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Foodborne botulism: a case report

Costa, Artur Manuel MD a,∗ ; Silva, João Manuel MD a ; Belém, Francisco MD a ; Silva, Luís Paulo MD b ; Ascensão, Margarida MD a ; Evangelista, Céu MD a

a Medicine Department, Centro Hospitalar Universitário Cova da Beira, Covilhã

b Intensive Care Unit, Unidade local de Saúde da Guarda, Guarda, Portugal.

∗Corresponding author. Internal Medicine Department, Alameda Pêro da Covilhã, 6200-251 Covilhã, Portugal. E-mail address: [email protected] (Artur Manuel Costa).

This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 (CCBY-NC-ND), where it is permissible to download and share the work provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially without permission from the journal.

To the Editor

We are pleased to address a case report of a patient with a foodborne botulism. The diagnosis was assumed by clinical presentation, evolution and resolution of the clinical features after botulism antitoxin administration and later confirmed by electroneuromyography. We were unable to isolate botulinic toxin on biological samples nor in the possible culprit food. Latter we highlight the physiopathology and differential diagnosis causing neuromuscular junction impairment.

Botulism is a rare neuroparalytic syndrome, caused by a neurotoxin produced by bacteria of the genus Clostridium . This syndrome courses initially with symmetrical cranial nerve palsy, may progress to descending flaccid paralysis and ultimately to respiratory arrest. We present the case of a 51-year-old patient admitted in the Emergency Department with a history of headache, dizziness, vomiting, bilateral non46 reactive mydriasis with one day of evolution. The patient rapidly progressed to urinary retention, hypotonia and respiratory arrest. Food botulism was hypothesized and antitoxin immunoglobulin was administered. Diagnosis was assumed by clinical response to antitoxin immunoglobulin and electromyogram alterations. The patient evolved favorably with total functional recovery.

Although a rare entity, it is important to maintain a high suspicion in order to avoid diagnostic delay with increased risk of sequelae and death.


Botulism is a rare neuroparalytic disease mediated by botulinum toxin. Seven botulinum toxin serotypes (from A to G) were described, produced by different species of the genus Clostridium . These are gram-positive, obligate anaerobic, spore-forming rods and ubiquitous bacteria. 1 Clinical forms of botulism include foodborne botulism, wound-associated botulism, infant botulism, adult intestinal toxemia, iatrogenic botulism and inhalational botulism. 2–4

Food botulism, largely caused by home-canned food, is the most common form and usually occurs in sporadic outbreaks. Type A toxin is the most commonly identified in Europe. 5,6 Between 2013 and 2017 a total of 547 confirmed cases and 17 deaths were reported with an average of 109 cases per year (minimum 86 cases in 2017, maximum 128 cases in 2016). 7

Symptoms range from minor symmetrical cranial nerve palsies to descending weakness and rapid respiratory arrest.

The cornerstone of treatment is a timely administration of antitoxin and intensive care support. 8

Case report

A 51-year-old Caucasian female patient was admitted in the Emergency Department (ED) with blurred vision, headache, dizziness and vomiting with 1 day of evolution. Personal history of hypertension, obesity and hypercholesterolemia and family history of gynecological and gastrointestinal neoplasms were registered. The patient worked as farmer, but denied chronic exposure to toxic products. Concomitantly, the patient's husband reported self-limited episode of diarrhea and vomiting. A history of homemade sausage, broad beans and honey consumption was registered. No other epidemiological context was identified.

In the ED, the patient presented with fixed bilateral mydriasis and bilateral monocular diplopia, without hemodynamic instability nor fever. No other changes in the objective examination were found at the time. Later, the patient presented urinary retention. Due to suspicion of cerebrovascular etiology, the patient was admitted in the Stroke Unit and underwent cranial computed tomography and later magnetic resonance imaging that revealed an ill-defined hyperintense focus, that could be an ischemic gliotic focus, in the anterior region of the right inner capsule or an artefact image. Blood hemogram, biochemistry with thyroid function study, autoimmune and anticholinergic antibodies and liquor analysis were normal.

On the fourth day of hospitalization, the patient developed dysarthria, bilateral ptosis and bilateral plegia, that rapidly evolved to respiratory arrest, and was admitted in the Intensive Care Unit. Given the epidemiological context and rapid clinical evolution, the hypothesis of botulism was raised. Serum and feces samples were collected, and the botulinum antitoxin administrated. The possible culprit foods consumed, homemade sausage, broad beans and honey, were also collected.

The patient evolved positively after administration of the immunoglobulin. Electroneuromyography was performed, revealing a presynaptic lesion compatible with the hypothesis of botulism ( Tables 1 and 2 ).

Stim freq: 2 Hz No. in train: 10
Stim dur: 0.1 ms Stim rjct: 0.5 ms
Time: 15:16:27 Stop watch: 0.11
Pot No. peek Peek amp (mV) Amp decr (%) Area (mV ms) Area decr (%) Stim level (mA)
1 5.40 0 15.00 0 97.6
2 4.88 10 14.10 6 97.6
3 4.85 10 13.40 11 97.6
4 4.88 10 13.50 10 97.6
5 5.34 1 13.00 13 97.6
6 5.41 0 13.80 8 97.6
7 4.74 12 13.80 8 97.6
8 5.11 5 14.00 7 97.6
9 5.30 2 13.70 8 97.6
10 4.97 8 13.40 11 97.6
Stim freq: 2 Hz No. in train: 10
Stim dur: 0.1 ms Stim rjct: 0.5 ms
Time: 15:18:46 Stop watch: 0.12
Pot No. peek Peek amp (mV) Amp decr (%) Area (mV ms) Area decr (%) Stim level (mA)
1 7.27 0 22.20 0 79.1
2 7.07 3 21.80 2 79.1
3 7.00 4 22.10 0 79.1
4 7.01 4 22.30 0 79.1
5 6.95 4 21.80 2 79.1
6 7.07 3 22,30 0 79.1
7 6.95 4 21.90 1 79.1
8 6.91 5 21.70 2 79.1
9 6.91 5 22.30 0 79.1
10 7.01 4 22.30 0 79.1

The patient was discharged home after 27 days of hospitalization. At the follow-up visit, the patient was asymptomatic, and no sequelae were identified. Laboratory results did not identify the presence of botulinum toxin, neither in serum, feces nor food.

Botulism should be suspected on a patient who develops acute and afebrile symmetric cranial nerve palsy (typically bulbar palsies) followed by bilateral flaccid paralysis of voluntary muscles, and ultimately, respiratory arrest. Is mediated by a neurotoxin, the botulism toxin, a zinc-dependent endoprotease which has a tropism for cholinergic neuromuscular junctions. Independently of the clinic form, the toxin is disseminated by bloodstream to terminals of peripheral cholinergic nerves (including neuromuscular junctions, parasympathetic postganglionic nerve endings and peripheral ganglia). There, the release of acetylcholine on the presynaptic nerve endings is inhibited by blocking the soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive-fusion-attachment protein receptors, leading to paralysis while preserving sensory function and consciousness. 9

The botulism diagnosis is based on clinical presentation, and epidemiological context.

