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Interesting Literature

12 of the Best Synonyms for ‘Additionally’

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University)

‘Additionally’ is a useful word: so useful that a writer can find themselves in danger of overusing it in certain contexts. What viable alternative words are there which can serve as good synonyms for the word additionally ?

Let’s take a look at the best additionally synonyms, exploring how they might be used as a substitute for that commonly used word.

Additionally is an adverb, as the -ly ending strongly implies. So what follows are some adverbs and adverbial phrases which serve the same purpose as additionally , or at least, serve a very similar function.

‘Additionally’ synonyms

If you don’t mind utilising an adverbial phrase rather than a single word, then IN ADDITION can work very nicely as an alternative to ‘additionally’. It means the same thing. So, just as you might say (or write), ‘There were three cats on the lawn. Additionally, there were two squirrels’, so you might say, ‘There were three cats on the lawn. In addition, there were two squirrels.’ The two phrases are perfectly interchangeable.

ALSO works in much the same way. In his little-read sequel to Robinson Crusoe , the 1719 book The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe , Daniel Defoe wrote: ‘A very handy ingenious Fellow, who was a Cooper by Trade but was also a general Mechanick; for he was dexterous at making Wheels.’

Defoe might alternatively have written ‘but was additionally a general Mechanick’, since the man is a cooper but also a mechanic: he is a mechanic in addition to being a cooper (or barrel-maker).

The word also emerged, the Oxford English Dictionary ( OED ) tells us, as an intensification of the word so , and invites us to compare other al- words, such as although and altogether , among others.

Returning to adverbial phrases, another common synonym for additionally is AS WELL , which means the same as also . However, the required syntax is subtly different. Returning to that Defoe example, if Defoe had used as well instead of also , he could not have written ‘who was a Cooper by Trade but was as well a general Mechanick’, at least not without muddying his meaning.

Instead, as well should come after the noun phrase, thus: ‘who was a Cooper by Trade but was a general Mechanick as well .’

The same goes for another additionally synonym, the simple word TOO , where ‘who was a Cooper by Trade but was too a general Mechanick’ would make little sense: you’d need to write ‘who was a Cooper by Trade but was a general Mechanick too ’, leaving the adverb until the end of the clause.

Both as well and too are common in both formal and colloquial contexts. But another useful synonym, MOREOVER , is probably more frequently used in formal writing or speech-making than in general conversation, where it can sound unduly pompous or pretentious. Imagine saying to friends, ‘I think we should have another round of drinks. Moreover, I reckon we should order some food!’

But in a formal setting, moreover can be rhetorically very effective. The etymology of the word is self-explanatory: it’s from more and over , and so in a sense doubly signals its meaning (‘additionally’, ‘in addition’).

It could so easily have been otherwise. The OED invites us to compare OVERMORE , an alternative formation with the same meaning, which appeared to go head-to-head with moreover for primacy in the Middle Ages.

But moreover won out and overmore is now relegated to the history books. Although the dictionary doesn’t name it as obsolete or archaic, my Spellcheck affords overmore a red squiggly line, which is revealing.

A more informal way of writing (or saying) additionally is simply to write PLUS, as in ‘You never paid back that £10 I lent you! Plus, you still have my lawnmower I lent you last month.’ If you wanted to be more formal you could substitute plus with additionally , of course, though in this context it would probably come across as overly stiff and even self-important!

BESIDES is a slightly curious word because although it means ‘in addition’ or ‘additionally’, the structure of the word makes it sound as though it means something different (such as ‘leaving that to one side’). But if we compare the following two sentences, we’ll see that the meaning is broadly similar in both:

You can’t sing. Besides, your guitar-playing is rubbish. You can’t sing. Additionally, your guitar-playing is rubbish.

We say ‘broadly similar’ because the first example suggests a turning away to a slightly different topic, whereas the second implies compounding the second topic with the first, to intensify one’s case. Besides means something closer to in any case than additionally , though its meaning is close enough to the latter to warrant inclusion here.

Another more colloquial expression is INTO THE BARGAIN , a phrase which has come to mean simply ‘moreover’ or ‘besides’ but which originally referred to actual bargains, and meant ‘over and above what was stipulated or expected in a deal’.

