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What is Figure of Speech? Definition, Examples of Figures of Speech

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Figure of speech definition: Figure of speech is the use of language to add richness to the literal meaning of words.

Common Figures of Speech

Here are some common figures of speech:

Metaphor : A metaphor is the comparison of two unlike things without the use of like or as.

  • In this sentence, we have the metaphor “boy was a wild animal”. The boy is being compared to a wild animal because of his behavior in the store.

Simile : A simile is the comparison between two unlike things using such words as like, as, or so.

  • In this sentence, we have the simile “boy was like a ninja”. The young boy’s stealthy behavior is being compared to that of a ninja. It is a simile rather than a metaphor because the word “like” was included.

Hyperbole : A hyperbole is an over exaggeration.

  • In this example, the hyperbole is the over exaggeration of hunger that Ashley has after her day of swimming, for she is not literally as hungry as a hippo.

Personification : Personification is when human traits are given to anything nonhuman.

  • Here, the sun is being given the human trait of smiling.

The Function of Figures of Speech

The purpose of using figures of speech is to add richness to writing that will have an effect on the reader. By using these comparisons, it allows the reader to have a greater understanding and ability to imagine the situations being described in the writing.

How Figures of Speech are Used in Literature

Here are some examples of figures of speech in literature:

In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet , he uses a metaphor in the famous balcony scene. Romeo exclaims, “But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? / It is the east and Juliet is the sun”.

  • “Juliet is the sun” = metaphor
  • This metaphor is used to emphasis the overwhelming brightness of Juliet’s beauty.

In James Hurst’s short story The Scarlet Ibis , he uses a simile to set the somber mood at the beginning of the story, “the oriole nest in the elm was untenanted and rocked back and forth like an empty cradle”.

  • “Oriole nest…rocked back and forth like an empty cradle” = simile
  • This simile is used to create a somber mood by comparing the movement of the nest to that of an empty cradle, which has a negative connotation associated with it.

The Scarlet Ibis also includes examples of hyperbole . Hurst writes, “We danced together quite well until she came down on my big toe with her brogans, hurting me so badly I thought I was crippled for life”.

  • “hurting me so badly I thought I was crippled for life” = hyperbole
  • This hyperbole is used to exaggerate the pain felt by the young child when his aunt stepped on his toe while dancing.

In Eric Litwin’s Pete the Cat series, personification is used with the starring character, Pete. In the book I Love My White Shoes, he writes, “Did Pete cry? Goodness, no! He kept walking along and singing his song”.

  • In this example, a cat is given human traits such as singing. Many children’s book employ personification due to the inclusion of nonhuman characters.

Summary: What Does Figure of Speech Mean?

Define figure of speech mean? In summation, figures of speech are used to add richness and imagery to a work of literature in order to achieve an effect for the reader.

Final example,

In Pat Mora’s poem “Old Snake”, it states “Leave / those doubts and hurts / buzzing like flies in your ears”.

  • “doubts and hurts / buzzing like flies in your ears” = simile

This simile is used to compare the left behind worries to just a buzz in the ear like a fly. A comparison to a fly is used because flies are often seen as an annoyance just like having constant doubt or worry.

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Figure of Speech

What is a figure of speech.

  • Jack has a few skeletons in the cupboard .
  • You are driving me up the wall .

The Seven Most Common Figures of Speech

Table of Contents

Examples of Figures of Speech

Metaphors used as figures of speech, similes used as figures of speech, personification used as figures of speech, hyperbole used as figures of speech, idioms used as figures of speech, euphemisms used as figures of speech, metonyms used as figures of speech, a broader definition of figure of speech, why figures of speech are important.

definition of figure of speech with examples

  • This bedroom is a prison.
  • He's a real gannet.
  • He listened with a stone face.
  • We don't need dinosaurs in this company.
  • He eats like a gannet.
  • This sandwich tastes like sawdust between two doormats.
  • She sings like an angel.
  • It's like water off a duck's back.
  • The tide waits for no man.
  • My car tends to give up on long hills.
  • Summer's healing rays
  • I have a million problems.
  • We won a tonne of cash.
  • I'll die if I don't finish this crossword.
  • Be careful not to miss the boat.
  • This is the last straw.
  • You can't pull the wool over my eyes.
  • Don't sit on the fence. Say what you mean.
  • kicked the bucket = has died
  • knocked up = is pregnant
  • letting you go = you're fired
  • lost his marbles = is mad
  • Tongue = language
  • Sweat = hard work.
  • Capitol Hill = American seat of government
  • took to the bottle = took to alcohol
  • my word = my promise
  • a suit = business executive, a lawyer (typically)
  • Figure of speech: the use of words in an unusual or imaginative manner.


  • The plate was filled with b eautiful b uns b ursting with b erries.
  • The squ ea ky wh ee l gets the gr ea se.
  • I will pi ck or cra ck the lo ck .


  • She had eyes like pools .


  • The NASA humans-to-Mars program is all sizzle and no steak.
  • During interphase, the protein binds to DNA with its elbow and then digs in with its fingers during mitosis. (Professor Leonie Ringrose)
  • Team, we must throw a party in our guests' mouths. Got it? Yes, chef. Yes, chef. Yes, chef. Yes, Geoff. Did someone just call me Geoff? (Comedian Chris Wells)
  • Use a figure of speech to express an idea more clearly or more interestingly.

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This page was written by Craig Shrives .

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Table of Content

Figure of Speech: Definition

Significance of figures of speech in english, types of figures of speech, illustrations of figurative language, key takeaways:, understanding 13 figures of speech: comprehensive guide and examples.

English language is rich in figures of speech, which enhance our communication by adding depth and nuanced meanings to our words. To grasp this linguistic phenomenon fully, it is essential to familiarize ourselves with different types of figures of speech and examine them through examples.

Even if you are familiar with the phrase, it's important to understand the meaning of a "figure of speech":

A figure of speech is a rhetorical device in which the intended meaning of a word or phrase cannot be interpreted literally from its literal words. In other words, figures of speech employ words or phrases to convey meanings beyond their literal interpretation.

Rhetorical devices are techniques used by writers or speakers to convey meaning, elicit emotional responses, and often persuade or convince the audience.

Figures of speech can be employed both in spoken language and writing. They help us create vivid mental imagery for our listeners and readers, depending on the mode of communication.

Figures of speech find use in both fiction and non-fiction writing, serving various purposes and achieving diverse effects, which we will explore in this article.

Why do we bother using figures of speech and what is their significance in English?

Figures of speech serve various purposes and can be employed to:

Make descriptions of people, places, and things more engaging and interesting (e.g., The ocean stretched out like an endless blue-green carpet .)

Highlight and emphasize emotions (e.g., Her sadness was a supervolcano, ready to erupt at any moment .)

Create a sense of urgency or excitement (e.g., Bang! Pop! The barn crumpled to the ground as the flames engulfed the last wooden posts supporting it .)

Draw comparisons between different subjects (e.g., The puppy dashed into the waves, while the old dog observed, stiller than a petrified tree in the forest .)

The effect generated by a figure of speech largely depends on the specific type employed. Let's now explore various types of figures of speech in more depth:

There is an extensive array of figures of speech. Here is a list covering some of the most prominent ones:

Metaphor: A figure of speech that describes something by likening it to another thing.

Simile: A figure of speech that compares something to another using "like" or "as".

Irony: The use of words to express the opposite of their literal meaning.

Idiom: Phrases or expressions whose meaning is figurative and differs from the literal interpretation of their words.

Euphemism: The use of mild or indirect words or expressions in place of harsh or blunt ones.

Hyperbole: A figure of speech that involves deliberate exaggeration for emphasis or dramatic effect.

Pun: A play on words that exploits different meanings or similar sounds of words, often for humorous or rhetorical effect.

Epigram: A concise and witty statement that conveys an idea, often with a satirical undertone.

Circumlocution: The use of many words to express an idea instead of being concise, often resulting in vagueness or ambiguity.

Onomatopoeia: Words that phonetically imitate or evoke the sound they represent.

Personification: A figure of speech attributing human characteristics or qualities to non-human entities.

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of figures of speech. However, it offers a good starting point to understand the different effects and impacts they can create in language usage.

Fig 2. - Figures of speech can bring writing to life!

Now, let's delve into a few common figures of speech and explore them in more detail:

Metaphor in Figure of Speech

A metaphor directly likens one thing to another by stating that the former is the latter. Metaphors have been widely employed across various literary genres. For example, in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet (1597):

But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun!"

-Romeo and Juliet, W. Shakespeare, 1597 1

In this instance, Juliet is metaphorically compared to the sun in the line "and Juliet is the sun." This metaphor conveys Romeo's intense love for Juliet by emphasizing her importance and radiant nature, much like the sun.

Oxymoron in Figure of Speech

An oxymoron involves combining contradictory terms to emphasize the meaning of the second word . Here's an example from Alfred Tennyson's Lancelot and Elaine (1870) that contains two oxymorons:

His honour rooted in dishonour stood, and faith unfaithful kept him falsely true."

-A. Tennyson, Lancelot and Elaine, 1870 2

In this example, two oxymorons are present: "faith unfaithful" and "falsely true." Both of these oxymorons serve to depict Lancelot as a paradoxical character, embodying both honor and dishonor, truth and falsehood. The positioning of "unfaithful" and "true" as the concluding words of each oxymoron presents Lancelot as indeed being both of these attributes , forming yet another oxymoron.

Fun fact! The term "oxymoron" itself is an oxymoron. It consists of two words with opposite meanings of Greek origin: oxus (meaning "sharp") and moros (meaning "dull"). Translated directly, "oxymoron" means "sharpdull."

Idiom in Figure of Speech

Idioms are phrases where the literal meaning of the words is entirely different from their figurative or intended meaning. They have been extensively used in literature as well.

The world is an oyster, but you don't crack it open on a mattress!"

-A. Miller, Death of a Salesman, 1949 3

You might be familiar with the phrase "the world is your oyster," which has nothing to do with actual oysters but symbolizes possibilities and opportunities. In Death of a Salesman , Willy Loman employs this idiom and adds a twist by saying, "you don't crack it open on a mattress." Willy addresses his son, Happy, explaining that although life offers numerous opportunities, success requires hard work and effort.

Simile in Figure of Speech

Similes resemble metaphors, but instead of asserting one thing is another, similes establish that one thing is like another. Similes utilize words such as "like" or "as." Consider this example from Louisa May Alcott's Little Women (1868):

...she tried to get rid of the kitten which had scrambled up her back and stuck like a burr just out of reach."

-L.M. Alcott, Little Women, 1868 4

In this excerpt, a character attempts to remove a kitten that has climbed onto her back. The simile "stuck like a burr" describes the difficulty of removing the kitten and the character's discomfort. Burrs are often prickly, hence conveying the idea of the kitten's claws.

Fig 3. - An example of a spiky burr. A burr is a seed or dried fruit covered in hairs, thorns, or hooked spines.

Hyperbole in Figure of Speech

Hyperbole involves deliberate exaggeration, not meant to be taken literally, to emphasize or intensify certain characteristics or emotions. Writers employ hyperbole to underscore the extremity of situations or feelings, be it extreme hunger, size, speed, intelligence, etc. Illustratively, consider this extract from William Goldman's The Princess Bride (1973):

I died that day!"

-W. Goldman, The Princess Bride, 1973 5

Princess Buttercup conveys the immense devastation she experienced following Westley's death at the hands of Dread Pirate Roberts. While she did not physically die, her emotional anguish was so profound that it felt as though a part of her had perished with him. The absence of Westley has left her feeling hollow and devoid of life.

Here are some examples of different figures of speech in literature:

  • Metaphor: "Love is a cruel mistress."
  • Simile: "She is as lovely as a rose."
  • Idiom: "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."
  • Hyperbole: "I'm so hungry I could eat a chest of drawers!"
  • Oxymoron: "pretty ugly", "seriously funny", "clearly confused"
  • Irony: (on a rainy day) "What a beautiful day!"
  • Euphemism: "He kicked the bucket."
  • Metonymy: "Long live the crown!" (referring to a king or queen)
  • Pun: "English students have a lot of comma sense."
  • Epigram: "With great power comes great responsibility."
  • Circumlocution: "There is a possibility that I might potentially have been slightly dishonest." (instead of saying, "I lied")
  • Onomatopoeia: "Bang!" "sizzle," "Cuckoo!"
  • Personification: "The clouds were angry."
  • A figure of speech is a rhetorical device that adds emphasis and meaning to spoken and written language.
  • There are various types of figures of speech, such as metaphors, similes, puns, hyperbole, idioms, and more.
  • Each type of figure of speech creates a distinct effect and impact.
  • Figures of speech find utility in both verbal communication and written forms across literary genres.
  • Figures of speech have been extensively employed in literature, including works by Shakespeare, plays like Death of a Salesman , and modern novels.

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Definition of figure of speech, examples of figure of speech in a sentence.

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1751, in the meaning defined above

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“Figure of speech.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/figure%20of%20speech. Accessed 6 Sep. 2024.

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Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for figure of speech

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Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about figure of speech

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Figurative Language

Figurative language definition, types of figurative language, short examples of figurative language, examples of figurative language from literature, example #1: the base stealer (by robert francis).

Poised between going on and back, pulled Both ways taut like a tight-rope walker, Now bouncing tiptoe like a dropped ball, Or a kid skipping rope, come on, come on! … Taunts them, hovers like an ecstatic bird, He’s only flirting, crowd him, crowd him,

Example #2: I Know Why the Cage Bird Sings (By Maya Angelou)

But a BIRD that stalks down his narrow cage Can seldom see through his bars of rage His wings are clipped and his feet are tied The caged bird sings with a fearful trill … And his tune is heard on the distant hill for The caged bird sings of freedom.

The entire poem is rich with metaphor as a bird in a cage represents a group of people who are oppressed and cannot get freedom. The cage represents physical barriers, fear, addiction, or society; while the song of the bird represents true self yearning for something greater in life.

Example #3: She Sweeps with Many-Colored Brooms (By Emily Dickinson)


She sweeps with many-colored Brooms And leaves the Shreds behind Oh Housewife in the Evening West Come back, and dust the Pond!

Dickinson uses personification of a housewife to describe the sunset in the very first line of this poem. She is using a sweeping housewife who does her daily work, likewise the rays of the setting sun sweep away beneath the horizon.

Example #4: The Raven (By Edgar Allen Poe)


O nce upon a midnight dreary w hile I pondered w eak and w eary ; r are and r adiant maiden; And the s ilken s ad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain … D eep into that d arkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, D oubting, d reaming d reams no mortal ever d ared to d ream before.

Poe uses alliteration by repeating the /w/ sound to emphasize the weariness of the narrator , and then /r/ and /s/ sounds in the second and third lines respectively. In the last two lines, the /d/ sound highlights the narrator’s hopelessness.

Example #5: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (By Samuel Taylor Coleridge)

Ah ! well a-day ! what evil looks Had I from old and young ! Instead of the cross , the Albatross About my neck was hung.

In these lines, the albatross symbolizes a big mistake, or a burden of sin, just like the cross on which Christ was crucified. Therefore, all people on the ship agreed to slay that bird.

Example #6: The Bluest Eyes (By Toni Morrison)

Personification, consonance, and simile.

She ran down the street, the green knee socks making her legs look like wild dandelion of stems that had somehow lost their heads. The weight of her remark stunned us.

Example #7: The Week of Diana (By Maya Angelou)

Metaphor, consonance, personification.

“The dark lantern of world sadness has cast its shadow upon the land. We stumble into our misery on leaden feet.”

in just these two lines, Maya Angelou has used a metaphor of the dark lantern, consonance of the /s/ sounds, and personification of misery.

Example #8: The Negro Speaks of River (By Langston Hughes)

Consonance, simile.

“I’ve known rivers: I’ve known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins. My soul has grown deep like the rivers.”

Example #9: Musée des Beaux Arts (By W. H. Auden)

Personification, consonance.

That even the dreadful martyrdom must run its course Anyhow in a corner, some untidy spot Where the dogs go on with their doggy W. H. Auden life and the torturer’s horse Scratches its innocent behind on a tree.

Function of Figurative Language

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ESL Grammar

Figures of Speech: Essential Guide for Effective Communication

Figures of speech are essential components of language that add an extra layer of depth and nuance to communication, enhancing written and spoken content. These devices are used in various forms of literature, including novels, poems, essays, and plays, as well as in everyday conversations. By intentionally deviating from the literal meanings of words or phrases, figures of speech grant writers and speakers the ability to emphasize, clarify, and enrich their message.

