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call for researchers

Consumer Willingness-To-Pay-Premiums (WTPP) for blockchain-enabled honey

University of ulster, gb.

This survey aims to gather the perspectives of consumers in the United Kingdom (UK) and Ireland on organic honey, which employs an innovative technology referred to as blockchain. Specifically, it will examine factors which affect consumer willingness-to-pay premiums for blockchain-enabled...

  • 10 Min(s) to complete
  • £10 Prize Draw
  • Online Questionnaire
  • Aged 18 years old or older
  • Live in the UK, Northern Ireland or Ireland
  • Consume honey


Rewiring Maladaptive Reward Learning using Dimethyltryptamine

University college london, gb.

We are conducting a brain imaging study to look at how the psychedelic drug, N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) enhances neuroplasticity compared to other plasticity-enhancing drugs. This will involve comparing the activity in your brain using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while...

  • 4 Week(s) to complete
  • 26 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AP, UK
  • Aged 21- 65
  • Drink alcohol regularly and want to cut down
  • No diagnosis of alcohol use disorder
  • Can attend UCL on 3 separate occasions (within a 4 week period)
  • Happy to receive an intravenous dose of DMT, Lisuride, D-Cycloserine or placebo
  • Can commit to attending follow-up sessions at 1-month, 3-months, 6-months and 9-months.


Examining the role of power structures in securing diplomatic immunity

Liverpool john moores university, gb.

This study investigates power and its role in securing diplomatic immunity. We are seeking interviews with: 1.) Current or former diplomats 2.) Those who have worked with diplomats in embassies, consulates, high commissions 3.) Have worked with diplomats within another capacity.

  • 45 Min(s) to complete
  • 1.) Be a current or former diplomat
  • 2.) Have worked with diplomats in high commissions, embassies, consulates
  • 3.) Have worked with diplomats within other capacities

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Call for Proposals

Call for Research Grant Proposals AERA Grants Program Seeks Proposals for Research Grants

The deadline has passed.

With support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Grants Program seeks proposals for Research Grants. The AERA Grants Program provides Research Grants to faculty at institutions of higher education, postdoctoral researchers, and other doctoral­level scholars. The aim of the program is to advance fundamental knowledge of relevance to STEM education policy, foster significant science using education data, promote equity in STEM, and build research capacity in education and learning. The program supports highly competitive studies using rigorous quantitative methods to examine large-scale, education-related data. Since 1991, this AERA Program has been vital to both research and training at early career stages.   

The Grants Program encourages the use of major data sets from multiple and diverse sources. It emphasizes the advanced statistical analysis of data sets from the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and other federal agencies. The program also supports studies using large-scale international data systems (e.g., PISA, PIRLS, or TIMMS) that benefit from U.S. federal government support. In addition, statewide longitudinal administrative data systems (SLDS) enhanced through federal grants are also eligible for consideration. The inclusion of federal or state administrative information that further expands the analytic capacity of the research is permissible. The thrust of the analysis needs to be generalizable to a national, state, or population or a subgroup within the sample that the dataset represents.

The Grants Program is open to field-initiated research and welcomes proposals that:

  • develop or benefit from advanced statistical or innovative quantitative methods or measures;
  • analyze more than one large-scale national or international federally funded data set, or more than one statewide longitudinal data system (SLDS) or incorporate other data enhancements;
  • integrate, link, or blend multiple large-scale data sources; or
  • undertake replication research of major findings or major studies using large-scale, federally supported or enhanced data.

The Grants Program encourages proposals across the life span and contexts of education and learning of relevance to STEM policy and practice. The research may focus on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to such issues as student achievement in STEM, analysis of STEM education policies, contextual factors in education, educational participation and persistence (pre-kindergarten through graduate school), early childhood education and development, postsecondary education, and the STEM workforce and transitions. Studies that examine issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion across STEM topics and/or for specific racial and ethnic groups, social classes, genders, or persons with disabilities are encouraged.

Applicant Eligibility Research Grants are available for faculty at institutions of higher education, postdoctoral researchers, and other doctoral­level scholars. Proposals are encouraged from the full range of education research fields and other fields and disciplines engaged in education-related research, including economics, political science, psychology, sociology, demography, statistics, public policy, and psychometrics. Applicants for this one-year or two-year, non-renewable award must have received their doctoral degree at the start of the award. Applicants may be U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents. Non­U.S. citizens affiliated with a U.S. university or institution are also eligible to apply. Underrepresented racial and ethnic minority researchers as well as women, individuals with disabilities, and veterans are strongly encouraged to apply.

Researchers who have previously received Research Grants through the AERA Grants Program (as a PI or Co­PI) may not apply for a Research Grant. However, applicants who have received an AERA Dissertation Grant are eligible to apply for a Research Grant. Dissertation Grant recipients must complete the Dissertation Grant before applying for a Research Grant.

Data Set Eligibility The research project must include the analysis of large-scale data. The data set can originate from one or multiple sources, including (1) federal data bases, (2) federally supported national studies, (3) international data sets supported by federal funds, or (4) statewide longitudinal administrative data systems (SLDS) enhanced through federal grants. Although the emphasis is on large-scale education data sets and systems, other social science and health-related databases that can advance knowledge about education and learning are eligible for consideration.

Many national data resources, including important longitudinal data sets, have been developed or funded by NCES, NSF, the U.S. Department of Labor, the U.S. Census Bureau, the National Institutes of Health, or other federal agencies. International datasets such as PISA, PIAAC, TIMMS, and others are supported. If international data sets are used, the study must include U.S. education.

NCES has enhanced and improved SLDS through grants to nearly every state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and America Samoa. This federal investment has produced state-level data from pre-K to grade 12, through higher education, and into the workforce. Many SLDS are available for analysis and can be used to address salient issues in education research or linked with other data sets.

Data Set Access The data set(s) of interest must be available for analysis at the time of application. Use of public or restricted-data files is permissible. Prior to receiving funding, applicants must provide documentation that they have permission to use the data for the research project. 

Data Sharing All data or data-related products produced under the AERA Grants Program must be shared and made available consonant with ethical standards for the conduct of research. Grantees are expected to place article-related data, [1] codebook or coding procedures, algorithms, code, and so forth in an accessible archive at the time of publication. Also, at a reasonable time after completion of the research project, all data or data-related products must be archived at the AERA-ICPSR Data Sharing Repository supported by NSF and located at the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) at the University of Michigan. AERA provides guidance to facilitate the data sharing and archiving process.

Research Grant Award Awards for Research Grants are up to $25,000 for 1­year projects, or up to $35,000 for 2­year projects. In accordance with AERA's agreement with the funding agencies, institutions may not charge indirect costs or overhead on these awards.

The funds can be used for research-related expenses such as course buyout, summer salary, travel to secure data enclaves or scholarly conferences, books, computer equipment, and other expenses directly related to conducting this research. As part of the proposal, applicants provide a budget that outlines anticipated research-related expenses.

In addition to the funding, grantees will be paired with a Governing Board member who will monitor grantees’ progress and potentially advise on their research.

Informational Webinar Applicants are encouraged to watch the informational webinar to learn more about the AERA Grants Program and discuss the application process.

Project Dates AERA is flexible on research project start dates, depending on what is best for the applicant. The earliest date a grant may start is approximately three months following the application deadline. Alternatively, an award start date several months or more after that may be requested.

Funding Restrictions Research Grantees may not accept concurrent grant or fellowship awards from another agency, foundation, institution or the like for the same project that is funded by the AERA Grants Program. If the awardee is offered more than one major grant or fellowship for the same project for the same time period, in order to accept the AERA Grants Program Research Grant, the other award(s) must be declined.

If the applicant is employed by a contractor of NCES, NSF, other federal agency, state agency, or other entity that provides the dataset proposed for the project, the research project must not be considered part of the applicant's work responsibilities. An additional letter from the applicant's employer is required as part of the application submission, stating that the research project is separate from the applicant's job duties. This letter must be sent electronically by the deadline to [email protected] .

Evaluation Criteria Evaluation criteria include the significance of the research question, the conceptual clarity and potential contribution of the proposal, the relevance to an important STEM education policy issue, the strength of the methodological model and proposed statistical analysis, and the applicant’s relevant research and academic experience. Additionally, the review criteria include the following: What is already known on the issue? How might this project inform STEM education policy? ,How does the methodology relate specifically to the research question? Does the applicant know the data set? Does the analytic plan fit the question and the data? How does this project promote equity in STEM education and learning? Is the applicant qualified to carry out the proposed study? Reviewers will be members of the AERA Grants Program Governing Board. Due to the large volume of applications received, the AERA Grants Program is unable to provide individual feedback on unfunded proposals.

