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What to write in a yoga journal: from my experience.

Hey there, fellow yogis! You know, I've been thinking a lot lately about how powerful it is to track my yoga journey such as my exploration of powerful mudras , cork yoga mats , and the infinity breath  meditation!

So, today, I want to dive into the world of yoga journaling. We'll explore what to write in a yoga journal from my perspective and experience in hopes it will help you unlock the full potential of your practice and create a personal treasure trove of memories, insights, and yoga sequences.

My goal here is to provide you with inspiration and guidance to make your yoga journal a vibrant, ever-evolving reflection of your unique path. So, grab your favorite journal (or maybe pick up one of my Inner Hero Journals from Asivana), and let's embark on this incredible adventure together!.

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Recording Yoga Study and Yoga Workshop Notes

Now, let's talk about something I'm incredibly passionate about – learning and growing through yoga workshops and study.

Attending workshops and delving into yoga texts is an incredible way that I've used to deepen my yoga practice, expand my knowledge, and connect with like-minded souls.

My yoga journal is the perfect place to capture all those precious nuggets of wisdom.  Here are some tips that have helped me to make my study and workshop notes truly valuable. 

Be an active note-taker

  • Jot down key points and ideas during workshops and study sessions
  • Don't be shy to ask questions – it's all part of the learning process!
  • Use symbols, abbreviations, or even doodles to make your notes more visual and engaging (I'm a huge fan of this one!)

Organize and review notes

  • Create a dedicated section in your journal for workshop and study notes
  • Use headings, bullet points, and color-coding to make your notes easy to navigate
  • Set aside time to review and reflect on your notes – this will help you retain and apply the knowledge you've gained

Connect the dots

  • Look for patterns, themes, and connections between different workshops and study materials
  • Explore how these insights relate to your personal practice and goals
  • Write down any questions or areas you'd like to explore further – this will guide your ongoing learning journey

These are the tips that have worked for me and are part of the inspiration I had to create the Hero's Journey Journal method that has transformed personal yoga practice and helped me to grow as a human being!

What to write in a yoga Journal Inner Hero Journal Features

Jotting Down Thoughts and Musings

You know, one of the most powerful aspects of the yoga journey is the incredible impact it has made on my inner landscape – my thoughts, emotions, and self-awareness.  

Create a dedicated space

  • Set aside a section in your journal for your thoughts, reflections, and insights
  • Personalize it with inspiring quotes, images, or drawings that resonate with you (get those creative juices flowing!)

Write freely and openly

  • Jot down your thoughts as they come, without judgment or self-censorship
  • Explore different formats, like free-writing, bullet points, or even poetry – whatever feels right for you

Reflect on your practice

  • After each yoga session, take a moment to write down any insights, emotions, or revelations that emerged during your practice
  • Consider how your physical practice connects with your emotional and mental state – this can lead to some truly eye-opening discoveries

Make it a habit

  • Try to write in your journal regularly, even if it's just a few lines each day
  • Remember, consistency is key when it comes to self-discovery and growth

Now, here's a little nugget of wisdom I'd like to share with you: I’m not afraid to go deep when jotting down my thoughts and musings. Embracing vulnerability and honesty, and remembering that my yoga journal is my sacred space for self-reflection and growth.

Discover Your Inner Hero Journal

Meet the Inner Hero's Yoga Journal by Asivana – your partner in chronicling your yoga journey. Crafted with intention, this A5-sized journal features FSC certified sustainable paper and a premium linen cover, reflecting our value of Ahimsa.

Visit our shop page to start your transformative journaling experience. This journal, designed to inspire self-discovery, will not disappoint as you explore your yoga practice on a deeper level.

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Documenting Yoga Class Sequences, Flows, and Cues

As a fellow yogi and teacher, I found it of utmost importance to document my yoga class sequences, flows, and cues in my journal. Not only does it help me remember and refine my practice, but it also serves as an invaluable resource for growth and inspiration.

Draw it out

  • Sketch out your sequences and flows using stick figures or simple symbols (no need to be a Picasso here!)
  • Use arrows or lines to indicate the direction and transitions between poses

Write it down

  • List each pose in your sequence, along with any modifications or variations
  • Include cues for alignment, breath, and engagement – these are like gold nuggets for refining your practice!

Add some context

  • Note the intention or theme of the class (e.g., heart-opening, grounding, or balance)
  • Mention any props or modifications used, as well as the style of yoga practiced (e.g., Vinyasa, Hatha, or Yin)

Make it personal

  • Reflect on how each sequence or flow made you feel, physically and emotionally
  • Jot down any challenges you faced or breakthroughs you experienced (celebrate those small victories!)

Learn from others

  • When attending a class or workshop, make a point to note any unique sequences, flows, or cues that resonated with you
  • Don't be shy to ask the teacher for clarification or more information – we're all here to learn and grow together!
  • Observe a class from your favorite teacher taking the time to record their sequence, cues, phrases, and movements.

A little side note for you: As I documented my yoga journey, I started to see patterns and preferences emerge, which helped me tailor my practice to my unique needs and goals.

Plus, having a collection of sequences, flows, and cues at my fingertips is like having a treasure trove of inspiration whenever I need it – whether I’m in my home practice or designing a class for my students.

Some of my recent notes have resulted in designing yoga sequences and knowledge of how to get rid of tech neck (also known as text neck), how to loosen a tight diaphragm , and even pec minor stretches and what that even is!

What to write in a yoga Journal Inner Hero Journal Sun Salutations

Taking Notes During Yoga Teacher Training

Oh, yoga teacher training! It's an unforgettable and transformative journey, isn't it? I’m so glad that as I literally when head first into the world of yoga, that I kept a journal handy, so I didn’t miss a single valuable lesson.

Here are some tips that worked for me during my yoga teacher training that might help you make the most of your yoga teacher training experience. 

Organize your thoughts

  • Use headings, bullet points, color-tabs, and color-coding to structure your notes, making them easy to review later
  • You might want to divide your journal into sections for philosophy, anatomy, teaching methodology, and personal reflections
  • Alternatively I’ve more recently been reserving the front two pages for a Table of Contents section for easy searching of my notes.

