phd requirements switzerland


Doctoral studies at EPFL

phd requirements switzerland


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phd requirements switzerland

Students who complete our doctoral program are awarded the doctoral degree of Dr. sc. nat. – doctor scientiarum naturalium ). The degree requires students to conduct original, independent research and usually takes between three and four years. We offer doctoral programs that have an excellent international reputation in the following fields. Graduate Schools

  • Life Science Zurich Graduate School
  • Zurich Graduate School in Geography
  • Zurich Graduate School in Mathematics
  • Graduate School in Chemical and Molecular Sciences Zurich
  • Graduate School in Physics
  • Graduate School for Computational Science and Astrophysics and Cosmology


Biomolecular Structure and Mechanism Director:  Prof. Dr. Raymund Dutzler

Cancer Biology Director: Prof. Dr. Maries van den Broek

Chemical and Molecular Sciences Director:  Prof. Dr. Roland K.O. Sigel

Computational Science Director:  Prof. Dr. Romain Teyssier

Ecology Director:  Prof. Dr. Owen Petchey

Epidemiology and Biostatistics Director:  Prof. Dr. Milo Puhan

Evolutionary Biology Director:  Prof. Dr. Kentaro K. Shimizu

General Doctorate Director:  Prof. Dr. Ulrich Straumann

Geography/Earth System Science Director:  Prof. Dr. Ross Purves

Integrative Molecular Medicine Director:  Prof. Dr. Thierry Hennet

Mathematics Directors:  Prof. Dr. Thomas Kappeler  and Prof. Dr. Michael Struwe

Microbiology and Immunology Directors:  Prof. Dr. Leo Eberl  and Prof. Dr. Annette Oxenius

Molecular and Translational Biomedicine Director: Prof. Dr. Christian Wolfrum

Molecular Life Sciences Director:  Prof. Dr. Michael Hottiger

Neuroscience Director:  Dr. Wolfgang Knecht

Physics Director:  Prof. Dr. Andreas Schilling

Plant Sciences Director: Prof. Dr. Samuel Zeeman

Public Understanding of Science Director:  Prof. Dr. Kai Niebert

RNA Biology Director: Prof. Dr. Frédéric Allain

Science and Policy Director:  Prof. Dr. Ueli Grossniklaus

Systems Biology Director: Prof. Dr. Jörg Stelling und Prof. Dr. Uwe Sauer

Theoretical Astrophysics and Cosmology Directors:  Prof. Dr. Ben Moore  and  Prof. Dr. Lucio Mayer

Application and Admission Procedure

Important note: If you originate from a foreign country, which is not a member of the European Union it is of utmost importance, that the following procedure is followed exactly as specified below.

Chart - How to become a PhD student and what the administration offices will do for you (PDF, 97 KB) .

  • Application to the Admissions Office of the University of Zurich .
  • Visa application for non-EU students.
  • You cannot start working on your doctoral thesis in Zurich until you have obtained a visa and a work permit.

Contacts for PhD students

If you encounter problems during your PhD studies, there are several offices at the Faculty of Science you can contact.

  • Your first point of contact is always your doctoral committee or the  human ressources representative at your institute. 
  • Then you should contact the director of your PhD program.
  • In the last resort you can contact the Persons of Trust of the Faculty of Science .


Navigation auf

Graduate Campus

Quicklinks und sprachwechsel, main navigation, guide: how to phd, this section provides those interested in pursuing a doctorate with an overview:.

Food for thought for beginning PhD candidates

  • Collection of links to relevant topics for PhD candidates
  • Preparation and procedure at UZH (following)

Table of contents

Find a supervisor, admission to doctoral studies, requirements for admission and procedures, content and requirements, individual phd and phd programs, procedures at uzh faculties, employment and funding, for international students and scholars.

First of all, get in contact with a UZH professor who is willing and able to supervise your doctoral project. If you are interested in participating in a PhD program, you should first of all carefully read through the application procedures for the program in question. Doctoral programs at UZH

The doctorate is comprised of a PhD thesis as well as coursework. It serves as a qualification for an academic career or other demanding professions.

As a general rule, a Master's degree or an equivalent degree from an accredited university is the prerequisite for admission to the doctorate. Certain criteria regarding content as well as formal conditions (e.g. grade-point average, qualification phases) are also considered when processing applications.

Admission to Doctoral Studies

The requirements for admission and the admission procedures are set out in the ordinance for obtaining a doctoral degree at the faculty in question. Some faculties also offer a  fast-track  doctoral program, a program for particularly talented students in which the Master's degree and PhD are integrated in a single program of study. The individual programs define their PhD programs' admission procedures – which, as a rule, are highly competitive.

Please note that PhD candidates must be matriculated at the University for the duration of their doctorate, i.e. until they have been conferred the final degree. 

Application and admission Application period

Writing a PhD thesis – independent and original academic work – forms the core part of the doctorate. The thesis can take the form of a monograph or consist of several publications on a single subject which have been published in scientific journals (a cumulative PhD thesis). You can find more information about the formal requirements in the doctoral program regulations for your subject area. As a general rule, however, the thesis should be of such scope and content that it can be completed within three years.

The required coursework serves to enhance subject-specific skills, but also goes toward developing transferable skills. All coursework will be recorded in your final transcript of records and Academic Record. Coursework requirements can be fulfilled by attending courses in your subject area, by visiting classes from the main pool of courses in transferable skills (transferable skills and university-level teaching), or, in some cases by attending courses at another institution. Alongside the required coursework (including transferable skills), it is highly recommended that PhD candidates develop their teaching skills. Transferable skills courses University-level teaching  

In many disciplines at UZH there are two types of doctoral programs offered: the individual doctorate and the structured doctoral programs . Moreover there are also interdisciplinary and inter-university schools or programs, partly financed by third-party funds. Doctoral Programs

Because the various faculties at UZH are thematically and structurally so diverse, each faculty is in charge of designing its own PhD program.

Be sure to read about the specific requirements at the faculty in question.

Various types of academic employment opportunities at UZH are open to junior scholars. During doctoral study, you can find employment as a «PhD candidate» or an «academic assistant»; postdocs receive positions as «postdocs» or «senior research and teaching assistants». These junior academic positions are an integral part of the procedure when pursuing an academic career. Junior academic positions are by nature temporary and are funded either by the university department in question or by a third party. Junior academic positions give young scholars the opportunity to achieve their next professional goal and to further qualify themselves for a career in academia. The main requirement for earning the necessary academic qualifications is performing individual research, but junior researchers are also given the opportunity to qualify themselves for teaching roles. In 2003 the guidelines for specifications at UZH faculties for employees holding junior academic positions were issued to define the rights and duties of UZH employees in junior academic positions. These were revised in fall 2023 and a new employment model was defined, which will come into effect on January 1, 2024. Employees with the status of a junior academic receive individual specifications which refer explicitly to their job description.

