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Satyamev Jayate

Satyamev Jayate

Satyamev Jayate (सत्यमेव जयते) is a Hindu mantra from Mundokapanishada Verse 3.1.6 , which means “Truth Alone Triumphs.” It is also the national motto of India. The national emblem of India is four lions facing the four directions and Satyamev Jayate is inscribed below it. It is also inscribed on one side of the Indian currency including notes and coins.

The full mantra is as follows:

सत्यमेव जयते नानृतं सत्येन पन्था विततो देवयानः । येनाक्रमन्त्यृषयो ह्याप्तकामा यत्र तत् सत्यस्य परमं निधानम् ॥ 

Satyameva Jayate Naanritam Satyena Pantha Vitato Devayanah Yena Aakramanti Rshayo Hi Aaptkaamaa Yatra Tat Satyasya Paramam Nidhaanam

The meaning of the mantra is as follows: Truth alone triumphs; not falsehood. Through truth, the divine path is spread out by which The sages whose desires have been completely fulfilled, Reach where that supreme treasure of Truth resides.

In 1987, a Hindi movie named “Satyamev Jayate” starring Vinod Khanna, Meenakshi Sheshadri, and Madhavi was released in India. In May 2012, a TV show starred by Amir Khan has been started on Star Plus Channel, which had become very popular.


