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Civil Engineering Dissertation Topics

Published by Carmen Troy at January 10th, 2023 , Revised On July 12, 2024

The importance of civil engineering works in the modern world cannot be understated, thanks to the growing public and commercial infrastructure requirement. The main focus of civil engineering is to develop a sustainable society where businesses can flourish.

Civil engineers in today’s world are keen to develop sustainable buildings, and therefore civil engineering students frequently research sustainable construction topics . 

To help you get started with brainstorming for civil engineering topic ideas, we have developed a list of the latest topics that can be used for writing your civil engineering dissertation project.

These topics have been developed by PhD-qualified writers on our team , so you can trust to use them topics for drafting your dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the problem,  research question , aim and objectives,  literature review  along with the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need a he environment, cause ny help in getting started.

Check our  example dissertation to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

You can review step by step guide on how to write your dissertation  here.

Latest Civil Engineering Research Topics

Topic 1: building demolition- analyse the efficacy of destroying and ruining big city structures and their impact on the traffic..

Research Aim: Many big cities around the world have demolished a vast number of buildings that were functional with new structures. It not only has an economic impact but also results in the loss of urban culture, harms the environment, causes pollution, and worsens the traffic situation. This study will evaluate the merits of building demotion and will provide economic, technical, and environmental input.

Topic 2: Rural housing at low cost- Improving Water Diversion, Electricity Grids, and other Infrastructure to reduce the expenses.

Research Aim: Water, sanitation, wastewater systems, electricity, and rural infrastructure all impact human development outcomes. This study will examine rural housing at a low cost focusing on the improvement of water diversion, electricity grids and infrastructure services. It will also look into the policies made to avoid certain problems and help us understand how these things have influenced life in rural regions.

Topic 3: Examining the use of Activated Flash as a Binder in pavement adjustments to allow acceptable tension reinforcing stresses in order to Control Cracking in concrete.

Research Aim: This study will examine the use of activated flash as a binder in pavement adjustments to allow acceptable tension-reinforcing stresses to control cracking. Cracks usually emerge as a result of mechanical loads, adverse response, and environmental impact, and frequent cracking negatively impacts the performance of concrete. This study will focus on the appropriate measures that should be taken, as well as designs, materials, and construction practices to extend the life without any loss.

Topic 4: Strengthening an existing structure to allow it to withstand climate change - An analysis.

Research Aim: Buildings are dependent on environmental conditions. This study will analyse the strengthening of the existing structure to protect it from the effects of climate change. The focus is on the material used for the protection, sustainability, and strengthening of the building, as well as the adaptation of new construction standards. A milder temperature will lower the lifespan of building materials and impact the indoor climate of the building. More stormResearch Aim: The main goal of this study is to conduct a unique investigatios, snow or subsidence damage, water encroachment, and a bad indoor environment all contribute to a reduced building lifespan, raising the risk of collapse, worsening health, and significant loss of value in return.

Topic 5: An investigation of the use of Graphene-Fabricated nanoparticles for Water Purification- Comparison between Cost-Effectiveness and Benefits.

Research Aim: The main goal of this study is to conduct a unique investigation of the use of graphene-manufactured nanomaterials for water purification. The project intends to compare the benefits and cost-effectiveness of graphene processes. Furthermore, this study also intends to evaluate graphene nanomaterials’ impact on water treatment and analyse many future and emerging perspectives.

Topic 6: The Impact of Integrating IoT in Urban Development. An Exploration of Smart Cities Infrastructure.

Research Aim: The aim of this research is to investigate the effects of incorporating Internet of Things (IoT) technology in urban development, specifically focusing on its implications for smart city infrastructure. The study seeks to understand how IoT integration influences various aspects of urban living and city management.

Topic 7: Investigating the Use of Bamboo as a Construction Material.

Research Aim: The research aims to investigate the viability of bamboo as a construction material. Through empirical analysis and comparative studies, it seeks to evaluate the structural, environmental, and economic benefits of using bamboo in construction projects. The study further explores the bamboo’s mechanical properties and durability aspects by considering its availability, cost-effectiveness, and ecological impact. Furthermore, it aims to identify challenges and opportunities associated with bamboo use in construction.

Topic 8: An Analysis of the Lightning Protection Systems for Building Structures

Research Aim: The research analyses the design principles and practical implementation of lightning protection systems for building structures. The study focuses on ways to improve safety, avoid any risks and optimise the overall performance. 

Topic 9: Exploring the Importance of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in Construction

Research Aim: This study explores how Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) can help improve worker safety and minimise occupational hazards. The research further discusses the best practices for the selection and enforcement of PPE. 

COVID-19 Civil Engineering Research Topics

Topic 1: civil engineering after coronavirus: identify the consequences of covid-19 on civil engineering in the uk or any country of your choice..

Research Aim: This research will focus on identifying the impacts of coronavirus on civil engineering in the selected country.

Topic 2: Research to study the damage caused to the construction projects due to the lack of workers on site.

Research Aim: This study will focus on identifying the damage caused to construction projects as the workers are staying away from the sites. What measures are taken to complete these projects and recover the loss?

Topic 3: Contractors and Builders after COVID-19: business industry, tender opportunities, and planning to continue business

Research Aim: This research aims to identify the conditions faced by contractors and builders. What is their plan to deal with the COVID-19 crisis? How did it affect the business industry and tender opportunities?

Topic 4: Cite Operating Procedures: research the various safety measures for workers, contractors, and engineers working on construction sites.

Research Aim: This research is conducted to know about various safety measures taken by the government and private organisations for workers, contractors, and engineers working on construction sites.

Topic 5: Investigate how civil engineers are working from home: Identify whether remote working can be a long-lasting solution to recover the loss caused by COVID-19.

Research Aim: Remote working has emerged as a ray of hope for mechanical engineers amid this pandemic. This research will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of remote working and also answer the question of whether it is a long-lasting solution or not.

Topic 6: Research to study the economic and labour crisis as a result of Coronavirus

Research Aim: This research will focus on the financial loss and labour crisis caused by the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.

Topic 7: Research to study the disruption of the supply chain, shortage of contractors, workers, and material, cancellation of contracts due to COVID-19

Research Aim: This research will focus on identifying the disruption of the supply chain, shortage of contractors, workers, and materials, and cancellations of contracts as a result of COVID -19.

Topic 8: Research to throw the light on the future of the construction Industry after the Coronavirus pandemic.

Research Aim: This research will focus on predicting how the construction industry will transform after the COVID-19 pandemic. What challenges may it face, and what could be the possible ways to meet those challenges?

Topics in Civil Engineering and Construction

Topic 1: computational mechanics and modelling.

Research Aim: This research aims to study the role of computational mechanics and to model In civil engineering

Topic 2: Development in Rock Mechanics

Research Aim: This research aims to highlight the recent developments in Rock Mechanics

Topic 3: Assessment of the bridges with innovative ideas

Research Aim: This research aims to address the need to assess bridges and propose innovative ideas for bridge constructions and designs.

Topic 4: Efficiently managing the water resources

Research Aim: This research aims to focus on the effective management of water resources during construction.

Topic 5: Stability of high rise buildings

Research Aim: This research aims to address the issues of the instability of high-rise buildings and the stress of ensuring their stability by highlighting the gaps in the literature review and providing a strong recommendation for researchers .

Topic 6: Elope Erosion Control in the Construction Industry

Research Aim: The research investigates the significance of elope erosion control to prevent soil erosion and facilitate drainage.

Dissertation Topics in Structural Engineering and Environmental

Topic 1: reliability of foundation performance and implications for structural design.

Research Aim: The main purpose of the research will be to use a reliability-based approach to performance by using two complementary approaches; macroscopic and action-oriented approach and microscopic and analysis-oriented approach to evaluate major risks and strategies that can be used to implement in complicated structural systems and designs.

Find 100s of dissertation topics in your other academic subjects in our free topics database.

Topic 2: Behaviour of steelwork connection at large deflection in a fire

Research Aim: This research study will explore the behaviour of steelworks at large deflection in a fire. The researcher will use a unified computing model to simulate the behaviour of steelworks and their impacts on the deflection in the fire. Several other factors will also be identified in the study, such as limiting temperature criteria, loading and unloading effects, and explosion load ratios.

Topic 3: User-friendly model of degrading groundwater pollution plume

Research Aim: Groundwater pollution plumes consist of degradable compounds and materials, which results in declining the overall natural processes and their effectiveness on marine life. There have been studies that aimed to explore the slow degradation processes of pollution plumes in groundwater. However, this is particular research will aim to explore different factors that cause groundwater pollution plumes and contribute to its slow degradation process. Finally, the study will propose a user-friendly model to degrade the plume of groundwater pollution.

Topic 4: Examination of advanced solution strategies for non-linear FE analysis

Research Aim: This research aims to explore the role of advanced solution strategies that help engineers and builders carry out non-linear FE analysis. In this study, the researcher will demonstrate the static and dynamic problems related to the non-linear effects of solid structures and systems.

Topic 5: Strength, stiffness, non-linearity, and the volumetric response of concrete under triaxial compression

Research Aim: In this study, the researcher will demonstrate the behaviour of concrete under the situation of triaxial compression. The researcher aims to understand the stiffness, volumetric and compressive behaviour of concrete which may cause deformation when pressure is applied.

More Civil Engineering Dissertation Topics

  • Research to Set up Remote Sensing Applications to Assist in the Development of Sustainable Enterprise
  • Research to Study and Develop Water Treatment Processes
  • Research to Studying Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies
  • Research to Study Sustainable Engineering: New Objectives for Construction Projects
  • Research Regarding Micromechanics of Granular Materials.
  • Research to Transform a Manufacturing Plant into a Sustainable Enterprise.
  • Research to Study the Relationship Between Sustainability and Learning Organisation.
  • Research to Study the Impact of Sustainability Concepts on Organisational Growth and Development.
  • Research to Ensure Sustainable Heat Conservation Generated from Compressors within a Manufacturing Site.
  • Research to Study and Develop Waste Reduction Strategies to Achieve Sustainable Concepts.
  • Investigating the Impact of Ultra-high Performance Concrete (UHPC) in Civil Engineering. 
  • Studying the Impact of Construction Technology on Safety.
  • Research to Study Properties of Concrete to Achieve Sustainability.
  • Research to Study the Relationship between Lean Manufacturing and Sustainable Manufacturing.
  • Research to Study Sustainability and its Impact on Learning Organisation.
  • Development of Sustainable Homes with the Help of Renewable Energy Sources.
  • Seismic Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structures in Residential Applications
  • Living Tree Buildings

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  • Application of Ultra High Strength Concrete in LNG Terminals
  • Mechanical Behaviour of Bridge Bearings of Concrete Bridges
  • Winter Damage of Porous Asphalt
  • Human-Induced Lateral Vibration of Bridges
  • The Optimization of Tripod Substructure and its Application to Two Different Topsides
  • Traffic-Induced Bearing Loads and Movements of a Steel Plate-girder Bridge
  • Snap Through of Large Shield-Driven Tunnels
  • A Timber Bearing Structure for Concept House
  • The Sustainable Refurbishment of BK City
  • The Elevated Metro Structure in Concrete, UHPC, and Composite
  • Covering A28 Highway at Amersfoort
  • Numerical Modelling of Turbidity Currents in Submarine Channels
  • Post-trenching with a Trailing Suction Hopper Dredge
  • Morphological Impact of Coastal Structures
  • Modeling Nearshore Currents Driven by Waves and Set-up Gradients
  • Gaining New Insights Regarding Traffic Congestion, by Explicitly Considering the Variability in Traffic
  • Dynamic Behaviour of Tunnel Elements 38 During the Immersion process
  • Long-term Morphological M0delling of the Mouth of the Columbia River
  • “Feasibility Study of a Climate Dike”
  • Conditioning of Aggressive Water
  • Swale Filter Drain System: The Inflow – Discharge Relation.
  • Low-Cost Disdrometer
  • Observing Tidal Slack in the Scheldt Estuary
  • Clogging of Permeable Pavements 53 in Semi-arid Areas
  • Analysing the Effects of Large-scale Green Roof Implementation in Singapore
  • Accelerating the Introduction of Electric Bicycles
  • A Critical Reappraisal of Some Problems in Engineering Seismology
  • Systems and Sustainability: Sustainable development, Civil engineering and the Formation of the Civil Engineer
  • Sustainable Engineering: The Future of Structural Design
  • Environmentally Sustainable Construction Products and Materials – Assessment of release

Not Sure Which Dissertation Topic to Choose? Use Our  Topic Planning Service

Also Read:  Dissertation Topics in Engineering Management 

Important Notes:

As a civil engineering student looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment on existing civil engineering theories – i.e., to add value and interest in your research topic.

The field of civil engineering is vast and interrelated to so many other academic disciplines like  construction ,  law , engineering management , healthcare , mental health , artificial intelligence , tourism , physiotherapy , sociology , management , marketing and nursing . That is why it is imperative to create a project management dissertation topic that is particular, sound and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic; it is the basis of your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong: your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, and there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in  writing your dissertation as you may end up in a cycle of rejection at the very initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

While developing a research topic, keeping our advice in mind will allow you to pick one of the best civil engineering dissertation topics that fulfils your requirement of writing a research paper and add to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalizing your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Please take a look at some of our sample civil engineering dissertation topics to get an idea for your dissertation.

How to Structure Your Dissertation on Civil Engineering

A well-structured   dissertation can help students   to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems to be addressed. An outline of the structure of a dissertation  can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review :  This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature available on the chosen research topic, in light of  research questions  to be addressed. The purpose is to highlight and discuss the relative weaknesses and strengths of the selected research area whilst identifying any research gaps. Break down of the topic, and key terms can have a positive impact on your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology:  The  data collection  and  analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter, which usually includes  research design, research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and  data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis: The findings of the research are analysed in detail in the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include  graphs , charts, and   tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion  and  Conclusion: The researcher presents his interpretation of results in this chapter and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section of the paper is to draw a linkage between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regard to the implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References: This should be completed in accordance with your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices:  Any additional information, diagrams, graphs that were used to  complete the  dissertation  but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

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ResearchProspect is a  UK based academic writing service that provides help with  Dissertation Proposal Writing ,  PhD Proposal Writing ,  Dissertation Writing ,  Dissertation Editing and Improvement .

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Our team of writers is highly qualified. They are experts in their respective fields. They have been working in the industry for a long time, thus aware of its issues and trends.

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How to find dissertation topics about civil engineering.

To discover civil engineering dissertation topics:

  • Investigate emerging technologies.
  • Analyze infrastructure challenges.
  • Explore sustainability and green solutions.
  • Review recent research in journals.
  • Consider urban planning or construction innovations.
  • Opt for a topic aligning with your passion and career aims.

