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LGBT Argumentative Essays Samples For Students

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Regardless of how high you rate your writing skills, it's always a good idea to check out a competently written Argumentative Essay example, especially when you're handling a sophisticated LGBT topic. This is exactly the case when WowEssays.com collection of sample Argumentative Essays on LGBT will come in useful. Whether you need to brainstorm an original and meaningful LGBT Argumentative Essay topic or survey the paper's structure or formatting peculiarities, our samples will provide you with the necessary data.

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Table of Contents

Introduction 2

Man and Woman, Woman and Woman or Man and Man 4 Procreation or Not 4 Optimum Environment for Children 5 Gay Relationships are Moral or Immoral 5 Federal Law 6 President Obama 7 Politicians and Media Figures 8 Conclusion 10 Work Cited 10

Norah Vincents Learning Experience In Self-Made Man Argumentative Essay

Gay marriage in america argumentative essay examples.

Same-sex marriage is the legal union between people of the same sex. The debate concerning the marriage rights and benefits to gay couples has been intense since early 1970s. In 1996, the then US president Bill Clinton, signed DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) into law (Pinello 12). This Act gives a legal definition of Marriage as a legal union between one woman and one man. However, this enactment gave the definition of marriage for federal law purposes only and gave authority to the states to make their own rulings concerning the matter.

Example Of Argumentative Essay On Gay Rights In Canada

Argumentative essay on gay marriage.

This thesis aims to highlight the issue of gay marriage that is now being seen in a positive light. It has readily gained acceptance over so many years. People are beginning to see it as an acceptable reality. The roots of its acceptance are also traced through various countries with so many countries beginning to understand how essential it is to allow man with the freedom of anything.

Free Argumentative Essay On Gay Marriages

Marriage is a social union between two people, a union that promotes connection. The definition of marriage often varies depending on individual beliefs, cultural values among others. It can be defined as a union where individual relationships such as intimacy and sex are accepted. Marriage is formalized through a wedding either in a law court or in a church. Marriage was naturally supposed to be between people of different sex but in recent times, marriages between people of the same sex have been a normal scenario. Marriage is however not an institution for companionship alone but also for procreation, something gay couples are unable to do.

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Example Of Same Sex Marriage Arguments Essay

Argumentative essay on increased incidence of std in older adults.

Unprotected sex among older adults is giving rise to more incidents of sexually transmitted disease in people between the ages of forty-five to seventy. There will always be a reaction to every action, and having sex without protection is the cause of this increase of sexually transmitted disease among older adults. Protecting oneself from sexually transmitted disease requires the practice of safe sex. Safe sex should be worn as an amour against STDs.

Increased Incidence of STD in Older Adults

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1. In William Blake's "Songs of Innocence and of Experience," Blake attempts to dig into the very nature of existence and perception; part of the primary message of the works is that childhood is an innocent time that should be protected, but it is capable of being corrupted by the structures and rules of the adult world. As we get older and move through life, getting more experiences, we lose our innocence and start to become adults because of what the government, the church and the rich do to us.

Argumentative Essay On The Pros And Cons Of Single-Sex Schools

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Wong Kar-Wai is a director based from Hong Kong, who is hugely respected as not only a director, but an artist who is constantly mentioned by critics and film enthusiasts alike. Although many of his films did not go on to become big as other major films in the Box Office, Wong Kar-Wai's films have begun to be well known for breaking the contemporary style of Hong Kong cinema.

Gender Bender Argumentative Essay

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argumentative essay about lgbtq

LGBT Argumentative Essay Topics

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LGBT Argumentative Essay Topics : LGBT is a very thorny issue that is not accepted in many countries and even some people don’t want to talk about it, even in developed countries like the United States.  No matter how much we try to hide it or shun it away, we must understand the LGBTQ community, as well as acknowledge their existence.

If you are researching and want to write an argumentative essay on LGBT, today we will look at some of the topics you can write about.

Find LGBT discrimination argumentative essay topics, LGBT rights argumentative essay topics, topics on argumentative essays on LGBT, and more.

1. Should the Universal Declaration of Human Rights explicitly include the rights and protection of rights of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) worldwide?

2. Should all companies’ Work cultures be adaptable to the LGBT community?

3. Is intersectionality so important when thinking about LGBT issues?

4. Must we all Become More Accepting of the LGBT Community?

LGBT Argumentative Topics

5. Is there domestic Violence In the LGBT Community?

6. Should governments intervene to lower the Violence Against LGTBQ Community?

7. The United States Healthcare: Are there barriers to LGTB Health?

8. How should The LGTB Community be treated by society?

9. Should the Transgender Community And The LGTB Community be classified in the same category?

10. Did The Stonewall Riots of 1969 Jumpstart the Gay Movement?

11. Should Adolescents gays and lesbians be allowed to join gay movements?

12. Will Same-Sex ever Be Accepted By Everyone?

See Also: LGBT Persuasive Essay Topics

1. Do catholic women have a role of Women to play in the LGBT Community?

2. Is the Mental Health of Individuals in the LGBT community the same as that of the rest of society?

3. Is it okay to allow gays in the Military?

4. The LGBT Community: Is there a need for an Anti-Discrimination Bill?

5. In what ways should the LGBT Community Enjoy Equal Rights?

6. Should we have LGBT families On Television?

7. Should the LGBT Community be affected by the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)?

8. Are there cases of Bullying at School for kids from LGBT families?

9. Are there cases of LGBT Hate Crimes?

10. Is there relevant History of LGBT rights in California?

11. Gay marriages should not be illegal.

12. Same-Sex Marriage Should Be Legal.

Read: Argumentative Essay Topics on Social Media

Argumentative Essay About LGBTQ

1. Are there any Marketing ideas to attract the LGBT community?

2. Should  LGBT Themes in Kids’ Video Games be embraced by society?

3. Should LGBT in the Communities be embraced fully?

4. Is it okay for LGBTQ families to hold a wedding in a church?

5. Should LGBT in the Communities be embraced fully?

6. Should LGBT Politicians in the US be allowed to vie for presidential seats?

6. Can LGBT Marriage vows be legally bidding?

7. Are there LGBT Rights on Wall Street?

8. Do LGBT Lobbying groups influence the Local and State Governments?

9. Should gay marriage be legalized all over the world?

Read: Argumentative Essay Topics On Religion

1. Should countries that illegalize same-sex marriage be penalized?

2. Are there any effects of discrimination on mental health among LGBTQ individuals?

3. Should the world athletes committee allow transgender individuals to get involved in the races?

4. Are social media platforms the right place to advocate for LGBTQ rights?

5. Should LGBTQ+ individuals be allowed to adopt children?

6. The effects of STD on the LGBTQ+ community and the need for increased awareness and resources.

7. Should there be ethics of Sexual orientation-based LGBTQ in the Workplace?

8. Are there any Effects Of Television On The Cultural Acceptance Of Homosexuality?

9. The Diversity Of The Young LGBT Community.

10. The Debate Over Gay Rights Movement.

11. The Controversy Of The LGBT Community.

12. The Consuming Habits Of LGBT Individuals.

See Also: Argumentative Essay Topics about Mental Health

lgbtq essay topics

13. The Civil Rights and the LGBT Movements.

14. The Anti-Homosexuality Act Of Uganda.

15. The ACLU of Pennsylvania: Fighting for the Equality of All.

16. Taking a Closer Look at Same-Sex Marriage in the United States.

17. Suicide Prevention Among LGBT Youth.

18. Stonewall riot of 1969: LGBT civil rights.

19. Stereotypes And Stereotypes Of Gay.

20. Sociological Perspectives On The Sociological Perspective.

Read: Controversial Argumentative Essay Topics

1. Socialization Analysis: Homosexuality.

2. Sexual Orientation: Stop the Hate.

3. Sexual Orientation And Transgender Community.

4. Sexual Abuse Dependency As Heterosexual Females.

5. School-Related Gender-Based Violence.

6. Same-Sex Adoption: Preference Or Prejudice?

7. Religion and LGBT Rights.

8. Providing Support to Transgender Students On Campus.

9. Progress of LGBT in mass media.

10. Policies Toward LGBT Students in America’s Public Schools.

11. Police brutality and the LGBT community.

12. Perception of the Employed Sexual Minorities on Their Inclusion in the Workplace.

13. Our Age Of Acceptance Of The Lesbian Community.

14. Organizations and Awareness towards LGBT Rights, Equality, and Acceptance.

15. Oppressing the LGBT Communities.

16. Marriage Inequality in America Spotlighting Equal Rights for the LGBT Community.

17. Marriage Equality for the LGBT Community.

Read also: Good Informative Speech Topics

1. LGBT Subculture.

2. LGBT Social Movements.

3. LGBT Rights in India.

4. LGBT Rights in Uganda.

5. LGBT Protecting Your Freedom.

6. LGBT Identity Stages and Career Development.

7. LGBT Hate Crimes and Suicidality Among a Population-Bases Sample of Sexual-Minority Adolescents in Boston.

8. LGBT Employment Discrimination in National and International Law.

9. LGBT Discrimination in religious setup.

10. LGBT Community Within The 21st Century.

11. LGBT community from a sociological perspective.

12. LGBT Bullying in the United States.

13. LGBT and the Religious Right: Opposing Movements, Similar Methods.

14. LGBT and how the three branches of government affect it.

15. LGBT and Gender Equality.

16. LGBT Adoption.

15. Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, and Transgendered: Significance.

16. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Society in Jordan.

17. Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage.

1. Homosexuality And Its Impact On Society.

2. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Discrimination.

3. Legalization of LGBT Marriages in Africa.

4. Lebanon Must Pave the Way for LGBT Rights.

5. Lawrence v. Texas and the History of Gay Rights.

6. Is Gay Parenting Bad For Kids?

7. Inclusion Of Lgbt Issues During Post Secondary Health Education.

8. How Does Stress Affect The LGBT Community?

9. How LGBT populations are being impacted by sexual violence in a specific country.

10. Hate Crimes Committed Against Gays.

11. Hate Crimes Against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, And Transgender Individuals.

12. Global Perspectives On Human Rights And Russian LGBTQ Legislation.

13. Gay Marriage and Other Issues Surrounding the LGBTQ Community.

14. Fighting for Same-Sex Marriage.

15. Fight for the LGBT Community Rights.

16. Exploring Heterosexism And Same-Sex Sexualities.

17. Equality in the Workplace: Whose Rights are Right?

Read: Psychology Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

1. Diversity Within The Classroom: LGBTQ Students.

2. Discrimination of the LGBT Community:  Fear and Unnaturalness.

3. Discrimination Against the LGBT Community in Malaysia.

4. Cyberbullying: Direct Victimization in Schools and to Specific Groups.

5. Childhood Physical Abuse, Homophobia, And Experiential, Avoidance Among Lesbians And Gay Men.

6. Bullying and LGBT Youth.

7. Born Different, But Not With Different Freedom.

8. Being LGBT in the past vs. in today’s society.

9. Attitudes and Prejudices against Homosexuals.

10. American History: LGBT Community and California´s Proposition 22.

11. Adult Aging Health Risks Factors Within The LGBT Community.

12. Adoption Is A Big Responsibility.

13. A Journey to Equality: The LGBT Movement.

14. A Brief Note On Gay And Lesbian Families.

15. Common Arguments Against LGBT Rights.

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Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.

285 LGBT Essay Topics & Examples

Whenever you need original LGBTQ essay topics, check this list! Our experts have collected good samples for you to consider and title ideas to choose from.

