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Top 7 Examples of Essay on Human Resources

Haiden Malecot

Table of Contents

Human capital is a valuable part of any business establishment, so the business must adapt to the growing need to invest in the proper management, development and retention of its people. Accordingly, many companies are now scrutinizing the science of human resource management. If you are a student in management or entrepreneurship, you will have to write at least one essay on human resources.

The main goal of this assignment for the student is to show his competence and ability to express his thoughts and information correctly. At first glance, it might seem like writing an essay on human resources is a daunting task because it involves a lot of effort. But if you stick to the guidelines, you can quickly and easily allocate time and effort to further write an essay on human resources. Find out how to do this below and get inspired by sample essays.

5 Tips on How to Write an Essay on Human Resources

Writing an essay on human resources can take you a lot of effort and time. Therefore, you need to know a few recommendations before starting work. They will help you make the process of writing an essay on human resources easy, fun and short-lived because you will learn how to allocate your energy and time properly.

  • Choose a direction that is good and relevant to you about the essay on human resources. To not drown in this ocean of possibilities, first determine what is most interesting to you. What do you think about most often when faced with the study and writing essay on human resources? What gets your attention to the point where you forget about everything else? What would you like to improve in human resource management methodology?
  • Once you’ve decided on the direction of writing an essay on human resources, find out what you like best. Depending on this, your essay will be descriptive, analytical, reflective, critical, or otherwise. Once you’ve combined a topic that interests you with the look of an essay on human resources, sketch out a few options for topics. At this stage, it is not the exact formulation of the important topic but understanding the essence of the problem and the potential for its solution when writing an essay on human resources.
  • Remember that not every student can write a good essay on human resources without knowledge and information. Therefore, take the time to gather all the information you need to write an essay on human resources.
  • When exploring the potential of an essay on human resources topic, pay attention to the availability of literary sources. In some cases, it is more logical to first find the necessary information in the sources, and then begin to form thoughts in the form of essay on human resources. And remember that this knowledge will help you write an essay and when performing other types of academic work.
  • After selecting specific topics for an essay on human resources, evaluate each topic for how meaningful you can cover it. Do you have interesting observations and ideas on this topic? Can you surprise the reader with something? Do you feel inspired when discussing this topic? In writing an essay on human resources, you should understand that you will have to formulate a specific thesis and then prove it with arguments. Will you be able to do this for the selected topics?

7 Examples of Human Resource Management Essays

This selection of 7 essays on human resources will help you find the topic you would like to write an essay about in Human Resource Management. After reading, you will be inspired, and it will be easier for you to decide what you would like to write about because this topic touches on many aspects of this type of management. You will also acquire new and valuable write an essay and perform knowledge about human resources to later independently write an essay on human resources.

Human Resource Essay Example 1: “Do I See Myself as a Competent and Good Manager?”

A manager is a person who holds a permanent managerial position and is empowered to make decisions about specific activities of an organization. This person must have higher education and bear a huge responsibility for the success of the company or projects. I believe that a competent human resource manager should know how to correctly use management mechanisms, tools and management methods.

The relevance of these phenomena is due to several factors. Firstly, there is no doubt that the efficiency of the organization as a whole, the effectiveness of the labour activity of employees, etc. directly depends on the level of construction of the management system. Within the framework of the new paradigm of personnel management, the human resource is positioned as the most important resource of the organization, since it is the source of the formation of strategic competitive advantages. Therefore, the functioning of all systems of the organization directly depends to one degree or another on the human factor.

Secondly, do not forget that management in some countries has a rather short history of development in comparison with developed countries. And so every manager needs to constantly learn and experiment. And this necessitates the adaptation of foreign management experience to domestic realities. In our time, many authors have published a significant number of works within the framework of this discipline, and many management models have also been formed. I believe that according to the requirements a manager:

  • must be confident in their decisions, be fair;
  • must continuously learn and apply new knowledge in practice;
  • suggest new good and proven techniques improve the outcome of the project;
  • be able to competently and quickly analyze a large flow of information.

In modern conditions, a manager must have many qualities that will help him solve all the issues that arise. After all, a manager must be a purposeful, energetic and persistent innovator who knows how to manage subordinates. It is these qualities that I also possess, which gives me the opportunity to apply for this position.

It is also worth noting that in modern conditions, the correctness of the behaviour of a business entity in the market to a decisive extent depends on the adequacy and timeliness of managerial decision-making by the head. After all, the following points can be identified, which entirely depend on the personality of the leader, his business and human qualities:

  • choosing the right direction of the business;
  • the ability to anticipate the development of the market situation;
  • the correct choice of development strategy;
  • selection of team members;
  • correct setting of tasks for team members;
  • the ability to build viable plans;
  • the ability to establish relationships with other entities: suppliers, consumers, governing bodies and others;
  • many other points are related to the development of the organization in a constantly changing market environment.

All these aspects of the organization’s activities are understandable and important to me, therefore I am ready to make effective management decisions on them. Therefore, I see myself as a manager and consider myself a worthy candidate.

Human Resource Essay Example 2: “Purpose, Tasks and Functions of Human Resource Management”

Currently, in the age of information technology, when there is an active change in the structure of society and the consciousness of people, it is extremely important to carry out a process to improve the management processes in the organization. But first, every person who has to improve the quality of human resource management needs to understand the basic functions and tasks of such a complex and responsible process.

Human resources are all employees and their responsibilities in any organization. They include production personnel and management personnel. Throughout the development of mankind and civilizations, people had to regulate relationships for the sake of survival and improving the quality of life. Therefore, in our time, human resource management is a complex system that includes interconnected and interdependent subsystems for the creation, use and development of labour resources.

What are the types of definitions of such a phenomenon as human resource management? Human resource management is an approach to a person as the main factor in achieving the goals of an organization. This is an approach to a person as a source of income and an investment. This is an analysis of the organization’s human resource needs. This is an analysis of the situation with human resources in the environment external to the organization. And also this is the formation of the organization’s human resources and the creation of a system of employee interactions.

The main goal of this process is to ensure the use of company employees and their human resources in such a way that the employer can get the maximum possible benefit from their skills and abilities, and the employees can get the maximum possible material and psychological satisfaction from their work. This process is based not only on the ability to organize a team from a quantitative and qualitative point of view, but also on the ability to use psychological techniques.

Each manager should be prepared for the fact that personnel management is a more complex process than managing the technological part of the production. This is due to the high likelihood of conflict situations on both work and personal issues.

Depending on the line of business of a particular company, a human resource manager must perform the functions inherent in this activity. They are different and each of them gives a certain desired result if the process is established by the manager correctly and correctly. What are the most common and working functions of managers or people involved in human resource management?

  • Forecasting the need for personnel working;
  • planning the number and quality structure of personnel in the divisions of the enterprise;
  • searching for qualified personnel;
  • holding competitions for vacancies;
  • certification of applicants for work;
  • organization of the adaptation process for new employees;
  • organization of personnel training;
  • development of recommendations for professional development;
  • organization of personnel retraining;
  • organization of management training and a number of others.

Since the functioning of any enterprise is based on the human factor, there is an objective need to regulate this process. It can be argued that the final result of any project depends on the properly organized activities of the staff, be it a small project or a large-scale project to create an innovative product.

Human Resource Essay Example 3: “Staff and Manager Motivation in Human Resource Management”

As you know, human resources are the foundation of any production process, since it is on them that the effectiveness of a particular activity depends. Therefore, project human resource management is a process that results in the efficient use of human resources. The human resource management process of a project involves the organization, management and leadership of the team that directly implements the process. And I think that this should be given special attention.

In any organization, each person involved in the production process is endowed with certain responsibilities. Otherwise, they can be called project personnel. In my opinion, the basis of the project’s human resource management process is the motivation of the participants. The level of staff motivation is desirable for their high-quality and organized work, both with clients and within the enterprise, because their work directly affects the efficiency of the organization. And so we can conclude that employees are one of the key and important resources of the company.

But sometimes crisis situations provoke a difficult situation for the enterprise, due to which panic can arise in the state. Such an environment, naturally, demotivates employees, and the reasons may be different. This can be uncertainty about the future, a decrease or delay in wages, reductions, and increased workload.

The leader plays an important role in motivating employees. The leader is obliged to take part in all areas of the organization. Everyone understands that the market is now in stagnation and that no one has any illusions about this. But the employee must understand what is being done in the company to overcome the unfavourable situation. And to be sure that the management will not abandon them, that they are needed, they are engaged in important business and receive a worthy reward for it.

It is very important to correctly decompose the project and divide it into manageable stages, if necessary, into subprojects and other components. This procedure is performed at the initial stage of the project. Its purpose is to provide a good basis for sound planning. It ensures that plans are made for reasonably chosen time horizons.

When dividing the project, it is necessary to describe the goals of each component and, at least in the first approximation, estimate the resource requirements for their implementation. It is equally important to draw up a milestone achievement plan and milestone level charts prior to each project phase. Moreover, participants must agree on which milestones are particularly critical to the project and ensure that everyone understands the severity of the implications.

In order for the project to achieve its ultimate goal, it is extremely important to organize and provide for all possible nuances. It can be argued that the processes of organizing a project contain three components.

  • The first is organizational planning, which involves drawing up a plan and analyzing all stages of work.
  • The second link is the appointment of personnel, in accordance with the required tasks and goals.
  • And finally, the third stage is team development. An important point here is the motivation of the personnel, the general focus, the team’s ability to work, and the fighting spirit.

Therefore, of course, the success of any project must be backed by a very competent and wise leader who knows the psychological characteristics of each employee, who knows how to properly organize the production process, is able to set incentives and motivation for the staff. Thus, the success of the project is ensured even in crisis situations.

Human Resource Essay Example 4: “Variety Management”

The structural basis of management in the field of various art consists of an organization (theatre, production centre, a philharmonic society, etc.), whose effectiveness will depend on the correctly found model, as well as the personality and professional training of the manager. Each direction on the stage has its own management models, together with the criteria for its effectiveness.

The main goals of management in the field of pop are such as the creation of the most favourable conditions for the promotion of creation and the dissemination of art, for creativity, as well as the professional growth of performers, the development of genres of professional art, copyright protection, and the achievement of optimal financial results. Management in the field of professional art is, in general, a combination of management of the artistic process, economic and organizational activities. The solution of these problems is inextricably linked with the improvement of the culture of serving the population and the formation of services for different categories of the population.

If you were to find yourself behind the scenes of any performance, you would witness total chaos. For example, there might be actors in one corner rehearsing their lines, while tailors and seamstresses hemming their suits at the same time. The background can swirl right and left while the team stands by, ready to carry furniture for the next scene. However, at the centre of all this chaos is a critical person and this is the leader. He coordinates all aspects of the production, from costumes, sets to actors and rehearsals, so that everything goes well.

Stage managers typically provide practical and organizational support to the director, actors, designers, theatre crew and technicians throughout the production process. I believe that such a position presupposes high professionalism and moral training, which will positively influence the work process during crisis situations in an institution or in a team.

Human Resource Essay Example 5: “How to Start the Process of Human Resource Development and How to Avoid Problems?”

Human potential tends to grow constantly. This is due to the fact that over time, an enterprise or organization begins to demand more and more efficiency from its employees. That is why the development of human resources is one of the key issues of the firm’s management.

One of the most difficult periods for any employee is his adaptation to the enterprise. Not only do newcomers have to familiarize themselves with all the organizational issues, but they also have to take a certain place in the team and go through serious psychological pressure. The introduction of a person into a new position is also of great importance, namely, acquaintance with official duties.

The policy of the enterprise management on these issues is of great importance in the course of these processes. A friendly atmosphere is also important, and methodological support is also required. For example, large firms have practices such as conducting lectures and seminars for new personnel, as well as introducing training programs. Thus, the development of the potential of each employee can be quick and beneficial for the company or organization.

But the enterprise can often face difficulties. One of the most important problems faced by the human resource of an enterprise is paying insufficient attention to this issue. Nevertheless, managing people requires specialized knowledge, as well as skills and mechanisms. So, the first thing worth paying attention to is the development of leadership in the team. Moreover, this should relate specifically to the working moments, and not to the personal relationships of employees. Unfortunately, this is often neglected by many businesses.

Another important problem of the organization is paying insufficient attention or completely ignoring the need for human resource management. However, it should be understood that cadres do not have the ability to self-regulate. A clear policy should be developed on this issue.

Also, one of the most serious shortcomings of modern management is considering the organization separately from the staff. So, sometimes employees are not ready for changes in the work of the enterprise. Therefore, the manager must understand the main concept of personnel management. This category includes several aspects:

  • economic component;
  • strict subordination to a single leader;
  • definition of a clear management hierarchy;
  • development of discipline norms, as well as a system of rewards and penalties;
  • clear definition of the area of ​​responsibility of each of the employees;
  • development of organizational culture, thanks to which the personnel feel the unity of the work collective.

In conclusion, I can say that the biggest mistake can be considered an underestimation of the human component in the work of an enterprise, which interferes with the development of human resources. It is often this leadership oversight that causes serious economic problems.

Human Resource Essay Example 6: “What Recommendations Can I Give on the Management of Human Resources?”

In every enterprise or organization, the main motive for development is the competent management of human resources and their improvement. In order for the use of human resources in the enterprise to be effective, managers must be guided by a number of recommendations in their activities. For example, the best motivation for employees will be a clear demonstration of the career growth of senior management. Why is this done? Personnel must set specific goals for themselves and be aware of the reality of their achievement.

Another of the most important aspects is decent wages, even in the most difficult and crisis periods. Employees must receive the agreed amount in order to realize their value to the organization. In any case, the employee will leave the company if he cannot fully support himself and his family.

Also, employees must thoroughly know comprehensive information about their enterprise, as well as the mechanism for making a profit. The knowledge of employees should not be limited to a narrow range of their duties. It is important to note that in communicating with each of the employees, respect should be guided because each of them has the opportunity to leave for another organization.

But the main recommendation is that the manager thoroughly knows and learns new methods of human resource management in the organization. What it is? Methods are a way of influencing a team or an individual employee to achieve a set goal, coordinating his activities in the production process.

Administrative methods are based on power, discipline and punishment. They rely on the administrative subordination of the object to the subject, based on the existing management hierarchy. The main functions of administrative methods are to provide a stable legal environment for the activities of an organization, to protect a specific environment, to guarantee rights and freedoms. And economic methods are based on the use of economic incentives. With their help, material incentives for the team, individual workers are carried out.

By the mechanisms of the economic method, the state has a tax, credit and financial system, a price system, the size of the minimum wage, and plans for economic development.

Socio-psychological methods are based on the use of moral incentives to work and influence personnel with the help of psychological mechanisms in order to translate an administrative task into a conscious responsibility, an inner need of a person. This can be achieved through:

  • building a team, creating a normal psychological climate and creative atmosphere;
  • personal example;
  • meeting the cultural and spiritual needs of workers;
  • the establishment of social norms of behaviour and social stimulation of the development of the team;
  • the establishment of moral sanctions and encouragement;
  • social protection.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the role of human resources should be clearly understood at all levels. This is one of the most important elements of the functioning of not only a single enterprise, but also the state as a whole. It is important to remember that a person is of the highest value, and his abilities and intelligence are of the greatest economic interest. Therefore, managers should not neglect the trust of their employees.

Human Resource Essay Example 7: “What Are the Main Directions of the Psychologist’s Activity in the Human Resource Management System?”

The place of a psychologist at an enterprise is very important because it is this person with a higher education who can objectively assess many human qualities and ways of their development. I believe that the main focus of a psychologist is to create a reserve for the internal growth of a specialist, as well as to participate in career planning. This is done by describing the personal qualities of employees and their development strategies. Determination of opportunities and boundaries for growth and self-development is very important for the categories of specialists and managers.

Also, a specialist in the field of psychology, in my opinion, should be engaged in identifying factors that prevent the emergence and development of conflicts since conflicts cause enormous damage to the organization. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of conflicts by carrying out the correct selection and placement of personnel, taking into account not only professional but also psychological characteristics.

Other cases in which a specialist psychologist can help identify motivation and needs for changing the system of material incentives. In general, with any organizational change, a psychologist’s participation is necessary to reduce the resistance of employees. Latent resistance is especially dangerous. What other types of psychologist activities are there in the human resource management system?

Professional selection is a procedure that, in the case of professions with relative professional suitability, helps assess the effectiveness of an employee and establish a forecast of his professional development. Personnel selection – creating a reserve, completing departments following specific criteria (professional competence, specialization features, etc.) Personnel adaptation is the process of getting new employees acquainted with the organization, with new working conditions and changes in the behaviour and psychological climate of the organization.

Personnel assessment is one of the most critical areas of work with personnel. It is carried out constantly throughout all stages of the personnel life cycle: recruiting, adaptation, consolidation (stabilization), development, leaving (moving personnel to subsidiaries, branches), etc. Assessment is a method of a comprehensive assessment of personnel that every psychologist should know in organizations. It is based on using a system of complementary methods, focused on the real work behaviour of the evaluated employees and taking into account the specifics of the requirements of job positions.

Psychological support of human resource management is a set of technologies, activities, procedures, and application principles, involving the use of psychological mechanisms and patterns of human functioning, who acts as a subject of labour, a collective subject of activity and a social community. I think that the role of psychological support is to optimize the ergonomic, organizational, informational, hygienic prerequisites for the activities of the personnel of the enterprise.

