SCP Foundation Wikia

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β€œ Documented speeds have been about thirty-five (35) km/h, and seems to depend on distance from the individual being hunted down. At this point, no known material or method can impede SCP-096's progress. The actual position of the victim does not seem to affect SCP-096's response; it seems to have an innate sense of his or her location. ”

The titular subject of SCP-096 (also known by its nickname "The Shy Guy") is a tall, thin, pale humanoid monster that remains docile and passive until someone has seen its face (either in person or indirectly, via photo or video). SCP-096 then becomes enraged and will instinctively hunt down whoever had the misfortune of seeing its face, relentlessly pursuing the target before mauling them to death. 096 is virtually invincible and unstoppable, being capable of easily overcoming all obstacles in its path, along with shrugging off extreme injuries which would kill any normal creature; and it will not rest until after all its targeted victim(s) have been killed, [DATA EXPUNGED], and leaving no traces of their bodies behind. Many termination attempts have failed on this SCP; these include acid, fire, drowning, suffocating and extreme pressure.

It was never reported that 096 made any noise when docile - it would instead would start crying and babbling loudly after someone saw his face. According to the SCP Foundation, SCP-096 can run in excess of 35 kilometers per hour when locked onto the person who has observed it. Death is unavoidable. SCP-096 inexplicably remains docile when a photo or its face is viewed in total darkness. However, the tiniest intrusion of light upon its visage will cause SCP-096 to enrage. The victim that viewed SCP-096's face will subsequently assume the classification of SCP-096-1.

SCP-096's regeneration comes from its bone marrow, when SCP-173 hit it extremely hard in the neck. The 4th Vertebrae was broken and the SCP's regeneration system was shut down for a few hours. In that time some scientists proceeded to put acid on said wound and it melted.

Containment Procedures [ ]

SCP-096 is to be contained in its cell, a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m airtight steel cube, at all times. Weekly checks for any cracks or holes are mandatory. There are to be absolutely no video surveillance or optical tools of any kind inside SCP-096's cell. Any pictures or visual recordings of SCP-096 are to be disposed of immediately. Any personnel in possession of videos or pictures of SCP-096 are to be terminated. Any personnel not authorized for tests that view SCP-096's face through any means are to be terminated as well. If any cracks are found, immediately patch while wearing scrambler goggles.

Test Procedures [ ]

Class-D personnel are to be transported to SCP-096's cell with a level 4 personnel. No less than three (3) armed guards are to accompany the D-Class, along with a level 4 member of the scientific department. D-Class is to be provided with an image or recording of SCP-096's face, or to be sent into SCP-096's chamber directly. Any images used for the test are to be disposed of immediately after said test. Any surviving D-Class personnel are to be terminated to prevent risk of allowing for a breach of SCP-096.

Gallery [ ]

Scp096 Sign

  • 1 SCP Foundation
  • 2 O5 Command
  • Cognitohazards
β€œ It must have lost all its organs, all its blood, but it didn't acknowledge any of it. Its bone structure wasn't hurt at all, though. It kept tearing my squad apart. ”

SCP-096 , also known as " The Shy Guy ", is a humanoid creature that becomes extremely hostile when any part of their face is seen.

  • 1.1 Early events
  • 1.2 Retrieval Incident #096-1-A
  • 1.3 Incident 096-1-A
  • 1.4 Encounter with 682
  • 1.5 Test with 978
  • 2.1.1 A Lesson in Power
  • 2.2 SCP-5000
  • 3 Attributes
  • 4 Containment procedures
  • 6.2 Appearances
  • 8 References

Early events

At some point, SCP-096 was captured by the SCP Foundation and placed under the supervision of Dr. Dan Daniels . 096 is classified as Euclid, due to its relative docility when not upset. 096's cell is located in Site-19 , but occasionally is transferred to other sites when needed for testing or containment repairs. Due to 096 killing anyone who ever saw his face, a test was performed deep in the Tonga Trench where D-9031 , a former tattoo artist, was ordered to draw his face. Though successfully done, 096 eventually reached his position, killed the Class D, then ate him. This artist's impression has been used ever since for a safe view of what 096 has guarded so much.

Retrieval Incident #096-1-A

096 once breached containment and fled into a cold environment, forcing MTF Zulu-9 to find and capture it. Due to a lack of communication and bad luck, Zulu-9-A was annihilated by 096 after it turned around while placing a bag on its head. The only survivor was Captain β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ , who was rescued by Zulu-9-B, who also recaptured 096 without incident. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ soon retired and was later interviewed by Dr. Dan, where he recounted the events leading up to his team's massacre.

Incident 096-1-A

4 Pixels

Picture secured by MTF-Tau. SCP-096 circled in yellow, blocked out. [1]

Dr. Dan Daniels and his assistant Dr. Oleksei attempted to petition to reclassify SCP-096 as a Keter and receive authorization to terminate it, in which both were denied. Upon hearing of this, Dan and Oleksei conspired to put together a containment breach to prove how dangerous 096 is to humanity. This was accomplished by planting a hiking photo, with 096's face in the background, into a random civilian 's home. The two also designed SCRAMBLE eyewear that were originally intended to blot out 096's face before the human eye registered its face; however, they sabotaged the design so that the brain recognized 096's face despite the eye not registering it.

The civilian eventually noticed the photograph, prompting its containment breach and the subsequent death of most of the employees in its lab due to both nerve gas and the few that 096 got to. MTF Tau-1 was tasked with pursuing 096, being issued the sabotaged SCRAMBLE eyewear so that they could deal with 096 more effectively. It eventually escaped into the desert and then onto the I-40, killing several travelers as it advanced on its target. Though the Foundation secured the first three towns its route went onto with little incident, the fourth town where the 096-1 was had an issue: the SCRAMBLE devices didn't work. 096 proceeded to tear through the MTF Tau-1 operators that thought their equipment was successfully obscuring his face, eventually reaching 096-1 and killing him.

096 was recaptured by Chief Master Sergeant β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ after it massacred a family inside their minivan, including an infant; this resulted in his eventual suicide. The incident was later reviewed by the O5 Council , who found many holes in Dr. Oleksei and Dr. Dan Daniels's interviews post-incident. This resulted in Oleksei's death and Dan being tasked to terminate 096, knowing that he would die soon after it was done.

Encounter with 682

As part of Dr. Dan Daniels 's pursuit to exterminate 096, he organized for a joint test involving SCP-682 and 096. It was placed in 682's cell inside a containment tank, personnel quickly leaving and opening the tank. Little is known of the battle, but it is known that it resulted in twenty-seven hours of screaming, as well as a severely wounded 096 huddling in the corner. 682 was missing 85% of its body mass, and both SCPs were recontained with little incident. Any further attempts to recreate the encounter simply resulted in 096 turning away, jumping in place while screaming and clawing at its own face. [2]

Test with 978

SCP-096 was captured with SCP-978 while its back was facing the photographer. When the photo was printed out, it simply showed 096's empty cell. [3]

Alternate realities

Broken masquerade, a lesson in power.


Images of 096 uploaded to social media.

In Universe-5000 , during the SCP Foundation 's pursuit to exterminate humanity in the war against humanity , uncensored images of 096 were circulated across social media. Before the images were removed, death tolls reached the hundreds. It presumably continued to kill various 096-1's until the timeline was reset by Pietro Wilson . [4]

096, under most conditions, tends to be extremely docile and harmless, simply pacing across its room. However, whenever anyone witnesses any aspect of its face, be it via direct contact, photograph, or camera footage, 096 will become extremely upset and begin screaming and crying, before chasing down, killing, and eating the person who witnessed his face (referred to normally as 096-1); his jaw can open up to four times the norm of an average human, allowing him to quickly consume any 096-1. [1] However, 096's angered state is not triggered by drawings or artistic renderings, allowing some to have a glimpse as to what his face looks like. [5] [6] One of the few entities to have survived seeing 096's face is SCP-682, despite becoming severely damaged in a fight they engaged in for over a day. 096 also refuses to engage with 682 as well, turning away from him while jumping in place and screaming and clawing at its own face. [2]

096 is highly durable, absorbing small arms fire, AT-4 HEDT launcher blasts, and several hundred rounds from a GAU-19 with little to no issues with maneuverability. 096's bone structure is virtually indestructible by human means, enabling him to successfully chase down and kill 096-1 even while suffering from high amounts of damage. Even while experiencing extreme blood loss and organ destruction, 096 is still able to move as well as he did undamaged. It is also unaffected by the cold, despite its nude, frail appearance. [1] 096 also was able to resist 682's attacks, tearing away more than 85% of body mass from 682. [2]

In addition, 096 has regenerative properties, allowing it to regenerate from the most grievous of wounds. It also possesses the ability to claw through most materials and containers, including steel. [6] 096 can run at incredible speeds, with the ability to reach targets from hundreds of miles away quickly. 096 also lacks the need for oxygen, as proven in his hunt for D-9031 deep in the Tonga Trench ; this incident also proved that 096 could easily reach sea depths of up to 3,292 meters (10,800 feet), absorbing immense amounts of water pressure as he hunted for 096-1. [5]

Containment procedures

096 is currently contained in a 5x5x5 airtight cubed cell made of steel; the walls must be checked for any weaknesses weekly. Surveillance or optical tools of any kind are forbidden within its cell, lest someone views 096's face. To compensate for this, pressure plates and laser detectors are used to detect its presence. Photos, videos, or any piece of media containing 096 must be approved by Dr. Dan Daniels and O5-β–ˆ.

Former image of "4 Pixels."[1]

This list chronicles the beings that were killed by 096. Note that is organized in a chronological order, or by order of release of 096's appearances.

  • D-9031 - Ordered to provide an artist's rendition of 096's face, being required to see an uncensored photograph of it. Killed by 096 despite being several miles away from it and also miles below sea in the Tonga Trench . [5]
  • Corporal β–ˆβ–ˆ - Accidentally saw 096's face as he attempted to place a bag over it. Ripped β–ˆβ–ˆ's leg off and proceeded to consume him. [1]
  • Several Site-19 researchers and security personnel - Witnessed 096's face as it escaped containment during Incident 096-1-A , were killed by it as 096 went after the current 096-1. [6]
  • Several I-40 travelers - 096 traveled down the I-40 in the western United States to find the new 096-1. Considering this, it's highly unlikely that no driver witnessed his face. [6]
  • Unidentified SCP-096-1 - After going through old photographs, particularly one where someone was hiking in a mountainous region, this 096-1 saw 096's face in 4 pixels of the background. This triggered Incident 096-1-A to occur, as well as his death. [6]
  • Unidentified Tau-1 major 096 managed to rip into the Major's Stryker APC after accidentally witnessing his face, in which 096 killed him. [6]
  • Big Brother - 096 managed to launch himself up into the airborne EG-3 Sentry AWACS after the operator accidentally saw his face. He was killed soon after.
  • Unidentified family - This family was the last group to have seen 096's face during Incident 096-1-A due to Dr. Dan 's machinations; an infant was among those who saw 096, which later resulted in Chief Master Sergeant β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 's suicide after witnessing this. [6]


  • Experiment Log T-98816-OC108/682 - 24 Oct 2008
  • SCP-978 Extended Test Logs - 14 May 2009
  • Entry Page: 096 - 17 Mar 2010
  • Document #096-1 - 17 Mar 2010
  • Audio Log 185-53 - 11 May 2011
  • Experiment Log 1402 - 28 May 2012
  • Incident 096-1-A - 18 Oct 2010
  • New Technical Issues - 22 Mar 2012
  • Ask Lord Blackwood - 31 Jul 2012
  • A Lesson in Power - 22 May 2016
  • Dispatch from the Paintball War - 11 Sep 2017
  • Habil and Qabil - 26 Dec 2017
  • Experiment Log 914 - Part II - 12 Apr 2018
  • Picture Perfect - 1 Nov 2018
  • Experiment Log 914 - Part IV - 28 Jan 2019
  • Experiment Log 914 - Part V - 20 Mar 2019
  • Experiment Log 914 - Part XII - 8 Nov 2019
  • Entry Page: 5000 - 14 Jan 2020
  • On Guard 43 Hub - 11 Mar 2021
  • Project Isorropia Vol 1 - 8 Jun 2023
  • Project Isorropia Vol 2 - 8 Jun 2023

SCP-096 in Oversimplified SCP

  • ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 Entry Page: 096
  • ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Experiment Log T-98816-OC108/682
  • ↑ SCP-978 Extended Test Logs
  • ↑ Entry Page: 5000
  • ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 Document #096-1
  • ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 Incident 096-1-A (document)
  • 1 Jack Bright
  • 3 Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand"

SCP-096 'Shy Guy'

  • Edit source

Item #: SCP-096

Object Class: Euclid

: SCP-096 is to be contained in its cell, a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m airtight steel cube, at all times. Weekly checks for any cracks or holes are mandatory. There are to be absolutely no video surveillance or optical tools of any kind inside SCP-096's cell. Security personnel will use pre-installed pressure sensors and laser detectors to ensure SCP-096's presence inside the cell.

Any and all photos, video, or recordings of SCP-096's likeness are strictly forbidden without Dr. [REDACTED] and O5 Councill approval.

