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Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences

Steps towards your doctorate in the d-chab.

On the student portal you find everything regarding the doctorate.

Admission to the doctoral programmes of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich is regulated in the " ETH Zurich Ordinance on the Doctorate " as well as the " Rector’s Implementation Provisions " (January 1, 2022).

In addition, the Department has issued new Download Detailed Stipulations (PDF, 847 KB) vertical_align_bottom for the doctorate and public presentations associated to the doctoral defence. ( Download Old detailed stipulations (PDF, 971 KB) vertical_align_bottom )  

  • Download Template doctoral plan (PDF, 106 KB) vertical_align_bottom
  • Download Memorandum on the Aptitude Colloquium for Doctoral Studies (PDF, 533 KB) vertical_align_bottom

Information about the usual salary rate for an institute can be obtained from the respective institute's administration .

Teaching or service activities customarily performed in the department during the doctoral degree must be completed for a total of around 500 hours.

Ethics and Scientific Integrity : register for the course 529-0032-00L Ethics and Scientific Integrity for Doctoral Students in Chemistry and Related Fields offered in Spring and Autumn semester.

Doctoral Supervisor's Handbook: Navigating Doctoral Success  

Public presentations

At the Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry (LAC), there is an additional Download guideline (PDF, 177 KB) vertical_align_bottom  

At the Laboratory of Physical Chemistry (LPC), there is an additional Download guideline start before 2022 (PDF, 30 KB) vertical_align_bottom , Download guideline start 01.01.2022 (PDF, 118 KB) vertical_align_bottom

At the Laboratory of Organic Chemistry (LOC), there is an additional Download guideline (PDF, 267 KB) vertical_align_bottom

At the Institute of Molecular Physical Science (IMPS), there is an additional Download guideline start before 2022 (PDF, 30 KB) vertical_align_bottom , Download guideline start 01.01.2022 (PDF, 118 KB) vertical_align_bottom

At the Institute of Chemical and Bioengineering (ICB), there is an additional Download guideline (PDF, 509 KB) vertical_align_bottom

At the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (IPW), there is is an additional Download guideline (PDF, 114 KB) vertical_align_bottom

A doctoral degree is granted for participating in a doctoral programme under the supervision of a professor. Admission to a doctoral programme requires that you hold a diploma or a Master's degree with excellent grades. Furthermore, a professor of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology has to accept you as a doctoral student. Therefore, prior to submitting an application to the Admission's Office, prospective doctoral students should contact a professor of the Department. Please use the link « Research ».

Doctoral Committee D-CHAB (01.01.2024)

  • LAC Prof. Dr. Maksym Kovalenko
  • LOC Prof. Dr. Peter Chen
  • LPC Prof. Dr. Hans Jakob Wörner
  • IMPS Prof. Dr. Gunnar Jeschke
  • ICB Prof. Dr. Andrew de Mello
  • IPW Prof. Dr. Jean-Christophe Leroux

Supervision of Master's theses

Download Master's theses guidelines D-CHAB (PDF, 142 KB) vertical_align_bottom

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  • Phone phone +41 44 632 30 55
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Dep. Chemie und Angew. Biowiss. Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10 8093 Zürich Switzerland

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  • chevron_right «Survival Guide» of AVETH (Association of Academic Staff at ETH Zurich)
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Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering

Admission and doctoral studies  .

The basic requirements for admission at the ETH Doctorate and procedures are defined by the ETH Zurich Download Ordinance on the Doctorate (PDF, 255 KB) vertical_align_bottom . Admission to the doctorate in D-MAVT is granted on an individual basis, requires a Master’s degree in engineering or natural sciences and acceptance by a professor, who will act as the supervisor. D-MAVT aims for excellent students (ranked in the top 10% of their Bachelor/Master programs) from very good institutions. The Department Conference defines selection criteria for admission to ensure minimum quality standards. The D-MAVT Doctoral Committee serves as admission committee for doctoral students at D-MAVT and decides about the admission or rejection of doctoral students – after consultation with the doctoral thesis supervisor. In case of a positive decision about a doctoral student’s admission, the Doctoral Committee decides if the candidate is admitted with regular doctoral studies or extended doctoral studies.

The three objectives of the regular doctoral program are:

  • to deepen knowledge in the research area of the doctoral thesis and to expand knowledge outside the traditional discipline,
  • to enable doctoral students to acquire interdisciplinary competences / soft skills;
  • to integrate doctoral students into the scientific community.

The doctoral student has to achieve, during the doctoral studies a minimum of 12 credit points , according to the specification in the Rector's implementation provisions for the ETH Zurich Download Ordinance on the Doctorate (PDF, 255 KB) vertical_align_bottom . The list of courses must be included in the Learning Agreement and approved by the doctoral thesis supervisor.

Please read the Download Detailed stipulations regarding the Doctorate (PDF, 233 KB) vertical_align_bottom for further information.

Extended doctoral studies in D-MAVT require the acquisition of 12 credit points through graded examinations beyond the 12 credit points required for the regular doctoral studies. The study plan for extended doctoral studies respects the following criteria:

  • At least 12 credits are obtained with ETH exams
  • This includes at least 2 written exams, as stipulated in the Course Catalogue of ETH Zürich
  • All courses are offered at the Master’s level
  • No more than one exam may be given by the student’s doctoral thesis supervisor or a member of his/her team.

It is strongly recommended that the 12 credits of the extended doctoral studies are acquired during the first year of (provisional) doctoral studies. The doctoral thesis supervisor, in agreement with the doctoral student, defines the coursework to be achieved in the individual study plan and notifies the D-MAVT doctoral administration of these. The courses must be included in the Learning Agreement . The individual study plan and the schedule of the extended doctoral studies are part of the doctoral plan.

Students enrolled before 1 January 2022 have been admitted, with or without additional admission requirements, according to the candidate’s scientific qualifications.

