UC Irvine Combustion Laboratory (UCICL)

The UCI Combustion Laboratory, (UCICL) is one of the components of the Advanced Power and Energy Program (APEP) at the University of California, Irvine. The UCICL is addressing the challenges associated with the combustion of alternative and fossil fuels by developing and applying (1) advanced experimental capabilities including specialized test rigs, laser and conventional diagnostics, (2) numerical tools, and (3) statistically designed testing to problems of practical relevance. These tools are necessary to unravel the complex, multidisciplinary nature of combustion that has eluded understanding. A fundamental knowledge of the interaction between turbulent mixing and chemical reaction is required if practical combustion systems are to be improved beyond the current state of the art.

Our clean energy transition requires hydrogen - we must treat it fairly

Governor Newsom Announces New Strategy to Develop a Hydrogen Economy of the Future

UCI Combustion Laboratory Uses HORIBA Analyzer in Emissions Research

UCICL Collaborating with Water Reclamation Plant to Improve Fuel Flexibility to Meet Strict Emission Standards

Alternative Fuel Research

  • Working with the CRF
  • Publications
  • Photoionization Mass Spectrometry
  • Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  • Cryo-cooled Ion Spectroscopy
  • Chirped-Pulse Microwave Spectroscopy
  • Long-Path Absorption
  • High-Pressure FAGE
  • Ultrafast Broad-band Infrared Spectroscopy
  • Imaging of Ions and Electrons for Study of Chemical Reactivity
  • 3D Diagnostics
  • Near-Surface Imaging
  • Coherent Raman Imaging
  • Laser-heated Stagnation Flow Reactor (LSFR)
  • Laser Diagnostics for Cryogenic Gas Releases
  • Plasma Diagnostics
  • Uncertainty Quantification
  • Stochastic Systems
  • Direct Numerical Simulation
  • Theoretical Chemistry
  • Data Science and Machine Learning
  • UQ Software
  • Resilient EXtreme Scale Scientific Simulations
  • Spectroscopy and Light-Matter Interactions
  • Kinetics of Hydrocarbon Oxidation
  • Dynamics of Molecules in Excited States
  • Probing Chemistry Far from Equilibrium
  • Kinetics of Elusive Intermediates
  • Argonne-Sandia Consortium on High-Pressure Combustion Chemistry
  • Energy Transfer Collisions
  • DNS of Turbulent Combustion
  • Experimental Turbulent Combustion Research
  • Non-equilibrium Chemistry Driven by Transport
  • Imaging the Near-Surface Gas Phase
  • Exascale Catalytic Chemistry
  • Particle Inception from Gas Phase Reactions
  • Spray Combustion Laboratories
  • Heavy-Duty Engine Combustion and Fuel Effects Lab
  • Heavy-Duty Diesel and Gaseous-Fueled Engine Laboratory
  • Off-Road Diesel Engine Combustion Laboratory
  • Low-Temperature Gasoline Engine Combustion Laboratory
  • Gasoline Combustion Fundamentals Laboratory
  • Alternative Fuels Direct-Injection Spark-Ignition Engine Laboratory
  • Sponsors & Partnerships

combustion laboratory experiments

A Department of Energy Office of Science Collaborative Research Facility

Combustion Research Facility

Sustainability for the next 40 years.

Established as the first U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) user facility in the 1970s and designated a DOE collaborative research facility in 2008, the Combustion Research Facility (CRF) at Sandia National Laboratories has served as a national and international leader in combustion science and technology for more than 40 years . The CRF’s inherent strengths are now being applied to address the scientific and technical challenges of building sustainable energy in response to climate change.

Collaborative mission

At the CRF, we encourage the direct involvement of individual collaborators from the scientific community. We host more than 150 collaborators each year who work side-by-side with staff researchers to develop new research methods and approaches, conduct experiments exploiting new facilities and techniques, and solve high-priority combustion problems.

Visiting researcher program

The CRF has hosted visiting researchers from around the world, including postdocs, university faculty and graduate students, high school teachers, industrial collaborators, and national laboratory and government researchers. Together with CRF staff, they have expanded fundamental knowledge of combustion processes by pioneering research into new science and applied concepts.

Areas of expertise

Take a virtual tour.

Click on the image below to take a Virtual Tour of our facility.

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Combustion - Mechanical Engineering - Purdue University

Purdue University


Since 1948, Purdue researchers have set the standard for combustion and propulsion experiments.  Work at Zucrow Labs led to the development of the original Space Shuttle Main Engines. Today, new technologies allow propellants, combustors, and rocket engines to be conceived, constructed, and tested with unprecedented accuracy.  With the blossoming private space industry, Purdue combustion engineers are in high demand.

In addition, Purdue has unmatched research facilities in the diagnostics of flames and combustion. The High Pressure Combustion Laboratory at Zucrow Labs is the only facility of its kind in the world. It includes the Tebbe TDI Laser Lab, a 2,000 square-foot climate controlled facility, runs adjacent to 5 brand new test cells, for optimal inclusion of laser diagnostic measurements in combustion experiments.

Purdue is also well known for its work with energetic materials: propellants, explosives, and pyrotechnics. At the Purdue Energetics Research Center , new advancements are being made in the formulation of rocket fuel, ammunition, controlled detonations and explosions, and much more.

Zucrow Labs is the largest academic propulsion lab in the world. Facilities include:

Working on the combustion engine

  • Multiple reinforced concrete test cells with laser diagnostics
  • Propellant labs with mixers, evaluation rigs, and safety equipment for remote operation
  • Compressed air delivering 3300 cubic feet at 2200 psi
  • Air heater, capable of testing at 1500°F at Mach 4
  • On-site bulk storage and infrastructure for hydrogen, liquid oxygen, liquid nitrogen, and natural gas
  • Data acquisition and storage with analog/digital sensors, high-speed cameras, and controls

More detailed info at purdue.edu/zucrow

combustion laboratory experiments

Can we turn Martian soil into rocket propellant?

combustion laboratory experiments

The Green Flash: High-speed infrared helps reveal safer hypergolic propellant

combustion laboratory experiments

US Army and Purdue to collaborate on next-generation energetic materials

combustion laboratory experiments

New explosive materials to bring nontoxic ammunition

combustion laboratory experiments

Purdue Energetics Research Center

combustion laboratory experiments

AI to improve coal-burning power plants

combustion laboratory experiments

3D printing energetic materials

combustion laboratory experiments


combustion laboratory experiments

Goldenstein receives NSF CAREER award for imaging combustors

Faculty in Combustion

Christopher goldenstein.

combustion laboratory experiments

  • Laser-absorption spectroscopy, laser-induced fluorescence, & IR imaging sensors for gas temperature, pressure, velocity, and chemical species
  • Molecular spectroscopy, photophysics, & energy transfer in gases
  • Energetic materials (e.g., explosives & propellants) detection & combustion
  • Combustion and propulsion systems (small and large scale)
  • Biomedical sensing

Marcial Gonzalez

combustion laboratory experiments

  • Predictive, multi-scale modeling and simulation of microstructure evolution in confined granular systems, with an emphasis in manufacturing processes and the relationship between product fabrication and performance.
  • Application areas of interest include:
  • (i) particulate products and processes (e.g., flow, mixing, segregation, consolidation, and compaction of powders),
  • (ii) continuous manufacturing (e.g., Quality by Design, model predictive control, and reduced order models), and
  • (iii) performance of pharmaceutical solid products (e.g., tensile strength, stiffness, swelling and disintegration), biomaterials (e.g., transport and feeding of corn stover) and energetic materials (e.g., deformation and heat generation under quasi-static, near-resonant and impact conditions, and formation and growth of hot spots) materials.

combustion laboratory experiments

  • Sustainable energy and environment
  • Combustion and turbulent reacting flows
  • Combustion and heat transfer in materials
  • Biomedical flows and heat transfer
  • Global policy research

Marisol Koslowski

combustion laboratory experiments

  • Computational solid mechanics
  • Multiscale modeling of materials
  • Finite Elements
  • Dislocation dynamics
  • Reliability of electronic interconnects
  • Shock compression in solids
  • Phase transformations
  • Energetic materials

Robert Lucht

combustion laboratory experiments

  • Laser diagnostics
  • Diode-laser-based sensors
  • Gas turbine and internal engine combustion
  • Materials processing and synthesis
  • Combustion science
  • Fluid mechanics and heat transfer

Monique McClain

combustion laboratory experiments

  • Dissimilar material 3D printing
  • Additive manufacturing of energetic materials
  • Additive manufacturing of materials for high temperature applications
  • Quality control in additive manufacturing

