How to write a review or recommendation on any Facebook business page

  • You can write a review on Facebook to help others make an informed decision about a business.
  • To leave a review on Facebook, you can either recommend or not recommend a business. 
  • You can leave this recommendation directly on a Facebook business page.

If you've just been to a really great — or not so great — business, you probably want to tell someone about it. You could just post about it on social media, but that only goes to your friends. It would probably be more useful to let people who actually want the information know.

There are many ways to do that, but one way is to post on a business' Facebook page, if it has one. You don't have to leave a generic post on the page, and it's not the traditional star rating like you're used to either.

Facebook has changed their reviews to recommendations, which can include photos and tags in addition to text. Now, star ratings for a business are calculated by a combination of past reviews and customer recommendations. 

Here's everything you need to know about Facebook recommendations.

How are Facebook recommendations different from reviews?

While they serve a similar purpose, there are a few key differences between recommendations and reviews. 

First, Facebook reviews are visible to anyone on Facebook, while recommendations can be limited to just friends. Facebook reviews also have a star rating whilst recommendations do not.

What are the benefits of using Facebook recommendations?

When recommending a business, you can add photos to accompany your text and select tags to highlight key features about a business (like child-friendly or cozy atmosphere). 

Additionally, if one of your Facebook friends recommends a business, it will appear first on that Facebook page as well as on your friend's timeline.

How to write a review on Facebook

1. Go to the Facebook page of the business you want to review. 

2. Click the Reviews tab.

3. Underneath Do you recommend [Business Name]? click Yes or No .

4. Write your review about the business. Reviews must be at least 25 characters long.

5. In the Sharing section , select who will be able to see your review. You can choose just friends, or set it to public so that anyone can see it. When you're finished, click Post . 

how to give a facebook review

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How to Leave a Review on Facebook: A Step-by-Step Guide

Leaving a review on Facebook is pretty simple and quick. First, you need to find the page of the business or service you want to review. Once you’re on the page, look for the reviews section. Click on “Write a Review,” rate the business, and write your thoughts. After you’re done, just hit “Post,” and your review will be live.

Step-by-Step Tutorial on How to Leave a Review on Facebook

These steps will guide you through leaving a review on Facebook, ensuring your feedback is shared with others.

Step 1: Log in to Your Facebook Account

First, log in to your Facebook account using your username and password.

Make sure you have your login details handy. Without logging in, you won’t be able to leave a review.

Step 2: Search for the Business Page

Next, use the search bar at the top of the page to find the business or service you want to review.

Type the name of the business in the search bar and click on the correct page from the search results.

Step 3: Navigate to the Reviews Section

Once you’re on the business page, find the “Reviews” section. It is usually located on the left-hand side of the page.

Look for a tab labeled “Reviews” or a star icon. Click on it to proceed.

Step 4: Click on “Write a Review”

In the Reviews section, click on the button that says “Write a Review.”

This will open up a new window where you can write your review and rate the business.

Step 5: Rate the Business

Select a star rating for the business, ranging from 1 to 5 stars.

Your rating will help others gauge the quality of the business. Be honest!

Step 6: Write Your Review

Write your thoughts about the business in the text box provided.

Share your experience, what you liked or disliked, and any other details you think are important.

Step 7: Click “Post”

After writing your review, click the “Post” button to publish it.

Your review will now be visible to the public on the business’s Facebook page.

Once you complete these steps, your review will be live for others to see. It can help other potential customers make informed decisions.

Tips for Leaving a Review on Facebook

  • Be Honest: Always give truthful feedback based on your actual experience.
  • Be Specific: Provide specific details about what you liked or didn’t like.
  • Stay Respectful: Even if you had a bad experience, keep your language respectful.
  • Check Your Grammar: Make sure your review is easy to read by checking for spelling and grammar mistakes.
  • Use Relevant Keywords: This helps others find your review when they search for similar topics.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do i need a facebook account to leave a review.

Yes, you need to be logged in to your Facebook account to leave a review.

Can I edit my review later?

Yes, you can edit your review by going back to the Reviews section and clicking on your review.

What if the “Write a Review” button is missing?

Some businesses might have reviews disabled. In this case, you won’t be able to leave a review.

Are reviews on Facebook public?

Yes, reviews you post on Facebook are visible to anyone who visits the business’s page.

How do I delete my review?

You can delete your review by finding it in the Reviews section and clicking on the delete option.

  • Log in to your Facebook account.
  • Search for the business page.
  • Navigate to the Reviews section.
  • Click on “Write a Review.”
  • Rate the business.
  • Write your review.
  • Click “Post.”

Leaving a review on Facebook is a straightforward process that can have a big impact. Whether you had an amazing experience you want to share or encountered some hiccups, your review can help others make better decisions. Plus, businesses rely on feedback to improve and grow. So why not take a few minutes out of your day to leave a thoughtful review? It’s a small gesture that can make a big difference. For more tips on how to be an effective reviewer, check out our other articles. Happy reviewing!

Matthew Burleigh Solve Your Tech

Matthew Burleigh has been writing tech tutorials since 2008. His writing has appeared on dozens of different websites and been read over 50 million times.

After receiving his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science he spent several years working in IT management for small businesses. However, he now works full time writing content online and creating websites.

His main writing topics include iPhones, Microsoft Office, Google Apps, Android, and Photoshop, but he has also written about many other tech topics as well.

Read his full bio here.

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how to give a facebook review

Review’s Substack

how to give a facebook review

A Step-By-Step Guide On How To Write A Facebook Review

Unlocking the power of feedback: crafting your facebook review.

how to give a facebook review

In today's digital age, online reviews play a crucial role in shaping the reputation and success of businesses. Among the myriad of review platforms available for leaving reviews, Facebook stands out as one of the most popular and influential. With its extensive user base and easy accessibility, Facebook reviews can significantly impact a company's credibility and visibility.

Whether you've had an exceptional experience or encountered some issues with a business, sharing your feedback through a Facebook review can make a difference. If you're unsure how to get started, fear not!

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How To Write A Facebook Review - A Complete Guide

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of writing a Facebook review step by step:

1. Locate the Business Page :

The first step is to find the Facebook page of the business you want to review. You can do this by using the search bar at the top of your Facebook homepage . Type in the name of the business and select the correct page from the search results.

2. Navigate to the Reviews Section :

Once you're on the business page, scroll down until you find the "Reviews" section. This is where you'll see all the reviews that other users have left for the business.

3. Click on "Write a Review" :

In the Reviews section, you'll typically find a button that says "Write a Review" or something similar. Click on this button to start composing your review.

4. Choose Your Star Rating :

Facebook uses a five-star rating system, with one star being the lowest rating and five stars being the highest. Select the star rating that best reflects your overall experience with the business.

5. Write Your Review :

Now it's time to share your thoughts and feedback. Start by summarizing your experience briefly. Were you impressed by the quality of service? Did the product meet your expectations? Or were there any issues that you encountered? Be honest and specific in your review, and try to provide useful information for other potential customers.

6. Include Relevant Details :

If you're writing a positive review, mention specific aspects of the business that you appreciated, such as excellent customer service, fast shipping, or high-quality products. If your review is negative, try to be constructive and offer suggestions for improvement.

7. Proofread and Edit :

Before you hit the submit button, take a moment to proofread your review for any spelling or grammatical errors. A well-written and polished review will have more credibility and impact.

8. Submit Your Review :

Once you're satisfied with your review, click the "Post" or "Submit" button to publish it on the business's Facebook page .

9. (Optional) Edit or Delete Your Review :

If you later decide to edit or delete your review, you can do so by navigating back to the Reviews section on the business page and finding your review. Facebook allows users to edit or delete their Facebook reviews at any time.

10. Share Your Review (Optional) :

If you're particularly impressed with a business or want to help spread the word, consider sharing your review on your own Facebook timeline. This can help increase visibility for the business and encourage others to check them out.

By following these simple steps, you can easily write a Facebook review that provides valuable feedback to businesses and helps other users make informed decisions. Whether you're praising exceptional service or offering constructive criticism, your reviews can make a meaningful impact on the success of businesses in your community. So don't hesitate to share your experiences and opinions – your voice matters!


In conclusion, writing a Facebook review is a simple yet powerful way to share your experiences with businesses and contribute to the online community. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively communicate your feedback, whether it's positive or negative, and help others make informed decisions. Remember that your reviews have the potential to influence perceptions and shape the reputation of businesses, so approach the process thoughtfully and with integrity. Embrace the opportunity to share your voice and make a difference in the digital landscape.

Happy reviewing!

how to give a facebook review

Ready for more?

How to Write a Review on Facebook in 2024, 9 Easy Ways


Is it important to know how to write a review on Facebook?

Your local coffee house makes you a custom drink you love. Your handmade dress from Etsy arrived in perfect condition. And you can’t stop raving about the progress you’ve seen since working with a life coach. 

How can you show these businesses you care beyond continuing to make purchases?

What about leaving them a Facebook review?

If you have ever wondered, “How do I leave a review on Facebook,” this article is for you.

There are advantages of using Facebook to leave reviews.

With Facebook’s updates for Business Pages, it’s never been easier for people to interact with local businesses they love on social media . 

One of the main updates? 

Further developing the Recommendations feature, an enhanced version of the Facebook reviews system. 

Facebook understands people trust their online communities ’ input on where to shop, eat, or travel. With this feature, Facebook users can create an “ask for a recommendation” post and their friends can respond with live links to the Facebook business pages they recommend. 

In other words, when you leave a review on Facebook, that business becomes eligible to be “recommended” by others, too — a beautiful way to help your favorite local businesses move the needle faster toward sustainable growth. 

By reading this guide, you discover seven ways to leave a review on desktop and two additional guidelines.

If you’re ready to give businesses some love on Facebook, but you’re not sure how, stick around to learn everything you need to know about how to write a review on Facebook. 

How to know which businesses you can review (and other important guidelines) 

Let’s get straight into it. 

If a business has turned on its “Reviews” setting, you can recommend them. 

Take a look at FusionAuth, a SaaS solution for developers interested in SAML vs OAuth systems: 

how to write a review on facebook

( Image Source )

On its Facebook business page, you can see it lists a “Reviews” tab in the red rectangle above. This indicates that FusionAuth is eligible for Facebook recommendations. 

One important note: If a business has turned off its “Reviews” setting, you can’t recommend them. 

Take a look at Leathercult, an apparel brand that specializes in selling leather pants : 

A screenshot showing a missing Reviews tab on Facebook.

If you look inside of the red rectangle, you’ll notice it’s missing a “Reviews” tab. This means Leathercult has turned off its reviews. 

If you’d like to recommend a business page that has reviews turned off, consider asking them to turn the feature on in their privacy settings so you can show your appreciation. 

Why would a business choose to turn off Facebook reviews?

Some businesses may choose to omit this setting from their Facebook page in an effort to prevent spammy messages, inappropriate comments from irate customers, and poor reviews. In this case, consider asking the business if there’s another review site you can use to leave a positive recommendation, such as Google or Yelp. 

How to Write a Review on Facebook

Here are a couple of other housekeeping duties you should keep in mind before attempting to write a review on Facebook.

Review Facebook character limits 

Your Facebook review will need to be at least 25 characters long. That’s about four to six words depending on letter count and spacing.

While there’s no max character limit listed that we could find, we decided to conduct our own test — but we stopped after 44,616 characters. 😂 So, it’s safe to say you have plenty of room to work with. 

Follow Facebook’s community guidelines 

As part of its community standards, Facebook asks that all reviewers follow its guidelines to prevent potential post removal.

While Facebook doesn’t verify user purchases, it does ask that you:

  • Focus on the product or service the business offers
  • Don’t manage the Page for the business you’re reviewing
  • Base your review on personal experience 

Related reading about the violation of community guidelines: Facebook Jail Release

Responding to a review request 

If you view an ad on Facebook via the iPhone app or the Android app , you may be asked to review your purchasing experience with that business — whether you made a purchase or not.  

If you didn’t buy anything, you can let Facebook know by following these two simple steps:

  • Access the review request in your Feed.
  • Tap “Didn’t make a purchase.”

If you did buy something and would like to leave a review, follow these four steps:

  • Choose the star rating you’d like to give the business. 
  • Click “Tell others what you liked or didn’t like” and write your review.
  • Tap “Finish”. 

Pro-Tip: Want to review a brand you love but don’t know what to say? Beat writer’s block and get inspired with brainstorming prompts from an AI text generator . Simply enter a few words about your experience and watch as the generator spits out some ideas for you. While this tool isn’t perfect, it’s a great resource to use when you’re feeling stuck on where to start.

What to include in your Facebook review 

Piggybacking on the guidelines from above, let’s draw up some mock review examples to help you brainstorm your upcoming Facebook review.

Here are three ideas you can use to help you focus your Facebook review:

Place a hyper-focus on the product or service 

If you can’t get enough of a particular product or service, let that be the star of your review. 


When you were planning your wedding, your groomsmen were worried their attire would be expensive, uncomfortable, and lack the proper fit.  

Luckily, you found a brand called StudioSuits that offers men’s suits at a generous discount and offers custom options. Score! 

Not only were your groomsmen pleased with their final cost, but they also loved their suits so much, that they’ve been wearing them to other weddings and formal events since then. 

With this in mind, here’s how you might place the spotlight on the products you ordered: 

“My groomsmen are still raving about the custom suits they purchased from StudioSuits for our Spring wedding last year. Not only were they happy with the fit and price, but they also can’t stop talking about how soft the fabric is. They even joke about starting a “tuxedo” or “suit” night just for an excuse to wear these beauties. Can’t say enough about StudioSuits!”

Highlight your epic customer experience 

Your entire experience was a dream. From initial contact to software consideration to purchase to onboarding . So, why not take potential customers on a ride to let them know what their experience could look like, too?

You’ve been on the hunt for an application tracking system (ATS) that can help you simplify and speed up your recruiting processes. For now, you’ve been relying on outdated HR software solutions and an overwhelming spreadsheet.  

After some digging and research, you found Matchr, a SaaS solution that offers ATS software in line with your specific goals. After signing up for a welcome call, choosing a solution, and completing the onboarding process, you’re over the moon impressed. 

Not only did the rep take their time to answer every question on your long list, but they also continued to follow up with you until your needs were met. A showstopping experience, to say the least.

With this in mind, here’s how you can highlight your customer experience in your review:

“Lisa and the team from Matchr were an absolute dream to work with. After signing up for a welcome call, Lisa and the team went the extra mile by answering all of my questions, without hesitation or a tinge of annoyance. They held my hand throughout the entire onboarding process and are still available anytime I get stuck or have additional questions. If you’re looking for an HR solution that’s not only effective but that also comes with a supportive onboarding team, look no further than Matchr.”

Beam about the tremendous value you’ve received 

When a product or solution is changing your business or life, you have to tell the world about it. 

You never knew you needed a portable filtered water bottle until you had to live without one on of your recent travels where tap water wasn’t safe to drink. 

