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MEXT Research Scholarship: How to Get a Master's Scholarship in Japan for Free Continuing Your Education on the Prime Minister's Dime

October 26, 2021 • words written by Emily Suvannasankha • Art by Aya Francisco

Are you open to continuing your education overseas? Does spending two to three years in Japan on the government's yen sound like a pretty sweet deal to you? If so, the MEXT Research Scholarship might just pique your interest.

It's a well-kept secret that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, & Technology (MEXT, or Monbukagakusho ) in Japan gives out thousands of these full-ride scholarships to international students every year. In fact, there's a MEXT scholarship for just about every education level, from undergraduate and doctoral degrees to vocational training. This comprehensive guide will focus on the MEXT Research Scholarship for master's students, since that's the one I'm familiar with. I applied through an American consulate and was lucky enough to get the scholarship in 2019. I laughed, I cried, I penned a thesis amidst a worldwide pandemic. Now, at the end of my MEXT journey, I'm ready to share my advice and experiences with other potential beneficiaries of the Prime Minister.

So, how do you get your grubby paws on one of these scholarships? Honestly, it's a long road paved with bureaucracy that can be stressful to navigate, but I'll try to lower your blood pressure in this guide by laying it all out, step by step.

Who's a Good Candidate for MEXT?

Living stipend, travel expenses, embassy vs. university recommendation, should i be a research student or regular student, finding a graduate program in japan, coming up with a research idea, timeline of the application process, 1. writing your research plan, 2. filling out the placement preference form, 3. recommendation letter, 4. health certificate, 5. academic transcripts, 7. optional documents, 8. reaching out to professors, japanese and english language tests, interview tips, requesting letters of acceptance from professors, university placement, getting accepted into the grad program, congratulations, you got mext here's some advice, what is the mext research scholarship.

Monbukagakusho building and students on the MEXT sholarship program

The MEXT Research Scholarship is a scholarship from the Japanese government that fully waives tuition for international students pursuing a master's and/or Ph.D. degree at a Japanese university. It's given out most commonly by consulates and embassies in countries with a diplomatic relationship with Japan, but some people go directly through a Japanese university. Scholars also receive a monthly living stipend.

Basically, MEXT lets you get a master's degree for free in Japan, as long as you have a strong application and a good bit of luck.

Each embassy has a predetermined — and often small — number of scholarships it's allowed to give out, so beating out the competition can be tough. For example, my consulate in Florida typically only has one slot open. Your chances will largely depend on who else is applying at the same time and place as you are, which is a roll of the dice no one can predict. But as long as you remain eligible, you can reapply again and again — which many people do — so if you really want it, don't lose hope.

Before you apply, it's probably a good idea to check whether you're even eligible. You can receive the MEXT scholarship if you're:

  • A national of a country where MEXT scholarships are offered (Japanese nationals are not eligible)
  • Born on or after April 2, 1987 (for the 2022 scholarship; it increases by one year every year)
  • A university or college graduate who has completed at least 16 years of education

The official MEXT guidelines also state that you must pursue a degree in the same field as your previous studies or a related one, though this requirement tends to be flexible. But aside from just being eligible, who's truly a good fit for MEXT? As someone who's gone through it, I think an ideal MEXT recipient is an independent person who's relatively comfortable with Japanese culture and customs, interested enough in some topic to write a long master's thesis about it, and willing to learn to tackle the unique hurdles of life as a lone international student in Japan.

Personally, I've never grown so much or so fast as in the two years I've spent in Nagoya as a grad student. Learning a whole new set of cultural norms to navigate the intricacies of daily life in Japan alone has taken grit, perseverance, and no shortage of spur-of-the-moment vocabulary lessons. Even simple problems like fixing a power outage or finding cheap printing can turn into a physical, emotional, and financial puzzle for a non-native Japanese speaker on a student budget with no built-in family or friends nearby to rely on.

But if you're up for the extra challenge, I guarantee you'll come out a much more capable and confident person. And in exchange, you'll get a whole two to three years to travel, study, party, and make buddies from all over the world. So, if the prospect of getting a master's degree while building tons of character excites you, I say go for it!

That said, all the excitement in the world won't pay the rent. So how will you live to study another day as an empty-pocketed grad student? Happily, MEXT provides a monthly living stipend of ¥143,000 - ¥147,000, dropped directly into the Japan Post Bank account you'll open upon arrival. The small discrepancy depends on whether you're placed in a large metropolis where living is more expensive. For instance, since I live in Nagoya, the third largest city in Japan, I receive the maximum ¥147,000. You even get paid during school breaks when you're not actively taking classes, assuming you're still in Japan.

So how will you live to study another day as an empty-pocketed grad student? Happily, MEXT provides a monthly living stipend of ¥143,000 - ¥147,000.

Living on the stipend alone is totally manageable for most single people with no dependents or debt in their home countries. However, most MEXT students I know do work part-time for more spending money, or to pay off any extra expenses. I've survived both with and without a baito (part-time job) as a student and even managed to save money from the stipends without living like a monk. That said, your mileage will vary depending on your financial situation coming into Japan, as well as whether you plan to jet set off to Okinawa every weekend.