Description: SCP-096 is a humanoid creature measuring approximately 2.38 meters or 7.8 ft in height. Subject shows very little muscle mass, with preliminary analysis of body mass suggesting mild malnutrition. Arms are grossly out of proportion with the rest of the subject's body, with an approximate length of 1.5 meters or 4.9 ft each. Skin is mostly devoid of pigmentation, with no sign of any body hair.

SCP-096's jaw can open to 4 times the norm of an average human. Other facial features remain similar to an average human, with the exception of the eyes, which are also devoid of pigmentation. It is not yet known whether SCP-096 is blind or not. It shows no signs of any higher brain functions, and is not considered to be sapient.

SCP-096 is normally extremely docile, with pressure sensors inside its cell indicating it spends most of the day pacing by the eastern wall. However, when someone views SCP-096's face, whether it be directly, via video recording or a photograph, it will enter a stage of considerable emotional distress. SCP-096 will cover its face with its hands and begin screaming, crying, and babbling incoherently. Approximately one (1) to two (2) minutes after the first viewing, SCP-096 will begin running to the person who viewed its face (who will from this point on be referred to as SCP-096-1).

Documented speeds have varied from thirty-five (35) km/h (21.7 mph) to 150+

km/h, (93+ mph) and seems to depend on distance from SCP-096-1. At this point, no known material or method can impede SCP-096's progress. The actual position of SCP-096-1 does not seem to affect SCP-096's response; it seems to have an innate sense of SCP-096-1's location. Note: This reaction does not occur when viewing artistic depictions (see Document 096-1).

Upon arriving at SCP-096-1's location, SCP-096 will proceed to kill and [DATA EXPUNGED] SCP-096-1. 100% of cases have left no traces of SCP-096-1. SCP-096 will then sit down for several minutes before regaining its composure and becoming docile once again. It will then attempt to make its way back to its natural habitat, [DATA REDACTED]

Due to the possibility of a mass chain reaction, including breach of Foundation secrecy and large civilian loss of life, retrieval of subject should be considered Alpha priority.

  • 2 SCP-173 'The Sculpture'
  • 3 SCP-003 'Biological Motherboard'


  • Edit source

Test Log T-98816-OC108/682

Cross-SCP Termination Testing for SCP-682

Hi Dr. Bright, here just let me use a chainsaw cannon on 682

Due to the highly aggressive, adaptive, and intelligent nature of SCP-682, termination testing has been ordered, with clearance from O5 Command. With major concerns raised about possible developed immunities (due to the failure of SCP-409) and possible adaptations, all tests must first be carried out on tissue samples taken from SCP-682. This step may be bypassed only by O5 Command order.

  • 1 Item: SCP-017
  • 2 Item: SCP-063
  • 3 Item: SCP-162
  • 4 Item: SCP-061
  • 5 Item: SCP-053
  • 6 Item: SCP-123
  • 7 Item: SCP-173
  • 8 Item: Dr. Clef
  • 9 Item: High-altitude impact
  • 10 Item: One ordinary human child
  • 11 Item: One ordinary human child, drugged to cancel extreme emotional reaction
  • 12 Item: Guest Researcher Dr. W
  • 13 Item: β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆW β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ cutting laser
  • 14 Item: 60 MT thermonuclear bomb
  • 15 Item: SCP-662
  • 16 Item: SCP-689
  • 17 Item: SCP-738
  • 18 Item: SCP-743
  • 19 Item: SCP-807
  • 20 Item: SCP-826, equipped with one (1) copy of "The Generally Nice, Friendly Thing That Can And Will Kill SCP-682 Permanently if it So Much As Spots That Damn Lizard", a 12-page short story written by Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, detailing a large, friendly monster that is stated to be capable of permanently killing SCP-682, and 1 (one) D-Class personnel (D-682-32) equipped with 1 (one) 2010 Ducati Multistrada motorcycle for the purpose of evading SCP-682.
  • 21 Item: SCP-914
  • 22 Item: SCP-272
  • 23 Item: SCP-343
  • 24 Item: SCP-963
  • 25 Item: SCP-702
  • 26 Item: SCP-096
  • 27 Item: SCP-536
  • 28 Item: SCP-524
  • 29 Item: SCP-811
  • 30 Item: SCP-1237
  • 31 Item: SCP-1361
  • 32 Item: SCP-1933
  • 33 Item: SCP-507
  • 34 Item: SCP-2599
  • 35 Item: SCP-513
  • 36 Item: SCP-2140
  • 37 Item: SCP-2935
  • 38 Item: SCP-2337
  • 39 Item: SCP-682 instance transplanted from alternate dimension
  • 40 Item: ●●|●●●●●|●●|●
  • 41 Item: Dr. Heikkila
  • 42 Item: SCP-2305-A
  • 43 Item: SCP-241
  • 44 Item: SCP-2578-D
  • 45 Item: SCP-2617
  • 46 Item: SCP-169
  • 47 Item: SCP-939-β–ˆβ–ˆ and SCP-939-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ
  • 48 Item: SCP-173 with a photograph of SCP-096 attached to it
  • 49 Item: SCP-204
  • 50 Item: SCP-3108
  • 51 Item: SCP-2719
  • 52 Item: SCP-3930
  • 53 Item: SCP-3207
  • 54 Item: SCP-3922
  • 55 Item: SCP-3519
  • 56 Item: SCP-1056
  • 57 Item: Y-909
  • 58 Item: SCP-393
  • 59 Item: Dr. King, accompanied by 10 trained and armed security guards
  • 60 Item: One Equus ferus caballus , deceased, and one baseball bat.
  • 61 Item: SCP-3309
  • 62 Item: SCP-923
  • 63 Item: "SCP-682 killer", dispensed from SCP-294
  • 64 Item: SCP-2855
  • 65 Item: SCP-2439
  • 66 Item: 1 ton of liquid nitrogen.
  • 67 Item: Vacuum
  • 68 Item: Extremely high temperatures.
  • 69 Item: An industrial-grade blender, followed by "the strongest centrifuge we can come up with."
  • 70 Item: SCP-101
  • 71 Item: SCP-3521
  • 72 Item: SCP-001
  • 73 Item: SCP-117
  • 74 Item: SCP-093
  • 75 Item: Second attempt of SCP-017
  • 76 Item: Rapid Application of High Precision Blades
  • 77 Item: SCP-055
  • 78 Item: SCP-3042
  • 79 Item: SCP-858
  • 80 Item: SCP-239
  • 81 Item: SCP-023
  • 82 Item: SCP-173 with Rapid Application of High Precision Blades
  • 83 Items: An instance of SCP-1361 allowed to grow to 1000 kg in mass, SCP-075 secretions from SCP-294/perchloric acid, amassed over a 6-month period, Y-909, sedatives, Application of High Precision Blades/SCP-063, Napalm, SCP-101
  • 84 Item: SCP-082
  • 85 Item: SCP-049
  • 86 Item: Several memetic kill agents, such as auditory triggers, kill words, and the Berryman-Langford Memetic Kill Agent (BLMKA)
  • 87 Items: SCP-106 and SCP-953
  • 88 Item: Reclassification to SCP-048
  • 89 Item: SCP-049
  • 90 Item: SCP-170
  • 91 Item: SCP-539
  • 92 Item: SCP-4455
  • 93 Item: SCP-1015-2
  • 94 Item: SCP-1437
  • 95 Item: SCP-2006
  • 96 Researcher: Assistant Researcher Wesley
  • 97 Researcher: Dr. Richard Graham
  • 98 Item: Well, not really an item, just renaming SCP-682 to SCP-048
  • 99 Item: Not really an item, just letting SCP-682 out to see what it'll do.
  • 100 Item: Show it an image of SCP-1364 and ask if it knows anything.
  • 101 Item: SCP-938

Item: SCP-017 [ ]

Tissue Test Record:

Sample β€œswallowed” by SCP-017 without incident.

Termination Test Record:

SCP-682 exposed to SCP-017. SCP-682 issues several sounds at extremely high volume, damaging several recording devices. Sound extends across several wavelengths, reported as β€œthe most god-awful roar” by staff. SCP-017 appears to stumble, then return to a far corner of the containment area. SCP-682 attempts to break containment of both SCP-682 and SCP-017. SCP-682 suppressed by Agents, and removed. SCP-682 states, β€œYou foul bags of tissue; you don’t [DATA EXPUNGED]”

Notes: It is unclear if SCP-682 somehow damaged SCP-017, or communicated with it. Analysis of the recorded sound is ongoing.

Item: SCP-063 [ ]

Sample eradicated. No traces above molecular level remain.

SCP-063 was refitted to the end of a rotatory arm, which was deployed into 682's enclosure. Initial approach proves partially successful, with SCP-682 losing more than 20% body weight before regeneration overtakes the destruction process. Newly regrown tissues are not vulnerable to SCP-063's eradication effect: 682 destroys the deployment arm and 063 digs a hole through the enclosure's ground, where it is later recovered. 682 succeeds in extending a long prehensile limb through the hole and maiming two security personnel before containment is reestablished.

Hypothesis: 682 is not bound to base Earth biological chemistry and can adapt itself to be 'organic' or 'inorganic' as necessary. Some of the boys on the lab are arguing whether we can even classify it as 'living', at least as we understand life. This worries me, because an unliving, undying intelligent monster… well, that's where you start getting sacrifices in your name. β€” Dr. Zara

Item: SCP-162 [ ]

Sample entangled without incident

SCP-682 exposed to SCP-162. SCP-682 begins thrashing violently, emitting several roaring sounds and issuing profanity directed at testing staff. SCP-682 becomes entangled with SCP-162, primarily in the lower body, head, and left forelimb. Entangled areas undergo massive trauma due to SCP-682 thrashing. After four minutes of continued exposure, SCP-682 lunges away from SCP-162, severing its lower jaw and left hind limb, and causing serious tissue damage to many areas of its body. SCP-162 remains attached to the left forelimb of SCP-682. SCP-682 breaks containment, using SCP-162 against several Agents, staff, and researchers, resulting in eleven deaths and eighty-six injuries. Forelimb and SCP-162 removed from SCP-682 during re-establishment of containment. Two additional deaths occurred during the recontainment of SCP-162.

Note: General β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ has requested that Mr. Noaqiyeum and the members of staff involved with the approval of this test report to Site Command for a disciplinary hearing.

Item: SCP-061 [ ]

Overridden by O5-Command

SCP-682 exposed to SCP-061. SCP-682 enters the β€œrelaxed” state consistent with SCP-061 exposure. SCP-682 is given the command β€œlie down”. SCP-682 remains unresponsive. Command repeated twice before SCP-682 lowers itself to the ground. Movements noted to be very sluggish and jerky. SCP-682 given the command β€œroll onto your back”. SCP-682 unresponsive. Command repeated three times. SCP-682 shudders several times, partially rolling over before returning to former position. Command repeated six times. SCP-682 appears to undergo a violent seizure, partially rising before collapsing to the floor. SCP-682 given the command β€œstand up”. SCP-682 rapidly rises and breaches containment. SCP-682 ignores all commands given to it. Several Agents and staff respond to re-establish containment. SCP-682 emits a high-pitch β€œscreech”. All human beings in a fifteen-meter radius suddenly enter the β€œrelaxed” state consistent with SCP-061 exposure. SCP-682 consumes several members of staff before being recontained by specially-equipped Emergency Response Teams. β€œSonic Stun” adaptation lost from SCP-682 after two weeks.

Note: Study into how SCP-682 integrated SCP-061 into its biology is ongoing.

Item: SCP-053 [ ]

N/A, overridden by O5-Command

SCP-682 introduced to SCP-053 containment area. SCP-682 appears to be very confused, and shows no sign of being affected by SCP-053. SCP-053 appears to be afraid of SCP-682, and hides behind a chair in her containment area. SCP-682 lowers itself to the ground, resting its head on the floor. SCP-053 approaches SCP-682, and after several seconds of hesitation, briefly touches SCP-682 before rapidly returning to her hiding place. SCP-682 does not react in any way. SCP-053 approaches SCP-682 and pats its head, causing it to exhale through its forward nostrils. SCP-053 claps and hops in place several times before embracing the head of SCP-682. For the remainder of the testing period, SCP-682 appears to be in a very docile state, with only two low-level escape attempts being made. SCP-053 is observed to bring toys and other items to SCP-682, and makes several drawings on its forward carapace with crayons.

Staff entering at the end of the test phase are immediately attacked by SCP-682, resulting in two deaths and five injuries. SCP-682 contained and moved to separate containment unit. SCP-053 observed crying for several minutes after SCP-682 is removed.

Notes: The reaction of SCP-682 is notable for several reasons. First, it is one of the few incidents where SCP-682 has come in contact with biological tissue and not entered a β€œrage” state. Second, it has raised questions as to the physical make-up and composition of SCP-053, in regards to the lack of response of SCP-682. Third, it has provided a possible solution to long-term containment. However, approval for the mutual containment of two highly dangerous SCP items in a single containment unit is not likely.

Item: SCP-123 [ ]

Tissue sample absorbed by the core.

Test canceled after review of testing done between SCP-162 and SCP-682. The potential issues arising from SCP-682 gaining control of SCP-123 are too great at this time. Review of this proposal will be made if SCP-682 is totally incapacitated by some means, with no potential of escape or sudden adaptation.