If you get more than you expected in a particular business deal or bargain, you get other things in addition , so one can see how the phrase came to be applied more generally as a synonym for additionally .

NOT TO MENTION , meanwhile, is used to refer to an additional detail which strengthens one’s argument. As the OED observes, this is a piece of rhetorical sleight-of-hand, designed to suggest that the speaker is not presenting the full extent of their argument but only, as it were, the tip of the iceberg.

In other words, it’s like saying, ‘and this is without me even mentioning all the other stuff I could mention’. It’s somewhat ironic, of course, because then the speaker goes on to mention the things which they are not to mention .

Both FURTHERMORE and FURTHER TO are yet further ways to say additionally , as in ‘further to my previous point, I would like to add …’

Let’s conclude this selection of synonyms with a more colloquial expression: TO BOOT . This has nothing to do with footwear but instead comes from an earlier sense of boot meaning ‘profit’ or ‘advantage’ or simply ‘good’, as in the phrase to the good .

So to boot has meant, ever since the early Middle Ages, ‘in addition’, ‘moreover’, and ‘into the bargain’. Although the OED doesn’t list it as a strictly colloquial term, it is best used guardedly in formal writing.

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Eleven Other Ways To Say “In Addition”

“In addition” is a common phrase often used in essays, reports, and other texts that require formal language. Below, we’ll give you synonyms you can use in its place, including casual alternatives.

Looking for in addition synonyms? We can help!

What Are Other Ways To Say “In Addition”?

A formal synonym of in addition is moreover .

  • Moreover , there’s a lot of data that needs to be analyzed.

A casual synonym of in addition is on top of that .

  • On top of that , no one really wanted to go

What Is the Meaning of “In Addition”?

In addition is a phrase that can be used in a few different ways. It can be used to mean “as an extra person, thing, or circumstance.”

They received their checks and also got to keep the tips in addition .
The position requires a college degree and two years of experience in addition .
Luke loves to travel and explore. In addition , he also volunteers at the animal shelter.

You can also find in addition used as a transition phrase in writing to introduce additional information that is relevant to the topic being discussed.

In addition , the evidence suggests that four-day work weeks are beneficial.
The results were inconclusive. In addition , the board has not approved extra funding.
In addition , the students learned to be more empathetic.

Experienced writers know that good writing requires a varied vocabulary. Instead of constantly using the phrase in addition throughout your text, use alternative terms like the ones listed below.

Formal Synonyms for “In Addition”

The following synonyms for in addition are suitable for writing that requires professional or academic language, like essays , reports, and more.

1. Additionally

Additionally , the students excelled when given more free time.

2. Furthermore

Furthermore , more research should be conducted before publishing the results.

3. Moreover

The coral flourished; moreover , the sea life returned and thrived.

4. Another point to consider

Another point to consider is that mental health incidents have declined since the initiative began.

5. It is important to note that

It is important to note that most of the test subjects had received their undergraduate degree.  

Find formal in addition synonyms above, and casual synonyms for in addition below.

Casual Synonyms for “In Addition”

Sometimes you need a more natural way of saying in addition. The following alternatives are appropriate for casual conversations, whether in writing or speaking.

Also , kiwis have more potassium than bananas.
Plus , if you really wanted to go, you would have gone.
Besides , everyone knows time flies when you’re having fun.

9. On top of that

On top of that , no one was looking at you when you fell.

10. What’s more

What’s more , Oscar graduated in interior design, not fashion design.

11. Not to mention

Not to mention , Lily received an invitation, but I didn’t.

Watch Out for the Phrase “Add an Additional”

Although commonly used, add an additional is a redundant phrase. Instead, use a phrase like add another .

❌ Add an additional cup of water if the rice is dry. ✅ Add another cup of water if the rice is dry.

In Addition, LanguageTool Helps Perfect Your Writing

Diversifying your word choice is an easy yet effective way to improve your writing skills and fluency. Next time you find yourself using the phrase in addition, try using these synonyms instead.