The additional admission requirements (at least 3 exams) must be passed within one year from the date of the provisional admission.

More details about the additional admission requirements are published on the  Qualifying exams & Research plan website .

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Department of Physics

Doctoral studies.

Doctoral studies are carried out in individual research groups, combining original research with specialised doctorate courses and teaching activities.

Doctorate symbolic picture

ETH Zurich offers outstanding conditions for a doctorate: an innovative atmosphere, state-of-the-art equipment and laboratories, and an environment that inspires the scientific talents of tomorrow.

The emphasis of your work will be to perform independent research, usually as part of a project. The details will depend on the field chosen. It is expected that you publish your results in international scientific journals and that you write a doctoral thesis, which also will be published. All of this work will be done under the supervision of your thesis advisor. Upon successful completion, you are awarded the title "Doctor of Sciences (Dr. sc. ETH Zurich)”.

On these pages you can find information about doctoral studies at the Department of Physics.

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Department of Earth Sciences

General admission information for the doctorate at d-erdw.

The admission procedure for a doctorate at ETH Zurich consists of two stages: the provisional and definite admission . To initiate the admission procedure, the candidate must have obtained the written agreement of a faculty member to supervise the thesis.

Provisional admission

  • The doctoral candidate must register at the central doctoral administration via eApply .
  • Under certain circumstances, in agreement with the doctoral committee of D-ERDW, admission may require extended doctoral studies (e.g. if there are professional gaps in the research area that need to be filled); additional requirements must be fulfilled before the end of the doctorate/doctoral examination.
  • The central doctoral administration issues the confirmation of provisional admission.
  • If employed at ETH, employment contracts can only be issued after provisional admission .
  • As a rule, doctoral students are employed as research assistants. The drawing up of an employment contract is an additional process, which is organised by the supervisor's institute.
  • Contract workflow varies greatly depending on the country of origin of the doctoral candidate. Allow enough time if a visa is required.

Definite admission

The definite admission is granted when the aptitude colloquium has been passed within the first year of the doctoral studies (9-12 months after start of the doctorate).

Questions and contact

Quick access.

  • chevron_right Open positions on the ETH job portal
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FAQ Doctorate

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Department of Mathematics

How to apply for a doctorate.

The external page Zurich Graduate School in Mathematics (ZGSM) call_made offers international applicants the possibility of doing a doctorate at ETH Zurich or the University of Zurich. If you want to apply, please use the external page ZGSM's online application form call_made .

Please be aware that doctorates are in general associated with an offer of employment.

Application possibilities ZGSM

Before registration you must have applied and been accepted by an examiner . Please keep in mind that the hiring process may take some time (2-4 weeks), especially if a visa needs to be obtained (6-8 weeks).

Who can act as doctoral thesis supervisor/examiner?

A doctoral thesis can be supervised by a professor as indicated under Art. 1 of the external page Ordinance on Professorships ETH (only availabe in German) call_made . Privatdozenten resp. Privatdozentinnen working full-​time at ETH Zurich can also act as doctoral thesis supervisors. However, this requires approval from the Department. The required approval form Download Supervision of the Doctorate by a Privatdozent (PDF, 236 KB) vertical_align_bottom must be submitted along with the application for your doctorate. Please note in this context that, where a thesis is supervised by a Privatdozentin resp. a Privatdozent, at least one co-​examiner must be a professor as indicated under Art. 1 of the external Ordinance on Professorships ETH ( link see above ). Professors can act as examiners in doctoral examinations for up to one year after their retirement. The relevant department (that provides the infrastructure and the funding) is responsible for approving them as examiners after the end of their office. It should be noted that during the first year after retirement or resignation, at least one professor as indicated under Art. 1 of the Ordinance on Professorships ETH (link see above) must be called in as co-​examiner. If the doctoral examination has not been taken after the expiry of this year, retired professors must give up the role of doctoral thesis supervisor and a new supervisor must be decided upon.

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Department of Biology

Information events doctorate.

Introductory program of the rectorate for new doctoral students

At ETH, there are two ways to apply for a doctoral position: direct applications and applications for a graduate school .

Graduate school

17 doctoral programs covering various fields in the life sciences are coordinated under the umbrella of "Life Sciences Zurich Graduate School" together with the University of Zurich. Every year there are two application deadlines: May 1st and November 1st. Applicants who meet the required qualifications will be invited for interviews. Detailed information on each program can be found here: external page www.lifescience-graduateschool.ch call_made

Direct applications

In addition to doctoral programs, there is another way to apply for a doctoral position at ETH: Persons interested in a particular area, can also apply directly to the heads of research groups. Often such positions are advertised on their websites, however even if no advertisement is posted, direct contact can be worthwhile. This page provides information about the different research areas which are covered by D-BIOL researchers. Here you will also find the contact information of the individual professors.

All further information on requirements, admission, and registration procedures are available here:

  • for professors
  • for future doctoral students
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Department of Architecture

Doctoral studies.

A doctorate can be obtained within a maximum of six years at various institutes of the Department of Architecture (D-ARCH). It is possible to begin doctorate studies at any time in the academic year. The doctoral programme concludes with the title Dr. sc ETH Zurich.

Prerequisites for application

The admission requirements for a doctorate at our faculty are a Master’s degree from a recognized university as well as an excellent academic performance.

Further, the candidate himself / herself has to look for a Professor who is willing to act as a supervisor.

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Institute for Theoretical Physics

Doctoral studies are carried out in individual research groups, combining original research with specialised doctorate courses and teaching activities.

Prospective Students

The institute is constantly looking for prospective PhD students. Generally, interested persons should get in touch with one of the  research groups of the institute. More information about doctoral studies in physics at ETH Zurich can be found at the  Department of Physics and at the Doctoral Administration of the ETH Academic Services.

Online Applications

The institute hosts an online application system at http://jobs.itp.phys.ethz.ch/phd/ . It lists the participanting groups, their present search status as well as particular openings for PhD positions.  

