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Uses And Abuses Of Science Essay | Essay on Uses And Abuses Of Science for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Uses And Abuses Of Science Essay – Given below is a Long and Short Essay on Uses And Abuses Of Science of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The Uses And Abuses Of Science essay 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations.

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Uses And Abuses Of Science Essay

Long Essay on Uses And Abuses Of Science 500+ Words for Kids and Students in English

Just as fire is a good slave but a bad master, science too has its positive as well as negative aspects. Science is the most revolutionary thing that has been devised by man. Science does not rely on supposition and imagination, but is an organised body of knowledge based on facts. Earth Science was one of the first to be studied and we have some a long way from the days when the Earth was believed to be flat.

People are always curious to learn more about the world surrounding them. This has brought about fascinating discoveries and inventions not only in the fields of biology, astronomy, chemistry but in our daily lives too. Vast improvement in the field of medicine has resulted in the controlling of epidemics, and increasing the average life expectancy. Diseases like influenza, chickenpox or typhoid are no longer fatal and leprosy and even some forms of cancer are now curable. The crippling disease, polio, has been eradicated from most parts of the world.

Uses And Abuses Of Science Essay

We have better drugs and instruments but men are becoming weak in terms of physique and mind. What an irony of fate it is! Today, we suffer from sensitive ‘ear’, sensitive lung’ and a sensitive liver’ due to fast speed, smoky atmosphere and dusty roads. So, science makes mankind happy by its latest achievements but it also makes us unhappy when it shows distructive power. Science can be used for gaining happiness but science put to wrong and negative use, can cause unimaginable disasters.

Science has given us such comfrots as were unimaginable a few years ago. Today, we switch on the radio and listen to music. We have electricity, telephone, television, washing machines, refrigerators, air-conditioning plants, satellites, cellular phones, metro trains, fast trains, aircraft and the most modern medicine systems. All these things have made the life of man very comfortable. The electric fans, cinemas, cars, trams, mobile phones and jumbo aircraft are among other scientific inventions and discoveries that have made life easy and comfortable.

The industrial revolution has been a landmark in the development of many countries. Rapid industrialisation required more markets and that gave rise to the concept of colonisation. Today, the major concern with most developed countries is the management of their industrial waste. More recently, the concern has shifted to the disposal of radioactive waste. Scientists have discovered nuclear energy which is a non-polluting source of energy, but there has been an increase in the number of disasters caused by radioactive waste.

Cases like Chernobyl, Hiroshima-Nagasaki and the Bhopal Gas Tragedy highlight the ill-effects of nuclear energy. Though presently it is the best alternative for the increasing requirement of energy, we cannot overlook the ever-increasing use, or rather misuse, of nuclear energy and development of sophisticated and powerful nuclear weapons.

Short Essay on Uses And Abuses Of Science 300 Words for Kids and Students in English

Science has progressed in both the domains – constructive as well as destructive. The latest triumphs of science try to remove the evils of disease and death. These have also increased the threat to human life. On the destructive side, science has invented weapons that are most dreadful and disastrous. The inventions of laser beams, neutron bomb and hydrogen bombs have increased the chances of human destruction. If these weapons are put to use, they would spell disaster for the entire mankind.

One of the most frequent and popular question which is often asked is, “Are scientific inventions making us happier?” Science has definitely made life easier for man. Telecommunication and technology have made the world, not just a small place, but a tiny world. We can talk to a person across the world sitting in front of our webcams, we can send pictures and videos in minutes over the net and we can carry a world of information in a tiny microchip. However, we must keep in mind that wrongful exploitation of science can result in disastrous consequences like nuclear wars, high levels of atmospheric pollution and a widespread loss of life and property.

As modern age is an age of science, man has become calculative and mechanical. Science is advancing and it is thwarting our civilisation. In the kingdom of science, words like love, affection and sentiments are fast becoming alien. So what is the use of science for man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul? Spiritualism is on the wane while materialism is on the rise. Philosophy, culture and poetry are fading from human life because of the rapid advancement of science.

Therefore, the opinion remains divided on the science being a boon or bane. No one claims for certain that science is complete happiness or an impending curse. However, the latest triumphs and victories of science need to be properly utilised, otherwise, they can bring certain death and destruction to the human race.

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Essay on Uses and Abuses of Science

Essay on Uses and Abuses of Science | Uses and Abuses of Science Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay on Uses and Abuses of Science: This is the age of science. Science has changed entire world. It is not the same world that our ancestors lived in. If they were to return today, they would certainly not be able to recognise the place. Today we have electricity, telephones, TVs, medicines, computers and the Internet, cars, airplanes lazer photography and much more, which will seem like wonders to someone from that age.

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Essay on Uses and Abuses of Science 300 Words for Kids and Students in English

Below we have given a short essay on Uses and Abuses of Science is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

Science has made our lives comfortable and convenient in 76 many ways. It has enabled us to save time in all aspects of our lives, from cooking to washing, travelling and communicating. It has made the world smaller and more accessible to us. Science seems to have conquered time and distance.

It is because of science that we are able to cope better with illnesses today. This has made our lives easier and increased our lifespan. In fact, there is no area of modem life in which science has not made an impact.

Almost every day, either new inventions are being reported or existing ones are being improved upon. They are being made faster, safer and even more efficient.

Essay on Uses and Abuses of Science

Besides the advantages, there are also some disadvantages of science. The race to develop the most lethal and advanced weapons and bombs like nuclear bombs can lead to total destmction of mankind. We have become too dependent on machines. We do minimal manual or physical work, which is not only making us less capable of doing work manually but also taking a toll on our health. World has certainly become a global village but ironically we are becoming less social. We may watch

TV or chat with friends over mobile or Internet but we hardly have time for our family members, any social gatherings or to visit any social club. Modem technology used in industries and transportation is leading to depeletion of natural resources and has also increased the level of pollution.

It is in our hands to mm science into a curse or boon for us. If we use science in moderation and with discretion we can certainly make science beneficial to us. Let’s not be the slaves of machines or science, rather use them to help us make life comfortable, healthy and peaceful.

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Essay on Uses and abuses of  science in 200 – 300 words

Essay on Uses and Abuse of science:

We are living in the age of science. Scientific inventions have revolutionized human life. They have brought about remarkable changes in our ways of living and make the world a better and happier place for us.

Science has made our domestic life comfortable. Science has discovered many useful things. The invention of the Gramophone, Radio , Television , Cinema , Computer , etc.  has added to our pleasure and made life interesting.

Science has reduced human labour. It has invented various machines for different kinds of jobs. Machines sweep and cook for us. Electric fans and coolers protect us against the heat of summer. Refrigeration and cold storage have helped the preservation of food articles and make possible their exchange between different countries.

Science has proved to be a great blessing in agriculture , industry , and in fields of medicine and surgery . It is no more a thing of surprise that electricity can be produced from the wind.

Besides all this, science has also invented bombs , guns, missiles, etc. These things can prove destructive if they go in the hands of some foolish people.

So, science is both, useful and harmful. If we use it in a proper way, it can make our life happy. But always remember that the wrong way use of science may very dangerous for the world.

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Essay on Uses and abuses of science in 200 – 300 words PDF

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Essay on Science is a Blessing or Curse with Quotations for Students

English essay science, a curse or blessing with quotations for matric, f.a, fsc and b.a.

Science is a Blessing or Curse Essay is here on IlmiHub.com . This is an important essay for those outstanding students who are looking for the material for examinations. However, other people can also learn it for general knowledge and job tests. Science, a Curse or Blessing Essay will discuss the uses and abuses of science .

Science is a Blessing or Curse Essay with Quotes for Class 10, Class 12 (2nd Year) and Graduation Examination

“Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science.” (Edwin Powell Hubble)

Man is curious by nature. He wishes to uncover the mysterious things. So he has concentrated on various issues and explored the several hidden truths. Science has helped him in his efforts to do so. As far as the question of science is a blessing or curse is concerned, it is obvious that everything has its uses and abuses. Science can be used both as a curse or a blessing. It totally depends on the human beings how they prefer to use it. The usage of these gifts of science for a positive aim will surely give sweet results but its negative usage will result in disasters. So it would be difficult to declare science as a curse or a blessing.

Undoubtedly, science has helped mankind achieve fantastic mental growth. Science has provided humans a vision to explore the secrets of nature. We have already made the world “a small place to live” and have gone even out of our own planet. We are exploring the depth of the earth. We have been able to increase the longevity, reduced the decaying effect of nature on the human body.

“A man of science is just a student of nature and derives his inspiration from science” (C.V. Romanas)

With the help of medical science, man has achieved tremendous success. Scientists are now finding the cure for fatal diseases by making extraordinary drugs and medicines. There was a time when diseases such as malaria, influenza and tuberculosis were considered to be incurable. But now even some forms of cancer are curable. All this would not have been possible if medical science had not progressed.

Science has also benefitted us in the production and preservation of foods. The construction of our homes and the improvement in communication and transportation. It is through the help of science that man has become more rational and realistic. It would be unthankful on our part if we don’t identify how vast benefits modern technology has offered us.

But this is one side of the picture. Some people are of the view that science is a chief cause of human sufferings. They have reasons to say that science and its applications are not, on the whole, good for mankind. Industrialism brought new troubles. It proved harmful to cottage industry; hence it caused unemployment. It introduced new machines and supported the cruelty of the capitalists over the labourers. The rich gained much by exploiting the poor workers. The use of machinery to the service of man resulted in more evils.

“The machine does not isolate man from the great problems of nature but plunges him more deeply into them.” (Antoine de Saint)

How can we forget the day of August 6, I945 when the first atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima by the US. Military? Three days later, the United States, dropped a second atom bomb on the city of Nagasaki bringing World War ll to an end. In total, more than 140,000 people were estimated to be killed.

In the social field, the use of science has also produced bad results. The use of machinery has given a new speed to man’s life and activity. He has become materialistic. The moral values of life are now considered things of the past. The system of joint family has shattered. Art and literature have been badly affected by the impact of mechanization. Medicines and other surgical aids are available to the people but these have not promoted a better standard of health. On the other hand, millions of dollars are being spent on the inventions of dangerous war weapons. In the modern world, corruption and lust are also gifts of science. Man’s life is becoming more and more artificial.

“If there is technological advance without social advance, there is, almost automatically, an increase in human misery, in impoverishment.” (Michael Harrington)

From the above discussion on the merits and demerits of science . we can conclude that science is actually neither a blessing nor a curse. It is what man makes of it. Science can be the greatest of the blessings or the worst of the curses. In fact, science is not to be blamed but the man who uses it badly. Science has neither urged man to invent destructive weapons nor forced him to be materialistic selfish and greedy. If we don’t use it for constructive purposes it is obviously not the fault of science but ours. Science is only a servant and it depends on us how we get services from it. Science surely offers innumerable benefits to humankind but we need to use it sensibly and wisely.

“Why does this magnificent applied science, which saves work and makes life easier bring us so little happiness? The simple answer runs: Because we have not yet learned to make sensible use of it.” (Albert Einstein)

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essay on uses and abuses of science 150 words

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Sample essay on the uses and abuses of Science

essay on uses and abuses of science 150 words

Science has been defined as a systematized body of knowledge. It is neither good nor bad in itself. It is the use of science that makes it good or bad. Man may use it for his welfare as well as for warfare. It is a blessing in peace and curse in war.

Science is a blessing. By applying science man has, gained control over nature. Man is no longer a slave to his surroundings. He has conquered time and space. Buses, trains, aero planes enable man to travel more and more distance without any difficulty.

Even on the wide oceans he covers his voyage without any worry. Besides these, there are telephones and-telegraphs which enable man to keep contact with his friends and relatives without any difficulty. So it seems that the world has contracted.

In past, man had no control over the scorching summer and shivering winter. But now man is the master of environment. During summer he uses cooler, electric fans and during winter he uses room heaters to give him warmth.


Man has many enemies which he could not know in past. But now he has been successful in discovering bacteria, virus and other harmful germs. They are easily seen with microscope and are easily killed by medicines. X-rays, CT scans, Ultra Sound Tests, Laparoscopy are some of the recent developments in medical science with which terrible diseases at remote parts of human body can be detected.

Man, today, enjoys more comforts and luxuries than ever before. He has a much higher standard of living. Better irrigation facilities, improved farming tools, hybrid seeds, chemical fertilizers etc. have increased the agricultural output.

After hard work, man needs healthy recreation to relax him. Science has provided radio, cinema, television etc. for our entertainment. Due to the invention and spread of printing press, education has successfully- reached the common man.

Blessings of science are numerous. But this is only one side of the picture. In the past man has many times misused the knowledge of science. In big industries machines are used to increase production. But industrialization has given rise to competition, unemployment and capitalism. Machines have thrown thousands out of employment. Capitalism has caused class-struggle and exploitation of many people.

Man was safe in past. But now due to the invention of destructive weapons he is unsafe. If ever the Third Worlds War is fought, the entire civilization will come to an end. Science has reduced spiritualism in man and has converted him into a moral pigmy.