Capture key concepts

  • Jot down essential terms, definitions, and concepts that resonate with you – trust me, they'll be super useful when you start teaching!
  • Don't forget to note any Sanskrit terms or translations, as they're the heart and soul of yoga tradition

Embrace your inner student

  • Record insights, questions, and ah-ha moments that arise during discussions or lectures
  • Keep an open mind and stay curious – that's where the magic happens!
  • Document your experiences with different asanas, pranayama, and meditation techniques
  • Note any challenges, breakthroughs, or areas for improvement

Record teaching tips and techniques

  • Note effective cues, adjustments, or modifications you learn from your teachers
  • Pay attention to the art of sequencing, pacing, and theming classes – these are invaluable skills for any yoga teacher

Connect with your fellow trainees

  • Exchange thoughts, ideas, and reflections with your peers – they can offer fresh perspectives and valuable insights
  • Support each other's growth by sharing your experiences and learnings

As a little bonus tip, I remember that my yoga teacher training was a once-in-a-lifetime experience – so don't forget to document your personal journey, emotions, and connections you make along the way. These memories will be something you might cherish for many years to come. I know I did.

Capturing Yoga Retreat and Festival Experiences

Yoga retreats and festivals – ah, don't you just love 'em? They're like a rejuvenating oasis for the soul, a place where we come together as a community and celebrate our shared love for yoga

And you know what?

My yoga journal has been the perfect tool to capture those powerful moments, so I can carry the experience with me long after it's over. Here's how I document my yoga retreats and festival experiences in my yoga journal.

Record your daily schedule

  • Jot down the workshops, classes, and activities you attend each day including the teacher(s) and any key participants
  • Don't forget to mention any special events, like sound baths, bonfires, or kirtan sessions (I mean, how can you not love a good kirtan, right?)

Reflect on your experiences

  • Write about your thoughts, feelings, and emotions during and after each class or workshop
  • Note any breakthroughs, challenges, or epiphanies that arise throughout the retreat or festival

Collect wisdom from teachers

  • Note any memorable quotes, teachings, or insights shared by instructors and guest speakers
  • Remember, these words of wisdom can be an ongoing source of inspiration when you need a little pick-me-up

Embrace the community spirit

  • Write about the connections you make with fellow yogis and share your experiences together
  • Capture the essence of the community atmosphere and how it contributes to your overall experience

Explore the surroundings

  • Describe the retreat or festival location, including any nature walks, hikes, or outdoor activities you take part in
  • Share your impressions of the environment and how it enhances your yoga practice

Express gratitude

  • Dedicate a section of your journal to expressing gratitude for the retreat or festival experience
  • Reflect on the lessons learned, friendships formed, and personal growth achieved during this special time

Add a creative touch

  • Include sketches, photos, or mementos from your retreat or festival experience to bring your journal to life
  • Let your creativity flow – your journal is a reflection of your unique journey

So, my fellow yogis, whether you're basking in the sun at a tropical retreat on your Flux cork yoga mat or dancing under the stars at a weekend festival, remember a yoga journal is a complimentary companion along the ride.

What to write in a yoga Journal Inner Hero Journal Progress

Tracking Progress and Setting Goals

Alright, my friends, tracking progress and setting goals. My yoga journey has been a beautiful, ever-evolving dance, and keeping track of my growth is an amazing way to stay motivated and inspired. Plus, it helps me recognize and celebrate my achievements, big and small!

Here's what I’ve found to make my progress tracking super effective. 

Set clear goals

  • Start with SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound)
  • Break your goals into short-term and long-term objectives
  • Don't forget to include both physical and mental aspects of your practice (strength, flexibility, mindfulness, and so on

Document your progress

  • Take photos or videos of your asanas and sequences regularly – you'll be amazed at how far you've come when you look back!
  • Measure your progress by noting down improvements in your physical capabilities, mental clarity, or emotional well-being
  • Reflect on your experiences and challenges, and identify the lessons you've learned along the way

Celebrate your victories

  • Pat yourself on the back when you reach a milestone, whether it's nailing a challenging pose or noticing a positive shift in your mindset
  • Share your achievements with your yoga community – we're all here to uplift and support each other
  • Remember to stay grateful for the progress you make, even if it seems slow at times (trust me, every little step counts!)

Oh, and here's a little insider tip: I’ve never been afraid to adjust my goals as I grow and evolve in my practice. It's all part of the journey, and there's nothing wrong with recalibrating objectives to align with current needs and aspirations.

What to write in a yoga Journal Inner Hero Journal Sedona Yoga Festival

Personalizing Your Yoga Journal

Your journal is an extension of you and your yoga journey, so why not make it truly yours? Let me share some creative ways to personalize your yoga journal, specifically our very own Asivana Inner Hero Journal . You'll not only make it unique but also create a space that inspires you to keep writing and exploring your inner hero.

Choose a special cover

  • My Inner Hero Journal comes with a premium linen cover that's not only elegant but also sustainable. 

Create inspiring dividers or tabs

  • Use colored or patterned paper, washi tape, or even dried leaves and flowers to create dividers or tabs for different sections of your journal
  • Label each divider or tab with a theme, such as "Gratitude," "Reflections," or "Yoga Sequences"

Embrace your inner artist

  • Sketch or doodle throughout your journal to illustrate your thoughts, feelings, or experiences
  • You don't have to be Picasso – even simple drawings can add a personal touch and make your journal visually engaging

Experiment with different writing styles

  • Mix up your writing style by trying out different fonts, colors, or even writing in cursive
  • Use calligraphy or brush lettering for inspirational quotes, affirmations, or headings

Integrate collage elements

  • Add photos, magazine clippings, or printed images that inspire and motivate you
  • Glue or tape in mementos from your yoga journey, such as ticket stubs from festivals or workshops, notes from teachers, or even a pressed flower from a memorable outdoor practice

Write personal affirmations or mantras

  • Dedicate a section of your journal to personal affirmations or mantras that resonate with you
  • Detail mantra meditation practices
  • Write them in your favorite color or use decorative lettering to make them stand out

Dedicate space for goal-setting and tracking progress

  • Create a vision board or goal-setting page to map out your intentions and aspirations
  • Track your progress and celebrate your achievements, no matter how big or small

What to write in a yoga Journal Inner Hero Journal Portable

Embracing Your Inner Hero Through Journaling

And there you have it, my friends – a treasure trove of ideas from my own experience on what to write in a yoga journal. Remember, your yoga journal is a personal space for you to explore, reflect, and grow.

Now, I invite you to take action. Grab my Inner Hero Journal by Asivana and start writing today. Give yourself the gift of reflection and introspection, and watch as your practice deepens and your connection with your inner self grows stronger.

