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How to Show a Promotion on a Resume

Recruiters and hiring managers want to see growth on your resume. Emphasizing your promotions are a great way to do this - here's how to do that, with samples from real resumes.

3 years ago   •   6 min read

Fantastic news: You got a promotion! Moving up internally doesn’t just mean more money and responsibility, it also looks great on a job application. That is, if you can figure out how to format your resume to properly show off your career progression.

Why Formatting Matters

When hiring managers read your resume, they’re looking for more than just an overview of your experience. Specifically, they’re looking for evidence that you’ll be a good fit for the position they’re filling. What this means will obviously vary depending on the company and role, but one thing all hiring managers want to see is growth.

So, what exactly are recruiters looking for?

1. Career progression

Experience is one thing, but if you’ve stayed in the same role for the past 10 years without moving up, most hiring managers are going to want to know why. No career growth = a major red flag. Being promoted or taking on different roles at the same company shows that you’re capable of professional development.

2. Stability

On the other end of the scale, recruiters also don’t want to see that you’ve held half a dozen jobs in as many years. If you’ve held a series of different roles, it’s easy to come off looking like a job hopper, which you don’t want. Presenting these as a series of advancements rather than as completely separate roles is key to showing your experience in the best light.

3. Increased capabilities

Being able to list a promotion on your resume isn’t just about a linear escalation of job titles. Recruiters also want to see signs that you’ve picked up new skills along the way. Think about how you can list your responsibilities and achievements in a way that demonstrates real progression.

Tips to showing promotions and career progression on a resume

Now that you know what recruiters are looking for, here are some examples of what we mean.

Examples of how to demonstrate a promotion on your resume

You can opt to demonstrate growth through your job titles, bullet points, or both. Most of the time, the best way to display a promotion or multiple roles on your resume is going to depend on how similar the positions were.

If the roles were different

If you’ve been promoted or moved into a significantly different role, it’s okay to list these as separate entries on your resume . You’re essentially treating these as different jobs but using a shared company heading to make it clear that this was an internal progression rather than a series of isolated jobs.

Showing promotions on your resume, when you've held different roles

COMPANY NAME , location Job title #2 , dates - Bullet points should be in the format [action verb] + [what you did] + [result] Job title #1 , dates - Bullet points should be in the format [action verb] + [what you did] + [result]

If you prefer, you can list these roles completely separately, with the company name included twice (like in the image below). This is riskier since it can look to a recruiter like two different jobs if they’re only quickly scanning your resume. Why consider it?

Some applicant tracking systems may find it easier to read, so it’s a trade-off. It’s also a good way to show career progression if you held two different roles at the same company with a gap in between (for example, because of a layoff, furlough, or other employment).

Screenshot of a resume showing a promotion at a company, while being optimized for applicant tracking systems

COMPANY NAME , location Job title #2 , dates - Bullet points should be in the format [action verb] + [what you did] + [result] COMPANY NAME , location Job title #1 , dates - Bullet points should be in the format [action verb] + [what you did] + [result]

A third option is to selectively group different roles together. This is similar to the first option, but ideal if you’re trying to highlight specific experience or particularly noteworthy accomplishments. Here's an example:

Resume format to show different roles at one company, including a promotion

COMPANY NAME , location Job title #3 , dates Job title #2 , dates Job title #1 , dates - Bullet points should be in the format [action verb] + [what you did] + [result] Selected project experience - Use these bullet points to highlight specific noteworthy accomplishments

If the roles were similar

This one is much easier. If you performed similar tasks in both roles, you can group the bullet points together. List the company first, followed by each role and its accompanying dates on a separate line. The bullet points underneath can include accomplishments for both roles.

Example of showing a promotion on a resume when roles are relatively similar

COMPANY NAME , location Job title #2 , dates Job title #1 , dates - Include bullet points from both roles, focusing on career progression

Using bullet points to show your promotion

A different — but equally valid — approach is to show job progression through your bullet points instead of in your job titles. This has the downside of being less obvious to a casual observer, but it also has a few significant advantages. If you were promoted quickly, it allows you to highlight an accelerated timeline or any other exceptional accomplishments which led to the promotion. And if your job title hasn’t changed but your responsibilities have, this is a great way to point out your professional growth without having a new role to show for it.

Some bullet point examples:

  • Promoted to Associate Consultant in 2 years (1 year in advance); the only member in a cohort of 45 Analysts to be fast-tracked
  • Promoted within 12 months due to strong performance and organizational impact - ahead of schedule by 12 months
  • Ranked top of the class and offered an early promotion to Senior Analyst after two years

These examples all demonstrate that you went above and beyond in performing the duties of your role and emphasize your promotion as being particularly impressive, rather than simply routine.

In other situations

If you’re an experienced hire, you may want to show off a previous promotion without dedicating too much valuable real estate to an older role. This is still doable — simply list each role on a separate line under a single company heading and omit the bullet points.

How to list older positions on your resume, while emphasizing promotions

PREVIOUS PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE COMPANY NAME , location Job title #3 , dates Job title #2 , dates Job title #1 , dates

Find out if your resume shows career progression

A good way to check if your resume shows career progression is to upload your resume to the tool below — it’ll scan it and let you know if your resume shows growth, relevant accomplishments and skills.

Resume formatting tips

Now that you’ve got your promotion sorted, don’t forget our general resume formatting tips:

Always format your resume in reverse chronological order

On your resume, you should always list your most recent experience first. A functional resume that highlights your skills rather than experience may seem tempting, especially if you don’t have much relevant experience, but a straightforward chronological resume is best.

Always include dates of employment

This one seems obvious, but you’d be amazing how many people leave the dates off their resumes. At a minimum, your resume needs to list the years you were employed. Many hiring managers prefer to see months listed as well, especially if you were in a particular role for less than a few years. Exact dates normally aren’t required outside of specific application forms.

You can demonstrate growth even without a promotion

If you’ve held the same role at your company for a long time, it’s important that your bullet point accomplishments still show a sense of progression, whether that’s through learning new skills, taking on additional responsibilities, or unofficially taking on aspects of a new role. If you’ve been moved around to different roles that weren’t technically promotions — for example, due to company restructuring — you can still frame it as a promotion. This doesn’t mean you need to lie; instead, consider the aspects of your new role that were different or more challenging, and highlight those features.

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How to Show a Promotion on Your Resume: Expert Tips and Strategies

Expert tips and strategies on how to show promotion on resume. Boost your chances of success with our insightful guide.

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Adding job promotions on your resume can really show how successful you’ve been at work. But how should you include your promotion? Before you ask, yes, it does matter! This article will give you smart tips and ways to add promotions to your resume in the best way possible.

After reading this, you’ll know exactly how to list promotions on your resume. This will help you get noticed and compete better for the job you want.

Table of contents

How to format promotions on your resume, ats-friendly formatting tips, information to include about promotions on your resume, examples of how to show promotions on your resume, how to list job title changes without a promotion, key takeaways, frequently asked questions.

Research shows that recruiters typically spend a mere 7 seconds viewing your resume. So formatting matters!

You have two options for formatting your promotions. If you’ve had multiple promotions within the same company, you can stack them all under the same company in chronological order. The other option is to cite each position as a separate entry, even if they were all at the same company.

Make sure your resume format is consistent and includes clear dates. This way, people looking to hire can easily see how you’ve grown in your job. Using a resume builder can also help you create a professional and organized resume.

Option 1: Stacked entries

One good way to show how you’ve moved up at your job is to list each promotion under the same company on your resume. Start with your most recent role at the top, then list the roles you had before that.

example of a stacked format for work experience on a resume

Make sure to say that these were promotions. Write a short note about what you did in each job and what you achieved. Talk about things that helped you get promoted, to show how you’ve grown and worked hard.

This way of writing makes it easy for recruiters to see how you’ve advanced and taken on more tasks over time, starting with the first bullet point. It also shows that you’re loyal to your company, which they’ll like.

Option 2: Separate entries

Another way to show your promotions is to write about each job separately in the work experience section of your resume .

Start with your latest job. Include the job title, the company’s name, when you worked there, and a short note about what you did and what you achieved. Then do the same for each promotion or step up you had at the company.

For every promotion, write the new job title, when you worked in that job, and what new tasks or achievements you had. Be sure to include your most recent position.

Example of promotions on a resume listed as separate entries

By writing about each promotion separately, you can show how you’ve grown and taken on different responsibilities over time.

This way, you can easily show how you’ve moved up in your job and taken on tougher roles within the same company.

How to choose the best method for your situation

Which format should you use – stacked entries or separate entries? This is a crucial point.

According the research from , the average corporate job opening receives roughly 250 applications!

You really need yours to stand out.

The best way to show your promotions and internal position changes on your resume depends on a few things, like how many promotions you’ve had, how long you stayed in each job, and how related each job is to the one you want now.

Think about these things:

  • Number of promotions: If you’ve moved up a lot at one company, it might be better to write about each promotion separately. This can really show how you’ve grown in your career.
  • Time spent in each job: If you stayed in each job for many years, it might be better to list them all under the same company. This can stop you from repeating yourself.
  • How related each job is to the one you want: If each promotion gave you skills and experiences that will help in the job you want, you should write about each promotion separately. This can show how you can adapt and grow.

In the end, pick the way that best shows how you’ve moved up and what you can bring to a new job.

Regardless of which method works best for you when listing promotions on your resume, your work history section always needs to be as “up to code” as possible for ATS. Follow these rules below to make sure you can beat those resume robots.

Date formatting

Our tests show that not all ATS parse the same date formats. This is especially important when showing promotions on your resume because you want to show how long it took to earn the promotion and how long you had the new role.

Some ATS, like SmartRecruiters, will even automatically calculate the duration of tenure in years and months based on your resume dates.

Most ATS recognize dates formatted as MM/YYYY. Here’s how your dates should look:

[Job Title], [Company]


  • Developed critical one-, three-, five-, and ten-year development roadmaps.
  • Managed the merger and acquisition of Software through expert product knowledge and business acumen.
  • Established processes and procedures for a successful integration of all Software products.
  • Streamlined workflow by merging three software versions into one standard version.

Between a .pdf, .docx, or .txt file, which one should you use? In our testing, we found that most ATS can read and parse .pdf files correctly. Some of them struggled with .docx. .txt files were also parsed correctly, but these are simple text files with no formatting, so we don’t usually recommend using that file type. A PDF file should be fine.

Headers and footers

Some resume templates put the person’s name and current job title in the header of the document. When we tested popular ATS, we found that some don’t parse information in the header and footer correctly. It’s safer to not use that section altogether. If you want to highlight your current role after a promotion, use the normal page section.

Use Jobscan’s free ATS-friendly resume templates and start building your resume that gets noticed by recruiters!

resume template for job promotion

List the right skills

When describing your promotion, you should list the skills you display or gained that earned you the promotion. But make sure you focus on skills that are relevant to the position you’re applying for. A recruiter might search the database for people with specific skills and you want to show up there. In fact, our ATS revealed that even keyword frequency matters.

Don’t stuff your resume with keywords, but definitely highlight the relevant ones.

To find out which skills the recruiter will be searching for, scan your resume in Jobscan and paste in the body of the job listing. You’ll see a list of hard and soft skills that you should put on your resume based on that job description.

You’ll also get a resume score that shows how well your resume matches the job requirements. The higher your score the better your chances of getting a job interview!

a screenshot of jobscan's resume scanner

Here are some important keys to listing promotions on your resume:

  • In the work experience part of your resume, make sure each promotion stands out. Use bullet points to list what you did and achieved in each role.
  • Don’t forget to include dates to demonstrate the timeline of your career advancement.
  • Quantify your achievements to add impact and impresses potential employers.
  • If you’ve had multiple promotions within the same company, consider creating a separate section for promotions.
  • Use action verbs and specific language to show your contributions in each role.
  • Consider mentioning your promotion in your resume summary .

Basic information

When you add promotions to your resume, make sure to include key details that show how you’ve moved up in your job. Start with the job title, the company’s name, and when you worked there for each job. Write a short note about what you did and what you achieved in each role to show how you’ve grown in your career.

Detail your job experience and accolades

You should give details about what you did in your jobs and any awards you got. This helps the person hiring understand what you were in charge of and how well you did. Having experience in a role is good. But showing that you did well in that role is even better.

Highlight any significant achievements or responsibilities that you took on with each promotion. Provide details on what new responsibilities came with each new role. This shows the skills you developed.

Use action verbs and quantifiable metrics to demonstrate the impact you made in each role.

Highlight skills and achievements related to the promotion

When you show a promotion on your resume, talk about the skills and wins that helped you move up. Give real examples of successful work you did or goals you reached. Include numbers to show your success, like “boosted sales by 20%” or “led a team of 10 people to beat our goals for three months.”

Talk about any new tasks or leadership roles you got after getting promoted. If you took any classes or learned new things to help you do better at your job and get promoted, mention that too!

Quantify your achievements

Use numbers to show how well you did in your jobs. Instead of saying you improved sales, you could say you boosted sales by 20 percent in the first year after getting promoted.

Using numbers not only helps the recruiter see what you can do for their company, but it also makes you stand out from other applicants.

Remember to be honest and accurate when quantifying your achievements. Employers may ask for further details or proof during the interview process.

Use action verbs and powerful language

Use strong words and action verbs that show what you did and achieved in each job.

Start each bullet point with an action verb to show how active and successful you were in your job.

Use real examples and numbers to show how much of a difference you made at work and to highlight your wins.

Talk about the new tasks, challenges, and wins you had with each promotion to show how you’ve grown in your career.

Avoid simply listing job titles without providing context or explaining the promotions. Briefly describe the scope of each role and how it contributed to your overall professional development.

Examples for separate entries

If you write about each promotion separately, give each job its own title. Show the dates of when you worked there and use bullet points about what you did and achieved there. This can be good if you want to show how you’ve moved up in your job and the different skills and experiences you got with each promotion.

example resume with separate entries for promotions

Why this example works:

This resume uses quantified achievements, measurable results, and specific descriptions of the role the person played in various projects.

Example of promotions on a resume listed as separate entries

This resume clearly details the new responsibilities and highlights impressive achievements. The separate entries help to clarify which regions the person worked in.

Examples for stacked entries

Stacked entries can be a great way to show several promotions at the same company on your resume. Instead of writing each promotion as a different job, you can stack them under one job title. Start with your most recent promotion and put it first. Then list the earlier promotions next, with the most recent ones first. This helps hiring managers see how you’ve moved up in your job and shows that you can grow and take on new tasks.

example of a stacked format for work experience on a resume

The resume focuses more on the senior role, which might be more relevant to the job the person is applying for. It focuses on projects and gives specific results.

example of a stacked format for work experience on a resume

This resume uses specific action verbs and uses common skills that a recruiter might search for. The person switches tenses when describing their previous role (past tense) and their current role (previous tense), but maintain consistency in each section.

Listing a job title change without a promotion might seem tricky, but it’s best to keep it simple.

In these cases, separate entries is the best format to use. Cite each job title, starting with the most recent.

If you got a promotion while in that role, stack the new title above it. If you moved to an entirely new role, create a new job title entry.

Focus on showcasing the increased responsibilities, achievements, and skills acquired during each position.

Remember to format your resume in a way that effectively highlights your professional journey without diminishing its impact.

When the promotion was the result of company restructuring

Sometimes, a company might change around positions and tasks. Because of this, you might get a promotion or a different position. If you got promoted when your company was restructuring, make sure to explain how these changes effected your role. Be clear about what happened and show how you were able to adjust.

Here’s how to do it right:

1. Separate entries: Treat each job title as a separate entry on your resume. Start with the most recent title and stack the new title above it.

2. Talk about the changes: Explain that the change in your job title happened because the company was changing things around. Explain why this happened, like if jobs or tasks were changing.

3. Show off skills and wins: Talk about any new skills or wins you got because of the promotion. Give examples of what you achieved, like if you sold a lot or if you led a team through the changes well.

4. Show you ability to adjust: Talk about how you were able to handle the changes that came with the company changing things around. Explain how you quickly learned new ways of doing things or if you took on more tasks.

5. Talk about any challenges: Mention any problems you had when the company was changing things and how you solved them in your new position. This shows that you can handle problems and bounce back.

6. Make your resume look good: Set up your resume in a way that shows off your work journey well. Use bullet points to list what you did and achieved for each job title. This helps bosses see how you moved up in your jobs and what you did in those roles.

Industry-specific advice

It’s important to tailor your approach based on your industry. Here are some tips for popular industries:

1. Sales industry: Highlight the increase in sales targets achieved after the promotion. Mention specific strategies used and any new accounts acquired.

2. IT industry: Emphasize new technical skills gained and projects successfully delivered post-promotion. Discuss any improvements made to systems or processes.

3. Marketing industry: Describe campaigns managed and results achieved after the promotion. Highlight any new marketing channels explored or successful brand launches.

4. Finance industry: Focus on increased responsibilities in financial analysis or risk management roles. Highlight any cost-saving measures implemented or successful financial projects completed.

5. Healthcare industry: Talk about any new certificates or special training you got after your promotion. Share any ways you made patient care better or how you used new medical procedures well.

6. Engineering industry: Emphasize any complex projects successfully completed after the promotion. Highlight any innovative solutions or cost-effective engineering designs implemented.

7. Hospitality industry: List any new roles or departments managed after the promotion. Discuss improvements made to customer satisfaction or successful implementation of new service protocols.

8. Education industry: Talk about any leadership roles you took on after getting promoted, like being in charge of a department or planning the curriculum. Share any ways you helped students do better after your promotion or how you used new teaching methods well.

In general, make sure to clearly state the promotion and its date in your resume. Then, tailor the content to highlight relevant achievements and skills gained in your specific industry after the promotion.

When you list your promotions on your resume, it’s important to clearly explain that you got promoted in your work experience section. Also, talk about what you did and achieved in your old position that helped you get promoted. Using numbers to show your wins can really show how you made a difference in your last job. Use strong verbs and words to clearly describe what you did and show off your skills. Finally, remember to tailor your resume for each job you apply to, focusing on the right promotions and experiences. By doing all of these things, you can show how you’ve grown in your career to future bosses.

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To include a promotion on your resume, make sure to list the job title, company name, and dates of employment for each position. Clearly indicate the promotion by listing the previous position and the new position separately. Highlight the increased responsibilities, achievements, and accomplishments in the new role using bullet points.

To show promotions on a resume in the same role, list each promotion as a separate job title under the same employment entry. Include the dates of each promotion to showcase your progression within the company. Highlight specific accomplishments and responsibilities associated with each promotion using bullet points.

To showcase stacked entries on a promotion resume, list each position separately, starting with the most recent promotion. Include specific details like job title, company name, and dates of employment for each role. Highlight key achievements and responsibilities to demonstrate growth and progression. Use bullet points or subheadings to differentiate positions within the same company.

To list the same job twice on a resume, create separate headings for each position held. For example, use “Marketing Coordinator” and “Marketing Manager.” Under each position, highlight specific achievements and responsibilities. Clearly indicate start and end dates to show progression.

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Content Marketing Manager at Jobscan.

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How to Show Promotions on a Resume (with Examples)

8 min read · Updated on January 29, 2024

Ken Chase

As you rise through the ranks at your company, show promotions on your resume the right way

Writing a resume is often a daunting challenge. It can be difficult to determine what information to include, how to organize and name each section of your resume, and the best format to use as you tell your career story. That challenge increases when you need to figure out how to show a promotion on your resume.

One of the most frequent questions professional resume writers receive is, “How do I list multiple jobs within the same company?” It's a perfectly understandable dilemma. If resume sections are typically separated by job and company, what do you do when there is only a foggy distinction between the two?

In this post, we'll explain some of the options that you can use to highlight promotions on a resume. We'll also include some examples you can refer to for guidance as you add these critical details.

Why you need to know how to show promotions on your resume

You might be wondering why you even need to know how to show promotions on your resume. The answer is simple: if you've been fortunate enough to remain with the same company for a lengthy period as you continued to advance your career, showing promotions can help to show how much that company appreciated the value you provided. It also helps to demonstrate that your career is progressing, rather than stagnating.

What options can you use to show promotions on a resume?

There are two main options available to you if you need to highlight promotions on your resume. They include:

Stacking your separate roles beneath the same company entry

Listing the company multiple times, with different job titles for each entry

Let's look at each of these different options in more detail.