Terrence Meyer

combustion laboratory experiments

  • Advancement of next-generation propulsion concepts including Rotating Detonation Engines (RDEs), Rotating Detonation Rocket Engines (RDREs) and Scramjet Engines
  • Laser diagnostics development for applied thermal environments including RDEs, RDREs, gas-turbines, rockets, IC engines, and scramjet engines
  • Laser Diagnostics and Spectroscopy for detonations, combustion, sprays, energetics, propellants, hypersonics, plasmas, and non-equilibrium flows
  • Estimation of performance, efficiency and emissions using state of the art optical diagnostics (PLIF, CARS, TP-LIF, PIV, 3D Imaging, X-Rays, PIV, Molecular Tagging, Thermographic Phosphors and Pressure Sensitive Paints)
  • Thermal-fluid behavior at the extremes, including turbulent, acoustically coupled, high-temperature, high-pressure, multiphase, and non-equilibrium reacting flows

Sameer Naik

combustion laboratory experiments

  • Gas turbine combustion
  • Internal combustion engines
  • Laser-based spectroscopy

Davin Piercey

combustion laboratory experiments

  • Synthesis of energetic materials
  • Chemistry of nitrogen-rich compounds
  • Characterization of explosives, propellants, and pyrotechnics
  • Electrochemical synthesis
  • Thermochemistry of energetic material synthesis
  • Reactive and agent defeat materials

Gregory Shaver

combustion laboratory experiments

  • Model-based system and control design of commercial vehicle power trains
  • Connected and automated commercial vehicles
  • Internal combustion engine & after-treatment system design and controls
  • Flexible valve actuation in diesel and natural gas engines

combustion laboratory experiments

  • Multiphase combustion, particularly related to propellants, explosives, and pyrotechnics
  • Nanoscale composite energetic materials
  • Advanced energetic materials
  • Microscale combustion

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Go Directly to Mechanisms...

Chemical kinetic mechanisms are needed to represent conventional and next-generation fuels in practical combustion devices like internal combustion engines. Chemical kinetic mechanisms (or models) are developed using ab. initio calculations and fundamental measurements of species-thermodynamic properties and reaction rates (Fig. 1). Mechanism development also requires knowledge of the various reaction paths for fuel pyrolysis and oxidation. This can also be acquired using ab initio calculations and fundamental experiments. Since chemical kinetic models often contain a large number of reactions which need to be assigned rate constants, reactions are usually assigned to reaction classes which have associated reaction-rate rules 1 . The reaction rules are derived from analysis of relevant ab initio calculations and fundamental measurements of reaction rate constants. Next, the various species and reactions with specified rate constants are assembled into chemical kinetic models. These models are then validated using experimental combustion data from shock tubes, rapid compression machines, laminar flames, jet stirred reactors, flow reactors, and other fundamental and well-characterized combustion devices. Finally, the models are reduced in number of species and reactions to be used in multidimensional simulation codes for application to practical devices like internal combustion engines. With the advent of highly efficient LLNL solvers 2 , this last step for mechanism reduction for use in simulation codes may no longer be needed.


Practical fuels like gasoline, diesel, and their mixtures with biofuels contain hundreds of fuel components. It is not practicable to simulate the oxidation of all these components. Therefore, it is an attractive approach to introduce a surrogate fuel with a limited number of components to represent the practical fuel. In the case of diesel fuel, a 9-component diesel surrogate has been recently proposed 3 (Fig. 2). This surrogate palette is able to reproduce four key properties of FACE (Fuels for Advanced Combustion Engines) diesel fuels 4 including Cetane number, distillation curve, density, and compositional characteristics. The LLNL combustion chemistry team is working towards developing chemical kinetic models for all of these 9 components. Once these are developed, these component models can be combined into the 9-component diesel surrogate model. Then, the diesel surrogate model can be reduced or used with LLNL fast solvers in engine simulation codes to predict engine performance.

The LLNL combustion chemistry team is also developing surrogate models for gasoline 5-7 . A 12-component gasoline surrogate palette has been proposed by the LLNL combustion chemistry team to match the ignition and characteristics of FACE gasoline fuels 8  (Fig. 3). The team is in the process of developing chemical kinetic models for all these 12 components. Once these component models have been assembled, they can be combined to make the proposed gasoline surrogate model. This can be used to simulate autoignition and flame propagation under spark ignition and advanced engine combustion conditions such as direct injection spark ignition (DISI) and HCCI engines.

Fig. 2: Nine-component diesel surrogate palette 3

  • H. J. Curran; P. Gaffuri; W. J. Pitz; C. K. Westbrook,   Combustion and Flame   1998,   114 , (1-2) 149-177.
  • M. J. McNenly; R. A. Whitesides; D. L. Flowers,   Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 2015 , (0).
  • C. J. Mueller; W. J. Cannella; T. J. Bruno; B. Bunting; H. D. Dettman; J. A. Franz; M. L. Huber; M. Natarajan; W. J. Pitz; M. A. Ratcliff; K. Wright,   Energy & Fuels   2012,   26 , (6) 3284–3303.
  • FACE diesel fuels.
  • M. Mehl; J. Y. Chen; W. J. Pitz; S. M. Sarathy; C. K. Westbrook,   Energy & Fuels   2011,   25 , (11) 5215-5223.
  • S. M. Sarathy; G. Kukkadapu; M. Mehl; W. Wang; T. Javed; S. Park; M. A. Oehlschlaeger; A. Farooq; W. J. Pitz; C.-J. Sung,   Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 2015 , (0).
  • G. Kukkadapu; K. Kumar; C.-J. Sung; M. Mehl; W. J. Pitz,   Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 2013 ,   34 , (1) 345-352.
  • FACE gasoline fuels.
  • FACE CRC Fuels for Advanced Combustion Engines Working Group (FACE).


  • Butanol isomers
  • Isopentanol
  • 2-Methyl Alkanes and n-Alkanes
  • n-Heptane Detailed Mechanism Version 3
  • Iso-Octane Version 3
  • 2,2,4,4,6,8,8-Heptamethylnonane
  • Toluene, ethyl -, propyl- & -butyl benzene
  • C1-C4 mechanism with PAH formation
  • Cyclohexane
  • Dimethyl Ether
  • Methyl Butanoate and Methyl Formate
  • Methyl Decanoate
  • Methyl Decanoates
  • C10 Methyl Ester Surrogates for Biodiesel
  • Gasoline Surrogate
  • Diesel surrogate, detailed and reduced
  • Dimethyl Carbonate
  • Under Incineration Conditions
  • In Propane Flames
  • Effect on Flame Speeds
  • C1C4 hydrocarbons with NO addition
  • 2,4,6-Tri-NitroToluene (TNT)
  • C8-C16 n-Alkanes
  • n-Heptane, Detailed Mechanism Version 2
  • Heptane, Reduced Mechanism
  • iso-Octane, Version 2
  • Methylcyclohexane
  • Primary Reference Fuels iso-Octane / n-Heptane Mixture
  • Scientific Impact
  • Collaborations
  • Publications

combustion laboratory experiments

Princeton University

  • Lab Overview (pdf)
  • Lab Slideshow

Princeton Fuels and Combustion Research Laboratory (PFCRL)

The Fuels and Combustion Research Laboratory 's areas of interest include chemical kinetics and reacting systems of conventional & alternate fuels, microscale propulsion, microgravity combustion, and extinction of isolated droplets, advanced internal combustion engine-related research, and hydrogen fuel economy-related research. The lab strives to help explore the bounds of fire safety, alternative fuel economy, and much more.

© 2007 The Trustees of Princeton University

Last update: November 20, 2007

Ben T. Zinn Combustion Laboratory

Cutting edge research in propulsion and energy.

A globally leading hub for research in combustion, propulsion, and energy.

Ben T. Zinn Combustion Lab

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  • Science Fair Project Ideas for Kids, Middle & High School Students ⋅

Safe Combustion Reaction Experiments

Students learn about chemistry, chemical reactions and energy by studying combustion reactions.

Why Burning Propane Makes Water

Combustion is an exothermic reaction in which a chemical is oxidized to produce heat. The chemical is called as fuel and the substance that oxidizes it is called as oxidant. The most common types of fuels burned today are hydrocarbons used in vehicles and power plants. Many combustion reactions are useful for learning about chemistry, and energy transfer.


The burning of naphthalene is one of the more well known school experiments for combustion reactions. This is because naphthalene combustion involves a simple burning reaction which involves simple burning procedures. The reaction involved is represented by the reaction equation: C10H8 + 12 O2 → 10 CO2 + 4 H2O + energy. In layman's terms, Naphthalene plus oxygen will burn, and produce carbon dioxide and water. This exothermic reaction that involves releasing heat in the form flame and also produces carbon dioxide gas.

One of the simplest combustion reactions involves the burning of methane. The most common form of methane is bio-gas which is used in heating and cooking applications. The reaction involved is: CH4 + 2 O2 -> CO2 + 2 H2O + energy. Translated, this combustion reaction says that Methane plus Oxygen will burn and produce Carbon-dioxide, water and energy. The reaction takes place in the presence of air and leads to the production of heat with the release of carbon-dioxide and water.

