Botswana - Apply for Farm Equipment Support through the ISPAAD Horticulture

  • 1 Procedure
  • 2 Required Documents
  • 3 Office Locations & Contacts
  • 4 Eligibility
  • 7 Documents to Use
  • 8 Sample Documents
  • 9 Processing Time
  • 10 Related Videos
  • 11 Instructions
  • 12 Required Information
  • 13 Need for the Document
  • 14 Information which might help
  • 15 Other uses of the Document/Certificate
  • 16 External Links

Procedure [ edit ]

How to Apply Apply In-Person

  • Applicants should visit the Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security Headquarters or the District or sub-district Crop Production Offices, Department of Crop Production for the application process for Provision of Portable Water to Clusters through ISPAAD Programme. {See address details below}.
  • Verbally expressing your interest to the Integrated Support Programme for Arable Agriculture Development {ISPAAD}, Extension Officer {EO} or Agricultural Demonstrator (AD) at the, Department of Crop Production.
  • Collect the Application Form for Farm Equipment through ISPAAD Horticulture at the Department of Crop Production, service desk or use this link download Link
  • Submit the completed form attached to the supporting documents {as mentioned under required document section below} to be verified by the AD or EO agent.
  • If the application file is in order and you {applicant} are eligible, the AD or EO agent will forward the application file to the District Crop Production Office {DCPO} for processing.
  • Upon receipt of the application file, applicants will then be issued with an acknowledgement letter with a reference number by the EO or AD agent for future enquiries that may require clarification by the ISPAAD appraising team during the processing period. If summoned applicants will be required to avail themselves for an interview.
  • The District Agriculture Coordinator {DAC} appointed by the DCPO shall lead the appraising team in the evaluation and processing of the application file and inform the DCPO of its recommendation , who in turn makes the final decision, if to approve or deny the request.
  • The applicant will then be informed of the fate of his/her application request by way of letter.
  • If the applicant is aggrieved by the decision of the appraising team, he/she shall make an appeal to the office of the Director of Crop Production office within 30 days of receiving the letter from the DCPO.
  • The Director of the DCPO shall review the matter and make the final decision within 10 days of receiving the appeal.
  • If your request is approved, the farmer should submit the approved letter and his/her ID card to a supplier of farm equipment or the service provider shop/business to be validated.
  • If the supplier approves, the farmer or a group must pay the supplier 60% and 40% of the total cost of the farm equipment and the Government pays the other 40 % and 60% respectively.
  • Applicants will be given a grace period of (3) months from the date of purchase of the equipment to utilize the acquired items. Failure to do so, the ministry of agriculture will recoup unutilized farm equipment.
  • The ministry will provide technical support and close monitor of the project. The District Crop Production Office shall make monthly reports on the project to the Director of DCPO, who shall, if necessary order the repossession of unutilized items such as irrigation equipment.

Required Documents [ edit ]

  • Certified copy of valid National Identity Card (Omang).
  • Land Board Certificate, lease or title deed. In case of lease, the lease period should not be less than 10 years.
  • Business plan
  • Prove of established and reliable water source (e.g the borehole must yield at least 2.5m³/hour to be able to irrigate half a hectare)
  • For associations, companies, partnerships or groups registered prove of registration either under Agricultural Management Associations (AMA), Cooperatives, Registrar of Societies or Registrar of Companies.

Office Locations & Contacts [ edit ]

Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security HeadquartersDepartment of Crop Production ISPAAD CoordinatorPlot 4701, Mmaraka RoadPrivate Bag 00435 Gaborone Botswana Tel. (+267) 3689305 Call Centre: Tel. 17755 Email:    [email protected] Ministry contact details: Link Department of Crop Production Headquarters and District Crop Production Offices Link Opening hours: 07:30 to 12:45 then 13:45 to 16:30, Monday to Friday except, public holidays

Eligibility [ edit ]

Eligible applicant should meet the following criteria;

