
Extended Essay: The Viva Voce

  • Kick Off Day
  • Define Topic
  • Locate Resources
  • Annotated Bibliography
  • Evaluating Sources
  • Integrating Quotes
  • Citations & Referencing
  • Evaluation Criteria & Examiner Reports
  • Criterion A, B, C: Assessment of Research
  • Criterion D: Presentation
  • Criterion E: Engagement (Reflection)
  • The Viva Voce
  • EE Draft Feedback Template for Supervisors
  • Language of Analysis
  • Approaches to Learning (ATL)
  • Roles and Responsibilities

Guiding questions & prompts

Engage in the Viva voce once the Extended Essay has been completed.

Consider using some of these questions to engage in rich dialogue about the learning process. Process questions - Content questions  - Personal questions

What have been the high and low points of the research and writing processes?’

What would you have done differently in the research process?

What is the most important thing that you learned?

What was your greatest challenge and how did you overcome it?

What would you change in your research if you did another EE?

How rewarding did you find the experience??

What was the most valuable experience that you took away from the process?

What was your greatest challenge and what did you do to overcome it?

What advice would you give to the next year’s group?

What IB learner profile attribute would you say helped you through the process (communicator, risk-taker, etc.)?

Would you like to continue reading on this topic?

What questions did this process raise?

What conclusions have you drawn about the topic?

What ATL skills did you develop the most through this process?

It is also acceptable to use this reflection session (partly) as a more ‘traditional’ viva to check on authenticity / depth of thinking.

Also, pick points out of the essay - ask specific questions, ask for clarifications

Key - begin and end positively.  This is the end of a long, sometimes tough, process.

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The key theme to be addressed in your reflections is:  Engagement with the process is conceptual and personal, key decision- making during the research process is documented, and personal reflections are evidenced, including those that are forward-thinking.

Formal Reflection Sessions

Your three mandatory 20–30 minutes reflection sessions with your supervisor should be recorded on the Reflections on Planning and Progress Form (RPPF) . The first two sessions should focus on the progress you have made so far and set clear objectives for moving forward in your research process. The third session is the viva voce , the concluding reflection session. Following the completion of all three reflection sessions, your  RPPF will be submitted to the IB along with your completed extended essay (EE). A mark of 0 is awarded for CRITERION E when a RPPF is not submitted.

Topics to Cover In Your Reflections... To Get TOP MARKS for EE Criterion E

Your reflection should include:

a critical evaluation of your decision-making process

the evolution and discovery of conceptual understandings as they relate to your research question and sources

your rationale for decisions made

research and essay writing skills you developed which may include:

critical thinking


referencing and citations

specific research methodology

time management

how your research process was authentic

example(s) of you applying intellectual initiative and creativity

highlight your research journey and how you engaged in this intellectual and personal process

how this research process has changed you as a learner

evidence of intellectual growth

an appreciation that learning and research is complex

responses to challenges and actions taken to overcome any challenges you may have experienced during the research process

approaches to learning ATL skills that you developed and bonus points if you can also link to one or more IB Learner Profile attributes you developed through the research process

reflect on successes and difficulties encountered in the research process

key learnings in terms of your research topic

​how you made decisions about how you should best proceed with your learning and how you progressed from the concrete towards the abstract

an emphasis on process  - reflect on conceptual understandings, decision-making, engagement with data, the research process, time management, methodology, successes and challenges, and the appropriateness of sources.

Three EE Reflection Sessions

Initial topic exploration, possible sources and methods, preliminary research questions and their personal reactions to the issues. Students should demonstrate the progress students have made in the research process.

Students can demonstrate the progress of their thinking, the development of their argument and raise any questions they may have with their supervisor. Discuss reactions to readings, progress in the timeline for completion of the extended essay, a possible outline of arguments, challenges encountered and the strategies used to overcome them.

The last session is the viva voce  which takes place at the completion of the extended essay process. Students show what they have learned about the topic, the research process followed, their own learning, as well as outlining new questions they have uncovered. Most importantly, during the viva voce the RRS may help to highlight the personal significance of the work to the student and ultimately contribute to the supervisor's report.

The viva voce is a short interview between the student and the supervisor and is the mandatory conclusion to the Extended Essay process. The viva voce  is a celebration of the completion of the essay and a reflection on what the student has learned from the process. 

Viva Voce Suggested Reflection Questions

To what extent were your initial ideas realized?

Were your original plans/ideas realistic and appropriate?

What do you think were your successes in this process?

What was the most rewarding aspect of the entire process?

How will this experience prepare you for future work of this nature (in college or employment?)

What is the personal significance of the work you have done?

Was there anything in your research that surprised you?

Can you give examples from your reflections to show how you have grown as a learner through the process?

What research skills and conceptual understandings have you acquired through the completion of the EE?

What other skills such as time management, decision-making or thinking skills have you learned?

What have you learned about the topic, the research process, and yourself as a learner? 

What new questions do you have about your topic, or what questions remain unanswered?

If you were to undertake this research again, would you do it differently—if so, why or why not? 

