argumentative essay about government should spend more money on education

Why the US government should increase funding for public schools

funding public schools

Democratic presidential candidates are proposing bold new approaches to the federal government’s role in public education. Former Vice President Joe Biden , Senator Bernie Sanders and Senator Cory Booker want to triple the US$15 billion spent annually on Title I , a programme that sends federal dollars to high-poverty school districts.

Senator Elizabeth Warren wants to go further and quadruple funding for that same programme . She also wants to make quality child care and preschool affordable or free for all American families with kids, along with free breakfast and lunch for all public school students.

Other candidates have similar proposals to substantially increase funding for public education, including former Housing Secretary Julian Castro , Sen. Amy Klobuchar and Mayor Pete Buttigieg .

Funding increases of this scale would transform the federal role in education policy , making it easier for school districts to pay teachers higher wages while reducing class sizes . This focus on funding would mark a departure from previous administrations, which instead emphasised policies intended to increase accountability and strengthen teacher evaluation .

As a scholar of school finance , I study the role of resources in schools. The research is clear that spending more on students over the long haul would bring about long-term benefits .

Only 8 percent

The federal government spends a total of about US$55 billion per year on K-12 education, in addition to outlays for early childhood and post-secondary programmes like loans and grants for college tuition . This amounts to around US$1,000 per K-12 student and just eight percent of the total US$700 billion it costs to run the nation’s public schools, which are mostly funded by state and local tax dollars.

Federal funding has never surpassed 10 percent  of total public school funding, except from 2010 to 2012 when the federal government sought to reduce the school spending cuts brought about during the Great Recession .

The federal government has historically exerted influence in non-monetary ways. For example, under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, President George W Bush’s administration relied on standardised tests to hold schools accountable for student achievement. Schools that failed to make yearly progress on test scores faced serious repercussions , such as replacing the school staff or reopening the school as a charter school.

President Barack Obama’s Education Department used Race to the Top – under which states competed for federal grants through a point system – and other initiatives to get states to adopt a specific set of policies regarding teacher hiring, promotion and dismissal that the Education Department said would help schools employ better teachers overall.

Obama also signed the Every Student Succeeds Act into law in 2015 . It scaled back many of these policies and returned authority over accountability back to individual states .

These initiatives have two things in common. All of them have been longer on mandates than money, and it’s unclear that any have worked. Some major studies failed to find substantial impacts and educators have largely opposed using student test scores to drive high-stakes staffing decisions.

Graphic concerns

One source of opposition to increasing spending on public schools is a now – infamous graph that traces the rise of this spending on a per-student basis over the past 40 years, while test scores have remained stagnant. The juxtaposition of these two trend lines, opponents of higher spending say, suggests that more funding is not the answer.

Versions of this chart often appear in libertarian , conservative and mainstream outlets.

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos tweeted a version of the graph and later declared that the “gap between the highest- and lowest-performing students is widening, despite US$1 trillion in federal spending over 40 years.”

I find DeVos’ statement and the graph she was talking about misleading.

A fave chart used by @billgates & others ideologically biased vs school spending. — leonie haimson (@leoniehaimson) August 6, 2019

More spending on rich kids

The significant increase in Title I funding Warren, Sanders, Biden and other candidates propose could partly address a problem that all the leading Democratic presidential candidates agree requires urgent action: substantial funding inequities in public schools.

Despite a widespread stated commitment to equity , many states actually spend less in high-poverty school districts than in more affluent communities.

In addition, students of colour attend schools that receive, on average, US$2,200 less per student from state coffers compared with the schools predominantly enrolling white students.

Of course, finding a way to pay for these spending increases through new tax dollars or cuts to other priorities would be a challenge. But there is probably no way to address the challenges facing the nation’s public schools that doesn’t involve significant increases in funding, targeted to places where most students are growing up in poverty .

By David Knight , Assistant Professor of Education Finance and Policy, University of Washington

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article .

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Task Two Agree or Disagree Sample Essays

argumentative essay about government should spend more money on education

This article will help you answer task 2 opinion essays and give you two sample answers.

