If you are new to Elite Dangerous, it can take some time to unlock Engineers and collect all the materials needed to upgrade your ship. If you have a medium ship with a class 5 FSD you can instead buy a pre-engineered FSD from a human tech-brooker.

Not only is it much easier/faster to farm materials to unlock/but the Engineered FSD V1 – it also has better stats than a standard FSD with max engineering sot it is really a win-win.

Hint: Even though it comes pre-engineered with Increased FSD Range, you can still apply an experimental effect. With Mass Manager experimental effect I now have +76,8% Optimized Mass compared to about 55-61% on my engineered FSD’s.

To buy this module you will need the following materials:

  • 18 Datamined Wake Exceptions
  • 26 Tellurium
  • 26 Electrochemical Arrays
  • 28 Chemical Processors

If you already have these materials, then simply go to the nearest human tech brooker and buy the FSD. After you buy the FSD, remember to go to outfitting and equip it from your stored modules.

Notice:  If you need a FSD for another ship, you will have to farm the materials again and buy another FSD – this is not an normal “unlock”, you need to buy each FSD from a tech broker.

Where to farm the materials​

Electrochemical arrays & chemical processors.

Electrochemical Arrays and Chemical Processors  can easily be farmed at Dav’s Hope:

Dav’s Hope: System:  Hyades Sector DR-V c2-23 Planet:  A 5

Tellurium  can also be farmed from a planet using your SRV – in this case use  the EDDB tool  to locate the nearest planet with a high Terrurium procentage. Drive around and look for  Needle Crystals  – shoot them with your SRV and pick up the materials.

If you are at  Dav’s Hope  I suggest you go to  Hyades Sector CB-X d1-113   and land on the moon  1 b a.

Datamined Wake Exceptions

In order to farm Datamined Wake Exceptions you must equip your ship with a Wake Scanner . I recommend you use a fast ship e.g. Viper Mk III , Imperial Courier or  Imperial Clipper as you will be flying around chasing wakes in all directions…

Then go to a location where many ships jump out of the system (High Wake) e.g. at a busy station or at a distribution center. Keep scanning all the wakes until you have enough Datamined Wake Exceptions.

Distribution centers spawn randomly at famine systems – search for famine systems with a population > 5 million.

best experimental effect for fsd

Where to buy the Engineered FSD V1

Use the Inara – Search Nearest tool to locate the nearest station with a human tech broker.

If you have ELITE status and use Jameson Memorial as your home base, the nearest human tech broker is  @ Rozhdestvensky station in the LP 847-48 system.

When you have landed at the station simply click the CONTACTS menu, then click on the TECHNOLOGY BROKER. Select the Engineered FSD V1 (Class 5) from the list of Unlockable Items – next go to the OUTFITTING menu where you can find your new FSD in the STORED MODULES.

Which ships can use this FSD

The following ships has a class 5 FSD and can equip the Engineered FSD V1:

  • Alliance Challenger
  • Alliance Chieftain
  • Alliance Crusader
  • Asp Explorer
  • Diamondback Explorer
  • Federal Assault Ship
  • Federal Dropship
  • Federal Gunship
  • Imperial Clipper
  • Krait Mk II
  • Krait Phantom

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Can we add the experimental effect to the Pre-engineered FSDs yet?

  • Thread starter Saint Ajora
  • Start date Feb 12, 2022

Saint Ajora

I was told it could create some issues if I were to try it and that we were asked to not until a fix has been implemented. Has that fix been implemented yet?  



