Independence Day Speech in English for Students

Independence day speech in english.

Independence Day Speech – We celebrate Independence Day as the national festival of India. The Day marks the anniversary of national independence from the British Empire on 15th august 1947.

Furthermore, it is the most auspicious day for the people of India because India becomes independent after lots of hardships and sacrifices of the brave Indian freedom fighters.

From that day onwards 15th August become a very important day in Indian history and in the hearts of every Indian. Also, the entire nation celebrates this day with the full spirit of patriotism.

speech on 15 august for class 5

After the independence, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was chosen as the first Prime Minister of India. Moreover, he unfurled our tricolor flag at the Red Fort in the national capital, New Delhi for the first time.

From there onwards, every year we celebrate Independence Day at Red Fort New Delhi. In addition, the army performs many tasks that also include a march past cultural programs by school students.

In addition, we celebrate Independence Day to remember the lives that we sacrificed to gain this freedom. As they are the ones who struggled for our country. Furthermore, on his day we forget our differences and unites as one true nation should.

Importance of Independence Day Celebration

We celebrate Independence Day on a vast scale in our country. Also, every government building is decorated with tricolor lights that orange, white, and green just like the national flag.

Furthermore, every official and office staff whether private or government has to be present in the office for the flag hoisting ceremony and singing our National Anthem. Besides, there is a lot of other reasons to celebrate our independence day.

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Honor the Memory of our Freedom Fighters

Freedom fighters struggled to make our country free from the Britishers. In addition, they were the ones who sacrificed their lives for the country. On this day every citizen of our country pays tribute to them.

Furthermore, the schools and colleges organize various functions to celebrate our independence and to pay tribute to these freedom fighters. Also, students perform in these programs that depict the struggle of our freedom fighters.

In schools and colleges, students give solo and duet performances of patriotic songs. These songs fill our hearts with a feeling of patriotism and love for our country. Usually, in offices, it is a non-working day but all the staff and officials gather to express their patriotism for the country.

In addition, at various offices, employees deliver speeches to enlighten people about the freedom struggle. Also, about the efforts of our freedom fighters to make this country an independent nation.

To spark the spirit of patriotism in youth

The youth of our country has the power to change the nation. By means, someone rightly said that the future hinge on to the young generation. Hence it becomes our duty to serve the nation and make every possible effort to make our county better.

One of the main motives for celebrating Independence Day is to make the young generation aware of the sacrifices we have made to make this country a better place for them.

Most noteworthy, it tells them how our country got independence from the grasps of the Britishers. And about the sacrifices, our freedom fighter has made for the country. Also, we do it to make our children aware of the history of our country.

Furthermore, it makes them aware of the development that took place in the past years. Consequently, to make them serious about our future and careers which they put forth to make our country better.

To sum it up, gaining independence from Britishers was not easy. And it’s because of the struggle and hardship of our freedom fighter that we now live in a free country. On Independence Day we remember the long battle that our freedom fighters fought and sacrifices that they have made.

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  • India Independence Day Speech in English: Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 2023


77th Independence Day Speech for Kids

We celebrate Indian Independence Day every year on 15 August as a national holiday in India to commemorate the independence of the nation from the British on 15 August 1947. This was the day when the Indian Independence Act of 1947 came into effect, which transferred the legislative sovereignty to the Indian Constituent Assembly. This year, India is celebrating its 77th  Independence Day 2023 as ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 2023.’

Students can also find Independence Day Long and Short Speech in English here.

Long and Short Independence Day Speech in English for Students

Long independence day speech for students in english.

Good Morning Everyone!

Greetings on this momentous occasion of India's Independence Day! Today, we gather to celebrate the remarkable journey of our nation towards freedom and sovereignty. This year, the 77th Indian Independence Day 2023 is being celebrated as ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’, It's a day that echoes with the sacrifices of countless heroes who fought tirelessly for our liberty. 

As we look back, August 15, 1947, marked the end of British colonial rule, and India emerged as a sovereign nation. Jawaharlal Nehru became the first Indian Prime Minister to raise the National Flag at the Red Fort near Delhi's Lahore Gate. Our struggle for independence was not just a political movement; it was a testament to the indomitable spirit of our people. From the non-violent resistance led by Mahatma Gandhi to the bravery of countless others, we stood united in our quest for self-determination.

On this auspicious day, let us remember and pay homage to those who laid down their lives for the cause of freedom. Their sacrifices have paved the way for the India we know today – diverse, vibrant, and resilient.

Independence Day is not just about the past; it's also a time to reflect on the present and envision our future. As citizens of this great nation, we bear the responsibility of upholding the principles of justice, equality, and fraternity. Let us work together to build a society where every individual has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their background.

In the face of challenges, let us draw inspiration from the unity that defined our struggle for independence. Our diversity is our strength, and by embracing it, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

As we hoist our national flag today, let it be a symbol of our shared aspirations and commitment to a better tomorrow. Just like the color of our flag represents:

Saffron signifying courage and sacrifice

White signifies peace and truth

Green signifies faith and chivalry

Happy Independence Day to one and all! Jai Hind!

Short Speech on Independence Day for Kids

Short Speech on Independence Day for Kids

10 Lines Independence Day Short Speech in English

India gained independence on August 15th, 1947.

After independence, Indians acquired all their fundamental rights.

People celebrate Independence Day by hoisting the National Flag and reciting the National Anthem.

We should all be proud to be Indian, and we should admire our fortune to have been born in the land of Independent India.

From 1857 to 1947, the lives of many freedom fighters and several decades of struggle were sacrificed.

For the independence of India, an Indian soldier (Mangal Pandey) in the British force first raised his voice against the British.

Several great freedom fighters later struggled and dedicated their entire lives to India’s freedom. 

The sacrifices of all the freedom fighters like Bhagat Singh, Khudi Ram Bose, and Chandra Sekhar Azad, who lost their lives at an early age just to fight for their country, can never be forgotten.

Gandhiji was a great Indian figure who gave the world a great lesson in non-violence.

We are so lucky to have been given a land of peace and happiness by our forefathers, where we can sleep all night without fear and enjoy the whole day at school or home.

Independence Day Freedom Fighters Speech

Independence Day Freedom Fighters Speech

Here are some of the Independence Day Freedom Fighters Speeches that every student should hear or read once and know the struggle involved during the independence of the country.

Bal Gangadhar Tilak's “Swaraj is my Birthright”.  

In 1917, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, who had spent six times in prison, gave this speech in Nashik. In the ongoing public battle for self-government and eventually full independence, the expression" Swaraj is my birthright" played a significant part. 

Mahatma Gandhi's “Address to Leave India”. 

On August 8, 1942, in Bombay, Mahatma Gandhi gave the "Quit India" address. Also, August Kranti Maidan has been used to relate to the position of Mahatma Gandhi's address at the Gowalia Tank Maidan. 

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose's “Give Me Blood, and I'll Give You Freedom”. 

This is arguably one of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose's most well-known addresses. In 1944, he gave the Indian National Army members in Burma this speech. 

Mahatma Gandhi's Speech from the Dandi March.  

In this speech, Mahatma Gandhi understood the part of a boycott of British significance and the turndown to pay taxes to the British government at the dusk of the significant Dandi March.

Importance of Independence Day Speech for Children

Following are the points that tell the importance of Independence Day Speech for Children.

It explains to them how our nation freed itself from British rule, and about the sacrifices our freedom fighters made on behalf of the nation. We also do it to teach our kids about our nation's past.

Additionally, it helps kids understand the recent changes that have occurred. Consequently, to encourage them to take their careers and commitment to improve our nation's future seriously.

India is a free nation that attained independence on August 15, 1947. Making the next generation aware of the sacrifices we have made to make this country a better place for them is one of the key goals of celebrating Independence Day. Celebrating Independence Day makes everyone feel proud of the freedom fighters who fought with the Britishers to give freedom to us. It makes everyone happy, and people show respect towards them and the country by hoisting the Indian flag.


FAQs on India Independence Day Speech in English: Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 2023

1. How can you write a good speech on Independence Day?

The best method to write a speech is to gather the points you want to mention regarding the topic and follow a standard format. Every speech writing attempt must carry a message to the reader. For instance, the ideal message for this topic is to increase the patriotic feeling among the readers and remind them how much sacrifice our forefathers have done to give us freedom from colonial rule.

2. Is it necessary to mention the historic dates in this topic?

It is necessary to remember and mention the historic dates chronologically to make your speech better. Your speech compilation will become more admirable among the judges or teachers, and you will be able to score well. 

3. Why is this year 77th Independence Day?

India gained independence on 15 August 1947. This year is 2023, which is 76 years after 1947. Therefore, this year is the 77th Independence Day.