Option 1: Stacking the two

Stacking the positions into one description is the most common resume format for organizing more than one position at a single company. This method is used to draw attention to lateral moves or progressive responsibilities, achievements, and dedication to the company. There are a few simple rules to this resume format:

  • Include the overall date range at the top
  • List dates for each position next to the job title
  • Place job descriptions and bulleted key achievements directly below each position

COMPANY NAME, City, State • Company Start Date to Company End Date

Most Recent Position - Start Date to End Date

Job Description

  • Key Achievement 1
  • Key Achievement 2
  • Key Achievement 3

Previous Position – Start Date to End Date

Place the most recent position at the top and start each description with “Promoted within from [former job title] to [promotion job title]” and describe your new position. You do not need to give reasons for the promotion. Use action verbs to show your accomplishments, not just your job duties. Also be sure to include bullet points of achievements which reflect your contributions.

Here is an example of a description using action verbs and "achieving" language:

Incorrect: Responsible for managing operations at multiple stores in the state

Correct: Led teams across 50 stores statewide, with combined annual earnings of $190 million

Related: How to Make Your Resume Stand Out with Action Verbs

Option 2: Use separate company listings

Sometimes, your positions at a given company will be distinct enough to stand alone. In those situations, it is advisable to list each career advancement or lateral move separately on your resume, as you would if they were positions at different companies. This approach draws attention to both your achievement history according to position and the period in which those achievements occurred.

One word of caution if you opt for this resume format option: be careful not to give the impression that you were job hopping. Looking like a job hopper can be prevented by placing the dates clearly next to the company, making it easier for the hiring manager or employer to identify the different periods. Other resume format rules to follow include:

Only identify important jobs separately

Combine less-important positions together

Make dates clearly visible

Draw attention to achievements

The resume format looks like this:

COMPANY A's NAME, City, State • Start Date to End Date

Most recent position

Previous position

Another situation that you may find yourself needing to address in the format of your resume is when you've left a company and were later rehired for a different role. For example, say John worked for Dell Computers for six years before moving to Apple. After two years at Apple, Dell then offered John a new position, paying twice his salary at Apple. John decided to go back to Dell and would list his jobs in the following order:

DELL, City, State - Start Date to End Date

Most recent position at Dell 

APPLE, City, State - Start Date to End Date

Position at Apple 

Previous position at Dell

So, which option should you choose?

Once you understand the options available to you, the next step is to decide which format is right for your resume. Which one will help to ensure that your resume stands out in a sea of rival candidacies? That decision will likely be based on several distinct factors:

How long you've spent in each job role

If you're one of those people who's worked at the same company for many years and received only one or two promotions, the stacked option will likely be your best bet. That will help to avoid any unnecessary repetition, while still allowing you the ability to highlight your career progression.

How many promotions you've received

On the other hand, if your career progression within a given company has involved multiple promotions that demonstrate consistent career growth, you may want to make multiple listings to highlight this.

Which of those promotions are relevant to the job you're seeking

The skills and experience derived from each role can also be an important consideration. If your promotions and new duties provided expanded opportunities for increasing your value as an employee, that too may be worthy of separate listings.

Changes in job title

In addition to promotions, you may also find yourself needing to highlight changes in your job title. Company restructuring, lateral job changes, and other factors can sometimes result in employees receiving different job titles, new duties, and responsibilities - without receiving any type of formal promotion or change in compensation.

To show those changes on your resume, your best option is to use a format that relies on separate entries for these job title changes. You can then stack entries for any promotions that you might receive while holding any of those job titles.

Just make sure that you don't forget to focus on measurable achievements for each of those entries. Highlight your adaptability and resilience, while noting any restructuring or other changes that led to the change in role or job title. As always, emphasize the value that you provided as an employee at the company.

Key takeaways

Listing more than one job or promotion within the same company shouldn't be a difficult practice in resume formats. There are just a few basic rules. For one, treat it as you would other job listings: stack the positions under the company name, and draw attention to achievements and dates.

If the position calls for individual listings, remember to make the dates easier to see, focus on achievements, and write transition sentences to start each new position. This helps to draw more attention to your abilities and clarify your situation. If you're unsure whether to stack or list each position separately, remember these differences:

A stacked resume is used when positions are similar but with increasing responsibilities. It focuses on:


Separate positions are used when promotions are major and don't fit well under the other positions. This one focuses on:

Major promotions

Hiatus from the company

Knowing how to show promotions on a resume can help you to stand out from the crowd

Promotions and other career victories are not just reasons for celebration; they're also important highlights that you need to emphasize on your resume. Knowing how to show promotions on your resume can help to ensure that potential employers take note of your career progression and the type of value that you provided for your previous employers.

Still not sure about your best options for showing promotions on your resume? Get your free resume review from our team of experts today.

This article was originally written by MA Smith and has been updated by Ken Chase. 

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CVs & Résumés

  • Dec 9, 2022

How to Show a Promotion on Your Résumé: Templates & Example

A little bragging never hurt anyone.

Chris Leitch

Chris Leitch

Editor-in-Chief & Résumé Expert

Reviewed by Hayley Ramsey

How to show a promotion on your resume

One of the most common questions I get asked about writing a résumé is “ How do I show a promotion? ”

And chances are that, considering you’re reading this article, you have the same question.

Well, there are a few different ways to list your promotions on your résumé, and they’re all quite straightforward.

In this article, I’ll guide you through the different methods so you can create an eye-catching résumé that effectively markets your top skills and achievements and clearly highlights your career progression . You’ll also find some free résumé templates and a custom example for inspiration to get started.

Why it’s important to show your promotion

First things first, let’s look at why you should highlight your promotions on your résumé.

When reviewing your résumé, hiring managers want to know whether you have the skills and experience to succeed in the job you’re applying for. And to get the information they need, they look at your accomplishments — including any promotions and lateral moves.

Your career progression tells potential employers two things: that you’re ambitious and that you deliver results. Which is precisely what employers look for in employees .

You might feel a little uncomfortable about tooting your own horn, but remember: that’s the whole point of your résumé. Your goal as a jobseeker is to sell yourself to potential employers. Besides, a little bragging never hurt anyone!

Beyond your résumé, the targeted cover letters you send out should also highlight, particularly if you’re applying for a more senior position. In fact, your cover letter offers you the unique opportunity to demonstrate what you’ve done and what you can do — and why an employer should care about you.

Ways to show a promotion

Now, to the reason you’re actually reading this article: how to present promotions on a résumé.

There are five main ways you can do this:

  • Use the first bullet point of an experience entry
  • Stack job titles under one company
  • List duties separately under one company
  • Create separate experience entries
  • Build a separate section

Although they work for all résumé formats , each method should only be used in specific situations.

Let’s take a closer look at each one:

Method 1: Use the first bullet point of an experience entry

The easiest way to show a promotion on your résumé is to directly reference it in the very first bullet point of the relevant job’s entry. This is particularly useful if you’re short on space (remember: your résumé should typically be between one and two pages long ). This is also a great option if you were promoted quickly and want to highlight an accelerated timeline.

For example, you could write something like: “Promoted to Store Manager within 8 months as Assistant Manager, due to consistent sales results and strong leadership skills .” (Make sure to explain why you were promoted, as illustrated in this bullet point.)

In this case, you’ll want to list your most recent position with the company (ie: Store Manager) in the relevant entry’s heading, along with the full range of employment dates (ie: your start date as an Assistant Manager and your end date, if applicable, as the Store Manager) — like so:

Job title | Employment dates Company name | Location

  • Bullet point referencing your promotion(s)
  • Achievement

Method 2: Stack job titles under one company

If you want to make your promotion a little more obvious than simply mentioning it in a bullet point, you can use a stacked entry approach . This involves listing each position separately (along with relevant employment dates) under one company, followed by a combined list of your most notable responsibilities and achievements across all positions.

Stacked entries should generally be used only if the listed positions are similar in nature and share common skills and responsibilities.

Like the first method, you can reference your promotion in the first bullet point . That said, this isn’t necessary, as the separate job titles make it clear that a promotion occurred. What I advise here is to instead dedicate that first bullet point to another exceptional accomplishment .

This is what a stacked entry looks like:

Company name Location

Job title 1 | Employment dates Job title 2 | Employment dates

Method 3: List duties separately under one company

If you held multiple positions with the same employer, but your title and responsibilities changed and you accomplished notably different achievements, then you should list your jobs separately under one company “umbrella”. This way, you can better show off your achievements for each position individually.

This approach is basically an extension of a stacked entry. You’ll follow the same structure, but instead of combining duties and achievements into a single bulleted list, you’ll create a list for each position — like so:

Job title 1 | Employment dates

Job title 2 | Employment dates

Method 4: Create separate experience entries

If you worked for one company, then got a job elsewhere , and later returned to the first company, then you might want to consider creating two separate experience entries for that company, which would sandwich the in-between job.

Essentially, you’ll create an entry for one position, noting your job title and dates, and the company’s information, followed by a list of your responsibilities and achievements. Then, you’ll do the same for any previous jobs, and again for the original company that you had left (tailored to that particular position, of course).

You can use this approach even if there was no break during your employment at the company (ie: you held multiple positions consecutively with the same employer) — but I recommend using the previous method, as this will help you save some space.

Here’s how to list your promotions in separate entries:

Job Title | Employment dates Company 1 | Location

Job Title | Employment dates Company 2 | Location

Method 5: Build a separate section

You’ll generally want to directly include your promotions in the main work experience section . However, you can list them in a separate section, but only if they relate to positions that date back more than 15 years. (As a rule of thumb, résumés should highlight only your most recent and relevant experience from the past 10–15 years.)

A separate section in this case allows you to showcase notable promotions at renowned companies that you would normally leave off your résumé. Indeed, although hiring managers don’t necessarily look at where you worked before, name-dropping a big company like Microsoft or Coca-Cola can add strength and credibility to your job application .

If creating a separate section, name it something like “Additional Experience” or “Relevant Experience” and place it immediately after the main experience section. Keep entries concise too by removing bullet points altogether, like this:


Tips for showing your promotions

Now that you know how to show a promotion on your résumé, here are some useful tips to keep in mind:

1. Show progression in your job titles

Make sure that the job titles you use provide a clear idea of your progression within a company. For example, if you started on the sales floor and moved up to a leadership role, you should use titles like “Sales Assistant” and “Sales Manager”.

2. Demonstrate increased responsibility with action words

When writing a résumé, action words are always your friend. Indeed, they make your résumé more impactful, and your achievements are more likely to stand out as a result. For promotions in particular, it’s a good idea to use action words that demonstrate increased responsibility, such as “led”, “spearheaded” and “drove”.

3. Use consistent formatting

Whichever method you use for showing promotions, make sure all other entries in your employment history section are formatted consistently . For example, if you use a stacked entry, you’ll list the company name (as opposed to, traditionally, your job title) as the entry heading — in this case, all other entry headings should follow the same structure. Otherwise, your résumé’s overall layout and presentation will look messy and complicated.

4. Keep applicant tracking systems in mind

Your résumé will likely be screened by an ATS before it’s read by a human recruiter, so it needs to be optimized accordingly if you want to beat the robots . This includes writing the month and year for each position (even if it makes employment gaps more obvious) and, as mentioned previously, using consistent formatting.

5. Be careful of résumé builders

Online résumé builders can be extremely helpful when putting your application together, but it’s important to keep in mind that they have their shortcomings. For example, some builders have limited functionality and won’t let you arrange your experience section with one of the methods we explored above.

Example résumé

Want to see a résumé showing a promotion in action? Check out this example of a promotion within the same department, created with one of our modern and professional résumé templates :

Promotion Example Resume

Get the Classic template

Key takeaways

Here’s a quick rundown of showing promotions or lateral moves on your résumé:

  • Don’t be afraid to toot your own horn . Your promotions can vouch for your overall credibility as a candidate!
  • Use the method that best suits your needs . For example, use a stacked entry if the positions are similar — not different — in nature.
  • Be consistent with your résumé design and layout . If you use a company name as an entry heading to show a promotion, for example, then do the same for all other entries.

If you're still struggling, check out this video with the best résumé-writing tips: 

Got a question for me about listing promotions on your résumé? Let me know in the comments section below.

resume template for job promotion

How to show promotions on resume

Including your promotions on your resume is a great way to distinguish yourself from other applicants. Gaining a promotion is a significant achievement and demonstrates capability in your career, and highlighting this accomplishment sets you apart. Learn to show your promotions on your resume in a way that makes sense to hiring managers and truly shows your impact on business outcomes.

Why showcase promotions on your resume

As an integral member of the HR team, an experienced hiring manager has likely participated in their fair share of promotions. Consequently, they understand that promotions typically go to loyal team members who consistently give their all and work hard to build new skills. Showing promotions on resumes communicates the same thing about job candidates.

Additionally, promotions demonstrate your commitment to career advancement in the field and your ability to handle increased responsibilities. They portray professional growth, ultimately showing the hiring manager that your career objectives aren’t just something you talk about but something you are highly likely to achieve.

Expert Tip:

Don’t just use job titles to showcase your promotions. Add bullet points under your new role to underscore your ability to handle increasing responsibility and highlight quantifiable results that demonstrate how your promotion led to better outcomes for the company.

Understanding the importance of promotions

Job promotions are about much more than just having more authority, a more attractive job title, or getting more money. Although those perks can be beneficial, your promotion is a recognition that you have achieved something significant in your career. Learning how to show promotion on resumes allows you to come across as a person who can set goals, take action, and get results.

Promotions also increase your value to employers. A promotion indicates that you are committed to continuous learning. Employers know that, over time, your skill set — and your contribution to the company — will grow, which gives the company an edge in achieving strategic goals. In addition, promoted employees typically value longevity, which reduces turnover and its associated expenses.

Finally, promotions show that you are committed to career growth. Including them in your resume and cover letter allows you to show hiring managers you have done the work to map out your career plan according to your career objectives and that you are well on your way to achieving them.

Format for displaying promotions

Figuring out how to show promotion on resumes is critical. The right format gives hiring managers insight into your career path and helps them clearly understand how you’ve progressed. Use these tips to help you display your promotions correctly and ensure your resume stands out amongst the rest.

Use a reverse chronological format

If you are using reverse chronological resume examples , feel free to show a promotion on resumes using the same format. This means that, under the same company name, your most recent (and therefore most senior) job title and responsibilities should go first, followed by your next most recent role and responsibilities. Using this format allows you to showcase your career progression within one company.

Clearly label each position

To ensure that the hiring manager understands that you have been promoted to a more senior role, you need to label each position with the title and the dates that you held each title. Doing this in reverse chronological order gives the hiring manager a glimpse into your trajectory at the company. If you have been promoted multiple times with one employer, it shows them approximately how long it takes you to learn and solidify new skills.

Highlighting achievements and accomplishments

Highlighting your achievements and accomplishments is important because it helps you market yourself as a candidate. This practice allows you to show off your contributions to your company and demonstrate evidence of prior success in a role. In turn, this excites hiring managers to think about how your expertise can produce the same results at their company. 

When it comes to placing achievements on your resume template , there are a few tips you should keep in mind.

Assess the relevance

Before you try to figure out how to show a promotion on resumes, make sure everything listed is relevant. If you’ve gotten good results in a career or role that’s totally unrelated to the position you’re going for, consider how it connects to the new role and highlight that connection on your resume. If needed, make sure to tweak your cover letter examples to provide more context.

Use quantifiable metrics

Make sure that you are quantifying your achievements using data from key performance metrics. This illustrates the impact of your career growth and promotions on concrete business goals and outcomes and shows the hiring manager what kind of results they can expect when they decide to bring you on board.

Avoid embellishment

In highlighting your achievements and accomplishments on your resume, you want to make sure that you avoid overstating what you have done for the company. The fact that you have been promoted already shows that you are good at what you do and have been effective in the role. This is often enough to ensure your resume lands in the pile of applicants who will be seriously considered for the position.

Addressing job title changes and responsibilities

As you’re learning how to show promotion on resumes, it’s important to include more than just your job titles. If your responsibilities have changed, you should also include bullet points that discuss those changes. 

Under a subheading with your new job title, make sure to list only the responsibilities that are different from those associated with your previous role. Not only does this help you avoid redundancy, but it's also a solid strategy for emphasizing the growth, development, and new skill acquisition that occurred in each role.

If you were promoted when you came back to a company after leaving for a number of years, you can treat your new job title and position the same way you would any other. If you’re using a reverse chronological resume, a hiring manager will be able to clearly see that you returned to your previous company and were granted a more senior role. 

If you feel the need to explain yourself, tweak your cover letter templates to include additional details there.

Strategies for including multiple promotions

Employees who have advanced more than once at the same company should pay special attention when it comes to how to list promotions on resumes. If you have achieved multiple promotions, you’ll want to make sure you clearly delineate each promotion and its associated responsibilities. 

Under a larger heading with the company name and the dates you worked there, include multiple subheadings that list each job title and the dates you held them. Under each of those subheadings, use bullet points to list your job tasks and accomplishments. This helps hiring managers see how your responsibilities and achievements have increased with each promotion.

Though there aren’t many resume articles that cover this situation, there may be cases where you have held a more senior job title in a company without a change in the responsibilities of your role. 

You can avoid including redundant information on your resume by simply listing the roles under the company name in reverse chronological order and then including only one set of bullet points to describe the responsibilities of both roles.

“Promotions demonstrate your commitment to career advancement in the field and your ability to handle increased responsibilities.”

Exhibit professional growth and commitment by properly displaying your promotions

Your resume is the perfect place to put a spotlight on promotions you have received in your career. Not only do these achievements show a hiring manager that you’re capable of great things, but they also illustrate your unique traits as someone committed to learning and longevity in your career.

When displaying your promotions on your resume, make sure to stick to reverse chronological format and include dates for each role. Don’t forget to include bullet points that explain the increasing responsibilities for each role and quantify the results you have achieved at every level.

If you need help with figuring out how to show a promotion on a resume, Jobseeker has a variety of cover letter articles , resume tools, and professional templates to help you get started. You can use these resources to ensure you begin your job search off on the right foot, show off your achievements, and land the job that’s right for you.

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How to write a resume for career advancement and promotion.

Ready for the next step in your career? Whether you are seeking an internal promotion or seeking career advancement opportunities outside of your current company, your resume will be an important indicator of your ability to excel at the next level. It might be the only chance you have to convey the achievements and qualifications that make you a great fit for your dream job, so be sure you are putting your best foot forward with a targeted, modern resume and crystal-clear personal brand.

How to Write A Resume for Career Advancement and Promotion

Great Resumes Fast has had tremendous success in helping our clients reach their goals. Take, for instance, Carlos L., who had incredible career growth, skyrocketing from mid-level manager to operations executive in a few short years and more than tripling his annual salary. He noted that his resume was praised, not only for its conciseness and clarity but for also being reflective of his voice and personality. Between a strong, accurate, targeted resume and an active job search, he was equipped to impress potential employers and land the job he wanted.

So where do you start when it comes to writing a resume for internal promotion or external opportunities to advance your career?

Have Specific Career Goals – Know Your Next Step

Before sitting down to craft your resume and cover letter for promotion, there is prep work that needs to be completed. First and foremost, be sure to define and write down your target job. If you don’t have a specific objective or career advancement plan in mind, it is very difficult to write an effective resume or cover letter. Career planning is important at all stages of your career.

Questions to ask yourself to help determine your short-term and long-term goals:

– Where do you want to be (in your career) next year? And in five years? – What aspects of your current job do you love the most? – What are your priorities for your next position? (Salary, location, work/life balance?) – What skills / work experience / credentials are standard for the position you are pursuing?

Job Search Prep – Informational Interviews Help Bring Clarity

If you know you are looking for career advancement, but aren’t sure about your target job, or if you are waffling between a few potential career advancement paths, sitting down for an informational interview with someone currently in one of your target jobs is a wonderful way to learn more about the day-to-day responsibilities and overall fit of a role. This is also a wonderful way to expand your network.

Questions to ask in an informational interview:

– Tell me about your career path. How did you get into and excel in this line of work? – What would you say are the most key qualifications for someone in your position? – What personal qualities or skills and abilities are important to being successful in this role? – What professional associations do you participate in, if any? What journals do you read? What professional development or training experiences have you found useful? – Who are some of your career role models? Did you have a mentor who helped you advance in your career? – How do you see jobs like yours changing in the future?

Keep Track of Your Achievements – It’s Hard to Remember Details from 10 Years Ago

A standard executive resume typically goes back 10-15 years. Sitting down and trying to recall accomplishments from even a few years back is often a challenge. Going back eight or more years to remember specific projects and contributions that you have made as an employee is next to impossible unless you have an incredible memory! To avoid hitting a wall while working on your resume and professional cover letter, track your accomplishments on a weekly or monthly basis. Keeping notes in a Word document or journal is all you need to be prepared.

Key information to note down for future resume fodder can include:

– What projects/initiatives you are involved in – The goals and results of your efforts – Any quantifiable outcomes related to cost savings, revenue growth, client retention, etc. – Performance improvements/promotions of employees tied to your coaching/mentorship – Feedback on your own performance from employees, peers, supervisors – Any achievements or contributions that relate to the position you are interested in

Bring Clarity to The Direction of Your Resume – Being Concise is Important

A common mistake when it comes to resume writing is to try to include everything you have ever done. But including every responsibility, every technology, your full education history, and all skills and abilities you can claim will quickly turn your resume into an unreadable, overwhelming document.