In preparation for the Viva Voce, pick 4-6 questions from the list above and these can be the questions your supervisor asks.

EE Supervisor's Comments

When you conduct the viva voce with your supervisor, be aware that your supervisors will be required to write comments for criterion E and this will impact your grade. For TOP MARKS, your supervisors should discuss and write about:

holistic evidence of the student’s learning experience

confirm the authenticity of the student’s ideas and sources

overall impression of the student’s engagement with the research process

identify unusual intellectual inventiveness and how the student was able to demonstrate what had been learned as a result of this process

declare that the student understands any material that they have included in their essays

verify the authenticity of the work and that the student has demonstrated academic integrity - If there appear to be major shortcomings in citations or referencing, the supervisor will need to investigate, and the student's EE will not be authenticated if the supervisor believes the student may be guilty of plagiarism or some other form of academic misconduct

mention things, largely process-related, that may not be obvious in the essay itself, however, be aware that the supervisor should not attempt to do the examiner’s job

the viva voce should begin and end positively because completing this major piece of work is a great achievement and should be celebrated

Criterion E: Engagement

This criterion assesses the student’s engagement with their research focus and the research process and is based solely on the candidate’s reflections as detailed on the RPPF , with the supervisory comments and extended essay itself as context. The word limit for Criterion E is 500 words.

The work does not reach a standard outlined by the descriptors, an RPPF has not been submitted, or the RPPF has been submitted in a language other than that of the essay.

Engagement is limited.

Reflections on decision-making and planning are mostly descriptive.

These reflections communicate a limited degree of personal engagement with the research focus and/or research process.

Engagement is good.

Reflections on decision-making and planning are analytical and include reference to conceptual understanding and skill development.

These reflections communicate a moderate degree of personal engagement with the research focus and process of research, demonstrating some intellectual initiative.

Engagement is excellent.

Reflections on decision-making and planning are evaluative and include reference to the student’s capacity to consider actions and ideas in response to challenges experienced in the research process.

These reflections communicate a high degree of intellectual and personal engagement with the research focus and process of research, demonstrating authenticity, intellectual initiative and/or creative approach in the student voice.

For the complete EE GUIDE:

  • Extended Essay

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IB DP Digital Society Extended Essay Guide: How to get TOP MARKS with your DS EE.

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Extended Essay - Criteria: Viva voce

  • Criterion A: Focus and Method
  • Criterion B: Knowledge and Understanding
  • Criterion C: Critical Thinking
  • Table of Contents
  • Citations and Referencing
  • Appendices (Optional)
  • Initial reflection
  • Interim reflection
  • Viva Voce Handout

After completing the third and final reflection in ManageBac, the student should see the EE Coordinator, who will check that all forms are complete and will give the student a star!


The viva voce is a mandatory interview between the student and the supervisor that concludes the extended essay process. This interview informs the third and final written reflection and occurs after the student has uploaded their completed, fully edited , FINAL DRAFT to ManageBac. At this point, no further changes can be made to the essay.

Viva Voce Questions

VIVA VOCE (interview lasting 15–30 minutes)

During this interview session supervisors might ask:

  • Did anything surprise you?
  • What would you consider to be the most (and least) rewarding aspect of your research and writing process?
  • How did you incorporate them into your paper?
  • What did you learn about your topic?
  • What were some of the challenges you encounter during your research and writing process and how did you overcome them.
  • How successful you’ve been with regards to answering your research question.

Final Reflection

FINAL REFLECTION (max. 150-200 words posted to ManageBac)

When writing the final reflection, students might reflect about any of the above questions that were discussed.

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  • Abnormal Psychology
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EE Supervisor Tips – The Viva Voce

Travis Dixon November 26, 2020 Extended Essay

ib extended essay viva voce reflection

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In this post, I will share my tips on how I do the viva voce – a compulsory final interview with the student after they’ve submitted their EE final draft. 

ib extended essay viva voce reflection

Download this free eBook that gives you a brief intro to the EE.

The viva voce takes about 20-30 minutes and is conducted after the final draft is submitted. According to the EE Guide, the viva voce is an opportunity …

  • “…to ask the student a variety of open-ended questions to elicit holistic evidence of the student’s learning experience.”
  • “…for the supervisor to confirm the authenticity of the student’s ideas and sources.”
  • “…to reflect on successes and difficulties encountered in the research process.”
  • to gather information that will “…aid the supervisor’s comments on the Reflections on planning and progress form.” (EE Guide, pg 65).

With this in mind, I constructed a generic plan that I use every time I conduct the viva voce. I have these questions on a word or google doc with the student’s name. As they answer each question I take notes. This helps takes a lot of stress out of writing the report later on.

All EE Supervisors should have a copy of the EE Guide PDF downloaded. Although at 375 pages long, it can be a bit difficult to manage. I would recommend hyperlinking blog posts like this one somewhere in your EE Supervisor notes to make things easier.

