Essay on Career and Career Choice

Career is an important aspect of any person’s life. It determines the kind of lifestyle one will lead and his/her position in the society. While everyone dreams of a good lifestyle not everyone is able to build a strong career that can ensure the same.

Career is usually associated with the professional aspect of a person’s life. However, some even relate it to an individual’s life and learning in addition to his work. Here are essays of varying lengths on Career to help you with the topic whenever you required. You can select any career essay as per your need:

Long and Short Essay on Career

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Career Essay 1 (200 words)

Choosing a career is a big decision and the irony is that we are not prepared to take such a big decision at the time we require taking it. We are still in our school when we have to choose between the science, commerce and humanities stream that mainly influences the career path we take up later. While earlier, it was parents, teachers and elder siblings who largely influenced our career choice, children these days have become more aware – thanks to the internet. We can explore the various available career options on the internet as well as their prospects before we make the final decision. However, advice from the elders is still recommended as they are more experienced.

We must all be very careful while choosing our career. We must not enter a field just because our friend or sibling has taken it up or our parents want us to go for it. We should listen to our heart, understand what really interests us, see if we are good at it and then look forward to other aspects attached to it. The other aspects may include the cost involved in the course we wish to pursue, the demand of such professionals in the market, the packages being offered in the field we want to enter and the growth prospects in the field.

Career Essay 2 (300 words)

Be it a boy or a girl, these days career is given a lot of importance in a person’s life. From the beginning itself, we are asked to concentrate on our studies and score well in the exams. The ultimate motif of doing this is to build a strong base and fetch good grades that would help you build a lucrative career.

I am from a well-learned family. Everyone in my family is working at good positions and thus there are high expectations from me too. My father is in the field of Information Technology and is working with a good multi-national company. My mother is a dentist. She has her own clinic which is well-established. My brother is currently studying medicine and aims to become a doctor. So, basically everyone in my family went for the science stream.

I am in 8 th standard and would soon be required to decide as to which stream to go for. I have been performing consistently well in my exams and can easily enter the science stream. All my relatives, friends and family members also think that I will be choosing this field however I have a different plan.

I want to become an interior designer. I am naturally inclined towards this field. It interests me immensely and I feel I can do really well in it. I love home décor items and love surfing through the internet and magazines to take a look at them. I also keep redecorating my room every now and then and am even appreciated for my unique ideas. I know this is my thing and I will flourish in this field. I am sure my family will respect my decision and encourage me to perform well in the field of my choice.

Choosing a career can be a challenging task. You must assess your skills and interest, study the market, and consult an experienced person before making the final decision.

Career Essay 3 (400 words)

The career path you choose has a major impact on various other aspects of your life. It determines your status in the society, your lifestyle, your social circle and even your relations with your relatives. It is thus important to choose your career wisely.

There are many factors that you must take into consideration while choosing a career. Here is a brief look at these:

  • Your Interest and Calibre

The first thing you must do while choosing a career is to assess yourself. Understand where your interest lies. However, merely having interest in a particular field does not help. In addition to it you must also see if you are well suited for that particular profession. This is to say that whether you have the required skills and calibre to perform well in the field of your interest. If yes, then you can look forward to it.

  • Look for the Available Opportunities

There may be many different kinds of occupations matching your educational qualification and experience. It is a good idea to make a list of all these occupations.

  • Narrow Down Your List

Explore your list to understand all the available opportunities better. Narrow down the list and settle for the one that suits you best. While doing so you must seek advice from your seniors as well as those who are already in the profession you are planning to get into. Internet is a boon when it comes to such tasks. Gather information about the same from the internet before you make the final decision.

  • Write a Good Resume

Once you are clear on which career path you want to tread on it is essential to write a good resume to back your plan. Your resume plays an important role in fetching a job of your choice. Thus, you must prepare a good one.

  • Acquire the Skills

Many a times, your educational qualification may not be enough to seek the occupation of your choice. You may require some additional skills that may be acquired by undergoing vocational training. Don’t hesitate to go for such short-term trainings and workshops.

You must choose your career cautiously as various aspects of your life are attached to it. Take your time, explore all the options, seek advice from those you are experienced and then take a decision. Once you choose a career, work hard so that you are able to get into the field of your choice.

Career Essay 4 (500 words)

Building a career requires education, skill, determination as well as good opportunity. The key is not to give up and continually thrive towards achieving your goals to build a lucrative career.

India is known to produce millions of genius minds every year. Though the education system of the country has been criticized time and again we cannot deny the fact that our graduates and post graduates are setting milestones by grabbing jobs in big brands across the world. While the country provides good job opportunities to these qualified and skilled individuals they face quite a few hindrances when it actually comes to acquiring a job.

The first hindrance is that the jobs in the market are not at par with the qualified individuals in the country. The growing population of India is responsible for the same. Secondly, the pay packages offered here are often not at par with what these young achievers get abroad. The reservation or quota system is yet another reason why the deserving candidates do not get good jobs in the country. All this is the reason why many qualified doctors, engineers and other professionals head outside.

The first world countries offer great salary and a far better lifestyle as compared to that provided in India. Countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Singapore and Australia always look out for genius minds to take their businesses and ultimately their country’s economy to newer heights. There are numerous job opportunities available in the field of science, technology, management and various other sectors. Individuals from the third world countries such as India are looking for good job opportunities, better packages and a good lifestyle and thus grab the opportunities offered by these countries.

Each year several professionals relocate to the first world countries causing brain drain in their native lands.

While many people fly abroad in search of good job opportunities others settle for lesser paying jobs or the ones that are not at par with their qualification. For all those who had big career dreams but had to settle for less there is still hope. Here are a few tips to help you achieve your career goals:

  • Maintain Your LinkedIn Profile

It is essential to maintain your LinkedIn Profile to grab attention of the employers. Besides, be active on this platform as well as other job portals to look for any new opportunity that arises. A well-maintained profile on this platform can fetch you good opportunities.

  • Build Network

Building PR and networking with professionals in the same field is essential to stay updated with the latest in the industry.

  • Attend Industry Seminars and Events

A lot of seminars and industry events are organized these days. It is suggested to attend such seminars to acquire greater insight into the industry and meet influential people.

Apart from this, you must stay determined, review your career goals from time to time and never stop learning.

The government of India must curb the issues that are causing a hindrance in providing good career opportunities to individuals in the country. A country that values the talent and skills of its citizens and channelizes it in the right direction flourishes at a good pace.

Career Essay 5 (600 words)

While on one hand the advancement in technology has taken away jobs from the labour class, on the other hand it has given way to numerous lucrative opportunities for those who are well-educated. There are all the more opportunities for those who are equipped with technical knowledge.

Earlier it was believed that those who go for science stream after their 10 th standard have a lucrative career ahead, the ones who go for the commerce stream are not likely to grab very good opportunities and there is very little scope for those who go for humanities. This did hold good until a few decades back but not now. There is immense scope in every stream these days. Here are the various career opportunities available based on the stream you choose.

Here is a look at the courses/ career opportunities available for students who opt for science stream:

You can pursue a degree in engineering post 12 th standard. There are numerous fields to specialize in when it comes to engineering. Electrical engineering, electronics engineering, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, petroleum engineering, aerospace engineering, biotechnology engineering, mining engineering, textile engineering, agricultural engineering, production engineering, power engineering and marine engineering are among some of them. A qualified engineer in any of these fields can work as consultant, assistant engineer, chief engineer or supervisor.

Besides, one can go for a B.Sc. degree such as B. Sc. in physics, chemistry, mathematics, biotechnology, forestry, IT, computer science, aviation and electronics to name a few. You can build a career in teaching or research and development after pursuing any of these courses.

BCA is a good option if you have a technical bent of mind. IT companies seek BCA graduates. Acquiring MCA degree after this boosts your chances of grabbing a good opportunity manifolds. Bachelor of Architecture, Bachelor of Pharmacy and Commercial Pilot Training are among the other fields one can go for.

Those who opt for the commerce stream after class 10 th also have a host of opportunities to look forward to. Here are some of these:

Charted Accountancy (CA), Company Secretaryship (CS), Cost and Work Accountant (CWA), Bachelors of Commerce (B.Com), Bachelors of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of Business Management (BBA), Bachelor of Management Studies, Hotel Management, Law (LLB) and Retail Management. A career in any of these fields is respectable as well as lucrative.

There is also a wide scope for students who opt for humanities after class 10 th . Here is a look at the various available options:

One can go for Bachelor’s of Arts to specialise in the field of his/her interest after completing 12 th standard. Bachelors in Arts in English, Sociology, Political Science, Philosophy, Social Work, History, Psychology, Fine Arts, Library Science and Journalism are among some of the options. One can also go for Diploma courses to seek vocational knowledge and training in different fields. Diploma in Travel and Tourism, Diploma in Interior Designing, Diploma in Foreign Language, Diploma in Event Management, Diploma in Hotel Management, Teachers Training (TTC), Diploma in Air Hostess and Flight Steward are among some of these courses. While the duration of the degree courses may be 3 to 5 years, the diploma courses can mostly be completed in 6 months to 2 years time. A host of good opportunities lie ahead for those who opt for any of these courses.

There are good career opportunities for qualified and skilled candidates in India as well as abroad. However, the competition is tough. So merely enrolling to a good course would not help. You must work hard and pass the same with good grades in order to build a strong career.

A Career as a Finance Officer

Every company desires good business. Their primary goals are to earn money, spend in intelligent ways that will increase the company value, and have enough money left to stay clear of debt. It is critical that a company have good financial management in order to attain these goals. Without the proper direction and implementation of solid financial strategies, few companies will survive.

Upon completion of my degree, I am planning to work in the field of financial management as a finance officer.

A finance officer directs the company budget toward their financial goals, oversees investments, and the financial objectives of an organization. They may also deal with acquisitions and mergers. I am very interested in finding a position as a finance manager, where I am able to use my education, skills and enthusiasm for finance to promote a company’s interests.

It is necessary for a finance officer to be well educated, with at least a bachelor’s degree. The entry market is highly competitive and any additional experience or education obtainable is an advantage. Many companies prefer to hire financial managers with an advanced degree or some experience.

As I begin my job search, I will research each company of interest to determine their criteria for hire. I understand that some companies require entry exams or a certificate program through their company for prospective employees.

Also, it may be necessary to take a position with less responsibility or compensation in order to obtain the experience necessary to advance. My education in computers is will be an advantage since all financial and inter-office interaction is typically computer based.

My excellent communication and people skills will assist me in a position as a finance officer. Since most managers will be directly overseeing other employees, being able to direct projects, assign responsibilities and lead others towards desired goals is critical. It is also important to be able to work in a team environment and to be able to explain complex financial information in a clear way. I believe that these are some of my strong points.

A successful finance officer is one who is willing to constantly learn and grow in their field. They must change in response to technological developments and data analysis techniques. They must stay on top of the current trends and information in the financial field and they need to be aware of current tax laws governing their industry.

Various seminars and workshops are available for continuing education, which may or may not be required, but are always a good idea. The Internet provides much of the current information in the finance world, but trade journals deliver cutting edge information.

The Financial Management Association International, based at the College of Business Administration at the University of South Florida in Tampa ( publishes a quarterly and a bi-annual journal (, and the Association for Financial Professionals in Bethesda, Maryland (, offers a monthly publication.

Both of these regularly have articles about current research, software development, and information of interest to those in finance fields. They post meeting minutes and notifications of available workshops as well.

A Career in Chemistry


Candidate, who chooses chemistry as a career, must have passion to know about science and chemical substances. Chemistry is a branch of the science which explores the composition, properties, and transformation of substances and various elementary forms of matter. All human activities deal with a material world, which consists of chemicals, both natural and manufactured.

Chlorophyll, hemoglobin, and insulin are examples of natural chemicals that are essential to life. Chemistry has great significance in understanding the environment, enhancing methods of producing, processing, and packaging food and making automobiles protected and more fuel-efficient.

Candidates who complete the chemistry major are knowledgeable in all aspects of modern chemistry. In graduation program, students cover course work in the major sub-disciplines of chemistry, organic, inorganic, physical, biological, and analytical.

The syllabus of chemistry allow the student to choose array of career choices which include chemistry, medicine, law, business, chemical physics, environmental science, and secondary school teaching. If candidate wants to become chemist, he has to complete undergraduate training to produce new products for the chemical-processing industries, execute tests and evaluations of existing products and the environment, and carry out basic research (

Job description

Chemistry offers number of careers. Chemistry is a major subject of science. Candidates trained in chemistry or the chemical sciences may develop the ability which can be utilized in various fields. For example chemists prepare medicines that treat many diseases (

Candidates who are interested in chemistry subject must possess many skills which include ability to make critical observations and appropriate decisions, ability to operate scientific equipment, ability to organize and maintain accurate records, ability to conduct and clearly explain scientific research, proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and memorization, sensitivity to the health and safety of others.

In chemistry, candidate can also do courses in professional schools such as medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, occupational health, optometry, MBA programs and policy studies. Job of chemistry teacher is to teach courses for the chemical and physical properties and compositional changes of substances. They teach the methods of qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis. Teachers primarily engaged in teaching and many professionals can involve in teaching as well as research (

Basically, chemistry lecturer deliver lectures to undergraduate and/or graduate students on topics such as organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, and chemical separation, supervise students' laboratory work, evaluate and grade students' class work, laboratory performance, assignments, and papers, compile, administer, and grade examinations, or assign this work to others, maintain student attendance records, grades, and other required records, prepare course materials such as syllabi, homework assignments, and handouts, maintain regularly scheduled office hours in order to advise and assist students, plan, evaluate, and modify curricula, course content and course materials and methods of instruction.

Chemistry Lab teaching assistant is responsible to assist the Professor for conducting laboratory experiments ( Chemists may involve in applied research projects which develop new products, or they may be engaged in theoretical research exploring new facts that may ultimately lead to new products. Many chemists work as administrators of these research projects or as executives in industry and government.

Choosing a Career Path Can Be a Difficult Decision

Finishing school is the beginning of the independent life for millions of school graduates. Many roads are open before them: technical schools, colleges, universities. But it’s not an easy thing to choose a profession out of more than 2,000 existing in the world. That’s why the topic of choosing the career path becomes one of the major questions for many students. Some people know ride away what they want to do in life, for others it’s an extremely difficult decision .

Selecting the right career path, you need to be proactive about your decision because this choice will change your entire life! Sometimes it’s difficult to establish career goals if you’re not really sure what you’d like to do. A good place to start is some self examination. First of all you should decide what are your or could be your talents. These are the things that you are naturally good at. They can be discovered and developed, but not taught. Secondly, concentrate on your skills – these are how you do something. They can be learnt and are transferable.

The extent to which you can develop your skills can be influenced by your talents. Finally, determine your character traits – whether you like dealing with people, what mental stimulation you need, whether you like physical work, your emotional make-up, how you handle stress and other emotions, what sort of environment you would like to work in. You might also want to look at what sorts of roles, industries, or areas interest you. Make sure you’re honest, keep an open mind so you consider all options before you make your decision.

You also should be careful not to pursue ideas or careers that seem attractive in some way (well paid), but that aren’t actually suitable for you or in which you don’t have the natural strengths or personality type. Everyone of us has a unique set of skills and talents, so you should focus on them, and then think about where and how to apply them. To narrow your search down, you may like to create a list of the careers that you like and you are suitable for. You could also examine people who you know, and consider what their strengths are, and what sorts of roles and industries that they work in are.

It might be worth asking your friends and family what they think as well. In the modern society family support is extremely valuable. That’s why you can be more confident and do the things you think you should. This way, there is the lower chance of having hard times in your life – you can totally rely on them. In this situation, I believe, is it fair to choose a job that gives you personal satisfaction even if the salary is lower than other available jobs. However, if you don’t have a family support, you shouldn’t concentrate just on making money.

It’s very important to enjoy yourself. The job you do, makes a big difference in your everyday life. Who wants to be nervous and irritated every single day after a boring day at work? This can be caused by the wrong decision in choosing the career path. That’s why, on one hand you should be sensitive to your family members’ suggestions, but on the other - “Listen to your dreams – those are the sounds no one else can hear. ” (Kobi Yamada) Another key to happiness and satisfaction in your life is balance. Finding it can be a bit challenge to a lot of people.

But if you know how to balance your professional and personal lives, you will have more time to do the things that you want to do! First of all, you should prioritize (decide what things are the most important to you). Do your best to improve your personal skills. Secondly, manage your time and divide your day into smaller parts to create some sort of schedule. This will also put more limits and make you work more productively. In addition to all of this, you should enjoy yourself. If you do, then you will not feel stressed and burned out.

This way, you can get out of your office happy and ready to face your personal life. The balance in your professional and personal lives is a mental state that is reached, when you do not have the need to separate these two worlds. All in all, planning your own future is one of the most difficult things to do. That’s why, you ought to think about it carefully and remember that your choice of the career path will determine your status in society, satisfaction of your needs, income and even your circle of friends!

My Career Goals in International Economics and Trade

Essay 2. In what ways do your academic background and recent professional or managerial experience provide evidence of your potential for success in the program you selected? In your eventual career? Please provide specific examples of relevant coursework and/or experience. Majoring[Major] in International Economics and Trade, I have built a sound academic background of economics and finance during four years of undergraduate study in School of Economics, Fudan University.

Through a series of curricular and research projects, I developed sound theoretical knowledge and strong analytical ability. My personality and ambition was shaped by active participation in various leadership positions and experience of professional practice. [I dont like this beginner, since it’s too plain and not impressive something no other than a narration. Ordinarily, you should figure out the very important perspective of yourself which can ensure reader of your suitability tp this program, if not extinguishment, e. . Your career goal, some specific internship, courses or research project arouse your great interest in some parts of this program. ] During the first two years of my undergraduate study, I have taken a wide range of courses. Basic core courses such as Political Economics, Micro and Macroeconomics empowered me to construct theoretical framework of economics, while Advanced Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Statistics, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics enabled me to apply quantitative methods to economic analysis. Referring some courses correlated to the program, for example, since it’s under the B-school, some finance, strategy, marketing and other practical courses you’ve enrolled in could be figured out. ] My talents revealed when it comes to international economics, in which not only did I achieve top grades but also proactively conducted a series of research projects. Through studying Western Economic History, Introduction to world economy, International trade, and International Economic Cooperation, I have gained deeper understanding about international economics and complex relations among the world’s major economies.

My coursework covered various issues including FDI, Merger & Acquisition, the manor system of West Europe and the trading structure between China and US, and my term paper on The Origins of Three Major Crisis In The 20th Century – the Great Depression, the financial crisis in East Asia in 1997 and the Subprime Mortgage Crisis was one of the best in my class. [This paragraph is nice and useful. ]

Meanwhile, I was the Vice General Secretary of the school students union and Vice President of FDU X-Games Club, both[All of the ] managerial[administrative] positions lasted for one year[You should delete it for one year is no better than not referred to] and greatly enhanced my leadership, creativity and sense of responsibility. My junior year was a very productive year, with excellent academic results that won me a scholarship for academic session 2011-2012, three research projects respectively concerning M&A, RMB equilibrium exchange rate and deindustrialization, and several well-constructed term papers.

Equipped with knowledge and analytical skills gained from previous study, I started my trials in more complex researches. Apart from course study, I was devoted to a research project with Professor Dazhong Cheng on Chinese firms’ cross-border merger and acquisition from the perspective of heterogeneous firms internationalization theory, which is a part of his research project funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 71272069).

I was responsible for collecting and selecting massive amounts of data, translating company information between English and Chinese, and processing data using such software packages as STATA and EVIEWS. This research experience has enhanced my understanding of merger and acquisition at the micro level, as well as trained my practical ability of solving problems using econometric methods. [As far as I know, the program of MAief is a very practical one which is aiming to provide its enrollers a wealthy professional trainee, so the research experience seems like redundant.

Just take more efforts to your professional experience, your working endeavors your personal characteristics, and some special things to distinguish you. ] It was during the study of International Finance, Monetary Economics and Investments that I discovered pure interest and real passion in finance. These courses are highly demanding, taught with most up-to-date case analysis, group discussions and large amounts of literature reading. Being self-motivated, I found myself well adapted to this learning mode.

I organized group projects on RMB equilibrium exchange rate and tools of monetary policy as group leader, presented learning outcome at class seminars. I led my team zealously participated in the class debate, and ranked 1st in performance graded by committee consists of the professor and teaching assistants. [Your interests, your career goals should be put as very beginning as possible, since those things are the admission committee finding for to judge whether you are thoughtful, promising, and suitable for their program.

While ] The deeper I [get]involved, the more fascinated I became. In order to gain better understanding of the financial market through practice, I became an intern at the Settlement Center of Bank of East Asia (China) Limited in the summer of 2012 after standing out from dozens of competitors. The Settlement Center is responsible for concentrated treasury management of BEA China, including the clearing and settlement of bonds, currencies, financial derivatives and the associated financial risk management.

During the 4-month internship, I took prime responsibility in collecting capital adequacy ratio data and foreign exchange positions data from branches, then analyzed the data and compiled accurate statements and reports for the team to conduct effective management. My working passion also lies in risk management of securities by revaluation and credit evaluation. I assisted mark-to-market accounting, as well as analysis of bonds’ issuers’ annual reports.

My initiative and devotion has earned first-rate recommendation of the Department Head of the Settlement Center. Apart from daily work, I also voluntarily worked on the communication and cooperation between the back office and the front desk, which enhanced operation efficiency of both the Settlement Center and the Treasury Division. Impressed by my effort, the President of the Treasury Division offered me an opportunity to join the division as a trainee to work with and learn from experienced colleagues.

The exposure in the front desk triggered my enthusiasm for the fast-changing financial markets, while the diligent practice at the Settlement Center reinforced my systematic comprehension of banking businesses. [You put too much narration, what about mentioning some difficulties, challenges, harshy time or even failure you came across during these time, and how you deal with them beat them and pull yourself back. If no immediate scripts, just imagine some, that’s OK. ]

This professional experience has shaped my analytical abilities and interpersonal skills, as well as my career goals. I am highly willing to work as a financial analyst in an investment bank, an asset management company or a financial consulting firm after earning a M. A. in International Economics and Finance. Eventually, with financial expertise and first-hand experience, I will realize my long-term goal of founding an investment company specialized in investment portfolios management.

I am on the way towards my portrayed blueprint, and the distinguished MAief program of Brandeis IBS would be one milestone along the expedition. [To end up your personal statement, the safest way is to explain your deficits through which you could express your eagerness of being admitted by Brandeis (also you could flatter it as your dream school and ideal program), underscore your insatiability of strengthening yourself and reiterate about your career goal in details. ] If I were you, I will Ar the very beginning,g

Short and Long Term Career Goals

Education has always been an important aspect of my life. Although there have been trials and tribulations I have surmounted them. My story is not one of a privileged life not wanting or wishing for anything. Instead it is a dream, a dream to be able to fulfill what is my destiny. On December 14, 2005 I will have my associate's degree; it has been a long time coming, and it is finally here. I have managed to maintain full time work to support myself and my family while attending to school to accomplish one of my life long dreams.

By attending Drexel this would not only afford me the opportunity to continue my dream of furthering my education but it will also allow me to advance in my industry. My short term career goals include furthering my education in business administration; Drexel will allow me to do that. Long term Drexel will give the tools, confidence, and background necessary to advance even further in my career goals. Business has been my passion for a number of years, Drexel will allow me to have more of a hand on approach, and it will allow me to be even more of a key player in the business industry.

Over time my goals continue to grow and advance, Drexel will allow me to make my current goals a reality and work toward my future goals and the ones that I will create in the future. The main way that Drexel would help me with my current and future goals is through affording me a great education, with a wonder staff and plentiful resources as my disposal. These tools are priceless, and impossible to truly measure. All I can say is that it is my beliefs that Drexel is the best place for me to continue my education. Through researching the school and the programs that are offered through Drexel, I believe that the business program best suits my life style. The program allows flexibility which is extremely important in my life.

My short term career goals include: advancing my knowledge base in the field of business administration, balancing work and family, becoming more confident in my abilities as a degreed professional, learn how to deal more efficiently in my professional life and personal life. Drexel can help me reach these goals by, affording me the opportunity to have a flexible school schedule, by teaching me the necessary tools to needed to become more confident in my personal and professional abilities, giving me a platform to increase my skills in business as well as interpersonal skills necessary to survive in the business world.

Long term goals include, advancing into a higher position with my current employer, or possibly starting my own business, becoming a motivator and teacher to others through my knowledge and experience. Drexel can aid me in reaching these long term goals in the same ways that Drexel can help me reach the short term career goals. One is through allowing a platform to gain further education in the field of business. By advancing my knowledge in the field of business, I hope to be able to be an inspiration to others, as well as have the tools necessary to be effective in my endeavors as well as help others obtain their lifelong goals.

Drexel University is the perfect fit for me. I know that if I am allowed to become a part of the student body all of my dreams will become realities. There is no where to go but up with a Drexel education. If given the opportunity you will not be disappointed. I give every endeavor 100%! Education is necessary in continuing my goals. My Bachelors is just the beginning, just a single step leading up the stairway of my lifelong dreams. Thank you in advance for considering me for your Bachelors program.

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Essay on Career for Students and Children

500+ words essay on career.

Career is a very important thing in one’s life. Whatever career path you choose to follow, it will impact your life greatly. Your career will define your status in a society in addition to your lifestyle. In other words, your career will determine your social circle and relationships.

Essay on Career

Therefore, it is extremely important to choose the correct career path . From a very young age, we aspire to be something or the other. While someone aims to be a doctor, some wish to become a painter. Our career choices depend on a lot of things. Thus, it is important to consider all factors before choosing a career path.

How to Choose your Career?

You must consider a number of factors before deciding on your career. Each factor plays a significant role in your choice. Firstly, always assess yourself thoroughly. You must understand your area of interest to choose a career. For instance, someone who dances well can surely become a doctor, but his interest will always be in dance. Thus, ensure that you have the caliber to perform well in the field you choose. This will come from your area of interest itself.

After that, you look for the opportunities available as per your area of interest. Now that you are aware of what you like and dislike, you can easily look for occupations matching your passion. Make a list of the occupations you can get into following your interests. Furthermore, shorten the list you have prepared. You must do so as per what suits you best. Consult with your seniors and parents to make informed decisions.

Most importantly, acquire the skills for the career option you are interested in. Ensure you earn the qualifications and degrees for it. Try taking training programs to enhance your skills. This will give you an upper hand in knowing whether you are correct in choosing the specific career plan. Furthermore, create an impressive resume which can help you get the right opportunities.

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How to Achieve your Career Goal?

There are steps you need to take before achieving your career goal. As they say, success doesn’t come overnight. You must work along the way to accomplish your goals. There is always hope if you have the will. Firstly, create profiles on different job portals to attract the employer’s attention. When you maintain your profile well, you will be able to get good career opportunities.

Moreover, always maintain your network. Build a solid network and create sources in the field. This way you can update yourself with the latest happenings in the industry. In addition, try to attend the related seminars and workshops that happen related to your career choice. You will meet influential people of the same field who can broaden your thinking.

In short, always remember to stay determined. You can easily achieve your career goal if you set your mind to it. In other words, people usually distract themselves easily. You must not do so and focus on your career path to achieve your goals efficiently.

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Essay About Career Goals: Top 5 Examples and 3 Prompts

Career goals are milestones that demonstrate your development. Read some examples for inspiration to write a thought-provoking essay about career goals. 

Why might you need to write an essay about your career goals? When applying for universities, internships, and full-time jobs, you may be asked about your plans for the future. This helps the company or individual decide whether you are a good fit for the position.

Setting career goals can start with making a vision board, jotting down your aspirations, or even telling loved ones about them. There is no need to start big; it can be as simple as learning a new language or skill. It’s the process that counts, and the process can be ongoing and will likely lead you to identify further goals. 

If you want or need to write an essay about career goals, here are some examples to give you inspiration and some prompts to help you choose your own approach to the essay.


1. My career goals changed after uni, and that’s okay by Hazel M.

2. how my career goals & self-perception have changed now that i’m in my 30s by audrey gonzalez, 3. how to keep your career goals on track by clare whitmell, 4. my dad scorns my career goals. how do i keep us from falling out by annalisa barbieri, 5. why career plans are not always the answer by melody wilding, top 5 writing prompts on essay about career goals, 1. what are the benefits of having a solid set of career goals, 2. should you disregard others’ input when setting career goals, 3. when it comes to career goals, is there a blueprint to success, 4. guidance on setting career goals in the education sector, 5. does the socioeconomic status of an area affect the career goals of a population.

“If life has taught me anything, it’s that planning too far in advance can be more troublesome than it’s worth. I still have 30 years left before retirement and I’m open to anything – who knows? Maybe that editor job will happen after all. The most important thing, however, is not to be disappointed if it doesn’t; to appreciate the here and now, and pause long enough to look at how far you’ve already come. So, if your plan doesn’t pan out (or several years in you realise it might not be for you), that’s okay. You haven’t failed or disappointed anyone, you’ve just taken a different path. Chances are, you’re exactly where you need to be.”

Here the author describes how different her life is compared to how she envisioned it in her youth. When establishing her career goals, she planned to work as the editor of a national newspaper; however, she is not dissatisfied with the path her life has taken. 

Hazel M. initially pursued her goals by moving to London but soon realized she preferred a different location and a line of work she could manage independently. Setting goals for the future is always sensible, but never be afraid to choose a different path if you feel your current route is not working. The author demonstrates that choosing goals is a fluid and ongoing process. For more inspiration, see these articles about achievements .

“When I think back over the last decade, it’s a little weird to recognize just how much I’ve changed, both in my attitude toward my career and my perception of myself. I’ve gone from coasting along with whatever job pays the bills to actively broadening my marketable skills, and from constantly second-guessing my adulthood to being adult enough to say I don’t know, but I will soon .”

Similar to the previous essay, Gonzalez details how her life has deviated from her original plans. She realizes she was only doing jobs to stay financially stable and that her career goals were not as well-thought-out as she had believed. She also began to see herself as an adult rather than a mere student or an intern. 

Finally, Gonzalez realized that by taking a more proactive approach, bolstering her existing skills, and learning new ones, she could access broader and more rewarding opportunities. Gonzalez’s essay perfectly shows how career goals should not only be about money.

Looking for more? Check out these essays about work .

“Persistent effort and the willpower to stay the course are the fundamentals for achieving any sort of change. But you’ll also need a strategy for staying motivated when you experience setbacks and obstacles. Learn from these and use them as a spur to change what isn’t working rather than allowing them to chip away at your self-confidence.”

Whitmell gives readers tips on how to formulate career goals that are targeted, measurable, realistic, and achievable in a given timeframe. An essential piece of advice she gives is to have a positive mindset and be confident in yourself. 

Being determined, confident, and optimistic will help you bounce back from whatever setbacks you may encounter at any point in your career. And we all experience setbacks; however, they must be viewed as an opportunity for growth and part of the learning curve. You might also be wondering, why write goals down?

“Your dad may never understand you in the way you want, but that shouldn’t result in a broken relationship. He should respect your choices, because they will be the building blocks of your life, not his. You are a whole different person from him, with your own fears and hopes. These are worthy of discussion.”

Barbieri responds to a reader at odds with her father over her career goals in this article. The author recommends finding the right time for the reader to talk to her father and finding common ground regarding the reader’s career goals. These goals reflect her passions, and even if her father disagrees with them, he should at least respect them. 

“The idea of a five-year plan is so popular because it promises certainty –– that if we follow a linear path to success, happiness will follow. But trying to predict the future is a losing battle. It’s impossible to know what your priorities will be a few years from now, let alone the opportunities you’ll be presented with.”

In her article, Wilding writes about how strict career goals are not always beneficial. She discusses how they can leave you obsessed and “stuck” trying to fulfill these goals. She also provides insight on how to plan your career, including pursuing your passions, using failure for improvement, and not looking too far into the future. 

Having career goals can help you feel prepared for the future. But what good does it do? Discuss the benefits of setting career goals. Include the drawbacks of having a fixed plan too early and the importance of revisiting it incrementally. Remember, your dreams and aspirations will change as you progress through life, and your goals should accommodate this.

We have heard about basing career goals on “what you want.” However, should you still listen to the opinions of others, such as your parents, as is the dilemma in Barbieri’s essay? Or should you follow your gut? The people closest to us know us well and sometimes better than we know ourselves. How do we choose when to take advice and when to follow our instincts. You can include career advice services offered to teenagers and school leavers. This advice is sometimes based on a snapshot of a person by an unfamiliar advisor. Is this advice valid?

essay about career goals: When it comes to career goals, is there a blueprint to success?