Item: SCP-173 [ ]

SCP-682 introduced into the containment area of SCP-173. SCP-682 makes several screeching noises, and quickly presses against the wall farthest from SCP-173, staring at it the entire time. SCP-682 continues to stare at SCP-173 without pause for six hours. Agents equipped with large-caliber sniper rifles dispatched, and shoot out the eyes of SCP-682, at the same time stopping all observation of SCP-173 and SCP-682.

After resuming observation, SCP-682 is shown to be on the floor, with several injuries around its head, neck and legs. SCP-173 is seen to have tissue from SCP-682 on its β€œhands”. SCP-682 rapidly regenerates damage, and moves to a different wall, developing several sets of eyes on various parts of its body, many covered by thick, clear β€œcaps” of armored carapace. SCP-682 maintains observation of SCP-173 for an additional twelve hours, despite additional efforts of Agents and Foundation staff. SCP-682 allowed to exit containment area, and recaptured in temporary containment.

Notes: After review, it appears SCP-173 was unable to do lethal damage to SCP-682 due to a major difference in physical size. A possible repeat of this test may be made if SCP-682 is damaged enough to reduce its physical mass to a level equal with SCP-173.

Item: Dr. Clef [ ]

SCP-682 introduced to testing area. Dr. Clef introduced to testing area. Dr. Clef and SCP-682 stare at each other for approximately three minutes. Dr. Clef slowly backs out of the testing area as SCP-682 continues to stare. Dr. Clef attempts to open door of testing area. Door of testing area determined to be locked. Dr. Clef reportedly uses several loud expletives, and then attaches an unknown device to the door, keeping his eyes on SCP-682 the whole time. SCP-682 continues to stare. Dr. Clef detonates a small plastic explosive charge on the door, causing a containment breach. SCP-682 continues to stare. Dr. Clef engages emergency secondary lockdown doors and declares a partial containment situation. SCP-682 does not react. Dr. Clef proceeds to experiment observation center.

Item: High-altitude impact [ ]

Denied by O5-β–ˆβ–ˆ

Testing denied by O5-β–ˆβ–ˆ

Notes: Seriously? I mean… seriously? Drop it out of an aircraft and let it fall… who in the [DATA EXPUNGED]

Item: One ordinary human child [ ]

Child began to scream and cry when SCP-682 was introduced into the cell. Subject was immediately and messily devoured by SCP-682.

Notes: Okay, so that didn't work so well. Maybe the fact that the kid was crying made 682 perceive it as hostile intent… Guest Researcher Dr. W

Item: One ordinary human child, drugged to cancel extreme emotional reaction [ ]

Child stood and smiled, giggling at SCP-682 with no sign of fear. SCP-682 devoured the subject messily.

Notes: Hmmm… maybe we can try that again. I'm sure somewhere out there there's a kid who'll make friends with it like SCP-053 did… Guest Researcher Dr. W

Item: Guest Researcher Dr. W [ ]

Subject screamed in terror and pounded on the door to the test facility, begging to be let out. SCP-682 devoured it messily three minutes after being introduced.

Notes: Fing sadistic asshole. I've got no sympathy for that moron whatsoever. Introducing children to this fing monster? What the hell… Assistant Director Clef

Item: β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆW β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ cutting laser [ ]

Tissue sample was successfully bisected 13 times before adopting a mirrored finish.

After multiple attempts, the main body of SCP-682 was successfully bisected into parts that were equal in mass at T+7:13 hours. Dead scraps were removed from the room while the two halves (subsequently designated SCP-682-A and SCP-682-B) regenerated. After the recovery period, SCP-682-A and -B appeared to survey the area and evaluate each other, presumably in anticipation of attack. Surface fluctuations indicative of internal modification were noted, but all external changes occurred and disappeared far too quickly to be adequately described. High-energy bioluminescent organs on the face, spine, and forelimbs were observed as well on both specimens, usually forming, pulsing, and disappearing again over the course of a few seconds.

At T+35:42 hours, SCP-682-A and -B simultaneously collapsed on the floor and all vital signs ceased, remaining in this state for the following 48 hours. At T+84 hours, the laser was used again in an attempt to cut SCP-682-A and -B into more manageable pieces, leading to minor structural damage to the room as the laser beam reflected off their skin. As both -A and -B remained immobile despite the increased potential for escape, two D-class personnel were released into the room. Immediately upon their entry, [DATA EXPUNGED].

Technical failure of the observation equipment and test chamber breach was detected from outside, activating Safety Protocol T-98816-OC108/682-N147. Containment was successfully reestablished at the cost of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ security personnel, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ D-class personnel, and β–ˆβ–ˆ researchers, including Doctors [DATA EXPUNGED]. The majority of the testing area was considered unsalvageable and demolished for later reconstruction. Experiment supervisor Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was found unconscious and in critical condition outside the observation chamber (see medical logs for β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ.β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ); medical staff succeeded in sufficiently reviving him to be debriefed by Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, whereupon he was harshly reprimanded and [DATA EXPUNGED].

Note: Only one SCP-682 was found in the locked-down area surrounding the wreckage, apparently at near-full mass rather than the expected 50% (scattered tissues within the facility account for the missing mass). Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's testimony indicates that SCP-682-A and -B exhibited a high degree of coordination following the security breach, but that once SCP-682-B became heavily damaged by security personnel, it was immediately devoured and reabsorbed by 682-A. Total loss of one of the SCP-682 specimens is considered highly improbable, and searches have been called to a halt. Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ

Note: Much as our department would love to know whether SCP-682 retained a single consciousness during its dissection, or whether the two counterparts were actually able to cooperate until the stalemate was ended by external forces, for practical purposes we do not under any circumstances advise trying that again. - Dr. Noaqiyeum

Item: 60 MT thermonuclear bomb [ ]

Testing denied by O5-β–ˆ

Notes: One would think that putting SCP-682 in the epicenter of an explosion that can cause third-degree burns at a distance of 300 km is a good idea, but as long as there are odds of survival we simply cannot go through with it. Yes, it's a goddamn nuke, but if 682 survives and adapts we'd be boned beyond belief. O5-β–ˆ

Item: SCP-662 [ ]

Mr. Deeds is summoned, and asked if he can destroy SCP-682 permanently.

Mr. Deeds' response: "I'm terribly sorry, sir, I'm afraid I can't."

Mr. Deeds is asked if he can kill SCP-682.

Mr. Deeds' response: "Again, sir, I'm terribly sorry, but I'm afraid I can't."

Mr. Deeds is asked if he can incapacitate SCP-682.

Mr. Deeds' response: "As a matter of fact… depending on how sir means the word 'incapacitate', and depending on how long sir wishes the creature to be incapacitated… yes."

Mr. Deeds is asked to expand on how he would perform such an action.

Mr. Deeds' response: "Sir, the simplest and quickest method β€” which I must point out would not be the most efficient β€” would be for me to offer myself up for the creature to devour me; certainly its offensive capacities would be lessened whilst it is occupied in consuming my flesh. This would be simplest as it requires no preparation on my part, sir, but I'm certain you'll understand that the overall effect on the creature would be insignificant. Were I to engage the creature in combat, either with or without weapons, I could certainly occupy its attention and offensive capacities for a longer interval; unfortunately, I'm afraid the creature would eventually defeat me, at which point it would begin consuming my flesh as I have previously described. However, I could certainly booby-trap my person with a variety of noxious substances - soporifics, perhaps, or explosives, or perhaps encapsulated neurotoxins, or even [REDACTED], so that when the creature does inevitably consume me, it sustains further damage. That said, sir, I must remind you that the creature's tendency towards regeneration means that any damage I inflict would be sadly temporary."

Mr. Deeds is thanked and dismissed.

Note: Mr. Deeds' knowledge of [REDACTED] is not to be considered a security breach.

Item: SCP-689 [ ]

SCP-682 exposed to SCP-689. Lights shut off in containment area. Lights remain extinguished for 5 minutes. Lights are switched on. SCP-689 remains in its original position. SCP-682 is in a pool of grey and black liquid, with no observable life signs. D-Class issued to physically verify SCP-682 termination, with two Agents supervising. D-Class enters three steps into the containment area when SCP-682 rapidly rises and attacks D-Class personnel. SCP-682 breaks containment and escapes, killing one Agent in the process. Remaining Agent killed by SCP-689 due to accidental observation during testing.

Notes: It appears that SCP-682 is not β€œalive” in a way that is currently understood, or is immune to SCP-689. In addition, it appears SCP-682 has prior knowledge of SCP-689, or was somehow able to understand its function in order to β€œplay possum” and escape.

Item: SCP-738 [ ]

Researcher sits in SCP-738-2, and asks "What would you want in exchange for permanently destroying the entity which we refer to as SCP-682 while leaving this planet, its biosphere, its human population, its human civilization, the SCP Foundation, and the rest of the universe intact?"

Entity takes form of the same entity as Test 203, states "Your Foundation couldn't afford it, and you personally definitely couldn't afford it," and does not respond further.

Item: SCP-743 [ ]

Sample consumed without incident.

Mobile container with SCP-743 was transported to testing chamber, into which SCP-682 was released from primary containment. SCP-743's container was opened remotely. SCP-743 observed resting; SCP-682 appears to ignore SCP-743. After β–ˆ minutes, SCP-743 started flowing; SCP-682 appeared to notice within seconds. SCP-682 cautiously approached SCP-743 and tasted its flowing liquid. SCP-682 started to lap up the liquid from SCP-743. After β–ˆβ–ˆ sec, SCP-682 grasped SCP-743 with its forelimbs and started pouring the liquid straight from SCP-743 into its mouth. SCP-682 drank for β–ˆβ–ˆ minutes, at times [DATA EXPUNGED] on its back. SCP-743 stopped flowing and started feeding. SCP-682 tried to fight off ant swarm, but was soon covered. Swarm started to feed on SCP-682, who stopped moving.

β–ˆβ–ˆ minutes later, after SCP-682 had been reduced to 79% of its original mass, SCP-682 opened its mouth and stuck out its tongue. SCP-682's tongue had become 5 m long and sticky, like an anteater's tongue. SCP-682 started to lap up ants off of itself with its tongue, eating thousands of ants at once. SCP-682 and SCP-743 continued to feed off of each other for β–ˆ hours until testing was terminated. SCP-682 displayed faster-than-normal regeneration for β–ˆβ–ˆ days afterward. Adapted tongue remained for β–ˆ days.

Note: SCP-743 treated SCP-682 as organic, but that's hardly conclusive proof. More significant is the question of whether consuming 743's liquid contributed to 682's heightened regenerative abilities. If, as suspected, it did, 743 and 682 need to stay far, far away from each other. β€”Dr. Lambert

Item: SCP-807 [ ]

A "682 special" (10 kg of rotten meat and sharpened bone splinters, 10 L of rancid mayonnaise, 1 L potassium cyanide, and 1 kg morphine hydrochloride, combined into a solid mass then transmuted via SCP-807) was dumped into the testing room.

SCP-682 devoured "special", then began loudly demanding more. Nine minutes later, SCP-682 collapsed.

After forty-five minutes of observation, SCP-682 had not moved. Two D-Class personnel in anti-807 environment suits were sent in to verify that SCP-682 was in fact terminated; D-class were equipped with further "specials" in case SCP-682 required further distracting.

"Specials" were placed on ground in front of SCP-682's head; in response, SCP-682 opened its eyes and began gnawing weakly on the nearest "special".

D-Class personnel began touching SCP-682, believing that it had been rendered harmless; at this point, SCP-682's skin ruptured in at least eleven locations, releasing ultra-high-pressure (estimated 2.7 MPascals) jets of blood in all directions. Contact with SCP-682's blood breached the integrity of the anti-807 environment suits, and both D-class personnel were contaminated.

D-Class personnel began [DATA EXPUNGED]; by the time SCP-682 had finished consuming the second "special", its skin had healed over and both D-class personnel had terminated. SCP-682 then devoured the third "special" with the same speed and enthusiasm as it had devoured the first.

Item: SCP-826, equipped with one (1) copy of "The Generally Nice, Friendly Thing That Can And Will Kill SCP-682 Permanently if it So Much As Spots That Damn Lizard", a 12-page short story written by Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, detailing a large, friendly monster that is stated to be capable of permanently killing SCP-682, and 1 (one) D-Class personnel (D-682-32) equipped with 1 (one) 2010 Ducati Multistrada motorcycle for the purpose of evading SCP-682. [ ]

Story is put between SCP-826, and placed into large, empty room β–ˆβ–ˆm X β–ˆβ–ˆm X β–ˆβ–ˆm in dimension, with a remotely operated doorway large enough to send SCP-682 through. SCP-682 is brought in front of the entryway securely. Once researchers clear the area, door is remotely opened, exposing a green pasture similar to the one described in the story. SCP-682 is reluctant to go through, so D-682-32 is sent through as bait. 682 follows through doorway, whereupon the doorway closes behind them. 30 minutes later, SCP-682 bursts back through the door it was sent through, somewhat worse for wear, killing β–ˆβ–ˆ researchers and β–ˆβ–ˆ agents in the process. Recovery personnel describe the story's pasture as having become a "Battleground", featuring impact craters with enormous body parts scattered around. Parts are thought to be from the story's "Thing". Recovered story is retitled "The Generally Nice, Friendly Thing That Tried To Kill SCP-682 Permanently But Failed", and is noticeably thicker, with 209 individual pages that detail an epic battle between the two monsters.