🏆 Best LGBT Essay Examples & Topics

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  • Why Gay Marriage Should Not Be Legal Therefore, because marriage is a consecrated unification of a male and a female, ready to sacrifice all that is at their disposal for the continuation of the human species and societal values, I believe all […]
  • Defining Characteristic of LGBTQ Community In addition to this, the LGBTQ is a community since it is made up of a relatively small segment of the society.
  • Kant`s View on Homosexuality Kant says that homosexuality is not merely an inclination, which a human feels towards another, but it is the preference for another person’s sexuality.
  • The Pros and Cons of Gay Marriage Counteracting the argument that prohibition of gay marriage appears similar to discrimination is the idea that marriage, in the traditional understanding of the word, is the union of necessarily different sexes, a man and a […]
  • “What Is a Homosexual?” by Andrew Sullivan According to Sullivan’s essay What is a Homosexual, homosexuality is the isolation from the rest of the society and a diversity of human sexuality; however, it is not a factor which people are guided by […]
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Subculture The pioneers of such campaigns disagree with the ideas and behaviors associated with the LGBT Subculture. These celebrations “have also made it easier for different members of the subculture to network and exchange their views”.
  • Gay Beaty Contests Question Issue For gays, beauty contests are regarded as celebratory events or ‘happenings’ and are best expressive of what is for many, particularly younger gays, seen to be one of the defining characteristics of gay life, that […]
  • Women Reactions to Bisexual Husbands The paper will rely heavily on sociological perspectives of heterosexuality and bisexuality and the arguments that are likely to guide the women’s reaction to their husband’s bisexual nature.
  • Gender Studies: Lesbian Sadomasochism She insists critics of sadomasochism only see pain and humiliation yet the people involved consent to it because of the strong connection they feel.
  • Xaniths as a Transgender in Omani Culture The Xaniths are the third gender within the Omani social system. The Xaniths represents the transsexuals and homosexuals within the Omani society.
  • LGBTQ Co-Culture: The Key Aspects While all people have sexual orientation and heterosexuality presuppose romantic and sexual attachment to people of the opposite sex, gay and lesbian individuals are attached to partners of the same sex.
  • Homosexuals and Heterosexual Brain Structure Differences The brain of a homosexual contains double the number of cells as compared to the heterosexual counterpart in the suprachiasmastic nucleus-an area within the hypothalamus.
  • Transgender Issues in “The Crying Game” and “M. Butterfly” The acceptance of the phenomenon of transgender status in contrast to widely spread stereotypes on it is one of the central themes and moral messages of the 1992 movie The Crying Game and the 1993 […]
  • The Issue of Gay Marriages: Meaning, Importance and Cons Importantly, the definition of marriage is essential in understanding the importance of marriage and why gay people are getting accepted in the world today.
  • Transgender Women Should Be Allowed to Compete in Olympic Sports It is all due to the higher level of testosterone in their bodies and that some of them can pretend to be transgender to compete against women.
  • “An Asian Lesbian’s Struggle” by C. Allyson Lee In the end, the author confesses that she has finally come to terms with herself, and she is proud of being an Asian lesbian.
  • Philosophy: “The Gay Science” by Friedrich Nietzsche Darwin gave the world his famous book On the Origin of Species, in which he tried to trace the genealogy of some species and which made a revolution in the world of science.
  • Korean LGBTQ Films: The King and the Clown and Hello My Love Despite the general critics of the movie saying that The King and the Clown is a ‘gay movie’, it is not typical for the modern Western society.
  • Homosexuality Issues in the Film “Milk” by Van Sant In its turn, this confirms the validity of the idea that, contrary to what the advocates of political correctness would like people to believe, the notion of gender is not merely a social construct.
  • Homosexuals Should Not Be Allowed to Adopt Children Therefore, considering the significance of the traditional marriages in providing children with the necessary developmental support, it is important for societies to ban the concept of homosexuals adopting children.
  • Nursing: Caring for a Pregnant Lesbian The second sensitive issue is the family history of diabetes. It is unknown if the patient herself had diabetes in the past.
  • The Gay Gene: Understanding Human Sexuality If this gene existed and it was similar to a gay gene, it would explain the difference in gay people. If this happened, there would be a great change in the way gay people are […]
  • Homicides Associated With Homosexual Lifestyle Knight notes that murders by homosexuals are very common and most of the times they involve both sexes, either as the victims or the assailants.
  • Homosexuality – Nature or Nurture? In a letter to The Wall Street Journal, members of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality, a coalition of therapists who argue that they can cure homosexuality, stated that “many of the […]
  • Relations Between Homosexuality and Indian Culture Lesbianism is a relatively silent practice in India as opposed to gay practice and even the organizations for women do not really advocate for or promote it.
  • Is homosexuality an Innate or an Acquired Trait? From the biological view of things, any trait in an individual comes because of the interaction of genes and the cells embed in the body.
  • Argument for Gay Marriages Enacting laws that recognize gay marriages would be beneficial to the society in the sense that it promotes equal rights among members of the society.
  • Is Homosexuality a Psychological Condition? Romantic attractions as well as sexual acts are usually categorized as heterosexuals or homosexuals and depending on the biological sex of the individual; the person may classified as gay or lesbian.
  • Should Homosexuality be Legalized? This is because homosexuality is inborn and hence cannot be reversed, it is just like any other expression of love and interest and finally, it cannot be discouraged by law.
  • Comparing Liberation Discourses: Women’s and Gay/Lesbian Movements in the US and Latin America One of the major similarities between the liberation of women and gay/lesbian movements was the desire to change people’s mindsets.
  • Mental Health Issues Among LGBTQ (Queer) Youth Studies point to multiple factors that play a role in the risk of suicide among LGBTQ youth, such as gender, socioeconomic status, bullying, and school experience. There is a need for further research and interventions […]
  • LGBTQ+ (Queer) Military Discrimination in Healthcare Furthermore, the subject is relevant to the field of psychology as the current phenomenon examines discrimination in healthcare both from the psychological outcomes experienced by veterans as well as the perception of LGBTQ+ patients through […]
  • Equality of Transgender and LGBTQ+ Populations The principles of the struggle for the transgender and LGBTQ+ populations should include respect for the choice and self-identification of a person.
  • Aspects of Equality for Transgender Athletes The authors of the article claim that transgender athletes deserve equal representation and the right to participate in competitions in the divisions of the gender they identify themselves by referring to social structures and justice.
  • Transgender Student-Athlete Participation Policy The updated regulations place the decision to let transgender sportsmen take part in the competition in the hands of the national governing body or, in the absence of such, of a sport’s international federation.
  • LGBT Discrimination Research Prospects: An Analysis The aim of this assignment is to summarize the research that has been done on LGBT discrimination, particularly in the workplace and during the recruiting process.
  • Health Inequities in LGBT People By calculating and comparing the number of positive versus negative occurrences in the interactions between LGBT employees and the rest of the staff before and after the introduction of the relevant interventions, one will be […]
  • Health and Culture of LGBT (Queer) Community I want to do health assessments, so my patients know that their orientation and gender will not be factors in the diagnosis.
  • Addressing Mental Health Inequities: A Focus on LGBTQ Communities The main bioethical principles of organ transplantation that should be considered are beneficence – to act for the benefit of a patient, non-maleficence – not to harm, autonomy respect for a person’s choice, justice fairness, […]
  • Transnationalism and Identity: Gomez’s High-Risk Homosexual Categorization is an actual problem of society, which is covered in modern literature and is interconnected with such concepts as transnationalism and identity. The only mature and responsible behavior is not to impose them on […]
  • Migrant Streams and LGBTQIA (Queer) Experiences in Nursing The response of the staff to Milagro’s incomplete health records is characterized by frustration and the desire to strengthen their understanding of the situation.
  • Individual and Structural Discrimination Toward LGBT (Queer) Military Personnel Consequently, LGBT military personnel are potentially even more vulnerable to mental health issues due to the combined stress of being LGBT and being in the military.
  • Health Disparities in the Transgender Community The purpose of the research study is to improve health disparities in the transgender community by eliminating financial barriers, discrimination, lack of cultural competence of providers, and socioeconomic and health system barriers that will increase […]
  • Transgender Bathroom Policies in Schools The topic of why transgender pupils cannot simply utilize private rooms designated for such gender identification, given that individuals who identify as boys and girls have their washrooms, is at the heart of the discussion […]
  • The Perception of the LGBT (Queer) Community This work contains the conclusion of the analysis of self-presentation by homosexuals using the film My State of Idaho and the book The City of Night.
  • LGBTQ (Queer) Community’s Challenges in Healthcare For example, the absence of connectivity in healthcare and services for LGBTQ individuals is often isolated from sexual and reproductive health care owing to structural and financing barriers and damaging heteronormative attitudes.
  • Mental Health Equity for Queer (LGBTQ) People My support for mental health equity in the LGBTQ community as a clinical mental health counselor will require my understanding of cultural competency and how to can use it in practice.
  • Nurses’ Care of LGBTQ (Queer) Patients The involvement of the NPD practitioners will make sure that the students, more so the ones ready to head into the field, handle the patients at their best.
  • The Transgender Teens Policy Issues Problem recognition involves recognizing that policies serving to protect the interests of transgender teens need proper enforcement or even proper formulation to ensure effectiveness in protecting and ensuring the best interests of the children.
  • Nursing: HIV Among Queer (LGBT) Community A combinatory program is required to reduce the rates of HIV transmission, improve the prevention techniques against the virus and ensure the early-stage diagnosis procedures are as effective as possible.
  • LGBTQ+ Families: Discrimination and Challenges The family model directly affects the social status of family members and the well-being of children. LGBTQ+ families’ wealth level is lower than that of families in the neighborhood due to labor discrimination.
  • LGBTQ Members: Discrimination and Stigmatization What remains unclear from the reading is the notion that before the 1990s, people from the middle class expressed abiding and strong desires to be acknowledged as “the other sex”.
  • An Interest Group: The Rights of the LGBT One of the urgent problems in the United States remains the decision on the rights of homosexuals and other representatives of the LGBT.
  • Los Angeles LGBT Center’s Analysis Internal factors of the organization are cultural competencies, core values, and the effective management of the organization. They determine the goals and aims of the company in the field of healthcare services.
  • The Issue of Transgender in Sporting Activities Transgender women’s increased body strength and mass make it unfair for them to compete with cisgender women in the same sporting categories. The IOC sets the recommended testosterone level for transgender women to participate in […]
  • Transgender Women in Sports: Is the Threat Real? In this regard, it can be argued that the advantages of transgender women are a barrier to women’s sports. However, the topic of transgender people has received the most discussion in the last few years […]
  • The Advantages of Transgender Women Are a Barrier to Women’s Sports The main counterargument of proponents of transpeople participation in women’s sports is that there is no proven link between biology and endurance.
  • The Article “The Transgender Threat to Women’s Sports” by Abigail Shrier Abigail Shrier’s article The Transgender Threat to Women’s Sports provides a series of arguments and evidence that support the idea of excluding transgender people from women’s sports.
