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Why Is Art Important? – The Value of Creative Expression

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The importance of art is an important topic and has been debated for many years. Some might think art is not as important as other disciplines like science or technology. Some might ask what art is able to offer the world in terms of evolution in culture and society, or perhaps how can art change us and the world. This article aims to explore these weighty questions and more. So, why is art important to our culture? Let us take a look.

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 The Definition of Art
  • 1.2 The Types and Genres of Art
  • 2.1 Art Is a Universal Language
  • 2.2 Art Allows for Self-Expression
  • 2.3 Art Keeps Track of History and Culture
  • 2.4 Art Assists in Education and Human Development
  • 2.5 Art Adds Beauty for Art’s Sake
  • 2.6 Art Is Socially and Financially Rewarding
  • 2.7 Art Is a Powerful (Political) Tool
  • 3 Art Will Always Be There
  • 4.1 What Is the Importance of Arts?
  • 4.2 Why Is Art Important to Culture?
  • 4.3 What Are the Different Types of Art?
  • 4.4 What Is the Definition of Art?

What Is Art?

There is no logical answer when we ponder the importance of arts. It is, instead, molded by centuries upon centuries of creation and philosophical ideas and concepts. These not only shaped and informed the way people did things, but they inspired people to do things and live certain ways.

We could even go so far as to say the importance of art is borne from the very act of making art. In other words, it is formulated from abstract ideas, which then turn into the action of creating something (designated as “art”, although this is also a contested topic). This then evokes an impetus or movement within the human individual.

The Importance of Arts

This impetus or movement can be anything from stirred up emotions, crying, feeling inspired, education, the sheer pleasure of aesthetics, or the simple convenience of functional household items – as we said earlier, the importance of art does not have a logical answer.

Before we go deeper into this question and concept, we need some context. Below, we look at some definitions of art to help shape our understanding of art and what it is for us as humans, thus allowing us to better understand its importance.

The Definition of Art

Simply put, the definition of the word “art” originates from the Latin ars or artem , which means “skill”, “craft”, “work of art”, among other similar descriptions. According to Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary, the word has various meanings; art may be a “skill acquired by experience, study, or observation”, a “branch of learning”, “an occupation requiring knowledge or skill”, or “the conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects”.

We might also tend to think of art in terms of the latter definition provided above, “the conscious use of skill” in the “production of aesthetic objects”. However, does art only serve aesthetic purposes? That will also depend on what art means to us personally, and not how it is collectively defined. If a painting done with great skill is considered to be art, would a piece of furniture that is also made with great skill receive the same label as being art?

Thus, art is defined by our very own perceptions.

Importance of Art History

Art has also been molded by different definitions throughout history. When we look at it during the Classical or Renaissance periods , it was very much defined by a set of rules, especially through the various art academies in the major European regions like Italy (Academy and Company for the Arts of Drawing in Florence), France (French Academy of Fine Arts), and England (Royal Academy of Arts in London).

In other words, art had an academic component to it so as to distinguish artists from craftsmen.

The defining factor has always been between art for art’s sake , art for aesthetic purposes, and art that serves a purpose or a function, which is also referred to as “utilitarianism”. It was during the Classical and Renaissance periods that art was defined according to these various predetermined rules, but that leaves us with the question of whether these so-called rules are able to illustrate the deeper meaning of what art is?

If we move forward in time to the 20 th  century and the more modern periods of art history, we find ourselves amidst a whole new art world. People have changed considerably between now and the Renaissance era, but we can count on art to be like a trusted friend, reflecting and expressing what is inherent in the cultures and people of the time.

Importance of Art Today

During the 20 th  century, art was not confined to rules like perspective, symmetry, religious subject matter, or only certain types of media like oil paints . Art was freed, so to say, and we see the definition of it changing (literally) in front of our very own eyes over a variety of canvases and objects. Art movements like Cubism , Fauvism, Dadaism, and Surrealism, among others, facilitated this newfound freedom in art.

Artists no longer subscribed to a set of rules and created art from a more subjective vantage point.

Additionally, more resources became available beyond only paint, and artists were able to explore new methods and techniques previously not available. This undoubtedly changed the preconceived notions of what art was. Art became commercialized, aestheticized, and devoid of the traditional Classical meaning from before. We can see this in other art movements like Pop Art and Abstract Expressionism, among others.

The Types and Genres of Art

There are also different types and genres of art, and all have had their own evolution in terms of being classified as art. These are the fine arts, consisting of painting, drawing, sculpting, and printmaking; applied arts like architecture; as well as different forms of design such as interior, graphic, and fashion design, which give day-to-day objects aesthetic value.

Other types of art include more decorative or ornamental pieces like ceramics, pottery, jewelry, mosaics, metalwork, woodwork, and fabrics like textiles. Performance arts involve theater and drama, music, and other forms of movement-based modalities like dancing, for example. Lastly, Plastic arts include works made with different materials that are pliable and able to be formed into the subject matter, thus becoming a more hands-on approach with three-dimensional interaction.

Importance of Art in Different Forms

Top Reasons for the Importance of Art

Now that we have a reasonable understanding of what art is, and a definition that is ironically undefinable due to the ever-evolving and fluid nature of art, we can look at how the art that we have come to understand is important to culture and society. Below, we will outline some of the top reasons for the importance of art.

Art Is a Universal Language

Art does not need to explain in words how someone feels – it only shows. Almost anyone can create something that conveys a message on a personal or public level, whether it is political, social, cultural, historical, religious, or completely void of any message or purpose. Art becomes a universal language for all of us to tell our stories; it is the ultimate storyteller.

We can tell our stories through paintings, songs, poetry, and many other modalities.

Why Is Art Important to Culture

Art connects us with others too. Whenever we view a specific artwork, which was painted by a person with a particular idea in mind, the viewer will feel or think a certain way, which is informed by the artwork (and artist’s) message. As a result, art becomes a universal language used to speak, paint, perform, or build that goes beyond different cultures, religions, ethnicities, or languages. It touches the deepest aspects of being human, which is something we all share.

Art Allows for Self-Expression

Touching on the above point, art touches the deepest aspects of being human and allows us to express these deeper aspects when words fail us. Art becomes like a best friend, giving us the freedom and space to be creative and explore our talents, gifts, and abilities. It can also help us when we need to express difficult emotions and feelings or when we need mental clarity – it gives us an outlet.

Art is widely utilized as a therapeutic tool for many people and is an important vehicle to maintain mental and emotional health. Art also allows us to create something new that will add value to the lives of others. Consistently expressing ourselves through a chosen art modality will also enable us to become more proficient and disciplined in our skills.

Importance of Art Expression

Art Keeps Track of History and Culture

We might wonder, why is art important to culture? As a universal language and an expression of our deepest human nature, art has always been the go-to to keep track of everyday events, almost like a visual diary. From the geometric motifs and animals found in early prehistoric cave paintings to portrait paintings from the Renaissance, every artwork is a small window into the ways of life of people from various periods in history. Art connects us with our ancestors and lineage.

When we find different artifacts from all over the world, we are shown how different cultures lived thousands of years ago. We can keep track of our current cultural trends and learn from past societal challenges. We can draw inspiration from past art and artifacts and in turn, create new forms of art.

Art is both timeless and a testament to the different times in our history.

Art Assists in Education and Human Development

Art helps with human development in terms of learning and understanding difficult concepts, as it accesses different parts of the human brain. It allows people to problem-solve as well as make more complex concepts easier to understand by providing a visual format instead of just words or numbers. Other areas that art assists learners in (range from children to adults) are the development of motor skills, critical thinking, creativity, social skills, as well as the ability to think from different perspectives.

Importance of Art Lessons

Art subjects will also help students improve on other subjects like maths or science. Various research states the positive effects art has on students in public schools – it increases discipline and attendance and decreases the level of unruly behavior.

According to resources and questions asked to students about how art benefits them, they reported that they look forward to their art lesson more than all their other lessons during their school day. Additionally, others dislike the structured format of their school days, and art allows for more creativity and expression away from all the rules. It makes students feel free to do and be themselves.

Art Adds Beauty for Art’s Sake

Art is versatile. Not only can it help us in terms of more complex emotional and mental challenges and enhance our well-being, but it can also simply add beauty to our lives. It can be used in numerous ways to make spaces and areas visually appealing.

When we look at something beautiful, we immediately feel better. A piece of art in a room or office can either create a sense of calm and peace or a sense of movement and dynamism.

Art can lift a space either through a painting on a wall, a piece of colorful furniture, a sculpture, an ornamental object, or even the whole building itself, as we see from so many examples in the world of architecture. Sometimes, art can be just for art’s sake.

Importance of Art

Art Is Socially and Financially Rewarding

Art can be socially and financially rewarding in so many ways. It can become a profession where artists of varying modalities can earn an income doing what they love. In turn, it becomes part of the economy. If artists sell their works, whether in an art gallery, a park, or online, this will attract more people to their location. Thus, it could even become a beacon for improved tourism to a city or country.

The best examples are cities in Europe where there are numerous art galleries and architectural landmarks celebrating artists from different periods in art history, from Gothic cathedrals like the Notre Dame in Paris to the Vincent van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. Art can also encourage people to do exercise by hiking up mountains to visit pre-historic rock art caves.

Art Is a Powerful (Political) Tool

Knowing that art is so versatile, that it can be our best friend and teacher, makes it a very powerful tool. The history of humankind gives us thousands of examples that show how art has been used in the hands of people who mean well and people who do not mean well.

Therefore, understanding the role of art in our lives as a powerful tool gives us a strong indication of its importance.

Art is also used as a political medium. Examples include memorials to celebrate significant changemakers in our history, and conveying powerful messages to society in the form of posters, banners, murals, and even graffiti. It has been used throughout history by those who have rebelled as well as those who created propaganda to show the world their intentions, as extreme as wanting to take over the world or disrupt existing regimes.

Importance of Art in Politics

The Futurist art movement is an example of art combined with a group of men who sought to change the way of the future, informed by significant changes in society like the industrial revolution. It also became a mode of expression of the political stances of its members.

Other movements like Constructivism and Suprematism used art to convey socialist ideals, also referred to as Socialist Realism.

Other artists like Jacques-Louis David from the Neoclassical movement produced paintings influenced by political events; the subject matter also included themes like patriotism. Other artists include Pablo Picasso and his famous oil painting , Guernica (1937), which is a symbol and allegory intended to reach people with its message.

The above examples all illustrate to us that various wars, conflicts, and revolutions throughout history, notably World Wars I and II, have influenced both men and women to produce art that either celebrates or instigates changes in society. The power of art’s visual and symbolic impact has been able to convey and appeal to the masses.

The Importance of Arts in Politics

Art Will Always Be There

The importance of art is an easy concept to understand because there are so many reasons that explain its benefits in our lives. We do not have to look too hard to determine its importance. We can also test it on our lives by the effects it has on how we feel and think when we engage with it as onlookers or as active participants – whether it is painting, sculpting, or standing in an art gallery.