Anirudh Kumar Satsangi

According to Dr. Granville Dharmawardena of Colombo University reincarnation may be defined as the re-embodiment of an immaterial part of a person after a short or a long interval after death, in a new body whence it proceeds to lead a new life in the new body more or less unconscious of its past existences, but containing within itself the “essence” of the results of its past lives, which experience goes to make up its new character or personality. In the seventeenth century Rene Descartes divided everything in the universe into two realms as “Res Extensa” (matter) and “Res Cogitans” (mind). Gathering knowledge within the realm of Res Extensa was called Science and the phenomenon of reincarnation got pushed into the other realm Res Cogitans which was not considered suitable for scientific probing. Science developed in the framework of Res Estensa is known as “Classical Science”. Classical science had tremendous material achievements because it helped all round growth of technology which brought about prosperity to mankind. The air of frame work of Classical Science was blown out by Henry Becquerel in 1896 by the discovery of Radioactivity. The discovery of Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein in early 20th Century gave it further blow. The advent of Quantum Theory and the Uncertainty Principle did the rest. It is significant to note that Einstein’s discovery fall entirely within the frame work of Res Cogitans as it did not involve any experiments or measurements. Gravitation Force Theory of Newton is also an example of such observation and intuition work involving no experiments and measurements. Modern Science enhanced man’s knowledge surpassing the restrictions imposed by the five senses and took us to hidden areas of nature and profound changes had been introduced in procedures of science. Our ability to understand everything by way of perceptible mental pictures is reduced and it became necessary to imagine models with components which behaved in ways that had no counterparts at all in the world familiar to us. In most cases mechanisms involved in these models not only are imperceptible but also consist of elements that operate in ways never known in the world that we actually experience through sensory inputs. Modern science tied up the two realms, Res Extensa and Res Cogitans and made us to understand that they are not independent and cannot be completely studied independently. Within the establishment of modern science some of the aspects of nature that did not strictly adhere to the realm of Res Extensa, which were therefore earlier condemned as unbecoming of scientists to talk about have become respectable. Reincarnation falls into this category Reincarnation is a very old belief and a large fraction of the world population believes it. For example Rene Descartes’ statement “What I have said is sufficient to show clearly enough that the extinction of the mind does not follow from the corruption of the body and also to give men the hope of another life after death” in 1641 confirms his belief in reincarnation. About 20 percent of those in the Western World whose religions shun reincarnation nevertheless believe it. According to opinion polls this percentage is rising. Lisa Miller, Religion Editor of Newsweek says that Americans are becoming more Hindus. According to 2008 Harris Poll 24% of Americans say they believe in reincarnation Steven J Rosen writes in The Reincarnation Controversy, Uncovering the Truth in World Religions (New Age Books) that belief in reincarnation allows us to see ourselves as architects of our own future. Rosen raises certain queries,‘ what is it that reincarnates from one body to another? Is it the soul? the mind? the intellect? To understand this we should suggest answer to these questions. We all know that there are four fundamental forces in the universe viz., gravitation force, electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force. I have written a paper entitled ‘Gravitation Force is the Ultimate Creator’ and presented it at the 1st International Conference on Revival of Traditional Yoga held in Lonavla Yoga Institute, Lonavla in January 2006. In this paper I have defined soul (individual consciousness), mind and body. According to this every point of action of Gravitational Force Field is individual consciousness or soul, electromagnetic force as the force of mind and weak and strong nuclear force as the gross material force which constitute physical frame of body. Consciousness is All Intelligent and pervades everywhere. Although all other remaining three forces are also intelligent but they are subordinate to Gravitational Force. THIS DESCRIPTION WILL HELP TO UNDERSTAND ‘WHAT IS IT THAT REINCARNATES FROM ONE BODY TO ANOTHER. According to Buddhism this is not the supreme atman or soul that ties one life to another, instead it talks about past lives as evolvement of consciousness, emergence of a new personality from the same stream of consciousness. Reincarnation is not an exclusively Eastern precept. It is contained in some form in almost every major religion and mystical philosophy. Research indicates that it was an accepted doctrine, at least in some quarters, at the time of Christ, and is still an integral part of some sects of the Jewish tradition. The Bible contain no condemnation of the principle of reincarnation, and in fact, when Christ was asked when Elijah would return, he answered that Elijah had returned, referring to John the Baptist. Sakina Yusuf Khan writes in an article A Night Of Forgiveness published in The Speaking Tree: “It (Shab-e-Barat) is also a festival associated with the dead. It is believed that the souls of the dead are set free on this night to visit their relatives.” What this indicates? This is a belief in reincarnation, of course in subtle body. Unaccomplished activities of past lives are also one of the causes for reincarnation. Some of us reincarnate to complete the unfinished tasks of previous birth. The is evident from my own story of reincarnation: “My most Revered Guru of my previous life His Holiness Maharaj Sahab, 3rd Spiritual Head of Radhasoami Faith had revealed this secret to me during trance like state of mine. This was sort of REVELATION. HE told me, “Tum Sarkar Sahab Ho” (You are Sarkar Sahab). Sarkar Sahab was one of the most beloved disciple of His Holiness Maharj Sahab. Sarkar Sahab later on became Fourth of Spiritual Head Radhasoami Faith. Since I don’t have any direct realization of it so I can not claim the extent of its correctness. But it seems to be correct. During my previous birth I wanted to sing the song of ‘Infinite’ (Agam Geet yeh gawan chahoon tumhri mauj nihara, mauj hoi to satguru soami karoon supanth vichara) but I could not do so then since I had to leave the mortal frame at a very early age. But through the unbounded Grace and Mercy of my most Revered Guru that desire of my past birth is being fulfilled now.” I am one the chief expounder and supporter of Gravitation Force Theory of God. This is most scientific and secular theory of God. This is the Theory of Universal Religion. I have given Higher Theory of Everything. Sometimes back I posted this as comments to a blog on: ‘Fighting of the Cause of Allah by Governing a Smart Mathematics Based on Islamic Teology’ By Rohedi of Rohedi Laboratories, Indonesia. Rohedi termed my higher theory of everything more wonderful than which has been developed by Stephen Hawking. Some details are quoted below: rohedi @anirudh kumar satsangi Congratulation you have develop the higher theory of everything more wonderful than which has been developed by Stephen Hawking. Hopefully your some views for being considered for Unified Field Theory are recognized by International Science Community, hence I soon read the fundamental aspect proposed by you. I have posted my comments to the Blog of Syed K. Mirza on Evolutionary Science vs. Creation Theory, and Intellectual Hypocrisy. Syed Mirza seems to be a very liberal muslim. He responded to my comments as mentioned below. “Many thanks for your very high thought explanations of God. You said: “Hence it can be assumed that the Current of Chaitanya (Consciousness) and Gravitational Wave are the two names of the same Supreme Essence (Seed) which has brought forth the entire creation. Hence it can be assumed that the source of current of consciousness and gravitational wave is the same i.e., God or ultimate creator. (i) Gravitation Force is the Ultimate Creator, Source of Gravitational Wave is God” Whatever you call it, God is no living God of any religion. Yes, when I call it “Mother Nature” is the God generated from all Natural forces and Gravitational force is the nucleus of all forces or we can presume that Gravitation is the ultimate guiding principle of this Mother Nature we call it non-living God unlike living personal God of religions. I can not believe any personal God would do so much misery created for its creation. Hence, only non-living natural God can explain everything in the Universe. When we think of any living personal God, things do not ad up!” I have also discovered the mathematical expression for emotional quotient (E.Q.) and for spiritual quotient (S.Q.). Austrian Scientist Rudolf Steiner says, “Just as an age was once ready to receive the Copernican theory of the universe, so is our age ready for the idea of reincarnation to be brought into the general consciousness of humanity”.

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Note: We have presented this essay in a bullet format for easy assimilation of points made

