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  • Email Newsletters

How to Quickly Email a PowerPoint Presentation

how to send presentation by email

Note : Watch this short tutorial screencast or follow the quick steps below, that compliment this video.

1. Click Email in Your PowerPoint Share Menu

While you're working in a PowerPoint presentation, go to the File menu and click on Share . Now, click on  Email  on the left side. Let's click on  Send As Attachment . 

Click to Email Your PowerPoint Presentation

2. PowerPoint Will Open Your Email Client Automatically

PowerPoint will actually open up your default email client and attach the presentation to that email. You can add a recipient and your message to quickly send this as an email attachment. This saves you the clicks of saving it separately and then attaching it by browsing through your folders.

Send your PowerPoint presentation file through email

3. Or, Email Your PowerPoint Presentation as a PDF

Another great way to do this is to send a PDF file instead. If your view doesn't have PowerPoint on their computer this ensures that they can view the file. You can do this by going to the same menu but this time choose Send As PDF . 

Email PowerPoint as PDF

You'll see that the same dialog launches, but this time with a PDF attached to the email ready to send.

Finishing Up!

These two tips are both time savers when it comes to sharing your PowerPoint presentations and hard work through email.

More 60 Second PowerPoint Video Tutorials

Learn more in our  PowerPoint tutorials  and  quick PPT video tutorials  on Envato Tuts+. We have an assortment of PowerPoint material, such as these short video tutorials:

how to send presentation by email

Make Great Presentations ( Free PDF eBook Download )

We also have the perfect compliment to this tutorial, which will walk you through the complete presentation process. Learn how to write your presentation, design it like a pro, and prepare it to present powerfully. 

Making Great Presentations Free Guide Download

Download our new eBook:  The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations . It's available for free with a subscription to the Tuts+ Business Newsletter. 

Andrew Childress

Embedding a PowerPoint Slide Into Outlook Email: A Step-by-Step Guide

Embedding a PowerPoint slide into an Outlook email is a breeze. Simply open your PowerPoint presentation, select the slide you wish to embed, copy it, and then paste it directly into the body of your email in Outlook. It’s that easy!

After completing this action, your PowerPoint slide will appear as an image within your email, allowing the recipient to view your slide without having to open an attachment or leave their inbox.


In today’s fast-paced business world, efficiency is key. Communicating effectively and swiftly can often make the difference between a deal won or lost. This is where the ability to embed a PowerPoint slide into an Outlook email can be a game-changer. It’s not just about saving time; it’s about creating a seamless experience for your email recipients. Whether you’re a sales professional pitching a new product, a teacher sharing a lecture slide with students, or a manager disseminating information to your team, embedding a PowerPoint slide directly into an email can ensure your message is seen exactly as you intended.

This skill is particularly relevant for anyone who frequently uses email as a means of communication and needs to share visual content that is created in PowerPoint. With the right know-how, you can enhance your correspondence, making it more engaging, persuasive, and professional.

Step by Step Tutorial to Embed a PowerPoint Slide into Outlook Email

Before diving into the steps, remember that by following these instructions, you’ll be able to share your PowerPoint slides without forcing your recipients to download or open separate files, which can be a real time-saver for everyone involved.

Step 1: Open Your PowerPoint Presentation

Open the PowerPoint presentation and navigate to the slide you want to embed.

Selecting the right slide is crucial because it will be the first thing the recipient sees when they open your email.

Step 2: Copy the Slide

Right-click on the slide thumbnail and select ‘Copy’, or simply press Ctrl+C on your keyboard.

Make sure you’ve selected the entire slide to avoid missing any important content when you paste it into your email.

Step 3: Open Outlook and Create a New Email

Open Outlook and begin composing a new email as you normally would.

Ensure that you’re using the HTML format for your email, as plain text format will not support the embedded slide image.

Step 4: Paste the Slide into Your Email

Click into the body of your email and paste the copied slide by right-clicking and selecting ‘Paste’, or pressing Ctrl+V on your keyboard.

After pasting, you may need to adjust the size or placement of the slide image to fit the email’s layout and ensure it’s visually appealing.

Enhanced Visual CommunicationEmbedding a slide directly into an email ensures your recipients see the visual content as intended, rather than risking formatting issues with attachments.
Time EfficiencyThis method saves time for both the sender and the recipient, as there’s no need to download and open a separate PowerPoint file.
ProfessionalismA well-embedded slide can make your email look more polished and professional, leaving a better impression on your recipients.
File Size LimitationsEmbedded images can increase the size of your email, potentially causing issues for recipients with inbox size limits.
Display VariabilityDifferent email clients might display the embedded image differently, which could affect the slide’s appearance.
Limited InteractivityUnlike a full PowerPoint presentation, an embedded slide is static and does not allow for animation or interactivity.

Additional Information

When embedding a PowerPoint slide into an Outlook email, it’s important to consider the format and size of your slide. Large, complex slides may not translate well when converted to an image within an email. Keep your slides simple, clear, and easily readable at smaller sizes. Additionally, be aware of your audience’s email client; what looks good in Outlook may appear differently in other email services.

Always test your email with an embedded slide by sending it to yourself or a colleague before distributing it widely. Also, keep accessibility in mind—alt text for images can be a valuable addition for recipients who use screen readers. Lastly, while this article focuses on Outlook, the same general process can apply to embedding slides into emails with other clients, though the specific steps may vary.

  • Open your PowerPoint presentation and select the slide you wish to embed.
  • Copy the selected slide.
  • Open Outlook and create a new email.
  • Paste the slide into the body of your email.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i embed more than one slide into an email.

Yes, you can embed multiple slides by copying and pasting each one individually into the email.

Will the animations on my slide work in the email?

No, the embedded slide will be a static image and will not retain any animations.

Is it possible to edit the slide after embedding it into the email?

Once embedded, the slide becomes an image and cannot be edited. Any changes must be made in PowerPoint before copying the slide.

Can recipients of the email download the embedded slide?

Recipients can save the embedded image, but it will not be the same as downloading a PowerPoint file with editable slides.

Will embedding a PowerPoint slide make my email too large to send?

It can, depending on the size of the slide image and your email client’s limitations. Be mindful of file size when embedding slides.

Embedding a PowerPoint slide into an Outlook email is a straightforward process that can significantly enhance your communication efforts. By following the steps outlined above, you can seamlessly integrate visual content into your emails, making them more engaging and informative.

Remember, the goal is to convey your message effectively and professionally, and embedding slides into emails can help you achieve just that. Whether you’re looking to impress clients, instruct students, or inform colleagues, mastering this simple yet impactful skill will serve you well in the digital age of communication.

Matthew Burleigh Solve Your Tech

Matthew Burleigh has been writing tech tutorials since 2008. His writing has appeared on dozens of different websites and been read over 50 million times.

After receiving his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science he spent several years working in IT management for small businesses. However, he now works full time writing content online and creating websites.

His main writing topics include iPhones, Microsoft Office, Google Apps, Android, and Photoshop, but he has also written about many other tech topics as well.

Read his full bio here.

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How to share your Google Slides presentation

  • Written by: Emma Trantham
  • Categories: Google Slides
  • Comments: 4

how to send presentation by email

Wondering how to share a Google Slides presentation? Good news! It’s a pretty simple process. There are multiple ways of sharing a Google Slides deck. The right method for you will depend on how you’re going to deliver the slides, the required file type, and your audience. Do you want to share so that a colleague can proof-read and edit, or so that an online audience has the virtual equivalent of a handout?

As Google Slides exists completely online, sharing your presentation with others isn’t limited to an email attachment. This post will show you how to share Google Slides presentations in five ways, there’s definitely something here to meet your needs!

Share with people and groups

Publish to the web

Download as different file type

Email as attachment

Before we get to that, you need to know where to find the Share function in Google Slides.

  • Open Google Slides and click File , in the top bar
  • Click Share at the top of the drop-down menu

how to send presentation by email

  • Or, click Share at the top right-hand side of your window.

how to send presentation by email

1. How to share Google Slides presentations with people and groups

Using Share with people and groups , you can share your Google Slides presentation with multiple people at once. This is helpful if your teammates need to collaborate in the same deck or if you require feedback from a colleague or client. Share with people and groups allows you to change the editing permissions per contact. You can allow each contact to simply view the document, or add comments, or edit it themselves. The level of permission you choose can be different for each contact you share with, giving you a lot of flexibility.

  • Click Share to bring up the Share with people and groups pane.
  • Next to Add people and groups , start typing the name or email address of the contact you want to share the deck with. A list of recommendations will appear as you type. Once you’ve selected the right contact, their name will appear at the top of the pane. If the person you want to share with is not already in your contact list, you need to type in their full email address.
  • Click the small cross next to a contact name to deselect the contact.

When you share using Share with people and groups , Google will ask the user to log in to their Google account to access your shared file. If the user does not have a Google account, they will be unable to access your deck. Just head to the next section to find out how to grant access to non-Google users.