Explore the process of developing career goals. Look at the examples of recognizable entrepreneurs and compare the steps they took to develop and achieve their goals. Are there similarities between their methods? Is it possible for someone to take a blueprint to success and apply it to their own career path?

Analyze the current system for helping students develop career goals within your country or state and compare it with other countries. Look at the most effective strategies and back them up with statistical data. How are we teaching young people to plan for their future, and is there scope for improvement? You can include your personal experiences of career support for comparison.

Pick a locality, region, or country and assess the socioeconomic status. Then discuss how this may affect the aspirations of the population, particularly those leaving education. You might consider populations dominated by industries such as mining or manufacturing. Does the nature of the environment hamper potential or does it fuel determination to achieve alternative career options. Include some examples of your findings.

Check out our guide packed full of transition words for essays .

If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips !

How to Write an Awesome Essay About Your Career Goals

  • Before you begin, ask yourself a few key questions like:
  • What are my short-term and long-term career goals?
  • Where do I see myself in ten years?
  • What events in my life have led me to have these goals?
  • What major will help me reach my goals?
  • What skills do I need to reach my goals?
  • What impact do I want to have on society?

Career Goals Essay Template

Need more inspiration.

After you brainstorm the responses to these questions, look for common themes, or pick out the most interesting stories. You can build your main essay “thesis” or idea around this.

Once you’ve got the main idea, create an outline to put your ideas into essay format. This will give you a general idea of structure.

You can use the career essays template below to give you some ideas. But remember that some rules are meant to be broken, so don’t be afraid to be innovative and think outside the box!

Also, when you’re done, head over to Going Merry to apply for the Career Goals scholarship essay bundle (one essay, one application, multiple scholarships!). You might as well make that essay count. Sign up for Going Merry to apply for scholarships more efficiently.

career goals essay

Here’s a paragraph-by-paragraph breakdown:

Paragraph 1 : Establish the main theme of what you’re going to talk about. It should also grab the reader’s attention. For example, instead of starting your essay with something generic (e.g. Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to be a zoologist), get creative with it! Try something like My greatest memory as a young girl was going to the zoo for the first time or While most kids play house or school, I always wanted to play zookeeper.

Paragraph 2 : Elaborate on what inspired your career goals. Perhaps it was a relative, a TV show, or simply an experience that you had. Remember that old writing adage, “Show, don’t tell.” In other words, try to demonstrate your interest with story or description. 

Paragraph 3 : Discuss your short-term career goals and your intended major. How will your intended major help you reach these goals? What skills do you need to learn to reach them? At the end of the paragraph, try discussing how your short-term goals can help you achieve your long-term goals.

Paragraph 4 : Focus on your long-term goals and the impact that you hope to have on society. If you’re not sure what your long-term goals are, don’t sweat it; they’ll probably change anyways. You can instead focus on the difference you’d like to make overall. And don’t worry too much about the size of the impact…remember that just doing what you’re truly passionate about has a massive impact on those around you.

The last paragraph is your conclusion. You can use this paragraph to summarize what you discussed in the previous few paragraphs. If you want to be even more creative, try ending your essay with a question for your readers or a new insight. Good luck!

And now that you’re ready with that essay, put it to good use! You can recycle that same essay, when applying for the Career Goals Scholarship Bundle. We’ve joined together multiple scholarships (all requesting essays on career goals), into just ONE simple application! See more info here , or just sign up to get going.

Check out examples from other students just like you. Here are links to some great career goal essay examples:

  • Example 1  
  • Example 2  
  • Example 3  

Or maybe you’re looking for help with an academic goals essay — we’ve got you covered there too.

Also, check out this helpful list of the 10 most common scholarship essay topics !

Top 10 Most Common Scholarship Essay Prompts Graphic

Sign up for Going Merry today, and upload your career goal essay right to your profile. It’s that easy!

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Career Goals Essay For Scholarships (With Examples)

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Scholarship programs often want you to write a career goals essay to see that you have a clear plan for how you’ll apply your education to a specific career path. This helps show a scholarship committee why you’re seeking funds for the next step on the path toward your success. Answering “what are your career goals” effectively can help increase your odds of impressing landing a scholarship opportunity. If you’re a prospective student applying for scholarships, this article will provide tips on how to write a career goals essay, along with essays on career goals examples to help you get an idea of what scholarship committees are looking for. Key Takeaways: When you’re writing a career goals essay, make sure to write about the goals that are relevant to the scholarship. Be honest and use your own voice to stand out in your scholarship essay. Go into detail about how the scholarship will help you achieve your goals. In This Article    Skip to section What is a career goals essay? Why scholarship essays ask about career goals Example career goals essay prompts Career goals essay examples Tips for writing a scholarship essay about career goals What to write in a career goals essay if your goals have changed Career goals essay for a scholarship FAQ References Sign Up For More Advice and Jobs Show More What is a career goals essay?

A career goals essay is a personal written explanation that discusses your background, why you’re interested in participating in the program, and what career you’d like this degree to lead into. A scholarship essay functions to explain why you want to achieve your professional goals and how you intend to get there.

In almost every application process, a portion asks the candidate to answer an essay question. When applying to an educational program, like an MBA, the essay prompt usually relates to your career goals .

Why scholarship essays ask about career goals

Scholarship essays ask about career goals to assess your enthusiasm for the program, learn more about how the scholarship will help you, and ensure that you’ve considered how the program will help you achieve your goals for the future:

Assess your enthusiasm. Passion is important for scholarship administrators, and if you’re able to articulate your enthusiasm for a specific career path , it will show that you’re determined to meet the requirements to reach that goal. The most specific and well-thought-out your essay is, the easier it will be for a reader to understand your devotion and commitment to the program and the field it will allow you to enter.

Learn how the scholarship will help you. Having a firm grasp of your career goals is great, but it’s equally important that you express exactly how the specific program relates to those goals. This shows that you’ve researched the merits of the program and understand exactly how it fits into your professional goals.

Show you’ve considered your future. This goes along with the first two points — show that you know how to set goals and consider the path toward achieving those goals, and you’ll have an easier time convincing the reader that you’ll know how to set goals while participating in the program. They’ll see that you know how to prioritize education because you have a clear vision for navigating your career path.

Example career goals essay prompts

While some scholarships might come right out and simply ask, “What are your career goals?” most will rework the question into something different that still accomplishes the same goal.

Below are some examples of career goals essay prompts that a scholarship program could pose to its applicants:

Discuss your career goals. Many scholarships prefer the most direct approach when giving an essay prompt to their applicants. This type of question gives the candidate a lot of wiggle room to discuss their passions, motivations, and career goals.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years ? This question is often used as a prompt for a career goals essay because it gives the applicant a timeline to describe their aspirations. It forces them to be realistic about where their career will be and how they will accomplish this within the next ten years.

How will this scholarship contribute to your professional success? A scholarship committee wants to be sure that the money they’re giving will contribute to a student’s overall professional success. This question asks about the applicant’s game plan in the long-term and evaluates how this program is going to assist in their future.

What is your dream job ? Since a dream job is often categorized as a person’s career goals, this is a common question phrasing in scholarship essays. Asking about a candidate’s dream job answers whether this program aligns with the student’s long-term career goals.

What matters most to you and why? Sometimes, a scholarship essay prompt won’t ask about your career or future at all. Instead, they’ll ask a question like this that assesses your motivations , values, and character.

Career goals essay examples

Use these examples of career goals essays for scholarships to help write your own. Pay special attention to how they’re organized, rather than the content, to inspire your own career goals essay:

Career goals essay example 1 – Discuss your career goals

When I was six years old, I was riding bikes with my older sister around our neighborhood. She had just taught me how to ride, and I was excited to have to freedom to explore with her. When she was rounding a particularly difficult bend to see around, a car happened to be coming along at the same time. It struck her. That bike ride changed our lives forever. Over the next year, I went with my sister every Tuesday and Thursday to her physical therapist ’s appointments to help her regain walking strength. Watching her physical therapist patiently assist my sister back to becoming herself awoken something in me. A passion for helping others in the same way eventually turned into a career goal of becoming a physical therapist myself. I decided to get my bachelor’s degree in exercise science. After graduating in 2019, I knew that the next step for me was to attend a graduate program in physical therapy. I was accepted to Lassell University Master of Science in Rehabilitation Services. This presented me with my latest goal along my career path, and I’m eagerly waiting to start. This scholarship would help me afford the wonderful opportunity to be a part of the Lassell University class of 2023, allowing me to continue working towards my ultimate career goal of becoming a physical therapist and helping others to become themselves again.

Career goals essay example 2 – Where do you see yourself in ten years?

In ten years, I will have been successfully running my own construction business for about five years. I’m currently a second-year student at the University of Texas, pursuing a master’s degree in business administration. I decided to get my MBA because I knew it would be a positive asset toward my long-term career goal of owning a construction business. In my high school years, I worked as a construction apprentice for a local business. I loved many aspects of the business, such as building something from nothing. I knew that I wanted to incorporate this work into my long-term career, but I didn’t want to work as an apprentice . This led me to pursue business. In ten years and with the help of this scholarship, I will have graduated with my MBA almost a decade prior . After graduation, I plan to take a business administration internship with a carpentry business to help myself get a footing in the field. After about two years of this, I will have started my own construction business.

Career goals essay example 3 – What matters most to you and why?

The people I surround myself with matter most to me. Whether it be my relatives, friends, or professional acquaintances, I always care the most about the happiness of the people around me. Making the people around me happy matters the most to me because I truly because we find our happiness through others. I believe that this drive to make a positive impression on the people around me is what drove me towards a career as a nurse . I always thought of hospitals as places where people need someone to support them and make their day a little happier. I wanted to be one of those who spend their careers positively impacting people in need. This scholarship will enable me to finally afford nursing school and go after my dream job full force.

Career goals essay example 4 – What are your short- and long-term career goals, and how will earning this degree contribute to achieving those goals? Please provide a minimum of 200 words.

My short-term career goals involve working directly with underprivileged young people to increase the literacy rate in my community. As a student of an underfunded and understaffed school, I’ve seen firsthand how much of an impact early literacy education makes on long-term achievement. It broke my heart to see my peers embarrassed at their struggle with reading at an advanced age, and this shame added another dimension to their lack of opportunity. Being a literacy educator for young people would allow me to serve this community directly to show them not only the necessity of strong written communication skills, but the joy of reading for pleasure. This program focuses specifically on early literacy, and would provide me a direct route to a career in serving the community I hope to serve. As for long-term career goals, I hope to one day create a program where socioeconomically parents can bring their children for literacy education, not only to increase their ability to navigate the world of language, but also to instill confidence and joy in the written word. What drew me to this program was that it also has administrative, legal, and business dimensions that would set me on the path toward achieving this goal.

Tips for writing a scholarship essay about career goals

Here are some tips to keep in mind for writing a career goals scholarship essay:

Write about goals relevant to the scholarship. Although you may have many different kinds of goals for your personal and professional future, a scholarship essay only discusses objectives that are relevant to the program you’re applying for.

Be honest. Applying for a scholarship is stressful because the applicant’s education is usually reliant on receiving these funds in one way or another. Even though it’s tempting to exaggerate your skills or pretend you’re more passionate about something than you are to make yourself a more competitive applicant, it’s a bad move.

Use your own, unique voice. The essay portion of a scholarship application is your chance to stand out by using your voice. Nobody else, regardless of their academic or professional achievements, is you. Make this clear in your career goals scholarship essay by keeping your unique written voice engrained in the words you produce.

Be specific. A big reason that scholarship committees ask applicants to write a career goals essay is to determine how prepared they are in planning their long-term professional goals. They aren’t interested in providing a scholarship to students who aren’t going to follow through with their career plans.

Explain long and short-term goals . Even if the essay prompt asks you to describe where you see yourself in ten years, you still need to tell them the steps leading towards this picture of success.

Include the short-term goals that add up to your larger career objectives in your essay response. Explain how accomplishing the smaller goals gives you an advantage when tackling long-term ones.

Explain how the program and scholarship will help you. Before writing your career goals essay, consider how this program and scholarship will help you in your career. The answer to this question is essential.

Follow the essay formatting guidelines. This may sound obvious, but it’s surprisingly easy to forget this step when your essay is finally flowing and when you’re scrambling to get it submitted on time.

Check, double-check , and triple-check the essay guidelines for content, word count, and formatting requirements. If you miss any of these steps, your essay may be immediately disqualified no matter how good it or the rest of your application is.

What to write in a career goals essay if your goals have changed

Many times career goals essays are written by students who have already completed at least some college or are applying to a post-graduate program and need more money to continue.

There’s a good chance that your career goals have changed since you started or graduated college. For example, say you wanted to be an engineer , so you got your undergraduate degree in engineering but realized you didn’t like it after working in the industry for a few years.

You decided that nursing would be more up your alley, and now you’re applying for a scholarship for a nursing program. While this isn’t unusual, it can make it more difficult to write a career goals essay since your past work doesn’t necessarily match your future goals.

In this case, you’ll simply need to explain why you changed your career path and why this next one is the best choice for you. Share your decision-making process to show that you haven’t taken the switch lightly, and talk about what you’ve already done to try to pursue this path.

Career goals essay for a scholarship FAQ

How do you write a career goal for a scholarship essay?

You write a career goal for a scholarship essay by sharing your passion, explaining both your long- and short-term goals, and relating your goals to the scholarship.

Explain why you want to pursue the career you’re pursuing, where you hope to be in the future and how you plan to get there, and how the scholarship will help you do this.

How do you describe your career goals in an essay?

You describe your career goals in an essay by explaining what you want to do in your career, why you decided on this career path, and what you’ve done so far to make that a reality.

You can usually work these factors into any prompt you receive, so think through them before you start writing so that you can use them as an outline of sorts.

What are career goals examples?

Examples of career goals include:

Working as a grant writer for a nonprofit organization.

Becoming a department manager and eventually an executive in your field.

Owning your own plumbing company.

Caring for underserved communities as a nurse practitioner .

What are some goals for success?

Some goals for success include growing in your role, building your network, and finding joy in the job. Most careers don’t just happen overnight and require you to set the right milestones that work best for you. Not everyone will have the same goals for success.

How do you start a career goals essay for a scholarship?

You can start a career goals essay for a scholarship by directly answering the prompt. Most scholarship prompts include a word count of between 200 and 500 words, so it’s essential that you immediately respond to the prompt. Attention-grabbing sentences and narratives can be helpful for setting the scene, but an efficient and direct answer will show a clarity of mind that helps enhance the quality of your answer.

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Sky Ariella is a professional freelance writer, originally from New York. She has been featured on websites and online magazines covering topics in career, travel, and lifestyle. She received her BA in psychology from Hunter College.

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How to Write an Essay About My Goal: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Write an Essay About My Goal: A Comprehensive Guide

In the ever-evolving journey of life, setting clear objectives and ambitions is crucial. Whether these goals are short-term or stretch into the far reaches of our future, they act as guiding lights in our journey. This guide will assist you in articulating and expressing these ambitions effectively, especially when it comes to writing them down.

Understanding the Importance of Goal Setting

Setting life goals is a combination of introspection and foresight. It demands an understanding of one's current standing and a clear vision for the future. By penning down your goals, you not only provide yourself a clear road map but also make a commitment to yourself to achieve them.

How To Write An Essay About My Life Goals

  • Introduction : Initiate with an engaging hook—be it a quote, question, or anecdote—that aligns with your goal.
  • State your main goal : Elucidate on what your primary life objective is. Be it professional success, personal achievement, or societal contribution, clarify your aim.
  • The 'Why' behind the goal : Delve into your motivations. Discuss the driving forces behind this ambition.
  • Steps to achieve : Provide a roadmap. Enumerate the steps you'd undertake to transform this goal into a reality.
  • Potential Challenges : Highlight potential obstacles and your strategies to navigate them.
  • Conclusion : Summarize and re-emphasize your dedication towards your objective.

Career Goal Essay Definition

It's essential to differentiate between life goals and career goals. While the former encompasses broader objectives, a career goal essay underscores your professional aspirations, detailing why they matter and how you plan to attain them.

How Long is a Professional Goal Statement?

A professional goal statement's length can vary but should be concise. Ranging typically from 500 to 1000 words, it should capture your aspirations succinctly. Always adhere to specific guidelines if provided.

What to Avoid While Writing Your Career Goal Essay

• Ambiguity: Always be specific. • Unsubstantiated lofty goals: Your ambitions should be grounded in reality. • Neglecting personal growth: Showcase how your past has shaped your future. • Reiteration: Stay succinct and steer clear of repetition.

My Future Goals Essay: 12 Models

  • Entrepreneurial Aspirations : Launching a sustainable fashion startup by 2030.
  • Technological Goals : Developing an AI-driven community healthcare system.
  • Educational Objectives : Attaining a Ph.D. in Quantum Physics.
  • Artistic Pursuits : Holding a solo art exhibition in a renowned gallery.
  • Societal Contributions : Establishing a foundation for underprivileged children's education.
  • Scientific Aspirations : Contributing to renewable energy research.
  • Medical Goals : Becoming a pediatric surgeon and researching rare childhood diseases.
  • Travel Objectives : Visiting every UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • Sports Ambitions : Completing an Ironman Triathlon.
  • Literary Goals : Publishing a trilogy of fantasy novels.
  • Environmental Aims : Pioneering a city-wide recycling initiative.
  • Leadership Aspirations : Becoming the CEO of a Fortune 500 company.

Articulating one's life and career goals requires introspection, clarity, and foresight. This guide offers a structured blueprint to ensure your essay not only adheres to academic standards but genuinely resonates with your aspirations and dreams. Whether you're grappling with questions like "what should I write in my college essay?" or "how to draft a goal statement?", this guide is here to light the way.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the ideal structure for a future career essay? Start with an engaging introduction about your aspirations. In the body, detail the steps you plan to take, experiences that have guided you, and why you chose this career. End with a conclusion summarizing your determination and future vision.
  • How do I ensure my career goals essay stands out? Incorporate personal stories or experiences that shaped your goals. Be specific about your aspirations and how you plan to achieve them.
  • How can I relate my past experiences to my future career in the essay? Highlight skills, lessons, or challenges from your past and demonstrate how they have directed or prepared you for your future career.
  • What should I avoid when writing an essay about my career goals? Avoid being too vague about your goals. Steer clear of clichés, and ensure your goals are realistic and grounded.
  • How long should my essay about my goal be? This depends on the requirement. Usually, personal statements are between 500-700 words. Always adhere to the specified word limit.
  • Can I include short-term and long-term goals in my essay? Absolutely! Detailing both shows planning and vision. Highlight how short-term goals will pave the way for long-term objectives.
  • How do I conclude my essay about my goals effectively? Reiterate your dedication to these goals, reflect on the journey ahead, and end with a note of optimism and determination.

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an essay about career choices

February 29, 2024

  • Writing Your Career Goals Essay

an essay about career choices

Check out all the blog posts in this series:

  • Identifying the Ingredients of a Winning Essay
  • Finding a Theme for Your Statement of Purpose
  • Revise and Polish Your Application Essays

Your career goals essay demands a laser-like focus. A personal statement, by contrast, allows for some flexibility in its content, though you can – and often should – discuss your career goals. But a career goals essay has a particular and packed agenda. In fact, the prompt for a career goals essay could actually include multiple questions, and in such cases, you want to make sure you address each of them.

For example, in 2022, Kellogg asked applicants to its one-year program to respond to the following prompt: “Please discuss your post-MBA career goal, the current experience you will leverage to support the transition, and the Kellogg 1Y opportunities that will help you reach this goal.” 

This prompt has three parts: (1) What do you want to do post-MBA ? (2) Why is the 1Y program appropriate for you? And (3) what experience has so far prepared you to succeed in your target role? 

So, always pay close attention to your target school’s prompt to ensure that you answer all the questions within its “single” question. 

Three elements of a successful career goals essay

In addition to having a distinct theme , your career goals essay should achieve the following:

  • Highlight specific career achievements. Choose from your most notable or defining experiences. These could be related to your work, community involvement, or extracurricular activities. The experiences you select should showcase your leadership skills , creative thinking, collaborative abilities, and personal reflections about what you learned or gained.
  • Explain why your experiences and influences make your career goal a logical and wise choice.
  • Demonstrate why you are suited to a particular field as a result of your education, experience, abilities, and enthusiasm. Ideally, the material you choose to include will also allow you to prove your knowledge about industry trends and suggest how your abilities and strengths can help you contribute to that field.

It’s a very tall order to achieve all this.

Putting these elements together to create your goals essay

Let’s take a look at a sample MBA Goals Essay and see how these three key elements are incorporated.  

You should be able to easily recognize why the writer’s opening is attention-getting for all the right reasons. The writer introduces herself as the supremely busy executive she visualizes becoming in the future. She trades large amounts of stock, rushes off to a Zoom conference, hurries downstairs, flags down a taxi, then hops on a plane. As she describes this whirlwind of activity, we can practically feel her heart pumping.

After establishing her voice and personality in this opening, she offers context for her MBA goal. Notice that in writing about her work as an accountant for a major firm, she provides relevant details, including how many years she has been in the field, her bilingualism, and her specialty area as an auditor. This information is her springboard to explain why she is pursuing an MBA: she’s bursting out of her limited role as an accountant. Her eyes and ambition are set on a larger playing field as an international investment manager.

Write an essay, not a list or CV

Outstanding career goals essays are not lists of an applicant’s roles and achievements. Instead, they have a narrative flow and arc that convey the candidate’s palpable excitement about their career choice. This writer’s enthusiastic, dreamy first paragraph achieves this, and she returns to that image at the end, where she paints her idealized (if frantically busy) future. She also proves her seriousness by noting that she registered for the CFA exam.

Connect your career goals to your reasons for choosing a particular program

Many essay questions, especially those for MBA programs , will ask why you have chosen the school you’re applying to. Be prepared to respond knowledgeably and enthusiastically. And the only way to become knowledgeable – and enthusiastic – is by visiting campus in-person or virtually, attending student recruitment meetings, participating in forums, reading student blogs, watching videos of students speaking about their experiences, communicating directly with students and/or recent alumni, and otherwise doing your homework. As part of your research, make sure you have familiarized yourself with the courses and specializations that are relevant to your goals.

Summary Tips

  • Focus on answering each and every question asked in a career goals essay prompt. Often, there is more than one.
  • Highlight specific achievements vividly and in a way that shows that your career choice is logical for you.
  • Do the research so you can write about why the school is a good fit for you and do so with genuine enthusiasm.

In the next post in this series , we’ll explain how to take all this advice and apply it to create an exemplary first draft.

Work one-on-one with an expert who will walk you through the process of creating a slam-dunk application. Check out our full catalog of application services . Our admissions consultants have read thousands of essays and know the exact ingredients of an outstanding essay.

Judy Gruen

By Judy Gruen, former Accepted admissions consultant. Judy holds a master’s in journalism from Northwestern University. She is also the co-author of Accepted’s first full-length book, MBA Admission for Smarties: The No-Nonsense Guide to Acceptance at Top Business Schools . Want an admissions expert help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch!

Related resources:

  • The Winning Ingredients of a Dynamic MBA Goals Essay , a free guide
  • Grad School Personal Statement Examples
  • Focus on Fit , podcast Episode 162

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Examples of Scholarship Essays for the “Career Goals” Question

Emily Wong

Emily Wong is a writer at Scholarships360. She’s worked as a social media manager and a content writer at several different startups, where she covered various topics including business, tech, job recruitment, and education. Emily grew up and went to school in the Chicago suburbs, where she studied economics and journalism at Northwestern University.

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Maria Geiger

Maria Geiger is Director of Content at Scholarships360. She is a former online educational technology instructor and adjunct writing instructor. In addition to education reform, Maria’s interests include viewpoint diversity, blended/flipped learning, digital communication, and integrating media/web tools into the curriculum to better facilitate student engagement. Maria earned both a B.A. and an M.A. in English Literature from Monmouth University, an M. Ed. in Education from Monmouth University, and a Virtual Online Teaching Certificate (VOLT) from the University of Pennsylvania.

Female student eating an apple while sitting at desk with open computer as she writes notes about scholarship essay examples about career goals

Writing an essay is often the trickiest part of the scholarship application, not to mention the most time-consuming. However, the essay section also allows room for creativity and individuality. If you can communicate effectively, you can use the essay portion to stand out from the crowd. Let’s go over some tips for writing, as well as a couple of scholarship essay examples about career goals.

How to write a scholarship essay 

At this point, you’ve probably gained plenty of experience writing papers for school. However, it may still take a couple of tries to nail the scholarship essay. Since scholarship teams often have to get through a lot of applications, it’s important to stand out while staying concise. Here are some simple guidelines for writing scholarship essays.

See also: How to write a winning scholarship essay (with examples!)

Take five minutes to brainstorm

Before you even start your essay, take some time to gather your thoughts. Think about what you’ll want the paper to focus on. Why did you choose to pursue your career path in the first place? Where do you want to be in five years? How would this scholarship help you further your studies and work toward your goals?

Once you’ve jotted down a few ideas, choose one or two to center your essay on. Identifying the focus of your paper, it’ll make it easier to keep your thoughts organized. In turn, it’ll make it easier for the reader to follow.

Related : How to start a scholarship essay (with examples!)

Stay within the word limit

Unlike the four-page essays that you may have written in English class, scholarship essays are often only a paragraph or two. In order to respect the selection committee’s time, be wary of going too far about the specified word count. A general rule of thumb is to stay within 20 words above or below the limit. That may entail a few rounds of edits to get the wording just right.

Stay positive!

Feel free to use part of your essay to talk about your life’s challenges. After all, the selection committee often wants to give the award to a candidate who needs it. However, make sure your anecdote doesn’t devolve into a sob story. If you’re going to bring up hardships you’ve endured, try to balance it by talking about how you’ve overcome them. By demonstrating resilience, you can show readers how you would use the scholarship to succeed in your current situation.

Leave time to proofread

Especially for a short scholarship essay, proofreading can take as little as 5-10 minutes. Still, it can be tempting to just hit “submit” after your first draft. However, being too impulsive can leave your essay riddled with typos and grammatical errors.

Try to avoid unnecessary mistakes by finishing your draft at least 24 hours before the scholarship deadline. That way, you can proofread it with fresh eyes before you submit it.

If you’re struggling to close out your essay, read how to end a scholarship essay in five steps .

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How to write a 100-word “career goals” essay.

When writing a 100-word essay, you’ll have to choose your content carefully. Since space is limited, you’ll want to identify the most important details to include beforehand.

First and foremost, make sure to clearly communicate your current pursuits. Talk about your academic and extracurricular activities related to your career goals. Additionally, it’s important to be specific about what you plan to do in the future. Then, if you have extra room, you can talk about how the scholarship will help you reach your goals.

My name is Alison MacBride, and I’m a sophomore at the University of Illinois. I’m currently pursuing a major in Journalism with a minor in Natural Resource Conservation. After completing my program, I plan to combine my areas of interest to become an environmental journalist.

During high school, I volunteered at an eco-conscious farm, where I learned about how our actions affect the earth. Since then, I’ve been set on raising awareness for the environment. This scholarship would go a long way in helping me finish my degree with the skills I need to investigate and report about critical issues.

Word count: 100

How to write a 250-word “career goals” essay

For the 250-word essay, you can go into more detail. Give the readers some context by talking about how you first got interested in your chosen career. Storytelling can be especially effective in engaging your audience. Try to capture their attention by choosing one or two concrete examples and relaying them vividly.

Additionally, you can spend more time talking about the scholarship and how it’ll make a difference in your studies. Go into more detail about how and why you need the award, but remember to keep it positive! For more help, check out how to write a 250 word essay . 

I first decided that I wanted to pursue a career in environmentalism in early high school. The summer after my freshman year, I joined a volunteer program at an eco-conscious farm in my community. In addition to helping out with the operations, I learned about current environmental issues related to farming and other consumer industries.

After learning about the agricultural industry’s impact on the planet, I was inspired to make a difference. The next year, I started a monthly earth magazine at my high school in which we broke down environmental issues and offered tips on how to be more eco-friendly. When I started college, I founded an on-campus publication with the same mission.

In recent years, I’ve been troubled to see how some media outlets downplay the gravity of issues like climate change and deforestation. I’ve admired reporters who publish trustworthy and comprehensible information about environmental issues, and I aim to follow in their footsteps.

When I entered college, I was initially concerned that I wouldn’t have enough money to finish my degree. Fortunately, I’ve been able to cover most of my tuition using merit scholarships and paychecks from my part-time job on campus. Receiving this scholarship would allow me more time to focus on acing my classes and pursuing environmental advocacy work on campus.

Word count: 261

Final thoughts

Planning is essential in making your “career goals” essay clear and concise. Hopefully, these scholarship essay examples about career goals can be your guide to writing a scholarship-winning essay. Good luck!

Additional resources

Maybe you need to write a longer scholarship essay? We can help with our writing a 500 word essay guide ! Be prepared and learn how to write essays about yourself and how to craft an impressive personal statement . Learn the differences between a personal statement and a statement of purpose as the terms might come up on college websites. If you haven’t decided on a college already, check out our guide on how to choose a college . No matter where you are in your educational journey, make sure that you apply for all the scholarships you qualify for!

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Writing Tips for a Career Goals Essay (2023)

Jennifer Finetti Mar 1, 2023

Writing Tips for a Career Goals Essay (2023)

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For your college scholarship essay, you may be asked about your career goals. The scholarship committee wants to see how investing in your education will help your career. Do you have a definitive plan? Will a college education fit into that plan? These are the answers they want to see.

In this guide, we will provide some scholarship essay examples about career goals to jumpstart your essay writing.

Writing tips for career goals scholarship essays

Here are some quick tips for writing career goal scholarship essays:

  • Write about career goals that tie into the scholarship. This doesn’t mean you have to lie about your career goals to make them fit. Find a way to relate them to the scholarship committee or other elements of the scholarship.
  • Be precise about your career goals. Avoid vague statements that suggest you do not have a plan. Judges like to see determination because it shows they’re making a worthy educational investment.
  • Discuss how your education will help you achieve your career goals. The scholarship will assist with your education. Show a connection between the two so they can see why you deserve this scholarship.
  • If you mention multiple goals, indicate which one you feel most strongly about. Longer essays may allow you to mention a backup plan, but the committee needs to see where your focus lies.
  • Avoid cliché statements. Describe how your specific talents, experiences, and degree pursuits will help you succeed.
  • Point out solutions, not problems. You may mention struggles you’ve had in the past, but pinpoint how you will learn from them. Moreover, show how those struggles led to your career goals.
  • Organize your thoughts in a fluid manner. This will most likely be in chronological order, starting with your degree and progressing through your career growth.
  • Write, revise, rest, revise. This goes for any essay writing. Write the first draft from start to finish. Then read through it and edit any grammar or flow errors. Take a break, preferably overnight, and then re-read your content with fresh eyes.

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Writing tips for college students

Example 1: Scholarship essay about career goals (100 words)

In a 100-word scholarship essay, you need to quickly make your point. There is not enough room for a lengthy intro or backstory. Use concise, comprehensive statements to deliver the most information in the fewest words.

I’m a sophomore at Texas Tech University, pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Companion Animal Science. After graduation, I hope to attend Texas A&M to become a veterinarian serving rescue organizations and animal shelters. I was born and raised in the south, where it is common for people to abandon animals in rural areas. Those animals then go into a rescue – emaciated, frightened, and confused. I want to work with rescues to provide affordable veterinary medicine to the animals they save. This scholarship would help me continue my education and potentially save thousands of abandoned animals in the future.

Word count: 99

Example 2: Scholarship essay about career goals (250 words)

With a 250-word scholarship essay, you have a little more room to discuss the details of your career goals. You can explain situations from your past that inspired your career pursuits. You could use one paragraph to talk about your short-term goals and another to talk about your long-term goals. Just make sure the big picture ties into the scholarship.

My name is Patrick Holden and I am a freshman at the University of Michigan, majoring in English and minoring in linguistics. I plan to become an English teacher, but this wasn’t always what I had in mind.  When thinking about my future, I always saw myself in some sort of corporate office, perhaps as an executive assistant or a loan officer at a bank. My father works in the finance office for a car dealership and my mother works at a call center. I assumed I would follow a similar, albeit boring, path in life. In my junior year of high school, everything changed. My English teacher inspired me in ways I could have never imagined. She got me to love writing, literature, etymology, and everything about the English language. She made me want to be a better student in all of my classes, and she helped me see the value of education. I decided then that I wanted to inspire other students just as she did for me. My parents are unfortunately not able to contribute much toward my college expenses. I have earned a tuition scholarship based on my ACT score, but I still need additional funding for books and supplies. English majors have particularly high book costs because we have to purchase multiple books for each class. With the help of this scholarship, I could afford to continue my degree and become an English teacher.

