What Is Your Profession: Meaning, Benefits, Considerations, & Exploring Professions

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Picking a profession is one of the most important decisions that an individual can make. A profession is a career or job that requires specific skills, experience, and knowledge. It requires dedication, commitment, and passion to excel in any profession.

This article will highlight the benefits of choosing a profession, how to choose one, and how to explore different professions. Let’s get started.

What is your profession?

Professionals are experts in their respective fields and use their skills to bring value to their employers, customers, and communities.

Professionals must adhere to ethical standards and codes of conduct established in their field. Ultimately, a profession is an honorable calling that demands the highest knowledge and proficiency levels.

Benefits of selecting a profession

By selecting a profession, you open yourself to many potential benefits to help you succeed and build a strong future.

Considerations for selecting a profession

When choosing a profession, it is important to weigh several considerations carefully. Here are five essential factors to consider when deciding on your future career: 

1. Education and experience requirements

2. availability of jobs in the chosen field.

Even if you meet the criteria for the job, there may not be sufficient job availability in the chosen field. Be sure to research the job market and the projected growth of your chosen profession. 

3. Flexibility and room for advancement

Make sure you understand the policies and procedures that are in place in terms of vacation days, maternity leave, etc. 

Also, look into potential professional growth opportunities, such as workshops, seminars, or conferences.

4. Take into consideration work/life balance 

5. evaluate your skillset .

Finally, evaluating your current skill set and deciding if you have the necessary abilities and experience to thrive in the chosen profession is essential. 

Considering these factors, you can decide which profession best suits your needs and interests. Be sure to do your research and make sure you understand what is expected of you before making a final decision.

Exploring different professions

1. conduct research online .

Conducting research online is an incredibly useful tool for exploring different professions. The information available makes learning about career paths, required qualifications, and job prospects in various industries easy. 

Not only that, but you can also discover what a particular profession looks like day-to-day and the skills necessary for success. Whether looking into switching careers or starting a new one, researching online allows you to understand the work better. 

You can find out what the job entails and the necessary skills to succeed and get an idea of the salaries and benefits associated with each profession. Finally, researching online can give you a better idea of how your interests can be used. 

2. Attend job fairs or networking events 

This face-to-face interaction can help you make a better impression than you would by submitting a resume online. Networking events are another great way to explore different professions. 

Attending job fairs and networking events can be invaluable experiences for those looking to explore different professions. 

Meeting people face-to-face lets you better understand the position, learn more about the company culture, and determine if it fits you well.

3. Shadow or volunteer with someone in the desired profession 

It also helps you to develop your professional skills, build relationships with those in the field, and gain valuable experience. Shadowing or volunteering can also give you an inside look at the challenges and rewards of any profession. 

It’s a great way to learn what a job involves and decide if it interests you.

Can you do two professions at a time?

Yes , it is possible to pursue multiple professions simultaneously if you are willing to put in the work and dedication necessary to do so.

What is more important than your profession?

When it comes to success, many of us focus solely on our profession and what we need to do to advance in it. But there is much more to life than a career. 

While it is important to have a successful career, it is also essential to cultivate meaningful relationships, have hobbies, pursue knowledge, and develop yourself in other ways outside of your job.

Final thoughts

Consider the many factors that make up a profession such as its potential earnings, job satisfaction, and work-life balance. Additionally, explore different professions to understand better what opportunities are available to you. 

With the right research and exploration, you can decide what profession best fits you. If you have decided on your profession and have a prospective company in mind, learn how to ask if a place is hiring .

Thanks for reading.

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what is your profession meaning essay

career development

7 Meaningful Answers to "What are Your Career Aspirations?" in an Interview

Learn the best approaches to answer interview questions about your career aspirations. We provide example answers and explain what makes them meaningful.

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August 9, 2023

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“What are your career aspirations?”

This has to be one of the most commonly asked questions in interviews besides the standard questions about the candidate’s professional background, skills, and experience.

"Career aspirations" refer to an individual's long-term professional goals and ambitions, encompassing the desired achievements and personal growth they seek throughout their journey.

Interviewers inquire about your professional aspirations to gain insights into your long-term motivations, passion, and alignment with the company's vision, helping them assess if your goals and the organization's objectives are in sync. 

The key to providing meaningful answers is to be genuine and demonstrate a clear connection between your career aspirations and the value you can bring to the organization. Tailor your responses to the specific job and company, and let your passion for personal and professional growth shine through.

7 examples of answers about career aspirations

When asked about your career aspirations, a meaningful answer that goes beyond personal growth will help you differentiate yourself from other interviewees. Here are seven meaningful answers that can make a lasting impression on interviewers:

1. Pursuing continuous learning and skill development 

Example: "My career aspirations are centered around constant growth and skill enhancement. I am committed to staying updated with the latest trends and technologies in the industry. In the coming year, I plan to pursue specialized certifications and attend industry conferences to learn from experts . By continuously improving my skills, I aim to bring innovative strategies to the table and contribute to the company's success in reaching new audiences."

While the above example is a generalized statement on continuous learning , you can improve it by naming specific skills and certifications that you mean to acquire.

2. Making a positive impact on society and the environment

Example: "Beyond personal career goals, I am passionate about creating a positive impact on society and the environment through my work. I aspire to work for a company with a strong commitment to sustainability. I envision aligning my career with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and actively participating in corporate social responsibility initiatives. I find immense fulfillment in contributing to a greener and more sustainable future, and I believe that my dedication to these causes will resonate with the organization's values and mission."

The above answer will help you showcase your interest in contributing to a larger purpose by making a difference in the world. Make it your own by discussing any volunteer work you are involved in to emphasize your commitment to meaningful impact.

3. Becoming a thought leader and influencer in the industry

Example: "My ultimate career aspiration is to become a thought leader and influencer in my field. I plan to publish research papers, contribute to open-source projects, and participate in conferences to share my knowledge. Additionally, I aspire to become an active member of industry forums and engage in public speaking opportunities to promote advancements in the industry. By becoming a recognized authority, I can position the company as a leader in our space."

Turn the above example into a highly specific answer by mentioning your area of expertise and your topic of research. Give examples of other thought leaders in your industry and how they helped establish their organizations as leaders in their space.

4. Embracing leadership opportunities

Example: "As a seasoned manager, my career aspiration is to take on more significant leadership roles and contribute to the growth of the organization's talent. I envision leading cross-functional teams, fostering a collaborative work culture, and mentoring emerging managers . A company can grow and succeed faster when the more experienced members of the team empower and guide others."

Communicate your interest in taking on leadership roles and guiding others to success. Make the above example your own by discussing your leadership style and how you plan to inspire and motivate team members.

5. Driving innovation and advancement within the company 

Example: "Innovation drives me, and I am passionate about leveraging technology to push the boundaries of what's possible. My career aspiration is to lead the research and development team, where I can spearhead new product ideas and create groundbreaking solutions. I envision fostering an innovation-focused culture within the organization, where employees are encouraged to experiment and think outside the box. By introducing disruptive products to the market, we can elevate the company's position and stay ahead of the competition."

To be more specific with the answer, talk about your ideas for improving processes or developing new products or services for the company.

6. Cultivating a diverse and inclusive work environment 

Example: "My biggest career aspiration revolves around creating an inclusive and diverse work environment. I envision implementing diversity training programs, establishing mentorship opportunities for underrepresented groups, and ensuring that all employees feel valued and respected. By fostering a workplace that celebrates differences, we can boost employee morale, creativity, and ultimately contribute to the company's overall success."

In your answer, discuss strategies for promoting inclusivity and building a diverse team. Emphasize the positive impact of diversity on organizational performance and innovation.

7. Becoming a mentor and guiding others to success

Example: "One of my most significant career aspirations is to take on a mentorship role within the organization. Throughout my career journey, I have benefited greatly from the guidance and support of mentors who have helped me develop both professionally and personally. I aspire to pay it forward by becoming a mentor to junior colleagues and assisting them in their career growth. By sharing my knowledge, experiences, and lessons learned, I hope to inspire and empower others to reach their full potential and contribute to a more dynamic and skilled workforce within the company."

Mentorship can have a profound impact on individual development and team cohesion. By showcasing your willingness to mentor and uplift others, you demonstrate not only a commitment to your own growth but also a dedication to fostering a supportive and collaborative work culture within the organization.

How to answer questions on career aspirations during an interview

When answering the question about career aspirations, demonstrate your alignment with the company's values and showcase your enthusiasm for personal and organizational growth. To ace this critical aspect of the interview, consider the following tips:

Read about the company’s vision and mission, and the job role

When asked about your career aspirations, connect your goals with the company's mission. Search the company's website and annual reports to understand their core values and long-term objectives. Read the job description carefully, because it will also have details about how the role you are interviewing for contributes to the overall picture. 

You will be able to give better answers if you know what the company stands for and how you will potentially fit in and add value. For instance, instead of saying, "I want to improve my leadership skills," say, "I aspire to become a leader who can drive the organization towards achieving its mission of sustainable environmental practices."

Speak with a “We” mindset

Avoid phrases that focus solely on personal gain. Most employers look for a team-oriented and collaborative mindset in their employees. By focusing on how you can contribute to the collective success of the organization and its goals, you will show the interviewers that you are a team player.

Instead of saying, "I want to be making $150,000 in two years," say that "I aim to contribute to the success of the team by utilizing my skills to achieve higher growth."

Be specific and realistic about your goals

Instead of providing vague statements like, "I want to be successful," be specific about your aspirations, such as "I aspire to take on a managerial role within the next three years, leading cross-functional teams and driving innovative projects."

Being specific and realistic about your goals during an interview shows that you have a clear understanding of your career path and have thoughtfully considered your aspirations. It also indicates that you are pragmatic and grounded, making you a more credible candidate who can set achievable targets and work diligently towards them, increasing your chances of being seen as a reliable and valuable asset to the organization.

Show enthusiasm and passion for your career path

Demonstrate your excitement for your chosen career path by saying, "I am genuinely passionate about (let’s say) marketing, and I look forward to creating impactful campaigns that can connect with customers on a deeper level and drive brand loyalty."

Employers value candidates who are enthusiastic about their work as they are more likely to be motivated, proactive, and willing to go the extra mile to excel in their role.

Common pitfalls to avoid when answering questions about career aspirations

By effectively communicating your career aspirations during an interview, you can leave a lasting impression on potential employers. However, candidates should steer clear of the following two common pitfalls:

1. Using cliches and vague responses

Using cliches and providing vague responses can make your answer sound insincere and lacking in authenticity. Vague statements like "I want to make a difference" or "I want to be successful" don't provide meaningful insights into your actual goals and may come across as generic.

Instead of saying, "I want to be a leader who inspires others," be more specific by saying, "My career aspiration is to become a compassionate and influential team leader, empowering my team members to achieve their goals and foster a collaborative work environment."

2. Being too modest or self-deprecating

While it's essential to strike a balance between confidence and humility, being overly modest or self-deprecating may undermine your credibility and hinder your chances of making a strong impression. It's crucial to showcase your strengths and aspirations with conviction without sounding arrogant.

Instead of downplaying your accomplishments with statements like, "I was just lucky to receive that award," own your achievements and say, "I am proud of the hard work and dedication that led to receiving the award, and it motivates me to continue striving for excellence in my career."

Strike the right balance between authentic and impressive 

When answering questions about your career aspirations, honesty in your responses is essential, as it reflects your genuine motivations and long-term goals.

Strike a balance between authenticity and alignment, and let your enthusiasm for your career path shine through. By articulating your aspirations with clarity and conviction, you present yourself as a proactive and dedicated candidate, poised to make a significant impact within the organization. Your ability to combine honesty and alignment is the key to leaving a strong impression and increasing your chances of securing the opportunity that aligns perfectly with your career aspirations.

Want to grow in your career and achieve your career aspirations? Learn from those who have walked the path before you. Find mentors that will teach you how to navigate the ups and downs of your career and make the right moves to achieve your goals.

Dive deeper into the topic in our mentees guide

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How to Answer “What Are Your Career Aspirations?” in an Interview

two people talking excitedly at job interview, sitting at table with laptop, one person holding resume

When you’re in a job interview, a question like “What are your career aspirations?” could catch you off guard. You likely prepared to answer common interview questions about your past experiences and whether you have the skills needed for the job. You might even be ready to answer questions about your life outside work like “ What are your hobbies? ” But “What are your career aspirations?” gets more to the core of what really matters to you professionally, and you may be wondering what sort of answer you should give and how honest you should be.

What Career Aspirations Are

Career goals and career aspirations aren’t quite interchangeable: “Aspirations to me are loftier, big dreams. Goals are more measured and targeted,” says Muse career coach Tara Goodfellow , owner of Athena Consultants . Additionally, career goals tend to refer to a shorter timeline, says Muse career coach Jennifer Smith , founder of Flourish Careers and former recruiter, while career aspirations generally mean you’re looking ahead more than a few years. For example, a career aspiration could be to eventually take on a senior communications role at a mission-driven company you’re passionate about, while a career goal for the same person could be to master writing press releases.

Why Interviewers Ask “What Are Your Career Aspirations?”

