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Reported Speech Exercises for Class 8 With Answers CBSE – English Grammar

Click here to get access to the best  NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English . Go through these Reported Speech Exercises for Class 8 CBSE with Answers to learn English. Each and every question of English grammar exercises for class 8 CBSE with answers have been answered with easy to download solutions in PDF format.

Direct and Indirect or Reported Speech There are two ways of reporting what a person has said: direct and indirect.

Direct Speech  In direct speech, we repeat the original speaker’s exact words, e.g. He said,” I have lost my books”. Remarks thus repeated are placed between inverted commas and a comma is placed immediately before the remark. Direct speech is found in conversations in books, in plays and in quotations.

Indirect Speech In indirect speech, we give the exact meaning of a remark or a speech, without necessarily using the speaker’s exact words. e.g. He said (that) he had lost his books. There is no comma after say in indirect speech. That can usually be omitted after say and tell + object.

Parts of Narration Sentence A narration sentence has two parts. These are                                                          ,

  • Reporting Verb
  • Reported Speech


Read the following sentences.

  • Direct He said, she’s my daughter. Indirect He said that she was his daughter.
  • Direct “I saw her the day before yesterday”, he said. Indirect He said he’d seen her two days before.
  • Direct “I’ll do it tomorrow”, he promised. Indirect He promised that he would do it the next day.
  • This and that used as adjectives usually change to the Direct He said, “I bought this earring/these earrings for my mother.” Indirect He said that he had bought earring/the earrings for his mother.
  • This, these used as pronouns (Object) can become it, they/them Direct He said, “We will discuss this tomorrow”. Indirect He said that they would discuss it (the matter) the next day.

Change of Tense In indirect speech, change of tense takes place if and only if the reporting verb is in past tense. No change of tense is made if the reporting verb is in present or future tense.

1. When the Reporting Verb is in Present or Future Tense e.g.

  • Direct Peter says, “I want to become an engineer”. Indirect Peter says that he wants to become an engineer.
  • Direct The teacher will say, “Everybody has to maintain silence. Indirect The teacher will say that everybody has to maintain silence”.
  • Direct My mother says, “ God will shower his blessings on us, some day”. Indirect My mother says that God will shower his blessings on us some day.
  • Direct Tisha says to me, “TV is not working since last night.” Indirect Tisha tells me that TV is not working since last night.
  • Direct Ginnie says to her friend, “I lost my new denim jacket.” Indirect Ginnie tells her friend that she last her Denim Jacket.
  • Direct He will say, “I will reform all the system.” Indirect He will say that he will reform all the system.
  • Direct The boss will say to his staff, “We are going to throw a party on the golden jubilee, of our company. Indirect The boss will tell his staff that they are going to throw a party on the golden jubilee of their company.


Read the following examples.

  • Direct The man said to the boy, “ You are not serious about your studies.” Indirect The man told the boy that he was not serious about his studies.
  • Direct Suhani said to her mother, “I learnt many new theories today.” Indirect Suhani told her mother that she had learnt many new theories that day.
  • Direct Shipra said to her, “1 want to see you now at my home”. Indirect Shipra told her that she wanted to see her then at her home.
  • Direct He said to me, “1 was observing you at the party”. Indirect He told me that he had been observing me at the party.
  • Direct Diansa said to Salman, “I will not do anything for the house members tomorrow”. Indirect Diansa told Salman that she would not do anything for the house members the next day.

Exception The tense of the reported speech, is kept as it is

1. If, it is a universal truth or ‘habitual action or historical fact’ irrespective of the reporting verb. e.g.

  • Direct Our teacher says/will say /said, “The Earth is round”. Indirect Our teacher says/will say/said that the Earth is round.
  • Direct My father said to me yesterday, “God always observes our passion for our dreams”. Indirect My father told me yesterday that God always observes our passion for our dreams.
  • Direct Neha said, “India is great”. Indirect Neha said (that) India is great.
  • Direct Mr Nene said to his students, “ I am unable to hear low voices”. Indirect Mr Nene told his students that he is unable to hear low voices.
  • Direct Ravi said to his younger brother, “Salim was also called Jahangir.” Indirect Ravi told his younger brother that Salim was also called Jahangir.

2. If the reported speech is about two simultaneously happening actions. e.g. Direct Sahil said, “The dogs were barking while I was walking in the park”. Indirect Sahil said the dogs were barking while he was walking in the park. 3. If the reported speech is about an imaginary sentence, e.g. Direct Mohan said, “If I were a bird, I would fly everywhere”. Indirect Mohan said (that) if he were a bird, he would fly everywhere.


Interrogative Sentences into Indirect Speech When we have to change a direct question into indirect speech, it is necessary to make the following changes

  • tense, pronouns, possessive adjectives and adverbs of time change as in statements.
  • the interrogative change to the assertive form.
  • the question mark is omitted.
  • the reporting verb says/tells is changed to ask etc.

(A) Verbal (Yes-No Type Questions) While changing these questions into indirect speech ‘if or ‘whether’ is used instead of ‘that’, e.g.

  • Direct “Is there anybody?” she asked. Indirect She asked if/whether anybody was there.
  • Direct Santa said to Banta, “Do you like Sonakshi?” Indirect Santa asked Banta whether he liked Sonakshi.
  • Direct The lady said, “Do you want to ask any question?” Indirect The lady asked if they wanted to ask any question
  • Direct Charles said to his mother, “Shall we go for the party tonight?” ‘ Indirect Charles asked his mother if they would go for the party that night.
  • Direct The policeman says to the man, “Have you seen the burglars? Indirect The policeman asks the man whether he has seen the burglars.
  • Direct I said to my sister, “Can you iron my clothes for me?” Indirect I asked my sister if she could iron my clothes for me.

(B) Wh Type Questions In these type of questions, no external connector is used. The wh-word itself acts as a connector. e.g.

  • Direct The teacher said to Manu, “Why are you late?” Indirect The teacher asked Manu why she was late.
  • Direct He said to me, “Where do you live?” Indirect He asked me where I lived.
  • Direct Shatayu said to his father, “How did you write this?” Indirect Shatayu asked his father how he had written it.
  • Direct She said to the shopkeeper, “How much is the price of this book?” Indirect She asked the shopkeeper how much the price of the book was.
  • Direct Father asks his son, “What all do you know about her?” Indirect Father asks his son what all he knows about her.
  • Direct “What is the name of your pet cat?” Said Shamli to her niece. Indirect Shamli asked her niece what the name of her pet cat was.

Imperative Sentences into Indirect Speech Imperative sentences are of three kinds: advice, order and request. So, according to the type of sentence the reporting verb ‘said/said to’ is changed into ordered, requested, advised etc. And instead of ‘that’ ‘to’is used to join the reported speech, e.g.

  • Direct Neena said to him, “Open your book”. Indirect Neena ordered him to open his book.
  • Direct The inspector said to his constables, “Go and find them everywhere”. Indirect The inspector ordered his constable to go and find them everywhere.
  • Direct Shahista said to me, “Please, allow me to help you”. Indirect Shahista requested me to allow her to help me.
  • Direct She said to her mother, “ Please, take care of my children”. Indirect She requested her mother to take care of her.
  • Direct He said to me, “Take proper rest”. Indirect He advised me to take proper rest.
  • Direct The officer said to his soldiers, “Follow me . Indirect The officer ordered his soldiers to follow him.

Exclamatory Sentences into Indirect Speech While changing exclamatory sentences into indirect speech, the reporting verb is changed into exclaimed with joy, sorrow etc. ‘What, how’ are changed into very, great etc. e.g.

  • Direct He said, “What a great idea!” Indirect He exclaimed that it was a great idea.
  • Direct The players said, “Hurrah! we won the match”. Indirect The players exclaimed with joy and said that they had won the match.
  • Direct “What a pity!” said the woman. Indirect The woman exclaimed that it was a great pity.
  • Direct “Eh! How beautiful the doll is!” said angel. Indirect Angel exclaimed with surprise that it was a very beautiful doll.
  • Direct “Bravo! only you could do this”, said the manager to his team. Indirect The manager exclaimed with appreciation and acknowledged his team that only they could do this.

Sentences Beginning with ‘Let’ 1. Sentences that express suggestions.

  • Direct Veena said, “Let us go for a movie in the evening”. Indirect Veena suggested that they should go for a movie in the evening.
  • Direct Renu said to me, “Let us decide something quickly”. Indirect Renu suggested that we should decide something quickly.

2. If they have a force of an order or request.

  • Direct Sudhir said to his friend, “Let me sit alone for a while”. Indirect Sudhir requested his friend to let him sit alone for a while.
  • Direct The security officer said to the guard, “Let them come in”. Indirect The security officer ordered the guard to allow them to come in.

(i)  During the change take care of the followings
said to—told says to—tells
say to—tell
But, according to the relation of subject to its object we
change said to /says to/ say to into enquired/asked/
suggested also.
(ii)  Inverted comma is replaced by that/if/to/not to/ ‘wh’ words
according to different sentences Assertive sentence – that
Interrogative sentence – ‘wh’ word/ If
Imperative sentence – to/ not to

Yes and No in Indirect Speech “When answer is either in affirmatiive or in negative form.”

  • Direct He said, “Can you swim?” and I said “No.” Indirect He asked (me) if I could swim and I said I couldn’t. Or He asked (me) if I could swim and I answered in negative.
  • Direct He said, “Will you have time to do it?” and I said “Yes”. Indirect He asked if I would have time to do that and I said that I would. Or He asked if 1 would have time to do that and I affirmed.

Offers and Suggestions in Indirect Speech

  • Offers (To advance with something) Direct “Shall I bring you some tea?” Indirect He offered to bring me some tea.
  • Suggestions (Putting up advice) Direct “Shall we meet at the theatre?” Indirect He suggested meeting at the theatre.

Chapter Practice

Question 1: Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

  • John said, ‘I love this city.’
  • “Be nice to others”, Priya said.
  • “Don’t waste your money” he said to the boys.
  • She said, “everyone loves her.”
  • She said, “He works in a bank.”
  • Seema said, ‘I don’t have a laptop.”
  • Kanika said, “I don’t go to the gym very often.”
  • “We don’t travel much”, she said.
  • He said, “we like working in London.”
  • She said, “she never gets up early on Sunday.”
  • John said that he loved that city.
  • Priya told me to be nice to others.
  • He advised the boys not to waste their money.
  • She said that everyone loved her.
  • She said he worked in a bank.
  • Seema said that she didn’t have a laptop.
  • Kanika said that she didn’t go to the gym very often.
  •  She said that they didn’t travel much.
  • He said that they liked working in London.
  • She said that she never got up early on Sundays.

Question 2: Change the following into indirect speech.

  • I said to Prerana, “How do you travel to office everyday?” .
  • Shivam said to his mother, “Where does the rain come from?”
  • “Do you know the way to the paradise?”A crazy man asked me.
  • Maria said to her daughter, “At what time will you come back?”
  • The man said to the mechanic, “By what time will you have fixed the tyre of my bike?”
  • Varun says to Tarun, “Where did you go yesterday?”
  • “Is there anything special in it?” She asked.
  •  “Hark! I can smell something here” said Mr Naik to his colleagues.
  • “Alas! we have lost the game.” said Shishir to his friend.
  • “How intelligent you are!” Manjiri said to her grandfather.
  • I asked Prerana how she travel to office everyday.
  • Shivam asked his mother where the rain comes from.
  • A crazy man asked me whether I knew the way to Paradise.
  • Maria asked her daughter at what time she would come back.
  • The man asked the mechanic by what time he would have fixed the type of his bike.
  • Varun asks Tarun where he went yesterday.
  • She asked whether there was anything special in it.
  • Mr Naik exclaimed with fear and said to his colleagues that he could smell something there.
  • Shishir exclaimed with sorrow and told his friend that they have lost the game.
  • Manjiri told her grandfather that he was very intelligent.

Question 3: Rewrite the sentences into direct speech from indirect speech.

  • Miara said that she wrote a letter.
  • Kiran said that she was going to the temple.
  • The teacher said that the Sun rises in the East.
  • He said that he had been reading a novel.
  • Nelson said that he had been playing badminton.
  • He ordered her to be careful.
  • Raman exclaimed joyfully that she was very beautiful.
  • He asked where she was going.
  • He said that he didn’t know the way and asked her if she did.
  • The Science teacher told the class that ice floats on water.
  • Miara said, “I write a letter.”
  • Kiran said, “I am going to the temple.”
  • The teacher said, “The Sun rises in the East.”
  • He said, “I have been reading a novel.”
  • Nelson said, “I have been playing badminton.”
  • “Be careful”, he said to her.
  • “How beautiful she is!” said Raman.
  • He said, “Where is she going?”
  • “I don’t know the way. Do you?” he asked.
  • The science teacher told the class, “Ice floats on water.”

Question 4: Choose the correct options from the given set of options according to the rules of reported speech.

  • I asked Prerna……… she travelled to office. (a) what (b) how (c) where (d) who
  • Shivam asked……… mothers where she was to go. (a) hers (b) her (c) one’s (d) his
  • A crazy man asked me whether I……….. the way to paradise. (a) know (b) knew (c) knows (d) knowing
  • Leela asked her friend at……….. time she would come back. (a) what (b) where (c) when (d) how
  • The man asked the mechanic by what time he would……… fixed the type of the car. (a) has (b) had (c) have (d) be
  • Varun asks Tarun where he went…………….. (a) yesterday (b) today (c) tomorrow (d) the last day
  • She asked….‘…there was anything special as it. (a) how (b) can (c) if (d) where
  • Gupta exclaimed with………….. that he could sense a fire is the adjacent building. (a) joy (b) sorrow (c)pain (d) fear
  • He exclaimed with sorrow that they………… last the game. (a) had (b) have (c) has (d) had been
  • She told me…………. she had been to London. (a) if (b) that (c) whether (d) when
  • (d) the last day

Question 5: Supply the most suitable and appropriate word to fill in the blanks with the help of rules of reported speech.

  • Miara said, “I write a letter.” Miara told that she…….. a letter.
  • Kiran said, “I am going to the temple.” Kiran told that……………. was going to the temple.
  • The teacher said, “The Sun rises in the East.” The teacher told that the Sun…………… in the East.
  • He said, “Have I been reading books? He asked if he……… been reading books.
  • Nelson said, “Did you notice it? Nelson asked………. Did you noticed it.
  • He said to her, “Be careful.” He told her…….. be careful.
  • Raman said, “How beautiful she is!” Raman exclaimed with joy that she……. beautiful.
  • He said, “Where is she going? He asked………. she was going.
  • He said, “I do not know the way.” He told that he…….. not know the way.
  • Teacher said, “Ice floats on water.” Teacher told that ice……… on water.

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Reported Speech Exercises for Class 8 CBSE With Answers

Reported speech is when we express or say things that have already been said by somebody else.

Looking for an easy way to Learning of new elementary english grammar and composition for class 8 answers, Solutions. You have to learn basic  English Grammar  topics like Tenses Verbs, Nouns, etc… In this article, we will review the best English Grammer Topics and compare them against each other.

Reported Speech Exercises for Class 8 CBSE With Answers Pdf

When we say things that have been said, we use two ways of expressing it. The first is direct speech when we express what the speaker said as it is and the second is indirect speech where we express what was said in our words.

How do we use reported speech?

“I know quite a lot of people here.’ Robert said. Present Simple Simple Past He said that he knew quite a lot of people there
‘John is feeling much better ‘Paul said. Present continuous Past Continuous He said that John was feeling much better.
‘I enjoyed my holiday in the States’ David said. Simple Past Past Perfect He said that he had enjoyed his holiday in the States.
‘Jackie wasn’t feeling very well’ The teacher said. Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous He said that Jackie had been feeling very well.
‘They’ve seen the Eiffel Tower’ john Said Present Perfect Past Perfect He said that they had seen the Eiffel Tower.
‘I have been waiting for ages ‘My father said. Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous He said that he had been waiting for ages.
‘Nobody had warned them about the storm’ He said. Present Perfect Past Perfect He said that had warned about the storm.
‘She had been reading all ‘Brenda said. Past Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous She said that she had been reading all day.

Reporting Questions We use a special form when we report questions:

WH – Questions : Where is + Tom’s house? He asked where Tom’s house + was. Where does Tom live? He asked where Tom lived,

Yes/No Questions: Does Tom live in Miami? She asked if Tom lived in Miami. Is Tom happy? She asked if Tom was happy.

Say vs. Tell Say something June : “I love English.” June said (that) she loved English.

Tell someone something June: “I love English.” June told me (that) she loved English.

Modal Verbs and Reported Speech Must, might, could, would, should, and ought to stay the same in reported speech. We usually change may to might.

They said, “we would apply for a visa”
He said “I would start a business.
She said, “I would appear in exam”
They said that they would apply for visa.
He said that he would start a business.
She said that she would appear in the exam.
She said, “she could play the piano”
They said, “we couldn’t learn the lesson”
He said, “I could run faster
She said that she could play a violin.
They said they couldn’t learn the lesson.
He said that he could run faster.
He said, “guest might come”
She said, “it might rain”
John said, “I might meet him”
He said that guest might come.
She said that it might rain.
John said that he might meet him.
He said, “I should avail the opportunity,”
She said, “I should help a him”
They said, “we said take the exam”
He said that he should avail the opportunity. She said that she should help him.
They said that they should take the exam.
He said to me, “you ought to wait for him”
She said, “I ought to learn method of study”
They said, we ought to attend our classes”
He said to me that I ought to wait for him.
She said that she ought to learn method of study.
They said that they ought to attend their classes.

Reported Requests There’s more! What if someone asks you to do something (in a polite way)?

For example:

  • Direct speech: close the window, please
  • Or: Could you close the window please?
  • Or: Would you mind closing the window please?

All of these requests mean the same thing, so we don’t need to report every word when we tell another person about it. We simply use ‘ask me + to + infinitive’:

  • Reported speech: She asked me to close the window.
  • Here are a few more examples:
Direct Request Reported Request
Please help me. She asked me to help her.

Reported Orders And finally, how about if someone doesn’t ask so politely? We can call this an ‘order’ in English, when someone tells you very directly to do something.

  • Direct speech: Sit down! In fact, we make this into reported speech in the same way as a request. We just use ‘tell’ instead of ‘ask’:
Go to bed!  He told the child to go to bed.
Don’t worry!  He told her not to worry.
Be on time!  He told me to be on time.
Don’t smoke!  He told us not to smoke.

Changes in words showing proximity (time and place) Study the list given below to revise the changes in words showing the proximity of place and time when converting direct speech to indirect speech.

this becomes that these become those here becomes there now becomes then before becomes earlier/previously today becomes that day tomorrow becomes the next day yesterday becomes the previous day

Reported Speech Practice Exercises for Class 8 CBSE

A. Write the following sentences in indirect speech. The first one has been done for you.

1. He said, “I will meet you outside the post office at three tomorrow afternoon.” He said that he would meet me outside the post office at there the following afternoon .