Additional attempts to coax SCP-682 into SCP-826 have been met with non-compliance on SCP-682's part.

Item: SCP-914 [ ]


[DATA EXPUNGED] of "Fine" or "Very Fine" is no longer to be used by any personnel having contact with SCP-682 at any point. In addition, any objects that have come in contact with SCP-682 at any point are not allowed to be processed by SCP-914. Any attempt to subvert this directive [DATA EXPUNGED].

Notes: SCP-682 is too large to fit in to the booths, in most forms. In addition, the tissue tests have shown that SCP-682 has… unpredictable reactions to SCP-914. Finally, SCP-914 is too valuable a research tool, and too delicate, for this type of test. It was nearly damaged after the incident (CN: 682-119857), and [DATA EXPUNGED] be repeated. Should the results be recovered [DATA EXPUNGED].

Notes: Does this really surprise anyone, given what 914 does to normal organics? - Dr. G

Item: SCP-272 [ ]

SCP-682 is released into enclosure amidst a circular array of thirty (30) two-thousand-watt (2,000W) stadium lights, of which only one (1) is switched on. SCP-272 is dropped onto SCP-682's shadow, and embeds itself in the reinforced concrete as expected. SCP-682 quickly discovers that it is trapped by SCP-272's presence in its shadow, and starts to attack SCP-272. SCP-682 then stops midway through its attack, examines 272 closely, bellows an incomprehensible string of words, and slowly backs away from 272.

All thirty stadium lights are then switched on and off in random stroboscopic "disco" pattern, at 4 Hz. SCP-682 is forcibly hurled around the enclosure in random directions, in accordance with the stroboscopic pattern, and sustains heavy damage.

After fifty-five (55) minutes of this process, >95% of SCP-682's epidermis has been abraded away, its anterior left limb has been severed, sixty-three (63) of its teeth have been broken out of its jaw, and its skull has been fractured to the point that both its eyeballs have been dislodged from their sockets. At this point, SCP-682's exposed sub-dermal tissue begins to luminesce. The luminescence rapidly increases until it is brighter than the stadium lights, which eliminates SCP-682's shadow entirely. SCP-682 then collapses, and is no longer affected by the stroboscopic pattern.

SCP-682 continues luminescing for forty-eight (48) hours, remaining immobile for the duration; D-class personnel who recovered SCP-272 from the enclosure were not attacked, but sustained permanent retinal damage from SCP-682's luminescence despite wearing eye shields. After 48 hours, SCP-682 resumes normal activity.

Note: How did 682 know not to attack 272? Did it recognize the artifact? Was it able to read the glyphs carved into 272's surface? If 682 is literate, is it vulnerable to textual memetic-kill agents? Suggested methods for a viability study are welcome.

Item: SCP-343 [ ]

See incident report 682-TFTBS1

Item: SCP-963 [ ]

See incident report 682-WO2BTL

Item: SCP-702 [ ]

Tissue sample offered as trade item to SCP-702-1. 702-1 accepted, trading it for what appears to be a two-patty hamburger as commonly sold by the [REDACTED] franchise.

SCP-682 is contained and offered as a trade item to SCP-702-1. 702-1 considers the tank for roughly 13 minutes before taking it. Item left in exchange is a metal cage, containing a specimen of Psittacula krameri manillensis (rose-ringed parakeet).

16 hours later, SCP-682 is returned to the chamber where the trading was effected, without its containment tank. SCP-702-1 is reluctant to divulge information regarding this event. Examination of debris regurgitated by 682 during the proceeding re-containment reveals fragments from a number of curious items, including [DATA EXPUNGED]. The parakeet is currently being kept at Dr. Quater's office.

Item: SCP-096 [ ]

Containment tank containing SCP-096 was placed in SCP-682's cell. Personnel vacated vicinity and the tank was opened remotely.

Screams of the two entities continue for twenty-seven (27) hours, at which point the noise abruptly stops. Sonar-based video feeds reveal SCP-096 severely "wounded" and huddled in the southwest corner, apparently upset. Feed shows SCP-682 on the north end of the room, approximately 85% of its initial mass absent. Re-containment teams retrieve both entities with relative ease.

Further attempts to expose SCP-096 to SCP-682 cause it to turn away from 682, jumping in place while clawing at its face and screaming.

Item: SCP-536 [ ]

Tissue divided into samples and subject to the individual effects of SCP-536's dials. Notable results follow:

  • Increase in g : Tissue restructures itself into neutron degenerate matter.
  • Decrease in e : Tissue maintains loose integrity as a cloud of ions, regenerates upon reestablishment of normal laws of physics.
  • Decrease in Theta : Tissue disintegrates.

SCP-682's containment tank inserted into SCP-536. Speed of light, strong nuclear force and fundamental charge dials decreased progressively. 682's containment tank is nearly immediately destroyed, and 682's body begins disintegrating. Due to intense light and radiation, visual is lost. Free neutrons, pions, kaons and more exotic mesons (described in [REDACTED]) are detected. 55 seconds into the experiment, the primary detection equipment fails.

Upon bootup of the secondary detection equipment, dials are at minimum levels. 682 is again visible in the chamber, reduced to roughly 1% of its normal size. Analysis suggests 682 has reformed into a previously unknown form of matter, kept together by quantum effects.

Asst. Researcher β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ becomes aggressive and turns the dials randomly and violently before being removed from the premises. 682 recovers its original shape upon restoration of standard physics.

Note: I don't blame him. I could swear, at one point, that thing looked like it was actually enjoying the experience.

Item: SCP-524 [ ]

Sample consumed without incident

SCP-524 and SCP-682 introduced into testing chamber. SCP-682 examines SCP-524 suspiciously, at which point SCP-524 begins gnawing on SCP-682's anterior right limb. SCP-682 jumps backward, bellowing. SCP-524 pursues SCP-682 for two minutes, at which point SCP-682 climbs four (4) meters up the wall of the testing chamber and is beyond SCP-524's reach. SCP-524 ceases pursuit and begins washing its face with its paws; it continues this activity for 15 minutes, during which time SCP-682 remains four (4) meters up the wall and beyond SCP-524's reach.

SCP-524 then crosses to the other side of the test chamber and begins breaching containment. Test aborted.

Item: SCP-811 [ ]

Direct exposure of SCP-811 to SCP-682 disallowed due to unreasonably high risk of specimen loss. Instead, mucus from SCP-811's palmoplantar surfaces is collected over a course of β–ˆβ–ˆ months, and then sprayed on SCP-682 with high-pressure hoses. SCP-682's body mass is reduced by 27% before the mucus reaches a complete bone covering of the remaining body mass, and is unable to decay it further.

Item: SCP-1237 [ ]

A deliberate containment breach was induced which an SCP-1237-1-L specimen was permitted to observe from a safe distance. Thirteen security personnel were killed before containment was re-established. Subject was dosed with β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ to encourage REM sleep and onset of SCP-1237 and instructed to dream that SCP-682 was a small housecat with no special abilities, and that the security team had been able to destroy it easily.

7 seconds after onset of SCP-1237 event, subject began to seize violently. Subject was declared dead after 32 seconds. Autopsy discovered the subject's body covered with scratch and bite marks and infected with bubonic plague, toxoplasmosis, and subacute regional lymphadenitis ("cat scratch fever"). The bodies of the deceased security personnel displayed similar characteristics. A small housecat was found in SCP-682's containment chamber cleaning blood off of its coat; said cat regenerated into SCP-682 within 3 hours.

Item: SCP-1361 [ ]

Tissue Test Record :

Sample consumed without incident. DNA markers from SCP-682 present in SCP-1361 sample afterward. Sample showed increased resistance to incineration.

Termination Test Record :

A secondary sample of SCP-1361 was allowed to grow to 1,000 kg in mass. SCP-682's containment chamber was purged of acid and SCP-1361 was poured onto SCP-682 from above. SCP-1361 covered and fully engulfed SCP-682 and no activity was observed for 3 hours. In the period from 3 to 7 hours following exposure, SCP-1361 began to develop legs, jaws, and a physical appearance similar to SCP-682. SCP-1361 breached containment and attacked Foundation staff in a manner consistent with an SCP-682 breach and killed 17 personnel. SCP-1361 proved immune to small arms fire in this state; aerial dispersal of napalm was necessary to destroy sample by incineration, after which a skeletal and circulatory system identical to SCP-682 was retrieved from its remains. Remains were returned to SCP-682's containment chamber, where they regenerated into SCP-682 within 6 hours. Subsequent tissue testing indicated that SCP-682 temporarily contained DNA markers from several species present in SCP-1361, as well as temporarily exhibiting a mild scent similar to pork rinds.

Item: SCP-1933 [ ]

Sample immersed in 1 Liter of bodily fluids from SCP-1933. Sample fully converted into Irish cream.

Termination Test Record : 200 Liters of bodily fluids were collected from SCP-1933 over a 3-month period. Fluids were introduced into SCP-682's containment chamber in bulk.

SCP-682 begins consuming fluids rapidly, and manifesting apparent signs of intoxication far more rapidly than a human would after consuming an equivalent amount of Irish cream. This has been hypothesized to be the result of portions of SCP-682's anatomy being transsubstantiated into Irish cream; however, instead of dying, SCP-682 continues consuming the fluids. When it has finished consuming all the fluids, SCP-682 collapses on the floor, and begins loudly vocalizing while clawing spasmodically at its face and abdomen. After 5 minutes of this, SCP-682 begins vomiting up what appears to be the bodily fluids of SCP-1933, but in much larger quantities; as well, the floors and walls of the containment chamber are instantly converted into Irish cream upon contact with the vomitus, resulting in structural failure and containment breach. Test aborted; remainder of vomitus incinerated. SCP-682 subsequently manifests no further signs of intoxication.

Item: SCP-507 [ ]

SCP-507 was physically attached to SCP-682's left forelimb with nylon zip ties while SCP-682 was inactive due to physical destruction incurred during an unrelated containment breach. Attending personnel continued to spray SCP-682's body, with the exception of the limb to which SCP-507 was attached, with hydrochloric acid provided via high-pressure hoses. After 7 hours and 52 minutes, SCP-507's anomalous properties activated and it and SCP-682 both disappeared.

SCP-507 remanifested in an unpopulated area adjacent to Site β–ˆβ–ˆ, approximately 8,000 kilometers away, 63 hours later, attached to an entity possessing large fangs and a pair of vestigial wings but otherwise identical to SCP-682, by nylon zip ties of a different color than the ones applied by containment personnel at the beginning of the test. A handwritten note was found pinned to SCP-507's chest, reading as follows;

Item: SCP-2599 [ ]

SCP-2599 was ordered to attack SCP-682 "until it is 200% dead". SCP-2599 proceeded to engage SCP-682 in combat for 42 minutes, at the end of which three of SCP-682's limbs had been severed, its thorax had been crushed, and both its eyeballs had been ruptured. SCP-2599 then seized SCP-682's head, apparently in preparation for pulling it off of SCP-682's body. In response, SCP-682 vocalized the phrase "KILL ME, YOU SACK OF ORGANS, DO IT."

SCP-2599 immediately released SCP-682, and stood unmoving until security personnel removed it from the testing chamber. Subsequent attempts to terminate SCP-682 before it could regenerate from its injuries were ineffective.

Note: It is hypothesized that the concrete "kill me" in some way took precedence over the more abstract "attack it until it is 200% dead".

Item: SCP-513 [ ]

Persistent monitoring and separate testing of both SCP-513 and SCP-682 since the experiment has shown no lasting effects on either object.

Post testing observation: Based on what appeared to be an initial adverse reaction from SCP-682, we don’t know if the entity incorporated SCP-513 to itself, or if it worked the other way around. Either way, in light of the loss of 67% of site staff and 45% of site D-class, requesting that cognitohazardous item testing for SCP-682 be suspended until we understand just what the hell happened here. - Dr. Kerboros.

Approved, O5-4

Item: SCP-2140 [ ]

+ 4/BASILISK Clearance Required

SCP-682 should be prevented from making marks, symbols, or writing of any kind.

Item: SCP-2935 [ ]

During exploration of SCP-2935, MTF E-13 discovered SCP-682 within temporary containment at Site-81. Upon further investigation, entity showed no signs of life.

Note: Due to the nature of SCP-2935, it is unlikely or impossible that this result can be replicated. This does, however, answer the question that other alternate realities have not been able to. What it means for ours is uncertain. -Dr. Harrison, Site-81

Item: Proposal to transport SCP-682 to an orbital asset, then activate SCP-1012.

Notes: Once more, with feeling. There are three possible outcomes of this test. Case 1, it works. Case 2, you've just given 682 its own spacecraft. Case 3, the spacecraft isn't as insulated from Earth as we hope, and 1012 takes us out too. Denied.

Item: SCP-2337 [ ]

SCP-2337 was informed that the SCP-682 tissue sample was a tone-deaf food critic who needed to hear a convincing argument as to which food item is the greatest in existence. After a 10-minute speech from SCP-2337 on the superiority of gummy worms, the tissue sample had been disintegrated from the resulting sonic shockwaves. SCP-2337 appeared highly pleased with itself.

