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How to Paraphrase in 5 Simple Steps (Without Plagiarizing)

Krystal Craiker headshot

By Krystal N. Craiker

How to paraphrase title

Paraphrasing is a tricky balance between using your own words and still getting the original message across.

Understanding what paraphrasing is, and how to do it well, takes the challenge out of paraphrasing and makes it a more user-friendly skill.

What Is Paraphrasing?

How to paraphrase in 5 easy steps, paraphrasing different types of content, paraphrasing examples, want to improve your essay writing skills.

The word paraphrase can be used as a noun or a verb .

A paraphrase (noun) is a restatement of someone else’s words into other words . If you’re reading a paraphrase, you’re reading someone else’s rephrasing of the original.

To paraphrase (verb) is the act of rephrasing a statement into your own words . When you paraphrase, you are essentially borrowing someone else’s ideas and putting them into your own words. Since you’re borrowing and not creating those ideas, be certain to give credit to the original source.

Definitions of paraphrase

Paraphrasing vs. Plagiarism

Plagiarism is when you steal someone’s words or ideas. Some people think that it’s only plagiarizing when you use the exact words.

Paraphrasing isn’t a way to steal someone’s ideas by putting it in your own words. If you’re paraphrasing someone else’s ideas, you must give them credit.

If you don’t acknowledge that source, you’ve plagiarized, which has serious ethical, and even legal, implications.

ProWritingAid can help you keep your work plagiarism-free with its plagiarism checker , and will never store or resell your work as some other plagiarism checking services sometimes do.

ProWritingAid's Plagiarism Report

How to Paraphrase Properly

Why paraphrase when you could just use direct quotations? Direct quotes in academic writing and research papers do not demonstrate that you understand the original material.

Proper paraphrasing doesn’t mean rewriting the original passage word for word. It’s more than just pulling out a thesaurus. You are rewriting the ideas in your own words.

Just as you would provide the source of a direct quote, provide the source of paraphrased information according to whatever style guide you’re following (e.g. APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) or by including the source within the paraphrase itself.

Typically, you’ll use an in-text citation alongside your paraphrased text, but sometimes you may use footnotes or endnotes.

When you use a direct quotation, it’s important to put the original passage or statement in quotation marks. But paraphrased text does not require quotation marks.

Paraphrasing is translating someone else’s words into your words. If you were to translate a sentence from one language into another going word-by-word, you’d end up with nonsense.

The same thing happens when you paraphrase. You’re performing a translation of sorts.

If you try to translate each word, you’ll end up with a paraphrase that reads more like a “word salad” than an intelligent rephrasing.

Why? When you isolate words, you take them out of their context.

The meaning of a word can change based on its context, so respect that context. Keep ideas whole to keep the original meanings intact.

Here’s what it looks like when you translate word for word.

Original Text: “Life expectancy isn’t set in stone: Both public policy and personal responsibility can tip the scales, experts said.” (Craig Schneider, Newsday)

If I paraphrase that text word-by-word, I could end up with something like this:

Word-by-Word Paraphrase: Human existences are not put in rocks. The pair of non-private systems and individual duty can point the measures, professionals uttered.

That makes no sense. Here’s a more effective paraphrase:

Proper Paraphrase: According to experts, public policy and individual choices can affect life expectancy.

This makes much more sense. Keep the entire context in mind when you paraphrase.

How to paraphrase in 5 steps

There are some practical steps you can follow to ensure skillful paraphrasing. It might take some practice at first.

As you become more experienced with paraphrasing, you’ll notice that you follow these steps naturally.

Step 1: Read, Reread, Then Read It Again

You can’t properly paraphrase if you don’t fully understand the original passage. For effective paraphrasing, reread the original text multiple times.

Pay attention to word choice and tone, as those contribute to the overarching message. Be sure that you know exactly what the original author was trying to get across before you move on.

Step 2: Determine the Big Idea

There’s a difference between paraphrasing and summarizing, but a quick summary is a great starting point for a paraphrase.

A summary is the main idea. What is the big idea of the original passage?

Try to sum up the big idea in one sentence using your own words.

If you’re only paraphrasing a short chunk of text, this might be the extent of your work and you can skip to step five. For longer quotes, start with the gist.

Step 3: Break It Down

Once you have the big idea, you can start looking at the individual ideas. A good paraphrase includes all the essential information. This is the step where you determine which pieces are essential.

You can start breaking it down sentence by sentence, but keep in mind that you’re really trying to understand it idea by idea.

There might be one idea in two or three sentences or two ideas in one long sentence!

Step 4: Rewrite, Idea by Idea

Once you know all the essential information, it’s time to rewrite. Use your own words and phrasing as much as possible.

Of course, sometimes you will have to use some of the same words. For example, if you’re paraphrasing a quote about the economy, you don’t need to find a new word for “economy.”

Plagiarism isn’t just the words you use, but also the order those words are in.

If you do use more than two of the same words as the original in a row, place them in quotation marks . Avoid this as much as possible for a good paraphrase.

Once you’ve rewritten each idea with the important information, it’s time to make sure your paraphrased version accurately expresses the intent of the original passage.

That leads us to the final step.

Step 5: Check and Cite

Have you ever heard the phrase “lost in translation?” It’s true for paraphrasing, too. Sometimes, when we rewrite something in our own words, we lose the intent and meaning of the original.

Reread what you’ve written and ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does this portray the same big idea?
  • Have I included all relevant information and ideas?
  • Does my paraphrase maintain the integrity of the original’s intent?
  • Are all sentences written in my own voice and my own words?

If you can answer yes to all four questions, you’ve successfully paraphrased! If not, return to the quoted material and go through each step again.

Finally, add your citation. Always credit the original source so you don’t plagiarize.

Why we use citations

While the same basic steps apply no matter what you’re paraphrasing, it will look a little different depending on the type of text and why you’re paraphrasing.

Let’s take a look at three common situations that require paraphrasing.

How to Paraphrase in an Essay

Essays require paraphrases of many different quotes and sources.

While the occasional quote is fine, frequent direct quotes suggest that you don’t fully understand the material.

Your professor wants to know that you comprehend the subject and have thoughts of your own about it.

To paraphrase in an essay, start with a reasonable sized quote.

If the entire quotation is too long, your essay will become one giant paraphrase. You can always paraphrase another piece of the original text later in your paper.

Make sure the quote you are paraphrasing fits your thesis statement and is in the correct section of your essay.

Then, follow the five steps above to write a paraphrase. Don’t forget to cite your source material!

After you’ve paraphrased and cited the original text, offer your own commentary or thoughts.

How does that paraphrase answer the prompt of your research paper or support your argument? Original thoughts are crucial so your whole essay isn’t a paraphrase. That would be a form of plagiarism!

How to Paraphrase a Quote

Paraphrasing a quote requires you to pay special attention to the tone. Quoted material for academic writing often has a dry, informative tone. Spoken quotes usually don’t.

When you’re determining the big idea (step two), also determine the tone. You can note the tone in your paraphrase by saying the speaker was impassioned, angry, nostalgic, optimistic, etc.

When you move to step three and break down the ideas, pay attention to where the speaker placed emphasis. That’s a clue that you’ve found essential information to include in your paraphrase.

How to Paraphrase Complex Text

Complex and highly technical text can be difficult to paraphrase. All the same steps apply, but pay special attention to your words and sentence structure when you rewrite.

Paraphrasing tip

Whenever possible, simplify the complex text in your paraphrase.

Paraphrases are useful because they can make something easier to understand. Imagine that you are explaining the complex text to a middle school student.

Use simplified terms and explain any jargon in layman’s terms. Avoid clichés or idioms and focus only on the most essential pieces of information.

You can also use ProWritingAid’s editing tool to run a Jargon Report and a Cliché Report, as well as readability.

We use the Flesch-Kincaid Scale for readability , which is based on U.S. grade levels. You can see how old someone needs to be to understand your paraphrasing.

Your level of readability might change depending on the purpose of the paraphrase.

If you are paraphrasing complex text for a college-level essay, your readability score can be higher. If you are paraphrasing for a technical audience, some jargon is appropriate.

Let’s take a look at a couple of examples of properly paraphrased material.

Original Text : “Life expectancy isn’t set in stone: Both public policy and personal responsibility can tip the scales, experts said. Everyone can make choices that increase the odds of a longer life, said Cantor, of the Center for Socio-Economic Policy. Eating well, exercising, not smoking, getting enough sleep and staying in school are decisions made by each and every one of us, he said.” (Craig Schneider, Newsday )

Paraphrase: People do have some control over their life expectancy. While public policies matter, experts say personal choices can also affect how long you live and that making healthy lifestyle choices about food, sleep, education, and smoking is up to each individual.

Here’s another example from a speech.

Original Text: “We’ve got to accelerate the transition away from dirty energy. Rather than subsidize the past, we should invest in the future—especially in communities that rely on fossil fuels. That’s why I’m going to push to change the way we manage our oil and coal resources, so that they better reflect the costs they impose on taxpayers and our planet.” (President Barack Obama, State of the Union Address, January 12, 2016)

Paraphrase: President Obama emphasized the importance of investing in clean energy. He supports a shift in the way the country manages non-renewable resources to match the impact they have on both American citizens and the planet.

Remember, when you paraphrase, focus on the ideas, not rewriting word for word. Always cite your original source material even though you are using your own words.

(This article is an update to a previous version by Allison Bressmer.)

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Krystal N. Craiker

Krystal N. Craiker is the Writing Pirate, an indie romance author and blog manager at ProWritingAid. She sails the seven internet seas, breaking tropes and bending genres. She has a background in anthropology and education, which brings fresh perspectives to her romance novels. When she’s not daydreaming about her next book or article, you can find her cooking gourmet gluten-free cuisine, laughing at memes, and playing board games. Krystal lives in Dallas, Texas with her husband, child, and basset hound.

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  • Writing Tips

Essay Tips: How to Paraphrase Effectively

Essay Tips: How to Paraphrase Effectively

5-minute read

  • 25th December 2022

Writing an essay or research paper is no simple task. It’s hard enough to gather research and write your paper within a tight deadline, but you also have to ensure that you aren’t plagiarizing somebody else’s work. This means you’ll need to give credit to all sources that you used to support your claims with appropriate citations and references.

However, submitting a paper filled with citations isn’t the way to go. Many professors will reject papers with chunks of quoted sources – even if you cite them properly. Conversely, you can’t submit a paper without citations. A professor will either question your knowledge or accuse you of plagiarism.

Therefore, you need to have a healthy balance of your ideas and supporting claims (citations) in your paper. One way of doing this is by paraphrasing . However, many students don’t fully understand this concept or how to do it effectively. That’s where this post comes in!

What Is Paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing is taking the ideas or research of other authors and putting them into your own words. It demonstrates your understanding of what you’ve read and helps you to ensure that your entire text is written in a cohesive style. Paraphrasing is a legitimate academic writing skill that can easily boost your grades when it’s done effectively. It’s better than quoting sources.

Check out the following tips for paraphrasing the right way . Once you finish reading this post, you’ll hopefully feel more confident in your paraphrasing ability and ready to tackle your next essay with ease!

1. Understand What You’ve Read

Make sure you understand the quotation or sentence you want to paraphrase. If there’s one thing we want you to remember from this post, it’s this! If you don’t fully understand it, you won’t be able to rewrite it in your own words .

Imagine having to explain the original passage to a friend. How would you tell them in your own words? We recommend reading the original sentence several times and even a few times aloud. We also recommend highlighting keywords, which are needed to ensure that the meaning remains the same. Let’s look at an example of a sentence that we want to paraphrase:

Notice that the bold words are necessary for the meaning, so in your paraphrase, you should use those exact words or synonyms of them. Try finding a few synonyms first, and then decide which one resonates with your own words.