Reporting Requirements Research Grantees will be required to submit a brief (3-6 pages) progress report midway through the grant period. A final report will be submitted at the end of the grant period. The final report consists of an extended project abstract (3-6 pages) and a statement of research dissemination and communication activities and plans (1-3 pages). Also, it is expected that a research manuscript in a journal-ready format will be submitted. Grantees may produce research reports, research policy briefs, and presentations at professional meetings related to this research. Materials should be submitted electronically to [email protected] . All reporting requirements and deadlines are outlined in the award letter.

Funding Disbursement Funding will be linked to the approval of the progress report and final report. Grantees will receive one-half of the total award at the beginning of the grant period, one-quarter upon approval of the progress report, and one-quarter upon approval of the final report. Grants are awarded through the grantee’s institution. In accordance with AERA's agreement with NSF, institutions cannot charge overhead or indirect costs to administer the grant funds.

Considerations in the Development of the Proposal Applicants are strongly encouraged to read Estimating Causal Effects: Using Experimental and Observational Designs , by Barbara Schneider, Martin Carnoy, Jeremy Kilpatrick, William H. Schmidt, and Richard J. Shavelson prior to submitting a grant proposal. Selection bias is a recurring issue during the review process and should be addressed in the proposal.

Applicants should choose research topics that can be supported by the samples and variables contained in the proposed data set(s). Applicants should also be familiar with the User Guides and/or Manuals (e.g., use of design weights and design effects) of the specific data sets. Applicants should be familiar with statistical methods and available computer programs that allow for sophisticated analyses of the selected data.

Applicants should explicitly address the curricular content when it applies. Applicants are encouraged to capitalize on the capacity of large-scale data sets to examine diverse populations, including racial, ethnic, social class, and gender groups. Studies are encouraged that promote or inform diversity, equity, and inclusion for underrepresented population as well as across STEM topics. The proposed topic must have education policy relevance, and the models to be tested must include predictor variables that are manipulable (e.g., course work in mathematics, instructional practices used by teachers, parental involvement). Studies focusing on STEM education policy are strongly encouraged. Studies that model achievement test data should clearly define the achievement construct and identify the kinds of items to be used to operationalize the topic of interest. Also, when planning to use existing sub-scales, the applicant should describe why these sub-scales are appropriate and how they will be applied. Existing sub-scales provided by NCES or other agencies may not be appropriate for the proposed construct.

Research Grant Application Guidelines AERA Grants Program

Application Deadline All applications for the AERA Grants Program must be completed using the AERA online application portal by 11:59pm Pacific time on May 30, 2024 . An applicant may submit only one proposal to the AERA Grants Program for review at any one time. Due to the large volume of applications received, the AERA Program is unable to provide individual feedback on unfunded proposals.

Submission Information Please enter the background information requested in the proposal submission portal. This includes the principal investigator’s contact and background demographic information. Also, enter the proposal title, amount of funding requested, and the start and end dates of the project.

Dataset(s) used: Name data set(s) used (e.g., ECLS­K, ELS:2002, IPEDS, CCD, AddHealth, SLDS-State, PISA, and so forth). Proposals must include the analysis of at least one large-scale federal, international, or state administrative data system.

Project abstract Enter the abstract of your proposed research project (250 words maximum).

Contribution to the field Briefly describe the potential contributions this research will make to the field of education (250 words maximum). You may cut and paste or type into the text box.

Previous work Discuss how this project relates to your previous work, including your dissertation work. List any previous publications (200 word maximum).

  • Statement of how this research advances the current state of knowledge in the field, substantively and/or methodologically
  • Theoretical or conceptual framework for the research
  • Brief review of relevant research/policy literature
  • Research questions, hypotheses to be tested
  • Description of methodology including the data set(s) and justification for selecting data file to address research question; any additional or supplemental data sample (e.g., groups used, exclusions to sample, and estimated sample sizes); rationale for variables used; and specification and clarification of variables and analytic techniques
  • Data analysis plan and/or statistical model or formulas, appropriately defined
  • Brief dissemination plan for this research including proposed conferences to present the findings and potential scholarly journals to publish the research  
  • Variables list: Provide a categorized list of the variables from the NCES, NSF, or other data set(s) that will be used in this research project. (2 single-spaced pages maximum)  
  • References cited (not part of page limit)  
  • Budget . Awards for Research Grants are up to $25,000 for 1­year projects, or up to $35,000 for 2­year projects. There is no specific template for the budget. It may be a simple 2­column format or a more complex spreadsheet. Note that institutions may not charge overhead on AERA Research Grants. (no page limit)  
  • Current other support . If you currently have support from other sources (foundations, government agencies, institutions, etc.), include a list of any grants or fellowships that the PI and Co­PI(s) have been awarded. Include the name of the funding organization, title of project, dates of project, and amount awarded; otherwise enter NONE. (no page limit)  
  • Research and academic employment history
  • Relevant graduate courses in statistics and methodology
  • Relevant publications and presentations
  • Relevant professional affiliations and/or memberships

Please combine items 1-6 as one PDF document and upload on online application.

Further Questions Contact George L. Wimberly, Co-Principal Investigator, AERA Grants Program ( [email protected]) or 202-238-3200 if you have questions regarding the application or submission process. NOTE: All awards are contingent upon AERA's receiving continued federal funding.

Visit the AERA Grants Program Website   at http://www.aera.net/grantsprogram

[1] Awardees with access to data under restricted access provisions are expected to archive a detailed specification of the data set so that others can request the same data under the same or similar restricted conditions. 

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The Mercury Project The Mercury Project: 2023 Call for Proposals

In Fall 2021, the Social Science Research Council launched the Mercury Project , mobilizing social and behavioral scientists in a search for cost-effective and scalable solutions to build vaccination demand and healthier information environments.

With $25M in funding from The Rockefeller Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Craig Newmark Philanthropies, and the National Science Foundation, the teams in the Mercury Project consortium are evaluating a portfolio of interventions in 17 countries that vary in settings, target populations, and risk/reward ratios, with the goal of identifying those interventions that most cost-effectively and scalably increase science-based health decision making.  

We are excited to announce a new call for proposals with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The Mercury Project now invites proposals to evaluate the causal impacts of online or offline interventions designed to increase demand for vaccinations consistent with national priorities, including childhood vaccines, HPV, polio, measles, and Covid-19 vaccinations, in low- and lower-middle income countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean.

Applicants are encouraged to consider the Mercury Project’s Research Framework in developing proposals. Preference will be given to projects that:

  • evaluate the effects of interventions on behavioral outcomes, including vaccination uptake;
  • evaluate interventions that are designed and delivered in collaboration with governmental, NGO, and/or corporate partners;
  • have demonstrated potential to be cost-effective at scale;
  • include researchers and research institutions located in the countries in which the study is being conducted.

Proposed projects may have a duration of up to 30 months. Primary applicant organizations must be tax-exempt organizations or the equivalent in the local context (e.g., nonprofit organizations, universities, governmental units). Proposed budgets should be appropriate to cover project costs, with indirect costs not exceeding 15% of direct costs. 

Proposals will undergo confidential peer review by a panel of scientific experts. Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of scientific merit, potential to cost-effectively increase vaccination demand at scale, and research team inclusivity. Proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis; we encourage applicants to submit proposals earlier rather than later. Applications will not be accepted after May 1, 2023.

Proposal Requirements

Applicants will be asked to provide the following information through the Mercury Project application portal.

  • Identities of primary applicant organization and any proposed subaward organizations, including organizations’ tax-exempt (or equivalent) status;
  • Identities of principal and co-investigators, including disciplinary and institutional affiliations, links to investigator websites or CVs, and contact information for principal investigator;
  • Project description, including intervention design, proposed strategy to make causal inferences (e.g., randomized controlled trial or quasi-experimental design), potential causal mechanisms, sample size and power analysis, outcomes of interest, evidence for likely cost-effectiveness at scale, project duration and timeline, discussion of ethical considerations (6 pages maximum);
  • Letters of collaboration from implementing partners;
  • Project budget and budget narrative, with indirect costs not exceeding 15%.

Mercury Project Research Consortium

Grantees will be expected to participate in the Mercury Project research consortium, including regular monthly virtual research team meetings, at least one in-person convening of grantees and other invited parties, and the development of research and policy briefs written for policy impact. Additional funding for these activities will be provided by the Mercury Project.

If you have questions, please review the FAQ page . Please note that we cannot review materials in advance of submissions. For further questions not addressed in the FAQs, please contact [email protected]

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Storytelling and narrative-based approaches in psychology research and practice

  • Dr. Fanli Jia, PhD
  • Dr. Kendall Soucie, PhD

call for researchers

Indigenous communities and the environment

  • Dr. Ocean Ripeka Mercier, PhD
  • Dr. Meg Parsons, PhD
  • Dr. Michael Wilson-Becerril, PhD

call for researchers

Water, water, everywhere: governance, politics and society

  • Dr. Adam Peter Hejnowicz, PhD
  • Dr. Ehsan Nabavi, PhD
  • Dr. Gül Özerol, PhD

call for researchers

The gender gap in academic research

  • Dr. Lilan Chen, PhD
  • Dr. Yingxin "Margaret" Liu, PhD

call for researchers

Breaking the bias: standardized methods, teaching, and governance for sex, gender, and intersectional analysis

  • Dr. Elizabeth Pollitzer, PhD
  • Prof. Martina Schraudner, PhD
  • Dr. Clemens Striebing, PhD
  • Dr. Anita Thaler, PhD

call for researchers

Crises of the 21st century

call for researchers

Divisive politics, polarisation and democratic decline

call for researchers

Interrogating postmodernism

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Philosophy [in:of:for:and] digital knowledge infrastructures

  • Frodo Podschwadek, PhD.