Gastrointestinal symptoms are common in food botulism (nausea, vomit, abdominal pain, diarrhea, xerostomia) and may precede neurological syndromes.

Initially, suspicion of stroke (basilar occlusion syndrome) was raised, but excluded by the clinical evolution and imaging techniques.

Other differential diagnosis that should be excluded are Guillain-Barré syndrome (that usually start with sensory complains, areflexia and ascending neuropathy, which are absent in botulism), Miller Fisher variant (that may present with oculomotor dysfunction associated with cranial neuropathies and ataxia, absent in botulism) and Myasthenia gravis (MG) or Lambert-Eaton syndrome (LE) (rarely fulminant and associated with presence of antibodies, MG lack autonomic symptoms and the LE is associated with cancer, more frequently small cell lung carcinoma). 10,11 The electromyography patterns may be helpful in distinguishing these causes. In botulism, compound muscle action potential (CMAP) amplitudes are decrease if the presynaptic block is severe enough. Repetitive nerve stimulation at frequencies of 2 to 5 Hz deplete readily available stores of acetylcholine from neuromuscular junction and decreases CMAP amplitude even further, a finding termed decremental response, which is usually greater than 10%. However, in more severe cases, the baseline CMAP may be to low to see a decremental response. Repetitive nerve stimulation at high rates (20–50 Hz) increase the CMAP amplitude in botulism and LE, but not in MG. 12

It is also important to exclude toxic causes of neuromuscular junction disorders (organophosphate and carbamate poisoning, tick paralysis, snake venom, drugs, hypocalcemia and hypermagnesemia) and shellfish and puffer fish intoxication, excluded by anamneses, a careful clinic examination and blood analysis. 12

The identification of toxin, although desired, is not necessary to reach a definitive diagnosis. Therefore, it is important to maintain a high suspicion and treatment must be started with administration of antitoxin and intensive care support before the time-consuming workup is complete.

We present a case of food botulism in which we highlight the rapid clinical evolution to a critical and deadly state and total clinical response to specific therapeutic, without founding the culprit food contaminated by botulinum toxin.

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  • Published: 04 January 2018

Foodborne botulism due to ingestion of home-canned green beans: two case reports

  • Dorothea Hellmich   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Katja E. Wartenberg 1 ,
  • Stephan Zierz 1 &
  • Tobias J. Mueller 1  

Journal of Medical Case Reports volume  12 , Article number:  1 ( 2018 ) Cite this article

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Foodborne botulism is a life-threatening, rapidly progressive disease. It has an incidence of less than 10 cases per year in Germany and mostly affects several previously healthy people at the same time. The only specific treatment is the administration of botulism antitoxin. According to the German guidelines administration of antitoxin is recommended only in the first 24 hours after oral ingestion of the toxin.

Case presentation

A 47-year-old white woman and her 51-year-old white husband presented with paralysis of multiple cranial nerves and rapidly descending paralysis approximately 72 hours after ingestion of home-canned beans. The disease was complicated by autonomic changes like hypertension, febrile temperatures, and a paralytic ileus. The diagnosis was confirmed by identification of botulinum neurotoxin type A in the serum of the woman. In accordance with the German guidelines, antitoxin was not given due to the prolonged time interval at diagnosis. Both patients had a long intensive care unit course requiring ventilation for approximately 5 months. Finally they recovered completely.


A full recovery from foodborne botulism is possible even in patients with intensive care lasting several months. There are only case reports indicating that administration of antitoxin may shorten the course of the disease, even if given later than 24 hours after intoxication. Due to the rarity of the disease and its rapid course there are no randomized controlled trials. Thus, evidence of the superiority of this treatment is lacking. However, the prevailing view according to the German guidelines to administer antitoxin only within 24 hours after ingestion of the toxin should be questioned in the case of progression of the disease with proof of remaining toxin in the blood.

Peer Review reports

The incidence of botulism is less than 10 cases per year in Germany [ 1 ] and approximately 113 cases in the EU per year from 2008 to 2012 [ 2 ]. Of all forms of botulism including infant, wound, and adult intestinal toxemia botulism, foodborne botulism is the most frequent in Germany [ 1 ]. The diagnosis of foodborne botulism is made on high suspicion based on clinical findings of cranial nerve palsies and descending paralysis and a history of ingestion of food with low acid content in an anaerobic milieu, most commonly home-canned vegetables or meat. The diagnosis is confirmed by identification of botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) in patients’ stomach or intestinal contents, vomit or feces, in blood in the hyperacute stage, or in the ingested food [ 3 ]. The ingested toxin can be demonstrated in serum or feces in 40 to 44% of cases within 3 days of toxin ingestion, and in 15 to 23% of cases in specimens obtained after 3 days [ 4 ].

After ingestion, BoNT, a preformed neurotoxin by Clostridium botulinum , binds to receptors in the presynaptic cell membrane. It crosses the membrane through endocytosis and acts as protease to the synaptic fusion complex. Therefore, the release of vesicles containing acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft is inhibited [ 4 ], followed by failure of neuromuscular transmission causing paralysis and autonomic disturbances. Improvement of muscle strength is caused by two factors. First, there is a sprouting of axonal collaterals from the presynaptic nerve endings at the neuromuscular junctions, which have the ability to form functional synapses. Second, later, synaptic activity returns to the original nerve terminals, and the sprouts are eliminated [ 5 ].

Therapy consists of supportive care and, if required, intensive care including long-term ventilation. A full recovery is possible, but the disease can have a long and exhausting course, and patients may experience and die from complications of intensive care medicine. The only specific therapy is the administration of botulism antitoxin. Trivalent (Anti-BoNT A, B, and E), equine-derived antitoxin, is available and neutralizes BoNT [ 3 ]. According to the guidelines in Germany, antitoxin should be given only within the first 24 hours after ingestion of the toxin [ 6 ]. This recommendation is based on a report of patients with wound botulism [ 7 ]. However, a retrospective analysis of 132 patients treated between 1973 and 1980 revealed that patients who received antitoxin later than 24 hours after onset of symptoms spent fewer days in hospital, fewer days on a ventilator, and fewer days to sustained improvement, than those who were not treated with antitoxin [ 8 ].