  • Citizens and non-citizens aged 18 years and above
  • Applicants should have access to land (proof of ownership or leasehold). In case of leasehold, the lease period should not be less than 10 years.
  • Associations, companies, partnerships or groups registered either under Agricultural Management Associations (AMA), Cooperatives, Registrar of Societies or Registrar of Companies.
  • Farmers who are cultivating a minimum of 0.5 hectares as individual and 2 hectares for groups are eligible for farm inputs. In case of seedling (vegetables and fruits), mushroom and ornamental project, the size of the farm must be at least 0.25 hectares.
  • Farmers who have been assisted once will not qualify for assistance within that year even if they have not exhausted the allocated funds in that particular component.

Fees [ edit ]

  • Individual farmers pays 60% of the cost of farm equipment.
  • Groups pay 40% of the cost of farm equipment.

Validity [ edit ]

  • This assistance will be available once a year, that is once every 12 months for a period of 3 years.

Documents to Use [ edit ]

Link {Application form}

Sample Documents [ edit ]

Processing time [ edit ].

  • Processing period is within three (3) months

Related Videos [ edit ]

Instructions [ edit ].

Important note

  • The maximum financial aid given is P200 000.00. The minimum farm size for individuals and a group is one (1) hectares and two (2) hectares respectively. Individual farmers are expected to contribute 60% of the total cost farm equipment while a group is expected to pay 40%. The programme does not allow or accept contribution in kind.

Required Information [ edit ]

  • Full name of the farmer/group
  • National identity card details
  • List of equipment required
  • Contact details
  • Residential address of the farm

Need for the Document [ edit ]

  • This service aims to assist Individual and cluster farmers to purchase irrigation system (drip, sprinkler, and centre pivot) which includes water conveyance lines, booster pumps but excludes engines and Shade net material including polythene tunnels.

Information which might help [ edit ]

  • ispaad guidelines revised may 2013 , Link
  • Agriculture management associations act chp 3508 , link
  • Guidelines for special assistance to kgalagadi district and areas with similar agro-climatic conditions , link

Other uses of the Document/Certificate [ edit ]

External links [ edit ].

  • Government service portal: Link

Others [ edit ]

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Sunday Standard

Sunday Standard August 18 – 24

The telegraph august 14, sunday standard august 11 – 17, the telegraph august 7, sunday standard august 4 – 10, new ispaad could turn the tables for the agric sector.

ispaad horticulture business plan

Farmers – both existing and prospective should gear up for a revamped Integrated Support Programme for Arable Agriculture Development (ISPAAD) which will soon be launched.

This is after it emerged this week that the Government will be releasing the much anticipated new ISPAAD guidelines. The new guidelines come at time when Botswana policymakers are also redirecting the energy of the nation towards the agriculture sector – a once backbone of the local economy.

This week it emerged that the Citizen Entrepreneurial Development Agency will under the revised ISPAAD offer finance assistance to horticulture farmers who will be unable to raise their own fifty percent contribution required for their projects once approved.

It has come to light that under the old ISPAAD reforms, applicants who have been applying to be assisted for horticulture projects, they could not afford to raise the required 60 percent share of commitment within 30 days of application approvals. Another challenge that came to light this past week in Parliament, by the Assistant Minister of Agriculture, Beauty Manake was that, the applicants have been having difficulties of coming up with business plans as per the requirement, thus under the new reforms the business plans will no longer be required. Manake told Parliament that: “under the new ISPAAD reforms particularly for horticulture farmers, for the 2020/21 financial year, we have come up with a transition plan for the horticulture component where a farmer who would be required to contribute their part of the 50 percent contribution, the government will assist them through CEDA which will compliment the other 50 percent of subsidy from government. Business plans will no longer be required for an already operating horticulture farmer, as long as when the project proves viable when assessed.”

