1. Chapter 11. Interviewing

    Introduction. Interviewing people is at the heart of qualitative research. It is not merely a way to collect data but an intrinsically rewarding activity—an interaction between two people that holds the potential for greater understanding and interpersonal development. Unlike many of our daily interactions with others that are fairly shallow ...

  2. Types of Interviews in Research

    An interview is a qualitative research method that relies on asking questions in order to collect data. Interviews involve two or more people, one of whom is the interviewer asking the questions. ... They allow you to gather rich information and draw more detailed conclusions than other research methods, taking into consideration nonverbal cues ...

  3. Qualitative research method-interviewing and observation

    Interviewing. This is the most common format of data collection in qualitative research. According to Oakley, qualitative interview is a type of framework in which the practices and standards be not only recorded, but also achieved, challenged and as well as reinforced.[] As no research interview lacks structure[] most of the qualitative research interviews are either semi-structured, lightly ...

  4. How to carry out great interviews in qualitative research

    Qualitative research interviews are a mainstay among qualitative research techniques, and have been in use for decades either as a primary data collection method or as an adjunct to a wider research process. A qualitative research interview is a one-to-one data collection session between a researcher and a participant.

  5. Twelve tips for conducting qualitative research interviews

    Summary. The qualitative research interview is a powerful data-collection tool which affords researchers in medical education opportunities to explore unknown areas of education and practice within medicine. This paper articulates 12 tips for consideration when conducting qualitative research interviews, and outlines the qualitative research ...

  6. 55 Qualitative Interview Techniques and Considerations

    55 Qualitative Interview Techniques and Considerations . Qualitative interviews are sometimes called intensive or in-depth interviews. These interviews are semi-structured.. What this means is that the researcher has a particular topic about which he or she would like to hear from the respondent, but questions are open ended and may not be asked in exactly the same way or in exactly the same ...

  7. PDF Interviewing in Qualitative Research

    It is the most widely used method in qualitative research. It is flexible, inexpensive, and does not inter-fere with the researcher's life the way that ethnography does. This chapter looks at qualitative interviewing and how it compares to other types of collect-ing evidence in research, particularly structured interviewing and ethnography.

  8. Twelve tips for conducting qualitative research interviews

    The qualitative research interview is an important data collection tool for a variety of methods used within the broad spectrum of medical education research. However, many medical teachers and life science researchers undergo a steep learning curve when they first encounter qualitative interviews, both in terms of new theory but also regarding ...

  9. The Qualitative Interview: A Multi-Component Approach

    The interview method has a long and distinguished history in qualitative inquiry across the social sciences (Platt, 2012).Interviewing has become increasingly widespread in psychology (Brinkmann, 2016), as qualitative methods have gained prominence in the discipline (Gergen, Josselson, & Freeman, 2015).More than simply providing an account of attitudes or experience, the interview represents a ...

  10. Interview Research

    InterViews by Steinar Kvale Interviewing is an essential tool in qualitative research and this introduction to interviewing outlines both the theoretical underpinnings and the practical aspects of the process. After examining the role of the interview in the research process, Steinar Kvale considers some of the key philosophical issues relating ...

  11. How To Do Qualitative Interviews For Research

    Recap: Qualitative Interview Mistakes. In this post, we've discussed 5 common costly mistakes that are easy to make in the process of planning and conducting qualitative interviews. To recap, these include: Not having a clear interview strategy/plan; Not having good interview techniques/skills; Not securing a suitable location and equipment

  12. Interviews and focus groups in qualitative research: an update for the

    The most common methods of data collection used in qualitative research are interviews and focus groups. While these are primarily conducted face-to-face, the ongoing evolution of digital ...

  13. The qualitative research interview

    In this article we briefly review the more common qualitative interview methods and then focus on the widely used individual face-to-face in-depth interview, which seeks to foster learning about individual experiences and perspectives on a given set of issues. ... The qualitative research interview Med Educ. 2006 Apr;40(4):314-21. doi: 10.1111 ...

  14. Chapter 13: Interviews

    What are interviews? An interviewing method is the most commonly used data collection technique in qualitative research. 1 The purpose of an interview is to explore the experiences, understandings, opinions and motivations of research participants. 2 Interviews are conducted one-on-one with the researcher and the participant. Interviews are most appropriate when seeking to understand a ...