Still, essential tasks for a psychologist are such procedures as psychological, educational activities and psychological examination. Increasing the psychological literacy of staff, creating a favourable image of both the psychologist’s activities in the organization and the tasks of psychological support, popularizing and explaining the latest psychological research, developing the need for psychological knowledge and skills among staff and the desire to use them in professional activities and other life situations.

Expertise is understood as the study of any issue requiring special knowledge, with the presentation of a reasoned opinion. For example, to establish the compliance of professionals with the requirements of the labour post. As well as a study of organizational projects, regulatory documents, workplaces, working conditions, work and rest regimes, incentive and motivation systems for work, systems for the distribution of labour functions, corporate culture, causes of conflicts and causes of injury.

Therefore, do not neglect a specialist in the field of psychology. In my opinion, he can best understand how to properly manage human resources and have the best influence on personnel to achieve better results in an organization or an enterprise.

As you can see, an essay on human resources can be a fun and educational assignment for you, which will open you up to important new knowledge in this area. With the right effort, you can write an essay on human resources well and then it will be easier for you to write more complex academic work while at university. So don’t be afraid to get started!

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Essay on Human Resources

Students are often asked to write an essay on Human Resources in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Human Resources

Understanding human resources.

Human Resources (HR) is a department in organizations that manages people. They handle hiring, training, and employee benefits. HR plays a crucial role in building a positive workplace culture.

Roles of HR

The HR team recruits new employees and trains them. They also develop policies for a comfortable work environment. HR ensures employees are treated fairly and respectfully.

Importance of HR

HR is important because they help to maintain harmony in a company. They resolve conflicts and promote employee well-being. Therefore, HR is vital for a successful organization.

250 Words Essay on Human Resources


Human Resources (HR) is a multifaceted discipline that lies at the heart of any organization. It encompasses the management of people within an organization, focusing on policies, systems, and practices that influence employee behavior, attitudes, and performance.

The Evolution of HR

Key functions of hr.

HR is responsible for a wide range of functions. These include recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, employee relations, and compensation and benefits. Each function plays a crucial role in managing the organization’s human capital.

HR and Organizational Performance

Effective HR management can significantly impact an organization’s performance. By ensuring that the right people are in the right jobs, providing opportunities for growth and development, and fostering a positive work environment, HR contributes to increased productivity and profitability.

In conclusion, HR is an indispensable part of any organization. Its role has evolved from a purely administrative function to a strategic one, influencing every aspect of an organization’s operations. As businesses continue to evolve in a rapidly changing world, the role of HR is likely to become even more critical.

500 Words Essay on Human Resources

The evolution and importance of human resources.

The concept of Human Resources (HR) has significantly evolved over the years. Initially, businesses viewed employees merely as tools for production, but today, they are recognized as the most valuable asset of an organization. The HR department plays a pivotal role in managing these assets, ensuring that both their welfare and the company’s strategic goals are harmoniously aligned.

The Role of Human Resources

The primary role of the HR department is to manage people, which includes tasks like hiring, training, evaluating, and retaining employees. They are also responsible for ensuring a safe and healthy work environment, addressing employee grievances, and fostering a positive work culture. Moreover, HR professionals work towards aligning the workforce with the company’s strategic goals, thereby driving organizational success.

HR and Organizational Strategy

The changing landscape of human resources.

The HR landscape is continuously evolving, driven by factors such as technological advancements, changing demographics, and globalization. For instance, the advent of HR technology has revolutionized HR practices. Tools like HRIS (Human Resource Information Systems) and ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) have automated routine tasks, thereby allowing HR professionals to focus more on strategic activities. Moreover, the rise of remote work and diversity in the workforce has necessitated the development of new HR policies and practices.

Challenges Faced by HR Professionals

Despite the significant strides made in the HR field, HR professionals face numerous challenges. These include managing a diverse workforce, dealing with the changing nature of work, ensuring employee engagement and well-being, and navigating the legal and ethical issues related to HRM. Additionally, in an era of rapid technological change, HR professionals must continually update their skills and knowledge.

Future of Human Resources

In conclusion, the HR department plays a crucial role in managing the most valuable asset of an organization – its people. By aligning the workforce with the company’s strategic goals, fostering a positive work culture, and adapting to the changing business environment, HR professionals can drive organizational success.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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human resources easy essay

Essay on Human Resource Management (HRM): Top 6 Essays

human resources easy essay

In this essay we will discuss about ‘Human Resource Management’. Find paragraphs, long and short essays on ‘Human Resource Management’ especially written for school and college students.

  • Essay on Human Resource Management

Essay Contents:

  • Essay on the Functions of Human Resource Management

Essay # 1. Introduction to Human Resource Management :

Men, materials, machines and money are considered as the main factors of production. Out of all these factors, men are considered as an important factor. It is very difficult to handle the other factors of production with­out the efficient use of human resources.


Several terms have been used by various management thinkers to represent human re­sources. These include ‘personnel’, ‘people at work’, ‘manpower’, ‘staff’ and ’employ­ees. Whatever may be the term used, human resource of any organization consists of all individuals engaged in any of the organiza­tional activities at all levels.

The importance of human factor can be judged from the point that some people consider management and personnel/human resource management as one and the same thing. Lawrence A. Appley observed that “Management and personnel administration are one and the same. They should never be separated. Management is personnel administration”. Of all the tasks of management, managing the human component is the central and most important task, because all else depends on how well it is done.

With the increase in number of employees in an organization, greater emphasis is being placed on personnel management and also on the adoption of standardized procedures and compensation plans. The personnel department helps management in using and developing appropriate manpower to achieve organizational goals.

Human resource management is responsible for how people are treated in organizations. It is responsible for bringing people into the organization, helping them perform their work, compensating them for their labors, and solving problems that arise.

Essay # 2. Definition of Human Resource Management :

Human Resource Management (HRM) has come to be recognized as an inherent part of management, which is concerned with the human resources of an organization.

Some of the definitions of human resource management as given by various persons are:

Human Resource Management is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment, management, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization.

Human Resource Management is the understanding and application of the policy and procedures that directly affect the people working within the project team and working group. These policies include recruitment, retention, reward, personal development, training and career development.

Human Resource Management is the effective use of human resources in order to enhance organizational performance.

Human Resource Management is the organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training.

Essay # 3. Scope of Human Resource Management :

The scope of HRM is very wide.

It covers the following aspects:

(i) Personnel Aspect :

This is concerned with manpower planning, recruitment, selection, placement, transfer, promotion, training and development, layoff and retrenchment, remuneration, incentives, productivity etc.

(ii) Welfare Aspect :

It deals with working conditions and amenities such as canteens, creches, rest and lunch rooms, housing, transport, medical assistance, education, health and safety, recreation facilities, etc.

(iii) Industrial Relations Aspect :

This covers union-management relations, joint consultation, collective bargaining, grievance and disciplinary procedures, settlement of disputes, etc.

Essay # 4. Objectives of Human Resource Management :

Objectives are predetermined goals to which individual or group activity in an organization is directed. Objectives of human resource management are influ­enced by organizational objectives and individual goals.

Some of the objectives of HRM are:

a. To ensure effective utilization of human resources.

b. To ensure respect for human beings.

c. To identify and satisfy the needs of individuals.

d. To achieve and maintain high morale among employees.

e. To provide the organization with well-trained and well-motivated em­ployees.

f. To increase to the fullest the employee’s job satisfaction and self-actual­ization.

g. To develop and maintain a quality of work life.

h. To provide better conditions of employment.

i. To develop overall personality of each employee in its multidimensional aspect.

j. To enhance employee’s capabilities to perform the present job.

k. To provide fair wages to employees.

l. To inculcate the sense of team spirit, team work and inter-team collabo­ration.

Essay # 5. Nature of Human Resource Management :

Human Resource Management is a process of bringing people and organiza­tions together so that the goals of each are met.

The various features of HRM include:

a. It is pervasive in nature as it is present in all enterprises.

b. Its focus is on results rather than on rules.

c. It tries to help employees develop their potential fully.

d. It encourages employees to give their best to the organization.

e. It is all about people at work, both as individuals and groups.

f. It tries to put people on assigned jobs in order to produce good results.

g. It helps an organization meet its goals in the future by providing for competent and well- motivated employees.

h. It tries to build and maintain cordial relations between people working at various levels in the organization.

i. It is a multidisciplinary activity, utilizing knowledge and inputs drawn from psychology, economics, etc.

Essay # 6. Functions of Human Resource Management:

Every manager in an organization has to perform the personal functions in one form or the other in order to get the things done through others.

The functions of human resource management can be classified as:

(i) Managerial Functions.

(ii) Operative Functions.

Functions of HRM

(i) Managerial Functions :

The managerial functions are mainly concerned with planning, organizing, directing and controlling the various activities of personnel management.

These functions are explained below:

(a) Planning:

Planning is deciding in advance what to do; how to do; where to do; and who is to do it. For personnel manager, planning means the determination in advance of personnel programme. Planning is concerned about present manpower positions, what number and kind of people are required for the organization.

(b) Organization:

After the establishment of organizational goals and objectives, human resource manager must design and develop organization structure to carry out the various operations. Organization involves identification and grouping the activities to be performed and dividing them among the individuals and creating authority and responsibility relationships among them.

(c) Directing:

Directing as a managerial function involves building sound industrial and human relations among people working in the organization. The direction function of the personnel manager is meant to motivate and guide the people to achieve organization goals. The employees can be motivated through salary administration, career planning, provision of health and safety requirements etc.

(d) Controlling:

Controlling function is concerned with regulation of activities in accordance with the personnel plans. It includes checking, verifying and comparing actual with the plans, identifying deviations if any and correcting them. Auditing, training programmers, analysing, labor turnover records, conducting separate interviews are some of the means for controlling the personnel management function.

(ii) Operative Functions :

Operative functions are those functions which are usually delegated to the human resource department as these require specialized skills and knowledge in their performance. All these operative functions are interacted by managerial functions. Further these functions are to be performed in conjunction with management functions.

Some of the operative functions of human resource management are:

(a) Employment :

It is the first operative function of HRM. Employment is concerned with securing and employing the people possessing required kind and level of human resources necessary to achieve the organizational objectives. It covers the functions such as job analysis, human resources planning, recruitment, selection, placement and induction.

(i) Job Analysis:

It is the process of study and collection of information relating to the operations and responsibilities of a specific job.

It includes:

i. Collection of data, information, facts and ideas relating to various aspects of jobs including men, machines and materials.

ii. Preparation of job description, job specification, job requirements and employee specification which help in identifying the nature, levels and quantum of human resources.

(ii) Human Resources Planning:

Human resource planning involves fore­casting the human resource requirements of an organization and the fu­ture supply of human resources. It is a process for determination and assuring that the organization will have an adequate number of qualified persons, available at proper times, performing jobs which would meet the needs of the organization.

(iii) Recruitment:

It is the process of seeking and attracting prospective candidates against a vacancy in an organization.

After having determined the number of persons required for different jobs and requirements of different jobs, the recruitment process will begin.

The term recruitment may be defined as the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization. In other words, the term ‘recruitment’ stands for discovering the sources from where potential employees will be selected.

(iv) Selection:

Selection is the process of identifying and establishing the credentials of a candidate for a job to ensure success.

Recruitment vs. Selection :

Both recruitment and selection are the two phases of the employment process. Recruitment comes first and is followed by Selection.

Recruitment vs. Selection

(v) Induction and Orientation:

Induction and orientation are the tech­niques by which a new employee is rehabilitated in the changed sur­roundings and introduced to the practices, policies, purposes and people etc., of the organization.

(b) Training and Development :

This process aims to train and develop employees to improve and update their knowledge and skills, so as to help them perform their jobs better. The process also includes developing the attitudes, beliefs and values of the employees to match the organizational needs. This comprises of performance appraisal, training, management/executive development, career planning and development.

(i) Performance Appraisal:

It is the process of evaluating the performance of an employee on the job and developing a plan for improvement.

(ii) Training:

Training is the systematic development of the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform a job.

After the employee is selected, the most important part of human resource program is to impart training to the employee. Training plays a significant role in human resource development. Human resources are the life-blood of any organization. Only through trained and efficient employees, the organization can achieve its objectives.

Training is defined as “the art of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job”.

Since training involves time, effort and money by an organization, so an organization should carefully design its training program. The objectives and need for training should be clearly identified and the method or type of training should be chosen according to the needs and objectives established.

Need of Training:

Training is necessary both for existing and new employees. It increases the skill of the employees.

The need of training arises because of the following factors:

(a) Rapid Changes in Technology:

As the technology is changing at as fast pace, so employees must learn new techniques to make use of advanced technology.

(b) Frequent Accidents:

Due to increase in number of industrial accidents, an effective training program should be made for the safety of the employees.

(c) Quality Conscious Customers:

As the customers have become quality conscious, so there is need of training to employees for improving the quality of products.

(d) Increase in Productivity:

Effective training helps in increasing productivity and reduction in production costs of an organization.

(e) Supply of Trained Personnel:

Training ensures an efficient supply of trained employees at all levels of organization.

Benefits of Training :

Some of the benefits of training are:

a. Better performance of employees both in terms of quantity and quality of output.

b. Elimination of wastages which leads to reduction in cost of production.

c. Reduction in needs of supervision.

d. It helps in developing and improving the organizational culture.

e. Increase in morale of the employees.

f. Reduction in number of accidents.

g. Improvement in quality of work.

h. Reduction in machine breakdown and maintenance cost.

i. Increase in productivity which results in enhanced earnings for employees.

j. Increase in self-confidence.

k. More opportunity for growth/promotions.

(iii) Development:

It is the concept of developing the employees in an organization to meet future changes and challenges.

(iv) Career Planning and Development:

It refers to identifying one’s career goals and formulating plans of reaching them. It attempts to harmonize an individual’s career aspiration with organizational needs.

(c) Compensation :

Compensation function is concerned with securing adequate and equitable remuneration to persons for their contribution. Fixation of compensation or wage rates for different categories of employees is an important task of management. Function related to job evaluation, wage and salary administration, incentives, bonus and fringe benefits falls under this category.

Compensation is what employees receive in exchange for their contribution to the organization.

Generally, employees offer their service for three types of rewards:

b. Incentives.

c. Benefits.

Pay refers to the base wages and salaries employees normally receive. Incentives in the form of bonuses, commissions and profit sharing plans are incentives designed to encourage employees to produce results beyond normal expectations.

Benefits such as insurance, medical, recreational, retirement etc. represent a more indirect type of compensation.

So, the term compensation is a comprehensive one including pay, incentives, and benefits offered by employers for hiring the services of employees. In addi­tion to these, managers have to observe legal formalities for offering physical as well as financial security to employees. All these play an important role in any HR department efforts to obtain, maintain and retain an effective workforce.

(i) Job Evaluation:

It is the systematic determination of the value of each job in relation to other jobs in the organization.

(ii) Wage and Salary Administration:

The process of formulating and operating a suitable wage and salary program is known as wage and salary administration.

(iii) Incentives:

Incentives are the rewards an employee earns in addition to regular salary based on his performance or of the collective performance.

(iv) Bonus:

Bonus is primarily a share in the surpluses and is often directly related to the organization performance.

(v) Fringe Benefits:

Fringe benefits are monetary and non-monetary benefits including disablement benefits, housing facilities, canteen facilities, conveyance facilities, educational facilities, recreational facilities, medical and welfare facilities, post-retirement benefits, etc.

(d) Integration :

The basic objective of human resource management is to secure maximum performance from the employees in order to accomplish the objectives of an organization. This is possible through better integration between the organi­zation and its employees. The integration between the two can be achieved through three things-motivation, leadership and communication.

(e) Maintenance :

Maintenance function is basically concerned with the working conditions and welfare facilities provided to the employees. Morale and motivation of the employees is greatly influenced by these conditions. Working conditions include measures taken for health, safety and comfort of the employees. Welfare facilities include provisions of rest rooms, cafeteria, safe drinking water, education for children of employees etc.

(f) Industrial Relations :

It is the responsibility of human resource manager to maintain industrial peace in the organization. This can be done through collective bargaining, joint consultation and settlement of disputes, whenever they arise.

(g) Personnel Records :

Another function of human resource manager is to maintain the records of the employees. This is helpful in taking decisions relating to transfers and promotions, performance appraisal etc. These also help in identifying the weaknesses in the employees and the areas in which they need training.

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Human resource planning (HRP) Exploratory Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Today, chief executive officers (CEOs) refer to their workforce (or human capital) as their organizations’ chief asset. This statement underpins the importance of the concept of human resource in organizations.

Human resource planning (HRP) enables an organization to better realize its goals by ensuring that it makes efficient and effective use of its human capital.

Today’s workforce is characteristically ambitious and hence, volatile. Rosenberg (n.d.) reiterates that employees switch careers an approximated three times in their working life. Even with this change in the nature of the workforce employer, employee and customer demands and expectations remain the same.

In addition to these, organizations are competing immensely for high quality talent and are at the same time investing heavily in acquiring and retaining it as these is crucial in meeting business objectives and goals.

Thus, HR managers have an additional task, which is HRP that is instrumental in dealing with the element of uncertainty as it pertains to an employee’s future. From an organization’s point of view a translation of HRP is making good use of an employee while he/she is in the organization’s hands.

Yan et al (2009) reiterates that an organization’s workforce (or human capital) is a valuable asset. A robust human capital is a critical success factor in ensuring that the expectations of customers are met, which is the key to positive financial performance.

Realizing such a robust human capital requires a sound and strategic HR policy, which ensures that an organization recruits the best expertise available and makes the best use of it for as long as it can. Forecasting an organization’s current and future financial needs and HRP are core units of such an HR policy.

