atlas shrugged essay

Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest

Entry Deadline

Prizes Available


Welcome to your student dashboard for this year’s contest!

Here you can start a new application for the contest, view any of your existing saved or submitted entries, and even request a free copy of Atlas Shrugged if you don’t already have access to the book. Questions? Simply write to us at [email protected] . We’re here to help!

Our Grading Criteria

Essays are judged on whether the student is able to justify and argue for his or her view—not on whether the Institute agrees with the view the student expresses. Our graders look for writing that is clear, articulate, and logically organized. Essays should stay on topic, address all parts of the selected prompt, and interrelate the ideas and events in the novel. Winning essays must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the philosophic meaning of Atlas Shrugged .

Available Essay Topics

In his speech about money, Francisco says: “Whenever destroyers appear among men, they start by destroying money, for money is men’s protection and the base of a moral existence. . . . Paper [money] is a check drawn by legal looters upon an account which is not theirs: upon the virtue of the victims. Watch for the day when it bounces, marked: ‘Account overdrawn.’” Explain what Francisco means by this and how it serves the purpose of his speech. Then explain how his statement can be seen as applying to our economic world today.

In his radio speech, John Galt names a principle that Rearden and Dagny have struggled to discover for themselves: “The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it. . . . Do not try to live on your enemies’ terms or to win at a game where they’re setting the rules. . . . One cannot hope to maintain one’s life by accepting bribes to condone one’s destruction.” Explain what Galt means by this and how the issue plays a role in the plot of the novel. Describe an issue or event from current events (whether in your country or in its relations with others) to which you think this principle applies. How might events have unfolded differently if this principle of the sanction of the victim were taken more seriously?

The bum in the diner says to Dagny, “It doesn’t take any morality to turn out a ten-ton truck on an assembly line.” In important ways, the events of the novel go on to address this and other claims the bum makes in this scene about the nature of morality. What do they suggest is right about the bum’s conception of morality? What do they suggest is wrong about it? How, in particular, does Rearden start from the bum’s point of view and develop a new view over the course of the story?

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Copyright © 1985 – 2023 The Ayn Rand® Institute (ARI). Reproduction of content and images in whole or in part is prohibited. All rights reserved. ARI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions to ARI in the United States are tax-exempt to the extent provided by law. Objectivist Conferences (OCON) and the Ayn Rand Institute eStore are operated by ARI. Payments to OCON or the Ayn Rand Institute eStore do not qualify as tax-deductible contributions to the Ayn Rand Institute. Ayn Rand® is a registered trademark and is used by permission.

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The Ultimate Guide to Winning the Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest

Are you an ambitious high school student looking to win scholarships and showcase your literary analysis and writing abilities? Featuring generous prizes and the opportunity to explore Ayn Rand’s philosophies, the Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest is a famous writing competition for students to demonstrate strong writing abilities, independent and unique thinking, and a passion for ideas that can shape a society.

This blog is a complete and comprehensive guide to the competition, including information about its guidelines, prizes, dates, and important deadlines.

You can also look up some other great writing competitions that we’ve covered here !

What is the Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest?

The Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest is an annual essay-writing competition for high school seniors, college students, and graduate students, sponsored by the Ayn Rand Institute. The contest encourages students to analyze Ayn Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged and write an essay discussing its philosophical ideas applied to today’s world based off of three prompts that are given for the year.

As for the scoring criteria, essays are judged based on the coherent development of a theme, logical reasoning, and clear writing.

Winners receive substantial cash prizes, with $10,000 for first place, $5,000 for second place, and $2,000 for third place. Winners also receive media coverage from the Ayn Rand Institute. The open-ended nature of topics and rigorous standards have established this as a prestigious contest for ambitious writers to gain experience, awards, and an impressive achievement to highlight in their college applications.

Is the Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest Prestigious?

The Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest is a prestigious competition. While the institute does not provide exact numbers on participation, it is estimated that there are 1000 - 2000 essays submitted every year, with only 80 people winning any amount of money. It offers generous prizes, opportunities for recognition, and the chance to have your work evaluated by a panel of distinguished judges including academics, writers, and intellectual leaders within the Ayn Rand Institute . Success in the contest exemplifies a student’s ability to craft a compelling argument, apply abstract philosophical concepts, demonstrate logical reasoning, and communicate complex ideas — all skills that translate well to higher education and your admissions officer will pick up on.

Winners are frequently accepted to top colleges and universities, where they utilize their awards to fund their education, such as 2022 winners attending Stanford, Cornell, and other internationally prestigious universities. Participating in the Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest motivates students to strengthen valuable skills in writing, argument building, and critical literary analysis and build confidence in themselves as independent thinkers and writers. Overall, the Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest offers students a meaningful way to challenge themselves intellectually and gain credentials to their academic and writing abilities to highlight in their college applications and beyond.