I'm not talking about a mod. I'm talking about adding the experimental effect. Please read the singular sentence properly before commenting.  

well if you cant read and grasp don't blame me just because I left out the word experimental so ill put that in for you now...…….. but as far as I know any experimantal effect can be added or replaced without issue (I mean the only type of effect is experimental so I shortened a sentence good grief) and l have dug this out for ya https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Frame_Shift_Drive (read fsd v1) still no good deed ill not see your reply I am afraid  


Ugh maybe a straight answer might be better. I believe that the fix is still being worked on, and that the latest CG FSDs still cannot yet officially have an experimental effect applied (and I am watching closely for news as I have an alt that is the account that I use for long range fuel rescues) waiting to go out into the black. I've seen some reports of cmdrs managing to apply experimental (with various glitches in the process), but if you try it and it breaks, you get to keep both pieces!  


I have applied experimental effects to the pre engineered 5A frame drives from the previous CG, that you can buy at a human tech broker, with no problems. Havent tried it with the 4 and 6 ones though..  

STRONTIUM DOG said: Ugh I thought the first sentence was a little informative & straight enough and I did not know it was a cg fsd as that was not mentioned sorry I did not just put the link straight up and I thought I was just being friendly at first too? does it not say what I basically said in one straight line of the first sentence I am sorry I did not write it word for word...……………….. lot of hostility really? Click to expand...
Shir said: I have applied experimental effects to the pre engineered 5A frame drives from the previous CG, that you can buy at a human tech broker, with no problems. Havent tried it with the 4 and 6 ones though.. Click to expand...
Terekhov said: Ugh maybe a straight answer might be better. I believe that the fix is still being worked on, and that the latest CG FSDs still cannot yet officially have an experimental effect applied (and I am watching closely for news as I have an alt that is the account that I use for long range fuel rescues) waiting to go out into the black. I've seen some reports of cmdrs managing to apply experimental (with various glitches in the process), but if you try it and it breaks, you get to keep both pieces! Click to expand...


Saint Ajora said: Ok, so this is shedding some light on the issue for me. Is the bug ONLY for the C4 and C6 FSDs or is it all the pre engineered FSDs? Everything I have found until this has led me to believe that it was ALL 2xFSDs. Click to expand...

I was referring to the G3, G4, and G6 FSDs from the Colonia Bridge Phase 3. Those modules have been programmed so that they actually tell you that their main effects cannot be modified. However whilst it's intended that an Experimental can be applied, currently the mechanism for allowing that does not work and FDev are recommending not to attempt to apply experimental yet. It's the fix to. allow Experimentals that we are awaiting. I'm not 100% about the status of the earlier FSD rewards (I'm leaningt towards the original V1 G5s being OK. They certainly were areound the time P10 dropped. I can can recall if I bought my most recent V1 just before or after P10 dropped.  

Terekhov said: I was referring to the G3, G4, and G6 FSDs from the Colonia Bridge Phase 3. Those modules have been programmed so that they actually tell you that their main effects cannot be modified. However whilst it's intended that an Experimental can be applied, currently the mechanism for allowing that does not work and FDev are recommending not to attempt to apply experimental yet. It's the fix to. allow Experimentals that we are awaiting. I'm not 100% about the status of the earlier FSD rewards (I'm leaningt towards the original V1 G5s being OK. They certainly were areound the time P10 dropped. I can can recall if I bought my most recent V1 just before or after P10 dropped. Click to expand...
Darrack said: The origonal 5A drive is fine to add an experimental, i have recently (last week) put MM onto 2 of them. Fdev's last informaton was DONT put any experimental onto the latest ones until its been sorted. Hope that helps O7 Click to expand...
Saint Ajora said: How recently? Click to expand...

best experimental effect for fsd

Elite Dangerous

best experimental effect for fsd

1,882 Unique Visitors
44 Current Favorites

best experimental effect for fsd

  • FDL is the most maneuverable medium sized ship in the game.
  • It has the highest shield multiplier among medium ships.
  • The convenient location of weapon slots allows you to implement a variety of setups.

best experimental effect for fsd

  • Standard Armour ( Lightweight Alloys ) with Heavy Duty mod.
  • Reactive Armour ( Reactive Surface Composite ) with Lightweight Armor mod.

