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Published by Beryl Dixon Modified over 4 years ago

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Apr 07, 2019

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Presentation Transcript

DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS Andrew J. Bauer Pediatric Endocrinology WRAMC


Type 1 DM • Autoimmune destruction of the pancreatic islet cell • Hallmark = lymphocytic infiltration of islets • Progresses over years • Leads to insulin deficiency • Later may be associated with glucagon deficiency as well

Progression to Type 1 DM Autoimmune destruction Honeymoon 100% Islet loss “Diabetes threshold”

Typical Presentation • Polyuria, polydypsia, weight loss • Vomiting • Rapid-deep respiration • CNS depression – coma • Precipitating event

“Typical” Setting….. • 9 yo boy presents to clinic with CC “ 6 day history of stomach pain and diarrhea.” “Vomiting started 2 days ago and has persisted.” • (+) weight loss • PE: HR 140, RR 28, T97.8 Weight: 27 Kg • Tachy mucous membranes • Abd - soft, (+)BS, mild left CVA tenderness • DX: viral gastroenteritis with mild dehydration • Returned to ER 24 hours later • PE: cachectic, quiet, tired, cooperative, (+) ketotic breath

Background • 15-30% of new diabetics present in DKA • < 4 yrs of age = 40% with DKA @ diagnosis • Most common cause of death in diabetics less than 20 years of age • 70% of related deaths in diabetics less than 10 yrs of age • Mortality: 5-15% (1-2% at MEDCEN) • Preventable

Diagnostic Criteria • Blood glucose > 250 mg/dl • pH < 7.35 • HCO3 < 20 mEq/L • Anion Gap > 12 • ketonemia

Etiology • Results from inadequate insulin • Accidental or intentional omission • Inappropriate intervention when stressed

Etiology  DKA violates rules of common sense • Increased insulin requirement despite decreased food intake • Marked urine output in setting of dehydration • Catabolic state in setting of hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia

PathophysiologyCounter-Regulatory Hormones • Insulin Deficiency is the Primary defect • Stress hormones accelerate and exaggerate the rate and magnitude of metabolic decompensation • Pathophysiology Hormone • Impaired insulin secretion Epi • Anti-insulin action Epi, cortisol, GH • Promoting catabolism All • Dec glucose utilization Epi, cortisol, GH

Islets of Langerhans b-cell destruction Insulin Deficiency Decreased Glucose Utilization & Increased Production Epi,Cortisol GH Stress Muscle Glucagon Amino Acids Adipo- cytes Increased Protein Catabolism Liver Increased Ketogenesis Gluconeogenesis, Glycogenolysis FattyAcids IncreasedLipolysis Threshold 180 mg/dl Polyuria Volume Depletion Ketonuria Hyperglycemia Ketoacidosis HyperTG

Pathophysiology Glucagon Epinephrine Cortisol Growth Hormone Insulin

Pathophysiology Glucagon Epinephrine Cortisol Growth Hormone Insulin Dec Glucose Utilization Lipolysis

Decreased Utilization  post-prandial and Stress-Induced hyperglycemia DKA - Early • Relative Insulin Deficiency  Glycogenolysis & gluconeogenesis restrained Peripheral glucose uptake Elevates blood glucose

Pathophysiology Glucagon Epinephrine Cortisol Growth Hormone Insulin Gluconeogenesis Glycogenolysis Lipolysis Ketogenesis

DKA - Late Increased Production & Decreased Utilization  Fasting hyperglycemia • Insulin Deficiency Glycogenolysis Gluconeogenesis Hepatic glucose output Peripheral glucose uptake Elevates blood glucose Lipolysis Release FFA -> liver VLDL & ketones Ketonemia and hyperTG Acidosis & Diuresis

DKAInitial Evaluation • Hx and PE - • Duration of onset • Level of dehydration • Evidence of infection • Labs - STAT • Electrolytes • Venous blood gas • Serum Osmolality • U/a Osmolality = 2 x (Na + K) + Glucose/18 + BUN/3

700 24.4 518 16.8 47.5 9 yo lab Evaluation • 148| 109| 32 5.6 | <5 | 1.4 • Blood Gas - pH 7.0 5/1.020 Glu >1000, (+) Ketones

