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Preview text, models: aid in improving reading comprehension of grade 7:, struggling readers.
Models: Aid in Improving Reading Comprehension of Grade 7: Struggling Readers Micah B. Enero Rustico Capahi Sr. Memorial National High School March, 2021
Students’ reading progress exist in every school. This study aimed to discover what Philippine Informal Reading Inventory (Phil-IRI) does to deal with students’ reading and comprehension skills. Quantitative (pre-experimental) and qualitative research approaches will be used in this study. The Phil-IRI tool will be used before, during, and after the duration to see how the intervention, which is the use of models in teaching reading, is working. The findings from this study have the potential to enrich the reading skills and comprehension of High School Students in Rustico Capahi Sr. Memorial National High School.
II. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, praises and thanks to the Lord, the Almighty, for His showers of blessings throughout my research work to complete the research successfully. I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to my research professor, Dr. Elvin Wenceslao, for giving me the opportunity to do research and providing invaluable guidance throughout this research. It was a great privilege and honor to work and study under his guidance. I am extremely grateful for what he has offered me. I am extremely grateful to my parents for their love, prayers, caring and sacrifices for educating and preparing me for my future. III. CONTEXT AND RATIONALE
Reading is a lifelong activity that we engage in on a regular basis. People read for a variety of reasons, including entertainment and enjoyment, as well as knowledge and information. Reading is an important part of the teaching-learning process for students. It will be difficult for learners to comprehend ideas and concepts if they lack reading skills. Through its many reading enhancement programs, the Department of Education has placed a strong emphasis on the development of reading abilities among Filipino students.
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a significant impact on learning transfer. Reading and understanding are intertwined in a very important way.
Comprehension is the essence of reading and it is an active process of constructing meaning from a passage or a text (Durkin, 1993). Thus, comprehension is very significant among learners for the pursuit of knowledge. There is a relationship between reading comprehension and reading strategies. Reading strategies affects reading comprehension, reading comprehension affects reading strategies (Muijselaar, et al., 2015)
Marissa Kelly (2019) emphasized also that the importance of reading comprehension cannot be understated. According to Kelly (2019), effective reading strategies that would help develop the reading comprehension skills of the learners include generating questions before reading and answering it after the reading process, reading aloud and monitor, promoting cooperative talk, giving attention to text structure, taking notes, or annotate texts to create vocabulary list, using context clues, using graphic organizers, practicing PQ4R Method (Preview, Question Read, Reflect, Recite, and Review), summarizing and monitoring their understanding.
Visualizing is one of the seven techniques that can help you achieve excellent reading comprehension. Visualizing in the form of photos, pictures, drawings, movies, or models is a good way to start. As a result, the usage of models such as pictures can considerably aid learners' reading comprehension. Models are visual representations that assist students understand content information by combining structure and process (in the form of a flow chart). Learners who are educated and trained to construct models in their heads show significantly improved understanding and comprehension.
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It is in the juncture that the proponent will conduct this action research study entitled “Models: Aid in Improving Reading Comprehension of Grade 7 Students: Struggling Readers”
IV. PROPOSED INNOVATION, INTERVENTION AND STRATEGY As an intervention to the emerging problem on the alarming number of learners in frustration level, this study will utilize Models such as pictures and videos as an aid on reading comprehension. The participants of the study will be subjected to a limited face to face class session utilizing reading materials with picture-counterpart or video-counterpart for one hour during school days with limited students following health protocols.
There will be monthly reading assessments to be conducted using Phil- IRI tools in order to measure the progress of the learners. The monthly progress of the readers in frustration level will be recorded using the Tracking of Monthly Progress Template.
This study aims to reduce the number of learners in frustration reading level of Grade 7 students of Rustico Capahi Sr. Memorial National High School SY 2020-2021 through teaching strategies using Models. Specifically, it will seek answers to the following questions:
- What instructional strategies can be used in connection with models to increase the reading comprehension of struggling readers?
- How do models such as pictures and videos improve comprehension?
- How effective models are in reducing the number of readers in frustration reading level of Grade 7 students? HYPOTHESIS
participation during class discussion, presentations and other class engagements during the limited face to face class session following the IATF health ptotocols. The observer will be briefed on the procedure beforehand. Furthermore, a checklist of desired behavior will be utilized to objectively capture the improvement on the performance of the identified participants. A random sample of study participants will also be interviewed by the researcher. Every month, four participants will be interviewed. This is done in order to elicit their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. The information acquired will be used by the researcher as a feedback mechanism to assist her in navigating the study's flow, particularly during the reading session. C. Data Analysis The recorder raw scores using the Phil-IRI tool before, during, and after the intervention will be tabulated, graphed and analyzed quantitatively by the researcher. This will be served as the main measure of the effectiveness of the use of models in reducing the number of the identified struggling readers in the class.
