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How Many Words, One Page

How Many Words In One Page?

You’re assigned a homework in school today, “Please submit an essay four pages long.” That’s all you get. The next question in your mind will be “How many words do I have to write?”, or “What’s the word count for that?”

Fortunately, or unfortunately, there’s no definite answer to that. There are many factors that contribute to the number of words one page can contain. Some of the more common ones are: font size, type of font used, line spacings, margins of the document, etc. Intuitively speaking, the smaller the font size, the more words you need; the smaller the line spacings, the more words you need in a page.

When it comes to writing academic papers, meeting the required word count can sometimes be a challenge. If you find yourself struggling to reach the desired length, consider seeking assistance from a professional assignment writing service .

In any new Microsoft Word document on your computer, the default font size is 12 pt, and the default font is either Times New Roman or Cambria. These are also the standard academic font for college papers. We recommend you to change this to the default if yours isn’t!

In One Page

As a general estimation, a typical page of single spaced document with font size 12 pt takes approximately 500 words to fill the page. Alternatively, you will need 250 words to fill a page of a double spaced document. Therefore, for your assignment of 4 pages long, it will add up to 2000 words for single spaced, or 1000 words for double spaced. The type of font you use may change your word count, but it should not affect too much.

Here’s two tables for your quick reference. Remember, these are just general guidelines for you. If you want the most accurate information, ask the person who gave you the assignment directly! And make sure to follow their instructions!

By word count

How many words do you need to write?




1 1/5


1 3/5



1 1/5

2 2/5

1 1/2


1 3/5

3 1/5



2 2/5

4 4/5

























By page count

How many pages do you need to write?































Use our word counter tool to check your word count, and find out how many pages they make up!

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September 11, 2019

September 10, 2019

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How Many Words Are 10 Pages Double Spaced (Quick Guide)

In this era of academic, informational and professional writing, the question of word count per page is a most important and common concern. Remarking the right stability between conveying the main ideas widely and following specific page requirements can be a challenging task. This preface examines the question of how many words are 10 pages double spaced covers, addressing the details that arise when struggling to meet page limitations without compromising content quality. In many educational and professional contexts, like essays, reports, articles and manuscripts, a clear understanding of word count per page is very important. As writers do research to convey their thoughts effectively, the query for a suitable word count is necessary. This quick guide helps everyone in the calculations and considerations involved, offering insights and solutions in order to ensure that both length and content align pleasantly as well as providing a brief and real means of conveying ideas.

Calculating the Words in 10 Pages Double Spaced

Calculating the number of words in 10 double-spaced pages involves a direct process that ensures document legacy, accuracy and transparency. Normally, there may be 10 pages having 5000 words single-spaced or 2500 words double-spaced. Follow the step-by-step instructions below that determines the word count effectively:

Step 1: Check the specific formatting requirements for spacing (double or single) and font style and size. Normally, double spacing refers to as there is an empty line between every line of text in a document, and a common font like the one Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial is used.

Step 2: Select a representative page

Select a representative page from your selected document. This page should contain the terms of content and formatting, as it will aid as a sample for the calculation of the words in that document.

Step 3: Count the words

On this selected page, start counting the words. This counting should include all visible words within the body of the text and that can be headings, titles, descriptions and any text boxes or captions. This counting should not include the headers, footers, or any text outside of the main body of the document.

Step 4: Count the lines

Now, start counting the number of lines on the selected page. This process can take place visually or by selecting a portion of text and checking the line count in any word processing software.

Step 5: Calculate words per line

Divide the entire number of words on that selected page by the amount of lines. This process gives you the average number of words per line on that page.

Step 6: Calculate total words

To calculate the total words, multiply the average number of words per line by the total lines in 10 pages. This will give an estimated count of the total words for 10 double-spaced pages.

Step 7: Use word count tools (optional)

Most of the word processing software offers built-in word count features within it. That is used to provide an accurate word count for a complete document. This tool is especially useful for lengthy documents.

Keep in mind that the uniformity of your text formatting and the accuracy of your counting depends on the accuracy of your word calculation. There are many things to remember, while calculating the total number of words in a document:

The total number of words depends on the font size, its type, and line spacing in the document.

When using any other word processing software, the steps may be slightly changed.

Word Count Factors and Tips

When you are going to count the number of words in a document, many factors and tips can be adhere to ensure accuracy and uniformity. Below are the key points for all to keep in mind:

Include all visible text: Count all visible words within the main body of the document. Body can include headings, titles, captions, and footnotes. Remember to exclude headers, footers, and any text outside the body area.

Formatting: While counting words, it is important to be attentive to the formatting requirements like font size and style, line spacing, etc.

D ifferences in font sizes: font styles and line spacing can lead towards the mismatch in word count.

Abbreviation and acronym: The abbreviation and acronym is counted as individual words in the document.

Example:  the text "U.N.O" is calculated as three words.

Hyphenated words: The words in hyphen are counted as one word.

Example: the text "father-in-law" is counted as one word.

Numbers and symbols: Count numbers and symbols as an individual word.

Example:  the number “street # 2” is counted as three words.

Contractions: Contractions in the text of a document are counted as one word.

Example: the text "can't" is counted as one word.

Differences in word count tools: Different word processing programs may result in slightly different numbers of words due to variations in their algorithms. So, keep using the one program or tool for more consistent accuracy.

Proofreading: Proofread your document many times in order to ensure accuracy in word count. Counting errors can affect the whole count of text.

Sample calculation: To verify the accuracy of your word count, select any portion of text (around 50 to 100 words) randomly and count them manually. Then, use the word count tool for that specific portion to compare the results. If the result of both is close, your word count is likely accurate.

Use word count tools: Most word processors provide a built-in word count tool that provides the exact count for your whole document. This tool is very useful for lengthy documents.

Be consistent: Maintain consistent formatting in order to ensure uniformity while counting words.

Use online tools: If the document is in digital format, everyone can use any online word counting tool to quickly calculate the number of words. You need to just copy and paste the text into these tools for exact results.

Special cases: A thing to remember that some documents including poems or scripts may have unique text formatting. Therefore, confirm first that you understand the specific requirements for your document type.

By understanding these factors and tips, every individual can exactly calculate the word counts for various types of documents as well as ensure that your work meets any specific formatting or length requirements.

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Use WPS office to calculating the words in 10 pages double spaced

Below is the steps to calculate how many words are 10 pages double spaced, using WPS Office:

Step 1. Open the document; you want to calculate the words in.

Step 2. Go to the Review tab in the menu bar.

Step 3. In the Word Count group, click on the “Word count” option.

Step 4. The number of words will be displayed in the status bar.

1. How to count words in a scan or image?

There are many methods to count words in a scan or image. Below are two:

Use an OCR (optical character recognition) software

Use a web-based word counting tool

2. Does Microsoft Word or any office suite count spaces?

No, Microsoft Word or any other office suite does not count spaces when counting words. Only the letters in a text document are counted.

3. Does Office suites count punctuation?

Yes, all office suits count punctuations when counting the words in a document.

4. How do I count words in a table in Microsoft Word?

To count words in a table in Microsoft Word, follow the steps:

First select the table

Go to the Review tab in menu

Click on the Word count button in the Word Count group.

The number of words in the table will be displayed in the status bar.

In conclusion, defining the word count for a specific number of pages, particularly in the context of double spacing, is a tough concern for various forms of writing. This complete guide "How Many Words Are 10 Pages Double Spaced" provides a valuable understanding into accurately calculating word counts. It also facilitates shedding light on the relationship between page length and word count.

This guide serves as a quick and practical resource, empowering writers to attain better equilibrium between number of words and quality. Whether creating academic papers, essays, or other written materials, above steps help the writers with a tool to enhance the precision of their communication in varied contexts.

  • 1. How Many Pages are 800 Words (Easy Guide)
  • 2. How many words in 5 pages
  • 3. How many words in 4 pages
  • 4. How Many Pages are 2500 Words (Easy Guide)
  • 6. How Many Pages is 2500 Words Double Spaced (Simple Check)

how many words is a 10 page essay double spaced

15 years of office industry experience, tech lover and copywriter. Follow me for product reviews, comparisons, and recommendations for new apps and software.

Word Counter

  • Character Counter
  • Words Per Page
  • Word Unscrambler
  • 5 Letter Words
  • Size (pt) 9 10 11 12 13 14
  • Font Arial Calibri Comic Sans Courier Verdana Times New Roman
  • Spacing Single 1.5 Double

Words per page

For those who work in the writing field or professional publishing sector, the demand for knowing words per page is extremely important. Therefore, calculating words per page is considered necessary.

Feature Function:

Whenever you write an assignment in the college, both a certain number of pages and a word count are required. If your professor required the assignment of a three-page paper on a related topic, you must wonder how many words are in three pages. Actually, there is no precise answer to this question because it depends on the font type, font size, spacing (single-spaced or double-spaced), margins, and paragraph length. Besides, the headings and subheadings also affect the number of words per page.

There are, however, general guidelines for estimating the number of words on a page. For example, a one-page essay includes approximately 500 words with single spacing and 250 words with double spacing.

By accounting for more specific information, the conversion provided by the tool is more accurate. For example, to make an estimate, you can choose from a number of the below:

  • Comic Sans.
  • Times New Roman.
  • From 13 to 20 (px).

After you input your text into the text box, you will immediately see the needed information on the right-hand side of the screen. In real-time, detailed indicators such as the number of words, full characters, characters (without punctuation and spaces), sentences, paragraphs, and estimated reading and speaking time are displayed.

To sum up, knowing how many words per page helps you manage your required  word count for your content. This tool will allow you to find an answer to the question regarding the number of words per page, as it all depends on specific factors such as font, size, and spacing.

Full characters0
Characters 0
Reading Time0
Speaking Time0

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How to Write a Double-Spaced Essay and Score an A for it

Double Spacing essay guide

Many guidelines for formatting essays, as presented in rubrics, recommend double-spacing as one of the proper formats for standard comprehensive essays . For instance, when you receive the assignment instructions, essay prompts, or other academic homework assignment instructions, the Spacing of the work is usually specified.

The common spacing specifications include a 1.5 spaced essay, single-spaced essay, and a double-spaced or 2.0 spaced essay. In most cases, instructors will insist that your essay must be typed and double-spaced on standard-sized 8.5" by 11" paper, with margins of 1" on all sides.

In this detailed guide, we focus on the definition of a double-spaced essay, how to double-space an essay on MS Word or Mac Pages, and how to spice up that essay so that you score higher marks.

What is a double-spaced essay?

Here is the meaning of a double-spaced essay : A double-spaced essay is a standard essay written on a standard-sized (8.5" x 11") paper with a one-inch margin around the paper formatted with double spaces between the lines that make a paragraph with no extra spacing between paragraphs.  

In terms of word count, a double-spaced essay contains either 275 or 300 words in total per page, depending on the font used. Formatting a paper in double-spacing makes it easier for the tutor to read through the essay, make corrections within the left spaces, and follow through with ideas in your essay.

The number of words in a double-spacing essay also depends on the page margins you have set for your text. For instance, if you use A-4 sized page, an essay will have fewer words, the same as an A3 page. However, a standard-sized age with one-inch margins all around should have 275 words as a standard.

With short essays being between 250 words and 1000 words, with the most common in college being a 500-word essay, you can write as many words as you wish depending on the scope of the question, essay prompt, and the topic.

In most instances, students are advised to use font 12 points of 11 depending on the font type you are using. Failure to format your essay in the required Spacing might lead to penalties ranging from deduction of grades to poor grades.

As you set out to write or edit your essay, ensure that you choose a font that your professor advises. But this should only be the last thing you do as you polish your essay. For instance, some students find it comfortable writing with a given font, say Arial font 13, and then converting to Times New Roman font 12 when editing.

What is the significance of Double Spacing in essays and assignments?

You are probably wondering why we double-space essays or why it is the preferred standard for essays you write in high school and college. Below are some of the top three reasons why teachers want essays to be double-spaced.

  • Double-spacing makes it easier to read through the document quickly as the lines do not blur together.
  • Double-spaced essays are also reader-friendly. A reader can easily read and trace the points in your essay without needing extra aids or larger fonts.
  • Double-spaced essays or assignments are also preferred because they leave whitespaces where the instructors can write comments on the paper.
  • Another reason is that double-spaced essays give you (the essayist) enough room to communicate to your readers. The Spacing enhances the spatial mode of the essay or paper, making it easier to spot main points, read without getting lost or straying into other lines, and use one's fingers.

Double-Spacing vs. Other tyles of Spacing for Essays

When writing an essay, report, dissertation, annotated bibliography, or research paper for school, you should be aware of the type of Spacing required. There are three types of Spacing for school assignments: single, 1.5, and double Spacing.

A double-spaced paper or document, which is the most common, entails creating 2.0 spaces between lines in a paragraph without spaces between paragraphs. Double-spacing is a norm of most college assignments; even dissertations and theses are mostly double-spaced.

A 1.5 spaced essay or document means that the lines or sentences in a paragraph are spaced 1.5 mm from one another without spaces between paragraphs.

Finally, a single-spaced paper has little white spaces between the typed lines in the paragraphs. The lines within the paragraph are spaced 1.0 from one another. This means that there is little room for comments, remarks, or feedback from the professor. You should only use single and 1.5 spacing if your instructor advises so.

If you have typed your paper and realize that you have the wrong spacing, do not worry. You can do the Spacing of an essay or document either on a word document or on a Mac, as we shall explain shortly. The good news is that you can do this at any point in your writing process. The process will differ depending on the program you are using. Let's explore widely.

If you are wondering what a double-spaced essay looks like, have a look below.

Double-spaced essay example

Here is how single Spacing should look like in an essay:

Single-spaced essay example

Pages vs. Spacing Chart

To try to bring things to their perspective, here is a table comparing word count to Spacing. It can help you plan your essays.


1 page

0.5 pages


2 pages

1 page


3 pages

1.5 pages


4 pages

2 pages


6 pages

3 pages


8 pages

4 pages


10 pages

5 pages


12 pages

6 pages


20 pages

10 pages

You can simply conclude from the table abov e that a single-spaced page has the exact word count as twice a double-spaced paper.

How to set Double-Spacing on your Computer

Some people prefer to use other font styles and formats when writing, then edit the entire document to the required format and Spacing later, which is okay. Others like to keep everything organized from the beginning, which means setting double-spacing from the onset. Whether on Mac Page's word processor or MS word processor, here are some steps to take.

Pages on a Mac

If you are using a Page's word processor on a mac, you can follow these steps to double-space your paper:

  • Highlight the text that you wish to double-space
  • Click on Inspector, a blue button on the top right of your window
  • In the new window, select the Text tab or the "T."
  • Find the section labeled Spacing and type 2 into the box to the right of the slide bar.

On Microsoft Word Processor

If you are typing your assignment on a word document, follow the following steps to double-space it:

1. Select the text that you wish to change its Spacing

2. Under the Home tab , go to the Paragraph Click on the small arrow in the bottom left corner, as shown below.

Small Arrow

3. A new window will pop up with various settings, including general, indentation, and Spacing, as shown in the figure below.

Paragraph editing section

4. Click on the line spacing drop-down arrow

5. Select " Double " from the list

6. Check the " Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style ."

Setting double-spacing in MS Word

7. Press OK to execute the changes and save

The process is more or less the same for all Microsoft word processing versions. 

You can also adjust the line-spacing from the toolbar on your Microsoft word processor . This is probably the best way if you are one of those that want a page with double-spacing from the onset.