Unfortunately, you will need to bring about $2,000 of your own money in the beginning, as the stipends only kick in 1-2 months after you land. For me, I arrived in mid-September and didn't get my first stipend until the end of October. In the meantime, I had to pay for rent, insurance, food, and the many other expenses involved in moving to a foreign country myself. This delay is likely related to how schools confirm your continued presence in Japan for the stipend. My university has me hike all the way to campus to sign a sheet of paper every month, rain or shine, to ensure each payment arrives weeks later. So make sure you've got enough yen to live on until that sweet federal dough finally rolls in!

But how will you afford to get to Japan in the first place? Blessedly, for those of us from the opposite side of the world, travel expenses are also included. MEXT pays for your economy-class plane ticket to Japan and, if you want, boots you back to your country for free after graduation. This doesn't include trains to or from the airport or any extra bags, but train fare tends to be cheap, and I'd recommend packing light anyway. You'll get an invoice to pay some airport fees and taxes yourself as well, which for me amounted to about ¥8,900 each time. Also, airfare back home is only paid for once you complete the program, so any visits in between are on you.

Many students choose not to take the free ticket home and stay in Japan instead. In this case, you switch to either a Designated Activities Visa (a job-hunting visa) or a work visa if you've already gotten a job in Japan. And if you're planning on continuing MEXT to pursue a PhD in Japan (which is possible), you just apply to extend the scholarship and renew your student visa. My school's international student office confirmed my post-graduation plans about a dozen times during my last semester, so I certainly never felt alone or lost when deciding my next step.

Before Applying

a person wondering what to consider before applying for the MEXT scholarship program

Before you apply to MEXT, there are some decisions you should make so you know what to put on the application. These include whether to apply through an embassy or a university, whether you want an extra year as a research student, which grad programs you're interested in, and what you want your thesis topic to be.

First things first: You'll need to obtain a recommendation for the MEXT Research Scholarship from either a Japanese embassy/consulate general in your country or a Japanese university. Here are the differences:

  • Embassy Recommendation: You apply through your local Japanese embassy or consulate general, meeting all their deadlines — which are typically earlier than university recommendation deadlines. If chosen for recommendation, the embassy sends your application to the Japanese ministry, which likely approves you for the scholarship, barring any disasters in the background check.
  • University Recommendation: You search for a university in Japan that offers university recommendations for MEXT and apply directly to them, meeting all their deadlines — which are typically later than embassy recommendation deadlines. If chosen for recommendation, the university sends your application to the Japanese ministry, which likely approves you for the scholarship, barring any disasters in the background check.

You can try for either, but going through an embassy seems to be the standard method. The deadlines are earlier too, so it's often best to try applying to an embassy first and leave university recommendation as a last resort. I went through my local consulate general, so while a lot of my advice applies to both paths, this article will focus on getting a shiny embassy recommendation.

You've decided which authority you want to snag a recommendation from. But if you get that recommendation, how many years would you like your MEXT experience to last? Here's a buck-wild part of the MEXT scholarship: After landing, you don't even have to start school for a year if you don't want to. It's called being a research student, and several of my classmates have done it.

Research Student: You'll spend about three years on the MEXT Research Scholarship, receiving living stipends as long as you're in Japan and in good standing with MEXT. During your first year, while not yet enrolled in grad school, you may audit courses, take Japanese classes, and/or plan your thesis topic with your advisor. In your second and third years, once your grad program accepts you, you'll be enrolled as a regular master's student.

Regular Student: You'll spend about two years on the MEXT Research Scholarship, receiving living stipends as long as you're in Japan and in good standing with MEXT. From the moment you arrive, you'll be enrolled as a regular master's student.

Often, if MEXT recommends that you take six months of preparatory Japanese language classes before starting the master's program, that's what you'll do as a research student. Even so, frankly, there doesn't seem to be much (if any) supervision dictating what you do during that first year.

I chose not to be a research student and dove right into grad school as soon as I got to Japan. But from the looks of it, my friends who were research students enjoyed themselves quite heartily! So if you want an extra calendar year to learn Japanese, ponder what your thesis will be about, or climb Mt. Fuji with a band of other delinquents, you've got the option.

Alright, this is the part where things get real. In order to apply to MEXT, you must first sift through the tons of master's programs in Japan and pick which ones you want to attend.

If you're looking for a program taught in English, I recommend first considering programs that are part of the Japanese government's Global 30 (G30) Project . They're full-English degree programs to encourage internationalization in Japanese academia — perfect if the idea of taking master's-level classes in Japanese makes you violently ill. I attended a G30 program at Nagoya University, and almost all my courses were in English, with only a few I chose to take in Japanese.

Then, consult this School Search spreadsheet from the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) that lays out the characteristics of every master's program in Japan. On the same page, JASSO also has a list showing only programs taught in English (under "University Degree Courses Offered in English"). Don't let the lengths intimidate you! You can easily narrow your search parameters and weed out the programs you don't want by using the spreadsheet filters. Grab a cold beverage and take a couple hours to peruse, googling the programs that look most interesting.

There might not be a master's program that completely aligns with your undergraduate major, especially if you're looking for one taught in English. In that case, if you still want the scholarship, you may have to get creative. For example, history majors might apply to a broader Cultural Studies program, or psychology majors could consider a Japan-in-Asia program that combines international affairs and societal Japanese studies. Admittedly, liberal arts majors have more flexibility in this area than STEM majors.

You can also choose a program based on who you want to be your academic advisor. Your advisor oversees your thesis, gives you research advice, and ultimately decides whether you pass thesis defense. Since your research will probably be fairly unique, it's okay if you can't find anyone whose specialty exactly matches yours — lots of my classmates studied topics way outside of their advisors' purviews and taught the professors a thing or two. As long as their research is in the same general academic field as your thesis, you should be fine.

