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Essays About Dreams In Life: 14 Examples And Topic Ideas

Dreams in life are necessary; if you are writing essays about dreams in life , you can read these essay examples and topic ideas to get started.

Everyone has a dream – a big one or even a small one. Even the most successful people had dreams before becoming who they are today. Having a dream is like having a purpose in life; you will start working hard to reach your dream and never lose interest in life.

Without hard work, you can never turn a dream into a reality; it will only remain a desire. Level up your essay writing skills by reading our essays about dreams in life examples and prompts and start writing an inspiring essay today!

Writing About Dreams: A Guide

Essays about dreams in life: example essays, 1. chase your dreams: the best advice i ever got by michelle colon-johnson, 2. my dream, my future by deborah massey, 3. the pursuit of dreams by christine nishiyama, 4. my dreams and ambitions by kathy benson, 5. turning big dreams into reality by shyam gokarn, 6. my hopes and dreams by celia robinson, 7. always pursue your dreams – no matter what happens by steve bloom, 8. why do we dream by james roland, 9. bad dreams by eli goldstone, 10. why your brain needs to dream by matthew walker, 11. dreams by hedy marks, 12. do dreams really mean anything by david b. feldman, 13. how to control your dreams by serena alagappan, 14. the sunday essay: my dreams on antidepressants by ashleigh young, essays about dreams in life essay topics, 1. what is a dream, 2. what are your dreams in life, 3. why are dreams important in life, 4. what are the reasons for a person to dream big, 5. what do you think about dreams in life vs. short-term sacrifice, 6. what is the purpose of dreaming, 7. why are dreams so strange and vivid, 8. why do dreams feel so real, 9. why are dreams so hard to remember, 10. do dreams mean anything, what is a dream short essay, how can i write my dream in life.


Writing about dreams is an excellent topic for essays, brainstorming new topic ideas for fiction stories, or just as a creative outlet. We all have dreams , whether in our sleep, during the day, or even while walking on a sunny day. Some of the best ways to begin writing about a topic are by reading examples and using a helpful prompt to get started. Check out our guide to writing about dreams and begin mastering the art of writing today!

“Everyone has the ability to dream , but not everyone has the willingness to truly chase their dreams . When people aren’t living their dreams they often have limited belief systems. They believe that their current circumstances and/or surroundings are keeping them from achieving the things they want to do in life.”

In her essay, author Michelle Colon-Johnson encourages her readers to develop a mindset that will let them chase their dreams . So, you have to visualize your dream , manifest it, and start your journey towards it! Check out these essays about dreams and sleep .

“At the time when I have my job and something to make them feel so proud of me, I would like to give them the best life. I would like to make them feel comfortable and see sweet smiles on their faces. This is really the one I like to achieve in my life; mountains of words can’t explain how much I love and appreciate them.”

Author Deborah Massey’s essay talks about her dreams and everything she wanted to achieve and accomplish in her life. She also tells us that we must live our values, pursue our dreams , and follow our passions for the best future.

“Fast-forward 5+ years, and my first published book is coming out this May with Scholastic. And now, let me tell you the truth: I don’t feel any different. I’m extremely grateful for the opportunity, proud of the work I’ve done, and excited for the book’s release. But on a fundamental level, I feel the same.”

In her essay, author Christine Nishiyama shares what she felt when she first achieved one of her goals in life. She says that with this mindset, you will never feel the satisfaction of achieving your goal or the fulfillment of reaching your dream . Instead, she believes that what fulfills people is the pursuit of their dreams in life.

“My dream is to become a good plastic surgeon and day after day it has transformed into an ambition which I want to move towards. I do not want to be famous, but just good enough to have my own clinic and work for a very successful hospital. Many people think that becoming a doctor is difficult, and I know that takes many years of preparation, but anyone can achieve it if they have determination.”

Author Kathy Benson’s essay narrates her life – all the things and struggles she has been through in pursuing her dreams in life. Yet, no matter how hard the situation gets, she always convinces herself not to give up, hoping her dreams will come true one day. She believes that with determination and commitment, anyone can achieve their dreams and goals in life. 

“I have always been a big dreamer and involved in acting upon it. Though, many times I failed, I continued to dream big and act. As long as I recollect, I always had such wild visions and fantasies of thinking, planning, and acting to achieve great things in life. But, as anyone can observe, there are many people, who think and work in that aspect.”

In his essay, author Shyam Gokarn explains why having a big dream is very important in a person’s life. However, he believes that the problem with some people is that they never hold tight to their dreams , even if they can turn them into reality. As a result, they tend to easily give up on their dreams and even stop trying instead of persevering through the pain and anguish of another failure.

“When I was younger, I’ve always had a fairytale-like dream about my future. To marry my prince, have a Fairy Godmother, be a princess
 But now, all of that has changed. I’ve realized how hard life is now; that life cannot be like a fairy tale. What you want can’t happen just like that.”

Celia Robinson’s essay talks about her dream since she was a child. Unfortunately, as we grow old, there’s no “Fairy Godmother” that would help us when things get tough. Everyone wants to succeed in the future, but we have to work hard to achieve our dreams and goals.

“Take writing for example. I’ve wanted to be a professional writer since I was a little boy, but I was too scared that I wouldn’t be any good at it. But several years ago I started pursuing this dream despite knowing how difficult it might be. I fully realize I may not make it, but I’m completely fine with that. At least I tried which is more than most people can say.”

In his essay, author Steve Bloom encourages his readers always to pursue their dreams no matter what happens. He asks, “Would you rather pursue them and fail or never try?”. He believes that it’s always better to try and fail than look back and wonder what might have been. Stop thinking that failure or success is the only end goal for pursuing your dreams . Instead, think of it as a long journey where all the experiences you get along the way are just as important as reaching the end goal .

“ Dreams are hallucinations that occur during certain stages of sleep. They’re strongest during REM sleep, or the rapid eye movement stage, when you may be less likely to recall your dream . Much is known about the role of sleep in regulating our metabolism, blood pressure, brain function, and other aspects of health. But it’s been harder for researchers to explain the role of dreams . When you’re awake, your thoughts have a certain logic to them. When you sleep, your brain is still active, but your thoughts or dreams often make little or no sense.”

Author James Roland’s essay explains the purpose of having dreams and the factors that can influence our dreams . He also mentioned some of the reasons that cause nightmares. Debra Sullivan, a nurse educator, medically reviews his essay. Sullivan’s expertise includes cardiology, psoriasis/dermatology, pediatrics, and alternative medicine. For more, you can also see these articles about sleep .

“The first time I experienced sleep paralysis and recognised it for what it was I was a student. I had been taking MDMA and listening to Django Reinhardt. My memories of that time are mainly of taking drugs and listening to Django Reinhardt. When I woke up I was in my paralysed body. I was there, inside it. I was inside my leaden wrists, my ribcage, the thick dead roots of my hair, the bandages of skin. This time the hallucinations were auditory. I could hear someone being beaten outside my door. They were screaming for help. And I could do nothing but lie there, locked inside my body . . . whatever bit of me is not my body. That is the bit that exists, by itself, at night.”

In her essay, Author Eli Goldstone talks about her suffering from bad dreams ever since childhood. She also talks about what she feels every time she has sleep paralysis – a feeling of being conscious but unable to move.

“We often hear stories of people who’ve learned from their dreams or been inspired by them. Think of Paul McCartney’s story of how his hit song “Yesterday” came to him in a dream or of Mendeleev’s dream -inspired construction of the periodic table of elements. But, while many of us may feel that our dreams have special meaning or a useful purpose, science has been more skeptical of that claim. Instead of being harbingers of creativity or some kind of message from our unconscious, some scientists have considered dreaming to being an unintended consequence of sleep—a byproduct of evolution without benefit.”

Author Matthew Walker, a professor of psychology and neuroscience, shares some interesting facts about dreams in his essay. According to research, dreaming is more than just a byproduct of sleep; it also serves essential functions in our well-being. 