1. Under the Paragraph section of the Home Tab , locate the line-spacing button .

2. Click on the button to expand it as shown below.

Setting spacing for paragraph in a word document

3. Choose 2 . 0 for double-spacing , 1.5 for 1.5 line-spacing, and 1.0 for single spacing.

4. Click on OK to make the paper double-spaced.

How to Write a Double-Spaced Essay: 9 Steps to Take

Suppose you are assigned to write a double-spacing essay and you are wondering how to proceed, here is a little cheat sheet to keep you going. We asked our top essay writers and here were their exact recommendations; they can help you craft a double-spaced essay or assignment.

1. Read the essay prompt

The first thing you should always do when assigned to write a double-spaced essay is to thoroughly read the assignment prompt. It helps you unpack the question, brainstorm on a good topic, and pick the best topic for your essay. additionally, you also get to understand the Spacing, font type and size, and length/wordcount of your essay. It is an integral step in writing an essay.

2. Select a good essay topic

After reading the instructions, you need to rewrite the question on your own terms, conduct some research, evaluate the viable topics, then choose a hot topic for your essay. depending on your area of study, select a topic that is neither too narrow nor too broad. Go with a topic that is easy to find resources and one that you have genuine interest in writing a paper. If you are left with the option of selecting a topic on your own, select a topic that is relevant to the subject of study.

3. Use appropriate evidence

We cannot insist less how much it is important to cite all the sources that you use in an essay. First, failure to cite sources used in an essay could amount to plagiarism, which is a punishable offense in higher education and even professional realms. Therefore, you need to manage your in-text citations and reference list to ensure that your paper has some scholarly rigor. Citing facts paraphrased, quoted, or summarized from a source bolsters the arguments in the paragraphs of your essay. It brings in a string of a scholarly streak that makes the paper flow, make sense, and support your thesis statement.

4. Present your facts well

When planning for your essay or writing an essay outline/structure, you ought to have thought of the scaffolding of your essay. An essay scaffold refers to the order in which you present your arguments, themes, or texts in an essay. Have some semblance of organization in your essay. As an essayist, ensure that you substantiate your claims using proper evidence.

Instead of casually presenting an idea because you do not believe in it, use the available empirical evidence to make the essay even more desirable. It is also appropriate not to jump into unwarranted or unsupported conclusions.

If you do so, let it be on grounds of the evidence presented to support your thesis statement. Equally, your essay must always address the readers, so focus on what would interest them. From the title to the reference page, ensure that your readers are well-entertained and hooked.

5. Have a good essay structure

Apart from determining the order of argument, ensure that your essay is also well-structured. A comprehensive essay with a definite structure intrigues the readers. It also simplifies the writing process because everything falls into its rightful place.

You will have a laser-sharp focus on a structured essay than an essay you write haphazardly. Such an essay (a poorly-planned essay) will probably miss a thing or two. But when you have an essay outline , your chances of intriguing your readers increased. In short, a well-structured essay is reader-friendly.

Instead of beginning with the introduction, like anyone else, why not begin with the body paragraphs. Because you have a preliminary thesis, your body paragraphs can be developed without the introduction.

You can then finalize the writing process by tweaking the thesis into a final thesis, based on the arguments on the body paragraphs, and then writing a catchy introduction.

When you have your introduction, you can now finalize the writing process by writing an equally catchy conclusion that leaves your readers yearning for more.

As long as you maintain the standard format of a three-paragraph or a five-paragraph essay, whichever order you use to write does not matter provided the quality of the essay is met.

Choose the essay scaffold depending on the type of essay you are writing. For instance, you can use Toulmin, classic argument method, or Rogerian approach when writing an argumentative essay . similarly, you can choose to use chronology or point-by-point contrast when writing a classification or compare and contrast essay .

6. Use simple vocabulary

When writing any essay, it is not the chance to measure who knows what vocabulary. Instead, it is a chance to present facts from research to reinforce your ideas and thoughts on a given topic. Resist the temptation of using tough words to impress your teacher. Simplicity always wins when it comes to essay writing. Write in plain and simple language.

Use the ordinary words that makes it easier for your instructor to read and flow with your ideas. They never have the time to peruse a thesaurus, and even if they do, you would probably irritate their appetite leading to poor grades.

Use simple common words to communicate with the audience. Most engaging and top-grade essays are written in simple language. Students who write simple papers end up scoring better, as long as the facts are presented, flowing, and well organized.

7. Use short and long sentences

Every piece of assignment you write is meant to impress your readers. Using short sentences and long sentences blended together makes an essay readable. Short sentences are brief, easy to understand, and allow for easier navigation.

Although sometimes it is tempting to use complex sentences, they are counted as run-on or ambiguous sentences. When writing, this should not trouble you. However, when editing the paper, shorten the long sentences that have empty but complex vocabularies. It narrows down to simplicity again.

All our writers are better because they have mastered the art of balancing short and long sentences. With such a craft, you can convince even the toughest professor on earth for the best grades.

Brevity, coherence, accuracy, composition, and clarity comes from a mastery of how to use short sentences. So, try to practice often and use this approach for success in your essays.

8. Balance your paragraphs

To achieve a perfect paragraph in an essay is akin to getting an A+. It is not hard although it is something that most people struggle with.

Ensure that your topic sentences achieve cohesion and coherence. Cohesion means a good flow while coherence means achieving a sense of the whole. Your paragraphs should transition into one another.

Each paragraph should present a single idea linked to the order. Check out our guide on the PEEL paragraphing format . We also have a checklist for a good essay paragraph . A paragraph is an indispensable or irreplaceable node within a coherent sequence of logic. They are the building blocks of the essays. So, make them count.

Finally, your paragraphs need to be balanced in terms of number of words. Remember, by default the body paragraphs comprise 80% of the entire word count. This means that if you are writing a five-paragraph essay, the three body paragraphs should be spread to cover for the same.

9. Edit and format correctly

The writing process is no doubt the hardest part. Since it comes with researching, reading, and critical thinking, by the time you are done chances are that you are exhausted and probably fatigued. If you make the mistake of rushing directly to edit and format the paper, you'll probably make mistakes. It is the sole reason why it is good to plan an essay � allocate some good time for editing and polishing the essay or any assignment for that matter.

Now, when you're done with writing, take some much-deserved break. You can go for a walk, have a nap, watch your favorite show, activate your social media and plug back, or visit a friend, whatever will ease your mind.

After the rest, spend some quality time objectively reading, editing, and formatting your essay. focus on spelling, grammar, stylistic, and organization mistakes. You should also check the right Spacing, fonts, and font type. If you find the process consuming and tiresome, you can use our essay editing service. We have keen editors who can always help.

After everything is okay, check your paper for plagiarism, and submit it before the deadline.

Parting Shot!

To this end, you now understand what a double-spaced essay is, how to set double Spacing on your Computer, and how to make a double-spacing interesting enough to earn you a better grade.

Whether you are writing in MLA, Harvard, APA , or Chicago, the process remains the same. If you need tips on how to make an essay longer , check out our guide on the same. We also have various guides that can help you become a better essay writer.

Related: How to indent in an essay or paper.

Otherwise, if all you need is someone who can assist you with writing a well-researched, refined, and polished school essay, we have excellent and talented writers on the wait. Place an order through the form on our homepage and experience a perfect essay help you have never seen before.


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How Many Words per Page?

When you are given a writing assignment in college, either a certain number of pages or a particular word count is required. If the assignment is to write a six-page paper on a topic related to the American Revolution, you may wonder how many words are in six pages. The fact is there is no perfect answer to this question.

How many words per page generally depends on what word processor settings you

How many words there are on a page depends on the font type, font size, spacing, margins and paragraph length. Depending on the assignment, the Professor may require students to divide their papers into sections, with headings and subheadings. That can also affect the number of words per page.

General Requirements

For college essays and papers, the typical font types are Times New Roman, Arial, and Verdana. The standard font size requirement is 12pt, and the margin requirements are one-inch on all sides. Also, in college, papers must usually be double-spaced, though single-spacing can also be required by some Professors.

There are general guidelines, on how many pages it takes to reach a word count. For example, a 2000-word essay is approximately four pages when single spaced and eight pages when double spaced. A 60,000 word dissertation written by a Ph.D. candidate is about 120 pages single spaced and 200 pages double spaced.

Calculating Words per Page

Let’s say a student must write a short essay with 1000 words. The assignment calls for Times New Roman 12pt font, one-inch margins, and double spacing. So, how many pages is 1000 words going to take up? The answer is about four pages. If the student uses the Arial typeface instead, the total number of pages will be about 3.7. And when using Verdana, the number of pages will be approximately 4.4.

What about an essay that must be 1500 words? Using our Word Counter , the average number of pages for 1500 words is three pages when single-spaced and six pages when double-spaced. Now, let’s say the spacing must be 1.5 per the assignment instructions. If a student uses the Times New Roman font type, and the font size requirement is 12pt, then the number of pages to reach 1500 words is approximately 4.8, which rounds up to about five pages.

How Many Words are in a Speech?

Another typical college assignment entails giving a speech in front of your peers. For example, your Chemistry professor may require you to give a 5-minute speech on an element from the Periodic Table. In preparing the speech, you will need to know how many words are in a 5-minute speech . Again, there is no definitive answer because pacing (how many words you speak per minute) and pausing (breaking between sentences/paragraphs) will affect the total time it takes. Daphne Gray-Grant over at Visual Thesaurus writes: “The average person speaks at somewhere between 125 and 150 words per minute.”

For a five-minute speech done by a person speaking 150 words per minute, the approximate word count is around 750. However, as a general rule of thumb for giving speaches you should use around 100–200 words per minute. This is because for public speaking it is better to speak slowly so your audience understands what you are saying. Hence, a five-minute speech using this general rule will have somewhere in the range of 500–1000 words.

Word Counts for Publishing

For those people that are out of college and writing professionally (i.e. publishing their work), another factor when considering how many words there are per page is how the final work is to be printed. In addition to the layout, the font type and size used for published works is often quite different from college papers. For published books, mainly paperback novels, fonts such as Garamond and Calibri are often used. However, there is not hard and fast rule, as a different font can be utilized depending on the subject, genre, or any number of other factors. The size of the font often used in paperback novels commonly ranges from 10pt to 14pt.

Other factors that will affect the number of words per page in a published book include:

  • Whether the book has pictures, charts, graphs, etc. The formatting for a book containing such elements means the word count will differ from a book that has only words.
  • The spacing of the text and between paragraphs. In most paperback and hardcover novels, the text in the final printed book is single-spaced. Also, a lot of publishers like to put extra spaces between sections of the book to separate point-of-views and settings.
  • The physical dimensions of the book. The typical dimensions for a novel are either 5x8 inches or 6x9 inches. It all depends on how the publisher prints the final work and whether it is a hardcover or paperback.
  • The Reading Level of the book. For example, children’s books are going to have fewer words per page than a book meant for adult readers.

Common Novel: Word Counts per Page

How many words per page are there in a typical novel? For manuscripts, the answer is about 250–300 words per page if it is double-spaced. A manuscript for a novel is typically 500 words per page if single-spaced. When the final work is printed for sale and published, the number of words per page will differ.

So, how many pages is 500 words? For a manuscript, the answer is two pages if the word count per page is 250 and it is double spaced. If single-spaced, it is one page. It all depends on the font type, font size, spacing, and formatting of the text. If a novel has a total of 80,000 words with 300 words per page, the number of manuscript pages is 267.

It is interesting, as well as necessary at times, to look at the number of words per page. If you are a college student writing a paper, knowing how many words per page there are in your essay helps you track your progress to the required word count for the assignment. If you are an author working on your next bestseller, you should know that a typical manuscript with double-spaced text has about 250 words per page. Overall, there are multiple answers to the question regarding the number of words per page, as it all depends on font type, font size, and formatting.

How to Write Essay Titles and Headers

Don’t overlook the title and section headers when putting together your next writing assignment. Follow these pointers for keeping your writing organized and effective.

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How Many Words Is 10 Pages?

10 pages is 5000 words single-spaced or 2500 words double-spaced . Typical documents that are 10 pages include college dissertations, theses, and in-depth blog posts and journal articles. A typical single-spaced page is 500 words long. It will take approximately 17 minutes to read 10 pages .

A 5,000 word count will create about 10 pages with single spacing or 20 pages double-spaced when using normal 1-inch margins, 12 pt. Arial font, and a standard A4 (letter size) page size.

However, the number of pages will vary depending on your margins, font family, font size, whether you use multiple spaces after a period , and your paragraph spacing settings. For example, 1 page single spaced created using Arial font will generate only 0.9 pages with Calibri or Times New Roman font.

Table of Contents

How many words is 10 pages single-spaced.

10 pages single-spaced is 5000 words. A standard single-spaced page contains 500 words.

How Many Words Is a 10 Page Essay or Paper?

A 10 pages essay will be 5000 words single-spaced or 2500 words double-spaced. A standard single-spaced page contains 500 words.

How Many Words Is 10 Pages Double-Spaced?

10 pages double-spaced is 2500 words. Teachers may ask you to write an essay using double spacing so that it's easier to read and easier to add comments/feedback to. A standard double-spaced page contains 250 words.

How Many Words Is 10 Pages Handwritten?

10 pages handwritten and single-spaced produces 2500 words. Handwriting is about twice as large as words typed in 12 point Arial or Times New Roman font which makes single-spaced handwritten pages equivalent to double-spaced pages.

How Many Paragraphs Is 10 Pages?

10 words is about 25-50 paragraphs for essays or 50-100 for easier reading (to allow skimming). A paragraph length typically has 100-200 words and 5-6 sentences.

How Many Sentences Is 10 Pages?

10 pages is about 250-334 sentences. A sentence typically has 15–20 words.

Which Font Produces More Pages?

Of the standard fonts used in essays and other documents, Verdana will create the most pages. On average, Verdana will create 1.1 pages for every 1 page written using Arial and 0.9 pages for every page written with Times New Roman or Calibri in Microsoft Word or Google Docs. These are just estimates . If you're looking to write the fewest number of words for your school assignment to meet a page count, we recommend using Verdana (if allowed) or Arial. A good rule of thumb is to use Arial font unless your teacher provides different guidelines for font or spacing.

How Long Does It Take to Write a 10 Page Essay?

On average it will take approximately 2.1 hours for the average writer typing on a keyboard at a typing speed of 40 words per minute.

How Many Words per Page?

To quickly find out how many pages various word counts make, see the table below. You’ll be able to understand quickly how many words you need to write for your essays, blog articles, or memos with page limits:

Word CountPages (single-spaced)Pages (double-spaced)Font Size
  • Accessibility

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How Many Pages Calculator

Have you ever wondered how many pages a certain number of words would fill we’ve got your answer, plus a helpful calculator to help you figure out how many pages a certain number of words would fill..

Have you ever wondered how many pages a certain number of words would fill? We’ve got your answer, plus a helpful calculator to help you figure out how many pages a certain number of words would fill. 

In this article we answer your questions on how many pages a set amount of words are. For these calculations, we’re assuming a standard font like Arial or Times New Roman, 12 point with one inch margins on a typical U.S. letter-sized page of 8.5x11 inches. 

300 Words Is How Many Pages?

If it’s single-spaced, 300 words would fill about ⅓ of a page. If it’s double-spaced, it would fill around 2/3rds of a page. 

How Many Pages Is 500 Words?

As an estimate, five hundred words will fill around one page. 

How Many Pages Is 750 Words?

A single-spaced page would fill up around 1 ½ pages. 

How Many Pages Is 800 Words?

A text of 800 words is slightly over the space of 750, coming in at around 1.6 pages.

How Many Pages Is 1000 Words?

A single-spaced text of 1,000 words would be around two pages. 

How Many Pages Is 1200 Words?

A text of 1200 words is around 2.4 pages, nearly two and a half pages worth of text.

How Many Pages Is 1500 Words?

1500 words will fill around 3 pages. 