Word count: 240

an essay about career choices

Example 3: Scholarship essay about career goals (500 words)

With 500 words or more to play around with, you have plenty of space to talk about your career goals. Maintain the same theme throughout the scholarship essay. Each paragraph should connect to the next, and they should all work together to describe your career plan. Avoid making disconnected statements for the sake of word count. In the end, the scholarship committee should have a clear view of your educational plans and professional aspirations.

Internet marketing has gone from an optional method of advertisement to a vital step in business outreach. Even small businesses in remote towns look to the internet to attract customers and spread the word about their services. I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Business Marketing with an emphasis on Digital Marketing. With this training, I will be able to enter a profession that will only grow year by year. When I was younger, I found print advertisements to be fascinating. I loved reading the newspaper with my father just to see the full-page ads in between stories. When I got older though, those ads became less appealing because they were not adaptive. They seemed dated, static and ill-fit for changes in society. That’s when I discovered internet marketing. It was still in its infancy when I was in middle school, but by the time I graduated high school, it had become a staple in business development. I loved the way internet marketers had to constantly adjust to fit Google’s algorithms, new mobile devices, and new audiences. I knew this was the career for me. Originally, I planned to focus solely on business marketing because there were not many digital marketing degrees available. Over the last two years though, several schools throughout the country have developed internet marketing courses that explain fundamental methods of search engine optimization, website analytics, and more. These are the foundations I will build my career around. The best part about internet marketing is that there is always something new to learn. I can use my creative mind and exploratory nature to try new advertising methods that help businesses succeed. Every time they do well, I do well. This is the kind of job fulfillment most people can only dream of, but my educational plan and job prospects will allow me to achieve it. I have picked up some freelance jobs online to supplement my studies and help pay for my education. It is difficult to maintain a steady stream of income in freelance because I spend so much time on my school work. This scholarship could offset some of the costs and reduce my workload as a whole. While I will still work throughout the semester and full-time in the summers, having extra financial aid would greatly reduce my stress in college. I look forward to a future where I can use my marketing skills to help business owners achieve their career goals. I plan to spend the first few years after graduation working for a successful, long-standing digital marketing company. After I have enough on-the-job training to feel confident in my abilities, I will open my own internet marketing company in Chicago, where my family lives. I have a clear picture of where I will be in the next 10 years, and I know this degree is going to help me get there.

Word count: 481

  • Scholarship Essay

Jennifer Finetti

Jennifer Finetti

As a parent who recently helped her own kids embark on their college journeys, Jennifer approaches the transition from high school to college from a unique perspective. She truly enjoys engaging with students – helping them to build the confidence, knowledge, and insight needed to pursue their educational and career goals, while also empowering them with the strategies and skills needed to access scholarships and financial aid that can help limit college costs. She understands the importance of ensuring access to the edtech tools and resources that can make this process easier and more equitable - this drive to support underserved populations is what drew her to ScholarshipOwl. Jennifer has coached students from around the world, as well as in-person with local students in her own community. Her areas of focus include career exploration, major selection, college search and selection, college application assistance, financial aid and scholarship consultation, essay review and feedback, and more. She works with students who are at the top of their class, as well as those who are struggling. She firmly believes that all students, regardless of their circumstances, can succeed if they stay focused and work hard in school. Jennifer earned her MA in Counseling Psychology from National University, and her BA in Psychology from University of California, Santa Cruz.

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How to Write An Outstanding Career Goals Essay for MBA Programs

A step-by-step approach to conquering the most important part of your mba application, with a full-length career goals essay example worthy of harvard business school.

A student writing a career goals essay at a library

Part 1: What is the career goals essay?

Part 2: how to define your career goals, part 3: how to write a career goals essay, part 4: career goals essay outline, part 5: career goals essay example .

Just as your undergraduate admissions application most likely required you to write a “personal statement,” at the center of almost every MBA application packet is the career goals essay. It can take on many different forms through varying prompts and word count requirements, but the approach to this seminal portion of your MBA application remains the same. No matter which programs you’re applying to, the career goals essay is your chance to explain why you’re applying to business school in the first place.

And, more broadly, this is your chance to demonstrate passion. The dirty little secret to MBA “goals essays” is that no one follows up with you in the future to see if you actually accomplished the goal you wrote about. Did you, for instance, really start that ethically sourced pants company? Did you successfully develop boutique exercise gyms? Start a niche media company? Whatever the goal, the most important aspect of your stated plan is that your choice proves you have a passion for a certain field, and that you’re dedicated to making big changes in that field.   

Much of the MBA is geared toward inviting you to explore new avenues of interest; so, not only is it possible for your goal to change over the course of your MBA educational experience, but it’s expected to.

Why, then, do these programs make such a big deal about your current goal if it’s expected to change? Admissions committees want to know that you’re passionate about something. They want to see how you think about the world, what problems you’ve identified in existing systems, and how you plan to solve them in order to effect long-lasting change. 

They want to see that you have set out to achieve a vision. The vision can change, but it’s imperative that you’re the type of person who has a vision in the first place. That’s the goal of this essay. Show your passion for accomplishing a vision. Show that your engine is revved–that there’s a fire under your feet.

Take a look at a few of the ways top MBA programs word their career goals essay prompts below:

Harvard Essay 1: As we review your application, what more would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy for the Harvard Business School MBA program? (No word-limit)

This prompt seems frighteningly open ended, but Harvard Business School (HBS) is being a little sneaky. The HBS admissions committee doesn’t want you to tell them just anything, as their one-and-only essay prompt might appear at first glance. They want to know why you’re applying, and your answer should center around your long-term goal.

Though there’s no word limit listed, based on our experience working with past successful applicants, you should aim for 750-1000 words. An essay over 1,000 words can bog down a reader, but an essay that’s fewer than 750 words–at least for the HBS application, where this essay is the only chance you have to impress the admissions committee–risks not being robust enough to prove your case that you , amongst thousands of others, deserve a spot in the HBS class.  

With the exception of HBS, most schools don’t disguise their prompts as general personal essays. Most ask you explicitly about your goals. For example:

Columbia Essay 1: Through your resume and recommendations, we have a clear sense of your professional path to date. What are your career goals over the next 3-5 years and what, in your imagination, would be your long term dream job? (Word limit: 500 words)

NYU Stern Essay 1: What are your short and long-term career goals? How will the MBA help you achieve them? (500 word maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font)

Chicago Booth Essay 1: How will the Booth MBA help you achieve your immediate and long-term post-MBA career goals? (250 word minimum)

LBS Essay 1: What are your post-MBA goals and how will your prior experience and the London Business School programme contribute towards these? (500-word limit)

U. Penn Wharton Essay 1: What do you hope to gain professionally from the Wharton MBA? (500 words)

With these, your task is clear: Why are you applying? What is your goal?

Other top programs word their career goals essay prompts a little differently. Case in point:

Yale Essay 1: Describe the biggest commitment you have ever made. (500 words)

Stanford Essay 1: What matters most to you, and why? (750 words)

For each of these examples, although your approach might take a slightly different slant depending on the wording, one aspect should be absolutely clear: what do you want to achieve in your career, in the short and long term? The “biggest commitment you’ve ever made” absolutely must tie in with your long-term goal. The thing that “matters most to you” needs to be nearly inseparable from what you want to accomplish in the future. Don’t let the different wordings fool you: these are all career goals essay prompts.

There are a handful of exceptions. In their 2018 application, Duke’s Fuqua program, for example, did not ask its applicants about their goals, but instead asked for a more personality-driven “list” essay calling for 25 “fun facts” about yourself. The University of Michigan’s program only asked explicitly about applicants’ short-term goals. However, chances are, if you’re applying to more than one MBA program, you’re going to have to tackle the “career goals essay.”.

In this article, we’re going to walk you through a step-by-step approach for acing your career goals essay. From identifying the “right goal” (because some goals aren’t the right ones to discuss on your MBA application) to breaking down the essay into its requisite components, to avoiding common pitfalls many applicants make, we’ll show you everything you need to know before you attempt to take a first stab at one of these prompts.

But before we begin, we want to lead with an important caveat. What follows will offer you an excellent, time-tested template for how to write a strong career goals essay. That said, the best essays don’t follow a formula. The absolute best-of-the-best essays find their own form that’s most suitable for the individual essay’s content.

What’s the difference between an MBA ‘career goals essay’ and a ‘personal statement’ I might have written for other applications?

A personal statement, by nature, is personal. It can take on a pretty amorphous shape, and oftentimes the more creative you make it, the better. A personal statement’s purpose is to allow an admissions officer to get to know you as a person.

And while admissions committees want to see who you are as a person, they also want to know who you are as a leader.

This is an important distinction. A personal statement can address whatever you want it to, as long as it allows the reader to get to know you more fully. But the career goals essay is far more pointed. In it, your primary job is to show where you’re headed, why it matters (both to you and to the world) and why you’re the best person for the job.

Business schools want to know what kind of impact you’re going to make on the world. If you can work your personality into the mix while doing so, great, but the “personal” should always come secondary to the essay’s primary focus: your future, and the plan you have to achieve it.

Look up “goal” in your nearest dictionary, and you’ll find a definition somewhere along the lines of “the end toward which effort is dedicated.” What does that mean? Who knows! That’s exactly our point. Forget Merriam Webster’s definition. The MBA goal is a totally different beast.

There are two distinct types of “goals” that the “career goals essays” ask for: the long-term goal and the short-term goal. Below, we’ll break down both goal types to help you identify the “right” goal for each.

The Long-term Goal

The long-term goal is your “big picture” vision. It’s what you see yourself accomplishing ten-plus years down the line from receiving your MBA. This should be the culmination of your life’s work, as you see it from your current vantage point.

There’s really no such thing as a long-term goal that’s “too big,” but there are long-term goals that are too general. You don’t want your long-term goal to be something as broad as “saving the world.” In what way will you save the world? What part of the world will you save?

You want a long-term goal that has a big impact, sure, but your reader also needs to believe that you can achieve it. While you need to exhibit passion for a vision, the MBA admissions committee wants to see that you’re level-headed enough to be able to execute on that passion. They want to see that you’ve made a plan, and that an MBA is an essential next-step in accomplishing that plan.

Your long-term goal also needs to be achievable based on your experience. If you studied finance in college and worked as a banker for the past five years, your long-term goal in this essay should not be about curing cancer.

However, if you, our health-conscious banker, do want to move from finance into a cancer-related field, you might define your long-term goal as “optimizing the existing healthcare field using my business expertise.” You might therefore argue that an MBA can help you expand your existing knowledge base into the underlying business principles behind the healthcare field. In this way, the MBA becomes a crucial part of your plan. 

Below, we’re going to give you a check-list to work your way toward choosing a strong long-term goal, but first let’s understand what exactly a long-term goal should look like.

The easiest way to think about the long-term goal is to consider it a solution to a problem that you’re passionate about. That’s the crux of the formula. Let’s break this down into two general types of long-term goals:

1.)   Solve a problem that affects people through an innovation in a field

This is the long-term goal for the free thinking entrepreneurial type. If your ultimate goal is to start your own company, then this is probably the route you want to take. Let’s say you’re passionate about alleviating world hunger. Maybe you have a history with agriculture start-ups, and you’ve seen first-hand the negative effect poor crop yields have on sub-Saharan African farmers. You’ve gained conviction that creating an NGO focused on tool sharing amongst farmers could increase crop yields. Creating this organization would be an innovation that will solve a problem that you care about. In this case, it could be your long-term goal.

2.)   Capitalize on an inefficiency in a field through existing means

Let’s say you don’t have a groundbreaking new idea. No big deal. Not every MBA applicant needs to start their own company. Instead, you could identify an inefficiency as a problem and propose a solution.

Perhaps you work in the tech industry, and you’re focused on semiconductors. You’ve noticed that your company’s manual engineering process is creating a lag-time for your business’s design cycle. Maybe you want to encourage companies like yours to adopt machine learning technology to free up engineers’ time and resources. That’s a way to solve a problem by addressing a current inefficiency. Facilitating the adoption of machine learning into semiconductor engineering could thereby be your long-term goal.

Notice that both of these “goal types” include solving a problem. Selecting a goal that solves a problem is the easiest and most effective approach to writing the career goals essay.

Let’s be real, though. Often, people apply for MBA programs because they want to make more money or change jobs. And here lies one of the most common mistakes applicants make in the career goals essay. Maybe you’re applying for an MBA to get promoted ahead-of-turn, transition out of your role, or get recruited at a bigger firm. That’s fair. But it’s not the “goal” you write about in this essay.

If this describes you, consider this third approach to the career goals essay.

3.)   Create a narrative around your past experience 

If you don’t already have a big solution or problem in mind, you can reverse engineer one using what you’ve already done in the past.

Think about what you studied in college, the career you’ve had so far, your favorite work projects, any extra-professional activities you’ve devoted your free time to--what connects these experiences? If you followed that through-line all the way to fruition, what would your professional life look like?

For example: let’s say you were premed in college but worked in finance afterward. Your longtime passion has been for science, but your work experience is in distressed debt. The through-line here might be that you enjoy solving problems, whether in the lab at school or on a spreadsheet at work.

A strong “goal” could therefore be going into healthcare administration, where you could combine your science knowledge with your financial training to make an impact in the field.

Through this approach, you take what you care about and what you’ve done so far and spin them together into a big-picture goal that makes sense for your future.

Stress test for choosing your long-term goal 

If you’ve now got your long-term goal in mind, run it through our stress-test below to see if it holds water. If you don’t yet know your goal, try to work your way through this stress-test and see where you land.

The first test accounts for categories 1 and 2, innovation and optimization.

Stress Test 1

1.)   Is there a real-world problem you care deeply about?

a.     What keeps you up at night?

b.     If you could change one thing about the world to make it a better place, what would that change be?

2.)   Does the problem relate to your professional history?

a.     If your answer is “YES,” you have the perfect set-up for your MBA goal. This is the problem you’re going to solve.

3.)   Can you dream up a solution?

a.     What job would allow you to work toward solving the problem above?

                                               i. Starting your own company?

                                             ii. Becoming the CEO of an existing company?

1.     This job role = your Long-term Goal

If you breezed through that stress-test, you’re ready to move on. However, if not…

What if that test didn’t work?

If you snagged at some point in the above stress test, even if it was on the very first point, don’t fret. You can reverse engineer a strong career goals essay goal. Here’s how:

Stress Test 2

1.)   Your area of interest. What field do you work in or hope to work in?

a.     Can you genuinely talk about this field to show that it’s your passion ?

b.     Look back over the things you’ve done in your life, professionally and personally. Is there a through-line?

2.)   What’s the major problem facing your area of interest?

3.)   How might you solve that problem? Can you propose a solution?

a.     Is there a job function that might allow you to work toward solving the major problem facing your area of interest?

                                               i. This job role = your Long-term Goal

To reiterate, the most important takeaway from this section is that your long-term goal isn’t just what you hope to do in the future. A strong long-term goal is a solution to a problem that you’re passionate about.

Before moving on to the short-term goal, let’s take a moment to look at how an example applicant approached this stress test. We’ll use her essay to illustrate many of the points we make throughout this guide. Check her out:

Elinor (our example applicant) studied Evolutionary Biology as an undergraduate, but ultimately realized that practicing science (via a career in medicine, etc.) wasn’t her passion. Instead, what she valued most about her biology education was the rigorous, empirical, and experimental framework it gave her to view the world through. In other words, she valued the education itself, and to learn more about the system of higher education, she pursued a one-year Masters Degree in Education post-undergrad. 

Following her masters in education, Elinor landed a job at the Gates Foundation, where she worked for three years to design and implement cost-effective approaches to increasing classroom learning in rural Indian schools. 

Having worked in educational development financing for some time, Elinor is ready to utilize the expertise she’s acquired from the Gates Foundation in order to make a humanitarian impact on higher education in the US, her lifelong passion.

How would Elinor approach the stress-test in order to land on her ultimate goal? Take a look at her answers to the test below:

Access to education. Elinor believes in higher education—it was the singular force that changed her life for the better—and she feels conviction in the idea that everyone deserves access to this type of education, even those who have to work full-time jobs. In fact, she thinks working and education shouldn’t be mutually exclusive… surely there must be a way to get an education while also supporting yourself and your family and not going into a huge amount of debt… but how? Elinor wants to democratize education , thereby ultimately helping to increase socio-economic mobility and help working class people achieve the same goals as the more privileged class through equal access to education.

2.)   Does problem relate to your professional history?

a.     If you answer is “YES,” you have the perfect set-up for your MBA goal. This is the problem you’re going to solve.

YES! Elinor not only has an extensive academic record, having pursued a Masters in Education, but also the financial wherewithal from years of managing the allocation of educational funds in an international setting to potentially figure out a finance-backed solution to the problem of equal access to higher education in the states.

In fact, in addition to her main job function, she’s recently fostered a collaborative partnership between the Gates Foundation and Deloitte consultants to work with Deloitte’s corporate clients in order to provide corporate grants to employees who would like to attend these universities while continuing to work at the corporation.

Elinor’s most recent work with the Deloitte partnership has inspired her to take this initiative and expand it to a national scale. Her ultimate goal is to create her own venture connecting large corporations with universities to provide alternatives to traditional four-year degrees , thereby allowing working class people to access higher education without taking on loads of debt, and continuing to provide for their families in the process.

This job role = your Long-term Goal

And, with that, Elinor has a problem that she is personally passionate about, has the experience to make her the one to solve it, and has a solution in terms of a future job function. Her long-term goal is therefore sound. She’s ready to move on to…

The short-term goal

Your long-term goal should be big. It’s your big dream. You shouldn’t be able to accomplish your long-term goal right away. Even after your MBA, it should take years and years of professional development to reach your long-term goal. If you can achieve your long-term goal immediately after graduating from an MBA program, it’s not your long-term goal.

For example, say your goal is to alleviate poverty in sub-Saharan Africa by helping farmers access useful agricultural technologies. That’s not something you can do in a day. That’s a life’s work, and there will be many steps you’ll need to take to prepare for such a venture after receiving your MBA.

The thing you’ll do directly following your MBA is your short-term goal . Working at Goldman Sachs or McKinsey are fine short-term goals; so is taking a job at any existing company within your desired field in order to build up your skill set, or even launching a start-up venture that begins to address one aspect of your long-term goal.

The most important thing to consider when isolating your short-term goal is whether it tracks with the long-term goal. The purpose of the short-term goal in a career goals essay is to show that you can make a plan that gets you from point A to point D, where point A is all you’ve accomplished to-date, point B is your MBA, and point D is your long-term goal. That leaves you with point C: your short-term goal.

You want to show through the short-term goal that you understand what it takes to pull off something big. MBA admissions committees aren’t looking for wayward dreamers; they’re looking for future leaders who have what it takes to accomplish something special, and what it takes, pretty much always, is a step-wise approach to professional growth.

The short-term goal showcases your follow-through, your ability to plan, and your ability to be precise about how you’ll position yourself to accomplish your long-term goal.  

A helpful formula for thinking about your short-term goal might be:

The skills you gain from an MBA + the experience you gain from your short-term goal = strong preparation for your long-term goal.

Let’s go back to the world hunger example. If you say your long-term goal is to solve world hunger, but your short-term goal is to work at Goldman Sachs, it’s going to sound a little fishy. This is one of the biggest mistakes applicants make. They set awe-inspiring, impactful long-term goals, but then their short-term goal is to get recruited at top finance or consulting firm.

Let’s be clear: After an MBA, going into finance or consulting is a perfectly reasonable thing to do. In fact, the majority of MBA graduates do it. You’ve just paid a lot of money for a degree, so it’s fair that you want to earn it back.

That said, you need to reconcile your short-term goal with your long term vision. So, you’ll need to specify the type of experience you intend to gain from Goldman that will help you alleviate hunger. Maybe you’ll work as an investment banker to learn the ins-and-outs of raising capital for new businesses, and one day apply this capital-raising expertise to your own developing business aimed at solving world hunger. That tracks. That’s a solid short-term goal.

However, you could strengthen it further by claiming that you aim to take up a position in Goldman’s nonprofit wing to specialize in raising capital for the types of businesses that you eventually want to start. Remember, it’s fine if your plans change. What’s important here is that you prove you have the follow-through required to complete any goal at all, and part of that means proving you’re the type of person who can form a step-wise, sensible plan.  

The best way to think about your short-term goal is to consider it as part of your 10,000 hours of practice leading up to your long-term goal . In your MBA program, you’ll learn a lot of theory and study a lot of real-world business cases. The MBA should prepare you with the skills necessary to accomplish your long-term goal.

However, these skills won’t be fine-tuned or tested in real-world business scenarios. You’ll need to put the iron to the fire, and the “fire,” in this idiom, is your short-term goal. A well-chosen short-term goal allows you to put into practice what you’ve learned through your MBA in order to prepare you for your long-term goal.

Let’s refer back to our example applicant. Elinor knows first-hand about education, and she also knows a lot about financial allocation in an educational setting. However, Elinor has never run a business on her own; so, before Elinor can make her own venture fund that connects universities with corporate support, she’ll need to gain management skills.

She has no idea how to start her own fund or manage workers, but that’s exactly what she can gain through her MBA. The MBA will connect her with resources and networks while also giving her management skills to start her own fund and assemble a team. 

However, immediately following her MBA, she likely won’t be ready to execute her vision. She’ll need to practice the skills she’s learned in order to prepare for her long-term goal.

How could a future education innovator best prepare to tackle her vision? There are a few possibilities. She could join an education startup with similar aims as her own–perhaps one like Glimpse K12, which works with education finance, where she could learn best practices.

However, it’s important to note that she could do this without an MBA. So, if her short-term goal is joining Glimpse , she should argue that she’ll leverage her MBA skill set to expand Glimpse beyond their K12 platform and into the higher education space, where her passion lies. That’s a strong short-term goal that makes use of her MBA.

Or, perhaps she prepares for her education finance venture by tackling the problem from the academic side–she could round out her financial background by joining a university’s administrative office in order to understand their needs and foresee potential problems associated with bringing corporations into the fold.

In this example, she could leverage the business skills she gained through her MBA to begin a trial run of her future vision with this one university, working to find corporate partnerships for that specific university in the hopes of later branching out into a national platform.

Yet another option would be to join a specific corporation and work the partnership from the corporate side. No matter the short-term goal, there’s one thing in common: she’s using her managerial skill-set to practice for her future long-term goal. Each option takes her one step closer to reaching her goal post-MBA.

Before you put pen to paper or open up that blank Word doc, make sure you’ve spent ample time brainstorming the above information. The hardest part of acing the career goals essay takes place before you ever start writing. Be certain that you have your long- and short-term goals solid and ready to go before you approach the actual writing of the essay. Take your time on the pre-writing preparation.

But once you’ve done all that, it’s time to write.

Below, we’ve devised an easy-to-digest strategy to help you convey your short- and long-term goals in a manner that will have the admissions committees begging you to join their programs. We’ve broken down the actual writing of the career goals essay into distinct components.

Though we encourage you to think of these components as key concepts to include in your essay, we don’t necessarily advise that you break these components out into distinct paragraphs like we’ve done below. We’re breaking them down into paragraphs to give you a solid template to work with, but again, the best essays will find their own forms that go beyond the high school five-paragraph essay.

In any case, every solid career goals essay should touch upon the below concepts in some manner, so following our structure below is a great way to churn out a first draft. The art, then, comes in revision.

Before moving on, be sure you can answer yes to both questions below:

1.)   Is your long-term goal a solution to a problem that you’re passionate about?

2.)   Is your short-term goal a stepping stone between your MBA and your long-term goal?

If both answers are “yes,” then let’s get to writing.

As with any essay, the career goals essay should have a beginning, middle, and end. You’ll need an introduction that presents an argument (your long-term goal is your argument, as you’ll see) a body that substantiates your position on the argument, and a conclusion that reminds us why it matters in the first place.

For the purpose of this breakdown, we’re going to assume we’re working with the HBS essay prompt, as their word-count of around 1,000 words is the most daunting. Even for a shorter essay, though, you’ll want to aim to cover most of these points, but you’ll do it in a more condensed fashion. If the school conducts interviews, you'll have an opportunity to elaborate in your MBA interview .

Remember the goal of the career goals essay. Demonstrate a passion for a problem, and convince the admissions committee that you are the type of person who can solve it. You can show off that passion in 1,000 words or 250 words. No matter the essay’s length, the heart of your approach is the same.

The introduction

Part 1: the problem. 

For the Class of 2021, HBS reportedly received about 10,000 applications. Though HBS is one of the largest MBA programs, with almost 1,000 people per class, the sheer number of applicants means that most everyone who applied was rejected.

Given that your essay is going to be read alongside nearly 9,999 others, how do you hook a reader at the start? What gets your attention when you’re reading a news article or a novel, watching a movie, or listening to someone else recount a real-life anecdote?

Oftentimes, what hooks us is a problem. If you can turn your reader’s attention to a problem with real-world effects, they’ll likely want to read more. Think back to your long-term goal. You’re planning to solve a major problem, right?

If that’s the case (and it should be) then your first couple of sentences needs to establish the problem. Do this in as compelling a way as possible. Set the scene. Dramatize. Paint the picture. Give us stakes to sink our teeth into. The reader has to feel that this problem needs to be solved. And problems need to be solved when they have a negative impact, so try to state clearly exactly what’s wrong.

An important caveat: you’re not just trying to prove that your chosen problem matters in general. You need to argue why it matters to you . In other words, why do you care? Do you have a connection to the problem? Has the problem affected you negatively either in your personal or professional life? Establish this connection as early as possible.

The problem’s connection to you can be as personal as you’d like to make it. Our banker applicant could have been inspired to go into the healthcare industry because he saw first-hand how the business operations of the healthcare industry failed someone he cared about, and he’s been inspired to use his business skills to help fix it. That would be an extremely personal, human response to a problem.

However, your connection to the problem doesn’t need to be touchy-feely, and you shouldn’t try to force a deeply personal connection if the problem doesn’t warrant it.

For example, our software engineering example probably doesn’t have a deeply personal reason to care about increasing semiconductor design efficiency, but it is her business to do so. If she’s an engineer who’s personally felt the adverse effects of manual semiconductor design and knows how much more she and other engineers like her could do if she optimized the process via machine learning, then there’s a problem that she cares about.

In this example, the software engineer would begin her essay with the problem–explaining what the current design process is like and how that’s affecting the company and industry. She’d use statistics and projections to substantiate her claims.

Then, she’d argue why it matters to her. She’s devoted the past five years of her life to semiconductor engineering, many more if you count her educational years–that means she’s spent countless hours doing something that could be facilitated by machine learning!

The problem affects her directly through her past work experiences, and it affects the industry at large, too. She’s felt this problem’s affects firsthand and cares about it because it’s what she does for a living. Placing herself at the center of the problem makes the problem personal. Making the problem personal is essential to arguing that she is the best person to solve it.

In the first half of your introduction, you should aim to accomplish two things: 

1.)   Establish the problem and convince your reader it needs to be solved. Set the stakes.

2.)   Argue that YOU are the one to solve it. Why do you care?

After you’ve established the problem and placed yourself at the forefront of the issue, you’re ready to move on to the second part of the introduction: the solution.  

Part 2: the solution.

Remember, your long-term goal is the solution to the problem above. Once you’ve established the problem and demonstrated why you’re passionate about solving it, it’s time to dive into how you plan to solve it. Here’s how to do that.

1.)   What is currently being done to address the problem?

Chances are, you’re not the first person who’s noticed this problem. In fact, if the problem is big enough, you shouldn’t be the only person who knows about it. Crop yields in sub-Saharan Africa? People know that’s a problem.

What’s currently underway to solve for it? What’s needed? How has the industry attempted, and failed, to solve the problem in the past? We need to get a sense that this problem is not easy to solve. If it’s easy, why would you need to devote your life’s work to solving it? Why would you need an MBA? Complex problems require complex solutions, and we need to feel the complexity at play in order to understand why it’s your long-term goal. 

2.)   What do YOU bring to the table that others don’t?

So, you’ve identified a problem that matters to you, and you’ve discussed its complexity. What makes you think that YOU can solve it? Others have tried, but they’re missing some important component that you’ll be able to bring to the issue based on your unique expertise. What is your unique expertise?

3.)   Your solution.

Now’s the time to propose your solution. If you’ve successfully argued points 1 and 2 above, then you’ll have the reader on the edge of her seat awaiting how you plan to fix it. Frame your solution in terms of your expertise. 

You want to bring your knowledge of machine learning into a field that doesn’t currently utilize it. You want to use your entrepreneurial prowess to start a tool-sharing organization for farmers. You want to leverage your financial background to streamline cancer research funding. How do you plan to attack the problem you laid out above to solve it?

4.)   To accomplish this solution, what business role will you take?

This is your long-term goal . In order to solve XX problem through YY means, you’ll do ZZ business role. The long-term goal is ZZ, the job. The job will allow you to solve the problem above. 

It’s not enough to state the problem and a solution. The career goals essay requires you to frame that solution within a job function. Maybe you want to start your own company. Maybe you want to be CFO of an existing company. Maybe you want to invent a new job in an existing field.

The possibilities are endless, but you need to end your introduction by assigning a job title to your future that will allow you to accomplish the above. An admissions committee doesn’t want a solution that’s floating around as an idea . Ground your solution in a job function.

An optional finish: as icing on the cake, to cap off your introduction, tie in the MBA. You’ll cover the “why MBA” portion of your argument more extensively in the essay’s body paragraphs, but for now, just hint at it. You want to solve this important problem by becoming this job function, but first, you need an MBA. This way, the adcom gets a strong sense of what’s coming in the next few paragraphs.

And, with that, you’ll have a solid introduction that hooks the reader and keeps them invested in both this essay and your application as a whole. To recap: 

1.)   The problem

2.)   Why it matters to you

3.)   What’s been done / what’s needed?

4.)   How your particular expertise can contribute

5.)   Your solution in terms of a job function

This might seem like a lot for an introduction, but you can cover many of these components in a sentence or two, if they’re strong. For a 1,000-word essay, plan on devoting around 250-300 words on your intro.

No matter the length of the essay, plan to devote a solid quarter of your available word-count to introducing your take on the problem at-hand. Your introduction is the most important part of the essay, so don’t skimp. 

At the end of this article, we’ve posted a full-length HBS essay example to show our advice in practice, but for now, take a look at that essay’s introduction to see how one applicant, Elinor, utilized our advice to demonstrate passion for a problem and hook the readers. Below, you’ll find Elinor’s introduction followed by a breakdown of how and why it works:

Due to financial constraints and familial obligations, neither of my older brothers were able to attend college. Instead, after graduating high school, they joined the corporate workforce, and to this day my brothers mark their biggest regret as not having been afforded the same opportunity for educational advancement as I was given. Unlike my brothers, a string of strong test scores allowed me to leave my rural hometown for the Ivory halls of Princeton University, where need-based financial aid provided the chance to study a field that always fascinated me: Human Evolutionary Biology. 

Throughout my studies, I became enthralled by the scientific turn of mind involved in asking and answering complex questions through straightforward, repeatable experimental methods. For example, my thesis research aimed to discover more about the genetic underpinnings of bipedalism in humans, and through a rigorous bioinformatics comparison between humans and other primates, we were able to isolate a potentially interesting gene region for future study. Though I loved biology, as most of my peers began the medical school application process, I realized my passion didn’t lie in practicing science, but rather in the framework through which science had allowed me to take complicated questions and distill them down to measurable, testable parts. In other words, what I loved most about my science education wasn’t the science, but the education itself. Access to higher education transformed the way I think about the world–a frame of mind that was not afforded to my brothers and so many like them due to the steep financial costs associated with most avenues of higher education. I believe that everyone–even those who must join the workforce to support themselves and their families–should have the option to better themselves through education.

It’s no secret that my generation is plagued with student loans, and the fear of compounding interest rates deters many from post-high-school education. Having pursued a Masters in Education from Yale University before joining the Gates Foundation where I focused on the financial allocation for educational development in rural Indian schools, I’ve become well-versed in both the system of higher education and the ways in which financial institutions can bolster humanitarian efforts. My goal is to leverage my passion for education and my experience with education finance to create a fund that will increase access to higher education in the US  through corporate partnerships with universities, ultimately providing powerful alternatives to education finance for employees who, like my brothers, were forced to choose work over college.

Through her introduction, Elinor provided the admissions committee with a personal problem that she is both passionate about and uniquely positioned to solve. Let’s break down her introduction into the outline we laid out above:

1.)   The problem.

a.     Elinor believes in higher education, but tuition and interest rates on student loans are prohibitive to many.

