Howard University catalog

Political Science (MA)

The study of Political Science at Howard University transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries found at most other institutions of higher learning. At Howard, the study of African American and Black Diaspora politics is a treasured legacy. The Graduate Program prepares students for careers in academia and senior level research or administrative positions in the public and private sectors. We seek to retain and expand the Political Science Department’s position as a major source of political scientists concerned with issues impinging on the lives of peoples of African descent.

Political Theory Credits

Required: POLS 232 and one additional course from the options below:

POLS-232 Nature and Uses of Political Theory 3

Political Theory Credit Courses

POLS-230 American Political Thought 3

POLS-284 Third World Political Theory 3

POLS-297 Special Topics in Political Theory 3

Minor Field Core Course Credits Required

Choose one from options below.

Minor Field Core Course

POLS-227 Introduction to Black Politics 3

POLS-287 Theories of International Relations 3

POLS-292 Seminar in American Politics 3

POLS-204 Approaches to Comparative Politics 3

Minor Field

9 Course Credits Required (Choose 9 credits for Minor Field) from on of the fields below.

Field A. Black Politics

POLS-233 Pan-Africanism 3

POLS-234 Black Ideology 3

POLS-236 Black Leadership, Organizations, and Movements 3

POLS-253 Black Political Theory and Behavior 3

POLS-260 Electoral Politics 3

POLS-263 Seminar in Black Politics I 3

POLS-268 Seminar in Black Politics II 3

POLS-307 Independent Study: Black Politics 3

POLS-400 Race and Ethnicity in the Americas 3

POLS-401 Racism in Europe 3

Field B. International Relations

POLS-208 Problems of World Organizations 3

POLS-210 Selected Problems of Contemporary International Politics 3

POLS-213 American Foreign Policy-Making Process 3

POLS-222 Caribbean Politics and Political Economy 3

POLS-226 World Imperialism/Globalization 3

POLS-228 Non-Traditional Approaches to World Politics 3

POLS-243 Political Economy of Advanced Capitalism 3

POLS-244 Seminar in Political Economy 3

POLS-245 Seminar in International Development Policies 3

POLS-249 Comparative Perspectives in International Security 3

POLS-259 International Law 3

POLS-264 Problems in International Security 3

POLS-269 Contemporary Issues in African Politics 3

POLS-270 Middle East in the World System 3

POLS-273 Africa in World Politics 3

POLS-274 Government and Politics of Southern Africa 3

POLS-304 Independent Study: International Relations 3

Field C. American Government, Politics, and Policy

POLS-201 The Legislative Process 3

POLS-202 Approaches to the Study of Public Law 3

POLS-206 Administration of the National Government 3

POLS-212 American Political Parties and Politics 3

POLS-218 Public Policy Formulation 3

POLS-219 Presidential Policy-Making 3

POLS-231 Program Evaluation 3

POLS-246 Seminar in Science and Technology Policy 3

POLS-250 Social Justice Policy 3

POLS-290 Administrative Law and Regulatory Policy 3

POLS-293 The Judicial Process 3

POLS-299 Current Problems in Public Policy 3

POLS-302 Independent Study: Public Policy 3

POLS-203 State and Local Government and Politics 3

POLS-220 Intergovernmental Relations in the United States 3

POLS-229 Urban Government and Politics 3

POLS-214 Public Opinion and Propaganda 3

POLS-294 Selected Topics in American Government 3

POLS-301 Independent Study: American Government 3

Field D. Comparative Politics

POLS-207 Selected Problems of Comparative Politics 3

POLS-252 Social Movements 3

POLS-255 Political Revolutions 3

POLS-225 Pressure Groups 3

POLS-267 Political Leadership in Africa 3

POLS-271 Government and Politics of Southern Africa 3

POLS-289 Government and Politics of the People's Republic of China 3

POLS-303 Independent Study: Comparative Politics 3

Other Field Course Credits

Other Field Course Credits Required (Choose 9 crs Outside of Minor Field)

Research Tools Course Options

POLS-350 Advanced Research and Survey Design 1

POLS-351 Advanced Research and Survey Design 3

POLS-352 Advanced Research and Survey Design 4

POLS-353 Advanced Research and Survey Design 6

POLS-354 Advanced Research and Survey Design 9

POLS-217 Methods of Political Science 3

POLS-254 Behavioral Research Methods 3

POLS-257 Multivariate Data Analysis 3

POLS-279 Survey Research Methods 3

POLS-306 Independent Study: Methodology 3

Directed Research MA Thesis (Optional)

*Note: A maximum of 6 thesis research credits may be counted toward the credits required for program completion. 