2. Restructure the Sentence

Rewriting a sentence by changing one or two words isn’t proper paraphrasing. Many students erroneously use a “copy and paste” method to change a few words in their paraphrased version. However, you need to change the sentence structure as well.

It would also help if you did this without looking at the original text, which is why we encourage reading the original multiple times. Here is an example of paraphrasing the sentence from our first tip with bolded words as synonyms:

As you can see, the sentence has been restructured, making it significantly different from the original text. However, the meaning remains the same.

3. Compare Your Paraphrase with the Original Text

This might seem simple, but there are a few things to consider when comparing your paraphrase with the original sentence:

●  Have you used synonyms for necessary words?

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●  Is the sentence structure significantly different?

●  Is the basic meaning still the same?

The goal is to create a significantly different sentence structure while maintaining the original meaning. Of course, if you changed the meaning, you’ll need to correct the paraphrase!

4. Make Sure the Paraphrased Text Makes Sense

A common error associated with paraphrasing is an incoherent paraphrased text. This often happens because the writer hasn’t properly understood the original text or has used an online paraphrasing tool. Take this example of a paraphrase without a clear meaning:

The attempted paraphrase is entirely different from the original. The writer has likely used a thesaurus or paraphrasing tool to find a synonym for each word. Paraphrasing doesn’t mean substituting every word with a synonym!

Remember the following to ensure coherent paraphrasing:

●  Focus on the overall point of the original text.

●  Avoid using paraphrasing tools, as they often change the meaning of a text.

●  Use simple language instead of complex words.

5. Cite and Reference the Original Text

Yes, you must provide an in-text citation and reference list entry for each paraphrased sentence or passage! Just because you have paraphrased an idea doesn’t mean you don’t have to provide a citation . Otherwise, you’ll be subjected to the perils of plagiarism ! Here is an example of a properly cited paraphrase:

Omitting citations can happen accidentally. For example, you might rush to finish the paper or be worried about citing a source too frequently. However, it’s important to know that many institutions use plagiarism detection software , and therefore, a paraphrased text without an in-text citation won’t go unnoticed. So, cite for your sake (and the sake of your grade).

Are you currently working on an essay or research paper? Don’t forget to proofread it once it’s done. Our team of experts can ensure perfect spelling, punctuation, and grammar. We can also check for proper citation and referencing. Submit a 500-word document today, and we’ll proofread it for free!

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Embrace the power of DeepL’s cutting-edge AI to transform your writing. Our paraphrasing tool goes beyond simple synonym replacement, using a sophisticated language model to capture and convey the nuances of your text. 

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We currently offer text rewriting only in English and German. In the future, we'll  release new languages gradually  to ensure we deliver texts that are not just rewritten, but elevated.

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Here's what you can do with our paraphraser

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DeepL’s paraphraser is also helpful for language learners. For example, you can memorize suggested vocabulary and phrases.

Try our paraphrasing tool to improve your writing instantly

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Key features of our AI paraphrasing tool

  • Incorporated into translator: Translate your text into English or German, and click "Improve translation" to explore alternate versions of your translation. No more copy/paste between tools.
  • Easy-to-see changes: When you insert the text to be rewritten, activate "Show changes" to see suggested edits.
  • AI-powered suggestions: By deactivating "Show changes", you can click on any word to see suggestions and refine your writing.
  • Grammar and spell checker: Our paraphrasing tool is all-in-one, helping you correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
  • Helpful integrations:  Access our paraphrasing tool in  Gmail, Google Slides, or Google Docs  via our browser extension or in  Microsoft Word via add-ins .
"The fastest, easiest, and most efficient translation tool I've ever used."
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Still have questions about DeepL’s paraphrasing tool?

1. what makes our paraphrasing tool unique.

DeepL uses advanced AI to provide high-quality, context-aware paraphrasing in English and German. Our tool intelligently restructures and rephrases text, preserving the original meaning and enhancing your writing.

2. How do you use DeepL’s paraphrasing tool?

To accomplish writing tasks, you can:

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- Use DeepL Translator before refining your writing with our paraphraser

3. Can the tool paraphrase complex academic texts?

Absolutely. DeepL's paraphraser is designed to handle complex sentence structures, making it useful for academic writing.

4. How does DeepL's paraphraser support language learners?

By making suggestions, the tool enables you to learn new phrases or words to incorporate into your vocabulary.

5. Is the paraphrasing tool free to use?

For now, the tool is completely free to use.

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Free Paraphrasing Tool to Avoid Plagiarism

3 hours!

You've finished your essay, but are worried about plagiarism? We’ve got good news for you. Our free online paraphrasing tool is here to rewrite your texts. Be sure never to be accused of plagiarizing!

In this article, you’ll find:

  • The paraphrasing tool;
  • Ways to steer clear of plagiarism;
  • All you need to know about sentence rewriting;
  • Answers to frequently asked questions about this topic.

Free Paraphrasing Tool to Avoid Plagiarism.

  • What Is a Paraphrasing Tool?
  • How to Use the Rewording Tool
  • What Makes Our Online Rephrasing Tool Handy?
  • How to Reword a Sentence
  • How to Reword a Quote

✅ What Is a Paraphrasing Tool?

To paraphrase means to present an idea in different words. A big part of this technique is consulting a thesaurus for synonyms. Luckily, you can put the dull dictionary aside and let the plagiarism changer do the job for you.

When writing a paper, make sure you properly cite all your sources. Also, keep your content unique. Failing to do this will result in plagiarism.

Cue the rephrasing generator. This quick machine:

  • Provides alternative word suggestions;
  • Replaces any part of speech with synonyms;
  • Keeps your intended meaning;
  • Guarantees plagiarism-free results.

🖥️ How to Use the Rewording Tool

With our free paraphrasing tool, you can rewrite a text in your own words in a matter of seconds. In this step-by-step guide, you’ll find everything you need to do:

  • Open the website and paste your document into the box.
  • Click “paraphrase my text.”
  • Pick the synonyms you like.
  • You’re done! Now you can copy your paraphrased text.
  • Be sure to do a plagiarism check. For example, the online writing tool Grammarly has a professional plagiarism checker.

👍 What Makes Our Online Word Changer Handy?

Now that you know how our tool rephrases your sentences, you’re probably wondering why you need it. Here are its benefits;

  • Unlike expensive software with the same purpose, it’s free and always available .
  • It offers various synonyms to choose from , saving you time, and ensuring that your text still makes sense.
  • Rephrasing helps avoid plagiarism .
  • The generator can also assist you in creating summaries .

We’ve got your back, but it’s good to know how to stay away from trouble by yourself. Read on to get acquainted with various rewriting strategies.

✏️ How to Rephrase: Strategies to Avoid Plagiarism

Plagiarism is the act of stealing someone’s intellectual property. It can be deliberate but often happens unintentionally. In academia, this mostly means taking someone’s idea and not crediting the source. But don't worry: there are many ways avoid this. Here are the basics:

  • Always using a plagiarism checker . This way, you’ll know for sure that what you’ve written is 100% yours.
  • Quoting means adopting the original author’s wording directly and putting it in quotation marks. Make sure to resort to direct quoting only if it strengthens your argument, or if the quote is particularly expressive.
  • A summary is a shortened version of the source. You don’t paraphrase its entire contents but break it down into the crucial parts.
  • Taking notes while reading articles. Try to formulate the central ideas in simple words. This way, you'll automatically have a first draft of what you want to paraphrase.
  • Lastly, changing the sentence structure while paraphrasing will help you sound natural.

Keep reading to learn more about rewording sentences and quotes.

📖 How to Reword a Sentence

Paraphrasing is very similar to summarizing. Both are key skills for writers. With these recommendations, you’ll always rewrite correctly and without plagiarizing.

To some terms, such as "globalization," you’ll hardly find alternatives. However, common words can easily be replaced.

Use various conjunctions or break the sentences up.

Replace nouns with verbs, verbs with adjectives, or vice versa.

This includes:

  • Switching the voice from passive to active and the other way round.
  • Turning clauses into phrases and vice versa, e.g., by omitting or adding pronouns.

This being said, the most effective method to rephrase something is by using all these techniques combined. Here are some examples:

“Categorization has become a major field of study, thanks primarily to the pioneering work of Eleanor Rosch, who made categorization an issue. (Lakoff 1987: 7)”

“Eleanor Rosch, who was the first to point out the importance of categorization, paved the way to make it an important subject. (see Lakoff 1987: 7)”

In this version, you can see multiple strategies at work. The structure is different, and all possible words were substituted. Yet, it still contains the original meaning. That’s precisely what we want!

Let’s have a look at this variant instead:


“Categorization is now a major field of study. It can be credited to the pioneering work of Eleanor Rosch, the first person to make categorization an issue.”

While the voice is switched in this paraphrase, it still is too close to the original. It uses the same wording and doesn’t credit the source.

Here’s another example:

“In a rare instance of consensus, linguists agree that grammar is extremely complex and hard to properly describe. (Langacker 2008: 27)”

“Linguists rarely agree with each other, but they all acknowledge that grammar is problematic and that it’s nearly impossible to explain it correctly. (Langacker 2008: 27)”

This version has synonyms and adds an extra preposition. Unfortunately, the alternatives "problematic" and "explain" tamper with the original meaning. Let's see how to paraphrase this paragraph properly:

“While linguists rarely share the same opinions, they all admit that grammar is almost impossible to depict comprehensively due to its intricate nature. (Langacker 2008: 27)”

In this case, the concept stays the same. The phrases are changed; there are a new structure and extra conjunction. Perfect!

💬 How to Reword a Quote

If you want your assignments to sound natural, provide the proper context for your quotes. It includes introducing them with phrases such as according to, in the words of, as defined by . Citing is appropriate, if:

  • The wording is especially valuable;
  • You need to support a claim;
  • You want to debate and analyze the author’s position.

When writing, use a mix of direct quotes and paraphrases with an emphasis on the latter. Once you cite a source, adhere to specific standards. Stick to any one of these styles throughout your entire text:

  • An in-text APA style reference can be either narrative , e.g. Zaliznyak & Šmelev, 1997, or parenthetical , e.g. (Zaliznyak & Šmelev, 1997).
  • MLA formatting style requires the author’s last name and the page, for example, Clasmeier 37.
  • When citing Chicago style , all source data (name, title, publisher, year, page) goes into the footnotes.

We're happy if this article was useful to you. And don't forget: if you want to save yourself some time, try our free paraphrasing tool!

📌 Is Rewording Plagiarism?

📌 how do you rewrite articles in your own words, 📌 can i use the rewriting tool to avoid plagiarism.

Updated: Apr 5th, 2024

🔗 References

  • Avoiding Plagiarism: Choosing Whether to Quote or to Paraphrase: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Paraphrasing, Summarizing, and Quoting: Australia University
  • Quoting, Paraphrasing, & Summarizing: Ashford University
  • Paraphrasing: American Psychological Association
  • Chicago Quoting and Paraphrasing: Massey University
  • MLA In-Text Citations: Purdue University

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Sample Essay for Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting

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The following is a sample essay you can practice quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. Examples of each task are provided at the end of the essay for further reference. Here is the citation for Sipher's essay:

Sipher, Roger. “So That Nobody Has to Go to School If They Don't Want To.” The New York Times , 19 Dec. 1977, p. 31.

So That Nobody Has To Go To School If They Don't Want To

by Roger Sipher

A decline in standardized test scores is but the most recent indicator that American education is in trouble.

One reason for the crisis is that present mandatory-attendance laws force many to attend school who have no wish to be there. Such children have little desire to learn and are so antagonistic to school that neither they nor more highly motivated students receive the quality education that is the birthright of every American.

The solution to this problem is simple: Abolish compulsory-attendance laws and allow only those who are committed to getting an education to attend.

