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Essays About Goals: Top 5 Examples Plus 10 Prompts

Goals could be a one-time event or a lifelong growth process. Write effectively with the help of our essays about goals and writing prompts in our guide. 

Having goals helps us have a sense of purpose. We find our determination, discipline, and strategic thinking tested to their limits. The road toward any goal, especially ambitious ones, is full of thorns and spikes. Some walk away and accept that these goals are not destined for them. Some, however, keep pressing forward, determined to achieve these goals. Gaining confidence in writing can help you achieve your goals by putting pen to paper and starting a plan.


5 Essay Examples

1.  are you goal or growth conscious by katherine beneby, 2. how to help an employee figure out their career goals by dorie clark, 3. no goals: why is it so hard to do something for enjoyment’s sake by jenny valentish, 4. get inspired: how four hikers accomplished their 2021 hiking goals by anna roth , 5. does sharing your goals on social media make you more likely to achieve them by kristan russell, 1. my goals in life, 2. travel goals, 3. the goal of forming better study habits, 4. climate goals: are we progressing, 5. importance of fitness goals, 6. fiscal policy goals, 7. failing at your goals, 8. setting lofty vs. light goals, 9. poverty reduction goals, 10. my academic goals.

“The difference between goals and growth is that goals are seasonal, while growth is lifelong. Goals focus on a destination while growth focuses on a journey.”

In this essay, the writer discusses how achieving our goals may be possible if we reframe our minds to think of them as a growth process. This essay enumerates the difficulties of achieving our objectives and offers guidance on what will help put structure in how we formulate our growth plans. You might also be interested in these essays about bad habits .

“It’s not always possible to help the people we supervise identify and work toward their career goals… [S]o when we can assist our employees in getting there, it’s a meaningful way we can make a difference in their lives and their professional success.”

As per our list of topics to write about , this essay looks at how managers must realize their critical roles in the lives of the employees they handle. Their biggest contribution to the development of their employees is helping them achieve their tasks at work while ensuring these victories lead to their broader career goals. You might also be wondering, why write goals down?

“Once, to stave off depression, I set myself the goal-tastic mission of doing something new every day for a year – from flying in a glider to blowing things up – and blogging about it. Right from day one, the sense of focus lifted my mood, and there was frankly no time to overthink.”

In this essay, the writer looks at how atelic activities, or those we do for fun, positively influence our outlook. Our goal-driven world, however, hinders us from seeing the pure joy of doing things without goals. You might be interested in these essays about dream jobs .

“Last year, she set a goal to simply go hiking at all. And she’s thrilled to have made it happen, saying it was one of the best things she could have done for herself and her family during such a challenging year.”

This writer describes points to inspire people to start hiking and to set personal fitness goals. Look no further and turn to the inspiring stories of people who have targeted to hike across states, hike for the first time, hike once a month for health purposes, and hike a hundred miles yearly. For more inspiration, check out these essays about achievement .

“Wellness gurus and fitness bloggers seem to be divided between whether sharing goals on your social media sabotages you or holds you accountable.“

This essay revolves around a nascent study that aims to see if sharing your goals on social media make them more attainable. While initial results show that those who posted made significant progress compared to people who did not post, more questions need to be explored. You might be inspired by these essays about success .

10 Prompts on Essays About Goals

In this essay, delve into your short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals. Before anything else, elaborate on what drew you to set these goals. Then, share your action plans to make them a reality. Discuss the obstacles you’ve faced and how you’ve conquered them. 

Travel goals

What is the one destination you dream of? For this essay, daydream about your travel goals. Direct that excitement and write your travel itinerary, the duration of your stay, where you will be staying, and what daring activities you will dare yourself to plunge into. You can also talk about whom you would like to be with when you fulfill your travel goals or if you prefer going solo.

It is a challenge to hit the books when we live in a world with unlimited distractions. In this topic prompt, share effective study habits to help students focus on their studies. One helpful tip, for example, is designing your environment to be conducive to a habit change. In the case of study habits, this means temporarily eliminating access to social media and other digital distractions. Cite more tips and conclude your essay with a few words of motivation.

Under the Paris Agreement , the landmark international agreement to fight climate change, countries must jointly strive to arrest global warming and cap it to 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2030. The question is: is this goal still on the table? Read recent news articles on how countries are following through on their Paris Treaty pledges. Listen to what environmentalists say about national efforts and tackle what more must be done to attain the climate goals. 

Fitness is a common new year’s resolution but try convincing your readers to start their fitness goals today. First, help your readers explore the right dietary program and workout schedule based on their daily demands. 