If you found this guide helpful, I'd love for you to share it with your fellow yogis and friends. Spread the love and inspire others to embrace the power of journaling in their yoga journey. And don't forget to connect with me on Instagram @AsivanaYoga  and share your journaling experiences, thoughts, and insights – we're all here to support and uplift each other in this beautiful, transformative journey.

What to write in a yoga Journal Inner Hero Journal Meet the Author

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Brett Larkin Yoga

  • Traditional Yoga Class Plan Template (Tips for Yoga Sequencing)

yoga class plan template

Using a yoga sequencing template can help you design transformative yoga classes, even more so than creating a sequence from scratch.

Creating yoga sequences can be a time consuming process. So much energy is spent in the preparation that a lot of the inspiration dissipates by the time you’re ready to take the yoga sequence to your students.

Following a yoga sequence template lets you piece together all of the valuable knowledge you gained from your yoga teacher training quickly and effortlessly so that you can get back to doing what you love…

…teaching yoga.

Whether you’re a new teacher or you’re looking for a way to design your own yoga practice, these two yoga sequencing templates are what I give to my students in my online teacher training . They are helpful guides for developing yoga class plans that both yoga teachers and students enjoy.

So I thought I would publish them here for anyone else looking for a little help in creating a solid yoga sequence.

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How to use a yoga class plan template

Before we get into the template part of planning a yoga class, let’s first get into the sequencing part . Whenever we are creating a yoga class, we want to be mindful of the sequence that we’re putting together (even when we use a template).

So let’s start with how we define “sequencing”.

Sequencing : The art of putting together yoga poses to evoke an emotion, aid a condition or simply uplift.

The best sequencing respects anatomy, takes into account transitions, warms the body up for peak poses, and reflects the teacher’s personal style.

kundalini yoga and sikh dharma

1) Respect Anatomy

  • Be mindful of neutral vs externally rotated poses

2) Pay Attention to Transitions

  • Especially from standing, to the floor, and back
  • Think about the level of students you are teaching

3) Prepare the Body

  • Foreshadow poses
  • Think about the best way to “warm up” for a peak pose

4) What Feels Good

  • Strengthen then stretch
  • Contract then open
  • Make stuff up that’s unique

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Traditional Yoga Class Sequence (Template)

This yoga sequence is more traditional and likely what will be taught in any yoga class you go to. And there’s a reason for that: it’s good. You begin by guiding the student inward before warming the body up with asana. Using cues to guide the yoga class, allow students to adjust each yoga pose according to their abilities. The asanas progressively become more advanced throughout the class as students warm up; the yoga class ends with meditation.

Intro (5 – 10 min)

  • Close eyes, focus on breath
  • Seated is traditional, but I prefer to do this on all-fours, or standing
  • Present any theme or intention

Warm-Up Vinyasa (5 – 10 min)

  • Help students link breath-and-movement (ex: cat/cow)
  • Lubricate spine, warm up muscles, balance front and back body
  • Talk about the breathe (a lot)

Sun Salutations & Standing Poses (20 – 30 min)

  • Build heat (ex: sun salutations )
  • Keep in mind the level of your class
  • With standing poses, go from basic to advanced poses
  • Introduce twists toward the end of this portion, once body is warm
  • Consider foot placement, anatomy and transitions

Backbends (10 min)

  • Simple to most difficult (bridge before wheel)
  • Prone or on supine
  • Keep the spine neutral between backbends

Inversions (5 – 10 min)– can also come before backbends (optional)

  • See how your students move from plank to downdog – are they ready for inversions?
  • Follow with appropriate counter pose to give time for blood pressure in the head to adjust

Hip Openers & Seated Twists (10 min)

  • Seated twists follow inversions or backbends to reground energy
  • This is the beginning of your cool down or regrounding period

Seated Forward Bends (5 – 10 min)

  • These calm the mind, cool the body, draw us into ourselves
  • Prepares us for savasana

Savasana (5 – 10 min)

  • Transition into a state of “being,” not “doing”

Meditation (5 – 10 min)

  • Attempt to achieve a state of consciousness in which the mind has no active thoughts and students awareness can reconnect back to universal consciousness


  • Class Level
  • Component Parts / Foreshadowing
  • Prep Pose ( Dolphin for Headstand preps Forearm Stand, Cobra preps Updog)
  • Counter Pose ( Child’s Pose after Backbending)
  • Peak Pose ( Wheel , Twisted Triangle, Arm Balance)
  • Grounding Poses (Seated Twists, Forward Folds)

See more : Yoga Pose Directory

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My Personal Yoga Class Sequence

This is my personal style when teaching yoga and I want to share it here with you in case you want to be a bit more creative with your sequencing. Be mindful of beginners in your class who may not be able to keep up in longer classes. This flow works with many styles of yoga .

Connect with Breath (4 min)

  • All fours, child’s pose or standing

Move with Breath (4 min)

  • Cat/cow, lifting arms, pressing them away

Warm-Up Flow – “A” Flow” (10 – 15 min)

  • Low lunges, sun salutes
  • Still moving slowly to connect with breath

Heating Flow – “B” Flow (10 -15 min)

  • Standing Poses
  • Mirrors warm-up flow
  • Maybe bookend the beginner or end with a fun movement at top of back of mat

Feel It Flow – “C” Flow (10 -15 min)

  • Mirrors heating flow but slows things down
  • Introduces new poses and longer holds

“D” Flow – if 90 min+ class (10 min)

  • Involves standing poses, backbends or pigeon Hips, Seated Stretches, Forward Folds (10 min)
  • Always include a hip stretch and some forward fold

Transition to Supine (5 min)

  • Opportunity to work abs or connect with breath again
  • Supine Stretches or Inversions (5 – 10 min)
  • Reclined twists, pigeon on your back
  • Shoulder stand or headstand

Savasana (5 min)

  • Feel good adjustments

Closing/Meditation (5 min)

  • Help students reground their energy

Closing thoughts

Yoga class sequences are an intimate part of teaching yoga . They allow you to guide your yoga students through a healing journey that is tailored to them and their needs. Following these yoga sequencing templates are a great way to streamline the process. I invite you to join me on YouTube for more yoga class inspiration or in my Uplifted membership for lesson plans, courses, and more inspiration. 

Next Steps:

  • Explore my Yoga Teacher Resource knowledge hub for more tips about how to grow your yoga business.
  • Download my sequences for a jumpstart on your upcoming yoga classes!
  • For more detailed tips, processes, and worksheets to supercharge your yoga business, download my yoga business launchpad course !

