sydney university phd economics

PhD in Economics

The PhD program in Economics is offered by the Research School of Economics (RSE), and caters to candidates of the highest academic ambition. RSE offers a diverse and stimulating intellectual environment, attracting candidates as well as faculty from all over the world. The School values open academic discourse, encourages collaboration, and is continuously searching for ideas that push and shift the research frontier. Our world-class faculty teach, supervise and support candidates on their journeys to become thought leaders in academia, government, national and international research institutions, think tanks, and business.

CRICOS #: 048345A

Duration: 2 to 4 years full time (4 to 8 years part time)

Before you submit an application for entry to the program, you should:

  • ensure you meet the admission requirements outlined below.
  • identify potential supervisors – that is, one or two academic economists at ANU who conduct research in your area of interest.

You can find information on researchers and their research areas in the  ANU researchers database  and  RSE staff directory .

While other ANU schools may recommend contacting potential supervisors before submitting an application,  this is not required  for entry into RSE’s PhD program. Instead, you only need to list the name(s) of potential supervisors in your online application form.

Potential supervisors cannot guarantee entry into the PhD program. Admission will depend on the strength of your application relative to others in the pool.

After you’ve completed the steps above, you can proceed with an  online application .

Application deadlines

The first semester of the ANU academic year starts in February, and the second semester starts in July. In general, successful applicants will start their PhD program with RSE in Semester 1 of the following year. While all applications for first semester entry must be submitted  before 31 October,  international applicants wishing to be considered for an  ANU scholarship  should submit their applications  before   31 August .

To be considered for a scholarship, your application must be accompanied by all the supporting documents listed below, including the referee reports. Request for referee reports are triggered and sent to your nominated referees at the time of submission of program application. It is thus important that you submit your application in advance (2-3 weeks) to allow time for your referees to provide their reports prior to the scholarship deadline.

If you’re currently completing an academic degree and haven’t yet received your final results and transcript, you should still submit all available documents before the deadline, and forward remaining results once you receive them. We won’t make a final decision on your application until we’ve received all the required documents.

If you’re admitted to the program, you’ll be expected to attend the pre-PhD summer course, Mathematical Techniques for Advanced Economic Analysis, which is offered during January and February, before the start of the semester.

Due to the sequencing of the coursework required for our PhD program, we’ll only consider applications for entry in the second semester (starting in July) if you have completed the ANU Master of Economics, or if you have a strong background in mathematical and statistical techniques.

ANU Master of Economics students interested in applying for entry into our PhD program should discuss their applications with the RSE Masters convenor  after completing the first year of the Master coursework ). All applications for entry in Semester 2 must be submitted  before  31 March .

The admission requirements for the PhD program in Economics reflect the advanced knowledge in economics that candidates will need to undertake the coursework component of the degree, and the research experience and skills needed to successfully undertake and complete the research thesis.

The minimum qualification requirement for admission to the PhD program in Economics is:

  • a Bachelor degree with First Class Honours or Second Class Honours Division A in economics from an approved university, or
  • a Bachelor degree with First Class Honours or Second Class Honours Division A in mathematics and/or statistics from an approved university, which includes a major or equivalent in economics, and a final grade at least of distinction in a third-year economics course, or
  • an ANU Master of Economics, or an equivalent postgraduate qualification  in economics  from an approved university, with results that the convenor deems to be at least equivalent to Second Class Honours Division A at ANU.

Additionally, you will have to show evidence of your:

  • advanced knowledge of microeconomic theory, macroeconomic theory and econometrics
  • adequate background in mathematical methods and mathematical economics (at a minimum, at the level of the book  Mathematics for Economists  by Simon and Blume)
  • research experience, e.g. in the form of an honours or Master thesis or research project, at a standard equivalent to a Second Class Honours Division A degree.

Admission to the PhD program in Economics is competitive and we can only admit a limited number of applicants each year. Meeting the minimum entry requirements does not guarantee you a place in the program.

If you don’t satisfy the eligibility criteria, or if you have the required qualifications but would prefer to have a refresher before applying to enter the PhD program, you can choose to first complete the  Master of Economics .

English language requirements

All applicants must satisfy the University’s  English language admission requirements . An international applicant who is not a native English speaker may satisfy these requirements by submitting evidence of an  IELTS  overall score of at least 6.5, and with no component less than 6.0, or a paper-based  TOEFL  score of at least 570, with at least 4.5 in the essay component.

Application and supporting documentation

You must submit your application online via the  ANU Application Manager .

In addition to the standard information required in the online application, you must submit the following supporting documents as part of your application:

  • transcripts from previous study
  • a brief research proposal that outlines your proposed area of research and the questions that you plan to address as part of your PhD thesis – see guidelines on how to  prepare a persuasive research proposal
  • a copy of your honours or Master thesis
  • details about your previous study in economics (e.g. course outlines of advanced economic theory and econometrics courses taken, including details of textbooks used)
  • official  TOEFL  or  IELTS  results (where applicable) to demonstrate that you satisfy the University’s  English language requirements
  • nomination of three referees. A referee report form will automatically be sent to the referees you list in your online application. Your application will be complete and ready for assessment once we receive all documents, including referee reports.

GRE requirement

As part of your application, you must also submit your  GRE General Test  results. The GRE  designated   institution code  for the  ANU College of Business and Economics  is  7833 . You should use this code to submit your official GRE results.

You’re exempt from the GRE requirement if you’ve already completed some of the coursework required for the PhD as part of an ANU Master of Economics or ANU Honours in Economics degree. Similarly, you’re exempt if you’ve completed an Honours in Economics degree from an Australian or New Zealand university, but we encourage you to provide GRE results to improve your chances of admission and scholarship support.

Offers of admission

The HDR (higher degree by research) convenor will review all complete applications submitted by the relevant deadline.

If your application is short-listed, you may be required to attend an interview (face to face or online).

We may send you an offer of admission if you satisfy the eligibility criteria and your area of interest matches those of RSE academics with supervisory capacity. However, since admission is competitive and supervisory capacity is limited, we won’t send any offers of admission until  after the relevant application deadline , irrespective of the date when you submit your application.

The PhD program in Economics consists of two components –  coursework  and  research .

Candidates undertake the research component after successfully completing the required coursework.

PhD coursework component

Pre-phd course.

All admitted candidates are expected to arrive in Canberra four to six weeks before the beginning of the semester and attend the pre-PhD course in Mathematical Techniques for Advanced Economic Analysis.

Candidates undertaking a PhD are normally required to successfully complete eight semester-length courses (including five compulsory courses) over two consecutive semesters of full-time study. Candidates holding the ANU Master of Economics degree may be exempt from part of the coursework requirement, at the discretion of the HDR convenor.

The coursework for the PhD in Economics consists of:

  • ECON8011  Microeconomic Theory
  • ECON8022  Macroeconomic Theory (Master)
  • EMET8014  Advanced Econometrics I
  • ECON8021  Topics in Microeconomic Theory
  • ECON8001  Topics in Macroeconomics
  • EMET8008  Advanced Econometrics II
  • ECON8053  Game Theory
  • ECON8076  Topics in Game Theory
  • ECON8080  Advanced Behavioral Economics
  • ECON8050  Economic Growth 
  • ECON8009  International Monetary Economics
  • ECON8070  Political Economy of Macroeconomic Policy
  • ECON8014  Computational Methods in Economics
  • EMET8001  Applied Micro-Econometrics
  • EMET8010  Applied Macro and Financial Econometrics
  • EMET8012  Business and Economic Forecasting
  • MATH6110  Analysis 1: Metric Spaces and Applications
  • MATH6212  Analysis 2: Lebesgue Integration and Hilbert Spaces
  • MATH6214  Advanced Functional Analysis, Spectral Theory and Applications
  • ECON8002  Applied Welfare Economics
  • ECON8003  Economic Policy Issues
  • ECON8010  The Economics of Taxation and Redistribution
  • ECON8034  Public Sector Economics
  • ECON8041  Labour Economics and Industrial Relations
  • ECON8039  Health Economics
  • ECON8037  Financial Economics
  • ECON8038  Industrial Organisation
  • ECON8047  Law and Economics
  • ECON8040  Resource and Environmental Economics
  • ECON8015  International Economics
  • ECON8006  International Trade Theory

PhD research component

Upon successful completion of the compulsory courses and electives, PhD candidates proceed to the research component of their program. PhD candidates with two or more fails in their coursework cannot proceed to the research component.