If you can answer “yes” to any of these questions, your resume needs some revamping:

1.) Is there a lot of redundant information? 2.) Is the resume more than the standard two to three pages? 3.) Could the career summary be copied and pasted into someone else’s resume without many changes? (As in, could it apply to multiple people?) 4.) Are you listing skills rather than focusing on results? 5.) Are there relevant experiences or skills that are not conveyed on page one?

The best approach to a high-impact resume to help you move up the career ladder is to keep it laser-focused on the most relevant skills, experience, and qualifications that will show your ability to succeed in a higher-level position than you currently hold.

For example, Janet Gaines was a recent client of Great Resumes Fast who wanted to move from her position as a Registered Nurse (RN) to a home health services manager. While her nursing experience and strong knowledge base of patient care and healthcare, in general, were obviously important, the management position also called for a leadership and budget management skill set that she did not have the opportunity to gain through her prior nursing jobs.

During the course of the phone consultation with her resume writer, it came out that Janet had not included the small janitorial business that she had founded while completing her nursing degree because she assumed it would not matter for a healthcare resume. But in that leadership role, not only had she hired, trained, and supervised a small team, but she had also managed the company’s budget and grown the revenue 25% YOY for several years. Highlighting these relevant accomplishments helped to align her resume with the required qualifications of the job posting far more than her nursing experience alone could have.

Image 1_CareerAdvancement

In her new resume as seen in the sample above, the information about her business is front and center in the career summary to ensure that hiring managers don’t overlook her leadership or budget management successes. If it were not highlighted there, the reader would not find it until the end of the second page of her resume. Never trust that your reader will do such a careful review, especially for a first impression! Often during a first pass to narrow the number of candidates being considered your resume will get no more than a cursory glance, so make sure all of the key info is included on the first page.

Ideally, all of the information in the career summary should speak directly to the job posting for the target position, whether an internal position or an external position. In this case, the home health services manager position emphasized patient care, budget management, team leadership, and a focus on continuous improvement. It is no accident that these are all of the major points of the summary section. If the reader isn’t already convinced that you are a great candidate by looking at the first page, your summary isn’t doing enough to emphasize and align your value proposition with their requirements.

Career Summary Tips – Avoid Vague Phrases and Passive Language

You’ll also notice that in Janet’s new resume, the summary includes specific, concrete milestones and results with quantifiable results in lieu of the more typical vague or generic summary content.

Does your resume read as vague or generic as this example?

“Energetic team player and multitasker with exceptional attention to detail, people skills, and solid experience in telecommunications industry across accounting, finance, turnaround management, and investment decisions. Strong ability to build and lead teams that meet and exceed established goals and standards. Demonstrated skills in developing and executing programs that enhance operations.”

This sample summary belongs to a finance manager named Richard Wilde who is looking to move into an executive-level finance role. There are a few problems with this summary that I see often:

1.) Passive phrasing: the passivity of this language will negatively impact how the applicant is perceived, particularly when targeting leadership roles. “Strong ability to…” and “Demonstrated skills in…” should both be swapped out for more active, take-charge verbiage. For example: “Champions development and execution of programs that enhance operational efficiencies” is a much stronger statement.

2.) Even more importantly, this content is focused on soft skills and what the applicant “can do.” But the problem with “can do” statements like “strong ability to lead teams” is that there is no evidence provided from Richard’s career, making it a very vague declaration.

A better approach is to focus the summary on relevant achievements, particularly those that can be quantified. Richard and his resume writer worked together to determine that the key themes of his new resume would be leadership, turnaround management, C-level advising, and cost controls. These themes were drawn from the career opportunities that Richard wants to target such as FP&A director and CFO of a startup.

In his new resume, these key themes are emphasized in the summary and then reinforced throughout the experience section:

Image 2_CareerAdvancement

As you can see in the resume example above, the vague content touching on Richard’s experience has been replaced with specific entries for turnaround management/leadership, C-level advising, and cost savings. The inclusion of the chart of cost savings across his last three organizations makes his resume format more eye-catching and executive in nature. It also makes his cost savings impact unmissable.

Compared to his original entry, this summary looks and reads as more modern, achievement-focused, and targeted to the executive roles he is pursuing. It is also very specific and concrete, which for the reader translates into a far more memorable candidate.

Charts/Graphs in Resumes – It’s OK to Use a Modern Design

Including a visual can really make a resume stand out! I’m a big fan of a visually distinctive resume that uses charts/graphs to draw the reader in, break up the text, and emphasize important quantifiable accomplishments. Don’t be afraid to format a resume a bit creatively to help in marketing yourself.

You can find more inspiration for fresh, modern formats using charts and graphs by reviewing resume samples from the team at Great Resumes Fast .

Other formatting/layout ideas:

– Strategic use of color – Bolded numbers – Endorsement quotes (highlighted to stand out) – Bulleted list of statements – Columns – Text boxes – Vertical text

Tip: Avoid overdoing it and/or focusing entirely on the resume format. It is important to have an attention-grabbing resume, but the content is the first priority. You don’t want to go overboard and create something chaotic and confusing to read, so be sure the design is helping to guide the reader to key achievements. Finally, if you are looking to advance in a more conservative industry or targeting companies with a traditional culture, you should think twice about a super-creative format.

Reweighting Experience – Emphasize the Important Details

When it comes to the Professional Experience section of a resume geared towards career advancement, it can often help to reweight the responsibilities and overall positioning. By this I simply mean emphasizing the most appropriate aspects of your current and past roles. For example, Richard Wilde’s leadership roles were somewhat limited, so highlighting his abilities as a change manager, coach, and trainer helped to preemptively overcome any concerns a reader might have.

Another great example is Creighton James, a healthcare operations executive targeting COO positions. He knew that his background was somewhat light on operational outcomes, since his background was largely in the area of patient safety. He spent seven out of nine years at XYZ Hospital as a patient safety officer / safety officer. While certainly relevant to his current COO objective, it made sense to omit many of his patient safety achievements to better emphasize the other work he did such as reducing labor costs and capturing profit gains. His original resume had 11 bullets for this hospital dedicated to patient safety duties. As a result, the other duties and achievements were completely lost in the lengthy entry.

Image 3_CareerAdvancement

As you can see, this entry excludes all but one bullet directly related to patient safety (with two focused on compliance) in order to better highlight the other accomplishments and package Creighton as well-rounded and well-prepared for the C-level.

It also groups all of the positions he held together rather than listing them separately. This is a perfectly standard approach, and in this case, it helped to de-emphasize the duration of his patient safety roles.

Resumes For Internal Promotions

If you are specifically targeting an internal promotion, you already have a major leg up on the external competition. Make sure to leverage your advantage! As an internal candidate, you can ask supervisors, clients, employees, and/or peers for a letter of recommendation; talk to people in the know about the qualifications the new job will require; and spend some time thinking about how you can help with the obstacles your company is currently facing. A format for a resume for promotion within the same company is also easier to come up with because you know your company culture.

When it comes to crafting your resume for internal professional advancement opportunities, be sure to avoid exaggerating your achievements or taking more credit than you can honestly claim for team accomplishments. In general, this is the best practice, but it is particularly key when the people reading your resume are familiar with your work in your current position. No one benefits from coming across as arrogant. It is much better to cushion your language to indicate collaboration.

Helpful phrasing for team achievements for use in internal resumes:

“Played a key role in…” “Contributed xyz to project involving…” “Collaboratively managed…” “Partnered with executive leadership team to capture…”

Job Seeking – Understand the Benefits and Realities of Certain Methods

Job seekers looking to step into a higher-level role, whether outside or within their current company, should keep in mind that job boards and human resources departments are not necessarily going to be their best bet for landing a dream position. HR is mainly interested in finding a person who has already held and succeeded in an identical role to the open position, so anyone without the exact experience they are looking for won’t usually be the top choice.

Instead, think about the people you know and the companies you would be most excited to work for. I highly recommend making a list of everyone in your network as well as a target company list that you can use to start reaching out to people and companies directly. Talk to your friends, your family, and your colleagues about your job target and ask if they know of anyone at a company you are interested in that they would be willing to introduce you to.

The success rates for landing a job through a job board like Indeed, LinkedIn, or Monster is much lower than most people think, accounting for only about 5%-15% of hiring. Networking is still the best way to land your next job, especially when navigating career advancement.

If you are hoping to be promoted internally, keep your ears open for opportunities and keep an eye on internal job listings if your company sends them out. It’s almost certain that you will have the advantage of knowing when positions are open as an internal applicant, but you still need to be vigilant to ensure you do not miss out on opportunities for internal promotion within your same company.

Targeting Growth Companies – Who You Want to Work for is a Good Question

If you have already exhausted your existing contacts, think about targeting growth companies in your geographic location. You can use Google News Alerts to do your research for you. All you need to do is plug in keywords. For example, say you are searching for a position in the pharmaceutical industry in Toledo, Ohio. Pull up Google News Alerts and start plugging in search terms like these:

1.) Ohio + pharma + growth companies 2.) Toledo + pharma + corporate expansion 3.) Ohio + pharma + mergers/acquisitions

You can set up batched alerts so that Google sends you a weekly batch of news articles containing the keywords you selected. From there, it is a simple matter of wading through the articles to look for interesting opportunities. Once you have found something you want to pursue, the person quoted in the article can serve as your contact person. This is a highly flattering way to approach someone and it really shows initiative, passion for the company in question, and knowledge of the industry trends. It also eliminates the competition if you reach out to an employer about a job before they are even thinking about hiring for it.

Most of our clients come to us because of a lack of professional advancement opportunity with their current employer. Unfortunately, because they haven’t written a resume in several years, they struggle to create a resume that interests a prospective employer. At Great Resumes Fast, we’ve invested the last ten years helping executives just like you to craft a professional resume that not only attracts the attention of hiring managers, but also gets through the dreaded applicant tracking systems so many companies use today. And if you are seeking an internal promotion, we have the expertise to assist with that as well. After going through our resume writing process, our clients have gone on to new leadership and management positions where they earn more money, contribute at a higher level, and make a real and measurable impact on their company and their career. If you are ready for a more fulfilling and financially rewarding position, find out more here .

Are you struggling to create an executive resume that will impress employers? Download this FREE executive resume template and receive a series of 10 emails with expert guidance on how to write resume content that resonates with employers so you get more interviews.

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About the author

Jessica hernandez, president, ceo & founder of great resumes fast.

Hi, I’m Jessica. I started this company back in 2008 after more than a decade directing hiring practices at Fortune 500 companies.

What started as a side hustle (before that was even a word!) helping friends of friends with their resumes has now grown into a company that serves hundreds of happy clients a year. But the personal touch? I’ve kept that.

You might have seen me featured as a resume expert in publications like Forbes, Fast Company, and Fortune. And in 2020, I was honored to be named as a LinkedIn Top Voice of the year!

I’m so glad you’re here, and I can’t wait to help you find your next perfect-fit position!


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Everyone will have work experience, so distinguish yourself by relating your background to the position you are seeking. For example, you will grab the attention of your readers when they skim your resume by using the header.

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You can use something similar, in my opinion. I may be a bit shorter in the cover letter… It must be as much about them as it is about you. The resume, at least in the summary section, is all about you.

You can use something similar, in my opinion. The cover letter needs to be as much about them as it does about you, so I might be more succinct. The resume, at least in the summary section, is all about you.

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“Creating a preparation resume is important for landing a great job! Make sure to list all your skills, experiences, and qualifications clearly. Highlight your strengths and tailor your resume to the job you’re applying for. Good luck!”

Mastering resume preparation is truly an art. Crafting a document that not only highlights skills and experiences but also tells a compelling professional story is key. Your blog provides invaluable insights and tips, making the daunting task of resume creation feel like a guided journey towards career success. Thank you!

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2 Jobs, 1 Company: How to Show Multiple Jobs or Promotions on Your Resume

person standing in an office, leaning against a white wall and smiling

There’s little downside to landing a promotion. Except, well, figuring out how to list it on your resume.

When you’ve moved from a position at Company A to a new position at Company B, structuring your “Experience” section is pretty straightforward. But if you’ve moved up in your department or switched roles within your organization, it’s not as clear.

The good news? If you can show off your advancement the right way, you’ll get a gold star in the eyes of a hiring manager. Read on for a super-quick guide to showcasing your experience in the best possible light—and landing that next big opportunity.

Here are your options for listing a promotion or multiple jobs at the same company on your resume:

1. Stack your position titles together and combine bullet points.

If two or more of your jobs were very similar in nature (e.g., you were promoted from associate editor to editor, but your overall job duties pretty much stayed the same), use can list the job titles one after the other under your company header, like this:

The Green Company, Los Angeles, CA

Editor (January 2021–Present)

Associate Editor (January 2019–January 2021)

The bullets you include should describe your most high-level and impressive accomplishments during your tenure at both of these roles combined—not each individually. As you decide what to include, remember that your resume is a marketing document selling you as the perfect person for the job, not a comprehensive list of your career history . In other words, even if your duties slightly shifted when you changed positions, it’s more important to highlight your best work than to spell out all of your daily tasks in those early days.

Before you choose this option, consider whether your resume will be passing through an applicant tracking system (ATS) , which is software that companies use to parse and organize resumes. If you stack your titles like this, ATSs may attribute all your bullet points to your earlier, more junior title rather than the later, more senior one.

While there’s not a surefire way to prevent an ATS from getting confused if you use this method, there is one thing you can do to make it easier for human readers to quickly make sense of the double title. Simply include a bullet that expands upon the accomplishments that led to your promotion (for example, “Promoted to Senior Account Manager within 12 months for exceptional client relations and leadership skills”). This will make it clear to any human reading your resume that your accomplishments apply to both positions—and that your move wasn’t just a matter of happenstance, you earned it.

2. Separate your position titles and bullets under one company heading.

If the jobs you’ve held at your company were in different departments (e.g., you moved from the marketing team to the content team) or your accomplishments and duties changed significantly after a promotion, list the company once but break out the job titles, treating them like two different positions:

Associate Editor (January 2021–Present)

Marketing Coordinator (May 2019–January 2021)

Again, for each position, you’ll want to describe your biggest accomplishments and the experience that most relates to the positions you’re applying for. And if the new role was a step up, rather than a lateral move, be sure to make that clear, saying something like: “Promoted within company because of demonstrated project leadership skills,” under the more senior position.

While hiring managers may need a moment to figure out what company your earlier position was for, your accomplishments and duties will be attributed to the correct roles.

3. Create entirely separate experience entries.

If your positions weren’t one after the other—for example, you went to work for a different company and then returned—you’ll want to create standalone experience entries for each. That means listing the company more than once. But that’s OK. Even if it’s repetitive, the hiring manager will see that you’ve moved up within the same company.

You can also use this method if you want to be extra sure there’s no confusion when your resume passes through an ATS—even if the jobs were consecutive.

So this might look like:

Editor, The Green Company

January 2021–Present | Los Angeles, CA

Associate Editor, The Green Company

January 2020–January 2021 | Los Angeles, CA

Like with the previous methods, you can list your promotion or the accomplishment that led to it as one of your bullet points under the job you were promoted to.

Moving up at a company shows that you’re a high performer, you achieve results, and you’re a loyal and dedicated employee. Make sure your resume tells that story—and you’re bound to land an interview.

Regina Borsellino also contributed writing, reporting, and/or advice to this article.

resume template for job promotion

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Promotions Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the promotions job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Resume Builder

  • Develops strategies and performs activities to develop and maximize the effectiveness of channel marketing activities
  • Develops a strong working knowledge of the University systems used for billing and payment and participates in periodic training updates
  • Helps manage program logistics with external agencies and off-campus site visits
  • Execute live and pre-recorded cut-ins and MC duties
  • 2) Assists with the execution of all major Promotional events
  • 9) Keeps work area clean, neat and safe at all times
  • Plans, develops and implements programs for distributors, resellers, international promotions and marketing for Mid/Enterprise business segments
  • Work with CBS Interactive to develop on-line content for clients, manage on-air coordination and legal clearance for multiple platform programs
  • Proactively invest in major markets to create and execute promotions around singles and albums, film releases, and digital content
  • Work internally to create and produce innovative custom swag used to drive buzz around Ubisoft titles
  • Support and execute all non-traditional events and promotions such as college marketing initiatives, mall tours, festivals, Matchgrade Nation, etc
  • Responsible for the training and development of the promotions coordinators and specialists
  • Brainstorm and oversee development of third party marketing concepts specific to brands and films
  • Respond to incoming requests for artist interviews and coordinate with management to fulfill
  • Promote and track Provident Label Group records and artists to chart reporting radio stations in assigned radio formats with the goal of securing commitments from radio programmers and music directors to play PLG artist singles
  • Develop and maintain professional, constructive relationships with radio programmers. Spend a significant amount of time on the phone networking with radio
  • Create and implement marketing/promotions plans, including on-air promotions, giveaway campaigns, radio contests, artist phone-in interviews, and artist promotional tours. Help stations plan local market promotions
  • Create, develop, and implement effective promotions to launch new artists, including planning travel with new artists, developing contests, and creating innovative ideas for artist exposure
  • Provide input into the selection of radio singles
  • Assist in planning and execution of radio events
  • Track and monitor budgeted expenditures
  • Ability to provide basic website maintenance and design
  • Strong inter-personal and relationship development skills, including ability to effectively lead in a matrix-management environment
  • Excellent client management leadership skills
  • 7) Maintains strong relationships with local chapters of conservation organizations and affinity groups
  • Demonstrated adaptability on the job
  • Excellent written and verbal skills
  • 6) Fosters goodwill for the BPS “Brand” in the local community
  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively in a university setting in an area with fluid responsibilities
  • Strong experience in preparing material for senior executive level presentations
  • Supports all channels (Retail; Dealers; Field Sales; Online/Tele & Care) with business-specific promotions, offers and marketing tools – inclusive of devices and solutions across the full business portfolio

15 Promotions resume templates

Promotions Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

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  • Assists ED with successful implementation of all marketing strategies related to Skincare Sets, GWP and Foundation, Color and Mascara Sets,GWP’s, as well as Paid Sampling
  • Liase with Global Skincare Marketing and Makeup to ensure product mix strategy is aligned with category
  • Work with packaging and design on component and vehicle development
  • Lead PPD discussion
  • Responsible for preparing all marketing paperwork to initiate and execute programs
  • Issue CPMS work request for assigned programs
  • Issues copy for retail sets to artwork team…and issue photo panel copy to creative
  • Prepare Creative Turnover presentation each season to be presented to creative support groups
  • Write and Post Global offerings for assigned programs
  • Evaluate Forecast recaps
  • Responsible for creating accurate feasibilities and cost objectives for each program. Evaluate Preliminary and Final COG’s for each program, reducing Cog’s where ever possible
  • Track and Assist in approving all packaging artwork and insert cards
  • Monitors competition to identify any gaps, should be well verse in NPD
  • Assist in preparation for Global and Domestic Meetings
  • Monitor and maintain SKU count for promotions
  • Assist Executive Director on strategy analysis
  • Must be highly organized and detail-oriented, with a strong ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously with un-prompted follow-through
  • Proficient in all Microsoft Applications: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook

Manager, National Promotions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Excellent written, oral communication, and effective team building skills
  • Strong verbal, written, and presentation skills
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook)
  • Self-starter with high level of initiative
  • Passionate, committed with a high level of energy
  • Strong sense of ownership and urgency
  • Must have an open communication style which takes into account managing expectations with multiple stakeholders
  • Manage multiple projects, set priorities, and meet deadlines
  • Strategic critical thinker who also has a high attention to detail
  • Analyze and apply data to improve results
  • Work collaboratively in a team environment

Manager, Promotions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Oversee the development of all pitch presentations, including, but not limited to, film specific presentations and general promotional presentations coordinating with the assigned teams to secure appropriate, approved materials
  • Research potential partners in order to better understand their business objectives and help determine what films are most appropriate to pitch
  • Identify new potential partners through research, industry events, product placement and competitive monitoring
  • Work with Director with partner outreach, presentation and negotiation
  • Handle execution on assigned films for certain global, international, and domestic programs working closely with partners and internally to a) secure artwork/creative materials and traffic to partners as needed b) develop and maintain production schedules/timelines c) process all submissions and obtain necessary approvals d) manage communication between partners and studio specifically in regards to creative feedback e) Facilitate SAG talent approvals and music clearances
  • Work with publicity, online, field promotions, targeted marketing and consumer products teams, etc., to enhance overall marketing efforts and leverage any partnerships
  • Work with Directors in setting, managing and maintaining budgets for assigned films
  • Draft Partner License Agreements and review legal material. Work closely with Director handling Execution to manage major partners on tentpole films to insure proper coverage during crucial periods of execution
  • Develop a broad knowledge of promotional tactics and emerging opportunities, (i.e. movie tickets, mobisodes, mobile technology etc.) and keep promotions team up-to-date on latest innovations

Promotions Remote Tech Resume Examples & Samples

  • Must be outgoing, enjoy working in a team environment, communicate effectively and be prepared to assist with station event planning and execution, as directed
  • Must be versatile and willing to assist sister stations in the iHeartMedia Cluster as needed
  • Must have a strong knowledge and understanding of social media platforms and must be comfortable operating within the stations’ websites
  • Must be 18 years or older and able to work a flexible schedule (including weekend and evening events) up to 29 hours a week
  • Must work well under pressure, and have the willingness and ability to learn how to operate promotional equipment
  • Knowledge of Excel, Word Processing, Database Entry, accurate typing abilities, and proficient phone skills needed
  • Must possess a valid driver’s license with a good driving record
  • Ability to lift objects in excess of 25 lbs. is required
  • Duties also include the set-up and breakdown of promotional event equipment

Promotions Street Team Resume Examples & Samples

Manager of national promotions resume examples & samples.