This will not end public education. Contrary to conventional belief, legislators enacted compulsory-attendance laws to legalize what already existed. William Landes and Lewis Solomon, economists, found little evidence that mandatory-attendance laws increased the number of children in school. They found, too, that school systems have never effectively enforced such laws, usually because of the expense involved.

There is no contradiction between the assertion that compulsory attendance has had little effect on the number of children attending school and the argument that repeal would be a positive step toward improving education. Most parents want a high school education for their children. Unfortunately, compulsory attendance hampers the ability of public school officials to enforce legitimate educational and disciplinary policies and thereby make the education a good one.

Private schools have no such problem. They can fail or dismiss students, knowing such students can attend public school. Without compulsory attendance, public schools would be freer to oust students whose academic or personal behavior undermines the educational mission of the institution.

Has not the noble experiment of a formal education for everyone failed? While we pay homage to the homily, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink," we have pretended it is not true in education.

Ask high school teachers if recalcitrant students learn anything of value. Ask teachers if these students do any homework. Quite the contrary, these students know they will be passed from grade to grade until they are old enough to quit or until, as is more likely, they receive a high school diploma. At the point when students could legally quit, most choose to remain since they know they are likely to be allowed to graduate whether they do acceptable work or not.

Abolition of archaic attendance laws would produce enormous dividends.

First, it would alert everyone that school is a serious place where one goes to learn. Schools are neither day-care centers nor indoor street corners. Young people who resist learning should stay away; indeed, an end to compulsory schooling would require them to stay away.

Second, students opposed to learning would not be able to pollute the educational atmosphere for those who want to learn. Teachers could stop policing recalcitrant students and start educating.

Third, grades would show what they are supposed to: how well a student is learning. Parents could again read report cards and know if their children were making progress.

Fourth, public esteem for schools would increase. People would stop regarding them as way stations for adolescents and start thinking of them as institutions for educating America's youth.

Fifth, elementary schools would change because students would find out early they had better learn something or risk flunking out later. Elementary teachers would no longer have to pass their failures on to junior high and high school.

Sixth, the cost of enforcing compulsory education would be eliminated. Despite enforcement efforts, nearly 15 percent of the school-age children in our largest cities are almost permanently absent from school.

Communities could use these savings to support institutions to deal with young people not in school. If, in the long run, these institutions prove more costly, at least we would not confuse their mission with that of schools.

Schools should be for education. At present, they are only tangentially so. They have attempted to serve an all-encompassing social function, trying to be all things to all people. In the process they have failed miserably at what they were originally formed to accomplish.

Example Summary, Paraphrase, and Quotation from the Essay:

Example summary: Roger Sipher makes his case for getting rid of compulsory-attendance laws in primary and secondary schools with six arguments. These fall into three groups—first that education is for those who want to learn and by including those that don't want to learn, everyone suffers. Second, that grades would be reflective of effort and elementary school teachers wouldn't feel compelled to pass failing students. Third, that schools would both save money and save face with the elimination of compulsory-attendance laws.

Example paraphrase of the essay's conclusion: Roger Sipher concludes his essay by insisting that schools have failed to fulfill their primary duty of education because they try to fill multiple social functions (par. 17).

Example quotation: According to Roger Sipher, a solution to the perceived crisis of American education is to "[a]bolish compulsory-attendance laws and allow only those who are committed to getting an education to attend" (par. 3).

Advanced Paraphrase

Paraphrased text


Paraphrasing Tool

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Paraphrasing and the functions of a paraphrasing tool

So what is paraphrasing? It is the process of rewriting sentences to present your ideas in a new and clearer way.

The core functions of a paraphraser are as follows:

Rewords the text by offering synonyms

  • Keeps the initial context and provides structure
  • Makes content smoother and more consistent

Our smart free paraphrasing tool takes this process to a whole new level. We integrate innovative solutions with traditional rewording tools to get the best outcome. Our precise software will help you get improved structure and well-written content.

When using our rewrite tool, you get a high-quality and human-level result. The end product is a well-written, appealing, and intelligent piece. We want to help you improve your style and get your ideas across with the best sentence rewriter.

Our interactive tool helps you decide which version you want to use. Select the variant you are most comfortable with to ensure natural and comprehensive results.


Differences between a Paraphrasing Tool and a Paraphrasing Bot



Offer AI-powered rephrasing solutions to provide clarity and consistency

Offer basic algorithm word changes to gain profit

Produce sensible, unique work

Offer synonyms and changes without adjusting to the context

Machine learning NLP algorithms

Basic algorithms

Students, professionals, researchers, poets, and storytellers

High-quality rephrasing and rewording

Elementary vocabulary changes

When using our exceptional tool, you get the following advantages, which we like to call the 4Cs:

Your work stays clear and easily readable.

We offer human-level rephrasing.

The original idea of your work is well kept, and the new version fully conveys the original message.


Our tool stays consistent throughout long texts and offers only top-notch changes.

On the other hand, paraphrase bots do not provide any of the above-mentioned points. They are built in a simple way and just offer synonyms, turning your work into an unreadable collection of words.

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We have incorporated the best practices in machine learning to present you with high-quality sentence rewriting options. Our software works wonders and is the best free tool available on the market.

The NLP technique behind the tool helps you create smart copies of your articles that present your ideas even better. This technique makes your content smooth and easily readable.

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Features of our Paraphrasing Tool


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Many online sentence rewriters lose the meaning of the original text when they rewrite it, but our AI-powered tool keeps all of your original ideas.


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Structured Content

With the help of our free tool to rewrite paragraphs, you can be sure that you have paraphrased text in the right way and kept the correct structure for your text.


Rephrasing poems & stories

We understand the importance and difficulty of paraphrasing poems and stories, and that’s why our rephrasing tool is built with proper algorithms to yield high-quality results.

Users of our Paraphrasing Tool

There are numerous ways to make the most of the tool, and we leave it to you to decide. We just want you to know that we are here for you for any of your project alterations and rephrasings. Commonly, our paraphrasing tool is used by the following personas:

If you are a student looking for a fast and easy rephrasing tool that will help you get a better grade on your assignment, we’ve got your back./nOur free paraphrase generator gives you ideas for your assignments that are free of plagiarism and can help you improve your style.


Our rephrasing tool is here to help you get more out of your research and avoid plagiarism. Whether you are working on your PhD, thesis, or brand-new research, we will add creativity and sophisticated words to your work.

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Content writers and copywriters

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We are pleased to offer you the best AI-powered solutions to level up your writing. The rich vocabulary of the paraphrase generator will give your great work an extra kick. Here are the reasons that we consider ourselves the best tool out there:

A great user interface

Human-level and professional rephrasing

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How does this tool impact the academic writing skills of students.

Our tool for paraphrasing uses machine learning algorithms to give you a better and wider range of words. While using our tool, students not only learn new words but also see the correct way to use them in text. Using our tool results in better quality text, new words learned, and improved clarity.

Does this tool help in developing the quality of the essay?

Definitely, yes! If you are stuck in a place where you don’t have any ideas on how to proceed with your essay, the tool will come in handy. We will supply you with newer phrases and elevated ideas for you to use.

Is using a paraphrasing tool considered plagiarism?

No. As mentioned, the tool provides plagiarism-free content while keeping the original meaning of your work. Each rephrasing is unique and unlike any other piece paraphrased on our website.

Is using a paraphrasing tool cheating?

If you are paraphrasing your own ideas or looking for inspiration, it is not cheating. When paraphrasing, you are not stealing any ideas; you are just researching other options for presenting your ideas.

Can teachers tell if you used a paraphrasing tool?

The tool uses special algorithms to paraphre your work with human-like options. Therefore, it is nearly impossible to tell whether you have used a paraphrase tool.

Which paraphrasing tool is best for academic writing?

The tool is structured to help you get new ideas and freshen up your academic work. The paraphraser identifies the subject you are writing about and, with special algorithms, offers you words and phrases relating to your topic.

Copyright © 2024 Paraphrasing-tool.com. All rights reserved.

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  • How to Paraphrase | Step-by-Step Guide & Examples

How to Paraphrase | Step-by-Step Guide & Examples

Published on 8 April 2022 by Courtney Gahan and Jack Caulfield. Revised on 15 May 2023.

Paraphrasing means putting someone else’s ideas into your own words. Paraphrasing a source involves changing the wording while preserving the original meaning.

Paraphrasing is an alternative to  quoting (copying someone’s exact words and putting them in quotation marks ). In academic writing, it’s usually better to paraphrase instead of quoting. It shows that you have understood the source, reads more smoothly, and keeps your own voice front and center.

Every time you paraphrase, it’s important to cite the source . Also take care not to use wording that is too similar to the original. Otherwise, you could be at risk of committing plagiarism .

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Table of contents

How to paraphrase in five easy steps, how to paraphrase correctly, examples of paraphrasing, how to cite a paraphrase, paraphrasing vs quoting, paraphrasing vs summarising, avoiding plagiarism when you paraphrase, frequently asked questions about paraphrasing.

If you’re struggling to get to grips with the process of paraphrasing, check out our easy step-by-step guide in the video below.

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Putting an idea into your own words can be easier said than done. Let’s say you want to paraphrase the text below, about population decline in a particular species of sea snails.

Incorrect paraphrasing

You might make a first attempt to paraphrase it by swapping out a few words for  synonyms .

Like other sea creatures inhabiting the vicinity of highly populated coasts, horse conchs have lost substantial territory to advancement and contamination , including preferred breeding grounds along mud flats and seagrass beds. Their Gulf home is also heating up due to global warming , which scientists think further puts pressure on the creatures , predicated upon the harmful effects extra warmth has on other large mollusks (Barnett, 2022).

This attempt at paraphrasing doesn’t change the sentence structure or order of information, only some of the word choices. And the synonyms chosen are poor:

  • ‘Advancement and contamination’ doesn’t really convey the same meaning as ‘development and pollution’.
  • Sometimes the changes make the tone less academic: ‘home’ for ‘habitat’ and ‘sea creatures’ for ‘marine animals’.
  • Adding phrases like ‘inhabiting the vicinity of’ and ‘puts pressure on’ makes the text needlessly long-winded.
  • Global warming is related to climate change, but they don’t mean exactly the same thing.

Because of this, the text reads awkwardly, is longer than it needs to be, and remains too close to the original phrasing. This means you risk being accused of plagiarism .

Correct paraphrasing

Let’s look at a more effective way of paraphrasing the same text.

Here, we’ve:

  • Only included the information that’s relevant to our argument (note that the paraphrase is shorter than the original)
  • Retained key terms like ‘development and pollution’, since changing them could alter the meaning
  • Structured sentences in our own way instead of copying the structure of the original
  • Started from a different point, presenting information in a different order

Because of this, we’re able to clearly convey the relevant information from the source without sticking too close to the original phrasing.

Explore the tabs below to see examples of paraphrasing in action.

  • Journal article
  • Newspaper article
  • Magazine article
Source text Paraphrase
‘The current research extends the previous work by revealing that to moral dilemmas could elicit a FLE [foreign-language effect] in highly proficient bilinguals. … Here, it has been demonstrated that hearing a foreign language can even influence moral decision making, and namely promote more utilitarian-type decisions’ ( , p. 874). The research of Brouwer (2019, p. 874) suggests that the foreign-language effect can occur even among highly proficient bilinguals, influencing their moral decision making, when auditory (rather than written) prompting is given.
Source text Paraphrase
‘The Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday proposed to ban chrysotile asbestos, the most common form of the toxic mineral still used in the United States. … Chlorine manufacturers and companies that make vehicle braking systems and sheet gaskets still import chrysotile asbestos and use it to manufacture new products.

‘The proposed rule would ban all manufacturing, processing, importation and commercial distribution of six categories of products containing chrysotile asbestos, which agency officials said would cover all of its current uses in the United States’ ( ).

