First Day at the Gym: What to Bring, Do, Wear & Avoid

I always used to feel completely lost at the gym.

I’d gravitate toward the treadmill because it was simple and non-threatening.

Maybe I’d meander over to a few weight machines, go through the motions, and just try not to look stupid.

And that was when I wasn’t actually trying.

When I started actually taking the gym seriously, I suddenly felt all this pressure, confusion, and a little anxiety at first.

If you’re getting ready for your first day at the gym, first of all congratulations! Second, I’ve totally got you covered — here’s everything you need to know, bring, and prepare to kick some butt on your first trip.

Guide to your first day at the gym

The number one thing you want to get out of your first day at the gym is a positive experience.

You want to feel great about going so you’ll feel encouraged to come back. The more times you can complete this cycle, the more likely you are to build the habit for life.

Here’s my complete guide to being prepared, forming a plan, and navigating the gym like a pro on your first day.

2 things to prepare before your first day at the gym

I’ll assume you’ve already decided which gym you’re going to go to and either secured a guest pass or a membership.

(If you haven’t, I have tons of helpful guides, like my Gym Comparison Series and my insider-secrets for how to negotiate your gym membership .)

Once you’ve got that figured out, here are the two main things you need:

Wandering around the gym aimlessly on your first day is a great way to have a crappy experience.

(Take it from me, I used to do this.)

You’ll bounce around from a little walking on the treadmill, to doing some light bicep curls, to trying out some funky machine you’ve never seen.

You won’t get a good workout because you won’t push yourself hard, and without a specific goal to accomplish for that day, you’ll probably leave early and feel a little bummed — like you didn’t accomplish anything.

(Even though going to the gym at all is a great accomplishment.)

Scroll down to see some more ideas about what specific workout you should do at the gym if you’re totally stuck, but as you’re preparing for your first time, you have a great opportunity to figure out what your goals are.

Which body types do you admire?

  • Marathoners?
  • Weightlifters?

The physique you covet might inform your workout choice.

Or what physical traits do you value?

  • Flexibility and mobility?
  • General wellness?

These are good questions to ask yourself as you pick or create your own workout plan.

There’s nothing you HAVE to do, no rules. You don’t have to run if you don’t want to. You don’t have to lift if you hate it.

There are a million viable ways to get fit, and this is your chance to explore which one might be right for you.

Try this : If you’re not ready to dive headfirst into a full workout program, at least go in on your first day with one small goal.

For example, burn 200 calories on the treadmill, or do a few sets of 3-4 different upper body strength exercises.

A buddy. (Or not.)

The research is pretty clear that people who have committed workout partners tend to work out more often and miss fewer workouts.

Enlisting a reliable friend can be a great way to stay motivated to work out .

But you can also become dependent on that person and, if and when they bail, your hard-earned fitness habit goes down with them.

Decide now if you’re the kind of person who needs that support, or if this is a challenge you’ll undergo alone.

Me? I’m a lone-wolf type. My time in the gym is for me and me alone, and I don’t really want anyone else there distracting me.

If you are going to go with a friend, get on the same page ahead of time about when and how often you can both commit to do this!

(Or check out my complete guide to going to the gym alone and how to crush it without fear!)

4 things to bring (and what not to bring) to the gym

What to bring to your first day at the gym

Let’s keep this super simple on your first day.

You don’t need a duffel bag filled to the brim with workout gear.

In most cases, all you really need is:

  • A change of clothes & toiletries, if you’re showering at the gym
  • Your workout outfit. Shorts or tights and basic sneakers is fine!
  • And headphones

That’s about it, for now.

You don’t need mid-workout protein supplements, complicated weightlifting belts or gloves, resistance bands, or anything like that at first.

As you start to advance and specialize in your training, you might start adding some of that stuff in, but for now it’ll only overwhelm you.

Try this: Pack your gym bag the night before, if possible. If you’re 100% ready to go and don’t need to make any decisions about outfits or gear, you’ll be less likely to flake out.

(And check out my complete guide to gym essentials for beginners hitting the gym for the first time.)

The best times to go to the gym, explained

In most cases, you won’t have a lot of flexibility here.

You can go when you can go, and that’s that!

(Usually before or after work, or maybe on your lunch break if you’re lucky. But do check out my tips on how to exercise when you work full-time .)

But if you do want to beat the crowds and avoid judging eyes, most commercial gyms will be quietest during the late morning through early afternoon on week days.

They fill up early in the mornings, around rush hour, and here and there on the weekends.

Going during a peak time isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it can be a little frustrating when all the equipment is taken. Not to mention, it can add to your anxiety when there are more people around and you don’t know what you’re doing!

For your first day, I would probably aim for a dead period if at all possible so you can feel free to explore, make mistakes, and do your thing.

(For more, check out my complete guide to the best times to go to the gym to beat the crowds.)

What to do at the gym your first day

At some point (maybe right away, but it’s up to you), you’ll want to get on a proper workout program.

What is a workout program? It’s a full blueprint that tells you:

  • Which exercises to do each day, for how long, how many sets/reps, etc.
  • How to ensure progress from one workout to the next
  • Troubleshooting tips (overcoming plateaus, motivation problems)
  • And, often, nutritional guides and meal plan advice for weight loss or muscle gain

I could recommend some of the programs that I personally like, but it won’t mean much to you until you’ve decided if you want to build up your cardio, become a great yogi, or build muscle by lifting weights.

(Although I’ll say, the Beachbody on Demand streaming platform has a pretty great selection of full workout programs you can choose from. I don’t love their aggressive marketing, but the BODi service is super legit — click that link to read my hands-on review.)

But for your first day, let’s keep it super simple.

Try this: I actually quite like this free 30-minute workout from Planet Fitness .

This is a great “first day at the gym workout plan” that has you doing:

  • A light warm-up on the treadmill (beginner friendly and burns some calories!)
  • Lat pulldown machine (one of the easiest resistance machines to learn, works your back and biceps)
  • Leg press machine (also pretty beginner-friendly and will build leg strength)
  • Stair climber (calorie-torching machine)
  • Chest press (hit those triceps and pecs, another pretty simple-to-use machine)
  • Ab machine (get started on that six-pack!)

It sounds like a lot, but you’re only at each station for a few minutes and there’s no need to push yourself super hard.

You’ll get a mix of endurance work, calorie burn, and strength/toning here, which is perfect for a beginner who hasn’t figured out what they like yet.

(Also check out my guide to over 14 free workout plans you can start right now, whether you’re into cardio, strength, yoga, or whatever.)

Gym Etiquette Basics (for beginners)

Gym etiquette and wiping down equipment

Don’t let the gym intimidate you.

It might feel like there’s this unspoken culture of etiquette and terminology you don’t understand, but it really comes down to only a few things.

Wipe down machinery

This is just good sense.

If you sweat on something, grab a towel or a wet wipe (your gym will probably have dispensers mounted on the wall) and give it a quick wipe when you’re done.

Put stuff back

Gym meatheads love to leave heavy weights lying all over the place, still racked on the barbell, or strewn all over the floor.

Please don’t do this.

When you’re done with any piece of equipment, just put it back where you found it.

If you’re using a piece of equipment and someone asks you to “work in,” they’re not trying to kick you off.

They just want to know if they can squeeze in a set when you’re done and resting, and then you can do a set while they’re resting, etc.

It’s common courtesy to let people work in if they ask.

(For more, check out my complete guide to gym slang you should know.)

What NOT to do on your first day at the gym (3 things to avoid)

I don’t want to overwhelm you with a huge list of faux pas and things to avoid.

But let me hit you with 3 big ones, just so you’re prepared.

Don’t copy people at the gym.

Let me tell you, as an experienced gym veteran…

When you’re a beginner or outsider, it looks like everyone knows what they’re doing.

They really don’t.

I can’t tell you how many people, especially in the weightlifting area:

  • Do exercises wrong
  • Perform strange and unsafe exercise variations
  • Use inefficient training methods
  • Generally do dumb stuff

I don’t care if someone is lean and toned, or super jacked, don’t copy what they’re doing.

Do your own research and get on a plan created by someone who knows what they’re doing.

Don’t overdo it on your first day.

If you’re feeling motivated to have an awesome workout, that’s great.

But don’t try to be a hero when you’re not in great shape yet.

Go in, accomplish your small goal, have a great time doing it, and get out.

Next time, you can come back and push yourself a little harder.

If you go too fast too soon, you can end up hurting yourself, or at least extremely sore the next day.

(If you’re insanely sore for 3 or 4 days after your workout, chances are high you won’t want to come back for your next scheduled workout.)

You can’t lose 10 pounds in one workout. This is a process. Let it play out!

Don’t get down on yourself.

If it’s been a while since you worked out, you might be really disappointed by your fitness level (or lack thereof).

You might see people all around you running circles around you, lifting heavier weights, and just generally kicking ass.

But you’re not competing against them. Your only competition is YOU, so again, fall back on the goal you set for yourself, and try to best it the next time.

You win by being consistent and forming healthy habits for life, not by being the strongest or fastest person in the gym.

How to build the gym habit (and make sure you come back again and again)

Your main goal for your first day is this:

Have a positive experience so you’ll be eager to come back and do it again.

That’s really it.

Having a small goal you can accomplish and feel good about is a great way of doing this. But if you need to start even smaller, start with just getting a tour, chatting with the staff, or reading your favorite book in the lobby.

Anything you can do to make the gym feel like a comfortabe and enjoyable place to be is a win, at first!

Some things I really enjoy doing at the gym:

  • Walking on the treadmill and watching YouTube videos, sports highlights, or listening to podcasts
  • Soaking in the hot tub
  • Treating myself to a fun (but not overly indulgent!) lunch afterwards

These are little treats that keep me going and make visiting the gym enjoyable for me, outside of the actual act of working out itself.

From there, force yourself (kicking and screaming, if necessary) to commit to a certain number of workouts per week. I prefer a hard number like 3, rather than a range like 2-4, because it doesn’t give you an easy excuse to skip days.

Aim to grit through your first couple of weeks, dragging yourself to the gym on time exactly as you planned, making it as enjoyable as possible, and stacking small wins.

If you can manage that for a few weeks, it’ll become a habit before you know it.

Wrapping Up

Hey, I don’t know you, but I’m really proud of you!

Going to the gym for the first time, or after a long absence, is really hard. Like, mortifyingly hard in some cases.

It gets easier and easier the more you stick with it, and you’ll eventually get to the point where you truly look forward to your workouts and the pride you feel after completing them.

Patience. You’ll get there.

Step one is just showing up and having an awesome first day. I hope this guide has helped you get in the right mindset to make that happen!

Before you go, check out tips for your:

  • First yoga class
  • First spin class
  • First time lifting weights

Hope this helps, and please share it with anyone else you think might need it!

FAQ for your first time at the gym

What workout should I do? (Male or female)

Refer to my tips above.

The workouts you do at the gym should be carefully chosen based on your specific individual goals.

At first, it’s OK to pick a general beginner’s fitness program to just get comfortable in the gym like the 30-minute Planet Fitness workout I linked above.

But pretty quickly you should figure out if your goals are strength, cardio/endurance, or skill-based and research some workout routines that will help you achieve those goals.

What should I wear my first day at the gym?

Don’t overthink it. Keep it simple!

For guys, you can do pretty much any kind of workout in shorts (not too baggy), a breathable tank top , and cross-trainer sneakers.

(Cross-trainers are great all-around workout shoes. They’re not the best for lifting or the best for running, but they’re pretty good for just about everything.)

What should women wear their first day at the gym? The female equivalent of this outfit is probably yoga or athletic pants and a loose fitting tank and sports bra, plus women’s cross-trainers.

As you specialize and advance in your workouts, you can start incorporating other gear like specific shoe-wear or apparel.

Any tips for your first day back at the gym after a long layoff?

Start slow and take it easy.

Don’t jump right back into full intensity and don’t try to set an major PRs (personal records) if you haven’t worked out in a while.

Ease yourself back in and build up your confidence. Get your muscle memory firing and in a few workouts you’ll be back to your old self.

Any special tips for the first day at the gym for a female?

Big box gyms can be an uncomfortable place for women . Leering men, unwanted advances, and gym bros that want to tell you everything you’re doing “wrong.”

It’s really the owner and manager’s responsibility to make sure the gym environment is safe and welcoming for everyone. And it’s also up to guys to learn how to behave properly.

But, the reality is the reality. If it’s your first time at the gym as a woman and you’re worried about uncomfortable interactions, I recommend bringing a friend or two. I think a gym buddy is great for anyone, but especially in these situations. Over time, you’ll develop more confidence in the gym, but bringing some backup along can really help you get your footing.

And don’t hesitate to report bad behavior to the managers! Any good gym ownership wants to know about toxic behavior and keep it out of their club.

3 Best Gym Presentation Templates in 2024

Compare the best gym presentation templates you can use. Get a free gym presentation template to download free or copy and paste to make your own.

Best Gym Presentation Templates

Compare the best gym presentation templates for Powerpoint, Google Slides, Word, Docs, or more by just copying and pasting and then changing it as you see fit. Are you looking for a way to make your gym presentation stand out from the crowd? Look no further than a gym presentation template!

Fitness Income Ideas

Whether you need to learn how to create a business plan for a gym and you need a gym business presentation template because you want to open a gym , start a fitness business , or get a gym loan to secure funding for a new gym business, this free gym business presentation template will help you organize and prioritize.

And then managing your gym with the best gym management software and the best personal training software means that you can easily create and send gym message templates, send emails, send text messages, gym landing pages, waivers, forms, fitness assessments, lead forms, registration forms, online booking, workout plans, and much more.


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#1 SlidesGo Gym Presentation Template

Gym Business Presentation Template

Website: SlidesGo

#2 SlideEgg Gym Presentation Template

Gym Presentation Template

Website: SlideEgg

#3 24Slides Gym Business Plan Presentation Template

Gym Business Plan Presentation Template

Website: 24Slides

Gym Business Presentation Template

Looking for a professional and visually appealing gym presentation template? This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to create an engaging and effective gym presentation that will impress your audience. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why using a gym presentation template can benefit you and your audience, and provide both a gym business presentation template and a gym sales presentation template. We’ll also cover how to choose the right template, the key components of an effective gym presentation, and provide tips and tricks for creating an engaging and impactful presentation.

A gym business plan presentation template is an invaluable starting point and tool for conveying your vision, mission, and detailed plans to potential investors, partners, or other stakeholders. This gym presentation example template outlines the key elements to consider when preparing a business plan presentation.

Slide 1: Introduction

  • Briefly introduce the gym concept and the team behind it.

Slide 2: Vision and Mission

  • Highlight the vision and mission statements of the gym.

Slide 3: Market Research

  • Describe the target market and showcase the demand for a gym in the specific area.

Slide 4: Competitor Analysis

  • List and analyze competitors, highlighting your gym’s unique selling points.

Slide 5: Services and Facilities

  • Detail the amenities and services that the gym will provide.

Slide 6: Marketing Plan

  • Outline the strategies for attracting and retaining gym members.

Slide 7: Financial Projections

  • Present revenue, expense, and profitability projections for the first 1-3 years.

Slide 8: Investment and Funding

  • Specify the amount needed for startup and operational costs.

Slide 9: Risk Analysis

  • Discuss potential risks and strategies to mitigate them.

Slide 10: Conclusion

  • Summarize the key points and make a compelling closing statement.
  • How to Create a Gym Business Plan
  • How to Create a Gym Budget
  • Gym Sales Forecasting

Gym Sales Presentation Template

Selling gym memberships involves more than just listing the features of your gym; it requires a targeted approach to identifying and solving your prospective members’ needs. This template can guide you through creating an effective sales pitch.

Slide 1: Welcome and Introduction

  • Introduce yourself and set the stage for what the presentation will cover.

Slide 2: The Problem

  • Identify common issues prospective members may have with their current gym or fitness regimen.

Slide 3: The Solution

  • Explain how your gym can solve these problems.

Slide 4: Unique Selling Proposition

  • Showcase what sets your gym apart from competitors.

Slide 5: Membership Options

  • List the different types of memberships and their costs.

Slide 6: Testimonials and Success Stories

  • Share stories or quotes from satisfied members.

Slide 7: Facilities and Amenities

  • Highlight the facilities and services available to members.

Slide 8: Special Offers

  • Describe any special promotions or discounts on memberships.

Slide 9: FAQ

  • Address common questions that prospective members may have.

Slide 10: Call to Action

  • Instruct the audience on the next steps to become a member.

Both of these templates can be effectively managed and presented using a professional solution like, which can help you organize your business plan and membership sales strategy comprehensively. Booking a demo with can offer further insights on how to execute these plans successfully.

  • How to Sell More Gym Memberships
  • Gym Membership Sales Strategies
  • Gym Membership Sales Script
  • Common Gym Sales Objections
  • Gym Sales Follow Up Process

Why Use a Gym Presentation Template

First and foremost, using a gym presentation template can save you a significant amount of time and effort. Instead of starting from scratch and creating each slide individually, a template provides pre-designed slides that you can easily customize to fit your needs. This means less time spent on formatting and more time focusing on delivering a stellar presentation.

Additionally, a gym presentation template can help ensure consistency throughout your slides. With a cohesive design and layout, your audience will have an easier time following along and understanding the information you’re presenting. This can lead to a more engaging and memorable presentation overall.

Benefits of Using a Gym Presentation Template

There are numerous benefits to using a gym presentation template. One major advantage is the ability to easily incorporate visually appealing elements into your slides. Most templates come with built-in images and graphics that you can use to enhance your presentation. These elements can help convey your message in a more engaging and memorable way.

Another benefit is that templates often include pre-designed charts and graphs, making it easier to present data and statistics. These visual representations can help your audience better understand complex information and make your presentation more impactful.

How to Choose the Right Gym Presentation Template

When choosing a gym presentation template, there are a few key factors to consider. First, think about the overall design and layout of the template. Does it align with your brand and the message you want to convey? Look for a template that is visually appealing and easy to read.

Next, consider the features and functionality of the template. Does it have the specific elements you need for your presentation? For example, if you want to incorporate infographics or dynamic transitions, make sure the template supports these features.

Lastly, pay attention to the customization options. Can you easily modify the colors, fonts, and overall styling of the template? The ability to personalize the template to fit your specific needs is crucial for creating a unique and impactful presentation.

Key Components of an Effective Gym Presentation Template

An effective gym presentation template should include several key components. First, a compelling and informative introduction slide is essential. This slide should grab your audience’s attention and clearly state the purpose or main objective of your presentation.

Next, make sure to include slides that incorporate eye-catching images and graphics. Visual elements can help break up text-heavy slides and keep your audience engaged. Consider using high-quality photographs of your gym or fitness-related images that align with your message.

In addition to visuals, incorporating relevant data and statistics is crucial for a persuasive presentation. Use charts, graphs, and other visual representations to illustrate key points and support your arguments.