A 47-year-old white woman presented to an outside hospital with subacute and progressive dizziness, diplopia, dysarthria, and bilateral ptosis, which started 8 hours prior to admission. Cranial computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed normal results. A cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis was normal. Her neurological symptoms worsened rapidly including a complete bilateral ptosis with inability to open her eyes, descending quadriparesis, and paralysis of her respiratory musculature. Approximately 24 hours following admission she required intubation and mechanical ventilation. Her husband presented with similar signs and symptoms a day later. Botulism was suspected, especially when the son remembered that his parents had eaten home-canned beans of unknown age 2 days prior to the admission of his mother. The son was present at dinner but refused to eat the beans because of an odd odor.

A mouse bioassay test with her serum revealed the presence of botulinum toxin A. Botulism antitoxin was not administered because more than 72 hours had passed since the ingestion of the probably poisoned beans. A tracheotomy was performed on hospital day 7; a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube was placed on day 8. In addition, she developed gastrointestinal tract paralysis as well as anxiety. Both improved with symptomatic treatment. On hospital day 27 she was transferred to an acute rehabilitation hospital with complete paralysis of all cranial nerves and persisting quadriparesis: strength 2 to 3/5 Medical Research Council (MRC). She was alert and able to respond to questions with hand waving and writing. Finally, she was weaned from mechanical ventilation after 5.5 months and discharged from the rehabilitation hospital after 11 months. The neurological signs caused by botulism had completely resolved. However, she still felt weak and remained with a depressive adaptive disorder.

A 51-year-old white man, the husband of case 1, presented to an outside hospital with nausea, dizziness, progressive dysarthria, and diplopia which had started the day prior to admission. After transfer to our neurointensive care unit he showed bilateral ptosis, ophthalmoparesis with diplopia in all directions, dysarthria, dysphagia with disturbance of the oral and pharyngeal phase, and moderate bilateral facial nerve paralysis. He had full strength in his extremities and was able to walk normally. He had consumed a smaller portion of the home-canned green beans 3 days prior to admission.

Botulism antitoxin was not administered because of the prolonged time interval from ingestion of the presumed poisoned beans of more than 72 hours (Table  1 ). The remainder of the home-canned beans was found in the couple’s home and contained BoNT A. A mouse bioassay test with his serum was equivocal because only 50% of the mice developed symptoms of botulism. Neurological decline with progressing dysarthria, dysphagia, mydriasis, ophthalmoparesis, facial nerve paralysis, tongue paralysis, and development of a quadriparesis was observed within the next 3 days. A trial of neostigmine on hospital day 3 did not result in improvement. He was intubated and placed on mechanical ventilation on the same day for respiratory distress due to vomiting and an inability to clear secretions. Electrophysiological studies (including blink reflex and repetitive nerve stimulation, 3 Hz, of the facial nerve) on hospital day 5 were normal. The hospital course was complicated by aspiration pneumonia, delirium with a cycle of agitation and impaired level of consciousness, and uncontrollable hypertension unresponsive to intravenously administered antihypertensives and sedatives as well as central fever (no evidence of infection was found). He underwent tracheotomy on hospital day 7. He was transferred to an acute rehabilitation hospital on day 15 with mild quadriparesis (strength 4/5 MRC) and unchanged bilateral ptosis, mydriasis, ophthalmoparesis, bilateral facial paralysis, and tongue paralysis. While in acute rehabilitation, his quadriparesis worsened (strength 3/5 MRC) and a PEG was placed. Subsequently, recovery of strength started cranially and spread caudally. He was weaned from ventilation 4.5 months after ingestion of the toxin and was discharged home after 8 months without any neurological deficit, but with complaints of generalized weakness and muscle pain. At that time he reported complete amnesia and paranoid thoughts for the first 3 months of his hospital stay.

In both cases, diagnosis of foodborne botulism was suspected based on the typical signs, such as cranial nerve paralysis including diplopia, blurred vision, ptosis, dysarthria, and dysphagia, followed by descending, symmetrical muscle paralysis, affecting the respiratory muscles at an early stage [ 9 ] and on the information of ingestion of home-canned beans before admission.

The diagnosis was eventually confirmed by identification of BoNT type A in serum of case 1. Because of the early symptoms of diplopia and ptosis, other differential diagnoses of impaired neuromuscular transmission included myasthenia gravis and Lambert–Eaton syndrome. Nerve conduction studies and electromyography cannot significantly contribute to these differential diagnoses. A decremental response upon low frequency repetitive nerve stimulation might identify myasthenia gravis. However, in the early stages of the disease of botulism the response upon low frequency stimulation might be normal or only slightly decremental. High frequency repetitive nerve stimulation might show an increment, although smaller than in Lambert–Eaton syndrome. Thus, the normal electrophysiological findings in case 2 were not surprising, although high frequency stimulation was not performed [ 10 , 11 ].

Case 1 and case 2 had a long intensive care unit course requiring ventilation for approximately 5 months and hospitalization for 11 and 8 months, respectively.

In addition, case 2 developed severe hypertension which was difficult to control as well as prolonged elevated temperature without signs of an infection. Both autonomic symptoms can be explained by an inhibition of the cholinergic parasympathetic nervous system. Autonomic symptoms due to botulinum toxin poisoning, including high resting heart rate, supine hypertension, orthostatic hypotension, and impaired baroreflex function were reported even in mild clinical courses [ 12 ]. Moreover, autonomic dysfunction can be the leading symptom of botulism type B [ 13 ].

As proscribed by the German guidelines [ 6 ], botulism antitoxin had not been given to our patients as the time interval from ingestion was approximately 72 hours at the time of diagnosis. Other recommendations, for example the botulism fact sheet of the World Health Organization (WHO), include that antitoxin should be administered as soon as possible, but they do not include restrictions due to the time interval between ingestion of the toxin and start of antitoxin administration ( ).

Evidence for or against treatment with botulism antitoxin is low. There are no randomized controlled trials due to the rarity and character of the disease [ 14 ]. A previous study showed that specific therapy with botulism antitoxin may lead to shorter hospital stay and decreased time of mechanical ventilation also in patients who were treated more than 24 hours after ingestion of the toxin [ 15 ] (Table  2 ). Furthermore, in ten patients, antitoxin administration on day 4 after symptom onset resulted in reduced duration of mechanical ventilation compared to eight patients who received antitoxin on day 6, indicating a therapeutic benefit [ 15 ].

In addition, there is a case report of less affected patients with no need for mechanical ventilation treated with botulism antitoxin up to 8 days after symptom onset, who fully recovered within 6 months [ 16 ]. It remains open if the treatment was still successful or the good clinical course was mainly driven by the probably low dosage of the toxin.

The botulism toxin was detectable in the blood of case 1 even more than 72 hours after toxin ingestion. The late detectability of the toxin in this patient is a strong argument to start an antitoxin therapy even in patients with ingestion of the toxin more than 72 hours ago. Case 2 showed a neurological deterioration within the first 6 days after ingestion of the toxin. An initial increase of the effect of the neurotoxin over days is seen in foodborne botulism, as well as after therapeutic toxin injections of BoNT. The reason for the prolonged deterioration is not clear. It might be a continuing mechanism on the synapses of BoNT or an effect of the sustained circulating toxin.