There are numerous types of figures of speech, each with its unique characteristics and stylistic effects. Some common examples include metaphors, similes, hyperboles, and personification. These instruments of figurative language allow individuals to create vivid images, comparisons, and expressions, capturing the reader or listener’s imagination and conveying ideas more effectively.

Incorporating figures of speech into one’s writing or speech can make a significant impact; it can make the text more engaging, help the audience connect with the content on a deeper level, and provide an element of creativity. The skillful use of these literary devices can also set one apart as an exceptional writer or speaker, leaving a lasting impression on readers and listeners alike.

Figures of Speech The Art of Language

Types of Figures of Speech

A metaphor is a figure of speech where a word or phrase is used to represent something else, usually by suggesting a common quality or characteristic between the two. For example, “Time is a thief” is a metaphor that implies time steals moments from us, just like a thief would.

A simile is a type of metaphor that uses “like” or “as” to make a direct comparison between two unlike things. An example of a simile is, “Her smile is as warm as the sun.”

Hyperbole is a figure of speech that uses extreme exaggeration to emphasize a point or evoke humor. For example, “I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.”

Irony is a figure of speech in which the intended meaning of a word or expression is opposite to its usual or literal meaning. For instance, saying “How nice!” when something unpleasant happens.

An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which two contradictory terms are used together, such as “deafening silence” or “jumbo shrimp.”

A paradox is a statement that seems contradictory or absurd but may express a deeper truth. An example is, “The more you learn, the more you realize how little you know.”

  • Personification

Personification is a figure of speech in which human qualities are attributed to non-human things or abstract concepts. For example, “The wind whispered through the trees.”

A pun is a play on words that exploits the multiple meanings or similar sounds of words, often to create a humorous effect. An example is, “I used to be a baker, but I couldn’t make enough dough.”

  • Alliteration

Alliteration is the repetition of the same consonant sound at the beginning of words or syllables in close proximity. For example, “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.”

Metonymy is a figure of speech in which a thing or concept is referred to by the name of something closely associated with it, such as “the White House” to mean the US president’s administration.

Antithesis is a figure of speech in which contrasting ideas are expressed by the use of parallel structures. For instance, “To err is human; to forgive, divine.”

  • Onomatopoeia

Onomatopoeia is a figure of speech in which words mimic the sound they represent, like “buzz” or “drip.”

Synecdoche is a figure of speech in which a part represents the whole or vice versa. For example, “all hands on deck” means all crew members should help.


Understatement is a figure of speech in which something is expressed with less strength or emphasis than it deserves, often for ironic effect. For instance, “It’s just a scratch” when referring to a deep wound.

Apostrophe is a figure of speech in which a speaker directly addresses an absent person, an abstract idea, or a thing as if it were present. For example, “O death, where is thy sting?”

Litotes is a figure of speech that uses understatement by negating the opposite, often to emphasize a point. An example is, “He’s not the friendliest person” to mean the person is quite unfriendly.

A euphemism is a figure of speech that uses a mild or indirect expression in place of a harsher or more offensive one. For instance, “passed away” instead of “died.”

Anaphora is a figure of speech in which the same word or phrase is repeated at the beginning of successive clauses or sentences for emphasis. For example, “We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets.”


Circumlocution is a figure of speech in which a word or idea is expressed indirectly or in a roundabout way. For instance, “the thing you use to write with that has ink” instead of “pen.”

Assonance is the repetition of similar vowel sounds within words in close proximity, often to create a sense of harmony or rhythm. An example is, “The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.”

An epigram is a concise and witty statement or verse that often contains a paradox or an ironic twist. For example, “I can resist everything except temptation” by Oscar Wilde.

Pleonasm is a figure of speech in which redundant or unnecessary words are used for emphasis, such as “burning fire” or “free gift.”

Functions and Effects

Rhetorical effect.

Figures of speech serve various functions in language, including producing a rhetorical effect. By using devices such as rhetorical questions, antimetabole, and ellipsis, speakers and writers can clarify, emphasize, or embellish their message in order to create a persuasive argument or profound observation. Rhetorical questions, for instance, are a technique where questions are posed without the expectation of an answer, serving to make an implied point. Antimetabole uses repetition with a reversal of a word order to create a powerful effect, while ellipsis omits words for a purposeful, concise impact.

Emphasis and Balance

Another function of figures of speech is to create emphasis and balance within a text. This can be achieved through devices like antithesis, which places opposite ideas or things next to each other to draw out their contrast. Similarly, the use of antanaclasis can also provide balance by repeating a word with a different meaning in one sentence, adding emphasis and creating intrigue.

Wordplay and Humor

Figures of speech can bring a sense of wordplay and humor to a text, making it more engaging and memorable. Devices like puns, anthimeria, and periphrasis help create a playful and lighthearted tone while still maintaining the writer’s intended message. Puns use similar or identical words with different meanings to create humor, whereas anthimeria involves using a word from one part of speech as another for a witty effect. Periphrasis, on the other hand, is a figurative device that uses more words than necessary to describe something, often for humorous or exaggerated effect.

Emotional and Imaginative Impact

Lastly, figures of speech can also evoke emotional and imaginative responses from audiences. By using vivid language, metaphors, similes, and other figurative techniques, writers and speakers can form mental pictures that enhance a reader or listener’s understanding of a concept or idea. This capacity to create powerful imagery and elicit strong emotions makes figures of speech essential tools in the art of communication.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are common examples of figures of speech?

Some common examples of figures of speech include similes, metaphors, alliteration, personification, and hyperbole. These figures are often used in literature, poetry, and everyday language to create vivid and memorable expressions.

How many types of figures of speech exist?

There are numerous types of figures of speech, with some sources suggesting over 100 different types. However, it’s essential to be familiar with a handful of commonly used figures of speech to improve one’s reading and writing skills.

What are the four most frequently used figures?

The four most frequently used figures of speech are similes, metaphors, alliteration, and personification. Similes compare two things using “like” or “as,” metaphors make direct comparisons between different objects, alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds, and personification attributes human qualities to non-human entities.

Can you provide examples of 10 different figures of speech?

  • Simile : Her smile was as bright as the sun.
  • Metaphor : Time is a thief.
  • Alliteration : Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
  • Personification : The wind whispered through the trees.
  • Hyperbole : He’s as strong as an ox.
  • Onomatopoeia : The bees buzzed in the flowers.
  • Oxymoron : The silence was deafening.
  • Pun : Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.
  • Anaphora : We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets.
  • Irony : The fire station burned down.

What are the 8 main types of figures?

The 8 main types of figures of speech are similes, metaphors, alliteration, personification, hyperbole, onomatopoeia, oxymorons, and puns. These figures of speech each serve different purposes and are used in various contexts to convey vivid imagery and meaning.

Which figures of speech are found in a top 20 list?

In a top 20 list of figures of speech, one might find:

  • Anadiplosis
  • Anachronism

These figures of speech are frequently used in literature, speeches, and everyday language to enhance the meaning and impact of language.


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Top 20 Figures of Speech with Definitions and Examples

As an English learner, you probably would have heard of metaphor, personification, or simile. These are the most common types of figures of speech in English. Figures of speech play a significant role in English speaking and writing . You don’t necessarily use all types of figures of speech on a daily basis, but they act as a powerful tool in writing. In this article, we’ll go over the top 20 figures of speech that you need to know to improve your overall English language skills.

what are figures of speech

What is a Figure of Speech?

A figure of speech is a way of using language that goes beyond its literal meaning to convey a more vivid or imaginative expression. It involves the use of words or phrases in a non-literal sense to create a specific effect or emphasize a point. Figures of speech add color, creativity, and depth to language, making communication more interesting and engaging.

Importance of Figures of Speech

Figures of speech make language more interesting and expressive. They help convey emotions, create mental images, and emphasize ideas. By using metaphors, similes, and other figures of speech, speakers and writers can make their communication more vivid and memorable. These tools also add creativity to literature, contribute to cultural expressions, and play a role in humor. Overall, figures of speech enhance communication by making it more engaging, impactful, and versatile.

List of 20 Figures of Speech with Definitions and Examples

A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things using the words “like” or “as” to highlight a shared characteristic. It helps create vivid and imaginative descriptions.

Example: As brave as a lion.

Explanation: Emphasizes the person’s courage by likening it to the well-known bravery of a lion.

2. Metaphor

A metaphor is a figure of speech that implies a comparison between two unrelated things, suggesting that they share common characteristics without using “like” or “as.” It is a way of describing one thing as if it were another to create a deeper understanding or evoke a specific image.

Example: Time is a thief.

Explanation: Time is compared to a thief to convey the idea that it steals moments or experiences.

3. Personification

Personification is a figure of speech in which human attributes or qualities are given to non-human entities or objects. It involves treating something non-human as if it has human-like characteristics.

Example: The wind whispered through the trees.

Explanation: Personifies the wind by attributing the human quality of whispering to it.

4. Hyperbole

A hyperbole is a figure of speech that involves exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. It is used to emphasize a point, create emphasis, or add dramatic effect.

Example: I’ve told you a million times to clean your room

Explanation: The exaggeration of a million times emphasizes the speaker’s frustration or annoyance. The person didn’t actually say it a million times.

5. Alliteration

Alliteration is a series of words in a sentence or phrase that share the same initial consonant sound. It is often used to create rhythm, emphasize a particular sound, or make language more memorable.

Example: Sally sells seashells by the seashore

Explanation: The repetition of the “s” sound adds a musical quality to the sentence.

6. Assonance

Assonance is where the repetition of vowel sounds occurs within nearby words in a sentence or phrase. It is used for musicality, emphasis, or to create a specific mood.

Example: Hear the mellow wedding bells

Explanation: The repetition of the long “e” sound enhances the melodic quality of the expression.

Irony is a discrepancy between what is said and what is meant, or between appearances and reality. It often involves a twist or contradiction that may be humorous, thought-provoking, or even tragic. An example of irony is situational irony, where a fire station burns down; this situation is ironic because a place dedicated to preventing fires becomes the victim of one.

8. Oxymoron

An oxymoron combines contradictory or opposing words to create a paradoxical effect. It is used to convey complexity, irony, or a unique perspective.

Example: jumbo shrimp

Explanation: The juxtaposition of “jumbo” and “shrimp” creates a contrasting and somewhat humorous image.

9. Onomatopoeia

Onomatopoeia is a figure of speech where words imitate the natural sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to. These words are often used to evoke a sensory experience and bring a vivid quality to language.

Example: buzz

Explanation: The word itself imitates the sound of a buzzing bee.

10. Euphemism

A euphemism is a mild or indirect expression used to replace a harsh or blunt phrase that might be considered impolite, offensive, or too direct. It is often employed to soften the impact of sensitive or uncomfortable topics.

Example: Using “passed away” instead of “died” to refer to someone’s death

Explanation: “Passed away” is considered more gentle and considerate than “died.”

top 20 figures of speech

As a figure of speech, a cliché refers to an expression, idea, or phrase that has been so overused that it has lost its originality and impact. It involves using a predictable or stereotyped phrase that may lack creativity.

Example: Saying “quiet as a mouse” to describe silence is a cliché

Explanation: The phrase is often used and has become a common expression.

12. Allusion

An allusion involves referencing a well-known person, place, event, or work of art within a conversation, text, or speech. It allows the speaker or writer to convey complex ideas or emotions by drawing on the associations and meanings attached to the referenced element.

Example: Saying someone has “the Midas touch.”

Explanation: It is an allusion to the mythical King Midas, known for turning everything he touched into gold, suggesting a person’s ability to turn things successful or prosperous.

13. Anaphora

Anaphora is a figure of speech where a word or phrase is repeated at the beginning of successive clauses or sentences. It is used for emphasis, rhythm, and to create a powerful impact.

Example: Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech

Explanation: He repeatedly begins sentences with “I have a dream” to highlight and reinforce his vision for a better future.

14. Chiasmus

Chiasmus is a figure of speech where the order of words or phrases in one clause is reversed in the following clause. This creates a balanced and often symmetrical structure, adding emphasis and style to the expression.

Example: Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

Explanation: The order of the terms is reversed in the second part, creating a memorable and impactful rhetorical structure.

15. Litotes

Litotes is a figure of speech that uses double negatives or understatement to emphasize an idea by negating its opposite.

Example: Not bad

Explanation: Conveys that something is good but in a subtle or understated manner.

16. Paradox

A paradox is a statement or situation that appears self-contradictory or absurd, but in reality, it illustrates a deeper truth or logic, often highlighting the complexities and nuances of a concept.

Example: Less is more

Explanation: The apparent contradiction suggests that simplicity or having less can sometimes be more effective or valuable.

17. Epistrophe

Epistrophe is a figure of speech where a word or phrase is repeated at the end of successive clauses or sentences. It is used to create emphasis, rhythmic effect, and a memorable expression.

Example: Abraham Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address”

Explanation: “…and that government of the people, by the people, for the people…” The repetition of “people” occurs at the end of each phrase for emphasis.

18. Synecdoche

Synecdoche is a figure of speech in which a part of something is used to represent the whole, or vice versa. It involves substituting a specific attribute or component for the entire entity.

Example: All hands on deck

Explanation: This means that everyone (the hands) is needed to help, representing the entire person.

19. Antithesis

Antithesis is a figure of speech that involves the juxtaposition of contrasting ideas or words within parallel grammatical structures. It is used to emphasize the stark contrast between two opposing elements.

Example: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” from Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities

Explanation: The contrasting ideas of “best” and “worst” highlight the dual nature of the time period described.

20. Apostrophe

Apostrophe, as a figure of speech, is when a speaker addresses an absent or imaginary person, a non-living object, or an abstract concept as if it were present and capable of responding. It often involves a strong emotional expression.

Example: Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” when Mark Antony says, “O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth,”

Explanation: Addresses the lifeless body of Caesar as if it could hear and respond.

figures of speech definitions and examples

FAQs About Figures of Speech

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about figures of speech in English.

What are the 12 main figures of speech?

The 12 main figures of speech include simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, onomatopoeia, alliteration, assonance, euphemism, oxymoron, allusion, chiasmus, and litotes.

What are the 10 types of figure of speech and their meaning?

The 10 types of figures of speech and their meanings are:

  • Simile: Comparing two unlike things using “like” or “as.”
  • Metaphor: Implies a resemblance between unrelated things without using “like” or “as.”
  • Personification: Giving human characteristics to non-human entities.
  • Hyperbole: Exaggerating statements for emphasis or effect.
  • Onomatopoeia: Words imitating natural sounds.
  • Alliteration: Repetition of initial consonant sounds in nearby words.
  • Assonance: Repetition of vowel sounds within nearby words.
  • Euphemism: Substituting a milder or indirect expression for a harsh or blunt one.
  • Oxymoron: Combining contradictory terms to create a paradoxical effect.
  • Allusion: Referencing a well-known person, place, event, or work of art.

What are 5 examples of personification?

Here are 5 examples of personification:

  • The sun smiled down on the beach.
  • The wind whispered through the trees.
  • Time flies when you’re having fun.
  • The flowers danced in the breeze.
  • The alarm clock screamed at me to wake up.

How many figures of speech are there in total?

According to Professor Rober Diyanni, “rhetoricians have catalogues more than 250 different figures of speech.” However, there are mainly 10-20 figures of speech there are commonly used.

Is my shoes are killing me a hyperbole?

“My shoes are killing me” is hyperbole because it is an exaggerated statement meant to convey extreme discomfort, not to be taken literally.

What are some examples of hyperbole?

Here are 5 examples of hyperbole:

  • I have a million things to do.
  • It’s raining cats and dogs.
  • This suitcase weighs a ton.
  • I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.
  • The queue at the amusement park is a mile long.

Is idiom a figure of speech?

Yes, an idiom is a type of figure of speech. Idioms are expressions whose meanings cannot be inferred from the literal interpretation of their individual words.

More English Resources

If you want to learn more about the English language, check out the following topics.

  • Choose your Own Adventure ESL Writing Activity
  • Sequence Words: Meaning and Examples in English
  • American English Idioms and Phrases to Learn
  • 100 Common English Questions and How to Answer Them
  • Parts of Speech Activities ESL | Adverbs, Articles, Nouns, Verbs

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Jackie Bolen has been teaching English for more than 20 years to students in South Korea and Canada. She's taught all ages, levels and kinds of TEFL classes. She holds an MA degree, along with the Celta and Delta English teaching certifications.

Jackie is the author of more than 100 books for English teachers and English learners, including 101 ESL Activities for Teenagers and Adults , Great Debates for ESL/EFL , and 1001 English Expressions and Phrases . She loves to share her ESL games, activities, teaching tips, and more with other teachers throughout the world.

