Dance Projects. Teachers take on Action Research projects in their own classrooms, then document their success here.

The teachers engaged in Arts Assessment for Learning take on Action Research projects: they implement formative assessment across long and short term durations, and document the results.

Select a dance project below . Each project contains helpful tools and resources to view and/or download. Use the filters at left to narrow your search results by grade level and assessment method.

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  • Elementary (K-5)
  • Secondary (6-12)
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  • Peer Assessment
  • Self Assessment

Revising Choreography: Peer Assessment

Seventh grade dance students created pieces of group choreography. Based on a choreography rubric generated by the class, students provided peer feedback on ways to improve the given choreography. The choreographic groups then worked to synthesize the new information into improved dance pieces, which were subsequently shown to the class.

Collaborative Choreography: Peer Feedback

My 7th and 8th grade dance students worked in groups of 4-6 to create an original piece of choreography, including determining a theme and selecting appropriate music. Students learned the skills of creative collaboration through generating and using a rubric with their peers. They also reflected on the process and their role within their group, in order to track their progress. The students learned to compromise and be an active participant in group activities.

Rehearsal Problem Solving: Self-Assessment

My middle school students were dependent on my feedback to improve their dance technique. They needed to identify and apply problem-solving strategies in order to become more independent dancers. This project built their metacognitive skills, improved their dance technique, and helped them develop skills that are applicable to all aspects of their lives.

Jazz Technique: Peer Assessment

This jazz dance unit demonstrates how peer feedback can be used to improve the dance technique of middle school students. During this unit students learned specific criteria on how to execute basic jazz dance technique, used a peer feedback protocol, and received partner feedback to revise the performance of the skill. The students were also given a compositional task to choreograph a short jazz piece that incorporated the four jazz skills. After six weeks of using the formative assessment strategy of peer feedback, these novice dancers demonstrated significant improvements in their technique and were able to perform the skills more accurately in their choreography.

Creating Choreography : Self & Peer Assessment

My 5th grade students used a Dance-Making Rubric and a Collaboration Rubric to support their creation of original choreography integrating concepts from Jose Limon technique. The ease of their collaborations and the quality of their dance-making was improved through their use of these tools and their feedback.

African Dance: Self Assessment

My 6th grade dance students worked in groups of 4 to choreograph and perform an eightcount pattern that depicted farming, hunting, housework, or fishing. Students learned the skills of working cooperatively to create, practice, perform, and revise. They also selfassessed as a group using a checklist in order to make and implement decisions to improve their dances. In the end, students reflected on the process and experience of working collaboratively to create, revise, and perform a dance.

ModernTechnique: Peer Assessment

This Merce Cunningham modern dance unit demonstrates how the formative assessment strategy of peer feedback can be used to improve the dance technique of middle school students. During this unit students learned specific criteria on how to execute basic Cunningham dance technique, give and receive feedback, and apply feedback to their revision. After seven weeks of peer feedback, each child in the class improved the accuracy of their modern dance technique. This action research follows the journey of one student as she seeks to improve her triplet based on the peer feedback she receives.

Free Printable Dance Worksheets for 8th Class

Fine arts dance worksheets for Class 8 students to discover and explore various dance forms and techniques. Enhance learning with these printable resources from Quizizz.


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Explore printable Dance worksheets for 8th Class

Dance worksheets for Class 8 are an essential tool for teachers looking to engage their students in the world of fine arts. These worksheets provide a comprehensive and interactive approach to learning about various dance styles, techniques, and history. Teachers can use these resources to supplement their lesson plans and help students develop a deeper understanding of the art form. Dance worksheets for Class 8 are designed to be both educational and enjoyable, ensuring that students remain interested and motivated throughout their fine arts education. With a wide range of topics covered, these worksheets are an invaluable resource for teachers seeking to inspire a love of dance in their students.