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30+ Furthermore Synonyms

Walter Akolo

By Walter Akolo

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In writing and speech, the word furthermore is used as a conjunctive adverb. It ties together two sentences that have a connection by advancing the argument. As a transition word furthermore is defined as "an addition to what precedes."

When used correctly, furthermore helps make your writing easier to understand. But, like with any word, overusing furthermore will distract your reader and disrupt the flow of your writing. So what can you say instead?

To find the best synonyms, we need to make sure we know what we’re trying to say. Let’s expand on that definition a little.

What Does the Word Furthermore Mean?

  • What Type of Word Is Furthermore?

How Do I Use Furthermore in a Sentence?

  • What Can I Say Instead of Furthermore?
  • What Is Another Way to Say Additionally?
  • Does Moreover Mean Furthermore?

Make Your Writing Richer with These Furthermore Alternatives

Furthermore means the same as besides , moreover , or in addition . Initially used in the 13th century, this word ties statements, paragraphs, and thoughts together. In a text or essay, it’s used to show that the author or speaker is not done with what they are saying and is furthering their point using additional evidence.

Image showing the definition of furthermore

What Type of Word Is Furthermore ?

Furthermore is an adverb. Adverbs modify the meaning of words and sentences. In this case, the adverb furthermore modifies the following sentence by marking it as a continuation of the idea from the sentence or point before it.

This changes the meaning of the sentence by asking you to consider other information alongside it.

Now that you know some related words to use for furthermore , how can you use furthermore in a sentence? Let’s look at some example sentences.

Image showing furthermore used in a sentence

  • My parents just moved into a nice house. We love it. Furthermore , it’s near my dad’s job.
  • Our annual family summer trip to Paris is usually so much fun. Furthermore , it doesn’t cost us a lot of money.
  • Most companies have now adopted the work-from-home model. This has improved productivity . Furthermore , employees can work from any location.
  • We, furthermore , won’t include the personal contact information you share on your job application.
  • I enjoy shopping at Jades’. Furthermore , I get the best bargain.
  • Furthermore , the comments on my Instagram page have been very positive lately.

Is Furthermore a Formal Word?

Furthermore is most commonly used in formal writing like essays, reports, and presentations.

You’re unlikely to throw it into casual conversation, like when you’re ordering a coffee:

  • "I would like an iced latte, please, and furthermore, I would like a croissant."

That sounds a little strange. In informal speech and writing, go for something like also .

  • "I’d like a coffee, please, and also a croissant."

You can find some more informal synonyms for furthermore in the next section.

However, it’s important to note that some synonyms, such as on top of that , by the same token , and over and above that should really only be used in an informal setting. Despite this, they all have the same meaning and will provide support to your statement without too much repetition.

What Can I Say Instead of Furthermore ?

Chances are you’ll need to link points together more than once in a piece of writing. Switch out repeated instances of furthermore for some of these synonyms to keep your writing fresh:


  • What’s more

Image showing alternatives for furthermore

What Is Another Way to Say Additionally ?

If you struggle to remember what furthermore means, you can think of it as a synonym for additionally . But what if you have already used furthermore and additionally in your writing?

Here are even more synonyms for furthermore and additionally :

On top of that

  • On top of everything else
  • As well as that
  • In addition to everything else
  • By the same token
  • Over and above that
  • Not to mention
  • On top of this
  • In addition to this
  • As well as this

What Are Some Synonyms of Furthermore in a Sentence?

When speaking or writing, it’s advisable to vary your words to communicate effectively. One way to do this is to use other words with the same meaning.

For instance, in an excerpt, you can mention furthermore two to three times and then use synonyms to support your message. Here are some examples of how you can use a furthermore synonym in your content.

  • The music class will last for two hours this Friday. Additionally , it will include some group lessons.

Over and Above That

  • Over and above that , our work performance has increased this past year.
  • There are many ways to get there, but the train is the most used here. Besides the train, you can use the bus service for your trip tomorrow.

What’s More

  • I can take you shopping tomorrow morning. What’s more , I know the best place to get a good bargain.

In Addition

  • In addition , I forgot to bring my phone charger today.