The horticulture package under the ISPAAD programme will be up to P300 000.00  and those with an up to one hectare will be able to access and should operate in a protected environment of shade nets, irrigation and inputs that will last two seasons

As part of the Economic Recovery Plan, the Agriculture Ministry promises to resuscitate horticulture markets in different strategic areas, where there are more horticulture framers who can form clusters.

Since the inception of ISPAAD in 2010, 315 applications have been received for horticulture countrywide and 213 were approved. Currently, 188 are still in production.


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Gov’t unveils tighter ISPAAD support

Pauline Dikuelo

The Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security anticipates rolling out the new output-based Integrated Support Programme for Arable Agricultural Development (ISPAAD) during the 2022-2023 cropping season, BusinessWeek has established.

Agricultural minister Karabo Gare recently told parliamentarians that government will administer ISPAAD for the last time in this current ploughing season 2021-2022 with the same guidelines and controls.

The next season will be guided by a new transformative programme that has been developed to enhance agricultural productivity and output growth as well as promote inclusive agricultural production.

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Revised ISPAAD to start 202223

ispaad horticulture business plan

16 Nov 2021

Farmers have been urged to gear up for a new agricultural programme expected to start  during the 2022/23 ploughing season.

The Kanye Administrative Authority (KAA) chairperson, Mr Simon Ramaphoi told a virtual sub-council session on Monday that the introduction of transitional Integrated Support Programme for Arable Agriculture Development (ISPAAD), which was done towards the end of 2020/2021 cropping season came at a time when the programme’s guidelines were under review. 

He said the transition period runs from October to June 2022, which means this is the last extension of ISPAAD.

Mr Ramaphoi said during this transitional ISPAAD, subsistence farmers would be assisted with draught power for four hectares instead of the previous five, they would be assisted with seeds enough to cover four hectares, of which two would be hybrid and the other two hectares open pollinated seeds. 

Subsistence farmers would also be assisted with fertilizers for four hectares at two bags per hectare, as opposed for five hectares at four bags per hectare.

He said fencing had been suspended, adding that farmers who ploughed and planted at meraka/cattle-posts would only be assisted with open pollinated seeds enough for four hectares.

However, there are no changes for emerging and commercial farmers, who are subsidised at 35 per cent and 30 per cent respectively for seeds, fertilizers and herbicides.

Mr Ramaphoi said thus far 10 extension areas were addressed through kgotla meetings for contractors, five kgotla meetings were also addressed to sensitise contractors and farmers on the changes for the new ploughing season. He noted that coupons were ready for collection at all extensions.

Meanwhile he said for the 2021/22 season, a total of 4 417 farmers that comprise 2 305 males and 2 112 females had registered for 118.064 tonnes of seeds, 3 897 for 1 397.02 tonnes of fertilizers, while two emerging farmers had registered for 1 388 litres of herbicides.

Mr Ramaphoi said a total of 13 748.49 hectares were ploughed and planted during the 2020/21 cropping season by 4 069 farmers that comprise 2 195 males and 1 874 females.

He said a total amount of close to P30.2m was spent on ISPAAD activities as follows: P15.3m was spent on draught power paying 4 058 farmers that comprised 2 189 males and 1 869 females who ploughed and planted 13 577.87 hectares; about P12.7m was spent on paying input suppliers, P1. 01m on salaries for temporary ISPAAD employees and the remaining P1.1m was spent on other ISPAAD expenses.

He said from the targeted 4 000 tonnes of cereal crops and 200 tonnes of legumes, 1 410.20 tonnes and 310.50 tonnes of cereals and legumes were collected in the sub-district for 2020/21 ploughing season. BOPA

Source : BOPA

Author : Keith Keti

Location : KANYE

Event : Virtual sub-council session

Date : 16 Nov 2021

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Application for production inputs support through ISPAAD Horticulture

  • Read more about Application for production inputs support through ISPAAD Horticulture

Individual farmers and groups can be assisted with purchasing of pesticides, fertilizers, packaging material, seedlings and seeds. All farmers cultivating a minimum of 0.5 hectares are eligible for farm inputs. In case of seedling (vegetables and fruits), mushroom and ornamental project, the size of the farm must be at least 0.25 hectares. This assistance will be available once a year, that is once every 12 months for a period of 3 years. The maximum ceiling is P120 000.00.