The Di-hydrogen molecule is easily flammable and releases heat and water vapor. The reaction involved is: 2 H2 + O2 → 2 H2O + heat energy. Hydrogen burns explosively with air or chlorine gas, to produce either H2O or HCL respectively. The reaction with oxygen is called as oxidation and reaction with chlorine is called as chlorination. The combustion of hydrogen in air can lead to the emission of ultraviolet light, which is invisible to naked eye. Thus, when this experiment is performed in a classroom, students must be instructed to protect their eyes.

Combustion of Wood

Wood is chemically related to sugars. Poly-saccharides contain a basic molecule with a formula very similar to glucose. It is composed of a cellulose molecule (C6H10O5), which is a chemical equivalent of glucose. Thus, the reaction of respiration can also represent the reaction of cellulose as well. It is: C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6H2O. In layman's terms, this chemical reaction is: Cellulose plus Oxygen burn to produce carbon-dioxide and water.

Related Articles

Which burns hotter: ethanol or methanol, hydrogen fuel vs. fossil fuel, physical properties of freon 12, chemical ingredients of photosynthesis, properties of methane gas, percentage of nitrogen in the air, what is a combustion reaction, how to calculate the efficiency of glycolysis, the difference between co2 and o2, what happens in the light reaction of photosynthesis, how to calculate a rate constant, how to calculate the cfm of a blower, how much hydrogen is there in the world, what is nadph in photosynthesis, what is reduced & oxidized in photosynthesis, what is being oxidized and what is being reduced in..., list of flammable gases, short term effects of air pollution, how does hydrogen affect the environment.

  • Elmhurst Schools: Combustion of Methane

About the Author

Since 2003, Timothy Burns' writing has appeared in magazines, management and leadership papers. He has contributed to nationally published books and he leads the Word Weavers of West Michigan writers' group. Burns wrote "Forged in the Fire" in 2004, and has published numerous articles online. As a trained conference speaker, Burns speaks nationally on the art, science and inspiration of freelance writing.

Photo Credits

Jack Hollingsworth/Photodisc/Getty Images

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Wooldridge Combustion Laboratory logo

The Wooldridge Combustion Laboratory at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor focuses on high-temperature chemically reacting systems which are critical to widespread applications, including synthesis methods for advanced materials, power and propulsion generation, and chemical processing.  Professor Wooldridge’s research program spans these diverse areas and focuses on experimental studies to enable major developments in materials , fuel chemistry , and  combustion devices .

Mission: The University of Maryland Combustion Laboratory (UMCL) is devoted to cutting edge research in the fields of combustion, renewable energy, and alternative fuels. Our goal is to innovate technologies for cleaner and efficient combustion of fuels for power generation and propulsion to promote sustainability. The goal of this research is to create clean, efficient, and substainable power generation and propulsion. -->


[email protected]


Combustion Laboratory

CSE has extensive experience, expertise and the necessary facilities to test, develop and quantify the performance of combustion and flow systems. With well over a hundred years of combined experience in experimental combustion, heat transfer and fluid mechanics, CSE personnel have studied a multitude of different combustion, fire and flow systems. Flow properties, such as pressure, temperature, chemical composition, heat release rate and a host of other important variables can be characterized in our laboratories.

Laboratory Facilities

Six conditioned lab spaces for bench-scale experiments (approximately 1500 sq. ft)

Three indoor unconditioned lab spaces for larger scale experiments (approximately 5000 sq. ft.)

Two laser / optical diagnostics laboratories (vibration-isolated tables etc.)

Working agreements with outside laboratories / testing facilities for specialized /large-scale experiments,

Exhaust systems capable of venting fires up to 400 kW (larger heat release fires can be handled at nearby facility)

High-Pressure Vessel (Bench-scale):

Pressures up to 20 atm for combustion and non-combustion experimentation 

Water-jacketed and capable of monitoring steady state combustion for extended time periods

Includes optical access and water-cooled emissions sampling

High-Temperature Flow Reactor Facility

Multiple flow-reactors providing a wide range of experimental conditions and capabilities

Temperatures up to 1250 K and pressures ranging from 0.5 to 20 atm

Ability to analyze gaseous, liquid and solid fuels for combustion and pyrolytic reactions

Variable “air” and diluent compositions including products of combustion (CO, CO2, H2O, and NOx)

Precision-controlled oven with ramping ability for elevated temperature and self-heating experiments

Gaseous and liquid heating capabilities for liquid fuel vaporization and process analysis

Machining and fabrication capabilities (turning, milling and welding) on-site as well as relationships with multiple machine and fabrication shops to provide smaller and larger scale custom parts and components


Flow Capabilities

​The size of combustion experiments is typically limited by air flow capacity. CSE has two in-house air sources high-flow N2 available:  

Atmospheric pressure blower:

1.25 lbs/sec (0.56 kg /s)

Compressed air:

24 SCFM (1.8 lbs/min) @ 150 psig

6 SCFM (0.5 lbs/min) @ 250 psig

Nitrogen (from liquid N2 Laser-Pak)

8800 SCF Capacity up to 500 psig

50 SCFM delivery

Additional calibration, process gases and gaseous fuels are stored on-site in high-pressure gas cylinders. Large capacity storage, e.g., tube-trailers, can be placed on the premises for larger scale testing and extended time frames.

Liquid fuels are stored on-site, either indoors or in a specified liquid storage container. 




Liquid and gaseous analysis​

Heated, multi-unit sampling and delivery system

Gas Analyzers:

O2 (Paramagnetic)

NOx (Chemiluminescence)


0.5 meter path length with 2-D CCD Array

7-channel Fiber-Coupled

Light Sources:

Broadband Ultraviolet

ND*YAG (532 nm) pulsed laser

He-Ne (633 and 3.39 μm) CW laser

Mass / Volumetric Flow Rates


Digital and High-speed Video

Particle Concentration Sensors

Acceleration Sensors


If your sector could benefit from our expertise and you’d like to hire us for your next project, please get in touch.

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Combustion Laboratory

Professor Michael Frenklach 60B & 244 Hesse Hall

Lab Website: combustion.berkeley.edu

The Combustion Laboratory was established in summer of 1995. Over the years, our research efforts have focused on computational investigations of various phenomena observed in combustion chemistry and physics.

Notification: View the latest site access restrictions, updates, and resources related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) »

Fuel Combustion Laboratory

NREL's Fuel Combustion Laboratory focuses on characterizing fuels at the molecular level. This information can then be used to understand and predict a fuel's effect on engine performance and emissions. By understanding the effects of fuel chemistry on ignition, as well as the potential emissions impacts, we can develop fuels that enable more efficient engine designs, using both today's technology and future advanced combustion concepts.

This lab supports the Renewable Fuels and Lubricants Laboratory and NREL's fuels performance R&D.

A photo of a yellow and white piece of table-top equipment with various holders and other mechanisms on top of it.

Advanced Fuel Ignition Delay Analyzer

The research-grade Advanced Fuel Ignition Delay Analyzer (AFIDA), a constant-volume combustion chamber platform for fuel ignition kinetics research, was acquired to expand the lab's capabilities in screening small quantities of fuel compound candidates. This equipment significantly increases the range of experimental conditions and throughput to map ignition delay of novel fuel compounds and blends. The AFIDA offers greater experimental flexibility compared to NREL's Ignition Quality Tester (IQT) platform; a high-pressure (1,200- bar) direct-injection system to minimize spray physics effects; and an autosampler carousel to enable automatic operation for experiments with various fuels, pressures, and temperatures.

Fuel Ignition Tester

A photo of a large round metal piece of equipment next to a rectangular box-shaped metal piece of equipment.

The Fuel Ignition Tester (FIT) adds another constant-volume combustion-chamber platform for fuel ignition kinetics research. The FIT furthers the development of novel fuel ignition experimental techniques that complement existing engine-based methods while providing more insight into fuel blend ignition behavior. In addition to the increased capacity for standard American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) fuel ignition measurements, the FIT will be modified for gaseous dual-fuel ignition studies, including natural gas and propane.

Ignition Quality Tester

The central piece of equipment in the Fuel Combustion Laboratory is the Ignition Quality Tester (IQT). The IQT is a constant volume combustion vessel that is used to study ignition properties of liquid fuels. In addition to the main combustion unit, the IQT includes temperature controllers and other electronics and a closed-loop cooling system.

The constant volume combustion chamber is designed so that fuel contact with the walls is minimal. Nine cartridge heaters controlled to maintain a constant chamber temperature surround the combustion chamber. A high-speed pressure transducer measures chamber pressure to detect fuel ignition. Air-actuated intake and exhaust valves are used to feed fresh charge air and to vent combustion product gases. Fuel samples are injected into the combustion chamber through a pintle-type injector nozzle.

The Ignition Quality Tester is interfaced with a computer that allows the user to set temperature and pressure conditions as well as to process the experimental data. A typical experiment consists of 47 separate injections15 pre-injections to reach steady-state temperatures and 32 measurements of the actual ignition delay. The ignition delay is determined as the time difference between when the injector opens and where the pressure begins to increase.