Another important component is the use of infographics. Infographics are a great way to present information in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand format. Consider including infographics that highlight the benefits of your gym or showcase success stories from satisfied clients.

Creating an Engaging Intro Slide for Your Gym Presentation

The introduction slide of your gym presentation sets the tone for the rest of your presentation and should captivate your audience from the start. To create an engaging intro slide, consider using a bold and attention-grabbing headline that piques their curiosity.

You can also incorporate a visually striking image or background that relates to your gym or fitness theme. This will help create a strong visual impact and draw your audience’s attention to the slide. Make sure to keep the text on the intro slide concise and to the point. You want to quickly convey the main objective or key message of your presentation.

Furthermore, consider using dynamic transitions or animations to add a touch of excitement and professionalism to your intro slide. These effects can help create a seamless flow between slides and maintain your audience’s interest throughout your presentation.

Designing Eye-Catching Slides with Images and Graphics for Your Gym Presentation

Incorporating images and graphics into your gym presentation can significantly enhance its visual appeal and make it more engaging for your audience. When selecting images, choose high-quality photographs that relate to the topic of your presentation.

Consider using images that showcase your gym facilities, equipment, or even before-and-after shots of satisfied clients. These visuals will help bring your presentation to life and give your audience a better sense of what you’re offering.

In addition to images, consider using icons or illustrations that align with your brand and message. Icons can be used to represent different aspects of your gym, such as strength training, cardio exercises, or nutrition. These graphics can help convey complex ideas or concepts in a simple and visually appealing way.

Incorporating Relevant Data and Statistics in Your Gym Presentation

Data and statistics can add credibility and support to your gym presentation. When presenting data, consider using charts or graphs to visually represent the information. Bar graphs, pie charts, and line graphs are effective ways to showcase data in a clear and concise manner.

Make sure to explain the key findings or trends highlighted by the data and provide context for your audience. This will help them better understand the significance of the information being presented and how it relates to your overall message.

When including statistics, use impactful and relevant numbers that highlight the success or benefits of your gym. For example, you could include statistics on the number of clients who have achieved their fitness goals or the percentage of clients who see improvements in their overall health and well-being.

Using Infographics to Present Information in Your Gym Presentation

Infographics are an excellent tool for presenting complex information in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand format. When creating infographics for your gym presentation, focus on the key points and data that you want to highlight.

Consider using a combination of icons, charts, and text to convey your message effectively. Keep in mind that simplicity is key – avoid overcrowding the infographic with too much information. Instead, use visuals and brief, concise text to communicate your key ideas.

In addition to data and statistics, consider using infographics to showcase success stories from your gym. Include before-and-after photos, testimonials, and brief descriptions of how your gym has helped clients achieve their fitness goals. This will not only add credibility to your presentation but also resonate with your audience on a personal level.

Crafting a Compelling Storyline for Your Gym Presentation

A compelling storyline is essential for keeping your audience engaged and interested in your gym presentation. To craft a compelling storyline, start by clearly defining the main objective or message that you want to convey.

Arrange your presentation in a logical and sequential manner, building upon each slide to create a cohesive narrative. Consider using storytelling techniques to illustrate your points and make your presentation more relatable and memorable.

Throughout your presentation, make sure to address the pain points and challenges that your audience may be facing. Explain how your gym can provide solutions and benefits that are relevant to their needs and goals.

Tips for Creating Clear and Concise Text in Your Gym Presentation

When it comes to text in your gym presentation, less is often more. Aim for clear and concise text that gets straight to the point. Use bullet points or short sentences to convey your ideas in a straightforward manner.

Avoid using long paragraphs or blocks of text that can overwhelm your audience and detract from your message. Break up the text into smaller chunks and use headings or subheadings to divide your content into easily digestible sections.

Additionally, choose fonts that are easy to read and maintain consistency throughout your presentation. Stick to a limited number of font styles and sizes to create a clean and professional look.

Choosing the Right Color Scheme for Your Gym Presentation Template

The right color scheme can significantly impact the overall look and feel of your gym presentation. When choosing a color scheme, consider your brand colors and the vibe you want to convey.

Avoid using too many colors that can be distracting or overwhelming. Instead, select a few complementary colors that align with your branding and create a cohesive visual identity.

Consider incorporating shades of blue or green, which are often associated with health, fitness, and vitality. These colors can create a sense of calm and energy in your presentation. Additionally, use contrast strategically to highlight important information or elements.

Selecting Fonts that Enhance Readability in Your Gym Presentation

Selecting the right fonts for your gym presentation is important for readability and overall visual appeal. Choose fonts that are clear, easy to read, and match the tone of your presentation.

Consider using sans-serif fonts, such as Arial or Helvetica, for headings and titles. These fonts are clean and modern, making them highly legible even from a distance.

For body text, choose a serif font, such as Times New Roman or Georgia, which are easier to read for longer paragraphs. However, be careful not to use fonts that are too small or decorative, as they can be difficult to read.

Remember to maintain consistency throughout your presentation by using the same font styles and sizes. This will create a cohesive and professional look that is easy on the eyes.

Adding Dynamic Transitions and Animations to Your Gym Presentation Slides

Dynamic transitions and animations can add a touch of professionalism and excitement to your gym presentation. When using transitions, consider using subtle effects that create a smooth flow between slides.

Avoid using overly flashy or distracting transitions that can take away from your content. The goal is to enhance your presentation, not overshadow it.

For animations, use effects sparingly and purposefully. Animations can be used to highlight key points, bring attention to specific elements, or create visual interest.

However, be mindful not to overdo it – too many animations can make your presentation seem cluttered and chaotic. Use animations strategically to enhance and support your content, not overpower it.

Enhancing Interactivity with Audience Engagement Tools in Your Gym Presentation

Interactivity is a great way to engage your audience and make your gym presentation more memorable. Consider incorporating audience engagement tools such as polls, quizzes, or Q&A sessions into your presentation.

Polls and quizzes can be used to gather feedback or gauge your audience’s knowledge and understanding of the topic. This not only encourages active participation but also provides valuable insights for future presentations.

During Q&A sessions, encourage your audience to ask questions and provide a platform for discussion. This creates a more interactive and engaging experience for everyone involved.

Optimizing Slide Layouts for Maximum Impact in Your Gym Presentation Template

Optimizing your slide layouts is crucial for creating a visually appealing and impactful gym presentation. When designing your slides, consider the hierarchy of information and how it flows from one slide to the next.

Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to structure your content and guide your audience’s attention. Group related information together and create a logical progression throughout your presentation.

Additionally, leave enough whitespace on each slide to avoid overwhelming your audience. Whitespace helps draw attention to important elements and makes your presentation easier to read and absorb.

Remember to maintain consistency in your slide layouts. Use the same structure and formatting across all slides for a cohesive and professional look.

Incorporating Testimonials and Success Stories in Your Gym Presentation

Testimonials and success stories are powerful tools for building credibility and trust in your gym presentation. Include quotes or testimonials from satisfied clients who have achieved their fitness goals through your gym.

Testimonials can be used to highlight the positive impact your gym has had on individuals’ lives and inspire your audience to take action. Consider including before-and-after photos, if appropriate, to visually demonstrate the transformation your clients have undergone.

Additionally, share success stories that showcase how your gym has helped individuals overcome challenges or achieve remarkable results. These stories can serve as powerful motivators and drive your audience to become a part of your fitness community.

Including Call-to-Action Slides to Drive Action from your Audience in your Gym presentation.

Don’t forget to include call-to-action slides in your gym presentation to encourage your audience to take the next step. A call-to-action slide should clearly communicate what action you want your audience to take, whether it’s joining your gym, scheduling a free trial, or signing up for a newsletter.

Use compelling language and visuals to emphasize the benefits they will gain from taking action. Create a sense of urgency or exclusivity to motivate your audience to act immediately.

Make sure to provide clear instructions on how to take the desired action, whether it’s visiting your website, calling a phone number, or filling out a form. Include contact information or relevant links to make it easy for your audience to follow through.

Customizing and Personalizing your gym presentation template

Customizing and personalizing your gym presentation template is essential for making it unique and aligned with your brand. Take advantage of the customization options provided by the template to tailor it to your specific needs.

Modify the colors, fonts, and overall styling to match your brand identity. Incorporate your gym’s logo or other branding elements to create a cohesive visual identity.

Personalize the content of the template to reflect your gym’s unique selling points and value proposition. Customize the text, images, and data to showcase your gym’s strengths and differentiating factors.

By customizing and personalizing your gym presentation template, you’ll create a presentation that stands out and accurately represents your gym and its offerings.

Tips for Rehearsing and Delivering a Successful Gym Presentation

Rehearsing and delivering a successful gym presentation requires preparation and practice. Here are a few tips to help you make the most out of your presentation:

First, understand the purpose of your presentation and your target audience. Whether you’re presenting to potential investors, gym members, or your staff, knowing your audience will help you tailor your message effectively.

Research and Content Preparation

1. Know Your Subject Well: The more you know about what you’re talking about, the more confident you’ll feel. Research statistics, trends, and other relevant information that you can incorporate into your presentation.

2. Structured Layout: Organize your content logically, usually with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Make sure your slides or materials are easy to follow and visually engaging.

3. Practice Makes Perfect: Rehearse multiple times before the big day. If possible, practice in front of a small audience or record yourself and watch it to catch any mistakes or areas of improvement.

4. Time Management: Time yourself during practice runs to ensure that you stay within any allotted time. This ensures that you have time for a Q&A session at the end, if applicable.

5. Engage the Audience: Ask questions, make eye contact, and vary your tone of voice to keep the audience engaged.

6. Use Visual Aids: Slides, props, or any visual aids you use should complement your speech and not replace it.

Technical Aspects

7. Check Equipment: If you’re using any technology like a projector or microphone, check to make sure everything is working before the presentation starts.

The Actual Presentation

8. Calm Your Nerves: Deep breathing and visualization techniques can help calm your nerves before you start.

9. Open Strong: Capture the audience’s attention right at the beginning, either with a shocking statistic, an inspirational quote, or a thought-provoking question.

10. Be Yourself: Authenticity builds trust. Don’t try to be someone you’re not; your genuine enthusiasm for your gym and what you’re presenting will shine through.

11. Q&A: Always leave some time at the end for questions and thank the audience for their time and attention.

12. Get Feedback: After the presentation, try to get feedback either through a quick survey or informal conversations. This will help you improve for next time.

If you’re looking for a comprehensive software solution to manage your gym, consider It’s a professional platform that can manage all aspects of a fitness business, from scheduling and customer management to selling workout plans and tracking performance. With, you can take your gym business to the next level.

What are gym PowerPoint templates?

Gym PowerPoint templates are pre-designed slide layouts specifically tailored for presentations related to gyms, fitness centers, and health and wellness. These templates often include slides for introducing your gym, showcasing services, presenting market research, and more.

Why do we need to use gym PowerPoint slides?

Using gym-specific PowerPoint slides can save time and ensure that your presentation is visually engaging and relevant to your audience. These templates are often designed with industry-specific graphics, colors, and layouts that make your content more appealing.

How do I choose a gym PowerPoint template for a presentation?

When choosing a gym PowerPoint template, consider factors like the target audience, the purpose of the presentation, and the kind of information you’ll be sharing. Make sure the template is customizable, visually appealing, and aligns with your gym’s branding.

What should be included in a 20-minute gym business plan presentation?

In a 20-minute gym business plan presentation, you might include:

  • Introduction and Executive Summary
  • Market Research and Target Audience
  • Business Structure and Model
  • Services and Pricing
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Financial Projections
  • Operational Plan
  • Summary and Call to Action

What should be included in a 20-minute gym membership sales presentation?

For a 20-minute gym membership sales presentation, consider including:

  • Introduction to Your Gym
  • Benefits of Joining
  • Membership Plans and Pricing
  • Testimonials or Success Stories
  • Special Offers or Promotions
  • Facilities and Amenities
  • How to Sign Up
  • Q&A or Closing Remarks

How can help my gym be more professional? provides an all-in-one gym management software solution that can significantly enhance the professionalism of your gym. With features like custom-branded apps, online booking, membership management, and workout plan creation, you can offer a seamless and high-quality experience for your members. Plus, the robust analytics and reporting features help you make data-driven decisions for your business. For a more detailed look at how can elevate your gym’s professionalism, consider booking a demo .

Jimmy Myers Relentless Sports Performance

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presentation on going to the gym

presentation on going to the gym

6 Beginner Gym Workouts: How to Work Out in a Gym The Right Way!

presentation on going to the gym

Reviewed By: Matt Myers, CPT, PN-1, FMS, CCC

These Troopers get to work out in the Death Star's gym. You might have to buy a membership.

Welcome to the Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to the Gym!  

As part of our Strength 101 series , this guide will dive deep into everything you need to know about working out properly in a gym.

By the time you finish reading, you’ll never have to wonder “What should I do in the gym?”

Plus, I bet I also make you laugh once or twice with bad jokes and perfect gifs.

We’ve helped thousands of Online Coaching Clients build confidence and start strength training in the gym, so I worked with our coaches to create today’s Ultimate Beginner Gym Guide!

Not confident at the gym? Bring a fitness Yoda in your pocket with the Nerd Fitness Coaching app:

Okay, time to start working out. Let’s hit the gym and explore the following:

  • Scared to work out in a gym? Read this first.
  • How often should I go to the gym?
  • Level 1 Gym Workout: Your first day in the gym.
  • Level 2 Gym Workout: Cardio Cadet.
  • Level 3 Gym Workout: Bodyweight Brigade.
  • Level 4 Gym Workout: Dumbbell Division.
  • Level 5 Gym Workout: Barbell Battalion.
  • Level 6 Gym Workout: Gym Class Hero.

Gym Etiquette: Tips and Tricks

  • How to build the gym habit

Scared to Work Out in a Gym? Read This First.

Having a plan, like this LEGO does, will help with your first day at the gym.

Regardless of your physique, whether you weigh 400 pounds or 100 pounds, going to a regular commercial gym for the first time can be intimidating.

And that’s only if you can use 20 Seconds of Courage to walk in the door!

I explain exactly what I mean by it in this video:

I know many people who say “Gyms are not for me,” or “Gyms are dumb” and never even go into one, simply because gyms can be scary/not welcoming/not cool.

By the way, if you don’t have a gym membership, here’s how to find the right gym and 6 things to know before joining a gym .

Now, if you CAN work up the courage to walk through the door, you’ll be faced with the following:

#1) People with strained looks on their faces dutifully using machines that somewhat resemble medieval torture devices.

#2) Others on cardio machines, treadmills, and ellipticals, and you can already picture yourself wiping out and ending up in a YouTube fail montage.

#3) Really strong jacked people picking up heavy weights so effortlessly that you can’t help but instantly compare yourself to them…and get intimidated.

If you struggle with self-confidence , or you don’t love how you look, you might assume that everybody around you will be judging you the whole time and don’t want to subject yourself to this torture.

In fact, you might think that somehow you need to get in shape FIRST, and THEN you can go to the gym…

You go to the gym TO get in shape. And I will get you there.

If you are going to start using a gym, here are some truths you need to know:

  • Everybody around you is just as self-conscious as you are. Yes, that super-jacked woman lifting weights. Or that fit dude on the elliptical. They aren’t focused on you, because they’re too busy living inside their own head wondering if everybody is thinking about them.
  • Everybody starts somewhere. You don’t get in shape so that you can then go to the gym. You go to the gym to get stronger , more confident, and then get in shape.
  • MOST will applaud you for trying. When I see somebody who is severely overweight at the gym, it makes me happy – they’re trying to better themselves! That’s freaking AWESOME. This is the mentality 90%+ of the people will have.
  • MANY will be too self-focused to even notice you. These are the dudes lifting up their shirt in the mirror to check their abs, doing bicep curls in the squat rack, and/or making sure they take photos to post on Facebook to prove they did in fact go to the gym. #Fitspo #Instagram #OtherNonsensicalHashtags
  • A RARE few will judge. Though they’re not just judging you, I promise. They’re judging EVERYBODY around you because they can’t help but compare themselves to others. This is no different than in real life. Screw these people, haters gonna hate, slaters gonna slate.

Sure, you can say “people are mean, the gym is scary, I just won’t show up.” But then, the terrorists win. And so do those people. So f*** that!

Instead, this is going to be your gym mentality:

  • Accept that some people suck (like anywhere in life), and most people are indifferent or focused on being self-conscious themselves. Everybody else will applaud you for trying and being there.
  • Make an epic Spotify playlist that makes you feel heroic.
  • Wear clothes that you feel comfortable in.
  • Keep your headphones on, zone out everybody, and go about your business. Imagine you’re the only one there.
  • Use 20 seconds of courage when necessary to get you to take action.

These are tips Coach Matt brings up in his video How to Overcome Gym Anxiety :

We work with all of our Online Coaching clients who are worried about looking foolish in the gym. We know this is a huge challenge, so we create small levels and missions for our clients to get them comfortable in the gym.

We’ve helped people just like you go from sheepish beginner to barbell-wielding badass. Let us help you!

Let us take you from Newbie to Weight Training Hero with our Coaching Program! Get the details here.

How Often Should I go to the Gym?

This soldier should hit the gym enough to make progress while also allowing plenty of time to rest.

Many people think they need to hit the gym 6 days per week, dutifully alternating weight training with cardio and bootcamps to get that jacked/toned body they’re after. 

That sounds exhausting and miserable to me…

…and I LOVE the gym!

So here’s what you need to know about gym frequency:

Go as much as you can, or as little as you want. 

All of the workouts in this guide are “full-body workouts” which means they work out all of the muscles in your body. 

And as we lay out in “ Strength 101: Beginner Strength Workouts ,” your muscles get broken down in the gym and then they rebuild themselves stronger over the next ~48 hours.

For that reason, we recommend you hit the gym 2-4 times per week, with a day off or more in between most sessions. 

This advice comes with a few caveats: 

  • If you’re a single mom or working two jobs or just busy living your life and you can only go to the gym once, great! Once a week is better than zero times a week!
  • If you have specific athletic or cardiovascular goals you’re training for, then hitting the gym more frequently might get you faster results.
  • If you are trying to lose weight , going to the gym more frequently probably WON’T get you faster results. It’s all diet .

“Steve, just tell me how often I should go to the gym !”

Fine! Try to work up to going to the gym 3 times per week.

I like Monday-Wednesday-Friday workout plans.

Start and end the week with good wins! 

Oh, what’s that? You want to exercise on your off days too? Cool. Here’s what you should be doing on your non-training days .

We craft our workout routines for our coaching clients around their schedules – some people hit the gym 5 days per week, while others only go once a week. We’re all unique snowflakes!

Okay! Now that we got THAT out of the way, are we ready!?

Great! Let’s level up in the gym!

Level One Gym Workout: First Day At the Gym

Vader remembers his first day at the gym...he choked out his personal trainer with the force.