4. Who is the No 1 freedom fighter?

There isn't a singular "No 1" freedom fighter, as many people made significant contributions to the Indian independence movement. However, some of the most notable freedom fighters include Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhas Chandra Bose, and Bhagat Singh.

5. What are some key points to include in India's Independence Day speech?

Briefly share the historical context of the struggle for independence.

Highlight the contributions of prominent freedom fighters.

Reflect on the challenges and achievements of independent India.

Offer a vision for the future of the nation.

Emphasize the importance of individual responsibility and collective action in building a better India.

6. What are some significant events in the journey to independence? 

Some major milestones include the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857, the rise of the Indian National Congress, the Non-cooperation Movement, the Civil Disobedience Movement, and Quit India Movement.

7. What are the challenges and achievements of independent India? 

Challenges included: poverty, inequality, corruption, environmental issues, and social conflicts. Achievements could encompass economic growth, technological advancements, democratic institutions, and cultural diversity.

8. What is the appropriate length for the speech?  

This depends on the audience and setting. For schools, 3-5 minutes might be suitable, while a public speech could be longer (10-15 minutes).

9. How can I make the speech engaging? 

Use anecdotes, historical references, quotes, and personal stories to connect with the audience. Vary your voice and pace, and use appropriate gestures and expressions.

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Independence Day Speech | Speech on Independence Day for Students and Children in English

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Independence Day Speech:  The Independence Day of India marks the freedom of the country from the British Empire in the year 1947. Hence to commemorate that glorious day, 15th August of every year is observed as a national holiday in India.

On the occasion of Indian Independence Day, citizens of the country celebrate by hoisting the tricolor Indian flag and salute it while singing our national anthem. Military marches and other programs surrounding this special day rekindle the spirit of patriotism in Indians as we celebrate it with many warm regards. Students can also get 10 Lines on Independence Day from here.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long And Short Speeches on Independence Day for Kids And Students in English

We are providing a long Independence Day Speech of 500 words and a short Independence Day Speech of 150 along with ten lines on the same topic for the readers.

These speeches will be useful for students and anyone else who might be required to write or give a speech on the occasion of Independence Day of India.

A Long Independence Day Speech is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Independence Day Speech is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Independence Day Speech 500 Words In English

Good morning!

Today is an essential day of the year for our country because it marks the completion of 73 years of Independence. I doubt hardly any of us present here who was lucky enough to hear India’s tryst of destiny on the midnight of 15th August of the year 1947.

We might have read about the struggles of Indian men and women under British rule and their contribution to bringing this country freedom, but I can assure that only the iceberg’s peak is known. What we read is incomparable to the sacrifices made and the hardships our ancestors and country people had do go through for approximately 190 years.

Get Welcome Speech for Independence Day in English from here.

The blood of martyrs unless India got freedom used to haunt the country, but now that same blood that brought this country freedom is as precious as the blood being pumped in every Indian at present.

The celebration of Independence Day is done quite vastly in India. On this day, the cities and our hearts reflect the tri-color notion of the nation’s flag, and the anthem can be heard from different directions.

Even though Independence Day is observed as a national holiday but it is expected of students and employees (irrespective of government or private sector) to attend the flag hoisting ceremony held on the grounds or roof-top.

On Independence Day, schools and colleges organize a special program along with the flag hoisting ceremony. That function is done to celebrate the notion of independence and also to pay tribute to the freedom fighters because of whom we can celebrate this day.

The functions of Independence Day normally comprise of independence of India concept based skits or plays, speeches by students or employees. Other performances on Independence Day event that are common are recitation, solo/duet/choir patriotic song singing, dances on the patriotic songs that fill audiences’ hearts with gratitude for the sacrifices made for bringing us freedom.

In the nation’s capital, to be precise in Red Fort, Independence Day is celebrated every year in the presence of political and social dignitaries. They pay their homage to the nation’s superheroes, freedom fighters. The flag of the country is hoisted in the presence of Prime Minister and the President.

Chief Ministers or Governors are present to celebrate Independence Day along with the citizens of the state in a common ground every year. Independence Day is a very colorful occasion in India, and on this day, parades are organized by the army on Red Road, Delhi, and Kolkata. Tableaux are the special attractions during the approximately two hours long program.

The tradition of celebrating Independence Day is upheld in India so that the young generations are aware of the sacrifices once made to make this country a better place to live for them. Also, the youth is made aware of the developments that have taken place since India got independence.

In conclusion, bringing independence to India by freeing it from the British Rule was not easy. And 15th August of every year is celebrated to pay respect to the culmination of struggle, hardships, and sacrifices made by Indians to bring this country freedom.

Short Independence Day Speech 150 Words In English 

Short Independence Day Speech 150 Words In English

Happy Independence Day to everyone present here!

After the struggle of almost two hundred years, on the dawn of this day exactly 73 years ago, India was freed from the shackles of foreign rule. The declaration of freedom was probably the happiest thing that could have happened to India.

In the span of those two hundred years before 1947, Indians had to suffer from endless pains that were caused by the Britishers. British rulers did racial discrimination, political and social, oppression, execution of crowds that rebelled, and many more such evils. After much struggle, sacrifices, and continuous hardships, our freedom fighters were able to overthrow the faulty ruling system of Britishers.

On the occasion of Independence Day, several events that are organized are done to express and rekindle the spirit of patriotism and brotherhood among Indians. Flag hoisting and parade were done by the military are commonly noticed all over the country on 15th August of every year.

Let us pay our respects to all those martyrs who brought freedom to India. Jai Hind.

10 Lines On Independence Day Speech In English

  • The auspicious and happy day of Indian Independence has a much longer tragic past.
  • The glory of this country should be kept up by us Indians.
  • Because of such many struggles and sacrifices made by our freedom fighters, India and Indians now stand with heads held high.
  • For almost two centuries, British colonial rule prevailed in India.
  • Never again should this country and its people have to drop their heads low.
  • As Indian citizens, we should not consider this day for only hoisting the flag and distributing sweets.
  • The Independence Day of India should not be taken for granted as people often forget the true meaning behind the celebration.
  • India’s economic, social, and political developments are showcased on a global basis when people come to know about Independence Day.
  • The hoisting of the flag in every house is popular on the day of Independence.
  • Indians should celebrate the occasion of Independence Day with pride, dignity, and in the utmost respectable manner.

10 Lines On Independence Day Speech In English 

FAQ’s On Independence Day Speech

Question 1. Other than the significance of each color, what else does the tri-colored Indian flag symbolizes?

Answer: The Indian flag symbolizes all the hardships faced by countrymen and women for 200 years, and it is also the symbol of change.

Question 2. Jallianwala Bagh massacre was the result of which commission passed by the British Government?

Answer: Hunter Commission of 1919, which was originally prepared by William Wilson Hunter in 1882.

Question 3. Name some books written on Indian Independence?

Answer: Some popular books on Indian Independence are:

  • India’s First War of Independence by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar.
  • Anandamath by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay
  • Freedom at Midnight by Dominique Lapierre and Larry Collins

Question 4. Name some books written by Jawaharlal Nehru.

Answer: Some popular books written by Jawaharlal Nehru are The Discovery of India, Letters from a Father to His Daughter, Glimpses of World History, etc.

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Speech on 15 August - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

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  • 15 August Speech for the Students:

Independence day of India is celebrated on the 15th of August every year. It is considered a national festival and is celebrated to honour the Independence of India from British rule on 15 August 1947. The British ruled India, they colonised us, looted us and tortured our innocent people but our freedom fighters fought until we got our freedom. Today, we are gathered here to remember all the freedom fighters who sacrificed everything, even their life just so we could live a free life. On this honourable day, let us all fill our hearts with gratitude, patriotism and a new spirit of hope!. (Students can use these 15 August speech in English for school functions and deliver a stunning speech on independence day in English)

10 Lines On 15 August

Short speech on 15 august, long speech on 15 august.

Speech on 15 August - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

Independence Day in India is celebrated on August 15 every year to commemorate the country's independence from British rule in 1947.

On this day, the national flag of India is hoisted and patriotic songs are played.

The Prime Minister of India gives a speech at the Red Fort in Delhi, which is broadcasted nationwide.

Independence Day is a national holiday in India, with schools, offices, and businesses closed for the day.

People celebrate by decorating their homes and streets with flags, balloons, and other patriotic decorations.

Parades and cultural programs are also held in cities and towns across the country.

Independence Day is an essential day in the history of India, as it marks the end of British colonial rule and the beginning of a new era of freedom and self-governance.

Many people participate in Independence Day celebrations to honour the sacrifices of the freedom fighters who fought for India's independence.