The research component normally takes 36 months of full-time research. During this time, candidates write their thesis.

In each of the three years of research (when studying full-time), each candidate is expected to present their research at one of the  seminars run by RSE .

Research supervisory panel

When a PhD candidate is admitted to the program, a provisional supervisor – usually the HDR convenor – oversees the candidate’s progress until a primary supervisor is appointed. The Director of the School and the HDR convenor determine the primary supervisor and supervisory panel in consultation with the candidates.

Sometimes candidates change their topic, and this could necessitate changes in the supervisory panel. These changes are coordinated by the primary supervisor or the HDR convenor. All supervisory changes have to be approved by the convenor of the program and the Delegated Authority in accordance with ANU HDR policies and procedures.

RSE research seminar program

The RSE  research seminar series  consists of weekly seminars presented by national and international researchers. PhD candidates are expected to attend and participate regularly in the seminars throughout their candidature. Beginning with their thesis proposal review, candidates are also expected to present in the seminar series at least once every year.

Research integrity training

Within three to six months of enrolment, all PhD candidates must complete the  Research Integrity Training  and pass the exam. Completion of this course and exam is a compulsory milestone for all PhD candidates.

Thesis proposal review

In their second year of study, PhD candidates must submit a thesis proposal for review by their supervisory panel. The purpose of the review is to assess the originality, significance, adequacy and achievability of the candidate’s thesis plan.

The candidate generally submits their thesis proposal in conjunction with their first seminar presentation. The proposal includes a description of the research to be undertaken in the thesis, and a summary of the thesis structure and time plan. Successful completion of the thesis proposal review is required to continue in the program.

Annual progress review

It is University policy that each candidate’s progress be reviewed periodically. In each year of their program, PhD candidates are required to submit an  annual plan and report  as a basis for periodic progress review. This document provides details on work completed by the candidate since the previous review, current progress, and any problems that may impact their research. It also outlines the coursework and research the candidate intends to undertake in the following 12 months.

Oral Presentation

In their final year, candidates are required to give a final  oral presentation  on their research, usually three months before submitting their thesis.

Read more about  research candidate milestones .

Thesis submission and examination

The culmination of the PhD in Economics is a written thesis which, upon completion, is submitted for examination. The thesis is examined by two or three experts in the relevant field.

The PhD degree is awarded on the basis of the examination of the thesis. The examiners would be aware that the candidate has completed coursework requirements, but the level of performance in coursework is not taken into account in examining the candidate’s thesis for the award of the degree.

For more information on the process, visit our page on  submitting a thesis .

For information about scholarships available to HDR candidates, visit our page on  scholarships and fees .

Read details of some of our alumni’s recent  job placements .

A list of current PhD candidates in Economics is available on the RSE website .

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Economic Analysis

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The Economic Analysis program is designed for students with a strong background in economics or mathematics, or professionals requiring high-level training in economic theory and applications. It is also suitable for students seeking a stepping stone towards a PhD in economics. These programs teach the skills to analyse real-world matters, from public policy to financial markets and the drivers of economic development. The Master of Economic Analysis includes core and elective study alongside a two-semester research dissertation. With innovative instruction in cutting-edge economic theory and applications, it is a challenging graduate program in economics for highly-focused students. You will learn methods of economic modelling and the art and science of working with data using sophisticated tools, and use these tools to produce independent research.

Awards and Requirements

Please refer to the course rules in this handbook for information on the specific admission requirements for different coursework award courses. Master of Economic Analysis Candidates for the Master of Economic Analysis must complete 72 credit points including:

  • 24 credit points from core units of study
  • A minimum of 24 credit points from selective units of study
  • A maximum of 12 credit points from elective units of study
  • 12 credit points of capstone units of study

Graduate Diploma in Economic Analysis Candidates for the Graduate Diploma in Economic Analysis must complete 48 credit points including:

  • 24 credit points of core units of study
  • A minimum of 12 credit points from selective units of study

Graduate Certificate in Economic Analysis Candidates for the Graduate Certificate in Economic Analysis must complete 24 credit points including:

Learning outcomes

By completion of the Master of Economic Analysis, a studnet will be able to:

No. Learning outcome
1 Demonstrate a comprehensive and technical understanding of advanced concepts in economics and econometrics.
2 Demonstrate an understanding of high level technical issues that arise when analysing and interpreting economic and financial data, and an understanding of and ability to implement potential solutions.
3 Demonstrate the ability to communicate high level economic reasoning and research results effectively to a variety of audiences, including partner organisations and peers from other disciplines.
4 Apply high level economic reasoning in a rigorous manner to an authentic economic, policy, or business problem.
5 Develop and carry out work with other disciplinary experts and jointly deliver an effective analysis and solution to a real-world problem or issue.
6 Demonstrate skills in inventive and ethical research, critical thinking and the analysis of complex disciplinary problems.

Contacts and further information

© 2002-2024 The University of Sydney. Last Updated:  20-Jan-2022

ABN:  15 211 513 464. CRICOS Number:  00026A. Phone:  +61 2 9351 2222.

Authorised by:  Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education).

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  • International

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Eu mi bibendum neque egestas congue quisque egestas. Varius morbi enim nunc faucibus a pellentesque. Scelerisque eleifend donec pretium vulputate sapien nec sagittis.

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree provides training and education with the objective of producing graduates with the capacity to conduct research independently at a high level of originality and quality. A PhD candidate will uncover new knowledge either by the discovery of new facts, the formulation of theories or the innovative re-interpretation of known data and established ideas.

Full Time: 3 Years (Available Part Time)*

Next Start Date

16 September 2024

06 January 2025

31 March 2025

23 June 2025

End of Session

Indicative annual fee from $11,885

Additional Information

Program Code: PhD

CRICOS Code: 050330A


Research at Western

The award of a PhD is a recognition of successful research experience of international standard in the discipline.

Doctorates are completed within 3 years full-time candidature, with a maximum enrolment of four years full time, or part-time equivalent.

Candidates undertake their independent research under the expert guidance of a panel of supervisors.

Note: Applications for research programs are accepted at any time with successful candidates commencing on a quarterly intake basis. Available Research Projects:  You can browse a list of currently available research projects to get you started with finding a supervisor and preparing a research proposal.

sydney university phd economics

Elevate Your Career

With a postgraduate degree from Western you can elevate your career. Expand your knowledge, develop new networks and enhance your career prospects with us.

Female student on campus outdoors with a black top

What you can expect to study

The program structure is outlined in our handbook . Here you can view all of the subjects you will be studying.

Career Opportunities

As a Doctor of Philosophy graduate, you can look forward to career opportunities in settings such as:

  • Academia, industry, government and non-government organisations
  • Scientific research
  • Specialist consultancy
  • Research management
  • Executive-level management

Entry requirements for domestic students

Please consult the handbook for more information regarding entry requirements for this course.

You can read more about special requirements here.

Entry requirements for international students

**Please note, if this course lists a part-time option, this is not available to International Students on a Student Visa.

You can read more about  international academic entry requirements here.

Indicative annual fee

The fee estimates provided are indicative only and subject to change. These estimates are based on the current fee structures for a normal full time study load. However, the final fees may vary depending on several factors, including the specific subjects chosen, the duration and timing of study, and annual fee adjustments (subject to Commonwealth student contribution band rates). Please note that these estimates do not include the Student Services and Amenities Fee. We encourage all prospective and current students to consult with our  Student Services Hub  for the most current fee information.