Quizizz is a fantastic platform that offers a variety of resources for teachers, including dance worksheets for Class 8 and other fine arts materials. This platform allows teachers to create interactive quizzes, games, and activities that can be easily integrated into their lesson plans. Quizizz also offers a vast library of pre-made content, making it simple for educators to find relevant and engaging materials for their students. In addition to dance worksheets for Class 8, Quizizz provides resources for other fine arts subjects such as music, theater, and visual arts. By utilizing Quizizz in their classrooms, teachers can provide a well-rounded fine arts education that caters to the diverse interests and abilities of their students.

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dance assignment grade 8

  • Curriculum Activities (Grade 1-8)

Grade 8 – Dance

Grade 8 Overall Expectations:

Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process to the composition of a variety of dance pieces, using the elements of dance to communicate feelings and ideas

  • Dance (Book)
  • The Dance Bible (Book)
  • Dance Imagery for Technique and Performance (Book)
  • Conditioning for Dance (Book)
  • Staging and Choreography (Hoopla eBook)
  • 6 Artists Making Dance About the Environment (Website)
  • How to Choreograph a Dance (YouTube)
  • How to Come up With New Dance Moves (YouTube)
  • 5 Daily Ways to Improve Your Dancing (YouTube)
  • How to Whack (YouTube)
  • How to Do Hip Hop FootWork (YouTube)
  • Projection and Animation (YouTube)

Reflecting, Responding, and Analysing: apply the critical analysis process to communicate their feelings, ideas, and understandings in response to a variety of dance pieces and experiences

  • A Written Dance Assignment (Website)
  • Dance Vocabulary (Website)
  • Beach Movement (YouTube)
  • Bike Dancing (YouTube)
  • Dance for Peace (YouTube)
  • Anti-bullying Dance (YouTube)
  • The Cheshire Cat (YouTube)
  • Poverty Dance (YouTube)
  • Racism Dance (YouTube)
  • Fighting Climate Change with Dance (YouTube)
  • A Letter to a Playground Bully (YouTube)
  • Shadow Dancing (YouTube)

Exploring Forms and Cultural Contexts: demonstrate an understanding of a variety of dance forms, traditions, and styles from the past and present, and their sociocultural and historical contexts

  • American Dance (Book)
  • Dancing in the Light (DVD)
  • Ultimate Dance Instruction Collection (DVD)
  • Taking Flight (CloudLibrary eBook)
  • Choreography and Dance in the Theatre (Hoopla eBook)

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dance assignment grade 8

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Flickr user Steven Pisano, Creative Commons

  • English & Literature
  • Choreographers

Elements of Dance How many ways can a person move?

In this 6-8 lesson, students will choreograph simple dances in small groups and perform for the class. Students will learn elements of dance and vocabulary by demonstrating various movements. 

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Lesson Content

  • Preparation
  • Instruction

Learning Objectives  

Students will: 

  • Identify what they already know about dance.
  • Analyze elements of dance.
  • Sort dance vocabulary by elements of dance.
  • Create movement with their body.
  • Choreograph a dance with 64 beats.
  • Perform a choreographed dance sequence in front of an audience.

Standards Alignment

National Core Arts Standards National Core Arts Standards

DA:Cr1.1.6a Relate similar or contrasting ideas to develop choreography using a variety of stimuli (for example, music, observed dance, literary forms, notation, natural phenomena, personal experience/recall, current news or social events).

DA:Cr1.1.7a Compare a variety of stimuli (for example, music, observed dance, literary forms, notation, natural phenomena, personal experience/recall, current news or social events) and make selections to expand movement vocabulary and artistic expression.

DA:Cr1.1.8a Implement movement from a variety of stimuli (for example, music, observed dance, literary forms, notation, natural phenomena, personal experience/recall, current news or social events) to develop dance content for an original dance study or dance. 

DA:Cr1.1.6b Explore various movement vocabularies to transfer ideas into choreography. 

DA:Cr1.1.7b Explore various movement vocabularies to express an artistic intent in choreography. Explain and discuss the choices made using genre-specific dance terminology.