Independence Day is also a time for people to reflect on the progress made by the country since independence and to reaffirm their commitment to building a better future for all citizens.

Independence Day is a day of national pride and unity for all Indians, and it is celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy across the country.

On the day of 15 August 1947, India achieved freedom from British rule and became a sovereign, democratic, and republic nation. We remember and honour the sacrifices of our freedom fighters who fought tirelessly for our independence. Their courage and determination inspire us to strive for a better and brighter future for our country.

As we celebrate this day, let us also reflect on the progress made by our nation in the past 75 years. We have achieved many milestones and overcome numerous challenges. However, we still have a long way to go in terms of ensuring equality, justice, and prosperity for all. On this Independence Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to building a strong and inclusive India. Let us work together to overcome the challenges and make our country a better place for all.

On Independence Day, the national flag of India is hoisted and patriotic songs are played . The Prime Minister of India gives a speech at the Red Fort in Delhi, which is broadcasted nationwide. Schools, offices, and businesses are closed for the day, and there are parades and cultural programs held in cities and towns across the country celebrating India’s freedom and also giving a tribute to those who sacrificed themselves during the freedom struggle.

Independence Day is a day of great significance in the history of our nation . It marks the day when India attained freedom from British colonial rule and became a sovereign nation. On this day, we come together to celebrate the spirit of freedom, unity, and nationalist pride that defines our country. In this speech, I will delve into the significance of Independence Day, compare it to other independence days around the world and also reflect on the journey of our nation since gaining independence.

Background and Significance

The Indian independence movement, led by figures such as Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Sardar Patel, was a non-violent struggle for freedom from British colonial rule that lasted for nearly three decades. On August 15 1947, India finally gained its independence and became a sovereign nation.

Independence Day is not just a celebration of freedom from colonial rule, but it also marks the birth of a new nation . It is a day to reflect on the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters and to remember the struggles of our forefathers who fought for our right to self-governance. It is a day to celebrate the diversity and unity of our nation, and to reaffirm our commitment to building a better India for all.

Comparison to other Independence Days:

India's Independence Day can be compared to the Independence Day of other nations that also gained freedom from colonial rule. For example, on July 4th, the United States celebrates its Independence Day, marking the day when the 13 colonies declared their independence from British rule. Similarly, on July 14th, France celebrates its national day, also known as Bastille Day, commemorating the storming of the Bastille prison during the French Revolution and the beginning of the end of French monarchy.

However, India's Independence Day is unique in the sense that it marks the end of nearly 200 years of British colonial rule, which had a profound impact on shaping the India we know today. It was also a non-violent struggle led by figures such as Mahatma Gandhi, who advocated for peaceful protests and civil disobedience, which was a unique approach compared to other independence movements around the world.

Journey of India since Independence:

Since gaining independence in 1947, India has come a long way in terms of social, economic and political development. India has made significant progress in areas such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure. We have also made progress in addressing social issues like poverty, gender inequality, and caste-based discrimination.

However, there are still challenges that need to be addressed. India still faces issues such as corruption, economic inequality, and communal tensions. There are also concerns about the protection of human rights and the state of democracy in the country.

Independence Day is a historic day in our country's history. It signifies the creation of a new country, the end of colonial control, and the start of a new period in India's history. It is a day to reflect on the sacrifice made by our freedom fighters and to recall the battles fought by our elders. It's also a day to consider how our journey to independence compares to that of other countries, as well as a day to consider the advancements and difficulties our country has encountered since that time.

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Independence Day 15th August Essay in English for School Students 

Independence day essay in english for school: are you looking to write a unique, impressive and heart-touching essay on independence day in english check this article to find various independence day essays ranging from 100 words to 500 words. also, check our top tips to write the most amazing essay for 15th august .

Pragya Sagar

Independence Day Essay in English: 15th August 1947 was the first Independence Day of the land we call  Mother India and on August 15, 2023, we are celebrating the 77th Independence Day of India. The air of freedom we breathe today is because of our ancestors who fought for centuries to get us this freedom. We have come a long way from being a British colony to being one of the largest democracies of the world. This celebration of freedom is observed with patriotism and enthusiasm all across the nation. Special eagerness is seen in school students - the future of this nation. Schools all across the country celebrate the occasion with fervour and essay writing, speech competitions, drama, song and dance programs are conducted to instill patriotism in these developing minds. 

In this article, we have curated and compiled the 15th August Independence Day essay in English for school students. These essays range from 100 to 500 words. We have also provided extra content for students who wish to elongate the content or modify any part of it. Additionally, there are also the TOP essay writing tips for students so that they can learn to write the most amazing essay on any occasion. 

Tips to Write Essays for School Students

  • Keep your introduction interesting with quotes, sayings, slogans, etc. to instantly connect with your reader.
  • Stick to the word limit given beforehand. In general, 300 words is a good length for a middle-school essay.
  • Use simple language with correct grammar else the meaning of your essay will be lost.
  • Do not end your essay abruptly. Have a proper conclusion.
  • Include a strong and heart-touching saying, slogan or quote to leave your mark.

Most importantly, ensure that your Independence Day essay in English is factual and there is no false, unverified information. 

Independence Day Essay in English for School Students

and nation-building. It inspires Indians to never let go of their spirit of unity, equality, and communal harmony.
  • Independence Day 15 August Poems in English for School Children
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Interesting Facts about the Independence Day of India

  • On August 15, 1947, Indians did not have an official national anthem. 
  • Lord Mountbatten chose August 15, 1947, as India’s Independence Day because it matches with the date of Japan’s surrender to the Allied Forces after World War II on August 15, 1945.
  • The Indian tricolour is symbolic of India’s diversity. The saffron colour in the Indian flag represents the strength and courage of the country. The white colour in the middle indicates peace and truth. The blue dharma chakra in the middle of the white band has 24 strokes and it symbolises constant development. The green colour shows the fertility, growth and auspiciousness of the land.
  • August 15, 2023 is the 77th Independence Day of India.
  • Meanwhile, 15th August 2023 is the 76th Year Anniversary of Independent India.

Independence Day celebration is a great deal for all the Indians. Schools organize grand events for students on this day and indulge them in various interesting yet informative activities. Since essay competitions are one of them, this article can be useful for participants in essay competitions. Students can choose any of the above-mentioned essays according to the word limit allotted to them. These essays will not only help you make a mark in the competition but will also provide you with some amazing facts and knowledge related to the Independence struggle and its importance. 

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Independence Day 2023: Speech On August 15th In English For School Students And Kids


Updated Aug 8, 2023, 09:07 IST

Independence day 2023

Independence day 2023 (Image Credit: Freepik)

Independence day 2023

Speech 1: Celebrating India's Independence Day

Speech 2: freedom and friendship on independence day.

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Independence Day Speech in English, 15 August 2024 Celebration Starts

This essay provides insights on Independence Day Speech in English which covers short and long speech that are useful for today's younger generation of India to invoke patriotism and nationalism.

Independence Day Speech

Table of Contents

Independence Day Speech

The path to independence requires sacrifice and determination. As students, it is your responsibility to make the most of the opportunities you have as a way to honour those sacrifices. This year on 15th August 2024, India is celebrating 77 years of freedom from British colonial rule and rejoices in the liberty attained as ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 2024’. Institutions, Schools, and colleges gear up to commemorate this day with the theme, ‘Nation First, Always First’ for this year. Although there is so much to talk about our independence and the struggles faced by our freedom fighters, we have penned down important highlights on how the 77th Independence Day speech in English should be delivered in a genuine manner.

Independence Day Speech in English

Independence Day serves as a reminder that despite our differences in culture, language, and tradition, we are all one nation. This year ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 2024’ is planned to be celebrated with great zeal. Kids and children get dressed up as famous leaders and freedom fighters to give speeches on this great day. The speech should focus on highlighting and covering all important points regarding the independence of India, the freedom struggle, great leaders and much more. In this essay, we have provided a few examples of how a thought-provoking Independence Day speech can be framed and delivered effectively in front of a huge crowd.

Last year, PM Narendra Modi’s address the nation with his Independence Day Speech at Red Fort, New Delhi. He wishes the nation for 77th Independance Day and shares his commendable thoughts. Read complete PM Narendra Modi’s 15th August Speech .

Independence Day is celebrated on 15th August every year , the day India attained freedom from about 200 years of British colonial rule. This special day is not just a celebration of the past but it upholds the spirits of liberty and democracy for the years to come and instigates patriotic fervour in every Indian’s heart and mind. To remember all those sacrifices and struggles of our famous leaders, the citizens of India gather themselves to hoist the flag, take part in cultural events and deliver speeches on Independence Day. To encourage the younger generation of India, who grow as responsible citizens in the future, children are asked to deliver an Indian Independence Day Speech in English on topics related to Indian independence, freedom struggle, patriotism, freedom fighters of India , I love India, etc.