If we impartially look at the problems, then we will find that man is responsible for the blessings or curse of science. If science is used properly, then people will live peacefully.

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English Aspirants

Essay on Television for Students [100, 150, 200, 350 Words]

Essay on Television: Television is one of the most influential innovations of modern times. In this article, you are going to learn to write a paragraph or essay on Television (100, 150, 200 and 350 Words). You’ll learn what are the uses and abuses of television or what are the advantages and disadvantages of television. So, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Short Essay on Television: 100 Words

Television is based on a highly sophisticated science of vision and sound. A man can see as far the horizon. He hears as far as the sound is audible to him. But television takes his vision to a place far beyond his horizon. He sees a thing or person long beyond his actual physical reach. It brings to him also sound from a very remote place.

In fact, television brings vision and sound together from a distance which is beyond the range of human sight and hearing. It is a powerful and very useful invention of modern science. It has conquered space for human eye-sight. It has brought about a great development in the science of communication. It can well be used for entertainment and knowledge.

Essay on Television in English

Television Essay: 150 Words

One of the latest wonders of science is Television. It is an effective medium of communication and entertainment. We can watch live important political, sports and other events happening at distant places. This enables us to have a direct knowledge of the things, places and events far away. TV has thus brought the whole world into the drawing room.

Television is also a powerful medium of mass education. Educational programmes on healthcare and family planning, general knowledge can be sent to millions of viewers through audio-visual presentation in the TV. It also keeps off loneliness.

But TV has its bad effects too. Watching TV sometimes becomes an addiction, People remain glued to the TV and it makes them idle- particularly the students and young people. They neglect sports and games and their studies. Too much of viewing affects our vision. Programmes, if not properly selected, cast bad effects on young minds. Social visits become very rare and people become unsocial.

Television Essay in English

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Essay on the Television: 200 Words

No other thing is as familiar as Television in our present times. It was invented by John Baird in 1925. It first appeared in India in 1959. It is really a wonder of science today. It is a two-in-one. It is the radio on one side and the cinema on the other. Television is a very useful instrument in many ways. It is a powerful medium for education and recreation. It gives lessons on the subjects like science and mathematics and also on geography and history.

It shows us cinema and live telecast on games and sports. On its screen we have a delightful scenery of nature and thrilling sights of animals roaming in the jungles and in the deep waters of the seas. We can amuse the shows of serials. It is also a mighty medium of advertisement.

Sometimes it has bad effects on children. In most cases, they sit tight with it to witness their favorite items which captivate them greatly. Sometimes they neglect their bounden duties as students. They try to copy the most interesting show-style. In some cases they even face their death. Many things are very good with television but its price is very high and the poor cannot benefit by it.

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Television Essay in English: 350 Words

Television is a modern invention. When television was first invented, people of the world were very happy because they had the scope to know the world around them and to entertain themselves in the best possible ways. Television is no doubt something which ushered progress of civilization. Some electronic media like BBC took over the most important role to make the people of the world aware of the society to which they were belonging and the environment by which they were being nourished. It is quite well known that, BBC produced all of the plays of Shakespeare as films. Even this world famous electronic media focused on the two World Wars so much so that people of the world came to know how horrible was war and warfare. Thus social consciousness was an important factor that was first aroused by the aid of television.

But this television is now being abused constantly by some commercially debased people. In West Bengal, television is so abused that the young generation is now misguided. The young people follow the bad culture and become oblivious of the hoary tradition of our country. Mere entertainment has been presented on the different television channels. Meaningless serials and reality shows are heart-throbbing without any moral impact. Crimes and social disorder are presented so crudely that the minds of the young people are overwhelmed with frustration, dilapidation, and despair. It seems that there is no escape from despair. The ultimate result is social alienation which brings about moral dilemma.

Yet, the concerned authority is really callous to the problems. Advertisement, sponsors, etc. are the sources of the economic structure of the different channels. Thus, the producers intend to draw the attention of the businessman by claiming the popularity of the channels. The inevitable result of this kind of commercial debasement is of Course disintegration that causes serious disbelief in the sphere of culture and education. Therefore, we must be conscious of the fact that television is not merely a media for entertainment; rather it is a source of important social and cultural messages.

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essay on uses and abuses of science 150 words

I really enjoyed reading your essay on television. It was very informative and I learned a lot. I especially liked the part about how television can be used to teach different subjects.

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Zahid Notes

benefits of science essay with quotations

Benefits of science essay , uses and abuses of science.

Science is the systematic classification of experience.
Science is nothing but an image of truth
All war is the symptom of man's failure as a think animal
The future belongs to science and those who make friends with science

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Essay on Uses and Abuses of Internet

Students are often asked to write an essay on Uses and Abuses of Internet in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Uses and Abuses of Internet

The uses of internet.

The internet is a powerful tool that has revolutionized our world. It provides us with information, communication, and entertainment. We can research any topic, connect with friends, and enjoy movies or games.

The Abuses of Internet

However, the internet can also be misused. Cyberbullying, online scams, and the spread of false information are common problems. Furthermore, excessive internet use can lead to addiction, affecting our health and social life.

In conclusion, while the internet offers numerous benefits, it’s crucial to use it responsibly to avoid its potential pitfalls.

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250 Words Essay on Uses and Abuses of Internet


The internet, a revolutionary invention of the 20th century, has transformed our lives in profound ways. It has become an indispensable tool in various sectors, including education, business, communication, and entertainment. However, like any tool, it can be used both for constructive and destructive purposes.

Uses of Internet

The internet has democratized access to information, breaking down geographical barriers. It has made education more accessible, with countless resources and online learning platforms available at our fingertips. It has also revolutionized communication, enabling instant interaction across the globe. The internet has made business operations more efficient, from online banking to e-commerce. It has also provided a platform for creative expression and entertainment, with platforms like YouTube and Spotify.

Abuses of Internet

However, the internet’s misuse is a growing concern. Cyberbullying, identity theft, and online harassment are rampant, causing psychological harm to individuals. The internet has also facilitated the spread of misinformation and fake news, leading to societal discord and distrust. Additionally, it has given rise to internet addiction, affecting individuals’ mental health and productivity. The proliferation of explicit content is another issue, impacting the moral fabric of society.

In conclusion, while the internet has myriad benefits, its misuse can lead to serious consequences. It is crucial to use this tool responsibly, promoting digital literacy and ethical online behavior. As we stride further into the digital age, we must strike a balance between leveraging the internet’s potential and mitigating its pitfalls.

500 Words Essay on Uses and Abuses of Internet

The advent of the internet has revolutionized the world, bringing about profound changes in the way we live, learn, and work. It has become an integral part of our lives, providing us with a plethora of information and services at our fingertips. However, like any other invention, the internet also has its share of uses and abuses. This essay explores the beneficial aspects of the internet and its potential pitfalls.

Uses of the Internet

The internet’s most significant advantage is its ability to connect people globally. It has made communication faster, cheaper, and more efficient, breaking down geographical barriers. Through email, social media, video conferencing, and instant messaging, we can interact with anyone, anywhere, at any time.

Moreover, the internet has transformed the business landscape. E-commerce has opened up new markets, enabling businesses to reach customers globally. It has also made financial transactions more straightforward and faster through online banking and digital payments.

Abuses of the Internet

Despite its advantages, the internet is not without its downsides. One of the most prevalent abuses is cybercrime. This encompasses a wide range of malicious activities, from identity theft and fraud to cyberstalking and cyberbullying. The anonymity that the internet provides can be exploited by unscrupulous individuals to harm others.

Additionally, the internet can be a source of addiction. Excessive use of social media, online gaming, or other digital activities can lead to internet addiction, negatively impacting mental health and personal relationships.

In conclusion, the internet is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it offers immense benefits, facilitating communication, education, and business. On the other hand, it can be a tool for harm, enabling cybercrime, the spread of misinformation, and addiction. As users, it is incumbent upon us to use the internet responsibly. We must be vigilant in protecting ourselves from its potential abuses while harnessing its vast potential for our benefit. As the internet continues to evolve, so too must our understanding and regulation of its use and abuse.

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essay on uses and abuses of science 150 words

Using Internet on Tab

Uses and Abuses of Internet Paragraph 150, 200, 250 Words

‘ Write Uses and Abuses of Internet Paragraph in 150 words. ‘ If you’re a high school student then you will face similar questions in your English exam.

Don’t worry, We’re here to help…

Here we’ve shared several paragraphs on the Uses and Abuses of the Internet. You can achieve good marks by writing these in your exams.

Uses and Abuses of Internet Paragraph 150 Words

The internet is a great gift from science that helps us share information worldwide. It makes the world feel smaller by providing us with instant updates from across the globe. It has transformed the way we live through its various uses and applications.

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The internet is used for various purposes, such as sending emails, online chatting, sharing files, and obtaining information. It allows us to connect with friends and family on social media, shop online, and watch videos. We can also use it for online banking, playing games, and learning new skills. It helps students with online learning, accessing educational resources, and communicating with teachers.

However, the internet has its own abuses. Cyberbullying is a prevalent issue. Online scams can lead to financial loss. Excessive use of social media can result in addiction and negatively affect our mental health. The internet can also spread false information and compromise our privacy.

It is essential to use the internet responsibly and be aware of potential dangers to protect ourselves and others.

Uses and Abuses of Internet Paragraph 200 Words

The internet has become an indispensable tool in our modern society, providing numerous benefits and opportunities. Its usage has revolutionized communication, education, business, entertainment, and more. People can connect with others from all corners of the globe, access vast amounts of information instantly, and conduct transactions with ease.

The internet serves as a platform for creative expression, fostering innovation and collaboration. However, this powerful tool is not without its dark side. Internet abuse has become a pressing concern. The spread of misinformation and fake news on the internet has a significant impact on public opinion and can sow discord and confusion.

Excessive internet use can also result in addiction, social isolation, and neglect of real-world relationships. Cyberbullying has emerged as a serious issue, causing emotional distress and harm to individuals particularly particularly among vulnerable populations such as children and teenagers.

Online scams and identity theft have proliferated, leading to financial losses and privacy breaches. Users need to be aware of these abuses and employ responsible and ethical practices while utilizing the internet to maximize its benefits by minimizing its negative impacts.

Uses and Abuses of Internet Paragraph 250 Words

The Internet has become an indispensable part of modern life, revolutionizing the way we communicate, access information, and conduct business. Its uses are vast and diverse, ranging from facilitating instant communication through email and social media to providing a vast repository of knowledge and resources. Education has been transformed with online learning platforms, and businesses thrive through e-commerce. The Internet also plays a crucial role in research, connecting individuals worldwide and fostering collaboration.

However, with its myriad benefits come potential abuses. One prominent concern is the proliferation of misinformation and fake news. The ease with which false information can spread on the Internet poses a threat to informed decision-making and public discourse. Additionally, the Internet can be a breeding ground for cybercrime, encompassing identity theft, online fraud, and hacking. Privacy concerns arise as personal information becomes increasingly vulnerable to exploitation.

Social media, while fostering global connectivity, can be a double-edged sword. It can be a platform for meaningful interaction, but it also contributes to issues such as cyberbullying, addiction, and the spread of harmful ideologies. The Internet’s addictive nature can lead to excessive screen time, negatively impacting mental and physical health.

In conclusion, the Internet is a powerful tool that, when used responsibly, brings about significant positive changes. However, vigilance is essential to mitigate the potential abuses that may arise, ensuring a balanced and constructive use of this transformative technology.

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Uses And Abuses Of Science Essay | Essay on Uses And Abuses Of Science for Students and Children in English

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Uses And Abuses Of Science Essay – Given below is a Long and Short Essay on Uses And Abuses Of Science of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The Uses And Abuses Of Science essay 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations.

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Long Essay on Uses And Abuses Of Science 500+ Words for Kids and Students in English

Just as fire is a good slave but a bad master, science too has its positive as well as negative aspects. Science is the most revolutionary thing that has been devised by man. Science does not rely on supposition and imagination, but is an organised body of knowledge based on facts. Earth Science was one of the first to be studied and we have some a long way from the days when the Earth was believed to be flat.

People are always curious to learn more about the world surrounding them. This has brought about fascinating discoveries and inventions not only in the fields of biology, astronomy, chemistry but in our daily lives too. Vast improvement in the field of medicine has resulted in the controlling of epidemics, and increasing the average life expectancy. Diseases like influenza, chickenpox or typhoid are no longer fatal and leprosy and even some forms of cancer are now curable. The crippling disease, polio, has been eradicated from most parts of the world.

Uses And Abuses Of Science Essay

We have better drugs and instruments but men are becoming weak in terms of physique and mind. What an irony of fate it is! Today, we suffer from sensitive ‘ear’, sensitive lung’ and a sensitive liver’ due to fast speed, smoky atmosphere and dusty roads. So, science makes mankind happy by its latest achievements but it also makes us unhappy when it shows distructive power. Science can be used for gaining happiness but science put to wrong and negative use, can cause unimaginable disasters.