Altogether the latest time of effective antitoxin administration is unknown, but there are indications that it has a beneficial effect when given more than 24 hours after ingestion of toxin. Therefore the recommendation to administrate antitoxin should not be restricted to the first 24 hours after ingestion of toxin. Antitoxin should be administered to all patients within 72 hours after toxin ingestion; it should also be considered in cases of progression of the disease.

This case report indicates that full recovery from foodborne botulism is possible even in patients with long-lasting intensive care for several months. The treatment with antitoxin may lead to shorter hospital stay and decreased time of mechanical ventilation and should therefore be considered at every stage of disease. It should not be restricted to the first 24 hours after the ingestion of toxin, as recommended in the German guidelines.


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Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy

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Neurointensive Care Unit, Department of Neurology, University Hospital Halle (Saale), Ernst-Grube-Strasse 40, D-06097, Halle (Saale), Germany

Dorothea Hellmich, Katja E. Wartenberg, Stephan Zierz & Tobias J. Mueller

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All authors contributed in the diagnosis and treatment of the male patient and in preparing the final manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to Dorothea Hellmich .

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Hellmich, D., Wartenberg, K.E., Zierz, S. et al. Foodborne botulism due to ingestion of home-canned green beans: two case reports. J Med Case Reports 12 , 1 (2018).

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Received : 15 June 2017

Accepted : 21 November 2017

Published : 04 January 2018


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  • Foodborne botulism
  • Botulism antitoxin
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Case Presentation

Sarah, a twenty-one year old student at Iowa State University had spent Thanksgiving day with relatives at her grandparents' farm. During her drive back to campus on Friday morning her vision became blurry, and she was forced to pull over to the side of the road. As she sat in her car, her vision worsened. She opened the car hood in hope of attracting aid and tried to relax. In a short time, a highway patrol officer pulled over and approached Sarah. By this time, Sarah was having trouble swallowing and speaking clearly. The officer helped Sarah to his car and rushed her to the emergency room at a nearby hospital.

In the ER, Sarah was able to describe her symptoms to a physician. The physician made note of what Sarah had eaten during the last 24 hours and was especially interested in the fact that Sarah's grandmother canned all of her own vegetables. The physician observed that Sarah's breathing was becoming labored. She ordered Sarah's blood sampled, her gastrointestinal tract pumped, and a mechanical respirator prepared for use. Fearing that Sarah suffered from a case of botulism, she asked that Sarah's grandparents be contacted and samples of the Thanksgiving meal retained, if possible, and sent to a local clinic for analysis.

Case Background

Botulism is a form of food poisoning caused by exposure to a toxin called botulin. Botulin is produced by , a spore forming, anaerobic bacterium that can contaminate food. Whereas commercially canned foods are specifically heated to destroy botulinum spores, home canned foods that are not boiled for a half-hour prior to canning may be contaminated.

The botulin toxin binds to the presynaptic membranes at motor end plates and prevents the release of acetylcholine from motor neurons, thereby preventing synaptic transmission and muscle contraction. Treatment includes bed rest, and if required, mechanical respiration, and/or administration of drugs to promote acetylcholine release. The mortality rate for botulism is about 15 percent and the cause of death is suffocation.

being anaerobic?

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Case Report

Food-borne botulism: still actual topic, waldemar brola.

1 Neurology Department with Stroke Unit, Specialist Hospital in Konskie, Konskie, Poland

Malgorzata Fudala

Szymon gacek.

2 Neurology Department with Stroke Unit, District Hospital Bedzin—Czeladz, Czeladz, Poland

Pawel Gruenpeter

Even though since the mid-1990s the number of food-borne botulism cases has systematically decreased and it now occurs in Poland relatively rarely, it is still a real epidemiological problem. There are about 30 cases of botulism in Poland a year, which ranks Poland the first among the European Union. In most cases the symptomatology of botulism is typical, however it does not always fully coincide with the one described in medical manuals which emphasise the dramatic clinical course of botulism with its frequent fatal consequences. Diagnosis of botulism may be difficult because of its rare prevalence and a variable clinical course, especially in old patients. Authors of this paper describe two cases of botulism and diagnostic problems associated with it.

Cases of food-borne botulism are presently uncommon in countries of the European Union; however, in Poland still over 30 cases of food-borne botulism emerge every year. Labour-related emigration to numerous European countries and still persistent tradition of preparing home-made tinned food in polish households may be the cause of emergence of botulism in countries in which it was absent for years. It is worthwhile reminding the symptoms of this dangerous poisoning and difficulties concerning its diagnosis and treatment.

Case presentation

A 71-year-old woman presented with a 2-day history of stomach ache, nausea and vomiting before diplopia appeared. Upon neurological examination diplopia was found when looking from side to side, with no signs of other cranial nerves involvement or central nervous system damage. Biochemical and haematological investigations were normal apart from mildly lowered level of potassium (2.6 mmol/l). Abdominal ultrasound and CT head scan were normal too. The next day (fourth day since the first symptoms) the patient's conditions suddenly deteriorated. Total bilateral ptosis occurred with ophthalmoparesis to all directions, dilated fixed pupils, hoarseness, dysphagia and mouth dryness. A more detailed interview revealed that on the day before the first symptoms appeared, the patient ate homemade marinated mushrooms. Serology for botulinum toxin was performed. The patient was provided symptomatic treatment to regain water–electrolyte balance. Shoulder paresis and breathing difficulties were observed, but there was no necessity to start mechanical ventilation. Owing to the quickly deteriorating general condition of the patient, a decision was made to immediately administer a polyvalent ABE botulinum antitoxin (150 ml intravenously). To avoid allergic reaction, the patient was also given 70 mg of prednisolone. The patient had no difficulty in breathing, but her general condition did not improve. The next day an additional dose of 80 ml antitoxin was given intramuscularly. The patient was fed through a gastric tube. On day 6 of hospitalisation the patient was stable and neurological symptoms were subsiding. Serological tests confirmed the presence of botulinum toxin type B/E in the blood. The patient was discharged after 21 days in a good general condition with no neurological symptoms.