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Transdisciplinary approaches to knowledge production and problem solving to tackle grand societal challenges

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5 Innovative Open Calls for Researchers to Submit a Proposal

EUcalls is currently teeming open calls for researchers providing funding for research.


EUcalls is currently teeming open calls for researchers providing funding for research. Those who have been to university to pursue a degree, especially in higher levels like a master’s or doctorates, should be familiar with research and its associated difficulties, like funding. That, of course, depends highly on the field of study and, above all, its breakthrough research.

Whether it happens in university laboratories or business R&D, researchers need substantial financial and administrative support to carry out their experiments without interruptions. That will help them focus on the critical task at hand rather than worry about funding.

Breakthrough research is paramount to provide solutions to global challenges, but it is too risky and costly, and private investors are reluctant to invest. That is why EU funding can play an essential role in strengthening European innovation and thus increase the EU’s competitiveness and growth.

On EUcalls smart platform, you will find various open calls for researchers to fund your research endeavours. Europe spearheads research and innovation through various EU programmes like the Horizon Europe work programme 2021 . It will serve as the key funding programme for research and innovation until 2027. If you are a researcher, you should be paying close attention to Horizon Europe for open calls for researchers that come out of the Programme.

Receive EU funding for these Open Calls for Researchers

Title :  Innovative approaches to enhance poverty-related diseases research in sub-Saharan Africa

Programme : HORIZON-HLTH-2021-DISEASE-04-03

Budget : € 40,000,000

Description : The European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) has established itself as the focal point of cooperation in clinical research on infectious disease between the EU and sub-Saharan Africa. To continue these investments after the last calls of the EDCTP2 Programme, there is a need to further support research on the major infectious disease threats facing sub-Saharan Africa. Despite large-scale investments in product development for poverty-related infectious diseases (PRDs), progress in achieving public health gain is slow, while sub-Saharan Africa bears the highest burden of these diseases. There is a need to support product development and to encourage the use of new, innovative approaches and emerging technologies in sub-Saharan Africa to achieve rapid progress and impact. The COVID-19 pandemic is generating novel knowledge that could also advance prevention, treatment or diagnosis of PRDs in this part of the world.

Deadline : 21/09/2021

Title :  Personalised medicine and infectious diseases: understanding the individual host response to viruses (e.g. SARS-CoV-2)

Programme : HORIZON-HLTH-2021-DISEASE-04-07

Budget : € 60,000,000

Description : Proposals are expected to characterise the host response and host-pathogen interaction to a virus (or viruses) at the level of genetic patterns, physiological mechanisms and molecular pathways involving different organs and systems to identify factors that predispose to different clinical symptoms, different progression of the viral disease and different clinical outcomes. The study should include patient follow-up to identify conditions (including long-term ones) that may appear after the patient has recovered from the viral disease.

Title :  Next-generation advanced therapies to treat highly prevalent and high burden diseases with unmet medical needs

Programme : HORIZON-HLTH-2021-TOOL-06-02

Description : The recent development of advanced therapies has been hampered by the lack of robust research on certain key parameters, e.g. safety, upscaling, immunity, potency assays, cost-effectiveness, and early on in development. This topic aims to ensure that the next wave of advanced therapies, based on either pluripotent stem cells, gene editing or RNA, are established in a timely fashion and in accordance with the appropriate regulatory standards for further clinical testing. It will support preclinical research platforms for disorders with high prevalence and burden that tackle the bottlenecks currently encountered in the field, ensuring that promising advanced therapies can reach the market within the next decade. Applicants should justify the disease or disorder to be targeted with its prevalence level, the related burden and unmet needs.

Title :  Innovative tools for use and re-use of health data (in particular of electronic health records and/or patient registries)

Programme : HORIZON-HLTH-2021-TOOL-06-03

Budget : € 30,000,000

Description : Health data exists in many forms and multiple fragmented repositories; there is still significant room for improvement in the way both structured and unstructured health data is stored, analysed and interpreted. Sharing and analysing data from multiple countries in a safe and legally compliant manner (in particular with regard to personal data protection) remains a challenge. Powerful analytic tools are already helping providers to use structured data in increasingly impactful ways. On the other hand, the heterogeneity, diversity of sources, quality of data and various representations of unstructured data in health care increase the number of challenges as compared to structured data.

Title :  Digital permits and compliance checks for buildings and infrastructure (IA)

Programme : HORIZON-CL4-2021-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-10

Budget : € 5,000,000

Description : There is a need to develop, connect and align new technologies and digital tools for construction, including improved and automated methods of designing, building and authorising construction works. The manual processing and delivery of administrative, legal and regulatory information such as planning and construction permits, and related compliance processes, are complicated and lengthy procedures. This leads to delays and ambiguity in the construction process, as well as errors, extra costs, waste and inefficiency.

Information generated or imported into digital models during early design phases can potentially streamline the application and granting of digital administrative permits. This will in turn facilitate informed decision-making, including compliance checks later in the design and construction process and throughout the life cycle of the built asset.

Deadline : 23/09/2021

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Call for Research Proposals: Young Researchers’ Initiative Program 2024


Students and Youth Working on reproductive Health Action Team (SAYWHAT)


January 16, 2024


January 31, 2024


Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia


Students and Youth Working on reproductive Health Action Team (SAYWHAT) is announcing the call for the 3rd Cohort of the 2024 Young Researchers’ Initiative Program.

Area: Children, Climate Change, Health, Mental Health & Crisis Support, Public Health, Reproductive Health & Family Planning, Disaster Preparedness, Narcotics Drugs & Crime, Sexual Abuse, Research, Youth & Adolescents


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Call for research proposals

The Hinrich Foundation supports trade research projects that advance the understanding of global trade issues and support policy development. The Foundation’s international trade research program promotes research across trade-related sectors, particularly related – in no order of preference – to sustainable trade , digital trade , cross-border investment , and the nexus of trade and geopolitics .

We invite researchers and/or research organizations to submit proposals for such projects. We shortlist submissions for consideration twice each year. The deadlines for submission are May 31 and October 31 each year.

Upcoming deadline for submission: October 31, 2024

Download Application Guidelines

Call for Research Proposal

Check out this on the impact of EU unilateral green rules on Brazil's green transition by , , and , past recipients of the Hinrich research grant.

Submission requirements

We kindly ask that research proposals include the following information:

Name and credentials of the researcher(s)

Synopsis of the proposed research.

We generally publish research in the form of white papers of around 4,000 words, and articles of around 1,600 words. All research products will be subject to the Foundation’s editorial review. The final decision to publish such research will be at the discretion of the Foundation.

The researcher may propose:

A new research project, which may include any combination of article and/or white paper deliverables.

An overview or summary of the researcher’s existing work, including work already published elsewhere.

Deliverable timetable

We encourage projects to be completed within four (4) months from the point of commission.

The researcher should update the Foundation at mutually agreed regular intervals on the progress of the project. We encourage the researcher to take into account feedback from our research program team on the progress and findings.

The researcher may be asked to deliver one or two articles in the interim of around 1,600 words, prior to completion of the project, to summarize the interim findings of the ongoing research.

Funding request

Funding is negotiable and is typically paid at the point of completion of the project.

Making your submission

We look forward to your proposals. Please send research proposals to [email protected] .

For successful proposals, the Foundation may provide full or partial financial support and will reserve the right to publish research products at its complete discretion.

call for researchers

Message contents

Energy.gov Home

  • Funding Opportunities
  • Portfolio Analysis and Management System (PAMS)

The DOE Office of Science issues many announcements each year to solicit research proposals from colleges and universities, non-profit and for-profit research organizations, DOE’s national laboratories, small businesses, and other federal research organizations.

The Office of Science issues two types of funding announcements:

  • Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs), which may be open to one or more institution types (please read the eligibility requirements in a given FOA for details); and
  • DOE National Laboratory Announcements, which are open only to DOE laboratories.

FOAs and DOE National Laboratory Announcements may be issued either as companion announcements—where one of each announcement type is issued in the same topical area—or as stand-alone opportunities. All proposals submitted in response to FOAs and DOE National Laboratory Announcements undergo merit review by subject matter, and awards are selected based on the outcome of merit review and other criteria described in the announcement, including availability of funding.