As a multi-campus institution, Western Sydney University and its entities reserves the right to alter the location of its programs between campuses and other locations as necessary.

Apply as a Domestic Student

You should refer to the  Higher Degree Research Fees page  for information about tuition fees for this program. If you are a domestic student, you can apply through our Western Application system which is free of charge.

Domestic students are:

  • Australian Citizens
  • New Zealand Citizens
  • Australian permanent residents
  • Australian permanent humanitarian visa holders

Apply as an International Student

You should refer to the  Higher Degree Research Fees page  for information about tuition fees for this program.

We have compiled a list of answers to some of the most common enquiries regarding Higher Degree Research, as well as information around fees.

Want to know more?

We're here to provide clarity. If you're uncertain about your study journey, enquire about our program today and gain the confidence to move forward.if you have any further questions or would like to know more, please  submit your enquiry here.  For more information visit the  Higher Degree Research Knowledge Directory. 

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The fee estimates provided are indicative only and subject to change. These estimates are based on the current fee structures for a normal full time study load. However, the final fees may vary depending on several factors, including the specific subjects chosen, the duration and timing of study, and annual fee adjustments (subject to Commonwealth student contribution band rates). Please note that these estimates do not include the Student Services and Amenities Fee. We encourage all prospective and current students to consult with our Student Services Hub for the most current fee information.

Graduation List Summer 2024

Congratulations to the 279 North Dakota State University students who earned places on the summer 2024 graduation list.

Use the links below to view the names of students who graduated. Students are listed by hometown, along with their major and degree received.

An asterisk indicates students who graduated with honors. A student must earn a 3.50 grade point average or higher to graduate with honors.

Degree abbreviations: BA - Bachelor of Arts BFA - Bachelor of Fine Arts BMUS - Bachelor of Music BS - Bachelor of Science BSCONSM - Bachelor of Science in Construction Management BSIEMGT - Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management BSME - Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering BUS - Bachelor of University Studies DMA - Doctor of Musical Arts DNP1 - Doctor of Nursing Practice MA - Master of Arts MACC - Master of Accountancy MARCH - Master of Architecture MBA - Master of Business Administration MEDUCAT - Master of Education MM - Master of Music MNRM - Master of Natural Resources Management MPH - Master of Public Health MPHEPI - Master of Public Health in Epidemiology MS - Master of Science MSCM - Master of Supply Chain Management MSE - Master of Software Engineering MTUS - Master of Transportation & Urban Systems PHARMD - Doctor of Pharmacy PHD - Doctor of Philosophy 

Honor codes: * Cum Laude (3.50-3.69) ** Magna Cum Laude (3.70-3.89) *** Summa Cum Laude (3.90-4.00)

North Dakota

Other states, other countries, unknown hometowns.