  15. Qualitative Interview: What it is & How to conduct one

    The findings from qualitative research interviews are typically based on small sample size and specific context, making it difficult to generalize the results to a larger population. While qualitative research aims to provide an in-depth understanding, it may need more statistical representativeness than quantitative research methods offer.

  16. interviews

    Interviews can be defined as a qualitative research technique which involves "conducting intensive individual interviews with a small number of respondents to explore their perspectives on a particular idea, program or situation." There are three different formats of interviews: structured, semi-structured and unstructured.

  17. PDF Strategies for Qualitative Interviews

    Gentle: lets people finish; gives them time to think; tolerates pauses. 5. Sensitive: listens attentively to what is said and how it is said; is empathetic in dealing with the interviewee. 6. Open: responds to what is important to interviewee and is flexible. 7. Steering: knows what he/she wants to find out. 8.

  18. 13.2 Qualitative interview techniques

    Qualitative interviews are sometimes called intensive or in-depth interviews. These interviews are considered semi-structured because the researcher has a particular topic for the respondent, but questions are open-ended and may not be asked in the exact same way or order to each respondent. The primary goal of an in-depth interview is to hear ...

  19. In-Depth Interviews in Qualitative Research

    In-depth interviews are a cornerstone of qualitative research, especially in approaches like grounded theory and ethnography where understanding the nuances of personal experiences and cultural contexts is key to developing rich, grounded theories. By using QDA coding tools like Delve, handling the wealth of data from these interviews is much ...

  20. Methods of data collection in qualitative research: interviews and

    There are a variety of methods of data collection in qualitative research, including observations, textual or visual analysis (eg from books or videos) and interviews (individual or group). 1 ...

  21. Sampling in qualitative interview research: criteria, considerations

    The research note was prepared based on experience in qualitative research sampling gained, among others, during running the project financed by the National Science Centre (no. 2017/27/B/HS4/01051). CRediT authorship contribution statement. Katarzyna Czernek-Marszałek: Writing - review & editing, Writing - original draft, Conceptualization.

  22. Interview techniques in qualitative research: Concerns and challenges

    highlight some particularly challenging aspects of qualitative research interviewing, which, to date, have received little attention in the methodological literature / throughout this chapter, the rather generic "qualitative research" will be used to refer to grounded theory, ethnomethodologic, ethnographic, ethnoscientific, and phenomenologic research, and important differences between these ...

  23. How to carry out great interviews in qualitative research

    Qualitative research interviews are a mainstay among qualitative research techniques, and have been in use for decades either as a primary data collection method or as an adjunct to a wider research process. A qualitative research interview is a one-to-one data collection session between a researcher and a participant.

  24. Utilizing Asynchronous Email Interviewing for Qualitative Research

    The use of virtual methods of interviewing for qualitative research have been utilized to bridge challenges of time and distance for participants and researchers. ... Meho L. I. (2006). E‐mail interviewing in qualitative research: A methodological discussion. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(10), 1284 ...

  25. Qualitative Research

    Qualitative research methods are used to address research questions that require description and understanding of social phenomena and their contexts. So, it is the nature of the required information that will lead to a choice of a qualitative approach. ... When Howard Becker did his doctoral research, using qualitative interviews with urban ...

  26. More Than Words: An Integrative Review of Innovative Elicitation

    Introduction Interviews are central to many qualitative studies in health professions education (HPE). However, researchers often rely only on oral questioning despite the existence of techniques tailored to elicit the rich data needed to address complex problems and meaningfully engage participants. Elicitation techniques are strategies - e.g. participant photography, neighbourhood walks ...

  27. Understanding the integration of artificial intelligence in healthcare

    HA first tested the qualitative interview guide with two respondents prior to the start of the study. ... Miles MB, Huberman AM, Saldaña J. Qualitative data analysis: a methods sourcebook. 3rd: ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage; 2014. Google Scholar Morse JM. Designing funded qualitative research. Handbook of Qualitative Research. 1994. Google ...

  28. Experiences of co-producing person-centred and cohesive clinical

    Methods. A qualitative study was conducted. A strategic sample of nine PRs and eight HPRs were interviewed individually between August 2022 and January 2023 using a semi-structured interview guide. ... Sampling in interview-based qualitative research: a theoretical and practical guide. Qual Res Psychol. 2014;11(1):25-41. Article Google ...

  29. Combining Online and Offline Methods in Qualitative Research

    The Power of a Hybrid Approach For qualitative researchers, there are many tools available online today. Online surveys, video interviews, online qual platform, social media monitoring among others.