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Figurative Language

figure of speech is used here

Figurative Language Definition

What is figurative language? Here’s a quick and simple definition:

Figurative language is language that contains or uses figures of speech . When people use the term "figurative language," however, they often do so in a slightly narrower way. In this narrower definition, figurative language refers to language that uses words in ways that deviate from their literal interpretation to achieve a more complex or powerful effect. This view of figurative language focuses on the use of figures of speech that play with the meaning of words, such as metaphor , simile , personification , and hyperbole .

Some additional key details about figurative language:

  • Figurative language is common in all sorts of writing, as well as in spoken language.
  • Figurative language refers to language that contains figures of speech, while figures of speech are the particular techniques. If figurative speech is like a dance routine, figures of speech are like the various moves that make up the routine.
  • It's a common misconception that imagery, or vivid descriptive language, is a kind of figurative language. In fact, writers can use figurative language as one tool to help create imagery, but imagery does not have to use figurative language.

Figurative Language Pronunciation

Here's how to pronounce figurative language: fig -yer-uh-tiv lang -gwij

Figures of Speech and Figurative Language

To fully understand figurative language, it's helpful to have a basic understanding of figures of speech. More specifically, it's helpful to understand the two main types of figures of speech: tropes and schemes .

  • Tropes are figures of speech that play with and shift the expected and literal meaning of words.
  • Schemes are figures of speech that involve a change from the typical mechanics of a sentence, such as the order, pattern, or arrangement of words.

Put even more simply: tropes play with the meaning of words, while schemes play with the structure of words, phrases, and sentences.

The Different Things People Mean When They Say Figurative Language

When people say figurative language, they don't always mean the precise same thing. Here are the three different ways people usually talk about figurative language:

  • Dictionary definition of figurative language: According to the dictionary, figurative language is simply any language that contains or uses figures of speech. This definition would mean that figurative language includes the use of both tropes and schemes.
  • Much more common real world use of figurative language: However, when people (including teachers) refer to figurative language, they usually mean language that plays with the literal meaning of words. This definition sees figurative language as language that primarily involves the use of tropes.
  • Another common real world use of figurative language: Some people define figurative language as including figures of speech that play with meaning as well as a few other common schemes that affect the rhythm and sound of text, such as alliteration and assonance .

What does all that boil down to for you? If you hear someone talking about figurative language, you can usually safely assume they are referring to language that uses figures of speech to play with the meaning of words and, perhaps, with the way that language sounds or feels.

Common Types of Figurative Language

There are many, many types of figures of speech that can be involved in figurative language. Some of the most common are:

  • Metaphor : A figure of speech that makes a comparison between two unrelated things by stating that one thing is another thing, even though this isn't literally true. For example, the phrase "her lips are a blooming rose" obviously doesn't literally mean what it says—it's a metaphor that makes a comparison between the red beauty and promise of a blooming rose with that of the lips of the woman being described.
  • Simile : A simile, like a metaphor, makes a comparison between two unrelated things. However, instead of stating that one thing is another thing (as in metaphor), a simile states that one thing is like another thing. An example of a simile would be to say "they fought like cats and dogs."
  • Oxymoron : An oxymoron pairs contradictory words in order to express new or complex meanings. In the phrase "parting is such sweet sorrow" from Romeo and Juliet , "sweet sorrow" is an oxymoron that captures the complex and simultaneous feelings of pain and pleasure associated with passionate love.
  • Hyperbole : Hyperbole is an intentional exaggeration of the truth, used to emphasize the importance of something or to create a comic effect. An example of a hyperbole is to say that a backpack "weighs a ton." No backpack literally weighs a ton, but to say "my backpack weighs ten pounds" doesn't effectively communicate how burdensome a heavy backpack feels.
  • Personification : In personification, non-human things are described as having human attributes, as in the sentence, "The rain poured down on the wedding guests, indifferent to their plans." Describing the rain as "indifferent" is an example of personification, because rain can't be "indifferent," nor can it feel any other human emotion.
  • Idiom : An idiom is a phrase that, through general usage within a particular group or society, has gained a meaning that is different from the literal meaning of the words. The phrase "it's raining cats and dogs" is known to most Americans to mean that it's raining hard, but an English-speaking foreigner in the United States might find the phrase totally confusing.
  • Onomatopoeia : Onomatopoeia is a figure of speech in which words evoke the actual sound of the thing they refer to or describe. The “boom” of a firework exploding, the “tick tock” of a clock, and the “ding dong” of a doorbell are all examples of onomatopoeia.
  • Synecdoche : In synecdoche, a part of something is used to refer to its whole . For example, "The captain commands one hundred sails" is a synecdoche that uses "sails" to refer to ships—ships being the thing of which a sail is a part.
  • Metonymy : Metonymy is a figure of speech in which an object or concept is referred to not by its own name, but instead by the name of something closely associated with it. For example, in "Wall Street prefers lower taxes," the New York City street that was the original home of the New York Stock Exchange stands in for (or is a "metonym" for) the entire American financial industry.
  • Alliteration : In alliteration, the same sound repeats in a group of words, such as the “ b ” sound in: “ B ob b rought the b ox of b ricks to the b asement.” Alliteration uses repetition to create a musical effect that helps phrases to stand out from the language around them.
  • Assonance : The repetition of vowel sounds repeat in nearby words, such as the " ee " sound: "the squ ea ky wh ee l gets the gr ea se." Like alliteration, assonance uses repeated sounds to create a musical effect in which words echo one another.

Figurative Language vs. Imagery

Many people (and websites) argue that imagery is a type of figurative language. That is actually incorrect. Imagery refers to a writers use of vivid and descriptive language to appeal to the reader's senses and more deeply evoke places, things, emotions, and more. The following sentence uses imagery to give the reader a sense of how what is being described looks, feels, smells, and sounds:

The night was dark and humid, the scent of rotting vegetation hung in the air, and only the sound of mosquitoes broke the quiet of the swamp.

This sentence uses no figurative language. Every word means exactly what it says, and the sentence is still an example of the use of imagery. That said, imagery can use figurative language, often to powerful effect:

The night was dark and humid, heavy with a scent of rotting vegetation like a great-aunt's heavy and inescapable perfume, and only the whining buzz of mosquitoes broke the silence of the swamp.

In this sentence, the description has been made more powerful through the use of a simile ("like a great-aunt's..."), onomatopoeia ("whining buzz," which not only describes but actually sounds like the noise made by mosquitoes), and even a bit of alliteration in the " s ilence of the s wamp."

To sum up: imagery is not a form of figurative language. But a writer can enhance his or her effort to write imagery through the use of figurative language.

Figurative Language Examples

Figurative language is more interesting, lively, beautiful, and memorable than language that's purely literal. Figurative language is found in all sorts of writing, from poetry to prose to speeches to song lyrics, and is also a common part of spoken speech. The examples below show a variety of different types of figures of speech. You can see many more examples of each type at their own specific LitChart entries.

Figurative Language Example: Metaphor

Metaphor in shakespeare's romeo and juliet.

In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet , Romeo uses the following metaphor in Act 2 Scene 2 of Romeo and Juliet , after sneaking into Juliet's garden and catching a glimpse of her on her balcony:

But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.

Romeo compares Juliet to the sun not only to describe how radiantly beautiful she is, but also to convey the full extent of her power over him. He's so taken with Juliet that her appearances and disappearances affect him like those of the sun. His life "revolves" around Juliet like the earth orbits the sun.

Figurative Language Example: Simile

In this example of a simile from Slaughterhouse-Five , Billy Pilgrim emerges from an underground slaughterhouse where he has been held prisoner by the Germans during the deadly World War II firebombing of Dresden:

It wasn't safe to come out of the shelter until noon the next day. When the Americans and their guards did come out, the sky was black with smoke. The sun was an angry little pinhead. Dresden was like the moon now , nothing but minerals. The stones were hot. Everybody else in the neighborhood was dead.

Vonnegut uses simile to compare the bombed city of Dresden to the moon in order to capture the totality of the devastation—the city is so lifeless that it is like the barren moon.

Figurative Language Example: Oxymoron

These lines from Chapter 7 of Ernest Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls describe an encounter between Robert Jordan, a young American soldier fighting in the Spanish Civil War, and his lover María.

She held herself tight to him and her lips looked for his and then found them and were against them and he felt her, fresh, new and smooth and young and lovely with the warm, scalding coolness and unbelievable to be there in the robe that was as familiar as his clothes, or his shoes, or his duty and then she said, frightenedly, “And now let us do quickly what it is we do so that the other is all gone.”

The couple's relationship becomes a bright spot for both of them in the midst of war, but ultimately also a source of pain and confusion for Jordan, as he struggles to balance his obligation to fight with his desire to live happily by Maria's side. The contradiction contained within the oxymoron "scalding coolness" emphasizes the couple's conflicting emotions and impossible situation.

Figurative Language Example: Hyperbole

Elizabeth Bennet, the most free-spirited character in Pride and Prejudice , refuses Mr. Darcy's first marriage proposal with a string of hyperbole :

From the very beginning, from the first moment I may almost say, of my acquaintance with you, your manners impressing me with the fullest belief of your arrogance, your conceit, and your selfish disdain of the feelings of others, were such as to form that ground-work of disapprobation, on which succeeding events have built so immoveable a dislike; and I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry.

Elizabeth's closing statement, that Darcy is the "last man in the world" whom she would ever marry, is an obvious hyperbole. It's hard to believe that Elizabeth would rather marry, say, an axe murderer or a diseased pirate than Mr. Darcy. Even beyond the obvious exaggeration, Austen's use of hyperbole in this exchange hints at the fact that Elizabeth's feelings for Darcy are more complicated than she admits, even to herself. Austen drops various hints throughout the beginning of the novel that Elizabeth feels something beyond mere dislike for Darcy. Taken together with these hints, Elizabeth's hyperbolic statements seem designed to convince not only Darcy, but also herself, that their relationship has no future.

Figurative Language Example: Personification

In Chapter 1 of The Scarlet Letter , Nathaniel Hawthorne describes a wild rose bush that grows in front of Salem's gloomy wooden jail:

But, on one side of the portal, and rooted almost at the threshold, was a wild rose-bush, covered, in this month of June, with its delicate gems, which might be imagined to offer their fragrance and fragile beauty to the prisoner as he went in, and to the condemned criminal as he came forth to his doom, in token that the deep heart of Nature could pity and be kind to him.

In the context of the novel's setting in 17th century Boston, this rose bush, which grows wild in front of an establishment dedicated to enforcing harsh puritan values, symbolizes those elements of human nature that cannot be repressed, no matter how strict a community's moral code may be: desire, fertility, and a love of beauty. By personifying the rosebush as "offering" its blossoms to reflect Nature's pity (Nature is also personified here as having a "heart"), Hawthorne turns the passive coincidence of the rosebush's location into an image of human nature actively resisting its constraints.

Figurative Language Example: Idiom

Figurative language example: onomatopoeia.

In Act 3, Scene 3 of Shakespeare's The Tempest , Caliban uses onomatopoeia to convey the noises of the island.

Be not afeard. The isle is full of noises, Sounds, and sweet airs that give delight and hurt not. Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices...

The use of onomatopoeia makes the audience feel the sounds on the island, rather than just have to take Caliban's word about there being noises.

Figurative Language Example: Synecdoche

In Act 4, Scene 3 of Shakespeare's Macbeth , an angry Macbeth kicks out a servant by saying:

Take thy face hence.

Here, "thy face" stands in for "you." Macbeth is simply telling the servant to leave, but his use of synecdoche makes the tone of his command more harsh and insulting because he uses synecdoche to treat the servant not as a person but as an object, a body part.

Figurative Language Example: Metonymy

In his song "Juicy," Notorious B.I.G. raps:

Now I'm in the limelight 'cause I rhyme tight

Here he's using "limelight" as a metonymy for fame (a "limelight" was a kind of spotlight used in old theaters, and so it came to be associated with the fame of being in the spotlight). Biggie's use of metonymy here also sets him up for a sweet rhyme.

Figurative Language Example: Alliteration

In his song "Rap God," Eminem shows his incredible lyrical dexterity by loading up the alliteration :

S o I wanna make sure, s omewhere in this chicken s cratch I S cribble and doodle enough rhymes T o maybe t ry t o help get s ome people through t ough t imes But I gotta k eep a few punchlines Just in c ase, ‘ c ause even you un s igned Rappers are hungry l ooking at me l ike it's l unchtime…

Why Do Writers Use Figurative Language?

The term figurative language refers to a whole host of different figures of speech, so it's difficult to provide a single definitive answer to why writers use figurative language. That said, writers use figurative language for a wide variety of reasons:

  • Interest and beauty: Figurative language allows writes to express descriptions, ideas, and more in ways that are unique and beautiful.
  • Complexity and power: Because figurative language can create meanings that go beyond the literal, it can capture complex ideas, feelings, descriptions, or truths that cause readers to see things in a new way, or more closely mirror the complex reality of the world.
  • Visceral affect: Because figurative language can both impact the rhythm and sound of language, and also connect the abstract (say, love) with the concrete (say, a rose), it can help language make an almost physical impact on a reader.
  • Humor: By allowing a writer to layer additional meanings over literal meanings, or even to imply intended meanings that are the opposite of the literal meaning, figurative language gives writers all sorts of options for creating humor in their writing.
  • Realism: People speak and even think in terms of the sorts of comparisons that underlie so much figurative language. Rather than being flowery, figurative language allows writers to describe things in ways that match how people really think about them, and to create characters who themselves feel real.

In general, figurative language often makes writing feel at once more accessible and powerful, more colorful, surprising, and deep.

Other Helpful Figurative Language Resources

  • The dictionary definition of figurative : Touches on figurative language, as well as some other meanings of the word.
  • Figurative and Frost : Examples of figurative language in the context of the poetry of Robert Frost.
  • Figurative YouTube : A video identifying various forms of figurative language from movies and television shows.
  • Wikipedia on literal and figurative language : A bit technical, but with a good list of examples.

The printed PDF version of the LitCharts literary term guide on Figurative Language

  • Alliteration
  • Figure of Speech
  • Onomatopoeia
  • Personification
  • Protagonist
  • Anadiplosis
  • Bildungsroman
  • Slant Rhyme
  • Red Herring
  • Tragic Hero
  • Point of View
  • Blank Verse
  • Rhyme Scheme

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The Figure of Speech with Examples

In this article, learn the figures of speech in English grammar . You'll learn what is a figure of speech, their definitions, and types of figures of speech. Our goal is to help you learn these fundamental building blocks of English, making your writing and speaking more cohesive and effective.


Understand the figure of speech with examples. This guide offers valuable insights and examples to enhance your understanding and usage of the figure of speech in English.

Do You Know?

, depth, and creativity to language.


What is a Figure of Speech?

Understanding figures of speech.

A figure of speech is a departure from the ordinary use of language to enhance its impact. Also referred to as a rhetorical figure, it alters a statement from its literal meaning or common usage to create a specific effect. This technique often emphasizes, decorates, or clarifies language in both written and spoken forms. Figures of speech are prevalent in literature, advertisements, slogans, newspapers, magazines, cartoons, and more.

Figures of speech capture attention and highlight their purpose, often making comparisons and adding dramatic elements to writing or speaking. These figurative expressions may involve a single word or phrase and include devices such as similes, metaphors, or personifications that convey meanings beyond their literal interpretation. They are usually categorized into different schemes, which are patterns of word arrangement. The four primary operations to achieve the desired effect include:

Addition : Also known as repetition, expansion, or superabundance.

Omission : Also known as subtraction , abridgement, or lack.

Transposition : Also known as transfer.

Permutation : Also known as switching, interchange, substitution, or transmutation .

Figures of speech are diverse and serve to use language in a way that creates a specific impact. Examples include expressions like "the mouth of a river," "round and round," "the eye of a needle," "a stream of abuse," "money talks," "butterflies in the stomach ," and "painful pride." These can be found across literature, poetry, movies, and speeches.

Importance of Figures of Speech

Figures of speech enhance the beauty of writing by adding depth and leaving readers with a sense of wonder. They bring vibrancy to the language, reflecting the writer's intent and purpose. By adding flavour to the text, they make reading more engaging and enjoyable.

Figures of speech can be classified into five major categories:

Figures of Resemblance : Also known as figures of relationship, including similes, metaphors, and kennings.

Figures of Emphasis : Also known as figures of understatement, such as hyperboles.

Figures of Sound : Utilizing alliteration.

Verbal Games : Also known as gymnastics, including puns.

Errors : Created by malapropisms, often resulting from blunders.

