation; River water quality modeling; Environmental impact assessment of water resources projects; Surface and subsurface drainage; Hydraulic structures; Sediment transport; Application of numerical methods, CAD,FEM, GIS, and Remote sensing in Water Resources Engineering. Slurry Pipeline, CFD modeling of Multiphase flows, Economic Analysis of water resources projects; Anomalous Hydro Dynamics; Transport Phenomena.   

Catalysis and reactor engineering, Multiphase flow & rectors, Control of reactors, Petroleum refining engineering, Computer Aided Design, Computational fluid dynamics, Microfluidics, Hydrodynamic, instability, Particle technology, Mixing, Fluidization, Distillation and other separation processes, Complex fluids, Interfacial engineering, food, Polymers, Polymer rheology, Membrane synthesis & processes, Biomass, Bioseparations and Bioprocessing, Process operations planning and scheduling, Biosimilars, Quality by design, Protein characterization, Colloids, and interfacial science, Nanotechnology, Biosensors, Renewable energy, Biorenewable Chemicals and Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Electrochemical process, Hydrogen fuel cells, Lithium-ion batteries, Electrochemical modeling Supercapacitor, Electrochemical energy storage Devices, Flow batteries, Therapeutics, Drug delivery, Waste management, Environmental engineering, Aerosols, Air Pollution, Process systems engineering, Model Predictive control, Process monitoring, Application of machine learning in chemical process modeling and control Structural Bioinformatics, Polymer Informatics, Computational material design, Density Functional Theory and Molecular Dynamics Simulations.

Algorithms and Complexity Theory : Algorithmic graph theory, Computational geometry, Randomized algorithms, Approximation algorithms, Complexity theory, Online algorithms.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) : Reinforcement learning and AI planning, Neuro-symbolic ML, Probabilistic graphical models, Statistical relational learning, Extreme classification, Embodied artificial intelligence, Ethical AI, Fairness and reliability in ML, Privacy issues in ML, ML for social networks, ML applications to healthcare, AI for crowd sourcing, Knowledge-based AI, Computational advertising, AI for robotics.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) : Intelligent information systems, Information extraction, Question answering, Dialog systems, Knowledge-base completion, Neural architectures for NLP.

Databases and Data Analytics : Intentionmining,Policydrivendatabases,Informationretrieval,Information dissemination in social networks, Semantic web data management, Opinion mining, Indexing and querying in graph databases, Spatio-temporal data analytics, Data wrangling.

Architecture and Embedded Systems : Hardware-software co-design, Embedded systems design, Reconfigurable computing, Fault-tolerant computing, Hardware implementations, Temperature-aware architectures, Energy-efficient architectures, Design-for-debug, Cache memory, 3D and non-volatile memory, Architectural extensions for mobile security, Architectures for machine learning, Architectures for computer vision, Secure architectures.

Graphics and Vision : Computer graphics, Virtual reality, Computer vision, Digital image and video processing, Mobile multimedia, Embedded computer vision, Robotic vision, Medical image analysis.

Asymmetric synthesis & catalysis, Biochemistry (Enzyme technology, Microbial Biochemistry, Fermentation & Bio-remediation, Cloning & Proteomics), Bio-inorganic chemistry, Bio-organic chemistry, Bio-physical chemistry, Carbohydrate chemistry, Coordination chemistry, Fluorescence Spectroscopy (Ensemble & Single molecule), Nano-materials (Optical Properties & Photovoltaics), Nano-catalysis in ionic liquids, NMR spectroscopy, Organometallic chemistry, Peptide synthesis, Quantum & Classical computer simulation on chemical & biological systems, Solid state chemistry, Supramolecular chemistry (Molecular Organisation & Recognition), Synthetic & Mechanistic organic chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry.

Industrial Design, Product Design, Engineering Design, Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, Design for Product Life-Cycle, Usability, User Experience, Design for Wellness, Design for Sustainability, Design for Environment, Packaging Design, Visual Narratives, Comics Studies, Design for Children Education, Visual Communication, Healthcare Design, Design of Sustainable Habitats, Data Science and Design, Design of Assistive Technologies, Design for Culture, Design for Industry 4.0.

Circuits, Systems and Devices Engineering : CMOS technology and VLSI design, device modeling, simulation and characterization, device fabrication and reliability, compact modeling and PDKs, nanoelectronics, quantum computing, nanomaterials, nanophotonics, plasmonics, biosensors, fiber-optic and chip based optical sensors, photonic and optoelectronic materials and devices, LEDs and solid state lighting, CMOS image sensors and vision systems, photovoltaics and photodetectors, memory devices and architecture, logic device design, neuromorphic computing and NVRAM technology, machine learning, bio-inspired devices and circuit design, spintronics and micromagnetics, MEMS evices, energy harvesters and piezoelectric devices, low-power analog design, low-cost sensors and flexible electronics, quantum electronics, energy harvesting, measurement and instrumentation, power semiconductor devices, analog and mixed signal circuit design, high speed circuit design, electromagnetics, microfluidics and microplasmas.

Literature, Sociology, Psychology, Linguistics, Philosophy, Economics.

NOTE: Candidates must refer to the Department website ( http://hss.iitd.ac.in/areas ) for details on areas of specialization in which applications will be considered.

Algebra, Cryptography, Numerical Linear Algebra, Number Theory and Combinatorics, Dynamical Systems and Fractals, Topology, Algebraic Topology, Harmonic Analysis, functional Analysis, Operator Theory, Pseudo Differential Operator, Numerical Analysis, Partial and Stochastic Differential Equations, Algorithms and Graph Theory, Machine Translation, Applied Probability, Stochastic Modeling, Queueing Theory, Optimization, Game Theory, Financial Mathematics.

Design Engineering : Mechanical Vibrations, Rotor Dynamics, Damped Structures, Composite Structures, Smart structures, Active Vibration Control, Experimental Modal Analysis & Identification, Structural Dynamic Modification, Finite Element Model Updating, Dynamic Design, Noise Engineering, Condition Monitoring, Bearing Dynamics, Lubrication, Mechanical System Design, Precision Machine Design, Computer Aided Mechanical Design, Computer Controlled Mechanisms, Vehicle Dynamics, Modelling the Impact of Vehicles, Impact Biomechanics, Concurrent Engineering Design, Mechanisms, Robotics (including Medical Robotics), Medical Devices/instruments, Multibody Dynamics, Application of Multibody Dynamics in Design and analysis of Rural Engineering Systems, Computational Mechanics ,Fracture Mechanics, Fatigue & Failure analysis, Experimental solid Mechanics, Mechatronics, Sensors and Actuator Design, MEMS, Design of Microsystems, Nanomechanics, Artificial Intelligence Applications in Mechanical Engineering & Expert Systems for Design & manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Applications to Medical Science. Public policy and governance, Transportation (Railways , Freight ).

Thermal Engineering : Phenomenological and Multi-dimensional modeling of IC Engines, Fundamental and Applied Combustion, Air Pollution: Characterization and Remediation, Microfluidics, Phase Change, Multiphase Flows, Electrochemical Energy Systems, Fluid-structure Interaction, Bio heat transfer, Rural Energy Systems, Biomass Gasification, Clean Coal Technologies, Solar Cooling, Thermal Comfort, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning System, Computer Simulation and Design of Thermal System, Heat and Mass Transfer Systems, Heat and mass transfer, Porous media Convective drying , Inverse heat transfer, Continuous casting, Pico-hydel power units for rural electrification and production of char using water biomass.

Production Engineering : Metal Cutting, Metal Forming, Welding, Metal Casting, Material Characterization, Non traditional Manufacturing Processes, Measurements & Metrology, Grinding of Ceramics and Metal Matrix Composites, Processing of Polymers & Composites, Injection Molding, Microcellular Injection Molding, Finite Element Applications in Manufacturing, CAD/CAM, Rapid Prototyping, Intelligent Manufacturing, Micro & Nano-Manufacturing, Biomaterials and Medical Implants, Nanocomposites, Modeling of Material Behavior, Lean concepts in Machine Tool Design. Manufacturing Automation, Magnetorheological Finishing.

Industrial Engineering : Quality, Reliability and Maintenance, Lean Manufacturing, Agile Manufacturing Productivity Management, Operations Research, Operations Management, Project Management, Supply Chain Management, Applied Probability Models, Decision Support Systems, Value Engineering, Flexible Systems, Healthcare Systems, Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, e-Business, Reverse Logistics, Financial Engineering, Wireless Systems.

Metals : Structure-property correlation in advanced materials, Fracture and Fatigue, Indentation, nano-scale friction and wear, Material characterization using advanced microscopy, phase transformations, solid-state diffusion controlled reactions, Synthesis and characterization of Metal matrix composites, Light metals and alloys, 3D printed metals and alloys, Auxetic materials, Bulk metallic glasses and composites, functionally graded materials, nanomaterials.

Polymers : Synthesis of polymers, structure-property correlation in polymers, rheology and processing of polymers, polymer matrix composites, tribology and mechanical behaviour of polymers, membranes for various applications, antifouling and antibiofouling materials and membranes, redox polymers, materials for energy storage, separation and purification, organic-inorganic hybrid materials, catalytic materials and nanomaterials for catalysis and environmental applications, 2D materials, graphene, Covalent organic frameworks, biodegradable materials, organically modified mesoporous silica nanoparticles, surface engineering using controlled radical polymerization techniques.

High Temperature Materials : Advanced ceramics, high entropy alloys, materials for extreme environments, thermal barrier coatings, alloy processing and properties, refractory metals and compounds, aluminide bond coats.

Computational Materials Science : Physics-and data-based modeling of materials, First principles based materials design, Molecular modeling of materials, Micromagnetic simulations, Multiscale Simulations, Finite element modeling, Machine learning for materials informatics.

Materials and Condensed Matter Physics : Thin Films, Materials and Devices, Novel Functional Magnetic Materials, Nanomaterials, Lattice Dynamics, Semiconductors and Amorphous Materials, Electronics Ceramics, Quantum Functional Materials, Superconductivity, Nanomagnetism and Spintronics, Spin Dynamics, Charge Carrier Dynamics and Electronic Structure Studies of the Correlated Electron Systems, e.g., Fe-based high-Tc superconductors, Complex oxides, Materials for Nuclear Energy, Spectroscopic imaging, Topological Insulator.

Optics and Photonics : Holography, High Density Data storage, Liquid crystals, Non linear Phase Conjugation, Optical Information Processing, Optical Data Security, Singular Optics, Nonlinear Optics, Nonlinear guided Wave Optics, Solitons, Quantum Optics, Fiber Optics, Integrated Optics, Fiber Optics Sensors and Biosensors, Fiber optics Components, Nanophotonics, Laser Spectroscopy and Applications, Terahertz Spectroscopy and Applications, Ultrafast Dynamics, Laser Processing and Fabrication, Green and Biophotonics, Photonic Metamaterials, Bio-Medical Imaging, Inverse Problems in Imaging, Optoelectronics.

Plasma Physics : Particle Acceleration, Non linear Waves and Instabilities in Plasma, Thermo Nuclear Fusion, Microwaves and Plasma Interaction, Solitons in Plasma, Space Plasmas, Terahertz (THz) Radiation Generation, Hall Thrusters, Interaction of Plasmas with Materials, Laser Plasma Interaction, Particle and Fluid simulations in Plasma.