But after finding ClearlyFiltered? Now your travels look different. Not only can you safely drink water from any spring, water fountain, or faucet, but you’re also looking into ways you can help these communities get access to safe water bottles, too. Now your body and your altruistic heart can thank you.

With this in mind, here’s how you can highlight the value you received in your review:

“As a frequent traveler, I can’t say enough about the filtered water bottles ClearlyFiltered offers. After getting sick on one of my recent travels after drinking spring water, I knew I had to find a convenient way to help me get access to clean water, anywhere in the world. Since my purchase, I’ve been to three countries that didn’t offer potable drinking water and I was able to safely consume the water out of my filtered bottle. Not only has this water bottle changed my traveling experience and my health, but it’s also inspired me to donate filtered water bottles to communities in need.”

How to write a review on Facebook from start to finish (using a desktop computer) 

Now that we’ve covered our our bases, let’s leave a review!

Here’s how to use your computer to write and post a Facebook review:

Step one: Search for the brand you’d like to review 

Search for the brand you’d like to review using Facebook’s search bar at the top.

how to write a review on Facebook

(Image provided by Ioana)

Step two: Click “Reviews”

Choose the “Reviews” tab.

A screenshot showing the Facebook Reviews tab.

Step three: Answer “yes” to the recommendation prompt

Click “Yes” in the recommendation pop-up prompt.

A screenshot showing the Facebook recommendation pop-up.

Step four: Write your review 

Use the insights we shared previously to write your review. 

Writing a Facebook review screenshot.

Step five: Click “Post” 

Choose “Post”.

Choosing Post on a Facebook review.

Step six: Double-check your published review 

Make sure your review posted.

Facebook review screenshot.

Step seven: Edit your review if you catch any mistakes 

See any mistakes you didn’t notice prior to posting? 

You can easily edit them by clicking on the three dots at the top right of your review and choosing “Edit post”, like so:

How to edit a Facebook review screenshot.

You can also delete your review here if needed. Just click “Delete post” instead of “Edit post”.

PS: Want to leave a review using the Android app, iPhone app, or iPad app, instead? Here’s a quick Facebook review tutorial to help walk you through it.

How to Write a Review on Facebook: Frequently Asked Questions

How do i leave a review.

You can use Facebook to leave a business review. Make sure you follow the character limit and the Community Guidelines. Make sure the brand allows reviews. If so, click the Reviews tab on the brand’s Facebook Business Page.

Where is the review button on Facebook?

The Review button is not a button. To leave a review for a business, click the Review tab on the company’s Facebook Business Page.

Wrap Up: How to Write a Review on Facebook

And that’s it! You’ve officially written a review on Facebook. 

Now you know the answer to the question, “How do I leave a review on Facebook?”

Doesn’t it feel good to support the businesses you care so much about?

Don’t forget to save this post in case you’d like to review other businesses on Facebook!

Thanks so much for reading, and happy posting!

Readers, please share so happy customers discover how to write a review on Facebook.

Author Bio:

Ioana Wilkinson

Ioana is a Business, Digital Marketing, and SaaS content writer for B2B brands. Born in Transylvania and raised in Texas, Ioana has been living the digital nomad life since 2016. From Barcelona to Puerto Vallarta to her new abode in windy, Oklahoma City, you’ll never know where Ioana will head off to next.


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  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
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  • For Small Business

How to Leave Reviews on Facebook: An Expert Guide for Small Businesses

  • November 27, 2023
  • by Tom Wells

how to give a facebook review

As a small business owner, positive online reviews can be invaluable for building credibility, driving sales, and improving your products and services. According to a BrightLocal survey, 91% of consumers read online reviews before visiting or purchasing from a local business. With over 1 billion monthly active Facebook users, reviews on Facebook Pages make a significant impact.

This comprehensive guide will teach you how customers can leave Facebook reviews, why they’re critical for small businesses, and how you as a Page admin can proactively manage them.

Step-by-Step: How Customers Leave Facebook Reviews

Leaving a review on Facebook only takes a few quick steps:

1. Navigate to the Business Page

From their news feed, customers can:

  • Search for your Page name or handle
  • Click on an ad or post leading to your Page
  • Visit your official website and click the Facebook icon

Once on your Page, they can scroll down to the Reviews section.

2. Leave a Rating & Written Review

They simply:

  • Rate your business from one to five stars
  • Click to give a recommendation
  • Write their review summary, feedback, experiences

Facebook suggests keeping reviews detailed, honest, and polite . Customers can also add photos of products, services, or experiences.

3. Submit the Published Review

They click the Post button to publish the review. It will then be visible to all visitors under your Reviews section.

Why Facebook Reviews Are Vital for Small Businesses

Positive and negative reviews have significant impacts on small businesses in terms of:

Reputation & Trust

  • 72% of customers will trust a business more if it has positive reviews [BrightLocal]
  • 64% are more likely to purchase if a business has four stars or more [BrightLocal]
Star Rating % More Likely to Purchase
5 stars 70%
4 stars 62%
3 stars 10%
2 stars 9%
1 star 5%

Customer Experience & Loyalty

  • Rating products and services allows customers to share experiences
  • This feedback helps small businesses identify issues and opportunities for improvement
  • Responding to reviews demonstrates you value customers and their insights

Lead Generation & Sales

  • 72% of customers will probably book appointments or reservations after reading positive reviews [BrightLocal]
  • Consumers that view four or more online reviews convert at a 270% higher rate than those who don‘t read reviews [Yotpo]

In summary, online reviews significantly influence consumer behavior and purchasing decisions – ignored at your own peril!

Proactively Managing Your Facebook Reviews

As a Page admin, you can turn reviews on or off and use tools to manage them appropriately:

Enable Reviews on Your Page

First, ensure the Reviews section is visible to customers. Under Settings > Templates & Tabs > Reviews, turn the toggle switch ON.

Encourage More Reviews

Occasionally posting asking happy customers to kindly leave an honest review gives positive social proof. Tag those who gave verbal feedback too.

Respond & Interact Thoughtfully

Replying to reviews shows customers you care and are listening. Thank them for taking time to provide feedback. For negative reviews, apologize for their poor experience and offer to make things right.

Monitor Review Content

Check new reviews at least weekly. Report seriously inappropriate or false reviews to Facebook as needed.

Analyze Review Patterns

Identify common complaints needing improvement or recognize employee rock stars going above-and-beyond from the content.

Proactively managing reviews demonstrates your commitment to customers while enabling small businesses to provide even better products, services and experiences over time.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While honest feedback provides an opportunity to improve, avoid these common mistakes business owners make:

  • Deleting or hiding negative reviews
  • Paying for fake positive reviews
  • Arguing, blaming customers in responses
  • Ignoring review feedback altogether

These destroy consumer trust while damaging your brand reputation and integrity.

Instead, embrace authentic reviews as invaluable customer insights to drive positive changes in your business. Demonstrate professionalism and accountability in all public interactions.

Key Takeaways

  • Reviews significantly influence reputation and purchases
  • Leaving Facebook reviews takes mere minutes
  • Manage your Page‘s reviews proactively
  • Respond professionally to all reviews
  • Analyze patterns and trends in the feedback

Encouraging more reviews while carefully monitoring and thoughtfully engaging with customers on Facebook fosters increased visibility, trust and sales over the long-term.


How To Write a Facebook Review

How To Write a Facebook Review

In modern digital era, your voice matters more than ever, especially when it comes to sharing experiences with businesses on social media. Writing a Facebook review is a powerful way to express your opinion and influence others. Whether it’s raving about your favorite café or detailing a less-than-stellar experience at a local shop, your reviews contribute significantly to the online reputation of businesses.

Understanding the impact of your words, you might want to ensure your Facebook circle is wide enough to make your opinions heard.

Enhancing your presence by deciding to buy Facebook reviews can significantly enhance the impact of your evaluations, ensuring that your endorsements or cautions are heard by a wider audience. This strategy not only expands your social network but also elevates the trustworthiness and visibility of your evaluations, turning them into a valuable asset for others.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the binary “Yes” or “No” recommendation system on Facebook and ensure your review accurately reflects your experience, setting a guiding tone for readers.
  • Emphasize the importance of including specific details and personal experiences in your review to provide clarity and engage readers with authentic feedback.
  • Remember the significance of choosing a constructive tone and the impact of timing when sharing your experiences, to foster positive dialogue and provide useful feedback.
  • Highlight the value of attaching authentic photos to your reviews, enhancing credibility and offering a more immersive insight into your experience.
  • Acknowledge the public nature of Facebook reviews, emphasizing the need for thoughtful, balanced feedback that can guide future customers and inform business improvements.
  • Utilize the flexibility to edit or delete your Facebook reviews, allowing your feedback to remain accurate and reflective of your latest experiences.

Steps To Write Reviews on Facebook

How To Write a Facebook Review

Writing a Facebook review can significantly impact a business, influencing potential customers and shaping the company’s online reputation. To ensure your review offers value and clarity, follow the guidelines below.

Choose the Right Rating

Your review starts with selecting a rating. Given that Facebook has transitioned to recommendations rather than the traditional star ratings, your choice is binary: yes or no. This doesn’t mean your review lacks nuance. Your recommendation — or lack thereof — sets the tone for your feedback. It’s essential to accurately reflect your experience.

Did the business meet your expectations? Would you suggest it to friends or family? Your initial recommendation acts as an anchor for your written review, guiding readers on your overall sentiment.

Provide Specific Details

The most helpful reviews go beyond general statements. When drafting your review, include specific details about what made your experience memorable. Were there standout products or services? How did the business go above and beyond?

Alternatively, if your experience was less than stellar, detail what aspects fell short. This information not only aids potential customers in their decision-making but also offers businesses valuable insight into areas of success or improvement. Remember, clarity is key. Break down your experience so readers can easily understand what to expect.

Include Personal Experience

Your personal experience is what makes your review unique. Share your story — whether it’s about the exceptional service you received or how a product exceeded your expectations. Don’t hesitate to mention employees by name if they contributed to your positive experience. Including personal anecdotes adds authenticity and relatability to your review, making it more engaging for readers. It’s these personal touches that transform a standard review into a powerful recommendation.

writing facebook reviews

Other Things To Consider When Writing a Facebook Reviews

When crafting a Facebook review, it’s not just about what you say but how you say it. Language and tone play crucial roles in how your feedback is perceived. Opting for a constructive tone, even when critiquing, fosters a positive dialogue and encourages the business to engage with your feedback.

If you find it difficult to follow a certain tone or style, then a paragraph generator can help you with the first draft. It will craft compelling paragraphs according to your entered topic and selected tone/style.

Timing is another aspect often overlooked. Sharing your experience soon after it happens ensures your memories are fresh, making your review more detailed and helpful for others. But, if you’ve had a negative experience, taking a moment to cool off before typing can prevent overly-emotional responses that might not accurately reflect the situation.

The relevance of your review is paramount. The team from this essay writing platform called EssayPro advises focusing on specifics that future customers will find useful. Mentioning the quality of service, the atmosphere, or the product’s performance gives a well-rounded view that aids in decision-making. It’s also beneficial to highlight any changes in your second visit, as this shows the business’s capacity for growth or consistency.

You can also use authentic photos accompanying your review can greatly enhance its credibility. Visuals can capture aspects that words might miss, such as the ambiance of a place or the quality of a product, offering a more immersive insight into your experience.

Remember, a well-written review has the power to significantly influence both potential customers and the business itself. By choosing your words carefully, focusing on relevance, and attaching authentic visuals, your feedback can contribute meaningfully to the community, helping others make informed decisions and assisting businesses in their quest for improvement.

How Do I Leave a Review on Facebook?

Leaving a review on Facebook is simpler than you might think, and it’s a fantastic way for you to share your experiences with others while also helping businesses understand how they’re doing. Facebook reviews are influential, with 92.4% of customers reading online reviews and considering them as much as personal recommendations.

First, navigate to the business’s Facebook page. You’ll find the “Reviews” or “Recommendations” section usually located on the left-hand side menu of the page. If you’re on a mobile device, you might need to tap on the ‘More’ tab. Once you’re there, Facebook will prompt you with the question, “Do you recommend [Business Name]?” Here, you can select either “Yes” or “No”, based on your experience.

After choosing your recommendation option, a text box will appear where you can write your review. Here’s where your contribution really matters.

Be specific about what you liked or didn’t like. Mention details about the service, product quality, or your overall experience. This not only helps potential customers but also gives the business valuable feedback on what they’re doing right or what they could improve on.

Also, adding authentic photos can significantly enhance the credibility of your review. Photos offer visual evidence of your experience, making your review more relatable and trustworthy for those reading it.

Remember, your review should be honest and fair. Keep in mind that constructive criticism is more helpful than vague or overly negative comments. Businesses often use feedback from Facebook reviews to improve their products or services, so your insights can lead to real change.

Understanding how to leave a review on Facebook enables you to be part of a larger community, contributing valuable information that benefits both businesses and fellow customers alike. Your voice matters, and with these simple steps, you can make sure it’s heard.

Where Do I Find Facebook Reviews?

If you’re looking to leave a Facebook review, knowing where to find the review section is your first step. It’s simpler than you might think.

Facebook has integrated its review feature into what’s now known as Recommendations. This is where customers can share their experiences and thoughts about a business, service, or product with their network.

Start by navigating to the Facebook Page of the business you want to review. You’ll find the Recommendations or Reviews tab on the left sidebar of the page. This tab is your gateway to reading what others have said and leaving your own feedback. Whether you’re on a desktop or using the Facebook app, the process is essentially the same.

Occasionally, businesses might have this tab hidden due to their settings preferences. If that’s the case and you can’t seem to find where to leave a review, don’t worry. Contacting the business directly through their Facebook page via message can be a good alternative. They can provide you with a direct link or instruct you on how they prefer to gather customer feedback.

Remember, when you decide to leave a review, you’re not just sharing your thoughts with the business. Your review is visible to anyone who visits the business’s Facebook page. This visibility is exactly why your honest and detailed feedback is invaluable. It helps potential customers make informed decisions and can significantly impact the business’s reputation.

Can I Delete or Edit My Facebook Reviews?

Navigating the complexities of social media feedback might feel like a maze, especially when you’re looking to retract or modify your words. On Facebook, your voice matters , and so does your ability to update your insights as your experiences evolve.

If you’ve posted a review and later changed your mind, either because your opinion has shifted or you’ve had a change of heart, you’ll be relieved to know that editing and deleting your Facebook reviews is possible . This flexibility ensures your feedback remains accurate and reflective of your latest interactions.

To edit your Facebook review, simply navigate to the Recommendations section of the business page where you initially left your feedback. Find your review and click on the three dots in the top right corner. From there, you’ll see an option to ‘Edit Recommendation’. This is your chance to adjust your rating or elaborate on your experience further. Remember, your edited review will replace the original and will be date-stamped with the latest update.

In scenarios where you feel a review no longer represents your stance or if it was posted in error, deleting it is just as straightforward. Follow the same steps to locate your review under the business’s Recommendations. Instead of opting to edit, select ‘Remove Recommendation’. Upon confirmation, your review will permanently disappear, leaving no trace of the original comment.