The toughest part about going to a gym for the first time is just walking through the door.

If you do that, you’ve already gone farther than 74% of the population (a totally made-up statistic that I’m using to prove my point), so give yourself a pat on the back.*

*Don’t have enough mobility to pat yourself on the back? We’ll help you with that too .

So on your first day in the gym, just GOING to the gym is a big step in the right direction. And I’m proud of you.

Note: You might need to also change into gym clothes if you’re coming from work. I know walking out onto the floor in gym clothes might be intimidating too (another chance to use 20 Seconds of Courage ).

But now you’re wondering, “Steve you half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herder, what do I DO on my first day at the gym?”

If you haven’t already done so, ask somebody at the front desk the following:

  • “Hey I’m new here, could I get a tour of the gym?”
  • “Excuse me, today’s my first day, can you point me in the direction of a place I can stretch?”
  • “Can you help me work the treadmill?”

Or you can go full YOLO and try to figure these things out on your own.

If you’re able to get a personal tour, great! Ask the treadmill question when you get to them. If they can’t walk you through, just do a lap yourself and see where things are and who is doing what.

Pro tip (also works outside of the gym): pretend you’re confident – even if you’re dying inside – walk with purpose, and nobody will question why you’re doing what you’re doing.

So, when you’re ready, walk over towards the stretching area, and do a few basic mobility/warm-up stretches while continuing to get the lay of the land and see what people are doing (don’t stare excessively, cool? Cool).

Not sure what to do for warm-up movements ? That’s okay!

Day 1 Beginner Warm-up Routine:

  • Roll your head in half-circles slowly,  from shoulder to shoulder.  5 circles in each direction
  • Slowly roll your shoulders forwards and backwards.  10 each way.
  • Keep your legs stationary, and twist your torso, left and right.  10 twists on each side.
  • Quad stretch:  Hold each stretch for 5 seconds. Do 3 on each side :

Focus on stretching like above your first day at the gym.

  • Cross one arm in front of your chest, then the other, as demonstrated here by lead coach Jim:  Hold each stretch for 5 seconds. Do 3 on each side :

Coach Jim showing you a great stretch for your first day at the gym.

These movements have the awesome side-effect of you being able to look around the gym and get the “flow” of things, while still looking busy. Jim STILL uses this “trick” when checking out new gyms.

A dynamic warm-up is the appetizer to ANY main course of strength training .

Really, just get your body moving. We don’t have to make you a gym warrior on Day 1. Some stretches and sightseeing will be good enough.


Take a lap around the gym and do your stretches.

If you walked out right now after doing these things, it’s still a win for Day 1 in a gym. Seriously – I don’t care what you do on Day 1 – as long as it leaves you feeling good enough to come back for a Day 2!


  • Walking through the door makes you a winner.
  • Ask for a tour if you need to know where things are!
  • Change into workout clothes.
  • Stand in one spot, do a few stretches, get the lay of the land.

If you’re up for MORE or ready to level up consider going to the next level, become a cardio cadet!

Level 2 Gym Workout: Join the Cardio Cadets

Man running in a gym on a treadmill

Get on the treadmill and start it up, based on the staff’s instructions.

If you weren’t able to get instructions, many treadmills have a “quick start” button that will start things up. Set it at a walking pace (usually somewhere BELOW 3.5mph).

Why start with just walking?

It gets you moving and out of your head! I know you’re smart – you’re reading NERD Fitness. But you also probably deal with “paralysis by analysis” a lot by overanalyzing everything, so we need to get OUT of our heads and get moving!!

Not only that, but walking is an AMAZING form of exercise . Walking is how Tim, the NF Prime member, lost 50 lbs through walking and nutritional changes . Don’t underestimate walking!

How did Tim get in shape? By walking, like you do on a treadmill at the gym.

So, for your first 10-15 minutes, just walk. Set the treadmill at 2.5mph or 3 or whatever speed is comfortable but not too strenuous.

A speed that gets you moving and gives you a chance to decide what you’ll do next while you look around the gym. (AKA, it gives you a chance to get out of your head and stop thinking everyone is looking at you. They’re not.)


Do your Level 1 stretches, then spend 15 minutes walking, and then you are free to go home.

Repeat this as many days as necessary until it starts to feel comfortable and you stop feeling self-conscious.

Scientists, Benedictine monks, and German scholars refer to such a thing as a “routine.”

As you get more comfortable, you can increase your walking speed or length of walking (20 minutes, 60 minutes, whatever)

If I’m gonna walk, I like to crush podcasts while doing so (My favorites: Watch Out for Fireballs, Pardon My Take, and Bill Burr). Maybe you listen to Harry Potter on Audible.

Whatever floats your boat.


  • What you do in the gym doesn’t matter – build the habit of going regularly.
  • Develop confidence on the treadmill by using a walking pace.
  • Start to realize you have just as much of a right to be there as anybody else.
  • Give yourself a high five for being you.

This routine of walking and stretching might only be one day in the gym for you, or it might be two months before you finally feel like you don’t want to jump out of your own skin while in the gym.

Going to the gym is the habit I want you to build, so this is a great start. Remember, you should be thinking in terms of “days and years,” not “weeks and months”:

We have many coaching clients who spend MONTHS just walking and working up the courage to move beyond the treadmill. That’s cool. We’re all on our own journey, at our own pace, so go at the pace that fits YOUR schedule.

Level 3 Workout:  Join the Bodyweight Brigade!

Bodyweight training is a great place to start training at the gym.

After getting comfortable with the stretching/treadmill routine, you may want to hop on a weight lifting machine at this point like the leg press or chest press machine.

Is this progress? Sure!

Can you do this? Absolutely!

But, but, but… we are going to recommend you try some bodyweight exercises instead as your next step.

Why? Because bodyweight exercises are ones you can also practice at home or on the road. So, if you have a day where your routine gets interrupted, you can still A) stretch, B) walk, and C) do your bodyweight exercises to keep the momentum going.

Bodyweight exercises also create a fantastic foundation for developing body awareness and using machines and free weights in the future.

So, if we’ve convinced you to try some bodyweight exercises, the next thing is to identify a place in the gym where you can do them without getting in the way. This oftentimes might double as the place you did your stretches—a place you’re already familiar with!

If you don’t know, ask the front desk or find a trainer ! That’s what they’re there for!


After your 5 minutes of warm-up (Level 1) and 10 minutes on the treadmill (Level 2), your next step is to go to a place where you can do the Level 3 Gym Workout:

  • 10 bodyweight squats
  • 10 wall push-ups (or another variation)
  • 10 wall push-ups

Can’t get through it all? No worries, do what you can.

Need a different variation? Adjust to what works for you! Check out our article on how to get your first push-up for more progression ideas.

This style of alternating one exercise with another is called a circuit workout , by the way!

If you don’t know how to do those movements well, watch coaches Jim, Staci, and myself show you how!



These are two key movements in our Beginner Bodyweight Workout Routine , and the foundation of any strength training routine !

If you just did the above mini-workout for a month, you’d be off to a great start! If you’re feeling frisky and starting to find some confidence in the gym, it’s time to branch out more!


  • Warm up on the treadmill with a 10-minute walk
  • Find a place where you can do bodyweight movements out of the way
  • Complete 3 circuits of 10 wall push-ups and 10 bodyweight squats each at a pace that works for you

Stay at this stage as long as you need, until you can move on!

Note: If you enjoy the bodyweight brigade, or you’re not quite ready to start doing weight training yet, that’s cool too.

Plus, if you want a FREE worksheet on how to level up your resistance training, without needing ANY weights whatsoever, you can grab yours right here:

  • Complete this workout at home, no equipment required
  • Avoid the common mistakes everybody makes when doing bodyweight exercises
  • Learn how to finally get your first pull-up

Level 4 Gym Workout: Join the Dumbbell Division

dumbbells in gym

It’s time to wander into the place that strikes fear in the heart of most gymgoers:

The free weight section.

DO NOT FORGET THIS: If you are a 400-pound woman, or 85 years old, or a 100-pound man, you have just as much of a right to be in the free weight section as anybody else.

It might take yet another 20 Seconds of Courage to wander in there, so I’m challenging you to try it.


After you do 10 minutes of walking on the treadmill, go to the dumbbell section, grab a single 10 lb (4.5kg) dumbbell, and find a flat bench like this:

Most gyms will have plenty of benches like this for you to try out.

Stand next to that bench and make sure nobody is using it. If somebody is at a bench nearby, ask them, “Is anybody using this bench?” If they say no, put your towel on the bench and your 10-lb dumbbell on it, and stand next to it.

We’re going to add a 1-arm dumbbell row to our circuit above:

That’s it! Just one dumbbell exercise!  Boom! You are now weight training like a boss .

Here’s your new  Level 4 Gym Workout C ircuit:  Dumbbell Division A

  • 10 push-ups
  • 10 one-arm dumbbell rows (10 per arm)

Do this circuit once, and then repeat two more times if you’re feeling good.

To recap, or if you skipped Steps 1-3 (I’m only slightly offended), here’s how to properly do:



Congrats! You’ve used dumbbells!

Remember, everybody started somewhere, and we’re just working on getting you comfortable being in the free weight section.

Want to continue adding dumbbell movements to your workout? Let’s add them to the squats.

Use the same dumbbell to do “goblet squats.”

They’re named as such because it looks like you’re holding a goblet that you don’t want to spill.

Here’s a video of Staci and Jim demonstrating the Goblet Squat pulled from Nerd Fitness Prime :

presentation on going to the gym

So your Level 4 Gym Workout: Dumbbell Division B is 3 circuits of the following:

  • 10 goblet squats
  • 10 dumbbell rows/side

If you go to the gym 3x a week, work your way up to the following routine:

  • Light stretching and walk on the treadmill for 10 minutes
  • 3 complete circuits of this beginner circuit
  • Go home and eat good food and play video games

This will put you ahead of 95% of the gym-going population. You’ll be on a great path to building a healthy, antifragile, resilient body.

Add a little more weight here and there- making the minimal possible jumps each time (going from 10 lb to 12.5 lb dumbbells, for example) .

Make your push-up variation a little harder over time.

You can stick with the above for MONTHS.

Ready for another upgrade?

The last dumbbell exercise to learn is the Romanian deadlift (RDL). This is like a cousin of the bodyweight squat where we move through the hips more than the knees.

Grab a pair of dumbbells now, push your hips back and bow forward like you’re being polite. Or, you’re like one of those novelty “drinking birds.”

Bring the dumbbells down to about your knees, not to the ground, then stand back up.

You can see the exercise right here:

Every other workout, swap out the goblet squat for the dumbbell Romanian deadlift.

So our circuit is now alternating with each gym workout.

Do 3 circuits of each if you can! If the weight is too light, use heavier dumbbells the next time you train.

Level 4 Gym Workout: Dumbbell Division C:

  • 10 goblet squats OR 10 dumbbell Romanian deadlifts
  • 10 dumbbell rows per arm.


  • Remember you have just as much a right as everybody else to use the free weights.
  • Take a deep breath, go into the free weights section, and get a 10 lb. dumbbell.
  • Learn to do a bent-over row and goblet squats.
  • Learn to do dumbbell Romanian deadlifts.
  • High-five yourself for weight training!

Training with dumbbells opens up infinite possibilities.

Okay, probably not INFINITE possibilities, but close enough.

If you are somebody that wants to learn how to train with dumbbells even more seriously, or you’re looking for ways to put that dumbbell set you have in your garage to proper use, let us help!

If you have a great program to follow, you can get in incredible shape with just a set of dumbbells.

Let us create a dumbbell workout for you that’s ACTUALLY fun! I promise. Learn more about our Coaching Program:

Level 5: Enlist in the Barbell Battalion

Barbells in a gym bar bells and rope

The two final pieces of the puzzle are things I want for you so badly, I can taste it. These two exercises have changed my life, our lead coach Jim’s life, Staci’s life , and the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in the Nerd Fitness Rebellion:

Picking up a barbell, learning how to squat , and learning how to deadlift .

There’s something powerful about old-school strength training with exercises like the back squat and the deadlift.

Show me somebody that’s strong at both of these movements, and I’ll show you somebody who’s in better shape than most of the human population.

Even an empty barbell can be heavy, so before we jump into the deep end, you need to be able to complete our circuit with the following weights:

  • 10 goblet squats with one 45 lbs (20kg dumbbell), 10 RDLs with a pair of 20 lbs (9-10 kg) dumbbells
  • 10 push-ups (on knees or hands elevated on a bench)
  • 10 dumbbell rows with each arm with at least a 20 lb dumbbell

Can’t do those movements at that weight, or not sure what they are? Go back to the Level 4 Gym Workout .


WHEN YOU ARE READY, please read the following:

Strength Training 101: The Squat

Here is a quick video demonstration of the Squat, but I would REALLY read our full article!

And then I want you to find a squat rack:

THIS IS ONE TYPE OF SQUAT RACK (the barbell is NOT connected to the apparatus). This is our preference if you have one available :

Use a squat rack like this.

THIS IS A SMITH MACHINE (bar is attached to apparatus). This is different from an open squat rack because the bar is in a fixed position and so travels a pre-determined path :

Don't use the Smith Machine, unless it's for inverted rows at the gym.

We generally recommend people start with an open rack instead of a Smith Machine, but hey, use what’s available to you!

Note: if you are training in a hotel gym , an apartment gym, or at some locations like Planet Fitness, they might NOT have a squat rack!

This can be for a variety of issues (liability, lack of space, etc.). If your gym doesn’t have a squat rack and you want to start barbell training, I suggest finding a new gym or just hanging out in the Level 4: Dumbbell Division!

If using a squat rack scares the crap out of you: wait to attempt your FIRST trip to the squat rack when the gym is nearly empty, or recruit a buddy who knows what they’re doing. If there’s a special day you can go VERY early to the gym, or VERY late, or during the workday, do it then.

Watch this video from The Nerd Fitness Prime about how to set the ‘pins’ in the squat rack to put the bar at the proper height!


Attempt 1 set of a 5 barbell squats with JUST the bar (first ask the staff or a trainer how much the bar weighs: most standard barbells weigh 45 lbs (20Kg) but your gym might not have standard barbells).

You can then complete our tried and true circuit – replacing goblet squats with barbell squats.

So our circuit is now 3 circuits.

Level 5 Gym Workout: Barbell Battalion A:

  • 10 barbell squats or 10 dumbbell Romanian deadlifts

(See Level 4 for explanations on the Dumbbell deadlifts and rows)

Congrats! You’re using barbells! If you haven’t already read NF’s Senior Coach Staci ’s transformation story of how she went from barely being able to lift a 10 lb dumbbell to now deadlifting 425 lbs , it’s a really inspiring story! 

Speaking of Staci, let’s move on to her favorite exercise (and mine!)…

Read: Strength Training 101: The Deadlift

And watch the video demonstration here:

The deadlift movements starts with the weight on the ground, and ends with it back on the ground.

If you’ve got regular, large weight plates (usually 45 lbs/20 kgs) on each side then the bar sits at a standard height above the ground.

Some facilities have lighter plates of that same large diameter. Use them.

If you are lifting less weight (or just using the bar to start off) then DON’T do the deadlift from the ground. The bar will likely be too low to the ground and mess up proper technique.

Instead, do the following to start your deadlifts at proper height:

1) Use blocks to adjust the barbell starting height:

You can use all sorts of things to raise a deadlift bar up, like these boxes.

2) Use the safety bars in a squat rack to set the height of the bar correctly!

This picture shows a deadlift rack, great for...deadlifting!

3) Do the Romanian deadlift instead! (Whew, I’m glad we learned that!) It’s the exact same movement as the dumbbell Romanian deadlifts, but you’re just using a barbell instead.

START WITH A LIGHT WEIGHT – JUST the bar. As we cover in our “ How much weight should I lift? ”, you should ALWAYS start with just the bar.

And work on technique.

Only then should you start adding more weight, and add it slowly – you’ll be picking up heavy weights in no time, so don’t rush it.

Here’s Staci demonstrating a proper barbell Romanian deadlift from Nerd Fitness Prime :

presentation on going to the gym

Once you’ve started doing these two movements in your routine, your two alternating gym days will look like this. Simply alternate every time you go to the gym (with a day off in between sessions).

Level 5 Gym Workout: Barbell Battalion:

Day A Circuit – 3 rounds of:

  • 10 barbell squats
  • 10 inverted bodyweight rows

Day B Circuit – 3 rounds of:

  • 5 barbell Romanian deadlifts
  • 10 dumbbell rows per arm

Not sure what a bodyweight row is? It’s an AMAZING exercise that you’ll need to master if you’re going to get your first pull-up or chin-up one day! 

Read our article on bodyweight rows , and also watch our quick video demonstration here of Staci doing them:


  • Barbell training will change your life like it has changed mine!
  • Learn to squat and learn to deadlift properly .
  • Focus on proper form, and slowly start to add weight to the bar.
  • You are now a gym “regular,” and I salute you!

Now, I know the barbell squat and barbell deadlift are two complex, potentially scary exercises. It’s important to get your form correctly now when you are just lifting the bar so that you don’t hurt yourself once you start adding weight!

If you want a professional to check your form, tell you when to add weight to the bar, and teach you other barbell movements, check out our online coaching program !

Level 6 Gym Workout: Gym Class Hero

Steve is a gym warrior you trains with barbells and bodyweight training

Did I tell you that I’m proud of you yet? I really am, I promise. Your mom is proud too. So is your dad, but he just doesn’t know how to express it.

So now you’re thinking: “Steve, I did a barbell squat . It was terrifying, but I did it. I tried deadlifts too, and those are kind of fun.

What’s next? Give me MOAR!!”

It’s like you’ve finally learned to cook, and now you’re asking for more spices.

So, here in Level 6, we’re going to turn you into a full Gym Class Hero. And it requires you to learn a super standard, incredibly challenging exercise that also happens to be amazing for you…

The pull-up or chin-up!

If you can’t do a pull-up or chin-up yet, you can read our full guide on how to get your first pull-up or chin-up .

We also have a full article on doing a perfect pull-up or chin-up with proper form , but I would watch this video too for some quick ways to scale the movement to fit your experience level:

We’ll also learn how to do perhaps the most famous lift in the gym, the bench press .

The bench press is one of the most common gym exercises, but it’s also one you need to know how to perform safely .

Here’s our complete guide to the bench press that covers everything you’d ever want to know, your level 6 gym workout mission :.

Alternate inverted bodyweight rows with pull-ups or an easier pull-up variation every other workout. Most gyms also have access to a Lat Pulldown Machine or an Assisted Pull-up Machine, which can be great alternatives to build up strength toward your pull-up.

So our circuit will be alternating these movements on your A and B Days:

LEVEL 6 DAY A CIRCUIT – 3 rounds of:

  • 10 pull-ups or pull-up alternatives!