A 29-year-old patient was presented with diplopia, vertigo and gait abnormality for the previous 4 days preceded by nausea and stomach ache. Neurological examination revealed mild divergent strabismus of the left eye, bilateral ptosis, diplopia when looking from side to side, increased deep reflexes in lower limbs, mild left-sided ataxia and a positive Romberg's test. CT head scan was normal. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis revealed protein and glucose levels to be within their normal reference ranges; cellular pleocytosis was 17/µl and absence of oligoclonal bands, IgG and IgM antibodies for Borrelia burgdorferi were not detected. Oligoclonal bands were not found. An MRI of the head and chest x-ray were normal. There were no antibodies found for acetylcholine receptors. Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection was excluded. On the third day of hospitalisation, the patient's condition exacerbated when difficulty in swallowing solid food was observed. The patient also complained of mouth dryness and persistent constipation. Further, a detailed history revealed that the patient had eaten tinned meat about 24 h before the first gastrointestinal symptoms occurred. Serum for botulinum toxin collected on day 11 of hospitalisation showed type B botulinum toxin. ABE anti botulinum serum was not given because of satisfactory general condition of the patient and the period of time that had already passed from the onset of infection. The patient was treated symptomatically. Fluids were introduced intravenously to preserve proper electrolyte balance. During a few days of hospital treatment, gradual recession of neurological symptoms was observed.

Outcome and follow-up

The ‘Case 1’ patient was discharged after 21 days in a good general condition with no neurological symptoms. During the first year following hospitalisation she complained of fatigability, periodically recurrent mood changes and habitual constipation, but there were no abnormalities found upon neurological examination.

The ‘Case 2’ patient was provided conservative treatment for the next few days after the final diagnosis and then discharged from hospital in a good general condition. In the course of 1-year outpatient observation there were no signs of neurological symptoms or any further complications.

Botulism is caused by neurotoxins produced by anaerobic sporogenic Clostridium botulinum , or more rarely by Clostridium butyricum , Clostridium baratii or Clostridium argentinese. 1 2 Eight botulinum toxins were identified on the basis of amino acid compositions and antigenic properties: A, B, Cα, Cβ, D, E, F, G. Botulinum poisoning in humans is usually caused by toxins of A,B,E and sometimes F type. 1–3 Clinical symptoms of botulism occur owing to inhibited release of acetylcholine in neuromuscular connections of motoneurons and synapses of parasympathetic nervous system. 3 Most cases of botulism in Europe result from ingestion of contaminated (type B toxin) homemade tinned meat. 4 Clinical signs of botulism appear after incubation period which lasts several hours—8 days. 2 3 They are usually preceded by nausea, vomiting, stomach ache and loose stools. Clinical botulism includes symmetrical cranial nerves palsy with secondary symmetrical ascending flaccid paralysis, which can lead to respiratory arrest. Symptoms develop in a few hours to a few days and need several weeks or months to subside. 3 5 The most common complications in botulism are aspiration pneumonia and urinary tract infections. 3 Death rate amounts to 7–10%. 1–3

Classic botulism is nowadays a rare condition. In Europe there are only sporadic cases of it, in USA there are about 110 cases of botulism a year, most of which are cases of infant botulism. 5 In Great Britain, in the past 80 years there have been only 62 cases of food-borne botulism. 6 However, in these countries wound botulism in drug addicts seems to be a growing problem. In 2006, in Ireland the first in 20 years case of food-borne botulism was diagnosed in a man of Polish nationality who got poisoned after ingesting homemade food sent to him from Poland. 6 In a Munich Clinic of Toxicology there were two cases described of such poisoning in 1999 and 2006. 6 In Poland, over the last 10 years, however, there have been about several dozen cases of botulism every year. In mid-1990s there were over 100 cases, and in 2009–2010 about 30. 7 The two cases described in this article were registered in 2010 in two different neurological wards.

Even though recognising botulism on the basis of clinical picture and epidemiological history is relatively easy, it is not always remembered that botulism is still a possibility. Moreover, the course of this disease is sometimes untypical, especially in older people. In the two cases described above, the delay in treatment was owing to several factors: long incubation period, mildly symptomatic course and mistaken preliminary diagnosis (both cases were at first diagnosed as gastroenteritis). The fact that the patient had eaten mushrooms additionally blurred the clinical picture. Literature review shows that food-borne botulism caused by marinated mushrooms is not as rare as it may seem. 8 9

Even though botulinum intoxication is rare, it should always be taken into account in differential diagnosis, because early diagnosis may turn out to be crucial for a successful treatment. Development of diagnostics extorts performing numerous detailed tests which is both time-consuming and expensive. The cases described in this paper were treated in two different ways and the final result was successful in both of them. The use of antibotulinum serum is still problematic, since it should be administered in the early stages, whereas its availability is limited. On the other hand, if the treatment is not successful, patients or their families may lodge a complaint that the serum was not used, thus it is advised to treat every case individually.

Learning points

  • Consider botulism as a cause of patient's cranial nerves palsy and ascending flaccid paralysis.
  • Ask the patient of ingesting homemade marinated food—if yes, collect serum for toxin detection.
  • Antibotulinum serum treatment is not required in every case of botulism.

Competing interests: None.

Patient consent: Obtained.

Provenance and peer review: Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

  • Case report
  • Open access
  • Published: 20 December 2021

Botulism outbreak in a rural Ethiopia: a case series

  • Tigist Bacha   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Ermias Abebaw 7 ,
  • Ayalew Moges 7 ,
  • Amsalu Bekele 2 ,
  • Afework Tamiru 3 ,
  • Ishmael Shemsedin 4 ,
  • Dawd S. Siraj 5 ,
  • Daddi Jima 6 &
  • Wondwossen Amogne 2  

BMC Infectious Diseases volume  21 , Article number:  1270 ( 2021 ) Cite this article

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Foodborne botulism, a toxin-mediated illness caused by Clostridium botulinum, is a public health emergency. Types A, B, and E C. botulinum toxins commonly cause human disease. Outbreaks are often associated with homemade and fermented foods. Botulism is rarely reported in Africa and has never been reported in Ethiopia.

Case presentation

In March 2015, a cluster of family members from the Wollega, Oromia region, western Ethiopia presented with a symptom constellation suggestive of probable botulism. Clinical examination, epidemiologic investigation, and subsequent laboratory work identified the cause of the outbreak to be accidental ingestion of botulinum toxin in a traditional chili condiment called “Kochi-kocha,” cheese, and clarified butter. Ten out of the fourteen family members who consumed the contaminated products had botulism (attack rate 71.4%) and five died (case fatality rate of 50%). Three of the patients were hospitalized, they presented with altered mental status (n = 2), profound neck and truncal weakness (n = 3), and intact extremity strength despite hyporeflexia (n = 3). The remnant food sample showed botulinum toxin type A with mouse bioassay and  C. botulinum type A with culture. Blood drawn on day three of illness from 2/3 (66%) cases was positive for botulinum toxin type-A. Additionally, one of these two cases also had  C. botulinum type A cultured from a stool specimen. Two of the cases received Botulism antitoxin (BAT).