Who is Eligible to Apply to the Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest?

The Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest is open to high school seniors and college and graduate students . Thus, the competition can be very rigorous and intense for high schoolers, as there are no separate brackets of judging by age. The material of Atlas Shrugged can be controversial, thus it is important to remember that the essay is judged upon the writer’s ability to craft an argument and having a strong essay overal l, rather than how the Institute and judges agree with the writer’s views. No one is limited from the contest based on their political/economic beliefs!

Timeline and Structure of the Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest

The Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest runs every year from mid-May to mid-November. Essays must be submitted by mid-November, with 2023’s deadline being November 6th, to be eligible for judging and scholarships. Winners are announced by April on a live stream, and awards are distributed shortly thereafter.

The first step is to actually read through the entire novel, taking notes and understanding its complex themes and plot lines. Anyone can actually email the Ayn Rand Institute for a free copy of the book. ( [email protected] ). The essay itself must be between 1800 to 1,600 words on a topic related to the novel’s themes. While Ayn Rand’s ideas covered in Atlas Shrugged inspire the contest topics, students are encouraged to take up new perspectives and interpretations of the novel, and find novel ways to connect the themes of the novel to reality. All submissions are evaluated based on coherence, logical reasoning supported by examples, and clear writing that persuades readers (the judges) of the essay’s main points. The prompts tend to be long-winded and complex, and often connect themes from the book to real-world events within the writer’s community or worldview, such as from this year:

“In his speech about money, Francisco says: “Whenever destroyers appear among men, they start by destroying money, for money is men’s protection and the base of a moral existence. . . . Paper [money] is a check drawn by legal looters upon an account which is not theirs: upon the virtue of the victims. Watch for the day when it bounces, marked: ‘Account overdrawn.’” Explain what Francisco means by this and how it serves the purpose of his speech. Then explain how his statement can be seen as applying to our economic world today.”

To enter, students complete online registration and submit their essays electronically on the Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest website. Essays are blinded before being evaluated by teams of judges at the Ayn Rand Institute, who assess entries based on content, style, and overall effectiveness. The top essays are in consideration of first, second, and third place. There is one first-place winner, given $10,000, three second-place winners given $2,500, five third-place winners given $500, 25 finalists given $100, and 50 finalists given $50 . Cash prizes are paid directly to students to use at their discretion.

Tips for Writing a Winning Essay for the Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest

1. choose and interpret the prompt in a way that sparks your interest.

From the three prompts, spend some time reading through all of them, brainstorming potential arguments and essays you can write about then, and generate some ideas about how you can connect the book to a real-life scenario. After this time, analyze your results and see which of the prompts contains your best ideas and which you hold the most interest in. Fundamentally, you will not be able to write your best essay about a topic that you are not passionate about. Atlas Shrugged is a long novel, with a long essay to submit for the actual contest. To spend all of this time, the least you can do for yourself and for the best shot at winning is to find a prompt that deeply resonates with you and your community. Your enthusiasm will shine through.

2. Read, understand, and take notes on Atlas Shrugged

For a contest about the novel, you have to make sure you have a deep and close understanding of every single theme, major quote, and character arc and development. It cannot be understated how important having a great grasp on the novel can have on your chances for success, as a deeper understanding of the novel allows you to draw more interesting quotes and interpretations of literature, create a new argument that may not be understood through a surface-level read through, and just increases your chance of standing out and writing a novel essay for the judges, who sit through hundreds and thousands of essays a year. For the sake of organization as you write your essay, also be sure to keep an organized set of notes on the novel, connecting page numbers to the character to the quote to the argument you are trying to make , rather than flipping through the novel to find the one piece of evidence you desire.

3. Spend a great amount of time developing a clear thesis and logical flow

The most important aspect of any strong essay is to have a strong argument. A strong argument must be led by a strong thesis. Advance a compelling thesis supported by a logical chain of reasoning and examples from Atlas Shrugged and current events, by taking a strong and arguable stance. A good thesis will be contentious, will be controversial, and will have to be heavily defended, as that is the point of your argumentative essay. Your thesis should make the reader think a bit, be a bit confused before you argue your points, and by the end of your essay, be proven that your controversial thesis is fundamentally true and correct.

This is especially important for you if you are in high school, because you’ll be competing with much older students who have likely developed more nuanced skills to analyze complex ideas.