LEVEL 6 DAY B CIRCUIT – 3 rounds of:

  • 10 barbell Romanian deadlifts/regular deadlifts
  • 10 barbell bench presses

Spice it up further! If you’ve read up to this point and put the work in, we hope you feel like a Gym Class Hero and can start building your own workout !

Coach Staci explains exactly how to design an exercise routine in this video:

SO what can you do to add some variety? Throw in or replace another exercise!

Want to do some planks or hanging knee tucks for your core? Put them in the circuit after your other movements!

Lunges to replace the squats or deadlifts one day? Sounds good!

Want to start training with gymnastic rings ? Go for it!

Want to learn how to do handstands ? Try practicing for 5 minutes at the start of each workout!

There are a ton of different options for what to do and where to go.

If we’ve gotten you more comfortable in the gym, we’ve done our job!

WANT MORE HANDS-ON INSTRUCTION? If you’re looking to get away from generic workout programs and follow along with a routine that fits your goals and lifestyle, consider checking out our 1-on-1 Coaching Program !

Sure, we help beginners get started with strength training. But we also help seasoned gym-goers take their training more seriously, and even help some folks start competing in powerlifting competitions. 

I personally hired an online coach in 2014, and I’ve been with him ever since. It’s the best money I spend every month, and the best investment I make in myself.

We’ve worked with men and women like Leslie here , a single mom that lost 100 + pounds thanks to following Coach Jim’s program.

Leslie used NF Coaching and her local gym to transform herself.

She now works on things like gymnastic training and handstands and deadlifts and squats!

Interested in having expert guidance in your pocket? Click on the image below to book a free call with our team!

Nerd Fitness Coaching Banner

I asked the entire 15-person staff in our Online Coaching Program – most of whom have trained clients in a gym for 5+ years – what information they would share with new gym-goers:

#1) Take your time. The above 6-level workout plan might take you 12+ months to move through, and that’s okay! I would rather you slowly wade into the water instead of terrifying yourself with the thought of cannonballing into the deep end and never even starting a gym routine.

Stick with what you know, and then bit by bit, one movement at a time, branch out and try new things.

Remember: “days and years,” not “weeks and months.”

#2) Do what makes you happy. You might have noticed above I didn’t mention things like bicep curls, cardio classes, bootcamps, etc.

If those things make you happy, start adding them to the mix. However, if you are only doing those things because you think you are supposed to, don’t!

The above 6-Stage strategy combined with a healthy nutritional strategy will get you 90% of the way to where you want to go.

I promise. Nerd’s honor.

#3) Write down everything you’re doing and track your progress . Keep a simple note on your phone, write in a notebook, use Evernote, whatever. Write down what you do so that you know what to do next time.

When you get stronger and things feel too easy, you know to move up in weight slowly (and record that too!).

Keeping track of everything is one of the easiest and most important ways to make progress. Staci, Jim, and I ALL still record every workout and never stop trying to get a teeny, tiny bit stronger with each session.

#4) It’s better to lift a TOO LIGHT weight than try one that’s TOO HEAVY. You want to finish the workout saying “Hey I could do more, this is encouraging” rather than “That was too much, I hurt myself/failed/and I’m demoralized.”

#5) If you don’t know, ask somebody who works there. If you’re worried that you’re using a machine incorrectly, and you’re sheepish and self-conscious about it, ask somebody who works in the gym.

Usually, there will be trainers that work there walking around the floor – ask them! That’s what they’re there for.

They can help you set the safety bars and pins on the squat rack if you’re not sure how. They can tell you how to adjust the seat on a machine, or how the treadmill works. That is what they are there for!

#6) If you want to hire a trainer for a few sessions, it might be a great investment! Good trainers are hard to come by , but if you happen to like our style of doing things here at Nerd Fitness, we have our own 1-on-1 Coaching Program that will program your workouts and help you fix your diet:

Nerd Fitness Coaching Banner

#7) Work out with what you can work with.

If you are a member at a Planet Fitness or similar gym : Your gym might not allow you to do barbell deadlifts, might not have a squat rack, or ONLY have a Smith Machine. If this is true of your gym, this is okay!

Do the best you can with what you have. Like MacGyver.

You can still get quite strong with the dumbbell workouts and bodyweight movements in Stage 4! And you’ll be that much more prepared when you do start working with barbells if you eventually join a different gym .

#8) Don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good. Just going to the gym takes courage.

  • Trying a machine for the first time takes courage.
  • Picking up a dumbbell takes courage.
  • Using the squat rack takes a lot of courage.

Don’t worry about perfect, or having perfect form or the perfect routine after you finish this article, just START! It’s how we all learn: like scientists trying new experiments and subtly tweaking the variables.

These are our favorite tips and tricks with regard to the gym. But I’d be remiss if I didn’t also mention something equally important:

Gym etiquette! 

We’ve created another article in this gym series called “ 29 Unwritten Rules to the Gym ,” to make sure you won’t be an accidental ass in the gym. 

This list includes some obvious things like wiping down the bench after you use it and not monopolizing a squat rack, but then some other more subtle things that will keep you in everybody’s good graces!

How to Build the Routine of Going to the Gym

This LEGO needs to relax, all his training at the gym will pay off.

If you read this far, 6000 words later, I have to imagine it means you’re really interested in getting started with strength training! 

The first time going to a gym can be nerve-wracking and exciting, but it’s the 100th, 500th, 1000th trip to the gym where results get made.

And that means you need to BUILD the habit correctly for going to the gym. 

It comes down to a few key things:

1) Accountability! If you’re new to going to the gym, it’s really easy to fall off the wagon once life gets busy. For that reason, I encourage you to be accountable to somebody other than yourself. 

You see, motivation sucks and will fail you when you need it most. 

So, instead of using motivation, cultivate discipline and accountability. 

Make it almost impossible for you to skip the gym:

  • Recruit a friend to join you at the gym! You don’t want to let them down, right?
  • Prepay for a bunch of sessions with a good personal trainer .
  • Hire an online coach who checks in on you regularly!

2) Focus on hacking into the Matrix and setting up your system! Put your workout time and place into your Google Calendar so that you always know when your next workout is. Focus on creating an environment where you are more likely than not gonna DO THE THING you want to do (go to the gym). We call this “ Building your Batcave .”

3) Cultivate a love of constant improvement. Imagine this: you’re no longer going to the gym just to lose weight or look good. Those things are a happy consequence of what you’re really there for:

Because you ACTUALLY like to work out! 

I cannot tell you how many NF Coaching Clients I’ve seen message me and say “Holy crap Steve, I don’t know how it happened, but I actually LIKE working out now!”

Every week, you’re excited to hit the gym because: 

  • You’re adding more weight to your squats.
  • You are attempting a new personal best for the deadlift.
  • You’re trying to get your first pull-up . 
  • You get to see your gym friend and hear how his day went.
  • You LOVE how you feel after the gym. 

Getting there takes time and energy, but that’s really when life changes and sh** gets magical regarding your health and fitness.

These are the tools we’ve created to help you turn the gym into something you look forward to:

1) Our popular 1-on-1 coaching program . No more guesswork, no wondering if you’re doing the right program, no shame or guilt. Just results that don’t suck, and a plan that doesn’t make you miserable. 

We keep you accountable to make sure you actually do your workout, we answer any questions you have, and we cheer you on every step of the way:

Expert accountability and support in your pocket. Learn more about our Coaching Program and App

2) Join the Rebellion! Our free community numbers in the hundreds of thousands scattered throughout the globe, and we need good people like you!

You can join by signing up in the awesome yellow box below, and I’ll send you a bunch of free guides and printable workouts, including our Strength 101 guide! 

  • Everything you need to know about getting strong.
  • Workout routines for bodyweight AND weight training.
  • How to find the right gym and train properly in one.

Okay, by now you should have all of the tools you need to get started in the gym. We can’t wait to hear about your progress!

PS: Make sure you read the other 3 articles in our gym series:

  • Finding the Right Gym
  • 6 Things to Know Before Joining a Gym
  • Gym Etiquette: Don’t Break these 29 Unwritten Rules!

PPS: Don’t forget to read our awesome Strength 101 Series either!

  • Strength Training 101: Beginner Strength Training Routines
  • Strength Training 101: How Much Weight Should I Be lifting?
  • Strength Training 101: Finding the Right Gym
  • Strength Training 101: Building Muscle Quickly
  • Strength Training 101: Inverted Rows
  • Strength Training 101: How to Squat Properly
  • Strength Training 101: The Overhead Press
  • Strength Training 101: The Deadlift

Photo Sources: Hardcore Stormies Hit The Gym , Iron Lego , stormtrooper out of line , Venting Off , Scenes from an empty lot in Brooklyn, vol 1. , siraphol ©, tonobalaguer ©, Edvard Nalbantjan ©, Oops this doesn’t seem to be London 24th March 2017 ,  power rack ,

presentation on going to the gym

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5 Common Workout Mistakes You Could Be Making

Should you work out every day? See if you're sabotaging your fitness results.

Verywell / Sabrina Jiang

Are You Going to the Gym Every Day?

Repeating workouts.

  • Lopsided Training
  • Decreasing Activity
  • Post-Workout Fuel

Exercisers with the best intentions may undermine their progress by going to the gym without a plan or ignoring nutritional guidelines. Not seeing the results you hope for can be frustrating and confusing, and you may wonder how to course-correct.

What makes one workout plan succeed while another fails? There could be several factors involved. But in many cases, the cause is traced to one of these five common blunders. See if you are making one of these common workout mistakes.

Going to the gym every day is not inherently harmful, but it's not necessary to maintain and improve your fitness. While many experts recommend taking at least one rest day every week, it is OK to have an active rest day.

The keys to working out every day are avoiding injury, which could keep you from exercising during a long recovery period, and avoiding boredom, which can cause waning motivation.

Watch Now: How to Avoid the 5 Biggest Workout Mistakes

Going to the gym every day is great for starting and maintaining a habit and integrating exercise into your regular life. However repeating the same workout mode, intensity, or duration day after day can make you miss out on some results.

Why? Your body adjusts to the daily workload and you will inevitably hit a plateau. If you are trying to reach specific fitness goals, you might find you aren't making the progress you expected working out every day.

Try This Instead

Experts recommend challenging yourself gradually by adding intensity conservatively so you don't overdo it . Develop a workout schedule that involves different activities, varying intensity levels , and modified session lengths.

For example, if you normally do 40 minutes of walking, keep that activity on your workout schedule two or three days per week. But as an added challenge, walk for 60 to 75 minutes one day during the week.

On the remaining days, mix in a cycling workout and a day of walk/run intervals . If you are healthy enough for vigorous activity, add HIIT workouts , which are effective at burning fat . If you have a fitness mirror at home, try out a variety of workouts to keep things interesting and challenging.

Getting the Most From Your Workouts

To get the most from your everyday workouts, follow these tips:

  • Vary your workout intensity to avoid a plateau in your progress.
  • Plan meals and snacks so you are strategic about your calorie and nutrient intake.
  • Include cardio, strength training, and stretching for a well-balanced exercise routine.
  • Keep up with non-exercise physical activities like cleaning, running errands, and taking the stairs.
  • Plan your post-workout fuel-up to include nutritious food options.

Not Having a Nutrition Strategy

When adding exercise to your routine, your hunger patterns may change. Studies show that food choices after exercise are variable, with some people experiencing diminished appetite and others feeling an increased desire to snack on energy-dense foods.

Not having a plan for what you might eat to refuel after a workout could lead to food choices that are not optimal for your health and nutrition. Some evidence shows that eating whole food sources of protein is best for repairing muscle and recovery from exercise.

Planning a nutrition strategy to align with your workout routine is helpful to make sure your food intake matches your overall goal. According to the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity , planning meals and snacks a few days in advance leads to a more nutritious diet overall.

Take some time on the weekends to plan your meals for the week. When you are hungry right after a workout, you'll already have nutritious food on hand. As a bonus, this makes grocery shopping easier and simplifies your weeknight dinner decision-making.

If weight loss is your goal, a calorie deficit of 500 calories per day or 3,500 calories per week is thought to result in about a one-pound weight loss each week.

Engaging in Lopsided Training

A good fitness schedule includes cardiovascular (aerobic) training, strength training , and flexibility work (stretching). A balanced workout program ensures your body stays healthy and fit.

But each of these three components also has benefits. If you skimp on one or two of them, you will end up with a lopsided workout program and you won't reap the full rewards of your exercise sessions.

Most weight-loss workout programs include aerobic activity so it's unlikely that you'll have to add cardio. But you should also make sure that you do two to three days of strength training, as well.

If time is an issue, do a circuit workout and complete short intervals of strength exercises between 5 to 10-minute bursts of cardio. Then, finish every workout with 10 to 15 minutes of stretching to maintain healthy joints and an injury-free body. By incorporating more variety into your schedule, you can work out every day and still avoid burnout .

Exercise Recommendations

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that adults need at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-level exercise each week. If you exercise vigorously, you need 75 to 150 minutes of exercise per week. Of this, strengthening exercises should be done twice per week. Remember you can split this up over several sessions!

Decreasing Non-Exercise Activity

It is great if you go to the gym every day and complete a killer workout. But it is also important to get lots of activity like commuting on foot or bike, gardening, housework, shopping, taking the stairs, and other non-exercise physical activity. It can be tempting to develop a mindset that, because you worked out at the gym, you earned the right to lounge the rest of the day.

Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) should account for a significant percentage of the calories that you burn each day. NEAT is any physical activity that isn't intentional exercise, like walking around your home or workplace, cooking, even fidgeting.

When your NEAT decreases, your metabolism slows, you don't burn as many calories each day, and you don't lose weight.

If your workouts drain you to the point of exhaustion, it may be time to re-evaluate your program. Make sure that your high-intensity workouts are relatively short and that you include some easy recovery days during the week to give your body a chance to recuperate and rebuild.

Also, keep in mind that it's not always the workout that is causing the lack of NEAT. Sometimes the choice to lay on the couch or sit in a chair all day is made out of habit rather than genuine fatigue. Try to skip the afternoon nap and go for an energizing walk instead. If you are stuck at work, see if you can use a standing workstation or take short breaks to get out of your chair and move around.

Investing in Supplements

Do you refuel during or after your workout with sports drinks or bars? If so, you're probably erasing the calorie deficit that you just earned. In some cases, athletes need sports drinks, but for most exercisers, water is the best choice for hydration.

Reconsider your post-workout protein bar. Not all supplement bars are created equal, so pay close attention to nutrition labels to ensure you know the amount of each macronutrient ( protein , fat, and carbohydrates ), sugar, sodium, and calories per serving.

Instead of investing in bars, drinks, or supplements, schedule a visit with an accredited sports nutritionist or registered dietitian. They will help to make sure you are getting enough of the right kind of calories to recover adequately from your workout.

A registered dietitian can help you decode and perhaps debunk the claims of supplements you want to use.

A Word From Verywell

Regardless of your goals, exercise and nutritious eating habits should always be a part of your daily routine. While going to the gym every day or speaking with a registered dietitian are great options, sometimes they are not accessible for every individual's budget, finances, or physical conditions. No matter what your circumstance may be, starting small and working on setting achievable goals is a sustainable step toward bettering your health.

Fonseca RM, Roschel H, Tricoli V, et al.  Changes in exercises are more effective than in loading schemes to improve muscle strength .  J Strength Cond Res . 2014;28(11):3085-92.  doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000000539

Gelman R, Berg M, Ilan Y. A subject-tailored variability-based platform for overcoming the plateau effect in sports training: a narrative review . Int J Environ Res Public Health . 2022;19(3):1722. doi:10.3390/ijerph19031722

Gustafson CR, Rakhmatullaeva N, Beckford SE, Ammachathram A, Cristobal A, Koehler K. Exercise and the timing of snack choice: Healthy snack choice is reduced in the post-exercise state . Nutrients . 2018;10(12):1941. doi:10.3390/nu10121941

van Vliet S, Beals JW, Martinez IG, Skinner SK, Burd NA. Achieving optimal post-exercise muscle protein remodeling in physically active adults through whole food consumption . Nutrients . 2018;10(2):224. doi:10.3390/nu10020224

Ducrot P, Méjean C, Aroumougame V, et al. Meal planning is associated with food variety, diet quality and body weight status in a large sample of French adults . Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act . 2017;14:12. doi:10.1186/s12966-017-0461-7

Koliaki C, Spinos T, Spinou Μ, Brinia ΜE, Mitsopoulou D, Katsilambros N. Defining the optimal dietary approach for safe, effective and sustainable weight loss in overweight and obese adults . Healthcare (Basel) . 2018;6(3):73. doi:10.3390/healthcare6030073

National Institute on Aging. 4 Types of exercise .

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Move more; sit less .

Chung N, Park MY, Kim J, et al. Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT): a component of total daily energy expenditure . J Exerc Nutrition Biochem. 2018;22(2):23-30. doi:10.20463/jenb.2018.0013

Field AE, Sonneville KR, Falbe J, et al. Association of sports drinks with weight gain among adolescents and young adults . Obesity (Silver Spring) . 2014;22(10):2238-43. doi:10.1002/oby.20845

By Malia Frey, M.A., ACE-CHC, CPT  Malia Frey is a weight loss expert, certified health coach, weight management specialist, personal trainer​, and fitness nutrition specialist. 


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Fitness Presentation Template

Share your fitness routines, best exercises and ideal role models using this fitness presentation template..

The eye-catching colors and attractive design of this template will complement your fitness story, whether you are presenting workout apps, a gym, or giving a lecture on a healthy lifestyle.

  • Change colors, fonts and more to fit your branding
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  • Visualize data with customizable charts and widgets
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  • Download in PDF, PPTX, MP4 and HTML5 format
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Share healthy habits with your audience using this stunning presentation, or explore Visme’s broad selection of presentation templates for more ideas.

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Fitness Presentation Template - Slide 1

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3 Slides, 1366 x 768 pixels – 16:9 Aspect Ratio (HD Presentation Quality)


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Gym and Fitness PowerPoint Templates for Presentation

Gym and Fitness PowerPoint Templates for Presentation_01

  • Product ID : SM-37
  • Subject : Gym and Fitness
  • Quantity : 30 slides
  • Ratio : 16:9
  • Format : MS Powerpoint
  • Colors : red grey black
  • Languages : EN
  • Used Font : Dirnaith, Blue Highway
  • License : Personal and commercial use
  • Rating : Basic, Premium
  • K Keynote version : go to item chevron_right
  • G Google Slides version : go to item chevron_right

Slide Description

  • Creative slides
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  • Fully editable content (graphics and text) via PowerPoint - No Photoshop needed!
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Physical Fitness Slide Presentation

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Physical Fitness Simple Google Slides Templates

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Fitness Girl Simple Google Templates

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GYM PowerPoint Presentation and Google Slides Templates


Excellent Gym PowerPoint Template For Presentation

See our gym PowerPoint presentation template to share important aspects of your gym and how the training is given to all gymers. This slide offers you an impressive outlook so you can share important things about your gym and related things. Use this slide for advertising your gym and its protocols professionally.