best experimental effect for fsd

  • Double Braced - increases the strength of the module.
  • Stripped Down - reduces module weight by 10%.
  • Thermal Spread - reduces heat efficiency (in simple terms - the ship heats up a little less).

best experimental effect for fsd

  • Monstered - energy production increases, and so does the mass.

best experimental effect for fsd

  • Shielded FSD
  • Faster Boot Sequence
  • Increased FSD Range

best experimental effect for fsd

  • Double Braced
  • Thermal Spread
  • Mass Manager

best experimental effect for fsd

  • 5A Prismatic Shield Generator.

best experimental effect for fsd

  • 4A Shield Cell Bank.

best experimental effect for fsd

  • 1A - pulls further, weighs more
  • 1D - smaller radius, lighter

best experimental effect for fsd

  • 4x 0A Heavy Duty + 1x 0A Thermal Resistant
  • 3x 0A Heavy Duty + 1x 0A Resistance augmented + 1x 0A Thermal Resistant

best experimental effect for fsd

Engineers > Felicity Farseer

best experimental effect for fsd

Felicity Farseer

Frame shift drive - increased fsd range (grade 5).

Longer range jumps are allowed with this modification, but at the cost of module integrity, power draw and higher mass.
Micro resource Cost

Toughened FSD power conduits and a reinforced charging field increase the amount of fuel injected when charging, allowing larger jumps at the cost of increased power draw.

, Maximum fuel per jump

Additional, hardened supports and bracing further improve module survivability.

Complex software upgrade and internal sensor suite able to optimise frame shift operation by analysing and accounting for ship loadout. Increases optimised mass at the cost of module health.

, Optimal Mass

Key components replaced with versions crafted from lightweight materials and all extraneous parts removed entirely to reduce mass.

Additional thermal conduits and radiator solutions integrated across the module help balance thermal load increase cooling potential.

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Blueprint details for Frame Shift Drive

Increased range, frame shift drive - increased range - grade 1 ︎, crafting cost, frame shift drive - increased range - grade 2 ︎ ︎, frame shift drive - increased range - grade 3 ︎ ︎ ︎, frame shift drive - increased range - grade 4 ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎, frame shift drive - increased range - grade 5 ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎, possible experimental effects, deep charge, double braced, mass manager, stripped down, thermal spread.

Elite Dangerous Wiki

Frame Shift Drive

  • View history
Device that allows super cruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. — In-Game Description

The Frame Shift Drive (FSD) is a revolutionary ship hyperdrive system manufactured by Sirius Corporation . [1] It was introduced to the market in 3297 after decades of secretive development , and promptly rendered all other hyperdrives obsolete. [2] The Frame Shift Drive features two modes: supercruise , which allows travel at faster-than-light speeds within a star system , and jumping, which allows rapid travel through hyperspace from one system to another. Most ships produced since 3297 come equipped with a Frame Shift Drive by default, and cannot be operated without one.

When in supercruise, rather than accelerating a ship through normal space, the Frame Shift Drive moves space around a ship to allow it to travel faster-than-light without using extreme amounts of energy or experiencing time distortion. This is similar in principle to the Alcubierre drive design. When traveling through hyperspace, the Frame Shift Drive opens a wormhole and forms a stable, temporary corridor between the point of departure and the destination for a ship to pass through. Most ships leave behind transient wakes after they jump.

  • 1.1 Jump range
  • 1.2 Supercruise
  • 1.3 Hyperspace Fuel Equation
  • 2 Specifications
  • 3.1 Modifications
  • 3.2 Experimental Effects
  • 4 Purchase Locations
  • 5 Pre-Engineered FSD V1
  • 10 References

In order to activate the Frame Shift Drive, Hardpoints and Landing Gear must be retracted, the Cargo Hatch must be closed, and the ship must break away from any Mass Lock caused by proximity to a nearby capital ship, station, or planetary body. Heatsink Launchers , Frame Shift Drive Interdictors , and certain Scanners still function during supercruise.