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Rachel Scott

  • How To Demonstrate Poses Effectively for Your Yoga Students
  • Yoga Teaching
  • Posted on July 19, 2018
  • In Yoga Teaching

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Stopping a class to demonstrate a complex pose is an excellent tool to teach key alignment points, inspire your students, and convey important information. While providing a visual guide to your students can be very useful, there is an art to creating an effective demo. Check out these five tips to rock your demonstrations and inspire your students.

Move Your Students

The first step – and the one most often neglected by teachers – is to move your students to where they can see you. Oftentimes teachers get shy about stopping the class. Be bold! Moving students can be like herding cats; they often don’t want to move (or don’t realize that they need to). Be clear about moving your students to where they can see you. Take charge of the room.

Do It For Them

This is a no brainer, but don’t demonstrate for yourself. Make sure the demonstration is for the benefit of your students. Check in with them through making eye contact, nodding, and looking for affirmative signs of understanding. Make sure they get it.

Offer Stages

Break down the pose that you’re demonstrating into at least two stages so that there is something for everyone. Affirm the goodness of each stage (“this is already a lot of work!”) so that students don’t feel badly if they can’t do the final variation. Be clear about how students should know if they should move onto the next stage. For example, say, “if you can keep your leg straight, then you can move onto…” rather than a vague invitation such as, “if you feel comfortable…” The more specific you are, the more you will empower your students to effectively evaluate their own practice.

Inspire without being a jerk

Doing a demonstration can be an opportunity to inspire your students to a new level of practice. But make sure to inspire them without demoralizing them or showing off. Remember: the demonstration is for their benefit. You want them to think, “I want to do that!” rather than, “I could never do that.” You can inspire your students by being clear and specific about the steps they need to take to ultimately do the pose. Even if they can’t do the final pose, they will feel empowered that they can see the route to get there.

Give Three Takeaways

After a demonstration, summarize the key points of the pose by giving your students no more than three simple take aways that will help them do the pose well. They won’t be able to keep more in their head than three! The art of great teaching is knowing how to be simple.

Happy teaching!

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Slow down with a candlelight meditation.

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Rachel supports yoga teachers and studios around the world to create transformational education experiences that help them thrive in their business, share their passion, and inspire more people to practice yoga. Her extensive knowledge and experience include: earning two masters degrees, authoring three books, leading 4,000+ hours of TT, building a teacher training college for a national yoga company, and working behind the scenes in yoga studio & teacher management for more than fifteen years. As a writer and speaker, she continually wrestles with the juicy bits of life: relationships, authenticity, and discovering meaning in this crazy, wildish world. E-RYT 500, YACEP, BA, MFA, MSci. Learn more about Rachel.

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Download, personalize & print, yoga and fitness ebook cover pages.

Posted By: admin 30/06/2022

As the world becomes more and more dependent on technology, books are fast being replaced by eBooks. These eBooks can be purchased online from online eBook retailers. Special devices such as Kindle and other brands of eBook readers are available in the market for viewing these books.

When a customer visits an eBook retailer online, the first thing they notice is a small thumbnail showing the cover page of the eBook. If the cover page is interesting and it captures their attention, they are more likely to click on it and view the book and eventually buy it. So, the chances of an eBook’s sale depend on how well made the cover is.

eBook covers…

The cover of an eBook just like that of a normal book contains the basic information about it. For example, the name of the book, the name of its author and some book art. It might seem like a simple task because there are not many entries on the page, but it is a very tricky task as the cover page must be interesting enough to capture the reader’s imagination.

The font size and type, the colours used, and the design aesthetics all depend on the topic of the eBook.

Cover page tone…

An eBook about yoga and fitness can have a serious and formal tone or a fun, relaxed tone. The cover of the e-book would reflect the mood of the book and depend on its contents. So, either the eBook cover can have a funky font and some art showing different yoga poses or it can have a more formal font like Times New Roman and black and white or grey coloured text. It all depends on the mood and tone of the book’s contents.

The book art present on the eBook cover is one of the most important aspects and it should not be ignored at any cost. The budget assigned for the book art should be generous considering this is what would attract potential buyers to the book. It should be kept in mind that just like the font, the book art should also be reflective of the mood of the book.

Different ages different pages…

For example, if the book is written to introduce yoga to young kids or teens, the colour palette would be bright yet calming. If the book is for adults, it would have a more serious theme so the book art would be accordingly graceful and relaxing. If the book has been written on some specific area like using yoga for weight loss or how yoga can help you fight depression, accordingly the book art would vary.

The placement of the text and the art should be managed carefully so that when the cover page appears as a thumbnail, the title i.e the name of the book and the author is easily readable and when the reader clicks on the eBook and the cover page appears as the first page, it is impressive and well balanced.

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10 Beginner-Friendly Yoga Poses

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Yoga originated in ancient India and is widely practiced today. Due to its physical and mental benefits , it’s no wonder this ancient practice has made its way into urban centers across the U.S.  

Thankfully, you don’t have to be a master yogi to benefit from yoga poses, and these beginner poses are sure to get your feet wet when starting your yoga journey.

As a general principle, hold each yoga pose for 10 seconds and remember to take long, slow, deep breaths. Yoga unites the body, mind, and breath. It’s imperative that you remain aware of your breathing to reap the full benefits of this ancient healing practice. 

Here are 10 yoga poses for beginners that you should know.

Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Śvānāsana)

This pose specifically targets your hamstrings and thoracic spine, making it an excellent choice for anyone with tightness in these areas. 

  • Place your palms underneath your shoulders and keep your legs bent at 90 degrees in an all-four position on the mat.
  • Initiate the pose by pressing into your palms, curling your toes under, and lifting your hips high into the sky. 
  • Press your heels toward the ground and feel a big stretch in your upper back and down the back of your legs. 
  • Gently pedal your feet one at a time to enhance the stretch.

Mountain Pose (Tāḍāsana)

This yoga pose is often used as a transitional pose between other movements. It is beneficial for grounding you and recentering your mind and body during a series of poses. Come back to this one whenever you lose focus on your breath and need a little break to reset.

  • Stand at the top of your yoga mat and bring your feet together to touch.
  • Actively separate your fingers and gently move your arms about 5 inches away from your waist. 
  • Stand tall, feel your feet on the ground beneath you, inhale through your nose, and take a nice long exhale through your mouth. 

