CS 5150 Software Engineering Fall 2013




The and are corresponding to major project milestones. The first assignment is a report. The other three assignments consist of both a presentation and a report or other documentation.

With each assignment there is a survey to be completed . See the page for more information. It is important that everybody completes each survey and submits it on time. The course team uses the surveys to monitor the progress of the projects and to understand the contributions made by each member of the team.

Assignment 1

The deliverables for Assignment 1 are:

Feasibility Report

The exact form of the feasibility study is up to you. The length of the report is likely to be between five and ten pages. It should include the following:

pages on the Web site). 

Here are some example of reports from earlier classes. They are very different in style, but each provides a good example of an effective report. They are placed here with the permission of the student teams.

Assignment 2

The purpose of Assignment 2 is to describe to your client and the course team the progress up to Milestone 2. The deliverables for Assignment 2 are:

If the team is following an Milestone 2 is likely to include a first set of requirements, a provisional design, and a prototype that can be used to demonstrate the functionality of the system. If the team is following a development process, Milestone 2 should include completion of the requirements phase and preliminary design work.

Assignment 3

The purpose of Assignment 3 is to describe to your client and the course team the progress up to Milestone 3. The deliverables for Assignment 3 are:

If the team is following an Assignment 3 should mark a major milestone when you can report visible progress to your client.  If you are following a , this milestone will include the completion of the design phase and significant progress in the implementation.

Assignment 4

Assignment 4 consists of a presentation in which you will demonstrate your system in operation followed by the handover of the completed system and documentation to the client. The deliverables for Assignment 4 are:

During the semester you will be developing a set of materials that will be the handover package for your project. Because every project is different, the exact content of the package is up to you, but it should be carefully edited and suitable for handover to your client.  The final package is likely to include some or all of the following:

pages on the Web site). 


During the semester each team will give three presentations with associated reports on the work completed. You will make a 45 minute presentation to the client, the Instructor and the Teaching Assistant assigned to your project. 

with instructions on how to schedule a time slot for your presentation. It is your responsibility to ensure that the client is available at the time you schedule. The room will be provided with a computer projector and Internet connection. 

See for advice on how to prepare for your presentations. Before the first presentation, there will be a discussion in class of the goals of the presentations and how to prepare for them.


All members of the project team should share in the production of the reports. When you have completed a report, (a) deliver it to the client, (b) send it by email to the Instructor and Teaching Assistant, (b) enter it into GForge or another software project system, for future reference.

The report for each milestone should include:

In writing each report, pay particular attention to the following:

Here are some examples of reports from earlier classes. They are very different in style, but each provides a good example of an effective report. They are placed here with the permission of the student teams.

William Y. Arms Last changed: August 2013

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IBM DevOps and Software Engineering Professional Certificate

Launch your DevOps and Software Engineering Career. Master DevOps, Agile, Scrum, CI/CD and Cloud Native with hands-on job-ready skills.

John Rofrano

Instructors: John Rofrano +9 more


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Rav Ahuja

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Recommended experience

Beginner level

Only basic compter and IT literacy is required. No prior programming experience or college degree is required.

What you'll learn

Develop a DevOps mindset, practice Agile philosophy & Scrum methodology - essential to succeed in the era of Cloud Native Software Engineering

Create applications using Python  language, using various programming constructs and logic, including functions, REST APIs, and  libraries

Build applications composed of microservices and deploy using containers (e.g. Docker, Kubernetes, and OpenShift) & serverless technologies

Employ tools for automation, continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) including Chef, Puppet, GitHub Actions, Tekton and Travis. 

Skills you'll gain

  • Python Programming
  • Application development
  • Web Application
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Microservices
  • Cloud Computing
  • Software Testing
  • Test-Driven Development
  • Behavior-Driven Development
  • Automated Testing
  • Scrum Methodology
  • Agile Software Development
  • Sprint Planning
  • Representational State Transfer (REST)
  • Cloud Applications
  • Cloud Native
  • Observability
  • Distributed Version Control Systems (DVCS)
  • Git (Software)
  • open source
  • Cloning and forking
  • Continuous Integration
  • Continuous Development
  • Infrastructure As Code
  • Hybrid Multicloud
  • Iaas PaaS Saas
  • Data Science
  • Data Analysis
  • Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)
  • Shell Script
  • Bash (Unix Shell)
  • Extract Transform and Load (ETL)
  • Linux Commands
  • View all skills

Details to know

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Professional Certificate - 14 course series

DevOps professionals are in high demand! According to a recent GitLab report, DevOps skills are expected to grow 122% over the next five years, making it one of the fastest growing skills in the workforce.