The minimum farm size for individuals and a group is 0.5 hectares and 2 hectares respectively. Individual farmers are expected to contribute 60% of the total cost of inputs while a group is expected to pay 40%. Purchasing of inputs and farm implement will be guided by the business plan.

  • Citizens and non-citizens aged 18 years and above
  • Applicants who have access to land (proof of ownership or leasehold). In case of leasehold, the lease period should not be less than 10 years.
  • Associations, companies, partnerships or groups registered either under Agricultural Management Associations (AMA), Cooperatives, Registrar of Societies or Registrar of Companies
  • Farmers who have been assisted once will not qualify for assistance within that year even if they have not exhausted the allocated funds in that particular component
  • Submit the relevant supporting documents  to the Agricultural Demonstrator (AD) or Extension Officer (EO)
  • The AD will verify if all the necessary information is provided and if the applicant meets the eligibility criteria
  • The Agricultural Demonstrator/Extension Officer will submit the application with the supporting documents to the District Crop Production Officer (DCPO)
  • The application shall be appraised and the appraising team shall inform the applicant in writing  about the fate of his/her application
  • The applicant in turn will submit the approval letter to the supplier of production inputs or the service provider.
  • If approved the farmer or a group must pay the supplier 60% and 40% of the total cost of the production inputs and the Government pays the other 40 % and 60% respectively.
  • If the applicant is aggrieved about the decision of the appraising team on his or her application , he or she shall make an appeal to the office of the Director of Crop Production within 30 days of receiving the response letter from the DCPO
  • Certified copy of valid National Identity Card (Omang).
  • Land Board Certificate, lease or title deed. In case of lease, the lease period should not be less than 10 years.
  • Business plan
  • Prove of established and reliable water source (e.g the borehole must yield at least 2.5m³/hour to be able to irrigate half a hectare)
  • For associations, companies, partnerships or groups registered prove of registration either under Agricultural Management Associations (AMA), Cooperatives, Registrar of Societies or Registrar of Companies.
  • Three (3) months.  
  • Individual farmers pays 60% of the cost of production inputs
  • Groups pay 40% of the cost of production inputs.
  • Contributions in kind are not accepted and all contributions must be in cash

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana, Agriculture, Food Security

Horticulture, ISPAAD, Production inputs, fertilizers

Application for Well Development (Hand Dug) and Rehabilitation

  • Read more about Application for Well Development (Hand Dug) and Rehabilitation

Groups of farmers (syndicates) and individuals can apply for rehabilitation of hand dug wells or sand river wells to be used for livestock watering and irrigation purposes.

Download and complete Application for Well Development along with the relevant supporting documents to the nearest District Crop Production Office .

  • Certified copy of Landboard Certificate or a letter from Tribal Authority.
  • Document stating the yield of the well (if available).
  • Well (Hand Dug) constitution for syndicates.
  • Must have a proof of Water Rights Certificate.

One (1) month.

Department of Crop Production                                Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security Headquarters

Plot 4701 Mmaraka road 3rd Floor, Office No. 301

Opening hours: 07:30 to 12:45 and 13:45 to 16:30, Monday to Friday, except public holidays.

The applicant is expected to provide 15% of the total cost, where applicable, in kind, in the form of labour for well rehabilitation.

Botswana, Botswana Government, Republic of Botswana, Government of Botswana, Agriculture, Food Security.