About the template

Most of the gym brochures are in black and create a tremendous look. Using black background strikes the customer's eyes more than other colors. This template has image space where you can add your images perfectly. You can share your training in this template that helps to attract gym-goers. Adding texts is easy in this template and also making multiple changes using editable options is possible. Now you can edit the slide on google slides. Download Now!!

Features of this template:

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Cardio Fitness • General • Gym Fitness

How to start going to the gym: a guide.

Are you going to the gym for the first time? Starting your fitness journey is a transformative step towards a healthier and happier you. In this guide, we’ll share with you some of the essential aspects of starting your 30-minute gym routine (if you’re just starting), providing practical advice and motivation to help you navigate […]

Published: 1/22/24

Are you going to the gym for the first time? Starting your fitness journey is a transformative step towards a healthier and happier you. In this guide, we’ll share with you some of the essential aspects of starting your 30-minute gym routine (if you’re just starting), providing practical advice and motivation to help you navigate the exciting world of fitness. Whether you’re new to the gym or returning after a hiatus, we’ve got you covered. Embrace the empowering journey of self-improvement, discover the joy of breaking a sweat, and witness the positive changes unfolding in both your body and mindset. Your fitness evolution starts here!

Key Components of a Successful Gym Routine

Keeping a consistent gym routine involves grasping the fundamental components that play a pivotal role in enhancing your overall fitness. Whether you’re going solo or trying partner workouts, here’s a look at the key elements that should be part of your successful gym routine:

1. Strength Training

  • Free Weights: Incorporate exercises with dumbbells, barbells, and kettlebells to engage multiple muscle groups and improve functional strength.
  • Weight Machines: Utilize resistance training machines to target a specific muscle group with controlled movements, making them ideal for beginners.
  • Bodyweight Exercises: Integrate bodyweight workouts like push-ups, squats, and lunges for functional strength and flexibility.

2. Aerobic Exercise

  • Running: Lace up your shoes and hit the treadmill or venture outdoors for a cardiovascular workout that boosts endurance and burns calories.
  • Cycling: Whether on a stationary bike or cycling through scenic routes, this low-impact exercise is excellent for cardiovascular health.
  • Elliptical Machines: Enjoy a low-impact alternative that mimics running without the stress on your joints, making it suitable for any fitness level .

3. Flexibility Exercises

  • Dynamic Stretching: Incorporate dynamic stretches into your warm-up routine to improve blood flow, flexibility, and joint mobility.
  • Static Stretching: Post-workout, engage in static stretches, holding each stretch for 15-60 seconds, to enhance flexibility and reduce muscle tension.
  • Yoga: Explore yoga sessions to not only improve flexibility but also promote relaxation and mental well-being through mindful movement and breath control.

Importance of Goal Setting

A successful gym journey involves more than just lifting weights and breaking a sweat—it’s about setting clear and achievable fitness goals. Here’s why goal setting is the cornerstone of your path to a healthier you:

  • Guiding Compass: Your fitness goals act as a guiding compass, directing your workouts with purpose and intention. They provide a roadmap for your journey, ensuring every step contributes to your overall success.
  • Fueling Motivation: Goals serve as powerful motivators, igniting the passion needed to push through challenges. Whether you’re aiming for weight loss, muscle gain, or improved mental health, having a target in mind keeps you driven and focused.
  • Setting the Tone: Clear objectives set the tone for your entire fitness routine. They create a foundation for your workouts, helping you tailor your exercises, intensity, and duration to align with your specific aspirations. This is especially important in your morning exercise routine .

Incorporating goal setting into your gym routine transforms exercise from a mere physical activity to a purpose-driven journey. So, take a moment to define your objectives—whether they’re about sculpting your physique, enhancing endurance, or finding mental clarity—and let them be the driving force propelling you toward your fitness aspirations.

Different Types of Gyms

Selecting the right gym sets the stage for a successful fitness journey, and with the diverse options available, it’s essential to make an informed decision. Explore the various types of gyms to find the perfect fit for your unique preferences and fitness goals:

1. Specialized Studios

Specialized studios cater to those with specific workout preferences, offering a focused environment for targeted exercises. Consider these options:

  • Yoga Studios: Immerse yourself in the tranquility of a yoga studio, perfect for enhancing flexibility, balance, and mindfulness.
  • Spin Classes: Join a spin studio for high-energy cycling sessions, ideal for cardiovascular health and lower-body strength.
  • Strength Training Studios: Explore spaces dedicated to strength training, equipped with free weights and machines for building muscle.

It’s worth noting that specialized studios can limit the type of fitness activities you can engage in and a more full service gym may be more appropriate for someone trying to find their fitness groove. For example, Chuze provides group fitness classes that cover these same types of workouts, and also has standard gym workout equipment along with extra amenities.

2. Full Service Gyms

Full service gyms provide a one-stop-shop for all your fitness needs, offering a comprehensive range of amenities, equipment, and classes. Factors to consider include:

  • Amenities: Access facilities like saunas, swimming pools, and locker rooms for a complete post-workout experience.
  • Equipment Variety: Enjoy a wide array of exercise equipment, ensuring you have everything you need to diversify your workouts.
  • Class Diversity: Engage in various classes, from cardio workouts and strength training to yoga and dance, catering to diverse fitness preferences.

Full service gyms, such as Chuze, allow beginners to explore different fitness exercises and routines that work best for them instead of committing them to one type of workout class!

3. Community-Centric Gyms

Some gyms prioritize a sense of community, fostering a supportive environment for individuals of all fitness levels:

  • Group Fitness Classes: Join classes that encourage camaraderie, creating a motivating atmosphere for achieving shared fitness goals.
  • Personalized Training: Access to personal trainers who provide tailored guidance, ensuring your workouts align with your specific objectives.
  • Social Spaces: Gyms with communal spaces create opportunities to connect with fellow fitness enthusiasts, fostering a sense of belonging.

4. Budget-Friendly Options

If budget considerations are paramount, explore affordable gym options without compromising on essential amenities:

  • Basic Gym Chains: Many budget-friendly chains provide the necessary equipment and classes for a no-frills, cost-effective fitness experience.
  • Local Community Centers: Check out community centers that offer gym facilities at affordable rates, contributing to both your physical and financial well-being.

5. Virtual Fitness Platforms

In the digital age, virtual fitness platforms (such as our iChuze digital fitness program) have gained popularity, allowing you to work out from the comfort of your home:

  • Online Classes: Access a variety of classes and workouts through virtual platforms, providing flexibility in your fitness routine.
  • Tech-Integrated Equipment: Explore gyms equipped with virtual training tools, combining technology with traditional fitness for an innovative experience.

Beach Activities in San Diego

Building a beginner-friendly workout routine.

Your fitness journey as a beginner requires a well-crafted plan that balances simplicity and effectiveness. Here’s a guide to building a beginner-friendly workout routine, complete with sample workout plans:

  • Cardiovascular Exercise: Kickstart your workout with 20-30 minutes of aerobic activity. Options include brisk walking, cycling, or using a cardio machine like the treadmill.
  • Strength Training: Build overall strength with a mix of bodyweight exercises, free weights, or weight training machines. Include exercises like squats, lunges, and dumbbell workouts.
  • Flexibility Work: Dedicate time to stretching exercises to enhance flexibility and prevent injuries. Focus on dynamic stretches before your workout and static stretches afterward.

Sample Beginner’s Workout Plan (3 Days/Week):

Follow this simple and effective workout plan designed for beginners:

Day 1: Cardio

  • 20 minutes on the treadmill
  • 15 minutes on the stationary bike

Day 2: Strength Training

  • Bodyweight squats: 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Dumbbell chest press: 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Plank: 3 sets of 30 seconds to 1 minute hold
  • Bicycle Crunches: 3 sets of 15 reps (each side)

Day 3: Flexibility

  • Dynamic stretching routine

This beginner’s plan incorporates a balance of cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and flexibility work, ensuring a holistic approach to your fitness journey. Feel free to adjust the intensity and duration based on your comfort level and gradually increase as you gain confidence and strength. Remember, the key is consistency and enjoyment as you progress towards your fitness goals.

Overcoming Gym Intimidation and Anxiety

Feeling nervous about the gym is normal, and overcoming that initial hesitation is crucial for a positive fitness journey. Combat gym intimidation with these practical strategies:

  • Choosing Off-Peak Hours: Experience a less crowded gym during off-peak times. This allows for a more comfortable and private workout environment, easing feelings of self-consciousness.
  • Starting Slow: Begin with familiar exercises to build confidence and a sense of familiarity within the gym. Gradually explore new gym equipment at your own pace, focusing on exercises you feel comfortable with.
  • Buddy System: Bring a friend along for mutual support. Having a workout buddy can alleviate anxiety, provide encouragement, and make the gym experience more enjoyable.
  • Group Classes: Participate in group fitness classes where the group dynamic fosters a sense of community. Group classes often have an instructor guiding the session, offering additional support and motivation.
  • Virtual Workouts: If the gym setting is still overwhelming, consider starting with virtual workouts at home. Many fitness apps and online platforms (such as our iChuze online fitness program + app ) offer beginner-friendly routines, allowing you to build confidence before transitioning to the gym.
  • Professional Guidance: Consider joining a group fitness class (such as our Team Training or Lift Lab ), even if just for a few sessions. A certified coach can provide guidance, create a workout plan, and offer support in navigating the gym after the session.
  • Research the Gym Layout: Familiarize yourself with the gym’s layout and available equipment by checking their website or asking for a tour.
  • Plan Your Workout : Having a clear workout plan can help you stay focused and make the most of your time at the gym.
  • Stay Positive: Remember that everyone was a beginner once. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from staff or fellow gym-goers.

What to Bring and How to Prepare for Your First Gym Visit

Starting your gym journey can be exciting but also a bit daunting. To ensure you have a smooth and enjoyable first experience, follow these preparation tips:

Gym Bag Essentials

  • Comfortable Workout Clothes: Choose breathable, moisture-wicking fabrics that allow for a full range of motion.
  • Proper Footwear: Invest in a pair of supportive athletic shoes suitable for your workout type.
  • Water Bottle: Stay hydrated throughout your workout.
  • Towel: Bring a small towel to wipe off sweat and another for showering if needed.
  • Lock: If your gym has lockers, carry a lock to keep your belongings safe.
  • Personal Hygiene Items: Pack deodorant, a change of clothes, and any toiletries you might need for post- workout freshening up.

Pre-Gym Preparation

  • Eat a Balanced Meal: Have a light, nutritious meal or snack about 1-2 hours before your workout to fuel your body.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day leading up to your gym visit.
  • Set Goals: Decide what you want to achieve in your first session, whether it’s familiarizing yourself with the equipment or trying out specific exercises.
  • Warm-Up: Plan to arrive a bit early to warm up with some light cardio or dynamic stretching to get your body ready for the workout .

By preparing ahead of time, you’ll feel more confident and ready to tackle your first gym session. Happy lifting!

Following Gym Etiquette

To maintain a positive gym environment and ensure a harmonious workout space for everyone, it’s crucial to adhere to basic etiquette guidelines:

  • Clean Equipment: Wipe down machines after use to promote cleanliness and hygiene. This simple act demonstrates respect for fellow gym-goers by leaving the gym equipment in a sanitary condition for the next user.
  • Mind Your Noise: Keep noise levels in check, including avoiding loud conversations or music without headphones. Additionally, be mindful when dropping weights, as excessive noise can disrupt the concentration of others.
  • Respect Personal Space: Be aware of personal space, especially during crowded hours. Allow others enough room to perform their exercises comfortably, and avoid unnecessarily occupying shared spaces.
  • Share Equipment: Be considerate by allowing others to work in between your sets, especially during peak hours. Share the equipment, and communicate with fellow gym-goers if there’s a need to alternate.
  • Time Management: Respect the time limits on equipment during busy periods. Be mindful of others waiting and try to complete your workout efficiently.
  • Return Equipment: After using free weights or other portable equipment, return them to their designated places. This ensures that others can easily find and use the equipment without disruption.
  • Silence Your Phone: Keep your phone on silent mode or vibrate to minimize disturbances. If you need to take a call, step outside the workout area to avoid disrupting those around you.
  • Proper Attire: Wear appropriate workout attire and footwear. This not only contributes to a professional and respectful atmosphere but also ensures your safety during exercises.
  • Be Considerate with Mirrors: Mirrors are crucial for checking form. Avoid blocking someone’s view of the mirror, especially if they are lifting weights and need to monitor their technique.

Your Fitness Journey Starts Here

Starting your gym journey is a rewarding venture that contributes to your physical and mental well-being. Chuze Fitness , with its commitment to providing an awesome yet affordable gym experience, is an excellent choice for beginners, seasoned gym goers, and group fitness classes alike. Remember, your fitness journey is unique, and the key is to enjoy the process. So, put on your workout clothes, pack your gym bag, and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you. Your fitness adventure awaits!

Explore our list of nearby locations scattered across California, Arizona, Colorado, Texas, Georgia, Florida, and New Mexico. Whether you’re in search of gyms in El Paso or gyms in Orange County , we’re here to assist you in reaching your fitness goals. Experience positive change for yourself.

  • Nerd Fitness. 6 Gym Workouts for Beginners (How to Train in a Gym) . .
  • RxFit. How to Start Going to the Gym: A Beginner’s Guide. .

presentation on going to the gym

Ani is the Vice President of Fitness at Chuze Fitness and oversees the group fitness and team training departments. She’s had a 25+ year career in club management, personal training, group exercise and instructor training. Ani lives with her husband and son in San Diego, CA and loves hot yoga, snowboarding and all things wellness.

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why do you go to the gym

Why do you go to the gym?

Oct 09, 2014

130 likes | 394 Views

Why do you go to the gym?. By alex sullivan & martel ingram. introduction. Description. Why do you go to the gym What are you workout habits How often do you workout What do you do during a workout session How do you feel before and after a workout session. Demographic.

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  • workout session
  • workout habits
  • fitness facilities front desk
  • alex sullivan martel ingram


Presentation Transcript

Why do you go to the gym? By alex sullivan & martel ingram


Description • Why do you go to the gym • What are you workout habits • How often do you workout • What do you do during a workout session • How do you feel before and after a workout session

Demographic • Anyone who works out at the Fitness Center • 12 Men and 12 Women

Methods • Received help at the Fitness Facilities front desk so we were able drop off our surveys so they can be picked up as people came in • Made a survey that was straight forward and easy to respond to

results • Why do you go to the gym?

RESULTS • How often do you go to the gym?

results • How much time to you spend at the gym each session?

results • Do you do any of the following during a workout?

CONCLUSION • Everyone has their own personal approach when working out • The comparison of men and women’s approached to a workout vary • There were some similarities but the differences outweighed the similarities

recommendations • Have more direct demographic • Hand surveys out personally • Better planning

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Workout Program PowerPoint Template

Workout Routine PowerPoint Template

Number of slides: 10

Exercising is a recommended practice for a healthy life, but people find it hard to get active and do exercises every day. If you are in the fitness and wellness industry, a workout program could be a good option for these busy people that want to exercise. Work around your clients’ fitness goals and showcase your workout plan in this PowerPoint template. Use the Physical Fitness Slide, Workout Equipment Slide, and Exercise Intensity Slide in your full-body workout program presentation.

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Free Workout Program PowerPoint Slides

Physical fitness slide.

Introduce your clients to the concept of physical fitness and its three basic elements: strength, endurance, and flexibility. Use this slide to start talking about how your workout plan cover these three components and how your exercises will help them achieve their goals.

Workout Equipment Slide

If your workout plan needs special equipment, this is the right slide to let your trainees know about it. At-home workouts also require some items for weight and resistant, so make sure your trainees have all they need to obtain the results they want.

Exercise Intensity Slide

Fitness programs are a long-term commitment and it is common that the exercises vary as the trainees improve their physical strength. Establish how your workout routine will make your clients pass from a beginner to intermediate and advanced levels. What kind of exercises fall into each category? Use the four-stage diagram to showcase this information in a clear and straightforward manner.

Workout icons

Create a memorable presentation with the fitness icons that come in this template. Use them to organize your workout plan, highlight important messages, and more.

Green is widely associated with health

The Workout Program PowerPoint template has a green-and-white color scheme in all its slides that gives your presentation a fresh and modern look.

Promote your workout program

Personal trainers, gyms, and fitness centers can use the Workout Program PowerPoint template to showcase information about their services. Wow your potential clients with a professional presentation.


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Strata Research

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The Advantages of Going to the Gym Every Day

Determined female athlete jogging on treadmill in a gym.

Without a doubt, regular exercise can benefit your health, mind and body. Not only does it boost your energy, increase lean muscle mass, decrease your risk for certain health conditions and help you manage your weight, but it also improves your mood and enables you to live longer. Sounds pretty amazing, right?


Now, all you need to do is figure out how to tap into these life-altering benefits . The good news is you have a lot of options when it comes to exercise. From fitness classes and cardio equipment to strength training and other recreational activities, the benefits of gym time are endless.

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Advantages of Gym Workouts

If you have a gym membership or you're thinking about signing up for one, the most important thing to remember is that you have to use it. The advantages of gym workouts are that they provide several different ways to exercise, so going to the gym every day does not have to become boring and tedious.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends that adults get a minimum of 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity. Plus, you should include two or more days of muscle-strengthening exercises that involve all major muscle groups.

At first, this probably seems like a lot of exercise. However, if you spread those minutes out over the course of a week, you'll soon see just how easy it is to fit it in, especially if you're going to the gym every day.

Types of Gym Workouts

Depending on the size of your fitness facility, you may have everything you need under one roof to get the awesome benefits of gym workouts. This includes:

  • ‌ Cardio equipment ‌. Most gyms are home to a few different pieces of cardio equipment such as stair climbers, rowing machines, spin bikes, recumbent bikes and treadmills. As long as you are healthy and able to participate in most types of exercise, consider alternating between these cardio machines to get your 30-plus minutes of cardio exercise, three to five days a week.
  • ‌ Strength training ‌. Heading to the weight room at least two to three days each week will help keep your muscles strong, your bones healthy and allow you to control your weight. Focus on full-body workouts with exercises for each of the major muscle groups.
  • ‌ Fitness classes. ‌ Access to group fitness classes is one of the advantages of gym workouts. Not only do you get the heart-pumping, muscle-building benefits of the exercises, but you also tap into the motivation and encouragement of working out with other people.
  • ‌ Other recreational activities ‌. Some larger facilities offer additional recreational activities such as swimming, racquetball, basketball, pickleball or an indoor track. Consider swapping out a few of these activities for your regular cardio workouts.

Benefits of Gym Workouts

Going to the gym every day can help improve your cardiovascular system, strengthen your muscles, help you maintain your weight, boost your mental health and decrease the odds that you'll develop other health conditions.