HRP is according to Dessler (2001, p. 24) the process of “anticipating future demand for staff, allocating different kinds of staff within organisations, and developing systems for calculating human resource requirements based on accurate records and forecasting techniques”. What HRP does is that it facilitates the effective use of an organization’s human capital.

It does this by ensuring that the right personnel are working at the right place and at the right moment. Forecasting an organization’s current and future HR needs involves using either a quantitative approach or a qualitative one.

The quantitative approach to forecasting an organization HR needs involves numerical quantification of employees by use of statistical and mathematical procedures. By grouping the resultant numerical entities into applicable groups it is possible to determine HR excesses, deficits and inconsistencies.

Examples of applicable groups include age, pay, gender, qualifications and performance rating. HR managers co-work with statistical and mathematical experts to ensure that there is accurate quantitative forecasting.

The qualitative approach to forecasting an organization’s HR needs involves consultations with experts. The opinions of the expert drawn from the consultations enlighten the organization on what its HR needs are, specifically, staffing requirements and career development paths to pursue.

The expert bases his/her opinions on evaluations on employee performance and potential for promotion. A comparison of the quantitative and qualitative forecasting approaches reveals that the latter is more popular as it is cost and time saving.

There are a number of factors that HR managers should consider when undertaking HRP. According to Stone (2008) one these factors is women in the workforce. Today’s workforce contains an increasing number of women. An incentive that is greatly contributing to this increase is the use of mother-friendly alternative working arrangements in organizations.

For instance, employers are providing mothers with flexible work arrangements, special parental leaves, job sharing arrangements, childcare facilities within the organization’s premises, telecommuting work arrangements etc. From 1982 to 2005 Australia has seen a rise of 18.7% in the number of females in employment who are between the ages of 18 and 64 years (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2010).

In addition to this, from 1989 to 2004 Australia has also seen a rise of 6% in the number of working mothers (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2010). HR managers when doing HRP should be aware of the fact that the number of women in the workforce is on a rise and should therefore put in place mechanisms that attract and retain them.

To illustrate the above point lets take the example of Diane Gibney. Diane returns to work at her former employer’s veterinary clinic after giving birth to her first child. Due to post antenatal commitments she asks her former employer for an alternative working arrangement, namely, flextime which would allow her to work at given times of the day. The employer refuses to offer her such a working arrangement.

Following the employer’s refusal Diane quits her job and with another partner opens their own veterinary clinic. The 14 staff members in Diane’s new clinic are all female. She is sensitive to antenatal commitments and accords her employees flexible working arrangements so that they are able to attend to them. This example underpins the appreciation that employers should give to mother-friendly HR policies.

Another example is that of Caroline Coops. Caroline’s has a strong commitment and a high motivation to work for her current employer. The reason for this is that the employer accommodates flexible working arrangements that particularly enable and empower mothers to attend to their antenatal commitments. Though Caroline is not a mother yet, this provision by her employer has had a profound effect on her.

It gives her piece of mind knowing that when such commitments arise she is able to adjust a working schedule so that she can better attend to her family needs. This example shows that family-friendly HR policies attract women into employment and are instrumental in retaining them in the organization’s workforce.

Employee retention is critical in meeting business objectives as the direct and indirect costs employers incur to employee turnover are phenomenal. Direct costs are those that an employer incurs when replacing the individual who has made the turn over. Indirect costs are those that the employer incurs because of reduced productivity. Attracting high quality talent to an organization is also critical in meeting business objectives.

Flexible working arrangements that are family-friendly enable organizations to attract and retain such talent as shown from the two examples above. In other words, such working arrangements enable employers to combat employee turnover and at the same time attract high quality talent to the organization.

They are a critical business success factors with today’s workforce that contains an increasing number of women and particularly mothers.

According to Stone (2008) another factor for HR managers to consider when doing HRP is globalization. Dessler (2001) describes globalization simply as the venturing of businesses into new international markets. Advances in information technology have been and continue to be instrumental in globalization. Soon the world will be a global village with ecological and socio-political systems that are dependent on each other.

An advantage of globalization is that employers have a bigger market in which they can shop for individuals with the right levels of skill, experience and knowledge.

An outright disadvantage of globalization is that it supports or encourages brain drain. Organizations that are global employers via globalization should manage their multiracial and culturally diverse workforce in such a way that conflicts between employees are at a minimal.

To illustrate that globalization is a factor that HR managers should consider when undertaking HRP we take the example of an American firm which invested in England. The firm bought a textile machinery company near Birmingham. To boost productivity the American manager of the textile machinery company set about on cutting the time lost on tea breaks, which amounted to thirty minutes in a day per employee.

Culturally, having tea in such a manner is not a big issue to Americans but it is to the English. So, by the direction and instruction of the American manager a tea-maker machine was installed in the company. An infuriated workforce went on a riot demanding the removal of the tea-maker machine. The American manager had to comply with the demands of his English workforce.

According to Stone (2008) another factor that HR managers should consider when undertaking HRP is ageing population. The current situation in most economies of the world is a workforce with, first, less people entering it and second, an ageing and near retirement population. This is an impending crisis for employers. Soon, there will be a lack of both skilled and experienced labour.

At the moment, individuals nearing retirement are the ones fuelling a huge portion of workforce growth. This means that when this ageing population retires workforce growth will almost stagnate causing a huge problem to employers.

Additionally, mature age workers tend to be more loyal and productive in comparison to their younger counterparts. It is therefore imperative that HR managers start figuring out how they can retain their organization’s mature workers.

To illustrate that ageing population is a factor that HR managers should consider when undertaking HRP we consider the case of Peter Jordan. Peter Jordan is a business consultant. He is of the opinion that HR managers should redirect their employee retention efforts towards keeping mature workers (Porter, 2008).

Jordan cites this as being crucial in averting or mitigating the effects of an imminent staff and knowledge shortfall that is about to hit in the very near future (Porter, 2008). Jordan additionally points out that there is more justification for this strategy when you consider employee loyalty between the mature and young age workforce (Porter, 2008).

Jordan opines that there is more employee loyalty in mature age workforce than in the young age workforce (Porter, 2008). Craig Perret feels the same way as Jordan’s pointing out that, HR managers should develop policies that encourage the mature age workforce to remain at work (Porter, 2008).

Other factors on top of these three that HR managers should consider when undertaking HRP are employment, organizational structure and culture, outsourcing and technological changes in society. HR managers should take a keen interest on the rate of employment in their countries.

Organizational structure and culture are instrumental in lifting employee morale and commitment to an organization. Technological changes in society can eliminate the need for certain employees in an organization thus bringing in cost cutting benefits. Outsourcing is a means for increasing capacity in organizations so that customer demand is met.

Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2010b). Women’s income . Web.

Dessler, G. (2001). Human Resource Management (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc.

Porter, L. (2008). Boomers can keep sea change at bay. The Age , p. 23. Web.

Rosenberg McKay, D. (n.d.). How often to people change careers? About.com: Career Planning. Web.

Stone, R. J. (2008). Human Resource Management (6th ed.). Milton, Qld, Australia: Wiley.

Yan, A., Rao, Y., Liao, C. & Gao, C. (2009). Competency identification of sales staff in the agricultural seed industry: Evidence of seed firms in China . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2019, June 5). Human resource planning (HRP). https://ivypanda.com/essays/human-resource-planning-hrp/

"Human resource planning (HRP)." IvyPanda , 5 June 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/human-resource-planning-hrp/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Human resource planning (HRP)'. 5 June.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Human resource planning (HRP)." June 5, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/human-resource-planning-hrp/.

1. IvyPanda . "Human resource planning (HRP)." June 5, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/human-resource-planning-hrp/.


IvyPanda . "Human resource planning (HRP)." June 5, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/human-resource-planning-hrp/.

Human Resources Essay

  • Essay Writing Guides

Human Resources Essay for A+ Student Guide

Students of management departments frequently face the need to compose a Human Resources essay because they need to learn to manage both people and processes. Thus, if you’re a student of this specialty, you will face the need to compose a Human Resources school essay sooner or later. Here we explain what an HR essay is, what format you should keep to, how you can complete such a paper quickly and efficiently, and what topics are trending now in the sphere of HRM.

If you’re wondering how to write a Human Resources essay, read on to find all the details here. Experts of our essay writing service team have prepared a guide for newbies to instruct you on all the writing steps. Still, if you feel unable to compose this work independently, it’s probably a good idea to hire a skilled Human Resources essay writer from our team.

Don’t hesitate to contact us and get a well-written, properly structured, and polished paper deserving an A; we’ve got you covered and can help you with any academic emergency you might experience at an HR course. You can easily place an “ do my assignment ” order on our website and get an expert with years of industry-specific expertise assigned to your project in minutes.

Human Resources Essay Format

When discussing the Human Resources essay format, you need to keep in mind that it’s still an essay, differing from other works of this type only by the topic. However, all essays follow the same format and structuring, knowing which can help you complete such a paper hassle-free. You can see this universal structure in many Human Resources school essay examples available online.

Let’s recap the basic essay structure in relation to the HR specialization.


The introductory part of your Human Resources plan essay should include a discussion of your area of focus. HRM is a broad sphere of professional practice and research interest, so you need to find a subtopic within that area and explain it to the readers. After describing the context, you need to specify the problem you’re going to explore and end the introductory section with a concise thesis statement.

The body of your essay should focus on the arguments you’ve elicited when researching the chosen topic. As you might see in any Human Resources essay example, the body is typically divided into paragraphs, each of which is dedicated to one specific argument. Follow this structure as well to enhance your essay’s readability and make it coherent.

A conclusion is the final part of any Human Resources essay writing process. You can’t do without a brief and precise summary of your content. You also need to revisit your thesis statement and explain how your knowledge progressed throughout this paper’s writing. A strong finale of any essay is a reference to the broader context and explanation of how your research informs the broader HRM field.

Write Human Resources Essay in 5 Steps

When it comes to essay writing, Human Resources is not that challenging. The only thing you need to remember is that following an explicit, understandable research and writing algorithm makes the task much more manageable.

Here’s the algorithm our pros recommend to students regardless of their level of expertise:

  • Select a topic that speaks to you. It should be exciting and relatively new so that you can advance your knowledge and derive pleasure from examining a subject of your personal interest.
  • Be clear about the outcome of your essay; you need to know what goals you’re trying to achieve, developing your content according to the predetermined scenario.
  • Research the subject to collect reliable, valuable evidence on the subject.
  • Produce an outline to have a roadmap and stay on topic during the whole writing process.
  • Record all sources you have used in content creation and reference them correctly to avoid plagiarism accusations.

Follow 55K+ satisfied students. Get your papers done by pros.

Human resources essay topics.

Topic selection is one of the most widespread challenges students face when approaching an HR essay task. To help you cover this step quickly, writers of our essay service have formulated a handy list of Human Resources essay topics.

  • How well are equal employment opportunities provided in the 21st century?
  • HR planning and retention: implications for the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Essentials of strategic HR management.
  • Has the traditional HR management survived the coronavirus pandemic?
  • Key steps of job analysis.
  • Training human resources in the conditions of remote work.
  • Risk management techniques in the HR field.
  • Different approaches to calculating paid leave.
  • Workplace techniques for interpersonal conflict resolution.
  • The role of HR in the company’s preservation of competitive advantage in the global market.
  • Determining the right mix of monetary and non-monetary rewards for staff.
  • The role of personality traits in team composition.
  • Agile approaches to HRM.
  • Modern techniques and approaches to international staff management.
  • A goal-oriented approach to staff productivity and morale improvement.
  • A variety of workplace violence manifestations.
  • Implications of psychological counseling provision to employees in the workplace.
  • Presence of gender disparities in work terms and pay.
  • Various faces of workplace discrimination: examining the causes and responses to those incidents.
  • What are the best methods of complying with the equal employment opportunity legislation?
  • Managing diversity in the workplace: 21st-century implications.
  • Leadership training and promotion among staff.
  • The strategic benefits of in-house leadership training for business performance.
  • New talent acquisition: innovative techniques and approaches.
  • An ideal employee profile for SMEs.
  • Experience vs. talent in new employee recruitment.
  • The role of HR in fostering compliance with COVID-19 rules.
  • Contribution of HR to compliance with health and safety recommendations.
  • What steps can HR managers take to identify, manage, and prevent employee burnout?
  • HR strategies directed at long-term staff retention.
  • The contribution of AI to HR activities and functions.
  • Is virtual onboarding as effective as offline one?
  • Should businesses pay for their staff’s education?
  • Soft vs. hard skills’ consideration in the recruitment process.
  • Different approaches to compensation package design.

How to Start a Human Resources Essay

The final point we’d like to discuss here is the art of starting a Human Resources essay. It’s essential to give your essay a good start; otherwise, you may spend much more time on its composition than you initially planned, thus wasting the vital free time or the hours you previously allocated for other assignments. Here are the principles of a quick, easy essay start:

  • Choose the right topic to simplify the writing process.

It should be relevant to your class material, engaging, and new to a certain degree. Expand your existing knowledge instead of trying to explore something entirely new for you.

  • Research the subject extensively.

Don’t start writing before you’re sure that you have enough material for the whole paper. Students often get stuck in the middle of their essays because they haven’t conducted thorough research from the very beginning.

  • Use practical examples.

HR is an applied sphere of human activity, so you can never produce a high-quality paper without referring to real-life evidence.

It’s also vital to choose argumentative Human Resources essay topics, as they are sure to give you more ideas and avenues for proving your standpoint and examining various evidence from multiple angles.

The paper  “Top Paint Limited – Theoretical Vis-a-Vis Practical Aspects of HR Factors” is an intriguing example of human resources case study. This paper is an evaluation of Human Resource (HR) faced by Top Paints Limited (TPL). This evaluation involves the evaluation of theoretical vis-a-vis practical aspects of HR factors.

Performance Management

The purpose of managing employee performance is not only to improve productivity. It is also to ensure that the employees find their work environment (e.g. in terms of culture, policies, style, systems of communication, etc) tolerable (Shore & Strauss, 600). The premise here is that if an employee finds the working environment to be in conflict with his/her career and other related expectations, then his/her performance is affected from the start, and no performance management strategies can help him/her. Besides specific strategies to boost the performance of the existing workforce, the first and most important performance management tool is strategic recruitment and selection.

The contemporary organization/company places emphasis on the organizational culture. This has led to the need for besides a written contract- psychological contract, i.e. an unwritten (psychological) understanding of the expectations that both the employee and employer have of each other, and that both parties will reciprocate each other’s efforts (Bratton & Gold 278). This is part of managing employee behavior. The premise here is that it is only those employees whose expectations are within the scope of the organizational culture and expectations who will have the right motivation for good performance.

What this implies is that the role and level of performance are not only in the hands of the employees. In fact, how employees perform primarily depends on whether the organizational structure and culture, as reflected in its leadership, helps it (Bratton & Gold 279). TPL’s structure, i.e. the traditional approach to command and control is a major impediment to employee freedom, creativity, motivation, and ultimately, performance. And while the organization uses performance appraisal for measuring employee performance, measurability being a major aspect of performance, it is not taken seriously. Instead, it is a mere routine.

Reward Management

The reward can be both monetary and non-monetary (e.g. psychological reward, the satisfaction of challenge, etc) (Bratton & Gold, 278). Indeed, reward management is a key tool for facilitating sound competition between employees, boosting employee motivation, and ultimately improving performance. Therefore, reward, as a tool for performance management, encourages and enhances positive employee attitudes and behaviors and financial gains.

TPL has established a reward system for its employees. This is especially through career development, e.g. promotion, and annual pay increment. Both of these are monetary forms of reward. For instance, promotion comes with a pay increase. Unfortunately, there are two key implications here. One, TPL does not seem to recognize the fact that, as Bratton and Gold (279) put it, financial rewards have bearing on cost-effectiveness and financial profitability. In other words, rewards mean expenditure. TPL’s profits have been on the decline for ten years so that the recent failure to make profits has or should have been anticipated. Yet the company still sticks by its monetary reward system, thereby adding more pressure to its already declining finances. This first implication leads to another, i.e. TPL has overlooked other reward methods and systems. In another word, it has failed to recognize that financial rewards are merely ‘superficial’ and must be accompanied by other rewards systems.

But all this equally raises one big question: if the company has been on the decline, then what has it been rewarding its employees for? Even further, why has the organization not realized that its rewards are not resulting in the reasons for which rewards are given?  This is not to say that the company should not reward its employees. Instead, it should also consider non-monetary rewards, .e. g. psychological contract through encouraging employee freedom and creativity. Equally, the company should recognize that rewards are not the only tools for improving employee performance. This must work in conjunction with other organizational and management elements. However, all this depends on the HRM.

Human Resource Development

This refers to strategic efforts by a company’s Human Resource Management (HRM) (Bratton & Gold 279; Torrington et al 599) to develop its workforce in line with its key business strategies. In other words, it involves strategic recruitment and selection of employees who will enhance a company’s chances of reaching its goals and objectives. The first step towards strategic human resources development, therefore, is to identify the strategies to be undertaken. Identifying strategies depends on proper study and understanding of both the internal and external organizational environment.

TPL, to begin with, seems to lack any key strategy. The company controls the whole value chain of its products all the way from inception to manufacturing and delivery. Considering the company’s financial troubles, it should be clear that this control is overwhelming for its capacity. In other words, it is about time that the company gave up some of its control(s) to other parties, e.g. distribution to other wholesalers and retailers. This would help it focus its workforce on specific strategies. This would facilitate the company’s strategic recruitment and selection, and retention of employees.