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Home > Engineering > Civil and Construction Engineering > Master's Theses

Civil and Construction Engineering Master's Theses

All master’s theses completed through the Graduate College of Western Michigan University since 2012 have been entered into ScholarWorks. Some may be embargoed or restricted by the authors and may be only available from on-campus computers. Print copies from earlier years are available through interlibrary loan. We have a few digital copies of earlier years. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Investigating Disparities and Safety Equity in Pedestrian Nighttime Crashes in Michigan , Sia Isaria Mwende

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Evaluating the Impacts of Building Information Modeling on Construction Change Orders in Iraq , Nehad Alshebbany

Numerical Performance Evaluation of the Wooden Frame Structures with Adhesive Applied Connection under Wind and Seismic Loading , Sharthak Bhandary

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Establishing Delay-Based Criteria for Installing Traffic Signals at Two-Lane Roundabouts , Oluwaseun Ayomide Adegbaju

From Architectural Design to Structural Analysis: A Data-Driven Approach to Study Building Information Modeling (BIM) Interoperability , Mohammed Aldegeily

Evaluation of Bike Boxes and Protected Intersections with Bicycle Signal Treatments for Improving Safety and Multimodal Mobility at Urban Signalized Intersections , Odai Al Houz

Enabling Robust Distributed Real-Time Hybrid Simulation Method and Expanding Its Applications in Floating Wind Turbine Systems , Mehmet Cinar

Maintaining Deck Profile in Steel I-Girder Bridges During Deck Placement , Ali Naif Inceefe

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Enhancing Intersection Safety for the Blind and Visually Impaired (BVI) Pedestrian Using Device-to-Infrastructure Communication , Mohammad Sayyah Al-Akash

Visualizing the Constructability of a Steel Structure Using Building Information Modeling and Game Simulation , Mohammed Al Dafaay

Evaluation of Swarm Nodes for Proximity Sensing on Construction Sites , Mohamed Ahmed Madi Binalhaj

Implementing Online Updating to Complex Hysteresis Models in Real- Time Hybrid Simulation Using Constrained Unscented Kalman Filter , Bilal Ahmed Mohammed

Economic Impact Analysis of Bridge Construction , Funda Yavuz

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Analysis of Pedestrian and Bicycle Crashes in Michigan , Ahmed Abbas Ghubin Al-zubaidi

Comparison of Safety and Operational Performances for Three Engineering Countermeasures , Ali Hamzah Hussein Alzuhairi

Comprehensive Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Pedestrian Countdown Signals on Road Users in Michigan , Richard Atta Boateng

Safety Benefit Analysis of Alternative Delineation Practices in Michigan , Brenda C. Burdick

Verifying Automated Prestressed Concrete Design Software for MDOT Bridge Design Standards , Hussein Kadhim Abood Khalaf

Improved Methodology for Developing Non-Motorized Safety Perfomance Functions , Keneth Morgan Kwayu

Application of Wavelet Transform in Structural Health Monitoring , Yashodhya Swarna Sri Dhanapala Liyana Kankanamge

Analysis of Transit Accessibility for People with Disabilities , Rostam Khalid Mohammed Ameen Qatra

Developing Standard Procedures for Structural Aspects of Slide-in Bridges in Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) , Ozan Utku Ridvanoglu

An Equivalent Plate Model with Orthotropic Material Properties for Adjacent Box-Beam Bridge Superstructure , Timothy Alexander Schnell

Transportation System and Its Association with Human Health – A Review and Modeling Approach , Fnu Zahed

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Evaluation of the Safety Effectiveness of Clearview Font and Fluorescent Yellow Sheeting on Michigan Freeways and Non-Freeways , Lusanni Mercedes Acosta Rodrieuez

Analysis of Mobility Impact for Implementing Complete Streets , Marino Esteban Calderón Díaz

A Microscopic Simulation Approach to Performance Evaluation of Intelligent Transportation System Corridors: A Case in Michigan , Matthew Levi Clark

Fragility Assessment of High-Rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings , Hezha Sadraddin

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

An Integral Framework for Sustainable Building Design , Bushra Asfari

Economic Analysis of Michigan Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Strategies , Randy José Jorge Díaz

Development of Safety Performance Functions for Non-Motorized Traffic Safety , Hamidreza Ahady Dolatsara

Real-Time Hybrid Simulation with Online Model Updating , Adam Mueller

Overtime Traffic Enforcement Evaluation: A Methodology for Selecting Agencies and Enforcement Periods , Dario Enrique Romero Santana

Virtual Analysis and Evaluation of Roundabout Safety and Operational Features , Elisha Jackson Wankogere

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Spatial Factors Impacting Non-Motorized Exposures and Crash Risks , Farhad Abasahl

Standardized Longitudinal Connection Detail for Decked Precast Prestressed Concrete Girders , Ramzi Muftah Ali Abduallah

Investigating Crash Frequency and Injury Severity at Freeway Fixed Weigh Stations in Michigan , Fathi Salam Mo. Alkhatni

Safety Benefits of Adaptive Traffic Control Systems: A Case Study of Oakland County, MI , Joshua Adam Fink

Evaluation of Point Cloud Data Dispersion with Relation to Point Cloud Density under Field Conditions , Ling Kit Kong

An Automated Approach to Dynamic Site Layout Planning , Duy Huu Nguyen

Cyber-Adaptive Physical Systems for Automated Construction Progress Monitoring and Asset Tracking , Syed Hammad Rasheed

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

The Implementation of a Versatile Pseudodynamic Hybrid Simulation for Seismic Evaluation of Structural Systems , Chelsea Griffith

Regression-Based Prioritization and Data Modeling for Customized Civil Engineering Data Collection , Omar Kanaan

Statistical and Numerical Integrated Approach for Detecting Onset of Prefabricated Bridge Component Connection Deterioration , Cem Mansiz

Structural Health Monitoring of a Bridge Structure Using Wireless Sensor Network , CheeKian Teng

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Sensor Modeling and Cost Benefit of Using Laser Scanning Technology in AEC , Fahd Saleh Alaswad

Statistical and Visualization Approach for Ranking Factors Affecting NBI Bridge Rating , Saad Aoun Alqahtani

Solar Modeling and Cost-Benefit Analysis of Energy Efficiency Window Arrangements , Wael Muqhim Alruqi

A Comparative Analysis of the Sense of Construction Delays of Experienced and Inexperienced Engineers , Salahedeen A. El Kadeki

Development of a Versatile Hybrid Testing System for Seismic Evaluation of Structural Systems , Griffin Enyart

Selecting an Optimal Construction Alternative through Informed Decision-Making Highway Bridges , Abdul Wahed Mohammed

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

A Computer Model for Sustainable for Life-Cycle Cost Analysis , Sami Ghurmullah Al Ghamdi

Sustainable Universal Design and Zero Energy for Buildings , Ahmad Mohammad Alotaibi

Integration of Sustainability Measure into Highways , Krishna Prasad Dhakal

Investigation of Damage Detection Methods with a Wireless Sensor Network , Mark Joseph Humiecki

Application of Building Information Modeling (BIM) toward Zero Energy High Rise Office Buildings , Moutaz Mohammed Msawealfi

Design Recommendations for High Skew Link Slabs , Michael A. Romkema

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Optimization Computer Model for Heavy Equipment Selection , Naif Albelwi

Optimal Placement of Traffic Sensors for Traffic Operation and Management , Nahedh M. Alhubail

An Integrated Database Management System and Building Information Modeling for Sustainable Design , Sultan Althobaiti

The Design and Implementation of a Sensor Network System for Concrete Bridge Health Monitoring , Joseph John Barbera

Barrier-Based Evacuation Plan for University Campuses , Asadur Rahman

Highway Construction Staging and Intelligent Traffic Routing: A Cost Optimization Strategy , Richard C. Rhodes

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Incorporation of Space Syntax Theory in Determining Safe and Efficient Construction Site Layout , Minsuck Cho

Cathodic Protection of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks , Joshua Thomas Host

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

Data Fusion Technique for Measuring Intersection Delay Using GPS-Enabled Probe Vehicles , Byung-Hee Han

Development of Knowledge Base of Concrete Bridge Maintenance System , Bahre Karam

Health Monitoring of Concrete Bridges Utilizing Sensor Technology , Ammar Zalt

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

Repair, Inspection and Maintenance Methods of Steel Bridges , Deepak Koirala

Computer Model to Select Leed Certification for Building Projects , Ruba Mirghani Mohammed

Simulation Based Evaluation of Parking Facilities , Niru Tiwari

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

Alkali Silica Reaction in Virgin and Recycles Aggregates: State of the Art and Experimental Investigation using ASTM C 1260 and the Staining Method , Shadi Sami Bajjali

Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Self-Consolidating Concrete , Bhusan Basnet

Decision Support System for Bridge Maintenance , Imran Fazal

Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Recycled Aggregate Concrete , Sajjad Ali Khan

The Detection of Common Concrete Bridge Deck Defects Using the Thermography, Impact Echo, and Ground Penetrating Radar , Saleh Z. Nabulsi

Theses/Dissertations from 2004 2004

Oxidation of Titanium in Alpha-Calf Serum Solution , Ali Stait Ismailoglu

Theses/Dissertations from 2003 2003

Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of NI-SIC NANO Composite Coatings on 2024-T3 Aluminum , Amit Jain

Development of a Redesign Plan for Moore Hall using Architectural Principles of Green Building and Sustainable Design , Alkhaziam Saad

Future Housing in the United States: Senior’s Housing Demand , Sandeep Singh

Innovative Contracting Prequalification/Selecion Model using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) , Saad J. Zidan

Theses/Dissertations from 2002 2002

An Imaging System for Concrete Bridge Inspection , Mohammed Talal Al-Bataineh

A Model for Optimizing the Selection of Project Delivery Systems Using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) , Arosha De Silva

Metastable Phases of Mgo-TiO 2 Solid Solutions , Liang-Chieh Ma

Building Deconstruction Guidelines: Tools for Recovering Building Materials , Ali Ayedh Merzen

Management Commitment to Construction Safety , Areen M. Shaar

Adaptation of Project Finance to Small Contractor Financing , Ragunathan Venkateswaran

Theses/Dissertations from 2001 2001

Structural Studies of Metastable Nanocrystalline Magnesium Titanate Ceramics , Renmei Xu

Theses/Dissertations from 2000 2000

Texture and Young’s Modulus of Nickel/Gamma-Alumina Composites , Abdulaziz Alamr

CFMMS – Computerized Facilities Maintenance Management System , Prawit Rotsawatsuk

Learning Reinforced Concreyte Design Principles Using a Java-VRML based Design Studio , Amarneethi Vamadevan

Theses/Dissertations from 1999 1999

Quantitative, Non-Destructive Calibration of Scanned Probe Microscope Cantilevers , John Hazel

Development of Mechanical Properties Micromapping for Composite Polymer Systems , Zheng Huang

Intellicrances – A Neural Network-Based Crane Selection System , André T. Mund

Conform- A Computerized Job-Built Concrete Construction Formwork Design , Kajpong Pongponrat


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Dissertation Research and Writing for Construction Students, Second edition

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The book "English for Architecture Students" was published aided by the merciful of the Almighty after a long and continuous endeavor in English language. This book is compiled for architecture students in light of the existing scientific gap regarding the availability of a reliable and comprehensive resource to meet the requirements of architecture students as a cover for academic courses and postgraduate entrance exams. It is also a useful resource for students who want to study abroad. Therefore, this book contains chapters: Architecture, Architectural History, Process of Architectural Design, Creativity in Architecture, Geometry in Architecture, Theoretical Fundamental of Architecture, Islamic Architecture, Structure in Architecture, Contextual Design, Urban Design, Landscape Design, Computer Aided Design, Construction Project Management, Environmental Psychology and Sustainable Development. Also in the final chapter of this book, a comprehensive Dictionary of Architecture has been compiled, which includes all the common terms and vocabulary in the field of architecture and sciences related to construction and urbanization along with their definitions and explanations. It is hoped that this noteworthy scientific work can make a small step forward in the pursuit of the science objectives.

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200+ Ideal Construction Dissertation Topics for Students in 2023


Embarking on a journey through the realm of construction dissertation topics can be both exciting and challenging for students pursuing degrees in civil engineering, architecture, or construction management. As we step into 2023, the construction industry continues to evolve, presenting fresh challenges and opportunities for research. In this blog, we will explore 200+ ideal construction dissertation topics that not only reflect the current trends but also offer students a chance to contribute to the ever-growing field.

  • Sustainable Construction Practices:

In an era dominated by environmental concerns, sustainable construction practices remain at the forefront. Students can delve into topics such as “The Impact of Green Building Materials on Construction Sustainability” or “Implementing Circular Economy Principles in Construction Projects.”

  • Innovative Technologies in Construction:

The construction industry is undergoing a technological revolution. Dissertation topics like “Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Project Management” or “Drones in Construction: A Comprehensive Analysis” provide avenues for exploration.

  • Project Management in Construction:

Efficient project management is crucial for successful construction endeavors. Topics like “Critical Success Factors in Construction Project Management” or “Risk Management in Large-scale Construction Projects” offer rich ground for research.

  • Urbanization and Infrastructure Development:

As urban areas expand, the demand for infrastructure grows. Students can explore topics such as “Smart Cities: Integrating Technology for Urban Development” or “The Role of Infrastructure in Mitigating Urbanization Challenges.”

  • Health and Safety in Construction:

Worker safety is a paramount concern in construction. Dissertation topics like “Enhancing Safety Culture in Construction Sites” or “The Impact of COVID-19 on Health and Safety Protocols in Construction” address contemporary issues.

  • Legal and Ethical Aspects of Construction:

Understanding the legal and ethical dimensions of construction is crucial. Topics like “Contractual Disputes in Construction Projects” or “Ethical Considerations in Sustainable Construction” provide a nuanced perspective.

  • Cost Estimation and Budgeting in Construction:

Efficient financial management is key to project success. Dissertation topics like “Cost Overruns in Construction: Causes and Remedies” or “Life Cycle Cost Analysis in Construction Projects” delve into financial aspects.

  • Building Information Modeling (BIM):

BIM is transforming the way construction projects are planned and executed. Students can explore topics like “The Integration of BIM and Sustainable Construction” or “Challenges and Opportunities in BIM Implementation.”

  • Disaster Resilience in Construction:

As climate-related events become more frequent, the construction industry must adapt. Dissertation topics like “Building Resilient Infrastructure Against Natural Disasters” or “Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in Construction” are pertinent.

  • Social and Cultural Aspects of Construction:

Construction projects often intersect with social and cultural contexts. Topics like “Community Engagement in Urban Development Projects” or “Preserving Cultural Heritage in Construction” offer a human-centric perspective.

In the dynamic landscape of construction, the possibilities for dissertation topics are vast. As students gear up to contribute to this ever-evolving field, these 200+ ideas serve as a compass, guiding them through the diverse and multifaceted world of construction research. Whether it’s embracing sustainability, navigating technological advancements, or addressing social issues, each topic provides a unique opportunity for students to leave their mark on the future of construction. So, let the exploration begin, and may these dissertation topics inspire the construction leaders of tomorrow.

