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How to Include Relevant Coursework on a Resume (with Examples)

13 min read · Updated on September 11, 2023

Ken Chase

If you are a recent graduate struggling with a lack of work experience, knowing how to include relevant coursework on a resume can be one of the best ways to create a more compelling resume narrative.

One thing that many recent college graduates have in common with one another is a general lack of work experience. That lack of experience can sometimes make it difficult for them to construct a resume that sells their potential to be the best candidate for a job. Fortunately, there are ways to still create a strong and compelling resume, even without experience. For example, did you take classes that might be relevant to the position? If so, including relevant coursework on your resume may be the perfect solution to your resume challenges.

In this post, we will explain how you can identify relevant coursework and where it should be listed in your resume. We will also include several examples of relevant coursework on a resume so that you can see the best options for using these details to strengthen your job search efforts.

What is relevant coursework?

Of course, when we talk about relevant coursework, we are talking about those classes and educational activities that have direct relevance to the position you are seeking. The first thing you need to recognize is that many of the classes you took during your college career will not need to be included in your resume. After all, most degrees require that students complete any number of basic foundational courses that will have little if any relation to their chosen job — at least from a resume standpoint. 

So, what types of classes, achievements, and activities should you focus on as you identify suitable courses to add to your resume? While this sounds like a simple question, it actually requires some serious thought and evaluation. Fortunately, there are some basic rules that you can follow as you make that determination. Below are just some of the potentially relevant things that you might want to include in your resume: 

Coursework that demonstrates that you have a foundation of knowledge in a required aspect of the job you are seeking. For example, if communication skills are needed for the position, you should include courses that focused on business communications, writing, etc.

Projects that are related to particular job skills. For a marketing position, you should include any marketing-related projects you completed during your studies. Or you could include research projects you engaged in if you are seeking a job where research skills are essential.

Academic achievements can also be included, including notably high GPA scores or awards you received. Also, be sure to include any related extracurricular activities. That could include everything from clubs to sporting activities if they helped you develop skills that would be useful for the job.

Again, do not include coursework that has no bearing on the job at hand. This will require you to carefully consider each course to determine its relevance. One way to do that is to read the job posting and select keywords and phrases of import that seem to be describing the skills or educational qualifications needed for the job. Then go through your coursework and try to match courses to those skills. As you do so, remember that some basic courses like those involving communication—both written and verbal—may be included, since communication is one of those soft skills that every company values .

You can learn more about the difference between hard and soft skills by reading our excellent article, Key Differences Between Hard Skills and Soft Skills . A better understanding of those critical soft skills can help to ensure that you don't underestimate the value of any of your classes. There's a great chance that you have more marketable soft skills than you realize! 

When should you include relevant courses on your resume?

Before you add your job-related classes to your resume, you should decide whether it is necessary. For example, you can almost certainly benefit from including your relevant coursework on your resume if: 

You recently graduated from school or are beginning the process of looking for a job because you are close to graduation. Students and recent graduates typically have little or no real job experience to highlight skills. Fortunately, their studies and project assignments will likely have helped them to develop important skills that they can highlight in their resumes.

Your educational achievements are necessary to qualify for the position you are seeking. In those instances, your prospective employer will be interested in knowing that you have fulfilled those requirements and have the basic knowledge needed for the position.

There may also be times when you need to include coursework even after you have been in the workforce for some time. For example, if you are switching careers and your current work experience does not include the skills needed for your new job, that may not matter as much if you can show that your studies prepared you for the role. 

Including coursework related to your minor

As you select relevant coursework for your resume, don't forget to consider courses of study related to your minor too. Hopefully, you will have selected a minor that is at least tangentially related to your desired career path. If so, then chances are that some of the courses you completed may have some relevance that can translate to a useful resume listing. For more information about minors and when they can be added to your resume, read How to Include a Minor on Your Resume .

When should I take coursework off my resume?

Obviously, there will be times when you should forgo any mention of your courses in your resume. Some examples of situations where you might not need to list your specific coursework include:

When your coursework is not really relevant to the position you seek. Including irrelevant coursework could actually distract from your important skills and experiences.

Situations in which coursework was completed so long ago that the information is no longer useful. For instance, many technology-related courses can lose their value over time. Other examples include old marketing courses and other educational achievements that involve skills that have evolved rapidly in recent years.

If your resume is already filled with enough work experience and skills that there is no need or room for specific course details. Remember, you want to add your courses to enhance your value as an employee. If adding a particular course does nothing more than add length to the resume, skip it. 

Where should relevant coursework be listed in your resume?

In most resumes, the coursework should be placed in the education section, with a subheading titled “Relevant Coursework.” When creating this part of the education section, you should insert the subheading under the name of your degree, with a list of the courses you studied. For example:

Bachelor's in [Name of Degree]

[College Name, City, Graduation Date]

Relevant Coursework: [Course 1], [Course 2], [Course 3], [Course 4], [Course 5]

Alternatively, you can also opt to show your courses in a bullet-point list if your resume is short and you need to fill more space. You can even elaborate on each course with a few words to describe the skills you learned in class. For example:

Relevant Coursework:

If you have no actual work experience, you may even want to consider using your education section as a substitute for that experience section. If you choose that option, you may want to place the education section closer to the top of your resume and flesh out each course in the same way you would detail a job listing in your work experience section. That means using detailed descriptions that include quantifiable results highlighting your achievements.

Key tips to remember when listing relevant coursework

Before we show you some examples of how to list relevant coursework on your resume, there are a few tips that can help to ensure that your final product is as compelling as possible. By incorporating these ideas into your resume creation process, you can more effectively make that all-important great first impression on any hiring manager.

Only list relevant coursework if you lack sufficient work experience to meet the job requirements.

Always make sure that the courses you list highlight skills and knowledge needed for the position. If a course has nothing to do with your chosen line of work, it has no place in your resume.

Relevant courses may be related to hard and soft skills.

If you choose to use descriptions for each course, use that as an opportunity to insert relevant keywords from the job description. This can be a great way to ensure that your resume can get past any applicant tracking system .

Always proofread your entire resume to eliminate spelling mistakes, punctuation and grammar errors, and style or formatting discrepancies.

Make sure that you tailor your resume to fit the job you want. Since you will likely be applying for different jobs during your job search, you may need to modify your educational coursework details to align with the needs of each position.

Do not forget to include important skill information in your coursework descriptions. Again, try to use those job description keywords.

If you are maintaining an updated resume throughout your educational career, be sure to continually edit your resume as your coursework evolves over time. This can make it easier to keep it updated and can save you some time when your job search begins.

3 Examples of relevant coursework on a resume

In this final section, we will explore some different examples to show you how you can successfully incorporate relevant coursework into your resume. We have included a couple of examples of the most basic listing options, as well as an expanded sample that enables you to provide more details and skills. You can refer to these samples and use them as guides as you create your own relevant coursework section.

Example #1: The Basics

Bachelor's in Information Technology

My College, Anytown 2022

Relevant Coursework: Cyber Security 101, Business Intelligence, Application Development, Networking and Telecom, Artificial Intelligence

This simple listing would be a good option for anyone who has at least some relevant work experience but who still needs an additional boost to meet the job requirements. In this case, the job seeker's coursework listing is presented in a minimalist format, documenting the specific courses and areas of focus—but without any other information about those studies.

Example #2: Bulletpoint List of Courses

Cyber Security 101

Business Intelligence

Application Development

Networking and Telecom

Artificial Intelligence

This option is similar to the first example but presents the classes and areas of focus as separate bullet points. This provides additional emphasis for each area of study, while also taking up a bit more space in the resume. This can be a great option if your resume is a little short and you need to expand the content.

Example #3: Detailed Format

My College, Anytown

Completed in 2022

Certified Cyber Security Expert, skilled in protecting data, information, and infrastructure.

Coursework included training on risk analysis, threat mitigation, compliance assurance, and cloud security.

Completed multiple projects and research assignments designed to test knowledge and adaptability to various types of cyber threats.

 Business Intelligence

Business analytics certificate, training focused on data interpretation and communication to resolve business problems with a data mindset.

Course included 3 projects testing analytical skills using hypothetical business challenges based on real-world business scenarios.

 Application Development

Courses focused on the development of software coding skills used for web application creation, troubleshooting, and debugging.

Final course project involved the creation of an independent web app to streamline online sales processes for a test company.

Training focused on routing, packet switching, and cybersecurity needs.

Spent eight weeks as a volunteer networking intern for a local ISP, receiving hands-on training from experienced networking professionals.

AI and machine learning studies, emphasizing tech integration into business processes, impact on sales and marketing, and ethical concerns.

Conducted study for the course final, evaluating potential AI benefits for enhanced marketing in the digital age and impact on online sales.