Trav’s Viva Voce Plan

  • Congratulate the student on getting to the end of the process (begin with something positive).
  • What topics were you thinking of writing about at the beginning? (easy questions to build confidence and ease nerves)
  • Why did you choose your specific topic?
  • Tell me about how your research question evolved through the course of the research process?
  • Can you give me a brief summary of the answer to your research question? (checking authenticity)
  • Ask specific questions based on the students work. This is to confirm authenticity of the work. Can also be used to explain the supervisor reflection that the student shows they comprehend the research they have summarized in their essay.
  • What were your biggest challenges through the course of the EE? Can you comment on how you overcame these?
  • How to find information
  • Writing the report
  • About psychology 
  • Knowledge is power, but only if it can be applied. Can you tell me a bit about the personal significance of what you learned from doing the EE?
  • End the interview with another congratulations and some kind words about the student’s EE.
Feel free to copy and paste these questions and/or adapt them for your own viva voce.

The above interview plan was created based on instructions included in the EE Guide (available to download through MyIB). The EE Guide recommends that in the viva voce, students “…can show what they have learned about the topic, the research process followed, their own learning, as well as outlining new questions they have uncovered. Most importantly…during the viva voce the RRS (researcher’s reflection space) may help to highlight the personal significance of the work to the student and ultimate contribute to the supervisor’s report.” (pg. 55). While the RRS is “strongly recommended,” it’s not mandatory. Students can discuss the personal significance of their work in the viva voce without referring to the RRS.

Remember that s tudents are not to change their EE after the viva voce. 

Personally, I really enjoy the viva voce process as I like hearing the students talk about these topics they’ve become experts in. I hope the above plan is helpful for supervisors.

Travis Dixon

Travis Dixon is an IB Psychology teacher, author, workshop leader, examiner and IA moderator.


Extended Essay : Reflection RPPF

  • Home - EE Overview
  • Educate Yourself (Key IB Documents)
  • Set up Research Reflection Space (RRS)
  • Research Questions
  • Databases & Research
  • Citation & Referencing This link opens in a new window
  • Introduction
  • Presentation
  • Assessment Criteria
  • Reflection RPPF
  • Supervisor Info
  • EE Session Presentations

Criterion E

Quick links to information on this page:, reflection                                      tips for writing your ee reflection                                      , viva voce                                      questions to ask yourself, your three reflections                   guidance for writing your rppf reflection, criterion e                                     sample rppfs, criterion e engagement rubric, don't take criterion e lightly. reflection accounts for 18% of your ee mark and can make the difference of a grade level (up or down) depending on the quality of your work.

ib extended essay viva voce reflection

You will meet with your supervisor a number of times while you are working on your EE, for a total of 3 to 5 hours.  Three of those sessions will be " reflection sessions ", meaning that following these meetings you will be required to submit a 150-175 word reflection on the research and writing process of your EE.  Your reflections will be submitted to the IB by our IB Coordinator, using the Reflections on Planning and Progress Form (RPPF).

Your 1st formal reflection session will be in the spring of your junior year. The remaining two sessions take place during the winter of your senior year. The 2nd or interim session will take place in December and the 3rd or final session called the Viva Voce will take place in February. Writing a good reflection is important as the three combined reflections count for 19% of your final EE grade from the IB examiner. 

Source: Susan Trower West Sound Academy

Your Three Reflections

  • Reflection 1 Prompts
  • Reflection 1 Example
  • Reflection 2 Prompts
  • Reflection 2 Example
  • Reflection 3 Prompts
  • Reflection 3 Example
  • Sample Scored Reflections From the IB

Write the  first reflection  after one of the early sessions with your supervisor. Use the prompts below to help guide your reflection and discussion with your supervisor. (Think 100-125 words)

  • What am I interested in researching and why?
  • What are my motivations for undertaking research in this area?
  • How will I begin the research process?
  • Is my chosen topic appropriate for the subject I have chosen to complete it in?
  • Do I have sufficient knowledge of the subject area to fulfill the criteria of an EE?
  • What possible question(s) might I research?
  • How might I go about undertaking this research?
  • Do I have access to appropriate sources?
  • Are my chosen research methods appropriate for the subject I have chosen to complete it in? 
  • Are there any ethical issues I need to consider before pursuing this area of research?
  • Is there sufficient focus to my research area?

Source:  Shekou Int School Libguide  & IBO

1st Reflection - History

I was attracted to Anna Comnena's  The Alexiad  as a result of some extra readings which formed part of my IB History course (Crusades). As the first female historian, she stands in a unique place in terms of historiography, something which appealed to me as both a woman and budding historian. I was initially considering writing about her accounts of the First Crusade but quickly found the topic to be far too wide in scope. A reading of Paul Magdalino's article "The Pen of the Aunt" helped refocus me on the issue of historical purpose, i.e., why she wrote the history she did. I have now allocated time to reading historical accounts of Manuel I's reign to decide how closely the events Anna mentions in her history of her father's reign (Alexius) so as to validate my current hypothesis-  that Anna intended the work as a celebratory account of her father so as to cast a negative light on the rule of her nephew Manuel I. My current list includes Runciman, France, Macrides, Christomides, and Hill.