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Dissertation Research and Writing for Construction Students

Dissertation Research and Writing for Construction Students

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  • User-friendly, easy to dip into guide for all Built Environment students
  • Takes the reader from the stage of choosing a topic to writing a well-structured dissertation
  • Best case practice illustrated with numerous examples, case studies and references

Dissertation Research and Writing for Construction Students covers topic selection, research planning, data collection and methodology, as well as structuring and writing the dissertation - in fact, everything needed for a successful write-up.

A new section advising students on the use of the SPSS software 'Statistical Package for Social Sciences' will help readers make the best use of this tool. New examples and references ensure that this new edition of the bestselling construction dissertation guide is right up to speed with current practice.

This is the ideal resource for students involved in research in Construction Management, Building and Quantity Surveying.


Chapter 1 | 6  pages, introduction, part | 1  pages, part i: preparing the ground and reviewing the literature, chapter 2 | 8  pages, selecting a topic and writing the dissertation proposal, chapter 3 | 19  pages, reviewing the literature, part ii: research design and methodology, chapter 4 | 13  pages, approaches to data collection, chapter 5 | 10  pages, techniques for data collection, chapter 6 | 22  pages, questionnaire construction, part iii: analysis and presentation of the results, chapter 7 | 6  pages, measurements and probability, chapter 8 | 34  pages, analysis of the results, chapter 9 | 39  pages, structuring and writing the dissertation, chapter 10 | 9  pages, dissertation supervision and assessment.

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The University of West London

Dissertation research and writing for built environment students.


Naoum, Shamil (2019) Dissertation research and writing for built environment students. Routledge Publishing, Abingdon, Oxon. ISBN 9780815384625

Naoum_Routledge_2019_Dissertation_research_and_writing_for_built_environment_students.pdf - Accepted Version

Dissertation Research and Writing for Built Environment Students is a step-by-step guide to get students through their final year research project. Trusted and developed over three previous editions, the new fourth edition shows you how to select a dissertation topic, write a proposal, conduct a literature review, select the research approach, gather the data, analyse and present the information and ultimately produce a well-written dissertation.

The book simplifies dissertation research and writing into a process involving a sequence of learnable activities and divides the process into three parts.

Part One covers the necessary groundwork, including: identifying the problem, writing a proposal and reviewing the literature.

Part Two covers the research design and includes: approaches and techniques for data collection and constructing and sampling a questionnaire.

Part Three covers: measurement of data, analysis of data with SPSS, structuring and writing the whole dissertation, and supervision and assessment.

This new edition is packed with updated examples and research samples, making this the ideal resource for students involved in research in built environment subjects such as construction management, construction project management, facilities management, real estate, building surveying, quantity surveying and civil engineering.

Item Type: Book
Additional Information: This is an Accepted Manuscript of a book chapter published by Routledge/CRC Press in Dissertation research and writing for built environment students on 28 May 2019, available online: https://www.routledge.com/9780815384625 or https://www.crcpress.com/9780815384625
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Date Deposited: 07 Aug 2019 09:08
Last Modified: 28 Aug 2021 07:11

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200+ Ideal Construction Dissertation Topics for Student in 2024

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Table of Contents

Construction is a large sector that includes many different sorts of construction and civil engineering employment. Carpentry, constructing roads, bridge building, and home design are all jobs in the construction business. This economic sector is one of the biggest in the world since it builds the infrastructure for cities, communities, and even nations.

The Importance of Research in the Field of Construction

There is a long history of research on project design, planning, and execution in the construction sector. In this field of study, traditional research techniques are combined with human research techniques from the social sciences. The scientific field may have a significant impact on the construction industry. It offers a fantastic chance to raise business performance and transform people’s lives in the sector. Additionally, it can help decision-makers and leaders in the sector understand where we are, where we’re going, and any potential risks or opportunities.

Purpose of the Dissertation

The purpose of a dissertation shows what the study will perform, which should be consistent with the problem description. The purpose also covers the methods you’ll use for your research and the kind of assessments you’ll draw.

Research Objectives and Questions

Writing the Research Questions and Hypotheses is the study’s most crucial step in achieving its goals. But your research questions make clear what your dissertation’s specific goals are. In other words, the reader will know exactly what you plan to try to address (or answer) during the dissertation process when they read your research questions.

Literature Review

A literature review is an in-depth analysis and study of the previous writings on the topic you have chosen. The literature evaluation is crucial because it establishes the groundwork for the investigation. It may make up a sizeable chunk of the final content, depending on the specific criteria of the dissertation.

Overview of the Existing literature on construction Management

Over the past two decades, the construction industry has been compelled to give the notion of “performance” a lot more consideration due to increased rivalry, consumer demands, and greater quality requirements in the global market. As a result, the field of construction management has produced a sizable body of literature on performance and performance measurement.

Construct Your Paper Well with Our Construction Dissertation Example

Now it’s time to get your hands on the blueprint to success with our extensive selection of construction dissertation examples. From innovative methodologies to in-depth case studies, our curated collection provides invaluable guidance for students and professionals alike. You can refer to these examples to harness the expertise of leading scholars to facelift your papers.

Check This Construction Dissertation Topics Example

Key Theories, Concepts, and Frameworks Relevant to the Dissertation Topic

There are a few basic theories that help to manage a project. Three theories underpin our understanding of construction management:

The quality of the project is a major concept that influences a project’s success in the literature (Wanberg et al., 2013; Romeo et al., 2014). According to Arditi and Gunaydin (1997), the concept is defined as conforming to a project’s statutory, aesthetic, and functional standards.

A framework for evaluating quality is required for construction projects to help clients choose quality-oriented companies that deliver higher quality goods and processes on time and within budget (Idrus and Sodangi, 2010; Dina et al., 2010). In managing quality, some organisations put special emphasis on things like training, leadership, and benchmarking, while others take a comprehensive approach to quality elements, according to Porter and Parker (1993).

Analysis of Previous Studies and Their Findings

Researchers in the construction industry frequently oversimplify the client’s involvement in the construction management process. This is partly due to researchers’ predisposition to utilise “broadcast” survey methods, which only really penetrate the client’s reality to a very shallow degree. Access to crucial data necessitates a new arrangement between the researcher and the client. It is stated that construction management researchers must adopt a sound methodological approach that considers both ontological and epistemological points of view if they are to address the issues that the construction industry faces effectively. Only then, it is said, will we completely comprehend the phenomena that affect organisational and project performance in the construction industry.

Identification of Research Gaps and limitations

Construction management research has some restrictions as the survey’s results are solely based on the opinions of architects and contractors. More respondent types, such as owners of construction projects and policy makers, would have improved the study’s conclusions.

The main conclusions might be different if a subsequent empirical investigation took into account small businesses and respondents at various levels. Additionally, this study used a single, knowledgeable respondent from each sampled company because a company-wide emphasis is necessary for the implementation of quality management to be successful. Future research should use different approaches, such as case studies.


Research approach.

This type of quantitative research method is used, usually done by interviewing the construction managers, engineers and labours. The term “quantitative research” refers to the methodical gathering and analysis of data from various respondents that is based on numerical numbers. After gathering the data, it is analysed using various mathematical, statistical, and computational tools to produce the results.

Data Collection Methods

A systematic methodology is used in quantitative research to collect and interpret data in a consistent way using techniques like experiments, surveys, and statistical modelling. Here, questionnaires were administered through structured one-on-one interviews with architects and contractors.

Sampling Techniques and Sample Size Determination

Simple random sampling is used in these types of research, where the researcher precisely defines the population from which the sample is chosen. A framework for population inclusion and exclusion must be provided. Every member of a population has an equal chance of being chosen as a responder when using simple random sampling.

Data Analysis Methods

In the context of the construction sector, delays and hazards were identified, evaluated, and prioritised using statistical analysis using the relative relevance index and fuzzy ranking. The most significant risk, which creates a long-term issue for every building project, was determined. New dangers were discovered throughout the tendering process. All parties involved in the construction sector are expected to use the study’s findings as a manual to evaluate potential delays and risks in their construction processes and take steps to mitigate them.

 Findings and Discussion

The results reveal that architects and contractors agree that customer happiness, human resource management, and construction-specific characteristics are the most critical elements determining quality. The results also imply that strategic planning, ongoing improvement, and resources are the least crucial elements. Additionally, a conceptual framework encapsulating the primary quality characteristics is created.

Presentation and Analysis of the Collected Data

The researchers used A census sampling strategy, “where the sample size equals the population size.” To address the research topics, this study used a variety of statistical methods and processes. Cronbach’s coefficient was used for this test, and descriptive statistics and reliability analysis were used to evaluate the internal consistency of the questions.

Interpretation of the Findings in Relation to the Research Objectives

Researchers found that in order to achieve the goal of continuous improvement, contractors should focus more on the factors of strategic planning, human resource management, and leadership before turning their attention to the factors of process management, market focus, customer, analysis, measurement, and knowledge management.

Discussion of the Implications of the Findings for the Construction Industry

The means, techniques, methods, procedures of construction, and sequences, as well as safety measures and programs throughout the construction process, are all under the constructor’s control. The main elements that determine quality in the construction process are project needs. According to a review of the literature on quality elements in construction, not all of the criteria are as frequent and important as one another, but they all work well together.

Comparison and Integration of the Findings With the Existing Literature

Studies emphasised the elements influencing construction quality. Each study has helped to clarify some elements influencing quality. However, there aren’t many published books that thoroughly discuss the elements, especially influencing the standard of construction around the globe. Researchers continue to have varied opinions about which of the various aspects affecting quality should be highlighted the most.

Summary of the Research Objectives and key findings

According to the findings of this study, quality can be described as how closely a project complies with its specifications and meets the demands of the owner, the designer, the builder, and any applicable regulatory bodies.

Contributions to the Field of Construction Management

The research’s conclusions have ramifications for decision-makers in the construction sector, including contractors, architects, and owners. The current findings should serve as the foundation for future plans and prospective innovations aimed at improving quality in the building industry.

Limitations of the Study

There are several limitations to the current study. The survey’s results are solely based on the opinions of architects and contractors. The findings of this study have significant ramifications for various levels of management at construction firms. To preserve a balanced and integrated quality strategy, managers can focus on the highest aspects and catch up with their lowest significant factors by knowing the quality factors.

Recommendations for Future Research

If more owners of construction projects and policymakers were included as respondents, the study’s conclusions would be more accurate. The scope of the future study should include additional project kinds, such as public initiatives.

Now that you have an idea about what to include in the construction management dissertation, here is an extensive list of topics curated to spoil you with choice.

Construction Engineering Dissertation Topics:-

  • Making use of renewable energy sources to build sustainable dwellings
  • Visualising a positive future; sustainability and its effects on societies.
  • Sustainable development using concrete’s inherent qualities; evaluation of current research and innovations.
  • The building industry’s use of management and lean manufacturing techniques
  • Should construction safety practises and laws be revised or remodelled in light of recent trends in accidents and the function of laws?
  • A study of the effects of cutting-edge technologies on the construction sector
  • Procurement methods; evaluations of the best procurement tactics for the construction sector
  • Building management, emphasising best practices in contemporary building projects
  • Using technology to create zero-carbon buildings, zero-carbon structures
  • Determining the best practices for waste reduction in construction projects
  • How demolition might be modelled to build new structures; Waste in Construction
  • Timber, steel, or concrete: assessments of construction materials? Investigation of materials to determine the best use of materials
  • Creating efficient ventilation systems for high-rise structures
  • Investigation into the economic and employment crisis brought on by the coronavirus.
  • Describe how Covid-19 has affected the UK or any other country of your choice’s construction engineering.

 Eco-Friendly and Environment-Safe Construction Dissertation Topics:-

  • The role of environmentally friendly building practises in enhancing life on Earth 2. A critical examination of the reasons why people are switching to modular homes
  • The use of sun-cooling methods in contemporary architecture
  • The adoption of photovoltaic technology in the construction industry and its impact on the world at large
  • What part does waste management play in the building industry?
  • How can space be created for new projects when every convenient location is fully utilised?
  • The function of “green technology” in contemporary architecture
  • How sustainable development affects the building sector
  • How important is pollution control in the building industry?
  • The harm that was utilising low-quality materials causes to the environment
  • Building Green: Environmental Management Perspectives in Construction
  • Simulating the flow of rainwater over unsaturated green roof substrates
  • The significance of eco-friendly building practises and waste reduction
  • Are the client’s design preferences influenced by the environmental evaluation methods?
  • Does the ideology of conservation in buildings affect how conservationists actually make decisions?

Risk Management in Construction Projects Dissertation Topics:- 

  • Earthquake risk management: Pay attention to potential obstacles and advantages.
  • Sustainable risk management: an analysis of the actual data.
  • A thorough review of risk management in the construction industry
  • Global comparison of industrialised and developing nations’ approaches to geotechnical risk management
  • Researching the rules and norms related to the field of risk management.
  • Researching the connection between risk management and consumer safety.
  • A futuristic examination of the field of risk management: a survey of empirical data
  • Security risk management for smart grids: a brand-new area to research
  • SME risk management: concentrate on the effective methods.
  • A correlational analysis of risk management and population health
  • Researching the relationship between performance assessment and supply chain risk management.
  • A survey of the literature on a worldwide catastrophe risk management system
  • Being aware of the connection between risk analysis and risk management.
  • Enterprise risk management: concentrate on possible obstacles and remedies.
  • Focus on X countries in relation to corporate governance and risk management.

 Technology-Related Construction Dissertation Topics :-

  • A critical review of cost control in the construction of buildings, roads, and bridges
  • The many building methods and technology utilised to build airports, harbours, and train terminals
  • BIM’s (Business Information Modelling) impact on the building industry
  • The significance of robotics and automation in modern infrastructure
  • Emphasising the value of information systems used in construction management and how they affect the progress of the construction.
  • Examining the function of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in managing building projects
  • How technology is affecting how building projects are managed
  • Using drones to inspect construction sites
  • 3D printing’s effects on the building sector
  • Using virtual reality to supervise building projects
  • A survey of the literature on a worldwide catastrophe risk management system.