This certificate will equip you with the key concepts and technical know-how to build your skills and knowledge of DevOps practices, tools and technologies and prepare you for an entry-level role in Software Engineering. 

The courses in this program will help you develop skill sets in a variety of DevOps philosophies and methodologies including Agile Development, Scrum Methodology, Cloud Native Architecture, Behavior and Test-Driven Development, and Zero Downtime Deployments.

You will learn to program with the Python language and Linux shell scripts, create projects in GitHub, containerize and orchestrate your applications using Docker, Kubernetes & OpenShift, compose applications with microservices, employ serverless technologies, perform continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD), develop testcases, ensure your code is secure, and monitor & troubleshoot your cloud deployments.

Guided by experts at IBM, you will be prepared for success. Labs and projects in this certificate program are designed to equip job-ready hands-on skills that will help you launch a new career in a highly in-demand field. 

This professional certificate is suitable for both - those who have none or some programming experience, as well as those with and without college degrees.

Applied Learning Project

Throughout the courses in this Professional Certificate, you will develop a portfolio of projects to demonstrate your proficiency using various popular tools and technologies in DevOps and Cloud Native Software Engineering. 

Create applications using Python programming language, using different programming constructs and logic, including functions, REST APIs, and various Python libraries.

Develop Linux Shell Scripts using Bash and automate repetitive tasks

Create projects on GitHub and work with Git commands

Build and deploy applications composed of several microservices and deploy them to cloud using containerization tools (such as Docker, Kubernetes, and OpenShift); and serverless technologies

Employ various tools for automation, continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) of software including Chef, Puppet, GitHub Actions, Tekton and Travis.

Secure and Monitor your applications and cloud deployments using tools like sysdig and Prometheus.

Introduction to DevOps

The essential characteristics of DevOps including building a culture of shared responsibility, transparency, and embracing failure.

The importance of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery, Infrastructure as Code, Test Driven Development, Behavior Driven Development.

Essential DevOps concepts: software engineering practices, cloud native microservices, automated continuous deployments, and building resilient code.

The organizational impact of DevOps, including breaking down silos, working in cross functional teams, and sharing responsibilities.

Introduction to Cloud Computing

Define cloud computing and explain essential characteristics, history, the business case for cloud, and the emerging technologies enabled by cloud

Describe the cloud service models- IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, and cloud deployment models- Public, Private, Hybrid; explain cloud infrastructure components

Explain emerging Cloud related trends including HybridMulticloud, Microservices, Serverless, Cloud Native, DevOps, and Application Modernization

List and describe services of popular cloud platforms including AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, IBM Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, and others

Introduction to Agile Development and Scrum

Adopt the 5 practices of Agile, a subset of DevOps: small batches, minimum viable product, pair programming, behavior- and test-driven development.

Write good user stories, estimate and assign story points and track stories using a kanban board. Incorporate Scrum artifacts, events, and benefits.

Create and refine a product backlog using the sprint planning process. Produce potentially shippable product increments with every iteration.

Create burndown charts to forecast the ability to meet a sprint goal. Use metrics to enhance performance, productivity, and client satisfaction.

Hands-on Introduction to Linux Commands and Shell Scripting

Describe the Linux architecture and common Linux distributions and update and install software on a Linux system.

Perform common informational, file, content, navigational, compression, and networking commands in Bash shell.

Develop shell scripts using Linux commands, environment variables, pipes, and filters.

Schedule cron jobs in Linux with crontab and explain the cron syntax. 

Getting Started with Git and GitHub

Describe version control and its place in social and collaborative coding and in DevOps.

Explain basic Git concepts such as repositories and branches used for distributed version control and social coding.

Create GitHub repositories and branches, and perform pull requests (PRs) and merge operations, to collaborate on a team project.

Build your portfolio by creating and sharing an open-source project on GitHub.