When interviewers ask about your aspirations, they’re trying to learn about your longer-term career wants. Interviewers are looking to see how well your answer matches up with their needs, the position, and the company. They “want to know if you’re planning to remain loyal and grow with their organization,” Smith says. “Using the interview process to get a sense of whether or not someone has plans to stick around is important to a company’s bottom line.”

For example, if you share that part of your career aspirations are to become an independent financial advisor who gives a high level of attention to a few individual clients, but you’re interviewing for a job where you’d be part of a team advising a large number of small businesses, the interviewer might think you’re unlikely to stick around for long. They might also think twice if you say that you’d eventually hope to lead sales for a health tech startup but you’re interviewing for an account management role at a big gaming and entertainment company.

That doesn’t mean that employers expect you to spend your entire career with them. “The days of staying with one company for 35 years are over,” Smith says. So interviewers aren’t expecting you to pledge that you’ll never leave. Rather, “They want to know if you’re planning to stay for a reasonable amount of time.”

But don’t lie because you think it’s what the interviewer wants to hear. It’s not just about the bottom line. This question is a chance to get to know you better, too. “I never asked it to trip up an interviewee, I genuinely was interested,” Goodfellow says. Smith offers another reason an interviewer might ask: “Hiring managers...want to feel as though someone is going to put the effort in to be great at their job.” And your answer to this question can also show an interviewer that you’re motivated and have a vision for your own future, Smith says, which are both desirable traits in a candidate.

Remember that it’s in your best interests as well if a position lines up with your aspirations, because this match will help you get where you want to go and increase your job satisfaction.

How to Talk About Your Career Aspirations in an Interview

Here are a few steps to follow as you prepare to answer “What are your career aspirations?”:

1. Get Clear on What Your Aspirations Are

It might seem obvious, but before you can answer questions about your career aspirations, you’ll need to figure them out for yourself. This involves thinking through what you’re passionate about and what sort of career would make you excited to go to work each day. Unlike goals, aspirations don’t need to be very specific.

Ask yourself a few questions, such as:

  • What kind of work cultivates your energy (vs. draining your energy)?
  • What tasks are you doing when you lose track of time?
  • How do you love to contribute to a project, team, or workplace?
  • Who/what kinds of people do you love helping?
  • What kind of company would you be most excited about working for?
  • Is there a more senior colleague whose work really appeals to you?
  • Do you prefer working solo or collaborating with a team every day? Or a mix?
  • Do you prefer sticking to routine in your workday or changing up your day-to-day tasks frequently?
  • Are there any parts of your current or past jobs that you really dislike or dread?
  • Does managing and/or training people appeal to you?
  • What would make your career and professional life fulfilling to you? Earning a high salary? Finding a good work-life balance? Mentoring others? Learning new things? Doing something new that no one’s done before? Being well-known in your field? Doing work that helps others? 

Once you’ve laid out what energizes, excites, and fulfills you (and what doesn’t), consider which aspects matter most to you and think about what careers, industries, companies, and positions have the best combination of what you’re looking for.

For example, if you really thrive while working with others, you might want to consider a career where you’re always or frequently interacting with clients or collaborating on a team—maybe a role in management, customer care, or software development. If being creative gets you energized, maybe you want to aim for a role where you’re thinking of new product or marketing strategies or brainstorming content initiatives. If you want every day to feel a bit different, perhaps working at a smaller startup is a better choice for you than a large, established company where people rarely go outside their job description. If your passion is making sure that everyone has access to healthcare, you might aim for a job in an industry like public health . If you care about your career, but what really matters to you is having plenty of time to spend with your loved ones, work that demands long hours—like investment banking or starting your own business—might not be a fit for you.

If you need more help figuring out your career aspirations, check out this worksheet and these quizzes .

2. Connect Your Aspirations to the Company and Position

Once you know what you’re aiming for in your career, you can search for jobs and companies that are a good match. Or you can make these connections before your next interview. In either case, you should look over information about both the position and the company.

For the position, the best resource is usually the job description, unless you happen to know someone at the company who has more knowledge. If you’ve already had a phone screen or other first round interview, you can take into account anything you learned during that conversation. When researching the company, take a look at their website, social media, any news mentions, and their Muse profile if they have one.

As you comb through all of this, see how the company and position align with your career aspirations either directly or as a stepping stone for the future. For example, maybe you’re passionate about finding innovative ways to increase financial literacy and stability for marginalized populations and you’re interviewing for a fintech company whose mission is to leverage technology to help people manage their finances. Or perhaps you’d like to eventually become a product lead and this is a position where you’d be coordinating a small team of coders as part of a larger product and engineering team, so it will help you get some leadership experience.

3. Put Your Answer Together

When you’re constructing your answer, be sure you hit on what your aspirations are, why those are your aspirations, and how this job relates to them. When you’re talking about the why, don’t be afraid to make it personal, Goodfellow says. This can help your motivation shine through. For example, “My dad was a surgeon and my mom [was] an RN, and that exposure really has shaped my passion and drive to pursue a role in healthcare administration,” Goodfellow says.

Take it a step further than just saying what you’d like to do in the future and talk about how you’ve started working toward realizing your ambitions. This will allow you to highlight how the skills and experience you’ve gained already will help them and their company. “Showcase the value you bring to the organization,” Smith says. “Construct your response in a way that the interviewer can feel your excitement and energy for the role, and in a way that they can visualize you achieving your aspirations with their company.”

As you plan your answer, be honest and “realistically ambitious,” Smith says. For example, an entry-level candidate once told her that they wanted to be a CEO in three to five years, which isn’t a very feasible timeline. A more realistic answer would have been saying they’d like to gain leadership experience over the next several years so that they can eventually become a CEO at the helm of a tech company whose product makes people’s lives easier.

4. Avoid Common Pitfalls

As you answer or plan to answer “What are your career aspirations?” there are a few mistakes you should steer clear of:

  • Just saying “I don’t know”: If you’re early in your career, you might not know what you want yet. In cases like this, it’s best to be honest while still showing that you’ve thought about your future. For example, Goodfellow says, “It's fair to say, ‘Honestly, I just graduated X with a Y degree. At this early stage in my career, my focus is more short term. I really want a role as a Z, and to just do well and learn from my colleagues and bosses.’”
  • Talking about aspirations that aren’t related to the job you’d be doing: Don’t talk about what your ambitions are outside of work in this answer. Interviewers are looking for career aspirations, not life goals. So your quest to run marathons in every state, while admirable, probably isn’t relevant. And avoid focusing on aspirations that make it seem like you’re only interested in the job for something that is not the job, Smith says. For example, you shouldn’t say that your aspirations are to earn a high salary, live in the location where the job is, or have plenty of flexibility to spend time with your family or on other pursuits. These might be part of your career aspirations, but they’re not helpful for a hiring manager and may make them think you’re not excited for this particular job, just for a perk or benefit that it and many others offer.
  • Implying that you’re going to leave the role quickly: “As a recruiter, my goal is to find someone who wants to genuinely contribute to the company’s mission, not use the company to learn something” and then leave, Smith says. So don’t say that you want to start your own company in a year and a half (which has happened to Smith!) or otherwise imply that your aspirations will have you walking out the door before you’ve had a chance to settle in and make a contribution. But you can and should still find a way to be honest. For example, instead of saying you want to switch jobs every two to three years to build up your skill set, Goodfellow suggests using what you currently know about the company and position to say something like, “At this point, I really dream of being X or utilizing Y skills and strengths in Z capacity. However, I’m young so anticipate those changing as I learn more about myself, opportunities, and other key factors.”

What Your Answer Could Sound Like

What will this advice look like in action? Here are a few examples.

A project manager interviewing for a role in the food and wellness industry might say something like:

“After growing up in a food desert, my biggest professional aspiration is to help make healthy food more widely available and accessible regardless of where you live. I also love solving complex problems. Currently, as a project manager, I specialize in strategic planning and combine it with a natural ability to engage critical stakeholders—resulting in on-time and under-budget delivery. This role would help me use those skills to work on a mission I’m passionate about. I am determined to use these skills to help your organization guarantee our community has access to affordable, nutritious food and information to make healthy decisions. In the next five or so years, I would love to take on additional responsibility and be in a decision-making role to drive the mission beyond our community and support even more families in gaining accessible and nutritious food options.”

A marketing research analyst might say something like:

“Ultimately, later in my career, I’d love to be in charge of marketing for a tech company whose products and services really help people. There’s so much technology now that can change people’s lives for the better, but because there’s so much, customers don’t always know what’s out there and what might be the perfect thing to solve their problems. I’ve always been passionate about connecting people with products and services that will help them most. I also love working with numbers. That’s why I’m so interested in this position. I’d love to use my analytical skills and market research skills to help your company identify the right markets for its many products and product lines. And the number of products you sell will help me to learn about what groups gravitate toward different products and why. Over the next few years, I’d also like to move into a more strategic role where I’m using data to conceptualize marketing campaigns that speak to the target audience, so I was excited to hear your company has a strong culture of promoting from within.

An account executive looking to move into an account management role might say something like:

“I’d love to eventually be in a role where I’m helping provide people with the tools they need to grow their businesses over time—and teaching others to do the same. I’ve been in SaaS sales throughout my career and my favorite part has always been building relationships with customers throughout the process of making a sale. In my current role, account executives also served as account managers and I discovered that the ongoing relationships with customers are even more rewarding to me than those I make during the sales process. And my customer satisfaction scores showed that clients enjoyed and benefited from my guidance when it came to new features from our software products. So I think my next step toward my goals is really a role where the entire focus is on account management. This role, where account managers work with small business clients to find the right software solutions as they grow, would allow me to build relationships with clients, help them find the software they need to move forward, and watch their businesses evolve. In the next few years, I’d also like to take on more leadership responsibilities so that I can help mentor those on my team and pass on what I’ve learned.”

what is your profession meaning essay

What is Your Profession? How to Choose the Right One

What is Your Profession? How to Choose the Right One

At some point in your career journey, you may ask: "What's my profession?"

Learning your profession helps you turn what you know and can do into possibilities. It eventually leads you to land a job that will jumpstart a successful career.

What is a Profession?

A profession is a job based on education, knowledge, training, and behavior. It's the product of your knowledge and experience. To put it simply, a profession is what you do. You may be a doctor or an engineer, and whatever profession you are doing within a specialized field.

Having a profession helps you develop the abilities you need for any future job you choose to take. It includes:

  • Improvement in what you can offer by knowing your strengths and weaknesses
  • Knowledge expansion by using your existing understanding of things while learning more along the way
  • Enhancement of your self-discipline and management skills by working with time schedules and goals
  • Strengthening your personal development and social relationships

Knowing what your profession is matters in every job hunt. You can assess your knowledge and skillset and use them in landing the job that suits you best. These things should guide you in answering the question, "What profession should I choose?"

What Profession Should I Choose?

Ask yourself: "what do you do".

A profession is what you do or your current line of work. There are instances, however, when you are confronted with a decision to grow and switch to another profession. Whatever stage you are in your career path, it is always better to ask yourself first what you do and whether you want to explore more opportunities. This is essential to choosing the right profession for you.

Note that there are no right or wrong ways to assemble your professional career.

Check your interests

Consider your preferences if you still don't have a clear answer to the "What profession should I choose?" question. These preferences should include the work environment and a profession's direction.

Doing so delivers improvement in your job satisfaction. It also motivates you to develop your skills and a stronger sense of self-awareness. It creates a sense of fulfillment of feeling productive by choosing something that makes you interested.

Consider your past work experiences

Consider your previous experiences by listing your answers to the question, "What is your profession?"

It'll help you filter the types of tasks you like and dislike. You can use it to decide on the right profession for you. Reviewing your past work experience also allows you to evaluate your ability. Can you perform a role successfully and contribute to an organization?

Explore industries and sectors

Explore your job possibilities in other industries as long as they interest you and have enough compensation. Research major roles, career directions, and the expected growth in your prospective sectors.

Identifying what profession you should choose can also involve exploring jobs in a different sector. Private employment offers better opportunities for personal and career growth. Meanwhile, working for the public has more potential stability. If you're looking for a more meaningful profession, check out non-profit organizations.

Ask for help from professional sources

If you find it challenging to choose the right profession for you, employ the help of professional sources. They can provide an outside perspective to help you assess your situation. They'll guide you to find the right profession for you based on your interests, past experiences, and willingness to explore.

Check the Possibilities of Your Potential

Answering the question, "What is your profession?" will eventually help you arrive at an apparent response to the other question, "What profession should I choose?"

Work to figure out the best combination of what you want, what you can, and what you're willing to explore.

Do you already have a profession in mind? Check the possibilities of what you can do with Career.com .

Supercharge Your Job Search

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Essay Samples on Profession

When you are composing a personal statement or dealing with a difficult dilemma in choosing your future profession, it’s always hard to put your thoughts down on paper. It is what makes it vital to explore the pros and cons of each choice that you make before you compose an essay on profession. If you are majoring in Nursing, as an example, you may talk about what inspires you or subjects that help you achieve success. It will help you to narrow things down and focus on various ideas that come to mind. As a way to make things easier, we provide you with free essays about profession that you can use as a template for your future paper. See how you can either choose a reflective or an explanatory tone, depending on what you would like to achieve. If you reflect on your thoughts, you can explain your ideas or reflect on your experience as you have been through internships or a shadowing experience as a medical student. The trick is to take notes and start with an essay outline where you work on your thesis or the moral lesson that you would like to share with your readers.