Exercising daily strengthens your heart and allows it to pump more efficiently with less strain. It also keeps your blood pressure and blood sugar levels in the normal range and keeps your cholesterol levels in check. Plus, it may help manage the symptoms of depression and anxiety .

Daily gym workouts may also lower your risk of developing certain conditions such as type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and osteoporosis.

Be Aware of Overtraining

Getting to the gym on a regular basis can do wonders for your health. However, too much of a good thing can also have negative effects, especially if you're not careful.

If you exercise daily, make sure to pay attention to any signs and symptoms of overtraining, including excess fatigue, a decrease in your performance, problems with sleep and recurring injuries. If you notice these things happening, it might be time to assess your workouts and scale back on the number of days you're going to the gym.

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Physical Activity for Everyone
  • Mayo Clinic: Exercise: 7 Benefits of Regular Physical Activity
  • MedlinePlus: Benefits of Exercise
  • American Diabetes Association: Blood Glucose and Exercise
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Physical Activity Prevents Chronic Disease
  • Mayo Clinic: Depression and Anxiety: Exercise Eases Symptoms
  • American Council on Exercise: Signs of Overtraining

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12 Ways to Go From Newbie to Gym Regular

A portrait of smiling physical trainer getting ready to lead a class in her gym.

Every January, countless people make the resolution to start hitting up the gym. But adopting a new lifestyle habit can feel like an overwhelming task , especially when it involves an investment of time and money. Plus, even if you’ve been able to make it work, and you are getting there a few times a week—congrats, that’s huge!—it can take some time before you really feel comfortable in this new environment.

The reality is that a lot of fitness spaces can feel intimidating and uncomfortable, especially at first, when you are new to working out and aren’t quite sure what to expect.

“This is true for just about everyone who doesn’t already have an intentional movement practice that they enjoy; this can be even more true for anyone whose body doesn’t fit within the norms of fitness culture, whether due to their size, gender identity or presentation, orientation, age, disability, et cetera,” says Lore McSpadden, certified personal trainer and owner of Positive Force Movement , a gym in Rochester, New York, that’s committed to working with people who have historically not felt welcomed by the fitness industry.

But pushing through that initial trepidation can pay off with huge rewards as you begin to eke out your own niche in that space.

To help you feel more at home and ready to kick ass at the gym this year, we asked trainers, fitness instructors, and gym regulars to share their best gym tips on how to carve out your own spot and feel like you belong. (And to be clear, it’s not on you to overcome the systemic barriers to feeling included. These are just tips to help get you a little more hype for your workout!)

1. Pick one thing and get really good at it.

One reason you may feel out of place at the gym is that you’re not quite sure you’re doing things correctly—and that other people are picking up on it. To combat that, Morit Summers , certified personal trainer and owner of Form Fitness Brooklyn , suggests picking one thing that you can work on over and over again at the gym until you feel like you’ve mastered it. Continue to start your workouts with that for a confidence boost, but then move on to attempting another new-to-you exercise. You’ll have that self-assurance behind you from already getting really good at one thing to bolster you.

Along those same lines, focus on exercises that you actually like doing, especially while you’re finding your footing. “There is no one right way to do fitness,” says Amanda Wheeler , C.S.C.S., trainer at Mark Fisher Fitness . “The very best fitness plan is the one you enjoy and can be consistent with. If you’re choosing exercise you hate because you think that’s what you’re supposed to do, it will only last for a short bit of time. If you find something you love, it will be way easier to show up over time.”

And when you’re enjoying what you’re doing, it’ll be easier to focus on your workout and feel confident in yourself.

2. Wear clothes that make you feel good.

“I love pulling out bright and vibrant clothes that makes me feel invigorated before I start my workout,” says Latoya Shauntay Snell , ultrarunner, freelance chef, photographer, and founder of Running Fat Chef .

Feeling comfortable and confident in the clothes you’re wearing can go a long way, so go ahead and treat yourself to a new workout outfit, or that pair of leggings you’ve been eyeing up. (Need some inspiration? Here are 22 amazing workout leggings to get you started.)

3. Make friends with the front desk staff.

Ever feel slightly envious of those subtle “hello” nods the gym regulars give each other when they arrive? Don’t worry—once you start coming in more and more, other exercisers will likely start giving you the nod too. But until then, don’t underestimate the push power of a friendly welcome from the worker at the front desk.

“I go to the gym almost every day at 6 a.m., and when it’s dark and freezing outside, it helps having a friendly face to make small talk with for a minute when you finally get inside,” says gym regular and freelance writer Kelsey Ogletree . “It also makes me feel accountable in some way, even though I’m sure Dianne at my front desk could care less whether I’m there or not!”

What’s more, having an ally at the front desk can help if you need help, like if you are unsure how to use a certain machine or piece of equipment, or don’t know where to find what you’re looking for. If the front desk staff doesn’t know the answer, they can track down someone for you who does.

4. Walk in with a plan.

Knowing what you want to do in advance can help you streamline your gym time—and make you feel less aimless.

“It’s much more challenging to have an effective, efficient workout if you’re wandering around trying to decide what to do. Going with a plan in advance, whether it’s one of SELF’s workouts or another workout you have access to, will give you the exact exercises in the exact order so all you have to do is execute, not think,” says Wheeler. (Just make sure if you’re finding a workout program online that it’s created by a qualified, experienced trainer.)

Snell says that she does this personally, even though she’s a gym regular at this point. “Although I am no stranger to the gym, there are days where I don’t want to be spontaneous. I’m super old school and prefer to write out my workouts in a small notebook with an established amount of reps and sets,” she says.

It’s good to remain a bit flexible, though, to accommodate how you’re feeling that day. Snell says if her planned workout for the day ends up seeming a little unrealistic once she gets to the gym—say she doesn’t have as much energy as she expected—she’ll modify some exercises (like doing a squat thrust or frogger instead of a full burpee) or reduce the reps in each set.

5. Set a start and end time for your session.

Speaking of having a workout plan, set a hard start and hard stop for your routine. For example, go in at 5 p.m. and plan to be out the door by 5:45 p.m.

Wait, Why Are We Not Calling It ‘Synchronized’ Swimming Anymore?

“This will help keep you focused and tuned in to your workout versus wasting time watching others, aimlessly doing the elliptical, or wandering,” says certified personal trainer Serena Scanzillo, founder of the SerenaFit Virtual Training Studio . “You don’t need to kill yourself at the gym or be there for two-plus hours to see results.”

Setting time boundaries can help reinforce that—and actually encourage you to get going in the first place, since you’ll know you’ll be right back home soon.

6. Learn the high-traffic times, so you’re not in for a surprise.

Times like weekdays before 9 a.m. and after 5 p.m. tend to be pretty high-traffic, no matter what gym you’re in. And for good reason—they generally tend to be the most convenient (like when people are getting out of work). But because they tend to be more packed, you may end up feeling more anxious doing your thing with all those people around.

“If I attend my home gym, I am typically aware of the peak hours. Whenever I travel, I either call the facility to inquire beforehand or do a basic Google search—some facilities have projections available online for certain days and hours,” says Snell. This gives you a chance to use the gym when it’s less crowded, so you can try things out without a bunch of people milling around or waiting their turn on the equipment you’re using.

If the only time you can go is when the gym is packed, do a little homework beforehand to come up with workouts you can do if the equipment you need might be taken. For instance, instead of doing a machine-based circuit, maybe you can sub those exercises with ones you can use dumbbells for instead—there’s usually some floor space to use free weights, regardless of how packed the gym is. Or if the cardio machines are all in use, maybe the TRX area is free. Plan out some moves in advance that can help you take advantage of equipment that’s more available.

7. Sign up for group fitness classes.

Simply getting enough nerve to walk through the door can be a huge step in fighting gym intimidation, says Summers. One great way to make sure you make it there? Sign up in advance for a group class .

“Scheduling a workout either with a friend or in a group setting will immediately make you feel like you’re part of a team,” says Ava Fagin , certified personal trainer at Body Space Fitness in NYC. “Most likely you’ll feel more comfortable once you get there, and everything is easier after that first challenging workout. The camaraderie that comes from group workouts can not be beat.”

Plus, signing up for a class is a great way to give yourself a financial incentive to resist backing out of your workout if you start to second-guess yourself. “Most gyms and class apps charge you for not showing up,” says Fagin.

McSpadden also suggests leaning on gym staff to help you decide which classes to try. “It can be helpful to ask one of the gym’s employees if there are any specific classes that are geared toward newer gym members, or if there are any instructors who are particularly skillful at helping make their classes accessible and adaptable,” McSpadden says.

8. Enlist a buddy—or make a new one.

Everyone knows it’s way easier to do intimidating things—like taking on that always-sticking cable machine to finally adjust it to your height—when you’ve got a friend you love and trust by your side.

“If you can find a friend or partner to be your workout buddy, you’ll be much more likely to stay accountable, and working out will be a lot more fun,” says certified trainer Lauren Pak , cofounder of Achieve Fitness Boston .

Can’t persuade a friend to take on the gym-buddy role? You’re not destined for a lifetime of lonely workouts: There are tons of people already at the gym who are likely in a similar situation.

“Try out some group classes where you can meet some new workout pals and feed off of the energy of the room,” says Pak.

Jess Tran , a regular weight lifter and PR professional in NYC, says that she personally has found that making friends at the gym can help break down the discomfort that comes along with entering a room full of strangers. She suggests going up to someone you admire in between sets and giving them a small, genuine compliment. It can be as simple as telling them you love their sneakers or leggings.

Plus, when you get to know the other regulars at your gym, it can make the whole experience more fun, giving you another reason to want to go to the gym regularly, says certified personal trainer and pelvic-floor specialist Courtney Virden . “And if you miss a day, they will ask where you were. Friends are free accountability partners and make you comfortable and feel welcomed!”

9. Invest in a few sessions with a personal trainer.

“If it is within someone’s means, working with a trainer can be a game changer in terms of someone’s ability to feel comfortable within a fitness environment, even if it’s only for a few sessions,” says McSpadden. “Working with a trainer short-term can help you feel confident that you are engaged in a movement practice that is right for you, and can take away a lot of the guesswork that can go into showing up at the gym without a plan.”

Plus, you don’t have to worry that it’ll seem like you’re ditching your trainer once you’ve gotten everything down: “It’s 100% okay to tell a trainer that you are interested in working with them just long enough to learn a movement routine that fits your body’s needs and your goals well enough to do it independently,” McSpadden says.

Most gyms offer a free first session with a trainer or a discount on a package if you’re a new member, so ask about what promotions they have and what they can do for you as someone who’s new and hoping to get comfortable with their facility.

10. Take comparing yourself to others off the table.

“It’s easy to walk into a gym and compare yourself to the other gymgoers, but it’s not fair to compare your day one to someone else with years of experience,” says Wheeler.

Remember, everyone was a beginner at some point and felt just as uncertain as you, Wheeler adds. “Keep reminding yourself of that every time you walk into the gym.”

And if you must play the comparison game, make it all about you—the present you, who is crushing your workout even after a hectic afternoon, compared to the previous version of you, who may not have made it there. Seeing how your new, positive habits stack up can show you how far you’ve come and give you the confidence to keep moving forward

11. Find an online community to help you feel supported.

To help you feel comfortable in your gym, you might benefit from reaching out to some people outside of it. McSpadden says it can be really helpful to have a support community that you contact if you feel intimidated about starting at your gym—or any time in your fitness journey.

“Lots of people out there who were new once too would be more than happy to encourage and support you on your journey,” they say. “Our Facebook page, The Positive Force Movement , is absolutely a place someone could post for support following a negative experience at a gym. Some other great online communities for people who may need allies as they build their confidence in the gym include Decolonizing Fitness , Fit Fatties , The Body Is Not an Apology , Cyborg Circus , and Melissa Toler .”

12. Remind yourself: You belong there.

When your nerves are firing and your heart is racing, repeat this affirming—and 1,000% accurate!—mantra: You belong there.

“You belong to the gym just like everyone else there. You pay the same amount of money. You have the right to all the areas and equipment. If you’re ever feeling intimidated, remind yourself it’s your space too. You belong!” says Wheeler.

One last quick note from McSpadden: “Even with the best tips out there, it may be that the gym won’t ever be a comfortable environment for some people. The sizeism , ableism, and transphobia within the fitness industry is a real and widespread problem.” If you truly feel uncomfortable in your gym, despite trying the gym tips above, tap your support community for suggestions for facilities in your area that are more welcoming and accepting.

  • Here’s How to Find a Gym That’s Size-Friendly
  • How to Set Realistic Fitness Goals You’ll Actually Achieve, According to Top Trainers
  • Your Guide to Navigating the Free Weights at the Gym

presentation on going to the gym

SELF does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional.

This 15-Minute Workout Will Strengthen and Stabilize Your Entire Core

Gym Review Essay: Benefits and Importance of Going to the Gym

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Benefits of going to the gym, why gym is important, works cited.

Nowadays, everyone is obsessed with having a good body. Dieting, exercising, and lots of stuff they do to achieve their goal. Gym memberships usually grow, especially after the holidays when people eat so much. Then they go to the gym to burn the fat. Going to the gym is a commitment that people should make if they are serious about getting in shape.

Many reasons to go to gym. Of course, exercise is a priority. The gym has plenty of exercise machines that people can use to develop different muscle groups. Kulas (para. 1), in her article, “The Advantages of Going to the Gym Every Day,” says at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise should be done by adults five days a week, so going to the gym every day will meet that goal. It will result in good physical and mental health.

Aside from exercising, one can meet new friends like fitness instructors and others. It’s good to be with people with the same interests so that all can motivate each other to keep their fitness goals.

When one exercises, the heart becomes stronger, so it efficiently pumps blood to the body to keep vital organs healthy and in order. For example, blood pressure is maintained instead of spike high, cholesterol and triglyceride levels are kept low, and heart disease is kept at bay. It means there is less chance of a heart attack, stroke, or any other disease when one exercises regularly (Kulas, para. 3).

Combining aerobic exercise with other kinds of exercises like strength training with weights and stretching keeps muscles, ligaments, joints, and tendons healthy, flexible, and strong, so when one becomes older, he is stronger and has less risk of being out of balance and falling causing fractures or other injuries. One also gets good posture when muscles are well-formed. That is why the person should select the right exercises for each muscle group.

Suppose one does not like to work with exercise machines but still likes to exercise. In that case, gyms also offer group exercises, including boot camp exercises in teams, cycling sessions on stationary bicycles, martial arts exercises like body combat, boxing, etc., and plenty of dance routines like Zumba, HipHop, Ballroom Dancing, etc. It can be fun to meet new people, so social life comes alive.

One sleeps better also when the body gets good exercise. When one sleeps well, he wakes up with more energy to face the day and go about his work better in high spirits. The mood becomes better, too, so he is not grouchy with others. As one loses weight from exercising regularly and having a good balanced diet, one looks more fit and attractive, so a good body deserves good clothes that fit well.

On the other hand, some people go overboard in exercising, thinking all the positive results will double or they lose weight faster to get a leaner body. Andersen, in her article “9 Reasons to Skip Your Workout.. Sometimes”, advises that rest days should be inserted in between exercise days, especially if the workout is heavy.

She says muscles need rest periods in order to grow to heal the tiny tears that exercising causes. When they are repaired, it makes them stronger. She also says over-exercising may lead to too much weight loss or even weight gain due to the body’s built-in protective systems (para. 3). For women, over-exercising may interrupt their menstrual cycle because it affects the hormones.

As opposed to having moderate exercise that brings good sleep, over-exercising can affect one’s sleep cycle as well, and some people have trouble sleeping. Some even develop Insomnia or the inability to sleep well at night, so they resort to napping during the day only to catch up on the loss of sleep. This affects their performance at work or in school because they become very sleepy all the time. It also affects their mood because they always feel tired.

If one thinks over-exercising will curb their appetite so they become slim sooner, they are wrong. Andersen also says it can lead to overeating because one’s appetite is stimulated more if the body requires more energy to sustain its exertion in exercise, so the more exercise one does, the bigger his appetite.

Spending too much time in the gym also takes time away from more important things that a person needs to attend to, such as quality time for family and friends, engaging in a hobby that one enjoys, praying or meditating, or going to places one enjoys or has never been to before. Everything needs to be balanced: diet, exercise, work, leisure, and time for everything in order to lead a happy and fulfilled life.

As in everything else, too much of something good is bad, and in the case of over-exercising, it can lead to burnout. This means one has gone beyond his limits, and the body is not able to handle it. The person may have a breakdown, get sick, and become unable to exercise, work or be productive. So, it is much better to stick with a manageable exercise program at a time period that one can handle. That is about 30 minutes to an hour every day of moderate exercise coupled with a good diet plan.

The feeling that one gets after a good workout is fantastic. This is due to the release of endorphins, hormones that make people feel great. That is why many people can get addicted to working out, so they get that good feeling after. However, good workouts do not necessarily take place in the gym.

There are many other things one can do to exercise, such as following exercise routines on the DVD in the comfort of one’s home, running, jogging or biking around the block, swimming, dancing, or engaging in some sports like basketball, tennis, or badminton. One just needs to be creative in thinking of ways to move their body and exercise to get fit. They should also be able to do it regularly. Having various types of exercises within the week would be better so that it does not get boring.

However, if all else fails, there is always the gym so that one is really encouraged to actively exercise and not just sit around and watch others exercise. For one, there are gym instructors who can help members with the right exercises for their targeted body parts or for their whole body workout.

Another thing is there are other people who can motivate one to exercise, especially if they have good and fit bodies, to inspire others to achieve the same goals. Still, another is the membership fee that one needs to pay, so one should not waste it by not actively using the gym facilities to the fullest.

Once an individual reaches his goal of having a physically fit body, he should be able to maintain it and not let go of the diet and exercise routines he has mastered. He will realize the many benefits of having a good, healthy, and fit body. Not only will other people notice his new, improved appearance and be impressed, but more importantly, his health ensures that he will be less likely to get sick. This helps in keeping a happy, healthy, and productive life.

Andersen, Charlotte. “9 Reasons to Skip Your Workout… Sometimes”, Shape. 2012. Web.

Kulas, Michelle. “The Advantages of Going to the Gym Every Day”, Livestrong. 2013. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, April 2). Benefits and Importance of Going to the Gym.

"Benefits and Importance of Going to the Gym." IvyPanda , 2 Apr. 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Benefits and Importance of Going to the Gym'. 2 April.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Benefits and Importance of Going to the Gym." April 2, 2020.

