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MyPhD for Candidates

MyPhD is the application to register en follow PhD tracks.


Registering in MyPhD: PhD candidates are required to register in the university-wide PhD-candidate tracking system MyPhD before a PhD track can start. The system will send an email whenever action is expected to be taken. This email will come from MyPhD/Utrecht University. Your actions in MyPhD will automatically trigger emails from the system as well.

The PhD candidate needs to register in MyPhD as soon as possible within three months of the start of the doctoral research via the URL MyPhD.uu.nl/registratie

Before registration a PhD candidate needs to create an account.

Please note: MyPhD is protected with 2FA, you will need to set this up before creating an account. For more information go to:  Two-factor authentication: FAQ .

If you have a Solis ID of Utrecht University or an UMC account of UMC Utrecht you choose ‘Register using Solis/UMC account’. Your personal details from this account will be automatically added to your MyPhD registration form and you can complete your registration form by logging in.

NB: everyone connected to a promotion from the UMC has to agree to sharing (parts of) their data with MyPhD. You can do this in the staff portal and if you are an UMC employee you can do this yourself via: https://selfservice.ds.umcutrecht.nl/irj/portal /. Are you connected to the UMD via a hospitality agreement? Then the division secretary can do this for you. Once permission has been given in the portal, your data will be available in MyPhD in 1-3 days.

If you do not have a Solis ID or UMC account you choose ‘Register without Solis/UMC account’ . You will be asked to fill in personal details to create an account. After confirmation of your new account you can complete the registration form by logging in.

It is possible to complete the registration at a later time. You can log in via MyPhD.uu.nl/registratie

utrecht university my phd

Logging in after approved registration

As soon as your registration has been approved by the College for the Conferral of Doctoral Degrees you will be able to log in via MyPhD.uu.nl . If your account starts with an Enumber you will have to choose Login without SOLIS-ID or UMC-account.

utrecht university my phd

After logging in in MyPhD the Guide for Phd candidates is available at support.

Unable to log in

Please contact MyPhD functional administration via self-service (if you have an SOLISID) or send an email to IT Service Desk stating the username that is being used to login.

What can I do when I cannot log in?

Please contact MyPhD functional administration via self-service or send an email to IT Service Desk .

Who are the Faculty contacts?

You will find the  list of support team secretaries here.

Where can I find information about obtaining a doctorate at Utrecht University?

The link to the website with information about obtaining a doctorate can be found by clicking the Support button after you log in to MyPhD. Or you can find more information on this site: https://www.uu.nl/en/organisation/phd-programmes .

Last modified: 24/06/2021

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Graduate School of Life Sciences

Graduate School of Life Sciences

When do i need to register in myphd.

It is mandatory to register in MyPhD at the start of your PhD track. This holds for all types of PhD candidates, including external PhDs. Your PhD track should at least be 3 years and you should be registered in MyPhD at least 3 years before your graduation date.

I have a problem with my registration in MyPhD. Who should I contact?

Please contact the MyPhD keyuser of your faculty. More information

Do I need to register the courses that I have followed in MyPhD?

No, you do not have to register the courses that you have followed in MyPhD . MyPhD contains a section to register courses, which might cause confusion. The courses you enter there are not checked by anyone. You can enter them for your own registration if you like (or if your supervisors would like that; they can see them). However, we advise to save your course list and certificates digitally yourself, so you can send them to your PhD programme coordinatior when applying for the Training Certificate. More information

At the start of my PhD track, I completed the TSA, but it is not shown in MyPhD. Should I upload it?

Only PhD candidates that have registered in MyPhD after May 1 st 2022 have to upload their TSA in MyPhD. PhD candidates that have registered before that, have completed their TSA on paper with signatures. You can keep your signed TSA as hard copy or digital copy. You don’t have to upload your TSA in MyPhD.

I have updated my TSA. Should I upload it again in MyPhD?

No, you don't have to upload your TSA again. You only have to upload the first version in MyPhD. You can store your updated TSA in a place that is convenient for you.

How do I request a Solid-id?

  • UU-employees: You receive a Solis-id automatically. More information
  • UMCU-employees: Request a Solid-id at UMCU solisbeheer. More information
  • PMC-employees: Request a Solid-id at UMCU solisbeheer. In the application form, select ‘Onderzoeker met dienstverband PMC (geen dienstverband UMC Utrecht of Universiteit Utrecht)’. More information
  • Hubrecht Institute employees: Request a Solid-id at UMCU solisbeheer. In the application form, select ‘Onderzoeker met dienstverband Hubrecht Instituut (geen dienstverband UMC Utrecht of Universiteit Utrecht)’. More information
  • Other: Request a Solid-id at UMCU solisbeheer. In the application form, choose what is applicable to you. More information

Note: it can take up to 3 weeks before your request is processed. Please fill out the form as accurate and complete as possible to prevent delays.

Prospective PhD candidates

How do i obtain a phd position at utrecht university.