The price of these shoes is reasonable. Moreover , the pair fits me very well.

  • On top of that , I had to walk to the mall.

Varying your transitions is important—and so is using enough transitions. You should start around 25% of your sentences with a transition word to keep your ideas flowing smoothly.

Check you’re using enough transitions in your writing with ProWritingAid’s Transition Report .

furthermore highlighted in transitions report

You’ll see your transitions listed in the report panel so you can check you aren’t overusing certain words or transition types.

Sign up for a free ProWritingAid account to check your transitions today.

Does Moreover Mean Furthermore ?

Furthermore and moreover are interchangeably used as synonyms. The definition is similar. Moreover is also added to provide additional support to an argument.

When should you use moreover ? Unlike other furthermore synonyms, moreover is more authoritative and has a forceful tone. While furthermore is a continuation of what has been said, moreover is an intensifier.

Grammatically, the words furthermore and moreover can be used in place of one another. If you need to use them in the same paragraph, use moreover first and then furthermore .

Here are some examples:

  • I think you should search for another house. Moreover , there are new apartments just across the street.
  • Life has become very tough since I finished college I got divorced and everything in my house was stolen. Moreover , I lost my job, so I’m still looking for employment.

Image showing relationship between furthermore and moreover

Is Furthermore a Complex Word?

Yes, it is. Furthermore is a conjunctive adverb. Therefore, when using it to connect two independent sentences, there’s a basic rule that you should follow.

If these two parts of text can independently stand separately, you’ll need to use a semicolon instead of a comma. The other alternative is to use a period right before the conjunctive phrase.

  • Whitney Houston was a songwriter and singer; furthermore, she was one of the greatest vocalists of all time.

Since you can easily confuse what punctuation you should put before or after furthermore , it’s best to use our Grammar Report when proofreading your content. This will show you where you’ve made possible errors and how to correct them.

Here’s an example:

Screenshot  of ProWritingAid's grammar checker

Furthermore is an important transition phrase in both writing and speech. For the text to make sense, use the term in the right place. Wrong placement of furthermore can alter the entire meaning and flow of a paragraph and lead to miscommunication.

When the text contains complex phrases, you can use furthermore to break it down into simpler sentences. When the information is split this way, the reader can concentrate much better. Long sentences can be too hard to read.

The term can also be placed either at the beginning or in the middle of the text. This way, it becomes easier to read.

Furthermore is a pretty vital word which makes it easy to overuse. Bookmark this article for when you need a reminder of all its alternatives.

Don’t forget, you can always use ProWritingAid’s Word Explorer for inspiration.

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20 Editing Tips from Professional Writers

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Walter Akolo

Walter Akolo is a freelance writer, internet marketer, trainer, and blogger for hire. He loves helping businesses increase their reach and conversion through excellent and engaging content. He has gotten millions of pageviews on his blog, FreelancerKenya, where he mentors writers. Check out his website walterakolo.com.

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Other Words for ADDITIONALLY: 30+ Useful Synonyms for Additionally

additionally synonym in essay

Other Words for Additionally

Additionally synonyms with examples.

Learn another word for additionally with example sentences.

Mary is a friendly girl. Above , she is very intelligent.

  • Along with it 

Along with it , the overtop structure, the ideology also inevitably must change.

Although the world is full of suffering, it is full  also  of the overcoming of it.

To make good use of life.one should have in youth the experience of advanced years, and  in old age the vigor of youth.

Apart from this , its description of linguistic structures is not as exact and analytical as modern style studies tend to be.

There’s something else I’d like to talk about  as well .

I don’t want to go;  besides , I’m too tired.

I can think of nothing  else  but your dazzling smile.

He sold me the car at a cheap price and included the radio  for good measure .

So  she  bought  some  of  his  salves,  and  gave  him  two  English  shillings  for  her  bargain,  forbye  bread  and  milk  and  a  pint  of  ale.

I don’t want to go there,  furthermore , I have no time to do so.

The company provides cheap Internet access.  In addition, it makes shareware freely available.