Employment as a PhD candidate or teaching and
research assistant (new regulations from 1.1.2024)

Legal principles and regulations
governing employment

Open Positions of the University of Zurich
Funding for Early Career Researchers
Funding for PhD Researchers

This UZH platform provides neccesary information from visits & exchange at the UZH to Visa, entry and residece permit. UZH for International Students and Scholars FAQ for International Students and Scholars

Weiterführende Informationen

Successful phd.

Food for thought for beginning PhD candidates

Collection of links to relevant topics

Mobility, Continuing education and courses, Career & Networking, Scientific integrity and Counseling

Best Practice for Doctoral Education

The guideline shows ways and possibilities to strengthen the quality, attractivity and internationalization of the doctorate at UZH.


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  • Campus life
  • Faculty of Theology and Sciences of Religions
  • Faculty of Law, Criminal Justice and Public Administration in French
  • Faculty of Arts in French
  • Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
  • Faculty of Business and Economics
  • Faculty of Geosciences and Environment
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  • Choose your programme of doctorate
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  • Admission procedure
  • How to register online and prepare your application
  • with a diploma from a State who has ratified the Lisbon Recognition Convention
  • with a diploma from another State
  • with a diploma from China
  • Reactivation of application
  • Satellites and intensive French courses

Admission procedure for doctoral studies for holders of a foreign university degree or a foreign university of applied sciences degree

Do not forget to read the information regarding the deadlines and the conditions which appear under the various headings of the Regulations concerning the registration conditions.

After reading the registration conditions, candidates who consider to fulfill them submit and validate their application for admission online within the . They upload the documents according to the provided instructions. Depending on the country where the previous diplomas were obtained, certified copies must be sent by post.

Content of the application for in a  for candidates whit a foreign university degree

The Admissions Office processes the application and checks that formal conditions of admission to the chosen programme are satisfied.

Provided they meet the formal conditions, the applications for a doctoral programme are subsequently forwarded to the Faculty or School in question, which must give its approval.

The prospective PhD student must also send the two copies of the completed and signed PdD form (attestation de thèse) to his/her thesis director. The link to the form is provided in the online application and in the email acknowledging receipt sent immediately after the confirmation by the candidate (to be printed out by him/her).

The thesis director signs and forwards the form to the Doctoral School or the Dean’s Office, who stamps and signs the document before returning it to the Admissions Office by 15 October 2024 (autumn semester 2024/2025) or 28 February 2025 (spring semester 2025). It is therefore important for the candidate to forward the PhD form to the thesis director without delay.

If the application has been sent after the deadlines or the PhD form has been submitted to the Admissions Office after the deadlines, the registration will be postponed to the next semester (or, in case the late application is accepted, the prospective student will have to pay a surcharge of CHF 200.-).

Accepted candidates receive a by postal mail, accompanied by instructions explaining how to confirm their registration; rejected candidates also receive a written decision.

(according to the requirements specified in the )

According to their nationality, foreign candidates must obtain a study visa before coming to Switzerland; they should go to their nearest Swiss Embassy or Consulate to file their application, which must include in particular the decision of admission to registration.

The Admissions Office cannot intervene in this procedure with the authorities (Embassy, Consulate, population Office). As these steps can take two to three months, students are advised to undertake them as soon as possible.

Candidates confirm their registration according to instructions received with the decision of admission to registration (in particular they have to present their original secondary school and university diplomas, as well as the original transcripts). Candidates must follow the deadlines mentioned in these instructions, otherwise their application will be cancelled.

Note: if the diploma (or the certificate of graduation) cannot be submitted within the confirmation deadline specified by the Admissions Office, the enrolment has to be cancelled or postponed.

The invoice for course fees for the first semester is then available on the .

For information, the Population Service of the Canton of Vaud does not require a proof of payment of the the course fees for the first semester within the procedure of granting the visa ( ).

Once candidates have paid their course fees, they acquire the status of student; they can download and print a certificate of enrolment for the semester on the .

To process certain applications, the Admissions Office must request additional information (from the Recognition Information Centre (Swiss ENIC), the candidate, the schools or universities he or she has attended, etc).

Several weeks may elapse therefore between dispatch of the application and the final decision on registration acceptance.

: it is essential to provide complete and correct information when applying at UNIL (online registration and sending of the documents) and when completing your application later on with complementary documents or information. Any omission or submitting of fake or falsified documents can lead to a refusal of admission or an exclusion from UNIL. The Rectorate may refuse registration when the actions of a candidate lead to the conclusion, with supporting evidence, that its registration could threaten the safety of the members of the University.

Universität Bern

Degree Programs & Courses Doctorate

Doctoral degree, doctoral study at the university of bern.

phd requirements switzerland

You can either take the doctorate within a graduate school or as part of a doctoral degree program, or you can even take a traditional individual doctorate. Graduate schools and doctoral degree programs are arranged on an interdisciplinary and/or interuniversity basis in many cases. In addition to research-related training and intensive support, these also offer excellent opportunities for networking within the academic community.

An A-Z of doctoral subjects

  • Archaeology
  • Business Administration
  • Cellular and Biomedical Sciences Med./Nat./Vet.
  • Central Asian Studies
  • Chemistry and Molecular Sciences
  • Classical Philology (special qualification in Greek or Latin)
  • Old Catholic Theology
  • Climate Sciences
  • Cognition, Learning and Memory
  • Communication and Media Studies
  • Dental Medicine
  • German Language
  • German Language and Literature
  • German Literature
  • Digital Humanities
  • Eastern European Studies
  • Ecology and Evolution
  • Economic Globalisation and Integration
  • Earth Sciences
  • Protestant Theology
  • Gender Studies
  • Geography and Sustainable Development
  • Global Studies
  • Health Sciences hum/med
  • Human Medicine
  • Computer Sciences
  • Interdiciplinary Cultural Studies ICS
  • Islamic Studies and Oriental Literature
  • Italian Linguistics and Literature
  • Social Sciences
  • Art History
  • Language and Society
  • Languages and Literatures in English
  • Linguistics
  • Linguistique/Littérature françaises
  • Mathematics
  • Molecular Life Sciences
  • Physics/Astronomy
  • Political Science
  • Public Administration
  • Religious Studies theol.
  • Science of Religion Human.
  • Slavic Languages and Literatures
  • Social Anthropology
  • Spanish Linguistics and Literature
  • Sport Science
  • Criminal Justice
  • Theater and Dance Studies
  • Administrative Science
  • Veterinary medicine

Further information

phd requirements switzerland

Transferable Skills - Key Qualifications for your academic and non-academic Career

Transferable skills program for doctoral students and postdocs of every discipline.

phd requirements switzerland

Funding program «UniBE Short Travel Grants for (Post)Docs»

The University of Bern, with its funding program «UniBE Short Travel Grants for (Post)Docs», supports doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers in attending short research stays abroad, to advance their own research projects and to gain more international experience. Next application deadline: March 1, 2023

Open calls for ENLIGHT initiatives

The University of Bern and ENLIGHT support bottom-up initiatives by lecturers for challenge-based education projects in the six focus areas of ENLIGHT. Especially for early career academics, this is an opportunity to build an international network and gain interdisciplinary teaching experience.