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Benefits of going to gym daily - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

presentation on going to the gym

Benefits of going to gym daily

Should you go to the gym every day here are some of the benefits and tips why you should go to the gym every day.for more info visit: – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • Visit us at
  • 1. Obviously you workout so your body is working you are not allowing to accumulate the fat on your body
  • 2. GYM needs dedication, discipline, consistency with the help of gym if you could achieve these thing in your life also then you can achieve your dreams also.
  • 3. For me gym has been a therapy session,(although I havent been to gym for 3 months now). But still I feel that gym was a place where I could get my frustration out.
  • 4. When you get involved in GYM you change yourself physically and that make you look attractive and also makes you feel confident
  • 5. What happens to me is when I go to gym then I think about eating quality food all the time. But when I am not going to gym I dont care about my diet also. So, going to gym helps me to eat good.
  • 6. An evening workout ensure you a very good night sleep. Earlier I wasnt able to sleep till late night like 2 A.M on the clock and I am still no where close to sleeping. But when I joined gym I used to sleep by 1230 A.M and that to a very sound sleep. What else could be better than a good sleep.
  • 7. This is oblivious when start making gains or shredding out that fat from your body you look attractive and opposite sex get attracted to you. Good Chances of getting laid ) (Dont be buffed up otherwise you wont get attracted just stay lean and muscular) is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.

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The swolest generation

Gen Z loves the gym. That's a big problem for gyms.

presentation on going to the gym

Every day after school growing up, Britt Taylor would hit the studio. When she wasn't dancing competitively, she was on the cheer squad or running track. Now 20 and in college, Taylor belongs to two gyms in her hometown of Boca Raton, Florida, and goes five or six times a week. Though she has a busy schedule as a student studying communications, fitness has become one of her top priorities.

In a 2023 survey from McKinsey, more than half of Gen Z respondents said fitness was a very high priority for them. Forty percent of all respondents said the same.

Like Taylor, these young people aren't just working out at home — they are helping drive up gym attendance. Surveys by the fitness organization Les Mills found that the share of adults who reported going to the gym increased to 32% in 2019 from 27% in 2013. Other surveys and data from companies like and ABC Fitness similarly suggest more people are going to the gym more regularly than they did several years ago. And the memberships of chains like Planet Fitness have exploded — that brand gained more than 4 million new members from 2019 to the end of 2023.

"As much as we think that our country is obese or unhealthy, there's another whole side who are into their fitness," Taylor said. "My generation is taking that to the next step."

In particular, Gen Z loves to lift weights . In a 2022 CivicScience survey, strength training was the most common type of workout cited by Gen Z respondents. And in a 2023 survey in the American College of Sports Medicine's journal, it was ranked the second-most-popular fitness trend of the year. Taylor told me that strength training now makes up 90% of her routine. "There's a switch from my mom, who's been into cardio and being tiny and thin," Taylor said. "Now girls want big butts and big biceps."

The quest to get swole is one reason young people are showing up at the gym in droves: Weightlifting requires special equipment that is tricky to fit into a small apartment. But there are other pulls: At a time when meeting people can be challenging , it's an easy way to put yourself out there and make friends. Gyms are quickly becoming Gen Z's favorite hangout spot — but there's just one problem with the fitness boom . Chains like Planet Fitness rely on members never showing up; the gyms aren't built for Gen Z.

Much of Gen Z's exercise bug comes from social media, where gymfluencers have taken off . YouTube said that the number of fitness videos on its platform grew more than fivefold in 2020 and that they've remained popular. Hundreds of personal trainers, amateur bodybuilders, and fitness-class instructors like Kayla Itsines (16 million followers) and Christian Guzman (1 million followers) have built loyal fanbases online by sharing their workout routines, swapping exercise tips, and showing off their tanned and toned muscles.

While fitness-influencer culture is generally positive and aimed at educating people about their health, it can drift to the extreme. "Grindset" influencers, whose content converges the male-oriented online realm of the manosphere with fitness-adjacent hustle-and-grind culture, have also exploded. Their mission? To self-optimize with routines like waking up at 4 a.m., running 18 miles fuelled only by black coffee, and listening to a business podcast at three times the speed.

On the other end of the influencer spectrum are trainers like Whitney Simmons (4 million followers) and Simeon Panda (8 million followers) who have helped bust the myths that lifting weights is only for men or that it just makes women bulky . "If we think of the default approach to exercise, it almost always involves some form of cardio: walking, running, elliptical machines, spinning, cycling," the fitness influencer Casey Johnston wrote in her popular newsletter She's A Beast , adding, "Now, emerging evidence suggests that, if anything, these exercise paradigms will soon be flipped."

There's a switch from my mom, who's been into cardio and being tiny and thin. Now girls want big butts and big biceps.

Johnston used to think the low-calorie, high-cardio lifestyle was the way to go — but she eventually got frustrated that she wasn't seeing the physical results she had hoped for. Weightlifting helped her feel and look strong without needing to sacrifice her diet.

Sarah Ryan, a personal trainer for the fitness app Ladder, thinks the boom in weightlifting simply stems from people learning that it's good for you. "Building muscle is going to favor a healthier body composition," Ryan said. "The more muscle mass you have, which is metabolically active tissue, the healthier you're going to be."

That's partly what motivated Amrita Bhasin to try weightlifting. The 23-year-old first set foot in a gym when she moved from California to Portland, Maine, at the end of 2023. Previously, Bhasin played tennis, pickleball, and field hockey. But after moving to a colder climate, she could no longer rely on her usual outdoor exercise routine. "It didn't make sense for me to go to the gym just to run on the treadmill," she said. That would be boring. So, inspired and encouraged by her male friends who started strength training during the pandemic, Bhasin started experimenting with lifting weights. "I'd grown up knowing the benefits of it for bone density," she said, "but I don't have a whole lot of female friends who weightlift."

The winter in Maine gave her the opportunity to learn. When she started seeing the number on the weights go up, she became hooked. "When you're 80, the people who will be the most mobile will be those who did strength training when they were young," she said.

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"There never used to be this education around it, for women especially," she said, adding, "More women need to be doing this."

Taylor also got into weightlifting after trying it out during the pandemic. "Strength training has the most return on investment," she told me when I asked why she likes it. "You need continuous commitment in order to see results."

After seeing her biceps grow and her posture improve, Taylor started documenting her workout routines on a private Snapchat story for her friends. "I had a lot of people reaching out wanting to know what I do, what I eat. Then I thought maybe I need to showcase this more," she told me. Now Taylor posts her workouts and other fitness-related content on Instagram, where she has amassed over 30,000 followers. She also writes about health on her blog Biceps By Britt. "My goal is to show girls my age that it's good to lift heavy weights. It's good to eat high protein," she said.

The health perks aren't the only reason young people are flocking to the gym — it's also one of the few places people regularly visit where they can meet new people. "It's where their friends hang out; there's a sense of community here," said Jim Thomas, the founder and president of Fitness Management USA, a management-consulting firm specializing in the fitness and health club industry.

In a 2021 McKinsey survey, 70% of fitness consumers said they missed their health clubs as much as their friends and family during lockdowns. And in a 2023 survey by Les Mills, two-thirds of Gen Zers said the social aspect was something they looked for in a gym.

Gen Z's love of the gym might just drive more gyms to rethink their business models.

"I rarely go to the gym alone anymore," Bhasin told me. "It's always either meeting other people there or going with other people." Where she lives in Portland, it's hard to find places to hang out with friends. "You go to a coffee shop, and even if you spend $8, there will be a sign there that says the maximum amount of time you can stay is two hours," she told me. Restaurants in her area also close early in the winter. "My gym is open 24 hours, so we don't feel that pressure to have to leave." She and her friends will hang out and catch up after their workouts or use the gym as a meeting place before heading to other activities.

Many gyms are responding to the demand by redesigning spaces with better hangout spots . "Gyms have noticed that members also want a social aspect to the gym experience," said Renel Scarlett, a co-owner of The Works Health Club, an independent gym that focuses on building community, "whether that's running clubs, a coffee or refuel bar area where you can sit down and have a chat before class or after they train."

Life Time, a national health-club chain, has leaned into this model in recent years. When its membership dropped during the pandemic, it pivoted its business model to prioritize luxury social amenities like coworking spaces and pickleball courts, charging members more for them. The chain has added about 65,000 new members since 2021, and in 2023 it grew its revenue by more than 20%.

In some ways, it's a return to form. Fitness and socializing have long been combined. Country clubs , whose original facilities included tennis courts, polo fields, racetracks, and baseball diamonds, were an important part of the American social scene in the 20th century. And local sports leagues and clubs have long filled the gaps left by the decline in other kinds of social groups. The only hang-up is that some gyms aren't prepared for the influx of patrons. In fact, many gyms actually depend on their members not showing up.

Planet Fitness , the most popular gym franchise in the US, has on average 6,500 members per gym. But most of its gyms hold only about 300 people. In 2022, it told CNN that 60% of its members didn't visit the gym in a 30-day stretch. But they keep paying — the low monthly rate doesn't incentivize people to cancel, so the non-attendees subsidize the cost for those who do.

However, this model is being stretched to its limit. Amelie Desai, a fitness and lifestyle influencer in California, attends her local gym up to six times a week. "Over the past three years I've noticed a significant increase, especially in young people, going to the gym," Desai told me. "The weight section and the treadmills are always very busy, whereas the other random machines, like the bicycles, no one's ever on those," she said.

I would be waiting for the barbell for 30 minutes and just wasting my time.

Scarlett, the Works Health Club co-owner, said most gyms he knows are increasing their weight areas because of demand. "I would say every five to 10 years, depending on what's trending, gyms will switch up the management layout," he told me.

But even with a new layout, the low-cost, high-value gym model doesn't work when too many people start regularly attending the gym. Can you imagine if 6,500 people tried to show up at one Planet Fitness location all at once? Taylor got so frustrated at how crowded her last gym was that she ditched it for one with more space. "I would be waiting for the barbell for 30 minutes and just wasting my time," she said.

A report from the Health & Fitness Association said gyms with membership bases that exceeded their optimal capacity saw a 20% drop in member satisfaction from 2022 to 2023. "The churn rate for low-cost gyms can be as high as 40% annually," Bassem Mostafa, a lead market analyst covering the gym and fitness industry and the owner of GlobeMonitor Market Research Agency, told me, citing his company's research.

Sometimes the math just doesn't add up. It could be why Planet Fitness is raising its price for the first time in nearly 30 years. This summer, the chain bumped up its rate to $15 a month from $10 after it reported weaker-than-expected first-quarter revenue. Gen Z's love of the gym might just drive more gyms to rethink their business models.

For this generation, the gym isn't just a place to simply shed a few pounds; it's a hub for improving their mental health, physical strength, and social connections. "It's not about how you look," Desai said. "It's about how you feel."

Now it's on the fitness industry to catch up.

Eve Upton-Clark is a features writer covering culture and society.

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The Men's Health New Gym Commandments

Avoid fitness faux pas. Follow these rules for more training success—for you and everyone else around.

DECADES AGO, THE gym was reserved only for muscle-bound behemoths pumping iron—and their clanking plates and loud grunts and smells like you wouldn’t believe.

But these days, it’s all changed. From budget spots (think: Planet Fitness) to capital-F Fancy health clubs like Life Time and Equinox to classic musclehead spots like Gold’s, today’s gym scene offers something for everyone. To some, it’s a summer refuge from the heat, to others, it’s a Saturday afternoon date spot, and yeah, a few people still want to blow up their biceps and pecs and egos, too.

More than ever, the gym is now for everyone, whether you’re chasing muscle or sweat or 10,000 steps or just a little bit of social connection. And to rack up maximum gains we all need to know how to be comfortable in the gym—and how to make everyone else comfortable too.

That’s where Men’s Health ’s New Gym Commandments come in. Throughout 2024, we’ve picked the brains of fitness’ finest experts (both men and women), and observed typical gym-goer behavior. The result is these 10 guidelines that will help you (and everyone around you) get the most out of every rep, round, set, and circuit—all without becoming the dreaded guy delivering the form-checks nobody wants.

Bookmark this page for the next time you find yourself guessing about what to wear to the gym. These rules will help you get fit while fitting in, anytime, anywhere.

a man sitting on a tent

1. No Equipment Campouts!

SOME SPOTS LIKE squat racks, benches, and leg press machines become high-value real estate when the gym gets busy. Yet very often, you’ll see someone camping out on the squat rack for 10 to 20 minutes on end. (Even worse: They’ll be scrolling through three TikToks and two Instagrams before doing their next set.)

A bonus: sharing your machine will subtly auto-regulate your rest periods , letting you push harder and heavier when you do work.

2. Leave The Equipment How You Found It

PUT YOUR WEIGHTS back where you found them. And always wipe. Everything. Down. If your back or your butt is going against a piece of equipment, once you’re done with your sets, you should towel it off (even if you haven’t left a sweat lagoon behind).

This isn’t just a common courtesy thing, either. “For members who are visually impaired, a cluttered gym floor makes it really difficult to navigate through the gym safely,” says Claudette Sariya, NASM . “The gym becomes a second home for a lot of people, so it’s important to treat it the way you’d want other people to treat things in your home.” AKA, not like your frat house.

3. No Unsolicited Form Checks

LISTEN, FORM CHECK is our series, not yours. And despite what the dude with the Ph.D in bench pressing and the certification in squats at your gym says, it’s not his either. Truth is, nobody should be telling anyone how to do the perfect biceps curl no matter how many hours they’ve put in studying TikTok, because, as the real experts say, there’s no such thing as truly perfect form. The most experienced gym-goers know that injuries and goals often change how somebody approaches an exercise.

The most experienced gym-goers also know that they’ll get a better workout if they focus on their sets instead of everyone else’s. “The gym is already intimidating, especially for some women and beginners,” says trainer Nellie Barnett, CPT . “So don’t make it worse by being the know-it-all that no one asked.”

a man standing next to a camera

4. Film Away—If You’re the Star

THE RIGHT VID just might help you master your deadlift form—or kickstart your fitfluencer career. But unless you paid the gym some Disney-level location fee, you have to share the space. So guest stars (read: other gym patrons) shouldn’t be in your HIIT short film unless they’ve agreed to it (or are getting royalties).

Keep the camera focused on you at all times. And sure, you can bring your tripod and your ring light and the entire production crew from Deadpool & Wolverine for your biceps blowout epic, too. Just observe the five-foot rule: keep everyone and everything on your team within five feet of your person at all times. “Find a corner or empty space to film,” says trainer Gerren Liles, NASM . “Most people won’t mind there being cameras, but it’s in your best interest.” Translation: Less photoshop work later.

5. Phone Calls Are (Sometimes) OK

YES, IT ’S COMPLETELY fine to check your email during a workout, or snap a selfie when the gym lighting is just right. But when your tax accountant calls to break down your 2024 expenses?

Sure, pick up the call, but consider it an 8-ounce jaw curl: You’re working out your vocals during a phone conversation, so vacate your weights and your bench so others can train larger muscles. Your one exception? Yes, you can call your bestie during a treadmill walk.

Know this, though: All those calls just may kill your gains. “Here's a challenge,” says Boyce. “Log your workout progress the old college way: with a pen and notebook.”

6. Workout First, Socialize Second

YES, FITNESS IS great with friends! But here’s the thing: Once a squad grows beyond a group of four, it’s basically a group fitness class. And that works in CrossFit, not your local big-box.

Have a bigger crew than that? Then split off into two groups in the gym, that way you’re not monopolizing the equipment. This isn’t just for courtesy, either; it’s for your own gains. A training partner who yaps too much between sets ensures you’re building jaw muscle instead of quads, lats, and abs.

a person with a dog on a bench

7. Absolutely. No. Creeping.

IT ’S THE START of a really terrible Netflix romcom: you lock eyes with someone from across the free weights section. They beckon you over for a spot. You graze hands as you swap out plates—and suddenly you’re married and inviting the entire Gold’s Gym staff. Right?

Wrong. Because a workout isn’t a mating ritual. Sure, you just might meet somebody at the gym, but the workout comes first (see: Commandment No. 6). So wait til a rest period (Commandment No. 10; look how it all works together!), or post-workout protein shake time. “Us gym girls know we’re hot,” says MH associate editor Cori Ritchey, C.S.C.S. “But save it for when I’ve finished my workout.”

8. Dress for Muscle Success

EVEN IF YOU ’RE crushing a three-hour workout every day, the gym is not actually your house. It’s everyone else’s, so you’ll need to follow everyone else’s rules. In most gyms, that means rocking a shirt (even if you have Hemsworth-level abs). And you’ll need to wear shoes, too.

Really want to get your Magic Mike on midway through your chest workout? Trainer Jake Boly, C.S.C.S , says there’s a simple rule you can follow: Ask a gym employee first. “I love lifting barefoot at times and training shirtless,” Boly says. “But is that the culture of your gym?” If you’re scared to ask whether you can take your shirt off, that’s your first sign to keep your clothes on.

a person lifting weights

9. Pick Your Godzilla Spots

THE GYM CAN often seem like a zoo, with heavy weights dropping and plenty of grunting and panting. But watch closely, and there’s a method to the madness. When you’re not actually “working” during a workout, you don’t get to channel Godzilla.

So sure, exhale loudly during a tough set of bench presses or kettlebell swings or sprint. But once you put the weights down, quiet down—and learn to put the weights down quietly, too, says Boyce: “Believe it or not, there’s a correct way to dump weights at the end of a heavy set.”

Can’t do it? You’re likely lifting too heavy.

10. Quiet During the Set!

WOULD YOU WANT somebody asking your surgeon for a scalpel midway through your heart surgery? No. And, truth be told, some gym lifts (think: heavy bench presses and snatches and those confounding Turkish getups) require surgeon-level focus, if only for a few seconds.

That’s why the golden rule of gym conversation is this: Don’t speak to anyone when they’re working. If somebody’s midway through a set or a circuit or a 5-mile run, can they really give you a spot, share their equipment, or catch you up on House of the Dragon then anyway? “Read social cues,” says trainer Andrew Coates . “If someone has headphones on or a cap down of their eyes, you’d better already have their phone number if your interruption is welcome.”

Once they’re done, give them three deep breaths. Then ask your question.

The MH Gym Commandments Experts .css-w4qmxm:after{background-color:#000000;color:#fff;margin-top:0.9375rem;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;width:6.375rem;height:0.094rem;content:'';display:block;}

nellie barnett

Nellie Barnett, C.P.T.

Nellie Barnett, C.P.T. , is a personal trainer and online coach based in N.Y.C.

jake boly

Jake Boly, C.S.C.S.

Jake Boly, C.S.C.S. founder of That Fit Friend , is a trainer with over 10 years of experience.

lee boyce

Lee Boyce is a Toronto, Canada-based personal trainer, college professor, fitness writer, and MH Advisory Board member.

andrew coates

Andrew Coates

Andrew Coates is a personal trainer, fitness lecturer, and and host of the Lift Free and Diet Hard Podcast based in Edmonton, Canada.

gerren lilles

Gerren Liles, C.P.T.