“As we restructure, we are eliminating some positions and  in addition to that , we’re shifting some positions from Yum to our brands, ” spokesman Jonathan Blum told Reuters.

In addition to this  , it is also important to set goals for acne treatment.

My own accidental cut across the knuckles was a flea-bite. Dr Livesey patched it up with plaster, and pulled my ears for me  into the bargain .

Heating is another danger area but,  likewise , you can take preventative steps: Open fires should always have a fireguard.

The rent is reasonable, and  moreover , the location is perfect.

Not only that, he has been in the second place in the world rankings.

On another note , I have always been more partial to his poetry than his criticism.

He lost his job and  on top of that  his wife left him.

On top of this , I face my final exams at the end of the year.

Over and above , joining the Olympic Games can be a way keep fit.

The scales showed seven pounds less, he was eating baskets of fruit and goody-goody health food,  plus  he’d laid off the booze completely.

And  second of all , he believes he can buy off parliament.

To start with, we haven’t enough money, and  secondly  we haven’t enough time.

My boyfriend is funny, and a pretty good cook, to boot .

I cannot be your friend and your flatterer  too .

You should remember it, and  what’s more , you should get it right.

He made it clear to all that I was his friend and withal a very good guy.

Synonyms for Additionally with Examples | Infographic

Another Word for Additionally

Additionally synonym

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additionally synonym in essay

Related Words

Words related to additionally are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word additionally . Browse related words to learn more about word associations.

adverb as in in addition

  • furthermore
  • on the contrary
  • on the other hand

adverb as in together with

  • accompanying
  • as companion
  • at same time
  • coupled with
  • in addition to
  • side by side
  • simultaneously

adverb as in in addition to

  • in conjunction with
  • in like manner
  • more than that
  • over and above
  • together with

adverb as in in addition; as well

  • exclusive of
  • in addition
  • in distinction to
  • in excess of
  • in other respects
  • not counting
  • on the side
  • on top of everything
  • supplementary to
  • what's more
  • with the exception of
  • not to mention

Viewing 5 / 9 related words

From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


85+ Synonyms for “In Addition” | Other Ways to Say “In Addition”

When we want to add information or express that something is in addition to what has already been mentioned, there are many synonyms that can make our writing richer and more varied. Using synonyms for “in addition” helps us avoid repetition, creates emphasis, and enhances the flow of our writing. It’s not just about expanding our vocabulary; it’s about choosing the right word that fits the context and tone we’re aiming for.

In Addition Synonyms

What is “in addition”.

“In addition” is a phrase we use to introduce an extra piece of information or to indicate that something is being included. It’s a handy connector in our sentences, helping us add on and build up our ideas.

List of Synonyms for In Addition

  • Furthermore
  • Additionally
  • Not to mention
  • What’s more
  • On top of that
  • In conjunction with
  • In the same vein
  • Secondarily
  • Added to that
  • In the bargain
  • Over and above that
  • Into the bargain
  • As an extra
  • In the same way
  • Correspondingly
  • By the same token
  • As a matter of fact
  • In a similar fashion
  • Subsequently
  • Coupled with
  • In like manner
  • Concurrently
  • Not only… but also
  • Together with
  • In addition to
  • Supplementarily
  • To say nothing of
  • In tandem with
  • As another point
  • To supplement
  • To add to that
  • Complementarily
  • In parallel
  • Analogously
  • In a related note
  • To continue
  • By extension
  • In addition to this/that
  • On another note
  • In addition to what has been said
  • To top it off
  • As a complement
  • In the light of
  • Notwithstanding
  • At the same time
  • On top of which
  • In addition to the foregoing
  • As an addition
  • As an adjunct
  • In the context of
  • In addition to everything else
  • To go further
  • In the wake of
  • Following on from
  • As an extension
  • To build on that
  • In the second place
  • In addition to being
  • As a follow-up
  • Along the same lines
  • In the same context
  • In continuation

Types of Synonyms for In Addition

Subtle variations.

  • Additionally:  Often interchangeable with “in addition,” this implies a seamless addition to what has already been mentioned.
  • Furthermore:  Used to impart a stronger sense of continuation from the previous point.
  • Moreover:  Suggests that the additional information is of equal or greater importance.