After being told that SCP-682 was a "prominent anti-gummy-worms extremist", SCP-2337 emulated the sound of a charge trumpet and entered SCP-682's chamber.

Item: SCP-682 instance transplanted from alternate dimension [ ]

Notes: A potentially permanent stalemate between instances would solve containment, however, transporting an instance to our dimension would be unnecessarily dangerous, not even to speak of containing another one, or the consequences of if they chose to cooperate. Denied.

Item: ●●|●●●●●|●●|● [ ]

Tissue taken without incident

SCP-682 was restrained in chamber 145-B and the laser was introduced. Laser began cutting into SCP-682's back; command room emergency shutter was closed.

Item: Dr. Heikkila [ ]

Notes: Dr. Heikkila is prohibited from interacting with SCP-682 in any possible way. Why he would even attempt to do so is beyond any logical reason. Dr. Heikkila has been detained for possible memetic contamination. Denied.

Item: SCP-2305-A [ ]

An SCP-2305-A instance generated involving SCP-682, and has been transcribed here by order of O5-β–ˆβ–ˆ.

Item: SCP-241 [ ]

NOTE : Further testing of SCP-241 was required to determine if its anomalous properties allowed it to be used against SCP-682. Skin tissue was removed from D-class personnel D-682-39, with the tissue then being wrapped around one end of a short steel rod. D-682-40 used the rod to open SCP-241, manipulating such that only the skin tissue touched SCP-241. SCP-241 displayed different recipes than when it was previously opened. D-682-40 prepared one of the recipes, which was then eaten by both D-682-39 and D-682-40. D-682-39 died of anaphylactic shock six minutes later, while D-682-40 showed no ill effects.

SCP-241 was deemed suitable for use against SCP-682.

SCP-682 tissue sample was affixed to end of a steel rod, and the rod was used by D-682-40 to open SCP-241. SCP-241 showed different recipes than the previous time it was opened. Of the 99 recipes, three were in unknown languages, two were incomprehensible "word salad", and one was a memetic kill agent. Of the remaining 93 recipes, 100% had at least one instruction or ingredient which made it impossible to follow the recipe with complete faithfulness. Examples include:

  • "Chill to -10,000FΒ° before serving."
  • "Garnish with antimatter parsley."
  • "Marinate for 900 trillion years."

D-682-41 was tasked with cooking the 93 usable recipes, using SCP-241 plus a "correction sheet" (written by Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ) which replaced impossible ingredients and instructions with the closest feasible analogue, with the results being delivered to SCP-682 containment cell upon completion. SCP-682 has shown no ill effects after having eaten all 93 meals.

Item: SCP-2578-D [ ]

NOTE : Test was conducted independent of the Foundation by SCP-2578-D. Secondary designation as a termination test has been given to Incident-2578-682-1.

During a routine maintenance check of SCP-682's containment enclosure, SCP-682 sustained five cranial penetration wounds in rapid succession and remained unresponsive for a period of roughly 32 minutes. Upon recovery, SCP-682 yelled "F YOU AND ALL THREE OF YOUR MOONS" toward the ceiling. 5 minutes afterward, Dr. Naismith received the following instance of SCP-2578-B on his personal email account:

Item: SCP-2617 [ ]

Not attacked by SCP-2617-A instance.

SCP-682 was released in the abandoned village of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Russia via airlift, and proceeded to attack the village. Coordinates were set to correspond with SCP-682's position, thus generating up to β–ˆ,β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ SCP-2617-A instances holding β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ unique variants of SCP-2617-B. SCP-2617-A instances attack SCP-682, destroying up to 45% of its body mass.

Five hours after the beginning of termination test, SCP-682 released a series of radio waves. SCP-2617-C dissipated, and all SCP-2617-A and SCP-2617-B instances underwent spontaneous sublimation. Personnel supervising the termination test were also exposed to the radio waves. Interviews with these personnel suggest that they are unable to recognise the concept of Russia.

Item: SCP-169 [ ]

No can do. I can understand how you might think that tracking down 169, then making it consume 682 would work, but it's survived and adapted to everything else we've tried. If it survives being eaten by 169, and, God forbid, grows as big as it, humanity would be screwed beyond belief. Denied.

Item: SCP-939-β–ˆβ–ˆ and SCP-939-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ [ ]

Not attacked by SCP-939-β–ˆβ–ˆ nor SCP-939-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ

SCP-939-β–ˆβ–ˆ and SCP-939-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ both entered the containment cell for SCP-682. SCP-939-β–ˆβ–ˆ and SCP-939-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ were seemingly distressed and refused to attack SCP-682, while repeating a call for help. SCP-682 then attacked the two, devouring them after roughly and brutally mutilating the bodies of both subjects.

Notes: SCP-939 and SCP-682 don't match well. I guess we will not be using them anytime soon. Don't release the beasts again.

Item: SCP-173 with a photograph of SCP-096 attached to it [ ]

Notes: No. Absolutely not. Setting aside the problem of SCP-682, an SCP-173 that cannot be observed for fear of triggering a response from SCP-096 is a self-perpetuating catastrophe that the Foundation does not, under any reasonable circumstances, have the slightest desire to unleash. Denied with vehemence.

Item: SCP-204 [ ]

Tissue Test Record: Overridden by O5-Command

Termination Test Record: SCP-204-2's danger seeking behavior was played upon to create a desire to test SCP-204-1's combat prowess. Through the use of carefully crafted stories, SCP-204-2 was informed of the existence of SCP-682. Hints were given to SCP-204-2 that SCP-682 was impossible to kill by conventional means, and only a warrior with special talents could defeat it. SCP-682 was released, heavily sedated, into the testing chamber. SCP-204-2 was then sent in through the airlock.

Notes: While SCP-204-1 does appear to be capable of defeating SCP-682 in pitched combat, the carnivorous nature of SCP-204-1 does not seem to be an effective way of neutralizing SCP-682. SCP-682 regenerates too quickly to allow SCP-204-1 to destroy it completely. SCP-204-1 is hereby proposed as a last resort countermeasure against SCP-682 in the event of a full containment breach. If nothing else, the bastards can hack each other to bits while we try to regain control of the situation.

Addendum: Proposal denied. We are not now, nor are we ever going to risk the containment breach of a 2nd Keter class SCP during an ongoing Keter class breach situation. -O5 Command

Item: SCP-3108 [ ]

Tissue was transformed into a piece of Uroplatus fimbriatus (giant leaf-tailed gecko) tissue.

D-1782 was instructed to enter SCP-682's containment chamber and shoot SCP-682 with SCP-3108. After missing 6 times due to fear, D-1782 successfully hit SCP-682 with an SCP-3108-1 instance. However, instead of becoming inferior as expected, SCP-682 began to grow larger, and gained the ability to explode whenever threatened, and then reconstitute itself. SCP-682 eventually breached containment in this state, causing β–ˆβ–ˆ causalities. SCP-682 was successfully subdued by gunfire after it returned to its normal state, and was recontained.

Notes: I have a theory on what just occurred: SCP-3108 causes things to be "inferior" to the subject, right? Well, SCP-3108 transformed SCP-682 into something that would be seen as worse and inferior by the Foundation: larger, and stronger, strong enough to break containment. SCP-682 actually decreasing in power wouldn't actually be seen as inferior to us. β€” Dr. Westrin

Item: SCP-2719 [ ]

Tissue SCP-682 Test Record:

SCP-682 went inside.

Item: SCP-3930 [ ]

+ Level 5/3930 clearance is required to access this file

Item: SCP-3207 [ ]

Tissue Test Record: SCP-682's tissue was shot by SCP-3207, resulting in its complete destruction. No intact organic residue left by SCP-682's tissue was found after the interaction.

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 was shot by SCP-3207 several times. SCP-682 was destroyed for a period of 6 hours, before five smaller organisms, theorized to have been composed of SCP-682's tissue, grew within SCP-682's containment chamber. These organisms successfully breached containment and merged with each other, re-creating SCP-682.

Item: SCP-3922 [ ]

Tissue Test Record: N/A

Termination Test Record: SCP-3922 was used with a ten-minute recording of security footage taken of SCP-682 during a containment breach, which, to add the semblance of a fictional narrative for the purposes of SCP-3922 jurisdiction, was labeled β€œLizard: the Tale of the Unpleasant Lizard.” The objective was to witness a plausible termination of SCP-682 and replicate the results.

The video was altered into a 72-hour military epic film titled "Sisyphus Among The Living," displaying an unsuccessful full-scale military assault on SCP-682 by instances of SCP-3922-A. The cast included Alan Rickman as "Commandant Marius", the SCP-3922-A officer tasked with leading SCP-682's termination, and Michael Clarke Duncan as "Lieutenant Havisham", the apparent protagonist of the first third of the film. No lethal damage to SCP-682 is observed. At the end of the film, the last surviving SCP-3922-A stormtrooper (played by Patrick Swayze) activates an experimental device that teleports at least five instances of gigantic primates (analogous to the description of SCP-PC-003) onto the battlefield. The final shot is of SCP-682 laughing as the creatures approach and the 1968 song "Livin' in the Sunlight, Lovin' in the Moonlight" by Tiny Tim plays in the background. The end title card reads "TO BE CONTINUED".

Note: The fact that the cast is composed entirely of noteworthy deceased actors and actresses could possibly be due to SCP-3922's connections with SCP-2922-C.

Item: SCP-3519 [ ]

Tissue sample has no observable reaction to exposure to SCP-3519.

(T-8) 02/25/19: Acid levels were lowered by 232 cm and SCP-682's head was allowed to regenerate. SCP-682 was exposed to SCP-3519. SCP-682 presented no evidence of suicidal ideation and was observed to laugh continuously for 193 seconds while the acid levels were restored.

(T-3) 02/29/19: Warning! Keter Class Containment Integrity Compromised β€” SCP-682. Warning!

(T+7) 03/12/19: SCP-682 containment personnel are presumed deceased. Remote sensors (25% operational) indicate a probable breach. SCP-682 should be assumed to be at-large. O5-6

(T+886) 08/12/21: Probable encounter with SCP-682. Crossing Colorado River on Hwy. 163 N. of Laughlin ruins (35.17, -114.60). SCP-2490 caught up with me again on bridge, teleporting within 8 meters. Before strike, large fast-moving reptilian emerged from river and bit it in half. As reptile sank back in water I think it spoke (fairly sure not auditory hallucination):

Item: SCP-1056 [ ]

Tissue Test Record: Tissue was resized to a smaller size without incident.

The aim of this test was to measure how long it would take 682 to return to its usual size after being resized via SCP-1056. Depending on the results, this would have given new opportunities for containment or termination of SCP-682.

For this test, a chamber was constructed to the same dimensions of 1056's platform so the platform could act as the floor for the chamber. The cable connected to 1056's dial had been fed into a control room below so the dial could be manipulated from here.

SCP-682 is introduced into the chamber. The chamber is sealed after 682 has entered. The dial is set to 0.25 and activation button pressed.

SCP-682 makes numerous vocalizations and appears to experience multiple convulsions. Various points of 682's body expand and retract. SCP-682 then disappears. All scans of the containment chamber reveal no signs of 682.

The containment chamber remains sealed for several hours, under the assumption that SCP-682 is still in the chamber and will ambush personnel once the chamber is opened. At 16:57 local time, SCP-682 is spotted outside of Site-19, having resized itself and breached containment.

MTF-Lambda-9 ("Big Fing Guns") is deployed. SCP-682 releases a wave of energy appearing to cause MTF-Lambda-9 to disappear. Lambda-9 is subsequently found later having been resized (For further info please see SCP-3198).

SCP-682 is eventually incapacitated and contained by other MTF teams.

Notes: Whilst it was expected that 682 would possibly be able to manipulate its size to counteract 1056, it was not expected that 1056 would enhance its existing ability to resize itself. It used this to shrink to a size far exceeding that of 1056's capabilities to escape containment. It is unknown how 682 was also able to manipulate the size of other objects and it's unlikely we will ever know due to the dangers of repeating this test. - Dr. Sanders

Item: Y-909 [ ]

Termination Test Record: A small amount (1g) of unrefined Y-909 was added to the hydrochloric acid used to contain SCP-682. Within a few minutes, SCP-682 showed a small but noticeable decrease in its resistance to the acid. A solution with a 1:4 dilution ratio was introduced next, upon which SCP-682 began to shriek in pain and anguish as the acid dissolved its body, losing an estimated 70% of its total mass. After a period of just over ten hours, SCP-682 began to regenerate its lost limbs and had returned to 100% functionality within twelve.

Notes: Interesting. If SCP-682’s regenerative capabilities have a mnemonic component, would repeated exposure remove them entirely? What about exposure to [REDACTED]? Further testing is required. -Dr. Ramachandra

Addendum: Note from O5-2: Proposal to move SCP-682 to the Ganges Fan denied.

Aside from the astronomical cost of moving the thing halfway across the world and nearly a kilometer under the ocean, aside from the unfathomable difficulty of preventing either or both entities from breaching containment, we can’t possibly know how SCP-682 and SCP-3000 would interact. What if it grows to the same size as SCP-3000? What if it learns to replicate the eel’s amnestic properties, or worse yet, amplify them? We simply have no idea what would happen if these two highly dangerous, highly unpredictable entities were introduced to one another and no way to test any theories safely or reliably.