Python for Data Science, AI & Development

Learn Python - the most popular programming language and for Data Science and Software Development.

Apply Python programming logic Variables, Data Structures, Branching, Loops, Functions, Objects & Classes.

Demonstrate proficiency in using Python libraries such as Pandas & Numpy, and developing code using Jupyter Notebooks.

Access and web scrape data using APIs and Python libraries like Beautiful Soup.

Developing AI Applications with Python and Flask

Describe the steps and processes involved in creating a Python application including the application development lifecycle

Create Python modules, run unit tests, and package applications while ensuring the PEP8 coding best practices

Explain the features of Flask and deploy applications on the web using the Flask framework

Create and deploy an AI-based application onto a web server using IBM Watson AI Libraries and Flask

Introduction to Containers w/ Docker, Kubernetes & OpenShift

Using containers, learn how to move applications quickly across any environment.

Build cloud native applications using Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift, and Istio.

Describe and leverage Kubernetes architecture to set up and use an entire lifecycle-based container management system.

Create and leverage a YAML deployment file to configure and create resources such as pods, services, replicasets, and others in a declarative way.

Application Development using Microservices and Serverless

Summarize the fundamentals of Microservices, their advantages, and contrast with monolithic architectures.

Create REST API endpoints and invoke them using cURL and Postman; Use SwaggerUI to document and test APIs.

Create, and deploy microservices using Docker containers and serverless technologies like IBM Code Engine.

Practice hands-on with labs and projects using a no-charge cloud-based environment.

Introduction to Test and Behavior Driven Development

Explain the importance of testing 

Describe test-driven development (TDD) and explain its benefits for DevOps

Develop unit tests with test assertions and test fixtures and then run the tests

Improve unit testing through advanced TDD methods including coverage reports, factories, fakes, and mock objects

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

Explain Infrastructure as Code, describe tools used, and create Infrastructure as Code scripts using Terraform

Describe cloud platforms and automation, and automate CI/CD tasks using Jenkins and GitHub actions

Define Continuous Integration (CI) and list some examples of tools used for CI

Describe the process of Continuous Deployment (CD) with tools like OpenShift Pipelines and Argo CD

Application Security for Developers and DevOps Professionals

Explain security by design, learn to develop applications using security by design principles; perform defensive coding following OWASP principles.

Describe IBM cloud container vulnerability; perform vulnerability scanning and pen testing with Kali Linux.

Describe what to look for in app performance; perform troubleshooting using logging, stack trace, and log analytics.

Discuss concepts like Golden Signals; list tools for monitoring and troubleshooting; and test monitoring in action with Prometheus and Grafana.

Monitoring and Observability for Development and DevOps

Explain the importance of monitoring and describe concepts like Golden Signals

Demonstrate your knowledge of observability with Instana and explain the pillars of observability, cloud native observability, and types of sampling

Implement logging and demonstrate your knowledge of telemetry using OpenTelemetry and tracing using Kubernetes

Develop hands-on experience with a variety of tools such as Prometheus, Grafana, Mezmo (LogDNA), OpenTelemetry, and Instana

DevOps Capstone Project

Identify user requirements, write user stories, create and execute sprint plans.

Build an application composed of several microservices and employ containers and serverless for running apps in Cloud.

Develop test cases and test your app during various stages of its lifecycle; utilize CI/CD tools to update and deploy your app.

List several next steps for starting or enhancing your career as a DevOps professional.

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IBM is the global leader in business transformation through an open hybrid cloud platform and AI, serving clients in more than 170 countries around the world. Today 47 of the Fortune 50 Companies rely on the IBM Cloud to run their business, and IBM Watson enterprise AI is hard at work in more than 30,000 engagements. IBM is also one of the world’s most vital corporate research organizations, with 28 consecutive years of patent leadership. Above all, guided by principles for trust and transparency and support for a more inclusive society, IBM is committed to being a responsible technology innovator and a force for good in the world. For more information about IBM visit: www.ibm.com

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Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to complete the specialization.

This program can be completed with 6-12 months.

What background knowledge is necessary?

No specialized background needed. Only basic computer and IT literacy is needed. Suitable for those with and without college degrees. No prior programming experience required, however will also benefit those with some software development or operations experience.

Do I need to take the courses in a specific order?