My Future Goals as a Doctor

Introduction Becoming a doctor is a lifelong dream of mine that stems from my passion for healing and helping others. This essay will examine the reasons for my desire to become a doctor and the goals I seek to achieve in my medical career. Passion...

  • Personal Goals

What Career Path Are You Planning to Pursue and Why

The pursuit of a career is a journey that shapes one's future, aspirations, and impact on the world. As I stand at the crossroads of choice, contemplating the career path I am planning to pursue, I find inspiration in the role of a pharmacist. In...

Police Career: Upholding Law and Order with Dedication and Courage

The corridors of justice and safety are guarded by the unwavering commitment of those who embark on a police career. In this essay, we delve into the intricate world of law enforcement, exploring the multifaceted nature of a police career, the challenges it entails, and...

  • Police Officer

Why I Want to Be a Doctor: A Personal Purpose and Impact

This essay has illuminated the multifaceted reasons that drive my desire to become a doctor, encompassing healing, compassion, service, personal experiences, and the profound impact I hope to make on individuals and communities alike. Introduction The decision to become a doctor is a profound choice...

  • Career Goals

Why Do You Want to Be a Doctor: A Calling to Heal and Serve

This essay explores the motivations behind the choice to pursue a career in medicine, delving into the personal values, aspirations, and experiences that shape the aspiration to become a doctor. Introduction The decision to become a doctor is often driven by a deep and intrinsic...

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The Life of a Doctor: Challenges, Commitment, and Compassion

This essay delves into the multifaceted life of a doctor, exploring the demands of their profession, the impact they have on patients and communities, and the personal fulfillment that comes from their vocation. Introduction The life of a doctor is often revered and admired, symbolizing...

The Importance of Doctors: Nurturing Health and Healing

This essay highlights the significance of doctors in society as healers, innovators, advocates, and compassionate caregivers. Doctors play a crucial role in diagnosing and treating diseases, preventing health issues, leading medical advancements, advocating for public health, and nurturing human connections. Their contributions extend far beyond...

  • Health Care

Embracing the Healing Journey: A Glimpse into My Life as a Doctor

This essay provides a glimpse into my life as a doctor—a journey marked by passion, dedication, and a commitment to making a positive impact through medicine. As a doctor, I am privileged to embrace the healing journey, build connections, navigate challenges, and continuously grow in...

A Visit to the Doctor: Navigating Care and Wellness

This essay has explored the various aspects of a visit to the doctor, highlighting its significance in navigating care and wellness. From the decision to seek medical attention to the interactions with healthcare professionals, a visit to the doctor is a pivotal step in the...

The Reasons Why Nurses Should Be Paid More

It's no secret that nurses play a pivotal role in our healthcare system. From providing patient care to advocating for health promotion, nurses are the backbone of the medical field. Despite their immense contribution, the issue of nursing pay remains a topic of concern. This...

Should Police Officers Wear Body Cameras

The question of whether police officers should wear body cameras is a topic that resonates with discussions about accountability, transparency, and the relationship between law enforcement and the community. Advocates argue that body cameras can enhance trust, provide an unbiased record of incidents, and improve...

  • Body Camera

Qualities of a Good Police Officer as the Backbone of Community Safety

A good police officer plays a vital role in maintaining law and order, ensuring the safety of the community, and upholding the principles of justice. This essay explores the essential qualities of a good police officer, shedding light on the characteristics that contribute to their...

Rise of Medical Memoirs: Humanizing the Medical Staff

Introduction From 2010 onwards in the United Kingdom and the United States, there was a notable surge in the number of new medical memoirs being commissioned and published. The medical memoir rose to generic prominence across this period through a range of key titles including...

  • Medical Ethics

Internship Experience in the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

I had the opportunity of interning with the central bank of our country – The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for my summers. Let me first take you through the selection process. So the whole process began in the first week of September 2018 wherein...

Internship Report: What I Learned From This Experience

Experience in my eyes is a very valuable things in life which give us value because it is not something that we can simply create, but needed us to be brave in taking risks and undergo through it to obtain. By doing my internship in...

  • Personal Experience

The Importance of Professionalism in Nursing: a Critical Reflection

This assignment aims to critically reflect and discuss the importance of professionalism, communication and compassion, in relation to delivering person centred care in Nursing. The importance of professionalism in this essay will be defined. Moreover these key terms will be outlined with supporting literature and...

  • Professionalism

Student's Path to Develop Professionalism in Pharmacy

Professionalism is defined as a series of individual behavior. It involves extensive specialist knowledge, high skills, as well as an appropriate approach to perform their duties. Professionalism in pharmacy in this essay is defined as a complex of high skills and high level and ethic...

Accounting Education: Reflection on Personal Internship Experience

Nowadays Accounting has become a degree and diploma level education. There are various global institutions which gives a nutritional education on Accounting and offer students degrees and other types of qualifications. This has been commercialized in the modern world. As I have attended the course...

What Does Professionalism Mean to You: the Art of Being a Nurse

In order to do justice to a chosen subject which is professionalism in nursing, one must first of all, begin by characterizing and describing what does professionalism mean to you? The current essay explores the concept of professionalism in nursing profession. Here we will refer...

Critical Thinking in Nursing: What Directly Affects the Patient

Critical thinking in nursing is another important quality needed.In this essay we define critical thinking as the “cognitive process that includes rational analysis of information to facilitate clinical reasoning, judgment and decision‐making”. Critical thinking is comprised of five main components which are used in the...

  • Critical Thinking

What Does It Mean to Be a Doctor: Lessons from "The English Surgeon"

This essay on being a doctor could be inspired by the documentary 'The English Surgeon', which portrays the journey of a compassionate and empathetic neurosurgeon, Dr. Henry Marsh, who faces the difficulties of a mismanaged hospital in Ukraine, striving to improve patients' lives under any...

  • Movie Review

Student Manifesto: Describe Yourself as a Student Nurse

Nursing school is the most challenging, yet rewarding experience I have ever gone through. It takes effort, grit, discipline, and determination. I highly value the nursing profession and I think is one of the most critical jobs there is. A multidisciplinary career like Nursing influences...

Nursing Statement: Why I Want to Be a Nurse Professional

In my 500-word essay on why I want to be a nurse, I will shortly discuss my passion for helping others, my dedication to healthcare, and my long-term career aspirations in the field. I want to be a nurse because I really want to take...

  • Dream Career
  • Why I Want To Be A Nurse

My Goal in Life to Become a Doctor: Chasing My Dreams

A year ago, I got invited to partake in an opportunity of a “lifetime.” That opportunity was a summer camp known as, NYLF Medicine. The prospects about the event intrigued me, but I was not totally convinced. Ever since I was a kid I was...

My Dream to Become a Doctor: Affordable Healthcare for All

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”. I want to help those people who cannot afford it, and provide them with affordable healthcare. A while ago, my aunt was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer Stage IV. After the...

My Desire About Why I Want to Be a Nurse Practitioner

Sample Essay “Why I Want to Be a Nurse Practitioner” For the past years of practicing, I have been working in the caring profession. Throughout this time I have gained various caring skills working in a hospital and community setting, which have also improved my...

The Evolution of the Doctor-Patient Relationship: Humanizing Healthcare

Introduction Medicine is of great significance for mankind. It deals with the most fundamental aspects of the human condition: birth, life, physical functioning, vulnerability, loss, and death. Estimates show that health and medical care contribute to life expectancy over several years. Moreover, they contribute to...

The Profession of Doctor: More Than Just a Job

Introduction Everyone in society is believed to have a role to follow. These roles are said to govern how society works and these roles somewhat define the flow of the society we live in. It is easy to define each role as there are roles...

Electrical Engineer and Design Engineer: Choosing Between Two Careers

In order to qualify for an electrical engineer, you will have to at least earn a bachelor’s degree. That is the main task that needs to accomplish to earn a better income. Electrical Engineering could make your time at college a real challenge but an...

  • Electrical Engineering

The Sustainability of the Electrical Engineering Practices

Introduction Like other engineering disciplines sustainable engineering,also deals with the designs,technique and manufacturing the usage of the assets and power in a sustainable manner. Sustainable engineering explores the provision of natural assets.It also makes evaluation about water pollutants,air pollution and waste disposal.when you consider that...

  • Sustainability

The Admission to the Electrical Engineer Profession

Growing up, I was always intrigued by electrical appliances, electrical wiring, lighting, and just about anything that had current running through it. Often my parents would scold me for taking apart my toys since my curiosity led me to disassemble the various parts to find...

The Challenges That You Anticipate During Nursing School

The Nursing Outlook is the official journal of the American Academy of Nursing. This journal helps to provide nurses with current information through education, research, and practice guidelines. As nurses, it is important to stay up to date with relevant information to provide the best...

  • Academic Challenges

Discussing What Challenges Do You Anticipate During Nursing School

Medical school is stressful, and it takes a lot of hard work. Throughout the four-year medical process, students will learn a wide range of things from basic everyday symptoms to some of the rarest things. The first two years students learn skills they will need...

The Safety Regulations Placed for the Cabin Crew in the Airline

The safety of all IndiGo staff is of the greatest concern and all measures are enforced on a regular basis. Domestic aviation in India is jointly controlled by a number of government agencies and regulators, including the Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA) and its annex,...

The Importance of Cabin Crew and Flight Attendants in Airline Operations

A commercial airport may be owned and run by a city, county or state. In some in instances a commercial airport is operated by a separate public body, such as an airport authority specifically for the purpose of managing the airport. Regardless of ownership day...

Discrimination During the Hiring Process for the Cabin Crew

The article “Sexism Is In The Air: Female Flight Attendants Await Their Feminist Revolution” highlights relevant issues as far as the recruitment criteria are concerned . The women applying (whether it is as a female flight attendant or a hostess) must meet an essential criterion...

  • Gender Discrimination

Career Goals: Why I Want To Be A Pediatric Nurse

Do you remember that thrilling feeling of “being good” at the doctor’s office and your nurse handing you the basket full of stickers to choose from when you were younger? Well I do, and that is part of the reason that I would like to...

Dental Hygiene: Personal Experience and Career Goals

I have been interested in the dental hygiene profession since high school. Throughout high school I completed multiple project and research papers on oral care. Some included the importance of x-rays, maintaining healthy teeth, gums, tongue, and the issues that result from improper care. I’ve...

Succeeding As A Healthcare Administrator: Why I Want To Be A Healthcare Administrator

When pursuing a career in Healthcare Administration, it is important to map out of plan of how you will be successful in your field and what goals you want to accomplish along your path to success. As a Healthcare Administrator it will be my responsibility...

  • Administration

Real Estate Agent: What Are His Responsibilities

A real factor helps sell, purchase or rent property to folks. The property includes residential, commercial, and industrial real estates. Anyone should buy a house while not a property agent. However, involving associate degree agent is advantageous. assets agents handle the work and licensing thence...

  • Real Estate
  • Real Estate Agent

What Should Be a Real Estate Agent

Selling or buying a home single handedly is frustrating. You may vigorously be in pursuit of prices forgetting other vital considerations. Hiring a real estate agent can help you make the most satisfying decisions. With the vast knowledge they have, they can efficiently market your...

When Doctors Make Mistakes: Justify Or Condemn

Imagine losing a loved one to medical errors, like errors such as misdiagnosed, delay treatment, or technical devices that work improperly. Feeling anger, hatred, or vengeance started to develop because of a mistake provoked by a doctor. But was it, the doctor's fault, or was...

What Do I Want To Be When I Grow Up

What i want to be when i grow up? I want to be a pediatric surgeon. A pediatric surgeon specializes in treating babies kids pre teens and teenagers. I love working with kids and helping others so combining those two really ends up working in...

  • Pediatrician

Finding Yourself: Why Become a Doctor

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. Have you ever thought about what you want to spend the rest of your life doing, I mean work wise of...

Why I Want To Be A Real Estate Agent

There is nothing better than living in the perfect home for you and your family. I want to become a real estate agent one day just for that reason and many others. Real estate agents are the middle man between buyers and sellers of properties...

Personal Qualities For Being A Pediatric Nurse

I aspire to work towards becoming a pediatric nurse and this passion has only grown deeper as I developed in my adolescence years. I honestly believe becoming a pediatric nurse is a very rewarding, challenging also a demanding career but knowing that I can help...

Personal Mission Statement: Interest In Journalism

Journalism is the industry of gathering and presenting news and information. It is a fast-paced environment that always offers new challenges. It ranges from the former art of newspaper writing to modern online Journalism. It is an industry that will always have a fundamental place...

Why Pursue A Career In Nursing: Personal Views

This paper will be describing the trials of becoming a nurse. The paper also describes the skills that are required to become a nurse, the difficulty of the career as well as the benefits, the local occupations provided for this career, and the level of...

Why I Want To Be A Nurse And My Future Plans

A family nurse practitioner is a trained person in the field of nursing that majors in looking at the wellbeing of a patient either a child or adult based on family context. The aim of this research is to focus on seven main key points,...