Then, underscore the importance of a fitness goal for gaining self-esteem and improving physical and mental health. Entice them with the idea of gaining a new exciting skill from a new workout activity and motivate them to start unlocking the fit version of themselves today. 

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, several countries recorded ballooning debts as governments spent heavily to fight the pandemic and also support struggling sectors. So first, determine whether your country is in a tight fiscal space. 

The fiscal space assessment framework created by the International Monetary Fund may help you identify the metrics and data to gather. Then, shed light on your government’s fiscal policy goals to address debt while spending in sectors that guarantee an economy’s long-term health, such as education and social services. 

How do people receive failures? Write about people’s attitudes and actions when they fail at their goals. Can people develop depression, and how can they recover from the fall? Try to answer these and share your experience of failing at your goals. 

Ask yourself: How did you move forward after that? Then, share your opinions on whether a failure signifies that it would be best for someone to find a new goal altogether or try again with stronger determination and a better-calculated strategy. 

Which is better: aiming for a lofty goal that opens risks of failure, which many fear, or light goals that might do little in stretching out your potential? Answer this by listing the pros and cons of each. Then help readers strike the optimum balance between a loft or light goal. Cite examples of lofty and light goals to help your readers better differentiate the two.

For this essay, take a deep dive into the poverty reduction efforts of your government. First, give an overview of an ongoing flagship poverty reduction program and uncover its outcomes since its implementation. Read through government reports about the breakthrough goals of the program and which ones are gaining momentum. 

Then, look at the other side of the fence by listening to what critics say about the program. Take note of their laments about bottlenecks in the program and what more can be done to attain poverty reduction goals swiftly. 

My academic goals

Start with a descriptive paragraph detailing your academic goals. Writing about it vividly, as though it is the reality, is a creative way to show readers how much you have played out the scenarios of success in your head while helping your readers fully understand your goals. Then snap back to reality and discuss your action plan to realize these goals.

For related topics, you may check our essays about dreams in life . Don’t forget to proofread your essay with the best grammar checkers .


Essay on My Future Goals In Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Future Goals In Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Future Goals In Life

My educational goals.

I aim to finish school with good grades. This means working hard and studying well. I want to understand what I am taught, not just remember it for exams. Learning should be fun, and I plan to enjoy finding out new things.

My Career Ambition

After school, I wish to have a job that I love. I am not sure what it will be yet, but I want to help people and make a difference. It’s important to me that my work feels meaningful.

Personal Development

I also plan to keep improving myself. I want to be kind, patient, and a good friend. Reading books, playing sports, and traveling will help me grow. I will strive to be healthy and happy.

Community Service

Lastly, I hope to give back to my community. Volunteering at local places like libraries or shelters is something I look forward to. I believe even small actions can make a big impact.

250 Words Essay on My Future Goals In Life

My dream job, helping my community.

Another important goal for my future is to help my community. I want to do things like clean up parks and help people who do not have homes or enough food. It feels good to help others, and I want to do my part to make my town a better place for everyone.

Staying Healthy

Staying healthy is also a big goal for me. I plan to eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables and to exercise by playing sports or going for runs. Being healthy will help me have the energy to reach my other goals.

Learning Every Day

My last goal is to keep learning new things all my life. I want to read lots of books and maybe even travel to different countries to learn about other cultures. The world is full of interesting things, and I want to know as much as I can.

In conclusion, my future goals are to become a teacher, help my community, stay healthy, and keep learning. These goals will make me happy and will be good for the people around me too.

500 Words Essay on My Future Goals In Life

Introduction to my future goals.

Everyone has dreams about what they want to do in the future. I am no different. I have many goals that I want to reach as I grow up. These goals help me stay focused and work hard. In this essay, I will share some of my future goals in life.

Education Goals

Career goals.

After finishing college, I want to have a job that I love. I am not sure what job that will be yet, but I know I want it to be something that makes me happy and helps other people. Maybe I will be a teacher, a doctor, or an engineer. No matter what, I want to work hard and be good at what I do. I also want to keep learning new things even when I am working. This will help me do my job better.

Health and Fitness Goals

Being healthy is also one of my goals. I want to eat healthy foods and exercise regularly. Playing sports, going for walks, and riding my bike are fun ways to stay fit. Being healthy will help me have the energy to reach my other goals. I also want to learn how to cook healthy meals. This way, I can take care of my body and feel good every day.

Personal Goals

Travel goals.