Now you’ve chosen your contact, you can alter their permissions to change how they are able to interact with the deck. There are three options – Viewer , Commenter , and Editor . Simply click on the option currently visible and a drop-down menu will appear allowing you to choose whether your contact can… well… view, comment on or edit the deck. Pretty self-explanatory, right?

But which permission should you give to who and when?

  • Viewer: This will prevent contacts from editing slides. If your deck is completely finished and approved, set the permissions to Viewer to stop contacts accidentally editing – or even deleting – slides from your finished presentation!
  • Commenter: The best option for gathering feedback. If your contact has limited knowledge of Google Slides, direct them towards our handy Ultimate Guide to Google Slides post so that they can brush up! In the meantime, share your deck using the Commenter function. This way, contacts can comment without being able to rearrange slides, or change text or animations.
  • Editor: Perfect for collaborative projects. Editor allows you to share an editable version of your deck. Everyone with this permission can work on the same slides at the same time. This means you don’t end up with multiple versions of the same deck.

For more tips on how to improve collaboration in Google Slides, check out these 6 ways to get the most out of online collaboration with Google Slides .

Once you’ve selected one of these permission options, you’re free to hit Send . If you tick Notify people , your contact will receive an email letting them know that they have permission to access or interact with your deck.

how to send presentation by email

In the Share with people and groups pane, the owner of the Google Slides presentation appears at the top. Beneath that, you can see who has access to the deck and the status of their permissions. If you want to change someone’s permissions, press the yellow Share button at any time and edit permissions using the same drop-down menu.

To stop sharing with a specific person:

  • Click Share and scroll to the contact you want to remove
  • Click the drop-down arrow next to their name
  • Select Remove
  • Click Save .

Notice the Give temporary access and Make owner options. If you choose to Give temporary access , you can edit the number of days that your contact has access to your deck. All you have to do is click the number of days next to Access expires to change the expiration date. This can be a great option if you’re working with people outside of your organization, such as clients or agencies. For example, you can schedule the expiration date for the end of a project, once the feedback has been received and the work completed.

Make owner allows you to pass ownership of the deck to another user. After you’ve created a presentation you might need to hand it over, to the presenter for example. You can use this option to give someone else complete control. Use it with caution, however. Once you’ve handed over ownership, you cannot retrieve it – unless the new owner hands it back or chooses to grant you access permissions.

Top tip: If you’re the owner of the deck (if you have created it yourself or have been given ownership by the original creator), there are further sharing options. When you click Share , you’ll notice a cog appears in the top right-hand corner pop up. This allows you to choose whether your Editors can change permissions and share or if Viewers and commenters can see the option to download, print, and copy. All you have to do is tick or untick the box. Easy!

2. How to share a Google Slides presentation via a link

In this window you can also get a link.

  • Click the blue Copy link button.
  • Paste the link anywhere, from an email draft to a Microsoft Teams chat

This link will only work for people who have been given permission to view, edit or comment on the deck. To change this:

  • Click Share
  • In the Get link section, press Change .
  • Choose whether your deck is Restricted or if Anyone with the link can view. Note: when you change a link’s setting to Restricted , the only people who can still see the deck are those you have directly shared with in the Share with people and groups section.

how to send presentation by email

Though the Anyone with link function can be useful, it’s not the most secure option. Remember: the users that you originally shared the link with can continue to share the link with their friends, colleagues, and contacts too, meaning your presentation can be shared endlessly and with anyone! If your deck contains confidential content, you should not use this method.

3. How to publish a Google Slides presentation to the web

If you don’t want your viewers to edit your deck, then Share with groups and people may not be the option for you. Instead, choose to Publish to the web . With this option, your deck becomes non-editable, it will simply play as if your deck was a video; auto-advancing through the slides. This means that the viewer won’t have control over which slides they view or the order they view them in. The content of your slides will be visible to anyone and everyone when publishing to the web, so be careful about choosing this option if your slides contain confidential information.

  • Click  File
  • Select Publish to the web
  • Choose Link or Embed. You can share the URL with your contacts, or you can embed the link on a website or blog
  • Choose how your slides playback using the drop-down menu beneath Auto-advance slides
  • Click Publish
  • Copy the URL or HTML and share your deck

how to send presentation by email

4. How to download a Google Slides deck as different file type

Another method of sharing (or saving) your slides involves downloading the deck as a different type of file.

  • Under File select Download .
  • Select the format you need (Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx), PDF Document (.pdf), or JPEG Image (.jpeg)), and the download will begin.
  • Open your file

While there are many formats available, we don’t recommend all of them. For example, when downloading as an Image, whether PNG or JPEG, the quality of your slides can be lost, the presentation will be static, and you can only download one slide at a time. If you’re printing or emailing your deck, downloading as a PDF is the best option to get a static version of your slides.

Since PowerPoint is the closest option to Slides, this format retains the presentability of the deck. However, there’s a chance that your content will corrupt or break as not all features are transferable between file formats. Check for any changes and make tweaks – like removing animations – before sending your presentation to your contacts. To find out more about the differences between PowerPoint and Slides, check out 9 Google Slides features we wish PowerPoint had or if you want to try different platforms to PowerPoint, we recommend The ULTIMATE Guide to PowerPoint Alternatives .

5. How to email your Google Slides presentations as an attachment

  If all these sharing options still aren’t quite cutting it, there’s one more! To share your slides via email:

  • Select Email as attachment
  • Type the name or email address of your contact
  • Pick the file type your deck
  • Add a message, then hit Send

how to send presentation by email

That’s the last of our five tips on how to share a Google Slides presentation. Now you know pretty much everything there is to know about sharing your slides and, if you want to make those slides even more awesome and effective, you have got to check out these 5 Google Slides video tutorials to level up your skills .

how to send presentation by email

Emma Trantham

Principal consultant, related articles, how to present in google slides with present mode toolbar.

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It takes time to create engaging, visual slides, so why undermine all your effort at the crunch point? Delivering a presentation properly really isn’t that tricky! With Google Slides’ Present mode toolbar, it’s super easy to present in Google Slides navigating your presentation effortlessly.

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For seasoned presenters and newbies alike, the move to online presenting comes with the joint complications of an online audience and unfamiliar tech. Talk about spinning plates! This blog post covers how to use Presenter view in Google Slides, so that you can be more professional and feel more confident.

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What is the name of piece that I attach to my chromebook that allows me to present Google slides

Hi Milton. I’m not sure what you mean – could you please clarify?

Hello, My PowerPoint contains an audio file. I uploaded it to Google Sites (new) and there’s no audio. So I uploaded my PowerPoint to Google Slides and inserted that into my Google portfolio Site hoping that would fix the problem. It didn’t. Can you tell me how to get the audio file to upload to my portfolio site, along with my slides? Thank you! Pam

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How to Email a PowerPoint Presentation: 5 Proven Ways

how to send presentation by email

content creator

Helen Colman See full bio →

How to Email a PowerPoint Presentation

After you’ve finished creating a PowerPoint presentation – assembling the content, perfecting the design, and adding animations and other special effects – you may want to email it to your students, employees, or clients. There are several ways to email PowerPoint slides, and the one you choose may depend on a few things: the file’s size, security concerns, and whether you want users to be able to edit the presentation. Let’s look at each of the 5 methods in detail. 

1. Send as an Email Attachment

Sending a file as an email attachment is perhaps the first thing that comes to mind when there’s a need to email a PowerPoint presentation.

To do this:

  • Save your completed PowerPoint presentation on your hard drive.
  • Open your email program.
  • Add recipients’ email addresses.
  • Click on the attach button (usually represented by a paperclip icon), and navigate to the file on your hard drive.
  • Once you’ve found the file on your computer, double-click on the file name or icon and it will upload to your email server.
  • All that’s left to do is write the subject and body of your email and click Send .

Sending a PPT presentation as an Email Attachment

This method is quick and easy, but:

  • It would make the sender vulnerable to plagiarism, as the receiver could copy the content at will.
  • Most popular email services cannot attach files greater than 25MB.
  • PowerPoint files won’t open on Macs without an additional tool.
  • Files created using newer versions of PowerPoint won’t open in older versions of the software.

2. Convert and Share Files in PowerPoint 

PowerPoint comes with a host of built-in features to help facilitate the sharing of presentation files. You can send your presentation as an attachment, a link, a PDF file, an XPS file, or as an Internet Fax. To access these features, click File > Share > Email .

Sharing a PowerPoint presentation

Under Email , select between the following options:

  • Send as Attachment , to attach your slides to your email.
  • Send a Link , to create an email with a link to your slideshow. But to use this option, you need to have access to a shared location, such as a SharePoint or OneDrive, and save your presentation there. (We’ll address this method in greater detail later in the article.)
  • Send as PDF , to save your slides as a .pdf file, and then attach it to an email.
  • Send as XPS (Microsoft’s alternative to PDF), to save your presentation as an .xps file and then attach it to an email message.
  • Send as Internet Fax , to send your presentation as an Internet fax. For this option, you first need to sign up with a fax service provider.