  • Personal Growth and Development

Decision Making Process of Newly Qualified Nurse

In order to understand the decision making process of newly qualified nurse (NQN) in the community setting, the purpose of this essay is to demonstrate the ability of the author to apply decision making models to a complex care scenario. There is discussion with relevant...

  • Decision Making

The Main Moral Dilemma Faced by Nurses

The following essay relates to moral dilemmas faced by nursing staff at all levels within a care organisation. Also discussed are the influences of ethics and potential legal implications associated with any decision being made seemingly either on the behalf of an incapacitated patient, or...

  • Nursing Theory

The Concept of The Importance Of Police Use of Force

The following essay, will discuss the importance of why the use of force is proportionate, the author has explained and provided information with evidence about the use of force in the Police system and why is it proportionate within the Police force. Understanding the knowledge...

  • Militarization of Police

Nursing Care Plan and Nurses’ Philosophy Influence

This essay aims at critically exploring the philosophies, models, and frameworks that underpin care planning. This will be demonstrated through use of a service user case scenario with a long-term complex care need. The essay begins with an overview of the identified service user and...

  • Nursing Care Plan

The Patient’s Welfare as The Nurse’s First Priority

As people become sick or vulnerable, a great need arises for highly skilled and compassionate individuals to take care of these people. The role of registered nurses (RN) in the UK cannot be overemphasized because the nurse’s first priority is the patient’s welfare; and to...

Parthenon: Influence of Greek and Roman Culture on Western Architecture

 Institutions and buildings around the world have adopted the architectural styles from Greece and Rome, particularly in the west. It started with the Greek and then once Romans were introduced to it, they adopted it and improved upon it in their own way. Today we...

Establish the Patient’s Decision-Making Capacity and Paramedic

A mood disorder can be characterized by an “overall depressed mood, an elevated mood leading to mania, and hypomania and will “vary in intensity and severity.” Christina Gregory, PhD. Defines these characteristics as feelings of negativity, cognitive, mood, sleep, behavioral, whole body, weight effects, feelings...

Prevention Engineer From Corruption and Unethical Behavior

Many people use ‘corruption’ and ‘fraud’ interchangeably. The present paper asserts that these two terms need to be used distinctly. ‘Corruption’ takes place in the form of bribery, kickbacks, commissions, or other benefits without leaving any trace in the official record. In their professional work,...

  • Engineering

Electrical Engineering Shapes the Future

The devices and electronics you use everyday are very complex but do you know they work? The backbone of most modern advancements is a little something called electrical engineering. Electrical engineering lies in everyday things, such as technologies, household appliances, and lighting and wiring of...

  • Electricity

The Filters for Prehospital Care of Paramedic

Paramedics are median wellbeing in health science and to maintain the disease. As Everyone depends on quick reactions and quick responses to their work. Every day there are inventions on paramedics to improve this system and develop some serves which have benefits for people. It...

End of Life Patients Managed Appropriately by Paramedics

A definition of End of life care is when a patient who is near the end of their life and the treatment that they were receiving to control the disease has been stopped. End of life care goal is to make the patient pain free...

The Experience Of Being A Nurse And Caregiver

During my time as a nurse, I saw many patients become less independent due to aging and disease. I was able to see through family members and coworkers that it is our responsibility to advocate for these patients. After interviewing a caregiver, I was able...

  • Helping Others

Avoiding Caregiver Burnout: Helping Yourself

t’s important to take the time out to help and care for those you love, what is done in love is done well. It can put life on hold, may interfere with a job, or take you away from home – but that’s the unpredictable...

The Emotional Exhaustion Of The Profession Caregiver

Stress and Burnout emphasizes emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion in a person. It takes place when one if feeling overwhelmed, or emotionally. Emotional exhaustion will have one feeling used up or drained. It gives an individual the feeling that they cannot accomplish their goal. Depersonalization...

The Neglect Experienced By Caregivers

Caregivers often neglect their own well being in the effort of caring for an aged parent. Living with another person is difficult at the best of times. When that person is frail, aged and often grumpy or ungrateful, then it becomes even more difficult. Many...

Nursing Portfolio: Reasons Why I Chose Nursing

Nursing Portfolio During the part-time Nursing Program at DMACC, the students are required to develop a portfolio to understand what it takes to become a professional nurse. The portfolio will help students’ competency of the nursing profession by identifying the Global Concepts/ADN Student Learning Outcomes,...

Considering Nursing As A Profession, Not A Services

I believe something to be a profession when it involves a great deal of learning, on-hands training, and passion that stems from the heart. To me, nursing is the exact definition of that. It takes time and patience to be a professional and a great...

The Core Values Behind Why I Want To Be A Police Officer

Core value are the fundamental beliefs of a person or organization. These guiding principles dictate behaviour and can help people understand the difference between right and wrong.I have multiple core values but if I had to choose the top three I apply in my everyday...

Philosophy Or Nursing: Profession Or Nursing

I chose nursing as my profession because I have always naturally been a caregiver. Between the age of twelve to seventeen, I tended to the needs of my ill step-father. During this period, the thought of playing nurse never crossed my mind; in reality, caregiving...

Practical Nursing Education: Why I Chose Nursing

Abstract I do not have a magical story on why I chose nursing school. I did not have the privilege of working in the healthcare field prior to this journey nor do I have anyone in my family who is a nurse or doctor that...

  • Personal Life

The Importance Of Teamwork In Nursing

The nursing shortage is an issue that affects health care systems worldwide along with the quality of care that is provided for patients. In this paper, the nursing shortage will be analyzed from a sociocultural, political, and economic perspective to better understand how the different...

Nursing Philosophy: The Values And Beliefs Of The Profession

Since I was young, I have always been driven by a caring nature and a desire to help others which has led me to the career choice of nursing. I feel the most accomplished when I serve and help others, and my nursing attitude reflects...

My Nursing Philosophy: The Viewpoint Of Treating Patients

Philosophies are mainly developed from experiences and beliefs. Philosophies give people different meanings to life; they are never the same since we all have our own individual beliefs. Nurses also have their own philosophy. This philosophy is shaped by the nurse’s viewpoint. Philosophies integrate personal...

Clinical Experiences That Nursing Students Have To Go Through

You’re just going to feel a little pinch is the biggest lie a nurse can tell you as a kid. Getting shots seems like the worst part of going to the doctor’s office when you’re a little kid but as an adult sitting in the...

The Benefits And Drawbacks Of Wanting To Be A Police Officer

Many people say that they would like to become a police officer one day. It is a very interesting job to get into because you never know what you will be doing, you might be doing something different every day. It may be an intriguing...

First Clinical Experience Of Nursing Student In Clinical Setting

On my first clinical day, I was assigned to a nurse due to the lack of tech assistants for everyone to be assigned to. Nevertheless, I found myself passed back and forth between both my nurse and another tech assistant, which allowed me to see...

Cultural Analysis Of Jamaican Culture And Its Impact On Nursing

For this paper I interviewed my neighbor who is a 66 year old female. She was born and raised in Montegobay, Jamaica. She moved to the United States at the age of 58 with her son. Her son was offered an opportunity to work for...

  • Cultural Appropriation
  • Cultural Identity

The Philosophy Of Nursing And Development Of Knowledge In The Profession

Throughout my journey of becoming a nurse, I have started to develop my personal philosophy of what nursing is. My philosophy views nursing as a way of healing others, caring for others, respecting others and treating others the way you would want to be treated....

Importance Of Internship Practice In Students' Life

Gaining experience is crucial for students to explore their desired careers so they can gain valuable knowledge related to the job and industry as well as identify different career paths and opportunities suitable for their specific interests and skillset. An internship can provide that experience...

My Internship Experience In The National Security Agency

The internship that I will be applying for is hosted within the National Security Agency (NSA), the intelligence center for the United States Department of Defense. Responsible for the cybersecurity, data collection, monitoring, and protection of networks or information systems. The company has a wide...

  • National Security

The Chances Of Filipino Doctors Going Abroad Because Of Being Financially Unstable

Introduction Our topic is about the students taking up medicine in college and going abroad after graduating because of being financially unstable. What do you think is the reason why students tend to go abroad to work after finishing their degree in medicine? What are...

  • Philippines

What I Have Learned During My Dentist Practice

My initial introduction to dentistry as a profession came when I was told by my dentist that I potentially had periodontal disease. As this made me slightly apprehensive, I started researching this specific condition and analysed its implications. Furthermore, it made me aware about the...

Advantages Of Dental Radiography And Concerns Surrounding It

Introduction The dental radiography is often used to diagnose the pathology that cannot be visualized from the external. It commonly uses by the dentist around the world and every exposure is emitted the radiation. For this reason, the dose for the patient need to limited...

Analysis Of Organizational Culture Of Allison Family Dental

Allison must first organize and then identify each issue in order to address them. In this particular case Allison’s main issue can be defined as less inspiration given to the new dental specialist and an absence of planning and organization in the administrative activities. Dr....

  • Organizational Culture

Analysis Of The Ethical Challenges In Paediatric Research

Introduction Medical research in paediatrics is vital in ensuring that the delivery of clinical care is optimal in this patient population. The saying “children are not small adults” is true in many aspects; not only do children have a different physiology, susceptibility to different diseases,...

  • Child Psychology
  • Ethical Challenges

Stress and Grief Impacts and Management in Paramedicine

Paramedics correspondingly manage an enormous load of injuries and troubling occurrences of certain events as a standard protocol of their work and often experience greater extent sightings of accidental or natural forms of injuries and illnesses within a day than certain individuals may be presented...

History of Rice and the Benefits of Rice Cultivation in Australia

Rice has become a very important food source for millions of people since the realization of its potential in 2800 BC until now. It has provided those with nothing to make a living selling and growing rice while also providing a stable food source for...

Contribution of Internship to Student Development

Dr. Michael Aamodt, an Industrial-Organizational psychologist, has defined internship as “a situation in which a student works for an organization, either for a pay or as a volunteer, to receive practical work experience.” An internship experience can help students make the connection between their academic...

Current Condition and Future of Gerontology and Nursing in Philippines

Ageing and wellness involve changes including in health, financial and social in the community. Aging adults have to find ways how to cope with all the changes in their lives. Older adults should prepare their selves for retirement plan; seek help to decide how to...

  • Gerontology

Being the Democratic Leader in the Nursing Field

According to the Leadership Self-Assessment Activity, I ranked myself as a 66, which a score of fifty or higher indicates a desire to become a leader and a perceived ability to perform the tasks required of a leader. I believe this is an accurate outcome...

  • Democratic Leadership

Role of Architect in India and US: Differences in Law and Policies

The architectural policies in India and United States differences in many ways. There are differences in practicing architecture as a profession as well as studying architecture. The architectural policies in each country and state might differ and it is governed by specific Registeredregistered body. In...

  • United States

The Role of Architect in the Contract Establishment

In 2017, the RIAI amended the standard building contracts in order to take into account the introduction of the Construction Contracts Act (2013) and the Building Control (Amendment) Regulations (2014). The new contracts were designed to make the content simpler. They are now easier to...

  • Construction Management

The Heroic Deeds of Pilots on the Flight 236

“Would the lead steward please come to the flight deck... immediately” – is one of those in-flight announcements you hear in plane crash movies and would rather never ever hear in reality. Unfortunately, this is what Air Transat Flight 236 passengers had to hear, as...

The Tragic Fate of the Flight 96

Imagine you need to get from Los Angeles to New York. To make it not so painfully long, you choose to take American Airlines Flight 96, with stopovers in Detroit and Buffalo. But several minutes after your plane leaves Detroit, it happens. Seemingly out of...

The Significance of Florence Nightingale to the Nursing Profession

Nursing as a profession entails a holistic care for patients suffering from health conditions. It necessitates caring for a patient’s physical, social, psychological, spiritual and cultural needs to restore his or her health. Thus, nurses are well-trained to assume direct care and leadership roles based...

  • Florence Nightingale

Pilot Health Issues and Ethical Issues in Aviation Medicine

Introduction Warren Jensen’s analysis regarding pilot health stipulates that health-related issues are more sophisticated than the initially appeared. First, he highlights that with safety comes the mitigation of risk since we cannot eliminate it. One of the greatest challenges for aviation employees, according to Jensen...

Following the Path of Becoming a Pilot

Ever since I was little I have been fascinated about planes, everything surrounding them was interesting to me, how they worked, how they looked, how they sounded, and most importantly how could I fly one. As I grew up I had the opportunity to meet...

A Report on How Pharmacist Contribute in Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics

Introduction Pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics are the disciplines of broad interest that has greatly risen in recent years. They have become a prominent science that starting to impact significantly on clinical research and medical practice and contribute to a great application in drug development and therapeutics....

My Life and Career Path as a Dentist

I have always had the dream to go into the medical field and serve others who are less fortunate. Out of the 5 pathways in the “Health Science Career Pathways”, I have an interest in the Therapeutic pathway (Applied Educational Systems, Inc.). By combining Achieve...

  • Love Medicine

My Aspirations to Become a Professional Dental Hygienist

The career that I’m most interested in is a dental hygienist. From elementary to my senior year of high school I had crooked teeth. Going through that experience was embarrassing, which is why I would rather stay away from people and cover my mouth when...