  • Minimum of an associate degree or bachelor’s degree preferred
  • At least 3 years of experience in Christian radio preferred
  • Must be available to travel

Executive Director Promotions & Fmcg Resume Examples & Samples

  • Identify potential licensees and develop sales strategies to secure new partners on a pan-regional and local territory basis
  • Interface with key clients (both regionally and locally) as required to include pitching and negotiating licensing deals
  • Provide sales support to a team of EMEA affiliate and agent executives to help achieve revenue goals
  • Drive implementation of key category strategies and initiatives across the region
  • Act as the primary EMEA contact for all licensed advertising initiatives and work closely with the Burbank office to aggressively grow this category. Responsibilities include strategizing, pitching, negotiating contract deal points and servicing EMEA-based licensed advertising deals
  • Manage all aspects of regional and global accounts, including product development, line plans, sales plans, marketing and research in order to maximize revenue and achieve financial targets
  • In coordination with global category head and VP, tasked with increasing exposure of WB brands to kids through unique marketing partnership with industry leading companies
  • Identify new trends and product innovation that will drive business opportunities and market share gain
  • Evaluate competitive landscape for category, brand and age segmentation while identifying gaps and opportunities to gain market share in all lines of businesses
  • Manages one staff (Senior Category Manager) and participates in all major decisions with lead categories for the purpose of growing the business
  • Liaise with licensees and internal departments to support licensee sales efforts, including marketing, brand assurance, retail business development, and public relations
  • Participates in budget process for assigned categories
  • Attends tradeshows and visits licensees as needed to update property activities and provide strategic direction
  • Extensive experience in advertising, promotion, sales or related field preferred
  • Bachelors degree required
  • Must have strong sales and negotiation background
  • Relevant experience negotiating intellectual property rights for use in advertising desired
  • Experience & proven track record in working with leading FMCG companies preferred
  • Must have ability to organize and prioritize work, prepare and present written and oral sales presentations, and communicate with clients, licensees, and management to determine needs and solve problems
  • Must have strong managerial and mentoring skills
  • Must be an extremely creative thinker
  • Must be able to develop impactful promotional ideas
  • Prior promotional licensing experience preferred
  • Must have the ability to communicate effectively and tactfully with managers and other levels of personnel
  • Must have the ability to organize and schedule work effectively
  • Must be confident
  • Must be able to take initiative
  • Must be able to handle multiple tasks
  • Must be able to travel when necessary

Manager, Promotions & Account Mgmt Resume Examples & Samples

  • Act as the key point person on the execution of all theatrical and In-home promotional tie-ins
  • Works closely with Corporate Brand, Legal and Brand Leads on all execution elements
  • Reviews all promotional materials (TV/radio, print, POP, digital, social, music and talent rights ) with partner and provides Disney feedback
  • Brainstorms incremental business opportunities and pitches to new and existing promotional partners
  • Works with cross Disney divisions on key promotional opportunities
  • Analyzes past promotions and makes recommendations based on trends and key learning’s
  • Accountable for increasingly complex campaigns
  • Reviews deal points and oversee contract administration
  • Works with appropriate creative entities to provide assets for partner needs
  • Obtains necessary assets from partner for video elements, and secures partner approvals as items are developed
  • Identifies and presents opportunities for participation with other Disney divisions (tied to the release being promoted)
  • Maintains Partner Accounts and Relationships
  • Reviews with existing accounts any new corporate initiatives or new product launches which could present an opportunity for a tie-in promotion
  • Provides accounts with current information on upcoming releases
  • Strategizes on key promotional opportunities that may arise based on thematic link between the property and partner’s brand, appropriate target audience, and favorable timing between the release date of the property and the key selling period for the partner
  • Acquires fundamental knowledge of partner’s business category, products, their particular company, and its competition
  • Disseminates key information points to appropriate individuals
  • 5+ Years Experience in Marketing - Film, Entertainment, Theme Park, Sales
  • Preferable Disney Cross Line of business experience
  • Strong Collaborator, Team Player, Multi- Task, and Drives Strong Results
  • Innovation and Creative Marketer
  • Strong Communication Skills and ability to interface with all levels of management
  • Four year College Degree in Marketing, Communication, Business or Related Field

Senior Manager, Promotions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Identify and build relationships with brands that are like-minded and target similar consumers around key marketing periods for Ubisoft. Educate clients so that they understand the strength of Ubisoft brands as a leading interactive entertainment company who can drive their sales in exchange for substantial marketing support
  • Negotiate the above co marketing contracts to insure we are generating the appropriate marketing exposure, developing the most effective messaging within the campaign for our brand, and confirming the right creative mix in conjunction with these promotional relationships
  • Oversee and steward agency partners who support our promotional and co-marketing programs insuring we use them effectively and produce breakthrough creative and programming demonstrating we are best in class
  • Work closely with brand team and Associate Director of Promotions to align priorities within marketing group
  • Work with sales to insure we can effectively incorporate activations that will help drive sales or intent to purchase
  • Identify key external organizations and seminars that can increase our relationships building capabilities and recommends a yearly program
  • Work closely with the team management so we effectively leverage our marketing relationships and assets and avoid conflicting programming
  • Manage one direct report to insure we meet the day to day executions and deliverables for achieving our co marketing strategy and objectives
  • Minimum 3-5 years promotions work experience including but not limited to entertainment marketing, partner tie-in barter programs, consumer promotions and retail marketing. Also, has solid experience in selling sponsorship offers for entertainment properties
  • Is a creative thinker who has a history of creating low cost, high impact promotional programs
  • Has a large network of partner relations in a variety of consumer brand categories
  • Posses excellent interpersonal skills with the expertise and professionalism that will earn respect and trust with internal team members and external vendors
  • Is strong in presenting information effectively and professionally when pitching product promotions or responding to questions from executives and partners
  • Strong entertainment and gaming background/knowledge required
  • Experience in Christian radio preferred

Promotions Administrator Resume Examples & Samples

  • Acts as day-to-day contact for international markets (over 60 local offices) during program execution and assists Director in managing project timelines
  • Works with Director to disseminate pitch materials (presentations, concept boards, premiums, etc.) for assigned films
  • Works with Director to develop a theatrical style guide and disseminate approved assets to teams for use in execution (trailers, one-sheets/stills, synopses, etc.)
  • Coordinates the approval process for programs and associated materials by routing them through appropriate internal departments (legal, creative, etc.) and assists Director as needed in securing filmmaker and management approvals
  • Assists Director in tracking contract status for deals on assigned films
  • Updates multiple international reports as needed including but not limited to weekly status reports, marketing calendar, film decks and future release decks
  • Assists Director in maintaining and updating international budgets on assigned films
  • Works with domestic counterparts to create wrap kits, memos and reports upon film release for distribution to senior management and filmmakers
  • Assists in preparing materials for trade show events. Typically 2-3 trade shows per year
  • Develops and maintains numerous databases including files, promotional contact lists and promotional archives

Senior Category Manager, Fmcg & Promotions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assist Executive Director FMCG & Promotions in managing all aspects of regional and global accounts, including product development, line plans, sales plans, marketing and research in order to maximize revenue and achieve financial targets
  • Manages assigned key regional accounts to drive the development, launch and marketing of Warner Bros. key brands
  • Identifies potential partners in EMEA, taking a leading role in the sales, negotiations and management of deals
  • Proactively recruits advertising agencies and regional brands to drive the Licensed Advertising business in EMEA
  • Liase with licensees and internal departments to support licensee sales efforts, including marketing, brand assurance, retail business development, and public relations
  • Solid experience in sales and/ or buying
  • In depth working knowledge of the FMCG industry with a focus on the EMEA market
  • Must be able to travel – the role will require extensive travel across the EMEA region (20 – 50% of the time)
  • Ideally educated to Graduate level with a business related degree

Promotions Asst / Team Member Resume Examples & Samples

  • Most office hours scheduled Mon-Fri 9a-5p. Most Promotional Event appearances take place during evenings and weekends, and also include all major holidays so availability and the desire to work is key
  • Previous promotional experience preferred, but not required
  • Must have a valid driver’s license, ability to be insured under our company driving policy and be able to lift at least 50 lbs on a regular basis
  • High school Diploma or equivalent is required

Promotions & Partnerships Executive Resume Examples & Samples

  • To work alongside the Perks Manger to ensure all key Sun promotions, from conception to execution across both print and digital platforms are outputted smoothly
  • To work to continually improve The Sun Perks loyalty programme, developing awareness of the programme through the marketing mix including print, digital and social channels
  • To work with the promotions agencies, on the organisation of both customer facing activity, fulfilment and back end requirements
  • To use results and data to drive and inform all promotions
  • Play a key role in innovation, working alongside the Sun Perks Manager to build promotions into the overall strategy for total sale
  • Experience of all media channels both print and digital
  • Preferably a knowledge of and experience in the media industry
  • A passion for our brands
  • First rate communications skills including outstanding ability to brief 3rd party’s and colleagues, PowerPoint and presentational ability
  • Good negotiation and relationship skills and an ability to operate within a matrix environment with multiple stakeholders
  • Planning, collection, qualitative review, follow up and data entry of all promotional deals [newspaper inserts, direct mailers, internet emails, in-store handouts, postcards] into the Campaign, PSA & Access Via systems, used to systemically roll out promotions to all Toys "R" Us and Babies "R" Us stores
  • Responsible for the review and data entry of all promotional signage and deals into the Campaign system, with the objective of ensuring accurate execution of all ad event promotions at store level. Requires detailed evaluation, thorough analytical skills and critical reasoning to ensure Guest satisfaction is achieved
  • Responsible for reviewing and sending out Advertising promotional deal lists to the Merchants and to review deal sheets submitted for accuracy. Complete assessment of the deal sheets is key to ensuring they correspond with the ad layouts. Ability to collaborate with the Advertising, Marketing, Visual, Communications, Store Operations and Merchant teams to ensure smooth in-store execution takes place is required
  • Detail oriented with excellent time management skills. The ability to manage several projects, all with specific, tight deadlines simultaneously. Must maintain accurate records to comply with SOX requirements
  • Well organized and disciplined, with a strong grasp of detail and the ability to plan, measure, and execute complex business processes
  • Able to work on multiple projects simultaneously, under tight deadlines, with limited supervision
  • Strong communication skills, effectively working with people at all levels of the organization
  • High energy level and strong work ethic
  • Ability to work effectively and positively with other departments who have diverse backgrounds and personalities
  • Excellent leadership, communication (written and verbal), and customer (internal and external) relation skills
  • Extremely organized and detail oriented

Promotions Executive, SEA Resume Examples & Samples

  • Deliver against the strategy for the promotions business as well as TV sponsorships in SEA, both by defined fiscal property and non-property specific priorities
  • Execute and implement SEA promotions and TV sponsorships with direction of SEA senior managers
  • Manage and develop relationships with 3rd party partners to optimise on-going opportunities to drive revenue and earned media for WDC
  • Identify opportunities to develop single market deals into multi market and share best practise between the local teams (including distribution of select materials and information to local markets and set up of regular calls, meetings and updates)
  • Manage reporting functions of SEA Disney Media + team on a local and regional level – with support of local teams
  • Responsibility for all aspects of local artwork approvals process including all regional artwork approvals in PAS (Promotions Approval Systems)
  • Support the Disney Media + team with pitches to 3rd parties, including creation of pitch materials and attending partner, pitch, internal and agency meetings where required
  • Complete and fulfil necessary processes required for SEA promotions and TV sponsorships work (including, but not limited to affidavits of eligibility, necessary insurance requirements, legal and/or liability documents and proper safety precautions)
  • 1-2 years promotions/marketing/3rd party partnerships experience
  • Creative/sponsorship/marketing/sales background
  • Experience of multi-national, fast-paced, progressive commercial organisations
  • Experience of working in a multi-cultural environment
  • Computer literate especially advanced PowerPoint
  • Highly organised and efficient ideally with project management experience
  • Good knowledge of media landscape across SEA
  • Ability to work in a multi-cultured environment
  • Excellent communication with good presentational skills
  • Strong communication skills, specifically requiring diplomacy and tact internally and externally

Street Team Promotions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Must be clean-cut, professional, energetic and able to communicate effectively
  • Setup/breakdown tent and stage, operate sound system and maintain equipment, and organize remotes on location (you will be trained to do this)
  • Hands out prizes and promotional materials
  • Takes photos of events for recaps
  • Drives station vehicles to/from promotional activities and keeps neat and tidy
  • Ability to interact and speak publicly on the microphone in front of a crowd
  • Must be dependable, timely, accurate and able to multitask

Promotions On-site Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum 2-4 years in similar role in the media industry inclusive of managing special events
  • Proficiency in MS Office, Outlook, Excel, Power Point, Word and Adobe
  • Exceptional communication skills and strong organizational skills
  • Able to multi-task, attention to detail and meet deadlines
  • Ability to work nights, weekends and holidays throughout the year

Promotions Associate Resume Examples & Samples

  • Guide creative design and business strategy for our Promotional Marketing Programs
  • Move a number of promotional projects from conception to launch every week
  • Work with internal teams (Category Management, Merchandising, Creative, Marketing, and Pricing) to create cohesive an appealing online shopping experiences that drive sales
  • Work with our supplier base to negotiate terms and curate product selection
  • Maintain industry expertise; keep abreast of trends and new product ideas
  • Assess each promotion’s performance and help determine areas for improvement
  • Analyze competitor marketing and pricing
  • Creative and innovative problem-solving skills – able to think critically, tackle complex challenges and figure out effective solutions
  • Ability to work at a fast and adhere to strict deadlines
  • Sense of humor/great attitude—we are a hard-working team in an open seating environment
  • Experience in e-commerce not required, but if you have it, tell us about it!
  • Assist the Promotions Directors and Coordinators in planning, developing and execution of station and client promotions
  • Driving station vehicles
  • Maintain and operate promotional equipment (tent, PA, broadcast equipment) and communicate with engineering any issues or needs
  • Performs basic office administrative functions and updates station web site
  • Supervises prize inventory and in-studio prize sheets as well as awarding of prizes at events
  • Excellent organizational skills; ability to prioritize and effectively manage time
  • Minimum of 3-5 years of experience in a consumer-driven capacity
  • Proven track record as creative problem solver and strategic thinker
  • Team oriented who can thrive in a fast paced/intense environment
  • Detail/deadline oriented with ability to juggle multiple tasks and prioritize work assignments
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Keynote, Adobe, Photoshop

Manager, Monetization Promotions Resume Examples & Samples

  • BA/BS required, MBA / Master’s degree a plus
  • 3+ years of experience in marketing project management, preferably an ecommerce, consumer internet, or retail company
  • Must be able to handle multiple priorities in an organized manner with attention to detail and strong problem solving skills
  • A passion for eBay and the customer base, either existing or nascent

Promotions Event Co-ordinator Resume Examples & Samples

  • Oversee all administrative functions for our Street Team, including assigning and managing schedules
  • Assist directly with execution of national and local radio promotional campaigns
  • Ensure on-site activations support brand/marketing objectives
  • Work closely with Sales, Programming and our Clients to develop and execute all promotional needs. External relations with charities, listeners, community partners
  • Under the direction of the Promotions Coordinator: hire and train Street Team staff
  • Consistently exceed client objectives while maximizing station objectives
  • Attend all major station promotions and client promotions as required or assigned, including evenings and weekends
  • Attend and participate in weekly meetings as required
  • Contribute creative content and exceptional customer service via Social Media
  • Oversee care and appearance of vehicles and equipment
  • Handle all donation requests
  • Other related duties as assigned
  • Post-secondary education in Sales or Marketing, or a related field is an asset
  • Demonstrated success in handling a deadline driven work day in where multi-tasking is the norm. Experience and comfort speaking directly to external clients
  • Strong leadership skills
  • Must possess a valid driver’s licence
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office products and Power Point
  • Highly motivated, dependable and energetic
  • Only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted

Promotions Senior Associate Resume Examples & Samples

  • A four-year college degree is required in marketing or related course of study
  • At least 3 years of experience in promotions, and/or retail
  • Ability to execute a strategy
  • Knowledge of how promotions can drive the business
  • Creativity as related to promotions and event planning
  • Project/event management skills
  • Detail oriented with strong executional abilities
  • High taste level and the ability to develop Lilly Pulitzer promotional product
  • Strong interpersonal and time management skills
  • Resourcefulness and the ability to work independently
  • The professionalism to work with important accounts and high profile constituencies
  • The ability to handle multiple priorities at one time, working quickly and effectively, with great attention to detail
  • The ability to interact effectively with principals to interpret, explain, and advocate promotions opportunities
  • Personal computer skills, including Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point

Promotions Executive, The Sun Resume Examples & Samples

  • To work alongside the Head of Promotions to ensure all key Sun promotions, from conception to execution across both print and digital platforms are outputted smoothly
  • To play a role in contributing to wider marketing plans, working with the brand team to ensure campaigns feed into the wider strategy for The Sun
  • To work alongside the sales teams to ensure customer groups are met through all campaigns
  • To work with the editorial team, on maximising the campaigns, both in print and digitally
  • To monitor the effectiveness of all promotional investments, responsible for all campaign wash ups and sharing the results with wider teams
  • To execute promotions and partnerships activity, through both direct and above the line communications to various different customer groups both digital and print
  • Work with the brand, promotion and sales teams to ensure promotions will deliver on total sale
  • Understanding The Sun marketing values, its positioning and key competitive advantages and translate this into meaningful and effective marketing solutions. Future-proof the brand by developing optimum positioning with promotions
  • Experience of all media channels (both print and digital)
  • An understanding and experience at using a variety of marketing and communication levers
  • Preferably a knowledge of and experience in the media industry (although this is not essential)
  • Commercially and organisationally astute
  • Experience and proven ability to influence editorial and securing buy-in to integrated product and marketing plans
  • First rate communications skills including outstanding ability to brief 3rd party’s and colleagues

Promotions Remote Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Coordinates and attends client meetings with sellers and sales managers as needed to plan events and event logistics
  • Collaborates with multiple departments to create and execute promotions such as remotes, events, van hits and other street team activities from start to finish
  • Drives promotional vehicles
  • Prepares contest rules, waivers, and release forms for on air, digital, social media and other contests
  • May be responsible for all winner prize fulfillment and release forms
  • Exhibits good interpersonal skills; collaborates with others; maintains composure when faced with difficult situations and personalities
  • 1-3 years’ experience in outdoor promotions and/or marketing and/or customer service

Promotions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Serve as an ambassador for our stations within the community at various station events where you will interact with listeners, clients and colleagues
  • Maximize stations on-site presence by setting up Tents, banners, event signage, etc
  • Conduct contesting on location
  • Contribute creative content via Social Media
  • Care and appearance of vehicles and equipment
  • Enrollment in or completion of a media broadcasting, journalism or related program from an accredited post-secondary institution is an asset
  • Outstanding organizational, administrative and time management skills
  • Ability to handle multiple detail-oriented tasks simultaneously
  • High level of professionalism and diplomacy
  • Familiarity with broadcast industry or media sector
  • Positive “team player” attitude with ability to problem solve and work with minimal supervision
  • Must be reliable, punctual
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications
  • Valid class “G” driver’s license and clean driving record
  • Must have a flexible schedule