The  Second Reflection  session usually falls in the latter half of your EE process. Use the prompts below to help guide your reflection and discussion with your supervisor. (Think 175-250 words)

  • Do I have a reasoned argument that can be sustained throughout the essay?
  • Did I make coherent links between different points made and the evidence presented?
  • To what extent have I answered my research question?
  • What reasons may have affected my ability to answer my research question?
  • If I have been selective in the evidence presented in my essay, can I justify my choices?
  • Is there a clear summative conclusion, and does this reflect the discussion that has taken place?
  • To what extent do I think I have fulfilled the expectations of the extended essay as a task?
  • Has my research resulted in me changing my perspective or views on the topic in question?
  • What strategies have I employed that have worked particularly well at this stage of the process?

2nd Reflection - History 

I was finding it hard to come up with a satisfactory counter to the question of accuracy and authenticity which feature prominently in modern readings of her work. Historians ranging from Edward Gibbon and John France to the more direct Howard-Johnson paper which completely challenges her authorship effectively negated my hypothesis entirely. Using Magdalino and Hill as a focus point, I re-read key sections of  The Alexiad  and mapped out her account against the policital events of Manuel I's reign and quickly discovered some interesting overlaps (building works, military campaigns, relations with the West, etc.). Though occasionally obscure and subtle, the criticisms emerge by means of an unspoken comparison which Byzantine readers of her account would have well understood. This approach is providing me with a suitable counter to the aforementioned criticisms. I have also begun structuring my work accordingly with sections devoted to historical context followed by a section on  The Alexiad  which compares and contrasts events from Alexius' time with those of Manuel's. I am considering a chapter on the historiographical tradition of Byzantium but may integrate it into the main body in the end.

The  Third Reflection  can be written before the Viva Voce meeting to help you prepare for the conversation and after you have submitted your final draft. (Think 175-250 words)

What did you discover that surprised you?

Is writing the EE mainly about process or product AND why?

What would you have done differently and why?

What advice would you give to a student just beginning this process?

What have been the high and low points of the research and writing processes?

What would you have done differently?

What is the most important thing that you learned?

What was your greatest challenge and how did you overcome it?

What would you change if you did another EE?

What was the most valuable experience that you took away from the process?

What was your greatest challenge and what did you do to overcome it?

What IB learner profile attribute would you say helped you through the process (communicator, risk-taker, etc.)?

Would you like to continue reading on this topic?

What questions did this process raise?

What conclusions have you drawn about the topic?

3rd Reflection - History

I am very pleased with how the essay has turned out. Skills wise, I had no problems with referencing which I picked up quickly though integrating source analysis did prove a challenge at times due to my narrative tendencies. I believe I've been able to challenge the orthodox interpretations of Anna's work as a piece of fantasy fiction at the hands of a disgruntled woman by showing that Anna was effectively using one of the few weapons still permitted her in her diminished political state- the power of words- to criticize the existing leadership. Hill's works proved of particular use to me as they examined female power in a broader context and thus gave me a framework for interpreting what Anna was able to do within the context of her time.

  • An RPPF with Examiner Comments With a little guidance, every candidate should be able to score top marks on Criterion E: Engagement, which is based on the Reflections on Planning and Progress Form (RPPF). Reflection is an art form. And like any art form it can be learned. Below is a rather mediocre RPPF in the left column. In the right column, an experienced examiner has provided comments. Try to learn from these comments before writing your own RPPF comments or commenting on other RPPFs.

Source: Shekou Int School Libguide 

  • Lang & Lit (Eng A) RPPF with Examiner Comments
  • Lang Acq (Eng B) RPPF with Examiner Comments
  • BM RPPF with Examiner Comments
  • Econ RPPF with Examiner Comments
  • History RPPF with Examiner Comments
  • Biology RPPF with Examiner Comments
  • Chemistry RPPF with Examiner Comments
  • Computer Science RPPF with Examiner Comments
  • Physics RPPF with Examiner Comments
  • SEHS with Examiner Comments
  • Music RPPF with Examiner Comments
  • Visual Arts RPPF with Examiner Comments

Questions to Ask Yourself

Avoid using only description and keep descriptions brief. Use the prompts to spark your thinking.

Descriptive Ideas (limited reflection)

  • What did I do?
  • How did I undertake my research?
  • What were the problems I faced?
  • Did my approach or strategies change throughout the process?
  • What have been the high and the low points of the research and writing process?

Analytical Ideas (good reflection)

  • To what extent was my research successful?
  • If I changed approach or strategies during the process, why did I do this?
  • What did I learn from the experience in terms of my understanding of the subject area and/or skills needed?
  • How has my understanding of the topic and process developed?

Evaluative Ideas (excellent reflection)

  • If I did this again, what would I do differently?
  • If I did this again, would I change the theories applied, or my methodology?
  • Would there be a different outcome?
  • What can I conclude?
  • Were the strategies I used most appropriate for achieving my outcomes?
  • What questions emerged as a result of my research? Would these questions influence my approach if I did this all over again?

Guidance for writing your RPPF reflection

ib extended essay viva voce reflection

What is the  viva voce ?