PM Narendra Modi’s Independence Day Speech


Samples of 15 August Speech in English

Below are a few samples we have provided that kids, students and youngsters can refer to before preparing for a productive speech in English. Children can read this passage and take some key points to present an inspiring speech to the audience. The short Independence Day Speech in English guide primary level students to prepare a short and simple yet meaningful speech. The sample of the long 15 August Speech in English we have provided covers much more important information on all aspects of the freedom struggle. Students are advised to go through the samples for Speeches on Independence Day carefully.

Sample 1- Short Indian Independence Day Speech in English for Kids

Good morning everyone!

Good morning and Happy 77th Independence Day to My respected teachers and dear friends.

Today as we celebrate 77th Independence Day, we should feel proud to be a part of an Independent nation where we have freedom of speech, and freedom to live life in our own way.

India achieved independence on 15th August 1947, it is the day India became free from the British rule for almost 200 years and after a continuous struggle by our freedom fighters.

On this day, the national flag was unfurled and hoisted on Red Fort Delhi by our first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Since then we are celebrating Independence Day every year in every government department, school, and college.

So, today on this special day let’s take the pledge and make a promise to ourselves that we will always protect our country, by maintaining brotherhood, helping everyone, and educating ourselves.

At last, I again wish you all a happy Independence Day and hope together we can build a wonderful nation.

Sample 2- Indian Independence Day Speech in English for Youngsters

Good Morning my dear citizens of India!

We all have gathered here to celebrate the zeal of the 77th anniversary of Independence Day. Best wishes to everyone and special thanks to everyone for providing me with an opportunity to address everyone on this special day to deliver a patriotic and meaningful speech.

As we all know the 15th of August in 1947 is an important day in Indian History, a day of honour and pride for every Indian Citizen. It is the day when our India got its freedom from almost 200 years of British reign. So, what is actually ‘Freedom’ from British rule? Freedom literally means attaining liberty, for India, it means the day the nation became free or relieved from the dominant British rule and attained Independence.

Several revolutionists and freedom fighters sacrificed their lives to free our nation from the miserable British Empire. We all should be proud and fortunate that our history has got so many revolutionists, freedom fighters and leaders who have not only uprooted Britishers from Indian soil but also saved future generations to promote the growth and development of India, its culture and heritage.

Right from the year of Independence, 1947 from the current year, the Nation is making progress in each and every sector such as sports, education, technology, and military powers. The president and leaders of other Nations also proudly speak about India’s fame and power as a democratic nation and emerging developed Nation. The military power of India today is so impressive that it serves as a model for other nations around the globe, and no nation dares to look directly at India. Our Indian army is so brave that they are continuously fighting on borders in order to protect our country from any terrorist group.

To conclude, all that can be said is the freedom we enjoy today is priceless and it is the duty of every Indian citizen to preserve this Independence of our Nation. So we should never fail to value this freedom and preserve it wholeheartedly.

Let’s all take pride in uttering,

Jai Hind! Vande Mataram!

Independence Day Speech in Hindi

Freedom Fighters of India who Fought for Independence of India

77th Independence Day Speech in English-Tips to Follow

To deliver an effective 15 August Speech in English, school and college students should follow all the important tips mentioned below:

  • Know  Your Audience- You can prepare your speech and modify them to put forth the words in a better way depending on your audience.
  • Practice makes a man Perfect- Practicing the speech several times improves confidence and helps you rectify some errors.
  • Researching on topics- Make sure you do proper research on the topic you choose so that you deliver a relevant and accurate speech.
  • Highlight some facts – Adding actual facts to your speech makes it more interesting and the audience tends to give their ears more on what is conveyed.
  • Avoid lengthy topics – Make the speech crisp, short and simple and topics are also chosen accordingly.
  • Include Freedom Fighters- Talk more about freedom fighters and how they sacrificed their lives and fought for the nation to get independence.

Essay on Independence Day in English- Click to Read

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Independence Day Speech in English-FAQs

Q1. what is the importance of independence day speech in english.

Ans. As a mark of remembrance of freedom struggle and freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives, younger generation of India, who grow as responsible citizens in the future, children are asked to deliver independence day speeches in English on topics related to Indian independence, freedom struggle, patriotism, freedom fighters of India, I love India, etc.,

Q2. What covers in Indian Independence Day Speech in English for Kids?

Ans. The short Independence Day Speech in English guide primary level students to prepare a short and simple yet meaningful speech on India's independence, freedom fighters and future India.

Q3. What are the tips to be followed to deliver effective 15 August Speech in English for kids and students?

Ans. The tips to be followed to deliver effective 15 August Speech in English are to know about audience crowd, practice speech to improve your confidence while facing audience crowd, doing proper research on topic you have chosen, cut-short the speech and make it simple, relevant and accurate, talking more about freedom fighters.

Q4. Which anniversary of Independence India is celebrating this year?

Ans. India is celebrating its 77th Independence Day anniversary this 15th August 2024.

Aparna Tomar

As Team Lead- Content Writer, I take on leadership within our content creation team, overseeing the development of error-free educational content. My primary responsibility is to produce and analyse high-quality content educating and informing the aspirants about upcoming government exams published on our website. I have more than 6 years experience in content writing wherein 3.5 years of experience in ed-tech content writing.

Independence Day Speech

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Speech on 15 August – Independence Day of India

India is a land of festivals. Celebrations in India are very special and vibrant. But apart from festivals, we Indian also celebrate some special occasions and days. One of the most important celebrations is Independence Day, which is celebrated on 15th August every year. On this day, India gained freedom from British rule in the year 1947. It is a day filled with joy, pride, and unity as Indians remember the sacrifice of freedom fighters who fought for our nation’s independence. All the people of the country come together to celebrate this special day of our India.

Speech on Independence Day of India in English

Here, we are presenting various speeches on Independence Day in word limits of 100 Words 1 Minute Speech, 200 Words 2 Minute Speech, 300 Words 3 Minute Speech, and 500 Words 5 Minute Speech. The provided speeches will serve as a useful resource for students to deliver effective speech on Independence Day of India.

Speech on Independence Day for Kids

  • Good Morning everyone.
  • My name is Neha Singh, I study in class 1.
  • Today is 77th Independence Day of India.
  • It is our national festival.
  • On this day in 1947 we got freedom from British rule.
  • Many freedom fighters lost their lives in this battle.
  • On this day, every year the Prime Minister hoists national flag.
  • This Independence Day will be celebrated under “Meri Mati Mera Desh” campaign.
  • We all should pay tribute to our brave freedom fighters.
  • Happy Independence Day. Jai Hind Jai Bharat!

Speech on 15 August Independence Day (100 Words, 1 Minute Speech)

Good Morning everyone! Today, we are gathered here to celebrate a very special day of our country- the Independence Day. It is a day when every Indian feels proud and happy. On this day, we remember and pay tribute to the brave men and women who fought for our freedom. Independence Day is a day to celebrate our country’s independence from British rule. It is a day filled with pride, joy, and love for our nation. Keeping in mind what our ancestors did for us, we should take an oath to make our country a better place.

Jai Hind! Jai Bharat!

Speech on 15 August Independence Day (200 Words, 2 Minute Speech)

A very good morning to everyone present here. Respected Principal sir, Director sir, teachers and my dear friends. As we all know, today we are here to celebrate the special occasion of Independence Day.

This year is the 77th anniversary of India’s independence. It is a day of immense pride and joy for every Indian, as we remember the historic moment when our country achieved freedom from colonial rule on August 15th, 1947. This day symbolizes the triumph of unity, sacrifice, and the indomitable spirit of our people. Today, our country stands out around the world and is respected for how far it has come and how bravely it has dealt with everything. Schools hold events to remember our fight for freedom, and they have been doing this for the past 76 years. The flag is raised, and the students in the parade play in unity. Independence Day is a very important day to us. It reminds us of the struggles endured by our freedom fighters who fought bravely and selflessly for our nation’s liberty.

Now I would like to end my speech. It was a pleasure to speak in front of all of you. Thank You so much! Happy Independence Day!

Speech on 15 August Independence Day (300 Words, 3 Minute Speech)

Hello everyone! Respected chief guests, principal sir, director sir, teachers, and my dear friends. I am Kanchan Singh of class 7 th A. Today, I would like to speak few words in front of you all. We all are here to celebrate a very special day – the Independence Day of India.