Executive VP, Worldwide Promotions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop global promotions strategies on Studio titles; ensure delivery of relevant pitch/sales materials – including pitch decks, promotional toolkits, retail concepts and media promotions templates
  • Enlist corporate sponsorships to help under-write publicity and digital media initiatives
  • Proactively seek out and pitch domestic and international promotions deals with C-level marketing executives from prospective partner companies. Work with local office Promotions teams in both Home Office and territories to share concepts, strategies, and contacts
  • Ensure the execution of approved partnership campaigns, working with Promotions staff and other department leads, as appropriate
  • Oversee program and creative approvals process for all market deals. Ensure all creative reflects the overall strategy for the property. Ensure that all character, legal & talent guidelines are followed in creative submissions
  • Oversee the creation of wrap reports for each film summarizing worldwide promotional activities for executive analysis of deals, creative and overall strategic fulfillment

Promotions Street Team Member Resume Examples & Samples

  • Records events (i.e. photos, videos, audio and social media measures for station promotions)
  • Excellent driving record
  • Physical ability to stand for multiple hours and lift or move 50-pound objects

Global Promotions Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop global promotional strategy for all domestic and international stores in collaboration with planning, merchandising and financial planning
  • Plan, coordinate and hindsight all seasonal promotional events, driving the execution process to achieve desired results
  • Drive seasonal hindsight process for all cross functional teams, to document key takeaways and apply to future strategies
  • Ensure communication of desired promotional strategies result in flawless execution
  • Design promotional test strategies, coordinate the execution, and apply learnings to future promotional strategies
  • Maintain detailed and fluid promotional calendar encompassing all business channels
  • Manage Global Promotions Coordinator
  • Bachelors degree in a relevant field with a strong academic record
  • 3-5 years experience in a retail environment
  • Entrepreneurial spirit with ability to handle significant responsibility
  • Humble, team-oriented and optimistic
  • Passion for the A&F brand
  • Familiarity with retail management systems a plus

Partnerships & Promotions Executive Resume Examples & Samples

  • Working with the Partnership & Promotions Manger to identify strategic partners that deliver competitive advantage to TNL, ultimately delivering highly valuable contracts which deliver casual sales and subscription acquisition
  • Work with The Times & The Sunday Times Print Execs to deliver a roadmap of tactical promotional offers to drive casual sales
  • To ensure that all partnerships are on brand, excel in customer experience - seeking to consistently over satisfy and delight our customers
  • Facilitate contract negotiations with key TNL brand partners
  • Identify partnerships that deliver competitive advantage to TNL, delivering high value which builds customer engagement in print and subscription sales
  • Liaise with external agencies in key deliverables of the Partnership activity, ensuring that News UK & TNL are regarded consistently as a valuable and trusted partner to work with
  • Consistently evaluating success of activity agreeing KPI’s and circulating learning’s to key stakeholders on a regular basis
  • Provide first class administration support including putting presentations together, updating shared documents and assisting in the management of the Partnership & Promotions budget
  • Through effective communication and collaboration with Commercial and Editorial, ensure their full engagement with the partnership strategy and ensure that it is fully integrated across the business
  • Demonstrable experience of developing and delivering partnership and promotional activity – ideally within the newspaper or media category
  • Experience of delivering new, long term partnerships that deliver value to TNL and customers through multiple channels
  • Demonstrate an ability to execute all promotions and partnership activity at high speed and best in class
  • Display innovation and best practice in partnerships
  • Natural enthusiasm for TNL brands and working in the field of Partnerships and Promotions
  • Demonstrate an ability to work in a fast paced, high pressured organisation
  • Effective communicator, with great listening, influencing and persuading skills
  • Proven ability to deliver activity, creatively, on time and without mistakes

Sponsorship & Promotions Account Executive Resume Examples & Samples

  • You will be ensuring at all times that a high level of creative and competitive commercial standards are maintained
  • You have the ability to understand creative pitches and commercial negotiations and requires key diplomatic and juggling skills as the role directly deals with clients, agencies and the production teams
  • You will generate and maximize the full media offering available to clients under the Turner banner by delivering specialist and tailor made solutions ensuring at all times that a high level of creative and competitive commercial standards are maintained
  • You will manage and organize the creative process needed to ensure that turnaround time and delivery is at the high standard that our clients and partners expect
  • You will work alongside the network marketing team to ensure that all on-air stunts, programme initiatives and off air events get presented to our clients
  • You will ensure that the programming and presentation teams are aware of all S&P activity

Promotions / Street Team Member Resume Examples & Samples

  • Attends meetings with promotions director and/or sellers as needed to plan events and event logistics
  • Updates station web site in coordination with the stations' Web lead
  • Sets up and runs audio and other types of equipment; hangs banners and other staging elements
  • Supervises awarding of prizes at events
  • Advanced skills in social media platforms
  • Project management from start to finish; assumes responsibility & accountability for assignments and tasks
  • Physical ability to stand for multiple hours and lift or move up to 40-pound objects
  • Prior experience in outdoor promotions and/or marketing and/or customer service
  • Assist team with executing promotional partnerships
  • Excellent written, oral communication and project management skills
  • Self-starter with high level of initiative, able to manage multiple projects, set priorities, and meet deadlines

Executive Director, National Promotions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develops and executes media driven partnership programs with corporate brands, supporting studio theatrical releases with marketing campaigns
  • Oversees the development and day-to -day account management of brand partner campaigns, working with senior executives and agencies representing brands
  • Collaborates with internal team to manage and execute development of partner campaign creative elements; manages timelines from concept to finish
  • Works with cross-functional teams and other divisions to execute commitments of partner campaigns including digital, publicity, field marketing, media, licensing and home entertainment
  • Ensures high quality and strategic consistency of all business tactics and creative elements with studio campaigns and standards
  • BS/BA in Marketing
  • Minimum of 7 years marketing/promotions/brand management in studio or entertainment marketing environment; brand integration/product placement experience a plus
  • Strong communication skills interfacing with clients and internal colleagues
  • Comprehensive problem-solving ability

Assistant Manager Promotions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing or related field
  • Minimum three years relevant work experience
  • Proficiency with Word, Excel, PowerPoint and internet software
  • Extremely organized, detail-oriented and efficient
  • Knowledge of digital technologies and platforms, including social media
  • Self-motivated, self-starter
  • Experience in the Entertainment Industry
  • Familiarity with SAP
  • Pitches sponsorship opportunities for SPE films to brand partners
  • Research and make connections with new brands/contacts
  • Handle contracts for partner deals
  • Contribute smart, targeted and media-driven programs
  • New projects will be given based on release schedule/release dates/work load for the department
  • Help determine strategy and identify brand-fit as well as sales tools to pitch potential partners
  • Determine what selling tools are needed and work with the Consumer Marketing Creative team to develop them
  • Coordinate with International Promotions team on any deals/opportunities that may have international interest/extensions
  • Direct and create custom decks for pitching titles
  • Create wrap reports on completed titles
  • Proficient with PC & MAC (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Keynote)
  • Sony Pictures Entertainment is an equal opportunity employer. We evaluate qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, veteran status, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, or other protected characteristics
  • Sony Pictures - CA - Culver City Area & Studios

Manager, Hgtv & DIY Networks Home Promotions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor’s degree in marketing or related field
  • 5-7 years’ experience in digital marketing with experience specifically in various social platforms, digital content creation, and syndication/distribution management
  • Strong analytical skills combined with the ability to provide creative direction and execution on multiple projects at the same time
  • Ability to develop and present clear and compelling client focused marketing solutions
  • Ability to work across different internal departments and alongside outside vendors in areas such as digital edit + social initiatives, consumer marketing, client events, PR, and on-air sales and promotions
  • Must have a passion for digital platforms and be willing to explore digital growth avenues for the company as it pertains to home giveaways
  • Must have experience with managing client promotions such as contests/sweepstakes and custom executions including content creation and social integrations
  • Must be able to work on multiple projects in a high-pressure, deadline-oriented environment
  • Must be able to communicate clearly and concisely in both written and oral presentations and comfortable speaking with high level business partners and clients
  • Proficiency in Power Point, Excel, Word; SalesForce, Box, and Photoshop experience strongly desired
  • Must be available to travel for business on occasion

Price & Promotions Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Providing detailed analytical support using Aztec, Quantium and in-house promotional planning tools
  • Providing input into the design, validation methodology and updating of promotional/price strategy proposals by channels, formats and brands
  • Making recommendations on innovation for pricing and promotional activity
  • Collaborating cross-functionally with Sales, Category Management, Marketing, and Finance to implement pricing strategies that drive trade, growth and profitability
  • Creating category scorecards to monitor price / promotional sales performance
  • Degree qualified in a relevant quantitative discipline such as Economics, Finance, Maths, Statistics, Marketing
  • 2+ years’ experience in commercial analytics – gained in another FMCG, retailer or analytics consulting firm
  • An enquiring mind and questioning nature – with the passion for getting behind the numbers to drive commercial decisions
  • A self-starter with an ability to work with a sense of urgency to drive actionable outcomes
  • Ability to work collaboratively with stakeholders internally and externally
  • Minimum 3-5 years promotions with an agency or brand including but not limited to entertainment marketing, consumer promotions and event marketing
  • Minimum 2-4 years experience with video games or video game marketing is required
  • Bachelors or advanced degree in Marketing or Communications
  • Ability to prioritize and juggle multiple projects in a dynamic, highly charged environment. Must be very organized and pay special attention to detail
  • Posses the creativity to balance strategic plans with tactical realities; sometimes on a limited budget
  • Proven ability to negotiate and execute contracts
  • Experience managing outside marketing agencies or partners
  • Excellent interpersonal skills with the expertise and professionalism that will earn respect and trust with internal team members and external vendors
  • Must have the ability and willingness to travel
  • Entertainment and/or gaming background/knowledge required

Ibooks Promotions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Savvy understanding of US book publishing industry and market trends, including a broad range of book categories, authors, and titles
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Proven ability in content and project management, production of marketing and editorial campaigns, and team building
  • Experience developing business and content strategies that focus on customers and the growth of the business
  • Highly motivated, mature team-player, driven self-starter and able to work in fast-paced environment
  • 3+ years of online media or e-commerce experience

Manager, Promotions Campaigns Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage schedules, assets, and overall project organization to ensure requirements and project deliverable dates are clearly communicated, understood and executed
  • Monitor day-to-day activities of the project and ensure work is progressing as planned
  • Effectively and efficiently plan and prioritize all deliverables and resources working across project(s) based on scope of work and project goals
  • Actively monitor project risks and scope creep to foresee/identify potential problems and proactively identify solutions to address them in advance
  • Consistently manage client expectations, ensure delivery of the highest quality service, and solicit and act on client feedback
  • Communicate and document project status to clients, team members and senior management on a regular basis; escalate issues accordingly via the appropriate channels
  • Create Statements of Work for campaigns by channel
  • Operational monitoring and escalation when necessary
  • Campaign tracking and reporting
  • Campaign QA
  • Work with accounting and finance to insure proper invoicing/billing
  • Minimum of 1-2 years of experience in Agency or Marketing role
  • Strong analytical and reporting skills
  • Ability to consistently handle multiple tasks across multiple clients
  • Ability to handle changing priorities
  • Desire to stay current with the latest marketing trends
  • Ability to prioritize to deliver multiple tasks on time
  • Knowledge of gift card products and fulfillment a plus

Board Op, Production & Promotions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Operates control board for studios and remote programming
  • Regulates program timing, operates syndicated programming, and plays commercials
  • Monitors the technical quality and accuracy of incoming and outgoing on-air programming from master control room
  • Supports off-air commercial production, dubbing music to hard disk and programming automation computers
  • Protects station’s license by censoring live programs and deleting words/phrases not permitted on air
  • Executes playlists for server, tape, or simulcast programming
  • Assists with adjusting signal and programming content to ensure transmission meets federally mandated broadcast standards
  • Processes time-out programming for accurate play back
  • Monitors and updates weather, traffic and news reports into automation equipment
  • Checks studio equipment for proper functioning and notifies Engineering of technical malfunctions affecting quality of the broadcast
  • Screens in-coming phone calls and selectively chooses callers for On-Air Talent and talk shows
  • Handles emergency inserts (e.g. news updates, breaking stories, alert system tests, etc.)
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, Windows, Adobe Audition or similar audio editing software, Wide Orbit or similar automation system
  • Time management and attention to detail
  • Ability to work without close supervision
  • Flexibility in work schedule, including evenings, overnight and weekends
  • Functions well in a fast-paced environment with tight timeframes and multiple demands
  • 6 months in a related role and/or technical training

Promotions & Partnerships Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Contribute to the overall strategy, performance and profitability of Fairmont The Palm
  • Manage all activity within the partnership marketing and sales department, ensuring all service standards are followed
  • Oversee all membership marketing initiatives for the hotel for Health and Beach Club, Spa and the Fairmont Falcons Kids’ Club
  • In conjunction with the Director of Marketing and Communications plan and oversee the hotels membership advertising and promotion activities, including print, electronic, and direct mail
  • Develop membership drive campaigns, maintain resort database and ensure activity calendar of communication is developed and executed
  • Develop social media content and creative
  • Provide direction and monitor ongoing execution and reports program compliance as it pertains to Operational team
  • Research, analyze and monitor financial, technological, and demographic factors so that market opportunities may be capitalized on
  • Recommend membership pricing strategy and packaging strategy for the hotel that will result in the greatest market share
  • Execute partnership marketing plans and programs in conjunction with all aspects of the Hotel to ensure return of investment
  • Negotiate pricing deals with suppliers to ensure quality of produced materials at best possible rate
  • Management and coordination of Events; Wellness, Afternoon Tea, Festive, National day
  • On ground brand exposure throughout the hotel
  • Manage Sweetbeam and internal cross selling/ marketing tools
  • Develop strategic Partnerships with airlines, fitness, lifestyle brands
  • Develop the travel trade and MICE media database and features for the hotel
  • Develop DTCM relationships across all intl branches for media, events and monthly newsletters
  • Computer literate in Microsoft Window applications and other relevant computer applications required
  • University/College degree in a related discipline required
  • Work experience in travel, hospitality 4 + years

Announcer / Promotions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Host and produce a radio show within station format
  • Required to voice track shifts as necessary
  • Provide vacation relief for on-air and News
  • Execute station events and on-site promotions, including set-up of various signage, equipment, and driving branded vehicles
  • Proactively engage listeners, clients and the general public
  • Establish strong relationships with other team members and key partners
  • Maintain promotional signage and handouts, equipment, station vehicles and storage area
  • Attend all major station promotions, designated client promotions, and non-profit Street Team events as required
  • Provide regular event feedback, including post-event wrap reports
  • Minimum 1-2 years on air experience in radio
  • Excellent on-air, phone and social media skills
  • Ability to work independently
  • Superior organizational and interpersonal skills
  • Must be a team player with a positive attitude
  • Social media guru who understands it's an extension of the brand
  • High energy, outgoing and eager to initiate conversation with the public
  • Must be able to take initiative, self-manage, and flourish in a team environment
  • Independent problem solving and decision-making skills
  • Experience with social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), Wordpress, and video editing software an asset
  • Must be willing to jump into other roles as needed by station
  • Must hold a valid Ontario driver's license

Analyst, Promotions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum 5-7 years’ experience in a similar position
  • Perfectly bilingual, both written and spoken
  • Extensive knowledge of MS Office products (Power Point, Excel, Word, Project and Visio)
  • Knowledge of forecasting processes, forecasting systems and statistical analysis
  • Solid experience working with senior management

Manager Promotions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Instrumental in developing Casino Promotions for Gold Strike, working closely with the Advertising, Player’s Club, and Database Departments, and Vice President of Marketing
  • Works with the Advertising Department to develop concepts, creative, and messaging regarding each Promotion
  • Responsible for the following aspects in creating promotions: developing theme and associated creative concepts; developing prize structure with appropriate mix of hard and soft costs; and completing pro forma financial analysis of each Promotion’s reinvestment and associated expenses. Partners with the Advertising Department and Communications Manager regarding the production of Promotional Displays on the Casino Floor
  • Leads team in collaborating with Database and Advertising Departments to establish Production Schedules for both the Standard and Noir Newsletters. Leads production of creative layouts of Newsletters, working with the Advertising and Database Departments, and external vendors
  • Responsible for ensuring that team members are accurate in registration of players in all promotions and/or giveaways
  • Responsible for overseeing team in developing and executing major flagship Promotional Shopping Events, which are play-based. The incumbent must ensure that items have high value proposition, while falling within budgetary constraints, and that overall reinvestment is profitable
  • Responsible for overseeing staff members in the execution of each giveaway drawing, and kiosk-related promotions
  • Responsible for working with Regulatory Compliance department to draft Promotional Rules, which must be submitted to the Mississippi Gaming Commission for approval
  • Oversees team that works with Purchasing Department to obtain Promotional Prizes, which may include, but not be limited to, electronics, automobiles, and recreational vehicles
  • Responsible for overseeing promotional aspects of various Sports Partnerships, including but not limited to development and execution of promotions at sporting events
  • Participates in Annual Marketing Planning Meetings to develop Promotions
  • Interacts and directs departments involved with Promotions, to coordinate and review all details related to each promotion
  • Prepares operational fact sheets and event plans, known as Creative Briefs, for coordinating departments to ensure smooth execution
  • Works in tandem with other departments during functions to ensure appropriate execution
  • Communicates with other departments including but not limited to, the Player’s Club, Hotel Operations, and Food & Beverage to assist them with any needs they may have
  • Acts as a liaison between departments before and during promotions, and outside vendors as necessary
  • Responsible for overseeing the team’s completion of all paperwork for prize payouts to each winner
  • Assists in an overall effort to establish a good relationship with all Gold Strike customers with an emphasis on guest relations
  • Other job-related duties as requested
  • Knowledge of computer and office equipment including Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access), Patron Management, Opera, and associated CMS systems
  • Possess excellent communication skills (verbal, written and proofreading) and the ability to interact effectively at all levels of the organization
  • Excellent marketing, analytical, strategic management, and public relations skills
  • Ability to organize and present information in a meaningful manner
  • Extensive knowledge of the casino industry including administrative, marketing, casino operations, gaming regulations and employee relations
  • Read, write, and understand English

Senior PR & Promotions Specialist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assists with development of promotions, sponsorship and event communication strategies to align with Hoosier Lottery strategic plans, brand needs and marketing department annual marketing plan
  • Coordinates the day to day timeline management for all aspects of planning and executing sponsorships, consumer, retailer and other Hoosier Lottery events
  • Coordinates the day to day event logistics including but not limited to A/V needs, staff scheduling, transportation, attire, and event set up
  • Creates GSRs (Graphic Service Requests) and coordinates graphics with Retail Experience Team
  • Manages messaging calendar for PR and Promotions teams
  • Works as a liaison between sponsor contact and Promotions Manager to execute contract terms as it relates to event specific initiatives
  • Coordinates procurement of promotional merchandise for organization
  • Maintains an internal event calendar of all Hoosier Lottery sponsorships
  • Works with the Sr. Manager of PR and Promotions on all sponsorship visual elements and radio copy
  • Maintains monthly Advanced Notification reporting and maps
  • Catalogs all event staging elements and initiates necessary repairs
  • Assist with internal communication to event volunteers
  • Supports the on-time implementation needs for all event presentation, communication and signage needs
  • Reconciles pre and post event ticket needs, sales and cash
  • Schedules mascot appearances and maintains handling, cleanliness, transportation and repairs of all mascot uniforms
  • Acts or assists as on-site event manager as needed
  • Coordinates with social media and Sr. Manager of PR and Promotions to accurately message events via traditional media, social media and digital media
  • Responsible for maintaining sponsorship management tool
  • Performs other required tasks as assigned for public relations and promotions
  • Generate content, including press releases, for Website Create and distribute advisories
  • Assist in the execution of winner interviews
  • Provide content, include Web site copy and public address reads, for special events and promotions
  • Assist in providing input relative to media needs and interests for special events and promotions
  • Assist in coordination of media events, including press conferences and check presentations
  • Serve as backup for media interviews
  • Assist PR director and media manager as needed

Representative, Global Promotions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Liaise internally with creative, production, digital, event, licensed partner and fulfillment teams to track and ensure the effectiveness and success of all programs
  • Update and present marketing plans, pitch plans, promotional calendars, budgets and annual projections/recaps
  • Assist in the development and execution of strategic global promotional campaigns during major attraction launches at Universal Orlando
  • Manage legal contracts and event contracts for assigned partnerships and oversee individual program budgets
  • Oversee fulfillment process of all promotions
  • Identify opportunities to pitch, negotiate and project manage new business, encompassing TV, radio, print, retail and packaged-goods categories
  • Superior business writing skills a must
  • Strong creative skills with prior campaign management experience a plus