This ability to edit or delete ensures that your digital footprint on Facebook is as current and genuine as your real-world experiences. It underscores the platform’s commitment to providing dynamic, user-driven content that accurately reflects consumer opinions and experiences. Whether you’re praising an unforgettable service or retracting a critique based on a resolved issue, your control over your online reviews is uncompromised.

Remember, each review contributes to the community’s perception of a business. Exercising your power to edit or delete ensures that your influence remains both positive and precise.

Related Post: How to Build More Credibility on Facebook

Crafting a Facebook review is more than just sharing your experience; it’s about contributing to a business’s growth and guiding future customers.

Remember, your words have the power to influence and shape perceptions. By treating your reviews as advice for friends and maintaining a balanced and fair perspective, you’re not just offering feedback but also playing a crucial role in the business-customer relationship.

Businesses that actively respond to reviews demonstrate their dedication to customer satisfaction, further emphasizing the importance of your input. So next time you’re about to write a review, consider the impact of your words and the responsibility that comes with them. Your thoughtful and honest feedback can make a significant difference.

FAQs About Writing Facebook Reviews

Here are some frequently asked questions about Facebook Reviews.

Where is the review tab on Facebook?

The review tab on Facebook can be found on the business’s Facebook Page. It’s located on the left side of the page under the business’s profile picture and name. By clicking on this tab, users can view and leave reviews for the business.

Why can’t I leave a review on Facebook?

You might not be able to leave a review on Facebook if the business has not enabled the review feature on their Page. Page owners have the option to turn on or off this feature. If it’s not available, you might want to contact the business directly to share your feedback.

When you get a friend suggestion on Facebook, does the other person get it too?

It’s not guaranteed. Facebook suggests friends based on mutual connections, interests, or activities, but it doesn’t mean the same suggestion appears for both parties. Each user’s suggestions are tailored to their own profile and interactions.

Where can I leave a review for a company?

You can leave a review for a company on various platforms including Google Business Profile, Yelp, Facebook, Angie’s List, and the Better Business Bureau (BBB). These platforms cater to different types of businesses and audiences, so choose the one that best fits the business you want to review.

Can my friends see my reviews on Facebook?

Yes, friends can see your reviews on Facebook depending on your privacy settings. When leaving a review, you have the option to adjust who can see it—everyone, just friends, or a custom list. Encouraging customers to set their reviews to public can increase visibility for businesses.

This is used as a reference for customers when looking for products and services. For businesses, this is a promotion tool so that their posts and page are more visible in user’s feeds.

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A complete guide on Facebook Recommendations/Reviews

Facebook Recommendations: Boost Your Business’ Reputation

In today’s digital age, online reviews play a pivotal role in shaping a business’s reputation and success. Facebook started out in 2004 as a social media platform and over the past 19 years it has become so much more. Among the plethora of platforms available for customer feedback, Facebook Reviews (now called Facebook Recommendations) stands out as a useful tool for businesses to showcase their credibility, build trust and engage with their audience. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about Facebook Recommendations and how to make the most of them.

What is Facebook Recommendations?

Facebook Reviews is a feature on the social media platform Facebook that allows users to share their experiences and opinions about businesses, products, or services they have interacted with. Recently, it was renamed to Facebook Recommendations. After the change, users can no longer leave a star rating from 1 to 5, instead they can either recommend or not recommend a certain business. Through Facebook Reviews, users can leave written feedback and provide valuable insights into their interactions with a particular business. These reviews are publicly visible on the business’s Facebook page and can influence the perception of the business among existing and potential new customers.

Businesses can benefit from Facebook Recommendations by showcasing positive feedback as a form of social proof, building trust with their audience, and addressing any concerns or negative feedback to improve their offerings. This feature provides a platform for customers to voice their opinions and for businesses to engage with their audience directly, fostering transparency and accountability.

Why Facebook Recommendations Matter

  • Social Proof : Positive reviews on Facebook act as social proof, assuring potential customers that others have had satisfactory experiences with your business.
  • Trust Building : Reviews contribute to building trust and credibility. They provide a sense of authenticity and transparency, showing that your business values the opinions of its customers.
  • Search Visibility : Facebook Reviews can impact your business’s visibility on search engines. Reviews that recommend your business can lead to higher search rankings, attracting more organic traffic.
  • Customer Engagement : Engaging with reviews, whether they’re positive or negative, demonstrates that your business takes ownership and is committed to improving its services.

Managing Your Facebook Recommendations

To make the most of Facebook Recommendations, you need to actively manage and engage with them. But in order to get reviews on Facebook, you’ll need a Facebook Business Page.

Claim Your Business Page

If you haven’t already, claim ownership of your very own business page on Facebook. This ensures you have control over the information displayed about your business and the ability to respond to reviews. Log into your Facebook account and click the Create button on the top-right corner of the screen, then select the Page option within the pop-up menu.

In the “Create a Page” section enter the name of your business name, choose a category, and add a description. You’ll also be able to see a preview of what the page will look like on desktop and mobile platforms after you enter the information. To finish the initial setup, click on the “Create Page” button at the bottom of the screen. Alternatively, you can just use this direct link to create a page .

Your Facebook business page is now visible, but it will be empty. To fix that, go to the “Page Settings” option on the left side of the screen and click “Page Info”. From here you can add some vital information about your business. Make sure you add a phone number, an email address, a physical address, a website and your hours of operation.

Enable Reviews

Enabling reviews on your business page establishes a two-way street of communication between your brand and your customers. It invites them to contribute to your online presence, helping potential clients gain a comprehensive understanding of your offerings through real experiences. Moreover, positive reviews serve as endorsements that boost your brand’s credibility and trustworthiness. You can find this option in your page’s settings under “Templates and Tabs.”

Respond Promptly

Swiftly addressing reviews demonstrates your responsiveness and approachability. Customers appreciate knowing that their opinions are heard and taken seriously. This practice not only enhances the reviewer’s experience but also showcases your brand’s commitment to excellence in customer service.

Engage Professionally

When you respond to positive reviews with gratitude and appreciation, you not only acknowledge the reviewer’s satisfaction but also reinforce their positive feelings towards your brand. Expressing genuine thanks creates a connection that resonates with them and encourages continued engagement. Thank reviewers for their feedback and address any issues raised.

Encourage Reviews with Magic

Harness the potential of satisfied customers by proactively encouraging them to share their experiences through reviews. By using Magic , you can not only strengthen your online presence but also foster a sense of community around your brand. Magic allows you to easily reach out to happy customers and empower them to contribute to your brand’s narrative. Positive reviews not only enhance your credibility but also attract potential customers who seek authentic endorsements. 

Dealing with Negative Reviews

Negative reviews are inevitable, but they also present opportunities for improvement for your business. In order to make the most out of them, you can take the following steps.

When faced with a negative review, it’s crucial to maintain a composed and calm demeanour. Refrain from becoming defensive or engaging in confrontational responses. Remember, approaching the situation with a level head can pave the way for constructive dialogue and resolution. By staying composed, you open the door to understanding the customer’s perspective and addressing their concerns effectively.

Address the Issue

Publicly acknowledging the issue raised in the review and proactively providing a solution is a vital step towards showcasing your commitment to customer satisfaction. By addressing concerns openly, you demonstrate your attentiveness and dedication to resolving issues promptly. This not only reassures the dissatisfied customer but also resonates with potential customers who observe your responsiveness. 

Take It Offline

Extend a heartfelt invitation to the reviewer to connect with you privately, fostering a channel for in-depth discussion on the matter at hand. This personal touch reflects your commitment to providing tailored solutions and addressing their concerns comprehensively. Private communication grants the reviewer a space to share additional details and perspectives that might not be suitable for public discourse. 

Learn and Improve

Consider each negative review as a roadmap to betterment. Examine the feedback with an open mind, seeking ways to bridge the gap between what customers anticipate and what you deliver. This continuous improvement process not only boosts customer satisfaction but also elevates your business’s reputation.

Best Practices for Facebook Recommendations

Here are some best practices to maximise the benefits of Facebook Recommendations:

  • Regularly Monitor Reviews: Set aside time to monitor and respond to reviews consistently.
  • Show Appreciation: Thank customers for positive reviews and express your gratitude for their support.
  • Use Visual Content: Share photos and videos of your products or services in action to enhance your page’s visual appeal.
  • Highlight Positive Reviews: Share positive reviews on your page to showcase customer satisfaction.
  • Stay Genuine: Authenticity matters. Avoid posting fake reviews or incentivizing customers to leave positive feedback.

Frequently Asked Questions about Facebook Recommendations

Did Facebook change reviews to recommendations?

In a 2023 update to its platform, Facebook has rebranded its ‘Reviews’ feature as ‘Recommendations.’ This transition was made with the intention of enabling customers to provide more comprehensive feedback about your business. This adjustment holds the potential to enhance your visibility within the local community and draw a larger customer base.

Who can see Facebook recommendations?

Remember that when an individual offers a business recommendation, they have the option to choose who sees it. For instance, if they opt to share a recommendation with their Friends, only those in their friend list can view it. It’s important to note that only publicly shared Recommendations contribute to a Page’s overall rating.

Is a Facebook recommendation the same as a review?

Facebook Recommendations have replaced Facebook Reviews. The way they work is straightforward: when a user visits your page, they’ll encounter a section labelled Recommendations and Reviews positioned near the top. These have their dedicated user tab, formerly called  “Reviews.”

Can you remove a bad recommendation on Facebook?

Page owners lack the ability to directly eliminate specific reviews. Nonetheless, users have the option to report a review to Facebook’s team for potential removal. However, reviews can only be reported if they have received at least one comment. Addressing negative reviews through comments requires careful consideration and a delicate approach.

Where is the reviews recommendations tab on Facebook?

enable facebook recommendations on your page

To access your Page’s Recommendations, navigate to the Reviews tab situated beneath your cover photo on your Page. In some cases, you might need to first click on “More.” Disabling Recommendations will halt their display and eliminate the associated ratings and reviews from your Page. If a Recommendation or review violates Facebook’s Community Standards, you have the option to report it.

Key Takeaway

Facebook Recommendations offer businesses a valuable avenue to engage with customers, showcase their reputation, and build trust. By actively managing reviews, responding professionally, and using feedback to improve, you can harness the power of customer opinions to enhance your brand’s online presence and credibility. Embrace reviews as opportunities for growth, and remember that every interaction is a chance to leave a positive impression on both existing and potential customers.

About Magic

Magic helps local businesses grow. Thousands of local businesses use Magic to get more online reviews, win new customers, easily manage customer conversations and grow sales. Magic offers these features:

  • Reviews: Get more reviews with automatic review requests for popular review sites like Google, Facebook, Yelp, TrustPilot, and more. Rank high on local search and enhance your visibility on Google. 
  • Inbox: Keep track of customer conversations across channels in one inbox, including SMS, Facebook, Instagram, and Gmail. Manage conversations better as a team and do more with industry specific templates. 
  • Text Marketing: Drive more sales with instant text campaigns and reach your customers at the right moment with automation. Use prebuilt templates to send out text campaigns in minutes. 
  • Webchat: Turn website visitors into customers with SMS powered Webchat. Chat to website visitors directly through SMS so you won’t miss a lead, even when they leave your website. 

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how to give a facebook review

How To Get Facebook Reviews: 10 Strategies For Your Biz Page

Today more than ever, online reviews are a critical aspect of consumers’ purchasing decisions. And with the rise of social media, they have become an essential part of how people evaluate products and services. Facebook reviews are no different for businesses to have.

Since Facebook is the most popular social media platform, it has also become a hub for users to share their first-hand experiences and opinions on business pages.

So, are you wondering how to get more reviews on Facebook?

Here are ten practical tips to help you get started.

Table of Contents

What Are The Benefits of Online Reviews?

Before discussing the strategies, let’s first understand why online reviews are so important.

  • Build Trust. Positive reviews from satisfied users can build trust with potential customers . It shows that your business has a good reputation and provides excellent products or services.
  • Increase Visibility. Reviews on platforms like Facebook can boost your business’s visibility as they often appear in search engine results.
  • Improve SEO. Reviews can also improve your search engine rankings as they are considered a form of user-generated content, which is highly valued by search engines.
  • Customer Feedback. Online reviews provide valuable feedback from customers, allowing you to identify areas for improvement and make necessary changes.

What Are the Official Guidelines for Facebook Reviews?

how to give a facebook review

When it comes to managing reviews on your business’s Facebook page, there are some official guidelines that you should be aware of:

  • Moderation. You can moderate the reviews on your page by hiding or deleting them if they violate Facebook’s Community Standards.
  • Reporting Fake Reviews. If you believe a review is fake or spam, you can report it to Facebook for review.
  • Responding to Reviews. You can respond publicly or privately to reviews on your page, depending on the nature of the feedback.
  • Asking Customers for Reviews. While you can’t incentivize customers to leave positive reviews, you are allowed to ask them for honest feedback.

Remember that recommendations that don’t follow Facebook’s community standards may be removed, so make sure to familiarize yourself with them before managing your reviews.

The key points are:

  • Authenticity

Facebook page guidelines

Treat all users, including those leaving negative reviews, with respect and dignity. Avoid attacking or belittling them in your responses and focus on resolving any issues they may have.

10 Effective Strategies to Get More Facebook Reviews on Your Facebook Business Page

Now that you understand the importance of online reviews and the guidelines for managing them on Facebook, let’s dive into ten practical strategies to get more Facebook reviews on your business page .

Turn On Reviews For Your Facebook Page

First thing first.

Before you can get reviews, you need to make sure that they are enabled on your page.

To do this, go to your profile and choose the page you want to check.

Select the correct fan page and then click “ Settings & Privacy “:

turn on Facebook reviews

On the next page, click “Privacy” in the left menu:

be sure to click privacy

The last step is to click on “ Page and Tagging “, to finally see the option called “ Allow others to view and leave reviews on your Page? “.

Make sure the tagging is On:

make tagging on for your fb page

Encourage Customers to Leave Facebook Reviews

Sometimes, all you need to do is ask.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to your customers and politely request them to leave a review on your Facebook page. You can do this through email marketing , social media posts, or even in-store signage.

When reaching out, make writing a review as simple as possible by providing a direct link to your page or instructions on how to navigate there.

A good template you can use to request reviews is:

>Hello [Customer Name],

>We hope you had a great experience with our product/service.

>We would love to hear your thoughts and feedback on our Facebook page.

>It will only take a few minutes, and your review will help us improve our services for future customers.

>Thank you for your support!

Of course, make sure to thank customers who have already left reviews and let them know their feedback is valuable to your business.

Respond To Reviews

Not only should you encourage customers to leave reviews, but also respond to them.

Acknowledge both positive and negative reviews and thank the reviewers for taking the time to share their experiences.

This shows that you care about your customers’ opinions and are willing to address any concerns they may have. It also gives potential customers a positive image of your brand, knowing that you value and engage with feedback.