2. The teacher told us, “The freezing point of water is 0°c.” _______________________________________ 3. “When I dropped the jug, it smashed to pieces,” my little brother says. _______________________________________ 4. The man said, “I have seen you somewhere before.” _______________________________________ 5. The mechanic said, “Your car was ready last night, but you did not come to get it.” _______________________________________ 7. He said, “I shall return your magazines tomorrow.” _______________________________________ 8. “My car broke down, and I had to walk two kilometers to get to a phone-booth,” the man said. _______________________________________ 9. “An English play is being held in the school hall now,” she told us. _______________________________________ 10. “The building burnt down many years before we moved here,” my father told me. _______________________________________

B. Write the following sentences into indirect speech.

1. “Don’t leave your bag out here, Tommy,” Kiren said. _______________________________________ 2. “Stand at attention!” the captain commanded his men. _______________________________________ 3. “Don’t touch it! Leave it alone!” I said _______________________________________ 4. “Please take me to the park, Father,” the little boy said. _______________________________________ 5. “Please tell me exactly what happened,” she said. _______________________________________ 6. “Speak up. I can’t hear you,” he said to the new boy. _______________________________________ 7. “Don’t shake the table while I am writing!” Pawan told his brother. _______________________________________ 8. “Please bring your own plates and spoons,” she told us. _______________________________________ 9. “Return to the ship immediately!” the officer ordered his men. _______________________________________ 10. “Open that drawer and bring me the scissors,” Deepak told his brother. _______________________________________

C. Write the following sentences in indirect speech.

1. “The Prince and Princess lived happily ever after,” the storyteller told the children. _______________________________________ 2. “Don’t push!” the conductor said to the passengers who were boarding the bus. _______________________________________ 3. “I’m sorry but I can’t join you for lunch,” he told his friend. _______________________________________ 4. “Do the exercises from pages sixty to sixty-two,” Miss Malhotra told the pupils. _______________________________________ 5. “Do you know how to operate a computer?” asked the personnel officer. _______________________________________ 6. “Help! Help! Help!” I heard someone shout. _______________________________________ 7. “Are you mad at me?” asked the elder sister. _______________________________________ 8. The cheerleaders shouted, “Hurray! Fight them! Show them all your might!” _______________________________________ 9. “Keep the change,” the rich man said to the waitress. _______________________________________ 10. I said to myself, “I will definitely beat him in the next event.” _______________________________________

D. Rewrite these sentences in direct speech. The first one has been done for you.

1. My mother asked me to buy a dozen eggs from the shop. “Can you buy me a dozen eggs from the shop?” asked my mother .

2. I told myself that I would finish painting the gate by that afternoon. _______________________________________ 3. The judge asked the defendant to speak louder. _______________________________________ 4. The engineer wanted the workers to complete the project by the following day. _______________________________________ 5. Anu reported to the police about her purse being snatched. _______________________________________

E. Use past tenses, present perfect or past perfect tenses to complete the sentences.

We _____________ in Bristol from January to March. (stay) Where is my wine? Someone _____________ my wine! (drink) When you _____________ you _____________ fast? (crash, drive) I’m sorry. Dad isn’t here. He _____________ our neighbour’s flat since the morning. (decorate) What a nice coat! Where _____________ you _____________ it? (buy) At 6 o’clock he _____________ there for three hours! (sit) I want to learn French. But I _____________ yet. (not start) We didn’t want to spend our holiday in Strobl because _____________ already _____________ there. (be) What _____________ ? You are so dirty! (do) Oh, no! I _____________ my way. What shall I do? (lose) Jim _____________ the dishes after dinner. The kitchen sink is full of plates. (not wash) She _____________ three clients since the morning. (contact) I couldn’t help you. I _____________ your problems. (not understand) Does he know about it? _____________ him yet? (tell) Bill admitted that he _____________ the catalogue to the agency. (not send) As soon as I _____________ the message, I _____________ my house (get, leave) While Maggie _____________ a new Jumper, Jill and I _____________ (knit, read) Here he is! He _____________ for me all the time, he _____________ for Ann! (not look, wait) _____________ you in your room at 5.30? Yes, I think I _____________ my suitcase. (be, pack) Nice to meet you! I _____________ uyou for 10 years. What _____________ you _____________ all this time? (not see, do) He _____________ but he’ll be back home today. The doctors ____________ to cure him. (die, manage) After we _____________ to the top of hill we had a great view of the bay. (elimb) The pigeon finally delivered the news after it _____________ for the whole day. (fly)

F. In the following sentences the speakers are all saying something different to what they told you before. Write replies to their statements as given in the example. Example:

  • “I’m going out with Alisha.” But you said you weren’t going out with her .

1. “I haven’t finished my project.” I thought you said ________________ 2. “I’m better at tennis than golf.” But you told me ________________ 3. “I enjoy parties.” I remember you saying ________________ 4. “I’ve got a video recorder.” But you said yesterday ________________ 5. “I’m applying for the job.” I thought you told me ________________ 6. “I like Indian food more than Chinese.” But you said ________________ 7. “I prefer pop music to classical music.” You told me ________________

G. Change the following sentence to indirect speech.

1. Our teacher said, “Time is precious, so spend your free time in the best possible way.” ________________________________________________ 2. “Ugh! This toilet is so smelly,” Rita said. ________________________________________________ 3. Chetan said, “Please buy me a bar of chocolate.” ________________________________________________ 4. “Polish your boots,” the army officer said to his men. ________________________________________________ 5. “Get me a glass of water,” he said to her. ________________________________________________ 6. “What a beautiful car!” he remarked. ________________________________________________ 7. “Please spare me some money,” the beggar said. ________________________________________________ 8. “You must listen to me!” his mother cried. ________________________________________________ 9. “Pass me that salt, please,” the man said to her. ________________________________________________ 10. “Get out or I’ll call the police!” the lady said to him. ________________________________________________

H. Change the following to reported speech by completing the sentence.

1. She asked, “Have you been here before?” She asked me if _________________ 2. “Is your sister still asleep?” my mother asked. My mother asked _________________ 3. The policeman said, “Show me your license.” The policeman demanded _________________ 4. “Shall I open the windows for you?” he asked. He asked me whether _________________ He offered to _________________ 5. “Where will you be going for your holidays?” she asked. She wanted to know _________________ 6. “When will you be visiting the hospital? I want to come along,” she said. She wanted to know _________________ 7. “Is the ship leaving on Monday or Tuesday?” She inquired. She inquired whether _________________ 8. “What’s wrong with your cheek? Have you been fighting again?” my mother asked. My mother asked what _________________ 9. “Did you learn anything interesting at the seminar?” he inquired. He inquired _________________ 10. “The purpose of this project is to encourage teamwork and inculcate a sense of belonging,” he said. He said that _________________

I. Change these sentences from Direct to Indirect Speech. Example

  • “Oh!” she cried in fright on seeing him.
  • “Why did you suddenly appear like this?”

She exclaimed in fright when she saw him and asked him why he had suddenly appeared like that.

1. “I am sorry,” she said to me, “but my brother won’t be back until late tonight.” ___________________________________________________ 2. The guard reported, “I heard some shots and ran out into the compound to investigate.” ___________________________________________________ 3. “When will he be back?” Sheela said. “I have something important to tell him.” ___________________________________________________ 4. “Did you go to the circus that’s performing here?” Jatin asked me. “It was a wonderful show.” ___________________________________________________ 5. “Good morning!” she said when she saw me. “How are you today? I heard you had been quite ill.” ___________________________________________________ 6. “Come here at once!” he ordered the frightened boy. “If you don’t, I shall give you a beating.” ___________________________________________________ 7. “Don’t do too much heavy work now,” the doctor advised Mrs. Birla. “Get as much rest as possible.” ___________________________________________________ 8. “Please come,” he said. “I want to show you my new fish. My father bought it yesterday.” ___________________________________________________ 9. “Are you going out now? If you are, see that you are back by ten,” my mother said to! me. ___________________________________________________ 10. “Yes, please do so,” I answered her. “I will wait here until you return.” ___________________________________________________

NCERT Solutions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12

CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech

April 25, 2019 by Veerendra

CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English . Here we have given CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech.

1. There are two different ways in which we can report the words of a speaker : (a) Direct Speech or Direct Narration. (b) Indirect Speech or Indirect Narration.

2. (a) Direct Speech contains the actual words of the speaker ; as— Sarla said, “My father has a roaring business in Mumbai.” He said to me, “I am feeling unwell today.” In these sentences, actual words of the speaker are given within inverted commas without any change.

(b) Indirect Speech gives the substance of the speaker’s actual words and not the exact words spoken by him or her ; as— Sarla said that her father had a roaring business in Mumbai. He told me that he was feeling unwell that day.

3. The actual words of the speaker, given within ‘inverted commas’ are called the Reported Speech. In the same way, the Verb which introduces the Reported Speech is called the Reporting Verb. In the sentence above ‘said’ is the Reporting Verb and ‘My father has a roaring business in Mumbai’ is the Reported Speech. Reporting Verb and Reported Speech. Look at the following sentences : Radha says, “I shall finish my home-work today.” Sushma said to Pushpa, “Show me your dolls.” The verbs ‘says and said’ in the above sentences are ‘Reporting Verbs’. The exact words of the speaker given within the inverted commas are ‘Reported Speech’.

4. Here are some distinctive points regarding the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech : In the Direct Speech 1. The Reported Speech is put within Reported (Inverted) Commas. 2. The Reported Speech and the Reporting Verb are separated by a Comma. 3. The first word of the Reported Speech begins with a capital letter.

Transformation of Direct Speech into Indirect Speech

I. Rules for the Change of Tense

Rule I. If the Reporting Verb is in the Present or Future Tense, the Tense of the Verb in the Reported Speech does not change.

Examples 1 Direct: Rajesh says, “She has brought lame to her family.” Indirect: Rajesh says that she has brought fame to her family. 2. Direct: ohit has said, “I cannot displease my friend.” Indirect: Rohit has said that he cannot displease his friend. 3. Direct: I shall say, “I went to Agra on Monday.” Indirect: I shall say that I went to Agra on Monday. 4. Direct: She will say, “I have sent him a present.” Indirect: She will say that she has sent him a present.

Rule II. If the Reporting Verb is in the Past Tense, the tense of the verb in the Reported Speech must be changed into the corresponding Past Tense.

Examples 1. Direct: I said, “I am speaking the truth.” Indirect: I said that I was speaking the truth. 2. Direct : The teacher said, “Boys fail because they do not study regularly.” Indirect: The teacher said that boys failed because they did not study regularly.

Exception to Rule II (i) If there is a Universal Truth or Habitual fact in the Reported Speech, the Tense of the verb is never changed ; as— 1. Direct: He said, “Face is the index of mind.” Indirect: He said that face is the index of mind. 2. Direct: The teacher said. “The earth rotates round its axis.” Indirect: The teacher said that the earth rotates round its axis. 3. Direct: Horatius said, “Death comes sooner or later.” Indirect: Horatius said that death comes sooner or later.

(ii) The Tense of the Verb in the Reported Speech does not change if the reported speech states a past historical fact ; as— 1. Direct: He said, “India became free on 15th August, 1947.” Indirect: He said that India became free on 15th August, 1947. 2. Direct: She said. “Her father lived at Lahore for ten years.” Indirect: She said that her father lived at Lahore for ten years.

(iii) If two such actions are given in the Reported Speech which take place at the same time, the Past Indefinite or Continuous Tense does not change. Direct: He said, “Mohan was singing a song while Gopal was playing on a flute.” Indirect: He said that Mohan was singing a song while Gopal was playing on a flute. Examples 1. Direct: She said, “I am a top-class singer.” Indirect: She said that she was a top-class singer. 2. Direct: We said, “He is writing a poem.” Indirect: We said that he was writing a poem. 3. Direct: He said, “It may rain tonight.” Indirect: He said that it might rain that night. 4. Direct: He said, “A devil ever remains a devil.” Indirect: He said that a devil ever remains a devil.

The future tense of the reported speech is changed as under : Future Indefinite—would/should Future Continuous—would/should be Future Perfect—would/should have Future Perfect Continuous—would/should have been

Examples 1. Direct: You said, “He is a very good athlete.” Indirect: You said that he was a very good athlete. 2. Direct: I said, “I have finished my work.” Indirect: I said that I had finished my work. 3. Direct: He said, “Her parents will pay a visit to Delhi.” Indirect: He said that her parents would pay a visit to Delhi.

Interrogative Sentences Conversion of Interrogative Sentences A From Direct Into Indirect

1. The Reporting Verb is changed, into ‘ask, enquire, inquire or demand etc.
2. No conjunction is used to introduce the Reported Speech if the question begins with (an interrogative) word ; such as—what, who, whose, which, when, where, why, how, whom etc.
3. If or whether is used to introduce the Reported Speech if the reported speech has no question word.
4. Change the questions into statements. Put full stop in place of mark of interrogation (?).

Examples (a) Questions beginning with a Helping Verb 1. Direct: He said to her, “Shall I accompany you to Agra ?” Indirect: He asked her if he would (should) accompany her to Agra. 2. Direct: She said to him, “Had I been absenting myself from school for a month ?” Indirect: She asked him if she had been absenting herself from school for a month. 3. Direct: He said to us, “Has she been spinning since yesterday ?” Indirect: He asked us if she had been spinning since the previous day. 4. Direct: They said to you, “Shall we be going on picnic tomorrow ?” Indirect: They asked you if they would be going on picnic the next day. 5. Direct: I said to her, “Will you have ironed your clothes ?” Indirect: I asked her if she would have ironed her clothes.

(b) Sentences having ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ 1. Direct: “Are there any more files ?” He asked. “Yes, sir,” said the peon. Indirect: He asked the peon if there were any more files. The peon replied respectfully in affirmative. 2. Direct: The teacher said to Lila. “Did you break the window pane ?” “No, sir.” said Lila, “I did not.” Indirect: The teacher asked Lila if she had broken the window pane. Lila replied respectÂŹfully and refused it (to have done it). 3. Direct: “If you find my answers satisfactory, will you give me five rupees ?” said the astrologer. “No.” replied the customer. Indirect: The astrologer asked the customer whether he would give him five rupees if he found his answers satisfactory. The customer replied in negative. 4. Direct: I said to him. “Do you want to go to Chandigarh ?” He said, “No, sir.” Indirect: I asked him if he wanted to go to Chandigarh and respectfully he replied in negative. 5. Direct: He said to me, “Does Mohan still play ?” I said, “Yes, sir.” Indirect: He asked me if Mohan still played and I replied in positive.

(c) Questions beginning with Interrogative Words 1. Direct: He said to me. “Whom does she want to contact ?” Indirect: He asked me whom she wanted to contact. 2. Direct: They said to her, “Whose house are you purchasing ?” Indirect: They asked her whose house she was purchasing. 3. Direct: You said to him “Why are you making mischief ?” Indirect: You asked him why he was making mischief. 4. Direct: They said to us, “How have you solved this sum ?” Indirect: They asked us how we had solved that sum. 5. Direct: We said to them, “Who has misguided you ?” Indirect: We asked them who had misguided them.

(d) Questions beginning with modal auxiliaries 1. Direct: I said to him, “May Sunita come in to discuss with you something ?” Indirect: I asked him if Sunita might come in to discuss with him something. 2. Direct: The traveller said to me, “Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn ?” Indirect: The traveller asked me if I could tell him the way to the nearest inn. 3. Direct: He said to me. “Must I leave for Mumbai tomorrow ?” Indirect: He asked me if he had to leave for Mumbai the next day. 4. Direct: I said to her, “Could you give me your notes ?” Indirect: I asked her if she could give me her notes. 5. Direct: I said to him, “Need I go to him ?” Indirect: I asked him if I had to go to him.

Exercise 1 (Solved)

Convert the following sentences into Indirect Speech : 1. He said to her. “Do you want to go home ?” 2. He said to you. “Where are you going ?“ 3. I said to him, “What brings you here ?” 4. You said to us, “How do you solve this sum ?” 5. She said to me, “How are you getting on with your studies ?” 6. I said to my friend, “Have you been to England ?”

Convert the following sentences into Indirect Speech : 1. She said to me, “Who taught you English ?” 2. He said to his mother, “Why did you not wash my school dress ?” 3. The mother said to the child, “Did you have your breakfast ?” 4. Anil said to his sister, “How did you fare in the interview ?” 5. The policeman asked me, “Had the thief stolen your watch ?” Answers: I. 1. He asked her if she wanted to go home. 2. He asked you where you were going. 3. I asked him what brought him there. 4. You asked us how we solved that sum. 5. She asked me how I was getting on with my studies. 6. I asked my friend if he had been to England.

II. 1. She asked me who had taught me English. 2. He asked his mother why tehe had not washed his school dress. 3. The mother asked the child if he had his breakfast. 4. Anil asked his sister how she had fared in the interview. 5. The policeman asked me if the thief had stolen my watch.

Exercise 2 (Solved)

Change the following into indirect speech : 1. He said to me, “I have often told you not to play with me.” 2. They wrote, “It is time we thought about settling this matter.” 3. The teacher promised. “If you come to school tomorrow, I will explain it.” 4. “What do you want ?” he said to her. 5. He said, “How’s your father ?” 6. “Don’t you know the way home ?” asked I. 7. “Do you really come from China ?” said the prince. 8. “Sit down, boys,” said the teacher. 9. “Run away, children,” said the mother. Answers: 1. He told me that he had often told me not to play with him. 2. They wrote that it was time they thought about settling the matter. 3. The teacher promised to me that he would explain it if I went to school the following day. 4. He asked her what she wanted. 5. He enquired about my father. 6. I asked if he did not know the way home. 7. The Prince asked him if he really came from China. 8. The teacher asked the boys to sit down. 9. The mother asked the children to run away.

Exercise 3 (Solved)

The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the error along with the correction. Do not forget to underline the error. Her mother said that you must go straight to (a) your grandmother. There was a wolf (b) _______ in the wood through which she are (c) _______ going. But if she keep the road, he (d) _______ will not do any harm. The mother (e) _______ asked her to do as she tells her. (f) _______ Answers: (a) you—she (b) your—her (c) are—was (d) keep—kept (e) will—would (f) tells—had told

Exercise 4 (For Practice)

Police told Maninder that he is entitled (a) _______ to have a solicitor present. He denies (b) _______ that he knows anyone by the name of (c) _______ Surinder. Maninder confirmed that he has been (d) _______ in the vicinity of the factory last Monday. (e) _______ However, he said that he is visiting his mother. (f) _______ He maintains that he is innocent. (g) _______

Exercise 5 (For Practice)

CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech

Exercise 6 (For Practice)

Each of the pair of sentences given below is a dialogue between a man and a woman. Change each pair into one simple sentence. Complete the answers. The first one has been done as an example. Question 1. “Shall we get married ?” “Yes, let us.” Answer: They decided to get married.

Question 2. “Please help me”. “O.K.” Answer: She agreed

Question 3. “May I help you ?” “No, thanks.” Answer: He offered

Question 4. “Let’s meet after the class.” “O.K. fine.” Answer: They arranged

Question 5. “What’s your name ?” “I won’t tell you”. Answer: She refused

Question 6. “I have stood first.” “Congratulations”. Answer: She congratulated

Multiple Choice Questions Exercise 1

Read the dialogues given below and then complete the report by choosing the correct options from the ones given below the dialogue : 1. Judge: Why don’t you speak the truth ? Witness: I have spoken only the truth. Judge: Were you really present at the scene ? Witness: Yes, sir.

The judge asked the witness (a) ……… the truth. The witness replied that (b) ……….. only the truth. At this the judge asked (c) ………….. at the scene. The witness replied in positive. (a) (i)why don’t you speak (ii) why didn’t he speak (iii) why you didn’t speak (iv) why he did not speak

(b) (i) he had spoken (ii) I have spoken (iii) I had spoken (iv) he has spoken

(c) (i) if you are really present (ii) that you were really present (iii) if he was really present (iv) that he was really present

2. Mother: What is the matter ? Son: Grandfather has shot a policeman. Mother: Why ? Son: He was a deserter. Mother asked the son (a) ………… The son replied (b) …………. a policeman. The mother demanded (c) ………… To this the son replied that he was a deserter. (a) (i) that what is the matter (ii) what is the matter (iii) what the matter was (iv) if what was the matter

(b) (i) that the grandfather has shot (ii) that Grandfather had shot (iii) if grandfather had shot (iv) why Grandfather had shot

(c) (i) why (ii) why Grandfather has shot (iii) that why grandfather had shot (iv) why Grandfather had shot

3. Merchant: How much have you collected ? Accountant: Twenty thousand in cash and the balance on paper. Merchant: Where have you deposited the cash ? The Merchant asked the accountant (a) …………. collected. The accountant replied (b) …………. and the balance on paper. Then the merchant wanted to know (c) …………. . (a) (i) how much you have (ii) how much have you (iii) how much had he (iv) how much he had

(b)(i) that I have collected twenty thousand in cash (ii) that he has collected twenty thousand in cash (iii) that he had collected twenty thousand in cash (iv) he had collected twenty thousand in cash

(c)(i) where have you deposited the cash (ii) where he had deposited the cash (iii) where had he deposited the cash (iv) where the cash had been deposited

4. Son: How are you feeling now? Father: Much better, son. Son: Are you taking the medicines regularly? Father: Yes, my dear. The son asked his father (a) …………. then. The father replied that (b) …………. much better. The son further asked (c) …………. the medicines regularly. The father replied in affirmative. (a) (i) that how he was feeling (ii) how he was feeling (iii) how you are feeling (iv) how was he feeling

(b) (i) I am feeling (ii) I was feeling (iii) he is feeling (iv) he was feeling

(c) (i) if you are taking (ii) if he is taking (iii) that he was taking (iv) if he was taking

5. Ram: Do you shave every day? Mohan: Yes. Don’t you? Ram: No. I shave only once a week Ram asked Mohan (a) …………. everyday. Mohan replied in positive and asked (b) …………. the same. Ram agreed that he didn’t and said (c) …………. only once a week. (a) (i) do you shave (ii) did he shave (iii) if he shaved (iv) that if he shaved

(b) (i) don’t you (ii) you don’t (iii) if you don’t (iv) if he didn’t

(c) (i) I shave (ii) that he shaved (iii) if he shaved (iv) if I shaved

6. Sue: What is it dear? Johnsy: The leaves. Sue: Are you counting the leaves? Johnsy: Yes. Sue asked Johnsy (a) …………. Johnsy replied that (b) …………. Sue further asked (c) …………. the leaves. Johnsy replied in positive. (a) (i) what it is (ii) what is it (iii) what is was (iv) what was it

(b) (i) that it was the leaves (ii) it is leaves (iii) that it are leaves (iv) that it had leaves

(c) (i) are you counting (ii) that she was counting (iii) was she counting (iv) if she was counting Answers: 1. (a) (iv) why he did not speak (b) (i) he had spoken (c)(iii) if he was really present 2. (a) (iii) what the matter was (b)(ii) that Grandfather had shot (c) (iv) why Grandfather had shot 3. (a) (iv) how much he had (b) (iii) that he had collected twenty thousand in cash (c) (ii) where he had deposited the cash 4. (a) (ii) how he was feeling (b) (iv) he was feeling (c) (iv) if he was taking 5. (a) (iii) if he shaved (b) (iv) if he didn’t (c) (ii) that he shaved 6. (a) (iii) what is was (b)(i) that it was the leaves (c) (iv) if she was counting

We hope the CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech help you. If you have any query regarding CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

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Reported Speech Exercises for Class 8 CBSE With Answers

July 29, 2021 by Prasanna

Reported Speech Exercises for Class 8 CBSE With Answers Q1.1

When we want to tell somebody else what another person said, we can use either direct speech and reported speech.