Part of strategic HRD is training. It is clear that the problem here is the approach used. While the company encourages training, it focuses mainly on a theoretical approach, i.e. the training does not subject employees to one-on-one interaction with job practicalities. In other words, employees lack on-the-job experience.

Equality and Diversity

Equality and diversity are part of strategic HRD. The external environment, unlike TPL’s internal environment, is made of a diverse population: men and women, young and old, able-bodied and disabled, people from various ethnicities, including minority groups, etc. Winning a competitive advantage in a diverse marketplace requires an equally diverse workplace (Kirton & Greene, 7). Unfortunately, TPL has failed in this. The company has fewer employees from minority groups and women. While some of these are in the technical and managerial levels, the company has provided and encouraged their career progress. Further, the whole Board of Directors is composed of white males, as are other senior managers.

Diversity does not merely mean recruiting people from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds, of different ages and generations, gender, etc. It has to be incorporated and reflected in the organizational culture, with the organizational leadership being a notable symbol of that culture (Kirton & Greene, 53).

The paper  “Human Resource Development at Top Paint Limited” is an apposite example of human resources case study. The problems facing Top Paints Limited can be addressed by focusing on the root cause of the problems facing the individual employees. Statistics indicate that the company’s workforce is paralyzed and is characterized by such symptoms as low productivity, poor working relationships, and low morale. The decline in the company’s performance stems from the problems facing the workforce which would call for a change in the company’s HR policies for the company to regain its strength. This paper will refer to human resource theories and practices to help address the problems facing the company. Four areas of HR policy and practices will be evaluated: performance management, human resource development, and reward management.

Performance management

Performance management is an ongoing process in which an organization identifies, measures,s and develops the output or performance of individuals or teams and later compares this with the goals set by the organization. Performance management arises from the complexities arising from the world of business (Mabey, Salaman & Storey, 1999). Several models of performance management have been adopted but there is no one universally accepted model. Mabey, Salaman, and Storey (1999) argue that any model of performance management should include these elements:

  • Feedback of performance results
  • Setting objectives
  • Amendments to activities and objectives
  • Reward system based on performance outcomes
  • Measuring of performance

The goal-setting theory was proposed by Edwin Locke (1968). According to this theory, individual goals that are established by an employee perform crucial roles in motivating the employee to have increased performance (Salaman, Storey & Billsberry, 2005). This assumption arises from the fact that the employees keep monitoring their goals; failure to achieve these goals call for the employee to increase their performance or adjust their goals so that they become real. The end result of setting the goal is thus to improve the employees’ performance.

According to expectancy theory, employees in an organization will adjust their behaviors based on the anticipated satisfaction of the goals they have set. As such, individuals will adjust their behaviors in a manner that will lead them to attain their goals. Employees of the TPL seem not to have these theories in mind since the company has employed a command and control management approach. As such, the employees cannot show their capabilities since they work under the instructions of their superior.

To address the problem, TPL should implement a performance management system instead of the command and control approach.

The system can work well if the employees are provided an opportunity to set their goals as per the company requirement. The employees should be allowed to work freely as long as they are able to achieve these goals; this can be determined by measuring the performance (Mabey, Salaman & Storey, 1999). Further, the performance management system should clearly set the rewards that an employee can get based on the expected outcome as mentioned in the expectancy theory; this helps to motivate the employee.

Reward management

This entails developing, maintaining, and establishing a system whose main aim is to reward employees within a firm or a business. This system provides a fair and equitable way of appreciating the values of the employees whose output to the organization is considered valuable. Various theories have been formulated in the field of human resources to address the issue of reward management. An example of such theories is motivation theory which calls for the motivation of employees for them to be beneficial or more productive to an organization. Salaman, Storey, and Billsberry (2005) consider the reward to be either monetary or non-monetary.

Victor Vroom’s theory referred to as “Vroom’s Valence x Expectancy Theory” better helps to understand the relationship between reward and motivation. According to Gellman (2009), this theory entails the mental process involved in the choices made by an employee. According to this theory, there is a direct relationship between the predisposition to act in a certain manner and the strength of the expectations or rewards that may come as a result of the act (Gellman, 2009). When the employees are assured that there is a better performance appraisal, they are motivated to improve their performance (Salaman, Storey & Billsberry, 2005). For employees to be motivated, this theory sets three conditions that must be met: additional effort would result in better performance, the well-done job should be associated with rewards like pay-rise or bonuses, rewards provided should be satisfactory to the employee.

TPL has not been able to retain its employees since it does not motivate the able employees to stay. To address this problem, the company should have a reward system through bonuses whenever performance is improved. The current company’s pay system is very inflexible since the salary is increased on yearly basis regardless of personal or company performance. With the current pay system, the employees do not need to work extra harder as they are not guaranteed any rewards. TPL should thus introduce a flexible reward system so that it can motivate the employee and retain them instead of losing and recruiting new ones.

Equity and diversity

Workforce diversity entails the inclusion of all types of persons in corporate performance. Today, many organizations view diversity as a competitive advantage which gives rise to economic advantage to the organization when incorporated into the strategic business goals (Bratton & Gold, 2003). In many countries, workforce diversity is streamlined in the policy and the legal framework that provides provisions for anti-discrimination cases (Thompson, 2003). According to Dickens (1999), diversity is the variety of cultural and social identities among people in a common employment setting. Various cultural and social attributes determine diversity: gender, race, education, beliefs, religion, age, disability among others. Various approaches can be employed in managing diversity. One such approach is the mainstream approach that refers to self-categorization and the self-identity theories. The self-identity theory entails group membership and behaviors. On the other hand, the self-categorization theory entails how individuals stereotype their attitudes and behaviors so that they can associate themselves with particular groups. These theories help to avoid any group conflict that may have a negative impact on workplace performance (Bratton & Gold, 2003).

TPL has failed to address the issue of equality and diversity since there are few women and people from ethnic minorities. Further, this group of employees does not progress in terms of promotion even when they are the very-able. For TPL to progress, there is a need for the company to create equal opportunities for all the employees. Failure to create such an opportunity for the minority people, disabled, and women would make them feel discriminated and thus their output is affected.

Human resource development

The concept of human resource development is considered as a theory that aims at developing human capital by developing the individual and the organization to improve their performances (Wang, 2004). Human resource capacities can be developed through further education. This can be done through career development and training. The outcome of HRD has increased competencies which ensure that current and future jobs are performed effectively (Wang, 2004).

TPL has been training its staff on how to carry out their functions whenever new roles and new technologies are introduced. It is thus expected that the accident rate below and performance should be improved. However, this is not the case since most training is done off-site. To avoid the problem, TPL’s consultant should train the employees at the site in order to improve efficiency. A paradigm shift from off-site to on-site would thus yield positive results towards improved performance since the employee would acquire real practical knowledge.

The paper  “The Human Resource Management  Difficulties Experienced by Top Paint Limited” is a dramatic example of human resources case study. Top Paints Limited (TPL) has been facing many challenges. It has experienced a steady decline from a relevant strong position ten years ago where it made no profit this year for the first time ever. The entire workforce in TPL has been creating a lot of dissatisfaction, which has led to low morale, low productivity, and poor relationships at work. This has also resulted in an increase in absenteeism, product complaints, and service complaints. Thus, this shows a flawed human resource activity in TPL and there is a need to give priority in the following areas to find a lasting solution to these problems in TPL; performance management, reward management, human resource development, and equality and diversity.

The employees in TPL lack the opportunity to be initiative since the top-level management is always acting on instructions. This shows a lack of cooperation between the employees and the top management that in turn reduced their morale in working and in turn reducing their productivity. This calls for the employment of management processes in order to manage individuals in an effective manner with an aim of achieving high levels in the performance of the organization. There is a need to close the gap between management and employees by establishing a shared understanding to develop a strong workforce for the achievement of TPL’s goals. As the employees have developed negative attitudes between them and management, individuals need to be guided in order to feel that work satisfying, fulfilling, and capable of development in any way. This can be supported by the application of the goal-setting theory in order to link the performance of the tasks with goal setting. Because the entire company seems to have lost its main objective, there is a need to set specific goals that are challenging in addition to appropriate feedback in order to come up with better performance. This will give the employees a path or a direction to follow on the needs to be done and the efforts required to achieve the goal. This will be achieved if the employees are also given the opportunities to be initiative. The main source of motivation for the job will be the willingness of the employees to freely work towards the achievement of goals. If the employees will be provided with clear and specific goals in addition to being open to their comments on work. With the provision of challenging and realistic goals, the employees will have the reason to work and feel proud and as triumphant as they achieve the goals. Another important thing that failed to work in TPL is the provision of appropriate feedback on employee’s performance. Feedback will be essential as a way of making clarifications, regulating difficulties in goals, gaining a reputation in a way that the involvement of the employees will lead to job satisfaction and being more productive. On the other hand, the managers should ensure that they should interact and behave in a way that promotes and allows better relationships in work. They should also be able to gauge themselves according to output such that, if the job is interesting, the performance should also be better (Armstrong, 1998)

From the case study, it is clear that the salaries earned by the employees are flat. The pay spine is very inflexible such that the talented people end up looking for greener pastures in better-paying companies while the less competitive are left due to lack of any other option. This leads to low productivity and low performance. In addition, there is no reward in case of any improvement in performance. Due to this, there is a need for a reward management process that will involve the development and implementation of the company’s strategies and policies. This will enable the firm to achieve its objectives as well as retaining its competitive employees in accordance with the needs of the employees through increasing their commitment and motivation. If the employees will be rewarded according to their value and their potential contributions to the company, they will feel comfortable working in a firm that recognizes their efforts. The management must also recognize each employee’s capability and set goals that match with their intuitiveness (Armstrong, 495). This can be supported by a broad banding structure or system that shows that the progress of employees is more dependent on improvement than promotion, the flexibility of the system, putting decisions on managers’ hands so that they have more responsibility towards the staff and finally employees increase their incentives in achieving their goals. This means that the success of the organization is dependent on the recognition of the efforts of each employee through rewards that later lead to more efforts and profitability (Stredwick, 13).

Although TPL carries through training of its staff, there are still complaints and accidents due to repetition of mistakes. In addition, there is hostility and disbelief in case one tries to bring change or being initiative. In this case, human resources development is very essential, as the success of TPL will depend on the management of the workforce. Thus, there is a need to develop strategies that will ensure an increase in manufacturing and gaining a competitive advantage through proper management and development of employees to be more productive. This is enhanced through the development of strategies based on informed decisions and the involvement of the employees. TPL needs also to develop a policy on recruitment and selection to ensure the selection of a competitive and diverse workforce (Beardwell, 197).

This is supported by classical approach theory, which ensures that the strategy process will involve a comprehensive understanding of the internal and external environment, selecting on strategic choices and implementation of the plans, and ensuring management decisions flow from top to down ensuring the involvement of all levels. This makes the employees initiative thus increasing the productivity and performance (Miller, 148).

Equality and diversity

This is also a major problem in TPL as there are very few ethnic minorities and women and the few that are recruited later resign. This shows a lack of comfort for the minorities in working in the TPL environment. Thus, management needs to ensure that everyone is treated the same as well as recognizing that various groups and individuals are different. To do this, the company must be flexible and observe uniformity in addressing the needs of its employees in order to change its culture. This is enhanced by making sure that the working environment will support women and ethnic minorities by totally involving them in decision-making. It is also important to consider the development of a new policy in recruitment that promotes diversity and equality. This is supported by a short approach that is similar to a liberal approach wherein advocates for the elimination of bias on sex in the practice of human resource management, increasing opportunities for women and minorities in management and technical fields, and being flexible in terms and conditions (Noon, 226).

The difficulties experienced by TPL can be associated with poor work relationships, lack of recognition of efforts made by staff, criticism, between management and employees and poor culture of the firm, and the entire management of the activities in the firm that has led to low productivity and lack of profits. These issues are addressed through performance management, equity and diversity, reward management, and human resource development. This will result in better utilization of human resources, a wide customer base, wider and competitive recruitment of labor, and a positive image of the company.

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Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice, Essay Example

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Human resources management (HRM) emerged together with the need to operate large numbers of workforce and fit the demands of the most valuable corporate assets, the employees, with the company objectives, and to ensure adequate conditions for workers of various kinds, types and categories. The HRM field reflects the major part of people management, i.e. coordination of all policies, processes and practices connected with managing people currently employed in a certain organization. The HRM has faced much criticism currently, and is even considered to be the barrier in building the flexible and supportive environment in an organization, acting as a restrictive tool for reducing payroll and contributing to the employee turnover (Mathis and Jackson 4).

Indeed, at times the activities of HRM executives seem to be more directed at activities than results; nonetheless, the importance of human resources and effective management thereof has long ago been recognized as a vital element of successful competition in the market. More than that, HRM is fairly considered to be one of the companies’ core competencies, under the condition of good coordination and organization (Mathis and Jackson 4). HRM also helps the company find the proper balance in the realm of legal requirements restraining  the work of organizations and protecting employees; it ensures compensation reconsiderations according to the employee performance, and serves as a driving force for employee motivation in performance increases.

The significance of HRM has been recognized as soon as the inner processes governing the activity of any organization have been detected. It is obvious that any organization has a set of assets it manages in the process of its activity: they include physical, financial, intangible, and human resources. Nonetheless, even being equal in row with other resources, the human resources really make the activity of any company work; they represent the ‘glue’ that combines and coordinates the resources, making them bring profit for the company. Logically, one should realize that there is no way to keep the company functioning without human resources, and even under the condition of poor functioning thereof (Mathis and Jackson 4). Proper HRM can help the company save considerable costs for recruiting and retraining, talent detection may help it educate its own leaders and managers etc. – there are numerous examples of the way HRM may benefit a company. They explain the current close attention to HRM and outline the main areas of research in the field of its improvement and successful implementation.

The modern focus on HRM and its implementation in business structures is explained by the wish to establish fast and responsive organizations that can quickly handle the changes in the external and internal environment. The HRM provides the company with the ability to recruit, train and retain employees, and to align their activities with corporate objectives. The traditional, isolated approach to HRM is no longer used, with the organization giving additional responsibilities and powers to HR managers in the overall struggle for better performance of the whole business unit.

Before defining the concept of ‘human resources management’, one has to track its evolution from the term ‘personnel management’ that emerged in the 20 th century to denote the response of employees to public policies and union activities and changed gradually under the pressure of the global change, socio-economic changes and tendencies etc. (Bratton and Gold 6). The full definition of the HRM concept looks as follows:

“That part of the management process that specializes in the management of people in work organizations. HRM emphasizes that employees are critical to achieving sustainable competitive advantage, that human resources practices need to be integrated with the corporate strategy, and that human resource specialists help organizational controllers to meet both efficiency and equity objectives” (Bratton and Gold 11).

However, even upon seeing the definition, one still may not have a clear idea of what management really stands for in the described situation, and what human resources mean in the given context. The human resources actually mean the human capital that represents one of the company’s assets (alongside with the physical, financial and intangible ones) (Mathis and Jackson 5). The human capital is viewed in the collection of all capabilities, knowledge, skills, life experience, motivation etc. that employees of a certain organization possess. Hence, management thereof refers to the proper distribution of positions, adequate rewards corresponding to the employee performance, training and staffing etc. Consequently, one may understand the definition as a way to manage the human capital in the most productive and efficient way so that the company could enhance its core competencies and ensure a firmer position in the marketplace.

Features and Characteristics of HRM

There is a set of features defining the nature of HRM and its place within the organizational framework. The first feature refers to knowledge management; it pertains to any aspect of creating, obtaining, sharing and utilizing knowledge of any kind (Armstrong 9). The key role of HRM concerning knowledge is to conduct activities to develop, generate, and preserve any knowledge specific for the needs of the company. It is also essential to note that knowledge in the focus of HRM derives from organizational learning processes (Armstrong 9).

The next feature is reward management; it results directly from the incentive of HRM professionals to increase motivation, job management, and commitment of employees towards their company. These practices can be achieved by introducing policies of showing that employees are valued and rewarded according to their performance (Armstrong 9). It is essential to implement various reward instruments and schemes so that they would suit the whole range of competencies and skills of the company’s staff. In addition, the successful HRM strategy should not focus on restrictive sanctions for employees who fall behind in their performance; instead, it should emphasize strengths and promote potentially creative and committed individuals.

Fostering constructive and supportive employee relations is another feature of HRM. Promoting the working climate with productive and harmonious relationships is made possible through positive partnership between management and workplace (Armstrong 9). Trade unions are also involved in the employee relations to ensure the comprehensive effect of HRM in building the coherent and mutually satisfied employee structure. The main challenge of this process is in the next feature of HRM: meeting diverse needs of all company stakeholders (Armstrong 10). Individual and group needs have to be taken into account to design equal opportunities for all employees disregarding the peculiarities of their working style, aspirations, and capabilities.

Finally, the HRM feature is bridging the gap between rhetoric and reality. The company’s mission and vision, HR strategy and corporate responsibility are laid down in all written codes and regulations of the company, annual reports and presentations for shareholders. However, as soon as the planned HR practices are implemented, a number of barriers (including limited support, inadequate infrastructure, lack of resources etc.) preclude those strategies from being successfully introduced. Hence, the ability of HRM nowadays is in identifying such gaps and allocating proper resources for making HR strategies a commonplace organizational reality (Armstrong 10).