For example,  you can respond to a positive review by saying:

>Thank you [Reviewer’s Name] for your kind words and support. We are happy to hear that you had a great experience with us.

For negative reviews, try to address the issue and offer solutions or an apology if necessary.

For example,  you can respond to a negative review by saying:

>We apologize for any inconvenience caused, [Reviewer’s Name]. Please send us a direct message so we can further assist you with this issue.

Remember to keep your tone professional, and respectful, and maintain Facebook’s community standards.

Share Positive Reviews On Other Social Media

Sharing positive reviews on your social media platforms is an effective way to promote your brand and encourage others to leave reviews.

If you don’t have any, you can consider purchasing real Facebook reviews as a way to boost your page’s credibility and encourage more reviews from others.

You can also take screenshots of positive reviews and share them on platforms like Instagram or Twitter, along with a link to your Facebook page for people to leave their reviews.

This also shows appreciation for customers who took the time to share their positive experiences.

They may feel more inclined to leave a review again in the future or share your brand with their network, leading to more reviews.

example of FB review

Implement A Review Generation System

Another effective strategy is to implement a review generation system.

This can be as simple as sending an automated email after a customer has made a purchase, asking them to leave a review on your Facebook page.

You can try a pop-up form on your website, offering a discount or freebie in exchange for leaving a review. 

Alternatively, you can implement a review generation system for engaged customers who complete a specific action on your website, like the case of SlideModel reviews , where engaged users are invited to leave a review after downloading a presentation template.

Make sure to check Facebook’s policies and guidelines when it comes to incentives for reviews.

Offer Great Customer Service

Customer service is a key factor in getting positive reviews.

Make sure to provide top-notch customer service to every customer, whether it’s through fast shipping, easy returns, or excellent communication.

If customers have a great experience with your business, they are more likely to leave a positive review and recommend your brand to others.

Engage With Your Audience Regularly

Engaging with your audience regularly not only helps build a relationship with them but also reminds them to leave a review.

You can do this by responding to comments and messages, posting interesting content, and running promotions or giveaways.

When customers see your brand actively engaging with its audience, they may feel more inclined to leave a review as they know their feedback will be valued and acknowledged .

For example,  you can post a poll or ask for suggestions on your Facebook page and include a call-to-action to leave a review.

engage with your Facebook reviews

Utilize Facebook Ads

Facebook ads can be a powerful tool in promoting your page and getting more reviews.

You can create an ad specifically targeting people who have recently engaged with your brand or visited your website, encouraging them to leave a review.

By reaching out to those who are already familiar with your brand, they may be more likely to take the time to leave a review.

To create a targeted ad, go to the Ads Manager and select the objective “Get More Page Likes” or “Engagement”.

Facebook ads manager

From there, you can specify your target audience and budget.

Encourage Facebook Check-ins

Another way to increase reviews is by encouraging customers to check in on your business on Facebook.

This not only promotes your page but also makes it easier for customers to leave a review directly from the check-in.

You can offer incentives like discounts or freebies for customers who check in and leave a review, further motivating them to do so.

facebook check ins

Add The Facebook Reviews Tab to Your Business Website

If you have a business website, make sure to add the reviews tab to your Facebook page .

This way, potential customers can easily see your overall review rating and read individual reviews without having to leave your website.

It also makes it more convenient for them to leave a review if they are already browsing your site.

How To Leave A Facebook Review

Not only should you try to generate Facebook reviews for your page but leave reviews for other businesses you have purchased from or did business with.

Here’s how to leave a Facebook review:

First, log into your Facebook account and visit the business page you want to review. Scroll down until you see the Reviews section.

Click on the stars to select your rating. A box will pop up asking you to describe your experience.

Write a detailed review being as specific as possible about what you liked or didn’t like. You can also upload photos to support your review.

Once you’re done, click “Post” to publish your review publicly on that page.

FAQs: Generating Facebook Reviews

There could be several reasons why you are not getting reviews on Facebook. It could be due to a lack of customer engagement, negative experiences with your business, or difficulty in leaving a review. But first, make sure you have enabled reviews on your page and have actively encouraged customers to leave reviews.

Facebook does not allow businesses to delete or hide negative reviews. However, you can report a review if it violates Facebook’s policies and guidelines . Otherwise, it is best to respond to the review professionally and try to address any concerns the customer may have.

Yes, you can offer incentives for customers to leave reviews, but make sure to follow Facebook’s guidelines and policies when it comes to offering rewards for reviews.

Final Words

Getting reviews on Facebook is an essential aspect of building a strong online presence and establishing trust with your audience.

By implementing these strategies, you can encourage more reviews and improve your overall review rating on Facebook.

Remember to always respond to reviews, whether positive or negative, professionally and respectfully. This shows that you value and appreciate customer feedback, leading to better customer relationships and more positive reviews in the future.

Remember, a great user experience leads to great reviews , so make sure to prioritize providing excellent customer service at all times. 

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2 thoughts on “how to get facebook reviews: 10 strategies for your biz page”.

' data-src=

All good tips Lisa. Engaging your Facebook Fans – and followers in general – regularly influences them to organically publish glowing reviews because they luv ya and wish to express it. Genuinely, it is kinda easy to score these types of reviews since you mainly need to care about the well-being of your tribe, listen to them and show up to respond. Smart post my friend.

' data-src=

Thanks Ryan. Of course it’s best to engage with folks on the social networks unless they are spamming you 🙂 Appreciate your coming by and taking the time to comment Ryan. Have a great day!

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how to give a facebook review

Nikola Bojkov

How to leave facebook reviews with the new facebook recommendations.

Learn everything about Facebook reviews and the new Facebook recommendations.

facebook recommendations

We are all aware that Facebook reviews and recommendations are extremely important for any company’s reputation.

And positive reviews or 5-star reviews from previous customers are becoming a new channel to build trust among potential customers.

What is very interesting is that 1 in 3 Facebook users are using the platform to find reviews and recommendations.

In this post, we are publishing everything you need to know about Facebook recommendations and especially how to explain to customers to leave Facebook reviews on your Facebook page.

Facebook Reviews are Becoming Recommendations

FYI: You can embed Facebook reviews widget  automatically with  EmbedReviews platform.  Start a free trial  and display your Facebook Page recommnedations now. 

Embed Facebook reviews widget

Embed Facebook Recommendations and Reviews on your Website

Try EmbedReviews , generate Facebook and Google reviews, and display a social media reviews widget on your website. Automatically and in seconds.

All PRO features | Cancel any time.

Facebook recently introduced new updates for Business Pages .

The main goal of the newly redesigned pages is to provide easier ways for people to interact with local businesses on social media.

According to Facebook’s VP of Local, Alex Himel, Over 1.6 billion people around the world are connected to a small business on Facebook. And starting from August 2018 Facebook is making new changes to Facebook Business Pages to help more people connect with local businesses.

One of the main updates is the further development of the feature Recommendations, which is an evolved version of the Facebook reviews system.

This new feature is already rolled out, and businesses will have the chance to see new reviews designed on their Facebook Page. The main change of the system is that the Recommendations option is integrated within the reviews and all recommendations that customers or other Facebook users previously gave will also be listed in this Reviews/Recommendations section.

As stated in the official update, Facebook is making Recommendations from the business’s community more helpful:

‘People use Recommendations to ask their communities where to go, where to eat, or where to shop on Facebook . We’re making those Recommendations more prominent on Pages.’

We are all aware that reviews and recommendations are extremely important for any company’s reputation.

facebook page stats

This means that recommendations are not only the opinions given by customers directly on the business’s Facebook page but also when people respond to their friends when they look for a recommendation on Facebook.

Note: The old Facebook reviews are safe and sound, and your Facebook Page will continue to display all previous reviews that you’ve generated.

How are Recommendations different from Reviews?

Well, there are differences:

  • Location – The Recommendations appear on the upper-right side,, and Reviews appear on the left-hand side (if not hidden).
  • Reach – Reviews are visible to any Facebook user. With Recommendations, you can limit the reach and make it more personal.
  • Format – Reviews have star ratings and comments. Recommendations have only comments.
  • Reactions – Anyone can comment and like a Review, but only people in the person’s network can comment and like a Recommendation.
  • Specifics – People can recommend a specific business feature (choose a tag that best describes their recommendation) and share a photo; Reviews don’t have such an option.

So, the bottom line is:

  • The tab is called “Reviews”
  • The feature is called “Recommendations”

How do Facebook Recommendations work?

What are the benefits of facebook recommendations.

The changes in the reviews system to recommendations are providing more options for customers to give their opinions about a certain business. Here are some of the benefits:

Facebook recommendations benefits

Increase reach with Recommendations

Your Facebook Page score will be reflected across Facebook, especially at places where customers make relevant decisions, such as Maps. Recommendations are discoverable across Facebook when people are searching for, or talking about your business. The best thing is that Facebook will show first the recommendations provided by the closest friends, which will empower the purchasing decisions and bring greater trust

photos in facebook recommendations

Post photos about the business

This option was not previously enabled in the reviews section. Now, if you tag the business in the comments section when a friend asks for a recommendation, you have the option to also post gifs or photos. The cool thing is, that all these posts will be displayed in the Recommendations section of the business’s Facebook Page as customer reviews.

The best, mobile form for leaving a recommendation has the option to upload a photo from the phone and publish it together with the text.

Note: The character limit for a desktop recommendation is 25 and for mobile is 50.

recommendations tags benefits

Tag Facebook Recommendations

When a customer leaves a recommendation directly on the Facebook page, they can choose a tag that best describes their recommendation. These Facebook tags work like hashtags for businesses, and the Facebook system generates them based on words used in past reviews.

Here is an example of how the tags are displayed when you try to add a recommendation on mobile:

recommendation tags

How the new Facebook rating score is calculated

As outlined in the official Facebook help center , the overall Facebook Page score is calculated as follows:

A Page’s rating is based on multiple sources, such as the reviews and Recommendations people share about business Pages on Facebook.

Or click the help icon below the average score in the Reviews tab, as shown below:

rating score

How to set up Facebook Recommendations?

If you’ve already activated the Reviews tab, then you don’t need to change anything. Please note that the Recommendations are a replacement of the Reviews tab and the process to activate it is the same as before.

If you still don’t have activated the Recommendations on your Facebook Page, here is how to activate the Facebook reviews tab.

Step 1: Log in to your Facebook account and go to your business Facebook page

Step 2: Navigate to the  ‘Settings’  section on your left-hand side

Activate reviews tab in Facebook

Step 3: Click the  ‘Privacy’ menu.

Enable Facebook reviews step 2

Step 3: Click the ‘Page and tagging’ menu as shown below:

Enable Facebook reviews step 2

Step 4: In this section, find the option ‘Allow others to view and leave reviews on your Page’ and make the toggle ON.

Enable Facebook reviews step 3

That’s it. Now, the reviews tab will appear on your page.

Example of Facebook page reviews tab

How to Recommend a Business on Facebook

This process is the one that has the biggest change.

To recommend a business on Facebook, you will need to open the business’s Facebook Page that you want to recommend.

Please note that previously, there was an option to ‘ Write a review ‘ and select the review score from 1-5. Now you do not actually leave a review for the business, but you are recommending it. You have only two recommendation options, to select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, which means you want to recommend the business or not. Simple as that.

Here are the steps for how to leave a Facebook review:

  • Click the Reviews/Recommendations tab
  • Click ‘Yes’ to recommend the Page
  • Write your recommendation, and if you use mobile, upload a photo along with the recommendation text
  • You can also choose a tag such as great service, amazing staff or similar

recommend a business

Additionally, you can recommend a business by leaving a comment by tagging a business’s Facebook Page when some of your Facebook friends ask for recommendations.

And this tutorial is very important for business owners who want to get more Facebook reviews so they can explain this step-by-step process to their customers on how to navigate their Facebook Page reviews tab and how to recommend their business.

The Significance of Facebook Recommendations for Local Businesses

Here’s why these Facebook recommendations have become pivotal for local enterprises:

Boost in Credibility and Trust

Facebook recommendations serve as modern word-of-mouth referrals. When potential customers see positive recommendations from their friends or others in the community, it enhances the credibility of the business. In a digital age, many customers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, making these endorsements vital for establishing trust.

Enhanced Visibility and Organic Reach

When a user leaves a recommendation, it can be seen by their friends and connections. This means a local business can benefit from increased visibility without investing in paid advertising. Each recommendation acts as a mini marketing campaign, potentially reaching hundreds or even thousands of prospective clients without any added effort or expense from the business.

Influence on Buying Decisions

Recommendations can play a decisive role in a customer’s buying journey. A positive recommendation can sway uncertain customers towards trying out a local business. Conversely, negative feedback can serve as constructive criticism, allowing businesses to improve and address genuine concerns.

Enhanced Engagement and Community Building

Recommendations often spur conversations about the business, either through questions, shared experiences, or stories. This not only spreads awareness but fosters a sense of community around the brand. Engaging with these recommendations and comments can further personalize a business’s connection with its customer base, establishing loyalty and repeat business.

How to Report a Facebook Recommendation

Most of the online review platforms such as Google, TripAdvisor, and Yelp allow an option to report negative reviews that a business wants to be removed or delegated from their business listing or Facebook page in the case of Facebook reviews.

Similar to the previous option for reporting reviews, this option is now available, and you can report a Recommendation that violates Facebook’s Community Standards.

To do this, follow the steps:

  • Go to the recommendation that you want to report and click the 3 dots in the top right corner
  • Select “Find support or report Recommendation”
  • Choose the topic and click “Submit”

In this relation, we recommend reading the following blog post:

Read more: How to Respond to Negative Facebook Reviews >>

How to ask for Facebook recommendations?

if you are a business and starting out with recommendations on Facebook, getting the first batch is very important to boost your trust in this social media network.

The simple steps on how to get more Facebook reviews are the following;

  • Send emails to customers with a link to your Facebook reviews section
  • Print QR codes on menus or flyers with the Facebook review link to the reviews tab
  • Embed a ‘Review us on Facebook ‘  button on your website
  • Add a Facebook reviews badge on your website
  • Create Facebook ads  with your reviews

And for more reach and greater appeal of your Facebook reviews, you can embed them on your website. Read the section below and check the complete guide on Facebook reviews .

How to Embed Facebook Recommendations on your Website?

website reviews widget

With the evolution of the Facebook reviews system, you can use a platform such as EmbedReviews to help you generate new recommendations posted on your Facebook Page.

The system automatically generates the ‘Yes’ and the ‘No’ recommendations, which you can display on your website with a simple embeddable code.

Feel free to try EmbedReviews , collect your Facebook Recommendations, and embed a Facebook reviews widget on your website.

If you want to read the full guide, make sure you read our article on how to embed Facebook reviews on a website .

Key Takeaways

I hope this article will help you improve your Facebook presence, and if you have any thoughts, feel free to reach out.