After years of struggle and sacrifices, finally we get independence from the colonial rule. Every year, Independence Day is celebrated with great fervor and zeal throughout the country. The day starts with the early morning hoisting of our national flag, accompanied by the soul touching recitation of our national anthem, which fills the hearts of every Indian with a sense of pride and patriotism. Everywhere there are patriotic songs played and tricolor flags displaying. Independence Day is not just a day marked by ceremonies and speeches; it is a day that unites us as a nation. It is a day when people from all corners of the country, irrespective of caste, creed, or religion, come together to celebrate our diversity and unity. It is not only a day to celebrate freedom; it is a day to remember the sacrifices made to achieve this day. There were a lot of brave freedom fighters who died. Countless men and women sacrificed their lives to secure the future of millions. We remember their courage, dedication, and patriotism today, and we are forever indebted to them. Freedom is very important and we all know at which cost we get it. So, let’s promise ourselves not to waste the sacrifice of our freedom fighters and make India “sone ki chidiya” again.

I would like to end my speech with these words. Thank you all for being so patient and listening to me. Happy Independence Day and have a good day.

Speech on 15 August Independence Day (500 Words, 5 Minute Speech)

Good morning everyone! I am Sohail Srinivas of class 9 th B. We all are here on the occasion of Independence Day. 

First of all, let me tell you why we celebrate Independence Day. Many years ago, India was under the rule of Britishers. Our great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and many others fought bravely to free our country from British rule. And after a long and hard struggle, India finally achieved its freedom on 15th August 1947. Since then, Independence Day is getting celebrated. On this day, the entire nation comes together to remember and honor all those great leaders who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. We pay tribute to them and feel grateful for the peace and independence that we enjoy today.

Independence Day is a day of celebrations, and the preparations for it start well in advance. People decorate their homes, schools, and offices with flags and flowers. Everywhere we will find the tricolor flag of India flying high, reminding us of the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters. The Prime Minister raises the national flag at the Red Fort in Delhi to start the day. It is a grand ceremony watched by millions of people on television. The Prime Minister then addresses the nation and shares his thoughts about the progress and challenges faced by our country. After the flag hoisting ceremony, there are parades and cultural programs held in schools and other places across the country. It is a time when we express our love for our country through our talents and creativity. But Independence Day is not just about celebrations and enjoyment, it is also a day to remember our responsibilities towards our country. We must value and respect our freedom by being responsible citizens. We should study hard, follow rules, respect our teachers and elders, and help those in need. Small acts of kindness and love towards our country can make a big difference.

Last but not least, Independence Day is a day of immense pride and joy for every Indian. Let us remember the sacrifices made by our brave leaders and work together to build a better and stronger India. Let’s not forget that a lot of freedom comes with a lot of responsibility. It is our duty to safeguard the ideals of our Constitution, to promote social justice, and to work towards the well-being of all citizens. By doing so, we can truly honor the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters. On this Independence Day, let us renew our commitment to the progress and prosperity of our beloved nation. Let us work towards a future where every Indian can enjoy the fruits of freedom and live a life of dignity.

Now I would like to thanks everyone for giving me opportunity to speak in front of all of you. Thank you. Happy Independence Day! Jai Hind! Jai Bharat!

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Independence Day Speech – Speech on 15 August

Speech on Independence Day celebration means a lot to the person who is interested in expressing his/her thoughts in front of people about the country, history of freedom, Patriotism , Nationalism , Indian National Flag ,  National Festivals of India , Importance of Independence Day or other topics related to the Indian independence. Here we have provided various speech on Independence day of India for the school going kids, children and students. The speeches have been meticulously written, keeping in mind the requirements of students as well as office going professionals.

One can easily remember the speeches and reiterate in front of audience to gain applause and appreciation. The speeches are also bound to enthrall the audiences, infusing in them the feelings of Nationalism and Patriotism. Professionals can also use these speeches to prepare and deliver a best speech in the offices or other places they need to deliver an Independence Day speech. Using these simple speeches, students can actively participate in the India’s Independence Day celebration in the schools/colleges/institutes.

Independence Day | Independence Day Essay | Speech on Independence Day for Teachers |  Independence Day Speech for Principal | Slogans on Independence Day | Paragraph on Independence Day | Facts about Independence Day of India | Independence Day Quotes | Essay on National Flag of India | Essay on National Festivals of India | Essay on Importance of Independence Day in India

Long and Short Speech on Independence Day of India in English

We have provided below short and long speech on Independence Day of India, in a simple and easy to grasp language.

Following Independence Day speech contain important points/facts about the Independence Day which will sure enhance your knowledge and expertise in the subject.

Care has been taken to make sure that no vital information on India’s Independence Day is left out.

These speeches will be useful on several occasions like on Independence Day celebrations in schools and colleges, speech presentation or debate competitions on national holidays.

Independence Day Speech 1 – Short Speech on 15 August

Good Morning Principal Sir/Madam, teachers and friends. Today I am going to give a short speech on Independence Day.

It is our 73 rd Independence Day, today. We must take part in the events with devotion. It is very important to honor the flag and sing national anthem. We must remember our brave freedom fighters on this day.

We should be dressed like Bapu, Chacha Nehru, and Bhagat Singh in order to remember them. Hindus, Muslims, Christians and Sikhs must celebrate the day together. It is also a national holiday today.

It was very pleasing to address you all. Thank You! Happy Independence Day!

Independence Day

Independence Day Speech 2 – Short Speech on 15 August

Dear Principal Sir/Madam, teachers and friends. Today, we have come here to celebrate the 73 rd Independence Day of India.

On 15 th August in 1947 we got independence from Britishers. First Prime Minister of India, Chacha Nehru, raised the Indian flag at Red Fort in New Delhi. He also gave his famous speech that day. It was called “Tryst with Destiny”.

India became a free nation on this day. Freedom was not easy to get. Many brave freedom fighters had died. They had died to make the country free. We should remember their courage and fight.

They bravely fought for 200 years. We must remember them and honor them. Raise the flag high and sing national songs. Do not put the flag down. Do not tear the flag. Freedom is very important, so keep it safe. With this I end my speech.

Thank you and Happy Independence Day to all!

Independence Day Speech 3 – Short Speech on 15 August

Respected; Principal, teachers, staff members and all my dear friends. I welcome you all from the bottom of my heart on this day of national reverence, when we celebrate the country’s 73 rd Independence Day, today.

I feel immensely honoured to having been given an opportunity to address you all on such a significant occasion and express my own views.

As we all know that India gained independence on August 15, 1947. It was on this day that the British departed from Indian soil, transferring the legislative powers to the Indian Constituent Assembly. In other words, India was now to be ruled by its own people and not by foreign invaders.

It was the most joyous moment in the history of India as it came following nearly two centuries of struggle and revolutions against British sovereignty. The day reminds us of the valour and sacrifices of our fellow countrymen, who were the torchbearers of the freedom struggle.

Let us celebrate this Independence Day to commemorate the indomitable spirit of our freedom fighters and political patrons of that time. It is because of them that we enjoy the fruits of freedom today.

Independence Day Speech 4 – Short Speech on 15 August

Respected Principal Sir, teachers, guests and my dear friends. It’s an honour for me to address you all on our 73 rd Independence Day, today.

As we all know that it was on this fateful day in 1947, that we gained independence, thanks to the freedom fighters and political visionaries of that time. They had envisioned a free and united India, and fought courageously against British invaders to make their dream true.

Finally, their dream was realized on 15 th August 1947; though, the nation had to pay heavy price for it. With the joy of independence, came the sorrow of partition.

The celebration of Independence was marred by the formation of Dominion of Pakistan on 14 th August, 1947 and battered by the communal violence following it.

When half of India was rejoicing its independence, half of it was burning from communal riots. This wasn’t something that our freedom fighters and political leaders could have imagined, while struggling for independence.

Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Chandrasekhar Azad, didn’t sacrifice their lives to see fellow Indians slitting each other’s throat on communal grounds. They envisioned an India having communal, religious and cultural harmony.

It is impossible to change history, but we can always change the future and make new history. Independence Day was indeed one of the most significant days in the history of India, but we must also remember those who have sacrificed their lives to make us live this day.  Also, we must not forget that any kind of demographic division on the basis of religion, caste or creed will only hamper our progress.

Let us end the speech with a pledge to maintain the sovereignty and equality of the nation and to remember those who lost their lives to give us independence. Jai Hind!!

Independence Day Speech 5 –  Long Speech on 15 August

Good morning to all my respected teachers, parents and dear friends. Today we have gathered here to celebrate this great national event. As we all know that Independence day is an auspicious occasion for all of us. India’s Independence Day is the most important day to all the Indian citizens and has been mentioned forever in the history.