4. Consider counterarguments and address them

Similar to the point in your controversial thesis, any good argument will have some counterargument, as your thesis is not just a universally-agreed upon statement. Be sure to discuss and even emphasize contrarian perspectives to your thesis objectively, then reaffirm why your position remains correct based on additional insights and show that the counterargument is actually invalid, weaker than your actual point, or can actually be interpreted, with additional evidence, to even prove your argument. Exploring counterpoints adds depth and validity to your argument, as avoiding counterpoints can be a sign that you cannot address them and you have a weak essay.

5. Utilize a variety of grammatical, sentence, and literary structures

Remember that your readers will be reading through hundreds and thousands of essays. Even if you have a strong argument, if you use improper grammar and spelling (which is stated in the rules to take off points towards your essay), similar sentence and paragraph structures, blunt and boring language, etc., your essay will not perform as well as an essay with a strong argument, but also just interesting to read. How many books out there have an interesting premise and plot, but are just boring to read? Thus, be sure to use a variety of sentence and paragraph structures, varying the vocabulary, literary devices, transitions, and rhythms you employ.

6. Proofread and edit thoroughly and consistently

After putting in all of the effort to craft an argument, generate a thesis, write 1600 words, and conclude your essay, read through your essay for clarity, coherence, and just proper grammar and spelling. Utilize your teachers and friends to read through your essay and provide some points of feedback, especially with grammar structures and interest, as others will likely not have read Atlas Shrugged. Put your essay through a text-to-speech service to hear how your essay flows and audibly sounds, and mark every point where it sounds awkward, or an argument can be fleshed out more. Go through rounds of these edits until you sit down and are satisfied with your wonderfully crafted essay.

7. Always keep track of contest guidelines and rules

Lastly, after writing your entire essay and correcting it to be fundamentally perfect, make sure that your essay meets all length, formatting, and submission requirements to avoid disqualification , which includes double-spaced, 800-1600 words, and written in English. Submit the deadline by 11:59 pm digitally, and if you happen to run into any issues in submission, email the Ayn Rand Institute at [email protected] . Keep these guidelines in mind so that your argument does not go widely over the word limit or you are rushing to submit at 11:58.

8. Follow some examples and lessons from previous winners

While of course, you should write your own essay, generated from your own ideas and words, learning from the essays of previous winners and strong pieces of writing is a smart idea of what the Institute likes to read and award. For example, let’s check out this essay . The author, Mayles of Universidad Nacional de Colombia, expertly compares Atlas Shrugged to Rand’s essay “What is Capitalism.” While the essay is beautifully written, flows seamlessly, and continually adds more and more strong evidence to his thesis, the point that makes this essay great is this: ”However, unlike the typical defenders of capitalism, Rand may argue that rather than the loss of economic prosperity as the tragic ending, the true tragedy lies in the act of intervention itself.” Regardless of the argument, we can analyze this sentence. This sentence contains parts of a counterargument, deepening the argument by challenging preconceived popular notions, and is subversive and susceptible to argument. This style of complexity pushes the essay to be more impactful, more convincing, and ultimately, leads to it becoming a winning essay. Furthermore, check out videos like these , when the Institute announces this year’s winners for special quotes and analyses of what led to a winning essay.

If you are passionate about conducting research in literature or journalism, you could also consider applying to the Lumiere Research Scholar Program , a selective online high school program for students founded with researchers at Harvard and Oxford. Last year, we had over 4000 students apply for 500 spots in the program! You can find the application form here.

Aaron Zheng is a sophomore at Harvard University, studying Bioengineering. He is passionate about biotechnology, business development, and aiding students to get to college, regardless of background. In his spare time, he looks to read, journal, and explore the world.

Image sources: Logo of Ayn Rand Institute, Banner of the 2022 Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest

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Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest

For all students in grade 12, college, and graduate school, next entry deadline: september 20, 2024, cash prizes.

Annual Grand Prize

Essay Topic

Robert Stadler is a brilliant scientist, but also one of the chief villains in the novel. What motivates his major decisions over the course of the story, and in particular, his hostility to Galt? How do these decisions and the way he meets his end relate to the theme of the novel, and why would the author have chosen a brilliant scientist as one of the villains to convey her theme?

Essays will be judged on whether the student is able to argue for and justify their view—not on whether the Institute agrees with the view the student expresses. Judges will look for writing that is clear, articulate and logically organized. Winning essays must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the philosophic meaning of Atlas Shrugged .

Essay submissions are evaluated in a fair and unbiased four-round judging process. Judges are individually selected by the Ayn Rand Institute based on a demonstrated knowledge and understanding of Ayn Rand’s works.