The Facebook reviews and recommendations system allows your customers to leave feedback and ratings on a business’s Facebook page, which provide greater benefits to your website, such as:

  • Increased visibility and credibility: Positive reviews can boost a business’s reputation and attract new customers.
  • Improved customer engagement: Responding to reviews can help businesses build stronger customer relationships.
  • Enhanced local SEO : Facebook reviews can help businesses rank higher in search results for local search queries.
  • Easy to use: Facebook reviews are easy for customers to leave and for businesses to manage.
  • Insights: Review data can provide valuable insights into customer satisfaction and areas for improvement.

If you want to enable this feature via the Facebook app, follow these steps: 1. Open the Facebook app on your device. 2. Go to your Business Page. 3. Tap on the “More” option 4. Tap on “Settings”. 5. Scroll down to the “Templates and Tabs” section. 6. Find the “Reviews” or “Recommendations” tab 7. Once the tab is visible, make sure it’s set to “ON” or “Off.”

No, buying Facebook recommendations is against Facebook’s Community Standards and can result in penalties, including the removal of your page.

To post a recommendation for a business or place on Facebook, follow these steps: 1. Go to the Page of the business/place 2. Look for the “Recommendations” or “Reviews” section 3. Click on “Yes” to recommend the place 4. Write your recommendation 5. Post the Recommendation

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CEO of EmbedSocial 

Nikola Bojkov is the CEO of EmbedSocial, an entrepreneur who turns problems into products. With over a decade of hands-on experience with social media APIs, he guides EmbedSocial in its role as a technical partner for both SMEs and large agencies, maximizing the impact of their user-generated content. EmbedSocial has offices in Skopje, Tokyo and Lisbon with over 250,000 users.

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How to Review a Business on Facebook

Posted on April 23, 2019

how to give a facebook review

Have you had an amazing experience with a business that you just have to share?

Today on Put a Pin in It, Andrea Tremper shows you how to leave a glowing recommendation for a business on Facebook.

Video Transcription

Did you know that 88 percent of customers trust an online review as much as they trust a personal recommendation from someone they know? This means that, as a consumer, you’ve got quite a bit of power in your hands.

Whether you’re a loyal customer looking to give a glowing review to one of your favorite businesses or you’re just looking to talk about a single customer service experience, leaving a Facebook review is incredibly easy and helpful. The process is also pretty much exactly the same, whether you’re on a desktop or a mobile device.

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The first step is to navigate to the business page you want to review. You can do this by searching in the Facebook search. I’m going to search for ReminderMedia.

Step two is to scroll down until you see Reviews, or you can click Reviews on the left-hand side if you’re navigating on a desktop.

how to give a facebook review

Facebook is then going to ask you if you recommend the page that you’re on, and I’m going to click Yes.

how to give a facebook review

After you make your choice, Facebook asks you to say a little bit more about why you recommend or don’t recommend the business. Depending on the type of business, there might be some popular responses that you can click to add. I’m going to comment on our customer service. It does require your response to be 25 characters or more, so just make sure it’s long enough.

how to give a facebook review

Once you’re done, you’re going to click Post. If you’re on a mobile device, you’ll then click Share.

how to give a facebook review

The takeaway

And that’s it! It’s honestly that easy to recommend and review a business on Facebook. If you liked this video, hop over to Facebook and leave us a review. Comment below and let us know that you did. Subscribe to this YouTube channel , and find us on Facebook  and Instagram : @remindermedia. But, most importantly, put a pin in it!

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How to Turn on Reviews on Facebook

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how to turn on facebook reviews

  • October 22, 2020

Facebook continues to be one of the most critical social media platforms for small businesses to tap into. Over 90 million small businesses using Facebook and 7 million leverage the platform for advertising. With these stats in mind, it doesn’t come as a surprise that companies continue to incorporate Facebook into their online reputation management efforts. 

One of the most popular features that a Facebook Business page offers is the option to enable and showcase customer reviews. This is especially critical as it is a factor consumers keep in mind before choosing to engage with a business. In fact, Facebook has an advantage over other social networks in this regard, with the platform influencing buying decisions 7 times more than its competitors. 

Because of the visibility and exposure that Facebook can provide for small and growing enterprises , if you haven’t already turned on your Facebook Business page’s review functionality, you certainly should now! 

After all, your customers trust online reviews just as much as they would a recommendation from a friend or family member.

How To Enable Reviews On Your Facebook Business Page

Enabling reviews on Facebook can help build your businesses SEO strategy, brand presence, and boost your profitability in the long run. 

Believe it or not, the process is a lot simpler than it sounds too! With five easy steps, you can turn on Facebook reviews. Here’s everything you need to know:

Step #1: Log in to your Facebook Business page

  • Step #2: Click on the “Settings” tab

Step #3: Navigate to “Templates and Tabs”

  • Step #4: Enable Reviews through the slider

Now, this step may seem pretty obvious but is required for you to access your Facebook Business page or utilize any of the functionalities Facebook offers you for businesses. 

You want to make sure you log in through the associated administrator account for your Facebook Business page. If you’re already logged into your personal Facebook account, it’s also easy to switch over to your Facebook page.

Log in to your Facebook Business page

Step #2: Click on the “Settings” tab 

Once you’re logged in and have navigated over to your Facebook Business page, locate the “Settings” tab on the page’s top right corner.

Click on the “Settings” tab

This button will take you to the page required to manage all the nitty-gritty components associated with individual page settings and your Facebook business profile overall. 

And, yes! This includes the reviews section as well!


Download our free guide to discover the best ways to get more reviews for your Facebook profile, fast!

A left menu will appear, showcasing various settings options for you to choose from. The option that is in bold indicates which settings page you are currently viewing (for example, in this case, the General page is now on display).

Facebook Templates and Tabs

Select the fourth option from the left-hand side menu titled “Templates and Tabs.” This menu has to do with managing your business page’s components that are on display to your customers. 

Step #4: Enable Reviews Through the Slider

Go down to where it says Reviews, and select the slider off to the right and make sure it is set as seen in the photo below, highlighted blue and on!

how to give a facebook review

Resources To Get More Facebook Reviews

You’ve turned on Facebook reviews for your business page, and customers can finally start dropping in those star ratings and positive reviews you deserve! 

But, as with most online marketing tactics, it doesn’t stop there. 

Turning on Facebook reviews is just the first step in a long journey to growing your reviews and reputation on Facebook. 

There are several strategies and resources you can equip yourself with to get more Facebook reviews over time. 

These include the following: 

Embed Facebook reviews widgets on your website

Positive Facebook reviews can also be showcased on your website or other social media platforms through widgets. Showing potential customers the star reviews you’ve gained is a method of social proof. 

Other customers who have shopped with you may also be more encouraged to drop in reviews if they see reviews. This is especially beneficial for small and local businesses, where mutual friends and family may be using the same service. 

Enabling the use of widgets will also make it easy for customers on other platforms to be redirected to your business profile on Facebook directly without having to do a manual Google search for your business name. 

Share Google reviews on Facebook

Suppose you already have an established business profile with several reviews on Google, but you’re just getting started on Facebook. In that case, you can “borrow” your Google My Business success and share it on Facebook’s platform. 

Pro-tip : tagging customers directly on Facebook, who have left positive reviews on your Google business listing, is also an innovative way to engage with them directly . They may even share the post on their profile, allowing your business to gain more visibility through their extended Facebook networks and linking back to your Google page as well, which provides further detail on how to reach you (ex: your phone number.)

Make Review Request Email & Social Media Campaigns

As mentioned in the previous point, email marketing and social media campaigns are a smart way to boost your brand image to both an existing pool of customers as well as new customers simultaneously. It’s crucial to engage with customers throughout their customer journey, and even more so after a sale or service is complete.

You want to ensure your customers are happy and content with the level of service you’ve provided, and if so, give feedback online.

Pro-tip: create Facebook review email/social templates that you can keep handy. This will save time, allowing you to easily shoot out review requests without getting hung up on the structure or the way you frame it. 

Of course, it’s best to customize the requests to write a review depending on your business’s nature and the customers you deal with, but it’s better to be prepared with a bag of tricks than to stress when the opportunity comes!

Facebook provides a multitude of value offerings for businesses that are willing to give it a try. Nothing should hold small business owners and business managers back from wanting to grow their business, especially when there are so many useful tools and platforms to leverage in today’s digital marketing platform. 

So, what are you waiting for? 

Set up that Facebook Business page and get those business reviews flowing !

how to give a facebook review

You've enabled reviews on your Facebook page. Now what?

Discover the best ways to get more reviews for your Facebook profile, fast!

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10 Ways To Get More Facebook Reviews For Your Business

Maximize Facebook reviews with our guide. Read and learn the best 10 strategies to boost engagement, trust, and reputation for your business.


Facebook has given word-of-mouth marketing a whole new meaning. One of the prominent evidence of this is the Facebook Reviews feature.

Facebook Reviews are gold. They influence 80% of consumers in their decision-making. They also make up 19% of customer reviews , which is a big number. But the question is, how to get reviews on Facebook?

Just like Google Reviews, Facebook Reviews pack a serious punch in the world of digital word-of-mouth marketing. They’re like the modern-day version of your best friend’s recommendation and can seriously sway potential customers to check out your Facebook business page.

But getting those reviews isn’t always easy. How do you encourage happy customers to share their thoughts?

In this blog, we wil discuss how you can get an influx of organic, authentic, and positive reviews on Facebook to enhance your social proof. Let’s dive in!

What Are Facebook Reviews? What Do They Mean for Your Business?

Facebook reviews are feedback that customers leave on the Facebook business page for the service they received or the product they purchased from the business. These reviews include recommendation tag, star ratings (from 1 to 5), and written comments that describe the user’s experience with the brand.

The number of reviews and star ratings, along with the comments, gives potential customers insight into what it’s like to interact with your business and helps them decide whether or not to choose you.

Your followers can visit your page and look for the ‘Review’ tab at the top to read the reviews given by other users.

Facebook Business Page

Let us look at why business reviews on Facebook are important for you:

  • Builds a Positive Brand Image: Positive reviews of a user based on their first-hand experience with the brand are perceived as more authentic than brand promotions. Facebook reviews are user-generated and, therefore, are more authentic and play a critical role in influencing new customers.
  • Gives More Information: 93% of users confirm they go online to fetch product reviews. At such times, Facebook reviews stand out as a crucial resource for consumers to learn more about your business. The reviews provide critical information, such as what you do and how good you are at it. This information guides the customers in making informed decisions.
  • Gains Trust : Even you would agree that products with 5-star ratings and reviews are more trustworthy. Good reviews paint an image that your business provides a great client experience and is trustworthy and reliable. Such higher ratings increase consumer trust and convince them to prefer your offerings over those of the competitors.
  • Increases User engagement :Facebook provides a two-way street, both for consumers and the brand, to interact. A Facebook user can leave reviews or comment on the post of the brand. At the same time, prompt responses by your business can influence consumers’ mindsets in a positive direction. This goes on to reflect your business’s commitment to customer feedback and service and motivates them to further engage with your brand.

Setting Up a Reviews Tab on Your Facebook Business Page

Before we jump into how to get Facebook reviews , you need first to enable reviews on your Facebook page. So, let us first start with setting up a review tab on your Facebook business profile. Let’s walk through it!

Step 1: Log in with your business page admin account and open the profile home page.

Step 2: Click on the ‘Settings & Privacy’ button, which is on the top right-hand side of the page.

Settings & Privacy

Step 3: Click on the ‘Settings’ button.


Step 4: Click on ’Page and Tagging,’ which can be found on the left-hand side.

Page and Tagging

Step 5: You will now see a toggle on the page – ‘Allow others to view and leave reviews on your Page?’.

Page and Tagging

Step 6: Click on the toggle to activate reviews on your page.

Activate Reviews

How to Get Facebook Reviews on Your Business Page?

Okay, so now that you understand how to enable reviews and the relevance of Facebook reviews, let us give you the top 10 strategies for getting more reviews on your Facebook pages.

1. Get Facebook Reviews Through Chat

One of the easiest ways for you to request Facebook reviews is via chat.

Chat support has gained momentum and has become a mainstream way of interacting with consumers. In fact, consumers love it, too. 63% of consumers prefer live chat to resolve their concerns.

Your business needs to implement practices in the customer chat support team that make it a habit to ask for a review after every positive interaction. You can train your support team and also give them sample phrases asking for feedback from the consumers. Some polite phrases that can be used for review requests are:

  • We value your feedback! Would you be willing to leave us a review on the Facebook reviews tab to let us know how we did?
  • Your opinion means a lot to us! If you have a moment, we’d love for you to share your experience on Facebook.
  • Thank you for choosing us! We would appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a review on Facebook.

But wait, there is something else you should know. You can also deploy chatbot technology to make your life easier.

With the help of the Facebook Messenger chatbot, you can easily reach multiple customers and request reviews at the same time. This way, you save a lot of time, money, and effort in fetching more Facebook page reviews.

If this has piqued your interest in chatbot technology, you should learn more about how you can use Facebook Messenger chatbot for your business . This will help you to reach out to your customers and engage with them more efficiently.

While you customize your chatbot, be mindful of creating different chatbot journeys for your customers based on their experiences with you. Therefore, your prompts should be different for each rating.

For instance, in the below image the chatbot responds differently according to the number of star ratings. While in case of one or two stars, it apologizes to the customer for below par experience, it is more thankful and joyous if the customer gives 5 stars.

Customized Response Of Facebook Chatbot As Per Number Of Star Ratings

In the end, remember to share a direct link to your review page, in your chat to encourage the customers for feedback.

2. Get Your Customers to Check-in on Facebook

Facebook has a check-in feature that can also help you collect reviews. After users check-in, Facebook sends them a message requesting a review of the place.

Check In on Facebook

Ensure that your Facebook page is enabled for check-ins because at least 200 friends of the user checking in see the post. At times, such posts attract about 600 impressions as well.

A check-in acts like a user-generated recommendation to users’ friend lists. This is the easiest way to increase your word-of-mouth digitally. Let’s delve into how a check-in helps to attract more reviews:

  • More Visibility: Whenever your friend on Facebook checks-in a restaurant on Facebook, does it not pique an interest in you? Similarly, if a customer checks in your business on Facebook, it enhances your social proof. This gives you higher exposure and more visits from the customers to visit the place and leave their reviews.
  • Reminder of their Experience: When customers check in on Facebook, it makes them rethink their experience with your business. Facebook also encourages them to share the review of their checked-in location, nudging them effectively to provide feedback.
  • Engagement Opportunity: If a customer checks in on your business, they create an opportunity for you to engage with them, thanking them for their visit and asking them to leave a review. This might delight the customer and prompt them to leave an amazing review.

3. Get Reviews Through a ‘Leave Us a Review Email’

Send polite Facebook review request emails to your customers. Sending email requests can give a significant nudge to your customers to leave reviews. Here is a sample mail template you can try out:

Subject – Did you like your experience with us?

Hello (Name),

Thank you very much for trusting us to meet your needs. We hope you had a desirable experience with us.

We are a consumer-centric company that thrives on customer reviews. We would truly appreciate it if

you could leave us feedback about your fantastic or less-than-expected experience. We are waiting to hear about it.

How was it?