Drawing certain conclusions from the discussed HRM features, one can come to understanding the key HRM characteristics shaping its modern image and structure. They are as follows:

diverse (it is essential to encourage diversity in HRM practices because of the integrated, comprehensive and over-grasping focus of HRM aimed at creating a harmonious, homogeneous, and at the same time individually tailored structure of employee relationships with management) (Armstrong 9):

  • strategically focused, with emphasis on integration (there is no place for an isolated approach anymore; HRM is embedded in all aspects of corporate functioning, striving to the creation of a coherent, interlinked employee system) (Armstrong 9);
  • oriented on commitment (only under the condition of employee trust and loyalty towards the company, HRM can achieve the stipulated corporate goals and make the human resources act as a unifying and enacting force for other company assets) (Armstrong 9);
  • HRM is based on the belief that working individuals should be treated as assets, i.e. the human capital (in other way common HRM strategies and assessment tools would not work) (Armstrong 9);
  • unitarist and individualistic approach towards employee relations (the workforce should act as a unified, congruent force, but at the same time individual needs, wants, aspirations and ambitions should be taken into account and encouraged to ensure corporate growth and accumulation of intelligence and knowledge) (Armstrong 9);
  • management-driven (HRM is seen as a line management responsibility, changing the nature of HRM delivery) (Armstrong 10);
  • focused on business values (human resources are nurtured, developed and managed, but always with the proper respect to the company objectives; the HRM should always be consistent with business objectives) (Armstrong 10).

There are a large number of specific and general goals pursued by modern HRM, but considerable research and review have allowed to focus on the twelve dominant policy goals proposed by Caldwell (2004) and cited in Armstrong:

  • People constituting an organizational workforce should be treated as the asset crucial for the creation of the competitive advantage for the company in the marketplace. The essence of the goal is to gain the competitive level of performance for the company to become a strong contender with a firm position in the market; it is vital to realize that even under the condition of having plentiful resources of other kind, the company will never achieve success because of the inability to utilize the resources. Without the workforce, there will be no tools for operating and manipulating the company’s resources for the sake of economic profit. Hence, the human capital is the most essential asset possessed by the company, and it has to be treated accordingly (Armstrong 10).
  • The HRM policies have to be aligned with the business policies and corporate strategy of every given company. This goal explains the very purpose of HRM existence – through the effective and thoughtful management of the company’s human capital, the HRM department assists the company in gaining the competitive advantage in the market and increasing the employee performance through commitment and encouragement of creativity (Armstrong 10).
  • The HRM system is aimed at developing a close fit of HR policies, procedures and systems with one another. Only under the condition of the close connection and alignment of all HR elements within the organizational structure, the successful implementation of HRM principles becomes possible and potentially profitable for the company (Armstrong 10).
  • The HRM is responsible for creating a flatter and more flexible organization. The ultimate goal of that effort is to make the company more responsive to the changes of the internal and external business environment. The modern business world is characterized by a high level of turbulence and uncertainty, crises in all spheres of human activity, hence only the affluent and flexible business entities can survive in the harsh atmosphere of making business. The HRM effort can make the company stronger from the inside and reinforce its outer strengths (Armstrong 10).
  • The HRM should encourage teamwork and cooperation inside the organization. The specific advantage of such efforts can be seen in the strengthening of the employee interconnection, mutual support and emotional intelligence (Armstrong 10).
  • The creation of a strong customer-first philosophy throughout the organization is another policy goal of HRM; the main focus of HRM is driven on the individually correct but still corporately shaped system of employee management, training and rewarding. The employees have to realize their value for the company to be able to provide their respect and commitment to the customer in turn (Armstrong 10).
  • Employees have to be empowered for self-management, learning and development. HRM creates the basis for corporate leadership programs to educate the company’s leaders, professionals and inspirers instead of hiring them from outside (Armstrong 10).
  • HRM should develop rewarding strategies directly tied to employee performance. Despite the commonly known criticism of the approach, financial incentives still remain a powerful driving force in the increase of performance and commitment (Armstrong 11).
  • Internal communication improvement is the goal for HRM effort because of its importance for employee involvement in the company issues. The better the employees are informed about the internal matters of their company, the more trusting their relationships with the employer are, and the higher the commitment is (Armstrong 11).
  • A more general HRM is in building the greater employee commitment; it can be achieved by additional means other than financial ones, including strengthening the corporate culture, involving employees in extra-work events and promoting various activities exploring the employees’ talents, ambitions and abilities (Armstrong 11).
  • Increasing line management responsibility for the HR policies is another major goal of HRM; as it has been already mentioned, HRM is growing in its importance and grasps others areas of company functioning. Therefore, HRM is equal in responsibilities with line management, providing more ties and interconnections between the internal aspects of management (Armstrong 11).
  • Finally, HRM should empower managers in the role of enablers. This refers both to the allocation of financial resources for solving some urgent business matters, and to the empowerment of capable employees offering their potential and creativity to the company (Armstrong 11).

Strategic HRM

Strategic HRM is substantially different from the RHM process itself because it focuses mainly on the activities affecting the behavior of individuals in an effort to formulate and introduce strategic needs of the business (Armstrong and Baron 41). Hence, one can understand that the strategic HRM reflects not the real-time, but the future intentions of the organization regarding the HRM organization, procedures and policies. It includes the long-term people issues, defining the HR strategies that have to be identified for the future effort of the HRM department. In addition, the strategic HRM peculiarity is that it concerns the macro-concerns at the organizational level, including the structure, values, culture, performance, rewards, motivation etc. The aim of strategic HRM deriving from its features consists in the creation of the strategic capability for the company to possess the highly committed, skilled and motivated employees to enhance the company’s competitive advantage in terms of human assets. In order to achieve that aim, the strategic HRM needs to fulfill the individual and collective needs of the employees to further on implement coherent and practical HR policies and programs (Armstrong and Baron 41-42).

Before proceeding to the practical discussion of existing HRM strategies, one has to identify the modern approaches to HRM strategy; they include the classical, processual and systemic ones, having many proponents and followers in the global theoretical HRM thought. The classical approach defends the ‘cold’ analysis of organizational environment and the company’s internal resources, with the further identification of strategic options and final implementation of the chosen strategy (Wilczek 2). It is vital to remember that there is a clear distinction between the authorities responsible for strategy generation and implementation thereof. According to the classical approach, strategies are created by top management and implemented by operational managers (Wilczek 2).

The processual approach promotes the strategic flexibility of the company; it argues that strategies are formulated and implemented in an integrated, non-disruptive manner at all levels of an organization. The approach is more viable for the company in a turbulent environment, with the clear need for expertise and creativity at all levels of the organizational structure (Wilczek 3). The third approach, however, includes the socio-cultural and economic context of the countries in which the strategy is formulated into the strategic HRM process. The proponents of the systemic approach argue that cultural and geographical differences seriously affect the process of strategy formation as well as its outcomes (Wilczek 3).

Consequently, proceeding to the models of strategic HRM, one has to identify its nature as a search of the ‘best fit’ within the organizational structure. The strategic fit is the central concept of strategic HRM, also called the matching model. The essence of the model is in making the HR strategy aligned with business strategies of the company (representing the vertical fit) (Armstrong and Baron 44). The vertical fit is the integral part contributing to the business planning process in an organization; it has to match the life cycle stages of the company and be individually tailored to the dynamics of its development (Armstrong and Baron 46).

The horizontal fit is nevertheless as important as the vertical one, as the HR strategies have to be aligned from the inside, i.e. there should be a high level of coherence between the different elements of people strategies (Armstrong and Baron 44). The logical interconnection among the mutually supportive practices of the HR strategy can ensure the success of the horizontal fit, making the HR strategy the ‘best fit’, the chief objective of the overall corporate strategy. The resource-based approach to HRM strategy also provides a sound foundation for the development and implementation of strategic HRM within the organization; it dictates the resource-based approach to all tangible and intangible assets possessed by the company, and utilization thereof with the purpose of being competitive in the market (Armstrong and Baron 53).

Functions Reflected in Business Practices

The success of any organization depends on the allocation of proper human resources in proper positions to ensure their full engagement, job satisfaction and adequate rewards for the performance; however, the current review of staffing practices has shown much incongruence with the ideal objectives stipulated in each HRM department. The wrongdoings include hoarding professionals at the expense of the organization, fostering promotions on biased principles without consideration of organization-wide options, limiting individual opportunities and depriving them from feedback, promoting decrease of confidence etc. (Fombrun, Tichy, and Devanna 58). All of them lead to employee turnover and loss of intelligence, knowledge and expertise.

Introducing the strategic HRM practices in staffing now plays the crucial role in the success of the organization in the accomplishment of its business objectives. The key processes are the specification of qualification, identification of people possessing those skills, and relocating the employees to the positions that fit them the most (Fombrun et al. 58). The staffing policies are affected by the dominant corporate culture and the stage of business development (the start-up business will conduct recruiting activities to form the staff, while the business at a stage of decline can relocate the existing staff or even involve professionals from external resources to revitalize the organization). Some constructive modern HRM practices regarding staffing within an organization include job posting, management development, and succession planning for the sake of HRM integration in all fields of organizational functioning (Fombrun et al. 65).

Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal is another central element of successful HRM because it provides the assessment and identification of critical job behaviors of the management, specifying the objectives of each manage, and agreeing on the steps and resources necessary for the achievement of those objectives (Fombrun et al. 87). There is a high risk of selective focusing in the performance appraisal, especially concerning the top management, because of lack of subjectivity and absence of anonymity. Hence, the innovative HRM practices in appraisal have to be introduced to ensure the successful accomplishment of business goals and strategies.

There are several categories of measures that can be used for performance appraisal; outcome measures are a strong indicator, but they fail to support the appraisal system in full because of the focus on results depriving managers of the opportunity to assess the process of achieving results. This approach may cause the deterioration of the system instead of its improvement, so the behavioral measures should complement the outcome ones (Fombrun et al. 91). Behavioral measures help identify the critical behavior that may aid employees in completing the objectives stipulated for their position, and the critical incident technique may be implemented for the assessment of the employee correspondence to their positions. Behavior measures are also highly helpful in selecting employees and establishing monetary rewards (Fombrun et al. 94).

The job behavioral analysis is utilized to identify the activities top managers have to conduct to implement the strategic plan. Here two types of training programs have proven to assist in objective achievement: accurate recording of what is seen, and giving feedback as well as setting the performance goals. These programs ensure objectivity and enhance the development of self-management capabilities to promote business strategies on the organization-wide level (Fombrun et al. 100).

Compensation and Benefit

The reward system in any organization may play both functional and dysfunctional roles because of the motivation or discouragement that it may bring to the employees. However, it is essential to note that the compensation system, in case it is properly designed, may become the key contributor to the effectiveness of the HR strategy and employee commitment increase. The strategic role of the reward system lies within the behavioral effect it may produce on employees, hence it has to be thoroughly considered in order to estimate the drives and incentives to be used in the effective HRM system design (Fombrun et al. 127).

The first outcome a successful reward system may offer to the company is the attraction and retention of employees. It is widely known that the companies offering the highest monetary rewards still attract the largest numbers of employees and retain them stronger and longer than other companies do. Hence, the monetary motivation turns out to be fairly strong nowadays (Fombrun et al. 128). In addition, the motivation outcome is also the direct consequence of the properly designed reward system – employees who earn more are more committed to their company, they possess a higher level of loyalty and resourcefulness towards their employer.

The organizational culture is also affected by the reward system; the way rewards are developed, administered and managed affect the culture and shape its type, e.g. participant, entrepreneurial or other ones (Fombrun et al. 128). Reinforcement and definition of the company structure are also affected by the reward system – as usual, the hierarchical structure of corresponding rewarding systems for different levels of management (Fombrun et al. 128). Finally, the compensation to employees affects the cost structure of the company. The salaries to employees traditionally constitute a large share of the company’s operating costs; hence, the thoughtful design of rewards and appraisals may save the company a considerable sum of money and help it allocate resources more productively.

HRM now plays an increasingly important role in building the business strategy and achieving the competitive advantage in the marketplace. With the emergence of the innovative approach to human resources as the strongest company asset, a variety of HRM approaches has been developed to assist the company in aligning people management with the business objectives and strategies. Therefore, it is totally possible to state that the modern organizational structure welcomes an integrated HRM system having equal opportunities and responsibilities with line management and operating in a wide range of areas to sustain the company’s consistence with its strategies.

The basis of the HRM processes is successful staffing, planning, management, identification of reward systems, identification of the company’s internal resources etc. All these activities are called to enhance the company’s competitive position and to reinforce its human capital potential. Strategic HRM is focused on the future perspectives pursued by the company, so it is directed at the macro-environment of the organization. The key processes and functions of strategic HRM constitute effective staffing (that is, proper allocation of employees according to their potential and skills), performance appraisal (both according to the behavioral patterns and outcome measures), and design of effective reward systems that would assist the company in accomplishing its business strategy.

Works Cited

Armstrong, Michael. A handbook of human resource management practice . 10 th ed. London: Kogan Page Publishers, 2006. Print.

Armstrong, Michael, and Angela Baron. Strategic HRM: the key to improved business performance . London: CIPD Publishing, 2002. Print.

Bratton, John, and Jeffrey Gold. Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice . 2 nd ed. New Jersey: Routledge, 2001. Print.

Fombrun, J. Charles, Tichy, M. Noel, and Mary Anne Devanna. Strategic human resource management. San Francisco: John Wiley and Sons, 1984. Print.

Mathis, L. Robert, and John H. Jackson. Human resource management . 12 th ed. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning, 2008.  Print.

Wilczek, Tim. The “Classical Model” for Practising Human Resource Management: …or is There a Need for an Integrated Approach Including Specialised Human Resource Strategies? Norderstedt, Germany: GRIN Verlag, 2008. Print.

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122 Human Resources Essay Topics & HRM Research Topics

Are you looking for human resources essay topics? Our extensive list of research topics in human resources management is made especially for HRM students! You can use these trending ideas for inspiration when writing your human resources essay, research paper, or research project.

