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Chapter 1: Introduction to Networks and Networking Concepts.

Published by Franklin Freeman Modified over 9 years ago

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Network PowerPoint Templates

Communicate network structures, strategies, and processes using our Network PowerPoint template selection. These networking PPT templates are designed to cater to a wide range of needs, from detailing IT network infrastructures to showcasing social networking strategies or organizational networks.

With these network-themed templates, you can make presentations about the Internet, computer networks and network infrastructure, social media, and social networking, as well as presentations on topics like biochemistry, business, marketing, globalization, etc.

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Network PowerPoint templates offer a foundation for presentations that depict networks in any form. Whether IT professionals explain network architectures and protocols, business strategists illustrate networking strategies, or HR managers demonstrate organizational structures, these templates provide a versatile tool for a clear and effective presentation.

The application of network PPT templates can span across various industries. For instance, IT and Cybersecurity consultants can implement these creative slides to discuss cybersecurity threats and actions to mitigate potential risks. Business and marketing professionals can apply them to illustrate networking strategies, market connections, and relationships with customers across the globe. The options are varied, and we also have an option for a network PPT template free download for those who want to test our products.

In a highly visual format, our networking presentation templates incorporate diagrams, node structures, and connectivity icons to ease the understanding of the presented concepts. Users can tailor these templates to their specific presentation needs, adjusting the color theme, changing shapes, and adding content at placeholder areas.

Reduce the preparation time for your presentations – work with our network PowerPoint templates and see how it impacts your presentation performance.

What is a Network PowerPoint Template?

A Profile PowerPoint template is a pre-designed slide containing visual elements that facilitate the presentation and explanation of network-related concepts.

How Do I Create a Network Layout in PowerPoint?

To create a network layout in PowerPoint, open a new slide and select Insert from the top menu. Choose Shapes to insert circles (nodes) and lines (connections) to represent your network components and their relationships. Arrange the shapes to reflect your network’s structure, using the Align and Distribute tools under Shape Format for uniform spacing and alignment. Customize the appearance of your nodes and connections by adjusting colors and line styles, and adding text labels for clarity. Group components together for easier manipulation.

You can save countless hours and work with professionally designed network layouts by downloading our network PPT templates.

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Creating a network diagram is essential for visualizing the structure and relationships within a network, whether it’s for IT infrastructure, organizational hierarchies, or social connections. It simplifies complex systems, making understanding connections, dependencies, and the flow of information or resources easier.

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The Complete Guide To Giving A Networking Presentation

The Complete Guide To Giving A Networking Presentation

Ah yes. The classic business networking presentation.  If you are in the business sphere at all, at some time or another you will have the floor to give a presentation. If you incorporate business networking in your marketing, then, you’ll likely have an opportunity to do a business networking presentation.

But what exactly IS that?

A networking presentation isn’t a sale pitch, or a TEDtalk (although those rock). It is a special blend of who you are, why you do what you do, and what people need to know in order to send you quality business.

While it’s pretty standard to have this kind of opportunity if you are part of a networking group, it can be a challenge to make the most of this time. Even if you are veteran networking beast and have done these types of presentations before – you will find that the networking game have changed immensely in the last few years. So how to do give a networking presentation that benefits both you and your fellow networkers?

After years of networking, building my own businesses , and leading  networking groups  I have seen it all – the good, the bad, the ugly.

I’ve laughed, I’ve cried, I’ve cringed.

I’ve been bored, felt insulted, been inspired. I’ve done presentations and witnessed countless more. 5 minutes long, 10 minutes, 15, 20… big business, small businesses, it doesn’t really matter – there are some ket things that set about a decent networking presentation from one that smashes it out of the park. And that’s really what we are all going for – to take our businesses to the next level. We’re all on the same team, we all have the same goals.

So are you ready to dive in? Grab a cup of coffee and a notepad (or tablet, or voice memo, or however you record your muse) and let’s unpack how to give the ultimate networking presentation!

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First things first, we have to lay some ground rules when it comes to networking presentations. The most important thing you need to get straight is your perspective- where you are coming from, how you are approaching your presentation.

Traditionally, a business prevention is coming from a sales perspective  – selling an item, service, or even an idea.

A networking presentation, however, breaks out of that  mold and focuses on the opposite. The goal is not to sell a service or product or even an idea.

Your goal is to sell YOU.

If you go in with a traditional sales mindset, then you are already setting yourself up for failure. Why?

The people listening to your networking presentation are not your customers!

In a business networking group, your goal is to build trusting relationships that lead to referrals  and strategic partnerships. It’s not about selling… at least, not directly. Sales are the fruit  of time spent sowing and cultivating relationships . That perspective is what lead to productive networking , a solid 30/60/90 second  marketing message , and is the key to a successful networking presentation as well.

Now that we have our focus right, we can get into the nitty gritty of planning out a presentation!

Step 1: Determine your goals.

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Your networking presentation should have two goals:

  • to tell who you are
  • to tell how we (the people in the room) can send you business.

Sound simple, right? Don’t scroll to the end of this blog so fast, because it’s actually harder than it seems to share these two things well.

If you only share who you are, then all you succeeded in doing was talking about yourself for ten minutes straight. If you only talk about how we can help you, then we don’t have anything to base our trust on.

Why should we trust you? Why should we go out of our way to do the things you are asking us to do? Why should we refer someone to you instead of someone else in the same industry?

People have to know who you are.

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To get started with your planning, ask yourself:

Who am I? How can the people in this room best send me business?

Then actually answer those questions.

Got it written down? For real? Ok, fine, it can be digitally recored, if you are anti-paper. But are you clear on those two things? Now we are ready for the next step!

Step 2: The Beginning (of your presentation)

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People remember the beginning and the end of your presentation, and that’s about it.

It’s not that they weren’t listening, didn’t find it interesting, or just don’t care… it’s just how people are. So don’t take it personally. What you should do is give some TLC to the beginning of your presentation.  Don’t discredit the first few minutes of your presentation. You only have a few minutes to make an impact, so plan it out!

Plan to start with a bang. Tell a story, ask a proactive question, share a compelling quote.

Pay close attention to how you phrase questions, too. Think “trivia question” format. Instead of “how many of you are ready to retirement?” or “how many of you know someone who is near retirement age?” ask “who do you think the average retirement age is?”

Another key component of a great opening is to tell us what you are going to tell us about.

Get us ready. Get our brains focused. “Think about a time…” We live in an age of pings and tweets and stories to do lists… assume that your audience is distracted, and act accordingly to bring their attention back to you.

Step 3: The Middle (of your presentation)

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Now is the time to dive in and start sharing the important information that helps us trust you and want to refer you business. Don’t waste time sharing things that don’t contribute to that goal. Good questions to ask are:

How long have you been in business? What is your experience? How long have you been in your city? Why do you do what you do, what is your passion?

While it’s ok to share person info – like pets, favorite sports teams, hobbies – but be careful not to take up too much time with those things. Pick one unique thing about you and stick to that.

Now for this next one, I need you to hang with me. Put down the coffee for just a sec, because I am about to tell you to

Ditch the slides.

I know I am getting crazy, but hear me out:

If your goal is not to sell a product, service, or idea, but to instead to sell yourself… what better way to do that than to just share you? The real, live, in the flesh, talking and breathing you?

Slides may be pretty, but that is the danger. People end up focusing on what is on the screen and not on YOU.

So what’s a person to do? Slides ARE professional, no doubt about that, and it’s great to have supporting information for what you are verbally speaking.

Instead of a full set of slides, I recommend opting for one or two slides, a simple handout, or other physical object.

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Canva is the end all, be all to creating your own visual content, slides included. If you haven’t check out this free tool, you totally should… just be prepared to just sucked in to creating content for social media, your website, and more. They even have tutorials to help you get started.

But I digress. Canva rocks, and slides rock, but don’t let them take over you… because YOU are your own best salesperson.

Step 4: The Ending – what it all comes down to

Cue dramatic cinematic music. The crowd is hushed. You have commanded their attention for 80% of your presentation. The world is yours.

No pressure. Don’t blow it!

But really. Remember when said that people only really remember the beginning and the end of your presentation?  If you give an engaging presentation, but fail to end with a bang, all of your time and planning was in vain. And no one want’s that.  Pay special attention to the last 1-2 minutes of your presentation in a way that leads to cheers and applause.

Here are 2 things that I think are invaluable to ending your presentation strong:

Leave time for questions.

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For most presentations you will have a set amount of time. Out of respect for the group and your fellow networkers, make sure you stick to your allotted time. Part of that means building in time for questions. If you have the floor for ten minutes, then you need to present for 8 and then have 2 minutes of questions.  Interactive back and forth conversations is more impactful than one way conversations, so leaving time for questions is worth it!

Remember that questions don’t have to be saved to the end; you can give time throughout your presentation for people to ask, if you would like. Just set the expectations clearly at the beginning. Either say “there will be time for questions at the end,” or “please feel free to ask questions as we go.” The more clarity you give us (the listeners!) the more impactful your presentation will be.

REALLY know what you need! Have a call to action.

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And don’t say “I need referrals!” We ALL need more referrals.

Instead, tell people how they can help you specifically:

  • TODAY. Immediately.

This goes back to the beginning, when we really had to get clear on who you are and how other business owners can help you.

If you want to use a flier or handout, make one specifically for your business networking connections, not one that you already have pre-made for your customers. Canva is another great place to make a tool like this, or, just have a simple word document with your logo on it.

Some great things to include would be who you are, your business, your contact information, where they can find you online in social media, what you ideal client is, and who your strategic partnerships are.

Things that do NOT count as a productive call to action: passing around a pile of your business cards, collecting everyone else business cards, having an email sign up sheet. 

To wrap things up, networking presentations can have a huge impact on your business – it just takes some planning and practice. Invest the time to laying a solid foundation, then work through planning out each section of your presentation.

The result will be an impactful, engaging presentation that benefits not only your business, but your networking group as well.

Networking is meant to be awkward, confusing, and so much fun. What I have found is that by working together we can all ultimately grow; so give us a share if you liked this blog (and we sure hope you did) give it a share! Facebook , Twitter, Instagram, good old fashioned email… however you want to spread the love. Snooze-free presentations for everyone!

Download your Complete Guide – including a worksheet – HERE!

Elizabeth Victory

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The OSI Model – The 7 Layers of Networking Explained in Plain English


By Chloe Tucker

This article explains the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model and the 7 layers of networking, in plain English.

The OSI model is a conceptual framework that is used to describe how a network functions. In plain English, the OSI model helped standardize the way computer systems send information to each other.

Learning networking is a bit like learning a language - there are lots of standards and then some exceptions. Therefore, it’s important to really understand that the OSI model is not a set of rules. It is a tool for understanding how networks function.

Once you learn the OSI model, you will be able to further understand and appreciate this glorious entity we call the Internet, as well as be able to troubleshoot networking issues with greater fluency and ease.

All hail the Internet!