Promotions Specialist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Engage with the Logix IT Support team as needed to improve system knowledge and gain proficiency with the system
  • Prepares and balances data
  • Answers department phones as needed and routes to appropriate area
  • Has primary responsibility for interacting with banner(s) and/or corporate department(s), as assigned, to ensure that promotions requiring Logix input are properly communicated
  • Examines and prioritizes documents to determine work to be completed or best course of action
  • Collects information for specific department reports. Provide summary reporting of promotion results from Logix to the creator of the promotion. Creates and maintains complex reports. Tracks New/Discontinue item processes. Tracks product movement through the electronic data warehouse
  • Sorts, files and maintains invoices, receipts, contracts, or other special department documents
  • Compiles minor statistical data

Engineer, Technical Promotions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Call on Engineers/Specifiers
  • Develop a prioritized call list of engineers and agencies within the territory
  • Develop relationship with DOT materials, bridge, construction, and hydraulics engineers to keep them educated on AASHTO and local issues
  • Identify and rewrite key specifications within the territory that need modifications to make Rinker Materials'/Cemex pipe and box products more competitive. This includes municipalities, counties, DOTs, and private engineers
  • Obtain specification changes that favor concrete pipe, box, and Stormceptor
  • Solicit upcoming project information from engineers while making calls
  • Track # of projects; $ value of projects: and $ contribution of any specification changes achieved
  • Communicate major project information with sales staff
  • Conduct college engineering class presentations
  • Conduct lunch and learn presentations
  • Establish active direct mail marketing campaign to appropriate specifiers/ engineers/ contractors to address the constant barrage of alternate products literature and advertising
  • Maintain active participation in appropriate Professional Associations including, but not limited to, the local Concrete Pipe Association
  • Attend appropriate local trade shows and man Rinker/Cemex trade show booth when necessary
  • Position requires the ability to size and design reinforced concrete structures, review drawings, and assist with quality control
  • Position requires excellent communication and organizational skills and attention to detail
  • Education/Experience: B.S. or M.S., Civil Engineering; P.E. REQUIRED with prior experience in precast or prestressed concrete industry
  • Structural engineering skills a plus
  • 5-7 years’ experience in TV Marketing, Sales and/or Traffic
  • Must have a passion for creativity and challenges growth revenues for the company as it pertains to home giveaways within on-air integrations and custom elements
  • Must have experience with managing client promotions such as contests/sweepstakes and custom executions including content creation
  • Must be able to work on multiple projects in a high-pressure, deadline-oriented environment and be a team player and open to new ideas
  • Proficiency in Power Point, Excel, Word; SharePoint, Box, and Photoshop experience strongly desired
  • Must be available to travel for business on occasion – 25%

P/T Street Team Promotions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Professionally represent the radio station and our clients working promotional events throughout the Los Angeles metropolitan area that include schools, malls, auto dealerships, retailers, concerts, movie-screenings and supermarkets
  • Coordinate and communicate with sponsors and/or venue organizations regarding upcoming concerts or station promotional events
  • Interacts with event attendees and the public at promotional events
  • Writes detailed recaps of all station events
  • Assists with preparation for events, stocking supplies and packing equipment
  • Develops and maintains excellent working relationships with all departments
  • Clean cut, out-going, fun personality!
  • High school diploma or equivalent required. College enrollment/classwork preferred
  • Highly organized, computer proficient, and able to use standard office equipment (i.e., computer, copier)
  • Ability to maintain a professional and positive attitude and appearance
  • Ability to work well unsupervised in a fast-paced environment
  • Availability to work primarily weekends, evenings, and some holidays
  • Must be proficient with the following computer software: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel)
  • Must be able to lift 30-50 lbs
  • Valid driver’s license and state mandated automobile insurance and an acceptable driving record are required
  • Strong academic qualifications
  • Advanced Excel and PowerPoint skills, SAS and SQL skills an advantage
  • Experience of assimilating large amounts of information and providing meaningful insight
  • Highly numerate and confident in dealing with complex datasets and models
  • Research skills, qualitative and quantitative

Promotions Representative, Metro Resume Examples & Samples

  • Execute station events and on-site promotions, including set-up of various signage, equipment, and driving of branded vehicles for 98.1 CHFI, KiSS 92.5, 680News and Sportsnet 590 The FAN
  • Proactively engage listeners, clients and general public
  • Establish and maintain strong relationships with other team members and key partners
  • Set-up client remotes with all required components (prizing, broadcast equipment, vehicle and signage), overseeing technical aspects as required
  • Must be capable of setting up/operating broadcast equipment for Live To Air events, sporting events and other live broadcasts as required
  • Produce on location live broadcasts from in-studio
  • Maximize station presence and visibility at all events
  • Attend all major station promotions and designated client promotions as required
  • Attend and participate in meetings as required
  • Provide regular event feedback, including post-event wrap up reports
  • Graduate or current student of Radio Broadcasting program or previous radio work experience
  • Comfortable with appearing on-air during short hits from promotional locations is an asset
  • Strong knowledge of Toronto radio is a must
  • Must be able to take initiative and flourish in a team environment
  • Self-motivated, team player with a positive attitude and a strong desire and passion to succeed
  • Independent problem-solving and decision-making skills
  • Willingness and ability to roll up your sleeves to lift heavy objects and set-up station displays, while treating equipment with care and respect
  • Experience with Photoshop, Wordpress and video editing software are all assets

Promotions Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Previous experience within an e-commerce business
  • Excellent internal stakeholder management and influencing skills
  • Able to demonstrate an effective co-creation and collaborative approach to problem solving
  • Customer led decision making
  • Demonstrable intermediate Excel skills - advanced nested functions (VBA a bonus)
  • Understanding of relational databases - Working knowledge of Access or more advanced

Promotions Multi Resume Examples & Samples

  • Create, write, shoot, edit and post content for News, Promotion and sales on multiple platforms
  • Use the latest editing and photography tools to create content for News, Sales and station promotion
  • Develop original promotional content through social listening and independent sources
  • Use consumer analytics to determine content and project success
  • Write, produce and edit daily news topical promotion for on-air and social media platforms
  • Originate promotion and production ideas
  • Use creative production techniques such as graphics and new forms of media (viewer pictures, webcam interviews, etc.) to enhance your projects
  • Perform other tasks as required by Marketing Director
  • Minimum of 5 years professional experience producing on-air sales promotions / commercials
  • BA or Equivalent
  • Bilingual (Spanish/English) - Excellent Spanish language skills and strong ability to communicate in English
  • Available to work flexible hours, week-ends and some holidays
  • Must be willing to abide by the company's established standards of work quality and integrity
  • Must be willing to work at the station in Fort Lee location
  • Must have unrestricted work authorization to work in the United States
  • Must be covered by Solutions, NBCU’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Program
  • Conceptualize, pitch and lead the roll-out of strategic promotional campaigns with national partners, to drive awareness and engagement with film properties
  • Develop and manage the project, budget and timelines for each campaign, ensuring that stakeholders are aware, and projects are kept on-budget and on time
  • Work with promotional partners to find opportunities that integrate their brands and products into appropriate film-related content
  • Brief in and act as the first point of creative feedback for campaigns before marketing lead approval, ensuing all details are accurate and aligned with the creative brief
  • Create and present timely post-campaign summaries and develop key insights to assist in the success of future promotions

Promotions / Street Team Resume Examples & Samples

  • Driving station vehicles to and from events
  • Transporting equipment, setting up and tearing down equipment at events
  • Execute on-site station contests and promotions
  • Responsible for the overall look and feel of the event with the station"s brand in mind--including banner placement and location set-up
  • Must have a basic understanding of digital media such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube
  • Taking pictures and video at events for later use on websites
  • Clerical office work may include: returning listeners phone calls, mailing out prizes, organizing on air giveaways, writing copy for promotions

Associate Manager, Promotions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop and execute promotions for Trade Marketing Managers (TMM’s) in accordance with brand standards
  • Collaborate with TMM’s, Sales and Brand Managers on promotional ideas by initiating brainstorming sessions, assisting with creative briefs, gaining approvals and providing promotional insights
  • Work with compliance and legal personnel on consumer offer setup, obtaining all needed legal approvals and ensuring all projects are in compliance with Constellation Brands legal standards
  • Efficiently manage artwork development with outside creative agencies
  • Efficiently manage procurement for all projects by working collaboratively with vendors and purchasing to ensure best pricing and timely production of materials
  • Process and track orders for each promotional element/program
  • Assist with providing consumer offer redemption reports and estimates on offers
  • Manage promotions to budgets provided by Trade Marketing Managers and track spending
  • Maintain project list for assigned Strategic Account and make sure TMM’s are updated on the status of each project
  • Assist Promotions Manager in the coordination of National Brand Promotions on an ad hoc basis
  • Ideal candidate has at least 2-3 years work experience in the following: administrative, marketing, promotions, creative agency or sales
  • Ability to multi-task, demonstrate a sense of urgency and ability get things done in a fast-paced environment
  • Ability to build relationships with internal and external constituencies and perform duties and responsibilities in a manner consistent with the company’s values
  • Previous sales experience strongly preferred but not required
  • Ability to grow within the organization and receive fundamental training on the wine industry

Accounting Associate, Promotions & Rebates Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop a solid understanding of customer policies and procedures relating to promotions and rebates
  • Calculate customer payments per agreements and prepare required reporting, utilizing various reporting and system tools. Proactively build in lead time to execute payments within compliance boundaries (due dates)
  • Reconcile payment variances and trends to resolve customer issues, including collection of customer deductions. Research and determine root causes of payment variances to eliminate continuing issues
  • Effectively interact with various key internal and external stakeholders, including presentation of customer account status
  • Ensure month end processing and reconciliations are completed timely
  • Must possess extensive knowledge in job aspects and comprehensive knowledge of other functional areas within the company. Must possess an extensive knowledge of a computer accounting environment
  • Successful candidate will possess excellent attention to detail and organizational skills; the ability to summarize and present large amounts of data in a clear, concise manner; possess excellent verbal and written communication skills; have the ability to establish and maintain effective business relationships and be a strong team player; have the ability to work independently, take initiative, prioritize and manage multiple deliverables under tight deadlines; have strong computer application skills especially Microsoft Excel and Word; must be able to protect confidential and sensitive information. Experience with SAP and CARS preferred

Promotions Team Member Resume Examples & Samples

  • May coordinate and oversee on-site appearances, remotes and events
  • Actively listens; clearly and effectively conveys information; demonstrates effective business writing skills; shows excellent grasp of grammar
  • Run North America seller promotions business. Shape promotion vision and execute upon strategy
  • Manage $20M budget to drive $400M incremental GMV in 2017
  • Run promotion operations - understand the Monetization product tools and ensure promotions get live to site without errors
  • Manage two direct reports to drive the end to end promotions process. Monitor day-to-day deliverables, ensuring plans are on track, escalating as needed
  • Develop successful relationships with cross functional partners, including C2C, B2C, and merchandising. Work closely with Marketing and Legal to optimize promotions and performance
  • Collaborate with category managers and B2C seller teams to create offers that drive relevant inventory and incremental sales
  • Work with eBay customers and customer-facing teams to understand customer insights, drivers & barriers to consideration and conversion
  • Data based mindset and ability to work closely with analytics partners to track performance and to iterate new offers
  • Highly skilled in managing multiple work streams and projects with a fine eye for detail, quality, and deadlines
  • Develop business cases and track performance: Support sizing of opportunities, seller targeting as well as forecasting promotion performance based on historical data. This includes supporting the development of ideas for price promotions
  • Drive price promotion effectiveness: Identify pricing levers that drive commerce on eBay DE through ROI positive promotions for both professional and private sellers
  • Project management: Drive cross-functional and international projects that support new streams monetization
  • Extensive eBay experience and ability to navigate the organization
  • Strong problem-solver and experience/comfort working with numbers
  • A passion for eBay and the customer base. A drive to understand our sellers and what drives them – buying and selling extensively on the platform
  • Strong commercial mindset, with an interest in retail inventory and promotions as a lever to drive business performance
  • Quick thinker who operates well under pressure
  • Must be able to handle multiple priorities in an organized manner with attention to detail
  • Strength in gathering & analysing information with the ability to lead detailed analytical problem solving (strong and hands on SQL experience and excellent command over tools like MS Excel is a must)
  • Ideally you should have had active exposure to data warehouses and proven ability to handle huge data sets. Experience with MicroStrategy and/or Tableau would be a plus

Senior Analyst, Promotions & Rebates Resume Examples & Samples

  • Successfully team with coworkers and customers to complete assigned job functions within a dynamic support organization to accomplish departmental goals within deadlines. Act as subject matter expert to team and provide guidance as needed
  • Read and interpret customer agreements to ensure payment of credits/checks are contractually compliant. Calculate customer payments and prepare required reporting, utilizing various reporting and system tools. Proactively build in lead time to execute payments within compliance boundaries (due dates)
  • Review and approve rebate payments to Mylan customer’s
  • Provide Management summary level sales and rebate data along with payment requests. Provide detailed information to Government Reporting. Ensure the accuracy and integrity of information used in calculations and reporting
  • Record, track and monitor status of customer payments and respond to customer inquiries on payment status
  • Support complex customer accounts. Reconcile payment variances and trends to resolve customer issues, including collection of customer deductions. Research and determine root causes of payment variances to eliminate continuing issues
  • Minimum of a Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) and 2-4 years of experience required. A Master's degree (or equivalent) and 4 years of experience preferred. However, a combination of experience and/or education will be taken into consideration
  • Ability to use and apply basic accounting principles and concepts. Knowledge of industry practices and standards. Advanced knowledge of computer functions and Microsoft Office Products
  • Successful candidate will possess excellent attention to detail and organizational skills; the ability to summarize and present large amounts of data in a clear, concise manner; possess excellent verbal and written communication skills; have the ability to establish and maintain effective business relationships and be a strong team player, with the ability to work with all levels of the company and customer; have the ability to work independently, prioritize and manage multiple deliverables under tight deadlines; have strong computer application skills especially Microsoft Excel and Word; must be able to protect confidential and sensitive information. Experience with SAP and CARS preferred
  • Ability to perform computations such as percentages, ratios, and rates
  • Ability to solve problems with complex variables through non-standardized solutions that require independent judgment and analysis. Ability to draw inferences and use deductive reasoning with no prescribed procedures to solve complex problems
  • Normal office situation. Typically sitting at a desk or table. Intermittently sitting, standing, walking or stooping. Periodic travel maybe required. May be required to stand; walk; stoop; bend; kneel; and climb steps. May require use of hands and use of arms
  • Proficiency in speaking, comprehending, reading and writing English is preferred

Assistant Manager, Consumer Promotions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work with assigned CP agency to develop annual CP plans. In the case of some brands there will be no assigned planning agency – in those instances the Asst. Manager will be expected to lead the planning
  • Work with cross functional COE (Center of Excellence) ensure integrated plans
  • Act as the Consumer Promotions COE for assigned brands, which will require the candidate to be well-versed in promotional tactics such as sweepstakes and contests, and how to execute them
  • Manage promotional calendars of assigned brands
  • Secure FSI, Catalina and digital couponing reservations, market lists, creative development, contracts, and calendars for assigned brands
  • Produce promotional items and materials as needed to support brand and CP efforts
  • Course correct plans as appropriate throughout the fiscal year, based on effectiveness of tactics, competitive response, category dynamics, budgets, etc
  • Provide the analytics team the data necessary for them to conduct ROI analysis for key marketing tactics with the plans
  • Provide Competitive Activity/ Media Spending analysis for quarterly management meetings, board meetings, etc. as requested
  • Provide weekly updates to brand on current project status
  • Maintain monthly national activity calendar to provide visibility to Shopper Marketing team, Brand teams and Sales of planned programs
  • Maintain Consumer Promotions budget for respective brands while reconciling to Finance’s monthly reporting
  • Engage with vendor representatives at key consumer promotions vendors
  • Onboard new or transitioning brand team members on all brand historical information, on-going projects and process as needed
  • Act as central NCH (Coupon Clearing House) and Pinpoint (Coupon Barcode Creation) contact for brand teams to set up trainings, provide updates, assist with general questions and special projects
  • Stay abreast of completive activity, CP best practices, trends in couponing and promotional activity, emerging vendors
  • Responsible for the timely and accurate processing/production of all coupons within the CP realm, including proofreading to assure 100% accuracy of all information; values, size, codes etc; expected to become well-informed on coupon best practices and act as a COE within the company for coupon questions
  • At least 4 years of relevant experience is required
  • Experience with an agency or CPG company is highly preferred
  • Budget management experience is required

Manager, Payer Promotions & Pull Through Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop branded and unbranded payer promotional messages, tools, and programs
  • Experienced in healthcare marketing with a focus on sales results normally acquired through 7-10 years in pharmaceutical marketing and managed care
  • Superior understanding of managed market customers
  • Strong training and education experience
  • Must be an effective team member and collaborator as success relies heavily on interfaces with Finance, P&L understanding, Legal, Regulatory, Compliance, Medical and Brand Teams at senior levels

Senior Analyst Promotions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Providing project management and support to assist with all aspects of the process from asset creation through campaign implementation and recaps
  • Managing development of creative strategy and assets for partnership entitlements
  • Coordinating with Marketing Planning & Creative Services teams throughout process to ensure on strategy and on brand
  • Overseeing delivery/fulfillment of sponsorship entitlements within budget, on brand and on time
  • Measuring campaign effectiveness and monitor sponsorship trends/best practices to inform future strategies and improve program impact
  • Ensuring legal compliance with external promotions & sweepstakes as needed
  • Staying abreast of what’s new and trending to help American break through the clutter.​
  • Exceptional project management skills with experience in working effectively under extreme deadline. pressures and balancing the needs of multiple stakeholders
  • Ability to interact effectively with all levels of management, and high value customers
  • Experience executing digital promotions, sweepstakes, and prize fulfillment
  • Must pass a background reference check and criminal fingerprint check
  • 1) Supports a strong commitment to world class customer service and ensures a pleasant and productive shopping experience for all customers
  • 3) Coordinates "in-house" outdoor skills workshop program
  • 4) Coordinates external and internal Public Relations activities
  • 5) Communicates all Store “events” timely & appropriately and works with Management to insure proper staffing
  • 8) Submits timely information for tabs, website pages, signage, ROP, etc. to Marketing
  • 10) Follows all Company Policies and Procedures

Promotions Executive Resume Examples & Samples

  • An interest in Marketing
  • Competent Excel spreadsheet user
  • Excellent communication and project management skills - must be able to multi-task and work at pace
  • High level of attention to detail
  • Drive and commitment to being right first time
  • Ability to effectively communicate across all levels of seniority

Senior Manager, Offers & Promotions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manages portfolio of new programs, offers and promotions to ensure a complete and robust implementation of key marketing strategies
  • Leads cross functional steering teams to deliver new programs, offers and promotions that meet strategic intent and vision of Senior marketing leadership
  • Negotiates with cross functional leaders to ensure the end product balances needs of the business, frontline employees (care and sales) and the customer
  • Proactively identifies potential issues and collaborates with cross-functional leaders to mitigate issues and risks by planning/implementing solutions with a sense of urgency
  • Leads and owns all execution trade off decisions. Ensures that issues have been identified and evaluated and solutions are properly selected
  • Solves complex, multi-faceted problems and delivers solutions that ensure end product, offer or promotion meets customer and business needs
  • Presents executive summaries to Senior level leaders and summarizes and presents detailed reports to cross functional and marketing leaders
  • Provides coaching, feedback, project guidance to team and cross functional team members

Technical / Promotions Representative Resume Examples & Samples

  • Have working knowledge of live radio broadcast requirements; set up broadcast equipment and PA systems for on-site events using IP, ISDN and LTE type codecs
  • Assist announcer and in-studio operators while on-site at events
  • Keep inventory of station remote equipment
  • Liaise with promotions and engineering departments to facilitate site checks, test broadcast lines, inspect and troubleshoot equipment
  • Attend all major station promotions, designated client promotions, and non-profit street team events as required
  • Assist in sourcing events to support and attend; organize on-site aspects of community cruiser programs
  • Proactively engage and interact with listeners, contest winners, clients and the general public
  • Brand and market the Rogers radio properties in a professional manner to entertain crowds with music, games, prizing, etc
  • Use and understand station social media pages while on location (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat)
  • Assist Promotions team with office work such as preparing guest lists, preparing web contests, preparing wrap reports, analyzing contest results and other duties as assigned
  • Strong knowledge of Vancouver, the Lower Mainland and the Fraser Valley
  • Must be able to work flexible hours weekends, evenings, and holidays - occasionally on short notice
  • Must hold a valid BC driver's license