UniBE Doc.Mobility

UniBE Doc.Mobility is granted for stays abroad which usually last twelve months. Support takes place in the form of an employment as a doctoral student, but with a place of research abroad. Application deadline: March 1/ September 1

Promotion Fund

In cooperation with the Intermediate Staff Association of the University of Bern, the Vice-Rectorate Research calls for proposals to the Fund for the Promotion of Young Researchers twice a year.

phd requirements switzerland

MVUB - Lunchtalks

Lunchtime events concerning academic career, working conditions and intermediate staff politics.


Innovative higher education teaching

The University of Bern's Department of 'Hochschuldidaktik & Lehrentwicklung' supports you in your teaching activities with coaching and around 50 events a year.

phd requirements switzerland

COMET – Coaching, Mentoring und Training

The COMET Career Programme supports female researchers in successfully pursuing their academic careers.

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PhD in Switzerl...

PhD in Switzerland: Guide on Universities in Switzerland for PhD, Fees, Requirements, Scholarships, Scope


Le News revealed, ‘’Switzerland breaks record for the highest number of PhD students.’’ In 2017, the number of PhD students in Switzerland was 31,293, and in 2022, the number has grown twice more, 54,279. Pursuing PhD in Switzerland is a popular choice amongst international students for its QS-ranked PhD universities, fully funded PhD in Switzerland and a diverse choice in Swiss PhD programs. 

Did you also know that PhD graduates in Switzerland receive the highest salary? Working as a doctoral assistant in EPFL offers you 52,700 CHF/year on a general salary range. All of this clearly states your decision to pursue a Swiss PhD is a wise investment. Read along to explore your study and career options for PhD in Switzerland.  

Why Study PhD In Switzerland?

Before we can proceed further, let’s first understand why pursuing PhD in Switzerland is a great choice:

phd requirements switzerland

  • QS-Ranked PhD Universities: Switzerland is home to multiple QS-ranked universities, especially PhD studies. A few are University of Zurich (Rank 70), University of Basel (Rank 138), etc.
  • Preferred choice by international students: Academics revealed 50% of PhD students in Switzerland are international students. As you also learnt above, the number of PhD students in Switzerland has increased since 2017. 
  • Different types of PhD: The Swiss PhD is of two types, general and structural. The general PhD refers to focusing n a doctoral thesis and may include training and development. The structural PhD includes more coursework, formal training and even collaboration with different institutions.
  • Multiple Scholarship opportunities: Studying PhD in Switzerland is easy due to the range of scholarship opportunities provided. These scholarships help fund PhD studies and provide payment convenience in recurrent student expenses.

Suggested: How is the education system in Switzerland?

An Overview Of Swiss PhD 

To help you get a better understanding of what to expect from a Swiss PhD study, we have curated brief information on the same:

Course Duration

3-5 years

Top PhD specialisations

Food science, Finance, Management, Law, Physics, Economics, etc.

Top PhD programs

Engineering, Education, Psychology, etc.

PhD tuition fees

8- CHF- 500 CHF/semester

Popular PhD universities

University of Zurich, University of Geneva, University of Bern, etc.

No of PhD universities


No. of PhD international students


PhD Academic Year

Spring/ Autumn 

PhD Cycle

Bachelor- 1st cycle, Masters- 2nd cycle, PhD- 3rd cycle

Working in Switzerland

Top 5 Universities In Switzerland For PhD 

There are multiple universities to choose from when pursuing PhD in Switzerland for international students. These are popular choices amongst international students, and the universities offer multiple PhD programs to choose from. Here are the top 5 choices:

  • University of Lausanne
  • University of Bern
  • University of Zurich
  • University of Geneva
  • University of Basel

Details of each of these universities to study in Switzerland is mentioned below: 

1. University of Lausanne

University of Lausanne is a research institution that offers seven different facilities. It provides a range of PhD programs for international students to choose from. University of Lausanne is also home to multiple Nobel prize winners in PhD. 




Academic Reputation


International Student Ratio


PhD Programs Offered

PhD in Business Analytics, Actuarial Science, Economics, etc.

Average Tuition Fees

80 CHF/semester



2. University of Bern

The University of Bern offers a diverse range of PhD programs for international students to choose from. The university is well known for its teaching methods and campus environment.




Academic Reputation


International Student Ratio


PhD Programs Offered

PhD in Art history, Business Administration, Computer Science, etc

Average Tuition Fees

200 CHF/semester



3. University of Zurich

The University of Zurich is on the top list of the best PhD universities in Switzerland. Zurich is a popular student destination and the university offers a range of PhD programs based on different faculties. 




Academic Reputation


International Student Ratio


PhD Programs Offered

PhD in Informatics, Theology, law, etc

Average Tuition Fees

150 CHF/semester



4. University of Geneva

Another widely popular PhD choice is the University of Geneva . Geneva is well known for its academic excellence and the teaching methods they offer. With every PhD program, students are encouraged to do more self work. 




Academic Reputation


International Student Ratio


PhD Programs Offered

PhD in Biology-Medicine, Biomedical science, Neurosciences, etc

Average Tuition Fees

500 CHF/semester



5. University of Basel

The University of Basel is a great choice to pursue PhD studies as the list of PhD programs available here are multiple. The university has a great staff student ratio and offers better research based learnings. 




Academic Reputation


International Student Ratio


PhD Programs Offered

PhD in Ancient History, African Studies, Botany, Geography, etc

Average Tuition Fees

350 CHF/semester



Suggested: View more PhD universities in Switzerland

Eligibility Criteria For Swiss PhD 

To pursue PhD in Switzerland, there are certain eligibility criterias that have to be met. These differ based on the university choice, but there are two standard processes for this field of study:

  • A Bachelor and Masters Degree
  • Language requirements

1. A Bachelor and Masters Degree

International students need to have a three year Bachelor's degree as well as a Master's degree or equivalent in the relevant field of study.

2. Language requirements

Based on the language of instruction of the PhD program, international students will write the language proficiency test like IELTS , TOEFL . For instance, for English, you require a C1 level to pass, etc.

Admission Process For PhD In Switzerland For Indian Students

To apply to the top PhD universities in Switzerland, here is an overview of the admission process:

  • Identify which PhD program you wish to study. Choose the PhD university that offers the same.
  • Search for a supervisor and confirm the supervision based on your PhD program choice
  • Visit the selected PhD universities' official website to learn about the entry requirements
  • Clear any tests required and attach them and other relevant documents to send before the application deadline. 
  • Pay the application fee ( 100 CHF-400 CHF)
  • Wait for confirmation, once accepted apply for the student visa and start arranging for funds

Suggested: How to apply for student visa in Switzerland?