🏆 Best Human Resources Essay Topics

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  • Google HR Practices & Google HRM
  • Ratio-Trend Analysis in HRM: Example & Techniques
  • Human Resources Management in Google
  • Role of Department of Marriott Human Resources for Employees
  • Strengths and Weaknesses of Selection Tools in the HRM
  • Google Company: International Human Resources Management
  • The Role of HRM in Career Management
  • HRM Incident: Case Study Analysis Judy Anderson has been encountering difficulties in her effort to ensure that all meter reader positions remain filled at the company.
  • Human Resources Management in Projects Team leaders should ensure they understand their team so that they can have responsive motivational policies and strategies.
  • Human Resources Management: External Influences Like any sphere of management, human resources management can face external influences. There is a wide range of such influences, including political, economic, and social.
  • Selection Process in Human Resources Management The selection process presents the complex chain of actions that companies have to make in order to hire people. It involves many stages to select an employee.
  • Human Resources Management and How It Is Affected by Globalization and Technology? HRM functions have been widely affected by the changing trends around the world: various parts of the world are integrating, newer technologies and better concepts are evolving.
  • HR Plans and HRM Strategic Plans HRM plays a critical role in the success of an organization. Employee Relations is an important area of HRM because it is essential for creating a working environment.
  • H&W Produce Firm’s Human Resources Management This paper aims to use the results of a job analysis for the position of “salesperson” at the organization H&W Produce to draft a new recruitment and selection program.
  • Healthcare Technological Trends and HRM Strategies Today our world is developing extremely quickly mainly due to the enormous technological development. This paper analyzes technological trends in the sphere of healthcare.
  • Computer Zone Company’s Human Resources Management Human resources management is one of the core aspects that can affect the development of organizations. This paper includes a brief analysis of the issues Computer Zone, Inc. has to address.
  • Connection of HRM and Legal Environment The paper states that HRM is affected by the legal environment in which it operates. HRM follows the rules and regulations of its organization.
  • Business and Economics: Intercontinental Human Resources Management MNCs live in a dynamic and uncertain context, which calls on them to focus on intercontinental human resources management (IHRM).
  • Human Resources Management: Job Analysis and Job Descriptions The most fundamental building block of HRM, job analysis, is a systematic way of collecting and analyzing information concerning the jobs’ context, content, and human requirements.
  • Human Resources Management and Organizational Culture Organizational Theory and studies focus on the systematic explorations of and analysis of how people as individual and as groups function within organizational operational frameworks.
  • Healthcare Human Resources Management and Changes Human resource management is a vital emphasis of management in organizations. This essay explores the significance of HRM in the context of the health care industry.
  • Human Resources Management in Global Business All HRM practices, including staffing, training, and development, should align with the venture’s overall business strategy.
  • HRM Software for Business and the Affordable Care Act The Affordable Care Act has its strengths, as well as weaknesses. The reason for it is the complexity of the law, which causes different challenges.
  • HR Management Skill Set in Health Care It is necessary to note that an HR manager is expected to have an outstanding knowledge of the industry, and some aspects are incredibly valued by employers.
  • Legal Aspects of Human Resources Management The paper discusses such legal aspects of HRM as union solicitation, alleged discriminationreviewsarassment, state remedies, etc.
  • Irish Healthcare System: HR Management and Financing The management of the healthcare sector requires using not only adequate leadership practices and approaches to monitoring employee performance.
  • Developing as an Effective HRM HRM should be knowledgeable in workplace psychology and approach communicating successfully with a diverse range of people.
  • Bushwood Count: Strategic Human Resources Management and Leadership As the labor markets get more and more competitive, Human resources become a key determinant of how successful business is going to be and how long it will last.
  • HRM Importance for a New Healthcare Organization Healthcare facilities that operate as businesses need Human Resource Management to ensure sustainable and efficient operations.
  • Peter’s Pizza Restaurant: HRM Overview This paper gives a short overview of the current state of employees at Peter’s pizza and gives recommendations on how to improve and retain the human resources at the restaurant.
  • HRM Strategies and Psychological Atmosphere of the Team The HRM rules and principles are regarded as the coherent approach to the management the most valued principles of team activity within any organization or company.
  • Theories and Practices of the Compatibilities Within Diversity, Equality and HRM The following paper shows a critical analysis of theories and practices of the compatibilities within diversity, equality and HRM.
  • HRM Strategy: Agency Carers’ in London The aim of the research is studying variables such as nurses, working conditions, career growth, remuneration, age, and the duration of workforce on their impacts on the turnover.
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  • Chinese Bank’ Human Resources Management The paper analyses HRM through an examination of new approaches, recruitment and selection, monitoring and rewarding at the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.
  • HRM Functions, Policies, and Practices
  • Can HRM Improve Schools’ Performance?
  • Gaps Between HRM Plans and Implementation
  • Best Fit and Best Practice in HRM
  • Examining HRM Initiatives Utilized by Modern Companies
  • HRM and Critical Social Science Analysis
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  • HRM: Maintaining Positive Employee Relationship
  • HRM and Employment Relationships
  • Changing Psychological Contract Implications for HRM
  • Comparing Different International HRM Strategies
  • HRM Practices and Culture in South Africa
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  • HRM Regional Staff Outline
  • Best Practice and High Commitment HRM
  • HRM Policy and Increasing Inequality in a Salary Survey
  • HRM Practice and Firm Performance
  • Corporate Culture and HRM in Germany
  • Work-Life Balance HRM
  • HRM Systems and Firm Performance: The Mediation Role of Strategic Orientation
  • HRM and Key Philosophies
  • Effective Planning and Organization in HRM
  • Employment Relationship and HRM
  • HRM and Performance: Achievements, Methodological Issues, and Prospects
  • HRM Strategy for Expats Assignment
  • Connection Between HRM and Human Resource Development
  • HRM University Systems and Their Impact on E-HRM
  • International Human Resource Management Bbm Program HRM
  • HRM Issues Diversification Strategies
  • HRM Practices and the Singapore Labor Force
  • Frontiers, Intersections, and Engagements of Ethics and HRM
  • HRM Practices and the Within-firm Gender Wage Gap
  • Difference Between Personnel Management and HRM
  • HRM, Vocational Training and Educational Programs
  • Employee Selection the Role of HRM in Finding the Right Candidate
  • HRM and Organisational Performance
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  • HRM and Organizational Performance Measures
  • HRM: Employees Are Our Most Important Asset
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  • Does Alignment Elicit Competency-Based HRM?
  • How Can Effective HRM Contribute to the Profits of an Organization?
  • What Are Some of the Main Features of HRM?
  • How Does the Choice of a Company Strategy Affect HRM?
  • How HRM Control Affects Boundary-Spanning Employees’ Behavioural Strategies and Satisfaction?
  • How Will These Changes to Employment Legislation Affect HRM Function?
  • What Is the Relationship Between the Level and Modality of HRM Metrics?
  • What Is the Difference Between Domestic HRM and International HRM?
  • What Are the Main Factors and HRM Procedures That Have Contributed to the Success of Google?
  • What Is the Significance and Importance of HRM in the Global World?
  • Why Has Work-Life Balance Become a Key Issue in HRM?
  • What Is the Relationship Between HRM and HRIS?
  • What Recruitment Selection Approach Adopted Order Achieve Practice HRM?
  • How Did HRM Evolved in History?
  • What Are the Seven Functions of HRM?
  • What Is the Relationship Between HRM and Organisational Strategic Direction?
  • What Are the Core Influencers and Factors for Germany’s Unique HRM?
  • What Are Some of the Current Practical HRM Issues?
  • What Are the Host Country Effects Influence HRM in the Multinational Enterprise?
  • What Are the Types of HRM Strategies?
  • What Is the Relationship Between HRM Practices and Employees?
  • How High‐Commitment HRM Relates to Engagement and Commitment?
  • What Are the Three Main Areas of HRM?

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"122 Human Resources Essay Topics & HRM Research Topics." StudyCorgi , 1 Mar. 2022, studycorgi.com/ideas/hrm-essay-topics/.

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StudyCorgi . "122 Human Resources Essay Topics & HRM Research Topics." March 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/hrm-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2022. "122 Human Resources Essay Topics & HRM Research Topics." March 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/hrm-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on HRM were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on June 24, 2024 .

Human Resources essay samples, topics and guides

16 February, 2022

30 minutes read

Author:  Elizabeth Brown

If you study at a Management department, you will receive a Human Resources essay as a home assignment sooner or later. What is this type of task? How can you write it to impress your supervisor? Here we uncover all the fundamentals of HR writing to help you jumpstart the writing process and get a […]

human resourses essay

If you study at a Management department, you will receive a Human Resources essay as a home assignment sooner or later. What is this type of task? How can you write it to impress your supervisor? Here we uncover all the fundamentals of HR writing to help you jumpstart the writing process and get a high grade for the academic paper.

Let’s start with a definition. A Human Resources essay is a type of academic work that approaches some subject related to managing a company’s staff, either public or private, and resolving issues arising in the process.

Thus, when you are tasked with writing an essay about HR, you can choose among various topics, such as hiring and retaining staff, resolving interpersonal conflict, organizing teamwork, and deciding on the proper staff rewards to keep them motivated and engaged. You can also choose among different approaches to analysis; it may be either a purely theoretical piece that examines various theories and methods or an applied case study considering an example of a specific company.

When you proceed to Human Resources essay writing, it’s vital to understand the principles and peculiarities distinguishing this piece of homework from other assignments you might face at the HR department. Here are the basics of competent and professional composition on HR-related topics:

  • To sound competent and knowledgeable about the topic, you need to include practical examples and statistics to argue your point.
  • Choose a theme to your liking and focus on something of personal interest; it will be much easier to write a paper on the topic you like.
  • Study a couple of Human Resources school essay examples available online to see how others have approached this subject.

If you’re still unsure how to complete your home assignment, and the time of its submission is already coming, you can always hire a professional Human Resources essay writer from our team. We’ve here 24/7, always on standby to help you out with any academic task. Thus, you will always stay on top of the class in terms of grades and timeliness without overstretching yourself or draining your resources.

Human Resources Essay Format

Now let’s proceed to discuss the Human Resources essay format. It has some specifics to consider for the sake of meeting your professor’s expectations and getting a high grade for the assignment. First, we want to note that a Human Resources school essay has the same components as other essays possess, so you don’t need to invent the wheel when approaching this task.

All you need to do is compose an introduction of your paper, a body, and a conclusion.

H3: Introduction

In this part of your Human Resources plan essay, you need to indicate the overall topic of your study and the problem you’re going to examine. You should end this part with a detailed and concise thesis statement showing how you will approach the problem and from which angles you will explore it.

This is the central part of your Human Resources essay in which you present your arguments on a chapter-by-chapter basis. Keep in mind that every paragraph should deal with only one subject, which is typically reflected in the topic sentence. In this way, your essay will have a proper structure and will be readable.

This part of your essay should focus on summarizing the main points you’ve discussed in the paper’s body, restating the thesis statement, and drawing the readers’ attention to broader implications of the subject.

Write Human Resources essay in 5 Steps

Stumbling upon how to write a Human Resources management essay? Here is a simple algorithm that will help you cope with any assignment at hand, including HR writing:

  • Study your course materials in detail to see what a professor wants from this assignment.
  • Pick a topic from the list of available options based on your interest in the subject and the materials’ availability.
  • Conduct in-depth research on Google and across several academic databases to identify credible, fresh literary evidence supporting your arguments and standpoint.
  • Find a couple of real-life examples to illustrate your points and prove the applicability of your ideas in HR practice.
  • Complete the writing piece according to all academic conventions (e.g., paragraph structure, essay format, grammar and style, originality, etc.).

Human Resources Essay Topics (250)

Choosing a topic is always the most challenging part of the essay composition process. You can’t move further until you’re clear with what to look for and in which direction to move. Thus, we’ve created a list of Human Resources essay topics to help you out and speed up your homework process:

  • Does organizational success depend solely on the efficiency of HRM?
  • Differences between HR management in public and private organizations.
  • Personnel management and transition methods in HRM.
  • Strategic HR planning: the essentials.
  • HRM principles in healthcare organizations.
  • Statistical methods of analysis in HRM.
  • The Michigan model of HRM.
  • The most significant barriers to effective HRM.
  • Job evaluation techniques for HR managers.
  • The HRIS technique in HRM.
  • Four competencies necessary for career management.
  • The variety of career planning techniques.
  • The most important managerial competencies in the global HR marketplace.
  • Staff competency development models of large corporations.
  • Megatrends in the executive development via HRM.
  • HRM and online training.
  • Primary tenets of performance management practices.
  • Approaches to employee recognition.
  • What mentoring practices work in the period of COVID-19 distance work?
  • Principles of Quality of Work Life (QWL) and HR managers’ role in staff’s work-life balance.
  • How can HR managers recognize and promote charismatic leaders in the workplace?

How to Start a Human Resources Essay

Starting a Human Resources essay is not always simple, as you might have a clear plan and roadmap in mind. Otherwise, the process of working on this home task may transform into an unexpected challenge taking too much time and energy from you.

Here are some tips and recommendations from our pros on how to start an HR essay quicker:

  • Find a topic that you like and know much about. This will be an excellent start for your essay writing process, as you will have enough background information at hand and will know what to look for online.
  • Find a suitable Human Resources essay example in Google or your college library to see how other people have studied the subject of your interest. It may be a good idea to compare several essay samples and develop your own, authentic argumentation on that topic.
  • Develop a detailed outline to guide your writing. If you have that roadmap for the whole process of composition, you won’t need to waste time consulting the prompt and double-checking whether you’re on-topic.
  • Always opt for the argumentative Human Resources essay topics as they are debatable and offer a freedom of choice. You can study the available sources discussing that topic and choose your standpoint. Argumentative subjects also offer rich evidence on both sides of the debate.

As you can see, starting an HR task is not that hard. But anyway, if you don’t feel like spending another evening over books, maybe it’s time to contact our managers and get professional assistance with the assignment? You can take a rest and relax, dedicating some vital time to yourself and your needs, knowing that your HR home task is in good hands.

We provide all kinds of assistance with essay writing, Human Resources included, so you will never feel shortchanged when working with our experts.

The paper ‘The Recruitment, Selection and Induction Process ” is a great example of a human resources research proposal. This is a working document to focus on the purpose and structure of student essays, which reflects the intent and outlook of their research. It is quite likely and permissible that as students progress with their essays, several aspects of content, direction or emphasis of their essay will change.  It is vitally important that students keep their academic supervisor informed of any such changes – as such changes may require students to reconsider any or all of the content of this proposal form.

Section 1: Briefly describe your research topic for Essay 1

The research topic is to identify the recruitment, selection and induction process which organizations need to adopt so that they are able to determine the mechanism through which correct hiring of people takes place. The research concentrates on indentifying the basic things which need to be included in all the process and also stresses on the need of having different process based on the different needs of the organization. The research brings forward the different methods of recruitment, selection and induction process which forms part of every organization. This has helped to identify the different core factors which are part of the recruitment, selection and induction process and the manner in which business effectiveness and changes are witnessed in the hiring process. The research will help organizations to improve their recruitment, selection and induction process as it will garner a path through which different aspect will be included and will help to improve the overall mechanism of hiring people.

Section 2:  Briefly outline any frameworks, theories or models you anticipate using:

The research has looked to identify the different patterns which are globally accepted and the research is based on secondary sources. The findings from different research are bring used to find out the manner in which the recruitment, selection and induction process can be improved and changes can be made and moulded based on the different needs and requirements of the organization. The framework which has been followed is one where linkage has been developed between recruitment, selection and induction process so that one process leads to the other and provides a basis through which the different dimensions which impact the hiring process can be understood. The overall impetus of the research is thereby towards finding out the different areas and dimensions which will help to facilitate and improve the process of achieving better results and multiplying the overall effectiveness of hiring people.

Section 3:  Briefly provide the main authors and themes relevant to your topic. 

Some of the different sources which have been used and are relevant to the area of research are

Arnold, J. (2005). Work Psychology: Understanding human behaviour in the workplace 4th ed. Harlow: FT Prentice Hall.

Cable, D. & Judge, T. (2006). Person-organization fit, job choice decisions, and organizational entry. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 67 (3), 294–311

Dipboye, R. (2002). Selection interviews: Process perspectives . Human Resource Selection (3rd ed.). Orlando, FL: Dryden Press

Hogan, R. (2001). Personality and personality measurement. In M.D. Dunnette & L.M. Hough (Eds.), Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Vol. 2 (2nd ed.) 873–919

Ryan, A. & Schmit, M. (2003). Assessing organizational fit in employee selection. Paper presented at the 8th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology, San Francisco, CA

Thompson, P. and McHugh, D. (2009). Work Organizations: A critical approach , 4 th ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

The different themes which the different authors and work provided are related to the manner in which overall changes and dimensions are being witnessed in the hiring process. This will help to understand the core areas which the different research has identified and will help to come to a conclusive conclusion regarding the manner in which different factors and aspect has an impact on the hiring process and different things which need to be included so that the mechanism which has been adopted improves and provides a better understanding of the different business environment.

Section 4:   Identify opportunities for further study in Essay 2 and/or gaps in research understanding that will refine your research questions.

The research has been carried outlooks to provides a general perspective of the different factors and areas which needs to be included while designing the recruitment, selection and induction process. The research provides a general idea of the different things which have to be included. This provides an opportunity where future research can be carried out by looking towards an organization or an industry where a specific process of recruitment, selection and induction process is being used. This is an area that can be further researched as it will provide useful information pertaining to a particular industry or organization and will show the different dimensions and aspects which needs to be included in the recruitment, selection and induction process. This will help to understand the application of the different methods in a real organization and will provide useful impetus regarding the manner in which the organization is able to gain due to it. This will thereby help to improve the understanding and having applicability in the real organization will magnify the overall value of the research.

The paper  “Performance and Reward Management” is a comprehensive example of human resources case study. Performance management in human resources refers to a holistic process whereby many elements are brought together to successfully manage people, enabling them to meet their goals and targets. It can focus on the performance of a Company, a section, or even an employee (Armstrong 2000).

TPL has a very traditional command and control approach to management across its manufacturing function, employees are not given an opportunity to demonstrate their ability and explore their talent and potential fully. The Management has an old type of leadership known as autocratic. According to Cameron and Green (2012), he described authoritarian is a style of leadership used by leaders who want to make decisions alone, having total authority. Negotiation and consultation are highly discouraged by these leaders. Whatever they say is final. This leadership style is good for employees that need close supervision to perform certain tasks. This simply indicates the organization applying theory X whereby the management feels and assumes that there are lazy and must be supervised closely. This theory has been proven to be counter-effective in modern practice. The management of TPL needs to change its style of leadership and management and come up with a more democratic approach. This will help the Company in giving the employees confidence and therefore increase productivity (Cameron & Green 2012).

Poor performance appraisal and review process can also be witnessed in TPL, where it is done so casually biannually as a chat between a supervisor and a subordinate. TPL should improve on the way it conducts the performance appraisal and review process, all the parties should be involved by aligning performance with the strategic goals of the organization (Armstrong 2000). For example, TPL supervisors should provide more specific feedback that will help them describe the gap that exists between actual performance and what is expected of the employees.

Reward Management

Reward management in human resources also referred to as a reward system means any financial reward that an organization gives to employees in return for their labor. The reward must not only be a material reward but also non-material rewards. The financial reward consists of basic pay and any other benefit to employees.  Non- financial rewards include promotions, recognition, and personal growth (Price 2011).

TPL has a very poor reward system; the pay system is very simple that technical, senior management, and employees earn flat salaries on a single payment. There is also a yearly salary increment regardless of their performance. This pay system is very unprofessional as it forgets the core reason for working. People work to be paid and if your system does not reward employees according to the effort they make.

TPL should adopt a reward system that is linked to performance; the payment should vary depending on the quality and quantity of work done by an employee. Attention should be given to employees’ achievement or success-oriented individual bonuses (Price 2011). For example, in a sales department, the salespeople should be paid on the basis of turnover. The salesperson who moves a large stock should be rewarded more than the one who moves little stock. TPL should also seize from using a profit-related bonuses element paid shortly before Christmas. This method can easily demotivate the members of staff if no payment is to be made at the end of the year as in the case when the organization does not make any profit.

Employee turnover in TPL is really high; this is due to a poor reward system and low morale. The organization is wasting a lot of money on recruiting new employees as well as training them to be conversant with the work to be done. David McClelland’s theory of motivation involving three basic needs: achievement, power, and affiliation. When employees achieve their target they are motivated, organizations should give power to employees to make independent decisions. TPL should employ theory Z that focuses on increasing employee loyalty to the Organization when treated well (Cameron & Green 2012).

Human Resource Development

Human resource development in the area of human resources can be termed as a curriculum used to help employees develop their careers by improving personal and organizational skills, abilities, and knowledge. It includes training employees, employee career development, and mentoring when planning for succession (Joy-Matthews, Megginson & Surtees 2004).