  • A person may have several virtues but it is his honesty that sets him apart. It stands as a hallmark to his character.
  • Truth brings with it purity. Truth makes a person strong and builds a concrete personality.
  • Our epics too tell us that a person emerges victorious only if he abides by the truth.
  • In the Mahabharata, it was the truthful Pandavas who emerge victorious after the end of the battle.
  • Though Kauravas resorted to deceitful means to overpower the Pandavas, it was the Pandavas who emerged victorious.
  • In the Ramayana too Lord Rama achieved victory through his truthfulness and honesty.
  • While it is true that we see many people climbing up the ladder of success through dishonest means, it is equally true that at the end such success is only short lived.
  • When a person is truthful, not only he is admired but he also commands respect from everyone around him.
  • We all must have read the story of the lion and the cow. The lion wants to kill the cow but the cow pleads with the lion saying it has to feed its baby.
  • The lion does not agree to it at first but after repeated persuasions, it agrees to the cow's request.
  • The lion thinks that the cow has fled but when it returns the lion is filled with love for the cow.
  • It deos not kill the cow and leaves it free. Isn't this a good example to show how truth helps us and how being truthful can save us too!
  • This dictum is acknowledged not just in India but universally too. The classic "Merchant of Venice " is a good example to mention.
  • While Shylock is prosperous and rich due to dishonest means, at the end of it all he had to suffer while Antonio , the truthful merchant becomes prosperous.
  • A life of lies will only lead to misery. What starts out as one lie leads to another and the list goes on and on.
  • It would amount to discomfort, guiltiness and worthlessness in the mind of the person.
  • When a person is truthful, he is satisfied. Satisfaction leads to joy ---joy ultimately leads to happiness.
  • Isn't happiness the eventual destination everyone looks for ? But when one is not honest, he may be getting richer and prosperous but the conscious keeps on pricking him.
  • When a person is not truthful, he stands defeated---not in front of any opponents but in his own eyes. Isn't this the most shameful defeat ?
  • We have recently seen the case of a Harvard student Kaavya Vishwanathan who was accused of plagiarism.
  • It goes on to prove that, it is ultimately the truth that would fetch you rewards. Dishonesty o lived life.
  • It is life lived to the fullest. When our life ends, people talk of how honest we are and good we are not how much rich we are A dishonest life only damages your character and reputation. A life of truth and honesty is an enriched life.
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Here is a famous Sanskrit saying to which I'd like to add my perspective. Sanskrit Verse: "Satyam eva Jayate" Meaning: Truth alone Triumphs

The phrase 'Truth' in this context refers to righteousness, integrity, and morality. No matter what, Dharma will finally be achieved. Even when the dark forces seem to take over the world, a new hope will rise from nowhere and restore the law of dharma. I'm sure StarWars fans will completely agree with me...

Remember Kurukshetra (the war between Good and Bad)... The Kauravas had an incredibly huge army. But, they lost to Pandavas. Here is a possible fictional conversation~

Kauravas: Hey... Our army is freaking huge & mighty. We have 100,000...0 knights, warriors and soldiers with us. What do you have? Huh! Pandavas: We have the God himself with us!

The path to victory is never easy. Being on the path of righteousness alone is not enough. A display of courage, discipline, perseverance and hard work is needed to be a winner in Life.

We may lose any number of battles, but we should win the war. Life is certainly full of ups and downs. Every trough in one's life can be regarded as losing a battle. We should learn from our mistakes, and get ready to face the world again. Eventually, we will be a winner in LIFE.

We often ask the question to ourselves... Why does god give so much wealth and goodness to bad people? I remember a popular dialog by the Superstar Rajinikanth in the movieBadshah. Here is what he often says~

God may give a lot to bad people, but will leave them halfway. God may not give much to good people, but will hold their hand forever.

Truthfulness is the ninth of the ten attributes of ‘dharma’. Normally, this attribute is linked with the faculty of speech; i.e. to strictly speak what one has seen, heard or understood. This could do as a broad general definition. But it does not capture the essence of truthfulness which can only be defined as upholding the intrinsic core of righteousness. If the objective is noble then circumstances may warrant deliberate deviation from the literal definition.

For, instance, if a patient is struggling against an apparently incurable ailment, words of encouragement and hope, strengthening his willpower and thereby increasing his chances of survival would better serve the spirit of truth than literally and heartlessly repeating the medical verdict. Such truthfulness is worse than an outright lie. Similarly, if there is estrangement between two closely related parties or persons, each feeling uncompromisingly righteous, the ends of truthwill be better served by acting as a bridge through highlighting even in an exaggerated way the brighter sides of both sides and work towards reconciliation rather than widening the gulf through so-called plain speaking.

Time was when open confession of one’s faults and demerits was not looked down upon; rather one’s innocence and naivete invited indulgence and forgiveness. But now the situation has completely changed. Revelation of private secrets is now a matter of ridicule by the people who take sadistic pleasure in broadcasting a person’s vulnerabilities and in soiling his good name and prestige.

Many instances can be cited when a newly married bride was led to confide in her spouse about her past mistakes and then, instead of promised love and forgiveness, a highly vindictive attitude was adopted thereby making her life a veritable hell. The right thing to do is to keep completely mum about incidents of the past whose revelation is likely to create problems and misery.

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  • Truth Alone Triumphs

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Truth Alone Triumphs Satya Mev Jayate

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Truth Alone Triumphs is a short tale of two brothers.

The story unfolds on a Monday morning, with the good intention of one brother and the negligent action of the other. The story revolves around their good and negligent actions, causing a series of interesting and tragic events around the city and the world. This series of events creates heaven and hell around the city and for themselves.

