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Class 9 SST Project Work On Disaster Management

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Disaster Management Project

As part of the CBSE 2024–25 syllabus, students are required to prepare and submit Class 9 Social Science projects on disaster management. Educart has created a special page filled with inspiring ideas for various parts of this project.

Here, you will find creative cover page designs, well-designed acknowledgment pages, and even complete project files (in video form) showcasing the top projects on disaster management from previous years.

assignment on disaster management class 9 pdf

Serial No. Content

Project Structure

The index, also called the Table of Contents, usually comes after acknowledgment. It contains the main heading of the topics arranged in a sequence. Here is an example for reference purpose.

Start your class 9 SST project on disaster management by providing a brief introduction and overview of disaster management. Define disaster followed by the definition of disaster management. Use the following reference to understand the meaning of disaster management, and write the intro part of the project.

assignment on disaster management class 9 pdf

Explain why disaster management is important given India’s diversified climatic conditions. Explain natural catastrophes such as earthquakes, cyclones, floods, droughts, etc.

assignment on disaster management class 9 pdf  

Write two different types of natural and man-made disasters, along with examples.  

3.1 Natural Disasters

Start with the definition—Natural hazards are environmental events that can affect societies and the human environment. They are different from man-made hazards. For example, a flood caused by changes in river flows is a natural hazard, while a flood caused by a dam failure is a man-made hazard.

Now, describe various natural disasters and their impacts. Quote a few, e.g., of natural disasters like:

  • Earthquakes
  • Hurricanes/Cyclones
  • Volcanic Eruptions
  • Avalanche, etc.

assignment on disaster management class 9 pdf  

3.2 Man-Made Disasters

Next, write about man-made disasters, how they are caused, etc., along with quoting a few examples, like: 

  • Industrial Accidents
  • Nuclear Disasters
  • Environmental degradation

assignment on disaster management class 9 pdf  

Mention the vulnerability profile of India, discussing the States and Union Territories that are disaster-prone. Describe all the factors, both natural and man-induced, responsible for the vulnerability of these states.

assignment on disaster management class 9 pdf  

Write about the two worst disaster cases in India that impacted the lives of millions of people. Mention the following two:

5.1 Natural Disaster: 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami

assignment on disaster management class 9 pdf

5.2 Man-Made Disaster: Bhopal Gas Tragedy

assignment on disaster management class 9 pdf  

Define what disaster risk reduction is, write about all phases and also describe the disaster management cycle.

6.1 Phases of Disaster Management

Under this topic, describe the key phases of disaster management i.e., the pre-disaster phase, the disaster phase, and the post-disaster phase, and mention all the key components of this phase.  

  • Preparedness
  • Rehabilitation

assignment on disaster management class 9 pdf  

6.2 Disaster Management Cycle

assignment on disaster management class 9 pdf

Mention various national and international bodies and their role in disaster management. 

  • National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA)
  • National Disaster Response Force (NDRF)
  • United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)

assignment on disaster management class 9 pdf

Mention the Disaster Management Act of 2005. Highlight the key points and explain how the act is beneficial in disaster management.

As technology develops, so does its application, and it has not left any field unaffected. So, describe how technology helps predict, prepare for, and respond to disasters. Provide examples of technologies used in disaster management, such as early warning systems, GIS mapping, and communication tools.

assignment on disaster management class 9 pdf

Other Measures to Prevent Disasters

Write some of the measures that should be taken to mitigate disasters, for eg: 

  • Disaster resilient infrastructure
  • Climate Change Adaptation
  • Environmentally Sustainable Development
  • Risk Assessment and Vulnerability Mapping
  • Urban Planning and Development  

Once you have written down all the important points in your disaster management project for class 9, you should summarize the key points discussed in your project and highlight the importance of effective disaster management for community resilience and safety.

The last page of your project should be a bibliography. Here, you have to provide a list of sources you used for your research, whether books, websites, articles, or any other relevant materials.

Below is the list of references used to provide you with all the important information on the disaster management project for class 9. This might be useful for you, so please do check this out.

  • Explain the main difference between natural and man-made disasters with examples?
  • How many phases are there in Disaster Management cycle?
  • What measures can be taken to improve disaster preparedness in communities?
  • Describe the role of government agencies in disaster mitigation.
  • What are some challenges faced during the response phase of disaster management?

Examples: Cover Images

Here are a few cover page ideas for the disaster management project for class 9.

assignment on disaster management class 9 pdf

Examples: Acknowledgement / Index page

Have a look at few creative examples for your project acknowledgement and Index Page.

assignment on disaster management class 9 pdf

Videos: Topper Project Files

Here are some video links to inspire your disaster management project.

Project Idea- Video 1

Project Idea- Video 2

Project Idea- Video 3

Project Idea- Video 4

Pdfs: full projects.

Download full project PDF of disaster management file for CBSE class 9

assignment on disaster management class 9 pdf

Sample Project 1

assignment on disaster management class 9 pdf

Sample Project 2

Sample project 3, sample project 4, sample project 5, sample project 6, other projects.

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<red> → <red>  SST Sustainable Development Project for Class 10

<red> → <red>   SST Consumer Awareness Project for Class 10

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Shaping Minds

Disaster Management Project for Class 9 – Complete Guide

assignment on disaster management class 9 pdf

Written By Avinash Sharan

Class 9 | projects 9, 13 comment(s), 10th may 2020, disaster management project.

It is mandatory to do a Disaster Management project for class 9 students every year.

According to CBSE, students studying in class IX have to submit a handwritten project on Disaster Management.

Topics will be provided by the school. The topic may be Natural Disasters or Man-Made disasters.

The purpose of giving this Disaster Management project to class 9 students is to make them prepared for any disaster.

Further, they can also spread awareness to the mass about the precautions to be taken at the time of National/Local Disasters.

Are you looking for a project on Tsunamis? Simply click the link

To get the latest project on Sustainable Developmen t, click on the link.

“Project On Heat Stroke”- Understanding the Risks and Prevention

Things to be kept in mind while doing the project

Follow cbse guidelines strictly..

  • Firstly, USE A-4 size file paper (one side ruled)
  • Secondly, Use blue or black ink to write your project.
  • Thirdly, design the cover page in such a way that it reflects your topic.
  • Fourthly, write the Topic of the project, Name, Class, and Sec, and Roll no. on the cover page in bold letters.
  • Use the bottom space for your Name, Class, and sec, Roll no.
  • However, the project work should not be less than 15 pages (including the cover page)
  • Be ready for Viva or written assignments based on your project.
  • Utilize summer vacation / Lockdown time to complete your project.
  • Lastly, do not use plastic covers.

Disaster Management Project Page-Wise With Subheadings


will be your cover page with topics like

TOPIC: COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN INDIA and then show your creativity in designing the page.

Page No. 2:

Acknowledgment: (what should be written) see an example below.