The  viva voce  is a short conference between the student and the supervisor. It is the recommended conclusion to the Extended Essay process, and lasts between 10 and 15 minutes. 

ib extended essay viva voce reflection

Why have the  viva voce ?

The EE supervisor is required to submit a report when your EE is shipped to the IB examiner has been assigned to grade it.  The supervisor can ask questions in the  viva voce  that will help with writing that report.  This is especially important if the supervisor feels there is a need to check for plagiarism and malpractice in general.  Supervisors are required to confirm the authenticity of the work in any Extended Essay submitted to IB.

The supervisor will use the  viva voce  to help you:

  • Reflect on the successes and difficulties you had when researching and writing your essay
  • Reflect on what you have learned

What questions will be asked in the  viva voce ?

Here are some examples of questions you might be asked:

  • What have been the high and low points of the research and writing process?
  • In hindsight, would you choose the topic again?
  • What were the most interesting aspects of the process?  Did you discover anything that surprised you?
  • What have you learned through writing this essay?  
  • Having finished your essay, what additional questions did you find that could lead to further investigation?
  • Is there any advice you could pass on to someone who has just started work on their EE?

Source: Susan Trower - West Sound Academy

ib extended essay viva voce reflection

Source: IBO Criterion E

Tips for Writing your EE Reflection

ib extended essay viva voce reflection

Sample RPPFs

  • Bus Mgt RPPF Sample D
  • Bus Mgt RPPF Sample C
  • Eng A RPPF Sample G

Criterion E: Engagement Rubric

ib extended essay viva voce reflection

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Extended Essay: Reflection

  • Extended Essay- The Basics
  • Step 1. Choose a Subject
  • Step 2. Educate yourself!
  • Using Brainstorming and Mind Maps
  • Identify Keywords
  • Do Background Reading
  • Define Your Topic
  • Conduct Research in a Specific Discipline
  • Step 5. Draft a Research Question
  • Step 6. Create a Timeline
  • Find Articles
  • Find Primary Sources
  • Get Help from Experts
  • Search Engines, Repositories, & Directories
  • Databases and Websites by Subject Area
  • Create an Annotated Bibliography
  • Advice (and Warnings) from the IB
  • Chicago Citation Syle
  • MLA Works Cited & In-Text Citations
  • Step 9. Set Deadlines for Yourself
  • Step 10. Plan a structure for your essay
  • Evaluate & Select: the CRAAP Test
  • Conducting Secondary Research
  • Conducting Primary Research
  • Formal vs. Informal Writing
  • Presentation Requirements

Evaluating Your Work

Bullfrog reflection - Britannica ImageQuest

You will meet with your supervisor a number of times while you are working on your EE, for a total of 3 to 5 hours.  Three of those sessions will be " reflection sessions ", meaning that following these meetings you will be required to submit a 150-175 word reflection on the research and writing process of your EE to the EE Coordinator.  Your reflections will be submitted to IB by WSA's IB Coordinator, using the Reflections on Planning and Progress Form (RPPF).

The 'Initial Session' in the spring of your junior year.  The remaining reflection session take place in your senior year:  one 'Interim Session' in September, and one 'Final Session' (also know as 'Viva Voce') in December.

Your three reflections will count for 18% of your final EE grade from the IB examiner.

On this page: 

Reflecting Throughout the Research Process Reflections on Planning and Progress Form (RPPF) and RPPF examples Viva Voce - the final conference with your EE Supervisor

One way to help with your reflection is to ask yourself questions. Your answers will help you identify any problems, so you can then find ways to solve them. See the page in this section:

Check the WSA EE Timeline for the scheduling of reflection sessions with your supervisor and the due dates for the three reflections.

Reflecting throughout the research process

Reflection is a continual process. If you are constantly considering the decisions you are making in the extended essay (EE) process, you are better able to avoid the common pitfalls of independent research. Reflection also helps you plan, allowing you to monitor your progress. 

The following table identifies three stages in the review process and the kinds of questions you can usefully consider at each. It also suggests what evidence you might use in your reflection sessions to demonstrate your progress and learning.

Stage Questions you may ask yourself Evidence from my Researcher's reflection space
Planning stage
Background reading stage
Interim: writing stage
Final: writing stage

What is the viva voce ?

The  viva voce  is a short conference between the student and the supervisor.   It is the recommended conclusion to the Extended Essay process, and lasts between 10 and 15 minutes.  

Brittanica ImageQuest - NOT an illustration of an actual viva voce conference!

Why have the viva voce ?

The EE supervisor is required to submit a report when your EE is shipped to the IB examiner has been assigned to grade it.  The supervisor can ask questions in the viva voce that will help with writing that report.  This is especially important if the supervisor feels there is a need to check for plagiarism and malpractice in general.  Supervisors are required to confirm the authenticity of the work in any Extended Essay submitted to IB.

The supervisor will use the viva voce to help you:

  • Reflect on the successes and difficulties you had when researching and writing your essay
  • Reflect on what you have learned

What questions will be asked in  the viva voce ?