Gerren Liles, C.P.T. , is the creator of the Gerren Liles Vision Fitness App, Barrys and Equinox instructor, and fitness consultant in N.Y.C.

nick mastropasqua

Nick Mastropasqua, NASM

Nick Mastropasqua, NASM, is a New Jersey/New York-based trainer and gym manager.

bobby maximus

Bobby Maximus

Bobby Maximus is a former UFC fighter and BJJ champion, fitness expert, and author of The Maximus Body .

cori ritchey cscs

Cori Ritchey, C.S.C.S.

Cori Ritchey, C.S.C.S. , is a Men's Health Associate Health and Fitness Editor and personal trainer.

claudette sariya

Claudette Sariya, C.P.T.

Claudette Sariya, C.P.T. , is a personal trainer and group fitness instructor at Sole Fitness, F45 Training, LifeTime, and Optum locations around N.Y.C.

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97-year-old great-grandmother shows you're never too old to go to the gym

Merce Hershey says going to the gym is fun and encourages others to try it too.

A 97-year-old great-grandmother is proving you're never too old to hit the gym and inspire others along the way.

Merce Hershey, a mom of five, grandmother of eight and great-grandmother of 14, told "Good Morning America" she started going to the Starting Strength Cincinnati gym in West Chester, Ohio, two years ago when she was 95. She said she wanted to get healthier amid challenges she was facing including scoliosis and back fractures.

"I was just hoping to get stronger," the 97-year-old said. "I just didn't have any fear at all. I just came."

presentation on going to the gym

102-year-old fitness instructor shares her advice to get active

When Hershey, who is about 4 feet, 10 inches tall, first started going to Starting Strength Cincinnati, gym owner Luke Schroeder told "GMA" she could rack pull 11 pounds and overhead press 5 pounds. Today, she trains twice a week with a coach and can rack pull up to 92 pounds and overhead press up to 35 pounds.

presentation on going to the gym

Hershey said both she and her doctor have noticed her progress.

"My bone density has improved. So that's good. I'm still walking with a walker, but I'm happy with it," she said.

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"I'm in excellent health, really. The doctor said, 'Fantastic,'" Hershey continued.

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Hershey's progress isn't just an individual win. Schroeder said the 97-year-old, who is the oldest member at Starting Strength Cincinnati, has become an inspiration for not just himself but for other gymgoers, too.

presentation on going to the gym

"It's been really inspiring to be able to come in here during her sessions and see her working just like everybody else and make an improvement," said Schroeder. "Aside from just her commitment to being able to do this, what's been really inspiring is just her consistency."

"She's made amazing progress. She's a great example of the fact that stronger is better and everybody can get stronger," he added.

presentation on going to the gym

Hershey, a big Cincinnati Reds fan and Olympic spectator, said going to the gym is fun and she wishes more people went.

"Once in a while, I think, 'Oh, I don't feel like going,' but I come, and I feel so much better," the former school secretary said.

She added, "I really think almost anybody could do it if they really wanted to do it."

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Olympic gymnastics highlights: Simone Biles wins gold medal in all-around

PARIS — It was closer than expected, but the final result was no surprise.

Simone Biles cemented her legacy as the world's most dominant gymnast Thursday night, narrowly defeating Rebeca Andrade of Brazil in the 2024 Paris Olympics all-around final to become the oldest all-around Olympic champion since 1952. Biles, 27, is also just the third woman in history to win multiple golds in the all-around, and the first to win all-around titles eight years apart. Andrade finished silver and Suni Lee took bronze .

Biles, who hasn't lost an all-around competition in more than a decade, gave herself a bit of work to do after a major mistake on uneven bars, which left her sitting third at the midway point behind both Andrade and Kaylia Nemour of Algeria. But she responded by hitting a big routine on the sport's trickiest apparatus, balance beam, and then put the competition to bed with a typically brilliant performance on floor.

"I’m getting uncomfortable guys!" says of how close she was to Andrade. "I was stressing. But I knew if I did my work it’d all be fine." 

Stop what you’re doing right NOW and watch Simone Biles on floor! 🐐 #ParisOlympics 📺 NBC and Peacock — NBC Olympics & Paralympics (@NBCOlympics) August 1, 2024

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Thursday's victory gave Biles her second Olympic gold of these Games, after the U.S. women’s squad captured gold in the team final on Tuesday, and her ninth Olympic medal overall , the most ever won by an American gymnast. In the coming days, Biles could add as many as three more golds as she is due to compete in the apparatus finals for balance beam, floor exercise and vault.

Biles, who has also won 30 medals at world championships, has said she is on a bit of a redemption tour in Paris after her experience at the 2021 Tokyo Games. Biles withdrew midway through the team final with a bout of the " twisties ," which caused her to lose a sense of where she was in the air on twisting elements. She proceeded to withdraw from most of her other remaining events and take a two-year hiatus from competitive gymnastics.

Biles has proven to be perhaps even more dominant upon her return last year. She cruised to the all-around world title last fall and has continued to push the boundaries of the sport with new skills, including her now-famous Yurchenko double pike vault – which helped carry her to gold Thursday night.

"It is crazy I am in the conversation of the greatest of all time," Biles said. "I just think I’m still Simone Biles from Spring, Texas, who loves to flip."

USA TODAY Sports brought you live results, scores and highlights throughout the team final. Check out the highlights.

Simone Biles is now GOAT of all GOATs

Simone Biles  is the best to ever do it and it’s not even close. In her sport. And in all others. Michael Phelps, Usain Bolt, Serena Williams and anyone else you want to throw in the mix — they all take a backseat to Biles. With her second Olympic all-around title  Thursday night, Biles surpassed all the other GOATs. She’s now, as teammate Jordan Chiles  put it earlier this week, the greatest of the greats. Read Nancy Armour's full column on Biles being the greatest of all time .

Score flashes and Simone and Suni sprint onto the podium together, holding a US flag between them. Simone is jumping up and down and waving at fans. She's only third woman to win Olympic all-around title twice, and first to do it in non-consecutive Games. GOAT of GOATs. — Nancy Armour (@nrarmour) August 1, 2024

Simone Biles' goat necklace

After Biles won all-around gold — again — she pulled out a necklace with a very blingy goat . — FIG (@gymnastics) August 1, 2024

When does Simone Biles compete next?

Biles has three individual finals left.

  • Saturday, Aug. 3: The vault final is at 10:20 a.m. ET.
  • Monday, Aug. 5: The balance beam is at 6:36 a.m. ET, and floor final 8:20 a.m. ET.

Who is competing in women's individual gymnastics finals?

Here are the individual final events the U.S. women's gymnasts team will compete in .

  • Simone Biles: all-around, vault, floor exercise, balance beam.
  • Suni Lee: all-around, uneven bars, balance beam.
  • Jordan Chiles: floor exercise.
  • Jade Carey: vault.

Simone Biles vault all-around

Simone Biles got some serious height off the table on her Yurchenko double pike — the famous (and incredibly dangerous) vault that is now among her many eponymous skills . And even with a significant hop backwards on the landing, she has already established a commanding lead.

Biles' score of 15.766 puts her more than six-tenths ahead of Rebeca Andrade Andrade through one rotation. While Andrade had a better execution score on her vault, the starting value of the Yurchenko double pike (6.40) dwarfs that of the Cheng vault that Andrade hit (5.60). 

Cleared for takeoff. 🫡 Simone Biles gets her day started on vault. #ParisOlympics 📺 NBC and Peacock — NBC Olympics & Paralympics (@NBCOlympics) August 1, 2024

Simone Biles' floor routine

Simone Biles held a .166 lead over Brazil's Rebeca Andrade with one rotation left, floor exercise, and she scored a 15.066 to win the gold medal.

Simone Biles' beam routine

Ice. Cold. In the trickiest event in women's gymnastics, balance beam, Simone Biles put up a big-time score under big-time pressure. Despite two small wobbles, she nailed her aerial series and had a relatively clean landing on the dismount to earn a 14.566.

Hell of a gutcheck there from Biles. In third after the botch on UB, up first on BB and then a long hold and she rocks her routine. Little wonky on wolf turn, balance check on the aerial somersault. But so confident. And the difficulty is just unreal. — Nancy Armour (@nrarmour) August 1, 2024
First up on Beam, Simone Biles 🇺🇸 turns in a champion's routine: switch to switch half to back pike. Mitchell turn. Bhs, layout, layout. One small step forward on side aerial and then that incredible dismount. Biles gets a standing ovation! 14.566. #Paris2024 — FIG (@gymnastics) August 1, 2024

Simone Biles bars routine

Simone Biles winced as she walked away from the uneven bars after a nervy moment as she transitioned from the higher bar to the lower. It appeared that she got a bit too much power on the release and got a bit too far away from the low bar, raising her knees to avoid touching the ground.

"The fact that she did not come off the bar, it's just another thing to be in awe about for Simone," NBC analyst Laurie Hernandez said on Peacock's broadcast.

Biles didn't fall, but the sequence forced her to take an additional unplanned swing and significantly hurt her execution score, resulting in a 13.733 that move her into third place (29.499) behind Brazil's Rebeca Andrade (29.766) and Algeria's Kaylia Nemour (29.566) after two turns.

Suni Lee's floor routine

Suni Lee, who sat in fourth entering the final rotation, scored a 13.666 on floor, moving her into the bronze medal position. It's her second Olympic medal in the all-around final.

All the feels for Simone Biles and Suni Lee. #ParisOlympics — NBC Sports (@NBCSports) August 1, 2024

Suni Lee's beam routine

Suni Lee had a few small wobbles — but no fall — in her beam routine to score an even 14.000.

Suni Lee's bars score

Suni Lee was smiling before she even stuck the landing on her uneven bars routine — a stellar showing that earned a score of 14.866.

. @sunisalee_ 's bars routine is just 🤌 The defending Olympic all-around champion delivers a 14.866 in the second rotation. 📺: @NBCOlympics & @peacock #ParisOlympics — Team USA (@TeamUSA) August 1, 2024

Suni Lee's vault score

Suni Lee got things started on vault with a double-twisting Yurchenko, taking a hop on the landing but notching a solid 13.933. Vault is not Lee's strongest event, but her performance there should put her in good position heading into uneven bars.

Rebeca Andrade Olympic all-around final performance

Rebeca Andrade couldn't have asked for a much better start in the all-around final. On vault, she stuck the landing on a Cheng — the second-hardest vault being done today — and notched a big-time score of 15.100, with a 9.500 execution score (out of 10).

Game on. 🔥 Rebeca Andrade starts in style with a fantastic vault in the all-around final. #ParisOlympics 📺 NBC and Peacock — NBC Olympics & Paralympics (@NBCOlympics) August 1, 2024

Trailing Simone Biles by almost seventh-tenths of a point after their first rotation, she needed to be pretty much impeccable over the remaining three events to catch up. And she certainly as on uneven bars. Andrade and Biles both had the same difficulty score on their uneven bars routines, but Andrade's execution was significantly better — resulting in a score of 14.766 that was almost a full point better than Biles'.

She then turned in an impressive performance on beam, especially under the circumstances. Going last in the rotation, and having just seen Simone Biles hit her routine, Andrade managed to block out the pressure and register a score of 14.133. Despite a few balance checks and minor issues, it was a strong showing. She closed out on floor, scoring a 14.033.

Steph Curry at gymnastics all-around final

The NBA's greatest shooter of all time, Steph Curry, is the stands to watch the women's gymnastics all-around final.

Simone Biles, Suni Lee introduced at all-around final

Biles and Lee were introcued to the crowd here to huge cheers.

If your ear drums just popped, that was the introduction for Simone. — Nancy Armour (@nrarmour) August 1, 2024

How high can Simone Biles jump?

During her floor routine at Olympic gymnastics trials, Simone Biles reached 12 feet in the air at one point.

SIMONE BILES IS LITERALLY LAUNCHING INTO SPACE. 🚀 #USAGTrials24 — NBC Olympics & Paralympics (@NBCOlympics) July 1, 2024

How many gold medals does Simone Biles have all time ?

Biles now has won nine Olympic medals after the U.S. women's gymnastics squad won team gold at the team final in Paris. Six of her medals are gold. At the 2016 Rio Olympics, Biles won three individual golds in the all-around, vault and floor exercise and led Team USA’s “Final Five” to the team gold. She also added a bronze medal on the balance beam. At the Tokyo Olympics in 2021, Biles added a silver medal in the team event and an additional bronze medal in the balance beam to her hardware collection. 

Why is Simone Biles called the GOAT?

Biles is the greatest gymnast of all time . She has consistently dominated the sport for over a decade, which would have been an unimaginable feat just a few years ago as most gymnasts reach their peak in their late teens. Her ability to win is in a class of its own. With 39 Olympic and world championship medals — 28 of which are gold — Biles has won the most of any gymnast in history. She has also not lost an all-around competition since 2013. 

Biles redefines the possibilities of her sport not just in her record-breaking number of wins and medals, but also in the unmatched difficulty of the skills she completes. Biles has no less than five skills named after her — two on the vault and floor and one on the balance beam — because she was the first, and in most cases, the only athlete to complete them in competition. 

Suni Lee kidney illness: How it changed her gymnastics mindset

Suni Lee went to Auburn right after winning gold in Tokyo , wanting to have the college experience and to compete at the NCAA level. She announced in November 2022 that she’d leave Auburn at the end of her sophomore season. Before that season could even end, however, Lee developed a kidney disease that caused her to retain so much fluid there were days she couldn’t even put on her grips. She returned to Minneapolis and began working with doctors at the Mayo Clinic, who discovered she was suffering from a second kidney ailment.

Thus began a nearly yearlong nightmare of tweaking medications and Lee feeling as if she had no control over her body. At one point, she said, she’d gained 40 pounds. There were days she could train and days she could only do certain things. Then there were days she couldn’t even get out of bed. By the end of February,  Lee had returned to competition . It was an inauspicious start — she did only uneven bars and balance beam at Winter Cup and fell off both — but it let her know she could still do this.

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Has anyone won two Olympic all-around titles before?

Yes, but it's been a minute. Or a half-century. Larisa Latynina of the Soviet Union was the first to win two Olympic all-around titles, winning in 1956 and 1960. Vera Caslavska of then-Czechoslovakia then won the next two, in 1964 and 1968. But it's been a new champion at every Games since then. 

In fact, there hasn't been a reigning all-around champion who's won another medal of any color since Ludmilla Tourischeva of the Soviet Union. After winning gold in the all-around in 1972, she was the bronze medalist in 1976. 

How many Olympics has Simone Biles been to?

The  2024 Paris Olympics  are  Simone Biles ' third Olympic Games.

How old was Simone Biles at her first Olympics?

Biles was 19 years old at the 2016 Rio Olympics.

What are the twisties in gymnastics?

Biles missed most of the Tokyo Olympics after developing a case of “ the twisties ,” which caused her to lose her sense of where she was in the air and jeopardized her physical safety.

Who is Simone Biles married to?

Simone Biles is married to NFL player Jonathan Owens , who will be at the all-around final today. At the team final on Tuesday, he sat with Biles' parents and wearing a T-shirt with "BILES" on it and a huge photo of his wife in action on it. He landed in Paris on Tuesday morning.

During the first rotation of Monday's team final, Owens was seen with a pen in hand, possibly recording scores, as Biles performed her vault routine. Mic’ed up on NBC’s broadcast, Owens let out a healthy “let’s go!” after Biles recorded a 14.900 on the vault, the highest score among the three U.S. gymnasts.

Simone Biles' Instagram caption deservedly put MyKayla Skinner on blast

The scorch marks on MyKayla Skinner are going to be visible for a while after Simone Biles put her on blast Wednesday. Deservedly so, mind you. The Tokyo Olympian had the audacity earlier this summer to criticize the women who eventually made the team for the Paris Games , saying they weren’t as talented and didn’t have the same work ethic as in Skinner’s day.

“Lack of talent, lazy, olympic champions,” Biles captioned an Instagram post of her and her teammates — Jade Carey, Jordan Chiles , Suni Lee and Hezly Rivera — celebrating their gold medal Tuesday night.

Simone Biles' moves named after her: What to know

Simone Biles has left her mark on the sport of gymnastics, in addition to her combined 28 world championship and Olympic medals. Biles has five skills named after her: Two on vault, two on floor exercise and one on balance beam. Here’s are the Simone Biles moves named after her .

Simone Biles' Yurchenko double pike: What to know

The Biles II is also known as the  Yurchenko double pike , one of five moves named after Simone Biles . Vaults are categorized by “families,” which are based on the entry. On Yurchenko vaults, a gymnast does a roundoff onto the takeoff board and a back handspring onto the table. Biles then follows it with a double somersault in the piked position.

Few men even try this vault, which is so difficult because of the power it takes to get two somersaults as well as its lack of a bailout. If something goes awry, more likely to land on her head or neck than her knees.

Biles began doing this vault in 2021 but didn’t do it at a worlds or Olympics until the 2023 world championships. With a 6.4 difficulty value, it is the hardest vault in the women’s code.

When Biles did the vault last year, she took a half-point deduction for having coach Laurent Landi standing on the landing mat, ready to step in and redirect her into a safe position if it looked as if she was headed for a scary landing. But neither Biles nor Landi feel the need for him to do that anymore.

The most difficult vault commonly executed by other gymnasts is valued at 5.6, eight-tenths lower than the Biles II, so doing it gives Biles a huge scoring advantage.

Where Simone Biles trains and what it's like to train with her

Simone Biles trains at Champions Centre World, which is owned by Biles’ parents Nellie and Ron and is just outside Houston, has become one of the premier gyms in the country. WCC has two gymnasts on  the five-woman US team  at the  2024 Paris Olympics , Biles and Jordan Chiles, with  Joscelyn Roberson  a traveling alternate and Tiana Sumanasekera a non-traveling alternate. It also sent the most gymnasts, five, to the Olympic trials, and had three more at the  US championships .

"Training with Simone is, like, once in a lifetime," said Roberson,  who moved to WCC after the US championships in 2022 . "She's always so bubbly in the gym. Plus, she can hit. All the time. Like, she never has a bad day, which is insane to me."

How Simone Biles shattered gymnastics age stereotype

Simone Biles, 27, is seeking to become the oldest all-around Olympic champion in women's gymnastics in 72 years, and she is one of four athletes on the U.S. team who fit what used to be a rare mold, as repeat Olympians in their 20s. The other three − Jade Carey (24), Jordan Chiles (23) and  Suni Lee  (21) − all competed in college between their two Olympic appearances, which also used to be uncommon. ( Hezly Rivera , 16, rounds out the team.)

With an average age north of 22 years old, it will be the oldest U.S. women's gymnastics team to compete at the Olympics since 1952, according to USA Gymnastics.

"The longevity of this sport has been totally changed. Simone has changed that," Chiles said . not to control everything that I can’t control anymore,” Biles said.


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    Going last in the rotation, and having just seen Simone Biles hit her routine, Andrade managed to block out the pressure and register a score of 14.133. Despite a few balance checks and minor ...