This more detailed example is a superior option for those who have no work experience and need their educational credentials to highlight their skills. In this sample, each area of interest is accompanied by bullet point details describing the types of courses studied and the lessons or skills developed during those classes. In addition, bullet points are added to highlight specific achievements, describe studies and real-world application of skills, and demonstrate competency in the subject matter.

This type of format can enable your coursework section to serve as a replacement for work experience if you have never been employed. When used for that purpose, you can expand on each course listing to include additional skills and keywords from the job post. Simply add new bullet points where needed to flesh out each area of emphasis.

Again, if you choose to replace your work experience section with this relevant coursework section, make sure that you move this section closer to the top of your resume so that it receives more prominence. Basically, if your strongest selling point is your education, then make sure that your important courses are one of the first things that a prospective employer sees. Also, you may want to highlight your educational qualifications in your resume summary so that the reader expects to see those coursework details.

Don't underestimate the power of a well-crafted and compelling resume

Finally, it is important to reiterate just how vital it is that your resume makes the best possible impression. When you approach the labor market with little or no work experience, you are usually already at a competitive disadvantage. There will almost always be someone else who has a similar level of skill and educational background, as well as real-world experience. To compete against a qualified rival, you need a resume that can effectively sell you as the best candidate for the job.

For recent graduates and job seekers moving to entirely new careers, a lack of relevant work experience can be a major impediment to landing job interviews and employment offers. One way to overcome this obstacle is to learn how to use relevant educational coursework on your resume to highlight your qualifications and skills. Hopefully, this post and its resume examples can provide you with the inspiration and help you need to translate your educational experience into a compelling resume narrative. Fortunately, there are ways to ensure that your resume effectively positions you to have the best chance at landing any interview and job. To make sure that your resume is up to par, get a  free resume review  today. And if you really want to be sure that your resume is ready for prime time, take a few moments to discover just how easy it is to get professional resume assistance from our team of experts!

Recommended Reading:

What Should I Say About My Education On My Resume?

Ask Amanda: What's the Best Way to List Education on a Resume?

14 Reasons This is a Perfect Recent College Grad Resume Example

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How to List Relevant Coursework On Resume [Tips & Examples!]

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If you’re a college student, recent graduate, or entry-level professional, chances are you don’t have a lot of professional experience to list on your resume. 

This, in turn, might make you feel insecure about your application, especially considering that the work experience section is among the most important section of a resume. 

Well, listing your relevant coursework might just be the answer!

By listing the courses that are relevant to the job position or internship you’re applying for, you can show recruiters that while you don’t have much work experience, you have the right skills and knowledge for the job.

But what is the right way to list relevant coursework on your resume and is there a time when you shouldn’t list it all? And what exactly is relevant, to begin with?

In this article, we’re going to answer all those questions and more. Read on to learn:

When Is Relevant Coursework Necessary on a Resume?

  • How to List Relevant Coursework on Your Resume in 3 Steps

7 Tips on Listing Relevant Coursework on Your Resume

Resume example with relevant coursework.

And more! Let’s dive right in. 

What Makes Coursework Relevant?

Professional experience is one of the most important sections of a successful resume, but you first need to land a job to start building it. 

Which begs the question, how can a recent graduate or entry-level professional prove they’ve got what it takes for an entry-level position with no, or minimal, professional experience ? 

Well, this is where coursework comes in. 

Together with academic projects and achievements, as well as extracurricular activities, listing relevant coursework can help students and entry-level professionals show they’ve got the necessary skills for the job despite not having the relevant professional experience.

The coursework you list on your resume should actually be related to the position you’re applying for.

For example, if you’re applying for a job as a graphic designer, listing your achievements in your World History class won’t really impress recruiters. If, on the other hand, you mention that you were top of your class in Design and Layout , you’ll be effectively showing recruiters that you have great potential as an up-and-coming graphic designer. 

To sum things up, here are the top cases when relevant coursework is necessary on a resume:

  • When you’re still a student
  • When you’re applying with an entry-level resume
  • When you’re applying for an internship
  • When the coursework is directly related to the job position 

If, on the other hand, you have 2+ years of work experience in the field, as well as the needed skill-set, coursework on your resume will only take up space and can be skipped entirely.

Checking the job description is another way of determining whether you should add relevant coursework to your resume. If, for example, the job description requires that you list your majors, GPA, diploma, or portfolio, chances are they’ll also be interested in your coursework, especially if it’s relevant to the position. 

How to List Relevant Coursework on Your Resume in 3 Steps 

So you’ve established that you should include relevant coursework on your resume. Now, you may be wondering where exactly to include it. 

As a rule of thumb, coursework is listed under an applicant’s education history. Depending on whether you have any professional experience to list, the education section may come before or after the work experience section. 

Here are the four best ways to add relevant coursework to your resume: 

#1. Add a New Line in Your Education Section

Instead of creating a fresh section called “Relevant Coursework,” you’re better off just adding the courses to your education section.

As a student resume can be one-page max , this helps you to save up the space needed for other essential resume sections.

Here’s a practical example of what this looks like on the resume of a recent graduate applying for a high-school teaching position: 

BA in World Literature 

UC Berkeley

2012 - 2016

Relevant coursework: British Literature, American Literature, Medieval Literature, William Shakespeare, Language and Cognitive Development 

#2. List Your Relevant Coursework in Bullet Points

To make your relevant coursework more visible and reader-friendly, list them in bullet points underneath your diploma title. 

Here’s how the above Literature graduate’s resume would look like following this formatting: 

Relevant Coursework: 

  • British Literature
  • American Literature 
  • Medieval Literature 
  • William Shakespeare 
  • Language and Cognitive Development

#3. Explain How The Coursework is Relevant to the Position 

Finally, if you want to take your relevant coursework resume section to the next level, add detailed explanations to your courses to support how they’re relevant to the position you’re applying for or how they helped develop your skill-set. 

A recent study found that companies are suspending the use of degree completion as a proxy and instead now favor hiring on the basis of demonstrated skills and competencies . This means that your relevant coursework should aim to show exactly how it has helped you acquire the skills required for the position. 

Here’s an example of how that would play out for a journalism student applying for an entry-level reporting job at a newspaper:

B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication

Northwestern University, IL

2015 - 2018

  • Writing and Reporting: Learned the ins and outs of news reporting through several practical assignments and exams.
  • Media Ethics: Got introduced to the most essential ethical theories and decision-making strategies in journalism and wrote a paper on Ethical Journalism and Human Rights that got published in the Political Communication Journal.
  • Gathering and Developing the News: Gained first-hand experience in interviewing, researching, newsgathering, and communicating with sources.

To make sure your coursework is as relevant as possible, check out the required skills in the job description. If you have taken classes that have helped you master those skills, then make sure to mention how by adding all the necessary details, as shown above. 

Here are seven tips you should always keep in mind when listing coursework on your resume: 

  • Take advantage of keywords . When evaluating your resume, recruiters scan it to look for the keywords that were mentioned in the job description (e.g. skills, experiences, etc.). You can re-read the job ad and, where relevant, include these keywords in your coursework section.
  • Tailor your resume to the job offer.  In order for your coursework to add value to your resume, it really needs to be relevant. So, if you’re applying for a job that doesn’t take academic background into consideration or that’s completely unrelated to your major, you’re better off omitting coursework altogether and focusing on other important sections, such as your hard and soft skills. 
  • List online courses. If you’ve completed some online courses that are relevant to the position you’re applying for, feel free to also include them under relevant coursework. 
  • Add value through other academic achievements. Relevant coursework can say a lot about your potential, but recruiters will be even more easily convinced if you support it with other academic achievements, including your GPA, extracurricular activities, etc. 
  • Show how you’ve grown. When you’re explaining your relevant coursework in detail, you can include how you’ve grown by listing all the skills you acquired in the process. Those can be both soft skills, like communication and interpersonal skills, and hard skills like programming or doing extensive research. 
  • Change the relevant coursework as you progress. Many college students start working in their freshman year. If that’s the case with you, make sure to update your resume from year to year to reflect your academic journey and most recently acquired skills. 
  • Check for errors. A well-written, error-free resume shows that you’re attentive to detail and that you care to make a good impression. 

relevant coursework resume

Key Takeaways 

And that’s a wrap! You now have all the necessary information to add relevant coursework to your resume effectively. 

Before you start working on your resume, though, here’s a brief summary of the key points covered in this article:

  • Listing relevant coursework on your resume is not mandatory but can be very helpful if you’re a student or an entry-level professional.
  • If you have at least a year of professional experience, drop your relevant coursework and focus on tailoring your work experience and skills sections to the position. 
  • Relevant coursework typically goes under the education section. You can either give a general or a detailed summary of your coursework. 
  • You can make a separate relevant coursework section only if the job you’re applying for requires a strong academic record. 
  • Your coursework needs to be relevant to the position. This means you should leave them out of your resume if they have nothing to do with the role.