What art continuously shows us is that it is a constant in our lives, our cultures, and the world. It has always been there to assist us in self-expression and telling our story in any way we want to. It has also given us glimpses of other cultures along the way.

Art is fluid and versatile, just like a piece of clay that can be molded into a beautiful bowl or a slab of marble carved into a statue. Art is also a powerful tool that can be used for the good of humanity good or as a political weapon.

Art is important because it gives us the power to mold and shape our lives and experiences. It allows us to respond to our circumstances on micro- and macroscopic levels, whether it is to appreciate beauty, enhance our wellbeing, delve deeper into the spiritual or metaphysical, celebrate changes, or to rebel and revolt.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the importance of arts.

There are many reasons that explain the importance of art. It is a universal language because it crosses language and cultural barriers, making it a visual language that anyone can understand; it helps with self-expression and self-awareness because it acts as a vehicle wherein we can explore our emotions and thoughts; it is a record of past cultures and history; it helps with education and developing different skill sets; it can be financially rewarding, it can be a powerful political tool, and it adds beauty and ambiance to our lives and makes us feel good.

Why Is Art Important to Culture?

Art is important to culture because it can bridge the gap between different racial groups, religious groups, dialects, and ethnicities. It can express common values, virtues, and morals that we can all understand and feel. Art allows us to ask important questions about life and society. It allows reflection, it opens our hearts to empathy for others, as well as how we treat and relate to one another as human beings.

What Are the Different Types of Art?

There are many different types of art, including fine arts like painting, drawing, sculpture, and printmaking, as well as applied arts like architecture, design such as interior, graphic, and fashion. Other types of art include decorative arts like ceramics, pottery, jewelry, mosaics, metalwork, woodwork, and fabrics like textiles; performance arts like theater, music, dancing; and Plastic arts that work with different pliable materials.

What Is the Definition of Art?

The definition of the word “art” originates from the Latin ars or artem , which means “skill”, “craft”, and a “work of art”. The Merriam-Webster online dictionary offers several meanings, for example, art is a “skill acquired by experience, study, or observation”, it is a “branch of learning”, “an occupation requiring knowledge or skill”, or “the conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects”.

isabella meyer

Isabella studied at the University of Cape Town in South Africa and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts majoring in English Literature & Language and Psychology. Throughout her undergraduate years, she took Art History as an additional subject and absolutely loved it. Building on from her art history knowledge that began in high school, art has always been a particular area of fascination for her. From learning about artworks previously unknown to her, or sharpening her existing understanding of specific works, the ability to continue learning within this interesting sphere excites her greatly.

Her focal points of interest in art history encompass profiling specific artists and art movements, as it is these areas where she is able to really dig deep into the rich narrative of the art world. Additionally, she particularly enjoys exploring the different artistic styles of the 20 th century, as well as the important impact that female artists have had on the development of art history.

Learn more about Isabella Meyer and the Art in Context Team .

Cite this Article

Isabella, Meyer, “Why Is Art Important? – The Value of Creative Expression.” Art in Context. July 26, 2021. URL:

Meyer, I. (2021, 26 July). Why Is Art Important? – The Value of Creative Expression. Art in Context.

Meyer, Isabella. “Why Is Art Important? – The Value of Creative Expression.” Art in Context , July 26, 2021. .

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It’s great that you talked about how there are various kinds and genres of art. I was reading an art book earlier and it was quite interesting to learn more about the history of art. I also learned other things, like the existence of online american indian art auctions.

I just love your article…I am an art teacher from Papua New Guinea – a developing country in Oceania (South Pacific). I was enthralled after reading your article and wish to hear more from you. I come from a country where art and culture are embedded in our tribal peoples from generation.

Hi John, thank you very much for your feedback, it’s great to see that art is something that works all around the world!

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Art is an important part of life, as it helps us to explore our creativity and express ourselves in unique ways. Art is more than just a form of expression - it’s a way of understanding the world and our place in it. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the psychological, social, and cognitive benefits of creating art and how it can bring joy and purpose to our lives.

What is art?

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The connection between art and emotion

The value of art lies in its ability to evoke emotion. Whether you’re looking at a painting, watching a performance, or listening to music, art allows us to experience a range of emotions from joy to sorrow and everything in between. Art can help us make sense of our own emotions and gain a better understanding of how other people are feeling. It can even bring us closer together as it enables us to feel connected with the artist, even if we have never met them. When we interact with art, it can often spark a dialogue, creating a feeling of understanding and empathy within us.

One way in which art can be especially powerful is when it reflects our personal experiences and values. By connecting with a piece of art that speaks to our values, we can often feel a strong emotional connection with it, enabling us to recognize ourselves in the work and appreciate its beauty and meaning.

The link between art and mental health

Art can be an incredibly powerful tool in helping us to manage our mental health and well-being. Studies have found that art can reduce stress, increase self-esteem, and improve our ability to cope with difficult emotions. Art provides a safe space for us to express our thoughts and feelings, allowing us to connect with ourselves on a deeper level.

One of the main ways that art benefits mental health is through its ability to help us process and make sense of our emotions. Art enables us to externalize our inner struggles, allowing us to make sense of them in a new way. By engaging in creative activities, we can gain insight into our own feelings, giving us the opportunity to recognize patterns and reflect on them in a non-judgmental manner. This can help us to gain a better understanding of our emotions and allow us to find healthier ways of managing them.

Art can also help to decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety. Studies have found that engaging in creative activities such as painting, drawing, or sculpting can reduce symptoms of both depression and anxiety. It also can increase positive moods and overall life satisfaction. In addition, engaging in art can give us a sense of control over our lives, providing us with the opportunity to express ourselves without fear of judgment.

Finally, creating art can provide a sense of purpose and accomplishment, helping us to feel connected to something larger than ourselves. Art gives us a way to channel our energy into something meaningful, allowing us to have a tangible outcome at the end of our creative journey. The act of creation itself can be incredibly empowering, giving us the confidence to take on new challenges and set goals for ourselves.

Overall, engaging in art has been proven to have a positive impact on mental health. Through its ability to help us process emotions, decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety, and provide us with a sense of purpose and accomplishment, art has the power to truly transform our lives.

The benefits of creating art

Creating art can be an immensely rewarding experience that has both psychological and physical benefits. It can provide a sense of purpose, satisfaction, and accomplishment. Art can also help reduce stress, build self-confidence, and improve problem solving skills.

Art can be used to express feelings and emotions, helping to better understand and cope with difficult experiences. It can also be used to relieve anxiety, improve mental health, and enhance positive self-image. Additionally, engaging in creative activities encourages creative thinking, which can foster innovation and creativity in other areas of life.

Creating art can also improve physical well-being. It has been linked to reducing chronic pain and boosting the immune system. It can also help with motor coordination, providing relief for conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Furthermore, it can help with hand-eye coordination, increasing dexterity and making everyday tasks easier.

Finally, creating art is a great way to relax and unwind after a long day. It can provide an outlet for pent-up emotions and help to restore a sense of balance and wellbeing. Even if your work is not immediately appreciated, it’s important to remember that art is subjective and it should be created for yourself, not for the approval of others.

The power of art in storytelling

Storytelling is a powerful tool for communication, and art is an important part of this process. Through art, we can express ourselves in ways that words alone cannot do justice to. Art allows us to show the emotion behind our stories, to add nuance and depth to our tales, and to create visuals that can leave a lasting impression.

Stories told through art have a special power. Whether it's through painting, drawing, sculpture, or even film, art has the potential to bring our stories to life in a way that words simply cannot do. With art, we can bring our characters and stories to life in vivid detail, making them more vivid and alive than if we were to tell the story with just words. We can also add layers of symbolism and meaning to our stories which can make them more meaningful and powerful.

Art has been used as a storytelling device for thousands of years. Ancient cultures used drawings and sculptures to tell their stories, and today, the tradition continues with all forms of visual arts. From street art to museum installations, art is used to tell stories of cultures, histories, beliefs, and emotions. By using art to tell stories, we can move people emotionally and capture their attention in a unique way.

In today's world, where we are bombarded with information from all sides, it can be hard to stand out. Art gives us the chance to do that in a powerful way. By creating art, we can tell stories that resonate with people, inspiring them and showing them something new. The power of storytelling through art is immense and should not be underestimated.

The importance of art in education

Art plays an important role in education, as it encourages creative thinking and provides a platform for students to express their feelings and ideas. It can also be used as a form of communication, allowing students to interpret and create meaning from what they observe. Additionally, the visual representation of art helps children to develop skills such as analyzing information, forming arguments, and making connections.

In the classroom, art can help to introduce new concepts, convey complex topics, and build relationships between students. By incorporating art into lesson plans, teachers are able to engage students in learning and make the material more interesting. Art also helps students to identify patterns and practice critical thinking skills by exploring how elements interact to create a bigger picture.

Furthermore, art allows for students to practice collaboration, problem-solving, and social interaction. Through group projects, students can work together to plan, organize, and execute a project from start to finish. This helps to teach kids essential teamwork skills while also giving them the opportunity to explore their individual strengths and weaknesses.

Overall, art is an integral part of education that helps students develop important skills and encourages creative expression. It is an important tool for teaching and can be used in various ways to make learning more engaging and meaningful.

The role of art in social change

The power of art in creating social change is undeniable. It has been used throughout history as a tool to inspire, educate, and challenge the status quo. Art can be used to bring attention to injustices, advocate for different perspectives, and to create positive cultural shifts.

One example of how art has been used to inspire social change is through protest art. This type of art is often seen at protests and marches, or used to create powerful visuals for political campaigns. Protest art can be anything from signs and banners to sculptures, graffiti, or public installations. It can also take the form of music, film, theater, and literature. By combining art and activism, people are able to communicate their message in an effective way that captures the attention of the public.

Another example of how art can be used to create social change is through digital media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter. These platforms allow anyone with an internet connection to share their creative works and connect with other like-minded individuals. Art has been used on these platforms to raise awareness about important issues, tell stories that inspire change, and even challenge oppressive systems.

Finally, art can be used to help those who are oppressed find strength and resilience. Art provides a platform for those who are marginalized to tell their stories and express their experiences in a safe space. Through art, people are able to connect with each other and find solidarity in the face of adversity.

Art plays an important role in social change and is an invaluable tool for anyone looking to create positive impact in the world. Whether it’s used to create powerful visuals for a protest or to tell stories that inspire action, art has the power to bring people together and spark meaningful conversations about important topics.

Art is essential for all our lives

No matter who you are or where you come from, art plays a vital role in helping us make sense of our lives and the world around us. Art helps us to express our emotions, to communicate our thoughts and feelings, and to explore the depths of our imaginations. By engaging with art, we can discover more about ourselves and the world around us, and cultivate empathy and understanding.

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Essay on Importance Of Art In Our Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on Importance Of Art In Our Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Importance Of Art In Our Life

Art sparks creativity.