From the core of my heart, I am very thankful to everyone who all supported me, for I have completed my project effectively and moreover on time. I am overwhelmed in all humility and grateful to acknowledge my depth to all those who helped me to put these ideas well. equally grateful to my ( NAME OF SUBJECT TEACHER ) for giving me moral support and guidance in doing this project. It would be an injustice if I do not thank my parents who helped me a lot in collecting data, pictures, and continuous help and support. With their able guidance, encouragement, and support, I could complete my project on time.

Thanking you,

( Name of the student)

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This page will be of Index as given in every textbook where the name of the chapters in the sequence is given along with page numbers. For example…….


i) Introduction:   pg 4.

ii) How the disaster takes place…………pg 5

iii) Preparedness before disaster………….pg 6

iv) Preparedness during disaster……… 7 & 8

v) Preparedness after disaster…………….pg 9 & 10.

Page No.4 & 5:

a short description of COVID-19 and a brief history of how it spread. Take the help of Newspapers or the Internet. (minimum 2 pages i.e. pg 4 & 5):

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Introduction – A brief History of COVID 19

Coronavirus actually belongs to the Coronaviridae family. It represents crown-like spikes on the outer surface of the virus, therefore, it was named as coronavirus. This virus is minute in size and causes the acute respiratory syndrome. These viruses were thought to infect only animals until the world witnessed a severe outbreak caused by SARS in Guangdong, China.

At the end of 2019, Wuhan- a fast-emerging business hub of China experienced an outbreak of coronavirus, killing more than 1800 and infected our 70 thousand individuals in just a span of 50 days. Health officials are still tracing the exact source of this new coronavirus, early findings (hypothesis) thought it may be linked to s seafood market in Wuhan. However, the first reported case came on 1st December, which had no link to the seafood market. Therefore, investigations are going on to find the exact reason for the originating and spread of COVID-19.

In 2003, an outbreak of SARS stands for the severe acute respiratory syndrome. An outbreak of SARS started in China and spread to other countries before ending in 2004. Coronavirus also known as COVID-19 seems to spread faster than the 2003 SARS and also may cause severe illness.

The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses named the virus as SARS- CoV 19 and the disease COVID-19.

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Project On Tsunami: 13 Pages You Must Include In Your Disaster Management Project

Page No. 6 & 7

Mention the causes and symptoms:

Coronavirus typically affects the respiratory tracts of birds and mammals including humans. Doctors associate them with the common cold, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, and severe acute respiratory syndrome.

The main way the disease spreads is through respiratory droplets expelled by someone who is coughing. The risk of catching COVID-19 from someone with no symptoms at all is very low.

However, many people with COVID-19 experience only mild symptoms. This is particularly true at the early stages of the disease. It is therefore possible to catch COVID-19 from someone who has, for example, just a mild cough and does not feel ill.

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Common Symptoms

Researchers in China found that the most common symptoms among people who had COVID-19 include:

Loss of appetite

Shortness of breath and Mucus.

However, these symptoms usually begin 2 to 14 days after you come into contact with the virus.

There may be other symptoms as well such as sore throat, headache vomiting etc.

If you have any of these symptoms then

i) isolate yourself.

ii) stay away from others as much as possible.

iii) stay in a closed room and use a separate soap, towel, clothes, handkerchief and if possible toilet and bathroom.

If you are below 10 years of age or above 50 years of age with diabetes, blood pressure, weakness etc., then you are at a high risk of complications.

Therefore, immediately call your doctor and seek immediate medical help.

Page No. 8: 

The extent of damage : On this page, you have to mention the extent of damage done in different countries. Take the help of newspapers or the internet for the latest information. You can also show the spread of this virus in different countries on the world map with different colors.

Uncovering the Effects of Natural Disasters on Communities – A Disaster Management Project

Steps taken by the government to combat this disaster: You may explain:

i) Lockdown

ii) Precautions to be taken during the lockdown period like social distancing, sanitizing hands, etc.

Very Important for TERM II (Case study-based questions)


Case Study Based Questions From Natural Vegetation And Wildlife – Term II (SOLVED)

Page No 10 & 11

Contribution of people who are involved in combating this disaster. In this page you can mention about the role of Doctors, Nurses, Police, people involved in maintaining cleanliness etc. in details along with images, drawings, pictures, newspaper cuttings etc on the left side of your page.

Page No. 12 

Lessons Learnt:

what lessons have you learnt from this disaster.


HEADING: Do’s and dont’s for next time to avoid such disasters.

Mention about a few things which can be done everyday to protect yourself from this disaster in points.

Similarly Mention about a few things which you should not do to protect yourself from this disaster in points.

Page No. 14:

Bibliography:  A bibliography usually contains about the websites you visited, the newspapers name from where you have collected the data or pictures, etc. Whichever book, magazine, shops or websites you have visited, you must mention about that.

Page No. 15:

Keep the last page of your project for teacher’s remarks and grade/marks.

6. Lastly, go for spiral bound cover and submit your project.

Just invest 1 day and 13 pages to complete your project on  Tsunami    as per CBSE norms.


Follow Guidelines of CBSE   strictly on Disaster Management Project.

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Do You Want To Do A Project On Man Made Disaster, Then Click On The Given Link.

Get the latest project on Sustainable Developmen t, click on the link.

“Project On Heat Stroke”- Understanding the Risks and Prevention

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Divyanshu giri

Thank you ji

Ankush kaushik

Thanku it really helps me

Ajay shetty

Bro you helped me alot

Avinash Sharan

Thank you once again. Avinash Sharan.


I want disaster management on earthquake

nishchal gupta

very good this helped me in making my project

Name *purusotam Rai

Welcome Purushottam.

Bhoomi Sihag

It is very much helpful . Thank You so much Sir.

Thank you Bhoomi.

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Disaster Management Project for Class 9 and 10 PDF Download

Developing a disaster management project for Class 9 and 10 students not only enhances their knowledge and understanding but also equips them with essential life skills. The field of disaster management is of utmost importance in India, a country prone to various natural and man-made disasters.

Disaster management plays a vital role in minimizing the impact of disasters and ensuring the safety and well-being of communities. In this blog post, we will delve into the various aspects of disaster management, including its definition, types of disasters, the disaster management cycle, relevant acts, agencies in India, and tips for developing a disaster management project for Class 9 and 10 students.

This project provides an opportunity for students to explore different aspects of disaster management, develop critical thinking abilities, and contribute to building a safer and more resilient society. Here is a comprehensive outline for a disaster management project suitable for Class 9 and 10 students in India.