The best grad program for you also depends on your — at this stage, tentative — thesis topic. Though I certainly didn't have it all figured out this early in the process, I knew I wanted to research something related to Japanese language and culture. So on the placement preference form, I put down three master's programs that included professors of Japanese sociolinguistics whose research seemed at least tangentially relevant to my idea.

But how do you come up with a research idea in the first place? From what I've seen, MEXT seems to like topics that:

  • Are relevant, important, and/or potentially helpful to society today.
  • Relate to Japan and (theoretically) further relations between your country and Japan in some way.

Nevertheless, not all ideas that get approved fall under both of those categories. Here are some examples from the MEXT scholars in my school's Linguistics and Japan-in-Asia Cultural Studies programs:

  • Correlation between use of English loanwords and views on globalization among Japanese students (topic I got into MEXT with)
  • English loanwords in Japanese LGBTQ+ and mental health activism on Instagram (topic I actually ended up writing my thesis on)
  • Appropriation of Chinese culture in Japan
  • The history and current state of performance art in Nagoya
  • Gender and sexuality in eroguro 1 manga
  • Language education and policy in Cape Verde
  • Experiment on the effect of listening to music on language learning and retention
  • Representations of gender and girlhood in Japanese cinema
  • Veganism and vegetarianism in Japan

As you can see, MEXT topics really run the gamut. In my opinion, what we all have in common is we dug deep for something we cared about. Since a master's thesis is largely self-directed, consider subjects you find yourself thinking about often without being required to. For me, that's LGBTQ+ rights in Japan and Japanese-made English, or wasei eigo (it makes me chuckle). So, after workshopping ideas with my friends, I found a way to combine those two interests and research something I gave many hoots about. Every grad student struggles with deciding their thesis topic, but if you pick something you care deeply about, you can't go wrong.

If you want to research something related to Japan (usually a good bet), think about what facets of Japanese culture intrigue you, what problems in Japan you'd like to help solve, and what unique skills or background you bring to the table that might benefit Japan.

And whether you want to do Japan-specific research or not, try brainstorming some topics you're so fascinated by that you could read about them into the wee hours of the night. After all, that is much of the grad student experience, so it helps to enjoy those hours.

Still, keep in mind that lots of people end up changing their topic well into their first or even second year of grad school. I didn't even land on my final idea until about four months before my thesis was due! And though I don't recommend waffling quite that long, you can absolutely tweak and/or overhaul your original idea with your advisor's help, if need be.

Basically, remember that while the topic you apply to MEXT with is important, it's not the be-all end-all of what you'll actually write. You just need to show the committee you can conjure up a solid-sounding research plan and have a strong idea to start out with, even if it changes over time.

Hopefully, you now have an initial idea of which graduate programs and thesis topics may appeal to you. But how much time will this application process take, exactly? If you want to apply for MEXT, prepare for the long, long haul. Embassies typically open up submissions in spring of the year before you'd enroll in grad school, so the whole ordeal takes at least a year. Make sure you've got something to do in the interim, as well as a Plan B if it doesn't work out.

According to the official MEXT guidelines, here's a rough timeline of the application process for someone who applied in 2021:

Submit your application to the embassy.
The embassy contacts applicants who passed Stage 1 of the primary screening to tell them the date and time of the interview.
Stage 2 of the primary screening (Japanese test, English test, and interview).
The embassy lets you know if they've recommended you for the scholarship. If you passed, you request Letters of Acceptance from the universities you want to attend and send them to the embassy.
Submit your final placement preference form.
MEXT conducts the second screening and decides where to place you.
The embassy lets you know if you've passed the second screening and informs you of your university placement.
You leave for Japan.

The exact dates vary between embassies, and during the pandemic, the process may differ a bit from previous years. But one thing's for sure — you'll be emailing the embassy or consulate a lot , so I suggest building a friendly rapport with whoever's on the other end of those long email chains. Not only because it's the kind thing to do, but also because it's possible they'll be one of your interviewers.

Applying for the Scholarship

paperwork and documentations to apply for the MEXT scholarship program

Now you have an idea of what kind of program MEXT is and whether it might be a good fit for you. So if you do decide to take the plunge, here's a list of documents you'll need to prepare and things you'll need to do in order to apply for MEXT. Since the process is so lengthy and bureaucratic, I recommend setting aside at least a few months to prepare your application. This will give you ample time to research grad programs, gather all the required documents, and run your research plan by a trusted friend or mentor. Some parts, like the health certificate and recommendation letter, will take days or weeks to complete, so getting a head start will massively behoove you.

The research plan is by far the most important part of your application. It's the basis of your argument on why they should shell out the big bucks for you to study in Japan, so invest time into polishing it as much as possible.

That said, you don't have to be a genius to write a good one — I didn't have an ounce of experience in statistics or data collection when I wrote mine. Just explain in clear academic language what you want to study and how you hypothetically plan to do it.