Typically, candidates should supply a curriculum vitae and information on their previous study. Furthermore, two established scientists should send in reference letters in support of the application. The application material should be uploaded to the website. The applications received will be reviewed periodically (as a rule of thumb, 4 times per year).

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Microbiology and Immunology PhD program

Application for prospective phd students, * next deadlines are november 1, 2024 & may 1, 2025  *.

Intending to perform a PhD thesis at either UZH or ETHZ in the field of Microbiology & Immunology

Dear Visitor   You have reached a stage in your education that might be decisive for your future career as a scientist: choosing an appropriate topic for research towards a PhD degree, choosing a caring mentor who will competently guide you through the next 3 to 4 years, and choosing an institution where you find every possible support to pursue your research goals. If you decide to enroll in the PhD program in Microbiology and Immunology in Zurich, you will substantially enhance your chances of being successful. Microbiology and Immunology are hot topics in contemporary research, our two academic schools – the ETH and the University of Zurich – have a large number of renowned faculty members, and the technical equipment and experimental tools available are first class. Take your chance and do doctoral work with us, which promises to become a highlight in your scientific life!

We look forward to your application.

Prof. Dr. Rolf Kümmerli & Prof. Dr. Jörn Piel

Required qualification

Applicants must hold a Master's degree or equivalent from a university in the field of Natural Sciences before starting the PhD program in Microbiology & Immunology.

Application process

Please fill out the online application form of the Life Science Zurich Graduate School. Deadlines are November 1st & May 1st .

Evaluation and assessment procedure

Applications are evaluated by the admission committee. Selected candidates are invited for a virtual interview in week 24 / 50, and the onsite visits are going to take place in week 28 / 3 (following year).  Invited candidates will have the opportunity to meet with group leaders of their choice to discuss possible areas of research. Accommodation and travel expenses are reimbursed by the program. Accepted candidates are informed shortly after the interviews and should start their work within six months of acceptance to the program.

Applicants accepted for the program will have to register with either the University of Zurich or ETH Zurich, depending on the affiliation of their future research group.

Open positions

The complete list of open positions is only available for selected candidates.

The following PhD position(s) are already advertised as part of the official recruitment round. If you are interested, please fill in external page the online form: call_made


If you have clear idea about the project / group you would like to work on / with, contact the groups directly. After receiving a job offer, you apply as Track II candidate instead of applying as Track I candidate.


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Department of Computer Science

Doctoral study programme.

Prof. Joachim Buhmann

The Computer Science Department’s goal is to educate students to become mature researchers and future leaders in the field of computer science. Doctoral students are part of a body of bright, talented and highly motivated scientists collaborating in research groups. Admission is highly competitive due to a large number of candidates and very few openings. The rewarding work experience is complemented by a competitive salary that comfortably covers the living expenses in Switzerland. Typically, the completion of a doctoral degree takes 4-5 years.

Helpful information

  • chevron_right Doctorate at ETH Zurich
  • chevron_right New international students: ETH Welcome Center
  • chevron_right General information about entering Switzerland
  • chevron_right Doctoral student and visa situation
  • Download vertical_align_bottom Guide for the doctorate  (PDF, 2.2 MB)
  • chevron_right Forms and documents
  • chevron_right Course catalogue
  • Phone phone +41 44 633 42 23

ETH Zurich Department of Computer Science Universitätstrasse 6 CAB H 37.1 8092 Zurich

Bernadette Gianesi

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Study In Switzerland > Colleges In Switzerland > ETH Zurich > Admission

ETH Zurich Admissions: Deadlines, Selection Criteria and Admission Requirements for international Students

eth zurich phd admission requirements

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ETH Zurich also known as Swiss Federal Institute of Technology admissions are offered for both Autumn and Fall intake for undergraduate admissions, but for international students Swiss Federal Institute of Technology admissions are open for Autumn intake only. With an acceptance rate of 27% the admissions at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology tend to be competitive and require the applicants to fulfill all the admission requirements. For undergraduate ETH Zurich admissions you would need to submit your High School leaving certificate, original transcripts and German language proficiency score of Level C1. For graduate admissions at ETH Zurich you would need a bachelor’s degree in a related field with a GRE score and a minimum IELTS score of 7.0 or an TOEFL iBT score of 100.

In the year 2022 there were roughly 8,200 new students enrolled, out of which 3,060 were enrolled in the undergraduate programs at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. ETH Zurich admissions are offered for Bachelor of Science and Master of Science programs in the fields of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Engineering Sciences, Natural Sciences and Mathematics and System-oriented Natural Sciences. At the time of filling the application form, for each Swiss Federal Institute of Technology graduate or undergraduate admission form you will have to submit a non-refundable application fee of CHF 150 (INR 13,668).

ETH Zurich Admissions

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Admission Deadlines

At the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology late application for graduate programs is not possible, whereas late application period for undergraduate programs is May 1 to July 31 for all the students, if there are spots left in the program. Following are the application deadlines for UG and PG programs at ETH Zurich:

Program Application Deadline
Undergraduate Autumn Semester 31 March 2024
Graduate Programs 15 December 2023

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Graduate Admission

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology admission are offered to multiple MSc programs in the fields of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Engineering Sciences and Natural Sciences and Mathematics to all the national and international students, and the students are admitted to the program if they fulfill the admission criteria ETH Zurich admissions for graduate programs. Following are the admission requirements for international students for graduate admissions at ETH Zurich.