When we use direct speech, we use the same words but use quotation marks, For example: Scott said, “I am coming to work. I will be late because there is a lot of traffic now.”

When we use reported speech, we usually change the verbs, specific times, and pronouns. For example: Scott said that he was coming to work. He said that he would be late because there was a lot of traffic at that time.

Reported Speech Exercises for Class 8 CBSE With Answers Pdf

This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English  will help you to write better answers in your Class 10 exams. Because the Solutions are solved by subject matter experts.

Fundamentals: The art of reporting the words of a speaker is called Narration. It is of two types:-

  • Direct Speech: We quote the actual words of the speaker in inverted commas: He said to me, “I am playing.”
  • Indirect Speech: We quote the words or speech of the speaker in our own words, without inverted commas: He told me that he was playing.

In narration a sentence has two parts:-

  • Reporting verb: He said to me,
  • Reported speech: “I am playing.”

Rules of Changing Pronouns

  • The pronoun of First Person is changed according to the subject of Reported speech.
  • The pronoun of Second Person is changed according to Object
  • The pronoun of Third Person is not changed at all. (The formula to change pronoun is 123/SON.) SON: S – subject, O – object, N – no change

Persons: There are three types of persons:-

  • First Person (I, we, my, me, our)
  • Second Person (You, your)
  • Third Person (He, she, it, his, they, them etc.)

Part-I (Assertive Sentences in Present or Future)

Rules 1. If Reporting Verb is in Present or Future Tense the tense of Reported speech is not changed. 2. (” “) inverted commas are replaced with the conjunction ‘that’. 3. Say to is replaced with tell, says to with tells and said to with told.

  • The boys say, “We have learnt the lesson”. The boys say that they have learnt the lesson.
  • Reena will say, “I am going to America”. Reena will say that she is going to America.
  • The servant says to me, “The manager will come in the evening”. The servant tells me that the manager will come in the evening.
  • He has said to them, “You were playing cricket yesterday.” He has told them that they were playing cricket yesterday.

Part-II (Assertive Sentences in Past)

Rules:- 1. ‘said to’ is changed into ‘told’. 2. Use conjunction ‘that’ to connect 3. If Reporting Verb is in Past Tense the tense of the Reported Speech is changed according to the rules given below: –

  • Present Indefinite changes to Past Indefinite
  • Present Continuous changes to Past Continuous
  • Present Perfect changes to Past Perfect
  • Present Perfect.Continuous changes to Past Perfect Continuous
  • Past Indefinite changes to Past Perfect
  • Past Continuous changes to Past Perfect Continuous
  • Will/Shall changes to Would/Should
  • Can changes to Could
  • May changes to Might

In Reported Speech words showing nearness changes into words showing distance:-

  • This becomes That
  • These becomes Those
  • Now becomes Then
  • Today becomes That day
  • Tonight becomes That night
  • Yesterday becomes The previous day
  • Last night becomes The previous night
  • The next day becomes The following day
  • Here becomes There
  • Ago becomes Before
  • He said, “I am going to college today.” He said that he was going to college that day.
  • Sunny said to me, “You will get good marks in this test.” Sunny told me that I would get good marks in that test.
  • She said to her mother, “My teacher awarded me yesterday.” She told her mother that her teacher had awarded her the previous day.
  • Rajani said to her friends, “You were shopping in the market.” Rajani told her friends that they had been shopping in the market.
  • I said, “Ritu, you will learn very fast.” I told Ritu that she would learn very fast.
  • “I may go to London next month,” he said. He told that he might go to London the following month.

Note: If Reported Speech has an explanation of Universal Truth, Habitual Fact or Historical Fact its Tense is not changed at all. Examples:-

  • He said, “The earth moves round the sun.” He.said that the earth moves round the sun.
  • She said to me, “Mohan plays with left hand.” She told me that Mohan plays with left hand.
  • The teacher said to the students, “India became independent in 1947.” The teacher told the students that India became independent in 1947.

Part-III (Interrogative Sentences) Rules: 1. In Interrogative sentences said or said to of reporting verb are replaced with asked or enquired. 2. If the interrogative (question) begins with Helping Verb or Modal (is, am, are, do, does, was, were, has, have, had, will, shall, would, can, could, should, may, might, must, etc.) the inverted commas (” “) are replaced with the conjunction if or whether. 3. If the interrogative (question) begins with WH-family (Why, what, which, when, whose, who, whom, how, etc.) the inverted commas (” “) are not replaced with any conjunction at all. 4. If there are no interrogatives (questions) in indirect speech we place helping verb or modal after the subject.

  • The teacher said to us, “Have you completed your home work?” The teacher asked us if we had completed our home work.
  • He said to me, “Did you finish your work yesterday?” He asked me if I had finished my work the previous day.
  • Rocky said, “Meena, do you want to go to Shimla?” Rocky asked Meena if she wanted to go to Shimla.
  • I said to him, “Will you return tomorrow?” I asked him if he would return the next day.
  • Ravi said to him, “What have you learnt?” Ravi asked him what he had learnt.
  • She said, “Which train will go to Jaipur?” She enquired which train would go to Jaipur.

Interrogative Sentences in present or future:

  • She says to them, “Have you taken the money?” She asks them if they have taken the money.
  • He will say to me, “What can I do for you?” He will ask me what he can do for me.

Part-IV (Imperative Sentences) Rules: 1. In Imperative sentences said to is replaced with ordered, commanded, advised, suggested, proposed, persuaded, warned, etc. 2. Inverted commas (” “) are replaced with ‘to’. The first form of verb is applied after ‘to’. 3. In Negative sentences ‘said’ to is replaced with ‘forbade’ or ‘do’ is replaced with ‘not’.

  • She said to me, “Work hard”. She advised me to work hard.
  • I said to my friend, “Please give me your car for two hours.” I requested my friend to give me his car for two hours.
  • She said to Meena, “Do not make a noise”. She forbade Meena to make a noise. (or She ordered Meena not to make a noise.)
  • The general said to the soldiers, “March forward.” The general commanded the soldiers to march forward.
  • Ramesh said to him, “Let me do my home work.” Ramesh requested him to let him do his home work.
  • The manager said to the peon, “Let the visitors come in.” The manager ordered the peon to let the visitors come in.
  • He said to me, “Let us go on picnic this Sunday”. He proposed/suggested me that we should go on a picnic that Sunday. (or He proposed me to go on a picnic that Sunday.
  • He said, “Thank you, doctor.” He thanked the doctor.
  • Dinkar said to me, “Beware of such politicians.” Dinkar warned me against such politicians.

PART-V (Exclamatory Sentences)

Rules: 1. Use conjunction ‘that’ to connect the speech with reporting verb. 2. Change tenses according to the rules learnt in PART-II. 3. ‘Said’ is mostly changed into ‘exclaimed’ (sometimes ‘applauded saying’) 4. Replace ‘what’ or ‘how’ with ‘very’ (sometimes ‘big’ or ‘great’). 5. Replace exclamatory words as follows: AH!, Alas!…. with sorrow; Aha!, Ha!, Hurrah! ….with joy; Oh with surprise; Pooh! ….with contempt; Sorry! with regret, Bravo! with applauded saying.

  • The child said, “What a bitter medicine!” The child exclaimed that the medicine was very bitter.
  • He said, “How big the train is!” He exclaimed that the train was very big.
  • Vikas said, “Alas! I have lost my wallet.” Vikas exclaimed with sorrow that he had lost his wallet.
  • Rajani said to her friend, “Pooh! You have cheated me.” Rajani exclaimed with contempt that her friend had cheated her.
  • The captain said to the players, “Bravo! You played well today.” The captain applauded his players saying that they had played well that day.

PART-VI (Optative Sentences)

Rules: 1. Such sentences indicate greeting & wishes (good morning, good noon, good day, would that, etc.), and prayer (may, may God). Therefore ‘said’ is mostly replaced with ‘wished’ or ‘prayed’. 2. In case of good bye, farewell, good night (when parting company) ‘said’ is replaced with ‘bade’. Examples:-

  • He said, “Good morning uncle!” He wished his uncle good morning.
  • Ranjita said, “Good bye friends!” Ranjita bade her friends good bye.
  • My grandmother said to me, “May you live long.” My grandmother prayed me that I might live long.
  • Montu said, “Would that I were a minister!” Montu wished that he had been a minister.

Indirect Speech of two or more sentences:

  • She said to me, “I am going to the market. Do you want to go?” She told me that she was going to the market and asked if I wanted to go.
  • The manager said to the clerk, “You may leave now. Don’t forget to keep these files in the file cabinet.” The manager told the clerk that he might leave then and ordered not to forget to keep those files in the file cabinet.
  • The doctor said to the patient, “Why didn’t you come yesterday. You have a high fever.” The doctor asked the patient why he hadn’t come the previous day as he had a high fever was high.
  • I said to Rocky, “Don’t abuse others. It is a bad habit. How will you feel if others abuse you?” I advised Rocky not to abuse others because it is a bad habit and asked how he would feel if others abused him.

Reported Speech Exercises for Class 8 CBSE With Answers Q2.1

Reported Speech Solved Examples Exercises for Class 8 CBSE

Question 1. Fill in the blanks (i) She looks pretty sick. I think she _____________ go to a doctor. (a) should (b) can Answer: (a) should

(ii) You’ve been driving all day. You _____________ be exhausted! (a) should (b) must Answer: (b) must

(iii) You _____________ smoke so much. It’s bad for your health. (a) can’t (b) shouldn’t Answer: (b) shouldn’t

(iv) Hey I’m lost _____________ you help me? (a) can (b) should Answer: (a) can

(v) You have such a beautiful voice. You _____________ sing for us! (a) should (b) can Answer: (a) should

(vi) I know he speaks five languages, but _____________ he speak Arabic? (a) should (b) can Answer: (b) can

(vii) That looks very expensive. It _____________ have cost a fortune! (a) should (b) must Answer: (b) must

(viii) I _____________ believe that you failed your test! (a) can’t (b) shouldn’t Answer: (a) can’t

(ix) I’m on my way. I _____________ be there in about 10 minutes. (a) should (b) can Answer: (a) should

(x) I _____________ afford that. (a) can’t (b) shouldn’t Answer: (a) can’t

Question 2. Complete the sentences. (i) Jacob: “I work in an office.” Jacob told me (that) _____________ worked in an office.

(ii) Ryan and Lucas: “We play football.” Ryan and Lucas told me (that) _____________ played football.

(iii) Victoria: “I like my cat.” Victoria told me (that) _____________ liked _____________ cat.

(iv) Henry: “Can you see me?” Henry asked me if _____________ could see

(v) Julian: “I will have to borrow your pencil.” Julian told me (that) _____________ would have to borrow

(vi) Melanie: “My father is Jamaican.” Melanie told me (that) _____________ father is Jamaican.

(vii) Emma and Doris: “Can we use your camera?” Emma and Doris asked me if _____________ could use _____________ camera.

(viii) Leah: “How is your journey?” Leah’ asked me how _____________ journey was.

(ix) Isabella and Ella: “We love our pets.” Isabella and Ella told me (that) _____________ loved _____________ pencil.

(x) Grandmother: “Please bring me a cup of my tea.” Grandmother told me to bring _____________ a cup of _____________ tea. Answer: (i) he (ii) they (iii) she, her (iv) I, him (v) he, my (vi) her (vii) they, my (viii) my (ix) they, their (x) her, her.

Question 3. Change the direct speech into reported speech. Choose the past simple of ‘ask’, ‘say’, or ‘tell: (i) “Don’t do it!” She _____________

(ii) “I’m leaving tomorrow” She _____________

(iii) “Please get me a cup of tea” She _____________

(iv) “She got married last year” She _____________

(v) “Be quick!” She _____________

(vi) “Could you explain number four, please?” She _____________

(vii) “Where do you live?” She _____________

(viii) “We went to the cinema and then to a Chinese restaurant” She _____________

(ix) “I’ll come and help you at twelve” She _____________

(x) “What are you doing tomorrow?” She _____________ Answer: When I used ‘said’ you can also use ‘told me’) (i) She told me to do it. (ii) She said (that) she was learning tomorrow. (the next day). (iii) She asked me to get her a cup of tea. (iv) She said (that) she got married last year. (v) She told me to be quick. (vi) She asked me to explain number four. (vii) She asked me where I lived. (viii) She said (that) they went (had been) to the cinema and then to a Chinese restaurant. (ix) She said (that) she would come and help me at twelve. (x) she asked me what I was doing tomorrow (the day after).

Reported Speech Practice Examples Exercises for Class 8 CBSE

Question 1. Change the direct speech into reported speech. Choose the past simple of ‘ask’, ‘say, or “tell: (i) “Don’t go!”. She _____________

(ii) “Do you work in London?” She _____________

(iii) “Could you tell me where the post office is?” She _____________

(iv) “Come here!” She _____________

(v) “I’ve never been to Wales” She _____________

(vi) “Have you ever seen ‘Lord of the Rings?” She _____________

(vii) “I don’t like mushroom” She _____________

(viii) “Don’t be silly!” She _____________

(ix) “Would you mind waiting a moment please?” She _____________

(x) “How often do you play sport?” She _____________

Question 2. Write here, that day, the day before, the next day, the week before, according to the sentences.

1. Anita (a week ago): “Tanya and I are going to a concert tomorrow.” You (today): Anita said she and Tanya were going to a concert ________ 2. Jyoti (two days ago): “I’ve only been in England since yesterday.” You (today): Jyoti said he had only been in England since ________ 3. Nitin (a week ago): “I’m meeting my friend at the airport later today.” You (today): Nitin said he was meeting his friend at the airport later ________ 4. Mohan (in the street): “I’ll see you at the coffee bar.” You (at the coffee bar): Mohan said he would see me ________ 5. Pawan (a month ago): “The festival was in the last week.” You (today): Pawan told me the festival had been ________

reported speech for class 8 exercise

Reported Speech for Class 8 English Grammar

by Meenu Saini | Jun 7, 2024 | General | 0 comments

Reported Speech for Class 8

Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech (Direct and Indirect) Exercise with Answer

Reported Speech   – Reported speech refers to recording the speaker’s speech, whether it is done directly by recording the speaker’s words or indirectly by recording the speaker’s words but changing them.


For example Shyam said, “Taj Mahal was built by Shahjahan.” Shyam said is the reporting verb. “Taj Mahal was built by Shahjahan.” is the reported speech.


Direct Speech

It refers to reporting the exact words spoken by the speaker. There is no change in the verb or the sentence.

Rules of Direct Speech  

  • Speech should be opened with quotations or inverted commas. 
  • The word said is used to connect two sentences. 
  • Reporting clause should be used at the end of the sentence. 
  • At the end of the sentence full stop should be placed.

Let us look at some examples

  • Neha said, “Roger Federer has won the match against Rafael Nadal.”
  • Shivani says, “I am having my lunch.”

Indirect Speech

It is the speech that tells what someone has said but it does not explain the actual words spoken by the person. It just conveys the basic narration of what is being said to the third person.

Rules of Indirect Speech 

  • Past tense is used when the situation is uncertain. 
  • The present tense of the sentence is changed to the past tense in indirect speech. 
  • Universal facts tense remains the same. 
  • The use of the word “that” connects the reported verb and reported speech.
  • Gargi said that she enjoyed watching the movie Avatar.
  • Shiva says that he is eating an apple.

Changing direct speech into reported speech

Change of Pronouns

change of pronouns

Change in Tenses

change in tenses

Change of Adverbs of Place and Adverbs of Time

change of Adverbs of Place and Adverbs of Time

Change of Modal Verbs

Let us look at some examples using comic strips-

comic strips

Exercise on Reported Speech (Practice Questions)

Convert the following sentences into reported speech.

  • Mohini said to her mother, “The ladies have been making pickles for 10 years.”
  • The teacher said to us, “Water boils at 100°C.”
  • Mr Gupta said, “All the flights are delayed due to heavy rains.”
  • Radhika asked me, “When are you leaving?”
  • She said, “He likes Mughlai food.”
  • He said, “Her dress is ready.”
  • Dronacharya said to Arjun, “Shoot the fish’s eye.”
  • He said to her, “You are an understanding person.”
  • The teacher said to Shelly, “Why are you laughing?”
  • Rashi told him, “Your bag is new.”
  • Meera said, “I’m reading a comic.”
  • The old man said to the sailor, “The sea will be rough according to the weather forecast.”
  • My father said to me, “Please wait here till I return.”
  • Rita told her, “Your friend likes you.”
  • “Call the ambulance,” said the woman.
  • The chef said to the helper, “Chop the vegetables quickly.”
  • Robert said to me, “I shall do my homework.”
  • The student said to the librarian, “Please allow me to go to the library.”
  • Grandma said to Kishore, “Avoid drinking chilled water as it will further harm your sore throat.”
  • He said to her, “Go there.”
  • Mohini told her mother that the ladies had been making pickle for 10 years.
  • The teacher told us that water boils at 100°C.
  • Mr Gupta said that all the flights were delayed due to heavy rains.
  • Radhika asked me when I was leaving.
  • She said that he liked Mughlai food.
  • He said that her dress was ready.
  • Dronacharya ordered Arjun to shoot the fish’s eye.
  • He told her that she was an understanding person.
  • The teacher asked Shelly why she was laughing.
  • Rashi told him that his bag was new.
  • Mera said that she was reading a comic.
  • The old man informed the sailor that the sea would be rough according to the weather forecast.
  • My father requested me to wait there till he returned.
  • Rita told her that her friend liked her.
  • The woman urged to call the ambulance.
  • The chef ordered the helper to chop the vegetables quickly.
  • Robert said to me that he would do his homework.
  • The student requested the librarian to allow him to go to the library.
  • Grandma advised Kishore to avoid drinking chilled water as it would further harm his sore throat.
  • He ordered her to go there.

Convert the dialogue in the comic strip into indirect speech-


Answers –


B Convert the following paragraph into reported speech.

  • Mother said to Rahul, ”Drive slow”. He replied, “I always drive slow.” Handing over a packed lunch she said, “Keep me updated about your whereabouts.” Raghav hugged her goodbye and took off for Manali.

Ans. Mother said to Rahul to drive slow. He replied that he always drives slow. Mother gave him a packed lunch and asked him to keep her updated about his whereabouts. Raghav hugged her goodbye and took off for Manali.

  • “Do you want to know something cool?” Preeti asked Rama. Rama said, “Why not.” Preeti said, “Did you know “strengths” is the longest word in the English language with one vowel?” Rama seemed surprised. Preeti said, “According to the Guinness Book of World Records, “strengths” is the longest word in the English language with one vowel. The word contains nine letters, eight of them being consonants.” 

Ans Preeti asked Rama if she wanted to know something cool. Rama replied that why not. Preeti asked her whether she knew that “strengths” is the longest word in the English language with one vowel. Rama seemed surprised. Preeti said that according to the Guinness Book of World Records, “strengths” is the longest word in the English language with one vowel. The word contains nine letters, eight of them being consonants.