These categories illustrate the various ways figures of speech can be employed to achieve different rhetorical effects.

There are five major categories of figures of speech, as below:

Figures of resemblance : It is also known as the figure of relationship. It is made up of simile, metaphor, or kenning.

Figures of emphasis : It is also known as a figure of an understatement. It is made up of hyperbole.

Figures of sound : It uses alliteration.

Verbal games : It is also known as gymnastics. It includes puns.

Errors : It is created by malapropism and is usually generated because of a blunder.

Types of Figures of Speech

Below are the various Types of Figures of Speech for your easy reference:

1. Simile - In a simile, two things that are completely unlocked are compared with each other. A simile is introduced by words such as like, so, as, etc.

The flower is as pretty as a picture.

He is as sober as a judge.

The floor was as slippery as an eel.

They looked like peas in a pod.

He eats like a pig .

2. Metaphor - When you compare two unlike or different things or ideas, it is known as a metaphor. It is an informal or implied simile in which the words ‘like’ ‘as’ are avoided. For example, He is like a Giant - Simile and He is a Giant - Metaphor.

You are the apple of my eye.

Ocean’s sound is music to my ear.

Heart of gold .

He is a night owl .

Time is money .

3. Personification - In personification, non-living objects, abstract concepts, or qualities are attributed human or living characteristics.

The angry clouds enveloped the island.

The earth yearned for rain .

The flowers conversed with them in the garden.

The wind howled throughout the night.

The snowflakes danced in the moonlight.

4. Apostrophe - In this figure of speech, the writer mentions the absent or inanimate objects as alive and writes about them.

“O, Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?”

“Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are”

“Walter, remember when the world was young and all the girls knew Walter's name? Walter, isn't it a shame the way our little world has changed.”

5. Oxymoron - An Oxymoron is when two words are used together in a sentence but they seem to be in contrast with each other.

An oxymoron is a figure of speech that deliberately combines two contrasting ideas. This juxtaposition creates a paradoxical image in the reader's or listener's mind, leading to a new or nuanced meaning.

Life is bittersweet.

They could sense the joyful sadness upon his arrival.

Sweet sorrow.

Peaceful force.

Jumbo shrimp .

6. Hyperbole - Hyperbole is when you use words to exaggerate what you mean or emphasise a point . It is used to make something seem bigger or more important than it is.

It has been ages since I have had a proper meal.

Usain Bolt runs faster than the wind.

I could do this forever.

She’s older than this world.

Everybody knows me.

7. Pun - A pun is generally used in plays where one word has two different meanings. It is used to create humour. Humorous use of words of different meanings or words of the same sound but different meanings is known as Pun.

A bicycle can’t stand on its own because it is two-tired.

Where do you find giant snails? On the ends of the giants' fingers.

8. Alliteration - It is a series of words, which commence with the same letter. Alliteration consists of the repetition of a sound or of a letter at the beginning of two or more words.

Dirty dolphins dove across the ocean.

Purple pandas painted portraits.

She sells seashells.

Nick needed new notebooks.

Fred fried frogs’ legs on Friday.

9. Onomatopoeia - It is the figure of speech where the word is used to describe a sound. When we explain any action by putting the sounds into language, it is known as onomatopoeia. It is generally used in fiction or in nursery rhymes, for eg- Old Macdonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O. Words like whoosh, splat, buzz, oink, click, etc., are used to create this effect.

I could hear the leaves rustling and the wind howling.

Bam! He hit the truck at a speed of 80 mph.

10. Anaphora - When many phrases or verses start with the same word, it is known as anaphora.

I came, I saw, I conquered.

We shall not stop. We shall go on and on. We shall move forward.

11. Assonance - When we use repetition of vowel sounds, it is known as assonance.

12. Euphemism - It is known as a euphemism when we replace blunt, offensive, or harsh terms with soft, mild, vague, or indirect terms.

Saying "letting you go" instead of "firing."

Describing someone as "a little thin on top" rather than "bald."

Referring to someone as having "passed away" instead of "died" or "killed."

Using the phrase "stick to the truth" instead of directly calling someone a "liar."

13. Irony - If you use terms that contrast with what you say and what you do, it is known as irony. It’s like a difference between what is said and what is meant.

14. Synecdoche - If a part is represented by a whole or a whole is represented by a part, it is known as synecdoche.

Colgate – any toothpaste

Wheels – a car

Employed people – workers

The traffic – many vehicles

15. Understatement - When you try to say or show something of no importance or less importance.

Referring to a big wound as just a scratch

Saying it a little dry instead of dessert

Referring to big destruction as just an accident

Classification of Figures of Speech

Figures of speech can be categorised based on their functions within sentences. The main classifications are:

1. Showing a Relationship or Resemblance

This category includes figures of speech that create comparisons to illustrate relationships or similarities. Examples are similes, metaphors, personification, euphemism, metonymy, and synecdoche.

2. Showing Phonetic Resemblances and Representing Sounds

Figures of speech in this category include alliteration, assonance, and onomatopoeia. Alliteration and assonance use similar-sounding words or repeating consonant and vowel sounds to create effects, while onomatopoeia uses words that mimic actual sounds.

3. Showing Emphasis or Unimportance

These figures of speech are used to highlight or downplay the significance of something. Examples include hyperbole, antithesis, oxymoron, irony, and litotes. Each of these figures serves to emphasise or diminish the importance of a concept.

The Figure of Speech Chart

Here’s the figure of speech chart, summarising various figures of speech, their definitions, and examples for your easy reference:

Figure of Speech




A comparison using "like" or "as"

"Her smile was like sunshine."


A direct comparison without using "like" or "as"

"Time is a thief."


Giving human traits to non-human entities

"The wind whispered through the trees."


Exaggeration for emphasis or effect

"I’m so hungry I could eat a ."


A contrast between appearance and reality, often with a twist of meaning

"A station burns down."


Repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words

"She sells seashells by the seashore."


Repetition of vowel sounds within words

"The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain."


Words that imitate natural sounds

"The bees buzzed in the garden."


Combining contradictory terms

"Deafening silence."


A mild or less direct way of saying something unpleasant

"He passed away" instead of "He died."


Substituting a related term for the one meant

"The White House issued a statement."


Using a part to represent the whole, or vice versa

"All hands on deck."


Placing contrasting ideas close together to highlight differences

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."


An understatement by using double negatives or negating the opposite

"Not bad" means "good."

Tips for Using The Figure of Speech In English Grammar

Know the Purpose: Understand exactly what is a figure of speech, the type and purpose of each figure of speech to use them effectively.

Enhance Descriptions: Use the figure of speech with examples, to create vivid imagery and enhance descriptions in your writing.

Consider Your Audience: Ensure your figures of speech are appropriate and understandable for your intended audience.

Avoid Overuse: Use the figure of speech with examples, to maintain their impact and avoid confusing your readers.

Balance and Revise: Balance figurative language with literal content and revise your work to ensure clarity and relevance.

Test Your Knowledge: Figures of Speech

Fill in the blanks with the correct figure of speech from the options provided. Check your answers at the end.

"The world's a stage." This sentence is an example of a: a. Metaphor b. Simile c. Personification

"Her smile was as bright as the sun." This sentence is an example of a: a. Hyperbole b. Simile c. Irony

"The wind whispered through the trees." This sentence is an example of: a. Onomatopoeia b. Personification c. Metonymy

"He is the king of the classroom." This sentence uses: a. Euphemism b. Synecdoche c. Metaphor

"She was crying rivers of tears." This sentence is an example of: a. Hyperbole b. Oxymoron c. Assonance

Test Your Knowledge: Correct Answers

a. Metaphor

b. Personification

c. Metaphor

a. Hyperbole

Takeaways from this Article

Understanding Figures of Speech: Figures of speech are literary devices that enhance language by creating vivid imagery, emphasising ideas, or adding stylistic flair. They include metaphors, similes, personification, and more.

Categorisation of Figures of Speech: Figures of speech can be categorised based on their functions, such as showing relationships (e.g., similes and metaphors), representing sounds (e.g., alliteration and onomatopoeia), or emphasising importance (e.g., hyperbole and irony).

Practical Applications: Using figures of speech effectively can make writing more engaging and expressive.

Balance and Clarity: Overuse or misuse can lead to confusion or diminish their impact. Strive for clarity and relevance in your application.

Examples and Practise: Familiarising yourself with examples of figures of speech and practising their use in different contexts will enhance your ability to apply them effectively in both writing and speaking.


FAQs on The Figure of Speech in English Grammar

1. Does the figure of speech make writing interesting?

Yes. The figure of speech adds expression, emphasises the writing, and adds clarity to it. Well-researched and detailed content on the figures of speech can be found on the website of Vedantu.

2. Name the five most used figures of speech.

Some of the most common figures of speech are:


You can access good articles on this topic from the website of Vedantu and its mobile application.

3. Why are figures of speech important?

Figures of speech enrich language by adding depth, emotion, and vivid imagery. They make writing and speech more engaging and memorable by creating connections and evoking responses from the audience.

4. What are some common types of figures of speech?

Common types include:

Simile: A comparison using "like" or "as" (e.g., "as brave as a lion").

Metaphor: A direct comparison without "like" or "as" (e.g., "time is a thief").

Personification: Giving human traits to nonhuman things (e.g., "the sun smiled down").

Hyperbole: Exaggeration for effect (e.g., "I’m so hungry I could eat a horse").\

5. How can I use figures of speech in my writing?

Use figures of speech to enhance descriptions, create vivid imagery, and emphasise points. Ensure they fit the context and contribute to the overall message of your writing without overwhelming the reader.

6. Can figures of speech be used in formal writing?

Yes, figures of speech can be used in formal writing, but they should be employed carefully and appropriately. They can add depth and nuance but should not detract from clarity or professionalism.

7. What is the difference between a metaphor and a simile?

A metaphor makes a direct comparison between two unrelated things by stating one thing is another (e.g., "The world's a stage"). A simile uses "like" or "as" to make a comparison (e.g., "Her smile was like sunshine").

8. What is personification, and how is it used?

Personification gives human characteristics to nonhuman entities or abstract ideas (e.g., "The wind whispered through the trees"). It is used to create vivid imagery and make abstract concepts more relatable.

9. What is hyperbole, and when should it be used?

Hyperbole is an exaggerated statement used for emphasis or effect (e.g., "I’ve told you a million times"). It should be used to highlight a point dramatically, but it should be clear that it is not meant to be taken literally.

10. How can I avoid overusing figures of speech?

To avoid overuse, use figures of speech strategically and ensure they add value to your writing. Balance them with straightforward language, and review your work to ensure they enhance rather than clutter your message.

11. Can figures of speech be used in everyday conversation?

Yes, figures of speech are commonly used in everyday conversation to express ideas more vividly or creatively. They can make communication more engaging and relatable when used appropriately.

What Are Figures of Speech? Definition & 100+ Examples

Have you ever pondered how our words can paint vivid pictures, evoke intense emotions, or transport us to magical realms? Welcome to the enchanting world of figures of speech! As the spices of language, these expressive tools bring flavor to our conversations and help us articulate our thoughts with creativity and flair.

Join us as we embark on this exciting linguistic adventure, and unlock the secrets to using figures of speech effectively. Whether you’re a writer, a speaker, or simply someone who loves the art of language, this exploration promises to enlighten and inspire.

So grab your metaphorical paintbrush, and get ready to turn your words into a masterpiece!

Table of Contents

Figures of Speech: Definition

Figures of speech are expressive language devices used to add color, depth, and creativity to our communication. They go beyond the literal meaning of words and phrases, employing stylistic and imaginative techniques to convey ideas more vividly and engagingly.

By intentionally manipulating words and phrases, figures of speech create richer and more impactful expressions, giving language its poetic, persuasive, and emotive qualities.

Figures of speech breathe life into our language, making it more engaging and memorable. They enable us to paint vivid images, evoke emotions, and convey complex ideas with clarity and impact.

Types of Figures of Speech

There are numerous figures of speech, each serving a unique purpose in enhancing the beauty and expressiveness of language. Here are some of the types:

A metaphor is a powerful figure of speech that allows us to make connections between two dissimilar things by asserting that one thing is another. By drawing attention to a shared characteristic, metaphors create vivid images, enhance understanding, and enrich language. Unlike similes, metaphors don’t use comparative words such as “like” or “as.”

Here are some examples of metaphors and their meanings:

This metaphor, coined by Shakespeare, suggests that our lives are like performances on a stage, with everyone playing different roles at various times.
In this metaphor, the speaker is expressing that the sound of her voice is as pleasing and enjoyable as listening to music.
This metaphor implies that war creates confusion and uncertainty, just as fog obscures vision.
The metaphor compares the chaotic and unruly nature of the classroom to the wild and noisy environment of a zoo.
This metaphor conveys that the speaker’s words can have both positive and negative effects, similar to how a double-edged sword can cut in both directions.
In this metaphor, laughter is compared to medicine, suggesting that it has healing and rejuvenating effects on our well-being.

A simile is a figure of speech that compares two distinct things by using the words “like” or “as” to establish a connection. By highlighting a shared quality or characteristic, similes create vivid images and enhance the reader’s or listener’s understanding of the subject.

While metaphors make direct comparisons without using comparative words, similes explicitly use “like” or “as” to draw attention to the similarity between the two things being compared.

Here are some examples of similes and their meanings:

This simile suggests that the person being described is exceptionally courageous, similar to the bravery associated with lions.
In this simile, the person’s temper is compared to a volcano, emphasizing its explosive and unpredictable nature.
The simile creates a vivid image by comparing the brightness and beauty of her eyes to the sparkling quality of stars.
This simile compares the person’s speed and agility while running to the swiftness of the wind, highlighting his impressive athletic ability.
In this simile, the growth and development of their love are likened to the blooming of a flower, evoking a sense of beauty and tenderness.
This simile captures the quiet and delicate nature of falling snow by comparing it to the soft sound of a whisper.

Hyperbole is a figure of speech that employs intentional exaggeration to create emphasis, drama, or humor. By magnifying a particular quality or characteristic, hyperboles draw attention to the subject and evoke strong emotions.

Although not meant to be taken literally, hyperboles effectively convey the intensity or extremity of a situation or feeling, enriching language and engaging the reader or listener.

Here are some examples of hyperboles and their meanings:

This hyperbole emphasizes the speaker’s extreme hunger, but it doesn’t mean that they will actually eat a horse.
In this hyperbole, the expression conveys the depth of the person’s sadness by suggesting that her tears were so abundant that they formed a river.
This hyperbole highlights the overwhelming amount of homework the person has by comparing it to the size of a mountain.
The hyperbole uses the large number “ to exaggerate the number of times the speaker has repeated the information, emphasizing their frustration.
In this hyperbole, the speaker exaggerates the weight of the bag by comparing it to a ton, suggesting that it is extremely heavy.
This hyperbole employs an exaggeration to describe someone’s age, implying that they are very old, though not literally as old as hills.


Alliteration is a figure of speech that features the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. Often used in poetry, prose, and tongue twisters, alliteration adds a rhythmic and musical quality to language, making it more memorable and engaging.

Here are some examples of alliteration:

This classic tongue twister showcases alliteration with the repeated sound at the beginning of each word, creating a playful and challenging effect.
In this popular example, the alliterative sound adds a sense of harmony and flow to the phrase.
In this line from Shakespeare’s the repeated sound creates a sense of unity and emphasis, highlighting the importance of the idea being conveyed.
This tongue twister uses the alliterative sound to create a catchy and memorable phrase.
This phrase employs alliteration with the sound, adding a rhythmic quality and reinforcing the idea of chaotic and unruly weather conditions.

An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines two seemingly contradictory or opposing terms to create a new concept or expression. By juxtaposing these contrasting words, oxymorons emphasize contrast, create paradoxes, and evoke curiosity or surprise in the reader.

They can also add depth, complexity, or humor to language, highlighting the nuances and contradictions in human experience.

Here are some examples of oxymorons:

This oxymoron describes a situation in which the absence of sound is so pronounced that it becomes in its own way, emphasizing the intensity of the silence.
This term combines the opposing tastes of and to describe an experience that is simultaneously pleasant and painful, such as a fond memory tinged with sadness.
By pairing with this oxymoron highlights the paradox of something being both the first of its kind and a duplicate.
This oxymoron, often associated with zombies, combines the contradictory ideas of life and death, emphasizing the eerie, unnatural nature of the subject.
This oxymoron pairs the negative term with the positive term to emphasize that something is exceptionally good or impressive.


Onomatopoeia refers to words that imitate or sound like the action they describe. This figure of speech is commonly used in poetry and helps to convey a more vivid image to the reader.