These are the first confirmed cases of botulism in Ethiopia. The disease occurred due to the consumption of commonly consumed homemade foods. Definite diagnoses of botulism cases are challenging, and detailed epidemiologic and laboratory investigations were critical to the identification of this case series. Improved awareness of botulism risk and improved food preparation and storage may prevent future illnesses. The mortality rate of botulism in resource-limited settings remains high. Countries should make a concerted effort to stockpile antitoxin as that is the easiest and quickest intervention after outbreak detection.

Peer Review reports

Foodborne botulism, a toxin-mediated illness caused by  C. botulinum, is a public health emergency. C. botulinum is a heterogeneous group of gram-positive, rod-shaped, spore-forming, obligate anaerobic bacteria. It is ubiquitous and easily isolated from the surfaces of vegetables, fruits, and seafood, and exists in soil and marine sediment worldwide. The bacterium produces lethal toxins types A, B, E, and F [ 1 , 2 , 3 ].

Clostridium botulinum toxins cause human disease, with toxin type A accounting for over half of all cases [ 4 , 5 ]. Other Clostridium species such as toxigenic strains of Clostridium baratii , Clostridium butyricum , and Clostridium argentinensis less commonly produce botulinum neurotoxins [ 6 ] . There are multiple transmission mechanisms. Foodborne botulism happens when  C. botulinum grows and produces toxins in food before consumption. Unlike foodborne botulism, infant botulism occurs when infants ingest C. botulinum spores, which germinate in the gut and release toxins. Wound botulism is rare and occurs when spores get into an open wound. Inhalation botulism is associated with accidental or intentional events (such as bioterrorism), resulting in the release of toxins in aerosols. There is no human-to-human transmission of botulism [ 3 ].

Botulism outbreaks are often associated with improperly processed homemade and fermented foods. Diagnosis is made in a cluster of cases with acute, bilateral cranial neuropathies and symmetrical descending motor weakness without fever and loss of consciousness. Mouse bioassay is the gold standard for diagnosis [ 7 ].

Foodborne botulism is rarely reported in Africa and never before in Ethiopia. It is due to its rare occurrence, low clinical index of suspicion, and limited diagnostic capacity [ 1 , 8 ].

Kenya reported two foodborne botulism outbreaks that occurred 1 year apart. The first cases were reported among Kenyan nomads in 1978 when a C. botulinum TypeA outbreak from traditionally prepared milk caused six deaths [ 9 ]. One year later, another outbreak in Kenya was caused by eating contaminated termites [ 8 ], and five of six cases were fatal. In April 1991, over 90 patients were admitted to the Cairo hospital with symptoms consistent with botulism [ 10 ]. Samples of implicated food subsequently grew C. botulinum . Eighteen of the patients (20%) died of the illness. In February 2002, two siblings (aged eight and 12 years old) from South Africa developed acute flaccid paralysis and died. The implicated cause was a preformed toxin in canned food that was commercially produced in South Africa [ 11 ]. In October 2008, botulism was reported in three Ugandan boarding-school students [ 12 ]. Morocco reported 15 cases of food-borne botulism in 1999 [ 13 ]. Finally, a suspected outbreak of botulism affecting three patients in a family of six was reported in Nigeria after the family ate a home-cooked meal of pounded yam with fresh fish pepper soup. The clinical presentation of the three affected cases was consistent with botulinum poisoning. Two of the affected cases died. The third case survived after the administration of appropriate antitoxin. Samples were tested but did not show C. botulinum [ 1 ].

From 1986 to 2015, 466 confirmed cases of botulism were recorded in Italy (421 were food-borne). The most frequently seen form of botulism is due to the consumption of improperly canned foods at home, and 50% of such cases were registered in Europe. Itsuggests the need to raise public awareness of the risk of foodborne botulism, especially concerning home-preserved foods, as well as improving the training of health providers to ensure a quick and accurate diagnosis of botulism [ 14 ]. This case series describes an outbreak of foodborne botulism in a rural community from the west Wollega, Oromia region, western Ethiopia.

A case of botulism is defined as symptoms, signs, and neuro-diagnostic studies consistent with botulism [ 9 ]. Cases symptoms were identified through interactive interviews, medical record reviews, and systematic clinical examinations and by accounts of symptoms reported by family members in the cases of deaths before the investigation began. Cases with atypical presentations for botulism were evaluated with electrodiagnostic and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) testing to determine if findings were consistent with an alternative illness. Laboratory diagnostic testing was performed on biological specimens and food samples.

Confirmed cases are defined as botulinum toxin is detected from a biologic specimen (serum or stool) or C. botulinum is cultured from stool. Serum, stool, and food samples were tested by mouse bioassay and mass spectrometry for different types of botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT); food and stool samples were cultured for isolation of botulinum toxin-producing clostridium. BoNTs are synthesized mostly by Clostridium species named Clostridium botulinum and more rarely by other Clostridium species such as toxigenic strains of Clostridium baratii type F, Clostridium butyricum type E, and Clostridium argentinensis [ 15 , 16 ]. Botulinum isolates were further characterized by Whole genome sequencing (WGS).

These case definitions were set in line with the Ethiopian Public Health Emergency Management guidelines developed by the Ethiopian Public health institute (EPHI). EPHI is the institution responsible for dealing with outbreaks/surveillance in Ethiopia [ 17 ]. The Oromia Regional State Health Bureau and EPHI, together with US Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), investigated the described outbreak. The cases were reported from Oromia Region, West Wollega, West Ethiopia.

Description of the outbreak

The outbreak occurred in a family of 14 members after a celebration where homemade cultural food was served. The first reported onset of symptoms (n = 2 cases) was on March 8, 2015, one day after the ceremony. A cluster of 10 cases of probably 14 family members fulfilled the clinical diagnostic criteria with an attack rate of 71.4% (Table 1 ). The median age of the cluster was 19 years old (range 4–45 years) and six (60%) were female. The onset of symptoms was marked with fatigue, headache, dysphagia, vomiting, blurred vision, and slurred speech. Physical findings included bradycardia, cranial nerve palsies (ptosis, dysarthria, dysphonia, dysphagia), and bilateral upper and lower extremity weakness. Five of the ten symptomatic cases died (case fatality rate 50%); three died before they arrived at district hospital (one at home and two on the way to the hospital), two died at the district hospital where intensive care unit (ICU) and mechanical ventilators were not available. Three cases were referred to a tertiary care facility in Addis Ababa where two were admitted to the ICU; one required mechanical ventilator support. The remaining six (2 symptomatic and 4 asymptomatic) were observed at the district hospital and discharged.