The Office of Science also issues a cross-cutting, open solicitation annually that is open year-round to receive proposals in research topic areas that span the Office of Science program areas. The Office of Science does not accept unsolicited proposals for financial assistance.

Open Funding Announcements (Please review the announcements carefully for eligibility)

Resources for applicants for doe office of science funding, funding opportunities across doe.

Center for the Study of Women

Call for Proposals Thinking Gender 2025

Thinking gender 2025, “gendered labors and transnational solidarities”, march 5–7, 2025.


Submission due date: Sunday, October 20, 2024, at 11:59 pm PDT

Apply Online

The UCLA Center for the Study of Women|Barbra Streisand Center invites proposals for our 35th annual Thinking Gender Graduate Student Research Conference (TG25).

This year’s conference theme, “ Gendered Labors and Transnational Solidarities ” highlights the rich repertoire of organizing strategies as well as contemporary and historical examples of campaigns led by precarious workers around the world. We invite proposals that employ a transnational feminist lens and that consider how workers have persisted in challenging injustice and demanding dignity by forming alliances across local, regional, and transnational contexts. We seek to bring together feminist, queer, and BIPOC scholars, artists, and organizers to reflect upon the meanings of labor solidarity and care to imagine a more livable society.

Workers have long been united in transnational solidarities. The urgency of transnational solidarities has increased in the wake of late-twentieth-century globalization, which has reshaped workers’ migration pathways, conditions of labor, and activism. Financialized capitalism has led to new labor regimes that disproportionately rely on a feminized and racialized workforce. The rise in low-paid contingent service work and outsourced manufacturing work has been accompanied by erosion of labor laws and social safety nets. Furthermore, stringent immigration regimes are exacerbating the precarity and labor exploitation of immigrant women of color and poor women in the Global South. However, these precarious workers have also been on the frontlines of labor organizing. For example, even though domestic workers have long been considered “unorganizable” because many lacked documentation status and worked in private households, domestic workers’ leadership has been central to expanding labor rights at both national and inter-governmental levels. In 2011, their efforts led to International Labour Organization Convention 189, the first global treaty establishing labor standards for domestic workers. In addition to demanding dignity on the job, precarious workers have also organized for social justice more broadly. Recently, Hyundai construction workers in South Korea began striking in solidarity with Palestinian people, calling attention to the connections between labor, settler colonialism, war, and ongoing effects of empire. Workers have also addressed injustices based on race, sex, sexuality, and citizenship status across local, regional, and international scales.  We invite works that examine labor organizing through a transnational feminist lens, centering innovative strategies and campaigns workers have been building to forge solidarities across different parts of the world.

Possible questions for engagement include:

  • How does a transnational feminist lens apply to labor organizing? How do categories such as race, class, gender, sexuality, nation, dis/ability and citizenship status, among others, affect how labor is defined and how workers organize?
  • How have histories and ongoing struggles around settler colonialism, war, slavery, and unequal economic development shaped labor movements?
  • How have workers who have been historically excluded from labor protections – such as workers in factories/sweatshops, households, and agriculture, and now most recently in gig work – organized transnationally? What is the significance of the scale of their organizing efforts?
  • What is the role have unions played in transnational labor feminisms? What other alternative strategies have women workers and other precarious workers employed to organize?
  • What possibilities and challenges have precarious workers found in international organizations, institutions, and laws?
  • What are the relationships between family and work? How do family relationships shape labor migration as well as precarity workers face? How do workers navigate the often gender-specific burdens of financially supporting the family? How have workers formed alternative communities/kinship networks of support?
  • What are the political implications of defining care? What are some examples of caring activities that go into organizing?
  • How do caregivers, consisting mostly of workers experiencing precarity because of gender, immigration status, race and ethnicity etc., also receive care?
  • What are some ways in which society as a whole can reciprocate the labor of care that is already foundational to the survival and well-being of community members around the world?
  • How can researchers amplify workers’ own voices and stories rather than imposing top-down solutions? What are some examples of research centering workers?
  • How do workers build solidarities with one another? How do they integrate the concepts of mutual aid and care?

We encourage applicants to think within, alongside, beyond, and perhaps against the following topics as they consider the shape and content of their prospective participation in TG25:

  • Historical and contemporary forms of social movements
  • Queer and LGBTQIA organizing
  • Maquiladora activism in the US/Mexico border
  • Law and protection
  • Anti-sweatshop movements
  • Local, regional, and global practices of activism and organizing
  • Transfer of economies, objects, and people
  • Local, regional and global development projects
  • Community building
  • Kinship and family
  • Affective economies and labor
  • Immigration and citizenship
  • Care and social reproduction
  • Settler colonialism, war, and dispossession
  • Environmental degradation
  • Critical refugee studies
  • Migration and gender
  • Cultural productions and performance
  • Disability and curative violence
  • Aging and care homes
  • Embodied practices of healing

Graduate students have two ways to participate in this conference:

1. Hybrid workshops for works-in-progress on Wednesday, March 5, 2025 

Participants will workshop works-in-progress in closed online sessions either via Zoom or in person at the UCLA campus on Wednesday, March 5, 2025. Each workshop will include up to four graduate students, a faculty moderator, and up to three observers from other workshops, who will read and provide detailed feedback and questions for each submission. All participants will be asked to read or view each other’s submissions in advance. Participants will then convene with a faculty moderator who will offer constructive feedback and facilitate discussion around each submission.

All workshop participants will be required to submit the final version of their work-in-progress (not to exceed 20–25 double-spaced pages) by Sunday, February 2, 2025, for pre-circulation among their co-participants and faculty moderator. Please only submit your work for a workshop if you are prepared to have a final draft ready for circulation by this date. 

2. In-person presentations on Friday, March 7, 2025

Participants who submit a proposal for work that will be completed a month before the conference date will give a public presentation of their finished projects at a panel on the UCLA campus on Friday, March 7, 2025. In addition, participants will take advantage of other in-person activities offered at the conference.

We welcome a range of submission formats from graduate students , including scholarly papers, works in hybrid critical/creative genres (e.g., multimedia projects, performance, experimental forms of academic writing), and film/mixed media. In celebration of embodied practices of healing led by workers’ organizations, worker-centered artwork would fit particularly well for this year’s call.

Submission Guidelines


Registered graduate students from any institution are eligible to submit abstracts or synopses of scholarly papers, works in hybrid critical/creative genres (e.g., multimedia projects, performance, experimental forms of academic writing), or film/mixed media to present or workshop. Applicants cannot submit multiple proposals and must choose if they will present completed works or works-in-progress. Only one submission per applicant will be considered.

Please only submit if you are available for the full day , since we cannot confirm which time the panel/workshop will be until later in the planning process.

Submissions of works that are collaborative or co-authored with other students are welcome.

Unpublished submissions are preferred . Recently published and forthcoming articles will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Submissions that are not directly related to the theme, “Gendered Labors and Transnational Solidarities” will not be considered.

Due date for Abstract/Synopsis Submissions: Sunday, October 20, 2024 at 11:59 pm PDT.

Applicants whose submissions are accepted will be notified by Friday, December 6, 2024.

Application Materials

All proposals must be submitted using the online application form .

Only complete submissions received by the due date will be considered.

Scholarly Paper, Dissertation or Thesis Chapter, or Article Draft Application Requirements:

1. Abstract (max. 250 words) of work to be presented/workshopped that includes: (1) a thesis/research question, (2) methods, (3) theoretical framework, and (4) conclusions or anticipated conclusions.

2. Works Cited or References List (1 page maximum)

3. CV (2 pages maximum)

Film/Mixed Media or Hybrid Critical/Creative Genres Application Requirements:

1. Film/Media Synopsis (2 double-spaced pages maximum) of work to be presented/workshopped that includes: (1) a research question or thesis, (2) description of format, (3) discussion of theoretical framework, methodology and process, (4) explanation of your argument and evidence, and (5) conclusions or anticipated conclusions. If your piece is co-created with other students, please make this clear .

2. CV (2 pages maximum)

3. Link (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.) where Film or Mixed Media can be viewed. Total run-time should not exceed 20 minutes. Note: our submission platform does not have capacity to hold media files. Please insert links into your synopsis. 

Contact Thinking Gender Coordinator Da In Choi at [email protected] .

call for researchers

UCLA Center for the Study of Women|Barbra Streisand Center, 1500 Public Affairs Building, BOX 957222, Los Angeles, CA 90095-7222

The CSW|Streisand Center at UCLA acknowledges our presence on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Gabrielino/Tongva peoples.

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2023 Call for Research Partnership Grants

call for researchers



Research Partnership Grants support the deepening of an existing partnership or the establishment of a new partnership through a joint research project in any scientific discipline, or activities in the field of education.  

The Research Partnership Grants support research projects with partner institutions. The collaboration can be based on a new partnership or on an existing partnership between researchers and scientists affiliated to a Swiss institution and researchers from the partner country.