3. Make It an HTML5 File

You can also convert a presentation that you want to share into an HTML5 file. In this way, your users will be able to open the slides in a browser and view them online. There are numerous advantages to this method:

  • In presentations converted into the HTML5 format, all images and videos look the same as they do in the original and all PPT effects and transitions are preserved. 
  • HTML5 presentations work flawlessly in all operating systems and on all devices, and don’t require any software to open them. Users can view HTML5 slides right in their browsers.
  • HTML5 slides are easy to upload to websites or Learning Management Systems .
  • Your slides will be safe behind a wall of protections – watermarks, passwords, and time and domain restrictions. Users will only see your presentation when you allow them to.
  • Presentations cannot be corrected by outside sources after conversion, meaning that copyrights will be protected.

You can turn your presentations into HTML5 format by using iSpring Converter Pro , which is shipped as a PowerPoint add-in. After installation, the iSpring tab will appear on your PowerPoint ribbon, so you can perform a conversion in a few clicks. Here’s how to do this:

  • Download and install iSpring Converter Pro. 
  • Open a PowerPoint presentation. 

Publishing PPT in iSpring Converter Pro

  • Click on Publish . 

Sending an HTML5 PPT Presentation via Email

Start your free iSpring Converter Pro trial now →

4. Make It Into a Video

Another way to share your email presentation easily is to convert it into an MP4 file. This is an especially useful method if you want to share your ideas via video by uploading it to a platform like YouTube. 

And this is where iSpring Converter Pro will fit nicely again. As with the HTML5 file, after conversion, a video will preserve all animations, effects, formatting, and audio embedded in the source files. iSpring lets you manage presentation specifics like video quality and size, as well as publication to YouTube from within the software itself. 

To turn presentation into a video , perform the same steps we covered above but, when publishing, choose Video instead of HTML5. 

Publishing a Presentation to Video in iSpring Converter Pro

Then you can click the Email button to send the output via email. 

Sharing a Video Presentation via Email

If you want to upload your video presentation to YouTube, go to the YouTube tab in the iSpring publishing window. 

Publishing a Video Presentation to YouTube

Log in to your YouTube account by clicking Sign In in the Account field, enter information about the video – title, description, and category in the relevant fields – and configure the settings if needed. Then, click the Publish button. After that, you can watch the published video in your YouTube account. The only thing you need to do now is email the link to the video to your users. 

See a comprehensive guide on how to publish a PPT to YouTube →

5. Share via a Link

If converting a PPT file to another format is not what you want, but the presentation is too big to email as an attachment, you can always compress it into a .zip file before sending it. Or, instead of emailing the file directly, you can upload it to a file hosting service, like Google Drive or Dropbox, and share it by sending the link to recipients.

To compress large presentations into zip files:

  • Right-click on the file in your computer.
  • Choose Send to .
  • Select the compressed (zipped) folder.
  • Log in to your file hosting service and follow the steps required to upload a file and share it via a link. When recipients receive your email, they can click on your link and view the file online or download it to their computers and watch it using the PowerPoint slide show viewer.

Uploading a PPT Presentation to Google Drive

Choose the handiest method from among these five for your line of work and presentation needs. Plus, consider the security of the method you use and decide how much control you would like to maintain over the intellectual property in the presentation.

Do you have any other ideas for sharing PowerPoint presentations? Tell us in the comments below!

Useful Resources on PowerPoint

Are you a PowerPoint lover? If so, here are some other helpful articles for you:

  • How to Share a PowerPoint Presentation Online
  • How to Protect PowerPoint Presentations
  • How to Add Narration to a PowerPoint Presentation
  • How to Add Youtube Video Into PowerPoint Presentation
  • How to Structure a PowerPoint Presentation
  • How to Convert PowerPoint Presentation to an eLearning Module
  • How to Remove the Background From a Picture in PowerPoint

Table of Contents

iSpring Converter

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Content creator

Helen Colman

She enjoys combining in-depth research with expert knowledge of the industry. If you have eLearning insights that you’d like to share, please get in touch .

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How to Send a PowerPoint Presentation: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Sending PowerPoint presentations can be a crucial aspect of sharing knowledge and communicating ideas in various settings. Whether you are presenting to a large group, sending a proposal to a client, or sharing information with colleagues, knowing how to send a PowerPoint presentation effectively can make a significant difference in how your message is received.

A computer screen displaying a PowerPoint file with a "send" button highlighted. An email window open with the file attached and a "send" button visible

To send a PowerPoint presentation, there are various methods available, and the best one for you will depend on your specific situation and needs. One common method is to attach the presentation as a file to an email. This can be done by selecting the “Share” option in PowerPoint, choosing “Attach a Copy Instead,” and then selecting either “PowerPoint Presentation” or “PDF.” After this, the email application will open, and you can enter the recipient’s details, add a short message, and send the email.

Another option is to share the presentation as a link, which can be done by saving the presentation in a shared location, such as a SharePoint document library, and then selecting “Send a Link” in the “Share” dialog box. This will create an email that contains a link to the presentation, which can be sent to the recipient. It is important to note that to send a link, the presentation must be saved in a shared location.


Creating and Editing Your PowerPoint Presentation

Using email and online platforms, managing permissions and subscription benefits, converting to pdf and other file formats, compressing files for easy sharing, interactive elements and feedback, utilizing multimedia and social platforms.

A computer screen displaying a PowerPoint presentation being sent via email. A mouse cursor clicks on the "send" button

When it comes to creating and editing a PowerPoint presentation, Microsoft 365 is the go-to software for many people. It is available on both PC and Mac, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

To start creating your presentation, simply open PowerPoint and click on “New Presentation.” From there, you can choose from a variety of templates or start with a blank slide. Once you have your first slide, you can begin adding text, images, and other media to create your presentation.

As you work on your presentation, it’s important to save your progress regularly. You can do this by clicking on “File” and then “Save” or by using the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+S” on a PC or “Command+S” on a Mac. This will ensure that your work is not lost in case of a power outage or other unexpected event.

One of the great things about PowerPoint is its flexibility when it comes to formatting. You can change the font, color, and size of your text, add animations and transitions between slides, and even create custom backgrounds. To access these formatting options, simply select the element you want to format and click on the appropriate button in the “Home” or “Design” tab.

If you need to collaborate with others on your presentation, you can use the “Share” feature to send a copy of your presentation to others. This feature allows you to give others permission to edit or view your presentation, depending on your preferences. You can also save your presentation to the cloud using OneDrive, making it accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.

Overall, creating and editing a PowerPoint presentation is a straightforward process that can be customized to fit your needs. By using Microsoft 365, you can take advantage of a wide range of formatting options and collaborate with others to create a polished final product.

Sharing and Collaborating

Sharing and collaborating on PowerPoint presentations is a convenient way to work with others and get feedback on your work. There are several ways to share your presentation, including using email and online platforms. Additionally, you can manage permissions and subscription benefits to ensure that the right people have access to your presentation.

Sharing your PowerPoint presentation with others is easy. You can send it as an email attachment or share it through online platforms like OneDrive or SharePoint. To send your presentation as an email attachment, simply attach the file to your email and send it to your recipient. If you prefer to use OneDrive or SharePoint, you can upload your presentation to the cloud and share it with others by sending them a link.

When sharing your PowerPoint presentation, it is important to manage permissions and subscription benefits to ensure that the right people have access to your work. You can control who can edit your presentation and who can only view it. This is especially important if you are sharing your presentation with people outside of your organization.

To manage permissions, you can use the Share button in the top right corner of the ribbon. From there, you can enter the email addresses of the people you want to share your presentation with. You can also choose whether they can edit or only view your presentation. If you want to collaborate with others, you can allow them to make comments on your presentation.

In addition to managing permissions, subscription benefits can also help you collaborate more effectively. If you have a Microsoft account, you can take advantage of subscription benefits like real-time co-authoring and version history. This allows you to work on your presentation with others in real-time and see who made changes to your presentation.

Overall, sharing and collaborating on PowerPoint presentations is a great way to work with others and get feedback on your work. By using email and online platforms, managing permissions, and taking advantage of subscription benefits, you can ensure that the right people have access to your presentation and collaborate more effectively.

Optimizing Presentations for Different Formats

When sending a PowerPoint presentation, it’s essential to ensure that it’s optimized for different formats. This section will explore two ways to optimize presentations for different formats: converting to PDF and other file formats and compressing files for easy sharing.

Converting a PowerPoint presentation to PDF or other file formats is a great way to optimize it for different formats. PDFs are widely accepted, and they maintain the original formatting of the presentation. Other file formats such as XPS are also useful for sharing presentations, depending on the recipient’s preference.

To convert a PowerPoint presentation to PDF, click on “File” and then “Save As.” Select “PDF” from the list of file types, and then click “Save.” If you want to convert the presentation to other file formats, select the desired file type from the list of options.