Clinical manifestations

The clinical data are summarized in (Table 2 ). The onset was abrupt. Symptoms with the highest frequency were fatigue (9/10), difficulty opening eyes (9/10), headache (8/10), dysphagia (8/10), slurred speech (7/10), visual disturbance (7/10), difficulty supporting the head (7/10), and vomiting (6/10). Those who were hospitalized demonstrated altered mental status (n = 2), profound neck and truncal weakness (n = 3), and intact extremity strength (n = 3). Additionally, they had hyporeflexia and autonomic findings including diarrhea and reactive pupils without mydriasis (n = 1). A 4-year-old child who survived the illness had a classic presentation of descending paralysis that started with headache, vomiting, and blurred vision, followed by dysphagia and upper and lower extremity weakness. An adult case, which required mechanical ventilation also, had classic descending paralysis. Two adult ‘patients’ received 20 mL of BAT as an intravenous I.V. infusion.

Among the survivors, three of the patients with severe disease were referred to tertiary care. Of those, one adult patient was discharged with residual weakness of the extremities. The 4 year old child had improved body weakness but had still bilateral ptosis. The third patient's muscle weakness fully recovered, returning to a fully functional status. Six patients, who were observed at a nearby district hospital for a few days were discharged with no neurologic sequelae or functional abnormalities.

Clinical laboratory testing

Serum and stool samples were tested by mouse bioassay and mass spectrometry for botulinum neurotoxin. Food and stool samples were cultured for isolation of C. botulinum . Foods suspected to be contaminated by the toxin and accessible at the affected households were collected; minimal gelatin phosphate buffer was added and the specimens with detected botulinum toxin were cultured for botulinum toxin-producing clostridia. Blood drawn on the third day of illness from two of the cases was positive for botulinum toxin type A. One of the two cases also had C. botulinum type A cultured from a stool specimen.

Three patients had electromyography (EMG) that confirmed neuromuscular dysfunction severely affecting the face and proximal upper extremity muscles. The 4 year old child had a lumbar puncture with CSF that showed 3 nucleated cells, protein = 37.7 gm/dl, glucose = 98 mg/dl, Gram stain, and culture showed no organism.

Food vehicle investigation

An extensive dietary history was taken in all cases with a clinical diagnosis of botulism. The extended family shared a common food source and were served from the same plate. One day before the first onset of symptoms, nine of the family members with clinical diagnosis ate sorghum porridge with cheese and yogurt for lunch. The cheese was kept for an indefinite time in a tightly sealed container. A traditional food called “kochi-kocha” and butter were added to the cheese prior to eating. One family member ate the kochi-kocha with bread (no sorghum porridge) and did not get ill. The chili condiment “Kochi-Kocha” (which is made from fresh green chili, clarified butter, ginger, garlic, salt, “Besobila Footnote 1 ” and “Tenaadam Footnote 2 ”), and clarified butter were both kept at room temperature in airtight sealed plastic containers separately for an average of 3 days. On the same day, all household members ate Injera (a national staple made of fermented Teff) and bean stew prepared with clarified butter for breakfast and dinner.

Food vehicle laboratory testing

The testing revealed C. botulinum toxin from the chili condiment “Kochi-Kocha” and the clarified butter. The “Kochi-Kocha” was also positive by mouse bioassay for botulinum toxin type A. A very tiny remnant of clarified butter that was collected from the empty container was found to be weakly positive. C. botulinum type A was cultured from two dried specimens which contain milk and cheese collected from gourd containers (Table 3 ).

The clinical specimens and food specimens, i.e., dried cheese, dried milk, clarified butter, and a chili condiment, contained either BoNT type A or C. botulinum type A. The A2 subtype of the BoNT gene was identified in all C. botulinum isolates. Whole genome sequencing and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis showed that the isolates from the samples (both clinical sample and food sample) are related and have a common ancestor. However, it should be noted that the result couldn’t definitively confirm the source of the spores as there was a possibility of cross-contamination during food preparation.

Public health measures

All food items used in the preparation of the implicated meal served in the ceremony were removed from the house and destroyed. The remaining family members were oriented to appropriately clean utensils in the house before using them for food preparation. Heath extension workers in the area were trained about the natural reservoir, mode of transmission, the natural history of C. botulinum, and how it can be prevented so that they will promote awareness in their regular communication with the community.

Discussion and conclusion

This case report describes the first proven cases of foodborne botulism in Ethiopia. The outbreak was caused by toxin type A botulinum toxin. The case fatality rate of the outbreak was 50% and the attack rate was 71.4%. This is similar to other case reports of foodborne botulism reported elsewhere [ 9 , 12 , 13 , 18 , 19 ]. Botulinum toxin is a highly poisonous neurotoxin synthesized by the bacteria  C. botulinum . The initial consideration of botulism based on its clinical presentation and clustering of the cases is the most important step to diagnosis and quickly managing clinical care.

Symptoms of foodborne botulism usually begin 12 to 36 h after ingestion of the preformed toxin [ 7 ]. In our cases, the incubation period varied between 1 to 3 days. Incubation periods as long as 1 week are seen when the volume of the preformed toxin inoculum is small. Symptoms predominantly include the involvement of the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous systems [ 20 ]. As recognized during the previous foodborne botulism outbreaks, the attack rate is not 100% [ 19 , 21 ]. In our case series, the attack rate of 70% among those who ate is explained by an uneven distribution of the toxin in the food, a dose–response relationship, or unrecognized host factors that confer resistance to the toxin.

Clinical presentation and demonstration of toxin in the blood, stool, vomitus of a suspected case, or food items help to make the diagnosis of foodborne botulism [ 13 ]. In this outbreak, as is common in foodborne botulism, diarrhea was a common early symptom [ 2 ]. Diarrhea is caused by toxins other than botulinum toxin including bacteria and/or viruses contaminating the same source of food. Pupils could be reactive without mydriasis, as in the described cases, because the parasympathetic fibers in the oculomotor nerve were spared. Altered mental status in cases of botulism could be due to lack of adequate oxygenation, infection, or other metabolic disorders [ 22 ].

Clinical signs and symptoms and epidemiologic investigation of cases are critical, especially when laboratory test results may be delayed or unavailable. The differential diagnosis of food-borne botulism includes myasthenia gravis, tick paralysis, Guillain–Barre syndrome, poliomyelitis, stroke, and heavy metal intoxication [ 4 ].

In our report, all cases consumed cheese with “Kochi-Kocha,” which was made from chili and butter. Botulinum toxin type A was identified from the cheese, butter, and chili. All foods were stored in sealed containers which can create an oxygen-free environment, thereby favoring the germination of clostridium. Fats can provide the low acidity environment necessary for anaerobic bacteria need for spore germination and toxin elaboration. The plastic sealed containers facilitate the anaerobic environment. The chili is grown in soil and can harbor bacterial spores. There was also the possibility of cross-contamination of toxins while serving the food.