It is recommended that you take most courses in the suggested order as they build upon concepts in previous courses.

Will I earn university credit for completing the Specialization?

University credit is not currently available for this program.

What will I be able to do upon completing the Specialization?

Upon completing this professional certificate you will have develop the knowledge and hands-on skills to work as in entry level Software Engineering or DevOps practitioner role.

Is this course really 100% online? Do I need to attend any classes in person?

This course is completely online, so there’s no need to show up to a classroom in person. You can access your lectures, readings and assignments anytime and anywhere via the web or your mobile device.

What is the refund policy?

If you subscribed, you get a 7-day free trial during which you can cancel at no penalty. After that, we don’t give refunds, but you can cancel your subscription at any time. See our full refund policy Opens in a new tab .

Can I just enroll in a single course?

Yes! To get started, click the course card that interests you and enroll. You can enroll and complete the course to earn a shareable certificate, or you can audit it to view the course materials for free. When you subscribe to a course that is part of a Certificate, you’re automatically subscribed to the full Certificate. Visit your learner dashboard to track your progress.

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Transportation Planning, Modeling, and Analysis

Talk to an expert, what is openpaths, openpaths answers your transport planning “what if” questions and opens paths to more efficient, resilient, and sustainable mobility..

OpenPaths incorporates both multimodal transport network modeling and modern travel demand forecasting capabilities to deliver the most comprehensive transport modeling platform for strategic and operational transport planning. Generational shifts to travel behavior, mobility service, and technology challenge every decision. You need the capabilities to build a model that represents your city or region, including multimodal networks, travel demand, and operational data, to successfully inform 21st century planning initiatives–faster and more accurately than ever before.

Build a model based on key inputs such as population data, demand data, and network data.

Predict and simulate the impact of demographic, infrastructure, and transport policy changes to plan ahead.

Set up and run user-defined analyses and generate rich outputs based on a variety of metrics including accessibility, efficiency, and equity. 

OpenPaths Advanced

All the essential capabilities for multimodal transport modeling and classic travel demand modeling. 

OpenPaths Ultimate

Everything in OpenPaths Advanced, PLUS – Advanced demand modeling including ABM, data fusion, and automated model calibration  – Traffic simulation and DTA for the ultimate mobility simulation toolset.

*Prices vary per region. For more options, see licensing and subscriptions section.

Need help deciding which OpenPaths edition is right for you? Check out our detailed comparison chart. ❯

The right capabilities, for the right job, right when you need them.

Transportation professionals around the world, including metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), departments of transportation (DOTs), transit agencies, toll road operators, mobility service providers, and transport advisory consultants rely on the OpenPaths mobility simulation software to understand the urban, metropolitan, regional, and national movement of people. 

By providing an evidence base to evaluate mobility infrastructure, policy, and multimodal transport system planning and design, the OpenPaths suite of transport modeling applications allows users to: 

  • Apply virtually any travel demand model structure without the high costs of changing software.
  • Reduce the time/effort to develop a new travel model, no matter the model structure (trip-based, tour-based, activity-based).
  • Easily adapt or upgrade existing models with included and comprehensive support for ABM and advanced travel demand modeling.
  • Leverage all your mobility data sources in the modeling process, including big data.
  • Use machine learning (ML) to eliminate costly trial-and-error approaches to model calibration and improve response time for more agile modeling.
  • Support operational traffic planning applications more consistently with simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment.

OpenPaths AGENT

A laptop screen displays a 3D data visualization map with numerous vertical bars of varying heights and colors representing data points overlaid on a geographic location.

Modern Travel Demand Modeling

OpenPaths AGENT is game-changing travel demand modeling software used to forecast mobility decisions at any level of detail, from zones to individual people. From changing demographics, or residential and work locations, to daily trip patterns including time, location, and mode choice, OpenPaths AGENT captures realistic representations of mobility to address 21st-century transport planning challenges. And with machine learning built-in, OpenPaths AGENT takes advantage of new mobility data sources to achieve improved model calibration at reduced time and cost. 