Misleading Labs • Sodium • Potassium • Ketones • WBC

Misleading LabsSodium • Na+ depressed 1.6 mEq/L per 100 mg% glucose • Corrected Na+ = measured Na + 1.6 meq/L x (glucose-100)/100)) • Example: • Na+ = 123 meq/L and Glucose = 1,250 mg/dl • 1,250 – 100 = 1,150 / 100 = 11.5 x 1.6 = 18 meq/L • Corrected Na+ = 123 + 18 = 141 meq/L

Misleading LabsSodium • Triglycerides also artificially lower Na Lipid Lipid Serum Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Gluc Na Na Gluc

Misleading LabsPotassium • Acidosis leads to flux of K+ out of cells as H+ enters cells to buffer • Dehydration and volume depletion • Aldosterone  Na reabsorption and K+ wasting  Serum K+ usually normal or high, but total body K+ is low

DKA- Risks of TherapyHypokalemia/Hyperkalemia • With insulin therapy • K+ moves into cells (1 meq/L / 0.1 unit pH ) • Even with K+ you must • Give large doses (40 meq/L) K+ • Monitor K+ levels and EKG • High K - tall peaked T, long PR, wide QRS • Low K - depressed ST, diphasic T, Prom U-wave • Cardiac dysrythmia

Misleading LabsKetones • In the absence of insulin, FFA go to the liver, and into mitochondria via carnitine • ß-oxidation excess acetylCoA Nitroprusside reaction • Acetyl-CoA condenses to acetoacetate • Insulin prevents utilization of acetoacetate • so levels and shunt to ß-hydroxybutyrate and acetone

Misleading LabsScreening for Ketonemia • Urine Dip stick vs. anion gap/serum bicarb SensitivitySpecificity DKA 99 % 69 %  Diabetic with minor signs and symptoms and negative urine ketone dip stick is unlikely to have acidosis = high negative predictive value for excluding DKA Am J Emer Med 34: 1999

Misleading LabsWBC count • N = 247 DKA admissions over 6 years • Mean WBC = 17,519/mm3 (+/- 9,582) • 69% without infection • 17.8% presumed viral infection • 12.9% bacterial infection - more common in children < 3 years of age All need to be evaluated and re-evaluated if persistent acidosis Am J Emer Med 19: 270-3, 2001

Let’s start treatment…..

Controversies and Risks of Therapy • Fluids - composition, bolus amount and total fluids/day • Use of Bicarbonate • Phosphate replacement Cerebral Edema

DKA – ControversyCerebral Edema - Truths ? Acute • Idiogenic osmoles in CNS accumulate fluid • Cerebral edema – present in 100% of patients prior to therapy • Treatment exacerbates cerebral edema • Vigorous fluid administration • Hypotonic fluids • Bicarbonate Late Sequelae

DKA – Cerebral Edema Actualities • Etiology is not known • Occurs exclusively in pediatric patients • Mortality Rate = 21% • Morbidity Rate = 27% (permanent neurologic sequelae)  Difficulty is relatively rare occurrence (1-3 %) with subsequent small numbers of patients in retrospective or prospective studies

DKA – Cerebral Edema Actualities • NEJM - Jan 2001 • N = 6977 DKA patients from 10 centers over 15 years • 61 developed cerebral edema (0.9%) • Pediatrics - Sep 2001 • N = 520 DKA patients over 5 1/2 years • 2 developed cerebral edema

DKA – Cerebral EdemaTotal Fluids • > 4 L/m2/day, or > 50 ml/kg in first 4 hrs α hyponatremia α herniation • May occur in patients that receive less • Of 52 patients with neurologic complications 21 had either a rise of serum Na or fall less than 4 mmol/L J Peds 113:10-14, 1988 Attention to fluid rate and tonicity is essential, but may not be sufficient to predict subset that will develop neurologic complications JCEM 85:509-513, 2000

Prior to therapy; longer duration symptoms before diagnosis DKA – Cerebral EdemaVariable Time of Onset # of Children with Neurologic Deterioration NEJM 344:264-69, 2001 Hours after Initiation of Therapy