Documents Required For A Swiss PhD 

When submitting your PhD application, there are certain documents that need to be attached. Ensure the below is checked:

  • All educational transcripts
  • Valid identity proof
  • Scorecard of exams required(ELP Scores, GRE , GMAT , etc)
  • Proof of payment
  • Proof of application fee payment
  • Signed declaration of consent
  • Information of residence with regards to last educational background

Note: Ensure all documents are translated as per the language enquired on the universities official website.

Cost Of Studying PhD in Switzerland

To study PhD in Switzerland, there are two cost factors you need to consider. These factors are important as they will contribute to your fund planning when you arrive in the country. 

Let’s learn about them one by one:

Tuition Fees

The tuition fees of doing a PhD in Switzerland ranges from 80 CHF- 500 CHF/semester.  

Cost of Living

The cost of living in Switzerland ranges from 1,400 CHF- 2,250 CHF/month. Most of your recurring monthly expenses will be accommodation, transport, health insurance, food, and miscellaneous expenses.  

Suggested: A detailed guide on cost of studying in Switzerland

Scholarship Opportunities To Study PhD In Switzerland

You can now study for a PhD in Switzerland with scholarship conveniently. There is a list of popular Switzerland PhD scholarships for international students. They help cover multiple expenses such as travel, etc and also offer grants. 

Here are the top 5 Switzerland PhD scholarships for international students:

University of Geneva

Pursue PhD in Life Sciences

Covers the cost of living in Geneva

Bizoentrum PhD fellowship in Life Sciences

Pursue any Bizoentrum PhD program

Covers full and independent funding for complete PhD program and also offers travel funds

Life Sciences Zurich Graduate School

Pursue PhD in Life Sciences

Provides financial support based on the PhD student salary

Swiss Excellence Scholarship for Foreign students

Pursue doctoral studies in any discipline

Covers monthly payments and exempts tuition fees, health insurance, airfare and housing, etc expenses

EPFL Postdoctoral Fellowships in Switzerland 

Pursue PhD project in EPFL

Provides salary for the academic year

Suggested: View more scholarships in Switzerland for international students

Career Opportunities After PhD In Switzerland

After completing PhD in Switzerland for Indian students, there are a range of job profiles to choose from. Based on your expertise and experience, the salary figure will fluctuate. On average a PhD graduate in Switzerland will earn 116,000 CHF/year. 

Here is an overview of the popular PhD job profiles and expected salary for each:


112,000- 272,000 CHF

Senior Research Analyst

110,000 CHF

Advanced Nutrition Aide

182,000 CHF

Clinical Psychologist

408,000 CHF

General Medical Practitioner

260,000 CHF

Suggested: What is it like to work in Switzerland?

Switzerland offers research-based PhD programs that are tutored well with the help of academic experts. Pursuing a PhD program should always be from an institute that offers a blend of theory and practical approaches whilst also offering additional knowledge about the real world. Luckily this is exactly what a PhD in Switzerland will offer you. With all the information listed above, it's time to apply to top universities in Switzerland for PhD .

Frequently Asked Questions About PhD In Switzerland

Is GRE required for PhD in Switzerland for Indian students?

Yes, GRE scores are required for PhD studies in Switzerland. GRE Analytical- 3.5 and GRE Quantitative- 165

Can you study PhD in Switzerland In English?

Yes, most PhD programs in Switzerland are taught in English.

Can PhD students work in Switzerland?

Yes, PhD students are allowed to work for 15hrs/week during semesters and unlimited in holidays. Suggested: How to do part-time jobs in Switzerland?

Is it easy to get a Swiss PhD?

To get accepted in a PhD university, you need to have a good academic score in your previous educational qualifications. Based on this, the university will measure your candidature. 

Can PhD in Switzerland for international students complete their PhD in one year?

No, to complete your PhD studies in Switzerland, international students will take up to three to five years based on the PhD programs in Switzerland chosen. 

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PhD in Switzerland Pursuing a doctorate in Switzerland as a foreigner

Astonishingly, over 50 percent of PhD candidates at Swiss universities are international students. World-renowned institutes, a growing emphasis on doctoral education, multilingual education, funding for early career researchers and travel opportunities are just a few of the attractions.

A young indian PhD student in Switzerland

Swiss PhD programmes

How long does a doctorate in switzerland take, applying for a phd in switzerland, phd salaries in switzerland, scholarships for phds in switzerland.

Switzerland’s universities have experienced considerable growth in recent decades and have ambitious plans to increase the number of doctoral researchers in the country. The Swiss are rightfully proud to be home to universities that are regularly ranked among the best in the world, including the renowned ETH Zurich (which has produced over 20 Nobel laureates, including Albert Einstein), the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EFPL ) and the University of Zurich . The country's academic history stretches back to the 15th century, when the first university was founded in Basel in 1460 , an institution that remains top-notch today.

The universities’ offerings have been so successful in recent decades that SwissInfo ran the headline in February 2024: “Are Swiss universities victims of their success?” The online news outlet, part of the public broadcaster SRG SSR, also reported in the same story that EPFL is considering capping slots for international students to ensure it can maintain its high quality of education. The university reported that fully 85.7 percent of its doctoral candidates are from abroad. Still, with universities booming, it is unlikely we will see the alpine nation shut its doors to international doctoral students anytime soon.

Currently, students seeking to study in Switzerland have four types of universities to choose from:

  • 10 cantonal universities ( Universitäten ), which are run by individual Swiss cantons
  • 2 federal institutes of technology ( Eidgenössische Technische Hochschulen )
  • 9 universities of applied sciences and arts ( Fachhochschulen ), including eight public institutions and one private university
  • 20 universities of teacher education ( Pädagogische Hochschulen )

PhD students are most likely be based at a Swiss cantonal university or a federal institute of technology, since they are the only institutions of higher learning in the country [CH3] allowed to award recognised PhD titles. While universities of applied sciences and arts are not entitled to award doctorates, they may offer doctoral studies in collaboration with other universities that provide the primary PhD supervision and award the degree.

With four national languages, multilingualism is an inherent part of Swiss identity , and that linguistic diversity is also present in academia. Universities normally teach in the language of their canton (German, French or Italian) or in English. And although Romansh is spoken in some areas, it is not a language of instruction at universities.

As in other countries, the Swiss PhD is research-based and entails independent work towards an original thesis that contributes significant new knowledge to the field of study. There are two typical routes towards a PhD in Switzerland:

  •   Traditional or general PhDs  at a single university with one or more advisors: Students spend most of their time working on their doctoral thesis, but opportunities for additional training and development may also be offered.
  •   Structured PhDs , a relatively new development, come more formal training, which may include coursework, and often entail collaboration between different institutions, including partnerships between different types of institution.

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There is no standard length of study for PhDs in Switzerland . Candidates can expect to spend between two and seven years , depending on their field and programme, though traditional programmes tend to be on the shorter end of that spectrum. Doctoral candidates are assigned at least one academic supervisor, who will act as a mentor for their project in addition to providing guidance and support for the research. Some Swiss PhD programmes, especially structured ones, involve two or more supervisors.