Monson, Miah  Argusville BS Psychology
**Zins, Megan  Baldwin BS Veterinary Technology
***Schmidt, ChristiAnna  Beulah BS Strategic Communication
Haman, Rayne  Bismarck BS Biological Sciences
Lewis, Brandon  Bismarck MS Health, Nutrition And Exercise Science
Meschke, Grace Maquel Bismarck BS Marketing
Robinson, Grace  Bismarck BS Human Development and Family Science
*Schepp, Jacob Jay Bismarck BS Pharmaceutical Sciences
Stankiewicz, Indigo Hailey Bismarck BS Human Development and Family Science
Zimmerman, Derek  Bismarck BS Marketing
Schepp, Dawson  Bottineau BS Business Administration
Longtin, Ty Henry Cavalier BS Precision Agriculture Technology & Management
*McCarthy, Alivia  Devils Lake BS Veterinary Technology
*Kubas, Abbigail  Dickinson BS Apparel, Retail Merchandising and Design
Abdala, Sabrina  Fargo BS Business Administration
Al Zenad, Lojain  Fargo BS Radiologic Sciences
Alian, Shadi Mustafa Fargo PHD Computer Science
Amb, August  Fargo BS Physics
Anderson, Jacob  Fargo BSMFE Manufacturing Engineering
Asare, Bismark Kwaku Fargo MPP Public Policy
Balvitsch, Isaac  Fargo BS Business Administration
Beddel, Lucky  Fargo BS Business Administration
Betitame, Kelvin  Fargo PHD Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Campbell, Mara Madelyn Fargo DMA Music
Chadwick, John Carlson Fargo BS Economics
Christianson, Kaitlyn  Fargo BS History
Feir, Richard Isaac Fargo MS Agribusiness and Applied Economics
Foli, Trent  Fargo BSCONSM Construction Management
Goodman, Crystal Sade Fargo MPP Public Policy
Grieger, Krystal Dawn Fargo PHD Discipline-Based Education Research
Hall, Allison  Fargo BS Business Administration
Hazer, Kelsi  Fargo BS Psychology
Hendawi, Rasha Atef Fargo PHD Software and Security Engineering
**Herzog, Wyatt  Fargo BS Accounting
Hoppe, Aaron Robert Fargo PHD Plant Sciences
Johnson, Parker  Fargo BS Business Administration
Johnston, Hayden  Fargo BS Business Administration
Joyce, Steven Thomas Fargo BUS University Studies
***Kieser, Jacob  Fargo BS Exercise Science
Krupich, Jack Anthony Fargo BSME Mechanical Engineering
Lech, Abby  Fargo BS Pharmaceutical Sciences
Mensah, Bright  Fargo MS Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Morales, Mario Andres Fargo PHD Genomics, Phenomics and Bioinformatics
***Morrison, Caitlyn  Fargo BS Emergency Management
Nguyen, Briana Laurianna Fargo BS Microbiology
Nixon, Lydia Catherine Olson Fargo PHD Biological Sciences
Olson, Matt S Fargo BS Emergency Management
Oriental, Legonne  Fargo BUS University Studies
Osei-Mainoo, Anansa Schatzi Fargo BS Radiologic Sciences
Pierce, Ashley Nicole Fargo BUS University Studies
**Rasuleva, Dilorom  Fargo BS Biological Sciences
Reuter, Chase Rick Fargo PHD Mathematics
Schirrick, Benjamin D.P. Fargo BS Geology
***Schoenecker, Audrey Nichole Fargo BFA Art
Schopp, Morgan Marie Fargo BS Radiologic Sciences
Soetan, Kehinde Temitayo Fargo MA English
*Solberg, Ana Lauren Fargo BS Political Science
Stanton, Faye Ann Fargo BS Equine Science
Trites, Andrew Cole Flan Fargo BUS University Studies
**Wiebusch, Sydney Marie Fargo BS Veterinary Technology
Wieers, Katie  Fargo BS Veterinary Technology
Wyatt, Samuel Reid Fargo PHD Biochemistry
Zhao, Yang  Fargo BS Pharmaceutical Sciences
*Dornacker, Cassandra Lynn Garrison BS Criminal Justice
*Jennings, Ilise  Garrison BUS University Studies
Dusek, Logan  Grafton BS Computer Science
Shelstad, Brooke  Grand Forks MEDUCAT Education
Foertsch, Aaliyah Marie Hankinson BS Radiologic Sciences
Longthorne, Ezra Mark Hillsboro BS Psychology
Burnham, Tyler Allen Jamestown BS Marketing
**Svanes, Olivia J Kintyre BA History
Hebl, Allie  Lamoure BS Pharmaceutical Sciences
Heider, Jillian Marie Larimore BS Biological Sciences
Meyer, Madison Ann Leonard BS Natural Resources Management
**Langhoff, Chynna R Lisbon BFA Art
Entzi, Courtney Jaye Mandan MPP Public Policy
*Nicholson, Zachary Thomas Mandan BS Veterinary Technology
Fike, Kylee  Mayville BS Hospitality and Event Management
*Ripplinger, Baleigh Elizabeth Mcclusky BS Radiologic Sciences
Larsen, Brandt  Milnor BS Precision Agriculture Technology & Management
Sears, Madyson  Minnewaukan BS Marketing
Buck, Denver  Minot BS Finance
*Lemar, Paige  Minot BS Veterinary Technology
Newell, Shawna  Minot BUS University Studies
Aasand, Regan  Plaza MEDUCAT Education
Anderson, Erin Marie Rogers BS Radiologic Sciences
Savelkoul, Autumn Faith Sherwood BS Human Development and Family Science
Biegler, Morgan  Steele BS Accounting
Marcellus, Rose-Marline  Valley City MA Communication
Christianson, Robin Marlys Wahpeton MS Human Development and Family Science
Dahlgren, Joseph  Wahpeton PHD Coatings and Polymeric Materials
Smith, Kat  Wahpeton MEDUCAT Education
Stelzer, Monique Anna Wahpeton MEDUCAT Extension Education
Hanson, Forrest J. Webster MS Plant Sciences
**Arvidson, Ty Michael West Fargo BS Business Administration
Bergseth, Zachary  West Fargo PHD Coatings and Polymeric Materials
Blotske, Carter Ray West Fargo BS Business Administration
Dietz, Emily  West Fargo MA Communication
Lamp, Molly  West Fargo BS Management
Muller Dahlberg, Terrijann  West Fargo PHD Counselor Education and Supervision
**Pringle, Hope Abrielle West Fargo BUS University Studies
Stremick, Kendra  West Fargo BS Biological Sciences
***Yuan, Yiqi  West Fargo BS Apparel, Retail Merchandising and Design
Klemetsrud, Katherine  Wishek MEDUCAT Educational Leadership
Croonquist, Hunter  Alexandria BUS University Studies
***Feldhake, Kyle Anthony Alexandria BS Political Science
Gould, Courtney M Alexandria BS Radiologic Sciences
**Ramseier, Aaron  Andover BSEE Electrical Engineering
Riola, Julia  Andover BS Environmental Design
Williams, Mckenna Jean Ashby BS Biological Sciences
Votava, Natalie  Barnesville BS Radiologic Sciences
Hassett, Aaron T Barnum BUS University Studies
Hietala, Carter  Becker BS Business Administration
Ponting, Brady John Big Lake BS Business Administration
Prill, Jayden H Braham BSCONSM Construction Management
McFarlin, Hollie  Brainerd BSCONSM Construction Management
Jacobson, Jonathon  Buffalo BS Management Information Systems
Johnson, Erin  Cedar BS Radiologic Sciences
***Okeson, Jessa  Cold Spring BS Business Administration
*Abel, Sara Amanda Columbia Heights BS Veterinary Technology
Nelson, Sabrina Marie Corcoran BS Emergency Management
Kallies, Olivia  Cottage Grove MS Human Development and Family Science
Buss, Caden  Crookston BSCE Civil Engineering
***Carlsen, Sophia Kathryn Cyrus BS Business Administration
Metzenhuber, Breanna  Deer River BS Veterinary Technology
Edvall, Tyler Darrell Detroit Lakes MS Horticulture
Birkholz, Samuel A Dilworth PHD Psychology
Haberer, Emma  Elbow Lake BS Veterinary Technology
Herrboldt, Andrew Parker Elk River BSIEMGT Industrial Engineering and Management
*Evanger, Makayla Dawn Farmington BS Radiologic Sciences
Leitch, Bret Tyler Fergus Falls BS Accounting
Berg, Baillee M Foreston BS Human Development and Family Science
Wills, Isabel  Fort Ripley BS Mathematics
Balstad, Katlyn  Fosston MS Environmental and Conservation Sciences
Lange, Jonah  Frazee MS Health, Nutrition And Exercise Science
*Holtberg, Ella  Glenwood BS Human Development and Family Science
Troumbly, Benjamin  Grand Rapids BS Finance
Freese, Tyler  Ham Lake BSARCH Architecture
Van Hatten, Anna  Hastings BS Apparel, Retail Merchandising and Design
*Sellin, Reagan  Hawley BS Management
Ronquist, Rachel  Hermantown BS Radiologic Sciences
Brousseau, Brianna Gayle Hutchinson BS Psychology
Wilson, Preston  Kasson MS Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
*Geolat, Amber  Lake City BS Business Administration
Solum, Samantha Taylor Lake Park BS Business Administration
Ferris, Cutler Alexander Lakeville BSCONSM Construction Management
Fitzgerald, Carah  Lino Lakes BS Psychology
Serie, Brady  Mantorville BSABENG Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Grant, Noah Steven Maple Grove BSCONSM Construction Management
Pickett, Paula  Maple Grove MS Mechanical Engineering
*Dahlman, Terra  Maple Lake BS English
***Gabel, Kayden  Marble BS Biological Sciences
*Pfremmer, Angelica  Melrose BS Strategic Communication
***DiNardo, Michael J Minneapolis BS Radiologic Sciences
Jones, Shyanna  Minneapolis BSEE Electrical Engineering
*Paulson, Chris  Minnetonka BS Criminal Justice
*Shelstad, Michael  Minnetonka BS Business Administration
**Christoffers, Bethany  Moorhead BS Biological Sciences
Kanipe, Stephanie  Moorhead BS Human Development and Family Science
Ronning, Angelina Hope Moorhead BS Veterinary Technology
Sculthorp-Skrei, Stephanie  Moorhead BS Political Science
Sharma, Kshitij  Moorhead PHD Transportation and Supply Chain
Walz, Adam Timothy Moorhead MS Plant Sciences
Lo, Anjolie  New Brighton BFA Theatre Arts
**Fuchs, Isaac G New London BS Business Administration
Wilson, Jacob  New Prague BS Radiologic Sciences
Yang, Jessica  Otsego BS Health Services
Rowland, Joseph  Park Rapids BSME Mechanical Engineering
***Spanier, Aubrie  Paynesville BS Accounting
*Holzer, Logan  Perham BSARCH Architecture
Guida, Sydney Lynn Prior Lake BS Business Administration
Spah, Jared  Ramsey BS Business Administration
Averill, Marcy Lynn Rochester MPH Public Health
*Coppock, Kylie Alisha Rochester BS Strategic Communication
Melquist, Jackson Alexander Rogers BS Marketing
Reader, Alex Ryan Saint Bonifacius BSCONSM Construction Management
Harken, Isaiah Michael Saint Michael BS History
Sikorski, Mia  Saint Michael BS Management
Ngoyi, Ben  Savage BS Computer Science
Rathcke, Alisyn  Sebeka BS Veterinary Technology
Meger, Isabel Jane Shakopee BS Management Communication
Spahn, Jon T Shakopee BS Economics
Hubbard, Nicholas James Spicer BS Business Administration
Magnuson, Courtney Sue Spicer MS Mathematics
*Calhoun, Ryan  Stacy BS Environmental Design
Anderson, Sydney Elizabeth Stillwater BS Radiologic Sciences
Fedor, Bob  Stillwater MS Computer Science
**Ipsen, Leo  Stillwater BS Marketing
Aasen, Brayden  Underwood BS Apparel, Retail Merchandising and Design
**Backes, Noah D Waconia BS Sport Management
Willenbring, James Michael Watkins PHD Software and Security Engineering
*Guertin, Tyler  Wyoming BS Management
**Aguilar-Beaucage, Anjolee  Tucson, AZ BS Finance
Sanchez, Matt  Castroville, CA BUS University Studies
heely, ashleigh  Huntington Beach, CA BS Biological Sciences
Schraeder, Kayle Elaine Lompoc, CA MEDUCAT Counseling
Boardman, Rene Ann Goshen, CT MEDUCAT Agricultural Education
Anderson, Caitlin Renea Dayton, IA PHD Discipline-Based Education Research
Kinkade, Emily  Columbia, MO PHD Gerontology
Spiers, Merrideth  Grant City, MO MS Criminal Justice Administration
Kidder, Kayla  Dagmar, MT BS Sport Management
***Puryear, Gwyneth A Missoula, MT BA Theatre Arts
Nielsen, Katie  Westby, MT MATRG Athletic Training
Nyarko, Francisca Dadzie Dadzie Wilmington, NC MA Communication
Vemuri, Madhava Sarma  Omaha, NE PHD Electrical and Computer Engineering
Muhle, Shawn Marie Papillion, NE BUS University Studies
Jorgensen, Avery  Arcanum, OH MS Mechanical Engineering
Gill Saluja, Anisha Kaur Grandview Heights, OH MS Educational Leadership
**Lebahn, Tyce  Aberdeen, SD BSCONSM Construction Management
Tangen, Jared  New Effington, SD BS Agribusiness
*Jensen, Isabell Helen Sioux Falls, SD BS Radiologic Sciences
Rygg, Kyle  Sioux Falls, SD BS Business Administration
***Tchida, Anthony  Sisseton, SD BS Business Administration
*York, Brooklyn  Watertown, SD BS Veterinary Technology
**Graham, Nell  Knoxville, TN BS Business Administration
Dunaway, Jesse James Paris, TN DMA Music
Dean, Zachariah Kenneth Spring Hill, TN MSE Software Engineering
Aljaberi, Ahmed Jasim Mohammed Arlington, TX PHD Rhetoric, Writing and Culture
Dahl, Tarah  Beaumont, TX PHD Education
Myrin, Hanna Adelle Duchesne, UT BS Veterinary Technology
Niedzielski, Kayla  Danbury, WI BS Emergency Management
*Rood, Emma  Menomonie, WI BS Apparel, Retail Merchandising and Design
Henning, Cayden  New Richmond, WI BSARCH Architecture
Dosumu, Shammah  River Falls, WI BS Biological Sciences
Grossi, Matteo  River Falls, WI PHD Cereal Science
Ampah, Daniel Oppong  Accra, Ghana MS Agribusiness and Applied Economics
Alotaibi, Faez Suhail M Afif, Saudi Arabia PHD Chemistry
Trivedi, Riddhi Jayesh Ahmedabad, India PHD Pharmaceutical Sciences
Gandhi, Harshada  Ahmednaagar, India MSE Software Engineering
Hossain, Sharmin  Barisal, Bangladesh PHD Statistics
Zhao, Muxin  Beijing, China PHD Cereal Science
Hasan, Md Mahadi  Chandpur, Bangladesh MS Agribusiness and Applied Economics
Dey, Mithila  Dhaka, Bangladesh MS Computer Science
Huda, Md. Sanaul  Dhaka, Bangladesh PHD Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Nie, Wenjian  Dongying, China PHD Civil Engineering
Mia, Kafi  Faridpur, Bangladesh PHD Cellular and Molecular Biology
Habib, Muhammad Faisal  Islamabad, Pakistan PHD Civil Engineering
Karna, Sangeet Lal Janakpur, Nepal MS Mechanical Engineering
Manaweera Wickramage, Heshani Anjalie Manaweera  Kiribathgoda, Sri Lanka PHD Transportation and Supply Chain
Ghosh, Shakya  Kolkata, India MS Agribusiness and Applied Economics
Akoto, Evans  Kumasi, Ghana MS Agribusiness and Applied Economics
Bankole, Ibukunoluwa  Lagos, Nigeria MS Plant Pathology
Fang, Baochen  Liaoyang,liaoning, China PHD Cereal Science
Vonsul, Marta-Ievheniia  Lviv,sokilnyky, Ukraine PHD Coatings and Polymeric Materials
Kasakamu, Mary  Mukono, Uganda MS Animal Sciences
Shawon, Mehadi  Mymensingh, Bangladesh MS Agribusiness and Applied Economics
Chijioke-Ofoma, Uchenna Clara Onitsha, Nigeria MPHEPI Public Health in Epidemiology
Navasca, Harry Pacatan Panabo City, Philippines MS Plant Sciences
Acharya, Namrata  Pokhara, Nepal MS Plant Sciences
Dhakal, Roshan  Pokhara, Nepal MS Plant Pathology
Jaswandkar, Sharad Vithal Pune, India PHD Materials and Nanotechnology
Chowdhury, Shamma Tasneem  Rajshahi, Bangladesh MS Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Ren, Yi Hao  Shijiazhuang, China PHD Transportation and Supply Chain
Ghasemi, Shokoofeh  Tehran, Iran (Islamic Republic Of) PHD Coatings and Polymeric Materials
Qi, Shaopeng  Fuzhou, China BS Supply Chain Management
Salu, Philip  Accra, Ghana PHD Cellular and Molecular Biology
Mathure, Nimish  Thane, India PHD Electrical and Computer Engineering
Charles, Anto Pradeep Raja  Tiruchirappalli, India PHD Cereal Science
Acosta Castellanos, Natalie  PHD Animal Sciences
Ahmed, Imtiaj Nahin  MS Mechanical Engineering
Arjarquah, Augustina K.  MS Plant Pathology
Bhrugumalla, Sai Kiran  MS Computer Science
Bradley, Austin M BS Management Information Systems
Bredu, Emmanuella Sarfowah MS Horticulture
Brenna, Alyson  MS Health, Nutrition And Exercise Science
Dadson, Kwabena Yeboah MS Agribusiness and Applied Economics
Goodspeed, Ivymary Gathoni MS Plant Sciences
Gregory, Jayson  MS Health, Nutrition And Exercise Science
Henley, Ashley  MA Communication
John, Matthew Abu MS Plant Pathology
Khanam, Achiya  MS Coatings and Polymeric Materials
Kurth, Anastasia  MS Plant Sciences
Makokha, Phabian  PHD Plant Sciences
Menapace, Benjamin  MS Natural Resource Sciences
Omoregie, Iyobosa Sonia MPHEPI Public Health in Epidemiology
Ram, Billy Graham PHD Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Shukr, Bayan Adel PHD Statistics
Torres, Andres  MS Plant Sciences
Zaman, Israt Ansari  MS Plant Pathology