Chrysotile asbestos, which is used to manufacture chlorine, sheet gaskets, and braking systems, may soon be banned by the Environmental Protection Agency. The proposed ban would prevent it from being imported into, manufactured in, or processed in the United States (Phillips, 2022).
Source text Paraphrase
‘The concept of secrecy might evoke an image of two people in conversation, with one person actively concealing from the other. Yet, such concealment is actually uncommon. It is far more common to ruminate on our secrets. It is our tendency to mind-wander to our secrets that seems most harmful to well-being. Simply thinking about a secret can make us feel inauthentic. Having a secret return to mind, time and time again, can be tiring. When we think of a secret, it can make us feel isolated and alone’ ( ). Research suggests that, while keeping secrets from others is indeed stressful, this may have little to do with the act of hiding information itself. Rather, the act of ruminating on one’s secrets is what leads to feelings of fatigue, inauthenticity, and isolation (Slepian, 2019).

Once you have your perfectly paraphrased text, you need to ensure you credit the original author. You’ll always paraphrase sources in the same way, but you’ll have to use a different type of in-text citation depending on what citation style you follow.

(Brouwer, 2019, p. 874)
(1, p. 874)
(Brouwer, 2019, p. 874)

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It’s a good idea to paraphrase instead of quoting in most cases because:

  • Paraphrasing shows that you fully understand the meaning of a text
  • Your own voice remains dominant throughout your paper
  • Quotes reduce the readability of your text

But that doesn’t mean you should never quote. Quotes are appropriate when:

  • Giving a precise definition
  • Saying something about the author’s language or style (e.g., in a literary analysis paper)
  • Providing evidence in support of an argument
  • Critiquing or analysing a specific claim

A paraphrase puts a specific passage into your own words. It’s typically a similar length to the original text, or slightly shorter.

When you boil a longer piece of writing down to the key points, so that the result is a lot shorter than the original, this is called summarising .

Paraphrasing and quoting are important tools for presenting specific information from sources. But if the information you want to include is more general (e.g., the overarching argument of a whole article), summarising is more appropriate.

When paraphrasing, you have to be careful to avoid accidental plagiarism .

Students frequently use paraphrasing tools , which can be especially helpful for non-native speakers who might have trouble with academic writing. While these can be useful for a little extra inspiration, use them sparingly while maintaining academic integrity.

This can happen if the paraphrase is too similar to the original quote, with phrases or whole sentences that are identical (and should therefore be in quotation marks). It can also happen if you fail to properly cite the source.

To make sure you’ve properly paraphrased and cited all your sources, you could elect to run a plagiarism check before submitting your paper.

To paraphrase effectively, don’t just take the original sentence and swap out some of the words for synonyms. Instead, try:

  • Reformulating the sentence (e.g., change active to passive , or start from a different point)
  • Combining information from multiple sentences into one
  • Leaving out information from the original that isn’t relevant to your point
  • Using synonyms where they don’t distort the meaning

The main point is to ensure you don’t just copy the structure of the original text, but instead reformulate the idea in your own words.

Paraphrasing without crediting the original author is a form of plagiarism , because you’re presenting someone else’s ideas as if they were your own.

However, paraphrasing is not plagiarism if you correctly reference the source . This means including an in-text referencing and a full reference , formatted according to your required citation style (e.g., Harvard , Vancouver ).

As well as referencing your source, make sure that any paraphrased text is completely rewritten in your own words.

Plagiarism means using someone else’s words or ideas and passing them off as your own. Paraphrasing means putting someone else’s ideas into your own words.

So when does paraphrasing count as plagiarism?

  • Paraphrasing is plagiarism if you don’t properly credit the original author.
  • Paraphrasing is plagiarism if your text is too close to the original wording (even if you cite the source). If you directly copy a sentence or phrase, you should quote it instead.
  • Paraphrasing  is not plagiarism if you put the author’s ideas completely into your own words and properly reference the source .

To present information from other sources in academic writing , it’s best to paraphrase in most cases. This shows that you’ve understood the ideas you’re discussing and incorporates them into your text smoothly.

It’s appropriate to quote when:

  • Changing the phrasing would distort the meaning of the original text
  • You want to discuss the author’s language choices (e.g., in literary analysis )
  • You’re presenting a precise definition
  • You’re looking in depth at a specific claim

Cite this Scribbr article

If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the ‘Cite this Scribbr article’ button to automatically add the citation to our free Reference Generator.

Gahan, C. & Caulfield, J. (2023, May 15). How to Paraphrase | Step-by-Step Guide & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved 12 August 2024, from https://www.scribbr.co.uk/working-sources/paraphrasing/

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Courtney Gahan

Courtney Gahan

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Wordtune has a variety of features, including grammar and spell check, Rewrite tools, a Summarizer, and your own personalized knowledge library. To learn more about the features, read this guide or check out our dedicated support section .

Yes. Wordtune has a smart synonym tool that allows you to highlight a single word and get a list of optional synonyms or substitutions. It also works on phrases, so you’re not just limited to single words.

Absolutely. You can easily switch between rewriting a sentence or a whole paragraph, too. When your Rewrite panel pops up, simply choose Sentence or Paragraph in the right-hand corner.

Yes. Wordtune is a fine choice for students who are working on essays, reports, or really any formal piece of writing. Unlike other AI tools, it actually cites its source of information, avoiding common AI problems like hallucinations or copycatting. The best part is it allows you to take even further steps to avoid plagiarism and assure that your work is your own by offering you a wide array of rephrasing options.

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Paraphrasing Tool

Enhance text clarity and understanding using an AI-driven paraphrasing tool. Perfect for students and professionals, this rephraser rewrites, edits, and adjusts tone for improved comprehension.

Rephrase sentences, paragraphs, essays, and articles effortlessly with our powerful paraphraser. Prevent plagiarism in blogs, research papers, and more using cutting-edge technology

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The paraphraser tool works effectively to rewrite the content in a way that removes plagiarism , maintains readability, and makes the content considerably more appealing.

Leverage any of its four paraphrasing modes to rewrite the content as required. It enables you to rewrite the content using the regular, formal, text optimizer, smarter, creative, or AI paraphrase modes, each of which resonates with a distinct writing style.

Using groundbreaking AI technology , our paraphrasing tool lets you rewrite the content with the utmost accuracy. It neither changes the context nor compromises the content quality. No matter which type of content you are working on, you can run it through our paraphrasing tool and perfect it by all means.

The users including writers, bloggers, researchers, students, and any layperson can get the best out of our online plagiarism remover for free. It facilitates quick paraphrasing of 1000 words in one attempt.


Use Paraphrasing.io to rewrite your content in original and improved wording that stands out from the rest. Change the choice of words and the way words are combined to construct sentences, achieving uniqueness and creativity in writing. Rephrase your content to ensure that it is free from potential writing errors and perfectly crafted to meet the target audience's needs. The AI paraphrasing tool will make your content unique, engaging, and easier to read by using new, trendy, simple, and fluent words and sentences.

Remove the Plagiarism

Eliminate duplicate phrases, clauses, and sentences to make the content unique

Improve Content Quality

Correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and diction errors to enhance the readability score

Modify Writing Style

Modify the choice of words to change the tone and rewrite the content in different writing styles


Paraphrasing.io, the best sentence rephraser, thoroughly analyzes the given content to understand the context and then rewrite it with an intention to:

User-friendly Interface

Anyone can easily find, access, and use this tool to paraphrase the content from a beginner to an expert.

Improved Functionality

This paraphraser tool uses advanced AI algorithms to ensure that the content is paraphrased without errors and delays.

Error-Free Results

This paraphrasing tool skillfully rewrites the content as it works effectively in terms of accuracy and efficiency.

Multiple Rephrasing Modes

Six different rewriting modes are available, which lets you change the tone and style of the writing without changing the context.

Multi Languages Support

There are 17 different languages available, any of which you can choose to rewrite the content as required.

100% Secure Paraphraser

The content is paraphrased with absolute precision and automatically removed from the tool's database upon reloading.

Freemium Tool

Our AI paraphrasing tool is freemium, meaning it offers free (with limited features) and premium (with all features) access.

Optimize the Content

Maintain readability, uniqueness, and creativity in content to make it search-engine-friendly.

How Paraphrase Online Can Enhance Your Writing?

Whoever creates content is well aware of the fact that uniqueness has great importance in writing. This is because duplicate content is not accepted anywhere. Even if a few phrases or sentences are similar to previously published content, it is considered plagiarism. To paraphrase online, you can easily remove plagiarism from the content that you can ensure with a plagiarism checker .

Must be unique words

The content must be created using unique words, whether for the web or any academic assignment. Anyhow, it isn’t easy to write unique content. It is error-prone and time-consuming.

Readability and creativity

Take into account some more essential factors in writing: readability and creativity. The words you choose and how you combine them must be easy-to-read and creative enough to hook and engage the readers. Unfortunately, there can be various writing errors, such as misused and misspelled words in your writing. These writing issues can ruin your content quality, leaving no chance for a high ranking or score.

Unique and appealing

The students, researchers, and content writers can use an online paraphrasing tool to rewrite any content and make it 100% unique and appealing. The online rephrase tool uses advanced “artificial intelligence” algorithms to rewrite a piece of content to make it free from plagiarism and writing errors.

Multiple rewriting modes

For instance, you can use our word paraphraser then. It will take only a second to provide you with a unique and improved version of your content. There are multiple rewriting modes available, any of which you can leverage to change your content's writing style and make it much more captivating for the target audience.

Who Can Use Our AI Paraphrasing Tool?

Our online AI paraphraser tool can benefit different types of users. Some common users of the rephraser are listed below:

The rephrasing tool can help students automatically remove all instances of plagiarism from their assignments. To ensure, they can check the rephrased essays, thesis, and research papers with a plagiarism checker tool.

Content writers have to write unique and high-quality content pieces. The rephraser can help them automatically improve the clarity, uniqueness, and readability of their content. They can check the readability score with a readability checker.

Our AI paraphraser is a helpful tool for copywriters. They can write attractive and engaging copies. Also, the tool is useful in repurposing and A/B testing of product descriptions.

SEO executives can remove instances of AI detections by our rephraser and make their content search engine friendly. They can use an AI detector to check whether all the AI content is rephrased into human writing.

How does our free paraphrasing tool work?

Our free online rephrasing tool is based on artificial intelligence algorithms that help in attaining uniqueness in less time with accuracy. Paraphrasing.io is considered as an AI-based free rewording tool that makes content unique by replacing the words with synonyms while keeping the content quality high. Editpad contributed to the development of this great paraphrasing tool.

Who can provide excellent services ?

There are so many online paraphrase companies that offer help with many writing types of assignments and a host of others that it can be hard to know which to choose. documents, texts, articles - when it comes to paraphrase this, you need a professional such as we have that offers to refresh the given paper using a vast amount of experience in their fields of expertise.

Software and inexperienced writers will paraphrase text and swap individual terms for their synonyms. Not only is that likely to still be seen content piracy as the structure and order of wordings as are still the same but it will often not maintain the original meaning and will often use phrases that are out of context and will make the text meaningless as best.

Why should you consider paraphrasing.io ?

This paraphrasing tool provides various reasons and features by which we can easily differentiate this tool from any other online rephrase tool.

The reasons why you need to choose this sentence rephraser are listed below.

How to use Paraphrase Tool?