POLS-308 Directed Research MA Thesis 6

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At 70, political science doctoral student graduates from howard.

WASHINGTON – As a native of South Carolina, Joseph M. Grant recalls the memory of living through segregation and surviving to thrive throughout his higher education journey and career. Now, at age 70, he is proud to be graduating from Howard University as part of the Class of 2021 with his doctorate in political science with a focus on American government and Black politics.

phd political science howard university

He began his doctoral journey in 2015, when he was 65 years old, with some initial hesitation. Eventually, he took the leap, gave up everything and moved from South Carolina to Washington, D.C. “God just worked it out,” said Grant. He received ongoing support from the late Gary Harris, Ph.D., the former dean of the Graduate School at Howard University; Elsie Scott, Ph.D., the director of the Ronald W. Walters Leadership and Public Policy Center; and his younger classmates. Midway through his coursework, he endured a subdural hematoma, requiring him to take time off which delayed his studies by two years.

“After the surgery, my ability to read and comprehend was much less than it was before the surgery. I had to learn to hold a knife and fork and I had major confusion and memory loss. I could not comprehend what I read, nor understand its importance to what I was trying to do. My surgery altered my course of study, and seriously threatened my ability to complete my program. I almost died. It took a lot of effort, support, patience and understanding from the Department of Political Science and the Howard University Graduate School to allow me to recover and get to the point where I could function at a level worthy of the scholarly research that was expected and that I wanted desperately to deliver. I was determined to do that,” said Grant. “The school had invested in me, and provided scholarship money to me that they could have given to a lot of younger students. [I think] they appreciated the real word experiences that I could share with my classmates and the skills that I had. They realized I was a serious student, so they invested in me, and I felt obligated to honor that investment and not let it be wasted when it clearly could have gone to somebody else.”

Grant pursued the political science doctoral degree after his experience working as an association executive and lobbyist for many years and in politics in other positions, which increased his interests in American government. He also noticed how Black people consumed politics and reacted to it. This sparked his interest in furthering his engagement in the field. “I was interested in how Black people reacted to politics differently. The things that motivated us to vote and get engaged in the process. Those two areas were perfect for my background experience,” said Grant.

Department of Political Science Chair Ravi Perry, Ph.D., admired the experience and desire to learn that Grant brought to the classroom. “Joseph Grant’s intellectual contributions in Black politics are already noteworthy, with a probing dissertation on Black South Carolina senators. That Dr. Grant is not a traditional Ph.D. student is a testament to one’s own truth and life of service, our Howard mission embodied within our life stories,” said Perry. “Grant’s determination, his research acumen and the efficiency with which he successfully matriculated through our rigorous graduate studies is a shining light for all of us to never ever give up on one’s dreams. Learning from the lifelong experiences of students like Dr. Grant enriches the teaching profession. The classroom is truly a community of co-learners.”

After graduation, Grant will reveal his research work, and his intent is to inspire others with his findings and inform them of their possibilities in a complex arena through teaching. “[The research is] really designed to help Black political leaders extend their involvement and influence in the public policy development arena. My initial reason for going to graduate school is because I wanted to teach at an HBCU,” said Grant. “I spent about four years teaching at a community college in South Carolina, and the majority of my students were Black. They were of various ages, and they were all trying to improve where they were in their lives and recreate themselves. What they had in common was being intimidated by government and their lack of knowledge about how to navigate the system. So, I was able to connect with a lot of my students and help them resolve issues that involve government by helping them understand it. That was rewarding!”