The series of events include the halt of a marriage, the cancellation of a million-dollar project, the occurrence of a couple of accidents, the journey of a beggar to become an entrepreneur, the change of emotions from hatred to love, saving a film-maker, saving a Miss World beauty, saving the beauty of nature and many more.

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R. Selva Kumar


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Satyameva jayate: truth alone triumphs.

Narendra Modi

Narendra Modi

Narendra Modi has been the Prime Minister of India since 2014, currently serving his second term in office. He also served as the Gujarat chief minister from 2001 to 2014. He is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party. LESS ... MORE

My dear sisters and brothers,

The law of nature is that Truth alone triumphs – Satyameva Jayate. Our judiciary having spoken, I felt it important to share my inner thoughts and feelings with the nation at large.

The end brings back memories of the beginning. The devastating earthquake of 2001 had plunged Gujarat into the gloom of death, destruction and sheer helplessness. Hundreds of lives were lost. Lakhs were rendered homeless. Entire livelihoods were destroyed. In such traumatic times of unimaginable suffering, I was given the responsibility to soothe and rebuild. And we had whole heartedly plunged ourselves into the challenge at hand.

Within a mere five months however, the mindless violence of 2002 had dealt us another unexpected blow. Innocents were killed. Families rendered helpless. Property built through years of toil destroyed. Still struggling to get back on its feet from the natural devastation, this was a crippling blow to an already shattered and hurting Gujarat.

I was shaken to the core. ‘Grief’, ‘Sadness’, ‘Misery’, ‘Pain’, ‘Anguish’, ‘Agony’ – mere words could not capture the absolute emptiness one felt on witnessing such inhumanity.

On one side was the pain of the victims of the earthquake, and on the other the pain of the victims of the riots. In decisively confronting this great turmoil, I had to single-mindedly focus all the strength given to me by the almighty, on the task of peace, justice and rehabilitation; burying the pain and agony I was personally wracked with.

During those challenging times, I often recollected the wisdom in our scriptures; explaining how those seating in positions of power did not have the right to share their own pain and anguish. They had to suffer it in solitude. I lived through the same, experiencing this anguish in searingly sharp intensity. In fact, whenever I remember those agonizing days, I have only one earnest prayer to God. That never again should such cruelly unfortunate days come in the lives of any other person, society, state or nation.

This is the first time I am sharing the harrowing ordeal I had gone through in those days at a personal level.

However, it was from these very built up emotions that I had appealed to the people of Gujarat on the day of the Godhra train burning itself; fervently urging for peace and restraint to ensure lives of innocents were not put at risk. I had repeatedly reiterated the same principles in my daily interactions with the media in those fateful days of February-March 2002 as well; publically underlining the political will as well as moral responsibility of the government to ensure peace, deliver justice and punish all guilty of violence. You will also find these deep emotions in my recent words at my Sadbhavana fasts, where I had emphasized how such deplorable incidents did not behove a civilized society and had pained me deeply.

In fact, my emphasis has always been on developing and emphasizing a spirit of unity; with the now widely used concept of ‘my 5 crore Gujarati brothers and sisters’ having crystallised right at the beginning of my tenure as CM itself from this very space.

However, as if all the suffering was not enough, I was also accused of the death and misery of my own loved ones, my Gujarati brothers and sisters. Can you imagine the inner turmoil and shock of being blamed for the very events that have shattered you!

For so many years, they incessantly kept up their attack, leaving no stone unturned. What pained even more was that in their overzealousness to hit at me for their narrow personal and political ends, they ended up maligning my entire state and country. This heartlessly kept reopening the wounds that we were sincerely trying to heal. It ironically also delayed the very justice that these people claimed to be fighting for. Maybe they did not realize how much suffering they were adding to an already pained people.

Gujarat however had decided its own path. We chose peace over violence. We chose unity over divisiveness. We chose goodwill over hatred. This was not easy, but we were determined to commit for the long haul. From a life of daily uncertainty and fear; my Gujarat transformed into one of Shanti, Ekta and Sadbhavana. I stand a satisfied and reassured man today. And for this, I credit each and every Gujarati.

The Gujarat Government had responded to the violence more swiftly and decisively than ever done before in any previous riots in the country. Yesterday’s judgement culminated a process of unprecedented scrutiny closely monitored by the highest court of the land, the Honourable Supreme Court of India. Gujarat’s 12 years of trial by the fire have finally drawn to an end. I feel liberated and at peace.

I am truly grateful to all those who stood by me in these trying times; seeing through the facade of lies and deceit. With this cloud of misinformation firmly dispelled, I will now also hope that the many others out there trying to understand and connect with the real Narendra Modi would feel more empowered to do so.

Those who derive satisfaction by perpetuating pain in others will probably not stop their tirade against me. I do not expect them to. But, I pray in all humility, that they at least now stop irresponsibly maligning the 6 crore people of Gujarat.

Emerging from this journey of pain and agony; I pray to God that no bitterness seeps into my heart. I sincerely do not see this judgement as a personal victory or defeat, and urge all – my friends and especially my opponents – to not do so as well. I was driven by this same principle at the time of the Honourable Supreme Court’s 2011 judgement on this matter. I fasted 37 days for Sadbhavana, choosing to translate the positive judgement into constructive action, reinforcing Unity and Sadbhavana in society at large.