Science has given us such comfrots as were unimaginable a few years ago. Today, we switch on the radio and listen to music. We have electricity, telephone, television, washing machines, refrigerators, air-conditioning plants, satellites, cellular phones, metro trains, fast trains, aircraft and the most modern medicine systems. All these things have made the life of man very comfortable. The electric fans, cinemas, cars, trams, mobile phones and jumbo aircraft are among other scientific inventions and discoveries that have made life easy and comfortable.

The industrial revolution has been a landmark in the development of many countries. Rapid industrialisation required more markets and that gave rise to the concept of colonisation. Today, the major concern with most developed countries is the management of their industrial waste. More recently, the concern has shifted to the disposal of radioactive waste. Scientists have discovered nuclear energy which is a non-polluting source of energy, but there has been an increase in the number of disasters caused by radioactive waste.

Cases like Chernobyl, Hiroshima-Nagasaki and the Bhopal Gas Tragedy highlight the ill-effects of nuclear energy. Though presently it is the best alternative for the increasing requirement of energy, we cannot overlook the ever-increasing use, or rather misuse, of nuclear energy and development of sophisticated and powerful nuclear weapons.

Short Essay on Uses And Abuses Of Science 300 Words for Kids and Students in English

Science has progressed in both the domains – constructive as well as destructive. The latest triumphs of science try to remove the evils of disease and death. These have also increased the threat to human life. On the destructive side, science has invented weapons that are most dreadful and disastrous. The inventions of laser beams, neutron bomb and hydrogen bombs have increased the chances of human destruction. If these weapons are put to use, they would spell disaster for the entire mankind.

One of the most frequent and popular question which is often asked is, “Are scientific inventions making us happier?” Science has definitely made life easier for man. Telecommunication and technology have made the world, not just a small place, but a tiny world. We can talk to a person across the world sitting in front of our webcams, we can send pictures and videos in minutes over the net and we can carry a world of information in a tiny microchip. However, we must keep in mind that wrongful exploitation of science can result in disastrous consequences like nuclear wars, high levels of atmospheric pollution and a widespread loss of life and property.

As modern age is an age of science, man has become calculative and mechanical. Science is advancing and it is thwarting our civilisation. In the kingdom of science, words like love, affection and sentiments are fast becoming alien. So what is the use of science for man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul? Spiritualism is on the wane while materialism is on the rise. Philosophy, culture and poetry are fading from human life because of the rapid advancement of science.

Therefore, the opinion remains divided on the science being a boon or bane. No one claims for certain that science is complete happiness or an impending curse. However, the latest triumphs and victories of science need to be properly utilised, otherwise, they can bring certain death and destruction to the human race.

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Essay on Uses of Internet – Advantages and Disadvantages

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Essay on uses of Internet – advantages, and disadvantages: – The Internet is one of the best gifts of science. It has made our life and lifestyle much easier than before. Today Team GuideToExam brings to you a number of essays on the internet along with the advantages and disadvantages of the internet.

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Table of Contents

Essay on Internet advantages and disadvantages (50 Words)

The Internet is a modern gift of science to us. In this modern world, we can’t do anything without the use of the internet. We all know the use of the internet in business, online transactions, different official works, etc. Students also use the internet to boost their studies.

But there are both advantages and disadvantages of the internet for students. Some students know how can the internet be used to improve their studies, but due to misuse of the internet some students loss, their valuable time and can’t score well in exams. But we can’t deny the use of the internet in education, business, online transactions, etc.

Essay on Internet advantages and disadvantages (150 Words)         

The Internet is the greatest invention of science. It helps us in getting every piece of information with a click. We can share information, and get connected with people around the world through the use of the internet.

The Internet is a vast storage of information where we can get a bunch of information from different fields. There are both uses and abuses of the internet. The use of the internet in business has developed the business in modern times.

In today’s world, the use of the internet in education can also be seen. Some advanced schools and colleges in our country have introduced the digital class. It has become possible due to the uses of the internet.

Though there are a lot of advantages of the internet, a few disadvantages of the internet can also be seen. Misuse of the internet has always been a headache for national security. We need to know the proper uses of the internet so we can be beneficial from this modern invention of science.

Essay on Internet advantages and disadvantages (200 Words )

In today’s world, we use the internet in every walk of our life. About two decades ago there was a question in most people’s minds ‘how can the internet be used’. But in today’s world, the uses of the internet are very common almost in every field.

Today the use of the internet for students has been very common. Students can get online help from different websites, they can opt for online coaching, online courses, etc. use of the internet can be seen in every sphere of life.

It has connected the whole world. The Internet provides us with various moods of communication like email, social networking sites, web and video calls, etc. on the other hand use of the internet in business has brought a revolutionary change to the market.

The Internet has promoted the online marketing platform in the world. Now a businessman can sell his product online from his home.

Though we can point out many advantages of the internet, there are some abuses of the internet too. The misuse of the internet can be seen among some students. They sometimes stick to social networking sites and waste their valuable time.

As a result of that, they don’t get much time for studies.  They should know the proper uses of the internet and should use it for their benefit.

Essay on Internet advantages and disadvantages (300 Words )

Introduction to internet essay: – The Internet is a modern invention of science that has brought a revolutionary change to our lives. Using the internet, we can access any information from anywhere that has been stored on the web.

In today’s world, we can’t imagine anything without the internet. There are a lot of advantages of the internet, but it is impossible to turn our faces from the disadvantages of the internet.

Uses of the internet: – The internet is used for any purpose. It is used to send emails, online chat, online transactions, share files, access different web pages, etc. On the other hand, in this modern era, a businessman can’t grow his business without the use of the internet in business.

Again the use of the internet in education has completely changed our education system. The use of the internet for students is very necessary as a student can get all his syllabus-oriented information on the web.

Abuses of the internet/ Disadvantages of the internet: – We all know the advantages of the internet. But there are some abuses of the internet too. We can’t deny the fact that the internet has brought a revolutionary change to our lifestyle, but we can’t ignore the disadvantages of the internet.

First of all, a person who spend too much time in from of a computer may fall ill. It may damage his/her eyesight. On the other hand, sometimes the internet can provide us with the wrong information. Because on internet or web anyone can post any information.

So sometimes wrong information can also be posted on the internet. Again hackers may post malicious links and can cause harm to our confidential data. One of the most dangerous disadvantages of the internet in today’s time is fraud business. With the popularity of the internet, we can see rapid growth in the fraud business.

Conclusion to internet essay: – The Internet has made our work easy in every field. With the invention of the internet human civilization has developed a lot. Though there are both advantages and disadvantages of the internet, we can’t deny the fact that the internet has developed us a lot.

Everything depends on its use. We all need to know “how can the internet be used” and should use the internet for our benefit.

Essay on Internet advantages and disadvantages (400 Words )

Introduction to internet essay: – The Internet has completely changed our lifestyle and the style of our work as well. The invention of the internet has saved our time and reduced our effort in almost every work. The Internet can provide any information to us in no time that has been stored in it. So the question is ‘how can the internet be used?’. In order to use the internet, we require a telephone connection, a computer, and a modem.

Uses of the internet: –  The uses of the internet are immense. Internet is used everywhere such as in schools, colleges, banks, shopping malls, railways, airports, etc. Moreover, we use the internet at home for different purposes. We can access different websites, and social networking sites can make online transactions through the internet.

Different files and information can be shared via emails or messengers. The use of the internet in business has made a different platform for both- buyers and sellers. We have lots of advantages of the internet.

Uses of the internet for students: – The use of the internet for students is like a blessing to them. Students can find any needed information on the web to boost up their studies. Now a day the use of the internet in education is very common. The educational institutions provide internet for students at schools so that their knowledge can be improved.

Abuses of the internet or Disadvantages of the internet: – We can’t decline the fact that the uses of the internet have developed human civilization a lot, But we must agree that we have both advantages and disadvantages of the internet. The abuses of the internet or misuse of the internet can ruin a person at any moment.

Generally, abuses of the internet or internet abuse mean the improper use of the internet. These days teenagers are found addicted to the internet as they spend most of their time on the internet playing online games, surfing social networking sites, etc.

As a result, they are lacking behind in their study. On the other hand, lots of people have become victims of cybercrime. Some anti-social groups use the internet to deceive people through cheating funds. Again hackers may easily access our personal information that has been stored in the internet. Misuse of the internet can spoil our life.

Conclusion to internet essay: –  Excess or misuse of everything is bad. The use of the internet has developed us to a great extent. It has made our life simple, easy, and comfortable as well.

Uses of the internet in education have made us wiser than before, use of the internet in business has formed a different and wider market for us. Misuse of the internet can definitely ruin us but if we use the internet for our benefit, it will make our life easier and more simple in the future.

Long Essay on Internet advantages and disadvantages (800 Words)

Image of Essay on Internet

Introduction to internet essay: – The internet is naturally one of the most exciting and brilliant gifts of science to mankind. The invention of the internet and its uses of the internet have radically changed the ways of our life and living standards as well. In today’s world, most of our routine activities are done through the internet.

How can the internet be used: – Everybody knows the uses of the internet. In order to use the internet, we need a telephone connection, a computer, and a modem. We can also use the internet through mobile via hotspot.

  Uses of the internet: – In this modern era, there is hardly any walk of life that is not affected by the internet. Most shops, offices, factories, and service centers use the internet to make their work easier. It is called ‘the storehouse of information. The whole world has been made a global village with the invention of the internet.

The Internet has reduced the load of work from our offices. A huge amount of data can be stored on the internet. We can get each and every information in a click from our doorstep, can communicate with our near and dear ones at any time from anywhere, can make payments online, can buy and sell products online, etc. All these become possible only because of the internet.

Uses of the internet in Education: – The use of the internet in education has brought a remarkable change to our education system. Now a student can have access to any required information on the web.

Earlier it was very difficult for a student to collect data in order to prepare a project on a specific subject. But now it can be found on the web with a click. Moreover, they can share their ideas with their friends through email or social networking sites.

Use of the internet in business: – The use of the internet in business has upgraded the standard of business. In this century it is really hard to imagine an established business without the use of the internet. Now the internet has become a vital tool for marketing and advertising.

The use of the internet in business can boost the business by promoting or advertising the product. It can reach a more targeted audience/buyer/consumers through online promotion. Thus now the day internet is considered very useful in business.

Use of the internet in communication: – The invention of the internet helps a lot in globalization. The whole world is connected directly or indirectly through the internet. In earlier days’ people had to write letters to communicate with others who were not near to them.

But after the invention of the telephone, people could make calls to each other. But then came the internet as the blessing of science and now people can not only talk to each other on phone, but also they can watch each other live sitting at home.

Through social networking sites, we can get in touch with our friends, we can share information, and documents via emails, etc.

Abuses of internet / Disadvantages of the internet: – Does the internet have any disadvantages? YES, there a few disadvantages to the internet. It is very hard to believe that there are a few abuses of internet too. We know that excess of everything is bad. Excess use of the internet can also be harmful to our health.

On the other hand, internet can distract us at our work. Teenagers are seen as addicted to the internet. They spend hour after hour in front of the mobile or computer and waste their valuable time.

The Internet is a source of vast information, simultaneously it offers numerous sources of entertainment too. The major disadvantage of the internet is that sometimes it provides illegal sources of entertainment like pornography, private videos, etc.

People who fall prey to it may get addicted and thus may get distracted from their work. We can get benefited if we can skip the abuses of internet and use it to enhance our knowledge.

Misuse of internet: – There are numerous uses of the internet. But as we discussed earlier there are disadvantages to the internet too. Misuse of the internet may cause serious harm to mankind. One of the main misuses of the internet is Cyberbullying. A fake profile can be made on social networking sites to threaten people.

Anti-social groups or terrorist may use internet to spread anti-social activities. On the other hand, lots of black hate activities take place on the internet. After the invention of internet our personal and official data are accessible in the internet.

Though they are kept protected, the misuse of internet always causes a threat to that confidential information. Hackers may hack those data any may threat to reveal that information in public. Again with the popularity of social networking sites, a new trend of spreading rumors in public is seen these days.

Conclusion to internet essay: – Different people have different opinions on the internet. But we can’t ignore the benefits of internet. It has completely changed our lives and lifestyle as well. Though there are a few disadvantages of the internet too, we need to skip those internet abuses and try to use it for the development of mankind.

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Long Essay on Internet advantages and disadvantages (650 Words)

Introduction to internet essay: – internet is one of the modern wonders of science that connects crores of computers across the world. After the invention of the internet, it has become very easy to do our day-to-day activities which took too much time before. With the use of internet, a lots of work can be done in a minute or two.

How can the internet be used: – In today’s world it is not necessary to teach anyone “how can the internet be used?”. Everybody knows how to use internet. Earlier we need a telephone connection, a modem and a computer to use the internet.

Now modern technology has provided us lots of other methods to use the internet. Now we can use the internet through mobile or other modern routers.

Uses of internet: – In this modern era, the internet is used in every walk of life. In the world of communication, internet plays a vital role. With the invention of the internet, communication has become very easy and simple. In earlier days’ letters were the most depended mode of communication.