Art is like a key that unlocks our imagination. When we make or look at art, our minds start to think in new and exciting ways. This creativity can help us in school, work, and solving problems. It’s like art gives our brain a fun workout.

Art Shows Feelings

Sometimes it’s hard to say how we feel. Art can help with that. By drawing or painting, we can show our emotions. This can make us feel better and help others understand us more.

Art Connects People

Art is a language that everyone speaks, no matter where they are from. It brings people together. When we share our art, we share a part of ourselves. This can create friendships and make our community stronger.

Art Teaches Us

Art is full of stories and lessons. By looking at art from the past, we can learn about different times and places. It’s like a time machine that teaches us history in a fun way.

Art Adds Beauty

250 words essay on importance of art in our life, art brightens our world.

Art is like a splash of color on a blank canvas. It makes our world more interesting and beautiful. When you see a painting or a sculpture, it can make you feel happy, sad, or excited. Art is not just about creating; it’s also about sharing. When artists share their work, they share a piece of their heart and mind.

Art Helps Us Express Ourselves

Sometimes, it’s hard to say how we feel using just words. This is where art comes in. It gives us a way to show our feelings without speaking. You can draw or paint your emotions, and this can help you feel better. It’s like art understands you and can help you understand yourself.

Art Teaches Us New Things

Art is not only about looking at pretty pictures. It can teach us about different places, people, and times in history. By looking at art, we can learn stories from all over the world. It’s like a window to different cultures and helps us see how others live and think.

Art has a special power to bring people together. When you make art with others, you create a bond. It’s fun to work on art projects with friends or family. You can learn from each other and create something special together. Also, when you look at someone else’s art, you can feel connected to them, even if they are far away or from a different time.

In short, art is very important in our lives. It adds color to our world, lets us say what we feel, teaches us new things, and helps us make friends. Art is not just something nice to look at; it is a part of us and our way of living.

500 Words Essay on Importance Of Art In Our Life

Art is everywhere, expressing ourselves.

One of the most important things about art is that it lets us show who we are and how we feel. When you make a drawing or write a story, you are telling people something about yourself without even using words. This can be really helpful when you have big feelings that are hard to talk about. Art gives us a way to share our thoughts and feelings with others.

Learning and Thinking

Art is also a great way to learn. When you make art, you think about colors, shapes, and how to make your idea come to life. This helps your brain grow and helps you solve problems better. In school, teachers use art to make learning more fun and to help you remember things. For example, when you draw a picture of a plant and label its parts, you’re more likely to remember what each part is called.

Bringing People Together

Jobs and the economy.

Art is not just for fun; it’s also a way for people to make a living. There are many jobs in art, like being a painter, a musician, a dancer, or a movie maker. These jobs are important because they give people work and help the economy. When people buy art or tickets to a show, they are supporting artists and helping them to keep making more art.

Health and Happiness

Making and enjoying art is good for your health. It can make you feel happy and relaxed. When you are stressed, doing something creative like drawing or playing an instrument can calm you down. Doctors have found that looking at art can make people feel better when they are sick or sad.

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Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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Why The Arts Matter

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Arts on the Brain

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How does art affect us?

It’s no secret that art can impact lots of people’s lives in very meaningful and deep ways. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” can attest to this much at the very least. Whether you think art is paint on a canvas or scenes from the nature that surrounds you, what we as a society deem art has an impact on us all.

Art is actually part of what historians deem necessary for a group of people to be considered a society! Art, along with writing, cities, government, religion, and social structure, is the very basis of life as we as humans have known it for millennia. So, it shouldn’t be surprising that art has both a mental and physical effect on the human being. 

To begin, music can have a significant effect on concentration. A lot of research has gone into its ability to help people hone their concentration, and theories such as the Mozart effect suggest that this effect extends to even spatial awareness. Physically, dancing is something that most people universally feel compelled to do when hearing a catchy beat. However, there is a physical effect besides dancing that not everyone feels: goosebumps. Studies suggest that 50% of all people experience this phenomena (Salimpoor, Benovoy, Larcher, Dagher, Zatorre, 2011), and is a result of excitement from music. It was found that dopamine production was very high while participants were listening to music, and this could suggest why music has been such a large part of cultures across the ages. 

Visual art can produce a lot of the same effects that music does. General feelings of happiness and calmness can be found and utilized via art therapy. Many people use these benefits of art to quell distress and solve problems in their own lives, and part of this effect is suggested to be caused by being involved in something tangible (Malchiodi, 2012). Tangibility is something that isn’t often seen when dealing with mental issues. Most all of our mental issues stem from the chemicals within us that dictate how we view situations and the reactions we have in regards to them, and while it may be possible to visualize how these chemicals work, you cannot mold your reactions and chemical outputs like you can mold a block of clay or paint a piece of canvas. Control is something that many who are struggling with internal battles such as mental illness or grief are desiring to achieve, and art therapy and other physical-emotional therapies can help achieve a more tangible version of this.

The picture I’ve included displays the ventral striatum, which has also been shown to be activated and produce dopamine when shown art via a study at Emory (Eastman, 2011). When shown a photograph versus an artistic rendition of the subject, participants were seen to have much more activity in the ventral striatum while looking at the art. This part of your brain is very close to the midbrain and plays a role in the decision making vs reward system. So, looking at art may actually be a reward from our brain’s point of view!

Overall, art is an essential part of the human experience. Even if it doesn’t play a big role in someone’s personal life, art shapes the world around us and almost everything we experience when we interact with others. Art impacts what’s on the T.V. when you turn it on, it impacts what you see in textbooks on ancient civilizations (be it cave paintings, classical works, or folk art), it impacts what comes on on your radio and what reaches the tops of the charts on your streaming services. Art impacts us all, whether it makes you sad, happy, or anywhere in between. 

Eastman Q. 2011 Jan 6. Viewing Art Activates Brain’s Reward Circuits.

Malchiodi CA. 2012. Handbook of Art Therapy, Second Edition.

Salimpoor VN, Benovoy M, Larcher K, Dagher A, Zatorre RJ. 2011. Anatomically distinct dopamine release during anticipation and experience of peak emotion to music. Nature Neuroscience 14:257–262.

3 Comments Add yours

' src=

I love the subject of you blog post! I find it fascinating that humain beings are related by art. You do not need to speak the same language as the artist to understand his work. However, it is very personal at the same time since everyone has their own interpretation of what they see. It is also true art can become very useful for our everyday life, with Art Therapy for example. We can see the emotional impact it can have on humain beings.

' src=

Katie, fascinating ideas! I totally agree with what you explained about how art has a significant impact on our lives even if many of us don’t think about it usually. Art, as a way of expression,. should be taken more seriously as it is inseparable from our daily life. We can see art almost everywhere around us and in almost everything we do. I liked how you introduce and literate the ideas on that. I am inspired in many ways!

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I really like your post. The concept and definition of art is very broad and obscure, but it is also what makes it so interesting. Ranging from visual, to auditory, to a combo of both, or even though, art can mean a lot of things, yet they are hoping to communicate a message or feeling through the works. I think what is important, like what you mentioned in the end, is to realize the essential role of all forms of arts in our lives and appreciation the impacts they bring.

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Essay on Art

500 words essay on art.

Each morning we see the sunshine outside and relax while some draw it to feel relaxed. Thus, you see that art is everywhere and anywhere if we look closely. In other words, everything in life is artwork. The essay on art will help us go through the importance of art and its meaning for a better understanding.

essay on art

What is Art?

For as long as humanity has existed, art has been part of our lives. For many years, people have been creating and enjoying art.  It expresses emotions or expression of life. It is one such creation that enables interpretation of any kind.

It is a skill that applies to music, painting, poetry, dance and more. Moreover, nature is no less than art. For instance, if nature creates something unique, it is also art. Artists use their artwork for passing along their feelings.

Thus, art and artists bring value to society and have been doing so throughout history. Art gives us an innovative way to view the world or society around us. Most important thing is that it lets us interpret it on our own individual experiences and associations.

Art is similar to live which has many definitions and examples. What is constant is that art is not perfect or does not revolve around perfection. It is something that continues growing and developing to express emotions, thoughts and human capacities.

Importance of Art

Art comes in many different forms which include audios, visuals and more. Audios comprise songs, music, poems and more whereas visuals include painting, photography, movies and more.

You will notice that we consume a lot of audio art in the form of music, songs and more. It is because they help us to relax our mind. Moreover, it also has the ability to change our mood and brighten it up.

After that, it also motivates us and strengthens our emotions. Poetries are audio arts that help the author express their feelings in writings. We also have music that requires musical instruments to create a piece of art.

Other than that, visual arts help artists communicate with the viewer. It also allows the viewer to interpret the art in their own way. Thus, it invokes a variety of emotions among us. Thus, you see how essential art is for humankind.

Without art, the world would be a dull place. Take the recent pandemic, for example, it was not the sports or news which kept us entertained but the artists. Their work of arts in the form of shows, songs, music and more added meaning to our boring lives.

Therefore, art adds happiness and colours to our lives and save us from the boring monotony of daily life.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Art

All in all, art is universal and can be found everywhere. It is not only for people who exercise work art but for those who consume it. If there were no art, we wouldn’t have been able to see the beauty in things. In other words, art helps us feel relaxed and forget about our problems.

FAQ of Essay on Art

Question 1: How can art help us?

Answer 1: Art can help us in a lot of ways. It can stimulate the release of dopamine in your bodies. This will in turn lower the feelings of depression and increase the feeling of confidence. Moreover, it makes us feel better about ourselves.

Question 2: What is the importance of art?

Answer 2: Art is essential as it covers all the developmental domains in child development. Moreover, it helps in physical development and enhancing gross and motor skills. For example, playing with dough can fine-tune your muscle control in your fingers.

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The Value of Art Why should we care about art?

The Value of Art, Essays on Art

One of the first questions raised when talking about art is simple—why should we care? Art in the contemporary era is easy to dismiss as a selfish pastime for people who have too much time on their hands. Creating art doesn't cure disease, build roads, or feed the poor. So to understand the value of art, let’s look at how art has been valued through history and consider how it is valuable today.

The value of creating

At its most basic level, the act of creating is rewarding in itself. Children draw for the joy of it before they can speak, and creating pictures, sculptures and writing is both a valuable means of communicating ideas and simply fun. Creating is instinctive in humans, for the pleasure of exercising creativity. While applied creativity is valueable in a work context, free-form creativity leads to new ideas.

Material value

Through the ages, art has often been created from valuable materials. Gold , ivory and gemstones adorn medieval crowns , and even the paints used by renaissance artists were made from rare materials like lapis lazuli , ground into pigment. These objects have creative value for their beauty and craftsmanship, but they are also intrinsically valuable because of the materials they contain.