The main product of the PhD is the doctoral thesis, which will be assessed by an oral examination or defence after submission. In Switzerland, this process takes place in a public setting. Candidates present their PhD thesis in front of a panel of experts, including at least one external examiner from outside the university.

PhD opportunities in Switzerland can be found by searching for advertised projects and programmes or by browsing information on university websites. In most cases, a master’s degree in a relevant subject is a prerequisite for applying . Other requirements depend on the type of PhD being applied for. If responding to an advertised project or position, applicants will need to submit a personal statement, an academic CV and references ( more information here ).

Candidates devising their own PhD topic generally must submit a research proposal outlining their project , its objectives, methodology and outcome . Applicants should also submit supporting material, such as references. Applications for structured PhD programmes may not require an initial research proposal because students often develop their project during the first year of the doctorate. Applicants may also be required to take a test to prove their competence in the language of instruction .

Application procedures may vary between individual doctorates and PhD programmes. Applicants should familiarize themselves with the requirements for the program to which they are applying prior to submission. Most applications are submitted digitally through an online form. It is also important to contact the university regarding any additional documents, such as language certificates, that may be required as well as the specifications regarding the translation of supporting application documents.

Sometimes Swiss universities advertise PhD opportunities as paid research positions or assistantships . In this case, they normally hire PhD candidates as research assistants or PhD candidates. If awarded one of these positions, students do not have to pay fees while pursuing their PhD and receive a regular salary . Those hired may also be entitled to additional benefits, including sick pay and holiday leave.

In return, PhD candidates hired in these positions are normally expected to assist with undergraduate teaching and other administrative responsibilities . Job portals like publish positions for PhD students, but it is a good idea to check whether the prospective university offers these positions and what conditions they stipulate. Additionally, it is common practice to contact a professor or research group directly and ask about opportunities.There are also research positions at companies and universities of applied sciences, but they are less common.

PhD candidates at the ETH Zurich can expect to earn a salary of between 50,700 CHF and 83,200 CHF gross per year . PhD candidates in exact sciences and medicine are usually paid better than PhD candidates in life sciences, chemistry, arts and humanities.

However, a candidate’s salary and working conditions depend on specific contracts and workload, city of residency, marital status and number of children. The personnel consultants from human resources are responsible for determining salaries and are generally happy to provide that information if asked.

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Universities and institutes offer scholarships for specific programmes, and some universities provide additional support to their PhD students in the form of financial loans, but the main source of funding for international PhD students in Switzerland is the  Swiss Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS) . It awards Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships, which are divided into research scholarships and art scholarships . These scholarships are aimed at young researchers from abroad who have completed a master’s degree and at foreign artists holding a bachelor’s degree, respectively. They normally cover fees and living costs.

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Best PhD Programs in Switzerland [2022]

Studying in Switzerland

If you want to get your Ph.D. in Switzerland, bear in mind that it is known for its top-ranking universities around the world. Switzerland is home to many state universities and institutes of technology that score high on quality and are often referred to as world leaders. Furthermore, the cantonal universities and institutes of technology are the only ones that award recognized Ph.D. titles, despite not being the only accredited universities in Switzerland.

Apart from the world-acclaimed fame, Swiss universities offer various scholarships for international students , and the language of instruction for doctorate programs is mainly English. Additionally, there will be opportunities for academic jobs in Switzerland, and they tend to have high salaries.

We’ve already discussed what there is to know about getting a Ph.D. in Switzerland , so let’s dive into the programs. From mathematics to neuroscience, here are some of the best doctorate programs in Switzerland.

Disclaim: The following list of higher education does not represent a ranking.

Food Science, Ph.D., ETH Zurich

nutrition-food-science-hero (1)

The food science Ph.D. program at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich focuses on using food research for improving food nutrition needs for the consumer. Their goal is to provide proper nutrition to humanity on a global level. The program also concentrates on the production and development of food, including the macroscopic and molecular structure of the food and the relationship between them. The program also studies how the food structure transforms under controlled biochemical or physical factors.

Master’s degree or equivalent university degree.
4 years

*Degrees that do not qualify a student to apply for this program are degrees from universities of applied sciences, bachelor’s degree, and any MBA degree.

Social Psychology, Ph.D., University of Lausanne

phd requirements switzerland

The social psychology doctorate program at the University of Lausanne primarily focuses on stimulating thesis work. The syllabus contains interlaboratory meetings, dissertation work,  internal seminars, and modular courses. This way, students listen to thematic modules presented to them mainly by visiting professors, presenting their research with established researchers, and discussing their research with local teachers.

CV; bachelor’s and master’s transcript of grades; statement of purpose; research proposal. 
3 years
English, French

International Law, Ph.D., University of Geneva

phd requirements switzerland

While this international law program at the University of Geneva— which is one of Switzerland’s best law schools —offers an intellectually stimulating environment. It also requires students to have the ability to go on with independent research and have a strong commitment to the field. In addition, doctorate students will receive intellectual support in the form of supervision during their research. Some of the courses offered are Climate Change and International Law, International Trade Law, Law Without the State, Political Justice and Human Rights, etc.

CV; a copy of diplomas; two academic reference letters; certified copy of the bachelor and master exam transcript (if available); a motivation letter that mentions specialization in econometrics.
4 years
French, English

Mathematics, Ph.D., ETH Zurich

phd requirements switzerland

In the mathematics program at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, doctorate students get employed for up to six years, and they work as scientific assistants at the university. The Swiss National Science Foundation funds the research. Students who chose to follow studies in this program can benefit from internationally honored professors and gain access to the mathematics library, ETH library, and online access to most recent publications. Of the 12 credit units, graduates are required to have, four must come from outside their research area.

Biozentrum Fellowship Program, Ph.D., University of Basel

phd requirements switzerland

Students selected for the biozentrum fellowship program at the University of Basel start in a rotation program that lasts one to three weeks. This allows them to participate in the research group of their choice. The Biozentrum, a leading life science institute globally, embraces a wide range of topics in their program. However, they are mainly focused on the organization of molecules that form living organisms and life. The program offers full and independent funding to their students for their Ph.D. and additional travel funds.

A master’s degree; exceptional students can be admitted with a bachelor’s degree but will need to pass additional courses; two recommendation letters.
4 years

Architecture and Sciences of the City, Ph.D., Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne

This program at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne is focused on theory and practice equally, allowing doctoral students to view the project as both a research challenge and an object of study. They offer a multidimensional program to all students, including in its curriculum, urban sciences, and architecture. Although it is primarily aimed at students of social sciences, it is also suitable for architects and engineers. The elementary cause of the program is an understanding of the contemporary urban world and social life.