How Many Pages Is 2000 Words?

If you need to write a 2,000 word essay, paper or speech, you’re looking at around 4 pages, single-spaced.

How Many Pages Is 2500 Words?

Considering that each page holds around 500 words, a 2500 word text would span around 5 pages. 

How Many Pages Is 3000 Words?

Three thousand words is around 6 pages of single-spaced text.

How Many Pages Is 4000 Words?

With single-spaced formatting, 4,000 words equals out to around 8 pages. 

How Many Pages Is 5000 Words?

5,000 words would fill around 10 pages.

How Many Pages Is 10000 Words?

Once you hit 10,000 words, you’re looking at around 20 pages of text.

How Many Pages Is 1000 Words Double Spaced?

1,000 words double-spaced would be around 4 pages, assuming that one double-spaced page can hold around 250 words.

How Many Pages Is 1500 Words Double Spaced?

1,500 words will fill around 6 pages double-spaced.

How Many Pages Is 50,000 Words

We’ve taken quite a jump from a few thousand words all the way to 50,000. A work that is 50,000 words long would be around 100 pages. 

So far, we’ve focused on how many pages a specific number of words would fill, but how many pages are the books we enjoy reading? Here are the page counts of some of the most popular novels. 

How Many Pages is The Great Gatsby?

The number of pages in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald depends on the edition and formatting, but in general, is around 180-200 pages. It’s relatively short compared to other novels written around the same time and later.

How Many Pages is Harry Potter?

The Harry Potter series consists of seven novels, each of which varies in number of pages.

  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (Sorcerer’s Stone in the U.S.) is around 223 pages.
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is around 251 pages.
  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is about 317 pages
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is around 636 pages
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is approximately 766 pages
  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is around 607 pages
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is about 607 pages. 

How Many Pages is Dune?

A standard edition of Dune by Frank Herbert with typical formatting averages out to 800-900 pages long. 

How Many Pages is Fahrenheit 451?

Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, in its standard mass-market paperback edition, is around 160-200 pages. 

How Many Pages is Lord of the Rings?  

The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien is divided into three volumes:

  • The Fellowship of the Ring is around 400-500 pages
  • The Two Towers is between 350 and 450 pages
  • The Return of the King ranges from 400-500 pages but there may be appendices that extend the word count even more. 

How Many Pages is Animal Farm?

George Orwell’s Animal Farm is a relatively short novel of around 100-150 pages.

How Many Pages is Crime and Punishment?

The page count for Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment ranges from 500-700 words long. 

How Many Pages is Pride and Prejudice?

Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice is between 250-400 pages. The difference is, like all novels, due to publisher preferences in terms of font size, formatting and layout. 

How Many Pages is The Art of War?

The number of pages of Sun Tzu’s The Art of War depends on the translation, formatting and any commentary that’s included. It can range from 50-100 pages, but some words contain interpretations or analyses which can lengthen the pages to 300 or more.

How Many Pages is To Kill a Mockingbird?  

The standard edition of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee ranges from 280-400 pages.

How Many Pages is Dracula?

Bram Stoker’s Dracula is between 400-500 pages long.

How Many Pages is Lord of the Flies?

Lord of the Flies by William Golding is around 200-300 pages.

How Many Pages is the Three Musketeers?

The classical novel of The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas is approximately 600-800 pages long.

How Many Pages is Treasure Island?

Robert Louis Stevenson’s famous word Treasure Island is between 200-300 pages.

How Many Pages is Gone with the Wind?

Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind is a sprawling novel well-known for its deep narrative and detailed character development. These add to its considerable length which can be anywhere from 960-1,000 pages.

How Many Pages is the U.S. Constitution?

Although it’s not a novel, the U.S. Constitution is nevertheless a historical document. Including all seven articles and 27 amendments, it's around 15-30 pages. 

Try Originality.ai’s Page Calculator

Need to know the number of pages for a certain amount of words? Try Originality.ai’s handy page calculator below.

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Words to Pages Calculator

Use this words to pages calculator to quickly convert the number of words into the number of pages. It will help you to estimate how many words per page are required in your essays, assignments, and papers depending upon the word count, font size, and letter spacing.

Enter Total Words

Font Arial Calibri Comic Sans MS Courier Times New Roman Verdana

Font Size 10 11 12 13 14

Letter Spacing single 1.5 double

how many words is a 10 page essay double spaced

How Many Words Per Page?


No matter what kind of writing assignment you’re working on, you probably know something about the length of the text you need. For students writing a term paper, the teacher may assign a page count. Novelists often receive feedback about word count from publishers. A journalist might be told the exact number of characters a newspaper has allotted for an article. Still, it’s not always obvious how you should translate from characters or words to pages. After all, the number of pages you complete depends on the formatting of your finished work.

For a term paper with standard formatting, it’s fairly easy to convert characters or words to pages. First, you’ll want to make sure to select default 1-inch margins within your word processor. You should use a standard font, like Arial, Times New Roman, or Verdana, in a 12-point font size. Assuming you’ve made these selections, you’ll know the approximate number of words on each page, based on your line spacing. If you use double spacing, you should have about 250 words per page. If your document is single spaced, you can expect around 500 words per page. Typically, you’ll see 3,500 characters for every 500 words.

how many words is a 10 page essay double spaced

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Here’s a chart that shows what you can expect for single-spaced pages:

Pages Words Characters
1 500           3,500
2 1,000           7,000
3 1,500         10,500
4 2,000         14,000
5 2,500         17,500

Now, if you’re writing a book, the number of pages in your manuscript won’t be the same as the number of pages in a printed edition. Manuscript pages, much like term papers, have standard document formatting. They’re almost always double spaced and run 250-300 words per page.

You can expect to see manuscripts fall in line with this chart, although it’s common to fit more words and characters per page:

Pages Words Characters
1 250           1,750
2 500           3,500
3 750           5,250
4 1,000           7,000
5 1,250           8,750

On a printed and published book page, the size and layout of the book will impact the number of words that fit. Many books use either Garamond or Calibri font, size 10-14, although formatting varies considerably from book to book. Of course, illustrations, photos, and charts can significantly impact the total page count. Again, the number of manuscript pages won’t match the number of pages in the published book exactly. 

Getting a Precise Word and Character Count

While the charts above can be helpful, especially as you begin a writing assignment and need to conceptualize how much writing you’ll need to do, they should be considered general guidelines. Individual writing styles vary. For example, we used a ratio of 7 characters per word. It’s common for people to use longer words; on the other hand, some writers prefer shorter words. The best way to determine a total word or character count for a block of text is to review it in your word processor. 

Here’s how you can navigate to find the word count within different word processing tools. 

Microsoft Word: Tools > Word Count

Google Docs: Tools > Word Count

Scrivener: Scrivener > Preferences > Editing > Live Counts

Pages: View > Show Word Count

Open Office: Tools > Word Count

How many words do articles have?

The length of an average article varies, depending on the publication. For example,  The New York Times  solicits opinion essays that are 400-1,200 words in length.  Longreads  regularly accepts features in excess of 6,000 words. As a good rule of thumb, try to match the word count to other articles published by the same magazine or newspaper. Anything that falls outside the range of the publisher’s previous work may be too short or long for publication.

How many words do books have?

The word count of a book depends on the genre. Here are some examples of types of books, along with typical word counts.

Memoir: 45,000-80,000

Self-Help: 30,000-70,000

Sci-Fi: 50,000-50,000

Mystery: 40,000-80,000

Romance: 50,000-90,000

Young Adult: 60,000-90,000

Middle Grade: 20,000-55,000

No matter what your writing assignment entails, knowing how to convert word, character, and page counts will help you. You can pace yourself, keeping in mind how much space you have to make each argument. Whether you’re writing an 80,000-word mystery novel or a 700-word article, you’ll know how many pages you have left to write. Just remember to divide your total word count by 500 if you’re writing something with single spacing. Divide by 250, when you use double spacing.

  • https://self-publishingschool.com/how-many-words-in-a-novel/
  • https://wordcounter.io/blog/how-many-words-per-page/
  • https://talk.collegeconfidential.com/brown-university/19574-500-words-or-3500-characters.html
  • https://smallbusiness.chron.com/count-characters-openoffice-documents-63353.html

The Word Counter  is a dynamic online tool used for counting words, characters, sentences, paragraphs, and pages in real time, along with spelling and grammar checking.


Kari Lisa Johnson

I’m an award-winning playwright with a penchant for wordplay. After earning a perfect score on the Writing SAT, I worked my way through Brown University by moonlighting as a Kaplan Test Prep tutor. I received a BA with honors in Literary Arts (Playwriting)—which gave me the opportunity to study under Pulitzer Prize-winner Paula Vogel. In my previous roles as new media producer with Rosetta Stone, director of marketing for global ventures with The Juilliard School, and vice president of digital strategy with Up & Coming Media, I helped develop the voice for international brands. From my home office in Maui, Hawaii, I currently work on freelance and ghostwriting projects.

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  • Words to Pages

Use this words to pages calculator to quickly convert the number of words into the number of pages. It will help you to estimate how many words per page are required in your essays, assignments, and papers depending upon the word count, font size, and letter spacing. 

How words to pages calculator work?

To check the accurate page count of the document, follow the below guideline:

  • Select the Text Font.
  • Choose the Font Size.
  • Select the desired line spacing.
  • Write, or paste the text into the input field.
  • Or, Enter the Total number of words in the given box.

Once you enter the content into the word to page converter, it will quickly tell the exact number of pages depending upon the given details in real-time.

It provides the best assistance on how to count words on pages.  According to Ballpark figures : A single page contains 500 words with a single space and 250 words with double space.

Why choose our Words to Pages Converter?

The words to pages provide the correct word count of any page by getting the required information. It provides the following best options to calculate the number of pages of any document:

The above converter provides the following types of fonts to generate an estimate calculation of words to pages:

  • Comic Sans MS
  • Times New Roman

It allows users to select one of the mentioned preferred font sizes:

Letter Spacing

The page count calculator provides an option to set one of the below letter-spacing:

  • Single-Space
  • Double Space
  • How many pages is it?

The following are estimations using the 12pt font size with a single space:

How many pages are 500 words? 500 words are nearly 1 Page
How many pages are 1000 words?  1000 words are nearly 2 Pages
How many pages are 1500 words? 1500 words are nearly 3 Pages
How many pages are 2000 words? 2000 words are nearly 4 Pages
How many pages are 2500 words? 2500 words are nearly 5 Pages
How many pages are 5000 words? 5000 words are nearly 10 Pages

How many words are?

The following are estimations using double-spaced, 12pt-Font Arial Font:

How many words are on a page? There are nearly 500 words in one page
How many words are 2 pages of double space? There are nearly 1000 words in two pages
How many words are 3 pages of double space?  There are nearly 1500 words in three pages
How many words are 4 pages of double space?  There are nearly 2000 words in four pages
How many words are 5 pages of double space? There are nearly 2500 words in five pages
How many words is 6 pages double space? There are nearly 3000 words in six pages

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How Long Does It Take to Write a 10-Page Paper? It’s Sorta Up to You

How Long Does It Take to Write a 10-Page Paper? It’s Sorta Up to You

The 10 page research paper is probably the most common assignment students get in their coursework. It seems like a good length for most topics that instructors want students to research and write about. Plus, it doesn’t seem horribly discouraging – in terms of how many words is a ten page paper double spaced, it will vary from about 2500 – 2750. Now that you know how many words in a ten page paper, let’s consider what it takes to produce that text.

If you ask students how much time it takes them to complete such a paper, they will have a variety of answers, everything from a day or two to a week.

How Long Does It Take to Write a 10 page Paper Double Spaced?

How Long Does It Take to Write a 10-Page Paper

If you know how to write a 10 page paper, then you know that there is a process involved – that process has very specific and sequential steps . Don’t try to skip any of them, or your final product will be poorly done. So, if you are wondering how long does it take to write a 10 page paper? The answer lies in how long it will take you to get through each step of the process. Here are those steps:

Don’t Panic

Keep things in perspective. Remember that 10 pages double spaced is only five pages single spaced writing. If you think about it that way, that’s not too terribly long. Don’t let panic set in! You can do this.

Choosing that Topic

Obviously, you will not be writing on a large general topic. You may have an area of interest, but writing a 10 page paper means narrowing that general interest into smaller sub-topics as you look at your options. One tip that has helped students on their quest for how to write a 10 page paper with a good topic choice is to do some research, look at some examples, and see what topics will fit that length requirement. 

The last thing you want to do is start writing a paper on an interesting topic, only to find that there just aren’t ten pages of information to provide. Remember that most instructors can tell when you’ve tried to stretch a paper to meet the word count. 

One word of caution – don’t even think about “lifting” a paper – the consequences for plagiarism in academic institutions are pretty harsh.

Getting to that Research

Finding the right resources can be a challenge. Again, if you find some sample papers on the same topic, take a look at the used resources. If they are current and primary (original research or produced by known experts), then you might want to use them. Part of learning how to write a 10 page essay is knowing what resources to use and how many sources for a 10 page paper is enough. Generally, six resources should be a minimum, although there really is no maximum limit. Be aware that some professors limit the number of online sources you can use. Be prepared to hit the stacks.

Identifying Sub-Topics

This is how you begin to organize your paper. How to write a ten page paper well means that you sift through your research and identify the major sections that you will want to cover. These sections will let you get organized for writing, whether you choose to make an outline or not. At least, put the sub-topics in a logical order so that the paper will flow well. Later, this will help you determine the topics you will cover in your body paragraphs.

Two Drafts – Rough and Final, with a Review and Edit in Between

Writing a ten page paper means that you will have some mistakes the first time through – awkward sentences, run-ons, fragments, missing transitions. All of these need to be fixed, and that is what the review and edit are for. Do not ever turn in the first draft. It will not be polished.

You are probably getting the idea that you will probably not be learning how to write a 10 page paper in one night. Unless you are an amazing expert on the topic, and already know the content of the resources you intend to use, it can’t be done (unless you are willing to take a bad grade).

Some students state they know how to write a ten page paper in one night. What they do is take a pre-written paper they find online and try to re-write it or use “spinning” software. These are pretty “iffy” strategies and are often caught by a smart instructor. Writing a 10 page paper in one day is possible but only if a professional writing service is used, and a topic expert is producing it.

What to Do About a 10 Page Research Paper Due Tomorrow

You are in a bit of trouble, if you have not started on your paper. You probably already know that, though. So here is the best solution:

Find a reputable college research paper writing service

Let them know you have a 10 page research paper due tomorrow, identify the topic and any other specifics, and let them go to work for you. They will have the topic expert you need – someone who has written on the topic many times before and who probably has the resource materials in his/her head and pretty much memorized.

Provide as much information as possible, including research sources, access to academic databases, and even writing samples. The idea is to ensure the writer can just get to work without asking questions or clarifying things.

Be prepared to pay. It takes a talented writer to know how to write 10 page research paper this quickly.

You’ll get your paper on time, and it will be of high quality.

Learning how to write a 10 page essay is not rocket science. But it does take time and practice. There’s certainly more to it than quickly writing something, then verifying the word count. Learn how to do this right and get the help you need in the meantime.

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Words Per Page Converter

Estimated Page 0

Word Count 0

Is it difficult to translate your word count into pages? Our word-to-page tool makes this process easy.

Input the number of words in your document and select the required formatting. Our tool will automatically estimate how many pages the content would fill based on your chosen font type, font size, and spacing between lines.

We support popular academic fonts like Arial, Times New Roman, and more. Pick your preferred spacing, too: single, 1.5 lines, or double-spaced.

While not every document is structured identically, our calculator provides a highly accurate page estimate for standard academic essays without images or charts.

You can quickly estimate page counts using our easy, free online tool.