Here are some examples of onomatopoeia:

This word imitates the humming sound made by bees, flies, or other insects as they fly around.
This word captures the hissing sound made by food, such as bacon or vegetables, cooking in a hot pan.
This word mimics the loud, disruptive sound produced when objects collide or fall, such as a car accident or dishes shattering on the floor.
This word imitates the soft, indistinct sound of people speaking quietly or water flowing gently over rocks.
This word resembles the sound of a door, floorboard, or other object moving under pressure, often associated with old or poorly maintained structures.


Personification is a figure of speech that attributes human qualities, emotions, or actions to non-human objects, animals, or abstract concepts.

By giving human characteristics to inanimate objects or intangible ideas, personification helps to create vivid imagery, evoke emotions, and make abstract concepts more relatable and engaging for the reader or listener.

It is frequently used in poetry, prose, and other forms of creative expression to enhance the impact and appeal of language.

Here are some examples of personification:

In this example, the wind is given the human ability to whisper, suggesting a gentle and calming presence.
Flowers are personified as dancers, creating a lively and dynamic image of their movement in response to the wind.
This personification portrays time as a relentless soldier, emphasizing its unstoppable progress and the inevitability of change.
In this example, the sun is given the human attribute of smiling, evoking a sense of warmth, happiness, and benevolence.
The car is personified as having a cough, conveying the idea that it is struggling to function and perhaps in need of repair.

A pun is a form of wordplay that exploits the multiple meanings or similar sounds of words to create humor, irony, or rhetorical impact. Puns often rely on homophones (words that sound alike but have different meanings) or homonyms (words that have the same spelling and pronunciation but different meanings).

They can be used to create jokes, add levity, or bring attention to a particular idea or concept. Puns are a popular form of humor in literature, advertising, and everyday conversation.

Here are some examples of puns:

In this pun, has a double meaning, referring both to exercising and the success of a relationship.
Here, the pun plays on the double meaning of referring to both the captivating nature of the book and the literal concept of anti-gravity.
This pun uses the homophones and to create a humorous connection between the donut holes and the baker’s experience.
In this pun, has a double meaning, referring to both the scarecrow’s exceptional abilities and its literal position in a field.
the pun plays on the terms and creating a connection between the idea of a photographic memory and the process of developing photographs.

Synecdoche is a figure of speech in which a part of something is used to represent the whole, or conversely, the whole is used to represent a part. This literary device allows writers and speakers to create emphasis or simplification by using a representative term, making their language more concise, vivid, and engaging.

Synecdoche is commonly used in poetry, prose, and everyday speech to create impactful imagery and evoke emotions.

Here are some examples of synecdoche:

In this example, represent the sailors or crew members, with the term “hands” emphasizing their physical labor and participation in the task.
In this synecdoche, stands for the people or society that the person has encountered, creating a sense of scale and universality in the experience.
Here, represents the person’s speech or manner of speaking, emphasizing the cutting or critical nature of her words.
In this example, are used to represent the whole car, with the term focusing on a key aspect of the vehicle.
Here, represents the entire presidential administration or the president themself, simplifying the source of the statement.

Irony is a figure of speech that uses words to convey a meaning that is opposite to or different from their literal or usual meaning, often to create humor, critique, or emphasize a point.

Irony highlights the discrepancy between what is said or expected and what actually occurs or is meant. It is commonly used in literature, conversation, and other forms of communication to engage the audience and provoke thought.

There are several types of irony, including verbal, situational, and dramatic irony.

Here are some examples of irony:

Verbal ironyIn this example, the speaker uses the word to express their frustration with the undesirable situation, rather than to genuinely praise it.
Situational ironyIn this example, the unexpected event of a fire station burning down creates situational irony, as one would typically expect a fire station to be well-equipped to handle fires.
In Shakespeare’s play the audience knows that Juliet is not actually dead, but Romeo does not.Dramatic ironyThis creates dramatic irony, as the audience is aware of information that the characters are not, heightening the tension and tragedy of the play.
said the intern sarcastically.Verbal ironyIn this example, the intern’s statement is ironic because they actually dread reading the lengthy report, but their words suggest enthusiasm.
A health and fitness blogger wins a lifetime supply of donuts.Situational ironyHere, the situational irony arises from the contrast between the blogger’s focus on healthy living and the unhealthy prize they receive.

Litotes is a figure of speech that employs understatement or a double negative to emphasize a point or convey a positive meaning. By presenting a statement in a weaker or more modest form, litotes highlights the intended meaning through contrast or irony.

This rhetorical device is frequently used in literature, speeches, and everyday language to create emphasis, evoke humor, or express modesty and politeness.

Here are some examples of litotes:

By using litotes, this statement implies that the person actually liked the book or found it enjoyable.
This statement uses a double negative to subtly convey that the new employee is indeed qualified for the job.
By using litotes, this sentence suggests that the person being discussed is an exceptional or extraordinary athlete.
This litotes implies that you’ll actually be quite pleased or delighted with the dessert.
This double negative conveys that the person is indeed aware of the issue at hand.

Metonymy is a figure of speech in which a closely associated but non-literal term is substituted for the word it is intended to represent. This rhetorical device allows writers and speakers to create emphasis or simplification by using a representative term or symbol, making their language more concise, vivid, and engaging.

Metonymy is commonly used in poetry, prose, and everyday speech to create impactful imagery and evoke emotions.

Here are some examples of metonymy:

In this example, represents written words or intellectual pursuits, while “sword” symbolizes physical force or violence. This metonymy highlights the power of ideas over brute force.
In this example, is used to represent the monarchy or royal authority, with the term focusing on a key symbol of the institution.
In this metonymy, stands for the entire film industry, creating a sense of scale and universality in the statement.
Here, represents the restaurant staff or chefs, emphasizing their hard work and dedication.
In this example, is used to represent the religious or spiritual profession, with the term evoking the traditional garments worn by religious leaders.

A euphemism is a figure of speech in which a mild or indirect expression is substituted for a harsh, blunt, or offensive one. This rhetorical device allows writers and speakers to convey sensitive or potentially uncomfortable information in a more delicate or polite manner.

Euphemisms are often used to address taboo subjects, unpleasant situations, or impolite language, helping to maintain a sense of decorum and respect in communication.

Here are some examples of euphemisms:

instead of In this example, the euphemism is used to soften the impact of the word making it easier to discuss the sensitive subject of death.
instead of Here, is used as a more gentle way to express the termination of someone’s employment, avoiding the harshness of the term
instead of In this instance, is employed as a euphemism to describe a person’s state of unemployment, making it sound less negative and more temporary.
instead of This euphemism conveys the idea of dishonesty or lying in a more subtle and indirect manner, avoiding the blunt accusation of lying.
instead of Here, the euphemism is used humorously to describe someone’s height in a less direct or potentially offensive manner.

Antithesis is a figure of speech that places two opposing or contrasting ideas side by side to create a clear, contrasting relationship or an intense effect. This rhetorical device emphasizes the differences between the ideas and enhances the impact of both concepts by using their contrast to create a striking and memorable image or statement.

Antithesis is often used in literature, speeches, and other forms of communication to engage the audience, provoke thought, and highlight the complexity or depth of an idea.

Here are some examples of antithesis:

In this example, Alexander Pope’s famous line contrasts the human tendency to make mistakes with the divine act of forgiveness, highlighting the importance of compassion and understanding.
This famous opening line from Charles Dickens’ sets up a stark contrast between two opposing experiences, emphasizing the complex nature of the era.
In this well-known quote by Patrick Henry, the antithesis places the concepts of liberty and death side by side, emphasizing the speaker’s strong conviction and determination to fight for freedom.
In this statement by Martin Luther King Jr., the antithesis contrasts the idea of living in harmony with the destructive alternative of perishing, emphasizing the importance of unity and cooperation.
In Shakespeare’s Brutus uses antithesis to explain his motivation for participating in Caesar’s assassination, contrasting his love for Caesar with his greater love for Rome.

Apostrophe is a figure of speech in which a speaker directly addresses an absent or imaginary person, an abstract concept, or a personified object. This rhetorical device allows writers and speakers to create a more emotional, intimate, or dramatic effect in their work, engaging the audience and evoking strong feelings.

Apostrophe is often used in literature, particularly poetry and drama, to convey deep emotions, personal reflections, or powerful messages.

Here are some examples of apostrophe:

In this famous line from Shakespeare’s Juliet addresses her absent lover Romeo, expressing her longing and frustration with the situation that keeps them apart.
In this line from John Donne’s poem the speaker directly addresses Death as a personified entity, challenging its power and asserting the triumph of the soul over death.
In Walt Whitman’s poem, the speaker addresses the deceased captain of a ship, mourning his loss and reflecting on the end of a difficult journey.
In Lord Byron’s poem the speaker addresses the ocean, personifying it and expressing admiration for its power and beauty.
In Percy Bysshe Shelley’s poem the speaker uses apostrophe to address the abstract concepts of the world, life, and time, reflecting on their impermanence and the fleeting nature of human existence.


Understatement is a figure of speech that deliberately minimizes the importance or impact of something, often for humorous or ironic effect. This rhetorical device allows writers and speakers to convey their message in a subtle, indirect manner, emphasizing their point by downplaying its significance.

Understatement is often used in literature, speeches, and everyday conversations to create humor, irony, or to heighten the impact of a situation by contrasting it with its mild description.

Here are some examples of understatement:

In this example, a person might say this about a large, deep wound, humorously minimizing the severity of the injury.
Here, the speaker downplays the immense size and magnificence of the Grand Canyon, creating an ironic effect by contrasting the description with the reality.
In this understatement, the speaker minimizes the extraordinary intelligence of Albert Einstein, a renowned physicist and one of the most influential figures in the history of science.
Here, the speaker minimizes the extensive body of work and the impact of William Shakespeare, one of the most significant and influential playwrights in history.
In this example, a person might say this after a massive storm or flood, humorously downplaying the intensity of the weather event.

A paradox is a figure of speech that presents a statement or situation that seems contradictory or illogical but can hold a deeper meaning or truth. This rhetorical device challenges the reader or listener to think beyond the surface and find a more profound understanding or insight.

Paradoxes are often used in literature, philosophy, and everyday language to create intrigue, provoke thought, and reveal the complexity of ideas or situations.

Here are some examples of paradox:

In this example, the paradox combines two seemingly contradictory ideas, the beginning and the end, suggesting that the initiation of a particular event or process will ultimately lead to its conclusion.
This statement contradicts the idea that having more is always better, instead suggesting that simplicity and restraint can lead to a more profound or effective outcome.
In this paradox, the stability implied by the word is contrasted with the inherent instability of change, emphasizing the idea that change is an inevitable and ever-present aspect of life.
This famous quote attributed to Socrates presents a paradox by claiming both knowledge and ignorance, illustrating the importance of humility and the pursuit of wisdom.
In this example, the paradox highlights the idea that as one gains knowledge, they also become more aware of the vastness of the unknown, resulting in a humbling sense of the limits of human understanding.

Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds in non-rhyming words, often used to create internal rhymes and enhance the rhythm in poetry or prose. This figure of speech contributes to the musicality, mood, and overall atmosphere of a piece, making it more engaging and memorable for the reader or listener.

Assonance can also be employed for emphasis, to draw attention to certain words or ideas, and to create a sense of cohesion within a text.

Here are some examples of assonance:

In this line by Edgar Allan Poe, the repetition of the sound in and creates a sense of harmony and musicality.
In this famous line from the musical the repeated sound in and contributes to the rhythm and catchiness of the phrase.
In this line from Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s poem the sound is repeated in and creating a rich, melodic effect.
In this example, the repetition of the long sound in and enhances the rhythm and musicality of the phrase.
In this phrase, the repetition of the long sound in and creates a sense of cohesion and rhythm, making the phrase more memorable.

Anaphora is a figure of speech involving the repetition of the same word or phrase at the beginning of consecutive clauses or sentences to emphasize an idea, create a sense of rhythm, and reinforce a particular point.

This rhetorical device is commonly used in poetry, speeches, and prose to establish a pattern, evoke emotion, and make a message more memorable and powerful.

Here are some examples of anaphora:

In Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous speech, the repetition of at the beginning of several consecutive sentences emphasizes his vision for a more equal and just society, making the speech more impactful and memorable.
In this opening line from Charles Dickens’ the repetition of creates a sense of rhythm and contrast, highlighting the dichotomies of the period described.
In Winston Churchill’s famous speech, the repetition of emphasizes the determination and resolve of the British people during World War II.
In this positive affirmation, the repetition of at the beginning of each phrase reinforces the idea of continuous improvement.
In William Shakespeare’s play the repetition of “this” emphasizes the speaker’s love and reverence for his country.

Chiasmus is a figure of speech where the order of words in one phrase is reversed in the following phrase, creating a mirrored or inverted structure. This rhetorical device is used to create emphasis, balance, and contrast, making a message more memorable and impactful.

Chiasmus is often found in literature, speeches, and everyday language to convey a sense of symmetry, harmony, or irony.

Here are some examples of chiasmus:

In this famous quote from John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address, the reversal of the phrases and emphasizes the importance of civic responsibility and national unity.
In this popular saying, the reversal of the word order in and creates a sense of balance and highlights the idea of resilience in the face of adversity.
In this quote attributed to Benjamin Franklin, the chiasmus highlights the importance of planning and the consequences of neglecting it.
In this saying attributed to Adlai Stevenson, the chiasmus emphasizes the value of living a meaningful and fulfilling life rather than focusing solely on longevity.
In this example from Cormac McCarthy’s the chiasmus underscores the paradoxical nature of memory and desire.

Figurative Language in Literature and Writing

Figurative language is a crucial aspect of literature and writing, serving to create vivid images and engaging scenes for readers.

It is commonly used in poetry, prose, and other forms of writing to enhance the narrative and provide deeper meaning. By employing various literary devices and wordplay, writers can evoke emotions, provoke thought, and create memorable experiences for their readers.

One of the primary purposes of figurative language is to convey abstract ideas and concepts through concrete images. Writers often use metaphors, similes, and personification to create connections between seemingly unrelated subjects.

Another common technique employed in literature and writing is the use of symbolism, where objects, characters, or events represent abstract ideas or concepts.

This can contribute to the development of themes, the exploration of human experiences, and the layering of meaning throughout a narrative. For example, a recurring motif of birds may symbolize freedom, while a shattered mirror may represent broken relationships.

Wordplay, such as puns, alliteration, and onomatopoeia, also enriches literary works and adds an element of sophistication to writing. These devices showcase the writer’s mastery of language and provide additional layers of interpretation for readers.

Using Figures of Speech in Writing: Strategies

Figures of speech are essential tools that writers use to refine their craft and convey meaning effectively. They can enrich writing by providing additional layers of meaning and enlivening prose by introducing distinctive language patterns.

One strategy for using figures of speech is to incorporate various literary devices such as similes, metaphors, and personification in text. These tropes allow writers to make comparisons that evoke strong mental images, enhancing the reader’s understanding of the content.

Another effective approach is to incorporate elements of grammar and structure, such as alliteration, anaphora, or chiasmus, to create memorable and captivating patterns in writing.

Incorporating irony, sarcasm, or understatement in text can also help writers convey meaning in a subtle, witty, or humorous manner. These figures of speech add another dimension to the narrative by contrasting what is said with what is meant or what is expected.

Lastly, it is crucial for writers to understand their audience and consider the context in which the writing will be read. Tropes that work well for one audience might not resonate with another, and overusing figures of speech may hinder understanding or distract from the message being conveyed.

Related Terms and Concepts

In the realm of figures of speech, several related terms and concepts can be found. These terms help clarify the various devices and techniques that contribute to a more evocative and effective use of language.

Circumlocution is a figure of speech in which a speaker or writer uses more words than necessary to express an idea, often with the purpose of avoiding a direct statement. Examples of circumlocution can be found in politics, science, and everyday conversation. It can be a useful tool in crafting an evasive response, obscuring a truth or maintaining diplomatic neutrality.

Pleonasm refers to the use of redundant words or phrases in a sentence. This figure of speech may seem superfluous, but it can be used intentionally to emphasize a point or create a specific effect. In some cases, pleonasm can add lyrical or rhythmic qualities to a phrase, as in poetry.

CircumlocutionThe use of more words than necessary to convey an idea or meaning, often to avoid a direct statement.
PleonasmThe use of redundant words or phrases, sometimes for emphasis or effect.

Epigram is a brief, witty, and often satirical statement that conveys a thought or observation in a concise and memorable way. Epigrams are often used in literature and social commentary to offer insight or provoke thought. Examples of epigrams can be found across diverse literary works, from ancient Greek and Roman texts to the modern-day writings of prominent authors.