Warrior I (Vīrabhadrāsana I)

Warrior I is an excellent pose for building strength and stability . 

  • Begin with your feet touching and slowly rotate your left foot to 45 degrees.
  • Step the right foot forward into a lunge, keeping the front knee at 45 degrees.
  • Gently raise both arms overhead while keeping your fingers engaged and active. 
  • Ensure your entire back remains relatively neutral or slightly extended as you breathe into the pose.
  • Keep both hips squared forward in this pose and focus on long slow inhales and exhales. 

Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

This variation of the Warrior pose is excellent for building core strength, leg strength, and knee stability. 

  • Complete the steps for Warrior I to start. 
  • Now, rotate your torso so your shoulders face parallel to your front leg. 
  • Unlike in Warrior I, you must extend the arms straight instead of overhead.
  • Keep your head facing forward and your gaze strong. 
  • Take deep long breaths as you feel your front leg working. 

Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikoṇāsana)

This pose is more challenging, but it is certainly doable. If you don’t have the flexibility to keep your hand on the floor, raise the ground by placing a block on the floor and rest your hand on that instead. This pose challenges your hip flexibility and balance the most.

  • Take a wide stance with your feet and position your front foot forward and your back foot perpendicular. 
  • Keeping yourself balanced, bring your left hand to your front foot. 
  • Rotate your torso so your right arm is now pointing toward the sky, and be sure to look toward your hand. 
  • Take several deep breaths and maintain your balance as you hold the pose.

Cat-Cow (Bidalasana)

This pose is excellent for back mobility and challenges your vertebrae to move in a fluid, but controlled way. Imagine each one of your vertebrae bending one at a time when you initiate each phase of the movement. 

  • Get yourself into an all-four position on the mat with your spine neutral and your eyes facing the mat beneath you. 
  • Take a big breath in and extend your back and neck, looking toward the sky above you. 
  • On the exhale, bend your spine and neck into a C-curve and look back toward the mat beneath you. 

Child’s Pose (Balasana)

Child’s pose is a wonderful stretch for your upper and lower back . It is typically performed in between more strenuous stretches as a relaxation position. Feel free to take a few breaths in this position if you need a break from the other poses you are doing during your yoga session. 

  • Start on your yoga mat in an all-four position with your toes pointed. 
  • Push your palms into the floor and sit your butt back on your heels as your head meets the mat gently in front of you. 
  • With your arms stretched forward, place your forehead on the mat and take long, slow deep breaths into your upper back.

Tree Pose (Vṛkṣāsana)

This pose challenges your stability and is excellent for improving your balance and coordination. If you lose balance, don’t worry, just pick your foot back off the ground and try again!

  • Place both of your feet together and stand tall to prepare for the pose. 
  • Lift your arms toward the sky and touch your palms together above your head. 
  • Simultaneously bring your knee to 90 degrees and then externally rotate your hip and place the bottom of your foot on the inner part of the opposite leg. 
  • Maintain your upright posture, breathe, and stay balanced!

High Plank (Phalakasana)

This pose is perfect for challenging your core and upper body strength. If you find it too challenging to hold the position for several breaths, begin with just a couple of deep breaths and work your way up to holding the pose for several breaths. 

  • Begin in an all-four position and extend one leg at a time to come into a flat back, plank position.
  • Keep your palms pressed firmly into the mat beneath you, and make sure your hands are underneath your shoulders. 
  • Ensure your head remains neutral, and keep your arms straight and strong as you breathe into the pose.

Cobra (Bhujangasana)

The pose is excellent for challenging your thoracic spine extension (aka upper back mobility). Just be sure not to overstretch in this pose so your back doesn't get injured. 

  • Start on your stomach with your feet pointed and your head on the mat.
  • Place your palms next to your ribs, bending your elbows at an acute angle.
  • Gently extend your neck and back toward the sky by pressing into the floor with your palms.
  • Be sure to only extend your upper back as far as you feel comfortable!

A Quick Review

Yoga is for everyone. You don’t need any fancy equipment to get your stretch on, and you certainly don’t need to be an expert to try yoga. 

As you become more confident as a novice yogi, you can diversify your pose selection because there are certainly unlimited variations. 

Saeed SA, Cunningham K, Bloch RM. Depression and anxiety disorders: Benefits of exercise, yoga, and meditation. Am Fam Physician. 2019;99(10):620-627.

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Download IGNOU Assignment Front Page 2024 (PDF With Filling Guide)

  • April 8, 2024

Hii Students, if You Are Looking for an IGNOU Assignment front page a4 size pdf or IGNOU cover page pdf, then you have come to the right palace. We are going to share five types of first-page pdf here you can download anyone by your choice. In This post we will also tell you how to fill course details in the given field. And if you want to prepare the front page by yourself, we will discuss how to do it with pen and paper.

5 Types of IGNOU Assignment Front Page a4 Size pdf Download Any One

1. Here is the 1st cover page pdf file with all the required details, which should be on IGNOU assignment cover page. simply click on it to download.



2. Here is the 2nd PDF file, which has two extra fields one is an address(Student address), and the other is an email address. These are not required fields. You can skip them. If you still want to fill in these details also, then download below pdf.


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3. Here is the 3rd pdf file. It has a different style. You can also download it. Check out the below pdf.


4. Here is the 4th pdf file. It has different styles with big fonts. You can also download this one if you need additional and oversized fonts.


5. Here is the 5th assignment cover page pdf for Hindi Medium Students .

ignou assignment front page hindi medium a4 size

6. Here is the 6th assignment cover page pdf for Hindi Medium Students .

ignou assignment first page hindi medium.pdf

Our Recommendation :- You can use any pdf from the above, all are having required details which should be on the cover pages, but we recommend you use the first one that is not having extra fields. and if you want to make a First page by your-self by pen-paper then let’s start how to do that.

How to Make IGNOU Handwritten Assignment Front Page

If you don’t want to print the front page, you can prepare it yourself. It is not compulsory to print out the pdf. You can make it by yourself and submit it, but remember there must be all details fulfilled related to the students and programme so the teacher can identify the particular student correctly. For your convenience, here is a format of handwritten IGNOU assignment front page ; check below image .

ignou handwritten assignment front page

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  • IGNOU Date Sheet For December 2024 Exams
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How To Fill IGNOU Assignment Cover Page Details Step By Step Guide 2024?