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How to list relevant coursework on your resume

Charlotte Grainger

Coursework Resume Example 1: Bullet Points

Coursework resume example 2: bullet points and definitions , coursework resume example 3: standard list , coursework resume example 4: mix and match , coursework resume example for a specialized degree program, project-based coursework resume example, 1. make sure the coursework is relevant , 2. keep things brief, clear, and simple , 3. proofread and edit your education section , 4. use specific keywords, if possible , 5. quantify your achievements .

By showcasing your most impressive projects and coursework for recruiters to see, you can give yourself the extra edge that might just land you the interview.

Fresh-faced and eager to learn? If you’re a recent graduate or current student with little work experience, the education section of your resume has to shine. Never fear. You can make up for what you lack in hands-on experience by focusing on the lessons you learned at college. 

Showcasing your coursework front and center is one way to go. While including relevant courses and projects on your resume is optional, it’s well worth considering. So long as the coursework is relevant to the job at hand, highlighting it on your resume is a savvy move. 

Perfecting the art of resume creation takes time. Should you want your college coursework to steal the limelight, you need to know how to format it. Here at, we’ve got you covered. Within this quick blog, we will take a look at the following topics: 

What counts as relevant coursework on your resume?

  • What additional achievements, if any, should you include on your resume?
  • How to include relevant coursework on your resume
  • Tips for writing an effective resume whatever your experience.

Before you sit down at your computer and get to work, you need to know one thing: What counts as  relevant coursework on your resume? The answer depends on the job you’re applying for. So, before you go into too much detail, question the value of the course.

Back when you studied for your degree or diploma, you likely completed a range of projects and coursework. Some of these will apply to the jobs you’re applying for, while others will not. Knowing the difference is key. 

Let’s look at an example to illustrate this point. Say you are applying for a position as an accountant. For this type of position, your coursework in using Microsoft Excel is 100% relevant. You should put it on your resume. However, if you took an additional French language course, it’s unlikely to matter to the employer. Leave it off.

Put yourself in the employer’s shoes. Before you include any coursework on your resume, ask yourself what it tells the hiring manager about you. How does this coursework relate to the role? What skills did it teach you that you will use when on the job? If you can’t answer these two questions, you might not want to include it at all. 

Aside from any relevant coursework, you may want to include projects, awards , or training that you completed while studying. Don’t hold back here. Remember you are up against hundreds of other candidates, and so you need to elevate your application.

How to include relevant coursework on your resume + examples

Do you have some relevant coursework that will knock recruiters’ socks off? You can include these details in your education section beneath the corresponding degree or diploma. However, there are different ways that you can lay this out. If you’re not sure where to start, here are four options that may work well. 

First up, you can bullet-point the coursework you completed under the diploma title. Recruiters spend a matter of seconds reviewing each new application that lands on their desk. For that reason, keep it short and snappy with this format to grab their attention. 

Bachelor of Arts in Advertising and Media

The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 

Sept 2008 - Jun 2011

Relevant Coursework: 

  • Graphic Design (Adobe InDesign and Photoshop)
  • Copywriting and Editing
  • History of Advertising

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Want to add more weight to your argument? You can use the bullet point and definitions approach. That is what it sounds like. You bullet-point the coursework and add a definition of what you learned. Stick to no more than one sentence to save some space.  

  • Graphic Design – Intro to basic-level design using Adobe software including InDesign and Photoshop.
  • Copywriting and Editing – Studied the theory behind creating effective advertising copy and the principles of editing.
  • History of Advertising — Research into the history of advertising dating back to the early 1900s up to the modern-day.
  • Media Law — Examination in the fundamentals of media and copyright law.

Resume real estate is valuable. If you don’t have much white space on this document, you may not be able to bullet-point your relevant coursework. Luckily, there is another option. You can list your achievements beneath your diploma, using a comma to separate them. 

Relevant Courses: 

Graphic Design (Adobe InDesign and Photoshop), Copywriting and Editing, Script Writing, Administration, History of Advertising, Photography, and Media Law.

How to list (summa) cum laude on your resume (+examples)

“Cum laude” seems like a worthwhile resume detail to impress hiring managers, but how exactly should it be listed on your resume? And is it always a good idea to include Latin honors? is here with practical advice in plain English.

Did you complete an exam in a subject relevant to the job? Don’t forget to include it on your resume. You can use a mix and match approach to get this right. That means listing your relevant coursework using commas and adding your exams below that. 

Graphic Design (Adobe InDesign and Photoshop), Copywriting and Editing, Script Writing, Administration, History of Advertising, and Photography.


How to include relevant coursework on your student resume

A student resume is something of a different beast. You may have internship experience, or have worked after school or during the summer, but your true value is in the knowledge you are gaining right now and your enthusiasm for the subject. 

Your education section should be front-and-center, so choose a hybrid or alternate format that gives you space to expand on your studies and projects. If you are applying for an internship, your biggest selling point is your coursework, but, just as when you are a recent graduate, only your relevant coursework.

Perhaps you are in a specialized program or have an unusual major and minor combination. You may consider describing this degree and then listing the major classes it comprises.

Double-major in sociology and mechanical engineering: Bachelor’s program designed to ensure an understanding of how sociology influences what products and services become popular and how to design with demand in mind. 

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 

Expected graduation date: May 2024

Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

The Sociology of Consumption, Economy and Society, Law and Society, Product Engineering Process, Product Development and Systems Engineering

Engineering includes a lot of hands-on learning. Relevant projects will show that you already have a basic understanding of how to complete the work necessary for your career. You may choose to list one or more project related to the internship or job you are applying for.

Junior product design project:

  • Conceived of and designed quick-release water bottle holder for mountain bikes. Developed manufacturing process, chose materials, aesthetics and sizes with safety of bike riders in mind.
  • Advanced calculus
  • Design thinking
  • Product engineering and execution
  • Production management essentials

Penn State, State College, PA: Expected graduation date, May 2025 with Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering

Tips to use when listing coursework on your resume

Before you include the coursework or project on your resume, ask yourself one simple question: Is it relevant to the job? Consider what value this information adds to your application. What story is it telling a potential employer and why does it matter?

It goes without saying that you should tailor your resume to each job you apply for. The projects or coursework you completed during your bachelor’s degree are likely to be varied. You can’t use a one-size-fits-all approach. To give yourself the best chance of success, you should pick and choose when to include certain projects on your resume. 

Chances are, you learned a myriad of skills when completing your coursework. However, when you’re listing it on your resume, it pays to keep things brief. Recruiters don’t have all the time in the world to review your application. The whole thing is over in seconds. With that in mind, you need to keep your coursework or project descriptions short and sweet. 

While you may be tempted to outline every aspect of your coursework on your resume, that won’t do you any favors. To pique the recruiter’s interest, only highlight the parts that are relevant to the job. Why not start with the full explanation and then edit it down?

How to write accomplishments for your resume

No hiring manager will be impressed by a candidate who tells them what they do for a job. Your future boss is perfectly aware of the responsibilities of the role in question.  Instead, they are interested in what a candidate has accomplished and how it made a difference for their previous employers. Past performance is an indicator of future success.

Adding some coursework or a relevant project to your education section? There’s one thing you don’t want to forget. Proofreading your resume whenever you include new information on it is essential. We all make avoidable mistakes now and then. 

Aside from looking out for spelling and grammatical errors, check the formatting of your resume. When you are adding something new to this document, you need to ensure that it suits the existing style and flow. Make sure you use the same font and layout.  

Most now use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) . The software sifts through resumes, filtering them by keywords. Put simply, if your resume doesn’t include certain words or phrases, it may end up in the ‘junk’ pile before a recruiter sees it. 

To combat this problem, use specific keywords when listing your relevant coursework. Take a close look at the job ad and note down any job-related words it includes. Using these words within your coursework descriptions could make a major difference. 

Recruiters want to see proof of your achievements. Whether you have an impressive GPA or excelled in an exam, share that information on your resume. If you are using the bullet point and description approach, you can include the details in your sentence. 

Putting your expected graduation date on your resume

Work and study now, graduate later. If that’s your timeline and you’re looking for a job, don’t let this common sticking point stand in your way: How do I put my expected graduation date on a resume? It’s really quite easy. Here are some tips and examples.

Key takeaways

  • Including relevant coursework on your resume will strengthen your application. This approach is particularly useful for candidates with little work experience.
  • Don’t waste space. Before you feature any courses or projects on your resume, make sure they add value to your application.
  • When including relevant coursework on your resume, there are many ways you can go. Consider which option best suits your needs.
  • Don’t add too much detail. You can use a sentence to describe what you learned in each case — but no more than that.
  • Quickly add a separate coursework section to your resume inside our intuitive online resume builder .

Hybrid resumes: a flexible solution for today’s job market?

How to List Coursework on a Resume

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Listing coursework on your resume is most effective when you are applying for a job and you don’t have a lot of experience, or if you are applying for a job that requires specific course completion. If you recently graduated from high school, college or a trade school, you may not have a lot of work-related experience. This article will show you how to include coursework on your resume to highlight your knowledge as a primary qualification. 