  • Transgender Women Take Part in Sports Competitions The issues that support this statement are unequal muscular mass of men and women unchanged by transgender therapy; and unequal height and length of the body needed in game sports and jumping.
  • Recognizing Homosexuality as a Personal Identity According to Freud, all human beings are inherently bisexual, and homosexuality results from a malfunction in the process of sexual development.
  • Lesbian and Gay Parenthood: Gender and Language However, when people see a lesbian couple whose attitude towards their children is the same as the one in heterosexual couples, they may change their attitude towards lesbian motherhood.
  • Transgender Participation in Sports Among the successes in resolving the subject of transgenderism in society, medicine, psychology and sports, scientists include the exclusion of transgender issues from the sections of psychiatric diseases, and their inclusion in the section of […]
  • Suicide Risk in the LGBTQ Community As a result, it is vital to conduct a thorough analysis of all the factors contributing to the health disparity and identify the possible solutions to the problem of suicide risk among LGBTQ individuals.
  • Protecting Queer People (LGBTQ+) in San Antonio The law was written in such a way that sexual orientation and gender identity were added to the list of protected classes.
  • Queer (LGBT) in Roman and Greek Civilizations Its visions of beauty, relations, and a sense of life created the basis of the current people’s mentality. In both these ancient states, same-sex relations were a part of their culture and resulted from the […]
  • Homosexuality From a Christian Viewpoint However, the idea of “orientation” as a property inherent in a particular person is relatively new; it appears only towards the end of the 19th century, making it difficult to directly compare the phenomenon of […]
  • LGBTQI+ People: Issues They Face and Advocating for Them This is evident in the division of labor between men and women, which demonstrates one of the expectations of society concerning gender-associated roles.
  • Becoming an Ally of the Queer (LGBT) Population From my point of view, this state of affairs is not appropriate and should be addressed, meaning that I could act as an ally for social justice. This information reveals that allying with the LGBT […]
  • Depression among Homosexual Males The literature used for the research on the paper aims to overview depression among homosexual males and describe the role of the nurse and practices based on the Recovery Model throughout the depression.
  • Suicidal Thoughts Among LGBTQ Youth: Client’s Case Assessment The therapist must exercise special caution and delicacy while evaluating the factors related to the case and engaging the LGBTQ client in the process of treatment.
  • Aspects of Identity: Transgender Status, Gender Identity In many countries in Europe and the rest of the world, the whites always obtain more benefits at the expense of the people of color and other races.
  • The Use of Psychoactive Substances by LGBT Youth The purpose of this survey is to identify how reliable the information is that LGBT community adolescents are more likely to use psychoactive substances than heterosexual youth.
  • Homosexuality as Social Construction His research has focused on the evolution of homosexuality from the nineteenth century to the present day, the widespread public regulation of homosexuality in Britain, and the ways that allowed sexuality to become the object […]
  • Walmart: Insufficient Support of LGBTQ LBGTQ presumably are the category of the population that still is facing one of the highest degrees of xenophobia, for which reason the need for inclusion initiatives remains considerable.
  • Queer (LGBT) Teenage Bullying at School The importance of this source to the research is associated with the significant role that youth organizations have to play towards minimizing bullying among LGBT students.
  • Should Gay Couples Have the Same Adoption Rights as Straight Couples? The authors of this article decide to focus on the children of gay men as compared to those of heterosexual parents in their study.
  • A Peer Intervention Program to Reduce Smoking Rates Among LGBTQ Therefore, the presumed results of the project are its introduction into the health care system, which will promote a healthy lifestyle and diminish the level of smoking among LGBTQ people in the SESLHD.
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Families’ Issues In tendency for this, it is essential to analyze issues faced by such families in the community and thus provide recommendations on approaches to adopt during counseling sessions of LGBTQ families.
  • Considering Social Acceptability of Transgender and Transracial Identities This essay will examine two articles providing different views on transgender and transracial identities and argue that considerations used to support the transgender community are not transferable to the issue of transracial.
  • COVID-19 and the Mental Well-Being of LGBTQ+ Community The newspaper article studied for this week highlighted recent questions about the relationship between COVID-19 coronavirus infection and the mental well-being of Americans in the LGBTQ+ community.
  • The Church’s Attitude Toward Homosexual Marriage Erickson Millard claims that Jesus’s teaching about the permanence of marriage is based on the fact that: God made humanity as male and female and pronounced them to be one.
  • Homosexuality and Feminism in the TV Series The depiction of these complex topics in the TV series of the humoristic genre implies both regressive and progressive impulses for the audience.
  • Challenges Faced by Members of the LGBTQ Community Historically, homosexuals have encountered many challenges due to their erotic orientation because there exist certain people in society who view them as a deviation from the norm.
  • Queer (LGBTQ) Therapy and Religious Impact Secondly, LGBTQ+ community members face an array of challenges, which are not seen by the rest of the population. The necessity is caused by unique unfortunate aspects of these people’s lives, which must be addressed […]
  • “Social Attitudes Regarding Same-Sex Marriage and LGBT…” by Hatzenbuehler It relates to the fact that the scientists failed to articulate a research question in the proper form. However, it is possible to mention that the two hypotheses mitigate the adverse effect of the lacking […]
  • Anti-Transgender and Anti-LGBQ Violence Crisis in the US The vicious circle of minority stress that leads to marginalization and the marginalization that contributes to the stigma has to be broken.
  • LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) in Canada, Japan and China With a perfect understanding of the LGBTQ issue in Canada, my team and I started to compare LGBTQ in Canada, China, and Japan.
  • The Defense of Marriage Act: LGBTQ + Community One of the milestones in the development of the struggle of members of the LGBTQ + community for their rights in the United States is the adoption of the Defense of Marriage Act.
  • Mental Health Problems in Bisexuals Thus, the study appears to be insightful in the context of exploring the mental health of bisexuals. This article is informative, as it describes that the aforementioned factors appear to be influential considerably in the […]
  • Mental Health in Bisexuals: Mental Health Issues The current research views the mental health of bisexuals from several different perspectives in order to evaluate all the possible mechanisms that could have contributed to mental health issues in bisexual individuals over the course […]
  • Why LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) Is Becoming Popular In the context of the continuity of experience, morality, and moral values, it is appropriate to emphasize one of the most apparent global trends, namely the gradual recognition of the inalienable rights of the LGBTQ+ […]
  • Teaching Strategies for LGBTQ (Queer) Community Men and women have different learning styles and orientations that depend on past experiences, interests, and social and biological roles. Therefore, educators should learn the art of inquiry to assess a group, inform them of […]
  • Abuse in the Queer (LGBTQ) Community Rolle et al.establish that there is an overwhelming increase in the rate of abuse across the LGBT community mainly because of their societal stigma and potential rejection. The consistent abuse of the individuals is a […]
  • LGBTQ: Personal Characteristics in Health Promotion According to GLMA, since the patient’s cultural relevance is vital to improve their health in this healthcare facility, in addition to biophysical information, the questionnaire should contain cultural questions.
  • Kahiu’s Rafiki Movie: Stereotypes Regarding Homosexuality Kahiu’s Rafiki movie is a salvo regarding an ongoing cultural conflict in Kenya over the rights of the LGBTQ community. The reason is that they live in a society that prevents them from expressing the […]
  • HIV Transmission From Homosexual Men Receiving Cure The study reaches the following conclusions: In general, male partners to MSM receiving treatment are at risk of contracting HIV virus although the risk is relative to condom use as well as the last time […]
  • Gay Couples as Vulnerable Population and Self-Awareness The idea of same-sex marriages has developed in America to a legal platform. Cultural beliefs that undermine the role of same-sex parenting have an impact on the efficacy of gay couples as parents.
  • The Gay Marriages: Ethical and Economic Perspectives Among the key ethical dilemmas that are related to the issue in question, the conflict between religious beliefs and the necessity to provide the aforementioned services, the issue regarding the company’s needs v.its duty to […]
  • The Houston Gay Community’s Health Nursing Considering the demographics of this population group, this study seeks to carry out a community health analysis of the Houston Texas gay community, with a special emphasis on the health risks and health implications in […]
  • HIV Intervention in Gay Community The AIDS scourge is at the center of this study because this paper seeks to address AIDS as a special health concern affecting the gay community in the Montrose area, with a clear aim of […]
  • Medical and Social Stances on Homosexuality The main aim of the essay is to highlight the medical and social view of homosexuality. There is no doubt that homosexuality is the current problem that threatens to wreck marriages and accelerate the spread […]
  • Attitude to the LGBTQ Rights in the Political System LGBTQ rights have advanced many positions in the last several decades. There is quantitative evidence regarding the increase in public support of gay rights.
  • LGBTQ Rights: Sexual Minority Members Discrimination In the past few years, the number of legal cases related to discrimination against LGBTQ representatives has been growing. In the past 30 years, LGBTQ activists have begun to fight for members of sexual minorities’ […]
  • Social Work With Disabled Representatives of LGBT Community Members of the LGBT community with disabilities are one of the most invisible and closed groups, both within the community itself and in society at large.
  • The Opinion of Americans on Whether Gay Marriage Should Be Allowed or Not Based on the political nature of the population, 43% of the democrats think, American society supports gay marriages and only 18% of the republicans hold the same view.
  • Sexuality, Marriage, Gay Rights The supremacy of law and protection of people right lie in the heart of the protection of the freedom of personality.”Part of the basis of democratic government in the United States is a system of […]
  • Lesbian Motherhood: Identity Issues In the studies of Moore and Hequembourg, the problems of lesbian and black lesbian mothers are explored, while it is pointed out that women of color and those belonging to lower classes appear to be […]
  • The Gay Community’s Activism Events Research through interviews actually indicates that more than 60% of the population in the United States has come to the recognition and appreciation of their gay counterparts.
  • ”Refugees From Amerika: A Gay Manifesto” Context Review In the 1950s, the West Coast became one of the pulsing centers of the counterculture, heralded in San Francisco by exponents of the Beat generation, including Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Allen Ginsberg, the latter openly gay.
  • The Debate Over Gay Rights in American Politics Proponents of gay rights vigorously dispute these interpretations, but many people on both sides of the issue do not realize that the Bible has historically been used to argue many things in the past including […]
  • Democracy: Forms, Requirements and Homosexuality Democracy exists in two major forms there is the liberal democracy which is a very capitalistic economic approach in nature while the other form is a socialist democracy that embraces economic aspects like subsidies and […]
  • Societal Attitudes Toward Homosexuality Therefore, people should not be homophobic but should try as much as possible to learn and understand the reasons as they interact with these people.
  • The Case Against Gay Marriage The Constitutional protection to equal rights under the law has been invoked over and over again to try and afford homosexuals “equal right” to the social institution of marriage and to social security when one […]