Historical value

Artwork is a record of cultural history. Many ancient cultures are entirely lost to time except for the artworks they created, a legacy that helps us understand our human past. Even recent work can help us understand the lives and times of its creators, like the artwork of African-American artists during the Harlem Renaissance . Artwork is inextricably tied to the time and cultural context it was created in, a relationship called zeitgeist , making art a window into history.

Religious value

For religions around the world, artwork is often used to illustrate their beliefs. Depicting gods and goddesses, from Shiva to the Madonna , make the concepts of faith real to the faithful. Artwork has been believed to contain the spirits of gods or ancestors, or may be used to imbue architecture with an aura of awe and worship like the Badshahi Mosque .

Patriotic value

Art has long been a source of national pride, both as an example of the skill and dedication of a country’s artisans and as expressions of national accomplishments and history, like the Arc de Triomphe , a heroic monument honoring the soldiers who died in the Napoleonic Wars. The patriotic value of art slides into propaganda as well, used to sway the populace towards a political agenda.

Symbolic value

Art is uniquely suited to communicating ideas. Whether it’s writing or painting or sculpture, artwork can distill complex concepts into symbols that can be understood, even sometimes across language barriers and cultures. When art achieves symbolic value it can become a rallying point for a movement, like J. Howard Miller’s 1942 illustration of Rosie the Riveter, which has become an icon of feminism and women’s economic impact across the western world.

Societal value

And here’s where the rubber meets the road: when we look at our world today, we see a seemingly insurmountable wave of fear, bigotry, and hatred expressed by groups of people against anyone who is different from them. While issues of racial and gender bias, homophobia and religious intolerance run deep, and have many complex sources, much of the problem lies with a lack of empathy. When you look at another person and don't see them as human, that’s the beginning of fear, violence and war. Art is communication. And in the contemporary world, it’s often a deeply personal communication. When you create art, you share your worldview, your history, your culture and yourself with the world. Art is a window, however small, into the human struggles and stories of all people. So go see art, find art from other cultures, other religions, other orientations and perspectives. If we learn about each other, maybe we can finally see that we're all in this together. Art is a uniquely human expression of creativity. It helps us understand our past, people who are different from us, and ultimately, ourselves.

Reed Enger, "The Value of Art, Why should we care about art?," in Obelisk Art History , Published June 24, 2017; last modified November 08, 2022,

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10 Reasons for the Importance of Art (With Benefits to You)

By: Author Paul Jenkins

Posted on Published: May 2, 2022  - Last updated: September 26, 2023

Categories Art , Community , Creativity , Education , Society

We all know that art is important, but do we really know why? Here are ten reasons why art is so important in our lives. Whether it’s painting, drawing, sculpture, or even just appreciating beautiful landscapes, art can truly touch our hearts and change our lives for the better.

1. Art Is a Form of Expression

Personal creative expression.

One of the best things about art is that it’s a powerful form of self-expression. It’s an outlet in which you can share your experiences, thoughts, feelings and other aspects of your life. People have been using art to express themselves since prehistoric times, and the fact that they continue to do so today shows how important this function really is.

Art can reflect who you’re as an individual and what you stand for without you having to say anything.

Cultural Expression and Experience

Art can be understood from different cultural perspectives and has different meanings depending on the culture it comes from.

It can help us relate to each other by understanding the differences between our cultures through their traditions, customs, and art forms, which helps us become more tolerant and see things from a different perspective.

Historical Expression and Experience

Art history and art education are important parts of any educational or self-educational curriculum.

Through paintings like “Town Clerk” or poems that describe life in wartime, like “The Charge of the Light Brigade,” we can go back in time and see what life was like in the past.

In this way, we can gain a deeper understanding of our history by putting ourselves in the shoes of the people who lived during that time and learn how they lived their lives on a daily basis – good or bad!

2. Art Can Improve Your Social Skills

Art can help you learn to work with others. Whether you’re working on a group project at school or an individual piece of art, it’s important to know how to collaborate and get along with others.

For example, if you’re painting a mural, it’s a good exercise to listen to your classmates’ suggestions. You may have wanted to use only cool colors, but one of your friends may think warm colors would be better. This is a good exercise to learn how to compromise so everyone can be happy with the final product!

Even though art may not come as easily to some students as other subjects like math or reading, there’s no doubt about how important art is to all children and students.

3. Art Helps You Cope With Anxiety and Depression

The experience of creating art can help you cope with anxiety and depression. It’s a way to express your emotions without using words. That means it can be especially helpful for young children because they’re still learning how to put their feelings into words.

Art therapy can also be helpful for people whose anxiety or depression keeps them from talking about their feelings with other people. In order to create something, you have to focus on the work in front of you and what you’re doing at that moment, not on the things that are worrying you.

4. Arts Are a Fun and Creative Way to Stay Active

Painting, making music, dancing, or even crafting – all require you to move your body freely. The most important thing is that these arts are usually fun and bring joy.

If you’re more interested in painting, dancing, and other arts, don’t worry, because doing them will stretch your body well, which will help you stay active.

You can join a group or club that’s to do with art and actively participate in it. You can enroll in an art class or even participate in art competitions if you’re a competitive person. An active life is never boring, so it’s important that you engage in a creative activity that keeps your mind and body busy, such as art.

5. Art Is a Great Way to Relieve Stress

When you lose yourself in the moment, the art you do can help you feel less stressed and more positive. For example, if you do pottery at school, you can forget your worries and focus on what you’re doing.

It can also help you feel less distracted and more relaxed and focused.

  • Art is a great way to relieve stress.
  • It helps you relax and get into a calm state of mind.
  • Suppose you’re feeling stressed, anxious, or down. It can be hard to find the good things in life, but if you take time out from your problems and focus on your art, you can forget about anything bad and blow off some steam!

6. Art Helps You Express Your Emotions and Feelings

With art, you can express your emotions, feelings, and thoughts. It’s a very good means of communication when you cannot express yourself in words.

When you sit down to paint to express your inner self, the blank canvas gives you that freedom and helps you put your inner feeling into words or sentences. You’ll be surprised by the end result.

For example, if you love someone passionately but you aren’t able to find the right words to express the emotion, painting is a great way to do it. You can paint anything on the canvas, such as flowers or heart shapes in different bright colors that express your love for that person.

Even if you want to express your sadness or happiness through art, it works very well because it works wonders in connecting people and sending a message across language, cultural or age barriers.

7. Art Improves Critical Thinking Skills, Brain Speed, and Memory

Creative and critical thinking are important skills to have in the 21st century. Artistic work encourages you to accept more ideas, question more assumptions, and look at things differently.

Learning art helps you exercise your brain, which makes it work better. Taking art classes brings out other aspects of your personality that weren’t there before.

Learning artistic skills boosts your confidence by showing you the progress you can make with regular practice and determination.

By creating artwork, or having an arts education, you can express yourself in the medium of your choice (photography, sculpture, graphic design, etc.) and let others know what you’re thinking without using words.

8. Participating in the Arts Can Help Aging-Related Diseases

Studies have shown that participation in arts activities can help prevent or slow the progression of age-related diseases.

Researchers have found that participation in the arts:

  • reduces depression and anxiety
  • improves cognition
  • fosters a stronger sense of identity
  • reduces boredom

among many other beneficial effects.

There’s also evidence that participation in arts activities benefits people with Alzheimer’s disease.

Studies have shown that music reduces agitation, and provides a way to connect for those who suffer from verbal communication challenges as Alzheimer’s progresses.

9. People Who Learn the Arts Improve Their Visual and Spatial Ability, Which Has Been Linked to Improved Academic Performance and Academic Achievement

One is never too old to have a childhood.

Children and young people who participate in art classes also get a much-needed outlet for their imagination and creativity.

It’s even been shown that children who participate in art classes have better social skills.

Some types of art and arts education to consider are:

  • Contemporary art
  • Creative art
  • Performing art
  • Setting up an art project

10. Art Creates a Sense of Community

Art can be used to bring together people from different backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs. It’s a powerful tool for promoting communication and understanding.

Art allows people to talk about things they cannot normally talk about. It provides a platform to work through sensitive issues or break down barriers between people from different communities.

Art can challenge the status quo and address difficult issues that those in power might prefer to sweep under the rug.

Art has always been used as a powerful tool for social change, highlighting injustices and encouraging people to work together for a more just world. Art has been used as an effective form of protest against racial discrimination, violence against women and children, and war and poverty.

The Purpose of Art Is Much More Than Simply the Creation of Something Beautiful

The purpose of art is much more than just creating something beautiful.

Art and craft can inspire future generations, educate, and express, but it can also heal, criticize, and question. Art can help us understand each other, as well as our past. It’s a tool to build bridges between people of different cultures and ages. Art makes you think about what you see, feel, or even hear. With art, there’s no wrong and no right – it all comes down to your personal interpretation and taste.

Art can be used to:

  • Inspire the world around you , if only to make your life easier and more beautiful. Many artists have made a living through their art and have been successful in doing so. They’ve inspired new generations with their work, created new ways of looking at the world, and given meaning to everyday life.
  • Critique culture and society as artists often do. By taking a problem in our world and creatively addressing it, artists can make their voices heard without being too direct or preachy. Art provides a space where people from different backgrounds and perspectives can come together because they’ve something in common: what they see on canvas or paper.
  • It educates people about issues that affect them every day but aren’t always at the forefront of their minds, such as how society treats women and minorities. Even in ancient times, art was used for educational purposes, depicting religious figures or telling stories from mythology; today, we see this kind of information in pop culture, too, such as in movies or television shows!
  • It can heal us emotionally when we feel depressed because we’re surrounded by so much negativity all day – art can be an outlet where creativity can flourish.
  • Employ people in creative industries
  • Engage people in a new and productive creative process

Importance of Art Essay – How to Write A Compelling Essay

Art , in its various forms and styles, has been a source of inspiration for generations. From the ancient Egyptians to today’s digital artists, art has been used to communicate ideas and emotions in ways that words cannot express.

Table of Contents

Way to Write a Compelling Essay on Importance of Art

The importance of art essay can be written in a variety of ways, but the most important thing to remember is that it should be informative and interesting. We suggest following these steps when writing your essay:

Step 1: Choose a Topic and Brainstorm Ideas

Consider questions such as “What is the importance of art in our society?” or “What role has art played in influencing our culture and beliefs ?”

Step 2: Do Research

Step 3: outline your essay.

After you have done your research, create an outline for your essay. This will help to structure your thoughts and provide arguments that support your thesis statement. Make sure to include the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion in your outline.

Step 4: Write Your Essay

Thesis statement.

The thesis statement of an importance of art essay should clearly state your argument and provide a roadmap for the rest of your paper.

Body Paragraphs

Additionally, you can discuss the physical benefits of art, such as its ability to stimulate creativity and improve mental health .

Step 5: Edit and Revise

After you have finished writing your essay, it is important to go back and review your work . Look for errors in grammar , punctuation, and spelling.

Make sure that the arguments are well organized and supported by evidence. Additionally, make sure that everything flows logically from one point to the next.