Computational and Statistical Physics : Mathematical, Statistical Mechanics, and Computational Physics, theoretical Studies in ultra-cold atoms, Cavity Opto-mechanics with ultra-cold atoms, Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics, Ultrafast Optics. Soft Condensed Matter and Biophysics, Ion-atom collision physics, Ion-irradiation of biologically relevant molecules.

Condensed Matter Theory : Designing Energy Materials, Thermal Transport, Electronic Structure, Band Engineering, Clusters and Catalysis, Pyroelectricity, Piezoelectricity, (Anti) ferroelectricity, (Anti) ferromagnetism, Multiferroics, Spin and Lattice Dynamics, Caloric Effects, Non-collinear Magnetism, Genetic Algorithm, Machine Learning, Force Field, Density Functional Theory, Kinetic Monte Carlo, Molecular Dynamics, etc.

Quantum Matters and Information System : Topological classification of semi-metals using experimental and DFT simulations, transport properties of these exotic materials under very low temperature, high magnetic field and high pressures, single crystal Topological Insulator, rare earth based Half Heusler(HH) alloy systems, cold atom based quantum technologies, trapping of cold atoms in optical potentials, controlling the environment induced decoherence, building large scale quantum information processing network, quantum computation protocols for solving industry and society relevant problems, quantum sensing devices and quantum metrology modules for precision instrumentations and measurements, collision of highly charged ions interaction with atoms, molecule of biological interest, clusters and ices of bio-and astrophysical relevance, bio-medical application to estimate the damages to the human DNA/ RNA caused by exposure to ionizingradiation.

Economics : Managerial Economics, International Economics, Productivity and Efficiency Analysis, Business Forecasting, Economic Feasibility & Techno economic Analysis, Sustainable Development, Socio-economic Analysis, Energy Economics, Econometric Methods and Applications, Macroeconomic Theory and Policy, Security and Information Risk, Merger and Acquisitions, Big Data Analytics, Digital Economy, Development Economics, Public Policy, Environmental Economies and Climate Change.

Finance : Financial Analysis and Valuation, Financial Management, International Financial Management, Capital Markets, Derivative Securities, Portfolio Management, Mutual Funds, Banking, Financial Markets and Services, Mergers and Acquisitions, Risk Management, Behavioral Finance, Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Supply chain Finance.

Human Resource Management : Organization Management / Behavior / Development, Business Ethics, Leadership.

Information Systems : Management of Information Technology, Management Information System, Decision Support System, Social Media, Digitization and Smart Cities, Machine Learning, ICTs, Development and Business, Business Analytics, Electronic Commerce, Sharing / platform economy, e-governance.

Marketing : Marketing Management, Industrial and Hi-Tech Marketing, Advertising, Sales promotion.

Operations : Production, Management and Operations research, Sustainable and Big Data Operations, International Manufacturing Network, Enterprise Resources Planning, Project Management, Modeling and Simulation of Operations, Healthcare Operations System Analysis, Total Quality Management, Logistics Management.

Strategy : Management of Technology, Corporate Strategy, Global Competitiveness, Strategic Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Flexible Systems Management, Business Process Re-engineering, Strategic Business Management, Knowledge Management, International Business, Intellectual Property Rights, Strategic Thinking.

Textile Engineering : Design and analysis of yarn and fabric formation systems: rotor spinning, ring spinning, airjet spinning, friction spinning, weaving, knitting, nonwovens, braiding etc.; Structural mechanics of textiles; High stress elastic materials; Apparels and garments; comfort; handle and other functional aspects of fibrous assemblies; Design and development of technical textiles: geo-textile, filter fabrics, medical textiles, protective textiles, textile composites etc.; Systems analysis; Textile production and marketing: operation management and supply chain managements; Textile production and marketing: operation management and supply chain managements; Textile Instrumentation and machine development; Modeling and simulation of textile processes and products; Quality management.

Textile Chemical Technology : Textile chemical processing; preparatory processes; dyeing, printing and finishing, Surface functionalization by plasma and UV excimer lamp; Micro and nano-encapsulation; Conducting textiles; Natural dyes; Bio-active textiles; Textile ecology and environment.

Signal Processing ; Underwater Acoustics, Speech and Audio, General Acoustics, Machine learning, Optimization for Signal Processing, Acoustic Imaging, Multi Sensor Data Fusion, Digital Communications, DSP Algorithms; Microwaves and RF : Active and Reconfigurable Circuits and Antennas, Millimeter Wave and T Hz circuits and sub-systems, Microwave imaging; RF MEMS, Wideband Microwave Circuits, Modeling of Active Devices; Microelectronics : Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS)Technology, Nanoelectronic & Optoelectronic Devices, THz Electronics, Semiconductor Powerdevices. 

Mesoscale Modelling : Numerical Modelling of the Atmosphere, Tropical Meteorology and Indian Monsoon, Land-SurfaceProcessModelling,Land-Atmosphere Interaction, Renewable Energy Meteorology, Renewable energy resource assessment and forecasting.

Ocean Modelling : Ocean Circulation Modelling, Ocean State Simulations and Forecasting, Storm Surges and Inundation, Coastal Ocean Processes, Simulation of Ocean Surface and Internal Waves.

Climate Modelling : Global and Regional Climate Modelling, Climate Dynamics, Climate Variability and Changes, Climate Change Detection; Attribution, Climate Projections, Climate Change Impacts on extreme events, health, agriculture, water resources and energy, Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions.

Air Pollution Modelling : Urban Meteorology, Chemical Transport Modelling, Health Impact Assessment of Air Pollution, Science of Extreme Weather.

EV technologies (Power train, Charger, charging Infrastructure, etc.), Battery for EVs, Battery management system (BMS), Autonomous and connected vehicles, Vehicle Telematics, Tribodynamics, Tribological and Acoustical materials, Surface Engineering, Condition Monitoring and Reliability.

Electrical / Electronic/ Instrumentation Engineering; Mechanical/Manufacturing/Production Engineering; Chemistry/ Biochemistry/Polymer Chemistry/ Material Sciences/ Pharmaceutical Sciences; Chemical Engineering; Mathematics/Physics/Bio-Physics; Computer Science Engineering; Biomedical Engineering; Biotechnology, MBBS/BDS/Homeopathy (B.H.M.S)/Physiotherapy (BPT)) /Veterinary Sciences.

Internal Combustion Engines, Thermal Engineering, Solar Thermal, Power Systems, Power Electronics, Machine Drives, Control System and Devices, Instrumentation and Control, Solar Photovoltaics, Wind Energy, Hydro Power, Plasma Science andTechnology, Nuclear Engineering, Energy Conservation and Management, Bio Energy, Water Resources Engineering,Turbo Machinery, Materials and Metallurgy, Building Design and Energy Management, Computational Fluid Dynamics (Thermal Fluids).

Artisan technologies and rural industries; rural energy system; renewable energy technologies; biogas production and enrichment; biofuels, biofertilizers and biopesticides; biomass production, conversion and utilization; environmental microbiology and bioremediation; algal technologies; natural products processing (food, medicinal, aromatic, and cosmeceutical plants); eco-friendly grain storage systems; agro-food processing, storage and value addition; Food safety and quality measurement, 3D Printing of biological materials; bio-formulation for food preservation and storage; isolation, encapsulation and value addition of bioactives; biomass thermo chemical processing; clean cookstoves; solid and liquid waste management; wastewater treatment; wetland reclamation; clean and sustainable technologies; natural fibre products; environmental impact assessment; tissue culture; medicinal mushroom production technologies; panchagavya–processes, validation and standards; application of block chain technology and nanotechnology in agriculture.

Electronic and optical sensors, Mechatronics, Optical Metrology, Micro optics, Aspheric and freeform optics, optical instrumentation, Holographic microscopy, Digital speckle pattern interferometry, Optical coherence tomography and optical image processing.

Holistic Health and Wellness : All issues pertaining to holistic view of individual’s health and wellness. These include modern scientific research on proven mind-body techniques for physical and mental health, such as Mindfulness, Yoga, Tai-Chi, Qi-Gong, Ayurveda, Holistic nutrition and others. Yogic Neuroscience, Indian Psychology, Cognitive Sciences, Clinical trials on Yoga and Ayurveda, fMRI-based Neuroimaging (fMRI), EEG, MEG, PET, fNIRS.

Leadership for Sustainable Development : Various aspects of holistic and sustainable development. Notions of development which go beyond purely material well-being, and consider other aspects of human/societal well-being such as intellectual, emotional and overall happiness. Notions of development which encompass sustained co-existence among human-beings as well as with nature. How to create leadership (in various walks of life –especially in engineering/technology) for taking forward these alternate views on development.

Inner Development : Understanding first person mental phenomena, especially those pertaining to Meditation, Mindfulness and Contemplation in a rigorous academic framework. Theoretical frameworks for alternative worldview based on deep contemplative insights. Teaching and research on first person mental phenomena through accurate and reproducible observations.

Inner and Outer Harmony through Music and Arts : Classical music, dance and art forms that promote introspection, concentration, various aspects of self-awareness and devotion. Evolution of parallel streams of classical music in India. Development of classical art forms through folk art forms. Societal awareness through classical music. Streams of thought in classical music. Connections between 32ufism32c music and 32ufism. Technology-based analysis and dissemination of music.

Value Education and Technology : Teaching the teachers, tools and techniques for inculcating value education to students, especially at tertiary level of science and engineering. Research on effectiveness of various techniques for value education. Newer models of education. Use of technology for large scale dissemination of knowledge.

Scalable & Dependable Computing, Information Security, Biometrics, Information Storage and Retrieval, Data Analytics, Social Network Analysis, High Speed Networks, Sensor Networks, Mobile and Web Based Computing, Multimedia Systems, Embedded Systems, VLSI Design Automation, Internet of Things, Image Processing, Computer Vision, Robotics and Intelligent Systems, Medical Applications of IT, Computational and Systems Biology, Computational Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, Assistive Technologies, Human Computer Interfaces, Information and Communication Technologies for Development, Data Science for Development, Computational Sustainability, Geographical Information Systems, Blockchain Technologies, Location Based Services, Other areas aligned with school activities.

Telecom Networks,Telecom Software, Wireless Technologies, Optical Networks, Signal Processing,Telecom Systems Design, Planning and Management, Regulatory and Policy Aspects of Telecom Services and Systems, Embedded Telecom Systems, Telecom Network Management, Performance Analysis of Communication System and Resource Management, Wireless Security, Machine learning for wireless communication, Internet of Things.

Artificial Intelligence and related applications (Reasoning under uncertainty, Trustworthy AI, etc.), Machine Learning, Data Mining, Computer Vision and its applications (Medical Imaging, Perception of Mobility, etc.), Deep Learning (Generative Models, Graph Neural Networks, Neuro-symbolic reasoning, etc.), Natural Language Processing and related applications (Machine Translation, Summarization, etc.), Information Retrieval, Data Management, Robotics (planning, learning, human-interaction, embodied systems), Statistical Modeling, Data Science applications: Social Networks, Healthcare, Spatio-temporal data, Knowledge Graphs, etc.