But it was very time taking. A piece of urgent information can’t be shared through letters. But now we can share information via emails, SMS, or social networking sites within a minute. 

Simultaneously the uses of the internet have reduced the use of paper and paperwork to a great extent. Now information or important documents can be kept on the web or through emails rather than keeping it in the paper. Internet is the storehouse of vast knowledge. We can get any information within a minute on the web.

We can make online transactions, take online courses, book our train-bus-air tickets online, watch videos, share thoughts, ideas using internet.  (But there are both uses and abuses of internet. We will discuss the abuses of the internet or internet abuse separately).

Uses of internet for students: – There are various internet for students. A student can do research online degrees, get involved in part-time jobs, and appear in the mock test using internet. Students need to know the proper uses of internet to get benefited from it.

In the web, students can find various applications and tools that can enhance their studies. In this developing world, educational institutions are seen spending a huge amount of money to set up internet facilities for students at their institutions as they are aware of the various uses of the internet for students.

Use of internet in business: – The uses of internet in business has strengthened the business opportunity and business standard as well. The internet can maximize the profit in business. There are many advantages of using internet in business.

The use of internet for business purpose can create a platform for business. Now a day’s internet is the most powerful tool for advertising and marketing as well. Online advertising is proved to be the best publicity in this century. It can reach more targeted audience rather than manual publicity.

On the other hand, with the use of the internet business meetings can be organized through video conferencing. Again there are lots of tools and software available for accounting and bookkeeping in business. The Internet has introduced a new method of payment i.e. online payment. Now a businessman can sell his product online and can reach a wider market than before.

Abuses of internet / Disadvantages of the internet: – The improper use of internet is known as abuses of the internet. The first and foremost abuses of internet are the excessive use of social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.

The social media is to communicate with our near and dear ones. But some people especially some students spend too much time on those social networking sites and waste their valuable time. Again internet has promoted some cheat funds that have ruined many people.

Conclusion to internet essay: – The Internet has developed mankind to a great extent. We need to use internet for the wellness of mankind.

Essay on uses and abuses of internet (950 Words)

Uses of internet.

The Internet is nowadays a kind of compulsory thing in our daily lives. Uses of the Internet in our daily life have become obligatory. We spend lots of time on the Internet to get an answer to every question which strikes our minds.

We can even fulfill our desire to learn more with the help of the internet. The optimistic use of the Internet makes our lives straightforward and plain. As every single thing on this earth has both its positive and negative sides, the Internet has also got its negative and positive sides.

It is up to us to utilize our time on the internet in a productive manner. While there are various uses of the Internet but you can use the internet for getting an online education. You can use the Internet to promote your business online.

The uses of the internet in education

Nowadays with the help of the internet, we can do online courses and improve our writing. We also get the answer of every answer to every question on the internet is it a question of English or of algebra.

If we want to become flourishing in our career or business the Internet is a miraculous tool, but only the positive and productive use of the Internet will assist us to do so. Students these days are using the Internet to gain knowledge of fresh skills and even to acquire degrees in professional online courses.

Likewise, educators use the Internet for teaching and sharing their knowledge and experience throughout the world with the help of the internet. The internet has changed the lives of students massively.

Students nowadays are starting to use the Internet so that they can learn more and pass the competitive exams or entrance exams. That’s why more than half of the students are coupled with the internet.

Abuses of internet

Cybercrime (use of computers in unlawful doings.): Offenses those are committed against individuals or groups with a criminal purpose to deliberately harm the status/name of the victim or cause physical or mental damage, or loss, to the victim using modern networks such as the Internet.

Cyberbullying: Cyberbullying is a form of bullying or harassment using electronic devices or simply using the internet. Cyberbullying is also known as online bullying. Cyberbullying is when someone bullies or hassles others on social media sites.

Damaging bullying behavior can include posting rumors, threats, and a victim’s personal information on the internet.

Electronic spam: This refers to sending the unwanted advertisement.

Advantages of internet

Internet helps us to boost the speed of our daily tasks. The Internet is used for research and development. The quality of research is developed by Internet tools only. Again the Use of the Internet provides us speedy and free-of-charge communication.

The best thing is that Communication on the Internet is free and fast. We all are linked with each other on social media sites. Social media is common for both personal and professional purposes.

Uses of the internet in money management       

We can use the internet in money management also. The use of the Internet is not limited to only earning money; it can also be used to manage money. Nowadays we can see thousands of apps, websites, etc. that help us in handling daily management, budget planning, transactions, transfers, etc. and this trend is rising gradually.

The use of Internet banking and mobile banking is also rising. All the banks are really functioning tough to provide Internet banking and mobile apps to empower people to utilize the power of the Internet and the latest money management tools. This is helping the common people a lot.

Uses of the internet in business

People also use the internet to promote their business. They sell their products by using various e-commerce solutions on the internet. E-commerce is booming on the internet and we can see new services and creative businesses starting up every single day, which in turn is creating jobs and thereby reducing unemployment. This is helping numerous people to earn money.

Uses of the internet for shopping in our daily life.

Shopping has become a stress-free task now and almost everybody can order products online there’ll be no one to say anything if you see numerous of products still find nothing to be nice to you or simply if you don’t buy anything.

The competitions in online shopping business are obvious. Shopping sites are more interesting because of the huge discounts different companies are offering to the customers also they offer real choice to the customers. The best part is people get attracted to those things more easily.

The customers can pay cash for the product after the delivery also and also can return the product if they don’t like the same. There are numerous online shops where we can buy the things we need in a very cheap rate in comparison to the local shops.

Conclusion to internet essay: –  Internet has completely changed our lifestyle. It has made our works much easier than before. Internet has brought a remarkable change in the world of communication.

Final Words

So we have come to the concluding part of internet essay or essay on internet. In conclusion, we can say that internet and the uses of internet is a very vast topic to discuss. We have tried to cover as much as we can in our essay on internet.

We have also tried to discuss thoroughly on the different related topic such as uses of the internet for students along with advantages and disadvantages of the internet for students and uses of the internet in education.

Abuses of internet, misuse of internet, use of internet in business etc. These essays on internet are composed in such a way that you can also prepare an article on the internet or a speech on the internet and its uses and abuses. Hope these essays helped you.

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2 thoughts on “Essay on Uses of Internet – Advantages and Disadvantages”

You’re good…..thanks alot this will help me in my exams ……again thanks alot

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essay on uses and abuses of science in 200 words

School Essay

Essay On Uses and Abuses of Science

  • Post category: Essay
  • Reading time: 4 mins read

Use of science brought about a great change:

At the dawn of civilization man developed a scientific outlook. With the help of science he made observation and experiment, though they were crude at first. he discovered the relationship between a cause and its effect. He discovered some secrets of nature. He came to know the use of fire. With the help of it, he cooked his meal and scared the wild animals. Then he came to know sowing and planting. He discovered the conditions for seeds to sprout.

He discovered the process for tending plants. He grew crops and stored the surplus. He came from cave to cottage and from cottage to pucca house. He knew the tending of useful animals and put them to his service. He made many works of invention. He grew cotton were due to proper uses of science.

Modern use of science: Uses of science are now inseparable even from out dayto-day life. With the help of science and technology we have made pin to space-craft. We have made highly complicated machines for large-scale productions. We have conquered over time and distance. We are conquering disease and sickness. Radio and telecommunications, XRay and electricity, rotary and railways are all the works of science. So at present the uses of science are many and varied.

Abuses of science: Modern man has begun to abuse his scientific knowledge, invention of atom bomb is the burning example of it. Abuse of science will lead to destruction of mankind.

essay on uses and abuses of science in 200 words

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Essay on Science in English: Check 200, 300 & 500 Words Essay

Science is the study of logic. It explains why the world is round, why stars twinkle, why light travels faster than sound, why hawks soar higher than crows, why sunflowers face the sun and other phenomena. Science answers every question logically rather than offering mystical interpretations. Students are very interested in science as a topic. This subject is indeed crucial for those hoping to pursue careers in science and related professions.

People who are knowledgeable in science are more self-assured and aware of their environment. Knowing the cause and origin of natural events, a person knowledgeable in science will not be afraid of them.

However, science also has a big impact on a country’s technological advancement and illiteracy.

Table of Content

English-language Long and Short Science Essay

Essay on science  (200 words), essay on science (300 words), essay on science (400 words), essay on science (500 words), essay on science (600 words).

We have included a brief and lengthy English essay on science below for your knowledge and convenience. The writings have been thoughtfully crafted to impart to you the relevance and meaning of science. You will understand what science is, why it matters in daily life, and how it advances national progress after reading the writings. These science essays can be used for essay writing, debate, and other related activities at your institution or school.

Science entails a thorough examination of the behavior of the physical and natural world. Research, experimentation, and observation are used in the study.

The scientific disciplines are diverse. The social sciences, formal sciences, and natural sciences are some of them. Subcategories and sub-sub-categories have been created from these basic categories. The natural sciences include physics, chemistry, biology, earth science, and astronomy; the social sciences include history, geography, economics, political science, sociology, psychology, social studies, and anthropology; and the formal sciences include computer science, logic, statistics, decision theory, and mathematics.

The world has positively transformed because of science. Throughout history, science has produced several inventions that have improved human convenience. We cannot fathom our lives without several of these inventions since they have become essential parts of them.

Global scientists persist in their experiments and occasionally produce more advanced innovations, some of which spark global revolutions. Even if science is helpful, some people have abused knowledge, usually those in positions of authority, to drive an arms race and destroy the environment.

There is no common ground between the ideologies of science and religion. These seeming opposite viewpoints have historically led to a number of confrontations and still do.

Science is a way to learn about, comprehend, examine, and experiment with the physical and natural features of the world in order to apply it to the development of newer technologies that improve human convenience. In science, observation and experimentation are broad and not restricted to a specific concept or area of study.

Applications of Science

Science has given us almost everything we use on a daily basis. Everything, from laptops to washing machines, microwaves to cell phones, and refrigerators to cars, is the result of scientific experimentation. Here are some ways that science affects our daily lives:

Not only are refrigerators, grills, and microwaves examples of scientific inventions, but gas stoves, which are frequently used for food preparation, are as well.

Medical Interventions

Scientific advancements have made it feasible to treat a number of illnesses and conditions. Thus, science encourages healthy living and has helped people live longer.


These days, mobile phones and internet connections are necessities in our life and were all made possible by scientific advancements. These innovations have lowered barriers to communication and widened global connections.

E nergy Source

The creation and application of numerous energy forms have been facilitated by the discovery of atomic energy. One of its greatest innovations is electricity, and everyone is aware of the effects it has on daily life.

Variety in Cuisine

There has also been an increase in food diversity. These days, a wide variety of fruits and vegetables are available year-round. It’s not necessary to wait for a given season to enjoy a certain meal. This modification is the result of scientific experimentation.

So, science is a part of our daily existence. Without scientific advancements, our lives would have been considerably more challenging and varied. Nonetheless, we cannot ignore the fact that a great deal of scientific innovation has contributed to environmental deterioration and a host of health issues for humankind.

There are essentially three main disciplines of science. The Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Formal Sciences are some of them. To examine different aspects, these branches are further divided into subcategories. This is a thorough examination of these groups and their subgroups.

Scientific Subdisciplines

Natural Science

This is the study of natural phenomena, as the name implies. It investigates how the cosmos and the world function. Physical science and life science are subcategories of natural science.

a) Science of Physics

The subcategories of physical science comprise the following:

  • Physics is the study of matter’s and energy’s properties.
  • Chemistry is the study of the materials that make up matter.
  • The study of space and celestial bodies is called astronomy.
  • Ecology is the study of how living things interact with their natural environments and with one another.
  • Geology: It studies the composition and physical makeup of Earth.
  • Earth science is the study of the atmosphere and the physical makeup of the planet.
  • The study of the physical and biological components and phenomena of the ocean is known as oceanography.
  • Meteorology: It studies the atmospheric processes.

The subcategories of life science include the following:

  • The study of living things is called biology.
  • The study of plants is known as botany.
  • The study of animals is known as zoology.

c) Social Science

This includes examining social patterns and behavioral patterns in people. It is broken down into more than one subcategory. Among them are:

  • History: The examination of past occurrences
  • Political science is the study of political processes and governmental structures.
  • Geographic: Study of the atmospheric and physical characteristics of Earth.
  • Human society is studied in social studies.
  • Sociology: The study of how societies form and operate.

Academic Sciences

It is the area of study that examines formal systems like logic and mathematics. It encompasses the subsequent subcategories:

  • Numbers are studied in mathematics.
  • Reasoning is the subject of logic.
  • Statistics: It is the study of numerical data analysis.
  • Mathematical analysis of decision-making in relation to profit and loss is known as decision theory.
  • The study of abstract organization is known as systems theory.
  • Computer science is the study of engineering and experimentation as a foundation for computer design and use.

Scientists from several fields have been doing in-depth research and testing numerous facets of the subject matter in order to generate novel ideas, innovations, and breakthroughs. Although these discoveries and technologies have made life easier for us, they have also permanently harmed both the environment and living things.