Here are samples of the Importance of Art Essays for students .

Sample 1 on importance of art essay.

In education , art can help children develop creative thinking skills , and problem-solving abilities, and also improve their communication skills. Art also fosters collaboration and exchange between different cultures, allowing people to better understand each other’s values , beliefs, and experiences.

Firstly, art can open up our minds and help us see the world in a different light . We can explore our own thoughts and feelings, as well as those of others.

Art also encourages us to think critically about what we observe and how we interpret it. This helps us develop our own perspectives on life’s issues and form thoughtful opinions. It broadens our understanding of the world, its history and its diversity .

Suggested Readings:

Art can also help us express ourselves more confidently and foster resilience in difficult situations. It is a great way to explore emotions and manage stress levels, which can help us stay healthy and balanced.

From paintings to sculptures, art has the power to touch our lives in many ways. It can help us find solace, comfort, and inspiration when we need it. Art also provides us with an outlet for self-expression, allowing us to explore our creativity and find inspiration from the world around us.

Fifth, art helps to promote cultural understanding. Through art, we can gain a better appreciation of different cultures and their customs. We can learn to be more tolerant and understanding of those who may have different beliefs or lifestyles than our own.

Art can also help break down language barriers, allowing us to communicate with people in other countries and share our experiences with each other.

Sixth, art can be used to promote social change . Art has the power to raise awareness of important issues in our society and encourage people to take action. Through art, we can speak out against injustice, inequality, and prejudice.

Art can help us connect with our innermost selves and gain a better understanding of who we are and what we believe in. It can also help us to better understand our place in the world and our purpose in life .

Eight, art has been used as a tool to promote peace between nations or groups in conflict . Art also has the potential to be a powerful form of social activism.

The importance of art in our lives cannot be understated. Art can help us heal, build bridges between people with differing beliefs and perspectives, and spark creativity and imagination . It provides a form of expression that allows individuals to express themselves without words, bringing out hidden emotions and feelings. Art encourages us to explore the unknown, unlocking the power of our inner creativity.

From helping to bring about social change to providing an outlet for emotional healing, art is an incredibly powerful tool that can be used to explore our own thoughts and feelings as well as those of others. Art has the potential to touch all aspects of our lives, making it an invaluable part of any culture or society.

Sample 2 on Importance of Art Essay

Second, art is a form of expression . It allows us to express our emotions in a way that words cannot. Art gives us the opportunity to explore our feelings and examine our innermost thoughts and beliefs. Through visual or performance art, we can speak out against injustice or inequality and bring attention to causes that need to be addressed.

Third, art encourages creativity and imagination . We are able to explore our own minds in a different way when we create something through art. Art gives us the freedom to express ourselves in unique ways and think outside the box. It can spark new ideas and help promote innovation within society.

In conclusion , art is an essential part of life and culture. It brings beauty into the world, helps us express ourselves, encourages creativity and imagination, and connects us to our history and culture.

Through your essay, you can help to promote appreciation for the art in our lives and inspire others to explore its potential.

Relevant Articles to Read on the Importance of Art:

Home — Essay Samples — Arts & Culture — Creativity — How Art Impacts Our Lives: Personal and Social


How Art Impacts Our Lives: Personal and Social

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Published: Sep 12, 2023

Words: 775 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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importance of art in our lives essay

importance of art in our lives essay

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I have always heard sayings like "Why study art? Why not Engineering, Science or Commerce?", "Art won't get you anywhere," "Art is useless," "You won't get a proper job" etc. I have also heard of situations of the school board planning to cut arts in schools, thinking that students won't do well in their education . Well, you know what, you all are wrong! Arts make a huge impact on our lives! Here are the reasons why art is Important.

1. Arts improves your creativity skills

Whether it is cooking, painting or music, we do art as if its our own.

2. Arts gives you joy

I smile whenever I sing my favorite song. Any kind of art can give you so much happiness.

3. Arts relieves stress

Don't you go to another world when you just sing or listen to a favourite tune?

4. Arts gives you the opportunity to showcase your talent

Even words don't give that much opportunity like art does. By showing our talent, we show that there is something special about us.

5. Arts gives you confidence.

When I sing or perform, I feel so good about myself. I feel there are no worries, hence I perform confidently.

6. Arts helps you do well academically

Trust me, just a few hours of art will help you relieve stress and give you happiness. With that, your mind will be clear, and that would help you focus on your studies, and that would help you get good grades. If you don't do art for a few hours, your mind will be stressed and you won't be able to focus and do well.

7. Arts helps you to communicate with other people

I connect with people through music. I have met most of my friends because of music.

8. Arts helps you learn visually

Thanks to art, I have become a visual learner. Learning Visually helped me a lot in studies.

9. Arts helps you to express your emotions

I use singing to showcase my emotions, whether I am happy, sad or angry. And above all...

10. Art is a different language

Art says things that even words cannot say. You don't need a language to understand Art. Just a small painting, or a food item, or improvising a tune or a step, can express a lot of things without words.

Arts have helped me a lot! As you may be aware, I have special needs! Due to that, I could neither communicate well nor do well academically. If there was something I could do well, it was music. Music has changed my life. Now I want to use music as a way of connecting with people. If it helped me, it could help a lot of other people who went through difficulties. Arts is not a waste of time. It is not useless. Arts are very essential to our lives. Yes, I may not get a wonderful job, but as long as it gives me happiness, gives the best out of me, and at least gets some payment, what's the problem?

So my request is to please take the arts seriously. Don't treat the arts as a useless thing. Don't think that it destroys education because it doesn't! To the education board, please don't ever think of cutting the arts. If you care about your student's education, then please consider the arts in your school. The arts bring out the best in everyone. Hope you understand.

And for all the parents, relatives, neighbours etc. Try to consider your son/daughter/acquaintance's choice. If that's what makes them happy please support them. Don't be so money-minded, and don't worry about what society says. Hope you guys understand too, how essential art is.

With art, we could bring in a lot of change! It could help millions of people! Hope one day, the arts will be considered seriously by most people!

  • 10 Reasons Why We Need Music In Schools ›
  • 10 Reasons Why Dance Is A Sport ›
  • Discovering the importance of art education ›

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25 beatles lyrics: your go-to guide for every situation, the best lines from the fab four.

For as long as I can remember, I have been listening to The Beatles. Every year, my mom would appropriately blast “Birthday” on anyone’s birthday. I knew all of the words to “Back In The U.S.S.R” by the time I was 5 (Even though I had no idea what or where the U.S.S.R was). I grew up with John, Paul, George, and Ringo instead Justin, JC, Joey, Chris and Lance (I had to google N*SYNC to remember their names). The highlight of my short life was Paul McCartney in concert twice. I’m not someone to “fangirl” but those days I fangirled hard. The music of The Beatles has gotten me through everything. Their songs have brought me more joy, peace, and comfort. I can listen to them in any situation and find what I need. Here are the best lyrics from The Beatles for every and any occasion.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make

The End- Abbey Road, 1969

The sun is up, the sky is blue, it's beautiful and so are you

Dear Prudence- The White Album, 1968

Love is old, love is new, love is all, love is you

Because- Abbey Road, 1969

There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be

All You Need Is Love, 1967

Life is very short, and there's no time for fussing and fighting, my friend

We Can Work It Out- Rubber Soul, 1965

He say, "I know you, you know me", One thing I can tell you is you got to be free

Come Together- Abbey Road, 1969

Oh please, say to me, You'll let me be your man. And please say to me, You'll let me hold your hand

I Wanna Hold Your Hand- Meet The Beatles!, 1964

It was twenty years ago today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play. They've been going in and out of style, but they're guaranteed to raise a smile

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band-1967

Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see

Strawberry Fields Forever- Magical Mystery Tour, 1967

Can you hear me? When it rains and shine, it's just a state of mind

Rain- Paperback Writer "B" side, 1966

Little darling, it's been long cold lonely winter. Little darling, it feels like years since it' s been here. Here comes the sun, Here comes the sun, and I say it's alright

Here Comes The Sun- Abbey Road, 1969

We danced through the night and we held each other tight, and before too long I fell in love with her. Now, I'll never dance with another when I saw her standing there

Saw Her Standing There- Please Please Me, 1963

I love you, I love you, I love you, that's all I want to say

Michelle- Rubber Soul, 1965

You say you want a revolution. Well you know, we all want to change the world

Revolution- The Beatles, 1968

All the lonely people, where do they all come from. All the lonely people, where do they all belong

Eleanor Rigby- Revolver, 1966

Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends

With A Little Help From My Friends- Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, 1967

Hey Jude, don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better

Hey Jude, 1968

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away. Now it looks as though they're here to stay. Oh, I believe in yesterday

Yesterday- Help!, 1965

And when the brokenhearted people, living in the world agree, there will be an answer, let it be.

Let It Be- Let It Be, 1970

And anytime you feel the pain, Hey Jude, refrain. Don't carry the world upon your shoulders

I'll give you all i got to give if you say you'll love me too. i may not have a lot to give but what i got i'll give to you. i don't care too much for money. money can't buy me love.

Can't Buy Me Love- A Hard Day's Night, 1964

All you need is love, love is all you need

All You Need Is Love- Magical Mystery Tour, 1967

Whisper words of wisdom, let it be

Blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly. all your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arise.

Blackbird- The White Album, 1968

Though I know I'll never lose affection, for people and things that went before. I know I'll often stop and think about them. In my life, I love you more

In My Life- Rubber Soul, 1965

While these are my 25 favorites, there are quite literally 1000s that could have been included. The Beatles' body of work is massive and there is something for everyone. If you have been living under a rock and haven't discovered the Fab Four, you have to get musically educated. Stream them on Spotify, find them on iTunes or even buy a CD or record (Yes, those still exist!). I would suggest starting with 1, which is a collection of most of their #1 songs, or the 1968 White Album. Give them chance and you'll never look back.

14 Invisible Activities: Unleash Your Inner Ghost!

Obviously the best superpower..

The best superpower ever? Being invisible of course. Imagine just being able to go from seen to unseen on a dime. Who wouldn't want to have the opportunity to be invisible? Superman and Batman have nothing on being invisible with their superhero abilities. Here are some things that you could do while being invisible, because being invisible can benefit your social life too.

1. "Haunt" your friends.

Follow them into their house and cause a ruckus.

2. Sneak into movie theaters.

Going to the cinema alone is good for your mental health , says science

Considering that the monthly cost of subscribing to a media-streaming service like Netflix is oft...

Free movies...what else to I have to say?

3. Sneak into the pantry and grab a snack without judgment.

Late night snacks all you want? Duh.

4. Reenact "Hollow Man" and play Kevin Bacon.

America's favorite son? And feel what it's like to be in a MTV Movie Award nominated film? Sign me up.

5. Wear a mask and pretend to be a floating head.

Just another way to spook your friends in case you wanted to.

6. Hold objects so they'll "float."

"Oh no! A floating jar of peanut butter."