To ensure the anonymity of our participants, winners’ names are unknown to judges until after essays have been ranked and the contest results finalized.

  • The Ayn Rand Institute’s (ARI’s) Atlas Shrugged essay contest is open to all students worldwide, except where void or prohibited by law.
  • Entrants must be enrolled as a high school, college, or graduate student at some point during the year in which the contest is being held. ARI reserves the right to make exceptions to this rule, on a case-by-case basis, for international students or for students with nonstandard school years. Verification of school enrollment will be required for all winning entrants.
  • Students are permitted to submit no more than one entry to the contest, provided that they meet the eligibility requirements outlined above and have not previously won first-place in the contest.
  • Essays must not include any personally identifiable information (name, email, school, et cetera). Your entry may be disqualified should such information be discovered in the essay.
  • Essays must be written in English only, and be between 800 and 1,600 words in length. Spelling errors and/or written corrections (by anyone) found in the essay will count against the final grade and should be omitted before submission.
  • Essays must be solely the work of the entrant. Plagiarism will result in automatic disqualification.
  • Essays must not infringe on any third-party rights or intellectual property of any person, company or organization. By submitting an essay to this contest, the entrant agrees to indemnify ARI for any claim, demand, judgment or other allegation arising from possible violation of someone’s trademark, copyright or other legally protected interest in any way in the entrant’s essay.
  • Essays must be submitted electronically through ARI’s online application portal. If you are unable to submit your essay electronically, please contact us at [email protected] .
  • Essays must be submitted online by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time of the entry deadline. ARI reserves the right to provide contest deadline extensions on a case-by-case basis when deemed appropriate.
  • All entries become the property of ARI and will not be returned.
  • All entrants consent to participate in a video interview should ARI deem it necessary for the purposes of verifying eligibility, confirming entry information, or conducting any other relevant assessments related to the contest. Entrants understand that participation in such interviews is voluntary but may be required to determine eligibility status, and agree to make reasonable efforts to accommodate such requests within a timeframe as specified by ARI.
  • All entrants will be notified of the final results via email within three months of the contest deadline.
  • Winners are responsible for providing their mailing addresses and other necessary information under the law in order to receive any prizes. Prizes must be claimed within six months of the results being announced.
  • Winners agree to allow ARI to post their names and school information on any of its affiliated websites.
  • Winners agree to record a short video testimonial about their experience reading Atlas Shrugged , and consent to ARI’s sharing of said video with donors who make the essay contest possible.
  • Winners agree to participate in interviews and allow ARI to use quotes and take photographs or videotapes of them.
  • Winners also grant to ARI the right to edit, use and reuse said products for non-profit purposes including use in print, on the internet and all other forms of media.
  • Winners release ARI and its agents and employees from all claims, demands, and liabilities whatsoever regarding the above.
  • Winners will be solely responsible for any federal, state or local taxes.
  • Employees of ARI, its board of directors and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate.

Entry Process

Submit your essay

You will receive an e-mail acknowledging receipt of your entry within 24 hours. If it has been  at least 24 hours , and you still have not received e-mail notification, please first check your junk or spam folders and then e-mail us at [email protected] . Please do not re-submit your essay.

atlas shrugged essay

New! A website for students who want to learn more about Ayn Rand’s novels.

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Ayn rand essay contests, atlas shrugged, top prize : $10,000, the fountainhead, top prize : $5,000, top prize : $2,000.

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Copyright © 1985 – 2023 The Ayn Rand® Institute (ARI). Reproduction of content and images in whole or in part is prohibited. All rights reserved. ARI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions to ARI in the United States are tax-exempt to the extent provided by law. Objectivist Conferences (OCON) and the Ayn Rand Institute eStore are operated by ARI. Payments to OCON or the Ayn Rand Institute eStore do not qualify as tax-deductible contributions to the Ayn Rand Institute. Ayn Rand® is a registered trademark and is used by permission.

Atlas Shrugged

By ayn rand.

  • Atlas Shrugged Summary

Atlas Shrugged was undertaken as an expansion and elaboration on the ideas presented in Ayn Rand 's previous best-selling novel, The Fountainhead . The themes of individual freedom and the importance of productive creativity would be further expanded on in this subsequent, much longer novel, but in Atlas Shrugged the focus would be more on the whole system than on individual experiences. It is partially the story of a transcontinental railway, but that business's decline is meant to serve as an illustration of what would happen if America embraced the values of moral relativism and communism.