However, the monthly interview to four randomly selected participants will be utilized in getting feedback as to the appropriateness of the strategy in addressing the problem. The responses also during interview will be further used in the discussion of the final analysis of the study. The data gathered through observation checklist shall be also part of the progress monitoring of the intervention. The data will give the researcher a grasp of the effect of the intervention while the study is on process. This will also lead to some adjustments to the implementation of the intervention, whenever necessary.
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All data acquired during observation, interview, and reading assessment will be compared and triangulated to reveal the holistic effect of the intervention on the participants' reading abilities, classroom conduct, and overall well-being as readers. VII. ACTION RESEARCH WORKPLANS AND TIMELINES ACTIVITIES TARGET DATE PERSONS INVOLVED PRE-RESEARCH ACTIVITY Making of Proposal Approval of Proposal
April 2021 Researcher School Head Schools Division Research Committee RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Implementation of the Study Tabulation and analysis of data Interpretation of the gathered data Preparation of the research paper
May- July 2021 Researcher Respondents
Printing of the Research Report Submission of the research report to the Division Research Committee for review Submission of the final copy
September 2021 Researcher Schools Division Research Committee BERF Committee
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Printing and binding of completion results Printing and binding fee
Travel expenses (Submission of proposal and completion report)
Tricycle 1,000.
Publication of research results Journal Publication fee 3,500. TOTAL 20,000.
The result of the study will be shared to fellow teachers during School Learning action Cell sessions for possible adoption of the strategy employed starting from the implementation of limited face to face class session. To further disseminate the result of the study, the researcher will present the study in a research conference and publish it through reliable research journal.
Durkin, D. (1993). Teaching them to read (6th Ed.). Boston: Ally and Bacon.
Kelly, M. (Updated January 16, 2019). 10 Reading Comprehension Strategies All Students Need. Why Addressing Reading Comprehension Is Necessary. thoughtco
Muijselaar, M. M. L., & de Jong, P. (2015). Developmental Relations Between Reading Comprehension and Reading Strategies. Retrieved September 24, 2019 from. dx.doi/10.1080/10888438.2017.1278763.
Teaching and Learning o Instruction- strategies to enhance learning of K to 12 curriculum - What teaching and learning strategy can teachers apply to ensure learner- centered education in this time of pandemic. - As an intervention to the emerging problem on the alarming number of learners in frustration level, this study will utilize Models such as pictures and videos as an aid on reading comprehension. The participants of the study will be subjected to a limited face to face class session utilizing reading materials with picture-counterpart or video-counterpart for one hour during school days with limited students following health protocols. - There will be monthly reading assessments to be conducted using Phil- IRI tools in order to measure the progress of the learners. The monthly
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University : st. peter's college.
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The study was undertaken to unearth and implore the necessary strategies to blend five and six letters to form a meaningful word. The research instrument used was test items. All the pupils in the class took the same test thus, pre-test. It was used to gather data baseline information before the research was carried out on them. Biographic data of their responses were analyzed, discussed and the findings brought to the face. The study revealed the areas in which the pupils falter when reading and the appropriate techniques and strategies were used to control its occurrence. Based on the findings, the researcher gave some recommendations. Teachers should have mastery over the subject matter and also use the appropriate methods in the teaching of the topic. Again, they should make their lessons child centered to avoid scaring the pupils off. The study further opens the door for more research into pupil’s inability to blend five and six letters to form meaningful words. Article visuali...
The study was undertaken to unearth and implore the necessary strategies to blend five and six letters to form a meaningful word. The research instrument used was test items. All the pupils in the class took the same test thus, pre-test. It was used to gather data baseline information before the research was carried out on them. Biographic data of their responses were analyzed, discussed and the findings brought to the face. The study revealed the areas in which the pupils falter when reading and the appropriate techniques and strategies were used to control its occurrence. Based on the findings, the researcher gave some recommendations. Teachers should have mastery over the subject matter and also use the appropriate methods in the teaching of the topic. Again, they should make their lessons child centered to avoid scaring the pupils off. The study further opens the door for more research into pupil's inability to blend five and six letters to form meaningful words.