Recent graduates or people changing careers may not have enough related experience. This is the perfect opportunity to list coursework instead of experience. Before you can impress a hiring manager with your skills and talents, you first need to get an interview. Without showing experience on a resume, it might be difficult to reach that first step.

Be sure to include only the courses relevant to the position you are applying to, such as electives in business marketing, child psychology or medical terminology. If you completed a practicum or job shadowing as part of your coursework, be sure to include that also. 

By showing competence in specific areas with a coursework resume, you could potentially interview and impress the hiring manager with your qualifications and personality.

There are a few steps to follow to include coursework on your resume:

1. First, list relevant courses that show experience

For example, if you are applying for a job in education, you can list courses in child development, child psychology and any other classes that will show experience working with children.

2. Second, add internships to your resume

Many courses require you to complete summer internships that might not pay but offer experience in your field. For example, if you are applying for a law firm job, include your internship working as a file clerk or transcriptionist. During these internships, you probably learned to answer phones, talk with clients and specific legal terminology. Listing this on your resume shows you have a knowledgeable background working with attorneys, even if you might not have paid employment experience. 

3. Third, include relevant class projects on your resume or in your portfolio

While attending school, you probably completed several class projects. For example, if you are looking for a business marketing job, include project information where you learned marketing techniques. If you have pictures or examples of brochures and data analysis charts, you might want to include these as an attachment with your resume or take them in your portfolio when you go for an interview. 

4. Fourth, incorporate extracurricular activities and volunteer work

Even if you have never worked as a paid employee in the field you are applying for, you might have completed extracurricular activities or volunteer work. For example, if you are applying for a job with a newspaper, include your experience working on the yearbook for both high school and college. If you wrote articles for your school newspaper, include this experience and even some writing samples.

When including relevant coursework on a resume, you need to think about the best placement and how to prioritize highlighted courses. You should also include your GPA if it portrays your hard work, and incorporate online classes and extracurricular activities like volunteer work if it’s in the field you are applying for. 

Here are a few tips to consider when you are writing your resume:

List the school followed by the relevant coursework

When writing your resume, you need to determine where to include relevant coursework. The best place to include these classes is after listing the high school, college or technical school you attended.

Prioritize important classes 

You do not need to include every class on your transcript. Instead, choose relevant classes for the position you are applying for. If you are applying for a variety of jobs, you might need to change the courses on your resume for different applications.

Include your GPA 

If you have a 3.0 or higher GPA in your major area of study, include this as part of your resume. If you graduated with honors, you might want to include those details as well.

List relevant online courses

Many classes are taken online, and you should include the courses that are relevant on your resume. Just because you didn’t learn the material in a classroom setting doesn’t mean it’s not important. Including online courses also shows competency with computer skills. 

Show extracurricular activities

If you completed volunteer work as part of a class or with an organization, include these details on your resume to portray team experience and successfully working to reach a specific goal. 

Since you are probably listing coursework because you don’t have much experience, try to place this information near the top of your resume. If you are changing careers, you might want to list some job experience and highlight the relevant coursework near the middle with your education. There are several different ways to list coursework on your resume, but you need to make sure this content is organized and easy to read. 

You can use these templates when you are writing your own resume:

No relevant job experience:

College, University, or Tech School     

Anytown, State

Dates of attendance

GPA (if it’s above a 3.0)

Relevant coursework

Limited job experience:

Degree, Name of College, University or Tech School

Relevant coursework: (list 3 to 5 classes)

Although it may seem strange to list coursework on a resume, when you are trying to highlight your credentials and you don’t have relevant job experience, you need the extra help to secure an interview. Once you meet with the hiring manager, you can offer examples of how your coursework and experiences in school make you the right person for the job. 

How To Include Your Relevant Coursework On A Resume

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In This Guide:

How important is it to list relevant coursework on a resume as a college student, how can i include relevant coursework on a student resume, when to avoid coursework on resume, what other sections can you add that can have more impact than coursework, volunteer experience, extracurricular activities, passions/strengths/interests, relevant coursework on resume – takeaways.

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In today’s hiring landscape, your resume needs to quickly communicate all of your potential value to an employer. If you’re a student or recently graduated, your practical job experience may still be poor – but your coursework is probably rich.

So should you include the relevant classes you took on your resume? You can!

However, there are some factors you should consider before listing your coursework. You need to think about where you are in your career, what is the position you are applying for, and how relevant your education is to the job description.

Don’t get scared, it is not so much. Stay with us. This article will help you decide whether you need to include your relevant coursework.

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If you are a student or have just graduated, it is possible that you don’t have enough professional experience to show. So a good way to demonstrate your expertise is by including your relevant coursework.

However, if you already have a year or more work experience, this section won’t be much of a help.

Then you should focus on the professional experience and achievements you’ve accomplished.

Even if you are a student or freshly graduated, there are jobs, for which relevant coursework won’t be helpful. For example a cashier or a waiter. If you are looking for these jobs, better emphasize on your technical skills and past experience.

If you’re applying for a job that emphasizes the importance of academic experience, like an internship or other education-focused position, it would be best to include a relevant coursework section on your resume.

Whether they are needed or not, look through the job description. This could help you understand what to write. If they’re looking for a certain diploma, certification, portfolio or GPA, these are indicators that you should include.

How much coursework you fit into your resume and where you include it depends on three factors:

  • The number of relevant courses you’ve taken
  • The detail you want to include
  • The space you have

Most people include relevant coursework in the education section of their resumes.

To do this, just write “Relevant Coursework” beneath the degree name, and then use commas to separate the titles of the courses.

If you have enough space, you could also make a bullet list. This way it would be easier for the Recruiter to read.

Another way to write it is a separate section.

We, from Enhancv, have made that easy. Just go to our resume builder and make the most of it.

Write your relevant courses as a separate section if you want to include more than just the names of the classes. A perfect way to tell the Recruiter what you have learned through your studies when they are related to the job you are applying to.

Couple with academic achievements / GPA

If you don’t want to use a separate section, or you don’t have enough space for it, you can always couple them with your academic achievements or with your GPA.

Decide which to use in your resume, after you read the job description and see which is going to be more helpful to you to get that job.

If you have created a separate section for your coursework, just write the most important courses, depending on the job description.

Don’t put in all of your classes. It is going to take a lot of space and it would only distract the Recruiter.

If your coursework is crucial to the position consider putting it closer to the top of your resume.

If the class is necessary for the Hiring Managers don’t put it in the education section, because it could get lost along with all of the information.

Only list the names of your classes on your resume. Your university probably uses an internal system to number your courses, however, the employers wouldn’t know or care what the numbers mean.

If you have created a separate section for your coursework write just the most important courses, depending on the job description.

Don’t put all of your courses. It is going to take a lot of space and it would only distract the Recruiter.

Only list the name of your classes on your resume. Your university probably uses an internal system to number your courses, however, the employers won’t know or care what the numbers mean.

As we said earlier, coursework is a good way to show your educational achievements. However, there are times when it’s better not to include them.

If it’s been some time since you have been in school and the coursework is outdated, it might be best to leave the specifics off your resume.

What is more, keep an eye on the length of your resume. If you have just graduated or still a student, better make it no longer than one page. If there is no space for the related coursework, don’t include them if they are not specifically asked for in the job description.

Don’t include courses that are in no way relevant for the position.

If you have successfully finished a course in “Art History”, but you are applying to a position in a call center, don’t include it in your resume.

It will not help you to get the job you want and it will distract the Hiring Manager from your skills related to the position.

There are many other sections, which you can include if you have no experience. And sometimes, they could be much more important than the coursework.

According to Deloitte, 82% of hiring managers prefer applicants with volunteer experience.

They believe volunteer work makes you a good leader and strengthens your communication skills.

You should include your volunteer work when it is relevant to your professional development.

It can put you in good light and make you stand out among other applicants..

Check the great example from Avery Leclerq:

Enhancv How To Include Your Relevant Coursework On A Resume

If you don’t have volunteer experience or it is not related to the position you are applying to, choose one of the sections below.

Focus the Hiring Manager’s attention on your experience outside of the university. It could be any extracurricular activity related to the position you are applying to.

For example, you could have been part of your local AIESEC team and participated in their initiatives.

Or you could have been part of a student organization or a club and made your university a better place to study in.

Adding this experience in your cover letter tells the Recruiter that you have developed yourself, your organizational skills, and you are motivated to help others.

Another way to make your resume look good without work experience is by adding activities and projects that are related somehow to the position you are applying for.

Even if they were university or academy projects, you have gained a lot while finishing them.

Recruiters will see that you’re a person who is dedicated to their career path and gains better skills and experience with side projects!

These can help you in identifying yourself and your own personality with the company’s culture fit profile.

Be sure to highlight your personality and unique qualities.