Advance Your Travel Demand Model

  • Assemble virtually any travel demand model including activity-based (ABM), tour-based, and classic trip-based modeling.
  • Upgrade your demand model with improved usability and performance without the high costs of recoding or changing platforms.
  • A visual interface, live model validation, and a powerful expression system help you work with travel demand models faster.
  • All the capabilities needed for modern travel demand modeling, including population synthesis and comprehensive choice modeling features for both aggregate and disaggregate/microsimulated demand modeing, are at your fingertips.

Leverage All Your Mobility Data

  • Machine learning removes the need for tedious and unpredictable trial-and-error model calibration, saving time and costs.
  • Automated model calibration procedures simultaneously adjust demand model coefficients against data targets from multiple data sources, allowing better validation.
  • Leverage all your mobility data sources to directly improve your travel demand model, incorporating traffic, transit, and origin-destination counts as well as big data in addition to or instead of household travel survey (HHTS) data.

OpenPaths AGENT is only available in the OpenPaths Ultimate edition.

OpenPaths EMME

A laptop screen displaying a detailed geographic information system (GIS) map with various color-coded lines and data tables.

Multimodal Transportation Planning 

OpenPaths EMME is a complete transportation forecasting application for planning the urban, regional, and national movement of people. OpenPaths EMME is used to create digital transport models for travel demand forecasting, traffic planning, transit service planning, and related needs to provide an evidence base for transport strategy and policy decision-making. By modeling the people, places, processes, and options involved in travel, transport planners can evaluate transport system performance on any number of virtual scenarios prior to implementation.

Leading Transport Modeling 

  • Traffic, public transit, and multimodal network and demand modeling procedures trusted by leading transport agencies.
  • Uniquely flexible models may be tailored to support local applications or new model procedures.
  • Work efficiently with out-of-the-box support for crowded transit, fare integration, tolling, junction delay, active transport, and service planning applications.
  • Integrates natively with OpenPaths AGENT for advanced demand modeling. (OpenPaths AGENT is only available in the OpenPaths Ultimate edition)

Accelerate Productivity 

  • Extensive maps, charts, reports, and scenario comparisons provide data transparency and help turn results into insights.
  • Code-free and code-friendly. Easily configure model procedures with a visual control flow system that anyone on the team can use, or customize procedures and manage model-as-code with comprehensive Python APIs for developers.
  • Manage all your mobility data, including multimodal networks, travel demand, surveys, demographics, and travel results, including households, persons, trips, and tours.
  • Create 3D animations across time or between planning scenarios to understand regional mobility patterns at scale. 

OpenPaths CUBE

A laptop screen displaying a geographic information system (GIS) software interface, showing a detailed map on the left and a data table on the right.

Multimodal Transportation Planning

OpenPaths CUBE Is multimodal transport planning software that is used to develop and apply predictive multimodal transportation models to simulate how changes in infrastructure, operations, technology, and demographics will impact movement and accessibility of a given area. OpenPaths CUBE lets you analyze the effects of new projects and policies on a city’s transportation network and its population. OpenPaths CUBE provides a desktop interface to link a model, data, and geographic information system (GIS), easing the development and application of your models. 

Make Informed Decisions

  • Visualize, test, and compare multiple scenarios with a complete library of multimodal transport modeling procedures.
  • Easily manage changes in input data with comprehensive scenario management features.
  • Advise on the suitability of planning and design decisions to support business cases.

Accelerate Project Delivery

  • Access libraries of transport modeling functions to save time when developing models.
  • Use an intuitive flow-charting interface to organize model processes and quickly complete modeling tasks.
  • Benefit from Python APIs and flexible integration with third-party applications.
  • Reduce rework and errors, and streamline processes with powerful spatial technology.


A laptop displaying a geographic information system (GIS) interface with maps, graphs, and data visualizations.

Traffic Simulation and Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA)

OpenPaths DYNAMEQ is a traffic simulation and dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) software for transport planning and traffic management studies of virtually any size. Whether you are implementing freeway or urban congestion pricing, planning major infrastructure rehabilitation, or undertaking road improvements, transit planning or neighborhood redevelopments, OpenPaths DYNAMEQ allows you to accurately assess the related traffic and mobility impacts. 

Traffic simulation that lets you see the whole picture

  • Simulates vehicles with car-following, lane changing, and gap acceptance models to produce realistic traffic behavior.
  • High-performance animations provide a 3D, 360° visualization and analysis environment.
  • Production-quality video allows you to storyboard and share intuitive animations.