Jump range [ ]

While the maximum hyperspace jump range of a ship is limited relative to the Frame Shift Drive's Class, Grade, and the total mass and available fuel of the ship, this range can be increased:

  • Engineering can increase a Frame Shift Drive's base jump range by over 60%. This modification is always active and applies to every jump unless it is removed from the module.
  • A Guardian Frame Shift Drive Booster can increase jump range by a flat amount of light years that differs based on the class of module that is installed.
  • Using Synthesis , an FSD Injection can be produced to increase jump range for a single jump. Depending on the grade of the FSD Injection, the increase is +25%, +50%, or +100%.
  • A Frame Shift Drive can be supercharged for a single jump by passing through the polar emission jets of white dwarf stars or neutron stars. This is a dangerous maneuver that strains and damages the FSD each time, but the jump range increase is considerable: x1.25 for white dwarfs and x4 for neutron stars. FSD supercharging cannot be stacked with an FSD Injection.

Supercruise [ ]

Supercruise enables FTL travel within a star system. By fitting the ship with an SCO FSD (C-Class) it can overcharge to accelerate 100x the speed of light in seconds.

Hyperspace Fuel Equation [ ]

The effective fuel consumption of a ship traveling in hyperspace can be calculated with the help of the formula below. The formula is speculative and was in part deduced from user experimentation. [3]

  • f = fuel consumed per jump in tons
  • r = linear constant. This constant depends upon the rating of the frame shift drive.
Rating A B C D E
Linear Constant 12 10 8 10 11
  • d = jump distance in light years
  • mShip = the mass of the entire ship including its cargo in tons and before fuel is consumed for the hyperspace jump itself
  • mOpt = the optimal mass of the frameshift drive in tons as indicated in-game by the outfitters. The total mass of the ship can exceed this value.
  • p = power constant. This constant depends upon the class of the frame shift drive.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2.00 2.15 2.30 2.45 2.60 2.75 2.90

Specifications [ ]

Class Rating Mass (T) Integrity Power
FSD Optimal
Mass (T)
Max Fuel
Per Jump (T)
Value (CR)
2 E 2.50 46 0.16 48.0 0.60 1,978
2 D 1.00 41 0.18 54.0 0.60 5,934
2 C 2.50 51 0.20 60.0 0.60 17,803
2 B 4.00 77 0.25 75.0 0.80 53,408
2 A 2.50 56 0.30 90.0 0.90 160,224
3 E 5.00 58 0.24 80.0 1.20 6,271
3 D 2.00 51 0.27 90.0 1.20 18,812
3 C 5.00 64 0.30 100.0 1.20 56,435
3 B 8.00 96 0.38 125.0 1.50 169,304
3 A 5.00 80 0.45 150.0 1.80 507,912
4 E 10.00 72 0.24 280.0 2.00 19,878
4 D 4.00 64 0.27 315.0 2.00 59,633
4 C 10.00 80 0.30 350.0 2.00 178,898
4 B 16.00 120 0.38 438.0 2.50 536,693
4 A 10.00 100 0.45 525.0 3.00 1,610,080
5 E 20.00 86 0.32 560.0 3.30 63,013
5 D 8.00 77 0.36 630.0 3.30 189,036
5 C 20.00 96 0.40 700.0 3.30 567,106
5 B 32.00 144 0.50 875.0 4.10 1,701,318
5 A 20.00 120 0.60 1,050.0 5.00 5,103,953
6 E 40.00 102 0.40 960.0 5.30 199,747
6 D 16.00 90 0.45 1,080.0 5.30 599,242
6 C 40.00 113 0.50 1,200.0 5.30 1,797,726
6 B 64.00 170 0.63 1,500.0 6.60 5,393,177
6 A 40.00 141 0.75 1,800.0 8.00 16,179,531
7 E 80.00 118 0.48 1,440.0 8.50 633,200
7 D 32.00 105 0.54 1,620.0 8.50 1,899,600
7 C 80.00 131 0.60 1,800.0 8.50 5,698,790
7 B 128.00 197 0.75 2,250.0 10.60 17,096,370
7 A 80.00 164 0.90 2,700.0 12.80 51,289,110

Engineering [ ]

This module can be modified by Engineers to enhance its abilities.