Application Portal: ETH eApply Portal Application Fees: CHF 150 (INR 13,668) Admission Requirements:

  • GPA or aggregate: No minimum GPA Requirements
  • TOEFL iBT - 100
  • TestDaF - Level 4 or higher in all test components
  • Goethe-Zertifikat C1- At least “gut”
  • Goethe-Zertifikat C2- All exam sections must be passed
  • Expected  GRE - GRE Analytical = 3.5 or 50% | GRE Quantitative = 165 or 90% | GRE Verbal = 155 or 70%
  • Letters of reference
  • Statement of Purpose or Personal Statement
  • Resume or CV
  • Declaration of Consent

ETH Zurich Graduate Admission

Top Graduate Programs Admission Requirements:

Programs Language Requirement Degree Requirements Documents Checklist
MSc Architecture German: Level C1 Bachelor's degree in Architecture Digital Portfolio, , SOP
MSc Chemistry TOEFL: 100 IELTS: 7.0 Bachelor's degree in a Chemistry 1-2 Page essay explaining your motivation to join and your research area
MSc Earth Sciences TOEFL: 100 IELTS: 7.0 Bachelor's degree in a related field 2 Academic LOR, 1 Motivation Letter (1 A4 page)
MSc Statistics TOEFL: 100 IELTS: 7.0 Bachelor's degree in a related field 2 Academic LOR, SOP (100-300 words)
MA Comparative and International Studies TOEFL: 100 IELTS: 7.0 Bachelor's degree in a related field 2 Academic LOR, 1 Motivation Letter

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Executive MBA Admission

The Executive MBA programme EMBA X is co-designed and jointly run by the Department MTEC of ETH Zurich and the University of St. Gallen. As an EMBA X graduate, you will join Switzerland’s most influential alumni network (ETH Zurich + University of St.Gallen) as a socially responsible, well-rounded 21st century leader. Following are the admission requirements for EMBA at ETH Zurich:

Application Portal: MBA Admission Application Fees: CHF 150 (INR 13,668) Admission Requirements:

  • TOEFL iBT- 100
  • IELTS - 7.0
  • Letters of Reference

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Undergraduate Admission

ETH Zurich offers a large number of Bachelor’s degree programmes in the fields of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Engineering Sciences, Natural Sciences and Mathematics and System-oriented Natural Sciences. Following are the admission requirements for undergraduate admissions at ETH Zurich for all international students:

  • Recognised Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate
  • High school transcripts
  • Reduced Entrance Exam or Comprehensive Entrance Exam (if required)
  • TestDaF- Level 4 or higher in all test components

ETH Zurich Undergraduate Admission

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Admission Decision

For undergraduate admissions, if you have submitted all the required documents and test scores on time, you will be informed about the admission decision within 10-30 days of your application submission.

After your application has been screened by the Admissions Office and assessed by the Admissions Committee, a written admission decision is sent to you for downloading on eApply. Decisions are normally issued within 2-3 months of the submission deadline.

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Admission: Selection Criteria

The reported acceptance rate for ETH Zurich is 27% making the admission process competitive and difficult for all international students. The admission decision at ETH Zurich is made based on your previous academic performance, language proficiency and your letter of motivation.

There are three types of admission to the first semester of the desired Bachelor’s degree program:

  • Admission without entrance examination
  • Admission contingent upon passing the reduced entrance examination (4 examination subjects)
  • Admission contingent upon passing the comprehensive entrance examination (8 examination subjects)

Apart from the above requirement you will also have to fulfill the German language requirements as all the Bachelor programs at ETH Zurich are taught in German. Following are some of the German language proficiency scores you would need:

For graduate programs you would need a Bachelor's degree in a related field and for some programs you might have to submit a GRE score, the GRE code for ETH Zurich is 3331. Apart from this you would also need an IELTS score of 7.0 or above or a TOEFL iBT score of 100.

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology: Students Profile and Diversity

Following is the ETH Zurich student profile and recent enrollments for the year 2022:

Particulars Details
Total Enrollment 8,200
Undergraduate Students Enrollment 3,060
Graduate and Doctorate Enrollment 5,140
Women 24%

Ques. How can I get admission in ETH Zurich?

Ans. To get admission in the PG program of ETH Zurich you will have to fulfill the following admission criteria:

  • Bachelor’s degree in a related field
  • 2 academic LOR
  • Letter of Motivation

For UG programs following are the admission requirements for international students:

  • Entrance Exam scores (if required)

Ques. Is it hard to get admission in ETH Zurich?

Ans. ETH Zurich gets many applications every year, but it has a reported acceptance rate of 27% making it difficult to get admission into the university as the university maintains a high prerequisite for admission. In 2022 there were roughly 8,200 new students enrolled, out of which 3,060 were enrolled in the undergraduate programs.

Ques. Can I study in ETH Zurich without German?

Ans. At ETH Zurich all undergraduate programs are taught in German, and some postgraduate programs are also taught in German. So, it is not possible to apply at ETH Zurich without prior knowledge of German language. To get admission at ETH Zurich you would need to meet at least Level C1. Following are some of the tests you can take to prove your efficiency in the German language:

Ques. Are programs at ETH Zurich taught in English?

Ans. An increasing number of courses in higher semesters of the Bachelor's degree programmes are taught in English, while most of the Master's degree programmes are taught exclusively in English. To show your proficiency in English you will have to match the following criteria:

  • TOEFL iBT- 100+
  • IELTS- 7.0 or above

Ques. What is the application deadline for ETH Zurich?

Ans. At ETH Zurich late application for graduate programs is not possible, whereas late application period for undergraduate programs is May 1 to July 31 for all the students, if there are spots left in the program. Following are the application deadlines for UG and PG programs at ETH Zurich:

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Studying MBBS in Switzerland: Requirements and Opportunities

  • Updated On June 14, 2024
  • Published In Courses 📖

If you aspire to pursue a career in medicine and healthcare, studying MBBS in Switzerland can be an exceptional choice. This picturesque country, with three universities ranked in QS Top 100 (2024),  namely, ETH Zurich, EPFL Lausanne , and The University of Zurich, offers a unique blend of academic excellence, modern facilities, and a rich cultural heritage.