Unregulated Emissions Measurement

The Fuel Combustion Laboratory houses the following equipment for measuring toxic unregulated exhaust emissions:

  • A gas chromatograph allows for the speciation and quantification of C1-C12 hydrocarbon emissions including 1,3-butadiene and benzeneboth carcinogens being considered by California for future regulations.
  • Passivated Summa canisters collect gaseous exhaust samples. The canisters are cleaned and evacuated prior to use.
  • A pre-concentrator enables detection of compounds at sub-parts per billion by volume levels.
  • A high-performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) quantifies emissions of aldehyde and ketone, which are known to be pulmonary irritants. These carbonyl emissions are collected on 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine adsorbent cartridges and eluted with acetonitrile for analysis via HPLC.

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Plunge Lab Cold Plunge Tub XL with 2-Pack Large Ice Cube Molds, Portable Ice Bath Tub for Athletes, Indoor Outdoor Recovery, 90 Gallon Capacity, Cold Tub for Ice Baths at Home - Easy Install

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Cold Plunge Tub XL with 2-Pack Large Ice Cube Molds, Portable Ice Bath Tub for Athletes, Indoor Outdoor Recovery, 90 Gallon Capacity, Cold Tub for Ice Baths at Home - Easy Install

Color Black
Material PVC
Brand Plunge Lab
Product Dimensions 29.53"L x 29.53"W x 29.53"H
Style Tub w/ 2 Ice Molds
Installation Type Freestanding
Capacity 330 Liters
Shape Cylindrical
UPC 197644532759
Manufacturer Plunge Lab

About this item

  • HEALTH BOOSTING BENEFITS: Enjoy the rejuvenating benefits of cold water therapy with our cold plunge tub. Speed up recovery, decrease muscle soreness, reduce inflammation, prevent injuries, and increase immunity. Relieve stress and improve sleep quality with our ice bath tub.
  • 5-LAYER INSULATION: Our cold plunge tub is built to last. Plunge Lab's ice bath tub contains polyester, nylon, and PVC on the outer layer and pearl cotton with waterproof coating for the inner layer. The ice bath maintains 90% of the temperature for up to 5 hours and is durable enough to withstand extreme weather conditions (-20°F to 120°F).
  • INCREASED DURABILITY: The portable ice tub has a capacity of 330L for enhanced comfort. The ice pod features 6 reinforced support posts that can support up to 700 pounds of weight, ergonomically designed to maintain stability and enhance your ice bath tub experience.
  • ICE BATH WATER CHILLER: Our cold plunge tub with water chiller all-in-one solution. The 8lb large ice cube molds are a cold plunge chiller money saver and a reliable water chiller for cold plunge. No cold plunge accessories required.
  • EASY INSTALLATION: Install our ice baths at home in less than 3 minutes. The ice tub requires low maintenance and uses a simple drainage system. Simply turn the drain at the bottom of the tub, and replace the water every couple weeks, or as preferred.

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The perfect ice bath solution for athletes!

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Start your day with our cold plunge tub!

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Plunge Lab: The Ultimate Portable Ice Bath Solution

Product description.

Adults enjoy the deep chill of the Arctic Ice Plunge Tub, perfect for athletic recovery.

5-Layer Insulation

Each layer is meticulously crafted for maximum cold retention.

Keeps out debris to keep water clean between uses.

Insulated Lid

The key to prolonged low temperatures. It seals in the cold, ensuring your ice bath is ready whenever you are.

The portable ice bath pod offers athletic hydrotherapy, wherever you travel.

Explore Our Cold Plunge Tubs

Plunge Lab Plunge Lab + 2 Ice Molds Plunge Lab + 4 Ice Molds 2 Ice Block Molds 4 Ice Block Molds
30"L x 30"W x 30"H 30"L x 30"W x 30"H 30"L x 30"W x 30"H
10” L x 5.5” W x 5” H each 10” L x 5.5” W x 5” H each 10” L x 5.5” W x 5” H each 10” L x 5.5” W x 5” H each
90 gallon capacity Tub 90 gallon, 1 Ice Mold 8lb+ Tub 90 gallon, 1 Ice Mold 8lb+ 8lb+ capacity each 8lb+ capacity each

From the brand

Arctic Ice Plunge Tub for adults. Cold therapy, athletic recovery.

Shop Cold Plunge Tubs

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USA based company, Portable athletic hydrotherapy tub for wherever you travel.

How many ice blocks do you need?

If you live in a warm climate, we recommend using 4 to 6 ice blocks to bring the temperature beneath 50 degrees.

How do I keep the water clean?

We recommend draining the tub every 4 days and using any over the counter dish soap to clean the inside of the tub.

How portable is this product?

lunge Lab weighs about 7 lbs and comes with a portable carrying case. It takes under 5 minutes to disassemble and store.

How do I drain the water?

To drain the Plunge Lab, open the valve at the bottom of the tub.

Can I keep this outside?

Yes, you can keep this outside. Use either of our covers to keep debris out of the Plunge Lab.

Will I fit in the Plunge Lab?

Plunge Lab fits anyone up to 6'5". There is no weight limit and it's easy to step in and out.

Plunge Lab custom XL Ice molds for cold therapy portable ice bath pod.

Looking for specific info?

Product information, technical details.

Color ‎Black
Material ‎PVC
Brand ‎Plunge Lab
Product Dimensions ‎29.53"L x 29.53"W x 29.53"H
Style ‎Tub w/ 2 Ice Molds
Installation Type ‎Freestanding
Capacity ‎330 Liters
Shape ‎Cylindrical
UPC ‎197644532759
Manufacturer ‎Plunge Lab
Part Number ‎PLUNGE003
Item Weight ‎12.77 pounds
Item model number ‎PLUNGE003
Size ‎Tub and 2-Pack Ice Molds
Power Source ‎manual
Item Package Quantity ‎1
Batteries Included? ‎No
Batteries Required? ‎No

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Customer Reviews
3.9 out of 5 stars
Best Sellers Rank #163,460 in Tools & Home Improvement ( )
#112 in
Date First Available September 12, 2023

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Customers say

Customers like the size, value, ease of use, and quality of the ice bath. For example, they mention it's perfect for tall people, great for small spaces, and worth purchasing. That said, some complain about the leakage.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Customers like the quality of the bathtub. They say it's a standout addition to their regimen, with a robust construction. Customers also say the walls and inflatable portions are much stronger and thicker than expected. They appreciate that it holds up really well outdoors and that it'll do an amazing job keeping the plunge at the right temperature.

"...The ice molds save so much money and time and do an amazing job and keeping the plunge at an ideal temperature...." Read more

"...Good size and gets the job done nearly every day . Easy maintenance and good insulation to hold the cold temperature." Read more

"Like the title says. Worked well until it started leaking. About half the volume would be gone after 3 days or so...." Read more

"...I was surprised to find the poor quality of the ring at the top and the insulated cover...." Read more

Customers find the bathtub easy to set up and use. They say it's not a particularly complicated piece of equipment. Customers are impressed with the quality and simplicity of the product.

"This is easy to put together and the ice cube molds are GREAT!" Read more

"...Good size and gets the job done nearly every day. Easy maintenance and good insulation to hold the cold temperature." Read more

"...Finally filled with water today and it leaks down one “leg”. Setup was easy yet no instructional Directions came with it - only set up directions...." Read more

"...It’s thick, water proof, and insulated, love it! Super easy to set up and take down which makes it extremely portable...." Read more

Customers like the insulation of the bathtub. They say it keeps the water really cold, the tub remains cool, and the plunge at an ideal temperature. Some mention that the barrel itself is insulated and holds temp well. Overall, most are satisfied with the quality and functionality of this ice bath.

"...so much money and time and do an amazing job and keeping the plunge at an ideal temperature . I use the plunge every day and am addicted...." Read more

"...These ice blocks are the best solution I’ve seen and work just as well.The ice bath itself is more durable and better than expected...." Read more

"...It’s thick, water proof, and insulated , love it! Super easy to set up and take down which makes it extremely portable...." Read more

"...This has been awesome, easy to setup and use. Keep water cold (of course it's been cold outside)...." Read more

Customers are satisfied with the size of the bathtub. They mention that it's perfect for them personally, great for small spaces, and perfect for tall people. The tub is large, sturdy, and easy to use. Some say that it fits right in their stall shower. Overall, most are happy with the quality and size of this product.

"...It’s bigger and more comfortable than I expected . I highly recommend going with plunge labs and trust all of there products" Read more

"...The ice bath itself is more durable and better than expected. Good size and gets the job done nearly every day...." Read more

"...3. the elastic nylon top fits securely and keeps debris out when the plunge is not in use.4. ...." Read more

"...So easy to fill and use, and besides I fit all the way in ! I am 5'4" no problem. I also bought the ice blocks, they are HUGE!!!..." Read more

Customers find the ice bath tub to be a great product for the price. They say it looks and feels more expensive than it is, and is worth purchasing. Customers also mention that the icing molds save money and time.