2.)   Why it matters to you.

a.     Elinor’s life has been forever changed by higher education–she approaches problems differently than she would have without going to college. Conversely, her brothers (making it personal to her own lived experience) didn’t get this life-changing opportunity because they had to go to work after high school, and she wants to change the education finance landscape in order to allow future students like her brothers to have access to higher ed.

a.     She mentions student loans as the only viable option, but also points out how compounding interest rates make this option less than ideal. There’s a void to be filled.

4.)   How your particular expertise can contribute.

a.     She demonstrates her passion for education via her lively discussion of her undergraduate studies and her commitment to the system of education through her masters degree. She also includes the financial expertise she’s gained through her work with the Gates Foundation (which the admissions committee will see on her resume.) These two attributes (education and finance) uniquely position her to make moves in the future of education finance.

5.)   Your solution in terms of a job function.

a.     Elinor states that she will start a fund that works to partner universities with corporations, thereby creating an alternative means of education finance that would solve the problem her brothers experienced. Her job function would be “fund manager,” and it could certainly solve her problem.

With that, Elinor has followed our outline and constructed a compelling introduction to her essay.

The Career Goals Essay body paragraphs: an overview.

With a strong enough introduction, you’ll have your reader locked into the rest of the essay. So, what now? Below, we’ve broken down the body paragraphs of your “goals essay” into distinct units. Take a look:

Career Goals Essay Body paragraph 1: what you’ve done so far 

In the first body paragraph of your essay, you have one task: establish yourself as the expert.  You’ve hinted at this in the “why you” component of your intro, but now’s the time to set it in stone.

Think of your first body paragraph as your audition for the role of your long-term goal. You obviously haven’t tried to tackle your long-term vision yet, and you won’t for many, many years to come; so, here, you want to use what you have already tackled in the past as proof that you’ll be perfectly able to keep hacking away at your long-term goal. Here’s the process: 

Step 1: review your resume. Know it inside and out. You’ll be pulling from this document a lot while fleshing out this first paragraph. 

(Suggested reading: The Perfect MBA Resume )

Step 2: Ask yourself: what have you done already to help prepare you for your long-term goal? If you made it through our stress-test above, then your long-term goal should be intrinsically tied to your field of interest and current profession. Therefore, all of your accomplishments to-date are fair game for this “audition.”

Step 3: Skills. Your resume is a list of accomplishments. The admissions committee will read your resume. They’ll know all about the great things you’ve done for your past places of business.

What we need to focus on here are the skills beneath those accomplishments. Professional accomplishments are one-offs, but the skills it took to accomplish those feats are transferable . These skills will prove to the admissions committee that you can successfully realize your long-term goal.

In this paragraph, you’re trying to prove to the admissions committee that you’re prepared to do what you’ve set out to do. You can begin this paragraph with a transition from your introduction—something like, “I’ve already begun working toward this goal.” 

From that launching pad, show your reader how . What did you study in undergrad? What really got your gears turning? How did you move from your studies to your first place of work? Why? What skills did you gain from that first position? Did you use those skills to accomplish something great in your next job?

Build this accumulation of skills until the reader understands that you’re the expert for the goal you want to accomplish. They should get the sense that you’re uniquely positioned to take on this long-term goal based on your passions, interests, skills and experiences.

The biggest pitfall applicants stumble into in this first paragraph is simply listing off their resume. Do not list accomplishments or jobs. Instead, map what skills you’ve gained while facing certain problems in the past, and showcase the types of groundbreaking, brag-worthy solutions those skills led you to.

Take a look at Elinor’s example essay’s first body paragraph below:

I’ve already begun working toward this goal by launching an initiative called Mission: Yield, a collaborative partnership I fostered between the Gates Foundation and Deloitte consultants. While I continued my day-to-day work with the Foundation to design and implement cost-effective approaches to increasing classroom learning in rural Indian schools, I also wanted to test the waters on my long-term goal of working with corporations to help employees access higher education in the US. 

The goal of this partnership was to apply the financial allocation wherewithal of my Gates Foundation team to one of Deloitte’s corporate clients and create a tuition-assistance model for attending a local public university while employees continued their professional growth. I began by recruiting three teammates from the Foundation and three from Deloitte to volunteer their time to drum up interest. From there, I utilized my Masters in Education training to strategize with our university partner while coordinating dialogue between my Deloitte teammates and their corporate client. Through my team’s diligent efforts on this initiative, we were able to institute a first-wave test case that allowed twenty corporate employees to enroll part-time at the university. As the partnership enters its third year, we project over one hundred employees to enroll at the university with the help of our financial allocation efforts.     

Let’s break down Elinor’s first body paragraph to explain how it’s working:

1.)   Establish yourself as the expert. 

a. Most of Elinor’s work at the Gates Foundation involves financial allocation to rural Indian schools, but that day-to-day function doesn’t necessarily align with her long-term goal in US higher education.

So, she notes her regular job role in one sentence (“While I continued my day-to-day work with the Foundation to design and implement cost-effective approaches to increasing classroom learning in rural Indian schools...”) and focused the paragraph on the one professional experience that best positions her as an expert in the field of alternative finance routes for higher education: her own initiative, Mission: Yield.

Through this specific example, she shows she’s passionate about her goal and has unique leadership experience in the field.  

2.)   Skills.

a. Elinor doesn’t list off accomplishments–instead, she focuses on the skills she used. She notes that she forged a collaborative partnership between two otherwise independent organizations, managed a team of six, and managed both halves of her team as they worked between the university and the corporation. All of these are MBA-applicable skills, and they showcase that she’s the type of person who has the potential to become a BUSINESS LEADER of the future. She also tells us about some of the quantitative impact of her work, which isn’t always possible to show, but is good to refer to if possible.  

Body paragraph 2: skill gaps

After you argue for the skills you have, it’s time to discuss the skills you need . Let’s say you absolutely nail the first body paragraph. Great. You’ve convinced your reader that you’re the person for the job.

That leaves one major question, though. If you already have all these skills, why don’t you just go ahead and tackle your long-term goal? Or why not stay on your current track? Tons of business leaders reached their long-term goals without MBAs. Why do you need one?

There are tons of reasons one might apply for an MBA: a higher paying job, a career transition, an ahead-of-time promotion, social cache, you name it. However, as far as the career goals essay is concerned, there’s only one good reason for your application: you currently lack skills that you need to reach your long-term goal. That’s it. For the purpose of this essay, you’re applying because of a specific skill gap that you can only fill through an MBA education.

To be one of the lucky few chosen to enter the esteemed halls of a top MBA program, you need to prove that an MBA is the essential and inevitable next step at this stage of your career. That means you’ll need to demonstrate that you’ve gone as far as you can go along your current trajectory, turned over every available stone, and now you need to gain other skills before continuing to strive toward achieving your goal.

How do you accomplish this in your essay? Simple: focus on broader skills .

In most cases, one can gain all the necessary technical skills on-the-job. That’s what jobs are for–to help you master one thing. If you work in distressed debt at an investment bank, you’re going to know everything there is to know about leveraged buyouts.

But if you’ve mastered the skills associated with your job role, and you need to, say, start your own company in order to accomplish your long-term goal, then you have an excellent reason to apply to an MBA—because there are skills involved with managing an organization that you simply can’t gain from the technical parameters of your current job.

In your first paragraph, you might list the skills that demonstrate that you’re an expert in a specific field. In this second paragraph, you’ll want to broaden those skills to the leadership, management, structural and organizational skills that make up the bread-and-butter of a top MBA program.

The MBA is designed to take experts with potential and help them to see that potential through to its fruition by turning them into business leaders . Therefore, you might need softer skills associated with the growing responsibility of leadership and management. Try to drill into those overarching skills in this paragraph of your “goals essay.”

Here’s how Elinor succinctly included her skill gaps: 

Though my work with Mission: Yield proved that it is in fact possible to find alternative routes to educational finance for corporate workers, this success has only inspired me to attempt to expand this work to a national scale. In order to tackle alternative educational finance on a broader scope, I’ll need to gain managerial and strategy skills through an MBA. Working between for-profit corporations and public universities will require managing teams of experts on both fronts, and creating my own fund will require organizational and strategic planning that I can’t attain from my current job function at the Gates Foundation. Therefore, I’m applying to HBS’s managerial program to best prepare me for my future as a leader in alternative education financing. 

In these few sentences, Elinor completed the necessary task of convincing the admissions committee that she can’t complete her long-term goal by staying the course in her current job.

Sure, she has experience partnering one university with a corporation, but if she’s going to go national with her venture, she’s going to need leadership and management training that she can only attain through an MBA.

Elinor has established a problem she’s passionate about solving, proven that she’s an expert in the field, and made the case that she needs an MBA to gain the overarching skills needed to expand her vision. All of the work she’s done thus far will remain consistent with every “goals essay” she writes. From this point on, the essay will be different for every program she applies to.

Body paragraph 3: Why an MBA? Why this MBA?

By this point, you’re about two-thirds through your essay. You’ve established an important problem, argued a solution, explained how you’ve mastered certain skills that will propel you toward providing that solution, and noted the skill-gaps you need to fill before you can continue down the road of your long-term goal.

Now, it’s time to look ahead at the MBA. You need to argue that an MBA–and, importantly, how a particular MBA program–will allow you mend the above-noted skill gap and launch you into your future success.

This is the “why MBA” portion of your essay. Brace yourself, because it requires research. 

Depending on the skills you say you need in order to accomplish your long-term goal, this paragraph may take on different forms. Here’s the key: focus on the particular offerings of the specific program. While the contents of your introduction and first couple of body paragraphs can easily be repurposed for all of your “goals essays,” if the “why MBA” paragraph looks the same for one program as it does for another, you’re doing something wrong.

The truth is that most MBA programs offer the same kinds of skill-based training as every other MBA program, but that’s not what the admissions committees want to hear from you.

Consider this paragraph like a first date with an MBA program. It doesn’t matter that you’re also going on first dates with a handful of other programs this week. If you want this first date to go well, you’ve got to make your date feel special. Getting to know the program you’re applying to and being specific about how its independent offerings are particularly appealing to mending your skill-gap will go a long way

Let’s get into the weeds a bit more on writing this paragraph.

1.)   Why get an MBA?

You can start this paragraph by transitioning from the discussion of your skills and skill gaps into why you need an MBA in general. If you’re short on words, you can skip straight to getting particular about a specific program, but if you have the space, a light touch on this will do. Simply stress that an MBA is the right next step, explain why taking a break from work to go back to school is the right choice right now, and then move on to discussing the program you’re applying to.

2.)   Why this MBA?

Take the skills you lack in the paragraph above and scour the internet for any information you can find on the specific program’s particular offerings that relate to those skills. You want to argue that an MBA from this program will allow you to mend your skill gaps. A few ways to approach this:

a.)   Courses.

a.     Investigate their course catalogue, focusing on higher level electives in the field of your long-term goal. Remember, every MBA will offer “Introduction to Management” in some capacity, so skip those generics. You want to isolate a few specific classes that pique your interest and align with the skills you need to develop.

b.)   Faculty

a.     Is there someone at the program who’s done research into the problem you want to solve? Could you get guidance from them? Have you read any pertinent books published by a faculty member? How will you utilize this program’s esteemed faculty to help you mend your skill gaps and learn more about your long-term goal?

c.)   Extracurricular activities

a.     Outside the classroom, what’s available to you? Every MBA program has a consulting club, but is there something specific about Stanford’s consulting club that is uniquely beneficial to you? Is there a student run organization that expressly focuses on honing the types of skills you need for your long-term goal?

d.)   Location

a.     Does the program’s proximity or connectedness to your particular area of interest help you in reaching your long-term goal? Do they have strong relationships with nearby companies in your desired field? For instance, Boston is a hub for pharmaceuticals. New York is the financial capital of the world. Duke has access to agriculture. Can you use a program’s location to your benefit?

e.)   Alumni network

a.     Every MBA program boasts about their extensive alumni network, but is there something particular about one program’s network that could help you? Is there a specific alum who is working toward your long-term goal who you would want to collaborate with or seek advice from in the future?

The above list contains just a handful of ideas to convince the admissions committee that you can get what you need from their program. The more you know about a given program, the more compelling examples you’ll find.

To reiterate, the biggest mistake applicants make in this section is being too general. If something you list exists at all MBA programs, it doesn’t belong here, or at least you need to argue that there’s something unique about this program’s variation on that offering that piques your interest, specifically.

Take a look at how Elinor approached this section for her HBS essay below:

To gain the skills needed to launch my education finance fund, I’ll utilize the HBS curriculum’s emphasis on experiential learning through interactive case studies. In courses such as “Startup Incubator,” I’ll learn the skills necessary to launch a venture from scratch, and I’ll workshop it alongside my peers’ initiatives in HBS’s “Social Initiative Venture Program” to better measure its potential impact. I also plan to work with the HBS Impact Fund to gain firsthand experience in fund management. 

Beyond coursework, I’ll learn from peers with similar interests by joining the HBS Education Club, where I’ll contribute my experience from my Masters to the club’s ongoing collaboration with the Harvard School of Education. I also look forward to utilizing HBS’s extensive alumni network to seek out mentorship and advice as I embark on my education finance venture in the future.

In these paragraphs, Elinor gets specific, and these specifics work to her advantage as they prove that she has done her homework on HBS and understands how their curricular and extracurricular offerings can help her reach her goal. She names specific courses and clubs, and even talks about branching out to other schools within Harvard’s educational ecosystem. She mentions how her past experiences at Yale could help her contribute to the HBS education club and ends with a nod to the alumni network–all good marks showing how she’ll make the most of her time at the program.

Body paragraph 4: short-term goal

You’re almost done with your body paragraphs, but first, do you remember that short-term goal we had you think up before starting work on the essay? Here’s where that comes into play. If your long-term goal is big enough—and it should be—then you won’t be ready to tackle it for some time after completing your MBA.

So, what will you do immediately following your graduation?

Remember what you’ve just argued above. You’ve just said you lack certain skills that you’ll gain from a particular MBA program, and you’ve discussed how you’ll go about gaining those skills over the course of the program. Following that logic, you’ll want to carry those skills you just gained into your professional life post-MBA.

Your proposed career move after your MBA should line up with the skills you will gain through courses, extracurricular activities, networking, etc.. Frame your short-term career goals as a test-case for these skills.

Let’s return to the example of someone who wants to alleviate poverty amongst sub-Saharan African farmers. She could argue that, at HBS, she’d learn the managerial skills necessary to start her own company that brings up-to-date agriculture technologies to this underserved community.

A strong short-term goal could therefore be to work in the agricultural practice of a foundation like Gates or Rockefeller, whose wide purview in development could help her better understand agricultural best practices in international development. In this example, the skills she gained from HBS were general skills that would help any entrepreneur succeed, and her short-term goal provided specific practice utilizing those skills within her long-term field.

Though the short-term goal needs to be a solid choice that exhibits follow-through and shows how you can form a plan, you don’t actually need to devote a great deal of your precious word-count to discussing it. It’s an essential puzzle piece of a successful career goals essay, but you can likely cover it in a couple of sentences, especially in a shorter iteration of the essay.

Take a look at Elinor’s approach below:

In order to put into practice the skills I’ll gain at HBS before taking on my long-term goal, directly following my MBA I’ll join an education start-up like Glimpse K12 and employ my managerial and strategic expertise to pioneer the expansion of their platform into the higher education space. Learning the best practices of an education venture in its earliest iteration will help prepare me for the trials I’ll face when working to increase access to education through university-to-corporate partnerships.

This is a short segment goes a long way in showing the admissions committee that Elinor has formed a plan–her long-term goal isn’t just a dream floating in the distance; she’s ready to tackle it step-by-step, and her first step is gaining the necessary skills from an MBA.

Notice that, in the full-length version below, this section runs directly into her conclusion. If your short-term goal requires more information, you might want to give it its own paragraph. Otherwise, feel free to allow this short-term goal to segue your essay into its final push.

The conclusion

Your conclusion can be short and sweet, but it needs to accomplish two things:

1.)   Circle back to the problem you laid out in the introduction.

We’ve learned a lot about you throughout the essay, and so there’s a good chance we forgot the problem you were so passionate about solving to begin with. This problem is what hooked the admissions committee in the first place, and it will be what they remember when they decide to admit you, provided you remind them about it in your concluding move.

Try to hit the following points regarding your problem:

a.)   Remind us why it matters.

b.)   Remind us that you’ve devoted your professional life to taking steps toward solving it.

c.)   Remind us that YOU are the one to solve it, and that you’ll do so through your long-term goal .

2.)   Make your final claim: only with an MBA from this particular program can you accomplish your long-term goal.

The conclusion is your final case to the admissions committee that they should admit you into their program. Remind them what you care about and how hard you’ve worked up to this point, and then hit them with the idea that, only with their help, can you accomplish this amazing, important life goal.

By the end of your essay, you want the admissions committee to feel as though, if they don’t accept you, they’ll be culpable for this problem never being solved. Of course, that’s a bit of a stretch, but you get the idea. Leave them rooting for you, and you’ll be well on your way to hanging that fancy MBA diploma on your office wall.

Here's Elinor’s conclusion, including the short-term goal above:

Ultimately, I feel passionate about education and the innumerable, lifelong benefits it can yield. Even today, years after studying bipedalism, I still use the scientific turn of mind I gained through my studies to dissect problems on a daily basis. Higher education isn’t only about what you study; it’s about how you learn to think. I believe everyone–no matter their financial situation–should have access to such transformative educational experiences, and I want to help make that happen.

I’ve devoted a large portion of my professional career to employing finances to enhance education, and I feel confident that, once I’m equipped with the leadership skills I’ll gain from HBS, I can make sure that even those people like my brothers, who were forced to join the workforce directly out of high school, can still pursue higher education without crushing financial stress. Through pioneering an educational fund and partnering with corporations and universities, I can provide an alternative route to higher education and ultimately help improve socio-economic mobility on a national scale.

We’ve covered a ton of ground in this article, and if your head is spinning, we don’t blame you. To help, we’ll end with a recap of all we’ve discussed. Below, find a bare-bones outline of the structure for a solid “career goals essay.”

1.)   Introduction

a.     Establish the problem.

b.     Why does it matter?

c.     Why is it complex?

d.     Why are you the one to solve it?

e.     Propose a solution.

f.      Long-term goal = business role that will allow you to solve this problem.

2.)   Body

a.     What skills have you gained working toward this goal?

                                               i. Focus on transferable skills.

b.     What skills do you need?

                                               i. These skills should be able to be gained from an MBA.

c.     How will you gain these skills at an MBA?

                                               i. Get specific: this MBA.

d.     Short-term goal = How you will use these MBA skills post-MBA.

3.)   Conclusion

a.     Remind us of your passion for the problem.

b.     Final plea for admission: only with an MBA from this institution can you solve this important problem.

Part 5: Career goals essay example

Throughout my studies, I became enthralled by the scientific turn of mind involved in asking and answering complex questions through straightforward, repeatable experimental methods. For example, my thesis research aimed to discover more about the genetic underpinnings of bipedalism in humans, and through a rigorous bioinformatics comparison between humans and other primates, we were able to isolate a potentially interesting gene region for future study. 

Though I loved biology, as most of my peers began the medical school application process, I realized my passion didn’t lie in practicing science, but rather in the framework through which science had allowed me to take complicated questions and distill them down to measurable, testable parts. In other words, what I loved most about my science education wasn’t the science, but the education itself. Access to higher education transformed the way I think about the world–a frame of mind that was not afforded to my brothers and so many like them due to the steep financial costs associated with most avenues of higher education. I believe that everyone–even those who must join the workforce to support themselves and their families–should have the option to better themselves through education.


Career Essay

Career essay generator.

an essay about career choices

How do you see yourself 5 or 10 years from now? That question kicks start your imagination and make you visualize yourself in your future career. Maybe you are thinking about it now, but you are likely confused about expressing it in words. Unlike other essay writing , writing your career essay is exciting because you are writing about yourself, your plans, passion, and aspiration. Learn how to make your career essay impressive by reading this article.

10+ Career Essay Examples

1. career pursuing essay.

Career Pursuing Essay

Size: 324 KB

2. Career Interest Essay

Career Interests Essay

Size: 642 KB

3. Career Goals Essay

Career Goals Essay

Size: 429 KB

4. Career Research Essay

Career Research Essay

Size: 186 KB

5. Career Scholarship Essay

Career Scholarship Essay

Size: 96 KB

6. Career Personal Essay

Career Personal Essay

Size: 95 KB

7. Career Needs Essay

Career Needs Essays

Size: 73 KB

8. Career Teaching Essay

Career Teaching Essay

Size: 59 KB

9. Formal Career Essay

Formal Career Essay

Size: 42 KB

10. Career Project Essay

Career Project Essay

Size: 29 KB

11. Career Plan Essay

Career Plan Essay

Size: 230 KB

What Is a Career Essay?

A career essay is a text people write to detail their goals or plans for the future. In this essay, people talk about the career they want in the future and the things they have achieved so far. People often ask you to write a career essay when you send an application letter for a scholarship or submit your resume for a job.

How To Write a Rousing Career Essay

You should write your career essay seriously because it might be a deciding factor for your future. That said, in writing your essay, there are a lot of things to consider and a process you need to follow. Your end goal in writing your essay is to convince people that you are determined to walk the talk and make the things you wrote in your descriptive essay to reality.

1. Devise an Engrossing Title

The first thing to think about when writing an essay is coming up with an attention-grabbing title. When people read your essay, they pay the most attention to your title. Also, another benefit of coming up with your title first is that it will serve as a guide for you for the whole essay. 

2. Introduce With a Hook

After devising a title, deliver the next blow with an introduction that piques their curiosity. To do that, begin your essay with a hook. Your hook can be a quote, a question, or you can even provide a statistic. If your introduction is good enough, it will secure the engagement of your readers.

3. Organize Your Ideas

Writing an essay is like taking your readers for a ride. You need to set the vibe and organize the flow of your thoughts. Don’t start too strong it might make the rest of your essay bland. You need to properly build up the development of excitement and make sure the order of your ideas makes sense. 

4. Polish Your Essay

Finalize your essay by proofreading it. When people talk about their passion, they tend to talk too much and include several unnecessary things. Make sure not to do that. Omit all the details that don’t contribute to the overall impact of your reflective essay. Also, don’t forget to review your text for grammatical errors. 

Why is career planning important?

People hustle every day to reach their dream careers. Having a target career gives you a direction and sets your path. Planning your career is essential because being indecisive about it might negatively impact your life. Not having a fixed goal is like not having an end destination. Preparing for it would also make your career action plan achievable.

What is a career genogram?

A career genogram traces back an individual’s family tree and examines the career timeline they pursued. The scope of this genogram reaches the grandparents, extended family, and even the person’s close friends. This graphic representation is helpful when a person has a hard time deciding about his or her career development plan .

What is career assessment?

Career assessment is the process of identifying what career would work best for you. Most assessments are in the form of a questionnaire . It includes questions about your interests, your skills, your hobbies, and your strengths. These are some examples of questions that would help assess your future career. The result of your career assessment might give you ideas on what path to take.

The moment people read your career essay, they often rate how likely you are to succeed. Show them a piece of your mind that would erase all their doubts about your success. They say manifesting works wonders, so manifest the future that you want best by composing a rousing career essay. 


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Write a career essay on the benefits and challenges of a career in medicine.

Discuss in a career essay the skills needed for success in the digital marketing field.


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How to Make Better Decisions About Your Career

  • Timothy Yen

an essay about career choices

No, it doesn’t involve a Magic 8-Ball.

Making decisions is hard — especially when you’re trying to make big career decisions. This five-step framework can help you focus on what’s important.

  • What are your feelings telling you? Think about the kind of work you’re doing now, or the kind of work you’re planning to do. Brainstorm and jot down ideas of different careers you’re considering. What feelings come up?
  • What matters to you? Take a psychological assessment or complete an exercise that will help you identify your values.  Understanding your values will allow you to make choices that align directly with the things you care about.
  • What matters to other people? Just as it’s important to get clear on what matters to you, it’s also important to consider how your decision will impact your loved ones. Ask them for their own thoughts, input, and feelings.
  • What is the reality of the situation? Be objective and consider the realities surrounding your options, not your assumptions. Otherwise, you might end up having false expectations or feeling disappointed by your choices.
  • How do I put the pieces together? Once you’ve answered these four questions, review all the information you’ve just discovered. You should come to your final decision. If you don’t revisit the previous steps.

Picking your college major, choosing the perfect career, trying to decide if you should leave your job and move to a new one — decisions like these can feel daunting. We all spend a huge amount of time at work, and we all want (and deserve) to love what we do. But the path to finding that work isn’t always clear.

an essay about career choices

  • TY Timothy Yen is a clinical psychologist with a doctorate from Azusa Pacific University, practicing in the East Bay area, and leading conferences and retreats around the globe. Between his years in private practice and another eight years as a Mental Health Staff Sergeant in the US Army, he’s empowered hundreds of individuals, families, organizations, and teams to develop authentic relationships and grow into their best selves. He currently resides in Northern California with his wife and son.

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Career Essay Examples

Crafting an engaging and informative career research essay is a crucial step for students and professionals alike who are navigating the complex landscape of career planning and development. These essays serve as a bridge between one's academic pursuits and professional aspirations, offering insights into various fields, the skills required, and future job prospects. They provide a structured way to explore and articulate career goals, understand industry trends, and reflect on personal strengths and interests in relation to the job market. Whether you're a high school student contemplating your future, a college student selecting a major, or a professional considering a career change, delving into a career research essay can illuminate the path ahead.

For anyone looking to embark on this enlightening journey, exploring research essay examples can be an invaluable first step. It offers a glimpse into effective strategies for structuring your essay, choosing relevant content, and engaging your readers. Below, find a list of 10 popular career research essay topics that span a diverse range of industries and interests, reflecting the broad spectrum of career opportunities available today:

  • The Evolution of the Software Developer Role in the Tech Industry : Exploring the dynamic landscape of software development, including emerging technologies and the skills needed to succeed.
  • A Day in the Life of a Healthcare Professional : Investigating the roles, responsibilities, and challenges faced by healthcare workers, from nurses to surgeons.
  • The Future of Renewable Energy Careers : Analyzing the growth of the renewable energy sector and the types of careers that are becoming available.
  • Careers in Digital Marketing : Understanding the impact of digital marketing on business and the variety of roles within this fast-evolving field.
  • The Role of Data Science in Business Decision Making : Examining how data scientists contribute to strategic decisions in business through data analysis and interpretation.
  • Legal Careers in the 21st Century : A look at the changing landscape of the legal profession and the skills modern lawyers need to possess.
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation : Exploring the journey of becoming an entrepreneur and the impact of innovation on creating new business opportunities.
  • Careers in Education Beyond Teaching : Investigating the diverse roles within the education sector that contribute to shaping future generations, from administration to curriculum development.
  • Engineering the Future: Careers in Civil Engineering : Understanding the role of civil engineers in developing infrastructure projects and the challenges of modern urban planning.
  • The Psychology Profession: A Deep Dive into Mental Health Careers : Exploring the various specialties within psychology and the importance of mental health professionals in society.

Each of these topics not only presents a rich field of study but also reflects the vast array of career paths available to individuals with different interests, strengths, and passions. By exploring career research essay examples, you can gain insights into how to approach these topics effectively, making your career research essay both informative and engaging.

Career Essay Topics and Outline Examples

Essay title 1: navigating your career path: strategies for successful career planning and development.

Thesis Statement: This essay explores effective strategies for career planning and development, emphasizing self-assessment, goal setting, skill development, networking, and adaptability as key components.

  • Introduction
  • Self-Assessment: Identifying Interests, Strengths, and Values
  • Goal Setting: Defining Short-Term and Long-Term Career Objectives
  • Skill Development: Continuous Learning and Skill Enhancement
  • Networking: Building Professional Relationships and Leveraging Connections
  • Adaptability: Navigating Career Changes and Challenges
  • Mentorship and Guidance: Seeking Career Advice and Support
  • Conclusion: Empowering Individuals to Shape Their Career Paths

Essay Title 2: The Future of Work: Exploring Career Trends in the Digital Age and Preparing for Industry Disruptions

Thesis Statement: This essay examines emerging career trends in the digital age, including automation, remote work, and gig economy jobs, and discusses strategies for preparing for industry disruptions.

  • Digital Transformation: Impact on Traditional Careers and Industries
  • Automation and Artificial Intelligence: Job Displacement and Upskilling
  • Remote Work: Advantages, Challenges, and Future Workforce Trends
  • Gig Economy and Freelancing: The Rise of Independent Career Paths
  • Reskilling and Lifelong Learning: Staying Relevant in a Changing Job Market
  • Adapting to Uncertainty: Developing a Flexible Career Mindset
  • Conclusion: Preparing for the Shifting Landscape of Work and Employment

Essay Title 3: Balancing Work and Life: The Importance of Career Satisfaction, Well-Being, and Achieving a Fulfilling Life

Thesis Statement: This essay discusses the significance of achieving career satisfaction and work-life balance, highlighting their impact on overall well-being and the pursuit of a fulfilling life.

  • Career Satisfaction: Defining Fulfillment in Professional Life
  • Work-Life Balance: Strategies for Managing Workload and Personal Life
  • Mental Health and Stress Management: Coping with Career-Related Challenges
  • Family and Relationships: Nurturing Personal Connections Amid Career Demands
  • Passion and Purpose: Aligning Career Goals with Personal Values
  • Life Goals and Achievements: Pursuing a Fulfilling and Meaningful Life
  • Conclusion: Striving for Career Success while Embracing Life's Joys and Challenges

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  • Dream Career
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an essay about career choices


Essay on Choosing a Career

Students are often asked to write an essay on Choosing a Career in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Choosing a Career


Choosing a career is a significant decision in life. It sets the course of our future, shaping our experiences and lifestyle.

Importance of Choosing a Career

Factors to consider.

When choosing a career, consider your interests, skills, and values. Also, consider job market trends and opportunities in your desired field.

Seek Guidance

Seek advice from career counselors, teachers, and professionals in your area of interest to make an informed decision.

Also check:

250 Words Essay on Choosing a Career

Choosing a career is one of the most pivotal decisions in a person’s life. It’s a process that involves careful evaluation of one’s interests, skills, and future aspirations. The decision not only shapes one’s professional journey but also influences personal growth and happiness.

Identifying Interests and Skills

The first step in choosing a career is identifying one’s interests and skills. This involves introspection and self-assessment to understand what truly motivates us. Are we inclined towards artistic pursuits, scientific explorations, or business strategies? Equally important is to identify our skills. Are we good at problem-solving, creative thinking, or interpersonal communication? The intersection of interests and skills often points towards suitable career paths.

Research and Exploration

Once interests and skills are identified, it’s time to research potential careers. This involves understanding the nature of the job, required qualifications, and growth prospects. Networking with professionals in the field, attending career fairs, and internships can provide valuable insights.

Future Aspirations

500 words essay on choosing a career.

Choosing a career is a crucial decision that significantly influences an individual’s life. It is a process that requires careful thought, self-reflection, and understanding of one’s interests, skills, and values. The choice made can lead to a fulfilling life, filled with satisfaction and growth, or it can lead to a life of dissatisfaction and regret if made hastily or under pressure.

Understanding Yourself

The first step towards choosing a career is understanding oneself. It is essential to know your interests, strengths, weaknesses, values, and personality traits. This self-awareness can be achieved through introspection, personality tests, and career counseling. Understanding your skills and aptitudes can help you identify careers that align with your abilities and interests.

Exploring Career Options

Assessing career fit.

After exploring various career options, it’s time to assess which ones are the best fit for you. This assessment should consider factors such as job satisfaction, work-life balance, salary, job security, and opportunities for growth. It can also be helpful to consider the future job market trends and the potential impact of technological advancements on your chosen field.

Making an Informed Decision

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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433 Career Topics for Presentations and Essays

🏆 best career talk topics, 👍 good titles for career essays, 💡 most interesting career related topics, ⭐ interesting topics for career talk, 📌 research titles about career choice, ✅ simple & easy career topics for students.