You don’t need any prior programming or networking experience to understand this article. However, you will need:

  • Basic familiarity with common networking terms (explained below)
  • A curiosity about how things work :)

Learning Objectives

Over the course of this article, you will learn:

  • What the OSI model is
  • The purpose of each of the 7 layers
  • The problems that can happen at each of the 7 layers
  • The difference between TCP/IP model and the OSI model

Common Networking Terms

Here are some common networking terms that you should be familiar with to get the most out of this article. I’ll use these terms when I talk about OSI layers next.

A node is a physical electronic device hooked up to a network, for example a computer, printer, router, and so on. If set up properly, a node is capable of sending and/or receiving information over a network.

Nodes may be set up adjacent to one other, wherein Node A can connect directly to Node B, or there may be an intermediate node, like a switch or a router, set up between Node A and Node B.

Typically, routers connect networks to the Internet and switches operate within a network to facilitate intra-network communication. Learn more about hub vs. switch vs. router.

Here's an example:


For the nitpicky among us (yep, I see you), host is another term that you will encounter in networking. I will define a host as a type of node that requires an IP address. All hosts are nodes, but not all nodes are hosts. Please Tweet angrily at me if you disagree.

Links connect nodes on a network. Links can be wired, like Ethernet, or cable-free, like WiFi.

Links to can either be point-to-point, where Node A is connected to Node B, or multipoint, where Node A is connected to Node B and Node C.

When we’re talking about information being transmitted, this may also be described as a one-to-one vs. a one-to-many relationship.

A protocol is a mutually agreed upon set of rules that allows two nodes on a network to exchange data.

“A protocol defines the rules governing the syntax (what can be communicated), semantics (how it can be communicated), and synchronization (when and at what speed it can be communicated) of the communications procedure. Protocols can be implemented on hardware, software, or a combination of both. Protocols can be created by anyone, but the most widely adopted protocols are based on standards.” - The Illustrated Network.

Both wired and cable-free links can have protocols.

While anyone can create a protocol, the most widely adopted protocols are often based on standards published by Internet organizations such as the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).

A network is a general term for a group of computers, printers, or any other device that wants to share data.

Network types include LAN, HAN, CAN, MAN, WAN, BAN, or VPN. Think I’m just randomly rhyming things with the word can ? I can ’t say I am - these are all real network types. Learn more here .

Topology describes how nodes and links fit together in a network configuration, often depicted in a diagram. Here are some common network topology types:

What is Network Topology? Best Guides to Types & Diagrams - DNSstuff

A network consists of nodes, links between nodes, and protocols that govern data transmission between nodes.

At whatever scale and complexity networks get to, you will understand what’s happening in all computer networks by learning the OSI model and 7 layers of networking.

What is the OSI Model?

The OSI model consists of 7 layers of networking.

First, what’s a layer?

Cave, Dragon's Lair, mountains

No, a layer - not a lair . Here there are no dragons.

A layer is a way of categorizing and grouping functionality and behavior on and of a network.

In the OSI model, layers are organized from the most tangible and most physical, to less tangible and less physical but closer to the end user.

Each layer abstracts lower level functionality away until by the time you get to the highest layer. All the details and inner workings of all the other layers are hidden from the end user.

How to remember all the names of the layers? Easy.

  • Please | Physical Layer
  • Do | Data Link Layer
  • Not | Network Layer
  • Tell (the) | Transport Layer
  • Secret | Session Layer
  • Password (to) | Presentation Layer
  • Anyone | Application Layer

Keep in mind that while certain technologies, like protocols, may logically “belong to” one layer more than another, not all technologies fit neatly into a single layer in the OSI model. For example, Ethernet, 802.11 (Wifi) and the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) procedure operate on >1 layer.

The OSI is a model and a tool, not a set of rules.

OSI Layer 1

Layer 1 is the physical layer . There’s a lot of technology in Layer 1 - everything from physical network devices, cabling, to how the cables hook up to the devices. Plus if we don’t need cables, what the signal type and transmission methods are (for example, wireless broadband).

Instead of listing every type of technology in Layer 1, I’ve created broader categories for these technologies. I encourage readers to learn more about each of these categories:

  • Nodes (devices) and networking hardware components. Devices include hubs, repeaters, routers, computers, printers, and so on. Hardware components that live inside of these devices include antennas, amplifiers, Network Interface Cards (NICs), and more.
  • Device interface mechanics. How and where does a cable connect to a device (cable connector and device socket)? What is the size and shape of the connector, and how many pins does it have? What dictates when a pin is active or inactive?
  • Functional and procedural logic. What is the function of each pin in the connector - send or receive? What procedural logic dictates the sequence of events so a node can start to communicate with another node on Layer 2?
  • Cabling protocols and specifications. Ethernet (CAT), USB, Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) , and more. Specifications include maximum cable length, modulation techniques, radio specifications, line coding, and bits synchronization (more on that below).
  • Cable types. Options include shielded or unshielded twisted pair, untwisted pair, coaxial and so on. Learn more about cable types here .
  • Signal type. Baseband is a single bit stream at a time, like a railway track - one-way only. Broadband consists of multiple bit streams at the same time, like a bi-directional highway.
  • Signal transmission method (may be wired or cable-free). Options include electrical (Ethernet), light (optical networks, fiber optics), radio waves (802.11 WiFi, a/b/g/n/ac/ax variants or Bluetooth). If cable-free, then also consider frequency: 2.5 GHz vs. 5 GHz. If it’s cabled, consider voltage. If cabled and Ethernet, also consider networking standards like 100BASE-T and related standards.

The data unit on Layer 1 is the bit.

A bit the smallest unit of transmittable digital information. Bits are binary, so either a 0 or a 1. Bytes, consisting of 8 bits, are used to represent single characters, like a letter, numeral, or symbol.

Bits are sent to and from hardware devices in accordance with the supported data rate (transmission rate, in number of bits per second or millisecond) and are synchronized so the number of bits sent and received per unit of time remains consistent (this is called bit synchronization). The way bits are transmitted depends on the signal transmission method.

Nodes can send, receive, or send and receive bits. If they can only do one, then the node uses a simplex mode. If they can do both, then the node uses a duplex mode. If a node can send and receive at the same time, it’s full-duplex – if not, it’s just half-duplex.

The original Ethernet was half-duplex. Full-duplex Ethernet is an option now, given the right equipment.

How to Troubleshoot OSI Layer 1 Problems

Here are some Layer 1 problems to watch out for:

  • Defunct cables, for example damaged wires or broken connectors
  • Broken hardware network devices, for example damaged circuits
  • Stuff being unplugged (...we’ve all been there)

If there are issues in Layer 1, anything beyond Layer 1 will not function properly.

Layer 1 contains the infrastructure that makes communication on networks possible.

It defines the electrical, mechanical, procedural, and functional specifications for activating, maintaining, and deactivating physical links between network devices. - Source

Fun fact: deep-sea communications cables transmit data around the world. This map will blow your mind:

And because you made it this far, here’s a koala:

Closeup of a Koala

OSI Layer 2

Layer 2 is the data link layer . Layer 2 defines how data is formatted for transmission, how much data can flow between nodes, for how long, and what to do when errors are detected in this flow.

In more official tech terms:

  • Line discipline. Who should talk for how long? How long should nodes be able to transit information for?
  • Flow control. How much data should be transmitted?
  • Error control - detection and correction . All data transmission methods have potential for errors, from electrical spikes to dirty connectors. Once Layer 2 technologies tell network administrators about an issue on Layer 2 or Layer 1, the system administrator can correct for those errors on subsequent layers. Layer 2 is mostly concerned with error detection, not error correction. ( Source )

There are two distinct sublayers within Layer 2:

  • Media Access Control (MAC): the MAC sublayer handles the assignment of a hardware identification number, called a MAC address, that uniquely identifies each device on a network. No two devices should have the same MAC address. The MAC address is assigned at the point of manufacturing. It is automatically recognized by most networks. MAC addresses live on Network Interface Cards (NICs). Switches keep track of all MAC addresses on a network. Learn more about MAC addresses on PC Mag and in this article . Learn more about network switches here .
  • Logical Link Control (LLC): the LLC sublayer handles framing addressing and flow control. The speed depends on the link between nodes, for example Ethernet or Wifi.

The data unit on Layer 2 is a frame .

Each frame contains a frame header, body, and a frame trailer:

  • Header: typically includes MAC addresses for the source and destination nodes.
  • Body: consists of the bits being transmitted.
  • Trailer: includes error detection information. When errors are detected, and depending on the implementation or configuration of a network or protocol, frames may be discarded or the error may be reported up to higher layers for further error correction. Examples of error detection mechanisms: Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) and Frame Check Sequence (FCS). Learn more about error detection techniques here .

Example of frames, the network layer, and the physical layer

Typically there is a maximum frame size limit, called an Maximum Transmission Unit, MTU. Jumbo frames exceed the standard MTU, learn more about jumbo frames here .

How to Troubleshoot OSI Layer 2 Problems

Here are some Layer 2 problems to watch out for:

  • All the problems that can occur on Layer 1
  • Unsuccessful connections (sessions) between two nodes
  • Sessions that are successfully established but intermittently fail
  • Frame collisions

The Data Link Layer allows nodes to communicate with each other within a local area network. The foundations of line discipline, flow control, and error control are established in this layer.

OSI Layer 3

Layer 3 is the network layer . This is where we send information between and across networks through the use of routers. Instead of just node-to-node communication, we can now do network-to-network communication.

Routers are the workhorse of Layer 3 - we couldn’t have Layer 3 without them. They move data packets across multiple networks.

Not only do they connect to Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to provide access to the Internet, they also keep track of what’s on its network (remember that switches keep track of all MAC addresses on a network), what other networks it’s connected to, and the different paths for routing data packets across these networks.

Routers store all of this addressing and routing information in routing tables.

Here’s a simple example of a routing table:

A routing table showing the destination, subnet mask, and interface

The data unit on Layer 3 is the data packet . Typically, each data packet contains a frame plus an IP address information wrapper. In other words, frames are encapsulated by Layer 3 addressing information.

The data being transmitted in a packet is also sometimes called the payload . While each packet has everything it needs to get to its destination, whether or not it makes it there is another story.

Layer 3 transmissions are connectionless, or best effort - they don't do anything but send the traffic where it’s supposed to go. More on data transport protocols on Layer 4.

Once a node is connected to the Internet, it is assigned an Internet Protocol (IP) address, which looks either like 172.16. 254.1 (IPv4 address convention) or like 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 (IPv6 address convention). Routers use IP addresses in their routing tables.

IP addresses are associated with the physical node’s MAC address via the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), which resolves MAC addresses with the node’s corresponding IP address.

ARP is conventionally considered part of Layer 2, but since IP addresses don’t exist until Layer 3, it’s also part of Layer 3.

How to Troubleshoot OSI Layer 3 Problems

Here are some Layer 3 problems to watch out for:

  • All the problems that can crop up on previous layers :)
  • Faulty or non-functional router or other node
  • IP address is incorrectly configured

Many answers to Layer 3 questions will require the use of command-line tools like ping , trace , show ip route , or show ip protocols . Learn more about troubleshooting on layer 1-3 here .