"...Overall this is an incredible product that is affordable so that anyone can enjoy and reap the benefits of polar plunging!" Read more

"...Easy set up, decent quality for the price . Great for someone who wants to see if they’ll use this to create a habit, without breaking the bank...." Read more

"This is the BEST investment for your health ...." Read more

Customers like the molds that come with the bathtub. They mention that the ice cube molds are great, the reusable ice blocks are awesome, and the silicone ice trays are awesome. Some say that the mold is good, but a bit expensive.

"This is easy to put together and the ice cube molds are GREAT !" Read more

"...Now I’m not so sure. The molds are good although a bit expensive." Read more

"...What I really liked about this version was the ice molds that it came with ...." Read more

"...The ice block molds it comes with is insane , these blocks are great for cooling down the tub...." Read more

Customers are satisfied with the performance of the bathtub. They mention that it helps with inflammation and muscle recovery, and provides a great energy boost for the rest of the day. Some appreciate the cold water and say that it's a standout addition to their regimen.

"...feel so much more alert and focused throughout the day and less sore after my workouts ...." Read more

"Been a fun and rewarding challenge but enjoy my cold plunges...." Read more

"... Reduced muscle soreness , improved circulation, and heightened mental clarity are just some of the benefits. A must-have for serious athletes!"" Read more

"...Helps a ton with inflammation and muscle recovery. Also gives me a great energy boost for the rest of the day. Highly recommend!" Read more

Customers are dissatisfied with the leakage of the bathtub. They mention that it leaks like crazy, and the non-leaking one is splitting at the seams.

"...Finally filled with water today and it leaks down one “leg” . Setup was easy yet no instructional Directions came with it - only set up directions...." Read more

"Like the title says. Worked well until it started leaking . About half the volume would be gone after 3 days or so...." Read more

"...We just filled it up the other day and from the very beginning it leaks .!!It IS Portable without water, assembly was easy." Read more

"... No leaks or anything . Doesn’t take up a lot of room either.Add in ice every morning and I’m ready to go...." Read more

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gpCAM Wins R&D100 Award

August 8, 2024

Contact:  cscomms@lbl.gov

RD100 award

gpCAM, a software tool for autonomous labs of the future, has been honored with a 2024 R&D 100 Award in the software/services category. Widely recognized as a mark of excellence, the R&D 100 Awards celebrate innovation and the practical application of science and technology across various industries. The winners will receive their award at a ceremony in Palm Springs on November 21, 2024.

gpCAM: software for autonomous labs of the future 

gpCAM is a software tool for artificial-intelligence (AI)-driven autonomous decision-making. Scientific facilities around the globe can conduct experiments at an ever-increasing rate, furthering discovery in critical areas such as materials research, drug discovery, carbon capture, energy storage, and many more. The complexity and pace of many experiments make it impossible for them to be controlled by humans, leading to underutilization and inefficiencies. Given a small preliminary dataset, a Gaussian process can be used to compute uncertainties for all possible future experiments and then be queried to return the optimal set of new suggestions. gpCAM (“gp” for Gaussian processes, “CAM” for the project it originated from, CAMERA ) allows intelligent decision-making for these experiments faster and more accurately than ever before, leading to accelerated scientific discovery at self-driving laboratories of the future.

The development team led by Marcus Noack and James Sethian includes Ron Pandolfi.

These two technologies, which include significant contributions from Applied Mathematics and Computational Research (AMCR) Division staff, were named finalists for this year's R&D 100 Award.

Optimizing combustion systems with Pele 

While alternative energy sources are becoming more widely adopted, combustion-based systems are still ever-present – as is the need to make them cleaner and more efficient. Pele, a software suite designed to simulate and analyze combustion processes, can help scientists understand how different fuels may perform in real-world applications without having to build and test each combination physically. Pele can model and map how fuel properties affect engine and turbine performance for both low-speed (low Mach) and high-speed (compressible) fuel-air interactions, accelerating the development of more efficient combustion systems. 

The development team, led by Marcus Day (NREL), includes Ann Almgren, John Bell, Andrew Myers, Andrew Nonaka, and Weiqun Zhang (Berkeley Lab).

DeepHyper: Making Machine Learning Tools More Accessible

Machine learning can accelerate research across fields, from anti-cancer drug discovery to designing more efficient fusion reactors - but how many teams have the resources to adopt and apply the technology? DeepHyper is an open-source Python software package that automates the design and development of trustworthy and energy-efficient machine learning models for scientific and engineering applications. DeepHyper uses novel optimization techniques and parallel computing to speed up and simplify the traditionally labor-intensive configuration process for developing new models, making these powerful artificial intelligence tools accessible to teams working with complex and high-volume datasets and those without a dedicated machine learning expert. The software can be run on devices ranging from individual laptops up to supercomputers.

The development team, led by Prasanna Balaprakash (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), includes Stefan Wild (Berkeley Lab); Romain Egele (University of Paris Saclay); and Misha Salim, Thomas D. Uram, Venkat Vishwanath (Argonne National Laboratory).

About Berkeley Lab

Founded in 1931 on the belief that the biggest scientific challenges are best addressed by teams,  Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory  and its scientists have been recognized with 16 Nobel Prizes. Today, Berkeley Lab researchers develop sustainable energy and environmental solutions, create useful new materials, advance the frontiers of computing, and probe the mysteries of life, matter, and the universe. Scientists from around the world rely on the Lab’s facilities for their own discovery science. Berkeley Lab is a multiprogram national laboratory, managed by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science.

DOE’s Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States, and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, please visit  energy.gov/science .

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Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) created its first-ever custom glass test cell to observe how gases behave inside a molten salt reactor.   

The test cell will be used to shed new light on the complex chemistry that can occur in molten salt fueled reactors. 

The data will be used to help verify existing computer codes and modeling software to better predict their overall performance. 

Through the Looking Glass 

Molten salt reactors are one of several new systems under development in the United States that could be commercialized early next decade.  

Some designs will operate on liquid fuel, where the fissile materials are directly dissolved into a molten salt solution that’s also used to cool the reactor. 

Nuclear and chemical reactions from these designs can result in gases that bubble out of the molten salt, which can impact reactor neutronics and thermal hydraulic performance. 

To better understand this behavior, ORNL researchers successfully designed and developed a customized glass test cell at the lab’s glass shop that can hold up to one liter of liquid molten salt.  

The team then injected small helium and krypton bubbles into the cell to observe how they moved through the column. 

clear glass test cell with black background.

The experiment allowed researchers to observe and measure gas bubble velocity, size distribution, and interactions with neighboring bubbles using high-speed cameras — providing unique insights to help improve and validate simulation tools for molten-salt-fueled systems.

“Understanding gas generation and transport in molten salt reactors is essential to optimizing their performance and safety,” said Daniel Orea, ORNL’s lead R&D associate. “This unique glass test cell allows us to overcome certain engineering challenges caused by the high temperature and composition of salt and its two-phase liquid glass system.” 

The research project was supported through the U.S. Department of Energy’s Molten Salt Reactor Program that works to accelerate the research, development, and deployment of molten salt reactor technologies in the United States. 

Researchers contributing to the research project included Daniel Orea, Joanna McFarlane, and Kevin Robb, along with scientific glass blower Carlos Rodriguez Flores. 

ORNL is a world leader in the development of molten salt reactor research, which dates back to the 1960s and its Molten Salt Reactor Experiment that tested the potential use of liquid fuel reactor technologies for commercial power generation. 

Learn more about ORNL’s work with molten salt reactors.

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Comparing heat energy from burning alcohols

In association with Nuffield Foundation

  • Four out of five

In this investigation, students use a spirit burner to burn various alcohols while measuring and comparing the amount of heat energy produced

This experiment is suitable for pre-16 students, possibly as an introduction to a topic on fuels. It can be taken further if used with post-16 students who can calculate values for enthalpy changes of combustion, with subsequent discussion about heat losses and incomplete combustion.

The alcohols should be provided in labelled spirit burners ready to use. If each group investigates one alcohol, the experiment can be done in around 20 minutes. It is better if each spirit burner is used by more than one group of students. Variation of results will add substance to a discussion about errors.