DA:Cr1.1.8b Identify and select personal preferences to create an original dance study or dance. Use genre-specific dance terminology to articulate and justify choices made in movement development to communicate intent.

Common Core State Standards Common Core State Standards

ELA-LITERACY.L.6.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 6 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.

ELA-LITERACY.L.7.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 7 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.

ELA-LITERACY.L.8.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words or phrases based on grade 8 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.

Recommended Student Materials

Editable Documents : Before sharing these resources with students, you must first save them to your Google account by opening them, and selecting “Make a copy” from the File menu. Check out Sharing Tips or Instructional Benefits when implementing Google Docs and Google Slides with students.

  • Vocabulary: Elements of Dance
  • Elements of Dance Guide
  • Closed Sort: Elements of Dance
  • Closed Sort Answer Key
  • Create a Dance Guide
  • Do You Wanna Dance?

Teacher Background

Teachers should familiarize themselves with the dance vocabulary. Review the KWL and Open/Closed Sort strategies. The warm-up and dance elements exercise can be completed with or without music. Different types of music may be conducive to different kinds of movement. It may help the students to feel more in tune with their body movements.

Student Prerequisites  

Students should be familiar with different forms of dance.   

Accessibility Notes

Modify and adapt movements as needed. Allow extra time and space for dance movements.

  • Ask students: What is dance? Have the students divide a piece of paper into three columns, which will serve as a K–W–L chart. In the first column, ask students to write down everything they know about dance. Encourage them to think about the history of dance, types of dance, dancers and choreographers, dance movements, social dance, what they have seen on television and in movies, etc.
  • Have the students get in pairs and share what they wrote. Then have the pairs work on the second column of the K–W-L chart, writing down what they want to learn about dance (i.e., specific dance moves, certain genres of dance, the evolution of dance, the role of dance in culture, etc.).
  • Have the pairs report to the class what they discovered from each other, from column one and column two. Ask the pairs if they would like to physically demonstrate any of the items that they know about dance (i.e., specific dance positions). Record the class’ answers on a large piece of chart paper or interactive board.
  • Introduce the Vocabulary: Elements of Dance with students. Review the terms with students and have them share examples related to each vocabulary word. 
  • Distribute the Elements of Dance Guide . Read and discuss the different elements of dance with students.
  • Share the resource, Do You Wanna Dance? . Have students read, watch, and discuss the five elements of dance: body, action, space, time, and energy . Allow the students to experiment with different combinations (i.e., stretching slowly at a low level; walking backward with sharp movements, etc.).
  • Distribute the Closed Sort: Elements of Dance . In small groups, have students sort the elements of dance with the categories. For instance, students should match the large card, "TIME," with the cards for slow, medium, fast, with music, and without music. By removing the categories, teachers can opt for an “Open Sort” instead of “Closed Sort.” If students are creating sorting categories in an “Open Sort,” ask them to provide a rationale for each sorting category. Facilitate through the groups to discuss their sorting choices. Reference the Closed Sort Answer Key to check each group’s work.
  • Review the sort with students, discussing the rationale and placement of the features. 
  • Have students warm up their bodies in an open space in the room. The following is a good example of a basic warm-up procedure. Each movement should be repeated several times:

-Roll the head gently, nodding up and down, then looking side to side

-Slowly roll the shoulders forward, then backward

-Circle the arms forward, backward, then swing the arms 

-Twist the upper body at the waist, bend side to side, then forward and backward

-Rotate the hips clockwise, then counterclockwise

-Bend the knees deeply

-Shake out the legs, one at a time

-Roll each ankle in circles, clockwise and counterclockwise

-Stretch the whole body, rising on toes and stretching the arms toward the ceiling