Some common research methods I've seen are:

<ul><li>What films, books, games, shows, plays, artwork, social media posts, or other artifacts will you examine?</li><li>What theories will you use to analyze them?</li><li>Why is it important to study these texts?</li><li>Who will it help? </li><ul>
<ul><li>Who will you survey, and what will you ask them?</li><li>How will you feasibly distribute your survey, and in what language?</li><li>Why is it important to collect this data?</li><li>Who will it help?</li></ul>
<ul><li>Who will you interview, and what will you ask them?</li><li>How will you feasibly interview them, and in what language?</li><li>Why is it important to interview these people? Who will it help?</li></ul>
<ul><li>What are the variables you want to measure, and how will you measure them?</li><li>How will you feasibly conduct the experiment?</li><li>Why is it important to do this experiment?</li><li>Who will it help?</li></ul>

You can focus on one of these methods or combine multiple. Be sure to mention how your research will contribute to an existing field of study, cite your sources, and emphasize how being in Japan and/or learning from your professors will facilitate your plan.

Also, if you're proficient enough in Japanese, you can submit a Japanese version of your research plan. Personally, I translated my English plan into academic Japanese, then posted it in chunks to Lang8 — now HiNative — to have it corrected by native speakers. I toiled over this for weeks, so I wouldn't recommend it if you're not at least intermediate-advanced in Japanese already. It's definitely not necessary, especially if you want to attend an English program. But if you can pull it off, it will impress them.

If you're so inclined, you can even include a semester-by-semester or month-by-month timeline of the full two to three years of your trip. The interviewers know your plans will change somewhat once you get to Japan and you find out what's realistic — I don't even dare look back at my timeline because of how much of it didn't end up happening. So don't worry if it feels like you're drawing blueprints with your eyes closed. At this stage, they just want to see that you're dedicated enough to come up with a detailed, reasonable preliminary plan for your research.

In addition to spelling out what you want to research, you'll also need to tell MEXT where you'd like to do that research. You get to specify up to three grad programs you'd like to attend in order of priority on the Placement Preference Form . However, it's super common for the government not to pick your first choice, especially if it's a private university, so make sure you're truly okay with ending up at any of them. Also, I do recommend putting down three universities instead of just one or two. It gives the government options, which makes the embassy more likely to recommend you.

You can also fill in the name of the professor you'd want to be your advisor at each university. If you've already contacted them, great! You should email them to get their preliminary approval before the interview at least (more about that later), but at this stage you can put their name down regardless. Bear in mind that you'll submit this form again if you pass the primary screening, so you can change the universities or update the order at that time.

How will the MEXT panel tell whether you're capable enough to perform the academic feats you outlined in your proposal? Partially through a recommendation letter from the president/dean of the last university you attended or a previous academic advisor (i.e., any professor). In short, hunt down a school official who can wax poetic about your outstanding achievements and winning personality. For example, I asked my Japanese professor from undergrad to write mine. It's free format, but make sure the letter has an official-looking letterhead and signature before sending it in a sealed envelope.

Also, like with most Japan-related ventures, you'll need to score a clean bill of health. Print out the MEXT Certificate of Health and have a doctor or physician fill it out to the best of their ability. You'll be required to bend over backwards in a few unusual ways — namely the chest x-ray, blood test, and urine sample — so get this done early to leave time for the results to come back. Some doctors have been known to scratch their heads upon sight of the form, which is written in English and Japanese, and question why it wants you to do so much. Thus, I recommend going to a family doctor you know well or a trusted facility with all the necessary equipment to make it as painless of an experience as possible. Handing over your bodily fluids is never fun, but rally, trooper, it's for a good cause.

You've proven you're healthy and cool enough to impress at least one school official — but what about your grades? MEXT requires academic transcripts of any higher education you've completed, the grading scale at your previous college(s), a copy of your degree or prospective graduation certificate, and the standard MEXT application form found on your embassy's website. Japanese higher education tends to be on the lenient side when it comes to grading, so you probably don't need a 4.0 GPA, as long as your grades have been decent enough.

Since this is Japan, you'll of course also need to glue a proper 4.5 x 3.5 cm photo of your face onto the application form. If your country isn't touting a headshot booth on every street corner (unlike Japan), try ordering photos from your local drugstore and trimming one down to size. I'm pretty sure the employees at a certain Walgreens in Orlando know my face by heart after printing it so many times for Japan applications.

We've gone through all the mandatory documents you'll need to gather, but you may also include optional documents to illustrate any relevant capabilities to the panel. These include abstracts of any theses you've already written, a certificate of language proficiency (from the JLPT , TOEFL, IELTS, etc.), a recommendation letter from your employer, and/or photos or videos of art or music you've created, if it's connected to your research project.

Okay, here's the slightly intimidating part of preparing to apply for MEXT. Like I said, you have to email professors yourself to ask whether they'd consider accepting you as their advisee if you get the scholarship. Yes, this is way, way in advance. But it's okay — many professors are familiar with the long MEXT process and are used to answering this question from prospective students.

I started shooting out emails in May of 2018, after submitting my application but before the interview. The timing is up to you, but if you show up to the interview with preliminary approval from at least one professor, it will help convince them you're a safe bet.

Primary Screening

Once you've built your leaning tower of documents, it's time to send it in and wait to hear the results. The MEXT process consists of two screenings: the Primary Screening from the embassy and the Second Screening from the Japanese government. But really, your only job is to pass the primary screening by submitting a strong enough application to score an interview, and then passing that interview. After that, the embassy or consulate does the legwork for you.