  • Eye protection
  • Retort stand and clamp
  • Conical flask, 150 cm 3 or larger
  • Measuring cylinder, 100 cm 3
  • Thermometer (–10 °C to +110 °C)
  • Access to balances, preferably several, to avoid queuing
  • Access to spirit burners with wicks and caps, containing the alcohols listed (note 1)

Apparatus notes

  • Suitable spirit burners are hard to come by. Ideally they should be small, with a capacity of 50 cm 3 or less. Pictures and information in suppliers’ catalogues can be misleading. It is important that the wick fits tightly in the wick holder and that the wick holder fits tightly in the burner. If capacity is more than 50 cm 3 , reduce it, for instance by packing with mineral wool, or partially filling with epoxy. Refer to CLEAPSS L195 ’Safer chemicals, safer reactions’. One possible source is: A.J.Cope & Son Ltd , Unit 10, Cliffside Trade Park, Motherwell Way, Grays, Essex, RM20 3XD.
  • Methanol 
  • Ethanol 
  • Propan-1-ol 
  • Propan-2-ol 
  • Butan-1-ol 

Health, safety and technical notes

  • Read our standard health and safety guidance .
  • Wear eye protection throughout.
  • Methanol, CH 3 OH(l), (HIGHLY FLAMMABLE, TOXIC) – see CLEAPSS Hazcard HC040b . Methanol is volatile and has a low flash point.
  • Ethanol, CH 3 CH 2 OH(l), (HIGHLY FLAMMABLE) – see CLEAPSS Hazcard HC040A . Ethanol is volatile and has a low flash point.
  • Propan-1-ol, CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 OH(l), (HIGHLY FLAMMABLE, IRRITANT, HARMFUL) – see CLEAPSS Hazcard HC084A . Propan-1-ol is volatile and has a low flash point.
  • Propan-2-ol, CH 3 CHOHCH 3 (l), (HIGHLY FLAMMABLE, IRRITANT, HARMFUL) – see CLEAPSS Hazcard HC084A. Propan-2-ol is volatile and has a low flash point.
  • Butan-1-ol, CH3CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 OH(l), (HIGHLY FLAMMABLE, IRRITANT, HARMFUL) – see CLEAPSS Hazcard HC084B . Butan-1-ol is volatile and has a low flash point.

A diagram showing the equipment required for measuring heat energy from burning alcohol

Source: Royal Society of Chemistry

Equipment required for measuring heat energy from burning alcohol.

  • Measure 100 cm 3  of cold tap water into a conical flask.
  • Clamp the flask at a suitable height so that a spirit burner can easily be placed below.
  • Weigh the spirit burner (and cap) containing the alcohol and record this mass and the name of the alcohol.
  • Record the initial temperature of the water in the flask.
  • Place the spirit burner under the flask and light the wick.
  • Allow the alcohol to heat the water so the temperature rises by about 40 °C.
  • Replace the cap to extinguish the flame.
  • Reweigh the spirit burner and cap, and record this mass.
  • Work out the mass of alcohol used.
  • Using a fresh 100 cm 3  of cold tap water, repeat the experiment with another alcohol.

Teaching notes

Get the class to record and share the results. Do not be surprised if groups get different answers for a given alcohol. Heat losses will almost certainly vary considerably.

Subsequent discussion depends on the level of the students’ experience.

Student questions

Here are some possible questions to ask students:

  • Which alcohol produces the most energy per gram?
  • Which alcohol produces the most energy per mole?
  • Write equations for the complete combustion of each alcohol.
  • Propan-1-ol and propan-2-ol are isomers (same molecular formula, different structures). Do they produce the same amount of heat on combustion?
  • Does all the heat produced by combustion go into raising the temperature of the water?
  • Is it possible that combustion may be incomplete, giving carbon monoxide among the products?
  • Alcohols can be used as a substitute for hydrocarbon fuels, and so methods of producing alcohols are very important. What process converts sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide?

Notes on questions

  • On question 6, stress the dangers accompanying the production of carbon monoxide.

More resources

Add context and inspire your learners with our short career videos showing how chemistry is making a difference .

Additional information

This is a resource from the  Practical Chemistry project , developed by the Nuffield Foundation and the Royal Society of Chemistry. This collection of over 200 practical activities demonstrates a wide range of chemical concepts and processes. Each activity contains comprehensive information for teachers and technicians, including full technical notes and step-by-step procedures. Practical Chemistry activities accompany  Practical Physics  and  Practical Biology .

© Nuffield Foundation and the Royal Society of Chemistry

  • 14-16 years
  • 16-18 years
  • Practical experiments
  • Thermodynamics
  • Quantitative chemistry and stoichiometry


  • 9.28C Investigate the temperature rise produced in a known mass of water by the combustion of the alcohols ethanol, propanol, butanol and pentanol
  • The heat change, q, in a reaction is given by the equation q = mcΔT; where m is the mass of the substance that has a temperature change ΔT and a specific heat capacity c.
  • Students should be able to: use this equation to calculate the molar enthalpy change for a reaction.
  • e) determination of enthalpy changes directly from appropriate experimental results, including use of the relationship: q = mcΔT
  • 5 i. understand experiments to measure enthalpy changes in terms of: processing results using the expression: energy transferred = mass x specific heat capacity × temperature change (Q=mcΔT)
  • In combustion, a substance reacts with oxygen releasing energy.
  • Fuels burn releasing different quantities of energy.
  • The quantity of heat energy released can be determined experimentally and calculated using, Eₕ = cmΔT.
  • PRACTICAL: Determination of an enthalpy change of combustion
  • (f) the combustion reactions of hydrocarbons and other fuels
  • (g) how to determine experimentally the energy per gram released by a burning fuel
  • (v) the uses of ethanol as a solvent and as a fuel and the social, economic and environmental factors that affect the development of bioethanol fuel
  • determine the enthalpy changes for combustion and neutralisation using simple apparatus; and
  • 2.8.6 recall experimental methods to determine enthalpy changes;
  • 2.8.7 calculate enthalpy changes from experimental data using the equation q = mcΔT;

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Owala Water Bottle Review: What We Really Think

What makes Owala's FreeSip water bottle so special? Our honest take after testing it for more than six months.

a group of different colored owala water bottles

We've been independently researching and testing products for over 120 years. If you buy through our links, we may earn a commission. Learn more about our review process.

In fact, I've been using the Owala FreeSip for more than six months. It's the insulated water bottle I reach for most often (even though I have at least 10 favorites at home) and even choose to travel with.

In the Good Housekeeping Institute , our experts in the Kitchen Appliances Lab has been testing water bottles for years. Just this past month we put more than 35 new and old favorites to the test so we could find out which retained temperature the best, leaked the least, could stand up to drops and were easy to use and clean. We also sent several samples of each water bottle home with consumers to see how they held up in real life.

Owala FreeSip Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle

FreeSip Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle

If you're considering purchasing Owala's FreeSip water bottle, here's everything you need to know, based on our testing and my real-life experience.

What's so good about Owala water bottles?

My absolute favorite thing about the Owala is that you can drink out of the spout like it's a straw or you can tilt it upwards to take bigger gulps. I'm not a fan of water bottles with straws (they require so much work to drink out of and clean!) but this one is a game changer.

It requires barely any effort to drink out of; all you have to do is purse your lips a little around the spout and use the smallest amount of pressure to get a full, smooth drink of water. It's almost as if the spout is customized to the shape of your individual lip — some might even say it's like a pillow for your bottom lip to rest on. One tester thought that it would be too flat to get a good grip on, but said "it was so seamless to use."

a hand holding the owala

In addition to being a joy to drink out of, the Owala is slim and comfortable to hold. While its base is round and can fit into standard cup holders, the sides are flat so you can get a better grip. The lid snaps close and opens quickly and easily with the push of a button. The carrying handle offers a nice touch, too; it folds down into the cap when not in use. All these features make it perfect for travel.

a hand holding a white water bottle

Lastly, let's not forget about all the fun color options. There's one for everyone whether you're looking for one that'll stand out or blend in . One tester specifically commented on how she loved the appearance and colors of the FreeSip. "I like how pretty it looked to carry, like an accessory," she said.

Another fun feature that GH Lab Analyst Eva Bleyer pointed out is the straw is colored so it makes it easy to know which water bottle it belongs to if you have a bunch at home.

What to know before buying an Owala water bottle

  • Owala recommends you hand wash the FreeSip, but I will say that I put mine in the dishwasher and you'd never know the difference.
  • There's a silicone tab in the lid that needs to be removed for cleaning. If you're anything like me, you might forget to put it back on and you'll wonder why your Owala is leaking. But I only made that mistake once!
  • The lid benefits from being washed with a bottle brush to get into all the little crevices.
  • The 24-ounce size might seem small for people who are trying to load up on water. If you're looking for something bigger, you can get the 32-ounce or 40-ounce, but they're wider and don't fit in average sized cup holders.

How we tested

In the Lab, we tested the Owala alongside more than 35 water bottles .

a group of water bottles on a table

In our tests, the Owala FreeSip did an excellent job at retaining temperature when we tested it with cold water. After one day, the water temperature only increased 13º, while some of the lesser performing water bottles increased more than 20º. For comparison, the best performing water bottles increased only 6º.

The Owala FreeSip was amongst the best when it came to leaking. It didn't leak or spill in any of our three tests. The seal held its ground when it was knocked over, shaken and slid around.

a person taking the temperature of water in a bottle

Testers really enjoyed using the Owala at home. All five mentioned that they were surprised by how much they liked the drink spout and carrying it around. Two of us used it while traveling, and one said she wishes she remembered to bring it with her because she liked how easily it would have fit on the side of her backpack. (I can confirm that feature is a nice touch!) I also personally like how the drink spout is fully covered, which allows me to worry about germs a little less on the plane and when moving about.