7. Win every game of hide-and-seek.

Just stand out in the open and you'll win.

8. Eat some food as people will watch it disappear.

Even everyday activities can be funny.

9. Go around pantsing your friends.

Even pranks can be done; not everything can be good.

10. Not have perfect attendance.

You'll say here, but they won't see you...

11. Avoid anyone you don't want to see.

Whether it's an ex or someone you hate, just use your invisibility to slip out of the situation.

12. Avoid responsibilities.

Chores? Invisible. People asking about social life? Invisible. Family being rude? Boom, invisible.

13. Be an expert on ding-dong-ditch.

Never get caught and have the adrenaline rush? I'm down.

14. Brag about being invisible.

Be the envy of the town.

But don't, I repeat, don't go in a locker room. Don't be a pervert with your power. No one likes a Peeping Tom.

Good luck, folks.

Grateful Beyond Words: A Letter to My Inspiration

I have never been so thankful to know you..

I can't say "thank you" enough to express how grateful I am for you coming into my life. You have made such a huge impact on my life. I would not be the person I am today without you and I know that you will keep inspiring me to become an even better version of myself.

You have taught me that you don't always have to strong. You are allowed to break down as long as you pick yourself back up and keep moving forward. When life had you at your worst moments, you allowed your friends to be there for you and to help you. You let them in and they helped pick you up. Even in your darkest hour you showed so much strength. I know that you don't believe in yourself as much as you should but you are unbelievably strong and capable of anything you set your mind to.

Your passion to make a difference in the world is unbelievable. You put your heart and soul into your endeavors and surpass any personal goal you could have set. Watching you do what you love and watching you make a difference in the lives of others is an incredible experience. The way your face lights up when you finally realize what you have accomplished is breathtaking and I hope that one day I can have just as much passion you have.

SEE MORE: A Letter To My Best Friend On Her Birthday

The love you have for your family is outstanding. Watching you interact with loved ones just makes me smile . You are so comfortable and you are yourself. I see the way you smile when you are around family and I wish I could see you smile like this everyday. You love with all your heart and this quality is something I wished I possessed.

You inspire me to be the best version of myself. I look up to you. I feel that more people should strive to have the strength and passion that you exemplify in everyday life.You may be stubborn at points but when you really need help you let others in, which shows strength in itself. I have never been more proud to know someone and to call someone my role model. You have taught me so many things and I want to thank you. Thank you for inspiring me in life. Thank you for making me want to be a better person.

Waitlisted for a College Class? Here's What to Do!

Dealing with the inevitable realities of college life..

Course registration at college can be a big hassle and is almost never talked about. Classes you want to take fill up before you get a chance to register. You might change your mind about a class you want to take and must struggle to find another class to fit in the same time period. You also have to make sure no classes clash by time. Like I said, it's a big hassle.

This semester, I was waitlisted for two classes. Most people in this situation, especially first years, freak out because they don't know what to do. Here is what you should do when this happens.

Don't freak out

This is a rule you should continue to follow no matter what you do in life, but is especially helpful in this situation.

Email the professor

Around this time, professors are getting flooded with requests from students wanting to get into full classes. This doesn't mean you shouldn't burden them with your email; it means they are expecting interested students to email them. Send a short, concise message telling them that you are interested in the class and ask if there would be any chance for you to get in.

Attend the first class

Often, the advice professors will give you when they reply to your email is to attend the first class. The first class isn't the most important class in terms of what will be taught. However, attending the first class means you are serious about taking the course and aren't going to give up on it.

Keep attending class

Every student is in the same position as you are. They registered for more classes than they want to take and are "shopping." For the first couple of weeks, you can drop or add classes as you please, which means that classes that were once full will have spaces. If you keep attending class and keep up with assignments, odds are that you will have priority. Professors give preference to people who need the class for a major and then from higher to lower class year (senior to freshman).

Have a backup plan

For two weeks, or until I find out whether I get into my waitlisted class, I will be attending more than the usual number of classes. This is so that if I don't get into my waitlisted class, I won't have a credit shortage and I won't have to fall back in my backup class. Chances are that enough people will drop the class, especially if it is very difficult like computer science, and you will have a chance. In popular classes like art and psychology, odds are you probably won't get in, so prepare for that.

Remember that everything works out at the end

Life is full of surprises. So what if you didn't get into the class you wanted? Your life obviously has something else in store for you. It's your job to make sure you make the best out of what you have.

Navigating the Talking Stage: 21 Essential Questions to Ask for Connection

It's mandatory to have these conversations..

Whether you met your new love interest online , through mutual friends, or another way entirely, you'll definitely want to know what you're getting into. I mean, really, what's the point in entering a relationship with someone if you don't know whether or not you're compatible on a very basic level?

Consider these 21 questions to ask in the talking stage when getting to know that new guy or girl you just started talking to:

1. What do you do for a living?

What someone does for a living can tell a lot about who they are and what they're interested in! Their career reveals a lot more about them than just where they spend their time to make some money.

2. What's your favorite color?

OK, I get it, this seems like something you would ask a Kindergarten class, but I feel like it's always good to know someone's favorite color . You could always send them that Snapchat featuring you in that cute shirt you have that just so happens to be in their favorite color!

3. Do you have any siblings?

This one is actually super important because it's totally true that people grow up with different roles and responsibilities based on where they fall in the order. You can tell a lot about someone just based on this seemingly simple question.

4. What's your favorite television show?

OK, maybe this isn't a super important question, but you have to know ASAP if you can quote Michael Scott or not. If not, he probably isn't the one. Sorry, girl.

5. When is your birthday?

You can then proceed to do the thing that every girl does without admitting it and see how compatible your zodiacs are.

6. What's your biggest goal in life?

If you're like me, you have big goals that you want to reach someday, and you want a man behind you who also has big goals and understands what it's like to chase after a dream. If his biggest goal is to see how quickly he can binge-watch " Grey's Anatomy " on Netflix , you may want to move on.

7. If you had three wishes granted to you by a genie, what would they be?

This is a go-to for an insight into their personality. Based on how they answer, you can tell if they're goofy, serious, or somewhere in between.

8. What's your favorite childhood memory?

For some, this may be a hard question if it involves a family member or friend who has since passed away . For others, it may revolve around a tradition that no longer happens. The answers to this question are almost endless!

9. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?

We all have parts of our lives and stories that we wish we could change. It's human nature to make mistakes. This question is a little bit more personal but can really build up the trust level.

10. Are you a cat or a dog person?

I mean, duh! If you're a dog person, and he is a cat person, it's not going to work out.

11. Do you believe in a religion or any sort of spiritual power?

Personally, I am a Christian, and as a result, I want to be with someone who shares those same values. I know some people will argue that this question is too much in the talking stage , but why go beyond the talking stage if your personal values will never line up?

12. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Even homebodies have a must visit place on their bucket list !

13. What is your ideal date night?

Hey, if you're going to go for it... go for it!

14. Who was/is your celebrity crush?

For me, it was hands-down Nick Jonas . This is always a fun question to ask!

15. What's a good way to cheer you up if you're having a bad day?

Let's be real, if you put a label on it, you're not going to see your significant other at their best 24/7.

16. Do you have any tattoos?

This can lead to some really good conversations, especially if they have a tattoo that has a lot of meaning to them!

17. Can you describe yourself in three words?

It's always interesting to see if how the person you're talking to views their personal traits lines ups with the vibes you're getting.

18. What makes you the most nervous in life?

This question can go multiple different directions, and it could also be a launching pad for other conversations.

19. What's the best gift you have ever received? 

Admittedly, I have asked this question to friends as well, but it's neat to see what people value.

20. What do you do to relax/have fun?

Work hard, play hard, right?

21. What are your priorities at this phase of your life?

This is always interesting because no matter how compatible your personalities may be, if one of you wants to be serious and the other is looking for something casual, it's just not going to work.

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importance of art in our lives essay

The New York Times

The learning network | do we need art in our lives.

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Do We Need Art in Our Lives?

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Do we need art in our lives? Should viewing art be part of every child’s education? Does it make us smarter or expose us to new ways of seeing the world?

In the Opinion article “Art Makes You Smart,” Brian Kisida, Jay P. Greene and Daniel H. Bowen write about a recent study on the educational effects of visiting an art museum.

For many education advocates, the arts are a panacea: They supposedly increase test scores, generate social responsibility and turn around failing schools. Most of the supporting evidence, though, does little more than establish correlations between exposure to the arts and certain outcomes. Research that demonstrates a causal relationship has been virtually nonexistent. A few years ago, however, we had a rare opportunity to explore such relationships when the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art opened in Bentonville, Ark. Through a large-scale, random-assignment study of school tours to the museum, we were able to determine that strong causal relationships do in fact exist between arts education and a range of desirable outcomes. Students who, by lottery, were selected to visit the museum on a field trip demonstrated stronger critical thinking skills, displayed higher levels of social tolerance, exhibited greater historical empathy and developed a taste for art museums and cultural institutions.

Students: Read the entire blog post, then tell us …

  • Do we need art in our lives? Does viewing art matter? Does it make us smarter or expose us to new ways of seeing the world?
  • Do you ever visit art museums? Do you enjoy the experience? What kinds of art do you most enjoy looking at? Do you feel that art has changed you in any way?
  • Should viewing art be part of every child’s education? Explain.

Students 13 and older are invited to comment below. Please use only your first name . For privacy policy reasons, we will not publish student comments that include a last name.

Comments are no longer being accepted.

yes i do believe we need art in our lives. often art displays a new perspective of seeing things. sometimes helping others. Also art is needed to create new designs such as clothing and different kinds of structures.

Art is a very important factor in our lives. There are many different aspects of art that we look at every day. Viewing art gives you an in depth aspect of your your mind and it shows how you critically think.

I think we all need art because it is a different way of looking at the world. It opens your mind to newer and broder things. Its also a different way of expression. Expressing yourself through color and pictures is always fun and different.

Oh Lordie! Do we need art? Art is all around us. It’s in the clothes we wear, it’s in the tv’s we watch, it’s in the houses we live in, it’s even in the chairs we sit on. Art is everywhere. It’s almost impossible to say art is NOT needed. Only a fool would come to such a conclusion.

Like in the article, art is such a wonderous thing. It’s an outlet for your creativity and emotion. If I was president, I would demand every single school to have art classes, because art really brings out the best in people and it’s worldwide. Everyone can connect to an abstract art piece, or a dramtic ballad, or even a funky dance.

Art is fundamental for reading, learning, growing, and living.

I think that we definitely need art in our liives. It is a form of self-expression that can help people get through a lot of problems. I also helps to convey messages that are difficult to put in words.

I do think we do art in our lives. People are so reliant on technology that they are becoming less and less creative. There are companies that are over using the same design instead of coming up with something new. At least with art people are aways creating new things.

I do think that you need are in our lives. There were once people dying because they wanted to express themselves and make a point. Why would you ever let such an amazing and beautiful way to tell history and culture go to waste?