This will focus on essays on IELTS task 2 opinion (agree or disagree). It will recommend a sentence by sentence structure to help you in the exam and two sample answers.

The two example questions are:

Governments should spend more money on education than on recreation and sports. Do you agree or disagree?

Most high-level positions in companies are filled by men even though the workforce in many developed countries is more than 50 per cent female. Companies should be required to allocate a certain percentage of these positions to women. Do you agree?

I recommend that students completely agree or disagree with the statement in these questions. This will lead to a clear argument and a more coherent essay. You can show the other side of the argument in concession statements, but these should be only one or two sentences. Concession statements are used to briefly show the other side of the argument. Also, don’t let personal feelings get involved. The examiner does not have to agree with your opinion, and you do not have to write about how you actually feel about the issue. Pick the side you feel most comfortable writing about, i.e. the one you can back up with explanations and examples.

I recommend a simple four-paragraph structure .

Paragraph 1- Introduction

  • Sentence 1- Paraphrase  Question
  • Sentence 2- Thesis Statement
  • Sentence 3- Outline Statement

Paragraph 2- Supporting Paragraph 1

  • Sentence 1- Topic Sentence
  • Sentence 2- Explain Topic Sentence
  • Sentence 3- Example
  • Sentence 4- Concession Sentence

Paragraph 3- Supporting Paragraph 2

Paragraph 4- Conclusion

  • Sentence 1- Summary
  • Sentence 2- Prediction or Recommendation

Question One

Idea Generation

Reasons why governments should spend more money on education than on recreation and sports:

  • Education benefits an economy in the long term
  • Education has social benefits
  • Education is a human right
  • Education is more costly than recreation and sports

Reasons why governments should spend more money on recreation and sports:

  • Sports and recreation have health benefits
  • Sports and recreation can promote learning too
  • Education always receives a higher budget, and sports are overlooked

I agree with this statement, and I will, therefore, use the ideas in the first list. I am working on a four-paragraph structure; therefore, I only need two supporting ideas for my two main body paragraphs. I can also use ideas in the second list, but these will only be concession statements.

It is argued that countries should allocate more funds to education than to leisure and competitive games. It is agreed that national budgets should prioritise schools and universities over sports and play. First, I will discuss the economic benefits that education can bring to a nation and, secondly, its social benefits.

Investment in its education system is one of the best ways to improve a country’s economy in the long term. The more students entering third-level education, the more skilled a workforce will be, leading to higher innovation and productivity. For example, South Korea and Finland decided to invest a large proportion of their budget in education, and this has reaped benefits in the form of high-tech companies such as Samsung and Nokia. However, people cannot always work hard, and these companies provide leisure facilities for their workers.

Education is not just about improving the economy; it also has many social benefits. Well-educated people tend to be more aware of social evils such as drugs, alcohol and sexual health. For example, Singapore educates all of its citizens on the dangers of drugs, resulting in one of the lowest levels of drug abuse in the world. Despite this, sports can also teach children valuable soft skills, such as teamwork and work ethic, which also help curb social ills.

In conclusion, education should take precedence over sports when it comes to funding due to the many socio-economic benefits it brings. It is recommended that governments continue to pump money into schools and universities to realise long-term goals.

Question Two

Reasons why companies should be required to allocate a certain percentage of high-level positions to women:

  • Equal pay for equal performance
  • Women can bring qualities to the workplace that men do not have
  • Women currently outperform men at university
  • A balance of genders leads to higher productivity and a more harmonious workplace

Reasons why companies should not be required to allocate a certain percentage of high-level positions to women:

  • Certain jobs require skills only men have
  • Positions should be allocated to people on merit, not gender
  • Women can take large amounts of time off to have children

It is argued that corporations should be compelled to give a certain proportion of their executive-level roles to females, given that over half of the workforce is female in the West.  It is agreed that businesses should be obliged to assign a significant percentage of top-level posts to women. In this essay, I will discuss why women should be paid an equal amount of money for doing the same job as a man, and secondly, the fact that girls are currently outperforming boys on many university courses.