The goal of this instrument is to allow researchers to conduct feasibility studies or pilot projects in order to apply for grants from other funding agencies. Research Partnership Grants can fund the preparation of a joint project proposal for submission to other funding agencies (e.g. national funding agencies or EU funding schemes) or research projects to develop long-​term partnerships between two institutions or research groups. Activities to intensify joint teaching or curriculum development are also eligible for this grant.


The call is open to all scientific disciplines and fields of research, including social sciences and humanities.

Postdoctoral researchers, senior scientists, or professors of Swiss federal and cantonal universities, universities of applied sciences and universities of teacher education, and public research institutes are eligible to apply.* The Asia-based co-PI must hold a faculty or senior scientist position or be a researcher with a doctoral degree with several years of research experience.

Read more here .

The maximum grant sum is 25,000 CHF. The grant will be disbursed in two instalments: 80% after signing the grant contract and 20% after approval of the final report. A detailed budget must be submitted with the project proposal. Budgeted expenses must be justified and related to the proposed research activities. A financial contribution of each partner is expected and must be made explicit in cash and in-kind.

Detailed information is available in the call document .


Opening of the Call:

Start of the Project:

Funding Institution

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Researchers surveying wetland birds.

The Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) is interested in partnering with researchers to target studies that guide and improve management. DOFAW has created a database to better communicate the Division’s research needs.

With more information relating to the topics found in this list, DOFAW will be able to more effectively protect species and manage lands within its jurisdiction. DOFAW invites partner organizations to review the list and consider conducting research relating to these vital issues.

For more information on this collaborative program, please contact Emma Yuen with the Division of Forestry and Wildlife at (808) 587-4170 or via email at emma.yuen @hawaii.gov .