Economics research students

three students with laptops at cafe laughing

Robert Annabel

Research Student

PhD Candidate, UNSW Sydney, expected 2024, Masters of Pre-Doctoral Business Studies, UNSW Sydney, 2020, Bachelor of Actuarial Studies (Co-op) (Honours), UNSW Sydney, 2019

Pakasa Bary headshot image

Pakasa Bary

MSc International Economics, University of Birmingham, Bachelor of Economics, University of Indonesia

Alice Calder headshot image

Alice Calder

MA Applied Economics, George Mason University, BA Philosophy and Political Economy, University of Exeter

G V A Dharanan

M.A. Economics, University of Rochester

Sharunya Gnanasubramaniam headshot image

Sharunya Gnanasubramaniam

M.Sc in Agricultural Economics, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, B.Sc in Agricultural Economics, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

Ian Hoefer headshot image

Ian Hoefer-Martí

PhD Economics (in progress) – UNSW School of Economics, MSc Economics – Universiteit van Amsterdam, BA Economics – Universitat Pompeu Fabra  

Chih Han Hsueh headshot image

Chih-Han Hsueh

MSc Economics, University of Nottingham, BA Philosophy, Politics and Economics, University of Nottingham  

Danyue Liang

MPDBS Economics, University of New South Wales, MA applied Economics, Nanyang Technological University, BA Finance, Sun Yat-sen University

Yaxin Liu headshot image

Master of Economics, The University of Sydney

Sydney Chauwa headshot image

Sydney Chauwa Phiri

MA Economics, University of Zambia

Daniel Robbins headshot image

Daniel Robbins

Bachelor of Philosophy with First Class Honours in Economics, University of Western Australia  