Periodic addition of Y-909 to SCP-682’s containment area will be taken under consideration.

Item: SCP-393 [ ]

Tissue Test Record: None

Termination Test Record: From the testing log of SCP-393.

Subject: 1 linked D-class, male

Description: New subject instructed to do nothing of note for the day of β–ˆβ–ˆ/β–ˆ/2β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, and is continually monitored by CCTV.

Written: ' Going to somehow defeat SCP-682 today.'

Outcome: Outcome is identical to previous test, save for the frozen expression of horror on the comatose subject's face. SCP-393 links to stand-by D-class.

Note: It was worth a shot.. - Research Assistant β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ

Item: Dr. King, accompanied by 10 trained and armed security guards [ ]

Termination Test Record: Personnel entered containment chamber of SCP-682. All personnel retained at least 25 meters of distance. Guards readied to shoot. SCP-682 sniffed the air and then laughed.

SCP-682: You call those bullets?

Dr. King and Guards appear confused. All shots were unloaded, then guards were shocked as the bullets were actually apple seeds. They stated that they had made sure to double check the magazines before entering the chamber. Dr. King leaves furiously, with the guards to follow.

"If only SCP-682 could have turned into an apple seed…" β€”Dr. King

Item: One Equus ferus caballus , deceased, and one baseball bat. [ ]

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 picked up baseball bat and begun to swing it at the deceased equine. SCP-682 appeared to enjoy beating the test material. SCP-682 returned to containment.

Notes: Success!

Item: SCP-3309 [ ]


Item: SCP-923 [ ]

SCP-923 is commanded to fire at SCP-682 (whose half damaged body was placed in an isolated field in Kansas) with Intensity: 75 when SCP-682 regenerates its brain fully. When fired upon, SCP-682 screams, snarls and utters several expletives directed towards the sky itself and the Foundation (target is clearly in a state of mental degradation for the time being). When the firing ceases, SCP-682 begins to augment its body to have several glowing nodes that emit beams similar to SCP-923's Intensity: 75 attack. The attacks were directed towards the nearest humans (closest of which here 50 kilometers away) and then at several foundation facilities.

Notes: SCP-682 seems to have a recurring pattern of taking in the effects of mental augmentations (such as SCP-999) and redirecting them back out when the augmentation ceases. Caution should be advised in the use of attempting to mentally augment SCP-682 to prevent it redirecting the effect outwards. -Dr. Carly

Note: You've only just now noticed that 682 adapts itself against the [EXPLETIVE REDACTED] we throw at it? You never once thought that this would happen? When I find out who allowed this test I'm going to [REDACTED]. -Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ

Item: "SCP-682 killer", dispensed from SCP-294 [ ]

Tissue Test Record: Upon contact with the liquid, sample began to crumble and decay, diminished to a fine powder within three (3) minutes of application.

Termination Test Record: Acid in the containment chamber of SCP-682 was temporarily receded. Approximately one (1) liter of the dispensed liquid was poured on the head of SCP-682. Portions of SCP-682's head began to decay and crumble. Upon submersion of the containment chamber, the affected areas immediately dissolved.

Note: We may be on to something. If we can get our hands on a large enough sample of the fluid, that might just do the trick. We're learning, I'm telling you. -Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ

Item: SCP-2855 [ ]

Termination Test Record: SCP-2855 was sold to O5-β–ˆ by O5-β–ˆβ–ˆ as "A man who can permanently destroy SCP-682, and will do so immediately upon completion of this transaction." Upon completion of this transaction, SCP-2855 disappeared for exactly one hour. No reaction was observed from SCP-682 during this time. At the end of this period, SCP-2855 reappeared next to O5-β–ˆ. It displayed no memory of what, if anything, had transpired within the past hour, but delivered a piece of paper containing the following message:

Note: Well, at least someone else is working on it too. -O5-β–ˆ

Item: SCP-2439 [ ]

Tissue sample: N/A

Termination test record: N/A

Note: At this time, there is no SCP-2439 in the Foundation's logs. The test was suggested by D-6177 who, upon being questioned, acted nervously and insisted we were right, and they were just joking. D-6177 was later found in a supply closet, having been beaten and severely injured by various other D-Class personnel. They are currently recovering and have not mentioned anything regarding this "joke" since.

NOTE: "Maybe we're overthinking this. There are still a lot of non-anomalous things we should try." -Dr. Carlson.

Item: 1 ton of liquid nitrogen. [ ]

Tissue Test Record: Sample froze solid. When struck by a hammer, it shattered.

Termination test record: The nitrogen was poured onto SCP-682 from above. SCP-682 became frozen solid and remained so for approximately 10 minutes, until it began generating intense heat from within. SCP-682 was fully thawed within 3 minutes, but continued to increase its body temperature. Test aborted when SCP-682's body became so hot that it began to melt through the sides of its containment chamber.

Note: Interesting, it retained the adaption even after it was no longer necessary. Maybe we should be more careful. -Dr. Carlson

Item: Vacuum [ ]

Termination Test Record: SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ was used to remove 99% of the air from SCP-682's containment chamber. SCP-682 appeared to enter a dormant state, exhibiting nearly undetectable life signs for the duration of the test. However, readings indicated that the chamber had begun to fill with a gas mixture consisting of 56% ozone, 23% chlorine, 18% xenon, and 3% [DATA EXPUNGED]. Upon reaching a density of β–ˆβ–ˆ kg/m3, the mixture began to react chemically with the walls of the containment chamber, creating a substance similar to [DATA EXPUNGED]. A sample of the mixture was taken, and the test was then aborted. When normal Earth atmosphere was reintroduced to the chamber, it reacted with the mixture, causing an explosion that destroyed the blast door of the testing chamber. Fortunately, the explosion also damaged SCP-682 significantly, preventing a containment breach.

Note: No wonder this thing's so durable if that's what its native atmosphere is like. -Dr. Carlson.

Item: Extremely high temperatures. [ ]

Tissue Test Record: Tissue sample was placed in a specially designed oven and heated to β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Kelvin. Tissue caught fire and burned to non-anomalous ash.

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 was released into a testing room outfitted with heating coils identical to those used in the tissue test. The chamber was heated to β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Kelvin, at which point SCP-682 developed a secondary carapace composed of solid helium. Carapace did not evaporate in the high temperatures as expected. The test was aborted, SCP-682 was sedated, and the temperature reduced to human-survivable temperatures, but the carapace remained in place. When D-class personnel entered the testing room to facilitate SCP-682's return to its containment chamber, the carapace shattered, shredding all personnel in the room and reducing the temperature to β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ Kelvin.

Note: This thing is smarter than we give it credit for. It baited us! -Dr. Carlson.

Item: An industrial-grade blender, followed by "the strongest centrifuge we can come up with." [ ]

Tissue Test Record: Tissue was reduced to a liquid state by the blender, then placed in the centrifuge. The centrifuge's rate of rotation was steadily increased until it reached β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ RPM, at which point the tissue sample violently exploded, severely injuring 12 personnel and nearly killing Dr. Carlson. The radiation emitted by the explosion was consistent with the annihilation of 3 β–ˆg of antimatter.

Termination Test Record. Denied by O5-β–ˆ, given the results of the tissue test.

Note: How the [EXPLETIVE REMOVED] does this thing not explode?! It's got [EXPLETIVE REMOVED] antimatter in it!

Item: SCP-101 [ ]

Tissue Test Record: Tissue sample was consumed without issue.

Termination Test Record: Impossible, due to the large size difference between the two objects. Should SCP-682 ever be reduced to a small enough size, this test will be attempted.

Item: SCP-3521 [ ]

Tissue test record: N/A

Termination test record: SCP-682 was moved into an abandoned testing facility. There are no populations or human residences within 20 kilometers, and to insure there would be no trespassers, the surrounding area is fenced off. SCP-682 was then fed a recently deceased Bos taurus carcass with one instance of SCP-3521 hidden within.

SCP-682 soon escaped the surrounding testing area. SCP-682 was eventually recaptured, and while in containment, SCP-682 emitted β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ roentgens for the next 72 hours before ceasing radioactive activity.

Note: What? Seriously? How did 682 eat all of those bananas? Where did all of it even go? 9.12 million kilograms of bananas and extreme radioactivity failed to incapacitate 682 for longer than 10 minutes. Where do we even go from here?

Item: SCP-001 [ ]

Tissue sample placed on drone and directed towards SCP-001. Drone struck by SCP-001-2 and obliterated from existence upon entering the 1 km area around SCP-001.

SCP-682 securely transported to Site 0. SCP-682 is placed on an unmanned vehicle, which is piloted from Site 0 within 1 km of SCP-001. The following video log is recorded from the unmanned vehicle.

Note: Investigation of a connection between SCP-682's comments and [DATA EXPUNGED] (most notably [DATA EXPUNGED]) is underway. β€”Dr. Clef

Item: SCP-117 [ ]

Tissue test record: SCP-117 produced an array of pneumatic hammers which automatically pounded the sample until it was a thin slurry; the hammers then disassembled themselves and reformed into particle beam weaponry, which fired repeatedly on the slurry until it was incinerated. D-class subsequently diagnosed with near-lethal mineral deficiencies.

Termination test record: SCP-117 produced an unidentified machine which teleported itself and the D-class personnel 3 kilometers away. D-class was deceased upon recovery. Subsequent attempts to use SCP-117 in this fashion have uniformly resulted in it teleporting away.

Item: SCP-093 [ ]

Termination test record:

SCP-093 passed around until it turned green, then placed on a mirror large enough for SCP-682 to pass through. SCP-682 resisted attempts to push it through the mirror, so the mirror was moved to squeeze SCP-682 against the rear wall. When SCP-682 had fully passed through the mirror, SCP-093 was removed, and the mirror shattered. Remains of mirror remained in SCP-682's former containment chamber as a precaution. 20 hours after termination attempt, mirror shards anomalously reassembled and SCP-682 was ejected. Further attempts have resulted in the mirror remaining "solid" when presented with SCP-682.

Notes: Upon returning to containment, SCP-682 said: "'He' was not very amused."

Item: Second attempt of SCP-017 [ ]

Tissue test record: Tissue consumed without incident

SCP-682 entered the cell of SCP-017s and moved towards it, at which point the lamps were manipulated so that SCP-682's shadow would be cast on SCP-017. SCP-017 enveloped SCP-682 but its shadow remained. The shadow of SCP-682s moved away from SCP-017 then appeared to stand up and opened its mouth, presumably creating a loud scream followed by the emanation of an anomalous wave that caused all human bodies within a 1-kilometer radius to immediately disappear. Their shadows remained and could move on any surface there was light was touching, at which point most of them appeared to panic and tried to flee. SCP-682 was then expelled from SCP-017 far smaller than when pre-enveloped. It was later determined that SCP-682's mass was equal to that of the anomalous wave's victims. The containment of SCP-682 and SCP-017 failed and the two entities escaped successful re-containment. Security footage showed SCP-017 had pursued all humans caught in the anomalous wave created by SCP-682 and their shadows disappeared when SCP-017 touched the area they were cast on. SCP-017 was re-contained without incident. No personnel on Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ survived. SCP-682 was shown to be immune to the effects of SCP-017 post-breach.

This was a catastrophe, all personnel on Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ were killed, SCP-682 escaped and almost breached foundation secrecy and almost lead to SCP-017's containment preeminently failing. I would suggest punishing whoever proposed this test again but SCP-017 got to them before I could. This could have led to an XK-Class End of the World Scenario. All I can say is can we please stop [expletive removed] with the giant lizard. -Doctor Blue

This experiment confirms SCP-682 can react differently to the same anomalies. I advise not exposing SCP-682 to unpredictable and/or dangerous anomalies and phenomena more than once. -Doctor Carly

Item: Rapid Application of High Precision Blades [ ]

Pre-Test Notes: All previous attempts seem to be entirely focused on total elimination of SCP-682. Why not try to render it into something easier to contain?

Tissue test record: A 25 cm3 cube of tissue was successfully divided into 25 1cm3 cubes. These cubes rapidly changed form once placed in individual containment but proved incapable of generating enough force to breach individual containment.

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 was moved to a modified containment chamber with slits for blades positioned in a regular pattern on the walls. Blades were activated, successfully dividing SCP-682 into approximately 12,000 cubes. Vacuum systems began relocating cubes into individual containment cells. 80 seconds after initial incisions were made, 43% of SCP-682's biomass had been removed. At this time vacuum systems experienced spontaneous failure. Upon inspection of vacuum equipment, D-9345, and D-1278 were attacked and killed by an amorphous gelatin-like substance seemingly comprised of liquified SCP-682 tissue. Agent Nunn and Agent Gailey reacted swiftly and neutralized the liquid with emergency incineration. Due to the pause in tissue removal SCP-682 managed to break through the steel dividers separating tissue cubes and reform into its standard form. At this point, it was returned to containment.