IITD faculty from two or more different Depatments/Centres/Schools define Interdisciplinary Research problems as projects. The student selection is done for specific projects advertised periodically on the School website (sire.iitd.ac.in); the student is supervised by all the concerned faculty.

Not accepting applications in this admission cycle.

Computational Biology, Systems Biology, Chemical Biology, Cellular Biophysics, protein folding & misfolding with focus on infectious diseases and non-communicable disorders, Chaperone assisted protein folding, Molecular biophysics of protein folding, unfolding and conformational properties, Cognitive and computational neuroscience, Viral diseases, Nanoparticle-based targeting, Structural Biology, Diagnostic Virology, Cancer Biology, Plant-based therapeutics, Marine Bioprospecting, insulin signaling and insulin resistant diabetes, Leishmaniasis, ion channel and receptor biology, Host pathogen interaction.

Transportation Planning; Traffic flow modeling and optimization, public transport systems; Sustainable Urban Transport; Travel Behaviour Modeling; Pedestrian Dynamics and Evacuations; Construction Safety and Work Zone Safety; Highway Safety; Vehicle Crash Modeling; Road Traffic Injury Prevention; Human Body Modeling and injury estimation; Pedestrian and non-motorized vehicle safety; Urban Freight, Road accident costing.

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Minimum Qualifications for admission to Part-time and Sponsored (full-time) PhD Programmes

The following eligibility conditions apply for the Part-time and sponsored full-time programmes.

Only employees of Public Sector Undertakings or Government Departments or Research and Development Organizations or Private Industries (approved by Faculty Boards) are eligible for admission to these programmes.

The minimum full-time experience required after obtaining the qualifying degree and as on date of registration, is given below in Table 2:

QualificationsWork Experience (Post Qualification)
M.E./M.Tech./M.S.(R)/M.D. or EquivalentNil
B.E./B.Tech./M.Sc./M.A./M.B.A./MBBS or equivalent, from CFTIs/Central Universities 1 Year
B.E./B.Tech./M.Sc./M.A./M.B.A./MBBS or equivalent, and working in IIT Delhi* (Project or Regular)* Through proper channel1 Year
B.E./B.Tech./M.Sc./M.A./MBA/MBBS or equivalent, from institutions other than CFTIs/Central Universities2 Years

Minimum qualification for these candidates is the same as for full-time candidates, except that the requirement of qualifying in a national examination is waived.

For part-time candidates from outside NCR (or at a radial distance of more than 50 km from IIT Delhi), there is a minimum residency requirement of 6 months. DRC/CRC/SRC may specify a higher residency requirement based on the courses recommended as well as the background.

Sponsored (full-time) candidates seeking admission to a Ph.D. programme on the basis of study leave, must submit a “Sponsorship Certificate” on a proper letter head from the appropriate authority in the organization clearly stating the following:

Part-time candidates are required to submit a “No Objection Certificate” (NOC) on a proper letter head from the appropriate authority in the organization clearly stating the following:

he/she will be fully relieved from duty and permitted to reside at the Institute for the period of required residency that is essential for completing the course work (this is not a requirement for candidates who are working in NCR or organizations located within a distance of 50 km from the Institute);

that his/her official duties permit him/her to attend required classes as per the Time Table of IIT Delhi;

that his/her official duties permit him/her to devote sufficient time for research;

facilities for research in the candidate’s field of research are available at the candidate’s place of work, in case the proposed Ph. D. research plan requires him/her to use these facilities when the candidate is physically present at this place of work.

Template of this NOC is available on the IIT Delhi PG admissions website. Kindly note that lack of confirmation and clarity on one or more of the above points in the NOC may make prevent the applicant’s application being processed, even if he/she qualify in the interview/screening.

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NRCVEE - National Resource Centre for Value Education in Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

NRCVEE PhD program

NRCVEE has a vibrant PhD program which offers full-time as well as part-time PhD research opportunities in a wide range of research areas. The PhD program focuses on understanding what it means to be a human being from a multidisciplinary perspective involving wellness, neuroscience, classical music and arts, Yogic psychology, consciousness and inner development, value education, sustainability, to name a few. One of the major highlights of the PhD program is that it renders PhD candidates an adequate time duration to connect with prospective PhD guides/supervisors, subsequently explore and finalize upon common research area/interest. A full-time PhD candidate receives 18-month time duration to finalize a research topic. Whilst, a part-time PhD candidate gets two years to finalize a research topic.

Besides PhD research, full-time candidates have the opportunity to expand their horizons through a number of academic and extra-curricular engagements. These involve mandatory participation in NRCVEE Journal Club and voluntary participation in IIT Delhi wellness club activities.

The NRCVEE Journal Club was started in the year 2021. The Journal Club meetings are held once a week where PhD students, post-doctoral fellows, faculty members and experts present talks/lectures on research topics relevant to NRCVEE. This promotes academic and research related discussions and interactions within NRCVEE. Click here for a list of Journal Club talks.

Please contact with Head NRCVEE for further details regarding the PhD program. 

Eligibility requirements

Minimum eligibility criteria for admission.

Master degree in Engineering/Technology or master degree in Science /Humanities or equivalent in relevant discipline with CGPA 6.00 on 10 point scale or 60% marks in aggregate for General/OBC/ EWS category. Full time students who do not possess M.Tech. or equivalent degree are required to have a valid GATE/CEED* Score or UGC/CSIR /DBT /ICMR /INSPIRE fellowship examination for Sciences/Humanities and Social Sciences disciplines. OR B.Tech. or equivalent with CGPA of 7.0 on a 10 point scale or 70% aggregate marks and qualified GATE or UGC/CSIR /DBT /ICMR /INSPIRE fellowship examination for Biomedical Engg., candidates having M.B.B.S. with 60% marks or more are eligible provided they have qualified ICMR. The Candidates having Postgraduate degree of Doctor of Medicine (MD)/ Master in Surgery (MS) with 60% marks or more after MBBS will also be eligible for admission to Ph.D. Programme in CBME. • For the currently registered students in Centrally Funded Technical Institutes (CFTIs) having CGPA of 8.0 or above (on a 10 point scale) at the end of 6th semester or later, in B.Tech./ B.E./Integrated M.Tech./Integrated M.Sc. programmes (or any other programme of minimum four years duration, admission to which is on the basis of JEE), the requirement of GATE /National Examination is waived for consideration of admission the Ph.D. programme in IIT Delhi. Moreover, such students must have obtained CGPA of 8.0 or above at the time of graduation (and before they formally register for the Ph.D. programme). • The requirement of GATE /National Examination is waived for consideration for admission to the Ph.D. programme for all graduates of CFTIs with a B.Tech./ B.E./Integrated M.Sc. (or any other programme of minimum four years duration, admission to which is on the basis of JEE) with CGPA of 8.0 or above at the time of graduation. • The Requirement of GATE /National Examination is also waived for MA or M.Sc. graduated from IITs with CGPA 8.0 or above

Selection basis – Written test  and/or interview

At the outset, it is stated that the selection process highlighted below is tentative and liable to change. Hence, the prospective PhD candidates are requested to refer to the Information Brochure for admission to PhD. In case of further queries, please contact Head NRCVEE .

The tentative selection process is as follows –  The prospective candidates will be required to register themselves on the IIT Delhi admission portal. The shortlisted candidates will be informed through email and asked to submit a 3-4 pages research proposal outlining their proposed research at NRCVEE along with their detailed CV. The candidates will be shortlisted based on their CV and the quality and relevance of their submitted research proposals. The shortlisted candidates will be informed about the final interview dates. The candidates will be asked questions related to their research proposals and NRCVEE areas of research. The shortlisted candidates will be informed through email about their selection.

Information brochure Semester 1, 2022 – 2023 for admission to PhD

NRCVEE research areas for PhD candidates

NRCVEE offers PhD program in the areas listed below. The candidates are evaluated on a 4-5 page research proposal that they are required to submit after they get shortlisted in the first round. If their proposals get shostlisted, then the final round consists of a technical interview with experts. 

1. Holistic health and wellness

All issues pertaining to the holistic view of individual’s health and wellness. These include modern scientific research on proven mind-body techniques for physical and mental health, such as Mindfulness, Yoga, Tai-Chi, Qi-Gong, Ayurveda, Holistic nutrition and others. Yogic Neuroscience, Indian Psychology, Cognitive Sciences, Clinical trials on Yoga and Ayurveda, fMRI-based Neuroimaging (fMRI), EEG, MEG, PET, fNIRS

2. Leadership for sustainable development

Various aspects of holistic and sustainable development, Notions of development which go beyond  material well-being and consider other aspects of human/societal well-being such as intellectual, emotional and overall happiness, Notions of development which encompass sustained co-existence among human-beings as well as with nature. How to create leadership (in various walks of life – especially in Engineering/Technology) for taking forward these alternate views on development.

3. Inner development 

Understanding first person mental phenomenon, especially those pertaining to Meditation, Mindfulness and Contemplation in a rigorous academic framework. Theoretical frameworks for alternative worldview based on deep contemplative insights. Teaching and research on first person mental phenomena through accurate and reproducible observations.

4. Inner and outer harmony through music and arts 

Classical music, dance and art forms that promote introspection, concentrations; various aspects of self-awareness and devotion; Evolution of parallel streams of classical music in India; Development of classical art forms through folk art forms. Societal awareness through classical music; Streams of thought in classical music; Connections between Sufism, music and values; Technology-based analysis and dissemination of music  

5.Value education and technology 

Teaching the teachers, tools and techniques for inculcating value education to students, especially at tertiary level of science and engineering; Research on effectiveness of various techniques for value education; Newer models of education; Use of technology for large scale dissemination of knowledge

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M. Tech Admissions 

PhD Admissions 

PhD Admissions


Ph.D. Programmes

The award of the Ph.D. degree is in recognition of high achievements, independent research and application of scientific knowledge to the solution of technical and scientific problems. Creative and productive inquiry is the basic concept underlying the research work. The details of research programmes in various Departments/Centres are given in Annexure-I.

Course work and other academic requirements:

In order to overcome any deficiency in the breadth of fundamental training or proper foundation for advanced work; special make up or pre-doctoral courses are given by each Department/ Centre. These courses are given either by faculty member or by guests speakers and specialists in the profession. Normally candidates having a B.Tech./M.Sc./M.A. or equivalent degree are required to complete a minimum of 12 * credits with a minimum required GPA of 7.5. M.Tech or equivalent degree holders are required to complete a minimum of 6* credits with a minimum required GPA of 7.5.

*A Department/Centre may specify a higher credit requirement for all their PhD programmes and/or require an individual scholar to complete a larger number of credits based on his/her background and preparation level.

Admission to the PhD Programmes:

Admission to the Ph.D. programmes is normally made on the basis of a interview conducted by the Department/Centre concerned through its Department research committee (DRC) / Centre research committee (CRC). DRC/CRC may decide to conduct a written test as well to screen the candidates.  Appl icat ions are  invi ted  f rom candidates by advertising  the programmes in Employment News/leading newspapers in March for the first semester and in October, for the second semester every year.