Due to the limited diagnostic capacity, the prevalence of the disease in Ethiopia is not well known. Early recognition of botulism is critical for the treatment of cases and to limit the extent of the outbreak by potentially identifying the possible contaminated food sources. The mainstay of treatment is respiratory support with over 34% requiring mechanical ventilation [ 5 , 14 ], a major limitation in Ethiopia. Botulism antitoxin (BAT) when given early in the disease process can neutralize circulating botulinum toxin, stopping the further progression of the disease. Unfortunately, antitoxin does not reverse the damage that has already been occurred [ 23 ]. Unfortunately, BAT is not readily available in Ethiopia.

Our investigation has limitations. Investigators were not able to interview or examine all the cases. It was also not possible to collect biological samples from all of the cases. The informants about the symptoms of the cases might have recall bias.

The mortality rate of botulism in developing countries with limited resources remains high. Important contributing factors include delay in diagnosis, lack of antitoxin, and the limited presence of an intensive care support system that providers for ventilator support. Countries should make a concerted effort to stockpile antitoxin, as that is the easiest and quick way of intervening upon outbreak detection.

This outbreak investigation can be considered a baseline for public health teams on how to detect and respond to similar outbreaks in the future. At the Ministry of Health and Regional Health Bureau level, a combined strategy of disease surveillance, recognition, confirmation, and treatment has to be devised to assess the extent of botulism and develop prevention strategies for this newly confirmed disease in Ethiopia. There should be a strong partnership between clinicians and public health authorities at all levels for rapid detection of possible clusters of botulism and complete investigation to identify the primary source of infection and the specific process of the risk introduction of the bacilli into the implicated food. Efforts should also be made to inform communities about the risk of food storage practices and the types of food liable for spore contamination. Systematic ongoing surveillance using standardized botulism case definition must be introduced and integrated with the existing acute flaccid paralysis surveillance system. It is also essential to establish a system of referral and logistics where patients suspected of botulism could easily be transported for inpatient admission to provide care such as mechanical ventilation, botulism antitoxin, and nutritional rehabilitation.

Availability of data and materials

The data sets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. Data is archived from the Ethiopian Public health institute.

A local herb whose scientific name is Ocimum sanctum/tenuiflorum .

Another local herb is considered to have medicinal value and is used as a flavoring additive. Its scientific name is Rutachalepensis L.


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Center for disease control and prevention

Cerebrospinal fluid


Ethiopian Public health Institute

Intensive Care Unit

Whole genome sequencing

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The authors would like to thank the Federal Ministry of Health, Ethiopian Public Health Institute, Oromia Regional State Health Bureau, and Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital and Saint Paul hospital for providing detailed patient information. Our special thanks go to the US CDC of Atlanta and Ethiopia for the facilitation of laboratory testing. The authors focused on the clinical presentation of these patients and the authors acknowledge Ethiopian Public Health Institute conducted the fieldwork in collaboration with the CDC and Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital.

Not applicable.

Author information

Authors and affiliations.

Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, Saint Paul, Millennium Medical College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Tigist Bacha

Department of Internal Medicine, College of Health Sciences, School of Medicine, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Amsalu Bekele & Wondwossen Amogne

Department of Public Health, Institute of Health Sciences, Wollega University, Nekemte, Ethiopia

Afework Tamiru

Department of Emergency Medicine and Critical Care, Saint Paul, Millennium Medical College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Ishmael Shemsedin

Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, USA

Dawd S. Siraj

Ethiopian Public Health Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, College of Health Sciences, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Ermias Abebaw & Ayalew Moges

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TB and EA performed the search and collection of the cases. TB performed the case and data analysis and literature search and wrote the manuscript. TB, EA, AM, AT, AB, IS, DS, DJ, and WA helped with case analysis, refining the manuscript, and making the final corrections to the article. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Tigist Bacha .

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Written informed consent was obtained from the patients, from the parent of children under 18 years old, and from families of deceased patients to publish the case report of the patient's personal or clinical details along with any identifying images to be published in this study. A copy of the consent form is available for review by the Editor of this journal.

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Bacha, T., Abebaw, E., Moges, A. et al. Botulism outbreak in a rural Ethiopia: a case series. BMC Infect Dis 21 , 1270 (2021).

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Received : 14 December 2020

Accepted : 10 December 2021

Published : 20 December 2021


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  • Clostridium botulinum
  • Foodborne diseases

BMC Infectious Diseases

ISSN: 1471-2334

case study botulism answers


  1. Case Study - Botulism Flashcards | Quizlet

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is Botulism caused by?, Clostridium botulinum characteristics, What is Botulism? and more.

  2. Foodborne Botulism, I Only Had Nacho Cheese: A Case Report

    Recent studies and clinical experiences show that the most common source of foodborne botulism is often the canning of foods at home, which has a low acid content, such as green beans, corn, and beets. A common source of the illness in cold climate areas is fermented seafood.

  3. Foodborne botulism: a case report : Porto Biomedical Journal

    We present a case of food botulism in which we highlight the rapid clinical evolution to a critical and deadly state and total clinical response to specific therapeutic, without founding the culprit food contaminated by botulinum toxin.

  4. Foodborne botulism due to ingestion of home-canned green ...

    The diagnosis of foodborne botulism is made on high suspicion based on clinical findings of cranial nerve palsies and descending paralysis and a history of ingestion of food with low acid content in an anaerobic milieu, most commonly home-canned vegetables or meat.

  5. Clinical Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Botulism ...

    Physicians from CDC and academia conducted six systematic reviews on the clinical features of botulism, pediatric botulism, botulism in pregnancy, epidemiology of botulism outbreaks, botulinum antitoxin efficacy, and allergic reactions to botulinum antitoxin (14,27–31).

  6. Case Study: Botulism - McGraw Hill Education

    Case Background. Botulism is a form of food poisoning caused by exposure to a toxin called botulin. Botulin is produced by Clostridium botulinum, a spore forming, anaerobic bacterium that can contaminate food.

  7. Human Anatomy | Case Study: Botulism - McGraw Hill Education

    Case Background. Botulism is a form of food poisoning caused by exposure to a toxin called botulin. Botulin is produced by Clostridium botulinum, a spore forming, anaerobic bacterium that can contaminate food.

  8. Case Report: Food-borne botulism: still actual topic - PMC

    Diagnosis of botulism may be difficult because of its rare prevalence and a variable clinical course, especially in old patients. Authors of this paper describe two cases of botulism and diagnostic problems associated with it.

  9. Botulism in Argentina

    Because of the relatively high incidence and case fatality ratio for botulism in Argentina, the MOH and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) collaborated to establish a botulism surveillance and antitoxin release system in Argentina.

  10. Botulism outbreak in a rural Ethiopia: a case series | BMC ...

    This case series describes an outbreak of foodborne botulism in a rural community from the west Wollega, Oromia region, western Ethiopia. A case of botulism is defined as symptoms, signs, and neuro-diagnostic studies consistent with botulism [ 9 ].