  • She said, “You should eat your vegetables.” Raghav replied, “I don’t like brinjal, I want to have fries.” His mother said, “If you’ll have your vegetables throughout the week, then I will treat you with fries on the weekend.”

Ans She said to Raghav that he should eat his vegetables. Raghav replied that he did not like brinjal, he wanted to have fries. His mother told him that if he’d have his vegetables throughout the week then she would treat him with fries on the weekend.

  • Robert asked Paul, “Are you a potterhead?” Paul excitedly replied, “Yes, a big one!” Robert asked, “Did you know actor Daniel Radcliffe went through nearly 70 wands and 160 pairs of glasses during the making of the Harry Potter films?” Paul was amazed to know this.

Ans Robert asked Paul whether he was a potterhead. Paul excitedly replied that he was a big one. Robert asked whether he knew that actor Daniel Radcliffe went through nearly 70 wands and 160 pairs of glasses during the making of the Harry Potter films. Paul was amazed to know this.

  • Vinay said, “Good afternoon, sir! May I come in?” His boss replied, “Yes Vinay, please come in.” Vinay said, “Actually, I wanted to speak to you about something, so do let me know when you are free!”  his boss said, ”Yes, Vinay please have a seat. What do you have to say, please do tell me!”

Ans Vinay wished good afternoon to his boss and asked whether he could come in. His boss said yes and requested him to go in. Vinay said that he actually wanted to speak to him about something so could he please let him know when he was free. His boss replied yes and asked him to have a seat and to tell him what he had to say.

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Reporting Questions | Reported Speech Worksheet For Class 8

by Manjusha · Published June 24, 2021 · Updated May 5, 2024

When we report a question we normally use the reporting verb asked.

Note that a reported question has the same word order as a sentence. That means in a reported question, the subject goes before the verb.

Study the examples given below.

  • The teacher said to the boy, ‘What are you doing there?’
  • The teacher asked the boy what he was doing there . (NOT The teacher asked the boy what was he doing there.)

A reported question does not have a question mark.

Report the questions given below.

1. He asked me, ‘Why did you insult my brother?’

2. ‘Where did you go yesterday?’ the man said to his servant.

3. ‘When will your classes start?’ the father said to his daughter.

4. The teacher asked, ‘Why were you absent yesterday?’

5. ‘How far the railway station is from here?’ the old man enquired.

6. ‘Where can I buy that book?’ the boy said.

7. ‘When do you usually reach office?’ I said to him.

8. ‘Where does he keep his money?’ they asked her.

9. ‘Why are you in a hurry, young man?’ said the Sage.

10. ‘When are you leaving for Delhi?’ He asked me.

11. ‘Where were you all the time?’ the father asked the daughter.

12. ‘Why didn’t you consult a doctor?’ she asked me.

1. He asked me why I had insulted his brother.

2. The man asked his servant where he had gone the previous day.

3. The father asked his daughter when her classes would start.

4. The teacher asked me why I had been absent the day before.

5. The old man asked how far the railway station was from there.

6. The boy asked where he could buy that book.

7. I asked him when he usually reached office.

8. They asked her where he kept his money.

9. The Sage asked the young man why he was in a hurry.

10. He asked me when I was leaving for Delhi.

11. The father asked the daughter where she had been all the time.

12. She asked me why I hadn’t consulted a doctor.

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  • Class 8 English Grammar Chapter 16 Direct and Indirect Speech

reported speech for class 8 exercise

Class 8 English Grammar Chapter 16 Direct and Indirect Speech. When we use the actual words of the speaker, we use Direct Speech but when we report what he said in our own words, we use Indirect Speech. The actual words of the speaker are called Reported Speech and the verb introducing the Reported Speech is called the Reporting Verb. What a person says can be written in direct or indirect speech whereas the mode of narration which we use to report others’ thoughts and speech is known as indirect or reported speech.

Grade 8 English Grammar Chapter 16 Direct and Indirect Speech

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The intricacies of language and expression become evident when one dives into the fascinating realm of Direct and Indirect Speech. Platforms dedicated to NCERT Solutions, such as Tiwari Academy, provide valuable insights into this topic, ensuring students grasp its nuances as presented in Chapter 16 of Class 8 English Grammar.

Direct Speech : This form of expression captures the verbatim words of a speaker, preserving its original essence. Enclosed within quotation marks, it presents an authentic representation of what someone stated. For instance, She said, “I am going to the market.” Here, the speaker’s exact words “I am going to the market” exemplify Direct Speech.

Indirect (or Reported) Speech : In contrast, Indirect Speech relays the essence of what was spoken but paraphrases it, translating the speaker’s words into the reporter’s own linguistic style. Using our earlier example, the Indirect Speech would be: She said that she was going to the market. Notice the subtle shift in words and tenses.

Class: 8English Grammar
Chapter: 16Direct and Indirect Speech
Content:Study Material and Notes
Academic Session:2024-25

Direct Speech

  • The Reported Speech is put within Inverted Commas . (“ ”)
  • The First word of the Reported Speech begins with a capital Letter.
  • The Reported Speech is separated by a comma (,) from the Reporting Verb.

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In the realm of English grammar, two crucial terms stand out: Reported Speech : This refers to the actual words or the content of what the speaker articulated. It becomes the crux of our conversion from direct to indirect speech. Reporting Verb : The verb, often ‘said’ or ‘told’, which introduces the Reported Speech, playing a pivotal role in setting the context for the narration.

Indirect Speech

  • Inverted Commas (“ ”) are not used in Reported Speech. It is generally introduced by the Conjunction if., that, what, why, etc.
  • The comma separating the Reporting Verb from the Reported Speech is removed.
  • The Tense of the Reporting Verb is never changed.
  • The Question Mark (?) and the Mark of Exclamation (!) are not used.
  • The Interrogative, the Imperative and the Exclamatory sentences are put as statements.
Kind of Sentences Direct Indirect
Assertive say, says, said, said to
Imperative said, said toasked, advised, ordered, requested etc.
Exclamatory said, said to excaliamed with joy/sorrow etc.
Interrogativesaid, said to asked, enquired, demanded of
Optative said, said to wished/prayed

Change of the Tense

While changing Direct Speech into indirect Speech, the rule of Sequence of Tenses is followed. If the Reporting Verb is in the Present or Future Tense, the tense of the verb in the Reported Speech is not changed at all.

Direct Indirect
You say, “She is a nurse.” You say that she is a nurse.
I say, “Mohan is a good boy.” I say that Mohan is a good boy.
I say to Sham, “Ram is a student”. I tell Sham that Ram is a student.
He says to me, “The peon rings the bell.” He tells me that the peon rings the bell.
I shall say to him, “She will go to school.” I shall tell him that she will go to school.
I shall say, “Rita is a doctor.” I shall say that Rita is a doctor.

If the Reporting Verb is in the Past Tense, the Tense of the Reported Speech will change.

Direct SpeechIndirect Speech
He said, “Reena combs her hair.” He said that Reena combed her hair.
She said, “He is going to school.” She said that he was going to school.
I said, “I am taking tea.” I said that I was taking tea.
You said, “They are laughing.” You said that they were laughing.
He said, “They were laughing.” He said that they had been laughing.

If the Reported Speech expresses some Universal Truth, Factual Truth, Habitual Fact, Custom, Proverb, Natural Fact, Historical Fact and Scientific Fact, the tense of the verb in the Reported Speech is not changed into the Past, but remains exactly.

The dynamic shift between Direct and Indirect Speech offers versatility in communication. While Direct Speech provides immediacy and emotional resonance by capturing the exact words, Indirect Speech offers flexibility, allowing the narrator to frame the information in a manner that aligns with the broader narrative.

Students diving into this chapter, with resources like those available at Tiwari Academy, will benefit from numerous examples and exercises. These are designed to instill confidence in them to switch between Direct and Indirect modes of speech seamlessly, enriching their expressive capabilities and bolstering their command over English communication.

Direct Indirect
Mother said, “The dogs bark at the strangers.” Mother said that the dogs bark at (Habits) the strangers.
He said, “The Hindus burn their dead.” He said that the Hindus burn their dead.
He said, “Sea water tastes saltish.” He said that sea water tastes saltish.

Class 8 English Grammar Chapter 16 Direct and Indirect Speech

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Reported Speech Exercise For Class 8

by Manjusha Nambiar · September 24, 2021

Change into reported speech. You can learn about the rules of reported speech here.

1. The mother said to the son, ‘Learn your lessons carefully.’

2. ‘Do you know where the railway station is?’ the traveller asked the boy.

3. ‘I have done my homework,’ said Rahul.

4. ‘Oh! No! I forgot to lock the door,’ she said.

5. ‘We must start now,’ said the commander.

6. ‘What are you doing there?’ the constable asked the man.

7. ‘Why are you crying?’ the mother asked the boy.

8. ‘Where did you put the books?’ teacher said to me.

9. ‘The plane is about to take off. Fasten your seat belts,’ said the air hostess.

10. ‘I have lost my purse,’ the passenger said to the driver.

11. ‘I don’t want to go,’ she said.

12. ‘Why were you absent yesterday?’ the teacher asked the student.

1. The mother advised her son to learn his lessons carefully.

2. The traveller asked the boy if / whether he knew where the railway station was.

3. Rahul said that he had done his homework.

4. She cried / exclaimed that she had forgotten to lock the door.

5. The commander said that they had to start then.

6. The constable asked the man what he was doing there.

7. The mother asked the boy why he was crying.

8. The teacher asked me where I had put the books.

9. The air hostess said that the plane was about to take off and asked the passengers to fasten their seat belts.

10. ‘The passenger told the driver that he/she had lost his/her purse.

11. She said that she didn’t want to go.

12. The teacher asked the student why he/she had been absent the previous day. 

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Tags: direct and indirect speech exercise direct and indirect speech worksheet reported speech exercise reported speech worksheet reported speech worksheet for class 8

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Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets.

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Reported Speech - Definition, Rules and Usage with Examples

Reported speech or indirect speech is the form of speech used to convey what was said by someone at some point of time. This article will help you with all that you need to know about reported speech, its meaning, definition, how and when to use them along with examples. Furthermore, try out the practice questions given to check how far you have understood the topic.

reported speech for class 8 exercise

Table of Contents

Definition of reported speech, rules to be followed when using reported speech, table 1 – change of pronouns, table 2 – change of adverbs of place and adverbs of time, table 3 – change of tense, table 4 – change of modal verbs, tips to practise reported speech, examples of reported speech, check your understanding of reported speech, frequently asked questions on reported speech in english, what is reported speech.

Reported speech is the form in which one can convey a message said by oneself or someone else, mostly in the past. It can also be said to be the third person view of what someone has said. In this form of speech, you need not use quotation marks as you are not quoting the exact words spoken by the speaker, but just conveying the message.

Now, take a look at the following dictionary definitions for a clearer idea of what it is.

Reported speech, according to the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, is defined as “a report of what somebody has said that does not use their exact words.” The Collins Dictionary defines reported speech as “speech which tells you what someone said, but does not use the person’s actual words.” According to the Cambridge Dictionary, reported speech is defined as “the act of reporting something that was said, but not using exactly the same words.” The Macmillan Dictionary defines reported speech as “the words that you use to report what someone else has said.”

Reported speech is a little different from direct speech . As it has been discussed already, reported speech is used to tell what someone said and does not use the exact words of the speaker. Take a look at the following rules so that you can make use of reported speech effectively.

  • The first thing you have to keep in mind is that you need not use any quotation marks as you are not using the exact words of the speaker.
  • You can use the following formula to construct a sentence in the reported speech.
Subject said that (report whatever the speaker said)
  • You can use verbs like said, asked, requested, ordered, complained, exclaimed, screamed, told, etc. If you are just reporting a declarative sentence , you can use verbs like told, said, etc. followed by ‘that’ and end the sentence with a full stop . When you are reporting interrogative sentences, you can use the verbs – enquired, inquired, asked, etc. and remove the question mark . In case you are reporting imperative sentences , you can use verbs like requested, commanded, pleaded, ordered, etc. If you are reporting exclamatory sentences , you can use the verb exclaimed and remove the exclamation mark . Remember that the structure of the sentences also changes accordingly.
  • Furthermore, keep in mind that the sentence structure , tense , pronouns , modal verbs , some specific adverbs of place and adverbs of time change when a sentence is transformed into indirect/reported speech.

Transforming Direct Speech into Reported Speech

As discussed earlier, when transforming a sentence from direct speech into reported speech, you will have to change the pronouns, tense and adverbs of time and place used by the speaker. Let us look at the following tables to see how they work.

I He, she
Me Him, her
We They
Us Them
You He, she, they
You Him, her, them
My His, her
Mine His, hers
Our Their
Ours Theirs
Your His, her, their
Yours His, hers, theirs
This That
These Those
Here There
Now Then
Today That day
Tomorrow The next day / The following day
Yesterday The previous day
Tonight That night
Last week The week before
Next week The week after
Last month The previous month
Next month The following month
Last year The previous year
Next year The following year
Ago Before
Thus So
Simple Present

Example: Preethi said, “I cook pasta.”

Simple Past

Example: Preethi said that she cooked pasta.

Present Continuous

Example: Preethi said, “I am cooking pasta.”

Past Continuous

Example: Preethi said that she was cooking pasta.

Present Perfect

Example: Preethi said, “I have cooked pasta.”

Past Perfect

Example: Preethi said that she had cooked pasta.

Present Perfect

Example: Preethi said, “I have been cooking pasta.”

Past Perfect Continuous

Example: Preethi said that she had been cooking pasta.

Simple Past

Example: Preethi said, “I cooked pasta.”

Past Perfect

Example: Preethi said that she had cooked pasta.

Past Continuous

Example: Preethi said, “I was cooking pasta.”

Past Perfect Continuous

Example: Preethi said that she had been cooking pasta.

Past Perfect

Example: Preethi said, “I had cooked pasta.”

Past Perfect (No change)

Example: Preethi said that she had cooked pasta.

Past Perfect Continuous

Example: Preethi said, “I had been cooking pasta.”

Past Perfect Continuous (No change)

Example: Preethi said that she had been cooking pasta.

Will Would
May Might
Can Could
Shall Should
Has/Have Had

Here are some tips you can follow to become a pro in using reported speech.

  • Select a play, a drama or a short story with dialogues and try transforming the sentences in direct speech into reported speech.
  • Write about an incident or speak about a day in your life using reported speech.
  • Develop a story by following prompts or on your own using reported speech.

Given below are a few examples to show you how reported speech can be written. Check them out.

  • Santana said that she would be auditioning for the lead role in Funny Girl.
  • Blaine requested us to help him with the algebraic equations.
  • Karishma asked me if I knew where her car keys were.
  • The judges announced that the Warblers were the winners of the annual acapella competition.
  • Binsha assured that she would reach Bangalore by 8 p.m.
  • Kumar said that he had gone to the doctor the previous day.
  • Lakshmi asked Teena if she would accompany her to the railway station.
  • Jibin told me that he would help me out after lunch.
  • The police ordered everyone to leave from the bus stop immediately.
  • Rahul said that he was drawing a caricature.

Transform the following sentences into reported speech by making the necessary changes.

1. Rachel said, “I have an interview tomorrow.”

2. Mahesh said, “What is he doing?”

3. Sherly said, “My daughter is playing the lead role in the skit.”

4. Dinesh said, “It is a wonderful movie!”

5. Suresh said, “My son is getting married next month.”

6. Preetha said, “Can you please help me with the invitations?”

7. Anna said, “I look forward to meeting you.”

8. The teacher said, “Make sure you complete the homework before tomorrow.”

9. Sylvester said, “I am not going to cry anymore.”

10. Jade said, “My sister is moving to Los Angeles.”

Now, find out if you have answered all of them correctly.

1. Rachel said that she had an interview the next day.

2. Mahesh asked what he was doing.

3. Sherly said that her daughter was playing the lead role in the skit.

4. Dinesh exclaimed that it was a wonderful movie.

5. Suresh said that his son was getting married the following month.

6. Preetha asked if I could help her with the invitations.

7. Anna said that she looked forward to meeting me.

8. The teacher told us to make sure we completed the homework before the next day.

9. Sylvester said that he was not going to cry anymore.

10. Jade said that his sister was moving to Los Angeles.

What is reported speech?

What is the definition of reported speech.

Reported speech, according to the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, is defined as “a report of what somebody has said that does not use their exact words.” The Collins Dictionary defines reported speech as “speech which tells you what someone said, but does not use the person’s actual words.” According to the Cambridge Dictionary, reported speech is defined as “the act of reporting something that was said, but not using exactly the same words.” The Macmillan Dictionary defines reported speech as “the words that you use to report what someone else has said.”

What is the formula of reported speech?

You can use the following formula to construct a sentence in the reported speech. Subject said that (report whatever the speaker said)

Give some examples of reported speech.

Given below are a few examples to show you how reported speech can be written.

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reported speech for class 8 exercise

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Reported Speech MCQ Questions with Answers Class 8 English

Explore numerous NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech Pdf free download is available online for students. By taking help from MCQ Questions for Class 8 English with Answers during preparation, score maximum marks in the exam. Try maintaining a time limit while answering Reported Speech Class 8 MCQs Questions with Answers so that it would be useful in your actual exams. Download the Reported Speech Multiple Choice Questions PDF free of cost and get good scores in the board exams.

MCQ Questions for Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech with Answers

Enhance your subject knowledge through Reported Speech MCQ Online Test and lay a stronger foundation of your basics. Verify your answers with MCQ on Reported Speech provided and know where you went wrong. Use the Objective Questions of Class 8th Reported Speech MCQ with Answers provided below and understand all the concepts easily.

Change the following into indirect speech. Choose the correct alternative:

Question 1. He said to me, “When can you go to Ambala?” (a) He asked me when I could go to Ambala. (b) He told me that he could go to Ambala. (c) He asked me when I could go to Ambala. (d) He asked me if he could go to Ambala.

Answer: (c) He asked me when I could go to Ambala.

Question 2. The teacher said, “The earth moves around the sun.” (a) The teacher said that the earth moved around the sun. (b) The teacher said that the earth moves around the sun. (c) The teacher says that the earth moves around the sun. (d) The teacher tells that the earth moves around the sun.

Answer: (b) The teacher said that the earth moves around the sun.

Question 3. The lady said to him, “Why haven’t you paid the house rent ?” (a) The lady told him why he had not paid the house rent. (b) The lady asked him that he has not paid the house rent. (c) The lady asked him why he had not paid the house rent. (d) The lady asked him why he has not paid the house rent.

Answer: (c) The lady asked him why he had not paid the house rent.

Question 4. Pulkit said to Rashmi, “I am putting these papers in a file.” (a) Pulkit asked Rashmi that she is putting these papers in a file. (b) Pulkit told Rashmi that she is putting those papers in a file. (c) Pulkit told Rashmi that he was putting those papers in a file. (d) Pulkit told Rashmi that I am putting those papers in a file.

Answer: (c) Pulkit told Rashmi that he was putting those papers in a file.

Question 5. He said to me, “Are you in a mood to work?” (a) He asked me that I was in a mood to work. (b) He asked me if I was in a mood to work. (c) He asked me if are you in a mood to work. (d) He told me that he was in a mood to work.

Answer: (b) He asked me if I was in a mood to work.

Question 6. The teacher said to Ram, “When did the bus leave?” (a) The teacher asked Ram when did the bus leave. (b) The teacher told Ram when the but left. (c) The teacher said that when did the bus leave. (d) The teacher asked Ram when the bus had left.

Answer: (d) The teacher asked Ram when the bus had left.

Question 7. The boys say, “Honesty is the best policy.” (a) The boys say that honesty is the best policy. (b) The boys said that honesty is the best policy. (c) The boys will say that honesty is the best policy. (d) The boys say that honesty was the best policy.

Answer: (a) The boys say that honesty is the best policy.

Question 8. The man said to his son, “Can you go to the town now?” (a) The man asked his son if he can go to the town then. (b) The man told his son that he could go to the town now. (c) The man asked his son if he cannot go to the town then. (d) The man asked his son if he could go to the town then.

Answer: (d) The man asked his son if he could go to the town then.

Question 9. He said to me, “I am going to Chennai tomorrow.” (a) He said to me that he was going to Chennai tomorrow. (b) He told me that he is going to Chennai tomorrow. (c) He told me that he was going to Chennai the next day. (d) He asked me if he was going to Chennai tomorrow.

Answer: (c) He told me that he was going to Chennai the next day.