Do Owala water bottles dent easily?

Unfortunately, the Owala water bottle did not stand up to our drop test. It dented a little on the bottom and leaked after being dropped three times from a height of three feet. It did not break, however, unlike some of the other water bottles we tested.

a hand holding a white can

I have not yet experienced any dents on mine while using it in my everyday life.

Are Owala water bottles safe?

After the news about Stanley cups containing lead in their base went viral, many people wondered if Owala bottles are safe. Owala claims that their water bottles do not contain lead . The base is made of stainless steel and the lid and straw are made of plastic.

Is the brand called "Owala" because you look like a koala when you drink out of the bottles?

This theory we learned about on TikTok made us giggle. When we reached out to Owala for comment, they said: " We’ll keep that close to the vest, but we sure love hearing everyone’s theories!"

Should I get an Owala?

In our opinion, yes — they're worth the money. I love mine and so did our testers, who were pleasantly surprised when they started using theirs and now continue to do so often.

Stefani Sassos , our Nutrition and Wellness Lab director, says she particularly likes bringing the Owala to the gym with her. She says: "I love the carrying loop and being able to put it on the exercise bike during a ride; it fits perfectly in the slot."

Why trust Good Housekeeping?

Nicole Papantoniou is the director of the Kitchen Appliances Lab in the Good Housekeeping Institute. She uses several water bottles a day and is constantly trying new ones, even though it's hard to put down her favorites. She oversaw the most recent water bottle testing and worked with consumers to get their feedback about the Owala water bottle. Most importantly, she's been hands on with the FreeSip for months and continues to use it day to day.

Headshot of Nicole Papantoniou

Nicole (she/her) is the director of the Good Housekeeping Institute 's Kitchen Appliances and Innovation Lab, where she has overseen content and testing related to kitchen and cooking appliances, tools and gear since 2019. She’s an experienced product tester and recipe creator, trained in classic culinary arts and culinary nutrition. She has worked in test kitchens for small kitchen appliance brands and national magazines, including Family Circle and Ladies’ Home Journal .

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What’s in 2XKO Alpha Lab?

Alpha Lab is 2XKO’s first at-home playtest. We’re inviting players in participating regions to give feedback that will help improve the game for launch in 2025.

Like we said in our Alpha Lab Dev Q&A , this is the first time players will experience the online gameplay loop for 2XKO, and it’s a super early build . Many screens and UI elements are still in progress, so don’t expect things to be polished—in fact, you’ll probably encounter a decent amount of jank. Some features might not work correctly, and you could experience crashes or other errors. 

Two super important things to keep in mind (and tell your friends):

Make sure to log in to Alpha Lab with the correct Riot Account. Double-check your account’s username in your access email. Creating a new account or signing into the wrong Riot Account will lock you out of Alpha Lab.

Do not stream the process of linking your Riot Account and console account. Anyone can scan the QR code used for linking, including your viewers. 

We’re still making the game, but we’re here so you can tell us what you think so far. Testing at this stage will give us time to incorporate feedback before launch. Basically, this is your chance to actually shape 2XKO with your notes. You’ll receive a feedback survey via email after Alpha Lab ends on August 19. Fill it out to make sure we hear you.

With that said, here’s what you’ll find when you launch the game:

Casual Matches

Select FIGHT!, then choose Casual mode to enter a public lobby, where you’ll find matches with other players. During Alpha Lab, you’ll be able to partner up with a friend before entering the lobby, find a duo while you’re there, or just jump in solo. 

Queue for a game by pressing the key displayed next to the Find a Match popup. When a match has been found, go to the highlighted cabinet and accept the match to start playing.

Outside of the queue system, there are a few other ways to get into a game. You can directly challenge any other player in the room, or sit down at an empty cabinet to warm up in training mode while waiting for someone to queue up. 

We think playing with friends and making new ones is an amazing part of the fighting game experience, so our lobbies are built to bring that vibe to an online space. We really care about getting this right, so let us know what's working and what isn't.

Private Matches

Select Private mode to create your own personal room, complete with a training cabinet for you and a duo. You can invite up to 16 players from your friend list to this space. 


Alpha Lab players will get a first look at skins, stickers, chromas, and customizable avatars.

Your avatar is how you’ll show up in 2XKO’s lobbies. You’ll be able to unlock new customization options with battle pass progress. Later versions will feature more ways to switch up your appearance.

Chromas are alternate colors. They can help differentiate when both teams pick the same champion, and they’re also a great way to show off some personality.

Unlock base champion chromas by navigating to the Champions section of the main menu, selecting a champion, then highlighting the Skins option. For Alpha Lab, chromas will be unlockable for 100 credits, but in later versions the currency and cost might change.

Emotes and Stickers

There are a few ways to express yourself while in a lobby. Use emotes to perform an action with your avatar, such as cheering or giving a thumbs up. Use stickers to show off an icon above your avatar.

Access the emote wheel while in lobby using the ( - ) key on PC, the RT button on Xbox Series X|S, or the R2 button on PlayStation 5. The emote wheel won’t be customizable during this playtest, but acquiring a new sticker from the battle pass will automatically equip it. 

Skins change the way your champion looks. Skins for Yasuo and Ahri will be available to unlock for free in the battle pass during Alpha Lab. We want you to get an idea of what playing with different skins is like in this test. 

Once skins are unlocked, they can be equipped in the champion select screen before any match. Additional chromas for skins can also be earned from the battle pass in Alpha Lab.

Bladesong Yasuo

Dynasty Ahri

How to Play

Check out our How to Play article for a basic rundown of champs, mechanics, and default button layouts.

Tutorial Mode

For an in-game tutorial, select FIGHT!, then choose Tutorial mode from the menu at the top of the screen. Follow the guides on the left to learn your controls.

Training Mode

Use training mode to get a feel for the game or try out new champs. 

Training Bots

In training mode, your default opponents won’t move, block, or attack. To fight a bot, visit the settings menu. 

Open Settings (your input will be displayed at the bottom of the screen), select Bot Settings, then switch the Controller Setting option from Training Bot to CPU. From there, you can change all kinds of things about the bot’s behavior, like difficulty level and playstyle. Note: With “Dynamic” CPU difficulties, the bot will adjust its behavior as you play. Turning off infinite HP will produce better quality matches.

Co-op Training Mode

You can access co-op training mode using the leftmost cabinet in any private lobby. Use this with a duo to practice against bots. Another duo can join at the second cabinet, or you can also train solo against a duo. Hop on with any team variation and lab things out with your friends.  

Battle Pass

An early version of the battle pass will be automatically unlocked for free for all Alpha Lab participants. It’ll feature 20 levels of rewards that can be earned by playing games and completing missions. We're still tweaking what this looks like, so tell us how it feels to progress through the pass.  

Complete missions to unlock rewards like credits . We’re adjusting a lot about how missions work, like how fast they can be finished, how often they’re refreshed, and what rewards they’ll grant. Let us know what you think when submitting feedback.

Credits are the main currency you earn by playing 2XKO. During Alpha Lab, credits can be used to unlock chromas, but in future playtests they’ll also be used to unlock new champions. 

All account progress (including chromas, skins, and other unlocked rewards) will be reset between playtests, so feel free to spend all your credits and have fun. 

Ahri, Braum, Darius, Ekko, Illaoi, and Yasuo will be available to play during Alpha Lab. All six will be unlocked for every player from the first day of the Alpha Lab playtest, but in future playtests some champions will need to be unlocked through missions or credits. 

Four stages will be available during Alpha Lab: 

Spirit Hills

combustion laboratory experiments

Bridge of Progress

combustion laboratory experiments

The Brazen Hydra

combustion laboratory experiments

Scuttler’s Strand

combustion laboratory experiments

2XKO Netcode

We’ve implemented rollback netcode to minimize latency. We’re still testing these systems and will be monitoring any outliers throughout Alpha Lab. We'll release a deeper dive into 2XKO’s netcode sometime in the future to talk through the tech that powers our matches.

Friend List

Form duos with players from your friend list. Your friend list is accessible via the (Tab) key on PC and the Menu button on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. 

Add friends by searching for their full Riot ID, including the tagline. For example: AhriMain#NA1

Cross-Platform Play

Cross-platform play is available between PC, Xbox Series X|S, and PlayStation 5 players located in the same region.

Cross-Region Play

We plan to support cross-region private matches in the future, but cross-region play will not be available during Alpha Lab. 

Offline and Local Play

Offline and local play will be available in the future, but not during Alpha Lab. 

2XKO will be using Riot’s proprietary anti-cheat tool, Vanguard. Our friends in the anti-cheat department released an in-depth blog post about the value of anti-cheat. You can also check out this post if you’re interested in top level information. 