Rehabilitation of hand dug wells, sand river wells, livestock watering and irrigation purposes

Provision of Seeds, Fertilizers and Herbicides to Commercial Farmers Through ISPAAD

  • Read more about Provision of Seeds, Fertilizers and Herbicides to Commercial Farmers Through ISPAAD

Commercial farmers who cultivate over 150Ha and use large sophisticated machinery and implements can access the following assistance from government: 

  • A 30% subsidy on the cost of hybrid or open pollinated varieties of seeds up to maximum of 500 Ha.
  • Farmers will be assisted with 30% subsidy on the cost of fertilizer up to a maximum of 500 Ha for the following fertilizer treatments; liming, basal or top dressing.
  • Farmers will be assisted with 30% subsidy on the cost of herbicides to control weeds up to a maximum of 500 Ha for either of the following operations; pre-emergence, post emergence or control of difficult weeds such as Cynodon dactylon, mokhure etc.
  • Seed is provided for varieties of major grain and fodder crops, sorghum, maize and cowpeas only.
  • The amount of seed issued to farmers will depend on availability, and suitability to the farming areas.

This assistance is available through the Integrated Support Programme for Arable Agriculture Development (ISPAAD).

  • Applicants must be aged 18 years and above
  • Citizens must have a valid National Identity Card (Omang)
  • Foreigners must have valid Residence and Work Permits.
  • Be able to demonstrate to the Extension staff that they own fields or have the consent of the owners to use such fields.
  • Must have proof of land accessibility (duly allocated or leased)
  • Fill and submit Permission to Purchase Fertilizers / Open Pollinated Seed / Hybrid Seeds/Herbicides, under ISPAAD form to the nearest District Crop Production Office (DCPO) for processing.
  • After processing, the DCPO will contact the applicant in writing concerning the outcome of his application.
  • Certified copy of a valid National Identity Card (Omang) or residence and work permits.
  • Certified copy of Landboard Certificate or Lease Agreement.
  • Quotations for items required.

One (1) day from the date of initial application.  

Applicants are provided with a 30% government subsidy on seeds, fertilizers and herbicides.

Provision of seeds, provision of fertilizers, provision of herbicides.

Provision of Portable Water to Clusters Through ISPAAD

  • Read more about Provision of Portable Water to Clusters Through ISPAAD

Farmers operating as clusters can access assistance for the provision of portable water through the Integrated Support Programme for Arable Agriculture Development (ISPAAD). ISPAAD will, where possible drill/equip boreholes, or purchase existing boreholes. Immediately after completion, the boreholes will be handed over to Cluster Management Committees to operate and manage, as stipulated in the constitution. The boreholes will be used exclusively for provision of domestic water.

Applicants must agree that operation and maintenance of the infrastructure will be the responsibility of the Cluster Management Committee.

  • Visit the Extension Officer at the nearest District Crop Production Office ​ with the relevant supporting documents.
  • The ISPAAD / Extension Office shall assess the situations as per its merits to ascertain if there is a need for the provision of water.
  • The farmers will be advised to have a constitution that will include agreement to undertake maintenance of the boreholes.
  • The District Crop Production Office shall then inform the applicants in writing about the outcome of the application.

Documented proof of a working cluster constitution.

One (1) month from the date of initial application.  

Applicants are provided with a 100% government subsidy with this service. 

Agricultural business management plan, management plan guidance.

Provision of portable water, borehole drilling.

Individual Fencing Application Through ISPAAD

  • Read more about Individual Fencing Application Through ISPAAD

Individual farmers can apply for assistance through the Integrated Support Programme for Arable Agriculture Development (ISPAAD). A 50% subsidy on the cost of fencing material up to a maximum of BW P70,000 is paid by Government. Farmers  can apply for assistance to fence a newly established farm or to strengthen an already existing fence. This is done after thorough assessment of the existing field.