The Network Layer allows nodes to connect to the Internet and send information across different networks.

OSI Layer 4

Layer 4 is the transport layer . This where we dive into the nitty gritty specifics of the connection between two nodes and how information is transmitted between them. It builds on the functions of Layer 2 - line discipline, flow control, and error control.

This layer is also responsible for data packet segmentation, or how data packets are broken up and sent over the network.

Unlike the previous layer, Layer 4 also has an understanding of the whole message, not just the contents of each individual data packet. With this understanding, Layer 4 is able to manage network congestion by not sending all the packets at once.

The data units of Layer 4 go by a few names. For TCP, the data unit is a packet. For UDP, a packet is referred to as a datagram. I’ll just use the term data packet here for the sake of simplicity.

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) are two of the most well-known protocols in Layer 4.

TCP, a connection-oriented protocol, prioritizes data quality over speed.

TCP explicitly establishes a connection with the destination node and requires a handshake between the source and destination nodes when data is transmitted. The handshake confirms that data was received. If the destination node does not receive all of the data, TCP will ask for a retry.

TCP also ensures that packets are delivered or reassembled in the correct order. Learn more about TCP here .

UDP, a connectionless protocol, prioritizes speed over data quality. UDP does not require a handshake, which is why it’s called connectionless.

Because UDP doesn’t have to wait for this acknowledgement, it can send data at a faster rate, but not all of the data may be successfully transmitted and we’d never know.

If information is split up into multiple datagrams, unless those datagrams contain a sequence number, UDP does not ensure that packets are reassembled in the correct order. Learn more about UDP here .

TCP and UDP both send data to specific ports on a network device, which has an IP address. The combination of the IP address and the port number is called a socket.

Learn more about sockets here .

Learn more about the differences and similarities between these two protocols here .

How to Troubleshoot OSI Layer 4 Problems

Here are some Layer 4 problems to watch out for:

  • Blocked ports - check your Access Control Lists (ACL) & firewalls
  • Quality of Service (QoS) settings. QoS is a feature of routers/switches that can prioritize traffic, and they can really muck things up. Learn more about QoS here .

The Transport Layer provides end-to-end transmission of a message by segmenting a message into multiple data packets; the layer supports connection-oriented and connectionless communication.

OSI Layer 5

Layer 5 is the session layer . This layer establishes, maintains, and terminates sessions.

A session is a mutually agreed upon connection that is established between two network applications. Not two nodes! Nope, we’ve moved on from nodes. They were so Layer 4.

Just kidding, we still have nodes, but Layer 5 doesn’t need to retain the concept of a node because that’s been abstracted out (taken care of) by previous layers.

So a session is a connection that is established between two specific end-user applications. There are two important concepts to consider here:

  • Client and server model: the application requesting the information is called the client, and the application that has the requested information is called the server.
  • Request and response model: while a session is being established and during a session, there is a constant back-and-forth of requests for information and responses containing that information or “hey, I don’t have what you’re requesting.”

Sessions may be open for a very short amount of time or a long amount of time. They may fail sometimes, too.

Depending on the protocol in question, various failure resolution processes may kick in. Depending on the applications/protocols/hardware in use, sessions may support simplex, half-duplex, or full-duplex modes.

Examples of protocols on Layer 5 include Network Basic Input Output System (NetBIOS) and Remote Procedure Call Protocol (RPC), and many others.

From here on out (layer 5 and up), networks are focused on ways of making connections to end-user applications and displaying data to the user.

How to Troubleshoot OSI Layer 5 Problems

Here are some Layer 5 problems to watch out for:

  • Servers are unavailable
  • Servers are incorrectly configured, for example Apache or PHP configs
  • Session failure - disconnect, timeout, and so on.

The Session Layer initiates, maintains, and terminates connections between two end-user applications. It responds to requests from the presentation layer and issues requests to the transport layer.

OSI Layer 6

Layer 6 is the presentation layer . This layer is responsible for data formatting, such as character encoding and conversions, and data encryption.

The operating system that hosts the end-user application is typically involved in Layer 6 processes. This functionality is not always implemented in a network protocol.

Layer 6 makes sure that end-user applications operating on Layer 7 can successfully consume data and, of course, eventually display it.

There are three data formatting methods to be aware of:

  • American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII): this 7-bit encoding technique is the most widely used standard for character encoding. One superset is ISO-8859-1, which provides most of the characters necessary for languages spoken in Western Europe.
  • Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBDCIC): designed by IBM for mainframe usage. This encoding is incompatible with other character encoding methods.
  • Unicode: character encodings can be done with 32-, 16-, or 8-bit characters and attempts to accommodate every known, written alphabet.

Learn more about character encoding methods in this article , and also here .

Encryption: SSL or TLS encryption protocols live on Layer 6. These encryption protocols help ensure that transmitted data is less vulnerable to malicious actors by providing authentication and data encryption for nodes operating on a network. TLS is the successor to SSL.

How to Troubleshoot OSI Layer 6 Problems

Here are some Layer 6 problems to watch out for:

  • Non-existent or corrupted drivers
  • Incorrect OS user access level

The Presentation Layer formats and encrypts data.

OSI Layer 7

Layer 7 is the application layer .

True to its name, this is the layer that is ultimately responsible for supporting services used by end-user applications. Applications include software programs that are installed on the operating system, like Internet browsers (for example, Firefox) or word processing programs (for example, Microsoft Word).

Applications can perform specialized network functions under the hood and require specialized services that fall under the umbrella of Layer 7.

Electronic mail programs, for example, are specifically created to run over a network and utilize networking functionality, such as email protocols, which fall under Layer 7.

Applications will also control end-user interaction, such as security checks (for example, MFA), identification of two participants, initiation of an exchange of information, and so on.

Protocols that operate on this level include File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Secure Shell (SSH), Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), Domain Name Service (DNS), and Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

While each of these protocols serve different functions and operate differently, on a high level they all facilitate the communication of information. ( Source )

How to Troubleshoot OSI Layer 7 Problems

Here are some Layer 7 problems to watch out for:

  • All issues on previous layers
  • Incorrectly configured software applications
  • User error (... we’ve all been there)

The Application Layer owns the services and functions that end-user applications need to work. It does not include the applications themselves.

Our Layer 1 koala is all grown up.

Koala with Photoshopped makeup

Learning check - can you apply makeup to a koala?

Don’t have a koala?

Well - answer these questions instead. It’s the next best thing, I promise.

  • What is the OSI model?
  • What are each of the layers?
  • How could I use this information to troubleshoot networking issues?

Congratulations - you’ve taken one step farther to understanding the glorious entity we call the Internet.

Learning Resources

Many, very smart people have written entire books about the OSI model or entire books about specific layers. I encourage readers to check out any O’Reilly-published books about the subject or about network engineering in general.

Here are some resources I used when writing this article:

  • The Illustrated Network, 2nd Edition
  • Protocol Data Unit (PDU):
  • Troubleshooting Along the OSI Model:
  • The OSI Model Demystified:
  • OSI Model for Dummies:

Chloe Tucker is an artist and computer science enthusiast based in Portland, Oregon. As a former educator, she's continuously searching for the intersection of learning and teaching, or technology and art. Reach out to her on Twitter @_chloetucker and check out her website at .

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Fundamentals of computer networking

Learn the fundamental principles of computer networking to prepare you for the Azure admin and developer learning paths.

Learning objectives

In this module, you will:

  • List the different network protocols and network standards.
  • List the different network types and topologies.
  • List the different types of network devices used in a network.
  • Describe network communication principles like TCP/IP, DNS, and ports.
  • Describe how these core components map to Azure networking.


  • Introduction min
  • Network types and topologies to use when you design a network min
  • Types of network devices to use when you build a network min
  • Network protocols to use when you implement a network min
  • IP address standards and services min
  • Summary min
  • Collections

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How To Present Your Network Marketing Business

How To Present Your Network Marketing Business

Network PowerPoint Templates

Network PowerPoint Templates

We're here to help you, what is networking.

Networking is connecting computers and devices and allowing them to communicate with each other. It connects computers, devices, and services using wired and wireless technology. Networking is used to share data, access the Internet, and enable communication and collaboration between multiple users.

What are Networking PowerPoint Templates?

Networking PowerPoint templates are pre-made slide decks that allow you to quickly and easily create an impressive presentation about networking and related topics. They come with professionally designed layouts, images, charts, diagrams, and other visuals to help you explain and illustrate your points.

Where can we use these Networking Slides?

Anyone who wants to explain networking can use these Slides in various settings, such as seminars, workshops, webinars, and online courses. Teachers can also use them in the classroom to teach students about networking concepts and technologies.

How can I make Networking PPT Slides in a presentation?

Suppose you are under time-constrained. Search online for Networking PowerPoint templates. A variety of websites offer a range of templates you can customize to your needs. Choose a unique design or layout to showcase your data in an easy-to-understand format. If you want to create the Networking PPT Slides by yourself, visit our tips and tricks page to make your custom PowerPoint.

Who can use Networking PPT Templates?

These templates can be used by professional who wants to create a presentation about networking. These templates are handy for computer students, business owners, and software engineers.

Why do we need Networking PowerPoint Slides?

Networking PowerPoint slides are an effective way to communicate network-related topics to a large audience. They provide an organized visual representation, such as a flowchart and diagram, that can help engage the audience and make it easier to understand complex topics. You can use them to explain networking architecture, protocols, and security topics.

Where can I find Networking PPT Templates for free?

The great sources for free Networking PPT templates are slide egg. Our websites have a selection of uniquely designed templates that you can customize and modify to suit your needs.


Networking with PowerPoint: Use Your Presentation to Build Your Network

LinkedIn, Xing, your personal blog – all are great tools for increasing your visibility in the business community. But what about networking with PowerPoint presentations? A presentation doesn’t have to end with the last slide. Engaging with your audience is the key to creating networking opportunities once your PowerPoint presentation is finished.

 Networking: What is it and how do you make new business contacts?


Networking is the process of building and maintaining a system of contacts. Each member of the network brings their own contacts, leading the network to continue growing.

A network brings a lot of advantages. Professional support and shared knowledge are not the only benefits; a network also brings career-building advantages. Network contacts often make a job search a much simpler process and can even help kick-start a career.

We’ve put together four effective networking tips to help you start networking with PowerPoint:

1. Set goals

Decide what you hope to gain from your contacts and what you hope to achieve through networking.

2. Quality over quantity

A good network is only as valuable as its members. Don’t keep adding new members for the sake of statistics – only add new members that are pursuing similar goals.

3. Give and take

The best way to get a network started is to find contacts with the same goals and professional interests. Exchange ideas with other members without expecting anything in return. Sooner or later, you too will gain valuable tips and information.

4. Keep at it

Cultivate your contacts and strengthen the connections you make. You can do this both online and in person. To learn how to become an ace at networking, take a look at this article .