Proceedings: International Conference Sang Guru 2 The Praise for and Criticism of Teaching and education, Linguistics, and Literature in the Modern Era, Unipress Unesa: Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Surabaya , 2013
Abstract: This paper discusses reading difficulties at word level in English Department of State University of Surabaya. It explains the identification of words in literal reading class. Literal reading involves two main processes – identifying words and comprehending connected them in texts. Phonological and phonic skills provide the foundation for word identification. To understand a text, a reader must be able to identify words rapidly, know the meaning of almost all of the words, and be able to combine sequential units of meaning into a coherent message. The learners need to be taught early, and by direct methods. Sight vocabulary is essential that learners build a memory store of words they can recognise instantly without the need for decoding. Proficiency in reading basically involves gaining competence in two separate but complementary processes, namely word identification (decoding) and linguistic comprehension. But, it is recognised that some students who develop adequate word-reading ability and fluency still have difficulty understanding what they are reading, particularly when faced with the expository style of writing used within many school textbooks. To become competent readers, students need to learn effective strategies for identifying all words in print and for comprehending text. Literacy instruction must therefore include explicit teaching and practice in these essential strategies to enable all learners to read fluently, confidently and with understanding. Makalah ini membahas kesulitan membaca pada level kata di Jurusan Bahasa Inggris Unesa Surabaya. Untuk itu makalah ini menjelaskan pengidentifikasian kata di mata kuliah Literal Reading. Literal Reading terdiri dari dua proses utama – mengidentifikasi kata dan memahami secara komprehensif hubungan kata di dalam teks. Keterampilan fonologi dan fonem menjadi dasar pengidentifikasian kata. Supaya bisa memahami teks, pembaca harus mempunyai kemampuan mengidentifikasi kata dengan cepat, mengetahui arti hampir semua kata-kata, dan mampu menggabungkan arti kata-kata secara runtut menjadi satu pesan yang koheren. Sedari awal mahasiswa perlu diajar dengan menggunakan metode langsung. Mencermati kosakata merupakan hal yang esensial sehingga mahasiswa mempunyai wadah memori kosakata yang dapat diingat secara cepat tanpa perlu mengidentifikasi lagi kosata tersebut. Profisiensi membaca menjadi dasar untuk memperoleh dua kompetensi yang berbeda tetapi dalam proses saling melengkapi, yaitu: pengidentifikasian kata dan pemahaman linguistik. Akan tetapi, hal yang perlu diingat bahwa beberapa mahasiswa yang belajar meningkatkan kemampuan dan kelancaran membaca pada level kata secara memadai masih menemui kesulitan memahaminya ketika mereka sedang membaca, khususnya ketika mereka membaca jenis teks eksposisi yang banyak ditemui di buku-buku teks sekolah/perguruan tinggi. Supaya menjadi pemabaca yang kompeten, mahasiswa perlu mempelajari strategi efektif untuk mengidentifikasi semua kata yang ada di bacaan dan juga memahami secara komprehensif teks. Oleh karena itu, pembelajaran literasi harus menyertakan secara eksplisit pengajaran tersebut dan mempraktekkan jenis-jenis strategi esensial supaya semua mahasiswa mampu membaca dengan lancar, yakin dan disertai dengan pemahaman komprehensif. Key words: reading difficulty, word level, and literal reading in English Department.
Reading performance has been the problem of most schools affecting the students’ academic achievement results. Using the non-equivalent pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design, this study was conducted in order to determine the effects of the remedial reading program on the oral and silent reading skills of Grade VII students by comparing the progress of the experimental group using the Science Research Associates (SRA) materials and the control group using the Developing Reading Comprehension Skills materials, donated books of Former Senator Letecia Ramos Shahani. The students’ profile in terms of age, sex, general point average in Grade VI, and the grade in English were used as intervening variables to determine the significant relationship between reading performance of the experimental and control groups in the silent reading and oral reading skills. To determine the significant relationship and difference between the performance of the experimental and control groups in the oral and silent reading, this study utilized the pretest and posttest mean scores of the silent and oral reading tests. The posttest results exhibited an increase in the mean scores of the oral and silent reading tests. Decoding accuracy and automaticity showed a significant relationship between the pretest and the posttest results in the grade point average in Grade VI, which suggests that the students’ performance is closely related to their grade in Grade VI. All the skills in oral reading are found to have high significant difference except for the experimental group’s comprehension which is significant. The results suggest further that the study skills lag behind other skills in silent reading such as vocabulary and comprehension, implying that students with learning and behavior problems have difficulty in learning these skills. Therefore, appropriate research on study skills should be conducted to help augment the learning skills of students. Both the SRA and Developing Reading Comprehension Skills materials were effective in the development of the reading skills of the students.