Here are some examples of questions you might be asked:

  • What have been the high and low points of the research and writing process?
  • In hindsight, would you choose the topic again?
  • What were the most interesting aspects of the process?  Did you discover anything that surprised you?
  • What have you learned through writing this essay?  
  • Having finished your essay, what additional questions did you find that could lead to further investigation?
  • Is there any advice you could pass on to someone who has just started work on their EE?

Reflections on planning and progress form (RPPF)

The Reflections on planning and progress form (RPPF) enables examiners to gain an insight into students’ thinking processes while researching and writing the EE. The examiners are looking to see how students’ thinking and skills have developed during this time.  

  • Reflections on planning and progress form (RPPF) For first use in 2018 assessment

The following are examples of the RPPF.  There is no one "right" way to complete the form and these examples should not be viewed as the "ideal".

  • RPPF Example 1 - Studies in Language and Literature
  • RPPF Example 2 - Studies in Language and Literature
  • RPPF Example 3 - History
  • RPPF Example 4 - Visual arts
  • RPPF Example 5 - World Studies
  • RPPF Example 6 - Biology
  • RPPF Example 7 - World Studies
  • RPPF Example 8 - Mathematics
  • << Previous: Presentation Requirements
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ib extended essay viva voce reflection

Reflection (RSS/RPPF)

ib extended essay viva voce reflection

Slide Show of Reflection in EE, TOK, and CAS Presentation:   

ib extended essay viva voce reflection

View this Video on the Reflection Process for the Initial and Interim Meetings

2023 Dates:

First reflection session (feb. 24 - mar 2).

Mandatory Tasks:

discuss and refine your research question to an appropriate working RQ (and enter in Managebac, to be approved by supervisor in Managebac)

look back through your thoughts, artifacts, etc. you recorded in your RRS.  Then draft a 150-word reflection (process-focused) and discuss it with your supervisor.  Make sure your reflection evaluates your decisions and process, not just describes them. 

During or immediately after your meeting, post the good copy of your official reflection in your R-PPF (Planning and Progress Form) in Managebac and show your supervisor that you have done that so they can update your progress indicator in Managebac).   Your RPPF is submitted and marked by the IB examiner under Criterion E and is worth 6 marks on your EE.

Possible discussion/reflection topics:

subject-specific assessment criteria

your plans for your EE (when you are going to work on it, etc.)

proposed methodology

the sources/resources you have found so far (bring your bibliography or your resources to show your mentor - minimum 6, 3 must be academic) and what resources you are still hoping to find

an evaluation of your decisions and processes

Second Reflection Session (June14)

update managebac with any changes that might have been made since the last reflection session

complete a 150-word reflection (process-focused) in your RPPF in Managebac and show to your supervisor so they can update your progress indicator in Managebac). This can be done before, during or after the reflection session meeting has occurred (eg. Draft it in your RRS, discuss it, and then post the good copy to your RPPF after the meeting). Make sure your reflection evaluates your decisions and process, not just describes them.

Possible discussion topics:

questions from the Interim: Writing Stage of the "Reflecting Throughout the Research Process" document on this page.

questions you have about your essay outline, what you have written so far

any challenges you have experienced so far and how you have overcome them

Summer Reflection Tasks

In your RSS (Journal), answer several questions from the Writing Stage row in the document above.  Consider also recording how you are dealing with procrastination (if you are experiencing it) and any challenges you are facing this summer with regards to writing your EE and how you overcame them.  This will help you when it is time to complete your Viva Voce in the fall.  

Third Reflection Session (Viva Voce) (Sept. 16- 27)

Video about the Viva Voce

complete a 150-word reflection (process focused) in your RPPF in Managebac and show to your supervisor so they can update your progress indicator in Managebac. This can be done before, during or after the reflection session meeting has occurred (eg. Draft it in your RRS, discuss it, and then post the good copy to your RPPF after the meeting).

how your research has influenced your opinion on your topic

something forward thinking , such as how you might use what you have learned (info or skills) in the future.

how you might do things differently next time

what you have learned about yourself

an evaluation of your own process and decisions

Examples of Marked RPPFs: 

ib extended essay viva voce reflection

Viva Voce Form 

The Researcher's Reflection Space is where you gather evidence for criterion E (Engagement).  You can keep it all together in Managebac.  These artifacts are NOT required to be submitted to IB.  Think of this as your rough copy or storage space for your official RPPF.


Here are some examples of RRS .

Artifacts you might want to put in your RSS:

your interests letter

your brainstorming of your interests

your brainstorming of your topic

your EE outline

any comments your supervisor wrote on various documents

articles that you found and your reflection on their usefulness

an explanation of and/or anything that caused you to change direction, research question, etc.

initial reflections -- answers to reflection prompt questions - etc.

rough notes or rough versions for your Official RPPF reflections

The Reflections on Planning and Progress Form is the official document that will be uploaded to IB and assessed by the EE examiner -- Criterion E 6 marks.

You will be completing the RPPFs in Managebac.

Your whole RPPF should be less than 500 words, so aim for about 150 words per entry.

Below are two exemplars of RPPFs:

(You can find more here , look for examples with 34 points available)

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The IB on the viva voce of extended essay

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IB Extended Essay: Supervisor Info

Research questions.