Schemes refer to the arrangement of words and phrases in a sentence or paragraph, focusing on syntax and structure. These rhetorical devices can elevate language by creating patterns, contrasts, or emphasis.

Some common examples of schemes include parallelism, chiasmus, and antithesis. Schemes can be powerful tools in crafting engaging and meaningful writing across numerous fields, from science to poetry.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a figure of speech and a literary device.

A figure of speech is a type of literary device that uses words or expressions in a non-literal or metaphorical way to create a particular effect, such as imagery, emphasis, or emotional impact.

Literary devices, on the other hand, are a broader category that encompasses various techniques and tools used by writers to enhance their work, create meaning, and engage readers.

Figures of speech are a subset of literary devices, which also include elements like symbolism, irony, foreshadowing, and alliteration.

Can using too many figures of speech be detrimental to communication?

While figures of speech can enrich language and make it more engaging, using too many of them can be detrimental to communication.

Overuse of figures of speech can make a text overly complicated, obscure the intended meaning, and even confuse or alienate readers who are unfamiliar with the expressions being used.

It’s essential to strike a balance between using figures of speech for stylistic effect and maintaining clarity and accessibility in communication.

Can understanding figures of speech improve critical thinking skills?

Yes, understanding figures of speech can contribute to the development of critical thinking skills.

By learning to identify and analyze various rhetorical devices in language, you become more adept at recognizing the underlying ideas, assumptions, and emotions that inform a message.

This heightened awareness can help you evaluate the validity and persuasiveness of arguments, identify potential biases or manipulative language, and make more informed decisions based on the information you encounter.

Can the use of figures of speech affect the tone of a piece of writing?

Yes, the use of figures of speech can significantly affect the tone of a piece of writing. Depending on the specific figure of speech used and the context, it can evoke various emotions, create a sense of humor, or convey a sense of seriousness or formality.

For instance, using a hyperbole can create a sense of exaggeration or humor, while employing a metaphor can add depth or poignancy to a description.

The choice and frequency of figures of speech can help establish the overall tone and style of a piece of writing, shaping the reader’s perception and experience of the text.

Figures of speech are versatile and powerful tools that breathe life into language, enabling writers and speakers to create vivid imagery, evoke emotions, and engage their audience.

By using various rhetorical devices such as metaphor, simile, personification, irony, and litotes, communicators can express ideas in creative, memorable, and impactful ways.

The artful application of figures of speech not only enriches language but also helps to forge connections between the communicator and their audience, ultimately elevating the quality and resonance of any form of communication.

Embrace the world of figures of speech, and watch your language take flight!

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  • Figures of Speech

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women are merely players!”. One of the most memorable lines in the English language , this sentence is a perfect example of figures of speech . They help lend the prose a lyrical and fresh quality. Let us learn more about figures of speech.

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Language can be used in two ways – literally and figuratively. Literal language is direct and uses the real definition and meanings of words and phrases . But when we talk figuratively, the meaning of any word/phrase will depend on the context in which they are used. A figure of speech relies on such figurative language and rhetoric.

When using figures of speech the words will diverge from their literal meanings, to give a more stylized and specialized meaning to these words. Let us take for example the phrase”fast like lightning”. This phrase merely implies great speed, it does not mean literally as fast as lightning. Example: “On hearing the school bell the kids ran out of the class as fast as lightning”. 

Image result for figures of speech

(Source: flickr)

Types of Figures of Speech

Now there are dozens of types of figures of speech. But here we will be focussing on the five main ones we use in our daily prose.

A simile is a figure of speech that uses comparison. In a simile, we use two specific words “like” and “as” to compare two unlikely things, that actually have nothing in common. This is done to bring out the dramatic nature of the prose and invoke vivid images and comparisons. It is one of the most common forms of a figure of speech and is used in everything from day-to-day talk to poems .

Let us see some examples of simile. “She is as brave as a lion”. Here you will notice a girl and her bravery are being compared to a lion. this is an unusual and illogical comparison, but it brings out the vivid imagery and lyrical quality in the sentence . The literal sentence would have read “She is brave”, but using the simile makes it sound much better. Other such examples can be

  • quite like a mouse
  • as tall as a mountain
  • as strong as an ox
  • precious like an angel

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2] Metaphor

A metaphor and a simile are quite similar actually. A metaphor also uses compares to things that are in no way similar. It does so to bring out the symbolism. A metaphor is a word or phrase used to show its similarity to another thing. It helps to explain an idea, but if you take a metaphor at its literal meaning it will sound absurd.

An example of a metaphor is “Alex is a chicken”. Literally, this sounds so very absurd. But this is a metaphor which suggests that Alex is a coward, or frightened. It compares or implies that Alex is a chicken to bring out the symbolism. Some other examples are ‘love is a battlefield”, “all the world’s a stage”, “that technology is a dinosaur” etc.

figure of speech is used here

While a simile and metaphor seem to be very similar, there is one basic difference between the two. In a simile, the comparison happens with the help of the words “as” and “like”. A metaphor will not have either of those two words.

Read On the Face of it Summary here

3] Personification

Another very interesting figure of speech is personification. In this, we personify or represent a non-human entity as human . We give an inanimate object or an intangible idea of some human qualities such as emotions, or gestures or even speech. this is done to portray the object as alive and help the listener or reader paint a vivid picture. Again, if we take the words at their literal meaning they will sound absurd.

“The wind howled as the storm grew stronger”. Here we have taken an object, the wind, and personified it as a living thing by claiming it howled. Other such examples could be, “time ran away from him”, “the boat danced in the puddle”, “the car died in the middle of the road” etc.

Learn more about Parts of Speech here

4] Hyperbole

Hyperbole in the Greek language translates to ‘excess’. And that is what it does, it exaggerates. We use hyperboles to emphasize the importance or overstate something. This exaggerates claims and statements are never meant to be taken at their literal meaning. They are used to create a strong and lasting impression

An example would be “Since he has been away from home he has gotten as thin as a toothpick “. Obviously, he has not gotten as thin as a toothpick, we only exaggerate to emphasize on how thin he has become. Some other examples are, “Those shoes cost a king’s ransom”, “For the millionth time, clean the kitchen”, “his grandfather is older than the hills”.

5] Onomatopeia 

This is a figure of speech where words or phrases indicate sounds. Often to bring about more imagery and better describe a setting, authors use words to involve all five of our senses. Onomatopeia refers to those words that imitate the sounds of an object or person.

For example “The bees buzzed around in the garden”. Here the word ‘buzzed’ is indicating the sound coming from the bees. Some other examples are “the leaves were rustling”, “the door was squeaking”, “he closed the book with a thud” etc.

Learn the difference between ‘ Single Inverted Comma and Double Inverted Comma .”

Solved Question for You

Q: Identify the figure of speech in the following

  • The cat ran away like the wind
  • Suddenly in the middle of the night, the dog started barking.
  • Variety is the spice of life

Ans: The figures of speech are as follows

  • Simile. The cat (and its speed) speed is compared to the wind. And since the word ‘like’ is used, it is a simile
  • Onomatopeia. Barking is a word that indicates sound.
  • Metaphor. Here the two things are compared without the use of ‘as’ or ‘like’. The sentence indicates that one of the things is similar to the other.

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2 responses to “Types of Phrases”

this thing really helped me

Just a quick info for you because I believe you have a minor error in your definition on verb phrases. In the example ‘They have been playing since the last two hours’ shouldn’t it be ‘for’ instead of ‘since’ regarding the fact that ‘the last two hours’ is a period of time and not a certain point in the timeline in which case you were to use the word ‘since’? Other than that this is a useful guide to tha different types of phrases in the english language 🙂

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The Top 20 Figures of Speech

Illustration by Hugo Lin. ThoughtCo.

  • An Introduction to Punctuation
  • Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia
  • M.A., Modern English and American Literature, University of Leicester
  • B.A., English, State University of New York

A figure of speech is a rhetorical device that achieves a special effect by using words in a distinctive way. Though there are hundreds of figures of speech, but here we'll focus on 20 top examples.

You'll probably remember many of these terms from your English classes. Figurative language is often associated with literature and poetry in particular. Whether we're conscious of it or not, we use figures of speech every day in our own writing and conversations.

For example, common expressions such as "falling in love," "racking our brains," and "climbing the ladder of success" are all metaphors—the most pervasive figure of all. Likewise, we rely on similes when making explicit comparisons ("light as a feather") and hyperbole to emphasize a point ("I'm starving!").

Did You Know?

Figures of speech are also known as figures of rhetoric, figures of style, rhetorical figures, figurative language, and  schemes .

Watch Now: Common Figures of Speech Explained

Why use figures of speech.

Using original figures of speech or figurative language in our writing is a way to convey meanings in fresh, unexpected ways. They can help our readers understand and stay interested in what we have to say, and they also foster creativity and depth. Whether it's a vivid metaphor, a clever simile, or a thought-provoking paradox, these tools not only enhance clarity but also add layers of richness to our expression.

Top 20 Figures of Speech


The repetition of an initial consonant sound.

Example: She sells seashells by the seashore.

The repetition of the same word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses or verses.

Example: Unfortunately, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time on the wrong day. 

The juxtaposition of contrasting ideas in balanced phrases.

Example: As Abraham Lincoln said, "Folks who have no vices have very few virtues."

Directly addressing a nonexistent person or an inanimate object as though it were a living being.

Example: "Oh, you stupid car, you never work when I need you to," Bert sighed.

Identity or similarity in sound between internal vowels in neighboring words.

Example: How now, brown cow?

A verbal pattern in which the second half of an expression is balanced against the first but with the parts reversed.

Example: The famous chef said people should live to eat, not eat to live.

The substitution of an inoffensive term for one considered offensively explicit.  

Example: "We're teaching our toddler how to go potty," Bob said.

An extravagant statement , the use of exaggerated terms for emphasis or heightened effect.

Example: I have a ton of things to do when I get home.

The use of words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning. Also, a statement or situation where the meaning is contradicted by the appearance or presentation of the idea.

Example: "Oh, I love spending big bucks," said my dad, a notorious penny pincher.

A figure of speech consisting of an understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by negating its opposite.

Example: A million dollars is no small chunk of change.

An implied comparison between two dissimilar things that have something in common.

Example: "All the world's a stage."

A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated; also, the rhetorical strategy of describing something indirectly by referring to things around it.

Example: "That stuffed suit with the briefcase is a poor excuse for a salesman," the manager said angrily.


The use of words that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to.

Example: The clap of thunder went bang and scared my poor dog.

A figure of speech in which incongruous or contradictory terms appear side by side.

Example:  "He popped the jumbo shrimp in his mouth."

A statement that appears to contradict itself.

Example: "This is the beginning of the end," said Eeyore, always the pessimist.


A figure of speech in which an inanimate object or abstraction is endowed with human qualities or abilities.

Example: That kitchen knife will take a bite out of your hand if you don't handle it safely.

​ A play on words , sometimes on different senses of the same word and sometimes on the similar sense or sound of different words.

Example: Jessie looked up from her breakfast and said, "A boiled egg every morning is hard to beat."

A stated comparison (usually formed with "like" or "as") between two fundamentally dissimilar things that have certain qualities in common.

Example: Roberto was white as a sheet after he walked out of the horror movie.

A figure of speech in which a part is used to represent the whole.

Example: Tina is learning her ABCs in preschool.


A figure of speech in which a writer or speaker deliberately makes a situation seem less important or serious than it is.

Example: "You could say Babe Ruth was a decent ballplayer," the reporter said with a wink.

More Figures of Speech Examples

There are hundreds of different figures of speech you can use to bolster your writing, many of them with overlapping or highly similar meanings. Like a paradox, for example, an oxymoron involves an apparent contradiction. However, a paradox presents a statement that seemingly contradicts itself ("If you wish to preserve your secret, wrap it up in frankness"), while an oxymoron squeezes contradictory terms together ("deafening silence"). If you're interested in exploring more distinctions among similar figures of speech, you can find additional examples here .

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  • Literary Terms

When & How to Use Figures of Speech

  • Definition & Examples
  • When & How to Use Figures of Speech

How to Use Figures of Speech

Figures of speech are used in everything from descriptions (of people, settings , events, etc) to  comparisons to explanations. We use them all the time without realizing it. In particularly, metaphors and proverbs are extremely common in everyday language.

It’s helpful, though, to avoid certain clichéd figures of speech. These phrases have been worn out through overuse, and can make your writing seem dull or uncreative.

  • In the nick of time
  • At the speed of light
  • Woke up on the wrong side of the bed
  • Scared to death
  • As old as dirt
  • Blind as a bat

In addition to clichés, it’s also important to avoid mixed metaphors , or figures of speech that use several different images that don’t fit together. The term “sharp cookie” is a common figure of speech for an intelligent person, but also a mixed metaphor: “smart cookie” or “sharp student” would be effective figures of speech since they use coherent (though non-literal) imagery. But a sharp cookie? A cookie with a razor’s edge and thumbtacks for chocolate chips? The two images here don’t work very well together, so it’s a mixed metaphor.

Here is one of the most famous (and certainly one of the most extreme) examples of a mixed metaphor:

“Now what we are dealing with is the rubber meeting the road , and instead of biting the bullet on these issues, we just want to punt .” (Chicago Tribune, 2007)

Tires, bullets, and football all at once, the mixed scenes are too confusing!

When to Use Figures of Speech

As we’ve seen, figures of speech are abundant in every form of writing – nobody can write a completely literal story or essay (at the very least, it would be exceedingly boring to read)! However, it’s best to use them sparingly in formal writing, like essays . Technically, figures of speech are untrue statements, which means you have to be pretty careful with them, and ensure that your reader will not take them literally. In a formal context, it’s better to use literal language (see Related Terms ) where possible.

In addition, as we saw earlier, many figures of speech are tired clichés, which adds to the danger of using them in all forms of writing. The overall rule is that you should use a figure of speech if it adds something unique to the piece you’re writing.

List of Terms

  • Alliteration
  • Amplification
  • Anachronism
  • Anthropomorphism
  • Antonomasia
  • APA Citation
  • Aposiopesis
  • Autobiography
  • Bildungsroman
  • Characterization
  • Circumlocution
  • Cliffhanger
  • Comic Relief
  • Connotation
  • Deus ex machina
  • Deuteragonist
  • Doppelganger
  • Double Entendre
  • Dramatic irony
  • Equivocation
  • Extended Metaphor
  • Figures of Speech
  • Flash-forward
  • Foreshadowing
  • Intertextuality
  • Juxtaposition
  • Literary Device
  • Malapropism
  • Onomatopoeia
  • Parallelism
  • Pathetic Fallacy
  • Personification
  • Point of View
  • Polysyndeton
  • Protagonist
  • Red Herring
  • Rhetorical Device
  • Rhetorical Question
  • Science Fiction
  • Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
  • Synesthesia
  • Turning Point
  • Understatement
  • Urban Legend
  • Verisimilitude
  • Essay Guide
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  • Common figures of speech and their use

The five major categories

Figures of speech in non-western languages.

Louisa May Alcott: Little Women

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  • figure of speech - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up)
  • Table Of Contents

In European languages, figures of speech are generally classified in five major categories: (1) figures of resemblance or relationship, (2) figures of emphasis or understatement, (3) figures of sound, (4) verbal games and gymnastics, and (5) errors. The first category comprises simile; metaphor; kenning (a concise compound or figurative phrase replacing a common noun, especially in Old Germanic, Old Norse, and Old English poetry), as in “whale-path” or “swan road” for “sea,” or “God’s beacon” for “sun”; conceit (usually a simile or metaphor that forms an extremely ingenious or fanciful parallel between apparently dissimilar or incongruous objects or situations), as in the Petrarchan conceit, which was popular with Renaissance writers of sonnets , a hyperbolic comparison most often made by a suffering lover of a beautiful beloved to some physical object—e.g., lips to cherries; parallelism (wherein phrases, sentences, and paragraphs are arranged so that they balance one element with another of equal importance and similar wording), as in Francis Bacon ’s essay “Of Studies”: “Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man”; personification; metonymy; synecdoche; and euphemism (using a mild word or group of words instead of one that is unpleasant or offensive), as in “passed away” instead of “died.”

figure of speech is used here

The second category entails figures of emphasis or understatement. Examples include hyperbole; litotes; rhetorical question; antithesis (strongly contrasting ideas placed in sharp juxtaposition), as in the saying “Art is long, and Time is fleeting”; climax (achieved by the arrangement of units of meaning—words, phrases, clauses, or sentences—in an ascending order of importance), as in a line from Pres. Abraham Lincoln ’s Gettysburg Address : “of the people, by the people, for the people”; bathos (an unsuccessful attempt to portray pathos in art, sometimes intentionally by authors for comedic effect and sometimes unintentionally), as in William Wordsworth ’s attempt to arouse pity for the old huntsman in “Simon Lee,” which is defeated by the following lines:

Few months of life has he in store As he to you will tell, For still, the more he works, the more Do his weak ankles swell.