Disaster Management Project PDF Download

Table of Content:

  • Define disaster management and its significance.
  • Discuss the need for disaster management in India.
  • Highlight the objectives and benefits of studying disaster management.
  • Categorize disasters into natural and man-made disasters.
  • Provide examples of common natural disasters in India (e.g., floods, earthquakes, cyclones, droughts).
  • Discuss man-made disasters prevalent in India (e.g., industrial accidents, chemical spills, fires).
  • Explain the four phases of the disaster management cycle (mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery).
  • Describe the activities involved in each phase.
  • Provide examples of initiatives or programs undertaken in India for each phase.
  • Discuss the Disaster Management Act, 2005, and its key provisions.
  • Explore the roles and responsibilities of national, state, and district-level disaster management authorities in India.
  • Highlight the importance of coordination and collaboration among different agencies.
  • Select two or more major disasters that have occurred in India (e.g., Uttarakhand floods, Cyclone Fani).
  • Analyze the causes, impacts, and response strategies employed during these disasters.
  • Discuss the lessons learned and recommendations for future disaster management.
  • Explore various preparedness measures for different types of disasters (e.g., early warning systems, evacuation plans).
  • Discuss mitigation strategies to reduce the impact of disasters (e.g., building resilient infrastructure, afforestation).
  • Provide examples of successful preparedness and mitigation initiatives in India.
  • Emphasize the importance of individual responsibility in disaster management.
  • Discuss ways in which individuals can contribute to disaster preparedness and response.
  • Encourage students to create awareness campaigns or develop community-level initiatives for disaster preparedness.
  • Prepare a visual presentation summarizing the project.
  • Include relevant images, charts, and graphs to enhance understanding.
  • Deliver a concise and engaging presentation to the class.

In India, the need for effective disaster management is paramount due to the country’s geographical location and diverse climatic conditions. India is prone to a wide range of natural disasters, including floods, cyclones, earthquakes, droughts, landslides, and forest fires. Additionally, man-made disasters such as industrial accidents, chemical spills, and terrorist attacks pose significant risks. These disasters can cause loss of life, widespread damage to infrastructure, economic disruptions, and displacement of populations.

What is Disaster Management?

Disaster management is a process of preparing for, responding to, and recovering from an emergency or disaster. It involves various activities such as risk assessment, planning, communication, and coordination of resources to reduce the impact of disasters. The primary goal of disaster management is to save lives, protect property, and ensure the continuity of essential services.

Types of Disasters

Disasters can be classified into two broad categories, namely natural disasters and man-made disasters. Natural disasters are caused by natural phenomena such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis, and landslides. Man-made disasters, on the other hand, are caused by human activities such as fires, explosions, industrial accidents, and terrorist attacks.

Natural disasters are more common and can have a severe impact on human life and property. For example, earthquakes can cause buildings to collapse, floods can destroy homes and businesses, hurricanes can cause widespread power outages and damage infrastructure, and landslides can disrupt transportation and communication.

Man-made disasters are less common but can also have a severe impact on human life and property. For example, industrial accidents can result in chemical spills, fires can destroy buildings and homes, explosions can cause widespread damage, and terrorist attacks can cause widespread panic and loss of life.

Importance of Disaster Management

Disaster management is essential for several reasons. Firstly, disasters can strike anytime, anywhere, and without warning. Therefore, it is crucial to be prepared for disasters to reduce the impact of disasters and save lives. Secondly, disasters can have severe consequences on human life and property, which can lead to economic losses and social disruption. Effective disaster management measures can help to reduce the impact of disasters and ensure the continuity of essential services. Thirdly, disasters can cause psychological trauma to people affected by disasters, and effective disaster management measures can help to provide psychological support and counseling to those affected.

Disaster Management Cycle

The disaster management cycle consists of four phases: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. Each phase plays a crucial role in minimizing the impact of disasters, enhancing preparedness, and facilitating effective response and recovery efforts. In India, various initiatives and programs have been undertaken at each phase to mitigate risks, build preparedness, respond swiftly, and facilitate long-term recovery and reconstruction.

Disaster Management Project Cycle | Management Hub

  • The mitigation phase involves activities that aim to reduce the risk of disasters, such as identifying hazards and assessing risks.
  • The preparedness phase involves activities that aim to prepare individuals, communities, and organizations to respond to disasters, such as developing emergency plans, conducting drills, and training first responders.
  • The response phase involves activities that aim to provide immediate assistance to people affected by disasters, such as search and rescue, evacuation, and providing basic needs such as food, water, and shelter.
  • The recovery phase involves activities that aim to restore normalcy after a disaster, such as rebuilding infrastructure, providing psychological support, and restoring essential services.

Case Studies of Major Disasters in India

India has witnessed several major disasters in the past, and effective disaster management measures have helped to reduce the impact of disasters and save lives. For example, during the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, effective disaster management measures such as warning systems, evacuation, and search and rescue operations helped to reduce the number of casualties. Similarly, during the 2013 Uttarakhand floods, effective disaster management measures such as rescue and relief operations helped to save many lives.

However, there have also been instances where ineffective disaster management measures have resulted in severe consequences. For example, during the 1984 Bhopal gas tragedy, ineffective disaster management measures resulted in widespread loss of life and property.

The case studies of major disasters in India highlight the importance of effective disaster management measures and the need for continuous improvement in disaster management strategies.

Preparedness for disasters

preparedness measures and mitigation strategies are crucial for effective disaster management. Early warning systems, evacuation plans, resilient infrastructure, afforestation, and community-based initiatives play significant roles in reducing the risks and impacts of disasters. India has implemented successful initiatives that highlight the importance of preparedness and mitigation, contributing to the overall resilience of communities in the face of various hazards.

Preparedness for disasters is essential to reduce the impact of disasters and save lives. Students can prepare for disasters by following some simple steps, such as creating an emergency kit, developing an emergency plan, and staying informed about potential hazards.

Preparedness Measures for Different Types of Disasters:

  • Early Warning Systems: Example: The Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System (IOTWS), implemented by the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), provides real-time tsunami warnings and alerts to coastal communities.
  • Evacuation Plans: Example: The Odisha State Disaster Management Authority has implemented a successful evacuation plan during cyclones, including Cyclone Phailin in 2013, which resulted in minimal loss of life due to timely evacuation. Mitigation Strategies to Reduce the Impact of Disasters:
  • Building Resilient Infrastructure Example: The Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority implemented strict building codes and regulations after the devastating earthquake in 2001. This has led to the construction of earthquake-resistant buildings and infrastructure, reducing the vulnerability to seismic events.
  • Afforestation and Ecosystem Restoration: Example: The Miyawaki Forest technique, implemented in various cities across India, involves dense plantation of native tree species, enhancing biodiversity, restoring ecosystems, and providing natural protection against disasters. Successful Preparedness and Mitigation Initiatives in India:
  • Kerala’s Community-Based Disaster Management Initiatives: – Kerala has implemented community-based disaster management initiatives, including the ‘Arangu’ program, which involves training local volunteers to respond during disasters. – The ‘Rebuild Kerala Initiative’ focuses on building resilient infrastructure, restoring livelihoods, and providing financial assistance to affected communities.
  • Gujarat’s School Safety Program – The School Safety Program in Gujarat aims to enhance the safety and preparedness of schools during disasters. – It includes developing school disaster management plans, conducting safety audits, training teachers and students in disaster response, and establishing early warning systems.

Role of individuals in Disaster Management

Individuals play a crucial role in disaster management, and their actions can have a significant impact on the outcome of disasters. Individuals can contribute to disaster management by following some simple steps, such as staying informed about potential hazards, creating an emergency kit, developing an emergency plan, and volunteering during emergencies.