See this example:

Enhancv How To Include Your Relevant Coursework On A Resume

As it’s clear, the candidate is an outgoing, extroverted person who enjoys nature, tech and education.

It is a creative way to show your hobbies and interest. What is more, the Recruiter could make a conclusion just by seeing the pie chart and the distribution of time.

There is another section you can use – Passion. It can be used to enhance the effect of the hobbies and interests section.

Adding them is not mandatory, but might be valuable when your life passions are relevant to the job.

Whatever you choose to include, always make sure you present it in a way that sounds and looks professional.

Enhancv How To Include Your Relevant Coursework On A Resume

When both are included, they give a complete picture of who you are – not only in your work time.

That will significantly improve your chances of landing an interview, especially if you have a resume without job experience.

Here’s all you need to know about putting relevant coursework on a resume:

  • It is not absolutely necessary to list relevant coursework in a resume;
  • If you are a student or just graduated they could help you.
  • If you have the experience, drop relevant coursework from your resume, and focus on your practical experience and skills.
  • Use the education section to present the relevant coursework, you can separate them with commas or make a bullet-pointed list.
  • Make a section only for your relevant coursework if the position you’re applying for requires a strong academic background;
  • If it is not wanted by the job description, better drop it and focus on volunteer and extracurricular activities, hobbies, and interests relevant to the position.

Still not sure whether or not you should put relevant coursework on a resume? Or maybe it has helped you get your dream job? Write to us in the comments below!

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How to Include Relevant Coursework On Your Resume

Craft a Resume That Focuses on Student Coursework

how to write coursework in cv

What Courses and Projects to Include

Other experience to include.

  • How to Add Relevant Coursework

Use Keywords in Your Descriptions

Proofread and edit.

  • Where to Put the Education Section
  • Example of a Coursework-Focused Resume

As a current student or recent graduate, you may not have very much work experience to include on your resume. However, you can potentially strengthen your resume by emphasizing related coursework and other academic projects. 

Employers understand that entry-level employees may not have a whole lot of career experience. They will often look at your coursework and academic experiences to help determine whether you have the knowledge to fill the open position.

Add Relevant Coursework

When  creating a resume , you can add a section titled “Relevant Coursework." In it, include the courses directly related to the position you are applying for. For example, if you're applying for work as a paralegal, list any classes you took related to law or politics.

List Projects

Similarly, if you have completed any research projects related to your future career, list these too. If you're applying for a job that involves conducting research, list any extensive research projects you worked on.

Having a section listing relevant coursework makes sense if you're applying for an internship or entry-level position. Once you can no longer be termed a recent graduate, and have some on-the-job experience, you can remove this section from your resume. 

Emphasize Your Achievements

Beyond related coursework, you should also emphasize any academic successes, such as a high GPA or an award from an academic department. It's a good idea to include this information in the education section.

Although these successes may not appear to be directly related to the job for which you are applying, they demonstrate your hard work and responsibility.

Extracurricular Activities

If you participated in any sports or clubs where you developed skills relevant to the job you’re applying for, include these too. You could, for example, include a section in your resume titled “Extracurricular Activities,” or you might highlight activities in a broader section titled “Relevant Experience.”


Volunteer work is a relevant experience. Even if you didn't get paid for this work,  volunteer experiences  can make terrific additions to your resume. For example, if you're applying for a job as a teacher’s assistant, describe your volunteer tutor experience.

How to Add Relevant Coursework to Your Resume

You'll likely want to add this information below your college or graduate information.

Relevant Coursework Section

You can format it as a single section—for example, if you're applying for a role as a journalist:

Relevant coursework:  Ethics in Journalism, Modern Media Communications, and Forensic Accounting for Journalists

Relevant Coursework List

Or, you may opt to format the information as a bullet-point list. For instance, if you're applying for a role in marketing, you could present your coursework like this: 

Relevant Coursework

  • Developing a Brand 
  • Communications 
  • Public Speaking 

More Options

Finally, you may want to share several types of experience, using more detailed bullet points. Or, you may want to share some descriptive details about the courses you've listed if it's not clear from the course titles. 

If you include coursework on your resume, be prepared to talk about the classes and what you learned in them during interviews. 

Including relevant coursework on your resume is a good way to incorporate keywords. Look for keywords in the job listing, and try to include them in this section. 

For instance, if the job requires field research experience, you can mention your “30+ hours of field research” in the description of your senior project. Or, you can add "Field Research Methods" as one of the courses you've taken. 

Take the time to thoroughly edit your resume for spelling and grammar errors. Also, make sure that your font and style choices are consistent—for example, if you format one section title in bold, all section titles should be bold.

You might set up a meeting with a counselor at your college career services office to have someone else read through your resume too.

Where to List the Education Section of Your Resume

The education section of your resume—which generally includes relevant coursework—can be placed at the top or bottom of the document. If it's your best experience, or if you think your educational background will be relevant to hiring managers, include whatever is most appropriate at the top of the document.

Example of a Coursework-Focused Resume

This resume focuses on relevant coursework and leadership experiences.

Student Resume Focusing on Coursework

Hailey Applicant 456 Oakwood Terrace Anytown, PA 99999 (555) 555-555


Advancing science and law through dedicated legal and scientific research

A respected research assistant who has worked with tenured professors, practicing lawyers, school administrators, and company executives to produce research reports on scientific study and Supreme Court case law.

Key skills include:

  • Computer-Assisted Research
  • Organizing Research Data for Comprehensive Reports
  • Analyzing Case Law
  • Working with Research Teams
  • Presenting Research Data


XYZ LABS, White Plains, NY RESEARCH ASSISTANT (Fall 2020 – Present) Collaborate with an adviser, research team, and Smith School of Medicine to conduct research regarding the effects of steroids on the activity level of rats.

Notable accomplishments:

  • Use a computer to gather and analyze data for distribution to the research team.
  • Present new findings in bimonthly discussion with the department.

SOCIOLOGY OF LAW COURSE, SOCIOLOGY DEPARTMENT, XYZ COLLEGE, White Plains, NY RESEARCH INTERN (Spring 2020) Researched case law dealing with social policy and the Supreme Court.

Notable Accomplishments:

  • Analyzed cases and produced final paper regarding social policy in court cases.
  • Explained results and conclusions in a final presentation to practicing lawyers.


XYZ COLLEGE , White Plains, NY Bachelor of Arts in Government (Cumulative GPA: 3.9) Awarded Outstanding Government Student, May 2020

Computer Skills

Microsoft Word • Excel • PowerPoint • LexisNexis • Adobe

How to List Relevant Coursework on a Resume

List only relevant coursework that matches the job description, you don’t need to use the official name of the course, feature academic projects to further highlight your coursework, include academic awards and your gpa, how to align your coursework with the job description.

Listing relevant coursework from your bachelor’s degree program on your resume can be advantageous for entry-level job seekers starting out within their industry. There are two ways to accomplish this. Including the coursework as bullet points within your education section is one approach. The other option is to create a whole new section that allows you to list your coursework separately and provide more insights into what you learned during your program. Throughout this guide, we’ll provide you with examples to help you showcase your coursework and land your first entry-level position.

Ideally, you should only list coursework relevant to the position you are applying for on your resume. For instance, if you’re seeking an accounting position, it wouldn’t make much sense to include an elective you completed in continental philosophy. As your job search begins, carefully analyze each posting before incorporating your coursework.

The more relevant details you’re able to incorporate into your resume, the more likely you’ll be to generate interviews during your search. Coursework can be beneficial for entry-level professionals, as it can sometimes be challenging to fill out your document with strong qualifications due to a lack of work history. Below, we’ll review an example of a job seeker looking for a mental health counseling role:

Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Psychology COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, New York, NY September 2017 – May 2021


  • Expressive Art Therapy
  • Emotionally-Focused Therapy
  • Psychotherapy
  • Group & Family Counseling

Notice how in this first example, the job seeker is including both psychology and art courses in their education section. This might seem like a poor choice on the job seeker’s part, but in this situation, they’re actually demonstrating why they’re uniquely qualified for the position. Art therapy is a unique field within the mental health counseling space that utilizes a range of modalities and therapeutic approaches to help patients overcome trauma and cognitive disabilities. Showcasing their understanding of both art and psychology will show organizations that they have a dynamic skill set that can help them succeed within this niche clinical environment.

It’s important to understand that the names of courses vary significantly from university to university. If the official name of the course fails to convey what you were learning, you may want to use a relevant keyword as the course title instead. For instance, instead of “Intro Accounting 101”, you may want to use a title such as “Financial Accounting” instead. This will also help you to maintain compliance with Applicant Tracking System (ATS) requirements, as you can rename your courses to mirror high-impact keywords on the job description.