Director of Promotions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage & execute NTR & Digital Budgets
  • Develop Integrated Sales packages for entire Cluster
  • Create programs for Incremental growth for current clients
  • Client interaction via social & grassroots programs
  • Attend sales meetings & co-host promotions meeting to ensure companywide transparent communication and solutions/opportunities
  • Meet with Promotions Manager daily to review tasks, goals; track monthly milestones & create action plans for shortfalls
  • Research, analysis, creative solutions and strategy based on market, industry and customer information
  • Work with account executives to build attractive, integrated solutions proposals to achieve annual goals and incremental growth
  • Collaborate with all departments to create compelling recommendations to clients that speak to their WIFM
  • Develop and grow relationships with clients
  • Oversee day to day operations of Digital & Promotions Departments to produce top notch content, audience engagement and exceed goals
  • Effectively lead multi-platform campaigns that focus on all elements in the Cumulus Des Moines arsenal; on air, on the streets, mobile, social, and digital
  • Strong Graphic Design Skills
  • Experience and proficiency with graphic design software such as Photoshop and Powerpoint
  • Strong computer skills, proficiency with MS Office programs and ability to learn new software
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Strong problem solving skills and prioritizing abilities
  • Collaborative
  • Manage acquisition programs and incentives ensuring feasibility, ROI, strategic value and usability
  • Develop a Global Promotions Matrix to include all promotion data, report out incentive promotion performance, and manage budget for each promotion
  • Create business/promotion requirements documents and follow through to execution
  • Champion Incentive Promotions Roadmap development and deployment plans
  • Work with cross functional team to drive incentive promotions, highlight field success stories, drive and execute 90 Day run activities, and work closely with communications and recognition team to ensure all promotions and programs have a complete strategy prior to launch
  • Build, develop and grow internal and external relationships and partnerships vital to deliver our programs
  • Manage cross-functional stakeholder expectations proactively, meeting with key stakeholders regularly to kick off promotions and train customer service staff on all promotions
  • Demonstrate cultural sensitivity and ability to plan and operate in multiple countries
  • Closely partner with Company’s functional leaders to smoothly and seamlessly execute plans
  • Strong ability to interact at the senior level; must have superior communication skills to influence others and meet deadlines while building strong relationships both internally and externally
  • The position requires flexibility, creativity, an entrepreneurial mindset and well developed strategic thinking skills
  • Strong analytical skills with proven success reporting on sales and statistics; breakeven points; achievement or failure to reach profitability, etc
  • Excellent attention to detail and organizational skills and ability to create and maintain detailed documentation
  • Ability to work effectively with little supervision. Is a highly motivated self-starter
  • Change agent – with a startup background and mindset
  • Ability to anticipate needs, innovate, multi-task and excel in a fast paced environment
  • Bachelor’s degree required / MBA or equivalent preferred
  • Two years of business development
  • Experience as a People Manager
  • Direct Sales/MLM experience is a plus
  • Must possess an enthusiastic, up-beat disposition and positive, can-do attitude

Casino Promotions Agent Resume Examples & Samples

  • Performance before large crowds, to include public speaking and making announcements
  • Greet and welcome guests at various locations throughout the Casino as well as off-property venues
  • Promote daily events and the ONE Club loyalty program
  • Participate as hosting, ticketing, and registration agents for gaming tournaments and promotions
  • Utilize Casino and Hotel computer systems daily
  • Formal Wear and Event attire as required, based on function
  • Awareness and notification of safety hazards, lost children and unattended minors or items
  • Other events-related duties as assigned

Sampling & Promotions Executive Resume Examples & Samples

  • Creating and initiating Product Transformation workflows (MDR & SDR)
  • Responsible for and/or assist in organizing and filing documents related to the A&P Department (Sampling, Invoices, Delivery Notes/Orders, Municipality permits/requests)
  • Supporting and coordinating all sampling activities in accordance with category plans (consolidate reports, filing, coordination…etc.)
  • Responsible for obtaining quotations from suppliers (co-packers)
  • Responsible for obtaining quotations from sampling agencies
  • Assisting in selection / briefing of promoters and planning for promoters’ availability
  • Assisting in ensuring a qualitative, cost effective and timely promos co-packing
  • Assisting the A&P department in receiving PO's system wise (PO's)
  • Constant follow-up between all departments
  • Handling all P2P process including new vendors and competitive bidding for related suppliers
  • Handling P2P processes including new vendors and bidding for sampling activities
  • Responsible for the inventory of the hard and soft POS material and premiums
  • Ensuring proper utilization of (Point of Sales Material) POSM and availability of sampling tools for sampling activities
  • Exploring new opportunities for sampling activities to meet category objectives
  • Preparing sampling reports and track consumer feedback through surveys etc
  • Supervising sampling activities to ensure constant customer flow at the targeted POS

Manager Regional Promotions Columbia Nashville Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop and implement airplay strategies for all Columbia Nashville artists within the West region
  • Implement campaigns to benefit and break artists and projects in the country format
  • Develop, cultivate and leverage relationships with staff at 25-30 radio stations
  • Help create and develop album launch plans for label artists
  • Manage on-site promotions at all Columbia Nashville artist's shows
  • Work cross-functionally within Sony Music Nashville teams to develop plans to drive airplay
  • Manage travel and entertainment budgets
  • Organize and maintain multiple Sony Music Nashville reports and administrative responsibilities
  • Develop trade advertising campaigns for singles

Sponsorship Promotions Representative Resume Examples & Samples

  • Act as a knowledgeable specialist on any given product or service, verbally and non-verbally, enticing guests to interact
  • Engage clients, team and guests with a positive and welcoming attitude; should be outgoing and eager to talk
  • Maintain a positive personal appearance according to the standards set by Six Flags and partner
  • Set up/breakdown site footprint and display to include stocking products and cleaning the site
  • Secure display area and product before park close as outlined by Corporate Alliances management
  • Attend all required Six Flags and client trainings
  • Adhere to all policies pertaining to the Six Flags Mantra of providing Friendly, Clean, Fast and Safe Guest Service to positively impact the guest and client experience
  • Must be willing to work seasonal hours, nights, weekends and some holidays
  • Communication skills, outgoing and friendly personality, safety awareness, general housekeeping and organizational skills
  • Must be willing and able to lift up to thirty pounds

Assistant, Promotions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Prepare daily program logs for all stations
  • Assigns promotional material to be inserted between programs
  • Produce all billboards and station I.D.s for all stations
  • Assists in production of commercials and promotional announcements
  • Maintains prize inventory and in-studio prize sheets as well as awarding of prizes at events
  • Accompanies on-air talent to station events
  • Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written
  • Must be very organized and detail oriented
  • Strong computer skills, including Microsoft Office experience
  • Must be a team player and produce high quality work
  • Available to work extended hours when needed
  • Have adequate transportation, current driver's license and good driving record
  • Supporting and implementing Sainsbury’s value strategy for Packaged Food
  • Providing analytical support to the Packaged Food Business Partner to assist in delivering BU objectives
  • Implement and embed rules and guidelines within category teams and the wider business, including measuring improvement and compliance, and tracking investment
  • Support the category teams using fundamental business tools (eg the VIT), including training and the explanation of practical implementation of principles
  • Create and deliver analysis and insights to support trading teams in changes to improve value position and/or make pricing fairer and clearer, using for example average selling price analysis, competitor pricing and Med-Low principles
  • Ensure price and promotional considerations are embedded in the Business Planning and Category Planning processes
  • Assist the P&P Manager in ensuring OFT compliance within the Packaged Food business unit
  • Assist the P&P Manager in running the Value Reset process
  • Use SAS to run specific and ad hoc queries to support the Business Partner

Price & Promotions Business Partner Resume Examples & Samples

  • Supporting and implementing Sainsbury’s value strategy for Fresh
  • Acting as a Business Partner to Fresh
  • Supporting and implementing Sainsbury’s value strategy for Fresh Foods
  • Provide category teams with fundamental tools, including training and the explanation of practical implementation of principles
  • Lead and deliver analysis and insights to support trading teams in changes to improve value position and make pricing fairer and clearer, using for example average selling price analysis, competitor pricing and Med-Low principles
  • Ensure price and promotional considerations are embedded in annual planning processes
  • Ensure rules and guidelines compliance within the Fresh business unit
  • Own the Fresh Value Reset process ensuring this is efficient and effective in supporting and challenging the category teams to hit relevant KPIs
  • Act as a Business Partner to the Fresh business unit
  • Build and maintain relationships with relevant Category Managers, Planners and Buyers
  • Flex partnering approach to deliver support in the best way possible
  • Attend key forums such as team/leadership meetings and planning forums
  • Actively challenge and influence category pricing and promotional decisions
  • Make judgement calls in grey areas balancing rules, strategy and trading priorities
  • Proactively contribute to driving the Sainsbury’s Value Proposition in all Fresh areas
  • ‘Get out from behind the desk’ to ‘make it happen&#8217
  • Responsible for the overall look and feel of the event with the station’s brand in mind--including banner placement and location set-up
  • Must have a basic understanding of digital media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube
  • Must possess a valid driver's license, have reliable transportation and a clean driving record
  • Position includes occasional clerical duties where proficiency in Microsoft Office software is preferred
  • No experience required but event/marketing experience a plus

Analyst Promotions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Flawless onsite brand action / activation oversight
  • Collaborating with internal marketing teams to ensure consistent messaging / brand action approach
  • Providing project management and support to assist with all aspects of the process from asset creation through completion of brand action
  • Collaborating with (in-house & agency) strategic teams to understand marketing objectives; sponsorship portfolio is largely centrally supported and locally leveraged
  • Assisting with campaign amplifications plans as required
  • Staying abreast of what’s new and trending to help American break through the clutter
  • A minimum of a BA/BS required
  • Exceptional project management skills with experience in working effectively under extreme deadline pressures and balancing the needs of multiple stakeholders
  • Strong organizational, interpersonal, oral and written communication skills
  • Experience managing the creative process with an internal and external agency
  • Experience executing digital promotions, sweepstakes and prize fulfillment
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint in particular) and Adobe Acrobat
  • Ability to participate in out of hours activities and travel as needed
  • Supports all channels (Retail; Dealers; Field Sales; Online/Tele & Care) with business-specific promotions, offers and marketing tools – inclusive of devices and solutions across the full business portfolio
  • Help drive channel execution of various marketing campaigns, Account-Based Marekting (including leads mgmt.) and gather input/feedback from channel and recommend/drive necessary changes
  • Three years of experience developing and implementing marketing strategy and plans for business
  • Three years of experience in program/project management
  • Proven ability to implement marketing plans that deliver results
  • Knowledge of Mid/Enterprise business customer segment, sales channels and business solutions
  • Positive attitude and eagerness/aptitude to learn and apply new skills
  • Bachelor's degree and four years related work experience or eight years related work experience post high school
  • Three years experience working with marketing policies and procedures
  • Three years experience in pricing or offer management
  • Three years experience delivering and measuring marketing campaigns, including lead generation and channel scorecarding
  • Three years experience with Sprint G2M system and processes

Promotions & Brand Collaborations Associate Resume Examples & Samples

  • Understand and execute the promotions/collaborations strategy that supports the greater Creative Communications strategy of: attracting new customers, retaining existing customers and motivating customers to increase their average annual purchase with Lilly Pulitzer®
  • Bring new opportunities and insights to Lilly Pulitzer’s promotions/collaborations efforts
  • Build and maintain a calendar that is assorted with initiatives to encourage consumer retention, new consumer acquisition, consumer frequency and spend and that supports an omni-channel retail approach and full-price business model
  • Communicate with Distribution leaders regularly to incorporate their channel needs into the overarching strategy so that there’s alignment and a clear plan for tying effort to achievement
  • Maintain a high degree of intellectual curiosity. Stay heads up to the competitive environment and provide strategic recommendations based on competition
  • Measure and report promotions/collaborations results; obtain constructive feedback from internal teams, observe the consumer behavior and thoroughly analyze success metrics to make recommendations for the future
  • Coordinate and communicate the strategy clearly internally, allowing for a seamless execution of the calendar. Be heads-up to the pace of retail and communicate in a timely manner
  • Work with the Creative Services team to develop all collateral to support these efforts; including but not limited to: printed collateral, in store signage, digital/social advertising, and email communications
  • Efforts to be managed are outlined below with the expectation that the Promotions and Brand Collaborations Associate will develop additional tools and evolve existing
  • At least 3 years of experience in Marketing, CRM and / or Retail Planning / Analytics
  • Demonstrated results in developing, deploying, and managing consumer engagement & promotional programs in multiple channels
  • Ability to develop positive and productive professional relationships with internal and external stakeholders
  • Ability to consume, interpret, and act on consumer analytics and business intelligence
  • Ability to problem-solve and work independently in a changing and multi-tasking environment with numerous deadlines and stakeholders
  • Innovative thinker with a firm understanding of the Lilly Pulitzer brand and competitive market
  • Resourceful and able to work independently and cross-functionally
  • Expertise in Excel (Pivot Tables) and proficiency in Microsoft Word, and Power Point

Manager, Promotions Analysis Resume Examples & Samples

  • Responsible for a team of analysts driving new promotions and leading development and delivery across multiple technology platforms
  • Accountable for ensuring project delivery excellence across the platforms
  • Work with business and IT leadership throughout the strategic planning process
  • Participate in the process to prioritize and scope future projects and initiatives
  • Work with business and IT leadership to prioritize support and tactical issues to address immediate business needs while maintaining strategic direction
  • Plan staffing needs and allocations to support projects, initiatives, and support
  • Ensure service levels are understood and supports them being met
  • Communicate effectively with IT management, business partners and peers
  • Display a strong ambition in gaining skills and knowledge that benefit T-Mobile and its employees. Strong awareness of industry trends and best practices
  • Act as a change agent, initiating appropriate changes to support business growth, reduce operational costs, and/or improve service levels
  • Proven experience building, leading, mentoring and managing
  • Proven ability to apply expert level experience to perform checks of team deliverables and solution design for quality, consistency, potential impacts to other processes and systems, and proper use of SDLC principles
  • Advanced understanding of best practice principles and has applied practice
  • Good understanding of software development life-cycle methodology, in particular Agile
  • Excellent written and communication skills; ability to effectively communicate with all levels of employees and management in groups and one-on-one
  • Proven experience with identifying and resolving development impacting issues, working with members of project management team and business SME's/executives to drive to solutions within defined processes
  • Able to build and leverage strong relationships
  • Proven ability to work in a fast paced, ambiguous, self-directed environment required
  • Proven ability to lead dispersed and remote teams, including off-shore resources
  • Experience in working with interfacing and integration technologies
  • Minimum 8 years experience developing large scale business systems applications
  • 3-6 years Management/leadership of developer resources, including leadership, planning, and coordination of development work for 4 large projects
  • Minimum 10 years overall IT experience,
  • 3-5 Years experience working in an Agile environment. Must have very good understanding of Agile framework
  • Promote Provident Label Group records and artists to chart reporting radio stations in assigned radio formats with the goal of securing commitments from radio programmers and music directors to play PLG artist singles. Track airplay of PLG singles, using information gathered from conversations with radio programmers and chart information to help develop strategies to achieve airplay goals established by PLG National Promotions leadership
  • Develop and maintain professional relationships with radio programmers through telephone conversations, conventions, leadership boards, and by making on-site visits, including traveling with artists to radio stations for meetings, on-air interviews, and promotional concerts
  • Work with the radio promotions team to help create marketing/promotions plans which include the following: On-air promotions, give-away campaigns, radio contests, artist phone-in interviews, and artist promotional tours (including scheduling on-air time for artists). Assist stations with planning local market promotions. Implement promotional plans, making on-the-spot decisions as needed to secure airplay and to achieve airplay goals. Set priorities for expenditure of promotional dollars and develop a promotions budget (under the direction of the Dir, Natl Promotions)
  • Work with the radio promotions team to help create, develop, and implement effective promotions to launch new artists, including planning travel with new artists, developing contests, and creating “out-of-the-box” ideas for artist exposure
  • Provide input into selection of radio singles, based on research and programmer relationships, to VP, Natl Promotions
  • Identify radio stations to mentor and bring up to the level of becoming a chart-reporting station
  • Assist VP, Natl Promotions in planning and execution of radio events such as CMB Momentum Convention, CMB Summit Events, Provident-Integrity Distribution Sales Conference, CBA International, and private label events
  • Previous knowledge/experience of the radio industry preferred
  • Meet with Program Directors and Sales Managers daily to review tasks, goals; track monthly milestones & create action plans for shortfalls
  • Effectively lead multi-platform campaigns that focus on all elements in the Cumulus Providence arsenal; on air, on the streets, mobile, social, and digital
  • Great team player

Advertising & Screens Promotions Executive Resume Examples & Samples

  • Digital advertising experience – managing content to complex schedules as well as some technical knowledge
  • Excellent communication and project management skills - must be able to multi-task and work at pace to challenging deadlines

Emmis NY Promotions Brand Ambassadors Resume Examples & Samples

  • Professionally represent the radio station and our clients working promotional events throughout the New York metropolitan area that include schools, malls, auto dealerships, retailers, concerts, movie-screenings, supermarkets and more
  • Host event and play games on microphone in front of a crowd
  • Driving station vehicles is a core responsibility of this position, so employees must possess a Valid driver’s license, and when applicable, state mandated automobile insurance

Global Promotions Senior Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work closely with global teams to develop a global promotional processes and governance
  • Partner with global GM, CM and regional leads to provide support to market promotional strategies and prioritize global/corporate resources to drive regional strategies
  • Develop global business incentive strategies, plan, lead and manage all global promotional programs in partnership with global sales operations team and global leaders (eg. Global leadership trips)
  • Maintain 12-month rolling promotional calendar, working closely with the Operations teams to ensure adequate product and timely delivery
  • Work closely with member leaders to understand what works/what doesn’t, and which strategies will maintain momentum and excitement
  • Analyze sales data/customer behavior daily and be able to interpret key insights for senior management
  • Work with Business Intelligence team to develop insightful sales reports and refine existing ones
  • Support, advise, and guide promotion strategies for all markets, including regular conference calls and/or visits with each market to support their local needs
  • Act as expert consultant to global markets to share corporate strategy, best practices, and help ensure ROI is being delivered
  • Create sales momentum by partnering with each market to develop ideas that will resonate with their members
  • Support global markets by facilitating cross-functional communications and coordinating efforts with other departments within Young Living headquarters
  • Identify international growth opportunities regarding promotions/incentives and evaluate progress towards county-specific goals and timelines
  • The ability to establish and maintain positive relationships while working closely with counterparts
  • Consistently achieving and surpassing KPIs
  • Extreme attention to detail and multitasking capabilities
  • Outstanding problem-solving skills and the ability to work under pressure in stressful situations
  • Strong data analysis, research, and problem-solving skills
  • Proven track record of successful development and execution of global incentives
  • Fluency in second language preferred but not required (Asia/Europe)
  • Must be able to maintain positive and can-do attitude under stressful circumstances
  • Computer Skills: Demonstrate expertise with Microsoft products and other applicable software or applications
  • Bachelor's degree from a four-year college or university; or 5-10 years of related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience, MBA preferred
  • Business plan development skills and experience including: competitive analysis, SWAT analysis, value proposition, break-even analysis, cash flow analysis, forecasting, etc
  • Must have a proven track record in successfully leading a creative, dynamic, and high-performing team
  • Strongly prefer MLM experience, preferably in Sales or Marketing
  • Experience working directly with Executives and market leaders
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office, especially Excel and Power Point
  • Employee is occasionally required to stand for long periods of time; walk; use hands to finger, handle, or feel; and reach with hands and arms
  • Employee must regularly lift and/or move up to 10 pounds and occasionally lift and/or move up to 25 pounds

Meetings, Awards, & Promotions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Consults with team members and/or management to support, coordinate and develop
  • Advanced knowledge of industry practices, techniques, and standards, both internal and external
  • Advanced knowledge and understanding of sales specific awards and recognition programs
  • Actively shares expertise with peers and leadership
  • Continually seeks opportunities for learning and development with their respective discipline
  • Moderate to high level of negotiation skills
  • Moderate to advanced level of computer skills, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and C-Vent
  • Strong planning and organizational skills, which include great attention to detail
  • Advanced project management skills
  • Strong financial planning and budget skills
  • Assists in developing solutions to a variety of problems, with limited guidance from management
  • Occasionally interacts with senior leadership and officers
  • Coordinates and handles multiple tasks at once
  • Moderate to advanced level of creativity and initiative
  • Is patient, competent, and professional with customers; solves customer problems with speed and accuracy, with support from team members
  • Builds and maintains relationships with supervisors, team members, vendors, sales leaders, and agencies
  • Bachelor’s Degree preferred and/or 4-6 years of industry experience in the same or related field; Certified Meeting Planner certification preferred
  • Assists in multiple phases of marketing and event management of Project Based, Experiential, and Engaged Learning conferences, initiatives, and recognition events
  • Serves as a logistical coordinator for Festival of Excellence, ELLI related conferences and professional development events, campus-wide recognition ceremonies, and graduation related activities
  • Helps manage logistics for successful program implementation with university units, facilities, transportation, housing, dining, conference services, parking, SUUPD, Academic Technologies, academic engagement centers, etc. as well as off-campus venues
  • GED required; Bachelor’s degree preferred with a major/emphasis in marketing, advertising, public relations, communications, design, or related field
  • Ability to work effectively in a team environment collaborating closely with co-
  • Ability to thrive in a diverse and ever-changing work environment
  • Understands market research methods in order to develop effective communication plans
  • Excellent verbal and written English communication skills and interpersonal skills
  • Proficiency required in standard office/education computer applications
  • Event management experience
  • Advertising and marketing experience
  • Experience staying within a budget
  • Experience with designing and/or maintaining web and hard-copy promotional materials
  • Must have valid Utah Drivers License

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resume template for job promotion

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Internal Promotion Resume

An internal promotion is a great way to advance your career and build capital with a company. As an insider, you’ll often have a leg up on outside candidates thanks to your existing knowledge and the reputation you’ve built.