When you start writing your assignment, the first thing you need to do is to complete the First page. This includes all the essential information about Student and Programme. The following details are mandatory on the ignou assignment front page: fill them in carefully.

  • Programme Code (It is the code In which you took the Admission, e.g. BAG, BCA, MEG, MCA, MBA etc.)
  • Course Code (Subject Code, Every Programme has multiple Course Codes in a session like BCS-12, BEGLA-136, MCO-01 etc.)
  • Course Title (Every Course has a Title Like Hindi Sahitya, English in Daily Life, etc.)
  • Assignment Number/Assignment Code/Session (you will get this code on IGNOU Assignment Question paper)
  • Study Center Code (You Will get Study Center Code on IGNOU Identity Card)
  • Student Name (Student name as IGNOU ID Card)
  • Enrollment Number (You Will Find Enrollment Number on Student ID Card)
  • Phone Number (Student Phone Number)
  • Submission Date (Assignment Submission date)
  • Signature (Student Signature)

Check the Below image. For your convenience, we have filled in the details on an assignment page. You can follow this sample image to fill up your details.

how to fill ignou assignment front page

What is Assignment Number ?

The assignment number and assignment code both are the same things on the IGNOU assignment cover page. This helps the teacher to identify which session the student belongs to and for which session exams the student submitted the assignment. For example, if your course code is BCOS-183 and you are having your exams in June/Dec 2024, then your assignment number/assignment code will be like this BCOS-183/TMA/23-24 , where TMA Stands for Tutor Marked Assignments. You will find the assignment number on your IGNOU assignment question paper , as seen in the image below.

assignment number in ignou front page

What is Session ?

You will get only one field from these three on the first page of IGNOU Assignments: Assignment number, Assignment Code, or Session. These all describe the same thing: that is the student session he belongs to, so if you have asked session on the front page, fill in your current session, you will get your session in your IGNOU Registration Portal .

Thank You. Dear Students To Visit our Website. If You Still Have Any Query Related To Assignment Front Page, You Can Comment Below. We Will Surly Help You.

60 thoughts on “Download IGNOU Assignment Front Page 2024 (PDF With Filling Guide)”

what is the last date of MCA_NEW January-2024 assignment submission ?

30th April 2024

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Elektrostal Demography

Information on the people and the population of Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Population157,409 inhabitants
Elektrostal Population Density3,179.3 /km² (8,234.4 /sq mi)

Elektrostal Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal .

Elektrostal Geographical coordinatesLatitude: , Longitude:
55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East
Elektrostal Area4,951 hectares
49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi)
Elektrostal Altitude164 m (538 ft)
Elektrostal ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Elektrostal Distance

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Elektrostal Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Elektrostal.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
8 June02:43 - 11:25 - 20:0701:43 - 21:0701:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
9 June02:42 - 11:25 - 20:0801:42 - 21:0801:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
10 June02:42 - 11:25 - 20:0901:41 - 21:0901:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
11 June02:41 - 11:25 - 20:1001:41 - 21:1001:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
12 June02:41 - 11:26 - 20:1101:40 - 21:1101:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
13 June02:40 - 11:26 - 20:1101:40 - 21:1201:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
14 June02:40 - 11:26 - 20:1201:39 - 21:1301:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00

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Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Elektrostal classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Located next to Noginskoye Highway in Electrostal, Apelsin Hotel offers comfortable rooms with free Wi-Fi. Free parking is available. The elegant rooms are air conditioned and feature a flat-screen satellite TV and fridge...

Located in the green area Yamskiye Woods, 5 km from Elektrostal city centre, this hotel features a sauna and a restaurant. It offers rooms with a kitchen...

Ekotel Bogorodsk Hotel is located in a picturesque park near Chernogolovsky Pond. It features an indoor swimming pool and a wellness centre. Free Wi-Fi and private parking are provided...

Surrounded by 420,000 m² of parkland and overlooking Kovershi Lake, this hotel outside Moscow offers spa and fitness facilities, and a private beach area with volleyball court and loungers...

Surrounded by green parklands, this hotel in the Moscow region features 2 restaurants, a bowling alley with bar, and several spa and fitness facilities. Moscow Ring Road is 17 km away...

Elektrostal Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Elektrostal and its surroundings.

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State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region

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Public administration near State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region

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. )
Show map of Russia Show map of Moscow Oblast
Coordinates: 38°28′E [ 55°47′N 38°28′E / 55.783°N 38.467°E / 55.783; 38.467][[Category:Pages using gadget WikiMiniAtlas]]"},"html":" : 38°28′E / 55.783°N 38.467°E / 55.783; 38.467 "}">
City status since1938
  HeadVladimir Pekarev
Elevation 150 m (490 ft)
Population ( Census)
  Rank in 2010
  Subordinated toElektrostal
   ofElektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction
  Urban okrugElektrostal Urban Okrug
   ofElektrostal Urban Okrug
(   )
+7 49657

Juggle, swim, make the bed! How these readers forged new habits.

We talked to people who made unusual New Year’s resolutions and were still sticking to them six months later. Here’s how they did it.

Who said habit change had to be boring? We tracked more than a dozen readers who made quirky and life-changing New Year’s resolutions, and six months later they’re still going strong.

Stop wearing beige. Enjoy more wine. Learn to juggle. Become a regular at a bar. Be hot. Cook with a friend. Learn to swim in the ocean. Make the bed every day.

How did they do it? They picked things they enjoyed, made detailed plans and set bite-size targets. Self-kindness was another theme — they gave themselves a break on days they weren’t perfect. Accountability was a common denominator — our goal-setters leaned on family members, kept journals and shared their progress with us.

“When you feel observed, you are more likely to perform well,” said Katy Milkman , a Wharton School professor at the University of Pennsylvania and author of “How to Change: The Science of Getting From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be.”

Our goal-setters learned skills, experienced transformation, tried new things, got fit, practiced mindfulness and achieved financial goals. Here’s what they learned.

An illustration of a person juggling wearing a shirt that says "hola!".

He wanted to learn how to juggle

Chris Palmer, 76, Bethesda, filmmaker and writer

How it’s going

Palmer said he was inspired to pick up juggling after reading Winston Churchill’s “Painting as a Pastime,” in which he argued that deep relaxation does not come from doing nothing but from doing something completely different with intense concentration. He now juggles daily for a few minutes.