Click here to leave us a review.

(Your Company Name)

The good part about email is that it is fast and does not require much effort . All you will need is an email broadcasting tool and a few templates to request customers to leave reviews. However, when sending a mail requesting reviews, keep in mind these two things:

  • Ensure you have the updated email addresses of the consumers. Use email verification tools to verify whether the email addresses you have are valid.
  • Have compelling email templates that generate desired actions from the consumers.

If you do not receive feedback in one go, don’t hesitate to send a follow-up email. Follow-up email will act as a gentle reminder and nudge the recipient to leave a review. However, remember not to be too pushy, or you may get an undesirable review.

4. Add a ‘Review Us’ Button and Facebook Review Badges

Adding a CTA such as ‘Leave Us a Review” or ”Review Us” button or a custom badge on your website can go a long way in getting feedback from customers.

Both the button and the badge can lead users directly to the Facebook review page. The button makes it seamless for consumers to go to the review page and leave feedback, while the badge displays actual feedback from others, which can influence more new reviews.

The badge integrates reviews onto your website and application, and the buttons are a quick way to get more reviews and enhance the trust in the brand . This creates a win-win for boosting engagement and the brand’s online reputation.

5. Ask for Reviews Through Social Media Posts

Create Facebook posts to fetch more star ratings. Design an engaging post that motivates satisfied customers to leave positive reviews.

The image below represents how you can utilize social media to ask for reviews. In this example, an attractive image has been coupled with a caption encouraging customers to share their feedback. This is a perfect example of a visual combined with a clear CTA to engage consumers and collect valuable reviews.

Ask For Reviews Through Social Media Post

Here are some easy guidelines for you that will be helpful in designing the post –

  • Keep it crisp and clear. Keep in mind what you are asking and make it easy for the customer to understand.
  • Provide a direct link to the review section for easy access.
  • Thank them in advance for choosing you and for their Facebook review.
  • Include eye-catching visuals or graphics in your post to draw attention.
  • Choose the right time to post the request. Posting at a time when the audience is more active can lead to a higher response.
  • If you receive the reviews, take time to respond and show appreciation to the customer. This will show the value you have for the input and encourage people to give more reviews and future business opportunities.

You do not need to restrain yourself just to Facebook. Go ahead and share similar posts on other social media platforms as well.

Struggling with cross-posting your content across various social media platforms?

Let SocialPilot’s scheduling feature simplify this process for you. Effortlessly schedule and share your review-seeking posts across multiple platforms from a single interface. Whether you want to share the same content everywhere or tailor it to each platform, SocialPilot makes it easy and hassle-free.

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6. Set Notification On for New Reviews

You can enable notifications for new reviews on your business profile. This is crucial as it will help you to respond to each and every feedback and share the good ones on your feed.

How to enable notifications for new Facebook reviews?

Step 1: Go to your Facebook page and click settings on the left column.

Step 2: Click on notifications.

Step 3: Find the New page review button and click on Turn On.

Step 4: Congratulations! You have activated the notifications. You will now be notified whenever someone leaves a star rating on your profile.

Notifications alert businesses as soon as Facebook users add a review to your business profile. When you respond to these feedbacks promptly, you show customers that their opinions are valuable to your company and encourages them to continue sharing their thoughts about your brand.

7. Deal with the Negative Reviews

While you seek more positive reviews, people who are dissatisfied with a business are more likely to leave a bad review. Negative reviews can harm your business. In fact, about 94% of consumers reported turning their backs on businesses that received a negative review.

So, what should you do if you receive a negative feedback on your Facebook business profile? Here are 6 points that can help you defuse the situation –

  • The first rule of dealing with negative feedbacks is to respond promptly. Politely apologize to the consumers for the poor experience.
  • Keep the response brief and precise by addressing the customer’s specific experience to reflect you understand their concern.
  • Follow a non-confrontational approach and use polite sentences, and acknowledge the review. Express regret for the poor experience.
  • Thank the customer for taking the time and effort in giving their time to leave feedback.
  • Offer the customer an opportunity to discuss the matter further privately over call, chat, or email and work towards a solution.
  • Provide updates to the customers about how you are dealing with or have dealt with the problem.

This image clearly shows how to handle a negative review. In this example, a dissatisfied customer leaves a negative review on the business’s Facebook profile, and the business responds promptly. They explain the rationale behind the unrecoverable cost in the case of trip cancellation, offer a solution, and express their gratitude. It’s a great example of turning a negative experience into a positive interaction.

Respond to Negative Reviews on Facebook Review Profile

Also do not worry if you get bad reviews. Negative reviews are a small opportunity to bridge gaps in your customer service and thus improve and manage your brand’s reputation. Helping aggrieved customers with their issues ensures that you better your reputation and engage other customers.

8. Ask for Reviews One-on-One

You can ask for reviews online in any number of ways, but if you have a brick-and-mortar store, the best way is to ask for a review verbally. Simply asking for reviews verbally can also be an answer to how to get reviews on Facebook business page.

You can ask for a verbal review. Use polite phrases such as:

  • If you enjoyed your visit today, we’d really appreciate it if you could share your thoughts on Facebook!
  • Thanks for stopping by! We’d be grateful if you could leave us a review on Facebook to share your experience.
  • We’d love to hear about your experience! Would you mind leaving us a review on Facebook?
  • You can also add reminders about the store, such as a review URL, hanging string tags, QR codes, and more.

In-person reviews allow local businesses to establish a personal connection with their customers. This personal touch can make customers feel more valued and inclined to leave a review.

Many customers still respond to direct requests from someone they have interacted with, such as sales representatives or maybe owners themselves. This trust can also lead to higher review conversion rates.

While seeking in-person reviews, you can guide the customers on how to give Facebook reviews. Also, you can guide them on what type of feedback they can give you. However, remember not to be too pushy, or the reviews will become inorganic.

Asking for a review immediately after offering a mind-blowing experience will increase the likelihood of receiving a positive review.

9. Promote Positive Reviews on Social Media

There is no marketing that is better than positive word-of-mouth from existing users. The reviews of satisfied customers inspire new customers to try your product and leave feedback, too.

Reviews received on your Facebook business page are authentic user-generated content. Thus, you must promote them very actively across all your social channels.

You can also leverage social media to your advantage by sharing customer reviews, just like SocialPilot. As you see in the image below, SocialPilot shares customer feedback regarding its scheduling tool, engaging its audience while also enhancing its credibility.

Promote Positive Reviews on Social Media

But how do you share such feedback on your social media? Here are some best practices for creating engaging social media posts that share positive user experiences:

  • Keep it concise: The average attention span of social media users has dropped to approximately 8.25 seconds. Therefore, design a concise and appealing post.
  • Use Hashtags: Hashtags are a way to make your post discoverable. Use hashtags that align well with your content and target audience.
  • Use Storytelling: A sure way to connect with the audience is to use storytelling techniques . This technique will help establish an emotional connection with the audience.

Social media is very useful when looking for a solution for getting reviews on a Facebook page. By leveraging other platforms such as X (earlier Twitter), Instagram, LinkedIn, and others, you can cross-promote your Facebook profile and reach a larger audience.

Also, you can share a post on all platforms with a direct link to your Facebook page, and ask interested people to be a part of your community and share their feedback there as well.

10. Answering Consumers’ Questions and Comments

Make sure to engage with your customers across all social media accounts.

Just like you respond to all the negative and positive feedback, it is important to get back to all the comments and questions left by the consumers and followers of your accounts.

When you reply to all the comments and questions, the consumers get the impression that the page is busy, yet the responses are prompt. This motivates them to ask their own questions and give their own feedback for your brand.

Answering questions removes obstacles regarding the product or the service in the mind of the consumer . A satisfactory response can convince the customer to shop with you.

So if you engage well with your followers and customers on Facebook and they also get a great buying experience, they are likely to leave behind a great review.

Are you Ready to Get More Reviews on Facebook Page?

As a business, your major focus is on satisfying customers. A customer-centered mindset necessitates listening to your customers. Facebook reviews give your customers the opportunity to speak their minds about your brand and thus help you understand how they feel.

We hope that the points mentioned in this short guide have helped you to move in a direction that is helpful in adding more feedback to your review section on your Facebook profile.

Remember –

  • Give value to each piece of feedback – good or bad. All feedback gives an opportunity to enhance customer relationships.
  • Engage with reviews and comments regularly. Thank the customers and address their concerns promptly.
  • Appreciate consumers for their opinions to build trust and loyalty.
  • Use social listening techniques to listen to your customer’s perceptions and adapt your approach accordingly.

Now you understand how to get reviews on Facebook. Go ahead and earn more 5-star ratings today!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I encourage customers to leave reviews on Facebook?

Approach the customers either one-on-one or via email, chat, phone call, or SMS and politely seek reviews. Respond to all comments and reviews, whether positive or negative, as soon as possible. This will give new consumers the perception that you value consumer feedback and are ready to listen to them.

How can I make it easier for customers to leave reviews on my Facebook business profile?

There are many steps that you can take to make it easy for customers to leave a review on your Facebook business profile:

  • Include a call to action in your Facebook post and comments.
  • Add a Facebook Review badge on the website.
  • Send review links to customers in email and text messages.
  • Include review QR codes in bills, marketing materials, and business cards.

How do I respond to negative reviews on my Facebook Business Profile?

It is important to respond to negative feedback received on your Facebook business page. They are an opportunity to correct your mistakes. Follow the below steps to deal with negative reviews on Facebook -

  • Keep the response brief and precise by addressing the customer's specific poor experience.
  • Use polite sentences and acknowledge the review. Express regret for the poor experience.
  • Offer the customer an opportunity to discuss the matter over call, chat, or email.

About the Author

Picture of Abhas Mathur

Abhas Mathur

Abhas is a seasoned content wizard with expertise in developing researched content that resonates with the target audiences. With a rich digital marketing and social media background, Abhas is adept at devising content strategies that drive organic brand growth.

You can find Abhas on LinkedIn here.

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how to give a facebook review

How to give a Facebook Review / Recommendation

Facebook Reviews/Recommendations are a great way to show your support to a fantastic cause, or to help a local company, or simply to say thanks for a great experience. 

If you are not sure how to give a Facebook review/recommendation, this short article with show you how. 

Step 1: Find the company or charity or organisation you want to review/recommend.

Step 2 & 3: select reviews and then select yes (or no).

How to give a Facebook Review - steps 1 to 3

Step 4: Write your review. 

Be effusive. Be friendly. Be helpful to anyone who looks at the review.

Writing a Facebook Review

Step 5. Share your review with Friends (not essential but nice to do)

Share a Facebook Review

How do Facebook Reviews help organisations?

1. Research shows that people are heavily influenced by reviews.

2. Recent reviews are often prominent on the organisations Facebook home.

3. They sometimes appear in Google search results.

4. They often appear in Bing search results. 

5. Reviews can help organisations get higher ranking in search engines.

6. By sharing your reviews with your circle you are helping to promote them.

Giving a bad Facebook review

If you really want to make your feelings known about a bad experience you have had, or a company that has treated you unfairly, you could give a bad review.

These are powerful ways to get your complaints/opinions seen and they may make an organisation react faster and take you more seriously. However, you must be honest and keep to the facts or you could be sued for damages.

But first I would recommend contacting the organisation and tell them that you are going to give them a negative review and why. This will allow them to rectify or explain their side of the story before it all goes public. 

If you are not happy with their response then go ahead; but If you are going to give an organisation a bad review be honest but kind and try to be helpful - i.e. how they could improve. Give exact details of when and where and what went wrong.

Taking this approach will make you look like the reasonable party, avoid litigation, and hopefully elicit a useful response. No one wins a slagging match - everyone just looks bad.

For training courses on using Facebook for business, including how to get reviews and deal with any negative reviews click here 

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How to Get Facebook Reviews for Your Business Page (15 Easy Ways)

how to give a facebook review

Wondering how to get Facebook reviews with ease?

Since it’s the largest social network in the world, Facebook business reviews can be a great way for your brand to get ahead of the competition.

But getting customers to leave reviews on your Facebook page can be tough.

In this article, we’ll show you how to get customer reviews on your Facebook business page and easily transform people into customers.

Here’s a table of content to help you navigate this article quickly. Click any section to jump right to it.

  • Enable Reviews for Your Facebook Page
  • Promote Your Page on Other Social Media Platforms
  • Embed Facebook Reviews on Your Website
  • Add a Facebook Review Widget
  • Send Email Invitations to Recent Customers
  • Write a Facebook Post Asking for Reviews
  • Ask for Reviews via Facebook Messenger
  • Send SMS Messages Asking for Feedback
  • Enable Notifications for New Reviews
  • Respond to Negative Reviews
  • Answer Comments and Questions From Fans
  • Promote Stand-Out Reviews on Facebook
  • Encourage Facebook Check-Ins
  • Ask for Reviews in Person
  • Offer Discounts and Rewards

Before we get started with our list, let’s see how adding Facebook reviews can help your business.

What Are the Benefits of Getting Facebook Page Reviews?

According to our detailed research on social media statistics , Facebook has more than 3 billion monthly active users. It’s definitely one of the best social media platforms to promote your brand’s products or services online.

By getting Facebook reviews and testimonials for your brand, you’re leveraging social proof in your marketing strategy to improve your online presence.

Here are other benefits of Facebook reviews for small businesses and big brands alike:

  • Make your brand’s online reputation more credible to potential customers
  • Increase the organic reach of your posts by boosting Facebook page engagement
  • Gain the trust of your Facebook page fans and potential customers
  • Promote positive customer reviews directly on your page
  • Get to the top position in the Facebook professional services finder
  • Positive reviews act as social proof , which convinces more people to buy from you
  • Boost your site’s SEO when you embed relevant and keyword-rich reviews feeds

Follow the Guidelines for Getting Facebook Business Page Reviews

Before gathering Facebook reviews on your Facebook page, it’s important to check out Facebook’s guidelines and community standards for business recommendations .

According to these recommendations, Facebook reviews should:

  • Focus on the product or service offered by the business
  • Be based on the user’s personal experience
  • Not be from anyone who manages the page for that business

If your reviews don’t meet these guidelines, you can request them to be removed.

With that, let’s take a look at the easiest way to get Facebook reviews and boost your sales.

Easiest Way to Get More Facebook Reviews for Your Brand

For a simple way to get tons of Facebook reviews, you can embed review feeds on your site using a WordPress plugin.

And the best reviews feed plugin you can use to show customer reviews on your site is the Reviews Feed Pro plugin.

reviews feed  pro plugin homepage

Business owners like you use this plugin to create, customize, and embed review feeds on your website in just a few simple clicks — no coding needed.

On top of showing Facebook reviews, you can show feeds with reviews from highly trusted platforms and review sites, like Tripadvisor , Yelp, Google Reviews , Trustpilot and more.

With the plugin’s visual customizer, you can quickly and easily customize the templates and design of your Facebook review feeds using the customization options on the left-hand side.

live feed editor reviews feed pro

Plus, Reviews Feed Pro automatically copies the design of your WordPress site. So, your review feeds will perfectly match your branding and look beautiful right away.