Networking with PowerPoint: How to use presentations to make business contacts


No matter what the topic, presentations are all about sharing information with your audience in the most descriptive and interesting way possible. Successful PowerPoint presentations exude competence and inspire confidence. These same qualities are the backbone of effective networking, which is why building contacts after a presentation is a natural next step.

PowerPoint presentations: Connect with genuine prospects

Presentations are an ideal platform to share your information and messages with others.

We’re all inundated with information, 24/7. And that can be overwhelming, to say the least. While email newsletters or Instagram posts are often deleted or ignored completely, an audience makes a conscious decision to listen to a presentation.   Those who attend your presentation are genuinely interested in learning more about your topic. What’s more, your audience trusts that you’re competent in your field. Take advantage of this opportunity and win over new business contacts, customers and followers.

6 tips for effective networking and building business contacts with presentations

Warum wichtig min 1

1. Be yourself

Even though you may think you’re playing your role perfectly, most people know if someone is pretending to be someone they aren’t. Stay true to yourself during your presentation. This is a surefire way of gaining your audience’s confidence and at the same time, laying the foundation for new business contacts.

2. Your presentation should be interesting and relevant to your audience Think about what information you want to share with your audience and how you want to deliver it. It’s important to provide them with facts and information that they’ll find interesting.

Read this article  to learn how to use rhetoric and public speaking techniques to deliver an inspiring presentation. Sharing pertinent information with your audience creates confidence and provides a solid basis for networking.

3. Use the right body language

Even the most interesting information will be less than convincing if it’s not presented in the right way. Your body language not only communicates confidence and poise, but also supports your content. Needless to say, body language plays a decisive role in successful networking too. In this article , you’ll learn what body language is all about and how you can use it to sell yourself to your audience.

4. Stir your audience’s emotions

Meaningful facts and figures are the core of any presentation. But you need to engage your audience on an emotional level, too. Rouse your audience, inspire confidence and motivate them to improve their professional and/or personal lives. When it comes to networking, you need to connect with potential business partners and customers on a more emotional level. A great way to do this is through storytelling. You’ll find some great tips on storytelling in our blog .

5. Prepare for your presentation  

Being nervous is normal. While some people seem to be made for the stage, others find it utterly nerve-wracking to speak in front of an audience. But with the right preparation, you can control your nerves and present confidently.

It’s always a good idea to rehearse your PowerPoint presentation and prepare a mental checklist. Go over your core messages, make sure your slides and equipment are in order and that you’re ready for any questions from your audience.

6. Engage your audience

Networking is all about building rapport and trust with others and a presentation is a great way to lay that foundation. Actively involving your audience in your presentation creates a connection and builds excitement. Interacting with your audience will not only increase their interest, but also creates a personal connection between you and them. Ask your audience for personal stories or give them the chance to answer technical questions.

Networking doesn’t stop – not even after your presentation!


Most presenters are happy when the presentation is over, and the stress of presenting behind them. Nevertheless, it’s still important to continue networking and exchanging ideas with the audience. We’ve put together 10 tips on how to network after your presentation.

1. Be accessible

Don’t rush out after your presentation. Instead, plan some time to talk to your audience. This gives you the opportunity to receive feedback and discuss your topic with them.

2. Set a goal  

You may have a goal for your presentation, but you need a goal for networking afterwards. For example, aim to collect at least 10 business cards or speaking to 7 people.

Being a good listener is key to establishing contacts. Your presentation was the time to put your ideas in the spotlight. Once it’s over, let your audience ask questions and listen attentively.

4. Avoid sales pitches

Making contacts is not about selling yourself. It’s more important to exchange ideas and have conversations that can be followed up on later. You’ve already presented your facts and figures; follow-up conversations shouldn’t signal a second round of your presentation.

5. Revisit comments and concerns

If anyone has asked questions or made comments during your presentation, make sure to follow up with those people. Address any concerns and try to come to an understanding before the rest of the audience has left the room.

6. Get feedback…

Seek feedback from your audience and be open to it. Getting face-to-face feedback is a great networking opportunity.

7. … with a questionnaire

If you don’t have time to talk to your audience personally, there are other ways to get their reaction to your presentation. Hand out a questionnaire or send a call-to-action email to get feedback.

8. Set a time limit

Networking can be pretty exhausting. You have to be patient; you may have to put up with criticism or uncomfortable questions. If this seems a bit daunting, it may help to set a time limit.

Allow at least 15 minutes for questions and comments. Providing your audience with additional information in a handout will allow you to moderate and steer the discussion at any time.

9. Keep in touch

If you get someone’s contact information, reach out to them. This is how you continue to share ideas and open up potential business opportunities.

10. Learn from mistakes Maybe your presentation didn’t go perfectly. Take a look at your presentation the day after and make a list of things that did and didn’t go well. Review this list before your next presentation and learn from any mistakes you may have made.

Use your presentation for effective networking!


A presentation gives you the chance to convince an interested audience of your expertise. This lays the foundation to steadily expand your network and build your professional reputation.

If you have any questions about networking or PowerPoint in general, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] . We’d be happy to help you! Looking to build your network at your next presentation? Take a look at our shop . You’ll find everything you need to make your next PowerPoint presentation a success.

Product Presentation Shop

Check out our blog for more helpful articles on how to master your presentation and build a strong foundation for networking. here are a few that might interest you:

  • Humor in presentations
  • PowerPoint Presenter View
  • Body language in presentations
  • Public speaking skills
  • How to end a presentati

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introduction to networking

Introduction to Networking

Mar 19, 2019

560 likes | 730 Views

Introduction to Networking. Frank Stanley, Jason Fisk, Philip Berg. Overview. Definitions Network Topology Ethernet OSI Model Hubs, Bridges, Switches, and Routers Network Adaptor Network Links. Definitions.

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  • network topology
  • network segment
  • specific network segment
  • layer 3 network layer


Presentation Transcript

Introduction to Networking Frank Stanley, Jason Fisk, Philip Berg

Overview • Definitions • Network Topology • Ethernet • OSI Model • Hubs, Bridges, Switches, and Routers • Network Adaptor • Network Links

Definitions • Network – A group of computers connected together in a way that allows information to be exchanged between them. • Node – Anything that is connected to the network. • Segment – Any portion of a network that is separated, by a switch, bridge, or router, from other parts of the network • Backbone – The main cabling of a network that all of the segments connect to. Generally the backbone is capable of carrying more information that the individual segments. • Topology – The way that each node is physically connected to the network.

More definitions • Local Area Network (LAN) – A network of computers in the same general physical location. • Wide Area Network (WAN) – A network of computers that are connected over a large area. • Network Interface Card (NIC) – Every computer and most other devices are connected to the network via a NIC. Generally this is an Ethernet card. • Media Access Control (MAC) Address – The physical address of a device, such as a NIC. It has two parts, each 3 bytes long. The first 3 bytes identify the company that made the NIC, the second 3 bytes are the individual serial number for the NIC.

Even more definitions • Unicast – A transmission from one node addressed specifically to another node. • Multicast – A node sends a packet addressed to a specific group address. Only members of this group will see the packet. • Broadcast – A node sends out a packet that is intended to be read by all other nodes on the network.

Topology • Bus • Ring • Star • Star Bus • Mesh

Bus Each node is daisy-chained along the same backbone. Information sent from a node travels down the backbone until it reaches its destination node. Each end of a bus must be terminated with a resistor so that signals do not bounce back. The bus is ok for small networks but if more than one dozen computers are added, performance problems are the result. Also if the backbone fails the entire network will go down.

Ring A ring network is a bus that is not terminated, but connected at the ends to make a ring. Each node takes turns sending and receiving information through the use of a token. The token moves from node to node and each node extracts the data meant for it and adds anymore data that it needs to. Only the node with the token is allowed to send data, all other nodes must wait. Like a bus if the backbone fails the entire network will go down.

Star In a star network each device is connected to a central hub (which may be a hub or a switch). The hub takes a signal from any node and passes it to all the other nodes in the network. Compared to the bus topology the star requires more cabling, but a failure in a cable will only remove one node. However, if the hub fails the entire network fails.

Star Bus The star bus (also known as tree) is the most common network topology in use today. It is a combination of the star and the bus. Nodes in particular areas are connected to hubs and the hubs are connected to a backbone bus. Quite often stars are nested within stars.

Mesh The mesh topology involves routing. Unlike other topologies, messages sent out can take any of several possible paths to reach their destination. Some WANS, like the internet, use the mesh topology.

Ethernet • Very popular for several decades • Relatively inexpensive • Reasonably fast Why use Ethernet?

Traditional Ethernet • Development began in 1972 at Xerox Parc by Bob Metcalfe and D.R. Boggs • Specifications based on this work appeared in IEEE 802.3 in 1980 • 10base5 or “Thicknet” was the first incarnation of ethernet • 10base2 or “Thinnet” followed and was half the thickness of Thicknet • Most common today is 10base-T because of the advantages of Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) over coaxial cabling.

Ethernet Original drawing of ethernet by Bob Metcalfe, 1976

Fast Ethernet • Introduced in the mid 1990’s • Increased the performance of traditional ethernet while avoiding the need to re-cable the existing network • 100Base-T (using UTP) • 100Base-FX (using fiber optic cabling)

Gigabit Ethernet • Offers speeds of 1 Gigabit a second • First made to travel over copper or optical cabling • Now is successfully supported on 1000base-T • 1000base-T uses Cat5 cabling like 100base-T but uses extra twisted pairs to achieve gigabit speeds

Ethernet in Use • Ethernet functions nearly identically regardless of speed or layout • Devices use a NIC which interfaces with the system bus • Data sent over ethernet exists in the form of frames • Frames consist of two headers and a data section having a combined length of no more than 1518 bytes • The first header which is 6 bytes long is the destination address • The second header which is 6 bytes long is the source address • The standard says that frames are broadcast to all devices and it is up to the NIC to identify which frames are intended for it.

Ethernet in Use • When a device wants to transmit it first checks if a transmission is in progress and if not then transmits • Simultaneous transmissions are possible and result in collisions which cause both transmissions to fail and have to be retransmitted • A specialized algorithm is used to determine the proper waiting time for re-transmission • Ethernet cables are limited in reach before signal loss occurs (as short as 100 meters) • Repeaters (such as hubs) are used to connect cables so that they can span large distances

Ethernet Wiring • There are two standard formats for wiring T568A and T568B • T568B is the same as T568A except the green and orange pairs are swapped • Either standard format can be used in an ethernet network

Ethernet Wiring • Crossover cables are used to connect hub to hub or to connect two machines together directly without a hub

OSI Model • Stands for Open Systems Interconnection • Provides an international standard by defining a network framework that consists of seven protocol layers

Hubs, Bridges, Switches, and Routers

Hubs • Function is simply to replicate data • OSI layer 1 (physical layer) • Dumb (no knowledge of protocols) • Can only connect segments of the same speed • Inexpensive (4-port 10Mbps $15)

Hubs • A hub cannot direct data, it can only move it. • So a message from F to C will go to every segment including the one from which it originated. • This results in shared bandwidth for all nodes connected to the hub, and a single collision domain.