-Shake out the whole body

  • Have the students explore the different movement possibilities from the Elements of Dance Guide . Include locomotor movement (walking, running, skipping) and non-locomotor movement (bending, stretching) with students. Ask for student volunteers to demonstrate the elements of body, action, space, time, and energy. The volunteers should first demonstrate a movement, then give instructions to the class on how to duplicate the movement. In their demonstrations, students should use the dance vocabulary to describe the elements of dance where applicable. Note: The warm-up and dance elements exercise can be completed with or without music. Different types of music may be conducive to different kinds of movement. It may help the students to feel more in tune with their body movements.
  • After the students feel comfortable moving, divide the class up into small groups of three or four. Explain that each group is going to choreograph a small dance. Hand out the Create a Dance Guide and review the guidelines of the assignment. Offer students the choice to pair appropriate music with their choreography.
  • Allow time for students to choreograph their dance. Facilitate through the groups to provide feedback and support. 


  • Have students perform their choreographed works for the rest of the class. Discuss students’ choreography with the class and have them identify the elements of dance that were demonstrated.
  • Assess students’ knowledge of the elements of dance by having them record what they learned about the five elements of dance on the last column of the KWL chart. Ask: What did you learn about the elements of dance and choreography?

Original Writer

Stacy Elise Stevenson

Jen Westmoreland Bouchard

JoDee Scissors

November 15, 2021

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Media do you wanna dance.

Want to understand how dance works? Learn the five elements that make up the foundation of this art form: body, action, time, space, and energy.

dance assignment grade 8

Collection Dance

What’s the difference between troika and hula? How can dance tell stories and preserve histories? Discover dance and its impact on culture by exploring Ancient Egyptian rituals and Native American legends. Learn how dance tells stories and poems through a language of movement and music, and pick up a few moves yourself.

dance assignment grade 8

Lesson Ballet and Classical Music

In this 3-5 lesson, students will choreograph a sequence of ballet movements to tell a story. Students will explore conceptual and practical elements of classical ballet and learn basic ballet vocabulary through demonstration.

A scene from the play, Sleeping Beauty. Princess Aurora is positioned next to a spinning wheel, looking at it curiously. The wooden spinning wheel is covered in jewels and the ballerina is wearing a white tutu and crown. 

Lesson Céilís: Exploring Irish Folk Dance

In this 3-5 lesson, students will explore the world of Irish culture and folk dance. They will learn about Irish céilís, view the intricate attire worn by Irish dancers, and analyze an Irish poem. Students will work in groups to choreograph a dance to Irish music and perform for an audience.

A dancer wearing white socks up to the calf and black dance shoes. The dancer is performing a traditional Irish reel. There are other dancers dancing in the background too.

Lesson Jazz Music, Dance, and Poetry

In this 3-5 lesson, students will explore jazz music and dance, then write a jazz-inspired cinquain poem. They will build their background on the history of jazz and its use of improvisation to demonstrate jazz dance movements. 

  • Jazz & Blues

A watercolor painting of a jazz musician playing the trumpet.

Lesson Storytelling Through Dance

In this grade 3-5 lesson, students will analyze how ballet dancers in The Nutcracker act out the story/character with movement instead of words. Students will emotionally and physically tell a story through dance and pantomime.

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Three wooden nutcracker soldiers.

Lesson Swing Your Partner: The Basics of Square Dancing

In this 3-5 lesson, students will be introduced to the history of square dancing and create a “Kids’ Guide to Square Dancing” media resource. They will learn some basic steps and formations to perform and teach to other children. 

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A black and white photo of people square dancing.

Lesson ¡Baila! Latin Dance in the Spanish Classroom

In this 9-12 lesson, students will learn about traditional Latin dance styles such as salsa, mambo, merengue, rumba, cha cha, bachata, and samba.

  • Language Studies
  • World Cultures
  • Grades 9-12
  • Latin American

A neon sign with two dancers that says "Rumba Room Latin Dancing."