All players in the test will receive a feedback survey after Alpha Lab ends. Make sure to fill it out, because we’ll use your feedback to continue developing 2XKO. Anything you liked or disliked about your experience is super valuable to us.

Again, 2XKO is a work in progress, so don’t hold back! Tell us what you would change. We’ll read every single Alpha Lab feedback survey, so this is your chance to get your thoughts on our radar.

If you’d like to share clips, bugs, or comments on social media during Alpha Lab, we’re keeping an eye on the tag #2XKO_AlphaLab . Use it on your posts to join the conversation, even if you don’t have Alpha Lab access.

Also, this won’t be the last chance to playtest. If you register on the Alpha Lab website, you’ll be notified when more sign-ups open later this year.

Known Issues

We have a couple of fixes that didn’t quite make it into this version! If you encounter any of these issues, know that they’re already on our radar.

Text chat is only available on PC.

Equipping an avatar item requires a double-click in some cases.

On PlayStation 5, the training mode frame advantage feature does not function correctly.

Training mode CPU reversal options sometimes do not function while the CPU is airborne.

Training mode CPU will perform a back air recovery even when neutral is selected.

On PC, running the game while the Steam client is open in the background may cause some controller issues.

On PC, plugging in a gamepad for the first time defaults to incorrect bindings. Default gamepad settings can be restored by going to Settings → Controller Mappings → Pad B.

Avatar outfits may not display properly in heavily populated lobbies.

Connecting to the co-op training mode cabinet with a cross-platform partner may cause training mode to crash.

While warming up in the casual lobby, the Back button may lose functionality, causing players to restart to exit warm up. 

Pressing CTRL+M on the PC version will mute all in-game music.

Choosing “Quit Game” in private lobbies may result in a crash. 

Immediately exiting training mode after being defeated by a bot may result in a crash. 

Choosing “warm up” when sitting at a cabinet in the casual lobby is causing crashes and will be disabled. 

Players standing on a spot other than the left-most positions will cause the co-op training mode cabinet to not function properly.

  • Category: Accessories

Make Your Gaming S.P.E.C.I.A.L. With the New Xbox Wireless Controller – Fallout With Xbox Design Lab 

Straight from the vault, we’re thrilled to unveil the all-new Xbox Wireless Controller – Fallout , ready for you exclusively at Xbox Design Lab! Get ready to dive into the immersive world of one of gaming’s most beloved franchises. This Fallout-themed controller is a heartfelt tribute to the iconic character from the series we all adore, Vault Boy, showcasing each of his unique S.P.E.C.I.A.L. traits. Secure your spot in the wasteland and get your hands on this epic addition to your gaming arsenal today!  

This controller is designed with a collage of some of the most iconic Vault Boy perk icons from throughout the franchise’s history. The white background with the grey etchings of the character allows the design to incorporate all these memorable moments, while still leaving space for you to add all of the colors you love! The blue and yellow colored Vault Boy and Vault-Tec decal surrounding the Xbox button fully tie in the aesthetic that visually represents the post-apocalyptic games. And if you look close enough, you can also find some hidden Easter eggs in the collage that you don’t want to miss!

Xbox Design Lab also allows you to personalize your Fallout controller to create a truly S.P.E.C.I.A.L. configuration. Emerge from your vault in style as you choose from a variety of button styles curated for your Fallout color scheme. From the iconic blue and yellow reminiscent of the vaults, the silver and grey that represent the Brotherhood of Steel, or any other color combination that represents your favorite Fallout color scheme. You can even upgrade your loadout further with metallic triggers and D-pads, rubberized side and back grips and a personal engraving so no one at the settlement will confuse your controller for their own.   

combustion laboratory experiments

This controller also comes packed with additional features to assist in your survival in a post-apocalyptic world. You can explore these rich story-based games for a long time with over 40 hours* of battery life.* You can also use your newly customized controller across various platforms as it supports both Bluetooth and Xbox Wireless connection. From taking on Appalachia with your friends in Fallout 76 to building your own vault on mobile devices in Fallout Shelter , this controller makes for the perfect companion.* Each Xbox Design Lab controller comes with a 3.5mm jack, and once you have connected with your favorite compatible headset, it will let you enjoy the sounds of the irradiated world around you as you chat with friends. Save your favorite moments from the games by using the dedicated Xbox share button, and remap your controllers to your tastes by using the Xbox Accessory App.  

combustion laboratory experiments

Prepare for the future and design your own S.P.E.C.I.A.L. controller. Grab yours now exclusively on Xbox Design Lab ! 

*Games sold separately. Battery life varies with usage and other factors. Testing conducted by Microsoft using standard AA batteries in preproduction units. Button mapping available via Xbox Accessories app for Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and Windows 10/11; app for Windows PC requires compatible USB-C cable (sold separately). 


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    Combustion Laboratory. CSE has extensive experience, expertise and the necessary facilities to test, develop and quantify the performance of combustion and flow systems. With well over a hundred years of combined experience in experimental combustion, heat transfer and fluid mechanics, CSE personnel have studied a multitude of different ...

  20. Combustion Laboratory

    Combustion Laboratory Professor Michael Frenklach 60B & 244 Hesse Hall Lab Website: combustion.berkeley.edu The Combustion Laboratory was established in summer of 1995. Over the years, our research efforts have focused on computational investigations of various phenomena observed in combustion chemistry and physics.

  21. Fuel Combustion Laboratory

    A typical experiment consists of 47 separate injections15 pre-injections to reach steady-state temperatures and 32 measurements of the actual ignition delay. The ignition delay is determined as the time difference between when the injector opens and where the pressure begins to increase. ... The Fuel Combustion Laboratory houses the following ...

  22. PDF LIB Thermal Runaway and Combustion Research at Texas A&M University

    •[Golubkov et al., 2015] experiments are the best available Sandia Experiments [Roth et al., 2004] - DSC, ARC with temperature-transient gas sampling - Reaction Gas Sampling - Cell-level and sub-components Shortcomings - No ignition and combustion - Gas sampling data is more useful for decomposition kinetics modeling 6

  23. Plunge Lab Cold Plunge Tub XL, Portable Ice Bath Tub for Athletes

    Plunge Lab's ice bath tub contains polyester, nylon, and PVC on the outer layer and pearl cotton with waterproof coating for the inner layer. The ice bath maintains 90% of the temperature for up to 5 hours and is durable enough to withstand extreme weather conditions (-20°F to 120°F).

  24. gpCAM Wins R&D100 Award

    About Berkeley Lab. Founded in 1931 on the belief that the biggest scientific challenges are best addressed by teams, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and its scientists have been recognized with 16 Nobel Prizes. Today, Berkeley Lab researchers develop sustainable energy and environmental solutions, create useful new materials, advance the frontiers of computing, and probe the mysteries ...

  25. National Lab Creates Glass Test Cell to Peek Inside Molten Salt

    The experiment allowed researchers to observe and measure gas bubble velocity, size distribution, and interactions with neighboring bubbles using high-speed cameras — providing unique insights to help improve and validate simulation tools for molten-salt-fueled systems. "Understanding gas generation and transport in molten salt reactors is essential to optimizing their performance and ...

  26. Bad agar is killing lab yeast around the world. Where is it ...

    Schizosacchromyces pombe yeast plated using two different lots of agar. Almost all of the yeast on the right died. Reine Protacio. Sunrise tells Science its agar supplier, Global Bioingredients, has not changed its quality control procedures. When Protacio's lab came to Sunrise with its toxic agar theory, the company contacted the other recipients of agar from that batch and found no ...

  27. Comparing heat energy from burning alcohols

    Procedure. Equipment required for measuring heat energy from burning alcohol. Measure 100 cm 3 of cold tap water into a conical flask. Clamp the flask at a suitable height so that a spirit burner can easily be placed below. Weigh the spirit burner (and cap) containing the alcohol and record this mass and the name of the alcohol.

  28. Owala FreeSip Water Bottle Review 2024

    In the Lab, we tested the Owala alongside more than 35 water bottles. Alec Scherma/Good Housekeeping A sampling of the water bottles we tested when testing the Owala FreeSip.

  29. What's in 2XKO Alpha Lab?

    Alpha Lab is 2XKO's first at-home playtest. We're inviting players in participating regions to give feedback that will help improve the game for launch in 2025. Like we said in our Alpha Lab Dev Q&A, this is the first time players will experience the online gameplay loop for 2XKO, and it's a super early build.Many screens and UI elements are still in progress, so don't expect things to ...

  30. Make Your Gaming S.P.E.C.I.A.L. With the New Xbox Wireless Controller

    Xbox Design Lab also allows you to personalize your Fallout controller to create a truly S.P.E.C.I.A.L. configuration. Emerge from your vault in style as you choose from a variety of button styles curated for your Fallout color scheme. From the iconic blue and yellow reminiscent of the vaults, the silver and grey that represent the Brotherhood ...