Hubs • There are three types of hubs. • Passive hubs only retransmit the data. • Active hubs amplify the signal before it is retransmitted. • Intelligent hubs are stackable. They typically also include remote management support via SNMP, and virtual LAN (VLAN) support

Bridges • Bridges work at layer 2, the data link layer. • Forwards data between two LANs. • The LANs need not share the same topology or speed. One LAN could use a token ring topology while the other uses a 10baseT ethernet.

Bridges • Bridges develop tables so that subsequent messages can be forwarded to the right network. • Table is built by watching which address comes from which network segment. • Uses the bridging table to determine whether to forward the data or to drop (filter) it if it is destined for the same segment from which it originated. LAN A LAN B Bridge

Bridges Bridges are also called "store-and-forward" devices because they look at the whole Ethernet packet before making filtering or forwarding decisions. Filtering packets, and regenerating forwarded packets enables bridging technology to split a network into separate collision domains. This allows for greater distances and more repeaters to be used in the total network design.

Switches • Work on layer 2 of the OSI model. • Only forwards data to specific network segment. This results in multiple, smaller collision domains, and more efficient bandwidth usage. • Does computations in hardware, so they are very fast.

Switches • Like a bridge, a switch will only forward data that is not destined for the same network segment from which it originated. • A switch also builds a table of addresses by watching incoming packets. • There are three basic types of switches. Switch

Switches • Cut-through switches read the MAC address as soon as a packet is detected by the switch. After storing the six bytes that make up the address information, they immediately begin sending the packet to the destination node, even as the rest of the packet is coming into the switch.

Switches • Store and forward switches will save the entire packet to the buffer and check it for CRC errors or other problems before sending. If the packet has an error, it is discarded. Otherwise, the switch looks up the MAC address and sends the packet on to the destination node. Many switches combine the two methods, using cut-through until a certain error level is reached and then changing over to store and forward. Very few switches are strictly cut-through, since this provides no error correction.

Switches • Fragment-free is a less common method. It works like cut-through except that it stores the first 64 bytes of the packet before sending it on. The reason for this is that most errors, and all collisions, occur during the initial 64 bytes of a packet.

Routers • Routers operate at layer 3 (network layer) of the OSI model. So they can be used to connect two or more IP networks. • Consists of a computer with at least two network interfaces (plus software). • They communicate with each other and share information that allows them to determine the best route through a complex network of many LANs. • Like switches and bridges, routers also do packet filtering. • Capable of Network Address Translation (NAT).

Assign port 458 to client 1 request. Re-format request with routers IP and new port 458. Send new request out When response comes in to port 458, return it to client 1. NAT 458 894 247 331 C1 Router C2 Host or Another Router

Routers • One of the tools a router uses to decide where a packet should go is a configuration table. A configuration table is a collection of information, including: • Information on which connections lead to particular groups of addresses • Priorities for connections to be used • Rules for handling both routine and special cases of traffic • A configuration table can be a simple as a half-dozen lines in the smallest routers, but can grow to massive size and complexity in the very large routers that handle the bulk of Internet messages. • Routers have two main responsibilities.

Routers • Optimizing the routing paths. A router uses a routing algorithm (Dykstra) to determine the optimal path to the destination. These algorithms maintain routing tables which contain route information such as destination/next hop association. Routing algorithms has several goals: • Optimality - finding the "best" route depending on the metric weightings used by the specific router (there are several metrics used by routers, each assigns different weights to routing algorithm's parameters such as number of hops, delay) • Simplicity and low overhead - router algorithms must be as efficient as possible with minimum utilization overhead.  An efficient algorithm is particularly important when using routing software on a limited resources computer.

Routers • Robustness and stability - routers are located at network junction points, therefore they must be robust with the ability to handle unusual behavior of hardware and software components. • Rapid convergence - routers must agree on the optimal paths over the net in order to avoid loops.  When a network event (computer/router failure, network segment going down etc..)  force changes in the router's routing tables, each router must perform recalculations based on the update messages it received from other routers on the net. • Flexibility - is the ability to adapt accurately and quickly to network changes and events. For example when the optimal routes are no longer accessible or even optimal, due to some change in the network (segments going down, change in bandwidth, router queue size, network delay, and other variables), the routing algorithms should quickly adjust to the new situation and choose the next best route to replace the old ones which are not accessible any more.

Routers • Switching - transport of packets over networks. • When computer wants to send a packet over the net, it formats a packet with the router's physical address and the destination address (protocol address) of the target host.  The router searches it's routing tables for the destination host. If there is no entry for the destination host the router usually drops the packet, otherwise (there is an entry for the destination host) it replaces the physical address with the next hop's address and retransmits the packet. The next hop isn't  necessarily the ultimate destination host, it may be another router which performs the same routine again. A packet may "visit" few routers / hosts on its route, each time it's destination physical address changes.

Node CPU | | Cache |---------- Network ---- (to Link) |--------------| adaptor Memory | I/O Bus

Network Adaptor • It simply interfaces

Cross Country/Transcontinental • DS1 (T1) 1.5 Mbps • DS3 (T3) 44.7 Mbps • STS-1 51 Mbps • STS-3 155 Mbps • STS-12 622 Mbps • STS-24 1.24 Gbps • STS-48 2.48 Gbps

Last Mile Link: Cable Modem • Unused space • Cable Modem mainly tuner, modulator, demodulator and media access control device. • 30-40Mbps

Last Mile Link: DSL • Again unused space. • Voice uses range of 3,400 Hertz. • Range 18,000 feet. • At 6,000 feet 8Mbps. • In practice 2Mbps (one way ticket).

Last Meter Link: Bluetooth • Simplicity: Takes the “plug” away from “plug and play.” • Connect anything to anything. • 2.402-2.48Ghz, 10 mill watt. • unidirectional 432.6-Kbps. 20% of that is used for connection maintenance. • Other wireless: 802.11, SWAP, HomeRF, IrD.

Last Meter Link: Power line • Works w/existing power line. • 50 Kbps to 350 Kbps, new models claim 14Mbps. •

Open Issues • Active Networking: ABone • Using the Network as storage • Ubiquitous Networking

References • Computer Networks by Larry L. Peterson & Bruce S. Davie • • • • • • • • • • • • •

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Introduction to Networking

Introduction to Networking. V.T. Raja, PhD James R. Coakley, PhD. BA 572 – Advanced Information Systems. Outline. 5-layer Network Model A theoretical framework for our day-to-day interactions on the Internet Protocol stack Network Design and Topology.

439 views • 24 slides

Introduction to networking

Introduction to networking

Introduction to networking. Devices. Objectives. Be able to describe the common networking devices and their functionality, including: Repeaters Hubs Switches Bridges Routers. Icons. Repeater. This receives a signal from the network and then repeats it

389 views • 19 slides

Introduction to Networking

Introduction to Networking. Andrew Hamilton TJ IT Technician. Networks. Connect Computers together Share resources Printers Storage Internet Access Applications. LANs vs WANs. Local Area Network Internal to one site Wide Area Network Connect multiple sites together The Internet

242 views • 13 slides

Introduction to Networking

Introduction to Networking. Variable Length Subnet Masking (VLSM). What do you know?. Do you know how to convert decimal numbers to Base 2 numbers and vice versa? Do you know what a subnet is? Do you know what VLSM stands for and what it is?

456 views • 29 slides

Introduction to Networking

Introduction to Networking. Drew Saunders Networking Systems Stanford University. Goals of class. Basic understanding of common modern networking technology and terminology What makes Stanford’s network “special”.

478 views • 28 slides

Introduction to Networking

Introduction to Networking. Mrs. Smith Computing in the Modern World. Types of Networks. What’s a Network?. A system of computers and peripherals that are linked together Purpose is usually to share files, resources, and peripherals. Parts of a Network. Clients

665 views • 54 slides

Introduction to Networking

Introduction to Networking. Lecture 34 Klara Nahrstedt. CS241 Administrative. Read Stallings Chapter 13, R&R 18.1-18.3 LMP3 Start Early!!!. Content. Communication Motivation Network Categories and Applications Client-Server Model Communication Channels Naming of Client/Server

382 views • 25 slides

Introduction to networking

Introduction to networking. Dynamic routes. Objectives. Define dynamic routing and its properties Describe the classes of routing protocols Describe the basic router configuration commands for protocols. Dynamic routing overview.

266 views • 17 slides

Introduction to Networking

Introduction to Networking. Project 3. Adapted from Kai Chen’s slides in Spring 2010. Graph abstraction for routing algorithms: graph nodes are routers graph edges are physical links link cost: delay, $ cost, or congestion level. A. D. E. B. F. C. Routing protocol. Routing. 5.

582 views • 26 slides

Introduction to Networking

Introduction to Networking. Dr. Mahdi Nasereddin PPU. Introduction. Web Browser, e-mail, streaming audio, etc.. The Web browser 17 messages!!! 6 messages to translate into an IP address 3 messages to establish a TCP connection

437 views • 31 slides

Introduction to Networking

Introduction to Networking. Internet: Example. Click -> get page Specifies - protocol (http) - location ( Internet: Locating Resource. name of a computer Implicitly also a file Map name to IP address DNS. host. local. com. a.b.c.d.

1.55k views • 142 slides

Introduction to Networking

Introduction to Networking. Introduction Elements of a Network Architecture Layered Architecture Internetworks: The Internet Brief History of Networking Summary. 1. Introduction. What is a Computer Network?. a set of computers and/or switches connected by communication links

946 views • 29 slides

Introduction to Networking

Introduction to Networking. What is a computer network? Internet Architecture Statistical multiplexing and packet switching Connection-oriented vs Connectionless Fundamental issues in computer networking Readings Sections 1.1-1.5, 2.5.4, 2.5.5. What is a Computer Network?.

520 views • 22 slides

Introduction to Networking

Introduction to Networking. Definitions and Terms. Chapter Objectives. After completing this chapter you will: Be able to differentiate between peer-to-peer and server-based networks. Be able to identify a network topology. Understand the different types of network cabling.

671 views • 54 slides

Introduction to Networking

Introduction to Networking. What is a Computer Network?. Computers that are connected together. What Are Networks Good For?. Resource Sharing Security Organization and Centralization Communication. What is Everyone’s Favorite Type of Network?. The Internet!. Think About This….

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Introduction to Networking

Introduction to Networking. Khalid M. Al-Tawil, Ph.D [email protected] Department of Computer Engineering King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Computer Networks. What is Networking?.

676 views • 49 slides

Introduction to Networking

Introduction: what is a network? elements of network architecture layered network architecture examples history internetworking. Reading: Tannenbaum - 1.1-1.5, 1.7-1.9 Ross, Kurose - Chapter 1. Introduction to Networking. What is a Computer Network?.