  • Applicants should have access to land (proof of ownership or leasehold). In case of leasehold, the lease period should not be less than 50 years.
  • Submit the relevant supporting documents (field Land Board Certificate or lease) to the nearest District Crop Production office .
  • The Extension Officer shall calculate the field perimeter and prepare the Bill of Quantities for fencing materials.
  • The farmer shall be given the Bill of Quantities to go and request five quotations.
  • The Extension Officer will then complete the Application for ISPAAD Individual Fencing Form.​
  • Extension Officer shall submit the application along with supporting documents to Sub District Crop Production Officer (SDCPO) for processing.
  • SDCPO shall inform the farmer whether the application has been approved or not by a letter.
  • If approved the farmer must pay the supplier 50% of the total cost of the material and the Government pays the other 50 %.
  • The farmer shall then collect the material from the supplier.
  • Landboard Certificate, Lease or Title Deed.

One (1) month.  

The applicant is expected to provide 50% of the cost for materials.

individual fencing, fencing material, ISPAAD, Government fencing, Government Fencing Subsidy.

Group Fencing Application Through ISPAAD

  • Read more about Group Fencing Application Through ISPAAD

A group of farmers who do not qualify for cluster fencing in terms of minimum area requirement of 150 hectares (Ha) can apply for assistance in the form of a 50% subsidy on the cost of fencing material only up to a maximum of BWP 200, 000.00 to construct an enclosure fence. This assistance is provided through Integrated Support Programme for Arable Agriculture Development (ISPAAD). ​

  • A group should have minimum membership of two persons who have arable land in proximity.
  • The group shall have a working constitution.
  • Applicants should have access to their own fields (proof of ownership or leasehold). In case of leasehold, the lease period should not be less than 50 years.
  • Submit the relevant supporting documents to the District Crop Production Office.
  • The Extension Officer will then complete the ISPAAD 50% Subsidy for Fencing Material Application Form.
  • SDCPO shall inform the farmer about whether the application has been approved or not by letter.
  • A Certified copy of valid National Identity Card (Omang).
  • Landboard Certificate, lease or title deed.
  • Documented proof of a working constitution

Two (2) months.  

50% government subsidy and 50% paid by farmer.

group fencing, fencing material, ISPAAD, Government fencing, Government Fencing Subsidy.


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  2. PDF Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food security ISPAAD ...

    ISPAAD HORTICULTURE SUPPORT PROGRAMME Compliance List Certified Copy of National identity card (Omang). O Land board certificate or lease agreement. O Business plan including cropping programme. O Financial statement of accounts (for existing projects) O Borehole certificate and water right. O Water Quality Constitution (Group) O

  3. PDF Revised version May 2013

    1 ISPAAD GUIDELINES 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Integrated Support Programme for Arable Agriculture Development ... 10.3 Components of the Horticulture Programme 10.3.1 Production Inputs Support This component will assist farmers with purchasing of ... will be guided by the business plan. Ceiling P120, 000.00 Category Minimum Farm size (ha) Farmer(s ...

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    4 IAS PACKAGE. 4.1 The Horticulture IAS facility is a grant that is open to both new and existing projects even those that have previously benefited under ISPAAD Horticulture Support Programme. 4.2 The Horticulture IAS subsidy beneficiaries will be awarded any of the listed production packages up to a ceiling of P300,000 per application.


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    Customer Service Manager Ms Colleen Phiri. Direct Line: +267 241 6057. P.O. Box 225 Gaborone. Channels Distribution Manager. Mrs Betty Bagwisanyi. Direct Line : +267 360 4963. P.O. Box 453 Maun. Customer Service Manager Ms Sophie Botlhagile. Direct Line: +267 686 0831.


    IMPACT ACCELERATOR SUBSIDY (IAS) GUIDELINES FOR HORTICULTURE AND FIELD (RAINFED CROPS) INTRODUCTION. 1.1 To support the Economic Recovery and Transformation Plan, there is a need to extend financial support to beneficiaries so as to assist revival of the economy. As part of the extended support for the economy, the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA ...

  9. Botswana

    Business plan Prove of established and reliable water source (e.g the borehole must yield at least 2.5m³/hour to be able to irrigate half a hectare) For associations, companies, partnerships or groups registered prove of registration either under Agricultural Management Associations (AMA), Cooperatives, Registrar of Societies or Registrar of ...