Rapidly develop models of any size

  • Get started quickly with importers for a range of popular transportation software and data formats.
  • Streamline model development with comprehensive network data validation and cleaning capabilities that make it easy to identify and resolve issues.
  • Develop future scenarios by synthesizing traffic signals and turning movement parameters that are adapted to future travel demand.

Calibrate your models with confidence

  • Spend less time calibrating and more time testing scenarios with fast run times and fewer calibration parameters.
  • Achieve higher calibration metrics than ever before with a proven simulation-based demand adjustment capability.
  • Generate reliable and reproducible results even for high-demand future-year scenarios.

OpenPaths DYNAMEQ is only available in the OpenPaths Ultimate edition.

OpenPaths CityPhi

Laptop screen showing a 3D map with highlighted buildings and grid lines. The bottom left corner displays a timestamp: "2022-11-06 21:59:24.

Mobility Animation Studio

OpenPaths CityPhi provides an API to produce captivating data visualizations, interactive animations, and insightful analytics about mobility and location by turning data about the movement of people and things, their location, and their changing social, economic, and physical characteristics into dynamic scenes. With OpenPaths CityPhi you can create applications that let users explore time, space, and motion with interactive animations that stay responsive at scale. 

A Digital Lens on Mobility

  • Create compelling visual representations of mobility data, including trajectories, paths, points, or any kind of time-based location or movement data.
  • Animate, explore, color, filter, label, and query mobility data to uncover relationships and develop a clearer understanding.
  • Import and work with mobility data including General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS), fare card data, GPS and cell phone records, social media activity, travel surveys, land use models, and agent-based simulation results.
  • Save production-quality videos with scripted camera keyframe animations.

Mobility Development Kit

  • Develop analytics and visual treatments, and load your own data with native OpenPaths CityPhi Python libraries.
  • Create the right scene with fifteen visual layers and dozens of parameters to configure and play back through time.
  • Incorporate OpenPaths CityPhi into modern Python data science workflows using Jupyter Notebook with a reactive UI.

OpenPaths Videos

Multimodal transport model traffic and transit flows, urban traffic simulation, population movements from activity-based travel model, regional traffic flows by time-of-day, urban traffic simulation with interactive path queries, manhattan transit lines and stop activities, what openpaths users are saying.

A dark-themed map visualizing trip tracking data with color-coded arcs representing different types of vehicle activities. The map shows the routes and a timestamp in the bottom left corner.

The individual OpenPaths applications are no longer licensed separately. OpenPaths licenses are available in two editions: OpenPaths Advanced which includes OpenPaths EMME, OpenPaths CUBE, and OPenPaths CityPhi, and OpenPaths Ultimate which includes everything in the Advanced edition plus OpenPaths AGENT and OpenPaths DYNAMEQ.

You can seamlessly upgrade from OpenPaths Advanced to OpenPaths Ultimate for an incremental fee and without losing your existing investment. Contact us to discuss OpenPaths licensing options.

Or, if you are ready to go, simply run through the OpenPaths installer, and change your product level to OpenPaths Ultimate. Additional term licensing fees may apply. There is no need to reinstall applications. 

We recommend the following system requirements for OpenPaths applications.

Operating System 64-bit Microsoft Windows 11, 10, Server 2022, Server 2019, or Server 2016. Minimum disk space Installation of all OpenPaths applications requires 8GB of disk space:

  • OpenPaths EMME – 3.5GB
  • OpenPaths CUBE – 2.5 GB
  • OpenPaths DYNAMEQ – 1 GB
  • OpenPaths CityPhi – 1GB

RAM Minimum 16GB RAM recommended

Graphics Use of 3D rendering and animation features require OpenGL 4.0 support

Reference Systems OpenPaths applications offer high-performance scientific, graphics, and interactive computing capabilities. Certain features benefit from high-performance computing (CPUs) and dedicated graphics processors (GPUs). Requirements vary by application. Reference systems below provide illustrative guidelines: Base system example

  • Intel Core i5 or i7 CPU, 2.3 GHz or greater base clock
  • 6 cores/12 threads or more
  • 16 GB RAM or more
  • NVIDIA RTX 3050, AMD Radeon, Intel Xe, or Intel integrated graphics (non-graphic workloads)