  • Dental Care
  • Volunteering

Precision Farming Plan across Numerous State Villages

In order to increase agricultural productivity along with farmers income, Maharashtra state has announced precision farming plan across 40,913 state villages. The announcement was made by the state chief minister, Devendra Fadnavis during an interaction with farmers from Jalna, Palghar, Gondia, Solapur, Osmanabad, Jalgaon, Yavatmal,...

Best topics on Profession

1. My Future Goals as a Doctor

2. What Career Path Are You Planning to Pursue and Why

3. Police Career: Upholding Law and Order with Dedication and Courage

4. Why I Want to Be a Doctor: A Personal Purpose and Impact

5. Why Do You Want to Be a Doctor: A Calling to Heal and Serve

6. The Life of a Doctor: Challenges, Commitment, and Compassion

7. The Importance of Doctors: Nurturing Health and Healing

8. Embracing the Healing Journey: A Glimpse into My Life as a Doctor

9. A Visit to the Doctor: Navigating Care and Wellness

10. The Reasons Why Nurses Should Be Paid More

11. Should Police Officers Wear Body Cameras

12. Qualities of a Good Police Officer as the Backbone of Community Safety

13. Rise of Medical Memoirs: Humanizing the Medical Staff

14. Internship Experience in the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

15. Internship Report: What I Learned From This Experience

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How to Write About Your Professional Background

Dedra Mitchell

Published: July 12, 2023

A great way to share more about your background is to have a prepared document, like a professional bio .

writing professional background

A professional bio can be shared with prospective employers, shared with your colleagues, included in your social media profiles, used for speaking engagement announcements, or used as an author bio on a blog.

→ Download Now: 80 Professional Bio Examples [Free Templates]

Here, we'll explore some tips to help you feel more comfortable when writing your own professional background.

Let's dive in.

  • What's a Professional Background?
  • How to Write One

Professional Background Examples

What is a professional background.

A professional background is a summary of your professional experiences — coupled with any relevant personal information, including interests or passions — that you'll use throughout your career as you network with industry peers, apply for new roles, or seek thought leadership opportunities.

Your professional background includes previous jobs you've had, successful projects you've worked on, significant accomplishments like promotions or awards, professional networking organizations you belong to, and anything else you'd share with someone who wants to know more about you professionally.

what is your profession meaning essay

80+ Professional Bio Templates & Examples

Create a compelling professional narrative for a proper, attention-grabbing introduction.

  • LinkedIn Summaries
  • Speaker Intros
  • Website Bios
  • Professional Profile

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Not only is sharing more about your background a great way to tell more about yourself to others, it's also an opportunity to wholly reflect on your professional journey and the goals you've achieved — plus, what you hope to achieve in the future.

Writing about your professional background for the first time may feel challenging or awkward, but it doesn't have to be. Next, let's dive into how you can get started.

How to Write A Professional Background

  • Don't start from scratch.
  • Know your audience.
  • Choose first or third-person.
  • Show professional progression.
  • Highlight your accomplishments.
  • Be personable.
  • Ask for feedback.

1. Don't start from scratch.

If you're having trouble figuring out where to start, try using a professional bio template to guide you. Templates, like the ones featured below, make it easier for you to focus on your personal information and accomplishments, without having to worry as much about the structure.

Featured Resource: Professional Bio Templates and Examples

Professional Bio Templates

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2. Know your audience.

Take into consideration who will be reading your professional bio and cater to your reader.

You may also want to draft different versions of your document to best fit specific audiences. For example, the version you post on your LinkedIn may not be as detailed as the version you post on your personal website, and if your reader is a potential employer, it would help to include details that specifically highlight why you're the best candidate for the role for which you're applying.

HubSpot Founder Dharmesh Shah uses different bios for different platforms. On Twitter , for instance, Dharmesh's bio is short and sweet, which is perfect for Twitter's character limit.

Darmesh Shah's professional background on Twitter

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Alternatively, on INBOUND's website , Dharmesh's bio is written in third-person for attendees. This bio makes Dharmesh's current role clear while providing some key background information.

Darmesh Shah's professional background on the INBOUND website

The best part about this approach is that you can create as many versions of your bio as you'd like, or simply recycle a general version whenever you need it.

3. Choose first or third-person.

Knowing your audience will help you determine the best tone for your background. For instance, first-person is more casual and personable — great for social media and anytime you want to convey that you are speaking directly to the reader.

However, depending on your profession or who the document is being sent to, it may be better to go with writing in the third person. If you’re working in a more formal industry or applying for grants using the third person will give a more authoritative tone that emphasizes your expertise.

As mentioned before, it’s great to have multiple versions of your professional background so you can swap tones as needed.

4. Show professional progression.

As you're writing, think about structuring your professional bio in a way that creates a timeline to show your progression. Explain what your different roles were like, and emphasize responsibilities that set you up for success in your latter roles.

It's important to note that your timeline doesn't have to be linear. As Forbes notes, non-linear career paths are quickly becoming the new normal. The goal is to create a narrative that sums up your strengths and ties them all together.

"Look for a theme that runs throughout several of the jobs you've held, and present your choices in a way that shows common threads running through each of your career decisions," explains career strategist Jenny Foss.

The goal is to clearly show your audience the different roles you've had, and how all of your experiences have contributed to your overall professional development.

5. Highlight your accomplishments.

One of the best things about writing your professional background is that it's the perfect opportunity to brag about yourself — and I don't mean humble brag.

Think of the most successful projects you've been part of, the strategies you've helped develop and execute, the deals you've closed, the revenue you've generated, and anything else that stands out as a major accomplishment.

"A former manager once told me to keep a 'brag sheet' in a document on my computer. The idea was to create a running list of noteworthy accomplishments, media mentions, awards, and letters of recommendation that I could reference to make it easier to write about myself. It also doesn't hurt to open up this document whenever you're having a tough day to remind yourself what you're capable of,” Carly Stec, HubSpot's Team Manager of Content Conversion, told me.

It's also important to consider how success was measured in your previous roles — and how that might shape the way you write about it.

If success for you tends to be measured in quantifiable metrics, include strong statistics. It might look something like this:

  • "In my first six months, I was able to sign up X amount of customers that generated an average monthly recurring revenue of $X."
  • "I helped boost customer retention by X percentage."
  • "With the strategy I developed, my team was able to lower customer acquisition costs by X percentage."

If your role is primarily measured through qualitative goals, share a highlight that speaks to skills you excel at. For example:

  • "I successfully executed a major project using strong time management skills and communicated the results to C-suite stakeholders."
  • "I was able to complete a project that was projected to take an entire quarter in half the time because of my organizational skills."
  • "I was selected to lead a database cleanup project due to my attention to detail and strong team collaboration skills."

6. Be personable.

Timelines and accomplishments are great, but being personable is even better.

Readers should feel like they're getting some sense of who you are from your professional background. This gives readers the opportunity to know more about you beyond a professional scope. If you have any cool niche hobbies that you enjoy outside of work, this would be the time to share.

Here's a list of prompts to help you brainstorm the right "fun facts" to highlight:

  • What TV show are you currently binging?
  • Do you have any pets?
  • What's something most people don't know about you?
  • What languages do you speak?
  • What are you most proud of yourself for?
  • What’s something you've done that’s bucket-list worthy?
  • What do you do to relax?
  • What are three of your must-have apps?
  • What would your favorite colleague say about you?
  • What's the best advice you've ever received and how do you apply it to your life?

Being personable is also a great opportunity to address any unconventional moments in your professional background. For example, maybe you've made a drastic shift in your career path, or you took a sabbatical at some point.

These types of stories can make you more relatable to your audience, and you never know who you may end up connecting with over one of your hobbies or more personal moments.

7. Ask for feedback.

Constructive feedback is key when you're writing about yourself. While many choose to source feedback after completing a draft of their bio, it's just as beneficial to get feedback from your peers at earlier stages of your drafting process.

Oftentimes, our peers can help identify our strengths and where we have opportunities to improve. If you're having trouble developing a clear timeline or pinpointing which highlights you should mention, get together with a peer to brainstorm ideas.

Reflect on successful assignments that you've collaborated on and ask your peer to provide honest feedback about what you did best — and include that feedback in your bio.

If you need help getting started, here's a list of discussion questions to use with your peers to uncover professional strengths you might be overlooking in your own self-assessment:

  • What role do you think I tend to play in group work?
  • How have I helped you be more successful?
  • What do you think my most impressive project has been?
  • What was your first impression of me?
  • What do you think my strengths are?

If you're feeling stuck, don't be afraid to leverage our free professional bio templates to help you get started.

Next, let’s go over professional background examples from both tenured and early-career professionals.

1. Bozoma Saint John

Professional background example by Bozoma Saint John

Bozoma Saint John opens her biography by covering her most recent role at Netflix, then goes all the way back to the beginning of her career. From there, she provides a detailed overview of her accomplishments, inserting the names of the most notable organizations she has worked with.

Notice how she familiarizes us with her by using her nickname, “Boz,” throughout her professional background. In the same way, you can use your nickname throughout your bio (if you’re writing it in third-person).

We’d recommend writing a background like Saint John’s if you’re seeking speaking or presenting opportunities.

2. Jim Kowalski

Professional background example by Jim Kowalski

Jim Kowalski walks us through his passions before describing his work experience and accomplishments. He makes it a point to connect his love of the automotive industry to his ethos in his work. Another notable feature of his professional background is that he mentions a brand he invigorated (it was “almost dead,” he asserts). He closes with his fascinating adventures around the world, including building a home in Thailand.

Mention ways that you’ve prevented clients and other companies from failing. If you’ve had noteworthy adventures, consider bringing them into your professional background as well. A background bio doesn’t have to be wooden; it can be fun, too, as long as you remain within reason. Plus, it gives the reader a chance to connect with you.

3. Katherine Gundlach

Professional background example by Katherine Gundlach

If you’re a college student, you might not have a long list of professional accomplishments, but you can take note from Katherine Gundlach’s example and write about what you love to do — and why you love to do it.

Katherine Gundlach opens her professional background with her current status as a college student, then goes into an anecdote that describes why she became a photographer. In the latter half of the bio, she describes her mission when photographing others. In your own bio, describe the purpose of what you do (or the reason why you want to pursue a certain field).

She also says where she’s from. Mentioning personal information in your professional bio can be a way for readers, hiring managers, and colleagues to relate to you.

4. Erick Rheam

Professional background example by Erick Rheam

Erick Rheam’s professional background effectively outlines his path to becoming a motivational speaker. He also cements his expertise by stating that he speaks regularly across the U.S. After, he outlines his vision and purpose for doing what he does. Like some of the other examples on this list, he includes personal information about himself: that he’s a runner.

This professional background is done well because it’s succinct and balances professionalism, expertise, and personality. Consider achieving a similar balance in your own background document by dedicating 1-2 sentences to each aspect of your professional and personal life.

5. Dr. Houyuan Luo

Professional background example by Dr. Luo

Dr. Houyuan Luo’s professional background is a classic example of a bio that’s inspirational, professional, and persuasive.

In the medical industry, education is immensely important — how long you studied can determine your level of expertise. Dr. Luo immediately lists his academic background, then details how passionate he is for his field. He emphasizes his humanitarian values most, cementing him as an excellent candidate for clinical training and speaking opportunities.

If you work in the healthcare, non-profit, legal, educational, or environmental industries, consider emphasizing your values and ethos in your professional background. Like Dr. Luo, you can leave a mention of your current position for the last sentence.

6. Claire Buswell

Professional background example by Claire Buswell

Claire Buswell immediately establishes herself as a relatable persona by going over her personal history first — then connecting that to her role today. Because she was once in the same position as her clients, Buswell is better prepared to help them professionally. She makes that clear in her professional background and is vulnerable about how hard it was to find a job.

If you’ve created a business that solves a problem that you experienced, consider bringing that into your professional background. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. In fact, being vulnerable can make you more relatable, and your level of success now will be a testament to your methods’ effectiveness.

Ready to start writing?

Keep these tips and examples in mind as you're writing about your professional bio. Your final product should be a written statement that boasts your most notable skills and achievements. As you continue to progress in your career, take time to update your bio like you would your resume, and continue to impress your readers.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in November 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Career Sidekick

Interview Questions

Comprehensive Interview Guide: 60+ Professions Explored in Detail

Example Answers to “What Are Your Career Goals?”

By Biron Clark

Published: December 5, 2023

“What are your career goals?” is a common question you’ll hear in many interviews. And you need to prepare an answer because employers ALWAYS prefer to hire someone who can show they’re goal-oriented and have long-term objectives in their career.

There are also a couple of big mistakes you need to avoid when you describe your career goals in an interview, so we’ll cover how to avoid those mistakes, too.

Let’s get started…

What are Career Goals?

Career goals describe where you’d like to be, what you’d like to experience, and what you’d like to achieve in your professional life over the upcoming one to five years – or more. 

Long-term career goals are made up of a series of short and mid-term goals that act as steps or building blocks toward that greater professional goal. The role you’re applying for should act as a relevant step toward the career goal described in your interview.