 Dissertation Topics For Modern Structural Design:-

  • To examine high-durability materials for earthquake-proof structures and their integration with current systems
  • To develop and test structural designs for very sensitive environments that are blast resistant to military standards.
  • To assess the use of recycled plastic waste in brick production and the related economic factors
  • To assess the usage of graphene in the production of high-quality, affordable steel and its application in offshore design
  • To develop affordable dams to address seasonal flooding issues in Pakistan and lessen their environmental impacts.
  • Using six different methods, you may assess the asphalt content and the state of the road.
  • Structural issues with the underground city train system and how spatial stress analysis can be used to solve them
  • Advanced risk assessment techniques are being developed to analyse the stability of dynamic and complex structures utilising simulation models.
  • An Indonesian port called Patimban Seaport serves as a case study for the significant arrangements needed to develop megastructures in coastal settings.
  • Use of concrete made from Oobleck for the construction of highly resistant structures and its financial effects.
  • An investigation into the traditional methods for assessing the condition of the asphalt and roads
  • An original examination of the evolution of structural engineering in the information era
  • A thorough examination of the part structural engineers plays in advancing medical treatments and technologies.
  • A review of third zone engineering’s networking principle
  • An examination of the application of uncertainty quantification and geo-mechanical inverse modelling in structural engineering

Sustainable Construction and Architectural Dissertation Topics:-

  • Investigating the financial effects of green technology
  • How do local, state, and federal politics influence the sustainability of the environment?
  • How sustainable is the environment now and in the years to come?
  • Low-end consumers using green energy
  • How green technology may impact business operations
  • How much of a contribution does green technology make to environmental sustainability?
  • Global environmental sustainability frameworks and green technology
  • Using green technology in poor nations
  • What role do policies have in a nation’s adoption of green technology?
  • Green technology and environmental sustainability incentives
  • What functions do NGOs play in green technology and environmental sustainability?
  • Green thinking with real impact on sustainability
  • A comprehensive strategy for environmental sustainability
  • Is it possible to strike a balance between green technology and lifestyle?
  • How do businesses view green energy and environmental sustainability?

Civil Engineering Dissertation Topics on Construction:-

  • Remote sensing application research to support the growth of sustainable business
  • Research to explore and create water treatment methods
  • Research to examine sustainable construction technologies and materials
  • Sustainable engineering research: new goals for construction projects
  • Analysis of granular material micromechanics.
  • Research into converting a manufacturing facility into a sustainable business.
  • Investigation of the link between sustainability and learning organisation.
  • Research to examine the effects of sustainability concepts on organisational development and growth.
  • Research to ensure sustainable heat conservation generated by compressors within a manufacturing site.
  • Studying and creating waste reduction strategies to implement sustainable concepts
  • Concrete properties are being researched in order to achieve sustainability.
  • Lean manufacturing and sustainable manufacturing: Research into their Interaction.
  • Studies on sustainability’s effects on learning organisations
  • Use of renewable energy sources in the construction of sustainable homes.
  • Cold-formed steel structures with seismic design for residential applications

Where to Get the Best Construction Dissertation Help?

If you are unsure of your topic, it is easy to become disheartened and seek professional construction dissertation help with writing. You’ll have to dedicate a set amount of time to researching and writing your construction dissertation with a writing tutor. Writing can be repetitive, hard, and uninteresting. There is no justification for going it alone. Let us assist you in getting the necessary construction dissertation writing assistance! We, at MyAssignmenthelp.com , can assist you if producing a dissertation for construction is challenging for you.

Sophia Martin

Sophia Martin

Hi, my name is Sophia Martin, a Broadcast news analyst by profession and a writer by passion. I am an active blogger who loves blogging about the latest fashion and makeup trends. Apart from this, I also work as an English writing expert for MyAssignmenthelp.com. I have written several English writing samples for prominent academic websites. I have 6+ years of experience guiding students to tackle their complex English writing tasks. When I am not working, I am probably hopping around, discovering the latest fashion and makeup trends or searching my next read at a book store. Or maybe reading one at some cafe!

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179 Construction Research Topics & Essay Examples

Are you looking for current construction research topics? StudyCorgi has compiled a list of research topics in the construction industry for you! Here, you’ll find hot topics in construction management, safety, building materials, technology, and other construction-related civil engineering ideas. Feel free to use these titles for your essays, presentations, research papers, projects, or even as a starting point in your dissertation research.

🏆 Best Construction Topics for Research Papers

✍️ construction essay topics for college, 👍 good construction research topics & essay examples, 🌶️ hot construction topics, 🎓 most interesting construction essay examples, 💡 current construction article topics, 📌 easy construction essay topics.

  • The Social Construction of Gender
  • The Social Construction of Gender Roles
  • Stakeholder Management in Construction Projects
  • Childhood: The Concept of Social Construction
  • Postmodern Feminism and Its Theory of Gender as Social Construction
  • Construction of Wembley’s Stadium: Project Management Methodologies
  • Environmental Impact of the Football Stadium Construction
  • Renata SA Construction Company’s Project Management Renata SA is one of the prominent construction companies based in the European Union. It is proficient in handling both private and public construction projects.
  • Assessing Learning and Test Construction Evaluating students’ performance is one of the foundations of the learning process. There are several arguments highlighting its importance in education.
  • Social Construction of Gender and Sexual Dichotomy Gender is usually divided into two sexes, namely male and female, in modern society. Traditionally, gender is determined by various physiological features, such as genitalia.
  • Wood as a Construction Material: History, Properties, Use Today, wood is still a common material in the building of boats and houses. The use of wood in the construction of the frames of a majority of domestic houses is also common.
  • Construction of Fertilizer Blending Plants in Nigeria: Cost and Schedule Impact Delving deeper into the development of the project under analysis, one will realize that a unique impediment was encountered as OCP Africa started expanding its services.
  • Construction Waste Management Managing construction waste is often a difficult process because its poor implementation could lead to unintended consequences for contractors, clients, and the public.
  • Risk Management in Healthcare Construction Projects A risk is any occurrence that has the potential to alter the progress of a project significantly. A risk may be positive or negative.
  • Social Construction of Serial Killers Serial killing is a homicide category occurring when an offender murders more than three victims unknown to the criminal.
  • Fundamentals of Building Construction Foundations are the basis for any construction object, and it is essential for any project to determine the most fitting type of foundation.
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  • Silver Fiddle Construction Project Risk Management When it comes to defining the key risks associated with the project one must point to the fact that the project is very costly and requires a substantial amount of time.
  • Investment Strategy: Construction of Portfolio The report selects four best-performing equities based on evaluation taste from ten promising stocks listed in New York Stock Exchange.
  • The Social Construction of Aging The social construction of age states that aging occurs because people explain in their mind and physical stages that the body changes are the aging symptoms.
  • Use of Modern Construction Materials Concrete is an architectural material composed of a strong, noncorrosive particle material called aggregates, typically sand and pebbles.
  • Societal and Gender Construction Affecting Incidents of Domestic Violence The paper intends to explore how societal and gender construction can affect the incidences of domestic violence.
  • Engineering, Procurement and Construction Strategy Saudi Arabia boasts one of the largest oil and gas reserves in the world. The resource is characterized by high price fluctuations that impact the government’s budget.
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  • The Construction Management Position Observation Construction projects constantly need modifications, and in this sense, construction management is the key to the stability of the entire procedure.
  • Drug Dependency: Construction of a Rehabilitation Center Creating a program that would act as a foundation to help drug addicts recover from drug usage would help lessen drug dependency.
  • Evaluating Performance of Public Construction Projects in Abuja, Nigeria The purpose of the paper is to provide an in-depth inquiry into the need for a stakeholder performance evaluation framework for public construction projects in Abuja Nigeria.
  • GPS Surveying and Laser Total Station Surveying Within Construction This essay intends to establish the main differences between GPS surveying and Laser total station surveying within the construction and single out their respective applications.
  • Soil Mechanics in Construction Engineering Soil mechanics is a relatively new discipline in civil engineering, which entails the study of the engineering properties of soil relative to the design of various engineering structures.
  • Lobby Café Construction Project Evaluation The report aimed to analyze three aspects of the Lobby Café Construction project: external factors, stakeholder analysis, and assessment of corporate social responsibility.
  • Construction: Characteristics and Reliability of Piles and Props The construction requires a solid and water-resistant system. The secant pile wall provides this opportunity and increased alignment flexibility in construction
  • Construction of Knowledge in Society Knowledge is constructed by society facing informational cascades and being disinformed. As a result, people lose confidence in particular institutions.
  • A New Building Construction Project Analysis The management of AXBC PLC needs to allot more time for constructing a new building as the analysis has clearly shown that the management may be overly optimistic.
  • Project for the Construction of a New Cottage Town The project is devoted to the building of the new cottage town in the country and is aimed at the satisfaction of citizens’ needs and providing them with a new wonderful way of life.
  • Family, Work, and Social Construction of Intimacy The paper examines various aspects of family life and the real problems of families. The work-family relationship may sometimes result in work-family conflict.
  • Schedule Delay Analysis in Construction Projects Within a construction environment, it is rather common that both the contractor and employer are worried about the time for performance.
  • Construction Company’s Operational Risk Management This work presents an operational risk assessment connected to standard masonry techniques and procedures in the development of five-story apartment blocks.
  • Dubai Construction Cost and Its Political Factors This research paper determines how political factors affect the construction industry in Dubai and what can be done to lower these costs.
  • R&B Construction Company: Organizational Culture One of the essential factors in an organization’s success is its culture which are the values, beliefs, and visions that unite an organization.
  • Development Plan at Olive Construction Company Olive Construction Company was founded in 2019 to tap into the booming construction industry in Miami Dade County.
  • Construction Materials and Building Codes Platform framing system is commonly used in the building industry because the building that is made using this method is always durable and have high structural integrity.
  • Construction Management and Law in United Kingdom: An Analysis The essay discusses the current legal requirements for constructing a building in the UK and details various legal procedures involved in handling the building projects in the UK.
  • Shortage of Skilled Workers in Middle East Construction Industry The construction industry in the Middle East has been facing the risk of rising labour costs and labour shortages, which in turn is squeezing up the smaller contractors.
  • Authentic Leadership in the Construction Industry This paper seeks to examine the concept of authentic leadership and why it can become the best option for improving management and supervision in the construction industry.
  • Construction Industry Disputes in the UAE There is still very little literature in the UAE on the negotiation strategies and how the same impacts on the outcomes in the dispute resolution.
  • Risk Management of Construction Megaprojects Long-term projects can be considered an integral part of the modern world. At the same time, the management of projects is a complex task because of many issues and obstacles.
  • Canadian Housing and Construction Statistics Growth for housing starts, completions, and under construction was negatively affected by the economic downturn in 2008 with only 187,923 units registered.
  • Construction Project Implementation There are many variations of construction project implementation, the most common are Design-Bid-Build and Multiple Prome Contracts.
  • Enhancing Construction Safety Through ASTM Standards and Technology This text discusses the importance of construction safety, focusing on ASTM standards and technological advancements.
  • Construction Management at Risk: A New Hospital in Baton Rouge Construction management at risk is the most appropriate project delivery method for the health organization’s plan to build a new hospital in Baton Rouge.
  • R. G. Letourneau’s Contributions to the Construction Industry Field The paper states that LeTourneau made tremendous contributions to the construction industry field. His legacy has been a foundation of modern scholars.
  • Construction Safety and Its Importance Construction safety is important because working together, the owner and the contractor secure the high quality of work and enhance the general well-being of employees.
  • Aspects of Social Construction The paper states that social construction examines how people learn about their surroundings and the world in general, which influences some changes.
  • The Social Construction of Reality SOLO taxonomy should be considered a valuable analytical instrument in terms of application to the complex challenges of the modern era.
  • Why to Learn Construction and Engineering Skills Basic construction and engineering skills can enable a person to successfully engage in the work of their own house and be able to start a new technical career.
  • Towards Green Construction: Timber as Material Timber appears to be a beneficial option for the construction of a variety of buildings. Its cost efficiency is evident in the construction process.
  • The Aircraft Runways Construction The construction of aircraft runways must be constructed by individual runway design, based on the direction of the winds and aeronautical paths, and immediate terrain.
  • Civil Rights Movement and Construction of US Racism Racism is associated with slurs, Islamophobia, police brutality, and Donald Trump. This list signals that racism today is a more insidious, politicized form of discrimination.
  • The Influence of the Gospel on the Construction of the Christian Worldview The paper considers the essentials of the Gospel that influence the construction of the Christian worldview and form a behavioral framework.
  • Progressivism and Its Role in American Social Construction Progressivism arose as political development, its center thought was that administration played a significant part in monetary guidelines and colonial government assistance.
  • Social Construction of Race and Gender in the United States and Brazil Being able to categorize the general population into specific groups based on certain characteristics is vital for understanding how people see themselves and others.
  • Social Construction of Gender. Sociology in Modules Sociobiology entails the scientific study of social behavior’s biological bases among humans and even animals. It assumes that such behavior arises from the evolution.
  • Role of Tribes in the Construction of Identity Sine tribes create a sense of belonging by reinforcing the significance of the marker of social hierarchy and the importance of compliance with set traditions.
  • Power Suburbs and the Construction of Race by Nicolaides & Wiese Becky M. Nicolaides and Andrew Wiese discuss suburbanization and its effects on racial segregation in postwar America.
  • Foodmart vs. Masterpiece Construction Dispute: Contract Formation The subcontracting of Masterpiece construction in the renovation of Foodmart’s Main Street store is valid and the former has the right to delegate its duties of the contract.
  • Construction Management: Organizations, Cash Flow & Controls on Site This paper discusses organizations, cash flow, and controls on-site: types of organizations, project cash flows, certification programs, cost control as a management tool.
  • Water Cooling Tower Construction Site’s Problems The paper highlights three major problems at the construction site. They are security, scheduling, and safety problems.
  • Critical Path Method in Construction Practice The critical path method has a significant role to play in managing resources on construction projects by relating time and money.
  • The Deployment of WLAN (WI-FI) on Open Area Construction Projects This paper sets out to illustrate that implementation of mobile communication technologies in the construction industry is not only technologically and economically feasible.
  • Race: Genetic or Social Construction One of the most challenging questions the community faces today is the following: whether races were created by nature or society or not.
  • Tunnel Design and Construction The paper concerns the many significant advances in technology that have facilitated tremendous growth in the tunneling industry.
  • Construction of the Sense of Meaning and Identity The most contributing factors to the construction of human sense of meaning and identity are relational processes between person and group, as well as different social processes.
  • Gender Construction and Heterosexism Homophobia, or the aversion for people who have same-sex preferences, are categorized under personal, interpersonal, institutional and societal.
  • The Study of the Construction Methods for Firefighters The study of the construction methods allows the fire officers to predict the effects of the demolition and possible way to preserve the construction in a better condition.
  • Construction Companies and Ethics Many construction companies do not have an ethical program at all. It is important that people in the company undergo training in order to understand the ethical standards that have been set.
  • Construction Law. Negligence, Tort and Duty of Care The cases Chapman v. Hearse and Voli v IngleWoodshire Council are both legal cases that were tried in the High Court of Australia in the years 1961 and 1963 respectively.
  • Shortage of Skilled Workers and Its Impacts in Middle East Construction Industry Presently there is a huge shortage of structural and civil engineers, project managers, safety managers, on-site supervisors and tradesman, like welders and fitters.
  • Construction. The Hines Group and Babcock & Brown The Hines Group and Babcock & Brown provide the highest standards of security of workers and the best organization of the material delivery, storage, and usage.
  • The Construction Industry in Australia. The construction industry in Australia commands some significant linkages with other key sectors, and this has led to its major impact on the economy.
  • The Range of Regulations Applicable to Health and Safety in Construction The regulatory systems have done more good than bad in the general growth of safety conditions for workers in the European Union.
  • Carillion Construction Company’s Story of Decline This report analyses the Carillion company’s performance, identifies some causes for its decline, and discusses the roles of the directors and auditors in it.
  • Generational Differences in Galliford Try Construction Industry The study illuminates how various challenges affect the company and aligns them with theories such as transformational, authentic, servant leadership and leader-member exchange (LMX).
  • Sexual Orientation as a Social Construction and Reality Even if sexual orientation, gender roles, and sex are all socially constructed, it does not mean that they are not real.
  • “Uncoupling: The Social Construction of Divorce” by Robboy et al. This paper aims to analyze the article “Uncoupling: The Social Construction of Divorce” by Robboy et al. and summarize the main ideas from it.
  • Ethics: Tellico Dam Construction vs. Snail Darter Fish The argument against the Tellico dam construction concerns the role of the snail darter in the ecological system of the Little Mississippi River.
  • Poverty and Homelessness: Dimensions and Constructions With the growth of the economy and the failure of employment, the number of people living in poverty and without shelter increases.
  • Race as a Social Construction in the US The idea of the social construction of race is the basis on which modern theory refutes the initial assumptions used to justify the American practice of slavery.
  • Cultural Rift in the UAE Construction Industry This paper will explore cultural differences and organizational cultures in the UAE. It will also explore ways of harmonizing the two to minimize conflicts.
  • Portfolio Construction: Choosing a Suitable Investment Option Investing in trustworthy and promising ventures so that the specified goal can be achieved can be viewed as the secondary objective of the project.
  • Gray Construction Company’s Business Communication Gray Construction is a family-owned construction company that, by utilizing the system of open forums, tries to increase the success of business-related communications.
  • Truss Construction Shop Workplace Incident This paper analyzes the incident that occurred in the Truss Construction Shop when a worker was injured while performing his work with the help of a machine.
  • Quality Improvement in the Construction Industry’ Context Focusing on quality improvement is essential in the context of a multicultural corporation. The introduction of the Six Sigma DMAIC framework was tested as a possible tool.
  • Construction Company’s Staff’s Quality Performance The purpose of the study is the identification of the links between the application of the diversity-related strategies, the motivation of the employees, and the staff’s rates.
  • Madina Azahra Palace Construction Medina Azahara means the City of Flowers and it represents the ruins of the fortified Arab Muslim medieval palace in Spain. The palace was built in 929 by Abd al-Rahman.
  • Social Construction of Technologies: Tablet Computer This paper is aimed at discussing the development of such a technology as the tablet computer. In particular, it is necessary to apply such a concept as social construction.
  • “The Construction of Homosexuality” a Book by David Greenberg The book, The Construction of Homosexuality by David Greenberg presents the reflection of the author on historical timeline of the struggle by homosexuals to get their rights.
  • Construction of the America’s Great Wall The paper highlights some of the reasons why the Great Wall was a bad idea. The government realized that the control act did not give the expected results.
  • Social Community Constructions, Expected Social Conduct, and Economic Structures Within the Society This paper outlines social community constructions, expected social conduct, and economic structures within the society.
  • Intermediate Institutions and Technology Transfer in Developing Countries: Construction Industry in Ghana
  • Building for the Future: The Potential Importance of the Construction Industry in Welsh Economic Development Policy
  • Global Construction Equipment Market Industry Analysis
  • Waste Processing Plants Construction in Saudi Arabia
  • Investigation Into Waste Management on Construction Sites in South Western Nigeria
  • Waste Processing Plants Construction in India
  • Improving Health and Safety on Construction in Romania
  • Channel Tunnel Construction: Project Management
  • Indonesia Residential Construction: Market Update
  • Improving Higher Education for Construction Management
  • Worker’s Attitudes Towards Safety in the Construction Field
  • Case Studies About Australian Construction Firms
  • Chinese Culture and Successful Implementation of Partnering in Singapore’s Construction Industry
  • Iowa River Bridge Steel Method Construction
  • Civil Engineering: Bridge Construction Issues
  • Good Research Paper About Planning of Construction of Tall Buildings
  • Transforming Municipal Solid Waste Into Construction Materials
  • Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plants Construction in India to 2019
  • Building Information Modelling Analysis Construction
  • Ethical Case Study Bhopal Disaster Construction
  • Global Market for Agricultural and Construction Equipment
  • Ireland Industrial Construction: Market Update
  • Incorporating the Lean Cell Process Into Repair Stations Construction
  • Environmental Impacts From Dam Construction
  • Improving Construction Site Safety
  • Internet Marketing Strategy for Small Construction Firms
  • Cdm Baseline Construction for Vietnam National Electricity Grid
  • Analyzing the Malaysian Construction Industry
  • Building Plan Commission, Construction, and Alterations
  • Commercial Bank Lending Practices and the Development of Black-Owned Construction Companies
  • Industry Research- Construction, Homebuilding
  • Housing Demand and Residential Construction in Thailand
  • Establishing Quantitative Indicators for Measuring the Partnering Performance of Construction Projects in Hong Kong
  • Establishing the Association Between Collaborative Working and Construction Project Performance Based on Client and Contractor Perceptions
  • Institutional Capacity for Climate Change Responses: An Examination of Construction and Pathways in Mexico City and Santiago
  • Innovative Construction Technology for Affordable Mass Housing in Tanzania, East Africa
  • Collaboration Environments for Small and Medium-Sized Architecture, Engineering and Construction Enterprises
  • Total Quality Management and the Learning Organization: A Dialogue for Change in Construction
  • Client-Led Strategies for Construction Supply Chain Improvement
  • Indian Construction Industry and Risk Assessment Construction
  • Analyzing the Drivers for Early Contractor Involvement Adoption by Construction Clients
  • International Construction: Floor Packaging Method
  • How Dilation Was Used in the Construction of the Pyramids of Egypt
  • Workplace Injuries and Fatalities in the UK Industry Construction
  • Close Entanglements: Aligning the Construction and Finance Industries
  • Interaction Between the Economic Growth and the Construction Industry
  • Germany’s Construction Industry: Stabilization on the Horizon
  • Welfare Facilities During Construction Work
  • The Ethical Issue, or Issues, Affecting the Construction Industry Today
  • Whether the Construction Industry Is the Pillar Industry in Hong Kong?
  • United Kingdom Residential Construction: Market Update
  • Issues, Problems and Risks in Construction Projects and Ways of Mitigating Them
  • Good Faith and Co-operation Under Construction Contracts in UK
  • Health and Safety Considerations for the Construction
  • Worker Flows, Entry and Productivity in the New Zealand Construction Industry
  • Building Methods and Policies That Govern the Construction
  • Building Construction Types for People in the Fire Service Field
  • Ziggurats Their Construction and Uses in Ancient Mesopotamia Irrigation Systems
  • Greece Industrial Construction: Market Update
  • Business E-solutions for Small Construction Companies
  • Architect E.j Lennox’s American Courthouse Construction
  • Houston and the Global Market for Engineering and Construction
  • Waste Minimizing and Recycling in Construction
  • Understanding the Divergence Between Output and Employment in the UK Construction Industry
  • Information Technology and the Construction Contractor
  • Capital Structure and Return on Capital Employed of Construction Companies in Nigeria
  • Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Sharing, and Innovation Performance: Evidence From the Chinese Construction Industry
  • Workflow Software for Building and Construction Companies
  • German Construction Industry: New Residential Construction at Cyclical Peak – Public Construction Gaining Ground
  • Transaction-Related Issues and Construction Project Performance
  • Chinese Urban Residential Construction to 2040
  • Work Health and Safety, Competitive Advantage, and Organisational Performance in Small Construction Firms