Arash Taheri headshot image

Arash Taheri

Bachelor of Arts/Philosophy – University of Sydney, Master of Economic Analysis – University of Sydney  

Christopher Teh headshot image

Christopher Teh

Bachelor of Commerce & Economics (Honours), Monash University  

Dj Thornton headshot image

DJ Thornton

Master of Pre-Doctoral Business Studies (with Excellence) BCom/BSc: Economics & Advanced Mathematics, UNSW Sydney, Honours (Class I), Pure Mathematics

Fangzhou Yu headshot image

Fangzhou Yu

PhD in Economics (in progress) at UNSW, Master of Statistics at ANU, Bachelor of Economics at Xi'an Jiaotong University

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Doctor of Philosophy

  • Overview Subjects, careers and fees
  • Course experience See what it's like to study at UTS
  • How to apply Requirements and selection criteria

Research degrees are offered on a sponsored or full-fee-paying basis. Contact the UTS Graduate Research School for further details

Targeted at aspiring leaders in various sectors, this PhD program is their gateway to a future in high-level research and innovation. Choose this course to make a significant, original contribution to their field and prepare for leadership roles across academia, business, government, and community organisations.

Distinguished by its AACSB International accreditation, UTS Business School stands among the world's elite. Our faculty are industry-savvy thought leaders, ensuring their education is grounded in both academic excellence and real-world relevance.

Graduates master core skills essential for top-tier research, with training in advanced methods that underpin robust research capabilities. Benefit from a personalised supervision team of three experts, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and expanding their research horizons.

Experience a blend of structured learning and independent study, with guidance from leading academics and industry professionals. This approach ensures they develop both the knowledge and practical skills necessary for impactful research and a successful career.

Course aims

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program aims to develop independent researchers who make original contributions to knowledge through extensive research, analysis, and the completion of a doctoral thesis.

Course fees

For relevant fee information, please choose from the following:

Local student

Research training program.

The majority of domestic students who are offered entry to a graduate research degree will have the cost of their tuition fees covered by the Australian Government’s Research Training Program (RTP) Fees Offset Scholarship . If you are granted an RTP Fee Offset Scholarship you are not required to pay tuition fees for up to the maximum period of time allowable to complete your study.

Recipients of an RTP Fee Offset Scholarship should however still expect to pay the ongoing costs of being part of an academic environment and conducting research. In addition to ongoing costs, you may also be required to pay a Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF).


In addition, research scholarships  up to the value of $40,000 are available to support living expenses for domestic students to study master's by research and doctoral programs at UTS.

Tuition fee calculations

Tuition fees and RTP Fee Offset Scholarship amounts are incurred pro-rata based on the number of days a student is enrolled in each research degree session and whether the student is enrolled after the research census date .

UTS Alumni save 10% :

International student

Tuition fees for international students vary between courses and range from A$19,840 to A$34,080 per year. Tuition fees for postgraduate research degrees are charged pro-rata based on the number of days a student is enrolled in each research degree session and whether the student is enrolled after the research census date.

Tuition fees for international postgraduate research students can be found using fees search .

Tuition fees must be paid in advance each session and are subject to annual increase. Fees for future year(s) published in fees search, whilst unlikely to change, are estimates only. UTS makes every effort to provide up to date future year(s) fee estimates and to limit any changes, however, UTS reserves the right to vary fees for future year(s) at any time.

All international students should familiarise themselves with the following documents:

  • Protocol on refund of fees for international students  - contains the refund of fees information for international students.
  • Tuition Protection Service  - designed to ensure that students receive the tuition they have paid for

In addition to tuition fees, students may be required to pay a Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF). Textbooks and other course materials will also result in additional costs.

For further information on costs related to your study at UTS, visit the international students' tuition fees information page .

This research degree is especially valuable for students to gain deeper understanding of a subject area and develop analytical, problem solving, communication and project management skills. These are highly valued and enable graduates to pursue an academic career or careers in industry, research, government non-government organisations.

Course structure

Course structure explained.

There are three specific stages to the doctoral program. In the first stage, candidates must complete a formal assessment to confirm their candidature. In the second stage, a progress confirmation assessment to ensure their progress is consistent with completion of the research program within the prescribed time and demonstrates potential to complete the work to standard. Candidates are required to complete a third stage in order to confirm readiness to submit their thesis for examination.

Within this framework of stages, doctoral students design their own Graduate Research Study Plan in discussion with their supervisory panel. This draws from the UTS HDR Capability Framework that shapes what it means to be a research student at UTS. A Review of Progress is conducted each year, in a process that is separate from the Stage Assessments.

Students may be required to undertake some coursework, for example in research methods or in theoretical knowledge in the field of specialisation. Students have the opportunity to complete an industry-based HDR internship experience, with government, business or community.

Course completion requirements

Requirement Credit Points
Select 1 credit points from the following: 1
PhD Thesis: Accounting 0
PhD Thesis: Business Analytics 0
PhD Thesis: Economics 0
PhD Thesis: Finance 0
PhD Thesis: Management 0
PhD Thesis: Marketing 0
Total 0

Additional information

Course duration.

The maximum course duration is four years of full-time or eight years of part-time study. Students can complete the course in less than the maximum time. Some courses have a strong preference for research undertaken at a full time pace.

The work may be carried out either on university premises or at a site external to the university, or some combination of both. Candidates are recommended to make contact with their supervisor(s) at least once a month to discuss the progress of their research. In some fields of specialisation, students may be expected to complete campus-based or other research activities on a prescribed basis.

Admission requirements

Applicants must have completed a UTS recognised master's by research or bachelor honours degree with first class or second class / division 1 honours, or an equivalent or higher qualification, or submitted other evidence of general and professional qualifications that demonstrates potential to pursue graduate research studies.

Selection criteria also include: research potential, research experience, quality of the research proposal, alignment with the UTS Research Strategy and the strategic goals of the field of specialisation, and the Faculty's ability to offer appropriate supervision in the applicant's chosen field.

The English proficiency requirement for international students or local applicants with international qualifications is: IELTS Academic: 7.0 overall with a writing score of 7.0; or TOEFL iBT: 94-101 overall with a writing score of 27; or PTE: 65-72 overall with a writing score of 65; or C1A/C2P: 185-190 overall with a writing score of 185.

Eligibility for admission does not guarantee offer of a place.

Visa requirement: To obtain a student visa to study in Australia, international students must enrol full time and on campus. Australian student visa regulations also require international students studying on student visas to complete the course within the standard full-time duration. Students can extend their courses only in exceptional circumstances.

Scholarships and prizes

For general and business - 2 students.

  • Crescent Leadership Scholarship
  • International Research Training Program Scholarship (IRTP)
  • Scape Accommodation Scholarship
  • Thrive: Next Generation Graduates - PhD – Social Science and Policy
  • UTS Diploma to Degree Pathway Scholarship
  • UTS Housing Resident Networker Scholarship
  • UTS Undergraduate Tuition Fee Scholarship
  • UTS-Vietnam Government Project 89 PhD Scholarship

Only for international students

  • CSC UTS PhD scholarship
  • International Research Scholarship
  • UTS Academic Excellence International Scholarship
  • UTS Academic Merit International Scholarship
  • UTS Academic Merit International Scholarship – South Asia
  • UTS President's Scholarship
  • UTS VIED scholarship

For all domestic students

  • Australian Government Research Training Program Stipend
  • Equal Access Scholarship (Institution Equity Scholarship)
  • Ross Milbourne Research Scholarship in Economics

Only for Aboriginal Australian or Torres Strait Islander students

  • Jumbunna Accommodation Scholarship
  • Jumbunna Postgraduate Research Scholarship

Prizes and awards

  • CommBank & Telstra UTS Best Venture Prize
  • Guy Morrison Prize for Excellence
  • Industrial Relations Society of NSW Prize for Excellence in Industrial Relations Undergraduate Study
  • The Carla Zampatti Foundation Design Award
  • UTS Anthology Writing Prize

UTS: Handbook

Information for international students.