Staying informed about potential hazards involves monitoring weather updates, staying informed about potential hazards, and following the instructions of authorities during emergencies. Creating an emergency kit involves assembling essential items such as food, water, first aid kit, flashlight, and other essential items that may be required during an emergency. Developing an emergency plan involves identifying potential hazards, developing a communication plan, identifying safe zones, and practicing emergency drills. Volunteering during emergencies involves providing support to those affected by disasters, such as providing basic needs, psychological support, and assisting in search and rescue operations.

Strategic Management: Key Concepts and Proven Strategies

Disaster Management Project Presentation:

Tips for developing the disaster management project:.

  • Conduct thorough research using reliable sources such as government publications, scientific journals, and reputable websites.
  • Organize the project into clear sections with headings and subheadings.
  • Use a variety of media, including text, images, and infographics, to present information effectively.
  • Incorporate real-life examples, case studies, and statistics to support your points.
  • Cite all sources properly using a standard citation format (e.g., APA or MLA).
  • Practice your presentation beforehand to ensure clarity and confidence.

SST Class 9 Disaster Management Project

Disaster management Project For Class 9

Disaster Project Management Conclusion:

The disaster management project for Class 9 and 10 students in India provides an excellent opportunity to deepen their understanding of disaster management concepts and their practical application. By exploring various aspects of disaster management, students can develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and leadership skills necessary to contribute effectively in times of crisis. Through this project, students not only gain knowledge but also become proactive agents of change in building resilient communities and promoting disaster preparedness in India.

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FAQs on Disaster Management - Class 9

1. What is Disaster Management?
2. What are the key components of Disaster Management?
3. What are the challenges in Disaster Management?
4. What is the role of the government in Disaster Management?
5. What can individuals do to prepare for disasters?

Disaster Management - Class 9

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NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management Download PDF

Free download  NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management English and Hindi medium  for 2021 academic year. By clicking on the links below for the ebooks you can download in pdf for Class 9 Disaster Management. If you need the full textbook issued by NCERT or whether you require the relevant PDF of the chapter in the textbook, all options are given below for NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management. You can download the entire textbook or each chapter in pdf, All these books are strongly suggested by Class 9 Disaster Management teachers in your school as they have been carefully designed as per the latest syllabus issued by CBSE. Students of Class 9 are recommended to download and read latest NCERT books and also remember to refer to NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Disaster Management

NCERT Disaster Management Book Class 9 PDF Free Download

Students in Class 9 should strictly follow NCERT book for Class 9 Disaster Management issued as per the syllabus designed by CBSE. These books have bee designed by the best Disaster Management teachers and if you follow these books then you will be able to understand all topics and concepts properly and get good marks in class tests and examinations

NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management PDF Download

Chapter 1 Disaster Management Chapter 1

Chapter 2 Disaster Management Chapter 2

Chapter 3 Disaster Management Chapter 3

Chapter 4 Disaster Management Chapter 4 part 1

Chapter 5 Disaster Management Chapter 4 part 2

Chapter 6 Disaster Management Chapter 4 part 3

Chapter 7 Disaster Management Chapter 5 part 1

Chapter 8 Disaster Management Chapter 5 part 2

Chapter 9 Disaster Management Chapter 6

Chapter 10 Disaster Management Chapter 7


NCERT Books  for Class 9 Disaster Management  are published by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) for latest 2021 academic session for Class 9. These books issued are by NCERT for Disaster Management Class 9. They are recommended by all schools and is being implemented in almost all states in India as questions on exams for Class 9 Disaster Management normally comes from Books by NCERT only. Standard 9 students studying Disaster Management should strictly follow the chapters and topics given here while studying for class tests and exams, and if they use these only then they can be sure that their preparation for Class 9 exams is as per suggested syllabus. Students should also note that there are unsolved problems in class 9 books for Disaster Management. You should solve them and refer to NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Disaster Management. Solve the questions first and then see the solutions designed by our teachers Class 9.

Advantages of  NCERT Books for Class 9 Disaster Management

a) NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management has been developed by experienced Disaster Management teachers at the board based on the best educational tools available.

b) They have been developed to help all types of Class 9 students so that when they refer to NCERT Books and solutions for Class 9 Disaster Management then they can understand all topics in a simple and logical manner.

c) In your exams and class tests you will see that Class 9 teachers give most of the questions from these books only.

d) As the books have been designed as per 2021 CBSE syllabus, Class 9 students can study based on these.

NCERT Books and Solutions of CBSE Class 9 Disaster Management  are available for free download. We bring here best collection of free downloadable ebooks for grade 1 to grade 12. You can easily click on given links and download PDF for each chapter in your book.  PDF Download latest Class 9 Disaster Management chapter wise PDF ebooks  and read them daily as it will help you in exam preparation. On daily basis you should study one important chapter of  CBSE Grade 9 Disaster Management book .

All latest study material for Class 9 for Disaster Management has been developed for free download by best teachers of schools in India

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You can easily download latest 2021 NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management from

Its easy, you can simply click on the links provided here and in one click download entire book or even each chapter of PDFs for standard 9 Disaster Management

Yes – The ebooks issued by NCERT have been made available here for latest 2021 session

Just click on links above for Class 9 books in Disaster Management and download the for each chapter

Yes – our team of teachers have prepared free solutions for all problems given in NCERT Class 9 Disaster Management textbook

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Yes – you can download books and solutions for all other classes and subjects in Class 9 in both English and Hindi Medium for year 2021

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NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management Pdf Download

Please refer to the links below for  NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management available for Pdf Download  for free. We have provided here the latest collection of standard 9 Disaster Management NCERT books which have been published by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) in the current academic year. Students in Grade 9 Disaster Management can click on the links below to download the full book or Pdf of each chapter which they want to read. These  NCERT CBSE Class 9 book Disaster Management  are really helpful to prepare for Class 9 exams

NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management

NCERT Books for Class 9  Disaster Management  have been designed and published by NCERT. Students should follow these NCERT Class 9 Disaster Management ebooks as they will help them to properly prepare for Grade 9 exams. All concepts have been properly explained in the Grade 9th NCERT Disaster Management ebooks. At the end of each chapter, there are a lot of practice questions given to students. Students should solve these NCERT questions and compare their answers with the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Disaster Management provided by us.

Chapter-Wise NCERT Textbooks for Disaster Management Class 9

Class 9 disaster management ncert book.

Chapter 1 Disaster Management Chapter 1

Chapter 2 Disaster Management Chapter 2

Chapter 3 Disaster Management Chapter 3

Chapter 4 Disaster Management Chapter 4 part 1

Chapter 5 Disaster Management Chapter 4 part 2

Chapter 6 Disaster Management Chapter 4 part 3

Chapter 7 Disaster Management Chapter 5 part 1

Chapter 8 Disaster Management Chapter 5 part 2

Chapter 9 Disaster Management Chapter 6

Chapter 10 Disaster Management Chapter 7

NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management Pdf Download

NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management Pdf Download provided here is for the current academic year. Class 9th NCERT Disaster Management Books are used in school exams as well in various competitive exams.