Table of Contents

Suppose you’re determined to set off on a fulfilling journey in the medical field. In that case, this comprehensive guide will walk you through the intricacies of studying at a top MBBS university in Switzerland, including admission requirements, costs, scholarships, and career opportunities. Dive in to discover the path to your dream of becoming a healthcare professional.

Key Highlights

Here’s a rundown of everything you can expect to read in this comprehensive blog post.

3 universities ranked in ETH Zurich
EPFL Lausanne
The University of Zurich
Visa Requirements : approx. INR 7,000
approx. INR 23L per year
8 – 12 weeks
Scholarships & Financial AidSwiss Government Excellence Scholarships
Swiss-European Mobility
Programme (SEMP)EPFL Excellence Fellowships 
Switzerland MBBS FeesApprox. for international students.
Intakes for Studying MBBS in SwitzerlandFall Semester (Application Deadline: March)Spring Semester (Application Deadline: August)

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Why Study MBBS in Switzerland?

Pursuing a medical degree is a noble endeavour that requires immense dedication, academic excellence, and a commitment to serving humanity. As of 2023, Switzerland has a Health Care Index of 56.2. This proof of the nation’s commitment to healthcare excellence serves as a compelling reason for students to consider studying MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) in this remarkable country.

1. High-quality education and modern facilities

Switzerland’s dedication to excellence in education is unparalleled, and this commitment extends to its medical universities. Students can expect to receive a comprehensive and rigorous education that equips them with the knowledge, skills, and practical experience necessary to excel in the medical field. As of 2024, Swiss institutions consistently rank among the top universities globally, with ETH Zurich at the 7th position and the University of Geneva at the 128th position , according to the QS World University Rankings.

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Studying MBBS in Switzerland: Requirements and Opportunities

2. Government’s Investment in Education and Availability of Scholarships

The Swiss government recognises the importance of investing in education and actively supports students through various scholarship programs. In the academic year 2023-2024, the Swiss Confederation allocated over INR 600 billion for education and research initiatives, with a significant portion dedicated to supporting medical education and research activities.

Several prestigious scholarships are available to international students, such as the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships, which awarded over 700 scholarships in 2023, and the EPFL Excellence Fellowships, which provided financial support to more than 300 outstanding students pursuing master’s and doctoral degrees in 2023.

3. Comprehensive Curriculum with Multilingual Education Opportunities

Switzerland’s multilingual environment provides students with the opportunity to study in different languages, such as German, French, and English . This exposure to multiple languages not only improves communication skills but also prepares students for potential careers in international medical settings.

In the 2023-2024 academic year, over 35% of medical students in Switzerland were enrolled in English-taught programs, reflecting the country’s commitment to providing high-quality medical education in multiple languages.

4. Insights into an Efficient Healthcare System

By studying MBBS in Switzerland, students gain invaluable insights into this exemplary system, learning from experienced professionals and witnessing first-hand how a nation can deliver exceptional healthcare services to its citizens. According to the 2024 Euro Health Consumer Index, Switzerland has the highest score of 893 in healthcare system performance, which indicates the country’s commitment to providing accessible, high-quality, and patient-centred care.

5. Diverse and Multicultural Student Community

Swiss medical universities attract students from diverse backgrounds, creating a rich and vibrant multicultural learning environment. This diversity builds cross-cultural understanding, promotes the exchange of ideas, and prepares students to work effectively in a globalised healthcare system. 

In the 2023-2024 academic year, the University of Zurich reported that over 20% of its medical student body comprised international students from more than 100 countries, reflecting the institution’s commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive learning environment.

6. Numerous Options for Specialisation and Employment in the Healthcare Sector

Upon completing MBBS in Switzerland, you will have a wide range of specialisation options to explore, from general practice to highly specialised fields such as cardiology, neurosurgery, or oncology. Switzerland’s advanced healthcare system and modern research facilities provide ample opportunities for graduates to pursue their desired areas of expertise.

Furthermore, the country’s strong healthcare sector offers promising employment prospects for medical professionals. The healthcare industry employed over 6L individuals in 2023 , with a projected growth rate of 2.5% annually, indicating a consistent demand for skilled medical professionals.

7. High Safety and Quality of Life Metrics

Switzerland consistently ranks among the safest and most livable countries in the world, offering students a secure and conducive environment for their studies. The 2023 Global Peace Index ranked Switzerland as the 10th most peaceful country globally . These exceptional safety and quality of life standards allow you to focus on their academic pursuits without compromising their well-being or personal security, creating an ideal environment for personal and professional growth.

Also Read: Study in Switzerland for Indian Students: Top Universities & Cost of Studying in Switzerland

Curriculum for MBBS in Switzerland

The MBBS curriculum in Switzerland is designed to provide a comprehensive and well-rounded medical education, combining theoretical knowledge with extensive practical training. Students can expect a rigorous and challenging program that covers a wide range of subjects, including anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, pathology, and various clinical disciplines. The curriculum typically follows a structured approach, with the first few years focusing on foundational sciences and preclinical coursework, followed by clinical rotations and clerkships in various medical specialties. 

Here is the list for the general 3-year curriculum for MBBS in Switzerland. 

Organ Systems
2Morphology and function. 
3Understanding the components of the disease. 
Chronic disease
Recurrent or relapsing disease
Acute disease

Top 5 Universities to Study MBBS in Switzerland

Switzerland is home to several prestigious universities, such as ETH Zurich and the University of Geneva that offer top-notch medical education programs. These institutions consistently rank among the top 200 universities in the world , attracting students from across the globe with their exceptional academic standards.

The MBBS in Switzerland duration typically spans six years, consisting of three years of theoretical coursework followed by three years of clinical rotations and practical training. As the demand for skilled medical professionals continues to rise globally, pursuing an MBBS in Switzerland can open doors to a wide range of career opportunities and pave the way for a rewarding and fulfilling journey in the healthcare industry.

Here is a list of the top 5 universities to study MBBS in Switzerland.