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 179 Construction Research Topics & Essay Examples. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/construction-essay-topics/

"179 Construction Research Topics & Essay Examples." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/construction-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2021) '179 Construction Research Topics & Essay Examples'. 9 September.

1. StudyCorgi . "179 Construction Research Topics & Essay Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/construction-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "179 Construction Research Topics & Essay Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/construction-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "179 Construction Research Topics & Essay Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/construction-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Construction were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on June 21, 2024 .

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101 ideal construction dissertation topics.

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101 Ideal Construction Dissertation Topics

Construction management assignments demand much dedication and care. The importance of the construction assignment increases if it is a construction dissertation . You cannot blindly rely on any dissertation writing services for such projects. Construction topics demand specialized experts in the field of civil engineering, construction methods, building regulations, environmental considerations, and many others. 

Helpwithassignment.com boasts a huge array of construction management experts who have produced many A+ graded construction dissertation assignments . Their experience and depth in the matter make us the number #1 construction assignment help service in the world. 

From topic selection to the execution of the entire dissertation our c onstruction assignment experts will guide you through every step of your construction assignment project . In the meantime you can browse through some of the construction dissertation topics listed below: 

101 Best Construction Dissertation Topics

  • Sustainable Construction Practices: Innovations and Implementation
  • Building Information Modeling (BIM) and its Impact on Construction Project Management
  • Green Building Certifications: Evaluating Environmental Performance
  • Construction Safety Management: Strategies for Preventing Accidents
  • Offsite Construction Methods and their Advantages in Project Delivery
  • Infrastructure Development in Developing Countries: Challenges and Solutions
  • Construction Project Risk Management: Identifying and Mitigating Risks
  • The Role of Technology in Modern Construction: Drones, Robotics, AI, etc.
  • Urban Development and Infrastructure Planning: Sustainable Cities
  • Lean Construction Principles and their Application in Project Management
  • Sustainable Materials in Construction: Evaluation and Utilization
  • Construction Procurement Strategies: Comparing Traditional vs. Modern Approaches
  • Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) in Construction Projects
  • Smart Buildings: IoT Integration and Automation in Construction
  • Construction Contract Management: Best Practices and Dispute Resolution
  • Cost Estimation and Control in Construction Projects
  • Building Resilience: Disaster-Resistant Construction Techniques
  • Affordable Housing Solutions: Innovative Approaches in Construction
  • Construction Waste Management and Recycling
  • Innovative Materials in Structural Engineering: Durability and Performance
  • Prefabrication and Modular Construction: Efficiency and Quality Improvement
  • Adaptive Reuse of Buildings: Sustainability in Retrofitting Projects
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Construction Practices
  • Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure Development
  • Health and Well-being in Construction: Improving Worksite Environments
  • Renovation and Restoration of Heritage Buildings: Preservation Techniques
  • Digital Twins in Construction: Applications and Benefits
  • Ethics and Sustainability in Construction Industry Practices
  • Building Resilient Infrastructure for Extreme Weather Events
  • Construction Technology Adoption: Barriers and Facilitators
  • Mass Timber Construction: Advantages and Challenges
  • Energy-Efficient Construction: Passive House Design and Implementation
  • Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) in Construction: Evaluating Environmental Impacts
  • Construction Project Management in Developing Countries
  • Building Envelope Design and Performance in Sustainable Construction
  • Resilient Infrastructure Planning for Climate Change Adaptation
  • The Role of Building Regulations in Ensuring Construction Quality and Safety
  • Net-Zero Energy Buildings: Design and Performance Analysis
  • Green Roof Systems: Benefits and Implementation in Urban Areas
  • Advanced Construction Materials for High-Rise Buildings
  • Integrated Sustainable Design and Planning in Construction Projects
  • Infrastructure Finance and Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)
  • Building Retrofit Strategies for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability
  • Circular Economy Principles in Construction: Waste Reduction and Reuse
  • Sustainable Water Management in Construction Projects
  • Innovative Foundation Design and Construction Techniques
  • Smart Cities and Intelligent Infrastructure Development
  • Resilient Bridge Design and Infrastructure for Natural Disasters
  • Risk Assessment and Management in Large-Scale Construction Projects
  • The Use of Renewable Energy in Construction Projects
  • Industrialized Construction Methods: Advancements and Applications
  • Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Construction
  • Green Infrastructure Planning and Implementation in Urban Areas
  • Construction Site Management: Technology Integration for Efficiency
  • Sustainable Transportation Systems and Infrastructure
  • Safety Culture in Construction: Promoting Health and Safety Practices
  • Post-Disaster Reconstruction and Resilience Building
  • Energy-Efficient HVAC Systems in Building Construction
  • Sustainable Design Criteria for Residential Buildings
  • Innovative Techniques in Bridge Construction and Maintenance
  • Climate-Responsive Architecture and Building Design
  • Construction Innovation and Adoption: Case Studies and Success Factors
  • Green Concrete Technology: Sustainable Building Material
  • Building Information Management (BIM) for Facility Management
  • Innovative Approaches to Retrofitting Existing Infrastructure
  • Urban Renewal and Regeneration Projects: Case Studies
  • Collaborative Contracting Models in Construction Projects
  • Construction Project Governance and Stakeholder Management
  • Resilient Infrastructure Planning for Sea Level Rise
  • Timber Construction: Advancements and Challenges
  • Technology Integration in Construction Equipment and Machinery
  • Resilient Coastal Infrastructure Development
  • Sustainable Roadway Design and Construction
  • Affordable and Sustainable Housing Solutions for Developing Nations
  • Advanced Techniques in Structural Health Monitoring
  • Green Infrastructure for Stormwater Management
  • Accessibility and Universal Design in Construction
  • Building Resilient Infrastructure for Earthquake-Prone Regions
  • Sustainable Construction and Waste Reduction Strategies
  • Advancements in Seismic Retrofitting Techniques
  • Construction Health and Safety Training Programs
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems in Infrastructure Development
  • Sustainable Materials and Methods for Pavement Construction
  • Construction Project Delivery Systems: Pros and Cons
  • Urban Redevelopment: Revitalizing Aging Infrastructure
  • Sustainable Practices in Tall Building Construction
  • The Role of Public Perception in Sustainable Construction Adoption
  • Innovations in Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure Projects
  • Environmental Impact Assessment in Construction Projects
  • Safety Culture and Behavior-Based Safety in Construction
  • Sustainable Construction Policies and Government Initiatives
  • Technology Integration for Disaster-Resilient Infrastructure
  • Design for Deconstruction and Reuse in Construction
  • Sustainable Practices in Construction Supply Chain Management
  • Infrastructure Development for Smart and Connected Communities
  • Construction Waste Reduction Strategies and Best Practices
  • Disaster-Resilient Housing Design and Construction
  • Urban Transportation Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility
  • Renewable Energy Integration in Infrastructure Development
  • Construction Industry Digital Transformation: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Innovations in Construction Project Financing and Investment

These are a few of the topics we have catered to in the recent past. At Helpwithassignment.com we have an extremely talented pool of construction dissertation writers and they can suggest you well-organized thesis topics and help you with your dissertation. 