To use best paraphrasing tool follow the 4 simple steps given below:

  • You can choose from 15 different languages: en id da de es fr it pl pt ro sv vi cs ru th ja ko
  • Paste/write it into the text box or upload file in txt, doc, and docx format
  • Modes `Regular`, `Formal`, `Creative`, and `Academic` to modify concerning.
  • Click "Start Paraphrasing" button to rephrase and get an error-free, unique version of the content

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writing an essay on paraphrasing

Best Paraphrasing Tool – Free & Premium Versions (Compared)

Best Paraphrasing Tool for Research

Table of Contents

Choosing the best paraphrasing tool for academic writing can be challenging, especially when many of these tools’ unique features are hidden behind a paywall. As a researcher, you want a tool that delivers more than stiff, monotonous outputs. The frustration of dealing with often contextually inappropriate results can make you question the decision to use an AI paraphrasing tool in the first place. To save you time and effort, we’ve meticulously tested the eight best paraphrasing tools, Paperpal, QuillBot, Wordtune, Paraphraser.io, and more, to determine which one truly stands out for research purposes. Here are our findings. 

Paperpal AI Paraphrasing Tool

Paperpal, a comprehensive AI academic writing assistant, leverages 22+ years of Scientific, Technical, and Medical (STM) expertise to provide in-depth academic writing, language editing, and submission readiness support for students, researchers, medical professionals, and academics. 

Paperpal’s Paraphrasing – Features and How It Works?  

Paperpal Rewrite   

  • Paraphrase: Add variety and avoid repetition in your writing with precise paraphrasing support for academic text.  
  • Trim or reduce word count: Highlight a sentence or paragraph to get a concise version of the text and meet your required word count limit.  
  • Rewrite for an Academic Tone: Get suggestions for making your text sound formal and academic in native English.  
  • Synonyms: Look up contextually relevant synonyms and use them in your text to add variety to your writing.   

What do users love about Paperpal?    

  • All-in-one academic writing toolkit: Apart from being the best paraphrasing tool for research, Paperpal offers 3x language suggestions for academic writing compared to other AI writing tools. It also provides secure, generative AI writing assistance with pre-built templates, AI text suggestions, plagiarism detection, and submission readiness checks.   
  • Excellent word reduction capabilities: Paperpal Trim reduces word count by up to 25% without sacrificing meaning, so you need not worry about word limits.   

What can Paperpal improve?    

  • Paraphrasing available only in English: While Paperpal has accurate translation capabilities, its paraphrasing is limited to text in English.   
  • Cross-platform support: While Paperpal is currently limited to MS Word and Web, it is in the process of integrating with Overleaf and Chrome, which will significantly enhance its functionality and accessibility for users in the future.

QuillBot Paraphraser

QuillBot is recognized as one of the best paraphrasing tools for research. What makes QuillBot one of the most used AI paraphrasing tools is its pre-defined and custom modes, freeze words, and synonym slider functionalities, discussed below. QuillBot supports paraphrasing in 20 languages and further customization. Let’s explore the benefits and limitations of this free paraphrasing tool.    

QuillBot Paraphraser: Features and How it Works?   

  • Pre-defined and Custom Modes for Paraphrasing: QuillBot offers eight pre-defined paraphrasing modes and also provides custom modes like ‘Witty’ and ‘Optimistic’, where writers can get creative with their words.    
  • Synonym Slider and Freeze Words: Premium users can access QuillBot’s Synonym Slider and control the level of word substitutions, from minimal changes to maximum creativity. Users can also “freeze” important words to prevent them from being altered during paraphrasing. 

What do users love about QuillBot Paraphraser?     

  • All-in-one paraphrasing tool: It is an excellent tool for finding unique synonyms and making writing non-repetitive while aligning it to the tone of communication preferred by the target audience.    
  • Direct access without signing in: The free version does not require signing up, which boosts user interaction with the tool.    

What can QuillBot improve?    

  • Limited access: With QuillBot’s free version, users can only paraphrase 125 words and access two pre-defined modes of paraphrasing. Synonym Slider: The free version is available only with the premium version.    
  • Synonym Slider and Freeze Words: The premium version offers unique features to customize the level of word replacements. The free version does not have this feature, which may result in spun content, potentially leading to misinterpretation and altering the intended meaning. 
  • Weird paraphrasing suggestions: Sometimes, the tool doesn’t understand the meaning of the sentences and suggests weird, out-of-context synonyms. This is a big NO-NO if you’re considering QuillBot as a paraphrasing tool for research.   

Looking for the best paraphrasing tool for research? Choose Paperpal for 2x more suggestions than QuillBot .

Wordtune Paraphrasing Tool

Wordtune is often considered the best AI paraphrasing tool by content creators because of its contextual understanding, sentence-level customization, and tone adjustments. Wordtune actually stands by its claim of enhancing writing quality, engagement, and tone while retaining the original meaning of text. However, is it the best paraphrasing tool for research? Let’s find out.   

Wordtune Rewrite – Features and How it Works?    

  • Rewrite Options: Wordtune users can choose from various options, such as ‘Formal’, ‘Casual’, ‘Shorten’, and ‘Expand’, to rephrase sentences and retain meaning.  
  • Thesaurus: Users can highlight words to receive synonyms and alternative phrases, adding variety and depth to their writing.  

What do users love about Wordtune?    

  • Contextual Understanding: Wordtune understands the context of the text and suggests relevant and coherent rewrites. If you’re a content creator or a marketing professional, this feature adapts your writing style and suggests rewrites based on the target audience.   
  • Real-Time Assistance: Wordtune offers suggestions as users type or paste their text into the editor. This immediacy boosts writing flow.   

What can Wordtune improve?    

  • Individual Sentence Focus: While sentence-level focus is essential if you’re working on landing page copies, ads, etc., it doesn’t really work if you want to rephrase larger chunks of text, like essays, theses, research papers, etc.    
  • English paraphrasing only: Wordtune currently supports paraphrasing only in the English language, which limits its usability for those writing in multiple languages. 

Discover why Paperpal outperforms Wordtune as the best paraphrasing tool for academic writing.    


Paraphraser IO

This Natural Language Processing (NLP) based paraphrasing tool helps writers rewrite content. Content tone options include Fluent and Standard. If you subscribe to the paid program, you can access the Creative Tone.    

Paraphraser.io – Features and How It Works?   

  • Fluency: Enhances text clarity by changing some words here and there and readable by removing unnecessary fluff words.    
  • Standard: Improves the overall content tone by changing only the elements it feels are necessary. It uses better/alternative terms to convey the idea better.    
  • Creative (Premium Feature): Makes your writing more creative.    
  • Smart (Premium Feature): Rephrases sentences to make text sound expert-written    

What do users love about Paraphraser.io?      

  • Intuitive UI, No Jargon: Paraphraser.io doesn’t require complex workstreams or prompting and includes all the necessary functions, making it the best paraphrasing tool for day-to-day tasks.    
  • Word Limit for Free Version: The 600-word limit suffices for short paraphrasing requirements like emails, general text, copies, etc. Many users also consider paraphraser.io a great alternative to QuillBot due to the word limit offered in the free plan.     

What can Paraphraser.io improve?     

  • Accessibility: Paraphraser.io is only available on the web, which means users must open the website whenever they want to use it.    
  • Doesn’t work with long text: Using Paraphraser.io for long-form content requires extensive human intervention to review and manually rephrase chunks of text suggested, often out of context, by the tool.   
  • Unreliable output: Paraphraser.io often produces grammatically incorrect sentences, and the Word changer function suggests irrelevant and out-of-context words, which defeats the purpose of a paraphrasing tool. 

Say goodbye to tedious and time-consuming academic paraphrasing. Paraphrase with Paperpal

WordAI Paraphraser

  Word AI is a text rewriter that aims to humanize AI-generated content and bypass AI content detectors. As one of the best paraphrasing tools in the market, Word AI can restructure sentences, enrich the text, reword your text for a better description, and much more. Here’s what this paraphrasing tool can do.   

WordAI – Features and How it Works?    

  • Complete Sentence Restructuring – Rewrites text from scratch while optimizing for uniqueness and readability.  
  • Text Enrichment – Understands the meaning behind your sentences and adds LSI keywords for unique and SEO-enhanced outputs.  
  • Describe ideas differently- Prevents duplicate content and provides copy alternatives to help you beat writer’s block.  
  • Improves clarity with Split sentences – Refines wordy content into clear and concise rewrites to communicate better. Takes long run-on sentences and splits them naturally so they are short, clear, and compelling.  

What do users love about WordAI?    

  • Makes intelligent spin versions: WordAI can understand the context of the input text and produce intelligently rephrased versions that are just as effective as manually rewriting articles. It also offers various options and settings to customize the spun content.  
  • Accessibility: WordAI extends its functionality to support multiple use cases with API integration, bulk rewrite integration, and article forge integration.   

What can WordAI improve?    

  • Pricing – WordAI only offers a 3-day trial, and its monthly and annual plans are pricey compared to some of the best paraphrasing tools on the market.  
  • Produces inaccurate rewrites for technical content – WordAI isn’t an excellent paraphrasing tool for research, and it sometimes provides meaningless sentences for academic and technical writing purposes. 

Spin Rewriter


  Spin Rewriter leverages Emulated Natural Language (ENL) Semantic Rewriting technology and large language models (LLMs) to extract the meaning of your articles and rewrite them as human-quality.  

Spin Rewriter – Features and How it Works?     

  • Bulk article rewriting: Spin Rewriter allows users to efficiently rewrite multiple articles simultaneously, enabling the instant creation of large quantities of unique content.   
  • Mass Export: Generate up to 1,000 unique versions of an original article at once, simplifying the process of filling multiple blogs, satellite websites, or an entire PBN with diverse content.   
  • Paragraph creation: This AI paraphrasing tool autonomously extracts meaning and generates entirely new paragraphs, effectively concealing the original article.    

What do users love about Spin Rewriter?    

  • Lifetime Pricing Plan: Spin Rewriter’s lifetime plan makes it the best paraphrasing tool. For $497, you can get lifetime access to this article rewriter tool with all its features except for a few premium ones.   
  • Accessibility: Access everything this AI paraphrasing tool offers from your WordPress dashboard. You can also automate content updates, like repurposing an old blog post to rank better for SEO.    
  • Article Suggestions: Spin Rewriter automatically fetches relevant seed articles based on your website’s dynamics.   

What can Spin Rewriter improve?     

  • Dependence on Original Content: Spin Rewriter’s effectiveness largely depends on the quality of the original content being spun. Poorly written articles will likely result in subpar rewrites.   
  • No built-in grammar checker: Spin Rewriter lacks an integrated grammar or plagiarism checker for reviewing the spun text. This means users must find an alternative proofreading tool for editing, which can be inconvenient. 

Stop using generic paraphrasing tools for research. Paraphrase with Paperpal

Jasper AI

Jasper AI is one of the best paraphrasing tools for creators and marketing teams. It uses advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) to rephrase your content automatically. According to Jasper, the AI paraphrasing tool not only rephrases your text but enhances the output without plagiarism, regardless of input text quality.   

Jasper AI – Features and How Does It Work?   

Sentence Rewriting:   

  • Instantly transforms sentences with precision, creativity, and flair.  
  • Generates new variations of sentences in line with a specific purpose.  
  • It uses AI and contextual synonyms to create sentences with the same meaning in a different tone, shorter length, or another readability level.  
  • It provides templates, such as Sentence Expander, Content Improver, and Explain It to a Child, to expand, rephrase, or simplify sentences.  

Paragraph Rewriting:   

  • Rearrange words or sentences in a paragraph to improve readability and structure ideas more clearly.  
  • Uses GPT-3 and GPT-4 AI technology to scan data and understand how humans write.  
  • You can rephrase paragraphs multiple times by altering word choices, sentence length, or tone while retaining the original meaning.  
  • It provides templates to simplify writing for better communication, repurpose content for different platforms, optimize for SEO, and overcome writer’s block.  


  • Produces original content without plagiarism  
  • Improves upon the content you input  
  • Allows you to quickly refresh old content or repurpose it for different distribution channels  
  • Integrates with Brand Voice to tailor content to your tone and style  
  • Generates content in 30+ languages  
  • Optimizes content for SEO with keyword suggestions and readability improvements  
  • Provides templates like Content Improver and Explain It to a Child to rephrase content for different audiences  

What do users love about Jasper AI?   