Solid (and relevant) career goals are considered a big plus to interviewers and hiring managers, because they keep you organized, active, motivated and focused on the task at hand – all qualities a savvy employer looks for in a new recruit.

Make Sure You Have SMART Goals

Career goals are only useful when they’re SMART . That is Specific , Measurable , Achievable , Relevant and Time-bound . Unless your career goals are SMART , the chances are they’re only dreams. 

Imagine your Specific long-term career goal is to advance to a leadership position in your new product design job. The goal is Time-bound by the company’s yearly promotion cycle and, to Achieve it, you’ll need to plot Measurable short and mid-term goals that are 100% Relevant to the overall goal. 

These sub-goals might include upskilling, leading a small team to gain experience, innovating a new product, and getting noticed as a candidate for promotion.

Watch: How to Answer “What Are Your Career Goals?”

Why employers ask this interview question.

When the company asks an interview question like, “What are your career goals?” they want to know if this job will hold your interest in the short term and potentially long term! (Companies love to hire people who will stay with the company for years and grow/advance).

Answering tip

Companies don’t want to hire you for a role that isn’t bringing you toward your professional aspirations because you’ll be less motivated and more likely to leave the job quickly.

It’s okay if a job doesn’t meet everything you’re looking for in your career. For example, you can say that you eventually aspire to take a leadership position, even if you’re not being considered for a leadership role in this interview.

But then, in your interview answer, you’d want to show how this job is bringing you closer to those future plans/goals. You can do this by ending your answer by saying something like:

…So I was excited to apply for this role because on the job description, I saw a few responsibilities and skills related to leadership, such as training new team members. That’s something I’ve been eager to start doing.

I’ll share some full word-for-word sample answers coming up soon.

How to Answer “What Are Your Career Goals?”

You always want to seem goal oriented, so it’s not a good idea to say, “I’m not sure” or “I haven’t thought about that.” That’s NOT going to impress hiring managers. But you also need to make sure the career goals you mention fit into the job you’ve applied for.

Answering tip

Here’s how this can hurt you if not:

Imagine you’re interviewing for a customer service position. And the hiring manager asks about your long-term career goals. If you say, “My goal is to move out of customer service and find a role that doesn’t involve working with customers as much. I prefer to work behind the scenes,” then the hiring manager is NOT going to hire you for their job. Employers want to hire someone who really wants this specific job, because then you’re more likely to be motivated , have a great attitude, etc.  So prepare a few goals and aspirations you can talk about, but make sure your goals fit with the job you’re interviewing for. Otherwise, adjust the goals you plan on talking about for the interview. Be strategic and think about what’s going to get you hired for the job you want, and don’t say anything that suggests you’ll be bored, frustrated, or want to leave this job quickly.

One more note: Just like with the question “where do you see yourself in 5 years?” you’re not expected to be able to predict the future accurately. Nobody’s going to check on you in two years and see if you’re following what you said in a few years.

Hiring managers just want to see what your interests are and whether you’ve thought about this at all.  And they want to make sure they’re not hiring someone who’s going to be bored in their job. That’s why employers ask questions about your long-term career goals and ambitions in an interview, and how to answer.

“What Are Your Career Goals?” Example Answers

Now that you know how to answer questions about your career goals in the interview, let’s look at some word-for-word example answers.  First is an example of an entry-level job seeker. After that, we’ll go through an example for job seekers with more experience.

Entry-Level Example Answer to “What Are Your Career Goals?”

I just graduated with my degree in Finance , and I’m excited to get my first position in the industry, now. My longer-term goals are to learn a variety of areas within the field of finance and work toward deciding what area of specialization I want to take. I’d love to become an expert in one specific field of finance in the long term, but I know the first step is to build a solid foundation and learn the basics in an entry-level role. I saw this job offers exposure to a variety of areas, which is something I liked.

Notice that the end of this example answer includes a line about why their particular job interests you . This is a great tactic you can use with a variety of your interview answers . Answer their question, but then conclude by putting the focus back on their job and why you want this position! Most job seekers don’t do this. You’ll really stand out with this tactic and put their mind at ease that you’ll love their job. (Employers are REALLY scared of hiring someone who won’t love the job, even if you have the necessary experience. Because it costs a lot of time/money/energy to hire and train someone, and that’s all lost if you leave in the first year).

Mid-Level Example Answer to “What Are Your Career Goals?”

My goal for many years was to become a Manager. I achieved that last year. Now as I look forward in my career, I’d like to build and manage larger teams and continue advancing as a leader. I’ve found I really enjoy mentoring and leading a team, even more than I enjoyed working as an individual contributor earlier in my career. When I saw your job description mentions a chance to hire and lead a team of five, I knew I should apply.

Again, this sample answer for “what are your career goals?” does a lot more than just answering the basic question. You start by mentioning a past achievement, then you answer the question, and then you mention what you saw in their specific job that excited you. This is a great formula to follow when answering this question as a mid-level or senior-level job seeker.

Senior/Executive-Level Answer Example

My career goal right now is to take the leadership and management experience I’ve obtained over the past 12 years and transition into a Fortune-500 company. I feel this would provide a new challenge and bring out the best in my abilities at the same time. I’ve excelled most in roles where I was involved in cross-functional team leadership involving multiple departments, and I feel this is something I’ll gain more exposure to in a Fortune-500 firm. I saw on your job description that this is mentioned as a part of the role here. Can you tell me more about that?

Ending your job interview answer with a question directed back at the hiring manager is a great way to make the interview more conversational. Try to do this at least a few times, instead of just answering a question and then waiting for the next question. This can be a real game-changer in your interviews in terms of the flow and how confident you feel and appear.

Short Term vs. Long Term Career Goals

When you’re asked interview questions about your professional goals, you’ll need to decide how far in the future to discuss. Should you share a career goal that’s ten years in the future? One year? Or something in between. I recommend discussing your career goals in a two to five year timeframe. That shows ambition and shows that you’ve thought about your long-term career, but at the same time, those goals aren’t so far out that you can’t discuss exactly how you’ll achieve them.

You want to be able to talk about how you’ll reach your goals, through personal development and professional improvement. And that becomes hard to do if you’re talking about your goals a decade from now. You don’t want to name a goal like becoming a CEO , when you’ve never held any leadership positions. It’ll just seem like you’re hoping rather than aiming. So as you share your own goals, I recommend picking a career goal that’s a few years out. Not too short-term, but not too far away.

Let’s take a look at some career goals ranging from short – long term:

  • Short-term career goals: 
  • developing professionally with design, leadership and skills certifications
  • gaining experience by leading a small team on quarterly assignments. 
  • innovating great new products with your team each quarter
  • establishing  more efficient work processes as you go 
  • being commended as an effective team leader at the end of every quarter
  • becoming the prime candidate for that sought-after leadership role by the end of the year.
  • Long-term career goals: 
  • getting hired as department leader managing four small teams.

Mistakes to Avoid When Answering

There are a couple of costly mistakes you should avoid when you describe your career goals in a job interview.

  • First, I recommend not sharing anything that will seem like a threat to the company or make them worry that you won’t stay for long in their job. For example, if you’re interviewing at a company in the healthcare industry, don’t say your goal involves switching careers and joining the tech industry. That’s just going to leave the hiring manager wondering why you even took the interview for their position. For this same reason, I don’t recommend saying, “my career goal is to have my own business in the near future.”
  • Keep personal goals like that private. I think it’s a great goal. I quit the corporate world to do that myself. But if your future career goals involve quitting and leaving this potential employer, don’t say so when answering this interview question.
  •  And one more mistake as you answer interview questions about your goals: Don’t use humor or make a joke . For example, don’t tell the hiring manager, “My goal is to have your job.” This is a serious interview question and you’re going to do better in your job search if you respond with a thoughtful, serious answer that shows you’re goal-focused and motivated.

Answering “What Are Your Career Goals?” – Quick Review

  • Never say you don’t have any goals or haven’t thought about it
  • Always share a goal that’s at least somewhat related to the job you’ve applied for
  • Start your answer by explaining your current situation and what you accomplished previously in your career
  • Next, explain your future career goals and how you plan to achieve them
  • Conclude by telling the interviewer what interested you in their particular job (based on the job description) – make sure they can see how their job fits into your bigger career goals

If you follow the advice above, you’ll give a great answer when interviewers ask about your long term career goals and objectives. You’ll show them that you’re someone who has long-term aspirations and plans and they’ll love to see this.

You’ll also show them why their job interests you, which tells them you’ll be motivated and work hard. This makes them FAR more likely to offer you the position than someone who can’t clearly explain their career goals and how those goals fit into this job they’re discussing.

Biron Clark

About the Author

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Thanks for a great article, really learnt a lot.

Quick question though;

1.To what extent should i keep talking about my goal?

2. Should i bring personal issues if the case arises?

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Career Essay

Career essay generator.

what is your profession meaning essay

How do you see yourself 5 or 10 years from now? That question kicks start your imagination and make you visualize yourself in your future career. Maybe you are thinking about it now, but you are likely confused about expressing it in words. Unlike other essay writing , writing your career essay is exciting because you are writing about yourself, your plans, passion, and aspiration. Learn how to make your career essay impressive by reading this article.

10+ Career Essay Examples

1. career pursuing essay.

Career Pursuing Essay

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Career Interests Essay

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3. Career Goals Essay

Career Goals Essay

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4. Career Research Essay

Career Research Essay

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5. Career Scholarship Essay

Career Scholarship Essay

Size: 96 KB

6. Career Personal Essay

Career Personal Essay

Size: 95 KB

7. Career Needs Essay

Career Needs Essays

Size: 73 KB

8. Career Teaching Essay

Career Teaching Essay

Size: 59 KB

9. Formal Career Essay

Formal Career Essay

Size: 42 KB

10. Career Project Essay

Career Project Essay

Size: 29 KB

11. Career Plan Essay

Career Plan Essay

Size: 230 KB

What Is a Career Essay?

A career essay is a text people write to detail their goals or plans for the future. In this essay, people talk about the career they want in the future and the things they have achieved so far. People often ask you to write a career essay when you send an application letter for a scholarship or submit your resume for a job.

How To Write a Rousing Career Essay

You should write your career essay seriously because it might be a deciding factor for your future. That said, in writing your essay, there are a lot of things to consider and a process you need to follow. Your end goal in writing your essay is to convince people that you are determined to walk the talk and make the things you wrote in your descriptive essay to reality.

1. Devise an Engrossing Title

The first thing to think about when writing an essay is coming up with an attention-grabbing title. When people read your essay, they pay the most attention to your title. Also, another benefit of coming up with your title first is that it will serve as a guide for you for the whole essay. 

2. Introduce With a Hook

After devising a title, deliver the next blow with an introduction that piques their curiosity. To do that, begin your essay with a hook. Your hook can be a quote, a question, or you can even provide a statistic. If your introduction is good enough, it will secure the engagement of your readers.

3. Organize Your Ideas

Writing an essay is like taking your readers for a ride. You need to set the vibe and organize the flow of your thoughts. Don’t start too strong it might make the rest of your essay bland. You need to properly build up the development of excitement and make sure the order of your ideas makes sense. 

4. Polish Your Essay

Finalize your essay by proofreading it. When people talk about their passion, they tend to talk too much and include several unnecessary things. Make sure not to do that. Omit all the details that don’t contribute to the overall impact of your reflective essay. Also, don’t forget to review your text for grammatical errors. 

Why is career planning important?

People hustle every day to reach their dream careers. Having a target career gives you a direction and sets your path. Planning your career is essential because being indecisive about it might negatively impact your life. Not having a fixed goal is like not having an end destination. Preparing for it would also make your career action plan achievable.

What is a career genogram?

A career genogram traces back an individual’s family tree and examines the career timeline they pursued. The scope of this genogram reaches the grandparents, extended family, and even the person’s close friends. This graphic representation is helpful when a person has a hard time deciding about his or her career development plan .

What is career assessment?

Career assessment is the process of identifying what career would work best for you. Most assessments are in the form of a questionnaire . It includes questions about your interests, your skills, your hobbies, and your strengths. These are some examples of questions that would help assess your future career. The result of your career assessment might give you ideas on what path to take.

The moment people read your career essay, they often rate how likely you are to succeed. Show them a piece of your mind that would erase all their doubts about your success. They say manifesting works wonders, so manifest the future that you want best by composing a rousing career essay. 


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Ensuring Professional Success

By  Michael A. Matrone

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what is your profession meaning essay

In January, at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, I attended a small conference for the Graduate Career Consortium’s Southern Regional members. Among the engaging discussions, the conversation turned to professionalism. By professionalism, I refer to professional behavior in the workplace, not ethics or the responsible conduct of research, although the two are intimately intertwined with professionalism. During the discussion, a conference attendee from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine informed the group of their professionalism policy , a series of “recommendations regarding what it looks like to act professionally.”

The policy got me thinking about how we learn professionalism. The dictionary defines professionalism as “the skill, good judgment and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well.” What struck me about the definition was “expected.”