“ Dreams are basically stories and images that our mind creates while we sleep. They can be vivid. They can make you feel happy, sad, or scared. And they may seem confusing or perfectly rational. Dreams can happen at any time during sleep. But you have your most vivid dreams during a phase called REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, when your brain is most active. Some experts say we dream at least four to six times a night.”

In his essay, Author Hedy Marks discusses everything we need to know about dreams in detail – from defining a dream to tips that may help us remember our dreams . Hedy Marks is an Assistant Managing Editor at WebMD , and Carol DerSarkissian, a board-certified emergency physician, medically reviews his essay.

“Regardless of whether dreams foretell the future, allow us to commune with the divine, or simply provide a better understanding of ourselves, the process of analyzing them has always been highly symbolic. To understand the meaning of dreams , we must interpret them as if they were written in a secret code. A quick search of an online dream dictionary will tell you that haunted houses symbolize “unfinished emotional business,” dimly lit lamps mean you’re “feeling overwhelmed by emotional issues,” a feast indicates “a lack of balance in your life,” and garages symbolize a feeling of “lacking direction or guidance in achieving your goals.” 

Author David B. Feldman, an author, speaker, and professor of counseling psychology , believes that dreams may not mean anything, but they tell us something about our emotions. In other words, if you’ve been suffering from a series of bad dreams , it could be worth checking in with yourself to see how you’ve been feeling and perhaps consider whether there’s anything you can do to improve your mood.

“Ever wish you could ice skate across a winter sky, catching crumbs of gingerbread, like flakes of snow, on your tongue? How about conquering a monster in a nightmare, bouncing between mountain peaks, walking through walls, or reading minds? Have you ever longed to hold the hand of someone you loved and lost? If you want to fulfill your fantasies, or even face your fears, you might want to try taking some control of your dreams (try being the operative). People practiced in lucid dreaming—the phenomenon of being aware that you are dreaming while you are asleep—claim that the experience allows adventure, self-discovery, and euphoric joy.”

In her essay, Author Serena Alagappan talks about lucid dreams – a type of dream where a person becomes conscious during a dream . She also talked about ways to control our dreams , such as keeping a journal, reciting mantras before bed, and believing we can. However, not everyone will be able to control their dreams because the levels of lucidity and control differ significantly between individuals.

“There was a period of six months when I tried to go off my medication – a slowly unfolding disaster – and I’d thought my dreams might settle down. Instead, they grew more deranged. Even now I think of the dream in which I was using a cigarette lighter to melt my own father, who had assumed the form of a large candle. I’ve since learned that, apart from more research being needed, this was probably a case of “REM rebound”. When you stop taking the medication, you’ll likely get a lot more REM sleep than you were getting before. In simple terms, your brain goes on a dreaming frenzy, amping up the detail.”

Author Ashleigh Young’s essay informs us how some medications, such as antidepressants, affect our dreams based on her own life experience . She said, “I’ve tried not to dwell too much on my dreams . Yes, they are vivid and sometimes truly gruesome, full of chaotic, unfathomable violence, but weird nights seemed a reasonable price to pay for the bearable days that SSRIs have helped me to have.” 

In simple terms, a dream is a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal; is it the same as your goal in life? In your essay, explore this topic and state your opinion about what the word “ dream ” means to you.

This is an excellent topic for your statement or “about me” essay. Where do you see yourself in the next ten years? Do you have a career plan? If you still haven’t thought about it, maybe it’s time to start thinking about your future.

Having dreams is very important in a person’s life; it motivates, inspires, and helps you achieve any goal that you have in mind. Without dreams , we would feel lost – having no purpose in life. Therefore, in your essay, you should be able to explain to your readers how important it is to have a dream or ambition in life. 

What are the reasons for a person to dream big?

Dreaming big sounds great; however, it’s easier said than done. First, you’ve got to have reasons to dream big, which will motivate you to achieve your goals in life. If you’re writing an essay about dreams in life, mention why most people dare to dream big and achieve more in life. Is it about freedom, money, praise from other people, satisfaction, or something else entirely?

For example, you could watch movies, play video games, relax every night, or give up all of them to learn a complex skill – what would you choose, and why? In your essay about dreams in life, answer the question and include other examples about this topic so your readers can relate.

There are many answers to this question – one is that dreams may have an evolutionary function, testing us in scenarios crucial to our survival. Dreams may also reduce the severity of emotional trauma. On the other hand, some researchers say dreams have no purpose or meaning, while some say we need dreams for physical and mental health. Take a closer look at this topic , and include what you find in your essay.

Weird dreams could result from anxiety, stress, or sleep deprivation. So, manage your stress levels, and stick to a sleep routine to stop having weird dreams . If you wake up from a weird dream , you can fall back asleep using deep breaths or any relaxing activity. You can research other causes of weird dreams and ways to stop yourself from having them for your essay about dreams and sleep.

The same areas of the brain that are active when we learn and process information in the actual world are active when we dream , and they replay the information as we sleep. Many things we see, hear, and feel in our everyday lives appear in our dreams . If you want to write an informative essay about dreams and sleep, look into more details about this topic .

Tip: When editing for grammar, we also recommend taking the time to improve the readability score of a piece of writing before publishing or submitting it.

People may not remember what happened in their dreams . Studies show that people tend to forget their dreams due to the changing levels of acetylcholine and norepinephrine during sleep. This will be quite an exciting topic for your readers because many people can relate. That being said, research more information about this topic , and discuss it in detail in your essay. 

Although some people believe that dreams don’t mean anything, many psychologists and other experts have theorized about the deeper meaning of dreams . Therefore, your essay about dreams and sleep should delve deeper into this topic . If you’re stuck picking your next essay topic , check out our round-up of essay topics about education .

FAQS on Essays About Dreams in Life

There are many great short essays about dreams; you can write your own too! Some great examples include Do Dreams Really Mean Anything? by David B. Feldman and  Dreams by Hedy Marks.

Writing about your dreams in life is a fantastic creative outlet and can even help you plan your future. Use a prompt to get started, like “What are your dreams in life?” or “What do you aspire to be in ten years?” and begin writing without thinking too much about it. See where the pen takes you and start mapping out your future with this writing exercise.


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124 American Dream Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

The American Dream is a concept deeply rooted in the American ethos, representing the belief that anyone, regardless of their background or circumstances, can achieve success and prosperity through hard work and determination. This idea has been a source of inspiration for countless individuals and has shaped the nation's history and identity. If you are tasked with writing an essay on the American Dream, here are 124 topic ideas and examples to help you get started:

  • The evolution of the American Dream throughout history.
  • The impact of the American Dream on immigration patterns.
  • The portrayal of the American Dream in literature and film.
  • The role of education in achieving the American Dream.
  • The American Dream and socioeconomic mobility.
  • The American Dream in the context of racial and gender equality.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of happiness.
  • The influence of the American Dream on consumer culture.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of homeownership.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of higher education.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of entrepreneurship.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of fame and fortune.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a better life for future generations.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of freedom and democracy.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of equal opportunities.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of social justice.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of personal growth and self-improvement.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of financial security.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong work ethic.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of individualism.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of technological advancement.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a better environment.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of cultural diversity.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of religious freedom.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of political power.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of social mobility.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of community engagement.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of personal happiness.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a balanced lifestyle.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of creativity and innovation.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of equal rights and opportunities for all.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong family unit.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of volunteerism and philanthropy.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a fair and just society.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong healthcare system.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a secure retirement.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a sustainable future.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of personal freedom and liberty.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong national identity.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of technological innovation.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of social equality.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong economy.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a diverse and inclusive society.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong education system.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong justice system.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong military.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong infrastructure.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong environmental policy.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong social safety net.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong democracy.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong international presence.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong cultural identity.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong work-life balance.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of community.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong national pride.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of belonging.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of purpose.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of justice.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of equality.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of opportunity.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of achievement.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of ambition.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of success.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of fulfillment.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of contentment.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of peace.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of optimism.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of resilience.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of determination.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of perseverance.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of endurance.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of hope.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of courage.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of empathy.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of compassion.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of integrity.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of honesty.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of trust.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of responsibility.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of accountability.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of transparency.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of fairness.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of freedom.
  • The American Dream and the pursuit of a strong sense of democracy.