The biggest challenge

He said his “pace of learning” was “glacial,” and it was hard to keep going when there was a lack of visible progress. He got there by doing a little bit every day, rather than trying to master the skill overnight. “Plodding on relentlessly and not giving up despite the frustration of not improving immediately” has been key, he said.

Her horse wouldn’t canter

Jordan Pieper, 29, Alexandria, Va., system safety engineer

When Pieper brought Curzon Dax home three years ago, the horse wouldn’t canter (the gait between a trot and a gallop). Dax, 7, had been punished in the past for cantering while pulling a cart. Pieper spoke to a sports psychologist to overcome her fears and found a trainer for Dax. Today, Dax can “decently canter,” and Pieper said she hopes to enter dressage competitions in the fall.

Progress was slow. In March, Pieper was elated when Dax briefly cantered but then realized Dax was actually just playfully biting the butt of the horse in front of him. Pieper reminded herself that recovery is not a race. “We needed to take things slow because he has trauma,” Pieper said.

His family spoke Spanish. He didn’t

Andrew Plunkett, 46, Columbus, Ohio, retail store planner

Plunkett’s Spanish-speaking in-laws recently moved to the United States from Argentina, and he wants to effortlessly communicate with them and his wife. By completing his lesson first thing in the morning, Plunkett is moving closer to free-flowing Spanish conversations. His 6-year-old daughter often joins him for a lesson, and his wife and her parents have noticed his efforts.

Plunkett struggled to squeeze in his daily online Spanish lesson during a busy workday. Showing up daily for his Spanish lesson requires perseverance and a positive attitude. “You’re not always in the mood,” he said. “But you just need to show up, and give it your best effort.”


An illustration of a woman wearing butterfly wings.

No more beige!

Emma Holleran, 26, Knoxville, Tenn., schoolteacher

Holleran realized she had been wearing black, white and beige on repeat. “Sad beige was not fun to me,” she said. Now, Holleran takes five minutes in the evening to lay out her outfit for the next day. At a spring job fair, she considered donning a beige, white and black combination, but opted for a red and pink floral T-shirt instead.

Incorporating color into her outfits added a logistical challenge — it took a little longer to get dressed for the day. Holleran also has to continually battle the “false idea” that wearing color means you are drawing attention to yourself and that neutrals appear more professional than expressive colors, she said. “Color is fun and can show personality,” she said. “I want to wear clothes that reflect my fun energy.”

She wanted to gain confidence and ‘be hot’

Katie McCafferty, 32, Washington, marketing manager

McCafferty wants to “be hot” when she attends her childhood friend’s wedding in October. For McCafferty, being “hot” meant wanting to feel confident in any situation. Becoming “hot” taught McCafferty that she had been speaking to herself in a negative way. “My friends would never talk to me the way I talk to myself sometimes,” she said. The transformation also involves being more mindful about what she eats, working out and playing pickleball. McCafferty said she still has work to do, but she is already “feeling like a hottie.”

There are books, online guides and fitness coaches that can help you lose weight, but there’s a lot less guidance out there about how to “feel really good about yourself and be mentally hotter,” McCafferty said. “Whether it’s a meeting at work, a busy restaurant or a party where I don’t know anyone, being hot means that I own the room and don’t stress about what others are thinking about me.”

Her goal was to make the bed

Shelby Lowman, 29, Smyrna, Del., school counselor

Lowman was always running late and needed something in her life to change. She decided making her bed each morning would give her a few minutes to stop and think. The five minutes or less it takes to tuck in the comforter, place the pillows just so and flatten it all out has helped her quiet her always-running mind. She’s even started getting up to go to the gym around 4 a.m. — just months after telling herself she was not a morning person.

Sometimes she forgets or she’s five minutes late and can’t take the time. “I saw this Japanese word the other day, ‘kaizen,’ and it means making small improvements every day as small progress is better than no progress,” she said.


An illustration of a woman eating a miniature globe.

They wanted to cook every national dish

Nihal Guennouni, 24, Williamsburg, Va., Mary Beth Armstrong, 24, Newport News, Va., graduate students

The two graduate students decided to make the national dish of as many countries as they could. They researched multiple articles and recipes and made a spreadsheet of every country’s dish, such as harira, Morocco’s national soup. Guennouni, who is Moroccan, got the recipe from her mother. “It makes me think that there are all these similarities between my family, and all these other cultures that are so far away,” Guennouni said.

The hardest part has been finding the time to not only cook the dishes, but research where to buy the ingredients. Shopping, cooking and eating together helped keep them accountable. “I enjoy doing it,” Armstrong said. “That’s a big part.”

She hoped to become a regular at a bar

Lindsay Mouw, 29, Omaha, renewable energy community relations

How it’s going:

Mouw recently moved to Omaha from a small town in Iowa where “every place felt comfortable.” She wanted at least one place where she was known by the community, so she opted for her neighborhood dive bar: The Neighber’s. The first time she walked in, everyone turned to look at her, as if to ask “Who are you?” For Mouw, this was a sign that she had chosen the bar well.

Mouw doesn’t want to increase her overall alcohol consumption, so she now avoids alcohol at other social gatherings during the week. Another challenge: Getting “hit on” by strangers at the bar makes her “uncomfortable.” Her ultimate goal: “When I walk in, the other regulars turn and greet me, and the bartender who I know by name slides me a beer.” It hasn’t happened yet, but she’s committed. “I want it bad enough, so I will keep trying,” she said.

They resolved to enjoy more wine

Robert Schroeder, 70, Portland, Ore., professor emeritus

Schroeder and his wife were interested in the “fun and companionable” aspects of wine. His goal wasn’t to drink more, but to consume wine with intention and with friends. In the last few months, he has begun to relish the feeling created by combining a good bottle of wine with company.

Some weeks Schroeder did not enjoy drinking. “It’s that 'brain wrapped in cotton' feeling,” he wrote. Another challenge with becoming a wine connoisseur is feeling pressured to finish the bottle before it oxidizes. “When I think of drinking wine [and enjoying it], I never picture myself alone,” he said. “Food and friends are fun. Food and friends and wine is a celebration!”

An illustration of a man swimming with a fish jumping out of the water next to him.

He wanted to swim in the open sea

Ryan Sandford, 31, Washington, emergency response contractor

Sanford discovered the restorative powers of swimming after a lengthy illness in 2022. “It became a spiritual and powerful meditative practice for me,” he said. After he suffered a concussion last year, he made a resolution to work up the strength to swim in the open sea. He did his first “wild swim” in the Chesapeake in February. It felt like his brain fog lifted almost immediately, and he feels better every time he goes.