I am deeply convinced that the future of any society, state or country lies in harmony. This is the only foundation on which progress and prosperity can be built. Therefore, I urge one and all to join hands in working towards the same, ensuring smiles on each and every face.

Once again, Satyameva Jayate!

Vande Mataram!

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The attack on Donald Trump unleashes a flood of misinformation

The left thinks the shooting was just a performance; the right sees an inside job. will the truth matter.

Image of Donald Trump recovering from being shot in the ear

“A merican politics has often been an arena for angry minds,” the political scientist Richard Hofstadter wrote 60 years ago in his classic essay, “The Paranoid Style in American Politics”. Yet across many eras, this discourse of  “heated exaggeration, suspicion and conspiratorial fantasy” festered largely on the fringe. Then the internet made the fringe accessible to everyone, amplifying dissonance and disinformation.

In the initial hours after the shocking assassination attempt against Donald Trump on Saturday evening, meme-makers and influencers on the left and right came to fast agreement about one thing: the shooting must have been orchestrated. Some on the left described it as a false-flag operation staged to make Mr Trump look invincible and bolster his election prospects. They pointed to the way Mr Trump paused to pose for photos with his fist in the air and blood streaking down his cheek as evidence that the attack must have been choreographed by the candidate’s own image-makers.

The right’s citizen-pundits—and even some elected office-holders—reckoned that the attempt to kill Mr Trump looked like an inside job. Within minutes of the shooting, media mogul Elon Musk endorsed Mr Trump and later suggested to his 190m followers that the failure of the Secret Service to stop the shooter may have been “deliberate”. Mike Collins, a Republican congressman from Georgia, asserted that “Joe Biden sent the orders.”

Conspiracy theories about a shocking institutional failure often take hold when an alternative explanation—incompetence—is unsatisfying. Mr Trump’s attacker, identified by the FBI as a 20-year-old Pennsylvania man named Thomas Matthew Crooks, apparently managed to mount a nearby roof with an AR -15-style rifle in hand without being stopped by the police. This might be judged as a stunning failure of professional practice by the Secret Service; President Joe Biden has promised an independent review of what went wrong. In right-wing media, however, the failure to stop the shooter is presented as evidence of deliberate intrigue. Rumours spread quickly on Instagram that Alejandro Mayorkas, the Secretary of Homeland Security, who has been villainised by Republicans for his handling of the southern border, rebuffed the Trump campaign’s requests for better protection.

Such views are not confined to Reddit obsessives pounding their keyboards late at night; they are commonplace among ordinary MAGA Republicans. Sandra Chase, a Republican delegate from Brooklyn who is attending this week’s Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, says she thinks the assassination attempt was an inside job and that the FBI will cover up the real crime. She and like-minded sceptics are likely to have plenty to talk about as they debate their theories in the days and weeks ahead. On Sunday, the FBI reported that Mr Crooks appears to have acted alone, a finding that was unaccompanied by the release of evidence to back it up.

Ms Chase said she belongs to a chat group that is concerned about another angle: that diversity mandates within the Secret Service forced the organisation to hire lots of ineffective women, which exacerbated the danger faced by Mr Trump. Photos from the attack that show female agents who are smaller than Mr Trump rushing to provide cover for him have been transformed into misogynistic memes across social-media platforms.

On the evidence available so far, Mr Crooks’s motives and political views are largely a mystery. News outlets reported that he was registered as a Republican but gave a $15 donation to a liberal political action committee, the Progressive Turnout Project, in January 2021. He apparently grew up in middle-class circumstances and made little impression on schoolmates.

The online far right has already invented a profile of him that fits their worldview, however. Minutes after authorities released the shooter’s identity, myriad fake Instagram accounts appeared under his name with invented biographies that describe Mr Crooks as transgender, Jewish and a Black Lives Matter supporter. They and other influencers cited a comment Mr Biden reportedly made on a private call to donors last week: “We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”

Disinformation experts expect such narratives will continue to spread, even as details of the shooter’s motives and background become clearer. New information is unlikely to change the minds of those who already believe that one party or the other planned the assassination attempt. “The defining feature of conspiracy theories is that they explain everything, so they’re pretty resistant to individual details,” says Jonathan Stray of the University of California, Berkeley.