DKA – Cerebral EdemaOther • Hypoxemia • Children’s brains have higher oxygen requirement, 5.1 mL/100g vs. 3.3 mL/100g • Hypophosphatemia with resultant decreased 2,3-DPG decreases O2 delivery to brain cells • Mannitol - earliest effects are related to decreased viscosity, not to shift of fluid from extravascular space Neurosurg 21: 147-156, 1987 JCEM 85: 509-13, 2000

DKA – Cerebral Edema Signs and Symptoms 1. Sudden and persistent drop in heart rate - not bradychardia - not assoc with HTN - not related to hydration status 2. Change in sensorium 7. Fall in serum 3. Headache Na, or failure 4. Emesis to rise 5. Incontinence 6. Unexplained tachypnea JCEM 85:509-513, 2000

DKA – Cerebral Edema Evaluation • CT may be non-diagnostic at time of symptoms • 9 of 30 - no edema, 6 read as normal • 5 of 9 - 2.5 to 8 hours after onset of coma, read as normal Cerebral Edema is a clinical diagnosis. Need to treat BEFORE imaging. JCEM 85:509-513, 2000

DKA – Risks of TherapyBicarbonate Administration • Administration to acidotic patient generates rapid rise in CO2 • CO2 enters CNS rapidly • HCO3- is delayed by blood-brain barrier • Increased CNS CO2 exacerbates cerebral acidosis CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H+ + HCO3- • May also reduce partial pressure of O2 in CSF  vasoconstriction  brain hypoxia/ischemia

DKA – Risks of TherapyBicarbonate Administration • Multi-center study from 10 pediatric centers, USA and Melbourne, Australia over 15 yr period • 6977 DKA hospitalizations: 61 cases cerebral edema (0.9%) • Presentation: PaCO2BUNGlucoseBicarb Cerebral Edema 11.3 27 758 23/61 (32%) Controls 15.1 21 700 43/174 (23%) •  fluid, insulin, or sodium administration, nor rate of fall in glucose was associated NEJM 344:264-269, 2001

**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** DKA – Risks of TherapyBicarbonate Administration • Variations in treatment exacerbate an on-going pathologic process • Brain ischemia is major underline etiology • Hyperglycemia increases extent of neurologic damage • Extreme dehydration, hypocapnia • Concept of idiogenic osmotically active substances not supported (no relationship to change in glucose, rate of fluid or Na administration)  Risk related to duration and severity of DKA NEJM 344:264-269, 2001

DKA- Controversy Phosphate Theoretical • Essential phosphate deficit • W/treatment serum phosphate and 2,3-DPG fall • Shift oxyhemoglobin curve reducing O2 deliver Practical • No evidence of direct benefit, but less Cl- • Give ½ K+ replacement as K-phos x 8 hours • Limit to 2 mEq/kg/day to avoid hypocalcemia Endo Met Clin 29:Dec 2000

Elements of Therapy

Elements of Therapy • Fluids – treat shock, then sufficient to reverse dehydration and replace ongoing losses (will correct hyperglycemia) • Insulin – sufficient to suppress ketosis, reverse acidosis, promote glucose uptake and utilization (will stop ketosis) • Electrolytes – replace profound Na+ and K+ losses

Typical Therapy - Fluids • 10% dehydration is standard estimate (use weight if known) • Bolus: treat shock, usual 20-30cc/kg given 10cc/kg at a time • Replace deficit over 48-72 hours • ie. 10 % in 20 Kg pt = 2000ml over 48hrs = maintenance + 42cc/hr x 48 hours

Typical Therapy - Fluids • Use ½ NS to NS • Average = 2 x maintenance • 4:2:1 cc/kg/hr or 100:50:20 cc/kg/day • ie. 25 kg patient • (4 x 10) + (2 x 10) + (1 x 5) = 65 cc/hr • (100 x 10) + (50 x 10) + (20 x 5)/24 hours = 66.7 cc/hr

DKA – Risks of TherapyInsulin 100% Biological effect 0.1 units/kg/hr Current therapy uses continuous insulin drip  Drop glucose 50-100 mg/dl/hr 100 uU/ml Insulin Level