Students should read through all chapters given in these NCERT, CBSE, KVS Disaster Management books as they will help them to study as per the latest Disaster Management syllabus issued by CBSE. You will be able to download all the standard 9th Disaster Management textbooks by clicking on the links above. All ebooks of class 9 Disaster Management can be easily downloaded in Pdf. You can also refer to  Assignments for Class 9 Disaster Management  provided by us which contains a lot of chapter-wise questions and answers to help students practice and gain more understanding. All assignments and  worksheets for class 9 Disaster Management  can be downloaded in Pdf.

Benefits of NCERT Books for Class 9 Disaster Management

a)  Disaster Management Class 9 NCERT books  have been designed as per the latest curriculum issued by CBSE.

b)  ebooks by NCERT for Disaster Management Grade 9th  can be easily downloaded in Pdf format. We have provided all links above for all books issued by NCERT

c) These textbooks will help students in Disaster Management class 9 to prepare for various competitive exams also as most of the questions are asked from these books.

d) All chapters in Disaster Management Grade 9th books have been explained in an easy-to-understand manner followed by practice questions and exercises.

e) Students in Class 9 should read these CBSE Disaster Management books and refer to NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Disaster Management.

Frequently Asked Questions

We have provided you the download links for the latest NCERT textbooks for Disaster Management Class 9 in Pdf

We have provided the above links to help you easily download each chapter in your ebook for class 9th Disaster Management and also each chapter in Pdf.

We have provided the above links to help you download books for Disaster Management standard 9 for the current academic year.

All CBSE books for Class 9 Disaster Management are provided here for download for free from our portal.

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NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management

Students can click on the chapter-wise links below to access  NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management   and Download free PDF . We have provided the latest Disaster Management Grade 9 NCERT books which the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has issued this year. To help students we have given below links to the full book and also for each chapter. Standard 9 Disaster Management students can download Pdf books for Class 9 and read online. We have provided all free  NCERT CBSE books for Class 9 Disaster Management  which you can download easily.

Class 9 Disaster Management NCERT Books Pdf Download

NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management  has been updated based on the latest syllabus issued by CBSE. Standard 9th Disaster Management students should properly learn all chapters given in these books as questions in Disaster Management Class 9th exams will be asked from NCERT textbooks. All schools and teachers always recommend downloading and reading NCERT ebooks as all concepts have been properly explained in these books. Grade 9 Disaster Management students should also do questions given in the exercises at the end of each chapter and also refer to  NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Disaster Management .

Chapter-Wise NCERT Textbooks for Disaster Management Class 9

Class 9 disaster management ncert book.

Chapter 1 Disaster Management Chapter 1

Chapter 2 Disaster Management Chapter 2

Chapter 3 Disaster Management Chapter 3

Chapter 4 Disaster Management Chapter 4 part 1

Chapter 5 Disaster Management Chapter 4 part 2

Chapter 6 Disaster Management Chapter 4 part 3

Chapter 7 Disaster Management Chapter 5 part 1

Chapter 8 Disaster Management Chapter 5 part 2

Chapter 9 Disaster Management Chapter 6

Chapter 10 Disaster Management Chapter 7

NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management

It’s important for Disaster Management students in Class 9 to refer to NCERT textbooks as these books are used in school exams and in various other exams too. NCERT has designed these books keeping in consideration the requirements of Class 9 students. The concepts given in  Grade 9th Disaster Management   books  are easy to understand.

We have provided here a collection of the latest  NCERT e-textbooks for Class 9 Disaster Management  which the students will be able to download in Pdf and read them later. We have also provided  Worksheets for Disaster Management  Class 9  which have a lot of important questions and answers which can be really useful for students to gain more knowledge of all subjects.

Advantages of NCERT Books for Disaster Management Class 9

a)  NCERT Books for Class 9 Disaster Management  are really helpful to prepare for upcoming exams as most of the questions will be asked from these books.

b)  Textbooks by NCERT for Disaster Management Grade 9th  have been designed based on the latest syllabus issued for the current academic year.

c) All ebooks issued by CBSE and NCERT are free for standard 9th Disaster Management students. You can download all books in Pdf free from our website.

d) All chapters in  Class 9 Disaster Management   books  have properly explained concepts followed by questions for which we have provided solutions.

e) Students in Class 9 will not have to refer to any other book if they read these CBSE books.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can download the latest NCERT textbooks for Class 9 Disaster Management in Pdf from

It is recommended to download the NCERT textbook for Class 9th Disaster Management for each chapter. We have provided links to help you download each chapter in your Disaster Management textbook for class 9th.

On our portal, you can refer to the links provided above to download books Disaster Management for standard 9 for the current year.

CBSE books for Disaster Management Class 9 are available here for free download from our website.

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Ncert book class 9 disaster management download pdf.

Available for download for free NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management English and Hindi medium for 2021 school session. Students can simply click on the full book and chapter wise link which we have provided here which will allow you to free download ebooks in PDF format for Class 9 Disaster Management. The full ebook in PDF issued by NCERT for latest academic session or if you need to download the exact chapter in PDF for quick read, you have all options below for NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management.

You can easily copy the full NCERT or CBSE book or in pdf, All books and chapter wise topics are strongly recommended by Class 9 Disaster Management respected teachers in all schools in India as the books have been designed as per the most updated syllabus issued by CBSE. Students of Class 9 are advised by all to download and daily go through the latest NCERT books and also get free NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Disaster Management

NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management PDF Download

Chapter 1 Disaster Management Chapter 1

Chapter 2 Disaster Management Chapter 2

Chapter 3 Disaster Management Chapter 3

Chapter 4 Disaster Management Chapter 4 part 1

Chapter 5 Disaster Management Chapter 4 part 2

Chapter 6 Disaster Management Chapter 4 part 3

Chapter 7 Disaster Management Chapter 5 part 1

Chapter 8 Disaster Management Chapter 5 part 2

Chapter 9 Disaster Management Chapter 6

Chapter 10 Disaster Management Chapter 7


NCERT Books for Class 9 Disaster Management are published by NCERT for latest 2021 academic session for Class 9. These text books books have been issued by NCERT for Disaster Management Class 9. They are suggested by teachers of all schools and is being used in schools in all states and their education boards in India as problems in exams for Class 9 Disaster Management generally always comes from eBooks issued by NCERT only. Standard 9 students studying Disaster Management should carefully study and religiously follow the chapters given in the books when preparing for school tests and examinations, and if they use these only then they can be sure that their preparation for Class 9 exams is as per suggested syllabus.

Students should also note that there are NCERT questions in class 9 books for Disaster Management. Students are recommended to first solve them by themselves and then read to NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Disaster Management. Self take out solutions of the questions and then later refer to the answer developed by teachers Class 9.