The official transcript of all grades and diplomas from higher education (certified English copy must be provided if the documents aren’t originally in French, German, English, or Italian); statement of objectives; a copy of an official identity document; an application form.
4 years
French, English

Business Administration, Ph.D., University of Zurich

Source: the University of Zurich on FacebookThe goal of the business administration program at the University of Zurich is to help students gain a systematic understanding of the field and master skills and methods to help them in their research. Doctoral students should be able to apply their research to practical programs, in addition to the ability to present and discuss their research to an international scientific community. The program also focuses on equipping doctoral students with analytical and problem-solving skills on relevant issues. If you’ve already obtained your MBA credentials in Switzerland , this program is an excellent way to extend your education.

State-accredited master’s degree; the master’s degree diploma must be state-accredited; transferable credits have to be acquired at a state-accredited university.
3 years

Finance, Ph.D., Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne

phd requirements switzerland

The first phase of this doctorate program at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne starts with a module of Ph.D. courses. This coursework aims to equip doctorate students with a broad education on fundamental concepts of finance. The program accepts 10 to 15 students per year. After students have completed the first module, they are then asked to select a thesis topic and a thesis advisor from one of the participating universities.

An application file; the application will be evaluated based on the potential thesis and research interests.
4 years

Computational Science and Engineering, Ph.D., ETH Zurich

phd requirements switzerland

This is a program that comes from the joint forces of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich and the University of Zurich and is focused on attracting talents in computer science to join. In addition, they put in the effort to improve the collaboration between the industry, the society, and the university. They offer interdisciplinary education for doctorate students through block courses and seminars, laboratory exchanges, retreats, journal clubs, and academia-industry modeling (AIM) weeks.

A master’s degree or an equivalent university degree.
4 years

Neuroscience, Ph. D., University of Lausanne


CV; master and bachelor transcript of grades; statement of purpose; research proposal.
3 years
French, English

Economics, Ph.D., University of Zurich

phd requirements switzerland

The Economics Ph.D. program at the University of Zurich is concentrated on preparing students to conceive and implement a research procedure with scientific integrity. Doctoral students should be able to conduct original research, which will contribute to existing knowledge. The curriculum consists of core courses in microeconomic, macroeconomics, mathematics, and econometrics. Meanwhile, these core courses provide the foundation; a compulsory curriculum would require an independent research proposal.

Physics, Ph.D., University of Bern

phd requirements switzerland

The physics program at the University of Bern contributes to teaching by combining four physics-related institutes. The physics institutes are in charge of guiding doctoral students through introductory physics classes in the first year. These classes are not merely for physics majors. They also include physics lectures for medical science students, biologists, veterinary students, etc. The research is delegated to these divisions of the physics institute Climate and Environmental Physics division (KUP), The Space Research and Planetology division (WP), and Laboratory for High Energy Physics (LHEP).

Application and admission; general information for admission at a doctoral level.
3 years

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I am Evans Muriungi Muchege from Kenya. I am interested in PhD in Humanitarianism and Peace studies. Do you have such a course in your universities?

Respected sir , I’m pursuing my masters in yoga studies in india ,and want to pursue P.hD in yoga in Switzerland. Could you please suggest me the university which I can apply for the p.hd course.

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University of Central Florida

phd requirements switzerland

Founded as a public institution in 1785, UGA boasts an illustrious history in higher education. Today, Georgia's flagship university offers online programs to make a UGA degree more accessible. The online courses limit class sizes and use the same high academic standards as on-campus classes. UGA offers an online bachelor's degree in special education and multiple online graduate programs in education. Degree-seekers can also earn master's degrees in community nutrition, international biomedical regulatory sciences, emerging media, and avian health and medicine. Other available online master's programs include business, technology, and social work.


University of Georgia is regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).

phd requirements switzerland

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Applying to university in Switzerland: everything you need to know

Applying to a Swiss university can take 20 minutes in total – but students first need to understand how the Swiss system works

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Rachel Doell

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Applying to Swiss universities is relatively simple. First, however, we need to define the different types of university.

In Switzerland, there are:

Public universities (UNIs)

  • Universities of applied sciences and arts (UASAs), also known as Fachhochschules

Universities of teacher education (UTEs)

Private universities.

Each type of university has a different application procedure.

The first thing to check before you apply to a public university is that you are studying the correct subjects to secure entry into the Swiss higher education UNI system. The easiest place to check that is here .

There are 12 different UNIs in Switzerland. The deadline to apply for a place on a bachelor’s degree course at any of these universities is 30 April of the year in which the student wants to start university.

The date when students can begin the application process depends on the university. For example, the University of St Gallen opens its application portal on 1 October, while the University of Zurich opens its portal later, on 1 January.

(NB: medicine degrees have a different set of rules, not discussed in this article. More information can be found here .)

There is no central application system: students apply directly through the university website. While they can apply to as many universities as they like, there may be a cost of up to 150 CHF (£131) per application.

There is no need to submit a reference letter or write an essay. The only documents students will need to upload are a CV (usually in the very simple format they ask for), passport, photo and an official school document showing which subjects they are studying and will graduate with (for example, IB predicted grades or a high school transcript). Students may have to sign and upload a declaration of consent, which can be downloaded from the university website.

Depending the language they have learned in, students may also have to demonstrate their language proficiency by uploading an accepted official certificate in the university’s language of instruction (French, German, Italian or, in a very few cases, English). However, many universities will accept this later in the application process – some as late as the first week before matriculation.

This whole process should take about 20 minutes, provided that students have all the documents ready.

Once all the documents have been uploaded, the application status will remain “in review” until the student’s final results are submitted. Then, as long as they achieve the requirements (which can be seen here ), they’re in.

As is always the case, there are some exceptions to these rules. For example, an international student (without a Swiss C Permit or Swiss passport) applying to the University of St Gallen will need to take – and pass – an entrance exam.

Universities of applied sciences and arts (UASAs)

Before any of your students apply, make sure that they are studying the correct subjects to allow entry into the Swiss higher education UASA system. The easiest place to check this is here .

There are 10 different UASAs in Switzerland. The application deadline is dependent on the individual UASA. Many of these institutions offer bachelor’s degrees in English as well as in their native language.

The entry into bachelor’s programmes in these institutions is generally dependent on having a federally recognised high school diploma (the same requirement as the UNIs), in addition to having one year’s employment experience in an area related to the degree. However, some of the UASAs now state that this employment experience does not have to be completed before admission, and can be undertaken during one’s studies.

The application documentation requirements vary depending on the UASA, but they usually include documents such as a CV, motivation letter or personal statement and portfolio (if the degree is art-related). Students apply directly through the specific UASA website.

An exception to the general rules of academic entry requirements is Zurich University of the Arts. Here, students’ portfolio, audition, video or interviews (depending on which bachelor’s degree they are applying for) are more important than the subjects or results of their high school education. So students could be studying art as part of their IB diploma (not a subject accepted by the UNIs), but still be accepted to the Zurich University of the Arts if their portfolio is strong enough.

The first thing to check before applying is that you are studying the correct subjects to allow entry into the Swiss higher education UTE system. The easiest place to check that is here .

There are 20 UTEs . The application deadline varies by UTE. Entry is dependent on a federally recognised high school diploma (the same requirement as the UNIs). Students apply directly through the specific UTE website.