Compressing a PowerPoint presentation is an effective way to reduce its file size and make it easier to share. There are several ways to compress a file, including using built-in compression tools or third-party software.

One way to compress a file is to use the built-in compression tool in Windows. Right-click on the PowerPoint presentation and select “Send to” and then “Compressed (zipped) folder.” This will create a compressed version of the presentation that is smaller in size and easier to share.

Another way to compress a file is to use third-party software such as WinZip or 7-Zip. These tools offer more advanced compression options and can create smaller file sizes than the built-in compression tool in Windows.

In conclusion, optimizing presentations for different formats is crucial when sending PowerPoint presentations. Converting to PDF or other file formats and compressing files for easy sharing are two effective ways to optimize presentations for different formats. By following these tips, you can ensure that your presentations are easy to share and accessible to all recipients.

Engaging Your Audience

When sending a PowerPoint presentation, it is essential to engage your audience. The following subsections will provide you with some tips on how to make your presentation more interactive and engaging.

One way to engage your audience is to include interactive elements in your presentation. This can be done by adding polls, quizzes, and surveys to your slides. These elements will not only keep your audience engaged but also provide you with valuable feedback on your presentation. You can also ask your audience questions during the presentation to keep them involved and encourage participation.

Another way to engage your audience is to provide them with feedback. This can be done by asking for their opinions or thoughts on the presentation. You can also provide them with a feedback form at the end of the presentation. This will not only show that you value their input but also help you improve your future presentations.

Utilizing multimedia and social platforms can also help engage your audience. Adding images, videos, and audio to your presentation can help break up the monotony of slides and keep your audience interested. You can also include links to relevant resources, such as tutorials or ebooks, to provide your audience with additional information.

Social media platforms can also be used to engage your audience. You can embed a YouTube video or Google Drive presentation into your PowerPoint presentation to provide additional information. You can also share your presentation on social media platforms, such as Twitter or LinkedIn, to reach a wider audience.

In conclusion, engaging your audience is crucial when sending a PowerPoint presentation. By including interactive elements, providing feedback, and utilizing multimedia and social platforms, you can create a more engaging and memorable presentation.

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How to Send a PowerPoint Through Email(3 Common Methods)

PowerPoint is a cornerstone of productivity in corporate environments, serving to convey business proposals, project updates, and educational content. And when collaboration is needed, sharing presentations becomes essential. Among the various options, emailing the presentation stands out. In this article, we will guide you through the process of how to send a PowerPoint through email.

How to send a PowerPoint through email? (3 Easy Ways)

Method 1: send as an email attachment.

One of the easiest ways to send a PowerPoint presentation through email is to attach it as a file. This method allows you to share your presentation with others, without any changes or conversions. Here are the steps to send a PowerPoint presentation as an email attachment:

Step 1: Save your finished presentation on your computer.

Step 2: Open your email client, and choose “New Email” to compose a new email.

Step 3: Input recipient email addresses.

Step 4: Click the attachment button (often a paperclip icon) and locate the file.

Step 5: Double-click the file to upload it.

Step 6: Compose your email subject and message, then hit Send.

One of the simplest and fastest ways to send a presentation is to use your email client and attach it to your message. However, this method has a limitation on the file size. Most email clients only allow you to send attachments up to 25 MB.

Method 2: Convert and Share Files in PowerPoint

Another way to send a PowerPoint presentation through email is to convert it to a different file format, such as PDF or XPS, and then share it as an attachment or a link. This method can help you reduce the file size and avoid compatibility issues with different versions of PowerPoint or other software. Here are the steps to convert and share files in PowerPoint:

Step 1 : Open your PowerPoint presentation and click on the File tab in the top left corner.

Step 2: Select Export from the left sidebar and then choose Create PDF/XPS Document.

 If you choose Create PDF/XPS Document, you can adjust the size of the output file by clicking on “Minimum Size(publishing online)”. Then click on Publish to save your presentation as a PDF or XPS file.

Step 4: After you have converted your presentation to a different file format, you can share it through email by attaching it as a file.

Converting your presentation to a PDF or XPS file before sending it via email can help you avoid the problems of file size and compatibility. However, you should be aware that some features or animations may not be preserved in the converted file.

Method 3: Send PowerPoint as a link

The third way to send a PowerPoint presentation through email is to send it as a link. This method allows you to share your presentation as a link without having to download or upload any files. Here are the steps to send PowerPoint as a link:

Step 1: In the top left corner of your PowerPoint presentation, click the File tab.

Step 2: Select “Save As” from the left sidebar and then click on “OneDrive” to save the file in the Cloud.

Step 3 : After the file has been saved in the cloud, click on Share in the left sidebar menu and then select “Get a sharing link”.

Step 4: This will generate a link to your presentation that you can paste into your email message or any other platform. You can also adjust the permission level of the link by clicking on Anyone with this link can edit or Anyone with this link can view under Copy Link.

Step 5: Enter the recipient's email address, subject line, and message body as you normally would and paste the link to your presentation.

Step 6: Click on “Send” to send your email with the link to your presentation.

This method lets you share your presentations with others easily and avoid file size issues. It also enables collaboration. However, you should be aware that this method requires you to have an internet connection and a Microsoft account.

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Steps to edit Word/Excel/PowerPoint in WPS:

WPS Office makes it easy for you to edit your files. You can follow these simple steps to modify your Word documents, Excel sheets, and PowerPoint presentations:

Edit a Word File:

Step 1: Start by locating and opening the WPS Office application on your computer.

Step 2: Go to the Sidebar menu and click on "Docs". Find and open your Word Document using WPS Writer.

Step 3: Make use of the helpful editing tools found in different tabs of WPS Writer to enhance your document until it's just right.

Step 1 : Start by selecting "Sheets" from the Sidebar menu. Then, find and open your Excel Document using WPS Spreadsheet.

WPS Office Spreadsheet

Step 2: Make the most of WPS Spreadsheet's editing tools across its tabs to enhance your spreadsheet with ease.

WPS Spreadsheets tools

Edit a PowerPoint Presentation:

Step 1 : Go to the Sidebar menu and tap on "Slides." Find and open your PowerPoint Presentation using WPS Presentation.

WPS Office Presentations

Step 2: Utilize the useful editing tools available in WPS Presentation's various tabs to easily enhance your presentation.

WPS Presentation tools

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Q1. Can I send multiple PowerPoint presentations in one email?

It is feasible to attach numerous PowerPoint presentations to a single email. However, there are a few considerations to pay heed to:

Attaching numerous PowerPoint presentations might bring about an enormous file size, which may be problematic for some email clients or receivers with constrained internet connections.

It may overburden readers, making it difficult for them to concentrate on the subject matter of each presentation.

Large attachments or several files can be detected as dubious by some email servers or spam filters, causing probable delivery difficulties.

Given the problems raised above, it is recommended to send different emails for each presentation.

Q2. What should I do if the recipient cannot open the PowerPoint presentation?

If a recipient faces issues while opening the PowerPoint presentation, advise him to update the software and encourage the receiver to look at other programs, such as WPS Presentation. This free-of-cost program is well-known for its compatibility with PowerPoint files and might be a convenient answer if they have trouble opening the file.

Effortless Presentation Sharing

As you become more adept at file sharing, you'll find yourself effortlessly sharing files of any size and to any destination. In this article, we explored the process of how to send a PowerPoint through email, a widely used and professional approach to file sharing. WPS Office simplifies the conversion of documents to PDF format and enhances the sharing process. Feel free to enhance your file-sharing experience by downloading WPS Office today.

  • 1. How to Transfer Word File from PC to Android Phone (6 Common Methods)
  • 2. How to Repair Windows 10 (5 Common Methods)
  • 3. How to Send PDF to Email
  • 4. How to Boot into the Recovery Mode in Windows 10 (5 Common Methods)
  • 5. How to Fix Persistent Unlicensed Product Issue in Microsoft Office? (5 Common Methods)
  • 6. How to Share A PowerPoint With Others (4 Common Methods)

how to send presentation by email

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How to Send a PowerPoint Through Email When It’s Too Big

Sending a PowerPoint presentation through email can be a headache when the file is too big. But fear not, there’s a simple workaround to sharing that hefty file without clogging up someone’s inbox. All you need to do is compress the file, use a cloud storage service, or send it as a link. After reading this paragraph, you should have a basic understanding of how to accomplish the task specified by the prompt.

Step by Step Tutorial on Sending a Large PowerPoint Through Email

Getting that oversized PowerPoint file to its destination doesn’t have to be a battle with your email’s file size limit. The following steps will guide you through the process smoothly.

Step 1: Compress the PowerPoint file

Right-click on the file, select ‘Send to’, and then choose ‘Compressed (zipped) folder’.

Compressing the PowerPoint file can significantly reduce its size, making it easier to send through email. This method works well for files that are just slightly over the limit, as compression can only reduce the size so much without affecting the quality of the content within the presentation.

Step 2: Upload the file to a cloud storage service

Services such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive allow you to upload and share large files.