  • Introduction to Developing Software 101
  • Intro to Programming 102
  • Advanced Computer Science 103
  • Coding in the Modern Tech Landscape 103
  • App Dev Capstone Course 104

Software Development Coursework

  • Software Development Intro Course: Completed coursework on the fundamentals of software development, including the SDLC, application development, and JavaScript
  • Python and JavaScript Programming: Completed a course on the use of Python and JavaScript for a variety of web development and software development projects
  • Application Development Capstone : Completed a capstone course to build a functional mobile application in Python that enabled students to compare and contrast cost savings on used books and rentals versus new book prices

Notice how in the first example, the job seeker is using the exact names of the courses. Although “Coding in the Modern Tech Landscape” sounds like a good title, it doesn’t tell the hiring manager anything about what the student was learning during the course. In the second example, the candidate has changed the titles of the courses to better reflect the subject matter. They also provide fewer courses, and instead highlight more relevant details that match the position they’re applying for. This is a much more effective strategy for making a positive impression on the hiring manager and will greatly increase your chances of landing the interview.

If you’re going to list coursework on your resume, you should strongly consider building an academic projects section to provide deeper insights into your education experience and qualifications. It’s one thing to mention a Python class on your resume, but it’s another to showcase a project where you utilized this programming language to build a mobile application. Resumes with unique and compelling details are much more likely to grab the hiring manager’s attention, especially when applying for entry-level positions where the documents run the risk of appearing vague and generic. Below, you’ll find two examples to help you feature academic projects on your resume:

Academic Experience

Economics Projects, University of Syracuse, New York, NY September 2020 – May 2022

  • Performed statistical analysis of financial trends within the housing market to create a predictive algorithm analyzing potential shifts based on a variety of economic factors, including foreclosures, housing market data, and projected household incomes
  • Evaluated the risk and long-term ROI potential of a hypothetical start-up company by conducting a detailed analysis of the product use case, competitors, and market growth data

Web Development Projects, University of Michigan, Detroit, MI September 2020 – May 2022

  • Designed and developed a web page featuring blogs, resources, and testimonials within the mobile gaming industry, including a platform for users to share insights
  • Developed a mobile application to aid students in comparing and contrasting costs of used books and rentals across online stores and vendors, which included designing a feature to showcase cost savings of used books vs. new books in the university store

Another way to further enhance the impact of your coursework is by providing academic awards and recognitions on your resume. This will show hiring managers that you completed your coursework and excelled academically within your program. If your GPA is 3.6 or higher, you can also feel free to include it in your education section. If the number is lower, it may be better to omit it, as it won’t significantly impact your job application.

Bachelor of Science (B.S.), English TEMPLE UNIVERSITY, Philadelphia, PA, September 2017 – May 2021 GPA: 3.87/4.0

  • President, Hyphen Literary Magazine, 2020-2021
  • Recipient of the Temple English Award, 2021
  • Dean’s List 2017-2021
  • Magna Cum Laude

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Computer Science UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO, CA September 2017 – May 2021 GPA: 3.7/4.0

  • President of the University Robotics Club, 2017-2021
  • Dean’s List, 2018-2021
  • Summa Cum Laude

The most important aspect of the resume-building process is tailoring your document toward individual job descriptions. Breaking into your target industry following graduation can often be challenging for entry-level job seekers. Other candidates may have hands-on experience that you lack, and to make a case for your candidacy, you’ll need to show hiring managers that you have the ideal qualifications to succeed in the role.

As you build out your resume, you should start by determining how your skill sets and education experience match the needs of the organization you’re applying to. Remember that it’s okay to alter the name of a course to convey key skill sets more clearly for the hiring manager, provided it’s an accurate representation of what you learned during the course. For instance, if a company is seeking a candidate who excels in financial planning and analysis (FP&A), it’s acceptable to feature this as a course instead of using a broad and vague title provided by the university.

By tailoring your coursework toward the job description, you’ll maximize your chances of generating interviews over the course of your job hunt.

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Frank Hackett

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW)

Frank Hackett is a professional resume writer and career consultant with over eight years of experience. As the lead editor at a boutique career consulting firm, Frank developed an innovative approach to resume writing that empowers job seekers to tell their professional stories. His approach involves creating accomplishment-driven documents that balance keyword optimization with personal branding. Frank is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PAWRCC).

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How to list Relevant Coursework on a Resume [Useful Tips]

  • Where and how to display coursework in a resume
  • How to choose coursework that would be relevant to an employer


How to decide which coursework to include in a resume.

  • most recent, the newest
  • important for your job position
  • organized by a well-known company or person
  • Which you have proof of going to
  • Which show off your best side

Some examples of courses which will look good in a resume:

  • time management
  • project leadership
  • creative writing
  • leadership courses
  • coping with stress


  • foreign language courses
  • Excel/Word courses
  • marketing knowledge (eg. creating ad campaigns, newsletters)
  • navigating Social Media
  • film making
  • art programs
  • training on how to use a cash register
  • using CRM 


Where and how to list courses and training in a resume, not just workshops – which forms of growth to also include in a resume.

  • physical recreation instructor course with a hatha yoga specialty
  • lift truck operator course
  • trainer certificate
  • barman/waiter course
  • babysitter course
  • How to List Relevant Coursework on Resume (with examples)

You have probably heard the importance of the job experience section in a resume on numerous occasions. What you may not know, however, is that it’s not the only thing that hiring managers are interested in when looking for the ideal candidate to fill a job opening. Even though related experience does matter, you should also pay attention to other sections, like relevant coursework, to come up with a well-balanced resume that persuades the potential employer to hire you.

In this piece, we will expound on:

  • When it is right to add a coursework section and when it isn’t necessary;
  • Where your coursework should appear and how to include it;
  • Samples of coursework listed on resumes.


Listing Relevant Coursework on Resume and When to Leave It Out

In essence, listing related coursework on resume is optional. It is usually an essential section for your first resume with no work experience , i.e., student and entry-level resumes. The purpose of this part is to highlight any completed coursework that relates to the position you are targeting. It strengthens other components, such as academic accomplishments, volunteer experience, projects, and extra-curricular activities.

Adding relevant coursework can also be a great idea when you are crafting your resume for an internship. In this case, it can help you show why you are fit for the organization. So, when is listing related coursework not necessary?  

If you have a year or more of working experience that you can list on your resume, then adding a section for your coursework isn’t essential. Instead, pay attention to making your resume resound with the job description and add any other parts that you think could improve your candidacy.

Don’t also list coursework if you are forcing it. That is to say that any coursework you highlight in your resume should be relevant. If it does not relate to the job you are applying for, it will not make sense to the recruiting manager. Instead, work on drawing attention to your skillset.

How to Put Relevant Coursework on Resume Correctly

Now that you know when to include coursework, it’s time to figure out where to put relevant coursework on a resume. Relevant coursework on a resume should be included as a sub-section within the education part. Now, both the education or experience part can come first, depending on how much working history you have. For an entry-level candidate whose job experience is limited, the education section should precede experience.

Here are some ways of adding coursework to resume: 

List Coursework as an Extra Line Within Your Education Part

One easy way to talk about relevant coursework is to include an additional sentence below your degree. This method allows you to highlight other educational accomplishments too. For example:

University of Illinois

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, May 2018

Relevant coursework : enterprise accounting systems, advanced financial accounting, income taxation, valuation and analysis, cost accounting, business law.

Use Bulleted Points to Emphasize on Your Coursework

Bullet points play a huge role when it comes to emphasizing the statements you put on your application. The same is true when it comes to showing your relevant coursework. Below is an excellent relevant coursework resume example.

2019 BA in Geography with Transport Studies

University of Leeds, Woodhouse, Leeds LS2 9JT, United Kingdom


  • Digital Geographies
  • The Urban Age
  • Global Geopolitics, Migration and Uneven Development
  • Transport Policy in Action
  • Population, Society, and Space
  • Planet Under Threat


Show the Relevance of the Coursework to the Role with Detailed Bullets

Describe the relevance of the coursework to the role you want to take up using more comprehensive bullet points. This way, you will provide the talent acquisition executive with a better perspective regarding the suitability of your coursework to the vacancy you want to fill. Below is an example showing how to write detailed bullet points for relevant coursework on resume.

  • Digital Geographies - submitted a term paper on how digital devices, logic, forth are transforming geography.
  • The Urban Age - covered the details on how the modern age has impacted existence on the universe.
  • Global Geopolitics, Migration, and Uneven Development - learned how migration and disparity in economic development are impacting worldwide geopolitics.
  • Transport Policy in Action - examined the impact and efficacy of transport policies by analyzing different case studies.
  • Population, Society, and Space - understood the relationship between people, communities, and land.
  • Planet Under Threat - examined the different threats to earth in the 21 st century and beyond.

An essential thing to keep in mind is that if the role demands an excellent educational background and accomplishments, it would be sensible if you dedicated a whole CV section to your coursework. Then, you will have to provide bulleted-lists with more detailed descriptions of your resume related coursework.