Are we expected to know what constitutes skill, good judgment and polite behavior for our work environment and profession? After all, the transition from student and trainee to professional can be a culture shock. Are we expected to know implicitly and abide by adages like “Do unto to others …” or “If you don’t have anything nice to say …”? If so, then our expectation is that professionalism is experiential -- learned by observation, role modeling or from our own mistakes as we make them. In my opinion, one cannot rely solely on experiential learning, as without an explicit and consistent curriculum and standards of measurement, expectations of professionalism become assumptions of professionalism. And as another adage goes, “Never assume, because when you assume, you make an ass out of u and me.”

Anecdotally, my own professionalism education, from undergraduate to postdoctoral, was purely experiential. Professionalism was not in the course catalog, nor was I was told explicitly what was expected of me. And I admit, most likely as a result of my temperamental and uninhibited Northeast upbringing , I learned purely through trial and error -- i.e., the hard way. In one instance, in graduate school, I replied to a departmental email with what I thought was great wit and humor but was in reality poor judgment and impropriety. Needless to say, I offended my colleagues, landed in the department chair’s office, made a formal apology and now know better.

Perhaps in response to trainees like me, didactic training in professionalism may be the new normal. A cursory Google search reveals many online and classroom-based seminars and courses designed to teach you how to act professionally. Similarly, according to the National Postdoctoral Association, which lists the fourth of six core competencies for postdoctoral training as professionalism, 59 percent of higher education institutions offer training in interpersonal skills, as reported in its Institutional Policy Report 2014.

Graduate medical education seems to be following a similar trend. For example, the University of Washington employed a competency rating form to evaluate professional behavior among their urology program residents before and after a professionalism training lecture. Participants scored higher and more consistently following the intervention, “suggesting that residents were more consistent in their professional behavior and/or the faculty observation of resident professional behaviors was more focused.”

How do you, as a graduate student or postdoctoral scholar, gain the professionalism skills you need? Clearly, one way is to seek out didactic professionalism training, perhaps specific to the field you wish to pursue. But what if your career path is yet to be defined or you do not have access to such focused training?

My suggestion is to treat professionalism not as a set of behavioral expectations to be learned, but as tools to advance your career. Though career planning is a personal process, it is not accomplished in isolation. To advance, you must interact with others, and the manner in which you do so affects your professional reputation. You can acquire behaviors associated with professionalism by training in the skills used to relate effectively with others. I recommend that you:

Enhance your emotional intelligence to interact professionally. Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your emotions and those of others, often measured in terms of your emotional quotient. Emotional-intelligence skills involve harnessing and regulating your own emotions, allowing you to apply them toward specific tasks. Such skills can also help you identify the emotions of those around you, influencing your interactions both personally and professionally in matters of collaboration, conflict resolution and leadership. To learn more, refer to the work of Daniel Goleman, a psychologist and foremost authority on behavioral science and emotional intelligence. Twice nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has written extensively on emotional intelligence in the workplace.

Adopt a time-management strategy to plan professionally. Regardless of the career path you take, the ability to allocate your time wisely will allow you to fulfill your obligations and complete projects in a timely manner. It is important to remember, however, that a time-management strategy must also consider how your actions affect the time of those with whom you work. As some of the components of this strategy, you should:

Treat all of your commitments with equal importance. Whether a one-on-one with your supervisor or a training session led by an instructor, treat equally all meetings to which you have committed to attend. The party with whom you are meeting may have invested considerable time in preparation. Not attending or canceling without notice is not simply disrespectful -- it may disqualify you from being invited or included in the future.

Renege with dignity. It is a given that unexpected events occur that may affect our commitments -- we get sick, our cars break down, flights get canceled. If you find yourself in a situation outside of your control that requires you to renege on your commitment, take responsibility. Send a note expressing your regret that you are unable to fulfill your commitment.

Know when to say no. As you manage your career, you will set short-term objectives and long-term goals to help you advance on your career path. Undoubtedly, new opportunities will arise, and you will need to determine those that will guide you on your path and those that will deter you on it. If the latter, it is much more gracious to decline than to commit to something in which you may not be completely invested.

Participate in communication training opportunities and then practice communicating. In order to embody professionalism, you need to communicate like a professional -- both on paper and verbally. The best way to become a better communicator is to practice communicating. Writing about and presenting your research at a conference is one obvious way, but many other opportunities exist, such as joining a Toastmasters club or attending networking events to learn the language of a field in which you are interested. Universally, some sound advice that you should consider is to:

Use business-appropriate language. Consider my story as the cautionary tale and be aware of how the reader may interpret your written communications. The written word lacks inflection and audible tone, so be sure that other people won’t misinterpret your message. In addition, not everyone will share the same sense of humor; in fact, what is humorous to you may be offensive to others.

Be clear and concise in your requests. Many people approach making requests by building a case or argument first and then asking their question at the end. The best piece of advice I’ve ever received for such communications was to reverse that order. Ask first, to be clear about what is being requested, and then build your case or argument, if necessary.

Be aware of your nonverbal communication. Just as your words must convey a professional tone, so too must your appearance and body language. Regardless of the attire that your workplace requires, keeping a clean and well-groomed appearance ensures that colleagues notice you for your expertise. In addition, your body language may convey more than you intend. Though I do not believe that one body position conveys one specific meaning (e.g. folded arms as a sign of frustration), be aware of how your body language conveys your overall demeanor.

The core of the Vanderbilt professionalism policy is that positive professional interactions gain respect and rewards, helping you advance in your career, whereas negative interactions limit future opportunities, holding you back. Seeking training in professionalism will help ensure the former, but didactic training may not prepare you for every situation. If you find yourself in unfamiliar territory where you question how to act, simply ask what is expected, or seek advice from peers, in order to turn the implicit into the explicit.

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What Is Professionalism In The Workplace? (With Examples)

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  • The Most Important Professional Skills

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Whether it’s your first job or one you’ve had for a long time, it’s always helpful to know what it takes to be professional in the workplace. Have certain codes of conduct and core values that indicate your expertise and comfort in the field is an important part of career development.

A company may completely disregard your knowledge and skills if you are unable to act professionally among colleagues and clientele. Below we’ll cover what professionalism is, six characteristics of a professional, and tips for being professional in the workplace.

Key Takeaways:

Professionalism are the traits of a well-trained and well-adjusted employee.

Although professionalism is partially based on the context of the work environment, there are common characteristics found in all jobs.

Professionalism includes respect, competence, confidence, accountability, integrity, and etiquette.

To improve your professionalism live a healthy life, be an active listener, and develop your transferable skills.

What Is Professionalism In The Workplace? (With Examples)

6 Characteristics of a Professional

11 tips for professionalism in the workplace, why is professionalism important, final thoughts.

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Professionalism is a combination of traits, skills, behaviors, and good judgment expected from an individual well-trained and well-adjusted to their career. Professionalism also involves adhering to a set of standards that is commonly practiced among colleagues in the same workplace.

Ultimately, what constitutes professional conduct depends on the company and the culture they foster.

For example, ABC Inc. might allow client-facing staff to wear business casual clothes and arrive/leave work at flexible hours. XYZ Corp. might consider anything less than a pantsuit or jacket and tie innapropriate and hand out demerits for employees who show up three minutes late to work.

What’s considered highly unprofessional at XYZ Corp. wouldn’t cause anyone to bat an eye at ABC Inc., so learning to be professional is as much about figuring out your work environment as it is determining a foundational set of principles to follow.

Respect. The most important element of professionalism is respect , for your supervisor , coworkers, subordinates, clients, and anyone else you interact wtih throughout your day. In conversation, respect means listening when someone else is speaking, showing interest through eye contact, and couching feedback in positive language.

Competence. When people think of professionals, they don’t usually associate them with disorganized, unknowledge people. To be truly professional, you should strive for a deep understanding of the work you do and how it fits into the grander scheme of things.

Confidence. While it’s wise to admit when you’re unsure of something, a professional should express certainty in most of their decisions and actions. Professionals don’t second-guess themselves on the basics or go running for help at the first sign of trouble.

Accountability Confidence is great, but you’re still going to make mistakes. Don’t let that shatter your self-esteem or cause you to pass the blame on others. Take ownership of your missteps and express enthusiasm to learn from them and move on.

Integrity. Integrity means doing the right thing, even when nobody’s watching. A true professional won’t take shortcuts just because they know they can get away with it. They give their best effort to every task set before them and can always feel proud about their day’s work.

Etiquette. Performing professionalism is a whole let less important than actually exhibiting it, but etiquette is still an element of professionalism. At the very least, it shows that you’re willing to abide by certain cultural norms for the general comfort of your work environment.

However, a big problem with relying on etiquette and other (somewhat) empty forms of professionalism is that these are often coded in ways that can be deconstructed as sexist, racist, or culturally biased.

Know your workplace etiquette. Strive to be aware of your company’s culture and expectations. There are some standards that everyone should know.

They include how you talk to people (politely and respectfully), what you should wear (dress to the expectations and standards of your field, level, and company), how you interact with your phone and computer (stay off inappropriate sites and don’t be distracted).

Be an effective communicator. In any relationship, communication is the key to success.

This is incredibly true and important in the workplace, where your relationships with your supervisors, coworkers, and customers determine how tasks are completed and set the stage for your future endeavors. Generally, communication is broken down into verbal, nonverbal, and written forms, and they require the same basic principles.

Whether it’s your word choice or your physical stance, let your presence respectfully reflect your professional needs. It may take practice, so be open to feedback. You may not always succeed in communicating your needs, but if you can focus on those factors, you begin to head in the right direction.

Be an active listener. You won’t get far in successful communication if you don’t listen. Not only do you want to listen, but you want to be an active listener . This means that you are engaged in the conversation at hand. This does not mean you are always interrupting, nor does it mean you are silent the entire time. Instead, you want to strike a balance.

Pay attention and ask questions, but only if it seems like there is an appropriate break in the conversation. Another key is to show you have been listening. One good way to do this is to summarize what you heard. This also allows the speaker to clarify if need be.

Be productive. Another pretty straight forward area of professionalism. If you cannot be productive at work, chances are you will not have the job for very long. Being productive in the modern age can be challenging , but not impossible with the right level of awareness.

Mitigate factors that lead to procrastination, such as task switching, can be remedied by being organized . This includes focusing on one task at a time, scheduling related tasks around one another, and minimizing distractions.

Be alert. Speaking of getting sleep, it doesn’t do you any good to be caught falling asleep at work. Even being tired and groggy can have damaging effects.

If you suffer from tiredness at your job, the first step is finding out the cause. It could be from poor sleep hygiene, or perhaps your work is not exciting or challenging enough for you, or it could be from some underlying mental health problem.

The best way to figure this out is to develop good habits that increase alertness. These are good to know even if you don’t find yourself sleepy at work.

Be mentally healthy. Maintaining your mental health is crucial for your career. Those who ignore their mental health tend to suffer from burnout , professional stagnation, or job loss.?

Be aware of your environment. Physically, is it clean and organized? Socially, do you and your coworkers have positive relationships and interactions? Is the culture conducive to feedback and growth?

There are many techniques to help improve your workplace mental health. Have open conversations with colleagues and managers via meetings or surveys. Use online resources and mental health apps to improve performance and educate yourself on the different levels of mental health needs.

Be clean. A clean workspace not only has a positive impact on your mind but also highlights your professionalism to your peers and supervisors. It reduces distraction and gives a good impression. This is particularly important if clients come to visit.

Overall, a clean workstation is a considerate move to make, and being professional is all about being thoughtful. So make sure to keep your space organized and your trash thrown away.

Develop your transferable skills. Certain skills can be used in any profession. These are your transferable skills , which include punctuality, communication, teamwork, problem-solving, flexibility, organization, and more.

Since these skills are transferable among different career paths , it is good always to be working on improving your transferable skills.

Learn to deal with a difficult boss. Dealing with a difficult boss is one of the most critical moments to act professionally. Your job may depend on it, so you must be professional. First and foremost, check your behavior to make sure it’s not you who might be the difficult one.

Use effective communication and active listening to figure out your boss’s needs and do your best to be proactive about meeting them, such as asking for feedback and providing relevant progress on projects.

Learn to deal with difficult coworkers. Just like in dealing with a demanding boss , dealing with a difficult coworker is a crucial situation that will test your professionalism. Similarly, you must remain respectful.

Find a mentor. Finally, another great way to develop your sense of professionalism is to find a mentor . Find someone at your company who has positive and healthy traits of leadership.

In some settings, you may be assigned a formal mentor , but if not, look around for people who have been there longer and/or in higher positions, whose behavior shows integrity and a healthy work ethic.

Grab lunch or a sit down for occasional meetings and talk things over. Topics can range from the specific (certain tasks you might be facing) to the abstract (philosophies of professionalism).

Professionalism is important because it creates a more productive and satisfying workplace. Both employees and organizations benefit from professionalism.

You as an employee benefit from professionalism because you can feel good about doing your best and having a role to fill. More importantly, a professional attitude can lead to better opportunities and rewards, such as promotions and raises.

An organization obviously wants to have a high level of professionalism as well because it increases productivity. When all employees work in a professional manner, an organization can be sure that there is effective communication, delegation, and implementation of goals.

So there you are. These are just some ways in which you can, regardless of your position, improve your professionalism. It all boils down to being respectful, both in your mindset and your actions. Make these a part of your core values and abide by them.