Cloud storage services are incredibly useful when dealing with large files. Once uploaded, you can share a link to the file or even set permissions for who can view or edit the document.

Step 3: Send the link through email

Instead of attaching the file, paste the link to the file in your email.

Sending a link is a quick and efficient way to share a large PowerPoint file. The recipient can simply click on the link to view or download the presentation, without it taking up space in their email.

After completing these steps, your recipient should receive an email with either a compressed file or a link to the PowerPoint presentation. They’ll then be able to download or view the file without any issues related to file size.

Tips for Sending a Large PowerPoint Through Email

  • Always check the file size limit of your recipient’s email provider.
  • Compress images and videos within the PowerPoint before trying to send it.
  • Remove any unnecessary slides or content to reduce the file size.
  • Consider breaking the presentation into smaller parts if it’s still too large.
  • Always inform the recipient to expect a large file or link, so they know to look for it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the maximum file size that i can send through email.

Most email providers have a limit of 20-25MB for attachments.

Can I compress a PowerPoint with embedded videos?

Yes, but the video quality may be reduced, and it may not compress enough to meet email size limits.

How do I compress images in PowerPoint?

You can use the ‘Compress Pictures’ feature under the Picture Format tab to reduce the file size.

Is it safe to use cloud storage services to share presentations?

Yes, reputable services like Google Drive and Dropbox have security measures to protect your files.

What do I do if my PowerPoint is still too large after compression?

Consider using a cloud service or breaking the presentation into smaller parts.

  • Compress the PowerPoint file.
  • Upload the file to a cloud storage service.
  • Send the link through email.

Sending a large PowerPoint through email doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With a few simple steps, you can ensure your comprehensive, visually stunning presentations reach their intended recipients hassle-free. Whether you choose to compress the file or opt for the convenience of cloud storage services, the key is to find the method that works best for you and your recipient. Always remember to double-check file sizes, compress content where possible, and communicate with your recipient about the impending large file. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll become a pro at circumventing those pesky file size limits and ensure your presentations are delivered effectively and efficiently every time.

Matt Jacobs Support Your Tech

Matt Jacobs has been working as an IT consultant for small businesses since receiving his Master’s degree in 2003. While he still does some consulting work, his primary focus now is on creating technology support content for SupportYourTech.com.

His work can be found on many websites and focuses on topics such as Microsoft Office, Apple devices, Android devices, Photoshop, and more.

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How to send powerpoint presentations with an embedded video.


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My live wallpaper doubles as a digital dashboard, and yours can too, 6 cool apps you should install on your samsung galaxy phone, quick links, create a folder, embed a video in powerpoint, compress the folder.

PowerPoint allows you to embed videos directly in your presentation. However, if you share the presentation, you might discover the embedded video no longer works. Here’s how to send your presentation with the embedded video still intact.

The issue here is that the embedded video doesn’t actually become a part of your slideshow. When you embed a video in PowerPoint, you’re simply telling PowerPoint the location of the media on your computer. PowerPoint then references that video on the designated slide.

If you want to send the presentation with the embedded video, you’ll need to package them together.

First things first, you’ll create a folder to store both the PowerPoint and video file. Note that you need to do this before embedding the video in your presentation. If you change the location of the video file after you embed it, the video will no longer work.

To create a new folder in Windows, right-click on the location where you want to place it, select “New” from the drop-down menu, and then select “Folder” from the submenu.

If you're using a Mac, you'll simply right-click and select "New Folder."

Create a new folder

You’ll be prompted to name the folder. Name it something memorable, and then store your presentation and video file in this folder.

Add Ppt and video file to folder

Now that both files are in the same location, open the PowerPoint file and embed the video . To do this, navigate to the slide where you want to embed the video; then go to the “Media” group of the “Insert” tab and select “Video." From the drop-down menu that appears, select “Video on My PC" if you're using a Windows machine or "Movie from File" if you're on a Mac.

Insert video on my pc

A dialog box will then open. Navigate to the location of the video, select it, and click “Insert."

select video to insert

With the video now embedded in your presentation, save and then close PowerPoint.

Now it’s time to package the files together by zipping the containing folder.

Related: Everything You Need to Know About Zip Files

To do this on Windows, right-click the folder, select “Send To” from the menu, and choose “Compressed (Zipped) Folder” from the submenu.

Mac users will right-click the folder and select "Compress 'Folder Name'."

send to compressed zip folder

You’ll now have a zipped file containing both the PowerPoint presentation and the video file.

zipped file

When you want to send the presentation, give the zipped file instead of just the individual PowerPoint file. Once the recipient receives, unzips, and opens the presentation, the embedded video will be playable.

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How to Send a Report in an Email With 10 Samples From Experts

  • Last Updated June 28, 2024

how to send a report in an email

You’ve spent hours, maybe even days; you did the research, you crafted the report, and you packed it with valuable insights. But when it comes to actually emailing it, there’s that sudden wave of uncertainty. You wonder:

  • Is it too big to send? 
  • Should I just send the link? 
  • Will they even read it if it’s an attachment?  
  • What if they can’t open it?

Been there!

But how do you send that report via email in a way that ensures it’s opened, read, and acted upon? We can say for a fact that a poorly sent report can go unnoticed or even end up in the dreaded spam folder.

In this article, we will discuss sending reports through email and guide you on how to do it right. Plus, we’ve prepared 10 sample emails for sending reports to help you learn and create your own emails easily. 

Let’s get started. 

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How to write a report email: key elements to include in a report email and how to format them

A report email delivers a specific set of information, often derived from research or data analysis, to an intended audience through the medium of email. The report email may contain attachments, visuals, or links to more extensive data repositories.

Now, when it comes to writing a report email, you must understand it’s not just about relaying information; it’s about ensuring your hard work receives the attention and action it deserves. Because of this, you need to consider the information you put inside the email and how you format it. 

Let’s discuss the information you need to include in your email for sending reports.

What to include in an email when sending a report

Below are the main elements you should include in the email to ensure your report doesn’t just end up gathering digital dust:

  • Overview of the report (and why it matters): The email should always start by introducing your report. Clearly state its purpose and significance. For example, “The attached report details our Q3 financial growth and pinpoints areas that contributed to our 20% profit increase.”
  • Dates, times, and information covered in the report : Provide a timeframe for your report. This helps readers place the data in context. Specify the period the report covers, like “This report covers the performance metrics from January 1 to March 31, 2023.”
  • A brief detail of the main points (aka précis): A précis is a concise summary of the report’s main points. Offer a brief snapshot that highlights the most critical takeaways, giving readers a quick overview.
  • Unusual data trends (any problems, irregularities, hurdles, or wins): Identify and explain any unexpected data or trends, whether they are challenges faced or unprecedented successes. This section adds depth and understanding to the data provided.
  • The next steps: After presenting the information, guide your readers on what should come next. This could be a call to action, recommendations for improvements, or the indication of a follow-up meeting .

Report email format: sending a report in an email

As you probably figured, sending a report via email is a nuanced task that involves more than just attaching a file and hitting “Send”. It requires thoughtful presentation, a structured format, and pointed content to ensure your hard work garners the attention it deserves. 

So now that you’ve got your key components sorted, let’s format them into a cohesive email for sending a report. The process can be broken down into three main sections, as seen with most business emails :

  • The subject line
  • The email body
  • The email ending

Now, let’s discuss how to write each section so that your report email stands out.  

How to write a report email subject line

The subject line is the first thing your recipient sees and determines whether your email gets opened at all. You need to make it concise and informative. That means it should be direct, relevant, and prompt curiosity or urgency to compel the recipient to open. 

Here are some examples of email subject lines you can use when sending a report in an email:

  • “Q3 financial report & key takeaways”
  • “Marketing analysis (Jan-Mar 2023): insights & recommendations”
  • “Monthly health & safety audit results”
  • “Project alpha: Post-implementation review & findings”
  • “Client feedback survey results & insights”

How to write a report email body

This is where the magic happens and basically where you include all the key elements we’ve discussed earlier in your email. The tone you use here will depend on the relationship between you and the receiving party. 

But as a general rule, we recommend that you keep your emails in a professional or formal tone . That said, here is how you write the body of a report email. 

  • Greeting: Always start with a professional greeting , such as “Dear [recipient’s name]” or “Hello team,”.
  • Introduction: Briefly explain the purpose of the email and the attached report.
  • Main content: Here, you can include your précis, mention any anomalies or challenges, and provide the report’s key details. Basically, outline the components mentioned in the “What to Include” section. Also, if your report is attached, mention the attachment clearly. 
  • Call to action or next steps: Clearly state what you expect from the reader or what they should do next.

How to end a report email

Wrap up your email by summarizing the key takeaways and next steps. Finish with a formal sign-off , your name, and any post-script notes if needed. Here are the key elements you need to include in your report email ending:

  • Thankfulness: Express gratitude for the reader’s time and consideration.
  • Open for questions: Offer to clarify any points or answer questions related to the report.
  • Signature: End with a professional signature that includes your name, title, company, and any contact details.