  • Social Sciences as a Career Field With the help of social science, I can conduct research and come up with a logical finding. With the knowledge I have in social science, I can research our political system and patterns of leadership.
  • Sports as a Career Analysis Making a proper career out of sports is something that is new to the professional world, and it is a niche that is rapidly coming up as one of the most flourishing career openings because […]
  • Personality Disorders and Their Respective Best Job Career People with this disorder need ample time to create their environment and avoid distrust and suspicion of others. They need little space to close relationships since their rigid and manipulated structure of working limits interaction […]
  • Choosing a Career The work description of a surgeon is complex and demanding due to the occupant’s engagement in daily operations of the hospital.
  • Architecture as a Career Field From this point, architecture as a career field includes the knowledge of the architecture history, modern tendencies and the practical realization of the knowledge in the processes of planning and constructing.
  • My Desire to Pursue a Career in Pharmacy The fact that pursuing a career in pharmacy will be more of a hobby to me will make it possible for me to advance my advanced levels.
  • Julius Yego’s A Biography and Career Additionally, his participation in the javelin has not only led to celebrations in Kenya but also his incorporation in the Orange Commercial Program.
  • My Ideal Career: Personal Dream If I work with languages, it would be crucial to adapt to the rules and styles that are in use of my future employer’s company.
  • Nursing as a Profession and Career The main aspect of professionalism that is observed in nurses is the way they communicate with the patients and how they act towards them.
  • Young Generation’s Challenges in Life and Career The list of challenges facing the youth in the current generation is endless with most of them having great impacts on the entire globe.
  • How I Planning a Career and Life I am currently going to school to get my associate’s degree in business and administration, and with that degree I plan on working in the government to get a job as an executive assistant I […]
  • Personal, Professional, and Career Development In this case, the mother had a misconceived perception that the chances of succeeding in an attempt to renovate and improve the school were minimal.
  • Career Plan: Business Management This means that a business manager should be able to relate well with owners of the organization in order to succeed in their career.
  • Bill Gates: Life and Contributions To have a clear indication of what the other part of the world needed, the couple toured Africa in 1995, and they resolved to donate part of their wealth to help the poor Africans.
  • Mobile App Development Career Speech On the other hand, mobile app development might be a tedious task, which requires superior analytical skills and mastery of programming languages. In conclusion, mobile app development is a fascinating and rewarding career.
  • The Ideal Career Choice On the other hand, a person may want to choose a career that is rewarding in terms of finances, but this may force him or her to do something that he or she does not […]
  • Environmental Autobiography: Cities and Career This was a completely new environment to me; although much of the norms and customs of the people were similar to those of Shenzhen, the architecture and general appearance of the city was strange to […]
  • Short and Long-Term Goals for Nursing Career For one to fulfill long-term goals, it takes him or her a lot of time while short-term goal is a part of the several steps involved in the long-term goal.
  • Aviation Management Career To achieve my dreams I have studied academic courses that are relevant in the career and I have interacted with several professionals to make myself acquainted with all the activities and requirements.
  • Goals Achievement in the Teacher’s Career A set of personal goals in a teacher’s life is important because it acts as a guideline to ensure that it strengthens his or her career and also benefit the students.
  • Thomas Green: Power, Office Politics and Career in Crisis The reason for this is that he appears to be independent and ambitious. From this analysis, it would be appropriate for Green to inform McDonald that Davis is unhappy with his current position at the […]
  • Career Counselling: Case Scenario and Session Transcript P thinks that she indeed succeeds at data analysis and that her analytical skills are right for the position as she is considered for a significant promotion.
  • Sales Manager’s Career Development Plan As a Sales Manager, a career development plan is important to help one achieve the set goals and objectives. The short-term goals and objectives include the following; To increase the sales revenue of the company […]
  • Edgar Allan Poe, His Life and Literary Career Edgar died in Baltimore and the cause of his death was not clear. Edgar, in his element, overcame challenges and established a literary legacy that has stood the test of time.
  • Family Nurse Practitioner Career Goals As I plan to deal with children, I will be involved with planning the care of children with their parents and treating childhood illnesses.
  • Nursing Career Goals In the modern world, the nurse’s role is changing dramatically: From being a resident assistant to the treating physician, the registered nurse is becoming the critical link in the clinic.
  • Career Development: From Accountant to Branch Manager My five-year career development plan is in the business field, where I am currently working as an accountant in a bank and am planning that in the next five years I will have been promoted […]
  • Personal Philosophy of Work and Career For instance, I am aware that my advantage is the ability to organize other people and motivate them. The sense of my unique gift is to help other people, performing my duties, and, for this […]
  • Software Engineering Career Information Software Engineering is a field in engineering that requires the practitioner to apply the principles of engineering in the design and development of software products.
  • A Career in Acupuncture: Personal Motivation TCM adopts a non-invasive and holistic approach to healing, and it is this style of treatment that I have grown to prefer.
  • Engineer Career and Inspirations Leonardo was the first to design a glider in the history of humanity and that glider, designed in the fifteenth century, has much in common with a glider of the twenty-first century.
  • Dental Hygienist: Reasons for Choosing This Career As a dental hygienist, one is also expected to take and develop X-rays before a dentist analyzes the structure of teeth for other treatment procedures.
  • Choosing the Right Career Path: Biomedical and Civil Engineering Biomedical engineers join sound skills of engineering and biological science, and so tend to have a bachelor of science and superior degrees from major universities, who are now recovering their biomedical engineering program as interest […]
  • Professional Competencies in Education and Career Emotional influence on perceptions of legal issues and professional ethics is also an imperative component I use to assess my professional competence.
  • Electrical and Electronics Engineering Career Development Electronics engineering is the branch of electrical engineering, which deals with the uses of “the electromagnetic spectrum and with the application of such electronic devices as integrated circuits, transistors, and vacuum tubes”.
  • Jack Smith: Career Launch at Toyota The main reason was to test Smith on different levels of competency, from grand strategic planning to the micromanagement level, concerning the workplace of every worker in the facility.
  • Arthur Cayley: Life, Career, and Achievements Arthur Cayley joined Trinity College in Cambridge at the age of seventeen and graduated in 1842 and in October of the same year, he became the youngest fellow in that college.
  • Good Grades vs. Soft Skills for Future Career In this way, good grades and soft skills are essential, but soft skills are ultimately more critical for success in the workplace.
  • Human Resources Management and Future Career The main role of the human resource management is therefore ensuring that the organization receives maximum benefits from the human resources.
  • Sylvester Stallone Life and Career When he was nine years old, his parents divorced and this was another rough episode in his life. This shows that he was not afraid of challenges and was devoted to his work.
  • Professional Portfolio, Related Barriers, and Future Career Goals One of these barriers to portfolio development is the lack of time to draw up, review and assess the portfolio. It can be said that a professional portfolio is a summary of all the highlights […]
  • The Significance of Biostatistics as a Career The criterion behind the collection of the data as well as its representation and interpretation employs a good deal of statistics: a science that employs mathematical concepts and principles in data collection and processing.
  • Civil Engineering as a Professional Career The reason why civil engineering is dominant over other engineering disciplines is that it is broad and deals with many things such as design, building, and refurbishment of corporeal and ordinary built environment.
  • The Women’s Career Role in the Institution of Marriage It is obvious that many women in the modern world have changed their attitude to business and to family due to the shift of the roles in the society.
  • Determinant Factors in Choosing a Career For instance, a person may want to choose a career that he/she has a passion for, but the career may not be rewarding moneywise.
  • Career Choices and Factors Influencing Those Choices This should not be the case, an individual is supposed to involve him/herself in a career path that they have interest in, work hard and earn as much as they can.
  • Career Path Analysis and Professional Development In making this plan then one has to consider the current lifestyle and the current job so that in making the plan then you will be sure of what you are to change so that […]
  • Psychology: Factors of Success in Life and Career One of the most researched elements about success is the factors that drive people to pursue it. Success is often associated with a positive mental attitude, which triggers the desire to be successful in whatever […]
  • Career-Style Interview Questions and Reflection It is important to help steer Dennis towards the right professional decision, while he is still in the establishment phase of his life, hopefully allowing for growth given his acquired perseverance and patience. Looking at […]
  • Personal Career Plan: A Vision Statement As for the primary career goals, after I leave the university, I would like to start my own business related to the travel industry or the restaurant industry as I am interested in both business […]
  • Career Guidance and Counseling Additionally, significant contributions in career guidance and counseling have helped develop career guidance and counseling. Davis introduced guidance and counseling in public schools in 1907.
  • and Video Game Streaming Career From this point, in spite of the fact that the platform can be viewed as belonging to the live-streaming industry, the careers of streamers develop according to the traditional principles of the entertainment business.
  • Michael Jackson’s Life and Career The joining of this band marked the start of his music career because although he joined as a backup singer, with time, he started to sing vocals and later on become a lead singer.
  • Psychotherapist as a Dream Career The skills of a psychotherapist turn out to be associated with the consistency of behavior and the delicacy of communication skills, but at the same time, they require a certain emotionality inherent in a person.
  • Electrical and Electronics Engineering Career The main aim of the report is to enable the career consultants who will be acting as career advisors to be able to understand my career field and in the process, they will be able […]
  • The Future Career in Cybersecurity During the interview, it is necessary to highlight the knowledge of working as a graph as a mathematical theory and the simple use of spanning trees in cybersecurity.
  • Career Genogram Analysis The analysis allowed me to concretize ideas about my family’s attitudes and career patterns. Furthermore, to complete the assignment, I had to contact my parents and relatives since extensive knowledge of one’s family history was […]
  • Bandura’s and Holland’s Career Development Theories I believe that self-efficacy is a concept that can be used by anyone to change the way they view themselves and gain more confidence.
  • Teaching Career: Setting Goals The goal that I want to set is that by the end of the year, more than eighty percent of the students in grade 7 should be above the grade level in English.
  • Work-Life Balance and Its Influences on Employee Development and Career Management Coussey is of the opinion that work-life balance entails developing working practices that are beneficial to both the organization and the employees. Integration of work-life balance as a human resource management strategy is beneficial to […]
  • B.B. King: Life, Musical Background & Career His preacher taught him how to play the guitar and through his employer, he acquired his first guitar at the age of 12.
  • Personal Career Experience: Leadership Not only would that be a hint at personal and professional growth, but it would also serve as an opportunity for me to overcome the delimitations of my comfort zone.
  • Career Options for a Computer Programmer Once the system or software has been installed and is running, the computer programmer’s focus is on offering support in maintaining the system.
  • Career Plan for a Realtor Agent During this process, the realtor also acts as a financial advisor to the buyer if the buyer does not have enough money to purchase the property.
  • Career Paths and Choices in Industrial Engineering I think that the market demand for industrial engineering is in the manufacturing industry. In conclusion, I believe that career choices can be made with the help of family, but the final choice should be […]
  • Microbiologist as a Career in Bioscience Moreover, I believe that in this way I can help people by making discoveries that can be used in medicine, agriculture, food production. This experience can help me in the future especially when I will […]
  • Personal Brand and Career Development The “I” brand concept suggests that the potential job candidate and career builders approach themselves as marketed goods and attempt to turn their own sets of skills and personalities into goods, wanted and attractive to […]
  • Socialization and Career Development For instance, effective socialization structures have enabled employees of institutions that operate in the tourism sector in the US to understand the needs of customers and what is expected of them.
  • How Will Your Chosen Field of Study Help You Advance in Your Career? In general, social studies refine student’s minds and essential ways of thinking that are used not only in careers that include engaging with customers or clients but in a wide variety of careers, as they […]
  • Acidosis and Alkalosis Role in Future Nursing Career When the serum has an excess of acid, the pH number is low and, vice versa, the excess of the base in blood makes the pH number rise.
  • Immunology as a Career Field That Intrigues Me One thing, however, I discovered is that despite one’s conviction on a particular field of career, it is important to consult an expert in that field just to be sure if that is exactly what […]
  • High School Social Studies Teacher Career In this line, my expectations in the next five to fifteen years is to be able to be financially stable and debt-free, be able to land a job that gives me the benefit of having […]
  • Dentist Career and Professional Values Therefore, the process of selection was based on the extent to which a particular quality contributes to my personal and professional growth.
  • Career and Technical Education One of the most critical challenges is the inability to satisfy the needs of the entire student in public schools. On the other side, the continuing students will give the present experience on the challenges […]
  • Career in Biomedical Sciences: Opportunities & Prospects For one to qualify as a biomedical scientist, one is usually required to have a degree in Biomedical Science with the prospects of upgrading through graduate school.
  • The Career of a Physical Therapist The cost of attaining a degree in Physical therapy at the University of Delaware is estimated to be about 9,486 dollars for the in-state tuition fee and 23,186 for the out-of-state.
  • Communication and Career In general, the majority of proposals that relate to real estate appraisal specify the communication with clients and the coordination of the process with other specialists.
  • Astor Piazzolla: Biography, Career, and Legacy The great Astor, an outstanding Argentine composer of the twentieth century, went down in history as the “great transformer of tango,” a true exponent of the music of Buenos Aires and the creator of the […]
  • Social Work Career, Professional Behavior and Accountability I have the desire to fight for human rights and social change, and I want to fight for justice in all corners to make society a better place.
  • Arts Education and Its Benefits for Study & Career Arts develop different skills and it should be noted that children who are interested in arts are more successful at their study.
  • Career Theories by John Holland I also wanted to implement the best leadership strategies to achieve my goals and support those of my followers. This argument matches with my career path because I always wanted to help others and make […]
  • Electrical Engineering Career: History and Future Their achievements laid the foundation for further development of the domain and became the precursors of the progress of engineering in the twentieth century.
  • Career Path Aligned With Personal Values As such a person has to be aware that the goal of writing a text is to communicate and not to merely write thereby choosing the appropriate writing skills.
  • Career of Teaching Art Many people recognize and think of art as a business, with very few noting the importance of teaching art itself as a more important business and a career worth to be chosen.
  • A Five-Year Career Development Plan In other words, selecting a career is not enough; rather, one has to be willing to work on acquiring the skills and competencies needed to pursue a chosen career successfully. The development plan further assists […]
  • Jack Ma’s Business Leadership and Career Ma is a devoted patriot, and all of his business ideas and projects have been orientated to the improvement of China’s position in the international arena and the maintenance of its domestic success.
  • Britney Spears’ Life and Career Her roles in music, acting, and writing created a formidable brigade of admirers and enthusiasts who looked up to her for inspiration and motivation. In that regard, the essay shall evaluate realities and circumstances with […]
  • Reflections on Achieving Career Success and Personal Fulfillment First, there is a need to promote awareness when it comes to the importance of quality and how to improve the quality of products and services for the sake of the national economy. It is […]
  • Globalization Impact on Life Career and Future The world in the recent past has witnessed fast flow of information, people and materials from one part of the globe to the other, thanks to globalization.
  • Peter Jackson’s Life and Professional Career He works as a film producer, director, and screenwriter, who came to global recognition through his films The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.
  • Career Goals in Educational Technology The University offers the Master of Arts and the doctor of Philosophy degrees in Educational Technology. One of the spread and reasonable career goal for an applicant is to achieve success in the field of […]
  • Loyalty Motivation in “Best Places to Launch a Career” by Tanaka It is based on such factors that a company needs to take into consideration the changing face of workplace loyalty in order to make the appropriate type of hiring decisions and to understand the necessity […]
  • Josquin des Prez: Life, Career and Music He was able to succeed in his career because he was deeply in love with it and all his efforts were direct to it.
  • Doctor of Nursing: The Career Path It could also be between her and the patient.collaboration between the nurse and the patient is crucial in the delivery of quality care to the patient.
  • Endodontics as a Career Path The more knowledge in the field I get the more knowledge I want to acquire. With his limited knowledge of endodontics, I was initially pushed to do all the root canals in the office.
  • Career Development: Definition and Stages It is career development that forms the core of the kind of job a person actually desires to have. For a country to realize the most outcomes of effective learning, it is without question to […]
  • Clinical and Counseling Psychology as Career Fields The subject matters of the common clinical psychology are the common factors of the psychology of the patient and of the health care professional; the psychological peculiarities of the patient and the doctor; the influence […]
  • Skills Identification, Career Planning and Goal Setting For this to be achieved, individuals need to define their acceptable work conditions and knowledge of the future with respect to work.
  • Failure and Success in Teacher Career The utilization of these old ideas and resources in the current academic environment has also contributed to the failing of schools.
  • Photography as a Career It is of essence to note that a number of variations exist in the field of photography, for example, self-employment and commercial photographing are just some of the ways one can successfully earn a living […]
  • Career Path in Public Health: Informative Research Career paths in the discipline range from epidemiology and health programs to global health and healthcare management. The hiring of educators and public health professionals is likely to increase by 13% between 2019 and 2029.
  • LinkedIn Career Identity Among University Students in Cairo This article discusses the history and overall effectiveness of the LinkedIn social network in terms of career building. In this thesis, the master examines radical job search options and the effectiveness of these methods in […]
  • Alternative Dental Hygienist Career This paper examines the dental hygienist’s role in homecare, the scope, and feasibility of the career, retirement license, education, experience, and possible salary and benefits for the employed.
  • Nursing as My Career of Interest I have acquired most of the skills required to be a nurse, and thus increased demand for nurses and an upsurge in salaries will impact me and the profession positively by increasing morale.
  • Dental Hygienist Career and Job Setting One of the significant roles performed by a dental hygienist is periodontal charting, which is the recording of the gingival and overall health of a patient’s oral condition.
  • Dental Hygienist Career Path: Website Analysis The website’s front page includes a with the illustration of the dental room and the name of the essay in a large distinctive font.
  • The MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) Technologist Career Due to the profession’s close association with computer imaging and software, the MRI field is prone to advancements. Despite being a small profession, the skill-set to become a technologist does the job in demand and […]
  • Closing the Gap Between College and Career Thesis; Closing the gap between college and careers demands providing students with equal access to education, informing them of current opportunities, preparing them to pursue technical careers, and working with employers to satisfy their needs.
  • Closing the Gap Between College and Career: Comparative Analysis It is difficult for students to start building a career because of their major or the lack of work experience in the field.
  • Effects of Individual Career Plan Program on Nursing Students’ Career Regarding work ethic, I have learned a lot about my classmates and myself, as well as the amount of knowledge acquired and how I can apply the knowledge and gain A lot of knowledge to […]
  • College Graduates’ Career Paths The thesis of the article is that there are many job openings that college graduates can fit in where the fields pay depending with the specialization.
  • Comprehensive Career Resource Library for Diverse Populations Therefore, tools in a resource library are intended to aid career development counselors who work with high school students, college students, or veterans of the military in their client relationships.
  • Career Theory: John Holland’s Interest in Typology In the subject of career counseling, John Holland’s typological theory of people and settings is often recognized as the most prominent.
  • Impact of Literature on Career and Personal Life The book helped me grow as a person, which I see as the most valuable contribution of literature in general, and our humanities course in particular.
  • Social Factors of Educational and Career Choices Instead, he stated that “family forms are shaped by the adaptations of family members to the social situations in which they are embedded,” reflecting on the changes in parental messages relative to life circumstances.
  • Career Choices: Registered Nurse, Engineer, and Database Administrator For this review, I have selected three of the most perspective career choices: a registered nurse, an engineer, and a database administrator.
  • The Registered Nurse Career Assessment The results converged in that they offered the admission of registered nurses and a high readiness level for the job. Regardless of how broad the responsibilities of a registered nurse may be, the following tasks […]
  • Jimi Hendrix’s Life and Career: A Podcast Today’s podcast is dedicated to the apotheosis of one of the most outstanding and memorable guitarists who pawed the way for improvisation in rock music.
  • Closing the Military-Civilian Career Gap A combination of the above-mentioned factors makes it harder for the ex-military people to work and interact with other employees. The inability to secure employment and the stigma from employers fuel the stress among the […]
  • Closing the College-Career Gap Despite the training and efforts made by various sectors, both public and private, to manage and support the education sector, students continue to leave high schools and universities without the necessary skills to succeed in […]
  • The College-to-Career Transition The article “The college-to-career transition in STEM” contains an 11-year longitudinal study investigating the effects of vocational interest fit. The college-to-career transition in STEM: An eleven-year longitudinal study of perceived and objective vocational interest fit.
  • Bridging the Military-Civilian Career Gap The US military has one of the largest armies in the world and is the largest professional standing force. Skills transferability and military identity go hand in hand the military frames individuals to act in […]
  • Nuclear Industry Career Analysis Due to the complexity of the mathematics and theoretical work involved in nuclear engineering, it is a somewhat challenging field to master.
  • Closing the Gap Between Military Service and Civilian Career The most important information in the article shows that the way veterans leave the military may affect their transition. This means that not all veterans have the same level of difficulty while transiting to the […]
  • Analysis for Skateboard Painting and Career Pursuit Proper planning is required to ensure that the financing and activities of the business will not affect Sky’s desire to pursue her career.
  • Developing a Psychology-Related Career Plan This stage involves self-awareness of the gap between the current and desired career options. In this stage, the individual formulates a plan for implementing the prioritized option and takes action to execute this plan.
  • Eminem’s Life and Music Career Without the father’s support, the relationship in the family was unstable, and the unfortunate financial situation led to conflicts with Mather’s relatives, thus leaving a psychological trauma in his mind.
  • Plan for Trucking Career Development According to Mazareanu, it accounts for the majority of land freight transportation in the United States, with a market valued at US$732.
  • Active Listening for Career Growth Active listening plays a significant role in a workplace environment in many ways that are likely to benefit both day-to-day work and one’s career in the long term.
  • Changes in the Concepts of Work and Career Therefore, major factors that have influenced changes in the concepts of work and career are the development of technology and increasing trends in remote working.
  • Career Services: Types and Options The significance of one’s resume is introduced in the service summary, noting the emphasis that employers place on the set of candidates’ qualifications.
  • Environmental Organizer: Sociological Career Generally, a career outlook for environmental organizers is aligned with my expectations because it emphasizes the importance of sustainability and ecological laws.
  • Searching for the Ideal Career Through O*NET The O*NET, due to the amount of information, and convenient and quick search, can be used in a number of cases.
  • Career Ladder Is Fading Corporate hierarchy is disappearing, and the evolving nature of employment is becoming harder to ignore. Despite all the arguments, there is an agreement that substantial and continuous changes are taking place in the structure of […]
  • Intersectionality and Career Advancement Barriers When applied in conjunction with barrier theories, intersectionality allows for the understanding of the limitations that individuals of a particular race, class, gender, sexual identity, ethnicity, or disability experience in their access to various opportunities.
  • Building a Career Based on Strengths However, having shown my leadership qualities and passion for technical innovation, I headed a mini-project on employee adaptation, which was entrusted to me by the leaders of the company themselves.
  • Family Nurse Practitioner and Infection Control Nurse Career So, I should get a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and then pass the NCLEX-RN and work as a Registered Nurse.
  • James Brown’s Career in Soul Music Southern soul became extremely popular towards the end of the 1960s, and Brown had his first success in 1956. James Brown was one of the performers who took control of their music, as he united […]
  • The Economic and Career Effects of Sexual Harassment on Working Women However, it is important to acknowledge that there have been improved opportunities for Asian Americans compared to the widespread discrimination and labor markets drawbacks in the early twentieth century.
  • Humanistic Approach to Career Counseling A professional counselor can be helpful in choosing the right path to a job and when it is frustrating and disappointing. Faith: Well, it is a good day, and I decided to visit you.
  • Accounting Studies for a Career in Marketing The first undeniable connection between accounting and marketing lies in the financial terms of marketing. Moreover, according to Matsuoka, accounting and revenue accounting, in particular, contribute to the plan and control of marketing through the […]
  • Career Development Program for 30-Year-Old Population At the age of thirty, it might be a challenging task for the individual to decide to change one’s career and face particular risks and concerns regarding a new occupation.
  • Al Gore’s Career From Politics to Climate Advocacy However, Al Gore remains a champion of the struggle for human rights and the environment. However, Gore’s stance in favor of the death penalty and his vote for military intervention against Iraq during the Gulf […]
  • Career-Enhancing Techniques and Their Usefulness A career strategy is a way to build it in such a way that the method of promotion and organization of activities ensures the optimal use of all driving mechanisms.
  • Making Career Choices: Refinery I was convinced to choose my career by work experience in a refinery, the monetary benefits, and the rising demand that my career aspiration had.
  • The Dilemma of Career Criminals The case of Frank Uhyarek has invited discussion of the matter of career criminals. Nevertheless, the purpose of prisons is not only isolating criminals, but also giving them the chance to realize their mistakes and […]
  • Healthcare Managers’ Career Development Healthcare managers are expected to develop a detailed action plan to facilitate the achievement of the goals, provision of quality services to patients, and the accomplishment of the ultimate organizational goals.
  • Healthcare Administrators and Managers’ Career Development Healthcare managers and administrators are in increasing demand as the organizations become more cumbersome and complex. It refers to the processes of recording, interpreting, classifying, and reporting financial transactions and economic data of the company.
  • The Importance of Students’ Equity in College Career Centers In addition, the role of teachers and career advisors is to work collaboratively with students and use the FoK concepts to reshape the framework of immigrant and undocumented students’ needs.
  • Career Development in Healthcare Administration The institution provides regular training to the members and updates the current trends that are witnessed in the healthcare sector. Second, The American Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration is a website that helps in […]
  • Teacher Career: E-Learning E-learning is the use of networked information and communications technology in teaching and learning. A number of other terms are also used to describe this mode of teaching.
  • Career Development for Healthcare Administrators This, in turn, means that the government should allocate a more significant part of the budget to public healthcare, and the patients should pay more for medical services.
  • Criminal Justice Career An individual who wants to work in the criminal justice sphere should be ready to overcome different challenges and contribute to the increased efficiency of the legal system.
  • A Career in Counseling Psychology Therefore, the work of a counselor in psychology seems to be one of the most appealing options from the perspective of professional growth.
  • Long-Distance Runner as Career To endure running for a long-distance every athlete should recognize the importance of strength exercises and follow the stated plan. All the things considered; I am motivated to start the career of a long-distance runner.
  • Organization Development in Career Path Choice In other words, when choosing a profession, OD plays an important role, but the most important points in choosing a career path are the education received, interest in professional activity, the location of the office […]
  • Career Field in Psychology: Counselor Degree programs, for instance, in child abuse counseling teach graduates about protecting children from abuse, how to recognize signs of abuse, methods of counseling and expected challenges during counseling.
  • Evaluating Career Choice Arguments Selecting a career that you love and enjoy no matter the pay scale because if you love your work, you will be happy.
  • HFMA: Learning, and Career Development The Healthcare Financial Management Association is an organization that offers membership and professional development opportunities to businesses in the healthcare field and reviews complex issues affecting the industry to provide guidance and education.
  • Success in Major and Career
  • Letter for Graduation: Career as a Nurse
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  • Career Counseling for People With Disabilities
  • Career Opportunities in Hancock Manufacturing
  • Youths’ Career Choices in Individualist and Collectivist Societies
  • Business Networking for Graduate Career Success
  • Immigration and Naturalization Service Officer Career
  • Individual Career Plan of the Client
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  • Role of Pennsylvania State University in Career Path
  • Self-Efficacy and Career Development
  • Paralegal Career Development in Law Firms
  • Personal Injury Paralegal Career Field
  • Media Influence on Donald Trump’s Career
  • Building a Career in Criminal Justice
  • Public Health Nurse Career
  • Trends in Nursing, Leadership Styles, Career Plans
  • Choosing a Career in Teaching
  • Career in Victimology
  • Financial Services Career: Working in Institution
  • Career in Advanced Practice Nursing
  • Nursing Career: Quantitative and Qualitative Studies
  • Career and Education From Dentist’s Perspective
  • Future Leadership Program for Career Growth
  • The Career Interest in Finance
  • Chartered Financial Analyst as a Career Goal
  • Electrical Engineering Career Development
  • Medical Specialties and Career Development
  • How You Could Make a Difference by Choosing CNA as a Career?
  • Cardiovascular Technology and How the Career Relates to Physics
  • Why Structural Engineering Is an Appealing Career?
  • Facilitating Career Advancement of Highly Skilled Women
  • The Struggle for Equal Career Opportunities for Women in Contemporary Societies
  • Career Motivation of Youth Professional Activity: RAKBANK
  • Digital Technology and My Career Success
  • Student Learning in Traditional Setting vs. Career Academies
  • The Accounting Profession Career Choice
  • Acquiring Expensive Assets at the Beginning of a Career
  • Studying Abroad and Improving the Outcomes of Students’ Career Development
  • How Woman’s Gender Identity Affects Her Career
  • The Impact Career Academies Have on Student Learning
  • A Degree in Social Work: Reasons for Seeking, Career Goals and Aspirations
  • Management Information Systems: Ethics and Career Path
  • Job Searching and Career Planning
  • Teacher Career: Professional Development Plan
  • Effectively Managing Individual Career Path
  • Lil Wayne’s Music Career and Social Life
  • Electronic Filing System for Teacher Career
  • The Jesus Factor in G. W. Bush’s Political Career
  • Emirati Career Choice: Educational and Environmental Factors
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Military Career
  • Baseball Career Personal Experiences
  • Curriculum for Career Education
  • Ozzy Osbourne: A Career With a Class
  • Career Development Effect on Employees’ Commitment Project Proposal
  • Challenges of Nursing Career
  • Herb Kelleher: Life and Career
  • Bob Bennett and His Career Motivation
  • Career Choice Reasoning and Decision-Making
  • Career Development Plan Summary
  • Career Development Plan – Compensation Planning
  • Career Management and Performance in Companies
  • Database Administrator as a Career Choice
  • Contrasting Views of Career Choices Amid the State of American Culture
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  • Key Elements in a Successful Career Development in a School
  • Viktor Bout: Career in Illegal Arms Trafficking
  • Career Development Compensation Plan
  • Significant Career of Bill Murray
  • Relation Between Adams’s Book and Condoleezza Rice’s Political Career
  • Personal Career Goals and Learning Plan
  • Jan Brett: Boigraphy, Career and Themes in Literature
  • Career Management Topics and Their Analysis
  • Exploring the Boundaryless Career
  • Personal Career Opportunities: Military Officer, Financial Analyst and Marketing Manager
  • Military Career of Edgar Allan Poe
  • Beyoncé’s Career Retrospective and Recommendations
  • Ethical Dilemma in the Psychologists Career
  • Determinants of Individual to Choose a Teaching Career
  • A Veterinary Technician’s Career Prospects
  • Career Development & Employee Motivation Initiatives: Chipotle
  • College and Career Readiness Lesson Plans
  • Career Development and Employee Motivation Initiatives at Chipotle
  • Job Loss and Career Counseling Strategies
  • Online Education and Career in Healthcare
  • Clinical Psychology: Career Pathway
  • Architect, General Building Contractor and Civil Engineer
  • Social Media and Marie Kondo’s Career, Culture, and Business
  • Jerry Lewis’ Life, Career, and Comedic Style
  • Career Fair at the Canadian University in Dubai
  • Choosing a Registered Nursing Career
  • College Life and Career With Asperger’s Syndrome
  • Sexual Harassment and Its Impact on Career
  • Nursing as an Exemplary Career
  • Mentorship in Career: Research Design Questions
  • Career Profile: Tim Cook From Apple Inc.
  • Saint Leo University’s Career Planning Resources
  • Teacher Career: Working With Autistic Children
  • Teacher Career: Problem-Solving for Group Management
  • Interest Profiler and Career Development
  • Activism and Career in the Self-Discovery Process
  • Government Career in Logistics and Electronics
  • Assessment Practices in the Teacher Career
  • Starting a Successful Political Career as a Woman
  • Police Officer’s Career Research
  • Thomas Green: Power, Politics, and a Career in Crisis
  • Professional Development: Social Career
  • Personal Career Management
  • Sales Executive’s Career Exploration Activities
  • Teaching Philosophy in a Pedagogical Career
  • Pursuing Home Interior Design Career
  • Multiple Career Choices in Biosciences
  • Personal Career in Health Promotion
  • Education and Career of Norwegian-Pakistani Women
  • Career Plan for Founding a Non-Profit Organization
  • Lesson Plan: Career Goals and Development
  • Educational Experience for Future Career Goals
  • Career Exploration: Opportunities and Requirements
  • Johnson & Johnson Career Web Site Analysis
  • American Psychological Association for Career
  • A Career in the Helping Profession
  • Career Investigation: Mathematics Teacher
  • Electrical and Electronics Engineering Profession
  • Human Rights and Relations in Education and Career
  • Ageism and Feminism in Career and Family Expectations
  • Career Institute of America Inc.’s Business Status
  • Marketing, Its History, Future, and Career Path
  • Career in Accounting: Important Aspects
  • Entrepreneurial Self-Analysis and Career Aspirations
  • Career Opportunities for Financial Education
  • Zadie Smith’s Ambitions and Literary Career
  • Management Career Possibilities and Development
  • Career Counseling Program for High-School Students
  • Psychology in Graphic Design Career
  • Career Options Within Accounting Field
  • Steve Jobs’ Influence on Tech Education and Career
  • The Profession of Pharmacist: Career Image
  • Foreigners’ English Proficiency, Education, Career
  • Forensic Psychology and Career Opportunities
  • Finance Graduates’ Career Opportunities
  • Interior Designer’s Career Challenges and Ethics
  • Hospitality Management Education and Career
  • Financial Advisor’s Skills and Career Opportunities
  • Marketing and Career Opportunity Impact
  • The Project Manager’s Career
  • Marketing, Its Importance and Potential Career
  • Mechanical Engineering Education and Career
  • Social Worker Career and Responsibilities
  • Schein’s Career Anchor Theory in the 21st Century
  • Military Career: Human Resource Certification
  • Career Intervention for Female Juvenile Offenders
  • Nursing Career, Scholarship and Practice
  • Career Growth, Skills, Behaviors, and Challenges
  • Career Planning and Development
  • Career Paths and the Managerial Escalator Pattern
  • Career Development Theories
  • Multicultural Career Counseling Method
  • Ex-Offenders Struggle to Find Jobs
  • Regency Hotel: Career Center Designing
  • Career Development in Saudi Arabian Organizations
  • Senior Development Administrator Career
  • Burgundy Hotels’ Career Communication
  • “Her Brilliant Career” a Documentary by Jean Holland
  • Lack of Career Growth in the UAE Public Institutions
  • University Life Challenges and Skills for Career
  • Psychological Therapist Career: Theories and Influence
  • International Graduates, Digital Skills and Career
  • Surgical Technician Job and Career Opportunities
  • Glowork’s A Step Ahead Career Fair
  • Mental Health Specialist Job and Career
  • Teacher Career: Family’s Involvement in Education
  • Counseling Psychology: Career Choice
  • Paphitis’ Business Career Case
  • Engineering and Business Career in the UAE
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  • Succession Management and Career Planning
  • Todd Russell Achievements, Failures and Career
  • Public Policy for Career Development
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  • Nursing as a Potential Career
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  • Frank Sinatra’s Life and Career
  • Dwight Eisenhower: The 34th U.S. President
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  • Teacher Career: Caring Leadership
  • Teacher Career: Learning Preparation
  • Dual Career Management in Organizations
  • Employee Career Management Plan
  • Career Planning: Path to an Insured Future
  • Working With Iraqi and Cuban Refugees as a Career Counselor
  • Pushing One’s Fortunes: Career Theory for Healthcare Leaders
  • Key Highlights of the Human Career
  • How Career Exploration Enhances People’s Ability to Further Themselves
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  • Career Planning and Career Management
  • Health Care Career Trajectory
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  • How the DTC Major Supports Your Career Goals
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  • Reaching the Career Goals: In Search for a Place Under the Sun
  • The Career of a Physical Therapist Assistant
  • The Role of Innovative Technologies in the Architecture Career
  • Career Path Paper in Public Relations
  • Choice of Career Between Accounting Manager and Accounting Auditor
  • Good Career and Meaningful Life
  • Problem(s) Globalization Presents to Your Future Career
  • Career Development Activities
  • Critical Analysis: The Peter Principle as an Explanation of Problem of Career Development
  • A Career in Dentistry
  • Zac Posen’s Career and Life
  • Book Report: Fun Is Good: How to Create Joy and Passion in Your Workplace and Career
  • John Leguizamo, His Life and Career
  • Teacher Career: Special Education Programming
  • Inter-Cultural Communication Skills in Career Goal at the Contemporary Workplace
  • Career Planning and Succession Management
  • Marlene Dietrich: Life and Professional Career
  • Personal Growth Research Ideas
  • Organization Development Research Ideas
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  • Unemployment Essay Topics
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 23). 433 Career Topics for Presentations and Essays.