Some benefits of NCERT Books for Class 9 Disaster Management

a) NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management has been designed by well known Disaster Management teachers at NCERT based on the latest educational guides available.

b) They have been carefully designed to provide support to all of Class 9 students so that as they regularly read NCERT Books and their NCERT solutions for Class 9 Disaster Management then they can comprehend all important and difficult topics in a simple and logical manner.

c) Based on the past pattern of various exams and class tests it has been observed that in Class 9 teachers set their question papers primarily from NCERT books only.

d) All PDF books have been developed as per latest 2021 CBSE syllabus, Class 9 students can study based on these.

NCERT Books and Solutions of NCERT Class 9 Disaster Management are free to copy or download with a single click. has collated for you a really good collection of easy and free to download books for standard 1 to 12. Its simple as you can easily click on links above and download PDF for each chapter in your book. PDF Download latest Class 9 Disaster Management chapter wise PDF ebooks and take out time daily to go through them as it will majorly support you in test preparation. You make a point that daily you study atleast one topic of NCERT Grade 9 Disaster Management book .

Frequently Asked Questions

Q-1) I am trying to search for the latest NCERT Book in PDF format for Class 9 Disaster Management in PDF, where can I get it ?

Ans-1) We have made it so convenient for you that just with click of a button you can download latest NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management from

Q-2) I am in urgent need to download the entire PDF book of NCERT for class 9 Disaster Management in easy to download and print format, which is the best website to download?

Ans-2) is the best website where new NCERT books are available and can be easily downloaded with just click of a button for standard 9 Disaster Management

Q-3) Are the books available for the latest session in my school ?

Ans-3) The latest ebooks issued by NCERT are offcourse available here are latest 2021 session

Q-4) How can I download the NCERT ebooks ?

Ans-4) Just click on links above for Class 9 books in Disaster Management and download the for each chapter

Q-5) I also have to get NCERT solutions for my homework for Class 9 Disaster Management ?

Ans-5) Teachers from the best schools in India have prepared solutions for all questions given in NCERT Class 9 Disaster Management textbook

Q-6) I am trying to download the NCERT Solutions and its books too but I want them for free, Can I get them?

Ans-6) The NCERT Solutions and related textbooks for Class 9 are available for download without any charge and can be just downloaded with single click

Q-7) I am in urgent need to get ebooks for other subjects, i am trying to find the best source to download?

Ans-7) We have provided all relevant links to the books so that you can download books and solutions for any other class you want and other subjects Class 9 in English medium as well as Hindi Medium for 2021 academic session

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  • IAS Preparation
  • UPSC Preparation Strategy
  • Disaster Management India

Disaster Management in India

Disruption on a massive scale, either natural or man-made, occurring in short or long periods is termed a Disaster. Disaster management in India has been an important point of discussion owing to frequent natural disasters ranging from earthquakes, floods, drought, etc. This makes the issue of disaster management worthwhile to consider as part of the preparation for the IAS Exam .

Explore the Ultimate Guide to IAS Exam Preparation Download The E-Book Now!

In this post, you will read all about disaster and disaster management in the Indian context. IAS aspirants can also download the Disaster Management notes PDF.

Loss of life and property due to these disasters has been steadily mounting throughout the world due to inadequate technology to combat disasters, rise in population, climate change, and continuing ecological degradation. The global efforts to manage disasters have proven to be insufficient to match the frequency and magnitude of natural disasters.

CRM IAS Push Noti

Table of Contents:

What is a Disaster?

A disaster is defined as a disruption on a massive scale, either natural or man-made, occurring in short or long periods. Disasters can lead to human, material, economic or environmental hardships, which can be beyond the bearable capacity of the affected society. As per statistics, India as a whole is vulnerable to 30 different types of disasters that will affect the economic, social, and human development potential to such an extent that it will have long-term effects on productivity and macro-economic performance.

Disasters can be classified into the following categories:

  • Water and Climate Disaster: Flood, hail storms, cloudburst, cyclones, heat waves, cold waves, droughts, hurricanes. (Read about Cyclone Disaster Management separately at the linked article.)
  • Geological Disaster: Landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes
  • Biological Disaster: Viral epidemics, pest attacks, cattle epidemic, and locust plagues
  • Industrial Disaster: Chemical and industrial accidents, mine shaft fires, oil spills,
  • Nuclear Disasters: Nuclear core meltdowns, radiation poisoning
  • Man-made disasters: Urban and forest fires, oil spill, the collapse of huge building structures

What is Disaster Management?

In this section, we define what is disaster management as per the Disaster Management Act of 2005.

The Disaster Management Act of 2005 defines Disaster Management as an integrated process of planning, organizing, coordinating and implementing measures which are necessary for-

  • Prevention of threat of any disaster
  • Reduction of risk of any disaster or its consequences
  • Readiness to deal with any disaster
  • Promptness in dealing with a disaster
  • Assessing the severity of the effects of any disaster
  • Rescue and relief
  • Rehabilitation and Reconstruction

Agencies involved in Disaster Management

  • National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA):- The National Disaster Management Authority , or the NDMA, is an apex body for disaster management, headed by the Prime Minister of India. It is responsible for the supervision, direction, and control of the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF).
  • National Executive Committee (NEC):- The NEC is composed of high profile ministerial members from the government of India that include the Union Home Secretary as Chairperson, and the Secretaries to the Government of India (GoI)like Ministries/Departments of Agriculture, Atomic Energy, Defence, Drinking Water Supply, Environment and Forests, etc. The NEC prepares the National Plan for Disaster Management as per the National Policy on Disaster Management.
  • State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA):- The Chief Minister of the respective state is the head of the SDMA.The State Government has a State Executive Committee (SEC) which assists the State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) on Disaster Management.
  • District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA):- The DDMA is headed by the District Collector, Deputy Commissioner or District Magistrate depending on the situation, with the elected representatives of the local authority as the Co-Chairperson. The DDMA ensures that the guidelines framed by the NDMA and the SDMA are followed by all the departments of the State Government at the District level and the local authorities in the District.
  • Local Authorities:- Local authorities would include Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI), Municipalities, District and Cantonment 11 Institutional and Legal Arrangements Boards, and Town Planning Authorities which control and manage civic services.

Now let’s have a look at some of the types of disasters and the means to combat them.

Biological Disasters

Definition: The devastating effects caused by an enormous spread of a certain kind of living organism that may spread disease, viruses, or an infestation of plant, animal, or insect life on an epidemic or pandemic level.

  • Epidemic Level – Indicates a disaster that affects many people in a given area or community.
  • Pandemic Level – Indicates a disaster that affects a much larger region, sometimes an entire continent or even the whole planet. For example, the recent H1N1 or Swine Flu pandemic.

To know more about Bio-Terrorism threat to India and India’s Preparedness visit the linked article.

Biological Disasters – Important points to remember for UPSC

1. The nodal Ministry for handling epidemics – Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

  • Decision-making
  • Advisory body
  • Emergency medical relief providing

2. The primary responsibility of dealing with biological disasters is with the State Governments. (Reason – Health is a State Subject).