322 views • 27 slides

Introduction to Networking

Introduction to Networking. Outline Networking History Statistical Multiplexing Performance Metrics. A Brief History of Networking: early years. Roots traced to public telephone network of the 60’s How can computers be connected together?

193 views • 18 slides

Introduction to networking

227 views • 19 slides

Introduction to Networking

Introduction to Networking. Bin Lin TA March 3 rd , 200 5 Recital 6. Graph abstraction for routing algorithms: graph nodes are routers graph edges are physical links link cost: delay, $ cost, or congestion level. A. D. E. B. F. C. Routing protocol. Routing. 5.

163 views • 14 slides

Introduction to Networking

Introduction to Networking. Project 3. Graph abstraction for routing algorithms: graph nodes are routers graph edges are physical links link cost: delay, $ cost, or congestion level. A. D. E. B. F. C. Routing protocol. Routing. 5. Goal: determine “good” path

270 views • 25 slides

Introduction to Networking

Introduction to Networking. Goals for Today. Review Layered Architecture ISO and Internet Protocols Addressing Routing Circuit vs Packet Switching. Communication Structure. Naming and name resolution - How do two processes locate each other to communicate?

306 views • 29 slides

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Powerpoint Templates and Google slides for Networking Technology

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Deliver this complete deck to your team members and other collaborators. Encompassed with stylized slides presenting various concepts, this 5G Network Technology Architecture Powerpoint Presentation Slides is the best tool you can utilize. Personalize its content and graphics to make it unique and thought-provoking. All the fifty five slides are editable and modifiable, so feel free to adjust them to your business setting. The font, color, and other components also come in an editable format making this PPT design the best choice for your next presentation. So, download now.

Femtocell Small Cell Network Technology Mobile Communication PPT Template ST AI

Step up your game with our enchanting Femtocell Small Cell Network Technology Mobile Communication PPT Template ST AI deck, guaranteed to leave a lasting impression on your audience. Crafted with a perfect balance of simplicity, and innovation, our deck empowers you to alter it to your specific needs. You can also change the color theme of the slide to mold it to your companys specific needs. Save time with our ready made design, compatible with Microsoft versions and Google Slides. Additionally, its available for download in various formats including JPG, JPEG, and PNG. Outshine your competitors with our fully editable and customized deck.

Blockchain Technology Based Social Networks Training Ppt

Presenting Blockchain Technology based Social Networks. This PPT presentation is thoroughly researched by the experts,and every slide consists of appropriate content. All slides are customizable. You can add or delete the content as per your need. Download this professionally designed business presentation,add your content,and present it with confidence.

Router Icon Computer Technology Strength Security Arrow Network

It has PPT slides covering wide range of topics showcasing all the core areas of your business needs. This complete deck focuses on Router Icon Computer Technology Strength Security Arrow Network and consists of professionally designed templates with suitable graphics and appropriate content. This deck has total of twelve slides. Our designers have created customizable templates for your convenience. You can make the required changes in the templates like colour, text and font size. Other than this, content can be added or deleted from the slide as per the requirement. Get access to this professionally designed complete deck PPT presentation by clicking the download button below.

Data Storage Icon Symbol Technology Devices Gear Interfaces Network

This complete deck can be used to present to your team. It has PPT slides on various topics highlighting all the core areas of your business needs. This complete deck focuses on Data Storage Icon Symbol Technology Devices Gear Interfaces Network and has professionally designed templates with suitable visuals and appropriate content. This deck consists of total of twelve slides. All the slides are completely customizable for your convenience. You can change the colour, text and font size of these templates. You can add or delete the content if needed. Get access to this professionally designed complete presentation by clicking the download button below.

Server Storage Icons Network Technology Protection Database Symbol

It covers all the important concepts and has relevant templates which cater to your business needs. This complete deck has PPT slides on Server Storage Icons Network Technology Protection Database Symbol with well suited graphics and subject driven content. This deck consists of total of twelve slides. All templates are completely editable for your convenience. You can change the colour, text and font size of these slides. You can add or delete the content as per your requirement. Get access to this professionally designed complete deck presentation by clicking the download button below.

Block Chain Network Technology Financial Services Sources

It has PPT slides covering wide range of topics showcasing all the core areas of your business needs. This complete deck focuses on Block Chain Network Technology Financial Services Sources and consists of professionally designed templates with suitable graphics and appropriate content. This deck has total of twelve slides. Our designers have created customizable templates for your convenience. You can make the required changes in the templates like colour, text and font size. Other than this, content can be added or deleted from the slide as per the requirement. Get access to this professionally designed complete deck PPT presentation by clicking the download button below.

Brain With Gears Technology Innovation Knowledge Network Strategic

Enhance your audiences knowledge with this well researched complete deck. Showcase all the important features of the deck with perfect visuals. This deck comprises of total of twelve slides with each slide explained in detail. Each template comprises of professional diagrams and layouts. Our professional PowerPoint experts have also included icons, graphs and charts for your convenience. All you have to do is DOWNLOAD the deck. Make changes as per the requirement. Yes, these PPT slides are completely customizable. Edit the colour, text and font size. Add or delete the content from the slide. And leave your audience awestruck with the professionally designed Brain With Gears Technology Innovation Knowledge Network Strategic complete deck.

Cyberspace technology networking interconnected communication

Deliver a credible and compelling presentation by deploying this Cyberspace Technology Networking Interconnected Communication. Intensify your message with the right graphics, images, icons, etc. presented in this complete deck. This PPT template is a great starting point to convey your messages and build a good collaboration. The twelve slides added to this PowerPoint slideshow helps you present a thorough explanation of the topic. You can use it to study and present various kinds of information in the form of stats, figures, data charts, and many more. This Cyberspace Technology Networking Interconnected Communication PPT slideshow is available for use in standard and widescreen aspects ratios. So, you can use it as per your convenience. Apart from this, it can be downloaded in PNG, JPG, and PDF formats, all completely editable and modifiable. The most profound feature of this PPT design is that it is fully compatible with Google Slides making it suitable for every industry and business domain.

Cj cloud technology network connectivity powerpoint template

They are based on current technological trends. They can be modified without any hurdles. These can be viewed in high definition. These can be converted into various formats. They are crafted by carefully reviewing the current market trend.

Healthcare Analytics Dashboard Using IoT Technology Guide To Networks For IoT Healthcare IoT SS V

Following slide exhibits dashboard that provides health care data after deployment of internet of things IoT technology. It includes indicators such as patient satisfaction, total patients, average waiting time etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Healthcare Analytics Dashboard Using IoT Technology Guide To Networks For IoT Healthcare IoT SS V. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Healthcare Analytics, Dashboard Using Iot Technology. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Future Scope And Potential Of Technology In Healthcare Comprehensive Guide To Networks IoT SS

Following slide highlights future scope of IoT based health care industry. It includes insights about cost saving, market size, development of business model, workforce productivity etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Future Scope And Potential Of Technology In Healthcare Comprehensive Guide To Networks IoT SS. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Future Scope And Potential, Technology In Healthcare, Health Care Industry. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Healthcare Analytics Dashboard Using IoT Technology Comprehensive Guide To Networks IoT SS

Following slide exhibits dashboard that provides health care data after deployment of internet of things IoT technology. It includes indicators such as patient satisfaction, total patients, average waiting time etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Healthcare Analytics Dashboard Using IoT Technology Comprehensive Guide To Networks IoT SS. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Healthcare Analytics, Dashboard Using IoT Technology, Patient Satisfaction. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Potential Roi After Implementing Tools And Technologies To Reduce Network Vulnerabilities  Cybersecurity SS

This slide demonstrates the positive impact of implementing network vulnerability management solutions on returns on investments. The graph depicts an increase in ROI and savings over time..Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Potential Roi After Implementing Tools And Technologies To Reduce Network Vulnerabilities Cybersecurity SS. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Key Insights, Improved Compliance, Password Hacking using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Zigbee Technology Wireless Network Performance Monitoring Ppt Example

This slide represents the performance monitoring dashboard for wireless networks, including components such as network device availability, network heatmap, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Zigbee Technology Wireless Network Performance Monitoring Ppt Example. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Network Device Latency, Network Device Availability, Network Heatmap. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Information Technology Network Security Computing Illustration

This colourful PowerPoint icon is perfect for presentations on Information Technology topics. It features a laptop with a blue and green screen, a yellow and red processor, and a purple and orange hard drive. It is a great visual aid to help you explain complex IT concepts.

Step By Step Technology Implementation Business System And Network Basics

This slide covers business system and network basic requirements such as exchange services, network infrastructure, maintenance, backups and bandwidth and many more. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Step By Step Technology Implementation Business System And Network Basics. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Communications, Organization Capacity, Staff Capacity, Network Infrastructure, Bandwidth using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Step By Step Technology Implementation Challenges And Solutions In Network Operations

This slide covers the combination of different types of technology networks and roles organizations which can, play opens up a variety of opportunities to create value. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Step By Step Technology Implementation Challenges And Solutions In Network Operations. This template helps you present information on five stages. You can also present information on Power Conservation, Simplify Initial Setup, Operating Expenses Reduction, Visualize Network System using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Step By Step Technology Implementation Operating And Managing The Network

This slide covers the combination of different types of technology networks and roles organizations which can, play opens up a variety of opportunities to create value. Introducing Step By Step Technology Implementation Operating And Managing The Network to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with three stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Business Differentiation Network, Industry Utility Network, New Market Network, Innovate New Platforms, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Blockchain Technology Network Topology Icon

Introducing our Blockchain Technology Network Topology Icon set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Blockchain Technology, Network Topology Icon. This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience.

Edge Computing Technologies For Network Comprehensive Guide For IoT Edge IOT SS

Following slide showcases other edge computing technologies to provide real time data analysis. It includes elements such as fog computing, cloud of things, cloudlets and micro data centers.Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Edge Computing Technologies For Network Comprehensive Guide For IoT Edge IOT SS. This template helps you present information on four stages. You can also present information on Micro Data Centers, Cloud Things, Cloud Processing using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Advanced Technologies 5 Generation Network In Telecommunication

This slide gives the overview of 5 generation mobile network 5G and explains how 5G wireless signals are transmitted. This slide also gives all the pervious generation and there overview. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Advanced Technologies 5 Generation Network In Telecommunication. This template helps you present information on Three stages. You can also present information on Fourth Generation, Building Roofs, High Speeds using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Advanced Technologies Global Economic Impact Of 5g Network

This slide explains global economic impact of 5G network in various industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, automotive, agriculture. It also helps in early detection of defects in manufacturing. Introducing Advanced Technologies Global Economic Impact Of 5g Network to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with Four stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Healthcare, Manufacture, Agriculture, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Advanced Technologies Global Market Overview Of 5g Network

This slide explains the Global market overview of 5G networks from 2022 to 2030, demonstrating how the 5G equipment market is predicted to rise rapidly. It also provides an estimate of the market in 2030. Introducing Advanced Technologies Global Market Overview Of 5g Network to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with Two stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Pros, Cons, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Blockchain Technology Network Working Process

This slide highlights how blockchain technology works. The purpose of this slide is to showcase the working procedure of the blockchain technology network and the components, including user, request, nodes network, verification and validation, data block and so on. Introducing our Blockchain Technology Network Working Process set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Requests A Transaction, Nodes Network Verifies. This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience.