Kennedy Center Education Digital Learning

Eric Friedman  Director, Digital Learning

Kenny Neal  Manager, Digital Education Resources

Tiffany A. Bryant  Manager, Operations and Audience Engagement

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JoDee Scissors  Content Specialist, Digital Learning

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School district’s new grading system gives students a low grade of 40% instead of a zero

KANSAS CITY, Mo. ( KCTV /Gray News) - A school district in Missouri adopted a new grading system that prevents students from receiving a zero even if they didn’t do the assignment.

The Kansas City Public School district launched the “no zero policy.’

Essentially, the minimum grade on any given assignment is 40%. The policy is designed to help struggling students catch up, KCTV reported.

Chief Academic Officer Dr. Latanya Franklin said that discussions to improve the KCPS grading policy began in the fall of 2021.

She said a new grading method has now adjusted the failing grade: from 0 to 59 percent, to 40 to 59 percent. The new system reflects non-Montessori students in grades K-12.

“These changes intend to reduce the adverse effects of zeroes on students’ grades, emphasizing growth and progress support and intervention and authentic learning and equity,” Franklin said.

Shepherd, who teaches 3rd and 4th grade, said one bad grade shouldn’t affect the entire semester or overall performance.

“If you give a student a 40 and then they learn that skill later in this semester those 80s and 90s they’re getting on their assignments will average out a little easier and it will make a more equitable grade,” said Shepherd.

“I do not like the zero policy,” said Sandra Dayse.

Dayse has one child who graduated from the district and another who is still attending. She said the new grading system gives s a false reality.

“There’s no way I could come to work each day and do 50% of my job and stay employed,” said Dayse. “Instead of doing the Zero grading policy, I would wish the district and the districts doing this would find the root problem.”

The school district released the following statement about the new grading policy:

“KCPS understands some of the negative thoughts around the policy, we believe it more accurately reflects a student’s work throughout a grading term. It’s about properly evaluating where a student is in their academic journey, which isn’t really reflected accurately when a couple of zeros throw the average off-balance. But we understand others may not always see it that way.”

Copyright 2024 KCTV via Gray Local Media, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Resource type.

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Dance Unit for Grade 5 6 7 8 - Dance Analysis, Journaling Assignments & Project

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Ontario Intermediate Drama/ Dance Bundle ( Grade 7 & Grade 8 )

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Teach the Elements of Dance for Grade 5 6 7 8 - Journaling Assignments & Project

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Arts Ontario Report Card Comments | Visual Arts, Music, Dance , Drama | Grade 1- 8

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Grades 4- 8 Dance BUNDLE (FULL TERM Unit Plans, Lessons, Tasks and Rubrics)

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Dance : Elements of Dance Project: Hand Dancing Lesson & Assessment ( Grades 4- 8 )

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Ontario Intermediate Dance Unit ( Grade 7 and Grade 8 )

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Dance Around the World Interactive Slideshow grade 1- 8

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Elements of Dance Concepts Poster Set ( Grades 1- 8 )

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Ontario DANCE Report Card Comment Builder - Grades 4 to 8

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Grade 8 Dance - Lesson #1 - The Elements of Dance

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Full Lesson Plans for Grade 8 Dance Curriculum

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Grade 7/ 8 Drama and Dance Unit

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Ontario Elementary Dance Report Comments Grades 1- 8

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PLAY PACK 6 Line Dance for grades 3- 8

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He Survived Combat in Iraq. Did a Fellow Soldier Kill Him at Home?

Jacob Ashton and Riley Birbilas, U.S. Army specialists, deployed to Iraq together. Now Specialist Birbilas is accused of killing Specialist Ashton at Fort Drum in upstate New York.

A posed photo of Specialist Jacob Ashton in his U.S. Army uniform in front of an American flag backdrop.

By Ed Shanahan

On Friday, Aug. 2, U.S. Army Specialist Jacob Ashton left Fort Drum in upstate New York for the five-and-a-half-hour drive to his hometown in Ohio, where he spent the weekend with his girlfriend.