Science is the study of various physical and natural phenomena’ structures and behaviors. Before drawing any conclusions, scientists investigate these factors, make extensive observations, and conduct experiments. In the past, science has produced a number of inventions and discoveries that have been beneficial to humanity.

I deas in Religion and Science

In science, new ideas and technologies are developed through a methodical and rational process; in religion, however, beliefs and faith are the only factors considered. In science, conclusions are reached by careful observation, analysis, and experimentation; in religion, however, conclusions are rarely reached through reason. As a result, they have very different perspectives on things.

Science and Religion at Odds

Because science and religion hold different opinions on many issues, they are frequently perceived as being at odds. Unfortunately, these disputes occasionally cause social unrest and innocent people to suffer. These are a few of the most significant disputes that have happened.

The World’s Creation

The world was formed in six days, according to many conservative Christians, sometime between 4004 and 8000 BCE. However, cosmologists assert that the Earth originated about 4.5 billion years ago and that the cosmos may be as old as 13.7 billion years.

The Earth as the Universe’s Center

Among the most well-known clashes is this one. Earth was considered to be the center of the universe by the Roman Catholic Church. They say that it is surrounded by the Sun, Moon, stars, and other planets. Famous Italian mathematician and astronomer Galileo Galilei’s discovery of the heliocentric system—in which the Sun is at the center of the solar system and the Earth and other planets orbit it—led to the conflict.

Eclipses of the Sun and Moon

Iraq was the scene of one of the first wars. The locals were informed by the priests that the moon eclipse was caused by the gods’ restlessness. These were seen as foreboding and intended to overthrow the kings. When the local astronomers proposed a scientific explanation for the eclipse, a disagreement arose.

There are still many myths and superstitions concerning solar and lunar eclipses around the world, despite astronomers providing a compelling and rational explanation for their occurrence.

In addition to these, there are a number of other fields in which religious supporters and scientists hold divergent opinions. While scientists, astronomers, and biologists have evidence to support their claims, the majority of people adhere closely to religious beliefs.

Not only do religious activists frequently oppose scientific methods and ideas, but many other facets of society have also taken issue with science since its discoveries are leading to a host of social, political, environmental, and health problems. Nuclear weapons are one example of a scientific invention that threatens humanity. In addition, the processes involved in preparation and the utilization of the majority of scientifically created equipment contribute to pollution, making life more difficult for all.

In the previous few decades, a number of scientific advancements and discoveries have greatly eased people’s lives. The previous ten years were not an anomaly. A good number of important scientific discoveries were acknowledged. The top ten most amazing recent scientific inventions are shown below.

New Developments and Findings in Science

Amputee Gains Control of Biomechanical Hand via Mental After a tragic accident took away his forearm, Pierpaolo Petruzziello, an Italian, used his mind to control a biomechanical hand attached to his arm. The hand used wires and electrodes to connect to the nerves in his arm. He became the first to become skilled at doing motions like gripping objects, wriggling his fingers, and moving.

The Global Positioning System

In 2005, the Global Positioning System, or GPS as it is more often known, went into commercial use. It was incorporated into mobile devices and worked wonders for tourists all over the world. Traveling to more recent locations and needing instructions couldn’t be simpler.

The Self-Driving Car Toyota debuted Prius shortly after Google launched its own self-driving car experiment in 2008. The accelerator, steering wheel, and brake pedals are absent from this vehicle. It runs without the need for user input because it is driven by an electric motor. To guarantee that the driverless experience is seamless and secure, it is integrated with specialized software, a collection of sensors, and precise digital maps.

Android, widely regarded as one of the most significant innovations of the decade, revolutionized the market by flooding it with devices running Java and Symbian earlier on. These days, Android is the operating system used by the majority of smartphones. Millions of applications are supported by it.

c) Computer Vision

A number of sub-domains fall under the umbrella of computer vision, including learning, video tracking, object recognition, object pose estimation, event detection, indexing, picture restoration, and scene reconstruction. In order to produce symbolic information, the field includes methods for processing, analyzing, obtaining, and understanding images in high-dimensional data from the real world.

d) Touch Screen Technology

It appears that touch screen technology has taken over the planet. The popularity of touch screen gadgets can be attributed to their ease of use. These gadgets are becoming quite popular everywhere.

e) Method of 3D Printing

The 3D printer is capable of producing a wide range of items, such as lamps, cookware, accessories, and much more. Alternatively referred to as additive manufacturing, this process uses digital model data from electronic data sources like Additive Manufacturing Files (AMF) to construct three-dimensional items of any shape.

Git Hub is an online hosting service and version control repository that was founded in 2008. It provides features including bug tracking, task management, feature requests, and the sharing of codes, apps, and other materials. The GitHub platform was first developed in 2007, and the website went live in 2008.

f) Smart Timepieces

The market for smart watches has been around for a while. The more recent models, like the one introduced by Apple, have garnered enormous popularity and come with a number of extra capabilities. Nearly all of the functionality found on smartphones are included in these watches, which are also more convenient to wear and use.

g) Websites for Crowdfunding

The emergence of crowdsourcing websites like Indiegogo, Kickstarter, and GoFundMe has been a blessing for innovators. Inventors, artists, and other creative people can share their ideas and gain the funding they need to put them into action by using these websites.

Global scientists constantly observe and experiment to develop new scientific discoveries that improve people’s lives. Not only do they consistently create new technologies, but they also adapt the ones that already exist whenever there is an opportunity. Even while these innovations have made life easier for humans, you are all aware of the numerous environmental, social, and political risks they have brought about.

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Essay on Science- FAQs

Who is father of science.

Galileo is the father of science.

Why is it called science?

The word “scientia” has Latin origins and originally meant “knowledge,” “an expertness,” or “experience.”

What is science for students?

Science is the study of the world by observation, recording, listening, and watching. Science is the application of intellectual inquiry into the nature of the world and its behavior. Think like a scientist, anyone can.

What is science’s primary goal or objective?

Science’s primary goal is to provide an explanation for the facts. Moreover, science does not prohibit the explanation of facts in an arbitrary manner. Additionally, science organizes the data and develops theories to explain the data.

Describe what a scientific fact is.

Repeatable, meticulous observations or measurements made through experiments or other methods are referred to as scientific facts. Furthermore, empirical evidence is another name for a scientific fact. Most importantly, the development of scientific hypotheses depends on scientific facts.

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benefits of science essay with quotations

Benefits of science essay , uses and abuses of science.

Science is the systematic classification of experience.
Science is nothing but an image of truth
All war is the symptom of man's failure as a think animal
The future belongs to science and those who make friends with science

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Essay on Uses and Abuses of Science

essay on uses and abuses of science in 200 words

Just as fie is a good slave but a bad master, science too has its positive as well as negative aspects. Science is the most revolutionary thing that has been devised by man. Science does not rely on supposition and imagination but is an organized body of knowledge based on facts. Earth Science was one of the first to be studied and we have come a long way from the days when the Earth was believed to be flat. People are always curious to learn more about the world surrounding them. This has brought about fascinating discoveries and inventions not only in the fields of biology, astronomy, chemistry but in our daily lives too. The vast improvement in the field of medicine the average life expectancy. Diseases like influenza, chickenpox or typhoid are no longer fatal and leprosy and even some forms of cancer are now curable. The crippling disease, polio. Has been eradicated from most parts of the world.

We have better drugs and instruments but men are becoming weak in terms of physique and mind. What an irony of fate it is! Today, we suffer from sensitives ‘ear’, sensitive ‘lung’ and a sensitive ‘liver’ due to fast speed, smoky atmosphere, and dusty roads. So, science makes making happy with its latest achievements but it also makes us unhappy when it shows destructive power. Science can be used for gaining happiness but science put to wrong and negative use, can cause unimaginable disasters.

Science has given us such comforts as were unimaginable a few years ago. Today, we switch on the radio and listen to music. We have electricity, telephone, television, washing machines, refrigerators, air-conditioning plants, satellites, cellular phones, metro trains, fast trains, aircraft, and most modern medical systems. All these things have made the life of a man very comfortable. The electric fans, cinemas, cars, trams, mobile phones, and jumbo aircraft are among other scientific inventions and discoveries that have made life easy and comfortable.

The industrial revolution has been a landmark in the development of many countries. Rapid industrialization required more markets and that gave rise to the concept of colonization. Today, the major concern with most developed countries is the management of their industrial waste. More recently, the concern has shifted to the disposal of radioactive waste. Scientists have discovered nuclear energy which is a non-polluting source of energy, but there has been an increase in the number of disasters caused by radioactive waste. Cases like Chernoby! Hiroshima-Nagasaki and the Bhopal Gas Tragedy highlight the ill-effects of nuclear energy. Though presently it is the best alternative for the increasing requirement of energy, we cannot overlook the increasing requirement of energy, we cannot overlook the ever-increasing use, or rather misuse, of nuclear energy and development of sophisticated and powerful nuclear weapons.

Science has progressed in both the domains-constructive as well as destructive. The latest triumphs of science try to remove the evils of disease and death. These have also increased the threat to human life. On the destructive side, science has invented weapons that are most dreadful and disastrous. The inventions of laser beams, neutron bombs, and hydrogen bombs have increased the chances of human destruction. If these weapons are put to use, they would spell disaster for the entire mankind.

One of the most frequent and popular questions which are often asked is, “Are scientific inventions making us happier?” Science has made life easier for men. Telecommunication and technology have made the world, not just a small place, but a tiny world. We can talk to a person across the world sitting in front of our webcams, we can send pictures and videos in minutes over the net and we can carry a world of information in a tiny microchip. However, we must keep in mind that wrongful exploitation of science can result in disastrous consequences like nuclear wars, high levels of atmospheric pollution and a widespread loss of life and property.

As modern age is of science, man has become calculative and mechanical. Science is advancing and it is thwarting our civilization. In the kingdom of science, words like love, affection, and sentiments are fast becoming alien. So what is the use of science for man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul? Spiritualism is on the wane while materialism is on the rise. Philosophy, culture, and poetry are fading from human life because of the rapid advancement of science.

Therefore, the opinion remains divided on the science is a boon or bane. No one claims for certain that science is complete happiness or an impending curse. However, the latest triumphs and victories of science need to be properly utilized, otherwise, they can bring certain death and destruction to the human race.

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Sample essay on the uses and abuses of science.

essay on uses and abuses of science in 200 words

Science has been defined as a systematized body of knowledge. It is neither good nor bad in itself. It is the use of science that makes it good or bad. Man may use it for his welfare as well as for warfare. It is a blessing in peace and curse in war.

Science is a blessing. By applying science man has, gained control over nature. Man is no longer a slave to his surroundings. He has conquered time and space. Buses, trains, aero planes enable man to travel more and more distance without any difficulty.

Even on the wide oceans he covers his voyage without any worry. Besides these, there are telephones and-telegraphs which enable man to keep contact with his friends and relatives without any difficulty. So it seems that the world has contracted.

In past, man had no control over the scorching summer and shivering winter. But now man is the master of environment. During summer he uses cooler, electric fans and during winter he uses room heaters to give him warmth.


Man has many enemies which he could not know in past. But now he has been successful in discovering bacteria, virus and other harmful germs. They are easily seen with microscope and are easily killed by medicines. X-rays, CT scans, Ultra Sound Tests, Laparoscopy are some of the recent developments in medical science with which terrible diseases at remote parts of human body can be detected.

Man, today, enjoys more comforts and luxuries than ever before. He has a much higher standard of living. Better irrigation facilities, improved farming tools, hybrid seeds, chemical fertilizers etc. have increased the agricultural output.

After hard work, man needs healthy recreation to relax him. Science has provided radio, cinema, television etc. for our entertainment. Due to the invention and spread of printing press, education has successfully- reached the common man.

Blessings of science are numerous. But this is only one side of the picture. In the past man has many times misused the knowledge of science. In big industries machines are used to increase production. But industrialization has given rise to competition, unemployment and capitalism. Machines have thrown thousands out of employment. Capitalism has caused class-struggle and exploitation of many people.

Man was safe in past. But now due to the invention of destructive weapons he is unsafe. If ever the Third Worlds War is fought, the entire civilization will come to an end. Science has reduced spiritualism in man and has converted him into a moral pigmy.

If we impartially look at the problems, then we will find that man is responsible for the blessings or curse of science. If science is used properly, then people will live peacefully.

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English Aspirants

Essay on Television for Students [100, 150, 200, 350 Words]

Essay on Television: Television is one of the most influential innovations of modern times. In this article, you are going to learn to write a paragraph or essay on Television (100, 150, 200 and 350 Words). You’ll learn what are the uses and abuses of television or what are the advantages and disadvantages of television. So, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Short Essay on Television: 100 Words

Television is based on a highly sophisticated science of vision and sound. A man can see as far the horizon. He hears as far as the sound is audible to him. But television takes his vision to a place far beyond his horizon. He sees a thing or person long beyond his actual physical reach. It brings to him also sound from a very remote place.