Are you struggling with creating bullets for your coursework? Use our free resume building service to overcome this predicament and be on course to landing your dream job!

What to Remember When Including Relevant Coursework on Resume

All told, when putting coursework on resume, there are essential things to have in mind. These include the following:

  • Ensure that your CV matches the role you want to fill.
  • If your coursework is vital to the position, include it in the upper section of your document.
  • Coursework info should be accompanied by other academic details, case in point, GPA, honors, recognitions, etc.
  • Include keywords from the vacancy description in your coursework info to make ATS find your CV quickly.
  • Provide information other than your coursework, for instance, school projects, publications, etc.
  • List online certifications, if any.
  • Go through to ensure all the info you have provided is relevant.

To conclude, these are the tips for crafting the perfect resume with relevant coursework. By following this guide, you will write an application that stands out in a pile, boosting your chances of getting accepted for the occupation of your dream.

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how to write coursework in cv

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  • How to list education on a CV...

How to list education on a CV (with examples)

7 min read · Updated on April 18, 2024

Laura Slingo

Learn how to write the education section on your CV

An education section is one of the basic requirements of a great CV, but it's crucial to ensure that it's in the right place and that you have the right level of detail. In this article, we'll share a few tips and discuss the main considerations to ensure your education has the right impact when listing it on your CV. 

Why is it important to list education on your CV?

The education section enables hiring managers to assess whether you have the right academic qualifications for the job. This will carry greater or lesser weight in the recruitment process depending on how much work experience and relevant coursework you have. However, it's still considered to be vital information to include.

How to write an education section on a CV

Here are the basics of how to list education on your CV:

What to include in your CV education section

There are a few fundamentals the recruiter will expect to see in the education section of your CV. They include:

Name of the institution – school, college, or university

Qualification with grades

Dates of attendance or the year the qualification was awarded

If you're a recent university graduate, you should also include details of relevant modules to highlight your candidacy.

Where to list education on a CV

Where you position your qualifications depends on how recent your education is and how relevant your work experience is to your intended next steps. 

Education leaver: If you're just leaving formal education, your academic record will carry more weight with a recruiter or hiring manager than your professional experience, so you should position an education section above your employment history.

Current professional: If you're settled into your career and have gained skills and knowledge through your work, then the employment history section will take precedence and education can be positioned below it.

Career changer: The exception to this rule is for those writing CVs to change careers . For example, suppose you've had a long career in retail but wish to pursue a career as an accountant. In that case, you can place education before employment history and include details of the accountancy qualifications and relevant coursework you're taking in preparation for the transition.

How to format the education section of your CV

A few general rules exist for adding your academic qualifications and achievements to your CV. Here are a few guidelines to follow:

Reverse-chronological order: Start with your most recent education and work backwards

Add extra detail: Include relevant modules, coursework, and awards if they will add weight to your job application

Formatting consistency: Mimic the formatting of your CV, including a bold section heading, bullet points, and sentence structure

When writing your education, use this template:

Institution name – Dates attended (from-to)

Qualification/subject – Grade

Or, for space-saving, you could try a more compact version:

Qualification, grade – Institution – Year

How to list your education if you're still studying

You can still list a qualification on your CV if you're working towards completion. You just need to clarify that it still needs to be finished. For example, say “In progress” or “Due to complete in 2025.” 

You'll need to include the level of the qualification, such as BSc (Hons) or MBA, as well as the name of the course, like “International Business” or “Sports Therapy.” You should also include the name of the educational institution awarding the qualification ‒ usually the name of your university.

Modules, projects, dissertations, and theses can also be listed, focusing on the higher-level work and modules of particular interest or relevance. You can also mention if you're a member of any clubs or societies relevant to your chosen career path.

As your high school education or undergraduate degree is the main selling point on your CV at this time, you should also include any lower-level qualifications you have. Level, subject and year of completion are enough details here.

If you're still studying, your education section may look like this:

how to write coursework in cv

How to write your degree on your CV

It's always best to include any postgraduate or undergraduate degrees on your CV, no matter where you are in your career. If you're a seasoned professional, lower-level qualifications can be omitted if they don't add anything of value to your application.

Recent graduates will still need to include all of the details above and the completion date of the high school diploma or college degree. If you received a strong grade – a first or a 2:1 – you can also include that.

In this case, you may list further education like this:

how to write coursework in cv

How to write your A-Levels and GSCEs on your CV

Suppose you have no plans to go to university and are planning to start work after finishing your formal education at school or college. In that case, you must include more details about the qualifications you've achieved there. The level of the course, the subjects and the years of completion are the bare minimum.

Also include any strong grades, defined as grade C or above for A-levels and grade 4 or above for GCSEs (grade C for those slightly older!).

If you held any positions of responsibility during your studies and academic career, you could include those too – maybe you were a prefect, football team captain or student council member. Once you have some work history behind you, you can omit this level of detail.

Your education section could look like this for now:

how to write coursework in cv

Writing education on a CV: FAQs

What should i include in my education section if i have professional experience.

When you have some strong work experience or professional training under your belt, you need less detail in your education section; your career will carry more weight with a recruiter at this stage. However, you should still include a top-level summary of your highest level of education.

One line stating the level of qualification and subject is enough. For university-level qualifications, include the name of the institution as well. Do include the year of completion unless there's a risk of age discrimination. Suppose your qualifications were O-levels or CSEs rather than GCSEs. In that case, you might want to consider leaving them off completely ‒ even without stating the year, your age is implied, and ageism could affect your application.

At this stage of your career, your education section may look like this:

how to write coursework in cv

What should I do if I started a qualification but never completed it?

Incomplete qualifications or unfinished education should not be mentioned at all. Even though there may be perfectly valid reasons for not completing a course, when written in summary and compared against the CVs of other candidates, it looks weak.

If eliminating the qualification or incomplete education creates a large and unmistakable gap in your CV , you may need to include it to cover the gap. In this case, try to present the incomplete qualification positively.

For example:

how to write coursework in cv

What should I do if my grades are poor?

If you didn't quite achieve the grades you hoped for, the solution is easy: leave them out! A third-class degree is still a degree. For GCSEs or A-levels, list only the subjects that you passed.

How often should I update the education section of my CV?

Your education is integral to the CV, so it should be reviewed every time you update the document with a new job or ongoing course. Make sure that you still have the right amount of detail for your experience level and that irrelevant parts are removed. You should gradually move from a long and detailed section to a one-liner as you progress from high school or college student to seasoned professional.

Ultimate objective

In summary, your aim for the education section is to ensure that it complements your career goals by being relevant and sufficiently detailed. You won't go far wrong with this golden rule as your guide. 

Are you properly showcasing your education and other academic achievements on your CV? Find out by getting a free CV review here .

This article was originally written by Jen David and has been updated by Laura Slingo. 

Recommended reading:

How to write first class honours on a CV

Certifications on your CV: how to list them - with examples

How to make a CV for your first job

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When I was working with IIM Udaipur as a Career Advisor many students approached me for their CV not getting short listed. As I started digging deeper with them for the reasons, I started discovering what would make it happen. Things like right and appealing format, CV customized to meet the JD requirements started surfacing as the critical thing needed to get the CV shortlisted. But biggest realization was the preparing a Great CV takes a lot of good feedback on what will make it great. It is like playing cricket; you need to work on it, keep taking feedback till you get it right! And that is the focus of this course- to not only tell how to prepare a great CV but help you do it!

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The preserve - lone golf resort in smallest state has big vision.

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The Preserve is the only resort in America's smallest state with a golf course, but the property has ... [+] a big property and big plans.

Only one resort in Rhode Island has a golf course and, fittingly for America’s smallest state, it’s a short course.

But The Preserve Resort & Spa is a big property with big aspirations. About 25 miles west of Newport and 20 miles northeast of Mystic, Connecticut, the 3,500-acre luxury getaway is seeking to position itself as one of the top outdoor experience destinations in New England, if not the northeast U.S.

Golf is really a complementary amenity at The Preserve, which also features hiking, horseback riding, target shooting, archery, kayaking, rock-climbing, ziplining, and more. There’s even a Bentley experience in which participants can drive the company’s posh SUVs on a rugged off-road course on the property.

One of the many outdoor activities at The Preserve is the club's Bentley Experience.

In some respects, it’s challenging to encapsulate exactly what The Preserve is, although some suggest it’s like a “bougie” Big Cedar, meaning a more upscale version of the growing outdoor resort in Missouri created by Bass Pro Shops founder and conservationist Johnny Morris.

The Preserve is many things mixed in one, with 1,000 members spread across five tiers of membership, retail and restaurants that are open to the public, private residences big and small, a four-story guest lodge, a wellness spa, and even authentic “Hobbit Houses” that can be rented out by members or resort guest for meals or gatherings. The team at The Preserve had to get special permission from the family of J.R.R. Tolkien, the author who wrote The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy, to create the intimate facsimile straight out of Middle Earth.