  • High-Quality Output: It leverages advanced NLP to produce grammatically correct and meaningful rephrased content, ensuring originality and quality.  
  • Customization Options: Users can adjust the level of paraphrasing to achieve specific results.   
  • Error Detection: The tool also identifies and corrects grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors, enhancing the overall quality of the content.  
  • Language Versatility: Jasper can generate content in over 30 languages, making it accessible to a diverse user base.  

What can Jasper AI improve?   

  • Length Limitations: The tool may struggle with longer pieces of content like essays, thesis, and other academic formats, which may not make it the best paraphrasing tool for research.    
  • Cost Considerations: Jasper AI can be relatively expensive, even for individual users.   
  • Learning Curve: New users might find the tool challenging to navigate initially, requiring some time to become proficient. 

Hypotenuse AI

Hypotenuse AI

Hypotenuse is a powerful AI paraphrasing tool geared toward e-commerce and social media content creation. It focuses on creating SEO-focused, accurate, on-brand product descriptions, articles, social media copies, and 20+ content types.  

Hypotenuse AI – Features and How it Works?  

  • Article Spinning: Generates multiple rewrites of an original piece to submit to article directories.  
  • Tone Selection: Hypotenuse AI provides up to 4 pre-set tones for customizing your content and allows you to describe your tone.   
  • Improve: Suggest alternative word choices, sentence structures, and phrasing to make content more engaging and professional.  
  • Simplify: Provides simplified alternatives to cut the fluff and convey your message clearly.  
  • Shorten: Offers concise alternatives, making content more direct.  
  • Expand: Add more information, examples, or explanations.  
  • Rephrase: Diversifies writing style to avoid repetitive language and offers fresh perspectives.  

What do users love about Hypotenuse AI?    

Ultimate writing tool for e-commerce businesses: Businesses with multiple third-party product listings find Hypotenuse useful because it efficiently writes and paraphrases compelling product descriptions.   

What can Hypotenuse AI improve?    

AI-generated outputs: The content rephrased or generated by Hypotenuse AI doesn’t fully capture the “human voice” and lacks flow, which means text needs to be further edited manually. 

Why is it important to choose the best paraphrasing tool for research?  

Research and academia demand precision, originality, and efficiency. While paraphrasing is an essential aspect of academic writing, the process can be time-consuming and fraught with potential pitfalls if you do not choose the right paraphrasing tool for research.    

A well-chosen academic paraphrasing tool is more than just a language rephrase; it’s an AI research assistant. It must adeptly handle the nuances of academic language, preserving technical terms and ensuring semantic integrity. Moreover, the ability to seamlessly integrate proofreading, plagiarism checks, and citation features within a single platform is indispensable. This integrated approach accelerates the research process and significantly enhances the quality of the final output.  

Research integrity is paramount in academia. Investing time in selecting the best paraphrasing tool for research can significantly impact the efficiency, accuracy, and credibility of one’s research endeavours. 

Effortlessly rewrite academic text with Paperpal. Sign Up Now for FREE.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. which is the best paraphrasing tool for researchers  .

The best paraphrasing tool for researchers often depends on specific needs, such as contextual understanding and accuracy in retaining the meaning of words. While many paraphrasing tools excel in rephrasing grammatically correct sentences, they often change scientific and technical terms to generic words, which is unsuitable in the academic context.   

Paperpal suggests accurate technical terms to enhance the academic text and ensure that the same scientific sentence context is retained. Unlike other paraphrasing tools, Paperpal doesn’t replace your entire text in one go. Instead, it suggests rephrased sentences and asks you to edit and review each section before adding it to your document. Try Paperpal for free and see the difference.   

2. How do you choose the best paraphrasing tool for research?  

Paraphrasing text in research and academia doesn’t end up rephrasing and using it directly. You need to proofread it, check for plagiarism, search for the right source, and cite it if it was taken from a different source. Here’s our guide to choosing the best paraphrasing tool for research.   

  • Custom Paraphrasing Tool for Research: To avoid manually editing and proofreading paraphrased academic text, go for a paraphrasing tool tailored to academic writing    
  • Technical Term Preservation: Ensure the tool accurately preserves the original meaning and doesn’t replace technical terms, such as patient-first language, equations, tables, etc., with generic words.   
  • In-built academic proofreading: Before using paraphrased text directly, you must proofread and edit it to suit your tone and the journal guidelines. Using a paraphrasing tool for research with built-in academic proofreading saves time and effort.   
  • Plagiarism and Citation features: Paraphrasing can often be misunderstood as plagiarized text, especially if you’re paraphrasing someone else’s text without citing it. Paraphrasing tools like Paperpal offer an in-built search and cite feature along with plagiarism checks to avoid accidental plagiarism and properly reference your work. 

3. Can I use a paraphrasing tool in research?  

Yes, you can use a paraphrasing tool in research. However, you need to ensure that the paraphrased text is not plagiarised and adequately cited if the original text has been picked up from another source. If you’re paraphrasing text written by you, ensure that the meaning, technical terms, and consistency in the presentation of tables, figures, and equation labels are retained in the output.    

4. What are the benefits of using a paraphrasing tool?  

Using a custom paraphrasing tool for research offers several benefits: 

  • Time Efficiency: Speeds up the process of rewriting content, allowing more time for actual research and analysis. 
  • Improved Readability: This enhances the readability and flow of your writing, making it more accessible to a wider audience. 
  • Language Proficiency: Assists non-native English speakers in refining their academic writing to meet higher linguistic standards. 
  • Focus on Core Research: Allows researchers to focus on the core aspects of their work rather than spending excessive time on writing and rephrasing. 

By leveraging the right paraphrasing tool , researchers can enhance the quality and efficiency of their academic writing. We hope this list helps you make the right decision! 

Paperpal is a comprehensive AI writing toolkit that helps students and researchers achieve 2x the writing in half the time. It leverages 21+ years of STM experience and insights from millions of research articles to provide in-depth academic writing, language editing, and submission readiness support to help you write better, faster.

Get accurate academic translations, rewriting support, grammar checks, vocabulary suggestions, and generative AI assistance that delivers human precision at machine speed.  Try for free or  upgrade to Paperpal Prime  starting at US$19 a month  to access premium features, including consistency, plagiarism, and 30+ submission readiness checks to help you succeed.

Experience the future of academic writing –  Sign up to Paperpal and start writing for free!

Related Reads:

  • Paraphrasing in Academic Writing: Answering Top Author Queries
  • How to Paraphrase Research Papers Effectively
  • Grammarly Review – Is Grammarly Worth it? [2024 Update]

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Essay Paraphraser: Online Tool for Students

Looking for an essay paraphraser to change a paper or an article? The online paraphrase tool above is created especially for students. Use it to get a plagiarism-free text!

  • 🤔 How to Use the Tool?
  • 🗝️ 5 Benefits of the Paraphraser

📜 What Is Paraphrasing?

  • ✍️ When to Use a Paraphraser?

🔗 References

🤔 essay paraphraser: how to use.

Welcome to our free online essay paraphraser. Get your paraphrased paper in 4 simple steps :

  • Copy and paste your text,
  • Choose the percentage of replaced words,
  • Click the “Paraphrase” button,
  • Get your text rephrased.

You can use it for free, so why don’t you give it a try?

🗝️ Essay Paraphraser: 5 Key Benefits

Why choose our essay paraphraser?

Here are some of the advantages our paraphrase tool has.

  • It has high rewording quality. How many times have you witnessed how different essay word changers reworded the text using weird synonyms? It can affect the text quality. Our essay paraphraser has a high rewording quality that will make your text readable and easy to follow.
  • It was explicitly developed for students. Our paraphrase tool was developed for rewriting academic papers. So, you don’t have to worry about your text being too casual. You can try it for your research paper or any other writing assignment.
  • You can choose the number of paraphrased words. Depending on the text, you can choose the number of paraphrased words. Sometimes the original text, especially from scholarly sources , contains some crucial terminology. You can select the percentage to keep some words you need.
  • It is easy to use. Our paraphrase tool is intuitive and easy to use. It has a simple toolbox. Just copy-paste your text in the window and click the “Paraphrase” button. Try it out to check it yourself.
  • It’s 100% free. You don’t have to pay for anything. Unlike other online paraphrase tools, you don’t have to pay for additional paraphrasing passages. Paraphrase as many times as you want.

Paraphrasing is restating the original idea using different words. In academic writing, paraphrasing is used to deliver the paper without plagiarism. To avoid plagiarism , you should cite paraphrased material correctly.

Paraphrasing helps understand the original material better. So, it is also used for exam revisions and different writing assignments.

History of Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing became an academic practice during Roman times when Quintilian suggested it to his students to develop language skills. Later, during Middle Ages, Geoffrey of Vinsauf used paraphrasing as an exercise to help students with writing poems and speeches.

Nowadays, college students use paraphrasing for numerous different reasons. It helps with writing assignments, exam revisions, etc.

Automated Paraphrase Tools

There are many different essay paraphrasers you can find online. These services vary from professional to simple ones. These are things you should take into account to choose the best paraphrase tool for you:

  • Word limit. Depending on the type of your essay , it might be crucial to paraphrase texts with many paragraphs and sentences at the same time.
  • File uploading feature. Can you upload your document instead of pasting it? For some, it is crucial to keep the original structure of the text.
  • Paraphrasing quality. It is one of the main things you should take into account. The quality of paraphrasing and accuracy of the chosen synonyms affect your paper. So, make sure that the tool provides high-quality paraphrasing.
  • The percentage of paraphrased text. You might want to paraphrase just a few words in the text or the whole text completely. So, check if you can set the percentage yourself.
  • Price. Last but not least, you should check the prices. There are many free paraphrasers online, so check if you need to pay beforehand.

✍️ When Can an Essay Paraphraser Help?

There are numerous reasons to use paraphrasing for. Let’s take a look at some of them.

  • To rephrase a complicated text. One of the reasons to use paraphrasing is to simplify a complicated text. There are different situations when you might need to deliver complex information to people of different backgrounds. Paraphrasing could help update your text for the general public.
  • To add diversity to the text. If the text is too plain, you can paraphrase it to make it more diverse. It allows you to state your point from a different angle to appeal to different people.
  • To show your understanding of the text. To paraphrase the material, you need to understand it well. So, by paraphrasing, you can get a better understanding of the text or show that you already know it well.
  • To paraphrase a quote. If you want to quote someone but don’t remember the quote precisely, you can paraphrase it. However, it would help to let your reader know that you paraphrased the quote in your paper to avoid any misunderstandings.
  • To restate your thesis statement . Any academic paper consists of an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction part has a thesis statement to let your reader know what your essay is about. Later, in conclusion, you need to restate your thesis statement to close your paper. Here is when you can use paraphrasing.
  • To explain the context of your idea. Another option you can use paraphrasing for is to lead your reader into your point more organically. For example, you can paraphrase someone to prove your point, add to your settings, or show a different perspective.
  • To revise for a test. Paraphrasing is one of the techniques of revising for tests or exams. While paraphrasing the material, you get a better understanding and look at the subject from a different angle.

Good luck with your writing! Hope the above tips will be useful. By the way, if you need to summarize something, you are welcome to use our summarizing tool .

❓ Essay Paraphraser FAQ

Which phrase best defines paraphrase.

Paraphrasing implies restating the original text using different words. It is crucial to deliver the main points as well as the whole idea of the original text.

When should you paraphrase?

There are no rules for what you can paraphrase for. You can use paraphrasing for various reasons. It can simplify a complicated text and make the text more diverse. Moreover, paraphrasing can show your understanding of the subject. You can also use it to reword a quote or restate your thesis statement for the conclusion part.

How is a paraphrase similar to a summary?