In fact, television brings vision and sound together from a distance which is beyond the range of human sight and hearing. It is a powerful and very useful invention of modern science. It has conquered space for human eye-sight. It has brought about a great development in the science of communication. It can well be used for entertainment and knowledge.

Essay on Television in English

Television Essay: 150 Words

One of the latest wonders of science is Television. It is an effective medium of communication and entertainment. We can watch live important political, sports and other events happening at distant places. This enables us to have a direct knowledge of the things, places and events far away. TV has thus brought the whole world into the drawing room.

Television is also a powerful medium of mass education. Educational programmes on healthcare and family planning, general knowledge can be sent to millions of viewers through audio-visual presentation in the TV. It also keeps off loneliness.

But TV has its bad effects too. Watching TV sometimes becomes an addiction, People remain glued to the TV and it makes them idle- particularly the students and young people. They neglect sports and games and their studies. Too much of viewing affects our vision. Programmes, if not properly selected, cast bad effects on young minds. Social visits become very rare and people become unsocial.

Television Essay in English

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Essay on the Television: 200 Words

No other thing is as familiar as Television in our present times. It was invented by John Baird in 1925. It first appeared in India in 1959. It is really a wonder of science today. It is a two-in-one. It is the radio on one side and the cinema on the other. Television is a very useful instrument in many ways. It is a powerful medium for education and recreation. It gives lessons on the subjects like science and mathematics and also on geography and history.

It shows us cinema and live telecast on games and sports. On its screen we have a delightful scenery of nature and thrilling sights of animals roaming in the jungles and in the deep waters of the seas. We can amuse the shows of serials. It is also a mighty medium of advertisement.

Sometimes it has bad effects on children. In most cases, they sit tight with it to witness their favorite items which captivate them greatly. Sometimes they neglect their bounden duties as students. They try to copy the most interesting show-style. In some cases they even face their death. Many things are very good with television but its price is very high and the poor cannot benefit by it.

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Television Essay in English: 350 Words

Television is a modern invention. When television was first invented, people of the world were very happy because they had the scope to know the world around them and to entertain themselves in the best possible ways. Television is no doubt something which ushered progress of civilization. Some electronic media like BBC took over the most important role to make the people of the world aware of the society to which they were belonging and the environment by which they were being nourished. It is quite well known that, BBC produced all of the plays of Shakespeare as films. Even this world famous electronic media focused on the two World Wars so much so that people of the world came to know how horrible was war and warfare. Thus social consciousness was an important factor that was first aroused by the aid of television.

But this television is now being abused constantly by some commercially debased people. In West Bengal, television is so abused that the young generation is now misguided. The young people follow the bad culture and become oblivious of the hoary tradition of our country. Mere entertainment has been presented on the different television channels. Meaningless serials and reality shows are heart-throbbing without any moral impact. Crimes and social disorder are presented so crudely that the minds of the young people are overwhelmed with frustration, dilapidation, and despair. It seems that there is no escape from despair. The ultimate result is social alienation which brings about moral dilemma.

Yet, the concerned authority is really callous to the problems. Advertisement, sponsors, etc. are the sources of the economic structure of the different channels. Thus, the producers intend to draw the attention of the businessman by claiming the popularity of the channels. The inevitable result of this kind of commercial debasement is of Course disintegration that causes serious disbelief in the sphere of culture and education. Therefore, we must be conscious of the fact that television is not merely a media for entertainment; rather it is a source of important social and cultural messages.

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essay on uses and abuses of science in 200 words

I really enjoyed reading your essay on television. It was very informative and I learned a lot. I especially liked the part about how television can be used to teach different subjects.

essay on uses and abuses of science in 200 words

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Using Internet on Tab

Uses and Abuses of Internet Paragraph 150, 200, 250 Words

‘ Write Uses and Abuses of Internet Paragraph in 150 words. ‘ If you’re a high school student then you will face similar questions in your English exam.

Don’t worry, We’re here to help…

Here we’ve shared several paragraphs on the Uses and Abuses of the Internet. You can achieve good marks by writing these in your exams.

Uses and Abuses of Internet Paragraph 150 Words

The internet is a great gift from science that helps us share information worldwide. It makes the world feel smaller by providing us with instant updates from across the globe. It has transformed the way we live through its various uses and applications.

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The internet is used for various purposes, such as sending emails, online chatting, sharing files, and obtaining information. It allows us to connect with friends and family on social media, shop online, and watch videos. We can also use it for online banking, playing games, and learning new skills. It helps students with online learning, accessing educational resources, and communicating with teachers.

However, the internet has its own abuses. Cyberbullying is a prevalent issue. Online scams can lead to financial loss. Excessive use of social media can result in addiction and negatively affect our mental health. The internet can also spread false information and compromise our privacy.

It is essential to use the internet responsibly and be aware of potential dangers to protect ourselves and others.

Uses and Abuses of Internet Paragraph 200 Words

The internet has become an indispensable tool in our modern society, providing numerous benefits and opportunities. Its usage has revolutionized communication, education, business, entertainment, and more. People can connect with others from all corners of the globe, access vast amounts of information instantly, and conduct transactions with ease.

The internet serves as a platform for creative expression, fostering innovation and collaboration. However, this powerful tool is not without its dark side. Internet abuse has become a pressing concern. The spread of misinformation and fake news on the internet has a significant impact on public opinion and can sow discord and confusion.

Excessive internet use can also result in addiction, social isolation, and neglect of real-world relationships. Cyberbullying has emerged as a serious issue, causing emotional distress and harm to individuals particularly particularly among vulnerable populations such as children and teenagers.

Online scams and identity theft have proliferated, leading to financial losses and privacy breaches. Users need to be aware of these abuses and employ responsible and ethical practices while utilizing the internet to maximize its benefits by minimizing its negative impacts.

Uses and Abuses of Internet Paragraph 250 Words

The Internet has become an indispensable part of modern life, revolutionizing the way we communicate, access information, and conduct business. Its uses are vast and diverse, ranging from facilitating instant communication through email and social media to providing a vast repository of knowledge and resources. Education has been transformed with online learning platforms, and businesses thrive through e-commerce. The Internet also plays a crucial role in research, connecting individuals worldwide and fostering collaboration.

However, with its myriad benefits come potential abuses. One prominent concern is the proliferation of misinformation and fake news. The ease with which false information can spread on the Internet poses a threat to informed decision-making and public discourse. Additionally, the Internet can be a breeding ground for cybercrime, encompassing identity theft, online fraud, and hacking. Privacy concerns arise as personal information becomes increasingly vulnerable to exploitation.

Social media, while fostering global connectivity, can be a double-edged sword. It can be a platform for meaningful interaction, but it also contributes to issues such as cyberbullying, addiction, and the spread of harmful ideologies. The Internet’s addictive nature can lead to excessive screen time, negatively impacting mental and physical health.

In conclusion, the Internet is a powerful tool that, when used responsibly, brings about significant positive changes. However, vigilance is essential to mitigate the potential abuses that may arise, ensuring a balanced and constructive use of this transformative technology.

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Uses And Abuses Of Science Essay | Essay on Uses And Abuses Of Science for Students and Children in English

Uses And Abuses Of Science Essay – Given below is a Long and Short Essay on Uses And Abuses Of Science of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The Uses And Abuses Of Science essay 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations.

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long Essay on Uses And Abuses Of Science 500+ Words for Kids and Students in English

Just as fire is a good slave but a bad master, science too has its positive as well as negative aspects. Science is the most revolutionary thing that has been devised by man. Science does not rely on supposition and imagination, but is an organised body of knowledge based on facts. Earth Science was one of the first to be studied and we have some a long way from the days when the Earth was believed to be flat.

People are always curious to learn more about the world surrounding them. This has brought about fascinating discoveries and inventions not only in the fields of biology, astronomy, chemistry but in our daily lives too. Vast improvement in the field of medicine has resulted in the controlling of epidemics, and increasing the average life expectancy. Diseases like influenza, chickenpox or typhoid are no longer fatal and leprosy and even some forms of cancer are now curable. The crippling disease, polio, has been eradicated from most parts of the world.

Uses And Abuses Of Science Essay

We have better drugs and instruments but men are becoming weak in terms of physique and mind. What an irony of fate it is! Today, we suffer from sensitive ‘ear’, sensitive lung’ and a sensitive liver’ due to fast speed, smoky atmosphere and dusty roads. So, science makes mankind happy by its latest achievements but it also makes us unhappy when it shows distructive power. Science can be used for gaining happiness but science put to wrong and negative use, can cause unimaginable disasters.

Science has given us such comfrots as were unimaginable a few years ago. Today, we switch on the radio and listen to music. We have electricity, telephone, television, washing machines, refrigerators, air-conditioning plants, satellites, cellular phones, metro trains, fast trains, aircraft and the most modern medicine systems. All these things have made the life of man very comfortable. The electric fans, cinemas, cars, trams, mobile phones and jumbo aircraft are among other scientific inventions and discoveries that have made life easy and comfortable.

The industrial revolution has been a landmark in the development of many countries. Rapid industrialisation required more markets and that gave rise to the concept of colonisation. Today, the major concern with most developed countries is the management of their industrial waste. More recently, the concern has shifted to the disposal of radioactive waste. Scientists have discovered nuclear energy which is a non-polluting source of energy, but there has been an increase in the number of disasters caused by radioactive waste.

Cases like Chernobyl, Hiroshima-Nagasaki and the Bhopal Gas Tragedy highlight the ill-effects of nuclear energy. Though presently it is the best alternative for the increasing requirement of energy, we cannot overlook the ever-increasing use, or rather misuse, of nuclear energy and development of sophisticated and powerful nuclear weapons.

Short Essay on Uses And Abuses Of Science 300 Words for Kids and Students in English

Science has progressed in both the domains – constructive as well as destructive. The latest triumphs of science try to remove the evils of disease and death. These have also increased the threat to human life. On the destructive side, science has invented weapons that are most dreadful and disastrous. The inventions of laser beams, neutron bomb and hydrogen bombs have increased the chances of human destruction. If these weapons are put to use, they would spell disaster for the entire mankind.

One of the most frequent and popular question which is often asked is, “Are scientific inventions making us happier?” Science has definitely made life easier for man. Telecommunication and technology have made the world, not just a small place, but a tiny world. We can talk to a person across the world sitting in front of our webcams, we can send pictures and videos in minutes over the net and we can carry a world of information in a tiny microchip. However, we must keep in mind that wrongful exploitation of science can result in disastrous consequences like nuclear wars, high levels of atmospheric pollution and a widespread loss of life and property.

As modern age is an age of science, man has become calculative and mechanical. Science is advancing and it is thwarting our civilisation. In the kingdom of science, words like love, affection and sentiments are fast becoming alien. So what is the use of science for man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul? Spiritualism is on the wane while materialism is on the rise. Philosophy, culture and poetry are fading from human life because of the rapid advancement of science.

Therefore, the opinion remains divided on the science being a boon or bane. No one claims for certain that science is complete happiness or an impending curse. However, the latest triumphs and victories of science need to be properly utilised, otherwise, they can bring certain death and destruction to the human race.

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Essay on Uses of Internet – Advantages and Disadvantages

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Essay on uses of Internet – advantages, and disadvantages: – The Internet is one of the best gifts of science. It has made our life and lifestyle much easier than before. Today Team GuideToExam brings to you a number of essays on the internet along with the advantages and disadvantages of the internet.

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Essay on Internet advantages and disadvantages (50 Words)

The Internet is a modern gift of science to us. In this modern world, we can’t do anything without the use of the internet. We all know the use of the internet in business, online transactions, different official works, etc. Students also use the internet to boost their studies.

But there are both advantages and disadvantages of the internet for students. Some students know how can the internet be used to improve their studies, but due to misuse of the internet some students loss, their valuable time and can’t score well in exams. But we can’t deny the use of the internet in education, business, online transactions, etc.

Essay on Internet advantages and disadvantages (150 Words)         

The Internet is the greatest invention of science. It helps us in getting every piece of information with a click. We can share information, and get connected with people around the world through the use of the internet.

The Internet is a vast storage of information where we can get a bunch of information from different fields. There are both uses and abuses of the internet. The use of the internet in business has developed the business in modern times.

In today’s world, the use of the internet in education can also be seen. Some advanced schools and colleges in our country have introduced the digital class. It has become possible due to the uses of the internet.

Though there are a lot of advantages of the internet, a few disadvantages of the internet can also be seen. Misuse of the internet has always been a headache for national security. We need to know the proper uses of the internet so we can be beneficial from this modern invention of science.

Essay on Internet advantages and disadvantages (200 Words )

In today’s world, we use the internet in every walk of our life. About two decades ago there was a question in most people’s minds ‘how can the internet be used’. But in today’s world, the uses of the internet are very common almost in every field.

Today the use of the internet for students has been very common. Students can get online help from different websites, they can opt for online coaching, online courses, etc. use of the internet can be seen in every sphere of life.

It has connected the whole world. The Internet provides us with various moods of communication like email, social networking sites, web and video calls, etc. on the other hand use of the internet in business has brought a revolutionary change to the market.