How much does such widespread confusion matter? To date, American democracy has somehow lurched through its crises, despite the enduring persuasiveness of Hofstadter’s observations. This week may seem more worrisome than usual because of the violence inflicted on Mr Trump and the normalisation of discourse about such radical action online. Some angry progressives are lamenting that the bullet grazed Mr Trump’s ear, missing his skull by millimetres. Destiny, a leftist social-media commentator, told his 250,000 X followers that Mr Trump and his supporters will “reap what they sow, and I’m here to watch the harvest”. Meanwhile, on the right, a post in a Florida Proud Boys Telegram channel depicts Mr Trump with blazing red eyes above a banner headline: “THIS IS WAR!!!” ■

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Truth alone Triumphs Essay Example

Truth alone Triumphs Essay Example

  • Pages: 3 (598 words)
  • Published: July 18, 2016
  • Type: Essay

Here is a famous Sanskrit saying to which I'd like to add my perspective. Sanskrit Verse: "Satyam eva Jayate" Meaning: Truth alone Triumphs

The phrase 'Truth' in this context refers to righteousness, integrity, and morality. No matter what, Dharma will finally be achieved. Even when the dark forces seem to take over the world, a new hope will rise from nowhere and restore the law of dharma. I'm sure StarWars fans will completely agree with me...

Remember Kurukshetra (the war between Good and Bad)... The Kauravas had an incredibly huge army. But, they lost to Pandavas. Here is a possible fictional conversation~

Kauravas: Hey... Our army is freaking huge & mighty. We have 100,000...0 knights, warriors and soldiers with us. What do you have?

Huh! Pandavas: We have the God himself with us!

The path to victory is never easy. Being on the path of righteousness alone is not enough. A display of courage, discipline, perseverance and hard work is needed to be a winner in Life.

We may lose any number of battles, but we should win the war. Life is certainly full of ups and downs. Every trough in one's life can be regarded as losing a battle. We should learn from our mistakes, and get ready to face the world again. Eventually, we will be a winner in LIFE.

We often ask the question to ourselves... Why does god give so much wealth and goodness to bad people? I remember a popular dialog by the Superstar Rajinikanth in the movieBadshah. Here is what he often says~

God may give a lot to ba

people, but will leave them halfway. God may not give much to good people, but will hold their hand forever.

Truthfulness is the ninth of the ten attributes of ‘dharma’. Normally, this attribute is linked with the faculty of speech; i.e. to strictly speak what one has seen, heard or understood. This could do as a broad general definition. But it does not capture the essence of truthfulness which can only be defined as upholding the intrinsic core of righteousness. If the objective is noble then circumstances may warrant deliberate deviation from the literal definition.

For, instance, if a patient is struggling against an apparently incurable ailment, words of encouragement and hope, strengthening his willpower and thereby increasing his chances of survival would better serve the spirit of truth than literally and heartlessly repeating the medical verdict. Such truthfulness is worse than an outright lie. Similarly, if there is estrangement between two closely related parties or persons, each feeling uncompromisingly righteous, the ends of truthwill be better served by acting as a bridge through highlighting even in an exaggerated way the brighter sides of both sides and work towards reconciliation rather than widening the gulf through so-called plain speaking.

Time was when open confession of one’s faults and demerits was not looked down upon; rather one’s innocence and naivete invited indulgence and forgiveness. But now the situation has completely changed. Revelation of private secrets is now a matter of ridicule by the people who take sadistic pleasure in broadcasting a person’s vulnerabilities and in soiling his good name and prestige.

Many instances can be cited when a newly married bride was

led to confide in her spouse about her past mistakes and then, instead of promised love and forgiveness, a highly vindictive attitude was adopted thereby making her life a veritable hell. The right thing to do is to keep completely mum about incidents of the past whose revelation is likely to create problems and misery.

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What Makes Kate Winslet So Surprising

Culture and entertainment musts from Matt Seaton

Kate Winslet in Mildred Pierce

This is an edition of The Atlantic Daily, a newsletter that guides you through the biggest stories of the day, helps you discover new ideas, and recommends the best in culture. Sign up for it here.

Welcome back to The Daily’s Sunday culture edition, in which one Atlantic writer or editor reveals what’s keeping them entertained. Today’s guest is senior editor Matt Seaton, who has written about a happiness expert’s frank advice for Joe Biden and a game of cricket that turned into a diplomatic incident .

Matt enjoys watching Kate Winslet play against what one might call her English-rose type, would bring the audiobook of Charlotte Brontë’s Villette to a desert island, and returns often to a Robert Frost poem that is both nature writing and its complete opposite.

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The Culture Survey: Matt Seaton

An actor I would watch in anything: I was a latecomer to admiring Kate Winslet. For the first 20 or so years of her career, I could see that she was leading-lady material but couldn’t understand what the fuss was about. That really changed with her performance in the title role of the HBO miniseries Mildred Pierce (2011, though I caught up with it later than that); she was also memorable in the 2015 film The Dressmaker , and great again in another HBO show, Mare of Easttown (2021). I think what finally got my attention was how she excelled at playing against what I’d taken to be her English-rose type, and showed a more complex side that’s steel and grit layered over a prickly vulnerability. I’m a convert now. [ Related: The real twist of Mare of Easttown ]

A quiet song that I love, and a loud song that I love: For a quiet song, I’ll choose “ My Old Friend the Blues ,” as recorded by the Proclaimers—a wonderfully improbable cover of a great Steve Earle song. Earle is a favorite of mine in his own right: Probably the best gig I ever saw was when he toured with the Del McCoury Band, which involved the ensemble standing around a big old mic and stepping in to sing or play a solo, the Grand Ole Opry way. Earle’s melancholy song voiced in soulful Scottish accents is one of those rare improvements on the original.