Proof of language proficiency – in the language in which the course will be taught – is required, as is a CV, a photo and a copy of applicant’s passport.

Examples of private universities are: English-taught business schools, such as SBS and EU Business School ; American universities, such as Webster and Franklin ; and hospitality universities, such as EHL , Glion and the Swiss Education Group . There are multiple application deadlines throughout the year – similar to an American rolling-admission application.

Students apply directly through a university’s website, and the requirements are dependent on the specific university. The academic requirements tend to be more flexible than UNIs, UASAs and UTEs, but the application process is usually more intense, requiring CVs, motivation letters or personal statement, interviews, aptitude tests and letters of recommendation.

Note: Information and costs were correct at the time of writing. However, as with all university application requirements and deadlines, the most accurate and up-to-date information is to be found on the individual university websites.

  • What a PhD in Switzerland Actually Looks Like

Written by Taru Medha

How long does a PhD in Switzerland take?

On an average it takes 3-5 years to complete a Swisss PhD. However, traditional PhDs tend to be shorter whereas structured PhDs may last longer because of the additional training involved.

The academic year in Switzerland runs from September to May and is divided into two teaching semesters (September to December and February to May/June). PhD research may continue outside these periods, but any formal training within your programme will usually take place in term time.

Supervision during your PhD in Switzerland

You’ll be assigned at least one academic supervisor during your PhD. This may be the principal investigator for the laboratory or research group you work within, or an experienced academic with expertise in your general field. Your supervisor will act as a mentor for your project and will work with you to guide and support your research.

Some Swiss PhD programmes involve second or multiple supervisors. This is especially likely if you are following a structured PhD, with inputs from more than one institution. Each supervisor will normally have a specific role to play in your project, sometimes focussing on particular topic areas or on providing overall mentoring and pastoral support at your university.

How are PhDs in Switzerland assessed?

The main outcome for your PhD will be the doctoral thesis you write up and submit at the end of your research. This must represent a substantial original contribution to your academic subject. It should offer new knowledge and / or data that, in principle at least, is worth publishing for other scholars and researchers to use.

Your thesis will be assessed through an oral examination or defence . In Switzerland, this takes place in a public setting, rather than as a private viva voce exam (such as that used in the UK). You will discuss your PhD in front of a panel of experts, including at least one external examiner from outside your university. The panel will ask questions about your research and conclusions and may sometimes ask you to provide a short presentation of your main findings.

Structured PhDs may also involve some smaller assessments during your doctorate, such as coursework and exams for training modules. You will need to pass these in order to continue with your programme, but they won’t determine the final ‘grade’ for your PhD degree.

However, your life as a PhD student in Switzerland will not be limited to your research. We have a complete guide on living in Switzerland as an international student which has information on everything from living costs to getting around the country.

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35 PhD jobs in Switzerland

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  • PhD positions in Dübendorf (6)
  • PhD positions in Basel (4)
  • PhD positions in Geneva (1)
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  • PhD positions in Birmensdorf (1)
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  • Researcher 84
  • Engineer 82
  • Lecturer / Senior Lecturer 74
  • Management / Leadership 48
  • Tenure Track 46

Jobs by country

  • Belgium 297
  • Netherlands 124
  • Switzerland 113
  • Morocco 105
  • Luxembourg 64

Jobs by employer

  • Mohammed VI Polytechnic Unive... 105
  • KU Leuven 104
  • Ghent University 82
  • KTH Royal Institute of Techno... 66
  • University of Luxembourg 63
  • ETH Zürich 58
  • University of Twente 37
  • Eindhoven University of Techn... 37
  • Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) 29

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phd requirements switzerland

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Doctoral students

You are coming to ETH Zurich as a doctoral student.

Nationals of an EU-27 or EFTA country must register once they have arrived in Switzerland, either at the Residents' Registration Office at their place of residence (if not living in the city of Zurich) or with the Person Registration Office in Zurich . They must bring with them all required documents according to their residence status. Registration must take place within 14 days of entering the country and before the beginning of your employment .

More information on registration in Switzerland (Staffnet)

Members of non-EU/EFTA countries require a permit to enter the country, reside and work here, approved by the Swiss Labour Market Authority (visa authorisation for people requiring visas or confirmation of a residence permit for those not requiring visas, see also Visas for non-EU/EFTA nationals ).

  • You would like to write your doctoral thesis at ETH Zurich and will be enrolling at ETH Zurich or the University of Zurich
  • You hold a recognised Master's degree
  • You are no more than 50 years old
  • You already have an offer of a position as a doctoral student

Work and residence permit

The entire period of studies in Switzerland may not exceed 8 years. This period includes the time spent on a degree (Bachelor’s and Master’s), doctorate and post-doctorate.

Processing period

Please note: the immigration authorities require 4 - 6 weeks to process a request.

The institute or professor’s office will contact you with a request to submit the following documents:

Family members

Immediate members of your family can enter Switzerland with you. However, they have to meet certain conditions which will be checked by the immigration authority. See also Accompanying family members .

Employment for a spouse

In principle a spouse is permitted to take up employment. This requires a valid residence permit with authorisation to work.


  1. How to get PhD Admission in Switzerland Universities || Best lecture on this topic

    phd requirements switzerland

  2. PhD in Switzerland: Guide on Universities in Switzerland for PhD, Fees

    phd requirements switzerland

  3. Dual Doctorate

    phd requirements switzerland

  4. PhD in Switzerland: Guide on Universities in Switzerland for PhD, Fees

    phd requirements switzerland

  5. PhD In Switzerland

    phd requirements switzerland

  6. PhD Programs in Switzerland: A Comprehensive Guide

    phd requirements switzerland


  1. PhD & Postdoctoral opportunities in Switzerland by Dr Sk Rameez Iqbal

  2. The University of Burdwan Ph.D Admission Notification 2024

  3. PhD School in Life Sciences


  5. How To Get Switzerland Tourist Visa in 2024 || Don't Miss Chance to Apply Switzerland Visa

  6. How to get a paid PhD in Germany 2024


  1. PhD study in Switzerland

    PhD study in Switzerland - 2024. With the highest number of patents in all European countries, there is no doubt that PhD study in Switzerland is highly sought after. Known for research and innovation, Switzerland welcomes PhD students from all around the world. If you decide to study a PhD in Switzerland, you'll be a part of massive ...

  2. PhD In Switzerland: Everything You Need To Know

    As you move to higher levels of education, the tuition fees get lower. A bachelor's degree tuition is higher than a master's one, and a master's tuition is higher than a PhD. Tuition fees for PhD programs in Switzerland range around CHF 1000 to CHF 2000. But sometimes Swiss universities advertise their PhD programs as paid assistant jobs.

  3. PhD admission criteria & application ‒ Admission ‐ EPFL

    PhD admission criteria & application. Doctoral School candidates must submit their application file to the doctoral program of their choice within the deadlines specified by the latter. Some programs publish open positions related to specific projects but in order to be eligible, one should be enrolled in the Doctoral School, registering in the ...