Informal Alternates

  • Plus:  A succinct, colloquial option for adding information.
  • Also:  A versatile choice that fits comfortably in both formal and informal settings.

Formal Alternatives

  • Additionally:  Appropriate for written reports or presentations to add further information.
  • Moreover:  Provides a formal way to add weight to an argument or point.

Common Synonyms for In Addition

In addition vs. additionally.

In addition often introduces a complementary idea, implying the continuity of a list or argument. Contrastingly,  additionally  can serve the same purpose but is sometimes preferred for adding information that is not only supplementary but also emphasizes an extra point.

  • “The plan is cost-effective, and additionally , it is extremely scalable.”
  • “We must consider the environmental impacts.  In addition , the economic aspects cannot be neglected.”

In Addition vs. Moreover

In addition implies a straightforward continuation of points. Moreover tends to add weight to the preceding statement, enriching it with significant supplementary information.

  • “She leads the team efficiently.  Moreover , her innovative strategies have doubled our productivity.”
  • “He is a remarkable scholar.  In addition , his contributions to charity are commendable.”

In Addition vs. Furthermore

While  in addition  is a common connector,  furthermore is a bit more formal and is often used to strengthen an argument by providing more compelling evidence. Compared to  furthermore , “in addition” can feel less forceful and is more commonly used in casual contexts.

  • “Our project timeline is tight. In addition , we need to account for potential delays.”
  • “The research is incomplete.  Furthermore , the methodology used is outdated.”

In Addition vs. Also

Also is often used interchangeably with “in addition”, but it can be more versatile. It can introduce new information or reiterate a previously stated fact differently. In some cases, “in addition” might suggest a stronger sense of augmentation than  also .

  • “We’re expanding our services.  In addition , we’re exploring new markets.”
  • “Our product is affordable. It is  also  user-friendly.”

Academic Writing Standards

In academic writing, it is crucial that we adhere to standards that convey professionalism and precision. Synonyms for “in addition,” such as  moreover ,  furthermore , and  additionally , should be integrated seamlessly into our prose to build cogent arguments without redundancy. We are to use these terms when elaborating on points or introducing related information.

We must also be mindful of the following academic conventions:

  • Avoid Contractions : For clarity and formality, we use full forms (e.g., cannot instead of can’t).
  • Precision in Language : Select words that best convey the intended meaning in the context of the subject matter.
  • Objective Tone : Maintain an impartial tone, despite our natural biases, ensuring that conclusions are supported by evidence.
  • Appropriate Synonym Usage : Replace “in addition” with suitable alternatives that suit the academic context:
Formal Term Usage Example
Additionally, our findings support this claim.
Furthermore, we will investigate these results.
Moreover, the study provides conclusive evidence.

Lexical Variety in Formal Writing

In formal writing, the utility of a broad vocabulary cannot be overstated. Our ability to express nuanced ideas and construct compelling arguments is often augmented by our choice of words. Specifically, when aiming to add information in academic texts, it is prudent for us to select synonyms for “in addition” that elevate our language and clarify our intentions.

Here are a few formal alternatives:

  • Moreover : We may opt for “moreover” to introduce information that not only adds to the discussion but also reinforces our previous statements.
  • Furthermore : “Furthermore” is useful when we seek to provide additional support or evidence that strengthens our argument.
  • Additionally : When we wish to simply add another point without necessarily intensifying the previous one, “additionally” is an apt choice.
Synonym Use Case
Moreover To introduce information that reinforces the argument
Furthermore To offer extra support or evidence
Additionally To present an additional point

We must ensure that our synonyms not only fit the context but also maintain the flow and coherence of our work. In doing so, we cultivate writings that are both professional and engaging.

Synonyms for In Addition in Different Contexts

Academic writing.

  • Moreover:   Researchers have noted a significant increase in temperature.  Moreover , the rate of ice melt has accelerated.
  • Furthermore:   The study provides insights into cellular functions.  Furthermore , it opens new avenues for research.