Applications Of Blockchain Technology Network Comprehensive Guide To Blockchain BCT SS

This slide covers top areas where blockchain technology has shown remarkable outcomes. It includes focus areas as cryptocurrencies, supply chain management, smart contracts, identity management, healthcare records, voting systems, intellectual property protection, etc. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Applications Of Blockchain Technology Network Comprehensive Guide To Blockchain BCT SS. This template helps you present information on ten stages. You can also present information on Grid Management, Decentralized Finance, Voting Systems using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

5 Generation Network In Telecommunication Modern Technologies

This slide gives the overview of 5 generation mobile network 5G and explains how 5G wireless signals are transmitted. This slide also gives all the pervious generation and there overview.Present the topic in a bit more detail with this 5 Generation Network In Telecommunication Modern Technologies. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Wireless Signals,Millimetre Wave,Achieve High Speeds. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Global Economic Impact Of 5g Network Modern Technologies

This slide explains global economic impact of 5G network in various industries such as healthcare,manufacturing,automotive,agriculture. It also helps in early detection of defects in manufacturing.Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Global Economic Impact Of 5g Network Modern Technologies. This template helps you present information on four stages. You can also present information on Potential Increases,Traffic Reduction,Improved Connectivity using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Global Market Overview Of 5g Network Modern Technologies

This slide explains the Global market overview of 5G networks from 2022 to 2030,demonstrating how the 5G equipment market is predicted to rise rapidly. It also provides an estimate of the market in 2030.Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Global Market Overview Of 5g Network Modern Technologies. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Improved Network Reliability,Compatibility Issues,Expensive Infrastructure using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Cloud Ethernet Network Technology Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This colourful icon is perfect for presentations on Ethernet Network. It features a blue and orange abstract image of a network cable and is sure to add a professional touch to any project.

Cloud Ethernet Network Technology Monotone Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This monotone powerpoint icon depicts a network of computers connected to each other via an Ethernet connection. It is perfect for presentations on network architecture, internet infrastructure, and computer networking.

Digital Ethernet Network Technology Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This coloured PowerPoint icon depicts a Wi Fi Router Technology, perfect for representing a wireless connection in presentations. The icon is bright and vibrant, adding a touch of colour to any presentation. It is easy to use and can be used to illustrate a variety of topics.

Wi Fi Network Router Technology Monotone Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

Monotone powerpoint icon on Wi Fi Router Technology is a vector graphic of a router with a monotone color palette. It is perfect for presentations on wireless networks, network security, and home networking. It is easy to use and customize for any project.

Future Of Secure Web Gateway Technology Network Security Using Secure Web Gateway

This slide talks about the future of Secure Web Gateway security technology. The purpose of this slide is to explain how SWG can lead the cyber security market in future as more businesses are migrating to the cloud. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Future Of Secure Web Gateway Technology Network Security Using Secure Web Gateway. This template helps you present information on five stages. You can also present information on Predicted, Investment, Technology using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Introduction To Secure Web Gateway Technology Network Security Using Secure Web Gateway

This slide talks about the network security solution called Secure Web Gateway. The purpose of this slide is to outline the various benefits of SWG. This slide also represents different working components of SWG such as traffic inspection, malware protection, etc. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Introduction To Secure Web Gateway Technology Network Security Using Secure Web Gateway. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Introduction, Technology, Overview using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

General Overview Of Neural Networks Technology A Beginners Guide To Neural AI SS

This slide showcases basic overview to neural networks technology which can be referred by IT enthusiasts to have a brief idea about this aspect. It provides details about machine learning, deep learning, etc. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using General Overview Of Neural Networks Technology A Beginners Guide To Neural AI SS. This template helps you present information on two stages. You can also present information on Involves, Structure, Precision using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Emerging Technologies 5 Generation Network In Telecommunication

This slide gives the overview of 5 generation mobile network 5G and explains how 5G wireless signals are transmitted. This slide also gives all the pervious generation and there overview. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Emerging Technologies 5 Generation Network In Telecommunication. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Generations, Working using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Emerging Technologies Global Economic Impact Of 5g Network

This slide explains global economic impact of 5G network in various industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, automotive, agriculture. It also helps in early detection of defects in manufacturing. Introducing Emerging Technologies Global Economic Impact Of 5g Network to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with four stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Agriculture, Healthcare, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Emerging Technologies Global Market Overview Of 5g Network

This slide explains the Global market overview of 5G networks from 2022 to 2030, demonstrating how the 5G equipment market is predicted to rise rapidly. It also provides an estimate of the market in 2030. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Emerging Technologies Global Market Overview Of 5g Network. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Largest Growing Region, Highest Cagr Segment using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Neural Network Approach Deployed By NLP Technology Decoding Natural Language AI SS V

This slide provides information regarding neural-network NLP methodology, in which each node manages calculations to attain desired outcomes. Various types of neural networks include recurrent neural networks, artificial neural networks and convolutional neural networks. Introducing Neural Network Approach Deployed By NLP Technology Decoding Natural Language AI SS V to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with three stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Recurrent Neural Networks, Artificial Neural Networks using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Edge Computing Technology Edge Computing Physical Components Hardware And Networking AI SS

This slide showcases major components which are included in hardware and networking of edge computing, enabling industries to be aware about certain technologies. It provides details about smart cameras, processors, routers, gateways, nodes, etc. Introducing Edge Computing Technology Edge Computing Physical Components Hardware And Networking AI SS to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with three stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Edge Computing Physical Components, Hardware And Networking, Certain Technologies, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Lorawan Component Of Lorawan Technology Network Server

This slide provides an overview of one of the key components of the LoRaWAN network, which is the network server. The main objective of this slide is to give a detailed explanation of what the network server is, how it functions, and its key features and benefits. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Lorawan Component Of Lorawan Technology Network Server. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Technology, Explanation, Key Components using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Lorawan Long Range Wide Area Network Technology Comparison

This slide provides a comprehensive comparison of different LPWAN technologies. The purpose of this slide is to give a detailed comparison of the different LPWAN technologies available, their key features, and how they compare to one another. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Lorawan Long Range Wide Area Network Technology Comparison. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Technology, Comparison, Comprehensive using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Lorawan Network Protocol Architecture Lorawan Technology

This slide provides explanation of LoRaWAN network protocol architecture. The main objective of this slide is to give a detailed explanation of the different layers of the LoRaWAN network protocol. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Lorawan Network Protocol Architecture Lorawan Technology. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Technology, Protocol, Architecture using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Lorawan Technologies Used In Long Range Wide Area Network

This slide shows various types of LPWAN technologies in licensed and unlicensed spectrum. Purpose of this slide is to explain both spectrum and list all technologies which come under each spectrum. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Lorawan Technologies Used In Long Range Wide Area Network. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Technologies, Unlicensed Spectrum, Licensed Spectrum using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Neural Network Approach Deployed By NLP Technology What Is NLP And How It Works AI SS V

This slide provides information regarding neural network NLP methodology, in which each node manages calculations to attain desired outcomes. Various types of neural networks include recurrent neural networks, artificial neural networks and convolutional neural networks. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Neural Network Approach Deployed By NLP Technology What Is NLP And How It Works AI SS V Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Performing Calculations, Desired Outcomes, Interconnected Nodes This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Impact Of 5g Technology On Wireless Networks

This slide highlights influence on 5G technology on wireless networks. The purpose of this slide is to help businesses to revolutionize connectivity by offering ultra fast speeds. It includes element such as aspect, details, impact. Presenting our set of slides with Impact Of 5g Technology On Wireless Networks. This exhibits information on five stages of the process. This is an easy to edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on Speed And Capacity, Energy Efficiency.

Trending Technologies 5 Generation Network In Telecommunication

This slide gives the overview of 5 generation mobile network 5G and explains how 5G wireless signals are transmitted. This slide also gives all the pervious generation and there overview. Introducing Trending Technologies 5 Generation Network In Telecommunication to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with three stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Long Term Evolution, Building Roofs, High Speeds, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Trending Technologies Global Economic Impact Of 5G Network

This slide explains global economic impact of 5G network in various industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, automotive, agriculture. It also helps in early detection of defects in manufacturing. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Trending Technologies Global Economic Impact Of 5G Network. This template helps you present information on eight stages. You can also present information on Healthcare, Manufacturing, Automotive using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Trending Technologies Global Market Overview Of 5G Network

This slide explains the Global market overview of 5G networks from 2022 to 2030, demonstrating how the 5G equipment market is predicted to rise rapidly. It also provides an estimate of the market in 2030. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Trending Technologies Global Market Overview Of 5G Network. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Pros, Cons using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

5g Network And Iot Technology Use Cases Introduction To Internet Of Things IoT SS

This slide covers several use cases of 5G technology in the IoT ecosystem to optimize resource allocation. Some of the use cases include smart traffic, video surveillance, healthcare, and smart factories Introducing 5g Network And Iot Technology Use Cases Introduction To Internet Of Things IoT SS to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with four stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Smart Traffic, Video Surveillance, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Iot Networks Communication Technologies With Introduction To Internet Of Things IoT SS

This slide exhibits communication protocols that help devices to communicate with the internet. It covers technologies such as Bluetooth low energy, wifi, ZigBee, cellular network, and RFID. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Iot Networks Communication Technologies With Introduction To Internet Of Things IoT SS. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Communication Protocols, Description using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Software Defined Wan Implementation Technologies Software Defined Wide Area Network

This slide represents the various technologies used in the SD-WAN implementation process. The primary technologies include a controller, software-defined network, wide area network, virtual network functions, commodity bandwidth, and last-mile technology. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Software Defined Wan Implementation Technologies Software Defined Wide Area Network. This template helps you present information on six stages. You can also present information on Controller, Commodity Bandwidth, Last Mile Technology using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Wireless Sensor Network To Improve Workers How IoT Technology Is Transforming IoT SS

The following slide showcases wireless sensor network WSNs which is commonly used at mining site to enhance miners safety and create safe working environment. The slide covers information about IoT device purpose, key examples, and benefits of using.Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Wireless Sensor Network To Improve Workers How IoT Technology Is Transforming IoT SS. This template helps you present information on four stages. You can also present information on Wireless Sensor Networks, Multiple Sensors, Resistance Temperature using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Benefits Of Creating A Blockchain Technology Network Complete Guide To Understand BCT SS

This slide highlight the benefits of implementing a blockchain network. It includes advantages of blockchain networks such as decentralization, transparency, security, cost savings, smart contracts, etc. Introducing Benefits Of Creating A Blockchain Technology Network Complete Guide To Understand BCT SS to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with six stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Decentralization, Transparency, Security, Smart Contracts using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Cost To Set Up Blockchain Network Technologies Complete Guide To Understand BCT SS

This side covers costs associated with setting up blockchain network technologies for different occupational categories. It includes categories such as inhouse, freelancers, agency for beginners and experts. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Cost To Set Up Blockchain Network Technologies Complete Guide To Understand BCT SS Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Estimated Blockchain, Development Cost, Freelance using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Difference Between Three Blockchain Network Technologies Complete Guide To Understand BCT SS

This slide covers comparison between three major blockchain network technologies such as public, private, and consortium blockchains. It includes parameters such as access, consensus, efficiency, centralization, consensus process, immutability, etc. Introducing Difference Between Three Blockchain Network Technologies Complete Guide To Understand BCT SS to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with four stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Public Blockchain, Private Blockchain, Consortium Blockchain using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Different Categories Of Blockchain Network Technology Complete Guide To Understand BCT SS

This slide covers various categories of blockchain technologies. It includes categories such as public, private, consortium, hybrid blockchains along with definitions, advantages and disadvantages. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Different Categories Of Blockchain Network Technology Complete Guide To Understand BCT SS Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Public Blockchain, Private Blockchain, Consortium Blockchain This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

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The University of Chicago The Law School

Innovation clinic—significant achievements for 2023-24.