TPL staff training in terms of how to carry out the functions of their role is generally very thorough but surprisingly many employees are injured in accidents. What could be the reason for accidents occurring despite employees’ training? The main reason is that on-the-job training is not done appropriately; the reason being that it is provided by consultants off-site which is very expensive.

TPL should make training compulsory to the entire employee workforce in all the departments and it should be done on a quarterly basis. Re-training is very important as it refreshes the employee’s minds and improves their skills in their field (Joy-Matthews, Megginson & Surtees 2004).

Equality and Diversity

Equality in human resources refers to a situation whereby employees have an equal right to employment, payment, and equal access to training and development. The organization should put in place measures that will allow equality. Diversity is a situation whereby an organization encourages a diverse workgroup helping the Company to be more effective (Cornelius 2002).

TPL claims to be an equal opportunities employer but it is ironic that people from ethnic minorities are very few in the organization. This tarnishes the organization’s name as it is an indicator of discrimination leading to inequality. Gender imbalance can also be observed in TPL, fewer women are employed in the organization and therefore a form of discrimination. TPL should come up with a policy that will encourage people of all gender, tribe, and color to be employed.

TPL does not employ people with disabilities or those who are physically challenged. This is a very serious form of discrimination. The organization should come up with policies that will allow a certain percentage of employees to be disabled. It is so unfortunate that the organization does not cater to the dietary need of its employees, there is only one locker room and the TPL canteen does not appear to cater to any variety of dietary needs.

#3 Top Paints Limited- Human Resource Development and Reward Management

The paper  “Top Paints Limited- Human Resource Development and Reward Management” is a persuasive example of human resources case study. Top Paints Limited is continuously facing problems related to human resources and the matter has complicated to such an extent that the business has witnessed loss, increase in the number of casualties, increase in staff turnover, and problems that need to be addressed at the earliest. This report identifies the problems faced by Top Paints Limited and looks towards providing alternatives to deal with those.

Top Paints Limited is facing serious issues which have complicated the manner in which business was conducted and needs to be addressed so that a solution to those can be found out as it will help the organization to perform effectively. The issues are

  • Top Paints Limited looks to compensate their employees through a model which is outdated. The employees have compensated a fixed salary and the perks are defined beforehand which the employees receive at the end of the year irrespective of the performance which has reduced the efforts made by the employees
  • The hierarchical model of the passing of responsibility from the top management to the bottom has restricted the employees from taking initiative in completing the task as they have to follow the ways that have been prescribed to them is another problem that is making it difficult for Top Paints Limited to sustain
  • An increase in the accidents rates which are consistent and similar accidents occur shows that lack of training and awareness has made it difficult to deal with the complex issue
  • The organization has a dominance of male employees and fewer females and people from the backward class highlighting the fact that despite preaching that there has to be equality and diversity in the workforce the organization has resorted to differentiation making it difficult to conduct business smoothly

Performance Management

Top Paints Limited need to look towards moving away from the traditional system where employees have compensated a fixed salary to a flexible one where the performance of the employees acts as a major force in deciding the salary. Productivity should be measured and based on it employees should be compensated.

The performance-based approach should look towards identifying the performance measures, quality measures, and objectives and look towards control monitoring so that the actual performance is gauged which will facilitate in determining a performance-based pay for its employees.

This will also help Top Paints Limited to ensure that measuring the performance based on the manner the employees have achieved their task will help to understand the manner in which the business will be able to identify the future talent and will guide the management to deal with the future requirements better and have a pool to talent which are able to carry out their responsibilities in the most efficient manner

This is an aspect that Top Paints Limited needs to consider and needs to design the compensation package in such a manner that performance acts as a major point in securing a sound compensation. This would mean moving away from the traditional system where employees have compensated a fixed salary to a flexible one where the performance of the employees acts as a major force in deciding the salary. This would mean using the performance pay approach in compensating the employees. Using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory will help to design a compensation package where the organization understand the needs and requirements of the employees and based on its look towards package

While designing the reward package special care should be given to ensure that the compensation package has both fixed and flexible pay. Further, through Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory Top Paints Limited needs to look towards ensuring that intrinsic reward is provided to the employees through recognition, promotion, and other ways so that the employees are able to associate themselves with the organization. Using the Herzberg theory of motivation and hygiene will also act as a mechanism through which accidents reduce and the organization is able to gain efficiency in gaining the maximum from the employees and will help to reduce the high turnover that the business is facing and will make the employees work for longer period

Top Paints Limited needs to identify the training tools and methods which will help to reduce the number of casualties that the business is witnessing. Top Paints Limited needs to identify the training requirements both on and off the job so that the employees understand the manner in which they should deal with different situations. They should look towards a processual approach that relies less on top-down strategy as it will help to reduce accidents and ensure better working conditions

Top Paints Limited through their process of training will also be able to motivate the workforce and ensure that all employees are able to come together and work towards a common purpose. They should look towards rating scales and surveillance to ensure that the workforce is able to learn during the training and don’t repeat the mistakes again. This will help the business to ensure that the inter-personal relationship between the employees improves and they are able to work as a team.

Equality & Diversity

Top Paints Limited needs to look towards having a mix of people from different cultures and backgrounds so that they are able to demonstrate diversity in the workforce. While recruiting and selecting employees they should look towards using informal contacts, formal contacts, notice boards, advertising, and external sources so that people from all backgrounds are picked in the organization. This will make the employees feel that the organization is looking towards all and will help Top Paints Limited to find new recruits easily.

Having equality and diversity in the workforce will ensure that the employees are able to associate with the company and will help to reduce the turnover rate. Special care should be taken through monitoring which will help to reduce discrimination through stereotyping, marginalization, and invisibilization. This will thereby help Top Paints Limited to prepare properly in the manner they will deal in the future and ensure that a strategy is developed through which the business can be developed.


Top Paints Limited needs to look towards bringing a change in which the compensation is provided by ensuring that performance is a key in determining the manner in which the employees will be compensated. Further, steps should be taken to ensure that turnover rates and accidents are reduced by taking steps where the business is able to ensure better results. Further, Top Paints Limited needs to look towards ensuring a restructuring in the manner the business is done by ensuring equality and diversity so that the business is able to ensure a strategy where they are able to work in all direction and ensure growth for the business

Top Paints Limited needs to work on different aspects of the business so that they are able to improve the manner in which business is conducted. This will help Top Paints Limited to ensure major changes in the manner work is done and will help to reduce the number of casualties and ensure better turnover rates which will help Top Paints Limited to ensure that the business is able to earn profits over a longer period of time.

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Human Resources (HR) Essays

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223 Awesome Human Resource Topic Ideas To Pick From

human resource research topic

Are you looking for a human resource research topic for your academic paper? If yes, this article has a title you’ll find interesting to research and write about when handling your project. Human resources are the people that work for an organization or a company and the department that manages everything about employees. Collectively, they represent the most valuable resources in an organization or business.

The human resource department is part of a business whose responsibility is to find, screen, recruit, and train job applicants.

This business division also administers employee-benefit programs. Ideally, the HR department focuses on maximizing the workers’ productivity while protecting the company from the issues arising from the workforce. To achieve its goals, the HR department of an organization must engage in active research to improve the employees’ workforce. A human resource research paper comprises information about the findings of a study on a specific topic. And this includes:

  • An answer to a question that a learner set out to investigate
  • Proof of a relevant theory
  • Practical and theoretical knowledge about the topic

Human capital is a crucial asset in any organization. What’s more, the subject is too broad for educators and researchers to underrate. If looking for a human resources topic for your paper or essay, this list has brilliant ideas to inspire you.

Latest  Human Resource Topics in the News

Do you want to base your human resource paper on a contemporary topic? If yes, consider these ideas for your essay.

  • Ethical discrimination and workplace hostility among the minorities
  • How remote working affects employee performance during the coronavirus pandemic
  • How employee motivation affects job performance among those working from home
  • The popularity of mobile-friendly job recruitment
  • How necessary is background investigation for potential employees?
  • How HR departments use recruitment marketing
  • The essence of skill, personality, and aptitude tests during recruitment
  • Should employers consider pre-employment assessments over resumes?
  • How employers can improve candidate experience during the recruitment process
  • How the open workforce like independent contractors and freelancers can benefit an organization
  • Strategies for promoting workplace inclusion
  • Should companies give their employees respite care?
  • Offsetting caregiving costs by offering care assistance cover
  • Should companies give employees paid family leave?
  • Artificial intelligence use in human resource departments
  • Can companies use AI to detect behavioral change among employees?
  • How to use AI to customize professional development, employee promotion, and career paths
  • Can a company use AI in employee performance management?
  • Can companies use AI to detect employees that want to leave the workplace or company?
  • Challenges of remote working during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Benefits of working remotely for employers and employees
  • Disadvantages of working remotely for the employees
  • Can home workplaces lower employees’ productivity?
  • Impact of lousy team dynamics on employee performance
  • How poor physical and mental health impacts productivity
  • Tracking how employees use work devices- Is it ethical?
  • The best performance and compensation management tools for remote workers
  • Sick leave and time left fraud among remote workers
  • The Millennial employees and flexible working schedules
  • The link between organizational performance and low morale
  • Tips for succeeding in virtual team building
  • How virtual teams affect organizational productivity
  • How automating human resource tasks affects organizational outcomes
  • Data-driven strategies and their use in the HR departments
  • How annual educational stipends affect employee morale
  • Should companies give employees leave to take a career development course?
  • Should employees share professional and personal goals during yearly self-assessments?
  • Why organizations should locate, train and retain the right people
  • Advantages of onboarding as a method for maintaining human resources within an organization
  • The essence of employee orientation
  • Strategies for promoting belonging and autonomy among employees
  • How health advocacy programs benefit employers and employees
  • Can educational stipends boost employee morale?
  • How managers can manage lower or higher expectations of employees working remotely
  • The evolution of human resource management over the last decade
  • The responsibilities of modern human resource managers in the business world
  • Strategic HR management- What to do and avoid
  • HR management practices for the largest companies in the world
  • What current human resource training involves
  • Human resource paradigms contributing to the development of businesses

These are exciting current HR topics to explore when interested in something recent. Nevertheless, take your time researching your preferred topic to develop a brilliant paper.

Professional Development  Human Resource Topics

If interested in career development topics, this category has excellent ideas to consider. Nevertheless, select a title you will be comfortable working with to enjoy your research and writing process.

  • How to align employee development with company goals
  • Coaching and mentoring for workers development
  • How to build a coaching culture in a company
  • How leaders of a company can become coaches
  • Why individual career development programs benefit an organization
  • How to use the 9-box grid to assess employees
  • How does cross-training affect organizational efficacy?
  • How do stretch assignments and on-the-job training affect employee performance?
  • How beneficial is professional certification?
  • The role of apprenticeship and vocational training in the workplace
  • How does professional development affect middle-level managers expertise
  • What affects professional development in an organization?
  • Importance of professional development
  • How does the COVID-19 pandemic affect employee’s onboarding?
  • How professional development affects employee performance
  • How professional development affects customer satisfaction
  • How professional development affects employee retention
  • Employee turnover and professional development- Is there a link?
  • Should companies invest in ongoing professional development for their employees?
  • Employees well-being and career development
  • The nexus between professional stress and development
  • How professional development networks affect leadership development
  • Why do companies need policies for professional development?
  • Success planning and professional development in organizations
  • Current and past employee development approaches
  • Employee productivity and professional development
  • Challenges in career and professional development programs’ implementation
  • Employment and qualifications criteria
  • How to groom employees for success
  • How to select a new career path

Choose a human resource topic from this list if you want to write about career or professional development. Nevertheless, research the title extensively to create a winning paper.

Talent Management  HR Topics

Talent management is among the responsibilities of the human resource management department. Here are exciting ideas to explore if interested in this aspect of HR management.

  • Talent management versus talent hunting
  • Talent management approaches in the hospitality industry
  • Talent management in the medium and small enterprises
  • Family-owned attitude towards talent management
  • Talent management risk factors
  • Talent management trends in a globalized world
  • IBM versus Google talent management strategies
  • Military talent management approaches
  • Gig economy talent management
  • Talent management future
  • Talent management history
  • Why recruitment matters in talent management
  • What comprises a talent management system?
  • Recruitment, performance management, compensation management and corporate learning- Why they matter in talent management
  • Strategies for talent acquisition
  • Why executive coaching matters in talent management
  • Leadership development and recognition programs in talent management
  • The essence of a strategic plan in talent management
  • Effective talent management models
  • Talent management in the corporate sector
  • Why social media influencers matter in talent management
  • How talent management affects organizational performance
  • Success planning and talent management- What’s the link?
  • How MNCs approach talent management in the USA
  • How technology affects talent management
  • Investing in people or automating more- The HR paradox for modern companies
  • Why targeted learning matters in talent development
  • How peer-coaching can help in the development of future-ready skills
  • Development and learning trends after the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Are community partners a vital part of a talent pipeline?

Select a topic from this list if interested in talent development and management. Nevertheless, prepare to research your preferred idea before writing your paper.

Human Resource Management Topics 

Perhaps, you’re interested in HR management or appraisal topics. In that case, think about these ideas for your papers.

  • The critical elements of employees’ performance management
  • Why the HR department should give feedback to the employees
  • Organizational commitment and performance appraisal
  • How to use performance appraisal in enhancing citizenship and organizational behavior
  • Employee motivation and performance appraisal
  • Performance appraisal versus performance management
  • Why ongoing feedback on workers morale matters
  • How to engage employees more effectively
  • Why performance planning matters in the employee management cycle
  • Incorporating employee input in company decision-making
  • Why companies should set performance standards
  • Why automated performance management units matter
  • Data-based assessments and performance reviews
  • Corporate culture and performance management
  • Corporate culture and performance appraisal
  • Strategic planning and performance management
  • Performance management and employee reward systems
  • Employee development and performance appraisal
  • Employee engagement and HR management objectives
  • How 360-degree feedback benefits an organization
  • Challenges and benefits of the assessment center appraisal technique
  • Using Behaviorally-Anchored Rating Scale in performance appraisal
  • How beneficial are psychological reviews in the hospitality sector?
  • Merits and demerits of Human Resource Accounting Method
  • Factors increasing employee loyalty
  • How to resolve workplace conflict arising from cultural differences in international companies
  • The pros and cons of recruiting employees from universities
  • How character types affect a company’s team-building efforts
  • What is the responsibility of HR managers in talent hunting and management
  • What should HR managers do about overqualified employees?
  • Rules for recruiting, selecting, hiring, and educating new employees
  • Opportunities and risks for hiring new employees
  • Freelancers and outsourcing- Is putting the future of a company in the hands of freelancers a wise move?
  • Why companies should educate their employees
  • How HR managers can motivate or demoralize company employees

All these are interesting human resource management issues that you can explore in academic papers. However, select a topic you will be comfortable working with, from research to writing and proofreading your essay.

Hot Topics in HR 

Maybe you’re looking for a topic that most people will find captivating and want to read your essay from the introduction to the conclusion. In that case, pick a title for your research paper from this category.

  • Are higher education institutions responsible for productivity decline in human resources?
  • Trained human resource personnel and skilled workers- Who are better than the others?
  • How employee experience coincides with employee engagement
  • Working from home versus 9 to 5 jobs- Which is the best option for mothers?
  • Employee responsibilities and workplace safety- What makes women unique?
  • How the right talent affects a company’s success- A critical analysis
  • Should companies further their employees’ education?
  • Employees with degrees versus vocational and technical workforce
  • Is mobile a new human resource technology platform?
  • Why video interviews are the new norm in human resource outsourcing
  • The role of globalization in talent sourcing from different locations
  • The role of data management in improving recruitment, management, and retaining of employees
  • How HR technology innovation enhances employee engagement
  • Performance and goal management reinvention with check-ins and feedback mechanisms
  • How software categories improve interactivity, feedback, and workplace culture management
  • How user-friendly are cloud-based talent solutions?
  • Can end-to-end talent management solutions meet complex and large organizations’ recruitment needs?
  • What are the latest considerations in HR and labor laws?
  • Should companies set ethical standards that differ from law provisions?
  • How workplace ethics differ from labor laws
  • How to build an ethical organizational culture
  • How workplace discrimination laws influence employment
  • Discuss the moral obligation of employees to their employers
  • How to create effective legal and ethical employees’ welfare programs
  • How HR professionals can protect the employees’ rights
  • Legal and ethical concerns in a large group and single employee termination

Select any of these HR topics if looking for a title that will capture your readers’ attention and compel them to read throughout the paper.

Top  HR Research Topics  for  2023

Maybe you want to write about a topic that somebody reading about this year will find exciting and relevant. In that case, pick any of these human resource ideas.

  • Using artificial intelligence in HR functions
  • How HR managers can address workplace harassment and bullying
  • How companies can encourage workplace diversity
  • How wages affect the overall productivity of employees
  • How to measure employee performance- Criteria and tools for practical evaluation
  • Essential issues of modern labor laws
  • How to protect company data in the technology age
  • Should companies pay all staff members equally?
  • How workplace health problems affect productivity
  • What motivates employees to work more?
  • Laws against religious and sexual discrimination that HR departments should implement
  • Factors influencing employee retention
  • How HR specialists can deal with employee commitment, loyalty, and job satisfaction
  • HR planning in acquisitions and mergers
  • The 21st-century challenges for human resource managers
  • How employee engagement affects customer loyalty in the service-based sector
  • The impact of a contingent workforce on an organization’s performance
  • The increasing mental health problems among the employees in the service-based industry
  • The impact and importance of training on a company’s sustainability during an economic crisis
  • The role of HR practices in enhancing the overall organizational performance
  • How career growth affects employee loyalty
  • How different personality traits affect teamwork in a company
  • How effective HR planning boosts the strategic alliance process
  • How e-leadership helps in boosting employee motivation and productivity
  • How artificial intelligence can enhance HR practices
  • How daycare facilities can increase female employees’ productivity
  • How workforce diversity can improve organizational innovation and capability
  • How a flat organizational structure affects the decision-making process
  • How involving employees in decision-making processes influence their productivity

Pick a human resource research topic from this category if looking for an idea that suits the current context. Nevertheless, take your time to identify and research the most current sources to provide relevant information.