DOFAW Research Needs

StatewideStream surveys Water qualityFreshwater StreamGenetic Fecal Indentification sampling for rivers and stream particularly rats
StatewidePopulation genetics, fixation index (FST)Restoration MethodsTerrestrial"Research on FST values for common and rare native plant species-I.e. population genetics (vs
phylogenetic research) will aid greatly in restoration work. Plant work in this area is lagging
far behind all animal and marine work (snails, birds, corals, fish, etc.). "
StatewidePlant mutualisms, native pollinator assessments, pollination interactions Restoration MethodsTerrestrial"General forest pollination interactions between native plants and insects. Thinking of what
components are essential in habitat preservation in the face of climate change. If mesic forests
are in the greatest danger of climate change we should start there. "
StatewideRare species restoration: pollination, propagation, climate boundariesRestoration MethodsTerrestrial"Any rare species restoration research=pollination, propagation, climate boundaries, etc. (rare
species phylogenetic systematics research isn't helpful in conservation unless it splits taxa that
have been lumped with common species). "
StatewideMapping InvasivesUAV and/or LiDARTerrestrialUAV and/or lidar mapping of non-native species and their movement across landscapes
StatewideBiocontrolOahu target listTerrestrialBiocontrol: Angiopteris evecta, Clidemia hirta, Megathyrsus maximus, Rubus argutus, R. rosifolius, Chromoleana odorata, Passiflora suberosa, Montanoa hibiscifolia and others (refer to Oahu target list). Along with research on seed bank longevity for species lacking data
StatewideGermination, native plant seedsMethods to ensure germination rates and survivalTerrestrialDetermine most effective way to ensure highest germination rates and long term survival of scattered common native plant seeds post fire (e.g. scarifying seeds, encasing with fertilizer/moisture holding medium, mulching, seed mats, etc.)
StatewideInvasives control - fountain grassResearch, cost-effectiveness of fountain grass controlTerrestrialTake the following research to the next level, i.e. determine the most long term and cost effective method for controlling fountain grass https://drylandforest.org/sites/default/files/psw_2007_weisecastilloSml.pdf
StatewideInvasives control - fountain grasseradication methods for fountain grassTerrestrialDetermine best approach to keep fountain grass from dominating a recently burnt dry forest area. (e.g. aerial/drone spraying of herbicide)
StatewideThreat control - rats and mongooseResearch, best approach for rat and mongoose controlTerrestrialDetermine the ecologically safest and most targeted approach for controlling rats and mongoose across all landscape settings, including urban.
StatewideOutplantingOutplanting strategiesTerrestrialWhat is the most effective out-planting strategy for mixing species (ratio/percentage/spacing) in re-covering shrub-lands and forests (in relation to the climate and soils in the micro-habitat involved).
StatewideVisitor disturbance, carrying capacity determination for NAH trailsImpact monitoringTerrestrialVisitor statistics, visitor-use patterns, disturbance effects, carrying capacity determination for the most heavily used NAH trails.
StatewideInvasive AlbiziaHydrologyHydrologyImpacts of Falcateria moluccana on hydrologic functions in Hawaii, specifically looking at aquifer recharge in forests invaded by FALMOL, and stream flow constriction after storm events and heavy rain
OahuThreat control, stream surveys Biological surveyFreshwater StreamPoamoho stream surveys--should get a handle on the small mouth bass distribution and impacts as well as assess potential control measures.
OahuStream surveys Biological surveyFreshwater StreamBaseline stream surveys in Kaluanui
MauiStewardshipSocial network analysis, GIS, interviewsUrban GreenspaceExplore stewardship as a social-ecological system - could be site or topic specific....could have access to a database of stewardship orgs in Western Hawaii Island or Oahu (greater Honolulu)
MauiArchaeologySurveyCultural ResourcesArchaeological research, mapping, site stabilization, site preservation
MauiFish population dynamics and fish biomass Monitoring of population size and population trendsMarineMonitoring long-term of fish-biomass of commercial or recreational valuable species to assess population dynamics in Ahihi Kinau NAR
MauiInvasive Species Ecology: non-native birds, reptiles, fishesMonitoringMarineDiets of non-native fishes in NARS.
MauiPollutionWater qualityMarineWater quality study for effluent, chemical pollutants (sunscreens) in Ahihi Kinau NAR
MauiCoral species diversity, abundance/decline, mapping, mitigation opportunities, climate changeSurvey and monitoring of population size and population trendsMarineDetermine coral species diversity, abundance/decline, mapping of presence, mitigation potentials to address changing-climate effects in Ahihi Kinau NAR
MauiMapping and distribution of anchialine poolsSurveyMarineMap of full extent of anchialine pool complexes
MauiClimate change: assisted migration, sea level rise, anchialine pools Vulnerability assessmentsMarineModeling for changing-climate effects on anchialine pools
MauiVisitor disturbance, carrying capacity determinationsMarine- water qualityResource UseVisitation statistics, visitor-use patterns, disturbance effects, carrying capacity determinations (AKNAR in particular)
MauiHunting, animal controlImpact monitoringResource UsePublic assisted animal control, researcher impact study
MauiInfrastructure, access, road reroutingTraffic planResource UseAccess options into AKNAR (road deterioration, rerouting etc.)
MauiNocturnal activity in NARS, seabirds and batsBiological SurveySeabirdNocturnal use of NARS by seabirds, bats using acoustic monitors and on the ground surveys
MauiInvasive species ecology - non-native birds, reptiles, fishesMonitoringTerrestrialDiets of non-native reptiles in NARS.
MauiLimiting factors - native plants, wild regeneration Population size, population trendsTerrestrialLimiting factors for native plants with no wild regeneration, or that produce viable seed but have no wild regeneration. (Examples: halapepe, holei, alani spp., etc.)
MauiClimate change: assisted migration, plant rangesOutplantingTerrestrialTesting of range extensions suitable for plants to assess climate change effects
MauiMutualisms: non-native host plant adaptationsHost plan interactionsTerrestrialManduca blackburni adaptation to obligatory use of non-native host plants
MauiMutualisms: non-native birds, reptiles, fishesDiet StudyTerrestrialDiets of non-native birds in NARS.
MauiThreat control/ biocontrolBiocontrol researchTerrestrialBiocontrol Bocconia, Clidemia
MauiThreat control: invasive flora, landscape reduction optionsThreat control, invasive plantsTerrestrialNovel landscape reduction options Leucena leucocephala, Acacia mearnsi, Rubus niveu
MauiArchaeologySurveyCultural ResourcesArchaeological research, mapping, site stabilization, trail reconstruction and site preservation of the Hoapili Trail, Maui
KauaiGIS/LiDAR SurveyCultural ResourcesArcheology: LIDAR has played important part for the archeologist to understand the surface. As LIDAR can detect micro topography that is hidden by vegetation which helps archeologist to understand the surface. DEM created from LIDAR is fed into GIS system and it is combined with other layers for analysis and interpretation.
KauaiArchaeologyResearchCultural ResourcesTerrace origin and history Coastal HONP NAR
KauaiStream and marine water qualityWater quality, surveysFreshwater StreamWater quality of streams in protected areas
KauaiBiological organism surveys of coastal and stream areasBiological surveyFreshwater StreamIdentification and abundance of biological organisms (all taxa, native and nonnative), of streams within Kauai NARS
KauaiMigration of native stream speciesBiological surveyFreshwater StreamMigratory habits of native stream species
KauaiWater quality of stream and marinePollution, water qualityMarineWater quality of marine areas downstream of protected areas
KauaiInvasive Species Ecology: non-native birds, reptiles, fishesMonitoringMarineDiets of non-native fishes in NARS.
KauaiHunter dynamicsSocial surveyResource UseHunter Dynamics-Type of Hunter that utilizes Hawaii forests, food, adrenaline, trophy etc
KauaiModelingGIS/LIDARTerrestrialGenerate Watershed and Stream Delineation models with Digital Elevation models (DEM) generated from LIDAR to create watershed coverage and stream line delineation.
KauaiThreat control -invasive ungulates, deer population range, habitsUngulate behaviorTerrestrialDeer population, range and habits of black tail deer
KauaiThreat control, source tracking, ratsSmall Mammal ControlTerrestrialSource tracking--none available for rats
KauaiInvasive species ecology - feral cats, invasive faunaPopulation size, population trendsTerrestrialCat habits, roaming etc.
KauaiInvasive species ecology - non-native birds, reptiles, fishesDiet StudyTerrestrialDiets of non-native reptiles in NARS.
KauaiMutualisms: non-native birds, insects and rare plant reproductionPollinator MonitoringTerrestrialNonnative birds and insect’s role/relationship in the reproduction of rare plants, like the Psychotria hobdyi and Japanese white-eye
KauaiMutualisms: non-native bees and native plantsPollinator MonitoringTerrestrialRole of non-native bees in reproductive cycle of native plants
KauaiLimiting factors - native plants, wild regeneration Population size, population trendsTerrestrialLimiting factors for native plants with no wild regeneration, or that produce viable seed but have no wild regeneration.
KauaiClimate change: assited migration, rare species restoration: pollination, propagation, climate boundariesOutplantingTerrestrialRare species restoration research-pollination, propagation, climate range for planting
KauaiClimate Change: Assisted Migration, species stratification, rare plant regeneration and establishmentOutplantingTerrestrial Coupling- data of the types of plants that support rare plant growth and regeneration, species stratification
KauaiRestoration MethodsGIS/LIDARTerrestrialVertical Structure of trees, shrubs and other plant tells, density, height--this may help to determine the appropriate species for the restoration site, and assist with the range of occurrence for native species.
KauaiRetrieving data. Wait a few seconds and try to cut or copy again.Biological SurveyTerrestrialIdentification and abundance of biological organisms (all taxa, native and nonnative), of coastal areas
KauaiRestoration methodsGIS/LIDARTerrestrialCreate digital elevation map of Kauai NARS data that can be converted to create slope and sunlight exposure area map--this may help to determine a scale for successful restoration and determine the type of efforts needed to maintain areas within the NARS for restoration.
KauaiPlanningGIS/LIDARTerrestrialELC of Ecological & Land Classification. It is done to provide the biological and physical information of the Landscape which helps in the sustainable management. ELC process helps in a range of sectors like land use planning, environmental assessment, forest management, habitat management and many more. During the classification of Land, high resolution LIDAR data helps to understand the nature and type of the land, that will help in the ELC process.
KauaiPlanningGIS/LIDARTerrestrialCellular Network Planning: LIDAR can survey the area with less time compared to other method. The collected surface model can be feed into the GIS system to create the line of sight or view shed map. This outputted map can help cellular engineers to find proposed cellular antenna, Towers can assist with communication, safety and monitoring
KauaiNative invertebratesBiological SurveyTerrestrialNative invertebrate base line inventory
KauaiNonnative invertebratesBiological SurveyTerrestrialNonnative invertebrate base line inventory
KauaiThreat control - ants, ecosystem servicesinvertebratesTerrestrialAnts – none are native but which are useful?
KauaiMutualisms: non-native birds, reptiles, fishesDiet StudyTerrestrialDiets of non-native birds in NARS.
KauaiForest birds, population, home range, habitat, hybridizationPopulation size, population trends, surveyTerrestrialForest bird inventory of all NEPM managed areas, identification of species, range and habitat, Forest bird hybridization.
KauaiThreat control/ biocontrolBiocontrol researchTerrestrialBiocontrol- Clidemia, Black berry, Lantana
HawaiiStream ecosystems, effects of ungulatesWater quality, surveysFreshwater StreamEffects of ungulate removal on relatively intact stream ecosystems
HawaiiClimate change: assisted migration, sea level rise, anchialine pools Vulnerability assessmentsMarine"Potential effects of rising sea level rise on anchialine pools and where can we expect to have
new anchialine pools form? "
HawaiiSeabird monitoringBiological SurveySeabirdSeabird monitoring. Acoustic, visual or radar.
HawaiiForest products, carbon sequestrationResearch carbon valuesTerrestrialResearch establishing the carbon values for 25 of the most common Hawaii species.
HawaiiRare species surveying -- drones Drone surveysTerrestrial"Rare species surveys with Drones. Some areas are difficult to access and it would be nice to get a visual of remote areas for the potential of rare species present.
Kohala in particular."
HawaiiThreat control - small vertebratesPredator control methodsTerrestrialEffectiveness of Good Nature traps.
HawaiiThreat control - small vertebratespredator control methodsTerrestrialPredator control in Puu Makaala. Trap methods, type and effectiveness. Bait trials etc
HawaiiForest birds, population, home rangeForest bird monitoring: population size, population trendsTerrestrial"Forest bird radio-telemetry collaboration. For example, collaborate on the
Akiapola'au population and home range size work we are doing in Kulani. For example, hand track birds to ground truth the radio-towers
or do a nest searching and monitoring project to observe nests - this would help us set up
localized predator control near nest trees."
HawaiiMutualisms: phenology and forest bird movementsPollinator MonitoringTerrestrialOhia phenology. Seasonal availability of lehua to see if that drives forest bird movements.
HawaiiMutualisms: seed dispersalSeed DispersalTerrestrialOmao seed dispersal. Examining their potential as a forest restoration tool.
HawaiiThreat control: Invasive flora control methods, herbicide effectiveness BMPTerrestrial"Testing different herbicide techniques on highly invasive species – Kahili ginger, albizia,
fountain grass, anemone – it would help with cutting down on costs of worker hours and
HawaiiThreat control: invasive flora effectsVegetation MonitoringTerrestrialPotential effect of sphagnum on native ecosystems
HawaiiRestoration methods: ecosystem recovery (post invasive species removal)Vegetation MonitoringTerrestrial"Vegetation recovery after removal of an invasive weed species (for example – ginger in
kahaualea, fountain grass In Manuka, ginger in kohala, etc.) (soil composition, water retention, etc.) "
HawaiiRestoration methods: ROD, native species re-establishment Vegetation MonitoringTerrestrial"What native species are best for restoring areas that have been affected by ROD – in areas
that have ohia as the dominant canopy species, there is a higher chance of invasive moving in
once ROD takes it down. "
HawaiiThreats to endangered birdsPopulation trendsTerrestrialWhat are the major biological factors that are causing the continued population decline of palila? Has adult survival, nesting effort or success, fledgling rates, predation rates, juvenille survival, or any other factors changed since the early 2000's?
HawaiiPredator control methodsPopulation size, population trendsTerrestrialPopulation trends of rats in the high elevation dry forests of Mauna Kea.
HawaiiPredator control methodsPopulation size, population trendsTerrestrialImpacts of predator control on game bird poluations of Mauna Kea.
HawaiiEndangered birdspopulation trends, surveyTerrestrialImpacts of climate change to Palila foraging range.
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Funding Opportunities

Through its grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the US Agency for International Development, NTD Support Center provides funding and technical assistance on individual  operational research  studies aimed at optimizing preventive chemotherapy programs for lymphatic filariasis, onchocerciasis, schistosomiasis, soil-transmitted helminthiasis, and trachoma. With the guidance of our donors, we define operational research as studies to inform and improve the existing activities of programs - including mapping, mass drug administration, morbidity management, stopping, and surveillance.

The following funding opportunities are currently available. Please return to this page for updates on additional calls. To receive these calls by email as they are announced, sign up for our mailing list  here . For more information about funding opportunities, please email  [email protected] .


Photo credit: Billy Weeks

Previously Issued Calls

Request for proposals: Operational research on tailored endgame strategies for persistent and recrudescent active trachoma

Call for Proposals: African Researchers’ Small Grants Program (SGP VI)

Topic: The African Research Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases (ARNTD) with support from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (Gates Foundation), through the Coalition for Operational Research on Neglected Tropical Diseases (COR-NTD), is seeking proposals for both operational and implementation research on ‘’Emerging Challenges facing Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) program implementation in Africa.’’

Request for Proposals: Increasing Effectiveness of Delivery of Preventive Chemotherapy against NTDs

Topic:  Research proposed for this call will investigate and develop solutions to persistent challenges associated with the implementation of NTD programs, focusing on scalable solutions that can be incorporated into program implementation plans.