These topic ideas and examples should give you a starting point for your essay on the American Dream. Remember to use critical thinking, research, and personal insights to develop a compelling and thought-provoking piece that explores the complexities and nuances of this enduring concept.

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Home Essay Samples Life

Essay Samples on Dream

Explaining why dreams and goals are valuable.

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Best topics on Dream

1. Explaining Why Dreams and Goals Are Valuable

2. A Glimpse into Life 10 Years From Now

3. Turning My Dream to Become an Enterpreneur to Reality

4. If I Had a Million Dollars: Dreams and Possibilities

5. My Passion for Becoming a Registered Nurse

6. Following Dreams: With Special Reference To Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist

7. Illusion vs Reality it “The Great Gatsby” and Other Literature

8. Passion And Dream Vs. Reality In The Face Of Apple

9. Jungian Psychology And Dream Analysis Applied To The Movie Sleep Dealer

10. My Personal Struggles with Financial Need as a Student

11. What I Would Spend Lottery Money On

12. The Pact and Ways to Fulfill a Dream

13. Why I Want to Be a Neonatal Nurse

14. Waking Up from a Wishful Dream in Inception

15. Analysis of Separate Scenes and Narratives in Inception

  • Perseverance
  • Personal Experience
  • Personality
  • Affordable Housing

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Essay on My Dream for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my dream.

Everyone has a dream in his life which they want to achieve when they grow up. Some kids want to become rich so that they can buy anything and some want to be a doctor, lawyer, or engineer. But only you know that for achieving these goals you have to work hard and stay attentive to it. In this essay on my dream, we are going to discuss the basic things that will help in achieving my dream .

Essay on My Dream


For turning a dream into reality the first thing that you need is determination. This will help you in a lot of ways. Firstly, it will help you decide the course of action for doing anything. Besides, it will also help you to plan the journey ahead. Also, it will help to take things slow and maintain a steady pace towards the dream.

Moreover, no matter how big my dream planning and setting short term goals will always help. This is important because rushing to your dream will not going to help you in any way. Besides, there is some dream that requires time and they follow a process without following it you cannot achieve that dream.

Staying Motivated

Lack of motivation is one of the main causes that force a person to leave his dream behind. So, staying motivated is also part of the goal. And if you can’t stay positive then you won’t be able to achieve the dream. There are many people out there that quit the journey of their dreams mid-way because they lack motivation .

Keep Remembering Goal

For completing the dream you have to keep your dream in the mind. And remind this dream to yourself daily. There come hard times when you feel like quitting at those times just remember the goal it helps you stay positive . And if you feel like you messed up big times then start over with a fresh mind.

Reward Yourself

You don’t need to cover milestones to reward yourself. Set a small target towards your dream and on fulfilling them reward yourself . These rewards can be anything from toffee to your favorite thing. Besides, this is a good way of self-motivation.

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Take Some Breaks

Working towards your goal not mean that you work day and night without stopping. Apart from that, due to continuous efforts, people soon start to become de-motivated. So, taking a break will help your body and mind. For doing so, take a break in between your schedule for some time an engage yourself in other activities.

Stay Among Positive People

Your company affects you in a lot of ways than you can imagine. So, be with people who appreciate you and stay away from people who distract and criticize you.

Don’t Hesitate to Make Mistakes

essay questions about dream

To sum it up, we can say that dreaming of a goal is far easier than achieving it. And for fulfilling your dream you need a lot of things and also have to sacrifice many things.

Above all, for fulfilling your dream plan and work according to it because it will lead you to the right path. And never forget to dream big because they help in overcoming every obstacle in life.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What’s the best way to achieve a dream?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “There is no best way for achieving your dream. However, there are certain things that can help you in achieving your dream like being clear to your goal, keep trying, being determinant and several other qualities.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What can be the biggest dream of anyone’s life?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”From my point of view being healthy and happy can be the biggest dream of anyone’s life. “} }] }

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Home — Essay Samples — Economics — American Dream

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Argumentative Essays on American Dream

Hook examples for essays about american dream, rags to riches hook.

Explore the timeless appeal of the American Dream by examining stories of individuals who started with nothing and achieved remarkable success. From Andrew Carnegie to Oprah Winfrey, these stories inspire and symbolize the dream's possibility.

The Immigrant's Dream Hook

Take a closer look at the American Dream through the lens of immigration. Analyze the experiences of immigrants who came to America in pursuit of a better life and the challenges they faced while chasing their dreams.

The Illusion of the Dream Hook

Discuss the idea that the American Dream may sometimes be more of an illusion than a reality. Explore how societal barriers, economic inequalities, and systemic challenges can obstruct the path to achieving one's dreams.

Generational Perspectives Hook

Examine how the concept of the American Dream has evolved over generations. Compare the dreams and aspirations of different eras, from the post-World War II boom to the challenges faced by millennials and Gen Z today.

The Dream in Literature and Film Hook

Explore the portrayal of the American Dream in literature and cinema. Analyze iconic works like "The Great Gatsby" and "Death of a Salesman" to uncover the themes of ambition, success, and disillusionment.

Financial Prosperity Hook

Delve into the financial aspects of the American Dream. Discuss the pursuit of homeownership, financial stability, and economic success as core components of this dream, and how they have evolved over time.

Freedom and Independence Hook

Consider the role of freedom and independence in the American Dream. Explore how the dream encompasses not only financial success but also the pursuit of personal liberty, self-expression, and self-reliance.

The Dream Deferred Hook

Reflect on Langston Hughes' question, "What happens to a dream deferred?" Analyze the consequences of unfulfilled dreams and how they impact individuals and communities, shedding light on the complexities of the American Dream.

The Dream and Social Justice Hook

Examine the relationship between the American Dream and social justice. Discuss how unequal access to opportunities and systemic discrimination have influenced who can pursue and achieve the dream.

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Equal Opportunity and The American Dream: a Critical Appraisal

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The concept of the American Dream centers around the notion that individuals, irrespective of their place of birth or social status, have the potential to achieve their personal definition of success within a society that offers upward mobility opportunities for all its members.

In 1931, James Truslow Adams introduced the phrase "American Dream" in his book, emphasizing the belief that every individual, irrespective of their social class or background, should have the opportunity to lead a fulfilling and prosperous life. Adams articulated that the American Dream entails the pursuit of a better, more abundant existence, where individuals can thrive based on their abilities and accomplishments.

The origin of the American Dream can be traced back to the founding principles of the United States of America. It emerged as a belief system that reflected the ideals of freedom, equality, and opportunity that were integral to the nation's formation. The concept gained prominence during the early years of the country's history, as immigrants sought a better life and economic prosperity in the New World. The term "American Dream" was popularized in the 20th century, particularly during the post-World War II era when the United States experienced significant economic growth and social mobility. It became synonymous with the idea that hard work, determination, and meritocracy could lead to upward social and economic mobility, allowing individuals to achieve their goals and aspirations. Over time, the American Dream has evolved and been interpreted differently by various generations and cultural groups. It continues to serve as a symbol of hope and opportunity, representing the aspirations and dreams of individuals striving for success and a better future in the United States.

Public opinion on the American Dream is varied and complex. While the concept has traditionally been revered as a symbol of hope and opportunity, there are differing perspectives on its attainability and relevance in contemporary society. Some individuals view the American Dream as a fundamental pillar of the nation's identity, representing the ideals of hard work, meritocracy, and upward mobility. They believe that with determination and perseverance, anyone can overcome obstacles and achieve success, regardless of their background or circumstances. This optimistic view holds the American Dream as a source of motivation and inspiration. However, there are those who critique the American Dream, arguing that systemic barriers and inequalities hinder equal access to opportunities. They highlight issues such as income inequality, limited social mobility, and structural disadvantages that make it challenging for individuals, particularly those from marginalized communities, to achieve their aspirations. The public opinion on the American Dream also reflects generational and cultural differences. Younger generations, in particular, express skepticism and question the viability of the traditional American Dream, seeking a more inclusive and equitable vision of success.