MBBS in Switzerland

ETH Zurich7
EPFL – École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne36
The University of Zurich91
The University of Basel 124
University of Geneva128

1. ETH Zurich

Established in 1855, ETH Zurich is a world-leading institution known for its excellence in science, technology, and engineering. Ranked 7th globally by the QS World University Rankings 2024, it offers a unique interdisciplinary approach to medical education through its Department of Health Sciences and Technology. 

The university’s main campus is located in Zurich, Switzerland’s largest city and a global centre for banking and finance. You might also like to know that Albert Einstein, the renowned physicist and Nobel laureate, was once a professor at ETH Zurich .

2. EPFL University 

Established in 1969, EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) is one of the two Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology (the other being ETH Zurich), renowned for its excellence in science and engineering. Jacques Dubochet, a Nobel laureate in Chemistry, is an alumnus of this university. Ranked 36th globally by the QS World University Rankings 2024, EPFL offers a progressive MBBS program through its School of Life Sciences.

3. The University of Zurich 

As one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Switzerland, the University of Zurich has a rich tradition of academic excellence spanning over 190 years. Ranked 91st globally by the QS World University Rankings 2024, the university’s Faculty of Medicine offers a comprehensive MBBS program that combines theoretical knowledge with extensive clinical training.

The University of Zurich’s medical program is supported by four academic hospitals as follows.

  • The University Hospital Zurich
  • The University Children’s Hospital Zurich
  • The Balgrist University Hospital
  • The Psychiatric University Hospital

You might also like to know that Albert Hofmann, the Swiss chemist who discovered the psychedelic effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), conducted his pioneering research at the University of Zurich .

4. The University of Basel 

Founded in 1460, the University of Basel is the oldest university in Switzerland and one of the leading institutions for medical education and research. Ranked 124th globally by the QS World University Rankings 2024, the university’s Faculty of Medicine boasts a rich history and a commitment to advancing healthcare through cutting-edge research and innovative teaching methods.

The bachelor’s degree in Human Medicine at the University of Basel requires a minimum of 180 ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) . The first and second years of the program include core courses common to both Human Medicine and Dental Medicine students , along with specialised courses specific to each field.

You might also like to know that the University of Basel has produced numerous notable alumni, including Friedrich Miescher, the pioneering scientist who discovered nucleic acids, and Carl Gustav Jung, the renowned psychiatrist and founder of analytical psychology.

5. The University of Geneva 

Founded in 1559, the University of Geneva is a highly regarded institution renowned for its multidisciplinary approach to education and research. Ranked 128th globally by the QS World University Rankings 2024, the university’s Faculty of Medicine is at the forefront of medical innovation, with a strong emphasis on translational research and personalised medicine.

The University of Zurich is a member of the League of European Research Universities, a prestigious network of research-intensive institutions. It collaborates with renowned universities like Oxford and Cambridge, promoting academic cooperation and exchange.

You might also like to know that Michel Mayor , a Swiss astronomer and Nobel laureat e, is a professor at the University of Geneva and has made groundbreaking discoveries in the field of exoplanets.

Intakes for Studying MBBS in Switzerland

Most Swiss medical universities have two main admission intake s: one in the fall semester (typically September or October) and another in the spring semester (usually February or March). However, some universities may have a single annual intake, so it’s crucial to check the specific intake dates for your preferred institution.

Fall SemesterMarch September
Spring SemesterAugust of the previous yearFebruary

Also Read: Top Universities in Switzerland for International Students: Courses & Rankings

Admission Requirements for Studying MBBS in Switzerland

According to the Swiss Medical Association, Switzerland had over 38,000 practising doctors in 2023, with a significant portion of them being international medical graduates from prestigious Swiss universities. 

The country’s advanced healthcare system and commitment to quality medical education have made it an attractive destination for aspiring medical professionals worldwide. Furthermore, the average salary for physicians in Switzerland ranges from approximately INR 1 crore to INR 2 crores per year , depending on specialisation and experience, reflecting the high demand and rewarding career prospects for MBBS graduates. These typically include the following.

  • Completion of secondary education with good academic performance
  • Strong foundation in sciences, particularly biology, chemistry, and physics
  • Proficiency in the language of instruction (German, French, or English)
  • Motivation and commitment to pursuing a career in medicine

Academic prerequisites for Studying MBBS in Switzerland

Many Swiss medical universities require applicants to hold a relevant Bachelor’s degree in a scientific field, such as biology, biochemistry, or biomedical sciences. This prerequisite ensures that students have a strong foundation in the fundamental sciences necessary for success in the MBBS program.

As Switzerland is a multilingual country, proficiency in the language of instruction is crucial. Applicants may be required to provide proof of language proficiency through standardised tests such as IELTS, TOEFL, or TestDaF, depending on the university and the chosen language of study. 

Here is a snapshot of the minimum scores required in general exams to study MBBS in Switzerland.

Bachelor’s Degree in Biology, Biomedicine or a Related FieldGPA 5.0 on a scale of 6.0
IELTS6.5 – 7.0
TOEFL iBT92 – 100
German Language Proficiency Test (TestDaF)TDN 4 or higher
French Language Proficiency Test (TCF/TEF)B2 level or higher

Required Documents to Study MBBS in Switzerland

The application process to study MBBS programs in Switzerland typically involves submitting a comprehensive package of documents, including the following.

  • Completed application form for admission to the respective MBBS college
  • Official transcripts and academic records
  • Proof of language proficiency (e.g., IELTS, TOEFL, TestDaF)
  • Personal statement or motivation letter on why you wish to pursue MBBS in Switzerland
  • Letters of recommendation (two to three letters)
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume
  • Passport or identity card copy
  • Standardised test scores (e.g., SMAT, if applicable)
  • Certified translations of documents (if required)

It’s crucial to adhere to the specific application deadlines set by each university, as late submissions may not be considered.