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How to Choose a Dissertation Topic | 8 Steps to Follow

Published on November 11, 2022 by Shona McCombes and Tegan George. Revised on November 20, 2023.

Choosing your dissertation topic is the first step in making sure your research goes as smoothly as possible. When choosing a topic, it’s important to consider:

  • Your institution and department’s requirements
  • Your areas of knowledge and interest
  • The scientific, social, or practical relevance
  • The availability of data and resources
  • The timeframe of your dissertation
  • The relevance of your topic

You can follow these steps to begin narrowing down your ideas.

Table of contents

Step 1: check the requirements, step 2: choose a broad field of research, step 3: look for books and articles, step 4: find a niche, step 5: consider the type of research, step 6: determine the relevance, step 7: make sure it’s plausible, step 8: get your topic approved, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about dissertation topics.

The very first step is to check your program’s requirements. This determines the scope of what it is possible for you to research.

  • Is there a minimum and maximum word count?
  • When is the deadline?
  • Should the research have an academic or a professional orientation?
  • Are there any methodological conditions? Do you have to conduct fieldwork, or use specific types of sources?

Some programs have stricter requirements than others. You might be given nothing more than a word count and a deadline, or you might have a restricted list of topics and approaches to choose from. If in doubt about what is expected of you, always ask your supervisor or department coordinator.

Start by thinking about your areas of interest within the subject you’re studying. Examples of broad ideas include:

  • Twentieth-century literature
  • Economic history
  • Health policy

To get a more specific sense of the current state of research on your potential topic, skim through a few recent issues of the top journals in your field. Be sure to check out their most-cited articles in particular. For inspiration, you can also search Google Scholar , subject-specific databases , and your university library’s resources.

As you read, note down any specific ideas that interest you and make a shortlist of possible topics. If you’ve written other papers, such as a 3rd-year paper or a conference paper, consider how those topics can be broadened into a dissertation.

After doing some initial reading, it’s time to start narrowing down options for your potential topic. This can be a gradual process, and should get more and more specific as you go. For example, from the ideas above, you might narrow it down like this:

  • Twentieth-century literature   Twentieth-century Irish literature   Post-war Irish poetry
  • Economic history   European economic history   German labor union history
  • Health policy   Reproductive health policy   Reproductive rights in South America

All of these topics are still broad enough that you’ll find a huge amount of books and articles about them. Try to find a specific niche where you can make your mark, such as: something not many people have researched yet, a question that’s still being debated, or a very current practical issue.

At this stage, make sure you have a few backup ideas — there’s still time to change your focus. If your topic doesn’t make it through the next few steps, you can try a different one. Later, you will narrow your focus down even more in your problem statement and research questions .

There are many different types of research , so at this stage, it’s a good idea to start thinking about what kind of approach you’ll take to your topic. Will you mainly focus on:

  • Collecting original data (e.g., experimental or field research)?
  • Analyzing existing data (e.g., national statistics, public records, or archives)?
  • Interpreting cultural objects (e.g., novels, films, or paintings)?
  • Comparing scholarly approaches (e.g., theories, methods, or interpretations)?

Many dissertations will combine more than one of these. Sometimes the type of research is obvious: if your topic is post-war Irish poetry, you will probably mainly be interpreting poems. But in other cases, there are several possible approaches. If your topic is reproductive rights in South America, you could analyze public policy documents and media coverage, or you could gather original data through interviews and surveys .

You don’t have to finalize your research design and methods yet, but the type of research will influence which aspects of the topic it’s possible to address, so it’s wise to consider this as you narrow down your ideas.

It’s important that your topic is interesting to you, but you’ll also have to make sure it’s academically, socially or practically relevant to your field.

  • Academic relevance means that the research can fill a gap in knowledge or contribute to a scholarly debate in your field.
  • Social relevance means that the research can advance our understanding of society and inform social change.
  • Practical relevance means that the research can be applied to solve concrete problems or improve real-life processes.

The easiest way to make sure your research is relevant is to choose a topic that is clearly connected to current issues or debates, either in society at large or in your academic discipline. The relevance must be clearly stated when you define your research problem .

Before you make a final decision on your topic, consider again the length of your dissertation, the timeframe in which you have to complete it, and the practicalities of conducting the research.

Will you have enough time to read all the most important academic literature on this topic? If there’s too much information to tackle, consider narrowing your focus even more.

Will you be able to find enough sources or gather enough data to fulfil the requirements of the dissertation? If you think you might struggle to find information, consider broadening or shifting your focus.

Do you have to go to a specific location to gather data on the topic? Make sure that you have enough funding and practical access.

Last but not least, will the topic hold your interest for the length of the research process? To stay motivated, it’s important to choose something you’re enthusiastic about!

Most programmes will require you to submit a brief description of your topic, called a research prospectus or proposal .

Remember, if you discover that your topic is not as strong as you thought it was, it’s usually acceptable to change your mind and switch focus early in the dissertation process. Just make sure you have enough time to start on a new topic, and always check with your supervisor or department.

If you want to know more about the research process , methodology , research bias , or statistics , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.


  • Sampling methods
  • Simple random sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Cluster sampling
  • Likert scales
  • Reproducibility


  • Null hypothesis
  • Statistical power
  • Probability distribution
  • Effect size
  • Poisson distribution

Research bias

  • Optimism bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Implicit bias
  • Hawthorne effect
  • Anchoring bias
  • Explicit bias

Formulating a main research question can be a difficult task. Overall, your question should contribute to solving the problem that you have defined in your problem statement .

However, it should also fulfill criteria in three main areas:

  • Researchability
  • Feasibility and specificity
  • Relevance and originality

All research questions should be:

  • Focused on a single problem or issue
  • Researchable using primary and/or secondary sources
  • Feasible to answer within the timeframe and practical constraints
  • Specific enough to answer thoroughly
  • Complex enough to develop the answer over the space of a paper or thesis
  • Relevant to your field of study and/or society more broadly

Writing Strong Research Questions

You can assess information and arguments critically by asking certain questions about the source. You can use the CRAAP test , focusing on the currency , relevance , authority , accuracy , and purpose of a source of information.

Ask questions such as:

  • Who is the author? Are they an expert?
  • Why did the author publish it? What is their motivation?
  • How do they make their argument? Is it backed up by evidence?

A dissertation prospectus or proposal describes what or who you plan to research for your dissertation. It delves into why, when, where, and how you will do your research, as well as helps you choose a type of research to pursue. You should also determine whether you plan to pursue qualitative or quantitative methods and what your research design will look like.

It should outline all of the decisions you have taken about your project, from your dissertation topic to your hypotheses and research objectives , ready to be approved by your supervisor or committee.

Note that some departments require a defense component, where you present your prospectus to your committee orally.

The best way to remember the difference between a research plan and a research proposal is that they have fundamentally different audiences. A research plan helps you, the researcher, organize your thoughts. On the other hand, a dissertation proposal or research proposal aims to convince others (e.g., a supervisor, a funding body, or a dissertation committee) that your research topic is relevant and worthy of being conducted.

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McCombes, S. & George, T. (2023, November 20). How to Choose a Dissertation Topic | 8 Steps to Follow. Scribbr. Retrieved July 16, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/research-process/dissertation-topic/

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Thesis Topics for Architecture :20 topics related to Sustainable Architecture

dissertation topics for construction students

Sustainable architecture is the architecture that minimizes the negative environmental impact of buildings. It aims at solving the problems of society and the ecosystem. It uses a selective approach towards energy and the design of the built environment. Most often sustainability is being limited to the efficient water heater or using high-end technologies. It is more than that. It is sometimes about creating awareness among people and communities about how we can coexist in the natural environment. Sustainable architecture is a means to enter the context in a natural way, planning and deciding the materials before the construction that have very few negative effects on the environment. Here are 20 Thesis topics for architecture related to Sustainable Architecture:

1. Urban Park | Thesis Topics for Architecture

To make a city livable and sustainable, urban parks play a key role to provide a healthy lifestyle for the residents of the city. It provides transformative spaces for the congregation and community development . Public parks are very crucial within the cities because they are often the only major greenery source for the area.

20 Thesis topics related to Sustainable Architecture - Sheet1

2. Neighborhood Development

There is always a challenge to implement sustainable development at a very local level. Thus, urban sprawl, environmental degradation, and traffic congestion have made it necessary to look at problems at the basic level. In cities, there is an extra opportunity to develop a sustainable neighborhood that incorporates energy-efficient buildings, green materials, and social infrastructures.

3. Community Garden Design | Thesis Topics for Architecture

Community gardens are the latest trend for sustainable living in urban areas due to rising health issues in the cities. It helps promote farming as an activity where locals can also get involved in the activities and encourage them to use gardens as recreational spaces. The gardens assist in the sustainable development of urban areas.

20 Thesis topics related to Sustainable Architecture - Sheet2

4. Waste Recycling Center

Waste recycling centers can be one of the great thesis topics for architecture since waste recycling is always seen as a burden on the city. But it can be converted into an opportunity by incorporating its function and value into the urban fabric . Waste to energy plants or waste recycling centers can be integrated with public functions that engage communities.

20 Thesis topics related to Sustainable Architecture - Sheet3

5. Restoration of Heritage/Old Building

Building restoration is the process of correctly exposing the state of a historical building, as it was in the past with respecting its heritage value. India has many heritage buildings including forts, temples , buildings which are in deteriorated conditions and need to be restored. Thus, it helps to protect our heritage of the past.

6. Rehabilitation Housing | Thesis Topics for Architecture

Rehabilitation housing is temporary housing made to accommodate people who vacate the colonies that are required to redevelop. Rehabilitation housing also accommodates peoples who get affected by natural calamity and are displaced due to that.

7. Riverfront Development

The development of a riverfront improves the quality of built and unbuilt spaces while maintaining a river-city relationship. It provides an identity to the stretch of the land which can include the addition of cultural and recreational activities. Various public activities and spaces are incorporated to develop the life and ambiance on the riverfront which leads to the environment and economic sustainability.

20 Thesis topics related to Sustainable Architecture - Sheet4

8. SMART Village | Thesis Topics for Architecture

SMART village is a modern initiative to develop rural villages and provide them with basic amenities, education, health, clean drinking water, sanitation, and environmental sustainability. It aims to strengthen rural communities with new technologies and energy access.

9. Net-Zero Energy Building

A lot of energy goes into the building sector which can be reduced by incorporating energy-efficient techniques and innovations. The Net Zero Energy Building (NZEB) produces as much energy as it consumes over the year, and sometimes more. NZEB can be applied to various typologies such as industrial, commercial, and residential. Due to emerging concerns over climate change, these buildings are a new trend nowadays.

20 Thesis topics related to Sustainable Architecture - Sheet5

10. Bermed Structure

The bermed structure is a structure that is built above ground or partially below the ground, with earth covering at least one wall. In extreme climatic conditions, a bermed structure protects from both heat and cold. The structure can be any typology be it residence, museum, or exhibition hall. These types of buildings are very energy efficient but extra care is needed to be given to waterproofing.

11. Regenerative Design

Regenerative design is active participation in engaging in the natural environment. It focuses on reducing the environmental impacts of a building on the natural surroundings through conservation and performance. While green building improves energy efficiency, the regenerative building improves the ecosystem as it will support habitats for living organisms.

20 Thesis topics related to Sustainable Architecture - Sheet7

12. Urban Agriculture Centre

Urban agriculture centers accommodate the space for cultivating, processing, and distribution of food in any urban area. The center helps to improve the quality of life and provides them healthy options to eat. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and meat products through the center improves food safety. The center can also be made a learning hub for people to collaborate and share their knowledge of sustainable food production. It can create awareness and improve the eating habits of people.

20 Thesis topics related to Sustainable Architecture - Sheet8

13. Revitalizing Abandoned Mill or Industry

Mills and industries are an important aspect of developing an urban area. They invoke the image of industrial development, invention, and success in their times. Thus, by revitalizing the abandoned mill, one can preserve the city’s old fabric.

14. Eco-Tourism Center

Eco-tourism center caters to the need to maintain the ecosystem with least intervention on the life of plants and wildlife. It also provides responsible travel to the people to the natural areas. The center also consists of research laboratories, data analysis and conducts studies to spread awareness among the locals about the ecosystems.

20 Thesis topics related to Sustainable Architecture - Sheet9

15. The Revival of a Heritage Building

Revival is a process of improvement in the condition and fortunes of the building, without losing its traditional spirit. When we talk about sustainability, Heritage revival is not paid any proper attention. On the other hand, it has a great opportunity to improve our rich culture’s heritage. It can provide positive impacts on the well-being of society as well as economic development.

16.Adaptive Reuse of a Building

Adaptive reuse is a process of retrofitting old structures for new users but retaining their earlier integrity to meet the new needs of the occupants. Thus, the best thing or feel about the building is preserved and developed in a modified way. It gives a new life to the building and removes the need to demolish the structure.

17. Redevelopment of Slum

Redevelopment of the slum is done to improve the urban sprawl created by the slums and no new land is available for the new construction. In current scenarios in many cities, urban slums are a major concern due to unhygienic and unstable living conditions. The redevelopment aims to give priority to health, livelihood, sanitation, and infrastructure without removing people from the site.

20 Thesis topics related to Sustainable Architecture - Sheet10

18. Vertical Farm | Thesis Topics for Architecture

A vertical farm is a structure/space in a greenhouse or a field where food production takes place on vertically inclined planes. It often includes agriculture that optimizes plant growth, and soilless techniques like aquaponics, hydroponics, etc. The farming systems can be made on buildings, ship containers, or mine shafts.

20 Thesis topics related to Sustainable Architecture - Sheet11

19. Wetland Restoration

A degraded wetland is restored which has been destroyed earlier on the land it has been at or still is. Restoration practices include re-establishment and rehabilitation. Wetland restoration is important to maintain ecology, wildlife habitat, and they contribute to economic well-being also.


20. Eco-Mosque | Thesis Topics for Architecture

Eco-mosque is an environmentally friendly and zero energy mosque with the perception towards modernity with sustainability. The Mosque is the epicenter of the community and an important learning place to amplify the environmental stewardship responsibilities. The Eco Mosque is a one-of-a-kind structure designed completely on green technology, being sustainable & with the minimum carbon footprint.

dissertation topics for construction students

Madiha Khanam is an architect and an enthusiast writer. She approaches writing as a creative medium to pen-down her thoughts just like drawing and illustrating. She loves to read and write about architecture, engineering, and psychology. Besides, she loves to watch anime.

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Sample Dissertations

Sample Dissertations | University Dissertations | Dissertation Examples

Construction Management Dissertation Topics

Construction management dissertation topics and building studies dissertations.