I think that art is very important in our lives today. Art introduces us to diffrent cultures and new knowledge. I think that it makes us smarter and expands the mind.

Yes everybody needs art because it allows you to think creatively.If a person doesnt have any form of art then they cant express there self. Doing art allows people to think critical for example my art is writing poems so i explain things through my point of view.

I think art is a big part of life. Art is a way of expressing yourself and making the world full of colors and creativity. Without out, there would be no artist, no things to help express ourselves, no way to make our homes pretty and colorful.

yes we need art in our lives art inspires the world ideas and give motivation to those without it art introduces new ideas it inspires those who are in need of inspiration art is shown throughout the city state and country it is shown in our clothing hair styles and even our wayof living if we did not have art we would not have anything everything the world is made up of is art

I feel we needart in our lives because we need to learn how to be creative. When we are creative we make the world a fun place to be in.

I think that viewing art gives us inspiration and creativity. I visit art museums occasionally, and I really enjoy the history. I think children should view art because it gives them more creativity and imagination.

I think we do need art in our life. Art is everywhere, nature is art. Art opens up your mind to new things. It makes people more creative. I think art is very important. I art should be apart of a child’s everyday learning. It shows them new aspects of life and it opens their mind up as a child so growing up they will be more in touch with it.

We absolutely need art in our lives. Viewing art enables us to look inside other people’s stories and to look at the world in different perspectives. Since the beginning of civilization, people have used art as a way to communicate and tell stories. It opens up our minds in many different ways and creates an environment that allows us to be more culturally aware and think more critically. It allows us to express ourselves in a way that sometimes we are not able to put into words.Being that I am a college student in Arkansas, i have been able to visit Crystal Bridges many times and have been involved with programs as well as a summer internship. This museum has already had such a large impact on our education here in the state. It has enriched my experience as a student and young adult tremendously.I strongly feel that it will continue to positively impact the children and people of this state, even outside the state, that have not had access to a world class art museum before. Viewing art should be apart of every child’s education. Not only is it inspiring, but it allows for students to become more creative,culturally aware,and expressive inside and outside the classroom.

I do think we need art in our lives, because it shows us different things in the world. It makes our mind wonder and really think about the things in life that we couldn’t be there to see.

Yes we need art in our lives because it express how we feel and the beauty of it. It is like a playing your instrument, when you are playing you are expreesing and feeling the music in you, to ech flow of rhynm; simliar to paiting a picture.

i think we need art in our lives to express ourselves. There are many times where people over look the whole circumstance of their even being an art. art is here for us so why wouldnt we have arts.

what is life without art is in everything we make art in every aspect of are life .

Art may be one of the most important aspects to learning and growing.Art exposes us to a new environment within a confined context.I enjoy visiting art museums because it allows me to see other artists perception of life.3D Art is my favorite because I can see the art coming to life.

I believe that the world would be so very plain without art . Veiwing art does matter in my eyes because it is something different and creative.

I believe art education in itself should be encouraged at all times, but art museum visits shouldn’t be made the most important goal. Art is used to express the artists thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc. Not to simply look at others. It’s a two way road. My High School art class went to the museum to check out exhibits about once a month. Although the gesture was nice, not many benefitted. Many students took advantage of this time to goof off at the museum, and maybe 1 out of 20 took the time to inspect and appreciate the art. In addition, although it is nice to see the artwork up close, there is a wealth of it in textbooks and online of which are easily accessible. I’m not discouraging museums, more of suggesting an annual run, making it a treat, but not continually to make it a chore.

Art is needed in life because a lot of students need art or visuals to clarify things. For example in 7th grade, we used a lot of art as primary sources. We used several art samples and reflected on them. It really helped understand the topic better. Viewing the sample matters because it is a new way of viewing historical events. Viewing art can also give you ideas for writing pieces in IRLA. Art makes us smarter and it gives us a new way of viewing the world. It does both because it makes us smarter by showing opinions from other people and it gives new ideas to people which may change the view on the world. I don’t go to art museums frequently, but the few times I’ve gone I have always enjoyed it. For example, in 3rd grade our class went to the Philadelphia Museum of art. I had begged my Dad for the next week to go back. I found it so interesting that there was so much art from different countries. A certain type of art I like is historical art and Mosaics. Historical art always has me intrigued because there is a tale behind it. Art has changed me because as soon as I got into how interesting art is, I became interested into photography. After I realized that I cannot draw or color, I saw an opportunity in photography. Viewing art should be apart of every kid’s education because it gives clarification to subjects that are mastered or unclear. It also opens up subjects or ideas to kids who are interested in art. For example in the article, they gave out coupons for families to go the the museum free as a family. They should do another pole and do the same thing because kids need art, and they should be even more exposed to it.

I feel we need art in our lives. Art not only gives us a chance to express ourselves, it also exposes us to new ways of seeing the world. I visited The Museum Of Jewish Heritage and I enjoyed the experience, it was interesting seeing how people lived in World War II. I like looking at art through its emotional aspects that way I can connect to it better. Art has not changed me but if anything it has helped me better understand myself. Viewing art should be a part of a child’s education because children express themselves in different ways and whatever that way is they still should be able to have that freedom.

nah art aint goood fur nobody except the peeps thaT LIKE TO DOODLE AND DESIGN FURNITURE. Besides, art makes me depressed when i try to be good at it.

Laquisha dah eighth, out………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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The Importance of Visual Art

Walking, 1958

Visual art is a fundamental component of the human experience reflecting the world and the time in which we live. Art can help us understand our history, our culture, our lives, and the experience of others in a manner that cannot be achieved through other means. It can also be a source of inspiration, reflection, and joy.

Visual Art and the American Experience is a testament to the power of art and its connection to our national heritage. Through the exploration of various themes, eras, and artistic styles, the exhibition will serve as a lens through which we can learn about the history of American art and the African American experience.

Subtitle here for the credits modal.

Importance of art in our lives

Usually, the idea of art recalls images of grand, undecipherable paintings hung in lofty galleries, being admired by a motley group of elegant elites in high heels and pince-nez. Or unkempt writers penning beautiful words at a wooden desk in a lonely beach house. Whatever the image may be that is conjured up by your mind at the mention of art, one thing remains pretty common: it is not something we associate with the daily grind of existence. It is something far away from the daily chores and slogging, something to be enjoyed only in leisure, and perhaps never completely understood.

importance of art

But it does not have to be that way. If you think about it, art is in fact pretty much part and parcel of our lives, and has a bigger influence on us than we realize. In this article, let us see the different ways in which art impacts us every day.

It’s refreshing

Art, in its many forms, is something that we usually indulge in at our leisure. Each of us have our own choice of art that we enjoy- some of us might like to read , some paint, while others watch movies . Each of these is a separate form of art in its own right, and they all provide the much needed respite from our daily hectic lives. While we are enjoying a piece of art- whether by actively creating the art or appreciating an existing creation- we are transported away from our daily grind for the time being, which in turn energizes us and leaves us more capable of handling life after the intermission.

It’s peaceful

All art brings peace and tranquility in its own way. Now a lover of folk music might find only cacophony and discord in death metal, and a chick lit fan will cringe at the melancholy in Kurosowa’s movies. But each of these caters to a particular audience, and for that niche set, it brings peace. For some people, peace is in getting to escape from daily life for some time, while for some others, it’s in knowing that there are others sharing their trials and tribulations. On the other side of the table, art is often an expression of pent up emotions, which bring peace in the wake of their release.

It’s a form of expression

Art is not just something the artist creates to showcase their talents. More often than not, art begins to take form when there is a need for expression of thoughts and emotions that cannot be expressed otherwise. It is said that all art is a confession, and it is true to an extent. The subject matter of all art stems out of unexpressed ambitions, anger, joy, love, or frustration. And this has broader implications too; psychologists across the world probe the journals and artworks of their patients to get a glimpse into their psyche.

It’s therapeutic

It is not easy to live with bottled up feelings that find no outlet. Art provides that outlet to us. When we write a journal at the end of the day, we pour our hearts out in that piece of paper. When we carve a piece of wood or strum on our guitar, every stroke expresses something we are feeling at the moment. It helps us become calmer, not just in the moment, but in general as well. Knowing that we can let our feelings out at the end of the day keeps us grounded in moments of stress. Art is engaging, and helps us keep our minds off the darkness that often envelops us in our daily lives. Rehabilitation centers are a good example; they encourage the members to take up an artistic hobby in order to keep their mind off their poison of choice.

It hones our skills

Research suggests that an artistic person is better attuned to the world around them in general, irrespective of what movies tend to show. An artistic person is generally more sensitive and sympathetic, and is in turn a better team player and better human being in general. They are more attentive to detail, and can look at a situation from all angles. This is because good art is composed of fine details, and they are used to looking at things minutely. Their creativity also makes them out of the box thinkers, and all these abilities combined make them highly efficient in the workplace.

Art is something that we encounter at every step in our lives. The graffiti that you see on the walls is a form of art, as is the beautiful building around the corner, or the intricate carving of the showpiece you bought on your visit abroad. Each of these things have an impact on us on a level so intrinsic we cannot notice, but combined together, their presence and appreciation is what shapes our lives.

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THE big ideas: Why Does Art Matter?

Art Is How We Justify Our Existence

Our technologies are tools. But our creative works carry the wisdom of the world.

importance of art in our lives essay

By David Zwirner

Mr. Zwirner is an art dealer.

This is the essay is part of The Big Ideas , a special section of The Times’s philosophy series, The Stone , in which more than a dozen artists, writers and thinkers answer the question, “Why does art matter?” The entire series can be found here .

When I agreed to write this essay, little did I know that when I finally sat down to tackle it all my favorite museums would be closed to the public, along with every library, theater, concert hall and movie house and, of course, the galleries I own. It’s a bit like our world faded abruptly and unexpectedly from vivid color to black and white.

But it dawned on me that there could hardly be a better moment to reflect upon the importance of art — or, better still, culture itself — than in the face of its almost complete physical absence.

This total loss of actual, palpable experiences with art is like a kind of withdrawal for me. The experience and appreciation — the need — for culture feels like it’s hard-wired into my existence and, I’d like to believe, hard-wired into our species. Art is not something that happens at the periphery of our lives. It’s actually the thing that’s right there in the center, a veritable engine.

It’s like my mother once said: “Die Kunst ist unsere Daseinsberechtigung.” Art is how we justify our existence.

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Mastering the Art of Powerful Goal Setting

Are you tired of setting goals that fall flat and leave you feeling unfulfilled? Well, buckle up because it’s time to master the art of powerful goal setting. In this article, we’ll show you how to tap into your potential and achieve remarkable results. No more vague aspirations or half-hearted attempts. We’re talking about setting goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-sensitive – the kind that will push you to new heights and ignite your passion for innovation. Get ready to unleash your potential and become a goal-setting superstar.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • The environment, events, knowledge, results, and dreams are all factors that can affect our goals.
  • Focusing on the pull of the future and having strong goals can help us overcome challenges and distractions.
  • Evaluation, reflection, and defining our own dreams and goals based on our values and aspirations are important for setting powerful goals.
  • Powerful goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-sensitive.