It is the day when we got freedom from the British rule after many years of hard struggle by the great freedom fighters of India. We celebrate independence day every year on 15 th of August to remember the first day of freedom of India as well as remember all the sacrifices of the great leaders who have sacrificed their lives in getting freedom for India.

India got independence on 15 th of August in 1947 from the British rule. After independence we got our all the fundamental rights in our own Nation, our Motherland. We all should feel proud to be an Indian and admire our fortune that we took birth on the land of an Independent India. History of slave India reveals everything that how our ancestors and forefathers had worked hard and suffered all the brutal behavior of Britishers.

We cannot imagine by sitting here that how hard the independence was for India from the British rule. It took sacrifices of lives of many freedom fighters and several decades of struggle from 1857 to 1947. An Indian soldier (Mangal Pandey) in the British force had first raised his voice against Britishers for the independence of India.

Later several great freedom fighters had struggled and spent their whole life only for getting freedom. We can never forget the sacrifices of the Bhagat Singh, Khudi Ram Bose and Chandra Sekhar Azad who had lost their lives in their early age just for fighting for their country. How can we ignore all the struggles of Netaji and Gandhiji. Gandhiji was a great Indian personalities who taught Indians a big lesson of non-violence. He was the one and only who lead India to get freedom with the help of non-violence. Finally the result of long years of struggle came in front on 15 th of August 1947 when India got freedom.

We are so lucky that our forefathers have given us a land of peace and happy where we can sleep whole night without fear and enjoy whole day in our school or home. Our country is developing very fast in the field of technology, education, sports, finance and various other fields which were almost impossible before freedom. India is one of the countries rich in nuclear power. We are going ahead by actively participating in the sports like Olympics, Commonwealth games and Asian games.

We have full rights to chose our government and enjoy largest democracy in the world. Yes, we are free and have complete freedom however we should not understand ourselves free of responsibilities towards our country. As being responsible citizens of the country, we should be always ready to handle any emergency condition in our country.

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat.

Independence Day Speech 6 –  Long Speech on 15 August

A very warm good morning to the respected teachers and my dear friends gathered here. Today we are gathered here to celebrate this auspicious occasion of Independence day on 15 th of August. We celebrate this day with lots of enthusiasm and joy every year because our country got freedom at this day in 1947 from the British rule. We are here to celebrate nth number of independence day. It is great and most significant day for all Indians. People of India had suffered cruel behavior of Britishers for many years.

Today we have freedom in almost all fields such as education, sports, transportation, business, etc just because of the years of struggle of our forefathers. Before 1947, people were not so free even they were restricted to have rights on their own body and mind. They were slave of Britishers and forced to follow all the orders of them. Today we are free to do anything because of the great Indian leaders who struggled hard for many years to get freedom against British rule.

Independence day is celebrated all over India with much pleasure. This day is of great importance to all Indian citizens as it gives us opportunity to remember all those freedom fighters who had sacrificed their lives just for giving us a beautiful and peaceful life. Earlier to the independence, people were not allowed to get education, eat healthy food and live normal life like us. We should be grateful to those events responsible for the freedom in India. Indians were treated more badly than slaves by the Britishers just to fulfill their meaningless orders.

Some of the great freedom fighters of India are Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Jawahar Lal Nehru, Mahatma Gandhiji, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Lala Lajpath Ray, Bhagat Singh, Khudi Ram Bose and Chandra Sekhar Azad. They were famous patriots who struggled hard for the freedom of India till the end of their life. We cannot imagine that horrible moment struggled by our forefathers.

Now, after many years of independence our country is on the right track of development. Today our country is a well established democratic country all over the world. Gandhiji was great leader who taught us about effective way of freedom like ahimsa and sathyagraha methods. Gandhi dreamed of an independent India with the non violence and peace.

India is our mother country and we are its citizens. We should always be ready to save it from the bad people. It is our responsibility to lead our country ahead and make it a best country of the world.

Independence Day Speech 7 –  Long Speech on 15 August

Very good morning to the honorable Chief Guest of the day, respected teachers, parents and my all dear friends. I wish you all a very Happy Independence Day. We all know the reason of get together here in such a big crowd. We all are excited celebrating this great day in such an excellent manner. We are gathered here to celebrate 73rd independence day of our nation.

First of all we hoist our honorable national flag then give a salute to all the heroic deeds of the freedom fighters. I am feeling so proud to be an Indian citizen. I have such a great chance to give a speech on the Independence Day in front of you all. I would like to say thanks to my respected class teacher that she has given me an opportunity to share my views with you all about the freedom of India.

We celebrate Independence day every year on 15 th of August because India got freedom on the night of 14 th of August in 1947. Just after the independence of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had given a speech on the Independence day in New Delhi. When people all over the world were sleeping, people in India were waking to get freedom and life from the British rule. Now, after the independence, India has been a largest democratic country in the world. Our country is a most famous country for the saying of unity in diversity. It face many incidents testing its secularism however Indian people become always ready to answer with their unity.

Because of the hard struggles of our forefathers we are now able to enjoy the freedom and breathe fresh air according to our wish. Getting freedom from the Britishers was really an impossible task our forefathers did with their continuous efforts. We can never forget their works and always remember them through the history. We cannot remember all the deeds of all the freedom fighters in a day only however can give them a heartily salute. They would always be in our memories and way of inspiration to us whole life.

Today is the very significant day for all Indians which we celebrate remembering sacrifices of great Indian leaders who had given their lives for the freedom and prosperity of the country. Freedom of India was possible because of the cooperation, sacrifice and involvement of all the Indians. We should value and salute all the Indian citizens because they are the real national heroes. We should keep faith in the secularism and never be separate to maintain the unity so that no one can break and rule again.

We should take an oath today of being highly responsible and well-educated citizens of the tomorrow India. We should sincerely perform our duty and do work hard to get the goal and successfully lead this democratic nation.

Independence Day Speech 8 –  Long Speech on 15 August

A very good morning to the excellencies, respected teachers and my dear colleagues. We are gathered here to celebrate nth Independence day. I am very happy to speech here on this great occasion. I am very grateful to my class teacher to give me such a special opportunity to say my views on the independence day of my country. At this special occasion of independence day I would like to speech on the India’s struggle for getting freedom from the British rule.

Long years ago, great Indian leaders were made a tryst with the destiny to give us a free and peaceful country by sacrificing their comfort of life. Today we are gathered here to celebrate independence day without any fear and having happy face just because of our brave forefathers.

We cannot imagine that how the moment was critical at that time. We have nothing to give our forefathers in return for their precious hard works and sacrifices. We can only remember them and their deeds and make a heartily salute while celebrating the national events. They would always be in our hearts. After the independence India get new birth with happy face of all Indian citizens.

India got independence on 15 th of August in 1947 from the clutches of British rule. Indian people all over the country celebrate this national festival annually with lots of joy and enthusiasm. It was great day for all the Indian citizens when India’s tricolor flag was unfolded by the first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, at the Red Fort, Delhi.

A huge celebration takes place in New Delhi at Rajpath every year where national anthem is sung after the flag hoisting by prime minster. Together with the national anthem a salute through 21 guns firing and showering of flowers through helicopter is given to the national flag. Independence day is a national holiday however everyone celebrate this from their own places by hosting the flags in schools, offices or society. We should feel proud to be an Indian and try our best to save the honor of our country.

Long Speech on Independence Day of India 9 – Speech on 15 August

Hon’ble Guests of Honor, Senior Managers, Managers, other Staff Members and My Dear Friends – Warm Greetings to all of you!

I am feeling extremely glad to have been standing in front of you and hosting this invigorating day on the eve of Independence Day. We as Indians very well realize the importance of Independence Day and should be filled with utmost pride to have finally won back our freedom from the shackles of British rule. It gives me a sense of immense joy which is indescribable in words when I see our national flag soaring in the wind high up.

I am sure you can relate with my emotions. Needless to say, Independence Day is celebrated on 15 th of August every year and it is in the year 1947 that India emerged as a free nation. Since this is a day of great historical importance for all the Indians, national holiday is being declared in India and all of us celebrate Independence Day with great warmth and show.

This is just a brief about Independence Day, but does anyone here know about the period of British Raj? Well, let me share with you all that it was between 1858 until 1947 that the Britishers colonized our Indian subcontinent. This time period is called the British Raj period.

Now, it becomes even more interesting to know how the British colonial rule began in our country. When the East India Company arrived in India, they were stripped of the goods and land of Indian citizens by conspiracy and Queen Victoria making it all the property of the monarchy.