  • Re-Thinking Homosexual Marriage in Rational and Ethical Fashion We demonstrate that the way out of the hysterical debate is to consider soberly the basis for supporting the ordinary family as the basic unit of society and protector of the next generation.
  • Parental Rejection Effects on Homosexuals Society needs to come to terms that it has to include the homosexuals among and as one of them and attend to their needs as effectively as for the rest of it.
  • Gay Marriage and Bible: Differences From Heterosexual Practice When respected the bonds of marriage leads to the good not only of the couple and their children, but also to the good of society as a whole.
  • Heterosexuality, Homosexuality and the Law In this respect the paper deals with the aspect of sociological research on the problem of heterosexuality and a lack of constructive data as for the sociological survey on the issue.
  • Homosexuality in Renaissance Italy As we begin to read the history of art in Italy one finds some examples of homosexuality among the notables of the time.
  • Harassment of Young Adults Who Are Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning According to the professional code of ethics, it is the duty of a social worker to help people in need and with problems.
  • Homosexuality Aspects in Nazi Germany Dominating such a household would be quite easy for the German authorities because all they had to do was to convert the husband and the rest of the family would follow without question.
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Ideation, Correlations With ‘Suicidality’ In addition, experience of verbal ill-treatment and physical assault intensified feeling suicidal for both heterosexual and gay or bisexual men, not just for homosexual men alone as contained in many research findings, and that social […]
  • Homosexuality: Explanations of Origins and Causes Seen from the perspective of sexual orientation, homosexuality is “a lasting pattern of or inclination to encounter sexual, affectional, or romantic attractions predominantly to people of the same sex; it also relates to an individual’s […]
  • Homophobia in Social Workers: Gay Affirmative Practice Scale The obvious limitation of the study is the extremely low response rate. The sample size is the key strength of the study.
  • The Idea of Gay Parenting First of all, there have not been any studies done and proved that children of gay or lesbian parents are disadvantaged in any significant respect relative to children of heterosexual parents.
  • Being Gay in Canada: Faced Problems and Difficulties It has encouraged immigration of Canada from all corners of the world and the homosexuals are making plans to move to this part of the globe to secure their rights and enjoy their life in […]
  • Homosexual Stereotypes in Film and TV Homosexuals are feeling more comfortable and open with their sexuality mainly due to the rise of new shows on American television that feature gay individuals and this exposure has resulted in a deep awareness of […]
  • Gay Culture’s Influence on Hip Hop Fashion Gay men have the influence of female fashion design due to the fact that most of the designers of female clothes are men and most of them are homosexual.
  • Feminism: Liberal, Black, Radical, and Lesbian 2 In the 1960s and the 1970s, liberal feminism focused on working women’s issues and the impact of experiences that females of any race could have.
  • Durable Inequalities in Relation to the LGBT Community in the United States The purpose of this paper is to discuss the phenomenon of durable inequalities with reference to the LGBT community in the US society to understand how four aspects of this concept are reflected in LGBT […]
  • Ethical Issues of the Transgender Rights One of the most significant burdens transgender people experience is the recognition of their identity. Therefore, to increase the chances for transgender adults’ health care, it is important to pay thorough attention to any signs […]
  • Growing Up Transgender: Malisa’s Story on NBC News It is essential to develop a better understanding of the concept of gender in relation to children and their development to ensure the protection of the interests of all people and, thus, improve their lives.
  • Gay Marriage: Societal Suicide While Colson and Morse cannot neglect the need to oppose gay marriage because it destroys human society, the tone, references to the law, and the language chosen for the article help the reader understand the […]
  • Transgender Bathroom Rights and Legal Reforms One of the themes that deserve discussion is the possibility of creating transgender baths and the rights that can be given to this category of the population.
  • Health Care for Transgender Individuals However, the medicalization of transsexualism made it more difficult to receive the treatment as individuals have to prove that they have such problems, and it is not just a temperate state of their mind that […]
  • Racism in Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgenders Instead of supporting one another as members of a minority group, these people arrange internal arguments within the society of LGBT that leads to the increased feeling of depression and psychological pressure on behalf of […]
  • Indians in the 19th Century vs. Gay’s Struggle Today The plight of American Indians in 19thcentury The present plight of the gay struggle for acceptance Legislations The Dewes Severalty Act of 1887 was passed on February 8th, 1887, with an intention to allot lands to individuals (Nichols 125). It was perceived that by allocating lands to Native Americans, the government would not have to […]
  • Open Homosexuals’ Effects on Military Morale Britton and Williams start by noting that when President Clinton announced his intention to lift the ban that restricted homosexuals from participating in the military service, a debate emerged in which the performance of lesbians […]
  • Homosexual Religious and Legal Rights Another recommendation is that the legal structures that govern the issue of homosexuality should be coherent and considerate. Conclusively, it is evident that legal and religious provisions differ remarkably on their stands regarding the matters […]
  • Sociological Imagination of Homosexuality This is due to the commonality of problems that we may have as members of a given society. I did not know whether the signs I was exhibiting were that of a homosexual or it […]
  • Gender Issues and Sexuality: Social Perspective and Distinction It is rather interesting to note that society today has such a well-established preconception regarding genders that when presented with alternatives to such established norms the result has been subject to confusion, disdain, at times […]
  • Children in Gay and Lesbian Couples These techniques of getting children not only provide gay and lesbian couples with an ethical method to have children, but they also provide them with a chance to raise children for the donors.
  • Homosexuals and Their Personal Culture Unique culture generally refers to a set of beliefs, values, or generally the way of life of an individual irrespective of the way of life of people in the larger society.
  • Gay and Lesbian Adoption Issues The end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century are prominent in the evolution and empowerment of the LGBTQ movement.
  • Cancer Screening in Lesbians, Gays, Transgenders Moreover, one of the diseases that are the burden of American society as a whole and the LGBT population, in particular, is cancer.
  • Homosexuality in “Laura” and “Brokeback Mountain” 1 It may seem that the representation of Waldo embodies the features of sexual perversion and decadence, as expressed by the sexual intercourse of the young men with the older man along with the unusual […]
  • Gay Society and Challenges in “Gay” by Anna Quindlen It explains that they have to accept the profound sexual differences that arise between them and their children. It has also disclosed the fact that men find it difficult to accept their gay children since […]
  • Transgender Issues in Modern Society The legalization of gay marriage in many countries did not lead to the eradication of homophobia, protection of women’s rights did not eliminate sexism and gender inequality present in many aspects of life, and the […]
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender at Life Stages In general, all people are claimed to be equal in the USA, however, there is a high possibility to lose a job or fail to be applied to it if one is a representative of […]
  • Transgender Bathroom Rights and Needed Policy In both articles, the subject of the study is the right of transgenders to access bathrooms according to the preferences of these people.
  • Women in Sports: Policy for Transgender Players Drawing from this elucidation, the proposed policy statement on transgender participation in mixed leagues will not require transgender athletes to prove their gender identity through the testimony of professional experts and psychologists; on the contrary, […]
  • Women and Homosexuality in “Pariah” by Dee Rees The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the image of women and homosexuality in modern cinema by analyzing the film titled “Pariah” by Dee Rees and compare it with the standard staples of […]
  • LGBT Literature: “The Picture of Dorian Gray” The chosen book is Oscar Wilde’s 1891 classic: The Picture of Dorian Gray; a story carefully fashioned to affirm the tilt youths have toward beauty, and the extent most could go to retain that unique […]
  • Transgender People in the USA The statistics are impressive and, no matter how unpleasant it is to some of us, we have to face the reality that quite a large number of people in our society can be classified as […]
  • Transgender Inclusivity in Higher Education The individuals and organizations opposing trans inclusion in higher education stress that one of the main purposes of all-female colleges is to ensure the safety of the female students.
  • Homosexuality in Natural Law Theory The aim of this paper is to explore the concept of homosexuality from a philosophical context. According to the conventional natural-law argument on homosexuality, homosexuality involves a misuse of one’s sexual organs.
  • Amy Zimmerman: It Ain’t Easy Being Bisexual on TV Some experts also point out the importance of the good evidence that is related to the core thesis of the paper and supports the ideas’ persuasiveness; this criterion was, likewise, included in the list.
  • British vs. Japanese Homosexuality Criminal Laws Nowadays, it is used in most of the countries that want to emphasize the diversity of the issue. It was not until the 1960s that the prominence of liberalisation of sex activity started to be […]
  • Age Bias, Disability, Gay Rights in the Workplace The article emphasises on the importance of paying attention to the language people use in the workplace and the effects that the misuse of language may have on the company.
  • United States v. Windsor – Homosexual Rights The main reason as to why Windsor filed this lawsuit was to compel the government to change the definition of a marriage in order for her to receive the refund of the money paid as […]
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  • Challenges for Educators: Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Families
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  • Homosexual Discrimination in Our Society: Causes and Effects
  • Homosexual Students and Bullying
  • Gay Judge’s Ruling Should Be Thrown Out
  • Gay and Lesbian Relationships’ Nature
  • Legalizing Gay Marriage in the US
  • The Evolution of the LGBT Rights
  • Queer Activism Influences on the Social Development of LGBT
  • “Gay Marriages” by Michael Nava and Robert Dawidoff
  • Globalization and Gay Tourism: Learning to Be Tolerant
  • Gay Marriage’s Social and Religious Debates
  • Members of the LGBT Community
  • Gay Marriage in The UK
  • Gay Marriage: Debating the Ethics, Religion, and Culture Analytical
  • Homosexuality, Religion and Atheism
  • Why Homosexuality Should Be Illegal
  • Homosexuals’ Right to Marry
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Labor and Employment Issues
  • LGBT Labor and Employment Issues
  • Transgender Students on Colleges: Needs and Challenges
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Sexuality in the Hispanic Culture
  • Views of Young Australian and Chinese Adults on Homosexuality
  • The Article “Against Gay Marriage” by William J. Bennett
  • Gay Marriage, Same-Sex Parenting, And America’s Children
  • Homosexuality Criticism Rates
  • Clinton Homosexual Discrimination Policy
  • Gay Couples’ Right to Marriage
  • Discrimination, Social Exclusion and Violence among the LGBT Community
  • Homosexuality: Why only some intimacies are labeled as homosexuality
  • Defending Gay Marriage
  • Relation of Gay Marriage to the Definition of Marriage
  • Setting the Parameters for Regarding Homosexuality: To Whose Doors Should One Lay the Blame To?
  • “The New Gay Teenager” by Ritch Savin Williams
  • Concepts of Gay Marriage
  • Gay Marriage: Culture, Religion, and Society
  • Homosexuality in the Contemporary Society
  • Gay Marriages in New York
  • Suicides Among Male Teen Homosexuals: Harassment, Shame or Stigma?
  • The Homosexual Lifestyle Issues
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  • Gay Marriage as a Civil Rights Issue
  • Gay Marriage and Parenting
  • Should Gay Marriages Be Allowed?
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 28). 285 LGBT Essay Topics & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/lgbt-essay-topics/