Request for proposals: New diagnostics for schistosomiasis monitoring and evaluation

Topic: The goal of this RFP is to produce diagnostic tools that can be used at the point of care on non-stool samples to reliably measure schistosomiasis control/elimination programs. The programmatic context and diagnostic parameters that tools funded through this RFP must meet are outlined in the new  WHO Schistosomiasis Monitoring and Evaluation TPP . 

African Researchers' Small Grants Program (SGP V)

Topics: Operational and implementation research on ‘’Emerging Challenges facing NTD program implementation in Africa.

Request for Proposals: Optimizing NTD diagnostics and sampling strategies for low-prevalence settings

Topic:  New or improved diagnostic markers/tools/technologies for lymphatic filariasis and onchocerciasis and application of new epidemiological or statistical methods to maximize the effectiveness of survey sampling strategies to detect specific lymphatic filariasis and onchocerciasis signal in low-prevalence settings  

African Researchers' Small Grants Program (SGP IV)

Topic:  Support for African researchers in both early and mid/late career to undertake operational research aligned with the goals established in the London Declaration on Neglected Tropical Diseases.

Request for Proposals: Research to Better Understand the Psychosocial Impact of NTDs

Topic:  The outcomes of this request for proposals (RFP) will strengthen the evidence base about the psychosocial impact of NTDs on individuals and their caregivers.  The NTDs which will be considered for this call include: leprosy, lymphatic filariasis, onchocerciasis, schistosomiasis, trachoma, and visceral leishmaniasis.

Request for Proposals: Research to Identify Solutions to Address Barriers Facing Special Populations Seeking NTD Prevention & Treatment

Topic:  The outcomes of this request for proposals (RFP) will strengthen the evidence base by identifying the causes and piloting solutions that break through the barriers these special populations face in accessing NTD services. The NTDs which will be considered for this call include: leprosy, lymphatic filariasis, onchocerciasis, schistosomiasis, trachoma, and visceral leishmaniasis.

Request for Proposals: Research to Address Special Topics in Leprosy

Topic:  Research supported by this call would help define existing barriers and opportunities in order to provide guidance as to how local health services can leverage existing platforms to ensure sustainability as they roll out post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) and other novel strategies. Additionally, developing community engagement strategies can help to reduce some of the social stigma that individuals face when seeking care for leprosy.

Request for Proposals: Research to Address Special Topics in Visceral Leishmaniasis in East Africa

Topic:  Research supported by this request for proposals would focus on developing innovative approaches to identifying and characterizing foci of transmission in the East Africa region and propose solutions to addressing existing barriers to VL diagnosis and treatment, at both the community and health facility levels..

Request for Proposals: Research to Address the Challenges and Inequities Presented by Female Genital Schistosomiasis (FGS)

Topic:  Operational research on addressing FGS within communities and in the health system

African Researchers’ Small Grants Program (SGP III) 

Topic:  Support for African researchers in both early and mid/late career to undertake operational research aligned with the goals established in the London Declaration on Neglected Tropical Diseases.

Call for Proposals: Operational and Implementation Research on Health Systems Strengthening

Topic:  Operational and implementation research to explore factors related to the inclusion of NTDs into the platform of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) within the national health system.

Call for Proposals: Operational and Implementation Research on Intervention Effectiveness

Topic:  Operational and implementation research to investigate and solve persistent challenges associated with the implementation of NTD programs, focusing on different elements of either mass drug administration (MDA) or morbidity management and disability prevention (MMDP).

African Researchers' Small Grants Program (SGP II)

Topic:  Operational research on country-identified endgame challenges impeding progress in achieving WHO elimination targets for lymphatic filariasis, onchocerciasis, schistosomiasis, soil-transmitted helminthiasis, and trachoma

Call for Proposals: Operational Research on Access to Morbidity Management & Disability Prevention Services

Topic:  Operational research aimed at improving access to morbidity management and disability prevention (MMDP)

Call for Proposals: Operational Research on Equitable Access to Mass Drug Administration for NTDs

Topic:  Operational research on equitable access to mass drug administration (MDA)

African Researchers' Small Grants Program (SGP I)

Topic:  Emerging challenges facing program implementation in Africa in line with the goals established in the London Declaration on NTDs

call for researchers

ADB is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty.

Established in 1966, it is owned by 68 members—49 from the region..

Masatsugu Asakawa

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Strategy 2030

Annual meetings, adb supports projects in developing member countries that create economic and development impact, delivered through both public and private sector operations, advisory services, and knowledge support..

Asia and the Pacific's Climate Bank


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With employees from more than 60 countries, ADB is a place of real diversity.

Work with us to find fulfillment in sharing your knowledge and skills, and be a part of our vision in achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable asia and the pacific., careers and scholarships.

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Ideas for Developing Asia and the Pacific

Call for research proposals from early career researchers – pacific development research partnership, share this page.

Asian Development Bank Institute and Development Policy Centre, Australian National University

Many economies in the Pacific face continued high levels of poverty and informality, stagnant or resource-dependent growth, and severe exposure to climate change. Relative to other regions, the Pacific also has less quantitative evidence to guide policy, a challenge compounded by data deprivation and the limited number of researchers producing high-quality development research on the Pacific. The potential for greater in-depth, policy-relevant development research in the Pacific is high.

The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) and the Australian National University’s Development Policy Centre (Devpol) will start a new Pacific Development Research Partnership initiative in 2022 focusing on the broad topics of (i) human capital and development; (ii) agricultural markets and technology; and (iii) livelihoods and employment, including migration and remittances. The country focus will be on Fiji, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Tonga, which together account for more than 80 percent of the Pacific’s population.

As part of the initiative, ADBI and Devpol are looking for research proposals from early career economists (those in the final year of a PhD in economics or up to five years post-PhD in economics) to conduct microeconomic development research in the Pacific.

Proposals should address one of the following questions:

  • Are Pacific children learning at sufficient levels?
  • Are Pacific children nutritionally secure?
  • Do Pacific children have access to safe water, adequate sanitation facilities, and hygienic living conditions?
  • What is the food security situation in the Pacific and how can it be improved?
  • What agricultural technology is used by Pacific farmers?
  • What is the level of agricultural productivity in the Pacific and how can it be lifted?
  • How integrated are value chains in the Pacific and how can market access be improved?
  • What is the impact of shocks (climate, economic, social, and political) on human capital, agriculture, and livelihoods, and what policies and programs can reduce such impacts?
  • What are the linkages between employment, livelihoods, and the human capital outcomes of children?

Policy and program evaluations related to the above questions and using quasi-experimental research designs are highly welcome. Descriptive studies are also welcome.

This call for proposals is limited to economists whose research focus is on the microeconomics of development, who are experienced in using microeconometric methods (including quasi-experimental methods), and who are experienced in using microdata (e.g., household-level, individual-level, firm-level, or farm-level datasets).

Submission Procedure

This call for research proposals is open to citizens of Asian Development Bank member economies only. Interested researchers should submit a brief CV and research proposal that includes the following components:

  • Biography and statement of research (maximum 300 words);
  • The specific research question(s) to be addressed and country of focus. Research that focuses on evaluating the impact of specific policies and interventions is of particular interest. A short literature review of relevant studies should be included (maximum 1 page);
  • Empirical methodology, covering the data to be used. Key variables, dependent and explanatory, should be specified. If the research asks a causal question, state the quasi-experimental method(s) and identification assumptions (maximum 1 page).

The maximum length of research proposal submissions will be strictly enforced. It is not necessary to submit a budget proposal.

Researchers should submit their CV and research proposal using this  link by 18 March 2022 at 17:00 Tokyo time.

Arrangements for Selected Proposals

Up to ten research proposals will be selected. Notifications are expected to be sent in April 2022.

An honorarium of $5,000 will be paid to authors of selected proposals upon addressing the following requirements:

  • Present initial research results during a related conference in the third quarter of 2022
  • Submit a full draft manuscript of no more than 8,000 words, excluding annexes, by October 2022
  • Submit a revised final manuscript based on feedback from reviewers by early 2023

Assessment Criteria

Proposals will be reviewed based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance to the list of topics
  • Methodology and data source(s)
  • Track record of the researcher
  • Daniel Suryadarma, Asian Development Bank Institute
  • Dil Rahut, Asian Development Bank Institute
  • Ryan Edwards, Australian National University

Inquiries should be directed to Daniel Suryadarma .

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View our current funding opportunities. Use the filters below to find the opportunities most relevant to you. Get information to help you fund your research , including eligibility, support and tips.

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  • Public Health and Prevention (16)
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Latest posts

Nihr doctoral local authority fellowships.

Doctoral Local Authority Fellowship (DLAF) scheme funding post

  • Closes: 13:00 on 05 December 2024

24/100 NIHR NICE Rolling Call (HTA Programme)

The Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Programme is accepting Stage 1 applications to this funding opportunity.