Admission schedule:

Normally, Ph.D. programmes are advertised in the month of March and October each year in the Employment news as well as in leading newspapers and admissions are carried out in the months of May and December. Further, admission to Ph.D programme is possible any time in the year through DRC/CRC. They can be allowed to join any time though the course registration in such cases will be possible only at the beginning of the next semester. Candidates seeking admission under this clause must fulfill the required academic qualification/ experience at the time of interview. They must also join within 4 weeks after the issue of admission offer unless specifically permitted to do so. Admission is subject to vacancy being available in the relevant specializations. Duration of the programmes: Minimum period of registration required for students with M.Tech. or equivalent qualifications is 2 years whereas those with B.Tech. or equivalent qualifications is 3 years. All candidates are allowed a maximum of 7 years for submission of their thesis.

I(a) Minimum Qualifications for admission to Full-time PhD Programmes:

The following table defines the minimum qualifications required for admission to fulltime PhD programmes at IIT Delhi for  General/OBC (Non-creamy Layer)  category students. Please note:

These are Institute minimum requirements and any Department/Centre operating through their DRC/CRC can specify higher short-listing criteria than what is specified here.

• This table includes most of the degrees but each DRC/CRC is free to specify the qualifications and disciplines acceptable for admission to their programmes.

• Candidates in the final year of their programmes and who expect to complete all their qualifying degree requirements before third week of July 2012 are eligible to apply for admissions. For short-listing purposes, their performance till the preceding semester (preceding year if their programmes are year based) would be considered but their admission would be subject to their meeting the minimum eligibility criteria after their final qualifying examination results are announced.

I(b) Minimum Qualifications for admission to Part-time and Sponsored (full-time) PhD Programmes:

The following eligibility conditions apply for the Part-time and sponsored full-time programmes.

1. Only employees of Public Sector Undertakings or Government Departments or Research and Development Organizations or Private Industries (approved by Faculty Boards) are eligible for admission to these programmes.

2. All candidates should have a minimum experience of two years as on 1st August, 2012 for admission in July 2012.

3. Minimum qualification for these candidates is the same as for full-time candidates except that the requirement of qualifying in a national examination (column 3 in Table 1) is waived off.

4. For part-time candidates from outside NCR (or at a radial distance of more than 50 KMs from IIT Delhi), there is a minimum residency requirement of 6 months. DRC/CRC may specify a higher residency requirement based on the courses recommended as well as the background.

5. Sponsored (full-time) candidates seeking admission to a Ph.D programme on the basis of study leave, must submit a “Sponsorship certificate” on a proper letterhead from the appropriate authority in the organization clearly stating the following:

- for the period of his/her studies in the programme, the candidate would be treated as on duty with usual salary and allowances, and

- that he/she will be fully relieved and granted study leave for a minimum period of 3 years  (2years for M.Tech. and equivalent degree holders).

6. Part-time candidates are required to submit a “No Objection Certificate” on a proper letterhead from the appropriate authority in the organization clearly stating the following:

- the candidate is permitted to pursue studies on a part-time basis

- that his/her official duties permit him/her to devote sufficient time for research.

- facilities for research in the candidate’s field of research are available at the candidate’s place of work; and

- he/she will be fully relieved from duty and permitted to reside at the Institute for the period required residency (This is not a requirement for candidates who are working in NCR or in organizations located within a distance of 50 KMs from the Institute).

For more information visit the IIT Delhi website

Link:   http://admissions.iitd.ac.in/psp/app/EMPLOYEE/EMPL/h/?tab=PAPP_GUEST

PhD in Economics

The department offers a PhD program in seven academic disciplines (Economics, Literature, Linguistics, Philosophy, Policy, Psychology, and Sociology). The PhD program consists of both full time and part-time students.

Who can apply?

Eligibility: M.A./M.Sc (2 years)/M.Com/M.B.A/M.Phil or B.Tech/BE/B.Sc Engg. (4 years) or M.Tech/ME/MS Research (2-3 years)/M.D/ D.M./M.S/M.DS

Minimum qualifications: 60% marks or 6.00 CGPA on a 10-point scale and qualified GATE/ CSIR/ UGC-NET or JRF/ICAR/ICMR/ DST - INSPIRE Fellowship (check the prospectus of the current admission cycle for details about the exemptions and clarifications.)

Application process: Eligible candidates can apply for the programme at PG Admission Portal .

PhD under UQ-IITD Academy of Research (UQIDAR)

The University of Queensland (UQ), a top 50 global university, and the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD), an Institute of Eminence, have joined forces to create a joint PhD program that will allow scholars to deliver global impact.

All successful UQIDAR PhD applicants will be offered a scholarship to enable students to focus on their research.

Read more: https://uqidar.org/


MPP Admission

Admissions will take place once a year prior to the summer break. We look forward to receiving applications for the MPP program in future admissions cycle. Details of the admission process will be updated on this page.  

The institute offers merit-cum-means scholarships for eligible candidates who are admitted to the program. Details can be sought from the PG Section at IIT Delhi.


This is a list of provisionally selected candidates for the SPP MPP Programme in Semester-1, 2024-25.

Please note that this is a provisional list; final admission is subject to document submission and verification. Individual offer letters will be sent to all provisionally selected candidates with details of the offer.

Waiting List

Shortlisted for MPP Interview - IIT Madras Centre

The interviews are scheduled for 23 nd May, 2024. The interview schedule and the meeting link will be shared with the shortlisted candidates by email.

The interview will be based on three re adings and you may also be asked questions related to themes of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) and development, and your specific areas of interest in public policy.

Note: We will only send the email to those candidates who have passed the written exam with the approved cut-off marks and have their application number listed below. No response will be sent for emails of candidates whose application numbers are not listed here.

Shortlisted for MPP Interview - IIT Delhi Centre

The interviews are scheduled for 22 nd May, 2024. The interview schedule and the meeting link will be shared with the shortlisted candidates by email.


Readings for Interview (2024-25)

Candidates qualifying in the written examination will be interviewed online on 22 and 23 May 2024.  Here is the link for the three readings for the upcoming interview:  MPP Readings (2024-25)

Announcement: MPP Admission for AY 2024-25

All candidates seeking admission to MPP program of School of Public Policy, IITD for the academic year 2024-25 must submit the application only through ONLINE mode.

rocesses related to document verification and written examination will take place between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m.)

May 22, 2024 - IIT Delhi Centre Candidates

May 23, 2024 - IIT Madras Centre Candidates

  • An email notification and a Google Form will be sent by May 10, 2024 to all those shortlisted to take the written entrance exam (to be held on 21st May 2024).
  • Fill out the Google form and submit it to choose your preferred exam centre.
  • The centre cannot be changed once it has been submitted.
  • All candidates who pass the written entrance exam will be interviewed ONLINE.

Past admission papers for reference are available  here .

  PhD Admission

Admissions will take place once a year prior to the summer break. We look forward to receiving applications for the PhD program in future admissions cycle. Details of the admission process will be updated on this page.  

All full-time PhD students admitted to the program receive an institute scholarship. Details can be sought from the PG Section at IIT Delhi. 

This is a list of provisionally selected candidates for the SPP PhD Programme in Semester-1, 2024-25.

Shortlisted for Ph.D Interview - IIT Madras Centre

Shortlisted for Ph.D Interview - IIT Delhi Centre

The interviews are scheduled for 24 th  May, 2024. The interview schedule and the meeting link will be shared with the shortlisted candidates by email.

The interview will be based on three readings, and the statement of purpose you have already submitted. You may also be asked questions related to themes of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) and development, and your specific areas of interest in public policy

Candidates qualifying in the written examination will be interviewed online on 24 May 2024.  Here is the link for the three readings for the upcoming interview:  PhD Readings (2024-25)

Announcement: Ph.D Admission for AY 2024-25

All candidates seeking admission to Ph.D. program of School of Public Policy, IITD for the academic year 2024-25 must submit the application only through ONLINE mode.

rocesses related to document verification and written examination will take place between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m.)

The applicants are advised to carefully read the information brochure and instructions before proceeding to the online submission of application.

Please keep checking our website for updates and important information


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Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

The award of Ph.D. degree is in recognition of high achievements, independent research and application of scientific knowledge to the solution of technical and scientific problems. Creative and productive inquiry is the basic concept underlying the research work. In order to overcome any deficiency in the breadth of fundamental training or proper foundation for advanced work, special preliminary or pre-doctoral courses are given by this department.

These courses are given either by faculty members or by guest-speakers and specialists in the profession.

Course requirements:

The requirement of pre-Ph.D. Course Credits/work for Ph.D. student having B.Tech. or equivalent degree will be 20 credits. In case the Ph.D. student having completed 20 credits is unable to complete the research at the Ph.D. level for any reason whatsoever, he/she be allowed to complete M.S.(Research) degree requirement.

M.Tech. or equivalent degree holders are required to complete a minimum of 6 credits. The department may require a larger number of credits in general or in specific cases. The course requirement will be determined by the Department Research Committee (DRC) on the recommendations of the supervisor after due consideration of the background of the student in relation to the proposed topic of research. These courses can be prescribed from existing M.Tech. courses, special pre-Ph.D. courses including laboratory, seminar, foreign language, etc. Normally, no independent study course will be allowed for Ph.D. students.

Full-time M.Tech. and M.S.(R) students of IIT Delhi interested in joining the Ph.D. programme within two years of completion of their M.Tech./M.S.(R) will be granted waiver of residency period. The course work requirements be made up by either additional credits (6 credits as per present norms) taken during their M.Tech./M.S.(R) period (over and above their minimum Degree requirements) or in the summer semester (first or second) by identifying courses. In all cases, such credit transfer be recommended by the concerned DRC as relevant to their Ph.D. programme. The minimum CGPA requirement for the course work is 7.50. If the CGPA at the end of any semester is above 7.00 but less than 7.50, he/she will be asked to take more courses in order to make up the required CGPA. If the SGPA at the end of the first semester and CGPA at the end of any subsequent semester is below 7.00, he/she will have to discontinue the doctoral programme. The course work must be completed within the first two semesters of joining the programme.

A student shall be formally registered/admitted to the candidacy of Ph. D. degree only after he/she has cleared the comprehensive examination. Students would be permitted to take the comprehensive examination only after they have submitted a research plan and have completed the course work (including compulsory audit course - HUL 810 Communication Skills). Full-time and part-time students must clear the comprehensive examination within a period of 18 months and 24 months, respectively, from the date of joining. A maximum of two chances will be given to any student to clear the comprehensive examination. Every student, after having completed the comprehensive examination must formally register for the candidacy on a form obtainable from the PG Section.

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IIT Guwahati student found dead in hostel room, deceased hailed from Uttar Pradesh, probe underway

The 23-year-old female student hailed from uttar pradesh and was residing in the disang hostel. her body was reportedly found by her friends..

A woman post-graduate student of the Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati was found hanging from the ceiling of her hostel room on Friday, a spokesperson of the institute said.

The 23-year-old MTech student's immediate family, hailing from Uttar Pradesh, have been informed about the incident, IIT Guwahati spokesperson said. (Representative image/HT file photo)

The student was from Uttar Pradesh and lived in Disang Hostel. Her body was found after her friends noticed her absence from classes during the day.

"It is with profound regret that IIT Guwahati reports the tragic death of a female student on the campus on 9th August 2024. The matter is being investigated by the police authorities," the spokesperson said.

Also read: ISRO invites applications for free AI/ML and DL course, here's direct link to register

The 23-year-old MTech student's immediate family, hailing from Uttar Pradesh, has been informed about the incident.