In Leonard Peikoff's introduction to the novel, quotations from Rand's journal show the intention of the author. The theme of the book was to be "What happens to the world when the Prime Movers go on strike." (ix) What is meant by this is that primary means of production, namely the leaders of business and industry (and in certain cases, art), would refuse to work under a collectivist system which no longer respected property rights, individual freedom, and had come to value human need rather than human achievement. Rand paints a picture of an America rapidly devolving from capitalism into a very authoritarian kind of communism.

Several characters are swept along in this evolution, most importantly Dagny Taggart , the female Operating Vice President of a transcontinental railroad. She slowly begins to see the hopelessness of working under such a government, and she meets several people who have decided to go on strike from this system. John Galt , a brilliant physicist who has created a motor which runs on static electricity from the atmosphere, has founded a hidden valley community in Colorado of like-minded individuals. Their society is bent on destroying the outside world by removing the productive leaders of industry and letting the world's economy grind to a standstill. They are successful, and in the end of the novel John Galt makes a long radio address explaining the errors of the government policies of collectivism and the welfare state. In the end the looter government falls, and Dagny and the rest emerge from the secret valley to rebuild the world under the principles of objectivism.

The novel takes place over the period of only a few years, but it attempts to encompass an entire society in a peaceful communist revolution. There are a great many characters, from the top of society and industry to the lowest day laborers, and the individual experiences are related in order to explain Rand's opinion of the damage the policies of communist and redistributive government can cause to a culture. The people who are most able to produce goods and services, dedicated scientists, and those who can best manage large business concerns are Rand's heroes, and their freedom to produce and "create happiness" are considered moral imperatives. It is a book less about individuals than about ideas, although the story of Hank Rearden (a steel executive) and Dagny Taggart's struggles to maintain their businesses occupy much of the novel. John Galt, the phsysicist and mastermind behind the strike which stopped the motor of the world, is represented as the objectivist superman, who values fair exchange and individual achievement above all other values. It has not been out of print since its appearance in 1957, and is considered "One of the most influential business books ever written" (NY Times).

GradeSaver will pay $15 for your literature essays

Atlas Shrugged Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for Atlas Shrugged is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

Laws protecting Capitalism and individual rights against the government would be something Rand would agree with.

What laws do we have today that any randy may agree with

Capitalism like in the United States would be something Rand would agree with.

What problems exist on the rio Norte railway line?

The railway line is deteriorating, it is in a state of decay and desperately needs to be rebuilt.

Study Guide for Atlas Shrugged

Atlas Shrugged is a study guide that contains a biography of Ayn Rand, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

  • About Atlas Shrugged
  • Character List

Essays for Atlas Shrugged

Atlas Shrugged literature essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.

  • Art and Reason in Atlas Shrugged
  • A Declaration of Existentialism
  • Ayn Rand in Context

Wikipedia Entries for Atlas Shrugged

  • Introduction

atlas shrugged essay

Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest – How to Win


Indigo Research Team

atlas shrugged essay

The Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest 2024 is your dream come true if you are a high school student who loves literature and complex ideas.

An essay contest like this is one of those lifetime opportunities that should never be passed up by any writer.

This competition gives young minds the chance to read Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" and write an essay showing just how much they understood from reading it.

Besides, there is a possibility for a $25,000 reward through scholarships.

In this post, we will go over everything about this competition while sharing ethical tricks and strategies from past winners.

What is the Atlas Shrugged Novel Essay Contest? 

This essay contest is sponsored by the Ayn Rand Institute yearly. It's a contest for college students, high schoolers, and even students who have graduated.

As earlier mentioned, it is an essay competition on Ayn Rand's novel, "The Atlas Shrugged." As a student, you're offered three topics to choose from. You're to write on just one of these topics following the essay rules.  

Your essay will be judged based on three things. This will be your level of logical reasoning, how well you could develop a theme, and how clear your essay is. That last part includes grammar, punctuation, coherence, and other small details. 

The prizes are from first to third. The first prize winner goes home with $10000, while the second place will receive $5,000. Third place walks away with $2,000. 

And that's not all. The top three winners of this essay contest also receive media coverage. The nature of this contest gives you an opportunity to learn, get recognized, and even improve your chances for college.

Why is the Atlas Shrugged Novel Contest important? 

Ayn Rand's essay contest is not only important but prestigious. While we can't say the exact number of students participating in this, the essays submitted are estimated to be around 1000 to 2000 annually.  

Even with the handful of participants, only three essays win prizes. 

As a student passionate about writing, you get an opportunity for recognition and even get your essay vetted by a panel of academic writers and sound leaders within the Ayn Rand Institute . 

Success in this kind of contest means you're a student who can develop a sound argument using abstract philosophical concepts. It also shows that you command a high level of logical reasoning and clearly know how to communicate even the most complex ideas.   