Despite years of so-called ‘equal rights’ for women in the workplace, they continue to be underpaid. Many women who do the same job as their male colleagues earn less money, which is unfair. For example, a recent survey of accountancy and legal firms in the United Kingdom found that women earn, on average 17% less than men with identical roles. However, this may be due to women taking maternity leave and falling behind their male counterparts.

This unfairness is compounded by the fact that females are currently getting higher grades in most university courses. Even previously male-dominated fields, such as law and medicine, now see women ascending, and they should be rewarded with top roles. For example, females recently outperformed males for the first time in law at U.K. universities. Despite this, employers should remember that roles should be handed out on merit, not gender alone.

In conclusion, women deserve an equal share of the good jobs available because they are capable of doing an equally good job as men and are achieving higher academic standards than men at university. It is recommended that companies heed the advice in this essay and make their hiring practices fairer.

argumentative essay about government should spend more money on education

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My name is Christopher Pell and I'm the Managing Director of IELTS Advantage.

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The Philippine Government Should Invest More In Education

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The government spends much money for education. More money should be spent on free-time activities. To what extent do you agree or disagree.

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Fully explain your ideas

To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Sentence 1 - Background statement
  • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
  • Sentence 3 - Thesis
  • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
  • Sentence 2 - Example
  • Sentence 3 - Discussion
  • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
  • Sentence 1 - Summary
  • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
  • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ » — a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

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The government should spend more money on medical research to protect citizen’s health rather than on protecting the environment. Do you agree or disagree?

Sample Answer:

Some people think that the government should allocate more financial resources to medical research instead of environmental protection. I entirely disagree with this statement.

Both medical research activities and environmental protection are equally critical to human well-being. Throughout history, we have had to cope with countless consequences of environmental damage, some of which even threatened the survival of whole communities. We have also been struggling to combat diseases that could cripple the medical systems of entire countries. The peril that people face from those threats cannot be compared with one another by any measures; if they were to be addressed, tremendous government funding would be needed.

Furthermore, preserving the environment is a necessary part of protecting human health. It is true that funding medical research activities is the best way to cure the many serious diseases that are now causing so many problems all over the world, such as Covid-19. However, it is flawed to use this reason to downplay the significance of environmental protection and the need for government funding. In reality, we are facing many other severe health crises that arise from environmental pollution. For example, high levels of air and water contamination are leading to the increased number of cancer cases and deaths. Extreme weather conditions caused by global warming are also among the greatest drivers behind the deterioration of public health.

In conclusion, although medical research is certainly important and should be properly funded, I disagree that it should receive more money from the government than environmental protection.

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Writing task 2: governments – environmental, writing task 2: topic education, writing task 2: problem and solution.


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The Morning

Public funding, private education.

We explain a major change in U.S. public education.

argumentative essay about government should spend more money on education

By Dana Goldstein

An overwhelming majority of American students attend public schools. But that number is falling. In part, that’s because in more than half of states, parents can now use public money to educate their kids — at home, online, in private schools. This year, a million students used some kind of private education voucher, more than double the figure from four years earlier, according to new research from EdChoice, a group that supports private-school choice and tracks the sector.

The result is a growing movement of choose-your-own-adventure education. Parents are permitted to find any program that they think fits their beliefs and their kids’ needs. Yet it’s unclear how, or whether, accountability or standards will be enforced outside traditional schools.

What’s driving this change? The pandemic prompted many families to reconsider how their children learn. Republican lawmakers embraced private-school choice as part of a broader push for parental rights. (They also see the issue as a way to appeal to young parents — often Black and Latino — who are critical of how public schools serve their children.) And teachers are reporting intense burnout, with some leaving public schools to open small businesses that can accept these vouchers.

I wrote about these “microschools” in a story The Times published this morning . In today’s newsletter, I’ll explain why parents are opting out of public schools — and what it might mean for how this country educates all of its children.

What’s the appeal?

I recently spent a week in the Atlanta area, talking to parents who pulled their children out of public schools to attend microschools. Some have as few as six students. While most are run by career educators, they don’t have to be: The sector is unregulated, and anyone can open a microschool.

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