Question 10. He said to me, “What are you doing now?” (a) He told me what I was doing., (b) He asked me what I was doing then. (c) He asked me if what I was doing. (d) He said to me what I was doing.

Answer: (b) He asked me what I was doing then.

Question 11. Suntan said to Geeta, “I walked to the market yesterday.” (a) Suman asked Geeta that she walked to the market yesterday. (b) Suman told Geeta that she had walked to the market the previous day. (c) Suman told Geeta that she walked to the market the previous day. (d) Suman told Geeta that I had walked to the market the next day.

Answer: (b) Suman told Geeta that she had walked to the market the previous day.

Question 12. He said to me, “You will miss the train.” (a) He told me that I would miss the train. (b) He asked me if I would miss the train. (c) He said to me that I will miss the train. (d) He told me that 1 will miss the train.

Answer: (a) He told me that I would miss the train.

Question 13. Mohan says to me, “I am going to school.” (a) Mohan says that I am going to school. (b) Mohan says that he was going to school. (c) Mohan tells me if I was going to school. (d) Mohan tells me that he is going to school.

Answer: (d) Mohan tells me that he is going to school.

Question 14. They said to me, “Are the apples sweet?” (a) They told me if the apples were sweet. (b) They told me that the apples were sweet. (c) They asked me if the apples were sweet. (d) They asked me that the apples were sweet.

Answer: (c) They asked me if the apples were sweet.

Question 15. She said to me, “Who teaches you English?” (a) She asked me who taught me English. (b) She told me that who teaches you English. (c) She asked me if who teaches us English. (d) She asked me who taught us English.

Answer: (a) She asked me who taught me English.

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English Grammar Direct and Indirect Speech Class 8

English Grammar

  • Direct And Indirect Speech


Direct and Indirect Speech Class 8 - Download Free PDF with Solutions

In simple terms, we can understand direct speech as the precise words that a speaker or writer uses. The spoken words are enclosed in inverted commas in a direct speech. On the other hand, indirect speech entails summarising another person’s words using our own language. In indirect speech, we do not write someone else’s precise words, and we do not use inverted commas. Learning direct and indirect speech in Class 8 is an integral part of their overall grammar syllabus, and having a firm grasp on the topic is essential to score good marks in exams.

In today’s day and age, solely sticking to NCERT textbooks and exercises is not enough. Some extra hand holding goes a long way, and students need some ancillary academic support in the form of revision notes, sample tests, etc. Teachers and parents should go the extra mile to provide children with additional study material from credible sources. 

English Grammar for Class 8 Direct and Indirect Speech Download Free PDF

Today we will study an exciting topic “Reported speech”. Reported speech refers to how we have interpreted the words of the speaker. 

English Grammar

Definition of Reported Speech

In simple terms, Reported speech refers to reporting the speech of the speaker i.e. whether conveying directly the words of the speaker or indirectly conveying after altering the words of the speaker. For good understanding and idea clarity, practice questions and solved examples are provided throughout the article. Let's start our journey on this pretty topic.

The Convey of Speech

The Convey of Speech

Parts of reported speech in a sentence

Reported verb 

Reported speech,

For example, Ram said to me,” he wants to eat pizza”.

Here in the sentence, Ram said to me is the reporting verb, 

And the sentence in inverted commas “he wants to eat pizza” is the reported speech.

The reported verb refers to the simple sentence at the starting of the sentence and reported speech refers to the sentence in inverted commas that defines someone else.

Reporting Verb

The part of the sentence which is not in the inverted commas is called the reported verb.

When we change a direct speech into indirect speech then there are 3 types/ forms of changes that take place.

Change of person

Change of tense and

Change of other parts of speech

For example, Priya said to the class,” keep quiet teacher is coming”.

Here in the sentence, Priya said to the class is the reporting verb.

Reporting Speech

The part of the sentence which is under inverted commas is called reporting speech.

The second part of the sentence refers to some other person, universal facts, imaginary parts, historical facts, happening events, etc.

For example, Shyam said,” taj mahal was built by Shahjahan”

Here the sentence “taj mahal was built by Shahjahan” is the reported speech. 

Basically, there are two types of speech.

Direct speech 

Indirect speech

Direct Speech

Direct Speech

It refers to reporting the exact words spoken by the speaker. There is no change in the verb or the sentence.

For example, Ram said to Riya, “go to school”

Priya asked Ram, “where is her bag”

Ratan enquired Raman,” why was he not picking up her call”.

Rules of Direct Speech

Speech should be opened with quotations or inverted commas.

The word said is used to connect two sentences.

Reporting clause should be used at the end of the sentence.

At the end of the sentence full stop should be placed.

Indirect Speech

Indirect Speech

It is the speech that tells what someone has said but it does not explain the actual words spoken by the person. It just conveys the basic narration of what is being said to the third person.

For example, Ram asked Riya to go to school.

Priya asked Ram where was her bag.

Ratan enquired Raman why was he not picking up her call.

Rules of Indirect Speech

Past tense is used when the situation is uncertain

The present tense of the sentence is changed to the past tense in indirect speech. 

Universal facts tense remains the same.

The use of the word “that” connects the reported verb and reported speech.

Difference Between Direct Speech and Indirect Speech


Direct speech

Indirect speech


Direct speech basically refers to what someone has said i.e. the actual words and we also use quotation marks in this.

In indirect speech we don't use quotation marks rather we use the conjunction “that”.


She said, “ she must go”.

She has written three letters to her friends.

She said she had to go.

Difficult Words Meaning




The act or process of narrating


A word used for joining other words


A phrase or speech being constantly repeated.

Practice Question

Rewrite the following sentence converting from direct speech to indirect speech.

He asked me “ what is your mother’s name”.

Riya said to the shopkeeper, “ what is the price of the item?”

Ram said, “How is the weather”.

Commander said to militarians, “practice well”.

Honey told his mother, “I am not feeling well”.

The Doctor said, “Health is your wealth”.

Traffic police said, “Don't rush”.

He asked me what my mother's name is.

Riya asked the shopkeeper what the price of the items was.

Ram asked how the weather was.

Commander ordered militarians to practice well.

Honey told he mother that he was not feeling well.

The Doctor advised that health is wealth.

Traffic police asked the public not to rush.

Importance of Learning Direct and Reported Speech Class 8 

Having a firm grasp on direct and reported speech in Class 8 is integral to building the foundation of English grammar for young minds.

Knowing when and how to use direct and indirect speech can help students form grammatically correct sentences.

The essay writing and answer composition skills of young minds improve significantly when they know the nitty-gritty of direct and indirect speech.

Learning the rules of changing speech from direct to indirect enables students to summarise texts more aptly.

Lastly, indirect and direct speech introduces young students to the fundamentals of quoting, which is an aspect of grammar that they will need for years on end.

Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech for Class 8 Students

Riya said, “I am going on a long vacation.” – Direct Speech

Riya said that she was going on a long vacation. – Indirect Speech

The stranger asked me, “Where is your house?” – Direct Speech

The stranger asked me where my house was. – Indirect Speech

Rina asked Steve if he had overheard her conversation. – Indirect Speech

Rina asked Steve, “Did you overhear my conversation?” – Direct Speech

The direct and indirect speech exercises for Class 8 with answers PDF should include simple and relatable examples like the ones stated above.

Interesting Facts about Direct and Indirect Speech for Class 8 Students

While changing a sentence from direct to indirect speech, we use the conjunction ‘that.’

Likewise, while changing a sentence from direct to reported speech, the tense of the verb is changed from present to past.

Direct speech helps in defining the character of a person.

The prolonged use of direct speech in an essay can slow its pace. However, the use of indirect speech smoothens the pace of a writeup.

If the reported speech expresses some universal truth, then we do not have to change the tense of the sentence.

All direct and indirect worksheets with answers in Class 8 ought to be an amalgamation of examples, definitions, and interesting facts to make learning more interesting for young minds. 

Important Topics of Direct and Indirect Speech Class 8 

The 17th Chapter of the Class 8 NCERT grammar book is on direct and indirect speech. Below are the topics students will learn from this chapter. 

Understanding direct speech

Understanding indirect speech

Rules for changing direct speech into indirect speech

Exceptions to rules

Therefore, all direct and indirect speech exercises for Class 8 with answers PDF should encompass the following topics.

Learn English Grammar Direct and Indirect Speech with PDFs

Meticulously designed by the subject matter experts of Vedantu, the English grammar PDFs for Class 8 students on direct and indirect speech are the one-stop destination for all young minds keen on expanding their horizons. The PDFs include reported speech exercises for Class 8 CBSE with answers , tips and tricks to learn grammar faster, sample question papers, etc.

The PDFs of Vedantu are downloadable from the comfort of your homes.

They are free.

The content is regularly updated by Vedantu’s subject matter experts.

The PDFs contain more than 50 examples of direct and indirect speech exercises.

So, do not wait any longer and download Vedantu’s PDFs now to watch your child reach new academic zeniths.


FAQs on English Grammar Direct and Indirect Speech Class 8

1. What is direct narration?

When we quote the exact words of the speaker, then it is direct narration.

2. What is the indirect speech of the sentence – Rima said, “The sun rises in the east.”

Rima said that the sun rises in the east.

3. When should I use direct speech in a sentence?

The ideal time to use direct speech is when you want to precisely quote the words of some other person. Direct speech can help break the monotony in an essay and make it more interesting to readers. 

Question and Answer forum for K12 Students

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises for Class 8 CBSE

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises for Class 8 CBSE With Answers

When we use the exact words of the speaker, it is called direct speech. Indirect or Reported Speech refers to a sentence reporting what someone has said.

Basic  English Grammar  rules can be tricky. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more.

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises for Class 8 CBSE With Answers PDF

Direct and indirect speech differ in the following aspects:

  • punctuation
  • pronouns and their forms
  • tense forms
  • the reporting verb (introduce/change)
  • words that show time and position
  • that, if, etc. (if necessary)

Punctuation Indirect speech, the exact words of the person (quote) are placed after the introductory clause, it is always set apart by the use of a comma (,) and quotation marks (“’) or (“”).

Also, the first letter of the exact words of the speaker indirect speech is always capitalized. Example:

  • Mother said to me, ‘Please tidy your room.

If the quote is placed at the beginning of the sentence a comma is put before the end quotation mark for a declarative or imperative sentence. A question mark or an exclamatory mark is placed before the end quotation if it is a question or an exclamatory sentence. Examples:

  • “Where are we going for our picnic?’ asked Mira.
  • “What an excellent idea!’ said Sunny.

If the quote is divided into two we can do either of the following: Examples:

  • “That is fine,’ he said. “We don’t mind sharing our room with you.’
  • “No!’ he said. “We can’t check into this hotel.’

In reported (indirect) speech, question marks and exclamations are removed because all sentences are converted to statements. We do not use a comma or quotation marks to set apart the words of the speaker. A comma is used only if the sentence calls for one. Example:

  • Sally told me that Rosie, Anuja and Jenny are going for a movie tomorrow. . .

A. Punctuate the following sentences in direct speech. Insert (*), (,) and (?), (!) or (.).

Question 1. Divya said to me How are you Answer: Divya said to me,‘How are you?’

Question 2. Wow What a wonderful picture said Lucy Answer: ‘Wow! What a wonderful picture! ’ said Lucy.

Question 3. I said I am fine. Have you seen Sunil anywhere Answer: I said, ‘I am fine. Have you seen Sunil anywhere?’

B. There is one punctuation mark missing in each of these sentences. Add it.

Question 1. Urvashi said ‘Our class teacher is on leave today.’ Answer: Urvashi said,‘Our class teacher is on leave today.’

Question 2. “But I saw her in the canteen today, said Heena. Answer: ‘But I saw her in the canteen today,’ said Haya.

Question 3. How sad ’ said Urvashi, “I thought we would have two free periods today.’ Answer: ‘How sad! ’ said Urvashi, ‘I thought we would have two free periods today.’

Pronouns While reporting, we must pay close attention to personal pronouns, possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives—1, we, you, they, he, she, my, our, your, their, his, her, mine, ours, yours, theirs, hers. Examples: 1. Teacher said to me, ‘This is Radhika’s book, please give it to her.’ What would you tell Radhika?—Teacher told me that this was your book and asked me to give it to you. But if you report this to your friend Sashi, you would say—Teacher told me that this was Radhika’s book and asked me to give it to her.

2. His mother said to Raghu, ‘You must work hard.’ His mother told Raghu that he must work hard.

3. Mohan said to me, “My books are on your desk.’ Mohan told me that his books were on my desk.

As we see in these examples, the words we use to refer to people change to match the speaker/ writer and listener/reader.

C. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.

Question 1. Manny said to me, “We must play more football.’ Manny told me that ………………………. (we/you) must play more football. Answer: Manny said to me, ‘We must play more football. ’ Manny told me that we (we/you) must play more football.

Question 2. Mr Chandresh said to me, ‘You must visit my house.’ Mr Chandresh insisted that I must visit ………………………. (my/his) house. Answer: Mr Chandresh said to me, ‘You must visit my house. ’ Mr Chandresh insisted that I must visit his (my/his) house.

Question 3. Amrit said to Neeta, ‘Our friends will meet us in Noida.’ Amrit told Neeta that ………………………. (their/our) friends would meet ………………………. (them/us) in Noida. Answer: Amrit said to Neeta, ‘Our friends will meet us in Noida.’ Amrit told Neeta that their (their/our) friends would meet them (them/us) in Noida.

Reporting verbs

We usually use verbs like said (say), told (tell) to introduce what somebody said. Verbs that help us convey what was said are called reporting verbs. They are used in direct and indirect speech.

Says and told are the reporting verbs in the following sentences:

  • He says, “The world is a flat piece of paper.
  • He told me he could help me with my homework.

Said and told are used in similar contexts but in reported speech we say something, and we tell somebody something. In direct speech, we use said to me/him/her, etc. Examples:

  • Dipti said to me, ‘I might not come to school tomorrow.’
  • Dipti said that she might not come to school the next day.
  • Dipti told me that she might not come to school the next day.

D. Fill in the blanks with told or said.

Question 1. Rosy ………………………. that he was going to the supermarket. Answer: Rosy said that he was going to the supermarket.

Question 2. He ………………………. Sonia that he had to get some stationery. Answer: He told Sonia that he had to get some stationery.

Question 3. I ………………………. to him, “You have to hand in your work on time.’ Answer: I said to him, ‘You have to hand in your work on time.’

Question 4. Sameer ………………………. that he that he didn’t believe in aliens. Answer: Sameer said that he didn’t believe in aliens.

Question 5. My grandmother ………………………. me that when she was little, computers were unheard of. Answer: My grandmother told me that when she was little, computers were unheard of.

Some of the other reporting verbs we use are answered, added, promised, replied, suggested, explained, etc. The use of the reporting verb depends on the type of sentence reported.

Interrogative Sentences

While reporting questions we use the reporting verbs asked, enquired, etc. and while reporting the answer to the questions we use verbs like replied, answered, etc. Examples:

  • Salim said to me, ‘Have you read The Wind in the Willows?’ Salim asked me if I had read The Wind in the Willows. I told Salim, ‘Yes, it is my favourite book.’ I replied that I had and that it was my favourite book
  • Tarun said to me, ‘Where is our next class?’ Tarun asked me where our next class was.

A. Punctuate the following sentences in direct speech. Insert (..) and ()

Imperative Sentences While reporting imperative sentences we use a reporting verb to match the mood of the sentence. Apart from say and rell we can also use as request, beg, command in it, ander warm remind, exicowa gesi, pryse, etc. Examples:

  • The Judge said to the people, “Maintain silence.” The Judge ordered the people to maintain silence.
  • I said to John, “Please pass me the salt.” Trieste Jolino pass me the salt.
  • Linda said, ‘Let’s go for a swim. Linda menekled going for a swim

Please note that in reported speech we use the non-finite form of the verbs in quotes. We use infinitive forms (base verb, lo + base verb) or gerund forms (ing).

Exclamatory Sentences While reporting exclamatory sentences we use reporting verbs like exclaimed, admired, apologize cried, wished thanked, etc. Interjections like wow, oh, oh dear, alas, etc. and nouns of addres are removed Examples:

  • Ritu said to me ‘Wow! What a beautiful dress! Ritu admired my dress.
  • I said to my teacher, ‘Good morning, Ma’am!-I wished my teacher good morning
  • ‘Oh, no! I didn’t bring my lunchbox!’ said Deepak. Deepak exclaimed that hadn’t brought his lunchbox.
  • Surya said to Shayan, ‘I am so sorry! Surya apologized to Shayan.

E. Fill in the blanks with appropriate reporting verbs from the box.

1. Sanjay said, ‘Shall we go to the chemistry lab? Sanjay ……………………… to go to the chemistry lab. 2. He said to me, ‘T’ll definitely help you.” He ……………………… to help me. 3. Manish said to me, I’m sorry. I forgot to bring your packet.” Manish ……………………… for forgetting to bring my packet. 4. Natasha said to her little brother, “Don’t cross the street carelessly” Natasha ……………………… her little brother not to cross the street carelessly 5. Nisha said to the receptionist, ‘Is Dr Gregory here?’ Nisha ……………………… if Dr Gregory was there. 6. ‘Oh dear! I have lost my keys!’ said Chandu. Chandu ……………………… that he had lost his keys. Answer: 1. Sanjay said, ‘Shall we go to the chemistry lab?’ Sanjay asked to go to the chemistry lab.

2. He said to me, ‘I’ll definitely help you. He offered to help me.

3. Manish said to me, ‘I’m sorry. I forgot to bring your packet. Manish apologized for forgetting to bring my packet

4. Natasha said to her little brother, ‘Don’t cross the street carelessly. Natasha advised/warmed her little brother not to cross the street carelessly.

5. Nisha said to the receptionist, ‘Is Dr Gregory here?’ Nisha asked if Dr Gregory was there.

6. ‘Oh dear! I have lost my keys! ’ said Chandu. Chandu exclaimed that he had lost his keys.

TENSES When we report a statement, we must look at the tense of the reporting verb.

1. If the reporting verb is in the present tense, we need not change the tense of the rest of the sentence. Examples:

  • a. She says, “They are on their way.’—She says that they are on their way.
  • Kina says, “All birds are friendly.”—Kina says that all birds are friendly.

2. If the reporting verb is in the past tense, we change the tense of the rest of the sentence being reported into corresponding past tense.

Sometimes, when universal truths are being reported we can choose to retain the original tense of the sentence or change it. Examples:

  • Mother said, “The earth revolves around the sun. Mother said that the earth revolves/revolved around the sun.
  • Jose said, “Hot air rises to the top.’ Jose said that hot air rises/rose to the top.

Time And Place Words When there are words that show time and place in direct speech, we have to change them appropriately in reported speech. Example:

  • Rajesh said, “I will finish this project by next week.’
  • Rajesh said that he would finish that project by the following week.

Here are a few such words: But this is done in accordance with the time and place of reporting. The expressions change if the time is long past. They do not change if the speech is reported in the same place and period of time.

  • Sayani says, “I will not come to school tomorrow.’ (said on 12 August)”
  • Sayani says that she will not come to school tomorrow. (also said on 12 August)
  • Sayani told me that she would not come to school the next day. (30 November)

Reporting Conversations

In normal conversation we don’t always speak in full sentences. But while reporting them we must complete these sentences. Avoid using said and told too many times.

Instead, use reporting verbs like added, informed, wanted, etc. Examples:

  • Direct speech:
  • Salim: How is Sanjay?
  • Sanjukta: He is fine now.
  • Salim: Was he seriously ill last month?
  • Sanjukta: Not exactly. But he had some minor ailments. He is at home now.

Reported speech: Salim asked Sanjukta how Sanjay was. She replied that he was fine then. Salim wanted to know if Sanjay had been seriously ill the previous month. Sanjukta said that he had not been seriously ill, but he had had some minor ailments. Then she added that Sanjay was at home then.

Omission Of That

In reported speech, that is often used to introduce the speaker’s words. But even if we omit that, the meaning would remain the same. Examples:

  • Zoey told me (that) Rosie, Anuja and Shehnaaz were going for a movie the next day.
  • Angmo said (that) she might not come to school the next day.

F. Read the following conversation and rewrite it in reported speech. Some reporting verbs you may want to use are informed, congratulated and thanked. Sneha: Good morning, Pari. How are you? Pari: Good morning, Sneha. I am getting on fine. You know, I got selected for the school table tennis team. We are going for the inter-school match on Friday. Sena: Wow! Great! Wish you the best of luck for Friday. I’m sure you’ll win the match. Pari: Thanks, Sneha. I hope we’ll win this time.