    2021-01-25 -. The Ministry of Agricultur­e Developmen­t and Food Security (MoA) started receiving applicatio­ns for the component of the Integrated Support Programme For Arable Agricultur­e Developmen­t (ISPAAD) called Horticultu­re Impact Accelerato­r Subsidy (IAS) from January 20, 2021. "The processing of applicatio­ns, assessment ...

  11. Application for production inputs support through ISPAAD Horticulture

    All farmers cultivating a minimum of 0.5 hectares are eligible for farm inputs. In case of seedling (vegetables and fruits), mushroom and ornamental project, the size of the farm must be at least 0.25 hectares. This assistance will be available once a year, that is once every 12 months for a period of 3 years. The maximum ceiling is P120 000.00.

  12. Guidelines for... Subsistence farmers will be assisted to plough and plant a maximum of five hectares (5ha) for free. All services provided as well as machinery and implements for hire will be paid for in advance. Hiring of implements will be charged a fee as indicated in the attached table.

  13. Republic of Botswana Agrricultural Services Support Project PROJECT

    delivered by ISPAAD, reveals that the productivity of an average maize farm would have to increase by six times to break even, in the absence of subsidies under ISPAAD. E. Effectiveness 10. Effectiveness is assessed in line with the outcomes discussed under the theory of change. Under the first outcome of "a sustainable increase in smallholder


    All successful business initiatives is market led, therefore soliciting a market for the business prior to production is essential. This should be done at the business conceptual stage before drafting either a business or a cropping plan. This will guide all the farm operations, these include but not limited to: Types of crops to grow


    The Midweek Sun. GOVT IMPLEMENTS NEW ISPAAD. 2021-09-08 -. The Ministry of Agricultur­al Developmen­t and Food Security will implement a new transforma­tive ISPAAD in the 2022/23 ploughing season. In a media release, the ministry says the programme will be implemente­d under the same guidelines and controls for the last time this ploughing ...

  16. New ISPAAD could turn the tables for the Agric sector

    Business plans will no longer be required for an already operating horticulture farmer, as long as when the project proves viable when assessed." The horticulture package under the ISPAAD programme will be up to P300 000.00 and those with an up to one hectare will be able to access and should operate in a protected environment of shade nets ...

  17. Gov't unveils tighter ISPAAD support :: Mmegi Online

    The Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security anticipates rolling out the new output-based Integrated Support Programme for Arable Agricultural Development (ISPAAD) during the 2022 ...

  18. Revised ISPAAD to start 202223

    Mr Ramaphoi said a total of 13 748.49 hectares were ploughed and planted during the 2020/21 cropping season by 4 069 farmers that comprise 2 195 males and 1 874 females. He said a total amount of close to P30.2m was spent on ISPAAD activities as follows: P15.3m was spent on draught power paying 4 058 farmers that comprised 2 189 males and 1 869 ...

  19. Crop Production

    Business plan; Prove of established and reliable water source (e.g the borehole must yield at least 2.5m³/hour to be able to irrigate half a hectare) ... Horticulture, ISPAAD, Farm equipment, net shade, irrigation system, drip irrigation, tunnels. Ministry submitting this Service.

  20. ISPAAD considered ineffective, replaced by cost effective programme

    By mm9730 on November 2, 2021 ARABLE, REGIONAL NEWS. The Integrated Support Programme for Arable Agriculture Development (ISPAAD) introduced in 2008, will be replaced during the 2022/ 2023 ploughing season as it is conveyed as ineffective in improving Botswana's crop productivity, according to Minister of Agricultural Development and Food ...

  21. Subsidies

    Business plan; Prove of established and reliable water source (e.g the borehole must yield at least 2.5m³/hour to be able to irrigate half a hectare) ... Horticulture, ISPAAD, Production inputs, fertilizers. Ministry submitting this Service. Ministry of Agricultural Development and food security.