3. The nodal agency for investigating outbreaks – National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD)

4. Nodal ministry for Biological Warfare – Ministry of Home Affairs ( Biological warfare is the use of biological agents as an act of war)

Biological Disasters – Classifications

Charles Baldwin developed the symbol for biohazard in 1966.

Disaster Management - Symbol for biohazard - UPSC 2021 Preparation

The US Centres for Disease Control classifies biohazards into four biosafety levels as follows:

  • BSL-1: Bacteria and Viruses including Bacillus subtilis, some cell cultures, canine hepatitis, and non-infectious bacteria. Protection is only facial protection and gloves.
  • BSL-2: Bacteria and viruses that cause only mild disease to humans, or are difficult to contract via aerosol in a lab setting such as hepatitis A, B, C, mumps, measles, HIV, etc. Protection – use of autoclaves for sterilizing and biological safety cabinets.
  • BSL-3: Bacteria and viruses causing severe to fatal disease in humans. Example: West Nile virus, anthrax, MERS coronavirus. Protection – Stringent safety protocols such as the use of respirators to prevent airborne infection.
  • BSL-4: Potentially fatal (to human beings) viruses like Ebola virus, Marburg virus, Lassa fever virus, etc. Protection – use of a positive pressure personnel suit, with a segregated air supply.

Legislations for prevention of Biohazards in India

The following legislations have been enacted in India for the prevention of biohazards and implementation of protective, eradicative and containing measures when there is an outbreak:

  • The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974
  • The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981
  • The Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986 and the Rules (1986)
  • Disaster Management Act 2005, provides for the institutional and operational framework for disaster prevention, mitigation, response, preparedness, and recovery at all levels.
  • Air Prevention and Control of Pollution Act 1981
  • Disaster Management Act of 2005

Prevention of Biological Hazards

The basic measure to prevent and control biohazards is the elimination of the source of contamination. Some of the prevention methods are as follows:

Preventive Measures for workers in the field (Medical)

  • Engineering controls – to help prevent the spread of such disasters including proper ventilation, installing negative pressure, and usage of UV lamps.
  • Personal hygiene – washing hands with liquid soap, proper care for clothes that have been exposed to a probably contaminated environment.
  • Personal protection equipment – masks, protective clothing, gloves, face shield, eye shield, shoe covers.
  • Sterilization – Using ultra heat or high pressure to eliminate bacteria or using biocide to kill microbes.
  • Respiratory protection – surgical masks, respirators, powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR), air-supplying respirators.

Prevention of Biological Hazards (Environmental Management)

Safe water supply, proper maintenance of sewage pipelines – to prevent waterborne diseases such as cholera, typhoid, hepatitis, dysentery, etc.

Awareness of personal hygiene and provision for washing, cleaning, bathing, avoiding overcrowding, etc.

Vector control:

Environmental engineering work and generic integrated vector control measures.

Water management, not permitting water to stagnate and collect and other methods to eliminate breeding places for vectors.

Regular spraying of insecticides, outdoor fogging, etc. for controlling vectors.

Controlling the population of rodents.

Post-disaster Epidemics Prevention

The risk of epidemics is increased after any biological disaster.

Integrated Disease Surveillance Systems (IDSS) monitors the sources, modes of diseases spreading, and investigates the epidemics.

Detection and Containment of Outbreaks

This consists of four steps as given under:

  • Recognizing and diagnosing by primary healthcare practitioners.
  • Communicating surveillance information to public health authorities.
  • Epidemiological analysis of surveillance data
  • Public health measures and delivering proper medical treatment.

Legal Framework for Biological Disasters

  • The Epidemic Diseases Act was enacted in the year 1897. (Read about RSTV’s In-Depth Analysis on Epidemic Diseases Act 1897 in the linked article.)
  • This Act does not provide any power to the centre to intervene in biological emergencies.
  • It has to be substituted by an Act that takes care of the prevailing and foreseeable public health needs including emergencies such as BT attacks and the use of biological weapons by an adversary, cross-border issues, and international spread of diseases.
  • It should give enough powers to the central and state governments and local authorities to act with impunity, notify affected areas, restrict movement or quarantine the affected area, enter any premises to take samples of suspected materials, and seal them.
  • The Act should also establish controls over biological sample transfer, biosecurity and biosafety of materials/laboratories.

Institutional Framework

In the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoH&FW), public health needs to be accorded high priority with a separate Additional Directorate General of Health and Sanitation (DGHS) for public health. In some states, there is a separate department of public health. States that do not have such arrangements will also have to take initiatives to establish such a department.

Operational Framework

At the national level, there is no policy on biological disasters. The existing contingency plan of MoH&FW is about 10 years old and needs extensive revision. All components related to public health, namely apex institutions, field epidemiology, surveillance, teaching, training, research, etc., need to be strengthened.

At the operational level, Command and Control (C&C) are identifiable clearly at the district level, where the district collector is vested with certain powers to requisition resources, notify a disease, inspect any premises, seek help from the Army, state or centre, enforce quarantine, etc. However, there is no concept of an incident command system wherein the entire action is brought under the ambit of an incident commander with support from the disciplines of logistics, finance, and technical teams, etc. There is an urgent need for establishing an incident command system in every district.

There is a shortage of medical and paramedical staff at the district and sub-district levels. There is also an acute shortage of public health specialists, epidemiologists, clinical microbiologists, and virologists.

Biosafety laboratories are required for the prompt diagnosis of the agents for the effective management of biological disasters. There is no BSL-4 laboratory in the human health sector. BSL- 3 laboratories are also limited. Major issues remain regarding biosecurity, the indigenous capability of preparing diagnostic reagents, and quality assurance.

Lack of an Integrated Ambulance Network (IAN). There is no ambulance system with advanced life-support facilities that are capable of working in biological disasters.

State-run hospitals have limited medical supplies. Even in normal situations, a patient has to buy medicines. There is a lack of stockpile of drugs, important vaccines like anthrax vaccine, PPE, or diagnostics for surge capacity. In a crisis, there is further incapacitation due to tedious procurement procedures.

National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) :- The command and supervision of the NDRF would be under the Director-General of Civil Defence and National Disaster Response Force selected by the Central Government. Currently, the NDRF comprises of eight battalions who will be positioned at different locations as per the requirements.

Read about Crowd Disaster Management in the linked article.

Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

Proper planning and mitigation measures can play a leading role in risk-prone areas to minimize the worst effects of hazards such as earthquakes, floods, and cyclones. These are the key areas which should be addressed to achieve this objective:

  • Risk Assessment and Vulnerability Mapping: Mapping and vulnerability analysis in a multi-risk structure will be conducted utilizing Geographic Information System (GIS) based databases like the National Database for Emergency Management (NDEM) and National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI).
  • Increasing Trend of Disasters in Urban Areas:- Steps to prevent unplanned urbanization must be undertaken, with the plan of action formulated being given the highest priority. State Governments/UTs concerned on the other hand focus on urban drainage systems with special attention on non-obstruction of natural drainage systems.
  • Critical Infrastructure:- Critical infrastructure like roads, dams, bridges, irrigation canals, bridges, power stations, railway lines, delta water distribution networks, ports and rivers, and coastal embankments should be continuously checked for safety standards concerning worldwide safety benchmarks and fortified if the current measures prove to be inadequate.
  • Environmentally Sustainable Development: – Environmental considerations and developmental efforts, should be handled simultaneously for ensuring sustainability.
  • Climate Change Adaptation:-. The challenges of the increase in the frequency and intensity of natural disasters like cyclones, floods, and droughts should be tackled in a sustained and effective manner with the promotion of strategies for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction.