Convert Words Counts to Pages

The way a Words to Pages calculator works is simple. It estimates how many pages a given word count would take up based on format settings like font type, font size, and line spacing.

Here’s a breakdown of how it works:

1. User Input

  • Total Number of Words : The user inputs the total word count of their document.
  • Font Choice : The user selects a font type (e.g., Arial, Calibri, Comic Sans MS, Courier Times, New Roman Verdana)
  • Font Size : The user chooses a font size (e.g., 10, 11, 12, 13, 14).
  • Line Spacing : The user selects the line spacing (e.g., single, 1.5 lines, double).

2. Calculation Logic

Using certain formatting settings, the calculator can determine how many words will fit on a standard page.

  • Font Type : Different fonts have different sizes and spacing characteristics. For example, Arial is generally considered a standard and easily readable font.
  • Font Size : Larger font sizes take up more space. It reduces the number of words that can fit on a page.
  • Line Spacing : More spacing between lines means fewer lines per page. Single spacing allows more words per page than double spacing.
  • Standard Page Definition : A standard page is typically defined as an 8.5 x 11-inch page (for the U.S.) or an A4 page (internationally).
  • Average Words Per Page : This value is calculated based on the chosen font, font size, and spacing. It’s an average because the actual word count can vary depending on word length and other factors.

For example, a page with an Arial font size of 12 and single spacing might fit an average of 500 words.

3. Execution of Calculation

  • Once the user inputs their word count and selects their formatting preferences, the calculator uses a formula to estimate the number of pages.
  • This formula is essentially: [ Total Word Count ] / [ Average Words Per Page ]
  • The Average Words Per Page is a pre-calculated value based on the chosen font, font size, and line spacing.

4. Displaying the Result

  • The result (total estimated pages) is then displayed to the user. This is usually rounded up since you can’t have a fraction of a physical page.

Suppose a user inputs 1500 words and chooses Arial font, size 12, with single spacing. If the average words per page for these settings is 500, the calculator will perform the following calculation:

  • 1500 words / 500 words per page = 3 pages

The user would then see “3 pages” as the estimated length of their document.

Average Words Per Page

Times New Roman10605480370
Times New Roman11480380290
Times New Roman12395315245
Times New Roman13340270209
Times New Roman14310250191
Courier New10550435335
Courier New11435345265
Courier New12365286220
Courier New13310245189
Courier New14285220174
Comic Sans MS10535425325
Comic Sans MS11425335260
Comic Sans MS12355280215
Comic Sans MS13300240185
Comic Sans MS14280225170

How Many Pages are in

The list below shows how many pages are needed (based on font: Arial, font size: 12, single-spaced)

Word CountEstimated Pages
5001.1 page
6001.3 pages
7001.6 pages
8001.8 pages
9002.0 pages
10002.2 pages
11002.4 pages
12002.7 pages
13002.9 pages
14003.1 pages
15003.3 pages
16003.6 pages
17003.8 pages
18004.0 pages
19003.8 pages
20004.4 pages
21004.7 pages
22004.9 pages
23005.1 pages
24005.3 pages
25005.6 pages
2600 5.8 pages
27006.0 pages
28006.2 pages
29006.4 pages
3000 6.7 pages
31006.9 pages
32007.1 pages
33007.3 pages
3400 7.6 pages
3500 7.8 pages
3600 8.0 pages
37008.2 pages
38008.4 pages
39008.7 pages
40008.9 pages
41009.1 pages
4200 9.3 pages
43009.6 pages
44009.8 pages
450010.0 pages
4600 10.2 pages
470010.4 pages
480010.7 pages
490010.9 pages
500011.1 pages
510011.3 pages
520011.6 pages
530011.8 pages
540012.0 pages
5500 12.2 pages
5600 12.4 pages
5700 12.7 pages
5800 12.9 pages
5900 13.1 pages
6000 13.3 pages
610013.6 pages
620013.8 pages
630014.0 pages
640014.2 pages
650014.4 pages
660014.7 pages
670014.9 pages
6800 15.1 pages
690015.3 pages
7000 15.6 pages
710015.8 pages
720016.0 pages
730016.2 pages
740016.4 pages
750016.7 pages
800017.8 pages
8500 18.9 pages
900020.0 pages
950021.1 pages
1000022.2 pages

Average Page Per Words

The list below shows how many pages per page (based on font: Arial, font size: 12, double-spaced )

Word CountPages (Double-Spaced)
250 words0.9 page
300 words1.1 pages
400 words1.5 pages
500 words1.8 pages
600 words2.2 pages
750 words2.7 pages
800 words2.9 pages
1,000 words3.6 pages
1,200 words4.4 pages
1,500 words5.5 pages
2,000 words7.3 pages
2,500 words9.1 pages
3,000 words10.9 pages
3,500 words12.7 pages
4,000 words14.5 pages
5,000 words18.2 pages
6,000 words21.8 pages
7,500 words27.3 pages
8,000 words29.1 pages
10,000 words36.4 pages
12,500 words45.5 pages
15,000 words54.5 pages
20,000 words72.7 pages
25,000 words90.9 pages
50,000 words181.8 pages

How Many Words are in

Below is a table estimating the number of words typically found in documents with specific page counts based on Arial font, size 12, and single spacing.


How many words are in a 5-page paper?

A 5-page paper contains approximately 2,250 words with standard single-spaced formatting and a 12-point Arial font.

How Many Pages Is 50 Words?

50 words is equivalent to 0.1 pages single-spaced or 0.2 pages double-spaced. Documents typically containing 50 words are short memos, blog posts, or marketing copy.

How Many Pages is 600 Words?

600 words is approximately 1.3 pages when single-spaced and 2.2 pages when double-spaced, using 12-point Arial font.

How Many Pages is 1000 Words?

The number of pages that 1000 words will take up depends on various factors such as font size, spacing, and page layout. Here are the estimates based on different formats.

Using a 12-point font, a 1000-word essay will be approximately 2.2 pages when single-spaced and 3.6 pages when double-spaced.

How Many Pages Is the Bible

The number of pages in the Bible can vary depending on the edition, font size, and page layout.

  • Protestant Bible:  Around 1,200 pages
  • Catholic Bible:  Around 1,500 pages (including apocryphal books)
  • King James Version (KJV): Around 1,500 pages
  • New International Version (NIV): Around 1,100 pages

How Many Pages is 1500 Words

1500 words are approximately 3.3 pages when single-spaced and 5.5 pages when double-spaced, using the 12-point Arial font.

However, the number of pages can vary based on margin spacing and paragraph length.

How Many Pages are 2000 Words

2000 words are 4.4 pages when single-spaced and 7.3 pages when double-spaced, using a 12-point Arial font . You can use a word counter tool to estimate a specific document more accurately.

How Many Pages is 3000 Words

3000 words is approximately 6.7 pages when single-spaced and 10.9 pages when double-spaced, using a 12-point Arial font.

Larger fonts or those using more space per character (like Times New Roman compared to Arial) will result in fewer words per page.

How Many Pages Is 1200 Words

The number of pages for 1200 words can vary based on formatting. Here are estimates for different formats:

  • Standard Double-Spaced Page (12-point font): Approximately 4.4 pages.
  • Standard Single-Spaced Page (12-point font): Approximately 2.7 pages.
  • Standard Double-Spaced Page (10-point font): Approximately 2.9 pages.
  • Standard Single-Spaced Page (10-point font): Approximately 1.7 pages.

How Many Pages Are 750 Words

750 words are 1.5 pages when single-spaced or 3 pages when double-spaced, using a 12-point Arial font.

  • Standard Double-Spaced Page (10-point font): Approximately 1.8 pages.
  • Standard Single-Spaced Page (10-point font): Approximately 1.1 pages.

These are rough estimates, and the actual number of pages may differ based on the specific formatting of your document.

How Many Pages Is 5000 Words

A 5,000-word count will create about 7.2 pages with single spacing or 12 pages double-spaced when using normal 1-inch margins, 12 pt. Arial font, and a standard A4 (letter size) page size.

Here are the estimates for 5000 words with different font sizes:

  • Standard Single-Spaced Page (10-point font): Approximately 7.2 pages.
  • Standard 1.5 Spaced Page (10-point font): Approximately 9.3 pages.
  • Standard Double-Spaced Page (10-point font): Approximately 12.0 pages.
  • Standard Single-Spaced Page (11-point font): Approximately 9.3 pages.
  • Standard 1.5 Spaced Page (11-point font): Approximately 11.8 pages.
  • Standard Double-Spaced Page (11-point font): Approximately 15.2 pages.

How Many Pages Are 800 Words

The 800 words in a 12-point Arial font equals approximately 1.8 pages when single-spaced and 2.9 pages when double-spaced.

How Many Pages Is 4000 Words

The number of pages for 4000 words can vary based on factors such as font size, font type, line spacing, and margin size. Here are rough estimates for different formats:

  • Standard Double-Spaced Page (12-point font): Approximately 14.5 pages.
  • Standard Single-Spaced Page (12-point font): Approximately 8.9 pages.
  • Standard Double-Spaced Page (10-point font): Approximately 9.6 pages.
  • Standard Single-Spaced Page (10-point font): Approximately 5.8 pages.
  • Standard Double-Spaced Page (11-point font): Approximately 12.1 pages.
  • Standard Single-Spaced Page (11-point font): Approximately 7.4 pages.

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Words to Page Counter: Converter to calculate Words to Pages

When writing, it is important to ensure that you know the number of words that you are completing in every section. This is more important especially when your number of words is part of the instructions. So, how many words are there per page?

The average and the general number of words on one page is between 275 words to 300 words for a double-spaced page and between 550 words and 600 for a single-spaced page. The variation occurs due to the differences in writing styles among people and the structure of their paragraphing styles.

The best and Free Word to Pages Counter or Calculator

To know the number of words per page or the number of pages for a certain number of words, we created a word-to-page counter for you. This free word-to-page counter will help you keep tabs with the word count you write and the conversion using any font and any spacing.

Number of Words in a Page

Because of the differences in the lengths, I will comprehensively discuss the factors involved and determine the number of words for each. I will also review the various factors that determine the word count to help you meet instructors’ requirements.

How many words are there on a double-spaced page?

Before delving into the number of words on a double-spaced page, it is important to first understand what a double-spaced page is.

In any application that helps you write or edit a document on your computer, tablet, or smartphone, you will be given an option to select the line spacing options. Normally, the options include 1.0, 1.15, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3.0.

Most essays and various documents are usually typed with either 1.0 or 2.0-line spacing options.

#This is where the so-called single-spaced page and double-spaced page options come in. When a page is single-spaced, it means that the 1.0-line spacing option has been used.

On the other hand, if a 2.0-line spacing option has been used, the page is double-spaced. 

Now that the issue of single-spaced and double-spaced pages is clear, we can now explore the number of that can fit into a double-spaced page.

The number of words within a double-spaced page is usually between 275 words and 300 words when using standard fonts for academic writing like Times New Roman or Arial.

However, when using large fonts like Arial Black, the number of words will be fewer because they occupy more space within the paragraph.

Similarly, when using smaller fonts, then the number of words will increase in a double-spaced page because the fonts will occupy lesser space in each sentence of your paragraph. 

Still, various factors will determine the number of words that can fit into a double-spaced page.

How Many Words are there on a Single-Spaced Page?

During the previous section concerning the number of words that can fit into a double-spaced page, we discussed the factors that determine whether a page is to be considered double or single-spaced.

We found that a single-spaced page uses the 1.0-line spacing option, meaning that the number of lines within each page will increase.

In short, it means that the number of words in a single-spaced page will be double the number of words in a double-spaced page.

Therefore, the number of words on a single-spaced page is between 550 and 600 words if you use the standard fonts and margins. 

The reason why the term standard is emphasized is that most students are involved in academic writing and certain standards are used across different institutions. 

Read more about an example of how many pages are in 1000 words for more insight.

What determines the Number of words in a Page

1. line spacing.

One of those factors is line spacing options such as adding spaces before or after your paragraphs and removing such spaces between them.

If you add spaces before or after your paragraphs, it means that there will be fewer words within a double-spaced page.

If you remove such spaces before or after each paragraph, then the number of words required to fill your page will increase. 

2. Size of the Font

The second factor is the size of the font you are using when creating your word document. It should be noted that this does not refer to the type of font used such as times new roman or Ariel.

It refers to the size of the font you have selected. In most formal word documents such as academic papers or essays, the instructor specifies the size of a specific font to be used.

Normally, the instructor will require size 11 or size 12 depending on the academic discipline or topic.

The smaller the font, the more words will be required to fill a double-spaced page like in the case of size 11.

On the other hand, if the font size is larger like in the case of size 12, then fewer words will be required to fill a similar page.

3. Bold or normal font

Another factor that determines the number of words that can fill a double-spaced page is whether the font is in bold or not. The bold font takes up more space within a page compared to the normal font.

What this means is that there will be fewer words within a normal double-spaced page, and vice versa. When italic fonts are used within a similar double-spaced page, then the number of words will increase because italics tend to compress the font.

4. Caps or Lower case

Uppercase fonts are considerably larger compared to the normal lowercase font. This means that fewer words will be required to fill a double-spaced page.

The margins of the word document will also influence the number of words that are required to fill the same page. 

Though the aforementioned factors will affect the number of words required to fill a double-spaced page, it is important to follow your instructor’s specifications concerning the type of font to be used and so on.

You may also decide to follow the standard font type and size within your double-spaced page so that the number of words can remain within the normal range of 275 to 300 words. 

A Summary of the Number of Words per Page Calculator

The below list gives an estimation of how several factors, as indicated above, will affect the actual pages when writing your article. The given details are only a guide since it may not be true in all cases. Let these examples act as inspirations when converting pages into words. 

  • Using double-spacing, 500 words are two pages. But when using single-spacing, 500 words are 1 page.
  • When you apply a double-spaced design, it will take four pages to fill 1000 words. If it is single spacing, 1000 words are two pages.
  • Using double spacing, 1500 words are six pages. But when applying a single spacing, 1500 are three pages.
  • By applying double-spacing, 2000 words are eight pages. But when applying a single spacing, 2000 words are four pages.
  • Using double-spacing, 2500 words are ten pages. But when applying a single-spacing, 2500 are five pages.
  • Using double-spacing, 3000 words are 12 pages. But when applying a single spacing, 300 words are six pages.
  • Using double-spacing, 4000 words are 16 pages. But when applying a single spacing, 4000 words are eight pages.
  • Using double-spacing, 5000 words are 20 pages. But when applying a single spacing, 5000 words are ten pages.
  • Using double-spacing, 7500 words are 30 pages. But when applying a single spacing, 7500 words are 15 pages.
  • Using double-spacing, 10000 words are 40 pages. But when applying a single spacing, 10000 words are 20 pages.
  • Using double-spacing, 20000 words are 80 pages. But when applying a single spacing, 20000 words are 40 pages.
  • Using double-spacing, 25000 words are 100 pages. But when applying a single spacing, 25000 words are 50 pages.
  • Using double-spacing, 30000 words are 120 pages. But when applying a single spacing, 30000 words are 60 pages.
  • Using double-spacing, 40000 words are 160 pages. But when applying a single spacing, 40000 words are 80 pages.
  • Using double-spacing, 50000 words are 200 pages. But when applying a single spacing, 50000 words are 100 pages.
  • Using double-spacing, 60000 words are 240 pages. But when applying a single spacing, 60000 words are 120 pages.
  • Using double-spacing, 70000 words are 280 pages. But when applying a single spacing, 70000 words are 140 pages.
  • Using double-spacing, 75000 words are 300 pages. But when applying a single spacing, 75000 words are 150 pages.
  • Using double-spacing, 80000 words are 320 pages. But when applying a single spacing, 80000 words are 160 pages.
  • Using double-spacing, 90000 words are 360 pages. But when applying a single spacing, 90000 words are 180 pages.
  • Using double-spacing, 100000 words are 400 pages. But when applying a single spacing, 100000 words are 200 pages.