Joseph M. Grant Photo with grandson

“I’m lobbying really hard for him to attend my HBCU, Howard University,” said Grant, whose children, Lauren, Ross, and son-in-law Jason attended three other HBCUs. “I've decided that when I put my dissertation in bind, I'm going to give it to him, Mason, with my autograph. I want him to know that his grandfather did it and that I completed my program at 70 after facing many challenges. I want him to be really motivated to come to Howard when it’s his time.”

About Howard University

Founded in 1867, Howard University is a private, research university that is comprised of 13 schools and colleges. Students pursue more than 140 programs of study leading to undergraduate, graduate and professional degrees. The University operates with a commitment to Excellence in Truth and Service and has produced one Schwarzman Scholar, three Marshall Scholars, four Rhodes Scholars, 12 Truman Scholars, 25 Pickering Fellows and more than 165 Fulbright recipients. Howard also produces more on-campus African-American Ph.D. recipients than any other university in the United States. For more information on Howard University, visit .

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Howard University catalog

Political Science (B.A.)

A major in political science enables students to acquire a systematic understanding of the formal and informal political process at all levels in preparation for a career or graduate study. The program prepares students for careers in government, teaching, and research and for further study in professional and graduate fields such as law, social work, journalism, business and public administration, and public affairs. 

Freshman Year First Semester

FRSM 001 Freshman Seminar 1

ENGW 101/102/104

Choose between ENGW 101, ENGW 102, OR ENGW 104

POLS 010 Nat'l Gov't of the U S 3

Humanities Elective

Social science elective.

SLMC 101 Principles of Speech 3

Freshman Year Second Semester

Engw 103/105.

POLS 003 Intro to Comp Politics 3

African Diasporic Cluster

African studies elective (options: courses under subject code afst), philosophy elective * (options: courses under code phil 051, 053, 055, 057 and 059).

PHIL 051 Principles of Reasoning 3

PHIL 055/057 Intro to Philosophy 3

PHIL 057 Intro to Ethics (Honors) 3

Sophomore Year First Semester

POLS 128 Intro. to Intl. Relations 3

POLS 007 Intro to Black Politics 3

MATH 005 College Algebra I WR 4

World Language and Culture Requirement (Options: See Elective Group Descriptions)

Foreign language - amharic*.

AMHR 001 Amharic I 3

AMHR 002 Amharic II 3

AMHR 003 Amharic III 3

AMHR 190 Amhairc Indpendent Study 3

Foreign Language - Arabic*

ARAB 001 Arabic I 3

ARAB 002 Arabic II 3

ARAB 003 Arabic III 3

ARAB 004 Arabic IV 3

ARAB 040 Grammar Review 3

ARAB 050 Oral Expression I 3

ARAB 051 Oral Expression II 3

ARAB 190 Independent Study 3

ARAB 191 Independent Study II 3

Foreign Language - Chinese*

CHIN 001 Chinese I 3

CHIN 002 Chinese II 3

CHIN 003 Chinese III 3

CHIN 004 Chinese IV 3

CHIN 050 Oral Expression I 3

Foreign Language - French*

FREN 051 Oral Communication II 3

FREN 052 Language and Thoughts 3

FREN 060 Social Discourses 3

FREN 065 Simultaneous Interp 3

FREN 066 Simultaneous Interpretation II 3

FREN 077 Advanced Composition 3

FREN 082 Survey of French Lit & Civ I 3

Foreign Language - German

GERM 001 German I 3

GERM 002 German II 3

GERM 003 German III 3

GERM 004 German IV 3

Foreign Language - Haitian Creole* (Options: Courses under code HACR)