Modifications [ ]

The following modifications can be applied to this module:

  • Faster boot sequence
  • Increased range

Experimental Effects [ ]

The following Experimental Effects can be applied to this module:

  • Deep Charge
  • Mass Manager
  • Double Braced
  • Stripped Down
  • Thermal Spread

Purchase Locations [ ]

Class Rating System Station
All All Shinrarta Dezhra Jameson Memorial
All All Brestla i Sola Prospect
All All Bhritzameno Feynman Terminal
All All LHS 3595 Chaudhary Hub
All All Okinura Bennett Gateway
All All Slink's Eye Kelleam Ring
All All LFT 1103 Kirk Ring
All All Edin Viehbock Dock
All All Tellus Ahern Enterprise
All All Beta-2 Tucanae Mouchez Orbital
All All Latuba Soukup City
All All Midgard Rontgen Port

Pre-Engineered FSD V1 [ ]

A pre-Engineered Class 5 Frame Shift Drive with Increased Range and Faster Boot Sequence named "Engineered FSD V1" can be purchased at Human Technology Brokers . Unlike unlocking most other Technology Broker items, which makes them permanently available for purchase with credits at station outfitting services, unlocking the Engineered FSD V1 immediately places one module in local storage at no additional cost. The module must also be unlocked repeatedly in order to obtain multiple copies. Applying any other Engineering modifications to this module will remove the bonus second modification, but an Experimental Effect can be safely added or replaced.

Unlocking requires the following Materials :

  • 18 Datamined Wake Exceptions
  • 26 Tellurium
  • 26 Electrochemical Arrays
  • 28 Chemical Processors
  • Being close to any mass will affect the FSD charge time. While being next to a heavier ship will merely make it charge slower, the FSD will get mass-locked should the ship be next to something extremely massive (station, asteroid field, etc.) and will be unable to charge at all.
  • The FSD generates a small amount of heat while it charges up for the impending jump. This is amplified significantly within the scooping range of stars. Multiple careless charges within the scooping radius of a star could lead to significant damage, so care should be taken when charging the FSD near stars.
  • For the original documentation of the hyperspace fuel equation, see this Reddit post .
  • Class 8 Frame Shift Drives are also available in Outfitting inventories at some stations, but because no existing ship is capable of equipping a FSD of that size, they cannot be purchased or used.
  • The Frame Shift Drive is nicknamed the "Friendship Drive" due to the similar pronunciation. Some people made fan art. [4] For example: 1. "My girlfriend shouts, "yay friendship drive!" whenever I charge my FSD for the first time in a session. Every time. It's like she forgets.", 2. "So funny thing, my wife asked me what game I was playing with the friendship drive. I was like, what? Now I get it.", 3. "My SO and my stepdaughter loved this. They always say Friendship Drive Engaged when I'm playing."

Everything you need to know about the Frame Shift Drive - Elite Dangerous Internals Guide

Gallery [ ]

Hyperspace jump

References [ ]

  • ↑ Elite Dangerous: Premonition
  • ↑ Elite Encounters RPG
  • ↑ reddit: The Hyperspace Fuel Equation, documented
  • ↑ reddit: Friendship Drive Engage ♥
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
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EDO-Icon-Equipment-Utility Mounts

  • Data Link Scanner
  • Discovery Scanner
  • Full Spectrum System Scanner
  • Short Range Composition Scanner
  • Wave Scanner
  • 3 Federation/Ranks


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  1. Best experimental effect for increased FSD range?