"The institute is providing them full support during this difficult time," the spokesperson added.

Also read: ICSE Improvement Result 2024: CISCE Class 10th improvement results out at cisce.org, direct link here

Police said that the body has been sent for post-mortem examination and further investigations were underway to ascertain the reason behind her death.

The authorities did not divulge the course of study or any other detail of the deceased student.

Also read: CSIR UGC NET 2024: Provisional answer key released at csirnet.nta.ac.in, direct link to download here

This is the third unnatural death of a student in the premier institute this year.

phd in education from iit delhi

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  • PhD Admission
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  • The department of Management Studies has a full-fledged PhD programme in Management. With its liberal multidisciplinary approach, the department provides excellent ambience for research amidst the world class infrastructure at IIT Delhi. The research areas are broadly classified into the following areas: Economics; Finance & Accounting; Information Technology & Systems; Marketing; Operations, and Supply Chain Management; and Strategy, and Technology Management. Specific research and teaching interests of the department include: Global strategy & strategic alliance; Knowledge management; Flexible systems Management & planning of service systems; Technology Management; Systems approach to waste management & productivity; Business forecasting; Strategic business management; Managerial economics International economics; Economic feasibility & Techno economic analysis; Productivity & efficiency analysis; Business ethics & Innovation; R & D management; Intellectual Property Rights; Financial analysis & control; Corporate Finance; International Financial Management Derivatives; Mergers & Acquisition; Risk management; Financial analytics; Financial management of manufacturing & service sectors; Marketing management; Industrial and Hi-Tech marketing; International marketing; Industrial marketing & service marketing management; Strategic marketing; Market research; Consumer behavior; Customer Relationship Management; E-Marketing; Human resource management; Organization management; Organization behavior & Development; Leadership; Entrepreneurship management; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Logistics & Supply chain management; Operations Research; Manufacturing systems management; Project management; Product management; Enterprise resource planning; Total Quality Management; JIT operations; Business Process Re-engineering; Management of IT; System analysis & computer applications; Management Information system & Decision Support System; Business Analytics; E-Commerce; E-Governance; Information Communication Technology & Development; Social Media; Telecom Management.
  • You may like to visit the webpages of the faculty members ( here ) to learn more about the ongoing research.
  • Admission: The call for applications shall appear in second week of October / March every year. Please refer the IIT Delhi website periodically. An advertisement will appear in the Employment News as well. The department offers PhD programme in two streams: full time and part-time.
  • Eligibility Criteria: Applicants are requested to check the eligibility criteria published in the latest Information Brochure given in the IIT Delhi website. IIT Delhi Home page - Admission - PG Admission.

          As per the IIT Delhi norms, the applicants are expected to fulfill the following eligibility criteria:

M.Tech./M.E./M.D or equivalent

60% marks or 6.75 GPA on a 10-point scale

55% marks or 6.25 GPA on a 10-point scale



M.Sc./MBA/M.A./ MBBS or equivalent

60% marks or 6.75 GPA on a 10-point scale

55% marks or 6.25 GPA on a 10-point scale

GATE score >=300 or qualifying or equivalent score whichever is higher.

(GATE Score >=200 for SC/ST/PH)

B.E or B.Tech equivalent

70% marks or 7.5 GPA on a 10-point scale

70% marks or 7.5 GPA on a 10-point scale

Qualified CSIR/UGC NET (Lectureship or JRF)/ICAR/ICMR/DST ISPIRE fellowship.

  • Part-time candidates- Only employees of Public Sector Undertakings or Government Departments or Research and Development Organizations or Private Industries (approved by Faculty Boards) are eligible for admission to these programmes. Minimum qualification for these candidates is the same as for full-time candidates except that the requirement of qualifying in a national examination is waived off.
  • Sponsored (full-time) candidates seeking admission to a Ph.D programme on the basis of study leave, must submit a “Sponsorship Certificate” on a proper letterhead from the appropriate authority in the organization clearly stating the following: For the period of his/her studies in the programme, the candidate would be treated as on duty with usual salary and allowances, and  That he/she will be fully relieved and granted study leave for a minimum period of 3 years ( 2years for M.Tech. and equivalent degree holders). You are required to submit a “No Objection Certificate” on a proper letterhead from the appropriate authority in the organization clearly stating the following: The candidate is permitted to pursue studies on a part-time basis; That his/her official duties permit him/her to devote sufficient time for research; Facilities for research in the candidate’s field of research are available at the candidate’s place of work; and he/she will be fully relieved from duty and permitted to reside at the Institute for the period required residency (This is not a requirement for candidates who are working in NCR or in organizations located within a distance of 50 KMs from the Institute).
  • Short listing Criteria: After receipt of the applications, the department shall apply additional criteria, also called as short listing criteria to select candidates to be called for a written test and personal interview at the department. These criteria are likely to change in every cycle and shall be published in the department website. The short listing criteria shall be published in the department website, at least two weeks before the interview date. Please see the short listing criteria used in the last cycle, July 2015, below.
General & OBC Categories
For all candidates: 65% marks in postgraduate (PG) (or equivalent grade scores).
For part-time and full-time sponsored candidates: A mandatory minimum experience of 8 years as on date of application.
For full Time with assistantship: A GATE score >= 300 or Fellowship from any one of the following national exams: UGC (Lectureship or Research Fellowship), CSIR, ICAR, ICMR, DST and INSPIRE. This is not required for those having:  i) M.Tech/ ME degrees, or ii) MBA degree where admission was through JMET.

SC/ST/PH Categories
For all candidates: 60% marks in postgraduate (PG) or an equivalent grade score.
For part-time and full-time sponsored candidates: A mandatory minimum experience of 8 years as on date of application.
For Full Time with assistantship:A GATE score >= 200 or Fellowship from any one of the following national exams: UGC (Lectureship or Research Fellowship), CSIR, ICAR, ICMR, DST, and INSPIRE. This is not required for those having:  i) M.Tech/ ME degrees, ii) MBA degree where admission was through JMET.
  • Written test & Personal Interview: The written test and personal interview shall be done on the same day. Both the test and interview will examine the candidates' communication skills - oral & written, academic disposition, aptitude for management research and research co-curricular activities. The test shall be for sixty minutes and of descriptive questions. Please do not ask for previous year exam papers as they could be completely different in every cycle.
  • Results: The list of provisionally selected candidates shall be displayed in the department notice on the same day of the interview. The same information shall be uploaded in the department website the next day. 
  • Programme Structure: The doctoral programme broadly consists of the following stages:
  • Completion of Coursework Requirement - You are expected to complete certain number of credits / advanced level courses (Students with MTech / MBA / MPhil / Equivalent - 9 Credits; Students with BTech / Other Master's Degree - 18 credits) related to your area of research.A course of one credit means fourteen hours of classes, with one hour per week. Normally courses are of three credits. Your thesis supervisor shall advise the same.
  • Comprehensive Written & Oral Exam - After completion of course work, you will need to clear comprehensive written & oral exam to undertake independent research.
  • Presentation of Research Proposal - Presentation shall be done in front of a committee and the institute.
  • Research work - Undertaking of research work as proposed.
  • Presentation &Submission of Synopsis -Post research work, you will present the findings / contributions in front of a committee and the institute.
  • Final Submission of the thesis - Submission of hardcopy of the thesis for internal and external evaluation.
  • Thesis Defense - Open defense of thesis in front of the external examiner and the institute. 
  • The presentation of research proposal should be completed within 18 months and 24 months from the date of registration for full-time and part-time doctoral students respectively.
  • The student is allowed to submit his/her thesis when two articles are published in peer-reviewed journals (or accepted for publication in journal). The student is required to do original work and contribute to the body of knowledge in his/her respective area. The thesis submitted will be evaluated by two examiners (one within India and other outside India). Favorable comments and approvals from the examiners are mandatory for the students to defend his/her thesis publicly. 
  • Programme Duration: The duration of the programme is 4 years with an option of finishing in 3 years. The maximum duration of the programme is 7 years.
Period of Assistantship
(With B.E./B.Tech/M.Sc / M.Techor equivalent qualification)
Assistantship Amount
First 2 years of registration INR 25000 / Month
Next 2 years of registration INR 28000 / Month
  • Classes: The classes shall be held as per the schedules announced by the department. The classes are held only in weekdays, Mon-Fri. and are conducted during the day and in the evening. There is no concession / exemption of part -time students from attending the classes. You may need to attend the classes during the day. If a course is of one credit, then you will have fourteen weeks of classes, with one hour class / week. The fourteen weeks shall be spread across the semester. The time table in terms of classes and exams are uniform for the MBA, PhD and UG programmes.
  • Fee: Please refer the Information Brochure for details on the fees. In July 2015 cycle, the semester fee was INR 17835for General/OBC/PH and INR 12835 for SC/ST. The mess fees are extra.  
  • Other details:

Ph.D. Programs

The admission process consists of a written test and interview in one of the 3 areas:

Signal Processing


Microwave and Millimeter Waves



Details about PhD rules and regulations can be seen in the latest IIT Delhi Courses of Study booklet.

phd in education from iit delhi

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  • All full-time PhD students provided financial assistance. See below.
  • Air-conditioned office space is provided to all PhD students, with a desktop PC. Research students have unrestricted access to all laboratories in the department.
  • PhD students often collaborate with researchers within and outside the country. It is common, and regularly encouraged, for students to spend time at collaborating institutions in academia and industry.
  • Our students regularly publish research results in leading international conferences and reputed journals.

Applying for PhD Admission


  • M. Tech./M.E. Degree in Computer Science or other Engineering disciplines
  • M.Sc. in Maths/Physics/Statistics with a valid GATE score in their subject.

Full-time PhD students are provided accommodation on campus. Married students are provided an apartment (subject to availability) while unmarried students get hostel accommodation. Students and their dependents also have free access to the medical and sporting facilities on campus.

  • Identify a supervisor: 3 months
  • Complete the course work and clear the Comprehensive Exam: 18 months for full-time PhD students
  • Thesis submission: maximum 7 years

Information for new PhD students.

Information for enrolled phd students (internal)..


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IIT Delhi - Indian Institute of Technology [IITD]

New Delhi IIT Delhi Courses & Fees

IIT Delhi PhD Admission 2024 (Open): Dates, Eligibility, Selection, Fees, Scholarship

phd in education from iit delhi

Courses Offered By IIT Delhi 2024

Select Degree and Streams to See Course Fees and Admission Details.

Offered By: 


Application Date:

Ph.D Courses FeesApplication Date
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct
9 Oct

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IIT Delhi PhD/ MS(Research) admissions 2024 will start on March 20, 2024 and the last date to apply for admission is April 04, 2024. IIT Delhi offers PhD program to full-time, part-time, and sponsored (full-time) candidates for a duration of 3 years. Candidates must have an MTech or BTech degree in any relevant discipline with a CGPA of 7.0 or 6.0 to be eligible for PhD admission at IIT Delhi.

Candidates belonging to the reserved category are given a relaxation of 5%. Final selection for this program is based on the candidate's performance in the written test and interview rounds. For the interview round, candidates are shortlisted based on GATE /CSIR/UGC NET/ CEED/ICAR/DST INSPIRE Fellowship scores. Also, candidates seeking admission to  IIT Delhi  PhD part-time and sponsored (full-time) programs must have a work experience of 1 or 2 years. The institute charges an overall fee of INR 41,650 and INR 37,650 for the Full-time and part-time general candidates respectively. 