Before you interview, the embassy gives everyone a timed Japanese test and a timed English test, mostly on grammar and vocabulary. Essentially, they're making sure you're proficient enough in the language you want to take classes in (English or Japanese), as well as hopefully familiar enough with Japanese to at least communicate at a beginner's level. Most of the MEXT scholars I know are not N1-N2 level at Japanese even after living here, so you don't need to blow them away. Even so, any extra talent you can whip out will inspire confidence that you're capable of surviving in Japan on your own.

some interviewers and an applicant for the MEXT scholarship program

So you've shown the interviewers you're capable of speaking the language you want to take grad classes in. Now for the part of the MEXT process you've probably been having nightmares about: the interview at the consulate. You can expect about a 20-30 minute interview, and if it's in person, you'll leave all your electronics in a security box at the entrance. Dress professionally, especially considering how much moolah you're asking them to give you! I wore a simple collared black dress, which went over fine. Usually there are three interviewers; I had two native Japanese speakers and a native English-speaking consulate official I'd been exchanging emails with.

失礼します "Excuse me" ありがとうございました "Thank you"

If you're able, tossing out a shitsureishimasu (失礼します, "excuse me") when you sit down and an arigatougozaimashita (ありがとうございました, "thank you") when it's over may impress them, or at least show you've looked up Japanese interview etiquette. But the main portion of the interview will be conducted in English, and they may not use Japanese with you at all. One interviewer asked me how the Japanese test was in Japanese, and I quipped that it was easy — just kidding! — which she seemed to get a kick out of. Regardless, if you don't speak any Japanese in the interview, it's typically no big deal, especially if you want to attend an English program.

Most of the interview questions are predictable, like:

  • Why do you want to study this topic?
  • How will your research benefit Japan?
  • How confident are you in your ability to live independently in Japan?
  • Why have you chosen these master's programs?
  • Are these programs taught in English or Japanese?
  • Have you contacted any professors at these universities yet? (Hopefully yes!)
  • What's your Plan B if you don't get the scholarship?

For these questions, prepare a clean, concise answer that you can expand on if necessary. The interviewers probably aren't experts on your subject, so no need to inundate them with jargon. If you clearly explain why your research is an important contribution to the field, how flexible you are in tweaking your plan if need be, and how committed you are to being a cultural ambassador to Japan, you've done all you can do.

But as any embassy-recommended MEXT scholar can tell you, you'll probably get a hardball question asking whether you'd freak out and flee Japan if something alarming happened. For instance, mine was, "If North Korea sent a missile over Japan while you were there, what would you do?" I answered, "Well, if I'm gonna die, might as well die in Japan!" Then we all had a good laugh, and one interviewer offered to attend my funeral. So if you suspect your interviewers have a sense of humor, don't be afraid to throw in a well-timed joke. As long as you've dressed nicely and acted politely, some genuine light-heartedness can go a long way to endearing you to the panel.

Back when I applied, I was so riddled with anxiety about the interview that I wanted to be as prepared as humanly possible. So, true to my neurotic form, I typed up a 20-page document of my answers to potential questions and recited them until I could (and probably did) describe my love for the Japanese language in my sleep. And honestly, I think it helped.

You don't have to obsess over memorizing your answers quite as much as I did, but some careful forethought and rehearsal will make you feel calmer and more prepared, despite the pressure of the interview.

Second Screening

If the embassy passes you through the primary screening and recommends your application to the Japanese government, the MEXT board will be the one who gives you the final approval. Not much to worry about here in the second screening, assuming they don't discover any undeclared crime in your past.

While you're waiting for the ministry to declare you worthy, you'll need to gather Letters of Acceptance (LoA) from all the professors you put on your placement preference form. On these letters, the professors write why they're tentatively willing to be your advisor, should you be placed at their university.

My consulate gave me a template to email the professors, which they filled out and sent back as hard copies to my address. I then forwarded them to the consulate via — you guessed it — more snail mail. But I hear some universities do it all digitally now, so you may not have to lick as many envelopes as I did.

Then, once you've passed the second screening, MEXT will notify you of which university you'll be attending. It'll be one of the schools you put on your final Placement Preference Form, but other than that, the choice is up to the head honchos in the Japanese bureaucracy. For me, the news of my fate graced my inbox about six months after I passed the primary screening. Unsurprisingly, MEXT tends to place students at public universities more often than private ones. It's improbable that they'll waive expensive private school tuition for you if they can find you a spot at a cheap public university instead. For example, private Waseda University was my first choice, but MEXT sent me to my second choice, public Nagoya University. No hard feelings, Abe-san. As long as you're open to being plopped at any one of your choices (and likely slumming it at a public university like the rest of us), you're good to go.

It's almost all over — you've been approved by the Japanese government, accepted by at least one professor, and placed at a Japanese university. But before you set sail for the Land of the Rising Sun, there's one more step: applying to the master's program itself and passing any entrance exams or interviews the program may require. I sent my program the same full application I'd sent the consulate, a copy of my passport, an extra letter of reference, and my final acceptance letter from MEXT. Since I was a MEXT scholar, the admission fees were waived.

Then came a quick Skype interview, where they asked me basic questions like what I wanted to research, why I was interested in their program, and why I picked my advisor. I actually lost my voice beforehand and had to type all my answers, which one of the professors read aloud in a booming British accent (I've never sounded better!). In my program, the interviews are mostly to make sure the students speak English well. And from what I've gathered, even if you don't perform perfectly on the interview or entrance exam, you'll likely get in anyway if you're flaunting the gold seal of approval from MEXT.

a person who got accepted for the MEXT scholarship program

If you've successfully gotten the scholarship, congratulations! Enjoy being a sugar baby of the Japanese ministry — I know I have. Here's some extra advice for your life as a MEXT scholar:

Get Your School's Help for Housing

Your university may make you live in a dorm for at least the first few months. I moved out of mine after six months because, well, I wanted to drink chūhai 2 freely in a place that wasn't crawling with undergrads. Getting your own apartment as a foreign student can be tricky, so ask for help and take advantage of any apartment-hunting services your school offers. Also, finding an English-speaking realtor at Minimini or Sumitomo — one who's used to working with international students in the area — could help you understand all the fine print and avoid unnecessary fees.