Sneha greeted Pari and asked ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Answer: Sneha greeted Pari and asked her how she was. Pari greeted Sneha back and told her that she was getting on fine. She also told Sneha that she had gotten selected for the school table tennis team, and that the team was going for the inter-school match on Friday .

Sneha exclaimed that was great, and then wished Pari the best of luck for Friday. She said that she was sure that Pari would win the match. Pari thanked Sneha and said that she hoped to win that time .

G. Here are a few lines from the famous story The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle. Punctuate these sentences. 1. By Jove said Sherlock Holmes this is treasure trove indeed I suppose you know what you have got ……………………………………………………………………………… 2. A precious diamond said Peterson it cuts into glass as though it were putty ……………………………………………………………………………… 3. It is more than a precious stone said Holmes it is the precious stone ……………………………………………………………………………… 4. Not the Countess of Morcar’s blue carbuncle Watson exclaimed ……………………………………………………………………………… 5. Precisely so said Holmes ……………………………………………………………………………… Answer: 1. By Jove said Sherlock Holmes, this is treasure trove indeed. I suppose you know what you have got‘ By Jove!’ said Sherlock Holmes, ‘this is treasure trove indeed. I suppose you know what you have got!

2. A precious diamond, sir? said Peterson. It cuts into glass as though it were putty ‘A precious diamond, sir?’ said Peterson. ‘It cuts into glass as though it were putty.’

3. It is more than a precious stone said Holmes it is the precious stone ‘It is more than a precious stone.’ said Holmes, ‘it is the precious stone.’

4. Not the Countess of Morcar’s blue carbuncle Watson exclaimed ‘Not the Countess of Morcar’s blue carbuncle!’ Watson exclaimed.

5. Precisely so said Holmes ‘Precisely so.’ said Holmes.

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Reported Speech: Exclamatory Sentences Practice Questions with Answers

  • Post last modified: 10 April 2022
  • Post category: Grammar Exercises / School Grammar

Learn how to change Exclamatory sentences into indirect speech. We are giving here rules of as well as some practice exercises to help learners master the direct and indirect transformation of sentences. watch the video tutorials also to learn how to change a direct speech exclamation into its indirect speech exclamation.

New exercises are added from time to time, so keep coming here .

Click here for rules of Reported Speech

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Narration: Exclamatory Sentences

Exclamatory sentences:.

Sentences which express some sudden feelings ( such as pleasure, anger, surprise ) about something which has been said or done, are called Exclamatory sentences.

Exclamatory sentences or expressions take a mark of exclamation (!) at their end.

  • Hurrah! we have won.
  • Alas! he is ruined.
  • What a lovely flower!
  • How foolish he is!

Exclamatory Sentences: General Rules

  • Use ‘exclaimed’ in place of ‘said’ in the reporting verb in the indirect speech: Sometimes Exclamatory sentences contain exclamations like Hurrah! Alas! Oh! Heavens! Bravo, etc. Such exclamatory words are removed in the indirect speech and we use ‘ exclaimed with sorrow’, exclaimed with joy, exclaimed with surprise, applaud, pray etc. instead of ‘said’.
  • Generally, Indirect speech begins with that the Conjunction ‘ that’
  • Use ‘wish’ and ‘pray to God’ in sentences involving wish and prayer.
  • Convert the exclamatory sentence to a statement i.e. end with a full stop dot ( . )
  • Direct: Kohli said, “Hurrah! We won the match.” Indirect: Kohli exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.
  • Direct: Reena said, “Alas! Sheela’s mother is suffering from cancer.” Indirect: Reena exclaimed with sorrow that Sheela’s mother was suffering from cancer.
  • Direct: My mother said, “May God bless you!” Indirect: My mother prayed to God for my wellbeing.
  • Direct: He said, “What a pity!” Indirect: He exclaimed that it was a great pity.
  • Direct: I said, “How stupid he is!” Indirect: I exclaimed that it was a very stupid of him.

Solved Exercises -1

Q. Change the following sentences into Indirect narration.

  • He said, “Alas! I am undone.” 
  • She said, “Hoe clever I am!” 
  • He said, “Bravo! You have done well.” 
  • “Oh, help me, Heaven!” he cried, “I will never steal again.” 
  • She said, “May you succeed, my son.” 
  • He said, “What a great misery!” 
  • The captain said, “Hurrah! We have won the match.” 
  • Sita said, “Goodbye, my friend!” 
  • The spectators said, “Bravo! Well played, Rahul!” 
  • The merchant said, “Alas! I am ruined.” 
  • He exclaimed sadly (with sorrow) that he was undone. 
  • She exclaimed that she was very clever. 
  • He applauded him saying that he had done well. 
  • He called upon Heaven to witness his resolve never to steal again. 
  • She wished success for her son. OR She prayed for the success of her son.  
  • He exclaimed that it was a great misery. 
  • The captain exclaimed with joy that they had won. 
  • She bade her friend goodbye.  
  • The spectators applauded Rahul saying that he had played well. 
  • The merchant exclaimed with sorrow that he was ruined. 

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Thank s and it is very helpful ffor me

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Thank s and this is useful examples

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CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech

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Table of Contents

1. There are two different ways in which we can report the words of a speaker : (a) Direct Speech or Direct Narration. (b) Indirect Speech or Indirect Narration.

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2. (a) Direct Speech contains the actual words of the speaker ; as— Sarla said, “My father has a roaring business in Mumbai.” He said to me, “I am feeling unwell today.” In these sentences, actual words of the speaker are given within inverted commas without any change.

(b) Indirect Speech gives the substance of the speaker’s actual words and not the exact words spoken by him or her ; as— Sarla said that her father had a roaring business in Mumbai. He told me that he was feeling unwell that day.

3. The actual words of the speaker, given within ‘inverted commas’ are called the Reported Speech. In the same way, the Verb which introduces the Reported Speech is called the Reporting Verb. In the sentence above ‘said’ is the Reporting Verb and ‘My father has a roaring business in Mumbai’ is the Reported Speech. Reporting Verb and Reported Speech. Look at the following sentences : Radha says, “I shall finish my home-work today.” Sushma said to Pushpa, “Show me your dolls.” The verbs ‘says and said’ in the above sentences are ‘Reporting Verbs’. The exact words of the speaker given within the inverted commas are ‘Reported Speech’.

4. Here are some distinctive points regarding the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech : In the Direct Speech 1. The Reported Speech is put within Reported (Inverted) Commas. 2. The Reported Speech and the Reporting Verb are separated by a Comma. 3. The first word of the Reported Speech begins with a capital letter.

Transformation of Direct Speech into Indirect Speech

I. Rules for the Change of Tense

Rule I. If the Reporting Verb is in the Present or Future Tense, the Tense of the Verb in the Reported Speech does not change.

Examples 1 Direct: Rajesh says, “She has brought lame to her family.” Indirect: Rajesh says that she has brought fame to her family. 2. Direct: ohit has said, “I cannot displease my friend.” Indirect: Rohit has said that he cannot displease his friend. 3. Direct: I shall say, “I went to Agra on Monday.” Indirect: I shall say that I went to Agra on Monday. 4. Direct: She will say, “I have sent him a present.” Indirect: She will say that she has sent him a present.

Rule II. If the Reporting Verb is in the Past Tense, the tense of the verb in the Reported Speech must be changed into the corresponding Past Tense.

Examples 1. Direct: I said, “I am speaking the truth.” Indirect: I said that I was speaking the truth. 2. Direct : The teacher said, “Boys fail because they do not study regularly.” Indirect: The teacher said that boys failed because they did not study regularly.

Exception to Rule II (i) If there is a Universal Truth or Habitual fact in the Reported Speech, the Tense of the verb is never changed ; as— 1. Direct: He said, “Face is the index of mind.” Indirect: He said that face is the index of mind. 2. Direct: The teacher said. “The earth rotates round its axis.” Indirect: The teacher said that the earth rotates round its axis. 3. Direct: Horatius said, “Death comes sooner or later.” Indirect: Horatius said that death comes sooner or later.

(ii) The Tense of the Verb in the Reported Speech does not change if the reported speech states a past historical fact ; as— 1. Direct: He said, “India became free on 15th August, 1947.” Indirect: He said that India became free on 15th August, 1947. 2. Direct: She said. “Her father lived at Lahore for ten years.” Indirect: She said that her father lived at Lahore for ten years.

(iii) If two such actions are given in the Reported Speech which take place at the same time, the Past Indefinite or Continuous Tense does not change. Direct: He said, “Mohan was singing a song while Gopal was playing on a flute.” Indirect: He said that Mohan was singing a song while Gopal was playing on a flute. Examples 1. Direct: She said, “I am a top-class singer.” Indirect: She said that she was a top-class singer. 2. Direct: We said, “He is writing a poem.” Indirect: We said that he was writing a poem. 3. Direct: He said, “It may rain tonight.” Indirect: He said that it might rain that night. 4. Direct: He said, “A devil ever remains a devil.” Indirect: He said that a devil ever remains a devil.

The future tense of the reported speech is changed as under : Future Indefinite—would/should Future Continuous—would/should be Future Perfect—would/should have Future Perfect Continuous—would/should have been

Examples 1. Direct: You said, “He is a very good athlete.” Indirect: You said that he was a very good athlete. 2. Direct: I said, “I have finished my work.” Indirect: I said that I had finished my work. 3. Direct: He said, “Her parents will pay a visit to Delhi.” Indirect: He said that her parents would pay a visit to Delhi.

Interrogative Sentences Conversion of Interrogative Sentences A From Direct Into Indirect

1. The Reporting Verb is changed, into ‘ask, enquire, inquire or demand etc.
2. No conjunction is used to introduce the Reported Speech if the question begins with (an interrogative) word ; such as—what, who, whose, which, when, where, why, how, whom etc.
3. If or whether is used to introduce the Reported Speech if the reported speech has no question word.
4. Change the questions into statements. Put full stop in place of mark of interrogation (?).

Examples (a) Questions beginning with a Helping Verb 1. Direct: He said to her, “Shall I accompany you to Agra ?” Indirect: He asked her if he would (should) accompany her to Agra. 2. Direct: She said to him, “Had I been absenting myself from school for a month ?” Indirect: She asked him if she had been absenting herself from school for a month. 3. Direct: He said to us, “Has she been spinning since yesterday ?” Indirect: He asked us if she had been spinning since the previous day. 4. Direct: They said to you, “Shall we be going on picnic tomorrow ?” Indirect: They asked you if they would be going on picnic the next day. 5. Direct: I said to her, “Will you have ironed your clothes ?” Indirect: I asked her if she would have ironed her clothes.

(b) Sentences having ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ 1. Direct: “Are there any more files ?” He asked. “Yes, sir,” said the peon. Indirect: He asked the peon if there were any more files. The peon replied respectfully in affirmative. 2. Direct: The teacher said to Lila. “Did you break the window pane ?” “No, sir.” said Lila, “I did not.” Indirect: The teacher asked Lila if she had broken the window pane. Lila replied respect¬fully and refused it (to have done it). 3. Direct: “If you find my answers satisfactory, will you give me five rupees ?” said the astrologer. “No.” replied the customer. Indirect: The astrologer asked the customer whether he would give him five rupees if he found his answers satisfactory. The customer replied in negative. 4. Direct: I said to him. “Do you want to go to Chandigarh ?” He said, “No, sir.” Indirect: I asked him if he wanted to go to Chandigarh and respectfully he replied in negative. 5. Direct: He said to me, “Does Mohan still play ?” I said, “Yes, sir.” Indirect: He asked me if Mohan still played and I replied in positive.

(c) Questions beginning with Interrogative Words 1. Direct: He said to me. “Whom does she want to contact ?” Indirect: He asked me whom she wanted to contact. 2. Direct: They said to her, “Whose house are you purchasing ?” Indirect: They asked her whose house she was purchasing. 3. Direct: You said to him “Why are you making mischief ?” Indirect: You asked him why he was making mischief. 4. Direct: They said to us, “How have you solved this sum ?” Indirect: They asked us how we had solved that sum. 5. Direct: We said to them, “Who has misguided you ?” Indirect: We asked them who had misguided them.

(d) Questions beginning with modal auxiliaries 1. Direct: I said to him, “May Sunita come in to discuss with you something ?” Indirect: I asked him if Sunita might come in to discuss with him something. 2. Direct: The traveller said to me, “Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn ?” Indirect: The traveller asked me if I could tell him the way to the nearest inn. 3. Direct: He said to me. “Must I leave for Mumbai tomorrow ?” Indirect: He asked me if he had to leave for Mumbai the next day. 4. Direct: I said to her, “Could you give me your notes ?” Indirect: I asked her if she could give me her notes. 5. Direct: I said to him, “Need I go to him ?” Indirect: I asked him if I had to go to him.

Exercise 1 (Solved)

Convert the following sentences into Indirect Speech : 1. He said to her. “Do you want to go home ?” 2. He said to you. “Where are you going ?“ 3. I said to him, “What brings you here ?” 4. You said to us, “How do you solve this sum ?” 5. She said to me, “How are you getting on with your studies ?” 6. I said to my friend, “Have you been to England ?”

Convert the following sentences into Indirect Speech : 1. She said to me, “Who taught you English ?” 2. He said to his mother, “Why did you not wash my school dress ?” 3. The mother said to the child, “Did you have your breakfast ?” 4. Anil said to his sister, “How did you fare in the interview ?” 5. The policeman asked me, “Had the thief stolen your watch ?” Answers: I. 1. He asked her if she wanted to go home. 2. He asked you where you were going. 3. I asked him what brought him there. 4. You asked us how we solved that sum. 5. She asked me how I was getting on with my studies. 6. I asked my friend if he had been to England.

II. 1. She asked me who had taught me English. 2. He asked his mother why tehe had not washed his school dress. 3. The mother asked the child if he had his breakfast. 4. Anil asked his sister how she had fared in the interview. 5. The policeman asked me if the thief had stolen my watch.

Exercise 2 (Solved)

Change the following into indirect speech : 1. He said to me, “I have often told you not to play with me.” 2. They wrote, “It is time we thought about settling this matter.” 3. The teacher promised. “If you come to school tomorrow, I will explain it.” 4. “What do you want ?” he said to her. 5. He said, “How’s your father ?” 6. “Don’t you know the way home ?” asked I. 7. “Do you really come from China ?” said the prince. 8. “Sit down, boys,” said the teacher. 9. “Run away, children,” said the mother. Answers: 1. He told me that he had often told me not to play with him. 2. They wrote that it was time they thought about settling the matter. 3. The teacher promised to me that he would explain it if I went to school the following day. 4. He asked her what she wanted. 5. He enquired about my father. 6. I asked if he did not know the way home. 7. The Prince asked him if he really came from China. 8. The teacher asked the boys to sit down. 9. The mother asked the children to run away.

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Exercise 3 (Solved)

The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the error along with the correction. Do not forget to underline the error. Her mother said that you must go straight to (a) your grandmother. There was a wolf (b) _______ in the wood through which she are (c) _______ going. But if she keep the road, he (d) _______ will not do any harm. The mother (e) _______ asked her to do as she tells her. (f) _______ Answers: (a) you—she (b) your—her (c) are—was (d) keep—kept (e) will—would (f) tells—had told

Exercise 4 (For Practice)

Police told Maninder that he is entitled (a) _______ to have a solicitor present. He denies (b) _______ that he knows anyone by the name of (c) _______ Surinder. Maninder confirmed that he has been (d) _______ in the vicinity of the factory last Monday. (e) _______ However, he said that he is visiting his mother. (f) _______ He maintains that he is innocent. (g) _______

Exercise 5 (For Practice)

CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech

Exercise 6 (For Practice)

Each of the pair of sentences given below is a dialogue between a man and a woman. Change each pair into one simple sentence. Complete the answers. The first one has been done as an example. Question 1. “Shall we get married ?” “Yes, let us.” Answer: They decided to get married.

Question 2. “Please help me”. “O.K.” Answer: She agreed

Question 3. “May I help you ?” “No, thanks.” Answer: He offered

Question 4. “Let’s meet after the class.” “O.K. fine.” Answer: They arranged

Question 5. “What’s your name ?” “I won’t tell you”. Answer: She refused

Question 6. “I have stood first.” “Congratulations”. Answer: She congratulated

Multiple Choice Questions Exercise 1

Read the dialogues given below and then complete the report by choosing the correct options from the ones given below the dialogue : 1. Judge: Why don’t you speak the truth ? Witness: I have spoken only the truth. Judge: Were you really present at the scene ? Witness: Yes, sir.

The judge asked the witness (a) ……… the truth. The witness replied that (b) ……….. only the truth. At this the judge asked (c) ………….. at the scene. The witness replied in positive. (a) (i)why don’t you speak (ii) why didn’t he speak (iii) why you didn’t speak (iv) why he did not speak

(b) (i) he had spoken (ii) I have spoken (iii) I had spoken (iv) he has spoken

(c) (i) if you are really present (ii) that you were really present (iii) if he was really present (iv) that he was really present

2. Mother: What is the matter ? Son: Grandfather has shot a policeman. Mother: Why ? Son: He was a deserter. Mother asked the son (a) ………… The son replied (b) …………. a policeman. The mother demanded (c) ………… To this the son replied that he was a deserter. (a) (i) that what is the matter (ii) what is the matter (iii) what the matter was (iv) if what was the matter

(b) (i) that the grandfather has shot (ii) that Grandfather had shot (iii) if grandfather had shot (iv) why Grandfather had shot

(c) (i) why (ii) why Grandfather has shot (iii) that why grandfather had shot (iv) why Grandfather had shot

3. Merchant: How much have you collected ? Accountant: Twenty thousand in cash and the balance on paper. Merchant: Where have you deposited the cash ? The Merchant asked the accountant (a) …………. collected. The accountant replied (b) …………. and the balance on paper. Then the merchant wanted to know (c) …………. . (a) (i) how much you have (ii) how much have you (iii) how much had he (iv) how much he had

(b)(i) that I have collected twenty thousand in cash (ii) that he has collected twenty thousand in cash (iii) that he had collected twenty thousand in cash (iv) he had collected twenty thousand in cash

(c)(i) where have you deposited the cash (ii) where he had deposited the cash (iii) where had he deposited the cash (iv) where the cash had been deposited

4. Son: How are you feeling now? Father: Much better, son. Son: Are you taking the medicines regularly? Father: Yes, my dear. The son asked his father (a) …………. then. The father replied that (b) …………. much better. The son further asked (c) …………. the medicines regularly. The father replied in affirmative. (a) (i) that how he was feeling (ii) how he was feeling (iii) how you are feeling (iv) how was he feeling

(b) (i) I am feeling (ii) I was feeling (iii) he is feeling (iv) he was feeling

(c) (i) if you are taking (ii) if he is taking (iii) that he was taking (iv) if he was taking

5. Ram: Do you shave every day? Mohan: Yes. Don’t you? Ram: No. I shave only once a week Ram asked Mohan (a) …………. everyday. Mohan replied in positive and asked (b) …………. the same. Ram agreed that he didn’t and said (c) …………. only once a week. (a) (i) do you shave (ii) did he shave (iii) if he shaved (iv) that if he shaved

(b) (i) don’t you (ii) you don’t (iii) if you don’t (iv) if he didn’t

(c) (i) I shave (ii) that he shaved (iii) if he shaved (iv) if I shaved

6. Sue: What is it dear? Johnsy: The leaves. Sue: Are you counting the leaves? Johnsy: Yes. Sue asked Johnsy (a) …………. Johnsy replied that (b) …………. Sue further asked (c) …………. the leaves. Johnsy replied in positive. (a) (i) what it is (ii) what is it (iii) what is was (iv) what was it

(b) (i) that it was the leaves (ii) it is leaves (iii) that it are leaves (iv) that it had leaves

(c) (i) are you counting (ii) that she was counting (iii) was she counting (iv) if she was counting Answers: 1. (a) (iv) why he did not speak (b) (i) he had spoken (c)(iii) if he was really present 2. (a) (iii) what the matter was (b)(ii) that Grandfather had shot (c) (iv) why Grandfather had shot 3. (a) (iv) how much he had (b) (iii) that he had collected twenty thousand in cash (c) (ii) where he had deposited the cash 4. (a) (ii) how he was feeling (b) (iv) he was feeling (c) (iv) if he was taking 5. (a) (iii) if he shaved (b) (iv) if he didn’t (c) (ii) that he shaved 6. (a) (iii) what is was (b)(i) that it was the leaves (c) (iv) if she was counting

We hope the CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech help you. If you have any query regarding CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

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Reported speech

CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech

January 30, 2023 by Veerendra

CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English . Here we have given CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech.