Requirement of Attending Interviews to Study MBBS in Switzerland

Many Swiss medical universities incorporate interviews as part of their admission process. These interviews serve as an opportunity for the admissions committee to assess an applicant’s communication skills, motivation, and suitability for the medical profession.

For instance, the University of Geneva conducts multiple mini-interviews (MMIs) as part of its selection process, where applicants rotate through various stations and are evaluated on their ability to handle different scenarios and ethical dilemmas.

Top 4 Scholarships Available to Study MBBS in Switzerland

There are numerous scholarships available to help you study MBBS in Switzerland to alleviate your financial burden. These scholarships are offered by various organisations, including the Swiss government, universities, and private foundations, and are designed to support exceptional students in achieving their academic and professional goals. 

Here is a list of the top 4 scholarships available to study MBBS in Switzerland.

MBBS in Switzerland

Swiss Government Excellence ScholarshipsUp to INR 22L per year
EPFL Excellence Fellowships Up to INR 19L per year
Excellence Masters FellowshipsUp to INR 14L per year
Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP) Up to INR 5L per year
  • Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships

Offered by the Swiss government, these prestigious scholarships are awarded to highly qualified international students pursuing master’s or doctoral studies in Switzerland. In the 2023-2024 academic year, over 300 scholarships were awarded, providing financial support for tuition fees, living expenses, and travel costs.

  • Tuition fee waivers
  • Monthly stipend for living expenses
  • Travel allowance
  • Opportunities for language study and research internships
  • EPFL Excellence Fellowships  

Offered by the prestigious École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) , these highly competitive fellowships are awarded to outstanding international students pursuing master’s or doctoral studies in various fields, including biomedical sciences. You might also like to know that EPFL has a QS World University rank of 36, making these fellowships highly sought after.

  • Generous monthly stipend
  • Allowance for research and conference costs
  • Access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources
  • University-Specific Scholarships  

Many Swiss universities offer their own scholarship programs to support international students. For instance, the University of Geneva offers the Excellence Masters Fellowships for outstanding international students pursuing a master’s degree.

You might also like to know that these university-specific scholarships often have unique criteria and requirements tailored to the institution’s priorities and areas of focus.

  • Monthly stipend
  • Opportunities for research assistantships or teaching assistantships
  • Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP)  

SEMP is a scholarship program specifically designed to promote student mobility between Switzerland and European countries. Under this program, students from participating countries can receive financial support to study for one or two semesters at a Swiss university.

You might also like to know that SEMP not only provides financial assistance but also facilitates cultural exchange and international collaboration among students and institutions.

  • Travel allowance 

It’s important to note that scholarship opportunities and their specific requirements may change from year to year, and students are advised to thoroughly research and apply for relevant scholarships well in advance of their intended study period.

Visa Requirements to Study MBBS in Switzerland for Indian Students

Indian students planning to pursue an MBBS degree in Switzerland must obtain a student visa, which involves submitting various documents and meeting specific requirements. The visa success rate is around 97% for students, which is an advantage if you wish to study MBBS in Switzerland. The process typically involves the following steps.

  • Secure admission to a Swiss medical university recognised by the Swiss authorities.
  • Obtain a valid passport with a minimum validity of six months beyond the intended stay in Switzerland.
  • Provide proof of sufficient financial means to cover tuition fees, living expenses, and other costs. The approximate required amount is around INR 23L per year.
  • Submit a completed visa application form along wit h two recent passport-sized photographs of dimensions 35mm X 45 mm.
  • Provide proof of comprehensive health insurance coverage valid in Switzerland (approx. INR 9,000 per month ).
  • Submit a CV or resume and a motivation letter explaining your reasons for studying in Switzerland.
  • Provide academic transcripts and certificates from previous educational institutions.
  • Pay the applicable visa application fee, which is approximately INR 7,000.
  • Attend a visa interview at the Swiss Embassy or Consulate in India if required.

It’s essential to initiate the visa application process well in advance, as the processing time can take between 8-12 weeks.  

Also Read: Switzerland Study Visa: Cost, Process & Requirements for Indian Students

Top 5 Career Paths after Studying MBBS in Switzerland

Pursuing an MBBS degree in Switzerland opens up a world of rewarding career opportunities in the healthcare sector, both within the country and internationally. Regardless of the chosen career path, Swiss medical graduates can expect competitive salaries and excellent working conditions. As of 2024, the average annual MBBS doctor salary in Switzerland is INR 1 crore, with higher earning potential for specialised fields and senior positions.

After completing their MBBS degree, graduates have the option to pursue residency training in Switzerland or abroad. Residency programs in Switzerland typically range from 5 to 6 years, during which time medical professionals receive advanced training in their chosen speciality.

Some of the popular specialisations for residency training in Switzerland include the following.

  • General Practice/Family Medicine
  • Internal Medicine
  • Paediatrics
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Anesthesiology

Here is a list of the top-paying jobs after completing MBBS in Switzerland.

Medical PractitionerGeneral PractitionerINR 2 crores
CardiologistINR 4 crores
OncologistINR 3 crores
NeurologistINR 3 crores
Orthopaedic SurgeonINR 5 crores
Academic and Research CareersUniversity ProfessorINR 1 crore
Research ScientistINR 98L
Healthcare AdministrationHospital AdministratorINR 3 crores
Clinic ManagerINR 1 crore
Public Health and PolicyPublic Health OfficerINR 90L
Healthcare Policy AnalystINR 86L
Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology IndustriesMedical Science LiaisonINR 1 crore
Clinical Research AssociateINR 1 crore
Biomedical ScientistINR 90L

Cost of Living while Studying MBBS in Switzerland

Pursuing an MBBS degree in Switzerland can be a significant financial investment, but one that promises a rewarding and fulfilling career in the medical field. To make an informed decision, it’s essential to understand the various costs associated with studying in Switzerland. As of 2024, the average monthly living costs for a student in Switzerland range from INR 1L – INR 2L.