I love to see new places and learn about different cultures. So, one of my goals is to travel. I don’t need to go far. Even exploring new places in my own country is exciting. Traveling helps me understand the world better and meet new people.

Conclusion: Staying Positive and Working Hard

To reach all these goals, I know I need to stay positive and work hard. Sometimes things might be tough, but I will keep trying. I will also ask for help when I need it. Teachers, family, and friends can all help me stay on track. I am excited for the future and all the things I will learn and do. These goals are like a map for my life, and I am ready to follow it.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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Essay Samples on Life Goals

My vision and mission in life: the purpose of my journey.

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Examining How Goal Setting is Important for Success

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Charting a Path to Success: My Goals for the Future

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Interpersonal Relationships in Workplace: SMART Connecting Goals

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Why Is Setting A Goal Important

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The Motivation to Propose Career Goals

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Establishing Short Term And Long Term Life Goals

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The Reasons Why I Would Make A Good Army Officer

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Reasons Why Should I Be In National Honor Society

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Importance Of Hard Work In Your Success

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Having A Goal In Life: The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

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Perseverance Is The Key To Life

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The Soncept of a Personal Legend in The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

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My Passion To Mathematics Studies

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You Should Define Your Fears Instead Of Your Goals

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A Seed That Turns Into A Dream

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Importance Of Perseverance In Reaching Your Life Goals

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Three Key Aspects Of Success For Your Life Goals

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Best topics on Life Goals

1. My Vision and Mission in Life: the Purpose of My Journey

2. Examining How Goal Setting is Important for Success

3. Charting a Path to Success: My Goals for the Future

4. Interpersonal Relationships in Workplace: SMART Connecting Goals

5. How Can Learning English Help to Reach Success

6. How to Define Success in Life: My Definition of Success

7. Why Is Setting A Goal Important

8. Grit Does the Same Thing Being a Compass

9. Career Justification, Future Personal and Skill Development

10. The Motivation to Propose Career Goals

11. The Evolution Of The American Dream Over Time: Then And Now

12. Defining What We Want: Short Term And Long Term Goals

13. Establishing Short Term And Long Term Life Goals

14. The Reasons Why I Would Make A Good Army Officer

15. Reasons Why Should I Be In National Honor Society

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Life Goals Essay Examples

Why is it important to have a good financial condition and set goals.

The 21st century is in many aspects driven by the ability of individuals to plan for their life and set goals that project to their success. Every individual is considered responsible for their future. Consequently, planning for one’s life involves their ability to project their...

How I Am Going to Accomplish My Goals

My lifetime goals are divided into two categories mid term, and long term. Mid term, within two to five years, I plan on learning as much as I can about starting and managing a business. I would also like to learn as much as possible...

My Goal to Earn a Computer Science Degree

The world of computers is advancing at an uncontrollable rate every single day. Computers play a huge role in our lives because they are virtually in everything we use and touch on a day to day basis. Computer Science has had an exponential growth in...

The Importance of Having a Purpose in Life

Every human exists in the world live with their own reason. In order to fulfil their own meanings, people must have a purpose to serve as their guide in life, giving them a reason to live their lives. Said guide may very well be a...

The Significance of Setting Goals

It’s significant to set goals because they assistance us in believing in who we are. Goal setting isn’t just about planning for our future and counting ourselves responsible. It is about giving someone the motivation they need to aim for things that they want in...

What Motivates You in Life - the Biggest Dreams

I will excel in my studies throughout my college education to ensure the fulfillment of my dream to be a leader in the industry of eco-friendly products and goods. I chose to write what motivates you in life essay to show what can be motivation...

Never Give Up: Review of 'The Goal' by Eliyahu Goldratt

In Never Give Up essay I am going to summarise and review the book ‘The Goal’ is centered on Alex Rogo, who is a manager at one of the UniCo plants.  This book explains the path that Alex has to take in order to prevent...

Defining Your Priorities: a Reflection on Self-discovery

To have a pleasant life, creating strong relationships and achieving your dreams, there is a need to copy nature's blueprint. There are many things screaming for your attention but you can only focus on a few at a time. As the sun never shows up...

Disclosure of How Do You Plan to Achieve Your Goals

Setting goals is an essential part of personal and professional development. However, achieving those goals requires a plan of action. "How do you plan to achieve your goals?" was the question that has motivated me to write this essay which outline my approach to planning...

My Aims and Goals in Life Define My Future Success

As I navigate through life, I have set myself several aims and goals that I aspire to achieve. These objectives are not only meant to provide me with direction, but also to ensure that I lead a fulfilling and purposeful life. In "My aims and...

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