Also check: IIT Delhi Admission  

Table of Content 

IIT Delhi PhD Eligibility & Selection 

  • IIT Delhi PhD GATE Cutoff

IIT Delhi PhD Admission 

4.1  IIT Delhi PhD Documents Required

  • IIT Delhi PhD Course Details
  • IIT Delhi PhD Fees
  • IIT Delhi PhD Financial Assisstance

IIT Delhi PhD FAQs

Aspirants seeking admission to IIT Delhi Ph.D. programs must have first class (60% or 6.0 CGPA) in all examinations starting from 10+2 up to the qualifying exam and should also meet the following eligibility and selection criteria in case of full-time PhD admissions :

MTech/ME/MD/MDes or equivalent 60% marks or 6.0 CGPA on a scale of 10 NIL
M.Sc/ MBA/ MA/ MBBS or Equivalent 60% marks or 6.0 CGPA on a scale of 10 /CSIR/UG NET/ICAR/DST INSPIRE Fellowship
BE/ BTech 70% marks or 7.0 CGPA on a scale of 10 Qualified GATE/CSIR/UG NET/ICAR/DST INSPIRE Fellowship

The eligibility and selection criteria in case the of Part-time PhD admissions are as follows:

  • Only employees belonging to public sector undertakings or Government departments R&D organizations or Private Industries are eligible for admission to these courses.
  • The minimum work experience required will be as follows:
M.E./M.Tech./M.S.(R)/M.D./M.Des. or
B.E./B.Tech. /M.Sc./M.A./M.B.A. /MBBS/
or equivalent, from CFTIs/Central
1 Year
B.E./B.Tech. /M.Sc./M.A./M.B.A. /MBBS/
or equivalent, and working in IIT Delhi (Project or Regular)
1 Year
B.E./B.Tech./M.Sc./M.A./MBA/MBBS or
equivalent from institutions other than
CFTIs/Central Universities
2 Years

Note: Candidates seeking admissions under the “Sponsored” category need to submit a ‘Sponsorship Certificate’ on a proper letterhead. 

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IIT Delhi PhD Exemption

The requirement of qualification in the GATE/ National Exam is waived for the following candidates:

  • Those candidates who are currently registered under CFTI (Centrally Funded Technical Institutions) pursuing BTech/BE/Integrated MTech/ Integrated MSc or any other program of minimum duration of 4 years and have a CGPA of 8.0 or above or more than 80% marks.
  • MA to MSc graduates from IITs with CGPA 8.0 or above

IIT Delhi PhD GATE Cut-off

  • GATE cut-off is only applicable for the shortlisting process of the Interview round for Full-time Ph.D candidates. 
  • For BE/BTech/MSc (Textile) candidates, the GATE Cut off for General Category candidates is more than or equal to 500 and 333 for SC/ST/PH
  • For BE/BTech/MSc (Others) candidates, the GATE Cut off for General Category candidates is more than or equal to 600 and 400 for SC/ST/PH

Note- GATE scores are not required if the candidate has qualified CSIR/UGC NET/DST-INSPIRE for fellowship.

Check   IIT Delhi cut-off

IIT Delhi PhD admission are usually advertised in the month of March and October and admissions are carried out in the months of May and December. GIven below are the steps to apply for the IIT Delhi PhD program:

  • Visit the IIT Delhi Ph.D. admission portal
  • Register with a valid Email ID 
  • Login with shared User ID and Password in registered Email
  • Fill up the application form with experience and qualification details
  • Upload photographs less than 500 KB in jpg format.
  • Upload documents in PDF format
  • Fill up all mandatory field
  • Check saved details and ‘Submit’ the form
  • Pay the application fee of INR 200 for General/OBC/EWS and INR 50 for SC/ST/PwD

Note: The form is not editable once submitted.

Documents Required:

  • First and Last Page of Voter ID/ Aadhar Card/Passport
  • Admission Offer letter
  • Applicable Entrance exam scorecard
  • Qualifying exam mark sheet and Certificate
  • No Objection Certificate(If applicable)
  • Sponsor Certificate (If applicable)
  • Caste Certificate (If applicable)

Check more: IIT Delhi Admission  

IIT Delhi Ph.D. Course Details

Ph.D. program of IIT Delhi is offered in three distinct modes i.e. Full time, Part Time, and Sponsored Full Time. Scholars are allowed to complete within a minimum course duration.

  • For M.Tech or equivalent qualified candidates, the minimum duration of the course is 2 years.
  • For B.Tech. or equivalent qualified candidates, the minimum duration is 3 years.
  • The Maximum duration of the final submission of the Thesis is 7 Years.
  • Pre-Ph.D Coursework requirement for B.Tech./ M.Sc./M.A. or equivalent degree is a minimum of 12 credits with a minimum 7.5 GPA.
  • For M.tech or equivalent degree scholars, the minimum credits required is 6 with a minimum 7.5 GPA.

IIT Delhi PhD Courses

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IIT Delhi PhD Fees 

IIT Delhi Ph.D payable Fee as per the Fee structure of 2024 is as follows:

  • The total payable fee for Full time Ph.D program is INR 41,650 (Including Tuition fees, Hostel Seat Rent & Amenity Charges and other charges).
  • The total payable fee for Part Time Ph.D program is INR 37,650 (Including Tuition fees and other charges).
  • For SC/ST/PWD candidates, IIT Delhi offers 100% exemption from Tuition fee. Check   IIT Delhi Course & Fees

IIT Delhi PhD Financial Assistance 

  • IIT Delhi offers an Assistantship amount of INR 31,000 Per Month for full-time scholars during the first 2 years of registration. This is offered for Teaching Assistance of 8 hours per week. It is increased up to INR 35,000 Per Month for the next 3 years of registration.
  • All full-time students participating in a sponsored project/consultancy project (in addition to their assistantship work) can be paid an honorarium of up to Rs. 40,000/- p.m. by the PI/CI of the project
  • IIT Delhi offers INR 20,000 once during the program as seed money as financial assistance for presenting papers abroad at good academic conferences.

​ Check   IIT Delhi Scholarships

Ques. What are the eligibility criteria for a BTech degree holder for the IIT Delhi PhD?

Ans.  IIT Delhi offers PhD programs in both full-time and part-time modes. Below mentioned are the eligibility criteria for full-time and part-time programs for a BTech graduate:

For the full-time Ph.D. program - A BTech graduate must have secured at least 70% marks or a 7.0 CGPA on a scale of 10.0. Along with this, they are also required to qualify for any of the exams namely GATE/CSIR/UGC NET/CEED/ICAR/DST/INSPIRE Fellowship. 

For the part-time Ph.D. program - A BTech graduate must have at least 1 or 2 years of work experience to be selected for this particular course.

Ques. Can I apply for an IIT Delhi PhD without a GATE?

Ans.  IIT Delhi allows PhD admission through valid GATE scores. However, the GATE score requirement is waived for candidates who are registered under CFTI pursuing BTech/BE/BTech+MTech/BSc+MSc and have a CGPA of 8.0 or above. Apart from this, MA and MSc graduates from any IIT with a CGPA of 8.0 are exempted from taking the GATE exam.

Ques. Do PhD students get paid?

Ans.  Students who are willing to pursue full-time PhD from IIT Delhi are paid a stipend every month. This stipend typically covers living expenses as well as the tuition fee. Candidates who have an MTech or equivalent degree get a stipend of INR 28,000 per month and BTech candidates get a stipend of INR 25,000.

Ques. Is it mandatory for Ph.D. scholars to work as Teaching Assistants at IIT Delhi?

Ans.  It is mandatory for full-time PhD scholars are required to work as a teaching assistant at IIT Delhi. For the award of assistantship, candidates are required to work for 8 hours every day for the continuation of assistant support. However, the part-time and sponsored full-time candidates are not required to provide teaching assistance.

Ques. What is the GATE cutoff for the IIT Delhi PhD program?

Ans.  IIT Delhi accepts GATE scores for its PhD admission. The GATE cutoff is applicable for the selection process for full-time PhD scholars. For the general category candidates, the GATE cutoff score remained at 600 marks. For the reserved (SC/ST/PWD) candidates the minimum score stood at 333 marks. 

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  • Corses offered and taught are higly practical and solution of problems from real life based oriented
  • Professors are supportive in any difficulties
  • Courses are very hectic and time consuming

Course Curriculum Overview :

The courses offered are highly relavent and is practically oriented. Small project or term paper are given to student to build more practical knowledge on the course. Also the professors are of top class and are an experts of there courses. They make things crystal clear and are ready to help the studenta in any manner possible. But overall curiculam is hectic, you should be hardworking from the start to learn each and everything.

Write a Colleges Review & Win Prizes Up to ₹1,00,000

Sadat Riyaz

Life at IITD

  • Faculty expertise ans experience is a great asset and advantage

The coursework is very much aligned and focused on how the research journey is going to be. The amount of course work one has to complete is dependent on your background and how good your foundational knowledge is.

IIT Delhi welcomes you, All the best!

Fee structure and facilities :.

For masters you may receive 12400 INR/month and for PhD scholars you will receive 31000 INR/month as a part of your stipend. Remember that to continue your stipend in masters you need to maintain a CGPA/pointer of atleast 7. The hostel charge is 10500 per semester and mess fees roams around 4000-5000 per month which are not included in the stipend, they have to be paid separately.

Rajesh Kumar

Awesome experience in academics as well as extra curricular activities

20000 per semestet, it was very much affordable as there was provision of 20000 stipend per month also, fee was inclusive of hostel and mess charges

Shama Kamboj's Review On IIT Delhi - Indian Institute Of Technology [IITD], New Delhi

I found the course curriculum quite comprehensive and well designed,it was wide covering all the current issues related to the industry and covered all the practicals and industrial software.

IIT Delhi: 11 Answered Questions

Should i join iit delhi chemical or top nit cse.

Kabya Kalbalia

Yes, irrespective of the branch, choosing IIT Delhi will always prove to be beneficial for you. IIT Delhi has ties with many big firms that visit the campus for placements and offer great packages irrespective of your branch. One needs to be proficient in DSA and other computer science core subjects such as OOPS, OS, DBMS, and Computer Networks. A good grasp of these will fetch you a high-paying job no matter which branch you belong to in IIT Delhi.

Although most companies that visit IIT Delhi also visit NIT, your IIT tag will always fetch you extra benefits and no one can deny that. For instance, the same role offered to an IITiand will have more salary than that offered to a non-IITian.You can easily switch roles and fields given the brand name of the institute you are associated with. IITians even have more opportunities for higher studies in Foreign countries than non-IITians.

IITians especially from Mumbai or Delhi are always given preference over non-IITians hence it is advisable to go for IIT Delhi in any branch.

What are the complete fee details for IIT Delhi?

Sayantani Barman

The fee structure of IIT Delhi depends on several factors like gender, caste, family income, etc. The detailed structure can be accessed from the official website. I have mentioned the general fees for major courses below 


INR 2.36 Lakhs (1st Year Fees)


INR 1.78 Lakhs (1st Year Fees)


INR 43,150 (1st Year Fees)

B.Tech + M.Tech

INR 2.36 Lakhs (1st Year Fees)


INR 10.4 Lakhs (Total Fees)


INR 1.78 Lakhs (1st Year Fees)


INR 1.78 Lakhs (1st Year Fees)

How good is IIT Delhi for machine learning?