Here is an example: 

“Thank you for taking the time to review these insights. Should you have any questions or need further clarification, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Best regards,

[your name]

[your signature] P.S. The full report is attached as a PDF.”

10 email samples for sending reports

Report email sample 1: routine monthly report .

A routine monthly report email is a staple in many organizations. It offers a snapshot of the month’s activities, metrics, achievements, and setbacks. Clarity and relevance are the two cornerstones for writing this email well. 

Start by framing the time period you’re referencing. Then, outline the central themes of the report, ensuring that any substantial achievements or challenges are foregrounded. Finally, encourage feedback or questions to foster engagement and discussion.

Here is a sample you can learn from:

Subject line: Monthly operations report – August 2023

Hello [name], I’m pleased to share the operations report for August 2023. You’ll find the report attached to this email.  Inside, you’ll find a detailed account of our monthly activities, notable accomplishments, and areas of improvement. Please take a moment to review and let me know if you have any questions or insights. Thank you. Best regards, [your name] [your signature]

Report email sample 2: Urgent incident reports 

As you write this report email, your goal is to get immediate attention and action. That’s why the email needs to be direct. 

So, start by clearly stating the incident at the beginning. Let them know what happened and how severe it is. Was personal or financial information leaked? Are you getting phishing attacks? Whatever it is, detail it.

Follow it with a brief detail on its implications and immediate next steps or recommendations. Given the urgency, it’s also essential to set the tone right – ensuring it conveys the gravity of the situation without inciting undue panic. Here is a sample email for this:

Subject line: URGENT: Incident report – System outage

Dear [recipient’s name], I’m writing to inform you about an unexpected system outage that occurred on 29th August. The attached report provides a detailed analysis of the incident, its impact, and the measures taken to resolve it. Immediate action is required to prevent recurrence. I urge you to review the report and join the emergency meeting scheduled for tomorrow. Best regards, [your name] [your signature]

Report email sample 3: Financial annual report 

Financial annual report emails provide a year-long overview of your business’s financial health, challenges, and achievements. So, always start your email by contextualizing the period in review. Highlight any overarching themes or significant financial milestones, and then prompt stakeholders for feedback. Here is an email sample you can emulate here:

Subject line: Financial Annual Report 2023

Dear Stakeholders, I’m delighted to present the Financial Annual Report for 2023. This report encapsulates our fiscal journey, showcasing our achievements, challenges, and growth trajectories over the past year. Your insights and feedback are invaluable. After reviewing, please share your thoughts ahead of our annual financial review meeting. Best regards, [your name] [your signature]

Report email sample 4: Research findings report 

Research findings report emails convey the culmination of intensive study or investigation. The creativity needed to write this email is to articulate the key discoveries and their implications in a comprehensive yet succinct way. 

Provide a brief about the research’s objective. Next, summarize the key findings and hint at their potential impact. Then, encourage the recipients to delve into the details and consider the implications for the broader organizational strategy. 

Here is a sample email for this:

Subject line: Research findings: customer behavior study 2023

Hello Team, The research on customer behavior throughout 2023 is complete. The attached report unravels our seminal discoveries, each echoing potential reverberations across our marketing and product development sectors.  I urge each member to immerse themselves in these findings, for they promise to be instrumental in sculpting our forward trajectory. I encourage everyone to review these insights as they’ll be foundational for our upcoming marketing initiatives. Best, [your name] [your signature]

Report email sample 5: Project completion report 

A project completion report email signifies the end of a journey. Your report should narrate the challenges surmounted, the goals achieved, and the lessons learned. 

So, for this email, recount the project’s objectives at the outset. Celebrate the milestones achieved and candidly address any hurdles faced. Close by inviting them to provide feedback and emphasize the collective effort that saw the project to its conclusion.

Subject line: Project Delta: Completion Report

Dear [recipient’s name], I’m excited to announce the successful completion of Project Delta. The attached report provides a comprehensive overview of our journey, outlining our achievements, obstacles overcome, and the final results. Your feedback is essential for future endeavors. I look forward to your thoughts. Thank you for your continued support. Sincerely, [your name] [your signature]

Report email sample 6: Feedback or survey report 

When writing an email for such a report, the focus should be on acknowledging the effort behind gathering feedback and highlighting the key insights.

Your email should express gratitude for the participants of the survey or feedback process. Provide a précis of the main content of the report, then conclude by emphasizing the importance of this feedback for future decisions. Here is an example you can learn from:

Subject line: Customer Feedback Report – July 2023

Hello Team, We’ve successfully collated the feedback from our customers in July. The insights we’ve derived from this process are integral to understanding our product’s market performance and pinpointing areas for enhancement.  I encourage everyone to thoroughly review the attached report and be prepared to integrate these insights into our future strategies. Best wishes, [your name] [your signature]

Report email sample 7: Initial draft report for review 

Generally, your goal here is to request feedback. So, you want to set clear expectations about the response timeline and the areas requiring specific attention. Here is an example for this: 

Subject line: Initial Draft: Marketing Strategy 2023 for Review

Dear [recipient’s name], I’m sharing the initial draft of our Marketing Strategy for 2023. Your expertise and feedback will be crucial in refining this document. Kindly review and share your comments by the end of the week. Thank you, [your name] [your signature]

Report email sample 8: Confidential or sensitive report 

Confidential reports demand discretion due to the sensitive nature of their content. Your email should state the confidential nature of the report prominently. 

Mention the reasons for the report’s confidential status and the consequences of unauthorized sharing. Reiterate the importance of discretion in handling the report. Here is an example:

Subject line: CONFIDENTIAL: Executive Compensation Report 2023

Dear [recipient’s name], I’m entrusting you with the Executive Compensation Report for 2023. Due to the proprietary data and personal information contained within, this document has been classified as confidential.  It is imperative that it remains within our circle and is not disseminated without explicit approval. Your understanding and discretion are paramount and much appreciated. Best regards, [your name] [your signature]

Report email sample 9: Updated version of a previous report 

Circumstances change, and occasionally, reports need updating. When writing an updated report, clarity regarding the nature and reasons for the updates is essential.

In your email, reference the original report and its date of issuance. Describe the reasons prompting an update, specifying the sections or data points that have been revised. Request a review of the updated sections and encourage feedback. Here is a sample you can use:

Subject line: UPDATED: Sales Forecast Report – Q4 2023

Hello Team, I’m sharing the updated version of our Sales Forecast for Q4. Changes have been made based on the latest market trends and feedback from the sales team. Please review the revised projections and strategies in this version. Best, [your name] [your signature]

Report email sample 10: Error correction in a previously sent report

Your report email here needs to be clear about the error’s nature, its implications, and the steps taken to rectify it. So, start by acknowledging the oversight openly. Provide information about the corrected data. End by expressing gratitude for understanding and patience.

Here is an email sample for this:

Subject line: CORRECTION: Financial Report – June 2023

Dear Stakeholders, We identified an error in our previously sent Financial Report for June. Attached is the corrected version. The discrepancies were found in the profit calculations, and we’ve rectified them in this update. Apologies for the oversight, and thank you for your understanding. Sincerely, [your name] [your signature]

Key takeaways

  • Your email subject line is the first thing recipients see, and it heavily influences whether your email is opened. Always shoot for a clear and context-rich subject line. 
  • The email body should provide the reader with all necessary context and expectations: what the report is about, why it matters, and what actions are expected upon review.
  • If your report is an updated version or a correction of a previously sent document, be upfront about it. Clearly mention what has changed, why the update or correction was necessary, and how the recipient should approach the new document.
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Shortcut to send a couple of slides from a presentation

Many a times I have to send specific slides out of a powerpoint presentation, via email.

I follow a manual process of selecting the slides, copying them, opening a new presentation and finally pasting the slides in the new presentation and save it. Then I attach the new presentation to an email.

I was wondering if there was a easier way to do this, especially for instances where a single slide is to be sent.

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Here are two ways you can do this: A) Save-As (rename file to be sent). Delete unwanted slides. File->Send to recipeient as (attachment, pdf, etc). No copy and paste needed. or B) Directly from your working PPT, select the slides you want to send by pressing Ctrl+"each slide"; by doing this you can select slides 1 and 3 say. Then select File->Send To->Mail Recipient as Adobe PDF . You will then be prompted to save a PDF file, but first open "Options" -> Slide Range -> radio button 'selected slides' . Save the file. Then PPT will create an adobe attachment and attach it to your PC's mail automatically. All you have to do then is to send the mail with recipient.

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how to send presentation by email

how to send presentation by email

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How to send a PowerPoint through email that is too big?

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  • February 27, 2022

how to send a powerpoint through email that is too big

If you are a user of the PowerPoint presentation, this blog post will be a big help for you. Imagine you just finished creating your PPT and want to email it. Too much content, animation, pictures, and other design elements for your PPT can result in a big presentation file at the end. PowerPoint too large to email is a real deal if you want to share your PowerPoint presentation design services via email to others. But how to send a PowerPoint through email that is too big? There are various methods for sharing big PowerPoint that are too large via email, and we are going to explore them in our article.

how to send a large powerpoint through email

Table of Contents

How to send a large PowerPoint through email?