Typical Therapy - Insulin • 0.1 unit/kg/hr continuous drip (regular) • Flush tubing with 50 ml • 250 units regular in 250 cc NS (1.0 units/ml) = 0.1 u/kg/hr = 0.1 ml/kg/hr

Typical TherapyGlucose - 2 Bag Method • Goal - decrease blood glucose by 50-100 mg/dl/hr • Must continue insulin therapy to correct acidosis • Order D10 NS to bedside • when serum glucose < 300: add D5NS ( = 1/2 D10NS + maintenance bag) • when serum glucose < 200: Change to D10NS

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    Presentation Transcript. Diabetic Ketoacidosis. Goals & Objectives • Understand the action of insulin on the metabolism of carbohydrates, protein, and fat • Understand the pathophysiology of IDDM and DKA • Understand the management approach to the patient with DKA • Appreciate the complications that can occur during treatment of DKA.

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    Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a condition seen in Type 1 Diabetics where the lack of insulin results in hyperglycemia through several mechanisms (accelerated gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis, and decreased glucose utilization). Without insulin, glucose uptake into the cells is impaired, and cells are forced to use fat as an energy source as ...

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    Download ppt "Diabetic Ketoacidosis". Definition Diabetic Ketoacidosis is a stat of metabolic acidosis, hyperglycemia and ketonemia where: Acidosis: arterial ( or capillary) pH < 7.3 and/ or serum HCO3- OF < 15 mmol/L Hyperglycemia: Blood glucose of > 15 mmol/L Ketonemia: positive ketones in serum or urine.

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    Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) - Presentation Slide Edited - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a life-threatening complication of diabetes caused by a combination of insulin deficiency, increased counter regulatory hormones, and impaired glucose utilization leading to ...

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    Diabetic Ketoacidosis Management. Heidi Chamberlain Shea, MD. Endocrine Associates of Dallas. Goals of Discussion Pathophysiology of DKA Biochemical criteria for DKA Treatment of DKA Prevention of DKA Hyperosmolar Nonketoic Syndrome Epidemiology Annual incidence in U.S. 5-8 per 1000 diabetic subjects 2.8% of all diabetic admissions are due to ...


    Presentation on theme: "DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS PROTOCOL"— Presentation transcript: 1 DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS PROTOCOL 2019 REVISION 1 2 DIAGNOSIS OF DKA hyperglycemia: glucose ≥11.1 mmol/L acidosis: pH <7.3 or HCO3- <15 mmol/L ketones in blood and/or urine ~10-20% of kids with new-onset T1D present in DKA DDx: hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state 3 SEVERITY OF DKA pH HCO3- mild <7.3 <15 ...

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    A Nimalasuriya MD Maria Ureña RN, MHA Diabetic Ketoacidosis Management. Goals of Discussion • Pathophysiology of DKA • Biochemical criteria for DKA • Treatment of DKA • Prevention of DKA • Hyperosmolar Nonketoic Syndrome. Epidemiology • Annual incidence in U.S. • 5-8 per 1000 diabetic subjects • 2.8% of all diabetic admissions ...

  14. Diabetic Ketoacidosis Disease

    With tools like this Google Slides and PowerPoint template, creating a comprehensive and professional-looking presentation has never been easier. For those looking to inform others about diabetic ketoacidosis disease, this is a perfect design. Additionally, the included resources, such as graphs, tables and timelines, can help present ...

  15. PPT

    Diabetic Ketoacidosis. Abdelaziz Elamin Professor of Pediatric Endocrinology University of Khartoum, Sudan. Introduction. DKA is a serious acute complications of Diabetes Mellitus. It carries significant risk of death and/or morbidity especially with delayed treatment. Download Presentation short history diabetic children administer potassium phosphate k conc calculated anion gap zeno + Follow ...

  16. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS Andrew J. Bauer Pediatric Endocrinology WRAMC. GOALS • REVIEW TYPE 1 DIABETES AND METABOLISM AS THEY RELATES TO DKA • CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS and MISLEADING LABS • TREATMENT and CONTROVERSIES • TREATMENT GUIDELINES. Type 1 DM • Autoimmune destruction of the pancreatic islet cell • Hallmark ...