Taking time every day to work on even just one aspect of professionalism will increase your chances of success in whatever the future may hold for you. The first step is to try one day at a time, and soon you’ll find yourself far ahead on your journey to being a well-rounded employee.

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Chris Kolmar is a co-founder of Zippia and the editor-in-chief of the Zippia career advice blog. He has hired over 50 people in his career, been hired five times, and wants to help you land your next job. His research has been featured on the New York Times, Thrillist, VOX, The Atlantic, and a host of local news. More recently, he's been quoted on USA Today, BusinessInsider, and CNBC.

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Australian Council of Professions

The Unifying Alliance of Professional Associations

What is a Profession?

The Australian Council of Professions defines a ‘ Profession ‘ as:

A Profession is a disciplined group of individuals who adhere to ethical standards and who hold themselves out as, and are accepted by the public as possessing special knowledge and skills in a widely recognised body of learning derived from research, education and training at a high level, and who are prepared to apply this knowledge and exercise these skills in the interest of others.  It is inherent in the definition of a Profession that a code of ethics governs the activities of each Profession.  Such codes require behaviour and practice beyond the personal moral obligations of an individual.  They define and demand high standards of behaviour in respect to the services provided to the public and in dealing with professional colleagues.  Often these codes are enforced by the Profession and are acknowledged and accepted by the community. Australian Council of Professions, 2003

Being a member of a Profession, e.g. a ‘ Professional ‘, is generally seen as an indicator of integrity, ethics, trust and expertise.

Download the new Why Professionalism Matters More than Ever! White Paper below

Governments usually also understand the value that the Professions add to society. For example, the Australian Professional Standards Councils (PSC) outlines in a short video the value and benefits of the Professions to the community and the economy . More literature about the Professions

Includes more definitions, citation approval and instructions!

What is a Professional?

what is your profession meaning essay

Traditionally, a ‘ Professional ‘ is someone who derives their income from their specific knowledge or experience – as opposed to a worker, hobbyist or amateur without formal education.  This meaning still carries through today to areas such as sport.  However, in the Professions, a “Professional” has a broader meaning, typically around some moral or ethical foundation within the practice of a specific and usually established expertise.

A Professional is a member of a Profession.  Professionals are governed by codes of ethics and profess commitment to competence, integrity and morality, altruism and the promotion of the public good within their expert domain. Professionals are accountable to those they serve and to society. 1 2 1: Evetts, J., ‘Sociological Analysis of Professionalism: Past, Present and Future’, Comparative Sociology 10, 2011 2: Freidson, E., ‘Professionalism: The Third Logic’, Polity Press, London, 2001

What is Professionalism?

‘Professionalism’ is defined as the personally held beliefs of a Professional about their own conduct as a member of a Profession. It is often linked to the upholding of the principles, laws, ethics and conventions of a Profession in the form of a code of practice.

Why is Professionalism still relevant?

The relevance and value of professional conduct are regularly questioned . In 2010 our then President Don Larkin invited Dr George Beaton , Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne and Chairman of beaton , to write a seminal essay on Why Professionalism is Still Relevant .

The essay maintains that ‘ ethical considerations and obligations lead to and maintain trust in the parts of those served and are the essence of professionalism.  There is no definition of professionalism – even a rough outline of professionalism’s characteristics – that does not include a central component of ethics and altruism .’

Dr Beaton also contends that ‘ as long as professionals and professions hold on to this essence of professionalism – even, and especially, in an age of globalisation – they will survive and flourish, and professionalism will fulfil its role in serving humanity .’

Why professionalism matters more than ever?

We are delighted to publish George Beaton’s second white paper which follows his seminal essay exploring how professional associations and professional service contribute to professionalism, and its impact of culture, economics, technology and government.

“When you allow an anaesthetist to put you under for an operation, you place great faith in their competence. When you consult a lawyer to defend you against a baseless accusation, you hope they understand both the legal system and your situation. When you engage an architect, you expect them to design a building that will not only be a pleasure to occupy, but also fire-proof, structurally sound and stable over the long-term. In each case you’re relying on another person’s qualifications, expertise and experience. More than that, you’re relying on something that’s more important and also harder to pin down: their professionalism” (George Beaton, 2022)

But what is professionalism, how is it faring today and what are the implications for professionals, professional services firms and related organisations and institutions?

These are just some of the important issues that George Beaton addresses in his second white paper aptly titled, ‘ Why professionalism matters more than ever ’ focusing on the key attributes that have always defined and distinguished them: altruism, ethics and trustworthiness.

Read the new White Paper here !

If you would like more information or wish to cite the above definitions, please download our information sheet . If you have other questions, please contact us on 1300 664 587 or [email protected].


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USA, Pennsylvania, Gettysburg, Close-up view of antique American flag

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John O'Connor, Associated Press John O'Connor, Associated Press

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What is Flag Day? Here’s a guide

WAUBEKA, Wis. (AP) — Each June, the people of Waubeka venerate perhaps the nation’s most enduring symbol, celebrating Flag Day, a holiday that escapes the notice of many Americans.

But this unincorporated Wisconsin town about 35 miles north of Milwaukee takes the day seriously. After all, it lays claim to being the birthplace of Flag Day, thanks to a tenacious teacher in a one-room schoolhouse.

Here are some things to know about the obscure flag-waving holiday.

What is Flag Day?

Flag Day commemorates June 14, 1777, when the Continental Congress determined the composition of the nation’s banner: “Resolved, That the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.”

READ MORE: 8 things you didn’t know about the Fourth of July

President Woodrow Wilson issued a 1916 proclamation of June 14 as Flag Day and in 1949, President Harry S. Truman signed the formal observance into law. And it falls during Flag Week, after another congressional dictum in 1966.

What about July 4?

Yes, Independence Day makes prominent use of the flag. But the emblem is important enough to have its own day, according to David Janik, a Waubeka native and second-generation president of the National Flag Day Foundation.

“July 4th, we’re celebrating our independence,” Janik said. “But on Flag Day, we’re celebrating the birth of our flag, which is the symbol of our country, the symbol that is seen all around the world as the helper, the people who won’t leave you out in the cold.”

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Why Waubeka?

On June 14, 1885, Bernard J. Cigrand, an 18-year-old Waubeka native teaching at Stony Hill School, put a flag in his inkwell and assigned his students an essay about what the flag means to them. Cigrand left the next year for dental school in Chicago, but he never gave up his advocacy for a national day dedicated to the flag.

Cigrand realized his dream in 1916 when Wilson issued his proclamation.

Although he died in 1932, Waubeka never forgot Cigrand and in 1946, community leaders established the town’s Flag Day celebration, which has run continuously since then.

Any other ‘first’ Flag Days?

Yes. The earliest mention of Flag Day involves a man named George Morris who organized such a commemoration on June 14, 1861, in Hartford, Connecticut, marked by a patriotic program and prayers for Union Army success in a young Civil War. But apparently, the festivities were never repeated.

Pennsylvanians will challenge Cigrand’s coronation as “Father of Flag Day.” Pittsburgh native William T. Kerr began his advocacy in 1888 and a year later became national chairman of the American Flag Day Foundation, holding that position for a half a century. Kerr was among those standing beside Truman when he signed the Flag Day law.

As for the expected friendly rivalry, Janik said his father, the late Jack Janik, “took care of that.” The elder Janik traveled to Washington and lobbied Congress, which in 2004 adopted a resolution naming Waubeka “the birthplace of Flag Day.”

What about the essays?

Along with the parade, the bands, the patriotism awards, the military honor guards and a dog named Harlow who turns 8 on Flag Day and sported a red, white and blue boater on her head, there are the essays.

In the spirit of Cigrand and his students of 139 years ago, the Waubeka Flag Day celebration includes an annual essay contest and draws entries from across the nation — this year from New York to Nevada and Wisconsin to Texas.

The Stars and Stripes “represent a nation where immigrants like my grandparents are welcomed, where diversity is celebrated and where justice is present for all,” wrote Neel Sood, a 4th grader from Bridgewater, New Jersey.

Adell, Wisconsin 7th grader Ryan Spang wrote that “the American flag represents unity. We are one nation, united by our similarities and differences. We support people in our communities in times of need and we cheer them on in times of achievement.”

Why isn’t it a day off?

Flag Day isn’t like Thanksgiving, Memorial Day and a smattering of other federal holidays that generally mean Americans can spend the day off work.

Instead, it’s officially recognized nationwide, and government services are still open and the mail still gets delivered. Only Pennsylvania marks it as a state holiday, allowing residents to stay home from work and school.

But another backyard barbecue isn’t required to feel the love in Waubeka.

“Our passion for the flag here is very deep,” Janik said. “The flag is the symbol of our country — it symbolizes individualism, success, loss, daring, chivalry. People need a compass to guide them, and the flag is a great compass.”

O’Connor reported from Springfield, Illinois.

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Are changes underway in your life? All while this is occurring, is the number five making repetitive and frequent appearances on everything from ticket stubs to clocks? 

These repeating number sequences, or angel numbers , can be used as guides for deeper spiritual exploration as each numeral has its own significance. In numerology, the number five is all about action.  

In a conversation  Elizabeth Summers, esoteric numerologer, USA TODAY breaks down the number five, its angel number meaning and how it may affect your relationships and career. 

What are angel numbers?  Beginner's guide to angel numbers and what they (could) mean.

What does 555 mean? 

Similar to 444 , the angel number 555 is associated with change. This could be a change in location, change of job or a relationship change. When it comes to five, it is a dramatic number, said Summers. Five energy can bring about "itchy emotions" and an overall sense of restlessness. 

 "When people are not paying attention to the possibility of change, then their external world, their environmental world, will force it upon them," she said. 

The number five also equates to the hierophant card in tarot, which is associated with spiritual guidance and learning. Maybe there are things or habits in your life that are no longer serving you. The angel number 555 signals that changes are underway, so have faith in the adjustments you are making. 

"Many people resist change because they're scared," said Summers. "That has to be overcome because one way or the other, they are in a change mode, and they need to just be open for the gentle signs." 

What does 000 mean?  Angel number meaning and symbolism for work, relationships and more

What does 111 mean? Why you keep seeing it and how it will help you manifest your power.


With the looming emotions associated with the angel number 555, there may be relationship difficulties on the horizon, said Summers.

While your relationship may appear comfortable and happy on the surface, you may realize things are not what they seem. Or someone in your life may do something unexpected, hurting you in the aftermath. The energy of angel number 555 could even lead to fighting. 

These impacts can be felt in all types of relationships from friends to family to the workplace, or even in romantic relationships.

Despite the hardships that may arise in your relationships, angel number 555 reminds us to accept our current circumstances and recognize that everything happens for a reason. Usually, the end result is that we were led to a higher and better self. 

What does 222 mean? Angel number meaning and symbolism in your life, love and career.

What does 333 mean? Get to know the angel number that will help you get unstuck.

The restlessness of the number five also plays a role in the workplace. "What happens is the person gets within themselves," said Summers. "They're not happy, or they have a sense something's not right. Or they really want to get a new job." 

Maybe you feel as if you are not getting appreciated for all the work you do. Or you are even being overlooked for your contributions to the company. The angel number 555 calls us to take action. If you aren't being recognized in your career, it may be time to change your position or job alltogether. 

Similar to this angel numbers interaction with relationships, within career, you need to trust the process of growth. Whatever is on its way is meant to happen, explained Summers.

"It always starts emotionally first, a restlessness and itchiness," she said. "Then when we do not (act) because of fear and whatever excuses, then the external world takes over." 

'Phoenix energy': 444 angel number meaning and its role in your life

What does 777 mean? This is one angel number that means it might be time to slow down.

While the abrupt sense of change from this angel number may seem negative, it actually is a great opportunity for growth. "It's exciting," said Summers. "People have to just lean on faith and trust in a higher power." 

By allowing changes to occur in your life, you are learning how to adjust and accomplish your goals and hopes. There is also a sense of intuition with the angel number 555. The appearance of this angel number reminds us to have confidence in our abilities and decision-making. 

When we stop resisting change, real growth can occur, said Summers. 

What does 888 mean? Its angel number meaning in relationships, career and life.

What does 999 mean? Angel number meaning and symbolism for life, love and more.

On the flip side, there is an impetuous and impulsive nature to the angel number 555.

With growth comes new directions and avenues of thought. However, it is key to consider the repercussions of your actions before taking them, said Summers. "If they put the effort out there, and they hit the wall, the important thing is don't push through the wall, stop and rethink it." 

The number five is also associated with the zodiac sign Aries, which is often categorized as headstrong and naive. As a fire sign, Aries is impatient, said Summers. So, be sure to assess each step in your life and lay down a solid foundation for your change. 

Aries is the god of war  What to know about this Zodiac sign's personality traits.

What is your zodiac sign? Horoscopes, astrology, and what the stars says about you

Get to know the angel numbers

000  |  111  |  222  |  333  |  444  |  555  |  777  |  888  |  999


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  13. Professionalism

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  16. PDF What is PROFESSIONALISM? What does Professionalism mean to you?

    characterize or mark a profession or a professional person"; and it defines a profession as "a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation." These definitions imply that professionalism encompasses a number of different attributes, and, together, these attributes identify and define a professional.

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