Sonal Vaid

IIT Delhi offers robust courses in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and related areas as part of its B.Tech CSE. It also offers a certificate programme in Machine Learning and Deep Learning.  

The CSE department of IIT Delhi has well-equipped labs, and it produces high-quality research papers on Machine Learning and AI. The department faculty consists of teachers who have specialised knowledge of machine learning and related fields. 

They teach the students in the best way possible. Some of the faculty members are- 

  • Dr. Sanjiva Prasad (Professor)- Sir completed his Ph.D. from Stony Brook University, USA. He has specialised knowledge of Semantics and Verification, Programming Languages and Concurrent Systems.
  • Dr. Aaditeshwar Seth (Professor)- Sir completed his Ph.D. from Waterloo University, Canada. He specialises in Computer Networks, Social Network Analysis, and Information & Communication Technologies for Development.
  • Abhilash Jindal Sir (Assistant Professor)- Sir is a Ph.D. from Purdue University, USA. He specialises in Data systems, ML systems, Distributed systems, and Mobile systems.

IIT Delhi has partnerships with tech companies like Delhi Tata Consultancy Services and Tower Research Capital. This allows the tech students to get exposed to real-world ML applications. The institute provides access to high-performance computing facilities necessary for advanced ML research and projects.

Overall, IIT Delhi is a good choice for Machine Learning, AI, and other related fields.

What are my career prospects after pursuing M.Tech in Computer Technology (Electrical Dept.) from IIT Delhi?

Sounak Banerjee

My friend completed her M.Tech in Telecommunication Technology and Management from IIT Delhi and also did some extra courses in Computer Technology from Electrical Department. 

These courses usually cover Software related topics with very less focus on mathematical analytics and circuit design. Students from Instrumentation backgrounds expect Analytics and Design but the reality is IIT Delhi has very limited choices in this field. Most of the optional courses offered are related to CS and are much more promising than Analytics. If you are okay with programming, coding, and software development then go for it at once.

Rest assured, you will never get to doubt the packages offered during the placements of Computer Technology. It has the highest packages among all the Electrical Department branches. 

You get what you seek, hence the more you are willing to get, the more opportunities you will have to explore other branches of IIT Delhi.

What is the fees of IIT Delhi for 4 years BTech program?

The Fees for IIT Delhi for 4 years of the BTech program usually range from 8 lakhs to 12 lakhs .

  • The tuition fee per semester is around INR 100000 while the mess and other miscellaneous fees are around INR 35000 .
  • Therefore the total comes around 10 lakhs for four years. This is for the General category students, SC and ST students get a concession on the total amount.
  • Students from poor families can avail many privileges offered by the institution.
  • Also, IIT Delhi offers scholarships to the students which helps to reduce the overal course fees.

What are IIT Delhi MBA fees for 2 years?

IIT Delhi offers a full-time 2 year MBA program. The MBA tuition fee at IIT Delhi is INR 3 lakh per semester for General/OBC/EWS category students. The hostel fee is INR 8,600 per semester, and the other charges are INR 22,400 in total for MBA students at IITD.

Thus the tuition fee for MBA is INR 12 lakh for four semesters at IIT Delhi. This amount is payable in equal installments of INR 3 lakh per semester.

Why should I pursue an MTech from IIT Delhi?

IIT Delhi is a top choice of every engineering student in India. The M.Tech admissions at IIT Delhi are based on a valid score in GATE.

Here are some of the many reasons why you should choose IIT Delhi for your M.Tech studies-

  • IIT Delhi is ranked #2nd for Engineering in India by NIRF in 2023. It is #197 in the world as per the QS Ranking 2024.
  • Top companies like Microsoft, CISCO, Accenture, Jane Street, HCL Technologies, etc. visit IIT Delhi for campus placements.
  • More than 1300 jobs were offered to the IIT Delhi M.Tech students during the placement drive of 2023.
  • The highest package offered to IIT Delhi M.Tech batch of 2023 was INR 4 CPA.

As evident from these points, IIT Delhi offers top notch academics and placements in its M.Tech courses. This is the reason why JEE and GATE candidates consider IIT Delhi as their top choice.

Why should one choose IIT Delhi for an MBA?

A 2 year full-time MBA program is offered by the Department of Management Studies (DMS) of IIT Delhi. IITD offers an MBA (General) and an MBA in Telecommunication Systems Management.

Here are some reasons for you to consider IIT Delhi for an MBA-

  • IIT Delhi is one of the premiere institutions in India.
  • It has been awarded rank #5 under the Management category by NIRF.
  • In 2023, the MBA batch recorded the highest package of INR 41.13 LPA, and an average package of INR 25.82 LPA.

In terms of both academics and placements, DMS IIT Delhi is an ideal choice for an MBA degree.

What are the IIT Delhi fees for the B.Tech course?

IIT Delhi offers a 4-year B.Tech program, which is divided into 8 semesters. The Semester-1 total fee for B.Tech students at IIT Delhi is given below-

B.Tech Fee Structure at IIT Delhi:

Category Total Fee (Sem 1)
With Inst. residence allotted (INR)
Total Fee (Sem 1)
Without Inst. residence allotted (INR)
General /OBC (Annual Family Income > INR 5 LPA) 1,35,650 1,22,400
General /OBC (Annual Family Income INR 1 LPA- 5 LPA) 68,983 55,733
General /OBC (Annual Family Income < INR 1 LPA) 35,650 22,400
SC/ST /PD 35,650 22,400

The B.Tech fee at IIT Delhi is quite affordable, as evident from the table above.

You can check the detailed fee structure for B.Tech (Sem 1) at IIT Delhi on- click here

What are the details of the IIT Delhi MBA program?

IIT Delhi offers a 2 year full-time MBA. It offers MBA (General) and MBA (Telecommunication Systems Management). The MBA (General) curriculum consists of Information Systems, Finance, Marketing, Strategic Management, Human Resource Management, and Operations Management. It is thus very broad and covers a diverse range of topics.

MBA (Telecommunication Systems Management) studies the Telecommunication Systems, the Telecom System Analysis, Planning & Design, the International Telecommunication Management, and the Core Management subjects.

Applicants interested in admission to MBA at IIT Delhi must meet the admission criteria. They must have a Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent with a minimum aggregate of 60% marks from a recognized university. IIT Delhi MBA program considers CAT scores for admission.

These are the curriculum and eligibility details for the MBA programs at IIT Delhi.

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Three yale students named 2024 quad fellows in stem fields.

Kumaresh Ramesh, Chantelle Pereira, and Stanley Tan

Kumaresh Ramesh, Chantelle Pereira, and Stanley Tan

Three Yale graduate students are among the latest group of Quad Fellows, a scholarship program that helps support promising young scientists and technologists.

The Quad Fellowship is an initiative of the governments of Australia, India, Japan, and the United States. The fellowship sponsors exceptional master’s and doctoral students to study science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in the U.S.

This year’s group of 50 fellows expands to include students from various Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) countries, in addition to the initiative’s four partner countries. The fellowship aims to build connections among the next generation of scientists and technologists. The program is designed to support academic excellence and promote cross-cultural understanding and collaboration among participating countries.

Yale recipients for 2024 are Kumaresh Ramesh, an incoming master’s student in environmental management at the Yale School of the Environment (YSE); Chantelle Pereira, an incoming master’s student in chronic disease epidemiology at the Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) (Public Health); and Stanley Tan, a Ph.D. student in environmental science at GSAS.

Each student will receive a one-time stipend of $40,000 to be used for academic purposes. During their fellowship, the students will have the opportunity to network and engage in programming with accomplished individuals in STEM, government, and society.

Ramesh, who is from India, completed his undergraduate degree in energy systems engineering from IIT Bombay and later worked with Black & Beatch Global Advisory on repurposing coal-fired power plants. He also worked as a research analyst with the Energy Transitions Team at the Council on Energy, Environment and Water, a New Delhi-based nonprofit. Ramesh is part of the Master of Environmental Management program at YSE. In his work, he hopes to influence interactions between the public, policymakers, and industry in order to hasten the transition to net zero.

Pereira, who is from Australia, plans to study endometriosis and neuroscience at the Yale School of Public Health with the goal of reducing endometriosis-related suffering and bringing more awareness of the disease to decision-makers, educators, and healthcare professionals. Pereira had been selected as a 2023 Quad Fellow but chose to defer the fellowship to this year. She co-founded the Cognitive and Brain Sciences Student Society at Macquarie University in Australia, where she was the winner of the 2022 Emotiv Prize for Cognitive and Brain Sciences.

Tan, who is from Singapore, obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in environmental studies from Yale-NUS College at the National University of Singapore. He previously worked at the U.N. Climate Change Secretariat and is a recipient of the Lewis B. Cullman Fellowship at the New York Botanical Garden. He uses field experiments and computational techniques to study the influence of plant-microbe interactions on plant diversity.

The fellowship is administered by the Institute of International Education (IIE) , a global not-for-profit organization that manages many of the world’s most prestigious scholarship and fellowship programs.

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IIT Delhi Eases CGPA Criteria; BTech Students Can Now Graduate By Passing All Required Courses

Reported By : Vatsala Shrangi

Last Updated: August 08, 2024, 20:20 IST

New Delhi, India

IIT Delhi Director Rangan Banerjee noted that the institute has also revised its re-start and termination policies. (Representational image)

IIT Delhi Director Rangan Banerjee noted that the institute has also revised its re-start and termination policies. (Representational image)

Passing in all required courses will account to a CGPA score of 4, which is now the minimum criteria for obtaining a graduation degree

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi has relaxed the overall Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) criteria for academic performance, allowing students to obtain a graduation degree by just passing all required courses, marking a significant policy change aimed at addressing mental health issues following recent cases of student suicides on campus.

Previously, a minimum CGPA of 5 was required to earn a degree. However, under the new policy, students can now be granted their degree with a CGPA of 4. The decision to implement this new rule was made earlier this year by the institute’s senate, which is the highest decision-making body of an IIT for all academic purposes.

Passing in all required courses will account to a CGPA score of 4, which is now the minimum criteria for obtaining a graduation degree.

CGPA is an index of a student’s academic performance, which reflects throughout their course duration.

‘A crucial policy change’

“This is a crucial policy change that has been brought about to extend support to students. This means their academic progression will be monitored and those struggling to get that CGPA 5, as was the case until now, will not need to stress about getting their graduation degree, as they would be required just to pass all the courses they have opted for in order to receive their degrees. This is a big change from what we used to do earlier,” said Professor ND Karur, Dean (Academics) at IIT Delhi.

Karur further added that the new approach will allow students to progress at their own pace. “Those who are struggling will be monitored and assigned advisors to help manage their academic progress,” he said.

IIT Delhi Director Rangan Banerjee noted that the institute has also revised its re-start and termination policies. “This means that we will allow students to progress academically putting them on probation period. So, in-principle there is no termination as such on this basis,” Banerjee said.