Paraphrasing and summarizing both imply restating the original text. Both techniques require full understanding of the material. They allow you to use someone else’s ideas in your work. Both paraphrasing and summarizing require correct citations.

What is the difference between a paraphrase and a summary?

Although paraphrasing and summarizing have similarities, they are also different. Paraphrasing and summarizing imply taking someone else’s ideas to your work using different words. However, summarizing requires not only restating the main points but the whole idea. On the other hand, summarizing implies restating the main ideas of the original text to make it shorter.

  • Paraphrases and Quotes | History
  • How to Restate a Thesis: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow
  • Avoiding Plagiarism - "paraphrase" mean?
  • Why is paraphrasing important? - Quora
  • Paraphrasing, summarising and quoting - Monash University


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Paraphrase Online

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Paraphrase online is a free online paraphrasing tool used to change words and rephrase sentences.

How to Use our Paraphrasing Tool?

It is very easy to paraphrase online with our paraphrasing tool. To rephrase, follow the steps below.

  • Type/paste the text into the input box or upload a file (.doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt) from local storage.
  • Select the required paraphrasing mode and click on the "Paraphrase" button.
  • The paraphrased text will be displayed on the right box. You can also change the modes for different outputs.
  • You can also copy and download the paraphrased text by clicking on the output buttons.

Free Paraphrasing Tool

Our paraphrasing tool (paraphraser) helps students, writers, and bloggers to avoid plagiarism. This rewording tool uses advanced AI algorithms to change sentence structure, synonymize the text and make other similar changes. 

This word changer has a built-in paraphrase generator that helps in rephrasing any paragraph accurately.

What is Paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing is one way to use a text in your own writing without directly quoting source material ( according to Purdue University ). It is the process of rewording and rearranging sentence structure while keeping the original meaning of the context.

Features of Paraphrase Online

Paraphrase Online offers numerous features such as paraphrasing essays, assignments, and rewording articles. Our paraphrase tool works as the best sentence rephraser and word changer.

Upload Files

You can use this feature to upload files directly from your device and skip the copy-paste or typing step. Our tool supports Doc, Docx, PDF & .txt file formats.

Free and Secure

Our word paraphraser is 100% free and completely secure to use for all kinds of rephrasing paragraphs and sentences to avoid plagiarism.

Rephrase Accurately

Our rephrase tool is based on advanced AI algorithms that can rephrase more accurately than humans and makes text grammatically correct and plagiarism free.

Ease to use

Paraphrase Online has a user-friendly interface and simple navigation that makes our paraphrase generator the most easy to use paraphrasing tool online.

Plagiarism Free Content

Content paraphrased by our sentence rephraser will be 100% plagiarism-free. Our paraphrasing tool helps you rephrase any text in seconds to avoid plagiarism issues.

Speed & Customization

Our paraphraser can rephrase any text within seconds and provides quick results. Paraphrase Online also allows you to customize the output to suit your needs, e.g: choosing the specific words to be replaced.

05 Different Paraphrasing Modes

Our paraphrasing tool offers five different paraphrasing modes/styles that you can choose from as per your need and requirement. Here is a brief profile of each mode:

Word Changer

The Word Changer mode is designed to replace the words in the text with suitable synonyms. This mode focuses on changing words and does not make other types of alterations.

Sentence Rephraser

The Sentence Rephraser mode is made to rephrase sentences as a whole by making changes to the words as well as the phrases.

The Academic mode of our paraphrasing tool makes your text more formal and suitable for academic uses.

The Creative mode makes smart and extensive changes to the text to make it look different from the original version. This mode is best for avoiding plagiarism, improving readability, and enhancing engagement.

The Shorten mode rephrases text while also making it shorter than the original input. This mode is best for creating a paraphrased + summarized output for your existing text.

Why Our Paraphrase Tool?

Our paraphrase tool is the best rewording tool that helps you to write content in your own words. This paraphrase generator changes words and phrases quickly and accurately.

Supported Languages

ES , ID , BR

🌪️ Quickly ParaphraseSentences & Paragraphs
🥇 Paraphrasing Styles05 AI Modes
📝 ImprovesWriting style, Word choice & Vocabulary
😍 Write UniqueAssignments & Essays
💰 Pricing100% Free

Users of Paraphrase Online

This paraphraser is widely used by:

Students can use this paraphrasing tool to paraphrase their assignments and research papers. Our tool can help students:

Avoid plagiarism : It helps students to make their work plagiarism-free.

Make assignments more readable : Our tool also makes content more readable and free of grammar errors. And if English is not their first language then this tool is no less than a best friend.

  • Save time : Generate assignments and essays by quickly paraphrasing the existing content.

Creating class notes and study material on the same topic is a very tough task for teachers. Hey teachers! You can thank us for this awesome rewording tool. You can:

  • Paraphrase any notes within seconds while keeping its original meaning;
  • Make study notes easy to understand for your class students; 
  • Generate new assignment ideas by rephrasing the same topics.


Bloggers have to post on a regular basis, and mostly on similar topics. They can create unique content for their blogs without spending a lot of time by just rewording existing blogs.

SEO Specialists

SEO specialists can use our AI-based paraphrasing tool to create unique content for their websites. SEO experts must use our tool because:

  • The final result of our tool is also optimized for search engines; 
  • It adjusts multiple keywords by rephrasing text

Content Writers

Content writers play the most creative part in a website. Our rephrase tool helps them to come up with new ideas using existing content. Content writers can also use our paraphrase tool to rephrase their write-ups to avoid plagiarism.


Make your next advertising campaign line catchy and engaging using our paraphrasing tool. Create messages that will sell products, services, or ideas. Paraphrase Online makes your writing visually appealing and effective.

Media Marketers

Best marketing lines matter in digital marketing. Our paraphrase tool provides different versions of the same lines that can be used for A/B testing. Even a simple choice of different words can generate more leads.


Researchers can use our shorten mode to summarize and paraphrase their research papers. It makes it easy for them to change their literature reviews.

Business Professionals

Rewording emails, reports, or other business documents is very common for business professionals. Our reword tool could be very helpful in rewording texts for better clarity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is using an online paraphrasing tool illegal.

No, using an online paraphrasing tool is not illegal. If you want to paraphrase someone else’s content, be sure to cite the source to avoid plagiarism.

Why is paraphrasing important?

Paraphrasing is important as it lets you avoid plagiarism and make your content more easily understandable. Paraphrasing is often done to improve clarity in a piece of text.

Which paraphrasing tool is best for university students?

The paraphrasing tool by Paraphrase Online is an excellent choice for university students. It is free and provides accurate results.

How can I use paraphrase tool for research paper?

You can easily use our paraphrase tool for improving the quality of your research papers and for getting new/better ideas for them. Using Paraphrase Online is easy and simple. You just have to enter your text, choose a mode, and then click on the button.

What are the benefits of paraphrasing in communication?

Paraphrasing can help make communication easier and more clear. You can paraphrase your mails and messages to make them more readable, natural, and better-flowing.

Paraphrasing in communication examples:

  • You can paraphrase your work emails to make sure that the recipient easily understands them.
  • You can paraphrase your letters and memos to make them clear and understandable for the office people.
  • You can also paraphrase simple text messages to avoid having to repeat or explain yourself afterward.

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Want to write a college essay that sets you apart? Three tips to give you a head start

How to write a college essay

1. Keep it real. It’s normal to want to make a good impression on the school of your choice, but it’s also important to show who you really are. So just be yourself! Compelling stories might not be perfectly linear or have a happy ending, and that’s OK. It’s best to be authentic instead of telling schools what you think they want to hear.

2. Be reflective . Think about how you’ve changed during high school. How have you grown and improved? What makes you feel ready for college, and how do you hope to contribute to the campus community and society at large?

3. Look to the future. Consider your reasons for attending college. What do you hope to gain from your education? What about college excites you the most, and what would you like to do after you graduate? Answering these questions will not only give colleges insight into the kind of student you’ll be, but it will also give you the personal insight you’ll need to choose the school that’s right for you.

Have questions about college prep? We're here to help.

Written by CU Boulder Office of Admissions

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The University of Colorado does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, pregnancy, disability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, political affiliation, or political philosophy. All qualified individuals are encouraged to apply. You may  view the list of ADA and Title IX coordinators  and  review the Regent policy .

As a student or prospective student at CU Boulder, you have a right to certain information pertaining to financial aid programs, the Clery Act, crime and safety, graduation rates, athletics and other general information such as the costs associated with attending CU Boulder. To view this information visit  colorado.edu/your-right-know .

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Free AI Paragraph Rewriter

Rewrite your text as many times as you want with Scribbr's free AI Paragraph Rewriter.

Try our other writing services

Text Summarizer

What is a Paragraph Rewriter?

A Paragraph Rewriter is an online tool designed to rephrase or rewrite a paragraph while preserving its original meaning. Essentially, it takes a given paragraph and rephrases it in a way that maintains the main idea and presents it using different words and sentence structures. It’s useful for enhancing readability and generating multiple variations of the same text.

How does our Paragraph Rewriter work?

1. put your text into the paragraph rewriter, 2. select your method of rewriting, 3. select the level of synonyms you want, 4. edit your text where needed.

writing an essay on paraphrasing

Why use our paragraph rewriter tool?

  • Time Saving: The days of manually rewording paragraphs has passed. Now, with just a click, you can effortlessly rewrite a paragraph or an entire document.
  • Enhance your writing: Your written work will always be lucid and easy to interpret. Assured uniformity throughout is provided automatically.
  • Retain original meaning: Rewrite without fear of losing the point of your paragraph.
  • No annoying ads: We prfioritize the user experience, hence we refrain from displaying ads.
  • Accuracy: Reliable and grammatically correct rewriting.
  • No login required: We don’t request access to your personal data for you to use our paragraph rewriter.
  • Easy to use: A simple and easy to use interface for every writer.
  • 100% free:   No hidden charges, just unlimited usage of our free paragraph rewriter.

Features of our Paragraph Rewriter


Rewrite individual paragraphs

With the Scribbr Paragraph Rewriter, you can easily rewrite individual paragraphs.

  • Create diverse headlines
  • Rewrite an email
  • Create unique social media captions


Rewrite an Entire Document

Our Paragraph Rewriter is designed to handle up to 125 words per paragraph. Simply upload your file or paste the content in the provided input box.

At the click of a button, you can alter the whole paragraph to your preference.


Find synonyms with ease

Simply click on any word to open the interactive thesaurus.

Choose from a list of suggested similar words Get the correct word choice with the most appropriate meaning Replace the word with a single click


Rewrite in two ways

Standard: Balances between altering the text and holding on to the original meaning. Fluency: Enhances language proficiency and resolves grammatical errors.


Uploading Varieties of Document Formats

Upload any Microsoft Word document, Google Doc, or PDF into the Paragraph Rewriter tool.


Export or copy your content

Once you’ve completed the task, you’ll have the ability to effortlessly obtain or duplicate your prepared paragraph for utilization elsewhere.


Powered by AI

The Paragraph Rewriter uses advanced AI language processing to rewrite any paragraph you provide. Thus, you can rewrite any paragraph in one click.


Avoid accidental plagiarism

Are you keen on having your document free from plagiarism? Along with our Paragraph Rewriter, which assists in rewriting sentences, quotes, or paragraphs appropriately, we recommend you to use our plagiarism-detection software to assure that your document is original and not copied.

Scribbr’s anti-plagiarism software enables you to:

  • Identify plagiarism with higher precision compared to other tools
  • Make sure that your rewritten paragraphs are authentic
  • Point out the references that closely match your text

Start for free

Who can use this Paragraph Rewriter tool?


Academic Students

Paragraph Rewriter can help students to understand texts and improve the quality of their writing.


Create original lesson plans, presentations, or other educational content.



Explain complex concepts or ideas to a wider audience.