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Words to Pages Converter

This converter would help you to define words to pages ratio while using various font types and sizes. All you need is:

  • enter the amount of words or copy paste text
  • select one of the font types
  • select font size
  • choose spacing
  • click the "Convert" button

The Number of Pages According to the Word Amount

The data presented below are the calculations made by using Times New Roman 12pt font size, single spacing. Here are the basic word to pages conversions:

  • How many pages equal 100 words? - 100 words equal about 0.17 pages.
  • How many pages equal 150 words? - 150 words equal about 0.25 pages.
  • How many pages equal 200 words? - 200 words equal about 0.33 pages.
  • How many pages equal 250 words? - 250 words equal about 0.42 pages.
  • How many pages equal 300 words? - 300 words equal about 0.5 pages.
  • How many pages equal 400 words? - 400 words equal about 0.67 pages.
  • How many pages equal 500 words? - 500 words equal about 0.83 pages.
  • How many pages equal 600 words? - 600 words equal about 1 page.
  • How many pages equal 700 words? - 700 words equal about 1.17 pages.
  • How many pages equal 750 words? - 750 words equal about 1.25 pages.
  • How many pages equal 800 words? - 800 words equal about 1.33 pages.
  • How many pages equal 900 words? - 900 words equal about 1.5 pages.
  • How many pages equal 1000 words? - 1000 words equal about 1.67 pages.

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  • How many pages equal 1200 words? - 1200 words equal about 2 pages.
  • How many pages equal 1250 words? - 1250 words equal about 2.08 pages.
  • How many pages equal 1500 words? - 1500 words equal about 2.5 pages.
  • How many pages equal 1750 words? - 1750 words equal about 2.92 pages.
  • How many pages equal 2000 words? - 2000 words equal about 3.33 pages.
  • How many pages equal 2500 words? - 2500 words equal about 4.17 pages.
  • How many pages equal 3000 words? - 3000 words equal about 5 pages.
  • How many pages equal 3500 words? - 3500 words equal about 5.83 pages.
  • How many pages equal 4000 words? - 4000 words equal about 6.67 pages.
  • How many pages equal 4500 words? - 4500 words equal about 7.5 pages.
  • How many pages equal 5000 words? - 5000 words equal about 8.33 pages.
  • How many pages equal 6000 words? - 6000 words equal about 10 pages.
  • How many pages equal 7000 words? - 7000 words equal about 11.67 pages.
  • How many pages equal 7500 words? - 7500 words equal about 12.5 pages.
  • How many pages equal 8000 words? - 8000 words equal about 13.3 pages.

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  • How many pages equal 9000 words? - 9000 words equal about 15 pages.
  • How many pages equal 10000 words? - 10000 words equal about 16.67 pages.
  • How many pages equal 12000 words? - 12000 words equal about 20 pages.
  • How many pages equal 15000 words? - 15000 words equal about 25 pages.
  • How many pages equal 20000 words? - 20000 words equal about 33.33 pages.
  • How many pages equal 25000 words? - 25000 words equal about 41.67 pages.
  • How many pages equal 30000 words? - 30000 words equal about 50 pages.
  • How many pages equal 40000 words? - 40000 words equal about 66.67 pages.
  • How many pages equal 50000 words? - 50000 words equal about 83.33 pages.
  • How many pages equal 75000 words? - 75000 words equal about 125 pages.
  • How many pages equal 100000 words? - 100000 words equal about 167.67 pages.

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Word to Pages Converter and Counter: A Free word count tool

A word to pages converter tool helps writers to translate words to page characters. There is a word-to-page calculator which offers a more accurate estimate of the number of pages on a particular text by indicating the expected of pages that a particular word will have.

This word to pages counter and converter helps determine the number of pages that a specific number of words are quantified into. Our unique counter gives the number of pages for both single and double spacing and metrics such as font size and font type.

Fulfilling the right number of pages of your assignment is key as it can affect your final score on that particular essay. One should use this converter to estimate the number of pages the entire text will take.

Before you begin to use this converter, select the corresponding spacing and the font size of your text. After that, press Enter key for the tool to let you know the number of pages in the entire data. For example, if you single-space 500 words, it only consumes one page. In case you double-space it, it will take two pages.

How Word to Pages Converter tool Works

The aim of LearnPar word to page converter tool is to give an estimation of the number of pages for a given text whether it is long or short. For example, you will discover that an A4 size page using Times New Roman, featuring a margin of one inch will contain between 250 to 300 words when double spaced.

The cool thing with the LearnPar word counter is that you have the freedom to select your favorite font. Such could Arial, Courier, Calibri, and more. Also, the writer can choose a suitable spacing that could be either single paced, 1.5 paced, or double spaced.

Still, one can still format the font size to a particular preference which may be 10, 12, or 14. When you take into account the above facts, it is easier to get accurate results.

The best part of this page converter tool is it is user-friendly. One does not need to be an expert to get the desired results. Begin by pasting the problem you have and the real solution will appear on the screen.

When a tutor gives you a hint of the number of pages for your essay, then aim at achieving it to procure a good grade. When writing a good essay , you need to be careful with the total length of the writing. Keep it as per the expectations of the assignment. However, if you exceed the limit, then you can edit it by eliminating unreasonable sentences.

Number of pages in a number of words

Once you feed the tool with your desired information, the page calculator will display the number of the pages right away. The pager converter comes in handy when you are dealing with an assignment that specifies the number of pages instead of word count. At the university level, they could be dissertations or essays. Below is an example of data that you can find in a page calculator approximately:

  • 500 words take one page if single spaced while it takes 2 pages when double spaced.
  • 1000 words take two pages if single spaced while 4 pages when double spaced.
  • 1,500 words take three pages if single spaced while 6 pages when double spaced.
  • 2000 words take four pages if single spaced while 8 pages when double spaced.
  • 2500 words take five pages if single spaced while 10 pages when double spaced.
  • 3000 words take six pages if single spaced while 12 pages when double spaced.
  • 4000 words take eight pages if single spaced while 16 pages when double spaced.

Benefits of LearnPar Word-to-Pages Convertor

The word converter is useful in many aspects. It provides more convenience as a faster way of estimating the number of pages for a given word count. We consider such a tool as important due to the following reasons:

1. It Saves Time

Our word-to-pages converter is effective in that one cannot go back to count the words manually, thereby saving time.

This tool will calculate the number of pages you may need to fill a specific number of word count and provide more convenience.  

The only thing the user does is to feed the document to the tool converter, specify spacing, font size, and display the correct information you need on the screen.

It only takes a few seconds hence time effective. It becomes a win for many writers since they will use the extra time to format the pages.

2. Our word counter is Accurate

The an LearnParword-to-page converter estimates the number of pages in a document accurately.

In the process, it prevents one from making a too short or any unnecessarily long document.

Besides, it makes one concentrate on writing without worrying about the number of pages or words.

Depending on the instructions, one may use a smaller or bigger line spacing. Such variances help in determining the number of pages.

3. A User-Friendly word converter

The LearnPar word to page converter is a simple tool that does not require a manual to operate. Even if you are using it for the first time, you will not encounter any difficulties.

The only aspect that you have to be keen on is to follow the given instructions. For example, you should key in the correct font size and spacing before you feed it to the page converter.

Besides, the user-friendly aspects make it easy for many people to use it online. Most people will avoid complex tools and settle for the simple ones that do not require much skill.

4. Our too gives Automatic Results

Before the user sees the results, there is an automatic system that confirms them accurately.

As such, there is no room for any miscalculations or errors. You will only encounter the right information as per your input.

In case you retreat to counting manually, chances of failing to count some words are high hence resulting in gross errors and miscalculations.

Therefore, this automatic tool eliminates such incidences and ensures that the given results are 100% accurate.

5. Perfect for Managing Assignments

The word-to-page converter tool assists students in the easier management of the assignment.

For example, when your essay needs 10 pages, then your responsibility is to use the correct line spacing and font size to get the desired results.

If students lack this tool, it will become hard to calculate hence making errors by creating short or long content.

Common users of LearnPar Word-Page Converter Tool

1. students.

Students will use LearnPar word-to-page converter tool to assist them to manage their assignments easily.

The tool translates words into pages making it effortless for students to know the number of pages expected within a particular word count.

For example, when the instructions of a particular essay require a certain number of pages, let’s say twenty, then this tool comes in handy to know the number of words and the expected line spacing to fit into the given limit.

Such makes the writing of an essay to be easy. Instead of counting manually, you will know the right word count and edit your documents to fit into the correct form.

2. Teachers

Instructors are another category of people who need to use a word-to-page converter. One of the areas where instructors find it useful to use the word-to-page converter tool is when developing the assignments for students.

It is an accurate method of determining the minimum number of pages that students should create when writing specific essays. They use this tool to set the limit and be part of the instructions.

Such prompts students to consolidate the most vital elements about the assignments. For example, if it is a short essay, then one should capture the most relevant details for it to be acceptable and fetch good marks.

3. Bloggers

Bloggers are key people who require to know the number of pages a particular word count can produce.

For example, if a blogger wants to develop a 2000 words article, then it means that he has to know the number of the expected pages when using certain line spacing and font size.

Still, if a blogger wants to deal with middle-size pages, then he has to have a picture of the number of word limits to use.

Also, when the same person outsources the work, it means that he should set the right instructions to the author.

Page matters a lot to a blogger because it makes one use the right amount of words to engage the audience without being mean with information.

For example, some content may need more details which the audiences are looking for.

In response, a blogger may need more pages to consider the information and keep them glued to the blog.

4. Anyone writing content

Typing content requires obeying some instructions. For example, if you are writing a speech, you should use the correct pages as per the instructions. For a short speech, it can be as simple as two to five pages.  

Suppose you are writing a book; it is crucial to know the number of pages that your book should carry.

After that, you should get the average pages that each chapter should carry regarding various elements that that part carries.

Another person that should know the page number is a typist.

One should know the number of pages so that it is easier to plan the work and deliver it in a particular timeframe without causing any delays.

Words to pages converter

Paste your text or just put the number of words you have into an appropriate line.

Define the font, it’s size and line spacing (single, double or 1,5)

Get your result!

What is words to pages converter tool?

When creating this tool, we kept the user’s convenience and comfort in mind. Despite there being generally perceived numbers like 250 words per double-spaced page and double that for single, we found that this number is a variable. It can depend on the font, it’s size and other factors. Our calculator tries to take as many of these factors into account as possible to estimate the number of pages your words constitute.

Factors that influence the number of words per page

The font type, the font size, margin spacing, other spacing elements, paragraph length, how it works.

The tool’s main aim is to estimate the number of words per page. Although there can be discrepancies due to the multiple variables involved,
the difference will not be major. To minimize this difference, we put most as settings that you can choose and adjust. Take a look at them below.

Adjust the font size

10, 11, 12, 13 and 14

Choose your preferred spacing

Single spaced; Double spaced; 1.5 spaced

A large database of information

Our title generator has a huge database of information to help you find tons of great ideas that will surprise your professor. It collects ideas from our own database, as well as from outside sources, that are constantly being updated to make relevant suggestions.

Tell Us Your Instructions

We can turn your paper into a perfect one

Studyfy’s main goal is to save our users’ precious time and help them graduate with ease. Remember that at our service, you can request our ' write my essay ' service from a huge pool of qualified professionals."

Words to pages converter by Studyfy

Students often get anxious when writing academic papers, including research papers. They check the number of words borderline obsessively, trying to meet the word count. Not meeting the word count can mean a lot of things, but mostly, it can bring a poor grade. Our research paper writing service understands this challenge. When you convert words to pages with our tool, you know exactly how many pages your research paper needs to be and don’t have to check the word count so often! This service helps alleviate stress and ensures that your papers meet the required standards.

While using our tool, you get the following guarantees:

  • Round-the-clock support;
  • High accuracy of results;
  • Complete anonymity;
  • Ease of use tool.

Our customers speak about the tool

This converter was the first thing i tried and I have to say, I’m impressed. 10/10 will come back to it again!

Thank you guys! I don’t know what I would do without you!

There’re lots of services that claim to help you but in reality, they just want your money. Studyfy is free and really more helpful than the rest!

I was so happy! I use Studyfy’s editing services often and now I have this converter, too! It’s perfect!

I always worry about not meeting the word count. Now that I have this converter, I’ve become a more efficient student!

I never thought I needed this tool before I tried it. Now, I reach for it nearly every day.

How many pages are there?

In order to give you a clearer picture of how the service works, below, you’ll find some examples. These results were obtained using 12 point, double-spaced Arial font. This is what happens if you ask ‘how many pages is ...?’

How many pages is 450 words? 450 words is about 1.4 pages.

How many pages is 500 words? 500 words is approximately 1.6 pages.

How many pages is 750 words? 750 words is approximately 2.4 pages.

How many pages is 800 words? 800 words is about 2.5 pages.

How many pages is 1,000 words? 1,000 words is approximately 3.2 pages.

How many pages is 1,250 words? 1,250 words is approximately 3.9 pages.

How many pages is 1,500 words? 1,500 words is approximately 4.7 pages.

How many pages is 2,000 words? 2,000 words is approximately 6.3 pages.

How many pages is 2,500 words? 2,500 words is approximately 7.8 pages.

How many pages is 2700 words? 2700 words is about 8.4 pages.

How many pages is 3,000 words? 3,000 words is approximately 9.4 pages.

How many pages is 3200 words? 3200 words is about 10 pages.

How many pages is 4000 words? 4000 words is about 12.5 pages.

How many pages is 4500 words? 4500 words is about 14 pages.

How many pages is 5,000 words? 5,000 words is approximately 15.6 pages.

How many pages is 5200 words? 5200 words is about 16.2 pages.

How many pages is 6000 words? 6000 words is about 18.7 pages.

How many pages is 6500 words? 6500 words is about 20.2 pages.

How many pages is 7,500 words? 7,500 words is approximately 23.3 pages.

How many pages is 10,000 words? 10,000 words is approximately 31.1 pages

Define the number of words in pages

The following results were also obtained using standard, 12 point, double-spaced Arial font. But the same issue in question here is ‘how many words are in ... pages?’

How many words are in 1 page? There are about 300 words in one page.

How many words are in 2 pages? There are about 620 words in two pages.

How many words are in 3 pages? There are about 950 words in three pages.

How many words are in 4 pages? There are about 1260 words in four pages.

How many words are in 5 pages? Five pages are about 1600 words.

How many words are in 10 pages? Ten pages are about 3200 words.

How many words are in 15 pages? Fifteen pages are about 4800 words.

How many words are in 25 pages? There are approximately 9650 words in 35 pages.

How many words are in 35 pages? There are approximately 11250 words in 35 pages.

How many words are in 50 pages? There are approximately 16100 words in 50 pages.

How many words are in 100 pages? There are approximately 32200 words in 100 pages.

Frequently asked questions

Is studyfy words to pages converter really free, how to choose the words convertingtool that provides correct data, can i trust your tool, how accurate is the data that this tool calculates.


Words per Page Tool – Convert Words to Pages

Discover how many words per page you currently have. Forget about professors sending back your tasks due to insufficient count. Are you ready to calculate, convert and leave math-free academic life?

Words per Page Tool – Convert Words to Pages

  • Times New Roman
  • Comic Sans MS
  • Double-spaced

Factors That Influence How Many Words Are in a Page

Have you ever wondered how many words fit on a page? Perhaps not the most quintessential question out there. Isn’t it better to use words per page calculator without complicated mathematical equations that have nothing to do with your task? We know exactly how many words in a page you require depending on certain characteristics including format, font, spacing, and style. It's challenging to plan out your paper. That’s why students use our words page converter.