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Ranked: the 30 most walkable cities in the world, according to a new report, aew forbidden door 2024 results, winners and grades as swerve retains.

One of the three authentic 'Hobbit Houses' at The Preserve, where a new, multilevel Hobbit home is ... [+] currently under construction.

The Preserve has a sporting club that boasts an 18-station shooting course (a progressive design similar to the layout of an 18-hole golf course) and the longest indoor shooting range in the world, a member-only offering with a German-made system that replaces the air every six minutes.

Above the latter is a Sporting Shoppe that’s open to the public, selling everything from camping gear and canoes to shotguns in the luxury gun room that cost a quarter of a million dollars. And the retail side is getting only bigger, basically doubling in size with an expansion that includes more floor space, a café, and even a 33,000-gallon fish tank near the building’s main entrance.

Some of the higher-end shotguns for sale at the Sporting Shoppe at The Preserve.

The public versus private elements of The Preserve aren’t necessarily easily understood; even for many residents in the immediate area there’s still an air of mystery surrounding the club.

But the property has a healthy membership for its Sporting Club and strong demand for its on-site residences, the newest of which are 40 additional “little homes” of 450-to-1,500 square feet that are under construction. Meanwhile, bigger homes can sell for up to $4 million, although the full members who don’t own a home on property are able to stay in various on-site accommodations up to a dozen times a year.

The luxury Hilltop Inn at The Preserve is available for guest accomodations.

And The Preserve is an increasingly popular getaway for guests from Connecticut, New Jersey and New York as well as Rhode Island, whether for family gatherings or high-end bachelor parties where visitors can rent the “Warming Hut” tucked away in the woods for private shooting sessions or spend time in the Cohiba Tent for a curated cigar experience.

A new event barn – one that can be used for weddings and conferences — is being built near one of the highest points on property, just beyond the main guest lodge.

The new event barn being built just behind the main guest lodge at The Preserve.

With so many things to do at The Preserve, golf can feel almost like an afterthought.

But the Par 3 course is a tough and testing design, with an 18-hole layout that utilizes the footprint and playing corridors of a former regulation course originally done by architect Tripp Davis. It’s available to members and guests of the resort, as well as a reciprocal benefit for those who stay at the nearby Ocean Club at Atlantic Beach, but still gets very limited play, maybe just north of one thousand rounds a year.

A 19th hole removed from the main Par 3 course sits just outside the main clubhouse for member ... [+] events and other functions.

Guests, members or homeowners looking for a full-length golf experience, one of The Preserve’s stylish Bentleys can provide door-to-door service (and even champagne in crystal flute glasses) to local public gems such as Meadow Brook Golf Course and Exeter Country Club.

An aerial shot of Meadow Brook, which is a short drive down the street from The Preserve and is ... [+] regarded as one of the finest public golf facilities in Rhode Island.

Newport National, regarded by some publications as the top public course in the state, is a little bit further away, as is the private and exclusive Newport Country Club, the site of this year’s U.S. Senior Open.

Technically though, The Preserve is the only resort in Rhode Island that has its own golf course. While it might be smaller in size, it’s just one part of a vision that’s much larger. And continuing to grow.

Erik Matuszewski

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Meet the Moderator: Dana Bash.

What you need to know about CNN’s chief political correspondent.

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Dana Bash sits at a table, looking back over her shoulder, during a 2020 debate between Joseph R. Biden and Bernie Sanders.

By Michael M. Grynbaum

  • June 27, 2024

Dana Bash is one of the two moderators of Thursday’s presidential debate, along with Jake Tapper, CNN’s chief Washington correspondent. Their ability to guide and navigate the event may be crucial to how President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump — and CNN, which is hosting the debate — are received by the public. Here is what you need to know about Ms. Bash.

Job: Chief political correspondent, CNN. Anchor, “Inside Politics.”

Bio: Ms. Bash is a CNN lifer, starting as a producer shortly after graduating from college. She became a lead congressional and White House correspondent and then a fixture of the network’s election coverage; she has reported on presidential races dating back to 2000. In 2023, Ms. Bash became anchor of the midday program “Inside Politics”; she also hosts a series called “Badass Women of Washington.”

Debates: Ms. Bash was a questioner at six of seven primary debates sponsored by CNN in 2016. She also moderated two CNN Democratic primary debates in 2020.

Style: Unlike some boisterous figures in cable news, Ms. Bash can be a more reserved presence on the air. She keeps the fireworks for her analysis, often providing pithy and incisive summaries of major political events moments after they unfold.

What to Watch For: While Mr. Trump has made clear his animosity toward Mr. Tapper, he has not said much about Ms. Bash. Since she has not been as directly in Mr. Trump’s cross hairs, she may help to defuse heated moments.

Michael M. Grynbaum writes about the intersection of media, politics and culture. He has been a media correspondent at The Times since 2016. More about Michael M. Grynbaum


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    The number of relevant courses you've taken. The detail you want to include. The space you have. Most people include relevant coursework in the education section of their resumes. To do this, just write "Relevant Coursework" beneath the degree name, and then use commas to separate the titles of the courses.

  15. How to Include Relevant Coursework On Your Resume

    Including relevant coursework on your resume is a good way to incorporate keywords. Look for keywords in the job listing, and try to include them in this section. For instance, if the job requires field research experience, you can mention your "30+ hours of field research" in the description of your senior project.

  16. How to List Relevant Coursework on a Resume

    It's important to understand that the names of courses vary significantly from university to university. If the official name of the course fails to convey what you were learning, you may want to use a relevant keyword as the course title instead. For instance, instead of "Intro Accounting 101", you may want to use a title such as ...

  17. How to list Relevant Coursework on a Resume [Useful Tips]

    Choose the ones: most recent, the newest. To show that you are always improving and your knowledge is fresh. important for your job position. If you apply for the position of, for example, a copywriter, it's better if you mention one more writing course rather than art course. organized by a well-known company or person.

  18. How to List Relevant Coursework on Resume (with examples)

    These include the following: Ensure that your CV matches the role you want to fill. If your coursework is vital to the position, include it in the upper section of your document. Coursework info should be accompanied by other academic details, case in point, GPA, honors, recognitions, etc.

  19. A Guide to Effectively Put Relevant Coursework on Resume [+ Examples

    1. Only Add Courses Relevant to the Job Description. Whether you're applying for an internship or an entry-level job, keep in mind that including coursework in your resume does not mean that you should add as many as you can. Only keep the relevant courses suitable for the job position. 2.

  20. How to list education on a CV (with examples)

    You can still list a qualification on your CV if you're working towards completion. You just need to clarify that it still needs to be finished. For example, say "In progress" or "Due to complete in 2025.". You'll need to include the level of the qualification, such as BSc (Hons) or MBA, as well as the name of the course, like ...

  21. How to Write a College Resume (Examples + Tips)

    How to write a resume for college step by step. Before you begin writing your college resume, we recommend you reflect on all your school experiences and achievements, starting ideally from 9th grade. Many students feel intimidated by describing themselves on a resume, thinking they don't have much to offer. However, this feeling stems from ...

  22. Writing Winning Resumes and Cover Letters

    This course will give you answers to those questions. You will learn how to convert a boring resume into a dynamic asset statement that conveys your talents in the language that an employer understands. After completing this course, you will be able to: 1. Identify the real purpose of a resume. 2. Identify relevant competencies for a position. 3.

  23. Fintech Top Tips For Writing An Eye-Catching Resume

    Top tips to land yourself a job in fintech through writing a standout resume. Ensure you get picked when you write your resume for the fintech industry. Top tips to land yourself a job in fintech ...

  24. What Is a Computer Systems Analyst? 2024 Career Guide

    Experience in IT technology and knowledge in business is essential for this role. While obtaining a degree, it's important to practice relevant IT skills through coursework. Getting an internship or work shadowing can boost your resume and lead to full-time job opportunities. Career advancement pathways

  25. Build & write Best Resume / CV & Application Covering Letter [Free

    Help for CV / Resume building and writing for job search using LinkedIn Profile ; Formats for Resume and Letter writing. This course includes:. 2 hours on-demand video

  26. Oklahoma state superintendent announces all schools must incorporate

    All Oklahoma schools are required to incorporate the Bible and the Ten Commandments in their curriculums, effective immediately, the state's chief education officer announced in a memorandum ...

  27. The Preserve

    The Preserve is the only resort in America's smallest state with a golf course, but the property has ...[+] a big property and big plans. The Preserve. Only one resort in Rhode Island has a golf ...

  28. Who Is Dana Bash, Tonight's Presidential Debate Moderator?

    What you need to know about CNN's chief political correspondent. By Michael M. Grynbaum Dana Bash is one of the two moderators of Thursday's presidential debate, along with Jake Tapper, CNN ...

  29. Analysis and commentary on CNN's presidential debate

    Read CNN's analysis and commentary of the first 2024 presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump in Atlanta.