The Internet has promoted the online marketing platform in the world. Now a businessman can sell his product online from his home.

Though we can point out many advantages of the internet, there are some abuses of the internet too. The misuse of the internet can be seen among some students. They sometimes stick to social networking sites and waste their valuable time.

As a result of that, they don’t get much time for studies.  They should know the proper uses of the internet and should use it for their benefit.

Essay on Internet advantages and disadvantages (300 Words )

Introduction to internet essay: – The Internet is a modern invention of science that has brought a revolutionary change to our lives. Using the internet, we can access any information from anywhere that has been stored on the web.

In today’s world, we can’t imagine anything without the internet. There are a lot of advantages of the internet, but it is impossible to turn our faces from the disadvantages of the internet.

Uses of the internet: – The internet is used for any purpose. It is used to send emails, online chat, online transactions, share files, access different web pages, etc. On the other hand, in this modern era, a businessman can’t grow his business without the use of the internet in business.

Again the use of the internet in education has completely changed our education system. The use of the internet for students is very necessary as a student can get all his syllabus-oriented information on the web.

Abuses of the internet/ Disadvantages of the internet: – We all know the advantages of the internet. But there are some abuses of the internet too. We can’t deny the fact that the internet has brought a revolutionary change to our lifestyle, but we can’t ignore the disadvantages of the internet.

First of all, a person who spend too much time in from of a computer may fall ill. It may damage his/her eyesight. On the other hand, sometimes the internet can provide us with the wrong information. Because on internet or web anyone can post any information.

So sometimes wrong information can also be posted on the internet. Again hackers may post malicious links and can cause harm to our confidential data. One of the most dangerous disadvantages of the internet in today’s time is fraud business. With the popularity of the internet, we can see rapid growth in the fraud business.

Conclusion to internet essay: – The Internet has made our work easy in every field. With the invention of the internet human civilization has developed a lot. Though there are both advantages and disadvantages of the internet, we can’t deny the fact that the internet has developed us a lot.

Everything depends on its use. We all need to know “how can the internet be used” and should use the internet for our benefit.

Essay on Internet advantages and disadvantages (400 Words )

Introduction to internet essay: – The Internet has completely changed our lifestyle and the style of our work as well. The invention of the internet has saved our time and reduced our effort in almost every work. The Internet can provide any information to us in no time that has been stored in it. So the question is ‘how can the internet be used?’. In order to use the internet, we require a telephone connection, a computer, and a modem.

Uses of the internet: –  The uses of the internet are immense. Internet is used everywhere such as in schools, colleges, banks, shopping malls, railways, airports, etc. Moreover, we use the internet at home for different purposes. We can access different websites, and social networking sites can make online transactions through the internet.

Different files and information can be shared via emails or messengers. The use of the internet in business has made a different platform for both- buyers and sellers. We have lots of advantages of the internet.

Uses of the internet for students: – The use of the internet for students is like a blessing to them. Students can find any needed information on the web to boost up their studies. Now a day the use of the internet in education is very common. The educational institutions provide internet for students at schools so that their knowledge can be improved.

Abuses of the internet or Disadvantages of the internet: – We can’t decline the fact that the uses of the internet have developed human civilization a lot, But we must agree that we have both advantages and disadvantages of the internet. The abuses of the internet or misuse of the internet can ruin a person at any moment.

Generally, abuses of the internet or internet abuse mean the improper use of the internet. These days teenagers are found addicted to the internet as they spend most of their time on the internet playing online games, surfing social networking sites, etc.

As a result, they are lacking behind in their study. On the other hand, lots of people have become victims of cybercrime. Some anti-social groups use the internet to deceive people through cheating funds. Again hackers may easily access our personal information that has been stored in the internet. Misuse of the internet can spoil our life.

Conclusion to internet essay: –  Excess or misuse of everything is bad. The use of the internet has developed us to a great extent. It has made our life simple, easy, and comfortable as well.

Uses of the internet in education have made us wiser than before, use of the internet in business has formed a different and wider market for us. Misuse of the internet can definitely ruin us but if we use the internet for our benefit, it will make our life easier and more simple in the future.

Long Essay on Internet advantages and disadvantages (800 Words)

Image of Essay on Internet

Introduction to internet essay: – The internet is naturally one of the most exciting and brilliant gifts of science to mankind. The invention of the internet and its uses of the internet have radically changed the ways of our life and living standards as well. In today’s world, most of our routine activities are done through the internet.

How can the internet be used: – Everybody knows the uses of the internet. In order to use the internet, we need a telephone connection, a computer, and a modem. We can also use the internet through mobile via hotspot.

  Uses of the internet: – In this modern era, there is hardly any walk of life that is not affected by the internet. Most shops, offices, factories, and service centers use the internet to make their work easier. It is called ‘the storehouse of information. The whole world has been made a global village with the invention of the internet.

The Internet has reduced the load of work from our offices. A huge amount of data can be stored on the internet. We can get each and every information in a click from our doorstep, can communicate with our near and dear ones at any time from anywhere, can make payments online, can buy and sell products online, etc. All these become possible only because of the internet.

Uses of the internet in Education: – The use of the internet in education has brought a remarkable change to our education system. Now a student can have access to any required information on the web.

Earlier it was very difficult for a student to collect data in order to prepare a project on a specific subject. But now it can be found on the web with a click. Moreover, they can share their ideas with their friends through email or social networking sites.

Use of the internet in business: – The use of the internet in business has upgraded the standard of business. In this century it is really hard to imagine an established business without the use of the internet. Now the internet has become a vital tool for marketing and advertising.

The use of the internet in business can boost the business by promoting or advertising the product. It can reach a more targeted audience/buyer/consumers through online promotion. Thus now the day internet is considered very useful in business.

Use of the internet in communication: – The invention of the internet helps a lot in globalization. The whole world is connected directly or indirectly through the internet. In earlier days’ people had to write letters to communicate with others who were not near to them.

But after the invention of the telephone, people could make calls to each other. But then came the internet as the blessing of science and now people can not only talk to each other on phone, but also they can watch each other live sitting at home.

Through social networking sites, we can get in touch with our friends, we can share information, and documents via emails, etc.

Abuses of internet / Disadvantages of the internet: – Does the internet have any disadvantages? YES, there a few disadvantages to the internet. It is very hard to believe that there are a few abuses of internet too. We know that excess of everything is bad. Excess use of the internet can also be harmful to our health.

On the other hand, internet can distract us at our work. Teenagers are seen as addicted to the internet. They spend hour after hour in front of the mobile or computer and waste their valuable time.

The Internet is a source of vast information, simultaneously it offers numerous sources of entertainment too. The major disadvantage of the internet is that sometimes it provides illegal sources of entertainment like pornography, private videos, etc.

People who fall prey to it may get addicted and thus may get distracted from their work. We can get benefited if we can skip the abuses of internet and use it to enhance our knowledge.

Misuse of internet: – There are numerous uses of the internet. But as we discussed earlier there are disadvantages to the internet too. Misuse of the internet may cause serious harm to mankind. One of the main misuses of the internet is Cyberbullying. A fake profile can be made on social networking sites to threaten people.

Anti-social groups or terrorist may use internet to spread anti-social activities. On the other hand, lots of black hate activities take place on the internet. After the invention of internet our personal and official data are accessible in the internet.

Though they are kept protected, the misuse of internet always causes a threat to that confidential information. Hackers may hack those data any may threat to reveal that information in public. Again with the popularity of social networking sites, a new trend of spreading rumors in public is seen these days.

Conclusion to internet essay: – Different people have different opinions on the internet. But we can’t ignore the benefits of internet. It has completely changed our lives and lifestyle as well. Though there are a few disadvantages of the internet too, we need to skip those internet abuses and try to use it for the development of mankind.

Essay on My Mother

Long Essay on Internet advantages and disadvantages (650 Words)

Introduction to internet essay: – internet is one of the modern wonders of science that connects crores of computers across the world. After the invention of the internet, it has become very easy to do our day-to-day activities which took too much time before. With the use of internet, a lots of work can be done in a minute or two.

How can the internet be used: – In today’s world it is not necessary to teach anyone “how can the internet be used?”. Everybody knows how to use internet. Earlier we need a telephone connection, a modem and a computer to use the internet.

Now modern technology has provided us lots of other methods to use the internet. Now we can use the internet through mobile or other modern routers.

Uses of internet: – In this modern era, the internet is used in every walk of life. In the world of communication, internet plays a vital role. With the invention of the internet, communication has become very easy and simple. In earlier days’ letters were the most depended mode of communication.

But it was very time taking. A piece of urgent information can’t be shared through letters. But now we can share information via emails, SMS, or social networking sites within a minute. 

Simultaneously the uses of the internet have reduced the use of paper and paperwork to a great extent. Now information or important documents can be kept on the web or through emails rather than keeping it in the paper. Internet is the storehouse of vast knowledge. We can get any information within a minute on the web.

We can make online transactions, take online courses, book our train-bus-air tickets online, watch videos, share thoughts, ideas using internet.  (But there are both uses and abuses of internet. We will discuss the abuses of the internet or internet abuse separately).

Uses of internet for students: – There are various internet for students. A student can do research online degrees, get involved in part-time jobs, and appear in the mock test using internet. Students need to know the proper uses of internet to get benefited from it.

In the web, students can find various applications and tools that can enhance their studies. In this developing world, educational institutions are seen spending a huge amount of money to set up internet facilities for students at their institutions as they are aware of the various uses of the internet for students.

Use of internet in business: – The uses of internet in business has strengthened the business opportunity and business standard as well. The internet can maximize the profit in business. There are many advantages of using internet in business.

The use of internet for business purpose can create a platform for business. Now a day’s internet is the most powerful tool for advertising and marketing as well. Online advertising is proved to be the best publicity in this century. It can reach more targeted audience rather than manual publicity.

On the other hand, with the use of the internet business meetings can be organized through video conferencing. Again there are lots of tools and software available for accounting and bookkeeping in business. The Internet has introduced a new method of payment i.e. online payment. Now a businessman can sell his product online and can reach a wider market than before.

Abuses of internet / Disadvantages of the internet: – The improper use of internet is known as abuses of the internet. The first and foremost abuses of internet are the excessive use of social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.

The social media is to communicate with our near and dear ones. But some people especially some students spend too much time on those social networking sites and waste their valuable time. Again internet has promoted some cheat funds that have ruined many people.

Conclusion to internet essay: – The Internet has developed mankind to a great extent. We need to use internet for the wellness of mankind.

Essay on uses and abuses of internet (950 Words)

Uses of internet.

The Internet is nowadays a kind of compulsory thing in our daily lives. Uses of the Internet in our daily life have become obligatory. We spend lots of time on the Internet to get an answer to every question which strikes our minds.

We can even fulfill our desire to learn more with the help of the internet. The optimistic use of the Internet makes our lives straightforward and plain. As every single thing on this earth has both its positive and negative sides, the Internet has also got its negative and positive sides.

It is up to us to utilize our time on the internet in a productive manner. While there are various uses of the Internet but you can use the internet for getting an online education. You can use the Internet to promote your business online.

The uses of the internet in education

Nowadays with the help of the internet, we can do online courses and improve our writing. We also get the answer of every answer to every question on the internet is it a question of English or of algebra.

If we want to become flourishing in our career or business the Internet is a miraculous tool, but only the positive and productive use of the Internet will assist us to do so. Students these days are using the Internet to gain knowledge of fresh skills and even to acquire degrees in professional online courses.

Likewise, educators use the Internet for teaching and sharing their knowledge and experience throughout the world with the help of the internet. The internet has changed the lives of students massively.

Students nowadays are starting to use the Internet so that they can learn more and pass the competitive exams or entrance exams. That’s why more than half of the students are coupled with the internet.

Abuses of internet

Cybercrime (use of computers in unlawful doings.): Offenses those are committed against individuals or groups with a criminal purpose to deliberately harm the status/name of the victim or cause physical or mental damage, or loss, to the victim using modern networks such as the Internet.

Cyberbullying: Cyberbullying is a form of bullying or harassment using electronic devices or simply using the internet. Cyberbullying is also known as online bullying. Cyberbullying is when someone bullies or hassles others on social media sites.

Damaging bullying behavior can include posting rumors, threats, and a victim’s personal information on the internet.

Electronic spam: This refers to sending the unwanted advertisement.

Advantages of internet

Internet helps us to boost the speed of our daily tasks. The Internet is used for research and development. The quality of research is developed by Internet tools only. Again the Use of the Internet provides us speedy and free-of-charge communication.

The best thing is that Communication on the Internet is free and fast. We all are linked with each other on social media sites. Social media is common for both personal and professional purposes.

Uses of the internet in money management       

We can use the internet in money management also. The use of the Internet is not limited to only earning money; it can also be used to manage money. Nowadays we can see thousands of apps, websites, etc. that help us in handling daily management, budget planning, transactions, transfers, etc. and this trend is rising gradually.

The use of Internet banking and mobile banking is also rising. All the banks are really functioning tough to provide Internet banking and mobile apps to empower people to utilize the power of the Internet and the latest money management tools. This is helping the common people a lot.