Everyday Conversations

  • Plus:   I love the design of this phone.  Plus , it has an impressive battery life.
  • Also:   She’s an excellent violinist. She  also  plays the piano.

Business Communications

  • Additionally:   The company will expand its operations to Europe.  Additionally , it will hire more staff.
  • As well as:   Our team achieved its sales targets,  as well as  improved customer satisfaction.

Written Narratives

  • Furthermore:   The forest was brimming with life.  Furthermore , a mystical aura seemed to envelop it.
  • On top of that:   The room was decorated with candles, and  on top of that , roses adorned each table.

Absolute and Near Synonyms of In Addition

Absolute synonyms for in addition.

Synonym Meaning
additionally As a further element or ingredient; moreover
moreover Used to introduce additional information that reinforces or supports the point being made
also In addition to; as well
plus In addition to; along with
besides Used to add another point or fact to one already mentioned

Near Synonyms for In Addition

Synonym Meaning
furthermore In addition to what has been stated; moreover
as well as In addition to; and also
on top of In addition to; along with a previous point
along with Accompanying; in addition to

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some informal substitutes for ‘in addition’?

In everyday conversation, we might use phrases like “plus,” “also,” or “as well as” to add information without formal undertones.

How can I express the concept of ‘in addition’ differently in writing?

When writing, we can opt for alternatives such as “furthermore,” “moreover,” or “besides” to enrich our language and clarify our message.

Can you provide a short synonym for ‘in addition’ suitable for resumes?

On resumes, we often utilize concise terms like “plus” or “and” to convey additive information efficiently.

What terms can replace ‘in addition’ in mathematical contexts?

In mathematics, we typically use symbols like “+,” or the word “sum” to indicate addition, keeping the language precise and technical.

How might one say ‘in addition to’ in a more conversational tone?

We commonly say “on top of that” or “along with” when we’re aiming for a tone that’s more conversational in nature.

Which word variations can I use to mean ‘in addition’ in academic papers?

In academic writings, we incorporate terms such as “additionally,” “conjointly,” or “not to mention” to introduce supplemental information with academic formality.

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Additionally – Synonyms

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The adverb “additionally” is used to introduce an extra item or detail to something that has already been stated.

Another word for additionally is also or as well. However, more synonyms will be stated in the following article.

On our overview page for synonyms, you can find the best options of synonyms for a vast variety of words that are used in academic writing .

To the overview page for synonyms


  • 1 “Additionally” – General synonyms
  • 2 “Additionally” – Synonyms used in academic writing

“Additionally” – General synonyms

Synonyms of the word additionally will be listed below.

  • For good measure
  • Furthermore
  • In addition
  • In addition to
  • In the bargain
  • Into the bargain
  • On top of that
  • What’s more

“Additionally” – Synonyms used in academic writing

In academic writing, “additionally” can be used to introduce an extra point related to the topic being discussed. It is often used to reinforce the information already stated and to support the author’s argument. Overall, “additionally” can be a useful word in academic writing to connect ideas and provide a clear and organized structure to the text. Synonyms for additionally that can be used for an academic piece of writing include moreover, in addition, or also.

Are you looking for suitable synonyms for “Additionally” for your academic paper? Have a look at the table below with the top suggestions from our BachelorPrint-Team .

The analysis of the data revealed several trends.
The analysis of the data revealed several trends.
, to the theoretical implications, this research has practical applications for…
to the theoretical implications, this research has practical applications for…
, the study found that the new drug was effective in reducing symptoms.
, the study found that the new drug was effective in reducing symptoms.

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Synonyms of additional

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Thesaurus Definition of additional

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • supplementary
  • supplemental
  • complementary
  • supernumerary
  • contributory
  • supervenient

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

Examples of additional in a Sentence

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'additional.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Thesaurus Entries Near additional


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“Additional.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/additional. Accessed 9 Sep. 2024.

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Nglish: Translation of additional for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of additional for Arabic Speakers

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September 6, 2024

Common App Word Count Limit: How Long Should My Essay Be?

People gather outside the front steps of a columned building at Harvard University.