Majority of works use sizes 12 or 11, yet there can be certain exceptions. Stop trying to predict everything yourself when you have this handy tool at your disposal.

Depending on requirements or professors' individual preferences, the spacing might be different. Difference is huge between single and double spacing.

Ariel or Times New Roman? Some learners can be adventurous and even use Calibri. Whatever your choice may be, the style will affect your content and its size.

Convert Pages to Words

This tool is pages to words converter. What does that mean? Let’s imagine that your professor asked you to complete three sheets of content. Do you know how many pages are required in this particular situation? If your answer is negative, stop anxiously tapping your keyboard. Relax. We are here to answer questions with this handy tool.

How to Use Words to Pages Converter?

The favorite word count to page converter remains extremely easy for using. It won't take more than a couple of seconds to translate words into pages. Don’t believe us? See yourself!

You can see this number by using “Tools” in Google Docs or similar functions and practically any other application out there. As promised, more than accessible.

You are the one selecting the font. It can be Times New Roman, Calibri, Ariel, Oswald, or even Comfortaa. This information is usually displayed on top.

In no time you will know how many words are on a page. It might take a couple of seconds or a blink of an eye. No time for getting bored or even preparing yourself a new cup of fresh coffee.


Word to Page Converter Filled With Benefits

Get the best out of our online word to page calculator and stop looking elsewhere. It's your free path towards academic life without complicated mathematical equations.


That’s right! You can use this word to pages calculator with no charge whatsoever. Hide cards and don’t even think about fees, payments, or bills. It is completely student-oriented.


Our word page calculator is the fastest one out there. We can easily compare it with Flash from a famous comic book series. You press the button and get the results instantly.


We offer precise words to page count. If you are worried about losing a couple of syllables here and there, trust us to find every single article and pronoun. No letter left behind is our motto!


Professionals and beginners alike can quickly find how many words per typed page they need. A user-friendly interface was made to help you in navigation. No time for wasting!

Hire an Expert to Fine-Tune Your Paper

StudyCrumb is a go-to platform helping students succeed. We gathered the best specialists who can create a top-notch paper based on your needs. Use our words to pages converter to find out the volume you need, and we will do the rest.


Backed by qualified writers, we provide unique academic papers tailored to clients specific needs. Have an expert compose a customized paper from the ground up.


Take your writing to a whole new level with our editing and proofreading services. Our academic proofreaders will check your essay and polish it considering the number of pages you need.

Why Choose StudyCrumb


Who Can Use Words to Pages Calculator?

Everyone can utilize our words per page calculator! With no, it’s a loud claim. We can easily prove it with the section below.


Of course, learners are our first clients who should see how many words per page double spaced or single spaced they need. After all, no one wants to go into academic writing without a proper plan in mind.


The world of education has strict requirements when it comes to a number of words per page. Some peer-reviewed sources only accept certain counts. Calculating remains a key for successful academics.


SEO writers, copywriters, and even famous authors need this word count page converter. It's the easiest tool to work with when one is paid to complete two sheets of work but you don’t know the count.


Yes, even teachers and professors should convert words into pages. This way they are helping their young learners to complete assignments. Besides, it's a useful tool for coming up with requirements.


Finally, our favorite editors who deal with written works want to know the average words per page. After all, it's their job to control everything that deals with writing, authors, payments, and grammar.

Online Words Per Page Converter Free

Have you ever found yourself wondering how many words is one page double spaced? It may not be the most important question out there. It will be relevant for those who are still in middle school, high school, college or even graduating with their PhD. When you really want to translate 1000 words to pages, you can do it yourself. Why spend so much time doing everything on your own when we already know how many words per double spaced page you should have. It isn't rocket science but there is an algorithm involved in calculating how many pages is 200 words. After all, here we can answer one sheet or even two. What we are trying to say: don’t try to translate 3000 words to pages on your own. Trust our service to do it for you.

How Our Words to Page Converter Tool Works

We already mentioned that our words to pages converter is the best tool out there. We will continue on our epic quest to prove this statement is true. When do you actually need to convert words to page? Let’s imagine that you were tasked with a final assignment on literature. Your professor asked you to complete a 1000-word paper by next week. Of course, you can do it, especially with a help of our college essay writing service . Do you actually know how many pages is a 1000 word essay? If your answer is no, by now you probably understand that you can use this handy tool completely for free.  Some learners still don't get why it's important to translate 400 words to pages. Our answer is simple. It will help you to plan out your assignment, distribute evidence, and format your writing. Once you know how many pages you need, place an order at our best essay writing services to have a professional deal with your paper. Stop googling “500 words is how many pages” and finally find out the answer completely for free. No catch! What are you losing?

Find Out How Many Words per Page Your Essay Has

Not all professors actually care about the number of syllables, signs, or letters. In this case, you should definitely find out how many words per page double spaced 12 font you have. Many undergraduates are asked to complete a paper within one sheet. Sounds pretty good and not tedious. Doesn’t it? How many words is a one page essay? It is a $1 million question. It's already challenging to plan out your introduction, main body paragraphs, peer-reviewed evidence, conclusion and a statement. Combining everything with proper count and assignment calculator  will siplify this task.  Using this tool you will probably know that 250 words to pages will be around 1 sheet. Everything depends on a format, spacing, style, and all other tiny details that not everyone considers. OK, it's a small count. What about 1500 words to pages? Calculating that will take a little bit of time and even some math. We advise you to translate double spaced words per page, especially if your professor has strong requirements. We account for spacing. You can always change it into words per page single spaced depending on needs.

How Many Pages Is It?

Yes, by now you know our tool. Still, we have a quick summary answering most requested questions. How many pages is this assignment?  Note: We take single spacing for examples.

  • How many pages is 250 words? Here we usually say around 0.6 page, single-spaced.
  • How many pages is 400 words? 0.9 or even 1 page give or take.
  • How many pages is 500 words? We recommend writing around 1.1 pages.
  • How many pages is 750 words? In this case, 1.7 pages will be enough.
  • How many pages is 800 words? We translated this into 1.8 pages.
  • How many pages is 1000 words? We advise writing 2.2 pages.
  • How many pages is 1200 words? It's 2.7 sheets.
  • How many pages is 2000 words? Here we would say around 4.4 pages, single-spaced.
  • How many pages is 2500 words? Aim for 5.6 sheets, depending on spacing.
  • How many pages is 3000 words? Tool conveyed this into 6.7 sheets.
  • How many pages is 4000 words? Paper can reach 8.9 sheets.
  • How many pages is 5000 words? We estimated this into 11.1 sheets.
  • How many pages is 6000 words? Aim for 13.1 pages and you'll be good.
  • How many pages is 10000 words? Around 22.2 pages, single-spaced.
  • How many pages is 15000 words? Longest paper on our list: 33.3 sheets.

How Many Words on a Page?

We keep mentioning the importance of spacing and font size. How many words on a page double spaced/single spaced? You can insert a ready-made text into word counter online to figure this out, or simply reference our convertions below. 

  • How many words is 1 page double spaced? One sheet of paper equals 300 words.
  • How many words is 2 pages double spaced? Advise aiming for 600 words.
  • How many words is 3 pages essay? Recommend writing around 900 words.
  • How many words is 4 pages double spaced? Here we would say around 1200 words.
  • How many words is a 5 page paper? Aim for 1500 words and you'll be good.
  • How many words is 6 pages double spaced? Recommend writing around 1800 words.
  • How many words is 7 pages double spaced? Estimate seven sheets of paper to equal 2100 words.
  • How many words is 8 pages double spaced? Advice aiming for 2400 words.
  • How many words is a 9 page essay? Tool conveyed this in 2700 words.
  • How many words is 10 pages double spaced? 10 pages equal 3000 words.

Simple Words to Pages Tool

Congratulations! Now you can translate how many words in a page you need for certain assignments. As you noticed, it's much easier than doing all the work yourself. No worrying about how many words in a double spaced page or even single-spaced there are. Before we let you go and use this platform we want to highlight the simplicity of this service. UI was never this user-friendly as now anyone can convert 2000 words to pages. It's so good that even research paper writers from this platform as well as dissertation writers and editors use this tool for translating 8000 words to pages.  As mentioned, it won't take you more than a couple of seconds. We give 10 seconds most from the time you stumble upon our website to the moment when you finally translate 5000 words to pages. Take your time and imagine how many minutes it would have taken without this tool. You’re not losing anything — this service is completely free and limitless. See yourself!


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FAQ About Word to Page Converter

You read the guide but do you still have some questions about words to pages converter? Find answers below!

1. How to count words in pages?

Use the words to pages calculator and you will have all the answers. Well, technically not all the answers in this universe. You will be able to translate your assignment requirements into normal language. We calculate everything using a precise algorithm. Consider spacing, format, style, font size, and other intricate details.

2. Is your words to pages converter free?

Yes! You can easily utilize this word to pages converter without fees. We don't require your personal information or even your name. Keep your bank account for something much more exciting. This service is student-oriented and comes without payments. Additionally, it's limitless. You can use it as many times as you’d like.

3. How many words is a page double spaced?

The quantity of words on a page depends on font, style, spacing, and quite a few other details. If your assignment is double-spaced and you are using size 12 (Arial), your answer is 275 words. We encourage you to try handy tools to have much more precise results.

4. Can I find out the number of words per page without registration?

Yes! Words per page converter come without registration. You’re not required to use your name, email, phone number, or practically any other information. Registration isn't needed. All you need to do is fill out details about your paper and push a single button. Voila! Just like that, the results are ready.


Other Tools You May Like

StudyCrumb offers you more than just a words to pages converter. We’ve designed a whole bundle of free writing tools that can improve your academic experience. Check them out below!


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Words to pages converter

How many pages in 1000 words? Answer this and many other questions with our new outstanding words to pages calculator.

Insert your text or enter the number of words you have in the relevant field.

Specify the font, its size, and the spacing between lines (single, double, or 1.5).

It’s done! Get the result!

What is the words to pages calculator tool?

We designed this amazing words per page tool with user convenience and comfort in mind. Although it's commonly believed that a double-spaced page contains about 250 words and twice as much as a single-spaced page, we've found this is only sometimes the case. The word count can vary depending on factors like font type and size.

Our calculator aims to consider as many of these variables as possible when estimating how many pages your word count would fill. Your student life will become much easier with our words to pages tool because now you can determine the paper’s size more accurately in advance and better plan it. With a pages to word converter planning is a cinch.


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Factors our words to pages tool considers.

Margin spacing

Font size and font type

Other spacing elements

Length of the paragraphs

Free words per page converter is ready for you

Why are you here? Most likely, the professor gave you a new assignment, and now you want to know how many pages in 800 words? It’s always wise to evaluate the project’s volume in advance to plan the structure of your paper and manage your time.

Let’s explore the significant features of our words to pages converter. In a few minutes, you will understand how it works, how to use it, and finally, find out how many words is 5 pages double spaced!

How our words to pages tool works

Our converter aims to provide an estimate of how many pages your text will occupy. It performs efficiently with short and exceptionally lengthy texts; any deviations are likely minimal. For example, an average A4-sized page formatted in Times New Roman font with a 1-inch margin and double-spacing usually holds between 250-350 words. Our tool allows you to select your preferred font when calculating the total number of pages, including:

  • Comic Sans MS
  • Times New Roman

You also have the flexibility to select your preferred text spacing - you can use our words to pages tool as a double-space converter. The options include:

  • Single spaced
  • Double spaced

Pair this with an adjustable font size that suits your requirements - from 10, 11, 12, 13, and up to 14. Considering these three variables delivers the most precise page estimation.

Use our finest and accurate words to pages converter

Monitoring the page count while writing a paper can be pretty challenging. Fortunately, our tool aims at easing this process for you. By choosing to use our website's converter to know how many words is one page, you will get the following:

  • Top-notch results
  • 24/7 customer service support
  • Complete confidentiality
  • User-friendly interface

Feel free to contact our customer support team if you have any reservations about how effective or usable the tool is. Incorporate this outstanding resource into your writing routine to efficiently convert words into pages - let our essay help to simplify your work.

Find out how many pages

Do you need to know how many pages you will have when using Arial-9?

  • How many pages in 500 words? 500 words are about 0.8 pages.
  • How many pages in 2000 words? 2000 words are about 3.2 pages.
  • How many pages in 1500 words? 1500 words are about 2.4 pages.
  • How many pages in 1200 words? 1200 words are about 1.9 pages.
  • How many pages in 4000 words? 4000 words are about 6.4 pages.

You may have a lot of questions about pages and words, and all those questions can be answered in a second with our new words to pages converter. You can get fast, reliable answers, and you can get them online!

Find out how many words

You may also have other questions, such as the following:

  • How many words is 6 pages double spaced?
  • How many words is 3 pages double spaced?
  • How many words is 5 pages double spaced?
  • How many words is 4 pages double spaced?
  • How many words is 5 pages?
  • How many words is 3 pages?

It may seem that our words to pages tool cannot give a direct answer to such questions. This is true; to solve these problems, you will need our other solution - pages to word converter!

Explore other shark’s tools

Words To Pages Tool

It converts words to pages, which allows you to quickly find out how many pages your essay will be.

Thesis Statement Generator

The tool allows you to come up with a good thesis statement for your essay, saving you time.

Words To Minutes Converter

It converts words of any text to the minutes that it would take you to say them aloud according to your chosen speed.

Word Counter Tool

This is a tool that gives you the ability to count how many words are in your text. It will help you to meet and not exceed word limit requirements.

Paraphrasing Tool

This is a tool that provides help with paraphrasing texts. With it, you can make your text unique while keeping the original meaning.

GPA Calculator

This simple toll will help you to calculate your GPA. With its help, you can figure out how much you need to raise your GPA.

Writing Prompt Generator

This tool can create a perfect prompt for your essay. This generator is great for overcoming writer’s block.

Find out how many pages is 800 words online, or get expert help!

Top questions about our words to pages converter, is your words to pages calculator totally free, how accurate is the data that your tool calculates, how long is 500 words, according to your tool, what options can be customized in your tool, how does your tool convert words into pages, can you guarantee accurate conversion results.

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Our website uses secure cookies.

  • Word Counter
  • Compare Texts
  • Words To Pages
  • QR Code Generator
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  • Site Crawler
  • Links Extractor
  • Encode / Decode Text
  • Encode / Decode Html
  • Json Viewer
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Words to pages calculator

How can we calculate the amount of pages per some words count.

Very often, the task arises to count the number of pages that occupy a certain number of characters and words.

It is not always possible to do this with precision. Much depends on the parameters that determine the page as well as the characteristics of the font.

Our words to pages calculator allows you to set page size, layout, font size, margins, and line spacing in the text.

In order to accurately understand the amount of work expected, customers often order a fixed amount of characters or words in the text.

In SEO page ranking, the determining factor is the amount of text on the page, its content and uniqueness.

With a text quantity of at least 500 words, the page starts to rank well and appear in search engines.

For the convenience of users, we have provided a table of correspondence between the number of pages, words and characters, taking for consideration Arial font and the default font size of 12 pixels. (please, check below)

Also, in the printing industry, one of the defining roles is defined by the resolution of printed material.

Our service sets this value to 300 dpi by default.

For the convenience of calculating the volume of pages, an user can choose any of the fonts supported by our system.

At the moment there are:

  • Times New Roman
  • Courier New
  • Trebuchet MS
  • Comic Sans MS

The set of fonts for counting words was determined based on those commonly used in printing and web design.