The representation of the American Dream in media and literature has been a recurring theme, capturing the aspirations, challenges, and complexities of American society. One notable example is F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel "The Great Gatsby," which delves into the pursuit of the American Dream during the Roaring Twenties. The protagonist, Jay Gatsby, embodies the relentless pursuit of wealth and social status as he tries to win back his lost love. The novel critiques the shallow and elusive nature of the American Dream, exposing the dark underbelly of materialism and the illusion of happiness. Another representation can be found in Arthur Miller's play "Death of a Salesman." The character of Willy Loman personifies the American Dream as he strives for success in the sales industry. However, the play highlights the disillusionment and personal tragedy that can accompany the pursuit of this ideal, shedding light on the sacrifices and compromises made in the name of success. In contemporary media, films like "The Pursuit of Happyness" and "American Beauty" tackle the American Dream in different ways. "The Pursuit of Happyness" portrays the struggles of a man determined to provide a better life for his son, emphasizing the resilience and determination required to overcome adversity. "American Beauty" explores the hollowness and superficiality of the American Dream through a satirical lens, challenging societal norms and materialistic values.

“When we make college more affordable, we make the American Dream more achievable.” — William J. Clinton “I am the epitome of what the American Dream basically said. It said you could come from anywhere and be anything you want in this country.” — Whoopi Goldberg, “The American Dream is a phrase we’ll have to wrestle with all our lives. It means a lot of things to different people. I think we’re redefining it now.” – Rita Dove

The topic of the American Dream is of great significance when it comes to understanding the ideals, values, and aspirations deeply ingrained in American society. Writing an essay on the American Dream allows for a critical examination of its historical origins, cultural impact, and evolving interpretations over time. It provides a platform to explore the promises and challenges associated with this concept, shedding light on its complexities and contradictions. Examining the American Dream allows us to delve into issues of social mobility, equality, and the pursuit of happiness. It prompts discussions on the role of opportunity, hard work, and meritocracy in achieving success, while also addressing systemic barriers and inequalities that hinder progress. Moreover, analyzing the American Dream invites reflection on the changing dynamics of the nation, the influence of consumerism, and the impact of globalization on individual and collective aspirations.

1. Adams, J. T. (1931). The Epic of America. Little, Brown, and Company. 2. Bellah, R. N., Madsen, R., Sullivan, W. M., Swidler, A., & Tipton, S. M. (2008). Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life. University of California Press. 3. Fitzgerald, F. S. (1925). The Great Gatsby. Charles Scribner's Sons. 4. Hochschild, J. L. (1995). Facing Up to the American Dream: Race, Class, and the Soul of the Nation. Princeton University Press. 5. Jackson, K. T. (1985). Crabgrass Frontier: The Suburbanization of the United States. Oxford University Press. 6. Levine, L. W. (2005). Highbrow/Lowbrow: The Emergence of Cultural Hierarchy in America. Harvard University Press. 7. Putnam, R. D. (2000). Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community. Simon & Schuster. 8. Riesman, D., Glazer, N., & Denney, R. (1950). The Lonely Crowd: A Study of the Changing American Character. Yale University Press. 9. Turner, F. J. (1893). The Significance of the Frontier in American History. American Historical Association. 10. Wilson, W. J. (1987). The Truly Disadvantaged: The Inner City, the Underclass, and Public Policy. University of Chicago Press.

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essay questions about dream

I Have A Dream Speech

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In what ways is “I Have a Dream” a speech for a specific time and place, and in what ways is it universal? Does reading it more than a half century later change its meaning and if so, how?

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The American Dream

By edward albee, the american dream essay questions.

What does the story about the hat show us about Mommy?

For one, the story about the hat shows us that Mommy is the dominant partner in her and Daddy's marriage. At the start of the story, she realizes that Daddy isn't listening, then quizzes him throughout the story to make sure that he is.

Secondly, the story shows how eager Mommy is to prove her status and her power in any given situation, often at the expense of logic. She liked the hat when she bought it, but when the chair of the women's club—a woman with more power than her—disputes the color, Mommy cannot simply shrug off the disagreement. Instead, she goes back to the store and makes a scene, screaming and scaring the staff at the store. They go back into the back room and emerge with the same hat, and tell her it's beige, the same color that she thought it was initially. Mommy happily accepts the same hat of the same color, but feels better for having made a scene about it. This shows that Mommy is rather shallow and wants to put on airs and intimidate people into treating her as a powerful person.

Explain the title.

"The American Dream" is commonly understood to refer to the values that Americans share, values like liberty, equality, opportunity, and democracy. It is the promise of living in the United States. When the Young Man first arrives at the apartment, Grandma tells him that he is the American Dream, that everyone is wrong about what the American Dream is, and it's actually just him, a handsome and wholesome young man. In this way, the play suggests that the "American Dream" is a kind of unattainable but appealing idea of youth, attractiveness, and wholesomeness. As the Young Man tells Grandma a little bit about himself, we learn that he is "incomplete," incapable of feeling, and unable to love. This changes our definition of the "American Dream" and shows us that, in fact, the beauty of the exterior is not always matched with depth. Perhaps, then, the "American Dream" is a hollow one. Albee seems to insinuate that the American promise of freedom and opportunity is not all it is cracked up to be, and that capitalistic systems and democratic ideals can also be quite hollow and incapable of taking care of people. "The American Dream," as embodied by the Young Man, is highly easy to project onto, but it doesn't necessarily give back much in return.

What dramatic movement is Edward Albee typically associated with?

Many critics have credited Edward Albee with helping to Americanize the European "Theatre of the Absurd." The "Theatre of the Absurd" was a movement first named by critic Martin Esslin in 1962 and refers to plays written after WWII that seek to dramatize existentialist philosophies, often in comic and absurd ways. Theatre of the Absurd seeks to grapple with the question of how to make meaning in the world, while using absurd stage images and scenarios. Theatre of the Absurd does not seek to argue about the absurd plight of man, but show it. A prominent example of Theatre of the Absurd is Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot, in which two men await the arrival of a man who never shows up. Other writers in this tradition include Eugene Ionesco, Jean Genet, and Harold Pinter.

Who is Mrs. Barker?

When she first arrives, no one quite knows who Mrs. Barker is. Even though Mommy and Daddy have been expecting a visitor, and commenting on the fact that they're late, when Mrs. Barker finally arrives, they are mystified. At first, Mrs. Barker tells Mommy that she is the chair of the women's club, the very woman who Mommy told Daddy a story about early on in the play. This is not the entire story. As we learn later on, indirectly, she is also a worker at the adoption agency that gave Mommy and Daddy their first child.

What are Grandma's unusual thoughts on aging?

Grandma maintains that old people do not get older simply because their bodies start working less well, but because they are responding to their worsening treatment by society. She says that once one starts getting older, people start addressing one in a specific tone that is annoying and not very patient. Thus, Grandma alleges, old people go deaf because they grow sick of hearing people talk to them that way. Additionally, she says, old people don't complain, so their bodies get crooked and twisted into the shape of a complaint. In Grandma's eyes, old people are the victims of the world around them and its expectations.

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The American Dream Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for The American Dream is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

Themes of Edward Albee's play The American dream

Edward Albee’s play The American Dream delves into several thought-provoking themes, revealing the complexities of human existence and societal constructs. Let’s explore these themes:

The Fallacy of The American Dream :

  • Albee satirically skewers...

what is the probability that the people hired will be all network engineers?

This seems more like a math question. Unfortunately, this is a literature site and my answer would not be very good.

What were the literary genres produced in the history of American Literature?