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ABSTRACT 1. Title: ENHANCING ORAL READING COMPETENCE OF GRADE SIX PUPILS THROUGH REMEDIAL INSTRUCTION IN COASTAL SCHOOLS OF ALUBIJID DISTRICT, DIVISION OF MISAMIS ORIENTAL SY 2017-2018 2. Author: ALBARAN EDNA NOB (Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name) 3. Type of Document : Action Research 4. Type of Publication : Published 5. Key Words: Oral Reading Enhancement 6. Abstract 6.1 Summary This study attempted to enhance the Oral Reading Competence of Grade Six pupil respondents through Remedial Instruction in Coastal Schools of Alubijid District, Division of Misamis Oriental, S.Y. 2017-2018. Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions: 1. What is the Oral Reading Competence of the Grade Six pupil respondents after conducting Two Months Remedial Reading Instruction 1.1 Repetition Approach: Reading Aloud with Expression 1.2 Guided Repeated Oral reading? 2. What is the profile of the Grade Six pupil respondents considering the following: 2.1 sex 2.2 attitude towards Oral reading 2.3 teacher traits 2.4 teaching methodology 2.5 exposure to reading materials? 3. What is the Oral Reading Competence in English of the Grade Six pupil respondents on the following: 3.1 pronunciation 3.2 vocabulary 3.3 grammar 3.4 fluency 3.5 comprehension; and 3.6 overall results on Enhancement Oral reading skills after remedial instruction? Research Methodology This study employed the descriptive research method which involved twelve ((12) respondents in the coastal schools of Alubijid District, Division of Misamis Oriental. The respondents were non-readers and very slow readers based on the oral reading results of Phil-IRI S.Y. 2017-2018. The number of samples were identified through proportional allocation sampling design. The research instruments were used to gather data namely: a questionnaire to determine the pupil’s sex, exposure to reading materials the instructional materials used to conduct remedial reading, the reading comprehension skills test in attitude towards oral reading, the teacher traits and teaching methodology. The statistical tool was used to analyze the data gathered: descriptive statistics such as means, percentages and standard deviation to describe the proficiency level. The researcher with the help of the English Teachers, personally conducted he oral remedial instruction and administered the questionnaire Findings The following are the salient findings of the study: 1. There were twelve (12) respondents, involving 10 males and 2 females. On the Repetition Approach: Reading Aloud with Expression, the respondents with poor to fair had mean rating of fair oral reading competence, the respondents had also fair rating in guided Repeated Oral Reading. 2. In general, the findings disclosed that the Grade Six pupil respondents in coastal schools of Alubijid District, Division of Misamis Oriental, S.Y. 2017-2018 had barely fair oral reading competence after conducting two months intensive remedial instruction. The oral reading competence of the respondents was increased/improved from non-reader to fair reader (instructional level). 3. The pupil respondents had obtained fair rating in pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and fluency. The respondents’ weakest area is comprehension. Conclusions Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. The Grade Six pupil respondents in Coastal Schools of Alubijid District, Division of Misamis Oriental, in the School Year 2017-2018had fair performance in Oral reading competence after the conduct of two months intensive remedial instruction. It implies that they had improved their oral reading skills from non-reader to fair reader level. 2. The following independent variables in this study such as sex, attitude towards oral reading, teacher traits, teacher methodology and exposure to reading materials, all play vital roles in enhancing the pupils’ oral reading competence. 3. Although the overall performance of the respondents was fair, they performed very satisfactory in pronunciation. The respondents’ weakest area is in comprehension, followed by fluency, grammar, and vocabulary. It implies that majority of the respondents were able to read the given statements but did not understand what is being read. Recommendations In the light of the findings revealed in the study, the researcher set forth the following recommendations: 1. Pupils’ attitude towards oral reading English came out an important factor in the pupils’ oral reading competence/skills. The teacher should capitalize on this by motivating the children to develop their interest in reading. 2. The teacher should conduct regular remedial instruction to the non-readers from Grades I to VI to improve their oral reading skills using the Repetition Approach: Reading Aloud with Expression and Guided Repeated Oral Reading Strategies. Furthermore, the teacher should put up a “Learners’ Kiosk” inside the classroom with reading facilities such as reference books, supplementary books, magazines, and periodicals, to be ready in times the pupils need them. This would encourage the pupils to read during their vacant periods and help develop positive attitude towards oral reading. 3. Pupils must answer in complete sentences to develop fluency, grammar, and comprehension. 4. The pupils who are already advanced in reading may be properly motivated to help their classmates who are not good in oral reading. This peer activity will enhance the oral reading development of the slow learners. 5. Future researchers should look into the oral reading competence skills of pupils in other districts to find out their status so that they can be properly guided in reading, which is very important in their academic performance.
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