Know That Japanese Grad School Is Pretty Chill

Japanese grad school might defy your expectations, especially if you're accustomed to a more active, less passive education system. In my program, if you show up to class and do the report and/or presentation at the end of the semester, you get an A. The one time I had to take a test, the professor assured us he would not let us fail. Your experience may vary depending on whether your professors embrace a more Western or Japanese teaching style, but generally, I found it to be way more relaxed than in the U.S.

Join a "Circle" To Make Friends

If your school has an international connections club or "circle" (サークル) 3 , joining is an excellent way to make friends. Everyone there is presumably interested in socializing with foreigners, and it's likely that at least some speak English well. Before the pandemic KO'd my social life, cultural exchange events were my main way of meeting internationally-minded Japanese students outside of my all-foreigner grad program.

Never Miss the Deadlines for Proving Your Presence in Japan

As mentioned, my university requires me to sign a sheet at the student support desk every month to prove I'm still in Japan. Otherwise, my stipend doesn't come. If I sign by the first deadline in the first few days of the month, the money arrives at the end of the month. If I sign by the second deadline at the end of the month, the money comes several weeks later. This applies even during school breaks. I know people who have missed the deadlines and lost whole stipend checks, so for the sake of your wallet, try to stay on top of this.

All in all, despite my MEXT experience getting taken down a few notches by a global catastrophe, I still don't regret all the effort I put into getting here. So if you love Japan but loathe the thought of teaching English to small children on the JET Program , MEXT might be a promising option for you. It's not the easiest road to living in Japan, and you may not get the scholarship on your first try. But if you truly want to pursue a master's degree in Japan, it's worth jumping through all the hoops.

You may now be thinking about applying for this program. If so, listen to this podcast episode that we recorded. Emily shares her experience through the MEXT research scholarship that she couldn't cover in this article.

For more information, check your local embassy or consulate's website. And if the latest information isn't available yet, here's a helpful pamphlet from the Japan Student Services Organization . May the funds be with you!

A Japanese genre of art and literature focused on "erotic grotesque nonsense" and taboo subjects.  ↩

A carbonated fruit-flavored Japanese alcoholic drink, derived from the words "shōchū highball."  ↩

A club or group of (usually) college students or working adults with a common interest.  ↩

TranSenz: MEXT Scholarship and Visa Information for Moving to Japan

Mext scholarship: field of study and research program plan.


The goal of your Field of Study is to condense all of this down to a page or two of comprehensible research plan.

Important Update!

In June 2017, I published an updated template for the Field of Study and Research Program Plan (for either Embassy-recommended or University-recommended application). Click the previous link for that article!

The Field of Study and Research Program Plan is both the most important and most confusing form in your Monbukagakusho (MEXT) Scholarship application. By the end of this article, you’re going to know what it is, why it matters, and how to write it- from what to include to how to approach revisions and outside editing.

Before you start, know that you’re going to need to spend time researching, writing, and revising this form. It is the single-most important tool you have at this point in your application to earn a scholarship that could be worth millions of yen. Other forms in your application will determine if you’re eligible to apply or not, but once you apply, this will decide your success.

Field of Study and Research Program Plan: What it Is


Need help with your Field of Study and Research Program Plan? How to Write a Scholarship-Winning Field of Study and Research Program Plan will walk you through choosing a field, developing a research question, and completing the final report to give you the best chance of success!

Proposed study program in Japan (State the outline of your major field of study on this side and the details of your study program on the backside of this sheet in concreteness. This section will be used as one of the most important references for selection. Statement must be typewritten or written in block letters. Additional sheets of paper may be attached if necessary.) If you have Japanese language ability, write in Japanese.

I said it was innocent. I didn’t say it was clear.

  • Language: Write in the language of the program you are applying for. If you’re applying for an English-taught degree, write in English, even if you have Japanese ability. Be consistent throughout your application.  

Your field of study is not just the general field, this is the specific topic that you want to research for your graduation thesis. You don’t necessarily need your thesis statement at this point, but you at least need to have a specific problem in mind.

So, rather than “economics” you’re looking for “comparative impact of large infrastructure economic projects and microfinance on rural community rehabilitation in Indonesia.”

We’ll get into some of the specific elements to cover farther down.  

  • For Embassy-Recommended Scholars : There is an extra section on your application to write about your current field of study, as well.  
  • Research Program Plan: What you’re looking for here is a detailed timeline of the exact actions you’re going to take during your research. You won’t be covering your research topic so much as the practical process.  

I would recommend adding no more than 1 sheet to each section. You could go more if your field of study absolutely requires graphs or images, but the rule of thumb is use the minimum length required to get your message across.

Why this Form Matters

If you look at the whole set of application materials, this is the only form that you have control over at this time.

Your grades and GPA are set. Your thesis all-but done. The contents of your letter of recommendation aren’t really significant (more on that in another article).