Other figures of emphasis or understatement comprise paradox (an apparently self-contradictory statement in order to arrest attention and provoke fresh thought), as in Ludwig Mies van der Rohe ’s widely known principle “Less is more”; oxymoron (a word or group of words that is self-contradicting), as in “bittersweet”; and irony (wherein the real meaning of a statement is concealed or contradicted), as in Jane Austen ’s famous opening to Pride and Prejudice : “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.”

figure of speech is used here

The third category consists of figures of sound, e.g., alliteration (the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words or stressed syllables), as in “dead as a doornail”; repetition (use of the same word or phrase again and again for emphasis), as in a part of King Richard’s monologue before the final battle in William Shakespeare ’s Richard III :

My conscience hath a thousand several tongues, And every tongue brings in a several tale, And every tale condemns me for a villain.

Other devices of sound entail onomatopoeia and anaphora (the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of several sentences or clauses), as in Martin Luther King ’s “ I Have a Dream ” speech:

So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire . Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York . Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania.

The fourth category comprises verbal games and gymnastics. These include pun (a humorous use of a word in such a way as to suggest different meanings or applications, or a play on words), as the dying Mercutio quips in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet : “Ask for me tomorrow, and you shall find me a grave man”; and anagram (the transposing of the letters of a word or group of words to produce other words that possess meaning, preferably bearing some logical relation to the original), as in Florence Nightingale into “Flit on, cheering angel.”

The fifth category consists of errors, including malapropism (verbal blunder in which one word is replaced by another similar in sound but different in meaning), as when Amy, the youngest of the March sisters in Louisa May Alcott ’s Little Women , grumbles that her classmates “label your father if he isn’t rich” though she means “libel,” thus illustrating her humorous efforts to sound more grown-up; periphrasis (a roundabout or indirect manner of writing or speaking), as illustrated by Charles Dickens in the speech of the character Wilkins Micawber , who appears in David Copperfield :

“Under the impression,” said Mr. Micawber, “that your peregrinations in this metropolis have not as yet been extensive, and that you might have some difficulty in penetrating the arcana of the Modern Babylon in the direction of the City Road—in short,” said Mr. Micawber, in another burst of confidence, “that you might lose yourself—I shall be happy to call this evening, and install you in the knowledge of the nearest way.”

Other errors include spoonerism (a reversal of the initial letters or syllables of two or more words), such as “I have a half-warmed fish in my mind” (for “half-formed wish”) and “a blushing crow” (for “a crushing blow”). Figures involving a change in sense, such as metaphor , simile , and irony , are called tropes .

All languages use figures of speech, but differences of language dictate different stylistic criteria . Japanese poetry is based on delicate structures of implication and an entire vocabulary of aesthetic values almost untranslatable to the West. Arabic literature is rich in simile and metaphor, but the constructions used are so different from those familiar in the West that translation requires much adaptation . This condition is also true of the oral literatures of Africa and of the written literatures deriving from them.

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Figure of speech.

An expressive, nonliteral use of language. Figures of speech include tropes (such as hyperbole , irony , metaphor , and simile ) and schemes (anything involving the ordering and organizing of words— anaphora , antithesis , and chiasmus , for example). Browse all terms related to figures of speech .

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Figures of Speech: Types, Usage & Examples [Download PDF]


  • Updated on  
  • May 9, 2024

Figures of Speech

All of us use different figures of speech in our everyday lives, no matter which language we speak. Being familiar with different types of figures of speech can not only increase your vocabulary in a particular language but also help you in your career. This is especially true for those who want to pursue a career in translation, poetry or writing. Also, having a solid idea of the different figures of speech can come in handy for a wide range of exams, including both language proficiency exams and different competitive exams for work or study. Want to familiarise yourself with this? Take a look at this blog for detailed information on the popular types of figures of speech.

This Blog Includes:

What are figures of speech, importance of figures of speech, personification, alliteration, onomatopoeia, classifying of figures of speech, download figures of speech pdf, 15 most common examples of figures of speech, writing figures of speech, examples in english literature, how to ace figures of speech.

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It is an integral part of any language, which is used extensively not only in our day-to-day speech but also in written texts and oral literature . These are words or phrases used in a distinctive way to produce a rhetorical effect.To say it in very simple terms, it is a phrase whose actual meaning is different from its literal meaning.

Figures of Speech are developed and expressed through a variety of different rhetorical techniques. All of us use different figures of speech in our daily conversations, both deliberately and subconsciously.

Figures of speech enhance your writing and content. Take, for example, metaphors add important details that make the writing more relatable to the readers. Idioms help to express complex ideas in a short space. It makes the content presentable and more enjoyable to the writers. Most of the time, you may use these words as a sarcastic response or just to demonstrate your command of the language.

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15. Types of Figures of Speech with Example

There is a wide range of different types of figures of speech that are used in our daily communication. Let us take a look at some of the most popular ones that are used extensively:

Personification attributes human nature or human qualities to abstract or inanimate objects.

For example , we often use phrases like the howling wind, dancing leaves, time flies etc. Some examples of personification in a sentence are:

  • The opportunity knocked at his door
  • The plants in her house silently begged to be watered
  • Lightning danced across the sky
  • The wind howled in the night.

Also Read: Personification: Definition, Meaning and Examples

A metaphor is used to imply a comparison between two things that have something in common but are in general different from each other.

Some examples of the usage of metaphors in a sentence are as follows:

  • It is raining cats and dogs
  • He is the star of our class
  • Life is a highway.
  • Her eyes were diamonds.

Also Read: 99+ Common Metaphors with Meanings [Everyday Life]

A simile is a figure of speech that compares two things that are different from each other but have similar qualities. These are generally formed through the usage of the words ‘as’ or ‘like’.

Some examples of similes in a sentence include:

  • He is as brave as a lion
  • Her expression was as cold as ice
  • Swim like a fish
  • As light as a feather

Alliteration is a sentence that consists of a series of words that have the same consonant sound at the beginning.

Some popular examples of alliteration in a sentence include:

  • She sells sea shells on the seashore
  • A good cook could cook as many cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies
  • All Adam ate in August was apples and almonds
  • Barry bought a book to bring to the backyard barbecue

This is a figure of speech that is used to express a sound. To be more precise, it involves the use of words that imitate the sounds associated with the action or object referred to i.e. hiss, clap etc.

Some examples of onomatopoeia include:

  • The buzzing bee flew over my head
  • The stone hit the water with a splash
  • The boulder hit the ground with a flump .
  • Leaves rustle in the wind and are whipped into the air.

A hyperbole is a figure of speech that consists of an exaggeration. It is the usage of exaggerated terms in order to emphasize or heighten the effect of something.

Some examples of using hyperboles in a sentence include:

  • I have told you a million times to not touch my stuff!
  • She has got a pea-sized brain
  • I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.
  • She’s as old as the hills.

Euphemism is the usage of a mild word in substitution of something that is more explicit or harsh when referring to something unfavourable or unpleasant. Some examples of its usage include:

  • This mall has good facilities for differently-abled people
  • He passed away in his sleep
  • Passed away” instead of “died”
  • “Let go” instead of “fired”

Also Read: Euphemism: Meaning, Uses, Types

Irony or sarcasm is a figure of speech in which the usage of words conveys the opposite of their literal meaning. These are often used in a humorous manner. Some examples of irony include:

  • Your hands are as clean as mud
  • The dinner you served was as hot as ice
  • Coming home to a big mess and saying, “it’s great to be back”
  • Telling a rude customer to “have a nice day”

It is a repetition of a word or phrase at the start of several sentences of clauses.

Some of the examples of anaphora are as follows:

  • Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: “I Have a Dream” Speech
  • Charles Dickens: A Tale of Two Cities
  • “Be bold. Be brief. Be gone.”
  • “Get busy living or get busy dying.”

It addresses a subject that is not present in the work. In this case, the object is absent or inanimate.

Here are some examples of apostrophes. 

  • Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are
  • Welcome, O life!
  • Alarm clock, please don’t fail me.
  • Seven, you are my lucky number!

Also Read: How to Use Apostrophes? Learn 3 Golden Rules with Examples

Puns are among the most frequently used figures of speech in daily conversation. They may be great conversation starters since they make you sound clever and occasionally even humorous.

Here are a few instances of puns in speech:

  • Denial is a river in Egypt (referring to The Nile using the word Denial).
  • Her cat is near the computer to keep an eye on the mouse.
  • No matter how much you push the envelope, it will still be stationery.
  • Everyone thinks my runny nose is funny, but it’s snot.

These figures of speech, like ironies, emphasize something by discussing the exact opposite of it. A paradox, on the other hand, differs from irony in that it does not make the contrast as evident.

Let’s examine two instances of paradoxical figures of speech:

  • “Some of my biggest triumphs have also been failures,” (According to US actress Pearl Bailey)
  • “War is good. Slavery is freedom. “Ignorance is power,” (As said by English author George Orwell)
  • Save money by spending it
  • If I know one thing, it’s that I know nothing

This figure of speech, which should not be confused with ironies and paradoxes, links two opposing ideas at once. This indicates that two opposing concepts are utilized inside a single sentence to create levity in an oxymoron figure of speech. For instance ,

  • This is another fine mess you have got us into
  • Suddenly the room filled with a deafening silence
  • The comedian was seriously funny
  • You are clearly confused by the situation you have found yourself in

Internal vowels in nearby words that are the same or comparable in sound. Here are a few examples of assonance in speech:

  • How now, brown cow?
  • The light of the fire is a sight
  • Go slow over the road
  • Try as I might, the kite did not fly

Metonymy is a figure of speech when one term or phrase is used in place of another with which it is closely related. It is also a rhetorical technique used to describe something indirectly by making references to objects around it.

Here are a few instances of Metonym:

  • “That stuffed suit with the briefcase is a poor excuse for a salesman,” the manager said angrily.
  • The pen is mightier than the sword”
  • I’m a Silicon Valley guy. I just think people from Silicon Valley can do anything.
  • Most of the successful people in Hollywood are failures as human beings.

How to Use a Figure of Speech?

Figures of speeches do not convey the literal meaning, hence, it is very important to know how to use the figure of speech. The most significant way of doing this is by making sure that the figure of speech that you are using implies, or gives out the desired effect and feeling.

There are different ways and points you can remember to easily do this. Some of them are as follows. 

Figures of speech can be categorized into categories that are based on their functions when they are used in sentences. The main categories from these are as follows: 

  • Those figures of speech show phonetic resemblances and represent sounds. Similes, personification, metaphors, metonymy, euphemism, and synecdoche are the figures of speech used for this purpose.
  • Those figures of speech that show a relationship or resemblance. This kind of speech is used to create a similar effect by using similar-sounding words 
  • Those figures of speech that show emphasis or unimportance. This kind of speech provides emphasis showing the level of importance or unimportance. Hyperbole, oxymoron, antithesis, and irony are the figures of speech used for this purpose.

50 Figures of Speech Examples

  • When dissolving like soap in water. (Smile)
  • John is a goat. (Metaphor)
  • A rain starts or thinner, then look at the joy in the soil, the birds told me that you are going to distant lands. That beautiful sound of the mountain has travelled all around. (Personification)
  • The wave of the sea did not go as far as my heart. (Hyperbole)
  • Can you hear the clicks coming from the roof? (Onomatopoeia)
  • The monkey ate the beans in his hand. (Onomatopoeia)
  • I could not sleep through my mother’s snort during the night. (Onomatopoeia)
  • The flowing waters of the waterfall took all my troubles. (Onomatopoeia)
  • The food in the cauldron was boiling and scalding. (Onomatopoeia)

Must Read: Poetic Devices

Given below are some of the common examples to explain the figures of speech:

Figures of Speech

Let’s learn more about figures of speech and their examples below.

He passed away in his sleep
Your hands are as clean as mud
Dr Martin Luther King Jr: “I Have a Dream” Speech
Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are
Everyone thinks my runny nose is funny, but it’s snot.
“Some of my biggest triumphs have also been failures,”
You are clearly confused by the situation you have found yourself in
How now, brown cow?
“The pen is mightier than the sword”

In writing, when figures of speech are used effectively, these devices enhance the writer’s ability for description and expression so that readers have a better understanding of what is being conveyed. Here are some ways that writers benefit from incorporating it into their work:

  • Figure of Speech as Artistic Use of Language : Effective use of figures of speech is one of the greatest demonstrations of artistic use of language. Being able to create poetic meaning, comparisons, and expressions with these literary devices are how writers form art with words.
  • Figure of Speech as Entertainment for Reader: Effective figures of speech often elevate the entertainment value of a literary work for the reader. Many invoke humour or provide a sense of irony in ways that literal expressions do not. This can create a greater sense of engagement for the reader when it comes to a literary work.
  • Figure of Speech as Memorable Experience for Reader: By using it effectively to enhance description and meaning, writers make their works more memorable for readers as an experience. Writers can often share a difficult truth or convey a particular concept through figurative language so that the reader has a greater understanding of the material and one that lasts in memory.

Numerous figures of speech that are used as literary devices may be seen in works of literature. These add meaning to literature and showcase the power and beauty of figurative language. Here are some examples in well-known literary works:

  • The Great Gatsby  (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars.

Fitzgerald makes use of simile here as a figure of speech to compare Gatsby’s party guests to moths. The imagery used by Fitzgerald is one of delicacy and beauty and creates an ephemeral atmosphere. However, the likening of Gatsby’s guests to moths also reinforces the idea that they are only attracted to the sensation of the parties and that they will depart without having made any true impact or connection. This simile underscores the themes of superficiality and transience in the novel.

  • One Hundred Years of Solitude  (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)
Both described at the same time how it was always March there and always Monday, and then they understood that José Arcadio Buendía was not as crazy as the family said, but that he was the only one who had enough lucidity to sense the truth of the fact that time also stumbled and had accidents and could therefore splinter and leave an eternalized fragment in a room.

In this passage, Garcia Marquez utilizes  personification  as a figure of speech. Time is personified as an entity that “stumbled” and “had accidents.” This is an effective use of figurative language in that this personification of time indicates a level of human frailty that is rarely associated with something so measured. In addition, this is effective in the novel because time has a great deal of influence on the plot and characters of the story. Personified in this way, the meaning of time in the novel is enhanced to the point that it is a character in and of itself.

  • Fahrenheit 451  (Ray Bradbury)
A book is a loaded gun in the house next door…Who knows who might be the target of the well-read man?

In this passage, Bradbury utilizes metaphor as a figure of speech to compare a book to a loaded gun. This is an effective literary device for this novel because, in the story, books are considered weapons of free thought and possession of them is illegal. Of course, Bradbury is only stating that a book is a loaded gun as a means of figurative, not the literal meaning. This metaphor is particularly powerful because the comparison is so unlikely; books are generally not considered to be dangerous weapons. However, the comparison does have a level of logic in the context of the story in which the pursuit of knowledge is weaponized and criminalized.

Also Read: History of English Literature

Wondering what the hard and fast rule is to ace this section? The only thing that will help you is practice. We have curated a list of the best books that will help you ace it like a pro:

Figures of Speech: The Art of Ornate Diction
Figures of Speech: Sixty Ways to Turn a Phrase
A Handbook of Scansion and Figures of Speech
Fantastic Figures of Speech (Fun with English)
Figures of Speech: Figures of Speech

Test Yourself and Complete this Exercise on Figures of Speech

Related Posts

Some common figures of speech are alliteration, anaphora, antimetabole, antithesis, apostrophe, assonance, hyperbole, irony, metonymy, onomatopoeia, paradox, personification, pun, simile, synecdoche, and understatement.

Simile. Browse more Topics under Vocabulary. Metaphor. Personification. Hyperbole. Onomatopeia.

A figure of speech is a word or phrase that possesses a separate meaning from its literal definition. It can be a metaphor or simile designed to make a comparison. It can be the repetition of alliteration or the exaggeration of hyperbole to provide a dramatic effect

” Life is a highway” is an example of a metaphor.

“Life is like a box of chocolates” is an example of a simile.

We hope this blog has provided you with all the necessary information on “figures of speech.” To advance your grammar knowledge and read more informative blogs, check out our Learn English page and don’t forget to follow Leverage Edu .