Notes: While the test was unsuccessful, we did manage to severely damage SCP-682 with only minor losses in personnel. I see this as an absolute win!- Researcher Marshal

Note: Going back over past tests, I saw the suggestion that SCP-682 might become vulnerable to termination by SCP-173 if it had it's mass reduced enough. Can we make the attempt using this device? -Researcher Maytus

Item: SCP-055 [ ]

Tissue Test Record: [Data Lost]

Termination Test Record: [Data Lost]

Note: Given that SCP-682 is still alive, I believe we can safely assume that SCP-055 is not something which can kill it. That I haven't forgotten this confirms this. I don't know whether to be relieved or horrified. Maybe both. - Doctor Margin

Item: SCP-3042 [ ]

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 was allowed to devour SCP-3042-1, causing SCP-3042 to bond with SCP-682. SCP-682 attacked SCP-3042. Contact with SCP-682's claws causes SCP-3042 to audibly whimper in pain, though no scars were found afterward. SCP-3042 flees, bursting through containment chamber wall. Containment breach averted due to severe difference in size between subjects. Immediately after escaping, SCP-3042 sits and tilts it's head quizzically, maintaining this position for approximately two minutes before bonding with the guard who had escorted SCP-3042-1. Guard reclassified as SCP-3042-1.

Note: "I wasn't really that hopeful, but I am disappointed that we couldn't at least get 3042 on a containment protocol that didn't involve D-classes." - Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ

Item: SCP-858 [ ]

Tissue Test Record: Tissue sample was repelled from Earth's gravity at a rate of 9.8m/s2 and destroyed by SCP-858.

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 was exposed to SCP-858 and began to fall away from Earth's surface at 9.8m/s2. When SCP-682 came into contact with SCP-858, the normal reaction of disappearing instead appeared to be a slow boiling effect (SCP-682 appeared to strike against some kind of barrier). When 50% of SCP-682's biomass was lost, it quickly adapted a pair of wings superficially resembling those of pterosaurs and several air bladders to maintain flight perpendicular to the gravity of SCP-858.

Item: SCP-239 [ ]

Tissue Test Record: Complete annihilation of sample tissue.

Termination Test Record: Testing denied by O5-β–ˆ.

Note: "SCP-239 knowing about SCP-682 might pose the threat of allowing her to control SCP-682, recreate its regenerative immortality and|or adaptive capabilties, or worse, 682 overriding reality itself to resist 239. We do not know what could happen so we should keep it that way. Denied."-O5-β–ˆ

Notice: Test conducted prior to Incident 239-B, after which SCP-239 was placed into comatose state indefinitely.

Item: SCP-023 [ ]

Tissue Test Record: N/A, due to the nature of SCP-023's effects.

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 made eye contact with SCP-023 at exactly 13:48:00 GMT on Tuesday, June 18th, 2019. If this test is successful, SCP-682 will perish at roughly 13:48:00 GMT on Thursday, June 18th, 2020.

Termination Update: At 13:52 GMT, 06/18/20, a Foundation-operated extrasolar probe with anomalous FTL transmitting systems sent its hourly update of nearby stars and exoplanets. Notably, the star Epsilon Serpentis was beginning to form a supernova. Contact was then lost with the probe. Due to the young age of Epsilon Serpentis and the close time to that expected of SCP-023's effects on SCP-682, it is suspected that this supernova was the result of the test conducted one year prior.

Given Epsilon Serpentis' distance from Earth, the effects of this supernova will be observed by non-anomalous means c. 2090. When informed of the star's destruction, SCP-682 stopped speaking for several hours and has since displayed notable lethargy, though this effect is expected to diminish over the next few weeks.

Note: Due to the results of this termination attempt, no family-affecting anomalies to be tested upon SCP-682 under any circumstances.

Item: SCP-173 with Rapid Application of High Precision Blades [ ]

Tissue Test Record: N/A Overridden by O5-2

Termination Test Record: SCP-682 was moved to a modified containment chamber with slits for blades positioned in a regular pattern on the walls. SCP-173 was moved to SCP-682's containment chamber. The tool successfully divided SCP-682 into approximately 12,000 cubes as that of prior testing. SCP-173 was sliced into unsymmetrical pieces given that the blades were set for the reptile's flesh. Vacuum systems began relocating cubes into individual containment cells. 80 seconds after initial incisions were made, 43% of SCP-682's biomass had been removed. At this time vacuum systems experienced spontaneous failure. Upon inspection of vacuum equipment, D-10056, and D-10278 were attacked and killed by an amorphous gelatin-like substance comprised of liquified SCP-682 tissue. D-10148 turned his sight to the murder, giving SCP-173 time to reconstruct and break his neck from behind.

The emergency incineration troubleshooted. SCP-173 smashed the living tissues into the wall. More tissues samples mutated crowded SCP-173, shattering its head and torso while it continued to smash the samples against the wall. SCP-682 was able to use non-combative tissues to combine and form an approximately 1.65 meters in height and 3 meters in length version of itself. SCP-682 stared at SCP-173. A personnel was ordered to shoot SCP-682 in the eyes. SCP-173 succeeded in killing the mutated tissues while SCP-682 was regenerating. SCP-682 finished regenerating and continued to stare at SCP-173 for 17 hours. SCP-682 was then sedated and was commissioned back to its containment cell. During the attempt to transfer SCP-173, a short power outage occurred, killing all nearby personnel and causing a site-wide containment breach.

Notes: "Before anything else, I just want to say that this test was an absolute success. We are able to figure out a way to shrink SCP-682 into a more containable item. I hold no responsibility regarding the power outage that caused a massive containment breach in Site-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, nor to the thousands of people killed in [DATA REDACTED] just outside the base." -Dr. Shenron

"A recent investigation was held in Site-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and was found that the electrical generator chamber was burned due to your emergency incinerator troubleshooting, causing the power outage. Dr. Shenron, you are relieved of your duty. Please proceed to your Site Director for your amnestic intake." -O5-2

Note: After continuous revisions and studying previous termination attempts, the fail-safes in this plan ensure that if 682 is not terminated, it will not cause any major adaptations. -Researcher MacLean

Items: An instance of SCP-1361 allowed to grow to 1000 kg in mass, SCP-075 secretions from SCP-294/perchloric acid, amassed over a 6-month period, Y-909, sedatives, Application of High Precision Blades/SCP-063, Napalm, SCP-101 [ ]

Tissue test: N/A, Overridden by O5-Command.

Termination log: SCP-682 was moved to a modified, air sealed chamber. A liter of Gaseous, unrefined Y-909 and sedatives was then pumped into the chamber, eliciting a negative response. SCP-1361 was then introduced into the chamber by a hatch in the ceiling, consuming SCP-682 after an initial struggle. 4 hours after initial exposure, napalm was used to destroy the instance of SCP-1361, leaving the damaged skeleton and circulatory system of SCP-682. A MTF Team in hazmat gear then applied High Precision blades and SCP-063 to disassemble the skeleton and circulatory system, with a mixture of perchloric acid and the secretions of SCP-075 used to prevent further regeneration. The separated pieces of SCP-682 were then placed individually into SCP-101, with regular applications of acid to prevent any unexpected adaptations.

After all the segments of SCP-682 were inserted into SCP-101, The chamber and hazmat suits used in the containment and termination were then filled with the acid mixture in order to ensure the complete cellular destruction of any remaining tissue. The acid and SCP-101 was then placed under intense surveillance in order to ensure that the destruction of SCP-682 was indeed permanent.

Approximately 12 hours after the termination attempt, visible particulate matter within the acid was observed to rapidly multiply and fuse together. The resulting mass grew and healed too rapidly to be affected by continuous application of acid, and the chamber was put into lockdown. The mass eventually regrew into SCP-682, in an extremely aggressive and hostile state. SCP-682 then attempted to breach containment, but was subdued due to the combined factors of the remaining Y-909 in the chamber’s atmosphere, and the multiple MTF teams on site. SCP-682 was re-contained with minimal casualties.

Note: Researcher MacLean has requested reassignment.

Note: Granted. Please report to your Site Director for your reassignment. - O5-11

Item: SCP-082 [ ]

Tissue Test: SCP-082 given a tissue sample as part of its meal. Rather than ingest it, SCP-082 instead inspected it and became excited, declaring "Oh, splendid! My friend lives!"

Termination Log: SCP-082 introduced into SCP-682's containment cell. Upon spotting SCP-082, SCP-682 became agitated. The following is an excerpt of their dialogue.

Following this, SCP-682 attempted to scale the walls of its cell when SCP-082 approached it. SCP-082 responded by grabbing SCP-682's tail and yanking it off the wall. The two then engaged in protracted combat, during which SCP-082 attempted to subdue SCP-682 and use it as a 'steed.' Once this became known, MTF teams were deployed to subdue both objects and returned SCP-082 to containment.

Note: When questioned about their relationship, SCP-082 expressed a fondness for SCP-682, referring it to as "my Bayard." SCP-682 has expressed intense hostility to SCP-082, saying "why can't that ignorant little [EXPLETIVE REMOVED] just die?!"

Item: SCP-049 [ ]

Tissue Test: N/A, Overridden by O5-Command.

Termination Log: SCP-049 was introduced to SCP-682, SCP-049 stared at SCP-682 and slowly walked over to SCP-682 saying "The disease appears to not affect only Humans." SCP-682 backed up and SCP-049 grabbed SCP-682. In response, SCP-682 clawed at SCP-049 and SCP-049 ran to the other side of the testing chamber. SCP-049 seemed emotionally disturbed and appeared to be in shock. SCP-049 and SCP-682 were escorted to their chambers.

Note: How the hell did SCP-682 manage to "emotionally disturb" SCP-049?

Item: Several memetic kill agents, such as auditory triggers, kill words, and the Berryman-Langford Memetic Kill Agent (BLMKA) [ ]

Note: Haven't seen this tried out yet, so I'm giving this a shot.

Tissue Test: N/A

Termination Log: SCP-682 was placed in a modified containment cell comprised of large electronic displays and loudspeakers. Then, the memetic kill agents were activated. SCP-682 initially started to undergo signs of cardiac arrest and grand mal seizure. After approximately 20 minutes of exposure, SCP-682 ceased life signs. However, it soon revived 30 seconds afterwards, screaming various kill words at β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ dB, passing through sound insulation and killing β–ˆβ–ˆ personnel. SCP-682 replaced in containment. Proposal to add computer-generated incapacitating cognitohazards to SCP-682's containment chamber is pending approval.

Items: SCP-106 and SCP-953 [ ]

Note: The following incident occurred during a dual containment breach of SCP-106 and SCP-953

Termination Log: SCP-106 and SCP-953 both break into 682’s containment. There is no indication either item did this deliberately. Once the three items became aware of the others’ presence, all ceased movements and regarded each other with visible hostility, resulting a stalemate. 106 broke this stalemate by lowering itself through the floor them attempting to apprehend 953, who responded by latching itself on 682. All three items were presumably transported to 106’s pocket dimension. After a period of 5 hours, all three items manifested back in 682’s containment chamber, bearing heavy wounds from prolonged combat. 106 was the first to leave the area, returning to its containment cell. MTF teams deployed in preparation for the return of the items were able to apprehend 953. 682 had its body mass reduced by 67%, but has since recovered.

Note: I’m amazed all three are still alive, baring 682. 953 won’t talk about what happened and neither will 682. I can only assume it was brutal, judging from their injuries. Measures are being taken to ensure this never happens again, but we got really lucky. If 106 hadn’t taken the other two into the pocket dimension, this could have resulted in hundreds of causalities. - O5-6

Item: Reclassification to SCP-048 [ ]

Termination Log: Denied by O5 Command

Note: While it could potentially give us the result we desire, the possibility of SCP-682 being stolen instead of being destroyed after its reclassification could cause more problems than waiting longer to find an alternative solution to the issue at hand, not to mention the fact that the possibility of losing everyone working with SCP-682 would be a major catastrophe to the foundation. - O5-7

Termination log: Denied, read below.

Note: While exposing 049 to 682 may cause some damage, this was already done Crucis, it didn't work. O5-7.

Addendum from Dr. Bright "Uhh who is this Crucis guy? I'd like to meet him."

Addendum from Dr. Crucis "I am new here, just want to kill some SCP 682 ass."

Addendum from Dr. Bright "Jesus Christ man, what site are you at?"

Addendum from Dr. Crucis "Site-24."

Addendum from O5-7 *"Quit your yappin' in this file. You have a mailbox, use it!"*

Item: SCP-170 [ ]

Note: The purpose of this test is not to attempt destroying SCP-682, but rather trying to restrain it.

Tissue Test Record: A metal chain was laced with SCP-170 and used to penetrate the sample. Sample "fused" with the chain without incident.

Termination Log: Six metal chains were laced with SCP-170. After successfully sedating SCP-682, the chains were attached to it, one on each of its limbs and one on both of its sides. The other ends of the chains were attached to the floor using the same method. SCP-682 was then left under observation.

Upon fully regaining its consciousness, SCP-682 quickly became aware of the chains and began roaring loudly, showing signs of extreme hostility. It attempted to repeatedly tear itself free from the chains, but failed due to its movement being limited.

Approximately forty minutes later SCP-682 began growing in size at a rapid rate. Upon having grown by β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ percent, all six chains detached simultaneously. SCP-682 stopped growing at this point, attempting to breach containment. MTF units were quickly dispatched, and SCP-682 was returned to containment with relative ease, after which it soon returned to its original size. Notably, despite a visible increase in size, SCP-682 in fact appeared more vulnerable to damage while in its enlarged state.