Find out about support services, the Australian education system, accommodation and more to help you get the most out of your study at UTS .

Domestic students

Application process.

Find out how to apply for a research degree and scholarship at UTS.

Important dates

Please refer to our Graduate Research Application Deadlines page

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DePaul University Newsline > Sections > Campus and Community > Outstanding faculty and staff to be recognized at Convocation

Outstanding faculty and staff to be recognized at Convocation

By University Communications / August 26, 2024 / Posted in: CAMPUS AND COMMUNITY / Twitter / Facebook

President Rob Manuel speaks at 2023 Convocation

In recognition of their ​commitment to DePaul, many faculty and staff will be honored for their extraordinary work at Convocation on Thursday, August 29. Honorees will receive plaques for the following awards: The Via Sapientiae, the Spirit of DePaul Award, the Staff Quality Service Award, the Staff Council Diversity Award, the Excellence in Teaching Award, the Provost’s Award for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the Gerald Paetsch Academic Advising Award ​and the Spirit of Inquiry Award. The honorees are as follows: 

Via Sapientiae 

The highest award bestowed by DePaul, the Via Sapientiae award celebrates retired faculty and staff members with at least ten years of service at DePaul and the extraordinary contributions they have made during their time here. 

  • ​John Burton, associate professor of history, Department of History 
  • Jin Choi, professor of economics, Department of Economics 
  • Susan Lueders, clinical professor, School of Accountancy and MIS 
  • Kelly Tzoumis, professor of public policy studies, School of Public Service 

The Spirit of DePaul Award 

  • Carrie Don, business operations manager, College of Communication
  • Valerie Johnson, associate professor, political science, Grace School of Applied Diplomacy, Critical Ethnic Studies, Academic Affairs 
  • Courtney James, director, Student Involvement 
  • Jacqueline Kelly-McHale, associate professor, director of music education, associate dean of academic affairs, School of Music 
  • Jack Magaw, adjunct professor, The Theatre School 
  • Yesenia Sanchez-Giancola, director, First-Year Academic Success 

Staff Quality Service Award 

  • Sarah Albert, director, Division of Advancement and External Relations 
  • Kyle Corrigan, senior associate director, Recruitment Marketing and Communications 
  • Jennifer McClelland, assistant dean of budget administration, Jarvis College of Computing and Digital Media 
  • Martha McGivern, director, Study Abroad 
  • Bridget Wagner, assistant director for instructional technology, Center for Teaching and Learning

Staff Council Diversity Award 

  • Kristin Lansdown, librarian and inclusion, diversity, equity & accessibility coordinator, University Library

Excellence in Teaching Award 

  • Victoria Agunod, adjunct faculty, Peace, Justice and Conflict Studies Program 
  • Megan Alderden, associate professor, Department of Criminology 
  • Corinne Benedetto, adjunct faculty, School of Continuing and Professional Studies 
  • Melissa Riley Bradford, senior professional lecturer, Department of Leadership, Language and Curriculum 
  • Michael Cadilhac, assistant professor, School of Computing 
  • Katherine Cooper, assistant professor, College of Communication 
  • Wendy Epstein, professor, College of Law 
  • Kirsten Fanning, associate professor, School of Accountancy and MIS 
  • Gre Gonzales, clinical assistant professor, School of Nursing 
  • Kyle Grice, professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry 
  • Don Ingle, professional lecturer, College of Communication 
  • Caitlin Karver, associate professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry 
  • Stephen Koernig, associate professor, Department of Marketing
  • Jack Magaw, adjunct faculty, The Theatre School 
  • Rajit Mazumder, associate professor, Department of History 
  • Scott Ramsay, adjunct faculty, School of Music 
  • Liz Joynt Sandberg, assistant professor, The Theatre School
  • Ellen Schaal, adjunct faculty, Department of Environmental Science and Studies 
  • Phillip Stalley, associate professor, Department of Political Science 
  • Jess Parriss Westbrook, associate professor, School of Design 

Provost’s Award for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

  • Sydney Dillard, associate professor, Department of Public Relations and Advertising​​
  • Windsor Aguirre, professor, Department of Biological Sciences 
  • Gabriela Gonzalez-Aviles, associate professor, Department of Physics and Astrophysics
  • Sarah Bockting-Conrad, associate professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences 
  • Timothy French, associate professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry 
  • Jessica Jerome, associate professor, Department of Health Sciences 
  • Christie Klimas, professor, Department of Environmental Science and Studies 
  • Cricel Molina de Mesa, teaching associate professor, Department of Health Sciences 
  • Michele Morgan, senior professional lecturer, Department of Psychology 
  • Elia Olivares, assistant professor, Speech Language Pathology
  • Mark Potosnak, professor, Department of Environmental Science and Studies 
  • Roxanne Spurlark, assistant professor, School of Nursing 
  • Wendy Wolbach, professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry ​​​

The Gerald Paetsch Academic Advising Award 

  • Christie Klimas, professor, Department of Environmental Science and Studies
  • Jason Majchrzak, assistant director of advising, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
  • Maggie O’Brien, instructor, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences 
  • John Rogers, associate professor, School of Computing 

Spirit of Inquiry Awards 

  • Nezih Altay, professor, Department of Management and Entrepreneurship 
  • Jess King, professional lecturer, School of Cinematic Arts
  • Shiera Malik, associate professor, Department of International Studies 
  • David Sher, associate professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences 
  • Roselyne Tchoua, assistant professor, School of Computing 

Society of Vincent DePaul Profe​​ssors 

  • Nezih Atlay, professor of management and entrepreneurship, Driehaus College of Business 
  • Wendy Epstein, professor of law, College of Law 
  • Li Jin, professor of Chinese studies, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences 

Promotion and Tenure 

  • Jane Baxter, professor, Department of Anthropology
  • Ann Marie Brink, associate professor with tenure, School of Music 
  • Katherine Brucher, professor, School of Music 
  • Jason Bystriansky, professor, Department of Biological Sciences 
  • Chuck Chandler, associate professor with tenure, School of Music 
  • Jennifer Conary, professor, Department of English 
  • Shayna Connelly, professor, Department of English 
  • Katherine Cooper, associate professor with tenure, College of Communication 
  • Naghmeh Farzaneh, associate professor with tenure, School of Cinematic Arts 
  • Regina Garcia, tenure, The Theatre School 
  • Peter Hastings, professor, School of Computing
  • Stephen Haymes, professor, Department of Teacher Education, Kinesiology and Educational Studies 
  • Max Helveston, professor, College of Law 
  • Robin Hoecker, associate professor with tenure, College of Communication 
  • Sara Jones, associate professor with tenure, School of Music 
  • Amor Kohli, professor, Department of African and Black Diaspora Studies 
  • Hung-Chih Ku, associate professor with tenure, Department of Mathematical Sciences 
  • Julia Lippert associate professor with tenure, Department of Health Sciences 
  • Jason Martin, professor, College Communication 
  • Heather Montes-Ireland, associate professor with tenure, Department of Women’s and Gender Studies 
  • Melissa Ockerman, professor, Department of Counseling and Special Education
  • Charles Rubert-Perez, associate professor with tenure, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry 
  • Cynthia Putnam, professor, School of Computing 
  • Anuradha Rana, professor, School of Cinematic Arts 
  • Alexander Rasin, professor, School of Computing 
  • Joel Reynolds, associate professor with tenure, School of Hospitality and Sports Business 
  • Brad Riddell, professor, School of Cinematic Arts
  • Anu​j Sarma, professor, Department of Physics and Astrophysics 
  • Dan Schober, associate professor with tenure, Department of Health Sciences 
  • Matthew Stern, associate professor with tenure, School of Accountancy and MIS 
  • Carolina Sternberg, professor, Department of Latin American and Latino Studies 
  • Allison Tirres, professor, College of Law
  • Lien Tran, associate professor with tenure, School of Design ​
  • Michaela Winchatz, professor, College of Communication 


  1. 5 reasons to study a Master of Economics

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  2. University of Sydney Economics Building

    sydney university phd economics

  3. School of Economics

    sydney university phd economics

  4. University of Sydney Economics Building

    sydney university phd economics

  5. The PhD Scholarship in Finance 2023-24, University of Sydney, Australia

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  6. University of Sydney Economics Building

    sydney university phd economics


  1. School of Economics

    The School of Economics was established from 1 January 2011 to serve as the primary institutional vehicle for Economics research and education within the University of Sydney. That year the school inaugurated an annual public lecture series - the Warren Hogan Memorial Lecture - devoted to the economic analysis of public policy issues.