News Editors

Quickly and easily rewrite text to avoid repetitive language.


Copy Writers

Writers who need to rewrite content, such as adapting an article for a different context or writing content for a different audience.


Digital Marketers

Our Paragraph Rewriter tool lets you quickly rewrite your original paragraph for each medium, ensuring you reach the right customers on each platform.

Rewrite paragraph online, for free

The Scribbr Paragraph Rewriter lets you rewrite as many paragraphs as you want—for free.

💶 100% free Rephrase as many paragraphs as you want
🟢 No login No registration needed
📜 Sentences & paragraphs Suitable for whole paragraphs
🖍️ Choice of writing styles For school, university, or work
⭐️ Rating based on 13,544 reviews

Ask our team

Want to contact us directly? No problem.  We  are always here for you.

Support team - Nina

Frequently asked questions

Yes, the Scribbr Paragraph Rewriter is absolutely free to use. You can access its features and benefits without any cost. Enjoy rewriting your paragraphs effortlessly with our free tool!

Yes, our paragraph rewriter can enhance the readability and uniqueness of your content by providing alternative wording and sentence structures.

Alongside the paragraph rewriter, Scribbr offers a range of other tools designed to elevate your content such as the paraphrasing tool and grammar checker . In addition to that, we also provide tools such as a citation generator , plagiarism checker and more writing tools. These tools work together to ensure that your content is not only well-written and polished but also original, properly cited, and academically sound.

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Open Letters: Our Opinion-Writing Contest

We invite students to write public-facing letters to people or groups about issues that matter to them. Contest dates: March 12 to April 16, 2025.

By The Learning Network

What’s bothering you? Who could do something about it? What could you say to them that would persuade them to care, or to make change?

And … what if we all read your letter? How could you make us care too?

These are some of the questions we’re asking you to ponder for our Open Letter Contest. An open letter is a published letter of protest or appeal usually addressed to an individual, group or institution but intended for the general public. Think of the many “Dear Taylor Swift” open letters you can find online and on social media: Sure, they’re addressed to Ms. Swift, but they’re really a way for the writer to share opinions and feelings on feminism, or ticket sales, or the music industry, or … the list goes on.

As you might already know if you’ve read Martin Luther King’s famous Letter From Birmingham Jail , an open letter is a literary device. Though it seems on the surface to be intended for just one individual or group, and therefore usually reads like a personal letter (and can make readers feel they are somehow “listening in” on private thoughts), it is really a persuasive essay addressed to the public. This letter signed by over 1,000 tech leaders about the dangers of A.I. , this funny 2020 letter addressed to Harry and Meghan , and this video letter from young Asian Americans to their families about Black Lives Matter are all examples of the tradition.

Now we’re inviting you to try it yourself. Write your own open letter, to anyone you like on any issue you care about, as long as it is also appropriate and meaningful for a general Times audience.

Whom should you write to? What should you say? How do open letters work?

The rules and FAQ below, along with our Student Opinion forum and related how-to guide , can walk you through ways to get started.

Please post any questions you have in the comments and we’ll answer you there, or write to us at [email protected]. And, consider hanging this PDF one-page announcement on your class bulletin board.

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AI Sentence Corrector 4+

Spelling & grammar check.

  • 5.0 • 11 Ratings
  • Offers In-App Purchases

iPhone Screenshots


Introducing GramFix - Grammar check & sentence corrector! Whether it's a crucial business email, book writing, an academic essay, or a simple text to a friend, we've got you covered. Key Features: - Instant Grammar Check: Instantly fix grammar errors and make your sentences error-free. - Sentence Corrector: Enhance sentence structure and clarity with the help of AI. - Multi-Language Support: Not just English! GramFix proudly supports multiple languages, ensuring you communicate perfectly in any tongue. - Explanations On-Demand: Not just a fix, but a lesson! With our premium version, understand the 'why' behind each spell check, enhancing your writing skills with each use. - Rewrite Assistant: Rewrite sentences with word correction, punctuation and readability. - Simple & Clean Interface: No clutter, no fuss. Our minimalistic design ensures a user-friendly experience, letting you focus solely on perfecting your text. - Freemium Model: Enjoy free grammar checks daily, and if you love what you see (we're sure you will!), upgrade for unlimited checks and more exclusive features. - No Ads: We value your time and focus. Enjoy an ad-free experience, always. Why Choose Us: - Professional Writers' Choice: Writes trust us for our app's accuracy and reliability. - Mutiple Applications: Excellent for emails, essay, book, research papers etc. Boost your confidence in writing and communicate like a pro. Become a better write today. Download GramFix today and make grammar mistakes a thing of the past! EULA - https://www.apple.com/legal/internet-services/itunes/dev/stdeula/

Version 1.7

Stability improvements & bug fixes

Ratings and Reviews

App privacy.

The developer, Arpit Roy , indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy .

Data Not Collected

The developer does not collect any data from this app.

Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age. Learn More


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  • Sentence Corrector $19.99
  • Sentence Corrector $4.99
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Some in‑app purchases, including subscriptions, may be shareable with your family group when family sharing is enabled., more by this developer.

Paraphrase Tool - Rephraser AI

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  1. How to Paraphrase

    Paraphrasing means putting someone else's ideas into your own words. Paraphrasing a source involves changing the wording while preserving the original meaning. Paraphrasing is an alternative to quoting (copying someone's exact words and putting them in quotation marks ). In academic writing, it's usually better to integrate sources by ...

  2. Paraphrasing Tool

    Paraphrasing tools can help you quickly reword text by replacing certain words with synonyms or restructuring sentences. They can also make your text more concise, clear, and suitable for a specific audience. Paraphrasing is an essential skill in academic writing and professional communication.

  3. How to Paraphrase in 5 Simple Steps (Without Plagiarizing)

    Make sure the quote you are paraphrasing fits your thesis statement and is in the correct section of your essay. Then, follow the five steps above to write a paraphrase. Don't forget to cite your source material! After you've paraphrased and cited the original text, offer your own commentary or thoughts.

  4. Free AI Paraphrasing Tool

    Academic writing and research Ahrefs' Paraphrasing Tool can be valuable for students, researchers, and academics who need to paraphrase existing texts while maintaining the original meaning. It can help avoid plagiarism by generating alternative versions of sentences or paragraphs, ensuring academic integrity.

  5. Free AI Paragraph Rewriter

    Paraphrasing, rephrasing, and rewriting paragraphs involve similar processes of modifying text, yet they serve distinct purposes and entail varying degrees of change. Paraphrasing a paragraph is taking someone else's idea or writing and putting it into your own words. This is often done to make complex concepts easier to understand without changing the core message.

  6. Paraphrasing Tool (Ad-Free and No Sign-up Required)

    QuillBot's Paraphraser helps you write better, faster, and smarter. Our rewording tool is free and easy to use—with just the click of a button, the paraphrasing tool will rephrase your sentence, paragraph, essay, or article to your liking, with many options available to customize and perfect the reworded text.

  7. Paraphrasing

    6 Steps to Effective Paraphrasing. Reread the original passage until you understand its full meaning. Set the original aside, and write your paraphrase on a note card. Jot down a few words below your paraphrase to remind you later how you envision using this material. At the top of the note card, write a key word or phrase to indicate the ...

  8. Essay Tips: How to Paraphrase Effectively

    Try finding a few synonyms first, and then decide which one resonates with your own words. 2. Restructure the Sentence. Rewriting a sentence by changing one or two words isn't proper paraphrasing. Many students erroneously use a "copy and paste" method to change a few words in their paraphrased version.

  9. Explore the AI-powered paraphrasing tool by DeepL

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  10. AI Paraphrasing Tool

    LanguageTool's paraphrasing feature does so much more than just rewrite sentences. Not only does it check for stronger, more suitable word choice, but it also corrects your sentence as a whole to ensure high-quality writing. With its intuitive and user-friendly interface, everyone can leverage Artificial Intelligence to achieve the best ...

  11. Free Paraphrasing Tool to Avoid Plagiarism

    With our free paraphrasing tool, you can rewrite a text in your own words in a matter of seconds. In this step-by-step guide, you'll find everything you need to do: Open the website and paste your document into the box. Click "paraphrase my text.". Pick the synonyms you like.

  12. Paraphrasing: Sample Essay

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  13. QuillBot: Your complete writing solution

    Start writing clearly and confidently with QuillBot. By enhancing your communication and giving your writing greater impact, we can help you reach your personal and professional goals. Write effortlessly and efficiently with QuillBot's suite of AI tools. Paraphrase, check grammar, analyze tone, improve fluency, and more.

  14. Paraphrasing Tool

    Paraphrase articles, essays, add new words, and phrases to your writing to present your ideas in a novel and fresh way. ... The paraphrasing tool enhances your writing style and enriches your vocabulary. The best tool for academic writing, professional research, and creative pieces is the AI-powered paraphraser. Features of our Paraphrasing ...

  15. Scribbr

    Help you achieve your academic goals. Whether we're proofreading and editing, checking for plagiarism or AI content, generating citations, or writing useful Knowledge Base articles, our aim is to support students on their journey to become better academic writers. We believe that every student should have the right tools for academic success.

  16. How to Paraphrase

    Paraphrasing means putting someone else's ideas into your own words. Paraphrasing a source involves changing the wording while preserving the original meaning. Paraphrasing is an alternative to quoting (copying someone's exact words and putting them in quotation marks ). In academic writing, it's usually better to paraphrase instead of ...

  17. Free AI Paragraph Rewriter

    Language learners and non-native speakers can leverage Ahrefs' Paragraph Rewriter to enhance their writing skills. By submitting their paragraphs, they can receive rewritten versions that showcase proper grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structures. ... Paraphrasing Tool. Quickly rephrase and reword any text for essays, articles, emails, and ...

  18. Free Online Paraphrasing and Rewriting Tool

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  19. Paraphrasing Tool

    To use best paraphrasing tool follow the 4 simple steps given below: Modes `Regular`, `Formal`, `Creative`, and `Academic` to modify concerning. Paraphrasing Tool is a free AI paraphraser that helps you rephrase essays, emails, sentences, and paragraphs to smartly write text in your own words.

  20. Best Paraphrasing Tool

    Choosing the best paraphrasing tool for academic writing can be challenging, especially when many of these tools' unique features are hidden behind a paywall. As a researcher, you want a tool that delivers more than stiff, monotonous outputs. The frustration of dealing with often contextually inappropriate results can make you question the decision to use an AI paraphrasing tool in the first ...

  21. Essay Paraphraser: Free Online Paraphrase Tool for Students

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  22. Paraphrase Online

    Paraphrase Online offers numerous features such as paraphrasing essays, assignments, and rewording articles. Our paraphrase tool works as the best sentence rephraser and word changer. ... Paraphrase Online makes your writing visually appealing and effective. Media Marketers. Best marketing lines matter in digital marketing. Our paraphrase tool ...

  23. The Role of Paraphrasing Tools in Enhancing Writing Skills

    Paraphrasing is a writing or editing technique to express someone's thoughts, ideas, or information in your own words. Students as well as writing professionals often need to paraphrase ...

  24. Want to write a college essay that sets you apart? Three tips to give

    Writing the personal essay for your college application can be tough, but we're here to help. Sometimes the hardest part is just getting started, but the sooner you begin, the more time and thought you can put into an essay that stands out. Check out some tips: 1. Keep it real.

  25. Free AI Paragraph Rewriter

    Alongside the paragraph rewriter, Scribbr offers a range of other tools designed to elevate your content such as the paraphrasing tool and grammar checker. In addition to that, we also provide tools such as a citation generator, plagiarism checker and more writing tools. These tools work together to ensure that your content is not only well ...

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  27. Open Letters: Our Opinion-Writing Contest

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  28. ‎AI Sentence Corrector on the App Store

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