‱ Realism and Naturalism

‱ Modernist

‱ Contemporary

Study Guide for The American Dream

The American Dream study guide contains a biography of Edward Albee, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

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  • The American Dream Summary
  • Character List

Essays for The American Dream

The American Dream essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of the play The American Dream by Edward Albee.

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Wikipedia Entries for The American Dream

  • Introduction
  • Productions
  • Critical response

essay questions about dream

115 American Dream Essay Topics

🏆 best american dream essay titles, ✍ american dream essay topics for college, 🎓 interesting american dream topics for research papers, 💡 simple american dream titles for essays, ❓ research questions about the american dream, ✹ good american dream argumentative essay topics.

  • Gran Torino Essay – Clint Eastwood’s Film Analysis
  • The American Dream Theme in Ginsberg’s “America”
  • American Dream in Babylon Revisited Story by Fitzgerald
  • The Downside of the American Dream
  • “Paper Moon” as a Symbol of the American Dream
  • Comparing American Dream Collapsing and the Fading American Dreams
  • The Concept of American Dream in Plays
  • “Watchmen” Film in Relation to the American Dream Watchmen’s “American Dream” depicts the “gritty reality” within the realm of comic books; the “American Dream” has been distorted.
  • American Dream as a Symbol of Hopelessness in Gothic Fiction This paper aims to provide evidence that the characters of Lutie Johnson and Robin both failed to fulfill the American Dream.
  • Stratification and Social Mobility and its Impact on the American Dream According to Kerbo, social stratification includes a ranking of people in a society. It is more concerned with systematic inequalities other than individualistic differences.
  • The American Dream and Related Constructs It is essential to examine the concept of the American dream and analyze its economic, social, and narrative constructs to grasp its accessibility for modern Americans.
  • The Challenge of the American Dream in Cinematography “Midnight Cowboy” and “McCabe & Mrs. Miller” are similar in challenging the idea of success presented in the conventional context of the American Dream.
  • American Dream vs. Reality Throughout History The American dream became a powerful driving force in the United States from the 1930s. Within the next few decades, the concept encouraged many citizens to work hard.
  • The Concept of the American Dream The purpose of this paper is to explore the concept of the American Dream and discuss how Americans of European descent utilized the land and labor of others to realize it.
  • Concepts of American Dreams Historically Americans have been seeking to achieve the American dream of fame, success and immense wealth through changes and much effort.
  • Is the American Dream Attainable? Coined by James Truslow Adams in 1931, “The American Dream” has been a flourishing mantra in America until recently.
  • The American Dream as a Way of Crossing the Frame of Consciousness The American Dream is a concept that describes the ideal life to which the population of the United States aspired in the 30s and 40s.
  • Failure of American Dream: “The Great Gatsby” by Fitzgerald Review Despite the seeming glamor and wealth, the character of Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald is deeply and inherently tragic.
  • The Problems of American Dream and Race For a long time, many people have been coming to the United States to realize their goals. The cultural and social phenomenon of the American dream was formed.
  • Changing the American Dream of Immigrants and African Americans The position of African Americans and other immigrants was not the same throughout US history, denoting that they had different dreams during various periods.
  • Cruel Optimism: Karl Marx’s Ideas and the American Dream The work provides a summary and an analysis of the work of Berlant L. “Cruel optimism: On Marx, loss and the senses” in regard to Karl Marx’s ideas and the American Dream.
  • American Dream and Poverty in the United States The concept of the American dream and its component has changed over the years and remains different for different people.
  • Homeownership as the American Dream The paper identifies the current and previous asking prices, the seller’s investment yield, down payment, and other necessary costs.
  • Ideals of the American Dream Even though working may not be fun all the time, there is still a reasonable number of opportunities provided: financial independence and a clearer perspective on one’s future.
  • The American Dream: Values and Hopes The American Dream is a set of national values that can be traced back to 1620 when the Plymouth Colony was established.
  • Crumbling American Dream: The Thrive of Capitalism The notion of the American dream has now become a universal matter. The thrive of capitalism has made the American dream a desirable state of things unachievable in the near future.
  • The American Dream and Social Disorganization American Dream is the belief that everyone in the state can attain success due to the uniqueness of the U.S society and environment.
  • Recession and the American Dream for Education This paper analyses the ill effects of the recent recession which has occurred and the terrible consequence which families, students, and children in America are currently facing.
  • Fleeing to U.S., the American Dream for Cubans From time immemorial Cubans have been moving to America in search for greener pastures. This eventually worked for the formation of American-Cuban connections around the United States.
  • Youthful View of the American Dream During Uncertain Economic Times The American Dream for youth is now all about helping the country reclaim it’s rightful place of leadership in the world.
  • American Dream in the XXI Century The understanding of the concept of the American dream today and several decades or even centuries ago is quite different.
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StudyCorgi. (2022, January 16). 115 American Dream Essay Topics.

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These essay examples and topics on American Dream were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on June 20, 2024 .

The Stature and Impact of Hakeem Olajuwon on Basketball

This essay about Hakeem Olajuwon, known as “The Dream,” highlights his remarkable impact on basketball. Standing at 7 feet tall, Olajuwon’s height was crucial to his success as a center. His career stats and honors, including two NBA championships and numerous accolades, showcase his dominance. Beyond his physical attributes, Olajuwon revolutionized the center position with his skills and footwork. Post-retirement, he continues to influence the sport globally and engages in philanthropic efforts, inspiring future generations.

How it works

Hakeem Olajuwon, often hailed as “The Dream,” stands as a towering figure in the realm of basketball, both literally and metaphorically. At 7 feet tall, Olajuwon’s height was a pivotal aspect of his on-court dominance. However, his legacy transcends his physical stature, encompassing his revolutionary impact on the game and his contributions to the sport’s global growth.

Born on January 21, 1963, in Lagos, Nigeria, Olajuwon’s journey to basketball greatness began when he moved to the United States to play for the University of Houston.

His 7-foot frame, combined with extraordinary agility and skill, set him apart from his peers. Olajuwon’s rise from a promising young athlete in Nigeria to an NBA legend is a narrative of resilience, hard work, and unparalleled talent.

Olajuwon’s height provided a significant edge in his role as a center. It allowed him to excel in areas such as rebounding, shot-blocking, and scoring close to the basket. Throughout his illustrious 18-year NBA career, he averaged 21.8 points, 11.1 rebounds, and 3.1 blocks per game. These impressive statistics place him among the top players in basketball history in terms of points, rebounds, and blocks.

Yet, Olajuwon’s influence extends beyond mere numbers. His unique combination of height and skill redefined the center position, ushering in a new era of athleticism and versatility. Known for his impeccable footwork, particularly the “Dream Shake,” Olajuwon could outmaneuver even the toughest defenders. His finesse, coupled with his ability to shoot from mid-range and his exceptional passing, made him a multifaceted threat on the court.

Throughout his career, Olajuwon’s stature and talent earned him numerous honors. He was a 12-time NBA All-Star, a two-time NBA champion with the Houston Rockets, and the 1994 NBA Finals MVP. Additionally, he was named the NBA’s Defensive Player of the Year twice, in 1993 and 1994, underscoring his dominance on both ends of the floor. In 1996, he was recognized as one of the 50 Greatest Players in NBA History, highlighting his lasting impact on the sport.

Beyond his physical and statistical achievements, Olajuwon has made significant contributions as a global ambassador for basketball. He has inspired countless young athletes worldwide, particularly in Africa, where he has worked tirelessly to promote the sport and create opportunities for aspiring players. His story is one of perseverance and excellence, demonstrating that hard work and dedication can overcome any obstacle.

Olajuwon’s influence extends into his post-retirement activities. He established the Hakeem Olajuwon Foundation, focusing on providing educational opportunities and promoting physical fitness. His philanthropic efforts showcase his commitment to giving back to the community and helping others achieve their dreams, further solidifying his legacy as a remarkable individual on and off the court.