And this mention of the Reid brothers from Leith, Scotland, takes me indirectly to my loud choice, from the belting Northern Irish contingent of the U.K.’s punk and postpunk scene. Stiff Little Fingers’ “Gotta Gettaway” is my pick; I was a tame teenager, in truth, but this driving punk anthem about escape from conformity moved my inner mosh pit, and it still does.

A musical artist who means a lot to me: After that raucous ruckus, this may seem strange, but I was brought up to have a soft spot for Baroque music (a taste I also share with my wife). Some years ago, Christoph Willibald Gluck’s Orfeo ed Euridice got me through a difficult time in my life. I think it may have been because something so surpassingly beautiful forces you to believe in the triumph of the human spirit. That said, years later, I went to a production at the Metropolitan Opera and was a little taken aback: I knew the tragic myth of Orpheus and knew Gluck’s music inside out, but I had never read the libretto in translation or even a synopsis of the opera’s plot, so I was probably the only person in the audience who experienced the happy ending as an anticlimax. Ridiculous, really—the music should have told me.

The last museum or gallery show that I loved: This is going back a bit, but I will never forget a show I saw in 2020 at the ever-superb Jewish Museum featuring work originally curated by a groundbreaking New York art dealer named Edith Halpert. From the mid-1920s to 1970, her Downtown Gallery championed American artists, some of whom became household names. The exhibit was a cornucopia of mostly representational artwork from the period before abstract expressionism became the Official American Art. A piece by a fairly obscure printmaker named Victoria Hutson Huntley so struck me that I ended up on a quest to track down her work, and now I have one of her prints in my study.

Something I recently rewatched, reread, or otherwise revisited: Years ago, a close friend at university told me that Charlotte Brontë’s Villette was by far her favorite novel, the one she’d take to a desert island. I couldn’t get on with it. That vaguely haunted me, and having become a devotee of audiobooks, I decided recently to try again. Villette read aloud—a rendering that can work its alchemy with any title—was a revelation. The story of Lucy Snowe, a young Englishwoman obliged to earn her way as a schoolteacher in a provincial town loosely based on 19th-century Brussels, and her perplexed romantic life seems to me now perhaps the richest, most rewarding experience of fiction I’m ever likely to know. Brontë’s ability to draw characters, dramatize their tangled relations, and above all illuminate Lucy’s inner life is simply a marvel. The audiobook is packed for my desert-island stay. [ Related: Alexander Chee on what writing parties reveals about characters ]

A poem, or line of poetry, that I return to: I’m not a great student of poetry, so this is a rather predictable choice of poet, but a poem of Robert Frost’s abides with me. Not, in fact, the very well-known “Mending Wall” (though I happen to like mending the stone walls around our home in Vermont) but a short poem known simply by its first line, “ In Winter in the Woods Alone .” Again, I relate to the poem’s ostensible subject, which is about chopping down a maple tree, but the poem ends thus as the speaker leaves the snowy woods at dusk: “I see for Nature no defeat / In one tree’s overthrow / Or for myself in my retreat / For yet another blow.” It’s nature writing, but it’s also the opposite of nature writing. Frost presses upon us the speaker’s antagonism despite the declared truce, and makes apparent that this imagined conflict between man and nature is pure projection—a product of the human will to master. In three short stanzas, you have to reckon with all of that. These days, I try to get our firewood from fallen or dead timber.

The Week Ahead

  • Deadpool & Wolverine , the third movie in Marvel’s Deadpool series, starring Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman (in theaters Friday)
  • The 2024 Summer Olympics, in Paris (opening ceremony on Friday)
  • Liars , a new novel by Sarah Manguso about the dissolution of a marriage (out Tuesday)

Male-female doll couples (one pair in wedding outfits, the other in evening wear) atop a cracked wedding cake

Why Parents Don’t Mind If Their Kids Don’t Marry

By Stephanie H. Murray

Few generational stereotypes are more familiar to Americans than the overbearing mother needling her grown children to settle down and start a family. But it may be time to retire that cliché. A recent survey by Pew Research Center found that only 39 percent of registered U.S. voters say “society is better off if people make marriage and having children a priority,” and a majority say society is “just as well off if people have priorities other than marriage and children.” This followed earlier Pew research showing that most young adults feel little to no pressure from their parents to marry or have kids, and that most parents do not consider it “important” whether their kids do so. Findings such as these—as well as a data point from Pew last year that 88 percent of parents consider it “extremely” or “very” important for their children to be financially independent and have jobs or careers they enjoy—have prompted some commentators to worry that Americans have their priorities out of line, placing money and career above relationships and family. But the real story of how parents’ attitudes toward these subjects have changed is more complicated than workism run amok.

Read the full article.