HR Topics for Presentation 

Are you looking for an interesting presentation topic for an upcoming meeting or conference? If yes, pick one of these HR topics for discussion.

  • How job rotation boosts employee growth
  • Why ethics committees matter in an organization
  • The role of HR in employee volunteering
  • How to encourage work-life balance in start-ups
  • Is an open office a boon or a bane?
  • How to create an engaged workforce
  • How a company can attract more millennials
  • How to make your employees happy
  • How to resolve disputes among employees
  • Why employee development and learning matter
  • Why employees’ mental health matters
  • Why companies should digitize HR practices
  • Why employee well-being is vital
  • Human resource management in the ever-changing corporate environment
  • How globalization affects human resource management
  • Innovative human resource and employee management practices
  • Challenges and issues of managing an international workforce
  • Employee management in an IT organization
  • Social security measures and labor welfare- The HR department’s role
  • Coaching and mentoring for modern business excellence
  • Different HR management perspectives
  • Why human resource planning matters in a changing environment

This list comprises human resource paper topics that students can research and write about to earn excellent grades. However, every student should pick an issue they can comfortably explore and present an in-depth analysis of their selected ideas. That way, they can impress the educator and anybody that will read their essay.

Use a  Thesis Writing Service  to  Write  a Quality HR Paper

Maybe you’re struggling to select the best topic for your HR research paper. Perhaps, you’re not even sure about where to start or how to write your essay. In that case, seek help from professional writers. Whether you’re a college or a university student, you can find experts that will help you with topic selection and the entire writing process. What’s more, these writers can proofread your paper to ensure it is error-free.

So, instead of spending all your precious time trying to choose a topic or write your HR research paper, contact us to get the best HR paper writing help online. Our specialists will respond to your request immediately and provide fast and affordable writing assistance. And all you need is to initiate a conversation by saying something like, “Please do my dissertation.” Also, you can reach us by filling and submitting our contact form or email us. One of our representatives will get back to you as soon as possible. We want you to excel academically without breaking a sweat. Contact us now!

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Essay: Human resources (HR)

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  • Subject area(s): Business essays
  • Reading time: 3 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 9 August 2018*
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 609 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 3 (approx)
  • Tags: Human resource management essays

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According to Leon C. Megginson human resource is “The total of knowledge, creative abilities, talent, altitudes skills and belief of a firm’s workforces as well as attitude, beliefs and values of the persons involved”.

HR Practices

Human Resource Management is the process of hiring and developing employees so that they become more valuable to the organization. Human Resource Management includes conducting job analyses, planning personnel needs, recruiting the right people for the job, orienting and training, managing wages and salaries, providing benefits and incentives, evaluating performance, resolving disputes, and communicating with all employees at all levels. Examples of core qualities of HR management are extensive knowledge of the industry, leadership, and effective negotiation skills.

Human Resource Management (HRM) refers to the policies and practices involved in carrying out the ‘Human Resource(HR)’ aspects of a management position including human resource planning, job analysis, recruitment, selection, orientation, compensation, performance appraisal, training and development, and labour relations (Dessler, 2007). HRM is composed of the policies, practices, and systems that influence employees’ behaviour, attitude, and performance (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, and Wright, 2007).

Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function in an organization which focuses on recruitment, management, and provides direction for the employees who work in the company or organization. It is the function of organization that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training. HRM is also a premeditated and whole or complete approach to manage people and the workplace environment and culture. Effective human resource management enables employees to contribute productively and effectively to the overall company direction and achieving the organization’s goals and objectives.

Human resource management is moving away from traditional personnel, administration, and transactional approach, which are increasingly outsourced. HRM is now expected to add value to the tactical utilization of employees and that employee programs impact the business in computable ways. The new role of HRM involves strategic direction and HRM metrics and measurements to demonstrate value.

HR is a product of the human relations movement of the early 20th century, when researchers began documenting ways of creating business value through the strategic management of the workforce. The function was initially dominated by transactional work, such as payroll and benefits administration, but due to globalization, company consolidation, technological advancement, and further research, HR now focuses on strategic initiatives like mergers and acquisitions, talent management, succession planning, industrial and labor relations, and diversity and inclusion.

In startup companies, HR’s duties may be performed by trained professionals. In larger companies, an entire functional group is typically dedicated to the discipline, with staff specializing in various HR tasks and functional leadership engaging in strategic decision making across the business. To train practitioners for the profession, institutions of higher education, professional associations, and companies themselves have created programs of study dedicated explicitly to the duties of the function.

In the current global work environment, all global companies are focused on retaining the talent and knowledge held by the workforce. All companies are focused on lowering the employee turnover and preserving knowledge. New hiring not only entails a high cost but also increases the risk of the newcomer not being able to replace the person who was working in that position before. HR departments also strive to offer benefits that will appeal to workers, thus reducing the risk of losing knowledge.

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Essay Sauce, Human resources (HR) . Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/business-essays/human-resources-hr/> [Accessed 30-07-24].

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HRM Essay Topics

Human resource management (HRM) is a vast field. Human resource is crucial for both business students and companies to operate efficiently. It helps to manage the relationship between client people, which is essential for businesses. If you want to pursue a career in business, Human resources can help you learn useful skills like administration, reporting, communication, and multitasking. If you are a student, you are in the right place. You have to write projects and papers, and for those, you have to choose hot topics in HR to conduct research that is not unique but easy to do.

This article provides you with 100 HRM essay topics that will help you in choosing the topic of choice for your dissertation/thesis, research papers, and projects. With these current HR topics, you can do new and up-to-date research during college or university. Not only this, you can make research more rigorous by using these hot topics in HR. The HRM essay topics below are easy to access as they are categorized among general human resource research topics, recruitment and training HR research topics, risk management HR research topics, and Appraisals and performance management HR research topics.

General HR Essay Topics

  • Connection between a marketing manager and HRM in a company
  • Impact of personal connections of HRM with the employee on employee productivity.
  • How HRM duties have changed in the post-pandemic era.
  • Ways to maintain a productive workplace environment
  • How to resolve workplace conflicts
  • Issue of gender and race base discrimination among employees
  • How to deal with legal issues faced by the company
  • How to make employees aware of their fundamental legal and ethical rights.
  • Ways to resolve ethical issues at the workplace
  • Impact of annual performance report on the productivity of employees
  • How to deal with the gender-based pay gape
  • Responsibilities of HRM for employee satisfaction
  • How to retain employees
  • Ways to deal with unhappy employees
  • How to keep employees motivated
  • Ways to resolve issues with annual vacations
  • Availability of work-from-home option for employees
  • Impact of diversity on business growth.
  • Role of a positive workplace environment on the growth of the company
  • Role of the talent recruiter is to bring the best employees to the company
  • Role of artificial intelligence in HRM
  • How to use social media for closeness and bonding of employees
  • What are new technologies that enhance the satisfaction of employees?
  • Role of Intra-departments competition in increasing productivity
  • Is it practical to introduce childcare for single parents for the company’s reputation
  • How to handle employees in case of data breaching

HRM Essay Topics

Recruitment and Training Topics

  • Factors affecting the recruitment of employees
  • Techniques used by HRM for the hiring of employee
  • How to find out potential candidates for the company
  • How to deal with potential employees who want a higher package.
  • Problems faced by HRM while recruiting an employee
  • Biases for recruiting new employees
  • Role of LinkedIn/social media profiles while recruiting
  • Online interviews vs. physical interviews
  • How to deal with overqualified employees
  • Selection of a perfect fresh candidate vs. an experienced old employee.
  • Training strategies for new employees
  • How to make training effective for new employees
  • Effect of a detailed and an effective job advertisement
  • How many employees feel intimidated by HRM on the first day of their job?
  • Useful methods for recruitment for small industries.
  • What to do with personal/individual ethical principles.
  • How to attract the best employees for the company
  • What is the best time to recruit new employees
  • Importance of screening during recruiting
  • Should HRM drug test new employee

Risk Management HR Essay Topics

  • Connection between risk management and HRM
  • how to deal with celebrities and famous people in the workplace
  • What should HRM include in developing standards for workplace safety
  • Importance of risk management and a productive environment
  • What HRM should do in case of risk identification in the workplace
  • Link between the motivation of employees and risk management
  • What is the connection between management, training, and risk assessment
  • What should HRM do to run the audit
  • What should HRM do to deal with viral diseases ( take the case of COVID-19)
  • Should the no-dating with coworkers policy be applied?
  • Why should employees allow to bring a gun for self-protection at the workplace
  • Should employees be asked for regular medical testing
  • Maintaining the well-being of employees in the workplace
  • Impact of regular workplace training on employees’ betterment.
  • Does workplace safety increase employee satisfaction
  • Does on-site working employees need more workplace safety
  • Why make sure that leaders follow workplace safety rules
  • Do all types of industries need the same workplace safety?
  • How to take care of the mental health of employees
  • Role of HRM in ensuring workplace safety
  • Punishment for breaking workplace safety rules
  • Do employees prefer working in companies with better risk assessment and workplace safety
  • Effective methods to avoid OSHA violations
  • Is it ethically right to monitor employees during remote work
  • What are the risks during VR (virtual reality)
  • How to deal with workplace harassment?
  • Impact of personal grudges on employee performance
  • How to deal with false accusations of harassment.
  • How to deal with employee threats about running movements against the company
  • How to deal with health-related/medical issues of employees
  • 30. How to resolve issues of poor ventilation and light quality at the workplace

Appraisals and Performance Management Topics

  • Role of HR in developing strategies for employee engagement
  • How performance management be helpful in strategic planning
  • Various tools to determine the annual performance of employees
  • How can Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale be used for performance evaluations
  • Role of feedback in the productivity of employees
  • Role of the reward system in strategic planning
  • Impact of rewards and punishment on employees’ performances
  • What is the role of technology in performance management and appraisals
  • How to involve employees in the decision-making of the company
  • Role of competency mapping in the 360-degree appraisal
  • How to use Management by Objectives (MBO) in performance appraisal
  • What is more effective for performance evaluation Human-Resource (Cost) Accounting Method or 360-Degree Feedback
  • Drawbacks of performance appraisals
  • How performance management varies from industry to industry
  • How bonuses and incentives can increase employee retention
  • Roles of seminars and conferences for employee’s personal growth
  • Impact of entertainment on the betterment of the workplace
  • How to promote teamwork among employees
  • Benefits and challenges of the Human-Resource (Cost) Accounting Method
  • Techniques of performance appraisal in organizations
  • Strategy of material management for productivity or organization
  • Authority of HRM to take legal actions
  • How to respond to legal actions taken by the employee against the company
  • Role of HRM on regular internal audit for performance management
  • Does HRM protects the company or employees?

Human resource management is one of the most promising fields. It gives you skills like communication, presentation, organizational behavior, and many more. It teaches how to deal with staff and resolve their issues. Every student has to conduct research once during college or university. HRM is a vast field of research. It is essential to choose an excellent topic to conduct research in HR. For research to be comprehensive, it should cover all aspects of the HR research topic. It can be troublesome to find a hot research topic in HR to conduct the research. We are here to help you with this and make the research process easier for you.

Above, we have compiled hot topics in HR for research purposes. You can choose from this list if you have a problem coming up with a unique HR research topic. The list has current HR topics with plenty of internet data. Each topic is related to HRM, and you can conduct a detailed and comprehensive research. The topics are divided into different headings to make it easy for you to choose from 100 hot HR research topics. Use these trendy topics for research papers, projects, and dissertations and do fantastic research.

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Essay on Human Resources

human resources easy essay

In this essay we will discuss about Human Resources. After reading this essay you will learn about: 1. Meaning and Importance of Human Resources 2. Importance of Human Resources 3. Role in Economic Development.

  • Essay on the Role of Human Resources in Economic Development

Essay # 1. Meaning of Human Resources :

By the term human resources we mean the size of population of a country along-with its efficiency, educational qualities, productivity, organisational abilities and farsightedness. By human resource we mean human capital. Human capital implies the abilities, skills and technical knowhow among the population of the country. A country should introduce manpower planning for the development of its human resources.

Human resources must be considered both from the angle of assets as well as the liabilities connected with the attainment of economic development. For the attainment of economic development, proper utilisation of both natural as well as human resources is very much essential.


Proper utilisation of natural endowments and the level of production of national wealth depend very much on the extent and efficiency of human resources.

But too much population will again eat up all the fruits of development. Thus from the point of view of economic welfare, it is quite essential to study human resources in detail. It should be equally stressed that human beings are the vital instrument of production and at the same time, fruits of all economic activities are rested on the betterment of conditions of living of human beings.

Thus in view of its importance, it is quite essential to know both in quantitative and qualitative terms, the size, rate of growth, the composition, distribution and all other demographic features of population of India.

Essay # 2. Importance of Human Resources:

(i) proper utilisation of resources:.

Human resources are considered important type of resources for attaining economic development of a country. Among various types of resources, human resources are the most active type of resources. Qualitative and quantitative development of human resources is very much required for the proper utilisation of natural resources of the country.

Thus the human capital formation according to Prof. Meier is “the process of acquiring and increasing the number of persons who have skills, education and experience which are critical for the economic and political development of the country.”

(ii) Increased Productivity:

Human capital has been playing an important role in the economic development of a country. Schultz, Kenderick and Harbison have made some important studies recently so as to point out that a major part of the growth of national output in USA can be attributed to increased productivity which has been mostly realised out of capital formation.

In this connection Prof. Galbraith was of the view that “we now get the larger part of industrial growth not from more capital investment but from investment in men and improvements brought about by improved men.”

(iii) Development of Skills:

Slow growth in underdeveloped countries is mostly resulted from lack of investment in human capital. These countries are suffering from lack of critical skills required for its industrial sector and also face the problem of surplus labour force in its farm sector. Thus human capital formation is very much required for the economic development of the underdeveloped countries.

In this connection, Prof. Myint observes that, “It is now increasingly recognised that many UDCs may be held back, not so much by a shortage of savings as by a shortage of skills and knowledge resulted in a limited capacity of their organisational framework to absorb capital in productive investment.”

Thus the underdeveloped countries are suffering from shortage of technically trained and highly skilled and educated persons and the developed countries are maintaining high level of investment on the development of manpower resources.

Accordingly Prof. Meier observed that, “While investment in human beings has been a major source of growth in advanced countries, the negligible amount of human investment in UDCs has done little to extend the capacity of the people to meet the challenge of accelerated development.”

Thus in order to attain an all round development of the country, the human capital formation through adequate volume of investment on human development is very much important under the present context of development.

(iv) Increased Volume of Output:

As a result of human resource development, the production increases as the knowledgeable and skilled workers can make a rational use of all resources at their disposal. With the imparted knowledge, workers try to increase his output and income. Attainment of vocational skills helps the workers and all categories of manpower to earn higher level of income in various professions.

The higher education and training at higher educational set up like college and universities usually enables workers to contribute liberally towards faster expansion of output in technical, engineering, machine building, accounting, management etc. Moreover, improved health facility can enhance physical capacity of workers. Thus all these factors positively contribute towards increased output.

(v) Addition to Productive Capacity:

Human resource development in the form of human capital formation can make necessary addition to the productive capacity of a country in humorous ways. By upgrading the technological scenario along with improved knowledge and skill can modernise the production technologies and thereby can add to the productive capacity of the country in general.

Transfer of technology from foreign countries can pave the way for adoption of modern technology into production and thereby can improve the productive capacities. Moreover, human capital formation can promote higher growth of the economy by adding physical stock of capital of the country.

(vi) Raises Per capita Income:

Human resources development can raise per capita income of the country through increased formation of human capital. Imparting knowledge can improve the productivity of workers and therefore, can raise the per capita income.

(vii) Tool for Economic Change:

Human resource development can make the people knowledgeable, skilled and physically fit. This can also change the attitudes of the people and improve the personal qualities of people.

Such changes are conducive to the development of innovative capacity and entrepreneurship which usually motivates people to work hard, take risks, do research and apply them to produce new products and also to develop new processes of production. All these can work as a tool for economic change.

(viii) Improving Quality of Life:

Human resources development can pave the way for improving quality of life for the people in general. This can be made possible through improvements in the three components of Human Development Index (HDI), i.e., rise in per capita income, higher educational attainments and increase in life expectancy.

Essay # 3. Role of Human Resource in Economic Development:

Human resources are playing an important role in attaining economic development of a country. Economic development of country involves proper utilisation of its physical resources by its labour force and other forms of manpower for the proper utilisation of production potential of the country.

Thus economic development normally involves achievement of three conditions:

(a) An increase in the per capita income to raise the level of living of the people;

(b) A fall in the magnitude and rate of unemployment and

(c) A consequent reduction in the number of people living below poverty line.

Although the labour force of the country is making positive contribution towards development but the rapidly growing population retards the process of development and thus considered harmful for economic development of the country.

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