Understanding the Importance of Goal Setting

Understanding the importance of goal setting will help you harness the power of your dreams and set forces into action. Setting goals is not just about having something to strive for; it has numerous benefits and a significant impact on personal growth. By setting clear and specific goals, you give yourself a sense of direction and purpose. This focus allows you to prioritize your actions and make decisions that align with your goals. Additionally, goal setting helps you measure your progress, providing a sense of accomplishment and motivation along the way. It also enables you to challenge yourself and push beyond your comfort zone, leading to personal growth and development. Ultimately, goal setting is a powerful tool that propels you towards success and fulfillment in all areas of your life.

Factors That Influence Successful Goal Setting

To achieve successful goal setting, you need to consider the factors that influence the process. Factors affecting goal success include the environment, events, knowledge, results, and dreams. The environment we are in can make a difference in our ability to achieve goals. Personal and global events can also have an impact on our goals. Ignorance can hinder our progress, so it’s important to continually seek knowledge. The disciplines and actions we take also play a role in the outcomes we achieve. Our dreams and vision of the future shape our actions and decisions. Overcoming obstacles in goal setting can be done by focusing on the pull of the future, setting powerful goals, and having accountability. By evaluating and reflecting on our current satisfaction, defining our own dreams and goals, setting SMART goals, and having accountability partners, we can effectively set and achieve our goals.

Embracing the Pull of the Future in Goal Setting

Embrace the pull of the future by focusing on your goals and the impact they will have on your life. Overcoming past obstacles and staying motivated during challenges are crucial for success. The pull of the future drives us forward, pushing us to overcome any setbacks we may encounter. By setting powerful goals, we create a vision of the future that motivates us to keep going. When faced with difficult times, our high dreams act as a constant source of inspiration. Having a clear vision of where we are headed helps us navigate through obstacles and prevents us from being pulled back into the past. Stay focused on your goals and let the pull of the future propel you towards success.

Harnessing the Power of Strong Goals

Focus on the impact that strong goals have on your life and how they can propel you towards success. Here are four ways that harnessing the power of strong goals can transform your life:

  • The psychology behind motivation: Strong goals ignite a fire within you, driving you to take action and push through obstacles.
  • The impact of visualization: When you vividly imagine achieving your goals, it activates your brain and boosts your motivation to turn those dreams into reality.
  • Increased focus and determination: Strong goals provide clarity and direction, helping you stay focused on what truly matters and eliminating distractions.
  • Enhanced self-confidence and belief: Accomplishing strong goals boosts your self-confidence, reinforcing the belief that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

Tips for Setting Effective and Powerful Goals

Evaluate your current satisfaction and reflect on your desires to determine your own dreams and goals. The psychology of goal setting is a powerful tool that can lead to innovation and success. One key aspect of goal setting is the impact of visualization on goal achievement. By visualizing your desired outcome, you can create a clear image of what you want to achieve and increase your motivation to work towards it. Visualizing your goals also helps to activate the subconscious mind and align your thoughts and actions with your desired outcome. This can lead to increased focus, determination, and ultimately, goal attainment. So, take the time to evaluate your current satisfaction, reflect on your desires, and harness the power of visualization to set effective and powerful goals that will drive you towards innovation and success.

The Role of Evaluation and Reflection in Goal Setting

To enhance your goal-setting process, take a moment to reflect on past experiences and assess how they can inform your future aspirations. Evaluation and reflection play a crucial role in effective goal setting. Here’s why:

Self awareness and growth: By evaluating your past goals and reflecting on your progress, you gain self-awareness and insight into your strengths and areas for improvement. This self-awareness allows for personal growth and development.

Learning from past experiences: Reflecting on past experiences helps you identify what worked and what didn’t. By learning from your past mistakes and successes, you can make more informed decisions and set goals that align with your values and aspirations.

Incorporating evaluation and reflection into your goal-setting process empowers you to create powerful and meaningful goals that lead to innovation, personal growth, and success. So, take the time to reflect and learn from your past experiences, and let them guide you towards a brighter future.

Defining Personal Dreams and Aspirations for Goal Setting

Take a moment to reflect on your personal dreams and aspirations, as they will serve as the foundation for your goal-setting journey. Defining your personal desires and setting aspirations is crucial in the process of effective goal setting. By identifying what truly drives and inspires you, you can create goals that align with your values and passions. This will fuel your motivation and determination to achieve them. As you explore your dreams and aspirations, think about what innovation means to you and how it can be integrated into your goals. Embrace the opportunity to think outside the box and challenge traditional approaches. By infusing your goals with a spirit of innovation, you can unlock new possibilities and push the boundaries of what you thought was possible. So, take this chance to dream big, set ambitious aspirations, and embark on a journey of innovation and personal growth.

The SMART Framework: A Guide to Setting Powerful Goals

When setting goals, remember that the SMART framework can be a helpful guide in creating effective and achievable objectives. Here are four key points to consider:

Goal clarity is crucial: Clearly define what you want to achieve. Specific goals provide direction and focus, making it easier to create a plan of action.

Motivation is key: Understand why you want to achieve your goals. Tap into your passions and values to fuel your determination and drive.

SMART goals keep you on track: Ensure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound. This framework helps you stay focused, measure progress, and set realistic deadlines.

Stay motivated through challenges: Having a clear vision of where you’re going and the pull of the future helps you overcome obstacles. High dreams and powerful goals act as magnets, pulling you through difficulties.

The Importance of Accountability in Achieving Powerful Goals

Stay committed to your goals by finding an accountability partner who can provide support and help hold you accountable. Accountability techniques and support systems are crucial in achieving powerful goals. By having someone to check in with regularly, you are more likely to stay on track and motivated. Your accountability partner can offer guidance, encouragement, and constructive feedback. They can also help you identify any obstacles or challenges that may be hindering your progress. Additionally, accountability partners can help you brainstorm solutions and hold you responsible for taking action. This support system not only keeps you accountable but also provides a sense of community and collaboration. By utilizing accountability techniques and support systems, you can enhance your goal-setting journey and increase your chances of success.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can setting powerful goals contribute to making a positive impact on the environment.

Setting powerful goals can contribute to making a positive impact on the environment. By defining specific goals that align with environmental sustainability, you can focus your efforts towards achieving them. Measurable goals allow you to track your progress and make necessary adjustments. By setting attainable and realistic goals within a specific timeframe, you can take meaningful actions that contribute to the preservation of the environment. Ultimately, goal achievement plays a crucial role in creating a positive impact on the environment.

What Are Some Examples of Personal and Global Events That Can Influence Our Goals?

Personal goals can be influenced by a variety of global events. For example, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused many people to reevaluate their priorities and set goals related to health and well-being. Climate change and environmental crises have also led individuals to set goals focused on sustainability and activism. Additionally, major political and economic events, such as recessions or elections, can impact personal goals related to career advancement or financial stability. These events shape our worldview and inspire us to pursue goals aligned with the changing times.

How Does Ignorance Affect the Outcomes We Achieve in Our Lives?

Ignorance can have a significant impact on the outcomes you achieve in life. When you lack knowledge or understanding, you may make uninformed decisions or take actions that lead to unfavorable results. Without awareness, you may miss opportunities or fail to recognize potential obstacles. However, by seeking knowledge and staying informed, you can make more informed choices and increase your chances of achieving positive outcomes in all areas of your life.

How Can Having a Clear Vision of the Future Help Us Overcome Obstacles in Goal Setting?

Having a clear vision of the future is crucial in overcoming obstacles in goal setting. It provides you with a roadmap and helps you stay focused on your ultimate destination. When you can clearly see where you’re going, it becomes easier to navigate through challenges and distractions. Your vision acts as a powerful motivator, pushing you forward even when times get tough. By keeping your goals aligned with your vision, you can overcome any obstacles that come your way.

What Are Some Strategies for Finding Accountability Partners to Support Us in Achieving Our Goals?

To find accountability partners and receive goal support in achieving your goals, there are several strategies you can use. Start by reaching out to friends, family, or colleagues who share similar ambitions and values. Joining goal-oriented communities or online forums can also connect you with like-minded individuals. Additionally, consider hiring a coach or mentor who can provide guidance and hold you accountable. By implementing these strategies, you can enhance your chances of achieving your powerful goals.

importance of art in our lives essay



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    Sample 2 on Importance of Art Essay. The importance of art in our lives is undeniable. Art influences culture, society and even our individual thoughts and beliefs. It gives us a sense of identity, helps us to express ourselves, and gives us an outlet for creativity. Art has the power to inspire, connect us to our emotions, and even spark ...

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    Appreciating art and artists is important because art continues to be a part of our lives and our future. It is also related to the future of many generations to come. Art in the Early Days. Appreciating art was done in the early civilizations, as men used art to communicate with one another and even with the world.

  17. The significance of art in our lives

    In The Importance of Art in Daily Life by David Norris, he expresses how art is inescapable and necessary, explaining that, "Everywhere you go art is evident. Parks often use sculptures to add interest and to inform people. Posters on walls give information and motivation. Music plays on the radio to keep your energy levels up.

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    yes i do believe we need art in our lives. often art displays a new perspective of seeing things. sometimes helping others. Also art is needed to create new designs such as clothing and different kinds of structures. Cescily November 26, 2013 · 9:11 am. Art is a very important factor in our lives.

  19. The Importance of Visual Art

    The Importance of Visual Art. Gift of Sydney Smith Gordon. Visual art is a fundamental component of the human experience reflecting the world and the time in which we live. Art can help us understand our history, our culture, our lives, and the experience of others in a manner that cannot be achieved through other means. It can also be a source ...

  20. Importance of art in our lives

    An artistic person is generally more sensitive and sympathetic, and is in turn a better team player and better human being in general. They are more attentive to detail, and can look at a situation from all angles. This is because good art is composed of fine details, and they are used to looking at things minutely.

  21. Opinion

    Art is how we justify our existence. We've been creating art for much longer than recorded history. The earliest surviving visual art, as in the cave paintings of Sulawesi in Indonesia and El ...

  22. An Essay on The Importance of Art in Daily Life

    Disclaimer: This essay is provided as an example of work produced by students studying towards a arts degree, it is not illustrative of the work produced by our in-house experts.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers.. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of ...

  23. Why is Contemporary Art Important? CAI

    The importance of contemporary art is often contested by public opinion. However, in this article, we argue art remains as relevant as it always has been.

  24. Mastering the Art of Powerful Goal Setting

    The environment, events, knowledge, results, and dreams are all factors that can affect our goals. Focusing on the pull of the future and having strong goals can help us overcome challenges and distractions. Evaluation, reflection, and defining our own dreams and goals based on our values and aspirations are important for setting powerful goals.