The East India Company was founded in 1600 under Royal Charter during the monarchical reign of Elizabeth I. Though apparently its chief aim was to trade, it eventually became an indomitable force of colonization controlling the most part of our Indian subcontinent. The people living in the Indian subcontinent during that time became the subjects of the British colonial rule under Queen Victoria and subsequently other monarchs who came after her.

I am sure we all can gauge that gaining independence under such challenging situation was not an easy task, but required long and persistent efforts. One of the most prominent personalities who chiefly contributed towards gaining independence was Mahatma Gandhi or what we usually address him as Bapu .

What makes him even a greater personality is the fact that he achieved independence by not following the path of violence or bloodshed, but through his policy of non-violence wherein he did not oppose the rule of Britishers through armed fighting rather he with his followers started the non-violence campaign which comprised hunger strikes and civil disobedience. Their concerted efforts ultimately brought an end to the British Raj in our country. British rule was given an official garb under the name of “British administration of India” and under that garb Indians had to undergo a lot of pain and trauma.

We should salute those heroic spirits and pay our homage to them by remembering their brave deeds and sacrifice for our mother land and never forget that it is because of their efforts that we stand today and breathe in an Independent India.

But the seeds of self-governance in our country were laid down much before India won its independence. In the 19 th century, several Indian councilors were appointed on various advisory roles. They were hired for the advisory support of the British viceroys who continued to rule across the major parts of India. In the year 1892, a law known as the Indian Councils Act came into being with a view to empower these councilors as well as other Indian officials. But they remained under the higher British authority and had to put up with the prejudices of the white men to be able to reach the pinnacle of success in their jobs.

It was somewhat in the midnight between 14 th August and daytime of 15 th August 1947 that the treaty of Indian sovereignty was signed. This was a time when George VI was ruling as the king in Britain and Clement Attlee was their prime minister. In India Jawaharlal Nehru became the prime minister of independent India and Britain renounced his rule over India. The Britishers no longer had anything to do with the Indian affairs.

Even though we do not bear witness to those times, but we can understand very well the intensity of that crucial time when our country actually gained independence. We cannot help but feel proud of it. However, the declaration of freedom came in written in the year 1929, which is much earlier. This declaration happened along with the great freedom fighter Mahatma Gandhi and other known figures, who hoisted the Indian Flag.

It was indeed a big moment for all the Indians. The day of declaration of Indian independence is called as Purna Swaraj . It is quite significant to understand that even though India gained independence in the year 1947, it was only in the 1950s that India’s official constitution as an independent nation came into effect. The period in between was a transition phase in the form of 3 intervening years.

So how can we Indians let go off this momentous day in normalcy and not celebrate this historic day with great pomp and show. So on this day of great historical importance, our prime minister visits Red Fort and hoists the Indian National Flag or our Tricolor (Tiranga). Post that the national anthem is being sung. It is then followed by a stirring speech delivered by our prime minister to the people of its country. Now, the 73rd Independence Day will be celebrated on August 15 th , 2018.  The whole sight looks so spectacular and mesmerizing that we can’t help but remain in awe while witnessing the whole ceremony.

In the end, all that can be said is freedom is priceless and our soldiers are so brave that they are continuously fighting on borders in order to protect our country from any militant or terrorist group. So we should never fail to value this freedom and preserve it wholeheartedly.

This is all I can say, Jai Hind!

More on Independence Day:

Independence Day | Independence Day Essay | Slogans on Independence Day | Paragraph on Independence Day | Facts about Independence Day of India | Speech on 15 August 1947 by Nehru | Independence Day Quotes | Live Celebration Ceremony of 69th Independence Day of India at Red Fort Delhi | President’s Address to the Nation on the eve of Independence Day | National Anthem of India | National Flag of India | National Song of India | Essay on National Festivals of India | Essay on Importance of Independence Day in India | Speech on Independence Day for Teachers | Independence Day Speech for Principal

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English Aspirants

5 Lines on Independence Day in English – 15th August

5 Lines on Independence Day of India in English: Independence Day is a matter of great joy and happiness for all Indians. In this article, you are going to read 4 sets of 5 lines on Independence Day of India. These sets of 5 lines will be helpful for the students of LKG, classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 as well as students of higher classes. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

5 Lines on Independence Day: Set 1

1. Independence Day of India is celebrated on 15th August.

2. On this day in 1947 India became free from British rule.

3. We give tribute to our freedom fighters on this day.

4. On this day, the National Flag is hoisted and the National Anthem is sung.

5. Independence Day fills our hearts with patriotic spirit.

5 Lines on Independence Day in English

Independence Day 5 Lines in English: Set 2

1. India got independence on 15th August in 1947.

2. Independence Day is a festival of freedom for us.

3. We remember millions of our freedom fighters on this day.

4. We celebrate this day by hoisting the National Flag and singing the National Anthem.

5. Independence Day is a day of pride, integrity, and unity for all Indians.

5 lines on Independence Day of India

Also Read: 10 Lines on Independence Day

Independence Day 5 Lines Speech: Set 3

1. India gained its independence from British rule on 15 August 1947.

2. Since then every year, 15th August is celebrated as the Independence Day of India.

3. Many freedom fighters sacrificed their lives for our Independence.

4. This day is celebrated with flag hoisting ceremonies, parades, and cultural activities.

5. Independence Day Infuses new enthusiasm and new energy among us.

Also Read:  Essay on Independence Day

Independence Day 5 Lines Essay: Set 4

1. In India, Independence Day is celebrated every year on August 15.

2. It is celebrated to mark India’s freedom from British rule in 1947.

3. This day reminds us of all the sacrifices our freedom fighters made to free India.

4. Flag hoisting ceremonies and parades take place in various parts of the country on this day.

5. On this day, the entire nation takes a pledge to protect the unity and integrity of India.

Independence Day Speech 5 Lines: Set 5

1. 15th august is celebrated as the Independence Day of India.

2. This day is observed as a national holiday across India.

3. On this day, we pay homage to the courageous sacrifices of our freedom fighters.

4. Various flag-raising ceremonies and cultural programs are organized on this day.

5. Independence Day infuses new energy, new zeal, and new consciousness among the countrymen.

Read More: 1. 10 Lines on Our National Flag 2. 5 Lines on Our National Flag 3. 10 lines on My Vision for India in 2047

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15th August Independence Day Speech For Students of Class 5 to 12

15th August Independence Day Speech

Here, we are presenting 15th August Independence Day Speech in English for students under word limits of 500 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided speech will help you to present yourself in front of any crowd gathering including your school seminar or any function.

15th August Independence Day Speech in 400 Words

Good morning, teachers, parents, and dear friends,

Today is a very special day – August 15th – and I’m very excited to share some thoughts with all of you on our Independence Day. We are not just celebrating any ordinary day; we are commemorating the day our country, India, gained independence.

It isn’t just about history books or lessons taught in school. It’s about the feeling we get when we see our flag – the tricolor of saffron, white, and green – waving proudly in the wind. It fills our hearts with pride, and that is something we should cherish forever.

Fifteen August is more than just a day off from school or a chance to eat delicious sweets; it is about remembering the people who worked extremely hard so that we could live in a free and happy country. These heroes did not wear capes, but they were ordinary people who accomplished extraordinary feats. They had faith in a dream, a dream of a free India.

I can imagine the excitement and joy in people’s hearts on that fateful day 78 years ago. They must have felt like butterflies in their stomachs, nervous but happy, knowing that they were making a significant step toward a brighter future for all of us.

Consider this: our grandparents and great-grandparents lived in a time when they couldn’t freely express themselves or make their own decisions. But they wanted us, the next generation, to be able to dream, learn, and grow up in a country where we could chart our own course.

Today, as we stand here, we should take a moment to express our gratitude to them. We may not have met them, but we all share a piece of their dream. We are living evidence of their sacrifices.

So, my dear friends, let us not take our liberties for granted. Let us act like responsible citizens. Let us make a pledge to make our country proud by being good, kind, and hardworking citizens. Let us respect our differences while also celebrating our unity. Most importantly, let us never forget the significance of this day – August 15th, our Independence Day.

Thank you, and Jai Hind!

Ladies and gentlemen, respected elders, and dear children,

I stand before you today as a proud Chief Guest on this historic occasion of our beloved Independence Day, August 15th. It is an honor and privilege to address you on this historic day in the history of our great nation.

As we gather here to commemorate our beloved country’s 75th birthday, our hearts swell with pride and gratitude. Today, we not only remember our forefathers’ struggles and sacrifices, but we also celebrate the freedom and unity that define us as a nation.

When we reflect on our country’s history, we are reminded of the countless men and women who stood shoulder to shoulder, facing adversity and dreaming of a free India. Their unwavering spirit, resilience, and sacrifices paved the way for the vibrant, diverse, and democratic India we now live in.