In essence, while Hakeem Olajuwon’s 7-foot height was a critical factor in his basketball success, it was his unique blend of skills, tireless work ethic, and determination that truly set him apart. His career exemplifies the profound impact a dedicated athlete can have on their sport and the broader world. Olajuwon’s legacy continues to inspire new generations of basketball players, ensuring his influence will endure for years to come.


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"The Stature and Impact of Hakeem Olajuwon on Basketball.", Jun 28, 2024. Accessed June 29, 2024.

"The Stature and Impact of Hakeem Olajuwon on Basketball," , 28-Jun-2024. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 29-Jun-2024] (2024). The Stature and Impact of Hakeem Olajuwon on Basketball . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 29-Jun-2024]

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What We Lost During Last Night’s Cringeworthy Debate

T he first presidential debate of this protracted presidential season was a horror show. Preceded by what seemed like weeks of excited speculation, idiotic predictions, and presumptive pre-debate analysis, when the debate actually happened, it demonstrated the dire choice that the two major political parties have given the electorate: pick the ranting liar and fear-mongering xenophobe, or choose the befuddled, stumbling man whose attempts to explain policy. (“I support Roe v. Wade , which had three trimesters”?) It was painful to watch.

One might rightly wonder what purpose presidential debates serve, particularly this year. We already know both candidates pretty well, and if we don’t, we have four more months to learn that Trump neither cares for the duties of office or the complexities of foreign affairs (and cultures), but does possess a talent for stirring up prejudice, for making people laugh, and for making them fearful. He does not answer questions. Last night, he avoided the question on the war in Gaza. He punted on the opioid crisis and climate change. He makes no appeal to decency, which is Biden’s forte (or was). But decency without backbone is what makes Biden appear, well, doddery. And we can watch that too until November. In fact, this otherwise consequential president seemed most focused when he talked about hitting a golf ball.

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Part of the problem is that we live in a visual age. As a result, though we value them, our presumptive leaders become leaders even if they lack oratorical skills. In fact, it’s not surprising that the first well-known presidential debate , in 1960, occurred when television was a relatively new medium, and it did Richard Nixon no favors. No one remembers what he said, just how he looked. (Actually, the first televised debate, between candidates Adlai Stevenson and Dwight Eisenhower , took place four years earlier but without them; they used stand-ins, Eleanor Roosevelt and Margaret Chase Smith.) Before that, presidents depended on radio, with Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s “fireside chats” bringing him, and his voice, with its powers of persuasion, into one’s home. Before that, we debated in the public square of newspapers. Word, skillfully written, can change minds. Consider Lincoln and Douglas, a debate for a seat in the Senate, and the rest is history.

So oratory matters. The ability to persuade, through words, mattered. It still does, which is why last night’s debate was so chilling. When William Jennings Bryan was nominated by Democrats as their presidential candidate for the third time in 1908, even though he’d been unsuccessful twice before, it was because of his oratorical gift. His voice, once heard, was never forgotten. He could address a crowd of 20,000 and make the audience feel as though he spoke directly to each and everyone one of them and he understood what they needed. They called him the “Great Commoner.” He even started a newspaper so he could write column after column and deliver what amounted to sermons.

And, like all good orators, he knew how to perform. He did not want his tie too straight. Bryan practiced parts of his famous “Cross of Gold” speech , one of the most famous in American political history, for months and months before he delivered it in 1896 at the Democratic National Convention. He bounded onto the stage, raised his arms, and then spoke in the lyrical, cadenced phrases of Scripture. “We are fighting in the defense of our homes, our families, and posterity,” Bryan declared. “We have petitioned, and our petitions have been scorned; we have entreated, and our entreaties have been disregarded; we have begged, and they have mocked when our calamity came. We beg no longer; we entreat no more; we petition no more.” It was good stuff.

Read More: These Are the Biggest Moments in the First Presidential Debate

But performance needs substance. And so Bryan would eventually meet his nemesis when he was confronted by an orator even more practiced, clever, and dramatic than he. That was Clarence Darrow, the celebrated lawyer in rumpled clothes whose talent for mesmerizing juries with his impression of humility (some of which was genuine) was unparalleled. Though not a politician, or at least not a professional one, Darrow was a man who could deliver a rational argument with much emotion. It was a winning combination.

Take his defense of Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb, two teenagers accused of the gruesome and motiveless murder of 14 year-old Bobby Franks. Darrow had Leopold and Loeb plead guilty to avoid a jury trial so he could argue before the judge that their lives should be spared. Claiming Leopold and Loeb were just adolescents, the products of genetics and environment, Darrow said they were essentially without free will. “They killed,” said Darrow, “because hey were made that way.” At the same time, let us not blindly and cruelly call for yet another death, he implored the judge. Let us acknowledge that capital punishment grows out of our primitive need for vengeance, and let’s acknowledge that our killing two defective, two abnormal adolescents would not prevent other impaired boys or malevolent men or vicious women from committing murder.

“I sometimes wonder whether I am dreaming, whether I am not living in centuries long gone by, when savagery roamed wild, and the world was wet with human blood?” he concluded at the trial’s end. It was a consummate performance: a rational argument topped off by an emotional one. Leopold and Loeb received life sentences.

When Darrow and Bryan confronted each other in the courtroom, both of them, like Biden and Trump, were considered past their prime. Certainly they weren’t vying for the Oval Office, and their confrontation took place in a court of law, not on a television set. But they were jousting over the meaning of America and America’s future with far more passion, compassion, and reasonableness than anything that happened last night on the debate stage. For all his faults, Bryan was an optimistic idealist who thought he could improve the lives of ordinary men and women. He was a progressive who sincerely believed—and fought for—such reforms as the government ownership of utilities, a graduated income tax, currency reform, woman's suffrage and, for better and worse, Prohibition, which, in his mind, would help purify the nation by abolishing alcoholism, child abuse, and violence against women.

But when he wanted to turn the country into a Christian theocracy, Darrow objected. Their showdown took place in the summer of 1925 over a law recently passed by the Tennessee legislature that barred teaching the theory of evolution in public schools. It later became known, famously, as the Scopes Trial .

Darrow volunteered to defend the young schoolteacher who had purposefully broken the law (to test it), and he mustered, once again, all his oratorical skills. “Ignorance and fanaticism are ever busy and needs feeding,” Darrow declared. “Today it is the public school teachers, tomorrow the private. The next day the preachers and the lecturers, the magazines, the books, the newspapers. After a while, it is the setting of man against man and creed against creed until with flying banners and beating drums we are marching backward to the glorious ages of the sixteenth century when bigots lighted fagots to burn the men who dared to bring any intelligence and enlightenment and culture to the human mind."

“No subject possesses the minds of men like religious bigotry and hate,” Darrow concluded, “and these fires are being lighted today in America.”

He spoke without notes. He was persuasive and passionate. That’s what I thought about—what we had lost—as I watched last night’s sad, cringeworthy debate.

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Brian Cox reunites with D:Ream for Things Can Only Get Better at Glastonbury

D:Ream's Peter Cunnah and Al Mackenzie were working on new music when Things Can Only Get Better was blared out as Rishi Sunak announced the general election. Their former bandmate, physicist Brian Cox, was among the first people to text them - and now they have reunited on stage.

essay questions about dream

Culture and entertainment reporter @gemmapeplow

Friday 28 June 2024 21:23, UK

Brian Cox (left) joined his former D:Ream bandmates Peter Cunnah (centre) and Al Mackenzie (right) to perform Things Can Only Get Better on stage at Glastonbury

Professor Brian Cox has joined his former D:Ream bandmates on stage at Glastonbury to perform the track that became a defining political anthem of the 1990s - and seemingly again this year after its re-emergence ahead of the general election.

The TV physicist received rapturous applause from the crowd at the festival's Glade Stage as he was brought on by frontman Peter Cunnah, providing his musical expertise on keyboards once again for sleeper hit Things Can Only Get Better.

Following its release in 1993, the song topped the charts after a remix the following year. But it was in 1997 that it really took off once again, as the official anthem of Tony Blair's landslide victory for Labour.