Here’s a snapshot of the average cost of living while studying MBBS in Switzerland. It’s worth noting that the cost of living in Switzerland for students is generally twice that of the United States. 

AccommodationINR 47,000 – INR 93,000 per month
FoodINR 37,000 – INR 56,000 per month
TransportationINR 4,700 – INR 14,000 per month for a public transportation pass
Health InsuranceINR 9,000 – INR 28,000 per month
Books and Study MaterialsINR 47,000 – INR 93,000 per year

It’s important to note that these estimates are approximate and can fluctuate based on individual circumstances and lifestyle choices. Students are advised to carefully plan and budget for these expenses to ensure a comfortable and financially secure study experience in Switzerland.

Also Read: Cost of Living in Switzerland 2024

Studying MBBS in Switzerland offers a unique opportunity to receive world-class medical education from renowned institutions, immerse yourself in a multicultural learning environment, and gain exposure to cutting-edge healthcare practices. 

With its commitment to academic excellence, modern facilities, and a strong emphasis on practical training, Switzerland has emerged as an attractive destination for aspiring medical professionals from around the globe, with 7 universities in the top 200 Universities in the world for Life Sciences and Medicine. 

By understanding the visa requirements, exploring scholarship opportunities ( which award up to INR 22L per year ), and carefully budgeting for living expenses, studying MBBS in Switzerland for Indian students can be a truly enriching educational experience that paves the way for a rewarding career in the medical field.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: is it allowed to work while studying mbbs in switzerland for indian students.

A: Yes, it is permissible to work part-time while studying MBBS in Switzerland for Indian students, subject to certain conditions and restrictions. The maximum allowable work hours for international students are typically 15 hours per week during the academic term and full-time during academic breaks.

Q: Is it necessary to know German or French to study MBBS in Switzerland?

A: While proficiency in German or French can be advantageous for better integration into the local community, many MBBS programs in Switzerland are offered in English. However, some universities may require or prefer students to have a basic understanding of the local language, particularly for clinical rotations and interactions with patients.

Q: What are the popular specialisations for MBBS graduates from Swiss universities?

A: Swiss medical universities offer a wide range of specialisations for MBBS graduates, including general practice, surgery, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology, cardiology, neurology, oncology, and many others. The choice of specialisation often depends on the student’s interests, academic performance, and availability of residency positions.

Q: Are there any scholarships available for Indian students to study MBBS in Switzerland?

A: Yes, several scholarship opportunities are available for Indian students to study MBBS in Switzerland. These include the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships , which provide tuition fee waivers, living allowances, and travel costs up to INR 22L per year, as well as university-specific scholarships offered by institutions like ETH Zurich and the University of Geneva.

Q: Can I bring my family along while studying for my MBBS in Switzerland?

A: Yes, international students can bring their spouses and children to Switzerland while pursuing their MBBS degree. However, you’ll need to provide additional documentation, such as marriage certificates, birth certificates, and proof of sufficient funds ( approx. INR 3L per month ) to support your family members. It’s advisable to consult with the Swiss embassy or consulate for specific requirements and procedures.

Q: Is health insurance mandatory for international students in Switzerland?

A: Yes, having adequate health insurance coverage ( minimum INR 9,000 per month ) is mandatory for all international students studying in Switzerland. Most universities offer comprehensive health insurance plans specifically for international students, which cover medical expenses, hospitalisations, and emergencies during their stay in Switzerland.

Q: What are the job prospects for MBBS graduates from Swiss universities?

A: MBBS graduates from Swiss universities have excellent job prospects, both within Switzerland and internationally. Switzerland’s highly regarded healthcare system and advanced medical facilities offer numerous opportunities for medical professionals, including roles in hospitals, clinics, research institutions, and the pharmaceutical industry.

Q: Can I apply for a post-study work visa after completing my MBBS in Switzerland? 

A: Yes, international students who have completed their MBBS degree in Switzerland are eligible to apply for a post-study work visa, which allows them to stay and work in Switzerland for up to six months after graduation. This provides valuable opportunities to gain professional experience and explore career options within the Swiss healthcare sector.

Q: Are there good vegetarian/vegan food options available in Switzerland?

A: While traditional Swiss cuisine is heavily meat-based, there has been an increasing awareness and availability of vegetarian and vegan options in recent years, particularly in larger cities like Zurich and Geneva. Many restaurants, such as Vegitat and The Haus Hiltl in Zurich, now offer vegetarian dishes on their menus, catering to the diverse dietary preferences of residents and visitors.

Q: Is it possible to change my program or university after arriving in Switzerland on a student visa?

A: It is generally possible to change your program or university after arriving in Switzerland on a student visa. However, the process involves obtaining a new admission letter from the new program or university and applying for a change of residence permit with the Swiss immigration authorities. It’s crucial to initiate this process before your current residence permit expires to avoid any lapses or complications with your visa status.

Q: What is the cultural scene like in Switzerland? 

A: Switzerland is a culturally diverse and vibrant country with a rich heritage influenced by its multilingual and multicultural population. From classical music and art to modern festivals and events, Switzerland offers a wide range of cultural experiences for students to explore and enjoy during their studies. The country is home to numerous museums, art galleries, and performing arts centres that showcase its rich cultural traditions and contemporary artistic expressions. Additionally, Switzerland’s stunning natural landscapes, including the Swiss Alps, provide ample opportunities for outdoor activities and appreciation of the country’s natural beauty.

Q: Are there opportunities for clinical rotations or internships during the MBBS program in Switzerland?

A: Yes, most MBBS programs in Switzerland incorporate clinical rotations and internships as an integral part of the curriculum. Clinical rotations and internships are typically conducted in renowned teaching hospitals and medical facilities affiliated with the respective universities, such as the University of Zurich and the University of Geneva. These opportunities not only enhance students’ practical skills but also provide valuable networking opportunities and exposure to the latest medical practices and technologies in Switzerland’s advanced healthcare system.

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Ayush Kumar

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