1. There are two different ways in which we can report the words of a speaker : (a) Direct Speech or Direct Narration. (b) Indirect Speech or Indirect Narration.

2. (a) Direct Speech contains the actual words of the speaker ; as— Sarla said, “My father has a roaring business in Mumbai.” He said to me, “I am feeling unwell today.” In these sentences, actual words of the speaker are given within inverted commas without any change.

(b) Indirect Speech gives the substance of the speaker’s actual words and not the exact words spoken by him or her ; as— Sarla said that her father had a roaring business in Mumbai. He told me that he was feeling unwell that day.

3. The actual words of the speaker, given within ‘inverted commas’ are called the Reported Speech. In the same way, the Verb which introduces the Reported Speech is called the Reporting Verb. In the sentence above ‘said’ is the Reporting Verb and ‘My father has a roaring business in Mumbai’ is the Reported Speech. Reporting Verb and Reported Speech. Look at the following sentences : Radha says, “I shall finish my home-work today.” Sushma said to Pushpa, “Show me your dolls.” The verbs ‘says and said’ in the above sentences are ‘Reporting Verbs’. The exact words of the speaker given within the inverted commas are ‘Reported Speech’.

4. Here are some distinctive points regarding the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech : In the Direct Speech 1. The Reported Speech is put within Reported (Inverted) Commas. 2. The Reported Speech and the Reporting Verb are separated by a Comma. 3. The first word of the Reported Speech begins with a capital letter.

Transformation of Direct Speech into Indirect Speech

I. Rules for the Change of Tense

Rule I. If the Reporting Verb is in the Present or Future Tense, the Tense of the Verb in the Reported Speech does not change.

Examples 1 Direct: Rajesh says, “She has brought lame to her family.” Indirect: Rajesh says that she has brought fame to her family. 2. Direct: ohit has said, “I cannot displease my friend.” Indirect: Rohit has said that he cannot displease his friend. 3. Direct: I shall say, “I went to Agra on Monday.” Indirect: I shall say that I went to Agra on Monday. 4. Direct: She will say, “I have sent him a present.” Indirect: She will say that she has sent him a present.

Rule II. If the Reporting Verb is in the Past Tense, the tense of the verb in the Reported Speech must be changed into the corresponding Past Tense.

Examples 1. Direct: I said, “I am speaking the truth.” Indirect: I said that I was speaking the truth. 2. Direct : The teacher said, “Boys fail because they do not study regularly.” Indirect: The teacher said that boys failed because they did not study regularly.

Exception to Rule II (i) If there is a Universal Truth or Habitual fact in the Reported Speech, the Tense of the verb is never changed ; as— 1. Direct: He said, “Face is the index of mind.” Indirect: He said that face is the index of mind. 2. Direct: The teacher said. “The earth rotates round its axis.” Indirect: The teacher said that the earth rotates round its axis. 3. Direct: Horatius said, “Death comes sooner or later.” Indirect: Horatius said that death comes sooner or later.

(ii) The Tense of the Verb in the Reported Speech does not change if the reported speech states a past historical fact ; as— 1. Direct: He said, “India became free on 15th August, 1947.” Indirect: He said that India became free on 15th August, 1947. 2. Direct: She said. “Her father lived at Lahore for ten years.” Indirect: She said that her father lived at Lahore for ten years.

(iii) If two such actions are given in the Reported Speech which take place at the same time, the Past Indefinite or Continuous Tense does not change. Direct: He said, “Mohan was singing a song while Gopal was playing on a flute.” Indirect: He said that Mohan was singing a song while Gopal was playing on a flute. Examples 1. Direct: She said, “I am a top-class singer.” Indirect: She said that she was a top-class singer. 2. Direct: We said, “He is writing a poem.” Indirect: We said that he was writing a poem. 3. Direct: He said, “It may rain tonight.” Indirect: He said that it might rain that night. 4. Direct: He said, “A devil ever remains a devil.” Indirect: He said that a devil ever remains a devil.

The future tense of the reported speech is changed as under : Future Indefinite—would/should Future Continuous—would/should be Future Perfect—would/should have Future Perfect Continuous—would/should have been

Examples 1. Direct: You said, “He is a very good athlete.” Indirect: You said that he was a very good athlete. 2. Direct: I said, “I have finished my work.” Indirect: I said that I had finished my work. 3. Direct: He said, “Her parents will pay a visit to Delhi.” Indirect: He said that her parents would pay a visit to Delhi.

Interrogative Sentences Conversion of Interrogative Sentences A From Direct Into Indirect

1. The Reporting Verb is changed, into ‘ask, enquire, inquire or demand etc.
2. No conjunction is used to introduce the Reported Speech if the question begins with (an interrogative) word ; such as—what, who, whose, which, when, where, why, how, whom etc.
3. If or whether is used to introduce the Reported Speech if the reported speech has no question word.
4. Change the questions into statements. Put full stop in place of mark of interrogation (?).

Examples (a) Questions beginning with a Helping Verb 1. Direct: He said to her, “Shall I accompany you to Agra ?” Indirect: He asked her if he would (should) accompany her to Agra. 2. Direct: She said to him, “Had I been absenting myself from school for a month ?” Indirect: She asked him if she had been absenting herself from school for a month. 3. Direct: He said to us, “Has she been spinning since yesterday ?” Indirect: He asked us if she had been spinning since the previous day. 4. Direct: They said to you, “Shall we be going on picnic tomorrow ?” Indirect: They asked you if they would be going on picnic the next day. 5. Direct: I said to her, “Will you have ironed your clothes ?” Indirect: I asked her if she would have ironed her clothes.

(b) Sentences having ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ 1. Direct: “Are there any more files ?” He asked. “Yes, sir,” said the peon. Indirect: He asked the peon if there were any more files. The peon replied respectfully in affirmative. 2. Direct: The teacher said to Lila. “Did you break the window pane ?” “No, sir.” said Lila, “I did not.” Indirect: The teacher asked Lila if she had broken the window pane. Lila replied respect¬fully and refused it (to have done it). 3. Direct: “If you find my answers satisfactory, will you give me five rupees ?” said the astrologer. “No.” replied the customer. Indirect: The astrologer asked the customer whether he would give him five rupees if he found his answers satisfactory. The customer replied in negative. 4. Direct: I said to him. “Do you want to go to Chandigarh ?” He said, “No, sir.” Indirect: I asked him if he wanted to go to Chandigarh and respectfully he replied in negative. 5. Direct: He said to me, “Does Mohan still play ?” I said, “Yes, sir.” Indirect: He asked me if Mohan still played and I replied in positive.

(c) Questions beginning with Interrogative Words 1. Direct: He said to me. “Whom does she want to contact ?” Indirect: He asked me whom she wanted to contact. 2. Direct: They said to her, “Whose house are you purchasing ?” Indirect: They asked her whose house she was purchasing. 3. Direct: You said to him “Why are you making mischief ?” Indirect: You asked him why he was making mischief. 4. Direct: They said to us, “How have you solved this sum ?” Indirect: They asked us how we had solved that sum. 5. Direct: We said to them, “Who has misguided you ?” Indirect: We asked them who had misguided them.

(d) Questions beginning with modal auxiliaries 1. Direct: I said to him, “May Sunita come in to discuss with you something ?” Indirect: I asked him if Sunita might come in to discuss with him something. 2. Direct: The traveller said to me, “Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn ?” Indirect: The traveller asked me if I could tell him the way to the nearest inn. 3. Direct: He said to me. “Must I leave for Mumbai tomorrow ?” Indirect: He asked me if he had to leave for Mumbai the next day. 4. Direct: I said to her, “Could you give me your notes ?” Indirect: I asked her if she could give me her notes. 5. Direct: I said to him, “Need I go to him ?” Indirect: I asked him if I had to go to him.

Exercise 1 (Solved)

Convert the following sentences into Indirect Speech : 1. He said to her. “Do you want to go home ?” 2. He said to you. “Where are you going ?“ 3. I said to him, “What brings you here ?” 4. You said to us, “How do you solve this sum ?” 5. She said to me, “How are you getting on with your studies ?” 6. I said to my friend, “Have you been to England ?”

Convert the following sentences into Indirect Speech : 1. She said to me, “Who taught you English ?” 2. He said to his mother, “Why did you not wash my school dress ?” 3. The mother said to the child, “Did you have your breakfast ?” 4. Anil said to his sister, “How did you fare in the interview ?” 5. The policeman asked me, “Had the thief stolen your watch ?” Answers: I. 1. He asked her if she wanted to go home. 2. He asked you where you were going. 3. I asked him what brought him there. 4. You asked us how we solved that sum. 5. She asked me how I was getting on with my studies. 6. I asked my friend if he had been to England.

II. 1. She asked me who had taught me English. 2. He asked his mother why tehe had not washed his school dress. 3. The mother asked the child if he had his breakfast. 4. Anil asked his sister how she had fared in the interview. 5. The policeman asked me if the thief had stolen my watch.

Exercise 2 (Solved)

Change the following into indirect speech : 1. He said to me, “I have often told you not to play with me.” 2. They wrote, “It is time we thought about settling this matter.” 3. The teacher promised. “If you come to school tomorrow, I will explain it.” 4. “What do you want ?” he said to her. 5. He said, “How’s your father ?” 6. “Don’t you know the way home ?” asked I. 7. “Do you really come from China ?” said the prince. 8. “Sit down, boys,” said the teacher. 9. “Run away, children,” said the mother. Answers: 1. He told me that he had often told me not to play with him. 2. They wrote that it was time they thought about settling the matter. 3. The teacher promised to me that he would explain it if I went to school the following day. 4. He asked her what she wanted. 5. He enquired about my father. 6. I asked if he did not know the way home. 7. The Prince asked him if he really came from China. 8. The teacher asked the boys to sit down. 9. The mother asked the children to run away.

Exercise 3 (Solved)

The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the error along with the correction. Do not forget to underline the error. Her mother said that you must go straight to (a) your grandmother. There was a wolf (b) _______ in the wood through which she are (c) _______ going. But if she keep the road, he (d) _______ will not do any harm. The mother (e) _______ asked her to do as she tells her. (f) _______ Answers: (a) you—she (b) your—her (c) are—was (d) keep—kept (e) will—would (f) tells—had told

Exercise 4 (For Practice)

Police told Maninder that he is entitled (a) _______ to have a solicitor present. He denies (b) _______ that he knows anyone by the name of (c) _______ Surinder. Maninder confirmed that he has been (d) _______ in the vicinity of the factory last Monday. (e) _______ However, he said that he is visiting his mother. (f) _______ He maintains that he is innocent. (g) _______

Exercise 5 (For Practice)

CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech

Exercise 6 (For Practice)

Each of the pair of sentences given below is a dialogue between a man and a woman. Change each pair into one simple sentence. Complete the answers. The first one has been done as an example. Question 1. “Shall we get married ?” “Yes, let us.” Answer: They decided to get married.

Question 2. “Please help me”. “O.K.” Answer: She agreed

Question 3. “May I help you ?” “No, thanks.” Answer: He offered

Question 4. “Let’s meet after the class.” “O.K. fine.” Answer: They arranged

Question 5. “What’s your name ?” “I won’t tell you”. Answer: She refused

Question 6. “I have stood first.” “Congratulations”. Answer: She congratulated

Multiple Choice Questions Exercise 1

Read the dialogues given below and then complete the report by choosing the correct options from the ones given below the dialogue : 1. Judge: Why don’t you speak the truth ? Witness: I have spoken only the truth. Judge: Were you really present at the scene ? Witness: Yes, sir.

The judge asked the witness (a) ……… the truth. The witness replied that (b) ……….. only the truth. At this the judge asked (c) ………….. at the scene. The witness replied in positive. (a) (i)why don’t you speak (ii) why didn’t he speak (iii) why you didn’t speak (iv) why he did not speak

(b) (i) he had spoken (ii) I have spoken (iii) I had spoken (iv) he has spoken

(c) (i) if you are really present (ii) that you were really present (iii) if he was really present (iv) that he was really present

2. Mother: What is the matter ? Son: Grandfather has shot a policeman. Mother: Why ? Son: He was a deserter. Mother asked the son (a) ………… The son replied (b) …………. a policeman. The mother demanded (c) ………… To this the son replied that he was a deserter. (a) (i) that what is the matter (ii) what is the matter (iii) what the matter was (iv) if what was the matter

(b) (i) that the grandfather has shot (ii) that Grandfather had shot (iii) if grandfather had shot (iv) why Grandfather had shot

(c) (i) why (ii) why Grandfather has shot (iii) that why grandfather had shot (iv) why Grandfather had shot

3. Merchant: How much have you collected ? Accountant: Twenty thousand in cash and the balance on paper. Merchant: Where have you deposited the cash ? The Merchant asked the accountant (a) …………. collected. The accountant replied (b) …………. and the balance on paper. Then the merchant wanted to know (c) …………. . (a) (i) how much you have (ii) how much have you (iii) how much had he (iv) how much he had

(b)(i) that I have collected twenty thousand in cash (ii) that he has collected twenty thousand in cash (iii) that he had collected twenty thousand in cash (iv) he had collected twenty thousand in cash

(c)(i) where have you deposited the cash (ii) where he had deposited the cash (iii) where had he deposited the cash (iv) where the cash had been deposited

4. Son: How are you feeling now? Father: Much better, son. Son: Are you taking the medicines regularly? Father: Yes, my dear. The son asked his father (a) …………. then. The father replied that (b) …………. much better. The son further asked (c) …………. the medicines regularly. The father replied in affirmative. (a) (i) that how he was feeling (ii) how he was feeling (iii) how you are feeling (iv) how was he feeling

(b) (i) I am feeling (ii) I was feeling (iii) he is feeling (iv) he was feeling

(c) (i) if you are taking (ii) if he is taking (iii) that he was taking (iv) if he was taking

5. Ram: Do you shave every day? Mohan: Yes. Don’t you? Ram: No. I shave only once a week Ram asked Mohan (a) …………. everyday. Mohan replied in positive and asked (b) …………. the same. Ram agreed that he didn’t and said (c) …………. only once a week. (a) (i) do you shave (ii) did he shave (iii) if he shaved (iv) that if he shaved

(b) (i) don’t you (ii) you don’t (iii) if you don’t (iv) if he didn’t

(c) (i) I shave (ii) that he shaved (iii) if he shaved (iv) if I shaved

6. Sue: What is it dear? Johnsy: The leaves. Sue: Are you counting the leaves? Johnsy: Yes. Sue asked Johnsy (a) …………. Johnsy replied that (b) …………. Sue further asked (c) …………. the leaves. Johnsy replied in positive. (a) (i) what it is (ii) what is it (iii) what is was (iv) what was it

(b) (i) that it was the leaves (ii) it is leaves (iii) that it are leaves (iv) that it had leaves

(c) (i) are you counting (ii) that she was counting (iii) was she counting (iv) if she was counting Answers: 1. (a) (iv) why he did not speak (b) (i) he had spoken (c)(iii) if he was really present 2. (a) (iii) what the matter was (b)(ii) that Grandfather had shot (c) (iv) why Grandfather had shot 3. (a) (iv) how much he had (b) (iii) that he had collected twenty thousand in cash (c) (ii) where he had deposited the cash 4. (a) (ii) how he was feeling (b) (iv) he was feeling (c) (iv) if he was taking 5. (a) (iii) if he shaved (b) (iv) if he didn’t (c) (ii) that he shaved 6. (a) (iii) what is was (b)(i) that it was the leaves (c) (iv) if she was counting

We hope the CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech help you. If you have any query regarding CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

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Idioms Exercises for Class 8 with Answers that You Must Try!

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Idioms Exercises for Class 8 with Answers

Idioms exercises for Class 8 with answers: Idioms are phrases that have different meanings from their literal interpretation. By practising idioms exercises, students can improve their English language skills and become more confident communicators. Make sure you continue reading this blog to get a proper understanding of the same and test your knowledge on the same by solving match the following, fill in the blanks, and one-word answers questions. 

This Blog Includes:

Idioms exercises for class 8 with answers: q and as, idioms exercise for class 8: sentence formation, idioms exercise for class 8- fill in the blanks, idioms exercise for class 8: one-word answer, idioms exercise for class 8: match the following, how to learn idioms.

Must Read: 500+ Most Commonly Used Idioms in English

Q1. What are Idioms?

A1. Idioms are phrases or expressions that have a meaning different from their literal interpretation. They are often used in everyday language and can be unique to a particular culture or region.

Here are a few examples:

  • Break a leg: This means “good luck,” especially before a performance.
  • Spill the beans: This means “to reveal a secret.”
  • Raining cats and dogs: This means “raining heavily.”
  • Once in a blue moon: This means “very rarely.

Q2. What is the difference between idioms and phrases?

A2. Idioms are phrases with figurative meanings that cannot be understood from the individual words. For example, “kick the bucket” means to die. Phrases are groups of words with literal meanings. For example, “the cat sat on the mat” has a direct meaning.

Q3. What is the difference between idioms and proverbs?

A3. Idioms and proverbs are both figurative phrases, but they differ in their purpose and meaning.

Proverbs are well-known sayings that offer advice or express a general truth. They often have a literal meaning that can be understood, but the intended meaning is often metaphorical. For example, “Don’t cry over spilt milk” means don’t dwell on something that cannot be changed.

Idioms are phrases with figurative meanings that cannot be understood from the individual words. They are often used to express emotions or ideas in a more colourful way. For example, “kick the bucket” means to die.

Also Read: Weather the Storm Idiom: Check Meaning, Synonyms & Quiz

In the following exercise write a sentence using each idiom. We have made some sentences below but you can always create your own. 

1. Rain cats and dogs

2. Bite the bullet

3. Let the cat out of the bag

4. Be on cloud nine

5. Turn a blind eye

Check Your Answers

1. It’s raining cats and dogs outside.

2. He had to bite the bullet and tell her the bad news.

3. She let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party.

4. He was on cloud nine after winning the lottery.

5. The teacher turned a blind eye to the students’ cheating.

Also Read: 11+ Idioms on Honesty to be More Truthful

Look at another exercise on Idioms mentioned below which will be apt for Class 8 students. You can check your answers mentioned at the end of the quiz to check your understanding.

1. I’m feeling a bit _____. I think I’ll stay home today.

2. Don’t _____. I’m sure you’ll do great on your presentation.

3. He _____. I think he knows the secret.

4. Finding a parking spot downtown is _____.

5. We saw a total eclipse _____.

1. under the weather

2. break a leg

3. spilled the beans

4. a piece of cake

5. once in a blue moon

Also Read: Ivory Tower Idiom: Check Meaning, Synonyms & Quiz

Complete the following sentences with the correct idiom.

1. The children were so excited about the trip; that they were _____.

2. I tried to convince her, but she was as stubborn as a _____.

3. When he finally admitted his mistake, he felt like a _____.

4. The meeting was a complete _____. Nothing got done.

5. He’s been working so hard lately; he’s _____.

Check Answers:

1. On cloud nine

3. Fish out of water

4. Dog and pony show

5. Burning the midnight oil

Also Read: Stir Up a Hornet’s Nest Idiom: Check Meaning

Match the idioms in the left column with their meanings in the right column.

1. Bite the bullet

2. Let the cat out of the bag

3. Rain cats and dogs

a. Very happy

b. Face a difficult situation courageously

c. Reveal a secret

d. Rain heavily

e. Ignore something

Also Read: To Blaze a Trail Idiom: Check Meaning, Synonyms, Examples

Here’s a quick summary of how to learn idioms:

  • Immerse yourself: Read, watch, and listen to content in the language you’re learning.
  • Keep a journal: Note down new idioms and their contexts.
  • Practice: Use idioms in your conversations and writing.
  • Use flashcards: Create visual aids to reinforce memory.
  • Join a group: Learn from others and practice in a group setting.
  • Use online resources: Explore apps and websites for idiom exercises.
  • Learn through games: Make learning fun with idiom-themed games and puzzles.

Remember, practice makes perfect. The more you encounter and use idioms, the more comfortable you’ll become with them.

 Also Read: How to Learn Idioms and Phrases?

Check related blogs on Idioms and Proverbs 

Idioms are phrases or expressions that have a meaning different from their literal interpretation. They are often used in everyday language and can be unique to a particular culture or region. Example: “It’s raining cats and dogs.” 