Independence Day is more than just a date on the calendar; it is a celebration of our people’s resilience and the triumph of the human spirit over oppression. It is a day to remember those who gave their lives to ensure our freedom and to express our heartfelt gratitude to the soldiers who continue to guard our borders.

Each thread in the variety of our nation’s history represents the diversity that is India. Our strength lies in our unity, which transcends language, religion, and culture. On this day, let us pledge to uphold the values of tolerance, compassion, and mutual respect that define our nation’s fabric.

Let us reflect on our responsibilities to the future as we celebrate 75 years of freedom. Our national journey is ongoing, and the youth of today are the torchbearers of tomorrow. It is our collective responsibility to nurture their dreams, provide opportunities for them, and empower them to shape a brighter future for our country.

On this 15 August, let us renew our commitment to constructing a nation based on justice, equality, and fraternity. Let the tricolor be a symbol of our shared aspirations and the collective strength that propels us forward as we hoist it high.

Finally, let us cherish the freedom we have inherited and pledge to be active participants in our great nation’s ongoing story. Happy 15th August, and may the spirit of liberty and unity guide us in the years ahead. Jai Hind!

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  1. independence day essay speech in English 15 august writing for kids

    speech on 15 august for class 5

  2. Independence Day Speech in English for Teachers / Students

    speech on 15 august for class 5

  3. 15 August Independence Day Speech

    speech on 15 august for class 5

  4. independence day speech in English

    speech on 15 august for class 5

  5. 15 August Speech in English

    speech on 15 august for class 5

  6. Speech on Independence Day in English for School Students and Kids, 15

    speech on 15 august for class 5


  1. Speech on Independence Day in English for School Students and Kids, 15

    Aug 14, 2023, 14:20 IST. Speech on Independence Day 2023 in English for School Students and Children. Independence Day Speech in English: On August 15, 2023, India will celebrate its 77th ...

  2. Independence Day Speech in English for Students

    The Day marks the anniversary of national independence from the British Empire on 15th august 1947. Furthermore, it is the most auspicious day for the people of India because India becomes independent after lots of hardships and sacrifices of the brave Indian freedom fighters. From that day onwards 15th August become a very important day in ...

  3. Independence Day Speech for Students, Celebrating 77 Years of Freedom

    Independence Day Speech - Short Speech on 15 August - Sample 1. Good Morning Principal Sir/Madam, teachers and friends. Today I am going to give a short speech on Independence Day. It is our 77th Independence Day, today. We must take part in the events with devotion.

  4. Independence Day Speech for Kids In English for ...

    February 8, 2024 by Prasanna. Independence Day Speech in English 2021: India, a free Independent country that got its Independence on 15th August 1947. But behind the story of Independence, lies a vast history of sacrifices and struggles of our brave sons and daughters, who fought for the country's Independence until their last breath.

  5. 77th Independence Day Speech for Students

    CBSE class 5. CBSE class 6. CBSE class 7. CBSE class 8. CBSE class 9. CBSE class 10. CBSE class 11. CBSE class 12. ... We celebrate Indian Independence Day every year on 15 August as a national holiday in India to commemorate the independence of the nation from the British on 15 August 1947. This was the day when the Indian Independence Act of ...

  6. Independence Day Speech

    Independence Day Speech: The Independence Day of India marks the freedom of the country from the British Empire in the year 1947.Hence to commemorate that glorious day, 15th August of every year is observed as a national holiday in India. On the occasion of Indian Independence Day, citizens of the country celebrate by hoisting the tricolor Indian flag and salute it while singing our national ...

  7. Speech on the 15 August

    Short speech on 15 August. On the day of 15 August 1947, India achieved freedom from British rule and became a sovereign, democratic, and republic nation. We remember and honour the sacrifices of our freedom fighters who fought tirelessly for our independence. Their courage and determination inspire us to strive for a better and brighter future ...

  8. Independence Day 15th August Essay in English for School Students

    10 Lines on Independence Day. 1) 15th August, 2023 is the 77th Independence Day of India. 2) It marks the end of India's freedom struggle against the British colonial rule. 3) Every year, the ...

  9. Independence Day 2023: Speech On August 15th In English For School

    15th August Speech, independence day 2023: As the Indian flag flutters high and the national anthem resounds, the spirit of freedom echoes in every citizen's heart, motivating them to work towards a stronger, more prosperous, and inclusive India. Independence Day is not just a celebration of the past; it is a collective pledge to uphold the principles of liberty and uphold the spirit of ...

  10. Independence Day Speech in English, 15 August 2024 Celebration Starts

    Independence Day Speech. The path to independence requires sacrifice and determination. As students, it is your responsibility to make the most of the opportunities you have as a way to honour those sacrifices. This year on 15th August 2024, India is celebrating 77 years of freedom from British colonial rule and rejoices in the liberty attained ...

  11. Speech on Independence Day 15 August for Students in English

    Speech on 15 August Independence Day (500 Words, 5 Minute Speech) Good morning everyone! I am Sohail Srinivas of class 9 th B. We all are here on the occasion of Independence Day. First of all, let me tell you why we celebrate Independence Day. Many years ago, India was under the rule of Britishers.

  12. Independence Day speech for students: 15th August 2022

    Short speech on Independence day in English: Today, we are celebrating our 75th independence day; let us take a moment to acknowledge the efforts taken by our freedom fighters to free India from Britain's hold. India celebrates this auspicious day with an absolute patriotic spirit. It's the most important day in Indian history as on this day ...

  13. 10 Lines on Independence Day of India for Students [2024]

    Independence Day Speech 10 Lines: Set 5. 1. On 15 August 1947 India achieved Independence from British rule after a lot of struggle. 2. Since then, Independence Day of India is celebrated annually on August 15. 3. All Indians celebrate this day with patriotic zest. 4. Independence Day is a day to pay tribute to the great revolutionaries and ...

  14. Short Speeches on Independence Day of India (15th August) for Kids

    Sample Independence Day Speech for Kids - 1. A very warm welcome to everyone! Today we all have gathered here to celebrate the Independence Day of our country. Our country became free from British rule on 15th August 1947. Many freedom fighters had to give-up their life for attaining it.

  15. Independence Day Speech

    Independence Day Speech 6 - Long Speech on 15 August. A very warm good morning to the respected teachers and my dear friends gathered here. Today we are gathered here to celebrate this auspicious occasion of Independence day on 15 th of August. We celebrate this day with lots of enthusiasm and joy every year because our country got freedom at this day in 1947 from the British rule.

  16. 5 Lines on Independence Day in English

    Independence Day 5 Lines Speech: Set 3. 1. India gained its independence from British rule on 15 August 1947. 2. Since then every year, 15th August is celebrated as the Independence Day of India. 3. Many freedom fighters sacrificed their lives for our Independence. 4. This day is celebrated with flag hoisting ceremonies, parades, and cultural ...

  17. Speech on Independence Day

    Speech on Independence Day - 15 August | Independence day speech for school students Class 4, 5, 6India Independence Day Speech in English | August 15 Speech...

  18. Independence Day English Speech

    Speech on Independence Day 2022 in English. Speech on 15th august in school. Speech for Independence Day for class4, class5, class6 and class7 students in s...

  19. Independence Day Speech in English for Teachers / Students

    Independence Day Speech in English. 15 August Speech in English for Teachers. Speech on 15 August.Good morningRespected chief guest, principal, teachers, Par...

  20. 15th August Independence Day Speech For Students of Class 5 to 12

    These provided speech will help you to present yourself in front of any crowd gathering including your school seminar or any function. 15th August Independence Day Speech in 400 Words. Good morning, teachers, parents, and dear friends, Today is a very special day - August 15th - and I'm very excited to share some thoughts with all of you ...

  21. 15th August kids speech

    Speech on Independence Day and 15th August in English. Speech for class2, class1, class3 Kids to give on Independence Day 2022 in English. This Speech can al...

  22. The Daily Show Fan Page

    The source for The Daily Show fans, with episodes hosted by Jon Stewart, Ronny Chieng, Jordan Klepper, Dulcé Sloan and more, plus interviews, highlights and The Weekly Show podcast.

  23. Speech for 15th of August

    Please find this speech on our website: #speechfor15thaugust#speechonindependenceday#independencedayspeech#15a...

  24. 15 august speech II august 15 speech for class 5 II Best ...

    Independence Day Speech 2023, 15th August Long & Short English SpeechLong Speech For 15th August 2023 (English)English ରେ କଥା ହେବ। ସହଜ ରେ ଶିକ!! spoken Englis...