You can find more information about how to obtain a PhD position at the school’s website and the University’s website . It includes information about admission, vacancies and employment. In the Netherlands, a PhD candidate is not a student but a university employee in most cases. Hence, you will not register to the programme directly, but you will have to apply to an open vacancy for a PhD candidate.


Is it compulsory to have mentors (previously called independent advisors).

Yes, it is compulsory to have 1 or 2 mentors. Please register them in MyPhD (input field Mentor ). More information

Is it compulsory to complete a TSA? Also when I'm an external PhD candidate?

Yes, it is compulsory for all types of PhD candidates to complete a TSA. PhD candidates that have registered in MyPhD after May 1 st 2022, have to upload their TSA in MyPhD. PhD candidates that have registered before that, can keep their signed TSA as hard copy or digital copy. More information TSA

Can I include a specific course/training/activity in my TSA?

You can discuss this with your PhD programme coordinator. Contact details

Can I follow courses or trainings outside the UU/UMCU?

Yes, you can follow any activity that is relevant for you. However, the GSLS does not has budget to pay for these activities. Please ask your supervisor or research group for budget possibilities.

How many ECs should I collect to receive the GSLS Training Certificate?

For a common PhD track of 4 years full time, you need to collect 20 ECs. Sometimes a PhD track is 3 years full time; in that case you need to collect 15 EC. In exceptional cases a PhD is shorter or part time; for those tracks you can calculate it based on 5 EC per full time year. A specific percentage of ECs need to be collected withindifferent categories of educational activities. Please visite the TSA webpage for more information

Letter of enrolment

How can i request a letter of enrolment.

If you need an official letter of enrolment as PhD candidate at Utrecht University, please send a request to [email protected] . If you need a letter that you are currently a PhD candidate part of the GSLS, for example for conference attendance, please send a request to [email protected] .

PhD programme

I'm unsure which phd programme to join. who can i ask for help.

You can contact the PhD programme coordinators of the programmes you are interested in. They can advise if the program fits your research project. You can find their contact details on the PhD programme pages . Also discuss with your (co-)supervisors which PhD programme fits you best.

Can I become part of more than one PhD programme?

Yes you can combine PhD programmes. Please discuss with the PhD programme coordinators which part of their programme you will follow. Nevertheless, you need to select one main programme that you will register in MyPhD. Please note that this doen't hold for the PhD programme Epidemiology, as you have to follow their full postgraduate master, meaning you can't participate in part of their program.

Utrecht University Heidelberglaan 8 3584 CS Utrecht The Netherlands Tel. +31 (0)30 253 35 50

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utrecht university my phd

Doing a PhD

utrecht university my phd

Doing a Phd

If you have completed your Master's programme, and you are enthusiastic about doing research in your field, then maybe doing a Doctorate (PhD) might be something for you. A Doctor’s degree is the highest academic degree awarded by a Dutch university. You start as 'assistant in training' (aio) or 'researcher in training' (oio).

At Utrecht University

At Utrecht University you take part in education in one of the Graduate Schools and often also teach students. During the four-year PhD programme you work under the guidance of a professor on creating a research project that results in a dissertation or a series of articles in scientific journals. You can search for positions on research projects on offer or a position whereby you are free to submit your own research proposal. Read more on doing a PhD at Utrecht University. 

Other options

The best way to find a PhD position is through networking with the professor in the field you wish to specialize. Another option is to search via www.academictransfer.nl . Here you can also find more information on doing PhD research in the Netherlands. 

Simone Veld

Simone Veld

PhD mentor Humanities ( visit profile page )

Email: [email protected]

Location: Janskerkhof 12, Room A. 218. Utrecht City Centre.

Book an appointment

You can book an appointment with Simone by sending her an email: [email protected] .

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tree of life

Teaching programs

  • Minor biology for math/physics students (in Dutch)

Organizing your PhD at Computational Life Sciences (CLS)

utrecht university my phd

The beginning of your PhD

Register at MyPhD MyPhD is the application system for PhD candidates. In MyPhD you can register and keep track of your PhD. This system has fully replaced Hora Est since January 2019. After your initial registration, the system will automatically trigger emails to inform you on actions that are required to be taken. To register, go to MyPHD for candidates . After registration you should receive a confirmation by email. You can now log in via the URL MyPhD.uu.nl" . We recommend students formulate a Course Plan together with their supervisors. This is a way to better know which courses might be relevant for you, and to make this plan formal.

Hora Est & Form 1 Hora Est is a computer system in which all PhDs candidates within Utrecht University should be registered. Note that this is an administation seperate from your employement, and you need to complete these forms in order to officially start your PhD. More information on Form 1 can be found here .

Where to go with your forms? Before handing your forms over, make sure they are all signed. You can then hand them over to Marjan Fiechter (Kruyt building room O106) for further archiving. Download location for all GSLS-related forms

Throughout your PhD

Here are some things you need to keep in mind during your PhD. B&O B&O stands for "Beoordeling- en Ontwikkelingsgesprek", which is the yearly assessment you have with your supervisor. The Human Resources department will remind your supervisor to organize this, but it is important for you to keep an eye on this as your salary scale will not progress until you have completed the first year B&O. It should be a point to reflect on your progress and your goals in the rest of your research. As a starting point for reflection, a form is used that you fill in before going to the 'B&O'. You can find this form on intranet .