The best part?

Reviews Feed Pro comes with a helpful support team who are always ready to lend their expertise and help you out.

Ready to get more Facebook reviews with ease? Grab your copy of Reviews Feed Pro here .

To learn more, you can look at this guide on how to embed Facebook reviews on your WordPress website .

How to Get Facebook Reviews (15 Proven Ways)

Now, let’s go ahead and look at our tried-and-tested methods that you can use to get more Facebook reviews for your brand.

1. Enable Reviews for Your Facebook Page

The first thing to do is make sure you’re allowing visitors to see and leave Facebook reviews.

To do that, first, start managing your Facebook business page and click on the Settings option on the left.

open page settings

Doing that will allow you to change the settings of your Facebook page.

Next, click on Privacy to change your page’s privacy settings.

how to give a facebook review

On the left, click on the Page and tagging option to continue.

Finally, look for the option labeled Allow others to view and leave reviews on your Page? and toggle it on.

allow reviews facebook

You can now start collecting customer reviews with star rating and Facebook recommendations from your customers, which will be displayed on your Facebook account’s Reviews tab.

Then, you can also add a short call-to-action in your posts to encourage customers to review your business.

2. Promote Your Page on Other Social Media Platforms

If you’re not telling fans on other social media platforms that they can leave reviews on Facebook, they might never find out.

That’s why it’s crucial that you cross-promote your Facebook business page on the different social channels you own, including Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube .

It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. You can simply promote your page or group on other social platforms and ask people to join you.

follow us on facebook for more

That way, interested people can follow your brand on Facebook, where they can leave reviews and customer testimonials .

Want to kickstart your social media following on all these platforms?

You can embed social media feeds on your website so visitors can interact with your posts and follow you for more.

3. Embed Facebook Reviews on Your Website

By embedding Facebook reviews on your homepage, you can encourage website visitors to leave more reviews of your brand.

After all, you’re showing people that you check your reviews and listen to what they have to say.

It’s easy to embed a feed of Facebook reviews on your website. All you have to do is use Smash Balloon’s Reviews Feed Pro plugin.

facebook reviews feed example

With a few clicks, you can seamlessly connect your page and display beautiful Facebook feeds styled to match your site design.

To help you do this yourself, we’ve put together this guide on how to add a Facebook reviews feed to your WordPress website .

4. Add a Facebook Review Widget

Another way to convince people to leave reviews is to embed a Facebook review widget.

That means anyone browsing your feed only needs a click to visit your Facebook business page and leave a review.

For instance, you can easily add your Facebook reviews feed to your sidebar or footer areas using the Reviews Feed Pro plugin.

Then, you just need to edit the Facebook feed header to something that will encourage your site visitors to review your business, like this:

how to get facebook reviews using review widgets on wordpress

Using Reviews Feed Pro, you can even embed review widgets to show reviews from other major platforms like Tripadvisor, Yelp, and Google Reviews.

The best part is that you can do this for your own website — even if you’re a WordPress newbie. Check out how to add a social media review widget to your website for more information.

5. Send Email Invitations to Recent Customers

Did you know that email marketing can return $36 for every $1 you spend?

Email marketing can be a fantastic way to promote your brand, convert visitors, and get reviews.

encourage facebook reviews with email marketing

You can directly send an email to your new customers and ask them to drop you a review on Facebook. To sweeten the deal, you can try offering discounts, coupons, free trials, and more.

If you want to get started with email marketing, here are some great ways to grow your email list .

6. Write a Facebook Post Asking for Reviews

Sometimes, satisfied customers on your Facebook page might have just forgotten to leave a review.

To fix this, you can create a new post on Facebook and remind your customers to leave a review.

You can also add an engaging image to the Facebook post so you’ll have an easier time grabbing people’s attention.

review request for facebook

As a bonus, you can also use Facebook Feed Pro to embed photos and remind website visitors to leave reviews.

7. Set Up a Chatbot on Facebook Messenger

Chatbots are getting more attention as technology improves. And as they continue to make inroads in the customer service and marketing industry, they’re proving pretty valuable.

The fact is, messages sent by chatbots tend to have higher open rates, and with customers getting used to them, they’re tools worth utilizing.

Asking for a review using a Facebook Messenger chatbot can help you reach lots of new people easily. And that means more reviews for your business.

If you think a chatbot can be helpful, check out our full list of the best Facebook marketing tools .

8. Send SMS Messages Asking for Feedback

Did you know the majority of all searches for local businesses nowadays happen on mobile devices?

The truth is, much of the online world is navigated by mobile now, so collecting reviews in this way makes it super convenient for your customers.

You can use the power of mobile to get more Facebook reviews by asking customers to leave a review via SMS.

If customers have opted in to receive updates via text message, send them a short message containing a link to leave feedback on your Facebook page.

Text message review request

Just make sure you keep your messages short and to-the-point, so people are more likely to read through them.

On top of Facebook pages, you can use SMS messages to grow your Instagram account , Facebook group, Twitter page, and more.

9. Enable Notifications for New Reviews

If you aren’t notified when people leave new reviews, you can’t respond to them or share them with others.

The easiest way to solve this is to enable notifications for new reviews. That way, Facebook will let you know whenever someone leaves a new review.

To enable notifications for new Facebook reviews, follow these steps:

  • Go to your Facebook page
  • Click Settings on the left column
  • Click Notifications
  • Next to New Page review, click Turn On

facebook notifications enable for reviews

Once that option is activated, you’ll be notified whenever someone leaves feedback on your Facebook business page.

And if you get negative Facebook reviews , you can now respond to them immediately.

10. Respond To Negative Reviews

While bad reviews can harm your brand, there are ways you can turn them into positive reviews.

Here are the steps you can take when faced with a negative Facebook review:

  • Respond to the review as fast as you can
  • Start by politely apologizing for the problem
  • Offer them ways to reach out to your support team
  • Remind them to change the review score if you helped solve the issue

example of facebook review response

By helping a customer with a problem like this, you can improve your brand’s reputation and encourage others to leave their feedback as well.

We’ve got a full article on how to handle negative Facebook reviews here that you can check out.

11. Answer Comments and Questions From Fans

Following on from responding to negative feedback, you should also reply to comments on your Facebook business page and questions from potential customers.

If people see your page is busy with activities and conversations about your product, they’re more likely to ask their own questions.

interact with fans to get more reviews

Plus, answering questions removes obstacles that prevent people from shopping with you.

Even better, if customers have a great experience with the buying process, they’re much more likely to leave a review describing that positive experience.

You can also embed Facebook posts on your website to show these interactions to your visitors.

12. Promote Stand-Out Reviews on Facebook

Actively highlighting the feedback you receive on Facebook is another way to draw attention to your reviews tab.

You can make it a regular feature to promote the best reviews on your page to celebrate your customers and add a call to action for others to leave their own feedback.

promote postive review example

Why not run a Facebook Live stream where you read out your recommendations, making it an event your fans can rally around and engage with?

Pro-tip : Are your reviews presented as videos? You can also use Custom Facebook Feed Pro to embed Facebook videos on your website .

13. Encourage Facebook Check-Ins

The likes of Foursquare made virtual check-ins to business locations a viral trend.

Facebook took that functionality and added it to business pages where customers can check-in, notifying friends of their location.

facebook checkins example

Facebook’s check-in functionality also has a nifty feature to help you collect reviews. After someone checks in, they receive a message from Facebook afterward, asking them to review the business.

For a lot of business pages on Facebook, it’s another excellent way to get more reviews for your Facebook page.

On top of getting new reviews, you can also get tons of Facebook likes for your page this way.

14. Remember to Ask for Reviews in Person

Most of the tips in this article focus on getting Facebook reviews online.

But if you have a physical business, you have a great chance to remind them to leave a review on your Facebook page.

You can do that verbally or with reminders around your store. For instance, you can add the review URL on your receipts, hang up signs in your store, and so on.

We’ve got a list of the best visual content creation tools to help you design beautiful signs with ease.

15. Offer Discounts and Rewards

You can also give out discounts or rewards to people in exchange for Facebook reviews.

Here are a few examples to help you get started:

  • Offer a discount coupon
  • Enter people into an online giveaway
  • Give out free product samples
  • Offer a free trial of new products

how to give a facebook review

Give these offers a try, and you can see which works best for your business. In some cases, it might be best to run your incentives for a limited time.

In some states, offering incentives for reviews is forbidden or requires disclosure, so make sure to check your local laws.

If you want to run a giveaway for people who leave reviews, check out our list of the best WordPress giveaway plugins .

There you have it!

In this article, you’ve learned how to get Facebook reviews for your business page. Give these a try, and you can improve the trust of your customers, increase sales, and grow your business.

For a simple way to get lots of Facebook reviews, you can embed a reviews feed on your website. As a result, you can easily grab people’s attention and remind them to leave a review.

Ready to embed Facebook review feeds? Get your copy of Reviews Feed Pro here .

If you’re interested in increasing your Facebook page engagement, check out our tutorial on how to display a Facebook Events calendar on your website .

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Hi! Just wanted to ask – what do you call the picture on No. 5 (Send Email Invitations to Recent Customers). How do I make one? Is there an app or a website? I can’t seem to find how to make one online. Thank you!

' src=

Hi Joanna, thanks so much for your question.

That picture is a screenshot from an email newsletter. You can recreate it by adding individual call to action buttons in the body of the email, or, depending on which email provider you use, they may have social media buttons you can embed.

Hope this helps! 🙂

' src=

Hi i log in to facebook but is saying account disabled so how am i going to do it

' src=

Hi Victoria,

Thank you for contacting us! I’m sorry for the long delay in our response; your comment went out of our radar. This looks like a problem with the Facebook account itself; you could try using a different Facebook account. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us using the support form here

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best review for facebook page examples

How to Get the Best Facebook Page Reviews with Examples

As a business owner, you’ve likely seen it: negative reviews tanking a business’ profit and customer relationships. Luckily, having multiple positive reviews sing the praise of a business can garner more customers and better customer loyalty. Not only that, but positive reviews also affect the online reputation a business has, especially if they are regularly responded to. 

Reviews act as testimonials from customers and can attract new customers while also lending credibility to a business. Nothing says customer-centric than a business that takes the time to respond to reviews! But how do you get the best Facebook page reviews, and what constitutes a good review?

Before we give you some ways to get better Facebook reviews, let’s take a look at some real-world success stories.

Generate 5-star Facebook reviews for your business automatically

Real-world success stories.

While 5-star reviews can be nice, a review with detailed comments can be even better to draw in new customers. If you want an example, take these two Facebook Page reviews from a local plumber and auto repair shop:

best review for facebook page example 1

Both of these reviews not only showcase the staff members of each business but also shine a light on the specific work that was done for them. This encourages other customers to reach out if they want similar services and also builds trust in the businesses and their employees.

Effective Facebook Page Review Examples

To be termed an effective review, certain criteria must be met. Let’s look at a few examples to see these criteria in action:

Details, Details, Details!

“[Business Name] is a great place to buy instruments from! Their selection of all kinds of instruments is extensive, and their showroom allows you to see and even try out the different models they have in stock. The staff was very friendly and professional and made my find really easy. I was looking for an electric piano with at least a 4-octave range and plug-ins for headphones so my kids could play without distractions, and I found the perfect model that checked all the boxes. The next time I need an instrument, I’ll be back!”

Reviews that contain lots of details, such as the services provided and the benefits they received from the business, help highlight what potential customers can also receive from the business in question. It also lends a more genuine feel to the review, making it that much more special.

Hearing that this reviewer had a goal in mind that was met lets other potential customers know that if they too have a specific model they want to buy, they can find knowledgeable staff to help them—and can even try it out in the showroom before making their purchase.

Who Helped You?

“The restaurant was amazing, and it was made all the more so by our waitress Bonnie. She took great care of us and checked in often, and even though we came at rush time she was very attentive to our needs and apologized for taking so long to get back to us (it wasn’t that long!). If she’s working I definitely recommend trying out [Restaurant Name], she’ll make it worth the trip!”

Reviews that feature the name of the employee who provided such stellar service not only help potential customers know who to ask for but also let businesses know who is doing well at their job. This can lead to stronger customer loyalty as well as act as a pick-me-up for the employee!

The Service You Want

“I know next to nothing about buying beds, and [Business Name] helped me find exactly what I needed. Paul was very informative and patient, and let us try out lots of mattresses based on our feedback. He even took our price range into the equation and found us the perfect mattress for the both of us. Thanks for your help Paul!”

Effective reviews highlight the customer service aspect of any business with flair. Work that goes “above and beyond” or against the norm (such as trying to upsell) lends a human element to the business that can be endearing to potential and current customers. Everyone just wants great customer service , so reviews that shine a spotlight on that aspect of past service are highly effective in drawing in a larger customer base.

We See You!

“I got my hair cut and colored by Tracy the other day and she did such a great job! She took what I wanted and seemed to read my mind perfectly and gave me exactly what I wanted, and she was great to chat with throughout the process. She was worth having to get off work a little early to come see, 10/10! – Jamie Hi Jamie, we’re so glad Tracy could give you the haircut of your dreams! She’s thinking about opening up evening hours on weekdays, so we’ll make sure she knows to contact you when she does so you don’t have to take off any more work to come see her again!”

Nothing says effective customer service and a customer-centric mentality more than reviews that have replies from the business. Even if the reviews are negative, they can be responded to professionally and with concern, turning a negative into a positive. Positive reviews that are acknowledged also show customers that a business really cares about receiving feedback of all sorts, which encourages them to leave their own reviews.

Here are some further tips on responding to reviews:

  • How to Respond to a Negative Review on Facebook
  • Responding to Bad Reviews: The Dos and Don’ts
  • Tips for Responding to Positive Reviews With Examples

Encouraging Meaningful Customer Feedback

Want raving reviews for your business? Don’t just sit there hoping for the best—take charge! Try the following tips:

  • Deliver Amazing Service: Happy customers are your best advertisers. The better your service is, the more positive feedback you’ll receive. Even if you get negative feedback, take it as a learning moment—and make certain you respond! Let your customer service extend to your reviews, and customers will appreciate you going the extra mile.
  • Make the Process Easy: Customers are more encouraged to sing your praises when it isn’t hard for them to do so. Streamline the review process by sending direct links or QR codes.
  • Have Good Timing: Ask for reviews when the positive vibes are fresh. Post-purchase or after a successful service, strike while the iron is hot!
  • Incentivize Feedback: Offer discounts, exclusive access, or loyalty points, and be careful not to be pushy in the offering. If customers get something beyond just being acknowledged for leaving a review, such as a discount, they’re much more likely to come back to your business for more.
  • Be Honest: Honesty is the best policy, so don’t beg for 5 stars. Instead, ask for genuine feedback. Engage with your customers by showing appreciation for their time and opinions. Respond to reviews, positive or negative. It’s not just about the good stuff—it’s about building trust and credibility.
  • Utilize Social Media: Encourage reviews on platforms your customers frequent, such as Facebook or Instagram. Create a buzz, and watch those stars align. Make your business a review-worthy sensation! Tip: How to Request a Review on Facebook .