HACR 001 Haitian Creole I 3

HACR 002 Haitian Creole II 3

HACR 003 Haitian Creole III 3

HACR 004 Haitian Creole IV 3

Foreign Language - Spanish*

SPAN 002 Spanish II 3

SPAN 003 Spanish III 3

SPAN 004 Spanish IV 3

SPAN 014 Introduction to Humanities 3

SPAN 015 Intro to Humanities II 3

SPAN 040 Grammar Structures 3

SPAN 050 Oral Communication I 3

SPAN 051 Oral Communication II 3

SPAN 052 Reading & Writing 3

SPAN 055 Advanced Oral Communication 3

Foreign Language - Swahili*

SWAH 001 Swahili I 3

SWAH 002 Swahili II 3

SWAH 003 Swahili III 3

SWAH 004 Swahili IV 3

SWAH 040 Intensive Grammar Review 3

SWAH 050 Oral Expression I 3

SWAH 052 Reading/Wrtg Wkshop 3

SWAH 190 Independent Study 3

SWAH 191 Independent Study 3

Foreign Language - Wolof*

WOLO 001 Wolof I 3

WOLO 002 Wolof II 3

WOLO 003 Wolof III 3

WOLO 004 Wolof IV 3

WOLO 190 Independent Study 3

Sophomore Year Second Semester

Political theory course.

Political Theory Course Options: POLS 004, 189, or 191

POLS 002 Intro to Research in Pol Sci 3

Math Requirement

General elective (options: to be determined in consultation with advisor), junior year first semester, political science major course (options: to be determined in consultation with advisor), 3rd writing.

1  Class in  ENGL  009 or 010 or 129 or 700 level course

Junior Year Second Semester

POLS 151 Internship II 3

Natural Science Elective

Innovative learning requirement.


Senior Year First Semester

Health education requirement (options: courses under subject code hhpl), senior year second semester.

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A subreddit to discuss political science. Political science is the scientific study of politics. It deals with systems of governance and power, and the analysis of political activities, political thought, political behavior, and associated constitutions and laws. Postings about current events are fine, as long as there is a political science angle. Rationality and coherent argument are encouraged, whereas ideological flamewars are strongly discouraged.

Howard University Political Science

How would you rate the level of Howard Universities political science program. In terms to curriculum, faculty, alumni network, and employment opportunities?

I am applying to grad schools in DC and wanted to see if anyone has any insight on Howard :)

Graduate School

Innovate here. lead here. belong here., welcome to the graduate school.

Graduate students from across the country and globe choose Howard University, a leading research-intensive and historically Black private university, for its reputation for academic excellence, its research preeminence, its global diversity, and its distinct location in the global capital of the world, Washington, D.C. The Howard University Graduate School commits itself to producing leaders for America and the global community. Students like you, across over 40 Howard doctoral, master’s, certificate, and MD/Ph.D. degrees and over 100 specializations, turn their graduate education and research passions into a relentless pursuit of ideas to solve some of the globe’s toughest challenges. Our institutional motto, Veritas et Utilitas (Truth and Service), is woven throughout our research enterprise. Our faculty and graduate students are driven by a deep-rooted sense of purpose and desire to make an impact in the world.

Why Students Choose HU

Learn why students choose Howard for their graduate studies 

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Explore a graduate degree from one of the nation's top-ranked universities. 

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World-Class Faculty


You'll work closely with faculty who are committed to innovative teaching at every level, inspired by your ideas, and invested in your personal development and professional success. Howard faculty bring years of experience into the classroom as leading practitioners, industry experts, policymakers, foreign diplomats, public health officials, economists, and research scientists. Their access to global research networks and connections also means you'll have access to a strong network of research mentors. They are members of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the National Academy of Engineering, the National Academy of Sciences, and more. Our faculty have included some 40 National Science Foundation CAREER award recipients; winners of the Nobel Prize, the Pulitzer Prize, the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring; MacArthur and Robert Wood Johnson Fellows, and over 70 Fulbright scholars.

On-campus producer of African American doctoral recipients 

Survey of Earned Doctorates

Most Innovative Schools

U.S. News and World Report

Producer of African American students entering medical schools in the U.S.

Association of American Medical Colleges

News & Events


Recent Grad School News

Howard university appoints mary-ann ibeziako avp of environmental health, sustainability, and safety, howard university appoints “chuka” onwumechili as interim dean of cathy hughes school of communications, gwendolyn h. everett, ph.d., named interim dean of the chadwick a. boseman college of fine arts.