  4. Doctorate

    Taking a doctorate at ETH Zurich is an excellent investment for your future scientific career. With 4500 doctoral students out of a total of over 25'000 students, ETH Zurich is one of the universities in Europe which focuses most intensively on research. Doctorates make a significant, fundamental contribution to that research work.

  5. Registration for the Doctorate

    ETH Doc.Mobility. ETH Career Seeds. The Branco Weiss Fellowship. AXA and Schmidt Science Fellowships. SNSF applications: ETH-internal requirements. Open Research Data (ORD) funding programmes. EU programmes. Research assessment. ETH for Development.

  6. Study in Switzerland: the ultimate guide for a PhD in 2024

    Tuition fees in Switzerland. In Switzerland, both EU/EEA and non-EU/EEA students pay the same tuition fees at most public universities (with a few exceptions listed further below). For Bachelor's and Master's degrees, students pay between 400-3,700 EUR per year. Private universities are much more expensive.

  7. Doctorate ‐ EPFL

    EPFL, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, offers its doctoral candidates an extraordinary setting: customized PhD programs; cutting-edge laboratories directed by internationally renowned professors; a modern, fast-developing campus; satellite sites in French-speaking cantons; and close ties to industry.

  8. PhD Programs

    We offer doctoral programs that have an excellent international reputation in the following fields. Graduate Schools. Life Science Zurich Graduate School. Zurich Graduate School in Geography. Zurich Graduate School in Mathematics. Graduate School in Chemical and Molecular Sciences Zurich. Graduate School in Physics.

  9. PDF Information for Doctoral Candidates

    The admission requirements for a doctorate at ETH Zurich are a Master's degree from a recognized university and excellent academic performance. Since the doctorate is supervised by a professor, the first step in the application process is to find an ETH pro-fessor willing to act as your supervisor. Once you have

  10. How to PhD

    The requirements for admission and the admission procedures are set out in the ordinance for obtaining a doctoral degree at the faculty in question. Some faculties also offer a fast-track doctoral program, a program for particularly talented students in which the Master's degree and PhD are integrated in a single program of study. The ...

  11. Admission procedure for doctoral studies for holders of a foreign

    The prospective PhD student must also send the two copies of the completed and signed PdD form (attestation de thèse) to his/her thesis director. ... (according to the requirements specified in the Directive en matière de conditions d'immatriculation) ... CH-1015 Lausanne Switzerland Tel. +41 21 692 21 00.

  12. University of Geneva

    PhD School of Life Sciences at the Faculties of Medicine and Science. The University of Geneva Faculties of Medicine and Science join their forces to offer an outstanding study and research environment in Life Sciences. Highly motivated students with a Master's degree or equivalent are welcome to apply to one or two of its six innovative ...

  13. Studies: Doctoral Degree

    As a university with eight faculties offering a full range of courses and an institution with a real emphasis on research, the University of Bern offers early career researchers attractive structures for a promising doctorate. You can either take the doctorate within a graduate school or as part of a doctoral degree program, or you can even ...

  14. PhD in Switzerland: Guide on Universities in Switzerland for PhD, Fees

    PhD in Switzerland: Guide on Universities in Switzerland for PhD, Fees, Requirements, Scholarships, Scope Yocket Editorial Team Apr 19, 2024. 8.4k views Le News revealed, ''Switzerland breaks record for the highest number of PhD students.'' In 2017, the number of PhD students in Switzerland was 31,293, and in 2022, the number has grown ...

  15. Doctoral study programmes

    The Life Science Zurich Graduate School, for example, offers this kind of programme. There are 16 highly competitive doctoral programmes, run jointly by ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich. The aim is to attract the most promising young scientists from across the world by offering a comprehensive and challenging education for doctoral ...

  16. PhD in Switzerland

    Applying for a PhD in Switzerland. PhD opportunities in Switzerland can be found by searching for advertised projects and programmes or by browsing information on university websites. In most cases, a master's degree in a relevant subject is a prerequisite for applying. Other requirements depend on the type of PhD being applied for.

  17. Health Sciences in Switzerland: 2024 PhD's Guide

    6 Health Sciences PhDs in Switzerland. Health Sciences and Technology. ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Life Sciences. University of Lausanne. Genomics and Digital Health. University of Geneva. Clinical Science. University of Zurich.

  18. Best PhD Programs in Switzerland

    International Law, Ph.D., University of Geneva Source: Université de Genève on Facebook. While this international law program at the University of Geneva— which is one of Switzerland's best law schools—offers an intellectually stimulating environment. It also requires students to have the ability to go on with independent research and have a strong commitment to the field.

  19. Applying to university in Switzerland: everything you need to know

    Applying to Swiss universities is relatively simple. First, however, we need to define the different types of university. In Switzerland, there are: Public universities (UNIs) Universities of applied sciences and arts (UASAs), also known as Fachhochschules Universities of teacher education (UTEs) Private universities Each type of university has a different application procedure.

  20. What a PhD in Switzerland Actually Looks Like

    On an average it takes 3-5 years to complete a Swisss PhD. However, traditional PhDs tend to be shorter whereas structured PhDs may last longer because of the additional training involved. The academic year in Switzerland runs from September to May and is divided into two teaching semesters (September to December and February to May/June).

  21. 35 PhD jobs in Switzerland

    Ph.D. in the Area of AI-Enabled Precision Health. Deadline: June 30th, 2024The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) has opened a full time (100%) position for a PhD student in AI-enabled Precision Health at the Department of Innovative Technologies (DTI) located... Published 1 month ago.

  22. Doctoral students

    Doctoral students. You are com­ing to ETH Zurich as a doc­toral stu­dent. EU-27 and EFTA. Other countries. Na­tion­als of an EU- 27 or EFTA coun­try must re­gister once they have ar­rived in Switzer­land, either at the Res­id­ents' Re­gis­tra­tion Of­fice at their place of res­id­ence (if not liv­ing in the city of Zurich) or ...

  23. What Is an Associate Degree? Requirements, Costs, and More

    Cost. While tuition levels vary between colleges and programs, the average tuition for one year in an associate degree program is $3,800 in 2021, according to the College Board [ 1 ]. That's for public in-district schools—meaning you're a resident in the district the associate degree program is located. Compare that with the average ...

  24. What Is a Bachelor's Degree? Requirements, Costs, and More

    Requirements for graduating from a bachelor's degree program. Students typically need at least 120 credits to graduate from a bachelor's program in the US (or roughly 180 credits at a school under a quarter system) and a minimum GPA (usually 2.0).. College degrees generally take between four and five years to complete when you're enrolled full-time, but the length of time it takes you to ...

  25. How to Meet MBA Admission Requirements: A Step-By-Step Guide

    8. Take an entrance exam and provide results. Most MBA programs expect candidates to take a GRE (Graduate Record Exam) or GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) within five years of application. Although many business schools accept the results of either test, the two tests are different.