Intermediate systems

  • Intel Core i7 or i9 CPU, 3 GHz or greater base clock
  • 8 cores/16 threads or more
  • 32GB of RAM or more
  • NVIDIA RTX 3060, AMD Radeon RX 6600XT, Intel Arc A770, or integrated graphics (non-graphic workloads)

Advanced systems 

  • Intel Xeon CPU, 3GHz or greater base clock
  • 12 cores / 24 threads or more
  • 128GB RAM or more
  • NVIDIA RTX 3070, NVIDIA Quadro RTX, AMD Radeon Pro W6000, or integrated graphics (non-graphic workloads)

Browser Recent versions of Chrome or Firefox are recommended. Up-to-date versions of Opera and Edge may also work. 

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A perpetual license of Bentley software is a one-time purchase, with a yearly maintenance subscription, called SELECT. This includes 24/7/365 technical support, learning resources, and the ability to exchange licenses for other software once a year.  With SELECT, you will benefit from:

  • License pooling, so you can access your software from multiple computers.
  • Access additional Bentley software with Term Licenses , which allow you to pay for what you use without the upfront cost of purchasing a perpetual license.

Annual renewal quotes are delivered directly to your inbox, and our experienced Renewal Representatives are available to answer your questions and guide you through any changes you’d like to make.

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Free AI Presentation Maker for Generating Projects in Minutes

  • Generate ready-to-use presentations from a text prompt.
  • Select a style and Visme’s AI Presentation Maker will generate text, images, and icon.
  • Customize your presentation with a library of royalty-free photos, videos, & graphics.

Generate a presentation with AI

Free AI Presentation Maker for Generating Projects in Minutes

Brought to you by Visme

A leading visual communication platform empowering 27,500,000 users and top brands.

Penske Truck Leasing

Presentations Engineered With Visme’s AI Presentation Maker

Ai presentation prompt 1.

Craft a presentation outlining a leading company’s cutting-edge innovations in AI-powered hardware, emphasizing their impact on enhancing workplace productivity and efficiency.

AI Presentation Prompt 2

Generate a comprehensive presentation highlighting the latest digital marketing trends, focusing on strategies for enhancing brand visibility and customer engagement across diverse platforms.

AI Presentation Prompt 3

Create a detailed presentation elucidating a company’s diversified investment portfolio, emphasizing its robust performance, risk mitigation strategies, and the potential for sustainable long-term growth.

AI Presentation Prompt 4

Develop a compelling presentation showcasing a company’s groundbreaking medical devices and software solutions, emphasizing their role in revolutionizing patient care, treatment efficacy, and healthcare accessibility worldwide.

AI Presentation Prompt 1

How it works

How to generate AI presentations with Visme

Save time and create beautiful designs quickly with Visme AI Designer. Available inside the Visme template library, this generator tool is ready to receive your prompts and generate stunning ready-to-use presentations in minutes.

How to generate AI presentations with Visme

  • Log in to the Visme dashboard, and open the template library by clicking on Create New button -> Project -> Presentations. Inside the template library, scroll down and click on the Generate with AI option.
  • In the popup that opens, type in a prompt and describe in detail what aspects your presentation should feature. If you don’t provide enough information, chatbot will ask you follow-up questions.
  • Visme Chatbot will suggest template styles; choose the most relevant for your presentation, and wait for the AI to create the design. Preview, regenerate or open your project in the Visme editor.
  • Customize your project in Visme: Pick a color theme or create your own, edit text, and use assets from Visme’s royalty-free library of photos, videos, and graphics, or create your own with AI tools.

Features of the AI Presentations Maker

Ready-to-use presentations in minutes.

Starting is often the hardest part of a project. Visme’s free AI presentation maker helps you overcome this block and generates results within minutes. It gives you a headstart and a good first draft that is ready-to-use with minimal or no customization.

Ready-to-use presentations in minutes

Customize every part of your presentation

Visme editor is easy to use and offers you an array of customization options. Change the color theme of your presentation, text, fonts, add images, videos and graphics from Visme royalty-free library of assets or generate new ones with AI image generator, AI image touchup tools, or add your own. For more advanced customization, add data visualizations, connect them to live data, or create your own visuals.