    University of Houston
  Jul 01, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog (Catalog goes into effect at the start of the Fall 2024 semester)    

2024-2025 Graduate Catalog (Catalog goes into effect at the start of the Fall 2024 semester)

College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences    > Department of Political Science    > Political Science, PhD

The graduate program of the Department of Political Science provides advanced training in the discipline of political science to students whose career goals include college teaching and advanced research.

The department is organized into six major subfields: American politics, comparative politics, international relations, political theory, quantitative methods, and public policy. Students take comprehensive exams in a major and minor subfield of their choice.

Recent graduates of the PhD program have obtained teaching positions at colleges and universities throughout the U.S. and abroad.

Admission Requirements

In addition to meeting the college graduate admission requirements, applicants must meet the following minimum requirements for unconditional admission to the Ph.D. in Political Science program:

  • Applicants must have a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution by the date of enrollment with at least a 3.00 grade point average (A = 4.00) in the most recent 60 hours of undergraduate course work and at least a 3.0 cumulative grade point average for any graduate level courses.
  • International applicants have further documentation requirements, including proof of English language proficiency, which are described on the International Graduate Students website.
  • Applicants should prepare a one-to two-page statement of purpose.
  • Secure three letters of recommendation from professors directly familiar with the student’s work.
  • Application fee ($65 domestic applicants/$140 international applicants).

Political Science students are generally admitted only in the Fall semester. However, Spring admissions are decided on a space available basis.

Degree Requirements

Credit hours required for this degree: 57.0

A minimum of 45 hours of course work is required for a political science PhD, plus at least 12 hours of dissertation credit. Students must successfully complete oral and written comprehensive examinations.

Comprehensive examinations are normally given after two and a half years of coursework, or the equivalent in terms of credit hours for part-time students. Upon successfully completing exams, students are expected to be continuously enrolled in dissertation hours until the degree is completed. Students who are not on teaching fellowships may enroll for as little as 3 dissertation hours per semester (this includes the summer), but note that a student must enroll for a minimum of 12 dissertation hours prior to completion of the degree. Following the completion of a dissertation, students must participate in an oral dissertation defense. Students who enroll as doctoral candidates must complete their degree requirements within 10 years of the date of first enrollment with a doctoral degree objective. Failure to comply will result in the candidate being ineligible for the doctoral degree. Doctoral students who fail to complete the dissertation within 5 years after passing the comprehensive examination must retake the examination.

Core Courses

12.0 Credit Hours

All students intending to obtain a PhD must take the three required core courses in their first two years in the program, or, in the case of part-time students, as soon as practically possible. Students who are admitted to the PhD program with financial support must enroll in the department’s core courses during their first year in the program.

  • POLS 6380 - Quantitative Methods I Credit Hours: 3
  • POLS 6381 - Quantitative Methods II Credit Hours: 3
  • POLS 6382 - Quantitative Methods III: Maximum Likelihood Estimation Credit Hours: 3

The core curriculum is designed to provide beginning PhD students with a broad overview of important topics in Political Science. For the beginning student, the core should provide the necessary background to select areas for further concentrated study. The methodological component of the core (POLS 6480 and POLS 6481) is designed to provide the student with the appropriate statistical foundation to become an informed consumer of Political Science research and to set the stage for the student to perform research of his/her own.

Degree Plan

During the last term of core course work students should develop a degree plan in consultation with the Director of Graduate Studies and the student’s academic adviser. Students must select two areas of study in Political Science in which to concentrate. One of the chosen areas is designated a student’s major area, and a minimum of twelve credit hours (four courses) is required in this area. In the minor area of study, nine credit hours (three courses) are required as a minimum. Students will also have six hours (two courses) in elective courses which can be taken in any area chosen.

It is required that students with a major or minor in American Politics take at least one course from each of the following two subsets:

  • Elections, Public Opinion, Psychology and Politics
  • Legislative Process, The Presidency, Political Parties

Tools Requirement

The tools requirement exists for the purpose of assuring competence in the methods necessary for effective scholarship in the student’s chosen specialty. Each student must complete two relevant research courses (6 hours) beyond POLS 6480 and POLS 6481. Choice of possible tool offerings should in all cases should be guided by the question of appropriateness for the student’s academic interest. Students should consult with their advisor about the most appropriate courses for them. In all cases, the student’s choice of tool requirements must be approved by the Director of Graduate Studies.