  2. Doctor of Philosophy (Arts and Social Sciences)

    PhD candidates in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences undertake research in over 40 subject areas based in the faculty's six schools. These are the Schools of Economics; the Languages and Cultures; Art, Communication and English (including Sydney College of the Arts); Humanities; Social and Political Sciences; and the Sydney School of ...

  3. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Economics

    UNSW's Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Economics is offered by one of the world's top institutions in Economics (ranked 42nd in QS Subject Rankings - 2023) and will equip you with the expertise needed to become a globally focused and socially engaged researcher. ... University of Sydney, School of Economics, Research Fellow; Wuhan University ...

  4. Political Economy

    The evolution of political and economic ideas. We investigate broad economic questions within social and political contexts through a variety of perspectives and methodologies. Our discipline is home to the largest group of political economists at any Australian university. We analyse and investigate: issues of power and inequality.

  5. PhD in Economics

    The PhD program in Economics is offered by the Research School of Economics (RSE), and caters to candidates of the highest academic ambition. RSE offers a diverse and stimulating intellectual environment, attracting candidates as well as faculty from all over the world. The School values open academic discourse, encourages collaboration, and is ...

  6. Economics

    The Economics program provides training in theoretical and applied aspects of modern economics, econometrics, and financial economics, combining an enhanced focus on industry-relevant training with the academic rigour that has long been a hallmark of the School of Economics. It is the leading career development program of its type in Australia ...

  7. University of Sydney Economics PhD Projects, Programmes ...

    FindAPhD. Search Funded PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Economics at University of Sydney.

  8. Arts and Social Sciences (Postgraduate)

    The Economic Analysis program is designed for students with a strong background in economics or mathematics, or professionals requiring high-level training in economic theory and applications. It is also suitable for students seeking a stepping stone towards a PhD in economics. These programs teach the skills to analyse real-world matters, from ...

  9. Health Economics PhD

    Health Economics PhD. As a dedicated Research Centre, Centre for Health Economics Research and Evaluation (CHERE) is an ideal environment in which to complete a PhD. ... PRV12060 - TEQSA Category: Australian University - ABN: 77 257 686 961 - 02 August 2023 09:44 AM. The page is authorised by the Chief Operating Officer and Vice-President (COO

  10. 9 PhD programmes in Economics in Australia

    Economics. Ph.D. / Full-time, Part-time / On Campus. 23,228 EUR / year. 2 years. University of Tasmania Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. Ranked top 2%. Top 2% of Universities worldwide according to the Studyportals Meta Ranking.

  11. Economics PhD Program

    In our Economics PhD Program, this outcome is achieved via a program of 'core' PhD classes, taken by all students, which provide the concepts and analytical tools required of every economist. ... PRV12060 - TEQSA Category: Australian University - ABN: 77 257 686 961 - 30 July 2024 11:20 AM. The page is authorised by Dean, UTS Business ...

  12. How to apply for postgraduate research

    Step 1: Determine eligibility and suitable course. To be eligible to pursue postgraduate research study you will need previous research experience and a high academic record. You need to have undertaken a significant research project or thesis in your previous university-level studies. This could be the equivalent of: an Australian honours degree.

  13. PhD

    At the University of Sydney we offer Sydney Choice - a wide range of dynamic courses with flexible degree structures. We don't believe one model fits all. We encourage you to start working towards your goal, your way, from your first day at university. As a global university, many of our degrees have a strong international emphasis.

  14. Department of Economics

    Economists don't just speak the language of numbers - they apply it to society's challenges to help create a better world. Our core focus is on bringing organisations and communities together, enabling a broad understanding of how economics affects people's lives. Our areas of expertise include: applied econometrics. business statistics.

  15. Available research projects

    suitable for PHD PROJECTS. Economic methodology: is economics a science? What are its philosophical foundations? Heterodox economic theories (Institutionalism, Post-Keynesianism, Marxism) The ethics of cost-benefit analysis; Islamic economics and law; Drivers and barriers to the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies by small to medium ...

  16. Doctor of Philosophy

    As a Doctor of Philosophy graduate, you can look forward to career opportunities in settings such as: Academia, industry, government and non-government organisations. The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree provides training and education with the objective of producing graduates with the capacity to conduct research independently at a high level ...

  17. Graduation List Summer 2024

    Congratulations to the 279 North Dakota State University students who earned places on the summer 2024 graduation list. Use the links below to view the names of students who graduated. ... A student must earn a 3.50 grade point average or higher to graduate with honors. Degree abbreviations: BA - Bachelor of Arts BFA - Bachelor of Fine Arts ...

  18. Economic Analysis

    The Economic Analysis program is designed for students with a strong background in economics and/or mathematics, and professionals requiring high-level training in economic theory and applications. It is also suitable for students seeking a pathway to a PhD in economics. The program teaches the skills to analyse real-world matters, from public ...

  19. Study Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

    The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree is offered in all faculties of the University of New South Wales and encourages initiative and originality in research. Candidates should make a significant contribution to knowledge in their field. This program involves a minimum of three years full-time study.

  20. Research students

    PhD Candidate, UNSW Sydney, expected 2024, Masters of Pre-Doctoral Business Studies, UNSW Sydney, 2020, Bachelor of Actuarial Studies (Co-op) (Honours), UNSW Sydney, 2019. View profile Pakasa Bary. Research Student. MSc International Economics, University of Birmingham, Bachelor of Economics, University of Indonesia ...

  21. Doctor of Philosophy

    23949 PhD Thesis: Economics: 0: 25927 PhD Thesis: Finance: 0: 21982 PhD Thesis: Management: 0: 24982 PhD Thesis: Marketing: 0: Total: 0: Additional information ... The work may be carried out either on university premises or at a site external to the university, or some combination of both. Candidates are recommended to make contact with their ...

  22. Master of Economics

    Admission to the Master of Economics (1.5 years full-time) requires: a bachelor's degree from the University of Sydney, with a major in Economics and with a minimum credit (65%) average, or an equivalent qualification; or. relevant professional experience and a bachelor's degree with a minimum credit (65%) average, or an equivalent qualification.

  23. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

    Students: Find out about Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) - Economics at UNSW Sydney - University of New South Wales. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) - Economics course details. 30222

  24. Graduate Diploma in Economics

    Qualifications. Mandatory for course entry. Admission to the Graduate Diploma in Economics requires: a bachelor's degree, from the University of Sydney with a minimum 60% average or an equivalent qualification; or. completion of the requirements for the embedded Graduate Certificate with a minimum pass average, or an equivalent qualification.

  25. Outstanding faculty and staff to be recognized at Convocation

    President Rob Manuel speaks at 2023 Convocation. (Photo by Diane M. Smutny/DePaul University) In recognition of their commitment to DePaul, many faculty and staff will be honored for their extraordinary work at Convocation on Thursday, August 29. Honorees will receive plaques for the following awards: The Via Sapientiae, the Spirit of DePaul Award, the Staff Quality Service Award, the Staff ...