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ib extended essay viva voce reflection

Supervisor Training

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ib extended essay viva voce reflection

Supervisor Responsibilities

  • Supporting the extended essay: Role of the supervisor
  • Timeline: Class of 2023

Supervisors will:

  • undertake three mandatory reflection sessions with each student they are supervising
  • initial and date each reflection summarized on the Managebac RPPF and provide comments at the end of the process
  • encourage and support students throughout the research and writing of the extended essay
  • discuss the choice of topic with each student and, in particular, help to formulate a well-focused research question which is suitable to the subject of registration and ensure that the chosen research question satisfies appropriate legal and ethical standards with regard to health and safety, confidentiality, human rights, animal welfare and environmental issues
  • is familiar with the regulations governing the extended essay and the assessment criteria, and gives copies of these to students
  • monitor the progress of the extended essay to offer guidance and to ensure that the essay is the student’s own work (this may include presenting a section of the essay for supervisor comment)
  • read and comment on one draft only of the extended essay (but do not edit the draft); this should take place after the interim reflection session , but before the final reflection session , the viva voce
  • ensure that the final version of the essay is handed in before the final reflection session ( viva voce ) takes place, and that no changes are made to it subsequently
  • read the final version and, in conjunction with the viva voce , confirm its authenticity.


Viva Voce Prompts

Begin and end positively . This is the end of a long, sometimes tough, process.

Here are sample questions to help engage the student in rich dialogue about the learning process:

What have been the high and low points of the research and writing processes?’

What would you have done differently in the research process?

What is the most important thing that you learned?

What was your greatest challenge and how did you overcome it?

What would you change in your research if you did another EE?

How rewarding did you find the experience??

What was the most valuable experience that you took away from the process?

What was your greatest challenge and what did you do to overcome it?

What advice would you give to the next year’s group?

What IB learner profile attribute would you say helped you through the process (communicator, risk-taker, etc.)?

Would you like to continue reading on this topic?

What questions did this process raise?

What conclusions have you drawn about the topic?

What ATL skills did you develop the most through this process?

Also, use this reflection session as a way to check on the authenticity of the student's work

  • Pick points out of the essay - ask specific questions, ask for clarifications

Source: IS-Manila EE Guide

  • World Studies
  • Introduction to the World studies extended essay
  • World Studies global themes
  • The World Studies EE is organized across six global themes. Students choose one of these under which to register their essay
  • The World Studies EE invites students to conduct an in-depth, interdisciplinary investigation into an issue of contemporary global importance
  • The World Studies EE requires students to bring together aspects of different disciplines to illuminate their chosen topic
  • Students should use two DP subjects. It is strongly recommended that students are undertaking a course of study in at least one of the subjects chosen for their essay
  • Students are not expected to address the topic in its full complexity, but should aim to generate understandings that are new to them

Subject Specific Standards

  • Language & literature (language A)
  • Language acquisition (language B)
  • Mathematics
  • Visual Arts
  • Business Management

Subject Reports

See how examiners have viewed past papers in your subject:

  • General subject report May 2018
  • Art report May 2018
  • Biology report May 2018
  • Business report May 2018
  • Chemistry report May 2018
  • Economics report May 2018
  • Language & Literature report May 2018
  • Language Acquisition report May 2018
  • Math report May 2018
  • Physics report May 2018
  • Psychology report May 2018
  • World Studies report May 2018
  • IBO Sample research questions
  • Formulating well-focused research questions

Five Criterion:

A: Focus and method (6)

B: Knowledge & understanding (6)

C: Critical thinking (12)

D: Presentation (4)

E: Engagement (6)

Total: 34 points

  • Samples of Student Essays with Reflections and Marks
  • Understanding the assessment criteria
  • Unpacking the assessment criteria
  • Assessment grade descriptors

Grade Boundaries (2020)

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Quintessential Education. IGCSE IB Tuition Specialists

IB Study Resources

August 30, 2021

How to Write IB Extended Essay Reflection

Under the extended essay criteria for ‘Engagement’, students are awarded a maximum 6 marks out of 34 for writing the a 500 word reflection on the Planning, Research, and Writing phases of their EE. This means the reflections are worth 19% of the total EE score, and can often swing a your score from a B to A. We will review the EE reflection rubrics and explain what it takes to score maximum marks for this component.

According to the International Baccalaureate (IB), Reflection in the EE focuses on the student’s progress during the Planning, Research and Writing process. It is intended to help students with the development of their EE as well as allowing them the opportunity consider the effectiveness of their methodology and decide whether changes are needed along the way.

For the first reflection- Planning

You should discuss how you started the EE, framed your research question, and reflect on the decisions you have made. The first reflection should provide a critical evaluation of the initial decision-making, research process, methodology, and appropriate sources of data collection. Some examples of what to discuss include

  • How will I begin the research process?
  • Do I have access to appropriate sources?
  • Are my chosen research methods appropriate for the subject I have chosen to complete it in?

It is important to not just describe what you have done. Instead, reflect on your thinking process. Did you make the right decisions? What challenges have you faced in the initial stages of your research and how did you overcome them? More importantly, how would you change your planning the next time you do a research like this?