Among the possible course offerings that may satisfy the requirement area:

A. Political methodology courses:

  • POLS 6480 - Quantitative Methods I Credit Hours: 4
  • POLS 6482 - Quantitative Methods III: Maximum Likelihood Estimation Credit Hours: 4

Plus one additional course (for instance,

  • POLS 6384 - Survey Research Methods Credit Hours: 3 ,
  • POLS 6385 - Time Series Methods Credit Hours: 3 , or
  • POLS 6386 - Measurement Theory for Political Science Credit Hours: 3

B. Computer Applications at a more advanced level than POLS 6480 and POLS 6481.

C. foreign language (in rare instances)., d. other research methods specifically relevant to the dissertation research of the student., degree path.

In most cases, the American politics core course and the first two courses in the methods sequence should be completed in the student’s first year. Progress toward degree will normally take a path similar to the following:

Year One: Year Two: Year Three:
1. Research Design (POLS 6302) 7. Tools (1) 13. Major (4)
2. Methods (POLS 6480) 8. Major (2) 14. Elective (2)
3. Elective (1) 9. Minor (2) 15. Prospectus seminar
4. Methods (POLS 6481) 10. Tools (2)   
5. Major (1) 11. Major (3)   
6. Minor (1) 12. Minor (3)  

Academic Policies

  • University of Houston Academic Policies    
  • Academic Policies: College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences    

Students must also successfully complete oral and written comprehensive exams. Upon successfully completing comprehensive exams, students are expected to be continuously enrolled in dissertation hours (a minimum of 12 dissertation hours must be completed prior to the completion of the degree). Upon completion of the dissertation, the student will participate in an oral dissertation defense.


Every spring term the department’s faculty meets to review the progress of all students in the department’s PhD program. This review will usually involve consultation with all faculty members who have taught the student during the previous two semesters. The Director of Graduate Studies will refer to the Graduate Committee for review any students who do not seem to be making adequate progress toward the PhD degree.

Students are expected to meet the following minimum standards:

  • maintain a 3.0 grade point average,
  • receive one A or A- for every three courses completed, and
  • carry on their transcripts no more than two incompletes at any one time (except in cases of medical emergency, which must be documented to the satisfaction of the Director of Graduate Studies).

Students who have not met these minimal requirements will be deemed not to have made satisfactory progress. After having registered for 18 hours or more of course credit, students who have not made satisfactory progress will be counseled by the graduate committee and given the opportunity to explain what steps they will take to improve their performance in the future. Such students will be advised that they are in jeopardy of losing financial support or being expelled from the political science PhD program. A letter to that effect will be entered into each student’s file. These students will be given a probationary term to improve their grades and/or to remove incompletes from their records.

Students who have any incompletes or have not achieved grades of A or A- for one third of their graduate credit hours will not be permitted to take doctoral comprehensive exams. Full-time students will normally take their exams after their third year. Part-time students must complete a minimum of 48 hours of course credit before taking comprehensive exams.

Independent of the “progress review”, the Director of Graduate Studies is responsible each term for monitoring whether students are making satisfactory progress toward their degrees, discussing the situation with the student, and reporting and making recommendations to the Graduate Committee regarding any student failing to make satisfactory progress.

Students in the Political Science Graduate Program who are not doing satisfactory work may be advised to pursue the MA degree only and not go on for the PhD Depending on how many courses they have completed at the point such advice is given, these students may choose either the Plan I MA (which requires a thesis) or a Plan II MA (which requires more course work and a bibliographic essay). Students who are not doing satisfactory work will receive a letter from the department notifying them of this. Any student who fails to make satisfactory progress may be suspended from the Graduate Program by the Director of Graduate Studies. A student may appeal a suspension to the Graduate Committee.

Department of Political Science

Undergraduate studies, the department of political science at howard university is a microcosm of the world..

Our faculty and students come from practically all regions of the United States and the world. This national and demographic diversity gives rise to diverse research interests and political ideas that enrich the Department in unique ways.