You should always use all the real estate they give you when writing your application essays. This means going to the maximum word limit , or as close as possible to it, on  every  written prompt. Just like the employee who shows up to the office late and leaves early appears lazy and uninterested in their job, the applicant who doesn’t take advantage of every last word seems to have better things to do than write their college application essays. And if you’re an academically ambitious high schooler intent on attending a highly selective college, you quite literally don’t have anything better to do than give your application your all. Your future is counting on it!

You might think those 100-character prompts often found in college supplements don’t apply to this rule, but think again. You want to max the word or character count wherever you see a blank space waiting for you to fill with words — with one notable exception. 

What Is the Common App Essay Word Count Limit?

The Common Application’s Personal Statement has a word limit of 650; you should go up to that limit or risk coming across as noncommittal. But is that all there is to this story? Not quite. 

How to Use the Common App Additional Information Section

There is an age-old expression in elite college admissions that many students in 2024 are blissfully unaware of: “The thicker the file, the thicker the student.” Are we at Ivy Coach contradicting ourselves? No. We’re referring to the Additional Information section of The Common App. We often get prospective clients who come to us for a  PostMortem  after rejection from their top school. They have no idea what they could have possibly done wrong, and yet when one of our former elite college admissions officers takes a look at their application, the Additional Information section is filled with redundancies and superfluous information!

The Additional Information section should only include courses taken outside of school (along with corresponding grades) or list genuinely impressive activities that didn’t make it onto the activities list but complement your  singular admissions hook . It’s also okay to include a published abstract in this section (unless the school has a section for abstracts, like Columbia University . Don’t make admissions officers read the same thing twice — their time is valuable!). Each time you apply, The Common App. will save the current incarnation of your application. So, be sure to check for redundancies before each submission (e.g., delete the abstract in Additional Information for Columbia if you’re including it under the Abstract section).

In most cases, the Additional Information section should be left blank. Fill out those essays (including the optional ones!). Go up to the maximum word count wherever possible. But don’t include a link to a video of your violin performance if your singular hook is computer science. Don’t include a poem if your hook is environmental advocacy. Your singular hook should be the focus of your application, and the Additional Information section should only include information that supports or enhances this hook. 

Respect the Time of Admissions Officers

Don’t waste admissions officers’ time — applicant pools to elite schools have swelled to the tens of thousands in recent years. They’ll probably only give your application a total of 8 minutes of consideration. This, of course, is more than enough time. The  8-minute rule  is a guideline that suggests admissions officers spend about 8 minutes on each application, given the large number of applications they have to review. You don’t want to thrust them into a situation where they spend most of those precious 8 minutes deciphering some extraneous information that makes you a less competitive applicant. 

If navigating these confusing and seemingly contradictory rules about applying to highly selective schools makes your head spin, take out the guesswork by relying on Ivy Coach ’s team of former elite college admissions officers to help your child earn admission to the school of their dreams. We will ensure their application communicates their singular hook as efficiently and effectively as possible. 

If you’re interested in optimizing your child’s case for admission to a highly selective college, fill out our  complimentary consultation form , and we’ll be in touch.

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Synonyms for Additional essay

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  10. Other Words for ADDITIONALLY: 30+ Useful Synonyms for Additionally

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    Synonyms for ADDITIONALLY: also, furthermore, besides, further, item, likewise, to-boot, more, moreover, and, still, too, yet, plus.

  14. 85+ Synonyms for "In Addition"

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  16. Additionally Synonyms

    The adverb "additionally" is used to introduce an extra item or detail to something that has already been stated. Another word for additionally is also or as well. However, more synonyms will be stated in the following article. Find suitable synonyms for your academic writing.

  17. IN ADDITION TO Synonyms: 21 Similar Words

    Synonyms for IN ADDITION TO: then, either, besides, also, more, again, yet, moreover, too, additionally

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  26. 18 Words and Phrases for Additional Essay

    Synonyms for Additional Essay (other words and phrases for Additional Essay). Synonyms for Additional essay. 18 other terms for additional essay- words and phrases with similar meaning. Lists. synonyms. antonyms. definitions. sentences. thesaurus. suggest new. accompanying essay. accompanying piece. adjunct essay.