We emphasize once again that the accuracy of the calculator is approximate and is determined based on the average number of characters in the English language and amount of paragraphs that can be expected.

Our users can always set the number of characters or the number of words and estimate the amount of corresponding amount of pages.

Our service is completely free and does not require any reward.

Any adjustments and recommendations for the counting algorithm are greatly welcome!

How many pages is in words? *

How many pages is in 500 words ~ 1.39 pages
How many pages is in 1000 words ~ 2.78 pages
How many pages is in 2000 words ~ 5.55 pages
How many pages is in 3000 words ~ 8.33 pages
How many pages is in 4000 words ~ 11.1 pages
How many pages is in 5000 words ~ 13.88 pages
How many pages is in 6000 words ~ 16.65 pages
How many pages is in 8000 words ~ 22.21 pages
How many pages is in 10000 words ~ 27.76 pages
How many pages is in 15000 words ~ 41.64 pages
How many pages is in 20000 words ~ 55.52 pages
How many pages is in 30000 words ~ 83.27 pages
How many pages is in 50000 words ~ 138.79 pages
* - For Arial, 12pt, Single line spacing

How many pages is in symbols?

How many pages is in 500 symbols ~ 0.3 pages
How many pages is in 1000 symbols ~ 0.59 pages
How many pages is in 2000 symbols ~ 1.18 pages
How many pages is in 3000 symbols ~ 1.77 pages
How many pages is in 4000 symbols ~ 2.36 pages
How many pages is in 5000 symbols ~ 2.95 pages
How many pages is in 6000 symbols ~ 3.54 pages
How many pages is in 8000 symbols ~ 4.72 pages
How many pages is in 10000 symbols ~ 5.91 pages
How many pages is in 15000 symbols ~ 8.86 pages
How many pages is in 20000 symbols ~ 11.81 pages
How many pages is in 30000 symbols ~ 17.72 pages
How many pages is in 50000 symbols ~ 29.53 pages
* - For Arial, 12pt, Single line spacing

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Word Counter Blog

How Many Pages Is 2000 Words?

How many pages is 2000 words?

The truth is there is no definitive answer to this question. The number of words it will take to fill a page will depend on a number of factors including the type of font used, the font size, spacing elements, the margins used on the paper, the paragraph length, etc. For example, if the assignment says the writing should be in 10-point font, it’s going to take a greater number of words to fill a page than if the assignment requires a 12-point font.

For those who need a general rule of thumb, a typical page which has 1-inch margins and is typed in 12 point font with standard spacing elements will be approximately 500 words when typed single spaced. For assignments that require double spacing, it would take approximately 250 words to fill the page. For an assignment that requires you to write four pages, you can make the estimation that you’ll need to write approximately 2000 words for a single spaced paper, or 1000 words if the assignment is double spaced. Again, the type of font used can make the word count higher or lower, but it’s a good rule of thumb for those who are simply looking for a general estimation.

Since there can be a large variation on the number of words needed to fill a page, most papers are no longer assigned by page count. They are instead assigned by word count. That is, an assignment, essay or paper will likely be assigned as 1500 – 2000 words rather than 3 – 4 pages. This way it is much more difficult for the writer to “game the system” by using large fonts and excessive spacing to meet the writing criteria.

If you are given a writing assignment with a page number, the best thing to do is go directly to the person who made the assignment and ask for a word count. This will take away all the variations and help ensure your writing assignment meets expectations. If it’s for something informal and you simply need a general guideline, you can find it below.

How many pages is…

The below list is an approximation, and actual pages will differ depending on a number of factors mentioned earlier in this article. Use the below information for a general reference, but don’t assume it will be the case at all times . Here are basic word to pages conversions:

  • 500 words is 1 page single spaced, 2 pages double spaced.
  • 1,000 words is 2 pages single spaced 4 pages double spaced.
  • 1,500 words is 3 pages single spaced, 6 pages double spaced.
  • 2,000 words is 4 pages single spaced, 8 pages double spaced.
  • 2,500 words is 5 pages single spaced, 10 pages double spaced.
  • 3,000 words is 6 pages single spaced, 12 pages double spaced.
  • 4,000 words is 8 pages single spaced, 16 pages double spaced.
  • 5,000 words is 10 pages single spaced, 20 pages double spaced.
  • 7,500 words is 15 pages single spaced, 30 pages double spaced.
  • 10,000 words is 20 pages single spaced, 40 pages double spaced.
  • 20,000 words is 40 pages single spaced, 80 pages double spaced.
  • 25,000 words is 50 pages single spaced, 100 pages double spaced.
  • 30,000 words is 60 pages single spaced, 120 pages double spaced.
  • 40,000 words is 80 pages single spaced, 160 pages double spaced.
  • 50,000 words is 100 pages single spaced, 200 pages double spaced.
  • 60,000 words is 120 pages single spaced, 240 pages double spaced.
  • 70,000 words is 140 pages single spaced, 280 pages double spaced.
  • 75,000 words is 150 pages single spaced, 300 pages double spaced.
  • 80,000 words is 160 pages single spaced, 320 pages double spaced.
  • 90,000 words is 180 pages single spaced, 360 pages double spaced.
  • 100,000 words is 200 pages single spaced, 400 pages double spaced.

Below are basic pages to words conversions:

  • 1 page is 500 words single spaced, 250 words double spaced.
  • 2 pages is 1,000 words single spaced, 500 words double spaced.
  • 3 pages is 1,500 words single spaced, 750 words double spaced.
  • 4 pages is 2,000 words single spaced, 1,000 words double spaced.
  • 5 pages is 2,500 words single spaced, 1,250 words double spaced.
  • 6 pages is 3,000 words single spaced, 1,500 words double spaced.
  • 7 pages is 3,500 words single spaced, 1,750 words double spaced.
  • 8 pages is 4,000 words single spaced, 2,000 words double spaced.
  • 9 pages is 4,500 words single spaced, 2,250 words double spaced.
  • 10 pages is 5,000 words single spaced, 2,500 words double spaced.
  • 15 pages is 7,500 words single spaced, 3,750 words double spaced.
  • 20 pages is 10,000 words single spaced, 5,000 words double spaced.
  • 25 pages is 12,500 words single spaced, 6,250 words double spaced.
  • 30 pages is 15,000 words single spaced, 7,500 words double spaced.
  • 40 pages is 20,000 words single spaced, 10,000 words double spaced.
  • 50 pages is 25,000 words single spaced, 12,500 words double spaced.
  • 60 pages is 30,000 words single spaced, 15,000 words double spaced.
  • 70 pages is 35,000 words single spaced, 17,500 words double spaced.
  • 75 pages is 37,500 words single spaced, 18,750 words double spaced.
  • 80 pages is 40,000 words single spaced, 20,000 words double spaced.
  • 90 pages is 45,000 words single spaced, 22,500 words double spaced.
  • 100 pages is 50,000 words single spaced, 25,000 words double spaced.

(Photo courtesy of Horia Varlan )

A page is about 500 words. I can write a 500 word / 46 line letter in 15 minutes but it can take another 15 to edit the letter into better English.

wordcounter.net is used with ALL of the articles I publish.

Thank you, WCN-

This is very useful if you need to print your work and need a page estimate. I know it isn’t an exact number, but it can give a general estimate which is better than nothing.

Basically this article x 2 🙂

Did you actually count the words in this article? Or did you just take a look and make an estimate of how many words were in this article? Looking at the article it seems to me that there are less than 1000 words in it. I would estimate x3 just looking at it offhand…

More than likely he combined Ctrl + A and MS word.

So how many pages would 250 words be? Would that be half a page? Or would that be a full page? I only need to write 250 words and you don’t have how many pages that is on your list.

250 words would be half a page if the lines are single spaces and it would be 1 full page if the lines are double spaced.

Thank you for this handy estimate of word/page count. This was exactly what I was looking for. Most of my assignments are word count, but one class is page count. I had no idea what I was expected to write, but this gives me a good word count estimate to shoot for. Thanks

In actual sense, all this doesn’t matter. You can chage things to make the pages different depending on the number of words. It’s all an estimate and not a solid answer that can be applied for everything.

The OP states that these are estimates. Just because an estimate won’t be exactly right doesn’t mean it isn’t useful. People use estimates all the time to help them. For those who are looking for a basic rough idea, this is helpful.

fuck off, let me enjoy this

Things were so much easier back in the day when you could know exactly how many pages 500 words would be. Now that it’s so easy to manipulate pages, they have no real meaning. I can change he margins, increase the font point size or just choose a font that fits me needs for space. Pages are useless these days. That is why almost al assignments are done with word counts. Everyone knows how easy it is to manipulate pages that it’s the only way to ensure assignments are done correctly.

What am I supposed to do if I write 1000 words, but it doesn’t make the number of pages I want? I don’t think I should have to write more words just because mine happen to be shorter than my classmates. We both wrote the same number of words, his are just longer so it takes up more pages. That means people who write long words have an advantage even though long words aren’t always good to use.

Use longer words and then there isn’t a problem.

Is this really something that’s worth complaining about? The important issue is to write the best essay you can, not the length of words. If you’re focus in only on the words and not what you’ve written, your writing is never going to be good. Focus on what’s important, not on things like this.

Jen, your comment is superb.

Can someone explain to me why so many people are obsessed with word count and page count? If you’re a writer, shouldn’t writing well be the most important thing? Why do writers seem to obsess over word count and page count? I just don’t understand it.

Many authors use word count as a motivational tool. To help them from getting stuck and editing each sentence over and over again as they write, they choose a minimum number of words they want to write each day. These words may not be perfect and will likely need to be heavily edited, but it gets the ideas down and keeps them from getting stuck on one area of their book. It’s a way to motivate them to get the book done. It works well for me, but I know others who don’t do well with it. I think it depends a lot on your personality, but forcing myself to be consistent day in and day out helps me get my books done. Without a daily word count, I would never complete them.

Depending on the genre of book you are writing, word count can be critical in whether or not your writing can actually be published. Publishers like certain genres to be within certain word counts, so any author who hopes to be published has to create their works within these counts.

OMG I’m so glad I wasn’t the only person thinking that!

How many words is a page if the lines are 1.5 spaced? I have a teacher who insists all our essays be spaces 1.5 (not single and not double) and there is no information on this. If I write 1000 words, how much would that be 1.5 spaced?

1000 words 1.5 spaces would be 3 pages. You just need to find the middle point between single-spaced and double-spaced to figure out 1.5 spaced calculations.

Do you know what fonts have the widest spacing so that they fill up the page more quickly? I need to find a wide font so I don’t have to write as many words to fill up the pages on my assignment. If you can send me in the direction of the best wide font to do this, that would be great.

This may help: https://wordcounter.net/words-per-page

I think there should be an industry standard for this. Everyone should just know that 1 page = 500 words. If we could all just agree to that, life would be so much simpler. You have a standard for measurements, you have a standard for time, we should have a standard for the number of words that constitutes a single page. It’s ridiculous that 300 words is a page for one person and 700 words is a page for another person.

A standard would mean that everyone does things the same. People use different fonts, font sizes, line spaces, and a lot more variables.

The real question isn’t how many pages is 2000 words, it’s how many words is 2000 pages. That’s what I want to know!

Who is ever going to read 2000 pages? And if you really wanted to know, you could do the calculations to figure it out. It’s not that difficult. It would be 500,000 words if the pages are doubled spaced, and it would be 1 million words if the pages are single spaced. All you have to do is a little math to figure that out.

Cheers boss

I am confused. Why isn’t the page size factor considered here? Every factor is considered and it is okay but the page numbers also largely vary with respect to the font, font size, spacing and the number of words. The Microsoft word of any version can be made portrait or the landscape-sized, page can be narrowed or broadened.. These all are under the menu “page layout” in the word and under “margins, orientation, size”

If standard size is taken as A4 size then it would be easy for understanding all these. Thanks!

Yes, you can adjust for all those here: https://wordcounter.net/words-per-page

I find these estimates to be off. I write longer words than most, so most of my pages have less words than the estimates on this page. They are off. You should change them so they are more accurate for people who use longer vocabulary words.

They are estimates. Of course there are many factors which will make pages longer or shorter than the estimates provided here. These aren’t absolutes, but general rules of thumb to give you a guestimate.

Why is everything word count these days instead of page count? Page count is so much easier. When I was in school when I was younger, all assignments were page count. Write a 5 page essay. Write a 10 page paper. Now it’s all about words and number of words. It’s so much more complicated.

Page count was great when there were only typewriters and each page was basically the same, but now it’s easy to manipulate page count by changing font size and fonts. You can also adjust margins with a computer. Word count is just a lot more accurate.

is your real name steph steph

I had page count once, just made my text abnormally large ha

Page count is fairly subjective. Word minimum is objective. Makes things easier.

I have a writing assignment in school, and it is always helpful to know how many pages I will need. I think that since teachers don’t give page assignments but only word count assignments, it’s difficult to imagine how many pages that will be.

If one page is the same as 500 words, why don’t teachers just give page count rather than word count?

The reason that teachers don’t assign a number of pages anymore is because it’s too easy to manipulate pages. When students used to write on typewriters, it was common for teachers to assign essays in number of pages. With the adoption of computers in the classroom, teachers switched from pages to work count because it was too easy for the computers to manipulate the font size and page size. By assigning a word count, teachers get a more accurate length of essay than they would if they assigned homework by pages.

Word count is more accurate than page count.

What if you hand write your pages? I don’t like writing rough drafts on the computer, so I do it by hand. How many words will be on my hand written pages? I use a standard 11 x 8.5 inch notebook paper single spaced.

This would depend heavily on how big/small you write. it’s like different fonts take up different amount of space on a page, so does your specific handwriting. The best way to know your per page word count would be to look at past pages and count the number of words you write for each page. it’s time consuming, but any other estimate is bound not to be accurate since it’s so dependent on your handwriting.

It depends on how large or small your letters are. I’m old school as well. I average 240 handwritten words per college ruled sheet.

Do teachers really count the number of words when an assignment is given? They don’t actually count each individual word, so can I just make up a number of words for each page and use that. How would the teacher ever know?

Most of my professors require that we submit things online. This makes it really easy because the computer counts the number of words for them.

Hi would garberick be familiar to you?

It’s very easy to highlight a portion of text and use technology to tell you the word count. This is how I made sure my students hit the word count. (And if a student is way below word count, teachers can tell without even checking because it seems short in comparison to the other students’ essays.)

I don’t get why everyone is so obsessed with word count and page count. Just write a good essay and don’t worry about it. There are more important things to worry about in life!

Some of us get marked down points if we do not hit a certain word count or page count. If I’m assigned a paper and it has to be a minimum number of words, I worry about hitting that number.

I agree that there are a lot of people who are overly concerned with word count, but there are legitimate reasons to keep it in mind as well. @Daniel gives a good example. I wouldn’t worry about it too much. If it’s not something important to you and your writing, you can ignore it.

your right!

people are in school gina

My teacher told me that I needed to write an essay that had 2500 words. I wrote an essay which had 2498 words. I got marks off for not writing an essay with exactly 2500 words. That’s completely ridiculous but my teacher refuse to reinstate the point she took off because she said 2500 words and not 2498 words. I could’ve just said that my was 2500 words and she would’ve never known the difference. I don’t understand why I’m being punished for being honest.

It is pretty petty of your teacher to do that (usually they will give you a range of words to keep within) but it’s also an important lesson in learning to read and follow directions as stated.

that’s stupid, how would YOU feel if your teacher said around 2500 words and you wrote 2499 and you got points nicked off?!

From what this student wrote here, it was not “around 2500 words”. It was “2500 words”. Frustrating? Yes. Possibly a teacher being petty. However, some decisions on the job leave no room for interpretation. A nurse doesn’t give a drug that is “around 10 mg”. It either is 10 or not, and getting it wrong can be tragic. So, in that regard, not a bad lesson, though certainly doesn’t feel good at the time, I know.

it is not petty

You did not put a period at the end of the sentance you must be stupid! See what I did there?