Top colleges and universities usually accept Atlas Shrugged essay contest winners. And they got to use their awards to fund their education. Winners from the 2022 edition were accepted into Stanford, Cornell, and other top universities.  

Participating with thousands of students worldwide motivates you to think outside the box, improves your literary and analytical skills, and improves your confidence as a writer. 

Who Can Apply to the Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest 2024? 

You have to fall in any of the three categories to be eligible. You should be in senior high school, college, or grad school. It is a contest that has nothing to do with the age or where you're writing your essay. 

Ayn Rand's writing contest is usually fierce, as all essays will be judged together, regardless of your age or academic level. 

While the novel's themes can be controversial, you must remember that the judges will evaluate the strength of your argument and writing.  

So, they don't have to agree with your views. You're free to share your unique perspective on how you see things, regardless of your political or economic beliefs.

Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest Deadline and Structure (Fri, Jun 14th 2024)

The annual Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest runs from mid-May to mid-November. Prizes are awarded online in April of the current year to the winners of the previous year.

Above all, read the book prior to entering the essay contest. Familiarize yourself with the difficult themes and plot of the book while you jot down notes of what you unearth. 

If you require a copy, e-mail the Ayn Rand Institute, and they will send you one free of charge ([email protected]). This essay will focus on some Atlas Shrugged characters from the book and will be around 800 to 1,600 words.

Although the content is based on Ayn Rand's philosophy, new ideas are expected to inspire the essays' themes. Relate the book's themes to real-life events in your community or as seen through your lens.

In this line of argument, essay judges base their evaluations on clear reasoning and writing, epitomized in examples that have been applied to support the major arguments. 

Thus, what is most appreciated is the overall persuasiveness of the argument. Prompts are often incredibly long, inviting one to bridge the novel's themes.

To apply, students must submit an online registration and an electronic copy of the essay to the contest web page. Every essay sent in will then be scrutinized by the Ayn Rand Institute, where they will look at your essay, its structure, and the overall idea that the essay makes. 

Prizes for the best essays are considered for first, second, and third place. 

One grand prize winner will receive $10,000, three second-place winners will receive $2,500 each, five third-place winners will receive $500 each, there will be 25 finalists receiving $100 each, and 50 finalists receiving $50 each. You must stick with the Atlas Shrugged essay contest deadline. 

Tips on How to Write a Winning Essay for the Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest

1. pick a topic that interests you.

To write an essay that could win the Ayn Rand essay contest, you need to choose one of the three prompts that interest you most. It is essential to pick a topic you're comfortable with because it will be lengthy work.

Before writing your essay, ensure you understand the Atlas Shrugged inside out. These things include knowing the themes, like key quotes, and character arcs. 

An example of the theme for this year's prompt could be "the moral dilemmas faced by individuals who produce." or "Individualism and Altruism in American Culture" 

A comprehensive understanding of the novel will enable you to write a more fascinating and imaginative essay while ensuring that judges can differentiate it from others.

2. You have to know the novel inside and out

While reading the novel, take notes in a clear manner that can help you write your essay later on, such as linking characters with page numbers as well as quotes with arguments.

The main part of any essay is a strong argument. This argument needs to be guided by a concise thesis statement. Logical reasoning, examples from Atlas Shrugged, and current events should support your thesis statement.

3. Have a strong thesis 

Your essay should take a clear stand (your thesis) and might even be somewhat controversial. You have to back up your thesis with sound logic and examples from the novel and real-life scenarios. 

A good thesis is like a riddle; it makes the reader think and may disagree with you at first, but by the end of your essay, they will have to agree that you were right.

4. Think about counterarguments and address them

Every argument has different perspectives because each person has their own point of view on particular issues. Acknowledge opposing views, then explain why your position is stronger or better supported by evidence. 

You could even use those opposing views to make your argument more convincing. Showing you've considered other viewpoints makes your essay stronger.

5. You have to keep it interesting to read

The judges will read many of these essays, so yours needs to really stand out. Use correct grammar and spelling. 

But also, try to make your writing lively and very engaging. Use different sentence structures, vocabulary, and even literary techniques. 

You could think of it as a good book: a great story is more fun to read if the writing is interesting, too.

6. Review your work for consistency, punctuation and grammar

After you've poured your heart and soul into writing it, take a step back and give your eyes a fresh look.   Read it several times, looking for areas you could have made more explicit, smoother, or even gripping.

Ask for feedback from friends or teachers, particularly those unfamiliar with the novel's world of "Atlas Shrugged." Having someone else read your work can help you catch anything you've missed or might be confusing to a reader who is not an expert on the book. 