"285 LGBT Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda , 28 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/lgbt-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '285 LGBT Essay Topics & Examples'. 28 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "285 LGBT Essay Topics & Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/lgbt-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "285 LGBT Essay Topics & Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/lgbt-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "285 LGBT Essay Topics & Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/lgbt-essay-topics/.

argumentative essay about lgbtq

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Writing About LGBTQ Rights

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Essay paper writing

argumentative essay about lgbtq

Violation of the rights of sexual minorities is an acute problem in modern society. That is why LGBT essay topics are getting more and more popular nowadays. The issue is that some conservative groups still regard homosexuality as unnatural and harmful phenomenon.

Cultural traditions and values ​​that determine heterosexual behavior as ‘normal’ contribute to the formation of heterosexism and various phobias towards gay people. This attitude leads to the occurrence of social stigma, which turns the lives of sexual minorities into hell. Accordingly, to solve this problem, it is necessary to promote tolerance and acceptance towards LGBTQ people. You will take a little step in this direction when writing a homosexuality research paper.

Basic terminology for essay on homosexuality

‘Sexual minorities’ is a general collective term formed according to the principle of similarity with such notions as ‘national (ethnic) minorities’ (representatives of a nationality or ethnos) and ‘political minorities’ (representatives of the opposition).

It is worth explaining to the readers of your gay rights activist essay that this concept assumes that the sexual orientation is not deviant or pathological, just like national or political minorities.

The concept of ‘sexual minorities’ does not include groups of people whose sexual predilections are defined as deviant or pathological by medicine, or whose sexual actions occur not with the mutual consent of two adult persons: zoophiles, necrophiles, and pedophiles.

Since these parameters may not coincide with each other and can be manifested differently at various stages of life, an unambiguous division of individuals into hetero-, homo- and bisexual groups, as well as their number, is very problematic.

Here are some interesting facts that can be used for gay rights history essay:

  • The term ‘homosexuality’ was first used in 1869 in an anonymously published pamphlet written in German by the Austrian publicist Karl-Maria Kertbeny.
  • Half a century ago, the word ‘gay’ meant ‘cheerful and carefree’ in English. However, now it is no longer used in this meaning. The origin of its use for defining sexual orientation is not entirely clear.
  • In the Provençal dialect, the term ‘gay’ meant the ‘art of poetry and love.’
  • In England in the XVII century, the word ‘gay’ denoted a frivolous person, and then (with regard to women) a prostitute.
  • In the 1930s, it was the most frequently used name among the homosexuals themselves.
  • In the 1960s, this word began to spread to a wider range of speakers. For example, it was used by the psychotherapist Albert Ellis to refer to homosexuals in the popular book The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Man-Hunting (1963).
  • The term ‘lesbianism’ comes from the name of the Greek island of Lesbos. The ancient poet Sappho ran to the island from Athens due to persecution. Her poetry was later perceived as the chanting of same-sex love between women.

Now let’s consider the phenomenon of transsexuality. As you definitely know, transsexuals are people who strive to change their sex to the opposite. The phenomenon of transsexuality existed in all historical periods; nevertheless, for centuries, such people were perceived as deviant ones.

In 1966, the American researcher Harry Benjamin devoted the book to this issue and managed to convince the medical community that the former opinion about the mental state of these people was incorrect. He also introduced the term ‘transsexualism’ and proved that it is a special form of psychosexual disorder: the human body remains healthy enough and possess the characteristics of natural gender, but the psyche (quite healthy from the point of view of psychiatry) belongs to a person of the opposite gender, which is confirmed by their behavior, lifestyle, habits, manners, and clothes.

gay rights essay

Historical overview for gay rights research paper

In order to write a quality sexual orientation discrimination essay, it is worth touching upon the history of the issue under consideration. Homosexuality exists just as long as humanity. It was normal practice for inhabitants of undiscovered America as well as for the black people of the African continent. Moreover, this phenomenon broadly existed in Greek and Roman cultures. Finally, homosexuality in Slavic society was perceived as a normal intimate contact between willing partners.

At various stages of the development of civilizations, the attitude towards sexual minorities was quite ambiguous. The model of behavior depended primarily on the prevailing ideology, culture, and the existence of certain traditions.

Among the aborigines of New Guinea and Melanesia, the ritual of initiation (insemination) was quite popular. It was considered that a boy could become a real man only if he was inseminated by an adult tribesman who conveys the best traits: masculinity and courage. A similar ritual took place among the tribes of Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and Amazonia.

The Japanese were considered quite tolerant people until the XIX century. They respected the aesthetics of the male body. For example, the samurai homoerotic connection was a typical feudal relationship.

With the establishment of the dominant positions of Christian dogmatism in Europe, ‘sodomites’ were outlawed, and measures were introduced to curb the grave sin. In particular, along with the witches and heretics, the Holy Inquisition tortured homosexuals at the stake.

In an essay on gay rights violation in Russia, you may mention that in pre-Petrine time, serious penalties for ‘sodomites’ were not practiced, unlike in Western Europe. The Russian Orthodox Church condemned the “mortal sin,” but, meantime, monasteries were the source of the spread of same-sex relationships. Peter the Great tried to toughen the policy concerning sexual minorities. In 1706, the death penalty through burning at the stake was introduced for the military for ‘unnatural fornication’ (according to the Swedish model). In 1716, the ruler replaced the burning with corporal punishment and exile. However, these norms did not apply to civilians.

After the October Revolution, the situation changed radically. The acquisition of the governing role by the Bolshevik party drove gays and lesbians into the underground. In 1934, the article of the Criminal Code on imprisonment up to 5 years (up to 8 years in case of physical violence) for sodomy came into force. Although same-sex sexual activity between consenting adults in private was decriminalized in 1993, homosexuality is disapproved of by most Russians, and same-sex couples and households headed by same-sex couples are ineligible for the legal protections available to opposite-sex couples. Since 2006, numerous regions in Russia have enacted varying laws restricting the distribution of materials promoting LGBT relationships to minors; in June 2013, a federal law criminalizing the distribution of materials among minors in support of non-traditional sexual relationships was enacted as an amendment to an existing child protection law. This is a good example for your gay rights cases essay, which should be focused on the serious problems the gay people still have to face.

While homosexuality in the USSR was criminalized, in Europe and in the West, reverse processes progressed. Before Hitler came to power in Germany, there was a struggle between the country’s leadership and the gay community, which advocated the abolition of criminal punishment for people of ‘unnatural’ sexual orientation. Activists have achieved their goal only in 1969, one hundred years after the first attempts.

An important fact to describe in research essay on gay rights is that in Europe, in the 1970s, the activists adopted the official symbol of LGBTQ, the rainbow, as well as developed a concept with basic political requirements, namely the legalization of same-sex relationships and the right to marry. Recently, one more requirement has been added: the right to adopt children.

The first country to legalize the registered love unions of homosexual couples was Denmark (1989). The Netherlands, the Czech Republic, and the Scandinavian countries followed the trend. In April 2005, New Zealand also permitted same-sex civil unions. In December 2005, the conservative United Kingdom became the next country to allow the legalization of homosexual relations.

LGBT research paper thesis

Information for development of LGBT rights essay

LGBT movement is a civil society movement that seeks to achieve legislation changes aimed at ensuring and protecting human rights for the LGBT community and promote social adaptation of its representatives in the society.

The opponents of this human rights movement are a variety of political and religious organizations collectively referred to as anti-homosexual unions.

Gay rights in different countries

It is worth describing the legal status of homosexuality in the world in an essay on gay marriages. The attitude towards the LGBT community is rather heterogeneous in different parts of the world. As a rule, in Western countries, homosexuals and heterosexuals have equal rights. In many states of Western Europe (The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Great Britain, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Greenland, Iceland, France, Germany, Finland, Luxembourg, Northern Ireland, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Switzerland since 2007), as well as some countries of North and South America and South Africa, same-sex couples may enter into so-called civil partnerships or marriages.

At the same time, discrimination against people of homosexual orientation is also a common phenomenon whose roots go far into history. There is a significant number of states in Africa and Asia in which non-violent homosexual intercourse is perceived as a criminal offense punishable by imprisonment or death, for instance, in modern Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Nigeria, and Mauritania.

In these countries, there is no open struggle for the rights of sexual and gender minorities since such activities may pose a threat to their freedom and life. However, some political parties lobby for the softening of criminal legislation against homosexuals. The lobbyists are the reformist and moderately liberal forces in the leadership of these states. In particular, former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami expressed his views in favor of softening the laws against homosexuals.

In addition, international pressure is aimed to compel respect for human rights.

Abolition of instructions and provisions defining homosexuality as a medical pathology

The idea of rights equality implies the official recognition of homosexuality as one of the variants of the psychological norm in accordance with modern scientific views and official WHO documents.

In this regard, LGBTQ organizations, professional medical bodies, liberal politicians, and human rights activists fight for the abolition of instructions and provisions that define homosexuality as a mental disorder and adoption of official documents prohibiting them at the level of the state Ministry of Health and national associations of psychiatrists and psychologists.

You may use such LGBT research paper thesis: there should be no ‘treatment for homosexuality’ or ‘correction of sexual orientation’ for healthy people as homosexuality is not a disease. The harm of such influences for patients has already been proven, while there are still no reliable examples of ‘correction of orientation.’

Abolition of prohibitions on professions

In some countries, there have been or still exist bans on certain professions for people who are openly gay. This may be, for example, a ban on army service, work as a teacher at school or as a doctor. LGBTQ organizations seek, and in some cases, have already achieved the abolition of these prohibitions.

Special sociological studies conducted in Western countries revealed that the homosexuality of an officer or soldier does not affect the discipline or internal psychological climate of the military unit. Consequently, there is no reason to deny homosexuals the right to serve in the army.

It was also proved that the homosexuality of the teacher does not lead to any complications in the relations with the students and does not predispose an educator to committing lewd acts against the students. It’s an obvious fact that homosexuality and pedophilia are fundamentally different things. So, there is no reason to prohibit homosexuals from working as teachers at schools.