Brian Cox joined his former D:Ream bandmate Peter Cunnah to perform Things Can Only Get Better on stage at Glastonbury

Earlier this year, as a rain-soaked Rishi Sunak called the general election now taking place next week, the song was unmissable as it was blared out close to No 10 .

Just ahead of their performance, Cox joined Cunnah and fellow D:Ream bandmate and co-founder Al Mackenzie to speak to Sky News about the reunion.

The TV scientist said he cleared his diary as soon as he heard they would play Glastonbury for the first time.

" It's a long time ago, but I've tremendously happy memories of the early '90s," Cox said, adding that Things Can Only Get Better is a "joyous song about change".

"It is a song of hope and joy, and where it comes from is to entertain people, make people happy, regardless of their political persuasions," said Cunnah. "It's time to forget that and just enjoy yourselves, you know?"

However, there's no escaping its association with politics. While D:Ream had other hits with singles including Shoot Me With Your Love and U R The Best Thing, thanks to Blair's adoption it is Things Can Only Get Better that remains their most famous hit.

essay questions about dream

"It was a remarkable moment," said Cox. "I remember it so vividly, 1997, because we did Top Of The Pops and it'd gone back into the charts on election day. Because Top Of The Pops was going to be broadcast after the polls had closed, we were allowed to do it."

So how do they feel about it being brought back ahead of another general election almost 30 years later, with Labour ahead of the Conservatives in the polls.

Speaking about Mr Sunak's speech, Cunnah said: "The first time I saw it on TV, I did laugh. And then, I didn't say the exact words, but it was, 'oh god, not again'.

"The next thing I know, the phone's ringing off the hook and we're getting offers - we had an offer to get on a van and sing Things Can Only Get Better at the bottom of Downing Street from some advertising company, and we made that go away by asking for a hundred grand. It's just funny. And apparently a whole load of new kids have found us on TikTok, so that's no bad thing."

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Cunnah and Mackenzie were actually in the studio working on a new D:Ream album when the speech aired.

"People were phoning us, 'you need to put the TV on'," said Mackenzie.

Among those getting in touch was Cox. "I text them straight away. Something like, 'oh no, not again'."

So how do they feel about the song coming to prominence politically once more?

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"I'm very pleased that twice it's come to prominence and the Tories are going to be taken out of power, so I'm very happy," said Mackenzie.

"I blow hot and cold on it," said Cunnah. "I'm kind of gutted that our song's tied to those moments in time, because I was just getting to the point where I thought, after 30 years, we'd lost the association and the song was just breathing life as itself again... but you just have to kind of get on with your life."

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Bronny James must earn his spot with Lakers, but no one should question his heart

Bronny james' path to the nba didn't go as he thought it would. but after cardiac arrest last summer, he still found a way to make dream a reality..

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NEW YORK – Heart.

That’s what Bronny James’ selection in the second round of the NBA draft Thursday is about.

James’ physical heart, the one that sustained a sudden cardiac arrest 11 months ago while he worked out on Southern California’s campus.

And his metaphorical heart, the one that helped him get back on the basketball court and in position to be drafted after a life-threatening incident required a procedure to fix his congenital heart defect.

And our hearts, the hardened ones that can’t find the joy in a young adult reaching his dreams, and the warm hearts that can.

The Los Angeles Lakers selected James with the No. 55 pick in the second round of Thursday’s NBA draft, and Bronny will join his dad on the same team in an NBA first. Bronny, 19, is the oldest son of NBA superstar LeBron James , and they will become the first father-son combo to play in the league at the same time.

“My dream has always just been to put my name out, make a name for myself, and of course, you know, get to the NBA,” Bronny told reporters at the draft combine in Chicago in May.

Almost a year ago, Bronny’s basketball future was unclear after he survived the sudden cardiac arrest. Luckily for him, the heart defect could be repaired, allowing him to continue his basketball career.

Before the health scare, Bronny was moving up draft boards during his senior season of high school and during the summer. Some mock drafts had him as a first-rounder a year ago.

But after the cardiac arrest, his development was halted. He couldn’t play until cleared by doctors, and while his freshman season wasn’t derailed completely, it wasn’t a perfect year. He struggled at times and his stats didn’t stand out. At the combine, Bronny acknowledged the incident is "still lingering" and he thinks about "everything that could happen."

But he worked and made enough of an impression on scouts and executives that he left the draft combine as a potential second-round pick – a player with defensive skills, offensive upside, work ethic and coachability.

And now he gets to join his dad on the Lakers. It’s a cool, unique story even in a league where sons of ex-NBA players becoming NBA players is not unusual. But in the league at the same time? It's a testament to LeBron's amazing longevity at an elite level and his son's ability to work for what he wanted.

It’s not the way Bronny thought it would go. But we don’t always get to choose how life unfolds. We do choose how to respond to what comes our way.

This is also another beginning to Bronny’s basketball career. Being LeBron’s son who plays basketball comes with advantages and disadvantages, and the family has undoubtedly had those discussions.

The NBA is meritocracy on the court. He's just like any other rookie who was drafted in the second round. Bronny needs to earn his spot and his minutes. But you won't be able to question his heart.

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IvyPanda. (2023, December 7). 82 I Have a Dream Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"82 I Have a Dream Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 7 Dec. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '82 I Have a Dream Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 7 December.

IvyPanda . 2023. "82 I Have a Dream Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 7, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "82 I Have a Dream Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 7, 2023.


IvyPanda . "82 I Have a Dream Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 7, 2023.

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Harvard business school announces 3 new application essays.

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Harvard Business School.

Harvard Business School announced a surprising departure from its single, open-ended application essay to three short essays with specific prompts. The HBS website sums up the kind of applicant the school is seeking: “We are looking for future leaders who are passionate about business, leadership, and growth.”

The prompts for the class that will begin in fall 2025 instruct applicants to address each topic in turn.

  • Business-Minded Essay : Please reflect on how your experiences have influenced your career choices and aspirations and the impact you will have on the businesses, organizations, and communities you plan to serve. (up to 300 words)
  • Leadership-Focused Essay : What experiences have shaped who you are, how you invest in others, and what kind of leader you want to become? (up to 250 words)
  • Growth-Oriented Essay : Curiosity can be seen in many ways. Please share an example of how you have demonstrated curiosity and how that has influenced your growth. (up to 250 words)

The prompts ask applicants to go beyond simply asserting their allegiance to the ideals of business, leadership and growth. Each of the three questions asks for evidence: “experiences,” “experiences” and “an example,” respectively.

The prompts do not expect a straightforward list of what happened in the past. Rather, they encourage reflection on how these experiences affected present realities and future goals.

Applicants are asked to reflect on past, present and future as an ongoing process of becoming who they are now and who they wish to become. Even the “Business-Minded Essay” is about past choices and future impact; it also assumes you “plan to serve.” The “Leadership-Focused Essay” does not ask applicants to recite a list of titles, but to discuss who they are and how they relate to others; not what title they aspire to, but “what kind of leader you wish to become.”

Perhaps the most surprising essay prompt is No. 3, which asks about curiosity. It opens the door for applicants to discuss a more personal aspect of their candidacies. The prompt asks not about end result, but about the process of change. Once again, the emphasis is on “growth.”

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In short, the prompts ask about person and process.

How The 3 New Prompts Differ From Last Year’s Single Question

This year’s prompts give applicants more direction than the previous open-ended instruction, which was: “As we review your application, what more would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy for the Harvard Business School MBA program?”

Applicants may find it easier to follow these more detailed instructions and to stay on topic. They no longer need to face an open question and a blank page.

Another aid is the shorter word limit. The essay on being business-minded has a limit of 300 words, and the essays on leadership and growth through curiosity are limited to 250 words each.

A third difference is the specific inquiry about business. Last year’s prompt allowed candidates to choose anything they thought would be important for HBS to consider. Some applicants struggled to decide whether to focus on business or something beyond work. While the “Business-Minded Essay” is still personal, it does ask applicants to reflect on their careers.