Try reading your essay aloud as well; it is a great way to notice awkward phrasing or sentences that are holding back the flow of your writing.

7. Always stick with the contest guidelines and rules

After you are okay with your work, take another look to ensure it follows the contest requirements. Is it within 800 – 1600 words? Is it written in clear, concise English and double-spaced? 

You can also check your formatting to ensure it follows the competition's guidelines.

We hope you found this blog helpful. Don't forget we're rooting for you to win the competition.

If you need more guidance & want to increase your skills in writing, consider joining our IRIS Program this summer. This program was made in a way that it will stand out on your academic record and push your abilities in researching to the maximum.

atlas shrugged essay

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the whole point of Atlas Shrugged?

It is a novel authored by Ayn Rand that explores the philosophy of objectivism. The author supports reason, individualism, capitalism, and self-interest while opposing collectivism, altruism, and government intervention in the economy. In this work of fiction, Rand imagines a world where all the most capable people ("prime movers") stop working, thereby causing societal breakdowns that underscore personal achievement and worth.

Does the Ayn Rand scholarship exist?

Yes, the Ayn Rand Institute only provides scholarships through essay contests based on her works like "Atlas Shrugged." This competition is open to students at different levels who can show how they know much about what she thinks of. That idea was reflected in different parts of this particular publication. 

Who are the primary characters in Atlas Shrugged?

The book presents various figures representing Objectivism. Atlas shrugged characters include Dagny Taggart, Hank Rearden, Francisco d'Anconia, John Galt, and Eddie Willers.

Atlas Shrugged summary

Society crumbles when the best members walk out, led by an unknown personality called John Galt, in protest against oppressive government policies and collectivist ideologies as described in Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged". While trying to keep the economy alive, Dagny Taggart, who is a railroad executive, also seeks answers about these vanishings and what Galt's strike stands for.

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atlas shrugged essay

College Scholarship: Ayn Rand “Atlas Shrugged” Essay Contest

atlas shrugged essay

As college costs continue to soar, more and more students find themselves looking for additional ways to fund a college education. More than 85% of college students now receive some type of financial aid, but for many families, this still isn’t enough to cover college expenses. In fact, CNBC estimated in 2018 that 70% of students were graduating with student debt, and that the average graduate has $37,172 in student loans. One way to help defray these costs is through college scholarships.

About the Ayn Rand “Atlas Shrugged” Essay Contest

Students who have read Ayn Rand’s prolific novel “Atlas Shrugged” know that the book provides commentary on a number of complex philosophical themes, ranging from objectivism to capitalism and individualism. For over 30 years, the Ayn Rand Institute has held worldwide essay contests for students based on Ayn Rand’s fiction. In 2019, they will award over 230 prizes, totaling more than $70,000.

Participants submit an essay that addresses one of three prompts based on “Atlas Shrugged”. The prompts for 2019 are:

  • Atlas Shrugged depicts a society of diminishing economic freedom. What is the philosophical motivation behind these controls and what is the practical result? What is hero John Galt’s answer, both practically and philosophically? Use the events in the novel to support your answer. In your answer, consider what Ayn Rand says in the lecture “ Faith and Force .”
  • Dagny says to Rearden: “If I’m asked to name my proudest attainment, I will say: I have slept with Hank Rearden. I had earned it.” Why is she so proud, and what does she mean by having earned it? How and why does Rearden’s attitude differ from hers? How do their attitudes toward sex relate to the wider themes of the novel? Consider also what Ayn Rand has to say in her essay “ Of Living Death .”
  • Atlas Shrugged is a story that portrays a dramatic conflict of characters and their values. What is the most significant conflict in the story? Is it the conflict between the creators and the looters? Is it the conflict the creators experience in their own souls? Is it something else? Explain your answer.

Essays are judged on the student’s ability to justify and provide evidence for his or her statement, not on whether the Institute agrees with the student’s perspective. Judges look for writing that is “clear, articulate and logically organized [and] winning essays must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the philosophic meaning of ‘Atlas Shrugged’.”

The first place winner receives $25,000. Two second place winners receive $2,500, five third place winners receive $500, and 50 finalists receive $100 each.

“Atlas Shrugged” Essay Contest Requirements

Entires are open to students worldwide, but the essay must be written in English. All entrants must be 12th graders, college undergraduates, or graduate students.  All essays must be between 800-1600 words in length. Essays can be submitted by mail or online. If submitted by mail, be certain to include all of the elements outlined on the Contest Rules page. Submissions need to be submitted online or postmarked by September 19, 2019, no later than 11:59 p.m., Pacific Standard Time. Winners will be notified by January 2020. Be sure to see the complete Contest Details for all requirements.