    IME the range gains from the experimental effects are not always that good on balance. Mass Manager will increase range and fuel efficiency. Deep Charge will increase range but effectively reduce fuel efficiency. Personally, I tend to use Increased Range FSD tuning with either Mass Manager or Thermal Spread - the latter of these seems to allow ...

  2. Best experimental effect for incease FSD range

    Collect the polonium (it's in Needle Crystals). Then trade that for Arsenic. Each polonium will get you nine arsenic. #8. Showing 1 - 8 of 8 comments. Per page: 15 30 50. Elite Dangerous > General Discussions > Topic Details. I just got my grade 5 FSD engineered, im abit confused about which experimental effect to go for to give me the best ...

  3. Best fsd experimental effect for large ships? :: Elite Dangerous

    Best fsd experimental effect for large ships? Mass manager looks good, but stripped down looks damn near just as good with no negative effects (on coriolis at least). Also, I've read that the newsfeed at the engineer stations tells you where to get the necessary materials. I know that anything seems simple one you already know how to do it, but ...

  4. PSA: Quick Guide to Engineering Long Range FSD : r/EliteDangerous

    For Class 4 and lower modules go with the "Deep Charge" experimental effect as that has a greater impact for smaller ships. Data Materials For FSD engineering these are easy enough to obtain as they are all Wake Scans, you just need a reasonably fast ship equipped with an FSD Wake Scanner (Utility module) and a busy station.

  5. Best experimental effect for explorer FSD?

    All the longest jumping ships (Anaconda, Diamondback Explorer, Krait Phantom & Asp Explorer) go farthest with Mass Manage though. Deep charge for fsd class 4 and smaller. Mass manager for fsds class 5 and larger. Originally posted by malorob: i just mass manager on all my ships get better fuel range.

  6. Elite Dangerous Which is the Best FSD Experimental Effect

    Simple test, which experimental effect is best for your FSD. Stripped Down vs Deep Charge vs Mass Manager. Check out which one gives you the best jump range....

  7. FSD experimental effects : r/EliteDangerous

    FSD experimental effects. Question- The FSD now has 3 possible experimental effects that sound like they should help to boost your range. Which one get's you the best range increase? Mass manager (4% increase to optimized mass) Deep charge (10% increase on amount of fuel you're allowed to use on a jump) Stripped down (The whole thing is lighter)

  8. Mass Manager

    Mass Manager is an Experimental Effect that can be applied to Frame Shift Drives through Engineering. It increases the FSD's optimised mass value by 4% to boost overall jump range, at the expense of reduced integrity by 8%. Mass Manager is most beneficial for Class 5 and higher FSDs; for Class 4 and lower FSDs, Deep Charge is more suitable.

  9. Experimental Effect

    An Experimental Effect, formerly known as a Special Effect, is a bonus modification that an Engineer can apply to a weapon or module that already has an Engineering modification of any quality grade. Depending on which Experimental Effect is chosen, they can be used to further enhance the modification's potency or balance out its shortcomings. They have a small, one-time cost of up to four ...

  10. Elite Dangerous Ship Jump Range Comparison With Respect to The New CG's

    I then augmented these values with engineering and then an FSD booster. Appropriate FSD experimental effects were applied to fit conventions. Finally, thanks to some kind feedback, I tweaked each FSD to accommodate the +15% optimal mass of the new FSDs. Links are provided for all ship builds.

  11. Double Engineered FSD is totally worth it : r/eliteexplorers

    It was a comparison of the best you can do with both FSDs. (ED Astro no longer lists the regular FSD build. But you can create it by putting a new 6A FSD in the linked Anaconda build and engineering it G5 with mass manager. ... 24-03-07 - Currently unable to add experimental effects to Engineered FSD V1. For anyone else experiencing this issue ...