The idea of ​​repealing the ban on the profession of a teacher for homosexuals is being criticized by conservative people who believe that the very presence of an educator with such sexual orientation in school is a negative example and the promotion of homosexuality. At the same time, supporters of this point view do not have any scientific data proving that there are more homosexual graduates at schools where gay teachers work or that such educators are more likely to commit lewd acts toward students. So this idea is just a prejudice of some groups of society.

Abolition of the ban on donation

In some countries, there is a ban on the donation of blood and organs from members of sexual minorities. LGBTQ organizations are trying to challenge this norm and achieve the elimination of discrimination.

Observance of human rights in relation to LGBT people

The gay rights movement essay should be focused on the fact that, even in countries where criminal and administrative penalties for manifestations of homosexuality were abolished a long time ago, the practice of human rights violations against homosexuals persisted.

LGBTQ organizations struggle not only for the formal abolition of criminal punishment for homosexuality but also for changing the real polices and administrative practices. For example, the notion of ‘disturbance of public order’ should be equally applied (or not applied) to same-sex and heterosexual couples kissing or hugging in public places. Also, LGBTQ activists fight for the right to participate in peaceful demonstrations, including prides, create public organizations, have access to information and medical care, etc.

Anti-discrimination laws

LGBTQ organizations also advocate for the mentioning of sexual minorities members in anti-discrimination laws (or the adoption of separate anti-discrimination laws on sexual minorities). They also seek direct mentioning of sexual orientation and gender importance in relevant articles of the Constitution guaranteeing equal rights to all citizens regardless of gender, age, religion, and nationality.

The right to register a marriage

Writing a gay marriage civil rights essay will be very relevant because, in recent years, there has been a growing movement in support of same-sex unions. The fact of marriage registration assigns the following rights to the homosexual family:

  • joint property;
  • inheritance;
  • social and medical insurance;
  • preferential taxation and lending;
  • the right to a name;
  • the right not to testify in court against the spouse;
  • the right to act as a trustee on behalf of the spouse in the case of his/her incapacity because of health problems;
  • the right to joint parenthood and the upbringing of foster children;
  • other rights of which unregistered couples are deprived.

Advocates of same-sex unions point out that the registration of marriage is a legal action which is independent of the religious norm (in most modern states, legal and church registration of marital relations occur separately) and that the law should follow social changes leading to the elimination of inequality between people as it happened during the last centuries when the existing prohibitions on registration of marriages were gradually abolished, for example, for spouses belonging to different confessions or races.

In a research paper about same-sex marriage countries such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland, and Argentina among others may be listed as those which granted gay couples the full right to marry. Same-sex partnerships alternative to marriage are legal in many states, for example, Andorra, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Denmark, Israel, Ireland, Colombia, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Slovenia, Uruguay, Finland, France, Croatia, Czech Republic, Switzerland, and Ecuador.

The LGBT movement seeks the right for the adoption of a child of one of the partners by his or her spouse, the possibility of adopting children from orphanages by same-sex families, and the right of equal access to reproductive technologies for gay and heterosexual couples. It should be noted in a same-sex parenting research paper that these issues are considered separately in many countries where LGBTQ people are given broad rights.

In accordance with the legislation of some states, only one partner can adopt a child, becoming a caretaker or foster parent. Laws do not contain references to sexual orientation as grounds for refusal of adoption or guardianship, but gay couples often face failures in practice. Sexual orientation is also not a restriction on access to reproductive technologies, but the same-sex family may have problems with establishing the child’s parenthood. That is why the research paper on gay parenting should touch upon the acute problem.

Social activities

LGBT movement members are engaged in social activities such as the organization of various cultural events, for instance, film festivals, sports competitions, musical concerts, photo exhibitions, theater performances, installations, flash mobs, etc. Their aim is a social adaptation of the LGBT community, development of its cultural potential and building a dialogue with the rest of society. As a rule, most of such events are of the educational nature, which should be described as a positive factor in argumentative essay on gay rights.

In addition, the representatives of the LGBT community release numerous books and magazines and take part in various radio- and television translations. Moreover, it is worth mentioning that they offer special services, namely accessible and high-quality psychological, legal, and medical assistance, hotlines, and self-help groups to the members of their community.

Useful tips on how to write a quality LGBT discrimination essay

An important part of many international exams is essay writing. Preparing this type of academic paper might be a difficult task since it requires excellent knowledge of the subject, creative thinking, and adherence to certain rules. Using our advice, you will create a perfect essay about gay and lesbian rights.


Start to think about human sexuality research paper topics as soon as the assignment has been given to you. The saved time will give you the opportunity to collect as much information as you need to write a persuasive paper.

If you are given the freedom of choice, rely on your own preferences and knowledge about the phenomena under consideration. The topic of homosexuality is much wider and more interesting than it seems at first glance. You can write:

  • research paper on gay adoption;
  • essay about issues that LBTQ community has to face;
  • gay rights court cases essay;
  • paper about the nature of human sexuality;
  • work about homosexuality and domestic violence, etc.

Having completely concentrated on a chosen issue, you will soon notice that the necessary data and facts appear exactly when you need them. A similar effect occurs when learning a new word. It suddenly begins to appear more often than before. Since the brain is tuned for a certain type of information, you will, first of all, pay attention to it.

Try to draw up an approximate gay rights essay outline. Systematize all the material you have. This will help you to determine the future direction of the work. Write down the main questions to be answered. In the process of studying the topic, the outline will be replenished with new and more specific items.

Do not be afraid to start writing the gay and lesbian rights essay

It is said that even experienced writers sometimes feel insecurity and fear before they take on new work. So it is necessary to overcome your concerns regarding your writing skills and start working. You can start with anything. Do not think about style and spelling for now. The main thing is to move from a dead point. Having written the thesis, begin to elaborate on the structure of your gay rights pros and cons essay.

If you are printing a text on the computer, you can rearrange the fragments of an essay as you need. If you keep notes on the paper, leave a few blank lines after each important idea in order to complete it later. Try to adhere to the classical structure, especially if you were instructed to do so: introduction, main part, conclusion.

Introduction for gay rights essay

This part usually provides general information on what you are going to write in a paper and lists the expository essay on gay rights key points if you are writing this type of essay. Specify what questions on the chosen topic you are going to cover. Do not forget that essay is usually considered a short paper, and therefore, only the necessary details should be mentioned.

From a well-written introduction of gay rights expository essay, it becomes clear to a reader that you understand the topic and intend to answer all the questions posed. It is of critical importance to mention the conducted studies related to the point and give reference to respective sources. The ideal size of this part of the essay is no more than 10% of the entire work. For example, if the paper is to be of 2000 characters, the length of the introduction paragraph should not exceed two hundred characters.

At the beginning of the essay, use such phrases as ‘This paper is devoted to...’, ‘This essay will consider...’, etc. Next, you need to repeat or slightly modify the wording of the main question. For instance, if you prepare a should gay couples have the same adoption rights as straight couples essay, you can write something like ‘This paper considers the preconditions for giving same-sex and gay families equal rights regarding the adoption of children.’ Definitions should be clear, without any ambiguous interpretations.

In the main part of your assignment, you need to present all arguments supported by examples and relevant citations. Based on the logic of the narrative, the text, including the body section, should be divided into paragraphs. Therefore, it is necessary to make up the gay rights movement outline for essay in such a way that the main part can smoothly flow to the conclusion.

You must draw conclusions based on all the ideas presented in the previous sections. This way, you will be able to answer the main question considered in the paper. If this information was already mentioned in the research paper topics about homosexuality, describe the consequences and prospects of the issue under study and suggest different solutions to it. You can surely share your views. However, make sure to support them with reliable arguments.

Below we have listed some helpful tips that can assist you in writing a good conclusion:

  • It is not enough just to sum up and logically complete the paper. You have to tell how the written content is applicable to real life.
  • Restate the theses presented in the introduction of gay rights expository essay in other words in a conclusion paragraph.
  • You need to emphasize the key ideas that were expressed in the body of the text. It will be particularly necessary if the volume of the paper is large enough. The conclusion of a short gay rights pros and cons essay may do without listing the main ideas.
  • You can use a relevant quote or a spectacular question at the end of the paper to encourage the reader to further reflections.

What should you avoid while writing a conclusion?

Many students lower the quality of their work by making commonplace mistakes. If you are interested in writing a top-notch paper, make sure to avoid them. Here are some of the recommendations on how to make your paper engaging:

  • Express your opinion confidently, without apologizing and justifying yourself. Phrases like ‘Of course, I’m not an expert’ are inadmissible.
  • Do not pay too much attention to minor facts.
  • Do not question the arguments given earlier. That means you should not contradict yourself.

Most teachers believe that the final part is the most important one in the essay. Conclusion is an illustration of how well you have learned the material and managed to cover the essence of essay topics about gay rights. If, after writing the concluding paragraph, you notice that some corrections are needed throughout the rest of the paper, make sure to adjust the text accordingly. This will only improve the quality of the writing piece.