There’s no better way to build customer loyalty and credibility for your business than by having positive Facebook reviews. Responding to them can take you one step further, and asking for reviews by offering incentives and making the process easy to complete can get you that many more.

Improve Facebook Page Reviews with Broadly

If you want to make it that much easier to keep a strong online presence and reputation, consider partnering with our team at Broadly. Our review management software lets you see all of your reviews in one place, making it much easier to respond to them all. Generate a strong online presence by letting your customers see that you value their feedback, and get an enhanced online reputation by staying on top of responses with ease.

Ready to give it a go? Reach out to us for a free demo today!

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How to get more reviews online

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3 Steps To Creating A Facebook Review Link

To get reviews on Facebook , you need to make sure your customers know where to write a review by sending them a review link.

It’s easy enough to get your Facebook review link. Just open your Facebook Business page in a desktop browser, click on the “Reviews” tab, and copy the URL.

The problem with this, however, is that this review link won’t prompt customers to log in. This means an extra action some customers will have to complete, which can, believe it or not, discourage them.

The key is to make the review process as quick and easy as possible for your customers. This, in turn, will increase the likelihood of them posting a review.

You can do this by creating a Facebook review link with a login prompt . It’s not as hard as it sounds, as we break it down in just three steps.

Why It’s Important To Get Reviews For Your Business

Facebook reviews (Facebook Recommendations) have more benefits than most business owners realize.

And knowing these benefits is important as it will help you understand how Facebook reviews work and, as a result, how you can use them to your advantage.

Facebook reviews are social proof . And with more first-hand endorsements of your products and services, more customers will trust your business.

As it turns out, 88% of customers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

So it’s about building a reputation (through positive reviews and a high star rating) that customers can trust. This will increase your search visibility as well as increase the chance Facebook recommends your business in users’ Feeds.

What’s also worth knowing is that Facebook reviews can appear in search engine results. And if your reviews are positive, this will draw more traffic to your Facebook page.

How To Create A Facebook Review Link: 3 Steps

To get more reviews on Facebook, it’s vital to make writing reviews as easy as possible for customers. In other words: reducing the steps it takes for customers to write a review.

This is why creating your own Facebook review link (with a login prompt) is better than simply using the URL of your Facebook Business review page, as the latter will require some customers to log in first.

There are three steps to creating a Facebook review link:

  • Create a Facebook login URL
  • Modify the URL to redirect customers after login
  • Add your business name to the URL

It sounds technical, but it’s not. You’ll see as we explain each step below.

Step 1: Create A Facebook Login URL

Customers can’t post a Facebook review for your business without logging in to Facebook first. 

Most Facebook users will know how to log in if needed, but, again, we’re trying to make it as easy as possible by assisting customers through the process.

All this step requires is adding “/login” to the end of the Facebook homepage URL, so that it looks like this:

Step 2: Modify The URL To Redirect Customers After Login

After the customer logs in, you want to make sure that the customer is taken to your Facebook Business page – not to the Facebook News Feed.

This ensures the customer won’t have to search for your business or enter your Facebook URL a second time. 

To do this, add “?next=” to the end of the Facebook login URL made in step 1, so that it looks like this:

Step 3: Add Your Business Name To The URL

The final step is to add “” to the URL made in step 2.

However, you’ll need to replace “yourbusiness” with your business name as it reads in the URL of your Facebook page.

Once you have made the change and added it to the URL made in step 2, the final URL—your Facebook review link—should look like this (except with your business name):

How To Request A Review On Facebook 

3 Steps to Creating a Facebook Review Link (1)

Creating your Facebook review link is only half the work, unfortunately. You’ll need to send the review link to customers, needless to say, but you’ll also need to use best practices for your review request to be effective.

This involves two things:

  • Sending your Facebook review requests using the appropriate channels
  • Including a message that encourages the customer to click the link to write a review

The key to creating an effective review request message is to be direct yet friendly while expressing why their feedback is valued.

You can send your review requests using email, SMS, and Facebook messages, but, in general, email is more recommended. Customer emails are easier to collect than phone numbers, and emails are less personal than Facebook messages.

How To Enable Facebook Reviews

It’s no good to send Facebook review request links to your customers if your reviews aren’t turned on. While Facebook reviews are enabled by default, it’s worth checking to make sure!

Thankfully, enabling Facebook reviews takes just five simple steps:

  • Log in to your Facebook Business page
  • Click on “Settings” (located at the top right-hand corner)
  • Click on “Templates and Tabs” (located in the left-hand sidebar)
  • Scroll down to “Show Reviews” (in the “Reviews” section) and click the toggle “On”  
  • Click “Save” to confirm the change

Remember: Facebook reviews are enabled by default. So if you find that your Facebook reviews are enabled (the toggle will be green/“On”), make sure not to change the setting.

How To Increase Engagement On Facebook

Your customer reviews are the most important factor determining your business’s reputation on Facebook. 

How you interact with customers on Facebook is also important, however, with the potential to increase page traffic and encourage sales.

There are countless ways to engage and interact with your Facebook audience. But to help you out, we’ve listed three key strategies below.

Share User-Generated Content

User-generated content that promotes your business is essentially free marketing. And like customer reviews, it’s more social proof that you can leverage to build your reputation and increase audience engagement on Facebook. 

This includes any kind of Facebook content a customer has posted that endorses your products or services. You’ll get notified when it happens, as a Facebook user will tag your business, check-in to your location, or include a hashtag of your business name.

It’s a great way to showcase more positive feedback on your Facebook Business page that followers and new page visitors will see. 

Reply To Facebook Reviews

Did you know that 56% of consumers say that the way businesses respond to reviews matters ? This makes it important to respond to Facebook reviews as it can influence customers to trust and use your business.

Most businesses do not respond to reviews. This provides a chance for your business to stand out, however, so it’s worth responding to as many of your Facebook reviews as you can – even the positive reviews.

There are best practices for responding to reviews, and these include responding punctually, professionally, and transparently.

Your responses should always be appreciative, as this will demonstrate that your business cares for its customers and values their feedback – good or bad.

Share Google Reviews On Facebook

Sharing Google reviews on Facebook is more social proof you can use to back up what your positive Facebook reviews are saying.

The good thing about this is that it’s easy to do and provides more engaging content for your Facebook page that users can interact with.

Using Google’s free Marketing Kit , sharing your positive Google reviews on Facebook is as simple as it gets. You can even customize the review as it will appear in your post (such as themes and fonts), which will make the content more visually appealing.

All you need to share Google reviews using Google’s Marketing Kit is a verified Google Business Profile. Google Business Marketing Kit also gives you the ability to create other marketing materials, so it’s a free tool that’s well worth using.

How To Get More Reviews (On All Review Sites)

It isn’t difficult to create a Facebook review link, but there is an easier and more effective way to get reviews for your business – not just on Facebook, but on Google, Yelp , and more.

Having a review link is only half the work, as mentioned. You need to write a persuasive review request to get your customers to click the review link, which you’ll also have to send to all new customers your business deals with.

The easier and more effective method is to automate the process . And it’s the reason why thousands of businesses use ReputationStacker – a tool that will automatically send review requests to your customers using a proven approach to get more reviews.

Ultimately, it’s not necessary to create review links or even put time and effort into a long-term review marketing strategy – not when ReputationStacker will handle all of it for you. 

Ian Kirby Image


Ian Kirby has been working in digital marketing for over 15 years. Having worked both with and for digital marketing agencies and in-house with multiple companies, he has a specific interest and expertise in online reputation management, online reviews, and the implementation of business systems. Ian’s writing, videos, and interviews have garnered millions of reads, views, and listens.

About Ian Kirby • Ian's Articles

How To Get Google Reviews

The average ReputationStacker user triples their review count in the first 3 months .


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  2. How Do I Add Reviews To My Facebook Business Page?

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  4. How to Write a Review on Facebook

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  5. Everything You Need to Know About Facebook Reviews

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  6. How To Request Reviews On Facebook

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  1. How to Leave a Review or Recommendation on Facebook

    How to write a review on Facebook. 1. Go to the Facebook page of the business you want to review. 2. Click the Reviews tab. If you don't see the Reviews tab at the top, click More. Abigail ...

  2. How to Leave a Review on Facebook: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Leaving a review on Facebook is pretty simple and quick. First, you need to find the page of the business or service you want to review. Once you're on the page, look for the reviews section. Click on "Write a Review," rate the business, and write your thoughts. After you're done, just hit "Post," and your review will be live.

  3. A Step-By-Step Guide On How To Write A Facebook Review

    Click on "Write a Review": In the Reviews section, you'll typically find a button that says "Write a Review" or something similar. Click on this button to start composing your review. 4. Choose Your Star Rating: Facebook uses a five-star rating system, with one star being the lowest rating and five stars being the highest.

  4. How to Write a Review on Facebook in 2024, 9 Easy Ways

    5. How to write a review on Facebook from start to finish (using a desktop computer) 5.1. Step one: Search for the brand you'd like to review. 5.2. Step two: Click "Reviews". 5.3. Step three: Answer "yes" to the recommendation prompt. 5.4.

  5. How to Leave Reviews on Facebook: An Expert Guide for Small Businesses

    Click on an ad or post leading to your Page. Visit your official website and click the Facebook icon. Once on your Page, they can scroll down to the Reviews section. 2. Leave a Rating & Written Review. They simply: Rate your business from one to five stars. Click to give a recommendation. Write their review summary, feedback, experiences.

  6. How to create and use a Facebook Review Link

    Step 1: Copy the HTML code of the review link and paste it into a text editor such as Microsoft Word or Notepad. Step 2: Select the text where you want to embed the link, click on Ctrl/Command + K and copy the HTML code. Once the link is embedded, customers will be able to access it directly by clicking on the text.

  7. How to Leave a Review on Facebook

    These are the steps to leaving a rating for a seller: Log in to your Facebook account. Click the Marketplace tab. Next to the search icon at the top of the screen, click the person icon. Click "Buying" and find your chat with the seller. Click "Rate Seller".

  8. How To Write a Facebook Review

    Find your review and click on the three dots in the top right corner. From there, you'll see an option to 'Edit Recommendation'. This is your chance to adjust your rating or elaborate on your experience further. Remember, your edited review will replace the original and will be date-stamped with the latest update.

  9. A complete guide on Facebook Recommendations/Reviews

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    10 Effective Strategies to Get More Facebook Reviews on Your Facebook Business Page. Now that you understand the importance of online reviews and the guidelines for managing them on Facebook, let's dive into ten practical strategies to get more Facebook reviews on your business page. Turn On Reviews For Your Facebook Page. First thing first.

  11. How to request a review of your Page's feedback score

    To request a review of your Page feedback score: Go to Business Support Home. Select View My Accounts. Select the Business Account associated with the restricted Page. Select the Page for which you want to request a review. Click Request Review to submit a review.

  12. How to Leave Facebook Reviews With The New Facebook ...

    To recommend a business on Facebook, you will need to open the business's Facebook Page that you want to recommend. Please note that previously, there was an option to 'Write a review' and select the review score from 1-5. Now you do not actually leave a review for the business, but you are recommending it.

  13. How to Review a Business on Facebook

    The first step is to navigate to the business page you want to review. You can do this by searching in the Facebook search. I'm going to search for ReminderMedia. Step two is to scroll down until you see Reviews, or you can click Reviews on the left-hand side if you're navigating on a desktop. Facebook is then going to ask you if you ...

  14. Give Us Feedback About a Facebook Feature

    Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback. Though we can't review and respond to every submission, we do use feedback like yours to improve the Facebook experience for everyone. We may use feedback or suggestions submitted by the community without any restriction or obligation to provide compensation for them or keep them confidential ...

  15. How To Turn On Facebook Reviews in 2024

    With five easy steps, you can turn on Facebook reviews. Here's everything you need to know: Step #1: Log in to your Facebook Business page. Step #2: Click on the "Settings" tab. Step #3: Navigate to "Templates and Tabs". Step #4: Enable Reviews through the slider.

  16. How to Request a Review on Facebook

    If you decide to turn Facebook reviews off, here is a step-by-step guide to help you. Log into your Facebook business page. Click the "Settings" tab. Click "Templates and Tabs". Toggle the "Reviews" button to off. If you choose to reactivate your reviews, both positive and negative reviews will return.

  17. 10 Ways To Get More Facebook Reviews For Your Business

    Engagement Opportunity: If a customer checks in on your business, they create an opportunity for you to engage with them, thanking them for their visit and asking them to leave a review. This might delight the customer and prompt them to leave an amazing review. 3. Get Reviews Through a 'Leave Us a Review Email'.

  18. How to write a Facebook review / recommendation

    If you are not sure how to give a Facebook review/recommendation, this short article with show you how. Step 1: Find the company or charity or organisation you want to review/recommend. Step 2 & 3: Select Reviews and then select Yes (or No) Step 4: Write your review. Be effusive. Be friendly. Be helpful to anyone who looks at the review. Step 5.

  19. How to Get Facebook Reviews for Your Business Page (15 Easy Ways)

    1. Enable Reviews for Your Facebook Page. The first thing to do is make sure you're allowing visitors to see and leave Facebook reviews. To do that, first, start managing your Facebook business page and click on the Settings option on the left. Doing that will allow you to change the settings of your Facebook page.

  20. Manage your Business Reviews in Business Manager or Meta ...

    To write a response to a review: Open the Ratings and Reviews tab. Go to the Actions column. Select Write Response to respond to a review. Once the response has been submitted, it will be reviewed against our Community Standards before publishing. You can view the status of your response by selecting View Response.

  21. How to Get the Best Facebook Page Reviews with Examples

    Before we give you some ways to get better Facebook reviews, let's take a look at some real-world success stories. Generate 5-star Facebook reviews for your business automatically. ... Effective Facebook Page Review Examples. To be termed an effective review, certain criteria must be met. Let's look at a few examples to see these criteria ...

  22. 3 Steps To Creating A Facebook Review Link

    Click on "Settings" (located at the top right-hand corner) Click on "Templates and Tabs" (located in the left-hand sidebar) Scroll down to "Show Reviews" (in the "Reviews" section) and click the toggle "On". Click "Save" to confirm the change. Remember: Facebook reviews are enabled by default.

  23. How can I edit or delete a business review that I wrote on Facebook

    To edit your review: From your Feed, tap your profile picture. Tap , then tap Activity Log. Tap Interactions, then tap Reviews. Swipe down to the review that you want to edit, then tap on the review. Tap Edit Review. You can edit your rating or your written review. Once you're done with your edits, tap Save. To delete your review:

  24. New mandate requires doctor's note to give over-the-counter meds in school

    BULLARD, Texas (KETK) — As back to school season continues, some school districts have taken to Facebook to talk about a new clarification from the state that school nurses are required to have a physician's order to give out over-the-counter medication. KETK spoke with East Texas school districts about what this means for nurses and parents.