He originally hoped to swim every other day, but that was difficult. So he listened to what his body needed and just tried to go as often as he could. He also began journaling every week, which helped keep him accountable. “As soon as I submerge myself, there’s just this feeling of mental clarity that feels really good,” he said.

He had tried and failed to run 100 miles a month

Brian Johnson, 62, Kennedale, Tex., professor of government and history

Johnson had previously tried to run 100 miles a month — about 25 miles a week — but injuries kept him from doing so. He told his friends about the resolution and feels the accountability has helped him lace up his shoes no matter what. More than 500 miles in, he said he’s developed an appreciation for every small hill and every traffic light in his neighborhood.

He’s overcome ankle injuries and a bruised heel but has stayed on track so far. He often feels his age, and is constantly looking for an excuse not to run. Setting out before the sunrise makes the heat a little more bearable. “The real challenge is the Texas heat,” he said.

Her goal: Work out for 15 minutes every day

Melanie Deardorff, 65, Queen Creek, Ariz., marketing consultant

Deardorff sets an alarm on her phone for 6 p.m. every day. If she hasn’t yet worked out, she stops what she’s doing and looks up a 15-minute yoga, cardio or other exercise. “It doesn’t have to be a big endeavor, but just some movement makes a huge difference,” she said.

Layers of accountability also helped. She bought a $150-per-month gym membership, told friends and her husband about her plans and worked with a trainer virtually. The easiest days were the ones she had signed up for a workout class or went to the gym. But when she didn’t, she’d get busy with work and before she knew it, she needed to start getting ready for bed. “Sure, there are days I’m tired and would rather skip even the short stint,” she said. “But I tell myself, ‘Come on, 15 minutes will be over in a flash!’ And it is.”

Mindful habits

An illustration of a man peeking at his watch while meditating.

She was spending too much time on Facebook

Dee Slade, 70, Chester, N.J, retired

Slade used to spend hours a day on Facebook. She overcame the fear of missing out on Facebook by reminding herself how scrolling used to make her feel: lazy, self-conscious and like she was wasting her time. Six months into the year, she uses Facebook only to check the pages of the local horse association and her town, so she knows what’s going on. She’s more patient, reads more and spends more time with her husband.

“When someone asks, ‘Did you see this on Facebook?’” she said. “The people I really care about know about my life. I realized I don’t need to post everything anymore.”

She resolved to take more photos

Kimberly deCastro, 67, Santa Fe, N.M., founder, Wildflower International

She placed a Post-it Note on her mirror that says, “Take more photos.” She found a class on Instagram to help her improve, and has taken photos of wild horses, a time lapse of a flower opening and workers at an auto repair shop on break. “It is as much an introspective journey as it is to find my voice, through my camera,” she said.

Work often got in the way — running a business with dozens of employees is more than a full-time job. And some weeks she feels like she’s not good enough. “Am I not able to do this? To take a worthy photograph?” she wrote one week. Now, she intuitively understands what settings to use. “It feels nice, like old pajamas,” she said.

She was inspired to meditate for 15 minutes daily

Nora O’ Neill, 77, Elkins Park, Pa., retired human resources manager

O’ Neill was so inspired by the book “Bliss More: How to Succeed in Meditation Without Really Trying” by Light Watkins, that she’s now reading it for the third time. She looks forward to meditating and has rarely missed a day. She said it has helped her to let go of her impatience and expand her perspective on life.

She put pressure on herself to sit still in a traditional position. But she realized that rubbing her eye or scratching an itch during a session was okay. “You don’t have to sit up straight, you don’t have to bend your legs,” she said. “Just get comfortable like you’re about to binge Netflix.”

She wanted to write twice a week

Tara Ebrahimi, 39, Winston-Salem, N.C., executive director of marketing and communications

Ebrahimi has always wanted to write more. But with a 2-year-old, there was never time. She decided this year to wake up early and write for 30 minutes. Being kind to herself has been key, she said. If she wrote only once a week or even every few weeks, she reminded herself that she was still successfully completing her resolution.

She realized she wouldn’t be able to write unless she woke up around 5 a.m., when no one else was up. If she was too tired, she gave herself permission to skip it. “It sparked that creativity in me that got dulled,” she said.

Financial goals

An illustration of a woman riding a credit card like a bull.

She had to quit impulse buying

Bri Boone, 26, Brooklyn, public relations

Boone often scrolled TikTok and saw an outfit she loved and bought it. “I was addicted to shopping, and the dopamine it brought,” she said. She told friends about her resolution and created a Substack where she feels accountable to her roughly 100 subscribers. She’s cut down her monthly shopping expenses by hundreds of dollars on her way to paying down more than $1,000 in credit card debt. Boone said her spending habits kicked into high gear again after learning a family member had terminal cancer, but that today she has reached a “homeostasis” on her spending.

Every time she scrolled through social media, Boone said she felt “triggered” to spend. She asked herself why she wanted to shop so much. “It was when I was lonely,” she said. Now she uses the extra time to hang out with friends or go to yoga with her partner, which made her feel more fulfilled than shopping ever did.

Her online shopping at work was out of control

Jacci Rollins, 43, Wise, Va., director of events and communications

Rollins noticed how much time she was spending browsing and shopping online at work. “I was wasting hours of my day,” she said. Her resolution has helped Rollins recognize how unsatisfied she is in her job, and she is taking steps to improve her work life.

She still got bored and distracted at work and constantly found herself picking up her phone to pass time. She began using the language app Duolingo to work on her Italian whenever she felt bored. “To drop a bad habit, you have to pick up a good one,” she said. “Your brain needs to create new pathways.”

She needed to cut her credit card debt

Hope Carpenter, 24, Chicago, consulting analyst

Carpenter realized she was spending on impulse purchases and wanted to become a more conscious spender. Talking honestly with friends about her financial situation has helped her balance social fun with finances and reduce the shame associated with being in debt. Carpenter expects to have paid off more than half her credit card debt by the end of the year.

Carpenter said she is constantly looking to balance having fun with her friends while still staying on track for her financial goals. “I can still go out and enjoy myself,” she said. “I just need to find things that are cheaper to do.”

About this story

Design and art direction by Chelsea Conrad. Additional design and development by Garland Potts. Illustrations by Leon Edler. Design editing by Christian Font. Copy editing by Thomas Heleba.

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