The ideas and work of Ralph Bunche, a founder of the Department and the first Black person to receive a doctorate in Political Science and a Noble Peace Prize, provided the foundation for the Department. Bunche and his colleagues questioned the institutional legitimacy of the Political Science discipline and argued that it was unresponsive to the intellectual interests of Black Political Scientists and the socio-economic needs of the Black community.

The Department has continued in that tradition, providing a critical mass of African American and other under-represented students who enroll in graduate, law and other professional schools and provide service to the larger community.

Norman Sandridge, Ph.D. Director of Undergraduate Studies [email protected]

Elizabeth Coates Administrative Officer [email protected]

Prepare for graduate school, professional school or a variety of careers.

The Department’s instructional focus includes various dimensions of Political Science, including elements of national, state and local government, unique political challenges and opportunities facing the African American community, political factors shaping domestic and international developments, and insights into comparative political systems.

The Department offers political science majors a wide range of unofficial concentration options:

  • International Relations
  • Comparative Politics
  • Political Theory
  • Black Politics
  • American Government


  1. Political Science

    phd political science howard university

  2. Political Science

    phd political science howard university

  3. Political Science

    phd political science howard university

  4. Political Science

    phd political science howard university

  5. Government Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

    phd political science howard university

  6. Political Science

    phd political science howard university


  1. Orientation

  2. Meet the Faculty: Marjorie Graham-Howard, PhD

  3. The 2024 Presidential Election

  4. A Message from Dr. Bill Warner

  5. 2020 Lives in Public Policy and Public Service Address

  6. Institute of Politics Our Narratives 2022


  1. Political Science (Ph.D.)

    We train students in the empirical analysis of political processes, systems, and behavior, and center the study of African American and Black Diaspora politics from the study of global liberation movements to an examination of Black political sphere. The Ph.D. in Political Science at Howard's Graduate School prepares students for careers in ...

  2. Graduate Studies (Ph.D.)

    The Ph.D. in Political Science at Howard's Graduate School prepares students for careers in academia, public affairs, policy, law, and foreign affairs as well as for senior-level research and consulting positions. You will benefit from Howard's premier location at the nexus of American politics and policymaking in Washington, D.C., and have ...

  3. Graduate Program

    Political Science Graduate Program Admissions and Requirements About. T he Department of P olitical Science, under the leadership of statesman Ralph J. Bunche, began offering Master o f Arts degrees in 1940 and doctoral degrees in 1967. Since the Department awarded its first Doctor of Philosophy degree to Hanes Walton, m ore than 250 doctorates have been earned.

  4. Political Science (Ph.D.) Program Details

    Admitted students may be eligible to compete for Graduate School competitive awards, which provide tuition remission and a stipend during the academic year. Additionally, graduate research or teaching assistantships may be available at the department level. Research assistants and teaching assistants work no more than 20 hours a week under the ...

  5. Political Science

    Department of Political Science 110 Alain Locke Hall, 2441 Sixth Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20059 Phone: 202-806-9383

  6. Political Science (PhD)

    Political Science (PhD) The Department also offers courses in Research Methods, Political Theory, and Political Economy. Students may, with prior approval of the Director of Graduate Studies, select graduate courses from other departments to fulfill their minor field requirement. Students may also declare a minor in Research Methods or ...

  7. PDF 2017 Political Science Graduate Program Bulletin (Official)

    The study of Political Science at Howard University transcends traditional ... Financial Aid, the Political Science Graduate Program annually awards merit-based fellowships and assistantships that include remission of tuition and a stipend. Award recipients must be registered as full-time students during the award period. ...

  8. Political Science (MA)

    The study of Political Science at Howard University transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries found at most other institutions of higher learning. At Howard, the study of African American and Black Diaspora politics is a treasured legacy. The Graduate Program prepares students for careers in academia and senior level research or administrative positions in the public and private sectors.

  9. Howard University Department of Political Science Welcomes Ravi K

    The Howard University College of Arts and Sciences welcomes Ravi K. Perry, Ph.D., as professor and chair of the Department of Political Science, one of the University's largest undergraduate programs, enrolling more than 700 first majors, and featuring a robust graduate program, which includes the world's only Ph.D. in political science focusing explicitly on Black politics.