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Figure of speech are a word or a phrase used in a distinctive way to produce a rhetorical effect

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Types of Figures of Speech in English

Decoding Types of Figure of Speech with Examples in English


Word or phrase possessing a different meaning from its literal definition is called a figure of speech. Different types of figure of speech with Examples in English are used for expressing different meanings.

This is an integral part of the English language and can be found in poetry, oral literature and even in everyday conversations. For eye-catching purposes and also for adding humor, advertising slogans, newspaper headlines, greeting-card rhymes, captions of images etc. use different types of figures of speech .

Figurative speech makes communication even more expressive and creative. These have always been a huge part of the English language and even today also more additions are being done. Let’s check out the different kinds of figures of speech and meaning.

Types of Figure of Speech with Examples in English

Figurative speech is used for conveying difficult meaning and also for bringing clarity in writing. These are used for indirectly stating something which an ordinary sentence can not do. Let’s check the types of figurative speech:

What is a Figure of Speech?

A figure of speech is a departure from normal word usage in order to increase the effectiveness of the words. It is essentially a symbolic language made up of a single phrase or word. To convey a meaning other than the literal meaning, it could be a metaphor, simile, or personification.

Importance of Figure of Speech

It adds to the elegance of the writing. It adds depth to the sentence and gives the reader a sense of awe. It breathes life into the writer’s words.

They demonstrate not only the writer’s intention but also his motivation for employing such language.

It gives the writing more flavour and makes it more enjoyable for the reader.

Metaphor – Types of Figure of Speech with Examples in English

This is used for comparing two unlike or unrelated things or ideas which have some common qualities. Metaphor is used for representing ideas through comparison.

  • Her father has a heart of stone.
  • Love is a battlefield.
  • He went through a rollercoaster of emotions.
  • Chaos is a friend of hers.
  • He was drowning in a sea of grief.
  • The classroom is a zoo.
  • I am a night owl.
  • He behaved like a pig at the dinner party.
  • The stormy sea looks like a raging bull.
  • She was a swan dancing across the stage.
  • Her mother’s eyes were fireflies.
  • The alligator’s teeth are white daggers.
  • The equipment at the laboratory is old dinosaurs.
  • Jenny was a chicken.
  • His dad is a road hog.
  • Our teacher was a dragon.

Some more Examples :

  • Her kid is a shining star.
  • Donations to the charity were a tsunami.
  • The stadium was a lake after the rain.
  • The sun is a golden ball.
  • The clouds were balls of cotton.
  • That lawn is a green carpet.
  • Her eyes are sparkling diamonds.
  • His temper was a volcano, ready to explode.
  • These two friends are two peas in a pod.
  • Kisses are the flowers of affection.
  • The calm lake in the forest was a mirror.
  • The full moon is a white balloon.

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Simile – Types of Figure of Speech with Examples in English

Simile is used for comparing two unlike or unrelated things or ideas using the words like or as. This type of figurative speech is very much used in daily conversations.

  • As tough as rock
  • As hard as nails
  • As hot as hell
  • As innocent as a lamb
  • As sweet as sugar
  • As black as coal
  • As tall as a giraffe
  • As common as dirt
  • As cold as ice
  • As white as a ghost
  • As cute as a kitten
  • As bright as a button
  • As blind as a bat
  • As happy as a clam
  • As light as cotton
  • As shiny as gold.
  • As bold as brass
  • As dry as a bone
  • As deep as the sea.
  • Fits like a sock.
  • Ate like a pig.
  • Sleeping like a dog.
  • As brave as a lion.
  • As sly as a fox
  • As clear as day.
  • As big as an elephant.
  • As busy as a bee
  • As sharp as a razor.
  • As tough as an old boot.
  • As easy as pie
  • Like a fish out of water
  • Cuts like butter.
  • Moves like a snail.
  • Soft like velvet.
  • Ran like lightning.
  • Teeth like razors.
  • Slept like a baby.
  • As sweet as honey.

Hyperbole – Types of Figure of Speech with Examples in English

Hyperbole is an exaggeration created to bring out humour or emphasize a point. These exaggerations are too monstrous to be the truth. This is used for adding depth to a statement.

  • Older than the hills.
  • Her brain is the size of a pea
  • I have a million things to do today.
  • I had a ton of work.
  • I’ll die if I can’t buy that perfect diamond ring.
  • She’s as skinny as a toothpick.
  • The bus passed faster than the speed of light.
  • His new car cost a gazillion dollars.
  • They act as if they are too poor to have two cents to rub together.
  • That dress is so old, the last time he wore it he was riding a dinosaur.
  • They’ve got tons of money.
  • You could have knocked me over with a feather.
  • She is so thin that the wind can carry her.

Some other Examples :

“So first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

-Franklin Delano Roosevelt, First Inaugural Address.

“Please sit down because having produced nine million award shows, I know the producer’s up there saying, ‘Hurry, say thanks fast’.”

-Dick Clark, Daytime Emmy Award Acceptance Address.

“I think this is the most extraordinary collection of human talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered at the White House with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.”

-President John F. Kennedy, White House dinner honouring Nobel Prize winners.

“That year, 1967, the Dallas Cowboys had 137 rookies in training camp. Gil Brandt was signing everybody that could walk. Only five made the team that year, and I was one of the five.”

-Larry Rayfield Wright, Pro Football Hall of Fame Induction Address.

Synecdoche – Types of Figure of Speech with Examples in English

This is one of the types where one part refers to the whole or vice versa. Let’s look at some of the examples to understand this better.

  • “Glasses” refer to eyewear.
  • “Bread” refers to food
  • “Wheels” refers to a vehicle.
  • “Boots” refers to soldiers.
  • “Sails” is often used to refer to a whole ship.
  • “Bubbly” refers to champagne.
  • “Hired hands” is used to refer to workers.
  • “Head” refers to counting people.

Also Read: Vocabulary Words with Meaning and Sentences: Enrich and Enhance Your English

Personification – Types of Figure of Speech with Examples in English

In this type, non-living objects are given human characteristics. Let’s check out some of the examples.

  • Lightning danced across the sky.
  • The car complained as the key was roughly turned in its ignition.
  • The car’s headlights winked at her.
  • The wind howled in the night.
  • The moon is playing hide and seek with the clouds.
  • My alarm clock yells every morning.
  • My house is a friend who protects me.
  • The last piece of the pie is calling me.
  • As if the door protested as it opened slowly.
  • The flowers are begging for water.
  • The stairs groaned as they walked on them.
  • The camera loves her since she is so pretty.
  • The vacuum hums a happy tune while cleaning the floor.

Examples in Poetry :

“The night was creeping on the ground!
She crept and did not make a sound.” – James Stephens’ Check.
“Hey, diddle, diddle,
The cat and the fiddle, The cow jumped over the moon; The little dog laughed To see such sport, And the dish ran away with the spoon.” – A popular nursery rhyme
“The fog comes
on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbour and city on silent haunches and then moves on.” – Carl Sandburg’s The Fog.

Onomatopoeia – Types of Figure of Speech with Examples in English

This is used to talk about something or some action by imitating the sound related to it. Check the examples to understand them better.

  • Buzzing bee.
  • The cup fell into the sea with a splash.
  • The bottle fell on the chair with a thump.
  • I couldn’t sleep because of the rustling leaves.
  • We looked at the roaring.

Also Read: Apostrophe Figure of Speech: Know How to Learn English Fast in 4 Steps

Examples in Literature :

  • For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway
“He saw nothing and heard nothing but he could feel his heart pounding and then he heard the clack on stone and the leaping, dropping clicks of a small rock falling.”
  • Get Me to the Church on Time by Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe
“I’m getting married in the morning! Ding dong! the bells are gonna chime.”
  • The Tempest by William Shakespeare
“Hark, hark! Bow-wow. The watch-dogs bark! Bow-wow. Hark, hark! I hear The strain of strutting chanticleer Cry, ‘cock-a-diddle-dow!’”
  • Come Down, O Maid by Alfred Lord Tenny“son
“The moan of doves in immemorial elms, And murmuring of innumerable bees…”
  • The Marvelous Toy by Tom Paxton
“It went zip when it moved and bop when it stopped, And whirr when it stood still. I never knew just what it was and I guess I never will.”

Alliteration – Types of Figure of Speech with Examples in English

It’s a group of words that all start with the same letter. The repetition of a sound or a letter at the beginning of two or more words is known as alliteration.

  • Cream of the crop;
  • french fry;
  • hit the hay;
  • super-Size;
  • tough talk;
  • trick or treat;
  • rocky road;
  • no-nonsense;
  • quick question;
  • picture perfect;
  • high heaven;
  • busy as a bee;
  • dead as a doornail;
  • home sweet home;
  • living life;
  • out of order;
  • right as rain.
‘From forth the fatal loins of these two foes…’ (Romeo and Juliet – William Shakespeare) ‘Once upon a midnight dreary while I pondered weak and weary.’ (The Raven – Edgar Allen Poe) ‘Shining sun / Green, green grass / Birds building / New nests’ (Sunny Spring – Twinkl)

Metonymy – Types of Figure of Speech with Examples in English

Metonymy is derived from the Greek word “metnyma,” which means “name change.” Metonymy is a type in which an object or idea is referred to by the name of a closely related object or idea rather than by its own name. Metonymy is the act of one word or phrase replacing or standing in for another.

  • Pen as the written word.
  • Sword as military aggression.
  • Cradle to the grave.
  • I have never read Shakespeare. – Here it refers to the works of Shakespeare.

Also Read: What is Figure of Speech in English? Different Types of Figure Speech

Apostrophe – Types of Figure of Speech with Examples in English

Apostrophe is the type in which a speaker addresses someone (or something) who is not present or who is unable to respond in real life. The entity being addressed could be a living, dead, or imaginary person, but it could also be an inanimate object (such as the stars or the ocean), an abstract concept (such as love or fate), or a being (such as love or fate) (such as a Muse or god).

  • He likes the shirt’s colour.
  • Their television’s screen is not as clear as ours.
  • No matter how hard I try, the refrigerator’s switch is not going to work.
  • I like this bag’s shape so I use it the most.

Transferred Epithet

  • She had an unhappy marriage.
  • They had a lovely day.
  • I am having a hectic day.
  • You will have a great day ahead.

Euphemism occurs when harsh or impolite words are replaced with milder terms to express the same meaning.

  • He has become a little thin on top (bald).
  • Her maid is in the family way (pregnant).
  • We were a little tipsy (drunk).
  • No recruitment for mentally challenged (stupid) people.
  • She is a special child.

Irony occurs when words or ideas end up conveying a different meaning, usually one that is diametrically opposed to their original meaning.

  • His heart is as warm as ice.
  • His hands were as soft as a brick.
  • I wrote a blog about how useless blog writing is.
  • The oil was as cool as burning coal.

Pun is a slang term for when a word is used with multiple meanings to create humour or a light-hearted moment.

  • She has been to the dentist many times before so she knows the drill.
  • Grammarians are usually very logical. They have a lot of commas.
  • He was reading while sunbathing and that made him well-read (read).
  • He was indulged in the thought of how lightning works until it struck him.

Also Read: Pun Figure of Speech: Get to Know What is Pun with Several Examples

Epigram is a rhetorical device that is a satirical statement that is memorable, brief, interesting, and surprising. The word epigramma comes from the Greek word epigramma, which means “inscription” or “inscription.”

  • Silence is louder than words.
  • The child is the father of the man. (Wordsworth)
  • Nobody can make you inferior unless you allow them to.
  • Be nice to all, start with the man in the mirror.
“Live simply, so that others may simply live.” – Mother Teresa

Antithesis occurs when contrasting words or words with opposite meanings are used near each other in a sentence. Antithesis is a term that refers to opposing ideas.

“Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice.” – William Shakespeare. “Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing.” – Goethe. “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” – Neil Armstrong. “Many are called, but few are chosen.” Matthew 22:14.
  • Let us be alone together.
  • By his attitude, it looks like he is growing smaller day by day.
  • There was a small crowd in the market.
“I can believe anything, provided that it is quite incredible.” – Oscar Wilde
  • You can do it, it’s not rocket science. (it’s simple)
  • She isn’t the brightest bulb in the office. (Somewhat dumb)
  • Make-up was never my cup of tea. (Don’t like make-up)
  • He didn’t deny that it was wrong. (Admitting that it was wrong)

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Interrogation is when a rhetorical question is asked solely for dramatic effect rather than to elicit an answer.

  • To whom shall I hand over the papers?
  • Why did they leave so late?
  • Was there any particular reason behind his stomach ache?
  • Would you like some tea or coffee?
  • They’ve been together for a long time, haven’t they?


Exclamation occurs when ideas or words express strong emotions such as surprise,  joy, or anger. In this type, words or sentences end in an exclamation mark.

  • You look gorgeous!
  • Hey! can’t you hear me?
  • Hell no! I had no intention of going there.
  • Wow! I can’t believe that you actually came.

Martin Luther King, I Have a Dream

“This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the “unalienable Rights” of “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Shakespeare, The Passionate Pilgrim

Beauty is but a vain and doubtful good; A shining gloss that vadeth suddenly; A flower that dies when first it gins to bud; A brittle glass that’s broken presently: A doubtful good, a gloss, a glass, a flower, Lost, vaded, broken, dead within an hour.

Anaphora is the type in which the first words of successive clauses, phrases, or sentences are repeated. Anaphora is related to epistrophe, which is when words are repeated at the end of clauses, phrases, or sentences. The word “anaphora” means “to carry up or back” in Greek.

Many examples of anaphora can be found in the Old Testament of the Bible’s Song of Songs. There are two separate uses of anaphora in this instance (from Chapter Four, Verses One and Two): the first is the speaker’s celebration of his bride’s beauty, and the second is a list of her admirable qualities.

Look at you! You are beautiful, my darling. Look at you! You are so beautiful. Your eyes behind your veil are doves your hair is like a flock of goats coming down from Mt. Gilead. Your teeth are like a flock of sheep about to be sheared, who are coming up from being washed.

A literary device in which a word or phrase is repeated two or more times is known as repetition. Because repetition takes so many different forms, it is rarely thought of as a single type. Instead, consider repetition as a broad category that encompasses a variety of more specific figures of speech, all of which employ repetition in different ways.

Bob Dylan won the Nobel prize for literature for the genius of his lyrics. His song “Masters of War” shows how polysyndeton can be used to build a specific emotion: “And I hope that you die And your death will come soon I will follow your casket In the pale afternoon And I’ll watch while you’re lowered Down to your deathbed And I’ll stand over your grave ‘Til I’m sure that you’re dead”

The final lines of this song of protest against the politicians behind the Vietnam War are filled with rage and disgust. Dylan’s use of polysyndeton allows him to add phrase after phrase, far beyond where listeners might expect him to stop, in order to fully convey the depth of his rage and hatred for the politicians he refers to as “masters of war.”

Hopefully, this article will give you a clear idea about all figures of speech. After you understand the concept well and become able to identify which figures of speech are called what, then try marking them out whenever you find any. Keep reading books and novels and also keep an eye on this page for more information that will definitely help you learn better English.

You can also share your thoughts about this article and share which types of figurative speech you use the most in your daily conversations. To share with us just comment in the below box.

Also Read: Repetition Figure of Speech: Know How to Use this Figure of Speech?


1. What are figures of speech and why are they important in English? A: Figures of speech are linguistic devices used to enhance language, making it more vivid, engaging, and expressive. They add depth and creativity to communication by using words in non-literal ways, aiding in effective expression and imagery.

2. Can you provide examples of common figures of speech used in English? A: Certainly! Some common figures of speech include metaphors (“Time is a thief”), similes (“As busy as a bee”), personification (“The stars danced in the sky”), hyperbole (“I’m so hungry I could eat a horse”), and onomatopoeia (“The buzzing bee flew by”).

3. How do figures of speech add value to writing and speech? A: Figures of speech add value by making language more evocative and impactful. They create vivid imagery, emphasize points, convey emotions, and engage the audience’s imagination, making communication more dynamic and memorable.

4. Are there specific techniques to identify and understand figures of speech in texts or speeches? A: Yes, understanding figures of speech involves identifying non-literal language. Practice and exposure to various figures of speech are essential. Reading, analyzing poems, literature, and speeches can help in recognizing and comprehending different types of figurative language.

5. How can one effectively use figures of speech in their own writing or speech? A: To effectively use figures of speech, consider the tone and context. Choose appropriate figures of speech to vividly express ideas or feelings. Practice incorporating these devices in writing or speech and pay attention to their impact on the intended audience.

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