One might also speculate that the new, more directive prompts makes it easier for the admissions committee to compare essays across applications, while still leaving room for considerable variation in how applicants choose to address the essay prompts.

Dr. Marlena Corcoran

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  • The exponential growth of solar power will change the world

An energy-rich future is within reach

The sun at dawn rising over a solar panel

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I t is 70 years since AT&T ’s Bell Labs unveiled a new technology for turning sunlight into power. The phone company hoped it could replace the batteries that run equipment in out-of-the-way places. It also realised that powering devices with light alone showed how science could make the future seem wonderful; hence a press event at which sunshine kept a toy Ferris wheel spinning round and round.

Today solar power is long past the toy phase. Panels now occupy an area around half that of Wales, and this year they will provide the world with about 6% of its electricity—which is almost three times as much electrical energy as America consumed back in 1954. Yet this historic growth is only the second-most-remarkable thing about the rise of solar power. The most remarkable is that it is nowhere near over.

To call solar power’s rise exponential is not hyperbole, but a statement of fact. Installed solar capacity doubles roughly every three years, and so grows ten-fold each decade. Such sustained growth is seldom seen in anything that matters. That makes it hard for people to get their heads round what is going on. When it was a tenth of its current size ten years ago, solar power was still seen as marginal even by experts who knew how fast it had grown. The next ten-fold increase will be equivalent to multiplying the world’s entire fleet of nuclear reactors by eight in less than the time it typically takes to build just a single one of them.

Solar cells will in all likelihood be the single biggest source of electrical power on the planet by the mid 2030s. By the 2040s they may be the largest source not just of electricity but of all energy. On current trends, the all-in cost of the electricity they produce promises to be less than half as expensive as the cheapest available today. This will not stop climate change, but could slow it a lot faster. Much of the world—including Africa , where 600m people still cannot light their homes—will begin to feel energy-rich. That feeling will be a new and transformational one for humankind.

To grasp that this is not some environmentalist fever dream, consider solar economics. As the cumulative production of a manufactured good increases, costs go down. As costs go down, demand goes up. As demand goes up, production increases—and costs go down further. This cannot go on for ever; production, demand or both always become constrained. In earlier energy transitions—from wood to coal, coal to oil or oil to gas—the efficiency of extraction grew, but it was eventually offset by the cost of finding ever more fuel.

As our essay this week explains, solar power faces no such constraint. The resources needed to produce solar cells and plant them on solar farms are silicon-rich sand, sunny places and human ingenuity, all three of which are abundant. Making cells also takes energy, but solar power is fast making that abundant, too. As for demand, it is both huge and elastic—if you make electricity cheaper, people will find uses for it. The result is that, in contrast to earlier energy sources, solar power has routinely become cheaper and will continue to do so.

Other constraints do exist. Given people’s proclivity for living outside daylight hours, solar power needs to be complemented with storage and supplemented by other technologies. Heavy industry and aviation and freight have been hard to electrify. Fortunately, these problems may be solved as batteries and fuels created by electrolysis gradually become cheaper.

Another worry is that the vast majority of the world’s solar panels, and almost all the purified silicon from which they are made, come from China. Its solar industry is highly competitive, heavily subsidised and is outstripping current demand—quite an achievement given all the solar capacity China is installing within its own borders. This means that Chinese capacity is big enough to keep the expansion going for years to come, even if some of the companies involved go to the wall and some investment dries up.

In the long run, a world in which more energy is generated without the oil and gas that come from unstable or unfriendly parts of the world will be more dependable. Still, although the Chinese Communist Party cannot rig the price of sunlight as OPEC tries to rig that of oil, the fact that a vital industry resides in a single hostile country is worrying.

It is a concern that America feels keenly, which is why it has put tariffs on Chinese solar equipment. However, because almost all the demand for solar panels still lies in the future, the rest of the world will have plenty of scope to get into the market. America’s adoption of solar energy could be frustrated by a pro-fossil-fuel Trump presidency, but only temporarily and painfully. It could equally be enhanced if America released pent up demand, by making it easier to install panels on homes and to join the grid—the country has a terawatt of new solar capacity waiting to be connected. Carbon prices would help, just as they did in the switch from coal to gas in the European Union.

The aim should be for the virtuous circle of solar-power production to turn as fast as possible. That is because it offers the prize of cheaper energy. The benefits start with a boost to productivity. Anything that people use energy for today will cost less—and that includes pretty much everything. Then come the things cheap energy will make possible. People who could never afford to will start lighting their houses or driving a car. Cheap energy can purify water, and even desalinate it. It can drive the hungry machinery of artificial intelligence. It can make billions of homes and offices more bearable in summers that will, for decades to come, be getting hotter.

But it is the things that nobody has yet thought of that will be most consequential. In its radical abundance, cheaper energy will free the imagination, setting tiny Ferris wheels of the mind spinning with excitement and new possibilities.

This week marks the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere. The Sun rising to its highest point in the sky will in decades to come shine down on a world where nobody need go without the blessings of electricity and where the access to energy invigorates all those it touches. ■

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This article appeared in the Leaders section of the print edition under the headline “The solar age”

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Guest Essay

Something’s Rotten About the Justices Taking So Long on Trump’s Immunity Case

A view of the Supreme Court building under dark skies with the portico lighted.

By Leah Litman

Ms. Litman is a professor at the University of Michigan Law School, a host of the “Strict Scrutiny” podcast and a former clerk to the Supreme Court justice Anthony Kennedy.

For those looking for the hidden hand of politics in what the Supreme Court does, there’s plenty of reason for suspicion on Donald Trump’s as-yet-undecided immunity case given its urgency. There are, of course, explanations that have nothing to do with politics for why a ruling still hasn’t been issued. But the reasons to think something is rotten at the court are impossible to ignore.

On Feb. 28, the justices agreed to hear Mr. Trump’s claim that he is immune from prosecution on charges that he plotted to subvert the 2020 election. The court scheduled oral arguments in the case for the end of April. That eight-week interval is much quicker than the ordinary Supreme Court briefing process, which usually extends for at least 10 weeks . But it’s considerably more drawn out than the schedule the court established earlier this year on a challenge from Colorado after that state took Mr. Trump off its presidential primary ballot. The court agreed to hear arguments on the case a mere month after accepting it and issued its decision less than a month after the argument. Mr. Trump prevailed, 9-0.

Nearly two months have passed since the justices heard lawyers for the former president and for the special counsel’s office argue the immunity case. The court is dominated by conservatives nominated by Republican presidents. Every passing day further delays a potential trial on charges related to Mr. Trump’s efforts to remain in office after losing the 2020 election and his role in the events that led to the storming of the Capitol; indeed, at this point, even if the court rules that Mr. Trump has limited or no immunity, it is unlikely a verdict will be delivered before the election.

The immunity case is not the only big case hanging fire. Some two dozen remain undecided that were argued even before the April 25 oral argument over Mr. Trump’s immunity. A case on gun rights for domestic abusers under a restraining order was argued in November; cases involving the power of federal agencies and a multibillion-dollar settlement for opioid victims were heard in December and January; the court also has yet to decide whether upwind states must cut emissions that affect the air quality in downwind states. That case was argued in February.

The court is a busy place, though the justices are completing decisions at the second slowest rate since the 1946 term, according to a recent article in The Wall Street Journal. The court tries to wrap up its business for the term that began in October by the end of June. It’s not shocking that cases argued later in the term end up being decided later, especially because by the end of April, when the immunity case was heard, the court was still working to finish cases argued months earlier. April was also among the court’s busiest months: The justices heard 10 cases.

But these seemingly mundane, process explanations overlook some of the particulars in the immunity case. Mr. Trump’s lawyers put together a set of arguments that are so outlandish they shouldn’t take much time to dispatch. Among them is the upside-down claim that, because the Constitution specifies that an officer who is convicted in an impeachment proceeding may subsequently face a criminal trial, the Constitution actually requires an impeachment conviction before there is any criminal punishment.

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