"433 Career Topics for Presentations and Essays." IvyPanda , 23 Feb. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '433 Career Topics for Presentations and Essays'. 23 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "433 Career Topics for Presentations and Essays." February 23, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "433 Career Topics for Presentations and Essays." February 23, 2024.


IvyPanda . "433 Career Topics for Presentations and Essays." February 23, 2024.

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Essay Samples on Career

Entrepreneurship as a career: navigating the path of innovation.

Entrepreneurship as a career is a compelling journey that offers individuals the opportunity to create their own path, shape their destiny, and contribute to the economy through innovation. While the road to entrepreneurship is laden with challenges and uncertainties, it is also marked by the...

  • Entrepreneurship

Crafting a 5-Year Career Plan: Paving the Path Ahead

The journey towards a fulfilling and prosperous career is best navigated with a clear roadmap in hand. In this essay, we delve into the intricacies of a 5-year career plan, a strategic framework that empowers individuals to chart their course towards professional excellence. From the...

  • Career Goals

Choosing a Career: Navigating Life's Crossroads

Life is a series of crossroads, and one of the most pivotal decisions we face is choosing a career. In this essay, we embark on an exploration of the intricacies involved in making this significant choice. From the considerations that shape our decisions to the...

My Career Journey: the Course Towards Fulfilling My Career Goal

Life is a tapestry woven with threads of experiences, choices, and aspirations. In this essay, I invite you to delve into the narrative of my career journey, a journey that is a testament to growth, resilience, and the pursuit of a career goal that resonates...

My Future Career as a Nurse: Way for Compassionate Healing

The journey toward a future career as a nurse is one that intertwines empathy, expertise, and the unwavering commitment to provide compassionate care. In this essay, I take you on a voyage through my aspirations, motivations, and the profound impact I intend to make as...

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What Motivates You to Pursue a Career in Medicine

The world of medicine is a tapestry of compassion, science, and unwavering commitment. In this essay, we embark on an exploration of the question: what motivates you to pursue a career in medicine? By delving into the layers of empathy, fascination, and the desire to...

Choice of Career Narrative: Tracing the Footprints of Destiny

Life is a journey of myriad paths, each leading to a destination shaped by choices. The choice of a career is one of those pivotal crossroads that defines the course of one's life. In this narrative essay, I take you on a journey through my...

Why You Choose Nursing as a Career: A Comprehensive Analysis

The decision to pursue a nursing career is often rooted in profound motivations and a desire to make a meaningful impact on the lives of others. In this essay, we embark on a thorough analysis of why individuals choose nursing as a career, exploring the...

Why Is It Important to Choose a Career That You Enjoy

The journey of choosing a career is a critical crossroad that shapes the course of one's life. In this essay, we delve into the significance of choosing a career that you enjoy, unraveling the profound impact it has on personal satisfaction, well-being, and overall success....

Why Did You Choose Law as a Career

The decision to pursue a career in law is one that often carries profound motivations and aspirations. In this essay, I share my personal journey and delve into the factors that led me to choose law as a career path. By exploring the intricacies of...

Choosing the Right Career: Decoding Destiny

The journey of life often intersects with a pivotal crossroad where individuals must make a crucial decision: choosing the right career. In this essay, we embark on an exploration of this significant juncture, uncovering the factors that influence career decisions, the strategies for making informed...

Career Guidance: The Power and Impact

Career guidance serves as a beacon of light in the often complex and overwhelming world of professional choices, providing individuals with the tools, insights, and direction needed to embark on a fulfilling career journey. In this essay, we delve into the pivotal role of career...

Career Aspirations: Fueling Dreams and Shaping Professional Journeys

Career aspirations serve as the compass guiding individuals through the intricate maze of professional possibilities, offering direction, purpose, and motivation. In this essay, we delve into the profound realm of career aspirations, unraveling the elements that fuel ambition, the strategies for realizing aspirations, and the...

Business Career: Navigating the Business World

The world of business is a dynamic and intricate realm, offering a plethora of opportunities for individuals to carve a successful business career. In this essay, we embark on a journey to explore the intricacies of navigating a business career, uncovering the essential elements that...

Art of Career Building: Strong Foundation

Embarking on a professional journey is akin to constructing a building—a process that requires careful planning, strategic decisions, and a solid foundation. In this essay, we delve into the art of career building, exploring the essential elements that contribute to building a successful and fulfilling...

Career Pathways: Routes to Professional Success

The world of professions and occupations is a labyrinth of possibilities, with myriad career pathways leading to success, growth, and personal fulfillment. In this essay, we embark on a voyage of exploration, uncovering the intricate network of career pathways that individuals can traverse. By delving...

Career Opportunities: Navigating the Vast Landscape of Possibilities

The modern professional landscape is a tapestry woven with an array of career opportunities, each offering a unique path to growth, fulfillment, and success. In this essay, we embark on a journey to explore the multifaceted world of career opportunities, delving into the diverse sectors,...

  • Opportunity

Career Objective: Charting the Course to Achievement and Fulfillment

Embarking on a professional journey without a clear career objective is akin to setting sail without a destination in mind. In this essay, we delve into the importance of a well-defined career objective, exploring how it serves as a compass that guides individuals toward their...

Career Motivation: Illuminating the Path to Fulfillment and Success

Behind every successful individual's journey lies a driving force that propels them forward—their career motivation. In this essay, we delve into the depths of what ignites the flames of ambition, determination, and resilience in the pursuit of professional goals. By uncovering the sources of career...

  • Engineering

Engineering as a Career: Innovation, Progress, and the World Around Us

The world we inhabit today is a product of human ingenuity, and at the heart of this innovation lies the realm of engineering as a career. In this essay, we embark on a journey to explore the multifaceted world of engineering, delving into the reasons...

College Career: Academic and Professional Exploration

The college years are a transformative period marked by intellectual growth, self-discovery, and the pursuit of academic and professional aspirations. In this essay, we embark on an exploration of the college career journey, delving into the multifaceted dimensions that shape this phase of life. By...

What Career Path Are You Planning to Pursue and Why

The pursuit of a career is a journey that shapes one's future, aspirations, and impact on the world. As I stand at the crossroads of choice, contemplating the career path I am planning to pursue, I find inspiration in the role of a pharmacist. In...

Gaming as a Career: Where Passion and Profession Converge

The landscape of career choices has evolved dramatically in the digital age, opening doors to unconventional yet flourishing avenues. One such avenue is gaming as a career. In this essay, we delve into the dynamic world of professional gaming, exploring the intricacies, opportunities, and challenges...

What Inspired You to Pursue Beauty as a Career

The pursuit of a career in the beauty industry is a journey fueled by a deep-rooted passion for aesthetics, creativity, and transformation. In this essay, I unravel the story of my career path, exploring the elements that ignited my desire to pursue beauty as a...

Police Career: Upholding Law and Order with Dedication and Courage

The corridors of justice and safety are guarded by the unwavering commitment of those who embark on a police career. In this essay, we delve into the intricate world of law enforcement, exploring the multifaceted nature of a police career, the challenges it entails, and...

  • Police Officer

Marketing Career: Crafting Triumph through Creativity and Strategy

The modern world is an intricate web of connections and communications, and at its core lies the vibrant marketing career. In this essay, we embark on a journey through the exciting realm of marketing, exploring its multifaceted nature, the skills it demands, and the opportunities...

Life and Career Skills: A Holistic Approach

The modern landscape of success is no longer solely defined by professional accomplishments; it encompasses a harmonious blend of life and career skills. In this essay, we delve into the intricate relationship between these two dimensions, highlighting how the synergy between life skills and career...

Importance of Career: Journey to Professional Fulfillment

The trajectory of human life is intricately woven with the pursuit of career aspirations. In this essay, we explore the profound importance of a career as a cornerstone of personal identity, financial stability, and the pursuit of lifelong dreams. By delving into the multidimensional impact...

Embracing the Healing Journey: A Glimpse into My Life as a Doctor

This essay provides a glimpse into my life as a doctor—a journey marked by passion, dedication, and a commitment to making a positive impact through medicine. As a doctor, I am privileged to embrace the healing journey, build connections, navigate challenges, and continuously grow in...

What It Is Like to Be a Biomedical Scientist: Job Description

What is like to be a Biomedical Scientist? It is undeniable that Biomedical science plays a crucial role in our world today. A broad-spectrum is covered within this career path, giving a varied choice of jobs to choose from once successfully qualified as a Biomedical...

My Goal in Life to Become a Doctor: Chasing My Dreams

A year ago, I got invited to partake in an opportunity of a “lifetime.” That opportunity was a summer camp known as, NYLF Medicine. The prospects about the event intrigued me, but I was not totally convinced. Ever since I was a kid I was...

Description of Genetics Career: a Genetics Counsellor

A genetic counsellor’s main role is to provide patients information on concerns involving inherited diseases and/or conditions that run in the family or could run in an individual’s future family. These diseases include sickle cell anemia, Down syndrome, breast and ovarian cancer that is heredable,...

  • Job Description

The Profession of Doctor: More Than Just a Job

Introduction Everyone in society is believed to have a role to follow. These roles are said to govern how society works and these roles somewhat define the flow of the society we live in. It is easy to define each role as there are roles...

Career Aspirations: Why Do You Want to Pursue a Career in Healthcare

From the basic cellular processes to the complex functions of our pathways and systems, understanding the relationship between the structure of the human body and disease is what I find to be most intriguing. My love of Science and immense curiosity of the bodies functions...

The Reason Why Do You Want to Pursue a Career in Healthcare

There was never a big Eureka moment, and medicine is not something that I’ve wanted to do from a particularly young age. Instead, I think of medicine as a passion I grew into. In the past year, I have had to make many decisions concerning...

Why I Want To Be A Pharmacy Technician

Pharmacy Technicians are important members of the pharmacy team who work closely with patients and other healthcare professionals to ensure safe and effective use of medicines. The role is constantly evolving and expanding. Pharmacy Technicians are now working across primary and secondary care. For example...

  • Dream Career

Occupational Therapy: Why Do You Want To Be An Occupational Therapist

It’s easy to take everyday tasks like walking up the stairs for granted and not consider the effect not being able complete them would have on us. I believe everyone deserves the best quality of life and being able to complete everyday tasks is a...

Succeeding As A Healthcare Administrator: Why I Want To Be A Healthcare Administrator

When pursuing a career in Healthcare Administration, it is important to map out of plan of how you will be successful in your field and what goals you want to accomplish along your path to success. As a Healthcare Administrator it will be my responsibility...

  • Administration

Dental Assistant: Why I Want To Be A Dental Assistant 

Growing up in life, I have always wanted to become many things such as a Teacher, Veterinarian, Nurse, and so forth. Never would’ve thought to see myself in college to study and practice becoming a Dental Assistant after the birth of my daughter. I feel...

  • Dental Care

My Career Research: A Career as an Actor

The career I chose for this career research paper is acting. Acting is the art or profession of performing in plays, or television production. The acting business is very competitive so you must work very hard if you want to be recognized. The reason I...

Why Pursue A Career In Nursing: Personal Views

This paper will be describing the trials of becoming a nurse. The paper also describes the skills that are required to become a nurse, the difficulty of the career as well as the benefits, the local occupations provided for this career, and the level of...

Concerning Several Career Management Theories

The chosen area of Marketing Management has a great scope in the current evolving business environment. There has been a great change in the fields of technology and communication. With extensive globalization and technological evolution, the way companies are approaching the consumers with their products...

The Way Career Goals Relates to Personal Assessment

Something I have always wanted in life is to live a happy and balanced life, apply my work ethic to everything I do in life, to enjoy life and learn from my mistakes, to be financially independent and become a role model for my children...

Career in Cryptography and Relevant Skills

The career that I want to pursue is in information technology (IT) , specifically, cryptography. This career matches closely to my interests and personality. Cryptographers require various skills as well as there are many pathways that one can choose from. Depending on the role, employers...

Beyonce: Modern-day Innovator

Many people for this assignment may do the main, technology-based innovators such as Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and all the main guys of large companies that are key to society these days. Well, I’m not like most people and neither is this modern...

  • Famous Person

Working With Underserved Populations As My Career Goal

As a first-generation university student, I had to overcome a lot of obstacles to come this far in my education due to the numerous financial challenges, but I am motivated by the fact that getting access to education is the surest way to escape the...

  • Community Service

The Influence Of Family On The Choice Between Family And Career

A lot of different things can impact a person’s life in such a way that becomes a lifelong experience. I believe my family has had a huge impact in my life. Family is the foundation of societal values; ethics and the family members are the...

  • Marriage and Family

Woman's Role And Choice Between Marriage Vs. Career

There is a story in the Bible which claims that God created Eve from a rib taken out of Adam’s body. Thus, woman was part of man from the very outset. She was not an independent person, nor did she have an independent personality. She...

Reasons For The Recent Popularity Of Protean Career Among Workers

In the recent working culture, people are increasingly adjusted towards a protean career direction. The representatives grandstand the focal normal for reflection and indication of an individual. A person with a mutable profession is accepted to put mental achievement and self-satisfaction above concerns and standards...

The Story of Love and Fame of Jessica Lange, the Star of King Kong

Jessica Lange has a daughter who looks like her and followed in her footsteps. The best part is they are both famous and quite successful. Jessica Lange of “King Kong” fame has a daughter, Shura Baryshnikov, and they look similar to each other. Not only...

Life of the Inventor of Telephone, Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Graham Bell and Antonio Meucci both are credited with the invention of the telephone. It is said that Antonio had invented a tool for voice communication in the year 1854, and Graham Bell had the first patented design. Alexander Graham Bell was born on...

How My Favorite Author's Work Has Changed Me

Starting with an exercise to describe your favorite person, Finding a Job in Tough Times by Dr. Tim Johnson leads the reader on a journey of self-discovery. Through introspection, reflection, and self-direction, the book challenges the job-seeker to become more emotionally fit to weather the...

  • Favorite Author

Jobs Best Suitable for Intoverts

If you happen to be an introvert, you can still take advantage of the guidance provided in this report. You just won’t have to rely on it as frequently. If you’re the shy type, consider applying for the following type of jobs. If you don’t...

Achievements in the Career of Audrey Hepburn and Her Style

“I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and. . . I believe in miracles. ” -...

  • Audrey Hepburn

Life of a Woman with a Big Heart, Audrey Hepburn

Cinema history is filled with stars created by the studio system. Controlled, molded to fit, and trained, these performers often became much more than originally met the eye. Many had natural talent, some only beauty and other performers had charm. It was extremely rare for...

The Making of the Most Successful Film Director in the World, Steven Spielberg

As humans, we have a natural inclination towards the unknown. We wonder what happens after death, if the supernatural exists, what could exist beyond the borders of our own world, out in the vast universe we barely understand. Movies have given us the ability to...

  • Steven Spielberg

The Inspiring Career of Will Smith

Have you ever heard of Will Smith? How about the Fresh Prince? Willard (Will) Carroll Smith Jr. is a famous rapper and actor who from his pre-teen years to now, has been rapping and acting with a passion. You will be reading all about Will...

Why I Want to Be a Paramedic: My Dream Job

Since finishing my degree in psychology, I have been working as a clinical support worker at Salford royal hospital. Working in the NHS has completely changed my perspective as to what career I thought that I had previously wanted, since I have been working as...

The Hardships of the Career of a Paramedic

Emergency medical technicians (EMTs) serve great purposes and carry much responsibility when it comes to the care of a patient that is away from any health care facility. In the career of EMTs, there are three levels which are of the following: EMT-basic, EMT-intermediate, and...

Why I Want to Be a Phlebotomist

As long as I can remember, the field of healthcare has always fascinated me. I have always been interested in the human body and how it works, and I have always had a strong desire to help others. It is no surprise that I have...

Components and Factors to Raise Job Satisfaction

Job Satisfaction is one of the most researched subjects in the fields of hierarchical conduct. The most-utilized research meaning of occupation fulfillment is by Locke (1976), who characterized it as '... a pleasurable or positive enthusiastic state coming about because of the evaluation of one's...

  • Job Satisfaction

The Key Constructs of Job Satisfaction

In today’s era of globalization, it is of utmost importance to keep the employees at work motivated and engaged in order to maintain the competitiveness of the organization and keep productivity at the optimum (Rane, 2011). Job satisfaction, job design and job attitudes are key...

Nickel and Dimed: The Horror of Low Wage Jobs

Barbara Ehrenreich, the author of “Nickel and Dimed,” wrote about her experience living on poverty-level wages in America. She abandoned her lavish life of being a journalist with a Ph.D. in biology to work in various “underpaid” and “unskillful” jobs. Her main goal sought to...

  • Nickel and Dimed

How Important MBA is to Succeed in Business Related Jobs

As stated by Jack Welch, American Businessman “Good Business leaders create vision, articulate vision, passionately own the vision and relentlessly drive it completion.” Also quoted by Peter Drucker “The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it and exploits it as an opportunity.” There many...

Advantages or Pursuing an MBA after B.Tech

Taking the right decision for a career is one of the most important factors to decide how your future is going to take shape. Nowadays PGDM (MBA) has become a prevalent post-graduation course. Because of the continuous change in the technology from machine learning, IoT,...

The Delicacy of the Social Work Profession

Early childhood is a large stage on a child’s life that starts from birth and continues till the 8 years. During these years there are three different phases regarding their development. These phases are from 0 till 3 years, from 3 till 5 years and...

  • Social Work

Need for Appreciation for Social Workers

A career is something I would love to do even when I’m having a bad day, it is something I want to feel passionate about which gives my life meaning. Mental health is something I feel passionate about, which is why I want to become...

Internship as a Way to Develop Your Career

Steve Jobs once said, “Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people”. I couldn't agree more, especially after observing the hard work I saw during my internship. During the writer’s research they have discovered that over...

  • Personal Development Planning

The Account of One's Internship Experience

In the field of engineering courses, it is very essential that students not only learn and hone their skills within the four pillars of their classrooms through the theory-based lectures of professors but also acquire experiential learning as well. Engineering requires or demands a lot...

Successful Commercial Art Career Of Andy Warhol

From a successful commercial art career. To his beautiful pop art prime years making new trends in popular culture, this artist has made a great impact on culture in America and all over the world. His name is Andy Warhol. He lived until the age...

  • Andy Warhol

My Ambition To Be An Accountant

Accounting is a crucial field that plays a vital role in the business world. Accountants are responsible for ensuring that businesses operate within legal and financial guidelines, as well as keeping track of their financial transactions. As such, accountants are highly valued professionals in the...

Multicultural Counseling in Workforce and Education

People seeking counseling generally come from all walks of life, so being conscious of the diversity is essential. In this paper will be looking at need or importance of multicultural awareness by defining multicultural counseling in general and multicultural counseling in the South African context...

Georgia O’Keeffe’s Flower Work as Her Self-Portrait

The career of Georgia O’Keeffe was diverse and long-lasting, undoubtedly, the subject matter that she will always be most regarded for will be flowers. Her flowers solidified her as one of the most prolific female voices of the American art world. (Georgia O’Keeffe) Floral still...

The Path and Requirements to Becoming a Lawyer

Robert Kennedy makes a point in his novel, “Lawyers have their duties as citizens, but they also have special duties as lawyers. Their obligations go far deeper than earning a living as specialists incorporation or tax law. They have a continuing responsibility to uphold the...

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Lawyer Career

Ever since the time of the Greek and the Romans, lawyers have been an important part of society. They were the help needed in any legal case. The need for them is very high but there are also ways to become one. It is a...

Prestige of the Lawyer Profession: Pay Wage and the Ranking

A lawyer is a person who is licensed by the state that practises the law and guides their clients with their cases and legal matters. Lawyers have clients who need to settle a problem with the court or for any reason and the lawyer is...

The Career of the Interior Designer as an Professional Path

Interior Design is a fairly prestigious field of work. It takes both a natural eye for art and design along with extensive training in college. An Interior Designer must constantly adapt to newer and more advanced design styles that are progressively gaining popularity in the...

  • Interior Design

A Career Choice: Benefits and Drawbacks of the General Pediatrician Profession

Ever since I was a little girl I knew that I wanted to be a Pediatrician. I loved going to my Pediatrician, and I always knew that my career one day would be similar to hers because of my passion for caring for children. In...

  • Pediatrician

Mark Twain as the Defining Writer and Humorist of His Era

Mark Twain was an American humorist, journalist, lecturer, and novelist. He had the ability to allow the reader to feel the story by using such dialect, speech patterns and slang that had never been used before. (Parnell) 'Twain's works aren't just written texts, but tangible...

Choice Of Career In Electrical And Electronics Engineering

One of my favorite questions to ask someone during a casual conversation usually elicits a puzzled look: how would you feel if cars started talking to each other? I vividly remember the time when I was asked to write a retrospective essay in my first...

  • Electrical Engineering

The Acting Style Of Michael Fassbender

Michael Fassbender in the past decade has risen to the height of popularity and critical acclaim. Fassbender persona comes across as an actor with a certain level of intelligence and maturity. Spending the first half of the decade focusing on smaller more groundered writer/director work...

  • Personality

A Psychologyical Review of Perception Podcasts Episodes 31 and 138

For me personally, the majority of the careers available in this area do not hold a lot of interest because I do not want to work in a lab as a researcher or a technician. My main interest in psychology is to help people on...

  • Problem Solving

Analysis Of Karl Lagerfeld's Career Using Career Development Theories

Introduction In the following assay I will go into Karl Lagerfeld's career and analyze it using several theories. Then I will go into my own personality with the "Chaos Theory" and compare the results with those of the fashion designer Lagerfeld. Career Development Theories John...

Art & Artists' Career

Art appreciation Why do artist's change their style as they move through their career? Image is a term with many meanings. Why is it possible to use it for many aspects of a work? Are you more familiar with non-representational or representational art work? Do...

  • Visual Arts

Is It Difficult To Become A Real Scientist?

Physics might seem like the dream science. It speaks the language of mathematics - so precise, so logical and so absolute. It forms part of the foundation of other natural sciences. This is what makes physics unique. Although it seems like a worthy aspiration to...

Justin Holiday – Biography And Nba Draft Status

"Never Say Never" has got to be Justin Holiday's mantra if he does have one. After going undrafted in the 2011 NBA draft, Holiday didn't back down but fought his way up to getting an NBA deal which would eventually lead to him winning the...

Multicultural Perspective In My Clinical Work As A Psychologist

I believe it is vital to embrace a multicultural perspective when working in the field of psychology. This has been essential in my work with underserved populations and every client I work with, because we all operate within a cultural context. At the University of...

  • Developmental Psychology
  • Multiculturalism

Career Choice: My Interest in the Dermatology Field

The career choice in the medical field that interests me the most is the Dermatology field. Naturally, I have the interest of becoming a dermatologist. Dermatologists diagnose and treat the skin, hair, and nail conditions and diseases they may have. Some specific examples of work...

My Decision To Pursue Biological Sciences

My decision to pursue biological sciences has not arisen from a sudden revelation or juvenile2 dream but one that I have come to after careful consideration. For a long time, my primary interest was pure economics, and through the works of Richard Dawkins, particularly the...

My Desire To Study The Physical Natural Sciences

The Physical Natural Sciences stand at the forefront of solving a wide variety of problems within an era of newborn, endless discovery. I want to be in the vanguard of progress, learning about and unearthing solutions to both known and unknown problems. I have a...

My Enthusiasm For The Study Of Crime

People’s behavior is fascinating. Why do some conform to societies rules and others break them? Over recent years, crime has escalated and mounded to modern society with the rise in cyber-crime and terrorism. With crime being more chaotic, we need to understand why people commit...

  • Criminology

My Intent To Become Petroleum Engineer Within The Oil Sector

Am proudly a Ugandan, and my major concern is helping to revamp the peoples’ livelihoods in my country through sustainable development. My application for this scholarship program necessitates from the existing need for policy- makers with ability to formulate multi-disciplinary strategies to eradicate the intricate...

My Intent To Develop And Improve My It Skills

My goal is to provide my thoughts and opinions on various topics and cases relating to IT. My hobbies tend to all relate back to computers and their practical applications. I’ve always had an interest in coding, programming and software development but have never pushed...

  • Computer Programming

My Intent To Study Aerospace Aspect Of Engineering

My interest for engineering stems from my passion for aircrafts. It all began with being gifted model plane kits which I had to create all by myself, sometime I was unable to solve the problem, but this only built my curiosity and forced me to...

My Motivation To Build A Career In Accounting And Finance

From a young age I have always been intrigued with any subject involving numbers (one of them being accounting). My Dad helped this passion of mine flourish as we would always play critical thinking games such as Countdown and Sudoku in our free time; this...

My Motivation To Follow A Career Of An Engineer

Unlike most other sciences which aim to explore how our surroundings function, engineering is the science behind the art of creating new things. This prospect of constantly delving into the unknown and untested is what initially drew me to engineering. My resolve to follow this...

My Motivation To Pursue A Career In The Oil And Gas Industry

I currently volunteer at Christ the King senior School –Nabbingo as the patron of the school’s Red Cross Society. I am a cordial and very hospitable person and this is exhibited in my ability to socialize with many people from different walks of life .These...

My Motivation To Study Geological Sciences

The sheer complexity and adaptability of our planet has left me completely enthralled. The many intricate natural processes and the sheer scale of natural landscapes such as the mountains and oceans are some of the many reasons for my fascination with the geological sciences. During...

My Path To Becoming An Osteopathic Physician

Becoming an osteopathic physician has become my goal since I had been able to witness its powerful holistic approach on someone very close to me; my sister. She has always suffered from a mysterious joint pain which had a huge negative impact on her personality...

Fine Arts Psychology: Studying Emotions and Creativity

Have you ever heard people ask, “Do you have an artistic personality?” Let’s focus on these two words, ‘artistic’ and ‘personality’. We often combine art and psychology together in day to day life without realising. I plan to pursue Fine Arts in the future and...

  • Personal Life

Best topics on Career

1. Entrepreneurship as a Career: Navigating the Path of Innovation

2. Crafting a 5-Year Career Plan: Paving the Path Ahead

3. Choosing a Career: Navigating Life’s Crossroads

4. My Career Journey: the Course Towards Fulfilling My Career Goal

5. My Future Career as a Nurse: Way for Compassionate Healing

6. What Motivates You to Pursue a Career in Medicine

7. Choice of Career Narrative: Tracing the Footprints of Destiny

8. Why You Choose Nursing as a Career: A Comprehensive Analysis

9. Why Is It Important to Choose a Career That You Enjoy

10. Why Did You Choose Law as a Career

11. Choosing the Right Career: Decoding Destiny

12. Career Guidance: The Power and Impact

13. Career Aspirations: Fueling Dreams and Shaping Professional Journeys

14. Business Career: Navigating the Business World

15. Art of Career Building: Strong Foundation

  • Personal Experience
  • Perseverance
  • Being Different
  • Actions Speak Louder Than Words

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  • Career Choice Essays

Career Choice Essays (Examples)

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an essay about career choices

Career Choice

Career Choice Analysis The education and career choices that adults make during their youth can have a great influence on their future professional and personal lives. The education they choose to attend influences their career choice, and their career choice influences their entire professional future. Some individuals have a clear idea in mind of what they intend to engage in professionally. They choose their college, university, and other educational options in accordance with this idea in mind. They choose their profession in accordance with the objectives they want to reach in their professional activity. There are also other individuals that are unsure of what they want to achieve professionally. They cannot decide upon some educational and professional direction, so they oscillate between different majors and jobs. The career choice and the college making decision are influenced by numerous factors, like economic, social, and psychological factors. Social factors refer to the influence that…...

mla Reference list: 1. Berry, D. (2013). Factors Influencing College Enrollment Decisions. College View. Retrieved October 27, 2013 from .

Career Choice A Career in Business Administration

Career Choice: A career in business administration with a bachelor's degree in supervision and management Even when I was a child, I loved the idea of working in a business. While some children play with dolls or cars, I had my own cash register on which I loved ringing up pretend orders or using it to sell lemonade through my very own stand. As soon as I was old enough to have a bank account, I loved seeing the increasing figures in my savings account. As I grew older, I began reading the business section of the newspaper. I watched the fortunes of companies whose products I enjoyed buying, like Nike or McDonald's, rise and fall with the market. I loved reading about the inner workings of companies like Starbucks and learning how their CEOs motivated their employees to do their best. This is why I intend to study business administration…...

mla References Glenn, David. "The default major: Skating through B-school." The New York Times. April 17, 2011. [July 9, 2011]  "Human resources." Bureau of Labor and Statistics. [July 9, 2011].

Career Choice You Have Selected

The internship demonstrated to me how managing finance is a personal as a well as a monetary relationship between advisors and clients. I was also grateful to be able to find a mentor in the persona of my supervisor Dr. Levin. Being able to analyze portfolios and conduct background research were critical duties for Merrill Lynch, and I was honored to have earned the esteem of such a respected member of the firm. Job 2: University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA October 2008 -- February 2009 Research Assistant Involved in the stock option research of the Leventhal School of Accounting Analyzed and collected 2759 sets of stock option data of various American corporations from the EDGAR Analyzed and organized the annual report data into research spreadsheets This position was an exciting introduction to the deadline-driven nature of being a research assistant. Being able to balance the time demands of my work as Professor Erkens' assistant and…...