You can send your PowerPoint through email attachment; it’s almost the first way that will come into your mind to email presentation but you may ask why is my PowerPoint file so large and how to email a large PowerPoint via attachment.

Method 1 – Compress your PowerPoint file

You are able to compress PowerPoint file for email via the built-in feature of PowerPoint without losing much quality.

Step 1- Open your PowerPoint application at first.

Step 2- On the File tab, choose Save As

Step 3- You will see a dialog box after choosing Save As, click Tools and Compress Picture.

Step 4: In the opened dialog box, choose the Apply only to this current picture option and click on OK.

Step 5: To finalize the process, click on Save to save the compressed presentation.

Method 2 – Convert it to PDF

Another method is converting your presentation to PDF. PDF files are much smaller than PowerPoint files, in this case, you need to know how to convert PDF to PowerPoint and send a PowerPoint too large to email with this method.

Step 1: On your desktop, open your PowerPoint presentation file.

Step 2: Now on the File tab, click on the Export option.

Step 3: You should see the Export dialog box; now, choose Create PDF/XPS Document.

Step 4: To take the final step, click on Publish to create the PDF file of your presentation and email it.

Method 3 – Upload it to Cloud storage service

One of the recent and practical methods in how to send a PowerPoint that is too big , is using a cloud storage service. Just upload your PowerPoint file to a cloud storage service such as Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive and then share the link with others to whom you want to give them access to your file.

compress powerpoint file for email

Method 4 – Use a file transfer service

There are many file transfer services to send your files with them. If you still have trouble with how to send a large PowerPoint through email , you can use file transfer services, which allow you to send your large PowerPoint presentation file to others so easily. Some notable transfer services are WeTransfer, Send Anywhere, and Smash.

Tips for sending large PowerPoint presentations through email

Before emailing your PPT file, check about the size limitations of your email account.

If you want to send your PowerPoint presentation to multiple recipients, use BCC (blind carbon copy) in your email to keep their addresses hidden.

Sometimes, you want to convert your PPSX to PPT and then share it with a group of people; in these situations, you should consider using an email list instead of sending individual emails.

Always double-check and test your PowerPoint presentation on your email account before sending it to others.

How do you send PPT as an email attachment?

The simplest way to email a PowerPoint presentation is to save it as a file and attach it to your email. In this method, recipients can download the PPT file on their own devices. To send a PowerPoint presentation as an attachment:

  • Open the PowerPoint presentation that you want to send.
  • Click File and then choose Save As.
  • Under Save as type, select PowerPoint Presentation (*.pptx).
  • Click Browse, choose a location for the presentation, and click Save.
  • Open your email account and compose a new message.
  • Click Attach and Attach File to add your file.
  • Select the PowerPoint presentation you want to attach, then click Open.

how to email a large powerpoint

Nowadays, you are required to have in-depth knowledge of send large PowerPoint presentation emails , so our guide provides everything needed to deliver the presentation to its intended recipients successfully. When a PowerPoint is too large to email , you need to compress images, save, and attach the file to an email. tips will help you confidently present your PowerPoint presentation and deliver your message quickly to your audience.

How can I reduce the ppt file size of an email?

You can compress a file on Windows by right-clicking it, selecting “Send To” and clicking “Compressed (zipped). It will appear in the exact same directory as the original compressed file. The compressed file will be smaller than the original.

How do you send a PowerPoint that is too big in Gmail?

can be used to send large files through Gmail by using cloud storage like Dropbox, OneDrive or WeTransfer. These services have more generous file limits and make sharing easier. These services allow you to upload a file and then send a simple link so that your recipient can retrieve it.

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How To Email A Powerpoint That Is Too Big

Mastering the art of sending large powerpoint files via email.

Email has become an indispensable tool for communication, especially in the professional and academic worlds. However, when it comes to sharing large PowerPoint presentations, the size limitations of email services can pose a significant challenge. In this article, we will explore various strategies and tools to help you email a PowerPoint that is too big, ensuring your valuable content reaches its intended audience without a hitch.

Understanding Email Size Limits

Before diving into solutions, it’s essential to understand why you’re facing this obstacle in the first place. Most email providers have a cap on the size of attachments you can send. For instance, Gmail limits attachments to 25MB, while Outlook allows up to 20MB. When your PowerPoint exceeds these limits, you’ll need to employ alternative methods to share your presentation.

Why PowerPoint Files Become Bulky

PowerPoint presentations can quickly grow in size due to various factors, such as:

  • High-resolution images and videos
  • Embedded fonts
  • Complex animations and transitions
  • Audio narrations and sound effects
  • Extensive slide decks with numerous slides

Understanding these factors can help you optimize your presentation’s size before you consider sending it.

Optimizing Your PowerPoint Presentation

Before resorting to external tools or services, try reducing the file size of your PowerPoint presentation. Here are some effective ways to do so:

Compress Images and Media

PowerPoint has built-in tools to compress images and media. You can access these options by selecting an image, navigating to the “Picture Format” tab, and clicking on “Compress Pictures.” For videos, consider using video editing software to reduce the resolution or convert them to a more compressed format before embedding them in your presentation.

Remove Unnecessary Elements

Review your presentation and remove any non-essential elements. This could include unused slides, excessive animations, or any decorative graphics that don’t contribute to your message.

Save in a Different Format

Saving your presentation in a different format, such as PDF or PPTX, can sometimes reduce file size without compromising quality. The PPTX format is particularly efficient as it uses ZIP compression.

Alternative Methods to Email a Large PowerPoint

If optimizing your presentation doesn’t sufficiently reduce its size, consider these alternative methods to share your PowerPoint via email.

Cloud Storage Services

Cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive allow you to upload large files and share them via a link. These links can be sent through email, circumventing the attachment size limits.

File Compression Tools

Using file compression software like WinRAR or 7-Zip can significantly reduce the size of your PowerPoint file. You can create a compressed archive of your presentation and attach it to your email.

Email Services with Larger Limits

Some email services offer larger attachment limits or have built-in features to handle oversized files. For example, Gmail automatically uploads large files to Google Drive and shares them as a link in the email.

Step-by-Step Guide to Emailing Your Large PowerPoint

Let’s walk through the process of emailing a large PowerPoint presentation using cloud storage services, which is one of the most common and effective methods.

Using Google Drive

  • Open Google Drive and sign in with your Google account.
  • Click on the “New” button and select “File upload” to upload your PowerPoint presentation.
  • Once the upload is complete, right-click on the file and select “Share.”
  • Adjust the sharing settings to your preference and copy the shareable link.
  • Compose your email and paste the link into the body of the message.
  • Send the email to your recipients.

Using Dropbox

  • Sign in to your Dropbox account and click on “Upload files” to add your PowerPoint presentation.
  • After the upload, locate the file in your Dropbox folder and click “Share.”
  • Create a shareable link and set the appropriate permissions.
  • Copy the link and include it in your email.
  • Send the email with the Dropbox link to your intended recipients.

Using OneDrive

  • Login to your OneDrive account and click on “Upload” to add your PowerPoint file.
  • Once uploaded, select the file and click on “Share” at the top menu.
  • Choose the sharing options and copy the link provided.
  • Paste the link into your email and complete your message.
  • Send the email to share your large PowerPoint presentation.

FAQ Section

What is the maximum file size i can send via email.

The maximum file size varies depending on your email provider. For example, Gmail allows up to 25MB, while Outlook permits 20MB. If your file exceeds these limits, you’ll need to use one of the alternative methods discussed in this article.

Can I compress a PowerPoint with embedded videos?

Yes, you can compress a PowerPoint with embedded videos, but you may need to use video editing software to reduce the video file size before embedding it into your presentation.

Is it safe to share PowerPoint presentations via cloud storage links?

Yes, it is generally safe to share presentations via cloud storage links, especially if you use trusted services like Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive. Ensure you set the appropriate sharing permissions to control who can view or edit your presentation.

How can I protect my PowerPoint presentation when sharing it?

To protect your presentation, you can set a password to open the file, restrict permissions, or convert it to a non-editable format like PDF. Additionally, use secure sharing settings when using cloud services.

Emailing a large PowerPoint presentation can be a challenge, but with the right tools and techniques, it’s a hurdle you can easily overcome. By optimizing your presentation’s size, utilizing cloud storage services, or employing file compression tools, you can ensure your content is delivered efficiently and effectively. Remember to consider the security of your files and the convenience of your recipients when choosing your sharing method.

With the insights and step-by-step guides provided in this article, you’re now equipped to tackle the task of emailing oversized PowerPoint files with confidence. Embrace these strategies, and you’ll never have to worry about email size limits again.


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How to make your presentation sound more like a conversation.