When universities get in all their applications, the first thing they are going to do is rank applicants by field according to their GPA. After that, your Field of Study and Research Program Plan is your best way to move up that ranking.

Like it or not, the Monbukagakusho Scholarship is a zero-sum game. If you want the scholarship, you have to beat out everyone else that wants it. So, you need to be as high on the applicant ranking as you can before the interviews start.

Field of Study: Page 1

According to an MEXT application FAQ that you can find on several Japanese embassy websites, your Field of Study needs to cover (Question 10):

  • “A specific amount of your research topic”
  • Methodology (this is page 2)
  • How your research fits in to the current research being done in the field
  • Why your research must be done at a Japanese university

The FAQ also says that your research plan should be something that you would feel comfortable submitting as a research proposal to a graduate school in [your home country]. This is a huge hint!

You may not have experience in submitting a research proposal, but I guarantee your academic advisor does. You can and absolutely should get advise from academic professionals!

By the way, if you’re reading these articles out of order, go back to the Choosing Your University article. I talk there about narrowing down your search to a specific professor at a specific university. As you write your Field of Study, remember you are writing to this professor.

When you give a “specific amount” of your research topic, you should know where your target professor sits in the field of research and pitch your research relative to the professor.  

  • Methodology You will go into the practical methodology on page two. For here, it should suffice to explain what approach you will take to the topic: quantitative analysis, experimentation, historical analysis, comparison, field studies, etc. Note that the intent to conduct field studies outside of Japan can be a disqualifying factor.  

As I mentioned in the Eligibility Criteria article , your Field of Study needs to be the same field that you majored in in your previous degree, or a related field. So, at this point, you should have a good grasp of the state of the field. It wouldn’t hurt to check with your current advisor, either.

Know where your target professor sits in the field, as well. You should know the professor’s current research interests and make sure you position your research relative to that professor.  

Yes, non-specialists will read your proposal. Both faculty members from other departments in your graduate school and admin staff from the university and MEXT. When you cover your research field, you can target that section at people who understand your field, but when you get to the “must be done in Japan” and the impact statement, below, you are addressing everyone outside your field as well.

The best thing you can do here is to talk about practical examples of success in Japan that you want to study and apply to your home country. Flattery doesn’t hurt, either- talk about unique research advances in Japan or the state of the field in Japan as opposed to other countries. Talk about how you want to use your research to strengthen connections between Japan and your home country (this is the purpose of the Monbukagakusho scholarship, after all).

Obviously, “Because I can get a scholarship” is not a good reason.  

If you’re concerned that your description of your research topic is too technical and inaccessible for non-experts, this is another area where you can appeal to that crowd.  

  • Other Requirements Some universities may require that you specify your advisor by name in the Field of Study, or at least your graduate school and department. If you’re preparing your Field of Study in advance, as you should be, then make sure you check the university’s website when the guidelines are (finally) released to make sure you’re meeting all the requirements.

Tips for Writing Your Study Plan

This is not something you’re going to want to leave until the last minute. Even though it’s only two pages long, take it as seriously as you would a graduate thesis. After all, this single document is going to go a long way toward whether or not you spend the next two-to-five years getting paid to be a grad student in Japan.

One guy who earned the scholarship in the past in art recommended starting 6 months in advance . That’s a great idea, especially combined with networking, if you’re reading this early enough. But if you don’t have that kind of time, you can still help yourself out by moving faster.

I recommend you go through at least two drafts on your own, then take your product around for outside opinions:

  • Have your current advisor review it and give feedback. You want the perspective of a career academic and an expert in the field.  
  • Have a non-expert review it. Ask a professor in an unrelated field or an adult friend with professional working experience. Your goal here is not so much the research as it is the flow of the document and whether it makes any sense at all to a person who doesn’t know what you’re talking about.  
  • If you’re not a native English speaker, have a native speaker review it. Even if you’re confident in your English communication ability, remember, you’re not writing for a native speaker- you’re writing for Japanese speakers of English. Speaking from experience, they have a very different take on the language, so you want to make sure you have nothing in your Field of Study that could be misinterpreted.  
  • Have a writing advisor review it, even if you are a native speaker. Your university might have an academic tutorial system that you can ask, or you can ask someone in your department who is known for being a hard-nosed paper grader. You want to make sure that you don’t have any writing idiosyncrasies or mistakes that you’re not aware of.  
  • Have your target advisor review it. If you’ve successfully connected with your target advisor, you obviously want that professor’s opinion. Make sure to go through the other steps first, though, so you know the document you send the professor is top quality already! You don’t want to make them think less of you.  

That’s brainstorming, research, two drafts on your own, as many as five reviews, and edits after each one, so don’t procrastinate. In fact, if you haven’t started yet, don’t read the rest of this blog. Go start your Field of Study now!

Even if you’re reading this after the application period has already started, you do still have time. Make sure that you make this your top priority for the next month or so until it’s complete!

Further Ideas

For further, field-specific guidelines, talk to your advisor about structure or google “research plan” and your field. Louisiana Tech, in the US, has a pretty good set of research plan guidelines , but be aware that these are designed for science field graduates seeking an academic job , so they’re more thorough than you need to be.

The most important thing is to avoid “paralysis by analysis.” Don’t overthink and double-question what elements you should have in your proposal. Start writing it and then seek advice. You can always add or cut later.