  • Closes: 13:00 on 08 January 2025

24/101 NIHR James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnerships Rolling Call (HTA Programme)

24/98 health technology assessment programme researcher-led (primary research), 24/99 health technology assessment programme researcher-led (evidence synthesis), nihr pre-application support fund - round 4.

The NIHR Pre-Application Support Fund is open to individuals that require additional support to prepare an application for NIHR career development funding.

  • Potential advert date: 24 September 2024

NIHR Horizon Scanning Centre (NIHR HSC) Recommissioning

The Horizon Scanning Centre (NIHR HSC) recommissioning will be an open one-stage call inviting applications for the centre for up to £22 million for an initial period of 5 years with a review built into year 3. All research active organisations are eligible to apply.

  • Potential advert date: 10 September 2024

NIHR Undergraduate Internship Programme Round 2

This scheme allows early/mid career researchers to apply for funding to host up to three fully funded research interns, with the aim of attracting undergraduates from underrepresented professions into research careers.

NIHR Mentoring Programme - Cohort 3

NIHR Mentoring Programme provides career development support to NIHR Academy Members and researchers bases in NIHR Infrastructure, Schools and Research Units

24/103 Efficacy studies seeking to improve the health and wellbeing of women

The Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) Programme is accepting applications to their commissioned workstream.

  • Closes: 13:00 on 10 December 2024

24/91 Continuing areas of research interest to the PHR Programme

The Public Health Research (PHR) Programme is accepting Stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream for these topics.

  • Closes: 13:00 on 13 December 2024

24/95 NIHR NICE Rolling Call (EME Programme)

The Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation Programme is accepting Stage 1 applications to this funding opportunity.

  • Closes: 1pm on 10 December 2024

24/96 EME Programme Researcher-led

The Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) Programme is accepting Stage 1 applications to their researcher-led workstream.

24/94 NIHR James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnerships rolling call (EME Programme)

The Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) Programme is accepting Stage 1 applications to this funding opportunity.

24/93 NIHR NICE Rolling Call (PHR Programme)

The Public Health Research (PHR) Programme is accepting Stage 1 applications to this funding opportunity.

24/92 NIHR James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnerships rolling call (PHR Programme)

The Public Health Research (PHR) Programme are accepting Stage 1 applications to their researcher-led workstream.

Doctoral Clinical and Practitioner Academic Fellowship (DCAF) Round 6

The Doctoral Clinical and Practitioner Academic Fellowship (DCAF) scheme funds registered health and care professionals to undertake a PhD by research and, concurrently, to undertake further professional development and practice.

  • Potential advert date: 12 September 2024

24/90 PHR Programme researcher-led

Nihr development and skills enhancement award (dse).

The DSE award is a post-doctoral level funding opportunity aimed at supporting early to mid-career researchers in gaining specific skills and experience to underpin the next phase of their research career.

  • Closes: 1:00pm on 22 November 2024

i4i FAST (Funding At the Speed of Translation) Awards - Call 4

Applications are invited at any stage of the research and development pathway of medical technologies from initial proof-of-concept (starting from TRL 3) to innovations which have demonstrated safety and efficacy.

  • Potential advert date: 18 September 2024

Programme Grants for Applied Research - Competition 46

Applications are invited for Stage 1 proposals to develop programmes of applied health research.

  • Potential advert date: 09 October 2024

24/82 Comparing surgery to conservative management for the treatment of tennis elbow with persistent symptoms

The Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Programme is accepting Stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream for this primary research topic.

  • Closes: 1pm on 27 November 2024

24/75 Alternate day caplacizumab for immune thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

  • Closes: 13:00 on 29 January 2025

24/70 Earlier stopping of NAC following paracetamol overdose

24/72 increasing social support and parenting skills for parents with learning disabilities.

  • Closes: 13:00 on 27 November 2024


  1. Call for Researchers

    call for researchers

  2. Call for Researchers

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  3. Call for Young Researchers from Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan on the

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  4. Call for Researchers: Impact of the Maputo Protocol in Selected Countries

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  5. Call for Researchers: ASEM Higher Education Mapping 2022/2023

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  1. Funding Search

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  3. Research Grants

    AERA provides guidance to facilitate the data sharing and archiving process. Awards for Research Grants are up to $25,000 for 1­year projects, or up to $35,000 for 2­year projects. In accordance with AERA's agreement with the funding agencies, institutions may not charge indirect costs or overhead on these awards.

  4. Funding

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  5. The Mercury Project: 2023 Call for Proposals

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    Office of Science Funding Opportunities. The DOE Office of Science issues many announcements each year to solicit research proposals from colleges and universities, non-profit and for-profit research organizations, DOE's national laboratories, small businesses, and other federal research organizations. The Office of Science issues two types ...

  17. Call for Proposals Thinking Gender 2025

    Film/Media Synopsis (2 double-spaced pages maximum) of work to be presented/workshopped that includes: (1) a research question or thesis, (2) description of format, (3) discussion of theoretical framework, methodology and process, (4) explanation of your argument and evidence, and (5) conclusions or anticipated conclusions.

  18. Call for research proposals: STAARS Fellowship Program 2024

    See the full Call for Research Proposals, application instructions, and more information about the STAARS program on the STAARS website. The deadline for submission is January 19, 2024 at 11:59pm New York time (January 20 at 4:59 a.m. UTC). An information session for the fellowship will be held on Tuesday, December 12 from 9 to 10 a.m.

  19. Call for Proposals

    The fund targets African researchers in Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda, and Kenya to facilitate the development of researchers starting their careers as independent investigators in Africa. This call for proposals will result in the selection of one to two projects for each of the countries indicated, to be implemented by the successful PIs in ...

  20. 2023 Call for Research Partnership Grants

    The call is open to all scientific disciplines and fields of research, including social sciences and humanities. Postdoctoral researchers, senior scientists, or professors of Swiss federal and cantonal universities, universities of applied sciences and universities of teacher education, and public research institutes are eligible to apply.*

  21. Division of Forestry and Wildlife

    DOFAW invites partner organizations to review the list and consider conducting research relating to these vital issues. For more information on this collaborative program, please contact Emma Yuen with the Division of Forestry and Wildlife at (808) 587-4170 or via email at emma.yuen @hawaii.gov.

  22. Funding Opportunities

    Topic: Research supported by this call would help define existing barriers and opportunities in order to provide guidance as to how local health services can leverage existing platforms to ensure sustainability as they roll out post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) and other novel strategies. Additionally, developing community engagement strategies ...

  23. Call for Research Proposals from Early Career Researchers

    This call for research proposals is open to citizens of Asian Development Bank member economies only. Interested researchers should submit a brief CV and research proposal that includes the following components: Biography and statement of research (maximum 300 words); The specific research question(s) to be addressed and country of focus.

  24. Funding opportunities

    The Horizon Scanning Centre (NIHR HSC) recommissioning will be an open one-stage call inviting applications for the centre for up to £22 million for an initial period of 5 years with a review built into year 3. All research active organisations are eligible to apply. Potential advert date: 10 September 2024.

  25. Call for Abstracts: Yale Conference for Alcohol Research and Education

    Researchers, educators, trainees, and anyone involved in alcohol-related research or patient care are encouraged to attend this free event. Continuing medical education (CME) credit will be available. The event is in-person, however a virtual option is available to out-of-state registrants. Register to attend!

  26. Second 2024 Open Call for Applications: Research Fellowships in

    This call is open to graduate students and researchers/academics from LAC whose research focus is biotechnology sensu stricto. These must be engaged in active research or pursuit of new research opportunities in, but not limited to, high-throughput and deep sequencing of genomes, metagenomic analysis and the discovery, characterisation and/or ...

  27. Daiichi Sankyo Call for Pre-Proposals: Sponsored Research Program Due

    Summary from Daiichi Sankyo: We highly value partnerships with academic institutions to explore new therapeutic possibilities through the testing of hypotheses, fostering an environment of scientific innovation. By cultivating sustainable relationships founded on open and fair alliance management, we prioritize trust and mutual respect as the pillars for successful collaborations.

  28. Researchers chart a path forward for report back

    Translating Research to Action & Knowledge (TRAK) Portal: a web-based platform for report-back of research results (Diana Rohlman, Ph.D., Oregon State University). Evaluation of report-back strategies for long-term and short-term exposure information in rural tribal populations (Scott Collingwood, Ph.D., University of Utah School of Medicine).

  29. Mayo researchers develop tool that measures health of a person's gut

    ROCHESTER, Minn. — A team of Mayo Clinic researchers has developed an innovative computational tool that analyzes the gut microbiome, a complex ecosystem of trillions of bacteria, fungi, viruses and other microorganisms within the digestive system, to provide insights into overall well-being.

  30. Welcome To Fall 2024

    On-Call Reference. To complement our 24/7 Live Chat service and other forms of research support, University Libraries' on-call reference service is available throughout the year. This on-demand service is for patrons who prefer to speak with a librarian in-person or via telephone about their research questions.