Says the one who doesn’t know how to spell sentence.

Quite petty of your teacher to subtract points for being 2 words short of 2500, but I will say that you could have added a summary sentence. There are many, many programs and online word counters that you could have used to know you were just short. Learn this lesson and don’t make the same mistake in the future. best of luck!

Needed 2 more words? U should’ve just ended it with “Up yours!” LOL!!! No, seriously, life is WAY TOO SHORT to worry if this petty teacher took off a few points! I’d just be PROUD of myself that I got it DONE & that I’m in school & not a drop-out doing drugs!

As a teacher, I would have taken off points too. You didn’t meet the minimum requirement, and then you told on yourself. Now, if you went over by 2 words, that wouldn’t have mattered.

Well as a 10-year-old author of a new book I am writing called Mirrors truth 2 words is not a big deal so calm down your teacher was being petty and kinda stupid 2 words does not matter. Let’s just say my book was 50,998 words long. That makes no sense that someone would criticize me for that

I’m a young writer too and people are impressed that I have over 1,000 words so…

You do realize that 1000 words aren’t that many words right?! I would seriously reevaluate why people feel impressed over that many words even if you are a young writer.

1000 would take like an hour to write

i don’t think so

well you should reconsider being a teacher, haha

The teacher is clearly on a power trip as is yourself. I reckon you both should bow out of teaching

You are not a teacher, A teacher would have helped the student. Engaged him, and explained why. You are a tyrant, and at the slightest mistake should be punished. Because that is the example you have set.

Applying the same principle, I trust you would never contest a speeding infringement if you were caught doing 1 MPH over the speed limit

You should have ended your essay with any acceptable two words English exclamation;)

That’s bizarre

2 WORDS! you got points off for 2 words

Shouldn’t a certain number of words equal a page and vice versa? If I write 500 words, can’t I just say that’s a page and be done with it? Does it really need to be this confusing?

Are these messurements for A4 paper or?

Aye how many words do I have to put if I’m typing a 14 page essay.

Why don’t you use the 15 page word count and subtract just a bit? Your question is quite easily self-answered, as the author has given an extensive guide.

Thanks for this!

This is a great guide, but people should be aware that these are just estimates. For example, I am currently writing a paper and have 5,000 words, but only 17 pages (double spaced). Things like paragraph size and headers need to be taken into account as well.

hey good idea josh

Really useful, thank you

This just isn’t true

This is the best website ever!

This is not accurate for academic papers with 1″ margins. It is closer to 320 per page.

Good guidance as a thumb rule. Normally for online publishing in my view we have to use 12 font size ,single spacing.hence 500 words is one page.

When typing on Microsoft Office 2000 – Word, my page disappears 1/4 way down the page. It just vanishes, without saving typed information. Why? What is the Fix?

It may be because you have earlier changed your paragraph settings on accident, perhaps check that.

It nice that is is here but, it not right lol I have been writing nothing but 5-7 page essays and it is not correct. I am over it

I find that 300 words per page is a better estimate.

Great as a guide line

guys do no i am a pretty good dadafjwiabdwaubfwegaghhfsaddfsdgdttgdxvfesrfsdfesdfe(punching the keyboard) 😀

How many notebook pages can requier for 2000 words for12 font

I have a paper with ~2800 words and it is 3 lines past the 4th page. Single spaced 12pt Times New Roman font.

These conversions are pretty inaccurate. I wrote an essay of 1550 words and it was barely 4.5 pages (according to your conversions, it would be about 7).

I find 300 words per page is a better estimate. Also, make sure you have 1-inch margins.

I have a 70,000 word manuscript that I liked to publish. But when I try to, each publisher just laughs hysterically and call me “neurotic”. I ended up getting more thrown rubbish than money…

Now I’m curious. Please give me the details.

We had standardised pages with specific character count. So, if you chose different fonts or formatting it donsn’t matter, as long you reach the assigned amount of characters. e. g. standard page had 1740ish characters, so if you have to do 10 pages it would be 17400 characters. Makes way more sense since word length can also vary greatly and that system rewards you for using as many short words as possible.

My mom is making me write 6 pages of the dictionary and im 8

I find this is off. A better estimate is that a page is about 300 words (double-spaced). That means five pages is 1,500 words and 10 is about 3,000 words.

This is not accurate I need 7 pages I’m at 2,000 and still only have 6 pages double spaced.

does your count take into consideration font size? because I am writing an argumentative essay and I am almost finished with 5 pages but already 1612 words in times new roman size 12

I’m currently writing a 15 page double-spaced essay. According to your estimates I should be closing in on the finish line of 3750 words, I’m currently at 3200 and I should only have a couple more pages. However, I actually have five more pages to write meaning I’m only 66% done instead of 86% done. I’ve found my pages average 330 words per page at 12 point font Times New Roman, double-spaced. I’d recommend updating these numbers to avoid disappointing more writers.

This is how much authors haft to right?

my teacher said they needed me to write 30,000 words.

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Words to Pages Converter

In some cases, it is very useful to know the number of words a page includes. It is considered that a page of a single-spaced text comprises 600 words, and that of a double-spaced text - 300 words. However, this is just an approximate number. A word count of one page depends on various issues such as a font and its size, spacing items, margins, the length of paragraphs, etc. Certainly, one cannot mind all these factors when defining the number of words on a page. Still, if to take the indicated factors into consideration, one will manage to determine a more precise number of words per page than just a rough figure indicated above, i.e. 300/600 words.

How to use our converter

Our pages to words calculator online will help you identify a correct word count of one page if detailed information about the type is available. For instance, in order to make correct calculations, you may select one of the 8 popular fonts:

  • Times New Roman
  • Comic Sans MS
  • Verdana Myriad Pro

You can also define the spacing:

Finally, you can pick the font size, 12pt, 14pt (mostly used for essays), 16pt or 18pt.

If you enter the aforementioned data in a specific calculator, the program will help you determine an exact number of words a page should include. Additionally, such a calculator can specify the number of pages you have written in case the word count is known.

Using this words to pages converter you would get known dependence between any amount of words to pages. We have created this converter using the most popular fonts in academic writings. Also, it can be useful when you need to find how many words per page should novel or book include.

We do everything possible to improve our calculators. Still, we cannot guarantee that the obtained results will be perfectly accurate. The calculator processes the entered data to determine as the exact figure as possible. Nevertheless, it is just an approximate number. Such factors as the length of paragraphs and margin spacing will most likely change the outcome. Anyway, by using our calculator, it will be much easier for you to determine a more precise number of pages written and that of words a page contains in comparison with the rule of thumb.

Mid-Terms.com is famous custom writing company. We offer any type of academic writings for the decent price. Here you can check prices per page for an essay . Also, you can proceed to order form and check our another order types.

Defining the Number of Pages

The data presented below are the calculations made by using Times New Roman 12pt font size, double spacing:

  • What number of pages do 250 words equal? - 250 words equal about 0.83 pages.
  • What number of pages do 300 words equal? - 300 words equal about 1 page.
  • What number of pages do 500 words equal? - 500 words equal about 1.7 pages.
  • What number of pages do 750 words equal? - 750 words equal about 2.5 pages.
  • What number of pages do 900 words equal? - 900 words equal about 3 pages.
  • What number of pages do 1000 words equal? - 1000 words equal about 3.4 pages.
  • What number of pages do 1250 words equal? - 1250 words equal about 4.2 pages.
  • What number of pages do 1500 words equal? - 1500 words equal about 5 pages.
  • What number of pages do 2000 words equal? - 2000 words equal about 6.8 pages.
  • What number of pages do 2500 words equal? - 2500 words equal about 8.3 pages.
  • What number of pages do 3000 words equal? - 3000 words equal about 10 pages.
  • What number of pages do 3500 words equal? - 3500 words equal about 11.67 pages.
  • What number of pages do 4000 words equal? - 4000 words equal about 13.3 pages.
  • What number of pages do 4500 words equal? - 4500 words equal about 15 pages.
  • What number of pages do 5000 words equal? - 5000 words equal about 16.7 pages.
  • What number of pages do 6000 words equal? - 6000 words equal about 20 pages.
  • What number of pages do 7500 words equal? - 7500 words equal about 25 pages.
  • What number of pages do 8000 words equal? - 8000 words equal about 26.67 pages.
  • What number of pages do 9000 words equal? - 9000 words equal about 30 pages.
  • What number of pages do 10000 words equal? - 10000 words equal about 34 pages.
  • What number of pages do 12000 words equal? - 12000 words equal about 40 pages.
  • What number of pages do 14000 words equal? - 14000 words equal about 46.67 pages.
  • What number of pages do 15000 words equal? - 15000 words equal about 50 pages.

Determining the Number of Words per Page

  • What number of words does one page include? It includes about 300 words.
  • What number of words do two pages include? Two pages include about 600 words.
  • What number of words do three pages include? Three pages include about 900 words.
  • What number of words do four pages include? Four pages include about 1200 words.
  • What number of words do five pages include? Five pages include about 1500 words.
  • What number of words do ten pages include? Ten pages include about 3000 words.
  • What number of words do fifteen pages include? Fifteen pages include about 4500 words.
  • What number of words do twenty pages include? Twenty pages include about 6000 words.
  • What number of words do twenty-five pages include? Twenty-five pages include about 7500 words.
  • What number of words do thirty pages include? Thirty pages include about 9000 words.
  • What number of words do forty pages include? Forty pages include about 12000 words.
  • What number of words do fifty pages include? Fifty pages include about 15000 words.
  • What number of words do seventy-five pages include? Seventy-five pages include about 22500 words.
  • What number of words do one hundred pages include? One hundred of pages include about 30000 words.

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  1. Words Per Page: convert words to pages calculator

    Pages: 0 There are times when it helps to know how many words per page you're writing. While a general guideline is one page is 500 words (single spaced) or 250 words (double spaced), this is a ballpark figure.

  2. How Many Words In One Page?

    In One Page. As a general estimation, a typical page of single spaced document with font size 12 pt takes approximately 500 words to fill the page. Alternatively, you will need 250 words to fill a page of a double spaced document. Therefore, for your assignment of 4 pages long, it will add up to 2000 words for single spaced, or 1000 words for ...

  3. How Many Words Are 10 Pages Double Spaced (Quick Guide)

    Determine how many words are normally found on 10 double-spaced pages with this comprehensive guide of 2023.

  4. Words Per Pages

    Actually, there is no precise answer to this question because it depends on the font type, font size, spacing (single-spaced or double-spaced), margins, and paragraph length. Besides, the headings and subheadings also affect the number of words per page. There are, however, general guidelines for estimating the number of words on a page.

  5. Double Spaced Essay: Guide, Examples, Steps, Tips, and Tricks

    A double-spaced paper or document, which is the most common, entails creating 2.0 spaces between lines in a paragraph without spaces between paragraphs. Double-spacing is a norm of most college assignments; even dissertations and theses are mostly double-spaced. A 1.5 spaced essay or document means that the lines or sentences in a paragraph are ...

  6. How Many Words per Page?

    How many words per page are there in a typical novel? For manuscripts, the answer is about 250-300 words per page if it is double-spaced. A manuscript for a novel is typically 500 words per page if single-spaced. When the final work is printed for sale and published, the number of words per page will differ.

  7. How Many Words Is 10 Pages?

    A 5,000 word count will create about 10 pages with single spacing or 20 pages double-spaced when using normal 1-inch margins, 12 pt. Arial font, and a standard A4 (letter size) page size.

  8. How Many Pages Calculator

    300 Words Is How Many Pages? If it's single-spaced, 300 words would fill about ⅓ of a page. If it's double-spaced, it would fill around 2/3rds of a page. ‍

  9. Words to Pages Calculator

    Use this words to pages calculator to quickly convert the number of words into the number of pages. It will help you to estimate how many words per page are required in your essays, assignments, and papers depending upon the word count, font size, and letter spacing.

  10. How Many Words on a Page?

    For those looking for a general rule of thumb, you can estimate that there are about 250 words on a page double spaced, or 500 words on a page single spaced. This is a rough estimate and the true number of words on the page is likely to be more or less.

  11. How Many Words Per Page?

    If you use double spacing, you should have about 250 words per page. If your document is single spaced, you can expect around 500 words per page. Typically, you'll see 3,500 characters for every 500 words.

  12. Words to Pages

    Words to Pages Use this words to pages calculator to quickly convert the number of words into the number of pages. It will help you to estimate how many words per page are required in your essays, assignments, and papers depending upon the word count, font size, and letter spacing.

  13. How Long Does It Take to Write a 10-Page Essay?

    The 10 page research paper is probably the most common assignment students get in their coursework. It seems like a good length for most topics that instructors want students to research and write about. Plus, it doesn't seem horribly discouraging - in terms of how many words is a ten page paper double spaced, it will vary from about 2500 ...

  14. Words Count to Pages Convert: Know How Many Pages Are In Words

    How Many Pages is 3000 Words. 3000 words is approximately 6.7 pages when single-spaced and 10.9 pages when double-spaced, using a 12-point Arial font. Larger fonts or those using more space per character (like Times New Roman compared to Arial) will result in fewer words per page.

  15. Words to Page Counter: Converter to calculate Words to Pages

    The average and the general number of words on one page is between 275 words to 300 words for a double-spaced page and between 550 words and 600 for a single-spaced page. The variation occurs due to the differences in writing styles among people and the structure of their paragraphing styles.

  16. Free Words to Pages Calculator

    How many pages equal 100000 words? - 100000 words equal about 167.67 pages. Using this tool you can convert any amount of words to pages. Enter your font type, its size and spacing and get the result. Our calculator includes 8 the most popular font types and 5 font sizes people always use for writing.

  17. Word to Pages Converter and Counter: A Free word count tool

    How Word to Pages Converter tool Works The aim of LearnPar word to page converter tool is to give an estimation of the number of pages for a given text whether it is long or short. For example, you will discover that an A4 size page using Times New Roman, featuring a margin of one inch will contain between 250 to 300 words when double spaced.

  18. Words to Pages Converter

    Despite there being generally perceived numbers like 250 words per double-spaced page and double that for single, we found that this number is a variable. It can depend on the font, it's size and other factors. Our calculator tries to take as many of these factors into account as possible to estimate the number of pages your words constitute.

  19. Words per Page Tool

    Use our words to pages converter tool to determine the number of words per double spaced or single spaced page. Different fonts. Unlimited use.

  20. Words to Pages Converter

    How many pages in 1000 words? Answer this and many other questions with our new outstanding words to pages calculator. Insert your text or enter the number of words you have in the relevant field. Specify the font, its size, and the spacing between lines (single, double, or 1.5). , if calculated based on average length of a word in English.

  21. Words to pages calculator

    Our words to pages calculator allows you to set page size, layout, font size, margins, and line spacing in the text. The task of counting the number of pages for a certain number of words very often comes during ordering articles or descriptions from journalists, blog texts, as well as reviews and products overviews from freelancers.

  22. How Many Pages Is 2000 Words?

    For assignments that require double spacing, it would take approximately 250 words to fill the page. For an assignment that requires you to write four pages, you can make the estimation that you'll need to write approximately 2000 words for a single spaced paper, or 1000 words if the assignment is double spaced.

  23. Words to Pages Converter

    In some cases, it is very useful to know the number of words a page includes. It is considered that a page of a single-spaced text comprises 600 words, and that of a double-spaced text - 300 words. However, this is just an approximate number. A word count of one page depends on various issues such as a font and its size, spacing items, margins, the length of paragraphs, etc. Certainly, one ...