Research Program Plan

Once you’ve finished the Field of Study, perhaps while you’re waiting for the review, you’ll want to get started on the Research Program Plan. Fortunately, this page should be relatively straightforward.

In terms of length, the one page you’re given on the worksheet should be plenty for this section. I’ve seen many successful plans that were shorter than that. As with the Field of Study, this section should only be as long as it needs to be to get your point across.

And your point here is to show the reviewers that you know what you’re doing. One thing a professor is going to think about it how much trouble it’s going to be to supervise your research. They want to see that you have the basics of research down so that their guidance can focus more on your content, rather than fundamentals.

What to Cover

Your Research Program Plan should take the reviewers step-by-step through everything you intend to do on your way to your thesis or dissertation. Of course this is going to change once you get in to the research, but you want to have a framework to return to.

Your research plan should cover two years for a Master’s Degree and three for a Ph.D. You should definitely check your university’s website to find their academic calendar and structure your research along the lines of their semesters (you’ll be working through any breaks as well, of course).

For a little extra, check when they normally schedule their thesis submission and defense in the calendar and make sure the timeline in your Research Program Plan fits their schedule. If this information isn’t available on their website, it’s not worth going out of the way for, but if you can find it, it makes a nice additional touch.

Now that you have your basic calendar down, it’s time to make a timeline of how you will approach your research. The blogger I mentioned above (who earned the scholarship) wrote his as a month-by-month table, and that is certainly a workable solution. Again, the professors reviewing your application are not native English speakers and a table is easier to read.

You will, of course, want to elaborate a little on the contents of the table.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to research plans. If you’re applying in a humanities field, you’re going to need to take different steps than an applicant in engineering would. This is a good place to seek your current academic advisor’s advice, but here are a few of the common characteristics I’ve seen in successful applications in the past:

  • Literature review  
  • Thesis development and review  
  • Experiment design  
  • Experimentation  
  • Analysis of results  
  • Writing, editing, and defense  
  • Any interim publications you plan to submit or conferences in your field that you plan to present at. (Some degrees require a certain number of publications or conference presentations, but even if it isn’t required, it’s a good thing to have)  
  • Any other opportunities to present or share your research – basically, ways to work toward the impact of your research that you mentioned in the Field of Study  
  • Add some community involvement, too. Cultural exchange and creating connections between Japan and your home country is part of the purpose of this scholarship. If there are particular events you plan to participate in (e.g. doing school visits during a particular stage of your research), mentioning that could be helpful to your application, as well!  

Formatting, Presentation, and Things to Avoid

Now that you have your content down, make sure that you present it in a way that’s easy to read and scan. Make sure it’s broken up into paragraphs with topic sentences and that the order is logical. Consider tiling your sections in bold, if possible.

Remember your target audience: They are not native English speakers, they have up to dozens of applications to read through in a short amount of time, and frankly many of them are not that interested in your subject material. Your sentences should be concise and not open to grammatical confusion.

Engineers, I say this with only the best intentions: Get a history or English major to review your writing.

Aplication Killers

  • Submit a one-word Field of Study  
  • Contact the university or professor and tell them you don’t know what a research plan is.  
  • Ask your target professor to write your research plan. You should at least have a solid idea of your research topic and an outline of your Field of Study.  
  • Write an overly technical or detailed plan. You should know the details, of course, but they don’t all need to be in this document (you’ll have interviews to follow up)- just enough to let the reviewers know that you know what you’re doing.  
  • Submit a Field of Study related to military or dual-use technology.  

Yes, I’ve seen all of those things.

Wrapping Up

We’ve covered why this form is important, the elements to include in both questions, and length and content depth guidelines. Hopefully that’s everything you need to start going.

I’ll leave you with a few important reminders:

Don’t Panic: Most people who apply for the Monbukagakusho Scholarship have never written a Field of Study and Research Program Plan before. You’re not at a disadvantage. (I would hope that, having read this article, you have an advantage over much of the field, if you put these ideas into action.)

Get Feedback: There is absolutely no rule saying that you have to do this all on your own. The best ideas and research come from collaboration. Start with your advisor and his or her connections.

Start Early and Revise Often: Right now, as soon as you finish reading this blog, start brainstorming and working on your outline. The more drafts you go through and the more time you have to seek outside opinions, the more polished of a product you’ll have at the end.

Focus on Your Target: Your Field of Study, especially, should be designed to appeal directly to your target advisor. Connect your interest to theirs, your research to theirs.

Now, go get started! Good luck!

Before asking any questions in the comments below, please read through the MEXT Scholarship Application FAQ top page and specific FAQ pages to see what I’ve answered already and to find tips about how to get your questions answered faster.

You can ask your questions in the comments here, on the FAQ page, or by email and I will answer them by updating the FAQ and letting you know when the answers are available.

I’d also recommend signing up for my mailing list to get notified whenever I have updates to any of the FAQs or new articles about the MEXT scholarship!

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Eligibility checklist Monbukagakusho Scholarship 2022

Hello Travis, Thank You for the insights on writing a research plan. I need clarity. Can a present field of study topic be the same as a Research theme? The 2024 form has two questions: 1. Past and Present Field of Study . 2. Research theme Research plan.

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This is a really old article, from before the form changed. Please refer to the newest article about how to write the Field of Study and Research Program Plan for the Embassy-Recommended MEXT Scholarship . That article explains what is expected in each section, including the difference between the Past/Present Field of Study and your (future) research theme.

Good Luck! – Travis from TranSenz

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