The Innovation Clinic continued its track record of success during the 2023-2024 school year, facing unprecedented demand for our pro bono services as our reputation for providing high caliber transactional and regulatory representation spread. The overwhelming number of assistance requests we received from the University of Chicago, City of Chicago, and even national startup and venture capital communities enabled our students to cherry-pick the most interesting, pedagogically valuable assignments offered to them. Our focus on serving startups, rather than all small- to medium-sized businesses, and our specialization in the needs and considerations that these companies have, which differ substantially from the needs of more traditional small businesses, has proven to be a strong differentiator for the program both in terms of business development and prospective and current student interest, as has our further focus on tackling idiosyncratic, complex regulatory challenges for first-of-their kind startups. We are also beginning to enjoy more long-term relationships with clients who repeatedly engage us for multiple projects over the course of a year or more as their legal needs develop.

This year’s twelve students completed over twenty projects and represented clients in a very broad range of industries: mental health and wellbeing, content creation, medical education, biotech and drug discovery, chemistry, food and beverage, art, personal finance, renewable energy, fintech, consumer products and services, artificial intelligence (“AI”), and others. The matters that the students handled gave them an unparalleled view into the emerging companies and venture capital space, at a level of complexity and agency that most junior lawyers will not experience until several years into their careers.

Representative Engagements

While the Innovation Clinic’s engagements are highly confidential and cannot be described in detail, a high-level description of a representative sample of projects undertaken by the Innovation Clinic this year includes:

Transactional/Commercial Work

  • A previous client developing a symptom-tracking wellness app for chronic disease sufferers engaged the Innovation Clinic again, this time to restructure its cap table by moving one founder’s interest in the company to a foreign holding company and subjecting the holding company to appropriate protections in favor of the startup.
  • Another client with whom the Innovation Clinic had already worked several times engaged us for several new projects, including (1) restructuring their cap table and issuing equity to an additional, new founder, (2) drafting several different forms of license agreements that the company could use when generating content for the platform, covering situations in which the company would license existing content from other providers, jointly develop new content together with contractors or specialists that would then be jointly owned by all creators, or commission contractors to make content solely owned by the company, (3) drafting simple agreements for future equity (“Safes”) for the company to use in its seed stage fundraising round, and (4) drafting terms of service and a privacy policy for the platform.
  • Yet another repeat client, an internet platform that supports independent artists by creating short films featuring the artists to promote their work and facilitates sales of the artists’ art through its platform, retained us this year to draft a form of independent contractor agreement that could be used when the company hires artists to be featured in content that the company’s Fortune 500 brand partners commission from the company, and to create capsule art collections that could be sold by these Fortune 500 brand partners in conjunction with the content promotion.
  • We worked with a platform using AI to accelerate the Investigational New Drug (IND) approval and application process to draft a form of license agreement for use with its customers and an NDA for prospective investors.
  • A novel personal finance platform for young, high-earning individuals engaged the Innovation Clinic to form an entity for the platform, including helping the founders to negotiate a deal among them with respect to roles and equity, terms that the equity would be subject to, and other post-incorporation matters, as well as to draft terms of service and a privacy policy for the platform.
  • Students also formed an entity for a biotech therapeutics company founded by University of Chicago faculty members and an AI-powered legal billing management platform founded by University of Chicago students.
  • A founder the Innovation Clinic had represented in connection with one venture engaged us on behalf of his other venture team to draft an equity incentive plan for the company as well as other required implementing documentation. His venture with which we previously worked also engaged us this year to draft Safes to be used with over twenty investors in a seed financing round.

More information regarding other types of transactional projects that we typically take on can be found here .

Regulatory Research and Advice

  • A team of Innovation Clinic students invested a substantial portion of our regulatory time this year performing highly detailed and complicated research into public utilities laws of several states to advise a groundbreaking renewable energy technology company as to how its product might be regulated in these states and its clearest path to market. This project involved a review of not only the relevant state statutes but also an analysis of the interplay between state and federal statutes as it relates to public utilities law, the administrative codes of the relevant state executive branch agencies, and binding and non-binding administrative orders, decisions and guidance from such agencies in other contexts that could shed light on how such states would regulate this never-before-seen product that their laws clearly never contemplated could exist. The highly varied approach to utilities regulation in all states examined led to a nuanced set of analysis and recommendations for the client.
  • In another significant research project, a separate team of Innovation Clinic students undertook a comprehensive review of all settlement orders and court decisions related to actions brought by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau for violations of the prohibition on unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts and practices under the Consumer Financial Protection Act, as well as selected relevant settlement orders, court decisions, and other formal and informal guidance documents related to actions brought by the Federal Trade Commission for violations of the prohibition on unfair or deceptive acts or practices under Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, to assemble a playbook for a fintech company regarding compliance. This playbook, which distilled very complicated, voluminous legal decisions and concepts into a series of bullet points with clear, easy-to-follow rules and best practices, designed to be distributed to non-lawyers in many different facets of this business, covered all aspects of operations that could subject a company like this one to liability under the laws examined, including with respect to asset purchase transactions, marketing and consumer onboarding, usage of certain terms of art in advertising, disclosure requirements, fee structures, communications with customers, legal documentation requirements, customer service and support, debt collection practices, arrangements with third parties who act on the company’s behalf, and more.


  • Last year’s students built upon the Innovation Clinic’s progress in shaping the rules promulgated by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”) pursuant to the Corporate Transparency Act to create a client alert summarizing the final rule, its impact on startups, and what startups need to know in order to comply. When FinCEN issued additional guidance with respect to that final rule and changed portions of the final rule including timelines for compliance, this year’s students updated the alert, then distributed it to current and former clients to notify them of the need to comply. The final bulletin is available here .
  • In furtherance of that work, additional Innovation Clinic students this year analyzed the impact of the final rule not just on the Innovation Clinic’s clients but also its impact on the Innovation Clinic, and how the Innovation Clinic should change its practices to ensure compliance and minimize risk to the Innovation Clinic. This also involved putting together a comprehensive filing guide for companies that are ready to file their certificates of incorporation to show them procedurally how to do so and explain the choices they must make during the filing process, so that the Innovation Clinic would not be involved in directing or controlling the filings and thus would not be considered a “company applicant” on any client’s Corporate Transparency Act filings with FinCEN.
  • The Innovation Clinic also began producing thought leadership pieces regarding AI, leveraging our distinct and uniquely University of Chicago expertise in structuring early-stage companies and analyzing complex regulatory issues with a law and economics lens to add our voice to those speaking on this important topic. One student wrote about whether non-profits are really the most desirable form of entity for mitigating risks associated with AI development, and another team of students prepared an analysis of the EU’s AI Act, comparing it to the Executive Order on AI from President Biden, and recommended a path forward for an AI regulatory environment in the United States. Both pieces can be found here , with more to come!

Innovation Trek

Thanks to another generous gift from Douglas Clark, ’89, and managing partner of Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich & Rosati, we were able to operationalize the second Innovation Trek over Spring Break 2024. The Innovation Trek provides University of Chicago Law School students with a rare opportunity to explore the innovation and venture capital ecosystem in its epicenter, Silicon Valley. The program enables participating students to learn from business and legal experts in a variety of different industries and roles within the ecosystem to see how the law and economics principles that students learn about in the classroom play out in the real world, and facilitates meaningful connections between alumni, students, and other speakers who are leaders in their fields. This year, we took twenty-three students (as opposed to twelve during the first Trek) and expanded the offering to include not just Innovation Clinic students but also interested students from our JD/MBA Program and Doctoroff Business Leadership Program. We also enjoyed four jam-packed days in Silicon Valley, expanding the trip from the two and a half days that we spent in the Bay Area during our 2022 Trek.

The substantive sessions of the Trek were varied and impactful, and enabled in no small part thanks to substantial contributions from numerous alumni of the Law School. Students were fortunate to visit Coinbase’s Mountain View headquarters to learn from legal leaders at the company on all things Coinbase, crypto, and in-house, Plug & Play Tech Center’s Sunnyvale location to learn more about its investment thesis and accelerator programming, and Google’s Moonshot Factory, X, where we heard from lawyers at a number of different Alphabet companies about their lives as in-house counsel and the varied roles that in-house lawyers can have. We were also hosted by Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich & Rosati and Fenwick & West LLP where we held sessions featuring lawyers from those firms, alumni from within and outside of those firms, and non-lawyer industry experts on topics such as artificial intelligence, climate tech and renewables, intellectual property, biotech, investing in Silicon Valley, and growth stage companies, and general advice on career trajectories and strategies. We further held a young alumni roundtable, where our students got to speak with alumni who graduated in the past five years for intimate, candid discussions about life as junior associates. In total, our students heard from more than forty speakers, including over twenty University of Chicago alumni from various divisions.

The Trek didn’t stop with education, though. Throughout the week students also had the opportunity to network with speakers to learn more from them outside the confines of panel presentations and to grow their networks. We had a networking dinner with Kirkland & Ellis, a closing dinner with all Trek participants, and for the first time hosted an event for admitted students, Trek participants, and alumni to come together to share experiences and recruit the next generation of Law School students. Several speakers and students stayed in touch following the Trek, and this resulted not just in meaningful relationships but also in employment for some students who attended.

More information on the purposes of the Trek is available here , the full itinerary is available here , and one student participant’s story describing her reflections on and descriptions of her experience on the Trek is available here .

The Innovation Clinic is grateful to all of its clients for continuing to provide its students with challenging, high-quality legal work, and to the many alumni who engage with us for providing an irreplaceable client pipeline and for sharing their time and energy with our students. Our clients are breaking the mold and bringing innovations to market that will improve the lives of people around the world in numerous ways. We are glad to aid in their success in any way that we can. We look forward to another productive year in 2024-2025!


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