Uses of the internet in business

People also use the internet to promote their business. They sell their products by using various e-commerce solutions on the internet. E-commerce is booming on the internet and we can see new services and creative businesses starting up every single day, which in turn is creating jobs and thereby reducing unemployment. This is helping numerous people to earn money.

Uses of the internet for shopping in our daily life.

Shopping has become a stress-free task now and almost everybody can order products online there’ll be no one to say anything if you see numerous of products still find nothing to be nice to you or simply if you don’t buy anything.

The competitions in online shopping business are obvious. Shopping sites are more interesting because of the huge discounts different companies are offering to the customers also they offer real choice to the customers. The best part is people get attracted to those things more easily.

The customers can pay cash for the product after the delivery also and also can return the product if they don’t like the same. There are numerous online shops where we can buy the things we need in a very cheap rate in comparison to the local shops.

Conclusion to internet essay: –  Internet has completely changed our lifestyle. It has made our works much easier than before. Internet has brought a remarkable change in the world of communication.

Final Words

So we have come to the concluding part of internet essay or essay on internet. In conclusion, we can say that internet and the uses of internet is a very vast topic to discuss. We have tried to cover as much as we can in our essay on internet.

We have also tried to discuss thoroughly on the different related topic such as uses of the internet for students along with advantages and disadvantages of the internet for students and uses of the internet in education.

Abuses of internet, misuse of internet, use of internet in business etc. These essays on internet are composed in such a way that you can also prepare an article on the internet or a speech on the internet and its uses and abuses. Hope these essays helped you.

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You’re good…..thanks alot this will help me in my exams ……again thanks alot

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Short Paragraph on Uses and Abuses of Mobile Phone

Dear students, Today I’m going to share a paragraph about a very popular topic Mobile Phone. Here is a short paragraph on the uses and abuses of mobile phones for SSC, HSC and Degree Students….

Dear students, Today I’m going to share a paragraph about a very popular topic Mobile Phone. Here is a short paragraph on the uses and abuses of mobile phones for SSC, HSC and Degree Students.

You know? Paragraphs on the Internet and Mobile Phone both remain important for exams. Let’s learn the paragraph.

Paragraph on Uses and Abuses of Mobile Phone | 200 words

Read:  Paragraph on Uses and Abuses of Internet

Mobile Phone

A  mobile phone  is a great invention of modern science because a user can carry it wherever he goes out. It has made interpersonal communication very easy and fast. We can communicate with any person we like through a mobile phone.

Business communication has become easier than before with the use of mobile phones and all walks of people are benefited from it. It is also helpful for students. They can search for any query over the internet and get suggestions from their friends and teachers. It has so many functionalities such as a world clock, calculator, weather, camera, sound recorder and so on.

Thus it has made our daily life easy. It makes the world smaller and brings us all closer. But it is unfortunate that it has some negative aspects too. The radiation from mobile phones causes serious health problems. Scientists believe that causes brain tumours by mobile phone’s invisible and uncontrolled radioactivity. Especially, children and pregnant women and children should not use it at all.

Criminals use it to commit crimes. Sometimes, people are cheated and harassed through mobile phones. Many of us spend our important time using social network sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc. Thus, our daily activities are hampered. So, we should be careful about using a mobile phone.

essay on uses and abuses of science in 200 words

Bengali Meaning:

Paragraph on Mobile phone in 150 words

After reading the mobile phone paragraph, you will be able to answer the following questions. After reading the mobile phone paragraph, you will be able to answer the following questions.

  • What is a mobile phone?
  • How does it serve us?
  • What are its benefits?
  • How is the internet  related to a mobile phone?
  • Which companies provide mobile phones?
  • What are the demerits of mobile phones?

The mobile phone is one of the greatest inventions of modern science. It is a portable device which mostly uses for communication and messaging system. The mobile phone serves as a strong communication method without cable which we can communicate and talk to others immediately.

So anyone can send a message to another in a few seconds.

It has now conquered the distance and time. It makes our daily life easier and more comfortable. Nowadays the internet system has been included in Mobile. So that people are now using mobile phones for learning, entertaining, communicating, etc. Nokia, Samsung, Symphony, Siemens, etc mobile companies provide us with the mobile phones.

Their mobiles are also different in size, function, and qualities. There are many benefits to a mobile phone but it has some demerits too. It is harmful to our health. It causes serious harm to pregnant mothers. Excess use of mobile phones can cause fatal diseases like cancer. So we should be conscious.

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Paragraph on Mobile phone in 100 words

It is a telephone system that works without any wire. We can communicate with the people of remote places. It can be moved easily and quickly from place to place. Through the mobile phones, now we can send messages to distant places, play games and sports, watch TV programs or news, solve the work of calculation and collect information.

Scientists have recently discovered that mobile phones can cause cancer to users. Besides, it has become a fashion among young people. They are becoming addicted to using social media networks and wasting their important time.

Terrorists are using it to commit terrorism all around the world. But in spite of all its disadvantages, it can be said that the mobile phone is very necessary for fast communication.

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essay on uses and abuses of science in 200 words

Paragraph on Uses And Abuses Of Internet

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Uses And Abuses Of Internet in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on Uses And Abuses Of Internet in 100 Words

The Internet can help us learn new things, play games, and talk to friends. It is like a big library with lots of information. But we should be careful because sometimes people can trick us online. We should always ask our parents before chatting with someone we don’t know. Too much time on the Internet can make us forget to play outside or do our homework. It’s important to use the Internet wisely and not spend all day looking at screens. Remember, the Internet can be fun, but we need to be smart and safe when we use it.

Paragraph on Uses And Abuses Of Internet in 200 Words

The Internet is like a big library on the computer. You can find lots of useful information for school projects, like facts about animals or how plants grow. You can also play fun games and watch videos with your family. But we must be careful when using the Internet. Sometimes, people might try to trick you or make you feel sad by saying mean things. It’s important to always ask a grown-up before talking to someone you don’t know online. Also, spending too much time on the Internet can make your eyes tired and your body feel lazy. It’s good to take breaks and go outside to play with friends or read a book. Remember, the Internet is a helpful tool when used wisely, but we should always be careful and use it responsibly to stay safe and healthy.

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Paragraph on Uses And Abuses Of Internet in 250 Words

The internet has many good and bad uses. Good uses include finding information for school projects, talking to friends and family who are far away, and playing educational games. But some people use the internet in bad ways. They might bully others online, look at things that are not okay for kids to see, or even try to trick others into giving them personal information. It’s important to be careful when using the internet and to always ask a grown-up if you’re not sure about something. Remember, the internet can be a helpful tool, but it’s essential to use it responsibly and safely. By being smart online, we can make sure that we’re using the internet in the right way and staying safe while doing so.

That’s it! I hope the paragraphs have helped you.

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Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by  clicking here .

Happy studying!

essay on uses and abuses of science in 200 words

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So Science can be a blessing and a curse at the same time. Science can be the greatest of the blessings and the worst of the curses. We blame science. In fact, we should blame ourselves. It is a blessing if we use it as a servant and It is a curse if we make it our master. Science has helped us in conquering time and distance.

Essay on Television: Television is one of the most influential innovations of modern times. In this article, you are going to learn to write a paragraph or essay on Television (100, 150, 200 and 350 Words). You'll learn what are the uses and abuses of television or what are the advantages and disadvantages of television.

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Paragraph on Uses and Abuses of Internet; 250 Words Essay on Uses and Abuses of Internet Introduction. The internet, a revolutionary invention of the 20th century, has transformed our lives in profound ways. It has become an indispensable tool in various sectors, including education, business, communication, and entertainment.

Essay On Uses And Abuses Of Science In 200 Words: Latest News. Lander University Hosts Career Fair, More Than 50 Districts Attend. Lander University's Office of Career Services and College of Education hosted its Education Recruitment Fair on Nov. 1 in the Grier Student Center Commons.

The internet is a great gift from science that helps us share information worldwide. It makes the world feel smaller by providing us with instant updates from across the globe. ... Uses and Abuses of Internet Paragraph 200 Words. The internet has become an indispensable tool in our modern society, providing numerous benefits and opportunities ...

Essay on My Mother. Essay on uses and abuses of internet (950 Words) Uses of internet. The Internet is nowadays a kind of compulsory thing in our daily lives. Uses of the Internet in our daily life have become obligatory. We spend lots of time on the Internet to get an answer to every question which strikes our minds.

Paragraph on Uses and Abuses of Mobile Phone | 200 words. Read: Paragraph on Uses and Abuses of Internet. Mobile Phone. A mobile phone is a great invention of modern science because a user can carry it wherever he goes out. It has made interpersonal communication very easy and fast.

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Paragraph on Uses And Abuses Of Internet in 250 Words. The internet has many good and bad uses. Good uses include finding information for school projects, talking to friends and family who are far away, and playing educational games. But some people use the internet in bad ways. They might bully others online, look at things that are not okay ...

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Uses And Abuses Of Science Essay | Essay on Uses And Abuses Of Science for Students and Children in English

Uses And Abuses Of Science Essay – Given below is a Long and Short Essay on Uses And Abuses Of Science of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The Uses And Abuses Of Science essay 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations.

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long Essay on Uses And Abuses Of Science 500+ Words for Kids and Students in English

Just as fire is a good slave but a bad master, science too has its positive as well as negative aspects. Science is the most revolutionary thing that has been devised by man. Science does not rely on supposition and imagination, but is an organised body of knowledge based on facts. Earth Science was one of the first to be studied and we have some a long way from the days when the Earth was believed to be flat.

People are always curious to learn more about the world surrounding them. This has brought about fascinating discoveries and inventions not only in the fields of biology, astronomy, chemistry but in our daily lives too. Vast improvement in the field of medicine has resulted in the controlling of epidemics, and increasing the average life expectancy. Diseases like influenza, chickenpox or typhoid are no longer fatal and leprosy and even some forms of cancer are now curable. The crippling disease, polio, has been eradicated from most parts of the world.

Uses And Abuses Of Science Essay

We have better drugs and instruments but men are becoming weak in terms of physique and mind. What an irony of fate it is! Today, we suffer from sensitive ‘ear’, sensitive lung’ and a sensitive liver’ due to fast speed, smoky atmosphere and dusty roads. So, science makes mankind happy by its latest achievements but it also makes us unhappy when it shows distructive power. Science can be used for gaining happiness but science put to wrong and negative use, can cause unimaginable disasters.

Science has given us such comfrots as were unimaginable a few years ago. Today, we switch on the radio and listen to music. We have electricity, telephone, television, washing machines, refrigerators, air-conditioning plants, satellites, cellular phones, metro trains, fast trains, aircraft and the most modern medicine systems. All these things have made the life of man very comfortable. The electric fans, cinemas, cars, trams, mobile phones and jumbo aircraft are among other scientific inventions and discoveries that have made life easy and comfortable.

The industrial revolution has been a landmark in the development of many countries. Rapid industrialisation required more markets and that gave rise to the concept of colonisation. Today, the major concern with most developed countries is the management of their industrial waste. More recently, the concern has shifted to the disposal of radioactive waste. Scientists have discovered nuclear energy which is a non-polluting source of energy, but there has been an increase in the number of disasters caused by radioactive waste.

Cases like Chernobyl, Hiroshima-Nagasaki and the Bhopal Gas Tragedy highlight the ill-effects of nuclear energy. Though presently it is the best alternative for the increasing requirement of energy, we cannot overlook the ever-increasing use, or rather misuse, of nuclear energy and development of sophisticated and powerful nuclear weapons.

Short Essay on Uses And Abuses Of Science 300 Words for Kids and Students in English

Science has progressed in both the domains – constructive as well as destructive. The latest triumphs of science try to remove the evils of disease and death. These have also increased the threat to human life. On the destructive side, science has invented weapons that are most dreadful and disastrous. The inventions of laser beams, neutron bomb and hydrogen bombs have increased the chances of human destruction. If these weapons are put to use, they would spell disaster for the entire mankind.

One of the most frequent and popular question which is often asked is, “Are scientific inventions making us happier?” Science has definitely made life easier for man. Telecommunication and technology have made the world, not just a small place, but a tiny world. We can talk to a person across the world sitting in front of our webcams, we can send pictures and videos in minutes over the net and we can carry a world of information in a tiny microchip. However, we must keep in mind that wrongful exploitation of science can result in disastrous consequences like nuclear wars, high levels of atmospheric pollution and a widespread loss of life and property.

As modern age is an age of science, man has become calculative and mechanical. Science is advancing and it is thwarting our civilisation. In the kingdom of science, words like love, affection and sentiments are fast becoming alien. So what is the use of science for man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul? Spiritualism is on the wane while materialism is on the rise. Philosophy, culture and poetry are fading from human life because of the rapid advancement of science.

Therefore, the opinion remains divided on the science being a boon or bane. No one claims for certain that science is complete happiness or an impending curse. However, the latest triumphs and victories of science need to be properly utilised, otherwise, they can bring certain death and destruction to the human race.

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