He had made the trip regularly since returning from a nine-month deployment to Iraq earlier this year, his mother, Michelle Ustupski, said. As usual, he texted his girlfriend when he returned to Fort Drum around 8:30 p.m. that Sunday to say he had arrived safely.

It was the last time his family or friends heard from him.

Specialist Ashton, 21, was found dead at the base the next day, according to a Fort Drum news release. Two soldiers came to Ms. Ustupski’s home in Ohio to deliver the grim news.

On Monday, the Army charged another soldier, Specialist Riley Birbilas, 22, with premeditated murder in Specialist Ashton’s death and obstruction of justice. Officials from Fort Drum and the Army’s 10th Mountain Division, citing the continuing investigation, did not offer a motive or the cause of death. The Fort Drum news release included details about Specialist Ashton’s Army service but not about how he had died.

Ms. Ustupski said the medical examiner told her the cause of death was blunt force trauma and that her son, who trained as a bodybuilder, did not appear to have “put up too much of a fight.”

“He was caught off guard,” she said.

The authorities, she added, also told her that her son had sustained the fatal wound in his room and had then been brought to his car. She said his body had been found in the car in a parking lot near the barracks.

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    dance assignment grade 8


  1. Free Printable Dance Worksheets for 8th Grade

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  2. Dance Projects

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  3. PDF Dance Grade 6-8

    1.1.8.A.2 Analyze dance techniques and styles to discern the compositional use of the elements of dance and choreographic principles relating to dynamics, as well as to discern spatial relationships. 1.1.8.A.4 Integrate a variety of isolated and coordinated movements in dance compositions and performances, making use of all major muscle

  4. Free Printable Dance Worksheets for 8th Class

    Dance worksheets for Class 8 are an essential tool for teachers looking to engage their students in the world of fine arts. These worksheets provide a comprehensive and interactive approach to learning about various dance styles, techniques, and history. Teachers can use these resources to supplement their lesson plans and help students develop ...

  5. 8th grade dance resources

    Arts & Music, Dance. Also included in: Ontario Intermediate Drama/Dance Bundle (Grade 7 & Grade 8) $14.00. 4.8 (4) Add to Cart. Wish List. Showing 1 - 24 of 2,803 results. Browse 8th grade dance resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources.

  6. Grade 8

    Grade 8 - Dance. Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process to the composition of a variety of dance pieces, using the elements of dance to communicate feelings and ideas. Reflecting, Responding, and Analysing: apply the critical analysis process to communicate their feelings, ideas, and understandings in response to a variety of ...

  7. Grade 8 Creative Arts Dance Take home pack Term 2.pdf

    LEARNERS Once you have completed the lessons from Week 1-7, use the revision pack that contains a variety of activities to remind you of the work. that has been done in Term 2. Use the activities as self-reflection to determine where further support is needed. Values taught Respect, tolerance, cooperation, self-discipline.

  8. PDF Grade 8 Dance: Rubric

    Grade 8 Dance: Rubric Part A: The Creative Process While you are working, the teacher will be observing and assessing your participation in the creative process. This information will be used to evaluate you in the "creative process" section of the rubric below. Criteria Not Yet Met Met I Noticed…. The student: participates in the


    FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS FOR GRADE 8 Students in Grade 8 will develop or extend understanding of the following concepts through participation in various dance experiences (e.g., using elements and choreographic forms to communicate ideas and issues). ELEMENTS OF DANCE • BODY: body awareness, use of body parts (e.g., hips, shoulders), body

  10. The Elements of Dance

    The Elements of Dance are the foundational concepts and vocabulary that help students develop movement skills and understand dance as an artistic practice. ... assignments and discussion prompts throughout the pages. Short video excerpts of work by Minnesota choreographers and dancers are featured in this site, but feel free to use different ...

  11. Creative Arts: Dance : Grade 8

    You will develop your voice, body and mind so that you can express yourself in many ways through Music, Visual Art, Drama and Dance. Creative Arts will also help you to become a disciplined, focused and creative human being. All these qualities prepare you for any career you may choose to follow one day. The study of Dance in the Senior Phase ...