Top Career Choices Identified for

Therefore, while finding out that positive was one of my themes was not necessarily new information, I did find some of the explanatory information about the positive theme to be helpful in showing me how to incorporate that attitude into my career in a way where I can share it with others, rather than imposing it upon others. As far as being strategic, I have always believed in making a plan, adjusting when necessary, and following through with the plan. I believe that being strategic is going to help me establish and meet career goals, because I naturally seek to plan ahead. Finally, I was somewhat surprised to find that one of my themes was developer; I had not really considered how important this theme was until I thought about lack of follow through. From thank-you notes after employment interviews to follow-up phone calls with future clients, I believe…...

Accounting Career Choice Accounting Has Become One

Accounting Career Choice Accounting has become one of the most popular degree choices in recent years because it can lead to a great deal of careers that can be much more exciting than they may initially sound. The problem for the student who chooses to follow a desire to get into accounting may be that they realize after they have taken a few classes that they will have to choose between different types of jobs which poses a problem. Besides the focused careers that are more apt to require a master's degree, there are two primary avenues that an accounting major can choose. The first of those is working as a public accountant with an international, national or regional firm, or choosing to work as a private accountant with a single company. This paper looks at both types of accounting and evaluates them based on their differences and similarities, and finally…...

mla References Freedman, J. (2010). Public vs. private accounting firms. Retrieved from Ryan, M. (2009). Public vs. private accounting. Retrieved from

Veteran's Affairs and Career Choice

Krumboltzs Social Learning Theory: Implications for DisabilityKrumboltzs (1979) Social Learning Theory is based upon the work of Alfred Bandura whose famous Bobo doll experiments suggested that human beings primarily learn by observing and modeling other human beings, both in good ways and bad ways. Although social behavior may partially reflect the individuals past experiences, this too is a reflection of past social baggage, observations, and what parents and teachers have taught the subject. Learning may be positive or negative. Krumboltz (1979), however, applied Banduras theory to career selection. After all, choosing and pursuing a career is a social decision.Underlying PrinciplesThe main underlying theory behind Krumboltz (1979) is that career choice is determined by genetic endowments and special abilities, environmental conditions and effects, the ways in which we approach tasks, and various learning experiences (p. 71). Past learning impacts future career choice. This has socio-economic implications, obviouslysomeone who has had the…...

mla Reference Depression, trauma, and PTSD. (2021). Department of Veteran’s Affairs. Retrieved from:  Holland, J.L. (1973). Making vocational choices: A theory of careers. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:  Prentice-Hall Krumboltz, J. D. (1979). A social learning theory of career decision making. In A.M. Mitchell, G.B. Jones, and J.D. Krumboltz (Eds), Social learning theory and career decision making (19 – 49). Cranston, RI: Carroll. Parson, F. (1909). Choosing a vocation. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Education - Career Choice Primary

In the secondary school environment, those skills come into play in relation to overt solicitation for advice from students as well as in the context of unsolicited counseling initiated out of perceived need on the part of the educator. Conclusion: The opportunity of specializing in the academic areas of my own greatest interest provides a strong attraction to me intellectually. I can anticipate the reward associated, in particular, with the challenges of working with motivated students who have already expressed a specific interest in academic areas of my own strengths. It is conceivable that secondary school instructors may be less susceptible to professional burnout by virtue of the subject matter level of instruction. However, it is somewhat unrealistic to focus on the most challenging potential instructional opportunities inherent in secondary school instruction when that aspect of instruction when that is only one component of the position. Generally, even instructors who specialize…...

mla Bibliography Adams, D. & Hamm, M. (1994). New Designs for Teaching and Learning: Promoting Active Learning in Tomorrow's Schools. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Carter, J. (2001) an Hour Before Daylight. New York: Simon & Schuster

Gender on Career Choice Today

. . . Some scholars believe that the transformation of the schoolteacher role from male to female was so complete that teaching was irrevocably feminized" (Decorse & Vogtle, 1997, p. 37). Likewise, the new technologies represented by the typewriter and stenography were originally the sole domain of men, but also became feminized over the years and males in these professions remain relatively rare today. Nevertheless, things are changing and they are changing faster and faster as more people seek out alternative work arrangements such as telecommuting in which an individual's gender will likely have less influence on career choice and career changes throughout an individual's life. eferences Decorse, C.J., & Vogtle, S.P. (1997). In a complex voice: The contradictions of male elementary teachers' career choice and professional identity. Journal of Teacher Education, 48(1), 37. Eckes, T.B., & Trautner, H.M. (2000). The developmental social psychology of gender. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Jacobson, .., & Moore,…...

mla References Decorse, C.J., & Vogtle, S.P. (1997). In a complex voice: The contradictions of male elementary teachers' career choice and professional identity. Journal of Teacher Education, 48(1), 37. Eckes, T.B., & Trautner, H.M. (2000). The developmental social psychology of gender. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Career Aptitude Tests One of

6). This graduate indicates that rather than relying on the innate abilities identified by the career aptitude test, she "worked realistically with the grit and gumption I possessed, as opposed to counting on my talent to pave the way" (quoted in Bell & Short, 2003 at p. 6). Some commonly used career aptitude tests include the ACT's (formerly American College Testing) EXPLOE testing regimen that examines 8th and 9th grade students' career aptitude using a battery of tests that provide a range of potential occupational choices. According to ACT's promotional material for the EXPLOE test, "This information can help you learn more about careers, clarify your goals, and begin to plan your future -- including your high school courses and, perhaps, a college education" (Your future, 2010, para. 2). Likewise, the EXPLOE handbook for 2009-2010 states, "With thousands of occupations in the work world, where do you begin? Your EXPLOE…...

mla References Bell, J.H. & Short, S. (2003). Buckling down: Achieving and underachieving in the first year of university. Journal of College Reading and Learning, 34(1), 6-7. Career aptitude tests. (2010). Career Explorer. Retrieved from http://www.careerexplorer. net/aptitude.asp. Karma, K. (2007). Musical aptitude definition and measure validation: Ecological validity can endanger the construct validity of musical aptitude tests. Psychomusicology, 19(2), 79-80.

Career Counseling The Writer Explores

It is the role of the career counselor to work with the diverse populations and help guide them to success through building their confidence in their abilities. Conclusion Career counseling is a profession in which the counselors have an impact on the national workforce and its direction, though many professional counseling majors in college ignore career counseling as a potential career. As the world continues to diversify and globalize the impact career counselors have on society will continue to expand. eferences Herr, Edwin (2003)the future of career counseling as an instrument of public policy.(Career Counseling in the Next Decade) Career Development Quarterly Bysshe, S., Hughes, D., & Bowes, L. (2002). The economic benefits of career guidance. A review of current evidence [Occasional paper]. Derby, England: The University of Derby, the Centre for Guidance Studies. Herr, E.L. (2000, June). Working in America: The implications for theory and practice of the Fourth Gallup/NCDA Poll. Paper presented at…...

mla References Herr, Edwin (2003)the future of career counseling as an instrument of public policy.(Career Counseling in the Next Decade) Career Development Quarterly Bysshe, S., Hughes, D., & Bowes, L. (2002). The economic benefits of career guidance. A review of current evidence [Occasional paper]. Derby, England: The University of Derby, the Centre for Guidance Studies. Herr, E.L. (2000, June). Working in America: The implications for theory and practice of the Fourth Gallup/NCDA Poll. Paper presented at the ninth National Career Development Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. Kileen, J., White, M., & Watts, a.G. (1992). The economic value of career guidance. London: Policy Studies Institute, Department of Education and Employment.

Career in Sports Nutrition Including the Background

career in sports nutrition, including the background necessary for the career, the necessary education, and job opportunities for sports nutritionists. Sports nutritionists can help people from every way of life lead healthier, happier lives. A professional sports nutritionist studies nutritional needs, weight maintenance, and even eating disorders so they can understand the nutritional problems American's face, and help them make the right eating decisions for their own specific needs. ith the growing problem of obesity in America, it is clear sports nutritionists will become even more valuable in the future. Today, they are an essential and integral part of modern sports exercise, and as the nutritional needs of our society continue to alter, nutritionists will play an even more important role in our healthy lives. Sports nutrition is a relatively new field, and so many professionals are creating their own opportunities in many areas of exercise science and related sports…...

mla Works Cited Author not Available. (2003). Sports Nutrition. Retrieved from the Web Site:   Nov. 2003.  Author not Available. (27 Nov. 2000). Nutrition/Nutrition Science Career Information. Retrieved from the University of Minnesota Web Site: Nov. 2003. Editors. (2003). Nutrition & Dietetics Department: Sports Nutrition. Retrieved from the Marywood University Web Site: Nov. 2003. Kornspan, A.S., Duve, M.A., Maccracken, M.J., & Buckenmeyer, P.J. (2002). Career opportunities in sport and exercise among college students. College Student Journal, 36(3), 367+.

Career Investigation

Fashion Photographer Although I could not find any specific job advertisement for a fashion photographer, I found some entry-level positions in the fashion industry. A copy of these appears after the reference list. It appears that a career choice of fashion photography would be extremely rewarding in terms of the interesting situations and people the professional would come into contact with. It also appears to be a highly creative and satisfying job for a person with the right traits. According to the "Creative Skillset" Website (2012), some colleges and universities offer courses in fashion photography, which are generally led by established photographers who act as visiting lecturers for these courses. While these courses can provide a valuable grounding knowledge of the industry, most fashion photographers begin their careers by assisting established fashion photographers. This provides not only practical experience in the industry, but also practical knowledge of the way in which fashion…...

mla References Agarwal, A. (2008). Fashion Photography -- 4 Requirements To Become A Successful Fashion Photographer. Retrieved from:  Careers in Photography. (2012). Fashion Photography. Retrieved from:  Creative Skillset. (2012). Fashion Photographer. Retrieved from: Job Classifieds:

Aspects of Career Counceling

Career counseling is not limited to a particular trade or skill or type of people but includes a wide range of individuals who possess all kinds of skills, passions, and values as well as career motivations. In this paper, we investigate the practical applicability of Super's Developmental Self-Concept Theory-based model for career counseling. This theory or model of counseling encompasses the entire lifespan of an individual and divides it into a number of segments. This paper tries to understand how each of the stages identifies the needs and aspirations of individual clients and sets a benchmark that best suits the needs in every stage. This theory is based on self-concept and hence is applicable at an individual level. The paper also looks into the possible assessment tests for career counseling. Such tests are based on personality or psychology of a client, the interest of that individual and the aptitude of…...

mla References Coogan, P. & Chen, C. (2007). Career development and counseling for women: Connecting theories to practice. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 20(2), 191-204.  James Chopra, K. (2005). Finding True North: How to Help Clients Find A Fulfilling Career Path. Psychotherapy Networker, 29(3), 2-14. Kelley, K. (2015). You want to help someone find a career? Psyccritiques, 60(21).  Lytle, M., Foley, P., & Cotter, E. (2015). Career and Retirement Theories: Relevance for Older Workers Across Cultures. Journal Of Career Development, 42(3), 185-198.

Career in Human Resources if

If a person has good Public elations with superiors and subordinates of the field, he will get the benefit of these relations. If he has decent qualification and he is competing with another applicant with same qualification, he may b preferred over the other just because of his Public elation (P). This P also helps the employee to prosper within the company and reach the top position in the company. A person's nature is a big asset for him. This asset can bring huge successes for him in the career. And he can also prove to be a great asset for the company that can fetch some business for the company. So his progress in the career is guaranteed. To keep oneself alive in the field of Human esource, he should keep himself up-to-date with changes and progress throughout this field in the whole world. Human esource is a rapidly…...

mla REFERENCES Aarini, R. (n.d).Role of Communication in Human Resources.Retrieved (14/03/2013) from Ehow website: Crisp, D. (2008). HR Specialists or Generalists? Retrieved on 14/03/2013 from Balance and Results website:

Career of a Marriage and Family Therapist

Career According to the O-Net Online Summary Report, marriage and family therapists "diagnose and treat mental and emotional disorders, whether cognitive, affective, or behavioral, within the context of marriage and family systems." A systems approach is integral to the work that marriage and family therapists do, because they view individual psychological issues as inseparable from the greater family and social system. This enables a holistic approach to treatment interventions, and can be a culturally sensitive, culturally competent facet of psychological counseling. The primary tasks of a marriage and family counselor include the following. First, communications skills are of the utmost importance because one of the central roles of the counselor is to listen and ask appropriate questions at the right time. A marriage and family counselor meets with more than one member of each family, too, making good communications skills a prerequisite of the profession. Second, diagnoses should be based on scientific evidence…...

mla Works Cited "Marriage and Family Therapist." AllPsychologySchools. Retrieved online:  O-Net Online. "Summary Report for Marriage and Family Therapists." O-Net code: 21-1013.00. 2010. Retrieved online:  U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. "Marriage and Family Therapists." Retrieved online:

What are Influences of traditional theories of career choice and development?

How can government help schools in the rural.

The government can play a crucial role in supporting schools in rural areas by implementing various measures. Here are some ways in which the government can help: 1. Infrastructure development: The government can provide funds for the construction and renovation of school buildings, classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other essential facilities. This will ensure that rural schools have adequate physical infrastructure to provide quality education. 2. Technology integration: The government can facilitate the integration of technology in rural schools by providing funds for the purchase of computers, projectors, internet connectivity, and other necessary equipment. This will enhance the teaching and learning experience for....

Can you help me come up with titles for my essay about social structure about different jobs?

1. The Impact of Social Structure on Career Choices 2. Exploring Social Hierarchies in the Workplace 3. How Social Class Influences Occupational Opportunities 4. Gender and Social Structure in the Workplace 5. The Role of Education in Job Placement and Social Mobility 6. The Intersection of Race and Social Structure in Employment 7. Social Networks and Job Advancement 8. Social Status and Occupational Prestige 9. The Effects of Economic Inequality on Job Opportunities 10. The Evolution of Social Structure and its Impact on the Job Market 11. Power Dynamics and Social Stratification in the Workplace 12. The Stigma of Low-Status Jobs in Society 13. Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Gender Equality in Career....

Do you have any tips for outlining an essay specifically on the subject of Rizal Law and its Implications to the Filipino Students\' Present and Future Life?

I. Introduction A. Brief explanation of the Rizal Law B. Importance of the Rizal Law to Filipino students II. The Rizal Law and its implications to present-day Filipino students A. Promotion of patriotism and nationalism B. Emphasis on the importance of Philippine history and heritage C. Development of critical thinking skills D. Exposure to different perspectives on Rizal and his works E. Influence on students' values and attitudes towards national identity III. The Rizal Law and its implications to the future life of Filipino students A. Preparation for responsible citizenship B. Contribution to the preservation of Filipino culture and identity C.....

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an essay about career choices

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220 Career Topics for Essays & Research Papers

Writing on career topics for students is an excellent opportunity to discover professional goals and make the right choice. StudyCorgi has prepared a list of inspirational titles for career essays to help you write an outstanding paper on a particular profession. Feel free to use these career topics for presentations, speeches, or other assignments.

🛠️ 7 Best Career Topics for Students

🏆 best career research paper examples, ❓ career research questions, 👍 good career research topics & essay examples, 👨‍💼 career topics for presentation, 🌶️ hot career essay topics, 🎓 trending career essay titles, 💡 good titles for career essays, 🗣️ career talk topics for university students.

  • Phases of Geoffrey Chaucer’s Poetic Career
  • Development of Geoffrey Chaucer’s Poetic Career
  • Career Plan in Nursing
  • Civil Engineer Career: Overview
  • Business Career Plan for the Next 5 Years
  • Career Aspirations in Information Technology
  • Personal SWOT Analysis to Determine the Career Development Strategy
  • Mathematics Teacher’s Career Goal One of the goals of teaching high school mathematics is to equip the learners with the basic principles, facts, theories, skills, concepts, and approaches in mathematics.
  • What Does a Career in Aviation Mean to You? Working in aviation means being able to adapt and stay focused, having the ability and will to learn, and finally, receiving the amount of reward it gives.
  • Nursing College Education and Career This paper outlines personal hopes, aspirations, and expectations when going to college with a bachelor’s degree in the nursing program.
  • The Role of HRM in Career Management Traditional perceptions of careers are slowly being replaced by new views. Career management was once considered as a role for employers.
  • Hilton’s Career Development and Employee Motivation As one of the pioneers in the hospitality industry, Hilton aims to attract and retain the best employees to drive its services and customer excellence.
  • My Career in Marketing Management The role of the marketing managers is to ensure that, there is a wider influence on customers’ expertise, proper instance schedule and defining.
  • Preceptorship in Nursing and Career Development A sense of inquiry is established and scholarship opportunities are created through mutual reflection on work challenges and lifelong learning in career development.
  • Career Opportunities for Business Students There are many academic and practice opportunities for students to strengthen their skills and gain the required knowledge, and joining a professional organization network is an option.
  • Musical Career: Personal Philosophy and Career Goals My love for music is due to the emotions that this genre of art gives. Melodies are able to awaken in the souls of people warmth, delight, worries, joy, and other strong feelings.
  • The Difference in Career of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven The paper states that unified by the patronage system and its consequences, Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven have different career development scenarios.
  • Teacher’s Impact on Student’s Career Choice It could be stated with certainty that teachers have an immense influence on the development of various outcomes of their students.
  • Master of Public Administration and the Career Master of Public Administration emphasizes leadership duties such as policy development and management of public finances and people management.
  • Mohandas Gandhi’s Career Success and Failures During his time under British control, Gandhi positioned himself as a spokesperson for the common people. He was effective in his efforts to organize nonviolent resistance.
  • Clinical Career Ladders in Healthcare The main objective of the essay is to identify the relationship between successful Clinical Ladder Programs and nurses’ job satisfaction and the factors that contribute to it.
  • Nursing Career and Reasons to Choose It This essay will discuss several benefits of the nursing profession. One of the most obvious reasons for choosing to be a nurse is its influence on people’s lives.
  • Decision-Making in Choosing a Career Career choice entails progress through one’s life. An individual’s career is crucial in determining his or her life pattern in terms of success or failure.
  • The Importance of Career Counseling for Veterans The paper states that career counseling can provide valuable guidance and support to help veterans find fulfilling careers that align with their skills.
  • Professional Competence for Future Career Goals I intend to study intensely in my field to be professionally competent. Maintaining high levels of professional competence would make me ready for any possible future changes.
  • Public Health Career Opportunities Public health may have a positive effect on students’ development and accomplishment of their career goals. Public health may be practiced via many applied practical experiences.
  • Learning a New Language: Importance for Career Development Learning a new language has many advantages to a person’s career growth as it enhances their competitiveness in the local and international market.
  • Career Development at the Sidra Medicine Facility Sidra Medicine is a world-class health facility in Qatar providing medical and research services focused on women and children.
  • Michelangelo Buonarroti’s Background and Career Michelangelo produced a magnificent statue from a rejected marble, making him an exemplary artist during the High Renaissance.
  • Career of Sound Engineer The sound engineer, after the voice record, turns to work and tries to make it so that the terrible sound, which was produced in the microphone, began to sing.
  • Restaurant Management: A Career Perspective The job of a restaurant manage is one of the most varied careers in existence. It is the manager’s responsibility to offer service, food and drink to the public at a price they are willing to pay.
  • Veronica Vargas: Career Counseling In this paper, a case study of Veronica Vargas will be analyzed with the help of such elements as genogram construction, worldview interpretation, theory application, and description of cultural issues.
  • Electrical Engineers: Career Development The coursework studies the case of a high turnover of electrical engineers. It presents a formalized career development system and career development activities.
  • Ethical Approaches in Career Choice This paper discusses some of the ethical choices that a people should consider when deciding their occupations.
  • How Can Managers Assist Employees With Their Career Development?
  • Does Early-Career Underemployment Impact Future Career Success?
  • Are Career Women Good for Marriage?
  • What Decisions Are Critical for Success in a Career?
  • How Can Computer Skills Help You in Your Career?
  • Can Fixed-Term Contracts Put Low-Skilled Youth on a Better Career Path?
  • Does Mentor Support Increase Women’s Career Advancement More Than Men’s?
  • How Does Career Exploration Enhance People’s Ability to Further Themselves?
  • Are There Any Class Size Effects on Early Career Earnings in West Germany?
  • Does Sporting Activity Foster Career Advancement?
  • How Does Career Identity Shapes the Meaning of Work for Referred Employees?
  • Can Leadership Help Your Career?
  • Why Are Good Communication Skills Vital for Career Success?
  • Does Career Success Make People Happy?
  • How Do Career Issues Affect an Individual’s Life?
  • Can Women Have Children and a Career?
  • How Does Company Policy Influence Employees’ Careers?
  • Does Early Career Achievement Lead to Earlier Death?
  • How Does the Development of Professional Knowledge and Abilities Affect Career Success?
  • Does the Age Difference Between Partners Influence the Career Achievements of Women?
  • How Does the First Job Matter for an Individual’s Career Life in Japan?
  • What Are the Factors That Influence Career Choice?
  • How Can Personal Identity and Being Inclusive Make or Break Your Career?
  • What Are the Risks and Rewards of Different Career Paths?
  • How Does Technology Affect Career Development?
  • Social Work Career: Personal Experiences A first person account is the narrative from a particular person’s point of view. Normally, the genre is used for reaching the reader who is likely to contemplate.
  • A Physician Career and Its Advantages This paper aims to define a career as a physician and all it entails and explain why the author chooses to pursue this profession.
  • Homai Vyarawalla’s Photography Career Homai Vyarawalla had a unique talent for penetrating the fabric of time with her camera. One looks at the photos, and the long-gone days magically return to life.
  • Career Burnout in Nurses Serving Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease Career burnout in nurses, nannies, and caregivers serving patients with Alzheimer’s disease is an urgent problem.
  • Choice of Career: Health Information Management The present-day world dictates conditions to specialists, and its primary orientation is technological development as well as its practical implementation within healthcare facilities.
  • Career Opportunities in a Cruise Ship for Professionals in the Hospitality Sector Cruise ships operate in the tourism and travel sector, improving the recreation experience of passengers. The vessels allow professionals from different disciplines to work here.
  • Management Education Is the Key to Successful Career Management education is important because it supplies future managers and administrators with the knowledge and innovative ideas, practical examples and analytical skills.
  • Psychology Branches and Future Career Perspectives The paper discusses biopsychology, cognitive neuropsychology, clinical psychology, counseling psychology, geropsychology, industrial-organizational psychology, and others.
  • Loss and Grief Studies in Psychologist’s Career The knowledge received on the loss and grief theories allows me to analyse my experience in the context of them in order to have an in-depth understanding of the problem.
  • Public Diplomacy Profession, Its Significance, and Career To be successful in public diplomacy, one must be able to work with people, find understanding and common language with them, notwithstanding the size of the audience.
  • Educational Experiences And Significant Career Goals The latter activities testify to my diversity and dynamism. My motto has always been that: if you want something really badly then nothing is unachievable in this world.
  • Minnesota Theory of Work Adjustment in Career Counselling Career intervention refers to the activities aimed at evaluating and enhancing a person’s career development. It helps the person develop, and profit from various career decisions.
  • Emergency Management Role in Law Enforcement Career This essay describes how the course in emergency management and the skill learned through the practice could help the author in a career in law enforcement.
  • Networking and Career Development Importance Networking builds a network of business ties and forms a circle of people around you, each of whom is professional in a specific field.
  • Becoming a Professional in Your Career I clearly understand who I aim to be in the future, so I am currently working as a dental assistant and studying for a dental hygienist to become a leading professional.
  • Josquin Des Prez’s Musical Career and Works Though Josquin des Prez is famous as a contemporary musician and one of the most important Renaissance composers, details about his life and compositions are not well documented.
  • Senior-Year Students Exploring Career Options Senior year students have to prepare for going to college, which usually involves leaving their friends and family, as well as for deciding on what they want to study.
  • Psychology: Personal and Career Development Psychological studies suggest negative emotions caused by the awareness of the discrepancy between the goal and the current state are critical for encouraging self-improvement.
  • Pharmacy: A Career Pathway Pharmacy is vital to research and treatment of fatal diseases. Various researches are currently conducted with a view to introducing new drugs that are more efficient.
  • Good Observation in Teacher’s Career and Policies Observation has a significant role in the improvement of teacher’s professional capabilities and for the development of appropriate policies.
  • Nursing Career Vision and Networking Strategies A career plan can contribute to set realistic objectives and gradually achieving them by following the intended mode of work and constantly improving personal skills.
  • Career Choice and Diploma Despair The difficulties of choosing a career may seem fictitious and exaggerated, especially since there are ways to solve them: career counseling, counseling, major changes.
  • Career-Related Decision-Making and Gender Differences The paper focuses on career-related decision-making differences between men and women in general and the incidence of depression in the context of career advancement in particular.
  • Dance Education and Its Influence on Future Career The paper discusses the influence of dance or art education in general on people’s future careers that may be not related to the dance sphere.
  • Amundson and Poehnell’s Career Development Model The objective of this reflective paper is to analyze and criticize Amundson and Poehnell’s Career Development Model.
  • Nursing Career Plan Development Being a nursing administrator needs administrative skills. A nursing administrator is concerned with enhancing communication between the management and nursing staff.
  • Analysis of Ron Powell’s Career and Performance This paper aims at analyzing the professional path of Ron Powell at Jones & Jones and examine his motivation strategy.
  • Career Plan in Marketing Sphere The report provides a construct of marketing as applied to personal self-evaluative implications in this very job family.
  • Physical Educators: Career Changes Physical educators experience various difficulties in their work; this research is aimed at investigating the various reasons why physical educators are opting for a career change.
  • Career Counseling Overview: Accounting Career The essay describes the necessity and the process of the career counseling session for the group of students with common interests and skills.
  • Teaching Profession and Career Possibilities This report covers a thorough discussion of the teaching profession, the nature of work, work conditions, educational requirements, compensation, etc.
  • Career-Related Service for College Dropouts and CCIS Model The CCIS (Curricular Career Information Service) is “an innovative program for delivering educational and vocational information” that was initiated in Florida in 1975.
  • Vargas Family: Career Evaluation Case Study This paper aims to explore the case of the Vargas family, in which the intention of Veronica meets her father’s resistance and refusal to support her medical education.
  • Johnny Cash’s Life and Musical Career The songs of Johnny Cash are indicative of not only trends in the 1950s music industry but also of the American life, average enough for everyone.
  • The significance of soft skills in the workplace.
  • The role of emotional intelligence in career success.
  • The top in-demand careers in the future.
  • Dos and don’ts for a successful job interview.
  • What students should know when pursuing a career in creative industries.
  • The importance of a strong online presence for professional development.
  • Bridging the gap between education and employability.
  • The importance of networking for career advancement.
  • Practical strategies for writing resumes and cover letters.
  • Benefits of internships and work experience for students.
  • Decision-Making in an English Teacher’s Career This is a case of a professional with 20-years of experience in teaching high school English in Japan. To analyse his decisions, this paper applies two decision-making theories.
  • Nursing Career Choice and Refusal The study focuses on the factors that contribute to people’s consideration of nursing as their career choice and further refusal to work in the specified area.
  • Human Resource Manager’s Career Opportunities Human resource managers now require advanced training and possess diverse sets of skills in legal affairs, finance, psychology, and other knowledge to facilitate their roles.
  • Ysujiro Ozu’s Biography: Japanese Director Life and Career Yasuhiro Ozu was born on 12 December 1903 in the Fukagawa district of Tokyo where his parents were residing. Critics believe that his interest in film production cropped from the many instances.
  • Vision and Mission Discussion: Academic Networks and Career Trajectory The environment in which a person studies can influence them and it is advantageous if the university’s mission is correlated with their academic and professional goals.
  • Aligning Passion with Expertise: A Career in Sports Finance The financial analyst provides financial performance management, financial analysis and support, and financial process and reporting rigor for teams and even leagues.
  • College-to-Career Gap and Contributing Factors The paper explores the factors contributing to the college-to-career gap: the lack of job opportunities, the rise in the cost of college tuition, and the lack of career guidance.
  • Child Psychology Among Career Paths This paper analyses the psychology career opportunities and states why child psychology is a useful course that will be in demand for years.
  • Interview on Closing the Gap Between College and Career Whether we go to college to get an education or secure good pay alongside the diploma has deluded many students.
  • Leveraging Soft Skills Into Career Opportunities Soft skills can be defined as critical skills for a successful career and interpersonal communication in a team.
  • The Choice Milestone in Selecting a Career Path In today’s workplace, vocational decision-making, or the process of selecting a career path, has emerged as a common and challenging matter.
  • A Career Intervention Program for Self-Discovery and Future Success Choosing and pursuing a career has been an important and difficult consideration for the youth, both now and in the past.
  • Closing the Gap Between Military Service and Civilian Career A gulf between Military Service and Civilian careers prevents veterans from successfully integrating into society after military service.
  • Limitations in Career Growth in Guam There are limitations in career growth in Guam and they are mostly connected with the absence of necessary skills for an occupation outside the tourism sector.
  • A Career in Economics: Understanding Human Behavior and Tackling Social Issues Economics, a diverse discipline that extends beyond fiscal matters and quantitative proficiency, presents a dynamic and gratifying career trajectory. Fundamentally, it delves into human conduct and the distribution of resources within societal frameworks. This complex field encompasses micro and macroeconomics, examining the forces that drive individual decision-making and the larger…
  • Narrative Therapy and Career Counselling Narrative therapy enables people to develop their alternative life stories, which is particularly beneficial during career counseling.
  • Importance of Career Satisfaction Assesment Career satisfaction is a complex and subjective concept with as yet undefined boundaries and many interacting variables.
  • Career Decision-Making in Business Administration In business administration, one of the main challenges is knowing where to apply the acquired knowledge and skills.
  • Teacher Career: The Role of Self-Efficacy In addition to self-efficacy during teaching programs, one has ample time to read and research from several sources to have every detail at your fingertips.
  • Career in Healthcare Administration Healthcare management and administration is a vital field in healthcare that relates to the governance and oversight of medical facilities and healthcare staff.
  • Career in Cinema: Advices and Fundamentals Similarly to all other industries, it takes hard work to be successful in cinema. It applies to all representatives of this business: from actors to producers.
  • The Career of a Registered Nurse In order to successfully pursue the career of a registered nurse, one needs to possess medical knowledge and gain appropriate skills.
  • Donald John Trump’s Biography and Career Donald John Trump is a globally renowned individual whose major spotlight was when he served as the 45th President of The United States of America.
  • Choosing a Career in the Administration of Justice The careers open for students with a degree in the Administration of Justice provide a possibility for being hired for jobs in the US Department of Justice.
  • The Career of Alcibiades and Its Influence on the Athenian Politics During his political activity, Alcibiades had managed to establish alliances with almost all Greek policies, as well as neighbouring states.
  • Aspects of Developing One’s Career Developing one’s career involves a series of programs to match the requirements, abilities, and professional objectives of a person with the company’s present.
  • Missy Elliott’s Career and Queer Representation in Hip-Hop The discussion of gender stereotypes and queer representations in music is especially valid in the hip-hop genre which has been subjected to racial and gender limitations.
  • Tracing Raphael’s Career Development Raphael cuts the image of a master in the art arena. Starting his career in Urbino and ending it in Rome, the artist showcases exceptional talent through his artwork.
  • Louis Armstrong’s Career and Innovations in Music The improvisations introduced by Armstrong into jazz altered its landscape permanently; specifically, he made the improvising soloist the epicenter of the performance.
  • The Allied Health Segment: Dietetics and Physical Therapy Career This paper aims to describe two careers of interest within the allied health segment: dietetics and physical therapy.
  • Registered Nurse Career: Analysis of Required Traits This paper will examine an occupation of a registered nurse and will provide a comparison of required traits with personal characteristics.
  • Discussion of Career Development Stages It is the purpose of the paper to describe the five stages of Super’s theory of career development and reveal the major tasks occurring at each stage.
  • Researching of Changes in Healthcare Career This work was written with the aim of analyzing my own life experience and getting answers to questions that will help in the future to analyze such situations.
  • Career and Criminal Cases of Johnnie Cochran To Johnnie Cochran, practicing law became not only a career but also a call. He believed that many injustices were happening in the courts and he was determined to stop that.
  • Heidi Roizen’s Career, Work Principles and Habits Heidi Roizen managed to make use of her experience and networks at each of the following stages of her professional path.
  • Aspects of Career Development: Personal Branding and Networking In the virtual age, personal branding and networking are both exceptionally important for career development. This essay is going to underline the key aspects of these concepts
  • Educational and Career Goals Analysis The author chose nursing both because of their affinity with the profession and because they heard that it had excellent prospects.
  • Human Resources: Dual-Career Family Lifestyle In a dual-career family lifestyle, the sustainment of work-life balance becomes more difficult as employees try to stay committed both to their work and their family.
  • Career: Interviewing the Professional Choosing a career after graduation is one of the most important life choices since this decision can affect the general perception of the world.
  • Research and Career in Dental Healthcare Field The essay discusses the purposes of research in creating and disseminating new knowledge, assessing technological and scientific innovations, and educating professionals.
  • The Importance of a Scientific Component in Choosing a Future Career The purpose of this paper is to discuss the erudite factor itself and in terms of building a CSI career, especially in Kuwait.
  • Ursula Le Guin: Science Fiction Genre Writer Career As one of the most prolific and innovative science fiction writers, Ursula K. Le Guin has definitely left her mark on the landscape of science fiction as a genre.
  • The Need for Dual-Career Planning The number of families where both parents work but It is important to consider long-term goals regarding their lifestyle and distribution of housework between parents.
  • Personal Philosophy of Nursing and Its Role in Nursing Career My conviction is that nursing should readily embrace all possible dynamics to ensure that quality care is the first priority at any given time.
  • Historical Analysis of Ronald Reagan’s Presidential Career Reagan’s experience as a media person helped him significantly when he became president. He spoke confidently and had a unique style that influenced the public.
  • Leadership Style in Medical Career The purpose of the article is to discuss the benefits of the situational leadership approach under the realities of healthcare organizations.
  • Pop-Up Restaurant Chef: Career Interest This paper presents the research into the job of a pop-up restaurant chef and the interview with a person who already works this way.
  • Career Paths in Health Information: Review Registered Health Information Technician (RHIT) primarily work in hospitals but can also found in other healthcare settings including office-based physician practices.
  • A Career in Genetics: Required Skills and Knowledge A few decades ago, genetics was mostly a science-related sphere of employment. People with a degree in genetics can have solid career prospects in medicine and even agriculture.
  • “Toward an Integrated Model of Intrinsic Motivation & Career Self-Management” by Quigley The aim of this paper is to analyze the key elements of career motivation defined by Quigley and Tymon, and analyze the effectiveness of these components.
  • Business Ethics: Career Ambition vs. Company Goals Linda explored the prospects of the autonomous transportation industry. The dilemma has emerged after she was asked to provide a more comprehensive report for Crosslink Capital.
  • Classroom Career: Occupational Interest Self-Assessment Personality assessments are useful tools that can help a person to distinguish some important personality traits relevant to career choice.
  • Changing Hearts & Minds: Training Programmes for Mid-Career Workers in Singapore While undergoing learning-centered training, such workers will not only receive necessary skills they will also be able to reevaluate their attitude towards the working process.
  • Globalization and Career of University of East London’s Students The UEL offers a wide range of study areas which allow the student to choose an interesting academic area where they aspire to be employed and begin a career.
  • Maintaining Work-Life Balance in a Nursing Career Taking into account stressful conditions that nurses have to encounter every day, they have to have enough time outside the work in order to recover, rest.
  • Social Work: Career of Social Worker and Job Opportunities Social work becomes inseparable from the history of humanity. This paper is an analysis of present-day social work as a career.
  • William Molyneux Career and Publications William Molyneux (1654-1698) was a seventeenth-century Irish scientist, philosopher, politician and writer. He promoted and defended the ideals of science.
  • Four Employees Stages in Career Development The development of employees within their professions undergoes various forms of manipulations depending on the level of experience.
  • Employee Engagement and Career Stages The world market has become very competitive in terms of business and employees. As a result, the organizations tend to offer better perks to lure competent candidates.
  • Possible Career Choises Planning Review Career planning entails a personal initiative pursued by an individual in order to arrive at the desired occupation of interest.
  • Working as a Sports Agent: A Successful Career The present paper will be devoted to building a successful career in the sphere of sports management, analyze the history of sports management.
  • MBA Importance for Further Career MBA is an internationally recognized course. MBA offers a good package of updated knowledge and skills necessary and valid for a particular job.
  • Social Work Practice: Work Experience and Career Development The paper tackles having experience in Psychology, Sociology, Social Policy, and Safeguarding all vulnerable people and ensuring a better Social Work Practice.
  • Why a Career in Business as an E-Business Consultant Is Best for Me? In this paper I will give an overview of my qualities and qualifications. I will look at the advantages and the shortcomings of the career and end with my conclusion.
  • Career Management in Business: Plan Before describing the skills required becoming a business economist, it is important to understand what a business economist does.
  • Career Management Program for an Effective Sales Team This paper introduces the need and features of a career management progra, outlines the feedback mechanisms to be used, outline the handling of duo career parents.
  • PSU: Women Managerial Career Development PSU organizational restructuring had various implications for women. It resulted to increase in the proportion of women in the PSU workforce from 9% to 12%.
  • Career as an NFL Player: Self-Analysis Besides, the career of an NFL player is a rather public position and this fact presupposes many public activities for players.
  • Teacher Career and Personal Philosophy of Education The personal philosophy of education of a teacher acts as a very significant aspect in his or her advance to guiding children along the course of enlightenment.
  • Career Exploration Into Policing The department of the Ohio state police has immense and significant aspects that are usually put into consideration during the recruitment process of potential police officers.
  • Career Management in Business Every time a company wants to be successful it should be able to carry out career analysis, development and training, job design and implement it.
  • Dual-Career Couple Policy in Organizations. The organization recognizes, employs and supports dual-career couples, especially those who show commitment to the growth and success of the company.
  • Registered Nurse’s Interview on Career Decision The purpose of this interview is to communicate with a registered nurse and collect information about factors that impacted her decision to become a nurse.
  • Personal Future Career Goal I want to work as a human resources manager in a medium-to-large-sized organization (one with 100 to 1000 employees).
  • Policy Violation in a Learner’s Academic Career This paper gives a detailed analysis of some examples of policy violations and how they tend to undermine the true purpose of graduate schools.
  • Law: Blowing the Whistle Without Blowing Your Career Some may argue that blowing the whistle goes against corporate conventions. Yet, on-the-job agreements are inferior to what the actual legislation says.
  • Career Exploration in Engineering and Healthcare The key goal of career exploration in the field of music engineering is to gain knowledge regarding the work with various types of audio equipment.
  • Career Challenges in Teaching Language An individual working in the language teaching sphere should be ready to monitor the latest alterations and use new perspectives and innovations to remain acknowledged.
  • Heidi Roizen: Personal Life and Professional Career Heidi Roizen is a full-fletched venture capitalist, currently working for Apple. Initially, she worked as an operator in the Silicon Valley.
  • College Degree and Its Role in Nursing Career Going to college is always a brand new feeling. This work describes expectations from receiving a bachelor’s degree in the nursing area.
  • College Degree and Its Effects on Career This essay describes the causes and effects chain about events of earning a college degree and its importance for acquiring essential professional skills.
  • Career in Clinical, Counseling, Forensic Psychology The paper indicates the further direction of educational planning and job research in the spheres of clinical, counseling, and forensic psychology.
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  • Freelancing and remote work opportunities in the gig economy.
  • Using social media for job hunting and career growth.
  • The role of mentorship in career development.
  • Career pathways in the healthcare field.
  • Ways to improve digital literacy skills to fit the modern job market.
  • Opportunities and challenges of working abroad.
  • The significance of resilience and adaptability for career success.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on different careers.
  • The harmful effects of stereotypes on students’ career choices.
  • Emerging careers: opportunities beyond traditional paths.