Despite being at an advantage, however, you can’t assume that a promotion is a given. When a position that you’re interested in becomes available within your company, you’ll need to apply for it just like you would for any other role. To do that–and to get the additional responsibility and pay that come with a higher title–you need an internal promotion resume.

What to focus on an internal promotion resume

Define career goals.

Are you looking to take on greater responsibilities? Manage the team you’re currently part of? Move into a different department? Identify your reasons for seeking an internal promotion and spell them out for the reader of your resume. This will help the hiring manager better understand your intended path within the organization, which can be a selling point for you as a candidate.

Emphasize relevant experience

Your first-hand insight is your key advantage as an internal candidate. You understand the company culture and are already light years ahead of outside applicants with your knowledge of existing processes and systems. You’ll want to play up this existing knowledge in your resume. It’s even better if you can talk directly with the team or hiring manager before putting together your resume to gather some intel on exactly what they’re looking for in the right candidate.

Why do you need an internal promotion resume?

Position yourself as the strongest candidate.

You may be an insider, but you’re still competing against other candidates, maybe even some of your peers who also want the job. And, it’s not unheard of for a company to leave a position open if a suitable candidate isn’t available. So, you need to sell your strengths. Your resume should convince the hiring manager you’re ready and able to tackle a new challenge and have the right skills to do the job successfully.

Explain how you’ll contribute to organizational goals

Depending on the role you’re applying for, the hiring manager may already be well-versed when it comes to your existing job duties and performance. If this is the case, you might not need to dedicate as much space to talking about your accomplishments as you would for an unfamiliar reader.

Instead, use your resume to describe how you’ll contribute to organizational goals moving forward, like setting stretch goals, defining growth objectives and pursuing continued learning to advance your skills.

When should you use an internal promotion resume?

Use a resume to:

  • Apply for a promotion within your existing company
  • Transfer to another department
  • Move into a leadership role

Common internal resume challenges and how to overcome them

Lacking leadership experience.

If it’s your first time applying for a role where you’d be managing people, it can be tricky to find examples of your leadership capabilities. But you don’t necessarily have to have experience giving other people directions; you just need to be able to demonstrate that you can take charge of a project and see it through to the end.

Think of times when you took the lead on a new initiative or when your manager trusted you to make decisions independently. You can even cite positive feedback directly from your manager on your resume.

Competing against external applicants

Sometimes you’ll be up against outside applicants who have more relevant experience or more specialized expertise than you. How can you compete? Use your position as an internal candidate to your advantage.

It’s important to hiring managers that a candidate can get up to speed in a new role quickly, and you have this going for you because there will be less of a learning curve. Use company language and speak directly to the organization’s goals wherever possible. For example, if you know there’s been a big push for new user acquisition lately, you might talk about your contributions to an important marketing campaign or your customer service skills interacting with new prospects.

Internal promotion resume format and key components

A chronological resume format is a good choice to use when seeking an internal promotion.

Your resume should include the following sections:

  • Contact information Top your resume with the compulsory contact details: your name, address, phone number and your company email address.
  • Objective statement Your objective statement should be closely tailored to the company and the position you want. This should be easy given your knowledge of the company’s operations and your own professional ambitions. Here’s an example of an objective statement for an internal promotion resume: Organized, dependable administrator with six years of experience at Skyline Windows and Glass. Looking to leverage deep company knowledge and industry relationships in a leadership role managing office operations.
  • Experience The bulk of your internal promotion resume should be focused on your experience and accomplishments at your existing company. As an internal candidate, you can cite specific clients and speak in company lingo, both of which heighten the sense that you’re a strong fit for the job. You can also include direct quotes from your performance review praising your achievements.

Internal promotion sample resume

  • Education Include your degree, area of study and the name of the institution.
  • Skills Ensure that the skills you list on your resume are relevant to the new position, not just what you do in your current job. Check the job description to be sure you’re hitting on the main qualifications and keywords.
  • Qualifications Let the reader of your resume know why you’re the right fit for the role. Be clear, and use specific examples as you make your case for being the right choice. Since this version of your resume if for an internal promotion, feel free to include company-specific acronyms and phrases, as doing so will highlight the shortened learning curve that comes with your candidacy.

Need help crafting a resume?

Choose a template and build your perfect resume today!

Yes. Most companies will require you to submit a resume and application just as you would if you were an external candidate applying for the role. For some companies this is merely a formality, while for others you’ll be judged objectively against all candidates who apply.

Your resume for a promotion should focus primarily on the contributions you’ve made at that company. Cite key achievements from your current job, using numbers and quantifiable figures whenever possible.

Multiple jobs at the same company should each be given their own heading so you’re able to show career progression and describe what you achieved in each role. For example: COMPANY NAME, Location Role A, Dates – Achievement 1 – Achievement 2  – Achievement 3 Role B, Dates – Achievement 1 – Achievement 2 – Achievement 3

In general, your resume should cover the most recent 10 to 15 years of your career. If you’re applying for an internal promotion and you’ve been with the company for some time, it’s fine to include only the roles you’ve held at that company, to keep the focus on your most relevant accomplishments. 

Reviewed and verified by Pete Newsome

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How to Write a Japanese Resume (Download Template)

resume template for job promotion

If you would like to learn how to write a Japanese resume in Japanese, please click here !

In this page, you can download the Japanese Resume template for foreigners who are thinking of changing jobs to a Japanese company, we will easily explain how to create it.

  • 1 Two Documents Required for Job-hunting: Japanese Resume “Rirekisho” & Japanese CV “Shokumu-keirekisho”
  • 2 Download Japanese Resume Template
  • 3.1 1.How to Write a Japanese Resume – Basic Personal Information
  • 3.2 2.How to Write a Japanese Resume – Academic/Work History
  • 3.3 3.How to Write a Japanese Resume – Licenses and Qualifications
  • 3.4 4.Special Skills, Self-promotion, Commuting Time, etc.
  • 3.5 5.本人希望記入欄 – Space for Personal Requests
  • 4 Conclusion

Two Documents Required for Job-hunting: Japanese Resume “Rirekisho” & Japanese CV “Shokumu-keirekisho”

When applying for a job in Japan, you will generally need two documents: a Japanese Resume and a Japanese CV.

  • Japanese Resume (Rirekisho): Document that conveys your background (education, work experience) and basic information (name, date of birth, contact information, etc.)
  • Japanese CV (Shokumu-keirekisho): Document that appeals to the past work experience (company you worked at, job description, skills you used, etc.)

In your resume, easily share your background and basic information with the company you applied for, then, you will appeal to the companies you applied with your work experience and skills displayed in your Japanese CV.

On this page you will learn how to write a Japanese Resume.

This kind of Resume is unique to Japan, and sometimes unique Japanese expressions are used.

However, if you understand how to write it, you can easily create it.

On this page, we have created a Japanese Resume Template for Foreigners, so please feel free to download it and create a resume using this template.

※Please click on the following page to learn how to make a Japanese CV “Shokumu-keirekisho”.

How to Write“Shokumu-keirekisho” for Foreign IT Engineers

Download Japanese Resume Template

First, download the template of the Japanese Resume “Rirekisho” from the button below.

Download Template rirekisho_format.xlsx – 31 KB ※ Available in Microsoft Excel format.

When the download is complete, open the file.

From now on, we will guide you through on how to write your Japanese Resume according to the sample.

How to Write the Japanese Resume for Foreigners

Japanese resume sample

  • Basic Personal Information
  • Academic/Work History
  • Licenses or Qualifications
  • Special Skills, Self-promotion, Commuting Time, etc.
  • Space for Personal Requests

1.How to Write a Japanese Resume – Basic Personal Information

Japanese resume sample 1

1.Resume Submission Date Enter the date (year / month / day) in which you will submit your resume.

* The date of creation is OK, but if the date is more than 3 months ago, please modify it to a new date.

2.氏名 – Full Name This is the space to enter your name.

Enter your name in Hiragana at the top, next to “furigana”.

Please fill in your name at the bottom in English or Katakana.

* Since the phonetic entry (furigana) is already entered here, there is no problem if you type it in English. If you are from China or Korea, please write in Kanji.

First enter your “Last Name”, then leave a space and enter your “First Name”.

*In this template “furigana” is written in Hiragana, but in case of using a different format, “furigana” may be written in Katakana. In that case, you will have to fill it in katakana.

3.国籍 – Nationality Please enter your country of origin (nationality).

4.生年月日(年齢) – Date of birth (Age) The date of birth is written in the following format “(Year) 年/ (Month) 月/(Day)日生.”

Enter the year, month and day you were born in.

* The kanji “生” at the end means “born”. The age is written in the following format “満(Age)歳”.

Enter your age in this section. * The kanji “満” at the beginning refers to the current age.

5.性別 – Gender Choose your gender. Please circle either male (男) or female (女).

6.現住所 – Current Address Enter your current address.

<If you live in Japan> If you live in Japan, please enter your address in Japanese as much as possible.

In the case of a Japanese address, enter the reading (furigana) of the address in Hiragana at the top, and fill in the current address at the bottom in Japanese (Kanji or Katakana).

* “Furigana” is not required for the numbers of the address.

Please enter your current address in English. The upper part of the reading (furigana) is unnecessary.

7.電話 – Telephone number Enter a phone number that can be reached (ex. mobile phone number). If you live overseas, be sure to include the country code as well.

8.メールアドレス – E-mail Please enter an email address where you can be contacted.

9.連絡先 – Contact Basically, there is no need to input it, just enter “同上”.

Same as above refers to the same contents entered in 6 to 8.

For when the company contacts you, if there is no problem with the address, telephone, and e-mail address entered from 1 to 8, just write “同上”.

If you want to use an address, telephone, or e-mail address other than the stated above, enter the extra address, telephone, and/or e-mail address different from 6 to 8.

10.Photo Attach an image taken from the front (chest-up photo) within 3 months.

Don’t wear a hat, and choose a photo that shows your face from the front.

In Japan, CV photos are generally wearing a tie to make a good impression.

Photos for resumes can also be taken at photo studios and photo booths installed at most stations and other locations.

If you want to select one of the photos you have, be sure to look straight ahead and choose a photo with a bright tone that looks professional and presentable.

2.How to Write a Japanese Resume – Academic/Work History

Japanese resume sample 2

When filling in educational background, please fill in the first line with “Academic Background (学歴)”, and when filling in your work history, please enter in the first line “Work history (職歴)”.

Doing so will make it easier for HR professionals at the applied company to see where your academic and work history is written when looking at your resume.

1.学歴 – Academic Background First, write “学歴” in the center of the first line.

The academic background should be written from the second line, but it is a rule to write one before the final academic background. Final education is not the last school graduated, but the highest educational institution.

For example, if a university graduate enters a Japanese language school after graduating from university, the university has a higher standard as an educational institution, so the person should write the educational background (high school, etc.) one before the university.

Be sure to write the official school name in this field. Write down the department, and major courses. Visa acquisition and joining procedures will proceed according to the information on your resume, so please fill in correctly the enrollment date and graduation date so there is no mistake.

* If you drop out of school, write “drop out (中退)”. If you are in school, write “expected graduation (卒業見込み)”.

2.職歴 – Work History Leave one line below your educational background and write “Work history (職歴)” in the center.

Fill in the following order, starting with the company you first joined.

  • The year and month when you joined the company
  • Company name (official name)
  • Department and position title
  • Year and month when you left the company and reasons for that

In the resume, the reason for leaving the company is generally written as “Left the company for personal reasons (一身上の都合により退職)”. On the other hand, if you are currently employed, enter “Current (現在に至る)”. Then, finally, write “over (以上)” to complete this section.

There is also a space for education and work history in the upper right corner of the resume format.

If the education and work history is too large to fit on the left side of the format, please add and fill in the rest.

3.How to Write a Japanese Resume – Licenses and Qualifications

Japanese resume sample 3

Also, enter the acquisition year correctly. If you have a license or qualification that can be used in the company you want to apply for, be sure to enter it. If you do not have any licenses or qualifications, please write “None in particular (特になし)” on the first line.

4.Special Skills, Self-promotion, Commuting Time, etc.

Japanese resume sample 4

1.特技・自己PRなど – Special skills, self-PR, etc. “Special skills, self-promotion, etc.” can be an important topic of conversation in interviews. Therefore, do not leave it blank.

The details of your skills will be highlighted in your Japanese CV, so make sure your resume is brief and specific.

Also, be careful not to write anything related to criminal activities, like gambling, to avoid giving a negative impression.

2.通勤時間 – Commuting time Enter the commute time from home to work. If commuting time takes 30 minutes, enter “about 30 minutes (約30分)”. If it is 1 hour, enter “about 1 hour (約1時間)”.

If you are currently living overseas or living in a place where you cannot commute from your current address in Japan, you do not need to fill out this section.

3.扶養家族(配偶者を除く)・配偶者・配偶者の扶養義務 – Dependents (excluding spouse), spouse, spouse’s obligation to support Dependents(扶養家族) are members of a family that are supported by one’s income. The reason for listing your dependents on your resume is that the company will need to know the number of dependents when calculating income taxes and applying for social insurance such as health insurance.

In “扶養家族(配偶者を除く)”, the Dependents (excluding spouse) field, enter the number of dependents excluding the spouse.

For example, if you have a spouse and three children, or if you maintain your child with your own income, your spouse will not be counted, so the “Dependent (excluding spouse)” number will be three.

Spouses are not counted in the “Dependents (excluding spouses)” item, even if the spouse is also being supported on one’s income.

If one of the three children is already earning a living as a member of society, there will be two dependents (excluding spouse).

In the “Spouse(配偶者)” section, if you are married and have a spouse, check “Yes (有)”. And if you are not yet married and have no spouse, please mark “No (無)”.

If you want to support your spouse with your income, check the box for “Yes (有)” in the “配偶者の扶養義務(Spouse Obligation)” section. If your spouse is working and he or she is already working for a company that has social insurance, please mark “No (無)”.

If your spouse works, but does not have social insurance at the company and you need to apply for social insurance at the company where you work for your partner, check “Yes(有)”.

5.本人希望記入欄 – Space for Personal Requests

Japanese resume sample 5

However, please fill out any conditions that you consider essential at the time of the application.

It is advisable to fill out “I will comply with your company regulations (貴社規定に従います)”, since you will be able to communicate your desired conditions directly in the interview.

The resume used in Japan is quite unique, but it can be created very easily if you learn how to write it.

There are some companies that do not need a Japanese Resume when applying, but in most cases, you will need a resume when you start the paperwork for joining the company, so we recommend to be prepared when you start your job hunting.

Are you an IT engineer who wish to work in Japan?

G Talent is a global employment agency that specializes in offering jobs for international IT engineers who wish to work in Japan. On G Talent, many positions are offered by global companies that are actively hiring international engineers. If you are interested, feel free to talk to our bilingual career consultants.


*It is free! You’ll be asked to register first. It takes only 1 minute.

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    Tip #7: Go for a simple formatting. You may feel tempted to use several patterned bullet points when listing promotions on your resume but it's better to adopt simple bullet points of dots or squares. Cool bullet points can be a huge distraction, and sometimes they can also be a hindrance to readers. 🔑 Key takeaways.

  11. How to Show a Promotion on a Resume? Examples & Tips

    1. Stack Your Positions to Show Promotions on a Resume. Sometimes, after the promotion, only the job title changes, while your job responsibilities remain pretty much the same. Think of progressing from an Intern to a Junior, from a Junior to a Regular, and from a Regular to a Senior position.

  12. How to Show Promotion on Resumes for Best Results

    A promotion indicates that you are committed to continuous learning. Employers know that, over time, your skill set — and your contribution to the company — will grow, which gives the company an edge in achieving strategic goals. In addition, promoted employees typically value longevity, which reduces turnover and its associated expenses.

  13. Mastering the Art of Showcasing Promotions on your Resume

    Summary. The article "Mastering the Art of Showcasing Promotions on Your Resume" emphasizes the importance of effectively highlighting promotions to demonstrate career progression, skill development, and value to potential employers. This article was created in part with the OpenAI API and thoroughly edited and fact-checked by our editorial team.

  14. How To Write an Internal Promotion Resume Objective

    Identify your reasons for applying for the promotion and include these in your resume objective. 2. Ask about the position. When there's an internal opening in the company you work for, it may be beneficial to ask the hiring HR representative about the position. This can help you learn more about the qualifications and expectations associated ...

  15. How to Write A Resume for Career Advancement and Promotion

    Have Specific Career Goals - Know Your Next Step. Before sitting down to craft your resume and cover letter for promotion, there is prep work that needs to be completed. First and foremost, be sure to define and write down your target job. If you don't have a specific objective or career advancement plan in mind, it is very difficult to ...

  16. How to Show Off a Role Switch or Promotion on a Resume

    Here are your options for listing a promotion or multiple jobs at the same company on your resume: 1. Stack your position titles together and combine bullet points. If two or more of your jobs were very similar in nature (e.g., you were promoted from associate editor to editor, but your overall job duties pretty much stayed the same), use can ...

  17. Promotions Resume Samples

    Promotions Resume Examples & Samples. 1) Supports a strong commitment to world class customer service and ensures a pleasant and productive shopping experience for all customers. 2) Assists with the execution of all major Promotional events. 3) Coordinates "in-house" outdoor skills workshop program.

  18. Internal Promotion Resume Templates and Examples

    Here's an example of an objective statement for an internal promotion resume: Organized, dependable administrator with six years of experience at Skyline Windows and Glass. Looking to leverage deep company knowledge and industry relationships in a leadership role managing office operations. Experience.

  19. Promotion Sample Resume

    August 2016. Promoter • Orlando, Florida. Performed a study to determine the correlation between employee engagement and the cost savings from reduced absenteeism. Recruited, screened and hired an intern for the summer. Trained a new staff member on Microsoft Excel and Powerpoint. Recruited a new staff member in a diverse field and developed ...

  20. How to Write a Resume for an Internal Position (+ Examples)

    An internal resume is a resume targeted specifically to a job within your current company. If you're applying for a promotion or for a job in a new department, you will likely need to submit an internal resume. The primary focus of an internal resume is your professional experience over the course of your employment with the company.

  21. Resume With Multiple Positions & Same Company: Expert Tips

    4. Show a Time Gap of Holding Multiple Positions on a Resume. You might also find yourself in a situation of working for the same employer but with a time gap. It's less common than in both scenarios above, but leaving the company and returning to it after working somewhere else happens.

  22. Resume for an Internal Position: Samples and Guide 2024

    Read our guide, see the best examples and templates, and get the promotion! Tools. Resume Builder Create a resume in 5 minutes. Get the job you want. ... See how to wow the recruiters with our job-winning manager resume sample and start getting more calls. Business Resume Template with Examples, Skills, & Tips.

  23. How To Write a Promotional Model Resume (With Template and ...

    Review these steps to help you write an effective promotional model resume: 1. Highlight candidate requirements mentioned in the job description. Before writing a promotional model resume, review the job description to gain a better understanding of the skills, personality traits and requirements for a desired candidate.

  24. 200+ Professional Cover Letter Examples for Job Seekers

    Our list of 200+ cover letter examples is perfect for all job seekers, whether you need to write one for a specific life situation (like a career change) or you're looking for an industry-specific sample. Build My Cover Letter. Our free-to-use cover letter builder can make you a cover letter in as little as 5 minutes.

  25. How to Write a Japanese Resume (Download Template)

    Download Japanese Resume Template. First, download the template of the Japanese Resume "Rirekisho" from the button below. Download Template rirekisho_format.xlsx - 31 KB ※ Available in Microsoft Excel format. When the download is complete, open the file.