  12. Elements of Dance

    Students will learn elements of dance and vocabulary by demonstrating various movements. ... ELA-LITERACY.L.8.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words or phrases based on grade 8 reading and content, ... Hand out the Create a Dance Guide and review the guidelines of the assignment. Offer students the choice to ...

  13. Grade 8 Dance Assignment by Bob Billy on Prezi

    Grade 8 Dance Assignment by Bob Billy on Prezi. Blog. July 25, 2024. Sales pitch presentation: creating impact with Prezi. July 22, 2024. Make every lesson count with these student engagement strategies. July 18, 2024. Product presentations: defining them and creating your own. Latest posts.

  14. Free Dance Lesson Plans & Resources

    Share My Lesson provides free Dance lesson plans and teacher resources. Find creative ways to get students excited about learning. Find free dance lesson plans, teaching resources and professional development for grades PreK-12, higher education, and adult education, or access all of our arts lesson plans and resources.

  15. Dance projects

    This researched based assignment is used as a summative for the Dance portion of Health and Physical Education. The 4 page document includes: - A detailed outline of the assignment including success criteria - A list of dance genres that students can choose from to research, present and perform for the assignment - Step-by-step instructions broken down into 3 parts - A rubric for assessment I ...

  16. Grade 8 Dance

    This assignment organizes students into specific roles and responsibilities in preparation to perform a flash mob at your school! A great and popular way to teach dance to Intermediate students! Grade 8 Dance - Flash Mob Assignment. Rated 4.9 out of 5, based on 10 reviews. 4.9 ...

  17. Creative Art Grade 8

    open the arms to the side. third position. left are in first posision and right arm in second posision. fourth position. left arm in first position an dright arm in fifth position. Fifth Position. Up to the top with your arms just in front of your forehead. 9, 24, 39 - 40, 53, 67, Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free.

  18. PDF Grade 8 Arts & Culture Worksheet

    Grade 8 Arts & Culture Worksheet Edupstairs Grade R - 9 Learning Careers in dance There are MANY different careers that one could follow in the world of dance. This portfolio task will explore these careers! 3. Rubric for assessing a pamphlet on a career in dance Criteria 4 3 2 1

  19. Grade 8 Dance Assignment by Aaron Pham on Prezi

    Ballet -Ballet was created in the 15 century and it's role was to intemperate fencing. -In the 17 century Louis XIV furthered developed it now in the 20th century its role is to have a strong influence on broader concert dancing - Ballet is both slow and fast paced for example in

  20. Grade 8

    In Grade 8 Visual Arts, students' own art making becomes infused with a variety of images and approaches. They are very aware of elements from popular culture and eager to incorporate them into their art. The arts curriculum is divided into four strands: Dance. Drama. Music. Visual Arts.

  21. PDF Narrative Dance Map

    Create a short dance sequence (3-4 movements) to tell the beginning of the story. Use pictures and/or words to share your ideas. Tip: How will you start the dance piece? (e.g., enter from "off-stage", begin in a tableau, etc.) TVO Media Education Group. 1. Grade 8 Art Dance - Narrative Dance Map. Narrative Dance Map.

  22. School district's new grading system gives students a low grade of 40%

    Essentially, the minimum grade on any given assignment is 40%. The policy is designed to help struggling students catch up, KCTV reported.

  23. Results for Dance grade 8

    The Artsy French Teacher. This dance resource is great for teaching dance to grade 7 and 8 students (even if you are not a dance specialist), this easy-to-use resource will walk you through all the steps. This unit would typically take approximately 1 trimester with classes once a week.

  24. He Survived Combat in Iraq. Did a Fellow Soldier Kill Him at Home?

    He had lived with her in Willowick, Ohio, until around seventh grade, when he went to live with his father in nearby Perry, a village of about 1,600 about a half-hour from Cleveland.