“In the senate we have also added the provision that subject to academic units agreeing if a student has failed some courses, they will be allowed to opt for similar courses to complete their degrees. So, we are trying to simplify processes for students,” he added.

The change in grading criteria was one of the major demands made by students, who had flagged several issues including the grading policy, social isolation, and the need for a system to provide feedback on faculty members. These concerns were discussed during an open house with the institute director this February. The open house was conducted after several incidents of student suicides over the past year.

In 2024 alone, five student suicides have already been reported across various IITs, including two in Kanpur, and one each in Delhi, BHU, and Roorkee—all first-generation IITs. A significant number of these students belong to reserved categories.

In December of last year, IIT Delhi established an ‘Academic Progress Group’, comprising faculty members and student mentors to assist those struggling with backlogs and extended degrees. This group identifies struggling students from each department and provides them with support throughout their programme.

“Currently, there are around 30-35 students in the Academic Progress Group from different departments. They have been assigned mentors for guiding them through the courses they have not been able to make progress in. One of these students has done so well on being guided that he himself has become a mentor now. For those allowed to stay with a parent the number is less than ten,” said a faculty member, requesting anonymity.

In “exceptional cases” it also allowed students to stay with a family member on campus and reserved hostel seats for those on extended degrees beyond the regular semester duration to help them complete their degrees.

IIT Delhi will host its annual convocation ceremony on August 10, where 2,600 students will receive their degrees at the 55th convocation.

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Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

An institution of eminence, भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान दिल्ली, hauz khas, new delhi-110016, india.

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What is IITD?

The Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi for short) is an autonomous research university based in India. It is counted among the top universities in the world for technical education. It was established in 1961 by an act of the Indian parliament and designated an “Institute of National Importance” in 1963. With a long trail of accomplishments behind it, it added another feather to its cap in 2018: it was awarded the newly created designation “Institution of Eminence” (IoE) by the Government of India.

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The main campus of IIT Delhi is in the Hauz Khas area of Delhi. It has two satellite campuses near Delhi: the Sonepat Campus and the Jhajhjhar Campus.

It is the mission of IIT Delhi to generate new knowledge by engaging in cutting-edge research and to promote academic growth by offering state-of-the-art undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programs. IIT Delhi strives to serve as a valuable resource for industry and society. Its values are focused on excellence in scientific and technical education and research, while maintaining academic integrity and accountability, respect for diversity, and an unfettered spirit of exploration, rationality and enterprise.

IIT Delhi works to make knowledge a means for serving society. The institute looks to mobilize resources from the industry and academia through a network of alumni to give shape to its vision. These alumni are leading scientists, technologists, business managers and entrepreneurs in various domains.

Our pursuit is to think beyond our professional commitments and make this planet a better place to live!

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FADA academy and IIT Delhi launch advanced programme for automotive leaders

Fada academy and iit delhi have launched a 7-day programme to equip automotive leaders with advanced skills in emerging technologies..

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FADA academy and IIT Delhi launch advanced programme for automotive leaders

  • FADA and IIT Delhi launch a 7-day advanced automotive operations programme
  • Programme prepares dealership leaders for challenges in electric and hybrid vehicles
  • Participants gain insights from IIT experts on AI, battery tech, and sustainability


Comprehensive curriculum for a changing industry.

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The programme covers a wide range of topics, including automotive operations, future technologies, team dynamics, change management, data mining, IT and AI in dealerships, charging infrastructure, battery technology, hybrid and alternate energy vehicles, automotive health monitoring, sustainability, connected and autonomous vehicles, operations management, inventory and demand management, predictive analysis, and financial and marketing management. Participants will also have the opportunity to visit related laboratories.


  1. Minimum Qualifications for admission to Full-time PhD Programmes

    Table 1 defines the minimum qualifications required for admission to full-time Ph. D. programmes at IIT Delhi. Please note:

  2. PhD Programme

    PhD Programme. The award of the Ph.D. degree is in recognition of high achievements, independent research and application of scientific knowledge to the solution of technical and scientific problems. Creative and productive inquiry is the basic concept underlying the research work. The details of research programmes in various Departments ...

  3. PhD

    The PhD program consists of both full time and part time students. Currently, the department houses almost 200 research scholars. The HUSS department at IIT Delhi has over the years become a highly attractive place for pursuing doctoral studies as it provides outstanding academic training, both in teaching and research, to students.

  4. Admission

    According to the IIT Delhi PhD Information Brochure: "Candidates in the final year of their programmes and who expect to complete all their qualifying degree requirements before the date of registration are also eligible to apply for admissions.

  5. PhD Programmes

    PhD Programmes at IIT Delhi. Applied Mechanics [AMZ] Solid Mechanics: Large Deformations, Impact Mechanics, Elasticity, Piezothermoelasticity, Composite Materials and structures Plates and Shells, Non-linear Dynamics and Chaos, Off-Shore Structures, Smart Structures, Structural Stability, Snow Mechanics, Dynamic Plasticity, Nano Composites ...

  6. Minimum Qualifications for admission to Part-time and ...

    Minimum Qualifications for admission to Part-time and Sponsored (full-time) PhD Programmes The following eligibility conditions apply for the Part-time and sponsored full-time programmes.

  7. PG Admissions 2024-2025

    Learn about the eligibility, application process, and selection criteria for PG admissions at IIT Delhi, one of the premier engineering institutes in India.

  8. NRCVEE PhD program

    The PhD program focuses on understanding what it means to be a human being from a multidisciplinary perspective involving wellness, neuroscience, classical music and arts, Yogic psychology, consciousness and inner development, value education, sustainability, to name a few.

  9. School of Public Policy :: IIT Delhi

    For information on institute minimum qualification criteria please see the IIT Delhi Delhi information brochure on the admissions page. All full-time PhD students admitted to the program receive an institute scholarship.

  10. PhD Admissions

    The following table defines the minimum qualifications required for admission to fulltime PhD programmes at IIT Delhi for General/OBC (Non-creamy Layer) category students.

  11. PhD in Economics

    PhD under UQ-IITD Academy of Research (UQIDAR) The University of Queensland (UQ), a top 50 global university, and the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD), an Institute of Eminence, have joined forces to create a joint PhD program that will allow scholars to deliver global impact.

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    IIT Delhi-Abu Dhabi plans to commence its first undergraduate programmes in September 2024.

  13. School of Public Policy :: IIT Delhi

    We look forward to receiving applications for the PhD program in future admissions cycle. Details of the admission process will be updated on this page. All full-time PhD students admitted to the program receive an institute scholarship. Details can be sought from the PG Section at IIT Delhi. Announcement:

  14. IIT Delhi PhD: Admissions, Seats, Fees and Eligibility

    IIT Delhi PhD: Check eligibility and fees of the doctoral programme at the IIT Delhi

  15. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

    The award of Ph.D. degree is in recognition of high achievements, independent research and application of scientific knowledge to the solution of technical and scientific problems. Creative and productive inquiry is the basic concept underlying the research work. In order to overcome any deficiency in the breadth of fundamental training or ...

  16. Admission

    The Department of Management Studies has a full-fledged PhD programme in Management. With its liberal multidisciplinary approach, the department provides excellent ambience for research amidst the world class infrastructure at IIT Delhi. The research areas are broadly classified into the following areas: Economics; Finance & Accounting; Information Technology & Systems; Marketing; Operations ...

  17. PDF Information Brochure

    In the last year, IIT Delhi has initiated sponsored research activities worth around Rs. 350 crores which are expected to grow further this year. Candidates wanting to gain project experience along with post-graduate education can apply and join one of the sponsored projects simultaneously with admission to the post-graduate degree.

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    The 23-year-old female student hailed from Uttar Pradesh and was residing in the Disang Hostel. Her body was reportedly found by her friends. A woman post-graduate student of the Indian Institute ...

  19. 2600+ IIT Delhi graduating students to get degrees at 55th convocation

    The IIT Delhi convocation will feature Jubilant Bhartia Group Founder and Co-Chairman S Bhartia, a distinguished IIT Delhi alumnus, as the chief guest. The ceremony will see degrees conferred across various programmes, including new undergraduate and postgraduate disciplines.

  20. Department Of Management Studies

    The department of Management Studies has a full-fledged PhD programme in Management. With its liberal multidisciplinary approach, the department provides excellent ambience for research amidst the world class infrastructure at IIT Delhi. The research areas are broadly classified into the following areas: Economics; Finance & Accounting; Information Technology & Systems; Marketing; Operations ...

  21. CARE

    Microelectronics Details about PhD rules and regulations can be seen in the latest IIT Delhi Courses of Study booklet.

  22. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Delhi

    The doctoral programme in Computer Science and Engineering offers students the possibility of doing intensive research in an area of their choice. We have about 30 students in this programme and it has been our constant endeavour to provide the best facilities and working environment to our research students. · All students receive an ...

  23. PhD Program

    Program. The doctoral programme in Computer Science and Engineering offers students the possibility of doing intensive research in an area of their choice. We have a vibrant research program consisting of about 60 PhD students, and it has been our constant endeavour to provide the best facilities and working environment to our research students.

  24. IIT Delhi Launches Advanced Certificate Program In Automotive

    IIT Delhi, in collaboration with the Federation of Automobile Dealers Association (FADA) Academy, has decided to launch an Advanced Certificate Program in Automotive Operations and Future Technologies. The classes will be held at IIT Delhi Campus for seven days.

  25. IIT Delhi PhD Admission 2024 (Open): Dates, Eligibility, Selection

    IIT Delhi PhD/ MS (Research) admissions 2024 will start on March 20, 2024 and the last date to apply for admission is April 04, 2024. IIT Delhi offers PhD program to full-time, part-time, and sponsored (full-time) candidates for a duration of 3 years. Candidates must have an MTech or BTech degree in any relevant discipline with a CGPA of 7.0 or 6.0 to be eligible for PhD admission at IIT Delhi.

  26. Three Yale students named 2024 Quad Fellows in STEM fields

    Three Yale graduate students are among the latest group of Quad Fellows, a scholarship program that helps support promising young scientists and technologists. The Quad Fellowship is an initiative of the governments of Australia, India, Japan, and the United States. The fellowship sponsors exceptional master's and doctoral students to study ...

  27. IIT Delhi Eases CGPA Criteria; BTech Students Can Now Graduate ...

    The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi has relaxed the overall Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) criteria for academic performance, allowing students to obtain a graduation degree by just passing all required courses, marking a significant policy change aimed at addressing mental health ...

  28. Welcome IIT Delhi : IIT Delhi

    It is the mission of IIT Delhi to generate new knowledge by engaging in cutting-edge research and to promote academic growth by offering state-of-the-art undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programs. IIT Delhi strives to serve as a valuable resource for industry and society. Its values are focused on excellence in scientific and technical education and research, while maintaining academic ...

  29. IIT Delhi's Abu Dhabi campus to offer UG courses from next month

    IIT Delhi's Abu Dhabi campus will launch two undergraduate programmes starting in September. A total of 60 students will be admitted to these programmes, with 20 selected based on their JEE (Advanced) 2024 scores and 40 chosen through a new entrance exam known as the Combined Admission Entrance Test (CAET).

  30. FADA academy and IIT Delhi launch advanced programme for automotive

    FADA Academy and IIT Delhi have launched a 7-day programme to equip automotive leaders with advanced skills in emerging technologies.