There are four types of idioms: pure idioms, binomial idioms, partial idioms, and prepositional idioms. 

It should be noted that the entire statement has been metaphorical, not just a portion of it. Idioms are understood based on their role in discourse, not on the meaning of individual words when interpreted separately.

This was all about the “Idioms exercises for Class 8 with answers.” You can also follow the Learn English page of Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs related to English grammar and the English language.

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Malvika Chawla

Malvika is a content writer cum news freak who comes with a strong background in Journalism and has worked with renowned news websites such as News 9 and The Financial Express to name a few. When not writing, she can be found bringing life to the canvasses by painting on them.

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Online Education Reported Speech Exercises for Class 8 CBSE With Answers

Reported Speech Exercises For Class 8

In Online Education When we want to tell somebody else what another person said, we can use either direct speech and reported speech.

When we use direct speech, we use the same words but use quotation marks, For example: Scott said, “I am coming to work. I will be late because there is a lot of traffic now.”

When we use reported speech, we usually change the verbs, specific times, and pronouns. For example: Scott said that he was coming to work. He said that he would be late because there was a lot of traffic at that time.

Online Education Reported Speech Exercises for Class 8 CBSE With Answers Pdf

This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English will help you to write better answers in your Class 10 exams. Because the Solutions are solved by subject matter experts. https://ncertmcq.com/reported-speech-exercises-for-class-8/

Reported Speech Exercises For Class 8

Fundamentals: The art of reporting the words of a speaker is called Narration. It is of two types:-

  • Direct Speech: We quote the actual words of the speaker in inverted commas: He said to me, “I am playing.”
  • Indirect Speech: We quote the words or speech of the speaker in our own words, without inverted commas: He told me that he was playing.

In narration a sentence has two parts:-

  • Reporting verb: He said to me,
  • Reported speech: “I am playing.”

Reported Speech Class 8

Rules of Changing Pronouns

  • The pronoun of First Person is changed according to the subject of Reported speech.
  • The pronoun of Second Person is changed according to Object
  • The pronoun of Third Person is not changed at all. (The formula to change pronoun is 123/SON.) SON: S – subject, O – object, N – no change

Persons: There are three types of persons:-

  • First Person (I, we, my, me, our)
  • Second Person (You, your)
  • Third Person (He, she, it, his, they, them etc.)

Reported Speech Class 8 Exercise

Part-I (Assertive Sentences in Present or Future)

Rules 1. If Reporting Verb is in Present or Future Tense the tense of Reported speech is not changed. 2. (” “) inverted commas are replaced with the conjunction ‘that’. 3. Say to is replaced with tell, says to with tells and said to with told.

  • The boys say, “We have learnt the lesson”. The boys say that they have learnt the lesson.
  • Reena will say, “I am going to America”. Reena will say that she is going to America.
  • The servant says to me, “The manager will come in the evening”. The servant tells me that the manager will come in the evening.
  • He has said to them, “You were playing cricket yesterday.” He has told them that they were playing cricket yesterday.

Reported Speech Class 8 Exercise With Answers

Part-II (Assertive Sentences in Past)

Rules:- 1. ‘said to’ is changed into ‘told’. 2. Use conjunction ‘that’ to connect 3. If Reporting Verb is in Past Tense the tense of the Reported Speech is changed according to the rules given below: –

  • Present Indefinite changes to Past Indefinite
  • Present Continuous changes to Past Continuous
  • Present Perfect changes to Past Perfect
  • Present Perfect.Continuous changes to Past Perfect Continuous
  • Past Indefinite changes to Past Perfect
  • Past Continuous changes to Past Perfect Continuous
  • Will/Shall changes to Would/Should
  • Can changes to Could
  • May changes to Might

In Reported Speech words showing nearness changes into words showing distance:-

  • This becomes That
  • These becomes Those
  • Now becomes Then
  • Today becomes That day
  • Tonight becomes That night
  • Yesterday becomes The previous day
  • Last night becomes The previous night
  • The next day becomes The following day
  • Here becomes There
  • Ago becomes Before

Reported Speech For Class 8

  • He said, “I am going to college today.” He said that he was going to college that day.
  • Sunny said to me, “You will get good marks in this test.” Sunny told me that I would get good marks in that test.
  • She said to her mother, “My teacher awarded me yesterday.” She told her mother that her teacher had awarded her the previous day.
  • Rajani said to her friends, “You were shopping in the market.” Rajani told her friends that they had been shopping in the market.
  • I said, “Ritu, you will learn very fast.” I told Ritu that she would learn very fast.
  • “I may go to London next month,” he said. He told that he might go to London the following month.

Note: If Reported Speech has an explanation of Universal Truth, Habitual Fact or Historical Fact its Tense is not changed at all. Examples:-

  • He said, “The earth moves round the sun.” He.said that the earth moves round the sun.
  • She said to me, “Mohan plays with left hand.” She told me that Mohan plays with left hand.
  • The teacher said to the students, “India became independent in 1947.” The teacher told the students that India became independent in 1947.

Reported Speech Exercise Class 8

Part-III (Interrogative Sentences) Rules: 1. In Interrogative sentences said or said to of reporting verb are replaced with asked or enquired. 2. If the interrogative (question) begins with Helping Verb or Modal (is, am, are, do, does, was, were, has, have, had, will, shall, would, can, could, should, may, might, must, etc.) the inverted commas (” “) are replaced with the conjunction if or whether. 3. If the interrogative (question) begins with WH-family (Why, what, which, when, whose, who, whom, how, etc.) the inverted commas (” “) are not replaced with any conjunction at all. 4. If there are no interrogatives (questions) in indirect speech we place helping verb or modal after the subject.

  • The teacher said to us, “Have you completed your home work?” The teacher asked us if we had completed our home work.
  • He said to me, “Did you finish your work yesterday?” He asked me if I had finished my work the previous day.
  • Rocky said, “Meena, do you want to go to Shimla?” Rocky asked Meena if she wanted to go to Shimla.
  • I said to him, “Will you return tomorrow?” I asked him if he would return the next day.
  • Ravi said to him, “What have you learnt?” Ravi asked him what he had learnt.
  • She said, “Which train will go to Jaipur?” She enquired which train would go to Jaipur.

Reported Speech Exercises For Class 8 Pdf With Answers

Interrogative Sentences in present or future:

  • She says to them, “Have you taken the money?” She asks them if they have taken the money.
  • He will say to me, “What can I do for you?” He will ask me what he can do for me.

Part-IV (Imperative Sentences) Rules: 1. In Imperative sentences said to is replaced with ordered, commanded, advised, suggested, proposed, persuaded, warned, etc. 2. Inverted commas (” “) are replaced with ‘to’. The first form of verb is applied after ‘to’. 3. In Negative sentences ‘said’ to is replaced with ‘forbade’ or ‘do’ is replaced with ‘not’.

  • She said to me, “Work hard”. She advised me to work hard.
  • I said to my friend, “Please give me your car for two hours.” I requested my friend to give me his car for two hours.
  • She said to Meena, “Do not make a noise”. She forbade Meena to make a noise. (or She ordered Meena not to make a noise.)
  • The general said to the soldiers, “March forward.” The general commanded the soldiers to march forward.
  • Ramesh said to him, “Let me do my home work.” Ramesh requested him to let him do his home work.
  • The manager said to the peon, “Let the visitors come in.” The manager ordered the peon to let the visitors come in.
  • He said to me, “Let us go on picnic this Sunday”. He proposed/suggested me that we should go on a picnic that Sunday. (or He proposed me to go on a picnic that Sunday.
  • He said, “Thank you, doctor.” He thanked the doctor.
  • Dinkar said to me, “Beware of such politicians.” Dinkar warned me against such politicians.

Reported Speech Exercise For Class 8

PART-V (Exclamatory Sentences)

Rules: 1. Use conjunction ‘that’ to connect the speech with reporting verb. 2. Change tenses according to the rules learnt in PART-II. 3. ‘Said’ is mostly changed into ‘exclaimed’ (sometimes ‘applauded saying’) 4. Replace ‘what’ or ‘how’ with ‘very’ (sometimes ‘big’ or ‘great’). 5. Replace exclamatory words as follows: AH!, Alas!…. with sorrow; Aha!, Ha!, Hurrah! ….with joy; Oh with surprise; Pooh! ….with contempt; Sorry! with regret, Bravo! with applauded saying.

  • The child said, “What a bitter medicine!” The child exclaimed that the medicine was very bitter.
  • He said, “How big the train is!” He exclaimed that the train was very big.
  • Vikas said, “Alas! I have lost my wallet.” Vikas exclaimed with sorrow that he had lost his wallet.
  • Rajani said to her friend, “Pooh! You have cheated me.” Rajani exclaimed with contempt that her friend had cheated her.
  • The captain said to the players, “Bravo! You played well today.” The captain applauded his players saying that they had played well that day.

Reported Speech Worksheet For Class 8 Pdf

PART-VI (Optative Sentences)

Rules: 1. Such sentences indicate greeting & wishes (good morning, good noon, good day, would that, etc.), and prayer (may, may God). Therefore ‘said’ is mostly replaced with ‘wished’ or ‘prayed’. 2. In case of good bye, farewell, good night (when parting company) ‘said’ is replaced with ‘bade’. Examples:-

  • He said, “Good morning uncle!” He wished his uncle good morning.
  • Ranjita said, “Good bye friends!” Ranjita bade her friends good bye.
  • My grandmother said to me, “May you live long.” My grandmother prayed me that I might live long.
  • Montu said, “Would that I were a minister!” Montu wished that he had been a minister.

Reported Speech Exercises For Class 8 With Answers

Indirect Speech of two or more sentences:

  • She said to me, “I am going to the market. Do you want to go?” She told me that she was going to the market and asked if I wanted to go.
  • The manager said to the clerk, “You may leave now. Don’t forget to keep these files in the file cabinet.” The manager told the clerk that he might leave then and ordered not to forget to keep those files in the file cabinet.
  • The doctor said to the patient, “Why didn’t you come yesterday. You have a high fever.” The doctor asked the patient why he hadn’t come the previous day as he had a high fever was high.
  • I said to Rocky, “Don’t abuse others. It is a bad habit. How will you feel if others abuse you?” I advised Rocky not to abuse others because it is a bad habit and asked how he would feel if others abused him.

Reported Speech Class 8

Reported Speech Solved Examples Exercises for Class 8 CBSE

Reported Speech Class 8 Worksheet Question 1. Fill in the blanks (i) She looks pretty sick. I think she _____________ go to a doctor. (a) should (b) can Answer: (a) should

(ii) You’ve been driving all day. You _____________ be exhausted! (a) should (b) must Answer: (b) must

(iii) You _____________ smoke so much. It’s bad for your health. (a) can’t (b) shouldn’t Answer: (b) shouldn’t

(iv) Hey I’m lost _____________ you help me? (a) can (b) should Answer: (a) can

(v) You have such a beautiful voice. You _____________ sing for us! (a) should (b) can Answer: (a) should

(vi) I know he speaks five languages, but _____________ he speak Arabic? (a) should (b) can Answer: (b) can

(vii) That looks very expensive. It _____________ have cost a fortune! (a) should (b) must Answer: (b) must

(viii) I _____________ believe that you failed your test! (a) can’t (b) shouldn’t Answer: (a) can’t

(ix) I’m on my way. I _____________ be there in about 10 minutes. (a) should (b) can Answer: (a) should

(x) I _____________ afford that. (a) can’t (b) shouldn’t Answer: (a) can’t

Exercise On Reported Speech For Class 8 Question 2. Complete the sentences. (i) Jacob: “I work in an office.” Jacob told me (that) _____________ worked in an office.

(ii) Ryan and Lucas: “We play football.” Ryan and Lucas told me (that) _____________ played football.

(iii) Victoria: “I like my cat.” Victoria told me (that) _____________ liked _____________ cat.

(iv) Henry: “Can you see me?” Henry asked me if _____________ could see

(v) Julian: “I will have to borrow your pencil.” Julian told me (that) _____________ would have to borrow

(vi) Melanie: “My father is Jamaican.” Melanie told me (that) _____________ father is Jamaican.

(vii) Emma and Doris: “Can we use your camera?” Emma and Doris asked me if _____________ could use _____________ camera.

(viii) Leah: “How is your journey?” Leah’ asked me how _____________ journey was.

(ix) Isabella and Ella: “We love our pets.” Isabella and Ella told me (that) _____________ loved _____________ pencil.

(x) Grandmother: “Please bring me a cup of my tea.” Grandmother told me to bring _____________ a cup of _____________ tea. Answer: (i) he (ii) they (iii) she, her (iv) I, him (v) he, my (vi) her (vii) they, my (viii) my (ix) they, their (x) her, her.

Question 3. Change the direct speech into reported speech. Choose the past simple of ‘ask’, ‘say’, or ‘tell: (i) “Don’t do it!” She _____________

(ii) “I’m leaving tomorrow” She _____________

(iii) “Please get me a cup of tea” She _____________

(iv) “She got married last year” She _____________

(v) “Be quick!” She _____________

(vi) “Could you explain number four, please?” She _____________

(vii) “Where do you live?” She _____________

(viii) “We went to the cinema and then to a Chinese restaurant” She _____________

(ix) “I’ll come and help you at twelve” She _____________

(x) “What are you doing tomorrow?” She _____________ Answer: When I used ‘said’ you can also use ‘told me’) (i) She told me to do it. (ii) She said (that) she was learning tomorrow. (the next day). (iii) She asked me to get her a cup of tea. (iv) She said (that) she got married last year. (v) She told me to be quick. (vi) She asked me to explain number four. (vii) She asked me where I lived. (viii) She said (that) they went (had been) to the cinema and then to a Chinese restaurant. (ix) She said (that) she would come and help me at twelve. (x) she asked me what I was doing tomorrow (the day after).

Reported Speech Practice Examples Exercises for Class 8 CBSE

Question 1. Change the direct speech into reported speech. Choose the past simple of ‘ask’, ‘say, or “tell: (i) “Don’t go!”. She _____________

(ii) “Do you work in London?” She _____________

(iii) “Could you tell me where the post office is?” She _____________

(iv) “Come here!” She _____________

(v) “I’ve never been to Wales” She _____________

(vi) “Have you ever seen ‘Lord of the Rings?” She _____________

(vii) “I don’t like mushroom” She _____________

(viii) “Don’t be silly!” She _____________

(ix) “Would you mind waiting a moment please?” She _____________

(x) “How often do you play sport?” She _____________

Question 2. Write here, that day, the day before, the next day, the week before, according to the sentences.

1. Anita (a week ago): “Tanya and I are going to a concert tomorrow.” You (today): Anita said she and Tanya were going to a concert ________ 2. Jyoti (two days ago): “I’ve only been in England since yesterday.” You (today): Jyoti said he had only been in England since ________ 3. Nitin (a week ago): “I’m meeting my friend at the airport later today.” You (today): Nitin said he was meeting his friend at the airport later ________ 4. Mohan (in the street): “I’ll see you at the coffee bar.” You (at the coffee bar): Mohan said he would see me ________ 5. Pawan (a month ago): “The festival was in the last week.” You (today): Pawan told me the festival had been ________

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Reported Speech ESL TEFL Lesson Plan Worksheet B2 Upper Intermediate

Reported Speech ESL TEFL Lesson Plan Worksheet B2 Upper Intermediate

Subject: English language learning

Age range: 16+

Resource type: Lesson (complete)


Last updated

4 September 2024

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reported speech for class 8 exercise

Reported Speech ESL lesson plan for B2 Upper Intermediate ELL and ELA learners. This ready to use TEFL resource includes everything from flash cards to activities as well as conversation topics and writing drills. Immerse yourself in dynamic activities designed to deepen your understanding and usage of this crucial grammatical skill. Explore the intricacies of conveying information and opinions from one person to another, adding finesse to your communication skills. This comprehensive lesson plan provides a structured and enjoyable approach to mastering the subtleties of reported speech. Elevate your language proficiency and confidently navigate conversations involving reported statements and questions.

This is a B2 Upper Intermediate ESL lesson plan from the B2 Course book curriculum https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12105445

It is also included in our course book curriculum of 8 ESL TEFL course books https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12121091

This lesson plan includes; Flash cards A warmer Main usage Construction Rules including any exceptions Examples Two closed exercises One open exercise Revision exercise Writing drill Extra study Activity - E.g Game, quiz, puzzle etc to finish the class Answer key

This lesson plan is for ESL students from 14 years to adults and should take around 60-90 minutes depending on teacher style.

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A bundle is a package of resources grouped together to teach a particular topic, or a series of lessons, in one place.

Adjectives & Adverbs / Reported Speech / Passives / Wish B2 Upper-Intermediate ESL Lesson Plan Bundle

Four B2 Upper-Intermediate ESL lesson plans from the TEAM TEFL B2 Coursebook about ‘Adjectives & Adverbs’, ‘Reported Speech’, 'Passives' and 'Wish’. In the Adjectives & Adverbs unit we will learn how to use adjectives to modify or describe nouns and pronouns. We will also learn how to use adverbs to modify or define verbs and other adverbs. In the Reported Speech unit we will learn how to use reported speech to quote what another person has said. In the Passives unit we will learn how to use the passive tense when the object replaces the subject in the sentence. In the Wish unit we will learn how to use 'wish' to express a strong desire, a future plan or a past regret. These lesson plans will typically include; A warmer Main usage Construction Rules including any exceptions Examples Two closed exercises One open exercise Revision exercise Chatterbox Activity - E.g Game, quiz, puzzle etc to finish the class. Answer key These lesson plans are for ESL students from 14 years to adults and should take around 60-90 minutes depending on teacher style.

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    clause should be used at the end of the sentence.At. tence full stop should be placed.Indirect SpeechImage: Indirect Speech It is the speech that tells what someone has said but it does. not explain the actual words spoken by the person. It just conveys the basic n. rration of what is being said to the third p.

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    Answers. 1. The mother advised her son to learn his lessons carefully. 2. The traveller asked the boy if / whether he knew where the railway station was. 3. Rahul said that he had done his homework. 4. She cried / exclaimed that she had forgotten to lock the door.

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    The PDFs include reported speech exercises for Class 8 CBSE with answers, tips and tricks to learn grammar faster, sample question papers, etc. The PDFs of Vedantu are downloadable from the comfort of your homes. They are free. The content is regularly updated by Vedantu's subject matter experts.

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    Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises for Class 8 CBSE With Answers PDF. Direct and indirect speech differ in the following aspects: Indirect speech, the exact words of the person (quote) are placed after the introductory clause, it is always set apart by the use of a comma (,) and quotation marks ("') or ("").

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    Language: English (en) ID: 78911. 01/04/2020. Country code: PL. Country: Poland. School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) (1061958) Main content: Reported speech (2013113) From worksheet author: This is an activity to revise statements and questions in reported speech.

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    🔴Click on this link to Enroll English Spoken Course - https://www.magnetbrains.com/course/spoken-english-full-video-course/' 👉Previous Video: https://www.y...

  19. CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech

    Here are some distinctive points regarding the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech : In the Direct Speech. 1. The Reported Speech is put within Reported (Inverted) Commas. 2. The Reported Speech and the Reporting Verb are separated by a Comma. 3. The first word of the Reported Speech begins with a capital letter.

  20. Reported speech online exercise for grade 8

    Liveworksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to the teacher. ... grade 8. Language: English ... School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) (1061958) Main content: Reported speech (2013113) From worksheet author: rewrite the sentences ...

  21. CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Reported Speech

    1. The Reporting Verb is changed, into 'ask, enquire, inquire or demand etc. 2. No conjunction is used to introduce the Reported Speech if the question begins with (an interrogative) word ; such as—what, who, whose, which, when, where, why, how, whom etc. 3. If or whether is used to introduce the Reported Speech if the reported speech has no question word.

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    Reported Speech Class 8 Exercise With Answers. Part-II (Assertive Sentences in Past) Rules:-. 1. 'said to' is changed into 'told'. 2. Use conjunction 'that' to connect. 3. If Reporting Verb is in Past Tense the tense of the Reported Speech is changed according to the rules given below: -. Present Indefinite changes to Past Indefinite.

  24. Reported Speech ESL TEFL Lesson Plan Worksheet B2 Upper Intermediate

    Adjectives & Adverbs / Reported Speech / Passives / Wish B2 Upper-Intermediate ESL Lesson Plan Bundle. ... A warmer Main usage Construction Rules including any exceptions Examples Two closed exercises One open exercise Revision exercise Chatterbox Activity - E.g Game, quiz, puzzle etc to finish the class. Answer key These lesson plans are for ...