For the interim reflection- Writing

In this second reflection, a student must review the progress that he or she has made in the research. Effective reflection highlights the journey a student has taken to engage in an intellectual and personal process. The reflection should present challenges faced in data collection, content generation, and how you intend to overcome them. For instance, will you reformulate the research question, or will you consider other sources of data collection? Examiners love it when students explain significant challenges and demonstrate good ability to sidestep them. This learning process should be well documented and your reflection stands out if you can explain this in your own voice, demonstrate the discovery and evolution of conceptual understandings and skills development. The IB wants to see how you have evidenced the rationale for decisions made throughout the planning process and the skills and understandings developed. Some examples of what to discuss include

  • If I do not have sufficient data/information, how will I go about resolving this? Can it be resolved?
  • To what extent does the data/information I have relate to my proposed research question?
  • Given the data/information I have collected, do I need to reformulate my research question?
  • Has the data/information collected taken me in an unexpected direction?
  • Do I have a reasoned argument that can be sustained throughout the essay?
  • Am I able to make coherent links between different points made and the evidence presented?
  • To what extent have I answered my research question?

For the final reflection- Viva voce

The final reflection is written after the EE is submitted. You will not be allowed to make further changes to the EE at this point. Thus, this reflection is a post-essay reflection. You should discuss what you have learned about your topic, how you undertook the entire research process. What, if any questions emerged as a result of the research that you were not expecting? Most importantly, critically evaluate your own learning, as well as outline any new questions you have uncovered and how you found a solution for them- if any. Conclude by examining how you would do this research differently- if you were to do it again. Some examples of what to discuss include

  • To what extent has my thinking been confirmed or changed about my chosen topic as a result of my research?
  • What strategies did I employ that proved particularly effective in the research process?
  • What skills have I developed and how might these be useful in the future?
  • What improvements might I suggest to my own working practices?
  • How might different research strategies have impacted my outcomes?

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    Extended Essay; General Interest; Health Psychology; Human Relationships; IB Psychology ... Most importantly…during the viva voce the RRS (researcher's reflection space) may help to highlight the personal significance of the work to the student and ultimate contribute to the supervisor's report." (pg. 55). ... Travis Dixon is an IB ...

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  8. PDF Extended Essay Reflections

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    The supervisor can ask questions in the viva voce that will help with writing that report. This is especially important if the supervisor feels there is a need to check for plagiarism and malpractice in general. Supervisors are required to confirm the authenticity of the work in any Extended Essay submitted to IB. The supervisor will use the ...

  13. IB Extended Essay

    Video about the Viva Voce. Mandatory Tasks: complete a 150-word reflection (process focused) in your RPPF in Managebac and show to your supervisor so they can update your progress indicator in Managebac. This can be done before, during or after the reflection session meeting has occurred (eg.

  14. The IB on the viva voce of extended essay

    The viva voce is conducted once the student has uploaded the final version of their extended essay to the IB for assessment. At this point in the process no further changes can be made to the essay. The viva voce is a celebration of the completion of the essay and a reflection on what the student has learned from the process.

  15. PDF Final reflection session (viva voce)

    The viva voce is conducted once the student has uploaded the final version of their extended essay to the IB for assessment. At this point in the process no further changes can be made to the essay. The viva voce is a celebration of the completion of the essay and a reflection on what the student has learned from the process. The viva voce is:

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    mandatory reflection sessions with their supervisor, including a short interview, or viva voce, following the completion of the extended essay. Extended essay topics may be chosen from a list of approved DP sub-jects—normally one of the student's six chosen subjects for the IB diploma or the world studies option. World studies provides students

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    The viva voce is conducted once the student has uploaded the final version of their extended essay to the IB for assessment. At this point in the process no further changes can be made to the essay. The viva voce is a celebration of the completion of the essay and a reflection on what the student has learned from the process. The viva voce is:

  18. LibGuides: IB Extended Essay: Supervisor Info

    Supporting the extended essay: Role of the supervisor. Timeline: Class of 2023. Supervisors will: undertake three mandatory reflection sessions with each student they are supervising. initial and date each reflection summarized on the Managebac RPPF and provide comments at the end of the process. encourage and support students throughout the ...

  19. How to Write IB Extended Essay Reflection

    SHARE IT! Under the extended essay criteria for 'Engagement', students are awarded a maximum 6 marks out of 34 for writing the a 500 word reflection on the Planning, Research, and Writing phases of their EE. This means the reflections are worth 19% of the total EE score, and can often swing a your score from a B to A.

  20. Category : Flags of cities and villages of Stavropol Krai

    Media in category "Flags of cities and villages of Stavropol Krai". The following 68 files are in this category, out of 68 total. Buden flag.jpg 212 × 142; 26 KB. Flag Nevinnomyssk.jpg 982 × 652; 20 KB. Flag of Aleksandrovsky selsovet (Stavropol krai).png 600 × 400; 27 KB. Flag of Beshpagir.png 1,350 × 900; 92 KB.

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