Below you can see the approximate proportions of the ideal essay:

  • introduction – up to 10% of the total volume;
  • main body – approximately 70% of writing;
  • conclusion – no more than 15% of the text.

You may not rush to choose a title among all the gay rights movement essay titles. This task can be left for the final stage of work when all thoughts are formulated in the paper, and you can summarize them in a thesis based on which a concise title should be created.

Stylistics of an essay

Do not abuse cumbersome verbal constructions. Refrain from jargon and abbreviations unless you are writing a satirical essay over gay rights. The optimal form of writing presupposes using concise and comprehensible phrases. Sometimes they can be alternated with more voluminous sentences. Your main goal is a simple and apprehensible presentation of the essence of the material. Write in such a way that the reader can easily follow the course of your reasoning without being distracted by unnecessary details.

Sometimes it is worth challenging both sides

If you consider complex persuasive essay topics on gay rights, keep in mind that there are two sides to every coin. That means that each phenomenon has negative and positive aspects. The list of contradicting arguments will help in the development of theses. In addition, arguing on the opposite side of your opinion, you will learn what points should be reviewed in more detail.

For example, you write a gay adoption research paper. In order to substantiate both the pros and cons of adoption by gay couples, it is necessary to consider not only arguments for but also those against the adoption of children by same-sex families. You will have to think of the answers to the questions like ‘Will the parents cope with their responsibilities?’ If you find good answers to these questions, be sure that you will be able to support your point of view.

It is advised to expose your writing to a scrupulous analysis. It is much better than trying to adapt real facts to own goals, present false information to the readers, and mislead them. Perhaps you will be able to convince an inexperienced novice. However, if the teacher who is well-versed in all argumentative essay topics on gay rights will check the paper, you will need a strong argumentation with consideration of solid facts to justify your ideas. Therefore, do your best to make your paper really unique.

Use these instructions, and it will be easy for you to work with any LGBT topics for research papers.

For a long time, gays, lesbians, transsexuals, and bisexuals were forced to live hiding their true nature, silently enduring persecution, contempt, humiliation, blackmail, and even murders. They had to suffer from the common opinion about their ‘inferiority.’ Being victims and objects of ridicule and gossip in all social circles, gay people were rejected by everyone and everywhere.

People governed by stereotypes and prejudices denied the rights of LGBTQ community. But we all need to understand that everyone has the right to respected, regardless of skin color, language, income, culture, religious beliefs, political ideology, or sexual preferences.

As stated in the UNESCO Declaration of Principles on Tolerance (1995), “ Tolerance is harmony in difference. It is not only a moral duty, it is also a political and legal requirement. Tolerance, the virtue that makes peace possible, contributes to the replacement of the culture of war by a culture of peace.” 

We hope that you will be able to convey these important thoughts to readers of your essay on gay rights. Following all the above rules written by our best paper writers, you will get the highest score. Good luck!

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Equal Rights for LGBT Community

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Published: Mar 3, 2020

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How Students Say School Policies That Target LGBTQ+ Youth Affect Them

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If you or anyone you know is struggling with thoughts of self-harm or suicide, help is available. Call or text 988 to reach the confidential National Suicide Prevention Lifeline or check out these resources from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention .

LGBTQ+ students who go to a school that has at least one policy that aims to restrict the rights of LGBTQ+ students have worse mental health and higher suicide risk than their peers in schools without such policies, a national survey from The Trevor Project shows. However, a significant number of students say they have a supportive adult at school, which, advocates say, is essential for helping LGBTQ+ students stay in school.

The Trevor Project annually surveys LGBTQ+ young people about their mental health. In its new report, released Wednesday, the group surveyed 18,663 LGBTQ+ youth nationally between ages 13 and 24 attending a K-12 school or college. The Trevor Project is a nonprofit organization that provides crisis support, research, and advocacy for LGBTQ+ youth.

LGBTQ+ students have been increasingly the subject of legislation nationally, with several states passing measures dictating how—and when—schools can discuss gender and sexuality , whether parents have to be notified about changes to a student’s name or pronouns , and if students can play sports or use bathrooms that align with their gender identity.

After the significant uptick in such policies in 2022 , at least seven states have laws restricting conversations about LGBTQ+ people and issues in school, six require parental notification and the ability to opt-out when LGBTQ+ issues will be discussed in class, and four restrict how “homosexuality” is discussed, according to the study. In the absence of state direction, districts locally have their own various policies on LGBTQ+ matters.

Teen mental health nationally has improved slightly after record high levels of teens reporting mental health challenges in 2021, but more LGBTQ+ students still report experiencing persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness compared to cisgender and heterosexual peers.

“I think there’s some powerful data there around the ways in which the presence of these policies is clearly impacting the culture of the school, and therefore the safety and the experiences of the LGBTQ students,” said Jonah DeChants, a senior research scientist at The Trevor Project.

Roughly a third of the students enrolled in a school said there was at least one anti-LGBTQ+ policy in place, with young people in the South (34 percent) reporting the highest rates of attending a school with one anti-LGBTQ+ policy, followed by those in the Midwest (29 percent), according to the survey.

About half (44 percent) of those who attended schools with at least one policy targeting LGBTQ+ youth said that they attended school “only sometimes”—compared to 38 percent of LGBTQ+ students who attended schools with no such policies.

LGBTQ+ students who attended a school with at least one anti-LGBTQ+ policy reported more harassment than peers at schools with no policies, including verbal harassment, physical attacks, unwanted sexual contact, discipline when fighting back against harassment, and leaving school due to mistreatment.

Students in schools with restrictive policies reported lower rates of having gender-neutral bathrooms or having educators respect their pronouns.

Meanwhile, LGBTQ+ students reported poorer mental health and higher suicide risk when they went to a school with a policy that aimed to restrict the rights of LGBTQ+ students. More restrictive policies correlated with worse mental health outcomes, DeChants said.

LGBTQ+ students at a school with a high number of restrictive policies reported higher rates of anxiety, depression, and considering and attempting suicide, compared to their peers at schools with fewer or no policies, according to the study.

Many LGBTQ+ students report supportive educators in schools

Generally, students at schools with policies that aim to restrict the rights of LGBTQ+ students reported lower rates of support for their identity at school. Despite that, more than 75 percent of LGBTQ+ students who attend schools with anti-LGBTQ+ policies reported that they still have a supportive adult at the school, according to the report.

“It speaks to the fact that even if a faculty or staff member is in an environment where they are being told like, ‘You can’t teach about these topics,’ or, ‘You can’t display a rainbow flag,’ there are still ways that they can signal their support to their students,” DeChants said. “They may have to be a little subtle about it, and they may have to be a little bit indirect, but young people are really looking for that, and that’s something that can be really powerful.”

In schools with restrictive policies, fewer students reported having a Gay Straight Alliance, compared to their peers with no policies. Seven percent reported that their school previously had a GSA that was taken away, compared to 2 percent at schools with no policies that restrict the rights of LGBTQ+ students.

The need for an explicit, welcome environment is necessary, said Gia Loving, co-executive director for GSA Network, an organization that supports LGBTQ+ youth organizers nationally.

GSAs help LGBTQ+ students learn to build and maintain community, but also improve the overall climate of a school, Loving said. The clubs not only allow students to connect about LGBTQ+ issues and identity, but they also encourage them to come to school.

“As folks watch trans and queer students be bullied and targeted by [administrators], they’re internalizing that sense of lack of agency,” Loving said. “It definitely creates a hostile environment even for folks who don’t identify as queer or trans.”

With unwelcome learning environments—with restrictive policies and harassment—“queer youth are pushed out of school,” said Melanie Willingham-Jaggers, the executive director of GLSEN, an organization that seeks to end discrimination and harassment based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.

“They opt out for their own mental health,” Willingham-Jaggers said. “A single supportive educator can dramatically improve a student’s well-being. It helps [students] see themselves as belonging in the classroom, the school, and the future of their own life.”

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Home / Essay Samples / Sociology / LGBT / Celebrating Diversity: Reflecting on the LGBT Experience

Celebrating Diversity: Reflecting on the LGBT Experience

  • Category: Sociology , Social Issues
  • Topic: Gender Differences , Gender Inequality , LGBT

Pages: 4 (1607 words)

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Growth of Support of the LGBT Community Overtime

Schools implementing lgbt topics, job improvement, healthcare improvement.

  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2012). Equal Rights for LGBT Americans. Better Health and Well-Being. 
  • Redfern J., Sinclair B. (2014). Improving Health Care Encounters and Communication with Transgender Patients. 
  • Sears B., Mallory C. (2015). Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Discrimination in the Workplace. 
  • Kozuch E. (2018) HRC REPORT: Startling Data Reveals Half of LGBTQ Employees in the U.S. Remain Closeted at Work. 
  • Abeau R., Hall J., Kenny M., McEachern A. (2018). Promoting LGBTQ Students’ Well-being in Schools. 
  • Steinmetz K. (2017) California Is Adopting LGBT-Inclusive History Textbooks. It's the Latest Chapter in a Centuries-Long Fight. 

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