Construction Management Dissertation Topics – At study-aids.co.uk we have many questions fielded to us relating to building studies dissertation topics . This takes into quantity surveying and built environment students, we like to think that we can take a student from the stage of choosing a topic to writing a well-structured dissertation themselves. We feel that our dissertation collection contain the best case practice illustrated with numerous examples, case studies and references, all of which are a great source of inspiration.

Our collection of construction management dissertation topics cover key aspects such as research planning, data collection and methodology, as well as structuring and writing the dissertation, in fact, everything needed for a successful write-up. We urge you to take some time out and read through the vast construction dissertation titles we have to offer.

Our construction dissertations provide guidance on research formulation, methodologies, and methods specifically for construction students, the research we offer extends to cover many areas of concern in quantitative and qualitative research, including research ethics.

The dissertations we hold discuss the methods adopted for scientific and engineering research, model building and simulations, as well as methods employed for research into management, social and economic issues relating to the construction environment . We examine the requirements for data and analysis, including the important statistical factors and an array of qualitative techniques that enable construction students to appreciate what needs to be evaluated in devising how a dissertation should be structured. These factors should not be overlooked.

The construction dissertations we offer will help you in the problem solving stage, the dissertations will be of value to construction, quantity surveying, architecture and civil engineering students undertaking research, whether for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. As previously mentioned the dissertation collection covers many areas of concern in quantitative and qualitative research, including research ethics at all levels of study.

Below is a list of construction and building studies dissertations which reflects the key areas of academic interest and expertise found among construction students. You may already have a clear idea about what you want to research, but in order to help you through this process of topic selection, we have developed the list below;

Construction Dissertation – Difficulties in Implementing Lean Construction in The UK

Construction Dissertation – Implementation and Adoption of Photovoltaics (PV) in the UK

Construction Dissertation – Uutilization of Solar Thermal Energy in the UK

Construction Dissertation – Labour Shortages In The UK Construction Industry And Its Implications

Construction Dissertation – Timber Frame Housing, A Time Effective Solution

Choosing a Sample Dissertation

Choosing to assess our dissertations will provide practical guidance and will help to steer you into a position where you can develop a good dissertation by integrating your practical skills with academic theoretical tools delivered at your university.

We always start by discussing the dissertation structure, it starts with material that should be in the introduction and finishes with material that should be in the conclusion. The dissertation projects provide commentary on the kind of information that you should put in each chapter of your dissertation, supported by a variety of examples using a range of methodological designs.

Our dissertations focus on data collection, data analysis, reliability and validity, these are areas you need to pay close attention to. The qualitative and quantitative analysis contained within our dissertations will show you how to carry out a meticulous analysis while avoiding some of the complexity in statistical work, this is something that should not be afraid of.

You will see at first hand that our construction dissertations will help you to write a more innovative and thorough dissertation. For your own benefit you are strongly advised to choose from this list, but if you wish to research a different field, approach the member of staff you think most appropriate for your needs and discuss it.

About Our Construction Management Dissertation Topics

Our collection of Construction Management Dissertation Topics are ideal resources for students involved in research in building and quantity surveying and construction management. It is vitally important to remember that the content and presentation of your dissertation should be in accordance with your university guidelines . Feel free to add your additional comments to this post.

While the most common topics can vary depending on the current trends and issues in the industry, here are some of the most common construction management research topics:

  • Cost estimation and cost control in construction projects
  • Sustainable construction and green building practices
  • Building information modeling (BIM) and its impact on quantity surveying
  • Risk management and mitigation in construction projects
  • Procurement strategies and contract management
  • Value engineering and value management in construction projects
  • Project management and project delivery methods
  • Building maintenance and facility management
  • Construction management practices in developing countries
  • Quantity surveying and its role in public infrastructure projects
  • These topics cover a wide range of issues in the quantity surveying field and offer plenty of opportunities for original research and analysis

However, it’s important to conduct thorough research and choose a research topic that aligns with your interests, skills, and expertise.

Here are some advantages of conducting original research and writing a dissertation:

Developing critical thinking skills : Writing a dissertation requires a deep understanding of the research topic and the ability to critically analyze existing literature. This process helps to develop critical thinking skills that are valuable in many aspects of life.

Gaining expertise in a specific area : Conducting original research on a specific topic allows you to gain expertise in that area. This knowledge can be useful in future academic pursuits or in a professional career.

Contributing to the construction management field : By conducting original research, you have the opportunity to contribute new knowledge and insights to your field. This can help to advance the field and benefit society as a whole.

Demonstrating research skills : Writing a dissertation demonstrates your ability to plan and execute a research project, collect and analyze data, and communicate findings in a clear and concise manner. These skills are highly valued by employers and can be useful in many professional settings.

Enhancing construction career opportunities : A well-written dissertation can enhance your career opportunities by demonstrating your expertise and research skills to potential employers. It can also open doors to further academic pursuits, such as pursuing a degree or conducting further research.

In conclusion, conducting original research and writing a construction management dissertation has many advantages that cannot be obtained through buying pre-written dissertations. It allows you to develop critical thinking skills, gain expertise in a specific area, contribute to the field, demonstrate research skills, and enhance career opportunities.

Click Here To View Construction Management Dissertation Topics

Construction Management Dissertation Topics and Building Studies Dissertations

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Steve Jones

My name is Steve Jones and I’m the creator and administrator of the dissertation topics blog. I’m a senior writer at study-aids.co.uk and hold a BA (hons) Business degree and MBA, I live in Birmingham (just moved here from London), I’m a keen writer, always glued to a book and have an interest in economics theory. View all posts by Steve Jones

5 thoughts on “Construction Management Dissertation Topics”

Thanks so much Steve! I have been looking for example dissertations on construction and all I ever find is incomplete or a terrible quality of work. I purchased “Timber Frame Housing, A Time Effective Solution” and was blown away by the quality.

Thanks for the positive feedback. It makes all the hard work worthwhile.

You’re providing a great service here. I’ve been reading some of your other posts, and can’t believe how helpful this information is. I was actually feeling like a needed to look for some kind of class, or hire a tutor to get me through this, but your site is amazing and I’m learning a lot.

Thanks Cynthia. We do post a lot of material for free, as you already know.mim glad you’re finding it useful.

This blog post is a goldmine for anyone diving into the world of construction management! The range of dissertation topics covered is impressive, offering something for everyone, from sustainable building practices to the impact of new technologies. Each topic is well-explained and clearly relevant to current industry trends, making it a fantastic resource for students seeking inspiration. I especially appreciate the emphasis on real-world applications and the inclusion of emerging issues like digital construction and smart cities. This post not only sparks ideas but also provides a solid foundation for developing a comprehensive and impactful dissertation. Great work, and thanks for sharing such valuable insights.

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Construction Project Management involves overseeing the entire construction project from start to finish. While analysing the rising demand for management in construction or civil works, the importance of construction project management goes without saying. For the students of construction engineering, the selection of appealing and fascinating construction project management dissertation topics is highly essential.

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Top Quality Research Topics in Construction Project Management 2024

Construction project management project titles, how to write a good construction project management dissertation topic.

Creating the best thesis topics for construction management involves strategic thinking. Start by identifying a niche within project management, such as risk assessment, stakeholder communication, or sustainable construction practices . Formulate a concise and clear title that encapsulates your specific area of interest, ensuring your research aim aligns with addressing pertinent challenges or advancements in the field of construction project management.

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For more construction project management thesis topics, please keep checking our website as we keep adding new topics to our existing list of titles. GOOD LUCK!

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Dissertation Help UK : Online Dissertation Help

Best Construction Dissertation Topics, Ideas, and Samples

March 13, 2020

Dr Jana Martiskova

Click here to place an order for topic brief service to get instant approval from your professor.

Table of Contents

Construction dissertation topics are those that are related to construction and engineering. They should be written in such a way that they cover all the important aspects of the construction industry as well as its different areas and sub-disciplines of it.

Construction dissertation topics will include a preliminary introduction chapter discussing the topic under discussion, then a writing survey that will focus mainly on theories and models of technological development, followed by the construction dissertation itself. The research methodology part will also concentrate on the organization of sufficient data for analysis.

The structure of this kind of documentation is based on good writing style, appropriate use of references and lists, thorough organization, and the selection of a suitable format for the document type.

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Best Construction dissertation topics ideas from experts

Check out a few top picks of construction dissertation topics. These are the best construction dissertation topics created by our experts.

  • The role of BIM in construction project management
  • Sustainability in building design and construction
  • The use of drones in construction site inspections
  • The impact of 3D printing on the construction industry
  • The use of virtual reality in construction project management
  • The implementation of lean construction methods
  • The use of prefabrication and modular construction
  • The impact of the Internet of Things on the construction industry
  • The use of artificial intelligence in construction project management
  • The impact of climate change on construction design and materials
  • The use of green roofs in sustainable building design
  • The use of geothermal energy in building systems
  • The role of robots in construction
  • The use of 3D printing in the fabrication of building components
  • The use of VR in construction safety training
  • The impact of the sharing economy on the construction industry
  • The use of digital twin technology in construction project management
  • The use of big data in construction project management
  • The impact of Industry 4.0 on construction project management
  • The use of offsite construction methods
  • The impact of the circular economy on construction
  • The use of digital twins in building maintenance
  • The use of blockchain technology in construction project management
  • The use of augmented reality in construction
  • The impact of the gig economy on the construction industry
  • The use of smart building technology
  • The use of mobile technology in construction project management
  • The impact of autonomous vehicles on the construction industry
  • The use of 3D printing in the construction of infrastructure
  • The use of 5G technology in construction project management
  • The impact of the Internet of Things on building maintenance
  • The use of 3D printing in the construction of affordable housing
  • The use of AI in construction safety
  • The impact of the use of electric vehicles on construction site logistics
  • The use of 3D printing in the construction of disaster-resistant buildings
  • Understanding the engineering philosophy behind modern solar cooling technology
  • Studying the increasing trend of using photovoltaics, in building construction, in the markets of the United States
  • Evaluating the overall importance of waste management in the construction industry
  • Determining the ethical dilemmas surrounding the safety rules within the construction network
  • Diversity in the construction trade. Are women and minorities getting involved in the industry?
  • What can be done to increase their participation and decision-making?
  • Enhancing profitability. People do build homes and buildings to make money, but how can they increase their profitability without charging their customers higher prices?
  • Establish the Extent In Which Main Contractors Are Trying To Avoid The Adjudication Process
  • Research to study the damage caused to the construction projects due to the lack of workers on site.
  • Cite Operating Procedures: research the various safety measures for workers, contractors, and engineers working on construction sites.
  • Construction Safety ; is there a need to revise or re-model the practices/legislations, reviewing the accidental trends and role of legislation?
  • Procurement techniques; analyses of the most suited procurement strategies in the construction industry
  • Is there a need for an integrated model that can replace all other management tools?
  • Review of how the construction industry can be revolutionized through the use of state-of-the-art computer-aided techniques.

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  • An explanation why we choose this topic.
  • 2-3 research questions.
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Dissertation Topics


  • Updated on  
  • Apr 24, 2023

Dissertation Topics

The final step in a PhD or Master’s course is the submission of a dissertation . A dissertation is a research paper that summarises the research conducted and includes findings either on a question or a topic chosen by the student. It is important as it demonstrates a student’s knowledge of the subject and ability to use research methods to define a topic. Students are required to select a dissertation topic of their choice. Choosing a topic can be confusing so this blog helps you understand how to narrow down a dissertation topic and provides a list of dissertation topics in various disciplines.

This Blog Includes:

Empirical dissertation, non-empirical dissertation, different types of research methods for dissertation, how to choose a dissertation topic, list of dissertation topics subject-wise, economics dissertation topics, mba dissertation topics, medical dissertation topics, arts and humanities dissertation topics, law dissertation topics, science dissertation topics, social science dissertation topics, psychology dissertation topics, dissertation topics in education, what makes a good dissertation topic, types of dissertation.

There are mainly two types of dissertations- empirical and non-empirical. The choice of the dissertation depends mainly on your field of study.

An empirical dissertation involves collecting data and researching through methods where conclusions of the study are strictly drawn from concretely empirical evidence, and therefore “verifiable” evidence. It focuses on collecting and analyzing original data. Students can conduct research using qualitative and quantitative research methods like case studies, surveys, observation, laboratory experiments, and interviews.  Empirical research tests hypotheses in order to arrive at valid research outcomes and assumptions are tested.

A non-empirical dissertation involves the use of theoretical data and working with existing research or other texts, presenting original analysis, and argumentation, but there is no original data. It focuses more on theories, methods, and their implications for educational research. Non-empirical research theorizes the logical assumptions of research variables and assumptions are entirely theorized.

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Two types of primary research for the dissertation include qualitative and quantitative research methods:

  • Quantitative Research Methods gather information through numerical data. It is used to quantify opinions, behaviors, or other defined variables. It can be used to study a large group of people. The information is gathered by performing statistical, mathematical, or computational techniques. Examples of quantitative research methods include surveys, experimental research, correlational research, longitudinal study, cross-sectional, causal-Comparative research, descriptive research, etc
  • Qualitative research methods gather non-numerical data. It is used to find meanings, opinions, or underlying reasons from its subjects.  It is associated with studying human behavior from an informative perspective. It aims at obtaining in-depth details of the problem. Examples of qualitative research methods include case studies, Observational methods, one-on-one interviews, focus groups, text analysis, etc
  • Mixed method research is where quantitative and qualitative methods of research are combined

Also Read: Dissertation vs Thesis

When it comes to choosing a topic for your dissertation, many students find themselves confused. Here are some tips that will help you narrow down a topic for your dissertation:

  • First, check the requirements of your course
  • Since your dissertation and research will take time, probably months, you should select a topic that interests you. 
  • Start by brainstorming and researching your field of study
  • Get inspired by previous students’ work and research
  • Make a list of broad topics you find interesting. Shortlist the one on which you can do research.
  • Narrow down your topic by picking a niche
  • Try to pick something original and a small and specific topic. Remember not to be too vague or too narrow
  • Consider the type of research to want to perform and whether the topic has academic and social relevance
  • Ask your lecturers or supervisor for advice and get your topic approved

Here are all the subject-wise dissertation topics to explore:

  • Comparing the Economies of Developed  vs Developing Countries
  • How Social Networks Contribute to the Growth of the Global Economy
  • Covid-19 Implications on the Economy
  • Consumer Behavior and Eco-Friendly Production
  • Gender Wage Gap: Legislative and Ethical Issues Dealing with Salaries in Developing Countries
  • How China’s Production Influences the Global Economy
  • Micro-financing Institutions and the Level of Poverty in Developing Countries
  • How Oil Consumption Influences Global Economy
  • The impact of local and regional cultures on shaping entrepreneurial economic development.
  • How do habits and routines affect productivity? The case of (an industry).
  • Research to identify the impacts of Coronavirus on banking and the future of banking after the pandemic
  • How Globalization leads to Mergers and International Economic Cooperation
  •  Role of the World Bank in the International Economy
  • Technological innovations and their influence on green and environmental products.
  • Fiscal policy and the global economy: The scope for, and benefits from, international Coordination Fiscal and labor market policies in response to Covid-19 in different countries
  • Is Online Marketing Effective for Technological Startups?
  • How Globalization Impacts Small Business
  • The Specifics of Instagram Marketing and Advertisement Placement
  • Consumer behavior during a recession.
  • Brands Influencing Consumers Buying Behaviors – A Case Study On (Brand/Company)
  • The Influence Of Advertising On Consumer Behavior
  • Evaluation of best HR practices for improving employee commitment
  • Strategies to continually maintain customers’ satisfaction and trust levels in an electronic shopping
  • Surviving political turmoil
  • Digital marketing during the COVID-19 crisis.
  • Recent research and responses of various countries for the treatment of COVID-19.
  • Is it good to take antibiotics during the infection of microbes in the human body?
  • Exploring the ethical dilemmas faced by healthcare professionals during COVID-19: Establishing policies for best practice.
  • Management of Drug Dependency Programs
  • Detailed assessment of the long-term usage of steroids on the overall health conditions of individuals.
  • Communication and Public Health during the Pandemic
  • Implementation of Modern Recovery Programs in Hospital Care System
  • Challenges in recognizing rare infectious diseases
  • Epidemics versus pandemics
  • Sequelae and effective diabetes management
  • How Capitalism Contributed to the Development of Conceptual Art
  • Shift in Gender Roles in Marvel Comic Books in the Last 20 Years
  • Social Networks’ Impact on Slang Language
  • How has Globalization Influenced Cultural Relativism?
  • New Ethics in a Digital Age
  • Economical, Social and Political Causes and Results of the Great Depression
  • Effects of the Industrial Revolution concerning World War I.
  • Body Image and Social Construction of Normality
  • Warfare and Violence in Ancient Times
  • The history of design in various periods of human existence
  • How Gender Roles and Stereotypes Influence the Divorce Process
  • The Rise of Cyber Crimes and Punishments
  • Race Discrimination in Modern Law System
  • A deeper look at the history of the death penalty.
  • Did the US involvement in Iraq provide justice or violate the law?
  • Analyzing the impact of trade unions and their work
  • Assessing the mediating role of corporate social responsibility in companies’ performance.
  • Evaluating the implications of Brexit on the protection of intellectual property rights in the UK.
  • Section 377 and the Dignity of Indian Homosexuals
  • Legal Issue of Child Labor in the Third World Countries
  • Modern Technology that Contributes to Biology Science
  • Effects of Pesticide Use on the Quality of Water
  • The Concept of Uncertainty in Quantum Physics Based on Particle-Wave Duality
  • String Theory and Black Holes
  • Discovery of New Species: Can We Expect More?
  • How to Fight Mercury Contamination in the Environment
  • Could Ebola be Used As a Biological Weapon?
  • Solid-state physics and its modern implication in different fields.
  • The Future of Synthetic Chemistry
  • Nearby Galaxies and Young Stellar Clusters
  • Political Reasons Behind Gender Inequality
  • Tectonic Theory and Forecasting of Earthquakes
  • The role of mass media in the electoral process of a state or a country and how its influence dictates the results of an election.
  • The process of the formation of coral reefs and their use.
  • Effect of Deglaciation on the polar volcanoes
  • Contraction of One’s Identity in Urban Landscape
  • Youth Activism and Social Work
  • Emission profile of a fast-food restaurant
  • Post 9/11 Pakistan-Afghanistan relations and their impact on world politics
  • The gap between ideology and competency of foreign political powers
  • Correlation Between Raise of Social Networks and Anxiety Disorders Among Teenagers
  • Correlation Between Patient’s Immune System and Mental Health
  • Treating Strategies for Patients with PTSD
  • Preparing Patients With Anxiety to Return to the Workplace
  • Media violence and children
  • Relapse in the addictive behaviors
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) From A Neurosciences And Behavioural Approach
  • How does separation between parents cause distress among children
  • The mental health of homeless people
  • Why is there an increase in eating disorders among the youth?
  • Social Anxiety and social depression effects on an introverted child
  •  Workplace Bullying and its Psychological Impact on Employees’ Performance
  • Impact of Covid-19 on mental health
  • childhood trauma and outline its effects
  • A study of long-term psychological effects of divorce on the adult children of divorcees
  • Impact of the Internet on the social life of Students.
  • Educational assessment of students using virtual reality technologies
  • Interaction between students of different ethnicities based on a differentiated approach
  • Harassment Prevention of younger students in School
  • Illegal behavior of students in high-school 
  • Importance of self-studying for students
  • Development of Time management for students
  • Personal development of teachers in educational institutions
  • The role of Sustainability in educational institutions
  • The rising cost of academic education

Something that will allow you to produce “a polished piece of work within a limited amount of time and with a limited amount of cost.” A good dissertation topic seeks to challenge and subdue the existing assumptions and theories. It introduces a new and unique perspective on the status quo. Here are some defining factors of a good dissertation topic:

  • Choose a topic you love to research and unravel
  • A topic that challenges the pre-existing theories in your discipline
  • Seeks practical, philosophical, and social solutions and answers

Hopefully, this blog assisted you in finding out popular dissertation topics. If you require any assistance regarding your application process while enrolling for your further studies, our experts at Leverage Edu are just one click away. Call us anytime at 1800 572 000 for a free counseling session!

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7 Kinesiology Research Topics for a Dissertation

Kinesiology, the scientific study of human movement and physical performance, offers a broad array of research topics for dissertations. The field is evolving rapidly, with new findings and developments in exercise science, making it a rich ground for scholarly exploration. In this article, we’ll explore seven emerging kinesiology research topics, discuss how to formulate a dissertation topic, and outline what makes for a successful dissertation or research paper.

Research Topics for Kinesiology PhD Students

In a PhD program, students are expected to craft a unique dissertation that contributes to the field’s body of knowledge. Below are some detailed research topics for kinesiology PhD students, starting with biomechanics of injury prevention in sports.

1. Biomechanics of Injury Prevention in Sports

Injury prevention is a critical area in kinesiology. With the rise of high-intensity sports and physical exercise training programs, understanding the biomechanics behind injuries is crucial. Research can focus on identifying risk factors, developing new techniques or equipment to reduce injuries, or analyzing movement patterns that predispose athletes to specific injuries.

Formulation Tip: Narrow your focus to a particular sport or type of injury. For instance, “Biomechanical Analysis of ACL Injury Prevention in Female Soccer Players.”

2. Neuromuscular Adaptations to Strength Training

Neuromuscular adaptations are essential for improving athletic performance. This topic investigates how muscles and nerves adapt to different training regimens. Research can explore the differences in adaptations based on age, gender, or the type of strength and resistance training performed.

Formulation Tip: Consider a specific population or training method. For example, “Neuromuscular Adaptations in Elderly Adults Engaged in High-Intensity Interval Training.”

3. The Impact of Wearable Technology on Physical Activity and Health

Wearable technology, such as fitness trackers and smartwatches, has become ubiquitous in sport science. Research in this area can assess the accuracy of these devices, their impact on physical activity levels, and their potential to improve health outcomes.

Formulation Tip: Focus on a particular demographic or health outcome. For instance, “The Effectiveness of Wearable Fitness Trackers in Promoting Physical Activity Among Sedentary Office Workers.”

4. Psychological Factors in Athletic Performance

Exercise psychology plays a significant role in athletic performance. This research topic can delve into how mental health factors such as motivation, stress, and anxiety influence performance. It can also explore psychological interventions to enhance performance.

Formulation Tip: Choose a specific psychological factor and sport. For example, “The Role of Mental Toughness in Endurance Sports Performance.”

5. Exercise Physiology and Chronic Disease Management

Exercise physiology’s role in managing chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity is a growing research area. Studies can take an in-depth look at how different types of exercise affect disease progression and management.

Formulation Tip: Target a specific chronic disease and exercise type. For instance, “The Impact of Aerobic Exercise on Blood Glucose Control in Type 2 Diabetes Patients.”

6. Gender Differences in Sports Performance

Gender differences in sports performance remain a contentious and highly researched topic. This area can explore physiological, biomechanical, and psychological differences between male and female athletes and how these differences influence training and performance.

Formulation Tip: Focus on a specific aspect of performance. For example, “Gender Differences in Recovery Rates Following High-Intensity Interval Training.”

7. The Role of Nutrition in Athletic Performance

Nutrition is fundamental to athletic performance. Research can investigate the effects and health benefits of various diets, sports supplements, and hydration strategies on performance and recovery. This area is particularly relevant given the proliferation of new dietary trends and supplements.

Formulation Tip: Focus on a specific nutrient or dietary approach. For instance, “The Effects of Ketogenic Diet on Endurance Performance in Long-Distance Runners.”

Formulating Your Dissertation Topic

When formulating your dissertation topic, consider the following steps during the research process:

  • Identify Your Research Interests: Choose a topic that genuinely interests you, as you will be dedicating a significant amount of time and effort to this research.
  • Conduct an Existing Literature Review: This helps you understand the current state of research and identify gaps that your dissertation can fill.
  • Define Your Research Question: Your research question should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
  • Consult with Advisors: Seek input from your academic advisors and mentors to refine your potential kinesiology research paper topics to ensure their feasibility.
  • Consider the Scope: Ensure that your topic is neither too broad nor too narrow. It should be manageable within the time frame and resources available.

What Makes for a Successful Dissertation?

A successful dissertation in kinesiology should possess the following qualities:

  • Originality: Your research should contribute new knowledge or insights to the field.
  • Relevance: The topic should address a significant issue or gap in current research.
  • Methodological Rigor: Use appropriate and robust research methods to ensure the validity and reliability of your findings.
  • Clarity: Your writing should be clear, concise, and well-organized. Each section should logically flow into the next.
  • Comprehensive Literature Review: Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the existing research and how your work fits into the broader context.
  • Strong Data Analysis: Employ rigorous data analysis techniques and clearly present your findings.
  • Implications and Recommendations: Discuss the implications of your findings for practice, policy, and future research. Provide practical recommendations based on your results.

Contribute to the Field with CSP Global’s Kinesiology Program 

Choosing a dissertation topic in kinesiology can be challenging but immensely rewarding. By focusing on emerging and relevant research areas, you can contribute valuable insights to the field. Whether it’s the biomechanics of injury prevention or the psychological factors influencing athletic performance, your research can have a significant impact. Remember to formulate your topic carefully, ensure methodological rigor, and contribute original knowledge to make your dissertation a success.

CSP Global offers 100% online doctoral programs in kinesiology. Earn your PhD or EdD in our student-centered online programs. CSP Global’s kinesiology doctoral programs are taught by world-class instructors and provide students with opportunities to gain real-world experience in the field of health sciences. Students can expect to learn deep research methods, complete a research dissertation, and graduate ready to advance their careers in kinesiology.

Level up by earning your doctorate from CSP Global. If you’re interested in learning more about earning a Doctorate in Kinesiology please contact us .

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“The dance between autonomy and affinity creates morality”

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MIT philosophy doctoral student Abe Mathew believes individual rights play an important role in protecting the autonomy we value. But he also thinks we risk serious dysfunction if we ignore the importance of supporting and helping others.

“We should also acknowledge another feature of our moral lives,” he says, “namely, our need for affinity or closeness with other human beings, and our continued reliance on them to live flourishing lives in the world.”

Philosophy can be an important tool in understanding how humans interact with one another, he says. “I study moral obligation and rights, how the two relate, and the role they have to play in how we relate to one another,” Mathew adds.

Mathew asks that we think of autonomy and affinity as opposing forces — an idea he attributes to MIT philosopher, professor, and mentor  Kieran Setiya . Autonomy pushes people farther from us, and affinity pulls people closer, Mathew says.

“The dance between autonomy and affinity creates morality,” Mathew adds.

Mathew is investigating one of moral philosophy’s foundational ideas — that every obligation we owe to another person correlates to a right that they have against us. The “Correlativity Thesis” is widely taken for granted, he says.

“A common example that's used to motivate the Correlativity Thesis is a case of a promise,” Mathew explains. “If I promise to meet you for coffee at 11, then I have a moral obligation to meet you for coffee at 11, and you have a right to meet me at 11.” While Mathew believes this is how promising works, he doesn’t think the Correlativity Thesis is true across the board.

“There isn’t necessarily a one-to-one relationship between rights and obligations,” he says.

“We need folks’ help to do things”

Before coming to MIT, Mathew majored in philosophy and minored in ethics, law, and society as an undergraduate at the University of Toronto. Upon graduating in 2020, he was awarded the prestigious John Black Aird Scholarship, given each year to the university’s top undergraduate.

Now at MIT, Mathew says his research is based on the value of shared responsibility.

“We need folks’ help to do things,” he says.  

When we lose sight of moral values, our societal connections can fall away, he argues.

“Mutual cooperation makes our lives possible,” Mathew says.

His research suggests alternatives to the idea that rights demand obligations.

“Morality puts a certain kind of pressure on us to ‘pay it forward’ — it requires us to do for others what was once done for us,” Mathew says. “If we don’t, we’re making an exception of ourselves; in essence, we're saying, ‘I was worthy of that help from others, but no one else is worthy of being helped by me.’”

Mathew also values the notion of paying it forward because he’s seen its value in his life. “I’ve encountered so many people who’ve gone above and beyond that I owe them,” he says. 

A valuable social compact

Mathew has been extensively involved in “public philosophy.” For example, he’s organized public events at MIT, like the successful “Ask a Philosopher Anything” panel in the Stata Center lobby.

Mathew’s work leading the local chapter of  Corrupt the Youth , a philosophy outreach program focused on bringing philosophy to high schools students from historically marginalized groups, is an extension of his belief in our shared responsibility for one another — of “paying it forward.”

“The reason I discovered philosophy was because of my instructors in college who not only introduced me to the subject, but also cultivated my enthusiasm for it and mentored me,” he says. “Our moral theorizing should take into account the kinds of creatures we are: vulnerable human beings who are constantly in need of each other to get by in the world.”

Morality, Mathew says, gives us a tool — the social practice of forgiving — through which we can coexist, repair relationships we damage, and lead our lives together.

Mathew wants moral philosophers to consider their ideas’ practical, real-world applications. His experiences derive, in part, from notions of moral responsibility. Those who’ve been given a lot, he believes, have a greater responsibility for others. These kinds of social systems can consistently be improved by paying good deeds forward, he says.

“Moral philosophy should help build a world that allows for our mutual benefit,” Mathew says.

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  • Department of Linguistics and Philosophy

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    The "Correlativity Thesis" is widely taken for granted, he says. "A common example that's used to motivate the Correlativity Thesis is a case of a promise," Mathew explains. "If I promise to meet you for coffee at 11, then I have a moral obligation to meet you for coffee at 11, and you have a right to meet me at 11."