Customize every part of your presentation

Add your branding

Stay on-brand even with AI-generated presentations. Quickly and easily set up your brand kit using AI-powered Visme Brand Wizard or set it up manually. Use your brand colors and fonts in AI-generated presentations. Add your logo and upload your brand assets to make a presentation match your company’s branding.

Add your branding

Download, share or schedule your presentation

Share your presentations generated with Visme AI Designer in many ways. Download them in various formats, including PPTX, PDF and HTML5, present online, share on social media or schedule them to be published as posts on your social media channels. Additionally, you can share your presentations as private projects with a password entry.

Download, share or schedule your presentation

More than just an AI Presentation Maker

Unique Elements & Graphics

Beautify your content

Unique Elements & Graphics

Browse through our library of customizable, one-of-a-kind graphics, widgets and design assets like icons, shapes, illustrations and more to accompany your AI-generated presentations.

Charts & Graphs

Visualize your data

Charts & Graphs

Choose from different chart types and create pie charts, bar charts, donut charts, pyramid charts, Mekko charts, radar charts and much more.


Make it engaging


Share AI-generated presentations online with animated and interactive elements to grab your audience’s attention and promote your business.

More AI tools in Visme

Ai image generator.

The Visme AI Image generator will automatically create any image or graphic. All you need to do is write a prompt and let AI magic do the rest.

AI Image Generator

Visme AI Writer helps you write, proofread, summarize and tone switch any type of text. If you’re missing content for a project, let AI Writer help you generate it.

AI Writer

Save yourself hours of work with AI Resize. This feature resizes your project canvas and adjusts all content to fit the new size within seconds.

AI Resize

AI TouchUp Tools

The Visme AI TouchUp Tools are a set of four image editing features that will help you change the appearance of your images inside any Visme project. Erase and replace objects that you don’t want in your photos.

AI TouchUp Tools

The Brand Wizard

The AI-based Visme Brand Wizard populates your brand fonts and styles across a beautiful set of templates.

The Brand Wizard

Make the most of Visme’s features

Choose the perfect visual from our extensive photo and video library . Search and find the ideal image or video using keywords relevant to the project. Drag and drop in your project and adjust as needed.

Incorporate 3D illustrations and icons into all sorts of content types to create amazing content for your business communication strategies. You won’t see these 3D designs anywhere else as they’re made by Visme designers.

When you share your Visme projects, they’ll display with a flipbook effect . Viewers can go from page to page by flipping the page like a digital magazine. If you don’t want the flipbook effect, you can disable it and share as a standard project.

Remove the background from an image to create a cutout and layer it over something else, maybe an AI-generated background. Erase elements of the image and swap them for other objects with AI-powered Erase & Replace feature.

Create scroll-stopping video and animation posts for social media and email communication. Embed projects with video and animation into your website landing page or create digital documents with multimedia resources.

With Visme, you can make, create and design hundreds of content types . We have templates for digital documents, infographics, social media graphics, posters, banners, wireframes, whiteboards, flowcharts.

Design and brainstorm collaboratively with your team on the Visme whiteboard . Build mind maps and flowcharts easily during online planning and strategy sessions. Save whiteboards as meeting minutes and ongoing notes for projects.

Edit your images , photos, and AI image-generated graphics with our integrated editing tools. On top of the regular editing features like saturation and blur, we have 3 AI-based editing features. With these tools, you can unblur an image, expand it without losing quality and erase an object from it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can i get better results with the ai presentations maker.

Like any AI generator from a text tool, the prompt is everything. To get better results with the AI Presentation maker, you need better prompts. Write the prompt to be as detailed as possible. Include all the content topics you want the presentation to cover. As for style elements, there’s no need to include it in the prompt. Focus on choosing the style that you like from the Chatbot suggestions. Try to select the style that already features the color palette and shapes that you like. AI will change icons and photos based on text it generates.

How many AI Presentations can I generate?

Visme AI Presentation maker is available in all plans with higher credits/usage available in Premium plans. Note: AI credits are spread amongst all AI features. So if you use other AI features, your credits will be deducted.

Is the Visme AI Designer a third-party API?

No, Visme AI Presentation maker was developed in-house and is a unique tool. However, it does use third-party APIs: ChatGPT and Unsplash.

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