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The main difference between strong, confident speakers and speakers who seem nervous in front of the room is in how relaxed and conversational they appear. Here are some basic pointers that will help you create a conversational tone when speaking, regardless of the size of your audience.

1. Avoid using the word, “presentation.” Every time you say, “I’m here to give you a presentation on X,” or, “In this presentation, you’ll see…,” you are emphasizing the formal, structured, sometimes artificial nature of the interaction. No one wants to be “presented” to. Instead, use language that emphasizes a natural, conversational exchange. “We’re here today to talk about X,” or “Today I’ll be sharing some ideas regarding Y.” You can even go so far as to say, “I’m glad we have time together today to discuss Z.” Even if your talk is not going to truly be a dialogue, you can use language that suggests engagement with the audience.

2. If you are using PowerPoint, avoid using the word “slide.” Instead of talking about the medium, talk about the concepts. Swap out, “This slide shows you…,” for, “Here we see….” Instead of saying, “On that slide I showed you a moment ago,” say, “A moment ago we were discussing X. Here’s how that issue will impact Y and Z.” Casual conversations don’t usually involve slide decks. Just because your complicated presentation on tax exposure, supply chain issues, or new health care regulations requires you to use slides, doesn’t mean you have to draw attention to that fact that the setting is formal and structured.

3. For many large-group events, speakers are provided with what’s called a “confidence monitor,” a computer screen that sits on the floor at the speaker’s feet showing the slide that appears on the large screen above the speaker’s head. Avoid using confidence monitors. Our natural inclination when using a confidence monitor is to gesture at the bullet point we’re discussing at the moment. However, we are pointing to a bullet point on the screen at our feet, which the audience can’t see, so it creates a disconnect between us and the audience. Instead, stand to the side of the large screen and gesture at the bullet point you’re talking about so that the audience knows which point you are discussing at the moment.

4. Don’t tell your audience, “I want this to be interactive.” It’s your job to make it interactive. If you are delivering the type of presentation where your audience size allows you to create true engagement with your listeners, create that connecting in stages to “warm up” the audience. Stage One engagement is to ask the audience a question relevant to your topic that you know most of the audience members can respond to affirmatively. “Who here has ever bought a new car?” or, “How many of you have ever waited more than 5 minutes on hold on a customer service line?” Raise your hand as you ask the question to indicate to the audience how to respond. Whoever has raised their hand has now participated in the discussion. They have indicated a willingness to engage. Stage Two engagement is calling on one of the people who raised their hand and asking a specific, perfunctory question. Again, it needs to be a question they can answer easily. If your first questions is, “Who here has bought a new car?” you can then call on someone and ask, “How long ago,” or “What kind of car did you buy most recently?” If your first question was, “Have you ever waited on hold for more than 5 minutes,” you can’t ask, “What company were you calling at the time?” The people who raised their hands weren’t thinking of a specific instance; they were just thinking broadly about that type of experience. You could, however, call on someone and ask, “Do you prefer when they play music or ads for the company’s products?” Anyone can answer that question. At that point, you are in an actual dialogue with that person. Stage Three engagement is asking them a question where they need to reveal something more personal. “How does that make you feel when you hear those ads?” You’ve warmed up your audience and drawn them in with baby steps. Now you have actual, meaningful audience participation.

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5. Use gestures. When we’re speaking in an informal setting, we all use hand gestures; some people use more than others, but we all use them. When we try to rein in our gestures, two things happen that diminish our speaking style. First, we look stiff and unnatural. We look like we are presenting a guarded or cautious version of ourselves; we look less genuine. Second, hand gestures burn up the nervous energy we all have when speaking in front of a large group. That’s good. When we try to minimize our hand gestures, we tie up that nervous energy and it starts to leak out on odd ways, where we start to tap our foot, fidget with our notes or microphone, or tilt our head side to side to emphasize key points. Just let the gestures fly. It’s unlikely they will be too large or distracting. I have coached people on their presentation skills for 26 years. In that time, I have met three people who gestured too much. Everyone else would benefit from using their gestures more freely.

The impact we have as communicators is based on the cumulative effect of many different elements of our delivery. These suggestions alone won’t make you a terrific presenter. They will, however, add to the overall package your present of yourself when speaking to large audiences.

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Microsoft 365 Life Hacks > Presentations > How to introduce yourself in a presentation

How to introduce yourself in a presentation

A well-executed presentation should captivate your audience and listeners. The first step to gaining their attention is creating an engaging introduction. Learn why presentation introductions are important and how to properly execute one for your presentation.

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Why are presentation introductions important?

Presentation delivery impacts your audience’s reception and listening skills. A dull delivery can deter listeners and potentially leave them disinterested. Conversely, an effective delivery can engage your audience, promote active listening, and stimulate substantive discussion.

Presentation introductions also help to establish the outline of your presentation and give the audience an idea of what is to come. Introductions play a crucial role in captivating listeners from the onset and building momentum. They address who you are, why the audience should be invested, state the topic, establish credibility, preview the main points, and establish the cadence and tone of your presentation. Before you dive into the content of your presentation, ensure you establish an effective introduction to captivate your audience.

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How to begin a presentation introduction

To establish rapport with your audience, here are some tips to effectively introduce yourself and your presentation:

Be clear and concise

A succinct introduction makes it easier for your audience to follow. Keep your introduction simple, short, and include only necessary information. State your name and topic clearly so your audience knows you from the beginning. Avoid unnecessary details or lengthy anecdotes in your introduction to keep things focused and to the point.

Provide pertinent background information

In addition to your name and topic, highlight anything else that is relevant. You can include your education, work background, qualifications, and other information. Most importantly, ensure the information you disclose is directly relevant to yourself and presentation.

Create a hook or attention getter

Once you’ve established your name and topic, create an engaging hook or attention getter. Your introduction can be funny, clever, or it can captivate your audience. Have fun creating an introduction, but be sure to align your tone and delivery to your audience.

Outline your presentation

Let your audience know what your will be discussing. Establish a roadmap of your presentation: outline your contents, topics, and main points in an easily digestible format. This makes it easier for your audience to follow your presentation and prepare for its contents.

Practice and refine

Once you’ve created a solid introduction, rehearse your introduction until the delivery is organic and smooth. Confidence is key for an optimal delivery. Speak clearly, practice eye contact, and use storytelling to engage your audience.

Be authentic

Above all, be yourself—authenticity helps you build trust and connection with your audience. Carry you character, speech, and personality into your presentation to draw in your audience.

A successful introduction establishes tone, cadence, topic, and showcases your personality. Gain your audience’s attention and effectively deliver your presentation with an effective introduction. For more ways to engage your audience and improve presentation delivery , learn more presentation tips .

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how to send presentation by email

Send a presentation in email

In PowerPoint for the web, you can send a file as an attachment in Outlook .com or Outlook Web App in Microsoft 365 . The recipient will get a copy of the file, and if they want to edit it, they’ll have to save it with a new name. You can also send a link to your presentation that lives in the cloud.

From Outlook.com

Create a new message.

On the Insert tab, click File as attachments .

Attach a file

Go to your OneDrive folder , and then to the folder that contains the presentation you want to send.

Double-click the file to attach it to the email.

In the To box, add the email addresses of the people you want to send the attachment to, and then add a subject.

In Outlook.com, click Send.

From Outlook Web App in Microsoft 365


Enter your recipient’s email addresses and the subject, click Insert , and then click attachment .

Insert attachment

Open your OneDrive for your organization.

OneDrive for Business folder

Browse for the presentation file, and then click Open .

Click Send .

Send a link to your presentation from PowerPoint for the web

Click the Share tab

Under Share , click Send email .

Email a link to your presentation

Enter the email addresses of the people you want to send the link to, and then type a message.

If you want them to be able to edit your presentation, check Recipients can edit .

If you’re worried the email will be forwarded to people who you don’t want to see your presentation, check Require everyone who accesses this to sign in (to a Microsoft account).

Options for sending your presentation

Click Share .


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  2. Email your presentation to others

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  3. Send a presentation in email

    From Outlook.com. Create a new message. On the Insert tab, click File as attachments. Go to your OneDrive folder, and then to the folder that contains the presentation you want to send. Double-click the file to attach it to the email. In the To box, add the email addresses of the people you want to send the attachment to, and then add a subject.

  4. Share your PowerPoint presentation with others

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  17. email

    A) Save-As (rename file to be sent). Delete unwanted slides. File->Send to recipeient as (attachment, pdf, etc). No copy and paste needed. B) Directly from your working PPT, select the slides you want to send by pressing Ctrl+"each slide"; by doing this you can select slides 1 and 3 say. Then select File->Send To->Mail Recipient as Adobe PDF.

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  23. Email your presentation to others

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  26. Send a presentation in email

    From Outlook.com. Create a new message. On the Insert tab, click File as attachments. Go to your OneDrive folder, and then to the folder that contains the presentation you want to send. Double-click the file to attach it to the email. In the To box, add the email addresses of the people you want to send the attachment to, and then add a subject.