PhD Council and PhD events In the PhD council, all 14 PhD program of the GSLS are represented. The representative for our program is Julian Vosseberg. The council meets once a month, to discusses and evaluate the quality of education, supervision and regulations. It presents these evaluations to the Board of Studies. If you have complaints or ideas about education (e.g. ideas for courses) or supervision that you would like to be discussed "higher up", you can let Julian know and he will take them to the council. Furthermore, the PhD council organizes bimonthly PhD events and a yearly PhD day. These events concern general scientific issues (such as publishing, "standing out in the crowd", "the future of science" etc), include free food and drinks, and might be a nice way to meet PhD students from different fields. PhD Event Thingies Almost as fun as the actual GSLS PhD Events, our program organises a small evening for all PhDs candidates enrolled in our program. We typically present some of our skills or some project we are stuck with, introduce new PhD candidates to the GSLS, and finish up with some drinks/food.

Ending your PhD

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Utrecht University

Utrecht University provides high-quality teaching. All programmes meet stringent quality requirements. Students may expect challenging teaching by professional and inspiring teachers, who provide careful guidance and invite students to discuss scientific issues. A Graduate School consists of a number of graduate and PhD programmes dealing with related subjects. They create a meeting place for graduate students, PhD candidates and researchers. The graduate and PhD programmes of Utrecht University have been classified in six Graduate Schools: Graduate School of Geosciences Graduate School of Humanities Graduate School of Law, Economics and Governance Graduate School of Life Sciences connected to > Medical School > Veterinary School > School of Pharmacy Graduate School of Natural Sciences Graduate School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

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  1. Mastering my PhD

    utrecht university my phd

  2. PhD

    utrecht university my phd

  3. Utrecht University PhD Positions in International Research Project

    utrecht university my phd

  4. 17 PhD and Academic Positions at Utrecht University

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  5. Utrecht University

    utrecht university my phd

  6. PhD programmes

    utrecht university my phd


  1. Setra S431 DT

  2. The promise of novel multivalent gamma-delta T-cells in the treatment of cancers

  3. PHD

  4. PhD Scholarships at Utrecht University, Netherlands

  5. University College Utrecht Documentary

  6. Teamdynamics: Emergent States


  1. MyPhD - Graduate School of Life Sciences - Utrecht University

    At the start of your PhD journey, it is mandatory to register in MyPhD, the official PhD candidate tracking system of Utrecht University. It is important to register as soon as possible. This applies to all categories of PhD candidates (see Categories of PhD candidates).

  2. PhD Programmes - Utrecht University - Universiteit Utrecht

    At Utrecht University, earning a PhD degree is a hands-on process that involves relatively little coursework. You will conduct research from day one.

  3. MyPhD for Candidates | UU Manuals

    PhD candidates are required to register in the university-wide PhD-candidate tracking system MyPhD before a PhD track can start. The system will send an email whenever action is expected to be taken. This email will come from MyPhD/Utrecht University.

  4. FAQ - Graduate School of Life Sciences - Utrecht University

    It is mandatory to register in MyPhD at the start of your PhD track. This holds for all types of PhD candidates, including external PhDs. Your PhD track should at least be 3 years and you should be registered in MyPhD at least 3 years before your graduation date.

  5. PhD - Philosophy - Students UU

    Information on doing a PhD for students currently enrolled at the faculty of Humanities at Utrecht University.

  6. PhD - History and Philosophy of Science - Students UU

    Information about doing a PhD for students currently enrolled in the Master's programme History and Philosophy of Science at Utrecht University.

  7. Doing a PhD - Humanities - Students UU

    At Utrecht University you take part in education in one of the Graduate Schools and often also teach students. During the four-year PhD programme you work under the guidance of a professor on creating a research project that results in a dissertation or a series of articles in scientific journals.

  8. Theoretical Biology & Bioinformatics | Utrecht University

    MyPhD is the application system for PhD candidates. In MyPhD you can register and keep track of your PhD. This system has fully replaced Hora Est since January 2019. After your initial registration, the system will automatically trigger emails to inform you on actions that are required to be taken.

  9. PhD | PhD Opportunities at Utrecht University - FindAPhD

    Utrecht University. Utrecht University provides high-quality teaching. All programmes meet stringent quality requirements. Students may expect challenging teaching by professional and inspiring teachers, who provide careful guidance and invite students to discuss scientific issues.

  10. PhD Candidates - UMC Utrecht

    PhD Candidates. Together with Utrecht University, our division organizes the PhD program Epidemiology. This program is part of the Graduate School of Life Sciences. The PhD program Epidemiology trains PhD students to become independent researchers and research consultants.