  10. Graduate Studies

    Department of Political Science 110 Alain Locke Hall, 2441 Sixth Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20059 Phone: 202-806-9383

  11. At 70, Political Science Doctoral Student Graduates from Howard

    WASHINGTON - As a native of South Carolina, Joseph M. Grant recalls the memory of living through segregation and surviving to thrive throughout his higher education journey and career. Now, at age 70, he is proud to be graduating from Howard University as part of the Class of 2021 with his doctorate in political science with a focus on ...

  12. Political Science

    POLS 150 : Internship I. Limited internship opportunities available to political science majors in the local community, or in federal or local government. Interns work 15-20 hours per week, depending on the agreement and their schedules. Three credit hours may be awarded per semester for each internship.

  13. Political Science (M.A.)

    We train students in the empirical analysis of political processes, systems, and behavior, and center the study of African American and Black Diaspora politics from the study of global liberation movements to an examination of Black political sphere. The M.A. in Political Science at Howard's Graduate School prepares students to pursue study at ...

  14. Political Science (B.A.)

    A major in political science enables students to acquire a systematic understanding of the formal and informal political process at all levels in preparation for a career or graduate study. The program prepares students for careers in government, teaching, and research and for further study in professional and graduate fields such as law, social work, journalism, business and public ...

  15. Application Deadlines & Requirements

    A summary of graduate application deadlines and requirements for programs housed within the Graduate School is directly below. Applicants seeking admission to a specific program should apply via the online application link associated with that program (see summary below). In many cases, academic departments have indicated firm application ...

  16. Keneshia Grant

    Biography. Keneshia Grant, PhD is an associate professor of political science at Howard University. She studies the political impact of Black migration in the United States and her research focus is the political impact of Black migration from 1915 to the present. Keneshia is author of The Great Migration and the Democratic Party: Black Voters ...

  17. People

    Director of Graduate Studies, Associate Professor Political Science [email protected]

  18. David Dixon

    Dr. Kwame Dixon joined the faculty of Howard University as a tenured Associate Professor of Political Science in the fall of 2017. His research focuses on Afro-Democracy, Afro-Civil Society, and Racialization and Human Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean. His research aims to frame the social experiences of Blacks in the Americas from a ...


    2019. Member, Dean Search Committee, College of Arts & Sciences, Howard University UNIVERSITY SERVICE 2017-Present. Founding Director, Pre-PhD Summer Enrichment Program, Howard University 2016-2018. Member, Strategic Planning Committee, Howard University 2016-2017. Chair, Committed to Breathing, Howard University Homecoming Event 2016-2017.

  20. Howard University Political Science : r/PoliticalScience

    A subreddit to discuss political science. Political science is the scientific study of politics. It deals with systems of governance and power, and the analysis of political activities, political thought, political behavior, and associated constitutions and laws. Postings about current events are fine, as long as there is a political science angle.

  21. Homepage

    The Howard University Graduate School commits itself to producing leaders for America and the global community. Students like you, across over 40 Howard doctoral, master's, certificate, and MD/Ph.D. degrees and over 100 specializations, turn their graduate education and research passions into a relentless pursuit of ideas to solve some of the ...

  22. Graduate Studies (M.A.)

    We train students in the empirical analysis of political processes, systems, and behavior, and center the study of African American and Black Diaspora politics from the study of global liberation movements to an examination of Black political sphere. The M.A. in Political Science at Howard's Graduate School prepares students to pursue study at ...

  23. Program: Political Science, PhD

    Students in the Political Science Graduate Program who are not doing satisfactory work may be advised to pursue the MA degree only and not go on for the PhD Depending on how many courses they have completed at the point such advice is given, these students may choose either the Plan I MA (which requires a thesis) or a Plan II MA (which requires ...

  24. Undergraduate Studies

    The Department of Political Science at Howard University is a microcosm of the world. ... Prepare for graduate school, professional school or a variety of careers. The Department's instructional focus includes various dimensions of Political Science, including elements of national, state and local government, unique political challenges and ...