Tips on Applying for the Ayn Rand “Atlas Shrugged” Essay Contest

Follow the directions.

It can be difficult to juggle the requirements of multiple scholarship applications, but it is absolutely paramount that you follow all directions for each scholarship exactly. Remember, most scholarships receive thousands of applicants, and it can be difficult to choose a single winner. Failure to follow directions gives the contest evaluators or scholarship judges good reason to pass you over.

Proofreading is an essential piece of every scholarship application, but it is especially important for essay contests. Judges want to hear from students who can express themselves articulately and intelligently. Lapses in spelling or grammar may at best indicate that you rushed through your work, or at worst be a sign that you don’t know the proper spelling or grammar to begin with.

Research is an especially helpful part of the “Atlas Shrugged” Essay Contest. This is because the Ayn Rand Institute provides a number of resources to guide entrants. For one, they provide the actual essays of past winners. Read these carefully to learn more about the type and level of work expected from a winning entry. In addition, don’t miss the countless resources provided under the Resources tab . Although the Institute is careful to say that beyond “endorsing perfect punctuation and grammar” they offer no specific advice for the essay, they do provide a number of tools to help frame your thinking and enhance your essay content. Read these carefully before beginning.

Enlist Help

While your essay must absolutely be 100% your own work, there’s not doubt that having another set of eyes and ears to review your work is very helpful. Talk with a teacher, mentor, or friend about your essay content before you begin writing. You may get some helpful feedback to help shape the direction of your work. Then, once you’re done with the writing part, be sure to have someone else give your essay a good proofread and edit. Sometimes a fresh set of eyes will find typos that blended in when you reviewed your work.

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Essays on Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged

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Follow the authors

Robert Mayhew

Essays on Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged Paperback – April 28, 2009

  • Print length 536 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Lexington Books
  • Publication date April 28, 2009
  • Dimensions 6.1 x 1.51 x 9.06 inches
  • ISBN-10 0739127802
  • ISBN-13 978-0739127803
  • See all details

Editorial Reviews

About the author, product details.

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Lexington Books (April 28, 2009)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 536 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0739127802
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0739127803
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.75 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6.1 x 1.51 x 9.06 inches
  • #4,189 in Modern Western Philosophy
  • #5,346 in Philosophy Movements (Books)
  • #8,016 in Essays (Books)

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Robert mayhew.

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Gregory Salmieri

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atlas shrugged essay


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    Atlas Shrugged is a mystery novel like no other. You enter a world where scientists, entrepreneurs, artists, and inventors are inexplicably vanishing—where the world is crumbling. And what you discover, by the end, is an uplifting vision of life, an inspiring cast of heroes, and a challenging new way to think about life's most important issues.

  2. Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest

    Our graders look for writing that is clear, articulate, and logically organized. Essays should stay on topic, address all parts of the selected prompt, and interrelate the ideas and events in the novel. Winning essays must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the philosophic meaning of Atlas Shrugged.

  3. Essay Contests

    Participate in one of the annual essay contests on Ayn Rand's novels, including Atlas Shrugged, and compete for up to $10,000. Learn how to read, write, and submit your essay on the book's themes and philosophy.

  4. The Ultimate Guide to Winning the Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest

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    Enter the Atlas Shrugged essay contest and win $10,000. The contest is open to all 12th grade, college, and graduate students worldwide. Deadline: November 6, 2023.


    seek to take values from others. There is a sense in which the clash between these two groups is the essential conflict in the novel: They represent two fundament. lly opposing approaches to life. However, the plot structure of Atlas Shrugged is designed to turn most crucially on another conflict: the conflict within souls of the creators, who ...

  8. Atlas Shrugged Study Guide

    Atlas Shrugged literature essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. Atlas Shrugged is a study guide that contains a biography of Ayn Rand, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

  9. Atlas Shrugged Summary

    Atlas Shrugged is a study guide that contains a biography of Ayn Rand, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes.

  10. Atlas Shrugged

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    te refusal to act altruistically. Men like Galt have always held the world on their shoulders, but Galt is the first to consciously relieve himself of the burden-not to succumb to despair, but to deliberately, reasonably, s. op bearing the burdens of others. He is able, but absolutely unwilling, to go shouldering t.


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    Students who have read Ayn Rand's prolific novel "Atlas Shrugged" know that the book provides commentary on a number of complex philosophical themes, ranging from objectivism to capitalism and individualism. For over 30 years, the Ayn Rand Institute has held worldwide essay contests for students based on Ayn Rand's fiction.


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