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On July 12, 2024, Bujang, a 35-year-old male orangutan rescued from a circus in Sumatra, asks for food on a sanctuary island surrounded by a river, where non-releasable orangutans are protected for life. The Samboja Lestari Orangutan Rehabilitation Center is run by the nonprofit Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation in Samboja, East Kalimantan.

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Works Cited

  • Bartolomeo, Joey. 'Father Knows Glitz.' People, vol. 74, no. 16, Nov. 2010, p. 64. 
  • 'A Beauty Pageant Ban.' Scholastic News, vol. 76, no. 10, Dec. 2013, p. 3. 
  • Canning, Andrea, and Jessica Hoffman. 'On TLC's 'Toddlers & Tiaras,' Little Divas Make Their Entrance.' ABC News, ABC News Internet Ventures, 21 July 2009
  • Gleick, Elizabeth. 'Playing at Pageants.' TIME Magazine, vol. 149, no. 3, Jan. 1997, p. 48.
  • Lieberman, Lindsay. 'Protecting Pageant Princesses: A Call for Statutory Regulation of Child Beauty Pageants.' Journal of Law and Policy, vol. 18, no. 2, 28 June 2010, pp. 739-74. 
  • Ralston, Jeannie. 'The High Cost of Beauty.' Parenting, vol. 15, no. 9, Nov. 2001, p. 132. 
  • Wonderlich, Anna L., et al. 'Childhood Beauty Pageant Contestants: Associations with Adult Disordered Eating and Mental Health.' Eating Disorders, vol. 13, no. 3, May 2005, pp. 291-301. 

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truth alone triumphs essay

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Truth Alone Triumphs Aim of Your Life Winter Season 150 words

Truth alone triumphs aim of your life winter season.

Truth Alone Triumphs Aim of Your Life Winter Season, A stitch in time saves nine, Don’t be wise after the event Importance of Games and Sports advantages of living in Town All 9 Paragraph in 150 words.


This saying emphasizes the value of truth in life. It is very difficult to follow the truth because the path of truth is full of difficulties. To be false is easier than to be true.

Most of us follow the easy path. It requires strength of character to follow the truth. To follow truth is painstaking. We are often beered by an instant gain in life.

We have no patience to see the result of truth. It requires perseverance. In the beginning, falsehood seems to be victorious, but this victory is short-lived. The ultimate victory lies with truth. Truth never fails. Falsehood succeeds only temporarily.


This proverb is a good lesson for us. It teaches us that we ought to save one and it must double one day. It is our folly to think that one has got no value before nine.

Unless we save one, we can’t get nine. What a fine instance was put up here. Our shirt is as it tom. We stitch if-then and there. We go on using it for some time.

If we don’t take any action, the worn shirt will tom to pieces very soon. Nothing is trifling. A piece of strand has got some value. It saves our life sometimes. Nothing should be allowed to be wasted. Take care of everything under your possession.


This saying deals with a situation where we learn only after the experience. Not all of us are wise people. A wise man is motivated by his wisdom.

He never errs. An ordinary man seldom takes wise decisions. People learn from experience. Experience is our teacher. It is not possible that everybody of us will be rise at all hours.

Though we all cannot be rise, we can take caution to avoid false steps. To be wise before the event is certainly better than to the wise after the event.


My life aims to become a professor, I want to study hard. I like to go to England or America for higher education. If I get a job there, I shall accept it.

I want to work hard and make a name in the world. But I do not want to live in a foreign country. I shall return to India. I like a peaceful and happy life. I want to love and educate my children.

I want to earn money. I want to spend some of it on poor people. If I have more and more money, I shall spend more and more on them. In the end, I want to serve the people and the nation. This is the aim of my life.


Winter is an important season. It starts in November and lasts up to February. Days are short and nights are long in this season.

The days of winter are very fine. We like to sit in the sun and warm our bodies. On the other hand, the nights are cold. We need warm clothes in this season. Water is a season of fruits and flowers.

We find many varieties of flowers in this season. This season is good for health but the poor do not like this season because many of them do not have proper clothes to fight cold.

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Games and sports are an important part of our life. They keep us healthy. They refresh our weary minds. They are useful both for our mind and body.

Physically we become healthy, mentally we become disciplined. They give us the courage and make us alert. They make us bold and confident. They develop in us a spirit of co-operation.

They teach us to fight in a healthy spirit. A sportsman fights with his rival in the playground. But he has no ill will against him. Thus games and sports help to make us good citizens.

Our education is incomplete without games and sports. The government of India is encouraging games and sports in educational institutions.


Town life may have many limitations but its advantages are also great. Modem facilities are within reach. Electricity, water, and transport are easily available.

Roads are better. Houses are made comfortable. All towns have schools and colleges. There are big hospitals. All kinds of things can be had. It is easier for people to earn a living.

Children have parks to play in. Students can go to good libraries. Clubs, playgrounds, etc. help young men in growing up well.

So they develop a modem outlook. Young men and women are smarter and bolder. Good doctors can be called, in case someone fell ill. In short, town life has both glamour and comfort.

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