Disaster Management in India - Disaster Management Cycle - UPSC 2021

The topics of internal security and disaster management are diverse and also important for both the prelims and the mains exams. These topics are also highly linked with current affairs. Almost every question asked from them is related to current events. So, apart from standard textbooks, you should rely on newspapers and news analyses as well for these sections. To read on how to prepare for internal security and disaster management , check the linked article.

Multiple Choice Question

  • The National Disaster Management Authority, or the NDMA, is an apex body for disaster management, headed by the Prime Minister of India. It is responsible for the supervision, direction, and control of the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF).
  • The DDMA is headed by the District Collector, Deputy Commissioner or District Magistrate depending on the situation, with the elected representatives of the local authority as the Co-Chairperson.
  • The Governor of the respective state is the head of the State Disaster Management Authority
  • The Epidemic Diseases Act was enacted in the year 1897.

Choose the correct answer from the below-given options

A) All of the above statements are false.

B) All of the above statements are true.

C) Only statements 2, 3, and 4 are true

D) Only statements 1, 2, and 4 are true

Candidates can find the general pattern of the Civil Service Exam by visiting the UPSC Syllabus page.

Frequently Asked Questions on Disaster Management in India

Q 1. what is the aim of disaster management in india, q 2. what is disaster risk management, q 3. in how many categories can disasters be classified.

Ans. Disaster can be classified into the following categories:

  • Water and Climate Disaster
  • Geological Disaster
  • Biological Disaster
  • Industrial Disaster
  • Nuclear Disasters
  • Man-made disasters

Q 4. Which body is responsible for Disaster Management in India?

Q 5. what is the disaster management act 2005.

Daily News

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  2. SST Class9 Disaster Management Project

    Sst Class9 Disaster Management Project - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document is a student project on disaster management. It begins with an introduction that defines what a disaster is and lists several types of disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones, epidemics, floods, droughts, landslides, and industrial hazards.

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  5. PDF Disaster Management for School Students

    DISASTER MANAGEMENT FOR SCHOOL STUDENTS ISBN: 978-93-82571-05-6 EDITION - 2014 Published by: National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affair, New Delhi Citation-Parkash Surya, Irfana Begum, and Rita (2013). Activity Book on Disaster Management for School Students. National Institute of Disaster Management, New Delhi - 110002 ...

  6. Disaster Management Project for Class 9 and 10 PDF Download

    This project provides an opportunity for students to explore different aspects of disaster management, develop critical thinking abilities, and contribute to building a safer and more resilient society. Here is a comprehensive outline for a disaster management project suitable for Class 9 and 10 students in India.

  7. Disaster Management

    Ans. Disaster Management refers to the process of preparing, responding, and recovering from natural or man-made disasters. It involves a coordinated and integrated approach of various agencies, organizations, and communities to minimize the impact of disasters on human life, property, and the environment. 2.

  8. Class 9 Project Work Disaster Management: Topic

    CLASS 9 PROJECT WORK - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document provides instructions for a Class 9 school project on disaster management focusing on earthquakes. Students must complete a handwritten file with interleaf sheets on the assigned topic of earthquakes. It should include an introduction, chapters covering what earthquakes are, how to ...

  9. Disaster Management Project For Class 9

    disaster-management-project-for-class-9 (1) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

  10. Disaster management

    First Term Revision Worksheet grade vi 2. 9th Exam all chapter. RS BG (1) merged - this is bg for spmun. Spmun RS BG. School Reopening Academic Year 2023-2024. Geography Landforms LHS. Project for vlass 9 hahusias ont rid afte ap ser full oper 45 ay eth oo ms pe na moyeinl chau: ek buuman ma envisiennsal didrupbive. evects dhol louse, auer.

  11. PDF Unit Iv

    emphasise on natural disaster mitigation and management. Establishment of National Institute of Disaster Management, India, Earth Summit at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1993 and the W orld Confer ence on Disaster Management in May 1994 at Yokohama, Japan, etc. are some of the concrete steps towards this direction initiated at different levels.

  12. NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management Download PDF

    Free download NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management English and Hindi medium for 2021 academic year. By clicking on the links below for the ebooks you can download in pdf for Class 9 Disaster Management. If you need the full textbook issued by NCERT or whether you require the relevant PDF of the chapter in the textbook, all options are ...

  13. Disaster management Project For Class 9

    Disaster management Project For Class 9. This document is a project report submitted by Akash Rana for his M.Com degree. It includes an introduction to disaster management, types of disasters, and the phases of disaster management. It also provides a case study on the Uttarakhand disaster and conclusions. The document contains certificates ...

  14. NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management Pdf Download

    a) Disaster Management Class 9 NCERT books have been designed as per the latest curriculum issued by CBSE. b) ebooks by NCERT for Disaster Management Grade 9th can be easily downloaded in Pdf format. We have provided all links above for all books issued by NCERT. c) These textbooks will help students in Disaster Management class 9 to prepare ...

  15. NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management Download Pdf

    We have provided the latest Disaster Management Grade 9 NCERT books which the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has issued this year. To help students we have given below links to the full book and also for each chapter. Standard 9 Disaster Management students can download Pdf books for Class 9 and read online.

  16. NCERT Book Class 9 Disaster Management Download PDF

    Available for download for free NCERT Book for Class 9 Disaster Management English and Hindi medium for 2021 school session. Students can simply click on the full book and chapter wise link which we have provided here which will allow you to free download ebooks in PDF format for Class 9 Disaster Management.

  17. PDF Disaster management: Floods, Earthquake, Cyclones and Landslides

    1.0 -1.9 Micro I Microearthquakes, not felt, or felt rarely. 2.0-2.9 Minor I to II Felt slightly by some people. No damage to buildings. 3.0-3.9 III to IV Often felt by people, but very rarely causes damage. 4.0-4.9 Light IV to VI Noticeable shaking of indoor objects and rattling noises. Felt by most people in the affected area.

  18. Disaster Management in India

    Disasters can be classified into the following categories: Water and Climate Disaster: Flood, hail storms, cloudburst, cyclones, heat waves, cold waves, droughts, hurricanes. (Read about Cyclone Disaster Management separately at the linked article.) Geological Disaster: Landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes.

  19. PDF Lecture Note Disaster Management

    Disaster Management Cycle: Disaster Risk Management includes sum total of all activities, programmes and measures which can be taken up before, during and after a disaster with the purpose to avoid a disaster, reduce its impact or recover from its losses. The three key stages of activities that are taken up within disaster risk management are ...