Note: I think I know what happened here. Rather than increasing its mass, SCP-682 increased the distance between its particles, which resulted in an apparent increase in size and the bonds breaking between it and the chains. Thankfully, this also made it more fragile. - Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ

Item: SCP-539 [ ]

Termination Test Record: A D-class personnel (D-6384) carrying SCP-539 entered SCP-682's containment chamber and the doors were sealed behind them. SCP-682 expressed hostility towards D-6384, who threw SCP-539 prematurely in an attempt to distract SCP-682 and avoid being killed by it. Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ (where the test was currently being conducted) abruptly experienced a system malfunction within SCP-682’s containment chamber. This system malfunction led to an acid pump within the containment chamber to activate and entrap SCP-682, preventing it from attacking D-6384. Approximately 20 minutes after the pump's initial activation, it was deactivated by on-site maintenance staff. SCP-682 was observed with approximately 85% of its body mass destroyed, SCP-539 lying close by. No remains of D-6384 were present. SCP-682 made a full recovery approximately 3 hours later, regrowing its damaged legs and growing an additional pair of legs. The legs were approximately β–ˆβ–ˆ cm higher and β–ˆβ–ˆ cm thicker, with a layer of skin made from an unknown material resistant to corrosives.

Note: On-site maintenance personnel tasked with replacing the acid pump found a highly corrosive, self-multiplying substance. Analysis of the substance has revealed that it consists of several other corrosive substances, including ones of seemingly anomalous nature as well as hints of [REDACTED]. The origin of these substances is still unknown, and further research has been halted due to the lethality of the substance. - Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ

Item: SCP-4455 [ ]

Tissue Test Record: SCP-4455 succeeded.

Termination Log: SCP-4455 failed. There were β–ˆ casualties. SCP-4455 escaped.

Item: SCP-1015-2 [ ]

Tissue Test Record: SCP-1015-2 successfully turned the sample into pennies.

Termination Log: SCP-682 was sedated and restrained prior to SCP-1015-2's entering of the chamber. Upon SCP-1015-2 reaching to touch SCP-682, SCP-682 quickly flattened to thinner than a penny. Attempts to get SCP-682 to expand were unsuccessful.

Item: SCP-1437 [ ]

Tissue sample fell down SCP-1437 without any incident.

Termination Test Record: See log.

Item: SCP-2006 [ ]

Tissue Test Record: Denied by O5-β–ˆβ–ˆ

Termination Log: Denied by O5-β–ˆβ–ˆ

Notes: No way. Listen, I understand that you think SCP-2006's seemingly unlimited shapeshifting ability may give it an advantage, but imagine if SCP-2006 saw the horrors SCP-682 is capable of. Imagine having to deal with two SCP-682s at once, there wouldn't be any words to describe how fucked we'd be. Denied.

Researcher: Assistant Researcher Wesley [ ]

Item: SCP-354

Tissue Test Record: Sample sank into pond without difficulty.

Notes: There is zero reason to allow 682 to come into contact with 354. We have no means of recontaining both 682 and whatever comes out of 354. Denied on every account.

NOTE: This ain't termination, but let's see if SCP-682 could be pacified through someone who could be as hating of all things as the damn lizard. Just make sure "he" doesn't try to get away.

Researcher: Dr. Richard Graham [ ]

Item : D-3654

Termination Log: D-3654 was escorted into SCP-682's containment chamber escorted by MTF 6-11, who promply exited the containment chamber and had the door sealed. D-3654 was instructed to converse with SCP-682. Strangely enough, at no point did SCP-682 attempt to kill D-3654 throughout entire duration.

SCP-682 and D-3654 initially conversed in derogatory and profane manners that intensified over the course of 4 minutes and 36 seconds. After agreeing with SCP-682's percieved worldview on humanity, D-3654 ceased speaking and continued to listen to him. Observers of SCP-682's containment chamber reported feeling an increase in symptoms related to severe depresion yet refused to cease the transmission of the containment chamber's audio.

SCP-682's communication ceased twenty minutes later upon MTF 6-11's retrieval of D-3654, who was found in a catatonic state and died from unknown complications shortly after exiting SCP-682's chamber. All observers of 682's containment chamber were found with severe self-inflicted wounds and treated with Class-A amnetics while restrained by handcuffs.

Notes: Requesting remote-activation only modifications to audio of SCP-682's containment chamber and mandatory headphone usage by the controllers. Make sure to delete the recordings, too, Sandra.

Researcher: Dr. Crucis

Item: Well, not really an item, just renaming SCP-682 to SCP-048 [ ]

Termination log: Denied, O5-11 (See notes below)

Notes: O5-11 How the fuck do you expect renaming SCP 682 to 048 change anything? He has been named 682 for good. Even if we did rename him to 048 and change the documents, 048's power would probably apply to the number 682! Crucis, you have been permanently banned from contributing to this termination log!

NOTE : This isn't termination, but rather an experiment to properly analyse 682's behaviour. Let's release it into the wild, see what it does. Maybe it'll be pacified once it's free?

Researcher: Anonymous

Item: Not really an item, just letting SCP-682 out to see what it'll do. [ ]

Termination log: Denied by O5-β–ˆβ–ˆ

Notes by O5-β–ˆβ–ˆ : I'll tell you what it'll do. It'll go out for a nice stroll, murder a few innocent people, go fishing, slaughter a few more innocent people, start up a tech-company, eat a few more innocent people, go on a vacation to Florida, dismember a few more innocent people! I swear, when I find out who wrote this, you can personally enter 682's containment chamber to analyse him yourself!

NOTE : At this point, you're probably wary of non-termination attempts, but this item is extremely unlikely to be approved unless you knew that in advance.

Researcher: Dr. Norms

Item: Show it an image of SCP-1364 and ask if it knows anything. [ ]

Termination log: SCP-682 made the following statement.

Researcher: Dr. Carly

Item: SCP-938 [ ]

Termination Log: SCP-682 was introduced to a containment chamber affixed to Site-07. An electronic device which SCP-682 can currently operate was brought into the chamber and was told to be SCP-079. The device was routed into SCP-938 before SCP-682 could touch it.

"The electricity's voltage drastically increased enough to deliver serious damage towards SCP-682, burning its body. SCP-682 was rendered immobile for 1 hour until it regained and discharged electricity from the spine though the head as a directed arc. SCP-682 then fell unconscious but breathing for several days to regenerate and be put back into it's current containment chamber."

I just copy and pasted all of these from this link

  • 1 SCP Classes
  • 3 SCP 001 - Roget's Proposal - Keter Duty


  1. SCP-096

    scp 096 experiment

  2. Los archivos Creepypasta de la SCP: SCP-096

    scp 096 experiment

  3. SCP-096 "Four Pixels" Photograph

    scp 096 experiment

  4. SCP-096 EXPERIMENT (SCP Animated Story Reaction)

    scp 096 experiment

  5. SCP-096 Experiment VS Tornado! (gmod scp)

    scp 096 experiment

  6. SCP-096 Experiment

    scp 096 experiment


  1. SCP-096

  2. WILL IT HEADCRAB? #10: "Shy Guy" SCP 096 Experiment

  3. Using First Person Trick To Troll Others in SCP-096

  4. WILL IT HEADCRAB? #10: "Shy Guy" SCP 096 Experiment

  5. SCP-096 MODEST

  6. LEGO SCP 096 (new animation)


  1. Document #096-1

    Documentation #096-1, of Experiment 096-1. Experiment 096-1 is headed by Dr. Dan. Purpose is to test SCP-096 's abilities while obtaining complete physical description of SCP-096. D-9031 is a 32-year-old convicted felon and former tattoo artist. D-9031 is placed inside Bathysphere 303-A, which is then lowered in the Tonga Trench off the coast ...

  2. Experiment Log T-98816-OC108/682

    Further attempts to expose SCP-096 to SCP-682 cause it to turn away from 682, jumping in place while clawing at its face and screaming. Item: SCP-536. Tissue Test Record: ... This experiment confirms SCP-682 can react differently to the same anomalies. I advise not exposing SCP-682 to unpredictable and/or dangerous anomalies and phenomena more ...

  3. SCP-096

    SCP-096. rating: +4081 + - x. Item #: SCP-096. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-096 is to be contained in its cell, a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m airtight steel cube, at all times. Weekly checks for any cracks or holes are mandatory. There are to be absolutely no video surveillance or optical tools of any kind inside SCP-096's cell.

  4. SCP-096

    What happens if you look at a picture of SCP-096, the Shy Guy, in space? Find out in this thrilling video that explores the mystery and horror of this Euclid class anomaly.

  5. Document #096-1

    Documentation #096-1, of Experiment 096-1. Experiment 096-1 is headed by Dr. Dan. Purpose is to test SCP-096's abilities while obtaining complete physical description of SCP-096. D-9031 is a 32-year-old convicted felon and former tattoo artist. D-9031 is placed inside Bathysphere 303-A, which is then lowered in the Tonga Trench off the coast ...

  6. SCP-096. Experiment 096-1. Horror animated story β„–29

    Experiment 096-1 is headed by Dr. Dan. Purpose is to test SCP-096's abilities while obtaining complete physical description of SCP-096.If you enjoyed this an...

  7. SCP-096

    At this point, approximately 13:32 standard time, Dr. Dan and Experiment Control is notified that SCP-096 has breached containment. D-9031 is now designated SCP-096-1. The fastest path to SCP-096-1 has been cleared of civilians and other image-capturing devices, and SCP-096 is now being tracked by satellites via tracking collar. DR.

  8. SCP-096 Experiment

    In entry 004 of JustJoeKing's animation Diary we discover the SCP-096 creature and learn some of it's behaviors.🍌 Subscribe!πŸ₯‡ Check ...

  9. SCP-096

    SCP-096 - The Shy Guy is a Euclid-class SCP from Series I, originally created by the author Dr. Dan in 2012. The titular subject of SCP-096 (also known by its nickname "The Shy Guy") is a tall, thin, pale humanoid monster that remains docile and passive until someone has seen its face (either in person or indirectly, via photo or video). SCP-096 then becomes enraged and will instinctively hunt ...

  10. SCP-096

    SCP-096, also known as "The Shy Guy", is a humanoid creature that becomes extremely hostile when any part of their face is seen. At some point, SCP-096 was captured by the SCP Foundation and placed under the supervision of Dr. Dan Daniels. 096 is classified as Euclid, due to its relative docility when not upset. 096's cell is located in Site-19, but occasionally is transferred to other sites ...

  11. What if you look at SCP-096 and then go into SCP-093 (Red sea ...

    Articles mentioned in this submission. SCP-096 ⁠- The "Shy Guy" (+2747) by Dr Dan. SCP-093 ⁠- Red Sea Object (+2556) by Unknown Author, NekoChris. Vote. Award. Ake-TL. β€’ 4 yr. ago. Well, either he defies reality and rips to 093 or has psychosis about not being able to do anything. May be he'll start to run around randomly and we have XK.

  12. SCP-096 'Shy Guy'

    Description: SCP-096 is a humanoid creature measuring approximately 2.38 meters or 7.8 ft in height. Subject shows very little muscle mass, with preliminary analysis of body mass suggesting mild malnutrition. Arms are grossly out of proportion with the rest of the subject's body, with an approximate length of 1.5 meters or 4.9 ft each.

  13. Incident 096-1-A

    SCP-096 locates SCP-096-1, a middle-aged man, and the camera views SCP-096 grabbing him before it is hit by a fleeing townsperson and is dislocated from the helmet. < End log> < Begin log> Video interview log 096-1-C. Major Jack Wilford (Current commander of MTF Tau-1): I was looking through SCP-096-1's house with my squad. Poor bastard was a ...

  14. SCP Experiment Report [SCP-096] l Among Us Animation

    Crewmates take research on 'How to escape from SCP-096(The Shy Guy)'!Could they survive SCP-096??#SCP-096 #TheShyGuy #SCP #AmongUs #Animation

  15. Experiment-Log-T-98816-oc108-682

    Further attempts to expose SCP-096 to SCP-682 cause it to turn away from 682, jumping in place while clawing at its face and screaming. Item: SCP-536 [] Tissue Test Record: ... This experiment confirms SCP-682 can react differently to the same anomalies. I advise not exposing SCP-682 to unpredictable and/or dangerous anomalies and phenomena ...

  16. SCP-096 EXPERIMENT (SCP Animated Story Reaction)

    Imagine a terrifying creature that can sense when you look at it's face from anywhere only to hunt you down minutes after you see it! Thanks to Creepy Animat...

  17. Termination Order

    Would such a termination experiment be worth exploring or would this be a bigger risk than needed. If both were secured and sealed in a 25 x 25 x 25 chamber it would just be a matter of securing the remaining subject. In the case of SCP-096 using blind class D with echo locators to place a bag over its head until it can be moved back to its cell.

  18. SCP-096-J

    Description: SCP-096-J is an anomalous computer program built as an Internet browser applet designed to prevent children and others from encountering sexually explicit material. The program, "NarrAway", is 2.4 MB in size and has been found modified for function with Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Apple ...

  19. (THEORY) SCP-096 inspired by The Rake : r/SCP

    Due to their similarities in appearence, I think SCP-096's described appearence is inspired by The Rake. They both appear emaciated, both have white eyes, both have skin with no pigment, both have large mouths, both have claw-like hands, and both have long arms. ... I've seen photos of the Russian Sleep Experiment with a caption of SCP-096 on ...