  12. Elite Dangerous: Engineered FSD V1(Class 5)

    Hint: Even though it comes pre-engineered with Increased FSD Range, you can still apply an experimental effect. With Mass Manager experimental effect I now have +76,8% Optimized Mass compared to about 55-61% on my engineered FSD's. To buy this module you will need the following materials: 18 Datamined Wake Exceptions; 26 Tellurium

  13. Deep Charge

    Toughened FSD power conduits and a reinforced charging field increase the amount of fuel injected when charging, allowing larger jumps at the cost of increased power draw.In-Game Description Deep Charge is an Experimental Effect that can be applied to Frame Shift Drives through Engineering. It increases maximum fuel consumption per jump by 10% to boost overall jump range, but increases power ...

  14. Engineering

    ︎ Commodities Get best commodity prices ... Experimental effects. ... FSD Interrupt for Dumb Missiles Experimental munitions that cause the frame shift drive on the impacted ship to reboot, at the cost of reduced damage. Modifiers Target FSD reboots. Damage-30%. Rate of fire-50%.

  15. What's the best experimental effect for Increased FSD Range?

    The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming's original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy.

  16. Can we add the experimental effect to the Pre-engineered FSDs yet?

    S. Feb 16, 2022. #10. Terekhov said: Ugh maybe a straight answer might be better. I believe that the fix is still being worked on, and that the latest CG FSDs still cannot yet officially have an experimental effect applied (and I am watching closely for news as I have an alt that is the account that I use for long range fuel rescues) waiting to ...

  17. Steam Community :: Guide :: [PvP] МЕТА Fer-de-Lance 2022 [EN]

    Increased FSD Range; The experimental effect can be set based on personal preference. Double Braced; Thermal Spread; Mass Manager; For all beginners, I recommend using Shielded FSD as when the shield is lost, enemies usually star sniping it with hitscan guns (rails, lasers), and there is no particular need to jump further as fleet-carriers exist.

  18. Frame Shift Drive

    Experimental effects . Deep Charge. Toughened FSD power conduits and a reinforced charging field increase the amount of fuel injected when charging, allowing larger jumps at the cost of increased power draw. Power Draw (+5%), Maximum fuel per jump (+10%) Atypical Disrupted Wake Echoes ...

  19. Best Experimental FSD with Felicity Farceer? : r/EliteDangerous

    Deep Charge uses more fuel for minuscule gains in ly. For example, a class 4 FSD with deep charge will only gain 1-2% in range while using up at least 10% more fuel. Look at the stats of your ship when outfitting on Coriolis and you'll see what I mean. Deep charge only seems better on small ships and even then, it's arguable.

  20. Blueprint

    Complex software upgrade and internal sensor suite able to optimise frame shift operation by analysing and accounting for ship loadout. Increases optimised mass at the cost of module health. Modifiers. Integrity. -8%. Optimal mass. +4%. Crafting cost. 5 ︎ Atypical Disrupted Wake Echoes (179)

  21. Experimental effect on pre-engineered FSD : r/EliteDangerous

    Mass manager for 5+ and deep charge for 4 and below. So this isn't always true. Take explo Dolphin 1, explo Dolphin 2, and MM gives more range. Same with a completely stock Asp Scout, G5IR+MM gives 2 Ly more than G5IR+DC. Second, even when DC does give more single-jump range, it uses more fuel, which reduces your total tank range.

  22. Frame Shift Drive

    Device that allows super cruise travel and hyperspace jumps between star systems. — In-Game Description The Frame Shift Drive (FSD) is a revolutionary ship hyperdrive system manufactured by Sirius Corporation.[1] It was introduced to the market in 3297 after decades of secretive development, and promptly rendered all other hyperdrives obsolete.[2] The Frame Shift Drive features two modes ...

  23. experimental effect on a pre-engineered module? : r/EliteDangerous

    Yes, select Increase Range any rank, and instead doing it (NO!!), select experimental effect. Yes, you have to go to a an engineer that offers the module upgrades. Then select any tier of the upgrade (doesn't have to be 5) and on the bottom right-ish you'll see Experimental Effect. Click that and choose the one you want.