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Home > Blog > Career Tips > What Can You Do with an English Degree? 10 Best Career Options

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What Can You Do with an English Degree? 10 Best Career Options

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Published: August 18, 2024

A female English major evaluating her career options

Have you ever heard someone say that an English degree has limited career prospects? This common misconception overlooks the versatile skills you gain from studying English, such as critical thinking, communication, and analysis. These skills are highly transferable and applicable across a wide range of industries, opening doors to numerous career opportunities. 

English graduates are well-equipped to adapt to various roles, proving that this degree offers much more than a path to teaching or publishing. Let’s explore the diverse career options available to English graduates and how their unique skill set can be applied in today’s job market.

a female English major speaking with another

How Valuable Is an English Degree in Today’s Job Market?

In today’s job market, an English degree is highly valuable, offering graduates a range of transferable skills that can be applied across various industries. English majors are known for their critical thinking , communication , and analytical abilities, which are essential in many fields. 

While there may be challenges in finding a specific career path, these skills provide a strong foundation for success beyond traditional roles like teaching and publishing. 

English graduates can leverage their abilities to excel in diverse careers, such as marketing, communications, and public relations, showcasing the degree’s versatility.

How Long Do English Degree Programs Typically Last?

The duration of English degree programs varies depending on the level of study. An associate degree typically takes two years, while a bachelor’s degree usually requires four years of full-time study. 

Master’s programs generally last one to two years; doctoral programs can take four to six years or more. Factors affecting program length include full-time versus part-time study, accelerated options, and additional requirements like internships or thesis projects. 

Understanding these timelines helps students plan their academic and career paths effectively, considering how program length can impact their professional journey.

10 Best Career Options with an English Degree

An English degree opens the door to numerous career opportunities across various fields. Here are ten career paths where English graduates can excel:

Content Writer/Strategist

Content writers create engaging, informative material for websites, blogs, and social media. They develop content strategies to meet business goals and use their strong communication skills to connect with audiences.

Technical Writer

Technical writers translate complex information into clear, user-friendly documentation for products and services. They play a crucial role in helping users understand and utilize technical products effectively.

Marketing Specialist

Marketing specialists leverage their communication skills to develop and execute marketing campaigns across various media platforms. They craft compelling messages to promote products and services, driving brand awareness and sales.


English graduates have opportunities to educate others at various levels, from elementary school to university. They inspire students with a love for language and literature, shaping future generations of thinkers and communicators.

Copywriters craft persuasive text for advertisements and promotional materials. Their creativity and writing skills help brands convey their message and persuade consumers to take action.

Corporate Communications Specialist

Corporate communications specialists manage a company’s internal and external communications. They ensure clear messaging and consistent branding across all communication channels, enhancing the company’s image and reputation.


Multilingual English graduates can bridge language gaps in various professional settings. They translate written documents or provide interpretation services, facilitating communication between different language speakers.

Journalists research, write, and report news across different media platforms. They are critical in informing and shaping public discourse by delivering accurate and engaging stories.

Librarian/Information Specialist

Librarians and information specialists organize and manage information resources. They assist others in research and learning, provide access to valuable information, and support academic and professional pursuits.

Public Relations Specialist

PR specialists manage an organization’s public image through various communication strategies. They create press releases, manage media relations, and plan public events to maintain a positive reputation.

a male English major explaining subject tips and tricks to a fellow student

Which Skills Can You Learn in an English Degree Program?

An English degree equips students with a wide range of valuable skills that are transferable to various professional contexts:

Written Communication

English programs hone students’ ability to express ideas clearly and persuasively in writing across various formats and for different audiences. This skill is essential for effective communication in any career.

Critical Thinking

Students develop analytical skills through close reading, interpreting, and evaluating complex texts and ideas. Critical thinking enables them to assess information, make informed decisions, and solve problems effectively.

Editing and Proofreading

Students refine their ability to improve and polish written work, focusing on clarity, coherence, and technical accuracy. These skills are crucial for producing high-quality written materials in any field.

Cultural Literacy

Studying literature from diverse cultures and periods broadens students’ understanding of different perspectives and societal issues. This cultural awareness enhances their ability to engage with diverse audiences and contexts.

Creative Writing

English programs nurture students’ creative expression through various forms of writing, including fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction. This creativity can be applied to careers in writing, marketing, and more.

How to Know if an English Degree is the Right Career Choice for You

Are you trying to decide if an English degree is the right fit for you? Here are some factors to consider:

Passion for Language and Literature

Do you love reading, writing, and analyzing different forms of written expression? A strong interest in language and literature is essential for excelling in an English degree program. If you enjoy diving into novels, poetry, and essays and discussing their themes and meanings, this degree could be an excellent fit for you.

Strong Writing Skills

Do you have a knack for writing and a desire to improve? English degrees involve crafting well-structured arguments and narratives. If you have a solid writing foundation and are willing to develop these skills further, you’ll thrive in an English program emphasizing clarity, coherence, and style.

Critical Thinking Abilities

Are you good at analyzing complex texts and ideas? If you enjoy interpreting themes, evaluating arguments, and uncovering deeper meanings, an English degree will help hone these skills further. Critical thinking is central to English studies, as you’ll be tasked with interpreting literary works and developing your insights.

Cultural Awareness

Are you open to diverse perspectives and curious about different cultures and historical periods? Studying literature can enhance your understanding and appreciation of various societies, which is valuable for success in an English program. If you’re interested in exploring how literature reflects cultural values and societal issues, you’ll find an English degree enriching and rewarding.

How Fast Can You Get a Job with an English Degree?

How quickly you can land a job after earning an English degree depends on several factors, including job market conditions, skills, and networking efforts. It also matters how much relevant experience you gain during your studies. 

By being proactive, developing a strong portfolio, and leveraging alumni networks, you can quickly increase your chances of finding a job. The timeframe varies significantly based on your chosen career path and your openness to exploring diverse opportunities beyond traditional English-related fields. Being flexible and considering various roles can enhance your job search success.

Preparing to Start a Career with the Best Online English Degree Programs

Getting ready to launch your career with an online English degree involves several important steps. 

First, choose an accredited program with a comprehensive curriculum and practical skill development. Online programs provide flexibility and diverse course offerings, allowing you to tailor your education to your interests and schedule. Build a professional network by engaging with classmates and instructors, and gain relevant experience through internships or freelance work. 

Finally, develop a strong portfolio showcasing your writing and analytical skills to impress potential employers and set yourself up for success in the job market.

Can English graduates find high-paying jobs in their field?

Yes, English graduates can secure high-paying jobs in fields like marketing, public relations, technical writing, and corporate communications. Leveraging strong communication skills and pursuing roles with growth opportunities enhances earning potential. Additional skills in digital marketing or data analysis can further boost salaries.

What teaching opportunities are available for English degree graduates?

English graduates can teach at various levels, from elementary schools to universities, as teachers, lecturers, or professors. Opportunities also exist in tutoring, educational consulting, and curriculum development.

Are there specific industries where English graduates are in demand?

English graduates are sought after in publishing, media, advertising, education, and public relations. Their communication skills make them valuable for content creation, editing, marketing, and client relations.

Can English graduates find work in international relations or diplomacy?

Yes, particularly if they have language skills or experience in political science. Roles include communications officers, cultural advisors, or policy analysts.

How can English majors leverage their degrees for freelance work?

English majors can freelance in writing, editing, and content creation. Building a portfolio and networking with clients across industries enhances success.

What additional certifications complement an English degree for career advancement?

Certifications in digital marketing, technical writing, project management, or public relations complement an English degree. Specializing in SEO, social media marketing, or content strategy further boosts career prospects.

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The Suffolk News-Herald

The Impact of Student Debt on Career Choices

Published 10:36 am Monday, August 19, 2024

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Stepping off the graduation stage with a diploma in one hand and a hefty student loan bill in the other is a reality for many of you. It’s no small wonder that the mountain of debt accumulated to earn that degree has a big say in what comes next. Whether it’s deciding between a dream job or a high-paying one, student loans often tip the scales, making this one of the most pressing issues for recent grads.

Now, imagine you’re juggling part-time jobs and trying to keep up with class assignments. This might help you reach financial freedom sooner, but this path is very demanding. To prevent financial stress from impacting your academic performance, pay someone to do my research paper . It’s a strategic decision to maintain grades and manage time. The choices you make in college can affect your future job prospects and life direction.


The Decision Between Passion and Paycheck

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The weight of student debt can often lead graduates to choose careers that may not align with their passions but offer higher salaries to manage loan repayments. For example, a graduate with a degree in social work might opt for a corporate job instead of a community-based role, which typically pays less. This shift not only affects personal satisfaction but can also impact the availability of skilled workers in critical yet lower-paying sectors.

Long-term Financial Planning Takes a Hit

High debt levels influence long-term financial decisions, delaying milestones like buying a home or saving for retirement. Graduates often find themselves prioritizing debt repayment over investing in a 401(k) or IRA. The delay in these investments can have a compounded effect, significantly impacting financial security in later years.

Debt Influencing Further Education

Debt impacts students’ decisions about pursuing further education. It results in:

  • Postponement of Graduate Studies : Many students defer further education because of existing debt.
  • Choice of Graduate Programs : Students might choose programs based on potential income rather than interest.
  • Limiting School Options : Often, the choice might lean towards institutions with lower tuition to minimize additional debt.

These decisions can limit professional growth and earning potential, altering a person’s career trajectory considerably.

Geographic Mobility and Career Opportunities

Debt often restricts graduates’ ability to relocate for promising job opportunities. Areas with high cost of living that typically offer greater career prospects, like New York City or San Francisco, become less viable options. This limitation can confine graduates to local or less lucrative markets, narrowing their career paths.

The Psychological Impact of Debt

The stress of carrying a large debt burden isn’t just a financial issue—it’s a mental health one, too. Anxiety and stress over debt can lead to decreased workplace performance and satisfaction. This psychological toll can hinder professional development, as stressed individuals are less likely to seek promotions or engage in networking.

Alternative Career Paths: Freelancing and Entrepreneurship

Some graduates turn to freelance or start their own businesses as an alternative to traditional employment, which might seem too rigid to accommodate debt repayment schedules. For instance, graphic designers or software developers might find that freelancing not only offers a potentially higher income but also more flexible payment options to tackle their loans effectively.


Policy Solutions and Institutional Support

Some organizations and policymakers are advocating for or implementing support measures:

  • Loan Repayment Assistance Programs : Some employers offer these as part of benefits packages.
  • Income-Driven Repayment Plans : These plans adjust monthly loan payments based on income.
  • Policy Advocacy for Loan Forgiveness : There’s increasing support for policies that forgive student loans after a certain period, especially for those in public service roles.

These initiatives aim to lessen the burden of student loans, offering graduates more freedom to make career choices that truly match their qualifications and interests.

The Role of Higher Education Institutions

Universities themselves are starting to recognize their role in the student debt crisis and are taking steps to mitigate it. Some institutions are increasing their financial aid offerings, moving toward need-blind admissions, or even experimenting with tuition-free models for all students. 

For instance, New York University’s School of Medicine now provides full-tuition scholarships to all its students, regardless of financial need, to reduce the burden of debt on future medical professionals. This change aims to allow graduates to choose specialties based on interest and societal needs rather than potential income.

Moreover, several colleges are partnering with financial literacy organizations to provide students with better education on managing finances, understanding loans, and budgeting. These programs aim to prepare students for the financial realities of post-graduate life, equipping them with the knowledge to make informed decisions about loans, budgeting, and expenses. 

The intersection of student debt and career choices is a complex issue that impacts not just the financial but also the personal and professional lives of graduates. As we’ve seen, this debt can dictate not only job choices but also long-term financial health and personal well-being. The evolving responses—from institutional changes in higher education to policy reforms and personal strategies like freelancing—highlight a growing recognition of the need for comprehensive solutions. Ultimately, addressing the challenges of student debt requires a multifaceted approach involving individuals, educational institutions, employers, and policymakers. 

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Biden has changed course over his 50-year career. None of that compares to his 2024 choice.

During his 50-year political career, biden’s views on a multitude of issues shifted as times changed and attitudes evolved. but none come close to the monumental impact of ending his campaign..

an essay about career choices

  • Biden's views on a multitude of issues shifted as times changed, attitudes evolved and Americans developed a deeper understanding of human nature.
  • Biden's most significant change of heart was still to come.
  • How Biden is remembered will depend to some extent on the outcome of the election.

CHICAGO − Joe Biden wasn’t ready to go away.

He’d had his eyes on the presidency for years. Now it was his, and he wasn’t about to quit. So he raised campaign money, put together a campaign team and hit the campaign trail. He was running for another term and, he was convinced, he was going to win.

A bad night on a debate stage in Atlanta changed everything. Now, just seven weeks later, he will address the opening night of the Democratic National Convention on Monday, not as the party’s presidential nominee but as an outgoing president passing the torch to a potential successor and a new generation.

“This was obviously a bitter pill for Joe Biden to swallow,” said Chris Whipple, author of "The Fight of His Life: Inside Joe Biden’s White House."

Yet no matter how painful the past few weeks have been, no matter how heart-wrenching the decision was to drop out of the presidential race, Biden will set aside those feelings, just as he did when he exited the contest last month.

"The defense of democracy is more important than any title,” he said during an Oval Office address to the nation on July 24, explaining his reasons for dropping out.

It was far from the first time he had changed course. During his 50-year political career, Biden’s views on a multitude of issues shifted as times changed, attitudes evolved and Americans developed a deeper understanding of human nature.

But as remarkable as those decisions were, none came close to the monumental impact of his announcement last month that he was ending his campaign for a second term.

On that sunny Sunday afternoon in late July, Biden changed the direction of the presidential race, possibly altered the course of American history and wrote the coda to his career of public service.

On stage at Chicago’s United Center Monday night, he'll talk about what’s at stake in the final weeks of the election and lay out the case for why Americans should get behind the Democratic nominee, Kamala Harris , and defeat Republican Donald Trump in November.

“He’ll rise above whatever bitterness there may be,” Whipple said, “and meet the moment.”

Full-blown crisis: An inside look at Biden campaign's pitfalls.

'You deal with the world as it is'

Multiple times during his political career, Biden was forced to reconsider his position on a difficult issue as the world changed around him.

In politics, leaders who change their minds or reverse their positions on issues are often sneered at. Critics mock them. Some deride them as “flip-floppers” and accuse them of vote shopping.

Given the possible repercussions, it’s no surprise that Biden’s supporters and longtime colleagues push back strongly against any suggestion that he has altered his views over the course of his career. His core principles have never changed, they insist.

Take abortion , for example. Biden has always been guided by the belief in the right to privacy for women seeking abortions. A devout Roman Catholic, he has long harbored personal misgivings about abortion but has maintained that he would never impose his religious beliefs on other Americans.

“When it comes to abortion and choice, the right to privacy, he's utterly consistent,” said Jeff Peck, who was an aide to Biden through several phases of his political career. “He’s had the same position. He’s not going to impose his faith on other people.”

But Biden’s position on abortion has indeed shifted in some ways over the years.

In 1974, a year after the Supreme Court handed down its landmark Roe v. Wade ruling that legalized abortion nationwide, Biden said in a magazine profile that he didn’t believe a woman had a sole right to say what should happen to her body. That same year, however, he also opposed a constitutional amendment banning abortion, saying he didn’t have a right to impose his religious views on others.

In 1982, he sided with Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee and supported an amendment that would have allowed Congress and individual states to adopt laws banning abortion. The amendment passed in the committee but never received a vote on the Senate floor. Biden called the vote the most difficult of his career and again said he wasn’t sure he had the right to impose his views on an issue that would affect the entire nation.

As recently as 2006, Biden said he doesn’t view abortion “as a choice and a right.” But in June 2019, as a candidate for president, he reversed himself and announced he would no longer support the Hyde Amendment , a long-standing law that blocks federal funding for abortion in most cases. After the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade two years ago, Biden, by then president, warned that the decision puts women in danger and began a push to reinstate abortion protections into federal law.

On other issues, Biden’s position has evolved through the years – at times in ways large and small.

At the start of his career, Biden speculated that gay men and women might be a security risk for the nation, and as a senator, he took positions that often mystified and infuriated LGBTQ advocates. But like the rest of the country, his attitudes changed. His stunning endorsement of same-sex marriage in 2012, when he was vice president, was a watershed moment in the push for marriage equality. His evolution on gay rights has been so complete that he is now regarded as the most LGBTQ-friendly president in history .

A friend: How Joe Biden became the most LGBTQ-friendly president in U.S. history

As a freshman senator, Biden opposed the forced integration of schools through busing, a process in which Black students were brought into schools in white communities in an effort to increase racial diversity. Biden led the Senate push to end the program , saying “I have become convinced that busing is a bankrupt concept.”

Decades later, the move would become an issue in the 2020 presidential campaign and put him under attack from Harris, a political rival who would go on to be his vice president.

As president, though, Biden has taken several steps to benefit Black Americans, including fighting racial discrimination in housing, calling for greater police accountability and pushing legislation to end voter suppression.

As some conservatives argued that diversity, equity and inclusion efforts have gone too far, Biden appointed the first Black woman, Ketanji Brown Jackson, to the Supreme Court and celebrated the 70th anniversary of the landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision that led to the desegregation of schools and became a major catalyst for the civil rights movement.

Biden marked the occasion by inviting some of the families behind the court ruling to the White House. The meeting was private, but Biden said in a proclamation that while the ruling "allowed so many schools to develop diverse, inclusive learning communities that value empathy, kindness, and tolerance, the full potential of Brown v. Board of Education remains unfulfilled." 

"There is still so much work to do to ensure that every student has equal access to a quality education and that our school systems fully benefit from the diversity and talent of our students − because diversity has always been one of our nation's greatest strengths," he wrote.

While he was in the Senate, Biden took a tough-on-crime stance and played a key role in passing crime bills that critics say resulted in mass incarceration of Black and brown people and escalated the nation’s spiraling wave of drug crises, from crack to fentanyl. As president, however, he pushed a drug control strategy that focused on untreated addiction and drug trafficking and took steps to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug.

"It’s time we treat addiction like any other disease," he said, speaking as a father whose son, Hunter Biden , had struggled with substance abuse.

Biden’s defenders insist that his shifting positions don’t reflect a seismic change in his core beliefs.

“He has always fought for labor and for workers, always, always, always fighting for labor and the rights of American workers,” Peck said. “He has always been for a fair tax code. He certainly has been consistent when it comes to foreign policy. He's been consistent on the importance of NATO and allies. And on immigration, he has always, for as many years as I go back with him, he has always believed in treating people with dignity and at the same time having a secure border.”

If anything, current and former aides say, Biden’s evolution on some issues has mirrored that of the nation. Fifty years ago, when he took office as a senator, for example, few Americans supported gay and lesbian rights. Today, polls show that more than three-quarters of Americans support LGBTQ+ rights and protections and 69% back same-sex marriage.

Political leaders who have had decades-long careers like Biden must address the issues the country faces at the time but also take into account that, over time, those issues and the public’s understanding of them change, said Ted Kaufman, who was Biden’s chief of staff when he was in the Senate.

In that sense, Biden is no different from other American leaders like Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr. or Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes – all of whom felt that personal reflection is integral to a life of service.

In Biden's case, "what he has been able to do is what most people do in their lives – and that is, you deal with the world as it is when you're 20,” Kaufman said. “It’s different when you’re 30. It’s different when you’re 40. And it’s different when you’re 50.

"There’s a big difference in a one-term senator changing their position and being someone who has been involved in politics for 50 years. And on almost every major issue, he has had the most consistent principles of anyone in public life.”

His most significant change of heart was still to come.

In the name of freedom: As Joe Biden marks D-Day anniversary, he faces a world again embroiled in conflict

A threat 'unlike any I'd ever seen'

Biden thought he was done with politics.

He had just left office after serving eight years as vice president under Barack Obama . Before that, he had been a senator for 36 years. Still grieving over the death of his oldest son, Beau Biden, two years earlier, he had settled into his post-political life.

Then came Charlottesville .

White supremacists – chanting racist and antisemitic slogans and carrying weapons, Confederate flags and neo-Nazi symbols – clashed with counterprotesters during a rally in southeastern Virginia in 2017. Dozens of people were injured, and a young woman was killed when a white supremacist rammed his car into the crowd.

Trump, who had succeeded Obama as president, defended the white nationalists. There were, he said at a news conference, “ very fine people on both sides."

Biden, appalled by the white supremacists’ actions and by Trump’s response, has repeatedly cited them as a major reason he decided to run for president four years ago. When he released a video message announcing his campaign, the first words he spoke were “Charlottesville, Virginia.”

With Trump’s defense of the white nationalists, “the president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it,” Biden said. “And in that moment, I knew the threat to this nation was unlike any I’d ever seen in my lifetime.”

Biden would win the election, defeating Trump. Four years later, Trump is back as the Republican nominee. With no serious opposition, Biden had been the presumptive Democratic nominee, despite polls showing voters had serious concerns about his advanced age and no real interest in another rematch between him and Trump.

Sagging poll numbers and a dismal performance in a debate with Trump in Atlanta on June 27 did him in. His support collapsed. Campaign donors crashed. A pressure campaign led by former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi convinced him the time had come to drop out of the race and pass the torch to Harris, who is now the Democratic nominee.

The decision to quit was “the most difficult decision of his career,” probably even more difficult than his decision to end his first campaign for president in 1987 amid allegations of plagiarism, Whipple said.

“To this day, Joe Biden believes that he could have won this race in 2024, that he would defy the odds and the pundits and the critics one more time,” Whipple said. “What happened, in the end, was that he concluded he could not go forward with his party divided and about to call for him to step down. He saw the writing on the wall, and he made that decision – but not happily.”

And so, here he is, planning to take the stage at the Democratic National Convention on Monday, a leader looking not at his future in politics but at the legacy he will leave behind.

And what, exactly, will that legacy be? Biden’s address Monday night will give some hints at how he views the past four years. A Biden aide said he’s likely to touch on his efforts to rebuild the middle class, to restore America’s standing as the world’s indispensable country, to protect democracy against dictators and tyrants – and to make the case that Harris is the right person continue that unfinished work.

How Biden is remembered will depend to some extent on the outcome of the election. If Harris wins, he will be seen by many as the man who self-sacrificed and saved democracy. If Trump wins, he may be seen by some as the leader who stayed too long, at a great cost to his party and his country.

Either way, it's through the lens of history that legacies are made.

Michael Collins covers the White House. Follow him on X @mcollinsNEWS.

Price gouging and prescription drugs: Weeks into her campaign, Kamala Harris puts forward an economic agenda

an essay about career choices

Kerala NEET UG Counselling 2024 Provisional Rank List Released at

Published By : Sukanya Nandy

Trending Desk

Last Updated: August 18, 2024, 14:21 IST

New Delhi, India

Students can register online for NEET UG 2024 Counselling at (Representative/File Photo)

Students can register online for NEET UG 2024 Counselling at (Representative/File Photo)

Kerala NEET 2024 admission will be awarded based on the state merit rank, the candidate’s choices, seat availability at a particular college, and reservation criteria

The Commissioner for Entrance Examinations (CEE), Kerala has issued the provisional rank list for the State Medical and Ayurveda programmes based on the NEET (UG) 2024 scores. Candidates can now download the provisional rank list from the official website The Kerala NEET Provisional Rank List includes candidates who submitted their online applications and NEET (UG) 2024 scores to the CEE by the deadline.

The provisional rank list for Kerala NEET UG 2024 includes candidate names, application numbers, Kerala medical merit rank, NEET 2024 roll numbers, All India Rank (AIR), and NEET scores. It is important to note that candidates will be called for the Kerala 2024 counselling process based on these. Inclusion in the rank list does not guarantee admission.

Kerala NEET 2024 admission will be awarded based on the state merit rank, the candidate’s choices, seat availability at a particular college, and reservation criteria. The candidates will be requested to complete an online form with their college and course preferences.

Kerala NEET UG Counselling 2024: Steps To Download Provisional Rank List

Step 1: Go to the official website

Step 2: Look for and click on the ‘KEAM NEET UG 2024 Rank List’ on the homepage.

Step 3: Then click on ‘Login’.

Step 4: A new page displaying the Kerala NEET UG Counselling 2024 Rank List will open.

Step 5: Check and download the provisional rank list.

For admission to medical courses like MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BHMS, BSMS and BUMS, students must achieve the qualifying standards specified in the NEET UG 2024 Information Bulletin: (i) General and EWS candidates must achieve a minimum of the 50th percentile in NEET UG 2024; (ii) SC/ST/SEBC candidates must obtain a minimum of the 40th percentile; (iii) Persons with Disabilities in the General Category must achieve at least the 45th percentile; (iv) Persons with Disabilities in the SC/ST/SEBC categories must achieve a minimum of the 40th percentile.

The Kerala NEET UG 2024 counselling is held for candidates seeking admission to MBBS, BDS and other medical courses such as Ayurveda (BAMS), Homoeopathy (BHMS), Siddha (BSMS) and Unani (BUMS) in the state. It will also include complementary programmes such as Agriculture (BSc (Hons) Agri), Forestry (BSc (Hons) Forestry), Veterinary (BVSc & AH), Fisheries (BFSc), Cooperation & Banking (BSc (Hons)), Climate Change & Environmental Science (BSc (Hons)) and Biotechnology (B.Tech, under KAU).

an essay about career choices

  • medical college admissions


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  27. Kerala NEET UG Counselling 2024 Provisional Rank List Released ...

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